#i would never treat someone the way you treated me
the knowing || matt sturniolo & chris sturniolo
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SMUT 18+ MINORS DNI. this is for the twilight girls and the twilight girls only. if you aren’t rockin w dat this fic is not for you. teehee threesome with matt and chris makes me go bark bark (no pun intended). also, YES I HAVE HEARD THE CRIES OF THE PEOPLE. SLIDE PART TWO IS COMING.
You were sick of this shit.
The triplets did this to you every single year. Every single year they’d make plans with you on Halloween. And every single year they’d bail on you with no explanation. You had been family friends with the triplets since you all were wearing pampers. The older you all got, the more annoyed you became. It didn’t always used to be this way. They only started acting strange around puberty. Matt and Nick were the first to bail, Chris joining them around fourteen.
Every single year they’d never explain themselves. They’d smother you in apologies and lame excuses. Ones you’d heard millions of times before. But you adored the boys, your love for them overriding the disrespect they gave you every Halloween. But this year as a fresh twenty one year old, you were over it. All four of you were the legal drinking age, this being the first Halloween any of you could legally consume alcohol.
And again, they ditched you. You clutched your phone in your hand, your thumbs typing away angry and insulting text messages. You were rotating between the three of them, texting and calling away. You sighed as you switched to Chris’s texting thread. Your eyes narrowed as you noticed his location was on and was located in the depths of the forest behind your local park. Was he partying there? Were they partying there? Without you?
You knew it was a bad idea to go there. To potentially show your ass, acting insane in front of a bunch of strangers. But as you glanced over at your unused tinkerbell costume, you shoved all of those thoughts aside. You deserved an answer. To see firsthand what the boys were doing and why they felt like they could treat you like this. Little did you realize the knowing would change the course of your life forever.
You clutched the strap of your backpack as you trampled through the woods. You had to admit the scenery was eerie. The moon was your only source of light, the beams dimly illuminating your path. Owls hooting was the only source of sound you could hear, besides the leafs crunching beneath your boots. The farther you walked the more you began to resent your three best friends. Goosebumps were rising across your skin, the breeze mercilessly sending a chill down your spine.
You shouldn’t even have to do this. Your best friends should’ve been there for you and not ditched you. You pulled out your phone and continued to follow his location, the tracker indicating he was only two minutes away. It was off putting that there was no bonfire in sight or any indication of human life at all. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a large shadow, your head snapping in that direction. Hesitantly you turned on your phones flashlight, pointing it in that direction. Maybe you were becoming paranoid. Then again, you were in a forest full of unaccounted for wild life.
A gush of wind soared behind you, your intuition signaling someone else was here. “Hello? Chris? Nick?” You called out, your voice echoing throughout the trees. That alone was unsettling, your breath becoming shallow. You could feel your heart begin to speed up, your eyes darting in every direction to find the source. “Chris if that’s you this isn’t funny,” You say, silently praying it was Chris. You began to back up slowly, your hand slightly shaking as you clutched onto your phone for dear life. A firm set of hands gripped onto your shoulders, a scream escaping your lips. Your shriek of terror was muffled by the strangers hand, your limbs thrashing out of instinct.
You were quickly turned around, a concerned Matt standing before you. “Hey hey hey look at me, it’s me,” Matt said. He removed his hand from your mouth, your eyes narrowing. “You are such a bitch for ditching me again how could you-” You began, before noticing something that made your cheeks flush pink. Matt was almost completely naked, the only thing concealing him from you being a pair of black boxers. “Why are you naked?” You questioned. It was then you noticed how well defined his muscles had become. Despite his thin frame he was well built underneath the baggy clothes he wore.
“I’m not naked,” Matt argued. You began to giggle, poking his chest. “You are so naked. So tell me, who’s the lucky girl? I never took you for an exhibitionist,” You laughed. You had hoped your cheeks weren’t visibly red, his revealing skin making you flustered. Matt firmly grabbed your shoulders. “Y/n look at me, keep your voice down,” He whispered. Nervously Matt looked over his shoulder, as if he was looking for something. Someone. “Why are you here? You can’t be here,” Matt told you. He began guiding you towards the direction you came, his hands pulling you like you weighed nothing.
You yanked away from his grasp, offended. “Yes I can. It is not fair you all ditch me every single year then expect me to just piss off. I’m a person too and I-” You began arguing, Matt’s hand resuming its place over your mouth. You couldn’t help but feel your heart skip a beat, your stomach swarming with butterflies. Matt’s ear visibly twitched, as if he could hear your heart too. “Listen I promise I will explain everything to you but you need to go right now, it’s for your own good,” Matt urged. He kept his hand on your mouth, his gaze settling on something behind you.
You attempted to turn your head, Matt’s hand firmly keeping your hand in place. “Do you trust me?” He asked you, his eyes never straying from whatever was behind you. You nodded, fear ensuing as Matt’s gaze darkened. “Run in the direction behind me and don’t look back,” He ordered. A low rumbling was forming at the pit of his throat, an audible growl making your eyes widen. Matt released you and gently shoved you behind him.
Your feet didn’t allow you to stay in place, even though your fearful curiosity was nagging you. Running was never your strong suit, but you felt like an unskilled track star as you weaved in between the trees. You couldn’t help but feel terrified, the sounds of faint growls echoing throughout the forest. Your lungs were beginning to burn, your mouth open as you attempted to intake oxygen. Your legs were straining themselves, a gasp screaming your lips as you were roughly shoved to the ground.
Admittedly you panicked, quickly turning yourself around and crawling backwards. Your eyes widened as Chris stood before you, his orbs an unfamiliar shade of crimson red. It matched the blood that stained his chin and lips, his sights centered on you. He inhaled deeply, your heart pounding in your chest. “You have never smelled more delicious,” Chris praised. You felt yourself blinking slowly, your worry replaced with comfort. Your best friend was standing before you covered in blood, yet you felt perfectly at ease. He somehow seemed more cocky than normal, a bold smirk crossing his lips.
Before you could blink a large shadow shoved Chris aside, my eyes attempting to follow. An abnormally large wolf stood in front of you defensively, baring itself teeth at Chris. The brunette was quick to retaliate, baring his own set of fangs.
Hypnotizing her? Really?
Matt’s voice had entered your mind, invading it against your will. You swallowed as your eyes flickered up to the wolves ears, noticing a familiar cross earring Matt wore. “M-Matt?” You whispered. The wolves golden eyes wondered over to you, letting out a small confirming huff with his snout. Boldly you rose to your feet. “What’s wrong with Chris?” You asked. The forest had grown silent, the only audible sounds being the brothers that stood before you. One was in a defensive stance, the other ready to attack. Processing that Matt was some sort of shape shifter was off of the table. But was Chris an actual vampire?
“You know I hate trying to talk to you in wolf form,” Chris said. Matt glanced over at you, your hands nervously clutching the sleeves of your jacket.
Behave yourself Christopher.
Matt’s gaze landed on you once more.
I’d close my eyes if I was you.
His words of advice went in one ear and out of the other. You watched in amazement as he shifted back to the human Matt you knew and loved in seconds. Again he stood in his boxers, heat dashing across your cheeks. “Awe someone likes to see Matt all exposed,” Chris teased. In a flash he was behind you, his hands gripping your waist. Your back pressed against his chest, one of his arms wrapping around your shoulders. “Chris you need to chill the fuck out, she’s our friend, not food,” Matt snarled. Chris brushed some of your hair away from your neck, inhaling deeply as the tip of his nose trailed across your skin.
“If only you could smell her Matthew, you’d understand,” Chris hummed. He flattened out his tongue, dragging it from the bottom of your neck to the top. You let out a tiny whimper, your core beginning to throb with desire. “W-what’s going on here?” You managed to question, ignoring the smirk that had grown across Chris’s face. Protectively Matt tried to pull you closer to him, resulting in you being squished between the two of them. Matt cupped your face in his hands again, his soft touch contrasting to Chris’s.
“When we hit puberty we began changing. All of us, except for Chris. Me, Nate, and Nick began to be able to shift into what you just saw,” Matt explained. You nodded as you searched his eyes for the golden you saw moments before. “Like werewolves?” You questioned. You heard Chris chuckle from behind you. “We call ourselves shifters but yes, just like that,” He said affirmatively. Chris’s hands began to massage your waist, your panties dampening at his actions and the close proximity to an exposed Matt. “A-and Chris?” You stuttered, trying to keep composure.
“We originally thought Chris was a late bloomer, but he doesn’t carry the shifter gene. So to ensure his spot in the monster community he hunted down a vampire to be turned,” Matt said flatly. It was obvious Matt didn’t agree with Chris’s decision. “Shifters stop aging at twenty five, why would I want to be the only one growing old forever?” Chris huffed. Matt’s eyes shot daggers directly at his brother, his patience running thin. “Yeah the hot shot behind you is a newborn, decided tonight was the night he wanted to be turned,” Matt sighed.
You tried to ignore the two of them pressing against you closer, the boys unfazed being so closed to you. “Nice going by the way. Your location is what led her here you dumbass,” Matt spat. Defensively you shoved his hands away from your face. “Hey you guys are the ones that kept that secret away from me all of these years,” You argued. Matt sighed. “It’s complicated okay?” He said. Chris rolled his eyes as he continued to inhale your delicious scent. Your smell was nauseatingly sweet, unlike the deer he had been hunting prior. “She was going to notice at some point anyways,” Chris bickered.
Your breath hitched as Chris began placing slow kisses on your shoulder. “Cut it out,” Matt added, glaring at Chris. You swallowed nervously as Chris grinded himself against you from behind, your mouth running dry. “Take a moment and use that sense of smell of yours. What do you smell?” Chris asked. You gulped as Matt inhaled deeply, his gaze falling to your body. He felt so oblivious, your nipples visibly hardened and your arousal flooding his nostrils. “Fucking hell,” Matt grumbled. He brought his face closer to yours. “You want me?” He asked softly.
Chris began sucking at your neck, a groan escaping your lips. “Both, want you both,” You answered affirmatively. You could feel Chris smirk as he shared a look with Matt. The brunette in front of you brought his lips to yours, passionately kissing you. You whimpered as you wrapped your arms around his neck, attempting to keep up with his rough pace. “Careful Matt, you can’t be too rough with her,” Chris reminded him, his own lips attaching to your neck. He was sucking at your skin, doing everything in his power to control himself from sinking his fangs into your soft flesh.
Matt gently bit at your bottom lip, teasingly pulling on it as one of his hands slithered down to your jeans. He held eye contact with you as he unbuttoned them, shoving the zipper downwards. Chris released your neck with a pop, a hickey already forming against your skin. You bit your bottom lip, attempting to contain your unholy noises.His hands strayed from your waist, sliding under your shirt. “Cmon pretty girl, let me hear those noises you’re hiding,” Chris purred. His cold hands slid under your bra with ease, teasing and twisting at your hardened nipples.
You audibly moaned as Matt’s hand slid down to your panties at the same time, teasingly brushing over the fabric. “Fuck, she’s soaked,” Matt commented. His fingertips were ghosting over your aching cunt. Your core demanded attention, a whine escaping your lips. “Yeah? You all wet for us?” Chris snickered. You licked your swollen lips as he continued squeezing at your mounds of flesh. “Y-yes oh my- please-” You pleaded. Matt smirked as he began rubbing your panties with just the slightest bit of more pressure. He enjoyed seeing you so riled up, your cheeks flushed red and your eyes threatening to flutter closed.
“Please what? Tell me what you want me to do. I’m all yours,” Matt whispered. If Chris wasn’t there Matt would’ve sank to his knees and eaten you out until you cried from overstimulation. Yet Chris was there, so he instead awaited your instructions. “Please finger me. Need something, anything,” You whined. Matt shoved your panties to the side, shoving two fingers inside of your soaked entrance. “Holy fuck, Chris you have got to feel how wet she is,” Matt said, curling his fingers inside of you. Chris grinned mischievously as he twisted one of your nipples.
“I think I will,” He hummed. He wrapped one arm across your chest to keep you in place, his other cold hand slithering down to your aching clit. The coldness of his touch against your throbbing heat made you moan even louder. “So fucking tight,” Matt murmured, pumping his fingers inside of you. Chris’s fingertips began drawing fast circles around your clit, the boy behind you wanting to cum as fast as possible. Curses and mantras of the boys names left your lips, your body feeling like it was on fire.
“Such a dirty little thing. Letting two monsters use you like this,” Chris spat. The temptation to suck your blood was ensuing, his eyes lingering on the previously formed hickies. Matt began finger fucking you faster, his spare hand grabbing the sides of your throat. “No no you’re a good girl aren’t you? Our good little play thing?” Matt huffed. You babbled an agreement, the knot in your stomach tightening profusely. He squeezed the sides of your throat tighter, the brunette taking note of the wall your walls squeezed around his fingers as he did so. “Thats it, go on. Cum for us,” Chris huffed, licking his dry lips.
You forced your eyes to open, Matt holding you in intense eye contact. “Fucking, fuck!” You moaned, your walls spasming around Matt’s fingers as you came. Chris’s assault on your clit had temporarily subsided, your heart racing as you came down. “I need a distraction otherwise i’m not going to be able to stop myself,” Chris admitted. He could hear your blood flowing through your veins, your heart pounding as you came down from your orgasm. Matt’s ears visibly twitched, his head turning over his shoulder.
“Well you got yourself one, here comes Nick,” Matt said. He quickly helped you button up your jeans before gathering your hair and concealing your hickies. Both Matt and Chris stood awkwardly at your side, awaiting for Nicks arrival. A smaller wolf jumped out of the bushes into the clearing, eyeing the three of you suspiciously. The wolves motions were so sassy you could practically see Nick standing in front of you.
Anything you two want to tell me?
Matt brought his fingers to his mouth, nonchalantly licking your juices off of them. “Well we finally told her,” Chris said cheerfully, trying to focus on the wet dog smell instead of the sound of your blood pumping. You could’ve swore Nicks wolf form had an eyebrow, if so the eyebrow was raised.
Right, anything else?
Matt took his fingers out of his mouth, shaking his head. “Nope nothing at all,” He replied. Nick rolled his eyes, cocking his head to the left.
It’s almost morning we’ll discuss this later.
His golden eyes flickered across the three of you suspiciously.
And next time at least try to be subtle and hide your boners, holy fuck.
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morganski-19 · 2 days
Chills Right to the Marrow Part 12
part 1, prev part
The Chief walks into the hospital room the next day in full uniform. Pulling out his key ring and setting the key in the lock. The cuffs open, clacking against each other as he takes them back.
Eddie is free.
“I owe you an apology, I should have taken these off a long time ago.”
Wayne looks at the Chief, wondering if he should be grateful or angry. “Why happed with the feds?”
“They agreed to point the other way. Still looking for a fall guy, but it won’t be your nephew. I made sure of that.”
“Thank you.”
The Chief huffs. “Don’t be thanking me. You should thank Harrington, he really knocked some sense into my head.”
That seems to happen often. Through his actions, the way that he talks to people. The way that he’s respected Wayne’s boundary to leave him and Eddie alone. The way he cares for Dustin. Cares for Eddie even when Wayne didn’t want him too. Fought for the things he knew were true, never giving up.
Wayne really needed to talk to him.
“I hear he’s been getting better,” the Chief continues. Taking the seat next to Wayne.
Wayne nods. “Yeah, wakin’ up slowly. Should be able to talk again in a few days.”
The Chief nods. “I know I was really dragging my feet to get the cuffs off, but my offer still stands. If you need anything, feel free to give me a call. I still can’t tell you everything that happened, but as time goes on, you’re going to have a lot of questions. I can hopefully give you some answers. Lend a hand when you need me to.”
There’s going to be a lot of things that Wayne will never understand. Life has shown him that already. There were things that he didn’t understand before and learned to.
He can do it all again. Try to ignore the need for answers and try to understand. Have the patience he had when Eddie was younger. As he was learning how to be the person Eddie needed him to be.
“I appreciate that, Chief.”
“Please, just call me Jim.”
Jim leaves a little after that. Giving Wayne some space. He goes on a walk a little while later. Wanting some fresh air. Coming back to see Dustin heading down the hall, Steve sitting peacefully in the waiting room. Looking a hell of a lot better than yesterday.
“Can I talk to you?” Wayne sits down across from him. Ready to actually have a conversation with him for once.
Steve sits up a bit straighter, trying to make a better impression. “Yeah, sure.”
Wayne clears his throat. “I owe you an apology. You never gave me a reason to treat you the way I did and it was harsh of me to assume things about you. It’s not an excuse, but I was angry at a lot of things and seein’ you walk out of here fine while Eddie’s not. . . It was an easy thing for me to be mad at.”
“I don’t blame you. I think I would have reacted the same if it was my kid in Eddie’s position. You really have nothing to apologize for.”
“But I do,” Wayne insists. “You all clearly went through something that I don’t fully understand. I had no right to keep you from seeing him.”
Steve has a look a mix emotions. Like he’s fighting between gratitude and sorrow. “Would it be ok if I saw him now?”
Wayns nods. Walking down the hall with Steve to Eddie’s room, letting him sit in the chair next to him. He swears that he sees tears start to form in Steve’s eyes, but he blinks them away before he can confirm.
“Where’s the kid?” Wayne asks.
Steve clears his throat. “Visiting Max. She’s doing a lot better now.”
“That’s good.”
“He looks so different,” Steve says after a break of silence. “Like the energy of him was sucked out.”
Wayne nods, having felt the same way for a long time.
“I know I didn’t know him that long, but.” Steve takes a breath. “During that week, he was really starting to feel like someone who could become a friend. I was really looking forward to becoming his friend.”
“What happened to him?” Wayns asks, desperate. “What happened to you?”
Steve meets his eyes, a troubled look resting on his face. The want to tell him but the knowledge that he can’t. “I wish I could tell you, but I legally can’t. I know that probably doesn’t make it better.”
“It doesn’t. But I appreciate you trying.”
Dustin comes in and reads his chapter like he always does. Having to pull up another chair since Steve stole his. They leave shortly after it’s done. Giving Wayne a few minutes to himself before he has to leave for work.
He leans closer to Eddie’s bed, placing a hand on the empty bar. Afraid to touch him, to do anything to make him worse. But he hasn’t said much in the days he’s been here. Too hopeless to imagine that Eddie could hear him. Today, he decides to try.
“Hey, kid. I’m sorry that I haven’t talked to you much in the past week. You must think there’s somethin’ up. That you did somethin’ to make me not talk to you. That’s not the case.”
Fear like this is something that Wayne never wanted to experience. Losing a child is something that a parent never wanted to even think about. Let alone live through. And while Eddie isn’t technically Wayne’s kid, he is in all the ways that matter.
“Truth is, I was scared. I thought I lost you so many times in the past few weeks. Each time I came in here, I thought would be the day that the nurses told me you were really gone. That I lost my son.”
Words get choked in Wayne’s throat as tears fall down his face. Things he’s been too afraid to say all coming out at once.
“But I didn’t. You’re still here. And you’re gettin’ better and I am so proud of you.”
Eddie opens his eyes, looking toward Wayne. His fingers tense, raising slightly towards Wayne’s hand. Wayne places his hand on top of Eddie’s squeezing it tight.
“Nothin’ you could do could ever make me not proud of you.”
Note: I’m not crying, you’re crying. Jesus why do I do this to myself. Also this concludes chapter three, now posted on my ao3. Back to Dustin's POV in the next part
part 1, part 2. part 3. part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11
tag list, let me know if you want to be added or removed: @the-they-who-nerded, @insteviewetrust, @croatoan-like-its-hot, @jettestar,
@tinyplanet95, @steddie-as-they-go, @slv-333, @littlecelestialmoth, @thatonebadideapanda,
@fandomsanddeath, @marismorar, @wonderland-girl143-blog, @glass-bottle03, @gutterflower77,
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@greeniebean911, @cr0w-culture, @stillfullofshit, @connected-dots, @daisynotquake,
@morgannotlefay, @a-little-unsteddie, @dolphincliffs, @maskofmirrors, @me-and-my-sloth,
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roonyxx · 22 hours
Healing Love: part 1
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Summary: You have a normal life as a nurse, and you are content with it. But then a storm called Dean Winchester rolls into it and you get swept away by his charms. But secrets linger and threaten to drown you both.
Pairing: Dean x Witch!nurse!reader
Word count: 2084
Chapter warnings: fluff, wounds and medical stuff (i am no professional and have no idea what the real treatments are)
A/N:  This series is dedicated to @deans-spinster-witch she's always been very supportive of my work and I found that she deserved a little treat. She gave me an idea for a new series and i really liked it! so this one is for you @deans-spinster-witch! thank you so much for supporting me! I choose to go with Quinn, i hope that’s okay for you ;)
support me :)
Healing Love Masterlist
My Masterlist
Deviders made by @firefly-graphics, give her some love!
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Y/n Pov
You knew you had to buy a new clips for his collar. You don’t have time for him to chase squirrels, you hurry after your dog. Who, usually, listens very well but decided that today he does not…
“Quinn! Get back here!” You jog after him in the street.
It’s the main street, god you hope he doesn’t run into oncoming traffic…
You see him running right up to a tall man eating a burger. Which contains Quinn’s biggest addiction, pickles..
You try to yell at the man to warn him but Quinn is faster and jumps up at him, hitting the man right into the thighs and making him loose his balance and fall backwards.
You run faster to get to them, and grab Quinn’s collar as soon as you can grip it and tug him off the man.
“Bad Quinn! oh god, I’m so so-” You look up at the man and are completely lost for words.
Before you is by far the most gorgeous specimen of men you have ever seen.
His green eyes captivate you and pull you in like a new point of gravity. You have never seen this colour of green before in someone’s eyes. They have the colour of forest lit up by sunbeams peeking through the foliage.
His face is dusted entirely with freckles who are more concentrated on his nose and cheeks. His jaw is strong and sharp. And his hair is a dark blond and wildly tossed around by Quinn’s nose currently buried deep within the strands.
“Quinn!” You tug him back to free this beautiful stranger of the assault.
You offer him your other free hand, “I am so sorry, Sir.”
He gives his hand and grabs yours tightly. You tug him to a standing position.
“Oh wow, you got quiet a grip there.” He smile and looks at you, his eyes scanning your face and then quickly going down your body.
“Are you hurt? I am so sorry… Quinn never is like this usually. Are you hurt?” You ask him.
“It’s okay, no really, I should have paid attention.” He glances at your dog and smiles, “He’s lucky he’s cute,” then looks back at you, “And that his owner is cute too.”
You don’t know what to say, your face goes red.
He holds out his hand, “I’m Dean.”
You take his hand and shake it, “Y/n, let me offer you a new burger, I insist.”
Dean looks down at where his burger fells and Quinn is trying to get it. You tug him back.
“It’s okay, I take it as a sign that maybe I should cut down on burgers a little.” He chuckles softly. “But I’m more than okay with taking you out for a coffee, Y/n.”
You like the way he says your name way too much…
“I-“ how can this gorgeous man be asking you out? He seems the type to date super models, your curves are a little more… accentuated than other females. But they help you with the heavy lifting in your job.
Your job that you are currently late for, you gasp and check your watch.
“Shit! I- I would love to but I’m already running late. I need to drop of Quinn before I go to the hospital.”
“Oh right.” He points to your uniform, “I will let you go then, but can I have your number? Perhaps we can do a raincheck?”
He gives me the most dazzling smile and you temporarily forget to breathe.
You make Quinn sit between your legs and clamp him in place. With your now free hand you grab his and grab a pen from one of your many pockets and scribble your number down on his palm.
“There, I’m down for a raincheck.” You smile and grab Quinn’s collar.
“I’ll wait for your call, Dean.” You say as you start walking away.
“I will!” he yells back.
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It’s been 3 days and you still didn’t receive a call. You already gave up hope after two days.
Are you surprised? Not really, he’s way out of your league.
So when your phone lights up with an unknown number the third day at almost midnight you pick up thinking it is a spammer.
“Im not interested in what you’re selling.” You answer.
“I- uhm, is this Y/n? It’s me Dean.” He sounds a little out of breath?
“Dean! Oh shit sorry, I have a lot of spammers who call me. Are you alright?” Maybe he’s the workout type of guy?
“I-“ a low grunt that instantly puts you on alert makes you sit up from your couch.
“I wanted to call you sooner but something got in between, I’m sorry for calling so late but I’m driving around and I might need your nurses skills…”
He sounds in pain… and he’s driving?
“What happened? On what street are you?” You ask in a hurry.
You jump up and put the phone between your cheek and shoulder while you get your first aid kit out and ready.
He gives you the street name and you direct him towards your place.
“Tell me what happened.”
“I have a cut on my shoulder, not very deep but I’m bleeding and will need stitches.” He answers while you hear his car roar in the background.
You note how he doesn’t tell you what happened. But the info he gave is exactly what you need. You start prepping your stitch kit and gauze.
“My house is the one with the green car in front.” You say, and you can hear his car turning into your street.
“I see it.”
You run outside, hanging up the phone as he parks up your driveway.
If he wasn’t bleeding, you would admire his beautiful car. But there are more important things happening now.
You grab the door handle of the driver side and pull open the door.
“Shit.” You say when you see his sleeve drenched in blood, “ You said it wasn’t that deep!”
“It looks worse than it is.” He grunts while turning off the car and grabbing the keys.
You carefully help him out of his car and into your house.
Your hands start tingling at the smell of the blood. The magic inside you is screaming to heal this man, to knit his skin back together and fight of any risk of infection. But you don’t let it surface. You can deal with this the normal way.
You sit him down in your kitchen chair and cut away his shirt.
“Shouldn’t you buy me a drink before ripping of my clothes?” he tries to joke but you can see him wincing and you nod towards the pill and glass with water on the table.
“Take the med, it will help with the pain.”
He takes it without hesitation.
You look closely at the wound while putting on gloves and begin to clean it out.
It is deeper than you thought but stitches will be enough to close it. You do wonder how it happened. It’s a very long, clean cut. Your best guess would be a sword cut.
“So you’re a knight or something? Deep breath, I will start stitching” you warn before you pinch the needle through his skin and begin to sew his skin back together.
“A knight?” he wonders.
“It looks like you got cut by a sword.” You say while focusing carefully. You notice he doesn’t even flinch when you thread the small string through his skin.
“A katana actually, how do you know?” You can feel the prickles on your face from his intense stare searching your face.
“I’ve seen a lot of wounds at work, after a while you start to recognize them.”
“Oh yeah, that makes sense, how long have you been a nurse?” He asks you.
“Seven years in November.”
“Do you like it?” He tilts his head in question.
“It’s hard, physically, emotionally,” you sigh and make a final knot and cut off the thread, then start to wrap up as much as you can, “but yes, I love it, helping people, it’s who I am.”
“There, all finished. No tugging, keep the bandage on for at least a day. Try to keep it dry. The stitches can come out in 10 days.” You explain to him.
“Oh wow, that was fast. Okay, no tugging, no water.” he smiles, “Thank you so much.”
“I guess it makes us even for Quinn attacking your burger.” You chuckle.
At the sound of his name his familiar tipper tapper feet come running towards you and gently nuzzle your thigh. You tug off your gloves and reach down to stroke his black and white head. He peeks up at you with slightly greying eyes. Damn cataracts. He’s a little old, but he’s still perfect. He’s a medium sized dog, a border collie corgie mix. Perfect for training, and he listens well, if… there are no burgers involved.
Dean smiles at Quinn and rubs his face, “He’s so cute. I can’t blame him for wanting a burger. I would take down someone for it too.” He chuckles.
Dean glances up at me, “So I have to wait 10 days to see you again?” He asks.
“You don’t have to wait, I could change the bandage tomorrow if you’d like.” You smile and start putting away all your things.
“I’d like that, but only if you come like that.” He gives you a knowing grin and points to your Viking pyjamas.
You turn red as a beet, with his urgent call you forgot all about the way you were dressed. Your pyjamas are simple, a t-shirt and shorts, an ode to your favorite TV series. You’ve had them for years, they’re all worn out and sit tightly on your body.
With no bra, you can assure there is little left to the imagination…
“Sorry- I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable,” Dean quickly says “You look beautiful, like really.”
You start smiling at the blush that makes his freckles stand out. Even his ears, that you now noticed are slightly pointy, turn red.
“Thank you, sorry for your shirt…” you tug at his cut of shoulder part.
He shrugs, “It was old.”
You two stare at each other as the tension rises. You glance at his lips, pink and plump, perfect for kisses and many other things.
When you look up you can see his eyes were wandering towards your chest, to your hardened nipples.
He clears his throat and stands up suddenly.
“Thank you, but I should get going. It’s already late and my brother will be worried.”
“Right, yes of course, I have an early shift tomorrow so I shouldn’t be up so late. Can you drive? I can give you a ride?” You offer.
“I can, it feels much better already.” He moves his arm to proof it.
“Here,” you hand him a box with a few meds “One a day for 3 days.”
He takes it and puts in his pocket, thanking you for it.
You guide him towards the door and open it for him to leave.
“So… I see you tomorrow? At seven?”
You smile, “At seven works for me.”
He’s lingering in your door, his eyes on your face.
You take a step closer but don’t move more.
You want to kiss him…
“I – uhm..” he starts.
Quinn takes that as his cue to jump and put his front paws on the back of your kneesw, making you stumble into Dean. You put your hands on his chest to catch yourself.
“Oh! I’m so so-“
Your sentence is cut off by a pair of perfect lips, slanting over yours. His hand cups the side of your face while his tongue brushes your bottom lip, asking for entrance.
Which you grant him. You can’t help the moan that escapes you when his tongue dances with yours.
This kiss feels like the first rays of sun after a long winter. It’s warm, soothing, and hints at hot evenings and sweltering nights.
And then a cloud passes over and the heat slowly disappears as he pulls back.
A low whine falls from your lips as you try to chase his lips.
A chuckle sounds in your ears and makes you look up in those incredible eyes.
“At seven. It’s late and you have an early shift.” He smiles.
You don’t mind the heat crawling over your face and nod as he steps back to his car.
“At seven, drive safe, Dean.” You say when he gets inside.
You stay in your door opening until his car turns out of the street, you turn, close your door and look at Quinn.
“You sneaky little match maker.” You chuckle and bend down to pet him.
His tail is wagging excitedly.
“Thank you, Quinn.”
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Forever Tags 2024: @jay-and-dean @flamencodiva @snowlovespie @awkward-and-indecisive @hobby27
Dean tags 2024: @akshi8278 @pink-sparkly-witch @verytoadpapersoul @eevvvaa
Healing Love tags: @deans-spinster-witch @kr804573
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Sliding Doors
Leon Kennedy x female reader, Chris Redfield x female reader, fluff, angst
For the lovely @porcelainseashore who commission a continuation from Forever Hold Your Peace. Thank you for all your love and support ❤️
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“Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony…” the minister begins, but as you stand opposite Chris – a soft, adoring smile on his face, shedding a tear when he’d saw how beautiful you looked as you walked down the aisle – you can’t help but meet the gaze of the best man’s icy blue eyes for a moment. “..speak now or forever hold your peace.”
Leon clenches his fists.
It’s a muttered plea more than a loud proclamation, but it’s audible enough for several pairs of eyes to focus on him due to the interruption.
The minister smiles, awkwardly, his eyes flitting between the members of the bridal party to gauge whether it was a joke – heaven knows he’s seen them fall flat before - before he clears his throat to proceed with the vows.
“No.” It’s louder that time, Leon’s voice echoed around the room like a gunshot.
“Not the time for your jokes, bud.” Chris forces out a laugh as he replies over his shoulder, before turning back to you and offering a reassuring smile.
“It’s not a joke.” You wish the ground would swallow you up as Leon remains focused on you. “Don’t marry him.”
“Leon”, Claire hisses from over your shoulder, looking furious. “What are you doing?”
He ignores her. “I’m not saying marry me, but just… Don’t marry him.”
You shake your head, subtly, eyes wide in fear as the small congregation of friends and family begin to whisper amongst themselves.
This isn’t happening. It can’t be happening.
Chris’ fists are now clenched as he turns to his supposed best man, his brow furrowed as he tries to analyze the situation, his mind automatically heading into work mode – assess, strategize, action.
“What is this?”
Leon ignores Chris too, instead taking a step forward. “I’m different now – I swear. Just give me another chance. The connection’s still there – I know you felt it when we kissed-”
“Kissed?!” Chris and Claire reiterate almost in unison, and someone in the seated crowd gasps.
“What kiss?” Chris presses, turning back to look at you in disbelief. “Honey, what’s he talking about?”
Your mouth feels drier than it ever has, your tongue heavy in your mouth. “I didn’t, Chris… I… I mean, he…”
“I kissed her, Redfield.” Leon cuts across, rolling back his shoulders as he sidesteps in front of the groom, blocking you from his sight. “When you asked me to deliver that gift earlier, I kissed her. Can’t say it was the first time either.”
You should say something more coherent than your mumbled excuses – explain what Leon means by that because it definitely makes it sound worse than it is - but your heart is pounding and you’re beginning to feel a little faint.
This isn’t real, it’s a bad dream and you’re going to wake up in the hotel suite, Claire knocking on the door, hair stylist and make-up artist in tow to help you start getting ready.
The minister tries to soothe tensions instead. “Perhaps we should take this somewhere more private to-“
“What the fuck does that mean, Kennedy?”
“We were a thing-”
“We were not a thing, Leon,” you shift a little to the side then so you can see Chris, finding your voice at last.
You wished you hadn’t moved as hurt flashes across Chris’ face - sweet, loyal, dependable Chris.
Chris, who never fails to set up coffee machine timer to greet you with a freshly brewed batch when he has to leave early, who would always find some sort of way to communicate with you even if he was halfway across the world, who never shied away from holding your hand or kissing you in public, who told his closest colleagues about you openly, who didn’t treat you like a dirty little secret.
Chris, who, despite how much you tried to convince yourself, has never made you feel quite like Leon did.
“-before you two started dating.” Leon presses on, ignoring how the taller man’s shoulders grow more and more tense, seething breaths now coming out of his nose. “I treated her rotten, drove her into your arms and regretted it every minute since. I’m not gonna let her make the biggest mis-”
Chris’ fist meets Leon’s face – it’s so swift that the whole room takes a moment to realise what’s happened. The agent is surprisingly not knocked off his feet by the blow but stumbles back and you automatically reach out a hand to steady him by his arm, unaware of how it looks in that moment.
Leon wipes a trickle of blood from his mouth, looking smug as he relishes your touch. “Not gonna say I didn’t deserve that.”
Chris is staring at your hand on Leon’s arm and you pull it back when you see the hurt in his eyes, wringing your hands together as you begin to plead.
“I’m sorry, Chris. I should’ve told you, but it… It was nothing. A blip. It wasn’t anything like what we have. He kissed me earlier and I pushed him away and I told him. Please.”
“Is this why you were crying?” Claire demands, stepping over to stand besides Chris in an act of support. Her shoulders are high, ready to protect her brother at all costs. “In the suite earlier, when Leon was there.”
“N-no,” you shake your head furiously, but your voice isn’t convincing enough to your own ears, especially in comparison to Leon’s firm “Yes.”
You’re hot, the wedding gown of your dreams feeling stifling, too tight, the veil tugging heavily at your scalp.
“Chris, please, can we go talk somewhere?” You step forward, past Leon, hand outstretched to take your fiance’s. You want to take him away from all the prying eyes, the disbelieving murmurs, away from all the tension, have a discussion with clear heads, but he pulls his hand from out of your reach.
“Do you love him?” Chris’ voice is so flat it makes you feel sick. It’s the same tone he has when he comes back from missions where he’s lost comrades, the one that you can slowly break him out of after days of soft words and touches.
You never wanted to be the cause of it.
“It’s been years.” There’s the crack in your voice again, your next words a little too rushed. “I love you. You’re sweet. You’re so sweet, kind and loyal.”
Everything Leon wasn’t.
“I said, do you love Leon?”
You stare deep into Chris’ eyes then, his lips pressed together in a thin line. There had been something when Leon had kissed you less than an hour ago, how easily you’d almost fallen back into threading your fingers into his hair to deepen it, how your heartbeat had remained elevated since.
Leon is a wildcard and Chris is steady, dependable – everything you should want.
Everything you’ve been convincing yourself you did want.
One more look into your fiancee’s eyes is all it takes. He doesn’t deserve this but he does deserve the truth.
You take a shuddering breath and nod.
“I’m sorry, I-“
“Right.” Chris nods, as casual as if he’s just been given his latest set of orders. He turns on his heels and heads back down the aisle – the aisle he was meant to be walking down with you on his arm as his new wife – with his head and shoulders held high, Claire hurrying after him, dropping your bouquet as she does.
As you stare at his retreating form, Leon slips his hand into yours and squeezes.
And, as tears begin to stream down your face again, you squeeze back.
He drove you away from the venue on his bike, your cheek pressed firmly against his back and your veil floating behind you in the wind.
Cars honked in celebration around you, all under the impression that a husband was taking his new wife for a celebratory ride, not that the best man had just absconded with the bride.
He takes you back to his apartment, a thing he’d never done when you were ‘together’, but it made sense now, considering. You lived with Chris, a two-storey on a cul-de-sac, white picket fence – you could hardly go back there today.
Or ever.
“What can I do, sweetheart?” Leon asks, cautiously, as you both stand in his living room a few feet apart. It feels more like a show-home than your place – no personal affects, the coffee table empty besides a remote control for the widescreen.  
“I… I need to get out of this.” You huff, ripping the veil from your scalp at last, the pins holding it in place scattering over his polished wooden floor and you fling it down on the sofa. You know you won’t be able to undo your dress yourself so you turn, flustered. “I can’t…”
“I’ve got you, it’s okay.” Leon soothes, closing the gap between the two of you and deftly unpicking the laces of the corset with nimble fingers. You feel it loosen immediately, but it doesn’t ease the suffocating feeling in your chest.
“There.” The dress drops a little and you quickly wrap your arms around yourself, keeping it up, before Leon steps around the coffee table, heading towards the hallway. “I’ll… I’ll grab you a change of clothes.”
Your clothes, right. They’re all at yours.
Oh, God, how are you going to get them?
How could you ever face Chris again?
You remain standing in the living room, forcing yourself to breathe deeply. You can hear Leon opening and closing some drawers, obviously looking for something that you can wear. He emerges a few moments later, holding a grey sweatshirt and some black gym shorts.
“I think these will work. Shorts have a drawstring, so…”
“Where’s the bathroom?”
“Oh, yeah. Sorry, down the hall, second door on your left.”
You take the clothes from his hand, avoiding eye contact and head to change. Your hands are shaking as you turn the lock, quickly shedding your dress and wedding night lingerie – not how you thought you’d be removing it tonight, that’s for sure, but you can’t bear to keep any of it on. Finally, you slide a lacey white garter off your thigh and bundle everything together into a ball, placing it on top of one of the two laundry baskets in the corner, noting he separates lights and darks.
You pull the sweatshirt over your head – it feels odd, oversized but not as oversized as any of the things you’d stolen from Chris’ dresser – before putting on the shorts and double-knotting the cord to keep them up.
You wet your face in the sink next, washing off your make-up as best you can. A glint catches your eye from your right hand – your engagement ring moved over in preparation for the wedding ring being slipped on.
You’ll need to return it.
Carefully, you pull it off your finger and place it on the sink, undoing the latch on the necklace Chris had sent Leon up with – does he regret that now? Is he sat somewhere with a whiskey, mulling over what would be different if he hadn’t sent his best man to the bridal suite? - and thread it through the chain, fastening it back around your neck and tucking it under the sweatshirt, out of sight.
You don’t want to wear it, really, the idea making you feel sick being adorned with gifts that Chris had picked out lovingly - but you don’t want to lose it somewhere in Leon’s apartment either.
Leon is still standing in the same place in the living room when you emerge, the only difference being his tie is now off and thrown over the coffee table, one hand in his pocket. You stop a couple of feet in front of him and stare, trying to read his gaze.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t set out to say those things, baby. I just-” You throw yourself into his arms, sobbing – for what’s just occurred and for how horrible you feel when being in his arms immediately just feels so right, more natural than being wrapped in Chris’ ever did.
Leon presses kisses to your crown, pulls you back and down onto the sofa and hooks your legs up into his lap, rocking you back and forth like a child who needs consoling.
“It’s all right. It’ll be okay. And I’ll be better, I promise.” He murmurs against your ear when your sobs begin to slow, his white shirt significantly damp with your abundance of tears. “I’m not fucking up again. Not after this, baby. I’ll spend every damn day showing you how serious I am about you, about us.”
Chris remains a gentleman, despite everything. The first you hear from him is one week after the wedding, via email, letting you know that he’ll be out of the house for a few days if you’d like to go in and collect your things. He’s going to put the house on the market after, said he’s taken a new position within the BSAA and will be permanently relocating to the European branch, so doesn’t see the point in keeping it empty. It’s not surprising, really, Chris has been headhunted a couple of times since his work in Europe, but he’d always wanted to remain on American soil, with you.
He adds he’s going to sell the furniture as a job lot too, so to take anything you like and then leave the keys under the doormat once you’re done.
He signs it best regards.
He’s too nice for what you’ve done to him.
A fact Claire had reminded you of daily – scornful text messages and voicemails telling you exactly what she thinks of you and Leon. They cease only after Chris can be heard in the background of the final voicemail, telling her to stop.
You’re living in a short-term rental when you pick up your things – not that you would’ve taken any of the furniture anyway. You’d stayed at Leon’s for a week after, sleeping in his spare room. He’d returned to the venue and picked up the things you’d left in the bridal suite as you lay in bed, festering in the horrible combination of guilt and relief of what had transpired.
Leon wanted you to move in permanently, but you told him it was too much, too soon. You made demands this time, wanting to take it slow but also testing the limits of how much he had meant it when he said things would be different, that he would be different.
You were selfish with them at first – he had to date you properly, take you out for lunch, coffee and dinner dates, walks around the park, weekend trips away and trips to the movies, hold your hand and kiss you in public.
You told him you wanted him to try therapy, to learn how to communicate.
And, to his credit, he does it all. He hates the first three therapists, only managing a session or two with them, but he keeps going until he clicks with the fourth and sees them every Wednesday – always reschedules for another day of the week if he’s away with work.
You’re never sure how he’s going to be immediately after – sometimes he emerges with the weight of the world resting even more heavily on his shoulders, other times he seems to have a pep in his step until, gradually, he comes out lighter and lighter every time.
He tells you he loves you when you make a dumb joke over dinner in a cheesy diner – so loud in his proclamation that the waitress gives the two of you a slice of pie each on the house, extra whipped cream.
There are things he’s still uncomfortable with but he’s better at communicating, each of you compromising as you settle into the relationship.
“Do you want to get married?” He murmurs in your ear one night a year and a half later, spooning you against his bare chest. The bedroom has a pile of moving boxes stacked in the corner - your first night in your new, shared apartment.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” you take one of his hands, fidget with his fingers. “What about you?”
“I don’t mind either way,” he grasps hold of your wrist and rolls you over in a smooth notion. “Whatever you want.”
“Uh-uh,” you correct, “we’re partners, remember?”
“Right. Whatever we want.” He kisses you then, slowly, as if he has the whole night to while away. He’s never in a rush when it comes to you, not any more.
“I love you.” You mumble between kisses, feeling him smile as he captures your lips once again.
“I love you, sweetheart. Always and forever.”
“Huh?” He’s spaced out – Chris, Claire, the minister and you all staring expectantly at him.
“Got the rings, man?” Chris is holding out his hand, an amused smile on his face.
Right, the rings.
Best man hands over the rings.
He stuffs his hand into his trouser pocket and tugs out the little mesh bag they’d been placed in. He can’t imagine Chris wearing his for long, not with his line of work. Leon wouldn’t either, truth be told. He’d get a nice chain, maybe, have it hang over his heart.
Chris takes the bag with a nod of thanks and empties them out onto the minister’s book, big fingers fumbling to pick up the ring he’s about to slide on your finger, following the minister’s prompts in reciting his vows.
Leon stares at you as you look up into Chris’ eyes, smiling so much your cheeks must hurt, and tries not to think about how when you had looked at him like that, he’d left you the next morning with nothing but a note on the pillow.
“Now, ladies and gentlemen, if you would please be upstanding for the new Mr and Mrs Redfield!”
Leon hadn’t realized he’d be sat next to you at the top table. He hadn’t thought much about the reception at all, besides the speech Chris asked him to make.
But, fuck, you look so happy walking in with him that it takes his breath away. Your fingers interlaced, surrounded by cheers and applause. Redfield can’t help himself – Leon wouldn’t either - swings you around and dips you into a kiss in the middle of the floor. You look embarrassed when he releases you, but there’s a giddy smile on your face too.
He couldn’t give you that. He couldn’t. He’s not sure Redfield can either – setting you up for disappointment and heartbreak.
He doesn’t know why anyone else is seated at the top table – you and Chris only have eyes for each other throughout dinner. He drinks more than he eats, wondering if he can make Redfield regret putting on an open bar.
“Now, for the best man – Leon Kennedy.”
He pulls the notecard out of his jacket pocket as he stands - he’d started writing it so many times but never got particularly far. That morning, he’d searched generic best man speech on his phone and jotted it down.
“You’ll be pleased to know that I’ll be keeping this short and sweet – two words you probably wouldn’t use to describe Chris Redfield.” He pauses, polite laughter rippling through the crowd.
“There’s two things being celebrated here today. The first being that it’s finally been acknowledged that I am, in fact, the best man between us.” He pauses again, taking a pre-emptive swig of his drink to help dull the ache of the words to come.
“Secondly, of course, the union of this… wonderful couple. May your lives be filled with love and happiness. To the bride and groom!”
The guests raise their glass in unison and Leon sits down heavily in his seat, downing the rest of his drink as Chris stands up, thanking Leon for his speech and leading an applause. He picks up a champagne flute and looks down at you, adoringly.
“Truthfully, I’m wondering if I should’ve gone first, because mine’s even shorter than Leon’s. Thank you all so much for coming here today to celebrate with us. All that’s really left to say is, I love you, darling – always and forever.”
Chris bends down to steal another kiss and the guests applaud and cheer once again – Leon swears it’s louder than what his speech received.
“I love you so much, Chris.”
Leon wishes it had been louder still to drown out your response.
“You ready?” Chris murmurs into your ear before pressing a kiss against your jaw. You didn’t think it was possible – you’d never seen Chris drunk ever – but it seems the numerous glasses of champagne have gotten to his head. He’ll deny it in the morning if you accuse him, tell you it wasn’t the alcohol which was making him act that way, no, it was you that was making him love-drunk, before capturing your lips in a kiss.
You nod and squirm with a giggle, his stubble tickling your neck. You had sat down at the table for a breather, after completing a round of the tables to greet your guests as well as a couple of dances with your friends. You haven’t seen Leon since dinner and, truthfully, he’s the furthest thing from your mind ever since Chris slipped the ring on your finger. Your new husband takes your hand and grabs a chair with the other, leading you to the middle of the small dance floor and places it down. Once he’s happy, he lifts his other arm above his head to twirl you into position and down upon the chair.
You feel giddy – from love, champagne, happiness – as Chris kneels before you and gently begins to lift the hem of your dress up and over your knees.
Someone in the crowd wolf-whistles, probably one of the squad, and Chris turns in the direction to mockingly glare. He then resumes his work of pulling your dress up a little more, cautiously, until he found what he was looking for – a lacey white garter on your thigh.
Chris asking if you wanted to do the garter toss part of the ceremony had come completely out of left-field, so much so you were thankful you hadn’t taken a sip of your drink before he’d asked, lest you had spit it out in his face. He scratched the back of his head, gave you a dopey-looking smile that made you want to cuddle him rotten and said he wanted to do things by the book. He wanted the tradition, some sense of normalcy in his life with the whole white wedding, and having no strong feelings about it either way you’d agreed.
Now, though, as he looks up at you with that up-to-no-good smirk, you wonder if you should’ve said no.
“Hands or teeth?”
He lightly pings the garter on your thigh. “Shall I remove it with my hands or teeth, darling?”
“Chris!” You laugh, sure he was joking.
He tilts his head. “Uh-uh. Pick, please.”
“Fine.” You smirk back, buoyed in confidence by the champagne. “Teeth.”
“Excellent choice, Mrs Redfield.” He plants a hand on your other leg to steady himself, before lowering his head and you feel his teeth graze your thigh as he nips the lacey material and begins to tug it down, all to the hooting and hollering of the assembled crowd.  
Leon takes a long sip of whiskey as he watches from the corner. He would’ve used his teeth to remove it too, but only in the sanctity of the bedroom later that night.
It flies over the heads and outstretched arms of the bachelors – Chris always did have a good throw - and eventually smacks Leon right in the chest.
“All right, Kennedy!” Somebody cheers, and before he can really think about it, he bends down and snatches up the garter, aware that the eyes of the room are on him. He holds it aloft in a mock display of triumph.
He looks for you then, wondering what you’ll think – a sign from the universe that you’ve made a mistake – but your eyes are fixed on Chris, cupping his face in your palms as he remains knelt in front of you, pressing a long kiss to his lips.
Leon stuffs the garter deep in his trouser pocket.
Leon doesn’t see either of you for six months – thanks to a relentless run of missions, intercontinental travel and briefings all keeping his mind occupied – and it helps dull the ache in his chest too.
An email pops up in his inbox though, inviting him to the Redfield’s housewarming BBQ in a couple of weeks, but he never replies to the RSVP.
Still, he finds himself parking his bike up outside the new house – it has a white picket fence, for fuck’s sake, nestled on a quiet suburban street. To his trained eye, he can see some additional security measures, so at least Redfield hasn’t become completely complacent. The gate clicks a little louder than usual when he opens it, probably linked to some sort of surveillance system, the panes of glass in the window are clearly bullet-proof and the front door is steel, disguised to blend in with the rest of the street.
He rings the doorbell – looking direct into the pinhole camera.
Chris answers soon after, a black apron on for grilling duties over blue jeans and a white tee. He looks good, annoyingly so compared to the dark rings Leon has under his own eyes, but he’s perhaps a little softer around the edges. Leon had heard down the grapevine that Chris had taken more of a consultant type role at the BSAA, office hours, trying to move away from always having his boots on the ground – something he never thought he’d see.
“Hey! You made it. It’s great to see you, man.” Chris greets him, a genuine smile on his face. “Perfect timing – I’m just about to fire up the grill. We’re all just out in the yard.”
He steps over the threshold – his eyes immediately finding the framed wedding photo on the hall table, the one where you’d all signed the registry and the photographer had Leon stand by your side and Claire by Chris’.
He wonders if, when you look at it, you can tell his smile is fake.
He doesn’t take in much else of the house as he’s led through, instead forcing himself to take a deep breath in preparation of seeing you again. He’s tried to forget about the kiss through a string of dates from the office and one-night stands, but he still has your stolen garter tucked in the back of his bedside drawer.
It’s over, he chastises himself.
It didn’t even really begin either.
You’re facing away from him when he follows Chris through the kitchen and out onto wooden decking, a set of stairs leading down to a large rectangle of grass. There’s a good 15 or so in attendance, only a handful of people present that he recognizes, some from the wedding, all congregated in little groups, a long table set up with bowls of salad, chips, rolls, sauces and other snacks, a bucket of ice, rapidly melting in the midday sun, in which various drinks are nestled.
You’re talking to Claire and a guy he doesn’t recognize, but he has his arm draped around her shoulders. You’re dressed in a sweet floral sundress, capped sleeves, white sandals. He wants to slip in to the conversation, no fuss, no announcement, but Chris has other ideas.
“Hey, Leon’s here!”
You turn at your husband’s call, a little surprised. Chris had told you he’d invited Leon, of course, but noted that he hadn’t accepted or denied. Really, you weren’t sure if he’d show at all, given what had happened at the wedding and the fact he’d been off-grid for so long after.
Those bright blue eyes only meet yours for a moment before they trail down to your stomach, and the protective hand you’ve placed on top of it – only a recent habit since your bump had properly popped.
“Oh, yeah,” Chris chuckles, clocking on to exactly what Leon is staring at. He slaps him on the back, ushering him forward as he does. Leon wants to dig his heels in, maybe if he keeps his distance it won’t be real and only a trick of perspective, but his legs won’t co-operate.
“Sorry, should’ve said - turns out we brought more back than souvenirs from the honeymoon.”
Claire groans. “Are you going to use that line on everyone, Chris? It’s too early for you to be cracking out dad jokes.” She takes a swig of her beer, before nodding at Leon. “Hey.”
Leon nods in Claire’s direction, but his eyes are still fixed on you.
“Leon.” You smile, a little worried at how much colour has drained from the agent’s face. “We’re so glad you could make it. It’s been ages!”
“I…” He swallows, shaking his head a little as if he could shake off the feeling of disbelief. “Congratulations. On the house and the… baby.”
Redfield smirks as he steps over from Leon’s side to yours, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in close to press a kiss to your temple. “Thanks, bud. Gotta admit, I’m feeling a pretty lucky guy.”
“The luckiest.”
Chris cocks his head at the lack of sarcasm, almost put off by how genuine Leon sounded.
“Sorry, is there any more beer?” Someone he doesn’t recognize – one of yours or Chris’ other friends, maybe – interrupts.
“Of course! I’ll go get it.” You barely make it a step out of Chris’ embrace before he wraps his hand around your arm and stills you with a furrowed brow.
“Babe, we tal-“
“We talked about me carrying heavy things.” You correct with a feigned huff. “The baby will be heavier than a box of beer.”
Chris looks apologetic. “All I was gonna say is you need to be careful – don’t want you wearing yourself out and missing the party.” Leon feels a stabbing pain once again in his chest as he watches Redfield cup your face, caressing your cheek with his thumb. “Let’s be honest, darling, you’re usually on your second nap by this time.”
You pout, more so annoyed that Chris is right. The move, plus the second trimester had you feeling permanently fatigued. “True, but-”
“Let me go grab the beer,” Leon interrupts and Chris drops his hand from your face, as if he just realized Leon was still there. “Just tell me where.”
You frown at his offer. “You’re a guest.”
“A lousy guest - didn’t even bring a housewarming gift,” he berates himself. “Being the beer lackey can be it.”
“You didn’t need to get us anything – your company’s gift enough.” You place a hand on his arm and squeeze in reassurance - he swears his heart skips a beat. “It’s probably easier if I show you where. Come on.”
“Thanks, Leon.” Chris pats him on the back and turns to the grill, declaring it hot enough to finally start cooking.
Leon follows you, dutifully, back up the steps onto the decking, one hand poised ready to steady you if need be. You lead him towards the opposite end of the kitchen and towards the pantry, hesitating before you open the door.
“I’m sorry, if this was a shock.” You jerk your chin down at your stomach. “We were just sorta telling people as and when we saw them, rather than do any real big announcement.”
“Yet you announced the house?”
You smile, wryly. “I think Chris just wanted an excuse to buy that grill. He’s trying out lots of hobbies. I caught him looking up ride-on mowers the other night.”
“Heard he’s office-based now.” There’s a beat and it comes out before he can even think, always ready to justify his actions even when no-one’s called for it. “I couldn’t have done that for you.”
Suddenly, you’re thrown back to that hour before your wedding – something you truthfully hadn’t thought of until this moment.
“You think I asked Chris to do that? That I demanded a wedding and a house and a baby and…” Your voice cracks a little before you take a deep breath. Your emotions are high strung enough at the moment with the pregnancy and you try to compose yourself, digging your nails into your palms.
“You know what? No – I’m not going through this again. Relationships are about compromises on both sides, it’s unfortunate that’s what you still don’t seem to understand.”
You slide open the pantry door then, pointing to the back where a couple of boxes of beer are stacked, in amongst tubs of protein powder. “Just grab any of those, please. I’ll see you outside.”
Leon’s hand wraps around your wrist as you step away. It isn’t a firm grip by any means, just holding you loosely in place. “Just tell me one thing - are you happy?”
“I’m really happy, Leon.” You reply without a beat’s hesitation, because you are. “I hope one day you allow yourself to be happy too.”
He doesn’t say anything to that, only drops his grip on your wrist and turns into the pantry in the guise of retrieving the beer. It’s only when he hears you step back out onto the decking that he bends to pick up the box, half wondering if he should just quietly leave now.
No, that would only cause you grief, surely. He’s done enough of that.
After a few moments have passed, he lifts up the box and heads out, pulling the door shut to the pantry behind him. He heads back out into the yard, pausing at the top of the stairs to see you back at your husband’s side, laughing at something he’s said, looking up at him like he’s everything.
Chris wraps his arms around you, helping you up to your tip-toes so he can kiss you as passionately as he did on the wedding day, and every day since.
Claire wonders, loudly, whether your honeymoon phase will ever be over, but she’s smiling as she says it.
Leon silently carries over the box and opens it, adding a couple more cans of beer to the ice bucket before Claire hands him an open one, proposing a toast to the new house and baby Redfield.
Instead, Leon toasts to the life he could’ve had.
Masterlist . Requests welcome . Ko-fi
Comments and reblogs make my whole day x
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ambrosiagoldfish · 2 days
hi! can i request headcanons of Adam x Male Angel! Reader who is sweet, kind and never curses? preferly sfw and nsfw but if u don't write smut for Male Reader, that's fine!
hope u have a Nice day <3
Adam x Kind Angel Reader HC’s
Warnings: General Adam TW’s, NSFW in latter half of post, He/Him pronouns with Male Genitalia. Slight Degradation/dirty talk. Fluff + Smut
Request Box: Open
Word Count: 820
A/n: thank you so much for the request! I had a lot of fun with this one! I did make it on the shorter side but that’s only because it’s quite difficult to make Headcanon’s 1000+ words without other characters but nonetheless, I hope you enjoy! Also I decided to make this little header thing for fics! I’ve seen a few others do it and the GIF’s I normally use are becoming a hassle to find. Let me know if you guys like it!
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Oh boy, this relationship really is a match that could only be made in heaven. No one would have expected Adam to date a man who is the complete opposite of him. If anything, people expected someone like him or even Lute!! But you? They never could have predicted that.
But what can you do, opposites do attract.
You’re always being so kind to him, telling him he looks handsome, helping him with any and all work he might have to do, and on top of it you bring him gifts and trinkets! Not to mention all the delicious treats you get him that are almost as sweet as you.
And to be honest, this really messes with Adam, cause you’re literally so sweet and thoughtful but he doesn’t have anything to give you in return besides sex. At least that’s what he thinks but in reality he gives you so much more than he gives himself credit for.
He plays you songs on the guitar, takes you out to fancy restaurants, and over all treats you with love and affection than any other has. But even if none of that was true, you don’t do anything and everything for him because you want something in return. You love Adam completely unconditionally.
The no cursing thing is something that genuinely gets on his nerves. Cause like, he could never. This man has the mouth of a sailor and the delicacy of a bull in a china shop. Which is one of the traits you love about him, that he says what he wants. But also you’re just like “Sir, this is not what The Father intended-“
“Neither was putting my dick in another guys ass but look, I’m still here bitch!”
And it especially bugs Adam, if instead of cursing, you replace swears with other words. Like the other day you stubbed your toe when landing on ground and Adam had fully expected for you to do what he does, which is scream the loudest swear and be pissed off at everyone for 20 minutes. But instead….
“OW Fudging chocolate chip-“
So, ever since that day, Adam has sworn to one day take your ‘cursing virginity’, at least that’s what he calls it. And he try’s so hard to do so, which is a slight bit of trouble cause he doesn’t want to like, be a complete douche to you.
So until he figures out a way to get you to curse, he’s pretty stumped at the moment. But still, he absolutely adores you.
Oh Boy x2
Everything I said previously still stands if not double the amount. This man wants to do the👏Most👏Unholiest👏Things👏To👏You👏
Loves to see your kind and sweet personality slowly crumble because of his cock.
‘Who knew you could be such a slut?’
He loves that your personality carries over during sex, you give him everything you’ve got and then some. You want to do your best for him after all.
Speaking of which, if you worship him in any way that man is cumming IMMEDIATELY. He really just wants to feel like he’s above everyone else, and Surprise surprise, he has a praise and you being the, oh so thoughtful person you are, you make sure to completely indulge that aspect of him.
You babble so much about how good his cock feels hitting your prostate over and over again. How well he’s making you feel like like the Good Boy he is. It really gets it him going.
Remember how I said he’s trying to make you lose your ‘Cursing Virginity’? Yeah well, this is how. He is SO determined to get you to spill out just one swear while he goes to town on you. Is it the most holy thing he should do? No. But how could he not fuck your brains out till you break your own moral code?
He tries so hard too. He has yet to get you there but he has come close. When he had you in a mating press, legs over his shoulders, your ankle’s lightly hitting the base of his wings with each thrust.. You couldn’t stop begging for him to cum inside you as you came for the Xth time in a row.
“Please Adam! P-Please! Fu~“ you cut yourself off with a hand to your mouth.
Adam looked at you with his signature grin, his hips not stopping their movements to pump himself in and out of you. “Was you about to say something babe?”
You held your hand against your mouth shaking your head ‘no’ clearly trying to make it seem like you weren’t about to drop the f bomb.
“Mhm, right~ let’s see if I can pry some other ‘naughty’ fuxkin’ words out of ya!” He laughs a wicked laugh as he switches the position so that he’s somehow even more atop of you. Leaving you a completely, moaning, helpless mess for him to dominate >:)
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lucysarah-c · 2 days
Do you think that Canon Levi (While he is in the scouts, not post-war) would want a serious relationship or even a family? I love reading fanfictions about him falling in love with someone who is also on the scouts and even having a wife or kids, but he canonically is not a huge fan of marriages and Idk, maybe he doesn't like the idea of putting children in such a dangerous world, you know what I mean? What's your opinion? 
Hi, sweetheart! How are you? Ah, first of all, thank you for stopping by my inbox and asking for my opinion. I always get a little giggly when people ask for my thoughts on anything haha. I promise to do my best to reply to everything to the best of my abilities!
I agree with you to a certain degree, especially since you mentioned not "post-war Levi." I think post-war Levi is a completely different story, you know? This man sat down with two kids to tell them about his childhood and mother. Let's remember that Hange didn't even know about Kenny's existence during the Uprising Arc, which leads me to think that Levi didn't speak to anyone about his past before. Now he does? I mean, yes, it's a literary device—using characters completely alien to the idea to present a first-person POV of the character telling their past. I've used it myself in my main fic. But let's say that's not the case, and Levi is opening up like never before. He seems to be redoing his life and living happily after the war. I wouldn't be surprised if he decides to pursue a partner and kids for himself (if he wants, as kids and romantic relationships aren't necessary for happiness).
But Canon Scout Levi? Let me tell you, first of all, I don't think Levi really "believes" in marriage per se. I think he would treat his girlfriend as if she were his wife; he doesn't think of marriage much beyond "a tradition." Now, I do see him getting married if it would enhance the life or rights of his girlfriend. What do I mean by this? Let's say there's "social judgment" if his girlfriend is publicly in a relationship with him and "being with a man outside of wedlock" causes her social scrutiny—he may marry her. He knows firsthand how women are judged based on their "status" by his mother, so if he can step up and do the right thing, he will. For example, if he were to die and his partner couldn't land jobs because people judge that she's unmarried at her age, he would marry her. Or if she could get a pension from being married to a soldier, and every coin counts, Levi wouldn't mind it. That's what I personally think. Levi knows he won't be the one getting the sour end from not making it official, so he sees it as beneficial to make it legally official.
Then about kids, I don't see Levi "seeking" kids while he's in the Scouts. It's rather clear that Levi likes kids across the story, but he probably wants to give his kids the childhood he didn't have. And yeah, "kids only need someone who loves them, etc.," but the truth is kids need time, dedication, and MONEY. Three things that Scout Levi doesn't have lmao. So I don't see him canonically "seeking to become a dad." If there's contraception in Paradis, he's for sure using it. If there isn't, or accidents happen, and his girlfriend ends up pregnant, he would probably state that it's not the best timing for kids (especially if she's a Scout, as I doubt a woman would be allowed to be a soldier and also raise a kid. She would lose her job and stay behind to be a mother, which was usually the case back in the day). But if she decides to carry on, Levi, being an adult doing adult stuff, will take responsibility and be the best father he can given the circumstances.
Finally, about relationships… I'm a firm believer that you don't truly choose to fall in love or not haha. Like when it happens, it happens, like the cat distribution system lol. Once it knocks at your door, it's your time. Once again, I don't picture Levi going out of his way "searching" for romance. But if he slowly gets to know someone and likes them, and that person likes him back, then well… I don't know. Now that I'm rereading the manga, I'm more sure about this. Levi hardly seems "unapproachable," like "I'm so hurt, I don't want to let anyone in." On the contrary, you see he has good relationships with almost all the Scouts, even telling Nifa about Kenny out of nowhere. He's not one to fall easily, but if it happens, it happens.
I hope this was a good enough answer <3 Thank you so much for your ask.
Have a lovely day!
Stay safe!
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junislqve · 17 hours
ᯓ silhouette — jake
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syn following the break up that happened abruptly, your life has found its way through better situations. jake, however, hasn’t found his luck even months later. (310 words)
pairs ex!jake + reader | cw angst angst angst — mlist navi
note emo jake debut (this was supposed to be posted 3 weeks ago..erm) im not proud of this im sawry 😓
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the pattering of the rain is continuous, lathering the streets. the bell of the convenience store ringed as jake walked out, one hand holding the heavy plastic bag.
he looked up at the rain, thankful the storefront had a roof shielding him from it.
his apartment was a 10-minute walk from the convenience store. he had a hoodie on that could last him at least a few minutes before soaking his whole body.
the rain came down harshly, not to mention the raging wind blowing at the trees. jake weighed his options and opted to wait for the rain to calm down.
he sat on the bench, already partly soaked and placed his bag beside him. he searched for his phone on his back pocket and fished it out, trying to entertain himself for however long.
until the sound of a car pulling up paired with bright lights fought through the rain stopped just in front of the store. jake spared a mere glance at the car, the plate number going unnoticed.
then he heard it, someone laughed and a wave of deja vu washed over him. he might be deluded sometimes but he was dead sure it was you, it must be you. he looked back up just as your silhouette disappeared into the store with a jingle.
jake stood up quickly, stumbling. he opened the store door with yet another ring and it closed behind him, muffling the heavy rain outside.
his heart was beating so loudly. the loudest its every been for months. he suddenly looked to the store glass to fix up his appearance; pushing back his hair, fixing his expression.
this wasn’t the first time jake had acted like this, he had had times where he’d hear someone who had a voice similar to yours or seen your silhouette and he would try calling out your name, hoping it was you.
jake took one last look at the glass, fixing his hair awkwardly, and looked away to turn to one of the corners. expecting to face an empty hallway, he ran straight to you, hands embracing you in reflex.
in a daze, you looked up, a warm smile adorning your face that has his body reacting exactly like it did months ago.
another thing he hasn’t gotten over. how sweet your voice still sounded after all this time. the late nights and dreams about hearing your voice once again could never have compared.
“hey, how have you been?”
every syllable uttered that fell from your lips has his mind whirling. all those months ago when he decided to break it off with whatever reason he had, it all suddenly made no sense. his wave of regret hitting him like a hurricane.
the wall he attempted to build up, all cascade away. you always had that effect on him. how could you not? when your eyes were looking at him like that. when you willingly let his hands linger on your waist.
“take me back” he whispers. he watches as your smile wavers.
“jake” you trail off.
“take me back and i swear i’ll treat you right this time”
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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shinso x reader
thoughts about how shinso would act in a relationship. same premise as the kirishima ver.
lovey dovey stuff, teenagers suck but love can be a beautiful thing <3
a/n: you guys ate up every summertime and started SLEEPING on NIKI. go listen to her music rn >:( song is backburner
a/n: me writing about the men who will treat me right (they literally don’t exist)
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hitoshi shinso, who’s facetimes with you always run late into the night. you ramble on about your day while he hums in response, knowing that you know he’s not the talkative type. he never asks “how was your day?” he always says “tell me about your day.” because he really, truly wants to hear about your day. you could have cured a disease or simply just gotten out of bed, and he’d still want to hear every single detail simply because its from you.
hitoshi shinso, who loves to cook. only you're aware of it, because he doesn't always like sharing personal details with others, but you never complained- it just means more for you. you're always the first person that gets to try his food, though he claims you're not a very good critic. but you can't help it, everything he makes tastes so good. and with every compliment you shower him in, he'll hit you with a 'yeah, yeah, whatever.' and then next moment, make you more so you can always stay fed during long days at UA and long hours during hero-training. its his silent way of telling you he loves you.
hitoshi shinso, whose cats love you more than they love him. he has three triplets, a black british short hair, a siamese, and a grey ragdoll- pepper, lexi, and mustache- he absolutely hates the last name, but he had just adopted the kitten and you named it for its white streak right below its nose. he'll deny it forever, but he gets pouty and huffs in annoyance whenever he sees the cats run to you, even after he's fed and taken care of them for all of their lives. but he also cant deny the way his heart skips a beat whenever he seems them cuddled up with you on his bed, wearing one of his big t-shirts. it softens his heart in a way that nothing else does- your love fills his heart more strongly and more passionately than anything does.
hitoshi shinso, who is the closed-off, funny but quiet dickhead of his friend group. he's known for his out-of-pocket roasts at the right times and his nonchalant nature that contrasts with the loud, spunkiness of his multicolored-haired friends. but with you, he softens. the few times he's brought you along with him to movie night or training sessions, you've softened his heart enough for the love in him to seep out towards others as well. whenever you crack a joke, make someone else at the table smile, and draw laughs and happiness from their chests, a blush blooms across his cheeks. obviously, he fell for you, how could he not?
hitoshi shinso, who's favorite activity with you is your sunday-ritual. you'll wake up together, either in the same bed or over the phone, and bike down to the coast. you'll bug him about wearing a helmet, but he always complains that it ruins your hair. he'd never admit that its because he thinks you're absolutely adorable when you dote on him. afterwards he'll share a smoothie with you- he hates all the flavors except for mixed berry, which is the one he always insists on getting. he hates the the overpricing for what the product actually is, but loves the smile it puts on your face after a tiring bike-ride. and afterwards, you two will go back to either his of your place. his place if your parents aren't home, and his place when his parents are home, and binge watch a long t.v show of your choosing. he'll always complain that its stupid, poorly written or drawn out, but get pouty whenever you watch an episode without him. it's the one thing he looks forwards to at the end of a long week, drawn out with endless studies, training, and burnout. you're his safe place, and he needs it more than he'll admit.
hitoshi shinso, who somehow remembers every tiny detail about you. his mind works like gears, arranging formulas and deciphering codes, but the intellect of his mind makes you its priority. he remembers the way you pick your nails and cuticles when you have anxiety, and how placing his warm palm over yours soothes some of those thoughts. he remembers how prefer to tie your hair back during training but how you somehow always forget a hair tie- and he knows how you always give him a peck on his cheek once he shows off the one he's been keeping on his wrist for you. he remembers how you can't sleep without your nightly calls, and how he needs to hear your voice before he drifts of too- maybe more than you need it. he remembers the first day you met, the first thing he said to you, the first time he ever felt love for you. he remembers all of it and keeps it embedded in his heart. hitoshi shinso may seem like he hates everyone, but the one exception to that is you. and he'll remember that forever.
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melodic-haze · 3 days
hi!! could I request ayaka nsfw headcanons? thanks!
☆ — DEMO TRACK: sub!Ayaka x dom!Reader
☆ — CONTENT WARNINGS: Corruption kink, exhibition kink but it doesn't acc get acted upon 🤷‍♀️
☆ — NOTES: shut up omg another one I LOEV AYAKA THANK YOU
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She seems like the type to be extremely vanilla at first, not bc she's scared (well no she is a lil bit) but bc she hasn't really? Had the chance to explore or anything??? But she seems like the type to be interested in it, just that she didn'r know HOW to explore it......until yk. You came along
She's like a willing subject to corruption, it's rather lovely 🫶
The way she'd approach you about it too 😭😭 like ohhh you're so precious my bbg :((( she'd breach the topic carefully, her cheeks tinted very red thanks to her skin betraying her and the blood that rushed to her face
Side track as much as I do adore Ayaka stumbling on her words and stuttering, I actually personally don't think she would unless she was EXTREMELY flustered or completely out of it. She's probably really good with forming sentences and stuff with very minimal stuttering, esp when she'd have to think ab her speech a lot to make sure she isn't offending anyone generally (I wish that were me cuz I stutter a LOT it's acc embarrassing)
So when she asks, she's VERY red but also very clear and concise with her speech. If it weren't for the embarrassed look on her face, if it weren't for her covering her face with her fan, you'd have thought that she wasn't shy about such an ask at all
It was hard to concentrate and gather your bearings at least a little bit when the soft scent of cookies and the mochi she had made a while ago never fails to overtake your train of thought, but you managed to pull through as you slowly undressed her.
"Are you completely sure?" You asked in concern for her, despite the fact that she had approached you about such a request, "I'm worried you might not like the experience. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable..."
She shook her head in reply, giving you a gentle smile, "I'm sure. I admit that I've been.. curious, and I trust you completely."
You couldn't help but soften at your white-haired partner's proclamation, giving her a lingering kiss on her temple, "Just remember to tell me if something feels wrong, you know I worry for you."
"I know," she giggled, "but you don't need to treat me like I'm fragile."
And before you reply in turn, Ayaka cuts you off by leaning her head on your shoulder, her lips close to your ear as she whispered in such a tantalising way--
"I'd like to think I can handle whatever you do to me."
--before drawing back with a much cheekier smile compared to moments before, "I hope that clears most of your reservations?"
By god, yes it does.
She turns out to be a FREAK❗️❗️❗️👹👹👹👹
No but fr though? I already wrote it but she def love love LOVEEEESSS being your good girl 🥰🥰🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 wants to do anything you ask her to do bc she wants to make you happy. Absolutely gets off to whenever you praise her for the stuff she does
But also? Kinda very much adores being roughed around!!! Being an important figure to Inazuma, she's not necessarily used to being treated anything less than with respect and caution, so for you to essentially make her forget all that as you "disrespect" her rank? Mmmmyes definitely Something :3
She's a very very curious person who's open to a LOT of things, going from binding to sensory deprivation to roleplay
Oh my GOD she'd ESPECIALLY be into roleplay; pretending as if she were someone else, esp if she was absolutely ravaged by you? My word it gets her wet just thinking about it
I think she'd LOVEEEE to be overstimmed 🫶🫶🫶 she wants a break from thinking!! She wants a break from responsibilities, and the way you can make it easily go away by fucking her brains out gets so addicting for this little princess
SHE'D DEFINITELY BE A SQUIRTER OH GY GOD fuck off listen she's def so so very sensitive that if you work her up enough (which doesn't acc take long) she would and she'd APOLOGISE for making such a mess but you just Cannot Help but try to get another one from her so it goes around alllll over again until she passes out :3
Don't think she'd act it out irl bc no way is she actually risking her reputation (and in extent, her brother's and her entire family name), but she'd develop?? A taste for exhibition???? Perhaps it's through the times you've just decided to drag her away to a semi-secluded spot, or maybe it's bc of the times she's touched herself while thinking of you with the risk of SOMEONE coming into her room. Either way, she starts to fantasize scenes from time to time where you're fucking her out in the open or you get caught or even that she's walking around with her pussy unknowingly stuffed with toys, who knows 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
If she doesn't tell you then she probably clues you in unconsciously when you start talking to her about how ANYONE could find you absolutely ruining this whore of a princess 🫶 by her inner walls clamping onto you as she lets out a particularly loud whine 🫶🫶🫶
Ayaka had tried to go back to sleep, she really did. But her thoughts had caught up to her, hazy made-up images and scenarios of the simplest thought of getting caught doing things unbefitting the White Heron Princess and her demure, innocent stature.
Even as she had her fingers inside her needy hole, even as she grinded on her palm in a deaperate effort to chase that needed release, she had found that she couldn't be satisfied in the least. The fact that she had to silence herself in an effort to prevent herself from getting caught didn't help with sorting out her current issue, either.
It wasn't enough—she needed you to satisfy her, to put her in her place, to take her fully until she could no longer care to think about anything else but being your personal doll. There was no way she was getting off all by herself, she needed you.
Biting the fabric of her blanket in an effort to stop her teary moans from being as loud as it would've been, she could only hope any pray that this aching need within her subsides in time before she has the chance to see you again.
(And perhaps she'll gather the courage to ask you about recreating.. a very exposing scenario, to sate her torturous curiosities.)
Bonus bullet point it'd be really cute to see her cry from the stimulation 🥰🥰
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crazy-ache · 3 days
Jane Eyre x Elucien Parallels (In-Depth Meta)
We've been told SJM loves the book Jane Eyre and we know that she has made some literary references to the novel in her own writing. For example, the most commonly known Elucien allusion is the one below:
Elain in ACOWAR:  “It felt… strange,” Elain breathed. “Like you pulled on a thread tied to a rib.”
Mr. Rochester in Jane Eyre: “I have a strange feeling with regard to you. As if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you. And if you were to leave I'm afraid that cord of communion would snap. And I have a notion that I'd take to bleeding inwardly. As for you, you'd forget me.”
This parallel is a HUGE clue. Now, let me explain why the story of Jane Eyre is very well a map for what Elucien's central themes are likely going to explore in their book.
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Could SJM be using Jane Eyre as a model for Elain's character and hero journey? Yes, I do. Here is why.
Let me describe Jane in a nutshell for you: she was someone who came from a difficult and isolated childhood and who used her meekness and reserved nature to fit into circumstances. However, we learn she is a smart, witty, innocent, stubborn, and feminine female protagonist. Despite all the societal and religious pressures to marry a husband, Jane was insistent she would only marry for true love.
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will.” ― Jane in Jane Eyre “Shall I tend to my little garden forever?” When Nesta flinched, Elain said, “You can't have it both ways. You cannot resent my decision to lead a small, quiet life while also refusing to let me do anything greater.”
....when I was reflecting on that, I was hit with a wow that is Elain Archeron if I have ever seen anything.
Jane Eyre is a story of Fate, Love, and Autonomy. Just like Elucien.
Without getting too wordy, let me summarize a few things for folks who never read the novel.
The connection described between Jane and Rochester is one of fate. Jane and Rochester fall in love from the start because he treats her as equal, but their marriage is thwarted because Rochester is still married to Bertha Mason (the madwoman in his attic).
Even though she loves him, she has complicated feelings about marriage. She is afraid of the restraints and expectations that will be placed on her if she were to marry.
She leaves him for some time and they endure a long period of separation. In that time she meets St John who will also propose to her, but is meant to represent dutiful marriage without true love and warmth. St John was described as a cold love, whereas Rochester was described as fire.
Eventually, she realizes she wants true love above all else, and returns to Rochester. He has lost his wife by then and it is only then that they are free to finally marry and live together as equals in love.
OKAY. That is definitely an oversimplification but I needed to lay it out for our road map. Let's compare now.
Elain and Lucien shared a fated connection created by the Mother with their mating bond. We also know that a long period of their relationship is defined by their separation where Lucien goes to find Vassa and maintains his distance from Elain out of respect of her feelings.
We know Elain likely has complicated feelings about the bond. She says to Feyre, "I don't want a mate. I don't want a male." She is resisting the bond with Lucien. While we don't have her POV yet, I imagine it has to do with resisting something that she doesn't understand, that is taking away her autonomy in love, and influencing her fate for her.
Elain is likely also going to have two marriage prospects, just as Jane did. We know of her engagement to Graysen, who was described as "kind enough" by Nesta and later rejected her horribly. This marriage would have been similar to St John - one more out of duty for status and safety and marked by coldness. Whereas we have Lucien, with fire in his blood, and a warm personality, which is what Jane described true love to be like.
What is keeping Elain and Lucien apart? Bertha Mason.
Bertha, Rochester's wife and mad woman in the attic, was a symbol of Jane's suppressed emotions and inner conflict in regards to Jane's marriage to Mr. Rochester. She represented what Jane feared the most of traditional marriage at that time--becoming trapped and isolated and mad by the female expectations of society and religion.
It was only once Bertha was gone that they could have their Happily Ever After. (It's important to note she perished in a fire.) Her absence was a physical representation of Jane losing her reservations about marriage and fully becoming sure of herself in confidence, status, and her DECISION to pick to true love.
Which tells me that Elain will return and love Lucien only after her own reservations of the mating bond are addressed. Maybe fire will even be involved/symbolic burning of their obstacles (which would be so fitting for our fireling). I think there is also an added layer that Elain wants more from life than what is expected of her by the Inner Circle, which is hinted at throughout ACOSF.
SJM told us herself in an interview:
“I’m not going to say if I am exploring it in future books or not, but it definitely offers a wealth of things to explore with this concept of freewill and what is true love. Is it something that’s destined? Or is it something that you make? Is it both?”
If she is truly influenced by Jane Eyre, we know the answer. When it comes to Elucien, it's both.
Other Symbols of Jane Eyre in Elucien
A few more interesting parallels I found:
Mr. Rochester gifts Jane a pearl necklace upon his first proposal. Jane refuses to wear it and even leaves it behind. "I left that; it was not mine: it was the visionary bride’s who had melted in air." Notice she rejected not because she doesn't like Rochester or the gift itself, but because what it symbolizes. A bride.
Lucien gave Elain pearl earrings for Solstice. She could barely thank him and we never know if she wears it. I am going to infer that Elain rejects the gift (with silence and indifference) because she is terrified of what it represents...of her accepting the bond between them. I found it so interesting SJM chose to use pearls and have them react very similarly.
Jane Eyre is filled with literary symbols of Fire vs Ice, with fire representing passion and true love, and ice representing duty and cold love.
Lucien could very well be a living symbol of fiery, passionate love ("Autumn Court males have fire in their blood—and they fuck like it, too" anyone??) Graysen and Azriel could also be symbols of that "icy, cold" love in comparison to Lucien.
We also cannot forget that Mr. Rochester waited and waited for Jane to return. Just as Lucien is waiting for Elain to be ready.
In Conclusion...
Let me leave you with one more piece of evidence to convince you. In Jane Eyre, Jane says this of Rochester once she has finally decided to be with him:
"All my heart is yours, sir; it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever.”
In ACOWAR, we have this moment between Elain and Graysen:
"I belong to no one. But my heart belongs to you.” Graysen’s face hardened. “I don’t want it.”
Elain will eventually realize her heart belongs to Lucien Vanserra. And he will give her the true love, peace, and happiness she has always wished for her entire life.
“When I sleep,” she murmured, “I can hear your heart beating through the stone.” She angled her head, as if the city view held some answer. “Can you hear mine?" He wasn’t sure if she truly meant to address him, but he said, “No, lady. I cannot.”
Lucien's heart already belongs to Elain. Likely since the moment their bond snapped, which is why she can hear his heart.
In their book, Elain will give her heart to Lucien, as it belongs to him. And has likely always belonged to him.
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east-polaris · 1 day
Some thoughts on the last few Magnus Protocol episodes as I’ve just now gotten caught up
- feels rather cruel to have Alice be shaken up by her experience with The Horrors and worried that she’s going to get hurt by interacting with them and then give her a statement about someone who was shaken up by their experience with The Horrors and then died because of their interaction with them
- also return and voice of Ink5oul! Hey girlie!
- the fact that Madame E’s last video was just titled “help” made me giggle at first but then o thought about it more and. This is a person who uses excessive words on everything she says. Her vocabulary is loaded with filler and slang, so for this video to just have a one word title? Yeah you know shits about to go down
-Gwen girlie I hate to agree with Lena but they are Calle externals for a reason
- I am so curious about what’s going on with Celia. Like did she just wake up on a railroad track like an old times super villain put her there?
- And where does Celia keep disappearing to? She missed her date with Sam, she had to run out on her child, what’s going on?
- The statement in 17 is wild I was so confused at the beginning and I’ll be honest I’m still not sure what was happening there
- I know for a fact that people have pointed this out already but Jon and Martin?? In the therapy waiting room? Little Jon and Martin as a treat?? I hope it was them god knows they need the therapy
- this statement reminds me of when Jon said man I wish we had that guy who could take peoples bones out and Melanie said you’ll never guess who were keeping in the basement
- shout out to that housekeeper for getting the hell out of there I respect her for that
- making eye contact while falling down the stairs and breaking all your bones sounds very impressive and also hilarious someone please animate that
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- CELIA HELLO??? Is this conformation that she’s from the other dimension??
- haha jmj error
- I like to imagine that a jmj error happens when Jon Martin and Jonah are arguing about which case to give them
- “no Jonah you can’t give her that one that’s way too similar to what she went through she’ll freak out” “exactly we can watch her fear” “no you elitist prick that’s so rude cut it out or I’ll kill you again”
- why is Celia saying she’s seen Colin?
- Teddy is being so suspicious why is he saying everything like he’s looking from side to side shiftily the whole time
- Lena you can’t call a child an it that’s rude
- unless she knows something that we don’t…
- can’t believe they started to open up to each other and it went horribly wrong
- I don’t think we’ve ever heard Sam like that before, like I couldn’t tell who it was for a second
- actually, i couldn’t confidently tell you that we’ve ever heard someone laugh that hard in the entire podcast
- can you really blame him though? “Monsters are working for our government organization and one of them is Barney.” Wild.
-I do hope he apologizes though cause that wasn’t really cool of him
- Also is that our first f-bomb of the season?
- I think that Georgie might also be from the other dimension. Why else would she be so concerned about the government stalking her? That does beg the question, where is Melanie?
Thank you for listening to me ramble I had a lot on my brain
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tenkobitch · 20 hours
𝐀𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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Neuvillette x Immortal! G/N Reader
Genre: Fluff, immortals/long living characters, eternal lovers, married couple, established relationship
A/N: I was scrolling through Tumblr and got inspired to write this from ONLY seeing Neuvillette's name. Anyways, I wrote this while listening to Malice Mizer (Gardenia, Au Revoir, and Baroque are my current favorites), so I hope y'all enjoy <3
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You and Neuvillette have always loved each other, but you both often had doubts on if you'd be together forever. Especially given the fact that your husband is a dragon and you were cursed with immortality. And these doubts weren't because you didn't love each other or because you both didn't think the other person didn't love you. No, the doubts were because you both thought you'd get bored of each other.
You practically knew Neuvillette from inside and out, and you assumed that your husband knew the same about you. If you knew someone that well, you'd probably get tired of them after a while. Especially after being with them for 300 years.
You were cursed with immortality 100 years before you met your equally immortal lover, at the lovely age of 20. It wasn't because you did something wrong like break a contract, or even sell your soul to a witch and they gave you immortality. You were cursed because your homegrown garden had grown over to your neighbor's side of the fence.
Your neighbor happened to be a mage, or wizard, or whatever, and had a tendency to hold grudges. So, they sent you a letter that passed on the curse of immortality to anyone who read it. As soon as you were told this by said mage, wizard, or whatever they were, you burned the note to completion, and you never looked back.
You met Neuvillette when you first moved to Fontaine. You would hear all sorts of rumors about the man at court, and you often found everyone's words to be true. The rumors couldn't be more wrong, because you were confronted by a man that was nothing like what the whispered words said.
Neuvillette treated you as his equal, and when you became closer, a confidant. He never spoke badly about anyone, even the criminals he would sentence to a life in prison. He was always curious about how humans acted, and he couldn't be further from the image that you conjured in your head.
He was kind to anyone or anything he passed by, and even when he was faced with the public in court, he would make the trials as fair as he could. He never wanted to declare someone guilty unless he really believed they deserved it, and he was always consistent with his judgments. It did not matter how much he loved you, because if you ever did something that was against the law, he would make his conclusions based on facts. Never on emotions.
And as you saw the way he grew before your eyes, you couldn't help but feel entranced. Every time he spoke to you, you always wondered if he felt the exact same. He never alluded to his feelings for anyone unless he said how he felt, which wasn't often. You didn't notice your love for him until he finally spoke to you about his feelings.
"Dear, I do not know how to confess this to you, but I was told by the Melusines that my feelings for you were known as 'love'. Do you, perhaps, 'love' me as well?"
To say that you were shocked was an understatement. Regardless, you both explored the meaning of "love" with one another, and you both fell hard. Neuvillette couldn't be away from you for even a second, and he always whispered his desires to protect and love you forever in his sleep. You couldn't help but share the sentiment with him.
Now, the only things that had changed were Neuvillette's clinginess, and he seemed more sure and determined to make Fontaine a better place. For you, you finally stopped getting distracted at the thought of coming home to your husband and spending every waking second with him, and you decided that finding new hobbies to try wouldn't hurt you. Despite the changes, you both were still in love with each other. It was just more subtle, and not as needy.
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Neuvillette was busy studying cases from the last couple of years, so you took it upon yourself to make a list of things you needed to buy from the market. You made a list of what to get, and you were on your merry way to the center of Fontaine.
When you finally arrived, you noticed all of the things that they had exclusively had at the markets. They had mini sculptures of the Hydro Archon, Furina, who you knew well. There were other knick knacks across the tables as well, but you only bought the things you intended to.
That was until you came across the cutest thing: a mini dragon sculpture. It was a beautiful sea blue, and it looked very similar to your husband's dragon form. You immediately picked it up and bought it. You quickly made your way back home and swiftly found the appropriate materials to wrap the tiny dragon in. You intended to gift it to Neuvillette as soon as he got home, and knowing him, he'd probably love anything you gave him.
You patiently waited for him to get home, and he did not disappoint you. As he walked through the door, undressing himself from his court robes, you stood in front of him with your gift waiting in your hands. He turned to give you a small smile as he leaned down to softly kiss you. As he pulled away, be noticed your hands moving the object in your hands impatiently, and he continued to smile at your antics.
You practically shoved the gift into his chest when he finally gestured for the item. He looked to you for guidance, and you only nodded, gesturing that he unwrapped your gift. He did so, and his smile turned into confusion. You laughed before giving him an explanation.
"I saw this at the market today... It reminded me of you." Neuvillette's eyes softened as he pulled you into his chest. You inhaled his scent and pulled him into you for a while longer. You both gladly stood there with one another, and you only broke apart when your husband had to continue getting changed.
And as you retired for the night, you felt a sense of calm wash over you both. When it didn't seem to go away, you spoke up.
"Neuvi, do you ever wonder if we'll drift apart?" You asked out of curiosity, but you regretted it when you heard his response.
"Well, of course I wonder. It is hard not to think about things like that." Even though you've always felt the same, you felt your heart crack the tiniest bit. It was one thing to assume that your partner felt that way, but it was another to actually hear them say it. But what happened next didn't surprise you in the least.
"But, if we've been with each other for this long, it seems that fate has destined us to be together for as long as possible." This eased your heart and it pulled you back into reality. Every couple, no matter how long they've been together, has thought about the possibility of breaking off, and it shouldn't be different for you both. You leaned back against the headboard as your husband leaned his head on top of yours. You stayed like that for a while, and without any warning, you kissed Neuvillette on the lips gently. He smiled.
"Well, I guess you are right. Even when we should be bored of each other, we're always together. You are the love of my life, and I'm glad I had a chance to meet you." You smiled up at the man in front of you, trying not to completely fall apart in tears. The long haired man nudged his forehead against yours, causing you to look into his eyes with the same intensity as his.
"I am glad that I make you as happy as you make me. Let us always be here. Let us continue to be here in this moment, in this decade, in this century, and hopefully for eternity. I love you so." You couldn't hold back anymore tears as you hid yourself in Neuvillette's chest. He stroked your hair as you continued to cry your eyes out in his (now) soiled night shirt.
When you finally managed to lift your eyes from your husband's chest, you heard the calmest noise ever. The one thing that could lull you to sleep if you weren't with Neuvillette:
It was raining outside, and despite how calming it was, you knew what it really meant. You gazed up at your lover's face, but his eyes never looked sad or upset. He looked calm, and you could see a flicker of happiness beneath the sea of his dark blue eyes. You concluded that these were his happy tears, showing you every part of his love for you.
And you would get to experience every ounce of his love for the rest of your days.
Neuvillette arrives at the Palais Mermonia with a small smile on his face, and the Melusines take notice.
Sedene (Melusine): "What are you smiling about~"
Neuvillette: "I don't know if I should tell you."
Sedene: "Come on! It's rare for anyone other than the Melusines to see you smile!"
Neuvillette lets out a relaxing sigh, turning to the Melusine.
Neuvillette: "I didn't think that I would feel this happy since I confessed my love to my partner, but I have been proven wrong."
He sighs once more before giving into Sedene's demands.
Neuvillette: "I am smiling because my lover for eternity has told me that they loved me, and that they are glad to have met me."
Before the curious Melusine could question Neuvillette more, he walked into his office, feeling the weight of the world fall off his shoulders. He would continue to fall in love with you over and over again, until fate had decided to take you both away.
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𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭
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boringkate · 2 days
That Girl was a sitcom that aired from 1966 to 1971 and followed an unmarried woman moving to New York to live alone and pursue her own career (as an actress) (uncommon stuff for tv shows at the time). Every episode began with someone saying the words "That Girl" and then the camera would zoom in on her or a photo of her. I watched it all a few years ago and I still think about it, so now you all have to put up with me telling you about some of the episodes that stood out the most to me.
S01E01 "Don't Just Do Something, Stand There"
A fun introduction to Ann and her new boyfriend Don. It also establishes here in this first episode that That Girl just keeps getting sexually harassed. And not in a "wow it's wild that old timey romcoms acted like behaviour like this was charming" type of way. Dudes are just creeps and she's straight up having a bad time. This will happen in more episodes than I can remember or touch on here.
S02E22 "He and She and He"
Ann (after being told by them that she has to choose between them) dreams about marrying both of the boys who love her. Simultaneously. And their throuple works amazingly. Everyone is happy. It's utopian. Untill the rain starts. Noah (the bible guy with the ark) shows up at her door to reaffirm that she has to choose. He's played by the same actor who plays her father (a conservative old guy and constant source of generation gap based conflict).
S02E24 "Great Guy"
Ann's gal pal Pete (bit of a boy name) (played by Ruth Buzzi who was a regular on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In and is BTW a bit of a brick) gets her first boyfriend! He's a rough and tumble guy tho and he's always boxing and jogging with Pete instead of treating her like a lady. He even repeatedly calls Pete a "great guy" (he says Ann is more of a "girl girl" and a "pussycat"). Ann (thinking there's a problem) tries to meddle and gives Pete a femme makeover, but it was totally unnecessary and unwanted. They're happy together the way that they are. The episode ends with him saying "you meet a lot of pussycats, but it's only once in your life that you meet a great guy!"
S02E25 "The Detective Story"
Ann is scared because she keeps getting obscene phone calls from an unknown man (presumably threatening to rape her). It is not a misunderstanding. I swear this is an upbeat and breezy sitcom series.
S03E08 "A Muggy Day in Central Park"
It's a crossdressing episode. The cops are crossdressing. Her boyfriend Don is crossdressing (and I think I remember her dad catching Don crossdressing). All to catch some thieves in central park. They show a clip from it (as a flashback) in the series finale too.
S05E03 "I Ain't Got No Body"
A Playboy style porno mag features Ann's face edited onto another woman's body (she never agreed to her photo being used in this way). A precursor to the celebrity photoshops that were themselves precursors to modern deepfakes. Her conservative father sees it at his barbershop (because apparently barbershops stocked porno mags back then).
S05E24 "The Elevated Woman"
At some point the series finale was planned to show Ann and Don's wedding, but Marlo Thomas (the actress who played Ann) felt that would send the wrong message (suggesting that at the end of the day getting married is all girls should aspire to), so instead the episode is about Ann bringing Don to one of her women's lib meetings to show him what the movement is all about. He spends the whole journey telling her how ridiculous she is and saying that women don't know how good they have it. When they finally arrive it turns out that the meeting was cancelled because none of the other women could even convince their boyfriends to come. No growth occurs. There is no character arc. And no better alternatives exist within the confines of heterosexuality. He's sexist and they're engaged.
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usermarquez · 22 hours
Saw a video of Marc post Sepang 2015 press conference and he literally looks like he’s about to break into tears and have a panic attack, like Valentino Rossi I’m in your walls for what you put him through bullying a 22 year old at your big old age if 36 just cause you weren’t getting your way and Marc never got that reputation that he lost back like Marc probably couldn’t have filed for defamation and won with the way he was dragged because of valentinos delusions. And know he’s passed it on to his academy kids. Marc still talks about the effects of that to this day, like we will never now just how bad it got like people still regularly say they hope he dies even straight to his face, like I know people joke about it in a fantasy rosquez senario but irl what he did to Marc and what his fans did to Marc is disgusting and somehow he’s praised for it. He also told the media what they were saying to ianonii was wrong and in the same breath turned around and did it to Marc like I heard that he even accused Dani of riding him hard and that he expected people to get out of his way because he was in the lead of a championship like if you can’t do hard racing maybe you don’t deserve the title you say got stolen from you. I’m kinda glad Rossis last years of MotoGP was kinda his worst nightmare Marc Marquez dominating and doing it on a bike that wasn’t the best in the field something Rossi never did cause even if the 2004 Yamaha wasn’t the best bike he rode it was one of the best of that year and let’s face it his crop of actual rivals that’s could challenge him was basically non-existent whereas Marc won 2019 which was the most competitive season ever based on statistics and won it with 18 podium including 12 wins.
ALL OF THIS !!! ALL OF THIS !!!! As I said, I treat Rosquez and Post 2015 Vale as concepts in my head because otherwise if I think of Vale as a real person I might be tempted to deck him if I ever have the chance.
I think what Vale and Uccio had done at the time was completely disgusting, and no amount of RPF-fication of either of them can’t undo or change those facts.
“Oh, he’s just in his silly little mood.” Oh, fuck off, maybe focus on beating your teammate instead. And for people who came at Marc and like “You should’ve been a bigger person.” Well, fuck you. How mature could a twenty-two years old person be after hearing himself booed for something he didn’t even know. I know I would be plotting for the one responsible for it.
Also, what do you mean Vale could pull Dani aside, accused him from riding him too hard AWAY from the cameras, but Marc couldn’t get the same courtesy and instead dropping it in the middle of a press conference watched by millions of viewers. Disgusting. Completely unnecessary.
And the whole telling people off reeks of hypocrisy because when asked if he would tell fans to stop after his fans booed Marc and Jorge in Qatar 2016, all he could say was that was beyond his control. Which I know that in the end fans do as fans like, but the fact he could do that for Iannone but not Marc and Jorge was just disgusting to me I can’t find any other words than everything Vale did then as disgusting and vile.
Also, people romanticize that he passed the Marc hate to the Academy riders is so weird to me. The implication that Marc is sharing a track with people who personally hate him makes me feel so uncomfortable, I don’t want to go down that road. But, whatever.
Anyway, I don’t care if people stan Vale and Marc but I do have problems when people treat everything that happened to Marc like it was a fiction. This is something Marc has GONE THROUGH in real life. This is a real person who suffered the backlash because someone couldn’t keep his ego in check, because he couldn’t handle the realization that he couldn’t overtake IANNONE while Jorge and Marc were having the duel of their lives.
Rosquez reconciliation only works for me if Vale goes on his knees in front of international broadcast, grovels and begs Marc to forgive him, and posts the clip on all his social medias. Otherwise, Marc shouldn’t even look at that man for longer than one second.
Anyway, wow this suddenly looks like it’s turning into an anti Rosquez rambles which sounds I hate them but I actually don’t (?) I just think that sometimes Rosquez posts romanticising Sepang and 2015 and the fallout a lot and as someone who lived through it AND DID NOT enjoy it, it’s just so disconcerting. Hearing someone saying “Wow, the narrative is compelling.” knowing that that was the most unpleasant time, and did nothing except ruining a lot of people’s enjoyment of the sport…….. I didn’t even dare say I like Marc because someone would wish him dead and called me stupid.
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mswritingthings · 2 days
Big Prompt List 2
"There are a lot of things that I didn't think were possible before you."
"Please don't overwork yourself, please."
"I'll take care of you until you learn to take care of yourself."
"What? I don't have a crush on (name)!"
"Take your time, it's okay."
"That is no excuse for the way they treated you."
"Crying isn't going to solve anything, I need to toughen up."
"Relationships aren't supposed to be problems that you need to solve."
"Every single time that I close my eyes, I see your face staring back at me."
"Always the romantic."
"Where are we going so late?"
"I'll always answer when you call."
"It's getting late, come on to bed. This will all be here in the morning."
"I've never wanted to be with someone like I want to be with you."
"You can't win them all."
"Slow down, we've got all night."
"I love the way that you make me feel. I've never been wanted like this before."
"Can I touch you?"
"My mom used to tell me what it was like to fall in love. Even in my wildest dreams, I never thought it'd be this good."
"I should have known that you hadn't changed."
"Come on (name) would do anything to make you smile, absolutely anything."
"Sometimes, I wonder why I put up with you."
"Hey! You love me."
"Don't listen to them, you're beautiful."
"I just can't believe that you really chose me, that's all."
"Who has you smiling like that?"
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to mess things up for you, I swear."
"When is the last time you saw (name) smile like that?"
"I feel like myself when I'm around you."
"It gets lonely at night, maybe you should stay over."
"We were cuddling, that's all."
"Did you lock the door?"
"I swear it might not be what it looks like!"
"Are you kissing my (brother/sister)?"
"Oh the horrors! I have to bleach my eyes."
"Stop being dramatic."
"Can I have a kiss too please?"
"Who do you think you are treating this precious angel so badly?"
"I think I might die if you don't get over here and hug me."
"Don't be ridiculous, we are not in love."
"If I asked you to stay, would you?"
"It's only for a few months, and then we'll be right back here together again."
"I don't think I could bear to be without you for even a day."
"Shh, (name) just fell asleep."
"It has been so hard without you."
"Please come back. I'm sorry."
"What do you want from me? I swear I've given you everything."
"You don't love me, and that's okay because I can pretend that you do for now."
"Just let go, it's not worth the pain."
"It's fine, you can just sit on my lap."
"God, you two are disgustingly cute together."
"One day I want to have something like that."
"Babies? Like, more than one?"
"I'd love to get to know you properly if you'd let me."
"You'd think they put the stars in the sky from the way everybody constantly fawns over them."
"Drop it, okay? I'm done talking about this."
"They made you feel small, but you aren't. You matter so much to everybody, especially me."
"Holy shit, I'm in love."
"Come back to bed, it's cold."
"Stop squirming or I'll get the ropes out again."
"Open up for me like a good (boy/girl)."
"Tell me what you want, and I'll do it for you."
"It looks to me like you've got enough holes to go around."
"I know it looks like a lot, but I'll go slow."
"If you need to stop, let me know."
"Take it off. I want to see all of you."
"All of that teasing, just for you to cum so quickly? What a shame, I had much more planned for tonight."
"Shh, that's it, cum for me."
"I think you can take a little more than this, don't you?"
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fizzybin · 20 hours
Let go
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Warnings: mention's of self harm and suicide, not being able to handle emotions, hypnosis, vox is a slight asshole (what's new?), fantasy of being an a mere object as an escape
Wc: 1.3k
Inspired by @hazbinfallinginaspiral Be a doll au
a/n: I really love this AU it's honestly one of my favorites, and the creator of this AU is a wonderful writer so please check him out! (ʰᵒᵖᶦⁿᵍ ᵗʰᶦˢ ᵈᵒᵉˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵒᵘᵗ ᵐʸ ᵃⁿᵒⁿ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᶦ'ˡˡ ᵇᵉ ᵉᵐᵇᵃʳʳᵃˢˢᵉᵈ)
slightly proof read</3
Exhaustion seeped into your bones, leaving you drained and weary. You were so done, done with the constant turmoil of your emotions, done with the self-inflicted pain that seemed to be a never-ending cycle. You were done with feeling everything so intensely, wishing for just a moment of emptiness. Your friends would come to you, complaining about feeling numb and empty, and you would nod along, offering supportive words and trying to cheer them up. But deep down, all you could think was how much you wished you were like them, free from the overwhelming weight of emotions. It felt as if a dark fog had settled over your mind and heart, making it hard to see through the haze.
Living with constant and overwhelming emotions was a never-ending battle. Every day, every hour, every moment was filled with intense feelings that you couldn't control. When sadness overtook you, it felt like you wanted to end your life. And when anger consumed you, it felt like you could do anything, even kill someone. The anxiety was crippling, making every breath feel like a struggle. And when happiness did manage to break through, it was so intense that it almost scared you. It was exhausting, and god forbid your emotions mixed together.
This place was supposed to be hell, but it didn't feel like the fire and brimstone you had imagined. It was a different kind of hell, one that seemed almost bearable yet still suffocating. Was this punishment truly deserved by anyone? The question echoed in my mind as you tried to make sense of things.
You were abruptly pulled out of your thoughts by the loud slam of Vox's office door. His heavy footsteps echoed through the monitor room as he made his way to his desk, shooting you an irritable glance as he sat down. You remained silent and stayed on the couch where you had been sitting. The sound of his keyboard clicking filled the tense silence, punctuated by occasional frustrated sighs and mutters.
You went back into your thought’s noticing he didn’t need or want anything from you. You were trying to think of a way you didn’t have to feel anything, but you couldn’t think of anything.
“Doll?” Vox's voice broke through your thoughts once again. Your eyes widened as a light bulb seemed to go off above your head. That was it - a doll. Dolls don't feel emotions, they simply exist and are content with being used whenever their owner decides to play with them. And Vox, with his hypnotic powers, could easily give you what you were searching for. After all, he already owned your soul and treated you like a prized possession. Surely, he wouldn't mind having you as his own living doll.
Vox snapped his fingers trying to get you to listen to him “are you even listing to me?? I just asked you to go get me coffee damnit.” he sounded more annoyed but you were still sitting on the couch thinking of your idea of just being a doll
You blinked, momentarily taken aback by the sharpness in Vox's voice. Slowly, you rose from the couch, your mind still swirling with thoughts of becoming his doll. As you made your way to the door, a plan began to form in your mind. If you could convince Vox to use his powers on you, perhaps you could finally find the peace you had been yearning for.
Returning with a steaming mug of coffee, you handed it to Vox and watched as he took a sip, his gaze fixed on the computer screen. This was your chance. Taking a deep breath, you spoke up.
As you approached Vox's desk. He was hunched over his work, completely engrossed in whatever task he was focused on. you cleared your throat and spoke his name, the words tumbling out a bit louder than you intended. He snapped his head up, dark eyes narrowing slightly as he stared at you over the rim of his mug. "What?" he snapped back, taking another sip of his coffee before setting it down with a thud on the table.
“i- well I've been thinking…” You said slowly hoping to say what you were thinking of clearly “I…well you always tell me I'm too emotional and stuff…and I know I am-” vox cut you off before you could continue
“…if this is another apology just shut up already I dont want to hear it, Im busy so if your not preposing something be quiet and make yourself useful.”
You paused, feeling a surge of frustration at Vox's dismissive attitude. Gathering your thoughts, you straightened your posture and locked eyes with him, determination shining through the depths of your gaze. "No, this isn't an apology," you stated firmly, your voice unwavering. "I'm proposing something. I want you to use your powers on me." Vox raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued by your unexpected request. "Explain," he commanded, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. Taking a deep breath “I dont want to feel my emotions anymore…do you think you could use your hypnosis and take them away…? make me like a doll almost? Just like I already do what you want…I just dont want the emotion’s that come with it”
Vox just looked at you, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking, he sighed “so let me get this right…you want to be a mindless doll? no emotions, no thoughts. Just completely obedient?” you nodded “yes..”
“I can work with that”
He stood up, the chair scraping against the floor as he moved. He walked towards you, standing right in front of you, and you couldn't help but notice his intense gaze. It was as if he was analyzing every aspect of your being, trying to understand your motive.
"Are you sure about this?" he finally asked, his voice low and authoritative.
You nodded again, your eyes steady as you met his. "I'm sure," you replied, your voice barely audible.
He drew in a deep breath, his chest rising and falling with determination. You couldn't help but notice the fire in his eyes, the unyielding confidence that radiated from them. As he reached out to grip your chin, you felt a shiver run down your spine. He commanded your attention, silently communicating through the tap of his finger on the left side of his screen. His gaze locked onto yours, intense and unwavering. The once familiar red in his eyes had transformed into a mesmerizing swirl of black, drawing you under his command
"You will become nothing more than a lifeless puppet, devoid of all emotion and thought. Your existence will revolve solely around my every command. You are utterly powerless without me, and every command I give is your entire purpose for existence."
Your mind began to blur, the world around you becoming hazy and indistinct. Vox's words echoed in your ears, sinking deep into the core of your being. It felt as though a heavy fog was descending upon your consciousness, shrouding your thoughts and emotions in a thick veil of nothingness. The last remnants of your turbulent feelings slipped away, leaving behind a vast emptiness that seemed to stretch into eternity.
As Vox continued to exert his hypnotic power over you, a sense of calm washed over your once tumultuous soul. It was a strange sensation, this newfound peace that settled within you. You could no longer feel the weight of your emotions bearing down on you, nor the constant turmoil that had plagued your every waking moment. Instead, there was only stillness, a profound silence that wrapped around you like a comforting blanket.
You stood there before Vox, a blank canvas awaiting his every brushstroke. Your eyes reflected nothing but obedience, your mind devoid of any resistance.
“Good Doll, Just let go”
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