#i worked for almost none of it and spent half of it in a state of near daily fear for my and my family's safety so. unremarkable
soulemissary · 2 years
my sheer inability to keep track of time lately has been bothering me though bc i only keep track of time when i'm somewhat in my own head which means that whenever the days start passing by fast i can't talk to [REDACTED]
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leclsrc · 11 months
decent incentives ✴︎ cl16, mv1
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genre: this is. Smut, porn W plot, threesome, driver reader
word count: 6.9k
Max can’t even feel his feet on the hardwood floors because you’re on your bed, spread out, wearing one of Charles’ sweaters, two fingers at the apex of your thighs. Or: You’ve been a brat, and only two people know how to mellow you out. title from this
auds here… hi hi hi! scanned my reqs last week, found a max/charles threesome one, and wrote this out in half a day after a friend showed me the challengers trailer (i love tennis and it drove me to write abt a sport that was not, in fact, tennis) also i truly cannot explain the phenomenon behind me finding smut/these kinds of works easier to suss out these days (long form fic i talked abt in the last drabble is not this one fyi) but it’s just ???? like i don’t… i’ve no clue. i hope u enjoy this anyway!!!! love auds :)
nsfw warnings under the cut!
18+ because... penetrative sex, double penetration, sexual tension, masturbation (f), teasing, praise central, reader is a MASSIVE brat, size kink, dirty talk, i don’t want to say brat taming but kinda kinda
Your first time in Max Verstappen’s hotel room happened after a tiring night of media and press, where you spent hours together smoking to calm yourselves down. You’d almost been caught by a manager, stepping on your sticks as soon as the back door swung open and your names were called out to do another interview. This was with ESPN, if you remember right. There’d been a muddled chaos of journalism in the venue, all the jumbled mess of the same questions. As young as you both are, do you feel intimidated by success?
It didn’t—and still doesn’t—help, you suppose, that both you and Max had stared, tight-lipped and deflated brows, and stated, with finality: no.
The afternoon stretched into an entire night, and by the time the clock ticked nine and everything had formally wrapped up, Max mustered up the courage and a half it took to invite you to his hotel room for a cig and half a Cuervo divided into three shots each. The conversation had progressed as he drove, the continuation of an otherwise unorthodox friendship between a Red Bull and Mercedes driver—a fact you’d both acknowledged but opted to ignore.
Drivers are friends all the time, you figure—you’re close with few drivers—but none of them are Max. You had made the lousy small talk, commented on how different the pre- and post-race processes have become since your entrance in 2018, which, back then, had seemed like forever ago. “It would seem like forever to a world champion,” he’d said, and his voice is all teasing and raspy and scruffed up. You had laughed, a scoffy little noise, and told him to shut up.
He obeyed, for two seconds, then added, “Do you mind if we meet someone there?”
The hotel room was what you might expect a high-level athlete to be bestowed with, wide and huge but not as wide and not as huge as yours a few streets over. There’d been a thing of cologne left uncapped on the table by the door, Adidas shoes on the floor next to Nikes, and then a low table housing a still smoking joint that left the entire living room smelling like grass.
Somehow, Max had managed to turn a neutral, sterile hotel room into a boy’s room. The scent of weed mixed with Tom Ford cologne. The rap music blending into the open balcony’s traffic noise. The socks on the floor, two pairs, both white. It’s a strenuous effort, you’d thought—and you were beginning to think this wasn’t the work of Max alone. “We have a guest,” he’d hollered when he managed to fiddle with the key card properly enough to leave the door alone.
No one had answered, or surfaced from the hallway leading to the bedroom and bathroom, so you followed Max into the bar area. Bottles of booze in varying states of empty, lemon slices and salt now cold—“Do you not call housekeeping?” You’d asked, amusement concealing curiosity as you accepted a poured-out shot. He said they do—they—and sometimes hotel staff are just a bunch of pricks. He asked more questions. How it felt to win at twenty-one, how it felt to be driving, to be the youngest winner, the first female driver. 
Ask me something I don’t hear fucking journalists say all the time, you’d replied back, half-jokingly. The August air nipped at your cheeks, chilling your warm face. He’d laughed, and explained that he re-asked the questions in case you have a more honest answer to give him. The most honesty you could offer is that you’d grown to hate your reputation because it precedes your skill. It’d been silent for a bit then, just the scent of the unclaimed weed. Then Max went, We have a new friend.
You turned to see who he was talking to. Charles was at the doorway, eyes on you already, raising a hand to say a silent hello. “H…” He trailed off. “Hey.”
He was shirtless, Calvins tight on his legs, his free hand scratching absently at his abs. Behind you, you had faintly picked up on Max introducing you and Charles rolled his eyes before replying, clipped, I know who she is, wiseass. He’d taken the weed and almost left, but you spoke next.
“Want to come sit?”
He paused, turned, and blinked. “I’m alright,” he rejected. “We have a meeting tomorrow, don’t forget.”
Then he was back in the bedroom area, leaving behind him a trail of grassy smoke. He was clearly rugged and fresh from sleep, the delicious sleep athletes have all grown familiar with: post-race, overcome with a terrible exhaustion. You’d only ever exchanged a few words with either of these two, and the fact that you were alone with them sent a warm, drawling thrill up your spine.
You were two and a half shots in when Charles reappeared, sans weed. “Any left for me?”
If you grouped the grid into years, you would be with Max and Charles—on the younger end, still at the ripe years of your careers. You entered first, though, then Max, thenCharles, which meant you were connected to, and friends with, relatively different people on the paddock. But the 2020 season and your many close calls with Max began the media and manager tirade of constantly lumping you and Max into the same interviews, press conferences, and media days, to maybe somehow elicit a bit of drama out (a tireless and unrelenting effort).
That’s how the rumors started. The rumor that permeates you most is one that asks about you, Max, and Charles. Some say you dated one then the other (a homie hopper, they’d branded you in 2021), others say they dated each other and you butted in. All of them were woefully untrue, in the same way all had some ring of truth to them.
And you suppose that’s what hotwired the beginning of your nights spent at Max’s hotel room, where Charles would nearly always be camped out, then eventually vice versa (Charles’ room, Max camping out; your room, solo, housing them for one night), drinking and/or smoking and/or playing some form of cards. And you suppose again that it was all this that radiated into everything else, all your wins and successes and bad days and near crashes, that just caused the entire universe to topple over, into itself, and creep up onto the three of you in Bahrain that year.
But that year is three years ago, and if you try to detail every last divot of it, you’re going to wind up rubbing a migraine out of your head. And you’re not interested in developing a headache—not when you’re celebrating the fifth race of the 2023 season.
It’s your fourth win this season. It’s all anybody ever talks about, how you had gone and secured a third championship for yourself last year, and how you’re gunning for four, the greatest the sport has seen in years. It’s all anyone can repeat and echo—you’re a fucking legend!—and you know from experience that praise does more than the most dangerous cocktail of drugs to get you high.
The afterparty is full and obnoxiously loud, dark and smoky and low-visibility. You’re wearing a flimsy dress and running a hand through your hair while you nurse a drink, feeling drunk on compliments and confused with certain absences. You can feel the bass through the tiled floor, heels clicking on it as you search, search, and come up short. Neither Max nor Charles have sent you a text, a play they always perform to break a routine you’ve become familiar with. You frown. Hey, somebody says next to you, you’re better than anyone else on the grid right now! You thank them, thinking to yourself—where the fuck is anyone else on the grid anyway? The relevant people, at least?
Half an hour later, you’ve ditched the party and are pounding with your fists at Max’s hotel room door in an effort to get them to open it quicker, after your knuckles didn’t seem to do the work well enough. You half—no, mostly—expect Charles to be the one who pulls it open. He’s more prudent. He gives in easier. He’s nicer and he can spare a thought for the other people on this floor (but the price of this room means there barely are). 
“What.” His voice is gritty.
“You told me you would come tonight.” Your voice is steady—you’d chosen not to drink much, and what little you consumed wore off on the ride here. Even with your heels on and even in sleepiness, you notice his presence towers over yours. “You both said.”
“We were tired.”
You scoff and gently push past him into the room, where evidence of their existence rags the furniture. “Every hotel room you ever stay in is turned into a fucking frat house.” Beer bottles, cigs, gifts from fans stored with precarious care but peeking out from suitcases. 
“We were sleeping. I am sleepy,” he says behind you, unamused by your sudden appearance. He shuts the door and stands still, looking as disappointed as he can. It’s unlike him. You’re buying time to find out what the problem is.
“Okay, I’ll go,” you say, relenting, running a few fingers over the mess of clothes strewn atop the armrest of the couch. “My driver’s downstairs, anyway. I wanted you there tonight, though.” You look up, meet his eyes. Tired and green and fed up. “Both of you. We could’ve celebrated.”
He pulls his lips tight and stands straighter. “I know, I know.” He softens a little. “I’m sorry, okay? Desolé. Just… tired.” You know he’s tired because his team is shit, and you know it has nothing to do with you, but you’re so wrapped up with everything that your irritance fails to quell.
“Where’s Max?” You ask roughly instead, thumbing at the strap of your minidress. He gestures to the bedroom. You’re quiet but stormy when you walk in, finding him, messy hair and tired eyes notwithstanding, fully awake, unlike what his roomie has been telling you since you arrived; you scoff out loud again. Des-fucking-picable. You sit yourself on the couch, crossing your legs petulantly.
They both stare. They’re mad, it occurs to you, which is weird because they had you in between them on that same bed less than forty-eight hours ago. You’d come thrice and begged for more, but they laughed and said you all needed sleep to get up for race prep. Race prep. Race prep.
“Okay, then.” You throw two hands up in a semi-shrug. “Let’s have it. What’s the matter? No use lying.”
They both look irritated. “Nothing,” Max says.
“Fuck nothing.” You trail a hand over the hem of your dress. “You’re pissed with me, but I didn’t do shit.” You try to rerack the race, but you hadn’t so much as collided with them in the slightest, apart from overtaking them a few times, but they weren’t man children to whine over that. You’d shared the podium with Charles, for Chrissake.
“You’re right. You just went and…” Charles blows a raspberry and makes an explosion gesture, opening his clenched fist. “Shat on us in your post-race interview.”
And there it is.
You huff out a laugh, momentarily losing control over speech, and it’s caught in between itself and a sigh, a breathy noise that makes waves in the quiet room. Okay, you think. I get it. Your eyes flit in-between the two men across you, your shoulders straight and eyebrows raised, posing a challenge. “What, are you jealous?”
They’re silent. And you know silence always means—
Your eyes relax, smug and a little teasing as you elaborate. “Because you know I’m better than both of you?”
Their silence is redeeming and rewarding and permissive and it speaks volumes louder than if they’d actually admitted to it. You stare back at them, eyes narrowed, amused, coy. You’d been joking around in your Sky Sports interview. Sure, you’re a bit of a tease, especially on the high of a win. But they should know that by now.
You know it annoys them more to leave the door wide open as you leave, than to slam it closed.
“Will you draw me a tattoo?!”
“I’d love to, but you are going to regret it,” Charles laughs, signing his name off with a heart on the frenzied fan’s outstretched cap. The busy, busy practice day had now worn into night, though nothing seems to be taking his mind off the fact that you’ve been giving him and Max the cold shoulder since last week. And he knows it’s stupid, he knows he and Max were being irrational and pissy—him especially—but now he just finds himself needing to apologize before anything becomes worse.
But his priority is getting to your hotel, which now seems like the journey of his lifetime. His bodyguard is a bulldozer and grips his elbow to traverse them through the sea of people who cheer him on, go Charles have faith in Ferrari and yeah, that’s been getting more and more difficult as the races pass without much good progress. There are flashes all around, noise and laughing and whoops and gifts he tries to receive, but he just—he needs to get to your hotel. Preoccupied, he remembers where he’d seen Max last, just seconds before leaving the paddock for the evening.
You spend a lot of time with a certain pair Ferrari and Mercedes drivers, says the interviewer in Dutch. Charles squints at the subtitles and waits for Max’s reaction.
He’s in the passenger seat, being driven around for a change, and maybe he’s a pessimist and he misses you and Max, or maybe the city he’s in is just. Dreary, so he opts to stare at his phone like every other person. The clip’s been posted by a fan on Twitter, and the caption is something jokey—something about a dream threesome. He can’t help but laugh as he watches. We are close, us three, Max says, nodding. In fact I will be meeting them later.
The media’s always speculated, rumors born out of a few close calls outside clubs where you’re tipsy and giggly and getting into one car. The fans, funny as ever, also make some fun of it—posting pictures of you three captioned with something like polyamory is real or her and the guys she told you not to worry about, but God if any of them knew the real picture, the whole three years of it, all the sex and hickeys and rumors.
He scrolls a bit more. There are a few photos of you leaving the paddock, hand poised atop your face to shield it from the paps. You get loads more of them wherever you are, loads morecompared to anybody else on the grid. You always attract the media, the press. He finds a picture with your face in it, smiling at your result during FP2. Fuck. You’re pretty, hair damp with sweat, lips stretched into a proud grin, suited hand raising a thumbs up.
“Where to?” The driver beside him asks suddenly.
“Fairmont,” Max says to his assistant as he pulls out of parking. “I’m hanging up, doei.” He presses the red button and sighs, shutting his eyes and driving the steady, increasingly familiar routes of the city. He’d called you this morning but you didn’t pick up. Last night he’d slept restlessly, which was no different from the nights before, anyway.
He gets to the valet parking of your hotel when purple is just settling into blackness in the sky, the beginnings of a civil discussion at the tip of his tongue as he exits the elevator and finds your room, opening it and finding it unlocked already. Charles must have done the brunt of it, or maybe you’d gotten an assistant of an assistant to pass an extra keycard to him. You always plan around them, thinking ahead. Both on and off track.
Like the hotel rooms he and Charles share or camp out at, your existence is terribly visible. Unlike them, though, it manifests differently.
It smells like your perfume, the pink bottle he’d found you spritzing on once, and everything is neat and tidy and gorgeous. A vase of white peonies on the low table, lipstick on the table by the mirror, even the pack of cigarettes you barely smoke is pretty and unassuming on the sofa. The only thing amiss—a pair of men’s shoes, those ones with stars on them that you bought Charles on a spur-of-the-moment shopping trip. He toes off his own beside them, eyes the alignment, and fixes it lest you scold them for it later.
Anyway. It smells like you. That’s the only thing he cares about right now. It hits him like a tidal wave, after being ignored the whole week and then some. Your perfume, your favorite linen spray—that black and white glass bottle you carry around like a rosary—your favorite lip balm, even. He swears he smells the vanilla, can recall the taste of it from kissing you ditzy.
It’s beginning to rain—it had been drizzling already, en route here—and the noise pelts the windows, an accompaniment to his footsteps down the hall. He’s familiar with the layout of a penthouse suite, but still he tries out the WC door, and then the closet with the ironing board, before finally he figures the bedroom should be at the end of the hall.
He’s reciting it. I’m sorry. Would you stop being a brat? No. No, just say you’re sorry and then he’s standing at the ajar door of your bedroom, pushing it open, and he can’t feel anything. The words have evaporated. So have his warm little sentimental feelings, and so the annoyance he’d come busting in with.
Max can’t even feel his feet on the hardwood floors because you’re on your bed, spread out, wearing one of Charles’ sweaters, two fingers at the apex of your thighs.
He opens his mouth but nothing leaves. His eyes find Charles, standing by the door, propped against the desk, arms crossed and fingers digging into his biceps. Max looks at you again. You have a pretty flush high on your cheeks, a slight sheen of sweat on your exposed collar. He blinks and realizes you’ve been talking.
“I said, you can sit the fuck down.” There’s a couch to his left.
He pulls himself together and stays beside Charles. “I’m good here, thanks.”
You eye the two of them. They look like stupid twins in the same way they look like Republican husbands. You roll your eyes and allow it; anyway, you’re not in the mood to order either of them around too much.
Charles has been watching you for a while now, watched you fake moans and exaggerate whines, feigning pleasure over two of your fingers. It’s almost laughable—he’d allowed a smile, in fact, because he knows better. Once, he’d pulled your hair so hard you teared up, nodding, hand at his wrist, whimpering more, harder, do it. Another time, he and Max had gotten you all riled up and edged for half an hour, so riled that all you could mutter out were please and their names when they finally stuffed you full. You’re evidently playing your games again. You love to play around with them. It’s almost—you could almost call it a hobby.
“I’m not going to stop just ‘cause you’re both here.” Your hand moves, two fingers fucking into yourself, pink lace pushed aside. Your cunt is so pretty, they’re both thinking. “Did you think I would?” When silence greets you, you decide to address them directly. “Max. Did you?”
His voice is thin and tight when he responds, “Yeah, actually—so we could suss this out, at least.”
Your laugh is patronizing. “I prefer it this way. And you know what?”
Max stares. Charles has already been told this, several minutes ago when he found you in the exact same position. It’s not any easier for him to hear it again, chaste and sweet out of your lips. You can’t touch me.
See, they would’ve been content without touching you, if they sit and think about it. Max didn’t walk in here thinking he’d even be kissing you, and he knows Charles thinks the same thing. Maybe touch you—innocently, that kind of way. Sure, they’d been pent up, heady with arousal, but that came second to talking things out. But now you’ve told them they can’t touch, and that’s worsened them to their limit. Charles imagines touching you, the same touch he gives when it’s post-race and he gets you alone, to himself, nobody else’s, quick fucks in a dim closet, whispering some dirty shit in your ear and getting you like putty in his hands.
Max thinks of nearly the same thing. Imagines running his hand over your hair, gentle but firm, the same way he does when he knocks at your hotel room after hours and gets you from high-strung and bratty to begging for more. You notice their eyes, darkened; you realize their minds have wandered. So, they watch hopelessly as the smirk spreads prettily across your flushed face, and they remember the events of a week prior, when childishly, they’d acted out, and think, for a second, that maybe they deserve this.
You all know what it’s like to keep them from touching you.
It was both easier and worse then, in 2020 when everything started—when everything was brand new and thrilling and exciting. Easier, because they were satisfied as soon as they got you to come, maybe kiss them both, and they were content with slow exploration. Worse, because you were all insatiable. It felt like none of you could go minutes without some form of touch, during, in-between, after practice, quali, fuck—it was worse, much worse.
As you all grew older and got accustomed to the drivel of racing, you all got better. It didn’t get much easier.
Charles recalls how insatiable he was—and thinks, with amusement almost, that if he was insatiable then, he’s worse now. Now he knows where, how, for how long to touch you to get you wide-eyed and warm in the face even in the most serious of moments. Max, too. He knows how you taste, bend, tease. They love touching you. Just skin to skin. And you’ve gone and put a great big X mark over that.
“So,” Max says, voice flat, the way it is when he’s unamused with a reporter, “we’re in a time out.”
“You can call it that,” you giggle, and it segues into a huffy whimper when you angle your hand just right. “You were acting childish, anyway.”
Charles sighs, long and deep. “We—fuck.” His eyes can’t unglue themselves from your fingers. He knows he could make you feel so much better, fuck real moans out of you until you’re crying. “We were being childish, oui, and it was—we were just tense. I was unhappy with strategy. I could’ve been P2 but they pitted me at the worst time, putain. I took it out on you, and I’m… I was… I was worn out, and you called us childish in your interview.” 
Ever the minx, you only smile. You’d been joking, you clarified that a day later; it was crass, spurred on by team radios of the two of them complaining in the latter half of the race. “It was a joke, Charles.”
“I know, baby, I know.” His lip curls and he breathes steadily, controlling himself. “It was unprompted though. You weren’t even asked about us. And yeah, a joke—but it felt shitty, love. I don’t mind it—we don’t mind it, but—” He needs to think about the phrasing, think about his intentions.
Your eyes are on fire, clearly still angry, but steadily softening.
“But in moderation,” comes Max’s raspy voice. “You’re running your mouth a lot in the media.”
“You’re one to—ah—talk,” you huff back, a futile argument.
“You need to understand that—that when you’re giddy, or angry, you can’t keep turning to interviews to express all that out. You need to sit with it. Just because we’re not…” your boyfriends, Max almost says, “…yours, doesn’t mean you can shit on us then expect us to be okay with it a few hours later. It’s a thing you do. A game you play. And it’s nice, it was nice then, but it’s annoying now, and it’s almost, like, do you even want this to keep going? To work—?”
You recoil. “You seriously think I don’t want th—”
Charles cuts in. “Well, when you play at us like this, yeah. Put in the work. If you’re high off a win, or mad for some other reason, just let it happen. Don’t fucking.” He exhales. “Call us names, then show up at our hotel acting like an angel.”
They’ve always looked out for you like this, known when to scold you or put you in your place for doing too much or not doing enough. They’ve never let personal things cross too much with business, which is a blessing of an ability when you’re three people having regular sex while balancing a ludicrous athletic career. It’s all sussed down to stupid ‘I care for you’ stuff that, frankly, they’re both too horny and angry to get into the grit of right now.
They don’t realize how quiet the room has grown until you eke out a noise, a thoughtful sound of agreement. You’ve pulled your fingers out, both hands playing with a loose thread on the hem of the sweater, rolling it into a ball. Your hair falls in waves. There’s a crease in it from the ponytail you wear when driving.
Your expression is still murderous, but much softer now; you cough, “I—I get what you’re saying. And I know I play… I have these games, or—but, honestly, I could say the same to you both.” You stutter through your totally shit explanation.
“How do you… mean,” deadpans Max. 
“I mean, when I’m acting out, you two just take it.” Having them at your mercy like that is satisfying in its own right, but pragmatically, it’s unhealthy. “You don’t ever tell me off. Even now. I need you to tell me… to fucking,” you’re warm and spluttery now. “Fuck's sake, okay? I know I can be annoying. I know I say stupid shit when I don’t finish and I’m way less diplomatic than Mr. Il Predestinato,” you breathe. “But you two just let me be annoying!”
“Then don’t be annoying,” Charles says, diplomatic as ever—his voice rises, though, nearly matching yours.
“Not like that!” You huff, folding your legs and sitting straighter, and they catch a glimpse of your pink panties again. “When I’m out of line, you”—you point to them—“need to correct me.” They’re nearly blindsided by your request to… be told what to do, which is so different from how sex usually works. From how this whole dynamic usually works.
But Max remembers your manager, and Toto, and your teammate Lewis even, and your engineers, who have all, at one point or another, had to talk you down and tell you to calm down and correct your behavior. So he says, “People do that all the time, but it only works for a second.”
“Because th—” You suck in a lungful of air. “They’re not you two, you daft fuckers!” You’re at the centre of the bed now, sweater drooped over your folded thighs, eyes matching the rain outside. “Every time, I need to be talked down, and you never. Do it. So do it. Fucking—do it. I have to tell you everything.”
“You don’t—-”
“Oh, I do.” You say, folding your arms over your chest. 
“This is despicable,” Max says. “We need to sort this out properly.”
“So what? This isn’t”—you raise violent air quotes—“putting in the work?”
They glance at each other for a minute. They feel you thinking you’re winning, thinking they’ll grovel and say okay we’ll do that next time, can we fuck you? Like all the other semi-resolved fights before. You’re sitting straight, eyebrows raised, defiant. But for them to do that—you just said it wasn’t what you needed. 
And they’d have to be caught dead before not giving you what you need. If you want to be bossed around a bit, then they’ll do it.
“Sit down,” Charles goes. Unmoving. 
“What.” You’re deadpanning, eyes narrowed.
“Sit the fuck down,” he repeats. You open your mouth, but he’s quicker. “Don’t make me say it again.”
You pout, leaning against the headboard and unfolding your legs. He rounds the room, sits at the foot of the bed. It’s a big bed, so even if he’s on it, he still needs to reach over a bit to be able to touch you. The distance is good, though, keeps them in control. Max sits opposite him, both of them on either side of you, and they’re so close, so scrutinizing, so handsome. 
“Put your fingers in your mouth,” he says. You take a second, spreading your knees and obeying. You find a way, though, to make their little challenge all your own—you make a show of it, peeking your tongue out and licking your bottom lip all shiny before hollowing your cheeks. You stare at them the whole time and you don’t blink. It’s hotter than it has any right to be. “Suck on them.” You continue doing it, lips slightly curled.
“You’re a brat.” You try to conceal the whimper that leaves you but it fails pathetically. Charles presses on. “A spoiled brat.”
He’s the nicer of the two. Your whole threesome situation had began three years ago, and in almost every tryst since then, he’s been nice. In fact, if any of them were to ever ‘tell you off’ like you so desperately wanted, apparently, it would have definitely been Max. He’s firm, yeah, but he’s sweet. And he’d hate to boss you around too much, even if it’s something he wants. So he thinks, and he pretends he’s back to quali day of last week. It was a slow morning because of weather problems, so everyone was in a mood, and you were absolutely no exception. You come off as quiet to the public and to some of the grid, but to your friends, you’re anything but.
In an effort to lift the mood, you’d been mouthing off the entire day to your close circle of driver friends, in particular retelling the story of how you had teased Charles post-DNF in Saudi, and even gotten Lando to laugh about it at the time. What a season starter, you said when you were recounting it. You left out a detail: that night in Saudi, he’d fucked you and refused to let you cum, soaking your pillow with tears and goading a sobbed apology out of you.
Watching you joke about it again, even if it was a fucking joke and even if it was because you were mad at him and Max—got him all red hot, pissed off. Seething.
“Do you remember last race weekend when you joked about my DNF in Saudi?”
Cheeks hollowed, you nod.
“Fucking brat. That whole day. Ignoring me, ignoring Max. Didn’t listen to our apologies. Just noise all day.”
Your brows knit defiantly.
“I’m serious. You weren’t being funny. Just a brat. And if you were bored or pissed, you could’ve said so instead of making me look stupid.” You nod.
He glimpses at Max; the latter speaks next. “Open yourself up.”
You spread your legs out farther and sneak your spit-slick fingers down, pushing the flimsy material aside to rub at your cunt, two fingers sliding right back in. You breathe out shakily and wait for them to talk again. You’re still fussy, high-strung, not totally calm and mellowed down yet.
“When Charles and I aren’t here to fuck you into behaving, who’s going to make sure you’re acting proper?”
“Carlos,” you grit out in between thrusts.
They seethe. “Again,” Charles says, unamused.
“Nat,” you name your manager. “Lewis, or something. Fuck. Lando? I don’t—”
You asked to be told what to do, but you never said, they suppose, that it would be an easy job. “Guess again.”
“Toto.” You look delighted at that last one, knowing the implication. They’ve always been a bit jealous there. You thrive off disobedience, getting your two favorite boys all angry and flushed red with it. You open your mouth to try smartassing your way out of their orders, but Max beats you to it. “If you guess wrong, you’re not cumming. We’ll fuck you tonight, but no cumming.”
You whimper out loud, sinking your fingers farther in, adding a third.
“Don’t add another. Answer Max,” Charles says.
“Fuck,” you seethe, slipping the third out on your next thrust. “Me. I’m supposed to keep myself in check. When I’m mad. When I’m giddy and fuck—yeah. Me. It’s me.”
“Good girl,” he rasps out. “Good girl. You have to practice. How does it feel?”
I know, you mouth, eyes fluttering. You scissor the two fingers you’re thrusting in and out, wet with slick. “Feels good.”
“Not your fingers, love,” Max says. “How’s it feel hearing what we just told you?”
“Good, better,” you say in-between breaths. “I’ll practice. I like it. You’re not… letting me push you around. You’re—you can punish—fuck. Me.”
“Yeah? How, then?” 
“Fuck me,” you repeat breathlessly. “Both of you.”
“Add another,” Charles orders, and you nod, quick and pliant, fucking yourself open. They’re both so hard, cocks heavy and uncomfortable in their jeans. You can see the thick shapes of them through the denim, and you thrust harder, a futile attempt to replicate how it feels when they’re fucking you.
“You remember how it feels, having both of us in you?” Max sounds amused.
“Yes,” you moan. Your pathetic imitation of moans and gasps earlier pales in comparison to this, voice dry and thick with pleasure and raw desperation. “Yes, pl—fuck, yes.”
“Why aren’t you feeling it now?” They need to hear you verbalize the reason why, admit it one last time before they give you what you want. You whine, rutting your hips up against your hand, catching your clit on the heel of your palm. 
“Because I was being a brat, and I—you were being childish, but I didn’t want to talk things through either—and I’m always taking out my emotions on you guys, and I’m sorry, okay, would you just fuck me already?”
They’re on you immediately, all words and whispers, fingers at your chin turning you both ways to slot kisses on your mouth. Your free hand palms over Max’s bulge; he’s the one to your right. It’s hard and thick and heavy and you need it, need them. Charles’ hand takes over yours, thrusting deep and you’re whimpering into his sweet mouth.
“Feel my cock?” Max asks, “Could make you feel real nice, baby.”
“I know,” you sigh, breathless. “I want it.”
“When's the last time you took us both?” Charles asks, smile wicked. “Little thing like you.”
You grit out a moan, fuzzy and floating, letting them lift you up to straddle—one of them—you open your eyes and see Charles staring up at you, wonder and green eyes. “Got this, love?” You nod, yeah, I’ve got it, you say, little sighs. Both of you. Now.
This space you’re in, where it’s pleasure and fuzz and nothing else, is comparable to the high of winning. And you know you prefer that to sex, at least now, because racing is your life. It’s the slow satisfaction of being the best on the entire grid, despite everything. It’s the cheers, the raised fists when you climb atop your car and bring the crowd to a crescendo. The even louder screams when you pull your helmet and balaclava off and smile, trophy and all, champagne shiny and glowy on your face. All that shit—it’s addictive, and it feels just like this. So similar, in fact, because when you win, you finish on top of Charles and Max, and—
—Max is behind you, jeans tugged just enough for his cock to be pulled free, slick with lube and prodding at your ass—
—it feels just fucking like this.
“Like Max’s cock filling you up?” His cockhead is breaching your tight entrance and you moan out loud.
“I missed it,” you say, muffled by Charles’ free thumb at your lips, swirling it on your tongue. You flip him off for cutting you off and he laughs. “Give it t’me,” you goad, turning slightly. You want it so bad, missed being fed with their cocks. A week is too long. “I need more of it, all of it. In me, fill me up,” you beg, whimpering, desperate.
Max stares at your ass, grabs at the flesh there, at the string of your thong. You suck him in so hungrily, like you’re challenging him to not thrust in fully; you’re canting your hips backward too, and Max has to hike the too-big sweater up to watch the muscles of your back flex to meet his dick.
“So pretty, princess,” Charles says, because with them you really are a princess. Max begins to thrust into you from behind and you’re getting little moans fucked out of you, watching Charles unbuckle his jeans to tug his cock out, thick and pretty and you want—if you could, you would suck on it, let him fuck your throat, but you’re in the business of being filled to the point of blank thoughts right now.
You feel Charles at your cunt then, your slick making the slide easier, and Charles bucks his hips up and you—this is what you needed, to mellow you down, get you all loose and ready for more. “Take it, baby,” Max says, “all of it, all of us.”
“Ah,” you gasp out. “Ah.”
“Come on,” he grits, voice hardening. “You’re ruined. Pretty little girl. Come on.”
“Maxie,” you call out weakly, your fond little nickname for him. You remember Charles whining about how he doesn’t have one, so you save baby for him, had sussed that out on a night where they took turns fucking you. Your hips torn between the two dicks stuffing you, face sweaty and the sweater doesn’t help, gets you hotter; Charles gets the hint, and with effort, pulls it off you. Your skin is shiny underneath, matching bra sticking to your sweaty, sheened out skin.
“Love it,” you say, voice strained. “Split—fuck—me open.” Your holes clench around them and Jesus, they could have you all flushed and pretty and spread out like them, like this, forever. Charles grabs at the flesh of your ass, slaps you once and you’re tightening around them, breath impossibly still, thighs shaking. Max’s hands hold your hips tight, hungrily traveling up, groping at the wire of your bra to press at your tits. You’re pressed against both of them at a delicious angle that gets you dizzy.
“I’m gonna cum, I,” you breathe out, moaning, “I haven’t touched myself since…”
They both moan at that, delirious. Fuck. The thought of you holding it—for them—fuck. 
“You’re so perfect, so—fuck—slutty,” Charles says, and you can’t hide the moan fast enough. “Feels good, having us in you, yeah? Getting you all noisy and… fucking—shit. I know how much you needed this, love. I know how much you love it. Us.”
From behind, Max snakes a hand up your abdomen, the column of your throat, and wraps there. You see white from the sensation of it alone.
“Tell me—I can’t—please, I—Charles—Maxie—” You’re increasingly incoherent, slick running down your thighs, twitching vigorously. You try to comprehend everything but you’re losing coherence and they get it, they get it, wiping your tears and sweat and coercing you to cum, yeah, pretty little pussy so fucking wet for us, cum hard, come on, you’ve been so good, baby, the best girl for us.
There’s no way either of them are lasting after that, after watching you fall apart and finish on top of them, stuffed full, stuffed pliant, stuffed fucking docile.
It’s your turn, then, to praise, your favorite boys, always so good for me, thank you for letting me cum, come on, let me taste it—and you’re stained with their release after a few minutes, Max biting on your shoulder, Charles’ thumb indenting your hip.
What. A. Podium, ladies and gentlemen! Max Verstappen of Red Bull, from P6 in the last race to a stunning P3 drive—Charles Leclerc, braving the team’s dismal strategy to get P2! What a knockout. Of course the Mercedes legend, gunning for four championships now, had crossed the flag first to claim her fifth P1 of the season.
What a legendary race, absolutely proper podium. They showed us what driving is, real driving.
The season is heating up. 
Makes you wonder what happened over the weekend for them to get such good results.
This is F1. I’m sure they keep each other motivated.
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imaginaryf1shots · 3 months
Burned out | Lewis Hamilton
WC: 1.6K
Lewis Hamilton X Platonic!reader
Summery: (REQUESTED) going through a burn out is never easy, lucky for you, your best friend is here to help you.
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Not edited at all, not even a little bit.
You and Lewis have been friends for years, it’s a well known thing. you have been there for each other through it all, the ups and downs, the championships, the DNFs and everything in between. Every spare moment you had off work you’d be wherever he is, spending vacations at his house in Monaco or going with him to Brazil for a trip. now don’t get me wrong you have a normal office job, you work your hours normally, but you’re smart about your days off.
However these days it’s all been a little harder, you’re having to move because of your landlord wanting to live in the house, with a close call from him you’ve been house hunting every weekend, and work has been piling on, your company let quite a few people go, so you’ve had to take on more workload with the same salary and everything, and let’s not forget all the family commitments you’ve had to cancel on.
But alas life has to go on.
”What do you think about this one?” You ask Lewis who is on facetime with you, as you walked around the apartment your real estate agent was showing you, you prefer the one you’re in now, but this one isn’t bad in your opinion.
”It’s definitely better than the one from last week.” Lewis said, you hummed in agreement, opening the cabinets to look at the storage.
”I think so too, the best one so far.” You muttered and bit your lip in compilation.
”Are you signing this one?” Lewis asked and you nodded.
”I think so, I don’t think I’ll find a better one before I have to move out.” You stated, and that was that. you put an offer in, and waited.
”What do you want to eat?” Lewis asked from across the island, he had his fridge open, he had a stack of boxes that are made for his diet but he didn’t feel like any of them today. when you didnt respond he turned to look at you, you didnt hear him focused on your open laptop, where you had your work project on but you weren’t typing or doing anything just staring at the screen as if it killed your first child. “Hey, earth to (y/n).” 
Lewis had to wave his hand in front of your face for you to snap out of it. “What? Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked what do you want to eat, but now I think you need to take a break, you’ve been here for five hours and you haven’t moved from your spot.” Lewis said raising an eyebrow.
”I moved!”
”To go to the loo.” Lewis smiled and you rolled your eyes having no comeback.
”What do you feel like eating, I’ll have whatever.” You said trying to change the subject, you rolled your shoulders trying to loosen them up.
”Don’t try to change the subject, love.” Lewis was having none of it, you sighed, he moved around the island to stand by you. “It wouldn’t kill you to take an hour off.” 
“An hour! I can’t do that, I have so much to do, I have to hand this in on Monday and then there’s another project for the week after that I have almost nothing done in and then I still haven’t heard back from the agent for the house and I have to move in under three weeks-“ 
“Okay, okay, breathe.” Lewis places his hands on your shoulders and you take a deep breath, he knows that all this work and all the stress from having to move is affecting you, you haven’t seen any of your friends for a while and your family lives too far for you to see them regularly and it’s taken it’s toll on you. “Now, you’ve been sitting here for a half an hour without doing anything, you need a break, let’s go out for food and then you can come back and finish your work for the night, okay?”
”Fine, but we can’t be out for too long.” You say and save your work.
”We won't.”
You did go out, and you didn't take long, but here you are regretting this, as you’re rushing to finish everything to be handed in. Now every moment you spent doing anything else but working is eating you alive. All the what ifs and what nots are killing you slowly. your nails are chewed to bits, and you’re all over the place as you gather your things to head to the office, only taking five minute in front of the door before you head out to sort your look.
”Hey love, I’m leaving in a few days and when can we meet up?” Lewis asked you over the phone as you stood in the street trying to stop a taxi, but failing miserably and it just started to rain, you sigh feeling as if the world is crashing onto you.
”I can’t Lew, I’m sorry I dont have the time.” You say and try to stop your voice from changing, but Lewis knows you too well he could tell that there’s something going on.
”What’s wrong? Is it your project?” Lewis sat up on his sofa, he stopped petting Rosco as he frowned, he hears you sniffing and gets up from his place. 
“No-no, the project is fine, bu-but they want me to do another and them my offer got rejected and I don’t have time to go see another place and I have to start packing to move, and no freaking taxi is stopping and it’s raining and just shit.” You wanted to scream right now, but being in public just didn’t help. The rain is disgusting your tears but your voice is heave and wavering, Lewis is already with his keys and leaving his house.
”It’s okay love, where are you?” You tell him and push your stick hair out of your face. “Okay, I’ll be there as soon as I can, yeah, just find somewhere dry to stand.”
It takes Lewis around 30 minutes to reach you, considering the traffic that’s a miracle. you see his Mercedes coming around the corner, you’re still wet and cold when you hop in the car, the heat is already on. Your eyes are red and your lips in a permanent frown, your bag slipping to the floor with a thud. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Lewis asked softly and took your freezing hand in his. “Stupid question.”
“Thank you for picking me up.” You mumble looking out the window, your hand holding tightly to Lewis's. You're in need of his comfort and just knowing that he's there makes you think that maybe something is going right in your life. You have your best friend and everything is okay.
Lewis drives you to his house only letting go when he needs to park. 
“Come on, let's get inside.” You walk behind Lewis, and once you're inside he helps you take off your wet jacket. “Go shower, before you get sick, I'll get the kettle going.”
You slowly make your way to the guest bedroom, the room you sleep in when you're spending the night for one reason or the other. You don't cry in the shower or when you get dressed in some clothes you had here(the hoodie you slip on top belong to lewis). 
When you make it to the kitchen you see Lewis standing beside the tea mugs he made on his phone. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Like shit.” You mutter and meet his brown eyes, Lewis gives you the smallest smile and opens his arms for you, you don't hesitate before walking into them. He's so warm and so familiar and he just holds you, he says nothing and that's all it took for the floodgates to open again. You're sobbing as he holds you, he doesn't shush you or try to make you stop he just lets you get it all out. You don't know how long it is when you're out of tears but the tea has since gone cold and Lewis is putting the kettle back on while you wash your face.
Once you're sitting in the living room with your tea is when you start talking. 
“I don't know why I'm feeling this way, but nothing is going right and I just feel so bad all the time, I don't have the energy to do anything but I have so much to do and then nothing is going right and, and I feel so sad and lonely and it's just, its..”
“Oh darling.” Lewis pulls you for a hug once more. “You're going through a burn out.”
“What?” You say not expecting this, pulling back from the hug you think about it. Everything you just said is pointing to the fact that it's signs of burnout. “Oh.”
“You're burned out and you got the whole house situation and its adding to it.” Lewis comforts you. “Now here's the plan I have for you, 1. You tell your boss you're not taking new projects unless they hire more people to help you, no let me finish, 2. Until you find a place come stay here, I'm almost never here anyways. We get a storage unit for all you stuff that you won't need here. 3. You, love, are inba serious need for a vacation. So tomorrow ask for your some of your vacation days and after you finish your project for next week you're coming with me to travel for a bit.”
“Wow, you got it all figured out.” You say breathlessly before breaking into a smile. 
“Of course, can't have my best friend being all burned out and not helping.” Lewis kisses your forehead and you give him another hug.
“Thank you Lew.” 
“Hey, you don't need to thank me, what are friends for?”
“Not all of them are like you.”
“Well, lucky you then.”
“You're getting cocky now, I think I need to humble you a bit.”
“Huh, I'd like to see you try.”
“Is this a challenge?”
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blueparadis · 8 months
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⟣ ──┈ · · · + synopsis ➢ Nanami decides to pay you a visit on such an auspicious day to congratulate you but fate had other plans for him.
⟣ ──┈ · · · + cw ➣ fem!reader x (morally grey but ultra-soft)!nanami kento, canon+ fix it au, manga spoilers, mention of clan head!gojo, secret relationship b/w reader and nanami, mutual pinning, angst, scar worship, friends with benefits dynamic, s&d dynamic, mention of orgasm denial, orgasm control, love-hate séx (make-up séx ig) + unprotected, baby trapping. 2,6 k word count. half-based on this thought ( + I've a lot of hcs about gojo clan; one of them being that satoru had a half-sister whom he found accidentally while on a mission, so i used that here. ) | blog navigation + koct’23 masterlist. |
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Nanami walks through the porch of the Gojo estate while taking a call. It has been half a month since the grim reaper graced him with a peck on his cheek showing him a glimpse of the afterlife. He has been facing trouble adjusting back to his old life again despite healing himself through the reverse cursed technique. He has left behind the life of being a jujutsu socerer but partly. Besides, he now works as an advisor for all jujutsu socerers who are gradually making their way to earn their ranks yet deep down, a part of him wants to tell how bold farced lie is all this is.
But something is still holding him back, and deep down he is vividly aware that he wants to grow his roots rather than uproot them. He is just unwilling to admit it out loud. Nanami is still unable to untie his attachment towards a certain girl who is also best suited to be the head of the gojo clan, as per the strongest’s opinion, y/n gojo. He still remembers the night he spent in that cheap motel with you, talking and drinking, drinking and touching, touching and kissing; making promises to you while being inside you. He does not regret it per se, he is afraid for those wishes to come true. There is too much at stake.
When he got the invitation to the ceremonial celebration for you being bestowed with the title and authority to act as a clan head by Satoru’s side he did not know why he could not refuse or not bother to turn up. Maybe he needed an excuse to apologize at length for not being in touch with you. Maybe you would not be so angry if you knew death was knocking at his door but he had to come back, he had to make it through the tunnel to see you, to embrace, to kiss you, for one last night time.
With such thoughts clouding his mind, the sound of sliding a door almost did not reach his ears yet strangely, he turns back only to find none other than you. Standing five feet away from you, in his Yukata he looks more handsome than before, especially with those scars on his face. “Yeah. Yeah. I’ll call you back.” With each fall of his words, his eyes move from head to toe. You are still not ready for the ceremony yet. Wearing a plain hakama, hair braided, a few loose strands kissing your jawline, and a mole near the corner of your lip that just unlocked the memories of that night.
“Nanami-san. . .” you murmur and bite your trembling lips. Tears threaten to flood your cheeks as you take a few steps towards him. He immediately backs away averting his gaze. But you can see him, his guilt, his silent sea of sadness. Nanami Kento is now nothing but a tapestry of quiet despair. A tug on one loose end of a thread and it will all come crashing down.
“Hey...” he states as soon as he realizes the gravity of his action but it is too late now. You have already turned around, started to stroll inside the room, and prepared to slide the door. Clicking his tongue he follows you but does not enter just stands on the other side of the wooden bar separating your room and the porch. His shadow is covering your whole body. He can only see your back, so he does not look up, just stills his eyes on the ground. “Congratulations on your succession —” His voice trails off as your haori drops on the floor.
“What’re you doing?” He raises his voice perking his eyes up at you. You turn your head slightly in his way and he notices bruises around your neck. Suddenly he can feel every bead of perspiration running down his spine. Have you been fucking other men while he was away? He has been wrecking his mind day and night thinking about how to let you down lightly, how to end this relationship without hurting you, what to say, and what not to say so that you can just move on with your life but meanwhile, but you have been seeing other men. How vile! How insulting!
“Why are you still here, Nanami-san?” You turn around without averting your eyes from him.
Nanami enters the room without a second thought closing it behind. “Is it what I think it is ?” He enquires curtly.
“I don't know. You tell me,” You murmur pulling up the sleeves of your nagagi, “what you are thinking. . .” There are certain wounds all the way up your neck in a particular pattern as if someone carved them on you. He does not budge. His brain cells do not finish the path of such thoughts.
Watching his contorted face you let out a disappointed sigh,“Yes. The answer is yes. I went through the ritual.” Nanami swallows, his eyes unable to avert from your body. He wants to see those marks, see each scar, and kiss them. That would be very unethical, wouldn’t it? “If tooru-ni would have been here he wouldn’t have let me go through it.” You walk away towards the window finishing that line of thought, “But I can’t always rely on him. Can I now?” 
Okay, that’s good. You have made half of his confusion clear. What about the bruise on your neck? With long strides, he closes the gap between you two. His strong muscular toned arms curled around your waist before his lips aligned with yours. “have you been seeing other men?” He rasps against your mouth. Your hand rests on his firm chest. It is possible actually, since you are going to be appointed as a supportive clan head, marriage proposals are going to lurk like wild animals amongst the shadows of celebration, especially Zenin Clan. They do not let any cursed energy bearer getaway.
“Why? Would that make you jealous?”
“Yes. definitely.” You can not help but ket out a short-lived simper that not only makes Nanami’s throat dry but also fills his bones with your pesky ignorant attitude. It makes him wanna loathe you. He lifts you a little yanking you by the window side, caging you between the wall and him. He has not let go of his hand from your waist and his other hand rests on the concrete. You look at him with eyes full of longing and lust. You know this is wrong, this whole thing of meeting him here, seeing him before the ceremony. It is wrong in so many ways. Your fisted hands unfurl. You could feel his heart rate being faster now. 
“Can’t we just run away?” you murmur so low and so meek that Nanami thinks he might just hear it wrong. Suppose he did run away with you. What then? People from the Gojo clan is going to hunt him until the end of time. He always has to run away and hide, like a coward.
“That wouldn’t be appropriate,” 
Another chuckle. “Yeah? Then, what’s appropriate? Are you telling me this isn’t inappropriate? you and me, locked in a room, so close to each other. anyone might think we are— 
“Then, let’s make their suspicion into something real,” He breathes against your mouth. There is just a thread of gap between his lip and yours before he opens his mouth with a ‘pop’ and you feel his warm, wet tongue along the column of your throat that makes you shut your eyes instantly, tears rolling down along your cheeks for holding back for so long, for waiting for him so long. Your arms slide along his shoulders slowly as he explores your neck and chest with his mouth making you almost melt in his arms. 
“No. No. No. No. we can’t be doing this again,” He moves away from you shaking his head so much, his breathing labored and irregular. There is that look in your eyes, that sad look of having to fight all alone with no one by your side, that look that has so much sincerity and loyalty underneath. 
“But Nanami-san, I’m not seeing anyone.” You mutter inhaling deeply feeling dizzy. Oh dear! Aren’t you a little too naive to be a clan head? Maybe there is no way out, day in and day out he thought about it but he could not find any. “what happened when you said you would take me to Malaysia?”
"You know we can't do that, baby." He shifts his gaze at you, rasping, "And, you know we were both just drunk and talking about what ifs...does that count? should it count?" You bite your lips looking at the robes scattered on the floor, him and yours, lifeless and entangled with each other. Nanami feels his heart constrict in his ribcage, as if someone had tied his heart with ropes and now both the free ends are being pulled like in a tug of war.
“Ahhh,” he groans. “Fuck it,”  with that he holds your face in between his big soft palms kissing your lips as long as he can. Your fingers clamp around his wrists as you feel his tongue go inside your mouth before he sucks your lips, one by one, fervently, as if you are the source of his oxygen, not the air surrounding you two. He guides your limbs around his nape breaking the kiss to breathe in before kissing down the column of your throat. 
“Take it off,” His husky whisper hot against your chest as he waits.
“But—” you try to protest making him more impatient. It is not like he does not get your point. You will have to go soon otherwise people might come searching for you. These fucking clan rules. Without any delay you let the upper wrapper cloth of your yukata fall down revealing your breasts. 
“You know, you shouldn’t be roaming around like this,” He tartly says before licking up from the base of your chest to the middle of your collarbone.
“Oh Yeah? was waiting… for you,” Nanami’s hand finds your mounds, firm and large hands massaging both of them simultaneously as he presses his hard-on against your waist. His hands now rest on your hips pulling you into his body, while his mouth peppers kisses all over your bosom. Your nipples are so taut, skin awake with goosebumps. His hands travel around your back pulling you into his embrace. Your breath hitches as his grips grow stronger while his mouth latches onto your boobs, sucking your tits and biting them making you moan shamelessly. 
Your constant tugging and fidgeting with the sash of his hakama has now paid off. It hits the grown revealing him in boxers. You take his cock out pumping, sliding the foreskin, and exposing the slick crown of his cock. Nanami grunts, taking his cock and pumping it by himself. “Look at me, look at me, baby”, he murmured while rubbing his nose against your neck, your skin glistening with sweat. He clusters your hakama around your waist and your hands hold them in place, around your stomach. He smiles at that gesture. He is impressed. 
Lifting you up by clasping around your inner things, he holds your back against the wall ready to push his cock inside you. You guide his cock at your slick entrance. As soon as the cock-head is inside he quickly scans your features. You are panting, sweating, mouth open, and eager to take him. He pushes his cock inside you with a deep strong thrust hitting your spot. His grip on your thighs becomes stronger as he starts to glide his torso, to and fro. Eyes flying back ripping off your sanity as he pushes his cock inside you as if he was not hitting the spot making you squirm underneath him.
The bridge of his nose grazes your pulse point as he groans right into your ears asking, "You good?". You stare at him through the corner of your eyes, mouth open ajar, panting rashly too sucked into delirium to form words, but you nod. Kento knows your melting point yet seeing you taking him so well, being so obedient, being so responsive his lips curve in delight. He hums weighing his thoughts about whether it is okay to pull out another orgasm from your heated overstimulated body or not since he has been fucking you nice and slow for what seems like hours. Every time you are close he diverts your attention by pausing and then putting his mouth to work, either on your lips or on your nipples.
His warm cackle reaches your ears as he jerks up towering over your body, fingers clamping underneath your inner thighs. "Oh Gawd!", you whimper earning a smirk from him. "Don't worry angel! I'm not gonna stop until you ask me to!", he declares as he thrusts his cock with a single broad stroke earning a gasp from you. Those chocolate brown eyes gleam in an insatiable hunger as he starts to move in and out, slowly, watching your cream leaking around his cock from previously denied orgasms.
"You're still clenching me so hard baby!", he utters with a chuckle slamming his cock inside you with brute force followed by a long pause and making you arch your body like a bow against the wall. It is euphoric. It is aching. It is maddening.
"So good! such sweet pussy.", he groans as he starts to thrust harder, faster folding your legs over his broad shoulders. You grab your boobs, squeezing, biting your lower lip, filling the room with trails of whimpering moans blessing his ears. With his throbbing cock still inside you he yanks you into his lap, lips never disconnecting from yours he takes you to the futon laying you down. The hakama is clustered around your waist covering your pussy but it is better this way. At least, you are not so coy-like that night.
Kento quivers, balancing himself on his arms against the futon and letting you relax your legs. "Fuck wanna cum in you already", he coos immediately crashing his lips onto yours not giving you a chance to register his momentary lapse, a desire to see you carrying his babies. Moreover, he loves the taste of your salt while sucking your puffy lips inside you. Curling your hands around his nape, fingers skimming through his hair you moan into his mouth breaking the kiss. 
His eyes blink as he feels your hands over his arms. While he is still feasting his eyes over your ravishing sex glow, you roll him along the futon without pulling out. Eyes soaked in surprise Kento is still taken aback by your strength as he gawks at your naked beauty with lust-blown eyes. “Your wish's my command, Sir”, you amend. As the words fall from your lips you start to glide, slow but steady strokes. He holds you by your waist, his lower lip being exploited in between his teeth as you bounce on his cock.
Seeing you bob like an animal, boobs bouncing at a steady rhythm he was in nowhere to decline you; after all, he wanted this too, to fill your womb with babies and those breasts with milk.“Oh yeah! Yea-ash baby!”, he mumbles as you keep jerking. He is close, you can sense it. He flinches feeling his cock twitch in pain but could not care less about it. All he wants is to fill you up to the brim. He sits up adjusting you in his lap.
“Say you hate me.” he huskily mutters.
“What?” you do not pause, just slow down.
“Say you hate me” he quips holding your waist and making you pause your movements. “Or I won’t let you cum,” When you do not believe him he quips with a smirk, “You know, I can do that, don’t you baby?” and strangely you remember how he felt you alone in the room when you made a move on him. You do not want that to happen now, absolutely not, especially with his dick inside you.
He starts to make you bob again, at this point so close to your orgasm that you do not even put up a fight. “Yes. yes. I hate you. I hate you nanami kento I hate you,” you whimper out those words as he thrusts you on his cock. Good, good, that is good; he can not have you admit those feelings out loud, just like him. Your legs quiver feeling the euphoric high approaching, marking his back with crescent indecent as he shoots his cum inside you. Warm, thick, and seeping along your thighs, soaking the sheets. He pulls out with a pop; a prideful glint smothers his face watching his marks all over your chest that run up to your pulse point on the neck. Kento shoots a look at you, your face. He maintains eye contact, puts his mouth around your nipple, and continues to suck until he feels your gummy walls clenching his cock again. “Ahhh—aH!”, you scream hands resting on his shoulders nails digging into his skin. He hates you, he hates you so very much.
Nanami hunches down a little more, kissing your temples, and before sitting upright again he whispers, “Yeah, let’s go to Malaysia. Let’s just run away, honey.”
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spidernuggets · 6 months
Jason Todd x Reader
"Where are you going? Look, the Titans needs us-"
"Fuck them, Rose. Fuck all of you"
"Jason, please! Where are you gonna go?? We can figure something out!"
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When Jason left with Rose out of Gotham City, you were heartbroken. You kept a one-sided love hidden, thinking it would be too selfish to confess your feelings to him while he's in an unstable state of self hatred. But when Dick revealed that he killed Deathstroke's son just moments after you managed to get Jason to step away from the ledge, you almost let your secret slip when Jason was swiftly packing his things as you begged him to stay.
"Figure what out, Y/N? Huh? Why are you even staying? Almost everyone is leaving anyway, and Dick is just a liar," Jason argued, stuffing his duffle bag with whatever clothes he could find.
"Because the Titans are the only family I have! At least Gar is staying. But you don't have to leave, Jay"
"And why shouldn't I? There's nothing for me here. Everyone hates me, hell, even you probably hate me. You only got me off the roof out of pity"
"That's not true, Jason."
"Then why else would you?!"
"Because I-" You quickly stop yourself, knowing things would only become worse if your feelings were revealed. So you took a deep breath and took a second to calmed down.
"Because you're my friend, Jay. One of the best friends I ever had. And I don't want you to leave," you say quietly.
Jason stared at you for a couple of seconds before taking your hand in his. "Then come with us. You don't have to do everything Dick tells you to anymore, no more lies, no more half truths."
You sighed, "I can't."
"Why not?"
"Yeah, I don't think I like the idea of third wheeling you and Rose," you try to joke, but your heart actually aching at the thought. "But seriously, I don't think leaving is a good idea, especially with Deathstroke around. And being alone with his daughter, I mean-"
"Wait, what you don't trust her or something?" Jason interrupts you, taking slight offence.
"I'm just saying to be cautious, Jason. I mean, Deathstroke already kidnapped you once and-"
"And what? You think Rose is working with him? Jesus Christ, and I thought I was fucked up," He scoffs. "Y'know, Rose admired that I made it out alive from her dad. I managed to make it out alive, and you still think I'm weak?"
"Jason, I never said that!-"
"Nah, fuck this, you're just like everyone else here," Jason says, zipping his bag close and storming out the room.
"Jason!" You tried calling out, just for him to ignore.
"What, was it part of Daddy's training to fuck me this whole time?!" Jason yells at Rose. "I'm done with this shit," he says, grabbing his bag, starting to leave the home the two raided.
Rose quickly grabbed onto his arm to prevent him from leaving.
"Look, none of this was supposed to happen. It just did," she tries to tell him, but he ignores her, tearing his arm away from her grip.
"Get the fuck off me." He cries, and as if by reflex, Rose strikes a punch at him, blood quickly falling down his now broken nose.
"C'mon! Fight me! You know you want to!" She says in desperation.
Jason sends a cold stare. "Are we done?" She doesn't reply, tears building up in her eye. "We're done," he says, walking towards the door as Rose cries.
"Where are you going? Look the Titans needs us!" She calls out to him as he reaches the door.
"Fuck them, Rose. Fuck all of you," he replies, finally walking out the door with only one thing on his mind.
He hailed the first cab he could find, telling the driver to head back to Gotham City.
All he could think about was how stupid he was to you. You were right, and he just left you like you were nothing. You saved him, and he treated you like dirt. You said he was your friend, and he abandoned you.
He rushed out the taxi after paying the driver, running up to the small apartment you were living at. You spent most of your time in Titan's Tower, but went back to your place when you wanted to be fully alone.
Your apartment was only big enough for one person, granted there were ants here and there, and a little mould growing in some places, but you saw it as your own place.
Jason knocked on your door three times, followed by a call of your name. He knocked again, a little louder, and a little more desperate. What if you weren't home? He couldn't go back to Titans Tower, he wasn't ready to see everyone else.
When no one answered, his shoulders slumped, and was about to walk away.
But your door opened, and you appeared on the other side, rubbing your red eyes with a fluffy blanket draped over your shoulders and your hair running wild as it was tangled and bunched all over the place.
"Jesus, who died," you say groggily, having not registered who knocked on your door.
Jason's eyes brightened as he returned to the front of your door.
"Y/n.." He softly called out. You stopped rubbing your eyes as you looked up at him, eyes widening as you couldn't believe Jason was standing right in front of you.
"Jason.." You replied, not knowing what to say. "How have you- uhm.. D'you wanna come in?" You awkwardly offered, Jason nodding as you stepped aside for him to walk in.
You directed him towards the couch. "Uh.. do you want something to drink or..."
"No." Jason quickly replies. "I- I just needa talk to you."
You nod, walking over to sit beside him on the couch.
"I'm sorry," he says, looking at you with those glassy eyes. "You were right. Rose was spying on me, working with Deathstroke, you were right. I should've listened to you, I should've stayed. Just- just say I told you so and-"
You interrupted Jason by lunging towards him, blanket falling off as you wrapped your arms around him. "I'm so glad you're back," you said, your voice muffled.
Jason sits there in shock, slowly wrapping his arms around your middle. "You- You're not mad?"
You pull away, "Why would I be mad?" You ask, hands boldly reaching up to hold his face.
"Why wouldn't you be! I treated you like shit! I didn't listen to you, then I just left! How could not hate me?" He says in an outburst.
All you do is sigh and look away.
"What? What is it?" Jason asks.
"It's because I love you, Jay," you finally confess. Jason's eyes widened and was left speechless. All he could do was lean closer as his gaze shift down to your lips.
You lightly chuckle as you olace a hand against his chest to stop him.
"Stop. You're only doing that because of guilt," You say.
But Jason shakes his head. "No. No, I don't believe I am," he replies. "You've no idea how much I wanted this. Ever since you joined the team, I promise you."
You sighed. "Listen, you just parted ways with Rose, I don't actually think you-"
"A chance," he interrupts. "Give me a chance to show you how much I care for you. How much I feel the same for you. Take you out on dates, give you flowers, whatever. Just a chance, and if you still don't believe it, fine, I leave you be. But a chance is all I beg for."
You look down at your fiddling fingers, eyebrows furrowed, wondering whether or not he's telling the truth.
"One chance," you say. "One chance and one chance only. If you screw this up, then that's that."
Yeah I didn't really know how to finish it off, like I had the idea for the start but didn't know how to make the rest of the story so its pretty shit, but at the same time, its 2am so whatevah
Jason smiles, bringing you in for a tight embrace. "You won't regret it, I promise you, mama."
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blackleatherjacketz · 18 days
Shadow and Sin: Chapter 2
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Elijah Mikaelson x Female Reader
Summary: Having just moved to New Orleans, you get intimately acquainted with both Mikaelson brothers, but don't find out who they truly are until it's too late.
This Chapter: Looking for information on Klaus, you find your brother in the library and run into another handsome stranger.
Warnings: Sexual Tension, Dark Themes, Dante's Inferno, The Phantom of the Opera, Literary References, Delicate Touches
Word Count: 2k+
Read the rest of the story HERE
You spent the next few days staring at the number written on your palm, the name ‘Klaus’ scribbled beneath it as the ink slowly began to fade with each wash. Putting the number into your phone for safe keeping, you continually fought the urge to call him and take him up on his tantalizingly generous offer. Just to be safe, though, you asked your brother to look up any information he could find on this playboy billionaire philanthropist, but he wasn’t answering his phone, which wasn’t like him. This either meant that he was buried in casework, that he was purposefully ignoring you, or something way worse.
You decide to go to the library and check his most likely location.
“Shit, sorry.” Austin looks at his phone to see your three missed calls and four text messages after uncovering it from his scattered papers on the library’s study desk. “I should have told you I couldn’t make it to your art show the other day, but Allan’s really kicking my ass with this one.” Your brother hurriedly takes the cup of coffee that you brought him, the bags beneath his eyes growing darker by the minute. “I really do plan on going to see it, I promise I will as soon as this case is over.”
Law school had really put your brother through the ringer, draining him of the light that used to shine bright within him. He’d said that once school was over, things would be better, but you’ll believe it when you see it.
“No, I get it. I just wanted to make sure you were okay when you didn’t respond. And you know what they say: ‘It can be pretty dangerous in the city after dark’.” You nudge him in the side, repeating one of his favorite phrases back to him in a mocking tone.
“Hey, I mean it when I say that!” He shouts in a defensive whisper, taking a sip of coffee with a grateful sigh. “If only I could show you half of the stuff I see at work without getting fired, I would…”
“I know, you’re just looking after me.” You ruffle his hair affectionately as you assess his messy work station. “You hungry or what?”
He rifles through his papers as if he’s lost something very near and dear to him, the crinkling sound seeming to drive him even more insane than anything. “Give me… forty-five minutes and we can get something to eat? Thai food?” He looks up at you, exasperated by the state of his workload.
“Fine,” you roll your eyes. “Forty-five minutes, and not a minute more!”
You turn away and leave him to his madness, silently exiting the most boring part of the library, walking through the science fiction and mystery sections in order to get to your favorite part; the horror section. You stroll through the alphabetized authors of terror, skimming past dozens of Stephen King novels before pulling out one of your favorites that had inspired a handful of adaptations over the years, all of them successfully paying it due homage. You’ve read it more times than you can even count, having collected a slew of copies of it at home, but none of them like this.
You admire the intricate cover of the hardback, smiling at the familiar sight of the white mask and red rose before tucking the tome lovingly into your chest. Knowing that the next forty-five minutes will surely fly by now, you turn down the aisle to find a quiet place to read, only to bump into a man you hadn’t seen there before.
He’s dressed in a three piece suit seemingly cut out of shadow and sin as an ancient aura surrounds him, almost as if he were as old as the city itself. His face, in turn, is just as timeless, reminding you of the old black and white Cary Grant movies you used to watch with your grandmother before she passed. Only he’s here now in living color, and it takes everything you have just to stop staring as a chill runs down your spine.
“Sorry,” you whisper shakily.
“Apologies are all mine,” his voice is deep and refined as he steps into your space, carefully placing the book back in its spot directly in front of you. “I wouldn’t want to create more work for the librarian.”
“This coming from someone reading Dante’s Inferno?” You finally say to break your awkward silence, noticing the famous title as he pushes it all the way in. “That’s a pretty heavy read for a Thursday night.”
He smiles with a low chuckle, eyes black as night glancing down at you before he deflects the attention away from himself. “And the Phantom of the Opera is such a light hearted story.”
“I find it comforting and romantic.” You defend the book in your arms with a grin.
“Is that so?” He tilts his head, taking the book from you without a hint of remorse before tracing the raised letters on the cover, almost as if to memorize the feel of them. “Two lovers obsessing over one incredibly talented beautiful woman? One driven mad with obsessive infatuation while the other truly has her best interest at heart?”
“So, you’ve read it?” You joke, noting the underlying bitterness in his tone despite his charming smile. This story’s personal to him, just like it is for you.
“Several times, yes.” He turns toward you, flicking through the pages as if he’s able to read them at superhuman speed. “Leroux really did know how to set the scene, didn’t he? A beautiful French city always seems to make it easier to fall in love.”
“Is that a fact?” You attempt to play it cool as he speaks so fondly of one of your favorite authors, drawing you in a little closer as he speaks.
“It’s a common literary device used in countless classics throughout the centuries, but I’m sure you already knew that.” He pauses, the dim lighting of the library making his dark eyes seem less imposing, almost sparkling as they look you over before scanning through the pages one more time. “Or maybe it’s the drama you prefer, the constant danger, the countless brushes with death that make you feel more alive than ever? Making the romance that much more palpable than if it were against any other monotonous backdrop?”
Jesus, is it written all over your face that you like a little bit of darkness with your romance? Is there a sign on your forehead that reads… What did the other man call you? Ah yes, ‘morbidly disturbed’? Was it so glaringly evident that you moved to this city to relish in the black magic you’ve heard so much about? Or maybe everyone else here is just as crazy as you are, no matter how elegant and put together they may seem.
“A little bit of both.” You decide to lean into the madness, slowly brushing your fingertips over his hand in order to catch him off guard just long enough to take your book back from him. “But what fun is romance without any stakes? It doesn’t make for a very good story, now does it?”
“I suppose not.” He smiles, the skin around his eyes wrinkling as he stares at you, warming you to the idea of opening up a little bit more.
“Or maybe there’s something to say about someone who is so in love that they’re willing to fight for it, willing to kill for that other person because they can’t imagine a world without it, without them.”
He raises his eyebrows as he considers your words, visibly tensing up as he clears his throat and shifts the weight in his hips. “The Phantom doesn’t kill for Christine, he kills despite her. It’s who he is at his very core before he even gets involved with her. He’s a ghost, a phantom, a monster.”
“A monster capable of love and empathy after he’s finally shown that in return.” You counter, now unsure if you came away with the correct message from the book.
“Ah, a truly hopeless romantic.” He grins, licking his lips before speaking again. “I didn’t think they still existed.” His eyes rake over your entire frame, taking in every inch of you as he allows the following silence to remain between you, hovering around you both in a heavy fog as the weight of it nearly takes your breath away.
“But enough about me,” you laugh nervously, changing the subject as you feel your cheeks begin to redden beneath his gaze. “What draws a man like you to The Divine Comedy? Are you the religious type, or are you just trying to figure out which circle of hell you’re doomed to spend eternity in?”
“Oh I already know that answer too well, I’m afraid.” He lets out a long sigh before leaning against the bookshelf. “But Dante’s work can be studied from a more worldly perspective on how the justice system deems their punishments worthy of someone’s crimes.”
“So you’re a lawyer like my brother. That explains the suit.”
He smirks again with a shake of his head, clearly amused by your failed attempt to figure him out.
“Well, a professor certainly wouldn’t get paid enough to wear a jacket or watch as nice as yours, so I think that Dante would place you in the… fourth circle, if memory serves me correctly.”
“A hoarder of wealth? Is that what you think of me?” He laughs, stepping in just close enough so that his smoky scent of cedarwood swims around the both of you, pairing perfectly with the musk of the leather bound books beside you. “And what other assumptions have you already made based on my appearance, young lady?”
Young lady?! Uh oh. Your eyes widen, the muscles in your abdomen tightening as his term of endearment triggers your brain to start trickling oxytocin into your bloodstream.
His answer, however, gives you pause, forcing your eyes to narrow as you take in everything about him. He’s not a lawyer or a professor, but he certainly carries himself like someone of equal or higher importance, like an executive of some major company that you know nothing about. He’s a mystery cloaked in a seductively elegant darkness, and you can’t help but want to get wrapped up in it.
“I ummm…” you trail off, fearing that the dim lighting is doing little to hide the deepening flush of your cheeks right about now. This man is way out of your league, and it’s only a matter of time before he realizes that you’re in uncharted territory.
“Well, as long as we’re going off of first impressions, I’d say you would fall into the first circle with the Greek philosophers… if you qualify at all.” Those onyx eyes seem fixated on you still, dropping down to your neck and chest before glancing back up at your face, spreading that blush up into your ears.
“The virtuous unbaptized?” You try not to laugh, wondering how it was possible that the man yesterday had thought you to be such a dark and tortured soul, while this one paints you as some sort of angel. They were both wrong in their own way, a single thread of truth holding each of their ideals together. “That’s very kind of you, but I’m afraid that the second circle is where my most devious nature starts and stops,” you confess, feeling your heart race as he closes the gap between you.
“The sins of the flesh.” He smirks, clenching his jaw before delicately touching the spine of your book. “Unsurprising. I assume that a beautiful woman such as yourself is provided ample opportunities to get you into trouble there.”
“You assume correctly.” You let your mind wander about what he looks like underneath all those expensive clothes as he leans in further, the top of your book now pressing against his tie as his fingertips graze the back of your knuckles, forcing the hair on the back of your hand to stand on end.
“Alright, I’m done!” Your brother interrupts your conversation as he walks down the aisle, his messy work bag barely hanging off his shoulder when he spots your new friend. “Who the hell is this?”
The man gives you a somber look before clasping both of his hands over yours, finally looking up to address your brother. “Forgive me, it seems that I’ve lost my manners, I’m Elijah.”
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inf3ct3dd · 10 months
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warnings: none!!!
authors note: going cray rn guys….sorry if this is a bit long 😓😓
previous chapter. next chapter. masterlist.
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the rest of summer break was….depressing.
as they say, lesbian heartbreak hits hard.
ellie must’ve texted you a thousand times, and you couldn’t reply because every time you saw her name on your phone you started bawling.
and your daily stalks of her instagram had you completely salty-faced.
you were so obnoxiously upset, that everything that had anything to do with her made you upset. you worried that if you even saw her face to face, you’d fold on the floor and drown in your own tears.
which was what made being in your room even worse, because it was covered in HER.
open your closet? her old hoodie.
sit at your desk? a framed picture of the two of you.
vanity? polaroids taped to the mirror.
even your BED. which held the stuffed animal she bought you, mr pickles.
mr pickles might as well have been a real pickle from how salty he was from being covered in TEARS during one of your very frequent breakdowns.
you basically lived in your room, your sister having to literally drag you outside to do anything. the only thing that worked was bribing you with food.
“cmon, i made pasta.” was her best excuse to get you out of your self inflicted prison.
ellie showed up at your house a few times, and each time she did, you hid in your room. at one point she actually came upstairs, and you crawled out of your window and hid on your roof until she left.
you did not want to talk to her.
after a while, and constant berating from all your friends and your family, you got over your extremely dramatic episode. well….not really? but at least you weren’t in your room sobbing over a tiktok you saw because the girl “looked like ellie.”
the days leading up to the first day of school basically consisted in you being in a constant state of panic.
what if she talks to me?
what if i have to sit next to her in class?
what if she-
you heard your sister yell from outside the door, interrupting your thoughts.
you had been pacing in the bathroom for thirty minutes, losing your fucking mind.
you shouldn’t be this stressed out. it happened almost a month ago. you’ll be fine girl, calm down.
you give yourself a final once-over in the mirror , fixing the two plaits on the sides of your head before adjusting your glasses, and swinging the door open, revealing your pissed off sister.
“fucking finally.”
she muttered under her breath, before dramatically slamming the door behind her.
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you gave your dad a hug goodbye before walking over to your car, twirling your keys in your fingers. you had just gotten your license last year, (too scared to get it when you were 16), and you still weren’t very….good at driving.
you opened the car door, making your hand wet from the raindrops , and sat down inside the car.
you watched your sister walk over to the car, with a fucking helmet.
she swung open the door and sat down in the passenger’s seat, setting her bag on the ground.
“…..are you serious?”
you looked over at your sister, a look of disbelief plastered on your face.
“with the way you drive? very much so.”
you roll your eyes at her before pulling out of your driveway, making your way to school.
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after you got to school, you really wished you would’ve stayed home.
or transferred schools.
to one in a different country.
because when you walked into your first period, ellie was there.
and your second.
and your third.
and your fourth.
the first half of your day was spent basically hiding from her. sitting as far as possible, making your presence seem non-existent.
it was definitely a chore, but you’d rather do this than actually have to confront her.
even during passing periods, you practically speed-walked to your next period classes, avoiding the brunettes persistent attempts to talk to you.
it was hard to focus on anything in class when you could feel her eyes burning a hole in the back of your head.
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lunch was….once again, very depressing. your usual lunch table was just full of ellies friends, and of course, ellie herself.
you looked around the cafeteria for a while , scanning the large room for one of your friends. and yet, you turned up empty.
do i just have zero classes with them?
you finally gave up, walking to the courtyard outside.
the courtyard was fairly empty, given that it was still soaking wet .
you walked over to a bench that looked fairly dry, sitting down and slinging your backpack off your shoulders before sitting it down next to you, grabbing the lunch you packed for yourself.
you started to eat , biting into the quesadilla you made yourself , looking around the courtyard and nodding your head to the music blaring in your headphones.
the noise cancellation blocked out the sound of a door swinging open, and footsteps quickly approaching you.
you continued eating your lunch, this being the most calm you’ve been all day, slightly kicking your feet back and forth as they dangled off the bench.
you don’t notice ellie walking over to you until its too late, and shes standing in front of you, repeating your name.
you look up at her, slightly jumping at her presence and pulling your headphones onto your shoulders.
you utter, meeting her eyes.
“are you just never gonna talk to me again?”
ellie responded, a disappointed look on her face.
you avoided eye contact with her, staring at your hands in your lap.
“i don’t really…..have anything to say to you.”
you mutter, still avoiding her gaze.
“nothing? you don’t have anything to say about what happened?”
“what do you expect me to say?”
“….i don’t know. i just want to talk to you.”
she looked away from you, fiddling with her rings the same way she did the last time you saw her.”
“are you alright? you haven’t really been posting or anything lately.”
she was looking at my account??
“i’m fine. just haven’t been on my phone much.”
you lied, staring at her shoes.
“i can tell….i must’ve texted you 1000 times and you never answered.”
she anxiously rubbed her arm, trying desperately to hold eye contact with you.
“ ‘m sorry.”
“its fine, i kinda deserved it.”
she lets out a dry chuckle, rubbing her arm with her opposite hand.
theres an awkward silence between the two of you, both fidgeting with your hands and looking everywhere but at each other.
“so… are you and dina like, a thing now?”
you boldly questioned, crossing your legs in front of you.
“no- we were just drunk. we’re just friends.”
“real friendly.” you mumbled under your breath.
“are you uh…seeing anyone?”
ellie asks, slightly bouncing on her feet.
ellie only asks because she knows you aren’t. she wants an ego boost. she just wants you to say it.
she doesn’t expect you to say yes.
and neither do you.
“actually? who is it?”
the realization of what you just said hits you like a truck, the false confidence disappearing and replacing it with fear. you think, maybe for a bit too long, about what to say.
and then you finally utter-
ellies look of confusion is replaced with anger at your answer.
abby anderson. the one girl you knew she hated.
constant bickering and dumb fights, arguments that meant absolutely nothing that lasted their entire high school careers, and the constant competition between the two of them brewed your perfect opportunity for jealousy. your thoughts moved as fast as your mouth.
“cmon, you’re joking right?”
ellie asks before scoffing, readjusting her feet and crossing her arms in front of her.
you shake your head before packing up your things, starting to leave.
you don’t notice that you left your class schedule on the bench.
“you’re not fucking with me?”
ellie was practically fuming, the tips of her ears turning red as she dug her fingers into her arms.
you give her a nod before walking away, quickly turning on your heel.
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“are you serious?”
your best friend mina was staring back at you, mouth agape in shock as she listened to you recall what happened during lunch.
your heart beat speeds up as you run around the track, even though you were already basically having a heart attack before you started.
having gym outside was already brutal, and the fact that it was extremely foggy and depressing-looking outside made it ten times worse. usually, you would’ve tired out by now, begging the gym teacher to let you inside because you had a “headache”, but for some reason you were feeling extremely bold today.
as you and your friend slow your pace you feel someone running behind you. you take a deep breath, expecting ellie to pop up behind you, but you’re suprised when you hear an unfamiliar voice call out your name.
you turn around to face her, and you look up and see abby.
your heart hammers in your chest while you try to catch your breath, simultaneously trying to calm your nerves.
you reply, staring up at her.
your eyes move to her hands, and you notice a piece of paper in one.
“is this yours?”
abby reaches her hand with the paper towards you, realizing its your class schedule.
“oh yeah, thanks.”
abby smiles at you, shoving her hands into her hoodie pocket. you subconsciously mirror her actions, slipping your hands into yours.
“welcome. we have pretty similar schedules actually.”
“oh really? i didn’t notice.”
you smile at her, and she offers the same smile back.
mina makes her hands smooch, making an obnoxious kissy face behind abby.
“yeah, you seemed like you were kinda staying to yourself today.”
you give her a death glare before looking back to abby, slightly shifting on your feet.
“i guess, i’ve just been….avoiding someone.”
you look away for a second, and see ellie angrily storming towards the two of you, all her anger and eye sight directed towards abby.
abby looks in the same direction as you, watching you get anxious as ellie walks over.
“you okay?”
you redirect your attention to abby, watching her eyebrows quirk at you in concern.
you give her a quick nod, but the look on her face remains unchanged. she doesn’t believe you.
you feel ellie get closer to you. you run through the thousands of scenarios that could go wrong if she gets over to the two of you.
ellie would think you’re a pathetic weirdo, and abby would think you’re an insane person.
however, your body moves faster than your thoughts, and you choose the absolute worse option to get out of this.
you slightly stand on your tiptoes and smash your lips onto abbys, holding her face with your hands.
her eyes widen in shock, blind to you as you shut yours as hard as possible.
surprisingly, she doesn’t pull away.
ellie sees the sight in front of her and scoffs, staring at the two of you in disbelief.
“guess she wasn’t lying.”
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if ur name is crossed i cant tag u :((
@rimaybank @nickiminaj689 @ leomcshizzle @planetflorxa @teawithnosugar @sawaagyapong @how-to-disappearrr @vsselz @pepperispicy @chrry1ovr @ 4yn1y4h @lottienatfinalgirls @honeycinnamonenthusiast @heartrobynn @ibatman @sugarbag @arizvla
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linnamonrolls0 · 5 months
I love the fact Annabeth pick pockets Hermes... so can you do a reader x Hermes were maybe he taught her to pick pocket and then she pick pockets him to be funny or get his attention?
(I have so many ideas and also none at the same time! Lol I may send one or two more asks if that's ok?)
The Best That You Can Do
LMM!Hermes x Reader
Rating: T / Words: 1,300
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You’ll never know why you suggested accompanying Hermes on his mail delivery errands.
The pair of you had spent most of the day flying halfway around the world, and finally landed in midtown Manhattan for your last task: a short visit to Olympus to deliver a disturbingly heavy box. Being by his side, Hermes entrusted you with a pair of winged sneakers similar to his own, and so you’d been able to cross between the realms just as easily under the god’s wing.
To keep things entertaining, Hermes had been giving you a crash-course in thievery along the way, setting you random little pickpocketing challenges and being pleasantly surprised at how quickly you’d picked up his skills, ending up with a box full of random trinkets from every country you’d visited thus far.
It had all been fun at first, but as much as you enjoyed each other’s company, pranks and constant witty banter, being his mail delivery sidekick for the day was starting to wear you out…
See, he took his work seriously. Almost too seriously. You’d tried to distract him once or twice as he’d whisked you from one sky to another, but he’d swatted away your advances and warned you to let him keep focused. But his determination was pretty sexy, and he looked so unfairly attractive in those overalls, you toyed with the idea of getting him out of them… Would a little distraction be so bad?
You’d insisted on stopping for a coffee break before making your way to the Empire State Building, and after rather a lot of convincing, Hermes finally agreed. Now, seated in the passenger seat of his undercover delivery van with your feet up on the dashboard, you nibbled on a cupcake, simply watching him as you sat parked up on the side of the road, while he sipped at his coffee as he chattered away on his caduceus cellphone, tuning out the bickering pair of snakes coiled around it. He looked tired, but still gorgeous as he gave kind but firm orders to whomever was on the other end of the line… No matter how busy a day he’d had, his dark brown eyes always carried that characteristic sparkle that had first got you.
He’d placed his cap on the dash, leaving his hair a little haphazard, only worsening as he wearily dragged a hand through it. You leant over the vehicle’s console and grasped his hand in your own as he finally ended his call.
“Hermes, are you alright?” you murmured, nuzzling at his neck a little.
“Mmm?” he hummed, glancing down at you, only half listening as his phone buzzed on the dash for the millionth time today - you wished that was an exaggeration. “For fuck’s sake… I’m sorry, love, I’m okay. Things have been crazy…”
“I know, babe. Take it easy,” you said softly. You slid across the console and into his lap on the driver’s seat, careful not to knock the gear shift and send the vehicle flying on an accidental joyride up to the heavens. Wouldn’t be the first time today…
Hermes looked up at you, and you willed yourself not to get lost in his eyes. His hands came to rest at your waist and he began on a breath, “What are you…”
“Like you said, it’s been a crazy day, and even a god needs a break sometimes. So it’s a good thing you brought me along…” You placed your hands over his, his gaze following as you trailed your fingers up his arms to grasp the collar of his jumpsuit in your fists. “C’mere…”
You barely caught sight of the flash of hunger in his dark brown eyes as they met yours again, before he caught your lips in a ravenous kiss, and you finally had him exactly where you wanted him. He tasted of coffee and cinnamon and something inexplicably but familiarly sweet; and it took all your willpower not to melt into him, but you were on a mission here.
See, there was only one challenge of his you hadn’t managed thus far: picking his pockets. Every time you thought you had him, he’d whirl around and grasp your wrist between his thumb and index finger, bring your hand to his lips… “Nice try, sweetheart,” he’d smirk, dropping a chaste kiss to the back of your palm, and that was the end of it.
But you kept trying, nonetheless. And while you had him distracted by this increasingly heated kiss in the driver’s seat of his mail van, you slipped your hand into the pockets of his overalls and snuck out his keys from one, his wallet from the other, and into your own pockets… keeping him duly distracted with his tongue engaged in a delicious dance with yours, his hands tucked and bound under your overalls - and he was none the wiser as your hands quickly returned to teasing him, palming him over his overalls in a perfect distraction.
You’d finally done it.
You slowly drew back, satisfied, admiring the sweet, sappy smile on his handsome face. He certainly looked a little more relaxed, and that could hardly be a bad thing… “Better?” you teased.
Hermes nodded, slowly licking his own lips now that yours were too far. “A little. C’mon, let’s get this last delivery done, then we can go finish what you just started…”
He withdrew his hands from under your overalls and instead began searching his multitude of pockets around for his keys to start up the van. You struggled to stifle a laugh as he grew increasingly frantic.
“Missing something, babe?”
He raised his brows at you, evidently having caught on that you were up to no good. “I don’t suppose you know where my keys are… do you?”
You shook your head, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes - but you couldn’t keep from cracking a smile.
“You little…” Hermes laughed, cursing under his breath as he quickly circled his arms around your waist and patted down your pockets, “Ah, gotcha.” You pouted as he plucked his missing belongings out of your pockets, reclaiming his wallet and reaching around you to turn the key in the vehicle’s ignition, the sudden vibration caused by its enchanted engine sending a shiver through the both of you.
“C’mon, you could’ve at least pretended you didn’t know!” you protested with a playful whack to his chest.
“I didn’t!” he argued, keeping his tone as light as yours, “Not until you smiled, anyway.” You rolled your eyes, shooting that same smirk at him. “But just like that, the student becomes the master. Can’t lie, I’m a little proud of you.”
“Please, Hermes. Your wallet and keys were a piece of cake - as was this piece of cake, actually.” You mirrored his playful tone and your innuendo wasn’t lost on him as you suggestively eyed him up, grabbing the cupcake off the dash and feeding him a little bite. He smashed a blob of frosting onto his mouth and pulled you in for a sugar-coated kiss, delicately sucking and biting at your lips.
“Maybe I should set you a harder challenge,” he said on a breath, flushed from the kiss.
“Like what?” you asked, teasingly licking away a bit of frosting below his lip.
He shifted beneath you, and his innuendo wasn’t lost on you either. “Let me think…”
“Let me steal your heart,” you giggled, “Will you take me seriously then?”
“Oh, that… Stealing hearts is an entirely different sort of trickery.” He winked, “And you had mine long before any of these trinkets…”
You blushed beet red at the god’s bold confession as he shifted the van into gear, hyper-speeding off down the street towards the Empire State Building, your heart racing even faster.
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buff-muffin · 5 months
Random little One piece modern AU thoughts and I guess scenes I had about mainly Luffy
1. Luffy is the best guy to take to karaoke. While he isn’t the best singer he’s also not the worst. However he sings with his whole chest and heart and will sing duets with anyone no matter how lovey or metal. His energy always brought everyone out of their shells he just has a bad habit of singing when it’s not his turn
2. I feel like in a modern AU Luffy would still be friends with a lot of the people he met in series just under different conditions. Like water 7 instead of the mayor almost being assassinated he just. Met him. Like on good terms. idk, maybe Luffy saved tyrannosaurus and now they just exchange animals pics and the occasional “hey I’m heading to insert place where should I go to eat” and Luffy just introduces the Baratie with no heads up to Zeff and Sanji and when Sanji spams the group chat freaking out he just says you’re welcome :D
3. Luffy keeps the contacts of everyone he’s met and keep them under their nicknames. Monster granny, hammock, split head ect. It’s the only way he can remember them after all. When nami had gotten nosy and decided to go through his contacts she obviously asked who tf ice pops was. Imagine her surprise when Luffy confidently answers that it’s the mayor from a few towns over.
4. In a modern AU the ASL brothers were totally still bush kids. Like. Dadan’s (probably community house) was right by the woods and they would have a similar childhood to canon with less killing wild animals. But they also a thousand fucking percent had a Nintendo Wii. Like Ace and Sabo fought tooth and NAIL for player one and Luffy was banished to player three with the dingiest controller known to man (not even the safety strap could protect that thing from getting tossed at the tv) And speaking from my own experience as a younger sibling Ace totally spent a whole summer trying to unlock every character in Mario kart.
5. Law met the straw hats in collage at 2 am when they got kicked out of a bar and he was trying to mind his own business. While they saw him in their intoxicated state and said “you’re my friend now :)” Law was genuinely worried half of them had alcohol poisoning. An hour later he found himself in one of their apartments two of them passed out. One of them throwing up. All while he makes a grilled cheese for Luffy, the so called infamous man on campus who is crying sitting on the floor cause he’s starving. Law stayed the night to make sure none of them drowned in their own vomit and like imprinted baby ducks they have not left him alone since.
6. Luffy has been going to riots and movements for years. He started going with Sabo and Ace growing up when they were teenagers and hasn’t stopped. He also never thought to mention it to any of his friends until they saw him on the news at a protest absolutely fucking SENDING a tear gas canister back at the cops
7. I kinda wanna believe while devil fruits don’t exist in modern AU the character still has quirks semi related to their fruit. Like Robin is just, double jointed everywhere and could bend her arms and fingers in all the worst ways. Luffy can either contort his body to hide in tiny places OR he has stretchy skin. It’s nothing more then party tricks but it is cool
8. Luffy was definitely a gymnastics kid. Not in like. The competing sense. But in like the, one of the adults in his life would drop him off there twice a week for an hour. Did he participate with the other children and learn how to roll? NO! He was flinging himself full speed into giant foam mats and climbing rock walls without a harness. He was a menace to society and he was only taken to blow off some energy and it WORKED. Until he was kicked out.
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 2 months
Pairings: Natasha X fem reader (already established)
Warnings: angst
Note: this is a happier? Part three to the series where y/n lives! Yay....
Natasha refused to believe y/n was dead. She couldn't. No matter how hard Wanda or the others tried to be there for her she refused to even think about y/n being dead. It was breaking the teams hearts. They couldn't stand to lose one friend only for another to fall into such delusion. So they came up with a plan.
The funeral hadn't happened yet. The Avengers wanted Natasha to be there but she wouldn't go in the current state she's in. So there was no grave to show Natasha to prove the death. And showing Natasha the corpse was too harsh by Wanda's standards, though Tony was still convinced it would work best. Bucky suggested showing Natasha any camera footage of the scene but there was none to be shown. There didn't seem to be a way to prove to Natasha that her girlfriend had passed.
Meanwhile with Natasha she spent most of her time brooding in her room. Scheming to find a way to bring y/n back. There was no way she was dead. It was too simple. So why was this whole situation so complicated. Her walls were covered in pictures and red string. If y/n were there she laugh and say it looked like a detectives basement once they got kicked off the case for going rogue. Natasha winced at the thought. She looked to the corner where y/n sat patiently waiting for Natasha to address her.
It had been a day after y/n had been taken to a mortuary. That's when the hallucinations began. At first it was only glimpses. Something Natasha could pass off as nothing. Until she began to see y/n everywhere. She never spoke. Not until yesterday. When she had made a snarky comment as Natasha had been pinning up another picture to her wall. Now it was as if nothing had changed. Y/n was there. But nobody but Natasha could see her. Natasha never told the others. They would think she's crazy.
"Nat you already are crazy."
Y/n spoke smirking. She had moved and was now on Natasha's bed. By now Natasha was semi used to the comments. Not quite completely used to them though. Natasha still freeze up and then need to take a breathe before ignoring the comment. Natasha kept staring at her wall. The images and string were all muddled and Natasha had lost her train of thought. Why was this so hard!?
"I know something else that's hard"
Y/n spoke again. This time wiggling her eyebrows. Natasha almost laughed at the dirty comment. But the small happiness vanished as a knock rang around Natasha's basically hollow room. Y/n vanished immediately as Wanda slowly entered.
"hey Nat.. just checking in to see if you want any paprikash?"
Wanda spoke softly, a small smile on her face. Wanda didn't comment in the wall. Wanda didn't ask about Natasha's sullen eyes and ruffled red hair. Wanda simply offered Natasha the first real meal she'd had since y/n died.
Sighing Natasha nodded.
"sit it down there."
The Russian spoke pointing to a small wooden table. Wanda nodded and sat the bowl down taking one final worried glance at Natasha before leaving again, knowing she wouldn't get another word from the spy.
"wowee I missed Wanda's paprikash!"
Y/n said now back again as she grinned looking over at the bowl of food. Natasha half looked at y/n in slight acknowledgement. Natasha looked back at her wall as tears started to threaten her eyes again.
There was nothing. No leads on the man who Wanda killed. No clues in where y/n could really be if she wasn't dead but instead just kidnapped. Natasha's small desperation for y/n to still be living was slowly dying. The idea that maybe the woman she loved so much was actually dead was beginning to sink in.
"I'm sorry y/n. But I don't think I can save you. Not this time."
Natasha choked out looking at y/n. Though now the smirk that the assassin was so familiar with was gone and y/n just looked at Natasha sorrowfully. Y/n shook her head and stood up crossing the distance between her and Nat.
"you love me right?"
Y/n asked cupping Natasha's face. It felt so so real. So why couldn't it be? Natasha nodded.
"I love you so much."
Natasha responded. Y/n smiled and nodded firmly.
"and I love you right?"
Y/n asked again wiping a tear from Natasha's cheek. Natasha nodded again.
"you love me so much."
The red head responded only hoping it was true. But while Natasha knew she didn't have Wanda's powers of mind reading or anything like that to know for sure she couldn't help but believe her words were true. Y/n nodded again.
"so please Nat for the love of gods let the others know I'm in a coma!"
Y/n exclaimed leaning backwards and sighing exasperated. Natasha sat there in shock. But her heart... But the medical...
"the medical shits wrong. That guy did some weird shit. I can now astral project hence how I'm here rn, yes yes I know your not crazy! But the guy shoved me in a coma hoping you'd bury me alive and I die that way. Turns out he was a wimp and couldn't kill."
Y/n almost mused at the last comment. But Natasha was gob smacked. Her girlfriend, the live if her life, wasn't dead? As the reality but Natasha got up. Y/n grinned and winked.
"see you soon Nat!"
Y/n said winking as she vanished.
Natasha burst out the door and raced down to find Bruce.
As Natasha darted down the hallway she interrupted the other Avengers meeting of how to help Natasha. Their shock was palpable as they saw the Russian assassin kick down the door and stand in the door way in a huff.
"Nat are yo-"
Wanda began but she was cut off.
"she's in a coma. Not dead. A coma."
Natasha said breathing heavily. Tony stood up as did Bruce.
"not possible Natasha we did the tests."
Dr banner started but Natasha shook her head.
"trust me."
The red head affirmed. Baffled the other Avengers thought that maybe this could snap Natasha out of her delusion if y/n being ok.
So everyone went to the mortuary. The retrieved y/n's body. Not decomposed at all. And Bruce took it away with the help of a few other doctors.
Half an hour later everyone was in the waiting room. Wanda had her hand on Natasha's back as Natasha picked around the skin of her fingers. Steve stood with Tony watching the door. And then Bruce came out with a very proud looking y/n following behind.
"wassup assholes!"
Y/n said grinning. The others stood in shock. How was this possible? It shouldn't be. Natasha let out a strangled cry and ran over enveloping/n in a hug. Y/n's cocky smile turned soft as she hugged her partner back.
After a tearful and peeved reunion, Tony was pissed y/n didn't tell them about the astral projection and visit them. Y/n argued she thought her friends would have more faith she'd pull through. Natasha had laughed.
Life went back to normal. Y/n and Natasha went on morning jogs. Natasha would write y/n letters and y/n would do the same every month. It was sweet. Though Natasha still had nightmares if seeing what she thought was y/ns corpse. There was one horrific dream where y/n was actually dead and it was a ghost Nat had been seeing. But it wasn't real. And y/n and Natasha grew older together. All the way till they were buried side by side.
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ginnsbaker · 8 months
what comes of telling the truth (or even part of it)
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Summary: The guilt, more than anything, is what Yelena wishes she could wash away. She wishes she could stop the cycle, stop using Kate as a balm for her wounds. She wishes she could face her head-on, with honesty. But in this very moment, all she can do is rinse, lather, and hope that someday, she finds the strength to break free from her own destructive patterns.
Word count: 10.7K+ | Pairing: Yelena x Kate, Past Yelena x Reader | Tags: Light angst, fluff-ish
A/N: This is for all of my ILGOSS readers. Requested by anon:
Wait may I ask for a short story or one-shot on how Yelena and Kate ended up together? I'm still kinda curious tbh lol. Kate's patience is applaudable, but I can't help but think what if Kate is just a rebound
I had fun writing this oneshot because I have a soft spot for the sex-first-feelings-later trope :P
It's not stalking if you just happen to be in the same row of seats at the same event. Even if, for instance, you're based in New York and the event is in Chicago, and attending isn't exactly obligatory.
Kate Bishop insists it's not. She's read numerous discussions on Reddit about stalking, and none seemed to describe a situation like hers. 
The thing is, she didn't exactly think it all through. Just like any rich girl prone to making impulsive decisions when money isn't an issue, she snagged the first flight to Chicago upon hearing about a chance to see Yelena again.
She didn't factor in that Yelena had upped and left with only a text as a goodbye. She didn't ponder over the fact that Yelena seldom replied to her messages since moving to a different state, if she even did at all. Had Kate truly heeded these signs, she wouldn't be anywhere near the front row where Yelena sits, nonchalant with a passive countenance. She wouldn't have spent the last half hour or so ruminating on how to approach her. Instead, she'd be back in the Hamptons, sipping on Piña Coladas without a concern, because that's what Bishops customarily do on their weekends.
Except, reading the situation has never been her strong suit. She's always been forthright with her feelings and actions. It's what Yelena claimed to like about her, so here she is, simply being herself.
Kate glances towards Yelena from the corner of her eye, trying to discern any signs of emotion. For anyone else in the room, Yelena appears unmoved, but Kate, with her intimate knowledge of the girl, can see the minute shift in her posture, the almost imperceptible crease in her brow. She's always been good at noticing the subtleties in people, especially when it came to Yelena. But perhaps this is where the problem began.
They never labeled what they had. It started off as casual. Friends with benefits, they'd joked in the beginning, no strings attached. Yet Kate, somewhere along the way, had tied a rope around her own heart. Her mistake was entering the arrangement already having fallen for the girl. And it didn't even begin when they started sleeping together. It happened way before Kate got to know the taste of her skin, the way a smile would sneak onto her lips with a contented sigh after she climaxed, or the way she'd clutch at Kate's shirt when Kate did something just right—too right.
Kate had believed she was okay with it, that she could handle being just a detour in Yelena’s life. But then she saw it—the way Yelena's walls crumbled when you came into the picture. It was a poignant twist of irony, watching Yelena fall unapologetically in love when she’d always been so cautious, so guarded around Kate. The woman who had so adamantly refused to be ensnared by love was openly enthralled by it when it came from someone else. Kate would listen, forcing a smile, as Yelena talked about you, and it would eat away at her insides. She tried to be supportive. But that didn't work out either. In the end, Kate still lost her.
And now, sitting mere feet away yet worlds apart, Kate grapples with truths that are lodged in her throat. She wonders if Yelena will ever see her as more than just a diversion, a temporary harbor. It's a cruel thought, and one that Kate can't shake off. But she knows herself. She won't run from the situation. Instead, she'll face it, no matter how much it tears at her. Because, for better or worse, that's just who she is.
She only gathers enough courage by the end of the seminar.
When the final speaker steps off the stage, and the flurry of applause begins to die down, Kate takes a steadying breath. She tells herself it's just Yelena—even though everything has changed. Her heart pummels against her ribs, a restless plea, as she forces her legs to move in Yelena’s direction. 
“Yelena,” she calls out softly when she's a few steps behind her.
Yelena turns, and for a moment, there’s no recognition in her eyes. Then, something flickers—surprise, confusion, a touch of alarm.
Kate nods, her palms sweaty. “Yeah, hey. It's been a while.”
Yelena’s eyes scrutinize her, searching for something. Perhaps a reason for why Kate would be here, in Chicago, after all this time and after everything that's happened.
“What are you doing here?” The question isn’t accusatory or harsh. Just curious.
“I…uh, I wanted to see you,” Kate admits, more to herself than to Yelena. “I mean, I was already here for this convention, saw you walk by, and thought I'd drop in to say hi.”
Yelena’s smile is a little too tight for Kate’s liking. This isn't unfolding anywhere near how she had hoped.
“Hi,” Yelena utters nonchalantly, her gaze skimming over Kate's shoulder to whatever holds her attention beyond.
Kate swallows the lump in her throat, trying to push past the frosty reception. “I was going to ask if you wanted to grab coffee or something, you know, catch up,” Kate says, offering a lopsided smile that she hopes might charm Yelena into agreeing. 
But Yelena merely offers a tepid one in return, her eyes hard and unyielding. “I appreciate it, but I have plans,” she replies.
“Oh, okay,” Kate responds, doing her best to conceal the sting of rejection that pierces through her. She fumbles for a moment before managing to continue, “Well, if you ever change your mind, I’m staying at the Evergreen Hotel for a couple more days. I'm on the 32nd floor, room 3206. Not that...uh, you need to know...but just in case.”
Yelena’s green eyes remain inscrutable. “It was nice seeing you, Kate,” she finally murmurs. “Enjoy your time in Chicago.”
And just like that, she's walking away, leaving Kate standing amidst the dissipating crowd, trying to make sense of the chasm that has seemingly formed between them.
Someone rings her hotel room at 11:45 in the evening.
Kate, snug in her pajamas and reading a brochure about the local Chicago sights, isn't expecting visitors. She moves to the peephole and is caught off guard when she recognizes the eyes staring back. Yelena's pupils are dilated, clearly indicating she's made several stops before her feet brought her here.
Opening the door hesitantly, Kate takes in Yelena's entire demeanor: the set of her jaw, the tightness in her posture, the fiery look in her eyes that seems to oscillate between anger and something that immediately shoots a jolt of desire down her core. “Yelena?” she whispers, a hint of trepidation in her voice. “What are you doing here?”
Yelena doesn’t answer. Her breathing is ragged and uneven, her eyes fixed unblinkingly on Kate's.
“Look,” Kate says, her voice shaky, “if you could just give me a moment to change out of my pajamas, maybe we can get coffee in the hotel lobby or—”
“Why did you tell me you were staying here?” Yelena questions, her voice dangerously low.
Taken aback, Kate blinks a few times, panic bubbling up in her throat. “I-I don't—”
Without a word, Yelena steps forward, closing the distance between them. Her hands cradle Kate’s face, and she crashes into her in a kiss that’s hard and desperate. Kate is momentarily stunned, her thoughts obliterated by the sudden onslaught of lips and tongue. But then she reacts, wrapping her arms around Yelena’s waist and nearly lifting her as they move deeper into the living room. She uses her foot to kick the door shut behind them as Yelena takes command of the kiss, pushing into Kate with an urgency.
It’s been too long. But still—
But still, it feels instinctual, the way Kate's lips gravitate to that spot just below Yelena's ear, applying just the right amount of pressure to elicit that familiar sigh from her. Yelena's hand finds its way to the nape of Kate's neck, fingers intertwining with her hair before pulling roughly to break the kiss.
But Yelena pins her with a look, a surprisingly vulnerable one. “No talking, please,” she breathes. “No talking.”
Yelena's never begged her before. To Kate's embarrassment, it's usually been the other way around. It's only hitting Kate now that their months of estrangement have deeper repercussions than she initially realized. 
But before she can process the thought further, Yelena’s fingers are impatient as they fumble with the buttons of Kate's shirt, all while her lips never leave Kate's, each kiss deepening in urgency. Kate's hands, equally fervent, roam over Yelena's back, gripping at her shirt and pulling her even closer. They maneuver around the space, half-stumbling, half-guiding each other towards the bedroom. With a soft thud, Kate is gently pushed back onto the plush mattress, Yelena hovering above her. 
The ritual is as familiar to Kate as the back of her hand, yet a feeling stirs within her that this time might stand apart from the rest—perhaps the moment when her dreams finally bleed into reality.
So she gives Yelena everything she has to offer—and then some. 
When it's all done and Kate is lying on her back, staring at the ceiling, with Yelena softly snoring beside her, a thin sheet loosely covering her bare torso, Kate's mind spins erratically. 
Yelena’s proximity, so desperately craved for months, now feels like an intrusion into a grief that she’s scarcely begun to comprehend. She acknowledges that her sudden appearance in Chicago, after everything that transpired, may now seem more self-serving than she'd intended. 
She hadn't fully grasped the depth of Yelena's pain—pain so consuming that Yelena felt the need to flee to another state just to find a semblance of peace.
Morning light seeps through the curtains as Kate busies herself in the hotel kitchenette. She tries to make breakfast, aiming for familiarity in a situation that's anything but. The scent of cinnamon and vanilla fills the hotel room as she meticulously flips pieces of golden-brown french toast, trying to keep herself focused on the task.
Then, the muted sound of a door draws her attention. Yelena steps out of the bedroom, dressed and seemingly ready for the day. Her appearance, so sudden and unexpected, makes Kate's heart race. She becomes acutely aware of her own state: clad in nothing but an oversized shirt that barely reaches her thighs, exposing her legs and the curve of her panties.
“Breakfast is almost ready,” Kate offers meekly.
Yelena gives a slight nod. “Thanks, but I think I'm going to head out.”
Her eyes momentarily drop to the floor. Then, with deliberate steps, she closes the distance between them. Leaning in, she places an awkward kiss on Kate's cheek, then sidesteps her and makes her way to the door.
Kate remains still, eyes locked on the french toast that's now charring at the edges. With a sigh, she turns off the stove and contemplates what other sights Chicago might offer beyond the iconic bean.
Kate has her dinner early in the evening and waits by the door, just in case Yelena decides to show up again.
She doesn’t.
After spending another 48 hours sequestered in her hotel room, she packs her bags to head back to New York.
As soon as Yelena arrives at her apartment after her night with Kate, she heads directly to the shower.
The hot water cascades over her, but it does little to soothe the turmoil roiling inside her. Each droplet feels like a sting of reality, a reminder of the choices she’s made. She rubs the soap with more force than necessary, the lather not just cleansing her skin but also representing her desperate attempt to wash away the guilt.
It's not Kate she's trying to forget. It's her own actions, her own reasons for going to that hotel room. She’s aware she’s used Kate’s affection for her own comfort far too many times, each encounter chipping away at what little integrity she feels she has left. She hates herself for it. For taking refuge in Kate's warmth, for using her time and time again, and then leaving her in the cold morning light.
The guilt, more than anything, is what Yelena wishes she could wash away. She wishes she could stop the cycle, stop using Kate as a balm for her wounds. She wishes she could face her head-on, with honesty. But in this very moment, all she can do is rinse, lather, and hope that someday, she finds the strength to break free from her own destructive patterns.
Months pass without them seeing each other until Yelena returns to New York. Her media company sent her back for training, placing her under the guidance of someone who, in Yelena’s opinion, was a “complete unknown”. It's only a matter of time before she runs into Kate Bishop.
That happens sooner than Yelena expected when three days after her arrival, they bump into each other at a more upscale gathering. Yelena's attendance was mandated even before her first official workday, with the primary goal of extensive networking. She wears a sleek black strapless gown that reveals a fair amount of cleavage, but even that doesn't catch Kate’s attention. Instead, Kate's focus is clearly on the date accompanying her, arm-in-arm. Yelena’s hand is clutching the arm of another man, but he's just a work friend of hers who, coincidentally, is also gay. Clearly, she's not the one with the upper hand in this situation. Not that she—
Yelena is taken by surprise, not noticing Kate's approach until she's almost beside her. “Yelena, hi,” Kate says softly, standing just centimeters away. She looks stunning in her three-piece suit, her hair pulled back with a few curly waves framing her oceanic eyes.
Yelena manages a, “Kate,” in reply, before turning to her companion and saying, “You said you wanted to talk to the chief?” Her friend appears confused for a brief moment but then nods in eager agreement. She excuses herself quickly, not catching the brief, tight smile that graces Kate’s lips.
“Chief? Really?” her friend teases as soon as they're safely distant from her current source of distress.
Yelena rolls her eyes, but the corners of her mouth twitch upwards. “I needed a quick exit strategy.”
Chuckling, her friend replies, “From Kate Bishop? Come on, Yel. You two have history. Ducking away like she's the plague isn't the mature way to handle things.”
Yelena lets out a sigh, her shoulders slumping. “I know, I know. It's just... the last time we met, the morning after was... less than ideal.”
“The morning after?” His eyes widen in realization. “You slept with her again?”
Yelena bites her lower lip and nods. His gaze sweeps the room, likely searching for Kate, before settling on her attempting to subtly look in their direction. “Well, that complicates things,” he muses.
“Tell me about it,” Yelena mutters, taking a sip from her champagne glass.
“Why don’t you just talk to her. Set things straight—”
She arches an eyebrow, “You think one casual chat is going to fix things?”
“Reminding her that you don’t have feelings for her and never will might just do the trick,” he says with an amused grin. “You don’t have feelings for her right?”
Yelena hesitates for just a moment, her eyes not meeting his, “Of course not,” she replies, her voice not as steady as she'd hoped.
He studies her, a knowing look in his eyes. Just as he's about to comment on her poor lying skills, Kate approaches again, this time without her date.
Kate's eyes are fixed on Yelena as she draws closer. “Mind if I steal her for a second?” she asks, not really waiting for an answer as her hand gently wraps around Yelena's elbow. Her touch sends a chill through Yelena, an electrifying jolt that she’s been trying to forget for months.
He simply nods, giving Yelena a sympathetic glance before prancing towards the bar.
Kate guides Yelena slightly away from the crowd, not to a secluded corner but just a few steps away to offer a modicum of privacy. Yelena finally extricates her arm from Kate's grip, building a wall with her posture. “What do you want, Kate?”
“I want to talk,” Kate simply says.
Yelena lets out a sigh, her jawline tensing. “Go on.”
Kate takes a moment, ensuring her words would be precise, “I'm not here to rekindle anything or chase after you. I'm not that naive anymore. You don't have to avoid me or disappear when I'm around. I'm over you. And I just... I want us to be able to coexist, especially in circles like these.”
Yelena's lips slightly part in surprise, the slightest quiver of something akin to pain shadowing her features upon absorbing Kate's frank words. Kate, with her perpetual, unfiltered candor, always did have a way of stripping a situation down to its stark, naked truth. But isn’t this precisely what Yelena wanted? To be free of the guilt, of the heavy, choking shroud that's been her constant companion since she left that hotel room months ago? Kate doesn't want her anymore. This should ease things, shouldn't it?
Yet, why does a peculiar tightness settle in her chest, a subtle ache that she dare not explore? Yelena swallows hard, facing the blunt force of Kate's liberation with a brittle nod. 
“If that’s what you want,” Yelena manages to say.
Kate tilts her head slightly, her eyes narrowing as they scrutinize Yelena's face, seeking, probing. A ghost of a smile curls on her lips, devoid of genuine mirth as she observes the other woman’s discomfort, palpable even amidst the high-society glitter surrounding them. 
“What I want?” she echoes, voice imbued with a tempered steeliness, “Yelena, I'm handing you exactly what you've shown you want.”
Yelena’s eyes flutter away from Kate’s, uneasy, yet a stony facade refuses to let her susceptibility bleed into view. 
“You’ve always made it abundantly clear where I stand,” Kate murmurs. “And I’ve been nothing but annoyingly stubborn about it.”
“Kate, I never intended to—”
“It’s okay,” Kate interrupts softly. “I kept coming to you with these expectations, but you were clear from the start. You said it was just about sex—nothing more. I just hoped... maybe that could change with time.”
Yelena's throat constricts, the words she needs to say lodged firmly behind a barrier of guilt and self-reproach. “I’m sorry,” Kate adds, her voice thin and fragile, yet it reverberates loudly in Yelena’s ears.
“I—” Yelena begins, but the words falter, the apology sticking in her throat. It was her who owed Kate apologies—a sea of them, for every late-night encounter, every hurried departure in the dawn light.
She inhales sharply, fingers twitching at her side. “Kate, if there's anyone who should be apologizing, it’s me,” she finally says. “I’ve been selfish and unfair, and I took advantage of your feelings because it was convenient for me, and it allowed me to ignore my own.”
“I'm not blameless here either,” Kate says.
“It's not the same," Yelena persists, “I knew what I was doing each time I—”
“But so did I, Yelena,” Kate breaks in, her steadiness unwavering. “Every time I came to you, I knew what it was and what it wasn't. I chose to stay, each time. That’s on me.”
It feels like they’ve reached an impasse, neither knowing what comes after telling the truth—or even a part of it.
“So, what do we do now?” Yelena murmurs.
Before Kate can muster an answer, the sound of footsteps draws their attention. Kate's date slides smoothly into view, holding two glasses filled with a bubbling amber liquid. Upon seeing her for the second time, Yelena notices that she's an incredibly attractive woman who carries an air of elegance about her with effortless grace. 
“There you are!” she exclaims to Kate with a smile. “I’ve been looking all over for you.”
Kate, her eyes still lingering on Yelena, slowly pivots towards her, an almost imperceptible sigh escaping her lips. She gives her date a brief smile before glancing back at Yelena one last time. 
“It was nice seeing you, Yelena,” she says, mirroring the same words Yelena had used months ago, before turning away to enjoy the rest of the night with someone else.
As the noise of the event surrounds them, Yelena's friend returns, looking between her and the departing figure of Kate and her beautiful date.
“Is it over?” he asks cautiously.
Yelena's gaze is distant, her eyes unfocused, but she finally blinks, pulling herself back to the present. 
Her voice is a little shaky when she replies, “I need a drink.”
Kate was the first person she felt a connection to when she first came back to New York. The city's crowded streets and glaring lights felt foreign, like a twisted mockery of a place she once called home. The skyscrapers towered, the taxis honked, and the people bustled about, but none of that felt familiar to her—as if the welcome banner had been replaced with a glaring message that this was not the same place she had left eight years ago.
The airport had been a blur of faces, each one more indifferent to her existence than the last. She half-expected, perhaps even hoped, to see her sister's familiar face waiting for her among the crowd, but all she was met with were strangers hurrying past, engrossed in their own worlds. Natasha was continents away, in places she couldn’t know about, shouldn’t know about. 
And then there was you—the only other person she considered family, the only other face she yearned to see upon her return. Yelena could've called you if she wanted. Natasha handed her your number, with the faint hope that Yelena might muster the will to congratulate you over the phone. But she never did, aware that she wouldn't genuinely mean it if she said she was happy for you. 
Her fingers itched to grab her phone and dial your number, knowing you'd come to pick her up. Not necessarily because you missed her in the same way, but because you were always the kind of person who'd pick up a friend from the airport—and it wouldn’t matter to you that you hadn’t spoken a word to each other in years. 
Yet, as much as Yelena yearned to see you, your image was interwoven with the pain of unattainable desire. She didn't want to see your face, so happy and fulfilled without her in it. Because the memories would flood back: your smile, the scent of your skin, the way your voice would tenderly wrap around her name. You were married—have been married for quite some time now. And that simple fact was a barrier, insurmountable and cruel.
“Need a ride?”
Yelena quickly turned to her left, where a woman about her age stood with dark hair and soft blue eyes.
“Cabs are pretty scarce around this time,” the woman explained, adjusting the strap of her leather bag on her shoulder. “I mean, you could try booking one, but…”
Yelena's cheeks flushed. It was one thing to come back to a city after so long and feel lost; it was another entirely to admit it. She hesitated, wrestling with the unfamiliar interface of the rideshare app on her phone. “ll just wait,” she said defensively, trying to hide her discomfort.
The woman gave her a skeptical look but seemed more amused than annoyed. “I'm Kate,” she said, extending her hand with a warm smile. “Kate Bishop.”
Yelena took a moment before she accepted it. “Yelena.”
“Well, now that we're not strangers, how about that ride? My car's right outside.”
Yelena paused, studying Kate. The offer was tempting. There was something disarmingly genuine about Kate, and Yelena couldn't detect any malice or ulterior motives in her eyes. Still, she was guarded, her defenses up.
“Why would you offer me—a stranger—a ride?” Yelena asked.
“You're not entirely a stranger, Yelena,” Kate replied with a chuckle. 
Their eyes locked, and in that brief moment, Yelena felt an odd sense of kinship. A sigh escaped her lips. “Okay, fine,” she conceded, “But just to Manhattan.”
Kate's smile grew, reaching her eyes. “Just to Manhattan.”
Yelena steps into the high-rise building, an architectural masterpiece of glass and steel, shimmering under the vibrant New York sun. It’s her first day on this temporary assignment, and her stomach churns with a blend of anticipation and anxiety. 
She catches snippets of dialogue as she goes: project timelines, deadlines, and weekend plans. Yelena keeps her gaze forward, absorbing the understated opulence of the work environment. It’s a world she recognizes with every fiber of her being, and she’s ready to play her part.
As she steps into the elevator, ascending towards the upper levels of the corporate tower, Yelena takes a deep breath, bracing herself for the introductions, handshakes, and the performative exchange of pleasantries. The first day in a new environment is always a bit disconcerting, but she’s not new to adapting, to molding herself into whatever shape a situation requires.
“Yelena, right?”
The elevator door opens to reveal a woman Yelena recognizes from the previous night. It's not just any woman she encountered during her diligent networking; it's the very woman who was on Kate's arm, that Yelena begrudgingly recalls she paraded around like some kind of trophy throughout the evening.
Yelena nods, maintaining a neutral expression, as she exits the elevator and the woman steps in, effectively switching places.
“I'd love to chat more when I return. Just need my coffee fix,” the woman says, winking at Yelena just before the elevator doors close between them.
Yelena lets out an exasperated sigh as she searches for her cubicle. She doesn't anticipate having that chat and silently hopes that today's encounter is the last time she'll see that woman, or if possible, for the duration of her time in this office.
The next several moments don't go the way Yelena expected. Especially the part where she discovers Kate's date is her new boss.
Yelena feels a slight pressure in her temples as she hears the name. “Georgia Thompson.” The friendly demeanor and confident handshake of the woman in front of her sharply contrasts the casual, almost indifferent demeanor she exhibited at the gala.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Thompson,” she replies, trying to sound as composed as possible. 
Georgia offers a polite smile, her eyes assessing Yelena for a moment longer than she’s comfortable with. “Likewise. And please, call me Georgia.” It's only now that she picks up on the accent and realizes she's British.
Blonde, British, her boss, and apparently Kate’s new girlfriend. Just great. The universe couldn't be clearer about how much it enjoys playing tricks on her.
Yelena nods, pushing down the nerves bubbling inside her. She mentally kicks herself for not doing a thorough background check on her new employers, but how was she supposed to foresee this twist?
“I've heard great things about your work, Yelena. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can bring to our team,” Georgia says.
“Thank you. I'll do my best.”
Georgia leans back in her chair, the slight quirk of her eyebrow revealing she’s perhaps more perceptive than Yelena initially gave her credit for. “I hope you find the environment here conducive to your work. Everyone is very supportive, and we like to think of ourselves as a family.”
Yelena wonders if the emphasis is deliberate, a subtle hint at the glaring elephant in the room. Neither has acknowledged their encounter from the other night.
“Thank you, I appreciate that,” Yelena responds, trying to steer the conversation back to professional matters. “I've already been given some assignments, and I'm eager to delve into them.”
Georgia nods approvingly. “Good. If you have any questions or need any support, don't hesitate to ask.”
Are you aware of my history with Kate? Do you plan on making my life a living hell for the next several months?
None of these questions escape her lips. Like every job, this one comes with complexities and trade-offs that she has no choice but to endure. She believes she can manage. After all, enduring seems to be all she's doing these days.
Kate eventually drops by the office one evening. It's just a week later, and with everyone gone, Yelena is saddled with another article destined for the fluff column for the following day. 
Kate's unexpected entrance startles Yelena, her fingers slipping from the keyboard and sending a disjointed string of characters cascading across her screen, a stark contrast to the meticulously formulated words she had previously been weaving together. A sigh escapes Yelena as she straightens in her chair, muscles tensing, her gaze fixating on the other woman’s reflection in the darkened computer screen next to hers.
Thankfully, it’s who Kate speaks up first. “Working late?”
“Deadlines,” Yelena mutters, rubbing her forehead and trying not to sound as exasperated as she feels. “And what brings you here?”
“Was in the neighborhood and thought I'd surprise Georgia,” Kate replies with a nonchalant shrug, though her eyes are searching Yelena's for any reaction. “But I guess she left already.”
“Seems so. You just missed her by maybe half an hour.”
Kate hums, letting her gaze wander around the mostly empty office. “This place hasn't changed much since I interned here,” she muses.
“You interned here?” Yelena's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
“Yeah. Before everything,” Kate says with a faint smile. “Feels like a lifetime ago.”
Her eyes roam the open workspace before settling on Yelena's and the stack of papers next to her. “Looks like you’ve made yourself at home quickly.”
Yelena shrugs, fingers lightly drumming against the edge of her desk. “Work doesn't do itself.”
The semblance of casual conversation can't veil the tension that simmers just beneath the surface. Kate’s next words are a soft, cautious probe, “How have things been with Georgia?”
She’s testing the waters, Yelena observes.
“Professional,” Yelena replies curtly.
A small, almost rueful smile grazes Kate’s lips. “She’s good at what she does. Keeps things running smoothly.”
“She seems to,” Yelena agrees, resisting the urge to delve into whatever Kate is aiming at. “Is there something you needed, Kate? I'm on a tight deadline here.”
Kate’s eyes, instead of responding immediately, drop to the takeout bag in her hands, then flick back to Yelena’s face. It's as if she’s doing a calculus of how far to press, of how much of Yelena's abruptness to overlook.
“Actually,” she starts, her tone light and easy, “I came bearing food. It's way too much for one person.” She tilts her head, hoisting up a slightly crumpled brown bag. “Care to join me?”
Yelena is on the verge of formulating a polite refusal when her stomach, as if on cue, betrays her with a telling growl. She winces, slightly mortified, realizing her last meal was hours ago.
“Sounds like someone's hungry,” Kate teases, her grin infectious.
Yelena considers the offer, her resolve wobbling precariously on the edge between pragmatic hunger and the need to maintain an emotional distance.
“I don't think—” she starts, but Kate, undeterred, strides closer, placing the bag on a nearby empty desk.
“No strings, Yelena,” she says, an undertone of sincerity seeping through. “Just dinner. It’s been a long day, and it looks like you haven’t moved from this spot for hours.”
A small fortress of skepticism still guards Yelena’s expression, but she doesn’t stop Kate as she begins unpacking the containers from the bag. The rich, fragrant scents of stir-fried noodles and spicy broth waft through the air, momentarily making the whole room feel a bit warmer, a bit friendlier. It reminds her of the countless nights they shared meals at the office, back when they worked for the same company, a time when their friendship flourished alongside their physical hunger for one another.
Silently, Yelena concedes, rolling her chair over to join Kate, who’s already begun dividing the food into two portions. They eat in relative silence for a few moments, when Yelena then, prompted by a momentary surge of curiosity, asks, “Where did you guys meet?”
“We were seated next to each other on my flight back to New York,” Kate says after a thoughtful pause. “From Chicago. When I… when we attended that convention.”
She's torn between laughing or pressing her lips together upon learning that Kate met her new love on a plane, at an airport, echoing their own initial encounter.
“Does Georgia know about…”
Kate raises her eyebrows inquisitively. Yelena just motions between the two of them, drawing a soft chuckle from Kate.
“Right. Yes, she's aware. I told her the moment she said you’d be working under her,” Kate says.
Yelena's heart pulses an erratic rhythm at Kate's words. She fiddles with her fork, twirling it aimlessly between her fingers.
“And she was okay with it?” Yelena asks.
“Georgia is...different. She believes in leaving the past where it belongs,” Kate says. Yelena knows she probably doesn’t mean anything by it, yet it subtly pricks at her own propensity to keep one foot persistently anchored in the past.
“I'm glad,” Yelena finally murmurs. “I just... I didn't want it to be a problem.”
Kate reaches across the table, placing a reassuring hand over Yelena's for a fleeting second. “It won't be. We're all adults here. Just... make sure you're okay, alright?”
Yelena nods slowly, taking a deep breath. It's obvious to her now, more than ever, that some bridges aren't burned but simply left to weather the passage of time.
Yelena tries to get back into the dating scene. She registers on three distinct dating apps, uniformly using the same profile photo and an unvarnished bio that reads: Female. Twenty-nine. Single.
Her inbox becomes a conveyor belt of recycled greetings: “Hey”, “You're cute”, and “What are you doing tonight?” It's an endless cascade of faces and screen names, none of which pierce through the monotony of singledom. 
She swipes through profiles, a sea of faces belonging to people she will never meet, let alone speak to. There’s the overly chiseled man with a bio that hints at a penchant for arrogance. The vivacious woman with wild curls, a quote from Virginia Woolf emblazoned on her profile. The musician, shrouded in a cloud of recreational smoke, guitar in hand, always accompanied by a loyal puppy—because, of course, there's always that magnetism of a puppy. And then there's the corporate maven, every strand of hair in place, an entire life airbrushed into LinkedIn perfection.
But Yelena is searching for something else—though what exactly, she is not certain. Yelena’s fingers hover over her phone, frozen mid-swipe, as Georgia and Kate emerge from the former’s office. Dressed less formally than usual, with Kate in a chic blazer and jeans combo and Georgia in a strikingly simple dress, it’s evident that the office is not their final destination for the evening.
Yelena inadvertently becomes a secret spectator to their private moment, and she ducks her head back down, suddenly intensely interested in the glowing screen before her. But her attention strays, her ears fine-tuning to the whisper of their voices as they linger by the office door.
“...really looking forward to tonight,” Georgia is saying, her slightly husky with an intimate inflection.
“Me too,” Kate replies.
Yelena feels an involuntary lump form in her throat, and she realizes she’s holding her breath. Why the sight of them, so blissfully unaware of her prying eyes, should stir this maelstrom within her, she isn’t quite sure. It’s not jealousy, she tries to reassure herself. But what is it then? Resignation? Loneliness? 
They depart, leaving behind Yelena’s questions unanswered. A notification pings—a message from a woman whose profile Yelena doesn’t remember viewing. She clicks on it in a semi-distracted state, reads a greeting that is refreshingly devoid of clichés or overtly sexual overtones, and something, just something, flickers within her.
Twenty minutes over their agreed time, and her date is nowhere in sight. She had replayed their messages in her head, made certain she got the place and time right. Had even arrived a little early to ensure she wouldn’t keep her date waiting. But as the minutes tick by, Yelena’s optimism dwindles. 
Her hand flutters to the hem of her dress, pulling it down nervously. She had chosen it with such care earlier, wanting to make the right impression. Now, she just feels stupid for even trying.
Yelena glances out, her mood sinking further as she realizes she's been stood up, and now she's trapped by the rain without an umbrella. Taking a deep breath, Yelena signals the waiter, requesting her bill with a tilt of her head and a brief but curt nod. Just as she's slipping her phone back into her purse, her focus inadvertently drifts towards the entrance of the restaurant. 
And there you are.
How could she not notice you? She could pick you out from any crowd. Your jaw, sharply defined, always gave way to the tender curvatures of your facial features in a manner that she found endlessly fascinating. Your ear, peculiarly unique in its shape, partially covered by wet strands that have escaped your messy ponytail. 
She watches, a strange tightness forming in her chest, as you speak to the bartender, presumably ordering something to alleviate the chill from your damp clothes. Yelena’s voice, when it finds its way out, bears a semblance of leniency that was lacking the last time they saw each other. 
Your eyes hesitantly veer towards her, interlacing surprise and something else she can’t quite discern. There’s a beat of silence where you simply regard each other, before you navigate through the tight arrangement of tables and subdued chatter to join her.
“Hi,” you murmur, a tentative smile on your lips as you hover near her table, waiting for an invitation to sit across from her.
She nods, eyes minutely tracing the droplets of rain as they adhere to your eyelashes, “You’re soaked.”
You glance down, surveying the damage of the moody weather this afternoon. “It seems so.” 
Before she can think about whether she'll regret this later or not, Yelena motions, inviting you to take a seat across from her.
Later that night, as she walks back to her apartment, she comes to two realizations.
First, that she’s no longer in love with you. When she asked you about Wanda, she detected a shift in your expression, a subtle hardening of your features. You had explained, sipping on that hastily ordered whiskey, that you and Wanda spent a year apart, and you didn't return to her on the day you had promised to reunite. You’d been in Montauk for the better part of a year, caring for your ailing mother. It's a noble thing, to put one's life on hold and step up for family. It’s endearing and also a bit tragic. Your brief time today in Manhattan was to check in on Wanda, having boarded a three and a half hour train just for a mere five seconds of her.
She remembers your slight smile, a tad rueful, when you mentioned passing by the café. “Wanted a glimpse of her, you know? Just to see how she's doing. Then, the rain,” you'd said, rolling your eyes at the unexpected twist nature had thrown your way.
The irony wasn’t lost on her, that this could have been her third chance, her third window to potentially be with you. You were there, and you were single, and you were still the person she used to love. But there was no stirring of old romantic sentiments, no lit flame of rekindling feelings. She was touched, not tempted, by your vulnerable predicament. 
Like a raging inferno that had burned brightly, fiercely, and then reduced to warm, comforting embers. It wasn’t gone, and she knew it never truly would be, but it had transformed into something else. She thinks love works in that way; never diminishing, but perhaps always changing. Her memories with you, sharp and painful, have softened around the edges, allowing her to accept things as they are, not as they could have been.
Her keys jingle in hand as she unlocks her apartment door, step inside, and decides that she is ready to take the next step with you and be your friend. 
As she closes the door behind her, Yelena is hit with a second insight: she longs to fall in love again. She realizes she's kept her heart guarded for a long time ever since you took up residence there and then left. 
With a slow exhale, she leans back against the door, allowing the coolness of the wood to seep through her blouse, grounding her in the present moment. She allows a laugh, letting it envelop her to her heart’s content. She's weary of being the Yelena that left you, the one that wasn’t chosen by you. More than anything, she wants to be reborn. To become a Yelena who no longer clings to the misguided notion that love, to be real, must come with an undercurrent of hurt. 
Her hand presses against her heart, feeling its steady beat beneath her palm, affirming her presence, her life, her capacity to heal and be whole again. Yelena realizes that she wants to fall in love where it does not require her to fragment herself, to withhold pieces in safeguard against an inevitable heartache. Love should be able to exist, she thinks, without the persistent ache of sacrifice, without the constant dread of its impermanence looming overhead.
Finally, as Yelena drifts into the embrace of her bed, she imagines that future, feels the potential of it thrumming in the space around her. A face lingers in her thoughts—perhaps, if circumstances change and she offers Yelena a second chance to reciprocate all she's given, that face might belong to the future she yearns for.
Yelena's documents fly everywhere as Georgia slams them down onto her desk.
“This is not up to our standards, Yelena. You can do better,” Georgia snaps.
Taken aback, Yelena tries to form a response, but is cut off. “I need this revised and on my desk by the end of the day,” Georgia orders.
Throughout the day, it doesn't get any better. Every time their paths cross, Georgia finds something to pick at, each criticism more biting than the last.
Desperate for a semblance of understanding, Yelena decides to shoot Kate a text during her lunch break. With a forced lightness, she types, What did you put in my boss’ coffee today? 😂 She's tearing through everything I submit!
The little ‘delivered’ sign morphs into ‘read’, yet the response she half-hopes for, half-dreads never comes. Yelena stares at her phone, then back to her computer screen, the cursor blinking accusingly at her. A deep sigh unfurls from her as she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and refocuses on the draft. She can't help but be bothered that Kate leaves her on read, especially since Kate used to reply to Yelena immediately before.
This inattention is, paradoxically, an attention to the details Yelena wishes she could ignore. She had wanted to step out of this, out of feeling sidelined, unimportant.
However, Yelena squares her shoulders.
If Georgia desires perfection, Yelena will morph her work into an epitome of immaculate journalism, and she will do it without riding on Kate’s coattails. Biting down gently on her lower lip, Yelena delves back into the article, rephrasing and refining. But even then, as she polishes each sentence, part of her is attentive, waiting for the buzz of her phone, indicating Kate has replied. Yet, the only sound accompanying her through the ensuing hours is the rhythmic clack of her keyboard.
She doesn't hear from Kate for the rest of the day.
Two days later, the entire atmosphere of the office seems to have undergone a transformation. This is especially evident with the heady scent of lilies and roses filling the open space. Yelena, having arrived early, watches from her cubicle as coworkers trickle in, all casting appreciative or curious glances toward the opulent floral arrangement in Georgia’s office.
When her boss arrives, she’s an entirely different persona from the tempest of the day before. There's a different air about her today—lighter, tender, almost apologetic.
Georgia, making her way to Yelena’s desk, clears her throat, a barely-perceptible flush gracing her cheeks. 
As Yelena makes her way to her workstation, Georgia calls out to her. “Yelena, a moment?”
Cautiously, Yelena approaches her desk. “Yes, Georgia?”
Georgia stands up, her posture relaxed and her face apologetic. “I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. It wasn't professional or warranted. I had a lot on my mind, and it was wrong to take it out on you.”
Yelena nods, her relief merely presented as a tight smile on her lips. “Thank you for saying that, Georgia.”
Georgia smiles faintly. “It's the least I can do.”
Late in the afternoon, Yelena hears the unmistakable sound of Kate's voice, its playful timbre unmistakable even from her desk. She's arrived to pick up her girlfriend. She’s greeted by Georgia's lit-up face, and they exchange a quick, affectionate kiss which Yelena pretends not to notice, even though it plays at the edges of her peripheral vision.
But then, Georgia pauses, pulling her phone from her bag with a look of mild annoyance. “Damn, I forgot about this call. Give me a minute, okay?”
Kate nods, shooting Georgia an understanding smile. “Take your time.”
Kate nods, a small but genuine smile playing on her lips as Georgia steps away, phone already at her ear. Yelena, sensing an opportunity, doesn’t let herself overthink it. She rises from her desk and approaches Kate with measured steps, her heart pulsing a bit harder in her chest.
“Hey,” Yelena begins nervously, hands slipping into her back pockets, unsure why she feels this way. “How’s it going?” Small talk doesn’t come naturally to her, but she hasn’t heard from Kate, and a small voice in her head is screaming that she probably did something wrong.
Kate, slightly startled, turns to face Yelena, her expression neutral. “Yelena.”
The exchange is awkward, stilted, but Yelena is not giving up just yet. “The flowers look beautiful. You picked perfectly,” she says genuinely.
For a fraction of a second, Kate's demeanor seems to soften, but it's fleeting. “Georgia likes lilies,” she states flatly.
Yelena swallows, pressing on despite the stonewall response. “Kate, is everything alright?”
“Fine,” Kate responds, the single word sharp and clipped, her gaze darting elsewhere, anywhere but Yelena.
Yelena's patience wears thin, and she scoffs, “Clearly, it's not.” Taking a deep breath, she admits, “Look, if I did something wrong, I'm sorry.”
“It’s not you,” Kate cuts her off, voice cold, eyes finally meeting Yelena’s with a veiled hardness. “It’s not about you.”
Yelena, taken aback by the frigidity in Kate’s words, hesitates but doesn’t back down. “Then what is it about? We can talk—”
“No,” Kate retorts, an unsettling firmness in her voice. “We can’t.”
But before Yelena can argue, before she can claw at the barriers Kate's erected, Georgia re-emerges from her office. She has finished her call and strides over, her arm sliding through Kate's with an intimacy that seems second nature.
“Oh! Yelena, you’re still here. Working late again?” Georgia asks.
Kate, without offering Yelena another glance, merely nods in Georgia's direction. “Ready to go?”
Georgia beams at Kate. “Yes, let’s.” Then she turns her attention back to Yelena. “Good night, Yelena. And thank you for the hard work. I’ll see your draft on my desk first thing tomorrow?”
Yelena nods, though her focus is still on Kate. “Of course, Georgia. Good night,” she murmurs, stepping aside to let the pair pass by her.
She clenches the Broadway ticket in her hand, the one she had intended to give Kate if she'd been allowed to apologize for... well, for whatever she evidently did wrong. Because to Yelena, that distant demeanor doesn’t resemble 'nothing' at all. Kate has never shut her out like this, not even when Yelena repeatedly broke her heart.
She can't remember the last time she and Natasha hung out alone together. Oh, actually, she does remember. The memory just makes her cringe now, to the point where she wishes she could crawl into a cave and never come out. It was at Natasha's apartment, the morning she decided she was leaving you, with only enough clothes for the night.
Yelena plays with the olive in her martini, stirring it idly. Her sister smirks behind her own drink—the usual on the rocks—and says, “You're doing that thing again.”
Her reference is obvious, even without the specifics. But still, Yelena looks up, an innocent look on her face, the corners of her lips quirking in a half-smile. “What thing?”
“That deep-in-thought look. The same one you wore when you first came home, trying hard not to ask about her.”
Yelena sighs, her gaze dropping to her drink. “Is it that obvious?”
“To me? Always.” Natasha gives a knowing smile. 
Rubbing her forehead, Yelena nods slowly. “I ran into Y/N the other week. And then there’s this awkward situation with Kate and her girlfriend... who also happens to be my boss.”
Natasha’s eyebrows lift subtly at the mention of Kate—at how Yelena said her name. “I see,” she says cautiously.
“And Y/N…” Yelena’s voice trails off as she momentarily loses herself in thought, the stirred feelings forming a tight ball in her stomach.
After a pause, Natasha gently prompts, “What about Y/N?”
Yelena sighs, fiddling with the stem of her glass. “I miss her. I partly blame myself for, sort of, pushing her to be in a relationship with me—”
“You didn't, Yelena. You can't force anyone to do anything.”
“Perhaps,” Yelena interjects, raising a finger. “But I'm not going to ignore my own faults in everything that transpired between us. She wasn’t ready to be with anyone, and I should have been a better friend instead of stepping into the role of a girlfriend.”
“Alright, alright,” Natasha says, leaning back, trying not to roll her eyes. “So what happened next?”
“And we talked about her current situation with Wanda. Did you know about that?”
Natasha nods. “It’s complicated.”
Yelena snorts, “When is it not?” Taking a pause, she adds, “But that’s not why I brought her up. I had an epiphany.”
“I finally moved on. Like, truly moved on from her.”
Natasha smiles. “Yelena, that’s… I’m happy for you.”
Yelena takes a breath, preparing herself for what she’s going to say next.  “And that revelation led to another—”
But Natasha smoothly beats her to it. “You’re in love with Kate.”
Yelena's laughter is louder than she expects, as she quickly responds, “No, I’m not.”
“Okay, maybe you’re not in love with her. But I’m pretty sure you more than like her.”
Yelena's grin fades a bit. She sips on her martini, trying to buy herself some time. “What makes you say that?”
“That slightly panicked look you have right now? Classic.”
“It’s not…” Yelena starts, then stops, searching for the right words. “It’s not like that. We're friends. Good friends. And it's complicated.”
“Nothing worth having ever comes easy, you know?” Natasha says, signaling the bartender for another drink.
Worth having. Kate has always been worth it, Yelena realizes now. What she isn't sure of is whether she's worthy of Kate. But it shouldn’t matter if she is right? 
Kate has Georgia.
Natasha reaches over, placing her hand over Yelena's, like she can read every thought that’s going inside Yelena’s head right now. “You won’t know until you try. And whatever you decide, remember that it’s okay to be happy. It’s also okay to have wishes and regrets. We’re all human, after all.”
Maybe time is yet to be on Yelena’s side. Still, she silently bargains with the universe, or whoever might be listening, for another chance to try.
Yelena walks through the low-lit ambiance of the pub. A corner has been reserved for the surprise party. Colorful balloons float above tables and a banner reading, Happy Birthday, Georgia! is draped across the exposed brick wall. She struggles a little to carry the collective gift from the office on a reserved table, her eyes scanning the room before landing on Kate. The brunette is across the room, arranging last-minute decorations. She recalls her own birthdays this very woman made special for her, from surprise parties to intimate evenings with just wine, cake, and conversations that stretched till sunrise. 
Taking a deep breath, Yelena approaches her, hoping to clear the air between them.
“Hey,” she says, holding up the gift. “I brought the present from everyone.”
Kate looks up, her eyes cold and distant. “You can put it on the table.”
The curt response irks Yelena, and she finally lets out her frustration. “What's your deal?”
Kate looks around, seemingly trying to avoid the confrontation, but Yelena’s gaze stubbornly follows her every move, keeping her grounded. “I saw you,” Kate finally admits with a sigh. “With Y/N.”
Yelena sets her jaw at the mention of your name. She hadn’t realized Kate knew about that. How did she know? Albeit defensively, she responds, “So? We're friends.”
“Why is it so easy for you to be friends with her?” Kate's voice notches higher, catching the glances of a few restaurant staff nearby. “To make an effort to be in her life? Why do you make it so hard for me to stay in yours? Why do you push me away?”
She should’ve anticipated that Kate wouldn’t beat around the bush when confronted, but it still didn’t prepare her for how hard Kate’s words hit her. In a split second, Yelena grabs Kate's arm, gently yet with urgency, pulling her towards the restroom. Inside, she locks the door behind them, making sure they wouldn't be disturbed. But even as they are locked away from the prying eyes of the outside world, Yelena tightly holds onto Kate's wrist, her heart pounding against her ribcage. But Kate retreats from her personal space and leans against the cold tiled wall, her breaths uneven. 
“You need to start from the beginning,” Yelena says firmly. “How did you know I saw Y/N?”
Kate’s gaze drops, “I was nearby that day, getting a gift for Georgia. I saw you two together.”
Yelena, feeling cornered, repeats, “We're just friends. Can't I have friends?”
“It's not about you having friends. With Y/N, it seems effortless. But with me? It feels like pulling teeth,” Kate's voice cracks.
“What—I don’t know what you’re—”
“Don't, Yelena. Don’t pretend you don’t know why this is happening,” Kate huffs. “I talked myself into being okay with how easily you coast through our friendship, as if we didn’t sleep together in Chicago and you didn’t avoid me for months.”
Yelena blinks rapidly, memories of that trip to Chicago flooding her mind. The hotel room, the smell of the cologne Kate wore, the way Kate's lips had felt against hers. The guilt she felt afterwards, causing her to distance herself. Her chest constricts, eyes welling up as Kate's words cut through her defenses. Chicago was a sore spot, a turning point that she hadn’t allowed herself to examine closely since it happened.
“I can’t justify my actions after Chicago,” Yelena whispers, even if the slightest hitch in her breath can be heard in the small confines of the bathroom. “And I can’t even begin to explain why I did what I did. Just that…” She sighs, grappling with the words. “I felt horrible. Not just about Chicago, but about feeling like I used you for a long time.”
“I have never resented you for not returning my feelings,” Kate says with a small, sad smile. She's never overtly asked Yelena for more, even though it was clear she wanted it. Yet, it still hurts her how easily Yelena seems to let her go when things get tough between them. 
“T-That's just it, Kate. With Y/N, it’s s-safe. Safe in a way I knew what to expect. I knew she could hurt me, and I knew I could handle it, survive it. But with you...” Yelena hesitates, turning to grip the edge of a sink. “With you, it’s not safe. It’s terrifying because you could break me so easily.”
Kate's eyes soften even as her chin trembles. “I would never want to break you, Yelena,” she says just when the image of her girlfriend comes to mind—her girlfriend who’s arriving in half an hour to celebrate her birthday, the very one she organized. “Georgia... she was there. She wanted to be with me and didn’t make me feel like I was hard to love.”
“I never thought you were hard to love,” she confesses quietly, “I just—I wasn’t—”
“What?” Kate all but screams.
Yelena closes her eyes as she allows the words to finally fall from her trembling lips. “I just thought I wasn't good enough to love you.”
Kate steps closer, her smile edged with a hint of madness, her eyes glistening as they catch every veiled truth in Yelena’s carefully shielded confession. “What the hell are you talking about? You were always enough, Yelena. You were always more than enough.”
In that split-second, Yelena closes the distance between them, lips angling towards Kate's, driven by a longing that has simmered below the surface for too long. But just as their lips are about to meet, Kate abruptly pulls back.
Clearing her throat and breaking eye contact, Kate mutters, “I-I need to check if Georgia's already on her way here.”
Yelena feels as if a bucket of ice-cold water has been dumped over her. She feels her cheeks warming with shame. She takes a step back, forcing herself to breathe steadily.
“I... I'm sorry,” she says. “I shouldn't have done that.”
Kate runs a hand through her hair, looking just as frazzled. 
“Go,” Yelena urges softly. “You should go see her.”
For a moment, Kate seems torn, caught between staying and leaving. But then, she nods slowly and exits the bathroom, leaving Yelena still reeling from the almost kiss.
The door clicks softly behind Kate, and Yelena lets out a long-held breath. She turns the tap on, letting the cold water run over her fingers before she splashes water onto her face, the coolness of it a brief respite from the burning behind her eyes.
Minutes feel like hours, but eventually, Yelena gathers the courage to exit the bathroom. The room outside is livelier now. Among the new arrivals, Georgia stands out, her laughter echoing as she wraps her arms around Kate from behind. Some people wave at Yelena in greeting. She musters a weak smile in return, but her focus is on leaving.
Without looking back, she immerses herself into the evening, letting the city lights guide her away.
She's not masochistic enough to complete her temporary assignment in New York, enduring the sight of Kate with Georgia at least three times a week, and hands in her resignation the following Monday.
On her last day, Georgia squeezes her hand as she thanks Yelena for all her hard work. When she offhandedly asks Yelena about her future plans, Yelena simply shakes her head, replying, “Back to Chicago, but beyond that, I'm not sure.”
She thinks about what’s next for her the entire plane ride back to Chicago. But mostly, she thinks about Kate, about what-ifs and once-weres. She wonders how long this person will haunt her, just as you once did.
However, she's blindsided when she discovers Kate sitting on the floor next to her apartment door.
Yelena freezes, keys in hand, as her gaze settles on Kate. The hallway lighting softly caresses Kate's face, highlighting the weariness in her eyes and the strands of hair that fall out of place. She's cradling a coffee cup, and her coat is wrapped tightly around her, but Yelena can still see the trembling in her hands.
“K-Kate?” Yelena blinks several times, attempting to make sense of Kate here in Chicago, right outside of her apartment. “How long have you been sitting here?”
“A few... hours,” Kate says, stifling a yawn.
“Why didn't you call or text me?”
Kate shakes her head, a faint, melancholy smile touching her lips. “Then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.”
Confusion clouds Yelena's features. “A surprise?”
Kate sighs, looking down at the coffee cup she's clutching, “I mean... a romantic surprise.”
Yelena feels her heart skip a beat. “What are you saying?”
“Georgia and I... we're over.”
“Since when?”
“Since the morning after her birthday party,” Kate reveals grimly, not with regret but with sadness. It’s quiet for a while, neither of them saying anything until Kate looks up, and her eyes aren’t sad anymore, just hopeful. “I realized I had to end it the moment I felt how strongly I wanted to reach out and kiss you that day in the bathroom. When you tried... I couldn't ignore what that meant for me.”
Yelena takes a moment before she slowly lowers herself to sit beside Kate on the cold floor. The two of them side by side, shoulders nearly touching.
“So, you've been camped outside my door for hours because of... feelings?” Yelena teases, barely restraining a foolish grin, still acclimating to the sensation of allowing herself to be happy.
Kate leans back, her head hitting the wall with a rather loud thud and Yelena can no longer hold back a chuckle from escaping her. “When you put it like that, it sounds rather silly, doesn't it?”
“A bit,” Yelena teases, but her eyes are kind. “You could've just called.”
“I didn’t want to call,” Kate murmurs. “I needed to see you.”
“And where have you been this past month, after breaking up with Georgia?”
“Waiting for you to finish your stint working under her.”
Yelena quirks an eyebrow.
Kate grins and tenderly tucks a strand of Yelena’s hair behind her ear. “I want to do everything right with you.”
Yelena covers Kate's hand with her own, holding it in her lap. “I’m sorry about Georgia,” she says.
Kate narrows her eyes and half-smiles. “You’re not, but thanks.”
Yelena lets out a breathy laugh, her thumb tracing circles on Kate's hand. “I’m sincere about that,” she says. “I thought she was good for you, and I am truly sorry if I ruined things for you.”
“No, Yelena, you didn’t complicate things. You just...” Kate pauses, swallowing dryly, “It's always been you I've wanted. I’m not used to lying to myself. I couldn't be with someone else knowing there was even a sliver of hope you might feel the same.”
“Kate, I—”
Kate tilts her head, waiting, a hopeful expectancy hanging in the air.
“I feel the same,” Yelena breathes out, so softly that Kate leans in to catch every syllable.
Kate's lips curl into a smile, and it grows and grows to its brightest, and Yelena thinks about how she wants to be the one to cause it, over and over again.
“You do?”
“Yes, and I’m sorry it took me this long to realize it, to admit it. I'm not used to...this.”
“To what?” Kate asks.
“To being loved first,” Yelena confesses with a shrug. “I’m always the one who cares more, the one who waits, who tries harder. I didn't recognize it when it was given to me without having to fight for it.”
Kate cups Yelena's cheek, her thumb brushing against her skin tenderly. “Well,” she whispers. “You better get used to it then.”
Tears form in Yelena's eyes, but she brushes them away quickly. “It's going to take some time,” she admits. “To trust, to believe that this is real and not just another heartbreak waiting to happen.”
“I promise to be patient,” Kate says, and Yelena finds it so easy and natural to believe her every word. “So, what happens now?”
“Dinner,” Yelena says, nodding towards her apartment. “And then we figure it out together.”
With a nod, Kate leans in and Yelena meets her half way. 
They kiss for the first time after laying all their cards on the table.
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stvharrngton · 1 year
Hi! So context for the request… I started new job at the end of last year and generally I love it but the past two months have been incredibly stressful and then last week we were understaffed, had an internal review and I was left to do the job of three people and not a single supervisor has thanked me for holding down the fort that day AND making lunch AND cleaning it up. And I’m feeling very under appreciated, like to the point where I feel like im no good at my job or even liked. So to the ask, how would steve handle a significant other who is feeling this way and is shutting down about it? I’d be really grateful if you could right something around this bc I just need my comfort character to hold me rn ….
hi my love! i’m so sorry to hear that about your job that sucks so much :( i really hope you enjoy this and it makes you feel a lil better 💝
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: 1.2k
warnings: none really, burnt out!reader, soft comfort boyfie steeb
taglist: @dukesmebby @saturnband @sweetbabygirlsworld
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The sound of the front door of your apartment slamming back against its hinges disturbed Steve from his busy task at the stove. The wooden spoon almost clattering back into the pan with a clang, his eyebrows pinched together as he peered over his shoulder at you.
Steve was concerned. You were never one for slamming doors or loud noises so when he turned round to face you, your slumped shoulders and the defeated look on your face said it all.
Ringing his hands on a dish towel he made his way over to you, comforting palms placed on your forearms as Steve bent at his knees to get a better look at you.
“Everything okay, baby?” He asked, voice all soft and quiet, barely above a whisper.
You could only respond with a half-hearted shrug, sad eyes not able to meet Steve’s warm, inviting one’s. You wanted nothing more than for this day to end, another shitty day at work to top it all off.
Steve’s hands moved to your face then, fingers tucking a stray strand behind your ear, his thumb stroking across your cheek. He chewed on his bottom lip as he watched your eyes grow teary.
“Hey,” Steve cooed, “hey, what’s wrong, huh? You can tell me. Is it work?”
Steve had a feeling, a sinking suspicion you’d had yet another bad day at your job, another day of doing more than they pay you for, another day of not being thanked. He wished you would just leave, find somewhere you’d be appreciated more but Steve knew it wasn’t that simple.
There was no convincing you, he knew that, so Steve would let you rant. He would let you get all your anger out, he’d give you his shoulder to cry on, rub your back and stroke your hair until your sobs turned into sniffles.
Sometimes you didn’t want to talk, your mind too foggy and your eyes too heavy. A night spent in Steve’s arms on your couch, limbs tangled whilst his lips pressed soft kisses against your hairline, the movie on the TV simply serving as background noise outside your bubble.
Tonight was one of those nights.
“You wanna talk about it, sweetheart?” Steve had since pulled you into his chest, the dinner he was prepping long forgotten about. His arms wrapped tightly around your shoulders in a bone crushing hug.
You shook your head against the material of your boyfriend’s polo, the fabric scratching against your already hot cheek. The tears you’d be holding in were now threatening to spill over your lashes, dampening Steve’s t-shirt.
“Okay,” he whispered, his head now resting against your own as you both stood wrapped around one another in your kitchen, “can you tell me what you need? Can you do that for me, baby?”
He knew he had to tread lightly here, gently trying to coax a response from you in this state but his need for you to understand that he was there for you no matter what was immense. In whichever way you needed, it didn’t matter to Steve. All that mattered in these moments was how he could make you feel a tiny bit better.
So you nodded timidly, squeezing your eyes shut to stop the tears from spilling over. A quiet sniffle heard from your nose muffled by Steve’s chest.
“Okay,” you squeaked out, “can we shower? And then just get into bed?” Chin resting against his firm chest now, you blinked up at your boyfriend with big, wet doe eyes. A look that Steve could never say no to.
Steve let his lips rest against your temple before bringing them to your forehead. A final squeeze to your shoulders as he spoke,
“A shower and cuddles in bed coming right up,” Steve uttered with a light tone and a soft smile tugging at his lips, “anything for my girl.”
The mirror began to steam up as the water warmed, Steve not letting you move an inch as he undressed you and showered you in sweet kisses all over your skin. He couldn’t help let the gentle smirk that graced his features when you asked him to step inside with you.
Hot water cascaded down your bodies as the tension of the day left your shoulders, the heavy burden slowly being lifted. Steve’s hands wandered your body as your head rested against his chest, eyes closed, just letting the water and your boyfriend soothe you.
You washed each other’s hair, the artificial scent of strawberries filling your noses, a chuckle bouncing off the glass as Steve grinned at the content noises escaping your lips as he massaged your scalp.
“That feel good, baby?” he asked with a swift peck to your cheek, a toothy grin on his face as a soft smile threatened to tug at your lips.
Hair and bodies washed, Steve held you in the shower a little longer. His hand rubbing up and down your naked back soothingly, a kiss pressed to your hairline before he switched the water off, mumbling something about how he doesn’t want you both to turn into prunes.
You were wrapped up in a fluffy towel before you could complain about the chill, favourite pyjamas in hand as Steve fluffed the towel around your shoulders.
“Let’s get you into bed, pretty girl, come on.” Steve urged before swooping you up in his strong arms, laying you down on the soft sheets. You immediately curled into his side the moment he pulled the comforter over you.
You let him wrap your arms around you tightly, his head resting against yours as he drew soft shapes lightly on your arm. You heard Steve sigh quietly as his eyes scanned the ceiling whilst he thought through what he was going to say.
“You know you can talk when you’re ready, honey,” Steve began, his fingers continued softly against your arm, “but you know you can just leave that shitty job, right?”
An exhale pushed its way past your nostrils, not in discontent but it was just difficult. You loved your job, you did but it was just tough going lately. You were burnt out and feeling under-appreciated and yeah, it was taking its toll on you.
Steve knew this, of course he did, but he just wanted to look after you, to make sure you were happy.
“How ‘bout you come work at Family Video with me and Robin?” He asked, a grin toying at his lips, “Come on, it’d be a breeze and we’d get to spend all day, every day together. Doesn’t that sound amazing?”
A playful smile crept its way onto your features, one that Steve couldn’t see in the dark of his room but one he could feel. Steve let his fingers wander to your ribs, pads threatening to dig into your soft skin.
“Plus, Keith would love having a smokin’ hot girl like you around the place.”
You smacked his shoulder as you scoffed, “Steve, you are not pimping me out to your creepy boss so you can get an easy ride.”
Steve laughed loudly, a sound that rumbled in his stomach up to his chest, “‘M joking, baby. I wouldn’t do that to you. But you know I’m here for you, right? Whatever my girl needs, whenever she needs it.”
You sighed into his chest, a small content noise that filled out the room. Steve pulled you in impossibly closer, as if to offer more reassurance.
“Forever and always?” You asked, voice quiet.
“Forever and always.” Steve replied with a kiss to your forehead before you fell asleep in his arms.
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
OMG I loved your ghost and sunshine wife headcanons! Can you please also do one similar with Gaz with a wife that’s kinda goofy and a total optimist? Like she’s the type to put googly eyes on random objects or leave to go to the store real quick to buy milk and come back with an alpaca saying that she “was super lucky and got the last one!” I feel like Gaz is a total realist in a relationship and him having glass half full type of wife is a perfect fit for him :)
um of course! Gaz is so cute, such husband energy.
warning: none just some fluff
to most outsiders, Gaz was a man of few words, but once he got home you almost couldn't get him to stop talking. The two of you spent countless nights on your back porch just laughing over stupid jokes, enjoying each other's company.
he hated leaving you at the house when he had to deploy but it always made him smile when he'd reach into his tactical vest and find a picture of you two with a note on the back, always signed the same, 'all my love' right beside a small heart you had drawn.
it wasn't uncommon for him to return home and find new pets living at his residence.
"Oi love" he called, eyes glued onto the small orange cat pressing against his ankle.
"You're home!" you practically screamed as you ran across the room, throwing yourself into his arms, feeling him wrap around you in a tight embrace as you planted kisses all over him.
"Who's this?" he had asked, head nudging toward the feline.
You giggled a little, "This is Price" you say, picking the cat up to hold him in your arms, while Kyle bows his head, palms rubbing at his eyes.
"You got another one, and named it after my captain," he states plainly, eyes focusing on your beaming smile.
"He's so cute though, I couldn't not take him home, plus I figured kinda orangey-brown, long whiskers, he's totally Price" You fight the laughter that threatens to erupt from your chest.
"Had I known leaving you alone would mean I'd come back to 9 different animals, I'd quit the service"
You fake a gasp, "You love them"
The days you two spent at home mostly consisted of him chasing you around, stopping you from buying more plants for the house, or costumes for your pets. He loved how spontaneous you were, he was used to order and rules, and you threw both those out the window, often urging him into the car so you two could drive out to some lookout point and watch the sunset.
His favourite days were when you'd surprise him at his office, he'd always hear you coming down the hall, engaged in conversation with whoever was near, you made him see the good after the years he spent in warzones.
You rarely asked about work but were always open to talking about it if he had something to get off his chest.
He'd bring you home flowers purely to watch your smile grow wide as you grabbed the bouquet and dragged his lips to connect with yours.
The two of you had been married only a few years, but he had fallen head over heels the second he laid his eyes on you. Your energy was infectious, he felt like you were some bright glowing light over the sea, calling him home.
The team attended your wedding, it was small but bright, strings of flowers hung anywhere they would stay, Price of course standing in as Kyle's best man, he even shed a tear when Gaz had read his vows.
He had promised to love you forever and all of the typical things, but he also vowed to always come home to you, which given his typical circumstances meant so much more.
Often times he'd come home exhausted, just wanting to collapse into bed but then he'd see you, hair a mess, barely dressed and hips swaying to whatever music you had on while making dinner.
He'd immediately forget about the fatigue that had settled in his muscles and promptly pull you into a tight hug, whispering into your ear about how much he missed you, how good you looked, et cetera.
Birthdays were a big thing in your home, Gaz didn't much care for them but you went all out. Sneaking out of your bed before dawn to hang balloons and streamers, always cooking his favourite breakfast.
One year you had fashioned all the pets in matching hats to celebrate, waking him up with soft kisses over his bare chest.
He woke up eyes tired but full of love as he pulled you tightly into his form.
"Can't stay long, have a surprise for you" you told him, a mischievous smirk on your face.
He quirked his brow in intrigue as he let you guide him out of the bedroom, opening the door to a scene of bright decorations and scattered animals, all donning birthday caps.
You had turned to him to see his reaction and he just started laughing, hard enough that it turned into a small wheeze as his arms snaked around you again to hug you, his lips pressing onto the crown of your head.
"I love it, hun, thank you"
You hid your wide smile, pressing your face into his chest.
"Oh! One more thing" you say as you pulled away, crossing the room to open the front door.
Loud shouts and chants filled the room as the rest of the 141 rushed in, headed by Soap who was also wearing a birthday hat and rushing over to grab Gaz, practically lifting him into the air.
You stood back, hands over your mouth trying to muffle your fit of laughter as Kyle simply shook his head.
He loved that you balanced him out, for every negative thing he saw in the world you saw two positives, he'd let you influence him with your optimistic view on life.
The only thing he wouldn't let you change his mind on was sharks, you thought they were so adorable and misunderstood, but Kyle was terrified of them. On one vacation you had insisted on swimming out into the ocean to see the small sharks, trying to convince him to join you but he stood firm on the beach.
He watched you explore the waters with so much curiosity, giggling when some creature would brush against your leg, he couldn't help but smile, looking at you treat everything in the world with such kindness.
He couldn't understand why someone as cheerful as you would choose to be with him, he had seen and done such terrible things, he had so many regrets. But marrying you, he'd never regret that. He loved everything that came with you, the heart-shaped pancakes you'd make (you made special skull ones for when Ghost visited), your impulsive desire to always pull him in to dance with you, that fact that more than a few rocks in your garden had googly eyes on them.
He had thanked whatever higher power that he had met you, and that you loved him just as much as he loved you, even if it meant getting woken up at 3am because you simply had to drive 2 hours out of town to visit a petting zoo that had alpacas.
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floatmeintothesun · 1 year
Stood Up
Summary: You’ve been ghosted and the pretty barista decides to take things into his own hands when he sees your sad state (Diluc x reader)
Tags: mild angst, fluff, gender neutral reader
tw: none
an: I wrote this out of pure spite since this happened to me and I’m salty
Maybe you should stop getting your hopes up, you think to yourself numbly, watching the warm drink in front of you slowly go cold. You check your text messages, praying that he’s just late and he hasn’t ghosted you.
There’s nothing. At all.
You curl your hands mechanically around the small cup, taking a sip of your beverage silently. It’s delicious, but the fact that you were stood up makes it seem bitter. It’s been at least 2 hours, and he’s still not here. You don’t even know why you put your hopes on this guy.
It’s almost closing time and you glance dejectedly at the already cold drink on the table across from yourself, wondering why you even spent the time to get dressed up and everything. You have half a mind to just run your hands through your hair and mess it all up, but you don’t want to ruin your hard work.
The quaint little coffee shop you're sitting in is devoid of customers and you find a small level of comfort in the fact that there isn’t anyone to see you in this miserable state. 
Well…there’s the barista, but you barely take notice of him when he slides into the seat in front of you, too absorbed in staring blankly at your phone. He’s probably just going to tell you that the shop’s closing anyways.
“Hey. What’s…up with you?” A slightly awkward but ultimately kind-sounding voice makes you raise your head upward. The barista you had seen earlier is now seated across from you, his arms folded loosely across his chest and his ruby-red eyes glimmering faintly in the light. You blink when he raises an eyebrow, clearly expecting a response.
(You can’t help but analyze his appearance; Now that he doesn’t have an apron on, you can see how the black long sleeve he has accentuates the hard ridges of his muscular body, and you wonder where he’s managed to build up that physique. His hair is tied in a loose but secure ponytail, framing his unfairly handsome face…)
“O-oh, I thought…” You trail off for a second, realizing that the shop is empty, and he literally could not have been talking to anyone else. “...Nevermind. Can I…help you?” You ask tentatively and he examines you carefully.
“Why are you here?” Ouch, you think faintly, feeling a small pang of hurt. Even the barista doesn’t want you here anymore, you’ve long overstayed your welcome. 
He blinks, registering how offensive that sounded, and runs a hand down his face, sighing. “No…Wait, I said that wrong…I mean, are you okay?”
You stare at him, making him squirm internally, although he stays cool and calm on the outside. He only relaxes when you choke out a small laugh.
“Hah…I don’t think so…” You chuckle, your tone turning somewhat bitter at the end. He hums.
“You can tell me if you’d like. I don’t mind.” He says, his eyes fixed on yours intently. You wonder if it’d be fine to say anything, before your gaze lands on the cup of ice-cold espresso, sitting on the opposite side of you. The sight of it makes angry resentment well up in your chest, almost swamping the dark festering hurt in your chest.
Might as well, right?
“Well…I got stood up.” You laugh mirthlessly to yourself, staring into the beverage clenched tightly between your hands. The barista--Diluc, you notice the badge on his chest--only nods, his eyes donning a sympathetic look. “I don’t know why I thought that he’d actually be here”
You sigh quietly, and Diluc huffs, showing clear disapproval.
“We were talking for a week or so…and we got the date set up and all he had to do is meet me here.” You sigh heavily. “He seemed like a pretty cool guy, and I genuinely wanted to know him better. Heh, I even got all dressed up and shit.” You gesture to yourself, smiling vaguely at your own idiocy.
Diluc’s eyes narrow and his lips twist into a disgusted expression.
“He doesn’t deserve you anyway.” The barista huffs, leaning back in his chair. You chuckle a little and he relaxes a bit.
“You don’t even know him.” You say lightly and he shrugs.
“I know you enough to see that whoever stood you up is a complete fool.” He says confidently, not a single drop of doubt in his voice. You blink, when his eyes rake your form. “Don’t focus on that idiot. Spend a night on yourself--you deserve at least something for putting all that effort into looking good.” 
You smile at him, your eyes curving into crescents, feeling your cheeks burn because Oh gosh, this handsome guy just indirectly complimented you. 
You chuckle weakly, trying to will away your blush, although you think that the barista has already seen it, judging by his pleased expression.
“You’re right. I should go and enjoy myself instead of feeling sorry and sulky.” You agree, feeling your spirits lift and Diluc nods. “He doesn’t deserve to be on my mind.” 
“Trash like him is better in the dump.” He sniffs, putting his hands on the table and folding them together. You laugh, a genuine one at that, and his lips curve up in a smile. He reaches over and pats your hand comfortingly, and you try not to think about how big his hands are in comparison to yours.
“...And you do look amazing, by the way.” He comments, somewhat shyly. “If that guy was even here, you’d be too good for him.” He coughs lightly into his fist, his cheeks lighting up with a lovely faint hue of pink. You swallow thickly, trying to stop your heart from beating too hard.
“Ah…thank you.” You say, certain that your face is the same shade as his brilliantly colored hair. Both of you share tentative smiles, and you make no move to take your hand away from his. 
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, and you sigh, leaning back in your chair quietly. He watches your facial features for a second, his brow furrowing slightly, thinking deeply. You glance at your phone quickly, finding it to be past closing time.
“Oh--I think I stayed too long, I’m sorry.” You say in surprise, seeing as your conversation with DIluc only seemed to last a couple of minutes. It’s way past when this little shop is supposed to be open. 
He only shrugs unworriedly.
“I own this place, it’s fine.” He says offhandedly and you stare at him.
“You do?”
“Mhm. It’s alright if you want to stay longer--I don’t mind.” He says cooly, and you might have believed his unbothered exterior if it weren't for the faint blush adorning his ears. 
“I think I’d like that.” You say, grinning warmly at him. “Thanks for making me feel better.” He smiles back, and you can’t help but think that it makes his whole face glow with beauty.
(If only you knew he thought the exact same of you.)
“Anytime. Oh…I never got your name, did I?”
Your phone has a new contact in it when you leave, hours later. Maybe getting stood up wasn’t all bad, since you’ve got yourself another date coming up soon as a result.
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padfootdaredmetoo · 2 years
Are you still taking requests? If so I just saw a TikTok about this and can just imagine it with John (peaky blinders). So maybe the reader had an ex who would never let her go out without ‘approving’ what she wore and now that the reader is with John she asks him if he approved before going out and he says “wear whatever you want I can fight”https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRUMqMpd/?k=1. Also I sent the link to the TikTok just in case I’m not being understandable lol
Dear Anon,
This was INSANLEY cute. Thank you for sending it. I always need more John in my life and this was cheeky and perfect. I hope I did it justice.
Warnings: Reader was previously mistreated in a relationship mild reference of physical abuse - John being a slut for his woman.
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Your mind flashed back to the last time you had tried to wear this dress out, your hand instinctively raised to your cradle your cheek. You didn't think John was that type of man, but the overwhelming fear of heartbreak was too much for you to risk it. You should have thrown the thing out years ago. 
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You stood there with a hand on your hip glaring daggers at your closet. The dress you had on was…. Well… very flattering. Much too flattering for a woman in a committed relationship. It was by far your nicest dress and you wanted to look good for John knowing that eyes always followed the Peaky Boys where ever they went. But it was tight in all the right places, chest exposed… maybe you could wear a scarf? 
You had already learned this lesson. You growled in frustration as you looked at the messy closet, none of these dresses would win his approval. You had intended to go out and buy one for this occasion but you had been swept up in copious amounts of work.  The red one was too bright, the black was much too tight. The green dress you was hardly appropriate for a fancy outing and the deep plum-colored thing you were certain should never leave the bedroom. 
There was a knock at the door and the hair on your arms stood up. You looked at the clock and realized he was 15 minutes early. The door opened and you regretted giving him a key.
The door opened and he moved into your space with rosy cheeks. A loud wolf whistle rang out and you instinctively moved towards the bathroom hoping to put a door between the two of you. 
“Woah, Woah Woah, let me look ‘atcha a little, love” He motioned for you to do a spin. You reluctantly did, secretly adoring the way his eyes devoured you. 
“Where’s this dress been tucked away? The only thing better than this dress will be me taking it off later.” 
You froze up not sure how to handle the situation. 
“Erm- You - uh feel alright about it then?” A crease formed across his brow. “Like I have your permission to wear it - I know its a bit much,” You asked hating how small you shrunk yourself down. 
“Babe - where what you want. I can fight.” He stated proudly a cocky grin on his face. He came over to you putting his arm around giving your ass a firm squeeze. His other hand grabbed your chin to ensure you were looking at him. “You know that not a single person is going to bother you? You're mine.” Your knees almost buckled at the unusual seriousness of his tone. 
“I’m not used to this” You responded breathlessly, chest struggling to function in the thick tension between the two of you. 
“Well get used to it.” He placed a kiss on your lips then pulled away. “Normally I’d just say fuck it, skip to the good part.” His hand ghosted over your breast. “But you spent all that time getting ready, least I can do is take you out for a good time.” You let out a laugh and enjoyed the way it made his eyes shine. 
“Ada thinks Tommy’s got Lizzie pregnant. Grace might be marrying the American she cheated on him with.” 
“Even that isn't enough to convince me to leave, but come on let’s go enjoy the show.” He laughed and pulled your coat off the hanger helping you put it on. 
His hands were all over you that night, barely able to wait till home. He kept you up half the night making sure you knew what it meant to be his woman. You laid back drifting to sleep tucked against his side, maybe you would wear the plum-colored one next time.
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the-odd-devil · 11 months
August's Night (part 1)
Edward Nashton x gn!reader
Summary : Edward is your first and only friend in Gotham. Tonight the sky is beautiful and so is your friend.
Word Count : 1 648
Warnings : None! Pure fluff!
Author's Note : I impulsively wrote this little fluff fic, I have so much long fics I'm working on, and working a little fic that is in your current mood felt amazing. Not beta read, so excuse me for the mistakes and my non-English native speaker writing >< I hope you'll like it nonetheless!
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The offices are empty. It’s the middle of august and everyone is on vacation. You can finally breathe. 
The open office is silent, just some distant keyboards can be heard. Your time here has been hectic. Moving to Gotham was hard enough for your boss to not even acknowledge you just arrived there, and to ask you to do tasks you had no idea what they are about.
You spent your first day looking at numbers on your screen. You had no idea what they were about. You kept looking at the screen. Your eyes started to get blurry and your head was buzzing. You felt like you were about to throw up when,
You turned your head to be facing with a man. A tall man, tall enough to tower you and be intimidating, but he looked nothing but sweet. Shy voice and demeanor, not standing straight and looking at the ground as if he was afraid to scare you, soft smile as his lips made a semi crescent and his eyes were smiling too behind his clear frame glasses. You found him beautiful in his own awkward way.
You sniffled.
“Hi… My name’s… My name’s Edward… I thought that… maybe I can help you?”
You nodded.
Edward took place being your chair to look at the screen. Head on top of yours, arms straddling you. The gesture was reassuring. 
“You’re new right? How long have you been there?”
“It’s my first day.”
His eyes went wide before an angry frown drew over his face. He muttered under his breath something about your superiors being pieces of shit.
He continued looking at the whole document, getting comfortable above you, you felt his belly touching your lower back. Your stomach flipped, and your cheeks grew red. It was soft and hot on you. You were now extremely conscious of the situation. You were in the proximity of a stranger, a very cute stranger, his arms brushing yours, his warm breath caressing your hair. The previous buzzing of your head became a soft, calming one, making you dizzy as butterflies were dancing in your stomach. 
“Do you want to grab a coffee?”
He woke you up from your drunken state. You look up to meet his gaze. Your nose were almost touching.
You saw a red blush spreading on his face and his glasses sliding as his eyes were lost in yours.
He coughed. Put his glasses up and changed his position to be on your side. You unconsciously pouted from the lost.
He waited for your approbation, looking at you with a sad expression, apprehensive.
“Uh, yeah! I could go for a coffee right now.”
A warm coffee in hand, you observe your new colleague making his. He was tall and doesn’t stand straight, trying to make himself less visible. His clothes a bit big on him, but you were still able to see his belly through it. He was looking like a cliché of a nerd in his high button shirt underneath his sweater, dress pants and shoes. You found it very endearing. He looked like someone you go to to be comforted. 
“Do you want to join me? I-I thought I could finish my work and help you…”
You spend the rest of half of your shift sitting next to Edward’s desk on a chair you borrowed from one of your absent colleague, the other half in the same position at yours. His voice was very relaxing, calm and low, as he gently explained to you what he was doing, looking at you to make sure that you were understanding. Making you blush by showering you with praises. You were already falling for Edward Nashton the first day that you met him. 
You were already inseparable the next day. You made a habit of taking every coffee break together, putting sweet messages on sticky notes for the other, and visiting each other desk for moral support. Days at your shitty office job in Gotham were made sweeter. 
You wanted to tell him. You wanted to tell him how he made you blush and your heart flutter? How cute he was when his warm coffee fogged his glasses, or how he stuck his tongue out when he was concentrating. How he became in one day the most important person in your life, and how you keep each one of his notes. You never found the courage, too scared to lose the most meaningful little things in your everyday. 
But life is better now. You let yourself admire the bright orange sunset that is engulfing Gotham, making it seems on fire. 
You hear footsteps behind you. You let them approach.
“I didn’t know Gotham could be so beautiful…” 
You say, turning your face, knowing who your eyes are going to meet. 
Eddie’s face is dived in the warm and soft sunlight, highlighting his nose bump and high cheekbones. He looks beautiful. He smiles.
“I guess this city can bring us some unexpected gifts.”
He looks at you and gives you an adorably sweet smile, his signature smile, where his lips makes a C shape and his eyes sparkles.
Your heart skips a bit. You look deep into his eyes, incapable to look away from his genuinely peaceful smile, far away from his usual tense self.
He starts to blush and looks away.
“I know Josh keeps beers somewhere in the break room…”
He starts picking the skin around his nails.
“Do you wanna… Get one and watch the sunset on the roof? Together, I mean, if that’s ok…” 
The last part of his sentence is barely audible. 
He looks at you, like a scared puppy. As if what he just said would make you run away.
“I mean, yes! Yes! I would love to, Eddie!”
And Eddie’s smile is back. 
You are surprised that Eddie knows exactly where the beers are - hidden in the fridge behind a fake lunch box - you grab them and follow Eddie to the rooftop.
The sun, between two buildings, gently warms your face. Eddie walks to the end of the roof, you follow him. 
“I used to come here last summer. I like the view.”
Standing next to him, you could see Gotham, light reflecting on buildings window, a fresh breeze caressing your hair, people drinking cocktails after a long day of work. Everyone is enjoying the last summer nights, temporary forgetting about their shitty lives in this shitty city. 
“It’s the first time I come here with a friend… I mean… You’re the only friend I’ve ever had too…”
You look at him. He looks back at you. 
“And I’m here to stay.”
You’ve never seen Eddie have that big of a smile before.
“Thank you.”
You see him hesitate, eyes moving all over your face. 
“Can I… can I hug you?”
You reassure him with a smile.
“Of course.”
You open your arms. He immediately pulls you in a tight hug.
You feel safe. You feel safe in this man’s arms, in this hug where he is towering you with all his body. Like he is trying to be a shield that would protect you, no matter what. You complete each other. He protects you, but you can feel his need. From how tight he holds you, the way that his nose is unconsciously nuzzling in your hair. You found each other. And you will not let him go.
The way he let you go from his arms is as tender as his hug. He looks sorry that he made himself let go of your embrace.
“Do… do you want to drink the beers? Before they get warm.”
“Oh yeah. Sure.”
You say.
He opens the beers and gives you one.
You sit on the roof’s floor and drink beer after beer. Both getting dizzy as the sun slowly disappear behind Gotham. You are having a good time, each one telling fun anecdotes about work or that weird dude that called you everyday thinking you were his dentist to schedule an appointment.
 All night you admire him. The way he is so passionate about little things, how pretty he is when he laughs, how his shyness hides a sweet, caring man, that never, ever was given love but deserves it. He deserves it more than anyone else. You want to give it to him. 
Gotham was now fully engulfed in the dark, the gentle warmth of the sun is now gone. You shiver. Eddie notices. He gives you his jacket. It’s warm and smells like him. Your mind dizzy, you snuggle in and sniff it. You catch Eddie looking at you, mouth slightly open, you can guess the blush on his cheeks.
“You smell really good Eddie.”
You search his eyes but he is desperately trying to hide by looking away.
“I think it’s time for you to go home.” He looks back at you. You can’t place his expression. He looks sad.
“Let me drive you home, I’ll come back tomorrow to get your car.”
You nod, holding your hands towards him when he stands up. He helps you get up, his expression unreadable.
The ride is quiet. Your head empty from the beers you got. The car is gently rocking you, and, nuzzling in Eddie’s vest, surrounded by his smell, you are slowly falling asleep.
Getting out of the car was more difficult than anticipated, good thing that Eddie is holding your hand. The feeling of his warm and soft hand on yours makes you blush. He leads you to your door and let you unlock it, making sure you’re safe and in your apartment.
“I… I guess I should go… Goodnight. And don’t forget to drink water, please.”
His sad expression hasn’t left when he starts walking towards the staircase.
“Eddie! Wait!”
He stops and fixes you, worried.
“Would you spend the night with me?”
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