#i see the plastic bags in the store containing them
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’Buy your UFO’s at Hemmakväll’ .... Hemmakväll what have you done .............
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matchingbatbites · 10 days
Eddie is weird.
It's something that Steve knew long before he actually knew Eddie, the older boy's oddities and eccentricities on display for anyone to see. Past Steve used to roll his eyes whenever Eddie would push against the flow of normal, but present Steve enjoys it, Eddie's brand of different. 
That's really the reason why he pretends not to notice when Eddie takes things.
Nothing crazy, nothing valuable, and that's honestly the real reason he hasn't said anything about it. He watches Eddie pocket bottle caps from the kids' sodas and paper clips from the Family Video counter, even the little tables from the pizza boxes when they have a movie night.
Steve doesn't understand why Eddie collects these little odds and ends, just sees it as another one of his quirks. Until he finally sees where everything is going.
They're walking to the corner store that's fairly close to the trailer park, the sun on its way to setting but not quite there yet. The conversation that flows between them is easy, easier than Steve ever thought it could be, and it makes something in him want to curl up and purr like a contented cat. 
He's telling Eddie about something that happened at the grocery store today, when the older boy makes a soft noise of delight before crouching and grabbing something from the pavement. Steve barely gets a look at the penny, but he can tell from just a glimpse that it's seen better days and has more than likely been run over by a few cars, if the scratches on it are anything to go by. 
Eddie makes another happy noise as he stands once more and tucks the coin into his jacket pocket, and Steve picks his story back up like nothing happened. It doesn't get mentioned at all, but Steve can see the extra pep in Eddie's step, like he's so excited over something so simple, yet trying to contain it.
His silent joy is contagious, and by the time they get back to the trailer, they're practically plastered together at their sides and giggling like children. Steve nearly forgets about the penny, until Eddie drops his bag of snacks onto the little kitchen table and beelines to his room. So, so curious, Steve leaves his own bag next to Eddie's before following.
The older boy is crouched on the floor by the bed, and Steve watches as he pulls out what appears to be a shoebox, possibly for a pair of work boots, and sets it on the bed. Steve gets a brief look at the lid and the chicken-scratch Crow Box written on the top before Eddie opens it, and a few things quickly make sense.
The box is full of little things, even more than what Steve has seen Eddie take and pocket, a clear sign that that has been ongoing for years. Little plastic dinosaurs and incredibly smooth or shiny rocks, a chain of colored paper clips and a plastic cup full of acorn hats. There's even an old pencil box that appears to house a small hoard of bottle caps, all different colors, tucked in neatly next to a handful of the pizza tables. 
The whole collection is actually well organized, and Steve watches as Eddie takes the new penny from his pocket and drops it into a tin can full of other scratched and beaten coins.
"That's quite a collection," Steve says without even thinking, and Eddie looks up with wide eyes, like he wasn't expecting Steve to follow. Steve just crouches down next to him, resisting the urge to reach out and pick up one of the acorn hats, or one of the dinosaurs. "Any reason behind it?"
Eddie just shrugs and looks down at the box. He takes one of the shiny rocks and offers it to Steve, who gladly takes it and rolls it in his fingers. "They're weird, or actually, they're things that are so normal, they're invisible. Things people usually don't think about, or throw out, or walk right by. They're… different. But I like them."
God, Steve has never related to a feeling more. Seeing something that other people just brush off or ignore and wanting to be the one to cherish it. 
"I can get that," he says as he drops the rock back into the cup with its siblings. "I mean, you're different, and I like you, so." His heart in his throat, Steve leans in and presses a kiss to Eddie's cheek before standing, and he again finds himself caught in Eddie's wide-eyed surprise.
"C'mon, crow boy. We've got a movie to watch."
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toji-girl · 2 months
If you’re having writers block or just bored! How about Toji and/or Kento with a pregnant overdue reader, just being sassy and grumpy. Maybe angst/comfort that maybe they’re having a silly argument, yk? Just need some big buff princess to come comfort me <3
Have a good day ! - 🩰
I am very bored at the moment lmaoo so this came in at the right time, and I haven't written Kento with a pregnant! reader yet! I hope you're having a wonderful day or evening! this is sorta short but still with comort💚
tags: pregnant! fem reader + fluff + angst with comfort
It felt like the worst thing that ever happened to you as you stared down at the empty box of snack cakes you bought last night for a moment like this when your cravings were extra prevalent.
Your eyes shifted to the shiny diamond on your ring finger, the one Kento slipped on two years ago. Now all you wanted to do was rip it off and throw it in the trash for him to see later when he gets home.
He must've taken it this morning when he packed his own lunch, it was something that you did for him early in the morning or late at night but now that you're overdue hitting forty-one weeks pregnant you were at your absolute limit of everything.
You swore your eye twitched as you threw the empty cardboard in the trash feeling your anger flare as you waddled to the living room in search of your phone as hot angry tears gathered in your eyes.
When you found your phone you instantly dialed Kento's number listening to the ringing that didn't last long. His smooth velvety voice came from the other side. "Hi, sweetheart. Are you okay?" He asked.
"N-No! You ate my last cake! Do you know how long I've been waiting to eat that Kento!?" You knew you were being a bit dramatic, well maybe more than just a bit, well over the top is more like it.
He blinked as he stood from his desk knowing that he had exactly twenty minutes to replace what he ate before you started spouting off about divorce papers, you even showed him the single mom budget you wrote out in a flurry of anger and tears last time.
Kento hurried to his car not even offering a polite smile as he usually does to his co-workers, the store was five minutes away which left him with fifteen to get home and feed you himself to make it better.
When he slid the key into the front door twenty minutes later you still sat on the couch unable to get up from your spot. "I'm home baby!" He called out and emerged from the hallway with a worried look.
He made his way over to you with the plastic bag only for you to turn away from him while furiously wiping at your eyes. "I never eat your food! I wanted them so bad and now I don't!" You huffed and pouted.
The couch dipped with your husband's weight as he sat next to you opening the plastic container which grabbed your attention. Your eyes widened with anger as you looked at them and then at him.
"Those are not my cakes."
Kento knew they weren't but of course, it seemed they were out of all of them. "I know, these were the closest ones I could get, they aren't bad." He mused using the plastic fork to scoop some up for you.
He was trying to be sweet and you knew that but your raging hormones wouldn't allow you to feel anything but anger as you took a bite off the fork feeling your son roll and kick ready to come out.
His hand rubbed your swollen belly as he continued to feed you, his eyes soft with guilt which in turn made you start to bawl. "I'm sorry. I know I was a bitch and I shouldn't have treated you that way."
With that out of the way, you looked at him as he put the cake down to wipe away your tears with his thumbs. "You aren't anything but glowing, give yourself some slack. You're growing our baby and you're well overdue so it makes sense, I don't hold it against you baby."
You wrapped yourself around Kento the best you could sobbing into his shoulder, when you pulled back to look at him a trail of snot and tears bridged from your face making you gag and pout again.
He stared at you as he cleaned up your face and fed you the last cake which you accepted gratefully after smothering him with soft kisses in an apology for how you've been acting which he accepted quickly.
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bbunisre · 3 months
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When you spot the ebony-haired boy sitting down at the back of the library, a smile comes to your face. A smile that comes up a little too naturally. Megumi hasn’t spotted you yet, deep into his homework. You walk over to the hidden table with a plastic bag containing snacks to accompany you during your study time together. You drag the chair out to get his attention.
Now, Megumi’s not known to be the most expressive but when he sees you but there’s a sparkle in his eye that you catch, “You’re here.”
“I’m here.” you confirm, “The line at the convenience store was super long.”
You unbox the multitudes of chips, chocolate and of course…
“Strawberry milk.”
You wish he’d smile like that for the rest of his existence. He looks completely different when he smiles, a certain charm exuding from it.
“Strawberry milk.” you confirm, passing him one.
Just like that, Megumi and you study together in the library, passing time together with little talking. Megumi would pipe up here and there to ask you a question about his homework that he very well knew the answer to but used it as an excuse to talk to you. You, knowing this fully, leaned in and helped with the explanation.
When the librarian kicks you out at six-thirty, you drive Megumi home. 
With Tsumiki hot on both your radars, this is the only way you can hang out without her suspecting it.
“Will we tell her?” you eventually ask.
Megumi looks out the passenger window, “I…don’t know. We should as soon as possible. Do you think we should tell her?”
You shrug, “I’ve never dated my best friend’s brother before. However, I know Tsumiki would appreciate it if we tell her.”
“Let’s tell her now then.” Megumi turns to you.
Your breath catches in your throat, “You sure?”
“She should know.” 
Pulling into the driveway, there’s a certain dread you feel. Megumi holds your hand as you walk towards the front door, “It’s okay.”
His words could be as reassuring as he wants them to be but he has to remember, he’s Tsumiki’s brother. She can forgive him the next day for his mistakes. 
You’re her best friend. 
A best friend’s betrayal is worse.
You don’t think you can live knowing you betrayed Tsumiki.
As the front door opens, you shake Megumi’s hand off.
He furrows his eyebrows at you, obviously confused.
“My two favourite people?” Tsumiki announces, a tone of questioning in her voice, “I thought you stayed back to study?”
“I did.” you answer, “Saw Megumi on the way out so I decided to give him a ride.”
“I see.” she nods, “What were you doing so late, Megs?”
Megumi stares at Tsumiki for a full second before answering, “I was also studying but you didn’t see me on—“
“Did you cook, Tsumi? The house smells so good.” you interrupt, walking inside past her.
Gojo waves his hand from the couch, “Y/N!”
“Gojo! Is that RuPaul?!”
“Yes! Come watch, come watch.” he invites you, looking back and stopping his gaze at Megumi, “Why are you so late?”
Megumi huffs hard, “Was studying. Y/N drove me home.”
If he was looking at you, you paid no mind, walking over to sit beside Gojo. You place your school bag beside you and turn to the TV but there’s an irritating gaze coming from your right.
At first you think it’s Megumi but when you twist your head, you find Gojo staring at you.
“Everything all good?”
Gojo nods, “Did you do a lot of studying today, Y/N?”
Tsumiki’s gone to the kitchen and Megumi’s gone upstairs for some reason.
“Okay, Y/N.”
He says your name with a certain mischievousness.
“…what is it?”
“This is my favourite season by the way.” he dismisses, leaning back into the couch and pressing play on their high-definition flat-screen TV.
The whole time you’re over at their house, the smile continues to come back onto Gojo’s face when Tsumiki asks something or when you stand up to go get a snack or when Megumi walks past you.
By the end of the night, you come to a conclusion.
There has to be one and only reason why he’s acting like this.
TAGLIST (CLOSED): @k4romis @moonmalice @ahseyy @loltartaglia @sircatchungus @rinowinne @sad-darksoul @br66klynbaby @nymphsdomain @pastatata @tobaccosunbxrst @zellwa @porcobrainr0t  @instantmusico @1lellykins @camilo-uwu @iluv-ace @vernonburger @ohhyuuta @liliumaraneae  @m00nglad3-mp3 @sfmegumi @diogodxlot @bloombb @erenjvegerrr @liliumaraneae @polarbvnny @sleepyxxhead @jaynawayna @r0ckst4rjk @illumnis @we-loveebony @leathernourishingshoepolish  @kasumitenbaz @becsmarvel @en40p @sad-darksoul @stardusthyuck @shaigimo @illumnis @just-avi-youknow @lees-chaotic-brain @bakarinnie @saltypuffin1040 @aquatikk @ilykii @ultraviolencezs @lacimolela @ichorstainedskin @we-loveebony @hxlly-rwr @nepenthes-things @satoryaa
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yeonzzzn · 9 months
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🍓strawberries: yeonjun x reader | childhood friends to lovers | warnings: none, just cute ♡
"they say a double strawberry will bring love. spliting it in half and sharing it with another person, you will fall in love with each other..."
[3.0k words] ☆ [pls do not repost]
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A soft tapping on your bedroom window startled you awake. 
You turned quickly to your left, seeing a face looking back at you. The face of your best friend. 
“Yeonjun!” you snapped holding your hands over your chest, “you nearly gave me a heart attack!”
The corners of his mouth tilted up, his finger pointing upwards, signaling you to open the window. 
You sighed as you walked over and lifted the glass up, “don’t you know what time it is?” you asked. 
Yeonjun checks the watch on his wrist, “it’s only 9:30pm.” 
You dropped your face in the palm of your hand, “only 9:30pm he says.” 
“Yeah! Obviously!” Yeonjun places his foot over the plastic panel to the window, “move over I’m coming in.”
You step aside, watching your childhood best friend make his way into your room. 
Yeonjun sets a plastic convenience store bag on your desk where you were once asleep. 
“Oh shit! I forgot we had math homework!” Yeonjun picks up your notebook, “can I copy this later?” 
You snatch the notebook from his hands, “you know you can do it yourself, right? And anyways, why are you here so late? It’s a school night you know.” 
He points to the plastic bag, “I got us snacks.” 
“Yeah. I can see that.” 
You decided to accept his snacks, knowing full well if you didn’t he would pout until you did or leave pouting and then you’d definitely never hear the end of it. You both sat on the floor leading against your bed to keep the crumb from getting on the bedsheets. 
Yeonjun went on telling a story about his experience at school earlier that day while you sipped on the cola he brought you, and munched on some chips. 
You and Yeonjun have been friends since birth, your mothers are both best friends, which automatically made the two of you best friends. 
“Like Y/N it was crazy! This fight was different from any other school fights I’ve seen!”
You nodded your head, “I can tell by your story. I don’t know why you get yourself caught up in these fights, remember we are seniors in high school, if you want to get into a good college, you can’t get caught up in that.”
Yeonjun rolls his eyes, “It’s not like I was in the fight, I just stopped it.” 
“That does not help your case.” 
He shrugs, digging into the bag for another snack.
“Ah! I forgot I got strawberries!” 
You glance over, seeing the rubbing strawberries in his hands. Your eyes lit up, “why did you not start with the strawberries first! I love them!” 
Yeonjun smiled brightly, “that’s why they had to be last! I know you love them.” 
The smell of the fresh strawberries filled your room, your mouth watering, ready to have a taste. 
One by one you both took them, the container soon almost empty. 
Yeonjun’s attention was soon taken by the last strawberry, he held it up in his hand, “it’s a double strawberry.” 
You reached across trying to take it from him, but he pulled away, “I call dibs!” you tried to reach again but he was quick to pull it further away, “Yeonjun!” 
“Do you not know the lord to double strawberries?!” he frantically let out, still shoving you away from the red goodness. 
“What is so special about a double strawberry?? Is it more juicy? I want it if so!” 
Yeonjun rolled his eyes, “No! Silly! Sit back and I will tell you.”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you let him win, ready for him to explain. 
“Okay, they say if you share a double strawberry, the ones who share it fall in love with each other.” Yeonjun smiled up at you, only for his smile to fade once he saw the look on your face.
“That’s the lore?” you couldn’t hide that your were disappointed. You hoped for the lord to be something more amazing.
Yeonjun flicked his finger to your forehead, “yes that IS the lore! Do you not find that interesting?!”
You shook your head, “I think it is silly to put trust in a fruit to make two people fall in love.” 
Yeonjun shrugged, “I think it’s fascinating.”
“You’ve always been the more romantic one out of the two of us.” 
He nodded, staring down at the strawberries. You felt bad after not believing his story, Yeonjun always loved theories and it made you feel guilty for shutting it down so quickly. 
“I’m sorry for being mean,” you apologized.
He smiled brightly at you, “share the strawberry with me.”
You laughed, thinking he was joking. “What? You’re serious?”
He nodded again, “yeah why not?” he wiggled his brows, “maybe we’ll figure out if it’s true or not.” 
You shoved his shoulder, “stop playing.”
He locked eyes with you, your heart rate increasing seeing how very serious he was being, “I’m not playing, Y/N.” 
All you could do was nod in agreement. What’s the worst that could happen?
Yeonjun split the strawberry and handed you your half. 
This was the first time you felt nervous around him. Yeonjun knows your deepest, darkest secrets. Has seen you at your worst, and even your highest. This man embarrassed you in front of the whole student body in the fourth grade when he found out which boy you had a crush on and announced it to everyone. Never once had he ever made you feel the things you were right now. 
But you ate the strawberry anyways, watching as he ate his half. 
“You’re right,” his voice startled you, “the double strawberry was really juicy.” 
Yeonjun looked over at you making eye contact. 
Every inch of you was screaming to look away, to nod your head in agreement that the strawberry was indeed juicy and really good. 
But you couldn’t break away, you sat frozen beside him. 
Yeonjun inched closer to you, shifting his body facing you, his arm resting on your bed while the other hand reached for you.  
You let him. You let him place his hand on the side of your neck, his thumb brushing against your cheek. You could smell his cologne, feel his breath against your skin. 
Yeonjun slowly connected his lips to yours. Your body went hot from his touch. Everything was spinning, but felt as if the world had stopped. 
Once he pulled away, you had to remind yourself to breathe. 
“It’s late,” he said, pushing your hair behind your ear, “I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” 
Yeonjun placed a final kiss on your forehead, and you watched him climb out your window and disappear down the street. 
As if the lore of the strawberry were true, you fell in love with him. 
Everything with Yeonjun felt so right. Everything made sense with him. 
And he felt the same with you. 
The two of you spent the rest of the school year together. 
You became the “it” couple of the school. And deep down, you loved it. 
Every holiday with him was better than before. Every date was more and more special. Every kiss took your breath away every single time. The first I love you melted you. But your heart raced faster each time you heard those words come from his mouth. 
You loved him with every inch of your being. You felt as if nothing could tear you two apart. 
Until the day came where it did tear you apart. 
The two of you sat on the floor of his bedroom. Boxes filled every corner of the room, the convenient store bag of snacks, untouched. A container of strawberries empty, with no double strawberry. 
“Yeonjun, we can find a way!” you cried. 
He tucked his lip between his teeth, “we can’t and you know that.” 
Today was supposed to be a celebration of Yeonjun being accepted as a trainee, but you didn’t think the celebration would end with the both of you ending. 
High School graduation was in a week, you both had so many plans for the summer. He was supposed to follow you to your dream college that was three hours away if he wasn’t accepted as his dream company to be a trainee, and even if he was accepted, you both wanted to make it work. 
Until tonight. 
You knew with Yeonjun’s schedule he wouldn’t have time to visit you often or text or even call often. You did not think it was going to be enough to break the two of you apart. 
You kept looking at the empty container of strawberries, wishing a double one would magically appear there. Maybe the lore wasn’t true after all. 
Graduation came and gone. Days passed. Months flew by and then a years. 
You graduated top of your class from college and landed your dream job in Seoul and moved into a beautiful apartment. 
Your parents threw you a party in congratulations. All your friends from high school came and even the one from college. 
You sat on the couch beside your parents, listening to them talk about how their lives have been since you’ve been gone. You’ve talked to them on the phone every single day, and they’ve visited, but there was still a lot to be caught up on. 
“Oh honey! Mrs. Choi told me to give you her congrats.” your mother said, giving you a warm smile. 
You nodded and smiled back, “tell her I said thank you.” 
She nodded back, but her warm smile slowly faded, “Have you spoken to Yeonjun?” 
You froze at his name, slowly looking away from your mom.
She placed a hand on your shoulder, giving a soft squeeze. 
You excused yourself, rushing away to the kitchen. 
Yeonjun never left your mind. For years since the last day you saw him, he was all you ever thought about. Your heart ached for him. It wanted him and only him. 
You noticed a fruit plate on the table, with a singular strawberry sitting on it. You picked it up, and threw it away. 
A few months have gone by, you settled into your apartment and made a name for yourself at your job. Life was getting easier and Yeonjun didn’t cross your mind much anymore. But maybe it was due to being busy. You never knew the answer to that, and didn’t want to find that answer. 
The first snow of winter touched the ground. You shoved your hands into your jacket pockets, forgetting your gloves at home was the worst mistake of the day. 
You had a late day at work, causing you to walk home at 9pm. With the sun down, the winter breeze was even cooler. 
You kept your head low as you continued your walk back home, counting down the steps until you walked into your apartment. 
A few pairs of laughter in the distance caught your attention, you didn’t want to run into them after all. 
You glance up, seeing five men standing on the sidewalk, laughing at each other. 
It made you smile, it reminded you of the times you and your friends would laugh. 
But your smile faded, when you recognized one smile. 
You stopped walking after fully realizing you recognized the laugh too. 
Your heart raced seeing how happy he looked. How different he looked. You could tell he carried himself different. His smile was bigger. He was much taller. His hair was dyed orange. He looked the happiest you’ve ever seen him. 
You knew you needed to walk away, to turn around and walk a different way home. You couldn’t ruin this for him. 
But it was too late. 
He made eye contact with you. His smile faded. 
You wanted to move, but your feet were planted to the ground. 
He said something to the four friends of his and made his way to you. 
You finally were able to look away, hoping his friends would pull him back, but saw they were no longer on site. 
Finally, you were able to turn around, facing away from him.
“Y/N! Wait please!”
You couldn’t take another step before his hands turned you around and pulled you to him, his arms wrapping around you.
You fought yourself to keep from crying, kept yourself stiff so you wouldn’t. 
Yeonjun realized it too, slowly pulling himself from you. 
“Why are you out here alone?” he asked, pulling a strain of hair behind your ear, “you’re freezing! Are you heading home? I’ll drive you.” 
You shook your head, “no I’m fine.” 
His face fell, watching his foot dig into the snow. 
“Please let me take you home, I don’t feel okay knowing you’re walking alone.”
You took a deep breath in, “you haven’t changed much have you?”
A small smile grew on his face, “obviously not.” 
You agreed to let him drive you home. 
He stopped at the convenient store down the street from your apartment, “why are we stopping?” you asked. 
He gave you a wink, “for snacks of course, just like old times.” 
Your heart sank, but you slowly nodded anyway. You tried to push the last memory of sharing snacks with him out of your head. You didn’t want to remember it. 
Yeonjun dropped the plastic bag on your kitchen table, sliding his jacket off, dropping it in the chair. 
“Want any coffee? To help warm up?” you asked. 
Yeonjun nodded, “yes, thank you.  
He rustled through the plastic bag, bringing out a few packages of ramen, two bags of chips, and a container of strawberries. 
You handed him his coffee, glancing down at the container. 
“You really got everything we used to eat as children, didn’t you.” you soft scoffed. 
Yeonjun tore open one of the bags of chips, “hey I’m a simple guy.” 
You rolled your eyes, sitting down at the table across from him, “you really didn’t change.” 
He glanced over at you, “why would I?” 
You shrugged, tapping your fingers on your coffee mug, “you’re an idol now.” 
“Y/N, just because I’m famous doesn’t mean I’m not the same Yeonjun you know.” 
You looked away from him, seeing his face hurt. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he whispered. “I am an idiot, I get it. But I haven’t stopped thinking about you all these years. You’re the main reason I was able to get as far as I did.” 
You looked into his eyes trying to read him. Yeonjun never was able to hide how he felt from you, even as kids you always knew what he was feeling. And right now wasn’t any different. You could see his emotions all over his face. 
“I didn’t want to lose you,” he chuckled, “but I couldn’t put you through that life.”
You shocked your head, anger filled you, “you don’t know how it would have worked! I was ready for that life. Prepared myself for it. I was ready to support you through thick and thin.”
Yeonjun nodded, “I know, trust me I do.” 
You both sat in silence, until you decided fighting with him wasn’t what you wanted right now. You finally reunited with him, you don’t know when you’d be able to see him again. 
“Want to eat the strawberries and talk how we used to?” 
Yeonjun smiled, opening the container. 
You listened as he talked about his trainee days, about his group members, the company he’s under and even his seniors who he looks up to and all the friends he was able to make. He looked so happy talking about it all. You couldn’t help but wonder how different it would have been for him if you were still in the picture during that time. 
“I’m very happy for you, Yeonjun,” you picked up a strawberry, “I guess it worked out in the end.”
You didn’t mean for those words to be that sharp, but you could tell they cut him like a knife. 
“I meant it when I said I never stopped thinking about you. I talked about you all the time. I still do.” 
“I think about you too,” you decided to admit, “I never stopped.” 
He cleared his throat, “get me caught up on you.” 
You caught him up on your everyday life and how you ended up in Seoul. 
“I am very glad you’re doing well for yourself, Y/N. I was worried about you.” 
You raised a brow at him, “I’m an adult Yeonjun, I can’t take care of myself now.” you teased him. 
He threw his hands up in defense, “hey listen, I trust you okay.” 
You both laughed. You missed this. You missed him. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered, as if he could read your mind. 
You sighed, “I’ve missed you too.” 
Yeonjun chuckled, reaching for the last strawberry in the box, his eyes frozen on it. 
You took a sip from your coffee, watching him in confusion, “what is wrong with it?”
He smiled, “have you ever heard the lore of sharing a double strawberry with someone?” 
You set your cup down, seeing the double strawberry in his hand. 
“They say if you split the strawberry in half with someone, the two will fall in love.” 
He glances up at you, tucking his bottom lip between his teeth.
“I’m still in love with you, Y/N,” he interrupted. “I loved you way before we even shared the first double strawberry. I think I’ve loved you for as long as I could remember, and I never stopped. Sharing the strawberry with you that night all those years ago only gave me the confidence to finally show it.” 
Tears formed in your eyes. The happiness you felt in that moment was written all over your face. 
“I don’t remember when I realized it, but it’s the same with me”, you reached across the table grabbing him by his shirt collar, “I’ve always loved you Choi Yeonjun, and it took that stupid double strawberry to finally realize it.” 
The last thing you saw was his smile and his face inching closer to yours. Your world spun at the touch of his lips. Your heart raced feeling his cold hand brush against your neck. 
He was here with you. And that’s all that mattered in that moment. 
Yeonjun pulled away, resting his forehead against yours, “so, we are sharing this strawberry?” 
“As long as you promise to not leave my side again.” 
“You’re crazy if you think I’m dumb enough to walk away from you again.”
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noroi1000 · 8 months
Ooh requests are open imma send u the lil idea I had in my head but not had the time to get to writing it. Schl sucks I agree it's not fun, hoping you survive it somehow tho
May I request a Gojo x reader where the reader likes sweets so they buy sweets, put them in the fridge and promptly forget all about it until they see the wrapper in the bin/want to eat and realise there's only one left so they demand to know why Gojo has been stealing all their sweets? Thanks!!
A fridge full of sweets
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Summary: You both love sweets. You bought a whole fridge full of sweet delicacies for you. But you didn't manage to eat it because you always had other plans. You remembered about these sweets when you saw empty packages in the trash. Satoru ate everything...
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The shelves that had so much colorful packaging on them looked like they were starting to shine for no reason.
Pink, yellow, red, blue, green packaging and all these. As if a real rainbow appeared in the store. A rainbow that fulfills wishes!
You've been craving sweets so much since the morning. That's why whenever you went to the store to do some basic shopping, your eyes didn't miss the shelf with sweets.
Cookies, jellies, candies, cake in plastic containers, muffins, donuts. Everything seemed to be looking at you and your soul was already strengthening at the mere sight of these delicious good things.
You had Satoru's money with you. And he will never be mad at you if you spend his money on sweets since for him this is the basis of his diet!
He even adds ice cream to Sake when he needs to drink it, but he doesn't like it so much that he adds vanilla ice cream to it to eliminate the bitter taste of the alcohol! At alcoholic parties he drinks melon soda, cola or orangeade!
You have a cupboard in your kitchen especially for sweets!
He bought you bubblegum and pudding flavored lip gloss because he wanted to feel sweet while kissing you!
You both like sweets. You love these sweet flavors that melt in your mouth!
After a few seconds of contemplation, your hands shot out to the colorful packages and you started choosing everything you wanted.
Everything you wanted to take could have been in the fridge. You want refreshing sweets today.
Citrus jellies, mochi, ice cream.
But you couldn't give up marshmallows, Pocky, chocolate bars and those adorable teddy bear cookies. Soft cake, cream and jams... These teddy bears are the ones Satoru likes. But you also like them because they have different flavors.
Later, you were completely ready, going to the bakery to buy muffins with various creams and cake.
You came home with bags containing mainly sweets.
And you looked at the fridge, stuffed to the brim and shiny with delicious-looking things.
Taking one cat-shaped cupcake with sprinkles in the shape of little cats, you closed the fridge to stop yourself from eating it all at once.
If you want to have a beautiful evening, you can eat sweets together.
The strangest thing was that your boyfriend didn't open the fridge right away when he came home.
He came into the house, greeted you, changed into his home clothes and started taking warm food out of his bag.
He came back from town bringing you your favorite food.
He really spoils you. He feeds you with the amount of food he eats. And he could eat all day long. Continuously. And he forces just as much food into you, even though his size outweighs yours. That's why you think he might have a bigger stomach too.
No... He has a black hole in his stomach. Everything he eats disappears as if it never happened and he can continue eating everything.
He clung to you on the couch.
And the next day he took you out to dinner in the city.
Then it happened again that you weren't at home.
The fridge overflowing with sweets hasn't been opened and you haven't eaten any of it yet. Fortunately, there was nothing that deteriorated very quickly.
But one day when he came home late, you were already asleep, waiting for him in bed.
But knowing this Gojo Satoru, he was hungry after working all day as a Jujutsu sorcerer.
That's why his hands reached for the fridge. And his eyes lit up when he saw the amount of sweets.
The smile on his face when he thought that you surprised him and bought all these sweets for him as a gift.
Maybe tomorrow morning he will play with you to thank you for these delicacies?
Your warm arms can wait. For now, he has to eat everything you bought!
All his bites are big. While eating one thing, he only thought about eating the next one. So he ate everything in order. All packages were open. The sour jelly sugar coated his fingers as he licked the cream from his lips after eating the last cupcake.
Long fingers landed on his tongue as he scooped up the sweet and sour delight of the jelly beans.
Will he be able to sleep after all the sugar he has consumed? After coffee bars?
This is Satoru! Someone who has been eating sweets for so long that they have become addicted to it! Someone for whom sugar is not difficult! He can gorge himself and half an hour later he will be hungry again!
You may have already gotten used to your personal hunger at home.
Luckily he can have millions of yen for food!
The empty wrappers of all the treats were thrown into the trash can when he finished eating. And he didn't even want to go brush his teeth to hide all the traces.
They were sweets for him from you, weren't they?
But no one else could eat it except him and you. You two live together.
You felt the bed sink next to you and he climbed into your arms, giving you a kiss on the lips.
Why did you feel the taste of chocolate and cream on his lips, but the inside of his mouth tasted like citrus jelly beans?
You were so sleepy that you ignored it and went back to sleep. After all, you always felt more comfortable sleeping in his arms. You slept better.
But you slept too well. That's why you needed to wake up first thing in the morning. Sweet coffee and coffee bars... It was your dream.
You remembered that you put this package on the last shelf in the fridge.
You took the cups and prepared the milk and sugar.
While the coffee machine was pouring delicious fresh coffee into your favorite mugs, you walked over to the fridge.
Rubbing your eye, you blindly reached for your bars. To not find it.
You opened your eyes to look for it.
And you saw an empty fridge that was already full yesterday!
There were empty fancy packages in the trash can.
There isn't a single candy bar...
Only a package of peanut candies left...
Clenching your jaw, you walked to the bedroom, knowing who the culprit was.
That's why his mouth tasted like citrus jelly beans and chocolate!
He ate it all!
All your sweets!
Even kitty cupcakes and teddy bear cookies!
You saw a white-haired giant stick insect who was too muscular to be a stick insect lying in bed with his belly bare because of his shirt that had rolled up.
You bluntly threw the cold wrapper of peanut candy onto his half-bare chest.
He jumped up from the sudden impact and cold and looked at you like he was having a sudden panic attack.
If you poured ice water on him, he would look even better! It was revenge!
"Mochi? What?" He exclaimed, looking at your furrowed brows.
"Why are you stealing our sweets?! You ate everything!!" you shouted, your hands clenched.
"Baby baby! I was hungry! But since the fridge was full, you bought it for me, right?"
"I bought this for us a few days ago! But you ate it all!"
He quickly stood up, placing his hands on your cheeks as you looked at him like a disappointed child.
He fed his adorable baby (you) with pancakes that he made.
Two towers of pancakes for you. And as a punishment, not one for him.
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faulty-writes · 2 months
Can I request a “Mr. Villain’s day off” fic..
The General x Human fem reader, who makes and sells stuffed animals in a little shop near the Zoo..
And maybe The General grew suspicious of her when he Sees “Red Ranger” practically abused her on her walk home one night, asking Reader to join the Rangers, because her family has a reputation for incredible combat skills.. and her flatly refusing, Reader even saying in a calm no shits given voice, and with a completely unbothered smile on her face.
“Well most humans are Asswholes anyway, we’ve been destroying our own planet for generations.. why is it so bad if the Evil League takes over the Earth?? They’d clearly treat the planet better than we have… I won’t fight for humanity, it’s shity.”
And then she just casually walks home..
Our lovable Mr. Villain is very interested curious about the Cute strange human woman..
So he goes to the shop she works at the next day to learn more about her.. and she’s in the middle of making the biggest.. Fluffiest.. CUTEST… stuffed Panda teddy-bear.. he’s ever seen… in that moment… he’s an absolute goner.
He’s smitten, lovestruck, infatuated.. She looks like an angel to him…. Also, he will make sure nobody but him will buy that huge stuffed Panda.. made by the loving hands of his “soon to be” beloved..
[ This is awesome, my first Mr. Villain request featuring the main man himself. Please let me know how I did, I tried to make the story interesting. I used the name "Warumono-san" because that's what I've seen other posts do. Not sure if that's correct or not. Regardless this was about 12 pages in Word, so I hope you enjoy it! As stated in the request this is a FEMALE READER INSERT. ]
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You sighed before clenching your jaw and curling your hands into fists, practically feeling the steam seeping from your nostrils. This was getting old, and you were sick of Red Ranger constantly bothering you with his useless nonsense. “Aw, come on!” He whined.
“Will you shut up!?” You snapped, baring your teeth like a cornered animal. How could one human being be this damn annoying? How could he not take the thousands of hints you’ve given him!? No matter what you said or did to him, he only continued to pester.
Warumono-san smiled and looked at the plastic bag in his hand, the contents of which contained the goods he just purchased from the convenience store. Oh yes, he was eager to try the newest flavor of ice cream recommended to him by the convenience store worker.
It pained him to think that when he finally conquered Earth in the name of his mother planet and annihilated the Earthlings she would, unfortunately, perish. However, until then, he would enjoy her insights and the warmth her smile brought him whenever he walked past those double doors.
However, he stopped short when he heard yelling and turned to see two individuals standing on the opposite side of the street. His eyes widened when he recognized one of them was Red Ranger and his body tensed up. No doubt an embedded reaction because of his complicated past with the Rangers.
A sense of anger filled him, making his stomach twist. If there was one thing he hated, it was those damn Rangers who attempted to stop him at every turn from accomplishing his goal. ‘Yes…damn you Rangers!’ He frantically thought, ‘You will not stop our efforts to take over Earth!’
He was tempted, oh so tempted, to close his eyes and transform into his supervillain alias. The one with a menacing glare, cold-hearted aura, and dark clothing. ‘But tomorrow is the start of my day off,’ all at once that tension seemed to melt, and his shoulders relaxed.
As of now, it seemed that neither Red Ranger nor you noticed his presence, and so he remained spectating on the sidewalk. There was a slight concern that his ice cream would melt, but he assumed he had a couple of minutes to spare.
Red Ranger frowned, and the usual happy sparkle in his eyes all but faded. “B-but…tch…” pressing his teeth together, he couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit frustrated. He didn’t understand! Why wouldn’t you consider being part of the Rangers!?
Your family had an honorable and well-respected reputation for protecting others through perfected combat skills passed on from generation to generation. Yes, maybe you didn’t have the power the Rangers possessed, and couldn’t see the dark aura surrounding the enemy.
But it would be useful to have someone who could teach the Rangers the way of combat. His eyes moistened over causing the faint moonlight to reflect off them and a soft breeze came, ruffling his hair before he stepped forward. ‘I need to convince them to join us, whatever it takes!’ He thought before locking eyes with you.
“Why won’t you join the Rangers!?” He demanded, pressing a hand to his chest. Warumono-san’s eyes widened. ‘He wishes to recruit more Rangers!?’ The present number of Rangers was enough to deal with, how dare he try to recruit more.
‘Damn you again Rangers!’ His shoulders grew tense and his grip tightened around the plastic strap of the bag he held. ‘You and the rest of the Earthlings truly want to die!’ A growl rumbled in his throat, and he was prepared to intervene, even at the cost of allowing his precious after-work treats to melt.
He’d teach that damned Red Ranger and you a lesson. However, he paused when he heard your response, and it was so strange that it caused his lips to part and his mind to be rendered blank. What you said was unlike any response he would expect from an Earthling.
You knew that it may be unconventional and that not many would think or even say such a negative thing about their own species. But it was the truth, and it was a truth you learned the hard way. Through all the pain, suffering, and heartbreak you went through in this so-called, ‘life.’
From being forced to do things you did not wish to do, to feeling as if you had to do certain things out of guilt. It wasn’t fair! But that was the punchline of the joke. Life was not fair, and it didn’t care who it stepped on to get its way, and because of that you and everyone else unlucky enough had to suffer.
Red Ranger knit his eyebrows when he saw a smirk across your face. Placing your hands on your hips, you said, “Humanity is awful,” in a cold tone, “most of us that inhabit this planet are only killing it, and we can’t even show kindness to each other.”
His jaw dropped and his eyes widened, his pupils shaking with disbelief. “H-how can you say that Y/n?!” He demanded, curling his hands into fists. “The people here aren-” he stopped short when you held up your hand. Your eyes narrowed, and he shivered at the hateful glance now directed at him.
“What would be so bad if that Evil League you’re always talking about takes over Earth?” You demanded, taking a step toward him. “W-well, I…that’s-” he tried to come up with a reason, but you continued forward causing him to stumble back.
“They’d treat the planet better than we have. They’d probably even reverse most of the damage humans have caused!” You snapped, stomping your foot against the ground. “Ah!” Red Ranger cried out when you roughly grabbed the collar of his hoodie, forcefully pulling him down to your face.
“So, for the last fucking time,” you growled, tightening your grip. “I won’t fight for humanity. I won’t fight alongside the Rangers. Not for such a shitty planet,” you could hear him audibly swallow before he made the bold choice to wrap his fingers around your wrist.
“Don’t even think about it!” You repositioned your stance, separating your legs, and firmly pressing your feet against the ground. You already had a secure grip on his collar, and while his hand grasping your wrist may be a problem, your skills far outweighed the consequences of whatever he could do.
In one fluid motion, you pivoted and used the momentum to swing him off balance. As expected, he was caught off guard by this and the sensation of his feet lifting off the ground as he was propelled forward and over your shoulder.
Warumono-san watched the spectacle with his jaw dropped, he had never seen an Earthling cause harm to another Earthling using aggressive domination and force. He felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him when Red Ranger hit the ground and let out a painful grunt.
Silence filled the air seconds later before you towered over the man on the ground. “Idiot,” you mumbled walking past him, your steps a little heavier than normal. It was too late to be dealing with such stupidity, you needed to get home and prepare yourself for tomorrow.
After all, you had a business to run, and you couldn’t function without a proper night’s rest. “Heh,” Warumono-san clasped his chin, revealing his pointy teeth in a happy smirk. “I need to know who that Earthling is,” he concluded before his attention shifted back to Red Ranger who grunted again as he sat up.
His face twisted, and his hand rested over his stomach as if he had been punched. “W-wait…” he faintly squeaked out, reaching toward you with his other hand but you only got further and further away. However, because you were such a distance away, his attention was refocused as he suddenly sensed something nearby.
He turned, gasping when he noticed Warumono-san, and immediately panicked. He looked back at you. ‘No, I have to warn Y/n before-’ he went to get on his feet, ready to sprint down the sidewalk after you but Warumono-san cut him off.
Placing his bag of frozen treats down, a black whirlwind surrounded him as he transformed into his villainous persona. His hair now standing on end, and a menacing shadow cast over his face. A large dark cape now draped over his shoulders, weighed down by two claw-like hands.
The cape ran down his back and concealed part of a large black tail. His chest was exposed, and the strange blue-like markings that colored his waist and part of his pecs were visible. The bottom of his outfit remained the same.
He grinned and was quick to move, leaving behind a strong gust of wind that raffled the few trees embedded into the sidewalk. Their leaves rustled violently in response, and some even fell to the ground in the wake of the sudden shock of what occurred.
He grinned, amused by Red Ranger’s shocked expression. That innocence of wishing to protect another shining in his eyes, and yet regret overtook that hope. “Ah!” He cried out when Warumono-san’s hand grasped his throat and the ground underneath his feet disappeared again.
The twisted smirk on the other’s face was something he wouldn’t soon forget, and he desperately grasped onto the hand wrapped around his throat. Warumono-san realized he could have used the provided tail on his cape to render the Ranger useless.
However, there was something much more satisfying about holding the Ranger up with his bare hand. Being able to control his flow of oxygen and hear him choke as he begged for air sent a delightful tingle through his body. Yet, there was a more pressing matter at hand.
“Now Red Ranger…” he grimaced, allowing smoke to seep from his mouth as he pulled the boy closer. “Who was that Earthling?” He demanded, only to receive silence in response. Red Ranger clenched his jaw, opting to glare at Warumono-san instead of answering him.
When he picked up on this hostility, he tightened his hand around the other’s throat, momentarily cutting off his oxygen supply. Red Ranger’s grip on his wrist grew desperate, and despite feeling those nails digging into his flesh, he smirked yet again.
Yes, he enjoyed seeing his enemy struggling for oxygen. “It is clear she is not willing to side with you Rangers.” His eyes widened at Warumono-san’s words, and his jaw clenched, revealing his teeth which remained pressed together.
Was it true? Did you have no interest in protecting the Earth? Did you really want humanity to perish? No…he refused to believe it. He wanted to know what made you think that way, had you faced such unkindness that it rendered you to decide that Earth was not worth saving?
In his opinion, you weren’t a horrible person. You just needed a friend. Someone to make you believe in humanity again, and he wanted to be that person. His eyes focused on Warumono-san, taking in his happy but twisted expression. The man currently choking him wasn’t a horrible person either, although most wouldn’t believe that.
Yes, Warumono-san and the evil organization he was a part of were the Ranger’s sworn enemies, but he had seen and experienced firsthand how kind the villain could be. And if that were true…then could he not return that kindness?
Was protecting you the wrong thing to do if Warumono-san wouldn’t do harm to you? His eyes burned slightly, filling with tears that reflected the light provided by the streetlamps. When he noticed Red Ranger’s eyes moisten, a sign that he would soon cry, his grip on his throat loosened.
Red Ranger sharply inhaled, coughing slightly before he noticed himself being lowered back to the ground. “Huh?” He looked around, pressing his feet against the sidewalk a few times before looking back at Warumono-san who sighed and transformed into his civil form.
He leered at the Ranger who was now massaging his throat, a few tears slowly dripped down his cheeks as he attempted to regain his steady breathing. “Well,” Warumono-san stated, making the red-haired boy pause and look at him. He tilted his head to the side, exposing his sharp teeth, “What is that Earthling’s name?”
Red Ranger’s hands curled into fists, and once again, he debated telling the other what he knew. The internal struggle was clear on his face given his slanted eyebrows and tense posture and while Warumono-san noticed this, he didn’t care about how the Ranger felt.
An angry Earthling meant nothing to him. This, however, didn’t stop him from being caught off guard by the next set of words that left the Ranger’s mouth. “I-if I tell you…” he hesitated, and his lip quivered but he needed to say this!
“You...you have to promise not to hurt her!” He demanded, and part of him grew surprised to see the hint of humanity shine in the villain’s eyes. Silence lingered in the air, apart from the rumbling of distant traffic and the chirping of crickets and other insects.
He grasped his chin. He was uncertain why Red Ranger wished him to promise such a thing. Yes, his goal was to annihilate humanity and yes, he would feel bad for killing off certain people he had come to know. But you…well, you had struck a fancy in him.
Perhaps you’d be the first Earthling he’d spare from such a devastating fate. Pulling the corner of his lip up, he grimaced down at the Ranger. His stomach twisted with unease knowing he was about to bend to the other’s will, but if it got him the information, he so desired, it was a worthy sacrifice.
“Fine,” he replied, lowering his hand with the intent to shake Red Ranger’s. “It’s a deal,” he stated, and while he suspected the Ranger to be hesitant for him to keep his word, that suspicious stare of his didn’t lessen the feeling of annoyance. 
Earthlings were indeed strange, even when you gave them your word, there was still so clearly doubt. This was unlike the people back on his home planet who would keep their word and keep themselves in good standing with others.
While his hand trembled, he managed a steady handshake with Warumono-san. However, he was struck with panic when he felt the pressure of nails against the top of his hand. “Now what is her name?” He demanded, having grown too impatient for Red Ranger’s nonsense.
“Mm,” even if he was still uncomfortable with this, he couldn’t back down now. “Her name is…Y/n,” his eyes lit up. “Y/n,” he repeated, although he wasn’t partial to complimenting or even caring about Earthling names, yours sounded so sweet on his tongue.
Red Ranger nodded. “Yes and…” he paused again, wondering if he should say any more. However, he had the other’s attention, and that grim stare only convinced him to continue speaking. “She…has a shop near the Uenono Zoo,” he stated, watching the other’s eyes light up.
He knew that Warumono-san favored the zoo, particularly the panda exhibit which explained why his eyes beamed with happiness at his words. Although he hadn’t informed the other that you made and sold stuffed animals, he assumed that would be self-explanatory. “Heh,” Warumono-san smirked, “I see.”
He planned to visit your precious little shop at his earliest convenience. He turned, his eyes settling on his bag of frozen treats that remained on the sidewalk across the street. He couldn’t help but frown knowing that they were likely melted as he wasted more time than he had anticipated dealing with Red Ranger.
“Thank you for the information,” he stated, walking across the street with his hand held up. “Huh!?” He stiffened and drew his bottom lip into his mouth, watching the villain grab his plastic bag filled with who knows what before walking down the sidewalk.
He continued to watch until Warumono-san disappeared around the corner of a building, more than likely headed home. He let out the breath he was holding but his relaxation was short-lived when he heard two distinct voices behind him.
“Wow, he’s lost again, isn’t he?” A high-pitched voice said. “Still can’t find your way around the block, Red?” He blinked and slowly turned to see Sora and Mugi. As usual they were standing close together, their hands interlocked as they looked at him with unamused expressions.
“Sora, Mugi!” He shouted, alarmed that the two were by themselves, and dropped to his knees, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “What happened!? Why are you out here at night!?” He demanded, his eyes wavering with fear.
“We’re not alone,” Sora replied, her tone somewhat snarky. “Yeah, Blue is following us,” Mugi stated, pointing behind him. “Huh?” Red shifted his gaze to see a tall boy with bright blue hair, and equally blue eyes running up to them.
He was wearing an oversized dark-colored hoodie, with jeans and black shoes. As soon as he approached, he leaned over, placing his hands on his knees. His soft pants filled the air before he swallowed thickly and glared at the twins.
“Don’t run off like that again!” He scolded before a sigh passed his lips and he pressed his hand against his forehead. “Black would kill me if anything happened to you guys,” he stated, lowering his hand to resume glaring at the pair who responded with a pout.
Blue’s eyebrow twitched, even if he tried, he would be unable to explain just how irritated Sora and Mugi made him sometimes. He sighed again, trying to push his anger back before grabbing Sora’s hand. “Come on,” he urged, “we need to get back before Black gets mad.”
The last thing he needed was a lecture about how it was past Sora and Mugi’s bedtime. Red watched the interaction before looking in the direction Warumono-san went. ‘I hope Y/n will be okay,’ even if you continued to reject the idea of being part of the Rangers, he didn’t want you to be harmed by anyone.
“You too, Red!” Blue shouted, snapping the other out of his paranoid thoughts. “Huh!?” He turned his head back, looking at the three ahead of him. “Oh, r-right!” He replied, running to catch up to them. Maybe a good night’s sleep would suit him well and take his mind off you and Warumono-san.
However, that didn’t change what he had said before. If anything happened to you at the hands of that villain, he’d make sure he paid the price. ‘A shop near the zoo, a shop near the zoo…’ he thought as he walked past the Uenono Zoo.
His desire to see his precious pandas was high, but he had a mission to complete. ‘Yes!’ he thought, ‘Pandas must wait! Locating the Earthling, Y/n comes first!’ His eyes scanned the area. ‘A shop near the zoo, a shop near the zoo…’ he repeated before resuming walking.
Several small shops lined the street near the zoo and made him come to a halt. He tilted his head, grasping his chin in contemplation, and ignored the strange looks he got from passersby. Yet another odd set of behaviors he noticed Earthlings engage in.
What was so fascinating about his appearance that their stares remained fixated on him even as they walked away? Well, it mattered very little. He would not miss those stares when the Earth was overtaken in the name of his mother planet. A sigh passed his lips as he lowered his hand and yet again glanced along the row of shops.
There was only one logical thing to do now. “Yes!” He declared, making the Earthlings around him stop and look. ‘That is it! I must visit each shop to determine if it’s Y/n’s!’ He thought frantically, bending his knees, and raising his hands above his head, ignoring the fact he was indeed a spectacle.
‘Now,’ he straightened his posture, leering at the spectators who seemed to shudder and quickly walk away. “Heh…” he tried not to let his pride distract him as he, once again, looked at the shops. He lightly tapped his lips, ‘Which one do I start with?’
He quickly concluded that it didn’t matter and walked to the first little shop on the left. His eyes immediately catch the delightful display of fluffy creatures, primarily teddy bears that lined the display window. His hand fisted into the front of his shirt, his heart pounding with excitement at the uniquely crafted plush companions.
‘W-what is this!?’ He pressed his palms against the smooth glass as he observed each teddy bear. There were varieties of colors and sizes, and each one was placed in a playful pose that beckoned him to take them home. He noticed the craftsmanship of them and the intricate stitching and embroidery that truly brought them to life.
Some were even wearing tiny outfits, with miniature hats and scarves while others had delightful ribbons around their necks. Like a present you would give away on the Earthling holiday, Christmas. He was at a loss for words as he contemplated which ones he wanted to purchase.
However, they were quickly forgotten when he gazed up and his breath hitched. ‘It’s Y/n!’ He grinned, his heart now swelling with pride. ‘I found her.’ He was prepared to walk into your shop when something else caught his eye.
“Hm!?” He watched you threading a needle before leaning over to pierce it through something, but not just any old something. ‘WHAT!?’ his jaw dropped, and his eyes widened as he watched you sew two pieces of fabric together.
One was colored white, and the other black. He knit his eyebrows, noticing that the fabric looked incredibly fluffy and almost defied gravity, standing out in all directions like a cloud of softness. Its dark button eyes shimmered in the light of the shop, and its silly freshly stitched together tongue hung out amidst its black-yarned smile.
“P-panda?!” Not just any panda, but the biggest, fluffiest, and cutest stuffed panda teddy bear he had ever seen or imagined. He was in awe as he continued to watch you create the stuffed companion, and his fingers curled against the glass.
You seemed unaware of his presence, and while that would normally work to his advantage, he wanted your attention. He also wanted that panda bear you were creating. He clenched his jaw, feeling a soft ache course through his teeth.
‘Yes…’ he thought, his hands now trembling. “I must make sure nobody gets the panda bear!” He pushed off the display window, stumbling as he ran to the door. He grasped the handle desperately and felt the weight of the door give way and a bell ring as he barged in.
The change in atmosphere was astounding, there was a certain warmth that surrounded him. The soft lighting that cast a gentle glow over the plush companions that lined every corner only added to the already inviting surroundings. The aroma of fabric with the faint undertone of sawdust filled his nostrils.
However, there was another scent that caught his attention. Something like a hint of lavender and cedarwood. “Hm?” You turned your head, the needle and thread still securely placed between your thumb and forefinger.
“Oh…” your eyes lingered on the strange man who entered your shop, noticing his black shirt, trench coat, and curly mess of hair that hid a portion of his face. Not to mention his long, elf-shaped ears. ‘Well…that’s some look,’ you thought, deciding to shrug it off and greet him.
“Heh,” you forced a smile and tried to muster the sweetest tone, “Hi, welcome to my shop!” His heart accelerated at the sound of your voice, and he straightened his posture. The odd feeling of warmth rushing through his cheeks almost made him think something was wrong.
For a moment, he wondered if this was a trap or if he had contracted some strange new Earthling disease. Had the Earthlings made some new weapon that weakened his kind!? Despite his internal dismay, he hummed in response to your words.
No, this reaction couldn’t have been caused by any Earthling disease. Rather, he suspected that perhaps unlike the rest of the Earthlings on this miserable planet, he had unintentionally selected you as the sole survivor when the Earth was taken over.
And the reason was that…you had caught his interest, or uh, curiosity but what would he do now that he was so close to you!? What could he say? Surely you didn’t wish to talk about the incident with Red Ranger, although that was the incident that triggered this situation.
Given that you didn’t know he had a connection with the Rangers or that he was present when you were interacting with Red Ranger, it would be unwise to mention it. In addition, he did not wish to lose something he had yet to obtain.
His eyes lingered on the stuffed panda you were currently constructing, and his shoulders stiffened. ‘Yes…the panda!’ he reached into his trench coat, pulling out his wallet. ‘I must make sure no Earthling purchases it!’ his steps echoed through the empty shop as he approached you.
“There, at least that section is finished,’ you thought, quickly cutting the remaining thread on the needle before noticing the strange man had approached you. “Uh…” glancing at him up close, you noticed just how tall he was and the slightly intimidating aura that surrounded him.
Although since you were trained in combat, you had very little to worry about. If he tried anything, he’d get his ass kicked the same way Red Ranger did. However, despite your assumptions about him, he caught you by surprise when he pointed at the panda and asked, “How much?!”
You were slightly alarmed by the panic in his voice, as if he were afraid that the stuffed panda you were working on was going to disappear out of thin air. In addition, it struck you as odd that a grown man would want such a stuffed companion. Then again, maybe you shouldn’t judge.
The man could have a family or knew someone who had children who might appreciate your craft. Of course, you knew your customers well and realized you hadn’t seen this man before. “Uh…what’s your name?” you asked, turning briefly to stick the needle you held back into the pin cushion next to the stuffed panda.
“Huh?” Warumono-san frowned. ‘What is this? Is she attempting to distract me away from the panda?’ He irrationally thought, gazing at the inanimate object before looking back at you. His eyes carefully scan you from head to toe, noting that your posture gave away your attitude.
Your hands were on your hips, and that ever-so-interesting hint of a pout on your lips, yet your furrowed brows indicated your annoyance. However, this only reminded him of what an intriguing Earthling you were, and a certain feeling overwhelmed him as he continued to stare at you.
Like a flutter of a hummingbird’s wings, his heart, no…his whole body felt light. “Heh,” he smiled. ‘Yes…well played Y/n…trying to distract me away from the panda!’ He thought, resisting the urge to frantically move his body as he normally would when consumed by his thoughts.
‘Very well, I shall play your game! But know this, the panda is mine!’ He swallowed, his grip tightening around his wallet. “Warumono-san,” he replied, his tone deep and authoritative. Given his position as General of an evil organization that set out to destroy Earth, he was used to speaking with certain tones.
Said tones were normally reserved for putting others in their place. Not that he was ruthless or unjust, no. But he wasn’t foolish enough to dismiss the idea that he deserved a certain level of respect, and even in cases where he did not receive such respect, from Trigger for example, he remained calm and collected.
Respect was earned yes, but you could not expect everyone to respect you. Yet, this ideology was quite amusing considering he found himself respecting you more than any other Earthling simply because of the way you treated Red Ranger and your opinion of the Earthlings. You blinked, tilting your head to the side.
Your hands moved from your hips and rested against your inner elbows when you crossed your arms. “Warumono-san?” You repeated, finding his name or what he liked to be addressed by rather strange. But this world was full of strange, stupid people. So, you shrugged, deciding to go along with the charade.
“Okay?” you replied, taking a breath. “My name is Y/n, I own this shop,” there was a certain bittersweet tone to your voice that made him concerned. Yet, something else took precedence at that moment. “How much for the panda?” He asked again, pointing to it, and noting your eyebrows furrowing again.
“This…” you sighed only being reminded that his behavior was odd. But he hadn’t done anything harmful, and he didn’t smell of booze, so it was safe to assume he wasn’t intoxicated. “This isn’t for sale yet an-” you stumbled back when he shoved a handful of yen into your face.
‘I must make sure nobody else gets the panda!’ His jaw clenched as he intensely stared at you. His eyes held an almost predatory glance. ‘I will not tolerate any other Earthling purchasing what was made by this Earthling!’ And when he spared your life, you could make more stuffed animals.
A stuffed animal for each of his comrades on his mother planet, oh yes! Your body stiffened, and you resisted the urge to grab his wrist and flip him over your shoulder and onto the floor. Pressing your fingertips together, you took a deep breath and felt your stomach sink and your body heat up with the slightest bit of anger.
Like a small match, ready to cause destruction if used correctly. Yet, you tried to remind yourself of the purpose of this shop. The stuffed animals that lined the walls and shelves were the legacy of what your grandparents left behind, as they believed you deserved an easier life than the one your parents tried to force you to have.
‘Right…’ you let out the breath you were holding and returned your gaze to the man who still held out a handful of money. ‘They wouldn’t have approved of me denying this man...’ your eyes lingered on his stone-cold face, ‘As strange as he is.’ Another sigh passed your lips.
“Fine,” you replied, taking the money from him, and quickly counting it. You glanced at the panda, knowing you could always make another one. It would be easy, like clockwork considering you’ve done it your whole life. “I guess this will do,” you said, folding the cash in half before tucking it into your pocket.
“But this particular panda isn’t going to be done for a couple of days,” you informed, casting a soft glare his way. But his reaction was not what you expected, it was almost like he hadn’t heard you. He remained standing there, with the strangest smile on his face.
Although you couldn’t see his eyes because his hair obstructed them, you could feel his stare and it was beginning to make you feel a little self-conscious. “Um…” you crossed your arms. “Hello?” You said, unaware that Warumono-san was simply beaming with happiness.
Not only did you agree to give him the precious panda but knowing that it was made by you made his heart even lighter. He had not felt this way since he was a young one before the crushing weight of the workforce pulled him down.
As he continued to stare at you, he noticed something about you, and it made him grasp his chin in thought. Some form of radiance surrounded you, like a golden hue. Was there not an Earthly term for that? ‘Oh yes,’ it suddenly came to him, he had read about them in one of the religious books certain Earthlings seemed to abide by.
You looked like what they depicted as an angel. Unfortunately, your angelic reign on Earth would soon be over. Yes, he had promised not to harm you, but nothing was said about capturing you. “Thank you,” he said and watched with some amusement as your eyebrows raised as if you hadn’t expected him to speak.
“Yeah well,” you huffed and glanced away from him. “I make and sell these things,” you said, motioning to the in-progress stuffed panda. “So, I guess it’s not a big deal if someone wants one before it’s finished being made,” you concluded.
“Hm?” Warumono-san sensed a heavy tension filling the air, and the frown on your face indicated you weren’t exactly the happiest now. But he remained quiet, allowing you to speak as you wished. Your throat tightened, forming a lump that made you swallow heavily.
“You know, I never really envisioned myself doing this,” you confessed, although you weren’t sure why you were revealing this to a stranger. Maybe it was because he wouldn’t judge you, not that you would care if he did. Maybe it was because you hoped you wouldn’t see him again after this.
Maybe still, there was something about him that made you feel like you could be truthful or vent a little. Beating up Red Ranger only helped so-so. “It just started off as one of my grandparent’s hobbies, and then it turned into this,” you explained, waving your hand through the air.
“Spent most of my childhood helping them with the shop, and learning how to make stuffed animals even if my parents didn’t approve,” you chuckled slightly. “All they cared about was fighting and training in the name of the family reputation.”
Yes, you were grateful that you had learned how to defend yourself, but they pushed you beyond your limits. They acted as though fighting and training were the only qualities that equaled someone being worthy. Because of that, they forced you into that lifestyle or at least it felt like they did.
It was like you never had a choice, and there was constant tension between them and your grandparents over what was best for you. The only time you seemed to get peace away from your parents, and the weight of responsibility lifted from your shoulders was when you were with your grandparents.
They showed you that there was something else you could do with your life and that you had the right to choose what you wanted to do. Of course, this was before you had learned that they left their business to you. Sometimes you think you made the choice to keep their shop alive because you felt like you owed them.
Still, it was the first choice that you had made in your otherwise suffocating life, and because of it, you were disowned by your family which only added salt to the wound. Yes...life was not fair, and the unlucky suffered because of those who thought it right to step all over others.
‘Humanity is awful,’ you thought before looking at Warumono-san. ‘But...at least I can show kindness when I wish to.’ Your chuckle didn’t fool him. It was evident there was a bittersweet sadness you were attempting to cover. “I...” he noticed your hesitance and the subtle pain that shined in your eyes.
“When they died, they passed the shop onto me. Guess I’m just trying my best to keep it alive for their sake,” you concluded with a shrug. “Mm…” perhaps this was another reason why he felt so…infatuated by you. That strong front you put up, that wall that separated your true feelings was much like his.
Yes, everyone looked up to and feared him, but was he truly as evil as everyone depicted? The answer was quite obvious. Yet, there was a tenderness underneath that front that longed to be set free but could only do so seldom. Yes, perhaps you two were more alike than he realized.
He glanced at you, the sadness that enveloped your features was something he detested, perhaps even more than the Rangers. ‘So, the business was passed down to Y/n. Earthlings are known for performing such acts for their offspring or relatives,’ although he didn’t have a solid opinion on how he felt about such things.
There was still so much to learn and comprehend when it came to Earthlings, but this didn’t change the knowledge that once something important was handed to you, it was your job to protect and let it prosper. Things he was going to do with you, very soon.
“I see,” he replied after a moment, daring to step closer to you. “We have similar exchanges on my mother planet,” he confessed before realizing his words. You knit your eyebrows. “What?” You replied, and he shook his head, deciding to choose the strategy of silence.
Although he wanted to reply and make some phony explanation as to why he said what he did, he found himself unable to think rationally. The pounding of his heart echoed in his ears and his simmering hot cheeks only added to this inability.
Yet, one question screamed out in the back of his mind. How could he reveal such confidential information without a second thought!? “Uh…” you blinked, noticing the way he was positioned. He was hunched over, his knees bent and practically pressed against his chest.
His hands were tangled in his messy crop of hair, and his lips were pulled up, revealing his unusual pointy teeth. ‘Is he having some internal crisis?’ You wondered, but just as you stepped forward, he snapped out of his daze, and you saw the faintest hint of his golden orbs peering at you from behind those chocolate-colored strands.
Your eyes widened at the sight of them. Yes, you had seen some unusual things in your time, and the stories Red Ranger told you were extremely difficult to believe, let alone picture. Somehow, Warumono-san’s eyes had you frozen. But not with fear, rather something else. Something…unearthly.
‘Wait a minute...’ it slowly dawned on you. ‘Is this...one of the members of the evil organization?’ A small hint of panic consumed you, but you tried to keep your thoughts straight. That was...ridiculous. If this man was part of that organization, shouldn’t he have done something horrible to you by now?
He stood up, his posture now stiff and his hands loosely curled by his sides. He looked at you, his lips pressed out in a thin line. He could feel the tightness growing in his throat and made the choice to play ignorant, although this was his least favored tactic.
“Thank you very much,” he stated, bowing slightly before he turned to the door and the ends of his tailcoat drifted through the air as he walked away. He wrapped his hand around the metal bar across the door, and once again the bell gave a soft ring, signaling his departure.
However, he paused and looked at you from over his shoulder. His gaze lingers and makes you feel that same strange sensation as if he was from another planet. “Little plushie maker,” he purred, finding some amusement at your wide-eyed expression before walking out of the shop.
He planned to return in a few days to bring the desired plushie panda bear and possibly you home. Once again, his heart fluttered at the thought, and he smiled as he slipped his hands into his pockets, heading back toward the Uenono Zoo.
His steps echoed against the paved grooves that made up the street, and as he looked up at the sky he thought, ‘I must privately report this.’ His eyes focused on a cloud passing by, ‘The day I decided to take an Earthling as my soon to be…beloved.’
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puddingyun · 5 months
dolly . ݁₊ ⊹ j.yh
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country boy turned rockstar!yun x reader
: drabble, petnames (bunny, doll, baby), fluff, suggestive :
wonder if anyone can tell what inspired this one... my first fic, so feedback much appreciated! requests are open ♡
The taste of peppermint lingered on your lips, a reminder of the hard candy that Yunho had bought you while he'd been away. It was a small gift after his being gone for four days to perform his songs, but the little plastic bag had been tied with a pretty pink bow, and he'd placed the first piece of it between your lips himself, fingertip touching your tongue for a moment and leaving behind the taste of sweat and guitar strings.
"Next time you can come with me, bunny," he told you excitedly, one hand holding your chin while the other gently wiped your makeup from your eyes. In between his careful swipes at your liner and mascara, you caught glimpses of his expression. Even in the glow of the bathroom lights his eyes seemed to reflect the crowds he'd seen out in the big city, their cheers and screams audible just from the giddy look on your boyfriend's face. "I saw this dress in a store out in the city, it'd look perfect on you. I want you to be there when I buy it for you."
You smiled, reaching out to stroke Yunho's cheek with your thumb.
"You don't need to do all that, Yun. I'm happy just to be with you," you whispered. You'd been seeing less and less of him nowadays, and even though it was fun to tag along when he'd give you the chance, you missed the days when you could laze around in bed with him, take spontaneous trips to the theatre and drink Pepsi while watching the sun set from his bedroom window. Yunho set aside the towel he'd been using to clean your face and leaned in to press a ghost of a kiss to your lips, just like butterfly wings brushing against your skin.
"You're my best girl, you know that?" he asked, leaning his forehead against yours and nudging the tip of his nose against yours. "I don't know how long this is gonna last, how long it'll take until they're tired of hearing my voice"-
"They won't ever get tired of it!" you interjected, which made Yunho laugh and blush all the way to the tips of his ears.
-"but I want you along with me while I'm out there. There's so much to see outside this town, baby, I want you to see all of it too," he insisted, sincere. He took his hands in yours and squeezed them gently as he kissed you again. "You won't want for nothing ever again, doll. I'm gonna give you everything you could dream of."
You struggled to contain a giggle as your lips met again, the kiss longer and deeper and tasting just as much of peppermint as it did of Yunho's toothpaste. Your hand pressed to the back of his neck, fingers curling into his locks and tugging lightly to bring him closer to you.
"You're everythin' I dream of," you whispered to him, which made him groan softly. His hands travelled up your satin babydoll nightgown, the rings on his fingers (all evidence of his newfound success) catching on your skin and making you gasp. His lips trailed kisses up to your ear, where he paused to whisper to you:
"Let me give you everything then, baby."
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🌿How to harvest & dry herbs🌿
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⚠️This is just my personal approach based on research, mentors and my own experience, please do your own research too ⚠️
Some general guidelines:
These are all recommended for both uses, magical and medicinal, but particularly for plant material you’ll want to give medicinal use.
Always harvest ~10 meters away from contamination sources (roads and cars, railroads, constructions, factories, etc. Even more serious stuff like landfills and heavy metals) Plants can absorb toxic chemical compounds from any these sources, so if you plan to ingest them or apply on your skin etc, avoid contamination sources. Examine your area to find where it’s safest to harvest plant material from.
Only take up to 30% of plant material, preferably less (leaves, flowers, berries, roots) this is to allow for healthy regrow.
Don’t take material with visible harm, illness or bugs, such as yellowed or bug bitten / holey leaves, etc. Educate yourself to recognize different possible bugs or parasites or plant illnesses that may affect your local flora to avoid these.
Sometimes you’ll have better results with fresh materials, you don’t always need to dry them. Know when to use what, depending on your goal and what compounds you want to extract, and how it’s best to extract them.
If you prefer fresh, you can keep fresh herbs in a vase with water for up to a week, more or less.
Clean the branches & leaves by soaking them or washing them in saltwater to scare away little critters, and dry them stem-up, making small bundles with stems fairly separated so everything is well aireated, and always away from sunlight. Do not clean with alcohol, detergent, or any other substances. Just water or salty water will do.
Roots, flowers, berries and bark can be dried in drying racks or basquets. Separate them from each other, specially flower petals, to dry them thoroughly and keep in a dark place until they’re fully dried (you’ll know if they crack when handling them and don’t feel soft anywhere anymore). For roots, bark and berries, move and rotate every so often to make sure they dry evenly, or just dry them in the oven if you’re brave! (be careful not to burn them)
Aromatic herbs should be harvested before they bloom, when you see the fully formed buds and their smell (and taste!) is strongest. 
When cutting the stems, cut at an angle to allow for healthy regrow.
Always make sure you’re harvesting what you think you’re harvesting. Learn to identify plant species properly, and always, always research about lookalikes it may have, as they could be toxic or poisonous or harmful in some way. This is necessary for safety reasons.
Store everything in glass jars or paper bags, away from humidity, to prevent mold. I don’t recommend plastic bags or containers as they can more easily retain humidity but that’s me. Check on your stuff often too!! Different things will last more or less time on the shelf.
⚠️Extra reminder to always check which part of the plant is medicinal, check if any other parts could be toxic or harmful, check for dosages, contraindications, possible allergies, and possible interactions with anything else you’re taking!!!!!!!!
For specific plant parts:
Flowers: Harvest as soon as they’ve fully bloomed, during the full moon.
Berries and fruits: Harvest right after the first frost, generally in autumn. Look for deep color and tight, glowy skin. I like to harvest these under a waning moon.
Seeds and pods: Collect these when all flowers are gone, usually in late summer, under a waning moon.
Leaves: Ideally, collect these from bright green and flexible limbs, the first warm days of spring when there’s new sap and no flowers yet, but for many species you can take some leaves all year round. Under a waxing or full moon does it for me.
Bark: Harvest during the first warm days of spring, when the sap rises. You’ll find newly formed bark easier to peel off. Rather than peeling the trunk directly, cut off a branch or limb and peel it off completely, it’ll cause less harm to the tree or bush. Under a waxing moon it is.
Roots, rhizomes, tubers: Harvest after all the leaves are gone, around late autumn, but before all the good stuff stored in them is used during the winter. Under a waning or new moon.
Some superstitions:
These are more specifically for the magical properties of the plant. 
Some folks say you shouldn’t harvest plant material with iron scissors or other iron tools, as iron scares away the spirit of the plant, and thus, the potency of whatever your working on will be less.
For some plants, you’ll find specific prayers, chants or charms, more or less complicated rituals, to harvest specific parts at specific dates. This is, again, for the spiritual properties rather than medicinal. I am the type to believe proper harvest makes both the work and the medicine stronger, but it’s up to you to decide how to go about harvesting certain plants considered “sacred”, and even what plants are considered “sacred” will also change depending on your own practice, culture, tradition, region and more, so do your research!
It’s common belief to not speak while you’re going to harvest the herb, and neither when coming back, as to not alert the spirit your intentions and out of respect for what it gave you or what it’s doing for you.
But while you’re there, after harvesting, let the plant spirit know why you’re in need of it’s aid and leave some kind of offering in return (again, do your own research on specific plants and their folklore, but some general things such as water, sugar or eggshells, and more traditional things like a certain number of coins, will likely work just fine)
With some plant species, particularly the poisonous kind, or some associated with the devil in folklore, you’ll likely find ways to protect yourself from the spirit’s anger upon being unearthed or cut. These range from giving praise to the spirit in the form of poems, songs, or offerings before getting to harvesting, to drawing circles in the dirt around it with holy water, a knife, or your own hand, and may even be having to cut the branches or unearth the plant in a specific manner (some say backwards, some say away from you) to prevent it from harming you. Sometimes simply carrying protective charms will do. Learn the folklore of each species you work with!
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astroboots · 1 year
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Where does Boa hide these around the house to best fuck with Santi?
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Summary: Santiago is on a mission to take out your army of freakishly ugly mutant toys that you keep placing on his desk.
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They're back again.
Santiago stares at the horrifying toy creature. Half husky and half--- penguin? Is that what it fucking is?!
He can't keep his eyes from the small miniature toy, its hauntingly blue piercing eyes and dog-like snout, its two flappy wings held against its protruding belly and standing on two webbed feet.
He doesn't know. Doesn't know where you managed to find this godless toy. Doesn't know what the toy manufacturer was thinking when they greenlit this for production. Doesn't know what kind of hallucinogenic drugs the designer must've been on when he made it.
Only thing he knows, is that it's fucking hideous is what it is.
Narrowing his eyes at the abomination, he glares at it in indignant anger where it sits perched on his desk. He threw this out last week. Stealthily took it out on the day it was Frankie's turn to take out the trash, so you couldn't find it and stop it beforehand.
So he doesn't know how it's back. Or worse, he doesn't know how now there's not only a husky penguin but right next to it there's also malformed sad looking half-tiger, half-squirrel.
He thought there was only the one. But with the appearance of this second one... fuck it can't be.
... Fuck.
You have the whole fucking line up hidden somewhere don't you?
And if he throws these two away... he's pretty sure like the fucking mythical Hydra of Lerna, there's going to be four of them lined up on his desk by tomorrow.
That won't do.
But he also doesn't want to sit here, looking at schematics for his latest consulting project, and having to stare up at these hideous crimes against nature and god. No, he needs to get rid of them...
But there's no way out of this that doesn't end in an escalation until his desk becomes a gathering ground of these horrifying mutant toys... Unless he takes it out by the source. Destroy the nest so that it cannot breed more... Sniff out where you've hidden this mutant-freak toy army and get rid of them before you'll ever see him coming.
Santiago glances up at the clock. 4.30pm, you'll be home within the hour, he still got time. Pushing his chair away from his desk, he skulks down the hallway to the guestroom where you tend to store all your junk. All the crazy shit you keep dragging back home from the antique stands and farmers market you drag him to at ungodly early hours on Sunday morning. The haunted porcelain dolls, the joke taxidermy--with mice wearing human clothes and squirrels that are in a boxing match-- and the collection of inappropriately sexy Christmas baubles you got in a moving box on the shelf.
He continues to root around, in the empty shoe boxes stored under the guest bedroom. The first one contains--- more sexy Christmas baubles, one that looks eerily alike Michael Bublé that makes his skin crawl. The second--a bunch of old photo albums. The third-- just a bunch of brightly colored socks, that shouldn't be stored there in the first place. He digs around and-- Bingo.
In the very bottom, inside a sealed plastic bag he finds what he is looking for. It's the rest of the pack. A confused looking zebra-kangaroo, a lion-gerbil?! (or is it hamster, jesus-- it's horrifying). And finally a face that will haunts his nightmares until the end of time... The face of a gorilla staring up at him, eerily detailed and accurate, with the body of an elephant.
Actually forget seeing this in his nightmares, Santiago doesn't think he'll ever sleep again after seeing this. He shakes his head as he pulls up the bag pinched between his thumb and index finger, not even daring to clutch it in his hand, as he tucks it inside his sweater, closing the lid before leaving the room and heading down towards the garage.
He's not taking any risks, he's heading straight into the car to the junkyard himself to make sure these things aren't recovered by some deus ex machina intervention.
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"Santiago have you been going through my stuff?" you ask.
Santiago doesn't look up from the pages of his book, as he takes another sip at his piping hot coffee. "What do you mean sweetheart?"
He doesn't need to look at you to know the look that will be in your eye. The way you're narrowing your eyes at him in observation, the way a detective would pin down their suspected perpetrator in an interrogation room.
"My stuff in the guestroom," you clarify.
"No clue." He has to bite the inside of his cheeks to tamper down the grin that's threatening to escape.
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What follows is your usual morning routine after breakfast. When he says bye by the front porch, you throw him a quick kiss goodbye, but you linger for longer than you normally do. Your eyes squinting down on him, a silent accusation of, "I know what you did."
Santiago doesn't say shit.
Instead he waves you off like a young maiden in an old timey black and white movie waving off their husband to war with a handkerchief, as he turns back into the house, smiling like a loon. The feeling of victory surging bright in his veins.
Santiago practically skips on each steps up the staircase back to his office, humming, and if he could be any happier he would be floating.
He opens the door, the refreshing spring breeze flowing in through his window. The morning sun spilling across the length of his desk when he sees it.
His smile drops.
Fuck no.
You gotta be kidding.
They're back again.
Standing in a neat tidy line in front of his computer screen, the whole family is gathered. Husky-penguin, Tiger-squirrel, Zebra-kangaroo, Lion-gerbil/hamster and the most nightmare inducing of them all... Gorilla-elephant.
He doesn't understand.
He drove them there.
Personally chucked them into a bag and into the junkyard where it can never be retrieved. But...
They're all back... and they brought friends.
He threw away five, and now there's ten....
He stares at them, the whole of the line up. At each ugly, deformed, mutant, hybrid animal toy creature, eyes lingering in particular at the horrifying shark with four slim and graceful legs and hooves.... And he doesn't even know what to say.
He doesn't even know what the fuck this is.
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The Wasp Saga, or, How I Wasted Half my Lunch Break
(Note: If you are rude about wasps on this post you will be blocked. We respect them as important ecosystem members here.)
Yesterday it was super warm, like three months out of season warm, and in order to stave off the climate anxiety I decided to walk to the corner grocery store for lunch, eat outside, and get some rare February vitamin D. In a rare W the grocery counter Chinese food was freshly made, way better quality than usual, and ON SALE so I was riding that high. I ate, I enjoyed the weather. As I was starting to consider saving the rest for the next day's lunch a wasp buzzed up to me and landed. on my leg.
Now one thing about me is that I am trying very hard to overcome a crippling phobia of bees and wasps. From when I was a child through my early 20's I was frequently trapped inside or outside buildings because a wasp was hanging out near the door frame and I would refuse to go within 20 feet of it. Please read the following as if it required the courage of a knight and the patience of a saint.
This wasp was likely a queen that had woken up from hibernation a couple months early and was looking for a place to build a new hive. I respect wasps as important members of the ecosystem despite my deep seated fear and did not wish to kill her. She was the least flappable, most chill wasp I have ever encountered. This worked against me.
You see, she was quite happy to be on my leg. Started meandering down my khakis towards my shoe as if she didn't have a care in the world. As if I wasn't shaking my leg, walking around, stomping my foot, jerking back and forth, and jumping up and down to try and dislodge her. Eventually she walked onto my shoe and I did NOT want her do decide the inside of my pants was an attractive option here. So I bent down and blew on her, which finally bothered her enough to get off this ride. She buzzed away and landed.
On the edge of my lunch.
Now if this were any other day, I might have let her have it. Being on the wrong side of an angry wasp is not pleasant. But today the chinese food was good, and I wanted those leftovers as much as she did. So I decided to fight for it.
Let me set the scene: I am sitting on a concrete ledge, about knee-high. My lunch is inside a container, and the container is still nestled in the plastic bag from the grocery store. The container has a lid, which I managed to get over the food before the wasp could climb onto it. The wasp was on the plastic container, somewhat nestled inside the plastic bag.
Now if this wasp was content on my leg, she was downright ecstatic here on my lunch. She has just discovered a heaven of meat and fat and sugar. Her daughters will feast their whole lifetimes. She is not letting go.
I am trying to figure out how to bother this blissed-out wasp enough that she decides to abandon this nirvana, but not enough for her to decide I am a threat that must be eliminated. The next few minutes are spent nudging and prodding and shifting the container. Not a move. I move the bag. She folds up her wings. I blow on her. Frequently, often, from multiple angles. She's not falling for that trick again.
I try to nudge her off with a fork. Twice. She doesn't even move a leg, just sways sideways. I decide to take more drastic measures. I get up on the seat, take off my overshirt, and gently start flailing it at the bag, hoping to brush her off or make her think she's being swatted.
At this point a dog walker comes by and notices me standing up on a concrete wall, gingerly flapping my henley at a Monday orange chicken special. "Wasp stole my lunch," I explain. She sympathizes and moves on. I realize the wasp also stole my dignity a long while ago.
A gust of wind hits and the wasp seeks shelter under the lip of the container. My lunch break is very nearly over. I seriously begin to consider that I may lose. I realize that leaving my lunch here would be littering, and wildly against my morals. I press on.
I pick up the container out of the bag, wasp and all. I swing it left and right. I shake it up and down. She doesn't even care. I seriously wonder if I should just bring her inside and go about my day. Maybe if I put her in the fridge she would get sleepy enough to capture and release. Or maybe I'd be the idiot who let a wasp loose in the building because they brought it inside on purpose. It's a long walk from the door to the fridge.
I get to the door. Now or never. One last idea. I drop it a few inches. This is the move: Precisely enough to make her lose her grip on the container. My last view of her is on her back, wings not even buzzing, legs flailing as she tries to stand up. I snatch what is now mine by right of combat and flee indoors.
It was 76 degrees that day, yesterday afternoon. Tonight it will get down to 12. That's a normal temperature for February. She should not have been awake yet. I hope that despite all the grief and indignity she caused me, that she found somewhere safe and warm to hide, and that she finds somewhere just as good as my container of chinese food to build a nest.
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soobpricity · 9 months
anti romantic
chapter 11 : kiss you once cause i know you’ve had a long night
synopsis : anti romantic, college student choi yeonjun who thinks he’s seen everything in a relationship, promising himself that he won’t go through another relationship ever again to prevent himself from going through another heartbreak. that was until he sees yn, a classmate, chasing his heart. will his walls be enough to scare yn away, or will they continue chasing yeonjun with all they have ?
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you stood silently. pink silk pajamas comforting your entire body, a coat over your torso, attempting to keep you warm. waiting for yeonjun outside of a convenience store, the streetlights allowing you to see your surroundings ensuring you to feel a sense of security, as you fumbled around with a plastic bag that rested in your hands. headphone in one of your ears as the other slung onto your shoulder. listening to the music that comforted you.
your eyes stuck onto the floor, your lips tightly pressed against each other. thinking about karina, had you really neglected your friend to the point where she disrupted your entire hangout.
your eyes lifted off of the floor, looking up to see yeonjun’s car, his windows down. sunglasses pulling back his hair. a black tank top and sweater protecting him from the cold, as his sweats protected his legs. he looked over, sending a smile his way, trying to come off as though you were fine. you entered his car, he immediately gave you a head pat as soon as you entered the vehicle.
“so how are you doing ?” he asked, as he took his foot off of the break, both of his hands on the steering wheel. taking one off, only to pass you the aux cord, before putting his full focus back onto the road ahead of him. hesitatingly, you disconnected your headphones, storing them in your pocket before connecting the aux cord to your phone.
“ ‘m just kinda confused… i didn’t mean to hurt karina… i thought i had spent enough time with her and the others. i didn’t think that i was spending that much time with you to the point where i was forgetting about my friends.. and i don’t want to stop spending time with you.. or like i don’t want to reduce the amount of time that i see you.. i just love hanging out with you and my friends..” you explained, worries entering your mind.
“and have you not asked your other friends, like soobin or winter.. what if it’s just karina ? what if all your other friends think that you’re still doing well on managing your time with them ? i don’t want you to stop talking to me either, yn. we both deserve better than to completely give up on each other.”
“i’ll just apologize to her, if she accepts it then great.. if she doesn’t, there’s not much i can do.. but i’ll definitely talk to soobin and winter first.. by the way, jjunnie, where are we even going ?” you inquired, looking over to him as you put a song on.
“by the way, i’m not taking you back until you get sleepy..”
“so you’re kidnapping me ?”
“mmm.. kinda yeah. just have to make sure that you get enough rest tonight yn.. didn’t you say that late night car rides put you to sleep..”
“yeah, but i don’t want to cause you any trouble, jun.” you frowned, even though your brain was going wild, the thought of yeonjun remembering every single little detail about you truly did make your heart flutter.
“you won’t, yn, it’ll give me an excuse to continue hanging out with you.. plus i just want to know that you’re resting well.. today was pretty rough for you so i want to make sure you’re okay..”
you glanced over at him, a tiny amount of blush coming up to cover your cheeks and nose, along with the tip of your ears. unable to contain the smile that appeared on you face. “thank you, jun. thank you so much for looking after me.. i’m glad that i don’t come off as a burden to you.. you’re so smooth with your words that it truly makes me feel like i’m the most important person in the world.”
“that’s because you are the most important person in my world..” yeonjun smirked, his focus still on the road. streetlights lit up his path, trees to nearly each side which slowly faded away as he drove into a neighborhood, which was recognizable.. you were close to your own apartment. the crescent moon making itself visible, as it was plastered right at the center of the sky. white sparkling stars surrounding it, yeonjun took a look at you, noticing that you were already falling asleep, head against the window, as your arm came over to add support.
yeonjun parked his car as he came to a stop at the front of your apartment. it really didn’t take you long to fall asleep, or to at least become sleepy. he didn’t think that his driving would put you to feel sleepy so quickly.
“yn, let’s go up to your apartment and then you can go to sleep, ‘kay ?” you hummed as a response. as the two of you got out of the car, yeonjun coming over to help you with the plastic bag which held your snacks. stepping into the lobby and using an elevator to go up to your apartment. yeonjun followed behind you, remembering the location of your apartment.
“jjun.. can you stay with me ?”
“i would love to yn, but seriously i don’t want to interrupt any of your plans or anything in the morning.”
“please.. you won’t interrupt anything.” you mumbled, turning to face him, hugging his torso. arms wrapped around him, as yeonjun pressed a kiss to the top of your head. he knew how stressed you were over the entire situation with karina.
kiss you once 'cause i know you had a long night
yeonjun pulled away from your embrace, only to place a small kiss on your cheek. he wanted to assure you that it was going to be okay, he wanted you to know that he had your back. and hopefully you had his..
kiss you twice 'cause it's gonna be alright
and finally yeonjun pressed his lips against yours. yeonjun knew how long you’ve been waiting to date him, since high school you’ve been waiting for him patiently. he wanted to show you how much that meant to him, you deserved a reward for waiting.
three times 'cause you’ve waited your whole life
a peach flavor running through his mouth, tasting your chapstick. an ecstatic feeling running through his stomach. yeonjun never knew he could get so shy. he thought that such a feeling only existed in movies. he didn’t think he would get butterflies in his stomach over a few kisses that he gave you.
you were in the same place, heart racing, as your arms wrapped around his neck, bringing him closer to you, trying to get on your tippy toes in order to reach him. as you smiled into the kiss, the amount of excitement was too much for you to contain.
you and yeonjun loved this. the happiness that the two of you could not wait to express to each other. the two of you eventually pulled away, happy grins on the both of you. as yeonjun answered your pleads.
“okay, just because you said please, my stunning beauty.”
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taglist : @soobadooba @beoms-sugar @yxnjvnnie @myahfig4 @sato-chan-2709 @grayscorner @run2seob @destairea @lol6sposts @cutesince2000 @forever-in-the-sky2 @soobs-things @soobinsman @mackjestic @ameliabs-world @mochijjunie @hyuneyeon @flwerfield
an: YEONJUN AND YN ??:&;)&/?:&:?,!/ KEKEKEKE… #verymuchinspiredinhowiwanttoexperienceakiss
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hannawinchester03 · 1 year
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Bucky x Fem reader!
(Y/n) and Bucky are set up to go on a blind date to get their minds off of the hectic lives they both live in, their mutual friend told them about one another and now here they are.
Little to much backstory about the main character I promise it’s important for the next part of the story!
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This chapter contains: flirting, small talk, smirking, teasing, slight touch, coffee date, exhausted body, height difference, dominant behavior, and submissive tendencies, main character energy
Word count: 4,172 (girl I couldn’t stop)
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(Y/n) was a strange specimen of a woman she often thought to herself, she spent most of her days rushing off to work taking the New York trains stopping along the way, at her usual stops, always making sure she had enough time as usual.
First at the corner store grabbing her coffee that was most days brewed in a burnt coffee pot giving it a strong kick she always thought she needed, or in a clean coffee pot knowing business has been slow that day giving the worker time to scrub the pot clean. “You know I could kill you, the coffee tastes better when you’re in a rush, serving thousands of customers” (y/n) said she’d always tell the worker earning a chuckle out of the both of them as they say their goodbyes as she leaves on her way to her next stop.
Second as she sips on her coffee she walks into the local cafe grabbing a cinnamon raisin bagel with plain cream cheese, one for her and one for her friend along the way. She exits humming to herself as she has one headphone in, her phone buried in her pocket and the long earbud string tucked inside under her shirt as it came out from the collar so they wouldn’t fall out as she walked or sometimes ran up the stairs in a rush. Listening To the same music as usual, music from the 50s or 60s, made her seem to float away from her daily life.
(Y/n) always seemed to take a bite from her bagel as she adjusting her strap of her tote bag while she ran down the subway stairs, taking the time to chew on her piece of bagel as she got the bottom of the stairs she’s glance over at the estimated arrival for her train making sure she was going to be on time, she always ways, she always took the time to leave a hour or two early to make sure she had time to stop.
(Y/n) made her way through the crowd swiping her metro card as she slid through the gate saying a few small mumbled “sorry”s as she moved to the left going towards her train admiring as there were travelers staring at the city map trying to figure out where they were. “You guys are here, kinda old so it’s hard to tell.” She would say happily to the people as she pointed to the scratched up plastic covering the map protecting it from the millions of people who touch it.
As she made It the train platform she’d glance around looking for her now called friend as she notices she walked over smiling happily, she had been taking the train for years now, always watching as people ignored a man begging for food, nothing else from her at least, she bought him a bagel one day and now it’s a part of her daily routine.
“Here you go mitch, as usual.” She hummed happily to him, taking the bagel out of the tote bag handing it to him, smiling at him as he took it. “Any good music today?” Mitch asked as he took a bite out of the bagle letting out a satisfied hum making (y/n) chuckle. “Can’t we be sweethearts? Why don’t we fall in love? right from the start, you’re the girl I’m dreaming of.” (Y/n) began to sing out, making her foot tap against the pavement. “The cleftones! God i love that song” Mitch called out making (y/n) chuckle as she nodded. “I’ll see you later, don’t wanna be late!” She said softly, making Mitch smile as he took another bite. “Oh you’ll never be late.” He hummed to her making them both chuckle as she ran off toward her train as the doors opened.
Present day
(Y/n) can’t help but let out a small groan as she pushed the heavy covers off of her, not really wanting to get up and out of bed. She hadn’t gotten to bed until midnight last night, which may seem normal to most people but she was tossing and turning for two hours before eventually taking some melatonin to make herself knock out.
(Y/n) sat up on her bed, her back rested against her headboard and pillows as she grabbed her phone checking the time and for any messages or phone calls. All she saw was a message from her friend Natasha. “You better be there, I wanna hear all about it!” (Y/n) read aloud making herself huff as she replied back with a simple “okay.”
(Y/n) opened up her music app letting it play as she sat her phone on the nightstand, sliding off of the bed slipping on her slippers as she walked over the closet humming along to the music as she flipped through shirts finding what one to wear. She settled on a Led Zeppelin shirt that was tie dyed with bleach and a flannel that was her favorite neutral color terracotta, just a good middle tone that made her eyes bright as diamond she’s been told when she was younger so she always wore the color.
After picking out her shirts she moved over to her dresser pulling open the drawer already knowing what pants to grab as she picked up a pair of nice navy blue jeans that hugged her in all the right places. Along with a pair of underwear and socks in the drawer next to the one she had open. She tossed all the clothes onto the bed and closed the drawers making her way to the bathroom.
As she got into the bathroom she did her business, then got to work on her hair, she began to brush it out from the shower she took last night making her hair curl up as she tossed and turned it always made her hair look curly but with a simple brush through it was gone so she always brushed it. Once her hair was brushed through she used a small claw clip and pulled her side pieces out of her face as she began with her make up. All she applied was winged eyeliner and mascara not watching to go over the top.
Once done in the bathroom brushing her teeth, she went back out to her room kicking off her slippers as she pulled her pajama shirt off tossing it to the side near the hamper grabbing her bra she threw on the ground yesterday as she changed into her pajamas, She pulled on her shirt and flannel then pulled her pants on. Glancing over at the clock on her nightstand seeing that 30 minutes had already passed making her huff as she pulled her socks on sliding on her vans that were the same Terracotta color as her flannel.
(Y/n) grabbed her phone from her nightstand and her tote bag making sure she had her keys and wallet as she turned the music off and tossed the phone into her bag, quickly going into the bathroom to put on another round of deodorant and grabbed her perfume spritzing herself a good 20 times all around as she spun around making sure she was fully coated in the strawberry scented perfume.
Once she was satisfied and felt as if her head was on straight she grabbed her keys out of her bag turning off the lights in her apartment as she locked the door backing into the hallway, she tossed her keys into her bag as she began to walk towards the stairs seeing her neighbors had a garbage bag outside her door so she grabbed it as she walked down the stairs and tossed it out as she exited the building knowing her neighbors would do the same for her.
(Y/n) walked down the sidewalk going towards the train station frowning a little as she passed by the corner store where she would usually stop but how could she get coffee if she needed to be going on a coffee date. She huffed softly as she waited for the light to change and crossed the street when it was safe, once she made it to the train station she swiped her metrocard and took a left waiting for the train going uptown.
“Oh look at you all dolled up!” Mitch called out as (Y/n) walked onto the train platform, she turned her attention towards him and lightly shook her head. “Oh please, this is nothing.” She said as she pretended to bat her eyelashes at him making them both chuckle as she listened to the train as it slammed on its brakes to stop and pick the people up. “I'll be back later, with your bagel I promise!” (Y/n) called out as she rushed to get into the train car and waved at Mitch as he nodded, smiling happily at her.
(Y/n) eventually made it to the train stop, getting off with the crowd of people as she opened up her message with Natasha making sure she was going to the right place, so she clicked onto the link of the address and nodded to herself knowing exactly where it was at so she turned her phone back off and stuffed it back into her pocket.
After walking a few blocks, she turned the corner and saw the cafe, she smiled softly as she noticed there was a place that you could sit outside at, noticing a couple sipping on their coffee talking amongst themselves. She let out one last small sigh as she had already made it to the cafe so there was no going back now.
(Y/n) walked into the cafe clearing her throat a little as she stepped aside so other people can still walk into the cafe as she glanced around a little looking for her date, the only thing she had in mind was a tall man that had short hair with a scruffy looking beard, he always wore leather. This is all Natasha told her, when (Y/n) asked more about the man Natasha would hum to her saying “Oh you’ll find out, you two will be perfect together. He’s just what you need.” With a wink making (Y/n) roll her eyes at her friend's words.
After a few seconds (y/n) laid eyes on a man who was turned with his back towards her, facing the window as he observed people walking past, she watched as he leaned back into his seat adjusting his leather jacket as he settled into his seat she could tell he had the short hair she was told about and when a customer's name was called he glanced over giving her to view of his scruffy beard.
(Y/n) walked over to the table adjusting her tote bag on her shoulder and pushed some of her hair behind her one ear smiling softly. “James is it?” She spoke out once she had gotten to the table and smiled softly at him as he turned his attention towards her.
“Yes, but most people call me Bucky, or Barns. Kinda strange I guess.” He states as he cleared his throat and pushed his seat back standing up, standing tall and proud at six feet tall making (y/n) take a step back since she was only the average female height of five foot four inches. “It’s nice to meet you.” He said softly as he looked down at (y/n) with a soft smile.
“It’s nice to meet you too, I’m (y/n).” She started out as she returned the small smile and turned in her spot a little looking over at the line of people who were ordering. “Yeah, I know. Anyway, shall we order?” Bucky said, pulling (y/n)’s attention back to him as she raised an eyebrow at him slightly at his ‘I know’ remark.
“Sure, gotta decide what I want anyways.” (y/n) mumbled out as she watched him grab his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder as he began to walk toward the end of the line as she finished off her sentence following behind him.
Once she made it into line behind him she let out a small sigh slightly already regretting the decision to show up, since he seems to not want to be there. (y/n) was pulled out of her thoughts as he stepped aside so that she could see the menu as well he continued to look at the multiple options finally settling on something he thought sounded good to him.
“The caramel macchiato sounds good..” Bucky stated as he glanced over at (y/n) for a second taking the chance to admire her side profile as she kept looking at the menu with her eyebrows slightly squinted as she tried to read through all the options as there were too many to pick from.
“Yeah, I don’t know though. Don’t like anything too sweet..” (y/n) stated as she looked away from the menu and glanced over at him feeling that he was looking at her making her show him a small grin as they were next in line. She watched as he looked back up at the menu and gripped onto the strap of his backpack as he stepped forward.
“Morning. I’d like a tall Black coffee with a little bit of sugar.” He stated as he cleared his throat a little, showing the barista taking their order a small smile. “And whatever she’d like.” He added as he stepped aside letting (y/n) step up to the counter.
(Y/n) watched as he stepped aside and said this to the barista. She took a step so she was in front of the counter and showed the barista a smile. “Good morning, I’ll take a tall black coffee, no sugar, no cream, just your darkest roast please. Gotta make sure I’ll be awake.” (y/n) joked with the barista as she took the order making the girl laugh making (y/n) smile happily, she always tried to make people laugh because she knew it made her feel special for being so talkative compared to her younger self.
“Would you like anything to eat?” The barista asked as she looked between the both of them and the two of them lightly shook their heads. “Okay your total is $6.45.” The barista said happily as she looked at the both of them.
Bucky pulled out his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a $10 bill handing it to her with a smile “You can go ahead and just keep the change.” Bucky stated as he handed the baristas the bill, he then stepped aside so the other customers could order as he glanced over at (y/n) watching as she moved around him walking over to the other side of him waiting for their order to be called.
“Two tall black coffees, one with sugar.” The other barista called out not long after since it was a simple order compared to other things on the menu. “Thank you!” (y/n) hummed out happily to the other barista with a smile as she grabbed both of the coffees as there were other customers lingering over the counter desperately waiting for their coffees.
“Excuse us.” Bucky stated as he moved behind (y/n) holding his hand on the small of her back as he followed behind her through the crowd of people to get back to the free space of the cafe making sure she didn’t bump into anyone.
Once they were in the clear he moved his hand away from her back. “So, would you like to sit inside or outside?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow at her, now taking in the fact that her cheeks were now a light shade of pink.
“Inside is fine, the chairs are more comfortable.” (y/n) said softly to him as shyly looked down at the cups of coffee reading the labels on them seeing which one was hers, once she knew it was hers she took a long sip, not being able to help it as she let out a small moan from the pleasant surprise of how strong the coffee was.
After taking a sip (y/n) held the other cup of coffee that was bucky’s out to him so he could grab it. “Is it that good?” Bucky asked as he took his cup from her hand raising it up to his lips as he took a sip letting out a small groan of pleasure as well making (y/n) let out a small chuckle as she nodded in response to his question as if to tell him ‘I told you so.’
(Y/n) turned around and hummed softly as she looked around the cafe finding a table that was close to the window walking over to it. (y/n) took a seat on the bench so that her back was against the window, as she settled into her seat she let the tote bag slide off her shoulder and set it next to her as she leaned back into the comfortable padding on the chair as she watched Bucky take his seat across from her.
“So Natasha set this all up, how do you know her? From college? Any fun stories I can tease her about?” (Y/n) asked as she leaned back into her seat more settling into the comfortable seat behind her as she waited for a response.
As she waited for a response she kept her eyes up on him now having the time to actually take in his features and his whole essence. She couldn’t help but think about his simple gesture as he held onto the small of her back as they walked through the crowd of people earlier, making her mind race off to a couple different places thinking about if he was controlling now, would he be controlling in bed.
“I actually just met her pretty recently, she’s friends with one of my long time friends, well he’s more like a brother to me. They know each other and I guess I’m friends with her now, if that makes sense.” Bucky stated as he sat up in his seat a little more keeping his eyes on her as her eyes looked him up and down in his spot making a small smirk appear on his face, he always liked the attention but he still wasn’t sure about the whole situation since it’s been years since he’s dated or even went on a date.
Bucky cleared his throat as he sat his backpack on the ground next to them and leaned back into his seat so he seemed more relaxed watching as her eyes moved from his face down towards his chest making him chuckle. “How exactly do you know Natasha?” He asked his voice firm as he wondered if she knew about Steve and the others, wondering what exactly she knew about him.
“Oh I know her because she comes into my work, just small talk here and there. She invited me for lunch and we have been friends ever since.” (Y/n) stated as she watched him lean back in his seat a little knowing well that he was doing it on purpose so she could look at his chest so she pulled her eyes up towards him to give him her full attention.
Taking the time to observe his facial features as he looked at her with a somewhat cautious look in his eyes, something (y/n) always seems to know about people, no matter if they had just met. She liked to make people laugh and observe people making people feel safe and welcomed but this man was different, she couldn’t seem to put her finger on it.
“Do you know much about her? She's the kind of person that many people don't know much about.” Bucky asked as he sat up in his seat a little bit trying to see if he could get the information from her, seeing if she would give him any clues about how much she knows exactly about their whole situation.
“The only thing we talk about is what she is reading or researching, just small talk.” (Y/n) stated as she watched him sit up in his seat making her do the same thing as she knew what he was trying to do, get information from her making her smirk a little as she raised her coffee cup taking a sip as her eyes were locked with his taking in the fact that his pupils were beginning to dilate in interest.
“Oh, and one time she told me that she got the chance to kiss some guy named Steve, it was for work according to her, but it still was interesting, it got her pretty worked up.” (y/n) stated as she sat up in her seat a little more taking in the fact that bucky began i lean in his seat more getting closer to her with a wide grin on his face.
“Oh is that so, now I have something over their heads.” bucky stated as he kept his eyes on (y/n) as he looked at her with a wide smirk, knowing that now he can tease his best friend about his “work relationship” he let out a soft chuckle as he watched (y/n) take a sip of her coffee, and shrug a little. “Hey she deserves it, I don't know who the Steve guy is but she teases me about getting a boyfriend all the time.” (y/n) stated as she sat the cup of coffee down back on the table looking down a little as she leaned back into her seat.
“Oh so she told you that you need a boyfriend, you seem pretty independent.” Bucky stated as he took a few seconds to look her up and down a little as she leaned back in her seat. “ You seem to have your needs met..” Bucky added as he looked back up at her eyes with a small smirk as he licked his lips a little as he raised the cup to his lips taking a sip as he kept his eyes locked on hers. “Unless I'm wrong, then I might be available to help you out.” he added with a smirk as he sat his cup down on the table waiting to hear her reaction.
(Y/n) listened to bucky as he said, this sitting up in her spot with everyone of his statements keeping her eyes locked on his as she looked him up and down as he did the same to her making her lean her elbows against the table listening to the last of his little speech seeing his smirk making her return the gesture and smirk back as he slowly leaned back into her seat once again.
“If i may, her exact words were..” (y/n) began to say as she reached into her pocket grabbing her phone, opening up the messages between her and natasha. “You don't have to marry him, just grab a coffee together and see where it leads to.” (y/n) said aloud as she read the message keeping her eyes down on her phone, setting it on the table between them so he could see the message himself as she looked back up at him her eyes now dilated as well from the fact she was intrigued to see his reaction.
“But i don't know, maybe i do want to marry you, that'll for sure prove her wrong, don't you think sweetheart..” (y/n) said changing her tone to a somewhat submissive tone to tease him watching as he pupils grew darker with lust from just her simple change in the tone of her voice. “But let's not get ahead of ourselves sir, it is only a first date after all..” (y/n) added still in the submissive voice as she watched his grip on his cup tighten making a small chuckle come from her.
“Who knows maybe we will get married, seems like you need someone who will put you in your place.” Bucky stated as his voice had grown slightly more deep making (y/n) begin to breathe a little more heavily as she bit her lip, keeping her eyes locked on his as she listened to him. “Someone who will let you be you, but take care of you, make sure you're satisfied.” Bucky hummed out as he took a sip of his coffee, setting the cup down taking in the fact that (y/n) was biting her lip making him chuckle softly.
“But you’re right princess, this is only the first date..” Bucky stated as he showed her a small smirk looking her up and down one more time as he leaned back into his seat himself. “Just saying this could have been worse, much worse.”
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Part 2 is here!
Anyways! Hope y’all enjoyed just wanted to write another story so I can show y’all some of my potential, still learning to write 7 years later!
Feel free to message me with requests or other suggestions I’m all ears.
Bye, until next time!
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lunesg-sainte · 4 months
Be eco-friendly without realizing it
I'm from Mexico, (I say this just to clarify, in case something sounds strange). I live in a still rural area (although urbanization is catching up with us) and I did my first years of school in schools that were a maximum of ten minutes away on foot. At twelve I started taking public transport and when I turned fifteen my trip Every day it was an hour on public transportation (which is considered normal in the area where I live). The thing is that we were always very conscious of our waste.
Much of what we did since my childhood is wash clothes and clean our house with filtered rainwater in the rainy season. The clothes have always been hung in the patio and dried by the air or the sun (we have never had a dryer). Refuse yogurt, cream and other plastic containers. The jars are reused to store cinnamon, coffee, sugar, powdered milk, spices and other things. When we wash the dishes, in a plastic bowl we add water and a few drops of biodegradable soap and with that we wash all the glasses, plates, utensils and pots that we use for cooking and eating. We currently have chickens that roam freely and thanks to this we have a daily supply of eggs. We are not vegan, but I'm not really that worried about that, because my area is highly rural it is very easy to get meat from local producers, the only thing we can't get so easily is fish but it's not like we eat it commonly. If we have too many plastics, glass, cans and metals that we do not use at home, there are these people who buy these types of products by the kilo to in turn resell them to recycling plants that are far from us. The plastic bags we have are generally used for garbage that is not biodegradable. This year we plan for a part of our patio to become a more abundant garden, last year we did it and it was good, we hope to have more success this year. It was great to see butterflies, bees and hummingbirds out the window while I was washing the dishes. I recently bought an electric oven and started learning how to bake.
When I got into the solarpunk label I saw so many practices that we have done in my house throughout my life, it was so cool.
The hope of a future in which we can all live in the most respectable way possible with our planet. ​
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innerunderrain · 2 years
I really love that babysitter post!! 😍😍 I can just imagine him secretly cooing from behind the camera as he watches MC playing with Teucer. Oh, but it seems that the masterlist doesn't work? I'd like to read more of your stories 💖💖
Monitors [Modern! Yan.Childe x Babysitter! Fem.Reader]
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Warnings: Yandere themes, stalking, abuse of electronic monitors, creepy Childe, non-consensual photos and recordings of the reader, collecting the reader's hair, manipulative Childe, dishonesty and implied NSFW themes if you squint!
Note: Thank you soo much!! He'll definitely be the type of person to watch you the entire day instead of doing the actual work his co-workers always asking him what he's doing, only to have him grin and reply with 'nothing.' As for my masterlist, is it the link to the blog that's not working or is it like the link of the individual story??? Please let me know!
Word count: 683
A rational part of Childe's mind recognised that this was wrong.
However, how could he refuse? You're simply so cute playing games with Teucer; he rarely gets to experience that aspect of you since you're always so shy and awkward around him. But don't worry, you'll improve; you simply require a little more time. Childe is a patient man who won't challenge you, but it doesn't mean he won't do things to obtain your affection.
He chuckled as he watched you grapple with Mr. Cyclops, which prompted Teucer to grin before seizing the figurine out of your hands.
As you two went on to play board games, Teucer emphasized that you should both enjoy yourselves rather than just him. What a nice kid, Childe was pleased to have Teucer as a brother since he's such a good lad to you, making you want to stay longer within him.
Childe watched as you entered the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to retrieve an orange juice container since Teucer appeared to have developed a slight thirst.
Should he go to the store to get more juice? Or should he provide you a reason to bring him along when you go to buy it?
He'll think about it later.
Childe's eyes narrow as he watches you creep over the countertop to retrieve a plastic cup, the hem of your blouse lifting to expose your midriff. Perhaps it was the correct decision to place all of Teucer's dining utensils on the top shelf, adamantly stating that he did not want Teucer to try to reach for them in the middle of the night, since the young boy had a habit of snacking at night. You finally succeed in reaching the cup after a brief period of battle, leaping in joy and grinning gloriously.
So adorable.
Before heading back to the living room, you filled the plastic cup with orange juice but not before looking up into the nanny cam. Inquisitive of the camera, you waved toward it before fleeing and mumbling, "Why did I do that?" as a reddish colour swept across your cheeks prompting Childe's smile to broaden.
He was pleased that the nanny cam could show him a side of you that he had never seen before; sometimes, he would see you muttering to yourself as you struggled to patch up Teucer's toys only to whine in exasperation. Other times, you'd hum loudly in the kitchen while preparing a snack for his brother, your heavenly voice thrumming through the monitor as he made sure to preserve the recording permanently.
Furthermore, he's the kind of person who will tell you that you have to stay a little bit longer since his meeting won't end for another two hours and that it's okay to go to sleep once you've put Teucer to bed.
He lied, of course. There is no meeting.
He merely stated that to get an opportunity to gawk at your drowsy face while making sure to take some pictures for later use, though he won't say exactly what he plans to do with them. Nevertheless, I'm sure you can guess. He would return home after a short wait and gently pat you on the head to tell you it was time to wake up and he would drive you home. Sometime he would gather loose hair from the sofa you rested on and hide them in a clear plastic bag in his room since he liked to always carry a little piece of you with him.
Isn't he such a thoughtful man? Offering to drive you home to keep you from wandering late at night, and always bringing you a piece everywhere he went.
It's a dangerous world we live in.
You ought to be careful not to trust strangers too much, even if it's him.You never know, one day you might awake in the trunk of his car instead of your own bed.
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applesontheground · 11 months
thanks a lot, partner! 📞
i teased this awhile back, and as a resident mickey altieri enjoyer i once again come to you guys with an idea about him.
i feel a bit cheated his ghostface partner wasn’t a peer; it was mrs. loomis with her own separate agenda. not a bad plot point at all, just not my favorite per se.
so, i wanted to give him a real partner, and then make them get nasty. hope you guys like it. all i can say is that he’s my pick of the ghostface litter through and through, and i also want to practice writing more fleshed out smut...pun vaguely intended. let me know how i did. 🤗
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NSFW | Word Count: 3,522 | Mickey Altieri x GN Ghostface!Reader (no gendered pronouns used)
contains canon typical/mentions of murder & gore, injury/mentioned eye trauma, reader’s roommate is gn too, masochism, fluff, teasing, dirty talk, oral (m recieving), manhandling
🎼: x, x
There was no way this wasn’t going to get worse come the morning.
You had caught a glimpse of yourself unmasked in the window, left unlocked long before you had gone out that evening – and what you had just barreled through while the police hadn’t even gotten to the street where your latest party crashing had just come to a perfectly timed wrap.
Everything from the second you left to the second you returned to the dingy house that you were renting with two other students had been on the dot – but one thing that hadn’t been anticipated was the victim, well, fighting back. It had been caught in the reflection of the window at first, but now you were leaning into the dollar store mirror that had been lovingly stuck on the fridge. Sure enough, the beginnings of a red spot were forming under and around your eye socket, hot blood rushing to the surface from a decently timed elbow and turning a more stark shade of purple with every passing hour.
“Fuckin-!” You swatted the closest thing to you sitting on the counter, stress from the visible mark making panic set in along with the quiet throb that had drummed up along your cheekbone. The plastic spray bottle clattered across an otherwise bare surface, toppling over the haunting mask sitting on its edge, paling in comparison to the tiled countertop.
Your ear was pointed towards the door, anticipating that your roommate was still out for the night. When word of what you had done got out – what Ghostface had done – [he’d/she’d/they’d] be home in a heartbeat, confiding all that worry about a possible murder to you. You couldn’t blame [him/her/them], feeling like you’re standing idly by, practically waiting to be picked off, is terrifying. Isn’t it?
You turned away from the window, backside pressed into the edge of the counter as you took both the physical and the mental load off your mind for a second. It was as short as the deep breath passing through, staring at the ceiling through the good eye. A harsh scratch of one of the trees against the side of the house made you freeze, then leap to act from pure reflex. You dove for the mask and the cloak it sat with, throwing it under the sink behind the trash bags without a second thought.
For good measure, you even began stuffing more mundane bottles and cans around it in a haphazard fortress. No one cleans this dump unless the landlord shows up, anyways.
“You really gotta be a little sick to do it like that,” He spoke as he stepped through the back door, halfway through the conversation before it had started. Black gloves and the jagged ribs of a hunting knife are still in his hands. The cloak was under an arm, but somehow, he was being careful not to smear any dirt or blood on the terribly plain T-shirt he had worn underneath.
It had started as a study buddy situation, then it got so screwed up as you two started seeing each other outside of school, becoming partners in more ways than just a means to survive classes. From sophomore to senior year, you were ending the collegiate cord with the beginning of a whole new type of work. Carnage, dismemberment, and the drama of being picture perfect copycat killers. It was like touching a stove when you knew very well it would hurt you, and there was something so utterly frayed within both you and your partner that loved to feel it despite this knowledge.
Mickey Altieri looked at you just as eagerly as he had been admiring the path which he came from, but you had turned away before he could catch an eyeful of your face. Gathering the cleaner you had just slapped into oblivion, you spat, “So fucking nuts, I need to take a breather before you congratulate me, Mick-“
“Well, first of all, let’s run back the blueprint. I’m the one that’s primed to fly off the handle in this equation, [Y/N], so why are you going nuts?” He cornered you fast, making your swimming vision slow to a wade, peripherals noting his arms had come out to brace the counter. He had boxed you in, hip to hip with you in a brief shuffle. Nudging you to face him and seeing what had gotten you so worked up, his voice returned to something more casual – maddeningly casual considering the scene before him – and gasped, “Oh my god, look at baby’s shiner.”
“I fucked up, Mickey.” You hissed, hands anxiously gripping and releasing the counter behind you, “He got a fucking whack on me, I didn’t-“
“Excuse me, I thought we were going to take a breath. Can you manage that before anything else?” He pulled his gloves off, tucking them and the knife under his arm along with the cloak. His bare, clammy hands went instinctively for your neck, then smoothed along your collarbone when he saw it had snapped you to reality, settling on your shoulders as he repeated himself, “Relax. He’s already on the fast track to old news, [Y/N]. Who’s gonna know he got a hit in before being fucking slaughtered?”
You closed your eyes – closed one eye to mirror the swelling counterpart. Deep inhale through the nostrils, you whimpered with a pang of uncertainty, “No one.”
“There [he/she is / they are]. Nobody knows but you, and nobody knows but me. Just like the last two we strung out, right?” You looked hard into his eyes again, a realization you were one of the few people that knew precisely what urges and thoughts lay behind them settling in place of the spiraling. Sure, other people could see that Mickey was a bit squirrely underneath the façade he liked to play, a quick moving dude with the camera that was a little too smirky to not tip others off that he was hiding something in his hand.
Although, being the Woodsboro copycat was like an ace up the sleeve, and you? The royal suit that he was keeping in his back pocket. His Stu Macher, but he hated it when you made that comparison.
Mickey then nodded to the floor, eyes cast at your muddy shoes, “Very nice job, by the way. Perfectly severed the lungs from his chest. Didn’t have to do that, but we’ve got a lot of work to outshine. Huh, stud?” You felt a lump in your throat fighting to be swallowed as you merely choked, “Learned from the best.”
The chuckle from him was low and thoroughly pleased at that thought; chin tipped down to give you another good look over now that he had moved past the black eye, gauging what was happening in your head as his eyes trailed back to your face. When he couldn’t quite crack it, though, he caved through the motion of leaning in.
You took the kiss without a second thought all the same, the only sign you were torn being a crumpled brow. He then held your face in his hands, the light scent of hand soap and copper filling your nose as you tried to get some fresh air from the window that was still cracked.
“If it means anything, baby cakes, I still think you’re gorgeous.” He crooned in an almost overtly sweet tone, but you were overwhelmed by the corny nature and responded by blowing a raspberry in his face.
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First order of business, prepare the alibi.
Mickey hadn’t been seen at the parties that had been going on tonight (Well, he was seen, but not as Mickey), and neither had you. Maybe that person you had gutted caught a glimpse of a wrist from under the cloak in all the scuffle. Ashes to ashes, severed organs to severed organs. You had put even more cleaning supplies around your stash under the sink for good measure. Your mind was wading the water still, almost falling to something closer to TV static as your roommate spoke on the other end of the phone, ready to hear the hysterics.
“No, no. You’re still out by the campus? What rager’s going on…when it’s…” It was dawning on you as they kept giggling, and the commotion of some party game continued in the background.  Your jaw released, and you began staring at another warped reflection of yourself in the house, this time it had been through a shitty doorknob leading to the garage. All of it seemed to fall to a lull as you realized the news hadn’t even broken out yet, and you had enough wiggle room to keep the mood light.
You looked over at Mickey, who was washing up in the sink, listening along to your phone call. You piped up in reply, “No, it’s quiet out here tonight. Usually, the frat up the street puts on those loud ass parties, but I guess they’re too hungover from the last one.” You laughed, eyeing the chrome flash of the hunting knife coming out of the suds and steam. It was carefully dried with a paper towel and both articles slid into the depths of a pocket kept on the cloak he would wear. Two costumes make two blood trails. Two culprits, and twice the confusion trying to figure out where the masked murderer is. An old trick from the book of Woodsboro, sure – but damn, was it effective.
You took a deep breath and mentioned, “Oh yeah. Mickey’s been with me at the house for the last couple of hours. That’s cool that he’s staying over, right?” Looking at you from over his shoulder now, that fluffed up smile gracing his lips as he mockingly waited for the answer from the other line, you then laughed. “Cool, I assumed it was fine since you weren’t gonna be home until late, so-“
You were cut off, and then you gasped, “Shut up, why the hell do you think he’s here when you aren’t?” He now looked over his shoulder with sharp curiosity, running cold water over the warm pink suds to wash the remnants of what the two of you had done down the drain, out of sight and hard to catch with such a solid head start. You then huffed, “Alright, bye. I’ll remember to wear a condom.”
Hanging up the phone and trailing its cord back to where it sat on a side table in the living room, he quickly turned from the sink to follow close behind. “So, just to be clear, absolutely no truth to that little story?” You rose your eyebrows at the voice coming from over your shoulder, and you answered, “None. Gotta cover our tracks, cut all the ties that might drag us back down the block, but-“
You stopped yourself, feeling his hand start to slide over your hip in a lazy slither, tracing the seam of your jeans. You then ran the lie back in your head, barely able to catch up as he mocked you, “Ooh, why the hell do you think my lovely boyfriend's here when the nosy little roomies aren’t, huh?” Turning to look at him with a raised brow, he then hummed, “You know I’d still screw you with the black eye, right?” You couldn’t help the laugh that took from you despite your attitude growing horns, a hand coming up and clamping around his jaw.
Giving him a playful shake, you hummed, “Glad to hear it, but who says we’re screwing? I didn’t say anything like that on the phone.” He took your hand still around his face, making your grip go soft as he turned into your palm, pressing his lips to the inner pads of your fingers. “Aw, any way I can change your mind?” He asked, “Sure got you under my thumb with the whole…Woodsboro thing. Put me back in the game, coach. Bet I can do it again – better yet, I’ll do you one better.”
Leaning away, you groaned, “Oh, good god. For a killer, you sure like to lay it on thick.” Squinting at him with your good eye, he once again was in sync with your movement, leaning along with you and now peppering the softest but somehow still obnoxious kisses close to the bruise on your face. “Stop squirming already,” He teased, and when you couldn’t lean too much further, he cupped his hand around the back of your neck and went in for a much deeper kiss against your cheek, pulling you back towards him in the process. You naturally found his lips with your own, the dancing around them being too much to act so callous towards.
“Ooh, I bet it hurts.” He mocked you, but your jaw still fell open when he pressed his lips right underneath the bruise again, enjoying the annoyed groan it stirred and knowing it was confused, wanting to be hurt but unable to keep from melting back into a familiar, crawling ecstasy as he started to trail down to your neck, and you started to direct him towards the couch in the living room.
Nearly falling onto the furniture, you turned back towards him with the same blind urgency, hands quivering as they began running over his chest, and the fabric was as soft as it had looked. He gave one final glance towards the door, the heel of his shoe nudging his costume further under the couch, somewhere he would hide it when he stayed over after a rendezvous with your knives. Just like the deeds themselves, it was an intricate and intimate ritual at this point, something you found so much love in despite being so loathsome.
“Whoa, whoa-“ You tried to slow him, but he merely teased you back in a husky puff against your neck, “Whoa, whoa. Please, you’re all over this.” Grinning, you stuck your elbow up and into his chest, making him gasp against your throat but immediately take hold of your wrist. You immediately careened back first into the couch, and shoving the offending hand beside your ear, he shook his head at you, eyes growing cold but on the brink of something rabid. “Fuck, you’re quite the killer yourself tonight. Ghostface, the mood killer.” He gritted, and you only laughed as you finally fell limp under his hold.
Some fires had been stirred up, especially as he now guided your other arm over your head and secured both wrists together. It made it easy for him to free up, holding both in place as his other hand now went down your stomach and slipped under your shirt. It immediately got you groaning a little, his fingertips finding every pressure point and sweet spot and a familiar, worn warmth with his hands still wet from the cleanup job.
Between hand soap and remnants of the dirt – better yet, the blood – was making you press your hips against his, lining up while both of you still had clothes on. It did him in, and he had to let your hands go in certainty they’d fly to the hem of your shirt. He trusted you enough to manage that.
As you rolled the fabric over your head, throwing it behind you to drape over the phone you had just gotten off of, he was feeling all over your torso and chest like he hadn’t seen it before. Like it had been something he was holding out for after such a gruesome night. You whimpered into his ear, knowing the pathetic noises of someone just as capable as he was made him rabid. Sure enough, his movements suddenly grew rougher, nails being involved in his fondling.
“Calm down,” You demanded with a lack of backbone in your words, and he only responded by planting his mouth on your neck, nipping a few times before starting to add another mark to your itinerary. It shut you up; replacing your demands with shivering along your shoulders and breathy whines. He was giving it back, and when you couldn’t take it anymore as he released your neck, the splotch left on your skin glistening with saliva and as ribbed as the knife from teeth marks, you pushed him back and started pulling at his shirt, pushing it up.
“You gotta be a little sick to do it like this,” You murmured, both of you upright on the couch. You wasted no time slipping down his body, being sure to start pressing your own kisses against his skin as you got to his hips. He groaned, half because of the feelings that were spilling like the precum was starting to soak into the fabric of your shirt and half from hearing his own goddamn words slapping him in the face. You weren’t one to waste time unlike him, not necessarily here to ravish and enjoy the leadup to it – a murder, an orgasm, whatever it was – but rather get to what needed to happen, to live in the main event.
It was something you approached with nothing but anticipating confidence, starting from the shaft and licking up along the bottom of his cock. He almost whimpered, for once his hands not wandering too far from where they were settled with one on the back of the couch to keep upright and one on the back of your head. He wasn’t even guiding, rather serving as a marker to keep your mouth where he wanted it.
Mickey let you do the work, hands pressed into his thighs as you focused on doing it well. If it got messy, you’d deal with it afterwards. Spit was running down your jaw, and trickled down your neck as you only focused on the heat against your tongue, the prodding of your throat that was making him need to hold the back of the couch to stay steady.
“[Y/N], you keep it up and I’m gonna be done before we've even started.” He warned, half serious and half holding out to see how you’d respond. You merely groaned against him, a nonchalant sound as you kept going, tilting your head so he could see what you were doing a little better. It was already making you unbelievably hot underneath your clothes, and you were already so deep in the act.
You had to finish it, then figure out where to go after the fact. Just like you had with the guy who punched you while you tore him apart.
The fire suddenly roared alive and broke apart, spreading in all directions as soon as it had sparked. Once again, his hands became rigid as he stopped moving everywhere except in how he snapped his hips against your mouth, fluid in the motion. He almost wondered if he had even cum, because you were already taking care of it. Just like the shiner, you were handling things as they practically hit you in the face. In this case, the back of your twitching throat.
You pulled off of him, the last of it hitting you along the tip of your nose and bottom lip. You rolled your head up, and he chuckled at the sight. “Oh my god, can you knock it off?” He asked, catching his breath as you asked, “What do you mean?”
“Being a stand-up partner, you know what I mean. It’s like you fell from the sky just for me to deal with,” He lamented, but he was still grinning at you. Straightening your back, you glanced at the clock. Figuring you still had time, you didn’t rush to find your shirt quite yet, shifting a little closer to him so you could see the beginnings of him starting to sweat from the exertion. Even his hair was starting to look even more wild, but he cut your train of thought with finding his own shirt.
“How’s this for an alibi-” He hummed, using it to wipe the remnants of spit from your mouth, “I elbowed you in the face because your mouth was go god damn good, you’re so accident prone already.” He bared his teeth in an amused smile as you gasped, a silent motion as you then used your hand to help in cleaning yourself up. He then took your chin between two fingers, wagging your head and making your unfocused stare come back to Earth as he added, “Let’s even play it up, act all embarrassed about it. They’ll eat it up.”
“…For the partner who flies off the handle, you’re still good at thinking fast.” You croaked, both of you smiling at each other. He threw the shirt over the cloak peeking from underneath the couch. “Gotta be when you’re living up to some pretty sick shit.” He murmured, and as you pulled yourself to stand with your hands on his thighs, he was sure to take your shirt and hold you in a half crouch to get another kiss.
Sick, sick fuck, you thought as he hummed into your mouth, realizing he was tasting himself along with you. Better yet, he was relishing it.
I’m in love with a sick fuck.
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