#i just. the fucking chamomile tea man. i cant get over it
scifihobbit · 1 year
Wait. I got it. I understand why Worf's comic relief moments work in 90s Trek and not in PIC. In TNG/DS9 they mostly spring from a character place ("find him and kill him," "Our gods are dead. Ancient Klingon warriors slew them a millennia ago. They were more trouble than they were worth" even "I am not a Merry Man") whereas the WHOLE joke in PIC is haha, can you believe WORF is saying this?? ("Would you like some chamomile tea") like, the humor itself comes from him being not in character. And yes, people grow and change in 30 years, but PIC never actually bothered to show us those changes or who Worf is now. Worf's entire personality is that he's not the Worf we know. That's not a character. It's the absence of a character
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the-traveling-poet · 8 months
Headcannon no.1
Dealing with Insomnia
We all know he’s an insomniac
Boi gets like, what, 2-3 hours a night?
The poor baby
I’m sure his black tea habit doesn’t help if it’s not caffeine free.
I can see Levi trying to ‘cure’ his insomnia early on in his cadet years, only to give up some time later and just accept it.
Chamomile tea? Expensive, and tastes too ‘sweet’ for his liking.
Exercise? The man stayed out on the training fields until the sun peaked up over the horizon.
Farlan and Isabel once found him sitting on the ground, staring blankly ahead with bags under his eyes and sweat dampening his clothes and morning dew making his hair frizzy.
“Can’t sleep?”
“Fuck off.”
Meditation? He couldn’t sit still that long are you kidding me? Man has to be PRODUCTIVE-
Masturbation to trigger some rush of Dopamine? Cant get aroused enough and just ends up frustrated.
The poor baby has even tried meds Hange gave him to fall asleep, only to have a physical reaction of exhaustion that left him laying in bed for hours staring at the ceiling wide awake and restless.
Pls this man needs some peace in his life.
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70swizards · 11 months
remus hcs i’m begging
your wish is my command
my remus hcs :)
he’s hyperlexic, he learned to read and talk really really young by copying sounds around him (echolalia) and associating them to the written language
he’s trans :((( it’s one of the many reasons he and reg bonded so well in like third / fourth year (in an au where canon is… well… nothing)
has the worst daddy issues on the planet, like idk but if my dad locked me in a freezer every for hours durinf my most vulnerable nights i’d definitely feel the same-
he wears armbands starting third year and Never takes them off, his excuse being “it’s a fashion statement”
lowk needs glasses but will never fucking admit it or get his eyes checked, he's always Squinting while reading and ends up getting headaches
refuses pain meds because he's built tolerance and is afraid to for other meds
his eyes display so much emotion, and they're often covered by his hair (cute little sandy ringlets) the moment he's sad or embarrassed or uncomfortable you can tell by his eyes
so insecure of his scars he's constantly trying to hide them
when he gets the big scars across his face in fourth year, he stops looking at people while talking, he always finds a way to seem busy or distracted, but he just can't get himself to keep looking, he can't let them stare
his hugs were just as warm as those fucking jumpers he always had on. he Hates physical touch, mostly from trauma, but if you're a close friend and manage to get a hug from him you will become an addict.
he will never buy anything his size, always larger. even if he's constantly wearing a binder, he doesn't think its enough. in summer its oversized tees and armbands, in winter its jumpers
so unnecessarily sarcastic it's hilarious. he will Always have a retort ready, count on it
he's constantly biting his lips and making them bleed, and it gets far worse when he's anxious
uses baby perfume (zwitsal) so he always just smells clean and soapy rather than a signature cologne scent (because transphobic parents and he couldn't ever get himself to put on "feminine" scents, he's cry for hours and have to shower, but could never get cologne, so... middle ground)
he drinks his coffee with so much milk and sugar you quesrion if you could even count it as coffee at that point
adores drinking tea before bed, a habit he built after effie woukd make him her chamomile tea for his stomach aches when he’d stay over in the summer, and irs just so much better in the winter
has so many freckles, like everywhere. thehre so concentrated on his shoulders
cant see himself ever ruining a book by bending its pages and breaking the spine (yes he annotates and people think he’s writing down incredibly intellectual things when most his annotations are just him calling characters gay) but is disappointed when his books don’t look worn out when he’s done reading them
is Always wearing socks, you’ll never catch this man without them, and Yes he sleeps in socks
always wearing a million layers, he gets cold so fast irs hilarious
okay that’s enough for now but i coukd go on forvever istg, so sorry for the late response bht thank you for sending something in! <3
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gemstone-roses · 2 years
otto octavius x reader
summary: at the moment you can't bare to be alone with your thoughts
Warnings: Hurt/comfort, mentions of intrusive thoughts, anxiety, nightmares, exhaustion, fluff.
AN: this is an 18+ blog as is all my work including this one. likes/comments/reblogs appreciated🥺
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"You look exhausted", a mug of tea appears in front of you.
"Thanks very much" you said sarcastically, you are in fact, exhausted, you were just hoping he'd be to polite to point it out.
"Are you okay" he asks with a small smile and with such kindness you feel bad for being so mean.
You take a deep breath "thankyou for the tea doctor"
"Please, call me otto". He chuckles, he gives your shoulder a squeeze before settling back into his lab work.
You sigh, leaning back into your chair and rubbing your forehead, taking a sip of the tea you immediately spit it back out
"I take it your not a fan of chamomile then" you hear otto tease
"It is soap powder in a cup and no I won't explain why I know what that tastes like" you huff.
"Sorry" you smile, really though that was kind of you to bring me tea, even if it was awful tea.
"You should go home and get some rest, take the rest of the day o-
"No!" You say a little too quickly. "I just, I gotta finish these reports or Norman's gonna have my head, or my job, probably just my job definitely my job because you know how he gets and -
Otto chuckles at your words.
"Mr Osborn is on vacation"
"He has been for 3 weeks, and he didn't leave any instruction about your reports"
"Fuck" you huffed
"really though, are you alright?" The concern in his voice almost almost made you waver.
"I'm fine, thanks otto". He gave you a smile before returning to his work.
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"Your still here?". The Concern etched into ottos voice bought you out of your daydream.
"Mm" you looked up to notice everyone else had gone home, except for you.
You rubbed your head in frustration
"Come on, why don't we go sit on something more comfortable"
"You know for a man with so much money you'd think Norman would get half decent furniture" you complained.
Otto chuckled at you again
"Oh, nothing, you make me laugh thats all" he said.
"Sit" he said, pouring out some coffee and indicating to the couch.
He sits himself next to you and hands you a mug.
" thankyou" you smile.
"So, are you going to tell me the real reason your still here at almost midnight?"
"Im just trying to get ahead with my work" mumbled looking down, you fiddled with your sleeve
Otto grabbed your hand and gave it a squeeze, causing you to look up.
"Y/n" he sighed
You gulped
"I, uhm, fuck, I just can't stop my mind from, well thinking, and i cant sleep because my stupid brain wont shut off and when i finally think im done with all these stupid thoughts im reminded of something that starts it all over again and it's just one thing after another, I keep having graphic nightmares all night long and my normal distraction methods are doing shit". You almost yelled.
You looked away from him,tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
"look at me" he tilted your head to face him.
"It's okay" he said, his eyes were so kind
The tears threatening to fall, fell and otto opened his arms for you.
You felt so safe in his arms, the kind doctor who would do anything for the people he cared about.
He held you for a while, tight, while your sobs eventually turned into sniffles
"Your coming home with me tonight"
"I am?" You sniffed
"You are" he smiled, getting up first he offers you his hand.
"Thankyou, otto". You smiled at him. Otto grabbed his coat and draped it round your shoulders.
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elareine · 3 years
Tim realizing that since Jason has been in the pit, Jason is always cold. He cant get warm. Tim throws himself into working this out, there has to be something to warm Jason.
Hi, anon, thank you for your patience. I… took the sappy route with this. Since this got longer than 1k, I posted it on ao3, too.  
Attempt One
“How’re you doing?” 
Tim eyes the bundle in front of him critically. Jason dropped by his safe house thirty minutes ago, teeth chattering after an encounter with Mr. Freeze, and he only looked marginally better. The chattering stopped; that can be a good sign or a very bad one. 
Jason gives him a weak grin. “Alright. No danger of turning into an icicle any time soon.” 
Hmm. Tim will see that for himself. 
When he moves, Jason lifts a hand in protest. “Hey, no—“ 
Tim completely ignores Jason’s protests—he’d feel worse about it if it wasn’t the only way to handle injured Bats—and sticks his hand between the isolation blanket and Jason’s neck… just to flinch back. “Holy shit!” 
“Nah, it’s—“
“It’s hypothermia, is what it is!” Whatever bullshit is coming out of Jason’s mouth, Tim is not listening. “You’re going into shock! We gotta get some extra heat in here, or maybe actually call the hospital; I’m not equipped for this—“ 
Jason’s hand closes over his mouth. Tim gives him a second to remove it, then he licks it. 
Jason just grins. “As I was trying to say: It’s always like that. My body temperature never went back to normal after daying.” 
“Never.” Jason shrugs. He looks completely unbothered in a way that leaves Tim incensed. That’s just stupid. Did Jason just accept the fact that he’s in constant discomfort as if that’s not a thing there should be—should be—multiple solutions to, what the fuck. Tim is gonna fix this, so God help him. 
Tim is so busy coming up with 315 possible solutions that he even forgets to bite Jason’s hand for a moment. 
(Only a moment, though. “Ouch!”)
Attempt Two
“I’m not sure how you think piling more blankets on me will help me raise my core temperature.” 
“Of course it’s not.” 
Jason raises an eyebrow at the three blankets currently on top of him. “Right. Silly of me.” 
Tim rolls his eyes. Men. So ungrateful. “Your core temperature is obviously affected. That’s why I brought heating blankets.” Many, many heating blankets. Jason ends up looking somewhat like a disgruntled duck by the end. Tim has pictures to prove it. 
Thirty minutes later, Tim takes Jason’s temperature. Still way, way too low for a human. He sighs. That would’ve been too easy, huh. 
“You know,” Jason waggles his eyebrows, “there’s a rather more traditional way of warming up under the blanket.” 
Tim swats his head. “Keep it in your pants.” 
“Even if I wasn’t, you wouldn’t be able to tell under all these blankets,” Jason tells him mournfully. 
Tim decides that retreat is the better part of valor. For today. Just until he can stop imagining what Jason could do to… warm up.
Attempt Three
“A hot bath.” 
“A hot bath.” 
“…you think I haven’t tried that?” 
No. No, actually Tim doesn’t, and his expression must adequately convey that cause Jason throws his hands up. “Okay, no, I haven’t, not really. My place isn’t that fancy.” 
“It certainly doesn’t have this tub. Now shoo, get out of these clothes.” 
“Why, darlin’, you only ever had to ask.” Without ceremony, Jason pulls off his shirt, then begins working on his belt. “Alright, tell me: What makes this tub special?” 
“From observation, I conclude that your resistance to high temperatures has also increased,” Tim begins in an excellent mad scientist voice, just to drop it right after. “Or you wouldn’t be able to wear that fucking jacket in summer. So I engineered a tub that will slowly heat up to a temperature just above 50 degrees Celsius.” 
“I sure hope so,” Jason grumbles as he climbs in, unabashed in his nudity, “cause right now it’s really fucking cold, babybird.” 
Funny cause Tim thinks it’s definitely getting hot in here. 
Hoping his face doesn’t heat up—haha—, he looks down at his phone and activates the heat settings on the tub. “At least,” he says thoughtfully, “we don’t have to worry about accidentally causing a heart infarct or anything like with normal freezing victims. I think.” 
“I’m gonna pretend I didn’t hear that.” 
“We’ll take it slow, anyway.” 
Almost two hours later, Jason’s skin is red and wrinkled and covered in glitter from Tim’s bath bomb. He’s still cold to the touch. 
Attempt Four
“Tea? Really?” 
“You like tea.” Jason has been hanging around Tim’s place often enough that the younger man knows. (If there’s a corner of the top shelf just dedicated to Jason’s favorite blends, well, they don’t talk about it.) “And anyway, this tea is special.” 
Jason put down the cup. “Tim.” 
“Tell me you didn’t get this from Ivy.” 
“I didn’t get this from Ivy,” Tim recites just a little too dutifully. Truthfully, he hasn’t—it’s of his own creation in the lab—but seeing Jason squirm is just too funny. 
“The things I do for you, babybird,” Jason sighs and exes about half of it. When nothing obviously terrible happens, he drinks the rest in small, careful sips. 
“A hint of chamomile—I get that one, soothing—and… bergamot?” 
“Yeah, that’s your favorite, right?” Tim’s taking down notes and is only half-listening. “How do you feel? Any warmer?” 
When Jason doesn’t reply right away, Tim does look up. “Jay?” 
The older man has a slight smile on his face. “A little warmer, yes.” 
Tim brightens and jumps up. Jason lets him stick the thermometer under his tongue without any objection. Tim is a little disheartened when it climbs up to 33°C and stays there, again, though he tries to stay focused on the positives: “I guess it’s a start, though. After all, the perception of warmth is just as or more important than the objective temperature.” 
“Also, you didn’t turn green, so that’s good.” 
Attempt Five
“Okay, if this doesn’t work, I don’t even know anymore.” 
“Please tell me you’re not hooking me up to electrodes.” 
“Sorry, that’s too dumb a lie even for me.” Tim is about to demand that Jason takes his shirt off again—an unfortunate side effect of this type of experiment, really, how terrible that he has to ogle those pecs and abs again—when he pauses. “Wait. Is that… a bad thing?” 
Which is terrible phrasing for Is this something that was used to torture you? but Jason seems to get it cause he shakes his head. “Nah, just didn’t know you’re into that.” 
“I’m not!” Tim isn’t. 
…at least, he doesn’t think he is? There’s certainly something to be said about the inherent homoeroticism of applying gel to another man’s skin and attaching electrodes. He’s so caught up in the entire thing—and the way Jason’s muscles jump and twitch when Tim applies his own brand of stimulant ray to them—that he doesn’t notice how quiet Jason is, too. 
However, in the end, the thermometer still reads 33°C. 
“Fuck,” Tim mutters. “I really thought I had it.” 
“Guess I can put my shirt back on.” Jason makes no move to do so. 
“Yeah.” Tim is looking at his notes again, trying to figure out where he went wrong. His joking words at the beginning aside, there are still options, avenues for him to pursue. It’s just that these are the most promising ones, and Tim can’t bear the thought of failure. The idea that Jason will just—will just have to live like this, forever cold and disconnected—
He lifts his face when he hears Jason putting his shoes and jacket on. “You don’t have to leave. I can still—“ 
“Nah, it’s fine. There’re only so many sex jokes I can make before even I can take the hint,” Jason sighs. “Thanks, though, Tim. I really appreciate the effort.” He turns toward the window. 
It takes 4.7 seconds for Tim’s brain to catch up with that, and then another 2.4 for it to convince his body to move. 
“Jay! Wait!” 
The Solution
The afternoon sun throws golden rays into their bedroom. Tim can feel her rays tickle his face, his eyes, so he turns further into the embrace that’s been offered to him all night. Jason doesn’t wake up, just snuffles out a slight snore and pulls Tim half on top of him as if his boyfriend is some sort of overgrown teddy bear. 
Tim snuggles into the crook of Jason’s neck contently. In his opinion, there’s no better place to be: His lover underneath him, chest rising and falling with every breath he takes, warm and alive and here for Tim… 
Warm. Jason’s warm. 
Tim scrambles up and frantically reaches for his bedside, where the damned thermometer has a place of pride after the last time he got sick, and Jason returned the favor by taking his temperature every five minutes. 
“Babybird…?” Jason’s voice is rough with sleep. Tim feels a little bad about waking him up, but: !!!! 
The thermometer climbs. And climbs. When it stops, it reads 36°C degrees. 
“That makes absolutely no sense,” Tim whispers, awed. 
“Nope,” Jason agrees amiably. “You’ll figure it out, though. Can I have some more snuggles first?” 
On the one hand, Tim is dying to look this up in the literature and maybe talk to someone who knows Lazarus Pits better. This doesn’t make sense scientifically, so there has to be some magic involved, right? Perhaps the pits are more into metaphors than they thought, or—there are so many possibilities, and Tim can’t wait to explore them. 
On the other hand… Jason’s looking soft and warm, opening his arms for Tim, and he’s smiling. It’s no contest, really. 
Tim presses a kiss to Jason’s cheek and sinks back into his embrace, scientific pursuits forgotten. 
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lunarmessenger · 3 years
hi!! i wonder if i could request a one shot angst with saeyoung. so mc have a huge anxiety and she always closed up everything even after she's with saeyoung. one day when saeyoung snapped at her out of stress, she end up missing for like around two weeks without any traces even saeran cant help saeyoung to find her
after searching for the whole times they end up finding out that mc got in accident and still in the hospital because her injuries was so bad and actually someone from rfa (u can choose who) try to hide this from saeyoung because mc told them everything
i know its quite hard im sorry 😭
ohohohoho anon you give me too much power for requesting an angsty prompt. i hope you enjoy, thank you so much for this request! I will have to split it into quite a few parts because otherwise...it’ll be much too long haha ^^;; - luna xx
p.s. sorry requests are taking so long!! the holidays have been insane, but i promise after christmas and new years i’ll go back to posting regularly!
warnings: graphic depictions of major injuries, mentions of hospitals, and mentions of mental illness.
word count: 1.9k
(pt. 2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4)
Hard Regrets (Pt. 1) - 707 x MC
Her nimble fingers switched on the heater as a cold chill ran through the house, hands reaching up to the small blanket she’d thrown over her shoulders. The soft patters of rain thumped against the roof of the apartment, the only sound competing with the rain being the soft clicks coming from Saeyoung’s computer and the flicker of paper as Saeran read through one of his many books.
She smiled fondly as Saeran’s eyes danced across each page, filling his mind with the story as he burrowed deeper into the couch. That smile faded as her eyes slowly switched to his brother, her boyfriend, the man hunched roughly over his desk as he typed furiously. Empty cans of soda and crinkled bags of honey buddha chips littered both his desk and his floor, causing her to sigh as she walked over to help clean up.
This project had ended up being one of his longer ones, tomorrow making it about two months since he was assigned the task by Jumin. She was used to seeing Jumin overwork Jaehee, but now that it was affecting Saeyoung the way it was...it made her anxious. Of course his exhaustion worried her, but he became much more irritable when he became fixated on an important project.
Within the past month he’d grown incredibly distant so that he wouldn’t have any sort of distractions, and that meant that she didn’t get to spend time with him as often as she wanted to. The last time she’d reached out to him he had glared at her, telling her that while yes, he loves you, he needed to finish this project.
“No distractions, MC.” She whispered softly under her breath, a reminder he himself had given her the last time she interrupted. All she’d wanted from him was a hug. She slowly approached, bare feet softly tapping against the wooden floors as she made her way over. She was a couple of feet away from him, stopping as she hesitated. Maybe coming up with some sort of excuse would help guide him away from his computer? It wouldn’t be seen as a distraction since it wasn’t selfish; more like a welfare check?
“Are you boys up for some tea?” Saeyoung didn’t move an inch, mumbling a rough no as he continued to type and click across the screen. She visibly deflated, the bags under her eyes from lack of sleep growing heavier from his rejection. He hadn’t even been sleeping in their bed lately; he would sleep right there, on that god damned desk of his. She was snapped out of her rejection at the sound of the couch cushions moving; Saeran gave a small smile as he book marked his page, placing the book on the coffee table as he stood.
“I would love some, MC. In fact, I’ll help you make it. Come on...” The soft tone of his voice was a nice contrast in comparison to the rough rudeness of Saeyoung, the weight on her chest slightly lifting as she walked with him into the kitchen. Saeran grabbed the tea leaves while MC weakly grabbed three glass mugs; despite Saeyoung saying he didn’t want any. She readied the kettle, pressing the on button and watching as the blue light illuminated the dim kitchen and the water slowly started to come to a boil.
“MC...I’m sorry that Saeyoung is...the way he is.” The sudden apology from Saeran made her eyes widen as she turned to look at him, parts of her long hair falling into her face as she cleared her throat.
“What? Oh, no I mean...I guess...” She tried to think of an excuse for him, tried to come up with reasons on why it didn’t bother her that he got so invested that he not only forgot about her and Saeran, but forgot to take care of himself. Her eyes grew hot with tears for a split second as she shook her head.
“I just, I don’t know what to do. I can’t be honest with him about anything, because the last time I tried he...” She started to visibly shake, the only thing keeping her together being the sudden tap of the kettle signaling the water was ready. When she’d interrupted him before he almost flipped the chair because he was so angry; her distraction had caused him to mistype due to ruining his focus; according to him.
The only people who knew how he was making her feel was Saeran and Zen; the thought of the two men’s kindness towards her when Saeyoung was the way he was when he was writing made a soft smile grace her exhausted face once again. Though she hated to admit it, sometimes she wondered why she had not moved on to either Saeran or Zen. Both men would treat her the way she deserved, and she knew that, really she did.
But Saeyoung...she just loved him so much.
The way he was when they first met; how he had tried so hard to push her away and he just couldn’t. Because he didn’t want to. She didn’t want him to either, and she stayed because she knew that he loved her. Something in him changed, she can’t really remember when it happened; it just did. When he got a new project it was like MC didn’t exist; and he acted like he didn’t treat her that way when it was finished. No matter how much she hated it, no matter how much it made her cry; she just couldn’t leave.
All because she loved him.
“MC...? Should we take these to the couch? Maybe I can read you a couple of chapters?” She was snapped back to attention by Saeran, giving a slight nod as he took two mugs and she carried the last one. The sweet smell of honey and chamomile filled her nose as she slowly walked over to Saeyoung’s desk, his body still in the same position she had left him.
“Saeyoung...” Her voice was soft as she tried not to startle him, her anxiety slowly building with the tension as Saeran noticed what she was doing.
“Wait, MC; maybe we should just leave the tea over here?” She paused furrowing her brows as she tilted her head and slightly turned towards him.
“Then how is he supposed to know we at least made him a cup?”
“MC—” She turned back around to continue walking when her foot caught on one of the empty cans, causing her to lose her balance as she let out a gasp.
“MC!” She tried to redirect the cup as it flew out of her hands, the hot tea splattering all over Saeyoung’s desk and computer. Her heart sank in her stomach as Saeran was instantly at her side, Saeyoung leaping from the hot temperature and the sparks that flew around his desktop as he yelled.
“Are you...are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me?!” His voice boomed throughout the apartment as he turned towards her, golden eyes filled with rage as he loomed over her. He was so angry that he hadn’t realized her hand was red from being burned; she’d managed to get most of the tea spilt on her in an attempt to salvage his tea. 
“Oh, MC...oh God you’re burned; we need to get you to a hospital.” Saeran helped her up but Saeyoung was quick to push them apart, getting in her face as he pointed at his desktop.
“Do you know how long it took me to figure that out, MC?! You’re so fucking lucky that I had a back up running at the same time because I swear to God...” His voice was low, teeth clenched and nose scrunched as he angrily glared at her. Saeran grabbed him by the hood, yanking him away from MC as she shook from his outburst. He has never physically grabbed her and yelled at her the way he just did.
She watched as the two brothers went head to head, noses almost touching as they screamed back and forth. It became too much for her as she got up, trying not to catch their attention as she slid on her shoes and slowly opened the door. The rain had started to come down harder, the wind howling as her loose bun instantly came undone and wildly blew her hair around her face.
She almost, almost second guessed her decision until the sound of glass breaking caught her attention, the mug of tea that was supposed to be hers now smashed in pieces by one of the walls. Saeyoung’s chest was heaving while Saeran got up from a squatted position; almost as if he’d dodged whatever Saeyoung threw.
 Those pieces mirrored her heart; that mug was one that Saeyoung had bought her when they had first started going out. A picture of a cat had been printed on it, the cat making a winking face as the phrase I meow you! cradled the toon cat. It was one of her many prized possessions, and he had smashed it like it meant nothing to him.
That finalized her decision.
“What, Saeran? Stay out of this!”
“Are you so damn selfish that you haven’t realized that your girlfriend has burned half of her body to try and save your desktop? We need to get her to a hospital! Now!” He quickly turned to where she was squatting down by the wall, pausing when he realized that she wasn’t there anymore.
“MC...?” Saeran’s brows furrowed as he walked down the hall, leaving Saeyoung to cool off as he looked back towards his computer. The monitor screens were black as the tea slowly seeped into his keyboard and monitors. The more anger that left his body the more he’d realized what he’d done, his body slowly going into shock as he stared at the broken mug on the ground. The pink heart was in pieces, the larger part covered in brown tea as Saeran’s voice slowly became white noise in the background.
What had he done?
This entire time he’d been an absolute shit to his girlfriend; the one person who had supported him from day one. He slowly shuffled over to the broken pieces, socks growing wet from the spilled tea as he picked up the pieces.
“What have I done...?”
“Saeyoung! Saeyoung she’s gone!” He slowly blinked, not even bothering to adjust his glasses and messy red hair in tussles as he put down the glass and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“She’s gone! Her phone is on the coffee table, and she didn’t take her bag! Saeyoung we have to find her; there’s a storm outside and she’s by herself!” Saeran was rushing to put on his coat and grab an umbrella, his boots clunking against the floors as he grabbed Saeyoung’s shoulders.
“Saeyoung, if you love her, you need to get off your ass now and help me find her. Now!” He slapped his dumbfounded brother, forcing him on to his feet and throwing a coat at him as he grabbed one of the many car keys hanging from the key shelf. Reality sank in as he threw on his sneakers, grabbing a beanie from the coat rack and tossing it on. He felt his stomach churn as his hand brushed against her coat and scarf, grabbing the scarf she always wore and wrapping it around his neck.
We have to find her, we have to find her.
I have to find her.
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selfshipmlm · 4 years
what the mercs would do if you had a stomachache:
an; i ate something bad today and i rrly need this ;;w;;
brings you water and puts his arm around you whenever you need it
tells you stories about himself to distract you from the pain
puts on Tom Jones records for you two to listen to
he often talks over the music, but thats ok because you arent really listening to the music regardless
pats/rubs your stomach unless you tell him it hurts
fast to get a bucket/bring you to the bathroom if you need to throw up
jokes about it being gross when you do but understands the need to
gaining tolerances to energy drinks involves throwing up if you dont have a solid stomach
tries to make you tea
fails to make you tea
generally just gives emotional and moral comfort rather than relieve the pain
Its over really quickly because he just medi-guns you or gives you some meds to help
if you ate something bad and its not just your stomach being a bitch he gives you meds to ((unbeknownst to you)) make you throw up
having your stomach reject everything is definitely one way to fix it
if you refuse those ways of fixing it, he gives you tea or cold water and ice
lets you lie on the concrete in his lab if you want ((might even give you a pillow!))
will occasionally give you small kisses on the cheek if you whine enough
if theres no real cause for the stomach ache, he does some tests and figures out the cause
but really he mostly insists on medication or forced vomiting to fix it quickly
real cuddly whenever youre in pain
likes to hold you, and is careful to not accidentally cause you further pain
will kiss the top of your head while holding you in his lap
makes you ginger tea or gives you something light to drink if you want it
sometimes a few drops of cocktail bitters in ginger ale actually help with stomach aches!
lets you whine and complain about the pain to him
gives you a heating pack or warm water to put on your stomach
is careful to not jostle you around too much while doing whatever he does
makes a little fort/nest of stuffed animals for you to hang out in until you feel better
puts a lot of stickers on your face and body to lighten your mood
might ask miss pauling for help and do what she suggests
good old southern ways of taking care of stomach aches
all the chamomile and ginger tea with honey you can drink until it becomes counterintuitive
gets meds from Medic if you would take them
rubs your arm or stomach to soothe you
lays in bed with you for moral support
encourages naps and hydration
rubs your back when you throw up
has you hang out in his workshop while he tinkers with his machines
will narrate to you if it helps
tries to cheer you up with useless but cool machines
makes little duck toy that waddles around, perhaps?
acts like he doesnt care but cares a lot
casually brings you ice water and back handedly says, "you look like you need it"
you know hes coming from a good place, though. its just hard for him to admit he cares
has you eat bland, yet filling foods like apples, pasta, potatoes, etc. that help settle upset stomaches
hangs out with you so youre not alone and in pain
offers to send you to respawn, of which you politely decline
brings you to Medic as soon as he finds out
Medic gives you some meds and orders to lie down and drink water
Heavy will let you lie on top of him and rub your back
lots of hugs
russian rambles to calm you
suggests you lay on your side to even out the pain
gets you water every few hours until the stomach ache goes away
if you fall asleep on him he wont move until you wake up or he has to wake you up for food/water
water, cuddles, and crackers are all this guy thinks you need
will encourage throwing up if it means the pain is over quicker
holds you next to him with his arm around your shoulder and lets you whine about the pain
hums knowingly every time you pause for his comment on the matter
you two just chill in his camper all day
he might leave to go get something from outside or on base and come back to you throwing up somewhere
he just immediately panics as if he didnt encourage you to do that
"ya good mate??" "yeah" "oh fuck"
lots of water and care after that even though throwing up fixed everything
nothing a good punch to the gut cant fix
hes very sweet
gives you lots of water and heat packs
does not know how to make tea
lays/stays next to you and refills your water/reheats the heat pack whenever needed
rubs your back when you throw up and is always prepared with water
man is proficient in honey and feeds it to you to calm your nerves
its not very good for an upset stomach but he doesnt care
if it makes your feelings better thats all that matters
if you werent his boyfriend he would just tell you to suck it up, but he loves you <3
learned how to deal with stomachaches properly from merasmus or miss pauling
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Tea party headcanon
Includes: All obey me characters except solomon, and barbatos
Genre: Fluff
Tags: Fluff, Tea party theme, Pink Pastry and Pekoe Parlour! Au, general
A/N: This is a celebration cause I happen to like my new formatting. If anyone wants to be added to the taglist then just send in an ask please!
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-He’s actually the one that invites you and the brothers to the tea party.
-Makes sure everyone is at least properly dressed
-A mother of 7 children cause that includes you 😌
-Hates it here the moment levi said he’d wear something from some anime about a ‘demon’ butler, mammon saying that he did NOT steal the precious fine china set and beel having that look on his face that says “If I dont eat everything on the damn table, Im eating everyone else.”
-Either drink pure black coffee or chamomile
-if He drinks an ocean of chamomile but no amount of ‘calming’ tea can help save this poor stressed demon who just thought he could finally get a small break and have a lovely afternoon tea with diavolo.
-I wont be surprised if he’s even payed 200,000 grim worth of damage on the place due to his whole family
-Satan thought it was a good idea to exchange salt with sugar but he avoided this cause he...he looked into satan’s eyes while he drank his bitter black coffee with no sugar or cream.
-Gold laced bone china that costs about 500 grim a cup? Sold.
-He didn’t want to go but apparently he saw something that had caught his eye ❤️
-He was always invited to be the man servant at the witches’ tea parties so he kinda thought it was boring
-Did not realize how much he liked fruit teas until he came here
-Did not bother to even wear anything fancy as requested😤
-Probably tried stealing some stuff 😔
-He is on his 3rd cup of fruit tea and the orange chiffon cake but STILL denies that he liked being there.
-Chiffon cake is his thing but he will never admit that so instead he goes for regular old bread
-Defensive over paying the bill but he gives in a bit cause lucifer had to pay for the fucking stuff he stole 😤
-Was fucked with cause diavolo was actually paying and not them
-Im sorry...sebastian michaelis who? I only know levi in a stuffy butler suit
-Speak like he’s talking to his masters but still trash talks mammon
-“I thumb my nose to you, unrefined scum.”
-For some reason...I cannot stress this enough...He loves...Lolita tea parties.
-Probably a Lizzie fan from Black buttler
-He strikes me as the type to drink matcha or a classic earl grey for the aesthetic but drinks bladderwack tea due to how common it is when he was at sea
-he drinks his tea in a typical lolita designed porcelain tea cup and is charmed by it so he takes 50 photos of the set for his live journalng blog.
-A refined gentleman who wore appropriate clothing and brought a book
-He brought a little sacket or his own spice
-He usually drinks chamomile to calm down but occassionally drinks lattes but this time since it was a tea party he settled on...wait for it...
-Ethiopian spiced tea! More specifically Cardamom milk tea in the hottest temprature it can handle
-Him and asmo like their teas hot
-Satan makes me think that he goes for finger sandwiches instead of cakes or pastries.
-Has a book with him and actually his books have tea leaves in them as well because he likes the book smell with the Lapsang Souchung tea
-The ideal guest until he tried to play a prank on lucifer
-would you believe me if I told you he walked in there wearing slim dark slacks, creamy white silked dress shirt and a pastel plum ribbon tie that makes me drool?
-He looks gorgeous and he knows it! And every waiter/guest there is trying to get his number! 🥺
-I can see him originally drinking assam tea but he switches between that and a very specific order of butterfly pea flower tea with 1 cube of white sugar, 1 mint leaf within a minimalistic see-through tea set
-definetely a fan of berliner or a good chilled charlotte
-Indulges in conversations with simeon, solomon, barbatos and luke like the classy boys they are
-Drinking their tea like that, gossipping like mid 19th century wives in england
-probably laughs at the more energetic people
-Has the other guests at the parlour just senting him in something sweet only for their hearts to be crushed as asmo hands the sweet gifts to his sweet beloved younger brother
-You know why he’s here
-Asmo’s personal pastry trash can
-Hungry baby is eating a whole cake by himself ❤️
-Living the dream on his 4th cake btw
-Likes Cannoli sicillianis and Chou à la crème A.K.A profiterole or french cream puffs! He likes custard inside it
-He’s not very picky on his food but he does refuse to drink matcha tea without milk
-The type to be drinking something like dandelion root tea or peppermint tea
-This is the reason he can eat food faster. Please stop him. Please.
-Surprisingly even though he doesnt like matche he keeps green tea so he can gives some to belphie to help keep him awake.
-He tries to wear something nice so...Hahahaha Enjoy beel in a thick dark blue sweater
-He cant contain his cute little hair 🥺
-Uses a tea cup the same size as a mug and a dinner plate instead of a dessert plate
-Gets destracted by the pretty flowers and thinks of lilith ✨
-Im sorry...Private booth with a couch please?
-He likes nuts cause they make up for his lack of serotonin and plus sleepy
-His tea is either chamomile to calm him or something like green tea to wake him up
-Only drinks green tea that beel gives cause beel knows exactly what to wake belphie up with
-He’s old fashioned he likes his tea in a some porcelain or clay though a preference is not a requirment
-Sleepy boy like private booths and resting himself on beel who’s just munching away but when he’s awake he does join the mid 19th century wives group
-Talks shit about most of the brother, except beel cause beel though a demon is still angelic.
-Has a great time there cause he’s reminded of when him and his twins were playing tea parties
-Does not dress for the occassion cause who gives a fuck
-Has told stories or at least recalled the times that lilith has made them pretend there was tea in the cup while they tried to point out that there was in fact none
-Polite boy that helps set up some of the servers and praises them
-ASSAM TEA YOU CANT CONVINCE ME ON THIS. He loves the taste honestly and he thinks he likes it so much more when there’s milk with it. Likes 1 cube of sugar on it and likes it bit more on the hotter side.
-Another one who enjoys sandwiches more than pastries though please dont tell luke.
-Likes the tea party so much that he wants to host one with luke so they can invite micheal and the other angels.
-Wears something nice but still a bit more appropriate.
-Probably the next host for the tea party
-does not shit talk or gossip bad stuff be he likes to join the conversations
-Adores watching luke pick flowers at the indoor garden
-He is such a grateful person that he also brings his own sugar cookies ❤️
-He likes scones!!!! he likes em with lots of cream and blueberries
-The type to drink some sweet tea however he swears by candyleaf as the ultimate drink for him. If there’s no candy leaf though he can always go for fruit teas and something that kicks like orange blossom sponge cakes 🥺
-Dont look at me like he wouldnt play with the flowers and explore the indoor gardens while simeon calls him and he’s already back with sweet butterflies crowding him like the most adorable angel ever
-Joins the adult table cause...h-he’s...he’s old enough 🥺👉👈 (It’s really cause simeon needs to take care of him)
-He might not like devildom but he can say that the ambiance in that place wasnt absolutely breathtaking
-Wants to recreate the sweets here as well
-The host of the party and is currently tending to everyone in conversation
-He thinks he should do these more often due to how successful they are in bringing everyone together
-Brought barbatos cause only barbatos can make his special tea since the ingridients are rare to fine
-His tea? Bolivia black✨his tastes are complex yes I know
-goes on board with orange food and dark chocolate. He is so exquisite, bro. An orange-scented short bread with finely tempered dark chocolate is the best thing he pairs with that black tea.
-Has a grand time trying to give luci some of his sweet shortbread but ultimately the other demon refuses 😔
-Just fucking say yes, luci. Stop being a pussy already
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Taglist: @yamaguchi-stan (Special thanks to her for my knowledge in this stuff),
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jawllines · 6 years
FOR THE BLURB I think vampy should be a combination of grumpy and needy. like he’s getting frustrated about not having his way but also following y/n around like a dog on a leash, crossing his arms and furrowing his eyebrows but then watching her every move and trying to touch her subtly. And he’s also angry because his pants are way too tight suddenly and he cant seem to unwind.
For as grumpy as Harry always is, Y/N has never seen him grumpier than now.
 It was pleasantly endearing; the furrow in his brow deep, sat on the opposite end of the couch because, “It is harder to keep my hands off of you, when you’re like this.” The pouty lug grumbled, shifting tirelessly, doing his damndest not to sniff the air so closely.
 Being alive for hundreds of years and not being able to indulge in something, is quite trying on a vampire, Y/N found. Especially when that something is attached to the person they’ve bonded with – the denial of a “treat” so to speak, was just absolutely terrible. It threw him into the lowest of pouts, grumbles, and heavy sighs, that made her giggle from the opposite end of the couch or wherever they’d be. He would try to avoid contact all that he could at this time, as to not drive himself mad, but he still wanted to be around. Wouldn’t leave to spare himself the trouble of smelling her, but would instead just attempt to keep his distance at the very least.
Because Y/N was on her period, and that was just…well, that was just something Harry hadn’t quite experienced before, in a partner. Sure, he’s smelt it on women before, but he had never particularly cared. Had never particularly cared for humans in general, really, before having his very own, to cuddle and squeeze, and smell. Never cared for their bodies or knowing the inner-workings of them. Never cared to do much research other than what points of their body was easiest to draw the most blood from when he’s feeding.
 However, his little human had very suddenly smelled different to him one day, and he had panicked as he’d been at the door – barging in, dropping all that was in his arms as he ran to her. He found her in the kitchen, sat on a chair, hunched over a notebook while something was in the oven. Immediately did he run for her, checking her all over to see the source of the blood that was on her somewhere, “Are you alright? Where are you wounded? I will fix it – tell me, so I may fix it.” He had pleaded, tilting her chin from left to right, squishing at her arms, legs, tummy, and all, his furrowed brow deepening as he was unable to find the source.
 And Y/N, as sheepish and bashful as she’s ever been, had to explain why she smelled like blood.
 That’s the first time Harry had proposed it, crouching down to his knees, big hands spread on her thighs and pushing them open for him to fit in between, “I will clean you.” He offered casually, but Y/N snapped her legs shut with her eyes going wide.
 “Aish, Harry, s’not for that!”
 He had pouted, thumbs digging into the skin, “If not for a treat, then why the bloody hell is it in such a place?”
 “Google it!” She had grumbled, giving him a playful tap to the forehead before tilting back to her work, “Take the cake from the oven, would you? I’m nearly finished with my notes.”
 Y/N hadn’t been sure if he’d actually googled it or not, but through the rest of the night he’d been a pouty, grumpy mess. It was funny to her, seeing him stalk around. He was listening, albeit he hated taking orders, Y/N was the only one he would take them from.
 Though he tried to be sneaky at first. Would be the sweetest he could be, doting over her as always but this time without a grump all day, and would be at her every beck and call. He thought that maybe if he was really good and nice he’d allow her to lick into her just this once, because he wanted it bad…so badly, he could truly cry…but each time his smart little human caught onto his deceitful thinking, swat at his bum, and tell him that he wasn’t getting to.
 So, he keeps his hands to himself.
 However, something was just irking his nerves today. Whether it be Y/N was in a pair of shorts that made Harry dizzy, or the fact she’d forgone a bra for the time being, and he couldn’t help but stare at her breasts without nearly drooling. Or maybe even how she just keeps…just keeps bending over in front of him…even unintentionally…it’s driving him fucking mad. Up the fucking wall mad, and there was nothing he could do about it, besides deal with how tight his trousers have been all day and hope that his stiffy might ease up even a little bit. He wanted so badly to split her thighs open and take his treat, but she was not one to budge on the matter. No matter how many times Harry brings up a scene he’d watched once on Hemlock Grove, with a man she was always keen towards licking into a girl in the bathroom while she was on hers.
 This lead them tonight, with Harry in a huff on the other end of the couch and Y/N amused on her side. Yet she couldn’t fully enjoy it, as for the cramps riddling her abdomen. They were bad the first few days always, and she could feel the sharp, pinching, pulsating pain that has her crouched into herself. And she attempts to make him unaware that she’s in any pain at all, as he becomes just the most obnoxiously cute, doting boyfriend who frets over her when all she wants is a cuddle.
 Though, she ought to have known Harry would be able to sense it, because as she’s tilted in a position comfortable for her, faced away from him, she feels a shuffling to her right. Then a warm body slipping up against her own, his arms sliding in between hers, palm sitting comfortingly at her lower belly and his nose dipping into her neck. “Harry –” she starts, trying to face him, but he shakes his head and holds tight.
“My little human is in pain,” he murmurs, “I will help.”
With a heavy sigh, Y/N leans back and lets him cradle her to his body, eyes lulling shut when he begins to purr lowly. Though it’s the most inhuman of the things he does, it is one of her favorites – the comforting rumble easing through her muscles, loosening where she feels tight. And while it works on her sore shoulders, it is doing very little to soothe the throb in her lower belly. One so intense that she’s curling into herself once again, taking Harry’s body with her.
 Harry lifts his head from where he’d stuffed it into her throat, but he doesn’t part from her; keeping his forehead resting on the side of her head so his mouth was right at her ear. “Sweetheart,” his lips skim against her cartilage, “Let me help further.”
 “How?” Y/N winces, pressing his palms closer to where she hurts. They weren’t sating the pain entirely, but it was just enough to keep it partially bearable, “I already took medicine and drank the tea you made.”
 That’s another thing, about her precious, grumpy boyfriend. No matter how he would avoid contact he still made sure she was alright – gave her chamomile tea to help her rest, slaved over a stove to cook her dinner, and ushered two paracetamols into her mouth to ease her pain. Hell, even with his own self-proclaimed “no touching” rule, she knows that as soon as he believes she’s asleep, he will snuggle his way beneath her covers and cuddle her to his chest. It’s things like that that make her want to know more of his vampiric nature; where he came from to how others of his kind (besides Louis, who’d she met in passing) acted. In stories and movies, they were never of the same stature – not even the sparkled dream boy Edward from Twilight, could touch on the tender care unyieldingly placed on her by Harry.
 “I’ve read online,” (he did google it) he begins, still speaking into her ear, “That orgasms help to ease the tension.” Y/N shudders at his voice, acutely aware of one of his hands slipping from where it held her lower belly, to skimming down the skin of her leg, tucking into the inside of her thigh and digging his fingertips in, “Let me quell the ache, Little human. You will feel much better once I’ve finished.” He hums, nipping at her lobe with careful intent.
 Whining, Y/N leans her head back against the round of his shoulder, “It’s not like –” she rumples her lips, squinting her eyes closed, “—I don’t think you’d like it Harry.” She all but whines, and Harry hums low, about to refute her, she knows, but she continues, “S’like…think you jus’ like the thought and –”
 “Moppet, I enjoy everything about you in more ways than you will ever be able to comprehend or imagine,” he cuts her off, squeezing her thigh tightly, “I will not continue if you do not wish me to, but do not worry about me. I’m aware of what I’m getting into and it’s mouthwatering to me, n’ my kind, I have found.” His other hand slips from her belly, skating up to cup at the swell of her breast with the apex of his thumb and forefinger, “Also need I remind you of that scene – with the one man you are all too fond over – in which he –”
“Oh goodness Harry, don’t start with that,” she complains but still giggles at the tone his voice had shifted to upon talking about a petty TV crush that makes him grouse and grumble on any other day (“he’s not even…he’s not even that cool, or whatever, why d’ya like him so much? I’m right here n’ much better), “I mean…I don’t mind if you do, I just worry that you won’t enjoy it.”
 This was the green light that Harry had been waiting for, as he maneuvers himself so that he can tuck his head underneath her arm, shifting down to his knees but still leaning in so that his face was level with her chest. In a diligent manner, he peels her shirt up to expose her breasts to him, his eyes lighting up with glee when he is met with them bare. “I can assure you, little human,” he murmurs, “I will enjoy this far too much.”
 He cups them in his hands and Y/N winces just a bit; they’re always quite sore the first few days as well, which was bothersome. It’s part of the reason she wasn’t wearing a bra today, because the fabric was irritating them. Noticing her discomfort, his hold on them relaxes, as he leans forward and takes a tender nipple into his mouth. She gasps when he begins to suck softly, the gentle tugging making her body jolt. A smile begins worming onto his lips as he pops off to go to the other, while keeping the previous nipple he’d had in his mouth occupied with two fingers pinching and pulling at the sensitive bud.
Y/N’s toes curl, because she’s sore and sensitive but it feels good – really good – and it makes her tremble; thighs quivering as he presses himself in between them so he can access her tits with better ease. He parts with a kiss to the very tip of the bud, before moving just above her areola and sucking a greedy mark into the skin. A pitiful whimper gusts from Y/N’s mouth when she feels the small prick of his pointed teeth, having elongated from the excitement.
 He begins to make his descent, but Y/N stops him as his fingers curl into the waistband of her shorts, “Not here,” she tells him, feeling her cheeks heat up intensely as she finishes, “I – um – I don’t want to make a mess.”
 Sucking his bottom lip into his mouth, he nibbles at it carefully as he thinks of his next move. When he snaps his fingers, pats her thigh, and says, “One moment, Sweetheart.” Y/N hadn’t imagined that in the next few moments she’d be sat with her shorts and panties off, atop of an appropriately placed red towel on her bed.
Alas, there she was, a ball of nerves and arousal and cramps – all in a muddled battle trying to decipher who would be at the forefront of her mind. Though, like all things, Harry notices immediately when she’s feeling something, and he strokes over her thighs with his knuckles, “Don’t worry, little human, I’ll take care of you,” he promises, “If you wish to stop at any time, you tell me, and I will part from you immediately.”
She nods, chewing at the inside of her cheek and letting her legs part further for him. Harry smiles, and crawls down the bed all while facing her, pretty green eyes shining even in the dark of the room. He delves in with no further preamble, like he’s just ecstatic to be doing it and excited to show Y/N how nice it will still feel.
 And, if she’s honest with herself it does feel remarkable – maybe it’s because she’s aware of how into it he is. How his tongue hasn’t stopped running broad stripes up and down her entirety, moans vibrating through her core while his fingers dig dents into her thighs. The intense feeling of his wet mouth against her tripling as everything is much more sensitive, and swollen, so that she can’t help but mewl and shudder.
 Harry leaves no room for a paper to get in between them, mouthing at her with such fervor that she knows she won’t last very long. Especially when everything begins feeling so…so good, and she forgets why she’d been nervous in the first place, and when Harry slips his hand into hers so she’s squeezing that instead of the sheets. The fire in her lower belly has tightened and twisted it’s flames into her veins, roaming through her body, making her sweat. Toes curling in the blankets and in the air, because Harry hikes up her leg to get even closer, letting it rest on his shoulder.
 He takes her clit into his mouth, pinching it with his lip and Y/N cries out louder than she had intended too. It makes him chuckle, flickering his tongue over it a few times before rumbling low against her, “S’ so swollen pet,” he looks up to her, carnal desire nearly feral in the way it’s raptured through his being – he’s enjoying himself…finally getting the treat he’d been requesting, and waited so patiently for, “You taste so sweet,” he utters, leaning back in, “All of you is so sweet. My favorite treat, you are.”
 When Y/N cums, it crawls up her body slowly, before crashing over her like a flood that had billowed past its point. It’s when he began purring against her body, that it claws through her and she moans, back beginning to arch but Harry holds her hips down and continues to lick her through it greedily. Humming content little notes against her wet heat, as she comes down, twitchy and sensitive, shoving his head away, “Okayokayokay,” she rushes, blinking her eyes open though she hadn’t realized she’d shut them, to see Harry smiling wide, “Gimme – gimme a minute, shit,” she laughs breathlessly as Harry begins to lift himself to his knees.
 Harry would’ve stayed down there for hours, she knows, if she would allow it. He’d thoroughly relished in it, so much so that she doesn’t think he noticed how hard he was in his pants until he followed her gaze. She couldn’t help but stare though – he’d filled out, pressing against the zip of his jeans, so full he’d threatened to break it she thinks.
 They both look down at his cock for a while, before Harry looks up to her, “Do you feel better?” He asks her, and she nods quickly, eyes wide, “Good.” He reaches for the button of his jeans, “But I think we should probably ensure that they stay gone for a while, yeah?”
 Y/N can’t help the smile that quirks at her mouth.
Sneaky bastard.
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krissewrites · 7 years
Flower Shop!Taehyung - BTS Imagine
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requested. taehyung is such a cutie my heart can’t take it. this is long tbh.
lets talk about this amazing concept
started working at his mothers flower shop when he was a little boy
and he fell in love with it
he worked under her during high school
and even made weekly visits while he was in college
but when she suddenly fell ill, he promised to take care of the shop in her absence
hes very hardworking
does everything from a spur of the moment bouquet to a full on wedding arrangement
usually by himself
working for hours on ends strains his eyes so now he has to wear his glasses
roses are often the most requested
and no matter how many times he handles them he still gets pricked by the thorns
so he has small cuts all over his fingers
his favorite flowers to work with are peruvian lillies
has multiple aprons but he wears his favorite almost all the time
only changes apron selection on wash day
it’s a blue one with rilakkuma 
when he’s not in the shop he’s busy studying accounting
always ends up falling asleep on his homework
and ends up having to turn in drooled on thesis’
but back to the topic
you and your fiance were looking for someone to do the floral part of your wedding
you wanted lillies
he wanted hydrangeas
it was actually something you two fought over quite often
but you eventually gave in and agreed to hydrangeas, reluctantly
your fiance was a busy, working man so he suggested you find the florist
which didn’t bother you that much
after weeks of searching florist after florist, you stumble across a small shop tucked away in seoul by accident
inside is taehyung, leaning against the counter and writing on a small notepad with his head rested against his palm
you couldn’t pass up the chance of this being the perfect florist
so you decide to scrap your original plans for the day and go in
a little bell goes off as you open the door
and taehyung looks up at you
honestly thought you were lost bc you didn’t look korean
speaks to you in a timid voice
“jongin’s shop is down the corner, miss--”
but you ignore him and start glancing over the wide selection of flowers in small pots across the wall
and hes like “is she deaf?”
so he waltzes around the corner and stops beside you
and just as hes about to tell you there’s a better shop down the way, he notices the flower you’ve been eyeing
it was the peruvian lillies
you realize he’s staring and ask introduce yourself
“i’m sorry, it’s rude to just walk in. i’m y/n.”
he’s kind of shy so he just mumbles his name back
but quickly proceeds to ask what you need
“is there a reason you’re here?”
“i need a florist for my wedding”
at first he thought you were cute
but now all that was off the table
and he was strictly business
the two of you end up discussing the arrangements you want made
“i saw you looking at the peruvians. were those the ones you wanted?”
“ah... no... hydrangeas, please.”
he can hear a hint of reluctance in your voice
so he tries to coax the reason why out of you
“the peruvian lillies are my favorite. they’d be good for a wedding!”
has a cheeky smile
but his charms weren’t working on you
you still looked a little solemn as you searched in your purse for your checkbook
so he finishes writing the order up without anything else being said
you were in the middle of writing the check when he suddenly pipes up
“what’s your number?”
and you’re like... are you serious
“i--i don’t know if you understood, but i have a fiance--”
“i need someone to call if something goes wrong in the process, don’t i?”
and you’re like i cannot believe myself
you’re standing across from him, a counter in between you two, laughing to yourself
“i’m sorry, i’m just--”
taehyung holds up and finger and walks into a small backroom behind him
comes out moments later with a small, plain white box.
he lifts the lid off to reveal dainty, yellow and white flowers cut off the stem.
“these are chamomiles. you can brew them into a tea. it’ll help you.”
a small grin runs across his face as you look at him, the flowers, and back up
“ah, i don’t know if i can pay for--”
“think of it as a wedding gift.”
your fiance was the root of your stress, which led to you not having smiled in a few weeks
but god did this lonely flower boy give you the smile you needed
you thankfully accept the small box and leave the flower shop smiling like an idiot
throughout the process of preparing the flowers and preparing for the wedding, you’d often drop by the shop to see how he was doing
and he’d always be very respectful, and nice, and formal
and you really, for whatever reason, wanted him to drop the formalities such as “miss”
so you make it your goal to become his friend
and with a little elbow grease and visiting often, he finally opens up to you
“yah, y/n, i think these would look great with the color scheme--”
“wait... did you call me y/n?”
“yeah, now back to the flowers!”
you’d finally gotten closer to him
and he would talk about himself sometimes
but mostly wanted to talk about you
especially why you had made it a habit of coming to the shop every day
often times you’d have these conversations after you brought him lunch from a local deli
and made a small picnic out of the counter
“does your husband work?”
“we’re not married yet. and yes.”
“does he take good care of you?”
“i guess so.”
“what do you want me to say, tae?”
he didn’t like seeing you so frustrated and in an unhappy relationship
but he didn’t have the heart to tell you how unhappy it sounded 
every day he would fall a little more in love with you
and every day the wedding got closer
so he kept his feelings to himself
and finally the dreaded day had come
taehyung had spent hours before in the venue placing the bouquets on every table, changing their position until they became perfect
because he’d be damned if he didn’t make this the happiest day of your life
he even sat in the back of the small church, smiling as he watched you walk down the isle
you looked beautiful
you stood before your fiance with a huge grin, surrounded by hydrangeas
in fact, every single thing about the wedding was what he wanted
there wasn’t a trace of you in the building, aside from your looks and attire
but it wasn’t enough for him
“do you, y/n, take kim hansol to be your lawfully wedded husband?”
“i do.”
“do you, kim hansol, take y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?”
the entire room fell silent as he hesitated before you
you furrowed your brows, staring at him
taehyung grew anxious as he watched the entire scene play out before him
your fiance turned to you, shaking his head as he apologize
and then left the altar, loosening his tie
and there you were, abandoned
you break down into tears, running down the aisle and disappearing
while the priest is doing damage control, taehyung ends up taking matters into his own hands
he always kept extra flowers of various types in his shop van he had parked outside
so he promptly gathered a handful
you had burrowed into the reception area, a giant ballroom
your head buried in your arms as you wept
and then you heard footsteps
you look up, expecting your fiance
“what were you doing? how could you--”
but there stood taehyung
in a scraggly jersey knit tee shirt and ripped blue jeans
and glasses resting on the bridge of his nose
holding a handful of peruvian lillies
and your heart which had been broken seemingly repaired itself
you immediately rush to pull taehyung into a hug
and he doesn’t even hesitate to wrap his arms around you
every muscle in his body ached to tell you that he loved you
but all he could muster was a cheap joke
“is he allergic to any flowers? i’ll send him some--”
is overcome with joy when he feels you laugh into his chest
about a week has passed and you have moved out of hansol’s house
and end up at the doorstep of taehyung’s small flower shop
he was the only friend you trusted, and none of you family lived in the country.
so he was your only option
you walk into the shop and see him with an older woman, sorting the display pots
he hears the bell go off and turns to you
and the biggest fucking grin runs across his face
and he greets you with a hug
the two of you spend about a minute hugging before the older woman clears her throat
and taehyung quickly pulls away and straightens his apron
“y/n, this is my mom. the owner of the shop.”
“my boy talks about you a lot. i’m starting to think he loves you more than me.”
insert taehyung losing his mind, signaling his mother to shut up behind you
and when you turn around beaming, he stands still, waving his hand with a cute smile and a nervous laugh.
“is that right?”
his mother eventually recedes to the backroom to take inventory
leaving you with a rosy-cheeked taehyung and a looming aura of embarrassment
he tries to busy himself with the flowers again to avoid eye contact
“she’s still sick, she doesn’t know what she’s saying”
“that’s too bad, i was hoping we could be roommates.”
of course he’s going to say yes to you
if it were his choice, he would’ve made use of the wedding decorations that day and married you then and there
but he had to play cool
by now you’d been roommates for only a few days, and you got insight onto what his life was like behind closed doors
and in the middle of one of his late night study sessions he decided enough was enough
“you know you mean a lot to me right?”
he cant make himself look you in the eyes
so instead he takes off his glasses and rubs them as he continues
“what is it, tae?”
he chuckled to himself and rubbed the back of his neck
“i love you.”
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Useful aggression
I went wandering looking for a friends studio with a home depot bucket full of vegetables and flowers. Couldnt find it. Found a stone bench and tried to lay down, anger filling up my eyes. Odd thing was the sky looked pixelated, like shifty like space in the matrix full on glitching. As i felt sleep coming ove,r a bagpipe sounding the ode to joy began. Opposite reaction, grumbling, getting up, having imaginations of puncturing the bag pipe with a twig and running off laughing, giving a personal ode to joy, imagining the bagpipe deflating in some odd tonality like a sad, or irate goose. All the carriages going by, tour guides talking about how the rebel army would have been absolutely slaughtered. Me growling again, sneering at the bagpipe. Folks walking by, noticing my aggression, commenting unsteadily how the bagpipe is their heritage. Me laughing at them. Feeling odd about it, because how odd is it, how unsettling for a person to embody and direct anger. How uncouth for someone to embody and direct their anger. Me angry at this illusion, feeling consumed in a fantasy. Walking to independence mall and someone dressed in colonial uniform having small white children with toy guns following orders, not aware at all that if they werent white, they could be shot in the park. Me standing there, staring, wondering why we place so much value on war on death on that being victory, knowing these children do not know this yet. Wonder if they will, anger writhing, sadness biting, bucket full of vegetables shivering, wriggling out my anger. Theyre having fun, photos being taken. Disney. Obsessed with this dizzinessland. Victory, oh victory, freedom. Me loling. They continue on in their tour, when theres only a rollercoaster in the mind. Head to the liberty bell, stare at the people in line. What are they doing? Do they believe any of this? What is this heritage? Lean on a placard, turn around and read the placard about washington. Washington traveling with those he enslaved. Washington leaving with those he endlaved every 6 mos to subvert the legislation stating if an enslaved person stays in pa for six months they would be free. I read the placard over and over again, begin noticing that some in line begin doing the same. On market street, right beside the line, the white extremist mic is going full blast. "Gays going to hell, everyone going to hell" I stand in front of the person with the mic, stand in front of him, absorbing his waves, staring him down. Practicing facial expressions of bemused detachment, side eyed pseudo interest, confuddlement, my face an ocean of inscrutable emotions, challenging his facade of masculine, thinly veiled white supremacy. He calls "me" out. Yeah you hey you with the bucket, you have no wedding ring on, you look like one of those feminazis, yeah you i bet you cant even cook those vegetables. You cant cook. You cant do anything, you have no man, i bet youre a lesbian. Unphased, ive been through deeper challenges to personal offense. "Wheres your permit to be here sir?" "My permit is the United States Constitution" "You just told me everything i needed to know, brother" "Dont you call me brother, i'm not your brother" "Were in philly, you're my brother... where are you from brother?" I like noticing that he's shifting his weight, changing his stance. Others chime in too. He attacks another person in line who challenges him "I bet she's your girlfriend" "Oh im not gay anymore, brother?" "Youre going to hell" "Youre already in hell" I go to the sidelines, consider lobbing a hard, perfectly grown, red cabbage at his stupid fucking head, stuffing his nostrils with chamomile, pouring cold mint tea over him, covering his eyes with kale leaves, putting summer squash in his hand, spitting chewed up basil at him like a llama. I look to the guards onlooking, knowing that if this escalates, theyll have to put themselves in harms way, protect this fucking fool. I walk away, wondering wondering wondering about all the noise, that noise, that disgusting noise. Sit next to a person with a cardboard sign. Offer him some food. He doesnt want it. "If i had a stove, i would thank you and take it" I have no money to give him that isnt tied up in digital plastic, that isnt tied up in the noise. I give him the chamomile, i smell it, est some squash. He takes the chamomile. I tell him to smell it if he wants a bit of peace. Walk away. Get two powerades at the dunkin donuts, leave, realize how quickly i forgot the man and shouldve gotten him a donut or a sandwich. Fuck. Sit down in front of the roundhouse and think about my grand dad who was there so many times. Bipolar. Perpetually homeless. Pretzel salesman. Dead now. Think im converging on a smile when i feel his spirit somewhere, man walks by, cigarette behind ear "It gets better" "Thank you" Keep walking. Try to cross vine street on the highway entrance. A barrel burning, some mattresses on the corner. Leave all of the vegetables, the taste of fresh food, with all that water and life in it, giving. Keep walking. Cross over spring garden, come up 5th, the buildings the buildings, the dust, the tells, the do not walk heres, the commerce, people moving in. Shouting "hamster cage hamster cage hamster cage" then get to the brick homes "old style hamster cage" Wondering what it must have looked like, felt like, to see the estuary and ecosystem slowly disappear, the tributaries covered in gravel, the people coming in a sewing, smelteries, going back and forth between factory and hamster cage, the slow recession of the scope of imagination. Screaming now "14 New condos? 14 new condos?" See people taking an instagram photo of a scratch of lottery ticket. "Hows your new hamster cage?" They scurry...cant think of another word. They scurry away, and dont answer. Round the corner to the garden, imagine falling in the holes of the 6 new "foundations, see the scorched soil, wonder whats buried in it, being exumed and breathing. Not finally like yes! but this is whats been attempted to bury... and now its convenient to exume it but never no mind everything that comes along with the soil. Oh the soil, the soil that lives, pushed aside to become made dead again, with maybe a plant or two. What a metaphor to misplaced ego, to the vessel which xan create when it manifests its entire self. Build buildinfs. Plant some landscaping. Talk about relationships. I flash to imagining pummeling cabbages again.
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geminimoonbeamx · 7 years
Naive: Part 2
A/N: I’m so freaking happy you guys seemed to like the intro, I wrote this and a few other chapters up in one night! Hopefully I can get you guys as hyped as I am for this story
Word Count: 2k+
Warnings: Just cursing in this chapter because I have the mouth of a sailor. The stirrings of sexual tension. The big stuffs coming next time though you guys I promise lol
Summary: As the goddaughter of Tony Stark you were no stranger to the Avengers, but when you meet the newest member- you’re a little more then intrigued. Unfortunately for him, Bucky Barnes has caught your eye. 💘💘💘💘💘💘
You’ve been at the tower for close to five-ish days now, and you’re still trying to get reaccoustomed to the enormity of the building.
Had it always been so fucking big?
You’d think since you we’re older now, it should have shrunk a bit. You know, size relativity and all that? If anything now that you we’re older you had the mental capacity to process just how freakishly huge this building was. The man tower is over sixty floors.
…that gave you a lot of opportunity to get totally lost. All the time.
You’d never had the greatest internal navigation system in the first place. You could get lost down the street from your house.
“I don’t know where I am! I’m between a Del Taco and a Walgreens”
You’d made many a lost phone call that sounded just like that.
You’d probably text Tony and ask him exactly what floor the main gym was on but 1) he’d tease you and ask “How exactly do you plan on playing Lara Croft all over the world and you cant find your way to the gym” and 2) it was three thirty in the morning.
You we’re irritated, being up this early when you didn’t have to. Especially when within the next few weeks you’d be starting adult life again and you’d have no choice but to wake up at the ass crack of dawn. It felt like a waste of precious sleep.
But no matter how hard you’d tried, it was no use. You’d smoked an entire joint of indica. Made chamomile tea- meditated until it felt like you we’re going to scream. Everything. And yet you couldn’t manage to get comfortable in the king sized, memory foam mattress.
Starting to come down off of the medication hadn’t been as awful as you and Tony had both been fearing. You we’re a little jittery- your anxiety acting up more then normal but you weren’t all strung the hell out and pale with sunken in eyes. You weren’t crying, hunched up in a corner begging for death or your next fix.
You we’re tired though. Exhausted and yet somehow couldn’t sleep. Your body just wouldn’t let you.
Why? Why lort? Sleeping was your favorite activity in the world. Dreaming an actual hobby of yours.
“This is bullshit” You complained to Tony a few days ago. You we’re going on 48 hours with close to no sleep. “I feel like I did like a kilo of Cocaine”
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. You don’t know what cocaine feels like. That’s what I’m going to choose to believe” He had given you a pointed look when the both of you sat in his lab “Look kid, we knew there would be some side effects. It should ware off within the week, as your body gets used to this lower dosage. I can have the doc prescribe you some sleeping pills?”
You’d thought on it for a moment before denying it. You didn’t really wanting to be taking more meds right now.
“Alright, when you change your mind come find me” Tony had sighed. Your head was full of cement. Just like Jamie’s had been.
So since you didn’t take prescription- you figured you we’re going to have to find another way.
Your brilliant idea; run your body down until it had no choice but to crash.
It takes you another close to fifteen minutes before you find the main gym. It’s just a luxurious and lush as the rest of the building; three stories high. The top two floors looking over the large basket ball court. The equipment was state of the art and the various metal machines gleamed. You figured you’d do some cardio and then some weight lifting. Double whammy yourself.
People who have the pre conceived notion that fat people never work out are stupid. Point blank.
What, do they think people like you just sit on couches and stuff their mouths with twinkies while watching Rosanne…well that actually sounded like a good ass time but still.
You’d always been active, always loved going on hikes and exploring zoo’s and Museums and beaches for hours. Plus hadn’t anyone realized that shopping was the most hardcore cardio there was? And you lived to shop. After your mom- you’d needed to do something. To keep your mind clear and that is how your relationship with working out had come to be. You didn’t do it to lose weight, you did it to work on your health. Mental mostly, but your physical health came with that. Yeah you had a belly and thunder thighs. You also had kick ass blood pressure and strong calves.
You slip your headphones in after switching on your “Get it gurllll” playlist and hopping onto one of the elliptical machines, putting your water bottle in the holder before turning on the machine to pick your traction, starting at a decent pace.
The music shuffles from Amy Winehouse to J. Cole, to Lana Del Rey and Fleetwood Mac. Everyone had always teased you that you liked to work out to slow songs. It was something about the melody that got you moving. You go through song after song, keeping up your pace until your legs are screaming in protest and your breaths are labored.
With the blaring music in your ears, you don’t notice when someone else enters the room.
Bucky always came to workout early, usually getting the gym to himself. It’s not even that he liked the quiet or being alone or any of that- even though it was nice to not have Sam’s annoying, booming voice around. No, it was because he didn’t have anything else to do. When he woke up from the nightmares that still frequented him, he figured he should do something with all of that pent up energy, so he’d come to the empty gym and work his muscles until he could barley move.
He wasn’t used to the lights already being on when he got there.
He takes the steps to the cardio machine and stops in his tracks for a moment at the sight infront of him.
Y/N’s there, on an elliptical. He can hear the music in your ears from his spot across the floor, so he knew there was no way you could have heard him come in. Your working hard, your body straining in your skin tight leggings. Your silky ponytail bobs with your efforts, your breaths coming out in little pants. He can feel the look on his face. What were you doing here this early?
Should he leave? Was that weird, if he left after seeing that you was there? Surely this place was big enough for the two of you.
He thinks it’s probably smart to make his presence known, he’s just about to call for you when you stop and turn your head.
“OH HOLY FUCKING FUCK!” You cry in shock, your eyes wide with surprise as you yank the headphones from your ears before grabbing your chest, almost falling off the machine.
Bucky stands there, his own eyes big and his hands shooting up in a “sorry, I’m harmless” kind of way. A wordless surrender.
When your bell like laughter echo’s around him he relaxes a little bit “Bucky you scared the living crap out of me”
You accuse, good naturedly, still holding your hoodie clad chest.
“I’m sorry, It’s usually dead at this time so I kind of just barged in. I didn’t realize anyone is here” He explains himself. Leaving out the fact that he’d taken a moment to look at the way your thighs joggled in the spandex, of course.
You don’t know why you feel so…hot. Are your cheeks burning? No? It’s just your body reacting to the heart attack you’d almost just had.
“No, you’re good. Just give a girl a little warning next time, okay?” You chuckle as look down at the touch screen of the machine. You’d been on it for over an hour. You grab your water bottle and hop off. He hides his smile at how short your legs are.
“I’ll make sure to do that. So what are you doin’ up so early?” He hopes his attempt to make conversation didn’t sound as forced as it felt.
“I couldn’t sleep so I figured I might as well come try to run myself until I can knock out. You? I thought that you and Steve and Sam have some sort of fitness club?” You walk over to him, giving him a small smile before passing him on your way to the weights section. He shakes his head with a low chuckle and follows you,
Not because he was - like- following you. But because he was going to warm up with some lifting anyway.
You plop down on one of the leg lifts “You an insomniac like me?”
“Somethin’ like that. I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep and figured somethin’ the same” Bucky goes over and lays out flat on one of the work benches, adjusting the weights.
“Hmm great minds think alike then” You croon. You hadn’t really gotten the chance to get to know him yet. Yeah, the two of you had talked in passing. At dinner. When you we’re messing with Steve. But never alone like this.
Damn. Did he look GOOD in those gray sweatpants.
“They do. How long have you been here” Bucky inquires as he grabs onto the weight bar and begins to lift. It’s nothing major. Not to him. Just three hundred pounds- on each side.
You watch him with wonder at the ease his arms move with.
You know its weird, but its hot seeing someone being able to bench that much with little effort…you wonder how easily he’d be able to bench you…
“Like an hour?” You answer him, tearing your eyes away from him.
Huh, he thinks. You’d been working out like that on the elliptical for an hour? You didn’t even look that winded.
“You work out a lot?” He feels like an idiot the moment it comes out of his mouth and your laughter doesn’t make it any better.
“What are you trying to say, huh?” You’re not mad, mostly just seizing the opportunity to tease him.
“Nothing! I just meant that you- uh- looked good up there. Like you don’t even look tired” He tries to unjumble his words, feeling like a total fucking bozo all the way.
“Yeah? Thanks. I spent the summer sight seeing in Europe which meant hiking like everywhere. I sweat I climbed like a gazillion steps. I guess it strengthened my core”
“Where in Europe did you go exactly?” He decides to go with a safer topic. Hoping he wont continue to make a total ass out of himself. He’d happened to have done his fair share of hiking that continent.
“All over but I mostly Italy. I spent a few weeks in Greece though, those we’re my favorite” You sound wistful. And that’s how it starts.
Bucky used to be able to spark up a conversation with just about anyone. Back before- back when he was younger, he could keep a conversation flowing like no one’s business. Steve had always idolized the way the people just seemed to like the guy. But it had been hard to get back to that now. Yeah, he wasn’t nearly as quiet as he’d been back in Romania, but he still didn’t talk. For hours. With near strangers.
Which is why he’s surprised he’s able to with you.
The conversation was bubbling, like a brook, ebbing and lively. He found himself wanting, almost needing to hear your little stories and opinions and jokes. You’d both abandoned working out and just sat on the machines, laughing and talking.
He learned that you liked to tease- a lot. Nearly everything was a joke with you. Your sense of humor sharp and sarcastic. Your nature playful and inviting.
You tell him stories from Europe and then about the tower and being here when you we’re younger with Tony. And in turn, surprisingly, he tells you a couple of his own stories back. A couple that he could actually remember. What it was like living in Romania- not knowing a lick of the language before hand. How fucking awkward he still felt as he adjusted to the 21st century.
“So lets get this straight, you’ve been de-iced for almost three years and you haven’t watched Harry Potter?” Your tone is dead serious and he grins and shakes his head.
“Or Lord of the Rings?”
“Or Star Wars?”
“Is that the one with the little green guy?”
“I caught a little of it when Tony was watchin’ it”
“Oh my god, Bucky. I can’t. This is fucking blasphemous. I mean Lord of the Rings and Star Wars I guess could wait, I GUESS…But Harry Potter?! Harry Potter is the best thing this generation has to give! It will change your life!” The pure passion in your voice is almost palpable. Why cant he stop smiling?
“I guess I’ve been really missing out, haven’t I?”
“Yes! You have! Ugh, okay we’re going to have to have a movie night ASAP. It is just unacceptable for us to be living under the same roof and you haven’t seen a single Harry Potter movie” He thinks your kidding but your really not.
You don’t play about Potter, okay?!
When you check your phone and see the time your eyes bulge a little. You’d been sitting talking to him for nearly three hours.
“Oh shit, is it really almost seven?” You cant believe it. It really didn’t feel like you’d been here for that long.
“Is it?” Bucky sits up a little, not believing it either.
“Yeah” You bite you lip as you look at him for a moment, before standing “I should probably go and see if I can get any sleep at all”
He masks the small disappointment he feels at your words “Of course”
“It was really cool talking to you. I’m serious about our marathon! I have to school you on the most important stuff” You’re voice is flirty. As fuck. You don’t even know if you mean for it to be as you look down at him. He tries to tear his eyes from your face- and fails. Twice. Before he’s able to.
“Yeah uh, just tell me when”
“Definitely. Goodnight Bucky…or I guess Morning?” You giggle on your way out. He watches your retreating figure until your out of sight before he lets out huff and reclines hardly back. The machine sighs in protest. He fixes his eyes on the ceiling as he deals with the stirring in his head. The one though he can clearly decipher is…
Because although he’d liked having Tony not at his throat, he doesn’t see how he’s going to be able to stay away from you. No wonder Steve had gotten caught with his hands in the cookie jar.
So I just had to pump out another part for you guys! I hope you like it! Tell me what you think? Do you like the dynamic between them yet? Does Y/N just seem like a little hoe? Do you want to be tagged. Tell me ya'lllllllllll.
@devenrenee @skeletoresinthebasement @kendallefire @mellifluousbabe @toniinhere @agentmstark @purplekitten30 @bellaballanda @yslbucky @arabellaaurorabarnes @prinxessofspace @supernaturally-lucky @sngforme @kyritha
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