#i made a different group of friends every time I stumbled upon set
wordsvomit101 · 4 hours
Reverse AU: What if... 'You' are his favorite fictional character.
Summary: In their mundane human lives, filled with ups and downs, there’s one constant: you. As a beloved character from the pages of fiction, they find themselves irresistibly drawn to you. Though you exist by someone else imaginations, your presence brings a daily dose of joy and inspiration. Now, imagine their sheer amazement when they stumble upon you in the real world, a living, breathing embodiment of their cherished fictional hero.
Warning: A small bit of yandere, not too much. A lot of how they were as human are my hcs. I have a lot of fun putting them in different scenarios as you can tell.
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In his youth, Satan was a notorious troublemaker, causing endless headaches for adults while earning the admiration of his peers. As the leader of a biker gang and winner of many martial arts competitions, he was the coolest guy around—both in school and in his neighborhood. Even his rivals admitted it. His rebellious nature led to frequent clashes with authorities, stemming from countless property damage incidents, noise complaints, and weekly brawls—many of which he instigated. Despite the chaos, Satan was well-liked and respected. His unwavering commitment to his word and reputation as a tough but honorable man inspired loyalty wherever he went, making people feel they could rely on him no matter the circumstances. These traits even managed to draw in the uptight Sitri from another neighborhood, who became his right-hand man and later his manager when Satan turned professional racer.
As a child, Satan was a huge fan of action and sports movies and TV series. Speeding through the streets on his motorbike made him feel alive, and he sought out any media that thrilled him and distracted him from his depression and insomnia. When he wasn't smoking or drinking himself to sleep, his gang members or Sitri would take him back to his empty home. His parents had long given up trying to discipline him and make him follow their path as upstanding citizens—wealthy socialites—in the upper echelon of society. So they left him the house, some workers to clean and cook, and helped with the bills. Aside from that, he was on his own. These movies and TV series made him feel less alone when he didn't have company over. One of his favorites was about a secret military project that endangers a post-dystopian country by turning a biker gang member into a rampaging psychic psychopath, who can only be stopped by a teenager, his gang, and a group of psychics.
Satan both loved and hated this movie. Beyond the action and the dream of owning the red motorcycle featured in the film, he adored a side character who was a close friend of the main character. He was enraged when they died sacrificing themselves for the protagonist. Back then, he deluded himself into believing that he could save that friend if he were the main character. When he confided this to Sitri or Mammon, they only patted him on the back and looked at him with sadness or amusement. He punched and kicked them both. Satan continues to watch the movie throughout his life, despite the gore and violence. Whenever the side character is on the screen, they calm him, and their soothing words lull him to sleep every time.
As an adult, successful and owning his dream red motorcycle, Satan became a respected racer and moved far away from that empty house, carrying only the good memories with him. His love for the movie, especially the side character, remained strong. When he heard about a sequel to the original, he abandoned his photoshoot schedule, leaving an angry Sitri behind, and raced to be the first in line for a ticket. The movie, set in an alternate scenario where his beloved character is still alive, elated him. Whenever they appeared, he grinned with pure joy, his eyes full of love, causing those beside him to be flustered by his radiance. He mentally thanked every animator who brought the character to life and wished he could capture every moment they were on screen.
Imagine his surprise when, after winning a prestigious motorcycle racing event, he heads to the hotel bar and catches a glimpse of you through the windows—real and breathing the same air as him—walking out of the hotel with your luggage. Heart pounding, Satan races down to the ground floor, but by the time he arrives, you’ve already vanished, leaving him in a mix of anger and disappointment. Yet, there’s no doubt in his mind. He knows it was you, your distinctive look and walk burned into his memory for years. From that day forward, he leverages every connection at his disposal to track you down, enduring months of fruitless searching until Lady Luck finally smiles upon him.
When he sees you talking to the receptionist at his usual gym, he can't contain himself and tackles you into a crushing hug. He savors every micro-expression you make—the way your breath grazes his face, how lovely your voice sounds when you yelp in shock, and how you grip his shoulders, trying to push him away. You are real. This realization sends a shiver down his spine, and his elated grin remains even when you slap him for hugging you out of nowhere. The sting on his cheek feels incredible, and he almost wants you to continue, but he lets you go. Despite his intense desire to carry you off and shower you with kisses, he knows he has to be patient. He has all the time in the world to get to know you better.
As the sole legacy of his grandmother, Sitri carries the weight of her expectations when she sends him to the city for a better education, arranging for him to live with a close acquaintance. It was the first time he took the train too. Determined not to worry her, he strives to be responsible: studying diligently, maintaining his health, avoiding trouble, making friends, and being respectful to others. His life is simple yet challenging, easy yet demanding—truly mundane. The bright spots were learning about various teas and the art of tea making from his grandmother, engaging with his fascinating neighbors next door in their apartment complex, and playing drums in his school band with Juno, Belial, and Jiyu.
Until Satan discovered him during a school festival performance and promptly recruited him into the gang, Sitri was used to leading a relatively quiet life, though not anymore after that fateful day. The constant headaches from the trouble he had to resolve for his new gang members and the concern from his grandmother and his boss seemed enough to turn his hair white from stress. Yet, this chaos brought color and excitement to his life, much like discovering new flavors of tea that thrilled his senses. Satan gave him a place where he felt he belonged, new people to care for, and a friend he promised to follow for the rest of his life.
Sitri never met his parents, and his grandmother didn't like talking about them, so he refrained from asking. Sometimes, he forgot they existed unless someone mentioned them. If asked whether he missed them, he would say he didn't; it was impossible to miss people he never knew. However, he did feel a deep connection to a character whom he has always yearned to have in his life from an old drama—which became a significant part of his childhood and adulthood—about a spy agency retrieving a stolen martial arts manual, leading to epic battles and encounters. The protagonist, along with his friends, ultimately defeats the villains and chooses to roam the martial arts world.
Growing up in a retirement community, he was surrounded by elderly folks who treated him like their own grandson, so he rarely felt lonely despite not having peers his age. However, before meeting his friends and Satan, he always wondered what it would be like to have a friend his age to share adventures with. The main character’s friendship with a beloved side character, who taught valuable lessons and provided unwavering support, made him especially envious. When that character left the story, Sitri was deeply heartbroken and sulked for days until his grandmother gifted him a mug with the character's silhouette carved on it by an old uncle at her request. That mug became his favorite for drinking tea, a treasured item that no one else, not even Satan, was allowed to use.
Despite his affection for Satan as a leader and a friend, managing Satan's temper and tendency to get into trouble was no easy task. This challenge was compounded by the constant bombardment of calls and texts from their former biker gang members—most of which were thoughtful inquiries about their well-being, but after an hour of chatting, his phone would become hot from the incessant vibrations. What kept Sitri's sanity intact were the generous paychecks he received for handling PR nightmares and the quiet nights he spent with tea and snacks, re-watching his favorite childhood drama just to see his beloved character's face on the screen. One evening, seeking relief from the headache induced by Satan's latest chaos, Sitri went to a bar. While massaging his forehead and groaning after a phone call with an agent, he heard a clink next to him.
Looking up, he nearly choked from the shock. There you were, sitting next to him with a friendly but concerned expression, offering him a warm cup of black tea. You looked exactly like his favorite character, even your mannerisms were identical. His heart pounded harder as he noticed the simple gestures you made that were the same habits you have in the drama. When you tilted your head gently in confusion at his silence, blood rushed to his face and south. Quickly, before you could leave, he grabbed your hands and, with fervent eyes and equally sweaty hands, gasped out a question for your name, struggling to breathe from the excitement and disbelief. Everything doesn't feel real but his entire body screams for him to never let go of your hands.
Juno P. Cruel 666 Orgasm
Juno had always been hailed as the best in his clan: the most handsome, the strongest, the smartest, the most talented. It was obvious that the clan elders had a favorite among the children, and it quickly became irritating to hear them constantly brag about him as if they had birthed him themselves. They would say he would never disappoint them, that he would honor the clan by joining politics or taking over the family's massive military manufacturing business. Juno hated it. He wished that some of his relatives would hate him enough to challenge his position. What baffled him even more was how his cousins could respect and look up to him despite the unfair comparisons. He liked them and wanted them to succeed, but he wished they would show some dissatisfaction with the situation.
Juno had always admired Satan's powerful aura and leadership. Joining his gang was an act of defiance, but the elders dismissed it as a childish tantrum, saying he would get his act together eventually. Juno felt ridiculous for harboring anger when he was the privileged one, handed everything on a golden platter without effort. From home to school, it was the same. There was even a sizable fan club dedicated to him since middle school, which grew when he became a guitarist in a band. While they rarely bothered him, it was embarrassing when their actions affected bystanders. He never knew how to explain to his friends why he had to apologize for his fan club's behavior. Despite this, he couldn't dislike them; many were good people if you ignored their fixation on him. The club leader even introduced him to his long-time obsession: a novel about an idol group that debuted from an idol survival show. The group had been involved in many controversies since its debut and lost more than half its initial members. However, with the help of their new manager and staff, they turned their situation around and fought their way to the top of the industry.
The novel was compelling, showcasing the intricate sides of the idol world with a great cast of characters and dynamics. Juno's favorite character is the manager who helps the struggling group, sticking by them through thick and thin and giving them a chance to succeed in a harsh environment. He read the novel dozens of times, never getting the urge to throw it away, even when it became worn from being hastily packed into his bag. At some point, he ran away from home with only his clothes, personal items, and the novel when it was announced he would officially be the next head of the business. He drove his motorcycle aimlessly until it carried him to his closest friend's house. Zagan found him sitting outside his family antique store, finally calming down from the adrenaline rush.
Zagan and his grandfather offered to house Juno temporarily until he graduated and found his own place. Juno was grateful and content to stay with Zagan's family, helping around until a new idol project aired on a broadcasting channel. This reminded him of the novel the feeling that it was his calling urging him every day until it led him to audition for the show. He had never experienced anything more intense. Compared to other trainees, he was like a fish out of water. His core beliefs and confidence were shattered countless times by online haters, behind-the-scenes producers, instructors evaluating the trainees' skills, or his endlessly talented peers, some even four years younger than him. It was hard, even with support from his fans, but the situation only made him cling to the novel like a lifeline. He devoured every letter to ground himself, gripping the manager's advice as if he were there with them, following their lead to survive through sleepless nights.
Juno succeeded in the end. His stage name, Ppyong, reached the top spot, and he became the face of the group due to his large popularity and underdog story. Many broadcasting shows wanted to invite him and the group, his gag jokes became viral hits, and the group's songs became international sensations. They faced many baseless controversies from antis, and smear campaigns from his clan, or by the elders and his parents. As well as terrible management teams, and an old-fashioned PR team, but they pushed through. Juno almost built a shrine for the novel since he sometimes relying on the manager's advice and knowledge to navigate group meetings and problems. He was always jealous of how the idol group in the story had the manager with them, and the bitter feeling only intensified each time he reread the story. Even his teammates joked about his obsession in interviews.
He could only cry when he saw you sitting across from him during a fan meeting, gifting him a small box of his favorite snack, Ferrero Rocher. Through his tears and snot, he noticed your surprise and fussing over him in the soft, sweet tone he had dreamed of hearing for years. He wanted to reach out, to take your hands and feel their warmth, but with the eyes watching and the risk of jealous fans targeting you, he restrained himself. He gave a half lie, put on his usual cheery attitude, and sneakily wrote down his number and a meeting location on the exclusive merch you gave him to sign. He drank in your beautiful, blushing face as he winked at you when you noticed.
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yellowlaboratory · 2 years
Bestie, did you end up going on that trip to Charleston?? If so, did you manage to see any filming? And most importantly, did you have fun? Charleston seems so pretty, definitely a bucket list item for me
haha yes I did!! i had the marvelous idea of spending three weeks in charleston at the height of the summer and tbh I regret absolutely nothing.
I did get to see some filming! when I tell you i was SEARCHING, I mean that. I would tell you how many miles I walked while I was there but it’s an embarrassing number so we’re gonna move on. I got to see them filming at Kiara’s house, Tanneyhill, and Limbrey’s house. I also got to see them filming the reshoots for the Carrera anniversary party scene at the Wreck, which was probably the most exciting!! 
And I had a ridiculous amount of fun!!! I didn't think I'd love the city of Charleston as much as I did. the food was amazing, the city was so pretty, I absolutely adored Shem Creek and Mount Pleasant, and I only got absolutely drenched by summer rain twice!! I got to meet some pretty cool people & make some friends & I nearly got adopted into a family while I was out set stalking so I think that’s a win (or maybe a red flag, i don’t know)
#obx#hello again my friend who reads all the tags asdkjfhlaskdjf#I got back a few weeks ago and I've been Big Depresso ever since#i also had JUST gotten back from one of my favorite trips of all time like 2 weeks before i left for charleston#so it's like double post trip depression#one thing i can tell you is it's fucking STEAMY in charleston#and I don't mean sexy i mean I sweat through three shirts the first day I got there#the humidity is fucking INSANE#i have legitimately no idea how they film#I nearly passed out when I walked to trader joes one day#it's my fucking fault for walking to trader joes in that heat anyways aksdljfhlaskdjfas#also#in terms of weather#the first time I got caught in the rain I had to walk 2 MILES back to my house in the rain cause I was too stubborn to call an uber#I was absolutely soaked to the bone and I literally had to buy a new phone in charleston because my old phone had permanent water damage#you would think that would be enough to make me not stand outside in the rain again but you would be wrong#when I saw chase filming at Limbrey's house it started absolutely downpouring#the crew started talking videos of all the fans standing in the rain and yeah okay in retrospect I can admit that it was pretty funny#also!!! the one thing this confirmed to me is that the obx fandom is just as cool in real life lmao#i made a different group of friends every time I stumbled upon set#usually because I knew a disproportionate amount of information about filming lmaoooo#most of the time i didn't see much (except for the anniversary party lmao I had that scene blocked out)#i also missed meeting bailey and rudy by 30 minutes when they were filming at the carrera's house so fuck me i guess#also I stayed so late at the dock for the carrera anniversary scene hanging out with some very cool people#and apparently the crew didn't want to ask us to move but we were in the back of one of the drone shots#so they're gonna have to digitally edit us out#💀💀💀💀#anyways 10/10 recommendation for charleston#i want to reiterate that the food in charleston is insane#Im a huge fan of raw bars and it's like every fucking bar is a raw bar I LOVE IT
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anatee · 1 year
A sweet way to go | Anakin x Reader Smut 18+
A sweet way to go | Anakin Skywalker x Reader Smut. 18+. MINORS DNI.
Content: Anakin x Female!Padawan!reader, L/C is lighstaber colour, like two curse words, smut: piv (unprotected), risky, in water at that?
Word count: 6.9K
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The sun was beginning to set over the Jedi temple as Y/N was walking through its quiet corridors, heading for dinner. There was nothing unusual about her day as Yoda's Padawan, well, until she heard a familiar voice from one of the rooms.
Anakin Skywalker. Her friend of almost five years, a fellow Padawan, and a handsome guy at that, one of the best views you could stumble upon at the temple. She peeked into the room and was surprised to find Anakin standing there on the polished floor, speaking to a group of twenty-something younglings who were listening to him intently.
Y/N smiled to herself as she crossed her arms and leaned against the door frame, wishing to watch this for a little longer. It was nice to see Anakin like this, in a bit of a different role, smiling and laughing with the kids, still as goofy as he always was, but at the same time he had this aura of a responsible, skilled master around him, one that only made him that much more attractive. His longish hair and open robe were simply a cherry on top, probably her favourite parts of his appearance that day... And every other.
The Force quickly alerted Anakin that a familiar soul was nearby, and it wasn't long before he spotted Y/N in the door and smirked at her immediately.
"Seems like we have an observer," he said loudly, making all the younglings turn to her. "How long have you been there?"
"Oh, sorry, professor." She laughed. "Maybe I wanted to join the class, huh?" she added in a playful tone, making him chuckle.
Anakin simply could not stop himself. "Really? Don't tell me you finally decided to learn how to hold a lightsaber properly?" 
She opened her mouth in disbelief as she heard that, then walked up to him to smack him on the arm.
"Don't do that, kids," she said quickly as some younglings reacted with laughter.
"You heard her, kids." Anakin grinned. "Do not smack each other, even if you're messing around." He shot Y/N a knowing look, a clear sign he said that not for the kids, but just to mess with her.
She leaned in a little to whisper into his ear. "I'll strangle you once they're gone."
Anakin gave her a sly smile. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Y/N."
There was something in the way he said it that made a shiver run down her spine. She wasn't sure what, but he just did something to her - however, she had to compose herself quickly.
"Oh? Wanna bet?" She cocked an eyebrow.
"You're on." He sniggered, then cleared his throat and turned to the younglings, speaking loudly. "Now, as I was saying before we got so rudely interrupted," he shot her a quick look, "there are many stances that can help you in a fight. Some are meant to help you keep balance, some are meant to defend you from being disarmed. Like this one."
Anakin demonstrated the stance, his moves sharp and precise, his muscles flexing as he did, and Y/N watched him just as carefully as the younglings did, if not more. When she caught herself doing that, she immediately shook her head.
"Oh, no, kids, he's doing it wrong. Let me show you."
"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Anakin raised an eyebrow, smiling cheekily.
"Why don't we show the kids the moves in action?" She crossed her arms on her chest, and the kids immediately started whispering amongst each other in excitement.
"Are you suggesting a duel?"
Y/N shrugged. "Just to show the kids what to do." She turned to the younglings. "Do you want to see?"
Cheers erupted among the younglings. They were more than eager to see two experienced Padawans demonstrate a duel for them, and some of them were already trying to predict a winner.
"Alright then. Let's do it," Anakin said to Y/N's delight - she knew he would never give up on a challenge, especially if he got to show off.
She removed her lightsaber from the belt around her waist and ignited it. The L/C glow painted her face as she held the weapon in front of herself.
"Don't worry, kids." She smiled at them sincerely, then turned to Anakin with a smirk. "Your professor will be unscathed."
Anakin smirked right back at her, igniting his own lightsaber and getting into position, his eyes never leaving hers. "It's not me I would be worried about."
They both forgot about the younglings as they started to duel. Neither of them really intended to hurt the other, but that did not mean there wasn't anything interesting to watch. The kids gasped and sometimes even yelled in awe as two Padawans wielded their weapons, blocking each other with precision, avoiding blows of their opponents with swift movements. At first it was hard to tell who had the upper hand; they were both skilled, and even though Anakin had the advantage of being taller and just bigger in general, Y/N was smaller and could move a bit quicker. The kids were cheering on them both, reacting almost to every move.
However, Anakin's strength - or maybe his smug smile that distracted her greatly - was what gave him the advantage. He disarmed Y/N, and the younglings gasped collectively as her lightsaber rolled over the polished floor. Anakin smirked as she stood in front of him, defenseless, and pointed his weapon at her heart.
"Do you yield, Padawan?" he asked, as cocky as one can be. Y/N already knew she wasn't going to hear the end of it.
"Fuck you," she mouthed so the younglings would not hear it, but her words were clear enough to him, causing him to chuckle.
"Is that all you got?" he whispered, then spoke louder. "Do you yield?" He kept his lightsaber pointed at her, trying not to laugh.
She let out a defeated sigh, then put her hands up.
"Okay, okay, I give up." She sighed again and Anakin lowered his lightsaber and turned it off, smiling as though he was the king of the world. 
"Sometimes, children, even if you really don't want to... You have to admit defeat," she added towards the kids.
"And this is how we disarm opponents, younglings." Anakin smirked, then bowed in front of the kids dramatically, for what they gave him a round of applause. Y/N rolled her eyes, then used the Force to pull her lightsaber back to herself.
"These poor kids having to put up with you..." she said to him quietly, shaking her head as the younglings kept on clapping.
"Oh, they love me," he replied proudly. "Right kids? Is my class fun?"
The kids erupted in cheers, making Y/N sigh again as she knew Anakin was loving every second of it.
"You're just jealous because I'm a better teacher. I understand." He put a hand on her shoulder in mock comfort. "Not everyone can be as great as I am."
For that, Anakin got himself another smack on his arm.
"Hey!" He laughed. "Just because I can take it doesn't mean you should keep doing it!"
Despite his words, he did not stop smiling for a second, and the younglings were starting to giggle, too. "Kids, don't do it unless you wanna get punished."
"And how are you going to punish me, huh?" Y/N whispered. "Put me in the corner?"
It was almost as if a fire glazed over Anakin's eyes as he smirked and replied quietly:
"You'd be surprised."
She swallowed. He did something to her again, it was clear by the tingling sensation overcoming her body. The feeling was so overwhelming she wondered if he could sense it through the Force.
"Well, this will be all for today, younglings." Anakin turned to the kids. "I hope you enjoyed the class and my victory. Now off to dinner!"
The moment the kids started filing out, Y/N smacked him on the arm again.
"Hey!" He looked offended and amused at the same time. "Now you're just being mean."
She shrugged, smirking. "Someone has to keep you in check, Skywalker."
He bit his lip. "Maybe I like you keeping me in check?"
She wondered if he saw the effect these words had on her, as she had to swallow to compose herself. Heat was beginning to spread onto her 
cheeks anyway, making it all harder to reply.
"Cheeky bastard," she hissed. "You should be glad there's someone willing to sacrifice themselves for the job."
Anakin just grinned at her. "What are you up to now?"
She shrugged. "Dinner, I guess."
"Oh, right. It's that hour... I'll go with you then." He walked up to the door and bowed slightly. "Ladies first," he said just to tease her, and it worked.
She snorted as she walked out of the room. "Not you pretending to be a gentleman after literally pointing your lightsaber at my throat."
Anakin seemed completely unbothered at that. He chuckled as he followed her out of the room and then walked beside her through the corridor.
"Oh, excuse me, missy," he tried to poke her in the ribs, but she jumped to the side quickly, "but I believe it's you who suggested that duel."
"Just for the kids!" She laughed, but then got a bit more serious. "But in all seriousness, Anakin, I admire your work. These kids seemed to really like you. I would never take you for a teacher, but it seems like you're doing a good job."
"Thank you, Y/N, that means a lot. I really try to make it work for them, you know?
After dinner, which was not lacking constant banter, they both headed to their respective quarters with smiles on their faces.
Y/N began her next day at dawn. Master Yoda always strongly recommended meditation, especially after experiencing strong emotions, and she definitely had a hard time forgetting what Anakin made her feel the day before. On one hand, they teased each other like always, but on the other, she felt there was something else, something that never occurred to her before.
The meditation room was empty at that time of the day, allowing her to bathe in the morning sun. She sat crossed-legs in front of the large windows, allowing the rays to hug her body with pleasant warmth. She wasn't wearing her usual Jedi robe, just a white, tight tunic, allowing her to move swiftly.
The quietness of the empty room really helped her focus on her breathing, on communicating with the Force. With her eyes closed, she allowed herself to give into the meditation completely, taking slow, deep breaths. Peace was overcoming her entirely for quite some time, until...
The Force told her someone was there, in the room, somewhere behind her. A very familiar presence, one she knew so well she had no problem in sensing who it was. There went her efforts...
She smiled to herself, not opening her eyes. "Hmm... I'm sensing an idiot."
A familiar chuckle echoed in the spacious room. Anakin could not help himself; he also sensed her presence there while walking by the room and he didn't intend on losing the opportunity to tease her. The thing was, she was even faster to do it than him, and that may have been one of his favourite things about her. 
"Is that so?" he replied innocently, slowly approaching her from behind. "And where is he?"
She smirked as the sound of his voice confirmed what the Force already told her. "There he is."
"Oh, so I'm an idiot?" he teased as he stood right behind her, close enough for his robes to brush against her back. It did cause some tingling in her, a pleasant sensation one could crave.
"Yeah, but I kind of like that," she admitted before she could even realise how it might have sounded. Anakin struck right back.
He smirked. "Lucky me. So are you into idiots?"
That question sent a shot of adrenaline through her entire body, one that made her quiver slightly. It was flat out flirting, no one could deny that, and it was the last thing she was supposed to be doing, the very thing she tried to protect herself from by meditation. Yet there he was, Anakin Skywalker, the very menace she could not refuse.
"Why, are you applying for the position of my crush or something?" she bit back, her tone playful, but there was some nervousness in the back of her head, even though she knew he would take it as a joke.
Her eyes were still closed, but she could sense him walk to stand in front of her, some of his body blocking the sunlight.
"Do I even need to apply? I'd say I win the auditions without doing that."
"Excuse me?"
"Tell me I'm wrong." He grinned. "I have many admirers, but..."
"Many admirers?" She smirked, keeping her eyes closed, which made it so much easier not to get charmed by his smile. "Are we talking about these younglings? Aged eight or something?”
"Oh, just admit that you're jealous, Y/N."
She took a moment before responding. Maybe she was. Maybe just a tiny bit. She knew he had admirers and at the same time, she could not blame them, he was very easy to be smitten with. But that definitely wasn't something she was going to admit.
She snorted. "I am very much unbothered, thank you very much." 
She knew he was not buying it, but it was all a part of their little game they both absolutely adored.
"You really want me not to focus here. And here I thought I could meditate today." She shook her head, still keeping her eyes closed.
"Oh, am I distracting you?"
This was an understatement.
He stood directly in front of her, blocking the sunlight, then squatted so their faces were at the same level. 
"Why don't you open your eyes for me?" he asked, smirking, almost as if he knew she could see his face through the Force.
"Because I don't want to get out of my meditation state."
"Oh, so if you saw me, you wouldn't be able to concentrate, huh? Can't blame you, I am quite charming after all..."
She sighed, feeling the cockiness radiate off him. "Does your ego still fit this temple or should we build it an extra room?"
He sniggered. "I'd say it's big, but it's for a reason. I am pretty awesome, after all."
"Oh? And what else is big about you, Skywalker?"
Risky. This question was risky, but she couldn't help herself. The urge to flirt with him was strong, and the fact that her eyes were still closed gave her more courage.
Anakin did feel the atmosphere in the room change slightly when she said that, but he did nothing to release the constantly growing tension between them - on the contrary, he was enjoying it. 
She could not see him, but she knew there was a smug smile on his face in that very moment. 
"My lightsaber is quite big."
Y/N coughed, trying not to look for any deeper meaning. "Is that so?"
"How long are you going to just sit there pretending you do not want to see me?"
She sighed again, refusing to open her eyes. "Obi-Wan must be a saint for putting up with you."
"Oh, come on." Anakin rolled his eyes. "Obi-Wan would be the last person to call a saint. He is very patient, but do not give him that much credit." He chuckled.
"But if he has you as his Padawan, he must be doing some sort of penance."
Through the Force she could see that Anakin rolled his eyes once more, making her snigger. He didn't reply, taking a moment to look over her body, enjoying how the tunic hugged her curves; it wasn't often he saw her without the robe, which hid all the best parts. He couldn't help but wonder what that tunic was covering, too.
"Does your silence mean I win?" She teased after a moment. "Can I continue my meditation in peace?"
He let out a sigh, one she did not quite like. "You really want me gone, huh?"
That was, of course, not the case, even if her meditation was ruined.
"You are welcome to join me," she said quickly, and he raised an eyebrow.
"You know I'm not the best at being silent," he said eventually with a small, somehow nervous laugh. "But if I can do it with you, I'm willing to try. Will you teach me?"
Finally, for the first time, Y/N smiled genuinely and opened her eyes. There he was, attractive as always, a meter in front of her, giving her a smile that could melt hearts.
"There we go. These beautiful eyes of yours." He beamed, and she swallowed quickly, so he wouldn't see the effect these words had on her.
"I think you could do with some meditation." She chuckled. "Sit in front of me then."
He obeyed eagerly and settled himself on the floor right in front of her, cross-legged. She didn't even think of telling him he should keep some distance; he sat as close as he could to her, their knees touching. She did not comment on that, but her body did react, sending a heatwave through her as the Force whirling in that small space between them seemed to be almost vibrating. These were definitely not good conditions for meditation.
She put her hands on his shoulders, almost absent-mindedly. "Sit up straight. Relax your shoulders a little."
He obeyed, and she could see he was truly listening. At that moment, it was difficult to stop herself from touching him just once more. Although it was unnecessary, she grabbed his wrists delicately and guided his hands onto his knees.
"Keep your hands here," she said softly, glancing at his face to look for any indication that he might have not liked the touch, but the smile on his face couldn't be missed. "And close your eyes." She brought her hands to his face as if to demonstrate, and that was quite the intimate touch. Anakin must have noticed that, too.
"Are you sure you need to do that? I can close them myself, you know."
A blush creeped onto her cheeks. She got lost for a moment there, she really did, but how could she not?
"Oh, sorry for trying to help you, Skywalker," she retorted to save herself. He smiled, and that was the last thing she saw before closing her eyes again, but that view stayed etched into her mind.
"Okay... And what now?"
"You breathe. You reach out. Nothing exists but you and the Force. I'm not here, the room is not here, the temple is not here... Deep, nice breaths."
"Alright," Anakin replied, genuinely wanting to listen to her advice. He was usually too reckless, too hotheaded for something like meditation, however, he was willing to learn - especially if it meant spending some time with her, one on one.
"Is there anything else I should do?"
"No blabbering." She chuckled. "Just focus on your breathing."
And so he did, trying to listen to her advice, truly enjoying that moment. However, it was hard to feel completely at peace when she was this close, their knees still touching, and the Force screaming at him that she was there. Her presence was soothing and exciting at the same time, making him feel things he knew the Jedi Council would not approve of. Fortunately, there was no Jedi Council in that room, nobody to judge his feelings... Unless Y/N sensed them.
It felt somehow intimate. Sitting there with her in complete peace and silence, breathing, the Force whirling around them, the rays of sunlight hugging their bodies... No words were spoken, but an invisible bond seemed to be forming between them, and Y/N noticed it too.
Anakin could not help it. Focus was never his strong suit, especially in her presence, and so he opened his eyes to look at her, enjoying her face from up close. She didn't seem to sense that and kept sitting there with nothing but peace on her face.
She really looked beautiful. Her face was relaxed completely, and he could see each and every detail of it like never before. He did miss her eyes - they were much prettier when open - but there was something else he could focus on, and that were her lips. Rosy, innocent, and just so kissable, although Anakin should not even think about it.
And yet he did.
"You're beautiful, Y/N," he said quietly, his tone warm, lacking any playfulness. He was sincere, there was no doubt about it.
Y/N was caught off guard so much she opened her eyes immediately. Anakin's voice was quiet, but in that vast, empty room, even the smallest whisper was noticeable. Her heart started pounding against her chest as she found his face much closer than before.
"Oh?" was all she could say as he looked at her, a smile dancing at the corners of his lips. "Do you... Really think so?" she asked, as she had to be sure.
"I have always thought so," he admitted loud and clear.
Anakin's voice echoed against the walls. Once it was gone, the room went dangerously quiet; the only sound they could hear was Y/N's heavy breathing. What was she supposed to do now, when he was staring at her lips, giving her a clear idea of what he wanted to do? The Force was pulling her towards him, not away.
Anakin couldn't stop himself. He's never been this close with her, and, as if it wasn't enough - alone. Her lips were irresistible, and so was the Force pulling him towards her. He felt dryness in his mouth he didn't expect to feel at that moment. It seemed ages before he even moved, but when he did, everything happened quickly. He leaned in even closer, a bare inch from her lips, and her heart began speeding up; it was the last thing she expected him to do. She could hear that pounding and became a bit scared of how close they were, yet did nothing to distance herself. It was a decision he made in a split second - before he could change his mind, before he could lose the courage, and before he could hear his Jedi conscience - he kissed her. 
It was a short kiss, but full of so many emotions they had been both suppressing for a long time, emotions that finally reached its destination. For a moment, they were both overwhelmed by happiness, until the guilt started to kick in, and they pulled away reluctantly, as if someone was trying to disconnect two magnets constantly searching for the other.
For a moment, they both just stared at each other. Y/N's cheeks were flushed; she wondered if he could see that, but was that really what she should be worried about? They were breaking the Jedi Code they both swore to obey; that kiss confirmed to them they were both already attached to each other.
The silence seemed to be endless, before Y/N cleared her throat and finally spoke, trying to articulate any comprehensive noise in the state of complete shock.
"Anakin... I..."
"I know. We should not have." Her voice seemed to wake him up, as he let out a disappointed sigh. "But I can't help the way I feel. I listened to the Force."
She swallowed and looked down. "I did, too."
The silence devoured them after that. They were both conflicted, feeling guilty and euphoric at the same time. How were they supposed to ignore the pounding of their hearts, the only thing they could hear at that moment?
"We have to forget about this," she said finally, knowing this was the only reasonable option. But were they reasonable at all...?
"I know." He swallowed. "But... I don't think that will be possible."
Their eyes met again, and Y/N could not think about anything else other than how much she wanted to kiss him again, more confidently this time, to let herself notice the details the first kiss was too shocking to allow her to register... But she could not, just like him, as he almost had to use the Force itself to stop himself from leaning in again.
"I'm sensing Obi-Wan." Anakin sighed. "He's somewhere near. I'd better... I'd better go."
Neither of them wanted to part, but they knew that physical separation might have been the only answer to restrain their desires at that moment. They had to stop before they would do something they would regret.
The problem was, they did not regret that kiss.
Three long days passed without them seeing each other as Anakin was assigned some minor missions, but he didn't stop thinking about that kiss even for a second. Even Obi-Wan pointed out his Padawan seemed a bit less focused, but Skywalker quickly dismissed it. However, the tension between him and Y/N was more present than ever, even stronger than before that kiss.  Now that he knew she was just as drawn to him as he was to her, keeping himself in check was agonising.
Y/N could barely handle her thoughts, too. That's what led her to the Jedi baths that one evening; she knew no one usually used them very late, and now, more than ever, she needed the hot water to relax her muscles - and maybe her emotions, too.
The baths were completely quiet that night. The air was humid and warm from the hot water kept in big pools, making it a bit harder to breathe once you entered. Spacious room dimly lit by a small light source in the corner enveloped anyone there in a calm, cosy atmosphere. 
Y/N stood at the edge of the pool in just her robe and untied it, then let it fall to the floor. Completely naked, she slowly submerged herself in the hot water, allowing it to hug her muscle by muscle, until it covered her up to her collarbone. She sat there and took a deep breath, allowing the sweetly-scented foam to stick to her skin.
Every time she closed her eyes, her mind took her back to that moment. The kiss that made her body feel as though it was on fire, the kiss that she craved to experience at least once more. Would that be such a sin? To enjoy this rush of dopamine once more, the intimacy the Jedi were deprived of?
The silence of the room was only disturbed by the soft splashing sound every time she moved. She kept her eyes closed, breathing in and out steadily as if meditating, trying to trust the Force and wherever it was leading her thoughts to.
Her eyes flew open when both the Force, and the sound of the door opening alerted her that someone was near. She looked towards the entrance, and her eyes quickly confirmed what her heart already knew; it was him.
"Anakin?" she said in surprise, her voice echoing against the walls.
Seeing him now made her whole body tense despite the relaxing water. Thoughts of how to react or what to say flooded her mind completely; how were they supposed to act now? Like nothing happened?
"Hey, Y/N," he replied in such a tone that made her decide to play it cool. Act like nothing happened. Forget. That was what they were supposed to do, right?
She watched him come out of the darkness as he approached her; he was wearing just a robe and had a towel on his shoulder. He was there just for a bath, she told herself, although her heart made her think otherwise. She decided to do what she was best at - tease him, just to release a little of that tension.
"How come the baths are always empty... And when I decided to come, you're suddenly here too?" 
Anakin chuckled softly. "I'd say the Force led me here."
He kept his eyes on her. They wandered to her shoulders and collarbone, his mind racing as it imagined what could be hidden below, underneath the foam. To say she looked beautiful to him was, no doubt, an understatement. Anakin wondered how much longer he could keep himself in control of his emotions, getting hot under the collar.
"How fortunate you can always say it's the Force," she teased, surprised how easy it was to do that despite the elephant in the room.
"I am a lucky guy, huh?" He smirked, then walked to the side of the pool, keeping a small distance from where she was sitting. "So... Can I join you?
Y/N swallowed hard. She did not know how to imagine both of them being in one room, so close to each other, naked. At the same time, she knew she would be a fool to say no. He was absolutely irresistible, especially while smiling like he was at the moment.
"Be my guest."
He gave her another small smile, then put his towel on the floor. His hands were just about to start untying his robe when his eyes locked with hers.
"I have to take my clothes off."
She chuckled. "Yes, that's how bathing usually works."
Anakin shook his head in disbelief. "When did you get this feisty, love?"
A shiver went through her entire body when he called her that, but she didn't let him see it. Instead, she bit back again.
"I was always like that, Ani. Maybe you need to be a bit more perceptive."
"Oh, I will be perceptive, trust me."
She cleared her throat as he noticed Anakin's eyes wander to where her chest was raising under the foam as her breathing became heavier.
"I will look away." She turned her head to the side. "You can take off that robe comfortably."
Anakin did not comment on that, for he could not find a good answer. On one hand, he was thankful, on the other... Would he really mind if she looked?
"Right then..."
Anakin began slowly untying his robe as Y/N did everything in her mind not to look. But with the corner of her eye, she could see just a bit of that toned, perfect body she had dreamed of; Maker, if she could just...
Completely naked, he stood there for a moment, as if pondering what to do now. Eventually, he slowly lowered himself into the bath, a safe distance of around a meter away from her.
She looked up finally. The foam was covering him up to his nipples, but it still left uncovered enough of his body for her to stare at. She tried to remain composure, but with every passing moment it was beginning harder and harder to ignore how attractive she found him.
Y/N wondered what to say in order to make the situation a bit less tense. She coughed loudly, then took a deep breath.
"Well... How did your latest missions go? Anything out of the ordinary?"
Anakin seemed surprised by the question, but he quickly recovered.
"No, just some usual escorts. Everything went smoothly."
"Good to hear."
The conversation was extremely awkward, and Anakin had enough of it even after just these few words. He decided to cut to the chase.
"And I've been thinking about you all the time."
She took a deep breath. She knew she shouldn't be surprised, as she had been nothing but thinking about him, too, yet him saying it out loud made her heart race, just as much as his earlier appearance.
"Y/N, tell me... Do you regret what happened?" 
Anakin asked directly.
"Of course I don't," she blurted out, "I... I only wish we could do it again. But I know we shouldn't."
"We shouldn't, yes, I know that, too." He swallowed, then looked her up and down. "But I can't control myself right now, Y/N. Not when we're here like this and you..." His eyes focused on where the foam began covering her body as he let his imagination run wild again. "You look breathtaking."
She only heard water splashing as he moved closer to her. They both almost shivered as their naked arms touched, and so did more of their bodies underneath the water. It could be lethal, that touch, more dangerous than any weapon in this galaxy.
"Why can't we do it again? Would this be such a crime?"
He leaned in just a little, yet enough to make her feel hotter, and it had nothing to do with the water. Force was whirling around them again, seemingly pushing them towards each other, yet Y/N tried to resist... One last time.
"Our Masters would not like that," she whispered in such a tone that let Anakin know she already made up her mind... To his benefit.
"Yes, they wouldn't," he said quietly, cupping her face with his hand and caressing her cheek gently with his thumb. He looked into her eyes, both affection and desire glowing in his own ss he asked:
"But would you?"
Only a soft sigh managed to escape her lips before Anakin captured them with his own. There it was, the dream, the trance, the absolute bliss of kissing him again. It could have been real fire flowing through her veins when her hands wandered to his hair, tugging on it desperately in an attempt to bring him even closer. She could die right there and then, fulfilled.
The baths, the temple, the whole galaxy seemed to be fading away as Anakin's other hand landed on her back. His fingers caressed her bare skin with undeniable need, exploring mindlessly as his head was clouded with the taste of her lips, soft, sweet, irresistible.
The idea of getting caught didn't even cross Anakin's mind at that moment. His focus was on her and only on her, on that body he was ready to worship.
They pulled away after what seemed like an eternity, but still stayed close, their foreheads leaning against each other.
"I want you," Anakin whispered, his hand moving from her cheek to her nape almost possesively. "I want you so bad, Y/N."
These words were enough to make her forget any doubts she might have had about this, as they could have got caught... But did anything really matter then? Anything other than Anakin, his smile, his large hands on her body, his eyes piercing through her?
"I want you too," she whispered back, and soon found herself pressed against the edge of the pool as Anakin's lips met with hers again.
He kept one hand on her nape as he allowed the other to wander, giving her goosebumps as he went. Eventually, he began massaging her thigh underneath the water, slowly but surely moving towards her abdomen.
Lips were not enough for Anakin at that moment. Drunk on desire, he began planting kissing down her jaw, then slowly reached her neck, allowing himself to taste it in ways more than one. The moment he decided to go for just a soft bite, the quietest of moans escaped her lips, echoing loudly in the empty room along with the splashing of the water.
"I could listen to this all night," he whispered, hot breath blowing against her neck and adding to the sensation.
"What if someone hears?" she said in a rush as she caught herself willing to give him many more sounds to enjoy.
"Then they will meet with my lightsaber..." he replied as his kiss became more and more feverish, and she could not even find the strength to argue, dizzy with the pleasure all of this was bringing her.
Slowly but surely, with endless enthusiasm, he began planting passionate kisses down her collarbone. He wanted to go even further, but the foam stopped him.
"Can I?" he rasped out, breathless from the constant kisses.
"Yes," she panted.
Having receieved the permission, Anakin grabbed her by the hips and lifted her slightly in the pool, uncovering her breasts. He took a moment to take in the sight, one that made his heart pound even faster. She expected to feel shy, but for some reason, she did not - she wanted him to see all of this.
He began kissing her further down, his hands on her hips to keep her steady. But he couldn't forget about the view, about the curves he had just uncovered, and let himself lose control. His mouth found one of her nipples, and he licked it just barely in order to see her reaction.
She gasped, a shiver going down her spine. "Anakin..."
"You liked it?"
"Then I won't stop." He smirked, as he gave her one more lick, one that made him feel drunk. "You're addicting."
His mouth took care of her first nipple, then the other, pulling a few moans out of her as they hardened. She put her hands on the edge of the bath to keep herself steady as his lips and tongue worked wonders on the sensitive body. She craved him, all of him, and just his mouth was beginning to not be enough.
He felt her hips buckle under his hands, so he took that as a clear sign she wanted to go further just as much as he did. He stopped kissing her, gave one last glance at the closed door that could be opened at any time, then decided to fuck it again.
"I want to take you, right now," he whispered into her ear, sending fire through her body.
"Then do that," she rasped in response, almost 
taking him by surprise at how eager she sounded.
He sat down, then pulled her onto his lap in the water, the splashing sounds mixing with their panting. She ran her hands down his chest, slowly, as if trying to remember each and every muscle she only could look at before...
And then her hands reached between his legs, this time getting a groan out of him. Their eyes locked and they kissed hungrily once more, before Y/N positioned herself... And slowly took him in, all of him, her clit throbbing.
The new sensation made them both pull away to gasp for air. She needed a moment to adjust to his size, then steadied herself by grabbing his shoulders.
"They would kill us for this," she breathed out eventually, thinking how there was no escape now... No turning back.
"But what a sweet way to go," he whispered, his smirk sending a wave of excitement through her. She was ready for whatever he had in store for her.
His hands were back on her hips, digging into them to keep her in place.
"I've never wanted anything else more," he said huskily, leaning his forehead against hers. "You... I want you, Y/N."
"It doesn't get any closer to having me, Anakin," she replied quickly, giving him a clear sign that now they could both move.
And so he did, slowly at first, before they both found their pace. Splashing of the water echoed against the room as they moved against each other. Anakin seemed to get off on the ability to fill her up completely, pushing his hips as far into her as he could. And it seemed to do the trick, pulling a moan after moan out of her while his mouth went back to her neck.
The amount of sensations was overwhelming for her; his hands strong on her hips, his teeth just barely grazing the tender skin on her neck, him dragging his cock with all the force he could master, all of their breathing and water splashing echoing in her head... And, as if that were not enough, there was the constant rush of adrenaline coming with the thought that they might get caught at any given moment. She knew he could send her over the edge easily...
"You feel... So good..." she moaned out, rocking her hips to meet his. She threw her head back, allowing him more access to her neck as he continued the absolute mania of licking, sucking and biting.
Suddenly, she heard him let out a loud groan, the grip on her hips loosening when he moved them down to grab her butt. 
"I'm..." was the only thing he managed to get out before two powerful pumps that felt like tearing her apart, and soon, he filled her to the brim, breathing heavily in pleasure.
Anakin did not even cool down before his hand wandered under the water, straight to her clit, and he began rubbing it quickly just to bring her to the edge that much faster. A gasp, a moan, and a few rocks later her nails left trails of red on his back when her walls clenched around his cock.
She cried out in pleasure as the orgasm rocked through her, allowing her to experience emotions she never even thought possible. They both stopped moving, and she fell onto his shoulder, trying to catch a breath while the last moments of bliss faded away.
How could feeling so good be such a sin...?
"Well, now... Now I'm definitely not forgetting about this," Anakin admitted, planting the softest of smooches on her head, so different from the hungry kisses that now marked her body. "But I'm afraid Obi-Wan might sense my thoughts about this from a mile away."
She laughed to herself, then raised her head to give him one last longing kiss on the lips.
"Well, how did you say it... What a sweet way to go."
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hi There,
I loved the convincing dumping ask you did I keep going back to read it all the time! I would really love if you did a part 2 with Itto, Gorou, Diluc and kayea if you don't mind.
Thank you for taking my Ask!
Aww, thank you so much! I feel so honored hearing that<3
I already did a part 2 (so that makes this part 3, holy shit!) where Kaeya and Diluc were involved, but I'll still do the other two. Hope you don't mind that.
Characters Included: Itto; Gorou
Content: gender neutral reader; she/her pronouns for the best friend; cursing; oblivious and dense Itto, but he is whipped for you; Gorou is a sweet and cute boi; dense reader in Gorou's part
Word count: 2,5k words
Thank you so much for the request and hope you enjoy!
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Oh boy.. Itto in a relationship would be so down bad for you
Like, the dude is already dense as fuck. He did not notice that you were flirting with him for the longest time
It took you, literally screaming it to his face, for him to realize
Was over the moon when he knew his feelings for you were reciprocated
absolutely so focused on you and making you happy that he doesn't even pay attention to any other people anymore
You let out a deep, exhausted sigh as you left your workplace for the day. It had been a very, very long day and right now, you wanted nothing more than to see your boyfriend again.
You usually hang around with them after work, since it's a great way to destress and calm down again. Though finding them is an entirely different issue, since they are always somewhere else, very rarely are they found in the same place twice in a row.
So, without having any destination in mind right now, you start walking through Inazuma City, looking at the different trinkets that were being sold at almost every corner.
You did, in fact, stop to by some Dango from one vendor, thinking that the treat might cheer you up as well.
You continued walking through the streets as you were enjoying your food, but you had yet to stumble upon your boyfriend and his gang members.
When you searched almost all of the city, you decided to look for them at the outskirts of the town. But everything there was quiet and peaceful as well, giving you no indication that they were here.
Sighing, you gave up on your idea and decided to instead go for a walk around Byakko Plain, maybe that might help clear your mind. After all, you could always talk and spend time with your boyfriend later, knowing that he would return to your home anyway for the night.
So, with a somewhat lifted mood, you went for your walk, enjoying the quiet, peaceful atmosphere around you as you observed your surroundings. The sun was starting to set, turning the sky into a beautiful bluish-red colour, birds were chirrping all around you, making you feel at ease.
You have been walking for some time and decided to head back to the city again, to go home for the day, when some noise caught your attention.
You soon realized that it was a group of people, talking, not too far away from you. Thinking that it might be some Nobushi hanging around, you went behind some trees for shelter, trying to locate the source of the sounds so you could avoid them until you made it to the city.
However, once you found the source, you recognized the people of the group to be Itto and his gang themselves. Feeling relieved, you left your hiding spot and decided to walk over to them. Upon getting closer, you saw another person with them that you usually didn't see around them very often.
It was one of your best friends who was hanging out with the gang. Which, in and of itself wasn't a problem, even though she never told you anything about that, but what made you wary was the way she was so close to your boyfriend.
It was like she was glued to his side, always looking at him, hanging on every word he spoke. It set you off, but you also didn't want to start any drama, so you shoved those thoughts and feelings into the back of your mind as you approached the group.
Kuki was the first to notice you. She just nodded at you before nudging Itto in his side, apparently too hard for the male. He looked at her, complaining about her action, but Shinobu just nodded her head in your direction.
Confused, everyone followed her direction, now noticing your approaching form. You waved at everyone, but before you got a chance to say anything, a loud yell interrupted you.
"(NAME)!", Itto screamed as he got up from the ground and ran the rest of the way towards you, hugging you and lifting your feet off of the ground, twirling you around a few times.
You laughed as you hugged him back, holding onto him so you wouldn't fall on the ground. Once he sat you down again, he immediately began to tell you about his day, what he and his gang had been up to as he lead you back to the group.
You greeted everyone with a smile, getting one back from everyone in return, except for your friend. She was looking at you with an angry, serious expression, but you decided to pay no mind to it for now.
All of Itto's attention was now entirely on you and the longer this went on, the angrier the look on your friends face got. It didn't take much for you to put two and two together, to figure out why she was out here spending time with Itto and the gang while being glued to him.
Her jealousy was clear to everyone, except the oblivious Oni, since he truly only got eyes for you. In a sense, it made you proud, but it also made situations like these quite difficult sometimes.
After some time of your friend being ignored by everyone, including Itto, she decided to speak up again, asking to talk to him alone about something important.
He just looked at her with a blank face as he just said "Why?"
Her face got a little red, which annoyed you, but you decided to just let this play out for now. You could always interviene if things got too out of hand.
"..it's just something I want to talk to you about."
"Then you can tell me here. I got no secrets from my buddies and especially not from my beautiful partner right here!"
At that, she got even more angry and you, as well as everyone else, had to really try to hold back your laughter at this hilarious situation.
"You know what? Fine!", she said, standing up from her spot, looking down at Itto who was staring at her, but kept sitting on his spot beside you, while all of you observe her.
"I like you, Itto. I like hanging out with you and I don't like you hanging around (Name) all the time!"
She nearly yelled and by the time she was done, she was almost out of breath. Everyone was looking at her in shock, not having thought that she would actually go through with this. Itto, however, still looked utterly confused.
"Well, I like you, too. You're a great friend and fun to hang out with. But.. (Name) is my partner, after all. So they're gonna be around me. That's just how it is. But I'm glad you enjoy hanging out with the gang!"
"Wha..? No, that's not.. Ugh!"
She stormed off, still angry and upset, while you and the others burst out into laughter, holding your hurting stomachs from how hard you were laughing.
"Huh? What was that about? Did I do something?", Itto turned to you, asking, looking utterly confused at the situation. You couldn't help but find him absolutely adorable right now.
The mood soon settled down and you all went home for the day. Your friend, however, avoided you and the gang since then, like you all were some kind of disease.
Not that you were complaining about that outcome at all...
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Gorou is a very devoted lover
he always wants to be around you. He doesn't necissarily spend the time with you. It's enough for him to be in your presence while the two of you are doing your own thing
sadly, he doesn't often have the time to do so, as the duties of a general are many and his people always need something from him
days off are very rare for him, but when he does get them, he spends every second of it with you, no matter what you guys decide to do
It's finally happening again..
After weeks of not having a day to himself, always on duty, dealing with some issues, Gorou finally has a day off again, issued by the priestess of Watatsumi Island herself.
She often advises Gorou to take some time off, to take care of himself and you, but only when she practically forces him to do so, does he oblige to her suggestion.
You were ecstatic about this, having missed your lover dearly since you only get to see and be with him for short periods of time during his work days. Both you and him hate it, but there is nothing that can be done about it.
So, since now you have a few days all to yourselves, Gorou decided to plan out a few things to surprise and treat you, like you deserve. He's so grateful that you're patient with him, and he wants to show his appreciation for you through this
He had planned the next few days out, knowing exactly what he wanted to do and where to take you, however... there was one problem.
Since neither of you had anticipated him getting a leave from work, you invited one of your friends over to Watatsumi Island to keep you company, letting her stay with you for a few days. And she only arrived two days ago..
Gorou had half a mind to ask her if she would be willing to depart ahead of time so you two could spend the time together, but he didn't want to come across as rude, so he didn't say anything to her. Plus, you seemed to enjoy the time spent with her, and he didn't want to take that away from you, even though the craved for your touch and attention to only be on him.
So, when he next caught you in a minute where you were alone, he went up and spoke to you about his ordered time off. You were thrilled and when he suggested you two go on a walk in the evening, you agreed, saying that you can take some time that you don't spend with her.
Gorou was so happy to hear that, his tail wagging excitedly behind him. You giggle at that, reaching up to softly pet one of his ears.
Archons, he had to hold back a whimper. How much he had missed your touch. How long had it been since you guys last had a real, thorough cuddle session? Too long, Gorou decided on the spot.
But you let go of him not too long after, saying that there was still time for that later on. He pouted a bit but nodded his head, already looking forward to that.
A few hours later, Gorou was waiting for you outside your shared tent, since you wanted to put on some other clothes for your walk with him. The two of you had a habit to always wander a bit further out than originally intended when going on a simple "walk", so you wanted to be prepared, just in case.
When you left, his mood immediately brightened upon seeing you. You were just about to leave the camp when your friend spotted the two of you and came up to you guys, asking where you were going.
You explained to her that you were simply going for a walk, so she decided to ask if she could join you guys. Gorou was a bit reluctant but agreed in the end, hoping that he could still enjoy the time with you..
It was a total nightmare.
Every time Gorou tried to hold your hand, or walk next to you, or tried anything else, your friend always butted in, shoving herself between you two, ruining every chance Gorou was about to take.
He deeply regretted having her tag along to this. He wished he just declined her request..
The worst part is, you didn't even seem to notice what she was doing. Either that, or you didn't care about it, but Gorou didn't think that that was it, so this only leaves him with the first option..
He pondered and thought about what he could do to even only get a few seconds alone and uninterrupted with you, when he noticed your friend being quite a distance away from you two, and you were right in front of him..
Your hand just hanging by your side as you were looking around the scenery..
He didn't think about it twice and went to grab your hand to hold it in his own, but-
"Look! What's that over there?", you exclaim, running towards something you just saw, effectively getting out of Gorou's reach.
He just stood there, dumbfounded, for a few seconds, before sighing and turning to go after you, when a tug on his sleeve made him stop in his tracks.
Your friend was standing there behind him. He hadn't even noticed her getting close to him.
He wanted to ask her if she was alright, but she spoke up before he could say anything.
"What do you even see in them?"
At first, he was confused at the question. It took him a few seconds to realize what she actually meant with that.
"Why are you even with them? You could do so much better. You deserve someone who actually cares about you, not someone so stupid as them."
"What? Don't tell me you mean someone like yourself?", Gorou scoffed and pulled his arm out of her grasp, but as he looked at her again, he saw her serious expression.
"I do mean myself, yes. I love you, Gorou. I have been in love with you for so long. And I hate that you don't see that. I could treat you so much better than (Name) ever could. Why won't you see that?"
She was starting to get desperate now, grabbing onto his arm again. She attempted to pull Gorou down towards her to kiss him, but he saw this coming and quickly dodged her, pulling out of her grip again, putting some distance between them.
He looked at her, warily, as he chose his next words carefully. "That will never happen. No matter how much you wish for it, I love (Name) and I will always choose them. They are a great partner to me, you know nothing about our relationship. So, if you're only here in hopes of getting with me, then I ask you now, kindly, to leave. If you try to sabotage us any more than you already have, I won't be so kind with you the next time."
After that, he didn't wait for her response. Instead, he turned and walked over to where you ran off to. When you later realized that your friend was not with Gorou, he told you that she went back to the camp on her own as she started to get tired.
He would tell you about everything that had happened, later. Right now... he just wanted to enjoy the time you finally got to yourselves...
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redfurrycat · 8 months
🐓🤠Hangster Fic Recs🤠 🐓
🐓🤠Hangster Goodies to Read! 🐓🤠
[Recs List 5]
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Check the Top Gun Masterlist post for the latest updated version. 💕
List of Hangster Ao3 Authors in Recs List 5:
AnadoraBlack | AncientAviators ~~~ Bottledyarn ~~~ Conny_the_destroyer | Cryinginthebronco ~~~ Fearfrost1211 | FlowersOnMyMind | Fuddlewuddle ~~~ Greenstuff ~~~ Hangmanbradshaw ~~~ Imafriendlydalek ~~~ KatofKanals ~~~ Lesbiseresin ~~~ MadeItUp | Magdarko ~~~ Ok_thanks ~~~ Teacupivy | Tearsricochets | ToukoJalorda003 | Twowritehands ~~~ Winterbitch ~~~ Youlookgood
[Recs List 1] - [Recs List 2] - [Recs List 3] - [Recs List 4] - [Recs List 5]
Off The Market by fearfrost1211 {T}
Even in his peripheral, Jake could see the woman pout. Wait, he frowned, nearly turning and asking right then, what did Roo mean off the market? He was seeing someone?
takin' my heart out (of its zone of comfort) by tearsricochets {T}
Javy, who is still holding on to Bradley like they’re best friends, shakes his head. “Sorry, boss man, I walked all over set. This Tanner dude just isn’t here.” Who the fuck is Tanner? He tries to convey this question to Javy with his eyes, but the actor is not paying a lick of attention to him. He’s looking at the man in front of them, who is instead looking at Bradley like the brunette is the sole cause of every problem in his life right now. “Then who the hell is this guy?” As of finally noticing their boss was no longer pacing in front of them, or that he was suddenly getting louder in tone, Natasha and her friend look up at the new additions of their group. Bradley pretends not to notice the blonde taking an appreciative look at him, but he’s a simple man and absolutely preening under the attention. “This is Bradley,” he gives a meek way to the man burning holes in his head. “And he’s going to fill in as my other half today.” “Excuse me?” He’s going to what? OR: the one in which Bradley is not an actor, but he is going to film a music video for the hot singer
Darkest Little Paradise by hangmanbradshaw {E}
Bradley never thought he'd be dealing with another round of hospital visits, especially not for the only family he had left. When he stumbles upon a book at his rare books store, he finds himself at a crossroads there may be no turning back from, but hey...don't blame him, love made him crazy. Or, Bradley *take my hand, wreck my plans, that's my man* Bradshaw needs to save Mav so he decides to make a deal. Enter Jake. Everything changes in ways he never could have imagined.
here is that rainbow by magdarko {M}
Five times Jake did something Bradley didn't expect and one time Bradley returned the favor.
Storm's Coming by imafriendlydalek {M}
There's a hurricane headed toward San Diego and Rooster gets sent to a nearby aircraft carrier to help move planes back on land before it sails out to sea. Too bad the storm has other plans.
Love Makes My World Go Round by KatofKanals {E}
Jake Seresin had essentially been having babies for the better part of a decade—enough of them to necessitate a car with three rows of seating. At almost 40, he was definitely done with that phase of his life. His husband, Bradley Bradshaw, however, might just disagree.
top gun missing scenes by teacupivy {E}
the whole time, under the lights
Jake "Hangman" Seresin is unraveling the mystery that is Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw, one thread at a time, if it kills him. They've been fighting and fucking for years, and everything comes to a head when they're recalled to Top Gun for a special training detachment and find themselves competing to be team leader.
as he falls from his perch
Bradley Bradshaw has a knack for losing people, either watching them go or running them off. Jake Seresin seems to just keep coming back.
spend my time trying not to feel it by lesbiseresin {M}
 “There was a flier for what their upcoming events are. You know Halloween is on Thursday.” Fanboy waits for him to nod to go on. “They’re doing something every night this week. Different themes on different nights.” Bradley raises his eyebrows. “Let me get this straight. You’re trying to drag me to a costume party?” (alternatively: halloween, a gay bar, jake, and bradley. what could possibly be complicated about that?)
When Danger Comes Home (Don’t Ever let it Roost) by ToukoJalorda003 {M}
Bradley adored his job, and it had been his dream to go into law enforcement as a kid. He had everything he’d ever wanted - except for a romantic partner, but he’d never even consider dragging them into his dangerous personal life. …Until he took a smuggling case involving Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, a known member of the city’s organized crime syndicate. Maybe he’d bitten off more than he could chew, this time.
 Favorite Poison by AncientAviators
Reprieve (Can You Ever Forgive Me?) {M}
“Exactly. If you wanna—” Maverick waves his hand, shaking his head— “I dunno, go start up a ranch somewhere, then do it. If you wanna go back to school, then go back to school, start a family, don’t start a family, get married or never settle down. Follow your dreams. Figure out if you even have any other dreams. Don’t…” He pauses, voice quieting, going soft and sincere, and Bradley’s chest aches a bit. “I don’t want you to ever limit yourself just because you feel like you owe it to your dad, Bradley.” A brief moment of silence. He knows he probably shouldn't ask, he might not be able to handle the answer. “Is that why you stuck around?” “Because of my dad, or because I felt like I owed it to yours?” Maverick asks, eyes coming back up, a small, sad smile on his lips. He holds Bradley’s gaze, the fire flickering on his face, the shadows dancing and disappearing before coming back in rapid succession. Or: Post-Mission healing, Jake and Bradley have history, and Bradley's trying to figure out his life.
The Hand That Feeds {M}
He kind-of wants to be, honestly. He really wants to be. He thinks he could spend the rest of his life with Bradley, doing just this. Coming home to each other, having dinner together, falling asleep in the same bed. Maybe it’s the few sips of wine he had or he’s just losing his mind, but he can almost imagine himself giving up flying for Bradley, if it meant more time with him. They got lucky, being kept as a squadron. Jake needs to thank Iceman, Maverick, and Cyclone. He’ll have to send gift baskets.
Deferment (I Have Plans) {T}
They both glance at the front door when it opens, Iceman and Maverick’s voices carrying from the entryway. Jake sits up, balancing on his elbows. When the silver-haired man sees them on the couch, he turns away from Maverick. “Get up and get dressed, Cyclone needs us for a meeting.” He briskly heads for the bedroom, ignoring his husband, who tries to continue whatever conversation they were having before they came inside. “Tom—” Bradley turns his phone off and blinks, stretching his legs and back and biting back a groan. “It’s Sunday, though?” “That’s what I told him,” Ice calls out dryly from the hallway.
Paperback Thrills by twowritehands {T}
On a dagger team road trip from California to Texas, Jake stumbles on an embarrassing secret hidden in Phoenix's bag, and it just won't leave his head. Not until he tries it for himself, and life is never the same again.
Right now I wish you were here with me by FlowersOnMyMind {T}
He doesn't miss his husband's thick, Texan drawl or his stupid smirk. He definitely doesn't miss the Alpha's scent of campfire, leather, and the grass after it rains. He doesn't miss tripping over Jake’s cowboy boots in the entryway of their home. He doesn't miss seeing Jake's Stetson hanging on the hook by the front door. Or the way he teases Bradley, trying to get a rise out of him. He doesn't- He misses Jake so much it hurts. Or Jake is sent across the world for a mission that takes much longer than they thought. He and Bradley don't handle it well.
I can be your fantasy (football punishment) by ok_thanks {_}
“This year, the second annual season of the Dagger Squad Fantasy Football League, the loser, one Bradley Bradshaw, must face a fate worse than death.” Nat pauses for dramatic effect. “He must – drumroll, please, boys... — Successfully and wholly complete the Scholastic Aptitude Test, also known to some as the SAT.” As if that wasn't bad enough, the proctor being Javy's stupidly handsome best friend — who he keeps running into — adds to his misery. AKA: the one where Bradley's fantasy football punishment leads to an embarrassing crush of high school teacher Jake.
Let's fall in love for the night (and forget in the morning) by Conny_the_destroyer {E}
There are so many possibilities of how Jake imagined he would spend this fine summer night. What he hasn't considered is driving his car to a dive bar on the outskirts of town half an hour after midnight. Bradley gets hurt and it's Jake who finds him.
a force to be reckoned with by winterbitch {T}
They're running from monsters they don't understand, desperate for safety in the water that Maverick promised them. Only the monsters are desperate, jut as much as they are, and they step in the water too. It's not safe. Until it is, as Hangman's easy smirk and sharp blade cut through the sky. Rooster doesn't understand, but he knows he's in love. or bamf son of the poseidon hangman au with smitten rooster and maverick who knows more than he should (and some sneaky hangman and iceman dynamics)
cause I can’t help it if you look like an angel (can’t help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain so) by cryinginthebronco {M}
“What’s wrong?” Jake gives his best friend a worried look, already getting up from his seat. Out of habit, he grabs his clipboard, ready to follow Javy wherever he needs him. “Do you have a moment to talk?” Javy asks, easing the clipboard out of Jake’s hands. Not understanding what’s going on, Jake only nods and lets him take it. “Okay, one second.” Javy gives him a tight smile and walks away, followed by Jake’s disoriented look. -or it was supposed to be a "someone is a little loopy after anesthesia" fic, but it spiraled into something a little bit longer - or nurse jake au
Always by greenstuff {E}
Jake meets Bradley for the first time when they're eighteen. This is the story about how they fall in love, break up, and then spend years finding their way back to each other. A modern Persuasion, if you squint a bit.
Rulebreaker by Fuddlewuddle {E}
Jake doesn't sleep with Alphas as a rule. Bradley Bradshaw made him want to break that rule. An unscheduled, but well-timed heat, might help the Omega get that through the Alpha's thick skull of his
any man of mine by bottledyarn {T}
Bradley sighed. “It’d just be nice if he was nice once in a while, that’s all I’m saying.” “Gotta say, this is a hundred times worse than your horny era,” Nat said, and Bradley stabbed a pointer finger at her. “There was no horny era,” he said. “And—and I’m not hung up on him. He’s just—” “‘Aggravating,’” Nat said, yanking the word out of his mouth. “I’ve heard it before. And you definitely are hung up on him. Are, have been, probably always will be. Maybe that’s the real reason his name’s Hang-man. Stringing you along without even realizing he’s doing it.”
Love (Suite Love) by hangmanbradshaw {T}
Jake never thought he'd leave a pop concert with a public crush. Bradley was on vocal rest. Really, he was.
Fire in the Blood and Smoke in the Air by MadeItUp {M}
Dirty and Sweet (Get it on)
As things wind down after the mission, Rooster struggles with a need for something a little dangerous. That something absolutely should not – cannot – be Jake Seresin. But a little friendly competition and a lot of alcohol can go a long way to changing a man's mind. Hangman eyes Rooster’s empty beer, then his own. “How about that second shot?” “You tryna put me off my game?” “I don’t need you drunk to beat you, Rooster.” “What do you need me drunk for?”
feels good to know one thing
Jake doesn’t have the best relationship with his family, so when he’s summoned home for a special occasion, he calls up the one person he can trust to stick with him – after all, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw has never ever lost a wingman. But he’s about to find out that getting shot down in enemy territory to save Mav was a whole lot easier than surviving a long weekend chez Seresin. “So it’s a big family thing?” Jake says carefully. “Everyone bringing their partners?” “Well of course, Charlie’s promised to bring the kids and I’ve not even met Matty’s new girlfriend—” “So that means I can bring someone?” Silence on the line. His mom is no fool. She knows when she’s been played. “Of course, Jakey,” she says. “You’re welcome to bring anyone you like.”
Will Get Fooled Again
Personal history isn’t enough to get in the way of professional opportunity, and when Lieutenant Commanders Jake Seresin and Bradley Bradshaw are selected to develop a pioneering Strategy Development Program at TopGun, working with the best young aviators the fleet has to offer, each figures they’re up to the challenge both in the air and on the ground. After all, a little rivalry can heighten the senses and bring out the best results… Or it can bring out something else altogether. “I’m not hard to impress,” Jake says, laying the cue down on the table. “I just don’t like people kissing my ass.” “Really?” Rooster says, and there’s a marginally lower register to his voice, a flicker of something crossing his expression that has excitement sparking in Jake’s gut. Walking round to take his drink from where he’s left it, Jake faces the others, resting the ass in question on the table and taking a sip of his drink, before answering. “Hero worship’s for people who don’t know their own worth.” He flashes a winning smile at his friends. “Some of us don’t need it.”
Up in the skies by AnadoraBlack {M}
Bradley hasn't been on Tarakona in more than ten years. It's time he goes home. Besides, at 30 years old, there's next to no chance a dragon egg would hatch for him, right?
pumpkins and whiskers by youlookgood {T}
Needing a fresh start, Bradley moves from his old childhood home in San Diego to a far away small town. It's nice enough, he supposes. The residents certainly have that small-town autumn charm going for them. His new next-door neighbor's pretty nice too. What's less than nice is said neighbor's roommate, and his equally annoying orange cat.
Evil Be Gone by MadeItUp {E}
Training on the F/A-18 is everything he’s ever wanted, but Bradley’s dream becomes a nightmare when a new recruit joins the Golden Eagles. Blond hair, green eyes and a smirk so wicked he could rival the devil, Jake Seresin is everything Bradley hates – arrogant, brilliant and an unrelenting asshole. It’s almost as if he’s been sent there as Bradley’s own personal demon… All Bradley’s seen of the man so far is the back of his head – dirty blond hair cut short and sharp to the nape of his neck. At Nija’s invitation, Seresin turns to smile at the room, hand coming up in a lazy salute, his grin as sharp, as calculated, as the cut of his hair. His eyes are green, his dimples deep, and he’s far too pretty to be trusted.
you’re not fooling me (I can see) by magdarko
When MI Private Investigations gets a new case from a mysterious client, Bradley must confront old fears and new uncertainties. Throw in a creepy old house on a moonlit night, and you’ve got all the makings of a mystery.
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
To Hec and Back
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Warnings: Language, alcohol consumption, exotic dancers, allusions to smut. 18+ Minors DNI
Previous Part
Part 10
Everyone thought you and Jake were crazy for trying to plan a wedding in three months, but somehow, you did it. It was October, and your wedding was a week away.
Jake's family was flying in today, and the two of you were at the airport to greet them. They were so excited to see you again and ready for the wedding. You'd spent the first part of the week with your bridal party and future mother in law and grandmother in law getting pampered with mani- pedis, massages, and skin care. They were so excited to take you out for your Bachelorette night on Thursday before the rehearsal dinner on Friday and the wedding on Saturday.
However, it was Wednesday, the night of Jake's Bachelor party.
You had already called and arranged it with Marco, the owner of the club you had danced at. He agreed to shut it down for the night as a favor to you. Some of your dancer friends agreed to come in and help you with your plan. Of course, you had offered to pay them, but no one was willing to accept your money, all of them claiming it was their gift to you.
Jake and the boys had just come in and taken their seats. Kara, the cocktail waitress, handed each of them a glass of Jake's favorite scotch, except for Bob, who had a crisp Dr. Pepper.
"Nervous?" Amethyst asked you as you peeked out to them.
"A little. I mean, I've done this hundreds of times but it feels— different" You breath out.
"It's your last time doing this. And you're doing it for your fiancée—it is different" She jokes with you.
The house lights flicker, signaling that it is time to get into position.
You adjust your cowgirl costume and take your mark. You hear DDawg announcing the set. You take a deep breath. The lights dim, and the opening beats of the first song begin as the curtain opens.
You had decided to do a group number with the girls. Then a few of them would do a few solos and small groups. The night would end with your final dance.
You could hear Jake's laugh as soon as he recognized the tune of "Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy" blast through the speakers. You made your way up to the front and center of the group.
Jake had a huge smile plastered on his face. You also noticed that all the boys of the Dagger Squad had their jaws hanging open when they recognized you.
Jake neglected to tell them that the strip club they were going to was yours, and he never told them about your secret.
It took them all a few minutes to recover before they were cheered and letting bills fly.
As the bridge of the song played, all of you exited off the stage and found a cowboy to ride. Yours was waiting for you with open arms.
As you gave him a lap dance, Jake plucked your hat off of your head and placed it on his with a wink.
The song began to wind down as all of you made your way back to the stage for the final bars. As the music faded out, everyone collected their spoils and made their way back to the changing room.
A pop song filled the speakers as everyone scrambled to change for their next sets.
You could only imagine the conversation Jake was having right now
"Jake! How come you never told us, man!" Coyote chastises him as the dancers exit. "Seriously, bro! I can't believe Hecate is a stripper!" He shakes his head in disbelief.
"It wasn't my secret to tell." Jake defends himself as he sips his scotch.
"How did you even find out about her doing this?" Rooster ask him.
"You remember the day I called her a bitch and she threw a drink in my face?" Jake asks.
"With great joy." Bob smirks.
"Well, I came here after and stumbled upon her set, and the rest is history." Jake shrugged.
"So every weekend when you said you had plans—you were here?" Yale asks.
"Yes," Jake sighs as he finishes his drink. The cocktail waitress is quick to bring him another. But she tells him that per your request, his limit is three. She winks at him before sauntering off.
Soon, the stage is filled with girls again, but you're missing. He wonders where you are and what you have planned as the night glides on.
You can hear the music from another song fade. It's just about time for the last dance of the night. Your last dance. Something you had choreographed just for Jake.
You looked yourself over in the mirror. Your hair hung in loose curls. You had sultry, smokey sliver eye makeup, and your favorite deep red Mac lipstick in the shade "Sin," graced your lips.
You wore a gorgeous pair of silver glitter heels and black sheer tights. A black bodysuit with the constellations of the night hugged your frame. It was more modest with long sleeves, but the plunging neckline made it just sexy enough.
You topped your look off with a silver and rhinestone halo headband of stars and moons. You truly looked and felt like a goddess.
You walked out of the dressing room and took you position at the side of the stage. The shadow screen had been lowered down for the first part of your dance.
You knew it wasn't a full house out there, but the fact that your fellow pilots, you coworkers from the club, and most importantly Jake, were going to be watching you, had your stomach in knots.
You heard DDawg's voice through the speakers announcing you one last time, "Ladies and gentlemen, The Oasis is proud to present, in her very last performance—Hecate."
You could hear the cheers for you. Soon, the first beats of "Take Me to Church" filled the room. While this didn't seem like the typical song you would dance to, its lyrics held meaning for you. The tune was perfect for what you were about to do.
You strutted out on the stage. You were backlight, so only your shadowy form was visible.
You began the well rehearsed movements of your routine, flowing with the melody of the song. You expected to hear cheers or shouts, but the only sound was Hoizers haunting voice echoing off the walls.
As an "Amen" rang out and bounced around the room, you climb the pole, almost to the top, but not all the way.
As the string instruments hit, your twist your body in time with them and slide down, landing on your knees just as the first chorus plays and the shadow screen rises up.
The moment it happens, the onlookers cry out for you with cheers and praise.
This is the first time you see everyone. Your eyes immediately land on Jake.
He watches you, enamored with every move your body makes. Even though he's seen you do this dozens of times and knows what it feels like to have you pressed against him in the most erotic way, he can't take his eyes off of you. He knows you're putting on a show just for him.
Jake feels all of the blood in his body rushing south as you crawl across the stage to him. You part his thighs and perch on your knees between him, almost like you're about to pray.
You draw your hands across your form, the black bodysuit accentuating your chest as you arch your back. His eyes never leave you. He can hear the shouts and whistles of the rest of the Dagger boys behind him, but all he can focus on is you.
Your body flows in sync with the music, commanding his attention. He's never seen you dance like this. With such fire, such passion. It's—intimate in a way. Like you're bearing your soul to him.
He watches your hips sway as you return to the stage and climb the pole. Another loud "amen" rings out through the speakers. "Amen!" Rooster whoops out. All Jake can think is, "Amen indeed." He adjusts himself through his trousers. Jake watches your body slide down the pole as another sinful thought about how he would gladly get on his knees and worship you, his goddess, right here in front of everyone if you'd let him.
The song is almost finished, and you prepare yourself for the big finale you have planned.
You elegantly climb the pole to the very top. And stretch your arm out, blowing Jake a kiss. Just as the last notes are being playing, you quickly drop from the top, sliding the whole length of the pole, landing in a split. Just as the bright lights fade to black and the curtain closes
You can hear everyone losing their minds, cheering, yelling, and whistling. You take a deep breath before standing up. The curtain raises again as you step forward to take a bow with tears in your eyes.
Jake rushes forward to embrace you. He's babbling out praise and peppering you with kisses.
Soon, everyone else joins him, and they are complimenting you. You can't help but laugh when Bob comes up to you and says, "Hecate! You were amazing, but I think we are all going to have to go to church after that."
The night ends with you and Jake leaving the club hand in hand to head home. The whole drive, he keeps telling you how amazing you were, but the adrenaline from it all has finally worn off. You fall asleep on the drive home, and he has to cary you inside to tuck you in.
The next morning, you were awoken at five to the sound of Phoenix beating on your door.
"Phoenix! What the fuck!" You scolded as you opened the door. She ignored you, brushing by as she, Halo, Charli, and Savannah all filed into your living room.
"It is five o'clock in the morning. What are all of you doing here?" You asked them.
"We are here to help you get ready for your Bachelorette day!" Phoenix cheered. For the first time, you noticed what they were wearing. All of them were dressed in matching "Bride Tribe" t-shirts and shorts.
"Where are we going? And why do we have to be up so early.
"We are taking you to Disneyland!" Charli squeals.
"Disneyland?" You look at her confused.
"Yes! And rope drop is at eight which means we need to be through security by seven thirty and it's an hour and a half away and I've planned for one bathroom slash food stop so we need to be out the door and in the car in thirty minutes!" Phoenix proclaims.
She grabs a bag of clothes for you as you clamber back to the room to change. You're wearing a white shirt with the word "Bride" across the front and "Mrs. Seresin" on the back. She's picked out some black athletic shirts for you. You tie your hair into a ponytail and slide on some tennis shoes.
When you go back to the living room to ask her if you need to back a bag, Savannah happily presents you with a mini backpack with all of the essentials you will need for the day. You grab your phone and go to kiss Jake goodbye.
"Where are they taking you?" He mumbles, still half asleep.
"Disneyland." You tell him. "Have fun." He says before kissing you and rolling back over.
Phoenix ushers everyone out as you lock the door. You're on the road five minutes earlier than planned, which makes her happy.
You settle into the passengers seat and turn on a playlist of Disney songs before turning to Savannah.
"Wait, where are Carter and Sloan?" You ask her.
"With their dad and my parents. This is an adult girls day, and I don't think any of us watch to chase around kids. Plus, we are taking them right after Christmas. So it's a kid free, stress free day." She informs you.
"Well, okay then." You laugh as the SUV rolls down the highway.
The minute you get to the park, Phoenix puts a set of wedding ears on tour heads and straps a magic band to your wrist. She goes over the plan for the day with everyone. She has pulled out all the stops to make sure you maximize your time.
The four of you have an amazing day in the park. Meeting characters, eating all the Mickey shaped things, indulging in a few day drinks, and riding all the rides.
By the time you leave, you are all thoughrly exhausted but happy.
For their final surprise of the evening, you learn that the four of you are staying in the Grand Californian for the night and having a spa day the next day before returning for the rehearsal dinner tomorrow evening.
All of you tumble into bed with smiles on your faces.
After getting pamper and wedding ready, the four of you made it back home with a few hours to spare.
You were so excited telling Jake about your trip and everything you did. He loved the way your eyes lit up when you told him about it.
Much to your surprise, the rehearsal dinner went off without a hitch. Everything ran smoothly as the wedding party ran through the movements and motions in preparation for the big day tomorrow.
The only part that bothered you, was the fact that you were walking down the aisle alone.
You were never in one place for long enough to have a family, so there was no one you could ask.
Maverick and Jake Sr. had both offered, but it just didn't seem right.
The only person who made sense was Rooster. He was the closest thing to family you had. You'd known him for most of your adult life, and he was like a brother to you. But he was one of Jake's groomsmen, so he was out of the question to.
You did your best not to let that put a damper on your mood. Everything would be okay.
Tomorrow you were going to marry the love of your life.
Tomorrow, you were going to be Mrs. Seresin.
So, I lied babes, there us at least one more part after this. There is still so much more I want to include!
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phonkscribes · 1 year
I don’t want to bother you that much but when you have the time can I get how the survivors (L4D2) will react to having a crush on the new guy they stumbled upon? Please and thank you!! <3
You're not a bother at all, I'm always excited to get a new letter in the mail. Here's a few headcanons on the gang having a crush on the newbie :)
He might've regarded that new guy as a little more than dead weight given that the group doesn't have the best experience when another is added in. He was so ready to shoot the guy the second he started showing symptoms of the Green Flu. However, in the passing days that he's gotten to fight along side the guy, he's finding himself softening up around him. Nick thinks that he finds him tolerable, nothing more and nothing less next to his other friends. Although, there's just something different about him than the others. Ellis gets on his nerves, Rochelle bumps heads with him whenever he hits anyone with his sarcasm, and Coach is just... Coach.
The new guy doesn't get flustered when he says something smart, he shoots him a grin and rolls with the punches, even offering something just as smart back to him. He's not shown up often, or enough to remember really, but it's just another thing that has him drawn in. When he notices this little development, he can't believe himself. The newbie will brush a hand along the fabric of his shoulder, pulling him out of his haze and watching as his cheeks tinge a shade darker.
"You alright, Nicholas?"
The tease heats him up as he reloads his assault rifle, watching you carry on with Ellis and falling into step behind Rochelle as Coach watches the whole thing. He just looks at him, already knowing as Nick tries to fight off the smile creeping onto his face.
"What are you looking at?"
"Nothin' Nick"
He was happy to find another soul lost out in this shit show of an apocalypse, waving the others over to come and meet him. Ellis just hoped that the new guy wouldn't turn out like the other one did in the Helicopter. He's quite the chatter box while the newbie doesn't seem to be a guy of many words. Before he launches into his usual ramblings, he pauses just in case the other doesn't like him running his mouth as he does. He's just surprised to find him listening, hanging on every word as they push through the muck and grime of zombies. It takes him back when the new guy nudges him, urges him to carry on when the others walk ahead to avoid another one of Ellis' Keith tales.
The best part is getting to hear him laugh, the way his eyes crinkle as he smiles just... it's just wow.
It makes him feel all light and giddy. When the new guy tells his stories in turn with his own, Ellis can't help but to ask questions rather than to tell him to quiet down some. When the new guy talks, he sets the mood real well, never a dull moment packed within his words. It could be about anything dull or not all that exciting, and Ellis would drink it up. He thinks that he's so cool, smart, and funny, and... shit, does he got a crush on him or something?
The apocalypse has made it real hard to find someone out there, and he doesn't want to mess it up by not knowing what to say or what to do. Nick just laughs as Rochelle punches his arm, trying to give the best advice she can as the conman tells him to just be cool. He isn't very subtle when trying to make his advances.
There's something about that new guy that just intrigues her. Sure there are other men in her life that happen to also have an air of mystery floating around them, but none happening to be more prominent than the addition of the rookie. She calls him rookie, and he doesn't seem to mind, even when she lingers in the back to chat with him. The first thing she does when she develops this little crush is to make sure that there isn't anyone else who's that close to him. It'd be awkward to try and make a move when he's got a fiance or partner(if she's still out there!) She teases him a little, invites him to have their playful banters with each other, typical stuff. Nick and Coach catch on before Ellis does as he wonders why she seems to be spending an awfully long time with the new guy.
When he does catch on, he'd try to tease Rochelle about it but she shuts him down real quick. She doesn't want anyone else to know before she tries to confess to you or make any moves. There's a right way to do it and there's a wrong way to do it, and at every opportunity, she's nervous to just outright ask. Nick urges her forward, to just get it over with because he's sick of her being puppy eyes at him and not doing anything about it.
"Jesus, if you keep waiting, the zombies will hurry up and take him!"
"Nick. I don't remember asking you for your opinion! And besides, there's no rush..."
"Uh-huh... riiiiiight, oh! Hey rookie!", he rolls his eyes, shaking his head as she spots him.
He's a bit older than the other survivors, so he's not wasting any time in making his point. As his adoration for the newbie dawns upon him, he knows that he should get it out of the way so that things don't feel awkward later down the road after working through it together. His gestures are more attentive, and his words are sweet as he tells them to him. It's heart warming to see him in action, at least it is to Roch and Ellis. Nick sees the PDA as 'sickening', but that's just Nick. Coach jokingly tries to offer him some advice on how to handle a gun that he's not too familiar with, and is pleasantly surprised when he takes him up on that offer. The new guy has him feeling years younger when he slides up into his arms for the example.
Chances are the rookie knows what he's doing, and Coach has seen him work it before. It's just nice not to be brushed off as the fat old guy who used to be in his prime back in his college days. He makes him feel as strong as he is wise, and that's probably why he got a crush on him in the first place. He hopes he's not being too forward or anything like that. It's the sort of nervousness that puts butterflies in his stomach, fluttering upward as he chuckles into a grin.
"What the hell am I gonna do with you?"
"For starters, we could go over there and loot that diner. I could KILL for a cheeseburger right about now"
He doesn't even know about the vice grip he has on his heart when he hears those words.
"Let's go get us a cheeseburger then!"
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dollycas · 4 months
#FlashbackFriday featuring A Twisted Skein (Seaside Knitters Society) by Sally Goldenbaum #Review / #Giveaway @KensingtonBooks @sallygoldenbaum
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On Flashback Fridays I will share with you the books I was not able to review when they were first released that have been screaming at me from my To-Be-Read bookshelf.   A Twisted Skein (Seaside Knitters Society) Cozy Mystery 6th in Series (with this publisher) Setting - Massachusetts Publisher ‏ : ‎ Kensington Cozies (November 28, 2023) Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 320 pages ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1496729439 ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1496729439 Kindle ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BZB79B8B Like every coastal town, Sea Harbor needs tourists and their dollars. But there’s something special about that time of year when summer people return to their normal lives, and the wide sandy beaches welcome back locals with their dogs and strollers. And this year, even as the season cools down, Izzy Perry’s Sea Harbor Yarn Studio is heating up, thanks to an upcoming fashion benefit . . . The show will feature hand-knit garments, and enthusiastic knitters flock to the shop for supplies to create runway-worthy pieces. Yet Seaside Knitter Birdie is enjoying flocks of a different kind, thanks to a rekindled interest in birdwatching, a hobby she enjoyed with her late husband. Along with a small group of passionate birders, she often spends weekend mornings looking for warblers or keeping watch for gannets and grebes. The group members themselves are almost as fascinating as the birds. It’s a lovely, special time—until Birdie makes her way through a tangle of vines and stumbles upon a fellow birder’s body. At first, it appears to be an accidental fall, but an autopsy soon reveals that the victim died before hitting a granite boulder. When police discover a clue linking the victim to one of the Seaside Knitters, the web of suspicion grows. Before the woods are ablaze in autumn glory and the knitters have cast off the final rows on their runway projects, they’ll have to unravel secrets and ties strong enough to bind friends and neighbors together—and some that may press a killer to take another life. Dollycas's Thoughts We return to Sea Harbor when things should be calming down but Izzy has agreed to host a fashion benefit featuring hand-knit items made with yarn from her Sea Harbor Yarn Studio and she has enlisted her friends Willow, Lucky, and Rose to construct a runway for the event. Birdie is busy too. She has joined a local birdwatching group. She had enjoyed birdwatching with her late husband and wanted to take up the hobby again. She finds the eclectic group very interesting. Birdie is very excited about a birding trip to the local granite quarry but due to an earlier storm Birdie is warned to stay away from the rocks so she detours into the woods. It is there she discovers another member of the group dead. Birdie thinks the man has a terrible accident but she soon learns the victim died before his fall. The police also believe a friend of the Seaside Knitters may have had something to do with his death. It's time for the Seaside Knitters to untwist and untangle each and every clue and knit together who was really responsible for the body in the woods. Can they pull that off before all the knitters hit the runway? or will one of them be behind bars? _____ I love this series. I open the book and immediately feel like I am in the company of good friends. Birdie, Nell, Izzy, and Cass have grown so much since the first book, Death by Cashmere was released in 2008. Birdie is a wise octogenarian, Izzy is a young mom and owns the Sea Harbor Yarn Studio, Cass is co-owner of Halloran Lobster Company with a cute little baby boy, and Nell is Izzy's aunt and is retired.  They have their Thursday night ritual of meeting at Izzy's shop for a night of "friend therapy". A time to toast, eat, knit, and share what's happening with them and around town. Then on Friday nights, they gather with their husbands, children, and any other friends who drop in for a great meal at Nell's that usually includes something grilled out on the deck no matter the time of year. They all are always there for each other no matter what. They also try to help anyone in need throughout the community. Kind, caring, and smart, these characters are very well-developed but continue to grow and remain fresh even after 17 books.  Ms. Goldenbaum has written a very emotional story. The relationships are complex and carefully constructed. The victim's death deeply affected many people including Birdie. Two sisters are dealing with other issues including the man's death. In a mystery full of twists and turns Birdie, Nell, Cass, and Izzy try to find proof that someone they care about was not involved in the murder while trying to piece together clues to find who did it and why. They collected information from several different sources and passed it all on to the police.  Soon all the clues fell into place. I did have the right person near the top of my suspect list but was surprised at the deviousness and how dreadful the person really was. I did enjoy the subplot of the fashion show. While the author's descriptions of the garments and the runway, were good, I wish the book could have contained pictures. Izzy called the runway "magnificent" and a "panoramic scene" that came to life the closer she came to it. A Twisted Skein is wonderfully written. The characters and the friendships they have built are beyond measure. The mystery is complex and skillfully plotted. Sea Harbor and its residents grab ahold of me a little more with each book in this series and each visit ends too soon. Your Escape Into A Good Book Travel Agent About Sally Goldenbaum Sally Goldenbaum is the author of over three-dozen novels, including the Queen Bees Quilt Shop Mysteries and the nationally bestselling Seaside Knitters Society Mystery Series, set in the fictional town of Sea Harbor, Massachusetts. Born in Manitowoc,  Wisconsin, Sally now lives in Gloucester, Massachusetts with her husband, Don. In addition to writing mysteries, Sally has taught philosophy, Latin, and creative writing, edited bioethics, and veterinary healthcare journals, and worked in public television at WQED Pittsburgh (then home to Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood). Follow Sally Webpage Twitter    Facebook  Find more books by Sally Golenbaum here. I am giving away an ARC review copy! The contest is open to anyone over 18 years old with a US or Canadian mailing address. Duplicate entries will be deleted. Void where prohibited. You do not have to be a follower to enter but I hope you will find something you like here and become a follower. Followers Will Receive 2 Bonus Entries For Each Way They Follow. Plus 2 Bonus Entries For Following My Facebook Fan Page. Add this book to your WANT TO READ shelf on GoodReads for 3 Bonus Entries. Follow Kensington Books on Twitter for 2 Bonus Entries! Follow Kensington Publishing on Facebook for 2 Bonus Entries!  Pin this giveaway to Pinterest for 3 Bonus Entries. If you share the giveaway on Threads, X, or Facebook or anywhere you will receive 5 Bonus Entries For Each Link. The  Contest Will End June 10, 2024, at 11:59 PM CST The Winner Will Be Chosen By Random.org The Winner Will Be Notified By Email and Will Be Posted Here In The Sidebar. Click Here For Entry Form Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Receiving a complimentary copy in no way reflected my review of this book. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”                                    Read the full article
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umichenginabroad · 1 year
Balance of Work and Fun
Hey everyone, welcome back to a week in my life in Madrid. This week has been super eventful, from exams to traveling! 
During most of this week, I’ve been hanging around Madrid and visiting different cafes to prepare for my upcoming exams! As much as I love to travel and explore, I am focused on my studies and classes too. This upcoming week, I have an exam in electronic circuits and fluid mechanics. Since I need to fit in some productive study time this week, I’ve been able to spend my time in local cafes. I visited some favorites, such as Cafe A’dore. I got my usual coffee, but later on decided to try something a bit more fun. I tried a coffee called a “Cappuccino Vienna,” which is basically a normal coffee with A LOT of whipped cream on top. It was a sweet, fun treat while I was studying. 
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Later on in the week, me and my roommates visited our new favorite restaurant, El Chapparito. This is a local Mexican restaurant that serves tacos for only €1 each! We also love coming here as it’s never too busy, so we always get seated right away. It’s a great place when you want to eat out on a budget. Not to mention - the tacos are delicious. 
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My motivation to make it through the beginning of the week came this past weekend. After all of my studying, I was able to travel to Lisbon, Portugal, with some friends! I left Friday morning, and landed in Lisbon in the afternoon. We had no set plans, so we visited a castle, ate some famous pastel de nata (Portuguese egg tart), and then went to a local Portuguese restaurant for dinner. We also were able to get some drinks at a rooftop, and the view was gorgeous! We could see Lisbon from every direction. Everything was amazing, and our group would revisit many bakeries throughout the weekend to get more Portuguese egg tarts.
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On Saturday, we walked to a local flea market where I was able to buy some beautiful tiles! The shop owner explained to me where and how they were made, and I’m excited to bring them home as a souvenir from my travels! We then made our way to the famous “Time Out Market” for lunch, and enjoyed our food in the park while taking in the sunshine. We then did some wandering and shopping, and that evening we enjoyed a picnic in a park overlooking the city.
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Sunday was our last day in the city, so we fit in as much as we could! Me and some of my friends started the morning by wandering around Madrid and getting more pastel de nata - we were addicted. Then we all met up and visited the Tower de Belem and the Monastery. I then had the best sandwich of my life in a little hole-in-the-wall spot we stumbled upon. Lastly, we had planned a sunset boat ride along the channel overlooking the city of Lisbon! It was about 2 hours, and our group had an amazing time. Although it was a bit cloudy, our guide regaled us with tales of pirates, sailing, and the history of Lisbon. We saw some of the most famous sites from the water, and it was a great ending to our trip! Lisbon is easily my favorite city I have visited so far, with such a rich culture and beauty around every corner. 
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Now I’m back in Madrid with more memories and ready for my exams! Check back in next week :)
Abbey Almeda
Industrial and Operations Engineering
UP Comillas
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messers-moony · 3 years
Chaser at Heart | J.P
Paring: James Potter X Fem!Reader
Summary: Without realizing it James Potter has always been a Chaser regardless of his Quidditch position.
Everybody wondered where James Potter got his snitch that he played with. Rumors had been created, but only James and Y/n knew the real truth. The most common story was that James and his Marauders nicked it from a supply closet. The honest question was, why did James play with a snitch when he was a Chaser?
Y/n knew. James - even as a boy - had brilliant reflexes. They met in a field that was near both their houses. James went to the field to sit by the lake or even swim in the lake. Y/n climbed the trees and read books on the safety of the wooden bark. But one day, she wasn’t as lucky. Y/n fell from the branch she was sitting on, and James chased after her to catch her. 
Brilliant reflexes James had. At eight years old, he caught her and ran fast enough to do so. Y/n was waiting for impact, but she never felt it. Instead, two arms had been wrapped around her. One under her knees and one around her back. Instantly she was met with hazel eyes. 
They were beautiful. A gorgeous mix of green and brown. But it wasn’t mixed like paint - no - it was mixed like old and vinegar, separated but together. His hair was shaggy and a mess. It was a beautiful chocolate brown color to match the brown in his eyes. The grass could resemble the green in his eyes. Peonies represented the pink in his cheeks. 
The boy smiled, and Y/n smiled sheepishly back, “Afternoon.”
“Afternoon, sir.”
“Sir?” James repeated teasingly, “Do I look thirty?”
Y/n laughed, “Sorry. Force of habit.”
James set her on her own two feet, “Pureblood then too?”
“How did you know I was a witch?”
“Your scarf.”
She looked down to see the gold and maroon-colored scarf, “Oh. In that case, yes, I am a pureblood. You?”
“Me too.” James stated proudly, “Family of Gryffindors.”
“Me as well.”
James took her hand and kissed the back of it, “James Potter, at your service.”
Y/n blushed at his action, “Y/n L/n, at your service.”
From that point, Y/n and James became close friends. They’d switch between going to the lake or climbing trees. Thankfully their families knew each other, so becoming friends only brought them closer. In fact, Euphemia was so grateful to have Y/n’s mother closer now that their children were friends. Fleamont was delighted to be closer with Y/n’s father. 
Fleamont Potter delved in Potion making while his wife Euphemia worked at St. Mungo’s, helping wizards and witches all around London. Y/n’s father worked with magical creatures, and her mother worked with Euphemia. James and Y/n got extraordinarily lucky. They were together almost every day. 
Meeting at the age of eight gave them three years of being friends before going to Hogwarts. They were close by the age of eleven - really close. They stood side by side as they got on the Hogwarts Express and shared a compartment. James and Y/n talked animatedly until a knock at the container startled them. 
“Um- Hello, everywhere else is full. May I sit?” 
The boy had sandy hair and green eyes. Scars littered his body as far as the eye could see. He was rather tall for an eleven-year-old too, but he seemed nice enough. His voice had a thick welsh accent. It made his language a bit incoherent, but James and Y/n knew what he was trying to say. Nevertheless, James put on a bright smile. 
“Of course!”
He gave a nervous smile looking at Y/n, “Come on. We don’t bite. Although James gets pretty loud.” Y/n smiled.
The boy sat hesitantly beside Y/n, “I’m Remus, Remus Lupin.”
“Brilliant to meet you, Remus; I’m James Potter.”
“And I’m Y/n L/n.”
Another hour went by with James and Y/n starting to get to know Remus. They learned that he was a half-blood and that he thoroughly enjoyed books. Y/n and Remus bonded over that while James was listening aimlessly, just enjoying the sound of Y/n’s voice. But another knock interrupted the conversation. This time a more confident boy showed up. 
He was about the same height as James. He had dark brunet hair - darker than James’ - and blue-grey eyes. His smile was almost perfectly white and straight. His face structure was defined and chiseled. A cocky smiled grazed his features. 
“‘Ello!” He exclaimed, “I was wondering if I could sit here. I just got kicked out of every other compartment.”
Remus and Y/n shrugged; they looked at James, “Sure.” James replied, patting the seat beside him, “Come sit, uh….”
“Sirius, Sirius Black.” Sirius finished sitting beside James as both purebloods dropped their jaws. 
“Black? As in the Noble House of Black?” Y/n questioned, and Sirius nodded, “Indeed.”
James stuck out his hand, “James Potter.” Sirius shook his hand. 
“Y/n L/n.”
“You two are purebloods too. Gryffindor purebloods.” Sirius commented, “Yep!” They replied simultaneously. 
Sirius eyed the nervous-looking boy, “And you?”
“Rem- Remus Lupin.” 
The entire rest of the trip - seven hours - was spent talking—no more interruptions. Y/n, Remus, James, and Sirius all got to know each other. The four of them stayed together through everything until the sorting. They all stood near each other while Professor McGonagall began to call names. James was practically shaking in his boots. Y/n grasped his hand tightly. 
“You’ll be okay.” Y/n whispered, and James squeezed her hand thankfully, “Thanks, you too.”
Multiple names were called in alphabetical order of last name until finally B’s were beginning to get called, “Sirius Black!”
Y/n kissed his cheek, making Sirius blush profusely, “You’ll be fine.”
Sirius nodded as he pushed his way through the crowd of first years. Anybody in the wizarding world knew about the Noble House of Black. They were one of the most respected pureblood families. Most known for their line of Slytherins. Sirius Black sat on the stool and waited patiently as the hat spoke in his ear. His cousins watching eagerly from the Slytherin table. 
Silence cut through the crowd until, “GRYFFINDOR!”
The Great Hall was as quiet as a mouse. A Black in Gryffindor? The rival house to Slytherin, that was a no-go. James and Y/n exchanged nervous glances that said everything that needed to be - Sirius Black was going to be in big trouble. More names got called. Remus began to rock on his heels nervously. 
“Remus Lupin!”
Again, the process repeated itself. Remus took his seat on the stool, and the hat was placed upon his head, making its commented in the boy's ear. Remus’ hands wouldn’t stop moving, and it was making Y/n want to throw up. 
The Gryffindor table yelled and cheered. Sirius Black upon them as a blissful smile placed itself upon Remus’ features. He stepped off the stood giving James and Y/n a grateful smile before sitting beside Sirius at the Gryffindor table. A red and gold tie was placed around his shoulders. His green eyes crinkled due to the cheerful smile on his lips. 
Attendance seemed to be going slower - or so that’s how it felt - because of how close they were approached the P’s. James’ grip on Y/n’s hand began to get tighter, and his hand began to feel clammy. Y/n didn’t mind. 
“James Potter!”
“Oh, Merlin…” James muttered before squeezing Y/n’s hand one more time. 
Before stepping on the stool, he looked back at Y/n, who gave him a reassuring smile. James Potter sat upon the seat, and once again, the hat was placed above his hair. Within seconds the hat seemed to have made its decision. 
Y/n screamed loudly for him along with the Gryffindor table. James’ hazel eyes met her e/c ones, and he winked. The boy took his spot across from Sirius and watched eagerly at his best friend waiting to be sorted. Sirius snapped his fingers in James' face to get his attention. 
“How’d you meet?” Sirius inquired, “Mm?”
“How did you meet her?” 
“Oh, she fell out of a tree, and I caught her.” James replied distantly, still looking at his best friend left alone in the smaller crowd. 
“She’s nice.”
James nodded at Remus’ comment, “Definitely. She’s brilliant.”
Finally, they got to her last name. James was on his tipping point, and Sirius smiled reassuringly - like she had when he began to sit on the stood, “She’ll be fine. You know that.”
“I do, but still.”
Y/n couldn’t fathom her excitement yet nervousness. She was a walking contradiction. Carefully, not to step on her robes while her legs felt like jelly, she moved through the relatively small crowd. Only about ten kids remained now. Y/n sat on the stool and made direct eye contact with James, who threw her the most reassuring look possible. 
“Curious, very curious.” The hat spoke in her ear, “Loyal, hardworking yet courageous and stupidly brave.”
Y/n almost snickered, “What a brilliant Hufflepuff you’d make.”
“Please, Gryffindor. Please, Gryffindor.” 
“Gryffindor? Are you sure?” The hat queried, “Please.” Y/n begged. 
If the sorting hat could’ve shrugged, he would’ve, “If that’s what you think.”
James stumbled from the Gryffindor table as Y/n got off the stool with the same smile Remus had. The blissful, relaxed, and cheery smile. On his way out from the table, he almost fell, but he chased his way to her until Y/n was wrapped in his arms. Y/n placed her nose in the crook of his neck while James’ face was buried in her hair. They pulled away, and James led her to sit beside him. 
“Told you she’d be fine.” Sirius remarked, “I worry.” James retorted with a smile. 
Y/n fiend offense, “You were worried! Where’d you think I’d go? Slytherin?”
“Absolutely not!” James exclaimed, “Jus’ didn’t want to be separated from you.”
She nudged his shoulder with hers, “You aren’t getting rid of me.”
“Neither are you two.” Y/n pointed at the boys across from her, “Welcome to our group of four.”
“We’ve gotta come up with a better name for that.” Remus replied as the other three nodded, “Definitely.”
The boys and the girls had different dormitories. Y/n shared her dorm with three other girls named Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald, and Lily Evans. Meanwhile, James, Remus, Sirius shared a dorm where they met a new boy with blond hair and blue eyes named Peter Pettigrew, who quickly was added to their group of four, which was now five. 
James and Y/n shared almost every class aside from History of Magic and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Instead, Y/n had History of Magic with Remus and Lily. At the same time sharing Defense Against the Dark Arts with Remus as well. She also became quick friends with her roommate, Marlene, through Quidditch. Y/n always admired James while he practiced being Chaser, while Y/n was his fake Keeper. 
Throughout first year the new additions to their original duo learned how mischievous these two were. Y/n had an intelligent mind with practically foolproof plans, and James had the resources to make those plans work. Sirius was quick to join their prank-making wonders while Remus tended to stick with Y/n in making plans. Peter joined whenever he could. 
Soon enough, the group was known as the pranksters around Hogwarts. Surprisingly enough, they were proud of their newfound title. They were all sitting in the boys' dorms. James, Y/n, and Sirius were talking about Quidditch. Peter was practicing the new incantation that Professor Flitwick had taught them, and Remus was reading. When out of nowhere, Remus exclaimed. 
“I got it!”
“Got what, mate?” James questioned as the chatter stopped, and they all looked at the sandy-haired male, “Our group name!”
Y/n perked up, “Whatcha got, Remmy?”
“The Marauders!”
“Marauders?” Sirius repeated, confused, “What does that mean?”
Remus sighed, and Y/n giggled, “Marauders is another word for raiders, you idiot.”
“I like it.” Sirius commented, “I do too!” Peter interject. 
The three looked at the original duo; Y/n shrugged, “Good call, Rem.”
“How about it, James?” 
“I think it’s excellent! The Marauders it is!” 
Henceforth, their legacy grew and were now known as the five Marauders. They were all known for something. James, good at getting resources. Sirius, good at persuading. Peter, the most logical. Remus, the brains of every mission. Finally, Y/n, the most reckless. Y/n is the one who’d go in first always; she was also the one with the most detentions. 
In the second year, Y/n became more intuitive, observant, and curious about Remus. She noticed in the first year a pattern of when he’d get sick or his mother's sudden illness once a month. She was no stranger to these creatures as her father had worked with them for years. So before the first full moon of the new term, Y/n pulled Remus aside. 
“You said you wanted to speak with me?” Remus inquired, and Y/n nodded, “I know.”
“Know about what?”
“I know.” 
Remus rocked on his heels, “O- Oh….”
“Don’t worry, nobody else knows. Although they may have or will find out.” Y/n assured, but Remus still looked nervous, “Remus.”
She placed her hands on his taller shoulders, “You aren’t a monster. I’ve seen werewolves before.”
“You- You have?”
“My father works with magical creatures.” Y/n answered, “Werewolves are included.”
“Personally, I think they’re beautiful.” She stated, and tears grew in Remus’ eyes, “You do?”
“Of course, I do.” Y/n smiled, and Remus pulled her in for a hug, “Thank you.”
“Anytime and if you need anything. I’m here for you.”
“Thank you.”
Eventually, Sirius found out next, which quite honestly baffled Remus. Then James and then finally Peter, who was definitely the most oblivious of the Marauders. But to Remus’ astonishment, they were all accepting. They loved Remus as much as his mom, which - in reality - was quite a lot. Every night after full moons, he’d find all four of them sitting beside him. 
James would bring games to play for when he felt up for it. Peter got his books and set them on the table beside him. Sirius brought sweets and his stupidly funny jokes. Y/n held his hand and comforted him the best he could. Honestly, Y/n gave the best head scratches, and he definitely took advantage of it. 
Second-year was also the time for new Quidditch players to join the team. James and Sirius were about to try out but were undeniably nervous. The morning of, neither of them ate, too worried to think about eating, scared of throwing it up later on the pitch. 
“You both are tossers.” Y/n suddenly stated, “You’ll both make the team, and then we’ll celebrate it later, yeah?”
They nodded, “Good. Now get yourselves outta this funk. It’s annoying.”
It was unavoidable. They didn’t just get out of their funk until they got on the pitch. Before James and Y/n separated - her to the seats and him to the pitch - he took ahold of her hand. Squeezing it tightly with his eyes closed. His broom in his other hand that was trembling slightly. Y/n took her hand from his and placed her hands on his cheeks. 
“You’ll be fine. I promise.”
“Promise promise?” James asked, “Promise promise.” Y/n confirmed. 
She let go of his face and began to run off to catch up with Remus, “Good luck!” 
“Thanks.” James murmured to himself, “I’ll need it.”
Without a doubt, James was the best Chaser the Gryffindor had ever seen. Sirius was one hell of a beater too. Marlene even tried out for the new Beater position too. Four parts needed to be filled due to seventh-years leaving. Two Beaters, one Chaser, and one Keeper. Y/n and Remus were crossing their fingers that they all got the positions they wanted. 
The following week the results were posted. James, Sirius, and Marlene made the team! Y/n would never forget the gleeful smile that passed its way onto James’ face or the way Sirius laughed. She’d never seen them so happy before. Remus and her stood feet away from their little party, his arm thrown around her shoulders. 
“It’s nice to see them this way.”
“It is.”
Remus teasingly nudged her hip, “Seems like James has always been a Chaser.”
“What's that suppose to mean?” Y/n furrowed her eyebrows at the lycanthrope, “You’ll see it eventually.”
Y/n didn’t pry. It wasn’t worth it, especially when it’s with Remus. Remus was the ultimate secret keeper and cynical. He said things that made you think but would never tell you what they mean. Eventually, more years passed and they were in the summer going into their seventh year. 
James invited Y/n to stay the summer at the Potter manor, and she did. It was possibly one of the best summers he’s ever had with her being so close. Mrs. Potter seemed to know what Remus was talking about when she threw looks at her husband when the two best friends were together. But it was one evening that they were all watching a movie when someone came through the Floo Network. 
They jumped up from the couch to see a roughed-up Sirius Black, “Sirius!” 
James was frozen along with his two parents, but Y/n wasn’t. She was haste to get Sirius up from the floor to help him stand. He had a nasty cut below his right eye and what seemed to be more all across his body which his mother could only do. But instantly, Y/n had been ordering James around while Sirius laid on his back on the couch. 
Thankfully, Y/n knew what to do and Euphemia, but she was frozen, still watching her son's best friend take care of their other best friend. James set everything she needed beside her as she began to work quickly. James sat next to her in case she needed anything else. Y/n tore off his shirt and lifted his pants to right over the edge of his boxers. 
“James, hold his hand.” Y/n ordered, and he did it, “I’m so sorry, Sirius, but this’ll sting.”
And it did. Sirius groaned and constantly hissed as Y/n helped his wounds, the muggle way. Euphemia stared in shock, no longer frozen, but it was evident that Y/n had complete control over the situation and needed no extra help. Within an hour, Sirius was brand new. Y/n had carefully used potions and other bandages to help. 
“What happened, Sirius?” 
He chuckled bitterly, “My mother.”
“No shit.” James retorted, “Why?”
“I’ve been burned off the tapestry. I’m not aloud back because I denied them.”
“Denied them?” Y/n inquired. 
“Of you know what.”
“Oh…” Y/n whispered. 
“Yeah, oh.” Sirius chuckled again - venom lacing. 
Euphemia exchanged looks with her husband, “You’re welcome to stay here.”
“No, I couldn’t ask that of you guys.” Sirius denied hesitantly, and Fleamont shrugged, “Where else are you going to go?”
Sirius stayed silent, “We don’t mind, Sirius. You’ve stayed here before. Euphemia loves having you around just as much as I do.”
“You may not be our son biologically.” Euphemia began as she knelt in front of Sirius, “But you’ll always be our son.”
A single tear fell from Sirius’ eye, “Thank you.”
“Anytime, dear.”
James and Y/n exchanged looks of pure glee, but Euphemia caught their eye, “No mischief, you two.”
They sighed, “Fine.”
The duo pulled Sirius up from the couch and led him to his new bedroom. Euphemia watched Y/n and James work in perfect symphony as if they were a made team from the start. Fleamont pulled his wife to his side, watching them both as well. How perfectly his son worked with her. How amazingly gentle he was with her. 
“He may not know it yet, but he loves her.” Euphemia broke the silence, “Reminds me of us.”
Fleamont quirked an eyebrow, “How so?”
“You always had this dopey grin on your face. The same one James has when Y/n’s around. It’s been that way since they met. When he first mentioned her name, he had that grin. He’s chased her all these years.” 
“Perhaps our son has always been a Chaser at heart.” Fleamont commented, “Perhaps.”
It wasn’t until the first Quidditch match he realized. When he was chasing Y/n around to try and hug her after the game they had won against Ravenclaw. Y/n prohibited hugs after Quidditch matches. Yet here James was chasing her around the pitch with her a screaming mess. 
Lily, Marlene, and Remus were laughing loudly at him, “Y/n! Y/n come on!” 
“Absolutely not!” Y/n yelled while running, “I told you no hugs after matches.”
She spoke too soon because while she was talking, she had slowed down without noticing. Leaving James to wrap his arms around her from behind. He nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck while she leaned back into him. 
“See! You love my hugs.” James exclaimed, “Whatever.” Y/n retorted. 
Remus chuckled at them from afar, “They’re definitely in love.” 
“How hasn’t she seen it yet?” Lily chuckled, “Oh, he’s been chasing her for years. Since before Hogwarts.” Remus replied. 
“Chaser at heart that one,” Sirius stated putting his arm around the lycanthrope. 
James realized it then and there. With her in his arms. He was sweaty and full of joy. She was wholly melted into his embrace. His arms around her neck and her arms on top of his biceps. James realized there was nowhere else he’d rather be than with her at this moment. So he pulled her around, facing her. 
Without a second thought, he pulled her in and kissed her. His arms were moving down to her waist and hers around his shoulders. He was so gentle and soft with her. As if she was the finest China he’d ever owned. Godric James was so soft and so sweet. Y/n’s hands went through his sweaty hair. 
The whistles and cheers are what pulled them apart, “Finally!”
“It’s about time you realized!” Remus exclaimed happily, “He’s been chasing you for years!”
Y/n smiled at him, and James put his arm around her shoulder, “My chaser.” 
“I’ll always chase you, love.”
Years later, that snitch James always played with would be the same one McGonagall had taken from him one day in the seventh year. It was the same snitch that Harry had almost swallowed in his first year. The same snitch that Dumbledore returned to Harry in his seventh year. 
The snitch? It was given to James from Y/n when they were nine. It was an honorary friendship gift. The snitch wasn’t stolen. The snitch wasn’t nicked. The snitch was a gift to a chaser who never stopped chasing till the very end. 
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mountswhore · 3 years
𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭’𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 — jack grealish
summary: jack meets his celebrity crush at a festival, having no idea you felt the same about him.
notes: requests are open, just ask <3
for @stephspurs
It was no secret that you were his celebrity crush. It was the topic of almost every interview he had.
“So, you’re not shy when posting about Y/N Y/L/N, are you?” The interviewer would ask, Jack letting out a cackle as he reshaped his hair.
“No,” he laughed again, feeling the apples of his cheeks and the bridge of his nose go warm, “no, she’s gorgeous. She’s been my celebrity crush for years. It’s annoying because a lot of the England boys have met her before I have.”
“Well she definitely knows who you are,” the interviewer replies, watching Jack get all flustered at that statement, “she had her ‘Grealish’ England shirt on when we interviewed her on tour.”
You’d been a huge fan of football for years — it being a family tradition to watch the national games together. But with your busy musician schedule, you could only watch backstage before a performance, or on your way to sound check. You’d seen some interviews of some of the England squad, stumbling upon a Jack Grealish one. It was well-known in your close friend group that you had the hots for him, he was gorgeous. And they’d gifted you a Grealish shirt to take on tour with you.
“The way Mount goes on about her, I’d think they have a thing.” Jack admitted to the interviewer, laughing off his statement.
“She said during her interview that she hoped to see some of the squad during Wireless this summer.” Jack’s heart almost stopped, an opportunity to finally meet you had arose.
“I’ll have to book some tickets then.”
And here he was. In London, staying in a hotel room with a few of the England boys in time for Wireless this weekend. Three days of music, having fun, and trying to meet you.
“Jack, mate, you’re sweating.” Jesse observed, grabbing a can of deodorant from the bathroom counter. “Are you really that nervous about this festival?”
“No, he’s nervous about running into Y/N Y/L/N,” Mason poked at Jack’s arm, all the boys collectively laughing at Jack’s rare shyness. Mason, Jesse, Declan and Marcus had all met you before, so Jack was the only one of the group who was yet to meet you.
“He fancies her big time.” Marcus joked, although he was completely telling the truth. Any man with half a brain could figure that one out. “Let’s go. We’re gonna be late.”
“Do you think I should try messaging her? Do you think she’ll see it?” Jesse wondered, reaching for his phone from his crossbody bag.
“She’s probably getting ready, so no.”
Jesse, who didn’t listen to Marcus as he spoke, still tried dm’ing you.
Can’t wait to see your set today. Got the boys with me.
The festival wasn’t a far walk from their hotel, and soon enough they were in. Walking around and getting familiar with the place, the group had made their way to your stage. You wouldn’t be performing until the next hour, and Jack was clearly antsy. He’d been in the company of pretty girls before, but you were different.
That’s so sweet, come to the celeb area after my set and I’ll hang out with you guys, Jesse read the message aloud, the boys patting him on the back and cheering.
“Guess you’ll be meeting your boo thang after all.” Jesse joked, throwing an arm around Jack and bringing him closer to the front of the stage.
The group watched you perform, the crowd jumping along with you. You definitely knew how to entertain a crowd. But once your set was done, the boys were headed to the celebrity area as planned. You’d taken a while to come out, your friends coming out beforehand to greet them and say you were just cooling down.
And there you were. You looked like the physical embodiment of magic. You smiled at the boys, embracing them all and finally getting to Jack. Your friends were taunting you all day about your footballer crush who was going to be watching, and embracing him felt perfect. Like a task was now complete.
“Did you guys watch my set?” You asked, sitting on the couches and grabbing a drink from the table opposite you. The four boys were squashed onto a couch opposite you, engaging in conversation with you and your friends.
“We were in the front row.” Mason laughed, making you all the more nervous.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I tend not to look at the closer crowd, it makes me so nervous.” You admitted, playing with your various rings.
The boys had been laughing and joking with your friends for a while, and it was so strange to see Jack up close. Good, but strange.
“I’m gonna go get a drink,” Jack stood up, stretching his legs and giving you a glance.
“I’ll join you.” You mentioned, standing up and following him out to the main crowd.
You both walked towards one of the vendors, selling all sorts of food and drinks, waiting in the stupidly long queue. Jack was so much taller than you, it was intimidating. But he’d often look down and you and smile cheekily. “You’re a lot taller in real life.”
“And you’re a lot smaller,” Jack commented, the pair of you laughing, “it’s so weird to meet you in person. I’ve been following you on Instagram for like two years. The boys keep teasing me about it.”
“Why do they tease you?”
“I may have a massive crush on you.” Jack suggested, looking up at the oddly shaped clouds as you processed what you’d heard.
“I may have a massive crush on you, too. My friends even bought me a Grealish England shirt.” You confessed, reddened as you covered your face with your hands. All you heard was Jack’s laughter and his arm on your shoulders.
“That’s adorable,” he conceded, retracting his arm back to his side. All the sheepishness had dissolved, and now confident Jack was back. You made him feel so comfortable and he loved it.
Once you’d retrieved your drinks and made your way back to the celebrity area, you stopped in your tracks. Jack had turned to face you, a look of concern on his face. “What’s up?”
“This is gonna sound bold. And you can totally say no, but do you wanna go for a proper drink tomorrow? Or some food? I’m tired of American food.” Jack grinned at your proposal, nodding vigorously.
“Sounds good.”
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heliads · 3 years
Secrets Kept
Based on this request: “thomas x reader and one of the other people are being rude and they slap her and they get all worked up and mad? (maybe the person is making fun of her because she got attacked by a griever (she’s a runner) and minho had to help, but minho also stands up for her)”
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You’ve been running in the Maze for maybe an hour, maybe more. It’s not long enough. It’s funny how every morning, you wake up and manage to convince yourself that being a Runner is easier than you think, that you’ll be able to keep moving endlessly and never have a problem with it. You seem to forget how hard your job is overnight, but you’re reminded of it every single morning. To be honest, you’re not sure what you expected when you signed up to be a Runner in the first place, but the constant exhaustion is just one of the side effects.
That being said, you wouldn’t trade this job for anything. A slight grin appears on your face as you look around you, tilting your head up to feel the breeze whipping around the corners of the Maze. Your mind is turning, thinking of ways to remember every hall and corridor that you cross. Beside you, your running partner turns to you, eyebrows raised over your apparent delight. This causes Minho’s attention to be focused solely on you, which is why he doesn’t notice your boyfriend, Thomas, appearing down a nearby corridor.
Your eyes widen imperceptibly. Thomas isn’t supposed to be here, not at all. You joined the ranks of the Runners a long time ago, way before Thomas even showed up here and wanted to risk his neck with the rest of you. That meant that he would be a part of a different pair of runners, one that wasn’t you and Minho, and that he would be assigned a completely different part of the Maze to run for today. Ever since the Gladers discovered that different sectors of the Maze opened at different times, they carefully divided each sector into runnable routes that were parceled out to the various pairs of Runners. Basically, all of this means that you shouldn’t once see Thomas during the entirety of your daily run, yet here he is now.
You think you know why he’s here, though. Your theory is proven when Thomas stumbles to a halt mid-step after realizing that Minho is seconds away from discovering you, and quickly stumbles behind a wall of the Maze for cover. When he peeks out again, he’s got a smirk on his face that tells you that the added danger of getting caught is only making him more willing to risk discovery.
Why is he here, then? Well, it’s probably because you’re dating Thomas, or at least you have in secret. Once you showed up to the Glade and became the first girl to add to their numbers, Alby set in motion a rule that none of the boys could even come near you. They could be friends all they wanted, but the second they looked at you with a desire for something more, they’d be thrown in the Slammer before they could say ‘I escaped the friend zone’. 
You’ve been perfectly fine with this rule. There are enough gaping boys in the Glade that make you more than alright that Alby gives any flirting slintheads a death glare. However, when Thomas showed up, you just couldn’t stick to the plan. He was kind to you, and it seemed like he was the first one to truly listen to you for a very long time. When you spoke about anything, when you even so much as sat next to him, Thomas would look at you with this soft smile that made you want to reach over and kiss him right then and there.
You’d been afraid to do something, at first. What if you misread something and suddenly it was you crossing his boundaries as opposed to any one of the Gladers with you? Then, one night at the Bonfire, Thomas had been walking you back to the Homestead when he’d turned to you with this look in your eyes, one that made you shiver slightly despite the heat of the dark hour. He’d asked if he could kiss you, voice low and rumbling in the shadows, and you’d barely been able to nod your head yes from the thrill of it.
Ever since then, you’ve been happy enough to consider him your boyfriend. The problem is that Thomas still technically isn’t supposed to be seeing you, and the only way you can kiss him is if the two of you sneak out to the Deadheads or find time when nobody is around to reach over and wrap your arms around him. These come with an unsurprising rarity, as the Glade is practically overrun with shanks with little to no concept of personal space and privacy, so you have to make do with what you have.
This means that on days like today, when Thomas had been held back from seeing you even into the late hours of the night, he’s willing to stretch some rules and come find you himself. So, you turn to a still unsuspecting Minho, and gesture for him to go forward without you. “Tell you what, I’m going to fix my shoe. I think there’s something in it.” Minho starts to say something about how he’ll wait for you, but you hurriedly wave his concerns away. “I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me. You go ahead and I’ll catch up.”
Minho hesitates one last moment then shrugs, turning to keep running. You watch him go, afraid to make the slightest of motions towards the general area behind you where you spotted Thomas, lest your running partner suspect something and come back to you. Minho’s just disappeared around a corner when a pair of hands descend on your hips, spinning around to come face to face with Thomas, who’s wearing a particularly proud grin at the look of surprise on your face.
You reach forward to smack his arm. “Slinthead. I thought a Griever was sneaking up behind me.” Thomas just laughs. “I don’t think Grievers look this good.” You try to hold back a laugh of your own. “Good to know that your pride hasn’t been hurt by you bending the rules all the time. We could get caught, you know.” Thomas just lifts a shoulder in dismissal. “I’m dating the prettiest girl in the Glade. I’d say that’s worth going behind Alby’s back.”
You fight to keep heat from rising to your cheeks. “The prettiest girl in the Glade? Thomas, I’m the only girl in the Glade.” Thomas smirks. “Doesn’t mean it’s not true. Just accept the compliment, Y/N.” You open your mouth to protest, but you’re effectively silenced when Thomas leans forward to kiss you. Suddenly, all of your complaints are evaporating into the hot air of the Maze.
You allow yourself a few minutes of this before you reluctantly bid Thomas farewell. Despite being able to throw Minho off your tail for a little while, you can only ‘fix your shoe’ for so long before the boy starts to suspect something. When Thomas finally lets you go with a goodbye kiss and you jog down the labyrinthine corridors in search of your running partner, you do so with a smile. How’d you get this lucky?
You find Minho after a little while, who offers up a few joking criticisms about how long it takes you to tie your shoes. You bear these with a smile, knowing that your real reason for being late is something that far outweighs any of Minho’s sarcastic comments. The two of you run for a little longer before heading further into the center of the Maze. It is only there, once you’re as far away from the Glade as you could possibly be, that you realize that something is wrong. It feels as if you’re suddenly not alone, that you and Minho aren’t the only ones lurking in these corridors.
Seconds later, something heavy comes to an abrupt stop in front of you. You and Minho rear back in identical shock, staring at the Griever, the one that’s just jumped down from the walls of the Maze to land a few feet ahead of you. You gaze at it unthinkingly, unable to move a muscle despite all of your body screaming for you to run. “How is it here? I thought Grievers weren’t supposed to come out during the day!”
Minho gulps beside you. “They’re not, but this one’s here anyway. Run!” That’s all the incentive you need for your legs to start working again, and the two of you turn and sprint in unison. Your feet are pounding down the ground, your body focused on the sole goal of surviving. You thought you were tired before, but all of that exhaustion is gone now, replaced by an intense adrenaline rush that leaves you feeling as if you’ve got all the energy in the world.
You race around corners and down straightaways, your breath coming hard in your chest. Despite the fact that you’re running as fast as you can, you almost get the feeling that the Griever is toying with you, not going after you with as much force as it could truly muster. Indeed, once you’re almost to the final corridors separating you and the Glade, it seems to draw back, disappearing into the halls of the Maze once more.
You turn to Minho, gasping for breath after your abrupt sprint. “What was that about? Why did it stop?” Minho shrugs, hands on his knees for any kind of support. “I don’t know. Maybe it wanted to stop us from going too far. Maybe we were going to see something that it didn’t want us to see. All I know is that I’m pretty shucking happy that we’re still alive.” You manage to limp over to him, slapping him on the back. “You can say that again. Let’s go tell Alby that we’re the two unluckiest shanks in the Glade to stumble upon a Griever in the middle of the day.”
Alby is, unsurprisingly, stunned by this news. This contradicts everything you’ve thought of the Grievers and the Maze before today. No matter how strange your living situation in the Maze is, the rules have never changed- Grievers come out during the night, and the night only. No one has any idea what to think now that this has changed, and to be honest, no one really wants to think about what happened. In the end, Alby decides that there’s nothing you can do about it except tell everybody to be careful.
As a result of this, you see a lot of somber faces around the Glade that afternoon. Everyone’s clustered into tight groups, talking in hushed voices about obviously critical topics that no doubt revolve around your little Griever incident. When Thomas comes back from his run in the Maze, you see his face fall in an instant when he hears what happened. He starts to come your way, expression twisted with concern, but you shake your head once. Technically, you’re not supposed to know Thomas that well at all. Let Newt handle him- despite everything, you still can’t blow your cover and reveal to everyone that you’re dating.
Still, the anxious mood persists around the Gladers. Gally eventually gives in and asks Alby for a Bonfire Night, which the older boy approves. This is basically just an excuse to light things on fire and pass around Gally’s suspicious brew, but everyone’s so keyed up over what just happened that Alby decides everyone needs a night to have fun. Once the glasses of amber liquid start getting passed around, though, you begin to think that it might not have been such a good idea after all.
Once fear mixes with Gally’s concoction, people start getting louder, their friendly punches in the fighting ring less charming and more antagonistic. You decide to leave early, already tired of the signs pointing to the fact that this night will not be going well. However, you’re barely taken a few steps away from your seat before one of the more drunk Builders stops you in your tracks.
“Where are you going, Y/N? Running away again?” You raise an eyebrow. “Excuse me?” The Builder scoffs. “We all know what happened with the Griever. You saw it and ran away. Big bunch of nothing for someone who’s supposed to be one of the bravest Runners we’ve got.” You fold your arms over your chest incredulously. “Then feel free to take my job. I’m sure all of your experience stacking bricks will help you deal with a monster as tall as a house.”
The Builder’s smug smile drops. “Are you calling me a coward?” You snort. “I’m calling you weak. Get out of my way, I don’t want to deal with you tonight.” You move to walk past him, but the Builder just shifts to block your way again. “Like shuck. You don’t get to call me weak.” You stare back at him, feeling anger starting to rise up in your chest. “And you don’t get to call me a coward. You wouldn’t know bravery if it hit you over the head.”
This is probably a bad idea, you know that. This thought is proven correct when the Builder’s hand moves in a blur across your field of vision, and seconds later, your hand is coming away from your nose. There’s a streak of red across your fingers that tells you that he’s hit you hard, harder than he should have for what was supposed to be a friendly bonfire night.
Already, there are outraged shouts coming from around you, Gladers already starting to come to your defense. The loudest one, though, is from the boy who’s already by your side. Somehow, you’re not surprised that Thomas is already here. He probably would have punched the guy already, were it not for the fact that Minho and Newt both are holding him back. “Don’t you dare hit her. Don’t you dare.”
The Builder chuckles, although you can tell that he’s afraid. “What are you going to do? Hit me? We’ll just be together in the Slammer.” Thomas stops fighting against Minho and Newt, fixing the Builder with a death glare that makes the boy flinch. “You wish. Were it not for the fact that I actually give a damn about what’s supposed to happen around here, you’d be on the ground, trust me.”
The Builder raises an eyebrow, trying to add to his tough-guy demeanor in the hopes that it’ll cover up for the fact that he’s slowly trying to back away. “What do you care about what I do? This doesn’t concern you.” Thomas takes a step forward, and the Builder practically shrinks back. “Actually, it does. Y/N’s braver than you could ever dream of being. Do you know what it’s like to come face to face with a Griever? The fact that she’s not dead should tell you something about how tough she is. And yes, this does concern me, because she’s my girlfriend.”
Silence falls around the Bonfire at Thomas’ words. He glances over at you now, realizing what he’s said. “Surprise.” You laugh in spite of yourself. “Well, it was going to come out eventually.” You reach over, slinging your arm around his shoulder. “Come on, let’s let Alby deal with this slinthead. We’ve got better things to do.” Thomas allows himself a grin, moving away with you. “That we do.”
maze runner tag list: secret bestie @underc0vercryptid​, @ellobruv​
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lune-hime · 3 years
Daddy (Chocobros x Reader)
Who knew a single word could have such an effect. 
One forceful kick to Noctis’ calf and a squirming body in his arms was just enough to awaken the prince from his deep sleep. Opening heavy eyelids, he lazily blinked to adjust to the blurry limbo between dreamland and the world of the living. Another swift kick to his thigh, dangerously close to the royal jewels, snatched him out of his purgatory and had him puffing for air. Feeling more tossing he hazily regarded your disheveled form. He groaned in sleep-deprived annoyance and attempted to calm your writhing body by tightening his hold on you. It worked for a few moments, but just as Noctis had started to drift back off to sleep you commenced your movements again. This time, however, they were softer and more distracting. Instead of thrashing about you were now gently grinding against him, brow knitted into a firm line and soft heated gasps emerging from your slightly parted lips.
“Mmm, Noct just like that.” You mumbled huskily, moving your body lightly against his. The enticing lull of sleep he had felt a few moments ago was entirely washed away and now the prince was fully awake in more ways than one. He propped himself on one elbow to get a better view of your facial expressions. He smiled when the slight loss of contact made you whimper.
Your subconscious sinful ministrations had him planning ways he would punish you for disturbing his sleep.
“Daddy...please don't-” You whined, grinding harder and increasing the friction between your two bodies. Noctis’ wandering thoughts immediately ceased and his features contorted in confusion. He gingerly shook your arm.
“Y/N, wake up.” He called gently, tone still coated in sleep. When your eyes fluttered open the only thing you could see were brilliant sapphire orbs against the bleak grayscale of the room.
“Noct?” You yawned and looked up at him, eyes bleary and still adjusting to the light.
“Are you okay? You were talking in your sleep.” Noctis inquired, his stare unwavering.
“O-h really?” You gulped. Oh shit. You knew exactly what you had just been dreaming about.
He hummed in affirmation and with his free hand moved a couple sweaty strands of stray hair from your forehead.
“At first I thought you were having a, you know, dream about me, but then you started talking about your father.” He almost sounded disappointed at the last point.
“I was having a, you know, dream about you Noct...” You drifted off, moving so you were once again flush against his chest and started to trail your hand up and down his waist. Your prince had awoken you before you had the chance to get to the best part of your dream, thus leaving you a bit needy for touch. You looked up at him through your lashes expectantly.
He blinked a couple times as the two of you laid in silence, the air growing thicker by the second.
“So your dad was in your wet dream? That’s nasty, Y/N.” Noctis grimaced, seemingly out of the mood now, and buried his face in your neck before instantly falling asleep again. You laid there in utter shock, mouth agape and now very much wide awake, staring at the ceiling and wondering how you were engaged to this man.
“Sweety, run your hand through your hair-Yes just like that!” Prompto chirped as he excitedly brought his camera to his face. The rapid clicking of the shutter drowned out the peaceful sounds of the towering pine forest. Ignis had thought it was a good idea to take a small break in the midst of your day long drive to Cleigne. Prompto, ever the enthusiastic photographer, pressured their driver to pull over when he began seeing signs on the side of the road for a scenic outlook. So here you were, back to the dramatic landscape and hair being ravaged by the wind.
“Prom--are you--sure--this is a g--ood spot?” You shouted as a strong gust of wind threw a chunk of hair awkwardly in front of your eyes. The shutter to his camera went off as you attempted to spit it out. The hair you removed from your visage revealed a sour look that made Prompto giggle.
“It’s perfect! You can see all the way to the Rock of Ravatogh from here. Plus the wind gives the photo dimension.” He winked playfully. It was difficult to be annoyed with Prompto for more than a few seconds. Anyone who was capable of that surely had ice in their chest instead of a heart. That toothy smile was like a stab of warmth into your body.
After a few more wind ridden, hair flying poses an idea popped into your head. Feeling in a rather playful mood, and wanting to get back at him for taking that awful photo of you, you decided to set your idea into action. And you hopped on any opportunity you could to tease your sunshine.
“Alright! Now lean back against the railing.” He instructed, motioning for you to back up with his hand. It made your heart flutter seeing how in his element he was. You almost didn’t feel like ruining the moment. Almost. Taking a few steps back, you felt the slight burn of the sun warmed metal on your arms as you rested them upon the railing.
“Okay, say cheese!” He chimed, climbing on a nearby rock. He crouched down to get a different angle and placed his camera to his face once again.
Here we go.
“Cheese, Daddy!” You sang, smiling brightly. The wind had graciously decided not to obstruct your vision so you didn’t miss Prompto experiencing the shock of his life. The boy suddenly lost his footing and haphazardly tumbled down the rock. The fall happened within a split second and it took you a moment to process what your suggestive remark had done.
“Oh my god Prom!” You screeched, immediately pushing yourself off the railing and racing towards him. The only part of him that was visible behind the boulder was his right arm sticking straight up, camera in hand, having protected it from being crushed as he fell. The scene was so comical you didn’t believe it was real until you rounded the corner of the rock to see his crumpled form in the dirt.
“Are you alright?” You called, your voice reaching a higher octave in worry. Prompto groaned in affirmation and hissed in pain as he tried to roll to a sitting position. Getting to your knees, you grabbed his camera and placed the worn strap around your neck before supporting his back as he slowly inched himself up.
Once he was sitting you let your eyes and hands alike to roam his body; turning him in various directions in search of any blood or scratches. The only abnormality you found, however, was the blush that was so intense it almost covered his freckles.
“Uh-yeah, I’m fine.” He coughed, brushing the gravel off his jeans. He waited a few moments before speaking up.
“D-did I hear you correctly?” He asked, stumbling over his words as his blush intensified tenfold.
“What do you mean, daddy?” You asked innocently, cocking your head to the side and blinking.
Prompto felt faint, and without your steady hand holding him up he would have surely tumbled down again. The implications of your solely playful word, though, had triggered a feeling of desire within him.
Reaching out to grasp the leather around your neck, Prompto carefully maneuvered the camera strop off your neck and placed it safely to the side. His fingertips sent tingles up the back of your scalp and with his trademark swiftness, he had you pinned down on the ground underneath him. The motion was so fluid it didn’t give you a chance to react.
“Let’s see how many times I can get you to call me that before we have to rejoin the others.” He smirked, a determined glint in his eye. Oh how the tables had turned.
It wasn't uncommon that you found yourself not being able to take your eyes off of Ignis. The man was an earthly embodiment of an astral. Every movement he made, from his calculated evasions on the battlefield to the way he flicked the spatula as he prepared scrambled eggs in the morning. Everything he did was laced with an ethereal grace. Tonight, however, your gaze was particularly glued to his suit. More specifically the way the tailored fabric hugged every curve of his body. It accentuated his muscular arms and clung to his toned thighs as he glided about the ballroom, greeting and engaging with the foreign and domestic elite. In his usual attire, one would look at his above average height and assume his slenderness but this suit was throwing those assumptions directly out the window.
Since the royal gala had commenced, in between the idle chatting and socializing your eyes were always locked on his form from afar. The view of his endowed backside you got when he suddenly turned to face away from you to talk with a new group of politicians had you drooling into your cocktail.
“He looks like such a daddy in that suit.” You sighed dreamily. It was impossible for your mind not to wander straight into the gutter when that outfit left nothing to the imagination.
“Wow, Y/N I didn’t know you were that kinky.” A deep voice barked into your ear, subsequently snapping you out of your daze. You jumped, the contents of your drink sloshing dangerously close to the rim of your glass. Of all the guests in the ballroom who could have heard you it had to have been him. And he was never going to let you live this down.  
“Shit, Gladio don’t scare me like that. You know I startle easily.” You scolded your friend. Your voice was a bit breathy and the embarrassment of your comment was starting to physically take form as a deep rouge on your cheeks. The man next to you looked like he was having too much of a good time seeing you squirm and regarded you with a playful smirk. He motioned his index finger for you to lean in closer. Gladiolus met your scowl with a light chuckle as you cautiously stepped closer to him.
“You gonna let him fasten you to the bed with his tie later and call him that?” Gladio prodded in a low voice, just above a whisper. His tone was teasing as he wiggled his eyebrows at your mortified form. You were sure your skin had turned a bright shade of fuchsia, constrasing with the deep Lucian obsidian of your ballgown.
“Shh! Someone is going to hear you.” You hissed, taking advantage of Gladiolus’ bent form and jabbing him in the gut with your elbow. He huffed and faltered slightly, but recovered quickly with a loud burst of laughter.
Unbeknownst to you, a certain someone had in fact overheard the whole discord.  Your words were loud enough to reach Ignis’ ears and potent enough to turn the tips of them a flushed scarlet. You were never one to use such forward language and hearing such a shameless word applied to him put an uncomfortable strain on his already tight trousers. The riveting points by the government officials next to him about altering Insomnia’s current trade agreement to one of a bilateral nature was now falling on deaf ears as Ignis’ began ringing with desire. Less than appropriate images of you screaming that word while he pounded into you on the kitchen counter, brunch simmering on the stovetop and the early afternoon sunlight casting a radiant hue on your frame were not suitable for the occasion and he began having to mask his increasing distraction with feigned interest. He cleared his throat once there was a pause in the conversation and politely excused himself, weaving seamlessly past the fews guests that stood between your two parties.
The moment Gladiolus saw Ignis making his way through the sea of bodies, he whispered a quick don’t do anything I wouldn’t do...which is nothing as long as it’s consensual and patted you on the back lightly before whisking himself away to save Noctis. The poor boy was being chatted up by an older woman who was dropping subtle flirtatious hints. You sputtered a mixture of curses and words of embarrassment as you fanned yourself in attempt to calm your already riled body.
Ignis had done a far better job at collecting himself than you, strolling up to your flustered form with seemingly nothing amiss.
“Hello, darling.” He approached you with a warm smile and placed a loving hand on your shoulder. The contact felt like a hot iron to your skin. Your skin prickled with sensation under his palm and you weren’t able to mask the pleasant shiver that racked through your body.
“Hi, Iggy. Any exciting conversations?” Your asked, grinning cheerfully to mask your growing desire. Little did you know the man next to was struggling with the same problem.
“As exciting as tariffs and taxes go.” He sighed as his hand nimbly traveled from your shoulder down your arm, leaving a ghost of touches that set your nerves off like fireworks. It made its way down until it reached its destination at the small of your back. Ignis casually stepped closer and closed the lingering space between the two of you. His grin radiated a sweet innocence but his touch was anything but.
“Sounds interesting.” You gulped. Unable to make eye contact for fear of being burned alive by his heated gaze, you suddenly found the half empty contents of your cocktail to be the most intriguing thing in the world.
“Quite riveting I can assure you.” Ignis let out an airy chuckle. He then leaned in even closer so the only thing keeping the two of you from being flush against one another was your drink.
“But my dear, I’m much more interested in how you think of my outfit. Or more so, me in this outfit.” His sultry tone sounded like liquid velvet against the edge of your ear. The hand on the small of your back started drawing lazy circles along the fabric of your dress.  
You were mortified. There was no way he could have heard you, right? When you didn’t respond he tilted your chin up so you were forced to look at him. His emerald eyes were practically shining.
“You underestimate my hearing.” Ignis purred. You didn’t have the proper chance to react before he began putting pressure on the small of your back, silently asking you for permission to lead you away.  
“I didn’t know you were into that sort of thing, love. Let’s excuse ourselves for a bathroom break, shall we?” Ignis’ request was laced with silk as his hand trailed even lower to snake around your lower hip and pull you to his side. You nodded excitedly, promptly placing your drink on a passing waiter's tray as you trotted as fast as your heels could carry you to the nearest unoccupied room.
The following day, Gladiolus rounded the corner to Ignis’ office. He knocked on the grand double doors twice with his knuckles before letting himself in. The man seated behind the desk looked how he usually did; white dress shirt neatly tucked into freshly ironed black pants and suspenders straightened on his shoulders. He was hunched over a pile of documents, glasses falling down the bridge of his nose as he intently studied the papers. Gladiolus smiled devilishly and cleared his throat.
“Hey, daddy wanna go grab some lunch before we spar?” He asked, finishing off his request with a wink. Ignis jolted with so much force that the documents went flying and he fell sideways off his desk chair. Not a moment later, Gladiolus quickly ducked out the door just as a dagger went flying towards his head, his thick laughter booming off the walls of the Citadel’s high ceilings.
You had been scrubbing your plate for a solid three minutes, the residue from your meal having been washed away long ago. The chocobo dish towel in your hand methodically moved in circular motions against the plastic dish while your mind wandered in a similar pattern. A nap in the regalia earlier had led to a certain unholy dream, the contents of which had been preoccupying your thoughts all afternoon. The antics of the dream had you awoken to a light sweat and a flushed face. Gladiolus was quick to pick up on your condition since you had been sleeping curled up to his chest. When he questioned you about it you had brushed it off as a bad dream, to which he didn’t push you further. But the more you tried to get the stupid thing out of your mind the more intrusive it became.
Gladiolus’ firm hands were on your hips, digging into the plush flesh as he thrusted deeper into you. Your hands were threaded through his hair, tugging lightly and scratching at his scalp. The electrifying sensation his bite marks left on your neck combined with his rhythmic thrusts caused your toes to curl and soon you felt the coil inside your stomach beginning to relea-
“Gross, Gladdy!” Iris grimaced, her high pitched screech snapping you out of your fantasies. You whipped your head in the direction of the fire. Gladiolus had dropped his fully loaded hot dog, chilly cheese and all, onto his sweatpants in a frenzy of winning a particularly grueling round of Kings Knight against Noctis. In the excitement a few stray pieces had made their was towards an unhappy Iris.
“You don’t know the meaning of gross since you didn’t have to deal with yourself as a baby.” Gladiolus retorted, earning a snort from his sister.
“Babe, could you grab us some napkins on your way back.” He called towards you, a cheesy smile on his face when you made eye contact. You returned the gesture and heaved yourself up from your crouched position at the water bucket. Shaking your plate a couple times to scatter the remaining water droplets, you placed it on the drying rack near the grill and plucked a few napkins from their plastic casing before walking towards the group. You handed Iris her’s on your way to Gladiolus’ chair.
“Here, daddy.” You held out the napkin, immediately seizing up when you came to the realization of what you said. His eyes widened for a split second before his pupils dilated, the amber now masked by deep cobalt. The electricity from his gaze sent shockwaves up your spine, leaving a heated trail of blush along your exposed skin. Fully snapped out of your previous daze, you realized you both were still holding onto the napkin. Letting go suddenly, you coughed and readjusted the hem of your sweatshirt.
“What, Gladdy?” You inquired innocently, squirming slightly in place as his gaze intensified. The way Gladiolus was regarding you from under his long eyelashes gave you goosebumps. The sinful thoughts were practically radiating off of him.
“Nuh-uh. That's not what you said.” His smirk expanded and he licked his lips, the spilled condiments on his thigh completely forgotten.
“You obviously heard wrong.” You countered playfully, biting your lip and finally holding his gaze.
“Why so shy, baby girl?” He cooed lowly enough so the others wouldn’t hear.
“You should start calling me that more often.” His tone had gotten so deep that it sounded like it was rumbling from his chest. His excitement over the word had given you a newfound confidence. Leaning closer, you placed a hand on his clean thigh and squeezed. “Better finish cleaning off your hot dog then, daddy , so I can start tonight.” You whispered seductively. Pushing off his thigh you skipped away to sit next to Iris on the ground, leaving a stunned Gladiolus to vigorously wipe the remnants of his meal away.
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chasingpj · 3 years
𝐀 𝐒𝐞𝐭-𝐔𝐩
"We should go pick the strawberries over there. Percy and Y/n can work on the ones here."
pairing: percy jackson x child of hecate!reader
words: 3,887
warnings: none?? pls let me know if i missed anything
timeline: post sea of monsters
if you want to be tagged every time I update this story click here
a/n: hi hi! I was supposed to post this yesterday, but oops. I don't have much to say. again, it's a little bit of a slow start just because I want to introduce characters and establish relationship dynamics before getting into the good stuff. anyways, i hope you like it! i love hearing feedback so don't hesitate to reach out to me!
Part One Part Two Part Three
When you were stressed or needed to be alone with your thoughts, you often found yourself in the strawberry fields, either helping collect the harvest or simply sitting on the grass patches nearby. You usually preferred being in the fields alone, peacefully listening to the chirping of the birds and cicadas while inhaling the scent of sun-baked strawberries. However, there were times where you did stumble upon the company of the girls from the Demeter and Aphrodite cabin. You didn't mind hanging out with them, always amused at their banter and choice of conversation. They were always bubbly, taking advantage of the leisure activity to gossip and have girl talk, and it was nice, even if you were just listening.
Today was one of those days where you weren’t alone in the fields. Standing alongside Silena, Katie, and your half-sister, Lou Ellen, you find yourself zoning in and out of their conversation. Their chattering and giggling serve as background noise as you focus on cutting the strawberries from their stems to carefully place them in your basket.
"Who do you think are the cutest boys at camp?" You hear Silena ask when you decide to tune back into their conversation. A silence falls amongst the group; Katie and Lou Ellen were suddenly hesitant to speak. You look up, waiting for one of them to break the silence because it definitely wasn’t going to be you.
"I know what you're doing! You're trying to find out our crushes," Katie points her finger at Silena accusingly. Lou Ellen nods,
“Yeah, we know your tricks, Silena! You’re gonna try and set us up with people.”
"What? No!" Silena denies, but the smirk on her face said otherwise. "I'm just asking in general! You can find someone cute and not have a crush on them,” she points out. The three of you weren’t convinced at Silena’s claims, and the silence returns. You turn back to what you were doing, not really wanting to trap yourself in this conversation, and you decide to leave the pressure of confession to Katie and Lou Ellen.
"Okay.” Katie turns her body to face you. You hesitantly meet her gaze, already knowing what she's going to confess. "... this might be weird, but I think your brother is really cute," she admits, giggling nervously as she looks at both you and Lou Ellen. You scrunch your nose, shaking your head while Lou Ellen joins your reaction as she gags theatrically. The confession didn't surprise you, but it still felt weird to hear it.
"He's ugly!" You exclaim. Silena laughs, her head thrown back as Katie gasps at your insult about Atticus. Even though this wasn't the first time you've heard this from girls at camp, you still found it strange. Even your mortal friends have told you that they think your brother is adorable. You’ll never admit it out loud to anyone, but you were aware that your brother definitely wasn't ugly. Obviously, he wasn't if almost all of your friends had to mention his appearance at least once. Not only was Atticus conventionally attractive, but he was also a natural flirt, so he got attention from girls fairly easily. So much so that before your mother claimed you, Connor and Travis Stoll swore you guys were going to be claimed by Aphrodite.
You've only seen him flirt a handful of times, usually with the wood nymphs and playfully with the girls from the Aphrodite cabin. It was strange seeing girls flirt with him and giggle at all his stupid jokes because that “smooth” Atticus they meet is so different from the Atticus you saw. The Atticus you got to see was a clumsy dork that obsessed over Harry Potter and had a habit of bursting into song whenever he was bored, most often singing his own rendition of a song from a broadway musical or of a rock song from the 90s.
"No, he isn't! His facial structure is amazing!” Katie gushes. “And he's tall and has broad shoulders. He's also really funny!" You and Lou Ellen stare at her with a straight face before simultaneously bursting into laughter.
“He’s a dork!” Lou Ellen chokes through her laughs, and you nod, agreeing with her.
"Hey! I get where Katie is coming from! As his sisters, you guys are biased. Of course, you’re gonna say he's ugly," Silena points out, and you sigh,
“Live with him in the Hermes Cabin for a couple of weeks, and when you see him in his natural state, you won’t find him cute anymore,” you joke. Katie shakes her head,
“I don’t believe you. I bet he’s even cuter! You’re calling him a dork, but jokes on you, I like dorks,” she says playfully, crossing her arms over her chest, and you smile at her.
“To each their own, I guess.”
"What about you? Who do you think is cute?" Silena asks you. You side-eye the other, and you feel your face heat up. You really didn’t want to be the target in this conversation. Turning back to the bushes, you answer her question with a shrug of your shoulders. Silena scoffs, "there has to be someone! We have a good group of guys to choose from at camp."
"I mean, yeah…" you trail off hesitantly, and you feel the stares of the girls as they wait for your answer. You knew they weren't going to let this go, and so, you sigh softly, taking a moment to find the courage to confess. "I guess Percy is cute-"
Your breath hitches in your throat, and your shoulder tenses up at the sound of the familiar voice. It was too much of a coincidence that Percy showed up the exact moment you were speaking about him. The girls laugh at your reaction and your cheeks somehow become hotter as Silena smiles at you knowingly. If she didn't sense your crush before, she definitely sensed it now. Snapping your gaze away from her, you find the courage to turn around.
"Hey, Percy," you say, smiling sheepishly. You fiddle with your fingers as you take in his appearance. Percy was wearing his orange camp half-blood shirt and cargo pants. His cheeks were a little flushed at the summer heat, and you assume he probably came from training. As usual, his dark hair was slightly disheveled, and you couldn’t help your lips curling into a soft smile.
"Hey, I've been looking for you. You left these on the dock," he says, presenting the black pouch filled with your crystals in his hand. You gasp softly as you take it from him.
"Oh! Thank you. I can’t believe I forgot them," You shake your head at yourself as you put them in your strawberry basket in the meantime. You didn’t understand how your forgotten crystals never came to your mind once, especially this late in the day.
"No problem. I think they’re all in there," he smiles at you before acknowledging the girls standing behind you. "Hey, guys.”
He furrowed his eyebrows as they giggle amongst themselves. They murmur a few things to each other before turning their gaze to him again.
"Percy, I wanted to ask who do you think is the prettiest girl at camp?" Silena asks as the girls move to surround him. You're stomach flutters crazily with nerves, and you cringe, feeling embarrassed even though Percy was oblivious to the motive behind the question.
Percy looks around him, shifting his weight from one foot to another,
"This… feels like a trap,” he says slowly, making the girls giggle.
"It's not! We just want to know. Anyone, in particular, stands out to you?" Silena steps closer to him.
"Any crushes?" Katie asks.
"There has to be someone, right?" Lou Ellen smiles.
"Um… I- why are you guys asking so many questions?" He mutters, his shoulders tense up as he avoids the stares of the three girls practically towering over him.
"Guys, leave him alone," you laugh shortly. "You don't have to answer all that," you reassure him, cutting through their little circle as you squeeze between Silena and Katie.
You stand beside Percy, the girls deciding to step down and return to their original places. Silena smiles, and you can't tell what she's thinking, but you knew that the smile playing on her lips made you nervous. You awkwardly exchange a look with Percy, noticing that he was just as flustered as you were.
"You know… I noticed that those bushes over there get a lot of sun," Silena says, breaking her silence as she turns to Katie and Lou Ellen. She points at the bushes about three rows from where you were all standing, and Katie nods,
"We should go pick the strawberries over there. Percy and Y/n can work on the ones here." Silena gives you a smirk, winking at you before turning around and taking the other girls with her.
You resume your strawberry picking, chewing on your button lip. You were hoping that he didn't witness Silena wink at you because if he did, it was then way too obvious that the girls spontaneously set up this. There's a silence for a moment, and you feel your palms start to sweat as you try to figure out what you were going to say to him.
"Where's Ambrose?" Percy asks softly, and you glance over for a second, watching as he picks the strawberries beside you.
"Oh, uh, he ran off a little while ago with my brothers. They're probably playing somewhere." You smile, remembering how Ambrose wasted no time, running over to Alabaster and Ernest the moment they had offered to play with him.
"... how do you play with a ghost dog?" Percy gleams, amused at the idea of playing with Ambrose considering he couldn’t touch many things.
"There's a process where you can offer things to his spirit, so he has a few toys that he can play with," you explain. “He and I play with his toys all the time, but he’s with my brother’s right now, so they're probably wrestling."
"What? Really? I wouldn’t want to wrestle Ambrose,” Percy admits as a short laugh comes from his mouth.
"Yeah, me neither. He would definitely win if we did. Once he was so excited to see me; he jumped on me and knocked me down no problem,” you shake your head. “I think he forgets how big he is, and he ends up getting carried away sometimes.”
You look up from what you were doing, unexpectedly meeting Percy’s green eyes that resemble the color of the Caribbean sea as the sun shines into them. The butterflies in your stomach return, and you’re trying not to focus on the fact that the other was already looking at you. You look elsewhere, suddenly too shy to look at him, but your eyes couldn’t help but flicker back to his face. From this close, you noticed things about him that you didn’t see before, like the scattered freckles on his face, his long eyelashes, and his slightly chapped lips.
“I-” he stops himself suddenly, and your eyebrows furrow. The tension between you both was something you've never felt before. You didn't understand why Percy looked dazed, staring at you as if he found you to be the most captivating person in the world.
You open your mouth, but before you could speak, you see something moving at the end of the bush row. Breaking your gaze with Percy, you notice Silena's focusing intensely on you and him. It suddenly dawns on you that the strange tension was because she was working that love magic that all the Aphrodite children can do. She smirks when she sees that you’ve noticed her, and you swore you saw her mouth a “you’re welcome.” The tension suddenly falls as she hides behind the bushes right as Percy turns around to find out what you were looking at.
You giggle nervously, “um, yeah. Anyways... Ambrose can put up a fight,” you say, trying to revert to the original topic because you really didn’t want to discuss what just happened. You give him a second to get himself together, Percy looking a little disoriented after being under Silena's look magic. He blinks a few times before turning abruptly toward the strawberry bushes. A nervous chuckle leaves his lips, and his hand comes up to rub the back of his neck. He shifts on his feet and nods,
“Yeah, I can imagine.” He clears his throat, his voice coming out a little higher than he had intended it to be. You bite your bottom lip, trying to refrain from laughing, and you hum softly in response.
The two of you sat in silence for a bit before your conversation had picked up again. Surprisingly, even after being unknowingly manipulated by Silena’s magic, Percy moved on quickly from the awkward tension. You found it was easy to talk to him, the two of you chatting as if you didn't just meet yesterday. The two of you talked and laughed a lot, sharing funny stories from quests or about your mortal parents.
You’ve never been a closed-off person, and you were able to share things easily with people, so the conversation flew naturally. You guys talked about the weird perks of your powers. One of the weird perks you shared is your ability to see and communicate with ghosts, and you end up freaking him out with the many stories of your paranormal experiences.
You weren't sure how long you were talking to him, but time felt like it flew by, and eventually, your baskets were filled with strawberries as you finished picking the row. The sun was lower in the sky, and you assume that it was almost time for dinner. You figured you should find your siblings, and Ambrose and Percy had mentioned that he had plans to climb the lava wall with a few of his friends. So you guys placed your baskets in the drop-off section where they package the strawberries, exchanging a short “see you later” before parting ways.
The last thing Annabeth was expecting to see today was an out-of-breath Atticus bursting into her cabin, but there he was. She jumps in her seat at the sudden bang, the sound cutting through the silence. Her gaze snaps from her book to the door, concerned for a second as Atticus looks panicked. He lets himself in, scoping out the room in search of something.
"What are you-?"
"Have you seen Harvey?" Atticus asks, frantically looking for his familiar. Harvey is a black-footed ferret that was given to him by his mother. When you guys found out that Ambrose was for you, Atticus was pretty bummed. He was jealous that your mother had given you such a cool gift, and you had assumed that she had seen how upset he was because a few days after Hecate officially claimed you, Atticus received Harvey as a present. The morning he met Harvey for the first time, Atticus was thrilled to wake up with the ferret casually sitting on his chest.
"I'm sorry, Harvey? I don't know a Harvey?" Annabeth turns in her chair to face him, her arms crossed over her chest.
"My ferret, have you seen him?" Atticus drops to his knees, looking under the beds and the nightstands. He just saw him jump into the back window of the Athena Cabin, so he was sure that Harvey was hiding somewhere.
"Um, no?" Annabeth rolls her eyes, finding it rude that he has barged in as if he lived there. Suddenly, a small animal jumps from the top of the bookcase beside her and right on her desk. Annabeth yelps, getting up from her seat quick as Harvey snorts, and he clumsily runs across her papers before prancing across all the desks that were lined against the wall.
"Harvey, what are you doing?!" Atticus exclaims as he moves to stand up. He attempts to meet Harvey at the last desk, but Harvey jumps out of his reach just as he closes his fist to grab him. Harvey zooms across the room, forcing him to play a one-sided game of tag that Atticus was definitely losing. He occasionally slips and stumbles, the snorts that leave his snout starting to sound like mocking laughter.
"What's wrong with your rat?" Annabeth jokes as her eyes follow Harvey around the room.
"He's a ferret," Atticus corrects her, mumbling under his breath. He sighs as he tries to catch up with the animal, failing miserably as not only was he crazy fast, he was able to find the smallest corners to hide in.
"Similar family," she shrugs, smirking at him. "And you didn't answer my question."
Atticus sighs, getting on the floor to try and grab Harvey, who’s tucked in the corner under one of the beds. He squints at the small animal, not sure why he’s acting this way when Harvey was curled up on his desk, peacefully taking a nap about 20 minutes ago.
"He does this sometimes. I don't know. He wants to play, and then he causes chaos," Atticus grunts, almost grabbing Harvey, but he runs out of his reach once again. Atticus groans as he sits back on his heels, pinching the bridge of his nose. He decides he might as well take a breather since he's been chasing him for the past 10 minutes, and he considers that he should stop entertaining him since Harvey obviously saw this as some game.
He sighs softly, choosing to forget about Harvey as he looks over at Annabeth. Her gray eyes are fixed on him as she leans against the edge of her desk. Her curly blonde locks are pulled back in a messy low ponytail allowing the front strands to frame her face prettily. Atticus smiles as he admires her, taking in her appearance before she starts telling him off.
"You look pretty like that," Atticus compliments, his heart skipping a beat as their eyes meet. He watches as her expression softens for a second, her eyes wide at the random compliment. Atticus smirks softly, not surprised, as her face suddenly darkens into a scowl. If Annabeth felt anything for him, she was good at hiding it.
When Atticus had first arrived at camp last summer, Annabeth and he spoke here and there. Their conversations were brief but pleasant, and Atticus found himself wanting to talk to her more often. As his crush for her grew, he had taken it upon himself to harmlessly flirt with her, hoping she’d get the hint that he was interested.
"Like what?" She asks, her chin up as she moves to stand up straight on her feet.
"With your hair in a ponytail like that. It's cute.”
"Hmm. Thanks for letting me know, so I'll never do it like this again,” she says in such a serious tone that made Atticus laugh. There it is. Annabeth was always quick to shut him down, and she never failed to make witty comebacks. He was pretty certain that it was just banter, but it made it hard to tell if she was maybe into him. But he never failed to notice how occasionally, she’d momentarily be lost for words or have a flustered look on her face before it hardened as it did a moment ago.
"You'd be pretty regardless, Chase.” He feels his knees start to ache, and he sighs as he gets back up on his feet.
"Don't call me that," Annabeth says abruptly.
"What? Chase? What do you prefer? Annie? Beth? Anna?" He teases.
"I prefer Annabeth, thank you." She gives him a tight, sarcastic smile, and a short laugh comes from Atticus’s mouth.
"That's not fun, though…" His hand comes under his chin as he studies her. He ponders for a second, trying to come up with a name that he can personally call her. Annabeth shifts, avoiding his gaze as she looks elsewhere. She was weirded out that the other was looking at her for so long, and she tried not to show how flustered she actually was. She grunts,
"What?! What are you look-"
"Goldilocks," Atticus blurts out, his finger pointing into the air as his face brightens, thinking he’s an absolute genius for coming up with that name. Annabeth shakes her head,
"Don't call me th-"
"It's been decided. I will call you goldilocks. No one else can call you that," Atticus cuts her off, the same proud smile plastered on his face even though Annabeth’s eyes narrow dangerously at him. Atticus takes a step back hesitantly. At first glance, she didn’t come off as intimidating, but Atticus knew better. He was always sure not to push her too far because he was completely aware of her ability to kill him.
Atticus suddenly remembers Harvey, noticing how the sound of his little feet pattering along the wooden floor ceased a while ago. He scans the room finding Harvey standing on his hind legs a couple of feet away, calmly watching them. Atticus still couldn’t understand why he had acted so strangely. Familiars couldn’t talk, obviously because they’re animals but their actions are never out of vain. They’re usually trying to tell you something if they’re acting strange, and it takes a while to put the pieces together since there is only so much they can do. After thinking for a second, it dawns on Atticus that Harvey purposely made him come to the Athena Cabin so that he can talk to Annabeth. He smiles to himself, walking toward Harvey. He didn’t run away this time, allowing Atticus to put him on his shoulder.
"He just stopped,” Annabeth points out, her head tilting to the side.
"Probably got tired?" Atticus makes an excuse for him, not wanting to admit that Harvey had decided to be his wingman today. "Sorry for barging in, by the way," he apologizes. “I saw him jump in from the window, and I was worried he’d break something.”
"Whatever. Don’t do it again.”
"Got it. Well, I'll see you around, Goldilocks. Happy studying.” Atticus turns on his heels, hearing a scoff coming from Annabeth as he walks out of the cabin.
"When did I ask you to be my wingman?" Atticus asks Harvey as he walks off the steps of the Athena Cabin. He reaches up, his index finger petting the top of his head. "You're crazy, bud... But she is cute, isn't she?" Atticus laughs, Harvey snorting as if he agrees with him.
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apinktrashworld · 3 years
The Camp
Jungkook x reader | angst,  fluff | friends to lovers au
wordcount: 2.4k
You and a few friends are going to a camp for a month, you find yourself growing closer to Jungkook though he’s your best friends ex.
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For a long time, you and your friends had signed up for a camp to help volunteer. Works that needed help such as the environment, the old and homeless, hospitals and different orphanages etc. The list went on of what you could do to help. Wanting to help out as much as you can, you signed up for every possible thing on the list. The camp was set for a month. You scanned the brochure the camp had given out, you saw food was provided and the food schedule was written on the next page. There were pictures that showed people working and smiling, scanning every smile you could see you hoped to feel the same and to have a constant smile on your face throughout the camp. You had always cared about stuff like this and you wanted to help out as much as you could. You wanted to make a difference in the world and make it a better place. 
When you had told your four friends about the camp they looked like they were about to laugh, not quite thinking you’re being serious. You just stared at them waiting for them to finish so you could explain your reasons. As you did, they seemed to get more and more interested and wanted to come along with you. Now it was your time to laugh. Knowing them, they didn’t want to leave our little small town for an entire month to do volunteer work when you finally were free from school. You stopped laughing and stared at them with a smile on your face, meeting eyes with Taehyung looking dead serious. When no one said anything you made the biggest grin ever, in which they all returned. You yelled out how excited you were for this and they all started jumping and screaming with you, hugging and dancing in excitement.
That was two weeks ago, and now you had finally arrived at the camp. You and your friends stepped off the bus with your luggage and stood in a row, staring ahead. You felt ready for what was to come and looking to your side, you saw Jungkook, Jimin and your best friend, Irene gathering their luggage. Jungkook and Irene used to date a few months ago but stayed on good terms in order to keep the group together. You especially were thankful for that since you had grown so close with Jungkook and not wanting to choose between your best friend and Jungkook. 
The boys knew each other since childbirth and had stuck together ever since. Jungkook and Irene met through a mutual friend and grew close. As time went on, Irene dragged you with her to meet her new friends and Jungkook did the same with Jimin and Taehyung and just like that you hung out everyday. You thought you had found the best group you could ever find and would constantly thank them in your head. They made you happy and you could trust them with all your secrets. The more time the group spent together, the more did Jungkook and Irene take interest in one another and the two eventually started to hang out alone. One thing turned into another and suddenly they were a couple. You could tell how much Jungkook liked Irene and you were all for it, shipping them like crazy. Then Irene got in one's head and started telling you how Jimin had started to like you and tried to set up the two of you. It worked. Before you had never seen Jimin more as a friend but ever since your friend pointed out his interest in you, you suddenly noticed those quick glances he threw at you from time to time and his attempt in trying to flirt with you. Suddenly, you found yourself to like Jimin back, although not being as obvious as he was, you did not dare a single look towards him, being too afraid to meet his eyes and him seeing you blush. You did not dare talking to him more than a few words and a few attempts of flirting (though the flirting did not land whatsoever) in fear that your voice would shake or stutter. Irene noticed this too and practically forced you to talk to Jimin. You two agreed on a date and you shared a kiss or two, however the romance died pretty quickly after that, still, you care deeply for each other. Irene and Jungkook dated for three months before they broke up, Irene made the decision. She felt as if she wasn’t in a relationship with Jungkook alone and instead felt like she dated the whole group. When she told you this, you felt extremely guilty, you felt as if you were to blame for the relationship not working out. Irene is not one to open up about her feelings and prefers to keep them to herself in order to remain strong. Although Irene didn’t show her heartbreak, Jungkook however, got heartbroken. He loved Irene, and sometimes you think he still does. Wanting to help, your own heart breaking upon the sight of him, you tried showing him that you’re there for him. He refused to meet up with the group and started drinking up his feelings. This went on for a month. Irene broke him out of his bubble, talking out and listening to him, both crying and hugging and agreed to remain friends. It was hard for both of them at first, but soon it grew easier for the entire group.
Now, three months later, we’re here, standing with our hands full, Taehyung’s struggling to hold onto his bags but insisting he should take some of yours too because “a fine dame like you shouldn’t carry such heavy stuff”. Looking away from Taehyung, looking straight ahead to see where you’ll spend your life this month. Seeing people walking and laughing as they talk. Some are picking up trash and others are carrying boxes from a place to another. A huge smile spread across your face as you take the place in, you were happy you were to do this. Gathering your luggage you call for the others to get going. You all started walking towards the huge building that most likely was the barracks and the reception. It was a big white building with what seemed to be three floors. Walking up the stairs to the entrance you hear as the rest of the group are struggling to walk. Going in, you are welcomed to a group of men smiling and greeting you all. They’re wearing blue t-shirts with a text on the chest that says “Helping Hands”.
“Hi, welcome to Helping Hands!” one of the boys said with a big smile on his face, handing out four identical brochures as you had looked at before. Taking them, you hand out each of the brochures to your friends. “I suppose you are checking in?”
You nodded at his question. “Yes, it’s me, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook and Irene, we’re signed up for a month here” you say with an uncontrollable smile. You feel the rest of your group's eyes on you as they silently laugh at your excitement. 
“Alright, I just need all of you to sign this paper and then I will show you to your rooms” the boy informed you, gesturing to you to follow him. He stopped by a desk and placed papers with a lot of text on it. Quickly scanning through it, you signed it and handed the pen to Irene. You all signed the papers and moved on to get your rooms sorted out. Walking through a long white corridor with several doors on each side, you thought to yourself that it looked like some kind of mental hospital due to the empty walls. Not thinking too much of it, you walk through the corridor. The man stopped by one of the doors to your right and gestured for you and Irene to go inside. Inside you saw three other girls standing by each bed.
“This is your room girls, the boy’s room will be a few doors down the hallway.” the guide said and continued his walking.
The boys looked at each other then at you and Irene, thinking all of you were going to share a room. You simply shrugged your shoulders at them before turning around, catching a glimpse of Taehyung and Jimin who are both watching the girls behind you. When you turned around you saw the girls blushing and smiling. One of the girls snapping out of it, stepped forward and greeted you. Her name was Jiwoo and has a smile as an angel. Her hair was long and brown that framed her face in a way you never succeeded with, dark brown eyes which almost looked black and a voice which could make birds sing along with her. She was absolutely stunning. Jiwoo then introduced the two blushing girls behind her, Sun-hee and Mee-yon. All of them are beautiful and you found it hard to look away, your chin almost dropping at their beauty. Irene got you back to reality and introduced you to the girls. 
Getting to know each other, you learned you were all the same age and had a lot in common. You and Mee-yon especially loved taking trips and finding new places, Irene and Jiwoo got along due to them having the same major. You were really thankful for getting roommates such as them rather than girls who won’t share a single glance with you. You and Irene chose the bunk beds closest to the door, you being on the bottom bunk and Irene on the top.
A few minutes later, there were a few knocks on the door, opening up you see it’s the boys, all of them trying to squeeze through the door to look inside. Almost falling in, they stumble on their feet, smiling. Jimin and Jungkook turn to you and Irene while Taehyung gets busy trying to get acquainted with your roommates.
“Why did you get a much nicer room than we got?” Jimin whined as he turned to investigate your room again. “You even have flowers!” he exclaimed, pointing at the vase full of flowers on the table in the middle room.
“You should see ours…” Jungkook finishes as he looks down at you. Looking up at him and letting out a little chuckle. Not breaking eye contact, you quickly turn to Jimin who’s still scanning every inch of the room. “How are your roommates?” you ask, shifting your eyes between Jimin and Taehyung. Taehyung’s smoothly flirting with all three of the girls without them noticing. Jimin sits down on your bed, getting at home immediately. “It was empty when we arrived, have yet to meet them.” he says.
Looking out the window you see the sun is shining. Now that you’re here you’d like to get to know the place. So you suggest that you all take a stroll around the camp, in which Irene says she wants to do that later since she wants to sleep, Jiwoo, Sun-hee and Mee-yon agree with her, claiming they want to unpack their belongings. That brings you to Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook, looking eager at each of them as they look back at you. “I’m down.” Taehyung shrugs and Jimin and Jungkook nod towards you.
Walking outside, the sun hits your skin. You’re wearing a white crop top with blue jean shorts that go down to your knees. Feeling the breeze pass through your legs you take some steps until you were stood on the grass. Turning around, you see three boys fanning their hands on their face, all three of them wearing black sweaters and hoodies with jeans. Sighing, you silently judge them for wearing such warm clothes in this weather and predict all the complaints that will come.
After the walk, you return to your room. You had met a few new people that joined your stroll and showed you around, telling you how stuff works around here and so on, hearing heavy breathing and small complaints about the weather here and there from the boys. They can only blame themselves for that. It had now become dark outside and a little cooler so you wanted to fetch a sweater. While back at your room, Irene and your roommates were sitting on opposite beds playing cards and talking. You greeted them and told them you were going out to the beach with the beach and asked if they wanted to come along. They said yes and now you all headed towards the boys room. Knocking at the door and opening it the same second, you were greeted with the boys along with two new unfamiliar faces. They all turned their heads towards you. You apologized for stepping in since you thought only Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were inside. The two new people just smiled looking at the group of girls which just entered their room. “No worries love, I’m Hoseok and this is Namjoon” one of the men said and pointed at his friends next to him. Not gonna lie, they both looked rather attractive and fun to be around so you asked them if they wanted to come along to the beach. When you did, Jungkook, and Jimin snapped their heads towards you with a stern look on their faces. Confused, you looked away from them and met eyes with Hoseok and Namjoon, seeing their pretty smiles. “We’d love to,” Hoseok said, seeming thankful for your invite. Returning the smiles with an even greater smile. Then you headed out, all of them grabbing a sweater to drag on, the boys oddly quiet while Hoseok and Namjoon tried getting to know you and the girls.
Arriving at the beach, you all sat down on the sand, kicking off your shoes in order to bury your feet in the cool sand. Namjoon and Hoseok sit on either side of you, perhaps a little too close but you didn’t mind. You talked about your life and they did the same. Leaning back on your arms, you look straight out into the water. Seeing Taehyung teasing Jiwoo and Mee-yon by splashing water on them, hearing them laugh made you chuckle to yourself. Jungkook and Jimin sat in front of you whispering to each other, every now and then glancing back towards you. It didn’t seem like Jungkook and Jimin liked their roommates very much, you had yet to figure that out but for now you just wanted to enjoy the moment and look ahead of what was to come this month. 
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channiebbang · 3 years
synopsis: y/n has a massive crush on renjun and renjun has too much going on to care, or alternately, y/n courts renjun and gets him to like her, with a small misunderstanding in the middle.
characters: Huang Renjun, Na Jaemin, Main Character and a lil bit of Lee Jeno and Lee Haechan.
pairing: collegestudent!renjun x collegestudent!maincharacter
genre: fluff and a lil bit of angst
word count: 6.7k
warnings: noneeee
author’s note: it took me whole damn minute to write this lol initially i wanted the story to go differently but i kinda forgot along the way lmaooo this was supposed to be a han jisung one shot at first but then renjun inspired me more 🤠 i hope you enjoy reading this! let me know what you think about it! 🥺💛
she still remembered the first day she saw him. the first day she knew what love at first sight was.
renjun had always been a very reserved person. he liked to keep to himself and only hangout with his few friends. that ofcourse didn't mean he had no popularity around campus because holy shit did everyone know the boy.
he was known for being donghyuk's bestfriend, for being a clever student, for being a witty genius, a straight A student, a bookworm. but most of all he was knows for being the handsome dude that like silence, and being by himself when he wasn't with his friend.
y/n, like everyone else, knew of a huang renjun, but she had never had the honour to see him. see, y/n too was always immersed in her studies, and when she wasn't she liked to chill with her friends or be home with her family. she was a simple girl.
so imagine her surprise when one day, as she waited for her friend, she saw the most beautiful, handsome boy walk by. she was surprised because how could she, in her last two years of being in the same campus, not have seen this beautiful man. he must have been new, he had to. spoiler alert: he wasn't, she just never paid attention to her surroundings.
it was a few days after that she had seen him again and thanks to her friend she got to know that he was the huang renjun.
so, being the smart person she was, she decided she would court him. yes, court. like they did centuries ago. she would court him. despite not knowing anything about him, other than what people told her, she wanted yo get to know him and hopefully date him. simple as that.
huang renjun on the other hand, couldn't careless when word got around that a certain y/n had a crush on him. it never bothered him when other people came up to him so he didn't see how she would be any different. he just wanted to be chill.
he already had a lot on his plate with trying to balance his studies, art assignments, work, social life and family back at home to care about some fleeting crush someone had on him.
with having to live alone for so long he had already too much stuff going on and really couldn't be bothered to add more to it.
with the start of the new semester came the news that it was recommended to take another course for some extra credits and as much as renjun didn't want to he resigned himself and took a photography course. now, don't get him wrong, he loved photography. but he had already so much on his plate he didn't know how he was going to balance it all. thankfully, his friend jaemin was taking the course with him. and jaemin, being the sweetest, most caring, friend he was agreed to renjun's request to always group together if there was need. payment fee: be his model for the fashion course he was taking. renjun begrudgingly agreed. it was only just trying on clothes after all.
so on the first day of the new photography lesson the two boys walked in and sat somewhere in the middle, waiting for their professor to arrive.
"don't go back on your words," jaemin sent renjun a pointed look, his hands working on taking out his stuff.
"yeah, yeah," renjun muttered not looking up from his bag.
the sound of laughter made him look up towards the door, his eyes shifting back down to his bag when he saw a few girls walk in.
"oh, that's y/n," he heard jaemin mutter. renjun only hummed while finally putting his bag down by his feet.
"what?" jaemin asked as he turned towards his friend, brows furrowed in confusion. renjun shared the same look.
"what what?" he asked, kinda lost.
"that," jaemin subtly nodded towards the group of girls that sat a few seats in the front, on the side, before continuing, "is y/n," renjun followed his gaze only to look back at his friend.
"so?" he asked, not knowing where this was going. jaemin scoffed rolling his eyes.
"just showing you who your admirer is," he explained, renjun smiled before shaking his eyes.
"thank you for you kind service, sir," sarcasm dropped from every word, jaemin turned to him with a smirk.
"hmm kinky. call me that more," he slightly nudged him with his shoulder, leaning his elbow on the desk and resting his head on his palm. renjun's smile disappeared and he faked a punch to him, jaemin flinching away.
"get lost."
it took her a few more days for y/n to build up the courage to approach the boy.
she was nervous but she also told herself that if she got rejected then, well, it was a new experience. i mean, she had a 90% chance he would reject her. how she knew? well for starters, he was known for rejecting people, he made it very clear he wasn't interested in a relationship at all. people also said he was basically unapproachable, intimidating and cold.
she had mixed feelings about the last few; she had seen him multiple times with his friends, and he always seemed to have a soft smile on his lips and a glowing aura. so how could he be cold and intimidating?
but. now that she was standing a few feet away from him she could totally understand why they said he was unapproachable.
the boy wasn't with any of his friends. his expression was set to stone, to say the least.
y/n gave herself a little cheer before she started walking towards where he was going.
it's alright, just be yourself. people like bright people, right? it's gonna be okay. she told herself.
renjun's head snapped to the side when someone fell in step with him. he turned his gaze forward again thinking they might be walking by.
"hi!" y/n smiled brightly at the boy. renjun turned towards her again, his eyes looking around him in case she was talking to someone else but they were the only two walking. he slowly came to a stop.
"are you talking to me?" he asked, finger pointing at his chest. y/n giggled before nodding. she raise a hand, waving.
"hi, I'm y/n," she introduced herself. renjun sent her a skeptical look before nodding.
"renjun," he spoke uncertainly wondering why she was approaching him.
y/n felt at a loss of words after that. honestly speaking, she had never flirted with anyone or even tried to win anyone over really.
now, it's not like she had never dated, that she has, but she never made the first more.
her exes had told her that she tended to be a bit oblivious when people flirted with her, what with her being always friendly.
so being on the other end felt a bit nerve wrecking. she had a lot of respect for people that made the first move all of a sudden.
"i don't know if you heard about it, people really seem to like gossiping around here but i kinda like you," she said with a smile on her face.
renjun blinked. once. twice. a third time, before coughing awkwardly.
"what?" he spluttered caught off guard. y/n snorted.
"i like you," she repeated, the smile never wavering. she hiked up the strap of her bag on her shoulder.
suddenly her name clicked in renjun's head and he remembered seeing her in his photography class. he cursed under his breath before turning forward again.
"not interested," he muttered under his breath before stepping around her and walking towards where he was going before. y/n cursed under her breath before stumbling after him. the both unaware of the stealing glances people were giving them.
"i know you aren't," she fell into step beside him again. renjun took a deep breath before speeding up. y/n watched him before clumsily shuffling and taking two steps every one stride he took. renjun noticed and a smirk pulled up the corner of his mouth, before falling just as quickly.
"i will court you, if that's okay with you," she started again, "i know you're not interested in me. i will put in the effort to get you to like me," she giggled facing him as she followed.
renjun threw her a confused look before shaking his head. y/n checked the time on her phone before her eyes widened.
"shoot! my class starts in a bit, i gotta run! i'll hear from you again, bye renjun!" she waved before turning and running away, without waiting for the boy to say bye back. renjun scoffed at her childishness before getting in the hall where his class was going to be.
so that's how occasionally renjun would find chocolates or flowers on his desk in photography. jaemin had made it his job to tease him every time the two came into the class to find the little gifts. the blue haired guy even telling their other friends about it.
renjun had made it a routine to hand over all the chocolates he got to jaemin everytime, even though his favourite was among the little bunch. upon jaemin's question as to why he wouldn't eat at least the ones he liked, renjun's answer was, "i don't want to give her false hope and think i appreciate it."
and as much as he liked the flowers he gave those to jaemin as well, only to take them back saying they would be nice as props for art inspiration.
just like every other photography class, y/n had walked into the class with a few girls before they all walked to their spot. she looked over where renjun and jaemin usually sat, smiling when she saw the both sitting there. she fished out the little sketchbook and small flower ensemble from her bag before putting the latter on the desk and getting up.
"why do you do this all the time? it's clear he doesn't like you," one of the girls inquired, a smile on her lips. y/n shrugged, her eyes trained on one person only.
"i know he doesn't, but he also doesn't like anyone else," she winked down at the girl before stepping out of the desk, "which means, i still have a chance," she giggled as she turned around before walking towards the two boys.
the two bickering boys looked up at the sound of the chirpy voice before renjun rolled his eyes and jaemin smiled big at the girl.
"hi, y/n, what a surprise," jaemin teased as he winked at the girl. y/n giggled, a slow blush creeping up her neck.
"hello, jaemin," she politely waved before turning her eyes towards renjun, "hi, renjun."
renjun looked up towards her before averting his eyes again, "hi," he politely said.
his eyes shifted to his desk when y/n put down her small gift on his desk, his brows furrowing.
"why are you giving me this?" he asked, a slight tone in his voice. jaemin nudged him with his knee.
"thought you'd like a small sketchpad to have on you wherever you went. just in case you got a sudden burst of inspiration," she explained, the smile never leaving her lips. renjun looked up at her, a stoic expression on his face. y/n's smile faltered a small fraction but she hoped she masked it before her could notice.
renjun's eyes remained on the girl as he picked up the sketchpad and slowly pushed it aside on the desk, on jaemin's side.
"i don't need it," he deadpanned. y/n cleared her throat before brining up her smile again.
"then throw it away," she shrugged her shoulders before turning away and going back to her seat as renjun started after her, jaemin snickering beside him.
"well," he chuckled, "didn't see that coming."
it was at the end of the day, when renjun was walking around campus on his way to the library, that someone fell into step with him. he already knew who it was as a slow breeze wafted a floral scent his way.
he threw her a fleeting glance before making a double take. he felt his breath hitch in his throat before he masked it away.
the girl beside him looked ethereal in her baby blue shirt and high waisted loose fitting gray pants. her hair flew softly around her shoulders and face as the wind blew. the golden hue the sunset casted on her making her skin glow in contrast to her top. the cherry lip stain she had on brought accent to her lips in the most beautiful ways. renjun looked away as her eyes met his. she giggled. and renjun would never admit that to jaemin or his other friends but the sound was slowly growing on him.
"the weather is very nice today," she spoke taking a big breath, "want to get some ice cream?" she asked hopefully. renjun turned towards her only to be faced with big, bright eyes, shining in a way he could not put into words.
clearing his throat he turned away again as they made their way down the sidewalk.
"what are you doing?" he asked, his voice low and calculated, genuinely curious. y/n threw him a look before stepping behind him as a woman with a stroller passed by them. she peeked from behind him as she stepped beside him again.
"courting," she spoke with an obvious tone as they stopped in front of a streetlight.
"why?" he asked as they crossed the road. he came to a stop on the side of the street when he realized she had been following him.
"well," she started, "of course because i like you," she nodded, adjusting her bag strap.
"you don't even know me," he deadpanned. y/n rolled her eyes, an exasperated sigh leaving her lips and renjun's brows furrowed.
"well, of course not, that's the whole point of me courting you, dummy," her voice dripped incredulity as if he had asked the most obvious question.
he rolled his eyes as he started walking again, ignoring her words. she scurried after him as she tried keeping up with his steps. five seconds passed before she nudged him with her shoulder, grinning. a groan left his lips in response.
"so," she stretched out the word, "can i? court you i mean," her eyes went big as she waited for his answer. he let out a big sigh.
"it's not like you haven't been already doing it," he murmured. y/n's brows furrowed.
"you're right, i'm sorry about that," she apologized, and renjun could hear the pout before he even turned to look at her, "i'll stop if you want to. i really want your permission though. i wouldn't want to do anything you wouldn't like," she grumbled, upset she had unintentionally invaded his space.
renjun stared at her clear upset pout before he sighed again. he had been doing that a lot lately.
why am i agreeing to this, he thought as he closed his eyes for a second before he opened them again and turned a corner, y/n turning a second late.
"you can," he muttered as he stopped walking. y/n's eyes grew big as she gasped. her eyes lit up and a smile stretched over her lips as she looked up at him with big eyes.
"i can?" she asked in wonder.
"sure, be my guest," he shrugged his shoulders.
"really?" she asked again and renjun only nodded, his expression blank.
"but," he brought his index finger up and she looked at it before nodding, "i won't put aside my studies, job or anything just for your delusional attempt at flirting."
"courting! COURTING!" she corrected him after a loud groan and an eye roll. renjun doing the latter as well.
"yeah yeah whatever, that," he waved at her dismissively. she smiled at him.
"that's okay, but don't shut me out. you have to give me opportunities to court you, you have to be fair," she pointed at him as she pouted. renjun looked from her face to her pointed finger before he pushed it down. y/n's eyes shifting to the finger before muttering a sorry.
he glanced at her sideways a snort leaving him, "yeah, okay."
she smiled before a confused look took over as she looked at their surroundings.
"uhh, where are we?" she asked unsure, renjun looked back at the store they stopped in front.
"didn't you want to get ice cream?" he asked and y/n's eyes lit up a cheer leaving lips as she bounced on her heels.
"yes yes! let's go! it's my treat," she laughed as she pushed him aside and walked inside.
"sure," renjun muttered following her inside.
and that's how her courting began. sometimes it was ice creams, other times it was afternoons at the library, evenings in the art lab. and it went on for a few months. renjun's friends would sometimes tease him about y/n and he would begrudgingly tell them he wasn't dating her. he had explained times and times again what y/n said she were doing and they had told him the same thing every time.
yeah yeah dating, we get it.
word was getting around campus that the renjun was dating y/n and it was safe to say it was the hottest news. renjun, who had never cared about what they ever said about him, this time too, didn't bother to correct anyone.
y/n checked her phone as she speed walked. she was late to meet renjun and she knew how much he hated tardiness. she cursed under her breath as she skipped around the corner. her eyes searched around in hopes to catch a glimpse of the ash brown color haired guy. a smiled adorned her lips as she saw him. she was about to call out his name when she noticed him talking to someone. she jogged up to him and smiled as his eyes shifted to her.
"you're-," he started before she interrupted him.
"late. i know, i know. i'm sorry, i had to talk a bit to the TA," she giggled in apology and he rolled his eyes as he bid goodbye to the girl he was talking to.
"i'll get back at you about it. try to find as much as you can about the topic," he stretched his lips in a make shift smile for a second in greeting and the girl nodded, a teasing smile on her lips.
"don't get too lost in your date. i won't do the whole project on my own because you're out dating," she smiled jokingly. y/n pressed her lips together as her big eyes watched between the two.
the stranger's smile slowly fell as she noticed renjun wasn't smiling in the least, his face stone serious.
"don't worry about my date, worry about doing your part, bye."
and he turned and started walking away. y/n watched between his retreating back and her baffled face, an embarrassed blush adorning her cheeks.
"he's like that with everyone, don't take it too at heart," y/n sent an encouraging smile.
"y/n!" her head whipped to see renjun waving at her to be quick. she smiled for a last time to the girl before she ran up to him.
they walked in silence for a few minutes as she pouted. renjun took a deep breath before he looked at her out of the corner of his eyes.
"what?" he asked already knowing why she was pouting. she sent him a narrowed stare.
"you didn't have to be that rude," she sighed as she grasped the bag strap across her chest.
"yeah, well she was being nosy," he shrugged his shoulders.
"she was trying to be friendly."
"yeah, well she was trying to be friendly by being nosy and i don't like it."
y/n snorted at his pouted reply.
"ah!" y/n suddenly remembered as she rummaged into her bag, renjun watched her with curious eyes.
"here, this is for you," a small bag was pushed towards her and renjun carefully took it before opening it.
"what is this?" he asked, his brows furrowed in confusion.
"what do you mean? it's food, silly!" y/n giggled.
"yeah, why?" he asked, slowly fishing out one of the corndogs in the bag. y/n rolled her eyes jokingly.
"because you like them," she said after a sigh left her lips, wondering how he could be so oblivious. he nodded not feeling like arguing with her. no matter how many times he had told her not to spend money on his she never listened.
when he realized she just was a giving person he figured he would just buy her ice creams on the times they would go together.
"this is my stop, i'll see you around," renjun nodded at y/n as they stopped in front of the bus stop. y/n smiled as she nodded and waved. the bus stopped in front of the two and y/n watched as he walked up to the doors and into the bus, not once looking back.
as the doors closed and went away, so did her smile. she took a deep breath wondering if she had been too forceful on renjun.
was I too pushy? should I have backed away when he said he didn't like me?
and somehow she figured that really, renjun didn't need to like her. he had never said he liked her. it was all her.
she had been the one to push herself into his life, she had been the one wanting to court him, she had been the one to always wait for him after his classes, she had been the one dragging him to the ice cream parlor every other day.
renjun had always been clear on his feelings. he had said it in the beginning he didn't like her. he had only agreed to it all because he was nice, only going to get ice cream because she dragged him.
"hey! why the long face?"
y/n turned towards the sudden voice, her smile back on her lips as she crossed eyes with jaemin. she shook her head.
"got lost in my thoughts," she smiled, "it's getting late, i'll see you tomorrow!" and she was gone jogging to her bus stop.
jaemin let out a deep breath, wondering if she knew she was very bad at concealing her feelings from showing on her face.
golden rays seeped through the curtains in the silent home. a sweet melancholy atmosphere buzzed in the atmosphere. the silence creeped up the walls and enveloped the whole apartment.
the beeping of the main door unlocking sounded like a shrill sound in the otherwise mute surrounding. feet shuffled in before closing the door. soft steps sounded loud, the switch being turned on illuminated the whole flat in a bright light.
a sigh left her lips as she let her bag fall on the couch, walking to the bathroom.
twenty minutes later she was sat on the couch, a towel in her hand as she dried her hair. the silence made her ears ring, she hated it. hated this feeling.
she hated not being able to trust anyone, hated that she had nobody she could call friend at college, hated how she knew the people she hung out with during those few hours talked behind her back, called her naive, stupid, loser. she knew it all but she hung out with them either way.
y/n thought about calling her boss and going to work, being busy sounded like a thrilling idea instead of sitting in this silence, but she knew they were full.
she took a deep breath willing her mind not to fall in the deep hole she knew it was going to if she didn't busy herself fast.
so she got up and discarded her damp towel on the rack in the balcony before walking to the kitchen, wondering if cooking something would take her mind away from memories she wanted to keep locked away.
"renjun ah!"
jaemin walked into the room in search of his friend, his mind set on getting his words across the thick headed idiot.
he closed the door behind himself, his narrowed eyes set on the boy playing a game on his couch. renjun's eyes fled to jaemin before focusing back on the game.
"jeno and haechan said it will take half an hour and then they'll be here," he informed the blue haired male as he angrily pressed the buttons on his controller. jaemin nodded before taking four strides in front of the tv and turning it off.
"bro! what the fuck!" renjun shrilled, mouth hanging open in surprise.
"you're losing anyway," jaemin deadpanned before looking him straight in the eyes, "we need to talk."
"about?" renjun threw the controller aside, wondering what was this serious.
"what about her?" renjun sighed as he leaned back against the couch, curious where this conversation was going.
"don't you think you're being a bit unfair to her?" jaemin asked, his tone calm.
"how? i didn't do anything," his brows furrowed as he stared at his friend. a slight sliver of irritation hit him as he wondered if she had gone to whine to his friend about him.
"exactly, you don't do anything while she does everything!" jaemin exclaimed, his arms spreading before falling by his sides again.
"i don't know what you're reaching at, jaem," renjun sighed as his fingers pinched the bridge of his nose.
"what i'm trying to say, jun, is that the poor girl has been trying to woo your ass so hard for so long and you won't do anything about it!"
"what do you want me to do!" renjun exclaimed, suddenly feeling attacked, "she was the one that wanted to do all this courting bullshit! i never asked to do it! i told her i didn't like her!" he defended himself and jaemin rolled his eyes at his friend's stupidity. and he was supposed to be the top student huh?
"at least tell her again before she falls more for you while you don't care then! the poor girl has tried everything to make you like her! she knows your habits, your order at the café, pays attention to what you say, what you do. hell! she even knows when you crave your stupid milkshake because you had a bad day at college!" jaemin tried to reason with him.
"did she complain at you about all this? i swear!" renjun groaned as he stood on his feet, beyond angry that she had the audacity to complain when she was the one to start all this. jaemin looked at renjun as if he grew a second head.
"what? no! why would she say anything to me? it doesn't take a genius to figure all this out when the moment she's not with you she has sadness written all over her face."
"oh so now i'm the bad guy, great!" renjun laughed mockingly.
"nobody said you're the bad guy, jun," jaemin's voice softened up as he stared at his friend, clear anger on his features, "all i'm saying is to take into consideration her feelings too, and if your feelings still haven't changed for her then to tell her so she can move on."
renjun snatched his jacked from the armrest of the couch before storming towards the door.
"where are you going?" jaemin asked, his tone alarmed at the anger renjun was displaying.
"tell her to fuck off and not complain to my friends," hw muttered as he pulled away the door.
"oh! hey guys," jeno's eyes widened as renjun pushed away from him and haechan on his way out of the door. the two standing on the door stared as he walked away before turning towards jaemin.
"what's going on?" haechan asked as they stepped inside their den. jaemin waved his fingers in his hair as he let out a frustrated sigh.
"i think talking to him was a bad idea."
it was almost 11pm when y/n's phone rang. she was almost falling asleep on her couch when it started ringing, waking her up right away. she smiled softly as she read the name of the caller, clearing her voice as she picked up the call.
"hello? renjun?" she softly asked, wondering why he called her at this hour.
"send me your address, we need to talk," his cold tone made a shiver run down her spine as she muttered an okay before he hung up.
thirty minutes later he texted her to come out front. in the chilly breeze he stood in front of her apartment complex. she was wearing a hoodie and sweats as she walked out. she smiled at him as she stopped to stand in front of him.
"hey, it's cold, you can come inside-,"
"what do you want from me?" he interrupted her. a look of confusion fleeting across her face as she stared up at him.
"what?" her voice was small as she spoke. renjun rolled his eyes.
"why would you go and rant to my friends about shit that you could've told me?" he accused, and her confused expression just angered him more as he scoffed.
"ah yes! now comes the 'i don't know what you're talking about'. you wanted to do this courting crap, i told you before that i didn't like you! i don't understand why you would antagonize me to my own friends when i never even wanted this in the first place!"
"what? renjun that's not-"
"i don't care! just stay out of my life, will you? stop whatever you're doing, i don't care about any of it. this was stupid anyway," he mutter the last few words before turning away.
he had taken just a step before y/n grasped his arm.
"renjun," she called him, "i don't know what happened but this is not what-"
"are you saying my friends lied to me?" his head whipped back and y/n let go of his arm right away at the nasty look he threw at her. she softly shook her head.
"that's not what i said," she muttered adn renjun scoffed before turning away again.
"then stay the fuck away," he spat as he walked away and y/n stared after him as she felt a sharp pain on her chest, the familiar pain of heart break happening all over again.
she had stayed away from his as he asked. she didn't reach out anymore and she didn't approach him either. figured out if she was forcing herself on him, the least she could've done is listen to him and stay away.
jaemin regretted talking to his stubborn friend when he had pushed his shoulder against the girl's and greeted her just to receive a tight lipped smile and a soft hi before she had speed walked away. seconds later renjun had stood by his side, his eyes on the girl as he scoffed.
"what did she want?" he sneered and jaemin's furrowed his brows as he turned to face his friend.
"renjun," he called his attention and the latter turned around to face him.
"she never said anything to me," jaemin went straight to the point and when renjun made to say anything he held up his hand.
"i'm not covering for her. she never said anything to me or anyone. hell, she never even talked about you to me. all i know about what you teo had going on was from what you told me," jaemin took a deep breath at renjun's furrowed brows.
"that day you wouldn't listen to me. I don't know why you were that angry but she really didn't ever say anything. whatever i talked to you about was all because i wanted to say it. so if you have feelings for her tell her and if you don't then at least apologize to her," jaemin tried to reason with him
"we're best friends, i'm gonna tell you when you're wrong and being an idiot. and now, you're both," jaemin smiled at renjun before clapping his arm and walking to their photography class. renjun didn't say anything, too immersed in his thoughts.
they walked into the room and renjun's eyes were right away on y/n. she sat in her usual seat, surrounded by her friends as they laughed about something. y'n smiled but it didn't reach her eyes, she laughed but it didn't sound genuine and renjun wondered how he was able to tell. he shook his head and walked behind jaemin to their seat.
"hey, aren't you going to say hi to renjun?" one of y/n's friends. y/n's smile dimmed a little before she masked again and shook her head.
"i'm not doing that anymore," she shrugged her shoulders as to not seem too sad. the girls around her snickered and y/n felt a chill run down her spine.
"why? did he reject you?" one asked and y/n sent a tight lipped smile as she hummed.
"y/n! come here for a moment, please!" the professor called her and she thanked the heavens she got saved like that.
she got off her seat and walked down the steps carefully. what she didn't miss is the girls next words. they intended for her to hear it and they also wanted renjun to hear.
"of course he would reject her, she was so pushy with it."
renjun's brows furrowed as he heard those words, wondering how did friends talk about their friend like that, but what angered him more was that it was obvious y/n had heard them but she had just kept walking to the professor.
renjun shook his head telling himself he shouldn't care. he knew he had to apologize at some point but he also knew he didn't care for her, he had no feelings for her... right?
but as he watched the girl talk to the professor with her smile painted on, his heart tightened.
it was late at night when renjun lied in his bed, facing the ceiling, his body aching from slaving away at work, his shoulders in pain from the hunched evenings he spent in the library and the heavy feeling in his chest from having to balance so many things at once, that he longed for someone to rely on. finally he was coming to terms with the truth.
the truth was that y/n had been that one person that made it all go away; the aching, the pain, the heaviness and the emptiness. she had taken all of it away without even trying to. renjun thought back at that evening when he had went to a shop with his friends and as his eyes caught sight of the little fluffy keyring he had grasped it and with a small smile he had thought 'y/n will like this' only to remember y/n wasn't there anymore. he had pushed her away.
renjun's brows furrowed as he suddenly sat up, a determined look on his face. he had to make it right. he had to apologize.
so with a new found adrenaline pumping through his veins he got up from his bed and quickly threw on a hoodie and his shoes before running out of his home.
y/n secured the lock on the convenience store she worked at, shaking the door to check if she had locked it correctly, before taking the short walk to her building.
the chilly breeze felt refreshing against her cheeks as she walked the uphill street.
she stepped under the streetlight in front of her building when she noticed a crouched figure in front of her main door. she slowed down as she got creeped out, wondering where the security guard was.
the sound of footsteps made renjun snap his head up only for his eyes to cross y/n carefully stepping up to him, her eyes unsure before realization dawned on her.
"renjun?" she asked confused and surprised. renjun stood up before dusting off his jeans.
"hey," he whispered before realizing y/n was probably waiting for an explanation, "uhh, i rang up but nobody answered s-so i just thought about waiting here for you," he stuttered before clearing his throat and looking away, his eyes shifting to look around himself in emberassment. y/n smiled comfortingly and nodded.
"did you need anything?" she asked softly, and renjun stared at her for a moment before his brows furrowed.
"don't smile," he murmured and y/n's eyes widened before she blinked away.
"uhh sorry?" her tone unsure before renjun shook his head at the misunderstanding and waved his hand in front of him.
"no no, that's not what i meant. i meant like- if you don't mean it then don't. you don't have to fake it," he explained and y/n nodded her smile returning.
"i'm not faking it, i couldn't with you," she giggled before nodding with big eyes, encouraging renjun to continue.
"i- uhh, i wanted to apologize," he took a big breath, "for the way i snapped at you that day, without knowing anything. i shouldn't have been so rash on you. jaemin cleared things with me and i have to say, it was a total dick move of me to just assume you did something," he rambled on and y/n nodded.
"it was," she interrupted him and he nodded, looking down.
"but you don't have to worry about anything, i won't bother you anymore. i'm sorry too for pushing myself on you like that."
renjun's head snapped up at her words, his brows furrowed as she shifted on her feet, her fingers tight around her bag strap.
"no," he muttered and y/n's brows raised in question, "let's- let's try again, this time i'll meet you in the middle," he nodded and y/n stared at him, her lips parted so renjun took it upon himself to elabprate.
"i realized," he licked his lips as his eyes looked around before settling on her, his eyes screaming determination, "that i didn't realize how much you helped me until i pushed you away. i didn't realize how much i relied on you for comfort. until you were gone. you were there for me in so many ways, a-and i realized how much i liked having you around, how much i thought about you, until you weren't there anymore. i realized how much just the thought of you brought me calmness until i couldn't turn to you anymore. and calmness is what i needed, is all i needed to balance my crazy everyday life, and i want you in it again, but this time for good, and the right away," renjun took a deep breath after being done, feeling like if he didn't say all that at once he wouldn't be able to make her realize how much he needed her.
y/n's eyes shone as she looked at him.
"jun," she whispered and her tone panicked renjun. it was so quiet, so frail and it sounded like she had just given up, "you don't have to force yourself to make me feel better, i can handle rejection. it will hurt for a bit but i'll be okay," she reassured him and renjun shook his head.
"no, no, i'm not doing this because i feel bad for you," his brows furrowed and his tone laced with offence. he took a step towards her and wrapped his arms around her all of a sudden. y/n's eyes widened as her hands rested on his sides, taken by surprise at his sudden hug. renjun wasn't really known to be affectionate, "i really wanna give this a try. this time the right away, please, let's try," he murmured against the side of her face.
y/n slowly pulled away and looked at his eyes, shining like the stars above, he was absolutely breath taking. and she smiled, her usual soft smile as she reached up a hand to shift away a loose hair strand falling in front of his eyes.
"okay," she nodded and renjun smiled as he nodded. his cheeks suddenly went up in flames when he noticed his arms still around her frame and she giggled, slowly pulling away.
"have you eaten?" she asked as she turned away to put in the password to the building doors, and renjun smiled as the heaviness that once settled on his shoulders felt lighter and his chest hurt less.
"are you inviting me up?" he asked hopeful and she turned her head around to throw a funny look his way, "i'm telling you, i'm so exhausted i will eat everything in your fridge, sure you wanna risk that?" he teased as she opened the door and stepped aside to let him in.
"i'll take my chances," she smiled as he took a hold of her hand and pulled her towards the elevator, a smile adorning both of their faces.
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