#i like it here because i can make opinions without arguing with another person you know
thefirstlioveyou · 5 months
rant in tags
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study-diaries · 1 month
How to avoid drama in your life. (School/Work/Family)
Hate to say this but i don't really think some people can just live their life without poking into other's business and causing unnecessary turmoil so, here's a guide to avoid all types of unnecessary drama in your life.
A full communication circle.
Communication is the main cause for most fights so, here's the thing. When there is something that needs to be done, inform all necessary people about it in advance. Here's a mistake most do, they just tell one person and ask them to put forward the message to the others but tell them directly. Literally, it is the safest option for you, like no one can blame you that you didn't tell them. No one can hold it against you. So tell them directly. And from time to time get repeated reminders so they remember.
Don't involve yourself in unnecessary talks
This is serious. If you are sitting and your friends are complaining about someone, you just listen to them. Don't add on to the things and hype up them. If you know that person isn't like that, defend them subtly. Involving in gossip is the worst. When someone says something about another person or even you then just reply with "I don't really care, they are/ I am free to do whatever they/I want." Or "I don't have the energy for this." Or "It's really none of my business/concern".
If you demand respect, you need to give respect.
Be nice to everyone, I am serious about this. Even if you're not friendly with the person or you don't like them, just be nice. It won't hurt you or them. Even if they do something to hurt you, just let it go with a "Meh it's fine but i would appreciate it if you won't do it again". This may even work people up a bit, handle yourself with care. Make it seem that their presence doesn't actually threaten you.
Calm composure.
Keep yourself calm and composed whenever you're faced with a difficult situation, do not react immediately, take a breath. I usually just frown but more than that, I won't react to anything. It takes some practice but eventually, this is useful. The reason for you to maintain a calm composure is because if the person who hurt you is looking for a dramatic reaction, don't give them the satisfaction.
Better articulation
Especially if it's important instructions! When someone accuses you of something, don't immediately raise your voice, think for a moment, let them wait and then reply with what had actually happened in your point of view.
Apologize. Even if it isn't your fault.
Sometimes, people are just shitty and they won't understand even if you explain it a hundred or a million times. In those case, just say the magic two letter word -> "I'm sorry" or "I apologise". Your worth doesn't come down just because you apologised, on the other hand, you just became a better person than the other one.
It's simply not your damn business.
When someone directly tells you about their life etc etc. You lend a compassionate ear to them. If it's a story going around the whole place, it's simply not your business. And you can say this directly to the person passing the gossip, if they argue then that means you now actualy are aware of another gossip machine.
Don't EVER share your opinions on important matters with a person higher than you! Especially not in front of other people!
I'm damn serious, you don't know who will have it against you so, be careful around who you're saying things to. Other important matters include opinions about the specific person, politics, nationality, culture etc etc. Be sensitive.
Break the chain
When you hear something bad is going around and it reaches you, keep it to your damn self. Don't go adding the fuel to the fire like the rest!
Do not assume!
Don't assume about a situation or a person. Clarify. Always clarify. You may not know what the other person was going through, you don't know everything. Just don't think something, clarify it. No body is going to get mad at you for clarifying.
Make excuses.
When you hear someone talking bad about someone else. Defend them. Make excuses. I don't mean lie to them, I mean saying things like, "It's alright. You don't know what they were going through." Or "Maybe something happened that you don't know about." Personally, I always use the second one because I feel like, sometimes, people aren't bad guys. Situations make them act like that. Povs differ. So be mindful.
Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument.
If there is an argument. Do the classic Harvey Specter thing. You improve arguments with a neutral tone. Don't sound mocking or cocky, sound like you're just explaining to them. This won't escalate the scenario. (The quote was actually given by Desmond Tutu)
Hope this helps! :)
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catalina-infanta · 1 month
On Free Will in C.S. Pacat’s Dark Rise Series
James Has Free Will With The Collar
Recently I wrote an essay (https://www.tumblr.com/catalina-infanta/748214922159194112/the-question-of-the-collar-the-dark-rise-trilogy?source=share) on how I believed that the Collar was a consensual object between Anharion and Sarcean. I still believe that. I will further argue now that although I think the collar gets Anharion/James to obey direct orders, I also believe the collar is something that allows free will to its wearer and is not forcing him (compelling him) to do anything he does not agree to do, and that he ultimately has free will. This essay is an addendum to my last, so I suggest if you have not read it, you may want to read it first to understand the bulk of the reasoning for this argument of mine, but it is not necessary.
First, I will draw attention to the below scene (in the chapter where the collar is put on James by Sinclair):
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Here, the two sentences say:
“He felt no compulsion.”
“He felt nothing at all.”
The way this is written is short and sweet for a reason, in my opinion. The sentence is simply “he felt nothing at all” not “he felt nothing at all when Sinclair ordered him…” This feels like a deceptive trick of writing to me. It is stated in a way to hide information in plain site; we are meant to think he is only not compelled here because Sinclair was the one ordering him around. But he says here that he feels no compulsion. Nothing at all. These are the ways writers trick us until they give us the final reveal and we are meant to look back and it all makes sense.
Another clue is in the below scene. We see James is not an automaton who repeats back Will's wishes (like his people branded with those “S”/snake tattoos must do – I have seen others mention a theory that they are snakes, not “s” tattoos). Instead, James’s personality is fully his own at the end of the chapter when he rescues Will. He willingly calls Will “darling”, therefore giving a personal twist to his phrasing without anyone telling him to do so (and he is not a mind reader for reasons I will explore below)
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and then, James takes initiative to blast them out of the mountain (showing us he can choose the method of escape, Will doesn’t direct him how to do it).
Furthermore, below, James says he will rule with Will, by his side. He has agency. You can’t rule if you have no autonomy. If you can't decide anything you are not a ruler, you are simply ruled.
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Why Was James Acting So Weird? Is He Brain Washed?
James was acting weird in the last chapter. What’s more, James’s mannerisms are different, yes, even different from the chapter preceding it where James rescues Will (calling Will “darling”, acts sassy with the others, etc). So, the final chapter could have been done by Pacat to show that James is brainwashed, but I highly doubt this. Instead, I think it is done to show 1) James isn’t acting weird because he has no agency, but because he believes Will remembers everything too, and 2) He is written strangely to obfuscate the truth. We cannot know too much about James’s condition right now as that is a giveaway, so Pacat chooses to hide it and instead has us focus on the turmoil inside Will in the final chapter and on his interpretation of James’s behavior.
[One clue someone brought to my attention that shows James may think Will already remembers everything is the scene when Will says “both of you” to Visansder and James; James knows what he is talking about (the memory where Sarcean said the same thing to Anharion and the Queen when he was arrested) and probably infers that Will remembers everything as well. He doesn’t know that Will only remembers a few small snippets. What’s more, perhaps James is calling Will “His King” and “Sarcean” because he simply remembers everything now and so Will and the Dark King have both become interchangeable in his mind. Will is now “his King”--perhaps he even believes Will expects to be called as such]
Unfortunately, we have very little description of what he was feeling, or even of his facial expressions in the last chapter; James’s actions often appeared mechanic. Very importantly, however, the five times he is described by Will in the chapter, he is described as “achingly genuine” with “blue eyes full of loyalty” and “as eager as Will” and feeling “warm and real against him [Will]” and, finally, saying something “with confidence”.
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Sadly, all of these lovely things Will noticed are (in the same chapter/moments) doubted by Will, leading the reader to doubt too. However, Will’s filter is often unreliable as his thoughts are often just his opinion and/or the full extent of his real memories are concealed from us.
The thing is, if James has just gotten access to all his memories, maybe what Will perceives to be genuine is really actually genuine! We kind of know it is from James's point of view given what we read after the collar is placed on him; James's description of his experience wearing the collar seemed to invigorate him. I fully expect that after Book 3 we will be able to look back on these moments in book 2 and everything will make sense.
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To that idea, I find it hard to believe that Pacat would call this unbearably erotic (above) if we weren’t meant one day to come back and read this as a situation that is…kind of romantic? Sexy? But NOT lacking in consent or love or taking place with a brain washed partner.
No, James imo has not suddenly become a brainwashed Anharion. He refers to him as Will in the below pic, so he knows he is with Will in the present moment as much as with Sarcean:
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To my final point, more importantly, James BELIEVES that Will remembers too! That’s why his responses are so weird to us and to Will. He now knows Will was lying about who he was, so he must assume Will knows too and still is aiming for the same goals as the Dark King.
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Hence why he thinks (above) that ruling over the world was what Will wants to accomplish, but it is NOT what the present Sarcean/Will wants (not yet, at least). Notice also that James’s answer to Will asking if he was telling him what he wants to hear (in the above scene) was evasive; perhaps another tool Pacat has possibly employed to make us THINK James is talking about one thing when maybe what he is really saying “yes” to is something else entirely?
Finally, I would like to draw your attention to this final question I have:
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This scene where James was asking, “what’s wrong?” always confused me until I realized James thinks Will is on the same page. If James believes Will remembers everything (which I firmly believe based on how he acts in the final chapters) then this question “what’s wrong?” makes sense if he believes Will knows the methods of the collar.
It makes sense because when Will has a virtual panic attack upon seeing the collar on James, James doesn’t immediately try to explain to him the history of the collar to make him feel better (because he thinks Will knows it’s history). So, in the above, James has no idea why Will is so upset.
I wonder if at this point in time here, however, if James remembers and is questioning why Will discouraged the use of the collar and wanted to destroy it?
Perhaps it is as simple as James believing that this incarnation of Sarcean wants him to follow him (Will) first and foremost because he wants to? This is what Will said in the Throne Room. Perhaps James is thinking now it is done, why cry over spilt milk? It’s not the end of the world, after all. Or maybe James hasn’t thought yet about how Will hadn’t wanted him collared and is just too excited to learn the truth (thanks @tackletofset for this idea). Upon thinking further, it is also possible that James doesn’t have to wonder why Will didn’t want the collar if maybe Anharion was always the driving force between the two towards the collar, and Sarcean more hesitant? Or perhaps it was something else altogether? I mention all of this because if my theory is true, it will spill over into book 3 as they try to figure out each other’s feelings in the first half of the book.
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Finally, as we see at the end when James reveals he remembers all in the end scene of the book (pic above), we don’t get to see the rest of the conversation: we don’t get to see them talk about what they both remember. That’s for the next book! And I can’t say I have any idea when they will both be on the same page. Hopefully soon enough!
In James saying “You are him”, it’s comforting to see that James believes Will (the loving and loyal person he is) and Sarcean are essentially the same. That Sarcean isn’t the demon the Light side made him to be, that he is worthy to be held in esteem. This bodes well that the Dark King is no cruel man, as Will is not cruel either. James is telling us something about Sarcean’s character here, and I believe him.
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i met with a good friend yesterday and it was really nice but something is bothering me and i wish it didnt.
so she has started to call herself a „queer feminist“. she kept talking about „queer“ this and „queer“ that and at some point talked about reading a „queer“ book. thats when i interjected and said what does queer mean? this tells me nothing. is it about a trans male experience, about a lesbian woman, this doesnt mean anything (turned out to be about a bisexual woman which is why she related which she probably wouldnt have if it was about a different type of „queer“ person). so i go on saying thats why i find the term useless. she says she finds it a useful umbrella term and i say umbrella for what? she says „what if for example a woman dates a nonbinary person?“ im like well it depends if the person is male or female since sexuality is still based on sex. what do i as a bisexual woman have in common with a straight man who thinks he‘s a woman? i dont see us as part of the same group. and while she wasnt able to explain the usefulness of the term she said she would keep using it. out of principle i guess.
and it frustrates me because she like many other women is an intelligent and reflected woman whose opinion matters to me but she seems to mindlessly parrot whats popular right now which makes me take her opinion on feminism a lot less serious. how are you a feminist but you think one can identify in and out of womanhood? who are womens rights for then? people who identify as women or people who are women? at the end of the day, if you think women can stop being women under certain conditions, i just dont know how you are helping the liberation of women.
i just cant take people seriously who earnestly use nothing terms like „queer“ and „nonbinary“ and who think me an extremist for not pretending the person we both know is a woman is a „nonbinary person“. it doesnt seem like she has thought about why its predominantly women identifying as nonbinary, and what background these people have (we live in a very liberal city and shes doing her masters in a program and at a university that is breathing queer theory). its like a virus, smart women suddenly regurgitating and internalising all this seemingly without ever considering the implications and consequences. and it creates a distance between women like my friend and i who definitely share a value system but i refuse to pretend and just accept.
she doesnt even know theres many lesbian, gay, bisexual and even trans people who dont consider themselves „queer“. „queer“ is its own community and NOT an umbrella term for same sex attracted or gender dysphoric people (who are already not a coherent group). depending who you ask, asexuals and intersex people are also included. which basically makes „queer“ another term for „different“ (which is its original meaning completely lost here because we are in germany and only use queer in this context).
and since we had debates in the past i already know where it will go when we talk about it. she considers me to be extreme anyways so we will start with her wanting to reject my opinion. it will end with her saying „i cant argue with that (my arguments) but i still disagree“ because its so scary to start questioning all that while youre in these super „queer“ environments.
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scenteddelusion5 · 1 month
A Daring Creature - Part 4
Zestial x fem reader angel
Note: I at first wanted it to ba a longer chapter but I like the way it ended right here. I felt adding to it would make the sweet moment, like, POP less. If that makes sense?
Word count: 1462
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Two months went by, every other day did Zestial take Y/n out to explore the pride ring. The two grew closer and closer, he got enamoured by her antics and she started to appreciate his calm and stoic personality, even though she also liked to rile the demon up sometimes.
The new cloaked stranger that was always with Zestial did not go unnoticed by the masses. Demons either were too afraid to get involved or wanted to know everything about the girl, the latter of which were mostly fellow overlords.
It started to become more and more difficult to keep Y/n away from people like Alastor and Vox, avoiding them became a daily struggle. Zestial almost wanted to keep Y/n inside for a few weeks so the fuss would die out but after seeing how her face immediately lost her shine and became saddened, he scratched that idea. And thus they continued the hide-and-seek game.
And Zestial had to admit, he was pretty good at it. That was until one day the two were walking down the street and saw Alastor walking around the corner. Without a second to think, Zestial turned to two around to walk the other way, only to see Vox and Valentino on the other side.
He quickly grabbed Y/n by the arm and dug into an alleyway. If he remembered it correctly, he was pretty sure there was a backway entrance to Carmine's home there. Finding the door, they swiftly made their way inside without the overlords seeing them.
"I'm getting sick of having the hide every time we see one of them," Y/n complained, "I wish they would just leave me alone."
"I understand, however, we can not afford one of those finding out thy secret." Zestial straightened his own cloak.
"Zestial?" Carmilla walked into the little hallway. "It isn't like you to visit unannounced."
"Mine own deepest apologies Carmilla," Zestial greeted his old friend, "it was an emergency."
"I see." She looked Y/n up and down again, a hint of disapproval could be found in her stare. "Come in, now that you're here I would like to discuss something with you."
Y/n was about to follow the two overlords into another room, when Carmilla stopped her.
"I would like to discuss this alone." Her tone changed from disapproving to downright hostile. "Sit still and stay here, do you think you can accomplish it this time or should I call in someone to watch you like a pet?"
"I'll be fine," Y/n answered while gritting her teeth.
As soon as the two overlords made it to the office, Zestial gave the woman a glare. "Yond wast uncalled for Carmilla."
"It is true. You've been prancing this girl around town like a pet, showing everyone one of your weak links and for what?" She questioned, "we both know there would be easier and safer ways to go about holding up your end of the deal."
"I hast mine own reasons for doing this," he argued back.
"What reasons? Because of your deal you can ask anything of this girl, there is no need to butter up to her so she'll agree to spy on the heavens for you. She'll HAVE to agree!" She took a few breaths to calm down. "As long as you haven't decided why you are doing all this, I can't support you. I won't do anything against you but I can't risk my people's and my safety for a plan you yourself may sabotage."
"Carmilla, I greatly appreciateth thy concern and opinion, however, this is the way I hath chosen to handle mine own planeth." Zestial stood up and made his way to the door. "So thee and I shall not beest meeting eachoth'r for a some timeth."
"Unfortunately yes," the other overlord agreed.
Y/n had been sitting on a small chair in the hallway, brooding. How dare that bitchy overlord woman call her a pet? Who does she think she is? It's true that Carmilla was smart, strong, powerful and a badass business woman... But still, she couldn't just talk to others that way! ....Or maybe she could? Y/n was in hell after all, things like equality and basic respect for others didn't exist here, something Zestial had shielded her from.
Such thoughts plagued the angel's mind
If he had been walking through the streets with Carmilla, all if this wouldn't be happening... Imagining Zestial and the other overlord walking around, laughing, going on outings, it twisted Y/n's stomach. It was the unfamiliar, sickening feeling of jealousy.
That's when Zestial appeared back in the hallway with a scowl on his face, one Y/n had been able to draw out many times with her stunts. However, unlike before, she felt something heavy on her heart.
"Alloweth us wend." Zestial didn't give her glance as left the building, assuming the angel would follow him, which she did.
The two walked the streets in silence. Before Y/n had wanted to propose going to that lovely park with the flowers again but she was afraid their moods would just sour the good memories she had there. Instead she just looked down at the pavement and wandered behind Zestial aimlessly.
The overlord was barely paying attention to where he was going. All he could focus on were Carmilla's words ringing in his ears. It's true that all of this could be done easier but going around town with y/n was a good way to build up trust and a relationship with her. That he needed because, well because...
He needed it. He decided, not letting himself ponder further on the subject, too afraid of what he would find. Instead he noticed the unusual lack of disruption from the angel.
Looking back, he noticed Y/n. She was looking sad, hiding under the cloak and big hood. Zestial could barely see the girl's face. Had Carmilla's comment really bothered her so?
"Doth not beest bothered, Y/N," he spoke up, "I doth not bethink of thee as a pet. Carmilla was simply trying to behold out for me and becameth a did bite too hostile towards thee in the processeth."
"So, you aren't mad at me?" She asked in almost a whisper.
"I couldst never be angry with thee."
Y/n's face lightened up after hearing that. "Really? That's a very dangerous statement you just made there," she taunted.
"I am sure." Zestial had a small but sincere smile on his face. "I doth not maketh false statements."
"Alright then mister tall, dark and spidery, I'm taking your hat!" She jumped up and tried to grab his hat but was unable to reach it.
"Absolutely not." Zestial commented as Y/n made several more attempts to reach it, all of which the overlord was able to avoid.
"What's with the stern tone? I thought you just said you would never get mad at me?" She smirked.
It was truly a sight to behold, first the two were almost dancing around each other as the anger was trying to steal his hat and now she was on her tippy toes staring up at him. The sight made Zestial's heart beat faster.
"No one hast did dare to challenge me in such ways thee doth." Zestial blushed slightly. "Thou art a truly daring creature, Y/n."
"It's called banter." Y/n was swiftly able to snatch the hat off as the overlord had put his guard down.
"Yes, banter." The angel was adjusting the hat, fiddling with the hem and turning it slightly. "Maybe you should buy a dictionary."
Zestial chuckled at the way his hat was clearly too big for her. "I owneth enough dictionaries."
"A modern one, I mean."
"Anon, thou art very much pushing it."
Having noticed how tired Y/n was, the overlord decided to bring her back home. They had a long day and he had to work on a few of his papers again. Zestial had to admit, he had been neglecting his duties a bit.
Zestial was sitting in his office. The old clock on the wall read 3 am. It had been a while since he had to work this late but it was the price he had to pay for his daytime outings. It did give him time to reflect on the eventful day.
"Edward." The overlord called upon his contractee.
The small demon appeared immediately. "Yes, sir?"
"How is Y/n faring?"
"She ate well and is now sound asleep," he reported, "would you like me to wake her up?"
"Alloweth her to sleep" Zestial sighed, "prithee wend out and buyeth a dictionary for me."
"A dictionary?" Edward mumbled to himself. "A particular preference? I heard the Store for Old Books and Testaments has acquired an old dictionary."
"No, I wanteth a modern one."
"A mode-"
"I'll see to it sir."
Part 5 - unfinished
I was finally able to work in the title!!!
Masterlist/Request guidelines
Taglist: @sirenetheblogger
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weirdmorefics · 9 months
If you're comfortable with angst, can you write poly ineffable husbands with a human SO they've been with a very long time and is now succumbing to old age and dementia? (the time period is up to you!) I just think the idea of immortal/mortal lovers has so much room for angst and big raw emotions with stuff like that!
Death Comes for Us All
Aziraphale X Reader X Crowley
3rd person point of view
A/N- I do love writing angst! I can also tell this request is absolutely going to break me, but it's a very good idea so we are going to have a love-hate relationship now lol.
Reader Pronouns-They/Them
Word Count- 1.6 k
Summary- Crowley cannot accept the reader's fate, the reader does not even know their fate, and Aziraphale is the one thing keeping them steady.
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Aziraphale and Crowley met Y/n on the same day it was however very unfortunate timing for Y/n. Timing has never been Y/n's strong suit in general but this day turned out to be particularly bad. Y/n had received intel about the location of multiple Nazis. Y/N had snuck in an hour prior to the trade deal time the informant had told them and hid behind a pew.
Y/n listened to the deal intently and took notes in shock that this whole deal was about books with prophecies you don't even know are true. It was a huge waste of money in their opinion but once the man in the pale coat handed over his books they pulled a gun on them. Y/n prepared to intervene when another British intelligent spy entered the scene which was even more confusing to them because they thought they were the only one assigned to the case it was strictly on a need-to-know basis.
She thanks the man for the introduction and the man says how she recruited him which can't possibly be true the agency just heard the intel three days ago!
He says the building is surrounded by British agents but we definitely do not have the force for that right most staying back and evacuating towns to prevent fewer bombing deaths.
He quotes an American saying, "Played for suckers." Y/n instantly facepalms. This gentleman has most certainly been conned. He starts shouting for people to start taking the group down and they'll start laughing and the man gasps in shock. Y/n rolls their eyes and starts to come out of their hiding spot to protect this sorry fool and hopefully get him out of here without any harm.
Y/n pauses with a look of utter confusion on their face as another man enters the scene hopping from foot to foot. The two men start to bicker like an old married couple.
"What a pity you both must die," one of the Nazi spies wickedly smirks.
Y/n scoffs at this why did these two civilians have to come to ruin my entire mission. Reluctantly Y/n stands up from behind the pew gun pointed, "You will not be killing any civilians today!"
Crowley smirks joyously and gushes, "They think we are regular civilians how quaint."
Y/n makes their way to the front of the church, "This ends now!" They turn back to the two men, "Get out of here I will hold them off."
The gullible man in the pale trenchcoat shakes his head, "Absolutely not!"
One of the Nazi men smile widely, "Agent L/n we had no idea we would get the pleasure of killing you as well tonight. I certainly would have made your death grander as a message to the other agents. Oh well too late now." He shrugs and points his gun at Y/n's face.
The strange babbling-jumping man seems excited to jump back into the conversation, "Speaking of a grand death!" He gestures his arms out widely, "In a few moments a bomb will be landing directly on this church but if you run very fast you may not die."
The man starts rambling about the unpleasantries of death and the opposing force looks at him with doubting glares. They argue about the bombs' location but Y/n just wants to get the civilians out and is getting progressively more annoyed.
Y/n points her gun at the ceiling and shoots a warning shot into the sky. Pieces of the ceiling and dust fall to the floor and all eyes are on them.
"Everyone out if you want to live! I will escort the peculiar civilians and you will leave us be or I'll shoot you before the bombs get to you first!"
The strange jumping man smiles, "Ooo they're feisty! I like them."
Y/n rolls their eyes and walks backwards keeping their eyes on the Nazis directing the odd pair out.
"My books," the man in the trench coat shouted.
"Quite an odd thing to be worried about when we are on the verge of being killed." Y/n sourly responds.
The jumping man seemed to look directly back at the other man, "Yes it would take a divine miracle to save us and the agent." The two seemed to be having a conversation with their eyes even though one was wearing sunglasses even though it was the middle of the night.
The agent assures them that they are protected and that they will get them out.
The jumping man looks up at the sky, "It's a little too late for that sweetheart."
With that last sentence a bomb falls upon to the church and Y/N tries to cover the civilians with their own body, knocking them to the ground just making the jumping man laugh. The church crumbles around them but Y/n finds themselves completely unharmed.
They jump to their feet in utter shock and stutter out, "H-how did you do that!"
"I think you are in shock darling. I am Aziraphale and this is Crowley. Are you all right?" The gullible one says expecting Y/n's face.
"I am fine! Especially for someone who should be dead! That bomb should have killed us all!" Y/n shouts pacing back and forth.
Aziraphale ignores the question, "I am quite glad that you are all right. It is such a shame about my books though."
Y/n starts laughing uncontrollably, "We just survived a bomb and you are worried about books!"
"I think you broke them, angel," he says sauntering over to a pile of rubble. He pulls the bag of books out of the hand of one of the dead men under the rubble, "A little demonic miracle of my own."
Aziraphale smiles brightly, "How nice!"
"Shut up!" Crowley groans. "No paperwork," he rationalizes and starts to walk away Aziraphale not far behind.
"Wait! You must tell me what just happened!" Y/n chases the two beings and never leaves their side after that night.
Sixty Years Later
Y/N, Crowley, and Aziraphale have been inseparable since they first met. They have had many dangerous adventures together and quiet nights reading and drinking hot cocoa. Crowley was befuddled at Y/N's stubbornness to protect them when they were the ones who were immortal. Aziraphale loved Y/n's stubbornness they were the only one who seemed to be able to beat Crowley in a game of wills. Y/n's stubbornness never seemed to fade with age, unfortunately.
Aziraphale pulled the curtains open, "Morning sunshine!"
Y/n tossed and turned but they did not wake up they kept mumbling. They seemed to be having a nightmare their forehead glistened with sweat. Aziraphale walked up to them and brushed Y/n's hair away from their face.
"I don't want to leave you," mumbled Y/n.
"It's alright, I'm here," Aziraphale whispered.
"I'm not ready," Y/n groaned.
"You don't have to get up darling, but I do think it is best you have something to eat or at least some tea." Aziraphale tries to bargain with Y/n.
Crowley enters and slowly takes his sunglasses off, "That's not what they mean angel." He puts his hand on Aziraphale's shoulder filled with sorrow.
"What are talking about Crowley? They will be fine once they wake, mornings are just the worst time for them." He rationalizes trying to avoid the obvious that Y/n is near death.
Crowley has been warning Aziraphale that he knew it was coming soon. As Y/n fell deeper and deeper into the memories of their long past together. Crowley longed to be stuck in those happy memories with Y/n and Aziraphale together. Sadly, he was stuck on the outside watching Y/n relieve everything the good and bad while Aziraphale lived in denial.
"Angel, please just look at me," He begged.
"I know what you're going to say Crowley and no it is not their time yet it never will be." He said venomously.
"I am upset as you are! You knew this was bound to happen we were destined to outlive all of humanity," Crowley says back trying to fight back the anger rising in him but failing miserably.
"Aren't we supposed to be not on Heaven's side or Hell's, but our side!" Aziraphale passionately states with his hand to his chest.
"Believe me, angel, if I could do something I would," Crowley looks back at him sorrowfully.
Crowley's heart aches at the look Aziraphale shoots him one full of disappointment and fear.
"I suppose you are right.. nothing ever lasts," Aziraphale responds almost emotionless like he had a mysterious switch in his head and it was flipped in an instant.
"Angel, don't say that," Crowley says back in disappointment but Aziraphale does not respond and leaves lightly shutting the door behind him.
Crowley sighs and sits on the bed next to Y/n. He gently cradles their face, "I will be with you Y/n no matter where you go and you will always be in my heart wherever ago. Rest assured darling we will meet again." He says these last words like a spell that he knows will come to fruition and seals it with a kiss on their forehead.
Even though Y/n has been unaware of most of what is going around them for almost a year now they seemed to smile at this statement and their eyes filled with tears that Crowley wiped away. Y/n knew they were safe and they shut their eyes for the last time.
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allthingsimagines · 11 months
Multiverse Parenting (2)
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I am so so sorry this took me so long to post! I was on vacation, had some teacher certification things, and had my 22nd birthday all in the span of a month!
Thank you so much for the support on the last one. You guys enjoyed that one more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you <3
word count: 2.5k
Here's part two!
You stood behind the bleachers as you nervously waited. You checked your watch to see five minutes had passed since Miguel was supposed to meet you here.
God, you felt like this was a bad teen movie.
Miguel was supposed to be there at five to be there in time for Gabi’s first soccer game of the season, but he was a little late. Miguel was typically always on time, but today was different for whatever reason.
The last three months had gone better than you could have imagined. Parenting together in different universes was extremely difficult, but you two managed to make it work fairly smoothly.
Maybe not if you factored in whatever the hell was going on between you two. You and Miguel were great at parenting Gabi together. You always made sure to back one another in front of her, but you would discuss different methods and work things out behind closed doors. The other difference now was the invisible string that seemed to be pulling you to him. 
He was everything you wanted. A great guy, intelligent, handsome, an amazing dad, and a great partner. 
Miguel had pulled you in to do missions and work in the spider society on a frequent basis. You worked with his top teams and he was always keen to hear your opinions on what could be improved.
Peter B. had voiced many times that no other person was valued as highly as you were. You were allowed to speak your mind to him and call him out when you felt necessary. No one else was. Peter finally knew it was true when you argued on Miles’ behalf and fought with Miguel to see reason.
“He’s a kid! For fucks sake Miguel!” You shouted at Miguel as you two fought in his office.
Peter stood defensively in front of Miles, Mayday strapped to his chest. Miles was scared of Miguel and he shared a look with Gwen and Hobie that made it evident. The teens moved to form a protective bubble around Miles. Miguel was very intimidating and you only pushing him was making his frustration worse. 
Miguel pressed his fingers to his temple as he tried to calm himself, “It’s a cannon event. It has to happen to all of us.”
You fumed as you stepped closer to him, “Just because I lost my dad doesn’t mean he has to. If he can save him then give him the chance.”
Miguel couldn’t look at Miles, because every time he did all he could see was his daughter’s friend. Gabi and Miles had become extremely close since Miles and Gabi were both new to the Spider Society. He was a kid, but he still had to go through everything just like the rest of them.
“It will tear a hole in the Multiverse!” Miguel yelled as he stared down at you.
You didn’t falter as you narrowed your eyes at him, “What if it was Gabi? Would you let our daughter die, because some fucked up algorithm told you she had to?”
Miguel stuttered as he tried to push down all of his feelings, “That’s different-“
“It’s not and you know it. Gabi survived and fell into my universe and now she floats between two universes and there’s never been a multiversal destruction,” You argued as you stepped chest to chest with him.
Miguel remained silent, his eyes downcast as he thought about having to let his daughter die. You grabbed his hand and squeezed it, “I wouldn’t let anything happen to her just because some stupid AI said it had to. I know you wouldn’t either Mig.”
Miguel met your eyes finally and you could see the internal battle behind his eyes. You pulled him into a tight hug, “If we can both have our daughter in our lives without any cosmic issues then he should be able to have his dad too. He’s different from any of us. You have to give him a chance.”
The room was tense as they watched the interaction with bated breath. Miguel let out a sigh as he pulled you tightly to him, “I would burn the whole multiverse before I ever let anything happen to her. I would destroy everything for both of you.”
Your cheeks heated up at the thought of you being that important to him, but you pushed it down, “Me too Miguel.”
You thought maybe his acceptance of you was due to your relationship as Gabi’s mom, but the teens had pointed out that it was something different. Gwen, Miles, Hobie, and Pavitr were convinced that he was in love with you. 
It didn’t help that Gabi only egged them on because she agreed that Miguel was totally in love with you. She also pointed out that you were in love with him.
You always chalked it up to teenagers' fantasy of true love, but you knew you loved him deep down. 
Miguel was a fixture in your life and you wanted to be his partner in every way that you could. You just didn’t believe that he could ever see you as anything else.
Then a portal opened in front of you and you moved back as Miguel moved through. He panted slightly as he quickly fixed his hair, “Sorry, sorry, there was a massive anomaly and those idiots couldn’t handle it.” 
Miguel brushed the wrinkles out of his clothes as you tried your best not to stare. Dear god, he was hot. You were screwed. You weren’t sure how long you could keep this up without jumping his bones. God help you. 
“Figured you wouldn’t be late for nothing. The game’s just starting,” You said with an understanding smile as you started toward the stands. 
Miguel came to your side and quickly pulled the stadium seats you’d been holding from your hands. You looked up at him and smirked, “Always the gentleman, huh?”
Miguel chuckled as you two rounded the corner of the bleachers, “Just cause you can carry them doesn’t mean you should.”
You bumped your shoulder with his, “Man I’m glad I have you.”
Miguel smiled down at you as you led him toward the front of the bleachers, “Anyone or anything I should know about?”
You scoffed at the question, “Yeah, you’re gonna get hit on by some of the moms.”
Miguel looked down at you with an eyebrow raised and a look urging you to continue. You sighed as you said, “There are a few of the girl’s moms who are single and are probably gonna flirt with you the whole game.”
“Oh,” Miguel said, noticing the slightly negative tone of your voice.
Were you annoyed that they were hitting on him because he was Gabi’s dad or were you annoyed because you were interested in him? Miguel placed his hand on your lower back as you two started up the stairs, “Don’t worry Hermosa.”
You blushed at his words and ducked your head to keep your red cheeks from his view. You walked up the metal bleachers and found that one of the only open spots was in front of that group of moms. You tried not to get annoyed with just the sight of them as they caught a glimpse of Miguel. You waved your hand in greeting and smiled at them as Miguel unfolded your chairs and put them on the bench. You and Miguel both sat down and you finally got to look at the field only to find Gabi jumping up and down and waving at you two.
You looked over at Miguel to see the most proud look on his face as he watched his daughter. The game began and Gabi made quick work of gaining possession of the ball.
“Who’s this Y/N?” A sickeningly sweet voice asked from behind you.
You shared a quick look with Miguel before turning around and smiling at the group of women, “This is Gabi’s dad, Miguel.”
Miguel raised his hand in greeting and you swore you could see the women swooning. One of the women, Teri, beamed at him, “Oh! We always thought you were a single mom.”
Despite the fact that they were also single moms everything she said sounded condescending. Miguel noticed your change in mood and scooted his seat closer to yours. Miguel wrapped his arm around your shoulders and shot them his best charming smile, “I travel a lot for work, but I’ve finally moved home so I could be with my girls.”
You flushed at his words and did your best to maintain your composure. The women looked taken aback as another woman, Jen, said, “Oh, how disappointing.”
Miguel fought the idea of calling them out and instead decided to press a kiss to the side of your head, “I’m just glad to finally get to spoil my beautiful daughter and wife.”
You blushed darker than you thought possible. The women all looked annoyed at the two of you as Teri forced a smile, “Congratulations.”
You smiled, albeit pretty satisfactory, and leaned closer to Miguel and said quietly, “You didn’t have to do that.”
Miguel shrugged as he kept his eyes trained on Gabi playing, “Anything for you.”
You smiled at him and leaned against his shoulder, “Thanks.”
The two of you chatted back and forth throughout the game as you kept your focus on Gabi as she continued to score. You talked about everything: embarrassing Spider-Man stories, favorite movies, the best place to eat in Greenwich, etc. Before you knew it the game was down to the final minute and the score was tied.
Your heart pounded against your chest as you and Miguel leaned forward in your seats. Gabi moved aggressively down the field with the ball as the other players chased after her. 
“Come on Gabi!” Miguel shouted as the crowd cheered as she got closer to the goal.
Two defenders came up to her, but she swiftly avoided them. Gabi then reared her foot back and sent the ball soaring. You grabbed onto Miguel’s hand as you waited anxiously. Then the ball sailed past the goalie and into the net. You and Miguel jumped to your feet and screamed as Gabi scored the final goal to win the game.
The stands lit up as everyone cheered for the team. You couldn’t stop smiling as Gabi was tackled by all of her teammates in a pile as they won the first game of the season.
Miguel’s arm around your shoulders pulled you into his side and you looked up at him. Then Miguel pressed his lips to your own.
Your whole body tensed as Miguel kissed you. Your mind screamed at you to respond and you did rather quickly as you grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer. Miguel’s lips moved against your own as he held you against him. You breathlessly pulled away as you looked up at him at a loss for words. Miguel looked shocked at his own actions and opened his mouth to say something.
“Mom! Dad!”
You both stepped apart as Gabi came sprinting up the stands towards you. Miguel recovered quickly and a bright smile lit up his face as she ran up to him. Gabi sprinted into his arms and Miguel pulled her into a tight hug. The smile on his face was one of the brightest you’d ever seen as he said, “I am so so proud of you mija.”
Gabi beamed up at him before she quickly jumped into your arms. You recovered from your shock as you pulled her into a tight hug. She squeezed you and you pressed a kiss to her forehead, “We are so proud of you.”
Gabi pulled away and grinned at the both of you. You and Miguel awkwardly stood next to each other not quite sure what to do. 
“I know we had plans to hang out, but Keely invited me over to her house for a sleepover with a few other girls. Can I go?” Gabi asked, looking at Miguel with puppy eyes.
You looked to Miguel to see him cracking under her stare and you smiled at your daughter, “Yeah, don’t worry kiddo. Have fun and be safe.”
Gabi grinned as she leaned up and pressed a kiss to your cheek and then Miguel’s, “Thanks, Mom! Thanks, Dad!”
“If anything happens-“ Miguel started to say with a worried look.
“Use the watch and you’ll be right there, I know,” Gabi said, smiling at her dad teasingly before she waved and darted towards her friends.
You and Miguel looked at one another, neither quite knowing what to say. You took a calming breath before you grabbed his hand and softly smiled at him, “Come on.”
Miguel swallowed thickly and nodded before he grabbed the stadium chairs with his other hand. You led him out of the bleachers, your heart pounding against your chest. You made it behind the bleachers before you stopped and faced him, never letting go of his hand. 
“I’m really sorry about earlier. I never meant-“ Miguel started but you cut him off.
“Never meant to what? Because, personally, I thought that was a great kiss,” You said, trying your best not to let your nerves show through.
Miguel’s eyes softened at your words and he set the chairs down. He took a step forward and gently placed his hand on your waist, “This okay?”
You wordlessly nodded as he moved chest to chest with you. You placed your hand on his chest, his own heart pounding under your hand. Your eyes met and then he pulled you closer and pressed his lips to your own. 
You pushed yourself to your tiptoes and wrapped your arm around his neck to deepen the kiss. This blew everything you could have ever imagined out of the water. You both broke apart breathlessly and met each other's gaze. You settled back on your feet, but Miguel kept his arm firmly around your waist. 
“Can I take you out for dinner?” He asked, pushing some hair behind your ear.
“Do you even have money for this universe? Is there a currency converter that I missed in HQ?” You asked with a teasing tone.
Miguel shook his head at you, but the elated look never left his eyes, “Come on, I’ve got a place in my world that’s to die for.”
His hand slipped from your waist as he punched a few things into his watch. You leaned against his shoulder, “You sure about this? This isn’t gonna cause an implosion of the multiverse?”
Miguel looked down at you with a fond smile before pressing his lips to your head, “Nothing could pull me from you.”
Your cheeks reddened as you averted your eyes, taking his hand, “Always knew you were a rule breaker.”
Miguel chuckled before he lifted your hand to his lips and pressed his lips to it, “Anything for you.”
Tags: @fuckedeath @scaraza @obi-mom-kenobi @alicefallsintotherabbithole @miss-taura @twentysomethingwereyote @https-archangel @urbimom @miggyyyyohara @kennedytilleryy @konniebon @thebettybook
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stvrlight-nyx · 2 months
My interpretation of Murder Drones episode 7(a lot about N and Uzi) EPISODE 7 SPOILERS‼️‼️
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N is the most caring drone ever, he cares so much about V (friendship) that first thing he can think about is trying to move the rocks to get back to her. After all the shit she put him through, he still thinks of her as one of his closest friends besides his old crush on her. HES JUST SUCH AN ANGEL OMG.
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N’s direct-ness towards Tessa is very interesting, because you can see his character wants to really help “Tessa” (who we now know was never actually Tessa), but obviously cares and loves Uzi a lot whether that be platonic or romantic. He clearly emphasises his point by putting a full stop at the end, making it clear to Tessa that he doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Uzi. Taking it back to my point about N having to choose between Tessa and his family from back in Manor House, or Uzi this “little bot” that in my opinion he’s poured his heart out to (coming from a Nuzi shipper and no it’s not pro ship). Well we now know that after the whole absolute solver using Cyn as a host and Tessa as a skin suit that he is 100% on Uzi’s side.
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YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS MAN DIDN’T KNOW IF HE WAS GONNA LIVE OR NOT AND THE FIRST PERSON HE CALLED OUT TO WAS UZI LIKE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Anyway yea so uh, you can see here that N’s first thought and in past episodes too, his first thought is Uzi. Clearly showing he cares for her and loves her a lot. Usually you brain or in their case their programming should probably make you think about yourself but, he often thinks about Uzi first and then himself like N just confess istg.
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I don’t really wanna go through it now maybe in another post but it has to be here so…
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J oh deary me J. J is the kinda of character who clearly has always been jealous of N, and how fond Tessa was of him compared to her. Obviously, because you can clearly even as the audience see that Tessa doesn’t really care too much about J, she clearly has to receive the approval from someone else. And that’s where the company comes in, in my opinion I think the company is just feeding her ego so she begins to do more for them. The company had control over V and N previously but because of their exploration and independence they now know the truth but, because of J’s hunger for approval she is turning a blind eye towards her curiosity.
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The idea that this isn’t even “The real Tessa” is wild to me, you’re telling me the solver literally an eldritch entity can adapt to humane environments, features, and characteristics that easily. If I were Uzi I’d be wetting myself right now. For me what I would really like to see is the solver disinfecting everyone(or like collecting itself) and somehow disconnecting itself from Cyn and Tessa cus I don’t think it will be able to operate without a host and skinsuit.
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DOLL A LITRAL ICON AND GIRLBOSS. Her ideas of the absolute solver while also trying to use it to her advantage is really interesting, it’s crazy that she knew everything but didn’t tell Uzi. Some may argue with me and say ‘oh but doll did it to avoid Uzi ratting her out’ which is correct but, do you think it would alter the storyline if she did? I think it would. Some more question I would’ve asked doll are things like
Do you expect to defeat the solver alone? After defeating the solver what are your theories for a cure? And why do you look good doing everything?(shes so cool)
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I am not really talking heavily about Nori right now cuz she deserves her own post but, the notes behind her are really cool to me. Like did she know about the absolute solver and the involvement with the disassembly drones and JcJ? But that’s kinda it
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Apparently can only add ten images so I’ll do a part 2
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lovemyromance · 26 days
Stop trying to bait us. All you do is make endless posts about how much Elucien and Gwynriel suck, trying to get one of us to respond so you can argue with them. Too bad nearly every single mutual I know has blocked your account, and for good reason. You're toxic as hell
LOL, you think I make Elriel posts to bait antis into fighting with me??
Pls, heavenly father, give me patience to deal with this troll
Every single one of my posts is tagged #antielucien (except one post where I was trying to ask a genuine question, not trying to start anything). Not even #anti elucien - so they algorithm doesn't even have a chance of putting it in the Elucien tag. How am I trying to bait people when I literally tag everything properly?
And before anyone even comes at me for the #elain #azriel tags - I see plently, PLENTY of elucien/gwynriel posts with Elain and Azriel tagged. But if I see it's #anti-elriel , I don't respond. I know it's not meant for me. And yet, I see so, so many antis commenting on Elriel, #anti E/L or G/A posts just because they see #lucien or #gwyn tagged. They know it's not for them, and yet, here we are.
Also - I can literally count on one hand the amount of times I have gone onto an anti-elriel post. The first time was when I was brand new and didn't realize this ship war was that serious (have learned my lesson since). Another time when I was defending another Elriel who got bombarded with Elucien trolls. The other 2-3 times I have commented on an anti post have been because the OP indirectly or directly referenced me, specifically.
It's funny you say that, because I haven't gone onto Elucien & Gwynriel blogs to rile them up in their comments/reblogs. They're the ones who start fights in my replies/reblogs. I simply respond to them, matching their energy. If they come onto my blog with a genuine question, I answer it sincerely. If they come looking for a fight, then they'll get a fight :) Because I don't tolerate personal disrespect when we're debating fucking fictional characters.
So it really does not change my life in any shape or form if the Elucien/Gwynriel blogs block me. I don't look at their posts, comment on them, or even go on their pages. It literally makes zero difference if they block me, and in fact, if they really can't stand to see a post with a different opinion than theirs, then I highly encourage that they block me. I'd enjoy being able to post my thoughts without any drama.
I usually just scroll past a post if I don't agree/don't like it. And I don't follow any tags, including elriel, so I see a LOT of anti-posts every single day. It's a little thing called self-control, feel free to exercise the right to have some. And if you really, really, don't have any, then feel free to block the Elriel tag too.
Hope this helps :)
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akkkkollle · 2 years
I really love the camboy hc! Can you make a Camboy! Manjiro plz?
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Pairing: Mikey × M!Reader, Izana × M!Reader.
Words: 900+.
CW/TW: pet names, humiliation, praise, bondage, sex toys, pillow prince, dressing up, teasing.
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So... He's lazy, he's very lazy. I think everyone understands this already. So I don't think his streams would be a very diverse thing. But why would he be popular? His fucking moans. He just has an amazing voice, so that's actually the reason.
Well, he's the prince of pillows, you can't argue with me (I mean Toman version of Manjiro, yes...). And everyone knows it, he almost never does anything. He just puts a vibrator on his dick and screams like the last bitch. 
His figure is just wow. His toned body is also just wow. But it's still so fragile, you can just bend it and it won't even resist.  
And he likes to demonstrate himself, this is an unequivocal opinion. He loves the attention and the feeling of being admired. 
He slowly turns on the bed in front of the camera, showing the suit on himself. He impatiently plops down on his lap, bouncing slightly due to the jump on the mattress. 
- Well? I'm handsome, right? Say I'm handsome, come on. - he whines impatiently when he doesn't get enough praise, although there have been millions of comments, but it's not enough for him. 
Oh, yes, he loves to dress up in something, because this way his figure seems to him and others, as he thinks, more beautiful. 
You are a very frequent guest on his streams, simply because he is too lazy to do everything on his own, so your hands (and not only) help him. 
- Mghm, M-m/n, too much! - he moans, grabbing your shoulder, squeezing it while his head rests on your shoulder. 
One of your hands is holding his knee, pushing his legs apart, exposing his cock and hole. The other hand is on his cock, jerking it off. His legs are shaking, already anticipating his 4th orgasm. And you're not even in him yet. 
- Stop, please... - you gradually stop the movement so that it would not be so unusual for him without the feeling of your hand. - I want you, now. In me, please. 
-Whatever you say, babe. - you say, lifting his body a little higher, lining up his stretched ass over your hard cock. 
After sex, he is very tired, clingy, sick and sleepy. And that never changes. 
-M/n! - he shouts. 
- No need to shout, I'm right here. - you say, stroking his shoulders, sometimes running your fingers through his fluffy strands. 
- I want to kiss. - you kiss him on the forehead when he looks up at you, but he just grumbles, grabbing your face and holding it to him. 
And another random headcanon that appeared in my head. Well, I think he has a kink for pleading and praise mixed with humiliation. So... 
- Oh, f-fuck, I b-beg you, mgm, let me cum, let me cuuum, I was such a good slut for you, r-right? - he whines, pressing his hips against you, while the chat literally explodes with messages from the hot view in front of them. 
- Of course, come on, my dear good... - you bend down to his ear, licking it, and whisper so that only he can hear. - ... slut.
Fuck, well, he's a very strange person. At one moment he wants to completely dominate someone, and at another moment he wants to obey and cry, being under the same person. But it is his viewers who see only his dominant side, he just likes to subordinate, that's all. 
Its facade absolutely never collapses. No one will ever be able to see his submissive side, well, except for you, of course. Just one dominant look and all the comments are replaced on the desire for him to fuck their brains out. And he just gets this seductive, crazy grin. 
His body. He's great. But I don't really think he undresses too much on streams. He doesn't want anyone to see him completely naked, but his naked lower half is enough for everyone. 
He would never put on a suit for anything. No matter how nice they ask him, no matter what amount they give him, he simply won't do it. But still... 
- I still don't understand why you don't appear on streams in this, Zana. - you say, almost fleetingly touching the fabric of his robe. 
- Would you like it if I sat in front of everyone like this? - you just roll your eyes when you feel how he starts to rub against you lightly. 
- I don't want to. - you press his hips against yours, not allowing him to rub against the fabric of your trousers. - I want such a perverted "incubus" to belong only to me. 
- Well, you see? So be quiet and don't complain. 
You will never be a guest on his streams. And by never, I mean never. He won't show you at any price, but they will know about you, that's for sure. He will just compare them when he humiliates/teases them and so they will know that there is a certain M/n.
- Ha, fuck... - he moans as his fingers begin to move inside him, he bends them, trying to get to the right point, but he can't. - What, perverts? You want to be here and help me, right? No, I w-wouldn't let you even look at me. Only M/n..! Ah, mhg, damn! Ha... Can touch me. 
- What were you shouting ...? - you whisper, looking into the room, and slightly laughing at the sight in front of you. 
- Get out of here, you idiot! - he shouts, immediately moaning, feeling his fingers reach one of the pleasant points. 
Is it worth saying that after such antics of his and after his streams in general, he wants you to fuck him? (the boy misses you, you know) 
- Idiot, right, Zana? - you ask, stroking his cheek as he struggles with his bound hands. - Well, hush, doll. Which one of us is an idiot now? You're lying here all brains out, like they wanted. 
- H-harder, please. - he whimpers as the blush covers his cheeks even more.
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I'm reading a lot of things about Hidge's sexuality canon wise. So taking account on what Nick and Matt Lang said (as much as I remember it without rewatching the video proof lol) my argument on why the canon sexuality of Prof. Henry Hidgens is that he is bisexual and Objectumsexual.
Well I think canon wise he is not polyamorous. I can accept that (i have no problem with him being poly canon wise. I am not anti-poly, just faithful with canon) but I remember Nick Lang or even Matt did not specify it. They said, within along the lines/paraphrasing: Henry loves his six boy friends, they are special to him, but Chad IS the apple of his eye. The last sentence they meant romantically.
So why bisexual and not gay? To make it clear, I have no problem with him being gay. I'm willing to be corrected. But since I'm arguing that he's bisexual, well let me start. Of course we haven't seen Hidge talk about or falling in love with specific women characters in the saga so far, however he did say in TGWDLM " Alexa, I love you like every woman flesh and bone", so there ya go. If he can find a woman that is subordinate to him like Alexa and Siri, then he can have a relationship with a woman. Come to think of it, i think he loves Chad the most because I hypothesize Chad always goes along with his plans/ideas. Yes I believe if I were to analyze his relationship personality, he wants to be the dominant in the relationship. He's very controlling and spirals when he doesn't get his way. Which why this is a good segway to...
And with the mention of two famous AI virtual assistants, I think it's enough to say that Hidge has objectophilia. More so in NMT episode Time Bastard where he shared his sexual rendezvous with either one of them to Ted and implied how he did it (some imagination and a little elbow grease or any lube lol). Not to mention that he talks to Alexa and Siri like they're humans. Fun fact, I read somewhere that people who have this sexual orientation cant handle keeping a relationship with another human because they're too controlling hence having a relationship with an object is easier because it has no thoughts, no opinions to consider. Also, this can also be a result of a trauma. Him losing his friends, especially Chad, during a lightning strike attack did not just lead him to isolation and practicing survival instincts, but also drove him to loving objects instead cause at least they won't experience terrible human deaths. Here is the source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/sex-and-relationships/decoding-objectophilia-5-reasons-why-people-fall-in-love-with-objects/story-LMvWWzhs257dD47yxNGC9H.html UPDATE: these facts are more connected to the character that is Prof Henry Hidgens whose personality reflects the generalizing views of the orientation better. Real life Objectums are a lot more complicated than that and can act against stereotypes/generalization. Thanks @fork-bork for reminding me.
Also further explanation:  ur friends can be ur life partners (hence there are old people living with friends in their twilight years) and some people like calling their friends as boyfriends or girlfriends. Hidge is just comfortable with his sexuality and closeness with his friends that he can call his male friends as his boyfriends. I think that's just Jeff's word play and humor going on as he wrote the song. And according to the song "it takes balls": Steve was a priest, Leighton was in a relationship with a person named Gary, and Greg was seeing/dating Steve's mom. Plus all of the boys, sans Chad and Henry, were attracted to females while at college based on their locker room talk acted by the Workin Girls cast.
I'm not like Unhidge Hidge, so tell me about ur thoughts/opinions/rebuttals as long as ur taking account of what I wrote here. Especially proof from the Langs with ur rebuttal. Of course in head canon or fan fic world, anything is free reins and you can experiment with Hidge's sexuality there. Just make sure to specify if it's canon or head canon so to avoid confusion and arguments.
I have the urge to check my HHP Working Boys screen recordings where Nick and Matt discussed Henry's relationship with the boys if it's poly or not. Update 2: Okay I watched it and Nick just says that Chad is his favorite so get out of that as you wish. But since the boys did their locker room talk about girls without Henry and Chad, I don't think the boys were making out with each other unless maybe just Henry and Chad if it's not unreciprocated from Henry's side.
I can understand if most fans think Henry is gay and not bi since Nick and Matt have not given more concrete proof of his attraction to human females. My only arguments with him being bi is that he loves and has done sexual acts with Alexa and Siri, AI virtual assistants with female names and voices. (NMT episode: Time Bastard).
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wickedts4finds · 8 months
Equiliberty Transphobia and Censorship - Jocelyn and company react to my departure
Thrilling followup of Jocelyn/Moe/Crownhill EC/cathcc/cath-creative-corner/bambisimmer responding to the farewell message I had to post as a screenshot because she blocked the word 'transphobe' from the server to keep people from talking about her revolting behavior and bigotry.
Red mark-out indicates her complicit (at BEST) mods - people who are morally okay with working along someone who believes pronouns are "political", loudly argues that there are only two genders, misgenders people (even calling one trans person it), comes onto posts about respectfully playing Native American characters complaining about cultural sensitivity, and more!
You'll notice Jocelyn's typical victim complex behavior here and emotional immaturity - she is being attacked, she is being bullied, not the transgender people she's treating like dogshit.
Jocelyn, I want you to know that there's not a damn thing that's going to deliver you from the community's wrath on this one.
There's nowhere you can run to get away from your choices. You can change your url or the name of the server or delete channels over and over again as many times as you want, but this community has a long-ass memory. Make a new account! Change your username again! We're going to find you. There are eyes on you in that server. There are eyes on you frankly most places you post. I want you to know it's not safe to vomit up your hateful "opinions" anywhere on god's green earth without it ending up in another public post, and honestly, you're going to be exceptionally lucky if youtube's simmers don't pick up on this one for views from the controversy. You had an okayish rep as a creator back in TS3's equine community and you, nobody but you, threw that all away why? To hurt other people who did nothing to you.
Most of us are LGBT+ in some way and those who aren't are almost always allies, not fellow bigots.
Without further ado! Here's my post in the 2 minutes before Jocelyn deleted it (after saying to me specifically 10-15mins prior she was going to stop deleting posts she just didn't agree with).
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Sooo much here.
"when people aren't older" This is deranged behavior from someone who's allegedly not a minor.
"If it causes drama, hurts someone or the like it should go to be honest." I guess the exception is if it hurts trans people, right, Mod?
"I didn't call the person an it on purpose" 1) oops accidentally fell on my keyboard, hit the I and T keys in the correct order followed by space, then finished my sentence & 2) the way she avoids saying "them" EVEN NOW by saying "the person" instead lmfao
"What I'm upset about is people painting me bad, when I'm not" Girl you are a bad person. You are not kind to people who are already oppressed. You're immature, incapable of leadership at 30something years old, desperately clinging to a failing server which you imploded with YOUR OWN hateful diatribes against people who did NOTHING to you, trying to jealously hoard members and talking about "poaching". You had to create an entire server because you were not welcome elsewhere simply because of your personality before you even started spewing hate speech!!!! Honestly when I joined the discord I kind of anticipated a fall of Rome scenario given who was at the helm, just tried to not interact with her, etc, but nah man. Nah.
"and try ruining my rep" You already ruined it.
But my favorite of all, from the mouth of the bully herself, is this:
It's not okay to post, I'm being attacked. Can't you see how wrong that is?
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dynamite124 · 6 months
Ooo, Taliesin's Gate questions, sign me up. Here's a few (very earlygame only, so as to avoid spoilers): 1. How would you find Taliesin postcrash? 2. How would he react to the knowledge that there's a tadpole in his head? 3. How would he react to finding out what ceremorphosis does, and that he's got 7 days to live? 4. What would his default camp clothes/tent space look like? 5. Are there any companions that would get a "Taliesin disapproves" blip for adding to the roster?
So I'm unable to play Baldur's Gate III due to lack of space on my computer, but I can use my imagination and I have my Astarion replace for Taliesin to fill in the gaps. ;__;
Maybe someday, I'd love to make a Taliesin Tav and do a playthrough as how Taliesin would.
I honestly don't know how to answer this one because I can't play the game so I'm unaware of the maps or names of the land.
2. Oh absolute DRAMA! He would feel VIOLATED to no end, probably constantly taking baths or looking up herbal remedies in a spiral of declining denials thinking it's something simple like the flu. "Maybe...if I take a REALLY hot bath and dunk my head in it, it'll die! Yes that's what I'll do! It's so simple! haha!"
3. Like the Debbie Downer he is during times of crisis where HE'S personally affected, Taliesin immediately vers into the negative side of things. Coming to the conclusion that they're not going to make it and makes a bucket list of things he wants to do before turning. Maybe a new hair cut? Trying something new? Admitting or becoming more forward with his feelings and opinions. Things like that, he lets go of doubt because he's out of time and just does things without a second thought.
4. Even when out on the road, Taliesin really doesn't have a clear definition of "casual" in his dictionary. He might wear something ridiculously flamboyant and not very appropriate for camping! He may need to be taken shopping for something better down the line!
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His tent space he'll keep organized. His tent style would probably look like the classic tents you'd see around the War camps of Skyrim, tall with a cot, several boxes set up for makeshift shelves where he can books lined up. A few fur blankets to keep himself warm and comfy, a little tea set on a tiny table, a rug to keep himself separated from the dirt, and another table where he can sit down and work on Berwhale, sharpening and cleaning him to make sure he's ready to do some stabbing! and a little area where Naomi can keep close and rest herself.
Astarion: Remains neutral. Considering his own introduction in Skyrim with the Dragonborn, he has no grounds for arguing about poor first impressions.
Shadowheart: Taliesin Approves
Gale: Remains neutral.
Wyll: Taliesin Approves
Lae'zel: Remains Neutral.
Karlach: Taliesin Greatly Approves
Halsin: Taliesin Greatly Approves
Minthara: Taliesin Disapproves
Minsc: Taliesin Approves
Jaehira: Remains neutral.
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frost-felon · 4 months
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I aim to accomplish three things in this post:
1. Make an argument for why I believe Gojo Satoru's death and afterlife scene don't give his character arc a satisfying resolution.
2. Argue why Tsumiki would be crucial for advancing Satoru's character and giving her more of a role than "Megumi's Motivation™", whilst working within the confines of what JJK has been written as, previously.
3. Give Yuji-lovers more hope that we'll see our little guy give an earnest smile again.
Because this post is pretty damn long, here are the effective starting and ending points of each argument. Please note that no words in this meta are meant to be extraneous, other than some light-hearted asides.
1. "Personally, I think that the airport scene only makes sense/can be consistent with Satoru's portrayals throughout the story (even right before the fight, in Chapters 222 & 223) if it's meant to highlight an internal struggle."/"While key characters like Geto and Nanami show up, with Amanai shown seated separately, there is one crucial absence:"
2. "Fushiguro Tsumiki."/"And I just...I want some real depth to Tsumiki, be it in service to another character for the 50th time or not."
3. "Because somehow, I don't think that what Yuji wants right now is for someone to take away all the boo-boos and make his situation better; I think he wants to go home and relax with the people he cares about, and he'll do anything--eat anything--to accomplish that."/"So depower Satoru, but let him live, so Yuji can finally get out of this misery porn and into his loved ones' arms."
So, without further ado!
248 really made a lot of people excited for the possibility of Gojo Satoru coming back, while making others groan. Why? That actually requires a nuanced answer--but the gist is that many people adore Satoru's character; some people think his character arc was abruptly ended (even spat-on, in some cases); the fallout of 236 left a lot of people angry and/or divided on the story's direction (for more than just Satoru's character, but in many cases, focally so); some fans got really annoying about it; and some people just don't want to hear about Satoru Discourse™, regardless of how they feel about his character. All of these are valid reasons for a cocktail of reactions to the knowledge that Ui Ui and co. have been snatching bodies from the field. If you think Satoru's story is over, then giving this hope to the people who wish to believe he's going to be alive can be quite irksome. And if you want Satoru to live, then the uneasiness of not knowing how Satoru living will affect the narrative may be eating at you, too.
Personally, I think that the airport scene only makes sense/can be consistent with Satoru's portrayals throughout the story (even right before the fight, in Chapters 222 & 223) if it's meant to highlight an internal struggle. Nanami's words are...suspect¹, let's say, in 236, but he discusses clinging to your past versus becoming anew, betting on the future. This, I think, is the main conflict of Satoru's character arc:
The struggle between keeping to what you're familiar with and remaining within expectations, in opposition to taking risks and trusting who you are and what you want to others around you, working with them. Effectively, shedding Satoru's superficiality and being fully open to new ideas.
Satoru's goading, jocular personality has been noted to be fake before, but the intensity he occasionally shows has never been doubted, even if what the intensity is for has. Like in 222 and 223, with Ijichi's long-running guilt and self-doubt. In 222, Satoru says, "Now it's just the three of us, huh?" when alone with Ieri and Ijichi. When he expresses his thought on Nanami's death, this exchange occurs:
SATORU: "I thought Nanami was the type to survive no matter what."
IJICHI: "I'm sorry."
SATORU: "What do you have to be sorry for, Ijichi?"
IJICHI: "I thought you were implying why did he die and not me?"
SATORU: "Is your opinion of me that low?!"
SATORU: "You still have a big job to do..."
SATORU: "...so stay sharp."
Notably, throughout this exchange, Satoru is first looking away at the ground from his elevated, but seated position, when commenting on Nanami's death. However, when Ijichi reveals that he thought Satoru was disappointed that Ijichi had lived 'in place' of Nanami (which is a false mutual-exclusion serving Ijichi's guilt complex), Satoru turns to Ijichi, looking directly at him. As he admonishes Ijichi, he raises his left hand to point at the man, with what looks to be an irritated expression of his own. It's pretty uncommon to see Satoru express any form of anger, severe or not, though we've seen him do so here, in Shibuya, in parts of Hidden Inventory, and most importantly to Satoru and Ijichi's relationship, when Satoru revealed his rage at Yuji's death in Ieri's morgue.
Before I go further, I'd like to acknowledge that Satoru's personality is significantly mellowed-out from his pre-unsealing demeanor, though he's still not emotionally-open, even if he isn't quite evasive in his answers. He's a lot more visibly serious, but his writing still suggests that he's keeping some of his thoughts and feelings close to his chest. If you know me, you know that I despise the timeskip for robbing us of several opportunities for character growth and exploration, including Satoru's change in mentality after being stuck in solitary isolation with a bunch of suicidal skeletons, in what he describes as,
"Like when work is insanely busy."
"A week would pass in a flash..."
"...but it's so draining that you'd never want to do it again."
"Like that."
However, I must ignore the majority of the 34-35 days that were skipped, harder than even Gege has, in order to stick to what JJK canon has given me. At the time of this writing, no further flashback sequences during the timeskip involving Satoru have been revealed. So pretty much all I have are from scenes in the chapter shortly before the battle, as the battle itself doesn't really give any indications on why Satoru is acting the way he is. Thus, I'm going to continue to look at some of these scenes, including the 223 conversation with Ijichi, the 223 confrontation by Gakuganji, and Ieri's words in 220.
First, with Gakuganji:
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Here, Satoru expresses what appears to be relieved amusement at Gakuganji's change of heart. Interestingly, his behavior here does get evasive in his body language, and clipped in his dialogue; by turning away, he makes it harder for Gakuganji to judge his reaction to Yaga's last words. He also acknowledges his responsibility in having let down his allies by being sealed. To Satoru, fostering "strong and intelligent allies" has been his dream since well before we came to know him in JJK proper. Ieri's flashback in 220 shows him talking about his dream in an intense manner as he removes his JJK 0 blindfold; when we see him discuss this in Chapter 11: A Dream, he's shown with his eyes obscured, either by his then-current blindfold, or with his hand, as in the chapter cover. So it's pretty important to him, and this moment, along with his discussion with Ijichi before this scene and mere pages afterward in 223, suggest a regret for having been unable to support his allies, and a responsibility to those left in the wake of his presence or absence.
In the scene before, after Ijichi has received his answer for what it's like in the Prison Realm, Satoru asks,
"What happened to the people on Floor B5?"
Notably, he is looking forward while walking to their destination, instead of at Ijichi when he raises this question. Ijichi answers with,
"That was² the epicenter of the Shibuya Incident where the Cursed Spirits were released."
"Non-Sorcerers all over Tokyo were less likely to survive the closer they were to Shibuya."
"However, thanks to the remnants of Gojo-san's Cursed Energy³, the Spirits never came near B5."
The next lines come with Satoru striving forward on stairs and to Gakuganji and Utahime, still not slowing down to look at Ijichi, who is trailing behind Satoru.
SATORU: "Any after-effects of Unlimited Void?"
IJICHI: "No. Everyone's lives have returned to normal.⁴"
SATORU: "That's good to hear."
Here, Satoru stretches, before changing the subject.
SATORU: "Well, shall we do this?"
In the later scene with Ijichi, right before Satoru deploys on the field, we get these pages:
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This scene is mostly focused on Ijichi's perspective of himself, while touching upon his relationship to Satoru. Satoru's assurance that Ijichi is necessary and someone that he trusts shakes Ijichi, who is plagued by self-doubt. Now, he's striving to "live up to [Satoru's] words", pushing past his own insecurities to aid Satoru in creating a safer world. Like with Gakuganji, Ijichi can't read Satoru well, which is a consistent pattern with other characters; largely through Satoru's own behaviors and cagey control over what he allows others to see, other members of the cast are kept at arm's length.
Enter Ieri Shoko, his longtime friend and classmate (who doesn't get nearly enough to do), and consider her words from 220:
"But you idiot, who's alone? I was there all along."
"There're a bunch of monsters now...awaiting your return. Come back, Gojo."
This scene, where she reflects on her relationship with Satoru, as well as her reminiscence on both of her classmates and Satoru's intensity with his dream ("I will foster...a strong and intelligent group. I won't leave anyone alone."), are pretty revealing. Both to Satoru's emotional distance from others driving his ambitions, as well as how he hurts his potential relationships with others. Ieri reflects on her presence and support going unappreciated (or simply underappreciated) by Satoru, since she can't reach through the walls he's built up over the years. Largely because she doesn't get to actually matter outside of her usefulness as a medkit in most scenes, sadly.
Then 236 comes along, and has Satoru just. Die, suddenly, and an afterlife scene that feels cheesy at best, and actively hampering the narrative, at worst. While key characters like Geto and Nanami show up, with Amanai shown seated separately, there is one crucial absence:
Fushiguro Tsumiki.
Tsumiki is more of a plot device and source of motivation for Megumi than a character. That's disappointing, but she's served her purpose in the narrative. Except...I can't remember ever seeing a scene where she talked to or interacted with Satoru, especially not as the focus. My understanding is that Satoru is her legal guardian/provides her with shelter, utilities, and likely food, with everything else being speculation, because...they've not been explored together. On the other hand, Tsumiki and Satoru are crucial to Megumi's character.
I have no illusions of Tsumiki being a vital character to Satoru's development, but damn, I wish she was. Or that she had a presence, an acknowledgement; and there's really only one last chance to do this, barring Megumi getting Mega Murdered.
Yet, she's missing from the airport. It could just be that even now, developing Tsumiki and her relation to Satoru (as his ward/former ward) is a cardinal sin that Jujutsu Kaisen cannot indulge. It certainly wouldn't be the first time that a woman character was treated poorly, and left on the wayside⁵, though Tsumiki has always blatantly been more of a tool for the narrative than a character to me. Which is why I think this may be her last real chance at having a character with fleshed-out relationships, and could also provide a satisfying ending to Satoru's character arc.
I'm angling for a scenario in which Satoru is pulled from the suffering of the past to the suffering of the present. In which Tsumiki coaxes Satoru out of his isolationist grip on his heart with hard-hitting questions. Finally, Satoru could let go of his failures, and the discord in his soul, to do what he does best: providing unexpected and vigorous support to the people he believes in. The next generation, the competent allies--be they ones he had already become attached to, or ones he'd in some way overlooked. If nothing else, I truly believe that Gege could pull off a scenario of Satoru overcoming his baggage, and renewing himself to turn intense, conflicted feelings and hard-to-read value in others into full-fledged devotion. Because she was there from the beginning, wasn't she? A teenager walked into her life and her brother's, and gave them the aid the children's parents would not or could not, and throughout it all, she's watched the people she loved grow, until she was robbed of years of her life to a coma.
She'd know so intimately, wouldn't she? Of never being enough, of losing time.
And even in her minimal character, she has never struck me as a character so chained to the past. But to expectations? Sure.
So. While I don't think that it's likely that Jujutsu Kaisen will prominently showcase a woman's inherent value, I do think that a woman's value being tied to the men in her life has a shot. Even if it's a dream, I don't think it's far-fetched, a mere fantasy, to have Tsumiki play a large role and help make this messy, jarring afterlife scene stand better with the rest of the work. And I just...I want some real depth to Tsumiki, be it in service to another character for the 50th time or not.
As for how Satoru's revival could not be an irritation? Have him sacrifice his Cursed Energy and Six-Eyes. To his students, and to those who trust him, his value can't be so simplified as "The Strongest". Geto asked him a silly question once, when struggling with his own demons. This time, ten years and at least twice as many bonds later, Satoru will finally have an answer.
He's not the Strongest. He is Gojo Satoru, and his loved ones need him, wholly and honestly. Whatever it takes.
Because somehow, I don't think that what Yuji wants right now is for someone to take away all the boo-boos and make his situation better; I think he wants to go home and relax with the people he cares about, and he'll do anything--eat anything--to accomplish that. But it wouldn't hurt to let him know that he isn't alone. That his loved ones aren't full of regrets bleeding from their hearts (but never their mouths, because "I can't say that to him"; "It wasn't so bad!"; "That's what you should do."⁶) as he watches them die, over and over again. So depower Satoru, but let him live, so Yuji can finally get out of this misery porn and into his loved ones' arms.
Really, I think we should come full circle. Sukuna self-admittedly doesn't have an ideal, or a higher purpose to pursue. A dream. Other than in 220's flashback, Satoru can't be seen with visible, open eyes when discussing his dream, and even then, he's looking up and away. I'd like to see Tsumiki help him achieve his dream with earnest, open eyes. To leave the airport a changed, fully-realized man, and with unseeing eyes wide open to a future of strong and intelligent allies achieving their own dreams.
↓ Notations and my closing paragraph/mid-leak edit, lmao.
¹They're not consistent with Nanami's portrayals as an adult, but are consistent with how Nanami thought of Satoru when enrolled in Jujutsu High. In general, the characters in the airport resemble the incarnations (largely teenagers, around 10-11 years in the past) they are shown as, but with the knowledge and some of the mentality of their older selves. Nanami most resembles his later self when discussing Mei Mei's advice. If this is going to connect with Satoru leaving the airport (and thus, his past) behind, then this can work. As it is, it's very jarring.
²For most of the analysis, I use the VIZ lines. However, this set of dialogue has a mistake, so here, I have switched to a scanlation group's work (if you know, you know). This is the only time I will be doing so. That said, I have tweaked the start of this line to say "That was...", as in the VIZ version, since the present tense used by the scanlation group feels off, given the context.
³"Residuals" in VIZ translation.
⁴We're back to the VIZ lines now, with this line and the preceding one.
⁵I don't like the direction of Maki's character at this point, and I think Hana's narrative role has probably been fulfilled, but I'd really like to see them get important scenes that flesh out their characters. Kirara (who I am assuming is a transwoman or she/they; my apologies if I'm wrong), Nishimiya, and Miwa are dying in the streets, though.
⁶I'm using the VIZ line, but this has wildly different translations, and seems to be...very left open to interpretation in the original wording. Alternatively, the "My role..." line could work here.
Edit: The fuck you mean we got 249 leaks early?! I was just finishing up after a bad week! Which explains part of why this post is disjointed--I may have to go into more detail on certain parts at another time. If 249 ends this meta and myself, so be it. Thank you for reading!
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a-writers-blurbs · 5 days
A bit of a disclaimer ig...
Hi guys,
This is going to be a long post that sounds slightly rant-y & I'm going to apologize in advance for that. I am going to make exactly ONE post (this one) about this topic, and I will not be discussing it further or posting about it again. I will also not be responding to any negative comments but deleting them instead.
These are my personal opinions and [...not *trying* to sound rude, but there's no other way to say it...] a bunch of random people online aren't going to change my opinions.
My husband is an artist. He does canvas painting & draws comic books (think anti-hero dark horse). I paint furniture (kinda mini murals) & make chibi drawings. I've also been writing fanfiction since the late 90s.
That being said, this post is about AI art.
I get the controversy, I do. But I've heard this argument before, when fanfiction became more popularized. The whole "You're just stealing someone else's work & changing it up to call it your own" is (at its core) the same argument against AI. The only difference is that instead of you yourself changing it, you're allowing a machine to do it.
But I digress...
Over the last week, I have received several messages about my use of AI art. First & foremost, my stuff is appropriately tagged as AI.
Second, I don't sell or advertise these pictures in any way. In fact, none of them have been posted anywhere but here (as of 6/1/24).
Third, and probably most important, I DONT MAKE THEM FOR YALL. Fanfiction & fanart are a HOBBY. It is something that I do because I enjoy it and it destresses me. I DO NOT do it, hoping I'll get 1000s of followers, views, likes, etc. Every story I write, I print & bind for my library. I will now be doing the same with my AI pictures.
I have a condition that has a symptom called Maladaptive Daydreaming. Because of this, my head is full of an alarming amount of excruciatingly detailed & unrealistic scenarios and images. (To the point that it affects my everyday life).
I can't necessarily recreate the images in my mind without help & the only way to get rid of the random scenarios is to write them out. So I do write them. And now I use AI to help me get a BASE image. I do still go in myself and edit/redraw parts of each generated image to fit them to the characters I want them to represent. I do thus using digital art.
Granted, there's a whole other group of people that think digital art isn't real art... but that's a discussion for another day. Anyway...
I use AI art & will continue to despite some people's dislike. I will continue to delete any and all comments left publicly that are malicious, rude, or condescending. My stories & are are for me. If others enjoy it, great, that's freaking awesome. If not, there are literally thousands of other fanfic authors you can follow instead of me.
Again, I apologize, I know this sounds rude. But I need to be 100% transparent on this one. I am extremely grateful for every folllower & reader I have. I won't lie & say comments/positive interaction isn't a serotonin boost because it is. Yall also give me more motivation to actually complete a story vs. moving on to the next idea. But I'm not going to change the way I do things to appease someone I don't even know.
This is one of the few things I enjoy doing in my free time & have been doing it for 25 years now, and in the last 5 or so years ALL fandoms have gotten so toxic its hard to enjoy anything anymore. Last time it got like this, I simply stopped posting. I'd rather not do that again, but if people (who aren't even following me) don't leave me alone, I'll probably have to do it again, sadly.
But for now, hopefully this post will give people with different opinions to go ahead and block me from their feed. We're not going to agree so instead of wasting energy arguing, let's keep the peace & agree to stay off if each others feeds.
I won't judge you on your idea that you feel it's your duty to harass people over their choices & you won't judge me for enjoying something. 😉
Thank you for listening. Love yall & and I hope your day is blessed!
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asexual-society · 7 months
I needed another ace's opinion on this or I was gonna go crazy. I feel so alone.
My best friend is allo and recently started to go to therapy. His therapist told him something to incinuate that my advice about romantic relationships was less valuable/productive because "our brains work differently" because I'm ace and he isn't.
He's upset that I'm upset about it when I believe this is just benevolent aphobia. I see it the same way as someone telling a straight person not to take advice from a gay person. Am I just making a big deal out of nothing? Why is my opinion less important/applicable because I don't have the same experience as someone else?
I personally don't think an aro or ace person's advice on relationships is less valuable just because our brains work differently or our experiences are different, I mean, for most other topics, asking someone impartial for advice is completely normal, even if you take that person's advice with a pinch of salt because they don't have firsthand knowledge of the situation. I've had my opinions and advice belittled countless times and I know how hurtful it can be, and there are times when someone's opinion on a subject is totally useless because they're not informed about it, but this isn't like asking your friend who can't drive for advice how to parallel park or your American friend about British politics,, culturally and socially we are fed a LOT about relationships all the time for our whole lives, even without firsthand experience, we absorb a lot of information, and that's not even accounting for the things we have actively sought out, or the experiences of aspec people who have been in relationships.
I understand that we might not fully understand how it feels to be allo and want relationships of whatever kind in the same way, but a lot of (not all, I'll grant you) ace and aro people know as much or more about aspects of sex and romance than your average allo purely on the basis of having had to learn about it ourselves, and I think we have incredibly valuable insights into relationships that are generally overlooked by people who take for granted that everyone feels the same way about sex and romance. Maybe my confidence is unearned, but I'm still here giving advice to strangers on the internet, and people keep asking for it, so someone must think my opinion is worthwhile, and if I can't give someone the advice or help a person needs, I'll just say that. The number of allo people who have terrible relationships and then give out terrible advice because of it is crazy, like. genuinely there's some actively dangerous advice being pedaled by allos, I think on average an ace or aro person acting in good faith can give advice of a similar quality to your average allo person's.
By the therapist's same logic you can't trust them with advice about how aspec people are, in fact you can't trust them to give advice about any mental or physical illness or disability they don't experience, which is obviously not how therapy works. Tbh, I'd argue that unless a therapist is aspec themselves or has been given decent training about aspec people, which generally speaking, they aren't (although there are some good ones), anything they have to say with regards to us is even less "valuable or productive" than what an aspec person thinks about relationships.
There will always be aspec people who give terrible advice, and trust me, I have heard some terminally online or just downright ignorant takes, but I've heard just as bad, if not worse from allo people, and acting like we're the problem sucks.
~ mod key
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