#if anyone is actually concerned about giving birth
fullhalalalchemist · 10 months
July 20, 2023 Congress is right now determining what is included in a must pass spending bill the NDAA. Often congress will sneakily add as amendments their bills that they can't pass in a normal setting.
If you remember, I made a previous post about EARN IT being reintroduced here.
The EARN IT Act and it's copycats are bipartisan bills that will greatly censor if not completely eliminate encryption and anything sexual and LGBTQ+ from the internet, globally. Anything the far-right doesn't like will be completely gone. The best way to stop them is to use https://www.badinternetbills.com/ to call your senators.
Following it's initial introduction earlier this year was massive opposition from human rights, LGBT, tech, political groups, and grassroots groups. Bc of this, the senators decided to remake the bill but give it a new name, so they can still pass Earn It without actually passing Earn It. Those bills are the Stop CSAM Act (yes really, they actually named it that), and the Cooper-Davis act.
The entire point of these bills is to mass surveil and censor everyone and I don't know why more people or senators speak out against it. There is a direct timeline from when the Attorney General Barr (under Trump) said he wanted to do this to it's initial introduction in 2019, and how the senators explicitly knew they couldn't actually say that so they lied and said it was about "stopping CSAM" or "stopping drugs" for Cooper-Davis Act.
These bills essentially do the following:
they gut encryption, the one thing actually protects you from having your data seen by anyone. Do you want republicans to know you're trans? that someone had an abortion? that they spoke out against the govt? to see your private photos you have uploaded to the cloud? to see what porn you watch? if youre a journalist, or an abuse survivor, any hacker or abuser can see your stuff and track you.
they gut parts of Section 230, the one thing that allows anyone to post online and birthed social media. Previous gutting into 230 gave us the tumblr nsfw ban and killed that site.
they create an unelected commission with some already established govt body (DOJ, FTC, etc) that will include law enforcement and people from NCOSE or other Christian conservative groups who will decide what is and isn't lawful to say. no citizen can vote who's on this commission, and the president gets to pick. it's like the supreme court, but for the internet.
lead to mass censorship and surveillance because of the above
We have until the end of the month to stop this, but this can be added literally any moment until then. It's literally code red. If this is added it goes into effect immediately. The BEST way to stop this is to drive calls and emails to the senate. https://www.badinternetbills.com/ connects you directly to your members of congress & gives you a call script.
It is ESSENTIAL to call the Senate leaders who can stop this. Here's a more precise call script you can use: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1huD5Ldd1lPTECYTEb9Gg2ZzrqW6Y9tryHT-MdjOl8kY/edit
All these people expressed concern over Earn It, so we need to press them hard to not allow it's copycats Cooper-Davis or Stop CSAM into the NDAA. This is URGENT and needs all hands on deck. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) (202) 224-6542 Maria Cantwell (D-WA) (202) 224-3441 Jon Ossof (D-GA) (202)-224-3521 Alex Padilla (D-CA) (202) 224-3553 Cory Booker (D-NJ) (202) 224-3224 Mike Lee (R-UT) (202) 224-5444
Please please please spread this message and blow up their phones.
TLDR; The Senate is trying to quietly push the Earn It Act's copycat bills into the must pass NDAA, which will lead to mass censorship and surveillance online by gutting Section 230 which is the entire reason you can even be on tumblr and why the internet exists, killing encryption which put everyone's lives in danger, and appointing far-right people to a supreme court-esque commission that the president has direct control over. They could be added in ANY DAY and we need to push hard to stop it before it gets to that point. CALL YOUR SENATORS **NOW** BY USING https://www.badinternetbills.com/ AND CALL THE SENATE LEADERSHIP AND SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
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So, the DfE have released their non-statutory guidance for schools on "gender questioning children". I know much has been made of the idea of outing trans children to their parents, but I think the guidance actually has far more concerning sections. And by concerning I mean "deeply transphobic and fucked up".
I know some people are happy it's non statutory, but let's be explicit, this document is transphobic, it's dogwhistle politics, and it's existence will directly harm trans people.
Ironically, the DfE's own lawyers have advised that this guidance is likely illegal and contravenes the equality act.
I think the idea that there are lots of students who are fully transitioned in school but not out at all at home is a bit of a strawman from both sides. In my experience (and I've mentioned this on tumblr before), a school would not normally encourage this if a student was genuinely at risk at home if outed, because even if all the teachers knew not to out the students, you can't control the behaviour of other students/parents etc. I think it's a bit of a right wing scare tactic "Schools are transitioning your kids without your consent". It's a fascist dog whistle.
In my experience as a teacher, the vast majority of trans kids I've taught were transitioning socially at home and school. Some did only use their chosen name/pronouns in school, but parents were aware.
But this straw man has been used to build a document which is deeply transphobic and wide reaching and will defacto exclude some trans kids from school, or from school sports, or from attending a school where they feel comfortable.
Trans kids exist. Kids can know they are trans from a young age, and there is no harm to anyone from allowing social transition at a young age. Some kids transition back to their assigned gender at birth. That doesn't mean anyone was harmed. But this guidance explicitly presents the idea of transition as both harmful to the person transitioning and those around them. Which is fucked up.
The new guidance has some really concerning bits in it which will seriously negatively impact all trans students. Here are some quotes below, with my comments in italics. Please note I'm quoting directly from a document that uses transphobic language:
-Primary school aged children should not have different pronouns to their sex-based pronouns used about them. (This is fucked, I cannot stress how fucked this is. These kids exist and simply pretending they don't is awful in the extreme. The idea that children can't socially transition at primary school is really messed up. )
-schools and colleges should only agree to a change of pronouns if they are confident that the benefit to the individual child outweighs the impact on the school community. It is expected that there will be very few occasions in which a school or college will be able to agree to a change of pronouns. On these rare occasions, no teacher or pupil should be compelled to use these preferred pronouns. (How does a child using pronouns of choice impact the school community? It doesn't? In my experience, teens are much more accepting of trans classmates than some adults. Also giving teachers explicit permission to misgender kids is fucking dangerous).
-schools and colleges should exhaust all other options, such as using firstnames, to avoid requiring other individuals having to use preferred pronouns. (My initial response to this was "why the fuck" but a trans friend commented that the purpose is to make trans people's lives as difficult and as miserable as possible, and they're going after the most vulnerable trans people- trans kids)
-If a child does not want to use the toilet designated for their biological sex, and the school or college has considered all the relevant factors outlined above, they may wish to consider whether they can provide or offer the use of an alternative toilet facility. (this is weird because I'm pretty sure it contravenes the equality act, I'm pretty sure there is a legal duty on schools, and certainly colleges where over 18s attend to provide gender neutral toilet facilities if required. Also, not having an appropriate toilet defacto excludes children from school).
-Schools may have different uniform requirements for girls and boys. Some specify which uniform items are for girls and which are for boys, and similarly some schools have hairstyle rules which differ by sex. A child who is gender questioning should, in general, be held to the same uniform standards as other children of their sex at their school and schools may set clear rules to this effect. (So some schools could, for example, force a trans boy or non binary student to wear a skirt. Which is unfair and messed up. To be honest, I think sex segregated uniforms belong in the dark ages anyway, but this is just ridiculous.).
-There is no general duty to allow a child to ‘social transition’. (Firstly, there legally is. Secondly, why would a school not want to? This just gives licence to transphobic heads to say "oh, no, we won't allow you to transition", which is illegal, but the whole thing is just such a fucking mess. And again, why? Why would you not allow a child to transition socially? Unless you want to pretend that trans children don't exist?)
If you want to read the full guidance, it's available here, but trigger warnings etc do apply: https://consult.education.gov.uk/equalities-political-impartiality-anti-bullying-team/gender-questioning-children-proposed-guidance/supporting_documents/Gender%20Questioning%20Children%20%20nonstatutory%20guidance.pdf
Yes, the guidance is non-statutory, so in theory schools could ignore it, but in reality, OFSTED etc can use non-statutory guidance as a stick to beat schools with. At this stage, I think we all know the OFSTED don't give a fuck about anyone's mental health or wellbeing.
Interestingly, even the DfE's own lawyers have admitted the advice could open schools up to a legal challenge. This SchoolsWeek article on the topic is super interesting: https://schoolsweek.co.uk/trans-guidance-dfe-lawyers-said-schools-face-high-risk-of-being-sued/
Anyway, whilst the fact it's non statutory is something, this is not the victory some people are making it out to be, and the fact a document encouraging misgendering children has been published at all is fucked. This document could very much be used to prevent children from transitioning, and will likely prevent some children who have transitioned from attending school.
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dcxdpdabbles · 27 days
Are you going to make another part for the Angel and Demon Brat? If you do, please have them fumbling and Damian + Danny taking full advantage. Also, could you do something about Cujo please? I don’t think Danny would move without him
Danny will admit that he is having a little too much fun with his birth father's family. But could one blame him? They made it all too easy. Also, he was starting to see why Damian had been a bit hesitant to tell them about him.
It was not that they threatened him in any way, but he could see how hard it was for them to have a normal relationship with anyone. Just his small forms of affection made a lot of the Waynes' skin crawl.
They still gave in regardless. Danny worries it's the most hugs any of them have gotten in years. It couldn't be mentally healthy. Or could it? Some people didn't like to be touched, and that was fair.
He did have to play a careful balance.
He knew that if the League of Assians found out about Damian caring for him, Danny would go from being a Lost sibling to a Dead sibling. The Waynes on the other hand were under the impression that denying him anything would cause Time to erease him- not that Clockwork would dare. Who would try his spicy salsas then?- so they were much more careful in how they handled him.
Tim was his favorite. Danny could tell the other boy really liked being acknowledged, and unlike Dick, who thrived on being the center of attention, Tim struggled to let people know.
So Danny had small ways to give him what he desperately craved and had a little fun with it.
He carefully knocks on the boy's door room, clutching his pillow and blanket. There was a small pause where he could hear Tim scruffling around, likely trying to hide the coffee maker under his bed. Danny didn't have the heart to tell him the whole mansion but Alfred and Bruce knew about his bedroom coffee maker.
Maybe he should hint about it tomorrow at breakfast? Watch Tim sweat?
He shifts his face into an innocent expression when Tim opens the door. The other squints at him, likely catching his more mischievous expression but unwilling - or unable- to call him out on it.
"Angel Brat?" Tim says weary. The nickname rolls off his tongue so easily that one would think Tim has always called him that. Danny applauds his acting ability.
"Hi, Tim! I'm here for our bi-weekly ritual," he chirps, pushing the confused teen aside to step in. He gently rolls his heart pump behind him, mindful of the wires. It's on top of his gas tank, which he chose to wear so he could breathe some clear ectoplasm.
Gotham's ectoplasm was polluted with negative emotions, and it was giving him a headache.
None of the machines was actually doing anything—his heart rate will never be regulated due to his powers—but it was the perfect excuse for why Danny wasn't seen that often in public.
Barbara had gone back into Gotham gossip rags, publishing fake articles and small rumors on the internet that dated to the first day Damian arrived. This gave him some proof of existing before, but with the "timeline reset," it would make sense why no one could recall Danny.
As far as the Gotham citizens were concerned, Danny was an unproven rumor at best. People were asking about him but weren't daring enough to demand who Danny was.
Barbara was the best like that, and Danny should convince Damian to give her and her dad an even longer, all-expenses-paid vacation. She deserved it.
"Our bi-weekly ritual. Of course. Must have have slipped my mind." Tim carefully articulates. His words are clipped enough Danny can tell he's confused. Danny beams at him nonetheless, sitting on the ground carefully after he finishes adding his pillow and blanket to Tim's bed.
He leans his back against Tim's beg, crosses his legs underneath him, and takes a deep breath of ectoplasm.
Tim pauses for only a moment before walking over and sitting cross-leg in front of Danny. The younger boy pays him no mind while fumbling with the bag he brought along.
Danny began pulling out all his needed supplies. Five candles- each with a different color flame are left in a small circle. Five bottles sealed with wax and labeled with different named potions are carefully added to the center of the circle- he makes sure that the glitter liquid inside does not shake too much less the small surprise is noticed.
Then he pulls out a large book, with the image of a screaming skull on the cover. It's large enough that he has to set it on the ground, a thump produced from the weight.
He then carefully claps his hands four times, switching Tim's lights off so the only glow is the green, blue, pink, purple, and yellow light of the candle.
Tim looks a bit distressed. likely thinking Danny was about to start practicing the Black Magic or something. It's hard to keep a straight face as he fights off a giggle at the expression being aimed his way while he flips through the pages.
Tim carefully taps his hand against a bracelet on his wrist, which connects to the Bat's communication lines. The rest of the Bats are probably thinking that Tim is in danger even though he was supposed to be on rest duty and have tuned into the conversation. Danny isn't supposed to know that, though, since he is not "healthy" enough to be a vigilante, so he ignores it.
"Alright, should I start or you?" Danny asks when he lands on the page he was looking for. It's in Latin, which he knows Tim can read but that doesn't stop it from being creepy.
"You can start first."
"Really? You never let me go first in the bi-weekly ritual!" Danny cheers, leaning down to the page. From the corner of his eye, he can see the distress blooming more on Tim's face.
"I'm feeling...generous. I think you're old enough to start our bi-weekly ritual that requires colorful candles, a large black skull book in Latin, and five colored potions." Tim says obviously repeating the materials to the eavesdropping Bats.
"Thanks, Tim! Okay, here we go." Danny holds out his hand above the book muttering in Latin.
"Oh great, Clockwork, master of time, head my call and tell me the answer to my inquiry." Danny quickly switches to English as he grabs the potion in pink glitter. Giving it a good shake, he continues. "Does Kon-El think Tim is cute?"
The glitter shifts until a dice appears with the words- More likely than you think is visible. Danny squeals showing Tim, "Omg Tim, you have a chance!"
Tim's face falters and then turns an alarming shade of red. "What?!"
"Wait the following questions!" Danny reaches for the remaining bottles, making sure to go in the color order of the candles. Will Kon ask Tim to marry him? Yes! Where will they live? A mansion. How many kids will they have? fifteen! What will Tim's future job be? A photographer!"
Danny flips the page over to a table of data, squabbling down the answers. "Okay, you're going to get married to Kon, live in a mansion, have fifteen kids, and be a photographer. This is the third time in a row that Kon has married you. I think Clockwork is on your side for this one, Tim. It's my turn!"
Danny pretended he couldn't hear Jason laughing his ass off in Tim's earpiece or Dick's voice cry out. "No fair! I want to play spooky MASH on a bi-weekly basis."
Tim is beet red, fumbling with his hands. "Who-i-what-?"
Danny frowns. "Are you okay Tim? Should we skip Bi-boys night?"
"Bi-boy night?!" Tim squeaks.
"Yeah! I thought I would give our hang-out night a nickname, and since we mostly end up talking about cute girls and boys, I thought we could name it bi-boy night. You know since you're the only one in the family that's bi like me? I know no one will want to date me. I'm too sick...but it's nice to have a brother who gets crushes."" Danny hunches his shoulders a little ignoring the way Tim's eyes widen a bit with affection. He's touched that Danny came to him for this. Fool. "We can skip my turn. It's not like I'll have someone anyway."
Jason has stopped laughing, and Steph softly whispers. "That's so cute and sad. Who's been hurting our baby?"
Tim swallows. "No. We are not skipping your turn. We are going to play this game because anyone would be tripping over themselves for you."
"Really?" Danny smiles hopefully at Tim. Tim nods firmly, then narrows his eyes.
"No dating until you are sixteen."
"I know." Danny rolls his eyes "You've said that before."
"But I can still have crushes right? Because I have one on Jon."
"Jon Kent?" Tim asks at the same time Bruce growls the name.
"You won't tell Dad will you?" Danny asks after nodding and blushing. Damian told him yesterday that Jon pissed him off, and with the power to heat up his ectoplasm just behind his checks, causing them to flush, he thinks he just found a good way to make the super regret upsetting his brother.
Nothing like an overprotective Bat clan to dish out vengence.
"No," Tim says, grinding his teeth. "No, I won't tell. But since I already got married to Kon maybe we can try someone else."
Danny's eyes sparkle with barely concealed glee. "Okay, let's use my second crush! He's super cooler anyway"
"Of course, what's his name?" Tim asks picking up the pink bottle.
"Your friend Bernard," Danny says, knowing Danm well, Tim had an undiscovered crush on the guy. He watches with glee as Tim chocks on his spit.
"Yeah, he's got muscular arms, and he can cook," Danny sighs dreamily. "Damian thinks he's hot too."
"No." Tim gasps.
"I do," Damian says over the cons to the collective shock of everyone. "Dowd has a fine physique. He's also great with animals. I approve of Daniel's involvement with him."
Danny's lower lip wobbles. "No? I can't play the game?"
Tim takes one look at him before caving. "Does Bernard Dowd think Danny is cute......it says no."
"Oh. If Clockwork doesn't think so, then I guess it's not meant to be," Danny sighs.
"Who is Clockwork?" Tim asks, placing the potion down.
Danny blinks. "You don't remember Clockwork? Lately, everyone has been forgetting important things around here. Is something wrong?"
Danny allows his body to flicker a bit with his powers, acting as if he didn't notice as Tim grows alarmed.
"I'm joking! It's a joke! Of course, I know Clockwork! Ha ha ha! Why don't we do the next thing on our Bi-Boy Night!? Want to watch a movie?!" Tim practically leaps out of his seat racing to TV. "What are you in the mood for? Comedy or horror?"
"A musical!"
"A musical!?"
However, Damian has to stop on a roof to laugh into the concrete as he listens to Drake- an active hater of musicals- try to sing along to something called High School Musical and act like he loves it as Danny sings with him. He can hear Drake's blood pressure rise with every new line
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on-leatheredwings · 3 months
Yandere! Bruce Wayne x Yandere! (Fem!) Reader 
> romantic > summary: Ever since you asked him to help with your… reconnaissance, he’s been nothing but a great help. And judgment-free. Batman is as paranoid and insane as you are, and that is why he is quite possibly your best friend. > word count: 1285  > [ a/n: just something short, something cute, something for the Girls. i think mutually yandere relationships are a fun dynamic not very explored!!! Still, its pretty mild yandereism here. Trying to warm up to writing bitches who are Actual Freaks . uhhh lmk what you think. hope i communicated the reader's backstory well. the fact she's only a little crazy is amazing, all things considered. i'd love to make a whole fic of this but alas, i am Not Very Good At Plot]
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You are dating Bruce Wayne. You bite your lip at the thought, hoping it disguises your shit-eating grin. You have been told you look like a total cheeseball when you daydream. 
It’s a month-long relationship that’s still currently under the radar because you don’t have the luxury of a dual superhero-civilian persona. First, getting trapped in a pocket dimension for 10 years because something-something-Speedforce; next, being booted back into your home dimension and falling out the sky; then, wreaking havoc in Gotham City with your new, uncontrollable powers unmasked and in clear view of Gotham City choppers and news cameras… These things secretive identities do not make. No matter.
Hence why you tend to stay holed up in the Justice League’s Watchtower or your apartment, and rarely go out otherwise. But a month ago, you were bored. Neurotic. You decided to help your good buddy Batman. Fly to Gotham with your power and surprise him on patrol. And, well, you ended up saving Bruce Wayne (and hundreds of other socialites) after a three ton bowling ball careened into a gala at Wayne Tower, courtesy of the Riddler. Your telekinesis kept the whole building from collapsing. You guess that must’ve really turned Bruce Wayne on, because he was shortly afterwards chatting you up and won your phone number. 
On your first date with Gotham’s Most Eligible Bachelor, you blurt out, flustering, that you don’t want to overshadow his charity and all the good work he’s doing. Bruce Wayne dating anyone makes headlines – let alone a superhero. Yes, yes. You simply didn’t want to cramp Bruce Wayne’s philanthropic style. It wasn’t that you were utterly unprepared to have that level of media scrutiny on you and were insecure about dating a man completely out of your league. 
Bruce thanked you for your concern and then kissed you deeply, expertly, for your trouble.
You replay that night’s events in your head, and– goddamnit– cheeseball. You clear your throat and clear your mind.
“I think I’ll want a copy of his birth certificate from Gotham General.”
You glance at Batman, who is seated beside you, and see the corner of his lips quirk. 
“Because you’re going to pull up his birth chart.” Batman knows astrology is an enduring interest of yours. You pout, pulling up Gotham General’s files and sifting through the database. 
“... Maybe.” 
You pause from your search on one of the Justice League’s supercomputers, sneaking a sheepish glance at your co-conspirator. Ever since you asked him to help with your… reconnaissance, he’s been nothing but a great help. And judgment-free. Batman is as paranoid and insane as you are, and that is why he is quite possibly your best friend. 
You flush. “You know– I– Thanks, Bats. Really. I’m glad you aren’t acting all weird about this.”
Batman doesn’t say anything, but you know that he’s giving you his full attention. 
“Like, I’m not a freak or anything. I just have to make sure I know what I’m getting into.” You puff your cheeks. “Know he’s… you know. Good.” 
What a lie. You’re just scared and don’t want to get caught with your pants down. Despite being an actual living, breathing, metahuman and superhero… Bruce is the one with the power in this relationship. He’s… everything. Encapsulating. Towering. Anyone would want him. You think of the lingering looks very, very beautiful women give him. Everyone does want him. 
You feel a pang of violent loathing and nausea that is tided over when Batman speaks.
“... I know plenty about Bruce Wayne. He’s… good.”
Your brows rise. You’ve only known the man for a few months but even you know that’s a glowing compliment coming from Batman. His highest praise on most people is usually neutral at best. “Hmm… okay.” You turn back to your work, laughing. “Well. I also just think he’s kind of interesting to learn about. What other celebrity has this much lore? The prodigal son… Prince of Gotham… Collector of orphans… Gotham’s Most Eligible Bachelor...” 
You worry your lip, gnashing your teeth. Bachelor. That’s what everyone thinks he is, right? You blink and curiously turn to Batman, whose hands are flying across a keyboard, hard at work. You hope you’re not bothering him. W-well, he’d say if I were, right? you think.
“Is it weird if I put cameras in Wayne Manor?”
Batman stills and your throat dries. Damn.
“... Um… Too weird…?” 
After a tentative silence, Batman responds.
“... No. You’re just covering your bases.”
Your cheeks fill with color as being vindicated – a view you don’t know makes his heart race marginally quicker.
“Yeah!” You cough, composing yourself. “I mean, yeah. You can learn a lot about someone from what they get up to when they think they’re alone.” You can also make sure they’re not bringing anyone home, but you keep that part to yourself.
“I could plant them, if you need. I have plenty made for this kind of surveillance.” 
You’re smiling widely, wheeling your chair over to Batman’s side before you know it. 
“... God. Batman, you magnificent mind, you. This is why we’re buddies.” You lean over and poke his chest cheekily, right on the bat emblem. 
Bruce has to restrain himself from catching your hand on its retreat. Your poke burns a hole in his chest for minutes afterward, and he welcomes every second of it. He turns back to his computer screen, vainly attempting to not think about how much he wants to kiss you right now.
Perhaps Bruce should’ve simply asked you out as Batman. You spend much more time when he’s under the cowl than not. But frankly, you would’ve been too distracted during missions. Hell, he would’ve been too distracted. He already thinks of you all the time. 
Your investigation into Bruce Wayne has tripped several of his alarms, even before you told him of it. Anyone making inquiries with this level of depth draws his attention. Nothing you’re looking is anything he’s averse to you knowing, so he’s allowed you to investigate him freely and without redirection. But of course, you don’t know that. The effort you’re making is… cute. The fact you don’t know that Batman is Bruce is cute. You think you have the upper hand. And that’s… cute.
Bruce doesn’t think too deeply about your stalking, even though he probably should. It’s probably evidence of an unstable individual. He’s sure ten years alone with no stimuli in a pocket dimension does things to a person. But who was he to judge? He’s violated the privacy and boundaries of everyone who affects his life in any important way. Nor does he claim to be a shining example of ideal mental health. 
And at the end of the day, this situation is all under his control.
There is a small part of him that feels guilty for keeping his identity under wraps, but there’s a bigger part that’s amused. You don’t know that he’s had your birth certificate since the day after you met. You don’t know that there’s about twenty cameras working 24/7 in and out of your apartment. Or that he’s your new landlord. These are things he’ll tease you about once he confesses that he’s Batman. You’ve made him someone who likes to tease. 
Still, Bruce remains hesitant about telling you. How would you react? Would you feel betrayed? Hurt? Dread floods his bloodstream, an effect only the most depraved individuals in his rogues gallery tend to have on him. 
Would you leave him? Hate him?
His eyes skirt towards where you sit. You worry your lip, eyes glued to a plan of Wayne Manor, no doubt debating where you want him to place the cameras he’s offered. Tension leaves his shoulders, almost imperceptible. 
Luckily, the chances of that seem slim.
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mariaelenaariente · 1 year
Astro Observations - Placements I Adore
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The pictures used are not mine Have your chart analyzed by me Learn natal astrology
Sagittarius placements - I have to admit I have a soft spot for all the mutable placements out there, but Sag... especially Moon and/or Mercury/Mars... y'all are insanely intuitive (big plus if you ask me), courageous, open minded (unless the native is unevolved and choosing the "I'm the only one who knows the truth so let me impose it on you" path), and just generally such a great vibe. I've always strugged to put my admiration for this energy into words because it's just... so great ugh
1st/7th/10th/11th house Venus - these people are generally so well-liked it's crazy. They have just the right type of natural charm about them that draws people in, and I'm here for it. They're charismatic, generally social and outgoing, and perceived in such a romantic light by the public.
Taurus and Leo placements - if you have both Taurus and Leo placements in your chart you've won the astrological lottery as long as I'm concerned. These two signs are each the culmination of something special - for Taurus, it's good taste, appreciation of nature, and food, animal love, fragrances. For Leo, it's creativity, joy, life, loyalty, and general warm infatuation with life - does this make sense to anybody else?
1st/4th/7th/10th house Mars or Saturn - Yes this energy isn't easy and needs a lot of attention and mastering from the native, so seeing it in full force, especially in someone who fully mastered it, is rare. BUT! An angular Mars or Saturn is so powerful and incredibly fascinating to observe. Tapping into this energy, if you happen to have it in your birth chart, is a game changer. EDIT: You need to consider your whole chart when trying to master this energy. If you wish to hear my input, I have an affordable one-question chart analysis available.
8th house Venus or Jupiter - They attract support and help with such ease. They get whatever they wish for. Others will easily show up for them whenever they need and they easily benefit from the people in their life (not in a manipulating type of way).
12th house Moon - another tough placement, however - once the native gets in touch with this energy and learns to use it for their benefit and spiritual growth, there's no stopping them. Possibly the most intuitive, spiritual, healing placement I have ever observed. They're in touch with their subconscious which makes any type of work on themselves much smoother.
Gemini placements - if you actually believe Geminis to be two-faced, you don't know what you're missing out on. The chameleons of the zodiac, these placements can talk their way out or into pretty much anything. They'll mirror your own energy back to you so maybe if you can't stand them it's time to do some inner work.
Prominent Neptune - dreamy, ethereal, spiritual, intuitive, poetic, and artistic - what more can I say?
Cancer Mercury - They'll intuitively know what you need and show up for you. They'll also destroy your life and burn your house to the ground if you cross them. Love that for them.
Virgo Sun - Virgos are underrated. I'm tired of all the neat-freak stereotypes, they carry such strong intellectual energy. They can easily get on top of most situations by simply following their instincts. They'll give you awesome advice based on the many rabbit holes they've gone through in the past five days online. They'll be there for you when you need them. Also, there's a strong sexual energy here I rarely see anyone talk about, so I could make a post about it if anyone's interested.
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unclewaynemunson · 9 months
He's standing in the dark, in the rain, invisible to anyone who might pass by. He feels like a shadow – and maybe he actually is. He wishes he could light a cigarette, or maybe a blunt, but the light, however small, would betray his presence right away. Not to mention that the rain would extinguish any attempt at fire immediately anyway.
He shouldn't be here. But it's not like it was a conscious decision to go. His feet merely carried him this way while his mind was still blacked out from what Wayne had just told him.
'Eddie,' his uncle had said in an almost solemn voice, 'If you're gonna be stayin' here in Hawkins with me, there's somethin' you need to know.'
That's how he found out about the secret that his uncle had kept from him for all fifteen years of his existence. Wayne had explained to him how he once made his brother – Eddie's father – a promise, and how he kept that promise even though he personally thought Eddie deserved to know the truth.
But now Clyde Munson isn't here anymore. Wayne has been looking after Eddie with all the love and devotion he has in him – and he decided that it was no longer Clyde's decision to make. It certainly wasn't the decision of the woman who once dropped Eddie on Clyde's doorstep in a desperate attempt to rid herself of the proof of what they had done nine months prior. No, Eddie was Wayne's child now, as far as Wayne was concerned. And that made it Wayne's decision. So Wayne could finally do what he had always thought to be the right thing.
Eddie can almost touch the life that could've been his. A window is the only separation between him and the life he isn't part of: a cozily lit room in a nice house in a quiet street. School books are scattered haphazardly across a kitchen table, accompanied by two steaming mugs and a plate of homemade cookies. And, of course, a mother and a child are sitting side-by-side at said kitchen table.
Eddie can see the mother's mouth form soundless words while she talks her daughter through whatever homework she needs help with. A boy comes in, takes two cookies and leaves, with the mother raising her head to tell him something just a moment before he closes the door behind him. The girl drops her head on her mother's shoulder as they continue.
Contrary to Clyde Munson and his baby, Eddie's mother never left Hawkins. Clyde kept her secret and Eddie has never known who she was. Now, thanks to Wayne, all he knows is that Karen Vasileiou became Karen Wheeler one year after she gave birth to Eddie. Another year later, a little girl was born. A girl who got the kind of life that was never meant to have room for anything messy, let alone a boy like Eddie Munson.
From the other side of the window, it's clear that the girl grew up to be nothing like Eddie, save for their matching big eyes. She has a mother, after all: a mother who helps her with her homework and bakes her cookies and gives her the comfort of a shoulder to rest her head on.
He knows it's not good for him to keep standing there, but he simply cannot stop watching. It takes until Karen sends her daughter to bed for Eddie to awaken from his trance. The rain has died down to a drizzle; he's soaked to his bones and shivering all over. And even though Wayne gives Eddie everything he possibly can, it still stings a tiny little bit that no warm house and homemade cookies will be waiting for him when he'll get home.
Update: this premise was not letting me go so you can now expect multiple follow-up parts. Read part 2 here or head to ao3 where I started cross-posting this as a multi chaptered fic :D
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
Out Of Context Shit Heard On The SOLDIER Floor #6
Previous: #1, #2, #3, #4, #5
Angeal: No, Genesis, you spaghetti-noodle-spine-having-ass bitch.
Sephiroth: I identify as a tonberry *chases Cloud with a kitchen knife*
Zack: Ra Ra Rasputin *kicks Sephiroth over*
Genesis: Unhand me you cretin *alone, talking to no one*
Angeal: Zack just showed me a picture of the Grinch and said "hear me out"
Lazard: No, Sephiroth, you cannot have a human-sized cat bed in your office "for enrichment"
Cloud: Parkour time *crashes through the air vents*
Sephiroth: I'm the biggest lesbian ally in this department, actually.
Angeal: For the sake of my sanity I'm gonna pretend I didn't just see Zack twerking to One Winged Angel.
Luxiere: I would commit unspeakable atrocities for a crumb of Zack's attention.
Lazard: That stripper pole better be gone when I get back or so help me, Genesis, I will return you to the goddess.
Sephiroth: *does a single pump of sore throat spray* This is enough for sustenance for the day.
Kunsel: Care for a deep-fried cigarette?
Angeal: You look like an AI-generated twink.
Sephiroth: I've grown so tired of Genesis's voice that we now communicate solely through interpretive dance.
Lazard, over the speakers: Whoever heated fish in the break room microwave, please come by my office so I can break your knees.
Zack: Aww, I forgot to feed the Roomba :(
Genesis: I don't know why me and Angeal are being judged. Simulating a birth with a watermelon is a perfectly normal activity for two people.
Kunsel: Hopefully this office party won't end in accidental weed use.
Genesis: I noticed some homosexual subtext in your screams, do you want to talk about that?
Angeal: *sniff sniff* Ooh~ who's barbecuing? OH MY GOD IT'S AN ELECTRIC FIRE.
Roche: Every time I think about chopping my hair short I think "Sephiroth wouldn't want this for me" and the feeling is gone.
Genesis: I made a friend *drags in a skeleton with a Sephiroth wig*
Cloud: *points at Angeal, Genesis and Sephiroth* Pure of heart, dumb of ass, big of tit.
Lazard: I told Zack to use Excel and he started sobbing.
Sephiroth: It's extremely rude to ask someone why they're eating a salad bowl of udon at 8 AM. Mind your business, Zack.
Cloud: Genesis likes Loveless so much because the title resonates with his love life.
Zack: You keep your anxiety pills in a takeaway to-go box? Dude that's so fancy.
Lazard: Why is Sephiroth the only one wearing a shirt??
Angeal: Common sense has chased Zack all his life but he wears wheelies so he's faster
Sephiroth: I personally don't use the peace sign because I haven't had a day of peace since I was 12.
Kunsel: I'm never going out in public with Zack again. A child's balloon popped when it went near his hair.
Angeal: No I'm not giving you an aspirin. Last time I gave you one you crushed it and snorted it like cocaine.
Lazard: An overwhelming majority of you peaked in kindergarten.
Sephiroth: Zack, I'm becoming increasingly concerned by the amount of potatoes in your pants right now.
Zack: This year I want an A/B/O themed birthday party.
Sephiroth: Please don't commit tax fraud, Genesis. You won't thrive in prison.
Genesis: Does anyone have an extra ramen packet to give Sephiroth? The 64 he consumed this morning weren't enough.
Roche: Commander Rhapsodos and his emo fringe is our culture.
Zack: I'm at my fucking limit! I'm about to eat a vegetable!
Genesis: He's a son of a bitch Sephiroth: That implies he has a mother, so I don't see how that's an insult.
Zack: Fuck around and find out *said with a chunk of Genesis' red coat hanging from his pocket*
Cloud: Does anyone have an extra brain cell? I lost my remaining one when Genesis spoke to me this morning.
Sephiroth: Damn.
Kunsel: Zack owes me so much money that if he sold his box of random shit he stole from Angeal, he still couldn't pay me back.
Angeal: Why are you guys playing Queen's Blood in the closet? is this a metaphor?
Genesis: Have you prayed to your Sephiroth cardboard cutout yet today?
Sephiroth: Alert me once Rufus Shinra arrives so that I may greet him adequately *said while building a pipe bomb*
Lazard: It's all fun and games until the timeout cage that I ordered online arrives.
Genesis: I will atone for my sins by becoming a nuisance to the environment.
Cloud: If Zack were a scented candle he'd smell like ADHD and crayons.
Sephiroth, standing on a table: DO NOT. EAT. THE CHEESECAKE. IN THE FRIDGE. It's mine.
Angeal: *with a bucket while it's raining hale* Free ice baby.
Zack: I finally have enough gil to buy a sixteen bouncy castles.
Genesis: Being overcome with the desire to eat pasta and call your mother at 2 AM and wondering if you're having a mental breakdown or are possessed by Sephiroth.
Lazard: I can't fire any of you, but I'm about to start setting things on fire.
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wishesofeternity · 2 years
how interesting that when Rhaenyra looks at a maimed boy whose eye was gouged out by her own son and says "he must be sharply questioned" (aka tortured) for repeating things about her that she knows are 100% true, and when Alicent is horrified that an insult to Rhaenyra (which is, again, 100% true) is considered more important than her son literally being maimed and whose broken skin is currently being stitched up as they speak, Viserys chooses to support Rhaenyra. He walks up to his bleeding brutalized son and orders him to tell him where he heard such lies. He offers him no comfort or reassurance as a father, just an order. "Your King demands an answer."
(and frankly, he expected them to say Alicent. Look at the way he looked at her. He was almost expectant. He wanted her to be condemned)
and both of them prove completely unwilling to obey him. they look at this piece of deadbeat shit right in the eye and say: "We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them."
And now that the accusation has turned back to Rhaenyra, does Viserys choose to listen and do something about it? does he? no, lol.
Instead he declares: "This terrible infighting must cease. We are family." How convenient. how fucking convenient. when Rhaenyra wanted justice (aka the further torture of a maimed kid for telling the truth) Viserys is fully willing to indulge her. He wasn't Aemond's family when he questioned him: he said it himself, tell me by the order of your King. But when his children refuse to listen to him, when the issue turns back to Rhaenyra? We're all family, let's reconcile and put this behind us :)
and that is when Alicent asks Viserys for justice of her own.
just look at Alicent's tone. Rhaenyra was the one who flat-out demanded that Aemond be questioned. Alicent isn't demanding anything, she is pleading. You think she cares about taking Luke's eye? (just minutes later, it's Rhaenyra she goes after. and when Larys asks her flat out if she wants him to do the deed for her, she tells him that it won't be necessary). Look at what Alicent says after this: "He is your son, Viserys. Your blood." This fucking asshole has raped her and abused her, and she is begging him to at least care about his children with her. And he does not.
He displays, for the whole court to see, that he does not give a fuck about his wife and their children. His young son has been horrifically maimed, but shielding and coddling his adult daughter from completely justified "accusations" is what he is most concerned about.
"This matter is finished," Viserys says. And right after? "Anyone whose tongue dares question the birth of Princess Rhaenyra's sons should have it removed." So essentially: the matter is over, everyone should make goodwill, but his precious daughter is always right and will always be his first priority. partly to soothe his own guilt over murdering his previous wife, and partly because Rhaenyra is a Targaryen which, to him, will always make her more worthy than Alicent.
and so it is his wife and other children - including the one who is bleeding in the same damn room - who pay the price for that
And thus, all of Alicent's well-founded fears about the life of her children and herself if Rhaenyra takes the throne are completely solidified. She and Rhaenyra do not share equal culpability for this conflict in the show, because Rhaenyra begins by fighting for power and Alicent begins by fighting for survival. The blame is fundamentally unequal.
you CANNOT tell me that Alicent was unjustified in how she reacted. you CANNOT tell me that she wasn't 100% right in grabbing that knife and going right to Rhaenyra (to rhaenyra! not to luke), demanding justice.
"and now you take my son's eye, and to even that you feel entitled" She is right. She is absolutely right. (She has no idea how right she is, actually, because that entitlement will lead directly to Rhaenyra's downfall someday)
Alicent Hightower finally snapped. GOOD FOR HER.
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A Good Man (Dean Winchester)
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Pairing: Dean Winchester X Wife!Reader
Summary: Dean never wanted kids. Until he married you, and now he's changed his mind.
Warnings: 18+, minors dni, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it children, you don't want kids) p in v, brief fingering, creampie, breeding kink, bit of dirty talk, established relationship, cursing.
WC: 3.4k I'm sorry
A/N: Idk what has gotten into me lately, but it's just filth all up in this head. Just one thought, dean and kids. That's it. He wouldve been a great dad if the writers didnt hate him, fight me. If this flops I'll cry myself to sleep. Kay enjoy the not soldier boy filth
Comments and reblogs are highly appreciated!
Dean never wanted kids. Not really. How could he? He could never be selfish enough to bring a child into his life. His way of life wasn't the life any child deserved. He knew he didn't. But he didn't know if he could ever give up hunting, it was all he had ever known. All he was raised to do. And deep down, that's exactly what he didn't want, he didn't want to be the father he had, and in so many ways he and John were alike. So he promised himself he would never bring a child into this world, into his life. 
And then he met you. 
The sweetest girl he had ever met. You were the prettiest, too. The second he laid eyes on you when you served him at a local dinner in Lebanon, he knew you were something else. And the minute you flashed him a smile, he was done for. He wanted you. And good thing you wanted him too. 
Dean never thought he would want to marry anyone, settling down, going to bed and waking up next to the same person for the rest of his life, he never thought he would have any of those things. But then, he fell in love with you. And much to his relief, you loved him too, exactly the way he was, hunting and all. Though that was a conversation that took weeks of processing before you were fully on board, but you moved past it. You would even, at times help them, or more like Sam, research. Hunting was a big part of who Dean was, it was his life, and you wanted to be part of it. How he was ever lucky enough to deserve someone like you he didn't know. Sometimes he wondered if he had died and had gone to heaven, you being a vision of the bliss and happiness he so desperately wanted. But no, he was alive and you were real. 
So he married you. 
Kids were never in the equation though. It was brought up here and there, the possibility, the fantasy, the what if, but you both figured it wasn't right. Dean thought it would be for the best, he would just ruin their life like his father ruined his and Sam's. 
Until your sister gave birth to a baby girl. 
Dean wasn't in the picture when your nephews had been born, they were in elementary school now. But when your sister got pregnant again, right around the time you and Dean got married, you were thrilled. You loved your nephews, and you were going to love having a niece now. You had shared your excitement with him, but he didn't see the hype. What was so exciting about a crying red-faced shit dispenser? But alas, he at least tried to share your excitement. 
Until he actually saw you with the newborn in your arms. 
Dean had driven you a few states over to your sister's, so you could help out with the boys while she got settled back home that weekend. He wasn't around much, he felt out of place and like he was intruding, he had only met your family a handful of times after all. But on the last night you stayed at your sister's, he found you in the nursery, the red-faced baby peacefully cradled in your arms. He was speechless. He had never seen you with a baby before. The way you held her with care and gentleness, the way you said loving words to her, the way you smiled at her. It was like his heart had stopped and he was frozen in place. 
You heard the floorboards creak behind you and you turned around. You saw, Dean, standing by the door, face pale as a ghost. You raised a concerned eyebrow at him. 
"You okay Dean? What are you doing just standing there?" You asked him softly, as not to disturb the almost sleeping newborn in your arms. Dean blinked twice, swallowed and nodded. 
"Yeah I'm.. I'm fine, sweetheart." He gave you a nervous smile and half pointed at you, "I was just watching you. Not— Not watching like that, just y'know—"
"Oh jesus. Just come here, would you?" You giggled at his nervous rambling and nudged him in your direction. He looked at you with apprehension, but nodded regardless. He walked towards you and stood behind you. He was at least a head taller than you, so he could easily stand behind you and look over your shoulder. And his heart definitely stopped then.
"She's the cutest little thing isn't she?" You said to him, smiling at her as you rocked her in your arms. 
Dean let out a long breath as his eyes landed on the tiny being in your arms, "Yeah she uh, she's somethin'." He met her eyes and he only smiled awkwardly. She giggled and lifted her tiny arms. 
You laughed softly when she did and looked over your shoulder at him with a smile, "Baby, I think she likes you." You said to him when she kept her arms lifted and even fisted her tiny hands in his direction. "I think she wants you to hold her." 
You turned around to face him and his eyes were wide and his eyebrows were knitted into a nervous and confused expression. He was cute, sometimes he melted your heart without even trying. 
"Do you know how to hold a baby?" 
"Yeah but—" 
"Okay then hold her. I'm right here, you'll be fine, she won't like, gauge your eyes out or anything." You reassured him, teasing him a bit. He pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes at your comment. 
"Hilarious." He rolled his eyes. He wanted to say no, but there was something about you, holding the little girl that made his stomach twist and turn. He couldn't even describe the feeling, but he knew he liked it. "Fine." 
Dean tensed up the second he had the newborn in his arms. He didn't know if he was holding her too tight, if her head was supported enough, if he was holding her steady enough. He looked at you with panic for a second, but when the little girl reached out her tiny arms and her tiny fingers touched his jaw, he felt like his heart stopped. He looked down at her, his eyes finding her big ones and his face softened. And he smiled, he actually smiled. 
Dean couldn't take his mind off it. You with a tiny being in your arms. He thought about what it would be like to see your belly grow with his child, to see you hold a baby with his eyes and your nose. He thought about doing all the things his father never did with him. He thought about being a better father. 
The entire ride back home, Dean was absent, he said very little and you knew something was on his mind. You knew he could get lost in his own head and it'd be damn near impossible to get him to talk about it. You hoped he would eventually. Though you had the feeling neither of you were in much mood to talk. It was late, Dean was probably tired from hours of driving and you were exhausted from days of babysitting, though you loved spending time with your nephews and niece, you were exhausted. So whatever was on Dean's mind, you could wait until morning to try and beat it out of him. 
You were already in bed, drifting in and out of consciousness when Dean walked in the room. He had been gone a little while, probably talking to Sam about how much he hated being at your sister's. He turned the light on when he walked in, but he immediately cursed to himself when he saw you on your side of the bed, deep under the covers. You lifted your head, looking around the room a bit confused until you found him. 
"Sorry sweetheart, didn't know you were in bed already." He flashed you an apologetic smile as he undressed himself, only leaving his boxers and plain black t-shirt on before he turned the light back off and joined you in bed. 
"It's okay," You mumbled, happily sighing when he wrapped an arm around your middle and pulled your back to his chest. "You know I have a hard time sleeping without you anyway." 
He nodded and pressed a kiss to the back of your head. He laid there, his nose brushing against your neck, happily taking in your scent as his fingers unconsciously rubbed circles over your flat stomach. He didn't know what the fuck was going through his head. But he just couldn't get rid of that image of you with your niece in your arms, how peaceful and happy you looked. Maybe you did want it, a family, and he was being selfish by not allowing you to have that because of his insecurities and past trauma. It terrified him, the idea of messing up like his father did, the idea of being just like his father. 
But maybe, maybe he was a better man than John Winchester. Maybe with such a sweet and gentle wife by his side, he had grown softer. He could be better. 
"Hey baby," He mumbled against your neck. You half opened your eyes, not quite asleep yet and you hummed at him, letting him know you were listening. "Are you still on the pill?" 
You opened your eyes fully at his question. Confused, you rolled over on your back and looked at him, "Uh yeah, why?" 
"Have you thought about, you know, not taking it anymore?" He asked, clearing his throat a bit as his fingers stilled their patterns on your stomach. You looked at him even more confused. 
"Unless you want to try abstinence, or you're missing wearing a condom, no, I haven't thought about it." You answered with furrowed brows as you looked at him in the darkness, trying to read his face. "Dean, why are you asking me this?" 
"Do you want kids?" He blurted out, not being able to control his rambling thoughts. He could've been more subtle. He sighed and continued, "I mean, would you ever want to have kids.. With me?" 
"I uh.. I mean, yeah at some point I thought about us having kids but," You paused, running your fingers up his arm reassuringly, sensing he was on edge and nervous. "I thought you didn't want kids." 
"I didn't. Not before," He sighed, his hand sneaking under your shirt to lay on your flat stomach, his wedding band feeling cold on your skin. "I honestly thought I'd be a shitty dad. I'm all kinds of fucked up. My life is a mess and I thought I'd be cruel to bring a kid into this life, raise 'em the way I was raised." 
"Dean, you're not fucked up, your life isn't exactly normal but, that doesn't mean your life is a mess. You're an amazing husband, I'm happy to be living the life I'm living with you. And you already are a good dad," You told him, your hand coming to run through his short hair. He frowned at you, like he didn't know what you meant, so you continued. "Who do you think raised Sam? Who do you think raised him to be the good man that he is? You did, you took care of him when you were just a kid, you taught him everything he knows, and he turned out well didn't he? You're a good man Dean, wouldn't that make you a good dad?"  
"God I love you." He sighed, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders and he leaned down, capturing your lips into a kiss. 
His hand lingered on your stomach, blunt nails scratching the skin even so slightly as his mouth covered yours. His lips were soft at first, but when he shifted so that he was hovering above you, he slipped his tongue into your mouth, taking as much as he could until you were pulling back for air. In the process, his hand had lingered further down your stomach, until his hand was slipping into your sleeping shorts. You gasped softly, feeling his middle finger brush over your clit.
"You know it's probably not gonna work if we try tonight, right?" You asked, your voice breaking when you felt one of his fingers rub small circles on your clit.
"No, I know. But there's nothing wrong with a bit of practice." His pink lips twisted into a small smirk as he dug his teeth into his bottom lip before he dived into your neck. 
His lips ravished your pressure point, sucking and slightly digging his teeth until he felt a pool of wetness coat his fingers. His lips curved upwards and he moved downwards, leaving a trail of wet kisses until he found the hem of your shorts. He pulled back, pulling his hand with him. You squirmed slightly under him, face warm when his green eyes found yours just as he pulled your shorts down your legs. He shot you a wink before his face was between your legs. You gasped softly when you felt his warm breath fan against your core, but he pressed his lips to your inner thigh instead and squeezed the other between his fingers. 
“Dean,” You exhaled heavily, trying to fight the urge to just push his head where you wanted him. He looked up, a playful glint in his eyes and his lips were curved into an equally playful smirk. 
“Yeah I know baby.” He started to move up, hearing the urgency in your voice. He pressed his lips to your hip bone and trailed up. Though his lips lingered particularly long when he found your stomach, the idea of your belly growing with his child making his cock strain against his boxers. 
Your fingers found his short hair and you pulled him up, crashing your lips against his with fervor. He settled between your parted thighs, you could already feel him against you, he wanted this as much as you did, hell maybe more. He pulled his shirt over his head before he kissed you again, his tongue slipping into your mouth and he tugged his boxers down his hips, his cock springing against his stomach. He held himself up on his forearm as he guided himself to your entrance. He groaned how wet you were, your slick walls taking him with ease. 
“Fuck.” He cursed under his breath as he looked between you, watching himself disappeaar into your walls. 
Dean didn’t waste much time. His hips found a pace, and he found it quick. It was hard and it was deep. He made sure you felt every thrust he gave you, every time he drew his hips back only to slam back in. But he wasn’t just fucking you, no. He was making love to you. He had a reason to. And fuck did he have a reason. He was fucking with you with purpose. And now that you were feeling it too, you were just as insatiable as he was. At some point, you weren't even quite sure when, Dean slipped your sleeping shirt off, which really was just one of his old t-shirts. For some reason, that habit of yours only got him off. The idea of you, his pretty wife, in his clothes. Fuck he often wondered when he ever got so lucky or if he even deserved it. 
He pulled back a little, jaw slightly hanging open as he ran a hand over your breast, kneading one between his fingers. And then he was leaning down. His mouth found one of your breasts, the nipple already hard as a rock, and he suckled, giving the bud attention until it was red and puffy. And then he switched to the other. They would get bigger and plump with substance for his child, he thought. And maybe you realized that too, because as your body arched under his, your hand came up to cup his head, fingers threading through his hair.
“Fuck, Dean please, please don’t stop.” You trembled, your voice breaking as a broken moan left your lips. He could hear the desperation in your voice, that aching need for release, he knew you better than he knew himself. 
“Come on, let me see it, let me see you fall apart,” He coaxed as he pulled back, hiking one of your legs high on his torso. He buried himself so deep it made your eyes roll into the back of your head when he brushed over your most sensitive spot. And he did it, again, and again. Until you were crying out. But what really sent you over the edge was his thumb brushing over your clit. He rubbed quick circles over the sensitive bud until your walls gripped him so tight it made his eye roll back. “Fuck, that’s it. That’s my girl.”
He held you as you trembled, his hips slightly faltering and his thrusts became a bit erratic as he chased his own release. 
“Gonna fill you up,” He groaned in your ear, your juices allowing him to bury himself just a fraction into you. You held him, arms thrown over his neck and his name leaving your lips like a faint praise. Though you were still a bit hazy, you felt him press a hand to your stomach, cold wedding band sending slight chills down your spine. “Right here.” 
You were trembling under his, thoughts barely coherent, but you breathed out, “Yes, please.”
Your lips found his jaw and your fingers pulled his hair so hard it made him groan. And suddenly he was still, buried deep inside you as pleasure overtook him. He spilled himself inside you with a groan, the muscles in his back tensing as his head fell over your neck. He sat still inside you, his pants and your own mixing in the air. He had come inside you many times before, hell, he didn’t remember the last time he didn’t, but fuck, this felt different. It felt so goddamn right, the idea of what this meant of it felt right. 
Dean moved eventually, probably when his arm got tired of holding his weight. He pressed a wet kiss to your lips before he slipped out of you, the loss of him making you hiss softly when you felt your mixed juices drip down your thigh. Though you expected him to lay down beside you but he moved down instead, and you gasped in surprise when you felt his lips on your stomach. And he pressed his forehead against your belly, his ringed hand rubbing your side gently. You felt him sigh, and you heard him mutter something you couldn’t quite make out. He kissed your belly again, for a bit longer before he was on feet, telling you he would be right back as he tugged his boxers back on. 
You were too tired to question him, you were fucked out and sleepy, so you simply nodded. You didn’t realize you had closed your eyes until you heard Dean say your name and you felt his hand on your face. You opened your eyes, squinting slightly as you looked at him. He had a wet rag on his hand, so you let him clean you up. He was silent the whole time, not a single sound came from him. And his expression was unreadable. You sometimes wished you could see what was on his man's mind. Even after being married and him opening up to you about a lot of things, the man was still impenetrable. 
He found his spot beside you eventually, the room dark as you settled on his chest. He threw an arm around you and held you while his other arm was behind his head. You shifted, head tilted back and you brought a hand to his face, palm flat on his cheek as you planted a soft kiss to his lips. He hummed. 
“You’re a good man Dean.” You said softly, catching the adoring look in his eyes, even in the darkest they were still bright. “And you’re a good husband, and there’s no one else I would rather have kids with some day.”
A smile tugged at his lips, “Some day? That means we gotta keep tryin’ right?”
You could hear the insinuation in his tone, and you could see the suggestive smile on his lips, even in the darkness, “Yes, yes we do.”
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seosracha · 1 year
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CUPID'S ARROW! lee heeseung x f!reader
SYNOPSIS-> you and heeseung, the schools hot topic and archer, have always despised one another. ruining each other's presentations, tripping each other in the hallways- you name it. so when the boy stops tormenting you due to his new girlfriend, you realize maybe you wanted him more than you thought you did.
PAIRING-> lee heeseung x fem!reader
GENRE-> enemies to lovers, highschool au, fluff, a little bit of angst maybe?!:!:??' oneshot
WORDCOUNT-> 9k ! (hello ?)
AUTHORS NOTE-> in honor of my favorite libra i decided to comeback🤗 if this flops im leaving again Okiiiii Purr👌 this took me 5 years By The Way. I dont even remember if i had a perm taglist Hel! Update i found itReblogs are greatly appreciated let your favourite enha tumblr senior pop off
PERM TAGLIST-> @bubblytaetae @qghosty @viagumi @artstaeh @bigtoewinwin @strwberrydinosaur @enhacolor @rendezrei @shinsou-rii @notrosemary
The school's atmosphere was always bustling, you and your small friend group never felt like outsiders in these rusty walls. Graduation was right around the corner and as much as it should have been a good thing, you felt as if a huge part of your life will be taken away from you. Instead you'll receive a piece of paper for the countless sleepless nights and mental breakdowns. You wondered where all the time between freshman year and the last months of senior year had gone. 
Niki. He was with you since birth, or at least you liked to believe that. It was the perfect cliche, next door neighbor and family best friend born on the same day. You always called him a walking red flag for the numerous times he'd do something against the norms. It was small things like pouring his milk first or more concerning instincts where he’d tie his shoes before actually getting into them. He’d defend himself with the barrier of time saving, but you doubted it was even true. But aside the weird things he’d do, the true him was a sunny and caring person. He liked the feeling that making people happy gave him. He put the people closest to him before himself. In Conclusion, he had a heart of gold but a brain full of air. 
Jungwon. It has always been hard for you to give a coherent depiction of his personality. Every first of the month he became a new person. In September he made ‘deez nuts’ jokes but as soon as october came they were old and cringe. His confusing being made Jungwon an interesting and alluring person. Although he changed his identity every month or so, his heart and kind nature never changed. He was your personal 911, under the phone for every small inconvenience or big downfall. You loved every part of him and would never trade the clumsy boy for anyone else. 
Yunjin. She was outgoing and so talkative it was almost impossible not to fall asleep during one of her storytimes. In freshman year you told her to befriend the school's most envied girl, Miyoung. The moment you almost lost her to the shit person Miyoung was, you realized how much your friendship really meant to you. Yunjin was stubborn so it took you a lot of courage to confront her about the problem. She also pulled the swim team's captain, Jake . Most people envied her for the bond she shared with him, some wondered how these two people even got together in the first place. It was true. Yunjin was nothing like Jake, but maybe her true self was the reason she fit so well into the mold he gave her. 
 You all assumed the entirety of your small town was or is in this school. The people were welcoming and talked until their tongues went dry. You all internally agreed on making the most out of the time spent in school before going on with the miserable life this town was offering. 
The only exception was Lee Heeseung. 
He tried to make your life miserable even before graduating. One dirty look could make you shut off for the entirety of the next period on your time table. And if that wasn’t enough he’d try to ruin everything good you had left of that day. Sometimes he’d leave you alone, just to make you believe it was all over. Those days always felt like the rain before the storm. He was nothing but a full of himself asshole who rode off of academic success and school popularity. Girls admired him for his archery achievements and tall, sporty figure. 
It was hard to tell exactly where it had all started, the competitiveness and hatred he shared towards you. How did sitting together at lunch, or attending his competitions turn into something so disastrous and sad. 
Perhaps it was the track you both took up, and had to compete against each other in. Or maybe your final results that topped his. On the other hand it could've been the brief relationship between you and his best friend, Park Sunghoon. But you’d rather believe it's just pure jealousy. You were always better than him in everything except that pointless arrow shooting he cherished so much. No one performed as well as him in archery so maybe that was the reason he liked to rub it in your face every chance he got. 
You got to know him from both sides, and sometimes you’d deny the fact you missed him before he got brainwashed by the meaningless highschool fame. 
“It’s eight, right?” Heeseung asked, pen pointing towards the answer in the middle of all his scribbles. 
His glasses were constantly sliding off his nose, as he used all the brain power left after the tiring school day to solve his algebra homework. The numbers started to look all the same, and he wondered if x was a number or the problem he had to solve. 
“I got 4” you said and he sighed. 
His head hung low as he scribbled over the answer once again. Heeseung’s eyes traced over the equation, looking for the moment he made a mistake. He looked disappointed, and you felt bad for being the smarter one at that moment. It’s not like you corrected him to boost your own ego. 
“How do you do it? Why do you always get the right answer?”he asked quietly, embarrassed with himself. 
You had wondered yourself. Why did you always have the right answer to everything and algebra equations? It came to you naturally, and you never thought of it as something others didn’t possess.  
“Show me your paper, Heeseung, '' you asked politely. His wrought hand slid the paper towards you, avoiding any eye contact. “2608 divided by 652 isn’t 8”you pointed to the set of numbers. 
He said nothing, just wrote down his final answer on the spot under the question on his work sheet. 
A beat of silence came in the library, and you just noticed how quiet it has gotten. Usually the small whispers of other students caught your ear, but now it felt as if you two were the only ones in this modest room. Your eyes trace the study desks and contrary to your belief, all of them were packed with groups of students studying. Some were deeply focused on their literature assignments or chemistry homework, others rather spoil the learning process for the rest. 
“I think I’ll just give up. This is pointless” Heeseung murmured, packing his things back into the emptiness of his backpack. 
“If you give up now, later it’ll be even harder for you. We’re only in freshman year” you said, grabbing onto his hand. 
It was cold, and you felt the feeling of failure radiate off of him.
“Heeseung, I believe in you, I promise. Let’s just finish this and I’ll reward you with some dinner after this. How does that sound?”you sounded like a mom, but he didn’t seem to care. 
A smile briefly decorated his face, as he brought the black backpack back up to his chest to pull out the worksheet once again. He grabbed a pen from your pencil case without asking, and continued to focus on the next question. 
“I think that sounds nice,” he answered in a moment of comforting silence. 
The thought of that day brought you back to the memory of the Heeseung you learned to like. 
“Oh c'mon I have no money!” Jungwon said cuddling up to Niki. 
Niki’s lunch plate was full of delicious food and the most random items the school's cafeteria offered. He looked at Jungwon and just slapped his hand away, pushing a handful of chips into his mouth. To show off probably. Jungwon sighed and moved onto his next target. 
“What about you Y/nnie? I’m so hungry, can you hear my stomach rumbling?” he questioned giving you puppy eyes. You just scoffed and slid your extra sandwich towards him. 
He squealed in excitement, and took the smallest bite, savoring the treasure in his hands. Niki  just shook his head, and kept on eating what his plate gave him. 
“I thought we agreed on sabotaging Jungwon every lunch?”he commented, and Jungwon glared at him confused. 
“What do you mean by that?”he asked, concerned for himself, and his empty wallet that accompanied him to every lunch period. 
“Where is Yunjin?” Niki asked, dogging the older boy's question. 
Jungwon just sighed and finished whatever he had left of the sandwich in his hands. 
“With Jake, I’m not sure,” you replied.
“They're probably making out under the bleachers again. I mean it’s summer time” Jungwon  said, wiping his fingers on the soft material of his pants. 
Every summer time, Jake and Yunjin would be caught under the bleachers of the football field. They’d usually get detention, and continue it there. All of you saw it as their little tradition, as disgusting as it was. The bleachers reeked of the most disgusting smell, probably not being thoroughly washed since they were built. 
Jake seemed like the typical player type, full of himself, and way too proud of his athletic achievements, but he was the complete opposite. He liked to hide away in the depths of the school, never interrupted class with the stupid jokes boys his kind made, and loved small gestures people directed towards him. Jake liked Yunjins company because she brought out the best in him. She brought him to heights he's never seen, and that is not in a sexual context only. People didn’t envy her for being with Jake, but rather for being the missing piece in his puzzle. 
“We should go to the football game next week!” Jungwon asserted excitedly at the thought of Yunjins and Jake's tradition.  
“Isn't that something straight people like doing?” Niki snorted. 
He didn’t see anything special in seeing the boys of this highschool compete against some other highschool nearby. He had a point though, our school is going to lose either way.  
“I thought you and Sunoo were friends?” you said,  remembering Kim Sunoo was a famous quarterback. He was tall, really attractive and actually looked decent on the field with all that gear. 
Even you found yourself crushing on him in the beginning of sophomore year. He had a charming aura that you wanted to get to know better. It obviously didn’t work after he indirectly rejected you. Looking back at it now, you aren't sure what went through your mind.
“Well my friendship with him doesn’t mean I care enough to watch him throw a ball around” Niki shrugged. 
It was hot and dry, the sun peeked through the large windows. It hit your back, warming you in a not so comfortable way. 
“I could really get a cold water right now” you sighed and looked over to Niki who despite having an overflowing plate, didn’t possess any drink at all. 
You regretted voicing your inner thoughts as the chair behind you jerked. It was like you could predict the future when Heeseung’s tall figure covered the boiling sun that spread through your back.  
“You want something to drink, Y/nnie?” Heeseung said and you could feel his eyes burning a hole on the back of your head. 
His arms extended to grab the Sprite off his table. Sunghoons hand stopped him. 
“Leave her alone dude” he said calmly. 
Jay and Sunghoon have grown tired of Heeseung’s childish antics. They knew he had absolutely no reason to keep on making you miserable. They’ve called him out on it countless times, but he doesn’t seem to care at all. 
“And what if I don’t? You’re not her boyfriend anymore”he whispered and groped the drink in his hand. 
He turned back to you smiling, your body was already facing his, a look on your face he knew well. It was you signalizing you knew what was coming. It’s not like he hasn’t pulled this ‘prank’ at least forty times this year. 
“Back to you. What about a Sprite, hm?”he said with a sly smile. 
“Can you just leave me alone, seriously?” you said, unfazed by his dominant act “You already spilled coffee on me last week, Heeseung”you added and he chuckled. 
“Yeah I did, and it was fucking awesome” he said twirling the can in his hand. 
You felt the fizzling liquid quickly move on from your freshly washed hair to your forehead and along the length of your shoulders. You felt sticky, and disgusting. Heeseung laughed, probably being the only one who found the incident funny. 
The chair jerked once again, and Sunghoon stood up pushing Heeseung away from you. He took the tissues from the pocket in his jacket and handed them to you. 
“You don’t have to help me, you know?” you said avoiding eye contact. Sunghoon shrugged. 
“This is the least I can do to make up for having an annoying and childish friend”he mutters, but the admission alone was enough to calm your heart. 
Your warm hand trembles slightly as you grab the tissues from him. You wiped whatever you could off your face, and put the wet hair into a messy ponytail. Words leap at the tip of your tongue as you hold back everything in you to keep yourself from wrestling Heeseung to the floor. 
“I think we need to talk, Heeseung” you say and he calms his laughter down. 
“For what? No need to waste anymore time on you today” he laughs and gives you that dumb face you hate. 
You exhale yet another breath of annoyance “I don’t think you have anything better to do, if this is the peak of your day” 
“I do, right Sunghoon?” he asks, hoping to get the answer he wanted but Sunghoon stays quiet, observing the scene before him. “Why do you still act the way you did when you two dated? Seriously, it’s so annoying” he huffed. 
“Cause you’re being an asshole, Heeseung” Jay interjected, still seated by the trios usual table. 
“And you’re being stuck up. What's wrong in having a little fun?” he sighed. 
“You’re the only one having fun, Heeseung” you said, and he stared into your eyes. 
He wasn’t fazed by your words or anyones in fact. He wanted the high ground in life so going under the influence of peoples opinion wasn’t even an option for him. 
“I have to put myself first” he giggled, and you rolled your eyes at his stupid comment. 
He was standing inches away from you, and you could swear the heat was radiating off of him. He smelled of Japanese cherry blossoms. You found that strange, expecting a man like him to wear the strongest cologne out there. 
The truth was, Heeseung always went for a softer look. He had the whole package from the hair to the shoes. Maybe it was one of his tactics to stand out and showcase his individuality as best as he could. 
“Can you just let this go? The whole act you have going on. It’s become old”you say, your voice monotone. He looks around the cafeteria. 
“I don’t see anyone better to make fun of” he states, and grabs your hand “Consider that as a compliment” he adds, and smiles brightly. 
No matter how much time has passed from the day you met to this moment, his sweet and charming smile never changed. It was made to mesmerize others, and sometimes you couldn't help but get excited. 
Your hand jerks away from his “Fuck, just cut it out, please. Just let me have some fun with my friends before graduation” you plead. 
Heeseung has never seen you actually beg him to stop. As much as an asshole he was, maybe you were right. He didn’t think about graduation until now. 
Heeseung was scared to graduate and leave his school career behind. He knew whatever accomplishments he had in archery would give him nothing in return in college. He knew the adoration of younger girls wouldn't transcript to college. And he knew his friends wouldn't waddle after him. He knew he’d be alone again. 
He stayed quiet. The only thing consoling the immediate silence in the small circle you made, was the chatter of other students placed around the cafeteria. Heeseung’s heart courses unsteady blood through the canyons of his uneasy stomach as he exhales a rocky breath. 
“Whatever” he murmurs into the sunshine, leaving you and his friends behind as he walks out of the large lunch hall. 
The school days became more steady and quiet. No clouds in the sky, and no interruptions during lunch. No dumb comments when you spoke in class, and certainly no cocky notes in your locker. 
You didn’t see Sunghoon’s and Jay’s smiley faces waving at you anymore as you sat down at your usual lunch table with Niki, Jungwon and Yunjin, since they didn’t sit behind you anymore. At first you wondered why, but you just assumed it was a blessing from the god above. Not that you hated Sunghoon or Jay, you could never, it was more about the boy you despised. 
Sunghoon and you used to date, and you knew he couldn’t get enough of the comments Heeseung made about it on a daily basis. He started using it as an insult, and scolding him everytime he tried to help you after one of Heeseung’s foolish pranks. The reality of your relationship was pretty sad. Cause not only is Heeseung using it as a taunt towards your now ex boyfriend, but he was the authentic reason for your breakup. He felt as if you stole his best-friend from him, so he made your lover choose between you or him.  The choice is probably obvious by now. I mean he had no certainty this love would last. 
“It’s been pretty quiet without Heeseung coming around, hm?” Yunjin whispered, doodling hearts around her English worksheet. A smile perks up on her lips as she writes Jake's name in one of them. 
“Well, finally”you reply shortly, focusing on the question before you. You twirl the pen between your fingers, as Yunjin chuckles softly. 
“Weren’t you used to it by now? I mean isn’t it weird to not have him spill drinks on you anymore?” she nagged you once again, knocking you out of your trance.
“Who wouldn't be used to it? But I definitely do not miss having wet hair and clothes for the rest of the day”you smile, and write down one of the answers. 
Of course you felt like something was missing, but you’d never actually admit it. You knew something was missing, but coming to the full realization of what that was, belittled you. 
“Didn’t you ever like Heeseung? Like at some point you had to like him. Especially when you two were practically besties!”she exclaimed, and you had to hit her, afraid Jay might hear. 
Jay sat next to Yeonjun, head in hands. You snook secretive glances at the boy, and he seemed just as confused as you were. He kept asking his deskmate for answers but from what it looked like, he didn't have them either.  
“I don’t know, Yunjin. Maybe, but it surely wasn’t anything big. You know, Heeseung used to be pretty fucking cool back then”you smiled, your mind rushing back to the memory of freshman Heeseung. 
“Niki was so jealous of him, I’ll never forget that” Yunjin giggled, and grabbed your pink highlighter to color in her heart dedicated to Jake. 
She smiled as the heart filled with a bright pink color, fading her boyfriend's name a bit, but she made sure to correct it right after. 
“Don’t you ever hang out with Heeseung? Especially since you spend so much time with Jake?” you asked curiously. 
She chuckled and shook her head. 
“We never hang out with a third person. We’d probably make them really uncomfortable,“ she answers, and you laugh along with her. 
“Back to you, Jake told me Heeseung doesn’t even talk about you anymore. Can you believe that?” she huffed, as if it should have offended you.
You shrugged. The less embarrassing things Jake, Sunghoon or Jay knew about you, the better. But you wondered why he’d talk about you in the first place. 
“He’s also been really secretive lately. They were supposed to go play some games at Jay’s, but he bailed out. Jake said he never does that '' she exclaimed dramatically. 
“I really don’t care, Yunjin. Maybe he finally realized what a shit person he truly is” you explain, and she just laughs. 
“I hope so too” she whispered a short response “Are you still coming to the game? I finally convinced Niki to come ‘see his friend throw a ball around’ ”she made air quotes, and you chuckled. 
“Yeah, me and Jungwon wanted to go from the start anyways” you say, and she squeals excitedly. 
“Can we sit here?” Sunghoon’s voice caught your attention, as he stood alongside Jay and Jake. 
Yunjins face lit up at the boy standing in front of her “Yes!” she squealed, and clung onto Jake’s side “You never sit with me at lunch, baby” she murmured into his chest, and he giggled. 
“She’s right, you guys never sit here. What happened to mood killer Heeseung?” Jungwon asked, and they shrugged, just as curious as him. 
You looked around the cafeteria, but in fact a six foot, blue haired man was nowhere to be seen. You always wondered why he chose a hair color that could potentially make him look like an idiot amongst the towns people, but you couldn't lie and say it didn't fit him. 
“He’s not here, and he’s not answering our calls, I think he’s skipping,” Sunghoon said tiredly. 
“I heard he’s been ditching you guys quite often lately” Niki asserted sarcastically , picking at his lunch uninterested. 
His parents cut off his money after he failed his math exam, so he no longer had the option to buy out the whole buffet. He was stuck with the disgusting, soggy food the school offered for free.
“Yeah, he has. I don’t want to offend anyone, but after the lunch incident it’s like something has changed in him,”Jay said, being a witness of the scene. 
“Why would I be offended by all people, the more freedom, the better” you said, and Jay silently agreed with you. 
Getting rid of the fear's tight grip, really washed a lot of other things off of you. It made you so much more comfortable and especially much cleaner, literally and practically. But his sudden ignorance and complete change in demeanor wasn’t all pluses, but maybe it was too early for you to realize that. 
“Seriously I should've studied for that exam” Niki muttered, pushing his plate of soggy pasta away. He reached for his backpack but found nothing edible inside. 
“What’s wrong with him? That pasta used to be the highlight of my day in freshman year” Jay hummed. 
“There is something seriously wrong with you, man”Niki responded “That pasta tastes like battery acid, and maybe like the crumbs on my bed on a good day” 
“You eat the crumbs you find in your bed?” Sunghoon asks, disgusted. 
Another red flag Niki carried around with him. 
“Yeah, you don’t? I thought everyone eats the crumbs in their bed” he said, and nobody agreed. 
“First of all, I wash my bedsheets and don’t eat in my bed” Sunghoon said, and Niki scoffed. 
“You’re seriously mentally ill, all of you actually. Bedsheets are supposed to be changed every two months or maybe every month if I feel generous”he educates them. 
“Me and Y/n once slept over at your house, and I woke up with crumbs in my ass” Jungwon said, and Niki rolled his eyes. 
“Could have slept on the floor then”Niki asserted, and sneaked one of Yunjins fries into his mouth. She was way too occupied with Jake to even notice or have any awareness of the people around her “Okay I think we should stop talking about my crumbs now, please”
“Trust me, no one wants to know about your disgusting ass habits,” Jungwon sniggered. 
Somehow you found yourself looking around the hall for that one familiar face, yet as good as your vision was, you couldn’t spot him anywhere. Why did you want to see him so bad?
“What about you, Y/n?” Jay asked, and you had no idea what the initial conversation was even about. 
Jay had changed the subject, moving on from Niki a long time ago, but your mind was focused on something, or rather someone else. 
“I asked what you plan on doing after graduation” he smiled, and you pushed your focus back onto the group around you. 
“I don’t know yet. I do want to go to college, a lot actually, but what for, I’m still trying to figure that out” you said quickly. Jay nodded understandingly. 
“What about a boyfriend?” he smirked and nugged Sunghoon. He just rolled his eyes and moved away from the boy. 
“I don't think I need one at the moment”you answered with a smile.
It went quiet as Jungwon's face changed drastically. He saw something others couldn't make out just yet. 
“Speaking of boyfriends and girlfriends,, is that fucking Miyoung?”Jungwon exclaimed, and the mention of her name made Yunjin jump away from Jake’s arms. 
“What are you talking about?”she said, her body trembling. Her heart began racing as Jungwon pointed to the entry door. 
You didn’t want to look, suspecting the outcome. 
“So that's where he went,”Sunghoon laughed, and before he could call them over, Niki stopped him. Sunghoon quickly realized, and gave up on that idea. 
“No way he actually started dating Miyoung, isn’t she like a total bitch” Jay said, directing his words towards Yunjin. 
“She is the most awful person I’ve ever met,” Yunjin said, her gaze still glued to the couple. 
“Well that explains why Heeseung’s dating her now,” Jungwon chuckled. 
There was the confirmation you didn’t necessarily want. 
Heeseung and Miyoung are dating now. 
“So that’s why he doesn’t bother you anymore! He doesn't want to make his girlfriend jealous” Jay exclaimed, you just laughed quietly, and tried to completely cut out your friend's words with the company of your own phone. 
“This has got to be a serious one if he gave up on teasing Y/n” Sunghoon said. 
As much as it made you happy he left you alone, the reason behind it did not fire up that same emotion in you. But you could not stop life from moving onwards, and if this is what makes him satisfied then so be it, right? 
“Why did you stop being friends with her anyways, Yunjin?”
“I can’t, me and Miyoung are going to the movies” Yunjin said excitedly, but you couldn't quite return her feeling. 
Once again, you were being ditched for Miyoung, and it felt pretty fucking shit. It felt as if Yunjin was drifting away from you for some new girl she barely knew. But you couldn’t stop her, she was your best friend and her happiness was your priority. 
So when Yunjin and Miyoung were enjoying the movies you and she loved, Heeseung was by your side. He listened, and helped you cope with the pain of being replaced. You remember him holding your hand so tightly, telling you how much you mean to many people, and to never doubt Yunjins platonic love for you. It was a new thing for you and him. You were usually at each other's side when exams came, and when he competed for the gold medal, but never when a crisis striked. 
You wondered why he did it. Did he just feel bad for you and didn’t want to make you more miserable when you came to him?  
Miyoung was your complete opposite, she was more like Yunjin. That’s why they connected so fast. You envied their friendship despite the fact you were still considered Yunjins best friend. 
When Heeseung heard all about Miyoung, he couldn't hold back the shit he had to say about her. Every bad thing he recognized within her, from him, sounded fifty times worse. It was his way of helping you realize Yunjin will grasp that soon enough too. 
And he was right. Miyoung had nothing but bad intentions towards Yunjin. 
Maybe seeing him all over Miyoung hurt ten times more  because he was there for you when no one else was. He was there when his now girlfriend wanted to tear your friendship apart.
“You’ve been acting really off recently” Jay commented, while you two accompanied each other on the walk back home. 
Jay lived in the same apartment complex as you, but you never cared enough to notice him. Usually it was only you and Niki ignoring the rest of your neighbors. 
“I think it’s just your imagination, Jay '' you laughed, and took another bite out of Jay's candy bar. 
He made a sad and offended face when half of his chocolate bar was gone. 
“No seriously, even Jungwon noticed, and I trust him”he said. 
“You and Jungwon really hit it off, hm?”you asked, trying to bring the spotlight off of you. 
You guessed it worked when Jay's face lit up “Yeah, we did! He actually seems to like spending time with me”
“We all love spending time with you and everyone else, Jay” you smiled brightly, and he laughed. 
It was true. Ever since Heeseung completely cut them off for his girlfriend's company, your friend group adopted them. Yunjin couldn't be more happy now that she got to spend every second of her day with Jake. And you felt happy cause they gave you the little unreal pieces of Heeseung you found yourself missing. 
Seeing him with Miyoung, turned something upside down in you. It didn’t let you function properly and it felt like you've hit rock bottom. You couldn't help but wonder, why her? Although anybody else wouldn't make the growing feeling in your stomach any better. It was still a new thing to you, and you couldn't quite put into words what it was. 
“Do you miss Heeseung? Or at least the person he used to be?”you asked, and Jay wasn’t expecting you to be the one to initiate a conversation about Heeseung. 
“Well obviously. We still talk, but it isn't the same at all. I really want to go back to the day when it all went downhill, maybe I could've done something,”he answered with a fabricated confidence. 
“Don’t blame yourself for something you can't control,” you said, holding his hand. It was a habit you picked up from the one and only Heeseung himself. “For the short time I knew Heeseung, he’s just like that. You never know what's coming until it's already done”
“Short time? You and him were constantly talking in freshman, I’m really shocked you didn't catch feelings for him back then”he laughed. 
Feelings. Now you realize that maybe after all you did like Heeseung. It came to you after you found yourself reminiscing on the memories you shared. He used to mean a lot to you, and when he started changing his demeanor towards you, it wasn't easy to let go. You tried to fix it but you didn't have any tools. You just had to buy a replacement, but there weren't any others like him in stock. That’s why you started dating Sunghoon, because he was the closest you could've gotten to Heeseung.
“I don't think I catch feelings that easily,”you laughed. 
You lay in your bed helplessly, the sheets clinging onto your sweaty body. Your room elopes you in a constant darkness, and the wind blows softly through your open window. You can’t focus on anything, your heartbeat picking up at every sharp inhale. 
Your mind was racing from one thing to another, but someone who stayed consistently flooding your brain was Heeseung. Because you have finally come to the realization this was never about Miyoung or the childish pranks, it was about him. 
It was an untypical connection you longed to study. 
“I know what's going on so you either say it yourself, or I’ll just be blunt about it right now”  Niki said through the speaker of your phone as you kept on straining from the real purpose of the call. 
You trusted Niki, but this is something bigger than the time you told him about Sunoo. Back then the only thing you two could do about it was laugh and make up fake scenarios with you as the main character. 
“If we both know then why talk about it? It doesn't matter anyway” you murmured, fiddling with the settings of your fan. 
“Because I want to help you, and if you don’t tell me the full thing I have nothing to stand on” he explained, and you sighed. 
On one hand, you wanted to hear Nikis advice, but would that really help? Would any of this really help your already fucked up situation? 
“I don’t even know where to start, Niki” you said and he let out a sound of understandment. 
“Just tell me everything, don’t hold back. You can trust me with this” he told you after a brief moment of silence. 
You stayed quiet, attempting to process everything through. The admission alone was hard enough, but spilling out the truth to one of your bestfriends was the real challenge. 
“Niki, I’m not sure myself, if what I feel is real. I’m wondering if any of this is real” you started softly, and he kept quiet signalizing for you to continue.  “I want to have him all for myself, and I know it’s selfish, but what can I do anyways” 
“Do you seriously want this?” he asked. 
“I don’t know Niki, I don’t know anything just yet” you responded. 
“I think it’s okay to not have answers,” he assured. 
There was nothing that could help your blossoming feelings for Heeseung. Even after he embarrassed you on multiple occasions you couldn't do anything but fall deeper in love with him. Maybe it’s because you still had the feeling his freshman self was still somewhere inside of him under the pile of shit he’s been consuming lately. 
“Okay” you mutter. “Just be realistic with me” you ask of him, and he nods understandingly. 
“I would never lie to you, Y/n” he whispers “Just follow your gut, okay? I know that may be hard, but if you actually want to try, do it. There's nothing to lose here anyways” he says. 
You nod, unable to say anything. It’s weird, the feeling you're experiencing. It leaves you uneasy, the thought of your current situation. You’re unsure of anything going on. 
“I want you to be nothing but happy, if it's with him, or anyone else, but sometimes things don't go the way we want them to because we don't trust ourselves” he adds, noticing you've been awfully quiet. 
“I don’t want to embarrass myself again, Niki '' you mutter. 
What were you thinking, seriously? Heeseung was the unreachable boy, only the prettiest girls of this school could have. Miyoung was one of them, drop dead gorgeous, skinny with porcelain skin. You didn’t see those features in yourself, but maybe it was just your insecurities getting the best of you. 
“You can’t embarrass yourself if you don't even try. Even if you do, what's wrong with that? You know you have us, we’ll never make fun of you” he assured with a soft smile. 
“Is it even worth it? I mean I don't have any assurance this would last if anything. What if we just went back to hating each other, and I’m left all alone again” you ask, and he shakes his head. 
He gets closer to the camera, head in hands. “Just because of what happened with Sunghoon, doesn't mean you have to kill any hope you have of a relationship with others.  That's not how it works” he tells you softly. “Just trust yourself, and the process, okay?”
You had a goal. 
Win Heeseung back by graduation. 
You always considered  yourself to be a competitive person, not exactly in the right field, but competitiveness always lingered somewhere in your gut. And that’s exactly why you would do anything to feel his touch again. 
It didn't take you long to realize you took his teasing for granted. Your mind was begging for him to leave you alone, but your heart perhaps liked the constant attention, and the fact he’d think about you more than anyone. It was stupid, but what could you do? It was hard not to miss the not-so sweet nicknames he’d give you. It was hard not to miss his dumb pranks and sweet laughter. 
How were you going to reach your goal? You didn’t exactly know. You just decided to follow your gut, just as Niki said days before. Maybe you were reaching too far, but what's wrong in admiring the stars? 
“Sunoo said the team has been actually working hard this month. I’m starting to gain hope in our schools first win” Niki said, clicking away at the Superstar SM on his phone “Fuck, I lost” he groaned. 
“Only the best can do Kick It on hard mode” Jay shrugged, receiving a death stare from Niki, who loaded up the song again. 
“I don’t think you should get your hopes up too high, Niki. Sunoo said that last time, and guess what?They lost” Sunghoon murmured, copying Jake's chemistry notes. 
You silently agreed with Sunghoon. The only reason you all tagged along for the game was the free food your school was giving out on match day. It was probably their way of compensating for the awful game our football team was about to present to us. 
“You’re seriously so bad at this, '' Jay laughed, and pulled out his own phone when he saw  Niki lose once again. 
“Don’t be a show off, I’m just having a bad day. Look, I literally have two stars on Cherry Bomb” he shoved the phone into Jays face. 
“Stop being annoying, Niki” Jungwon commented, and the boy looked like he was about to kill him. 
“It’s not my fault, he started it!” he said, offended. 
“I just got an S level Doyoung!” Jay squealed. 
“No way, you’re such a liar, '' Niki said, sliding over to Jay's side. 
While the two boys were preoccupied with the beloved game, and Jake was busy keeping Yunjin her special company, Sunghoon and Jungwon were copying Jay's notes, you couldn't stop looking over at Heeseungs table. He seemed to find himself new friends amongst Miyoungs circle. He sat there laughing with Kwangsun and Taehyun, keeping his arm around Miyoung. 
Kwangsun and Taehyun were Jakes teammates so you knew them very well. Not only were they the worst on the swimming team, they also had the worst personality. Talking to them was like talking to a wall, they lacked any sense of humor and interest in the world around them. You wondered how Heeseung was talking to them so comfortably. Probably because they weren't responding so it didn't even matter what he said.
“How are you feeling? Everything alright?” Sunghoon asked, keeping his eyes on the notebook. He didn’t look at what he was writing down, just blindly copied Jay's work. 
“I’m okay? Why are you even asking?” you answer with a question. 
He laughs, and drops the pen. Jungwon takes the opportunity, and slides the notebook closer to himself. 
“You’ve been awfully quiet, you know?” he states softly. 
“You shouldn't worry about me, Sunghoon. I see you have a lot more to copy, seriously do it before lunch ends” you say trying to change the subject. 
Was Sunghoon suspecting something? Did he know something you didn’t? It was hard to tell, and that was making you even more stressed than you already were. 
“I’m your friend, I worry about you, Y/n. But i respect it if you don’t want to talk about it now” he smiles and picks up his blue pen “Give that book back” he groans, and slides the book back over to the middle. 
“This is unfair, I can barely see what's written there!” Jungwon fights, but the boy next to him just shrugs. 
Were your friends catching on? Were you really that obvious? 
“Life is still going on, three rainbow stars, beat that” Jay exclaimed, a cocky tone to his voice. 
Life is still going on, right. 
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long!” Niki exclaimed happily, as his eyes scanned the buffet in front of the football field's bleachers. He looked like he was ready to stuff his face any moment now. 
“Don’t get too excited, we might not be able to pack you into my car after this” Jay said, taking a sip of his drink. 
“Very funny, Jayshit. Let a man enjoy his food” Niki responded, grabbing the first pastry in sight. “Sunoo claimed some really good seats for us, by the way” he added bluntly. 
“Maybe you really are useful sometimes, Niki,” Jake said, and got a middle finger in return. 
“I remember last time we got some nosebleeds,” Jungwon said, helping Niki sneak half of the buffet into his backpack. 
“This is why I am always useful,” Niki said, smiling at Jake. 
“That makes no sense, if you were useful you’d get the good seats too last game” Jake asserted. 
“Shut up, Jake. Don’t you have a girlfriend to take care of?” Niki rolled his eyes. 
You chuckled at his child-like behavior, and grabbed Jay’s drink to take a sip yourself. 
“What's up with you and always stealing my shit, get some yourself” Jay said, and jerked the drink away from you. You laugh, and smile at him. 
You look around for any familiar faces, but it seems as if no one has arrived yet. That's what you get for being two hours early, just because Niki can't miss out on the strawberry donuts. 
“Isn’t that Miyoung, and Heeseung? I  thought he hated football” Jake chuckles. 
They're here too? It can't get worse can it? 
“Miyoung likes it. Her brother is on the team” Yunjin says, and Jake nods. 
You drop your head to the ground, and start playing with the strings of your hoodie. Maybe if you don’t say anything you’ll sulking will go unnoticed. 
“He hasn’t talked to us for a good two weeks. He really is down bad” Sunghoon comments. 
“Do you think Miyoung forbade him from talking to us?” Jay asked, hoping for Yunjin to answer, since her brief friendship with the girl might allow her to know. 
“She usually does when she doesn't like her partner's friends” Yunjin fulfilled Jay's wish. 
“Why so? Especially since I have probably never talked to her” Sunghoon said, a confused look spread on his face. 
“I wish I knew that one,” Yunjin said. 
Seeing Heeseung with her was different for you this time. It's like something turned inside of  you. Maybe it was because of the fact he loves her enough to sit through a game he hates with his whole soul and heart. You wonder if he’d do the same for you. 
The scenery was beautiful. The sound of soft chatter and the summer breeze swayed through your features. The sun hid behind the clouds, the only source of light being the large lamps placed around the field. It was the perfect highschool cliche, but your mind was constantly at war with the bound feelings. It never left you alone. Before you fell asleep, while you ate breakfast, while you showered or brushed your teeth. He always flooded your brain. 
“I think I’ll get in a quick bathroom stop before this mess starts” you smile, and get up from your seat next to Jungwon. 
“You want me to go with you?” Yunjin asks, averting her gaze from Jake to you. 
“Sorry, I don’t really feel like making you hear me pee, I’ll be back soon” you smile, and Yunjin just giggles, setting her head back on Jake’s soft shoulder. 
You can’t look at her being happy with him anymore. It makes you want to throw up. 
The gentle sound of the latest pop hits poured from the speakers mounted in every corner of the school building as you made your way to the restroom, feeling helpless. Various students hastily made their way to the field. 
Yeah, sure, you did hate him. But one look at said enemy, all those words could be shoved out the window. 
The air felt so heavy, as you sat on the sinks marble. No matter how hard you searched, there still was no answer. There was no escape and you’ve already lost any control of yourself. You were going insane each sleepless night thinking about him. 
You looked into the mirror's reflection and didn’t recognize yourself anymore. Have you changed out of your own pure will, or was it because maybe you weren’t enough for Heeseung when he left. Was it the way you looked, acted or was it any of your other flaws? There’s no answer. 
You completely lost track of time, but nobody seemed to be looking for you anyways. 
A quiet sound echoed through the bathroom. You didn't even bother to look, expecting Yunjins voice to hit your ears anytime now. 
“Do you know how much I hate you?” a so familiar voice reaches your ear. 
It still hasn’t hit you. The same person you were bawling your eyes out over, was so close to your helpless figure, yet the calmness of your heart didn’t let the feeling sink in just yet. It was probably the years of Heeseung’s torment that made you believe he was here only to return to his old antics. 
You can’t bear to look at him. It’ll just go full circle, and explode, really.  
“No” you respond, still avoiding eye contact. 
“Words can’t describe” he says, and you can feel him smile. “I go fucking insane whenever I think of you” he added breathily. 
You shiver at the harshness in his voice. You didn’t remember it being so coarse. 
“Don’t do this, Heeseung” your voice shakes. 
“Look at me,” he whispers, and harshly lifts your chin up to make you eye to eye with him. 
A long drawn-out sigh from the bottom of his chest leaves him. He slowly lowered his head, and immediately froze in position; making the closeness between you much more intimate. The air around you felt warmer as his eyes pierced through you, studying every detail of your face. 
“I’ll show you just how much I hate you” he finally speaks, 
Any thoughts you had before Heeseung stepped into the pity party you were hosting in the bathroom, flew right out as his lips smashed into your soft and delicate ones. Your heart heaves uneasily, as you give into the feeling of him against you. 
The kiss is lustfull, full of anger he had stored up ever since you went separate ways. He didn’t hold back, his tongue relentlessly prying your mouth open until you gave into his action. The lack of oxygen pulled you apart, your mouth still open from the initial shock. 
Yet his lips felt like a magnet; pulling you closer and closer, un-allowing any resistance. You couldn’t stop yourself, leaning over again, wanting to feel his soft lips once again. There really was no turning back.
“Could Sunghoon make you feel this good?” he asked breathlessly, as his lips planted softs kisses on your jawline. 
“No” you breathe out, and he smiles. 
“That’s what I thought” he smirked, caressing your warm cheek. 
Even the mere thought of you and Sunghoon made him burn inside. He liked having you all to himself. Sharing was never an option. 
It suddenly hit you. 
“Heeseung, why are you doing this?” you asked, backing away from the boy, throwing his hands off your face, feeling a sudden disconnection between the two of you. 
“You know how obsessed I am with you?” he whispered, maintaining eye contact. “You remember when you asked me to leave you alone, because you wanted to have just a little bit of fun before graduation?” 
You nodded, not knowing exactly what this was about. Hearing all the sweet, yet concerning things that came out of his mouth, made you want to forgive him right there and then without any good explanation to the years of hell he gave you.  
“It made me realize, you know, maybe I wanted you more than I thought I did” he finished and although he tried to maintain a dominant act, you could still see his sly smile peek through. 
You couldn't give into him that fast. 
“Oh so you decided to start dating Miyoung? Makes so much sense Lee Heeseung” you scoffed, trying to intimidate him at least a little bit. 
It obviously didn’t work because Heeseung seemed to be unfazed by your words. 
“Feelings get caught up in the mind” he said calmly “But loving you long makes it feel a little better” 
Whatever he was trying to say didn’t matter, because really you didn’t care. You weren’t gonna lose the opportunity you’ve been manifesting ever since he left. 
“Promise this is the last time you pull this type of shit?” you ask after a minute of silence. 
Heeseung lets out an airy laugh and smiles. He lifts up his pinky finger, and intertwines it with yours. 
Heeseung really wasn’t that tough after all. 
Heeseung can’t exactly go back to the moment he started to fall in love with you. Maybe it was the day you helped him with his math homework, or maybe the time you cheered him on while he competed in the archery finals. 
But he knows exactly when he realized it. 
“You promise you won’t tell him, right?” you ask, smiling. 
The two of you sat at the back of the library for your weekly study session. You’ve been giving him hints of a recent love interest, and as an unusually curious man he wanted to know more. 
“Who's he, just tell me! And I know him, interesting” he laughs. 
“It’s Sunghoon. Yes, your best friend Park Sunghoon” you announce and he feels his heart drop. He hoped you’d take him by surprise, and let the words, ‘You Heeseung, it’s you whom I like’ leave your lips. But it was Sunghoon. 
Fucking Sunghoon.
Of course, he wouldn’t let this ruin his friendship with Sunghoon. He was sure his friend didn’t even like you back, and soon enough he could be helping you get up after the heartbreak. 
But what he didn’t expect was for you two to actually start dating. 
At first he held all his anger in, trying his best to avoid any contact with you. Soon it turned into ignorance, and he found himself completely overlooking you. He thought of it as the better way out. When it got to the point he couldn't look past anymore, he made Sunghoon choose, knowing what would be the result of it. Sunghoon chose him, but you submitted to the feeling of hatred. 
Now, after all this time, Heeseung could watch you bicker with your friends over the tiniest things with his own eyes. He could finally sit down at your usual spot in the library and receive the most prized tutoring from you once again. He could watch you accept your diploma, and run back to him with the biggest smile on your face. 
Expressing love for you was different. Years of uncountable pranks, and hateful messages were all just the sweet feeling in disguise. 
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silverzoomies · 1 year
peter Maximoff x reader smut
chapter 2: later gator
warnings: female reader (sorry), sex pollen, aphrodisiacs, overstimulation, shameless smut, rough sex, kissing, porn with (slight) plot, canon divergence
word count: 5142
a/n: to anyone who reads, thank you for enabling my deranged bullshit,, ilysm
some more notes regarding canon divergence: idfk where peter's house was originally supposed to be set (in dofp). but in this fic, pretend it's in westchester. got it? good. also, i love the concept of pietro being his birth name so much, i had to throw it in,,
chapter 1 here.
You showed up to Peter’s (his mom’s) doorstep a little less than an hour later. 
Now, Peter personally thought you could’ve been a lot quicker about it (what if he was dying?? Like, yeah, he sort of was). Whether he thought this because of his natural impatience, or his rambunctious, horny brain; he couldn’t tell. But Peter knew he didn’t have any right to complain. Considering the-uh…circumstances. You were the one doing him a favor.
Even if you didn’t necessarily know about said favor yet.
Raising your fist to knock at the front door, your knuckles didn’t get a chance to make contact. In less than a nanosecond’s time, you found yourself behind an entirely different door. The door to the basement. Peter’s basement (well, technically, his mom’s. But let’s ignore the logistics, he thought).
The door slammed shut behind you with an abrupt rattle. Your back was pressed hard against an amalgamation of Star Wars posters covering it, as Peter kept you trapped before him. And you stood at the very top of the basement stairs. A large hand of his clasped over your mouth, just in case you felt the need to freak out. At least his mom wasn't home to overhear anything if you did. Thank the high powers for impromptu, grocery trips.
His toned, shirtless body idled a little too close to yours. Leaning into your personal space further than he normally would. Peter was perched one or two steps down from you, keeping his head tilted up. He blinked with a dark, half-lidded gaze. And he stared into your questioning eyes with a heavy intensity. You were caged in. With his other hand next to your face, pressed flat against the door.
Peter panted breathlessly. He was an exasperated mess of burning heat and steaming sweat. Sweat which reeked of a sickly sweet smell you didn’t recognize. And you assumed it to be…perfume? Or something? You really couldn’t guess. Whatever it was, it threw you for a loop. As the sweet scent met your nose, a pleasant chill surged along your spine. Peter was so intoxicating.
Peter’s cheeks burned the brightest shade of red you’d ever seen on him. And you noticed, in his eyes, Peter’s pupils appeared impossibly big. Both were a stunning, black abyss of carnal desire.
You didn’t seem to pick up on that desire, however.
“Hey.” Peter huffed with a casual, lazy smirk. Breathless when he spoke. As he pulled his hand from your mouth, a subtle, lingering sweetness clung to your lips. You furrowed your brows, giving him a confused look. “Uhm…hi?” You shook your head, smiling uneasily with a laugh, “Are you, like, okay, dude? You look like a mess! What was up with that text, by the way? Are you sick?”
Peter blinked in a hazy, sweltering daze. And he promptly shook his head. He impatiently drummed his speedy fingers with the hand pressed against the door.
“Huh? Nah, I’m-...I’m totally bitchin’, babe. Just-” A pause, and Peter’s bright blush spread to the tips of his ears, “Actually…if I can keep it real fer a sec? I’m-uh…I don’t really feel like myself right now.”
His statement made you even more concerned. He could tell in the way your expression shifted. Your brows pressed together further, and your worried smile fell into a small frown. The rational part of Peter’s brain ached with shame, his heart twisting at the sight. The last thing he wanted to do was worry you.
But the spicier portion of his brain found your innocence way more arousing than it should’ve been. Peter slapped himself internally. Chill out, dude. Don’t be gross.
“What do you mean? Not yourself? You seem fine to me. A little sweaty, and maybe a little tired. But otherwise…” You forced a lighthearted smile, reaching out to ruffle his hair, “Same ol’ Peter.”
Peter’s heart raced to roadrunner speed in his chest, pounding rapidly. God, you were too cute. With his bangs hanging messily in his face, he let his eyes roam across your features. So soft, and so nice. An echoing voice in the far, dark recesses of his rampantly horny mind screamed at him. Begging Peter to take you right then and there on the basement stairs.
But Peter was conscious enough, that he cringed at himself for even daring to consider such a warped thought. 
“It's nothin’. Don’t worry ‘bout me, kay? Probably just comin’ down with somethin’.” He lied, feigning a chillaxed grin, “Like ya said, same ol’ Peter.”
You crossed your arms over your chest, shifting your weight from foot to foot. If the look on your face was anything to go by; Peter knew for sure, you could see right through his bullshit. Aside from the fact that you knew him well enough? At the moment, Peter was as transparent as the shattered glass he left on the floor of Hank’s lab. 
Peter guiltily dropped his gaze from your face, and to your belly. But as his eyes dragged slowly downward, he instantly regretted this action. Prior to this moment, Peter hadn’t noticed what you were wearing. He’d been in too quick a rush to drag you into the basement. 
A tight, crop top hugged your upper body, leaving your belly exposed. The mere sight of your bare skin almost made him bust a nut in his sweatpants. Peter swallowed hard, and that honeysuckle sweetness sank down his throat. He coughed, and drummed his fingers a little faster against the door.
“Uh huh? Are you sure?” You asked, reaching up to brush Peter’s bangs out of his eyes.
At that moment, a hot, sticky wave of sexually charged static shot through Peter’s veins. He dropped his head, the messy fluff of his hair meeting your tummy. With both hands now pressed to the door on either side of you, Peter’s fingernails dug into it. He huffed a desperate laugh, and shook his head.
“Toooootally aces, babe.”
You rolled your eyes with a playful, but concerned scoff.
“Hey, Peter, seriously. Talk to me, okay? What’s wrong?”
Your tone was as sweet as the sugary taste on Peter’s tongue. Enough to give him a toothache. And in a comforting gesture, totally innocent; you brought a gentle hand up to his shoulder. Your palm rested there without flinching, even despite the feel of his sweat under your skin.
“Jeez! Honey, you’re burnin’ up! Are you sure you’re not, like, really sick?” You pressed.
Peter felt the soft touch of your hand to the top of his head. Your fingers carded through his slightly damp hair. The tickling sensation of your fingertips sent tingles down his spine. And Peter’s body set itself ablaze. These were simple touches. Your fingers in his hair, your other hand lightly squeezing his muscles. Nothing too suggestive.
But his horny, addled mind reacted instantaneously. The very second Peter sensed your fingers were close, he sucked in a harsh, ragged breath. And as you made contact, he visibly shuddered. His fingernails dug themselves deeper into the door, leaving tears in the posters there (major apologies to Luke Skywalker and the gang). Peter raised his head from your belly.
And finally, he looked up into your eyes again. Or, at least, he tried to. Immediately upon seeing your pretty face, his gaze dropped straight to your lips.
“Shiiit…lovesick, maybe...” He tiredly blinked, huffing another breathless laugh, “Damn…yer really pretty, y’know that?” Peter’s teeth dug into his lip, as he subconsciously leaned an inch closer into your space. Your heart skipped several beats in your chest, and your eyes widened. The cutest blush flooded your soft cheeks as you gasped. And Peter’s dick twitched painfully beneath the fabric of his grey sweatpants.
“Dude…what??” You asked, barely audible. Scoffing in disbelief, you giggled, “Yeah, okay, somethin’s definitely wrong with you, man. Need me to call a doctor?” And you muttered under your breath, “ Or a mental ward, maybe? ”
Peter snickered in response, his smile spreading wide and showing teeth. The corners of his mouth pressed up into his dimples. And he shook his head, embarrassed beyond all human comprehension.
Another searing wave of horny torment swarmed Peter. And this one stung like hell. Peter’s cock throbbed with an ache he couldn’t ignore, even if he tried. He exhaled shaken breaths, reeking that thick, sweet scent. And without intending to, Peter rocked his hips forward. His bulge lightly brushed against your leg.
You squeaked with a gasp, tilting your head down. And realization seemed to dawn on you suddenly, as you noticed the shape of Peter’s hard dick in his sweatpants.
The softest, little “Oh… ” was all you could muster.
Peter bolted from the stairs before you could say anything else. He quickly paced in circles through the basement. Slow enough, this time around, that he didn’t appear as a blur. Just himself, in all his sweat-drenched, obvious boner glory. His cock bounced under his sweatpants as he moved. And you had to wrestle with god himself to resist staring at it. Maybe you understood the level of stress Peter was under. Because you saved him the humiliation, and failed to mention his situation aloud. “Y-uhm…You gonna be okay?” You asked, your voice somewhat hushed. “Me?? Hell if I know! Probably!” Peter threw his hands up as he rushed around, expelling his pent up energy, “Look, I’m, like, really sorry, babe. I shouldn’t’ve-...it’s just-...I’m goin’ through a majorly weird thing, and I need-” He stammered awkwardly over his words, stopping himself with a frustrated groan.
Stepping slowly down the stairs, you came to a halt as your tennis shoes reached the basement floor. You rubbed your arm for self-reassurance, shyly looking around with an intake of breath.
“You need what? Please don’t be afraid to talk to me, dude. I’m not gonna think less of you or anything.” You spoke with a tender insistence.
Only, your sweet words flew right over Peter’s head. Straight out the basement window. Later, gator.
Peter was too busy stopping dead in his tracks, his eyes giving you a not-so-subtle once over. And the image he took in, made it ultimately harder for Peter to resist his instinctive, lustful needs.
Standing in his (his mom’s) basement, looking so vulnerable, you avoided Peter’s gaze. The crop top you wore hugged your figure a little too tight. Showing off the swell of your tits, with a collar that hanged way too low to be modest. Long, thin sleeves covered your arms. Peter shamelessly let his eyes trail even lower. Past the soft, exposed skin of your belly. Skin he wanted to mark with his teeth and cum. And down to the short skirt - Peter had to do the mother of all double takes just then - hanging over your smooth thighs. And were those thigh-high socks covering your legs, or was he just hallucinating some sexy mirage? 
Your knees bumped together as you shifted your weight, your skirt fluttering with the movement.
Somebody call 9-1-fucking-1. Alert every doctor in the Westchester area. Because Peter might’ve actually gone straight into cardiac arrest. If he were to die right now? After seeing you, looking like that? Totally worth it. Amen.
“Peter? Did you hear me, honey? Is there-...I mean…is there anything I can do to help?”
Peter didn’t, for the life of him, expect you to say something like that.
Your eyes oozed innocence and genuine kindness. And Peter wanted to roll his eyes over it. You were so ridiculously nice in the face of an awkward situation. The apples of your cheeks burned hotter with every word you spoke. And though you may not have understood what Peter was going through, you offered your help anyway. Your lashes fluttered as you blinked. Subconsciously, you swiped your tongue across your lip to wet it. And again, your sock-clad knees knocked together with the adjustment of your shy posture.
Peter fought with all his mutant might to ignore another, painful influx of heat washing over his body. But ultimately, he failed. Miserably.
“F-Fuck-” He choked.
His dilated eyes flew open wide. A fwip, and Peter appeared in front of a nearby wall, hunched over next to a Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time arcade machine. He kept his back towards you. And through the sheen of his sweat, you could see the way his muscles flexed. His body twitched, hips subtly bucking forward. Peter braced himself with a hand against the wall, groaning a series of soft noises into his other palm.
So,-uhmmm...maybehetotallyjustblewaloadinhispantsorwhatever. No biggie.
“Peter?? Holy shit-” you called.
Worried for his well being, you quickly raced towards him. And with a low grumble of a sound, Peter banged his head lightly against the wall. Mortified and supremely embarrassed, he slowly turned, pressing his back to the wall. You were much closer now. Close enough that Peter could reach out and pull you into his body if he wanted to. And he did want to. He wanted to so fucking bad. The very last remnants of his self control told him not to.
Time to bite the silver bullet, and face the music; so to speak.
Peter placed a trembling hand on your shoulder, the palm of it massive. And you jumped at the rough strength of his touch. Peter sighed, shaking his head. He avoided your gaze. And in his eyes, he carried with him a heavy, exhausted weight. The kind of tiredness you could see from a mile away. Peter knew he probably looked like a disgusting wreck. Not his most attractive, he had to admit.
Little did he know, you thought he looked drop dead gorgeous like this.
He hesitated before speaking, struggling to let the words slip off his sugary tongue. Once Peter finally opened his mouth, he rushed through his explanation in rapid succession. And the only reason you understood, was because you’d been around Peter for a long enough span of time. Luckily enough (or unluckily, depending), you’d become accustomed to his speedy, speech patterns.
“IIIIIIIIII fucked up real bad, babe. Like, really really bad. In Beastie’s lab. There were these nerdy, science chemicals, y’know? He’s always got stuff like that lyin’ around. Which, if you ask me? Is totally hazardous. Amiright? And I may have knocked some over. Because I was goin’ too fast and I wasn’t payin’ attention. Classic me, right? Pffbbt. So, anyway, I breathed in some, like, pink stuff. Kinda tastes like - you ever try honeysuckle as a kid? It tastes like that. It’s really sorta nostalgic. Reminds me of when I was- Uhm -sorry, I’m totally off track here. So-uh…ever since that happened? I’ve been stuck like this fer hours. And I’m not gonna lie to ya. It hurts. And it’s all hot ‘n stuff. Uh-”
You interrupted his nonsensical ramblings with a wave of your hand. As if suggesting you had a thought to add. Peter tried to ignore the way your blush spread down to your neck. And any thoughts he had about dragging his tongue sloppily across it, were shoved back down into frisky hell. Where they belonged.
“Uhm. S-...So, did you try-” You started. And Peter already knew ten thousand years ahead of time, what you were about to suggest.
“Beatin’ my meat? Yeah. Only a dozen times.”
“Yeah.” Peter let out a long, awkward sigh. The exhale of it wavered with the shuddering of his overheated body, “I think-...y’know, if I had to guess? Just throwin’ whatever thoughts out there. Darts on a board. Fwoo -” He made a throwing motion with his hand, “I think I just need to-uh…like…pfffbbt… bang ‘er whatever, y’know?”
“Yeah. Oh. ” Peter sighed once more, throwing his head back against the wall. Clearing his throat with an unrelaxed cough, he continued, “Soooooo …ya think we could…I dunno…I don’t wanna…fuck up things between us more than I already ha-”
Peter was fast.
But even whilst carrying the oh, so sacred speedster gene, he didn't see you coming. Lost in a heated, sex-crazed haze of confusion and hesitation; Peter was completely caught by surprise when you interrupted his words with a bruising kiss. For a fraction of a second, his rational mind ran through a million questions at lightspeed. Why the heck would you kiss him? Did you have feelings for him? Were you only trying to be nice? What did this even mean to you? Did it mean anything? But before he could register a single one, his carnal instincts took over.
With the inhumanly fast beating of his heart, came fuzzy, blistering, hot desire. Peter’s cock swelled his pants, the veins intertwined through it pulsating with every beat. He growled into your mouth, kissing you in a filthy, sloppy blend of teeth and tongues. You drank down the sweet, honeysuckle taste on his lips. Thirsty for it, as if swiping your tongue across them would bring you infinite serenity.
A beat passed.
Peter had you in his bed in an instant. The ultra-fast movement shook you to your core, leaving you a little dizzy. There wasn’t a single moment to catch up, before Peter’s lips enveloped yours all over again. He kissed you with wet, deep desperation. Moaning hot puffs of air through every, abrupt pause between kisses. Your fingers rushed to graze across the skin of his chest, over his toned torso. Peter allowed you only a meager moment to feel the bump of his abs under your fingertips, before he suddenly moved.
Rolling you around swiftly amongst the sheets, Peter frantically searched for more physical contact. Desperate to be as close to your body as he could. The heat coursing through his veins heightened to a scorching blaze with your every touch. Your hands in his hair. Your lips and tongue against his. Peter let his own, trembling hands roam all over and down your body. A body he’d admired in secret for far too long a time, he now realized.
But now? You were here. In his bed. Melting into a hot, submissive puddle underneath him. And Peter, in an impatient, concupiscent state of mind…found he just couldn’t fucking hold back anymore.
“I’m sorry, baby. Fuck, I gotta have you. I gotta feel your pussy around me, babe. Please-” Peter whispered hotly into your lips, moaning with swirls of his tongue.
"P-Peter ~" You mewled his name, and he fell even weaker into your kiss.
He pulled away for a beat, his lips coated in sticky, sweet saliva. Peter jerked the collar of your crop top down, along with anything underneath. One of your tits popped out with a bounce, the nipple hardening upon exposure to the air. He palmed at your breast, leaning down to harshly sink his teeth into your neck. Peter's tongue traveled up to your ear, where he whispered with a whine.
“Look at this hot fuckin’ body. You been hidin’ all this from me? This whole time?” His thumb flicked your nipple, vibrating with a soft, superspeed buzz, "You got some bomb as hell titties, baby."
Those mild vibrations against your tit pulled quiet moans out of you. And you giggled at Peter's comment, bashfully shaking your head as you pulled him up for another kiss.
"No shit, they've been there the whole time, dumbass. All you had to do was ask." You breathed into his lips. And Peter huffed a hot laugh, lightly nipping your lip.
"Woulda asked sooner, had I known." He breathed, humming a low moan, " Sooooooo much sooner."
None of your clothes were pulled from your body. Peter was in too much of a rush to get his dick inside you. His speedy-fast brain sent itself straight into auto-pilot. There was no controlling his actions from this point onwards. Bye bye, rational thought. And using all the strength he had, Peter forced your legs apart. He threw both of your shoe-clad feet over his sweaty shoulders.
Peter’s hot fingers darted down to push your panties aside. And the instant his eyes gazed upon your righteous, angelic pussy; he choked out a whine of relief. Something instinctive. A sound he didn’t even mean to make. 
Shoving the front of his sweatpants down, Peter hastily grabbed his enlarged, aching cock. You glanced down curiously, just to have a sneaky peek at your best friend’s dick. And at the sight of it, you audibly gasped. Your cunt immediately reacted, weeping an onslaught of slick heat just for him. You also, just so happen to notice the thick, sticky cum coating his length. Which meant, Peter had quite literally creamed his pants sometime in the last five minutes or so. Your entire face lit like a match, colored strawberry red at this realization. And you couldn’t help but wonder what must have triggered such a strong reaction in him. That pink stuff Hank’s cookin’ up in his lab must be out of this world.Not a single word of warning was given, as Peter shoved his swollen, needy cock as deep into your pussy as it could go. Using his cum as lubricant, he forced his way quickly through your tight walls. Hitting your cervix in an instant. Hot, breathy moans smelling so sweet, rang out from above you. As Peter began relentlessly pounding you into oblivion. 
Your pussy was the holiest of holy sanctuaries. Fucking outrageous.  
“Fuck! Fuck, that’s it! God, baby, yer so tight. So fuckin’ wet-” Peter spilled every word, with no filter.
"P-Peter~! Ah! You feel so good, Peter~" You moaned. While plunging his cock into your dripping cunt, Peter dropped his head. Silver hairs pointed out in every direction, his bangs covering his eyes. And he posed a timid thought aloud.
"Pietro." His humid breath tickled your ear, "P-Please. "
If you could blush any further, you would have. Pleasant, tickling goosebumps erupted across your skin. Biting your lip, you frantically nodded. Your hands traveled to his hair, where you gently grabbed the sides of Peter's head to pull him up. You met his eyes with an adoring grin.
"Fuck me, Pietro. Please, fuck me fast. As fast as you wanna go, baby. I'm all yours." 
Peter nearly came, and you felt the veins of his cock vibrate against your walls as he fucked you. You threw your head back, whining with a coquettish squeak. 
Fucking you missionary wasn’t enough.
Peter hit all those spots inside you that made you squirm needily underneath him. But he wanted - no - needed to be even closer. He so badly wanted to hold you against him, while he made mindless, risky, speedy love to your perfect, little pussy. His thoughts were all the more amorous, as he felt the way your plushy walls squeezed around his cock. Choking out a groan, Peter took to pulling you with him. As he rolled around in a flash, adjusting positions.
“Gimme just a sec, princess.” He breathed.
Finally, at long last, he found something perfect. And so fucking close. Peter spooned you on the bed, wrapping his muscular arms tightly around your body. His muscles strained under his burning skin as he held you in a firm grip. And with his chest pressed to your back, he kept fucking you. Peter’s pulsating cock stretched you open so wide, pumping into your cunt at a faster pace.
Like, super speed fast. Fast enough to be so overwhelming, you couldn’t think straight (you were brainless on his dick at this point, honestly). But not so quick that he’d hurt you.
One of his big hands traveled down to your skirt, which he lifted up over your ass. Peter pressed himself even closer. Letting his pelvis meet the soft, bounce of your ass cheeks as he fucked you fast and hard. Only because you asked so nicely, and not at all because you had him completely pussy whipped. Burying his face in your neck, he inhaled your scent. And Peter peppered your skin in wet kisses.
He was close to his peak. Peter could feel it. These last, several, miserable hours had all been building up to this very moment. Dozens of nut-busting sessions later. This was definitely, without a shadow of a doubt, exactly what Peter needed. And for you to be the one to give it to him? Talk about a major fucking score.
Peter’s moans became even more desperate, more akin to pathetic cries the closer he got to release. His body flared up in a steaming heat, bracing itself for oncoming ecstasy. And Peter thrust his cock into you faster.
Faster. Faster. Faster. So much fucking faster.
“T-Too fast! Too fast, Pietr-I can’t! Please-” You suddenly cried, your cunt clamping down on Peter’s cock even tighter. If he didn’t slow down, you were surely going to squirt around his dick. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I can’t stop, babygirl. J-Just gimme- fuck, why are you so fuckin’ tight?? Fuck -just gimme one more second, please- ”
Your pussy fluttered, pulling his cock in deep. And Peter found it then. The cusp of his agonizing, excruciating journey through rampant, horny torment. A number of things helped guide him over. Your cute, broken squeals of pleasure were the first. Peter never would have guessed that anything could make you moan like that. But, fuck, he wanted to lock the sound of your cries deep into his core memory, for the rest of his days.
“Keep going, Pietro~! You’re- ahh -so fast, you’re gonna make me cum, baby!” 
Your movements further spurred him on. Peter was completely thrown, as you met each of his thrusts with the rocking of your hips. Your ass jiggling with every bounce against his pelvis. So soft. Even despite the overwhelming speed of Peter’s thrusts, you kept going for his sake. As though you couldn’t get enough of his cock. And Peter swore to himself, he would worship the ground you walked on once this was all over.
“I-I’m cumming Pietro! Cumming just for you! FUCK!!” You cried as your eyes rolled back. Your body erupting into a brainless, blissful, quivering mess of orgasmic euphoria.
Okay. Yeah. Peter was totally gonna make you his religion after this. 
“Yeah? Gonna cum fer me, babygirl? Please cum fer me. Please -” He moaned.
Peter felt the gummy walls of your cunt squeeze him in a vice grip. And he shut his eyes tightly, emitting an obscene, filthy moan. A hot gush of your slick sprayed from your pussy with each thrust of Peter’s cock. Staining his bedsheets and coating his thighs. 
The final nail in the coffin was the moment you turned your head just so. In your own, overstimulated, post-orgasmic daze. You pressed your cheek to Peter’s in a gesture of reassurance. A silent indication that you weren’t suffering too much as he fucked you at mach speed. Peter felt his heart flutter, much like a hummingbird, at the closeness. 
Maybe he really was in love with you. Maybe he wasn’t as influenced by boner plague as he thought.
A metaphorical coil tightened deep in Peter’s gut. Pleasurable, buzzing tingles bolted through every one of his nerves. Finally, the coil snapped. Something like a volcanic eruption of blistering, syrupy ecstasy freed him. Releasing Peter from the shackles of hard cock disease. One, last plunge of his thick cock in your cunt, and Peter lost it.
He spilled his sweet, sweltering cum so deep in your pussy; you could’ve sworn you felt the heat pooling in your belly. Peter filled you up with everything he had, until there was nothing left to give.
The wavering burns that once infected Peter’s body, finally began to subside. At long last.
Peter was left with a massive headache, and painfully sore muscles. And because he was so incredibly exhausted; he didn’t pull himself away from you. Nor did he pull out. For whatever reason, he couldn’t. Peter wanted to stay there. Buried deep. Pressed against your back. Forever, if you let him.
A blissful wave of sleepiness hit Peter like a truck. And a dopey grin spread across his face. Showing off those dimples again. Peter’s dark eyes fell half-lidded, the smokey rings around them so much more evident. He dropped his head to the pillows, his hair fluffy and tousled across the fabric of them. In his sleepy, mellow haze; Peter let out the dorkiest of giggles.
“Wow…wow- fuck…I can’t believe you actually let me do that, babe…holy shit…” He laughed in breathless disbelief, "You're a goddess."
As if priding himself on what he’d done to you, Peter thrust his hips upward. Just one more time for good measure. His softening dick remained buried between your slick walls. And his face scrunched up at the overstimulation of this movement alone. Peter eventually stopped altogether, instead choosing to nuzzle his nose into your back. Breathing in your scent.
“I think I’m in love with you.” He tiredly confessed.
Through your own exasperated pants of air, you scoffed. Laughing breathlessly at Peter’s unprompted statement.
“Please. Be serious, dude.” You huffed playfully, “You’re not in love with me. You were just really fuckin’ horny, Pietr-...Peter.”
You felt him shake his head, before he buried his nose further into your back. And he hummed in content.
“Mmmmm. No, like, I’m bein’ deadly serious, baby. Totally legit. We shoulda done this wayyyy sooner. Yer really hot ‘n stuff. And yer so cool. And so nice to me all the time…” Peter pulled you tighter against him, “ Call me Pietro again. I like the way it sounds when you say it.”
A pink hue - pink like the lab substance that started this entire, degenerative ordeal - flooded your cheeks. You brought a shaky hand to Peter’s hair, letting your fingers lightly massage his scalp.
“Pietro.~” You teased in a sultry, sing-song voice, “Y’know Hank’s gonna rip you a new one the next time he sees you, right?” The only response you got, were Peter’s soft snores. An echo of the first nap he’d taken since he was a small, troublesome child. Annoyed in the most affectionate of ways, you dropped your head to the pillows. And as carefully as you could, you pulled yourself from Peter’s cuddly grasp. His soft cock withdrew itself from your pussy with your movement. You shuddered, feeling a tingle that raced all the way down to your toes. 
Before tip-toeing to the basement bathroom for a shower, you took one last glance at Peter. Your best friend in the entirety of the expansive cosmos...who also just gave you the best dicking of your life. Lying there peacefully, quietly snoring. Looking a handsome goddamn mess. In his sleep, you noticed his fingers twitch. Another way for his body to expel pent up energy, you guessed.
Leaning over the bed, you placed a feather-light kiss to his forehead.
“Watch where you’re goin’ next time, dipshit.” You whispered with a soft smile.
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salty-an-disco · 3 months
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some more magical girls au stuff
and also some lore stuff:
– ‘The Echo’ is an immortal entity originated from the first ever echo to be created in that construct that trapped two gods. And now, eons later, this echo is obsessed with keeping a balance between the reincarnating pieces of these gods, and is always seeking out Quiet’s pieces reincarnations so that they always have the power to slay the pieces of the Princess that keep coming back. In this AU, this manifested as him basically making the voices magical girls
– the Echo is attached to a mirror; its shards used to make several hand mirrors he can be on at once and is how he communicates with the voices. Has mild shapeshifting abilities as an inky shadow that usually takes the form of a crow
– the Princesses create dimension bubbles around them ala Madoka Magica that change their surroundings to match their respective themes; they can only be dispersed by either killing the princess or helping them find closure in their stories (Echo conveniently doesn’t tell anyone about the latter option). They’ll always come back when they’re killed tho (often worse), and the cycle can keep going.
– Hero is in community college, studying law (it’s not his passion at all, but his family really wants him to be a lawyer and he can’t disappoint them!!), and often does gigs as a delivery boy for several businesses or other odd jobs. One of the newest magical girls alongside Contrarian – name in this AU is Hiro Capricórnio, and his transformed name is Starling; he has a stars and knight theme, and is able to summon a long, silver, feather that he uses as both a sword and a shield
– my Contra design kinda looks like a vocaloid so I decided he’s an actual superstar in his normal life who goes by the name ‘Contra Jester’ — their shows are always a fun spectacle that mixes in jokes and comedic gags in their musical performance (kinda like an inverse Bo Burnham, but with more lighthearted themes) – his AU name is Carter Thomfoolery (actual birth name) and their transformed name is Lyrical; has a music and clown theme and can summon a lyre that he uses to do all sorts of effects on the people affected
– Oppy is Carter’s agent and a senior magical girl. Doesn’t technically has any credentials to be managing a super star and was caught money laundering before, but hey! as long as he doesn’t try to meddle in their shows, Carter won’t sue them :) — was very concerned when they found out Carter was made a magical girl considering how unpredictable and uncontrollable they already are – AU name is Oscar Wilde and transformed name is Jack of Trades; has a showman/magician theme and can use the cards up his sleeves and his echoing voice to convince others to do what he wants
– Paranoid is a workaholic trying to get into medic school while juggling two part-time jobs and her responsibilities as a magical girl. Is very distrustful of the Echo in her mirror that gives her orders, but is EVEN MORE distrustful of the princesses; one of which is a recurring Nightmare she has only barely managed to defeat a few times. Tries to help/keep an eye on Lyrical and Starling, since she knows how it is to just start this off without much (helpful) guidance – AU name is Pamela Noid, and her transformed name is Little Shrike; has a plague doctor/engineer theme, the suitcase she carries can be opened to all sorts of contraptions that creates toxins and acid-filled bombs or guns, can also produce healing medicine (the pinnacle of “I’m a healer, but–”)
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tanoraqui · 3 months
queenship under siege and there's a WHAT in this mountain?! (LotR)
[re: badly described WIPs fics I almost certainly will never actually write - in the lead with 17.5% of the vote as of midnight 3/3/24]
I know I’ve said this before, because I do love it so, but:
The only reason, the ONLY reason, I would ever want the Arkenstone to be a Silmaril is this: the day after Aragorn leaves Rivendell with the Fellowship, Elrond summons Arwen to his study and bids her to go to Erebor.
"What?" she demands. "Surely I am needed here, or out in the wilds, marshaling the Rangers - "
"Your brothers will manage that, after they escort you," her father insists. "You must go to Erebor, and ask Dain to let you open Thorin's tomb, that you may look upon the Arkenstone. Gloin will help you - I spoke with him ere he left. Don't let anyone else know your purpose - as far as the world is concerned, I am sending my only daughter to a safe stronghold until Mordor is defeated."
"Are you not?" she cries. But he will explain no more than, "I think the jewel may be important to our oncoming war, but I wish you to assess it unbiased" - and he gives her two letters to read only once she's made her own judgement of the jewel.
So Arwen goes. The Misty Mountains are crawling with orcs, but in cloaks woven by their grandmother, she and her brothers slip through with only a few close calls. Elrohir and Elladan don't know why she's going even a little, save that their father bade it and (he said) their grandmother supported it. The problem with having Elrond for a father and Galadriel for a grandmother is that, while technically they may each be wrong at times (allegedly), in agreement they never are.
It's nice to have what may be one last journey with her brothers, at least. All three of them know that Elladan and Elrohir will soon be in battle alongside their cousins the Dúnedain, and for all Erebor's strength, it will soon be under attack. Rivendell might soon be under attack. Lothlórien might soon be under attack.
The twins leave almost as soon as the three of them arrive; they have other work to do. Dain barely protests letting Arwen mildly exhume his cousin in order to assess the famous jewel - he doesn't quite like letting an elf(ish person) near the Heart of the Mountain, but he is very worried about the black-armored army lurking across the River Carnen, and respects the wisdom of Elrond and his immediate kin.
Arwen sees the Arkenstone sitting calmly in the hands of of the fallen king, and she sees it clutched in the burning hand of a no-longer-king, fallen free from a twisted iron crown, stolen over a king's bloody body, hallowed by a Queen, forged in a fire like the world never saw again... It glows softly; its light matches that of the small crystal that hangs around her neck now, one of a set of three.
[Here me out: Galadriel made three: one for Celebrian and Elrond as a wedding gift, jointly from herself and Eärendil; one for thw twins upon their birth, and one for Arwen upon hers. Celebrian left hers behind when she Sailed; Galadriel gives it to Frodo.]
The letters are from Elrond and Galadriel, respectively. They say much the same thing:
I'm so sorry to spring this on you, and to make you a guardian of this secret
If the Ringbearer's quest fails and the Enemy regains his full power, please take the jewel (as freely giving by the dwarves if at all possible) and use it however you can to save everyone and everything that you can. (Elrond's says, "My parents will help as much as they can. Do not hesitate to ask for their or any other aid." Galadriel's says, "If you seek Undying Shores with mortals in tow, for succor or for more active aid, hold the Jewel high and beseech first Ulmo and his spirits, and then every single kin-relation you have, no matter the connection. Once you rouse the general populace, then approach the Valar - though don't appear to delay.)
Galadriel's says, "Círdan knows to potentially expect you." Elrond wrote, "If you see your mother before I do", stopped there and blotted it out.
Neither of them needs to say, We will hold the line, to buy you as much time as we can. Both say "I love you", "I'm sorry", and variations on, "I know you can do this."
Arwen made the Choice of Elros several decades ago: to live among Men as a Man, to take up queenship of a people at the start of a new Age of the World and rule until most of those she loved most had passed and it was time to follow as a Man. Now she faces the Choice of Elwing: to leave most of those she loved the most for dead and flee with Silmaril in hand and only the hope of the impossible to save a doomed continent.
(Or, if she was optimistic, the Choice of Lúthien: to face down the Lord of Death and demand back one single most beloved [for Aragorn could not live while Sauron triumphed], and steal him away for many peaceful decades ere doom fell entirely, their own best efforts done. But Lúthien had been, in her glorious way, very selfish, and Arwen was not.)
The reason I haven't started writing this fic and probably never will is that I have a perfect sense of what I believe kids call the vibes - the mood, the tone, themes, the visual and emotional aesthetic - and none of actual, like, events of the story.
It's about Arwen's final trial of leadership and diplomacy, before she (hopefully) takes up a throne of Gondor, being living with Dwarves for three months under threat and then fact of war. Helping in the infirmary. Participating in strategy discussions, because war isn't her area of expertise but she has participated a few times, in her nearly 3,000 years of life. Mediating as a neutral party on inevitable conflicts between Dwarves the Men, especially in the last week and a half when they're under high stress while besieged together with two kings dead in the field.
Carrying a torch in the deep corridors of the Mountain because she's Mannish enough not to see naturally in the dark. Standing extra watches because she's Elvish enough to see well in starlight, especially if the Star in question is her grandfather; and getting scouting reports from the local thrushes, because they're talkative and Melian's heirs have always had a knack for the speech of birds.
Busying herself with sewing a banner for Aragorn, with jewel-stars and a crown of mithril and gold - for her elders have appointed her as their last hope, and she shall hold it for them and for all the people she can save if in the end she must; but her Estel fights in the field. The night the armies of Mordor cross the river to strike at Dale, she stands on the summit of the Lonely Mountain and calls a friend among the Eagles, who takes the finished banner in her talons and bears it south to where Arwen's brothers and cousins ride to Aragorn's side.
(She shares dreams with him sometimes - but she must keep secret a thought that beats in her like a heartbeat, and he must devote all his thought to the quest and the war. So they don't speak much.)
It's about the crushing weight of history and legacy and the very practical matters of running a kingdom in duress. It's about multicultural exchange. It's about love and hope and a hundred different OCs, most of whom will never be recorded in history books even if they die heroically or steal siege-stores to sell on the black market, or simply live and thus deserve to do so. It's about hard work and mortality.
It's about how 77 years after the Battle of Five Armies, Dain II Ironfoot swings his axe until he falls defending the body of Brand King of Dale, son of Baird son of Bard the Dragonslayer, and their people all take refuge in the Mountain together; and Arwen tends the wounded with the Songs she learned from her father and the neat stitches her mother taught her for first cloth, then skin; and she walks among the frightened people - none of them remotely her people; Dwarves and entirely common Men, mostly descended from easterners migrating slowly west - and knows that if these are all she can save, she will gladly die or live as she must in order to do so; and the people hearken a little to see her pass by with starlight in her eyes and on her breast.
And then - after an eternity of painful anticipation, after what feels like no time at all - the Shadow passes, and the wait and tension abruptly lift.
They very much do still have to go defeat that army before the gates, though.
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storiesforallfandoms · 3 months
she is mine ~ mick mars
word count: 2044
request?: yes!
@midsummereve1993​ “can you do a mick mars where reader and him are dateing but she pregnant by somebody else who didn't want to be a father. reader goes into labor and mick is there to help her when she gives birth to her daughter to which mick gives the baby his last name because reader wanted him to adopt her since the baby real father didn't anything to do with reader or the baby”
description: in which she worries that no one will want her or her unborn daughter, but he proves her wrong
pairing: mick mars x female!reader
warnings: swearing, pregnancy, rpf
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Dating while pregnant felt like an impossible task. Not that I was trying to date or anything. Having the guy you thought was your endgame suddenly up and leave you because you’re having his child tends to destroy a person’s trust and confidence. But at the same time, I wasn’t going to turn away from someone who was flirting with me.
I was always up front with anyone who showed interest in me about my pregnancy. I wasn’t about to spring a baby fathered by another man on some poor, unsuspecting guy. But usually that honesty resulted in a swift end to a date, or if it was someone casually flirting with me, they would quickly move on to someone else. Once my bump became more visible, I was avoided like the plague.
I’ll be honest, it made me feel unlovable. Like carrying a child and becoming a mother suddenly made me undesirable. My hormones were already going crazy because of the pregnancy, so the undesired feeling was just heightened. I had come to terms with the fact that I was likely going to be a single mother, and there was nothing wrong with that. My first and most important concern was taking care of my baby and making sure she was happy and healthy. But on the other hand, it would’ve been nice to have someone to help me raise the baby.
And then my friend took me to an album release party.
I was about halfway through my pregnancy when we went, so the bump was very evident. I wasn’t too into parties anymore since I couldn’t drink, but she begged me to be her plus one and told me the band would be there. I knew vaguely of the band, but it wasn’t really my genre of music. I decided to go though, to spend time with my friend if nothing else. She promised we’d leave the second I wanted to.
I was stood off to the side, watching all the not pregnant people enjoying their time. I was sipping on some soda, wondering at what point I would go grab my friend so we could leave.
I was shocked when I was approached by a man.
“Are you doing okay?” he asked.
“I’m okay,” I confirmed. “Why do you ask?”
“Well, you are in a room full of drunk and drugged out people while being in a ...different predicament.”
I chuckled and put a hand on my bump. “What if I’m just fat?”
“Then that drink in your hand would’ve been all over me already.”
“Okay, fair point. I’m just here with my friend so she could have a plus one. I’m not...you know, partaking in the party.”
That’s when I happened to look back at the room and saw all the attention on the two of us. I awkwardly shuffled under their watchful eyes.
“Why are they staring?” I whispered.
He looked at me, confused. “Seriously?” I shrugged. “I’m Mick Mars. The drummer for Motley Crue?”
I gasped. At that moment, a loud announcement of the other band members’ arrival drew everyone’s attention away from the two of us. The party was suddenly dialed up a notch, and Mick lightly took my arm and guided me out of the loud room. We ended up going outside so it was less stuffy and there were less people.
“So, you really didn’t know who I was?” he asked, a playful smile on his face.
I shook my head. “I’ll be honest, I’ve only heard your stuff on the radio. I’m not, like, a big fan or anything. I’m sorry.”
“No! It’s actually refreshing to meet someone who isn’t falling over themselves when they meet me. The others like that, but not me. I’m too old for that shit.”
“You don’t seem that old.”
“My body definitely feels that old.”
I leaned against the wall behind us. My back was starting to ache. Or, I guess it was starting to ache worse than usual. Having to carry around this growing belly was doing a number on my back and legs. I leg out a sigh as I let the wall take the weight of me.
“Is the, uh, father okay with you going out to parties?” Mick asked.
I scoffed. “I’m sure he wouldn’t give a shit even if he knew. He left when I found out I was pregnant.”
“Oh, that’s terrible.”
I missed the slight look of happiness on his face.
It took Mick one day after we met to ask me out on a date, and then it took two weeks for him to make our relationship official. Suddenly, I went from feeling undesirable to being the girlfriend of a major rockstar.
Mick became very involved with my pregnancy, too. When he found out when my due date was, he made sure to tell the band he was taking the entire month off so he could be with me when I went into labor, and be with me and the baby after she was born. When he was on tour, he would constantly call me to see how I was doing, and when he wasn’t on tour he came to my appointments with me. He even came up with a couple baby names.
“Vince thinks you should name the kid after the band,” he told me one night while we were on the phone.
“God,” I groaned. “I hope no one ever procreates with him.”
“Too late. His girlfriend just found out she’s pregnant.”
“Oh, but now she and I can be the band moms! That’s exciting. Tell her to name the kid, though.”
It almost felt foreign to me, having someone care so deeply for me and my baby. I mean, of course my parents were a big help, and so was my friend, but this was different. This was someone who met me and decided they could love not only me, but also my unborn child. It was someone who wasn’t afraid to take up the responsibility of a child that wasn’t his. Not biologically, anyways. But with the way Mick was treating me and helping me with my pregnancy, this baby was more his than the prick who actually knocked me up.
I didn’t want to get too attached, though. Even though Mick was showing how committed he was to me and the baby, it was still only early on in our relationship. I hated to admit it, but I was insecure while he went on tour. Even though he assured me that he was not the type of guy who was into meaningless hookups with young groupies (”I’m too old for that shit,” he had said again), I couldn’t help but picture all the beautiful young woman who would likely be throwing themselves at him every night. All the women with slimmer bodies than mine, who weren’t wildly emotional because of pregnancy hormones and weren’t craving weird food combinations and getting emotional when they couldn’t eat those food cravings. I didn’t want to grow too attached to him, to think of him as a life partner and a father to my daughter, and then have him leave the same way my ex had.
But Mick proved to me every day that that wasn’t the case. With every call, every check in, every doctor’s appointment he attended, I felt those insecurities fading away.
And, like he promised, he was there when my water broke. He rushed me to the hospital, holding my hand the entire way and talking to me to calm me down. He was there as I was brought into the delivery room, and when the doctor’s tried to tell him he couldn’t stay, I screamed through the pain of another contraction that yes, he was staying.
I was afraid the birth would freak him out. It freaks out most people the first time they see it happen. But Mick held my hand through it, looking at me and telling me how good I was doing, until the first cries of my daughter brought his attention to her. He watched as the doctor’s cut the umbilical cord and took her to wash her and coddle her.
“She’s so tiny,” he told me as he squeezed my hand. “You did amazing, baby.”
I only held her for a short period of time, just enough to initiate some skin to skin contact with her and to lull her cries. I had a nurse take her so that I could rest after the exhaustion hit me so suddenly.
When I woke up, I was in my own private room. The door was closed to muffle any of the noise going on in the hallway. I turned my head to look over at the chair next to me, and I could’ve sobbed at the sight. Mick was sat there, cradling the new baby girl in his arms. He had a small smile on his face as he looked down at her, rocking her gently.
He looked up and noticed I was awake. “Hey. Good morning, sleepy head.”
“Shut up, I just gave birth,” I said, teasingly. “How long have I been asleep?”
“A few hours, I think. I’m kind of surprised she didn’t wake you with her crying, but maybe you were just too exhausted.”
“She cried?”
He nodded. “Yeah, very briefly. I didn’t want her to wake you, so I tried rocking her, and it seems that’s all she needed.”
I extended my arms to him. “Can I see her?”
He stood and slowly walked over to the bed. She handed her to me, making sure I was supporting her body and head before letting her go completely into my arms. He was right, she was so tiny. I didn’t think a person could be so tiny in my life. She had little cheeks already, a small whisps of hair already peaking out from under her pink hat.
“She’s adorable,” I said. “Hey baby girl. Welcome to the world.”
“The doctor’s were in earlier asking about a name for her,” Mick explained. “I said it was best if they waited for you to wake up.”
“Oh yeah, I guess I didn’t get to give you a name before I passed out,” I said. “Well, lucky for you baby girl, I already have one picked out. And it’s a pretty name, too. Dahlia, after mommy’s favorite flower.”
Mick smiled. “I like that name.”
We were silent for a moment, just gazing at the sleeping baby together. I raised my legs a little to rest her against them. She stirred slightly, but just enough to shift a little then fall back to sleep.
“I was thinking,” Mick said, bringing my attention to him. “And if this is too forward or anything you can let me know. We’ve only been together a few months so I completely understand, but how would you feel about giving Dahlia my last name?”
For a moment, I thought I had hallucinated. The pain meds from the birth must not have worn off. There was no way he had actually asked that.
“Again, it’s totally fine if you want to say no. I was just thinking...I don’t intend on going anywhere. I love you so much, and I already love Dahlia so much. I know I’m not biologically her dad, but to me, she is mine. I want her to have my last name. Eventually I could legally adopt her as mine, too, and maybe you’ll end up having my last name too.”
If I didn’t have a baby on my lap, I would’ve thrown my arms around Mick and kissed over every inch of his face. Instead, all I could do was nod my head as tears started to run down my face.
“Yeah,” I said. “Yeah, I’d love that.”
Mick’s smile was bright enough to light up a room. He leaned down to kiss me, gently and quickly as to not disturb Dahlia, then moved to kiss her gently on her forehead.
“Wait, isn’t your real last name Deal?” I asked. He nodded, which made me giggle. “Dahlia Deal. Double D.”
“Oh God, please do not tell the guys that. That’ll be her nickname for the rest of her life.”
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 4 months
what's YOUR take on bully gojo x reader?
(my take is that that tag should have more diversity because it's all the same dub/non con humiliation shtick where the reader has no backbone in the slightest. you can literally speedrun ninety-nine percent of that tags content if you've read even one story from it. which like, nothing is inherently wrong that but geez get some new moves)
like that one twt that blew up said ー when it comes to being mean while suguru is passive aggressive about it, gojo is more open about it. whether that's directly calling someone weak or saying that they're personality will result in them having no friends
so most of what he'd spew your way is going to be verbal so my own personal spin on bully!gojo x reader would likely boil down to:
reader: gojou, just be honest; you want me don't you? utahime: oop
the kind of reader who takes everything in stride by being a bit of a shit starter. "you wanna kiss me so bad, man, it's okay to just say it". because as far as you're concerned, anyone putting that much effort into fucking with you on a daily basis clearly has you rent free in their mind and that's something to relish in.
as far as you're concerned, the best way to get back at the shit gojou does is letting it roll off your back. it works in your benefit in the end since your conversations with him turn into semi-joking flirty banter as you talk shit right back to him.
truly, a winner is you.
"when it comes down to it, i really don't give a shit. objectively, you are stronger than me. cool. but at the of the day, you're just some guy who got lucky being born gojou satoru the dude with the six eyes and limitless and if you didn't have that, who would you even be? so if you wanna keep talking shit about me and all go ahead. i just feel sorry for you."
you don't mean for the guy to take what you said so deep but clearly what you said got under his skin. when it came down it, dude was talking shit so you decided to talk shit right back. he could have done anything he wanted after that but considering how he doubled down on the shit he was doing before, you can argue the fact that you're the winner here
gojou really is just some guy who got dealt the world's luckiest hand at birth.
if he didn't have his limitless or his six eyes, who is he then?
absolutely no one.
the fact he is getting all in a tizzy about you saying it means he finds inherent truth in your statement and he doesn't like whatever he found in the little reflection he did on it. clearly being the strongest means a lot to him because what is he without that? unlike bro bro you actually have a life and friends outside of the world of jujutsu you're both in.
you have an out.
you have options.
you take pity on the guy when the guy gets his ass handed to him by the zenin reject though. you might not like each other but you don't want him dead. so you decided to be nice for a couple weeks; something he doesn't react well too. after all, if he hadn't almost died, you wouldn't be walking on eggshells around him.
but he mostly just resents that even if for a moment, he had solid proof of what you said.
just for a moment, he was just some guy. it didn't matter that he was gojou satoru the moment zenin toji shoved a knife through his throat. his limitless? didn't mean shit. neither did his six eyes. he was scared for the first time in his life.
so if he isn't gojou satoru, who is he?
you tell him he should take some time to branch out and find out who that it is.
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loganthrives · 2 months
RimWorld: Anomaly
I want to tell y'all a story.
So. RimWorld's fourth DLC Anomaly released this week, and for the past two days I've been playing it almost non-stop. I'll put it below the cut because its obviously a crapton of spoilers, but I'm just kind of blown away at how much story this DLC adds to the infamous story generator game.
Like, I have over 4,000 hours in this game and this is the first time that its felt like its telling me an actual story.
Spoilers ahead! TW: child death in the context of this cruel cruel video game:
I had this colonist join named Bristle who was described as a "leathery stranger" with a unique ability - he can blow up animals (and people, presumably) with his mind into hunks of twisted flesh. I said, sure, why not! Join my colony, what's the worst that could happen?!
Well, the worst that could happen is he went and studied a monolith on the beach outside of my base and it teleported him into a strange grey labyrinth. Pretty much just as soon as he got here, he's now trapped in some kinda void maze. Great!
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It took me a couple of rooms before I noticed the markings on the floor, so once I realized I could read them I examined every single one I could find.
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The messages are... Evocative, but they start giving me names. I'm wondering this whole time, who is Raisa? And who is Tom? I checked all of my colonists - I don't have anyone by either name. Are they people I should know? Or... People I haven't met yet?
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Fortunately, because Bristle had literally just joined my colony, he came with his own rifle and 12x fine meals, so he could actually bum around and hang out in the labyrinth for a pretty long time. I ended up mapping out the entire thing before his last 6 meals disappeared from his inventory.
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I found a couple rooms with fleshspikes - those are these pink little flesh monsters with a giant protruding spike coming out of their heads? - but thanks to Bristle's ability to explode creatures with his mind, I just... Exploded it.
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I also found a couple groves of trees underground, a couple of horses randomly, and some bottomless pits. I was tempted to walk over one just to see what would happen (and savescum out of it ofc), but I didn't end up doing it.
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I'm really concerned about Tom and Raisa though. Are they okay? Did they make it out?
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I'm especially concerned about Tom. That... Doesn't sound okay.
And then I push through yet another door.
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This is Raisa... And Tom.
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I gasped out loud in real life. Nora came over to check on me because holy shit, that's so sad. Suddenly their notes makes sense. The obelisk abducted a woman and her child, and they got stuck in here for who knows how long. The wounds they had indicated that a fleshspike had done this to them.
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I went to the exit - I had found it earlier, I just wanted to keep exploring. Thankfully, everything that had been left behind was kicked out of the labyrinth with Bristle when it collapsed on itself and the obelisk itself vanished from sight.
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Including Raisa and Tom. I had to give them a proper burial. Wish I could've done more.
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The messages were all from Raisa after she lost her son Tom.
I had done the two researchers one ghoul story start because I wanted to dive right into the DLC, and one of those researchers, Rose, arrived pregnant. Baby Thorn is almost three years old and still doesn't have a name.
Its kind of funny, because when I first landed she idly wandered near the monument, and I had one of those gamer coincidences where she walked by it right at the same time I got the notification that she was pregnant.
So I wound up continuing this colony even though it was a crap start, thinking I'd get some kind of void baby out of the deal? Nope, normal baby, normal birth. He's just chilling in his crib being looked after by the whole community as happy as can be. She must've been pregnant on the screen where I selected her for my colony and I just missed that detail.
Another funny thing about this kid, is that his father is Unknown, and apparently Rose's ex was the ghoul Kaito that I also started with. So, presumably, it was her ghoul (ex) husband's son, but the game's code doesn't seem to be able to link him as the other parent, either because he's a ghoul or because it happened as part of the game's starting conditions. Also she's actually gay on her character sheet, so I dunno how that worked for them? Ehh, I'm not gunna judge.
Anyways, I'm thinking about naming him Tom.
Here's hoping he has a long and full life.
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