#i spent 4 hours on this for maybe 3 people to chuckle at their screens pls validate me
anti-creepstick · 1 year
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this is their dynamic right
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Play Ground Days
pairing - carl gallagher x fem!reader
type - fluff
note / request - “ughh FINALLY someone that writes good imagines abt carl from shameless! could you write one where you two grew up together and you've always been close n stuff and then at some point he realizes he loves the reader and he talks to ian and lip (maybe mickey too bc i love him) about it? (fem!reader btw if that's cool) thanks babe xx” thanks for inspo on the beginning @poesflygirl​ <3 ,,, carl and you are 16 also pls dont come for me ive only played COD 2 times last year so lmao i dont remember a lot about it, enjoy!
summary - carl has liked you since you two were young, and seeks advice from his brothers and mickey
warnings - strong language, drugs and alcohol, little talk about bad body imagine 
*gif isnt mine*
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“I fucking knew it!” Lip exclaimed.
“Why are you telling us? We’ve known this.” Ian commented, smirking at his little brother.  
“How the hell—” Carl started. 
“You’re not exactly great at hiding your crush on her,” Mickey chuckled. 
Carl’s eyes were the size of saucers. “You knew?”
“Of course I did. I’m not fucking Helen Keller,” Mickey rolled his eyes. 
Carl groaned and ran his hands roughly through his hair. “I can’t believe this. Well, secret’s out, I guess. What do I do?”
“Just go tell her you like her. It’s not like she’s going to turn you down.” Lip shrugged, putting his cigarette to his lips. 
“Lip!” Ian hit his brother’s shoulder. 
“What?” Lip asked. 
“You weren’t supposed to say that, dumbass,” Mickey said.
 “What does that mean?” Carl asked, looking in-between his brother’s and Mickey. 
Lip sighed. “Ah, shit, right. I’ve already said too much.”
4 hours earlier: 2:00 PM
“Hey, shit head!” She called out, throwing rocks against the window. 
Carl got up from his bed, shocked but happy to see her. He opened his window, leaning against the frame. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
She threw the rocks to the ground. “Escaping from my druggie dad, duh. What’re you doing?”
“Nothing,” Carl shrugged. 
She did her signature smirk that always made Carl’s heart flutter. “Wanna go and stuff our faces at Patsy’s Pies?”
Carl’s eyes lit up at the mention of fatty, greasy food. “Hell yeah. I’ll come down.”
She nodded, going to the front of their house. Carl ran down the stairs, putting on his shoes and opening the door to find her on the steps. 
“Hey, why didn’t you just come into the house?” Carl asked, shutting the door behind him. 
“Putting damage on your window seemed more fun. Oh, hey! Do you have an extra bed I can sleep in tonight?” She asked. 
Carl nodded. “Yeah, of course. Your dad is that bad, huh?”
“Yep, he relapsed. Super fun,” she laughed sarcastically. 
“I’m sorry. That shit sucks,” Carl said.
She shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’s life. Anyways, ready to go?”
Carl nodded. They got into her car, the girl starting it and driving fast to the dinner. As she was driving, humming to the songs on the radio, Carl stared at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. 
Her name was Y/n L/n. Carl’s oldest and only real friend. They had grown up together, Y/n living only a few houses away from him. They had met in detention in 1st grade and had been close ever since. 
“What’re you staring at?” Y/n asked, glancing over to him. 
Carl blushed. “Nothing.”
“Alright,” Y/n sang.
Carl had often been caught staring at her. It was something he usually did from time to time, but now it was more often. He couldn’t help it. There was something about her. Maybe flawless her skin was, how pretty and bright her smile and eyes were, the way she would make him feel secure and loved, something he had never got from anyone consitently. 
He never really knew why he thought those things about her. People had told him that he probably had a crush on her, but he knew that wasn’t right. He had crushes on girls before and the things he was feeling for Y/n were a lot different than what he had felt for his past girlfriends. He figured it was just that she was his closest friend and he happened to be a horny teenager, so naturally, he just thought those things about her. But oh, how wrong he actually was. 
Y/n parked her car at Patsy’s Pies. They walked into the diner, seeing Fiona at the register. 
“Hey, Fi,” Y/n smiled. 
“Hey, Y/n, Carl! Long time, no see. How are ya?” Fiona asked. 
“Good, good,” Y/n smiled. 
“Good,” Carl said. 
“Great! Well, get yourself seated and someone will be right with you,” she smiled. 
Y/n and walked off to a small booth and sat down. They picked up the menus that were already on the table. 
“You gonna get your usual?” Y/n asked. 
Carl shrugged. “Maybe. Should I change it up?”
“Yes. The double bacon cheeseburger looks good,” Y/n said. 
“Are you getting that?” Carl asked. 
“Maybe. I’ll probably get a salad or something. Gotta watch those calories, you know?” She half-joked, putting a hand on her stomach. 
“I think you look good. You don’t need to worry,” Carl smiled. 
Y/n’s eyes widened. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Carl nodded. 
Y/n looked back at the menu, hiding her embarrassment.
Carl complimenting her was something that was rare, but did happen. Y/n never remembered Carl as a romantic type of guy, but it seems that he had developed  those traits from having a few girlfriends. She liked that, actually. She liked him complimenting her, staring at her for minutes at a time, the way his ears would turn red when she teased him. She liked all of that. 
Y/n would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on Carl. She had a crush on him since their freshman year of high school. Well, in reality, she probably has always had one, but the first time she really realised she liked him was in biology when he got in trouble in one of the labs. She remembered when the teacher was yelling at him and he looked at her, smiling at her mischievously and winking at her. That wink had her heart racing and mind go foggy. From then on, she had liked him as more than a friend. Yet, she never said anything because well, as cliche as it was, she was afraid of ruining their friendship. He was really the only one who got her and who never abandoned her. She couldn’t lose him, so she just kept her feelings and gestures to him as friendly as she could.  
“Hi, I’m Carly and I’ll be serving you today. What can I get you today?” The waitress asked. 
“Hi, can I get the philly cheesesteak with a medium coke and fries,” Carl ordered. 
Carly nodded and wrote his order down, turning to Y/n. 
“Um, I’ll get the bacon cheeseburger with a small sprite and fries. Thanks,” Y/n ordered. 
Carly took their menus. “Great. I’ll have your drinks out soon.”
Y/n and Carl smiled at the waitress as she walked away. 
“Hey, so I thought your dad was in rehab,” Carl said. 
Y/n sighed. “He was, but I guess his girlfriend got him drunk, then convinced him to do some lines. God, I can’t believe he's even with her still.”
Carl frowned. “What about your mom? Where’s she?”
“She’s going to nursing school right now. She’s the only one responsible in this family, yet she never calls or anything,” she scoffed.
“You’re really responsible,” Carl said. 
Y/n smiled. “Thanks, C. You are, too.”
Carl laughed, “Me? I sold drugs on the streets once.”
She giggled. “True. But you’ve really shaped. I'm proud.”
Carl smiled sheepishly. “Thanks.”
Y/n hummed a ‘you’re welcome’. Carly came back with their food quickly and they dug in. Carl and Y/n spent their time talking and eating, spending about 2 hours there as they just kept talking. 
“Are you two finished?” Carly asked, gesturing to their empty plates. 
“Yeah,” Carl nodded. 
“Great. Here’s your bill, pay whenever you’re ready,” Carly smiled and took their dirty dishes. 
“Ready to go?” Y/n asked. 
Carl nodded and got out his wallet that he had in his shorts. Meanwhile, Y/n also got out her wallet. They both looked up at each other, awkward expressions on their faces. 
“Oh, I was gonna pay,” Carl said. “No, no, my treat. I invited you here,” Y/n said. 
“You sure?” Carl asked. 
She smiled and put a hand on his arm. “Yes, I am, Carl.”
Butterflies irrupted in Carl’s stomach as she touched him. He nodded slowly, putting his credit card away. Y/n and him walked up to the register and paid for their meal. They then went back to Y/n car. 
“What do you wanna do now?” Y/n asked. 
“Wanna play COD Black Ops 3?” Carl asked. 
“Yes!” Y/n smiled. She drove them back to his house, parking haphazardly on the street. 
The two hurried into the house, grabbing a seat on the couch. Carl got the controllers, turning onto the playstation. Y/n logged onto her account, selecting the gun she wanted to use. Carl then started the game. 
“Where are you?” Y/n squinted her eyes at the screen. 
“Right behind you,” Carl smirked. 
Y/n turned around, gasping as Carl shot her. 
“Fuck you!” Y/n exclaimed. 
“Little rusty, huh?” Carl teased. She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna kill you next round.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Carl said. 
“Winner gets to pick what’s for dinner,” Y/n said. 
“Deal,” Carl nodded. 
The pair played for a couple hours, the game ending with Y/n getting the last kill. 
“Good game,” she smirked, setting the controller down. 
“I forgot how good you were at this,” Carl frowned. Y/n giggled, “I forgot how bad you were.”
Carl rolled his eyes with a smile. “Alright, where do you want to eat?”
“Hm… Noodles n Company?” She suggested. 
“Sure,” Carl nodded. 
“Alright, I’m gonna use the bathroom and then order. Text me what you want,” Y/n said, getting up from the couch. 
Carl nodded and watched her go upstairs to use the bathroom. Then that’s when Lip, Ian, and Mickey all came into the house. 
“Hey, guys,” Carl said. 
“Hey,” Ian smiled. 
“Is Y/n here? We saw her car out front,” Lip said. “Yeah, she is,” Carl nodded. 
“Asked her out yet?” Lip smirked. Carl’s face turned red. “Wh-What?”
“Oh, you’re not in love with her then?” Ian furrowed his brows. 
“I… am I?” Carl asked. 
Ian chuckled. “Yeah. You always are always happy around her, blush whenever she teases you.”
“And you’re always staring at her,” Lip added.
“That doesn’t mean I like her,” Carl said.
“Do feel dizzy and nauseous when she touches you? Does your heart race when she gets close? Do you see yourself kissing her? Would you do anything for her?” Ian asked. 
Carl furrowed his brows. They were right, all those things did happen when she was near. She was his best friend. He also sometimes think about kissing her and being with her in a romantic way. And yeah, of course he would do anything for her. Maybe… Maybe he did love her. 
“Oh, shit,” he muttered. “I… I guess I am in love with her.”
And that, ladies and gents, is where we left off. Lip, Ian, and Mickey teased Carl until Carl begged them for real help. 
“What do you mean?” Carl asked anxiously. 
Lip looked to Ian and Mickey for help on what to say. Little did Carl know, Y/n actually did admit her crush to someone. And that someone, or someones, were Lip, Ian, and Mickey. 
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Mickey said. 
“Did she say something to you?” Carl asked. “No,” Ian shook his head. “Like Mick said, don’t worry.”
“I… fine. Well, what do I do then?” Carl asked in slight distress.
“Give her some flowers and chocolate. Girls love that shit,” Lip suggested. 
“Alright,” Carl nodded. “I don’t know what her favourite flowers are, though.”
“Just get her roses. That’s really romantic,” Lip said. 
Carl smiled, “Alright. Awesome. Thanks, guys.”
He decided to get the flowers early morning tomorrow before Y/n woke up. 
Carl sneaked back into the house, hoping not to wake Y/n up. As he walked into the kitchen, he was shocked to see her at the table drinking coffee. 
“Hey, Carl!” Y/n smiled. 
Carl’s eyes were blown wide. “I.. uh…”
“Who are those for?” Y/n got up and pointed to the flowers and chocolate in his hand. 
“Um… you?” Carl said. Y/n smiled. “Me? What did I do to deserve this?”
Carl knew that he couldn’t make up an excuse. He was horrible at lying to her. So, he decided to just have his confession here. 
“I.. I’m in love with you,” Carl said. Y/n’s jaw dropped and she froze. “Wha-What?”
“My brothers and Mickey helped me realise I was yesterday when you were ordering dinner. They told me I should get you flowers and stuff so I did. I hope you like roses,” Carl explained and held up the gifts. 
Y/n’s lips upturned in a wide smile. “How long have you liked me?”
“Honestly, probably since we were little,” Carl shrugged sheepishly. 
Y/n giggled. “Me, too.”
“Really?” Carl smiled. 
Y/n waked up to him and took the gifts, setting them on the kitchen counter. She went up to him and put her arms around his neck. 
“Yep. I always have,” she grinned. 
“Oh, sick!” Carl exclaimed. “Oh wait.”
“What?” Y/n asked in confusion. 
“That’s what they meant!” Carl exclaimed in realisation.
“Who? What?” “Oh, Lip, Mickey, and Ian kind of told me yesterday when I asked for help,” Carl explained. 
Y/n’s eyes widened and she turned to the stairs, glaring. “Mickey, Lip, Ian! You better fucking run!”  
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mypoisonedvine · 3 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x reader (part 7)
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6)
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 2.5k
warnings: um just implied smut and fluff and a reference to bdsm I guess?? but it's pretty chill overall
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Liked by starkcosmetics and others
y/n.y/l/n okay first of all, it takes an act of god to get a picture of this guy smiling, but it’s always worth it.  he really changed everything for me and I can’t thank him enough for that.  so happy ❤️ 
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caroldanvers 😍😍😍
flowercrowny/n oh my god this is so sweet i’m gonna cry
He smiled as he stared down at the post you’d made, remembering how much effort you’d put into finding the perfect picture (in your opinion; he thought he looked kinda dopey in it) as well as writing and re-writing your caption.
The speed at which your post gained likes and comments was inconceivable to him; even more impressive was the speed at which gossip rags were picking up the story.  Sure enough, his phone’s alerts to new headlines about you were not only going off like crazy, but had started to include news about himself as well.  
Y/N Y/L/N Shocks With Romantic Instagram Post, Confirms Dating Rumors
You’ll Never Guess Which Hollywood Starlet Is Dating Her Driver
Who is James Barnes?  Everything We Know About Y/N Y/L/N’s New Beau
Skimming one of the articles, he was impressed at how much information they’d managed to get without actually getting anything from you or him.  Born in Brooklyn, disabled Army veteran, worked a list of odd jobs before becoming your driver and bodyguard.  ‘No social media presence, prefers to keep a low profile’ one of them said; you can say that again, Bucky chuckled to himself when he read it.
He found another from People and didn’t particularly appreciate that it spent half the time going through all your past exes and rumored partners (turned out ‘rumored’ is a fancy word for ‘a bunch of fans deluded themselves so hard that it somehow turned into news without any proof necessary’).  But he still smiled when he got to the part that was actually about you and him.
‘The relationship is pretty new but they’re so happy together,’  a source close to the couple reported.  
Close indeed; that statement came from your publicist, who he’d never even meet.  
‘He’s a very private guy and she’s got this huge following, so they’re sort of an odd couple in that way, but she knows her fans are respectful and will let them have their own life outside of the spotlight.’ 
Bucky wasn’t sure that the respectfulness of fans was such a given here, but he hoped you were right.  To be fair, they’d been very sweet on your original post insofar. 
However, when he scrolled to the bottom of the celebrity magazine articles and realized they had their own comments section, he discovered that they were a little less forgiving than the ones on your Instagram.  
Is this the best she thinks she can do?  So sad tbh :(
a military guy…. yikes, she could get any guy she wants and she goes for a murderer. 
He looks like a hobo that found a coupon for a free haircut lol
I don’t buy it, I know she’ll always love Pietro!
Pietro being your former co-star that so many of your fans were convinced was actually your soulmate.  From what he’d heard from you, those speculations had made things so uncomfortable between the two of you that it killed your friendship.  Those were nothing, though, compared to the comments about someone you actually had dated.
she’s obviously not over sam… they were so good together
He’d better watch out for her ex, he still likes tweets about her and they have so much chemistry
Wait, she’s not still with Sam Wilson??  I could’ve sworn they’d been dating for, like, five years.
You were scrolling through your phone with a smile as you walked past where he was sitting on the couch, and he just couldn’t help himself from asking even though he knew it wasn’t the best idea.  “Do I need to worry about this Sam thing?” he blurted out, trying to play it cool and not sound too anxious.  “People are really obsessed with you two…”
“Sam and I…” you sighed, staring off into space for a second.  He made himself anxious imagining what you were thinking about in that moment.  “I haven’t talked to him in… years?  I think it’s just because our relationship was so public that people are still talking about it.  And it had a lot of gossip material— we did a movie together, people thought it was sweet that we got together during production, it was great promotion for the picture… and from the outside, we made a lot of sense for each other.  But he has his own problems.  I loved him, but… he wasn’t ever going to be a one-girl kinda guy.”
“But you’re not just any one girl.  You’re… you know, you,” he emphasized.
“You’ve been reading too many headlines,” you shook your head as you sat down beside him.  “Please don’t turn into one of those guys who thinks of me as a celebrity first.  Before that—” you pointed to your own name where it was bolded on his screen in the trending topics page of Twitter— “was popping up on movie posters and in gossip magazines, it was just my name.  And I’m not perfect.  Not even close.”
Bucky sighed and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into him and holding you tightly.  “And before I knew you were famous, or rich, or incredibly talented, I was totally obsessed with you just for who you are.”
“You’re too fucking amazing,” you sighed as you held his face and gave him a gentle kiss— the kind of kiss that instantly melted his heart and banished his worries.  When you pulled back and looked up at him with a smile, it was like everything else just… faded away.  “Don’t read the comments, okay?  None of them matter.”
He smiled and brushed his thumb over your cheek, overwhelmed by not only the softness of your skin but of your spirit as well.  In all his life he’d never been handled so… gently, with so much care.  “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me,” he mumbled, not even really realizing he’d said it aloud until you gave him a beaming smile.
“I can’t believe you’re my boyfriend,” you giggled pridefully.
“Seriously?  I can… very easily believe it,” he scoffed.
“I just mean… you’re so…” you searched for the words.  “You’re actually good to me, that’s the thing.  I’m not used to that.”
“You deserve the world,” he assured.  “I’m just gonna keep trying to give you as much of it as I can find.”
He watched his hand trail over your face, down your neck and to your chest where he played with the hem of your t-shirt.
"It's odd to know there are millions of people who are jealous of me,” he admitted quietly, remembering some aggressive comments from some very angry dudes who had apparently also watched your nude scene a few too many times.
"Do you like it?  Do you like how it feels to know you're making them angry every time you touch me?"
"Couldn't care less," he refuted.  "Nobody else matters when I'm touchin' you."
“Do you maybe wanna… touch me a little more about it?” you smirked, opening your legs slightly in invitation.
Bucky had, thankfully, not let the newfound fame get to his head.  In fact, he had demanded that the two of you hunker down in the house, since he feared that going out would lead to being recognized.  What he apparently hadn’t anticipated was that that might not be enough.
“Will you get that?” you requested when the gate buzzed, too wrapped up in the book you were reading to answer the intercom.
He hopped up and held down the button to communicate with the gate speaker.  “Who is it?” he asked.
“I’ve got a delivery from Anjappar Chettinad on 23rd?”
Bucky didn’t even reply before hitting the green button and granting access to the driveway.  BEEP BEEP BEEP! you heard the gate signal its opening, and the car pulling around up to the door.  Bucky didn’t open it until there was a knock, greeting the delivery guy with a smile and the necessary cash.
“I’ve got a lamb korma, hyderabadi mutton dum biryani and an order of— woah,” the man suddenly stopped, staring at Bucky’s face.  “Are you—?’
“Hungry?  Yes,” he frowned.
“You’re the guy dating— holy shit, congrats man,” he beamed, smacking Bucky on the shoulder pridefully before leaning in with a mischievous smirk.  “Say, is she a freak or what?”
“She is,” you piped up from the couch, making both men turn their heads; but one was chuckling while the other looked mortified.  “You better not have forgotten my paneer pakora or I’m gonna chain you up and whip you.”
“Uh, I— no, I got it right here,” he promised weakly, handing the bag over to Bucky and starting to dash away before Bucky grabbed his arm, making the smaller man whimper fearfully.
“You forgot the money,” Bucky reminded him gruffly, stuffing the bills into the driver’s front pocket.
Finally, he let go, and the delivery man instantly pulled away, rubbing his arm and looking a bit like a kicked puppy as he went back to his car and drove away.
“You didn’t need to scare him that bad,” Bucky chuckled.
“I could say the same to you!  Grabbing somebody with the metal arm like that will put the fear of God into them pretty fast.”
“I didn’t mean to grab him that hard,” he admitted, examining the prosthetic hand as he came back to the couch with the bag of food, handing it to you while he focused on watching his motorized fingers curl and uncurl.  “I think I need to get this thing recalibrated… it’s been bugging out lately.”
“I dunno, it was working just fine last night,” you smiled, remembering how delightfully cool those fingers felt inside you.
Bucky seemed to miss it entirely, though, as he stared off into space.  “I can’t believe I got… recognized.”
“You’re a star,” you winked.  “And not just with random delivery drivers.  I’ve had a lot of press requests, everybody wants to be the first one to get nice pictures of us together— we’ve had a dozen event invites as a couple.”
“Seriously?!” he scoffed, snapping back to reality slightly enough 
“Yeah, and look what came in same-day mail this morning!”  You leaned over to shuffle through the mail on the side table before finding and handing him a letter in a gold-embossed envelope, watching him read what you knew was inside.
The Hollywood Foreign Press Association extends an invitation to Y/N Y/L/N and James Barnes to the annual Grant Banquet in support of the Young Artists Fund.
“It seems like a good first event for us,” you explained.  “Relatively small and low stakes, it’s for a good cause…”
“Are you sure I’m ready to be, you know… seen?  By people?” 
You scoffed, hardly believing how insecure he could be sometimes.  “You look great, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Will I have to talk to anybody other than you?” he asked, grimacing as if that were a form of brutal torture.
“Probably,” you admitted.
His frown deepened.  “What if I say the wrong thing?”
“I’m not that worried about you,” you smirked.  “You’re a lot better at this stuff than you think you are.”
“I don’t have anything to wear…”
You smirked, a little too proud of yourself, when you remembered the email your publicist had forwarded to you just this morning.  “Hugo Boss will pay you $1500 to wear one of their suits on the carpet.”
“They’ll pay me to wear free clothes?” he repeated with wide eyes.
“Yeah, that’s one of the cooler things about fame,” you laughed.  “I make a grand every time I wear this watch outside!”
“I guess I should send them my measurements then…” he trailed off.  “Any chance I can get in on that watch deal?”
“No, but you can make $50 by getting papped at Jamba Juice.”
He paused for a moment, scratching the back of his neck as he thought.  “Is the smoothie comped?”
“I don’t know.  Do you want me to ask?”
“...kinda…” he admitted with a shy smile.  
“Well, I will, and I’ll RSVP to this invite saying we’ll be there next week,” you decided as you started to open up the food, but Bucky stopped you by reaching for your hands.
“Are we really doing this?” he asked.
“If you want to,” you mitigated.
“Of course I do.  I guess I have to accept that you’re actually willing to be seen with me,” he chuckled.  “It’s just sort of hard to believe.”
You leaned in and kissed him; it was meant to be a casual, reassuring peck but he held you closer and you melted into him, moaning softly at his touch as you started to climb into his lap.
“The food’s gonna get cold,” he reminded you with a mumble against your lips.
Unfortunately, your literal hunger was a bit too strong to ignore, even with the growing intensity of a metaphorical hunger for Bucky.  “Alright,” you relented, getting off of him and returning your attention to the meal on the table.  “Just know that I really, really want to be seen together, in public, just in case anybody missed the news about us already.  I’m not embarrassed by you or afraid you’re going to do something dumb.  I…”
One of those words that can’t be unsaid started to bubble up in your throat and you coughed, banishing the thought.
“I really like you.  I think we have something special.”
He smiled gently, giving you one more kiss on the cheek.  “I think so, too.”
Since this was slightly less of a big deal than a premiere or press tour, you had managed to convince your styling team to let you dress yourself, which was why he was laying on the bed and talking to you through the bathroom door while you put on your gown.
“Do you want me to hire a new driver?” you prompted him, voice muffled slightly as he imagined your head covered in the fabric, trying to navigate through the dress.  “I don’t want you to feel… I don’t know, like a servant?”
“A servant?  You’re still paying me,” he reminded you.  “You are still paying me, right?”
“Yes,” you laughed, “but still, I would hate it if you felt like staff.  You’re my boyfriend!”
(His heart still fluttered every time you said it.)
“No new driver,” he decided.  “I can drive just fine, and considering how things went between us… let’s not open the door for anybody else,” he smirked, making you laugh in that way you did when he made a stupid joke but you still liked it somehow.
“Okay, sure, but what about being my bodyguard?  Is that too weird?” you continued.
“God no,” he scoffed, “if anything I’m gonna be better at my job than ever.  As your boyfriend, keeping you safe is my job, but since keeping you safe was already my job… it’s, like, doubled-up now.”
He lost his train of thought when you opened the door.
“How do I look?” you asked as you stepped in and gave him a spin in your new dress.  Your whole body was draped in red silk, with the exception of your back which was almost entirely exposed, as if it were begging him to run his fingers down your spine.
“Like everything I ever wanted,” he blurted out before he could stop himself.
And it was so odd that you questioned his desire to drive you, because those moments where he could steer with one hand and rest the other on your thigh, when he could catch a glimpse of you looking out the window at the city rolling by, when he got to listen to you ramble about something to kill the time during a drive; those were his favorite moments, and he wouldn’t trade them for anything.
After a relatively brief trip, you arrived at the venue, and all of a sudden he was doing what he’d fantasized about more than he’d like to admit: escorting you down a red carpet.  It was almost overwhelming— yelling, chattering, reporters speaking into camera, flashes going off in every direction—
“Hey,” you whispered, bringing your hand up to his cheek and instantly taking all his attention.
“Hey,” he returned.
“Just follow my lead,” you instructed.
“That was the plan.”
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Gold Rush (Sebastian Stan x Reader)
Gold Rush [1] / You’re Not Sorry [2] / This Is Me Trying [3] / [4] (soon)
Summary: Your career was blossoming, especially with your new role in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”. Working on set was a dream come true. It was never your intention to fall for one of your coworkers. Not when you knew that he would never look at you that way.
Words: 2,637
Warnings: language, it’s Anthony Mackie’s world & we’re just living in it, angst, feeeeeels, maybe I cried, maybe I didn’t, we’ll never know, REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
Inspired by: “gold rush” by Taylor Swift
If you like my work & wanna support me: a coffee would be highly appreciated ❤
Gleaming, twinkling
Eyes like sinking ships on waters
So inviting, I almost jump in
You scored big time when you were casted in the upcoming Marvel series “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier”. Working alongside Anthony Mackie & Sebastian Stan had been more than you had ever wished for. The atmosphere on set was harmonious. Everything would have been fine if it were not for your stupid crush on your fellow castmate. Mackie picked up on the fact that you liked Sebastian almost immediately & he teased you about it one too many times. No matter how obvious his teasing, it seemed like Sebastian was completely oblivious to it. Or he acted as if he had no clue. You were not quite sure about that.
The press tour was going strong, which meant that Seb, Mackie & you were teamed up for every interview. Now, that was not something that bothered you too much. After all, you were more than comfortable around them. But when some interviewers did not know where the line was, you got frustrated. Like, okay, we got it. Everyone with eyes knew Seb was hot. But as an interviewer, you should know when to stop. Shamelessly flirting in front of the camera with basically a stranger? Sorry, but you had no explanation for such a behavior. Yes, some interviewers flirted with you, too. But you were great when it came to brushing them off while staying polite. Of course, Mackie’s teasing did not make this any easier for you. Every now & then, he would bring up the chemistry you & Seb shared on screen. And off screen. Like usual, you laughed at him & so did Seb. During interviews, you teased each other a lot, it was a playful manner you all enjoyed. And the audience loved the three of you for it.
Sometimes, when Seb answered a question that had him explain scenes with you or something similar, you hated the butterflies you felt inside. You hated how your cheeks warmed up. You hated that he had such an effect on you. You hated Seb. You hated him for being so perfect. You hated him for being a literal God. You hated him for ruining every other man for you. Because nobody could ever compare to him. And you said that even though you were not even in a relationship. Hell, you were not the only person who looked at him that way. If the interviews were not proof enough, a look at social media did the job, too.
But I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush
I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch
Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Walk past, quick brush
I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush
“So (Y/N)…” the man sitting opposite of you started. It was not a lot of times that questions were directed at you. Usually, people were more excited to talk to the guys. No offense taken. “The chemistry between Sebastian & you can be felt even after such a short trailer. My question is…are you two, like, a thing?” of course. If you got a question, it was about your love life or about how great you looked in your suit. The others got complex & well thought through questions & you got this shit. Internally rolling your eyes, you stayed professional & answered casually.
“Sebby & I are friends. We work well together. We know each other well enough to communicate with our eyes, body language & so on. Some people mistake that for dating, apparently.” finishing off with a sarcastic chuckle, you had to hide the fact that you wished that there was more between you two.
“I gotta say. Even I think they’re dating sometimes.” Mackie smirked when he spoke up which earned him a light slap from you. Seb only hid his face behind his hand & laughed quietly. It was nothing new. You were used to his teasing by now. Looking over at Seb, you could not help but admire him. Even when he was embarrassed, to you, he was the most beautiful person on this planet. Not a single flaw. Just…perfect. If only you had enough courage to do something about your damn feelings.
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominoes
I see me padding across your wooden floors
With my Eagles t-shirt hanging from the door
“Stop that.” Mackie walked over to where you were sitting. Finally, you had a break after hours of giving interview after interview. Looking up, your face turned into one of pure confusion.
“Stop what?” he exaggeratedly rolled his eyes at your question.
“The daydreaming.” it was a simple statement. But why would he tell you to stop that?
“What? Is it forbidden to daydream now?” chuckling at him, you offered him one of your coffee cups. Your handler brought you two because you had not slept much that night. But Mackie needed one just as much & he gladly accepted it. Still, he could tell that you were trying to change the topic. Not with him, though. Sitting beside you, he sighed loudly.
“Why don’t you just tell him?” he looked straight forward when he asked that question. Your face fell at his words but maybe, maybe, if you played dumb, you could get out of this conversation without any awkwardness.
“Tell who what?” your innocent eyes bore into his side profile & you saw him shaking his head slightly. A low chuckle escaped him.
“Tell Seb you like him or I will.” he stated & your eyes widened in fear.
“You wouldn’t dream of it.” exclaiming frantically, you grew more nervous at the thought.
“I wouldn’t trust that thought.” & after a few seconds of silence, you breathed out loudly.
“Yeah, sure. And I’d risk our friendship for that? Forget it.”
“He likes you, too, you know?” he casually stated. Your face changed, but only for a second. He was wrong. Someone like Seb could never like you back.
“Stop, Mackie. Don’t just run around assuming shit.” you pushed his shoulder playfully but it did not do too much. What a surprise.
“My running around assuming shit isn’t assuming. It’s facts. You guys are awful, by the way. It’s exhausting, watching you two trying to dodge your feelings. Why can’t you just, I don’t know, get everything sorted out & be happy together? If someone deserves that, it’s you.” yes, Mackie could be sarcastic but when push came to shove, he could be serious, too. And that last part, he meant by heart. Was it true? Did Seb like you? More than a friend? Maybe you should just tell him. Life was too short to be filled with what if’s. It was now or never, right?
At dinner parties, I call you out on your contrarian shit
And the coastal town we wandered 'round had never seen a love as pure as it
And then it fades into the gray of my day-old tea
'Cause it could never be
Wrapping up for today, the three of you decided to grab some take-out & eat it back inside your hotel. After quickly showering & dressing more comfortably, you made your way over to Seb’s room. Mackie was already there, he texted you at least ten times to hurry up because they were starving to death. Dramatic diva. Knocking softly, a smile spread across your face when Seb opened the door. Stepping aside to let you in, you greeted Mackie briefly. He was already eating so why the hell was he rushing you earlier? He could be such a child. Seb handed you your food & motioned for you to take a seat on the bed. Take-out in a hotel bed? It should be illegal. Usually, you were not one for eating in bed but whenever you where staying at a hotel, it became some sort of a routine for you. Same for the guys. For a while, the three of you just talked & ate your food. Conversation always flowed easily with them. You knew all of their secrets & they knew all of yours. Well, except for Seb having no clue about your silly crush on him. When he & Mackie discussed a topic you did not know too much about to actually engage in their conversation, you found yourself stealing glances at Seb. If it were not enough for him to be so gorgeous, of course he had the best personality to match that. God really took his time with him. And the weirdest thing of it all was that Seb never let that thought get the best of him. He was aware of people admiring him but that never changed him.
'Cause I don't like a gold rush, gold rush
I don't like anticipating my face in a red flush
I don't like that anyone would die to feel your touch
Everybody wants you
Everybody wonders what it would be like to love you
Walk past, quick brush
I don't like slow motion double vision in rose blush
I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush
Everybody wants you
But I don't like a gold rush
Mackie got a phone call & said goodbye to you before leaving the room. Which meant that Seb & you were alone. It was nothing special, the two of you spent a lot of time together. This time, though, you wanted to confess to him. Finally, you wanted to tell him how you felt. Could you live with the rejection? Well, if things turned in that direction, you had no choice but to. Seb’s lips moved but no sound came out. You zoned out & simply stared at him. Your thoughts were running wild. The sun had already started setting & the golden light illuminated his features in such a beautiful way. It almost looked like a movie scene. He was the masterpiece others could not keep their eyes from. You were this close to speaking up, taking a deep breath for preparation. This could change your bond with him forever.
What must it be like to grow up that beautiful?
With your hair falling into place like dominoes
My mind turns your life into folklore
I can't dare to dream about you anymore
A phone ringing interrupted you. It was not yours. But Seb pulled his phone out of his pocket. The moment he saw the notification, he started smiling so brightly. The smile you had grown to love so much. It brought a grin to your face, too. The things this man could do to you, completely unaware of the effect he had on you.
“What?” you asked when he could not stop staring at his phone. Had Mackie sent him a message?
“Nothing, it’s just…” he stopped before saying too much but you were having none of it.
“Aw, come on, Sebby. You can tell me anything.” encouraging him, your hand found its way on his shoulder, squeezing lightly. Seb seemed almost shy right now. And this was weird because he usually was everything but shy when he talked to you.
“There’s this girl & she’s just…amazing.” your face fell the moment he started talking. No. “I asked her for dinner but when she hadn’t replied after hours, I started losing hope. She just messaged me back.” his smile was sheepish & you hated that you had to admit that he looked happy right now. Genuinely happy. But you were not the reason of his happiness. Another girl was.
“And? What did she say?” deep down, you knew the answer & you actually did not want him to say it out loud. But you were best friends, after all, it was kind of your duty.
“I got myself a date. I’m going on a date with her, (Y/N)!” he beamed & pulled you into a big hug. One, that made the butterflies act out. Fuck, that hurt.
“That’s great, Sebby. I’m happy for you! You deserve it.” your excitement for him was fake but the sincerity behind your last words were not. If one person on this planet deserved endless love & happiness, it was him. Mackie was wrong. Seb had never liked you. Not in that way, at least. And his date saved you from embarrassing yourself & ruining your friendship. That did not change the fact that you felt like crying right now. You could not shed tears in front of him, could not show how much it actually affected you. No. You had to fake a smile. And that shit hurt like a bitch.
At dinner parties I won't call you out on your contrarian shit
And the coastal town we never found will never see a love as pure as it
'Cause it fades into the gray of my day-old tea
'Cause it will never be
“Something’s wrong with you.” Mackie stated at breakfast. No shit, Sherlock.
“What makes you think that?” feigning innocence, you rolled your eyes when you saw the look he was giving you.
“Clearly, you’re upset. Did something happen after I left you with Seb yesterday?” he hit the nail on the head with his assumption.
“Yeah.” was all you answered. His eyebrows raised, he waited for you to continue. But when he noticed that you were not planning on engaging in any more conversation with him, he pressed further.
“Did you tell him? Did he mess up?” if Seb messed up, he would kill him. There was no other person who was better for him than you. The two of you deserved each other. And everyone seemed to realize that but you.
“I wanted to tell him.” admitting quietly.
“He got a notification.” your short answers made Mackie freak out. He grew frustrated with you when you dragged out this entire conversation.
“(Y/N), come on.” he urged.
“Sebby has a date.”
“With you? But that’s great.” his smile was small but present. Did you finally realize that you were feeling so much more for each other?
“With another girl.” then you looked up at his face, your eyes glossy. Clearly, you were trying to keep it together but he could tell that you had a hard time doing so. Yes, Mackie would kill Seb. He could have sworn that Seb only had eyes for you. The stolen glances, the efforts to make time to spend more with you. What the fuck was going on? When he saw your first tear falling, he wasted no time in pulling you in for a hug. You were broken, all because of one man. But the thing was that he was not just any man. He was Seb. Your best friend. Your everything. But he would never be yours. Not in a million years. Because he only saw you as a friend. Nothing more, nothing less.
It was not like you did not have options. Hell, you declined so many people over the time. All because of him. And you were afraid that this would not change anytime soon. Because you did not think you would ever get over him. Your heart was ripped into a million pieces & the only person who could help you fix it was getting excited over his upcoming date. Whatever you thought could be between you guys, it was nothing but a dream. Something that could never be.
Gleaming, twinkling
Eyes like sinking ships on waters
So inviting, I almost jump in
Gold Rush [1] / You’re Not Sorry [2] / This Is Me Trying [3] / [4] (soon)
Published (04/22/2021) by Cathy
Tags: @buckysleftarm420 (thanks for your support <3)
300 notes · View notes
plaidbooks · 3 years
The R Drug part 4
A/N: I’m so sorry this took so long! I got swept up in bingos and lost motivation for it along the way. But it’s here now, and I hope you all enjoy it ❤
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Tags: alcoholism, mentions of alcohol poisoning, a lil bit of a steamy make out, but that’s it
Words: 2114
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba  @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy @ben-c-group-therapy  @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867 @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl  @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass @caracalwithchips @beardsanddetectives​  @reading--mermaid  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31 @objection-argumentative
Year 1:
Sonny hardly contacts you. You go weeks with nothing from him, only to wake up at 4am with a phone call and a very drunk Sonny.
“Sonny? It’s 4am here—”
“Doll…I’m so—” you can hear how his words slur, and you can also hear that he’s crying— “so sorry, doll. I shoulda neva touched ya like that—”
“Dominick, are you drunk?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, worried and annoyed at once. “So—sorry…so sorry…” and then he hangs up. You fell back onto the bed, concerned about him; Genoa was only six hours ahead of Manhattan. He was drunk at…10am. That wasn’t healthy.
Unable to fall back asleep, you shot him a text, making sure he was okay before you got in the shower. But he never responded. Sighing, you call his mom; you still had her number since Sonny called her from your phone, and you had been growing close with his parents.
She tells you that she’s worried he’s drinking away his problems, but every time she offers to go to Genoa, he shoots her down, telling her he needs time alone. You’re just worried that time alone means him sinking further and further into the bottle.
Year 2:
You saw when your phone lit up, Sonny’s number flashing on your screen. You glanced around the precinct before answering your phone, heading for the on-call room for privacy. It had been three months since you had a drunken call from him, and you were going to lay down the law with him.
“Listen, Sonny, I can’t listen to your drunken ramblings while at work—”
“Ah, shit, ya at work, huh?” he asked, cutting you off. But he sounded lucid rather than drunk. “I’m sorry; I forgot the time difference. I just wanted ta talk, let ya know…I’m not drinkin’ anymore. Look, I’ll let ya go; text me when ya free so we can catch up…please.”
You felt bad for assuming, but with your only contact for the past year being drunk Sonny, it had become habit. “Y—yeah, I’ll see if I can leave early, okay? But don’t stay awake for me.”
“Don’t get in trouble fer me,” he replied, making you chuckle. “I’ll talk ta ya soon…and I’m sorry, fer the past year.”
You were no longer with SVU; it had been too hard working there, especially without Sonny. But you also couldn’t deal with the stares, even from your squad. So, you transferred to Homicide instead. And your boss thankfully let you leave early.
You texted Sonny the moment you were home, and instantly he was calling you.
“First, I wanna say I’m sorry fer the drunk calls—”
“Dominick Carisi Jr. If you say the phrase “I’m sorry” one more time, I’m going to fly to Genoa and smack you,” you replied, cutting him off.
He fell silent for a moment before he let out a laugh. “Yeah, I bet ya tired of hearin’ that, huh? Well…After ya left here, I—I spiraled. Hard. Turned ta the bottle, if ya couldn’t tell. But I hit the bottom, and I’m startin’ ta work my way back up.”
“What happened? What bottom did you hit?” you asked, breathless. You were happy he was telling you all this, because you had been so, so worried. But you also didn’t want to pry into his personal life or make him uncomfortable.
It took him a moment to respond. “I…it was 5am when I woke up, shakin’ fer a drink. I remember the first three shots as I made a cocktail, and then…. I woke up in a hospital bed, my stomach pumped. I guess I dropped ta the floor when I lost consciousness, and my downstairs neighbor heard it.”
“Oh my god, Sonny! Are you okay now?” you asked, wanting nothing more than to give him a hug, hold him to you.
“Yeah, I’m good now. I had my stomach pumped and part of my liver cut out, but I’m okay. I no longa have the urge ta drink, and I dumped everythin’ I had. But please, tell me what’s goin’ on with ya; how’s life at the precinct?”
You spent hours talking to Sonny that night, even though it was getting later and later for him. He had so many questions, wanting to know everything going on with you. He vaguely mentioned that he got a job at a grocery store as a cashier, but otherwise, he was focused on you.
Year 3:
You and Sonny talked almost every day, falling back into your habits before all this mess happened. You joked around, sent funny pictures to each other, ranted about your days; it was almost as if nothing ever happened. Almost.
From the pictures, you could tell that he was getting tanner, and he started growing out his hair and beard, making you swoon. Not that you’d tell him that; you weren’t sure if he’d be okay with you flirting yet.
But you were happy that things were getting back to normal with you two. It had been almost 4 years since the club incident, and it barely crossed your mind anymore. You had dated since Sonny was in Genoa, but no one seemed to be working for you. At least you could make out with someone without having flashbacks, so you called it a win.
You knew why it wasn’t working out for you, though; you were in love with Sonny, had been since the moment you met him. You were able to move past the club, but you couldn’t move past him. That’s why you had hated yourself so much, and that’s why you felt terrible leaving him behind in Italy. When he kissed you outside the airport in Genoa, you had thought that maybe he had felt the same way about you. Then that first year with drunk Sonny happened, and you weren’t sure about anything anymore.
You were still close with his family, too. Ma Carisi often invited you over for dinner, and you met Sonny’s sisters. You were the emergency babysitter for both Mia (who didn’t think she needed a sitter, until she met you and had fun with you) and Bella’s little girl. And Pa Carisi enjoyed having debates about laws with you, plus the odd sports talk. Slowly, you became one of the family, and you loved them all like your own.
Year 4:
Ma Carisi called you, inviting you over for dinner once again. You accepted, telling her you’d be there in thirty. You had to park on the street with all the cars there; the Carisi girls were home for dinner, as well. You smiled as you made your way up the path to the front door, then knocked. The door opened, but instead of Ma Carisi greeting you with a warm smile, it was Sonny.
“Hey doll,” he said, eyes lit up with amusement. You froze for only a moment before you were crushing him in a bear hug. You heard the huff of air as you took the air from his lungs, but you didn’t care; you had missed him so much. You had pinned his arms next to him, so he couldn’t even hug you back.
“Doll…ya crushin’ me…” he gasped, and you finally let him go. Though, you kept your hands on his arms, not believing that he was there, in front of you.
“Are you back for good?” you asked, your voice hushed. You were waiting for him to deny it, for him to say he was only visiting.
“I’m back fer good. Already got my apartment—” He was cut off again as you hugged him, burying your face in his chest. You couldn’t stop the tears that appeared, so happy to have your best friend back. He rubbed your back, murmuring that it’s all okay now, and you had the sudden urge to kiss him. You fought the urge, not wanting to complicate things.
Instead, you ran your hands over his back, then leaned away to look at him. “Have you been working out?” It was true that he was deliciously tan, his hair coifed, and his beard trimmed neatly. He was already so much more attractive than you remembered, even with the pictures he had sent.
He barked out a laugh, a gleam in his eye. “I have, yeah. Whenever I felt the urge ta drink, I instead went to work out. I’m not a body builder or anythin’, though.”
“I’m proud of you, Sonny,” you said, and you meant it. You had gone through hell after the club incident, but Sonny didn’t have a walk in the park either. And you were glad he had found himself.
A pink tint appeared on his cheeks as he smiled at you. He took your hand, kissed your knuckles, and you swooned.
After the surprise greeting at the front door, he brought you into the house. Ma Carisi and all his sisters gave you a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek, and Pa Carisi patted your shoulder; the normal greeting from the family. But now that Sonny was there, too, the energy was truly alive. Everyone was smiling and laughing, having a fantastic time together. The talk was loud, happy, and energized. It was almost as if Sonny hadn’t been hiding in Genoa for four years.
After the talk had finally died down, it was time for you to go home. Sonny offered to walk you to your car, and you agreed, not wanting to leave him quite yet.
“I’m so glad you came back, Sonny. I’ve missed you,” you said as you stood by your driver’s side door.
He grinned at you. “A promise is a promise. I told ya I’d come back once I was…better.”
“And are you better? Did you date at all in Genoa?”
His smile faded, and you worried you offended him. You were about to apologize when he spoke. “I am and I did. But no one there was…it fer me, ya know?”
“Yeah…same thing here. I dated a few people, but no one felt right—the spark wasn’t there. At least I had no flashbacks; I hardly remember that night anymore, to be honest,” you said, looking into his eyes, trying to gauge his reaction.
Sonny simply nodded. “Me either, really. It was so long ago…plus, I bet the drinkin’ didn’t help. But I do remember you, showin’ up outta nowhere on a random street in Genoa. Talkin’ me through the worst time of my life.”
“And I remember you, comforting me during a thunderstorm when you didn’t have to do that. Your emotions were everywhere; I couldn’t imagine the turmoil I must’ve put you through—”
“No, no, look at me,” he muttered, his warm hand cupping your cheek. “No matter what happens—in the past or the future—I wanna take care of ya, make sure you’re okay. Comfortin’ ya, it was a slice of normalcy after I thought I’d neva have that again. I needed ya there, and I’m so thankful I had ya.”
You smiled up at him, melting into his touch. His thumb stroked your cheekbone, and you felt closer to him than ever before. “You know what else I remember, Sonny?”
Slowly, you leaned forward, going slow enough that he had plenty of time to pull away. But instead, he also leaned in until your lips brushed against each other. You smiled softly before you pressed your lips more firmly to his. The hand still cupping your cheek tilted you slightly, letting him kiss you a little more forcefully, his beard tickling you as he moved.
There was the spark that was missing from all your past relationships; you had felt it in the airport, but it wasn’t the right time. Now, however, there was nothing holding you back from deepening the kiss, your tongues coming together in a beautiful dance.
Sonny gently pushed you back against your car, the kiss getting more heated. Your hands went to his shaggy, luscious hair, tugging softly and making him moan into your mouth. His hands dropped to your hips, pushing you back against the car as his tongue memorized your mouth.
Reluctantly, he pulled away from you, both of you panting hard. You were about to suggest he show you his new apartment when he muttered, “I wanna take this slow. Please.”
You shut your mouth, nodding. You’d do anything to make him comfortable and happy. “I can do slow. As long as I have you, Sonny.”
His eyes brightened and he gave you his signature goofy smile. “Ya have me fer as long as ya want me.”
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leafs-lover · 3 years
If He's Lucky I'll Let Him Join
Part 6: Things shift
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Series Masterlist
A/N: Sorry for the delay on this, hope you like it. I only plan on 2 maybe 3 more parts of this.
Warnings: Swearing, smut (oral female receiving) unprotected sex (wrap it kids), voyeurism, 18+
Word Count: 6600
April 8, 2021
A: Hey want to go for a walk with Felix and I?
You stare at your screen for a few minutes, the message sitting on read. Since giving Auston your number a week and a half ago he has text you three times. Two were pictures of Felix, and the third was a meme.
The Leafs had a few days off during that stretch, you saw Fred a little but you haven’t seen Auston since you left his house. You also haven’t told Fred about Auston, and since he hasn’t brought it up you don’t think Auston told him.
It’s not that you did anything wrong or cheated on Fred; you aren’t in a relationship, with either man. You haven’t talked about what you are, or where this is heading, if anywhere. The season is almost half over and you have no idea what will happen after that. Last time the season ended you barely heard from Fred for three months, and Auston almost 4.
When you agreed to sleep with Auston, you never specified it would only be with Fred, only in threesome situations. You never discussed the dynamics of you and Auston, and what the boundaries were. You know all of this.
Yet something feels wrong. Like you shouldn’t have done that behind Fred’s back and you shouldn’t keep doing it without with Fred knowing. That you should talk to Fred before you and Auston sleep together again, assuming you do sleep with him again. You don’t even know if you want to sleep with him when it’s just Auston. Not that you had a bad time, it was far from it. You just don’t know what it means, if anything.
There is so much you are uncertain of, all you know is how you felt about Fred last year. Things were going great, and you talked about summer plans. They were loose plans like being his plus 1 to a teammates wedding, going up to the Muskoka’s for a weekend with Mitch and Steph. He even mentioned a five day trip to Iceland, though that seemed unlikely to happen given the amount of planning required. But everything was heading towards a relationship until the world stopped.
And now a year later, the world is spinning. People are getting vaccinated everywhere except Canada; but they say they are coming, and the countries with vaccinated people are easing restrictions. Everything seems to be heading for a new normal, but where does that leave you and Fred?
Some nights you feel like a set of holes for him to use like target practice. But other times you wake up to Fred gently brushing your hair, legs tangled beneath the sheets placing soft kisses on your forehead or shoulder and you feel like so much more.
Intimate dinners.
Cute text messages.
Lazy Sundays.
Bubble baths together.
So much back and forth, it’s very confusing. And that’s just with Fred, you can’t even begin to understand the dynamic of Auston.
He has been a roller coaster, and not just the way he throws you around in bed. The first time he was dominant, but ended it with a soft kiss. The kiss lingered on your lips for days, your mind was swirling from it. Sometimes his eyes are dark and full of fire, but other times you get glimpses of him and that kiss.
Sure you had some feelings for Auston last year, but you told yourself they were feelings of lust. Completely, 100% sexually driven. But they were just feelings of sex right? Just the heat developing in your core from being around him fogging the sense and reason of your brain.
Auston finds moments to wrap his arms around you, placing soft kisses on your forehead or your lips. Doesn’t matter if Fred is in the other room or 5 feet away he will do it. While he drives his hard dick into your walls, he’ll have eyes dark with hunger. But after they are soft, and he doesn’t hesitate to lay soft and passionate kisses on your lips while Fred is lying inches beside you.
He exudes so much dominance, both men do. You are actually surprised it doesn’t turn into a pissing match with them, but they direct it all to you. They let you think you are in control, but the first chance they get they take over. Spilling words of venom, pulling orgasm after orgasm, juices coating their cocks and fingers.
The sight alone is enough to send you home with an ache between your legs. They are patient while you are with the other one, knowing their turn is coming. Not too patient though. But through all of it they don’t fight or get jealous of you.
Until last week ago that is, running into Auston in the elevator.
When he was hovering over you, kissing along the marks Fred had left earlier in the day, you got the feeling he was jealous you had spent time with him. You don’t know if it’s because he wasn’t there or that he didn’t like that you were sleeping with someone other than him, but he seemed bothered by it. But he would be naïve to think you and Fred only sleep together with him right?
An hour before that he was mumbling in your ear while cuddling on his couch. He looked at you like he wanted to hold you tight to his chest and never let you leave. Maybe it’s just a part of who he is, how he plays girls. You know he has a reputation around Toronto, besides his performance on the ice. There are rumours that over his first four seasons he has a revolving door of women while on road trips.
Obviously this year with Covid he has been much more mellow, no rumours or stories. But you don’t know if there is any truth to the rumours, you don’t know if he’s sleeping with other women. Not on road trips, the league has strict protocols in place for road teams. But at home they are supposed to follow local health guidelines. He could easily have another girl, and you are just someone he uses when called upon.
Maybe you are just a piece for him to bide his time with until restrictions are loosened, just an easy solution with the leagues COVID protocol’s. Or maybe he sees you as something more. Either way it’s all very convoluted.
Fingers hovering over your screen you mull over everything. Just before you go to type three little dots pop up as if he can sense your hesitation. You decide to wait before replying and are met with a selfie of him and Felix cuddling in bed, tattooed arm fully on display due to his lack of shirt. A “please play with me Y/N” text obviously supposed to be from Felix coming in immediately afterwards.
You can’t help the way your legs snap shut, rubbing together in search of friction. Or the involuntary groan that tumbles out as you stare at over his arm and down to his abs. But it’s the big beady eyes of Felix that win you over and without a second thought you quickly reply with a yes.
“Miss, I think you dropped your keys,” you hear someone call out. Ignoring it you pan around the somewhat busy street. Car horns are sirens are heard on the streets, wind howling between the buildings making the air crisp against your face. A hand gently touches your arm and you quickly spin around on your heels, wide eyed. “Sorry,” he chuckles seeing the shock on your face “I called out but I don’t think you heard me. Are these yours?”
He holds up a keychain in your view and you sigh slightly, “yes, thank you.”
When getting ready you decided to leave your purse at home, they aren’t the most convenient while walking a dog. You threw your debit card, TTC pass, phone and keys into your pocket. Arriving out front the coffee shop a couple minutes ago your hands were cold so you reached into your pocket for your gloves.
“No problem,” he smiles.
Scanning over his face you immediately notice his bright blue eyes grazing over your face. Thick flowing dark brown hair sticks out under his Montreal Canadians ball cap, a short scruffy beard on his chiseled jaw. He looks familiar but you can’t place it.
He is tall, similar in height to Auston and Fred. Even through his black peacoat you can tell his shoulders are just as wide. A red scarf gently popping out under the collar of his jacket. “I’m Josh,” he says, and you see him smile once again, instantly you think that it is just the best smile you have ever seen.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you smile back.
“Can I buy your coffee? “he asks glancing to the shop behind you. “I assume that’s why you’re here,” he chuckles. “It’s not free though, it’ll cost you a half hour of your time through the park.”
You chuckle slightly, if you weren’t supposed to meet Auston in a few minutes you would struggle to say no. His wide smile and soft eyes are drawing you in, but on top of that he seems nice. Someone you would actually have a good afternoon chatting with. “I’m actually meeting someone,” you reply.
“Oh that’s a shame, I’m leaving Toronto in a few hours. Think I can get your number; take you out when I come back?”
Before you can answer you feel Felix brush against your legs and let out an excited bark. He jumps up on you almost knocking you over and you immediately feel Auston’s hands on your hips and Josh grip your elbow, holding you upright. Auston mumbles some bullshit to Felix about manners, but you ignore it. Trying to focus on the eager pup, when in actuality you feel fire ignite where their hands connect to you.
“Hey man,” Josh says to Auston releasing your elbow.
“Hey Josh,” Auston says politely stepping beside you. You immediately sense the tension, Auston puffing his chest keeping on hand on the small of your back. Josh’s gaze flicks between you and Auston a little, realizing this is the person you are meeting but he doesn’t seem too bothered by it. You take a harsh swallow, the cold Toronto air burning your throat.
Tick tock, tick tock.
You have no longer how long you all have been standing there, likely only a few seconds but time feels like it has stopped. The only sound besides passing cars is the excited whines and yelps Felix lets out while he circles around your feet. Shifting awkwardly you stare between the two men not wanting to be the first to make a move. Finally Auston clears his throat glaring at Josh, pulling you in tighter to his chest. So close you can smell his cologne.
“Well I’m going to grab my coffee. Nice meeting you y/n,” Josh smiles, stepping around you to go through the door.
“A Hab really?” Auston jokes kissing your cheek, following Josh with his eyes until the door shuts behind him. His lips are warm on your cool skin, eyes look slightly heavy from the previous night's game, and dark curls pop out under the toque he’s wearing that barely covers his ears.
“What?” you ask confused, bending down to pet Felix who is still enthralled by your presence.
“Josh,” he nods inside and you shake your head shooting him a puzzled look. “That’s Josh Anderson. He plays for the Montreal Canadians.”
“Oh that’s why he looked familiar,” you say glancing back inside briefly, you watched the game last night and you remember him. He looks a little different without the equipment or covered in sweat, but his thick hair and smile is what stood out to you. Felix takes the opportunity to kiss your cheek causing you to laugh and look back at Auston. “You watch him for a sec so I can get our drinks?” Auston asks, handing you the leash.
Josh comes out first saying goodbye to you and giving Felix a few pets before making his way down the street. Auston is out not too long after, 2 paper cups in hand. You try to hand the leash back, but he tells you to keep it, feeding you some line about Felix being happy to see you. You know Felix doesn’t care who holds his leash, he is just happy to be on a walk but you aren’t going to object.
It’s only been two days since you saw him. Fred watched him for the Leaf’s short road trip and you spent some time over there during it. While Fred went to physio you would take him on long walks, walks too long for Fred and his knee right now. Fred joked about how close you were thinking it’s the first time you met him.
You took naps on the couch and played with him. He followed you around everywhere, whining and clawing at the door when Fred locked him out for an hour. When you finally opened the door he almost tackled you with his excitement. That night when you went to go to bed he climbed between the two of you resting his head on your chest while you fell asleep, gently petting the top of his head. Every time you saw him Felix would be more excited than the last.
“Thought you Canadians are inferior to the cold,” Auston jokes when a strong wind gust blows from the lake and through the streets. Shivering you pulling your zipper up further, pulling your toque further down your ears.
“Lets go warm up, my place is only a couple blocks away,” he puts a hand on your back to guide you. It’s the smallest contact, a slight brush against your back before his hand falls into his pocket for warmth. But through your jacket and sweater your skin burns from the ever so slight touch.
Stepping into the lobby you instantly feel the warmth of his building hit your face. “You had a good game last night,” you smile knowing he can’t see it through your mask.
“Woah you actually watched,” he teases, pulling his mask over his face.
“Yeah, you know hanging around hockey players all the time figured I should watch a game or two,” you joke. “You know with not teaching I have some spare time.”
“I’m glad you find time in your busy schedule to watch me on TV.” You give him a playful nudge hitting the button for the elevator. “How is it going with work? Find anything yet?” he asks, bending down to give Felix some pets for patiently waiting.
“No, all schools in Ontario go 100% online Monday so there are a lot of us in the same situation right now across the province. I’m sure something will come along I’m not too worried right now.”
“You’re smart, you’ll figure something out,” he says looking up at you. His black mask is covering half of his face, but from the creases beside his eyes you can tell he is smiling at you. Before you can reply you hear the doors creak open and turn your attention to it.
You notice a body in the elevator who shifts into the corner to make space. Taking a step in you are met by a tall man with broad shoulders, hood of his Nike sweater pulled over his red hair, mask covering half of his face. But you immediately recognize the eyes, stopping you in your tracks.
Auston walks into your back not realizing you stopped and Felix jumps up at his feet. Fred stares at the two of you for a second with a look of confusion, blinking a few times. Like he doesn’t believe it’s actually you behind the mask; but his eyes soften and he turns his attention to the eager pup. You shift uncomfortably, eyes darting between Auston and Fred. Auston looks unphazed a small smirk tugging on his lips.
“What’s going on?” Fred asks standing up, still petting Felix’s head.
“Just grabbed some coffee,” you say quietly.
“Yeah just hanging out,” Auston adds in. “What about you?”
“Just getting home from the rink, was gonna see if you wanted to hangout.”
Auston glances over at you briefly before back to his friend, “yeah for sure man,” Auston replies. Stepping off the elevator on Auston’s floor the three of you head towards his apartment. The two of them chat about something from the game last night, almost oblivious to the fact you are there while you trail a few steps back.
Once inside Auston takes of Felix’s leash and wanders to the kitchen to get him some fresh water. Fred lingers once his shoes are off watching you remove your jacket and boots. Once you hang up your coat Fred’s hands are on your hip backing you against the door, handle digging into your back, “you two having fun.”
His words hang thick in the air, stepping closer he pushes you in further, his breath hot on your neck. When you don’t reply he squeezes your hips, driving the handle further into your back causing you to hiss out a yes. His musty cologne and hot breath has moisture pooling between your legs, the only thing holding you up is his nails digging into your skin.
“Hmm,” he hums as you take a few uneasy breaths. “How long has this been going on smuk,” he places soft open mouth kisses on your neck waiting for you to reply.
“Uh...” you stutter, voice catching in your throat when he nips your skin. “Just the,” you mumble groaning, “one other time
“Cute,” he mumbles placing a kiss to your cheek, the edge of his lips brushing the corner of yours. Pulling back slightly he smirks at you and turns his gaze down the hall, smugness plastered on his face while he locks eyes with Auston who silently watches the exchange.
Your chest heaves and you swallow dryly taking a minute. Without another word he leaves you trying to catch your breath while he walks down the hall. Craning your head slightly you see Auston at the other end watching the entire interaction. Expressionless he follows Fred to the couch, as you try to compose yourself.
You don’t know why but you contemplate walking down the hall and saying you aren’t feeling well and heading home. But that seems obvious. And Fred didn’t seem mad did he?
The three of you sit on the couch, Felix circling, constantly bringing someone a toy or whining for pets. It’s a lazy afternoon and easy, the boys watching some golf tournament that you have no interest in. Fred mindlessly runs circles over your ankle while they chat, your head resting on his pillow.
His touch is soft but soothing. Every circle he draws you feel your blood pressure drop before you finally are at ease. Fred is smiling, Auston laughs at something he said. Everything seems fine, like you worked yourself up over nothing.
“So y/n has the hots for Josh Anderson,” Auston says part way through golf which immediately catches your attention, turning your gaze from Felix to the boys. Auston has a smug look plastered on his face while he winks at you, and Fred has a dark mischievous grin.
“Oh yeah,” Fred grins as you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Apparently we aren’t doing a good enough job,” Auston grins and your eyes go wide. You hear Fred laugh lightly squeezing your ankle tightly.
“Never said that,” you whisper, so faintly you aren’t even sure you spoke. Fred’s hand on your ankle tightens and he pulls you so you’re back is flat to the couch. Quickly his body is on yours, pinning your wrists to the couch at your side.
“Is that true baby? Are me and Auston not satisfying you? Not fulfilling your needs?” he murmurs eyes locked down at you. His chest presses into you, the air around you shifting. You try to swallow, but your throat is dry being starved of saliva.
“Pretty sure he asked you a question princess.” You didn’t even notice but Auston moved across the room, his mouth is millimeters from your ear.
Tilting your head slightly, you feel a hand on your jaw holding you in place, forcing your gaze up to Fred. You aren’t even sure whose hand it is until you feel the leather bracelet brush your neck and immediately know its Auston.
“What do you say man, should we take her to your room? Show her how good she has it,” Fred doesn’t pull his eyes away, while his comments are fully directed at Auston. Another display of his dominance over you making the slick between your legs build even more. “Make her regret even mentioning thinking of him”
You practically can hear the smugness oozing off the man beside you, only answering a quick but firm, “yes.”
Fred’s body is off yours as fast as he was on you. In an instant he easily throws you over his shoulder, carrying you down the hall to Auston’s room. Once back on your feet they begin to remove your clothing. Fred on your right, Auston on your left, both sucking on your neck working in unison; articles of clothing littering his bedroom floor, leaving you in just your matching underwear. If it wasn’t for the two hot bodies pressed against you goosebumps would be popping all over your body.
Auston unclasps your bra, sliding his tongue along your collarbone. Fred sucks on your neck when you hear fabric ripping, your underwear being torn off of you. Fred smirks against you, knowing you have been on them for all the shredded underwear they have left you with over the last three months, but neither seems to care.
Auston’s hand makes work of your breast, massaging and pinching the nipple. Gently rolling it through his thumb and index finger while Fred manipulates your legs apart, thrusting two thick digits inside of your folds. The unexpected nature causes you to whine while both men chuckle against you.
“Most women would be happy to have one man and you have two” Auston murmurs.
“Let’s make sure she never thinks about him again,” Fred sneers. Your head falls back and you begin to moan louder, his fingers quickly thrusting in and out of you. Auston’s other hand roams your back, sliding down to your ass, giving you firm squeezes to roll your hips forward further onto Fred’s digits.
If it wasn’t for both men on either side practically supporting your entire body weight, your knees would buckle. Fred pulls away slightly to get a better look at you, to watch you fall apart over his fingers. Your gaze meets his and his pupils are dilated, black with lust.
Increasing his fingers, thumb finding your clit you know you won’t last much longer. Incoherent thoughts are all you can manage, whimpers and curse words falling from your lips.
“Hear how wet you are princess?” Auston’s mouth is pressed against your ear. One hand cupping your breast his other firmly squeezing your ass. “Freddie’s hand is coated because of you,” he mumbles, you head a chuckle from the man on your right.
“This is nothing,” Fred asserts, but before you can process the weight of his words your orgasm crashes over you. Knees trembling, walls fluttering; blood pulsates through your body causing you to groan loudly.
As soon as you come down the boys release you and you almost fall over. Walking like a newborn deer on ice, you make your way to the bed while both men quickly strip. There must have been a silent exchange because Auston is quickly sitting in the middle of the mattress pulling you towards him.
Your back is to his chest and you can feel his hard erection pressed into your back as he brushes your hair aside exposing one side of his neck for him. “How many do you think it’ll take princess?” he hums his voice soft in your ear. “How many until you can’t even remember Josh’s name anymore?”
His words go right to your core, vibrating through your folds. Your chest heaves and your body shudders thinking of his statement. You know the question is rhetorical, but even if you had a number it wouldn’t be enough.
Fred stands at the end of the bed, eyes switching between yours and the slick dripping between your legs. Every time his eyes drop they stay a little longer, licking his lips at the sight. You begin to feel like a piece of meat and both men have been starved of food for weeks. You move your legs to close them, but Auston’s hands quickly grip your thighs holding you open for him.
Fred shakes his head while Auston rasps, “you know better than that princess,” in your ear; digging his thumbs into your flesh. Your entire body shivers and you take an uneasy exhale, knowing you are in for it. Quickly Fred crawls onto the bed, making his way towards your heat while someone, you aren’t sure who, bends your knees. Fred places soft kisses on the inside of your thigh and knee. The thought of what he will do has you dizzy. Flattening his tongue he licks up the mess from before, your entire body jolts but Auston firmly grips your legs open holding you is place.
“Such a good girl,” he mumbles as Fred laps up all your juices. A few more licks and Fred thick fingers find your heat, curling back inside you “taste so good hun” he adds.
Throwing your head back against Auston’s shoulder you groan “fuck,” but all it does is give him a better view.
“Look at you taking Fred’s fingers,” Auston hums as you feel Fred’s mouth attach to your clit. Auston’s voice is hot and heavy, Fred’s fingers hitting your g-spot with every thrust and soon your second orgasm is building deep inside you.
“Oh fuck,” you hiss while Fred’s tongue circles your clit, swirling in a figure eight on a continuous loop.
“You gonna cum again princess,” Auston says in your ear. “Coat his face?”
Incoherent sounds fall from both sets of your lips. You’re so wet that the obscene sound of his fingers fucking in and out of you makes your entire body heat up. Between both of their sinful mouths, Fred’s attached to your cunt and Auston’s whispering a string of filth on your ear, you are right back on the edge. Your heels dig into the mattress and it’s only a matter of time. Auston’s mouth purring in your ear, Fred’s tongue carefully circling your clit is more than you can take.
Your second orgasm rolls through you, little fires exploding in your hear. Fred slows slightly to draw it out while Auston holds you firm against his chest and you tremble in his embrace. His dick twitches against your back watching as white spills out. You sag against Auston’s chest, body tingling as your juices coat Fred’s face.
Pulling away from your heat your fog begins to settle. Fred has a dark smile, his beard coated in your slick heat. “What do you think does she need one more? Or should we fuck her ‘til she can’t walk anymore?” Fred says to Auston.
“She definitely needs one more,” Auston replies, hands digging harshly into your thighs keeping them spread apart.
“Ungh,” is all you can whimper in response, closing your eyes to take a few uneasy breaths while your legs relax, falling back to the mattress.
There must have been an exchange between the two or maybe you are still coming down from your high and don’t hear the question, but you do hear Auston say, “all you man I’m really enjoying the view.”
A hand is on your throat pulling your face away from Auston’s shoulder. Next a pair of lips are on yours, in a hot and hungry way. Immediately you know it’s Fred; not from the facial hair but the taste of yourself on his tongue.
Fingers are thrust back inside you, but your groans are swallowed by Fred’s mouth. Auston throws his calves over your shins, keeping you spread for his friend while his hands trail up your body. One finds your breast, the other finding your clit, thumb concentrating on pressing harsh circles into it.
Your pussy quivers at the contact it all becoming a lot. It’s almost too much. And then you feel Auston’s mouth on your neck and you know its game over. Being sandwiched between these men, fingers and tongues all over your skin has you pulling away from Fred for some much needed air.
“Holy fuck,” you moan, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, beads of sweat are rolling down the valley of your breasts. Your scream gets ripped from your throat and your vision goes white, wave after wave of euphoria rolling through you. Both men groan as your warmth spills around Fred’s wrist and onto the bed.
“God you are so beautiful when you cum,” Auston groans in your ear.
“Bet Josh would never make you feel like that,” Fred mumbles, finally pulling his fingers from you. Grabbing your jaw he forces your mouth open, shoving his fingers inside for you to lick clean. You have barely caught your breath and almost choke, but quickly work to clean your slick from his finger.
“Fuck, baby, just like that,” he purrs. Pulling away he lands beside you on the mattress, Auston quickly crawls out from behind. Falling backwards landing on the mattress, Fred brushes your sweaty hair from your forehead mumbling something to you in Danish.
Before you can react Auston in between your legs, hands on the back of your ankles pulling you closer, his throbbing tip pressing against your entrance “Remember the word,” Fred asks.
“Yeah,” you barely manage to say, throat incredibly dry.
“What is it,” Auston asks, waiting to continue.
“Yellow,” you manage to whisper through some uneasy breaths.
“You okay,” Auston asks, and you turn your head to stare up at him with a nod, tears resting in the edge of your eyes.
“You have to say it,” Fred says softly.
“M’okay” you say smiling at the softness of the two men, no matter how dominant or aggressive they are they always make you’re okay.
With that Auston thrusts inside your walls, Fred’s handiwork providing an easy lubrication so he gives you no time to adjust. Snapping his hips he sets a fast pace eyes dark and staring between your legs, watching his thick cock slide in and out of your sopping cunt. Pulling your bottom lip through your teeth you whimper, warm tears now rolling down your cheek.
“Just be thankful he is letting you off easy by being on top,” Fred winks rolling onto his side gently pressing his lips into your shoulder.
Wrapping your legs around his waist he snaps his hip, “figured she could use a minute,” he grunts. “But only a minute,” his hands are on your hips and he forcefully pulls you back increasing his pace causing you to cry out.
“Y/N,” Auston calls forcing you to whine as your head turns. “I think you should say thank you to Fred for taking such good care of you earlier,” he nods down to Fred’s hard member resting beside your hand. You honestly don’t think you could do much even if you tried, but when you slowly turn to meet Fred’s gaze he smiles at you.
“It would be nice if you said thank you skat,” Fred mumbles, sucking on your sweet spot beside your ear. Reaching out you wrap your hand around his length giving him a few slow tugs.
“Faster baby,” Fred mumbles, his words vibrating through your body. You try to set a fast pace, but Auston quickly has you distracted. Every thrust is hard and deep, brushing your g-spot before he pulls back. He knows exactly what he wants, each thrust calculated as he drags his cock along your walls. Every time he pounds into you your hand stutters around Fred’s length, but he’s loving it, smirking against your neck.
Each time Auston hits your g-spot you squirm and he is getting off on it. His eyes getting darker and darker, a grin tugging on his lips a little more each time. Fred continues to pepper your collar bone with kisses before working his way down your chest and back up again. His mouth is everywhere when his thumb attaches to your clit.
“Fuck Fred,” you jolt from the contact.
“Pretty sure it’s Auston making you feel this good,” Fred mumbles in your ear. “He’s the one with his dick buried inside you right now.”
Every statement is accompanied by harder faster circles on your bundle of nerves. Nails gripping your hips harder, cock sliding in and out faster. “He feel good baby?” Fred hums. “He feel good stretching you out? You’re taking him so well, you gonna cum all over his cock?”
“Fuck she’s close,” Auston announces as if you and Fred didn’t know. Releasing your hand from Fred’s cock you feel your body erupt around Auston’s dick.
If you thought the first three were intense, the fourth is pure fireworks. Every extremity is tingling and you feel lightning bolts erupt inside. Your walls flutter and both men groan as you disintegrate under Auston, melting into the bed. Neither man stops and soon you are met by Auston’s sticky warmth flooding your walls. He grunts and slows his hips, a few shallow thrusts and he spills everything he has inside you.
Fred pops his head up and looks towards your cunt, watching his friend coat your insides white. Momentary confusion crosses his face before turning back to you. Apart from the first time which Auston didn’t mean to, he has never once spent inside of you. Always spilling on your ass, tits or sometimes thrusting his cock inside your mouth so you can swallow it down. He doesn’t know when you and Auston fucked last week you told him can doesn’t need to pull out. He doesn’t know how every time over the past three months you have a moment of disappointed when Auston pulls out of you. How you are excited for your pussy to overflow with a mixture of both men’s cum.
Auston pulls out and falls beside you and Fred’s face softens. He smiles at you, a smirk tugging on the corner of his lip as he takes in your face. Absolutely fucked out and flush, hair a mess, splayed across the bed, makeup likely smeared down your cheek. Licking your lips you pull Fred’s face down for a searing earth shattering kiss.
Your hand tangles into his roots, his thumb drawing circles just below your ribcage. Tongue sliding into the others mouth and you tug harder trying to pull him on top of you but he doesn’t budge. Instead he falls onto his back pulling you on top of him.
“We all can’t go easy on you,” Fred winks while adjusting you over him. A mixture of sticky white fluids spill out and onto Fred while he lines himself up.
“Got one more in ya princess? You gonna cum for Freddie like you did me?” Auston asks and you shake your head, body barely functioning at this point.
“Oh baby we all know you do”
“Umph,” you mewl as he easily pulls you down, Auston’s cum spilling out around his girth.
Your hand quickly lands on Fred’s stomach, his abs covered in a thin layer of sweat. Your breath hitches when he bucks his hips while you try and take a minute, slowly grinding your hips, trying to compose yourself as best you can.
“Cocks not gonna ride itself,” Auston chortles from beside you.
Your eyes go wide and Fred smirks, shooting you a wink, you start rising and dropping around him, Fred bucking his hips to press deep inside you. Feeling his tip almost in your belly a slew of curse words fall from your lips. With every thrust you can feel more of Auston’s cum spilling out. A part of you thinks Fred thrusts up and pulls your hips down so harshly to fuck it out of you, but either way you are heading back towards the edge.
“That’s right take me deep baby,” Fred praises his back arching off the bed slightly.
You can tell he is enjoying watching you squirm above him. Your overly sensitive cunt barely able to take any more. Luckily the time you spent with your hand wrapped around him earlier means his high is close too.
“You’re taking me so well, baby girl,” Fred praises.
“You gonna cum for him like you did for your me, huh? Milk his cock for all it’s worth?” Auston asks, drawing your gaze to his dark brown orbs. You had almost forgot Auston was there, you are barely able to focus on Fred the pound driving up into your cervix let alone the man beside you catching his breath.
“Mmgh, I don’t… I don’t think I can,” you keen helplessly into thin air.
“Yeah you can, princess,” Auston urges gently.
Auston sits up pinching your nipple and you hiss from the friction his hand is causing, mouth grazes along your throat, his mustache brushing it ever so slightly. You don’t need him, Fred’s cock driving into your throbbing pussy with every thrust. Fred will get you there, but Auston’s mouth on your neck, hand on your nipple sends you catapulting over the edge.
Fred’s hands dig into your hips and Auston’s arm catch your body as you tremble above his friend. Auston spews filth in your ear, Fred mumbling Danish praise below you, but you hear none of it. Vision whiting out, ears filled with a high pitch ring as Fred fucks you through your high. Wave after wave of ecstasy overwhelms your body, Fred gives you a few more sloppy thrusts before painting your walls white. The two men support you while Auston slowly lowers you onto Fred’s chest while you catch your breath.
Auston leans on his elbow beside you, brushing your hair drenched with sweat from your forehead. Both you and Fred are breathless, clammy with sweat as his dick softens inside of you.
“So you learn to keep other guy’s names out of your mouth,” Auston sneers .
“I was obviously joking,” you groan while Fred brings a hand up to lightly draw on your back.
“Wasn’t very funny,” Fred adds.
“One Andersen is more than enough,” you try to push off of Fred put he tightens his grip wrapping his arm around your back, pulling you back down to his chest.
You hear Auston’s feet on the wood floor, and he returns a minute later with some water and a damp wash cloth. Fred gingerly lifts your body, sliding his cock out as some cum spills out. Once off him, Auston hands you the glass and Fred the towel who gently wipes between your legs while you whimper from the contact.
Auston having found some boxers, pulls a t-shirt over your head and pulls you back into the bed with him. Lying on your side you curl into his arm, using his tattooed bicep as a pillow, your hand lying on his chest. Fred crawls in behind you, hand on your hip, warm breath on your neck.
You hear the click clacking of Felix’s nails on the wood floor as he gets closer. The bedroom door finally open, he lets himself in jumping onto the bed and curling up between your legs and Auston as you all quickly fall asleep.
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player-tag · 3 years
hermit!tommy au, part 4
part 3
part 5
tag list: @strawberrylemonz @smolgreenybeany
"his name isn't on the server list, or its so glitched it's literally not showing," xisuma explained quickly, showing grian and tommy his screen.
"so?" tommy butted in, kind of pushing grian aside, trying to grab the device from x's hand.
"it means, it could be very dangerous for you to try to go into another server," x gently pushed tommy's hand away, careful not to hurt him.
tommy looked strangely at xisuma.
"isn't it usually dangerous for me to die? i mean, each person gets only 3 canon lives, right?" tommy questioned. x looked horrified, turning over to grian only to mouth exactly what tommy said back at him.
"uh, what server are you from, tommy?" xisuma asked quietly, ducking ever so slightly to match his gaze with tommy's.
"dream smp," tommy answered simply.
suddenly, tommy made sense. he was from the dream smp. a server of chaos. an anarchy server. a server were... dream was the admin.
the hermits didn't interact with servers like the dream smp, mostly because they didn't want to get involved in their wars and uncontrolled chaos. the hermits were (mostly) peaceful people, and tried their best to be the nicest they could be to anyone and everyone.
"well, tommy, the rules on this server are very different from the dream smp," xisuma explained,"firstly, you can die however much you want, without being scared that you'll be banned if you die too many times. i'll let you respawn, no matter what."
tommy stared at xisuma in awe. this man wasn't like dream, at all. he was nice, tommy could tell already. he was so gentle, and so kind. this server was obviously different from the smp. maybe like the ones phil said he was in, before they collapsed. the ones with rules and nice people and big builds and good redstone and-
"tommy, did you get that?" grian asked, placing a hand on tommy's shoulder. tommy flinched, but didn't push him away. he was scared, but he should learn to trust.
"no, i didn't get that, can you repeat?"
"right, ok. since its dangerous for you to leave, you'll be staying in my mansion-"
"ooo, a mansion, i wonder what pranks i can pull in th-"
"uh-uh-uh, no pranks. yet,"-grian gave tommy a sly wink, clearing suggesting some mischievous activity-"anyway, you'll be staying with me, and we'll pretend like your a new member! obviously we'll tell everyone, so they don't attack you, or like, try to scam you."
tommy got a bit confused on the last bit. he though the hermitcraft server was nice, why would anyone attack or try to scam him? maybe that was a joke. or maybe grian and xisuma were lying to him about the server being orderly and controlled. no, they wouldn't, they were too nice... right?
yeah, he was right. they were nice and honest. unlike dream. and wilbur. and techno. and pretty much all the people on the smp. except a select few. a few people where ok, and tommy sorta missed them.
"do you want to go mining and start on a house?" grian asked.
"yeeeeeah! let's go, big man!"
\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/-\/ grian quickly found out that tommy was absolutely crap at building. he was so, so bad. grian cringed at every block tommy placed, and silently cried.
all he used was cobblestone. just cobblestone. no mossy, no stone, just cobble. it looked disgusting. but grian smiled and told tommy he was doing great nonetheless.
grian was itching to get his hands on tommy's build, but he knew he had to let him do it on his own.
they had spent a few hours mining, and tommy hoarded all the cobble they got their hands on; he threw away other stuff though, and burnt the granite.
when grian asked why, tommy simply responded with a "it's ugly as fuck."
grian just chuckled as they contuined mining.
but now, grian was crying on the inside as tommy built an ugly cobblestone tower. tommy was obviously enjoying himself, though, so grian just bit his tongue as a way to stop himself from making a comment.
tommy climbed down the tower, obviously to get more blocks, to make his tower uglier and more noticeable.
"you know you could just jump down? that's only 4 blocks," grian commented, taking a step back to look at the tower.
tommy stared at him for a moment. he gave a light cough, and avoided looking at grian.
grian stared at tommy. what could be the problem. grian scanned his brain. tommy had said he'd died "canonically". maybe he was scared of dying like... that? whatever the problem was, grian was going to help.
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daydream-believin · 3 years
What About the Smaller Picture (3)
Summary: Merlin knows best. And what he feels is best for you and Douxie right now is to sit around and wait for him to come back from New Jersey, Merlin-knows-when. (3) You’ve adjusted to Arcadian life pretty well. (1) or (4)
Warnings: Swearing, sleep problems?
Word count: 2474
A/n:  sorry this wasnt out sooner I’ve had a week
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The curtains were blue. They had a little pattern of navy and white flowers and curvy lines like pottery painted with indigo. You had moved one of Doux’s bookshelves to be the second wall to allow the curtain rod to even be in place. This layout effectively created a nook of sorts around your little bed. To be frank the curtains weren’t absolutely necessary. The space kinda gave you university dorm vibes with the two twin beds across from each other. But there was no way you were letting this guy you barely knew watch you sleep. Even if you were good friends, you wouldn’t let him watch you sleep. That kind of vulnerability was special, reserved for only those closest to you.
Speaking of closeness, Douxie had been very adamant about you not calling him by his full name anymore. Made him feel like you were reprimanding him, he said. You could relate to the feeling, and so you were now being careful to replace all ‘Hisirdoux’s with ‘Douxie’s in your head. Or at least a ‘Doux’. Not ‘Babe’. Who told you that. You definitely never referred to him as Babe in your mind. Nope. That Is Not Something Friends Do.
“And,” Douxie rubbed the back of his neck, “Normally when people call me Hisirdoux nowadays it’s because they want to kill me. Only strangers and enemies call me that. Or Zoe when she’s pissed. So yeah, just Douxie is fine.”
“Just Douxie?”
He chuckled, “Yeah.” You looked up at him with a smile.
“Douxie.” He flushed, nodding. “Well, Douxie, what do you want for dinner tonight.”
That little nook you’d built hadn’t stopped Douxie from trying to talk to you all night, however. You’d think the curtains would be a clear message of don’t talk to me I want to be left alone but Doux hadn’t really taken that hint. You tried your best to brush him off the first few nights, even pretending to fall asleep. It didn’t stop him. By the fourth night you spent in Arcadia, you gave in. You had trouble sleeping anyways, as it was apparent so did your roommate, so might as well indulge him. It’s not like ignoring him did any good. Instead of staring at a blue-light screen that messed with your circadian rhythm, you talked about nonsense with Doux. And it was good nonsense. He was way too funny. Or maybe it’s that thing where if you’re into someone then everything they say is hilarious. You’ll never know. But it was nice, either way.
The funny thing was that not only did you actually start to like this, but now it was becoming hard to sleep without it. He helped. Your whole life you stayed up late, and then tossed and turned all night anyways. Now your bedtime routine was talk to Douxie for a few hours, slowly falling asleep, and then you’d sleep the whole night through like a baby. No more restlessness. No more waking up over and over again. Even if you did, you could just listen to him snore for a bit and fall right back to sleep. You guessed it was the feeling of safety he provided. Like someone was watching over you, even when you were at your most vulnerable. You’d never really had that luxury before.
 You had started noticing the trouble coming back when he would stay out late sometimes. And Douxie was gone one night and you suddenly couldn’t sleep at all. This was bad. A problem, if you will. But no matter. There were more pressing things to worry about.
Like the fact that all week, Douxie had been hinting that he had something you two were going to do soon. He would not tell you what it was. In fact he was taking quite a bit of joy in dangling this “surprise” in front of your face but not telling you anything about it. It was driving you a little crazy. You hoped what he had planned was nothing too wild, though. It’s not that you weren’t down, you were just tired. But you could use a little shaking up. This bookshop existence was boring. You weren’t boring. You had enough crazy stories to last an immortal lifetime from growing up in New Jersey. Not just modern-day Urban New Jersey. Early colonial Quaker-dominated New Jersey was wild too. Especially as one of those infamous New England witches. Maybe Douxie was taking you on some magic errand. That would be great, you were dying to do something actually in your job description ever since you got here. Not that working in the bookshop wasn’t nice, it just wasn’t magic. You were craving magic.
But alas, as the sun was setting and the last patrons left the store, life moved on as mundanely usual. You flipped over the sign, scratched a sunbeam bathing Archie behind the ears, and started the process of re-shelving all the damn books that customers left strown about. The sunset turned the bookshop pink. There were fewer cars rushing by. Now that there were no customers, it was very peaceful. Just you, Archie’s snoring, and the soft lute music playing. The music was lute covers of popular songs, and at this point you were pretty sure it was Douxie himself who recorded this shit.
Speaking of Douxie, you hadn’t seen him all day. It had made working the bookshop extra extra boring. Like if he wanted you to be free labor, he could at least give you the decency of his lovely presence. But no, it was just you, all day long. All by your lonesome, with nary a cute theater-kid adjacent wizard to keep you entertained with his company. It was a travesty really. But anyways, where was he. Better not be having fun without you.
You like to think your thoughts summoned him. He came in through the back door, panting, disheveled. Singed? He frantically looked out the door’s window into the alleyway from which he had just came from, looking for something. Whatever it was, he must have seen it, since he looked panic-stricken. In a painfully obvious attempt to swallow the fear, he turned to you, trying his best to sound nonchalant.
“SO. You know that thing? The surprise? Well. It is here a little sooner than I expected it to bE—” A loud crashing noise came from the alleyway. “Oh, fuzzbuckets.”
You dropped the book in your hand. “WHAT DID YOU DO.”
There was another very loud crash, this time closer. Douxie glanced back for less than a moment before rushing over to you, taking you hand.
“I’ll just have to tell you on the way love, come on!”
You two fled out the front door of the shop like your tails were on fire. Speaking of tails on fire, once you rounded the shop to the alleyway, you found out just what Douxie had been running from that was making such loud noises. Hellheetis. Five large hellheetis. Blazing bright in the Arcadian dusk. How the neighbors haven’t already called the cops or the fire department was a mystery. The large lion-like creatures growled, stalking down the alley. It was only a matter of seconds before they smelled and or spotted you and went back into the chase. You had to make a plan and fast. Distracting you from your thoughts, Douxie nervously laughed beside you.
“hehe, uh, could you believe there was only one of these at the start?”
You slowly turned to the wizard, “Did you,, hit them, Hisirdoux?” You could call him that now because you were in fact pissed off at the moment.
“Only twice.”
“Only twice… Okay”
“I may not be the best at monster identification. Or remembering which tactic to use for which.”
“I can see that.” You tried to keep your voice as calm as you could, which got a little easier to do as the hellheetis turned down a different alleyway, putting some more distance between them and you. They were still searching though, that was apparent. Thankfully the stench of the alley trash was keeping you covered.
“Believe me, Archie gets onto me about this all the time.”
“It’s okay… just. I think I have a plan. But one of us has to be bait. And it’s going to be you.”
“That’s fair.”
You sprinted up the stairs of the bookstore and up through the ceiling hatch onto the rooftop. You first instinct was to get them to the center of the square, where you could use the fountain as a water source. The alley they had started going down opened up to the square anyhow. It would have been a straight shot. But dear Mr. Casperan made a fuss about that being too out in the open or whatever.
Next solution. The bookstore’s rooftop had a facet, Douxie told you. You’d like to imagine it was put there so some nice old lady could have had a sweet rooftop garden without too much hassle. Maybe you should start a sweet rooftop garden. You and Douxie could have a little oasis in the city up here. You could grow veggies and flowers for your table. Maybe make a cute little picnic area. Stargaze at night. The facet. You quickly found it and made work of turning it on. Or at least you tried your best. You could hear roaring, getting louder, getting closer. The scary growls and roars were punctuated by Douxie’s frantic footsteps, grunts, and gasps. Please don’t get eaten, Douxie.
The facet was so rusty, it took all of your strength to get it to budge. And then nothing came out really, the hose attached to it lifeless without so much as a trickle. You tried to unscrew it from the facet to see if there was a problem and the metal part of the hose disintegrated in your hand. Okay. No water was in fact coming out of that facet.
Imaginary sirens rang in your ears. You had to get water, fast, or your partner was gonna be kit & kadouxle. Hellheeti chow. Growl mix. Douxies. Fiery feast. The big cats were gonna eat him okay. After managing to get the facet turned as fast as you could, fueled on pure adrenaline, and still getting little to no water, you made a judgement call of fuck that. Magic time. To be completely frank here that should have been what you had done in the fucking first place, but hey, fear dulls the mind.
Gathering up as much water as you could, like, metaphorically feel in the pipe, you pulled that shit out with all your might. Aaaannddd because of this you may have not actually remembered that you would need to catch said water in order to, you know, use it. Instead of a nice bubble to be used at your discretion, a magic roof-water tidal wave washed over you and over the side of the building into the alley below. Thank your lucky fucking stars that Douxie just so happened to have gotten the fire felines to the right spot in time. The uncontrollable rain rushed down, dissipating the hellheetis, soaking Douxie darling, and flooding not only your alley but all the alleys connected to it. Holy shit, stop it! STOP IT! It took a second, but you did finally get the river to stop pouring out of your rooftop. Fingers crossed there were no basement windows open and all your neighbors had flood insurance. And that no one saw. Can’t be connected to you if no one saw right. Shhhhhh.
You peered over the ledge to see if Douxie was alright down below. He looked like a cat caught in the rain himself. You probably did too. Douxie’s soaked bangs covered his eyes. Nevertheless, he was able to see you up on the ledge and gave you a thumbs up. You awkwardly returned it.
Toweling off your hair, and now in nice dry pajamas, you walked out of the bathroom to join Douxie on the couch. His own hair towel hung around his shoulders. You took a moment to enjoy how cute he looked all ready for bed, cozy in the blankets on the couch. And that semi-wet hair was looking pretty nice too. You only allowed yourself to linger on this for that moment however, as you remembered you were supposed to be mad at him right now. You crossed your arms as you approached the wizard.
“SO, dearest Hisirdoux, may I have the decency of getting to ask the question, WHY.”
“Funny story really.”
“Really?” You raised a brow
Douxie fidgeted with his hands. You watched this little nervous gesture intently as you sat down next to him. He took a deep breath before beginning,
“First thing. You’ve been here for some time now, and I thought it was enough time for me to start sharing my little, er, excursions with you,” Douxie’s face flushed a little, “I like monster hunting, and now that I know that I like you, I thought I’d like it more if I brought you along with me?”
Your face was flushed a little too now. “Hey, stop it, I need to be mad at you.” Yeah well the smile you wore gave up any pretense of that. Sorry.
“I didn’t know how familiar you were with monsters or how skilled at fighting you were, so I decided to go get some test monsters from Mervin the Monster Dealer, just to make sure our first time would be safe. FIRST TIME MONSTER HUNTING TOGETHER.”
You stifled a chuckle. “And you didn’t just ask me?”
“It was supposed to be a cool surprise okay.” He buried his face in his hands.
“… Hellheetis?” Safe monster your ass.
“Yes, I mean no, I- Mervin sold me the wrong thing alright. I thought I was buying those cute little fire sprite things you can easily just put out with your boot.”
This time you did not hold back that laughter. And you laughed, and Douxie laughed, and soon both of you were uncontrollably cackling until you were out of breath. Archie came in to see what the commotion was about and then promptly turned back around to go back to his spot in the window. You clutched your chest, still cracking up despite the lack of oxygen. Douxie wiped some tears from his eyes you were sure hoping were just from laughing too hard. You rubbed a hand on his back.
“So, I think I’ve had enough excitement for one day. How bout movie night?”
Douxie’s tired eyes smiled at you, “Yeah, I think that would be lovely.”
“Hey, I had a good first monster hunt, Douxie. Thank you,” You pulled your cold feet up under your legs, “But could you stop hogging the blankets!”
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i adore everything you write especially erwin like he’s my number one and u write him so well i keep coming back<3 would love to hear your thoughts on the different types of dates he would take you on :)) ty and i hope you’re well !!
Omfg I really needed to hear this today :( thank you so much💛 you're too kind.
Im so happy to hear that I'm write Erwin i a good way! I've actually been thinking about his character a lot! My Erwin posts actually get the least notes bc he's just underappricated, tho imma make sure to write him more from now on just for you 🥰
I actually really liked this request idea so imma split it in two part bc i don't wanna make a long post
Type of dates with Erwin PT.1 {pt.2 in masterlist}
{ Erwin x reader | tw: none | fluff, romance | modern }
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{ "La Lettura" 1873 by Antonio Mancini 1852 - 1930 }
Ideal dates : these are dates he plans up ahead, makes sure they go smoothly and you're both are having fun. He really looks forward to these dates, they're like an event for him. He saves them up for important occasions like your anniversary, valentine's day, birthday, etc.
1. Romantic dinner by candle lights: he's a sucker for classics and romance cliches. Once a month or so, when you're both free. He'd make a reservation at a fancy restaurant, a secluded table with multiple candles and a nice view of the night sky waiting for you.
You'd both dress us, he'd be a gentleman all the way and open the doors for you, tell you how precious you look while kissing your hand. Maybe even a bouquet of fresh flowers if he's feeling extra.
The night would be spent quietly, talking while drinking wine as your food is getting ready. You two could talk together forever and not get bored, he also could listen to you talk about your passions all day.
At dessert time, he slowly falls in love with you again when you offer him a piece of yours, he'll gladly eat it off your fork. You hold hands under the table and he circles his thumb against yours.
When going home, he'd wrap his arm around your waist, your head on his shoulder. It's the perfect night.
2. Picnic near the lake at sunset, ends with stargazing: this usually takes place in spring or summer, maybe even autumn. When the weather is just perfect and the sky is just clear enough. You both prepare a basket before hand, he wears a light blue shirt to match his eyes.
You arrive around lunch time, having picked a nice place under a tree to shield you from the sun. The sound of children playing in the distance quieting down as time goes on. You both prepared each other's favourite food before hand.
It's around sunset when he wraps the blanket you bought with you around you, the wind having picked up. He kisses your forehead before pulling you closer to his side. You watch the sunset together as the ducks in the lake swim lazily around.
When it's completely dark, is when you finally lay down together, facing the sky. You point to a certain formation and he tangles his fingers with yours before guiding them to the next, he knows a lot about the stars. He shows you the fading ones who's only remains are ghosts of their pasts, he also shows you the newly formed ones who's light is just reaching us.
With your head on his chest, his calm deep voice talking about the stars and the warmth the blanket is offering, you fall asleep.
You wake up in the passenger seat on the ride home, glancing to the side you can see him driving with a smile on his face, he looks happy, relaxed even. You go back to sleep.
3. Going to see a musical together: it's one of the dates he really looks forward too, he's actually a huge musicals nerd but only his close friends know that. So what's better than mixing his favourite thing to watch with his favourite person? You!
He knows the tickets are expensive but he promises you it's worth the inconvenience, so you book two seats online.
When you arrive, you sit next to each other while the room is slowly getting filled. You can hear the actors getting ready off-stage but can't make out what they're saying. Erwin is next to you looking through the play flyer they gave and explaining the story to you.
That day, is the most day you've seen Erwin laugh from the depth of his heart. He'd look at you each time something really funny happens. Squeeze your hand a bit whenever an intense scene is happening. Bring your hand against his lips for a second when a romantic scene is happening.
He's just fully emerged into it. When you see the shine in his eyes, the way his lips curl up just a bit, is when you realise how beautiful Musicals are.
It becames a habit to visit one each year on his birthday.
4. Go to a museum or an art gallery: one thing you've learned from being with Erwin, is that he can turn the most boring things interesting. He just has a way with words and a matching deep voice to go with it, he could read the ingredients on the back of a shampoo bottle and you'd still listen.
Naturally, it was just a matter of time before one of you suggested visiting a museum. You pick a day when not a lot of people would be there.
He makes it fun, interesting and actually educational. You've been walking peacefully in long corridors with paintings and other forms of art displayed around each corner. He seems to have endless knowledge about each piece, telling you both a secret funny fact about it and a base knowledge.
The perfect tour guide, he encourages you to participate and even guess information based on the art and how it makes you feel. He smiles whenever you get something right and chuckles when you don't, it's a win-win situation.
5. Horseback riding: this one happens whenever you visit his parents who retired in the country side, they're really lovely people and seem to genuinely like you. Not to mention how Erwin just shows you off proudly to his parents like you're made out of pure gold.
It's a quiet small town that makes you forget about the city, the air is refreshing and the people are kind, the patries are delicious and the baker is kind. You two could get lost walking near fields of flowers for hours.
He assures you that you have all the time to try everything else, for now he's excited to show you something he's been doing since he was a kid.
The people at the stable seem to recognise him, even the horses are kinder to him than you. You're a bit jealous you won't lie, but he just guides through befriending a certain white horse with braids in it's hair. You even manage to feed them some sugar cubes.
You've underestimate just how tall a horse is, so now when faced with the option to ride on its back you almost back away. Meanwhile Erwin looks really natural and comfortable just getting on one, is this the same man who didn't know you could turn your phone screen sideways till you showed him?
So you end up sharing a horse, he wraps your hands around his waist and tells you to trust him, it will be okay. And just when a glimmer of hope rises in your heart that maybe this isn't as scary as you thought, that man somehow makes the horse go so fast it almost rivals the speed of sound, at least in your mind it did.
It's the most fun and adventures date so far, your heart is pumping by the end of the day as adrenaline runs through your veins. You're both panting and he seems like a kid on Christmas.
Thankfully his parents somehow foresaw this happening and prepared dinner for both of you while apologising for their son. Soon enough, they arm you with enough embarrassing childhood stories about Erwin for later use.
6. Visiting historical spots: it's something his father suggested to you both while you're getting the car ready to drive home. Soon enough you were discussing it while on the road and both of you seemed to be on-board.
It's an actually entirely different experience to see these places in person than in photos in school history books. Everything is so much bigger than you expected, so much older and all the details.
You can see all the different angles just by walking around, both of you seem to be entranced at just how strangely alluring it is to see this great build and know it's more than 500 years old, even Erwin seems to be lost for words for once.
The memories you made, the silly photos you took, the places you held hand and kissed in. It's all was just so lovely. And so it becomes a yearly tradition that you both save up for.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Tendae (텐데) || (M) Teach Me pt.4
You realized that Wooseok is the one person that can bring you comfort whenever you two are together, and the holiday spent alone with him only intensified the tingly feeling inside that scares you so much.
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→ Pairing: Wooseok x Reader
→ Genre: Smut
→ Words:  4.5K
→ Contains: Smut; Friends To Lovers; Virgin!Wooseok; fingering; there is a small anxiety attack at the beginning; lots of touches; conflicted feelings
→ A/n: So, this chapter incorporates 2 requests that have been recently sent to us, thank you so much to the people who've done it, it was really nice to imagine Wooseok in these situations and turns out we are a sucker for him (can you blame us tho?). Anyway, we hope you guys like it! (Also, yes, the title is inspired by Bobby's song, because that has GOT to be their theme song, it's perfect)
→ Index: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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You tried to sleep, really. You put on some calming music and the tv was on to keep the room dim light but it was no use. Tossing and turning in bed was something that became a habit after you had to deal with your life choices. You got yourself in a really tiring situation, between babysitting your best friends and dealing with two simultaneous educational courses, you barely had time alone to just relax. To make it worse, the rain started to pour heavily outside and you sighed, it was only a matter of time for the nightmare to begin. Sometimes even you forgot how scared you were of thunder and storms, they didn't occur often and when it rained, it was light but you just knew that an anxiety attack was on the way when the first loud thunder resonated. Covering your head with the blanket, you sank into the mattress and wished for it to go away. There was only so much you could deal with by sighing and wishing for the best. The noises got louder and the light music was no longer catching your ears, tears now threatening to fall and your fear only growing bigger. It seemed like a couple of minutes went by you figured, even though it felt like hours to you and there was no sign of the storm stopping. A somehow even louder bang caught your attention and you jumped, how the hell did it thunder inside your room?
"Y/N?", a desperate whisper was heard by the door and you cautiously peeked from under the covers. Wooseok was standing by the door with a pillow under his arm and his hand holding his chest as if to catch his breath. "I was asleep, the thunder woke me up. Sorry it took me so long to come", he said, still whispering, maybe to not scare you even more.
You nodded without being able to speak, you just knew the tears would fall if you tried. Wooseok closed the door behind him and even jumped lightly when another thunder filled the room. That spurred him on, quickly moving to gently pry the blanket from your head and you scooted over, making room for him, only to have him settle quickly with his own pillow and pull the covers back up, covering both of your heads. He smiled sweetly at you and opened his arms in invitation, one which you gladly accepted. The moment your head was against his chest you cried, feeling protected like this after the overwhelmed fear you felt so strongly was too much and you felt Wooseok hugging you stronger. Your small sobs were barely audible because of the thunder but you knew he felt how your body moved as you cried and you were thankful he just hugged you in silence. You heard him hum to some tune and you wondered if he could hear the music you had put to sleep.
"Y/N?", Wooseok called you and you moved your head back to look at his face, "are you still crying?", as he asked it, you let out a sniff, making you both chuckle.
"Does that answer you?", your voice wasn't sounding normal and even then you knew it was okay because he understood it.
"I remember when I didn't get much screen time at a tv show and you found me crying in my room…".
You remembered that. It was at the beginning of the friendship, he was reserved and shy but when they guys showed up looking awkward and Wooseok just walked past everyone, you had to follow him. He was under the covers and you heard the small whimpers of crying and you didn't think twice, your instinct told you to slip into the mattress with him, you laid down to watch a wide-eyed Wooseok who was sniffing and trying to control his crying. You understood how he must have felt, not good enough because the editing and the hosts ignored him almost completely. You needed to show him he was so much more than that but he was too reserved for you to know what to do, so you just held him and he quickly hid his face in your neck and cried until he fell asleep. Since that you always shared a bed and got so much closer.
"I remember that too", you said, your crying slowing down. "I'm glad you let me stay that day". He sighed, holding you closer.
"I'm glad too". He shyly kissed the top of your head and went back to humming a song. Paying attention to the vibration of his chest and his warmth, you soon fell asleep even as it still poured outside.
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Waking up was the hardest part since it was a while that you slept so well. Moving a bit you noticed that the blanket was no longer covering your head but Wooseok was still next to you, hand-holding close by the waist. He was soundly asleep and you sighed, torn between wanting to stay with him and needing to start your day. The struggle didn't last long as you needed to go to the bathroom, so you wiggled a bit so he could let go of you but you ended up being pulled closer against him, his hand possessive around you. He groaned in his sleep, displeased that you were moving and you chuckled silently, now taking his hand in yours to move it away from you. For a second you let your fingers intertwine and you smiled, a warmth you knew all too well invading your chest but as always, you decided to ignore it and move away.
The house was abnormally quiet and you did your morning hygiene quickly and surprisingly in peace. After choosing a comfortable slip-on dress, you got into the kitchen which was also weirdly empty. Usually, at least one person was rummaging around for snacks and you made sure to look around to search for any of the boys. As you made your favorite breakfast food and drink, you noticed the fridge covered in small notes in all different colors and shapes, each of them from one of the boys letting you and Wooseok know that they'd be out. Some would be traveling since it was a holiday, others would be visiting their families and you frowned, you didn't even know it was a holiday, studies were taking up most of your time and all you knew was your deadlines. Opening the group chat for the house, that featured all the boys, you typed a quick text wishing them a good holiday break and resumed eating.
After finishing, you slightly debated if you should go to your own home to study but with a sigh and a shy amused smile, you got up and went to the empty room they reserved for you so you grab your notebook. The boys going to the army was something not very pleasant but at least you got a bed and a room to yourself, lucky two of them went almost together.
You got inside quietly and tiptoed around the bed so as to not wake up the giant asleep on the bed, his feet almost completely out of it. Your backpack was at reach and you took it with you as silent as you could. With your back turned to the bed, you made sure to look twice to see if you forgot anything.
"Tell me you made breakfast", a raspy sleepy voice resonated behind you. You jumped and your backpack almost flew away from your hands.
"Don't do that, Wooseok! Warn me before talking!", he laughed at that, arm resting on his face.
"Sure, I'll squeak before talking so you don't get scared", he was fully laughing and you watched him fondly.
"Shut up", you slightly pouted and he sat upon the bed, moving so you could almost stand between his knees. "There is breakfast but I should eat it myself for that".
"I just woke up, Y/N. Give me a break", he smiled and gosh, wasn't he charming, hair all messy, voice deep from sleep, made you remember all the times you two shared touches, your cheeks feeling warm.
As if sensing where your mind was going, Wooseok slowly moved his arms and placed his hands on your waist, barely touching it. Your first answer was to drop the backpack and place your hands on his shoulders, moving closer. When he stretched his upper body, your body knew what to do before you even registered the action. You moved lower and your foreheads touched, such an intimate touch and yet so innocent. Both of you whispered good morning shyly and like waking up from a dream you almost flinched away, grabbing your things from the floor and clearing your throat.
"There's food ready. I'm gonna study, alright?", he nodded a bit stunned by your sudden change. "Everyone is away and it's just the two of us today", and with that, you walked away.
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The morning went by without a single problem, you focused on your studies while Wooseok watched something with headphones or just played on his phone. Your only breaks were bathroom breaks and you were almost certain that you wouldn't even drink water if Wooseok didn't leave a bottle there every half hour.
Lunchtime came and you got up your chair to stretch and rummage through your phone, sitting next to Wooseok. Part of you noticed how there was a full empty large couch and two chairs available but you still sat on the two-seat couch thigh to thigh with him. You shook your head physically to get rid of these thoughts and quickly opened the food delivery app, nudging Wooseok to check it with you.
It wasn't a hard task to decide on lunch since you two knew what you liked and soon enough the food arrived. The small chit-chat was alien even to you and part of you knew that it was because you fled his embrace earlier. That scared you because even though you started whatever you two have it shouldn't be affecting you this much. Of course, he was your best friend and you knew everything about each other, and yeah, knowing a girl at work was coming onto Wooseok was bothering you and staying alone with him like this made you nervous like never before but hey, if you ran away it'd go away sometime, right?
After eating, Wooseok took care of the dishes and you laid on the big couch, closing your eyes for a moment to at least pretend everything was normal. After a few minutes of you being completely still, you felt a presence in the room and then the external lights went missing and the dark of your closed eyes got even darker. You opened one eye and fought back a smile to see Wooseok standing and looming over you curiously.
"What", you breathed out.
"Checking if you didn't die", he seemed serious and that made you crack, sitting up while laughing hard after he stepped back and he sat next to you, his arm going to your shoulder like it was natural. Did you two always do stuff like that? You weren't even sure but you let yourself enjoy the moment for a bit before going back to reality. "Seriously, you looked dead".
"That was my soul you were seeing", you smiled at his horrified face and you held it with both hands. "I'm joking, silly. I'm just too tired". Without thinking straight, the impulse to feel the moment was too strong and you left a peck on his mouth, quick and yet it made a small sound. "Gonna go study", you rushed over your words, getting up like a lightning bolt and running to the table. If you looked back, you could see a blush spreading on his face, him watching you, face torn between amusement and shock.
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It wasn't before three hours went by that Wooseok showed up at the table you were studying on and threw a bag of chips on it.
"Not hungry", you mumbled, a very important part of the analysis you were writing was being refined and you were so close to finishing it that you barely looked up.
The sound of the chair next to you being pulled didn't bother you, neither did the sound of a bag being open. Somehow not even Wooseok sloppily placing a chip on your mouth didn't bother you either. What did bother you was his face showing up between you and the computer screen.
"Move!", you said rather loudly. He didn't answer and moved, thankfully. Some minutes went by and the chips kept coming for which you were thankful.
As you finished writing and started proofreading what you wrote, you felt the ghost of a hand touching your thigh. You frowned and looked at him, who was casually scrolling on his phone with the hand that was away from you, even though you noticed his cheeks being red. You took a deep breath and resumed reading, only to have your thigh gently squeezed by him.
"What are you doing?", you said through your teeth. Since when does he have the nerve to touch you like that?
"I'm checking my phone", he showed you his phone, looking at you as if you were crazy and his actions were obvious.
"Wooseok, I'm busy right now".
"Oh, I know, Y/N". The hand squeezed harder and you shuddered. Shit.
You decided to see how far he could take this and honestly how far could you rest it, so you just ignored it once again. Your mind was on the verge of shutting down but you were almost finishing so you pushed forward. All the time you read, his hand went further on your thigh, reaching your pelvis but not really touching you. It was driving you mad and the way he pretended he did nothing was somehow attractive.
When you finished reading and started closing the software, his hand got braver and touched you through your panties, rubbing lightly, long fingers teasing the extension of it. The tension of his hand on you this whole time was taking all your attention and you bit your lip to not smile as you closed everything. Truth is, there was no way you could focus on anything other than Wooseok with his hand on you like that and you knew how shy he was, so you read your work as sloppy as you could, not paying attention at all, just to make him stay a bit longer.
Your back fell on the chair and you groaned, his finger insistently massaging your clit through the panties. You looked at him then, his phone forgotten on the table, his other hand gripping his pants' leg enough to turn the knuckles white. His eyes were trained on you, his mouth slightly parted and breathing irregular. He looked as affected as you were and you were the one being touched, you reached to his nape and caressed the hair gently, hoping to get to him how grateful you were for him.
The action spurred him on, his hand moving to touch you inside the panties and that got you surprised. You'd be lying if you didn't think he never looked hotter than now, the hand caressing his locks now gripping it. He groaned when he felt how wet you already were for him and moved his hand harder on your clit, getting small whimpers from you. Your hips moved on their own accord, his other hand now touching himself above the pants and you noticed.
You snapped when he flicked your clit perfectly as he gripped his member and hissed, the stimulation being too much for you. Moving fast, you got his hand away from you and straddled Wooseok fast enough to surprise him. Luckily he caught on quickly and held you, hands firm on your ass. You kissed him with fervor, hands making a mess of his hair and it almost seemed like no matter how close you were it wasn't close enough.
You moved your hips almost too desperately and he matched your rhythm, giving as good as he got and you moaned, the whole thing too hot. All the times you two had together flashed through your mind and it only spurred you further, lust overpowering anything else.
"Y/N", he whimpered as you moved just right on top of him, his hips stuttering. "We can't do this here", he panted out.
You stopped and looked at him. His eyes were dark and he was out of breath, his hands never once relenting his grip on you, his hair was a mess and his lips were red and plump from kissing. The pang on your heart almost made you back out, get up and leave but his face was watching adoringly, also lust-driven, and he started leaving small kisses on your neck. You knew you lost the fight.
"Since when you know how to be so bold?", you chuckled and he followed, the humming feeling good on your skin.
"You taught me", was his simple answer, kissing your mouth gently. "We can go to my room if you want or we can go where you're sleeping".
"Your room. It'd be too weird to do this in Jinho's and Hui's room, right?", you smiled and he answered in kind, helping you get up at once and holding your hand during the walk upstairs.
You were very nervous out of a sudden and you didn't even know why. It wasn't your first time with anyone and you knew what you were doing. You taught him after all. But when you felt his hand slightly shake when you reached the room it finally dawned on you. If things went where you felt they would, it would be the first time with him. It would be his first time when it came to actual sex.
Wooseok opened the door and waited for you to enter so he could close and lock it behind you. Even though you were alone in the house, you knew it was better to be safe than sorry here. As you expected, he was nervous and stood there looking at you with his hands on his sides. You smiled fondly, your heart taking leaps on your chest and you touched his face gently.
"It's okay. It's just me". He smiled, kissing you slowly, savoring the moment just like you were. "We don't need to do anything else, reall-"
"I want it", he cut you off eagerly. Then he laughed shyly and gave you a peck. "If you want to, that is".
"Of course I do", you felt a sudden calm wash over you, and that made sense. Not knowing where stood and now having sure he wanted this as much as you made you feel better.
You took a step back and took your dress off, leaving you in your undergarments. He did the same seconds later, standing there in his underwear. Holding his hand, you took you both to his bed and since it was a tight fit, you laid him down and sat on top of him, gently laying down to kiss him and moved with it. That seemed to ease him into it again, this was something you did before and he excitedly followed, rubbing his hard member on your clothed core.
The moans coming out of your mouth were needier than you intended but your body needed him badly and you knew he was the same. You didn't waste time getting up and losing the rest of your clothes, staying naked in front of him. You fought your own shyness back as he stood again and took off his underwear. Wooseok stared at you for a second and then smiled, kissing you tenderly and laying back on the bed. You followed and laid next to him, touching him just like the first time, him nervously watching you only this time was during broad daylight and he was more confident, his own hands traveling across your body, feeling your breasts, your stomach, your arms, everywhere he could reach.
"Do you have any condom?", you whispered.
"Yeah, top drawer". Honestly, you didn't know what answer you expected but you raised your eyebrow at him as you got up to get it.
"Can I ask?", you said coming back.
"One of the guys gave it to me when a girl at work invited me out", Wooseok answered shyly, barely looking at you.
You scoffed and straddled him, letting his cock fit on your slick slit and you moved lightly.
"Too bad you'll be using it with me, isn't it?", you said with more intensity than you expected. "I heard about this girl before", you kissed his neck teasingly, he could stare at you and hold onto your waist. "What was she thinking? That she could take you away from me?", jealousy waking over, and even you were surprised. The first time you heard about the girl you got mad but apparently it was bottled up so nicely inside you that you only noticed now.
"N-no", he stuttered as you bit his neck, hips never stopping its movement. "I kept it because I wanted to use it with you". You stopped. Did he want to do this with you? Wooseok was hoping to get you alone and go all the way with you. It was different hearing it directly from him and you were stunned. He saw it and smiled, it was his turn to kiss you, his upper body more sat up than laying down. His hand caressed your cheek and he looked deeply into your eyes. "I want you".
You could have sworn time froze and your heart stopped. He was staring so intently at you that you felt frozen, only remembering to answer when he changed from intense to doubtful and you were quick to kiss him and hoped that the kiss would tell him everything you couldn't. After you came up for air, you quickly sat next to him and put the condom on for him, which he watched attentively.
"I want you on top of me", you said in a small voice. After all you said, somehow you felt pliant, needing his proximity to deal with it.
Wooseok obliged and you quickly adjusted on his bed, his frame towering over you. Your hands were on his face, thumbs caressing it gently while he supported himself in one hand and aligned himself with the other. You nodded when he faltered, waiting for your approval. As he entered you, two things were registered by your lust hazed brain. The first one was how deliciously he stretched you, you enjoyed his dick before but now you just knew you were doomed. The second one was how lost in pleasure he already looked when he got inside inch by inch. He was dragging the movement to get inside, going slowly and you didn't think it was for you. His mouth was open and a long groan escaped him.
He looked at you a bit desperate, needing to move as quickly as you'd let him and you almost chuckled. You settled for a smile and moved your hips up, indicating he could move. He started slow, going almost completely out before thrusting inside hard. His pace was driving you mad, hands now roaming on his back while his face was buried on your chest, kissing and licking his way all over it.
You endured it as much as you could because it was so good and he seemed so lost in pleasure but it got unbearable and with a hushed "please go faster" you pleaded. Usually, you were vocal during sex but somehow you were so lost in pleasure and in feeling his body all over yours, his cock moving so perfectly inside that you seemed lost for words. Wooseok quickly changed his pace with a grunt and his noises started to come out. Your mouth was open while you tried to keep your eyes open as well but failed many times. You could see he was trying the same but more often than not he got lost in your chest or closed his eyes in pleasure.
You knew neither of you would be able to last longer and it felt like heaven to feel him getting closer to his orgasm with you, his body moving fast and him gripping the sheets while he supported himself on his upper arms. You were sure his back had a few scratches because it was just too good to know you were marking him, his noises while you did that didn't help at all. Wooseok didn't need to say anything to you. Neither you did to him, you were in sync even then and he gave you space to touch your clit, which you gladly did. He tried to warn you but he couldn't, he came with a shout mid-sentence, body trembling as much as yours. Your orgasm followed his, watching him being too much to handle and the overstimulation was perfect.
You two kept moving even after, riding off both of your highs, and all the while you stared at each other's eyes. His stare was so full of feeling that you felt breathless a bit, you closed your eyes, relying on your orgasm to blame if he asked, even if you knew he wouldn't. He awkwardly laid next to you because he could barely fit and you laughed, moving to the side so he could fit. Wordlessly he took the condom out and tied it, placing it next to the bed and you made a mental note to not forget that there.
Laying facing each other you didn't know what to say so you giggled, amused, nervous, and happy at the same time and so did he, possibly for the same reasons. Wooseok moved so you could lay on his chest and so you did, even though you wiggle up in the bed to lay your head on top of the pillow, body seeking support on his. You kept staring at each other until he moved to give you a peck and a small nudge nose to nose. Butterflies invaded your stomach and you felt yourself holding on for dear life inside.
"Do you feel as fucked as I am?", Wooseok said.
"What sense of the word are we talking here, Wooseokie?", you laughed with him.
"You know what I'm talking about. You know, the stares and stuff", his way with words made you smile. You were thankful you didn't feel it alone.
"Yeah, then I feel as fucked as you are…", you kissed him and caressed his hair again, earning a noise almost like a purr.
"Hm. What do we do?", he asked while caressing your hair as well.
"I don't know. Decide what's for dinner?".
"Easy. Pizza", he answered naturally and you snuggled closer.
"Then what we do is call the pizza place". You said quickly and he agreed with a hum. "But now we nap".
"Nap first, pizza later", he said almost asleep and honestly you were the same, the atmosphere too cozy and nice to not succumb to sleep. Maybe you were fucked but at least you were with your adorable dork.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
I'll Always Be Yours (Part 5)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Fifth Song: Dahan (Gently)
You stop trying to fight your stubborn heart. Just wanting to live a lonely life without her.
A/N: Officially completed and I'm starting on my Wanda fic now!!
Might take weeks to finish that one though...
Oh well.
Dialogues that are in parenthesis are spoken in Japanese.
Warning: Angst
No more tears
I won't force it anymore
You are my love
Until eternity
No more listening
My mind is confused
I hope you know
You are the one I love
You hum as you draw. It took you a week until you can finally draw your sketches again. Another week to pick up a paintbrush and actually paint.
It’s been four months since then. Your only missing at least two more paintings so you could open another art exhibit. You hum as you take a sip of your coffee.
“Shouldn’t you stop?” You raise an eyebrow at Silvia.
“That’s your third cup already and it’s only 11 am.” You shrug at her and continue sketching.
“Will the last one be Natasha?” You stop and contemplate Miyuki’s words. You haven’t sketched her since you broke down.
“Most probably.” You’ll probably use one of your older sketches. The ones where the woman you draw was the one you knew. Not Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow and Avenger but just Natalia, the little girl who turned into a gorgeous woman. Natalia whom you loved with your every being.
“Maybe sell it this time?” You frown at Silvia. “You rejected the last offer for the portrait!” You shrug. “It was 20 million!” Miyuki whistles at you and you smile.
“I still don’t want anyone to monopolize her.” Silvia sighs in defeat and Miyuki consoles her.
You start painting her portrait again and you can’t help but smile. You just hope that wherever she is. Whomever she was with. That you’re still holding onto your promise with her. You’ll always be waiting for her. Loving her. You stretch your body as you pause for the day. You really did meant forever.
“Silvia?” Silvia opens your door and peeks inside.
“Can you contact Professor Asuna? See if there’s any willing gallery that I can rent for a week?”
“Okay. Got it.”
“Thanks, even though you’re only my bodyguard.”
“It’s called assisting. I do that too.”
“I know!” You chuckle as she closes the door. You open your phone and lay down on the floor. You begin watching videos of the love of your life.
“Natasha.” Nat ignores Clint and stares at her portrait. “Hey.”
“There’s a kid that wants to interview you?” Natasha sighs and turns around.
“About the painting, I think.”
“In front of Mona Lisa.”
Natasha approaches the kid who smiles at her.
“Who are you?”
“I’m Colette. A big fan of Master Y/N.”
“Have you met her?” Natasha sits besides the kid and they both look at Mona Lisa.
“Yes. Many times. Through her exhibitions. Never got to buy any of original painting though, just the postcards one.”
“What do you want from me?”
“Just answers.”
“To what?”
“Do you and Master Y/N know each other?”
“Knew.” Natasha answers with a sigh. “Before I became an Avenger, I knew her.” Colette hums.
“To what extent?”
“Your relationship? Friends? Lovers? Enemies?”
“Lovers.” Natasha says with a sad smile.
“Ah. I knew it.”
“What do you mean?” Colette shrugs and smiles.
“Do you know that she still loves you?” Natasha gulps and looks at Colette. Colette smiles and gives Natasha an envelope. “It’s all just postcards but you can compare them to your portrait here. The strokes and the color aren’t matching. She must’ve spent days on your portraits and only hours on the landscapes. Granted they’re the ones she sells all the time.”
“She never sells my portraits?” Colette chuckles.
“Never. She said to a buyer once that she doesn’t want anyone to monopolize you. That you’re better taken care of if you’re seen by the world.” Colette bids her goodbye and Natasha looks at the miniature version of your paintings, she goes back to her portrait and her heart stops. Colette was right.
You do still love her. She can’t stop her smile and Clint smiles at her.
“You okay?” Natasha smiles.
“I’m good.”
And if it’s not for me
The love that you offer
Then I won’t hope anymore
To be kissed again
You sigh as Silvia and Miyuki cuddle each other while you were behind them. You insisted on this arrangement so you could deny that you know them. You pay attention to the screen and flinches when Steve appears. He says that warning that every movie theater does before showing the movie itself. You sigh and you look and see that the two are looking at you. You chuck them a piece of your popcorn and they look at the screen.
“The movie was so good!” You yawn as Silvia gushes about the movie.
“Yeah!” Miyuki agrees as you stretch your body.
“Boss? You going back?”
“Yep. You two go on a date or something.”
“You sure?”
“Yep. I’ll go take a nap before painting.”
“How many more days till you finish it?” You grin at them.
“Probably just one more.”
You wake up and see Natasha’s portrait staring down at you. You yawn and smile. Your phone rings and you see that it’s Asuna.
(“You ready for it?”)
(“Yup. I’m just going to have the final one in center.”) Asuna hums.
(“Another portrait of her?”) You look at it and smile.
(“Always.”) After you hang up, you send an email to Tony Stark, confirming his invitation to your new exhibition.
Slowly release
My heart can't resist
Because once you left
It’s been Extremely difficult
You put on your suit and hum at yourself. You clean up nice.
“Is that an appreciative hum for my fashion sense or are you just being narcissistic?” Silvia asks and you roll your eyes. You get out of your room and Asuna smiles at you.
(“Finally. After hours.”)
(“Only an hour. Don’t compare me to you.”) Asuna gasps and Miyuki snickers.
(“Hush, you. Now, come on.”) You smile as you all leave the Ryokan and into your gallery. You laugh as you look around and your new paintings are displayed.
(“Asuna! Thank you! This is amazing!”)
(“On such short notice too.”)
(“Anything for the master. As long as you save me one painting.”)
(“Pick one.”)
(“Wait, seriously?”)
(“Yeah? There are a lot more than the usual so pick one.”)
(“This one then.”) She presents the portrait and you raise an eyebrow.
(“Anything except that one.”) They laugh and you shake your head.
(“This one then.”)
(“Ah. Your hometown?”) Asuna hums and you nod at her.
(“It’s yours. I’ll tell Norah not to auction that one.”)
(“Thank you, Y/N.”) She hugs you and you smile.
(“Okay, then! Two more hours till we open the doors!”) Miyuki shouts and you smile.
“Are you sure about this?”
“Of course.”
“It’s your call.” Natasha hums as she approaches the gallery with Tony.
You smile as visitors gush about your paintings. Exhibitions are still the one thing that you do make an appearance at. You were about to be approached when you see her. Natasha… she’s alone and looking at her portrait. Your heart beats faster and everything seemed to close in on you. FUCK. She’s here. DAMN IT!
“Boss?” Silvia calls out but you don’t hear her. “Y/N?” She shakes you and you finally look at her. “What’s wrong?”
“Air.” You simply answer and Silvia nods. She escorts you out of the gallery and Miyuki follows after.
You clutch your chest as you try to breathe normally.
“In and out, Y/N.” Silvia guides you through your sudden attack.
“Did something trigger it?”
“Not something.” You answer with hoarse voice then drink the water that Silvia gave you. “Someone.”
“Natasha?” You nod in confirmation. “Damn it.” You stop Silvia from going back inside.
“Don’t kick her out. Don’t be rude.”
“I’ll leave. I’ll come back tomorrow.” They nod and you sigh. “Tell them that I got sick or something. Just go.”
“You’ll be okay by yourself?” You nod and bid them goodbye. You walk back to the Ryokan to clear your head.
Natasha looks at the stage where Asuna got a hold of the mic.
(“I’m sorry to announce that Master Y/N cannot be here tonight.”) She hears disappointed murmurs go through the crowd. (“It seems that she suddenly got sick and had to leave early. She did say though that she’ll try her best to be here tomorrow.”) Asuna gives back the mic to the Dj and goes among the crowd again.
Natasha tries to find her and sees that Tony actually got to her first.
“Excuse me, Miss-?”
“Ah. Yuuki. Asuna Yuuki.” Natasha shakes her hand and they nod.
“What exactly happened to Master Y/N?”
“I don’t exactly know. Her bodyguards just told me that she got sick and left early.”
“Is she okay? Did something bad happen? Where is she-?” Tony gets ahold of her arm.
“Okay. Sorry for the sudden barrage miss Yuuki. We’ll be going now.” Tony drags Natasha away from Asuna.
I will not allow it anymore
You hurt me
That again and forget
Our past
Can't you hear
My chest throbbed
It's getting away from you
My feelings
You take a deep breath and fix your suit.
(“You ready, Y/N?”)You nod at Asuna and she opens the doors to your gallery once again. People immediately flock to you. They’re asking how you’re feeling. Some about the paintings. Some about the portrait.
“PEOPLE!” Silvia’s booming voice freeze them and she drags you away from them. (“Stop mobbing the master! She’ll talk to you if she’s feeling any better! Understood?”) They nod simultaneously and Miyuki gives you a glass of water.
“You okay?” You nod and drink the glass in one go.
“You sure about that?” You nod again and give the empty glass back to Miyuki.
“I’m fine now.” You tell them and go to a visitor.
You’ve managed to avoid both Tony and Natasha as you talk to everyone else and it’s the last day of your exhibition.
“Miss Y/LN.” You hum as Tony approaches you. “You’ve been avoiding me.”
“You’re with miss Romanoff.”
“Ah… do you not like her?” You scoff.
“It’s nothing.”
“She didn’t tell you?”
“Tell me what?” You sigh and wave your hand.
“As I promised, a million dollars.” He gives you a check and you shake your head.
“No. The exhibition is free for all. Keep it.”
“You sure?” You nod. “Then I’ll just have to bid all of your paintings.” You chuckle.
“And where will you put them?”
“Avengers’ Compound and Stark Industries.” You hum. He bids his goodbye and you smile.
You laugh as Tony bid 5 million on the last painting that Norah auctioned… he just spent 125 million dollars on all of your paintings.
“How about the portrait? A special gift for someone who just got you 125 million?” You go to the stage and Norah gives you the mic.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Stark. But that portrait will be donated, not bought.”
“Come on, Y/LN!” Silvia growls and you put up your hand to stop her. “125 million! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?”
“It means everything Mr. Stark. But that woman in those portraits also meant everything to me.” You get off the stage and get something from Miyuki.
“Instead of that, please accept this.” You give him the canvas that is covered.
“And this is?”
“A painting for her. I know she’s with you.”
“She had to leave early tonight because of an emergency mission.” You smile.
“And you can just half all of your bids, I don’t mind.”
“No. You earned those 125 million. Pepper will be happy with these pieces.” You hum.
“Mr. Stark.”
“Please tell her not to come looking for me again.” You bid him goodbye and leave.
Tony tried to find you again but he huffs in frustration. You were too good at hiding your own trail. He hoped to find you before Natasha gets back from her mission but as he hears the Quinjet land softly, he knew that he failed. He runs a hand through his hair and look at your paintings.
You really were a master.
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undine-taz · 3 years
5 times Diavolo failed to be a sugar daddy and one time he succeeded
I'm just imagining poor Diavolo trying SO HARD to spoil an MC who is just. Not greedy in the slightest and loves weird little shinies while being totally indifferent to the super crazy expensive gifts he usually gives to people he's trying to woo. Just in case, this is the PUREST OF FLUFF and completely sfw. I can’t even think of any tw to tag??? Let me know if you notice something. Oh, and MC is imagined to be gender neutral. There’s a mention of perfume, but not in the feminine sense- that’s just the proper word for a certain level of scent concentration.
1. Expensive Perfume
Diavolo's first attempt is the most expensive perfume/cologne money can buy
He's not quite sure what MC's favorite scent is, so he buys a wide variety
All the bottles are sleek and minimalistic and the scents inside are VERY obviously expensive, the kind of thing Mammon would probably lose his mind over
MC's reaction is perfectly grateful, they say sincerely how much they appreciate him thinking of them. He doesn't feel a single lie off of them and he walks away mostly satisfied thinking maybe they’re just the type to not show a ton of excitement over gifts
That is, until he's walking down the hallways in RAD and happens to overhear a conversation between Asmo and MC
Asmo's talking about how he's been going through perfume at a record pace lately, and he feel so bad about wasting these beautiful bottles... would MC like them? He has one shaped like a rose, one like a star, one modeled after the cosmos... 
Asmo doesn't even get to finish because MC is already flapping their hands in joy (I'm autistic and MC is going to happy stim if it kills me) and wiggling and practically jumping into Asmo's arms in excitement
Asmo's laughing and promising to save all of his prettiest empty perfume bottles for MC from now on and MC is practically wiggling in joy and nuzzling their face into Asmo's chest in happiness
They’re talking about spending the night in Asmo’s room trying to make perfume blends for each other to fill up the bottles and tossing scent ideas back and forth
And Diavolo is sitting there feeling a bit like he's been bonked over the head. Those happy stims are ADORABLE and he wants to be the one who causes them. He's not sure why his perfume failed and Asmo's literal empty bottles worked but he's DETERMINED to try again
2. Fancy gemstones
Diavolo's next attempt is fancy gemstones. He finds large, beautifully cut and processed gemstones, the type that are so perfectly processed they look almost identical except for color
Again, when he gives MC his gifts he can tell that they're sincerely grateful! They tell him they love that he was thinking of them, they worry that he spent too much money on them ( they try to refuse at first because it's too much, but Diavolo breezes past their protests with a smile and an iron will) and Diavolo doesn't sense even the tiniest hint of untruth from their professions of gratitude
But.... there are no happy wiggles, no stunned gasps, no joyously flapping hands, no nothing. Just calm gratitude.
Diavolo goes back to the drawing board, and he's just going to visit the HOL library for inspiration in a rare book (and as an excuse to see MC) when he hears Satan and MC laughing together in the library.
When he walks in, he sees Satan and MC crouched together with some strange tools in their hands, gently chipping away at a large rock. There's a tiny pile of uncut, unprocessed gemstones at MC's elbow.
As soon as MC sees him, he's aflood in a wash of excited chatter as MC tells him about the gemstone mining kit Satan bought after reading a book on gemstones. In fact Diavolo can see the book open at Satan's elbow along with a notebook where the two have been identifying every gemstone they dig up.
Before he knows it, MC seizes his hand and he's drawn into the game, watching their eyes shine and seeing them bounce in their seat with excitement every time they uncover a new gemstone.
Dammit. Another failure. But, Diavolo finds as he watches MC's obvious joy, he can't be too frustrated when they're this happy. 
3. Shopping spree at Majolish
Diavolo is undeterred! He takes a day to bring them to Majolish, having them try on outfit after outfit. Sure, they're not picking out very many things, but he loves spending time with them and they say they're enjoying themself.
After several hours, Barbatos gently reminds him that he has a meeting soon and that MC seems absolutely exhausted.
Diavolo pouts, especially when he sees that MC hasn't picked out very many things, but he sighs and concedes.
When he drops them off at the HOL, MC gives him a hug and thanks him for helping them pick out some more formal outfits for any upcoming RAD events. Diavolo accepts the hug gladly, but there's no squeaking or jumping and DEFINITELY no flapping. MC seems rather exhausted, and Belphegor has appeared from nowhere and draped himself over MC and is mumbling about needing a nap buddy and MC isn't even trying to argue 
The next day, Barbatos shows him Levi's post on Devilgram. It's a video, of Levi giving MC a plain, unassuming box.
When MC opens the box, their mouth drops open, their eyes go wide, and they fling themselves at Levi, happily nuzzling into his chest and mumbling incoherent thanks while Levi turns bright red and starts stuttering and clearly tries not to combust
The video cuts out for a second and then starts again with MC wearing a simple shirt embroidered with a strange logo, which Levi explains from behind the camera is inspired by MC's favorite series and was handmade by Levi for practice. Levi was apparently asked to design formalwear inspired by anime, and he chose MC's favorite to practice a design. According to the caption, the two spent an entire day together watching the series and sketching ideas!
MC is beaming and happy stimming while Diavolo thumps his head into his desk dramatically and Barbatos elegantly stifles a chuckle behind him. 
4. Bouquets of flowers
Well now Diavolo is determined. HE WILL MAKE MC HAPPY STIM IF IT KILLS HIM
He begins watching the corniest of romcoms for ideas.
Midway into one of them, he sees the character buy their love interest bouquets upon bouquets of roses
BRILLIANT! He's up and placing orders immediately. Barbatos stays behind for a few minutes to actually watch how this particular ploy works out on screen, before laughing and going to watch the chaos
As dedicated as he is to the young lord, watching Diavolo scramble around trying to impress his first puppy love only to fail because the target of his affections is simply too humble.... well, it's honestly adorable. He'll step in if it goes on for too long, but for now it might actually be good for the young master to experience something he can't have by throwing money or influence at it.
Diavolo has some of the Devildom's finest florists on the horn and he's sending a veritable flood of their finest cut flowers... AND he's sending them from an anonymous source, just like in the movie! The woman in the movie only sent over THREE bouquets to the object of her love, so Diavolo sends 300. Only the best for his MC :)
He's waiting impatiently for the results of his little scheme when he gets an apologetic text from Lucifer saying that he'll be late to the meeting and MC won't be coming at all. Some anonymous admirer sent MC an excessive amount of flowers and the sheer amount of pollen triggered allergies in ALL of the demon bros and MC.
Lucifer needed time to clear out the house and distribute allergy meds to everyone and buy out the nearest store on tissue paper
Barbatos is no longer even bothering to stifle his chuckles while Diavolo buries his face in his arms to hide his shame
To rub salt in the wound, Lucifer tells him a few days later that he set up a miniature greenhouse for MC to grow humanworld herbs in and they've barely left it in the last two days
Lucifer’s been spending most of his free time in the greenhouse with them, helping them tinker with humidity spells and listening to their excited monologues on human gardening techniques
Lucifer is definitely smirking as he tells Diavolo this and Diavolo doesn't bother to ask how Lucifer knew what was going on, because his old friend knows him too well and Diavolo realizes he's not exactly subtle.
What he doesn't realize is that Barbatos is also a dirty dirty snitch and he and Lucifer have been watching over his attempts with a mix of hilarity and pity
5. Desserts
Some might give up, but not Diavolo! His newest ideas is fancy desserts. He was told by a sweet old succubus that the best way to his lover's heart was through the stomach (actually she initially had some far raunchier suggestions that had made Diavolo blush and had given him some ideas for far, FAR in his future relationship with MC, but that's neither here nor there) and so here Diavolo is, placing a giant order at Madame Scream's to be delivered to the HOL.
This time he has learned from his mistakes and he signs it as being from him and addresses it to "MC and the residents of HOL" because even he recognizes there are far too many sweets for a human to eat before they go bad
Barbatos by this point is starting to feel pity and is almost tempted to suggest he wait until it's not Beel's day for Fangol practice to send a giant array of tempting sweets.
Almost. If it weren't for the maid cafe fiasco of last week Barbatos probably would have, but that lace had chafed in areas that should never be chafed.
Diavolo sent his gift only to receive a poorly drawn thank-you card drawn by Beel and signed by everyone at the HOL, including MC, even though "I didn't even get a chance to eat any, BEEL"
This poor man feels his soul leave his body, especially when he returns home from RAD to find Barbatos and MC baking together and singing along to Disney songs (well, MC was singing, Barbatos was simply watching them with a smile and occasionally twisting them into a simple dance to make them laugh and squiggle with joy)
Et tu, Barbatos?
After yesterday's glitter incident, Barbatos has no shame and simply smirks back. He'll help the young lord when he can shower without finding glitter in every crevice.
+1: Tea together
Diavolo is planning his next gift when he gets a message from MC, of all people
His heart flutters, he has butterflies in his stomach, and he hasn't even read it yet!
It's a simple text- "What are you up to?" 
Obviously Diavolo can't admit he's shirking paperwork to try and figure out a gift that would make them happy! So he improvises and claims he's working. He gets back a sad face emoji and a simple "Miss you! I feel like we haven't hung out in forever, but I know how busy you are. Good luck, I'm rooting for you!"
This man is dramatically draped over his desk wailing about how cute MC is.
Luckily for him Barbatos has forgiven him for both the maid cafe incident and the glitter incident and Diavolo has been too distracted trying to plan gifts to cause any new chaos
Barbatos hands him a lovely picnic basket, complete with tea and fancy sandwiches, and tells him to go see MC and take a break since he's clearly not getting any work done as is.
Cue guilty glance to the overwhelming stack of paperwork that's been building up. He swears he's never seen Barbatos place more and yet they keep growing, are they breeding somehow...? Did Lucifer curse him after the taffy incident?
Either way, Diavolo takes the basket and heads off to HOL.
He's either very lucky or (more likely) Barbatos bribed Lucifer into helping him out, as MC is the one to answer the door.
They look kind of down until they see him and he explains he's there to spend time with them, and then they absolutely LIGHT UP.
Before he knows it, they've thrown himself into his arms and they're bouncing in excitement and snuggling him and happy flapping and boyo is confused but OVER THE MOON.
He finally did it!?!?! What was it!?!?! The picnic basket? Do they have a thing for picnics baskets!?!?! 
And then he actually tunes in a d listens to their flood of chatter and how happy they are to see him and how much they've missed him and how excited and grateful they are they he took time out of his busy schedule to spend time with him and out in the thought to prepare a way for them to spend time in each other's company...
He is M E L T I N G
He can't believe it was this easy.... no need for fancy gifts or anything like that, just... paying attention to their likes and spending time with them???? 
Holy shit he is gonna protect this human's smile witH HIS LIFE 
Yes, he decides, wrapping his arms around them while trying to keep the basket level
Now that he's gotten a taste of their sincere joy, he's hooked and he's going to make them as excited and happy as this as often as he possibly can. 
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horansqueen · 3 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 23
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Chapter 23: I Want You To Want Me
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18 🡪chapter 19 🡪chapter 20 🡪chapter 21 🡪chapter 22
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me. I'm begging you to beg me. I want you to want me. I need you to need me. I'd love you to love me
click here to be on the update list
                           "Boooo!" Devon yelled, throwing popcorn at the screen of my computer that we had placed a bit farther. "She's such an idiot!"
I glanced down at her and felt my lips curl slightly. It had been a few weeks since Devon came back to our room and I would lie if I tried to pretend my feelings hadn't grown again. Being close friends with her made me see an other side of things. When I thought there was something between Louis and her, I couldn't have been more wrong. Devon was affectionate and sweet with all her friends, including me, and I had to admit I enjoyed it a lot. She shook her head before leaning it back on my arm and I looked down at her leg pressed against mine. We were laying in my bed, our backs leaned against pillows and sort-of cuddling while we watched a movie. We did that several times a week and I liked it.
I had found out she was a big fan of romantic comedies from the 90's, and I let her make me discover a few despite myself.
"Okay, next movie." she pointed out, sitting up and grabbing chocolate from her purse. She opened it, pulling the paper down enough and handed it to me. I broke a piece, sending her a small smile, but hoping she'd just come back closer. "You've watched all the movies I proposed without complaining, and it's surprising. Anyone else I would have done that with would have given up a long time ago."
She took a bite from her chocolate bar as I pushed all of mine in my mouth, making her chuckle.
"How about a funny movie instead?" I proposed as she raised her eyebrows. "From the 90's, of course. Do you have any?"
"Alright, no more love stories, I get it." she replied with a laugh. "I know of one you may like, though. If you like Michael J. Fox!"
She moved closer to my computer and started searching for something, but all I could focus on was the way her shirt had moved up and that I could see the small of her back. I did everything I could not to reach out if only to feel the warmth of her skin on my fingertips and when I finally breathed in, I looked up at what she was doing.
"Hey, don’t check all my folders, will you?"
"Why? Would that make me discover what kind of porn you watch in secret?" she asked with a chuckle, glancing back at me.
"Yea, probably."
This time, she laughed and I smiled more. "When do you even have time to watch porn? I'm always here with you."
She didn't wait for me to answer, she just moved back closer to me and lied back down next to me. I could feel her thigh pressed on mine and she leaned her head on my shoulder, even closer than she was a few minutes before.
"I haven't watched porn in a while, if you must know."
She slid her head farther on my arm and raised her chin up to look up at me. I could feel her gaze on me and it seemed to burn the side of my face. I finally turned my head her way and sent her an amused smile. She frowned at me for a few seconds and secretly, I wished I could know what exactly she was thinking about. Her traits softened after a while and she shrugged, licking her lips.
"I haven't used Bob in a while, so I know what you mean."
Without an other word, she turned around and stared at the computer screen. I glanced at it too but quickly looked back at her, my eyes getting smaller as curiosity invaded me.
"Yea, I brought my dildo with me. I thought a vibrator would make too much noise but a dildo seemed perfect." she explained, shrugging a shoulder and diving her hand in the bowl of popcorn between my legs.
My eyes followed her hand back to her mouth, traveled down to her breasts and ended on her legs. I didn't need this image but now, I couldn't take it out of my mind.
"Must definitely not be as good as the real deal." I simply let out after blinking a few times to get out of my thoughts.
"Bob is better than any guy I've ever been with." she argued, glancing up at me with her eyebrows raised before looking back at the movie.
"You've been with losers, then." I pointed out, staring at her.
I waited a few seconds and she finally looked up, her eyebrows still raised and when she tilted her head, her lips curled into a smirk. It made me want to kiss her and I bent down close to her, a cheeky smile appearing on my lips too.
"You know I'm right." I whispered, making her shake her head.
"When I find someone who makes me cum harder than Bob and my fingers, I'll let you know." she chuckled, rolling her eyes and raising her nose up. "But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you."
"You don't think anyone can do that?"
"No." she shrugged, turning back to the computer. "And I also don't intend to have sex with anyone ever again."
I turned my head slightly to look at her, amused by the whole conversation. I smiled a bit and licked my lips as she remained motionless, staring in front of her. I could hear in her voice that it was a lie, and the way her body had stiffened and didn't seem to relax also told me that she didn't even believe her own words. I grabbed popcorn with my free hand, not wanting to take my other arm back, and pushed it in my mouth with a chuckle.
"What's funny?" she finally asked, turning her upper body my way.
She tilted her head, her eyebrows still raised but this time, there was no smile on her face. Her lips were slightly parted and I had to make an incredible effort not to run my thumb on it or bend down to kiss her.
"The way we kissed the last few times?" I asked, chuckling and shaking my head. "Devie, you ground on me like your life depended on it. You're the horniest person I know! Besides me, I guess."
Her face changed and her traits softened but she looked speechless and slightly embarrassed. I thought she'd argue back with me but she just shrugged a shoulder and turned around, letting her back fall on my arm. Immediately, my heart jumped in my chest but I didn't mention it.
"It was a moment of weakness." she tried to explain. "Besides, I've taken care of myself plenty of times since then."
"Plenty of times?" I repeated before she nodded. "But you still couldn't use Bob, and it's a shame."
She grimaced and pushed her upped body against mine, making me laugh even more.
"You're so annoying!" she groaned low. "You think I don't know that you jerk off every night in the shower?"
"I was not trying to hide it!" I admitted with a smile, bending down closer. "How many times did you think of joining me?"
I laughed and she turned around quickly, pressing her hand on my mouth to shut me up. It made me laugh even more and we started friendly fighting. I seemed to have the upper hand and ended up on top of her, holding both her arms up against the mattress, as the bowl of popcorn was now spilled on the floor. She struggled beneath me, squirming roughly, but it only made me laugh. I could feel her throw her legs around in hope to push me away but without success.
"I really hate you!"
"No you don't!" I replied with a laugh, bending down closer to her. "If you want to use Bob, you can ask me to leave for an hour, you know."
She pressed her lips together, staring in my eyes, and I could feel the right corner of my lips raising up. My grips tightened around her wrist a bit but I couldn't help and let one of my fingers brush on one of her palms as I still stared at her. I knew it did something to her when her lips parted and instead to keep holding her down, I slide my hands on her arms, slipping my hands in hers and intertwining our fingers. She frowned a bit and I glanced at her lips for a second before closing my eyes. I knew I should have moved away but I felt paralyzed and I could feel my heart thump hard against my chest. When I opened my eyes again, she was still staring at me softly and I licked my lips.
"Just... Just tell me if you-"
I was cut by the sound of her phone and moved off of her slowly, passing my hand in my hair as I sat next to her. It took her a few seconds to get back to her senses and she finally reached for her phone on the bedside table.
It was not the first time something like that happened between us. I had no idea what stopped me from trying to kiss her every single time, probably a mix of fear and respect, but I knew it was not easy. I knew she didn't want us to have sex, or try to have some sort of romantic relationship, but that didn't mean all the love and lust I felt inside me would simply vanish. It was still there, and it was stronger than ever. Have you ever realized that the longer you're denied something, the more you want it? Perhaps it's just a human thing that most people have to go through, or maybe it's instinctive and visceral. Either way, it's horrible to want something so bad that you can feel it under your skin, carved on your bones, and engraved in your heart. Sometimes, it was all I could think about. Be with her, be loved by her, feel myself inside of her... I would be fine with having just an other chance though. I knew I wouldn't ruin it like all the others.
"It's Louis." she explained as she typed an answer back. "He's asking if we want to join him at the bar. Apparently, Lewis and Daxia are there too."
I wanted to spend time with her alone but I knew it was impossible. I also knew she had spent a lot of time with me recently and Louis had mentioned it to me a few times. I had to stop being selfish and I knew it, but it made something stir in my stomach.
"Sure, we can go if you want to." I replied, sending her a small smile and making her smile back at me. "Get ready, I'll clean the mess."
As I guessed, the bar was crowded with students hoping to get drunk. We quickly found the table where our friends were seating mostly because of how loud they were. Louis was holding his beer up and I chuckled when I saw Lewis bend down a bit to kiss his cheek.
"Cheating on me?" I whispered in his ear as I put my hand on his shoulder.
He turned around her wrapped his arms around me to pull me in a hug, making me chuckle low. He let me go and quickly brought Devon closer, hugging her even tighter before moving back and staring in her eyes.
"Haven't seen you in a while. He's not too annoying is he?" he asked, moving his chin in my direction before looking back at her.
"No, don't worry." she chuckled, turning to look at me and sending me a smile. "I've just been quite busy with classes."
It was not a lie, we both had been busy with studying. The holidays were coming fast and all the teachers had made sure we had enough work until the very last day. It was just easier for Devon and I to hang out, or at least feel like we were hanging out, since we were living in the same room. Louis had joined us on a few nights but I suspected him to have a crush on a girl and spend a lot of his free time with her. I didn't mention it though. I would wait until he'd want to share this information with me before actually talking about it. I also had no idea if Devon knew and how she would react, but maybe I was a bit scared she'd be disappointed. I trusted her when she said she didn't have these feelings for Louis, and from the vibes I got, she was not interested in him romantically or sexually, but one thing I had learned from past experiences was that you never really know someone, and that people can be surprising, In good and in bad ways.
It didn't take too long for Louis to sit next to Dev and he slid his arm around her shoulders, bringing her closer into a hug. It surprised me that I was not as jealous as I used to be but it felt good. It had no connection with my feelings, I knew I loved Devon more than I did back then, when I tried to suppress all my feelings, but I knew her better and I wanted to trust her. I was really trying.
I pushed my hands in my pockets and walked to the bar, ordering beer and a drink. I walked back to the table and put a glass in front of Devon, catching her attention. She turned and looked at it before turning to me. Her lips curled and she shook her head, chuckling low and tilting her head as I sat on the other side of her.
"Thank you!"
"It's to make you feel better, since I know you haven't been with Bob in a while!"
She started laughing and grabbed the glass in her hand, bringing the straw to her lips to take a sip. My eyes followed the glass and my lips parted as I stared at her mouth. It was stronger than me, I really couldn't help it.
"Wait, who's Bob?" Louis frowned, his eyes moving from her to me and back to her. "And what does it have to do with a 'sex on the beach'?"
She chuckled as she took an other sip, almost choking on her drink, and I smiled more, raising my eyebrows to Louis. "An inside joke."
"You know, I'm gonna start being jealous." Louis let out with a frown. "I thought I was your best friend, your soul sister, remember?"
She giggled and placed her hand gently on his shoulder. "You are, you're my soul sister, Louis. But something is telling me you've been a bit busy recently."
It was the very first time I saw Louis blush and my eyes got bigger in surprise.
"We need to hang out more!" he just pointed out before tilting his head to catch my eyes. "With you too! Next weekend!"
I didn't know how long we stayed at the bar but when Devon and I took a cab home, she ended up with her head leaning on my shoulder, half sleep. I looked down at her hand on my thigh and slowly, I placed mine on top of hers. It made her groan low and she rubbed her cheek slightly on my shoulder and finally stopped moving again. I turned my head slightly and closed my eyes, inhaling her scent. I tried not to make it too creepy, but fuck, I loved how she smelled. I could feel my palm getting sweaty on top of her hand but it felt too good to take it off. It's only when the cab parked that her eyes fluttered open and she took her hand back without really noticing mine.
"We home?"
"Mmhm." I just said, giving a few bills to the drivers and following her out of the car.
She moved closer and leaned against me, making me chuckle as I wrapped my arm around her. I helped her inside and up the stairs and she waited, leaning against me with her eyes closed as I unlocked the door.
It took me about ten minutes to put her in bed, pulling the covers over her and she whimpered as she turned around to face the wall, grabbing her pillow. I looked at her for about a minute and when she started snoring, my lips curled and I shook my head. I walked to my bed and sat on it, grabbing my phone and quickly sending a text message to Louis.
'She's safe in her bed.' I quickly typed. 'Stay safe too, don't do anything I wouldn't do.'
'There's nothing you wouldn't do.' he replied, making me roll my eyes with a smile before he sent an other message. 'Except tell Devon how much you love her.'
I sent him a middle finger emoji and put my phone away before leaning my elbows on my knees, starting at her back. I knew it was ridiculous, but I couldn't stop looking at her. The more time I spent with her, the harder it was not to tell her I loved her. The closer we got, the more I realized that falling in love with her was inevitable, and it was only a matter of time. I was getting swallowed by quicksand and I was loving every minute of it. Soon, I wouldn't be able to breathe and I was going to ask for more. The thing was, I didn't want to be in pain again. I didn't want to have my heart broken again. Somehow, I knew it would hurt even more this time because the feelings I had for Devon were stronger and based on more solid things than the feelings I had for my ex girlfriend. This time though, I couldn't blame it on anyone else but me, and it made me hate myself.
I didn't remember falling asleep but when I woke up, I groaned as the sun invaded the room. Devon was still asleep in the same position as the night before but was not bothered by the light since she was facing the wall. I forced myself to get up and walked to her bed, shaking her lightly as I yawned.
"Devie, love." I said, my eyes half open. "How about breakfast?"
"Mm?" she mumbled low, her eyes still closed. "Did you mention food?"
I chuckled tiredly and nodded. "Yea, get ready, okay? I'm starved. Plus, we have a conference to attend this afternoon."
"Who thought of a conference on a sunday. Pretty sure even God took a break on that day." she complained.
I laughed but just went to the bathroom without answering and when I got out, she was up. Her hair was a mess and she was yawning. I smiled despite myself and walked to the door.
"I'm still wearing the clothes I had yesterday."
"Me too, who cares?"
She just shrugged and followed me outside, rubbing her eyes and trying to wake herself up completely. It was endearing and it made me want to get back in bed but with her, this time. We were almost to my car when she suddenly stopped walking. I frowned and turned around but my heart skipped a beat at the expression on her face. At first, I thought it was surprise but when I took a few steps closer, I realized she seemed terrified.
"Devie, what's wrong?"
"It-It's him." she just whispered.
"Him who?" I asked, confused, turning around to see what she was looking at.
I saw a man talking to a few students and it suddenly hit me. He said something I couldn't hear and everyone started laughing. I kept staring at the small mob of people, feeling completely powerless and knowing Devon probably felt way worse. I didn't want her to go back to that feeling she had when he broke her heart. I was scared she'd fall back into that dark place she was after her story with him, and I didn't know how to stop it.
I walked up to her and brought my hand to her cheek, trying to make her look at me instead to stare at him. It took her a few minutes but she finally turned her head to me and my heart broke when I noticed a tear on her cheek. I ran my thumb on it to wipe it and shook my head lightly.
"Niall," she whispered so low I barely heard. "Take me far away from here, as far as you can."
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ikleesfiction · 4 years
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Fandom : One Chicago Word count : 3,762 words Disclaimer
Previously on this fic : Part 1 🞂 Part 2 🞂 Part 3 🞂 Part 4 🞂 Part 5 🞂 Part 6 🞂 Part 7 🞂 Part 8 🞂 Part 9
Part 10
It's been almost 6 months since you left Chicago. You spent those months working yourself to the bones as a way to forget Jay. It certainly was not a successful attempt, but at least you were too busy to think about him. You accepted Alex's idea to make a duo project and lazily named it "alex&y/n". You both started doing gigs at various clubs around the world. Pyramid, Alex's record company where you work for, continuously releases new sounds that you discovered. You keep writing and producing songs after songs. Really, your career is flourished. But deep inside, you're empty.
You never had a chance to go back to Chicago. Part of you was relieved that you don't have to deal with it yet. The other part of you was missing it so much. You might only stay four months in Chicago, but somehow the city (and its people) have marked their place in your heart.
You love Amsterdam. It's still your home, but its charm hasn't called you as it did before. Sure, you have your parents here. But you only got to meet them twice a week at best. Your work and their jobs don't leave lots of time to be together. Also, even though you have most of your friends in the city, you don't get to hang out with them all the time since you travel a lot for work. You get to make new friends along the way instead, just like you did in Chicago.
Case in point, you are currently in Norway, working on a song with Oliver Dahl, the number #1 DJ in the country.
Oliver's home studio is one of the best places you ever work in. The studio setup is practically the same as the one Pyramid has. But Oliver has a baby grand piano on one corner where through the window, you can see a tranquil lake with a green forest on its side. The view is calming and inspiring. So although Oliver is a much better pianist than you, you park yourself there and relegate him to a Korg keyboard.
"Hey, it's almost dinner time. Let's take a break," Oliver suggests to you. He guides you out from the studio and moves downstairs to his kitchen. The glass-paneled dining room has a door that leads to the back porch. You thought the view from the studio was great, but the view from down here is even better. You sit on a swing at the porch, take a deep breath of fresh air there.
Oliver comes out with two bottles of beer and hands you one, which you gladly accept. You switch your phone back on since you didn't want to be disturbed when you were working. It relentlessly buzzes once it's on. "Well, somebody is famous," teases Oliver.
You peek at your phone screen before grimacing at him, "Sorry. Nick needs something. I gotta call him back." You walk a few steps away from the porch. Without the roof over your head, you can feel slight drops of rain on your face. "Hey, boss. How's the meeting in Brussels go?"
"Infuriatingly slow. That is why I'm calling. I was hoping you can help us," Nick replies. He didn't sound too worried, so you thought it's going to be an easy request, "Sure. What is it?"
"Alex was supposed to have a phone interview with one of Chicago radio show, to talk about the new single of alex&y/n. Since our meeting here runs longer, could you do it in his stead? I know you don't like doing an unprepared interview, but I promise it won't be long, 15 minutes max."
"Alright, I'll do that." It's not like you can say no anyway.
"Great! I'll set it up. It's going to be in an hour. So don't mute your phone." Nick reminds you.
"I won't. It probably falls during our dinner here. I can keep my phone on."
"Thanks, y/n," Nick hangs up the call.
Joe Cruz walks into the common-room of Firehouse 51 with his phone on hand. "Guys, Chicago Top 40 is interviewing Y/N right now!"
"Turn the volume up. I cannot hear it from here," Mouch complains from the couch as he mutes the tv. Joe pushes the side button of his phone and sets the volume to the max. Everyone continues doing their things quietly as they listen to the interview.
"We got one half of alex&y/n on the phone with us here. Dare I say the prettier half. Let's say hi to Y/N!" They hear the radio host cheers from Joe's phone.
"Hi, how are you doing?" you chuckle and greet back.
"We're all good here, thank you. So please tell us more about the latest single of alex&y/n? How did you guys come up with it?"
"We started writing this song probably about 8 months ago. I was in Chicago at the time actually," you start to explain.
"Oh, really? I didn't know you were in town," the host shortly interrupts.
"Yeah, it was back before we had any idea for this project. Alex came up with it when we made this song. It was supposed to be the first single of alex&y/n. But when I came back to Amsterdam, we wrote "Void" The team decided that it fitted better as the first single. Hence this song "Fiery Love" got pushed to be the second one."
The conversation regarding the song and the duo project goes on for another ten minutes before the interviewer wraps it up. Joe is about to close the radio app when he sees Jay Halstead and Hailey Upton step into the common-room of Firehouse 51.
"Enjoy the rest of your day, Y/N," says the host on air. "What time is it anyway in your place right now? I haven't got a chance to ask where you are,"
Joe's thumb stills above his phone screen. "It's almost 7 PM in Bergen, Norway," you inform the radio. Jay stiffens as he hears your voice.
"Oh, you got a gig there tonight?" the host asks curiously.
"No. Just a bit writing and studio session," you answer vaguely.
"It must've been in a studio with a view, unlike our four wall booth here," the host retorts.
You snicker quietly, "If I could, I'd trade you in a heartbeat,"
"Oh, stop it! You're too kind," the host says, thinking you're jesting.
You let out a tiny laugh, "But no, I'm serious. I wish I didn't leave Chicago," you admit candidly on air. Totally unbeknownst to the strained atmosphere in the Firehouse 51 common-room.
"Come visit soon. We'll show you our fancy dig here," the radio host returns jokingly. Joe finally decides to close the radio app, as Matt Casey addresses their guests. "Detectives, how can we help you?"
Jay looks at his partner, neglecting the fact that everyone in the room is watching him, "Can you handle this by yourself? I.. I think I left my phone in the car," Hailey is sure that Jay didn't leave his phone, but she gives him an understanding nod.
"We need to see Chief Boden," Hailey answers Matt. He then guides her to the Chief's office. When both detectives are out of range, Hermann asks the room, "It was a bit awkward, wasn't it?" Everyone ignores Hermann's comment and back doing things they did before. Kelly Severide determinedly stands up from his seat and goes outside. He finds Jay standing in front of the squad truck.
"Hey, man," Kelly greets him. Jay just nods to acknowledge him. After a few moments of silence, Kelly breaks first, "She always asks about you whenever she calls."
Jay scoffs his disbelief, "Yeah, right."
"She is not a brave girl, Jay. But she really loves you. She still regrets hurting you." Kelly tells him. Jay stays silent, taking in Kelly's words. "I don't think she's doing well out there." Kelly continues. Jay glances at him before opening his mouth to say something. But at the same time, Hailey comes out with Matt. "Let's go," she tells Jay. He nods at Matt and leaves with her without saying anything.
As both detectives walk away, Kelly shouts to Jay, "Will you pick up? If she calls you?"
Jay halts and looks over his shoulder. Not sure what to answer, he just shrugs in response.
The following week, you find yourself working alone in Alex's studio. You go through some demos, try to find a song that you'd like to work on. The door is suddenly opened and reveals Alex and Nick coming in.
"You planning on going home tonight?" Alex says as he hands you a mug of hot tea. It's not unusual for you to stay all night working. While it was beneficial for the company, your well being is still his priority.
"Maybe," you just shrug as you accept the mug. "Thanks. So what's up?"
"I got an offer for alex&y/n gig for an EDM festival," Nick starts. "What do you think about it?"
"Cool, I guess.." you answer indifferently.
"Yeah?" Alex tries to reconfirm your agreement. You never play a festival before, so far alex&y/n only do club gigs. Even though you're basically doing the same thing, the stage and crowd size sometimes could be overwhelming, especially for someone who doesn't like to perform live.
"Uhuh," you nod before sipping your tea.
"Don't you wanna know where it will be?" Nick pushes.
"No," you say in disinterest, already looking back at your laptop. Nick raises his eyebrow questioningly towards Alex, which he answers with a subtle nod. "Alright then, I'm gonna go home now. You two get some rest. We'll talk again tomorrow," Nick informs you before leaving the room.
Alex drags a chair and sits next to you. "Talk to me. Please"
"There's nothing to talk about," you reply to your cup. Alex nudges you. Once. Twice. Thrice. "Stop it!" you scold him as you roll your chair away.
"You know I can do this all night until you talk to me," Alex says as he slides closer to you.
You exhale loudly in defeat before quietly tell him, "It's just... I'm exhausted."
Somehow he knows that you're not only talking about your body. "I'll talk to Nick. We can cancel the rest of alex&y/n gigs,"
"You know we can't," you rebuff his idea.
"We might be able to do that if I offer to take them instead?" Alex offers a solution.
"And let you be the one who burnout? Hell no," you deny his suggestion. You tiredly rub your face with your palm, "It's alright, Lex. I should have just suck it up and do it,"
Both of you stay silent for a moment. You pick your tea mug from the table when Alex unsurely speaks again, "That gig Nick talked about is in Chicago," You freeze up until Alex prods you, "Still wanna do it?"
"What do you think?" you weakly ask for his opinion.
"I think we should do it. It'd be fun. We can try to arrange a few days off. You can take me to your favorite places in Chicago, meet your friends.." Alex tells you. It sounds nice, makes you want to say yes. But you still have doubt in the back of your mind. "It's been months, y/n. Time for you to face it. Face Jay." Alex continues as if he knows your thought.
"I can't!" you shake your head in resign. "And why is that?" Alex pushes further.
"Because I still love him!" you forcefully drop your mug on the table, the tea splashes out of it.
"Then tell that to Jay! Don't make the same mistake as you did before!" Alex yells back at you. You instantly feel like you've been slapped.
Avoiding Alex's stare, you start to pack up your things from the table. "I think I need to go home now. Don't think I can work on anything tonight." You grab your jacket and hastily walked out of the studio.
A couple hours later, Alex comes by to your place with a canvas bag on his shoulder, "I got a box of chocolate and a six-pack of La Trappe Tripel here,"
"I don't think they can help me feel better this time," you quip as you open the door for him. Alex pulls the beers and chocolate out from the bag and puts them on the coffee table in front of the couch. He reaches again to the bag, "Don't worry, I come prepared. Got jenever in here too," He sets the bottle next to the chocolate. You go to the kitchen and bring out two clean glasses.
"Are we starting right away?" Alex asks you in confusion.
"Are you waiting for something else?" you start to open one of the beer bottles.
"Don't you want to eat dinner first? Or maybe have bitterballen to snack on?" Alex suggests to you. You open the chocolate box and pop one candy into your mouth. "There, I ate something," you declare sarcastically before sipping the beer in your hand.
"Okay then," Alex accepts his defeat. He goes to your kitchen and sees what you have on your fridge. "You don't mind if I finish this leftover stew, right?" he hollers at you as he puts the container in the microwave.
You snort your answer, "Go ahead. It's not like you need permission to raid my pantry anyway,"
Alex comes back with a bowl of stew and sits next to you on the couch. You fiddle with your phone for a bit before a ballad song playing on your home speaker. Alex starts to talk about various things as he eats, updating you about his sister Sara, his meeting in Belgium. He even lets you know what he had for lunch today. He keeps talking because he knows you're not gonna say anything.
Alex cracks open his second beer while you finish your third one and start to pour the gin into your glass. "I'll Be Over You" by Toto is playing on your speaker. Alex exasperatedly rolls his eyes, thinking that his best friend could really be dramatic sometimes. You sprawl on the couch with your feet on top of Alex's lap. "What if he's moved on?" you say after long contemplation, ready to tackle more serious conversation. "Ready" as in drunk enough to talk about it.
"Well, you face that with head held high and moved on too," Alex replies. "Easier said than done, I know."
"Big chance he doesn't want to see me anyway," you mutter to yourself. But Alex still answers you, "Maybe. Maybe not. You'll never know without going there,"
It's been 7 months since you left Chicago and Jay Halstead still kept your last voicemail on his phone. Even when he's so mad at you, Jay never had the heart to delete it. Because somewhere deep inside, he could hear your sincerity. Jay is desperate to believe that you honestly love him and care about him.
Before Severide approached him the other day, nobody ever talked to Jay about his ex-girlfriend. Jay never apologized for pushing Adam. His friends guessed that his relationship ended, but no one ever said anything about it. His brother always abruptly changed the radio whenever your song was played on-air, acting all annoyed. But he knows Will is secretly still a fan of your music, just not in front of Jay. He thinks they're all worried that talking about you would raise his temper. But the truth is Jay misses you.
After his anger passed by, Jay could understand your position. You were left alone, befriending strangers in some city that far from home. While Jay understood that you missed home, he's still disappointed over the fact that you didn't tell him sooner. But it already happened, you made your choice. Now Jay is left with a bruised heart and silently pined over his ex.
Jay is lost in his thoughts. He jolts in surprise when he feels something cold and wet on his cheek. Jay looks up to find Will, who hands him a glass of beer. "How is the game going? Anything interesting happens when I'm gone?" Will asks Jay as he sits and looks down to the ice rink. They are at the United Center arena, watching a Blackhawks game.
"Nah, you don't miss much," Jay tells his brother. "Thanks for taking me here, man."
"It's nothing. I want to do something for your birthday, but since I have to work double shifts tomorrow, we just have to celebrate early." Will raises his glass for a toast. The brothers shout wildly during the game, chant together with other spectators in the stadium, basically having a good time. When the game is on a break, Will and Jay trade a light banter between each other. The jumbotron above plays adverts that they ignore.
"This summer, coming back to the Soldier Field Arena. We proudly present, Spring Awakening Music Festival! Featuring..."
When they hear the ad's narrator mentions "alex&y/n" Jay spontaneously looks up at the jumbotron. There was a picture of you and Alex, standing back to back, staring hard through the camera. Even with the cold gaze and unsmiling face, Jay still thought you look good. The announcement was certainly a surprise. Jay remembered when you told him that you don't like to perform in front of crowds. Now here you are, headlining a big stage. Time's changed, he thinks to himself.
Jay keeps looking at the gigantic screen, even though now it's showing another ad. If anyone asks him, Jay cannot tell what this new ad is about. His mind is busy thinking about something/someone else. Will glances at his brother and notices the tightness of Jay's shoulders. "I won't come to see them, even if they give me free tickets," he remarks wittily. Jay burst out a laugh and elbow his brother, "Thanks, man." he is grateful for his brother's understanding.
Jay wakes up late the next morning. He spent the night listening to your podcasts and fell asleep with your voice on his ears. Seeing you on the jumbotron made him missed you more. His phone battery was drained, his alarm didn't ring. It's only because of habits from his ranger days that he woke up and gets ready in time to go to work.
Just as he walks out of his place, a delivery man is stopping him. "I got a package for Jay Halstead?"
"Yeah, that's me," Jay says distractedly, trying to recall if he orders anything online. The guy hands him a bag and a receipt form. Jay skims the paper before signing it. On the shipper box, it is stated, "Belgian Chocolatier Piron, Inc." He returns the signed form to the courier. "Thank you. Have a nice day, Sir", chirps the man. Jay pauses slightly, looking at the bag, before running to his car once remembers that he's late for work.
Once Jay arrives at the district, he puts the suspicious package on his desk. He opens the bag cautiously and pulls out a golden cardboard box with a black bow tied around it. He digs deeper into the bag but finds nothing more, no notes or cards, just this golden box.
"You got a box of Piron?! Can I have one? Please?" Jay hears Kim Burgess squeals at him.
"What the hell is a Piron?" Adam Ruzek asks loudly from behind her. Kim starts to pull the bow, but Jay moves the box away quickly. "I don't even know who it's from. We should be careful. I'll send it to the lab.."
"Is that Piron?!" Hailey Upton shrieks as she steps closer to Jay's desk.
"What? You know about this Piron too?" Adam baffles even further.
"They are like one of the best chocolatiers in town." Hailey impatiently explains to Adam. "Is it yours, Jay?" She sounds rather demanding than asking.
"Yes, it's Jay's. And he wants to bring it to the forensic lab. Unbelievable..." Kim says disapprovingly.
"I don't even know who send it! Aren't you worried if it turns out to be a bomb or a deadly virus?" Jay tries to reason to his teammates, who are now circling around him.
"What bomb?" They all jump in surprise when they hear Voight from behind them.
"Ah, it's nothing, Sarge. There are no bombs anywhere. At least not in the city of Chicago... Maybe..." Jay rambles.
"Are you gonna open that box, Halstead?" Voight cuts him off, pointing at the innocent box.
"I'm not sure, Sarge," Jay meekly admits. Voight pulls the black bow that was half undone because of Kim and opens the box gently. "Oh no, it's a bomb," Adam whispers as he hides behind Kevin Atwater but peeks over his shoulder. The girls are excitedly bouncing on their heels, seeing the rows of chocolate inside the box. Voight takes one and confidently bites into it. "You should never waste good chocolate. By the way, happy birthday, Jay." He pats Jay's shoulder before stepping toward his office. Jay gives Voight a small smile, though he still confounds about the situation.
Jay looks at the rest of the team. Hailey bites a candy on her right hand as she picks another with her left. Kim got half-bitten chocolate on her fingers. Her eyes were closed as she savors the taste. Adam's hand hovers above the box, cautiously looking at his teammates, "You girls feel okay? No dizziness, nausea, anything?" His questions were left unanswered since the girls were too busy munching.
Kevin offers Jay a handshake and continues with a quick hug, "Happy birthday, bro!" Jay clasps his shoulder, "Thanks, Kev,"
"So someone sent you this as a birthday gift, huh? Quite special, isn't it?" Kevin picks one candy from the box.
"I guess. If only I knew who sent it..." Jay wonders. He also takes one piece of chocolate and nibbles into it. The bittersweet taste suddenly reminds him of a particular someone. At the same time, his phone chirps on his desk. Jay checks his phone and finds a voice memo from an unknown, international number. He moves to a quieter place and listens to the message.
"Hi, Jay," Jay holds his breath, recognizing the voice on the other end. "It's me, y/n... I just want to wish you a happy birthday... Hope you enjoy the chocolate," He waits as you hesitate to continue. "Err... Stay safe, alright? I love you." As if just realizing what you've said, Jay hears you curse in panic, "oh shi.." and the message briskly ends.
Next on this fic : Part 11
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taehyungsleftear · 3 years
Pied Piper Pt. 4 (fin) // (M)
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genre: smut; fluff; jiminxreader
warnings: seggs in public places
a/n: why is part 3 getting more likes than part 2 lmaooo
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (fin)
you’ve only been at the school for 11 months but you’ve met the boy you think is the love of your life. you didn’t know anything about his past but he gives you the world and treats you like a princess; no wonder he had so many girls running after him. you wondered every now and then how you got so lucky to get a guy that’s so handsome and respectful. he would often take you out to expensive places or buy you pricey gifts but he wouldn’t let you give them back.
today was your 10 month anniversary and you had no clue what to get him; we was the one that usually got you gifts and you were quite poor so it was harder for you. you’d spent the past week preparing for what you were gonna give him but nothing came to mind. your last choice was to either give him nothing or to reserve a fancy restaurant.
“hey baby, how did you sleep last night?” jimin says into your ear as he holds you from the back and kisses your neck. you smiled at him and answered, “i couldn’t really sleep last night, but i feel fine. what about you?” he smiles and walks around you to stand in front of you and takes your hands. “i slept good, i dreamt of you so i lost no sleep,” he says. it was so cheesy it even made him cringe. dahyun was silently rolling her eyes - she didn’t like the thought of you two together.
jimin hadn’t mentioned your anniversary yet and you were quite upset he didn’t but you couldn’t say anything because you didn’t get him anything. when he isn’t talking to you or when you’re caught up in your thoughts, jimin caught you looking upset or down. he thought it was because he hadn’t said anything about your anniversary yet so he felt bad for keeping a secret but he knew he wouldn’t regret it later.
the end of the school day had finally arrived and you were ready to enjoy your weekend alone, seeing as your boyfriend forgot your 10 month anniversary. you left the class without saying bye to him, maybe he would take the hint that you’re upset. he ran after you and grabbed your hand. “y/n... where are you going?” he said shyly, looking at his feet. “i’m going home. i’ll see you only monday,” you say quickly before kissing his cheek and walking of. he’s upset that you’re mad at him.
it’s 5 pm and jimin hadn’t said anything to you. you stare at your phone, seeing jimin go online and offline without talking to you and your eyes begin to well up. you can barely see anything when your phone starts buzzing in your hand. you quickly wipe your eyes and look at the name that lights up your screen. “jimin <3”. you scream internally and answer the phone immediately. “yeah?” you say softly. “get the box outside your house and be ready in an hour, i’ll pick you up at 6,” jimin says before he puts the phone down and you run to your front door. there the box is. you grab it and sprint to your room and tear the lid off.
there’s a small, silky, nude dress folded neatly with a pair of black heels next to it. there’s a pair of earrings and a little box. inside the box is a little ring with diamonds woven into a rose gold line. you smile to yourself and shake your head. “what an asshole,” you think as you hold the dress to your body. you take your time getting ready and doing your hair and makeup when your mom comes into your room. she looks at you with an eyebrow raised. “where are you going?” she asks. “i’m going out with jimin. it’s our anniversary today,” you reply. “enjoy,” she says as she walks out, closing the door behind herself.
you finish putting in your new earrings and spraying yourself with a new perfume your mom bought you so you start getting ready to leave. under some paper in the box jimin dropped off, was a small, black chanel handbag. you put your phone and some extra makeup in the bag, just for in case. you looked in the mirror and took a deep breath; you had gone on many dates with jimin, but never one this fancy. you prepared yourself mentally to meet him and you walked to the door. “bye mom, see you later,” you shout. “okay honey, enjoy,” she replies.
you open your phone to message jimin to ask if he’s left yet when he messages you first. “i’m outside, are you ready?” your face suddenly get hot but when you open the door, you see jimin, in a neat all black suit with his blonde hair pushed back, standing outside an expensive looking black car. what else would you expect?
he walks around to the passengers seat and opens the door. “come on, we should get going now, we don’t want to be late now, would we?” he says smoothly, smirking just a little, trying to hide his huge ego. you climb in the car and all you can smell is his unique smell. you smile as he gets in and reverses out of the driveway.
as he drives to wherever you were going, he has his hand on your thigh and he massages it lightly. he then takes your hand and puts it on the gear shifter and exhilarates. you find him steering with one hand extremely attractive and you could watch it all day.
you finally arrive at a fancy restaurant at a mall you didn’t even know was in your town and he parks the car in the mall parking lot. when you two walk in you see the whole restaurant is empty. “where’s everyone?” you say. “i booked the whole restaurant for us so we can enjoy ourselves properly,” jimin replies. you try not to show it but you’re so shocked that jimin would go this far for you.
you’re seated at a table for 2 and 2 waiters bring over your food. you’ve never tasted something that good and the drinks were so nice. you and jimin talk and laugh together for the next 3 hours in the restaurant as you go through full course meals and dessert. when jimin looks at you, you can see the love in his eyes. even when you aren’t talking, he just stares at you and watches the little things you do that make him so happy. you feel like jimin does too much for you, and you didn’t want it to look, or feel, like you were mooching off him.
after you leave the restaurant and enter his car, jimin pushes the passenger and the driver seat down as far forward as they can go. he then opens the back door and tells you to get in. you already know where this is heading and when you get in, you immediately begin to unclip your heels and throw them, along with your handbag, on the floor where they wouldn’t bother you. when jimin opened the door, his eyes were dark and filled with lust. it seemed that jimin had something other than dinner on his mind tonight.
as he closed the door behind him with one hand, the other was unbuckling his belt while yours unbuttoned his shirt. “fuck, y/n i’ve been waiting the whole night for this. you turn me so on, especially in that dress, i’m glad i chose that one,” jimin says in a hoarse voice, he’s breathing heavily. his hair was falling into his face and you couldn’t be more turned on; you had jimin in a suit, hair slick back and you now see him falling apart like this just for you. you just wanted to skip all the talking and have him inside you.
once the door is closed, and his dick is out, you put his whole length in your mouth and bob your head up and down. it makes you feel so good to hear jimin moaning for you and the things you did to him. it almost makes you want to moan. after a bit of you sucking him off, you remove your mouth completely from him and he moans at the loss of contact but you pull your underwear to the side and push him into you, and let him fill you completely.
you both moan together at your actions. you swing your one leg over jimins thighs so you can straddle and ride him properly. jimin sits back and holds your waist, his hands guiding you up and down. as you’re riding, jimin kisses and sucks at your neck, leaving his usual dark marks. he massages your waist and every now and then bucks his hips up into you and every time you moan as loud as you can.
jimin starts rubbing your clit and you moan even more. “fuck, jimin, i’m gonna come,” you moan loudly. “come for me baby, i want you to come for me,” he whispers in your ear, as he does every time, and every time it takes you to your highest, most euphoric feeling. jimins high pitched moans also mean he’s at his high and he’s moving his hips to let you both ride out your highs.
once’s you’re both finished, you sit on jimins lap; him dripping from the insides of your legs. you’re both sweating and the windows of the car are fogged up. you and jimin just sit there, looking into each other’s eyes for a few seconds when someone knocks on the window. both yours and jimins eyes are wide and you don’t know what to do. jimin slides the window down enough to see who the person was, but not enough for them to see you.
when jimin sees the face he smiles and slides it down further. the person couldn’t see anything bad because you were covering jimin and you were still in your dress. “park jimin. long time no see,” the man says and chuckles. “jeon jungkook, i haven’t seen you in weeks man,” jimin says and he looks all excited. you’ve heard of jungkook before but you’ve never met him and all you could say was that he was damn fine.
“you two sure had a good time, i got a few complaints from a few people saying there’s screaming coming from the parking lot, good thing i stopped a few people from knocking on the window while you were still busy,” he said. “thanks man, i’ll see you around,” jimin says before he rolls the window back up. you two look at each other for a few seconds before breaking out into laughter. “okay let’s head home, it’s getting late, it’s already 10pm,” jimin says as he pushes the seats back up.
you arrive at jimins house and you look at him. “my mom doesn’t know i’m sleeping here, i don’t think this is a good idea,” you say. “i’ve already told her, don’t worry,” he replies. he parks the car in his garage and he takes your hand to lead you to his room. he gives you one of his hoodies for you to sleep in and when you put it on, it’s way too big for you. you get into bed and he gets in after you. you snuggle up into his arms and he holds you tightly.
you’re in love with park jimin.
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: Without You (Keanu x Reader)
Summary: Part 4 of Always the quiet ones series. Keanu is gone and you have to deal with his absence and fixing your brandnew apartment on your own. Part 1 - Always the quiet ones | Part 2 - The Proposal | Part 3 - Dark Paradise
Author’s notes: Finally a new part of this series. I’m still in love with it, I promise. Feedback is always appreciated. I always want to know what you folks think!
Wordcount: 7115
Warnings: alcohol consumption; smut (masturbation; use of toys; dirty talk and squirting)
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You woke up with soft lips pressing wet kisses all over the exposed skin of your shoulder, coarse beard tickling you, and making you smile against the goose feather pillow beneath your head.
Soft rays of sunshine warmed your body, trying to pierce through your closed eyelids but you refused to give in. You were cozy and comfortable, the only thing missing was the solid body next to you but you had a feeling that if you put a bit of effort, you could maybe convince Keanu to return to bed and sleep in a little longer.
“Come on, sweetheart. Time to get up. I know you’re awake.” The sharp slap on your ass made you jolt and yelp. Keanu’s deep and throaty chuckle making you glare at him. “I did try a nice way first.”
He pressed his lips to your pout for a quick kiss before he got up from the bed, revealing his attire of dark trousers and white button-down, not formal enough for meetings at Arch but not casual enough for a stroll in the city. Your gaze moved past him and you caught sight of his suitcase resting against the wall next to the empty closet.
You had forgotten Keanu would be leaving today. Or maybe you were in denial about the fact because this past week had been one of the best of your life and you didn’t want it to end. You had spent all your free time with Keanu, mostly in bed, talking and fucking and just getting to know one another a little better.
At first glance, Keanu had appeared to you as smooth and charming, completely in control of everything but as you spent more time together, you began to realize that, yes he was all that, as well as a genius, his interests varying from technology – as expected considering his company – to motorcycles, art, literature, cinema, and music. However, you were pleasantly surprised to realize that, once Keanu let that carefully constructed public image fade away, he was a complete, lovable dork.
It was in the way his eyes burned brighter with excitement when he was talking about the latest book he was reading or the wild hand gestures that accompanied. His awkward little laugh whenever he was unable to operate something simple like a coffee machine, or the outraged tone of his voice whenever you made him watch a movie or a show he didn’t like and Keanu was left to complain to you and the screen at the absurdity of the characters’ actions.
You were beginning to realize that the real Keanu was quite different from what he let out to the world and you were thrilled and touched that he was beginning to trust you enough to let you see this side of him.
You only feared that this was making it even easier for you to fall for him and you had to keep reminding yourself that this was mostly business and casual for him, so it should be the same to you. Maybe it was for the best that Keanu was leaving again, give you room to shield your heart instead of getting caught up in his spell.
“What time’s your flight?” You asked, stretching and yawning. Letting his gaze drink in your naked body.
You were starting to feel much more comfortable being completely bare whenever you were together especially because you never knew when Keanu might pounce you and ruin a perfectly good pair of underwear.
“In four hours,” he replied and you smirked, crawling closer to the edge of the bed, your face hovering inches away from his crotch as you looked up at him through your lashes.
“So we could stay in bed a little longer?”
“We could,” Keanu smirked down at you. “If someone didn’t have class.”He pulled away from you, walking over to the small sitting room of the master suite and you groaned in disappointment, getting up and putting on a shirt so you could follow him.
“I can skip it,” you said, humming appreciatively as the smell of coffee reached your nose. Keanu had ordered room service and food was already set on the dining table.
“You could, but you’re not going to.” There was a warning in his eyes and even if you knew he was just thinking about the best for you, you couldn’t help but pout. You wanted to spend a little longer with him. “Besides, I can’t stay. Apparently, I’m needed at Arch.”
Keanu rolled his eyes and pulled the chair for you, waiting until you were seated to push it in place and start serving you. It was kind of his thing, taking care of you like this even if you insisted he didn’t have to. Keanu just liked to do it and after a couple of days, you stopped arguing and just let him get his way, as he always did.
“Well, the branch is just starting, makes sense they rely a little more on you,” you reasoned and Keanu snorted as he poured your coffee: two sugars, just a splash of milk like you liked it, setting on your left.
“I pay these people a lot of money, so they don’t need to rely on me.” Keanu settled on his chair across from you once he had filled your plate, sipping on his coffee. “What I need is someone I can trust to oversee things for me, be my representative.”
“Maybe you should stay a little longer, find someone to fill that role,” you said, trying for a nonchalant tone but from the little smirk Keanu flashed over the rim of his cup, it didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“I really wished I could, but I have a lecture at MIT this afternoon, a conference in London in two days, and several meetings back in LA for the next three weeks.”
You knew that Keanu was a busy man, of course. Being CEO of one of the leading technology companies in the US took time and effort, still, you couldn’t help the pang of disappointment in your heart. This week, you had him mostly to yourself so you were going to miss not having him at all.
“I guess we’re going to have to learn to do this long-distance,” you said, managing a smile that didn’t really reach your eyes.
“That reminds me…” Keanu said, getting up and for the first time you noticed the dark paper bags on the couch. “I got you a few things.”
With a frown, you got up too and stood next to him as he unveiled the items. You gasped when you realized he just got you the most expensive laptop from his company, as well as an ARCHpad, one of those tablets everyone in your class seemed to have.
“Keanu, I can’t take this…” you said, even if your fingers were running over the smooth dark surface of the laptop, the sunken lines of the word ARCH in bright red making the device slick and modern.
“You can and you will,” he took a seat next to you on the couch, one arm around your shoulders as you explored the illuminated keys of the laptop. “I’ve seen that piece of junk you call a laptop and I’m surprised you can get anything done with a thing that old. Besides, having an ARCHbook will make it easier for you to sync up your account with your ARCHpad and phone.”
“I don’t have an ARCHphone,” you told him, and Keanu just smirked, reaching inside his pocket, and pulling a mobile. “Keanu, I…”
Before you could form a protest, he sealed your lips with his, distracting you with a searing kiss that had you burning with need for him.
“Ok…” you sighed against his mouth once he let you away for breath and Keanu grinned. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, sweetheart,” setting the phone on your hands so you could explore it. “Just don’t let anyone take too close of a look. That model isn’t out yet.”
You nodded, still distracted by the device, noticing that it was already set up and there was only one name on its contact list: Keanu’s, along with one of the silliest looking ID pictures you had ever seen, which made you giggle.
“Seriously, I can’t thank you enough,” you said turning your attention back to him and finding him with another box in his hand and a big smile on his lips. “What’s that now?”
“Take a look,” he encouraged with a wiggle of his eyebrows and you tugged on the ribbon, untying the box before you could lift the lid.
“It’s a key,” you frowned in confusion and it took you a second to realize what that meant. “Oh my GOD! Is this…?”
“Yeah,” Keanu chuckled.
“So, I can…”
“Whenever you want,” he assured and you couldn’t contain yourself, you just climbed on his lap and pressed kisses all over his face, chanting your gratitude as he laughed. “One last thing and I promise I’m done.”
“You’re spoiling me,” you slowed your kisses, focusing on his lips now and making them longer, sensuous and you could already feel him hardening underneath you.
“That’s the point, sweetheart.” He lifted his hand by his head, a black credit card between his fingers and you knew what that was without even looking. “For furniture and other expenses as you settle in the new apartment.”
You hesitated in taking the card and you had no idea why. Keanu gave you an apartment, why a credit card linked to his account was the thing that gave you pause? Why taking his money made you guilty when you had been very willing to enjoy the nice, expensive things he bought you with it?
“I can hear you overthinking it,” he whispered, freehand coming to your nape to pull you closer and catch your mouth in another searing kissing that left you gasping and rolling your hips against him. “You don’t have to take it if you don’t feel comfortable with it, but if you don’t you’ll have to wait a month for me to come back and we can get that place furnished. Do you really want to wait?”
You didn’t and he knew it too. For this week, you had experimented the heaven that it was to have an actual comfortable place to live with plenty of space and without a noisy and annoying roommate. A place where you didn’t have to share a bathroom with several other people and you could study without anyone interrupting you or worrying about slow wi-fi or working hours.
You had had the taste of freedom and Keanu knew you weren’t ready to go back to the hell that was your dorm. So, you snatched the card from his hand with narrowed eyes at his little victorious smirk.
“You’re sure I shouldn’t skip my class and you shouldn’t tell everyone at Arch to fuck off?” you asked, lips brushing against his as you grabbed his hand and brought between your legs, to your soaked folds.
“No,” he heaved a sigh, biting your lip before he grabbed his phone and brought it to his ear. “Cheryl I can’t make it to the meeting. Just email me the issues and I’ll take a look at the plane.”
Keanu hung up before there was even a word out from the other side of the line, which made you smirk. Especially when he wrapped his arms tight around you and got up from the couch, your legs coming around his waist to give yourself some more support.
“You, young lady, are a bad influence,” he declared, walking back to the suite.
“I learned with the best,” you grinned, catching his lips in a new kiss.
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You could feel the weight of the stares at your back as you made your way to the breakroom. After a week of coming and going from the presidential suite, everyone in the hotel knew about you and Keanu and the whispers and rumors started flying. You were trying your best not to let it affect you but it was hard when every time you stepped into a room, everyone fell silent making painfully obvious that you had been the topic of conversation.
Still, you only had to deal with it for another week since you had delivered your two weeks’ notice. You could handle some gossip for another week. It wouldn’t be enough to make you fall from your high of having a brand-new apartment and the shot of a better life for yourself
Leaned on the reception desk, you flashed a big grin at Maggie, showing her the key. Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hands, muffling her little squeal of excitement, getting weird looks from one of the other receptionists.
“Yes!” you grinned, happiness brimming in your heart. “What time do you get out? We’re going to celebrate.”
“Perfect!” you pulled one of the notepads closer, scribbling down the address before pushing it her way. “Just drop by when you’re done.”
“I’m so happy for you!” Maggie grinned wide and you could feel the sincerity in her tone and her eyes. She had been your first real friend in New York and supported you through thick and thin. You knew she would support you through this too.
You waved at her, walking out of the hotel with that silly grin in your lips, wide enough your cheeks were starting to hurt but you couldn’t help yourself. Things were really starting to brighten up for you and it was hard to disguise the relief and excitement. Maybe it wasn’t the way you have pictured, but was that so bad? Plans didn’t always happen how we imagine, but that doesn’t make it a bad thing, right?
You took a taxi to your dorm room, having way too much expensive stuff to risk taking the subway and as you strolled around campus you couldn’t avoid having a little spring on your step, giddiness filling your chest. You were almost hoping that your roommate was around so you could give her the finger as you left your personal hell.
However, she didn’t show up, so you had to settle for leaving a note while you hauled the two suitcases with your possessions, plus your backpack out of the dorm. You paused at the sidewalk just outside the building that had been your home for the last three years. They had been good years despite everything, but you weren’t going to miss it. Not when you knew what was waiting for you on the other side of the cab ride to Morningside Heights.
You rested your forehead against the cool window of the car, watching the city lights passing you by in flashes, excitement bubbling in your chest as the metal of the key heated up against your hand. You couldn’t let it go. It was the ultimate sign that your life would never be the same.
The cabbie parked by the front doors and helped you with your bags, leaving the doorman to take them inside for you while you paused by the front desk to sign up, all the documents needed in your phone.
Once all formalities were concluded, you could take the elevator to your apartment. No, penthouse. The giddiness growing as the numbers moved up and finally the polished metal doors slid open, revealing the well-illuminated hall with one solitary door.
With your suitcases resting by the wall, your hands trembled as you tried to push the key in the hole and you giggled like a kid at the click of the lock and the silent sway of the door, revealing the ample space of the living room, dark except for the dotted lights of the buildings all around you the came through the window panels.
You hesitated, wishing Keanu could be doing this with you, stepping inside your home for the first time. The thought was almost enough to deflate your entire mood, so you quickly shoved aside, taking your first step into your new life. This was it. This was your world now and you would be damned if you were going to let anyone stand in your way.
Flickering the lights on as you walked through the empty space, you took deep breaths, letting the smell of polish wood floors and gleaming new metal fill your nose. There wasn’t any furniture except for the kitchen cabinets and basic appliances, and you tried to imagine how each space would look as you walked around, hands touching the walls and windows.
You wanted a big dinner table and a long couch so you could always have people over and a chandelier – nothing too flashy – above to brighten up the room. You wanted the halls in a light shade of grey and the rooms white to soak up natural lights.
In the master bedroom, you wanted the bed to face the windows so you could always wake up to the sun rising in between the buildings, the orange hues of the sky turning blue as the sun brightened up. You also wanted a window bench so you could sit and read with the city as a background. Your work desk, however, couldn’t face the windows. You would get lost in the view.
Sitting on the duvet you spread on the ground in the exact place where you envisioned your bed, you let your mind wander with home design options and ideas until you heard the intercom and jumped to your feet, knowing Maggie would be waiting outside.
“Oh. My. God!” she said with round eyes as she shoved the sparkling wine in your hands and walked around the apartment. “Oh. My. God.”
You just chuckled, putting the bottle in the fridge and following as she explored the place. When she stepped on the terrace, her eyes grew even wider and her grin brighter.
“OH. MY. GOD!”
“I know!” you giggled covering your mouth. You couldn’t believe yourself just yet.
“I’m so happy for you, sweetie,” Maggie’s smile was soft and sincere as she drew you into her arms. “I really am. You’re one of kindest, good-hearted people I’ve ever met in this city and you deserve a good life.”
“Thanks, Mags,” you grinned, your eyes burning with the unshed tears. Your heart bursting with emotion. She really was such an amazing friend. “Let’s pop that bottle and order Chinese?”
“Fuck yes!” she cheered, following you back to the kitchen.
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The days blurred together as they went by. You still had class every day and finished your two weeks-notice at last, which gave you plenty of free time. More than you knew what to do with. So you focused your energy on getting the apartment livable.
You took Maggie shopping for furniture. Your first purchase was a bed because your back was starting to hurt from sleeping on the floor. You got a king-size bed with padded headboard, bedside tables, and an office desk and chair because you were never good at working in bed without falling asleep or getting distracted. Next was the kitchen stuff you needed since you couldn’t live off takeout forever.
You never knew nice china and cutlery were that expensive. It was almost as if the uglier they got, the price went up, even more, to convince buyers it was worth it. Fortunately, you weren’t a moron, so you settled for plain white ones because you were planning to eat from them not put it on display.
Keanu was less than thrilled with your picks though, and everything you two video chatted and you showed your latest buy, he would get that look on his face that told you he was trying to pretend he didn’t hate it. Or when you sent a link of something you were planning to get, and he just shot it down in three seconds.
“Oh my God! You’re so pretentious,” you complained good-naturedly at your nightly chat as Keanu vetoed the couch you intended to by.
“It’s not being pretentious, sweetheart. It’s having a taste for the finer things in life,” he replied with a smirk, laying back on his luxurious bed in LA.
You could see dark sheets and an elegant bedframe of twisted metal in decorative loops. His torso was bare, and his hair curled slightly behind his ears, showing he had showered recently and let it dry naturally.
“You’re saying that just because your bed cost twice as mine…”
“A little more than twice,” he corrected, making you roll your eyes.
“Fine! Just because your bed cost an obscene amount of money, doesn’t mean it’s better than mine.”
“Ours,” he corrected again and this time, you smiled. “Our bed and yes, it does. I make sure to only get the best for my places and that penthouse isn’t going to be an exception.”
You mulled over his words, tapping your index finger on your jaw. Truth was, you did walk by Horchow and Modani that first day, but the posh looks of the displays and salesperson made you run to the familiar halls of Ikea. At least there you could blend in. Everyone went to Ikea and you still remembered the days that you walked between their products, picking the furniture for your dream house, which you were doing right now.
“You shouldn’t be afraid of dreaming a little bigger, love,” he smiled gently at you once you confessed that and that familiar warmth that you always felt when Keanu granted you that look, all soft and caring, filled your chest. Damn you missed him.
Saturday after your conversation with him, you were awakened by someone leaning heavily on the doorbell and when you finally managed to groggily drag yourself from your bed and pad barefoot to the open it, your apartment was invaded by a small entourage of overly energetic and sharply dressed people.
“He was right! It is perfect!” the man that seemed to be leading the party cooed, walking past you like you were part of the furniture as he admired the window panels and the morning light that filtered through it.
“I’m sorry, but who the hell are you?” you asked after a moment of watching them scattering around your place, browsing through everything, measuring tapes coming out every once in a while.
“Didn’t Mr. Reeves tell you?” he asked, spinning on his heel to look at you, his lips crisping in distaste at your messy hair and oversized sleeping shirt. “I’m Ryan, the interior designer that did his offices here in New York.”
“I guess he forgot to mention,” you replied, rubbing your eyes and moving towards the counter to get some coffee. “I’m guessing you’re here to fix the apartment?”
“I wouldn’t say fix…” he trailed off, looking around, but his grimace was quite obvious. “Alright, I would. Honey, do you have any idea how lucky you are? You got a high-end apartment in one of the best areas of the city and unlimited funds to get it just the right way. Think big!”
“People keep telling me that,” you sighed, leaning against the counter, holding your mug like it was a lifeline in the brand new world you had just been thrown into. “I’m a simple girl with simple needs.”
‘I can work with that,” he smiled at you and this time you could actually feel some warmth behind his words as he moved closer, ARCHpad in hand. “And simple doesn’t have to mean cheap.”
You spent the rest of the day with Ryan and his team, going through each room of the apartment selecting the right color scheme, wallpapers, and furniture, browsing the website of some of the most expensive design stores you had ever seen.
Ryan tried his best to be gentle and kind with you but you could tell he was losing patience with your hesitation every time your gaze landed on the price of a specific product, making you once again scared by the amount you were spending.
“You know we could furniture several small houses with what we’re investing in this one apartment?” you asked Ryan as he kept pushing you into buying this gorgeous couch that costed more than what your mother made in a month.
“Yes, and that’s dreadful,” Ryan heaved an annoyed sigh. “Would not buying this couch fix anything?”
“Well, no…”
“Good!” he cut you off, clicking on the purchase button. “That settles then. And we’re done for today, tomorrow Alicia will come over with options for your wardrobe.”
You looked down at yourself. After Ryan and his team invaded your home, you put on a pair of leggings under your sleeping shirt and pulled your hair up in a bun. You didn’t think you looked that bad, did you?
“What’s wrong with my wardrobe right now?” You asked and Ryan let out a sharp laugh, putting away his things in his briefcase.
“You’re funny. I can see why Mr. Reeves likes you,” he pecked your cheek like you two were best friends and led his crew to the door, handing you a card. “Call if you need anything else.”
You waited until they were out of sight to grab your phone and text Keanu, asking if he was available to talk. His answer was to make a videocall you.
“I have five minutes before an acquisition meeting, so talk fast.” You could see the tension in his shoulders, on the crease of his brow and the steel in his eyes. It made you immediately regret having reached out at all.
“It’s not important. Have a good meeting,” you said, thumb already hovering over the end button.
“Wait,” Keanu sighed, squeezing the bridge of his nose. “I’m sorry. It’s been a shit week. Are you alright? Do you need anything?”
“No, I just…” you paused, looking away. Part of you wanted to be there to ease whatever tension seemed to be lingering in his frame. Part of you didn’t know if you should feel like that considering you were just his… you didn’t even know how to describe it. “Do you not like how I look? How I dress?”
“What?” Keanu frowned in confusion. “Of course, I do. What makes you…” he paused realization coloring his features. “Alicia.”
“Yeah,” you nodded, sitting cross-legged on the bed.
“It’s not like that, sweetheart,” he explained. “One: I could care less about how you dress. As a matter of fact, if you could walk naked for the rest of your life, I’d die a happy man.” That made you giggle, a blush creeping up your cheeks because Keanu was talking about you two in the long-term and that made you undeniably happy. “Unfortunately, I can’t take you to a charity ball in t-shirt and leggings… I mean, I could…” he smirked, and you chuckled again. “That’s where Alicia comes in. I’ll make sure to tell her not to bug you with anything other than event clothes. How about that?”
“I can handle that,” you smiled at him, tucking one lock of hair behind your ear as you looked at his considerably more relaxed expression. The creases in his face this time from amusement and not tension. You preferred those much better. “I miss you.”
The words escaped you and for a moment you regretted, but Keanu’s expression softened up even more as he gazed at the screen.
“I miss you too,” he breathed out. “Wish I could fly over for the weekend, but there’s so much shit going on…”
“It’s alright, Ke, We can handle another two weeks,” you tried to fake a cheerful tone but from the look in his face, he didn’t buy it and neither did you. Someone called his name from out of the frame and he looked away for a second, nodding before glancing back at you. “Have a good meeting.”
“Thank you. Call you tonight.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
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The next day, you were dressed and caffeinated when Alicia knocked on your door, also with her small crew of people. You had given a lot of thought about the entire thing after talking to Keanu and even if you didn’t want to do a complete makeover, you wouldn’t mind changing a bit to better fit in his world. In your new world.
Maggie agreed that if you had the chance to look a little nicer, with fancier clothes and professional help for your hair and nails, what would be the harm? It would even help with job interviews. Every advisor you had even been to always told you that the way one looked could make or break their chances.
So, you let Alicia and her team work on you. Waxing every hair of your body – and sweet Jesus that hurt – leaving you so smooth your skin felt soft like a baby’s. Cut your hair in a modern new long bob that flattered your face; fix your eyebrows and give you tutorials on makeup for different occasions as well as saddle you with so many beauty products the marble counter of your sink looked like it housed a small army.
When it came to clothing, Alicia took time to hear your needs as she offered several new choices with your style in mind and you loved every single one of them, from the basic tees and jeans to the pencil skirts and button-downs for business occasion and the party gowns and cocktail dresses. They were all gorgeous.
“Now, lingerie…” she said, opening a different case and giving you a sly smile. “There are a few sets that Mr. Reeves picked himself.”
“He did?” Your voice squeaked slightly, as you rubbed your nape and looked anywhere but, Alicia.
“Yes. He has excellent taste,” she said, spreading five pairs of bra and panties, three corsets, two slips, and a robe on the bed.
You swallowed around the lump in your throat, touching the rich lace and silky soft satin of the slip and the robe. They were all gorgeous and heat rose to your cheeks at the thought of putting these on for Keanu, letting him devour your shape and curves as you paraded for him. A shiver ran down your spine and you finally met Alicia’s eyes.
“Yes, to all of those,” your gaze moved to her case. “What else do you have?”
By the time you were done picking all kinds of lingerie imaginable, the sun was starting to set and you knew Keanu would be calling soon, so you said your goodbyes to Alicia, thanking her profusely as you guided the way to the front door.
“One more thing,” she said, digging something out of her bag, a square black box and handing it to you. “He told me to give you this.”
“What is it?” you asked with a frown, undoing the bow on top, but before you could open the lid, she rested a hand over yours.
“Maybe you should take a look in private,” she smirked at you, eyebrows raised and the rush of blood to your cheeks made your face hot.
“Oh.” Alicia winked at you before stepping out, leaving you alone with the black box and your thoughts.
You let the box on the bed, still too afraid of opening it; choosing instead to take a long bath. It had been a long weekend with too many people coming and going. You just wanted the chance of soaking up in the bubbly water, enjoy yourself before putting on one the slips Keanu picked and settling in bed to take a look inside the box.
It wasn’t as terrifying as you first thought, just a purple silicone thing, shaped like a U and for a while, you wondered how exactly it worked. You had never owned a sex toy before, so you had no clue what to do with that one. And from what you could see, there weren’t instructions included.
The vibrations of your phone made you startle and you scrabbled to put the toy out of view before picking up, sighing in relief when you saw it was Keanu. You accepted his video call, leaning back on the headboard to make yourself more comfortable.
“Wow!” he breathed out when the video connected and he saw you, making you grin. “You look… wow.”
‘I made you speechless,” you chuckled. “That has to be a first.”
“Not a first, but very rare,” he said, his voice turning lower and you could already feel the shiver running down your spine. “Let me see all of you.”
With a nod, you moved to stand in front of the mirror, shifting cameras, and Keanu let out a sharp and shaky exhale, shifting in his own bed and you could once again see his bare torso.
“You look amazing, sweetheart.” The hunger in his eyes was enough to make you flush, your skin suddenly hot. “Did you get my gift?”
“You mean this?” you asked, returning to bed and showing the toy. “Yes, though I have no idea what to do with it.”
“Don’t worry. I didn’t get it for you to play alone,” he smirked at you. “Now, I’m going to send you a link so we can move this to a private channel. You’re gonna need your computer for this.”
You obeyed his instructions, setting up the computer between your legs and clicking the link he emailed you, it loaded into a simple videoconference app with no identification and you wondered if Keanu made this especially for these occasions.
“That’s better,” he smiled at you and now you could see more of him, of his naked body and you swallowed hard at the sight of his cock resting on the nest of dark hair.
You could never get tired of looking at Keanu like this, completely naked for your hungry gaze. He was fit, but not overly defined. You knew his broad torso housed solid muscles, hard and strong and he was capable to pin you down or lift you up and that was all that mattered. The sight was much more appealing than a model’s six-pack.
“This is safe?” you asked, the idea of doing this on camera making you shy.
“Perfectly safe. I promise,” Keanu smiled reassuringly. “Now, I want you to touch yourself. Pretend it’s my hand.”
You settled back on the pillows, letting your fingertips travel down over the hollow of your throat, and the valley of your breasts. You closed your eyes to try and imagine his hand, his touch, but your digits were too small, too soft in comparison. Still, his pleased hum was enough to spur you one and you, circled one nipple over the silk of your slip, making the nub harden, raising goosebumps on your arms and legs. You could feel the slow, lazy tendrils of pleasure waking up in your center, sending tiny sparks of enjoyment and heat through your veins.
“You look so fucking sexy like that,” Keanu breathed out, his voice rougher than before, breathier. “God! I miss your taste. I miss your smell. I just wanna bury my face on your cunt, lick you up until you’re writhing and riding my mouth.”
You keened softly, pressing your legs together as the throb in your core started, his words panting such an enticing picture.
“We haven’t done that yet, have we? Have you sitting on my face, let you ride it, suffocate me with your juices.” His smirk was one of the dirtiest things you have ever seen and as the need grew inside you, your grip on your breast tightened, making you moan. “Do you want that? Do you want to ride my face?”
“Yes, sir,” you breathed out, shoving the straps of your slip down so you could better touch your breasts. You sucked a thumb, flickering against your nipples and you arched at the sensation, your skin so hot, your lungs tight, making your breath come out in desperate pants.
“And after you drench my face, I’ll put you in all fours and fuck that pretty cunt,” Keanu continued, making the throb more intense and your core wetter. “Are you soaked, sweetheart? Dripping on the bed?”
You lifted your skirt and spread your legs to the camera, watching as Keanu cursed and fisted his hardening cock.
“Yes, sir,” you pushed one finger inside yourself and swirled your clit with your thumb, making a bolt of pleasure shot through you. “So wet.”
“Good,” he growled. “Get the toy. You’re gonna put the larger end inside your cunt, the smaller one should press against your clit.”
You obeyed through the hazy of your pleasure. It felt weird at first, the texture foreign against your entrance and your walls clenched slightly, keeping the toy out, but you played with your clit a little more, while you teased your slit with the rubber and finally, your walls allowed the toy passage.
It wasn’t a large as Keanu’s cock, but it did give you a sort of fullness and it teased your g-spot slightly, but not enough to do anything for you. You figured there should be some kind of vibrating function, but as far as you could see, there weren’t any buttons.
Before you could ask Keanu, the toy came to life, making you shout and shake, the vibrations coursing through your clit and center, kindling your pleasure like an erupting volcano and when you managed to finally open your eyes and look at the screen, Keanu had a huge, shit-eating smirk and was holding his phone in hand. He was controlling the toy.
“Feels good, sweetheart?” he asked, stroking his cock and you nodded, getting lost in the sensations. “Keep those thighs open, baby. I wanna see you.”
“Sorry, Mr. Reeves,” you whimpered, forcing your legs apart. The pleasure was so intense your first instinct was to close up, keep that pulsing deep inside so you could enjoy every second.
“Tell me how good it feels,” he asked.
“So, fucking good,” you sighed, rolling your hips, trying to find more of that sweet pleasure, your hands squeezing your breasts and pinching your nipples.
“Better than my cock?”
“No,” you whimpered, looking at him with heavy lids. “Never.”
“Good answer,” he smirked, and the vibrations went up, making you moan and writhe, your walls convulsing around the toy, as if unsure if they should try to push it away or deeper inside you. “Fuck! You looked so pretty all flushed and undone for me. I wish I could record this. I can almost taste how desperate you are to cum.”
“Please, sir,” you whined, head thrown back, back arched. The knot in your center so tight and so good but you still needed something, that little nudge to send you over the edge.
“If I was there,” Keanu said, his hand working faster around his hard, leaking cock. His words punctuated by little grunts. “I’d have you on your knees, sucking my cock while that toy worked that cunt. I’d make you choke on my cock until you could feel your throat around my head. Do you want that?”
“Fuck! Yes, Mr. Reeves,” you were rocking your hips steadily now, tears of frustration running down your temples as the pleasure got unbearable, but not enough to make you come undone.
“Or maybe I could fuck that tight ass? Take yet another virginity of yours?”
The mere suggestion coupled with a sudden increase of vibrations nearly made you scream as your orgasm surged through you like a crashing wave, pulling you under. You cried out his name, feeling the gush of warm liquid soak your thighs and the sheet beneath you.
“Well that was unexpected,” Keanu chuckled at little, breathless and flushed himself, his belly and chest smeared with pearly white cum as he turned off the toy. “I didn’t know you could squirt, sweetheart.”
“I, uh, I didn’t know either…” you panted, your cheeks burning, and you could barely look at the screen, too busy staring at the huge wet spot under you.
“It was fucking hot,” he called out, making you peer at him. “Next time, I want you to do it all over my cock.”
“Yes, sir…” you gasped, your center pulsing as you looked at him. “Thirteen days and counting.”
“Too fucking long,” he sighed, looking almost angry as he cleaned his chest with a tissue. “I just want you with me. One week together and I already miss having you pressed against me when I sleep.” Keanu chuckled to himself. “I’m spending most of the night awake because you’re not there. How pathetic is that?”
You bit your lip and shifted in the bed, avoiding the wet spot as you met his brown eyes, your hearts doing acrobatic flips due to his confession.
“It’s not,” you whispered. “I miss you too. I miss your smell. I even bought a pack of cigarettes and some bourbon to see if I can get the room to smell like you. It didn’t work.”
Keanu snorted, his gaze locking you in place as he stared through the screen.
“What did you do to me, sweetheart? I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way.”
“Me either,” you confessed, that giddiness returning along with a boldness you didn’t recognize. “Keanu, I think…”
Before you could finish your words, his phone started ringing and he looked over at the caller ID and cursed.
“I need to take this, sweetheart. Talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.”
He turned off the videocall before you could reply and you sighed, lowering the lid of your laptop down and cuddling the pillow. Were you really about to tell Keanu you loved him? A man you barely knew? That your entire relationship was based on a contract? Did you lose your mind?
Then again, could you even deny to yourself anymore? You did love him. You were pretty sure you fell the second your lips touched his that first time around. Even if you shouldn’t have. Even if it would only bring you trouble.
But whenever Keanu said stuff like that; bared himself to you like that, you felt maybe you weren’t crazy in wanting him as much as you did. You thought you saw through the cracks of the armor he kept raised something that went beyond the contract. More than plain affection or desire.
Maybe, just maybe, there could be more to his, but if you were to find out, you needed to be with him in person, push past his walls until you could find out if you were right or out of your mind.
You needed to go to LA.
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