#i need someone to put them in better works
moonstruckme · 3 days
Are you going to continue the roomate James series? I’m actually in love with it😍
Yes! Thank you for reading <3
part 1 │ part 2 │ part 3 │ part 4 │part 5 │ part 6
roommate!James x shy!reader ♡ 804 words
“Honey, I’m home!” 
A smile tugs at your lips, even as you roll your eyes to yourself. James has become more and more fond of these pet names, and of announcing his comings and goings like he’s worried you’ll miss him. (He’s never gone long enough for that, though you might actually miss him if he were.) If you don’t respond in some way or another, he’ll—
“Hey.” He pokes his head through your cracked door. “You alive in here?” 
You pause in folding your laundry to give him a deadpan look. “I could have been in my underwear.” 
He looks mildly horrified. “I’d hope if you were, you’d close the door all the way.” 
“You know, I did manage to stay alive even before you moved in.” 
James leans on your doorframe, giving you the sort of lazy grin you have to pretend doesn’t scare butterflies into flight in your stomach. You really hope that wears off soon. “See, but now I’m convinced if I don’t check on you, you really will die and it’ll be my fault.” 
“How would it be your fault?” 
“Classic case of roommate neglect. I smell the rotting coming from inside your room, the police come, they ask How did you not know your roommate was dead for a month? I reply, Well, officer, she said she could be galavanting in her underwear at any moment. They put me in handcuffs and I spend the next five to fifteen years having Sirius bring me cigarettes I don’t want so that I can trade them for ramen noodles in the yard.” 
You scoff, fighting a smile. “As if you would ever eat ramen.” 
“That’s what I’m saying, sweetheart. You’d be forcing me upon desperate times. But hey,” he raises his hands in a show of surrender, “I didn’t come in here to discuss prison currency. Would it be alright with you if I had friends over tonight?” 
“Of course,” you say, looking back down to match a pair of socks. “You don’t need to ask every time, it’s always alright.” 
“Thanks,” he says warmly, “but it makes me feel better to ask. What do you want on your pizza?” 
You blink. “Me?” 
“Yes, you.” He smiles. Butterflies all over again. “You don’t have to hang out with us to eat it—though we’d love to have you—but I’m not just going to order pizza to your own apartment without having any for you.” 
“It’s your apartment, too,” you remind him. “That’d be a very normal thing to do.” 
“Irregardless.” James waves you off. You wrinkle your nose at the word choice. “What do you want?” 
You swallow a sigh. There are some things, you’ve found, James is nearly impossible to argue with about. If you really dig your heels in, sometimes you can make him move first, but you don’t feel like it right now. 
You do the next best thing you can think of: choosing the least obtrusive option. “Cheese is good with me, thanks.” 
His eyes narrow like he knows what you’re doing, but he says, “Got it. I’ll let you know when it’s here.” 
“Thanks.” You turn your attention back to your laundry. James lingers in the doorway. 
A month ago, you would have kept ignoring him, working on the (unfounded) hope that he’d go away. Now, you look up. 
“Do you think you might come downstairs and hang out?” he asks. He has a strange look on his face, one you can’t quite decipher. “You know you’re always invited.” 
You give James a terse sort of smile. He’s not stopped inviting you to do things since the day he moved in. Your open invitation has been made very clear, and you’ve been accepting it more often lately. James is someone who makes it easy to feel close to him. He tosses pet names at you like they’re nothing, comes to check on you when he gets home, pretends he needs to go grocery shopping just because you need a ride to the store. Last week, you’d sat down to watch a movie with him and woken up to a black screen, your cheek smushed into his shoulder and his head resting atop yours. 
Somehow, you’ve let him spill into your life without meaning to, and now you have these childish, crush-like reactions whenever he smiles a certain way or calls you pet names with that familiar bent to his voice. You know you just need time to sort these feelings out. It’d probably be ideal to keep yourself from spilling into his life as much as possible in the meantime. 
But it’s hard to deny James anything when he’s so sweet to you. And he’s nice. His friends seem nice. 
“I might,” you say. 
“I’ll take the win,” James replies, smiling. These butterflies are seriously inconvenient.
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swordsandholly · 24 hours
Across the Way
Chapter 4: New and Old Problems Alike
Retired!Ghoap x Fem!Fat!Reader
Ao3 | Previous - Next | Masterlist
MDNI | cw: fainting, some medical inaccuracies
Word Count: 5.8k
Summary: You go to Scotland with high hopes for your future. After all, you have the bakery you always dreamed of and a whole new life to live. Plus, the men who own the butcher’s shop across the street seem nice.
You haven’t texted them, even three days later. That little sticky note haunts the surface of your kitchen counter. It taunts you - tells you that you should text them and at least give them your number. That you’re being a terrible neighbor. They might need you too, after all. Even though you can’t figure out why they might for the life of you. On the other hand, you can’t help but feel wary about it. Men don’t take an interest in you - people in general rarely take interest. It’s hard not to feel suspicious, as pure as you’re sure their intentions probably are.
More so than any of that, you don’t know what to say. If it had been day one you could have just put your name, but now you feel like you need to explain. Or at least be funny or something. Tossing and turning on your designated rest day about what the hell you should do.
You’re overthinking it. You know that. You can’t stop, either.
They just seem so cool - so put together. So unlike you. You want to impress them. You don’t want to ruin the first possibility of friends in this new life you’re building for yourself.
Eventually you work up the courage to send off an initial text to each of them. Just to give them your name to save if they so choose - plus an extra thank you to Simon for giving you their numbers in the first place. Something simple and borderline cold. Too cold, maybe? Maybe you sound irritated. You hope not. You just want them to like you. Friends in new places are hard and to have someone around you who gets how it feels to need accommodations would just feel so… lovely. Your phone may or may not go flying onto your bed while you bury your face in your hands out of sheer nervousness.
You don’t expect it to chime about a minute later. Right as you’re staring to calm down, of course. It sends your heart violently pounding all over again.
J >> Bonnie lass!
J >> So glad u texted!!
>> Sorry it took so long lol
Oh, you could just slap yourself. You don’t have anything better than that? At all? Christ.
J >> Nah Nah
J >> No worries
J >> Actually I was wondering if u would mind if I came by tomorrow
J >> Just to chat
J >> need an excuse to get out of the house
“How the hell does he type that fast?” You scoff to yourself.
>> Yeah, come by anytime.
>> totally
>> yea sounds cool
>> rad, man
A message from Simon pops up mid your internal battle with how to respond, replying with a simple thumbs up. Very in character, you think. He knows how to be nonchalant. What would Simon say? Something casual, maybe a little formal.
>> If you like. You’re always welcome.
Okay maybe that was too much like Simon. You sigh heavily m before adding,
>> I’m trying out a new blueberry loaf
>> If you want to test for me :)
Better. That’s a little better. With another heavy sigh you decide to drop your phone into your nightstand for the rest of the day. Your heart really cannot handle this much emotional pressure.
You sort of end up just forgetting about the texts. With your phone out of sight and out of mind upstairs in your apartment it almost catches you off guard when Johnny comes striding through the door just before close. He’s dressed more casually than the last couple of times you saw him - having broken out the summer shorts and a graphic tee for some band you don’t recognize. It suits him, though.
“Hey, bon.” He grins.
“Hey.” You smile back, finishing with putting up your stocking baskets before dusting off your hands and turning around. “Simon closing up?”
You hum. “Come on back, I’ll get you a slice of that loaf I mentioned.”
Johnny follows you quietly. Uncharacteristically quietly. That’s okay - you don’t have a problem with hanging out in silence. It doesn’t feel tense, surprisingly enough. He leaves Riley out front again. Should you get her a dog bed? Maybe if he comes by consistently. That would be nice. Maybe that’s wishful thinking.
“It’s sort of a pound cake but fluffier. I might make an icing for it but I don’t know if that would be too sweet…” You trail off, focusing on plating up the piece. You’re not sure what compels you to try and make it pretty for him. Probably something you could blame on your grandmother. She did have an obsession with presentation.
Johnny hums loudly after taking a bite, talking around the mouthful. “Y’should totally make an icing.” He swallows roughly. “Si would go crazy fer this.”
“Oh?” You smile. “I’ll send some home with you.”
There’s a lapse of silence while Johnny chews on his slice of bread and you pack up some in a paper bag for him to take home. The only sounds in the room comprised of your cutting and folding and the hum of the cooling oven.
“You’re being weirdly quiet.” You blurt, immediately covering your mouth with your hand. “I, uh, I mean that isn’t a bad thing! I don’t mind… I just, uh, was… sorry, never mind…”
“Well I did come wit’ a bit of an ulterior motive…” Johnny admits, glancing off to the side shyly. It’s a show, you think. Johnny doesn’t seem the type of man to have felt shy a day in his life.
You tilt your head. “Oh?”
He dusts off his hands and grins. “Let us take ye out! In celebration of yer first full month.”
Has it been a month already? “Oh - no, no you don’t have to-“
“C’mon! It’s a big accomplishment.” His smile is so bright that you almost believe his idea that you’ve done something great.
“…alright.” You give a tentative smile. It’s hard to believe they like you enough to want to hang out casually in the evening. Hard to imagine anyone liking you that much but you’re not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“There’s a pub down the street - the one on the corner. Want tae meet us there around six?” Johnny gives you that lovely smile. How could you ever say no to a smile like that?
You spend far too long changing in and out of clothes and fussing with your hair. Up-do’s and buns and braids. A tank top then a sweater then a t-shirt. There’s no reason to feel this stressed over it. It’s not a date or anything. Besides, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. Either way you look like a frumpy dumpling. Eventually you land on jeans and one of your designated ‘going out tops.’ At least it’s a good excuse to wear something other than work clothes or loungewear.
Excitement and anxiety thrum under your skin like electricity as you make your way down the street. You feel painfully nauseous - stopping once or twice just to make sure you aren’t about to throw up for real.
The pub is surprisingly quiet when you enter. Obviously somewhere only real locals hang out - there’s no theme or really any decor in general. Just a bar, some booths and a couple pool tables. You scan the floor a few times, not seeing either Johnny or Simon (not that they would be hard to miss). Eventually you just grab a soda from the bar and slide into one of the booths closer to the back. A quiet spot facing the door where you can easily watch for them.
As time ticks on you begin to grow increasingly nervous. Did you get the time wrong? No, no you triple checked. You even wrote it down in your planner. Your leg begins to bounce furiously, heart nearly beating out of your chest. Did they decide to ditch? You wouldn’t really blame them. They’re way out of your league when it comes to friends. Maybe Johnny had an emergency? Should you call Simon? If he had an emergency it would make sense that they would forget to notice you. What if something really bad happened? What if-
The front door opens and Simon’s wide frame strides through, holding the door for Johnny and Riley to come in behind him. You let out a quiet sigh of relief, willing your leg to stop bouncing with a pinch to your thigh. Why are you always so damn dramatic?
Johnny lights up with an ear to ear grin when he spots you, bee-lining for the booth while Simon casually walks up to the bar. It’s almost comedic, the way he dwarfs the counter. Johnny leans on the side of the booth, waiting for Simon, you think.
“Glad ye could come out.” He looks you over, eyes flicking from your plain top to the very practical, not at all stylish up do that you landed on for the evening.
You do your best not to squirm under his gaze. “Me too…”
Simon comes back with two beers in hand and slides them onto the table. He scoots into the inner booth to give Johnny the outer edge. Riley happily sits beside his leg and practically grins at you in a near mirror image of Johnny’s. You’d never do it while she’s on the job, of course, but part of you wants to give her a pat on the head and coo at her for being so polite.
Johnny gives you an apologetic smile. “Sorry we were a bit late-”
“Johnny redid his hair about five times.” Simon butts in, not reacting at all to Johnny’s sputtering protest. He glances at your half-drunk soda. “Want me t’ grab you a beer?”
“Oh, no, I’ll just stick to coke.”
They blink at you. Simon cocks his head slightly. “You sure?”
You chew your lip. “Uh, alcohol tends to aggravate my symptoms is all...”
“Then why’d ye agree to drinks? We coulda gone somewhere else.” Johnny frowns.
You shrug. “I don’t mind. I… maybe this is over sharing but I’d rather go out and be kind of normal than just… not ever. Y’know?”
His expression softens. For having such icy blue eyes they are so, so warm. “I get it.”
“How’d you two meet anyway?” You blurt, taking a left turn to get the conversation off of you. It’s the first question that comes to mind. Maybe it’s rude - maybe you’re prying too much already.
“Military.” Simon grunts. “SAS.”
“Si retired wit’ me after I was discharged.” Johnny points to his scar the same way he did when you first met. “Russians scrambled my egg a bit.”
“Couldn’t do the time apart…” Simon murmurs, eyes locked on Johnny’s face. It’s vulnerable. More than he’s used to - you can see it in the way he tenses after saying it.
Something passes between them that a deep, wounded part of you desperately wishes to understand.
You can’t help but start giggling to yourself. They both give you an incredulous look. “Sorry, sorry - it’s just, that’s like… totally a romance book premise. It’s sweet. Really.”
“Och, aye. Wouldn’t know it t’ look at him but Si’s a real romantic.” Johnny bats his eyes at the other man, who just rolls his in response. The corner of his scarred mouth quirks up subtly.
“SAS…” You repeat, staring at your drink. “That’s like Navy Seal shit, right?”
“We worked with them a few times, yes.” Simon nods. There’s an air of ‘do not ask anything more specific’ in his voice.
“Huh.” You take that for what it is and sit back, squinting at them. “You don’t look it, honestly.”
Johnny laughs. “Tha’s just cause ye havennae seen Simon with his gear on. The Ghost.” He wiggles his fingers along as he makes a stupid, spooky sound effect. “I domesticated him.”
Simon scoffs but doesn’t deny it, just takes a quiet sip of his beer.
“Riley’s a vet, too.” Johnny pats her head. “Got too skittish around loud noises but she transitioned into a service dog nicely.”
“Now she’s just spoiled.” Simon rolls his eyes in faux annoyance. You get the strong feeling that he’s the one doing the spoiling.
You find yourself relaxing as the night goes on. Slouching in your seat rather than sitting ramrod straight and nervously twiddling your thumbs. They never press you to drink, never insist that you’ll be fine with just one. They take your statement as fact and it isn’t brought up again. That shouldn’t be as significant as it is, now that you think about it.
Johnny’s words begin to slur a little bit on his fourth, no maybe fifth, beer. You aren’t sure. It’s very cute, the little blush that forms across his cheeks. Simon loosens up, too. He slings an arm around the back of the booth and Johnny readily tucks himself into the open spot. You find yourself wondering about their military career again. You can’t picture either of them committing violence - especially Simon. Sure, he’s big and gruff but he looks at Johnny so, so softly.
Simon is the one to call it a night - though you have a feeling its because you nodded off a couple times. Not out of boredom, you try really, really hard to pay attention to Johnny rambling about the chemistry of different explosives. He makes it interesting, somehow. Really it’s just that you’ve been awake for… holy shit almost twenty hours!
“D’you need a ride?” Simon asks as you exit the pub, hands firmly shoved into his pockets.
“No, I’ll be fine.” You don’t know how to interpret the look he’s giving you. It’s intense, but not annoyed or displeased. He has such a weird knack for unreadable but distinct expressions. You wonder if you’ll ever get close enough to get good at deciphering them.
You jump when Johnny takes both your hands in, kissing the backs of them with a sloppy, drunk smile. “Thank ye fer comin’ out. “
Somehow your face feels hotter than a damn oven. You tuck your hands to your chest, kicking shyly at the sidewalk. “Th-thanks for the invite. We, uh, we could do it again sometime?”
You glance up hopefully, praying that you didn’t misread the situation. You’ve done that before - thought people liked you more than they did. Johnny just grins wider somehow and nods excitedly.
You watch them walk off in the other direction, hand in hand. Johnny giggles about something loudly and you can see Simon’s shoulders shake with a far more silent laugh. All the way until they disappear down the street.
The sheer amount that the image hurts your heart makes you feel evil.
The pub changed something. What, you don’t know. Either way, you fall into an easy pattern with Johnny and Simon over the next couple weeks. Exchanges of food, leftovers or morsels about to turn, little visits back and forth between your shops. Johnny continues to stop by after close, just hanging around with you while Simon closes up shop.
You can’t deny how much you look forward to hearing that door chime followed by a too-loud greeting from Johnny. How your heart flips in your chest when those bright blue eyes peek around the corner into the back room or light up while trying a new recipes you’ve been testing. You’re still a bit awkward - unsure how to react when he throws an arm around your shoulders or listens oh so intently while you talk about nothing important.
Things can’t ever be all sunshine and rainbows, though. Not for you. A new problem has arisen as summer truly sets in - the comfortable spring breezes giving way to nothing but bright, unfiltered sun. One you didn’t expect to impact you this much living this far north.
It’s hard to breathe in the back room while you’re baking. Hard to keep your water and salt intake high enough to compensate for how fast you lose them. You might as well get a permanent saline drip attached to you at this point. You definitely didn’t google if that was physically possible. Your budget for liquid IVs and other supplements nearly doubles. Standing over the massive oven in the back room has your head swimming a few times. You end up resting longer on your weekends, unable to keep up like you could in cooler weather.
It’s okay, you tell yourself, the summer here isn’t like back home. It will pass quicker. Plus, you at least have methods of dealing with it now other than crossing your fingers and praying.
“Bonnie!” Johnny suddenly appears in your doorway - that charming smile splitting his face from ear to ear. “Ye made it up Main Street yet?”
“No?” You tilt your head and try to ignore the way your vision spots momentarily at the motion. “Why?”
“Ye dinnae hear about the summer festival?” He leans on your counter. You shake your head. “It’s a yearly thing. Not that big a deal but they have some fun games an’ it’s nice tae see everyone out an’ about. Si an’ I are about tae head down. Come wit’?”
You hesitate. The exhaustion in your body tugs at your spine. Your limbs feel heavy. This morning really got to you - out of towners who must have come for the festival flooded your shop the moment it opened on top of your Saturday regulars. Not that you’re complaining, really. It’s easily your best day so far. You want to go with them, though, despite the ache in your back and the sting in your joints. It sounds so fun and it’s never a bad idea to take part in your new community’s festivities.
“Yeah. That sounds nice.” You smile. You can tough it out for an hour, then come back home. Yeah, just an hour. You’ll be fine.
You hadn’t noticed Simon leaned up at the entrance to your shop. Your eyes lock on his arms. This is the first time you’ve actually seen him in short sleeves. You can’t help but stare at his half-sleeve tattoo - all skulls and bombs and other military motifs. Faded and sun worn. Yeah, if you’d seen that sooner you definitely would have picked up on the whole military thing. You bite your lip to keep from snickering about it.
You can hear the music drifting from the speakers down the street. A few kids run by with balloons and cheap carnival prizes. It almost reminds you of the Spring Fling back home, just missing the extreme American flag theming across every booth and vendor front. Now that you’re looking around, you can actually see several booths that have been sponsored by various businesses in the area. Even the post office has a snow cone stand. The deeper you get into the event, the more flamboyant the decor becomes. Multicolored streamers and pennet flags connect stands, creating an almost canopy effect.
Simon stops rather abruptly at a booth, waiting behind a few teenagers tossing rings onto bottles. You stop with Johnny about two feet away. What’s he thinking? Simon doesn’t seem like the type who would be too entertained by basic carnival games. Even so, he steps forward and passes over a couple bills to the vendor as soon as the teenagers leave.
“Si’s really good at these. Watch.” Johnny grins beside you.
“Aren’t they rigged?” You raise an eyebrow.
Johnny doesn’t answer, eyes locked on his husband as he lines up one of the rings. You have to lean slightly to see around the breadth of the man - the multicolor rings almost cartoonishly small in his hands. Cute. Your eyes get impossibly wide with each toss, every single one landing comfortably on the bottle necks as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. As if this isn’t one of the most commonly rigged carnival games.
“Holy shit…” You mutter, still staring.
“Aye, tha’s a SAS sniper for ye.” Johnny laughs. “Glad tae see it still comes in handy.”
Simon huffs out a quiet laugh at that. Almost more of a sigh if it weren’t for the shaking of his shoulders. You love it - their little dynamic. The bond between them that’s so strong it’s almost visible.
“‘ere.” Simon turns to you suddenly, holding out a cheap little carnival prize. You can’t even begin to decipher what it’s supposed to be - some sort of furry puff ball with big, embroidered anime eyes and two felt antennae sticking up out of it’s purple head… body… thing…
Your face heats. “F-, uh, me?”
He shrugs. “Suits you. Riley will just chew it up if we take it home.”
“Aye. She’s so good with everythin’ but cheap plushies.” Johnny snickers.
You glance down at the dog in question - her dark eyes glued to the toy in Simon’s hand. Her tail thumps against the ground where she sists dutifully, but you can see the desire to snatch the thing away in her twitchy ears and pleading eyes. You snort, taking the stupid thing and tucking it under your arm with the prayer that they don’t notice the heat now spreading from your cheeks to your ears.
“Thanks…” you murmur, already mentally deciding where to add it to the mess of stuffies covering your bed already.
Somehow you end up walking between them down the street - Simon on your left and Johnny on your right with Riley in tow. You stop at a few other games here and there. All pretty basic. Johnny absolutely kills at the dunk booth.
Simon tires his hardest to help you with your terrible aim, “Just visualize it. Y’have t’ account for the arc.”
You get to the point of sticking your tongue out in concentration. Even so you only manage to knock down a couple of the wooden ducks at the ‘Dunk-A-Duck’ stand. You do, however, win one of those rock candy sticks at the guessing booth. You just hand it off to Johnny. It’s probably not best to load up on sugar in your current state.
Johnny excitedly points to different buildings giving you a rundown of the history of his hometown as you walk. Simon seems to barely be listening. He’s probably heard this a thousand times. Prattling on about the old town square, the church bell that a bunch of teenagers spray painted one time (Johnny was not involved, how could you accuse him of that?)
You find yourself focusing on your feet - keeping each step even and fast enough to remain on pace with them. One, two, one, two, one, two. The air begins to thicken. Muggy and heavy on your skin. Your breaths become shallow and fast. You can’t catch it, the air seeming to get stuck in your throat rather than reaching your lungs. Spots begin to dance across your vision. You stumble over nothing.
Not now! Come on! You’ve been doing so well!
Riley presses against your leg acting as a counter weight. Your body moves on instinct to grab whatever you can - hands wrapping around something strong and covered with cloth. An arm solid as rebar. Hopefully it’s someone you know. All you can see are colorless shapes.
“Gonna pass out - don’t freak!” You gasp before your legs give out.
It’s not that you go entirely out - it’s rare that you fully black out. It’s more like being stuck. Limp and fuzzy and confused. Almost like sleep paralysis. There’s voices and people moving around you. Someone has picked you up, you think, based on the swaying motion and the passing shapes around you. Maybe that’s just vertigo. A door bell chimes.
You finally begin to really come to when something icy is pressed to your forehead. It couldn’t have been more than a handful of seconds that you were gone, but it takes much longer for the world around you to come back into focus.
“I’m sorry…” You murmur, eyes stinging. Even after all these years it’s so damn embarrassing. You blink, the distinct mural that decorates the ceiling of the post office slowly coming into view. Johnny said a big time traveling artist painted it back in the nineties.
“Ye alright?” Johnny murmurs, crouched down beside you. Riley sniffs at your hand, seeming satisfied when you finally move it on your own.
You nod slowly. “Overheated…”
“Give her this.” Someone says. An event medic, you think. The boys must have flagged them down. Fingers press to your pulse point, a light shines in your eyes and you follow it. A quick check of vitals. Johnny shoves a water bottle in your hand as soon as the medic decides you’re fine to move - the contents distinctly murky from some sort of electrolyte pack that’s been shaken into it.
“Up y’get. Slowly does it.” Simon helps you sit up with a hand on your back. It’s so gentle. You don’t miss how he cages in your body the way only someone intimately familiar with caretaking might. Fully ready to catch you if you go limp again.
You sip slow, eyes glued to the ground. You feel so fucking stupid. Can’t even walk down a street without creating some sort of scene. They’re never going to want to hang out with you again, are they? You can’t go out drinking, can’t walk around a festival for longer than a couple hours. You distracted Riley. What if something happened to Johnny while you were having your spell? She might not have alerted correctly because of you. She might have gotten confused and then he could have gotten hurt. He might have-
“Ye really should drink tha’ instead of glarin’ at it.” Johnny pulls you from your thoughts. He’s now sat with his legs crossed beside you. Riley’s head rests in his lap. She seems calm. Content now that the emergency is over and happily lying on a cool floor.
You hum, chugging the last bit of it quickly. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.” Simon says curtly. “Does this ‘appen often?”
You shrug. “Not as much anymore… usually my medication keeps me stable.”
“Do ye need a doctor?” Johnny tilts his head slightly. There’s no judgment in his tone - in either of their tones. Just calm concern. It probably shouldn’t make you want to cry as much as it does.
You shake your head. “I’ve got liquid IV at home. Just need to sleep it off.”
Hopefully. In reality, a pain flare up is inevitable now. You just won’t know how bad until you’re fully in it.
“Let’s get ye home.” Johnny says, knees popping as he stands.
“I-I’m fine!” You insist, mentally preparing to get yourself up off the floor. “I can get home on my own - I don’t want to ruin your time.”
Johnny levels his gaze onto you, so serious it almost looks angry. It doesn’t match his face. “We’re not leavin’ ye tae get home alone like this.”
You’re caught off guard when an arm slides under your back and another under knees - lifting you like you weigh half of what you do in reality. Like you’re a paperweight instead of a boulder. You blink up at Simon, far too surprised to be embarrassed. At least at first. You splutter out a poor attempt at convincing him to put you down. Excuse and reason after reason and excuse. They roll off him like water off a ducks back. Your face burns as he steps out of the post office with you neatly tucked against his chest - Johnny and Riley in tow.
If you allow yourself to be honest, to give into that weaker part of you (or, at least, the part you consider to be weak) you could possibly admit that this feels nice. Being cared for feels nice. Having your body up against someone else feels nice. It’s been a long time since anyone touched you outside of a polite handshake or accidental bump. You sink into it despite yourself - relaxing against Simon’s chest. They were right, you wouldn’t have made it back. Your head is too fuzzy and there’s that telltale pain in your shoulders radiating up to your neck that signifies an oncoming Bed Day.
It doesn’t take long with Simon’s lengthy strides to get back to your building. You probably wouldn’t have been able to keep up to that running. Well, you can’t really run much at all so you definitely wouldn’t. A stupid, muddled train of thought that melts into the hazy bog of your current mental state. Even Johnny trails a few feet behind. Neither of them speak, marching in determined silence. You attempt to subtly check their faces for any anger. You’d understand if they were angry. Most people would get angry. You interrupted their day out with your useless drama. All you get is a wide, bright grin from Johnny when your eyes eventually meet his.
Simon puts you down with all the care in the world. As if you’re made of fine china. His hand stays on your upper back - planted firmly between your shoulder blades and ready to catch you if need be. Your vision swims a bit, your joints feel like jelly but you manage to dig your keys out of your pocket and unlock the door.
“Here.” Johnny plops the puff ball back into your hands just as you turn to say goodbye. To say thank you - to apologize profusely.
Your brows raise. You completely forgot about it while swimming around in a sea of embarrassment - he must have picked it up for you. You hug it to your chest with a quiet, “Thanks.”
You shift your weight side to side, psyching yourself up for the crawl up the stairs. Probably literally. You don’t think you could stay upright if you tried to walk them like a regular day, or even with an aid. Like a regular or semi-regular person. Fuck.
Johnny follows your eyes up at the staircase. He must sense some hesitation in you. “Do ye need help up?”
You bite your lip, staring at the ground. Standing in one place seems alright, but the thought of climbing is so daunting, even with the cane you have stationed at the bottom of the steps for that exact purpose. It’s embarrassing. You’re young, you should be able to walk up some damn stairs. It isn’t even that many. It’s barely a full flight. Just one story of stairs for fuck’s sake.
“Hey.” Simon touches your cheek, the action snapping your eyes to his in surprise. “It’s okay. C’mere.”
He picks you up again in the same fashion with barely a grunt, taking his time up the steps so as not to jostle you. How many times has he done this with Johnny? you wonder. That’s the only explanation for how good he is at keeping your equilibrium so even. You wonder if he practiced - if he took caretaking classes. He probably did. Does he keep up at the gym just so he can take care of his husband? Simon might be quiet and a little formal, but he exudes dedication.
“Sorry it’s messy…” You murmur when they reach the top of the steps. Glancing behind you, you see Riley sitting patiently at the bottom. Johnny must have told her to stay. “Haven’t gotten to fully unpack…”
You’ve been spending too much time in bed on the weekends. Fucking lazy.
Johnny just laughs. “Ye shoulda seen the first place Simon an’ I had.”
“Wasn’t that bad.” Simon argues, carefully setting you down on the couch. His hands hold your waist to steady you. They’re so warm… It feels wrong to be disappointed when he lets go.
“We hadnae figured out a system yet.” Johnny huffs, hands on his hips. “We ended up hirin’ a specialized maid service the dishes got so backed up.”
You scoff, laying back against the couch with that stupid carnival prize still in your arms. Like it’s the only thing grounding you to reality. The tears that have been stinging your eyes this entire time continue to threaten to spill - a myriad of blinks and careful breaths the only thing keeping them back.
Johnny sits beside you slowly. You can’t meet his eyes. “Do… do ye want tae tell us what it is? Ye donnae have tae - it’s up tae ye. Just if somethin’ happens again…”
“We’d like to be prepared.” Simon jumps in where Johnny trails off.
You chew your lip, still staring up at the ceiling. It splits and that coppery taste coats your tongue for a moment. “I, uh, it’s called POTS. There’s different types but basically my body can’t regulate blood flow and pressure right…” You shrug. “Like I said my medication usually keeps me mostly okay.”
It’s the pain that really gets to you usually, but you don’t need to start dumping on them about that. There’s no reason to spill your guts about things they can’t fix.
“Thanks fer tellin’ us.” Johnny smiles. You stiffen slightly when he reaches out to tuck some hair behind your ear. You tilt your head, still resting on the back of the couch, to meet his eye. “Get some rest, yeah? We’ll lock the knob behind us. Call if ye need anythin’.”
“Okay.” You nod, keeping your eyes down and picking at your nails. “Sorry… about all this… I didn’t - I don’t… I’m sorry.”
“Donnae apologize.” He says softly as he stands. “Never apologize. We’re your friends, aye? Friends help friends. Tha’s all there is to it.”
Simon gives you a discerning nod behind him, expression both soft and deeply serious.
Friends? They consider you real life proper friends? Really? You can’t help but beam up at him. “Yeah.”
A/N: I’ve re-read this chapter so many times that it’s total mush in my brain which tells me it’s time to be done with it.
Bonus: I made a Pinterest board for this fic
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g-hughes · 2 days
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Bite Me - Q. Hughes
hockey masterlist | g's graduation celly
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synopsis: When one of Quinn's teammates asks if their sister could stay with him to bounce back after a break-up, Quinn said yes. But six months later, Quinn feels like he has met his matched. Or when Quinn Hughes falls for his roommate, who happens to be his teammate's sister.
word count: 2.3k
warnings: smut mentioned! friends with benefits situation, Boeser!Reader, nudity, cursing.
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Quinn Hughes thought of himself as being a “good guy”. He held doors open for people, swapped seats on airlines when asked, donated money to various charities, and spent time, when he could, coaching the Canucks Youth Team. He was a good guy and an even better teammate and captain.
He prided himself on being the one on the team the guys could go to when they needed advice or just someone to sit and listen to them rant. He would give his teammate the shirt off his back if one of them asked. So when Brock Boeser, Quinn’s best friend, asked if his younger sister could crash with him for a few days, Quinn said yes without even really thinking it through. 
“It’ll be a few days,” Brock assured Quinn as he brought in one of her suitcases, “Her dick head ex cheated on her and threw all her shit in the driveway. She was gonna spring for a hotel, but I couldn’t let her do that. I’d let her stay at mine, but we’re remod-” 
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Quinn assured his winger, “I know you’d do the same if it was one of my brother’s. She can crash here as long as she needs.” 
“She swears it’ll only be a few days.” 
But a few days turned into a few weeks, and a few weeks into a few months. Now it's been six months and Y/N Boeser has become Quinn’s official unofficial roommate. And he hated it. 
Quinn didn’t want a roommate, nor did he need one. He actually loved coming home to a quiet apartment after weeks on the road. He liked the solitude of being able to hide away from the cameras and the press in his face and following his every move. He liked to be able to walk around damn near naked and not have to worry about being walked in on. But having a roommate, all those privileges had been taken away. 
“Quintin! You parked in my fucking spot!” Y/N yelled as she slammed the front door shut. Quinn smirked to himself, as he finished mixing around the vegetables in the pan. He knew exactly what he did and he knew it was going to piss you off. Quinn had two parking spots, one for himself and one for a guest (which had become Y/N as of late), and he decided that tonight, he was going to forget his driver’s ed training and park in the middle of the two spots. 
“Quintin,” Y/N groaned, coming into the kitchen, setting down her bags from work. Quinn looked over his shoulder, trying his hardest to fight the urge to stare at your breasts. 
Yes, Quinn hated having a roommate, but it did come with its own perks. Such as, his roommate was very, very attractive. 
“Oh hey sweetheart,” Quinn smirked, “Did I miss something?” 
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms across her chest, pushing her tits up even more in the tight tanktop she was wearing, “You know what you fucking did, you parking in the middle of the spots again!” 
"Oh, I did?" He feigned innocence, "Well, maybe if you didn't leave all your damn shoes by the fucking door!"
"It was one pair! One pair, Quintin!"
"Quit calling me Quintin!"
Y/N groaned and grabbed her bag, stomping her way out of the kitchen. Quinn turned back towards the dinner he was cooking, his mood sour. He had such a good day too. Practice went smoothly, Toch only yelled at them for an hour instead of two. Things were finally starting to take a turn after a losing streak that put everyone on edge. Quinn felt the weight of the world on his shoulders, his first season as captain after a disappointing season. He had to prove himself, he had to prove that he was worthy of the captain spot. 
Oh, and waking up with Y/N’s mouth wrapped around his cock was an added bonus. 
Quinn hated to admit it out loud, it made him feel dirty and wrong about it, but there was nothing dirty and wrong about it. It seemed to have happened naturally, the tension between them building since the moment Quinn first saw Y/N. He had done his best to ignore her for the first week she was occupying his guest room. She had just been broken up with in a horrible way, and was trying to pick up the pieces of a shattered years-long relationship. But then she started to come out of her room, and she was like a storm, Quinn had no idea how to brace for. 
She was sassy, and smart, and beautiful, and stubborn, and messy, and so fucking sexy when she was pissed off about something work or at Quinn for parking over the line of his parking spot. 
It was bound to happen, the tension and animosity growing between them as the days went by. It turned into more than Quinn bitching about the shoes by the front door, which he had repeatedly told her to stop leaving them there. It turned into her bitching at Quinn for leaving dirty plates in the sink. Then it was Quinn bitching about how she would take the full garbage bag out of the can and leave it by the front door (in her defense, the dumpster was in the alley behind the building and Quinn didn’t feel very comfortable with her taking it out late at night). Then it was Y/N bitching about Quinn leaving his travel bag, unpacked, in the laundry room between roadies. 
The final straw for both of them was when they both came home, unsatisfied in different ways. Quinn had come home from a long roadie, the majority of them being losses. All he wanted to do was take a bath and relax and regroup for the next series ahead. Y/N, had come home from yet another shitty date. She insisted that her date didn’t need to walk her to the door, but he wanted to make sure she got in safely, or so he said. Quinn could hear her fake laughter from the other side of the door, as he stood at the kitchen counter, waiting for the tea kettle to whistle. 
“I had a good time,” She said, “Thanks for walking me back.” 
“No problem,” A male’s voice sounded out, “Ya know. . . this doesn’t have to end here.” 
Quinn grimaced. It didn’t take a genius to know that Y/N wasn’t interested. 
“I uh. . . I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Quinn could almost picture her nervously pushing her hair behind her ear, “I’ll give you a call.” 
“C’mon,” The guy was sounding desperate, “We both want to end the night right.” 
It was silent for a moment, and for some odd reason, anger flowed through Quinn’s body. Was the guy kissing her? Was she seriously considering letting him in? Quinn had never brought it up, but he assumed that Y/N wasn’t having people over. Not that she couldn’t, he guessed, it was her place too. But for some reason, the idea of her having a man in her bed pissed him off. 
“You’re right,” Y/N sighed. Quinn’s body seemed to move on it’s own accord as he walked over to the front door, his hand wrapping around the knob, “I better go see if my vibrator is charged. Night, Marcus!” 
Quinn jumped back startled as the front door was pushed open and Y/N charged in. He could see the confused face of the man, Marcus, behind the door as it slammed in his face. Y/N groaned as she kicked off her shoes and tossed her purse on the couch. Quinn wanted so badly to make a comment about her shoes, but instead he said;
“You have a vibrator?” 
Y/N looked at him, one eyebrow raised, “I am not a 16 year old. Of course I have a vibrator. Almost every woman has one.” 
“You use it?” 
“Yes, perv,” Y/N scoffed, and reached for her purse, “Boe said you were quiet, but I didn’t know quiet meant stalker. Night.” 
Quinn blinked several times as she walked down towards her room. His mind, again, thinking of other things to say, like apologizing for asking her such a vulnerable question, but instead, once again he blurted the wrong thing. 
“I don’t want you having sex in my house.” 
Y/N paused in her walk, holding still for a moment and turning around to face him, “Excuse me?” 
“I don’t want you having sex in my house,” Quinn stood firm on what he said, even though he regretted it the second he said it. Even though her name wasn’t on the lease, she was still living and paying rent (Quinn told her several times her money was useless, but she cried and told him she had to contribute somehow). 
“I am not.” 
“Mhm,” Quinn nodded. It was silent again as the two of them stared each other down, tension thick in the air like smoke. 
“Need anything else?” Y/N asked, breaking the silence. She folded her arms under her chest, pushing her breasts up in the tight black dress she was wearing. Quinn gulped, taking in her appearance; short, tight black dress, black leather jacket, black heels that made her legs look like they went on for miles. Her hair was pulled back in a sleek ponytail, a dainty good chain around her neck. Quinn gulped, thinking and praying of anything that would keep the blood from rushing south. 
“Nope,” He shook his head. 
“Good,” Y/N responded, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to end my night right.” Quinn felt his boxers grow tighter as she turned on her heel, and walked down to her door. She stopped just before going inside her room, “Ya know, a gentleman would ask if I need help.” 
Quinn watched as her eyes seemed to turn a shade darker and looked him over from head to toe. In two quick strides, Quinn was pushing her against her door, his lips on hers. Her hands were in his hair, pulling on the locks she told him not to cut. His hands roamed her body, pulling her as close to him as she could possibly get. He shamelessly rutted her hips against her, his cock begging for release from his pants. 
“If I fuck you, will you stop leaving your shoes by the door?” Quinn mumbled, his lips leaving a trail of searing hot kisses on her skin. 
“If you do a good job, I might consider it.” 
From that night, their friends with benefits relationship blossomed. One would think with the among of orgasms they gave each other, that the animosity would be nearly nonexistent. But it only seemed to up the ante between them. The fights were louder, the pranks were almost near nuclear, and the sex. . . the sex was downright rough and dirty. It almost became part of Quinn’s pregame ritual, to fuck Y/N or jerk off to a video of her. 
Y/N clenched her jaw as she threw her dirty work clothes into the hamper, getting ready to shower the day off. She grabbed her speaker, making sure to turn it up loud enough to annoy Quinn down in the kitchen. He hated her taste in music, and she was well aware of it, always taking the aux cord from her when they would drive to Roger’s. Quinn also liked to eat his dinner in silence, claiming it was one of the only times of his day he had to himself. 
Smiling, she turned on Taylor Swift, letting the bass hit her ears as she stepped into the hot stream of her shower. 
Quinn was mid bite when the all too familiar intro to “SLUT!” started playing. He groaned, slamming his fork down, “One dinner. One fucking dinner in peace.” He pushed his chair away, storming down the hallway towards Y/N’s room. He wasn’t surprised to find her bedroom door unlocked, almost as if she was expecting him. He was about to push the door open, when he heard another all too familiar sound coming from the other side, the blood in his body rushing south. He smirked, imagining how deep her fingers were inside of her to get that kind of reaction. 
Quinn could tell she was getting close by the way her moans got higher pitched. He knew now was the time to strike. Pushing the door open, he walked right over to her shower and yanked back the curtain. 
“Quintin!” Y/N squealed, pulling her hands away from her core and covering her chest, “What the fuck!?” 
"Don't be shy, sweetheart," He smirked, looking up and down her soaking wet body. He licked his lips, and she scoffed, turning away from him, "Oh come on, it's not like I haven't seen it before. Turn back around, lemme see the girls again."
"Oh bite me, Hughes!" Y/N turned the shower head towards him, affectively soaking him. Quinn turned his body away from the water stream that was not only soaking his t-shirt and shorts, but the floor. 
"No," Quinn grunted and grabbed the shower head, turning it back towards her, "You'd enjoy it too much."
Y/N looked over at him, "You're all wet."
"That makes two of us now, huh," Quinn shot her that megawatt smile. Y/N rolled her eyes and snatched the shower curtain from his hand.
"You just lost your invite!"
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my requests are open!! :)
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sukirichi · 3 days
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☁️ mikey, haitani ran, haitani rindou
☁️ unedited. mild angst on mikey's part. ran is technically not a first meeting, but yeah! suggestive on ran's part. fluff. cursing. mikey is lowkey a stalker. (only putting the three of them first because it was getting too long 😭)
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It’s just another day, another mission. There’s nothing new for Mikey. And even if there was, there’s hardly anything he looks forward to now. Whether it’s a mission accomplished or mission failed, he hardly notices. His executives will take care of it, anyway. So he walks aimlessly in the streets he calls his, unafraid of the night’s darkness and the dangers it might bring – quite frankly, because he is the danger that lurks. What is there to be afraid of when he’s the worst imaginable nightmare around?
So lost in his own thoughts, it takes him a second to register the collision of his body with someone else. “I’m sorry!” a sweet voice cuts through the night air. You sound adorable and apologetic enough Mikey’s eyes light up for just a brief moment. Dark, lifeless eyes come to life as he glances at you – bowing in apology while clutching your satchel to your chest. “I wasn’t looking where I was going and I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to–”
At any other day, Sanzu would’ve handled this for him. At any other day, Mikey would’ve let it slide and moved on because he just doesn’t care. You’re a civilian, anyway, and you knew better. No one bumps into him like this by accident. Curious, he tilts his gaze to you. There’s only one good conclusion of your unabashed expression that of guilt and genuine embarrassment – you must not have any idea who he is and treated him like you would anyone else.
He’s not the fearsome Manjiro Sano to you.
He’s just a stranger you inconvenienced, and for some reason, that soothes him. He’s not a killer in your eyes. He’s not a person who’s continuously done the wrong thing for the past few years. He’s just... him.
“It’s okay,” he replies after a moment, tucking his hands inside the pockets of his hoodie. “It’s late, though. You shouldn’t be out around this time of night. It’s dangerous.”
“Oh, I know,” you scrunch up your nose, “Gangs are running rampant and all. But this is the only time I can take a high-paying shift, and what’s the point of safety if I can’t pay my bills, right?”
He doesn’t know how to answer that. He hasn’t worried about bills in a long time – Kokonoi has that covered. Instead, he nods, finding it hard to look away from you. “Stay safe, then. And if you need help, then...” Then, what? The gangs would help? Bonten would keep you safe? No, that was ridiculous. Bonten was the one thing everyone wanted to be protected from.
It hits him, then, that he is the monster that makes everyone feel unsafe. And for once in his life since he’d established Bonten, Mikey feels sick.
He doesn’t want to be the cause of your worries.
— It doesn’t take much to find out everything about you – where you work, where you live, when your shifts happen, and even silly details like what your favourite flavour or cup ramen is. He tells himself he’s doing this for your safety, and in a way, he is. You weren’t kidding when you said you take graveyard shifts because it pays the best, so upon finding out you come home really late, and go to work just as, Mikey takes it upon himself to watch from afar. Never approaching, never striking a conversation – because he doesn’t know what to say, and how could he explain he knows your routine by now – but always watching. Guarding. Protecting. He must look ominous gazing upon you from buildings afar, but he’s content with it. He thinks he can do this for as long as he likes, simply watching you from afar.
— But then he realizes he wants more.
— And he doesn’t know what ‘more’ means exactly. More time with you? You don’t even know who he is. More conversations? He’d probably stumble over his words, or make the worst jokes. Fuck. He hasn’t joked in a while. Would you even find him funny? He thinks about all day long, all night long, until you’re the only one running into his mind and he’s been so mentally checked out of his own meetings that his executives have – politely – asked him to just take a while for himself.
— So he does, and because he was never good at controlling his urges, he goes to you. He dresses a little nicer than usual; a newly ironed shirt, a good pair of jeans, and even asked Rindou to fix his hair up for him. “Going on a date?” he’d teased, but even Mikey doesn’t know how to answer that. It’s not a date, but he’d be damned if he let another day go by that you didn’t know his name.
— He introduced himself, rather awkwardly, and pretends like he didn’t come to your work on purpose. “I didn’t know you worked here,” he says, and it couldn’t be a bigger lie. But you just smile up at him like you’re happy to see him, like you’ve been hoping to meet again, and for a moment, Mikey lets himself believe that it could be true. Maybe he deserves that smile. Maybe someone actually wants to see him. He lingers on that delusion long enough that he’s matched his routine with yours – walking you back home, letting you talk about how much you hate your boss, and hate your sleazy customers even more. It’s not easy being a waitress, especially when you’re forced to wear tight-fitting clothes with the intention of attracting customers. And it gets to him. The darkness and rage he’s been letting quietly simmer beneath his veins as to not scare you off finally resurfaces.
— He hates it all – hates how you’re in such an unfortunate situation, and there’s only so little he could do. Until he realizes he’s the Manjiro Sano. After sending in Sanzu to deal with your boss, who may or may not have been gently blackmailed into treating you better and giving you higher pay or else, Mikey notices the weight being lifted off your shoulder. You’ve started smiling more and even invite him to your place one time to celebrate your ‘fortunes.’
“Are you sure?” he asks rather warily, “I mean, it’s late at night.”
“Yeah, it’s fine,” you reassure him, and lead him inside your home. He almost feels bad for you for being so unaware. You don’t have the slightest idea you’re bringing a killer in the safety of your home, but he doesn’t get the chance to dwell on it when you turn on the lights. He’s greeted by your homey apartment, a little cluttered, a little messy, and it’s a little small for you that he can’t imagine would be comfortable – but it’s yours, and you’re proud of it. Pulling out a mat, you tell him to make himself at home while you prepare some celebratory snacks. They’re nothing fancy – mostly chips, cheap wine, and a few hardened candies.
It’s probably the worst timing to realize he’s falling in love.
First of all, there’s nothing romantic about watching you lean against the counter, humming to yourself as you pop open the wine. Second of all, you don’t look enticing or seductive. Not in your mismatched pyjamas and even more hilariously mismatched socks. But you are enticing – from the way your throat vibrates at your humming, to your quick, swift movements preparing the snacks. You look so at home, so content, that he can’t help but want that for himself. Want you for himself. He wants you at his place and to decorate it as you wish. He wants you to liven it up and scatter knick-knacks all over his room. He wants your toothbrush next to his in the bathroom. He wants you – wants all of you – from your crumpled shirt, to your aching shoulders after a long day at work, wants to kiss it all better for you.
He wants you.
And when the Bonten Head wants something, he will get it.
— If someone told him that a few years from now that his silly musings at three in the morning would finally come true, he’d have scoffed at them. But this is his reality is now, and how he’ll spend the rest of his life.
You’re standing next to him in his bathroom, brushing your teeth while simultaneously humming to yourself. He’s heard the melody enough to have memorized it. And when he’s having a hard day, he sings it to himself, although it never sounds as good like when you do it. The tune is comforting, a reminder you’re in his life now, that everything’s worked out. You married him, and he couldn’t be a happier man.
“Something wrong, Manjiro?” you ask after rinsing your mouth, turning to him with a hand on your hips. Stern, yet unbelievably gentle. Cupping his cheeks with your hands, he melts. “Tell me. How can I make it better?”
“Nothing’s wrong,” he says, and it’s the truth. The moment is all too perfect. You’re here with him, you’re safe, and you’ve loved him after everything he’s done. “Just wanna hold you.”
You break him to it. Lunging into his arms, you giggle and bury yourself around his neck, knowing full well he’ll catch you. Mikey laughs, too, but it’s quieter, more reserved, the sound nearly muted because your skin is pressing against his so hard that it becomes hard to fathom there was ever a time he felt he wasn’t worth of love. And maybe he still isn’t. He still has Bonten, he still has horrible urges, he still gets the demanding itch to kill and hurt – but you’re there, in his arms, and he feels the darkness slowly simmer into tamed shadows.
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Ran is not subtle with his feelings. He believes in the beauty and art of flirting, of holding one’s gazes for just a second longer than what was considered polite, the fleeting, yet burning touches one could pass off as innocent. He’s had enough experience in his life to have mastered it. He’s handsome, he’s irresistible, and he knows it. Beauty and charm is a weapon he wasn’t ashamed of wielding, especially not around his current flavour of the month – or more like months, now. He’s played this game of tic tac toe with you, this push and pull, for so long that he feels he’ll lose his mind.
Like everyone else in Bonten, he usually gets what he wants. But you’re different. You’re attracted to him – that much he knows – but you’re the one responsible for all of Bonten’s uniform and suits that your attraction borders just on the edge of professionalism. But he knows. Oh, he knows. You aren’t so subtle yourself.
Each time he comes around for a fitting, your lips twitch as if you’re fighting back a smile. He also doesn’t fail to notice how you’re gesturing around to your staff in the shop to give you two ‘privacy.’ Bonten executive or not, Ran isn’t foolish – he knows he’s the only one receiving this special treatment. Knows you don’t touch your other clients like this – with a perfectly manicured nail grazing down his arm, your eyes lidded with lust, your blood-red lips caught between your teeth.
It makes Ran yearn.
He wants those same claws to run down scratches behind his back. He wants to take those lips into his mouth, instead, to have you ruin his suits by staining it with your lipstick on his collar, his neck, his tie, his pants. It’d give him more of a reason to come back, anyway. But you just had to be so professional that he always leaves the shop with his pants feeling tighter than ever, his lungs constricted because it becomes hard to breathe around you, yet feeling so addicted to the high of having you so close, yet so far away.
“You should come back for another fitting,” you call out to him just as he swings the door open. He freezes. He’s always the one scheduling a fitting. Unable to help it, he shuts the door and locks it, smirking to himself when he hears the vague hitching of your breath behind the counter.
“And why is that?”
“Oh, you know,” you manage to tease, but ah. He can see right through you. Even with your nonchalant facade, he can tell he’s getting under your veins with every step he takes to close the distance between you. Damn the counter. Damn any customers who might be waiting outside. For now, there’s only him and you, and he thinks he may damn well truly ruin his pants when you look up at him with eyes blown wide with want. With need.
He wishes you could just let go and give in.
“I, in fact, don’t know. But do care to enlighten me,” leaning down, he rests his arms against the counter, glad to finally be at your eye level. You’re prettier in this angle, which baffles him, because you’re already so pretty enough it hurts. And he can’t help but wonder if you’d look a hundred times better in... different angles. An angle under him, perhaps, where you’re helpless and forced to clutch his biceps while you hold on for dear life. Because Ran guarantees once he gets his hands on you, he’s never letting go.
“I just think,” with narrowed eyes, he feels your heated gaze travel from his face that’s inches away from yours down to his chest, and to the bulge constricted around his pants. You let out a breathy sound at the sight of it, his body responding by growing even harder. “Your pants are too tight for you now. Perhaps we should make you a better one?”
“I have other ways in mind in which we could resolve this problem. Preferably one that doesn’t consist of measuring tapes,” he raises his brow, watches as you slowly unfold and unravel right at his palms. It’s almost satisfying. Almost. He’s wanted you for so long that frustration is more what he feels right now, and impatience. “Although I’m not entirely against using ropes.”
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Rindou doesn’t concern himself with civilians. He has better things to do, and after a long day, he’s more than ready to just plop himself into bed and wake up only when the world is ending. Or, he could just let it end, too. He couldn’t care any less. Unfortunately for him, though, the universe has different plans for him that night. He just wanted to get a damned drink, for fuck’s sake, until he hears screaming and the shuffling of feet as soon as he steps out of the convenience store.
“Stop him!” someone squeals, the cry helpless and desperate. From where he stood, wine bottle on one hand, he could see the figure of a man running with what seemed like a bag clutched to his chest. “Someone help, please!”
Rindou sighs. There’s nothing more that he hates more than petty crimes that are more inconveniences than impactful. Before he could register what he’s doing, Rindou’s arm extended out in front of himself, and within the blink of an eye, the thief whizzing past him had been caught by the collar. The thief struggles against his hold, whining and thrashing with curses thrown his way.
“Let me fucking go, you oaf!”
“I don’t think so,” Rindou tips his head to the side just as a figure appeared behind the thief. You stand there, wheezing to catch your breath with your hands on your knees. At the sight of him effortlessly restraining the thief, you break out into a relieved sigh and snatch back your bag, holding it more possessively. And oh, aren’t you just pretty? With your skin layered with a sheen of sweat from all that running, cheeks damp with tears, your frown now replaced with a grateful smile – Rindou feels like you’re the thief. “Whoa. Careful with that smile, sweetheart.”
Your brows furrow, and he nearly groans. It should be a crime for someone to look so adorably confused. “What?”
“Okay, that’s enough, they got their bag back, now let me go!”
Right. He still had a lame excuse of a criminal on his hand. With a roll of his eyes, Rindou throws the man against to the ground until he’s coughing out blood from when he hit the pavement. He hears you gasp, and it makes him wince. He hadn’t meant to be so harsh. You’re probably afraid of him now.
“Run along,” he warns the petty thief, and he didn’t need to be told twice. As soon as the man disappears, Rindou turns to you, a lazy smile making its way into his face. “You know, I usually hate being troubled, but this might be the first time I don’t mind as much.”
Your jaw drops. You look around frantically in your bag for a moment, and just when he thinks you can’t get anymore interesting, you pull out a wad of cash and shove it to him. Rindou cocks a brow. “And what is that for, sweetheart?”
“To-to thank you for saving me! And it’s also an apology because I troubled you...”
Rindou fights the urge to scoff. “I feel like I should be offended,” he says in a sing-song manner, only because you don’t take the teasing well, and the sight of you stumbling over your words is already making his night. He wants to reassure you it’s no trouble at all, that he’ll easily catch all your thieves for you, or that you can steal his heart and never give it back to him. But he doesn’t, because he’s just met you, and maybe, just maybe, he’s curious how this will go.
“Oh, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“Say, if you really want to thank me, why don’t we share this?” he lifts his wine bottle, and you eye it for a moment before nodding eagerly. His heart drops. He lowers the bottle, his voice growing darker – yet make no mistake. Behind his scowl and hardened eyes, his heart is beating a mile a minute, and his skin is burning impossibly hot. “Don’t you think you say yes a little too easily?”
“Uhm, but you saved me. You helped me, and this is how you want to be thanked.”
Rindou thinks his brain might short-circuit. You are definitely trouble.
“I could be more dangerous than him, you know,” he leans toward you menacingly to prove a point, but you don’t cower. Your breath hitches, and you clutch your bag tighter. But you don’t move away, and neither can he. Now that he’s closer, he can smell your strawberry scented perfume and he shuts his eyes, greedily inhaling the scent. Shit. He hasn’t even drunk anything, and he already feels intoxicated. Taking a step back for his own sanity, Rindou levels you a warning glare. “You really should be more careful, sweet. Perhaps it’ll lower the chances of you running into trouble.”
“Oh,” you look dejected, though he could just be imagining it. “Yeah, okay, uh... I’ll be more careful. Thank you again...?”
“Rindou,” you repeat, and he realizes his name sounds sweeter when you say. With a scrunch of your nose, you eye the wine in his hands again. “Will I see you again? I really want to thank you for your help.”
With such a sweet offer, how can he resist? He’d be stupid to say no – even if you were trouble, it’s fine. He wasn’t notorious for being a troublemaker for no reason anyway.
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thevoidstaredback · 3 days
How To Balance Your Daytime and Nighttime Activities So That You Don't Burn Yourself Out More Than You Already Have
The first thing on the day's agenda was to make breakfast. Now, Dick wouldn't exactly call himself a chef, and Alfred's banning him from the Manor kitchen can attest to that, but he'd been cooking meals for himself since he moved out. Were they edible? Yes. Did they taste good? Sometimes. He'll get better! He swears! He just needs some practice.
Danny was in the kitchen before Dick was even awake, apparently, because the kid was flipping a pancake onto a plate. "Good morning!" he said.
"Um, morning," Dick responded.
"I hope you don't mind, but I made pancakes for breakfast."
"No, I don't mind- I'm supposed o making you food, though."
"Because I'm an adult."
A soft snort. "Barely."
Danny shrunk in on himself, shoulders hunched and head down. He turned off the stove, set the hot pan to the side, and properly plated the pancakes, giving Dick more. "Sorry. I, um, don't have much of a filter in the mornings."
"It's alright," Dick made sure his body language, expression, and voice were all soft. "Not a morning person?"
"Not in the slightest."
He took a bite. "So why're you awake?" He paused before taking another bite. "These are really good."
"Thanks," Danny looked away with a small blush on his cheeks. "I'm here to help you. Part of that includes making sure you eat in the mornings before work."
"You know you don't have to, right?"
"I know, but I want to." He took a few bites of his own breakfast. "From my own experiences, not eating before starting the day can make you really sick, especially if you have a demanding job like you do."
Now isn't that a red flag to add to the growing collection. "You're own experiences?"
"Yeah," Danny said between slow bites, "My parents weren't good cooks unless it was my dad's fudge or my mom's cookies. My sister tried, but, well, she could only do so much with what we had."
"So, where'd ya learn to cook?"
"My friend's parents taught me a few things when I was over at their place."
"Cool, cool."
Silence took over the apartment as they two finished eating. Despite Danny's protests, Dick insisted on doing the dishes because Danny had cooked. Then, they two set about getting for the day.
Truthfully, Dick didn't want to leave, but he knew he had to. Danny was going to be alone in his apartment all day with nothing to do! A kid's worst nightmare, that is. Sure there are some books in his room, but would Danny like them? More things to figure out.
Danny met Dick at the door just as he was set to leave and handed him some paperwork.
"What's this?" Dick asked.
"Your hour cut request."
"My what?"
"I told you that you need to cut back your working hours from fifty a week to forty. Give that to your boss today."
"And if I don't?" He raised his eyebrow in question. Cutting back his hours would probably be a good thing, but someone else would have to take that time from him. He didn't want to put that work on anyone!
Danny's eyes started to water, going wide and sad as he looked Dick in the eye. "Then I'll be sad." He sniffled for affect. "Do you really wanna make me sad?"
Damn it.
Danny had no intentions of staying home all day. In fact, he fully planned on shadowing Dick some more, just closer this time. Partly to check out his relationships with his coworkers, but also to make sure he actually submitted his appeal. He also was going to make sure the chef approved it, but what Dick didn't know wouldn't hurt him.
Part 6 Part 8
Tag List: @flame-343 @ghestie93 @anarinette @aglmry @peachtreewriter @evix-syne666 @loudlypanickinginvenezolano @lumosfeather18581 @blueliac @talia-scar123 @cyber-geist @violet-foxe @currentfandomkick @jaguarthecat @moonchild0924 @tonicmii @bushbees @idekwutoput @justalittleghostkid
142 notes · View notes
loved your entwined series!!!!! if you ever do end up going back to it …
I would love to see more of them married interacting with the family maybe at Aubrey hall like being cutesy and hanging out with the younger sibs and the married couples and stuff and just bejng cute
andddd who knows maybe some spice too
Thanks for generally one of the best fix series
Because you asked for it - Part of the E̴N̴T̴W̴I̴N̴E̴D̴ Series
A getaway at Aubrey Hall
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x f/reader
Warnings: The dirty deed is her +18 filth
Notes: Married life and interaction with the family. I hope I wrote what you imagined <3 I am in love with how much you liked Entwined. Thank you all!! - I must make a series Masterlist ASAP
WC: 5.8K
Taglist: @fallout-girl219 @ravenwtfbro @thorins-queen-of-erebor @dollarstore-lydia-deetz @mmmunson
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"Open your mouth"
You did and sighed in contentment as Benedict placed almonds inside your mouth and your eyes quickly returned to your cards.
"I'm quite sure you will lose this round," you said
Hyacinth arched a brow and smiled "If you believe so, Mrs Bridgerton" she giggled and placed her cards close to her chest "I am good with this hand, Gregory?"
Gregory scrunched his face and shrugged "I might be?"
You laughed "Well that is not good humbug. I am good with mine... show"
Silence reigned for three seconds as the three of you observed each hand of cards. Your small grunt came first as you saw Hyacinth's card beat yours and Gregory's and her victory scream came high inside the drawing room.
"I told you so!!" she said excitedly.
"So you did," you grumbled "But I am sure I am better at chess than you"
Hyacinth rolled her eyes as she picked up the cards "Maybe but you cannot gamble at chess"
"You cannot gamble at this either" Gregory snorted "Mother would have our hides if we were gambling"
You winked at Hyacinth's pouting face "One gambling game with shillings, that is all I can offer"
Hyacinth then stared at Gregory "If you don't marry someone like Y/N I will forget you exist"
You smiled in satisfaction and opened your mouth for Benedict to see and he rolled his eyes only to pick more almonds, but of course, the moment got caught by Anthony entering the room and emitting a soft giggle at the sight.
"Oh, calm down now brother," Benedict said dropping the almonds inside your mouth and grabbing a napkin to place on your lap "I have lost the last round"
"And she put you as her feeder?" he chuckled and locked eyes with you "I have never doubted you, Y/N. Sorry for the interruption, however, Mother is waiting for Daphne downstairs and she is alone"
You quickly looked at Benedict and brushed his tailcoat "Go, I will stay here. Where is Kate?"
Anthony pursed a smile "Refreshing herself...the heat here is unbelievable for her"
Benedict grunted and stood up "She refreshed herself no more than one hour hour... And you judge me, brother"
You saw the two men leave with a smile and turned to look at the younger Bridgertons "Another round?"
"Please," Hyacinth said taking everyone's card "So, Y/N how is married life treating you?"
Gregory snorted again "Should I go now?"
"No, you might find this all too funny but you will need this knowledge one day, brother"
"Life is good" you stated and took the cards she was shuffling at you "Married or not life is good"
"I can't wait to debut" she expressed and leaned against her seat "The ball will be amazing with me in it"
"It will" you agreed and looked at Gregory who had the most bored expression you had ever seen.
"I do not care" he stated and placed his cards on the table "I have so many assignments. Are all the tutors the same?"
"Harsh?" you asked taking one card from the middle and trading it "Or too harsh?"
"Too harsh" he confessed "I have told them to slow the pace. But they keep pushing me. They said I have to work hard. My future depends on it"
"Your future does depend on it" you agreed and traded again, the card was not the one you wanted "But if it's too much pressure... I might advise you to go and tell your Mother or Anthony"
"Why is my governess not harsh on me?" Hyacinth asked
"Because you're a woman"
"I am j-"
"Alright, alright," you said trying to calm the waters "Will you two keep silent if I start talking about how married life is?"
"Definitely" Gregory sighed
"Please tell me" Hyacinth started "Does Benedict snore?"
One round of Hyacinth winning and Gregory pouting in sore loss and you three joined Anthony, Benedict and Violet by the entrance of Aubrey Hall; the windows mostly opened flew the fresh wind of Kent's grounds. Your eyes stopped by Eloise who hid next to a pillar with a book by her chest with Francesca quietly murmuring something to her and you tried to join them but Benedict leapt from his mother's side to grab your shoulder and gently push you next to him.
"Who won?"
"As if you need to ask," you said "And Daphne is not here?"
"Oh no, she always likes to be the last" he added
Eloise snorted behind you "And with two creatures by her side and Simon away quite frequently... I would s-"
"That she's doing her best" Violet nodded to all the people in the great hall "Now I believe she will tell us some news so everybody act surprised"
"Child number three?!" Eloise exclaimed
"Well, they move quickly" Benedict whispered to your ear
"Oh?" Anthony looked surprised although very quietly surprised "She will deliver the news this week?"
"I believe so, why my darling?"
"Nothing. I thought It would be a plain getaway for us"
Benedict kissed your cheek and stared at his brother "When has it been plain for us, brother?"
Indeed when has it been plain within the Bridgerton household?
You walked outside at the sight of the carriage. The clan moved in grace as Hyacinth and Gregory strode with more energy than anyone else and you could feel Benedict's hands gently moving across your arms so you turned your attention at him, arched brow was directed at you and in complete silence you knew what was running through his mind.
"Ask now or forever hold your peace"
"I have no idea what you are talking about, dear wife"
You arched a brow and he gave a chuckle before kissing your forehead, your cheeks and finally your lips.
"Are we expecting?" he teased.
"Not yet" you confessed and watched Daphne arrive "You might need to work harder"
"I have been working harder!" he whispered "Have I not?"
"Debatable. Prove me wrong again"
You left his amazed face behind you as you went to Daphne, her clear eyes and fair skin making her look so delicate and stunning. She looked happy, even if her face showed worry because of the baby in her arms, she looked content. Everyone welcomed her and the nannies behind her. When everyone went to the terrace with views to the garden, you sat down by Benedict's right and Francesca's left; Daphne kept rocking baby Belinda while strolling in front of all of you.
"We will have to make a list, Daphne" Violet started "of the names of your guests, their titles, and their husbands"
"Mother," Anthony said with a smile "Can't we enjoy the moment?"
"Yes, of course, darling. We shall, and this is why I need a list to ensure every person is present and accounted for. Your sister has asked me to help so I shall"
"What a lovely way to ruin the moment"
Daphne giggled "It is fine, Mum" she then knitted her brows at the soft cry of the baby "Is that time" she confessed "There is more noise coming from this little one"
"She got that from us" Benedict snorted "It is a Bridgerton thing to ask for attention"
"If you are so sure" Daphne teased, almost throwing the baby to him and caught him off guard
"Yes, you must"
"Careful with the head, dear"
"Oh" Eloise puffed in laughter at the view of Benedict completely and utterly confused at the baby hanging from his arms "This marks the beginning of our vacation"
You tried to hold baby Belinda's back while Benedict tried to figure out the whole holding baby process, her eyes wide and her soft face looking at him in wonder.
"Do not cry" he whispered at her "I beg of you, please"
You tried to muffle the laugh and failed and Anthony's eyes were already glistening at the sight, his lips tightly shut trying not to burst out laughing.
"I- uh, Daphne can I pass her back? She will not stop staring at me and I cannot bear it"
Daphne, on the other hand, was already enjoying the scene and had a smug smile "No, I must go and refresh myself"
"Daphne, please"
"No" she turned to you "Y/N?"
You looked at her and shook your head "I am quite entertained at the sight of the terrorised man by my side"
Benedict's eyes widened "Well, thank you”
You saw Daphne leave with all intention of not coming anytime soon so you pushed the baby’s body close to him.
“Like this,” you said “Babies don’t like to be held like that”
“Uhm” he nervously said taking the baby close to his chest “Oh, it looks easy when the nanny does it. Or even Daphne, she seems so natural... but not me. Oh no. Look at me”
“Is just a child” Francesca giggled as she stood up “Who wants to play whist?”
“Me!” Eloise exclaimed
“No gambling!” Violet said sternly “Eloise, no gambling”
“Yes Mother”
Hyacinth chuckled as she stood up with Gregory and the four younger siblings left the shadowed terrace. Violet stood still and silent as Benedict kept anxiously glaring at the small body by his chest.
“She doesn’t bite, my love” you chortled
He looked at you and then back at the baby, her small hands exploring the tie around his neck "I believe she does” he replied.
Anthony stood up and clasped his hands together and you knew, by the way, his lips pursed, the man had a plan and was very excited about it.
"Mother, what do you say about an early dinner?”
“Early dinner? You mean in less than an hour?”
“I can always ring the cooks and tell them to start-oh Kate”
You turned around to see Kate flowing in a soft navy dress, she nodded at Anthony and smiled at all of you three.
“Forgive me for my late presence, Lady Bridgerton”
“No need to worry about it, this heat puts one in quite a state. Oh my God, Benedict give me the child, she’s eating the button”
Benedict parted his lips “How would I know!” He said passing the child to his mother and Violet took the baby as if it was a normal occurrence and placed her over her chest.
"My, my" Violet cooed the child "What is she doing, hmm? Kate sit, the young ones are playing while Daphne is taking a well-deserved rest”
“What about you two?” Kate asked you and Benedict “What is your plan for this weekend in Aubrey Hall?”
You looked at Benedict, your hand gently placed on his knee and shrugged your shoulders "Whatever my husband desires"
Benedict raised his brow and grinned "Whatever my wife desires"
You both exchanged smiles and turned to the rest of the family and you could not help the smile creeping over your face as Anthony's arm found its place around Kate's waist and her head leaning against his shoulder.
"No work, we agreed” Anthony nodded towards Benedict “right?”
“Yes, right”
“Oh” Violet looked at her second child “Is that professor keeping you busy?”
“Ehhhh just a tad… when he said he was going to spread the word of my practice I didn’t expect he would take it seriously”
“You must see how he works” you added “Every week he finishes a piece”
Benedict received soft claps from the woman while Anthony proudly nodded.
"I have to see the latest, I will be there next week" Anthony declared "And I am quite proud of you, brother.”
Benedict blushed, his hand trying to hide his face behind a glass of lemonade “Yes, thank you, brother. Thank you ladies… we must change the subject please or else I will turn to mush”
“I must go and see the kids are not gambling” Violet stood up with the baby already dosing off and turned to Anthony “If you want that early dinner please go and ring the cooks, they must start getting everything ready”
“Yes, Mother”
You saw Violet leave and you quickly whispered to Benedict "Afraid of babies I see"
"I'm more afraid of me around them" he snorted and placed a kiss on your shoulder
Anthony rolled his eyes at the two of you and then he turned to Kate to kiss her once "Well, I must go and tell the cooks"
Benedict wriggled his brows "Mrs Albury will serve your head on a plate"
"You have a better idea?" he asked "I know I vex her most of the time"
Kate snorted "I must be friends with her then"
Anthony grunted and extended his arm to Benedict "Then come on now, she does have a soft spot for you" he looked at you "She always gave him extra pastries whenever he asked"
Benedict innocently shrugged "Because I am charming"
You nodded in support of your husband "Yes you are"
"Yes I am" he stood up, softly leaving your hand from his "Alright then, I must go with you"
"Thank you"
"Don't mention it" he winked at you as the two men left you and Kate alone
You laughed and stood up to move to the chair next to her
Her shining face smiled at you "So... Mrs Bridgerton"
"Ha" she puffed "How do you find Wiltshire?"
"It is lovely, far better than London"
"Right?" she nodded "The city is not for me"
"But Anthony is there"
"He is, isn't he?" she grinned "Although sometimes I think that this house is not for him either. Too quiet. Too much space"
"Well, he can always fill the house"
"I suppose he can" she giggled looking down and then exhaled "I hope I am not inviting myself but I must vis-"
"Please" you took the comb clip from your hair letting it loose "You are more than welcome to visit us whenever you like"
"Thank you, Y/N"
"I recently got a nice volume of books, engineering"
Kate's eyes glint with the curiosity of your acquisition "Would Benedict complain if I live with you there forever?"
You two laughed seeing the sunny view ahead and so you stood up "Fancy some garden bowling?"
"Accept it Y/N, you beat us at Chess but cards and bowling are for Hyacinth and me to win"
"I tripped last time"
"It was the wind!"
This time without wind Kate still won with great advantage over you, you said it was your loose hair that blinded you but after all the sore loss was quickly washed away with the view of Benedict's comical dance as he stepped out of the house with a tray in his hands.
"What happened?" Kate smirked
"Oh Mrs Albury saw me and gave me-"
"Pastries," Anthony said trying to get one but Benedict dodged him as he leapt towards you "Come on!"
"Ladies" Benedict offered and you took one covered in powdered sugar "You must ask what she gave to him," he told Kate
Kate leaned to see Anthony "What did she give you?"
"An apple" Anthony bit it with a grump and saw the bowling by the side "You won?"
"As always"
"Hey," you said with your mouth full while Benedict took another one for himself, your hands grabbed the complete tray as you said "I was blinded for my last shoot. Oh I am parched"
Benedict's clear eyes opened "Do not move, love. I will fetch you more lemonade"
He saw Kate's blinking eyes and he went with Benedict to get the lemonade. Both brothers even if both are two years apart are like two peas in a pond and oh so comical together as they try to serve the drinks before the other one does. They silently fight for the glasses and the jar of liquid. Anthony did it so fast splashing some on Benedict's hand.
"Oh" Kate sighed at him "Can you add one teaspoon of sugar?"
"Yes, yes, yes" Anthony's face screamed concentration
"And the ice?"
"And the ice" he obeyed Kate
Benedict snorted and smiled in triumph as he tried to give you the glass of lemonade but you opened your mouth and softly said "Can you add a slice of lemon?"
"Sure!" he competitively tried to grab the slices, almost a fistful was thrown inside the glass while Anthony brushed his shoulder in success as he passed the glass to her
"Here you go, darling"
"That's..." Benedict murmured removing the fallen lemonade from his hand "Not fair.... here, love"
You took the glass -more lemon slices than juice- but you smiled "Thank you, Ben" so you turned to Kate "A walk, Lady Bridgerton?"
She sipped from her glass "My honour, Mrs Bridgerton"
Benedict tried to grab the tray of pastries but failed as you dodged him in an elegant swift move "hey-"
"Let us go" you said between giggles as Kate took a pastry leaving both men by the staircase
Anthony saw the apple he was left with, Benedict saw the wetness of lemonade his brother splashed on his sleeve and how his tray of pastries was stolen by the most beautiful thief on earth and both sighed.
"These ladies, brother" Anthony started "They have a leash of their own on us"
"Say what you want, brother" Benedict smirked looking at your distant figure "I'm alright with it as long as she is the one pulling it"
By dinner, you dodged a pea flying from Gregory's plate that was aimed at Hyacinth and one carrot cube targetted from Eloise to Benedict. The dinner was well-equipped thanks to Mrs Albury and her team and as all the Bridgertons -you included- dined at the long table you smiled at the chaotic and vociferous environment that you were pulled into.
"If I may" Anthony raised his glass, a few hours ago the man had already changed his constricted attire to a more relaxed one, he was the one who looked the most different than when the day started, everyone else had remained in the same ensemble since morning "I propose a toast to our newest member"
"I do not mean to sound rude, brother but" Daphne confusedly smiled "We already hosted a beautiful dinner for Y/N"
"Yes" Eloise nodded "Three months ago when they returned from their honeymoon"
"And it was lovely" you added
"Indeed it was" Anthony agreed "But I am not referring to Y/N"
Daphne was quick to smile as her hand touched her heart "Oh no you must not. How did you know?"
Anthony furrowed his brows "Pardon?"
Daphne raised her glass "Only water and lemonade for me for some months"
Violet shoot arrows through her eyes at EVERYONE. Act surprised.
Everyone clapped in unison, the third grandson of Violet, the third announcement from Daphne.
"I think it will be a boy" Hyacinth said
"I would dare to say girl" Francesca stated
"I think" Anthony smiled still standing "That we are lucky to be such a large family"
"Here, here" Benedict chimed in
"How did you know?" Daphne questioned "I am not showing and-"
"Well I must say it was my own timing" Anthony grinned at the confused faces, his gaze landing on Kate by your left "But I meant... quite a different member"
This got everyone in silence again.
"Kate's expecting"
Loud screams came from everyone, Eloise's fork fell on her plate while Hyacinth gasped, Daphne and Francesca screamed at the same time and Benedict laughed so hard his head fell against your shoulder and you felt the pull from your skin as you smiled seeing the happiness in everyone's faces.
"My son" Violet softly gasped, her hand on her chest, her eyes glinting in tears "Kate-"
"Brother!" Benedict shouted as he stood and clapped his hands "Anthony, a father"
Anthony had a smug smile on his face and the joy that came from everyone was overwhelming, even little Gregory and Hyacinth were jumping in their seats as the rest of the siblings congratulated the two of them. Until Hyacinth threw another pea, the topic of the dinner was the arrival of two little Bridgertons.
When the night fell, you took your dress out of your way and changed for your sleeping gown, with Benedict quickly doing a sketch for his next commissioned work you ventured to the library where according to Eloise you could find some biology books with real illustrations.
You opened the door and smiled at the scent of ink and parchment. This was your setting. Page after page you stood cornered in a loveseat with the candle lightening your features.
You turned around to see Benedict’s shadowed face behind the parted door.
“Hello you”
“I went to our room to see it was empty” he grinned
You showed him the book on your lap “guilty”
“I knew you would be here” he sighed taking the loveseat next to you “what is this about, my love?
You closed the book and looked at him, his blue eyes looking back at you, you sighed.
"Biology. This book has real illustrations”
“I know all about it” he nodded “I paint them don’t I?”
“But from the inside” you grinned “it has all these diagrams and, and all these details. I have read this before but for sure this is a greater volume”
“I love it” he said holding his chin with his hand and staring at you “I might have read it before” he cocked his head
“Ah have you?”
“Oh yes. Mandatory literature in my house of studies. I know all about biology and… insides”
“Can you become a doctor then?”
“Now that is pushing it a bit” he chuckled
“How is the sketch?”
“It turned alright, I didn’t bring my tools so it will stay a sketch for the week”
“Well, Anthony did say no work, so…”
“Yeah yeah and what if I want to paint you?”
You blushed “Isn’t one painting enough?”
“Never enough”
You giggled at his loving words and shining eyes.
"What are you thinking?" he asked
"Nothing. If you are good to go then let us sleep” you danced the book in your hands “my questions will be answered tomorrow”
“What questions?”
“Oh nothing important but I started a chapter about anatomy, you know how I get” you said standing up and staring intently at the leathered cover “My governess always said a good thing about me is that I always list questions I might h-“
And your words were sliced, no, cut by Benedict’s lips as he took your breath away, your mouth opened in surprise, your hand falling to the book. So easy is to make you weak in the knees with his warm touch. You could feel his soft tongue asking for permission, his nose bumping into yours and the feeling of his chest against your breasts.
His hands were placed on each side of your face, his lips so gentle.
“I adore it when you get rambling like this” he confessed licking his lips and looking down at yours
"Then kiss me more"
And he did. Benedict took the book away and left it on the loveseat, his hands on the nape of your neck, your hands on his shoulders, his tongue was the one dancing and the fire growing in your lower belly was burning you alive.
“Whatever questions you have about that book?” He suddenly asked
“Uh?” You blinked at the forgotten book “Well I just-“
“You just?”
“Muscles and bones and-“
Benedict removed your hair from your forehead and smiled “I know all you need to know” his finger drew a line down your collarbone until the valley of your breasts.
And with a swift turn, his hand was around your waist and you were now against the wall. His hot lips were on your neck, your hand was on his hair and your other hand was on the front of his trousers.
"My God" he groaned
"I’ll tell you” he licked your neck and locked eyes with you again “muscles can be taught to be flexible”
Your mind was not there. Not with his words. Your brain was only able to focus on the fire consuming your skin.
"And bones" he whispered biting your earlobe and his hands roamed on your back "They can break but only if you’re rough enough”
“How rough?” You inquired
His brow arched “How roughy do you think?” He gulped “quite”
Your core ached by now with the promise of his words. You walked outside the wall and his figure and moved to the desk. Your hands pushed the papers aside and you sat on the wood surface.
Benedict had never seen something as hot as this. Your hair was a mess, your nightgown was crumpled and your legs were opened in a silent invitation.
He moved forward and you felt the tent in his trousers bump against your core and your fingers grabbed his hair while he pushed your legs apart.
“How flexible are your muscles?” He asked “I have seen some evidence of an answer. Perhaps I can try to see where is the limit”
You licked your lip “If you say muscles can be taught… you are the one who knows, after all”
"Gosh, Y/N” he came closer, his nose getting your scent as his hands gripped your thighs, your skin was burning his palms.
He kissed the valley of your breasts, the top of them, your shoulders, your cheeks, and then, and only then he reached the soft skin under your ear and he softly bit, his tongue making your mind blank.
"You are wearing too many clothes"
"Right" he stepped back and his eyes were darkened in lust, his lips were swollen, his hair was a mess and his erection was evident while his hands took the waistcoat, his shirt, his shoes, his trousers and his small clothes until he was standing there naked in front of you.
"Now who is wearing too many clothes" he grinned but quickly turned around giving you a full view of his behind "I must lock those doors"
And you did not move from the table, the wood was cold against your heated skin, your body was burning and your hands were trembling. Whatever lesson he was about to offer, you knew that Benedict's dedication to please you has never faltered and on the contrary, has increased with each passing day.
His hand locked the doors and you saw his figure coming to you, his blue eyes and his pink lips, the way his chest rose and fell with each step and how his cock was pulsating, the tip almost touching his navel and his veins were screaming at you.
"A muscle" he whispered "can be conditioned for a sport or any other activity" his hand took your knee and softly lifted it until your foot was placed on the rim of the desk "Did you know that?"
"Huh" he took your other knee and did the same, his hands pushed the skirt of your gown away and he saw the pantalettes hiding your wetness "Muscles can be stretched too"
"Benedict" you smirked and puffed "I love you but can't you see I need you?"
His eyes darkened at the view, he had seen you peevish before and when you are like that, so testy at his own teasing he knows that indeed you want your muscles to be stretched.
"Fine" he said grabbing your hips and pulling you closer to his cock, his fingers danced against the ribbon of your pantalettes and he took them out only for him to stretch your legs wider "happy, wife?"
"Happy" you sighed at the sight of him, his cock was pulsating at the view of your sex and the heat coming from him was making you drip.
Benedict leaned forward and his tip touched your entrance, the warmth of your folds was enough to make him groan, his hands on your hips.
"You know, my favourite thing to paint are flowers. I love the petals" he entered you and your nails dug into his arms, he grunted "the stems" his length filled you up, inch after inch until he was deep inside of you "I love it when the wind blows and the flower blooms" his mouth was on yours and you felt the thrust from his hips "You, my love, are a rose" his lips were on your neck as he pushed harder inside of you and your walls clenched around his cock "and when I push you, and you blossom"
You wrapped your legs around his waist but he swiftly left them open while your feet rested on the wooden surface "You feel so good" you murmured
Benedict got the praise he was seeking, his hands grabbed the desk and he thrust faster until he could only hear his balls crashing against you and the stick of the cream forming between you two.
"I am so lost in you" his cock hit a sensitive spot
"Ohhhhh B-"you moaned, the desk was moving under you but neither of you cared.
Benedict could not stop, the tightness around his cock was making his knees shake, indeed your muscles are so fit for this activity as you wrap so tightly.
But he stopped. He didn't enjoy two things of thing; one, your gown was still on. He could see your nipples under it and he needed to see them without obstacle. Two, he hasn't tasted you and he always does. Always.
"Benedict, a-"
"Come here, love. Stand up"
You obeyed in a lost trance. He took the hem of your gown and lifted it until you had no choice but to remove it completely. You stood in front of him, your body flushed and your skin glistening.
And with no time to process, he turned you around and you were now facing the desk. His chest against your back and his hands on your stomach, his length was pulsating behind your folds.
"I cannot paint without colours, can I?" he asked licking the column of your neck
"I guess not"
"So, I cannot love you without tasting you"
You felt how he pushed you forward, your chest touched the desk making your breasts cling together, you were trapped between him and the table. Benedict's cock was pulsating behind your sex and you arched your back at the thought of his tongue against your skin.
What have you done to him? He kneeled and saw your glory and tackled it fiercely in one good move. His tongue licked and his mouth sucked, your legs trembled and his name was the only word in your mind.
"Ben, oh God. Oh, please, oh-OH GOD!"
His hands grabbed your ass cheeks, the red marks on his palms were worth it. You moaned louder when his thumb brushed the sensitive skin and he took your hips and enjoyed too much how you were not able to squirm like you always do and the only thing you could do was to stay still. He grunted at your taste and savoured the wetness of your core.
And without notice, you screamed and growled as an incredible orgasm ran from your legs towards your head. The legs you normally tense when you release yourself are not stretched and not being able to contract and the shock is sublime. You roll your eyes as you feel Benedict's mouth taking over your contracting walls.
You are still in that phase when your mind is a mess and the bliss is not letting you think clearly. Your hands were clenching into fists and your toes were curling.
Rapidly, Benedict stands, his hand caresses the column of your spine and his cock enters your dripping core making you moan as the orgasm lingers around. He strides and strides so easily as if you were made for him and your body was welcoming him with every push.
"Be-Be-Ben" you said between thrusts "I-"
He felt the remnant of your release as you tried to milk his cock, he couldn't anymore, not with your back flexing and arching nor your bum wiggling at the pace. Not with you dripping from his lips.
He moaned hard as he tried with all his being to push his tip deeper so he could spill himself, his cum filled you up and the hot stickiness was welcomed by your inner walls.
His body was limp above yours, his hands were holding him as he breathed heavily "That was intense" he groaned
"It was" you whispered, your cheek against the table, the sweat of your brow was glinting.
"Did you learn anything, dear wife?" He asked and pulled out making you wince
You turned around and stared at him, his hair was messy and his face was still flushed, his eyes were glowing and the smirk he had on his face was too cocky.
"I might have learnt a thing or two" you teased
"Oh I hope so" he grabbed your hands and helped you stand, your legs were weak and you needed his help.
"Perhaps" you stood on your tiptoes and kissed him softly "I need to do more exercises"
He smiled against your lips "We do have a week here"
"One lesson at a time," you said placing your gown over your head "Oh, talking about lessons, Gregory-"
"Yes, Gregory told me his tutors were too harsh. I advised him to tell Anthony"
Benedict didn't bother to close his loose shirt and he frowned "Anthony won't listen with the tone he uses" he said as you handed him his belt "Thank you, no I must talk to them"
"Do you?"
"Yes, I know how to approach them. Gregory is a fine young man and I must also talk to Hyacinth's governess, I have seen her lacking"
"Oh" You stood silent as you watched his eyes dancing
"And I must talk to Daphne too, I saw a slight mark by Belinda's foot. I wonder if she checked that. I know Augie doesn't have it"
"And we shall buy the baby some toys, something for her to chew on. She was indeed chewing on my button"
"If you say so"
Benedict smiled as he opened the door for you "Maybe a dainty dress for her"
"Aw are you smitten now by the baby?" you teased
"I thought you said you were afraid of you around them, now look at you"
"Let me be, woman..." he said taking your back with his hand "I must start getting prepared with an idea of our own"
He snorted "With how much I make you... blossom" he mocked "with my essence... isn't it unavoidable?"
You shrugged and smirked in his direction "And the lessons haven't stopped"
"Oh no, they just began, Mrs Bridgerton"
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tossawary · 2 days
I do like time travel fics for a variety of reasons. It can be fun to see a "perfect run" fix-it fic running through the canon storyline again. There is a little suspension of disbelief required for some of them, because at some point, the little changes for the better or big tragedies averted should start to mess with the world. Very good time travel fics take this Butterfly Effect into account.
It is VERY fun to think about time-traveling characters who immediately break the plot, because they fail to or don't even try to keep things on a certain track. I love seeing authors use this jumping point to explore entirely new directions for canon. It's off-roading time!!!
Some characters are happy to work within the systems of their worlds. They'll put up with the little indignities of having do to things again and are able to act their way through a redo. (And apparently have incredibly good memories, like, damn.) The cost of keeping things roughly the same is something that they're willing to pay in order to reap specific benefits at the end of the journey.
Other characters would prefer to break the systems of their worlds. They have no patience to play by someone else's rules if they have the power to do otherwise. They may think that the world is broken as it is and needs to be changed. They may be unable to let certain injustices happen again no matter the cost to their ability to predict the future. (I admit, I have a preference for this, because I think it's more interesting, and if the protagonist is a heroic figure, I like the idea that every single life is worth trying to save if you can try.)
Anyway, this is all to say that I just read the last 100 chapters of "Naruto" and apparently Naruto was the only person keeping Sasuke from following through on his unhinged and vague supervillain plans at the end there. If you sent Sasuke back into the past, let's say from a battle with Kaguya going poorly back to the Uchiha massacre or something, and he retains his adult body or any of his abilities (full Sharingan + Rinnegan)? I cannot see that Sasuke trying to give Konoha a shot again. I don't think he trusts like that anymore.
I think he would immediately 1) kill Itachi if Itachi forces him to do it and he can't convince Itachi to join his side, 2) kill Danzo and any ROOT agents who get in his way, (2.5) kill Zetsu and Madara if he can find and catch them, and also Obito if Obito forces him,) 3) kill or try to kill the Third Hokage, and potentially 4) try to declare himself the new Fifth Hokage. Winning a lot of these fights just by taking eeeeeverybody by surprise. Or something like that, you know? I think he'd at least try to immediately do some reckless revenge murder.
If time-traveling Sasuke is stuck in his child body for a redo, and can't set himself up as the new dictator of Konoha or the new shared enemy of the shinobi world or whatever, then I think that he might just run off and join Orochimaru again. I think he would make early deals with Orochimaru for the relative freedom that offers.
Like, Sasuke just does not strike me as a particularly stable person who gives a shit about maintaining a comfortable life for everyone around him. He does not care about Konoha's image. He does not want to settle complacently into a comfortable life within this corrupt state. I think he'd rather drag out the rot and set everything on fire than sit through the frustrating false civility of politics or go to school again, if he had any choice in the matter.
A time-traveling Sasuke would not behave like a time-traveling Naruto or Sakura! So, if I had to do a time-traveling Sasuke, I'd probably reach for the "break-it" rather than the "fix-it". Konoha struggles to deal with this new, mysterious, Rinnegan-wielding Uchiha who appeared out of the middle of an incomplete massacre, just killed the Hokage, and declared himself the new one, completing the Uchiha coup at the eleventh hour. (People are saying he looks like Uchiha Izuna come back to life, apparently???) Oh, shit, someone secretly go get Tsunade and Jiraiya right now, fuck.
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autball · 3 days
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Part 2 of a 5 part series about the ways harmful practices can be made to sound more appealing and how to spot the differences between helpful and harmful approaches. Self-regulation skills for kids are all the rage right now, and there are lots of people who will tell you that they have just the program for that. Which sounds awesome, right? Self-regulation is great! Who wouldn’t want that for their kid who is just so upset all the time?
The problem is that these people think self-regulation is just a set of skills you can teach someone. Or even better, that if you ignore a person in distress long enough, they’ll magically come up with those skills on their own. (Like, what even is that logic? Oh right, it’s the same thinking that makes people believe the Cry It Out method for babies is a good idea.)
But that’s not how that works. Self-regulation skills come from safe co-regulation, and the learning begins in infancy. Then it takes YEARS of more co-regulation and brain development to get to a place where a person can even start to recognize the need for and use those skills of their own volition.
Oh, and they also have to have enough time NOT in distress to even know what it feels like to feel safe and regulated in the first place. They need room to develop said self-regulation skills. You can’t just keep a kid in a pressure cooker all the time and expect them to learn how to “regulate” through it (which is exactly what many people are doing to the autistic and ADHD kids they put through these programs).
When you try to teach self-regulation skills to a stressed out, traumatized child without doing ANYTHING to make their environment safer and less demanding, or doing ANYTHING to make yourself a safe co-regulator, the most you can hope for is that your child gets good at *acting* calm and *performing* regulation skills (and that’s if it doesn’t just backfire completely). But the inner turmoil is still there, and they still have no idea how to deal with it.
And kids who are left alone in their distress don’t “develop skills.” At least not any healthy ones. They just keep crying or lashing out until they can’t anymore, and they learn that no one cares to help them in their darkest moments. If you do it long enough, you might even push them into shutdown or fawn mode, which is super convenient for the adults, but devastating for the child. For the record, breathing exercises are not inherently bad. Neither is learning to recognize body sensations or what “zone” you’re in or any of the other things that can help with self-awareness (as long as we’re not sending the message that certain feelings are “good” or “bad”). It’s just that those things don’t work for everyone, and they’re not a substitute for safety and co-regulation.
Kids need safe adults, and they need to be around them more for than just an hour or two a week in therapy session. It’s the *caregivers* who need to learn *co-regulation skills,* not the children who need to learn self-regulation skills. It’s the *adults* who need to de-stress the child’s life, not the child who needs to learn how to handle overwhelming amounts of stress better. And it’s the *adult’s* job to nurture self-regulation, not a child’s job to try and figure it out on their own.
(There’s even more to self-regulation than this, of course, like the sensory processing element and the fact that being regulated is not just about being “calm,” and I’ll touch more on those in tomorrow’s post about Frustration Tolerance.)
I learned most of what I know about how children develop self-regulation through co-regulation from Mona Delahooke, and I highly recommend her work if you want to learn more about it. Trauma Geek also has information on how to find felt safety as an adult if you didn't get enough co-regulation growing up. https://www.traumageek.com/blog/3-foundational-truths-about-nervous-system-science
P.S. Did you know you can co-regulate with animals, too, or even a tree?! They might not be the greatest at modeling skills or validating your feelings, but they can still contribute to felt safety.
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luvyeni · 4 hours
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pairing ‎⸝⸝⸝ demon!jaeyun wc. 6.1k+
𓄷 warnings... smut mdni. mentions of abuse. mentions of death. oral (f. receiving). unprotected sex. softdom jake.
nia's notes: here's the first installment of the series, i hope you guys enjoy it 🖤 you sunghoon's is next .
lucifer masterlist | sunghoon
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You were taken from me…
So pray for me and I'll burn for you …
A week inside this house; and things have been interesting to say the least— no your grandmother hasn't come back to haunt you yet; but the house does seem colder, like cold enough for you to walk around in your sweater all the time; you even tried to turn the thermostat up, but that did nothing.
Then it was the damn lights; you knew it was an old house; but that didn't stop you from tensing up in fear whenever the lights would flicker when you would walk down the hall, almost like the lights would follow you with every step; it felt like someone was there, controlling them, watching you, timing your steps with the lights— it creeped you the fuck out.
And you can't forget your closet door; the door that refused to close no matter what; well no refused to stay closed. you chalked it up to the door being broken so it wouldn't stay closed; just pushing a shoe in front of it when you sleep to keep yourself sane in the darkness.
Besides those things everything else was fine, you had gotten rid of mostly everything out of the house, the wifi guy coming to set up the internet— which took you all day to your demise, having 5 random men in the house while you basically just stood there awkwardly.
On a better note; you had to go back into the town for groceries, where you met huening kai; a cute boy who worked as a cashier in the supermarket— so you did find yourself going to that grocery store 3 more times that week; having enough groceries to last you a while.
“He's super cute.” you threw the keys to the house on the counter, placing the new set of groceries on the table. “yeah he must be, you're gonna go broke.” Yeji said over facetime, you laughed while opening the fridge to put the food up. “you’re laughing, I'm serious; in this economy you're spending money on groceries you don't need.” she said. “Well I mean you practically are rich now, so I guess it doesn't matter to you.”
“No, my parents are rich now, and that's only because my grandmother was Lucifer's wife in her past life and—” You heard a snicker, which made you freeze. “The hell?” You said, putting your 3rd bottle of milk into the fridge. “What is it?” You heard Yeji's voice through the phone. “It sounded like I heard someone just laugh.” You closed the door to the fridge. “Lord you're going crazy up there baby, hearing voices.”
“Not voices, a chuckle.” You said , walking to your room. “Girl that's scarier I fear.” and like clockwork, the damn closest door was wide open again. “This fucking door.” You slammed it shut. “What's with the door?” You sighed , fiddling with the necklace. “I close it and it's open, I even put a shoe, the shoe must not be strong enough.” You said. “Or you have a ghost.” She said, gasping. “Maybe it's your grandma, you should get an ouija board.” she said. “Should I?” You teased, clearly the “wind” didn't like that because your door to the closet creaked open.
“Sorry the monster in my closet doesn't agree with that.” You joked around, getting up, closing the door, putting a book in front of it. “Just a suggestion.” Yeji shrugged, your hand going back to that necklace. “Girl you are obsessed with that damn necklace.” She said, “You've touched it like 20 times since we've been on the phone.” You looked down on the necklace. “I don't know, I'm addicted to it, it's so pretty.” you said. “It is, it's giving vintage in the best way, where'd you get it?”
“It was my grandmothers I guess. I found it sitting in a jewelry box while cleaning out her room.” You explained. “It was the only thing in there.” you said. “Cute, probably from the 1600s, you know when your grandmother was born.” You rolled your eyes. “She was 85.” She shrugged. “Ask your mom, it looks expensive, maybe a family heirloom.”
“I did, she said, growing up, her grandmother never mentioned a family heirloom, she didn't even talk to her family.” You said, shrugging it off. “Whatever it is, or wherever it came from I'm glad I found it before my mom did , then it would've gone to my 17 year old cousin, who probably would've pawned it.”
“I have to go now girl, I've got a date.” Yeji said after about another hour of talking. “Good for you.” you said with a little bit of jealousy. “Hey you still have the cute grocery boy.” You sighed. “Yeah, who lives in the town 30 minutes away.” you said. “Hey, I guess you have to go buy more milk.” She heard her laugh, you scoffed. “Oh haha I hope your date fucks you tonight and doesn't let you finish.” You heard her gasp, hanging up laughing.
You found yourself in the kitchen cooking yourself some dinner; why let the groceries go to waste? sitting the food down on the table, you could've taken it to your room , but the closet thing crept back up on you, scaring you— you know you could change rooms; it wasn't like the house was lacking space, but you couldn't be bothered to move your things, you weren't staying there for long anyway.
Finishing your food, you put the plate in the sink, ready to go back to your room— laughing when a message from Yeji calling you bitch because her date sucked. You were almost to your room, when you heard a noise. No, a crash coming from your bedroom. You freeze right in your spot; that wasn't a figment of your imagination— that was actually coming from your bedroom— the noise was coming from your bedroom.
Now the rational side of your brain was yelling at you to run like hell and then call the damn police like a smart person, but your feet clear wanted to die because you found yourself creeping back to the room, slowly opening the door, it was eerily silent and it felt even colder than usual— and then you noticed it; the closet door was open, the door you knew you closed; and the book you had put in front of the closet? it was across the room.
Was there a person in this house? the police station was 30 minutes out, if you were to call them, you'd be dead by time they got here and that's even if you get a chance to call them— and that's even worse because no one would even bother to come check the house, you didn't know huening kai well enough for him to care about you, and every know that's the former lady of the house died; so by time your dead body would be found, it would most likely be by your parents and it would be all decomposed.
You were freaking out now mentally, scared to move in case a person was in your closet— then you didn't hear anything; surely if someone was in there they would've come out already. You stand up straight , goosebumps all over your arms as you go up to the closet, swinging it open— and nothing; it was nothing in there. You didn't dream it , it wasn't all in your head, you heard the crash, anyone would've heard it.
Swinging the closet door fully open, looking around inside, there was nothing in there but your clothes, and your shoes— your shoes that you put neatly on the inside, now all over the floor; you weren't staying in here another night— you'd drive the 30 minutes into the town of you had to, slamming the the closet door closed. “I got to get the hell out of here.” You whipped around to run out the room.
“Don't go.” A voice that damn sure didn't come out of you spoke. “Please don't go, he'll be mad at me if you do.” there he was sitting on your bed, the jewelry box that was sitting on your nightstand in his hand. “Wait please.” your eyes widened, your mouth open ready to scream. “Don't scream.” he said, jumping up covering your mouth. “This isn't going well, please don't scream.”
He was touching you, looking you dead in your eyes begging you not to scream. “I'm gonna let go now, please don't scream, I'm not here to hurt you .” You nodded, and he slowly let his hand uncover your mouth, putting them by his side. “See, I'm not gonna hurt you.” the boy said, you forced yourself to speak. “wh-who— I have money in my bag, it's over there, please just take it.” he was now confused. “I-i have jewelry too , the lady here had a bunch, it's all real.”
You went to take all the jewelry you were wearing off as well reaching for the necklace sitting on your necklace, so ready to give him anything so he'd just leave you. “Wait, no don't take that off!” He stood up , making you step back, trying to run out. “If you take that off , it might complicate things.”
“W-what?” you took another step back, him following forward. “wh-who are you?” He smiled like he wasn't in your room unwanted. “Im jaeyun.” He introduced himself. “But you can call me Jake, all my friends call me jake.” Friends? He was an intruder. “I'm not an intruder, I live here.” He said— you didn't say that out loud. “I-i won't call the cops, please just leave.”
“I live here, why would I leave?” He seemed confused. “No, m-my grandmother lived here,” he nodded. “So did I.” He said matter of factly. “I lived here longer than her actually.” he said, the door closing behind you making you jump. “I see you backing up, I told you I'm not gonna hurt you.” Your bottom lip trembled in fear. “You did that?!” You said. “Wh-what are you? a ghost?”
He laughed. “No, of course not.” He said. “I'm a demon.” You were going crazy? No , you were dreaming, this was just a weird nightmare. “You're not dreaming, I'm not that kind of demon.” He said. “You-you’re reading my mind, you're closing doors.” he nodded, “you're a demon?” He repeated the head movements. “I'm gonna pass out.”
“Please don't, I'll be in trouble if you get hurt.” He said. “Please i just wanted to talk to you, I've been watching you since you moved in, I was the one who sat the necklace out for you to find, even though that's against the rules; you're actually supposed to find it yourself, but things were different this time.”
“W-what do you want?” you said , he stepped forward once more; and you moved back in reflex. “I wanted to meet you.” He looked like he seemed to know you very well. “meet me? why?” He went silent, like he was trying to find out what to say; he couldn't just say what he wanted right now, you're already freaked out. “you're pretty, I guess that's why.”
“Look there's no need to be scared , okay?” He said. “I'm not gonna hurt you I promise.” He said. “None of us really want to hurt you.” None of us? “There's more of you?” You said. “Shit I can't say more okay, please just know we won't hurt you? Okay?” Before you could do anything else, he reached up , holding the pendent in his hand. “You won't be harmed.” and that's it- he was gone, he disappeared with a blink of an eye; like he never existed.
Like hell you were going to sleep to night, you didn't even bother to turn the light; you will still trying to convince yourself it was just weird freaky dream and you’d wake up from, but when the damn sum started to rise, you finally had to come to the crazy unbelievable conclusion— he was real, there was a demon in this house; you also had to admit your mom was somewhat right about the house being haunted.
you knocked out right then and there, the boy from the night before was there again, he wasn't saying anything though, just staring at you— smiling at you, but it wasn't the puppy like smile he sported last night , it was a sinister one, and his cute brown eyes; they now were red and glowy, what you expect a real demon to look like; but he said he could go into your dream? “He did? little jakey is a liar now.”
You shot up, breathing heavily; clutching your chest. “What the hell?” you tried to catch your breath. “What the hell was that?” safe to say you'll probably never sleep again as long as you're in this house.
Dragging your body out of bed; your shower was quick, scared that someone was watching you, making sure to wrap yourself in a towel, basically running back to your room, closing the door to get dressed— peeking out the door to see if he was out there. When you didn't see him , you stepped outside, creeping down the hallway. “What are you doing?”
You yelped, spinning around; he stood there. “oh I'm sorry.” he said. “I didn't mean to scare you.” He reached out , but you stepped back. “I told you I wasn't gonna hurt you.” He said. “How can I trust you, not when you lied to me?” You said, he tilted his head. “You can come into my dreams.” His eyes widened. “Who told you that?” He said. “So you can?” He was silent. “Can you?” You repeated. “Well yeah but I didn't go into your dreams yesterday.”
“But you have.” He scratched the back of his neck. “It was the third night after you found the necklace.” He said. “You um, it was uh.” His ears were turning red, you understood what he meant. “I hid in the closet.” He said. “So you're a pervert?” He shook his head. “No, I didn't go into them anymore I swear.” he was a demon; how could you trust a demon. “That's understandable, who'd be crazy enough to trust a demon?”
“If you want me to even attempt to trust you, stay outta my mind.” you said, he held his hand up, putting it to his chest. “I swear.” He said, you nodded. “Fine.” You said. “But I have questions.”
“I reckon you don't eat eggs?” You said. “I don't eat anything, I don't need to.” He said, you nodded. “Of course you don't.” You sat down at the table. “Sit down, you're standing is creeping me out.” he smiled sitting down. “So ask me anything, I can answer everything you want.”
“Who the hell was in my dreams last night?” It was his turn to tense up. “I can't exactly tell you why he was in the dream, but that was sunghoon, you can only see him in in dreams for now?” He said. “and why is that?” He chewed his bottom of his lip. “because he doesn't want to see you yet.” You heard him whisper under his breath. “Is he dangerous?” You said. “Well no , not exactly.” You stopped chewing your food. “what does that mean?” You questioned. “He won't hurt you.” He said. “Hopefully.”
“What does any of this have to do with this necklace?” You said. “Well I actually don't know too much about that either.” He said, you scoffed. “what do you know?” You said. “Well that necklace is why I'm here today, well that and because I want you to see me.” You perked up. “So without the necklace I wouldn't be able to see you?” he nodded. “Not exactly, anyone could see us if we wanted them to, we're bonded with the necklace, and now that you've worn it, we're bonded with you.”
“You keep saying we, are you talking about the one who was in my dream?” he nodded. “no not sunghoon, jay.” He answered. “You can't see him either?”
“He doesn't want to see me?” He shrugged. “He just likes to observe most times.” He explained. “He's been here the longest so I understand, he doesn't adjust well to people who have the necklace.” he frowned. “Bunch of bad experiences.” You held your head. “You okay?” He asked, concerned. “It's all too much , I feel like my head is gonna explode.”
He wants to reach over the table and grab your hand, he almost is compelled to; but he doesn't want to scare you even more , so he just sits in silence, letting you come to terms with everyone. “Look.” He was the first to speak up. “I get this is a lot to take in, so I'll give you some space.” He said. “When you're ready, just call for me.” Before leaving he said one more than. “Any time you call for me I'll be there, just like before.”
You don't call for him for the next few days, trying to just wrap your head around everything he told you— which wasn't much, but before moving here you believed there was no such thing as demons, so it was a lot for you. You tried to call your mom, but what you tell her; the house has demons; but only you can see them, but you can only see one because one is too traumatized for some reason to show himself; and the other doesn't want to see you and may or may not want to kill you— that would get you locked away in a padded room.
You tried to talk to Yeji the best way you could, but of course she thought you were just having nightmares— you wish it was just a nightmare that you were having. You even walked around the house, trying to find something; anything to make some sense of it; maybe Jake was useful, at least he cured your boredom. “You're not gonna find anything.”
You turned around, glaring. “I didn't call you.” He nodded. “not with your mouth no, but you did say my name.” He said, pointing to his head. “What did I say?” you said. “I'm sorry.” He said. “I just really wanted to see you, it's been 4 days, I missed you.” You smiled, he was kinda cute for a being that was probably centuries years old. “How old are you?”
“Well me i've only been here 100 years.” he said like it was normal. “I told you I've been here for a while.” you nodded. “Yeah a long time.” He laughed. “Not as long as my brothers , but long enough.” He said. “Did you know my grandmother?” He looked uncomfortable. “Your grandma was a scary woman.” He shifted in his seat. “What do you mean by that?” You asked , he shook his head. “It's not my story to tell, just know she wasn't a nice person, and I've met my fair share of not nice people.”
What did she do that had this century old demon so scared? “Well I didn't know her, she and my mom never got along.” You said. “Oh I know, we listened to them argue all the time, I was happy when your mom left , she didn't have to endure the abuse your grandmother put her through. He frowned. “Abuse?” you never heard about any abuse from your mother. “Oh she never told you?” You shook your head no. “Your grandmother was cruel to her , hitting and yelling at her; she would even lock your mom in a closet when she'd misbehave; your grandfather tried to stop it but your grandma, she was evil to everyone.”
That made you angry; all those years you spent telling your mom that she probably wasn't that bad, and that they just needed to make up— you felt sad because your mom couldn't tell you. Jake saw your face drop, he grabbed your hand. “But I know you aren't like that, I can tell you're different.” He said. “I believe we've bonded with the perfect person.”
He was so sweet; how could someone like him be a demon. “You don't seem like someone who'd be a bad person in life , how did you become a demon?” He looked down at the table. “Did I say something wrong?” He shook his no. “Of course not.” He toyed with his fingers. “I won't lie and say there are bad demons; of course there are,” he said. “But some of us made decisions; did things that made us like this.” He said. “And what did you do?”
“I sold my soul.” He started, “I sold my soul for the person I love.” You sat back in the seat. “So you were a human?” He nodded, smiling. “It was a lot different from today when I was a human, but I've learned to adjust throughout the time periods.” He explained. “I was tricked.” He said, “Her name was Grace, she was the love of my life, I knew I was gonna spend the rest of my natural human life with her.” his smile dropped. “But she got sick; really sick and she was gonna die, and I couldn't have that, I needed her, I felt like I couldn't breathe with her.”
He looked so broken retelling the story. “He feeds off of vulnerability, he felt how desperate I was; he came to me when she was days away from death; he said your life for hers— I should've read the fine print I guess.” He chuckled. “I thought he'd kill me right then and there, but no he'd said he'd be back.” He said. “He came back a few years later, I died of the same sickness she did, ironic huh?” You didn't know if you should laugh, so you just nodded. “I watched her grieve, and I watched her grow old; she got remarried again, and had children— then I watched her die.” He said. “Then he sent me here, and I saw again— my grace; except her name wasn't Grace, it was Laura, but she had her soul, she found the necklace; but she didn't remember me, I tried to explain it to her but she didn't believe it.” He said. “Then I realized my punishment; I have to watch her die; I have to watch her soul die over and over.” He said looking back up at you. “That's why I feel so drawn to you; you have her soul.”
“M-me?” He nodded. “Don't be frightened I know it's weird.” He said. “I didn't believe in reincarnation either; until this.” He said; you didn't believe it either, but given the situation; you don't know what to believe anymore— he was literally telling you that you have the soul of his dead girlfriend from over 100 years ago. “Please tell me you believe me?”
“It sure is a lot to take in.” You started. “But I don't believe you'd tell me this if it wasn't true.” He perked up with a smile. “Really, you believe me?” He said, you slowly nodded. “I guess I do.” You said. “Wow , they don't normally believe me, and years go by and they all get married or live good lives and soon they forget about the necklace and put it back then the bond is broken and they don't even think about us.”
“Are all your stories like that?” He shook his head. “No, we've all different stories, different reasons we ended up like this.” He said. “Mistakes we've made.”
He stayed around longer , telling you everything he could about himself; you even told him about stuff in your life; how you recently graduated from college and plan to start work at a company after the summer. “So that means you'll leave soon?” You questioned. “Will you keep the necklace?” He asked. “When you take the necklace off you break the bond between us.” He said; you hadn't even thought about it yet; how would this even work in the city? you can't even explain this to anybody. “I don't know, but it's a little early to answer that.” You saw him frown. “Don't get too upset though, okay nothing is set in stone yet.” You reassured , he smiled. “Okay.”
You eventually fell asleep, exhausted from the day. Jake sat at the end of the bed; just watching you, the air entering and leaving your body, lightly snoring; you were so pretty; he could feel graces soul in you, but it also felt like something new, you were a breath a fresh air— he'd only known you for a few days , but he'd been watching you since the first day you got here, he liked you. “stop staring at her, you look like a creep.”
He looked up where he stood. “why'd you go in her dream?” The boy shrugged. “Fun, seeing her scared; why'd you lie , didn't want her to know you were creeping on her in her dreams” Jake stood up. “Let's go, Jay is probably waiting.” He looked back at you, where you were sleeping comfortably— he smiled.
This gradually progressed after he told you his life story; you actually started to call out to him more, letting him be around you and getting to know what he was like now; as a demon and all, you showed him all your favorite shows, he said he was still able to leave the house so he was caught up— they all were they just chose to stay up here in the house. “Plus it would be hard explaining to elderly folks in this town why they were still the same age from when they were young.” and that you understood.
Sitting on the couch one day; watching lucifer— it was his request. “This is a great depiction of him really, the actor in this is much more handsome though.” You turn to him. “Of course Lucifer in real life is much more terrifying and has absolutely no feelings.” He said his personality was so human-like , it was like he wasn't even a demon. “you don't really act like a demon.” You said. “Sure I could be angry about my situation and turn evil, but it's hard to be mad when I did this to myself.” He said. “I sold my soul to the devil.” He shrugged it off.
“Do you ever regret it?” He nodded. “It's not easy grieving the loss of someone you loved over and over and they don't even remember you.” he said. “And keeping up with the trends of course , I mean sometimes I would rather be dead than listen to anything these kids talk about today.” You giggled. “What?” He said. “You say these kids , with the most youthful looking face, it's funny.” he laughed, pouting. “Hey I'm at least 122 years older than you.” That made you laugh even harder. “That doesn't help at all.”
“Hey, stop laughing.” He smiled. “Stop it right now.” You couldn't. “So you won't stop.” before you could react, he was on top of you. “So keep laughing.” He began to tickle your sides , Jake laughed as you began to gasp for air. “Jake, stop it.” you shouted. “Okay , okay I'll stop.” You said , throwing your hands up in defense. “I'm done.”
“You're gonna stop?” You nodded. “I swear.” He took away his hands from your side; but he was still on top of you, basically straddling you, looking down at you. “That wasn't fa—” his lips were on before you could finish the sentence, your eyes widened as he quickly pulled back. “shit I'm so sorry.” he cursed at himself. “It's okay.” You tried to calm him down. “It's not a bi—” before you could even finish, he was gone. “jake?” You called him, then you called him again; then again— but he never came.
He didn't come for another 4 days, and those days felt like torture; you roamed the halls just calling out for his name— desperate you know, but that's what you were, desperate. You missed his company. You missed him; to the point you'd wish he'd show up in your closet again.
“You can call more, living your life in seclusion can't be healthy.” Yeji said. “it's not total seclusion.” You said, wondering the halls like you found yourself doing. “the grocery boy doesn't count.” You rolled your eyes. “I'm not talking about him either.” You were referring to the demon who managed to make you go insane without his presence— maybe that's his evil. “Well unless you got a pet then I'm not sure what you're talking about.”
“It's nothing, just saying nonsense.” You said. “Maybe I should come up there and visit you.” She said, “No you don't have to, I don't want to ruin your summer.” You said, also you didn't want her to find out about any of this. “Enjoy your summer fun and I'll see you soon back in the city.” She hummed. “Well make sure you eat enough food okay?” She said, “And try to socialize.” she said before hanging up.
You went back to your room, calling his name once more; but you knew he wasn't gonna answer. “I'm here.” You shot up, hearing that voice you've missed for the past 4 days. “Jake.” He sat down on the bed. “You said if I call you'd answer.” You frowned. “I know.” He looked down. “Why'd you leave like that?” He didn't say anything, and it just made you angry. “If you're just gonna stand there and not say anything, then go back to wherever you came from.”
“You don't mean that.” He said. “And how do you figure?” You questioned your eyebrow lifting. “Because you've called out for me for the past four days.” He started. “And I read your mind.” You glared at him. “Fine I'm sorry.” He said. “I didn't mean to leave you alone , I really didn't mean to hurt you y/n , you gotta believe me.”
“Well you did, you ran away.” You said. “and I'm sorry, I was just scared.” He said. “Scared that you'd get scared and take the necklace off, try and break the bond.” He said. “I shouldn't have kissed you , I know it was wrong , but please don't hate me.” He was rambling. “I didn't hate the kiss.” He stopped. “You didn't?”
“You would've known that had you not run away like a coward.” He nodded , you were rightfully upset— and you genuinely wanted to be pissed at him, but you couldn't, that's how much you missed him. “y/n , look—” before he could say anything , you practically threw yourself into his lap , kissing him. “You mmph missed me that much.” He said in between kisses. “Shut up.”
You grabbed his face, his hands wrapping around your waist, basically lifting you up as your lips danced against each other. “Fuck I love this so much.” He groaned , laying you down on the bed; his body hovering over yours , grinding his hips against yours, you felt his cock pressing against your clothed cunt. “Wanted to do this since the first day you walked through those doors.” His hands caressed your face, slowly making his way down your body; your body reacting to his touches. “J-jake.” You whimpered. “Need you so much Jake.”
He began to attack your neck with kisses, his hands working on your shorts; unbuttoning them, kissing down your stomach. “Do you want this?” he questioned, you nodded. “words darling, I need words.” You moaned as he pulled down your shorts. “Please Jake , it hurts so bad” you were so needy, not having a time to pleasure yourself; well that and the fact you didn't feel comfortable knowing there were three demons in the house who could see you.
he threw your shorts somewhere, his eyes full of need as he turned back to you. “So pretty.” He ran up your clothed slit. “So wet.” you let out a moan as he kissed your cunt. “T-take them off.” Your hands tugged at his roots. “Fuck okay.” He groaned, the sensation from you pulling on his roots , making his cock twitch, pulling your panties down.
He finally got rid of your panties, leaving you bare waist down. “Fuck you're dripping.” He kissed the inside of your thighs, “smell so good.” He licked your folds. “Sh-shit.” Getting a taste of your sweet cunt, sent the demon into a frenzy, desperate to taste you more. “Fuck Jake!” He held your thighs open as he sucked on your clit.
He continued the assault on your pussy, his nose brushing against your clit , you felt your orgasm reaching and fast. “Fuck Jake fu-fuck I'm not gonna last.” You moaned. “I'm cumming!” You screamed, yanked at his hair harder as you came, your legs shaking as he ate you out through your orgasm, taking in everything you had to offer him. “shit.”
He forced himself away before he made you cum in his mouth over and over; plus his cock was so hard, he felt like he was gonna burst if he did fuck you. “You're so fucking addicting.” He cursed , his body hovering over yours. “Need to fuck you.” He groaned , palming himself. “Please.”
You reached in between your bodies , unbuckling his pants. “Please fuck me.” You pushed his pants down , he stood up , fully taking them off; climbing back into the bed , freeing his cock from his underwear. “You want my cock?” He moaned , rubbing the head of his cock along your slit. “Want me to fill this pussy?” You nodded moaning his name. “Please jake , please fuck me.”
He wasted no time , pushing his cock into you, both of you moaning out in pleasure; rocking his hip slowly , letting his cock drag along your walls. “Oh fuck , you're so fucking tight.” He groaned , his hand coming up to your boobs , squeezing it; your hips bucked up , matching the roll of his hips. “You feel so good.” Your nails clawing down his back. “Fuck if you that I'm gonna cum.”
His thrust began to become less coordinated , his abdomen tightening. “I’m gonna cum.” He whimpered against your lips. “M-me too.” His hands came in between your legs , rubbing your clit. “Cum for me baby , cum all over my cock.” Your legs stiffened , your back arching as you came. “that's it , keep cumming on my dick— shit I'm gonna cum.” His eyes rolled to the back of his head , the band snapping in his stomach. “Fuck I'm cumming!”
He let out a moan , feeling his cum sticking to your walls. “Sh-shit.” He slowly pulled out , his cum leaking out of you. “So pretty.” He let his cock rub against your messy folds , smearing his cum. “So messy.” he tapped his mushroom top on your bud. “You did so good , took my cock like a good girl.” He kissed your forehead. “such a good girl.”
“Why were they in my closet?” You laid in his arms afterwards. “Because you wouldn't look in there.” He said , you looked at him. “And taking the jewelry box?” He smiled. “I didn't mean to take it , I was just looking at it , then I got tangled up in your stupid shoe rack and I fell , so I tried to quickly return it , but you were faster.” You giggled, shaking your head.
“So I guess since you were the perv in my closet, you were also the perv in the mirror , staring at me?” Jake sat up a bit. “No I never did that , and I'm not a perv.” He pouted, you tapped his cheek. “it's okay you don't have to lie?” You said , but Jake was serious. “Love, I'm serious , it wasn't me in the mirror.” He said , you sat up. “It wasn't?” He shook his head no.
So, then who was it?
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TAGLIST. @deobitful @in-somnias-world @darlingz99 @luvitaria @lost-fantasy @lostinneocity @nalenhypen @heeshlove @kirinaa08 @strxwbloody @ryn000 @neosexuals @sakanelli-afc @yizhoutv @capri-cuntz @lilyuwon
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116 notes · View notes
spookwyrdie · 2 days
Sweet Spot {part 1}
{part 1}{part 2}{part 3}{part 4}{part 5}{part 6}
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Baker Felix x Florist reader
summary: You're putting together the floral arrangements for your ex's wedding as a favor, forgetting how passive aggressive he can be about your love life. Fortunately for you, one of your best friend's in the world comes over to feed you sugar and make you a sweet offer to get back at your ex. genre: fluff, smut, angst if you squint // word count: 2.8k // warnings: adult dialogue, sexual themes, wet dream // a/n: Trying out something longer and fluffier this time! If you'd like to be on the taglist, reply to this post or send me an ask 🥰
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I have only posted this here and on AO3 - user: spookwyrdie
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You should have never agreed to do this. Your fingers were sore from wire wrapping all the different bouquets, one for each bridesmaid, the ring bearer’s pillow, and the flower girl. So far, you were only halfway done with the floral arch and hadn’t even gotten to start on the table settings yet. There were bits of torn leaves, crushed flower petals, and feathers strewn around your apartment, trying to deal with the last minute changes in aesthetic that the bride asked for.
 The shift from a classic summer bouquet to something more bohemian wasn’t impossible, but it was a challenge with the wedding a week away. It definitely wasn’t your favorite aesthetic in the world, but you were determined to make it work.
The question of why you had agreed to do this at a quarter of your normal fee was beginning to fester in your mind, especially for your ex’s wedding. 
You and Johnny were amicable, sure. Civil might be a better word for it. You didn’t have any leftover romantic feelings for the man - that ship had sailed ages ago. The main problem you had now with him is that he always seemed to be in competition with you, always trying to steal your thunder or diminish your accomplishments. It was always underhanded and passive aggressive and you didn’t have the energy to really push back.
Speaking of the devil, your phone pings with a text message.
❌J: hey y/n, just checking in about the florals. Jenny is freaking out and wants an update you: working on them now! [image attached]  ❌J: wow! Hard at work! Is this the bride’s bouquet? you: yep! Putting the finishing touches on it now’s ❌J: it looks really busy, are you sure this is what she asked for? you: yes. I promise I’m following her vision that we spoke about during our last consultation. ❌J okay! just making sure! I know some of these changes need a quick turn around. ❌J: oh also… ❌J: i wanted to chat with you about something you: ? ❌J: I know things have been a little rough in the dating department for you lately but you still officially have a plus one to the wedding, in case you wanted to bring your sister or someone! you: …thanks.  you: Don’t know where the idea that I’m struggling with dating came from, but I appreciate the plus one. ❌J: I had just heard through the grapevine is all. ❌J: there’s someone out there for everyone! You’ll find them eventually. ❌J: like me and Jenny! We were just made for each other 💕 you: okay, Johnny! Great chatting, I’ll get back to work now! 
You swipe out of the text thread and pinch your brow, the feeling of a building tension headache settling right between your eyes. His audacity is always bewildering, he can have such a sickeningly sweet tone while making sure to get a jab or two in to hurt you. 
Sure, you haven’t had a solid relationship since the two of you broke up, but he doesn’t have to rub your nose in it. The relationship ended amicably enough once you both graduated from college, realizing that the two of you were drifting apart as you pursued your respective careers. Staying civil made it easier to maintain the friend group, neither of you had any real reason to be upset with the other. That didn’t mean you were close, you still kept your distance.
 When he had gotten engaged, you were genuinely pleased for him, and a little relieved. Sometimes, when you’d run into each other at parties, he would make it a point to find you and tell you how well he was doing. You’d get the feeling that he was trying to showboat his accomplishments - he always wanted to tell you all about his successes, all the great things going on in his life. 
He got a great job at some law firm, a promotion and another promotion. Then he had met Jenny, they got engaged, and wasn’t it just so cute that their names were so similar? Jenny and Johnny, Johnny and Jenny! It became their whole personality as a couple and he’d corner you to tell you about how amazing she is and how he had never met anyone who just got him like she did. Every time you’d deal with this, you felt like he had poured corn syrup on you with how saccharine he sounded.
He’d hear about your ebb and flow of love and give you such a pitying look. “Oh you haven’t been dating? That’s too bad, there’s someone out there for everyone! Just look at me and Jenny!” Just throwing small digs in your direction that flew under the radar for most of your friends. 
But you knew. 
You knew he was always trying to make you feel like you had “lost” the break-up. 
A knock at the door brings you back to the present moment. 
“Y/n~! It’s me! Open up,” a deep voice lilts in a sing-song voice. 
You shake your head, trying to snap out of your shitty mood to answer the door. On your doorstep is one of the best things that came into your life with his ice blond hair, freckles, and a smile that could light up an entire room. Before you can say anything, Felix barges past you into your apartment, holding two paper bags with the bakery’s logo on it.
“I brought some new flavors for you to try, I’m experimenting for the springtime,” he says as he starts unpacking travel pastry boxes with different colored cakes inside.
“Ugh, please don't talk to me about weddings right now,” you sigh. He pauses his unpacking.
“What’s up? You sound like someone kicked your dog.” 
“I just had the most passive aggressive interaction with my ex, Johnny.”
You open the text thread to show him. 
“This is your ex?”
“Damn, he’s not even being subtle about it.”
The room is silent for a split second before Felix brightens up again. 
“Well fuck that, the flowers look great, despite the boho bad taste. Come try these new cake flavors I’ve been playing with! Sugar always cheers me up.”
You give him a small smile, he always knows exactly how to bring a little optimism into a shitty situation. “Sure Felix, what have you got for me?”
Soon, you have 4 plates and forks out for the different cake concoctions.
“I’ve been playing around with different florals and citrus for spring, so here we have a lavender cake with key lime frosting. Over here, we have an earl grey cake with lemon curd and lemon buttercream. Then we’ve got a vanilla cake with a pistachio filling and a rose buttercream. Finally we have a jasmine green tea cake with yuzu curd and a vanilla glaze,” Felix says, bouncing on his toes. 
“Okay, Mary Berry! They all sound delicious.”
“You have to be one hundred percent honest with me, I want actual feedback on these!” He grabs your shoulders and looks deep into your eyes, your heart skipping a beat briefly at his intensity. He looks so eager for you to try his different concoctions. Most couples weren’t looking for anything too extreme in the way of flavors, most opting for a basic white cake and buttercream, so you knew Felix loved to share the uncommon combinations he came up with.
They were all so beautiful, perfectly cut out and frosted with care. You picked up your fork enthusiastically.
“Fuck, Felix, that’s delicious,” you say, savoring the citrus flavors. Every single one you tried was more delicious than the last. Your favorite had to be the earl grey and lemon. “This one tastes like how a springtime tea party feels.”
He smiles at you, his eyes crinkling into little crescent moons, his freckles stand out when he smiles so brightly.
“Thanks, it’s always nice when I get to play around with flavor,” he says, leaning back into his seat. As he stretches, his shirt rides up to reveal a small expanse of the bare skin where his hip meets his lower belly, the lean muscle definition standing out in the lamp light. You tear your eyes away when you realize you’ve been lingering your gaze on the scant inch of skin.
 “Oh my god, did tell you?” Felix blurts out suddenly. “I’ve been working with this couple for an upcoming wedding. Absolute nightmare. Terrible taste! Guess what they finally settled on for their flavor.”
“I don’t know, something basic I bet.”
“Fucking mint chocolate chip.”
“Mint chocolate??? For a cake???” You reel back in horror. What on earth kind of combo was that for a wedding cake?
“They insisted on it!” he says, throwing his hands in the air. “Well, the bride did. The groom was never at any of these sampling appointments. She was onher own and really pushing for something unique.”
“I guess it’s unique to make your guests hate you for your choice of cake flavor,” you say, grimacing at the thought of a mint chocolate cake. “Disgusting.”
“I feel bad for their wedding guests. That’s such a controversial flavor for ice cream, I can’t imagine how it’ll go down for the entire reception.”
You hum in agreement, picking up your fork and finishing off the last of your cake in one frosting heavy bite. 
“Y/n you’ve got a little-“ he reaches up, gently holding your chin. 
His gaze softens as he looks at your lips and you freeze in place. Your heart picks up speed, hammering in your chest, at this gentle touch. He doesn’t know that you have had a thing for him for years now, but you’ll never tell him. You love having him as a friend too much to ruin it, he’s the one spot of sunshine on dreary days. There’s no chance he’d reciprocate your feelings, he could literally date anyone the way strangers constantly fall in love with him at first glance.
But right now, he’s focused on your lips, his thumb brushing them carefully, swiping the bit of frosting that was left from your last bite.
“Oh my god!” You force out a laugh, pulling out of his grasp in embarrassment. Taking a napkin, you start furiously wiping your mouth. “Sorry! It was really good!”
“That’s the perfect kind of response to one of my baked goods!” He smiles, licking the frosting off of his thumb. Your heart leaps into your throat. 
Felix never seems to notice the effect he has on people, overwhelming charm, the magnetic pull he has on anyone within 10 ft of him. When the two of you worked at the old cafe together, you’d take a mental tally of the number of customers that would leave with hearts in their eyes after ordering coffee from him. You thought that after five years of friendship you could get used to it via exposure therapy, but his allure slams you in the chest all the time.  You try to keep yourself grounded in reality when he tugs at heartstrings like this - he does this with everyone so you try not to lose your head. But the way he’s looking at you now, leaning in close with fierce affection in his eyes, makes the delusion that he feels the same about you seem almost real.
You giggle nervously and move to tidy things up from the table after you two are done sampling. Felix leans against the counter, watching you, as you start washing the plates.
“I have an idea,” he says. “For your plus-one situation.”
“Okay, shoot.” 
“What if you take me as your date?”
“Be serious, Felix,” you chuckle.
“I am being serious, I clean up real good,” he says, grabbing at your waist playfully.
“Oh!” A fork slips out of your hand and clatters into the sink. “I mean- you don’t have to do that.”
“Nah, I’d like to! Think about it, it’d be perfect, Johnny has no idea who I am and I can brag you up while I’m there. Rub his nose in it for a change.”
“Just think it over, no rush. I think it’d be real fun though!” 
You look at him blankly for a moment, your heart thumping in your chest again. “ Yeah, I’ll think it over.”
Your eyes are closed when you feel a pair of hands slink around your body, drawing you into a chest of hard, lean muscle. The scent like an apple orchard on a rainy autumn morning greets you, petrichor and wood mixed with something crisp and sweet, enveloping you in a sense of comfort. You look up to see who’s arms embrace you to find Felix hovering over you, deep brown eyes locked onto yours. You’re so close you could count the freckles on his cheeks and give a name to each one. He hums as he pulls you in closer, a deep resonance vibrating through his chest, warming you in more ways than one. 
Tell me it’s real, he says, almost silently.
It’s real, you reply. 
He leans down to capture your lips, pausing above you to nudge his nose against yours and smile. 
I’ve waited so long for this, he says as he finally presses his lips against yours softly. His movements are gentle but insistent, trying to communicate with you, speaking quietly of the years of yearning that have been building. Your skin sings with the way his hands splay on your lower back, pushing your pelvis into him as he presses his tongue against your lips, asking for permission. The kiss deepens and you fall further into him, molding yourself against him. Your hands wind their way into his hair, those ice blond strands wrapped up in your grasp.
A small tug has him detaching from your mouth in a gasp, arching into you ever so slightly as his eyes flutter shut. His fingers find purchase in your plush hips, gripping into you harshly as he yanks you even closer to his body, no space between your body and his. Your breasts press into him, feeling his every breath move against you. He groans at the feel of you before he wraps you up into another kiss, this one more fervent. The way your soft body fits against his so well has his tongue dancing with yours, surging into you then backing away, teasing you until your body feels like it’s on fire. 
You whimper into his mouth when he shifts, coaxing your feet apart to slot his thigh between your legs. He bears down on your hips, pressing your core against his flexed muscle. Liquid heat pools in your belly as he starts rocking against you, feeling his length against your hip, pleading for friction. His hands snake down to grab onto your ass, kneading into the thick flesh, controlling the pace of your grinding into him.
You feel that arousal building inside of you, the tension has you clenching while you rut your hips against him. You feel how wet your panties have become as they slide over your clit, your hips stuttering against him, nearing your peak. 
Felix, I’m- you start to say but he cuts you off with a kiss.
Come for me, y/n, he murmurs against your lips. I want all of you. I wanna feel you lose control.
His words have you moaning, your brow furrowing as your hips shake. He holds you steady as he bounces his leg slightly to add extra pressure. You gasp, feeling your muscles tighten.
Give it all to me, he whispers against your lips. It belongs to me.
His voice sounds distant as you feel yourself coming to the edge. 
Suddenly, your eyes flutter open. You find yourself in bed, thrusting pitifully against your pillow, your heart racing and your skin flush with arousal. As you start to pull yourself out of the dream you were so wrapped up in, your orgasm shatters through you, moaning into the dark of your room. Your legs shake as your core muscles flutter, throbbing at the thought of Felix’s mouth on yours. As you start to come down from your high and settle into reality, you can feel your own pulse in your clit, your legs tangled in your sheets with a pillow between your legs, forehead glistening with sweat. 
It felt so real, like you could actually feel the ghost of his hands on your ass rocking you against his body, his groans ricocheting in your chest. You haven’t had a dream like that in ages, it was so vivid. You wanted it to be real so badly.
That settles it. You reach for your phone, the light piercing through the darkness, staring at the clock that reads 4:26 AM. Opening your messaging app, you type out a quick text and hit send.
you: okay Felix, let’s do it. Will you be my plus one?
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fumifooms · 2 days
Namari x Falin
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Easy short rarepair spotlight post for prosperity~ This one I didn’t think of on my own for once, I don’t know if it’s just I forgot the decided-on ship name or what but I remember seeing really nice art and a couple posts about it that I can’t find again 💔 Namalin warrior you are out there and not forgotten ty for making me see the light
I like that Namari’s critical of Falin! I have a whole character analysis on Falin if you’re interested, but it’s generally well noticed that people around Falin idealize her a lot. Laios, Marcille and Toshiro all put her on a pedestral of ultimate goodness in the world, a saintess if nothing short of perfection. Sounds like Chilchuck felt sort of creeped out by her vibes, uncomfortable because he couldn’t read her, so unlike Namari it seems he preferred steering clear of her rather than debate opposed ideologies like he usually does. Makes sense if unlike Namari his issue is with her cryptic aura rather than the stances she does show. "… The dungeon is no place for soft hearts" my ultimate namalin scene <333 It’s fun because while this scene is there to show us a lot of things, mostly to establish Falin’s characters better as it’s the first flashback of her we get, the conflict in it is more than anything else Falin vs Namari in how they contrast and clash and approach situations differently. Namari wants security in swift effective violence and thinks Falin too soft for her own good when she prefers a pacifist approach and promotes compassion even for the "undeserving" in Namari’s eyes. Falin steps between the battle ready Namari and the ghost, fearless. Falin effortlessly gently exorcises the ghost without one step back, quickly. Falin proves someone wrong. Falin proves someone wrong.
I love thinking of Namari being surprised when she learns new aspects of Falin. I like Falin having the power to shape people’s views on her. With Falin ships the most fun part for me is usually that point where Falin/the relationship becomes a clean slate: the person realizes they haven’t been seeing all of her, realizes there’s more of her they hadn’t noticed or that she hadn’t shown, that there’s change, a shift in the views on each other and the dynamic a bit.
Namari often feels like an external view looking in to me… I need to make a proper analysis on her but like. I made a lamari post once (analytic more than personally invested rip sorry) and I go with the same Namari take here, I think she’s someone who tends to have an outsider view on people and relationships if that makes sense, she’s a coworker before anything else and she’s content staying at a distance, she’s not objective per se but she tries to keep feelings out of her choices and how she sees people (her lil arc on not staying to save Falin despite the existing camaderie but in the end asking to work for the Flokes more because she wants to stay with them). She’s serious no nonsense on the job but friendly off the job and likes having casual friends, but she’s not… She doesn’t really feel connected to the group. She’s so focused on doing her job, even if she does get impulsive and passionate and too assertive for her bosses’ tastes, so focused on working her reputation and life from the ground up that that professionalism and attitude limits her social life. It doesn’t help that her reputation makes her widely judged, so she probably enters social spaces on the derensive. The closest person she was to pre-canon as far as we knew was Chilchuck and even they have a very "coworker I get along with" dynamic more than friends, with a similar sense of boundaries, humor and world view. Also like canon says a few time, the party didn’t really try to get to know each other well pre-canon, didn’t hang out after work often no one knew where Marcille was from and no one thought that was weird (also how no one had the instinct to ask about Senshi’s past) etc, the notable exception is we’re shown Namari and Chilchuck hitting taverns together and having a grand time. Everyone’s fine with things as they are, they get along decent even if not everyone considers each other friends exactly. Where I’m getting at is that to me, it feels like she tries keeping emotional distance. Emotional distance from people in general being something which in my interpretation of Falin is also present, which would make it a theme and common thread interesting to explore imo. But yes like, Namari looking at Falin, and how everyone treats her, and being more skeptical, seeing her for what she is a little more, maybe even uncharitable. "Why is everyone treating her like she’s all that? She’s gentle sure but seems like a doormat to me" and then one day she comes running up with her mace ready to cave in someone’s face to protect Laios. So yeah… Keeping her distance but one day Falin offering her some gentleness that feels very too personal for someone who’s not used to being genuine and simply showing that they care… Them talking a bit which leaves her stumped and mindblown in a quiet way when Falin defies her expectations. Namari growing on Falin when she stays and decides to open herself up more, or when Falin ends up reading her really well like she’s shown to do with her parents and Marcille’s worries. She’s very attuned to worrying and why and when different people do it especially when it comes to when they worry for others, perhaps because she does a lot of that too, so I think she’d nail down how Namari does care for the rest of the party and it’d make Namari feel seen both in a warm validating way and in a scared naked way.
We see in the tentacles chapter that she’s someone’s who’s very protective and looks out for her peers in a tough love way. She’s overbearing but it’s because she wants everyone to have the best chances. I like that she’s very confrontational and somewhat pushy and rude, but it’s tough love, it’s protective care: asserting herself to better protect and defend. The opposite of Falin’s type of care, quiet and self-sacrificial devotion. They’re barbarian x healer but they’re also bodyguard x bodyguard in their attitude and role. … What I want for them is slow burn slice of life of being coworkers and slowly getting to know each other better, pretty fluffy, but god, put this way they’d have the potential to be such a hot layered mess of insanely mutually devoted codependence… Falin taking a hit for Namari and Namari being scarred by it forever, lots of arguments about it, my god.
I like that she’s the fighter to Falin’s healer. I looove thinking of scenes of Falin healing Namari, necessitating touch and like, a moment of slowing down and sitting together in silence, too intimate, the perfect opportunity to connect that neither truly want to take until one day they do. I love how onesided I imagine the relationship would be at first. Again, as per my interpretation of Falin, I think Namari would have all these little observations and opinions on Falin meanwhile Falin really doesn’t think of Namari much at first. So Namari thinks a lot about Falin and thinks she’s got her pinned down but hasn’t (not that she’s fully wrong, she’d have credit and confront Falin on some of her flaws like the doormat thing), while Falin is very passive about Namari and doesn’t think deeply about her or anything but she read Namari’s insecurities and logic well. Not unlike how Laios was the one who seemed to understand Namari’s way of care the best in the party in the tentacles episode, and how he was very understanding of her choice and reasons. In Falin’s case it’s more like, the objectivity of passivity… She cares about Namari less than Laios who generally seeks to form bonds, so her lack of investment allows her a neutral perspective. In that way another parallel with Namari that I’m drawing, except Namari lets feelings from her opinions seeps in more… Onesided beef my beloved. I’m going insane save me this post was a mistake. I think Falin takes the crumbs of friendship and love where she can without expecting or asking for anything more than what’s offered, and I think her relationship with Namari (or anyone really) would start out the way it did with Marcille: the other takes the initiative and they end up spending time together, Falin is friendly but unattached until the bond gets gradually and wordlessly strenghtened through regularly spending moments together. So! I think Namari would need to take a lot of the first steps, which since again she’s confrontational & argumentative and doesn’t hold herself back on that front that could spark a lot of conversations I think. Ooor since Falin cares about Namari less than Laios and Marcille she allows herself to be bolder herself lol. Or also circumstances force them to spend time together like dungeon party getting separated shenanigans.
I think their personalities match cutely, I think falin would try to protect namari like she does others but also Namari simply doesn’t need protection, just support. And I think they’re complementary in that way that Namari’s friendly but also won’t sugarcoat things, and I think if she takes an interest in Falin it could go from there and she could develop some understanding of her and idk like an intrigued crush….
Namari wants stability & security & to, like, not be judged and rejected and exiled lol, to find her nest her pack the place where she feels good and wanted in. I think having a fitting partner would help in that (similarly to how the found family with the Flokes seemed to. Oh another parallel, Falin’s top priority is protecting Laios her brother and what Namari are a family figure) and I think Falin would fulfill that cozy protection and that warm ‘being seen and not judged’ feeling. But also Namari would run up to her and yell about her trying to sacrifice herself ever.
Another fun thread to explore: post-canon guilt for not having gone to save her. Sure, they weren’t close, but they had some nice memories, didn’t they? Namari cares, and it stings despite herself when it feels like people think she doesn’t. Oh it wasn’t a lost cause after all, oh it’d have worked out, oh I could have stayed loyal and it wouldn’t have compromised myself in the end. Wanting to apologize to Falin, or just ahnging out with her and sharing a moment after she wakes up. And tangent but that’s interesting to think about… Narratively, I think the purpose of Namari and Toshiro in the story, beyond strenghtening the theme of "seek to understand what is different from you and promote unity despite them" and fleshing the cast and worldbuilding, is Toshiro’s purpose was being a foil & tool in Laios’ arc (trouble connecting with people) while Namari’s was being and a foil & tool in Marcille’s arc (standing up for ideals without being out of touch with harsh realities and needs). They are the conflict that push our protagonists to grow— and they explore different ways of dealing with a situation or topic, different ways of growing into themselves on that end: Laios needing to listen to others more and Toshiro needing to focus on voicing himself more to be able to connect, Marcille needing to learn ideals sometimes cost too much and Namari needing to internalize that ideals are sometimes worth risks (not only to be able to find a reasonable but fulfilling life balance, but also to get in touch with their compassion: Namari restricts her own too much and Marcille is too harsh on people she deems to be breaking values, like Namari not risking her life and career for a friend with no promise of success, or even like how Namari is harsh on Falin’s way of doing things : too gentle, too soft, too idealistic) (similarly to Chilchuck’s arc with Marcille too, and he also plays a hand in advancing that arc in the Namari chapters). We are getting far from namalin sorry ummm preview for future analyses like Toshiro’s contrasting approach to grief and accepting loss.
More post-canon namalin! Thinking about a timeline where… Namari is fond of Falin finding herself and going off to do her thing. "Finally!" she thinks. If she’s still for hire, maybe Falin would want her to come along, either as guide or bodyguard <3, she knows Namari has a lot of good avice on a lot of things to give, plus they’ve worked together before. She hires Namari and they travel for a bit. Travel would do Namari good too I think, even if her end goal is to settle and I think Falin’s would be too eventually. Seeing sights that light her wonder for the world and going places where people don’t know her story, don’t recognize her face or her name. Them, feeling free. Finding a companionship that feels uplifting instead of stifling or charged. Namari having been too in her head about reputation and social games and money that they hit the roads and spend time in nature and it’s like, woah. I’ve been living in a small world with made up rules.
Ahh yes romance, Namari and Falin kissing after 3 years of not really knowing each other despite seeing each other every day then 2 months of wanting to spend more and more time together until they’re an inseparable duo! Workwives. I want them to stand next to each other during campire time and Namari cracks little jokes and Namari laughs. I want Namari to gift Falin a bug caught in amber and for it to be their wedding/promised to each other thing.
Rowdy but levelheaded barbarian x gentle healer that will also cave your face in with a mace I like it…… They’re an interesting duo of mixed stuff. Protection being your purpose and what you’re worth for, literally being a meat shield (Laios, Tansu), finding your individuality recognized and validated through a growing bond with the other. Sticking around as a love language. Also bug immortalized in amber and it being beautiful.
Nevermind this wasn’t short. Um! Anyways.
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middlingmay · 1 day
Any headcanons about John's hands? 🔥
Anon! You have no idea how much I needed something like this to cheer me up. Today has been a clusterfuck of a day at work. What a lovely thing to log off to.
I have so many thoughts about John's hands. As they say in my country, here we fucking go.
Also, if any under 18s here, gets a tiny bit spicy towards the end.
John's hands are constantly on the move. It stems from his need to be doing, to be useful in some way. It's something he inherited from his father, who he watched flap and wave his hands around when he spoke, handle people pretty freely, and find something to occupy his hands the rare occassions John saw him sit still.
They're calloused and have been for ages. John's dad got him into taking things apart, but unlike his dad, John liked the fixing part best and he loved using his hands to build something better, or at least to stop it from being thrown on the scrap heap.
The only time John's hands are still are when they're on somebody. They're as steady as you please when they're on someone's body, or guiding a plane.
They're big, obviously. They're freckled, too, and his fingers are thick and long. He used to wear rings before the army and often strokes the line of slightly softer skin where they used to be, absent minded.
Now for the good stuff:
Gale watches his hands a lot. The way they clench when he lifts something heavy; the way they curve around someone's arms and have nearly swallowed more than one skinny new recruit's bicep whole. He watches the way John's fingers trace the lip of his whisky glass, tracking moisture back and forth. He particularly likes when John uses them to bark out his orders, pointing or pushing them in some direction or other.
He does not like it when he sees both those hands clutch a woman's waist and his fingers meet behind her back. But Gale's always been told he has a trim waist - a swimmer's build - and oh boy, does it get him thinking.
The solidity of John is something Gale likes, the presence of him, tangible and reliable. John's hands give that to him, pressing down on his legs when they wanna shake, clutching his shoulder when he gets that urge to walk away from it all, squeezing his neck and ruffling his hair and squeezing his wrist and patting his belly, pressing against his back. Gale catalogues it all.
And when they finally get their shit together, Gale is obsessed with watching John's hands work him. He likes seeing John's hands leave fingerprints on his thighs. He loves watching himself slip in and out of the tunnel of John's hands. He loves running his tongue over those hands and licking them clean afterwards, only for them to grip Gale's jaw nearly painfully as John kisses him.
But his favourite thing is when one time, when John's underneath him and can't decide where to put his hands, Gale grabs them almost frantic, and puts them at his waist. John thankfully gets the hint and cinches his hands around Gale's waist tight. His hands don't quite touch, but they both discover it is an excellent way to manhandle Gale to where John needs him, or to do the heavy lifting for Gale when he's finished first or too tired but just won't quit.
And over the years Gale watches those hands fix things and learn to cook and clean, and work as hard as Gale's do to provide a life for them. He watched them pet dogs and cats, and play games with local kids, and one day, laws be damned, he even slips a ring on one finger, too
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holylulusworld · 3 days
Cabin at the lake
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Summary: You have a much-needed vacation. There’s only one problem…
Pairing: Soldier Boy x Assistant!Reader´
Warnings: SB being an ass, tension, arguments, vacation hijacking (is that a thing?), sexual themes (talk about)
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The cabin at the lake. Your shelter from the storm. A sentimental place that your grandfather left you in his last will.
You love to sip on your tea, and to sit next to the bonfire, wrapped in a warm blanket as the sun sets over the horizon.
For once, you forget about your stressful job and your demanding boss. A supe on top of all. The new leader of the seven. Soldier Boy. The nightmare on bowed legs.
If he could, he’d let you jump through hoops of flames. Just not for the next two weeks. You’re on vacation and can forget about your boss for a while.
You close your eyes and inhale the clear but cold air deeply. It smells like pines, water, and earth.
You smile as memories of your grandparents flash up in your mind.
You’re almost at peace. Almost.
“There you are.”
No. This can’t be. Even here, in the most peaceful place, you can hear his voice in your head. Crap, you can even smell him and feel his breath in your neck.
Your eyes snap open when someone snatches the cup of tea out of your hands to gulp it down in one go. “What?”
“Here you are, enjoy tea while I was out there, saving the world,” your boss, Soldier Boy himself nags and throws the cup over his shoulder. “I can’t believe you sometimes.”
“Sir,” you look at him, shocked about his presence in your solitude, “I told you that I’m going on vacation for two weeks. Sonja will assist you while I’m away.”
“Sonja?” He curls his upper lip in disgust. “She was a bad lay, nothing else. That girl can’t even get my coffee order right. You must come back. Now!” He snaps his gloved fingers.
Soldier Boy didn’t waste time. The moment he found out about your whereabouts, he left and drove to your location. He’s still in his suit, his shield tugged under one arm.
“Sir,” you try not to sound too annoyed, “I have the right to go on vacation. I haven’t had a day off since I started working for you. You keep me occupied even on weekends. I need a break.”
“You need a break?” He huffs as he looks at the lake. “Hmm…a break wouldn’t be too bad.”
Before you can protest he rams the shield into the ground next to your feet. He takes his gloves off, tossing them into your lap before he plops down into the free seat.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m on vacation,” he leans back and closes his eyes. “After I had a nap, I want the good stuff and food. Omelet would be great.”
“Sir! This is inappropriate! You can't hijack my vacation!”
“Why not?” He turns his head to grin at you. “Only you, me, and the lake will know what we did here.”
You gulp hard at the implication. “I must ask you to leave.”
“I must ask you to shut your mouth, or—” he leans toward you and smirks, “do you want me to put those pretty lips to better use.”
“We talked about sexual harassment last month,” you sigh. “Did you forget all about it?”
“Aw, sweetness,” he grins. “You’d know if I fucked your pretty cunt.”
You roll your eyes and huff. “You’re unbelievable.”
“I know,” he purrs and looks you up and down. “You’ll believe you can fly after I fucked you for the first time. It’s like a drug you never want to get off.”
You gape at him.
“Let him have a nap first. I drove for hours to find you,” he leans back and closes his eyes. “And don’t think I forgot about the omelet…”
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acapelladitty · 2 days
caught a saint, while he was sinning
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/Lucy Maclean
Summary: His insides more outside than he would like due to a deathclaw attack, Cooper is fixed up by Lucy until a wicked nightmare sparks disaster between the pair. (5k words)
Fic Masterlist
Link to AO3
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Hissing in discomfort while Lucy diligently threaded the needle through the torn flesh of his lower stomach, Cooper grit his teeth against the pain as he let his mouth run to compensate for the sharp sting.
"That goddamn hurts, vaultie."
Lucy paused at his exclamation, her hands stuttering in their work as she glanced up as his drawn face. He hid it well but she could see the dullness in his eyes as he refused to flinch away from the needle which pulled his skin neatly back together.
"Sorry. I'm trying to be gentle. I haven't sewn someone up before, only my clothes."
A rogue deathclaw had got the better of Cooper, its sharpened talons ripping a solid line through his stomach and tearing the hell outta his shirt as it ambushed them from behind an old billboard they were attempting to pass by. Quicker with his reflexes, Cooper had knocked the oblivious Lucy down to the ground as the beast charged but the slight delay cost him the kill shot and the pained shock of having his skin torn open had dropped him just as quickly.
Lucy had been the one to put it down, recovering with surprising speed as a scream wrenched free of her throat at his injury. Her hands had been quick to pull her gun free and blow a chunk clean out of the beasts head, a lucky kill which felled it in an instant. Immediately returning to drop to his side to check the damage, her hands had been everywhere, tugging at the ripped shirt to expose the wound as he lay there, gasping and grunting as he valiantly fought the urge to scream.
It had hurt like fresh hell in a handbasket.
Sure he could heal, but something like this took time and that vulnerability was almost worse than the wound itself.
Luckily, a nearby house - the four walls barely standing due to weathering and age - had been close enough to be jerkily hobbled to as Lucy supported him with his arm locked around her shoulders.
She had never seen him hurt like this before and it showed in how her fingers trembled and her eyes refused to leave him as she administered what little help she could. It was a level of attention that struck a hot discomfort which ghosted across his skin as he endured her ministrations while propped against one of the filthy walls within the kitchen.
"Will you be okay?" Lucy asked, again, and as much some part of him acknowledged that the question came from a place of genuine concern, Cooper couldn't help the irritation it ignited within him as his jaw twitched.
"I'm damn fine, quit your fucking yappin'."
Lucy winced at the aggression but didn't stop her work as she sewed up the last of the wound and tied off the end of the twine. Her fingers were coated crimson and the glossiness of them made her feel queasy as she inhaled and exhaled careful breaths to keep her composure. Watching Cooper drop following the fleshy squelch of his abdomen being carved through had made her own heart cease beating for a solid moment and the adrenaline from that fright refused to leave her as it spilled across her actions.
"Do you need anything?" Her shaking hands reaching for the small backpack which housed her kit, Lucy wasn't sure what the hell she was supposed to do now. The blow should have killed him, it would have killed her stone dead as her body was much softer than his own, but Cooper was still here, suffering yet as much of a grumpy bastard as ever. "What about some chem?"
"Best idea you've had today, sweetheart." Cooper hissed through gritted teeth, his hand unfurling from his duster to hold out and await his beloved drug. "Hand it over."
Lucy didn't hesitate, uncorking the small vial and placing it within his hand, holding it there until she was certain that he had a good grip of it. In response, Cooper didn't hesitate to slam it down his throat - a few errant drops dripping free of his lips as a satisfied shudder rolled through his damaged frame.
"Sweet as honey." He mumbled, wiping off his mouth with his wrist. "Apple pie and ice cream ain't got shit on whatever the fuck they lace this with. Makes me miss cocaine."
With no idea what that was, Lucy smiled indulgently regardless before her face turned somber once again and her nose pinched with concern.
"But will you be okay?"
"Relax, princess. Don Pedro used to carve more than this off me for fun and you don't see me sobbing like a bitch about it."
"Wh-what does that mean?" She frowned, the little wrinkle that always appeared between her brows when she was confused quickly making itself known.
"Oh yeah. Just before our little causal disagreement over that one scientist, I spent the last thirty years six feet under with nothing but the maggots for company." Cooper said, his face tilting to meet her own as he confessed a bit more of his history to her. "Except for being dug up, hauled out like a mule, and made lighter to the tune of a few fingers and toes here and there every year."
Looking thoroughly repulsed, Lucy allowed her upset to shine on her features as her fingers upped their tremble on the edges of his duster.
He wasn't kidding.
Unable to fathom just how terrible that would have been as her mind raced with questions about things like food and air, the expression on Lucy's face was open as she worked through that revelation.
"Cooper," clearly unsure how to respond, Lucy went with her gut reaction, "that's awful."
Not quite able to argue that point, Cooper simply grunted in acknowledgement.
"Could have been worse. He threatened to take my cock once. Bastard." Cooper spat on the floor, tilting his head away from his body.
Again offset by the casualness of the violence he had been subjected to, Lucy couldn't tell if he was now joking or not as his stoic expression held her own without flinching. But hold her gaze he did, his eyes flashing as she stared him out with something almost like pity.
Revolted at the thought of being seen in such a light, Cooper felt a wave of weariness pass through his frame with such a pressing determination that he audibly shuddered and adjusted his upper body against the kitchen wall - sensing that if he didn't take a small nap that his body would make the choice for him anyway as it fought to start the healing process.
"Take this." Handing off his gun to her, Cooper remained reclined against the wall but Lucy could tell that he was ready to pass out as she sat back from him and held his gun in her hands. "And shoot anything that walks through those doors. Don't hesitate, vaultie, or we're both fucked."
Accepting his instructions with a nod, Lucy took the hint and backed further off his position, allowing him the space he was unspokenly asking for.
Blinking at his reflection in the mirror, the sinking feeling which Cooper felt within his gut as he observed the familiar bathroom around him told him he was dreaming. This bathroom had been lost before the bombs, taken by Barb in the divorce as he had been forcibly ejected from his own home by Vault Tec lawyers who were more prepared than his own sleazeball lawyer could ever hope to be.
Feet treading a familiar path as hell settled in his gut, a cruel mixture of nostalgia and pain making his legs feel weighted, Cooper turned to leave the bathroom and trudge down the stairs to his sitting room. His own steeled gaze meeting him from the posters which littered the walls, he caught his reflection in one of the panes and the textured leather of his skin felt hot under the sudden scrutiny.
The ghosts of laughter, the faint footfalls of Janey sprinting across the hallways as he chased her, assaulted him and the ache in Cooper's heart grew so intense for a moment that he pressed his wrist over his chest. Stairs creaked under his weight as he descended and his every instinct knew what he would find in the sitting room before he even turned the corner.
Inhaling steadily, he faced his demons.
And there she was.
"Barb." A gut punch as ever, the sight of her sparked a wretched feeling in Cooper's chest; shattered love and primal hate making his heart uptick in tempo once more as he curled his roughened hands into fists.
"Cooper." Barb replied in kind, her dark skin standing out beautifully against the light sundress which cinched around her waist before flowing out to her knees. "You still here looking for me, sweetie? After all this time?"
"Not looking." Cooper snarled, immediately firing off on the offense. "Hunting you down." Unwilling to allow himself any weakness he steeled his spine and drew to fullest height. "To get what's mine and punish all of you for the shit you pulled and the hell you wrought. And that includes you, Barb. What you did."
"What I did?" Laughing breezily as her beautiful white teeth flashed in her mouth, Barb shook her head at him. "You mean, what we did? You knew what was going to happen, Coop. You knew what they were going to do and you did nothing to stop us."
Cooper spat on the floor.
"Horseshit. I couldn't do an-"
"You took the easy way out. Stayed quiet for Janey and look where that got you. A horrible monster, all alone in the world because he was too afraid to speak up and try to help anyone."
"The mighty jerk-offs of Vault-Tec vs one washed-up acting son of a bitch. What the fuck else was gonna happen? I spoke out, I got taken out. Best thing I ever did was leave that den of fucking vipers."
Unbothered by the vitriol, Barb smiled at him with obvious placation as she made her points.
"You left her as well."
Flinching as though struck, Cooper denied the accusation hotly.
"No, you took her. From me. The one person who didn't want her locked up and hidden away in your perfect fucking utopia world that never existed."
"And look where she is now."
It was a cruel tease and Cooper couldn't stop his body from leaping at his ex-wife, determined to exact some kind of revenge, to feel her flesh beneath his fingers, before his brain caught up with his actions. Regardless, he found his hands grasping at nothing as Barb's voice shifted to speak from somewhere behind him.
"Not going to work, Coop."
Cooper whirled towards the source of her new position and found her lounging against the large bay windows which led out to their garden.
"It's your fault as much as mine. This was our dream."
As Barb indicated a sweeping hand out the window, Cooper watched with horror as the plush garden fell away into ruin; trees withering in an instant to rotten, gnarled bark as the greenery shredded itself into reddened dust. In a blink, his garden was gone and replaced by the vastness of the wastelands.
His new home.
"We did it to build a better life for Janey."
"Fuck you, Barb. This wasn't our dream. You wouldn't even let me bring the fucking dog."
Still bitter about that despite the relentless hell which his life had dissolved into since, Cooper held his ground as he stared Barb down and continued.
"You took Janey away from me. From me. She was all- all I had left, Barb. All that you left me after I kept your cruel fucking secret."
"Our secret. That's why you see me, Coop. All that guilt and all that rage but you still love me-"
"Don't. Don't love you no more." Pain gnawing at his nerves, Cooper felt almost light-headed as he denied her accusations once more. "That feeling died when the first bomb hit the ground and I had to scoop up our daughter and run."
"So why are you still chasing me then? Two hundred years and you've never stopped. Not even with this new, pretty little thing by your side."
Barb dissolved in a blink before materialising before him and Cooper found his hands locked around her throat before he could think too much about it. Her mention of Lucy was strange. In all his decades of nightmares, his demons had never shifted from their focus and the off-hand comment unsettled him greatly as he squeezed his fingers into Barb's neck - rage and pain making his arms tremble in place as her smile never shifted once.
"Are you going to kill me, Coop?"
"For Janey. For what you took from her."
"I did it for her."
"For taking ME from her."
Barb's smirking face melted away to be replaced by an encroaching darkness and Cooper felt a childish fear seize his heart as he realised he could barely move as his wrists and feet struck out against solid wood.
The coffin.
Stale air filled his lungs as his breathing quickly grew erratic, his throat feeling hot with a shocking speed due to the quick inhales of trapped dirt and terror, and his hands moved of their own accord as they slammed against the heavy wood which trapped him in place with a frantic desperation.
Unable to articulate his words, something raw and guttural tore free of his lips as his blows did nothing but dislodge some of the dirt which had settled in the cracks of the wood and it fell to his face as he spluttered and twisted away from it as much as possible.
Panic clawed at his chest. Memories and nightmares. The constant shifting of the darkness as it swallowed him making him writhe and kick out against the wood despite the pain in sparked in his toes. A sharp pain in his hand alerted him to the IV which steadily pumped chem into his trapped body - a cruel insurance that he would remain conscious and aware of his fate as his stomach cramped from the hunger and his lips withered to cracked lines, desperate for water.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! Can't fuckin- won't do this again."
His hat feeling claustrophobic against his head, Cooper tilted his head back enough to knock it free of his scalp as his lips continued to spill panicked pleas and hot tears threatened the very corners of his eyes.
"No. Fuck. C'mon. Not again. Let me the fuck outta here you sons of bitches. Fucking cocksuckers!"
But as much as he screamed, he was met with only silence as his frenzied hysteria refused to let up.
Awoken from her own disturbed nap by a sharp noise which jerked her eyes open, Lucy was quick to snap into alertness as she felt the gun in her hand and remembered her duty to keep threats at bay. She raised the gun to the door, ready to take the shot, but found nothing, only an empty space. The same noise startled her again and she glanced around to realise that it was coming from her travelling companion.
Cooper's body was still propped up where she had left it but whatever peace had found him in his initial sleep had abandoned him, leaving something much more distressing in its wake.
A nightmare.
In the vaults, nightmares were common even though no one dared to mention them. Some of the older members would dream of the famines, of the struggle to survive as others dropped dead around them with paper thin skin and jutting bones marking them for death.
Rarely did anyone share what haunted them in their sleep and rarer still did anyone ask.
But still, Lucy felt something in her chest clench as she took in the genuine upset which lined Cooper's face as his breath came in short pants and his mouth twisted with each whimper. Dropping to her haunches, Lucy gently placed her hand on his shoulder as she attempted to jostle him into consciousness.
"Cooper, hey. Get up. You're having a nightmare."
A horrid noise escaped him, something animalistic, and Lucy recoiled for a moment before steeling herself and shaking him with a little more vigour.
His eyes snapped open in a flash and Lucy barely had time to crack her lips into a soothing smile before the shit hit the fan.
Cooper's hand moved even more quickly than she could have anticipated as sharp pain exploded across Lucy's jaw - the sudden blow forcing her from her feet and back onto her ass. Falling awkwardly due to the unexpectedness of the assault, her elbow collided with the floor and she yelped as hot pain blossomed from the site. Cooper's attack continued without mercy as he followed her fallen frame like a predatory animal, his body pressing down atop her as his unseeing eyes were still haunted by whatever terrors had disturbed his sleep.
Hands jerking up to lock around her throat, the strength in the digits truly frightened her and Lucy kicked her legs against the floor as she fought valiantly for breath. Tears sprang into her eyes as her vision blurred. Her hair trapped beneath her head, the strands burned as they pulled free and she swung her face from side to side in a vain attempt to escape his hands.
His strength was incredible, she knew that from the way he so easily handled her from her use as gulper bait to the way he threw her around and adjusted her during sex. But this, this was terrifying in its aggression.
He was going to kill her.
The pressure of his thumbs on his windpipe made it impossible for her to do anything but wheeze and struggle to pull in air; not to mention that the pain of his fingertips digging in to her neck felt like fire as his unkempt nails locked into the skin at the back of her neck to keep her pinned.
Thrashing, Lucy was able to free her hand enough to sink her own nails viciously into the fingers choking her and tear off a good chunk of the skin there as it peeled back from his roughened hide. Grunting, the pain seemed to bring some kind of awareness back into Cooper's thoughts and his eyes widened in open shock as his hands went slack around her throat in an instant.
Lucy coughed and spluttered as her windpipe was released, a fat tear rolling down her heated cheek as the pressure build up in her head from the lack of oxygen made her vision darken dangerously for a moment. Her abused throat felt like hell, every grateful gulp of air feeling like acid as it burned its way down to her lungs.
Atop her, Cooper appeared frozen in place - his hands hanging in the air as he stared between them and Lucy, an open look of distress making his expressive eyes widen as clarity sparked a cruel combination of guilt and rage.
Even through her struggle, Lucy startled as Cooper used her name. Her real name. Not her surname and not some stupid nickname he had whipped up to make fun of her.
Her name.
Still unable to truly speak, the weight of Cooper rolling off her body drew a fresh wheeze from Lucy's lungs as she quickly raised up to her elbows - a sharp pain jolting in the elbow she had fallen on as she quickly switched to sitting up fully to take the pressure off.
Cooper stood, his leather duster whirling out around his legs as a vague flinch overtook him, his stomach wound making itself known once more with a flare of pain.
Silence hung between them, only broken by the odd, rattling cough from Lucy as she continued to try and settle her racing thoughts. The look which Cooper fixed her with, guilt and anger laced with a sorrow which made her heart feel tight, made her want to say something but no words would come.
Thankfully, Cooper broke the lull.
"This was a mistake."
His voice so low that Lucy had to strain her hearing to pick him up, Cooper gestured to their individual packs as they sat off to the side. Nothing existed in his tone, the empty huskiness of it refusing to be hidden behind his accent.
"Take what you need to make it to your daddy in one piece. Hell, take what the fuck you want and don't think twice about what you're leaving. When I come back and you're gone, I won't look for you. Better to try and make it yourself, Lucy Maclean."
And with that, Cooper stumbled towards the door - his injury making him slower than he would have liked - and he left, his exit leaving Lucy on the floor with a crestfallen expression.
Sleep eluded Lucy as she paced the kitchen, her feet wearing a thin track through some of the accumulated dust in the floor.
Cooper had been gone for over an hour and in that time her mind had went through every possible situation and explanation of what the hell had just happened.
He didn't mean to hurt her, that much she was sure of.
His eyes, so bright and vivid against his reddened skin, had been as shocked as her own as awareness of his assault dawned in them. And then the guilt which pooled within them left her no doubt that he wasn't fully aware of his actions. But still, her throat ached and if it weren't for the luck of her injuring his hand, he would have probably killed her, and that would be the end to her story.
No finding her dad again.
No revenge.
No changing the world.
Just a broken girl who left the world she knew to do nothing but kill her own mother and be left to rot on a kitchen floor.
Scolding herself at the depressive thought, Lucy pinched her own wrist as she tutted aloud.
"I think he would at bury me." She muttered to no one, the words carrying across the kitchen.
Cooper may have been a son of a bitch when it suited him but he did have a code of honour that she consistently saw leak through his merciless actions. He would have at least buried her and that thought didn't bring as much comfort as she hoped it would.
He didn't mean to hurt me.
A traitorous voice and one that she clung to with a selfishness that surprised her. Cooper had hurt her, really hurt her this time, but that didn't take away from the moments of softness which she shielded her mind with. The gentle touches of his calloused hands as they stroked along her softer skin. The way his weight enveloped her and protected her from the worst of the world around them as they fucked. The comfort he had given her after her brief kidnapping by those traffickers.
Why are you protecting him?
With just as much ferocity, the less savoury moments assaulted her. The burn of the toxic water in her lungs as he dropped her repeatedly into the lake as bait. The searing, white-hot pain of her hand as he carved her finger from her and took it for himself. The fear which made her feel like a little girl again as he sold her off into what she assumed was sexual slavery.
We would be better without him.
The thought curled in her mind but it was rejected with a harshness which caught her breath in her lungs as the reality of her situation presented itself in a stunning moment of clarity.
She didn't want to be alone again.
Even with his bad traits, her travels with Cooper were heaven compared to the pressing pain and anxiety at the thought of having to traverse the wastelands alone.
Cooper's wicked comments, his ability to rile her unmatched by anyone else she had ever met, gave her a companionship that allowed her to push back and express thoughts and aggression which her vault family would have recoiled at.
Cooper's lessons, as unnecessarily cruel and upsetting as they could be, had made her a better survivor and someone much more prepared to succeed in her goals as she hunted down her father.
Cooper's body, hot and textured against her own as they fought off the loneliness of their world with some physical pleasures, gave her something solid to focus on as the guilt of her choices - of killing her mother - threatened to swallow her whole in her darkest moments.
She wouldn't be alone again.
Even if that meant having to be more careful when waking Cooper up from his nightmares.
As though sensing that Lucy's thoughts were encased by him, a click of an opening door announced Cooper's return as Lucy paused in her pacing and stood to face the entrance to the kitchen which she knew he would have to pass through. His footfalls heavy, Cooper's approach was marked by the thud of his boots and, as he turned the corner into the kitchen, his breath audibly hitched as he hesitated within the doorway for only a moment before striding through.
He stood away from her, a long-suffering sigh making his chest visibly sag as he took in her standing position - his hat tilted back while his bright eyes flicked between Lucy's face and the red markings which littered her neck, the bruising not quite beginning to show.
"Still here?"
Despite the audible disappointment, Lucy swore she saw the vaguest flash of relief pass through Cooper's features and it steeled her spine as she smiled softly at him - her recent revelation bolstered by his appearance as it sparked a fondness in her chest which she refused to question.
"Cooper, I don't blam-"
In an instant, he was up in her face again and Lucy hated herself for flinching as the smell of leather and copper assaulted her nose - his scent as familiar and alluring as ever as he spoke to her harshly.
"Hit me."
"Hit me." Cooper grabbed at her hand and curled her fingers into a fist with an almost desperate pressure. "Beat my ass to the ground. I won't fight you back. Not this time."
"I don't und-"
That same desperation flashed in his eyes for a blink before being shut off and hidden away as all of his emotions quickly were.
"Knock me down until your hands are as bloodied as mine, vaultie."
"Cooper, I don't want t-"
"An eye for an eye. Do unto others, thats your golden rule, eh? So fucking hit me. Don't make me ask again."
His voice taking on an even more aggressive edge, Cooper's grip on her fist lessened when Lucy placed her other hand atop his.
"I don't want to hurt you."
"Everyone wants to hurt everyone up here. One way or another."
Lucy raised her hand and relief flooded Cooper's chest as he steeled his body against the blow. She deserved to even the score and he would take whatever she wanted to throw at him.
The smack wasn't to come though, as Lucy stroked her fingers along his jaw instead - her motion almost experimental as she trailed the roughened skin with a determined gentleness.
"I saw you. Heard the nightmare. I saw that you didn't mean to hurt me like that." Lucy soothed, pressing her chest against his own as she gazed up at him with her big, dark eyes. "I don't want to hurt you. I could- but I am choosing not to. Not everything is about coming out on top of other people."
Stunned into silence as something in her words struck a part of him that hadn't been questioned in far too long. Cooper fell back onto his heels as he stared her out. She was serious in her meaning, earnestness dripping for her features as she fought to prove the honest of her words.
He should have known better.
Lucy Maclean wouldn't take the opportunity that other people would kill for; a chance to put the infamous ghoul to the floor and do to him some of the terrible things which he had enacted on others.
This woman didn't choose violence as a reflex.
This woman had taken his unwilling brutality and chosen to forgive him rather than even the score.
This woman saw the wastelands for what they were and wanted to save everyone she could, regardless of how foolish that was.
This woman would have never dropped a bomb on this world.
That knowledge stabbing something in his chest that his recent nightmare had exposed, Cooper's slackened mouth pulled into a tight line to soothe the fear that he would do or say something personal that he would later regret opening up. Instead, he reached up his hand and trailed his ungloved fingers across the nasty marks which he had left on her throat.
"Then accept my apologies, Lucy Maclean. I don't make a habit of strangling pretty young things."
"I don't think you've ever apologised to me before." Lucy replied, allowing him to touch her neck - to see that she was okay and willing to move on as she kept her voice even.
Curiosity about his nightmare nipped at her thoughts, but this wouldn't be the right time to ask about it.
She knew that much.
But she filed the questions away for later.
Much like she filed away how softly his lips had wrapped around her name as he breathed it with repentance.
"I ain't had much to apologise for." Cooper answered in kind.
Frowning as her own hands trailed across his abdomen to ghost across the stitches she had sewn into his wound, Lucy was pleased to find that his messy movements hadn't torn any of them free.
"Mmm, I'm not sure about that one, Mr Ghoul."
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
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siconetribal · 3 days
Beyond the Bookshelves (3)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Obnoxious coworkers, what is the proper ettiquette when emailing princes, teasing Captain
Summary: You're a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You've been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: Please comment/like/reblog. If you'd like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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The meeting was as boring as the fallen prince expected it to be, but he hardly showed his disdain for his time being wasted. Cabinet meetings and audiences with nobility and dignitaries were expected and mandatory for royals. In his opinion, a majority of them were hardly worth the time and could be easily sorted out with logic, but politics hardly worked that way. It was fickle, changing at the whim of whomever is more powerful. And though at times it was fun to see how the spoiled nobles would squabble over the most ridiculous things, the majority of it was always dull.
To think I once found such a thing mesmerizing as a young boy, wanting to follow my father everywhere and prove myself useful to him. A moment to shine, to step out of the immense shadow casted by my brother. The corners of his lips tugged downwards at the miasma of memories that began to stir. He knew the ledge was a precarious one and a single thought could have him plummeting to the depths and ensnare him.
“Do you have any questions?” The agent looked at the members of the group one by one, hesitating and nearly jumping over Loki to avoid eye contact.
“Agent Pruyn, was it?” He watched the man who was addressing them flinch at the call of his name. “Would it not be wiser for me to be the one who distracts them? I am able to change my image to look like anyone. I would merely need some footage of the person I am to imitate to better play the role. You will also be able to monitor my movements since I will be in the banquet hall as opposed to behind the scenes searching through the office.” Minimal footage of me in questionable places is best. Who knows what someone might do as an act of vengeance. 
“No, this is the best plan of action. Hawkeye is better suited for that portion of the mission and needs support while Black Widow distracts the target.” Agent Pruyn cleared his throat. The lack of negative reaction from the others seemed to embolden him a little bit. “Also, are you implying that she can't handle it? Black Widow is the best undercover agent we have. She's successfully infiltrated hundreds of places while you've only failed at discretion.” He scoffed. 
There it was. The bias and condescending tone, the twisting of his words, and the lack of support. Such insolence made his blood boil to the point of physically punishing the fool, but he kept his reactions in check with a blank expression. Silently, he changed the way they perceived him to look identical to the infamous fiery haired operative who was sitting with them. Everyone in the room stared at him in wide eyed shock, looking at him and her to see if there was a difference. 
“Well isn't that a neat little trick.” Natasha was the first to break the silence. “Certainly beats needing to put on that holographic skin.” She leaned in closer, trying to find some flaw.
“Stare all you like, you won’t be able to tell the difference unless I let you.” He said in her voice.
“If he’s so good at keeping up an appearance, why not just swap them? Nat and I are equally able to get in and out without issues if there’s a good enough diversion.” Clint shrugged, though he was impressed at how perfectly Loki copied her.
“I don’t have an issue with that change, I’m the one who can break into the computer system they have. It’s better if I’m with Clint.” Natasha agreed, Loki shifting back to himself.
“So, we’re in agreement. I will be the one to keep the group busy and the both of you will gather the necessary information. As I stated, I’ll require footage and data on the individual I’ll be impersonating.” He turned his attention back to Agent Pruyn who seemed rather cross with the change to his plan but said nothing since the other two Avengers were agreeing with Loki.
“We’ll need to adjust the timeline of the operation then. Everything was set up for this plan, we’ll need to adjust and see if there’s another gathering we can infiltrate.” 
“You say this person of interest has possible ties to this Hydra organization, correct? Why don’t we get ourselves invited to his home or wherever you think he is housing the necessary information? Why must we wait for some large gathering outside somewhere else?” Loki questioned. 
“We can’t just waltz into his home unannounced.” Agent Pruyn scoffed. “Do you think he just calls people over for tea time? This isn’t one of your royal games, Loki.” The condescending tone was back once more with a sense of triumph. This was hardly enough to anger the prince, but he was not so lenient to let it slide for a second time.
“Who said anything about tea?” He looked at the agent with raised eyebrows. “I wasn’t aware you had the time for such frivolous plans. I must disappoint you, my plans do not allot time for such.” Agent Pruyn grit his teeth and glared at the insouciant attitude the Asgardian was speaking with to him. A few of the other members of the meeting snickered at the calm retort, looking away to avoid the ire of the presenter. “This target has questionable connections and has a proclivity to feign a charitable appearance through auctions. We need to approach him as someone equally shady who wishes to either wash their hands of some item or trade an item to someone else and obtain the money under the guise of donating to said charity. We simply need to choose someone from his connections or create someone completely new.”
“That,” Natasha was the first to speak, coincidentally cutting Pruyn off, “is an excellent idea. If we came as someone new, trying to make a name for themself, they’ll be more likely to accept us if we come with an item of great value. Loki can play the part of the client and I can easily play the part of his assistant as needed to keep up the facade. Once we’re invited in, I can get Clint inside and we can get the information we need while the auction is going on.”
“Until the auction takes place, we can build a relationship with him and others. We can record all the conversations and pick up on any codes they use to discuss the secret dealings!” A female agent chimed in soon after, realizing an extra benefit to this plan.
“This makes it a much longer plan than anticipated though, we’ll have to resubmit the plan to our lead agent and to Director Fury.” A male agent pointed out.
“Sounds like it’s a necessary delay if it’s going to be more fruitful than the original operation. I guess Thor wasn’t exaggerating when he boasted about how strategic you are.” Clint slightly nodded his head in approval. “Redraft the plan and submit it, we’ll see what Fury says before moving forward.”
“We’ll schedule our next meeting after that.” Natasha nodded, standing from her seat. The others followed her actions and the meeting came to an end with a very irate Pruyn glaring at the back of Loki’s head. A small smirk of satisfaction tugged at the Asgardians lips as he walked down the halls, feeling lighter at proving himself as worthy to be on the team.
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Y/N stared at the screen of her computer, willing it to fill the empty body of the email that was addressed to the two Avengers she was allowed to work with. Glancing at the time, she groaned audibly and turned her chair around so her back was to the screen.
Three hours, I’ve been staring at this blasted computer screen for three hours! Why do I need to message them!? Wasn’t Agent Hill supposed to coordinate this? Why is everything suddenly dumped on me from start to finish? This is ridiculous! Next they’ll want me to manage their schedules and make sure they have time to complete their missions and assist in my never ending task! I am not some over glorified secretary, I am the head of the Resource Management department, the director of it! I attend all the ridiculous morning meetings, check-ins, and any other waste of time meeting that could have easily been an email instead while managing all centers that contain our resources, digital and physical! She pushed herself out of the chair and paced in the space she had behind the desk. “When am I supposed to even meet with them when both are due to be deployed this week!” She threw her hands in the air as she shouted into the empty office. Defeated, she slumped back into her seat and turned to face the computer once more. 
She did not want to wait until their return, she needed it done now so that while they were gone she could have the computers and scanners set up and be ready to start as soon as they returned. Straightening up her posture, she pulled the keyboard forward and quickly began to type a brief email stating she was approached by Agent Hill and wanted to set up a short meeting in person to introduce herself and better understand how to properly utilize their assistance and time. She also added that the both of them are available tomorrow after lunch for a brief period of time. Rereading her email over and over again, she made sure there was no error before finally hitting the send. Now she had to wait for a response. Thankfully, the chime signaling the door opening was a great distraction, letting her escape the panic while waiting for a response.
“Good afternoon, how may I help you?” She happily greeted the person as she stepped out of her office. “Oh, Captain Rogers, how are you?”
“Good afternoon Y/N, I’m doing well. How are you doing?” He smiled, giving her a slight nod.
“Could do with less work, but that’s not going to change anytime soon.” She tiredly chuckled.
“I don’t know how you handle your work at all. I wouldn’t know the first thing to do with a fourth of what’s here. They’ve got the right gal for the job here.” He patted her on the back. “Which is an expertise I’ll be needing at the moment. I’ll be going out on a mission with Thor and Tony to a fairly remote area with indigenous people. Thor will be a great asset with his AllSpeak, but I’d like to get some insight on the culture.”
“Oh, so no “An American Girl” books this time around? Or  the “Hardy Boys”?” She curled her lips inward to keep from laughing as she watched the famous Captain America clear his throat and turn away to hide the hints of a blush that were creeping up onto his cheeks.
“No, not this time. But maybe when I come back you can suggest something for me to read?”
“I would love to, I’ll think up a small list and let you see which you’d like to start with. So, back to your mission, where are you going and do you know the group you’ll be interacting with?” She clapped and rubbed her hands together, eager to be of assistance. “Let’s head to the front desk while you tell me so I can pull up what we have for you.” Nodding his head, he delved into the details of the mission that were necessary, Y/N never asking for more information than necessary as she pulled up anything relevant and jotted it down on a sheet of paper. “Ok, follow me!” She walked back around just as the chime signaled someone else coming in. “Good afternoon, if you need my assistance I will be with you shortly. Please wait at the desk.” She turned to smile at the newcomer only to see the raven haired prince. Oh, good thing I put the book on the table already. “Follow me, Captain Rogers.”
“Y/N, you can just call me Steve. I think we’ve known each other long enough to drop formalities.”
“Captain Rogers, so bold and scandalous!” She gasped. “What would your fangirls think?!”
“Please don’t remind me of those.” He sighed heavily and gave her a stern look. “And I insist you call me Steve, we’re friends.” He flashed her that famous hero smile.
“Alright, alright, Steve it is.” She turned into an aisle and began to skim the codes, pulling out books which were taken from her by the gentleman super soldier beside her. Once everything was pulled, the two went to the nearest table.
“This is great, thank you, Y/N.”
“Anytime Capt-,” she stopped at the pointed look he gave her. “Steve. If you need anything, just give a holler. I’ll come help you.”
“We’re in the library, I don’t think hollering is a good idea.” He chuckled.
“Who’s going to stop us, the librarian? Oh wait, that’s me!” She grinned, earning an eye roll from him before he turned his attention to the books he had as she made her way back to the front desk.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss@softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl@rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie
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You know, I love your blog and your funny/shady comments about 🐟 unable to handle her husband getting the attention and not her.
But I’ll admit, I always laughed it off because we can say that but nobody really knows what’s happening.
Until yesterday. LMAO. I know, I’m sorry for not really listening to some of y’all… but she needs some serious help and for once, to put down her goddamn phone.
I also realized that I knew she was going to try and do something to put the attention back on her and nothing she does on IG is ever a coincidence. This is the actions of a very manipulative but also very stupid individual with narcissistic tendencies. To her five asskissers, look away.
She follows that light and dwell designer the day after people made fun of her for showing her PT apt (btw, now I wonder if she was hoping people would think it was the house her husband was allegedly building for her in PT like some blogs believe)
When that didn’t work, follow this designer lady back after months (funny how she does this quite often when she’s not getting the attention she wants).
Follows some random directors. She still wants a job. That custom ugly furniture ain’t gunna pay for itself!
Posts a random photo dump of suggestive photos to indicate nothing but also making sure the ones who care will try and figure out if she’s in MA, NY, NYC, Canada, Wherever the narrative of where she lives fits.
meanwhile, her husband is in NYC filming with his attractive female costar who is much more well known than her (even if it’s the nepo baby comments) and has two films of her own coming out this month and her Madame web movie is still doing pretty well on Netflix.
Their pap photos are much better received by the general public and have comments shipping them and wishing they were together instead. Yikes!! Also…they actually do look good together. They fit.
Btw, I don’t think 🐟 is jealous of Dakota because of Chris. TBH, I don’t think she’s into her “husband” at all. From her actions, she doesn’t care about him or his well being. She cares about what his name can do for her. That’s it. And right now his name is being lumped with Dakota and not hers and I think it’s pissing her off. She needs to get those cheap outfits comped one way or another and her Liberia film isn’t cutting it. Miumiu not calling her back and nobody wants to see her in a solo pap walk….so.
Sorry to all the team asslickers on here but even you have to admit yesterday was a hilarious show your ass moment.
Sidenote: I like to think CE is putting on a bigger effort to look like he likes Dakota because Celine song is directing this film and he wants to do well for her. And also, he seems to simply just like Dakota. She’s pretty hilarious in her own right when she’s not being a flat actress 🤣 and maybe…just maybe, he wants to show you all whose watching that he does know how to act like he’s in love with someone. He just didn’t want to the last time he was in that park.
Yep, she doesn't care about him (and I don't think he cares about her). It's all about using his name to be mentioned in some gossip magazines. Otherwise these magazines wouldn't talk about her. And even the Portuguese magazines have to mention him when they talk about her. The Portuguese people don't care about her. I'm not even sure if they know her name.
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