#i just wish it was easier to grow fruit
I harvested my first head of lettuce of the year! I'm definitely going to do lettuce again next year. Considering how much a single head costs at the grocery store, it's a pretty sound investment. If I harvest just 3 more, the entire garden, soil included, will have paid for itself. Not bad for a few buckets hanging on a fence!
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yuesya · 2 months
The sky is dark.
Even during daytime, the sky is dark, almost as if it were evening. A perpetual twilight. It’s a sight that is very much unnatural, yet there’s very little that is natural about the world nowadays. Not since the day when a horde of cursed spirits suddenly manifested in the heart of New Shinjuku with no warning whatsoever, promptly plunging the freshly-rebuilt city into chaos. And almost as if it had been a signal of sorts, similar incidents had swiftly spread across the globe in the days that followed.
Armageddon, some called it. The End of the World. As the catastrophe progressed, the environment itself changed as well in reflection of the disaster ravaging the now-hostile, dangerous world.
“So this is where you’re hiding, huh?”
Shiki turns around and cranes her head to look upwards. “… Satoru-niichan?”
Her cousin pats her on the head, and plops down on the stone ledge next to her with a gusty sigh. “Needed a break?”
Shiki doesn’t respond to that, instead drawing her legs closer to herself and burying her face into her knees. She receives another headpat from her cousin.
“I get it,” he says. “It’s a lot. Sorcerers aren’t really supposed to do much aside from just killing cursed spirits, but look at us now –shining paragons and defenders of the last, greatest bastions of humanity. What a joke, right? Like, what do I know about running cities or maintaining infrastructure or resource allocation?”
“People are grasping at straws,” Shiki says quietly. Between the two of them… it’s definitely Satoru-niichan who bears the heavier burden. But even so, despite all the responsibilities that he’s laden with, he still does his best to look out for her in moments like these.
The knowledge lights a spark of warmth inside her chest.
“Yeah, they most definitely are,” Satoru-niichan sighs. “And sorcerers happen to look like they have the longest straws, no thanks to the entire mess back in ‘18.”
“… Geto-san’s Cursed Spirit Manipulation would’ve been nice to have right now,” Shiki props up her chin with a hand. Considering that the entire world was overrun with cursed spirits, his cursed technique would’ve been an excellent counter.
He might even be the new ‘Strongest.’
… Although, if Geto-san were still alive, he probably would’ve set off to make his own stronghold, one that strictly, specifically only protected sorcerers.
Shiki sighs.
“Oh, and you know what else would be nice to have? A good bowl of cream anmitsu.”
The girl blinks in surprise at the sudden non-sequitur, and gives her cousin a side-eye.
“What? I thought we were indulging in a bout of wishful thinking here,” the young man sticks his tongue out at her. Food is growing scarce; most fruits are dried or preserved –and that’s to say nothing of how ice cream and such frozen desserts of the like are a luxury rarely seen anymore. Sugar is rationed and restricted, as is salt. “Although I’d take konpeito, too.”
Konpeito would definitely be easier to obtain than something outrageous like cream anmitsu, especially the specific type that Satoru-niichan had once been so fond of.
“Hmm… I think I’ll try to get my hands on some konpeito once we get back to the Tokyo base,” Satoru-niichan decides. Then, with a teasing grin directed towards her, “I might even share some with you if you ask me nicely!”
Shiki rolls her eyes, “I don’t like sweets.”
“You don’t like sweets? Still?” Her cousin shakes his head, “Ehh… you’re really missing out, cute little cousin of mine.”
“See?! I think you could definitely use a bit of sweetness to lighten up that doom and gloom,” Satoru-niichan informs her, and stretches. “… Man, there’s nothing like an apocalypse to make you realize that so many good foods out there can disappear forever just like that. Once this is all over and everything is on the proper road to recovery, I think I’ll go on a world tour and try out allll the local delicacies I can find.”
“… You mean all the local sweets?” Shiki says dryly.
“Ha! Are you sassing me?” Satoru-niichan sits up straight and laughs, delighted. “See if I bring you along for my future gourmet adventures, then!”
Shiki dips her head and bites back a small smile.
The sky is still dark and dreary. But somehow, by the time that Shiki returns to the encampment with her cousin, things still seem to be a bit brighter than they previously were before.
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Do you have a favorite student, headmaster? Or a least favorite student?
Don't worry, I can keep a secret!
Enter; An Unkindness of Ravens.
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“Silly question—playing favorites and holding grudges would be most unfair of me!” Crowley tutted with the shake of his head. “As headmaster, I care for each one of my students equally. You are all my cherished apple trees, soon to bear your own fruits of knowledge!
“… Besides, everyone is troublesome in their own way, even the dorm leaders that should be examples for the others,” he grumbled under his breath. “They can barely manage listening to my insightful speeches without squabbling or mentally checking out! I couldn’t possibly pick just one to single out as the problem child. Oooh, I wish they’d behave like good little boys and make my job that much easier…”
“What was that?” you asked, raising a hand to cup your ear. “Didn’t quiiite catch that last part.”
“Nothing, it’s nothing!!” Crowley adjusted his lapels and cleared his throat, attempting to regain his authority. “But as I was saying!! It is my duty to watch over you and ensure that you blossom into competent mages and wonderful young adults.”
The headmaster looked to you, his eyes glinting curiously—like ancient relics recently unearthed. Suddenly, the air quieted and went still, and the breath in your lungs was trapped there.
His next words were mysterious and touched by the trill of music.
“I very much look forward to seeing how you’ll grow and mature.”
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pbs-theundeadmaggot · 4 months
A little Bucky request, if you'd be so kind 🥰 I'm thinking maybe neighbour!reader (but I'm not fussy!) and they leave little secret admirer valentine's gifts for Bucky as he always seems so lonely when they see him 💔
Bucky Barnes x gn!reader
[a/n] thanks you so much for this request! I wont lie it's been so long since I've written I found it a little bit difficult to fulfil this request however, that was the point of Valn-Cries so here we go. also side note I didn't know if you wanted fem!reader so I made them gn! hope you don't mind.
Valen-Cries masterlist available here!
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Winter wasn’t just a season, it was a state of mind. It was the cold and bitter breeze of doubt that crept in at any waking moment. It was the raging storm that destroyed everything in sight, leaving nothing behind but memories of what once was and could’ve been. 
Winter lived through the sticky heat of summer like a bug bite that wouldn’t go away. In the spring it blossomed like a forbidden fruit, waiting and praying to release its venom. In the Autumn it was the stains at the bottom of your coffee cup, no amount of scrubbing or detergent could get rid of it. 
Winter was everlasting and nothing could slow it down. 
Or at least thats what he thought until he saw you
Bucky had first met you on an unassuming Tuesday evening. He’d received word that Bruce wanted to use him as the subject for his newest experiment so in Bucky fashion before listening to anything else, he’d stormed off towards the lab, ready to tear into the green giant for thinking he could treat him like another lab rat. 
Profanities spilled from his lips as he entered the room, only to be stunned into silence once he saw you sitting there, all pretty and tiny like an angel in contrast to the heavy machinery that laid scattered around the lab. Clearly flustered you’d stuttered out a jumble of words, looking up at him with wide innocent eyes as you waited for his response. Yet whatever you’d said clearly fell on deaf ears as he simply turned around and stormed back out 
Half way up the hall he’d paused, needing a moment to catch his breath as regret coursed through his veins. He hadn’t meant to come across as rude but just being in your presence had knocked the air right out of his lungs, suffocating him in the most delicious way. He could already imagine how gentle your touch was, the way you’d plant soft kisses across his cheeks before whispering sweet affirmations into his ears.
His daydreams however, were embarrassingly cut short as the stiff material of his jeans grew tight, a distant but familiar feeling of arousal building up as he quickly rid the thought of you from his mind. Both disgusted and intrigued that his confusing feelings awoke this primal need in him, a feeling he hadn’t felt in decades. 
It was a feeling, among other things he couldn’t afford to acknowledge. It was so much simpler to feel nothing than everything. After all he’d been through he’d worked his way to a place of peace about himself, the world around him and his past, these feelings would only complicate and ruin him again. Therefore, they didn’t exist. 
But of course that was easier said than done.
With Valentines approaching he couldn’t help but feel somewhat dejected, knowing that before your arrival he never would’ve bothered with such a trivial holiday, but now it was all he could think about. Questions and doubt clouding his vision, wondering who the special person in your life was. Was he rich and handsome like Tony? Or maybe he was goofy and clumsy like Sam. Did he shower you with affection? Or maybe he took you for granted. Either way it tortured him to think it could never be him, no matter how much he wished it would.
In the passing months that you’d joined the team, you’d seen Bucky grow colder and quieter in your presence. His usually devastatingly beautiful baby blue eyes and boyish grin had become hollow and lifeless. With each small interaction he’d curled into himself and run away, as if disgusted by you. 
It was difficult not to take it personally, especially since you were so enamoured with him yet you persevered hoping he would soon warm up to you. Although, this was to no avail. You figured if he hated you he could love the illusion. 
This became a favourite past time of yours, leaving behind crumbs of your devotion in the form of unlimited snacks and mystery deliveries. Watching from afar as the usual scowl that graced his face morphed into a faint smile. This was enough to satisfy you for a while yet you began to think bigger.
Valentines was a mere couple weeks away and you’d decided to bite the bullet and admit to Bucky that it was you admiring him in secret. The worst case scenario was that things would stay exactly as they were, there would be no need to interact with him and in the off chance you did, you knew how to be civil. While the best case was he didn’t hate you quite as much, perhaps you could even be friends if not lovers, anything but this weird limbo of emptiness was an improvement.
Bucky had woken up to a knock a quiet knock at his door, unsure if he was hearing correct but getting up and answering anyway. He was met with an empty hallway, ready to simply slam the door shut until his eyes landed on the note taped to his door. It was decorated with a little sticker in the left corner saying ‘even winter has its sunny days’, in any other case he would’ve scoffed at the obnoxious pink of the paper and sappy phrased but a part of him knew this wasn’t just any letter.
Needless to say Bucky realised that winter really did have its sunny days.
 While winter could be cold and unforgiving, it was also the warmth and comfortability of a newly lit fire. Winter was the sickly sweetness of hot cocoa that soothed you in the harshest of storms. Winter was Bucky and you were his Sunshine that showed him what more winter could be.
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crownedtargaryen · 1 year
might i request some modern bran where he's been in love with his best friend the past few years but hasn't said anything because he doesn't want to make things weird in their friend group with meer and jojen? 👀with these staying the staying the night prompts mayhaps?
❝  i know this might sound weird but,  do you wanna stay over?  i guess ‘sleepover’ sounds kind of childish but.  i think it’d be nice.  ❞
❝  chivalry is overrated,  get in my bed.  ❞
fruits. - modern!bran, modern!jojen
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MASTERLIST pairing: modern!bran & modern!jojen x reader (a/n): i appreciate this request so much thea 🥹🥹 you know how much i love bran 🤍🤍 REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! also he isn’t in a wheelchair in this cause i just think it’d be easier to write a sexual scene where he’s dominant if he can walk CW: jealousy, p in v sex, unprotected sex, jojen is on the phone, slight food play?, degradation mixed with praise (words like slut, whore, all that jazz are kinda used), possessiveness, bran takes some pictures and videos of you while having sex all notes are appreciated. words: 3k tag list: @fairysluna @twizzy123 @hopelesswritergall @howyouloveyourdragon @clairacassidy @ad-astra-again
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Years slip from Bran's fingertips, his love for me growing daily.
We'd met when we were around nine, being insufferable ever since. Bran followed me like a hopeless puppy, chasing me as I slipped from his fingertips. I always found someone new and would come to him crying, heartbroken that yet another disgusting person had shattered that loving heart of mine. He held me for years, always being there when I needed him the most. He did struggle with showing his affection toward me, coming off as merely friendly and caring to me, never showing any signs of feelings. I grew hyper-aware of my blossoming affection for Brandon Stark when I reached sixteen but stayed silent due to his stiffness when I brought up romantics. I'd always assumed he was in love with Meer since after she and her brother Jojen had joined your group, he seemed weirdly tense and much quieter than previously. I never wished to press, but some underlying jealousy burrowed within me. Or perhaps, he loved Jojen? It was definitely on the table with how he looked at the boy, and Jojen grinned awkwardly in return.
I'm affectionate, always hugging Jojen and Meer as they flush and laugh, returning the affection. However, Bran seemed uncomfortable with my love since they joined, significantly pushing himself away from my touch since his voice had dropped. It may be a puberty thing; I was still determining. That was until this particular night when I realized I had misread his signals drastically. That he, in fact, craved my affections, but not in a way I so thought.
We walked to Bran's car since he was my ride; Jojen had been riding with Meer since she got her license. I could tell Bran was extra tense today, his breathing staggered, and his cheeks grew pink as he clenched the right strap of his bag. We say nothing, getting inside the vehicle as I toss my bag into the back seat and look over to him, watching as he clumsily shoves the key into the hole and turns it, his left hand stroking over the wheel slowly and then clenching it. The way his calloused fingers traced the material of the wheel, so tender as he then gripped it as his thumb rubbed over it, seemingly soothing it as if it was a person.
That stirred something inside me, more than I wished to admit.
I was brought out of my trance as Bran spoke, looking at me nervously. "Look, I know this might sound weird," he starts, inhaling shakily and avoiding eye contact. "Do you maybe wanna stay over? I guess 'sleepover' sounds childish, but. It'd be nice." In all our years, he's never invited me to sleep at his house, and my parents are always surprised when I come home. They seemed to be waiting for the day I just stayed the night with Bran, given we've known each other for ages, and they trusted him not to do anything inappropriate. Boy, were they wrong. He starts awkwardly apologizing and insisting if I feel uncomfortable, I don't have to come over, but I merely laugh. He stops talking, cheeks red with embarrassment.
"Hey, hey! Breathe," I laugh, raising a brow. "I'm gonna stay the night. Let me text my parents." The tension in the car eases as he drives off to his house, seeming quite ambitious and unreasonably excited about this.
The drive is long and drawn out, the silence in the car prominent. I look at him out of the corner of my eye ad see a bit of sweat rolling down his brow, noting his shuffling as he purses his lips. He pushes up his glasses with the back of his hand, noticing me staring and smiling sweetly at me in return to my gaze. I glance at his phone, and he catches the hint.
"Oh, right. Music," he laughs, stopping at a red light and quickly putting on a tune. Bran was a huge Hozier and Weezer fan, which was weirdly fitting. His voice fits so well with Hozier, but Weezer fits his personality. We'd gotten into countless arguments over if you could consider Weezer music, and he's turned me to his side every time. Though, to each their own. I hear the soft tune, relieved he decided to put on Hozier instead of the latter, Bran murmuring the words as he turns up the radio and continues to drive.
That's when I notice the song playing- Someone New by Hozier- a brow raising. He pats the drum beat on his wheel, nodding to the words and singing quietly. I take in every word, knowing Bran focused on lyrics rather than the rhythm and pacing of his music. This song had to be directed to Meer. I'll need to ask him sometime tonight about his feelings toward her.
We'd pulled up to his house, all his siblings and cousin out, besides Robb, who was home sick then. We walked in and immediately were met with Robb Stark walking out of the kitchen, shirtless with shorts on and a bowl of cereal in his calloused hands. I look up at his face, trying to avoid staring at his chest, lined with faint scars and a tuft of chest hair, his happy trail visible right above the waist of his pants. His eyes scanned me, then Bran. I watch his hand run through his beautiful curls, then scratch his facial hair with a slight smirk.
"Brought your girlfriend?" Robb coos, making my cheeks burn. When I look at Bran, I see a faint warning glare across his eyes. My eyes trail down, widening slightly at the strain between his legs on his pants. I quickly avert my gaze. No fucking way; he was hard as all hell right now. "Don't have too much fun." Robb's remark makes Bran audibly grumble, leaving me mildly offended. What was that for? Did he not find me appealing? I look back to his brother, who is now lazed on the couch and turning on the TV, eyes lidded as he watches and munches on his cereal without worrying about the world around him.
Trying to brush over the remark, I walk to the kitchen and open the fridge, grabbing some strawberries and grapes.
Before I could ask if he wanted anything, Bran grabbed my hand and tugged me to his room, slamming the door and sighing loud, running his hands down his face. "I'm sorry about him; you know how he is," Bran grumbles, making me chuckle as I sit on his bed. "Did he make you uncomfortable?" I notice the worry crossing his face, a sincere smile coming to my lips.
"Nah, not at all. Didn't know I was your girlfriend though, coulda been consoled on that," I tease, watching as Bran rolls his eyes and sits next to me, lying back as he looks at the ceiling.
Hours pass of idle chitchat and playing some board and video games together, but then it comes to a game of truth or dare.
"I dare you," I drag out, smiling at him as I lean in. "To kiss me." Bran's cheeks flush as he swallows hard, glances at my lips, and then back into my eyes. "Don't worry; it can be just a peck."
His kiss catches me off guard, his lips suddenly on mine without warning. It's deeper than I thought it'd be, his hand cupping my cheek as he presses his chest to mine for a moment. As he pulls away, I feel dizzy and breathless.
"Truth or dare," he whispers, lips hovering over mine. I take my lower lip between my teeth, slowly pulling from him and examining his features. "Truth." Bran liked my response, wetting his lips with flushed cheeks.
"You like anyone?" He asks as his brows knitted anxiously. I see a sense of hope in his eyes, making my heart ache.
"Of course I do," I play it cool, laughing weakly and pretending to lack understanding. "Truth or dare?"
"Hit me with a truth," he smiles. I can tell he's happy by my response.
"Do you like Meer?" I blurt out without a second thought, a question I've held in for years. Surprise corrupts his previously playful expression.
"What? Why would I like Meer?" Bran asks, making me feel humiliated at such a question.
"I don't know, you just are constantly with her and always being weirdly flirty. I sometimes feel pushed aside, you know?" I murmur, fiddling with my hands and avoiding looking at him.
I hear him chuckle as he moves his hand to my cheek, palms soft as he makes me look at him. "I thought you liked Jojen; why are you acting all jealous over the possibility of me liking Meer?" he murmurs as I widen my eyes.
"Jojen?! Heck no! I've been in love with you, you idiot!" I rush out the words, realizing what I'd just admitted. My breath hitches; time feels as if it's frozen. Holy shit, I just ruined my friendship; he hates me; this is it.
My thoughts stop when his lips are on mine like before. I whine into his loving action, moving my hands to his hair and inhaling shakily against his lips, his tongue brushing my bottom lip. Our tongues dance in a forbidden tango, saliva mixing as he pulls away much sooner than I wished.
"Let me lock the door," he pants out, pecking my lips as he scrambles. My eyes trail to the fruit resting on the bedside table as I reach over and eat a grape, the juice spurting out and down my chin. I laugh, going to wipe it off but hearing Bran's stern voice. "No, no. Stay still." his tone is calm as he trails over to me, grabbing my chin and licking the juice trailing down my neck. The lick lines my neck, up my chin, and to my lips, where he feverishly kisses me. I stand closer to him, trailing my hands up his shirt and gently clawing at his back as he picks me up and lets me hook my legs around his waist.
"I'm gonna love you right, sweetheart," he murmurs into the kiss, biting my bottom lip tauntingly. "You're fuckin' beautiful." I laugh softly, moving from his lips and raising a brow.
"Well aren't you chivalrous?" I tease, watching as he rolls his eyes and huffs.
"Chivalry is overrated; you're getting in my bed," he demands, tossing me onto the mattress and tugging my shirt over my head, taking in the sight of my upper body as his strained cock twitches in his pants. "Holy hell." slowly, he reaches beneath me, unclasps my bra, slips it away from my torso, and watches as it falls in front of the bedside table. Bran's eyes trail to the fruits with a mischievous grin, looking at me with a pleading gaze. "Can I try something?"
"Just be gentle," I plea, watching as he stalks over to the bedside, slipping off his shirt and tossing it down next to my discarded bra. He grabs strawberries and grapes, setting them next to my torso as he slips off my pants and underwear, pausing momentarily to take in the sight of my glistening cunt, dripping with slickness. He nearly audibly gulps, whimpering quietly as his hand strokes up my thigh and to my cunny, rolling his thumb in circles on my neglected bud. I writhe, closing my eyes and whining his name under my breath. My hips desperately follow his touch, thighs trembling lightly as he moves his other hand to the cut strawberries and traces it down my torso with a slight squeeze. The juice traces my left nipple to my right, down my stomach, and then to my aching lower lips. He pops the fruit into his mouth, eating it as he moves down and licks over my sensitive chest, taking in the taste of my sweet citrusy body wash with the tangy strawberry juice. His licks trail from one nipple to the next, massaging each breast when moving between them as he grinds his clothed cock between my legs, making me shiver in delight yet mild frustration. His licks then move down my stomach and to my cunt where I inhale sharply as he trails his tongue between my soaked folds and to my bud, wrapping his lips over it with a soft whimper as he slips off his pants and abuses the clit with his mouth, tongue wandering slightly to my entrance before moving back up, his fingers prodding my hole. The moment he pushes them in, filling me with his middle and ring finger, I hear my phone buzzing. Lazily, I grab it from my side and look at the person in question, showing Bran, who is looking up between my legs, still tending to my lower piece.
"Answer it," Bran demands, seeing my confusion. "Now." He waits until I accept the call before he pushes his fingers in and out vigorously and multiplies the abuse on my cunt, making me moan loudly into the phone, interrupting Jojen's hello.
"Everything okay?" Jojen asks after a moment of silence. I can't stop panting, trying to swallow it down as Bran smiles against my pussy, continuing his tentative actions to my now-swollen clit. "Hey, you hear me?" his voice is now contorted to worry.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm great," I pant out, closing my eyes and whimpering into the phone, hips bucking into Bran's mouth. Jojen goes silent again as I hear a faint rustling from the other side of the phone, then a closing of what I can only assume is his bedroom door. "Gods, I'm sorry… What do you need?" I stifle a moan as Bran's fingers touch a spongy spot inside me, making me gasp shakily and bite my tongue.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Jojen asks once more, ignoring my question. I hear shuffling again, the clinking of a belt. I look to Bran, who pops off my clit for a moment. Perhaps Jojen is just changing, right? "You keep making noises."
"Tell him. Tell him who's making you feel this good," he whispers, licking a stripe along my folds and under my clit, then wrapping his lips around the bud.
"I- Uh… You called during Bran's treat," I whine out, hearing Jojen let in a shaky inhale. Bran urges me to put it on speaker, which I gladly do.
"Should I hang up?" He says after a drawn-out silence, his voice weaker. Bran shakes his head, urging me to tease him.
"No, no… Stay. Your voice is driving me crazy, Jojie." I whine out, Bran's gaze becoming possessive and fiery as he pops off my lower piece and slips off his boxers, grinding his cock to my damp cunt. I hear Jojen draw in a long groan, making my insides ache. Fucking pervert, I love it.
"Gods… You sound so sweet, angel." Jojen pants out, a bit of a wetter noise coming from the other line. I grin, biting my lip and inhaling sharply as Bran sheathes himself inside my velvety entrance, making my hips jerk, and my eyes roll back with a pained moan. "I wish I was there, fuck." I'd never heard Jojen swear. I'd be lying if I said it hadn't turned me on even more. I watch as Bran holds himself back from pushing inside, grabbing his phone and fumbling for the camera, angling the photo to capture his cock buried inside me. I hear a faint vibration from Jojen's side, making me flush in embarrassment. Though I can't dwell on such a feeling for long as Bran thrusts his hips and dives deep into that spongy spot, he took advantage of earlier, making me see stars and cry out his name.
Jojen's breathing grows incredibly labored on the other side with pitiful moans and pleas for more, which Bran provides tenfold with videos.
"Such a good girl, baby. My fucking whore." he murmurs, moving down and kissing along my neck, pounding deep into my soaking insides that clamp around his piece. "You're. Mine." he glances at the phone and then into my eyes possessively, making me whimper and nod. I soft moan Jojen's name hearing him inhale sharply and whimper out my name in return. Bran's phone dings and I watch as he opens a video from Jojen.
The video is only a minute, with Jojen stroking his long and weeping uncut cock as his hips stutter and push into his hand. Oh, what I'd give to have that stuffed in me too. Bran and Jojen were both quite large. It's always the lengthy men.
Bran notices my star-struck expression and tosses his phone away, grabbing my chin and making me look at him as I whimper. "Such a filthy girl, thinking about Jojen's cock stuffing that pretty mouth of yours," he coos, smiling down at me. I feel my peak inching closer, his hips slamming into mine as he pants and grows dazed, seemingly obsessed with this feeling as he slows his thrusts and draws his cock in and out, embracing the way I pulse around him and cry out, begging him to move faster. Jojen immediately goes to FaceTime; his camera set him to where I can see his cock leaking with pre. I eye the sight, helpless and whining. Bran helps me set up the camera, then pins me down by the wrists and pounds me into oblivion, hips shaking and thighs trembling as we both near our climax.
"Holy shit, I'm gonna-" he can't finish his sentence, letting out the most pitiful and bottoming-out moan I've ever heard, burying his face in my neck as I reach my peak, watching Jojen stroke vigorously to his own, shooting a long string of cum onto his neck and chest. We ride out this high together, stopping around the same time as Bran pants and grinds his hips, nuzzling his nose into my neck.
"Don't get comfy yet; we're done when Jojen gets to drain his cock inside this filthy cunt too."
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kirislovelygf · 1 year
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my unruly heart (tsireya x fem! omaticaya reader)
contents: coming out, jake and neytiri being best parents, wlw, slight bullying, after neteyam’s death, you’re the oldest sully kid, secret relationship, gay lololol
a/n: i rewatched the prom on netflix twice this week and so this fic is based on song “unruly heart.” it made me cry and now i’m listening to it as i’m writing this. hope you like it 🫶🏽
₊˚. ღ
y/n knew from a young age she wasn’t like her siblings. she had four fingers and the attributes of her mother. and had the sarcastic attitude of her father.
but growing up, she never crushed on boys like her sister did. and when boys crushed on her, she did the most to avoid them and push them away.
“he was a nice boy, y/n. you’d be a fool not to go out with him.” kiri said one day as they walked back home through the forest.
“i’d be a fool if i went with him.” she retorted.
“he’s nice! and cute too.”
she rolls her eyes. “kiri, if you like him that much, then you date him.” she responded. kiri was taken aback at her sudden attitude.
“okay, i was just teasing. relax.” she shrugged.
y/n rolled her eyes and kept on walking.
“y/n, i’m sorry! if you don’t want to date him, there’s plenty of other guys that would love to be with you instead.” she called out.
“ugh, why do i have to be with any boy?” y/n groaned.
they walked past their friend, ewan. she was their friend they met while gathering fruits a couple weeks ago. she was kind to the girls.
“i see you, y/n, kiri.” she said softly, raising her accessorized hand up to her forehead.
the girls greeted her back and continued walking but y/n stared at her for a little longer than intended.
they made it to their home that was still in the trees. kiri and y/n were only ten years old at this point and their family had no need to live in the hallelujah mountains.
“what? boys? you talk about boys?” tuk exclaimed. she was only four years old and only knew a few words.
y/n chuckled and put her basket of fruit down in the corner.
“we were just saying boys are annoying and smelly and gross.” she chuckled as she picked up her four year old sister.
she kissed her cheek and went to put her down again.
she watched as she went to play with neteyam again and sat down with her thoughts.
her brother had girls drooling all over him all the time. she didn’t understand what they saw in him in terms of looks. her brother isn’t all that much to look at.
and kiri, sometimes all she talks about is the boys in the clan that have cute hair or are good hunters. and sometimes all she talks about is spider.
she didn’t understand it either. spider wasn’t much go look at either.
she was stuck with these thoughts for years.
the family was now living in the metkayina clan after the war against the demon ship. they had suffered the loss of their firstborn son and the responsibility of the eldest child went to y/n.
over two years had passed since the battle and now y/n was seventeen, turning eighteen. living on the reef was easier than it was two years ago.
the family missed neteyam more than anything, especially y/n. she wished she could ask him for advice. but they were able to find peace after years of mourning and sadness.
neteyam was the only one who ever knew about y/n and now she doesn’t know who to talk to other than tsireya.
she was worried about saying anything because she remembered how kiri was made fun of when they first arrived, being called a freak for being different.
while same-sex couples were considered normal in the omaticaya clan, she never thought about how the metkayina clan felt about them.
or how her parents felt about them. she never asked. they most likely don’t have a problem but what if they turned out to be angry? confused?
she couldn’t fathom the thought of them looking at her with such disgust and hate.
so she kept it hidden for as long as she could. and she did it successfully, until her family was suddenly obsessed with her being with the chief’s son.
they were good friends, her and ao’nung, but they didn’t feel the same way about each other. but their parents agreed that she’d make a great tsahìk with the right training.
but in their worry about their other kids and their behavior, they forgot to ask y/n what exactly she wanted. if she even wanted this arrangement at all.
she sat at the edge of her marui facing the shallow reefs while continuing to make a crochet top she started the other day.
as she looked at the string down in her lap, a face popped up in the water below her.
“hello, tsireya.” y/n mumbled, not looking up.
tsireya grumbled, creating bubbles that floated up to the surface. she lifted herself up and smiled.
“i’ll scare you one of these days.” she sighed. she took her hair and wrung out the water before flipping it back.
y/n chuckled quietly and continued her project.
tsireya bent down so y/n would look at her face.
y/n sighs and finally looks up. “i’m busy, tsireya.”
“too busy to talk to me?” she asked with pleading eyes.
y/n shakes her head softly. she puts her craft down and gives her attention to tsireya.
she knows that tsireya will guilt trip her way to get y/n’s attention but will let her do it anyway.
“are you okay?” she asked, tilting her head a bit.
“i’ve been thinking a lot about my parents. i have no idea how they will react.” she answered.
“i thought you already told them last night.” tsireya lifted herself up to sit next to her.
“i panicked. i couldn’t get the words out.” she admitted.
tsireya sighs and places her hand on y/n’s.
“i’m sorry. it’s okay, you will have another chance.” she said sweetly. y/n looks up to smile at her.
she sighs and looks out onto the other maruis lining the beaches of the island.
“i wish neteyam were here. he’d know what to do.” she muttered.
“i know you miss him.” tsireya mumbled. their hands interlocked as tsireya rubbed her thumb on her skin softly.
“what happened to make you so nervous?” she asked.
“my siblings. lo’ak was stressing my dad out again, kiri and tuk were play fighting while my mom was breaking them up. they were stressed and tired and i didn’t want to upset them.” y/n said, recalling the events of last night.
“i have an idea.” tsireya gasped. y/n glanced at her. “what is it?” she smiled.
“i will take your siblings out so you have the night to yourself with your parents. they will not be stressed and you can talk to them.” she said.
y/n thinks it over for a moment. “okay.. that might work-“
“great! i’ll go tell lo’ak and kiri right now.” she starts to stand but y/n quickly stops her and gets her to sit back down.
“wait! uh- uhm..” she tried to come up with an excuse on the spot but came up with nothing.
“are you still not ready?” tsireya sighed out.
“i feel like i am! but.. what about ao’nung? our parents have our future decided for us. what will happen when i tell them that their future for me isn’t what i want?”
“you won’t know unless you tell them. they will understand when they realize you want to be with someone for love.” tsireya says.
she takes both of y/n’s hands in hers and holds them.
“i’m scared, tsireya.” y/n whispered.
tsireya clicks her tongue and pulls y/n into her side to hug her.
“i’m so sorry, my love. i wish i could help more.” she said softly.
“if you don’t want to, we will not do it. you can tell them when you are ready.” she muttered.
the creaking of the woven pathways caught the girls' attention and they pulled away from each other.
y/n sniffs and rubs her face while tsireya lets out a nervous sigh while rubbing her hands on her thighs.
they look behind them to see jake coming in with neytiri behind him. they’re carrying food for dinner tonight.
“hey, girls.” jake greeted kindly.
“hey, dad. we were just talking.” she said quickly, like she had been caught.
he looks at his daughter weird for a moment. “i see that..”
“where are your siblings?” neytiri asked.
“they’re playing with the ilu. i just came to check on y/n but i am leaving now.” tsireya said with a smile.
she jumps down from the marui into the water and pats y/n’s knee.
“i love you.” tsireya whispered. y/n smiled and whispered it back before tsireya swan away.
“she’s a good friend. checkin’ up on you.” jake said to her.
“yeah. a great friend.” y/n sighed out.
“y/n, come help your mother make dinner.” neytiri said, starting a fire. y/n turns and gets up to help neytiri.
later that night, tsireya didn’t carry out her plan while knowing how y/n was against it. so they ate dinner, talked for a while, before going to sleep.
y/n couldn’t though. in the middle of the night, she found herself sitting at the edge of the marui again while staring at the bioluminescence living in the water.
she was so deep in her thoughts, she didn’t hear her dad wake up and walk over.
she gasped lightly when he sat down beside her.
“you scared me.” she chuckled lightly.
“sorry, sweetheart.” he muttered, rubbing her back a bit.
she sighs and looks at the water again.
“what’s wrong? why can’t you sleep?” he asked.
“i had a lot on my mind.” she shrugged in response.
jake nods and looks at the water.
“is it ao’nung? are you worried about him?”
y/n’s breath hitches. “yeah, sort of,” she nodded.
“what is it? you two will make great leaders, you don’t have to worry.” he said.
“it’s not that, dad.” she looks up at him.
“oh.. then what is it?” he asks gently.
“i… don’t like ao’nung like that. he is my friend.” she said.
his eyes widen a bit. “aw, sweetheart, why didn’t you say anything? i never would have suggested you be together if i knew.” he says softly.
y/n hugs herself as her stomach tightens from the nerves.
“if you don’t want to be with him, you know what? that’s perfectly okay. you don’t have to be with him to be tsahìk. you can rule together but not.. you know, together.”
she looks up at him. “really? but what about his parents? and mom?”
“we can talk it out. but i’m not gonna force you to do something you’re not comfortable with. i couldn’t bear that.” he said, gently wrapping an arm around her.
she feels small relief but is still worried about telling him.
“so, you can tell me. why don’t you like him? is it the..” jake points to his lips. “the fish lips?”
“dad.” y/n chuckled.
“come on. what, is it the attitude?”
“i mean.. he is nice and more mature than when we met but.. uhm..”
her nails dig into her arm slightly.
jake leans over to see her face clearly. he sees she wants to say something. he moves a braid from her face and tucks it behind her ear.
“hey, you okay?” he asks.
she looks up at him slightly. “you can tell me anything, you know that. i’m your dad.” he reminded her.
she stared at him for a moment.
“i don’t like ao’nung.. because he is a boy.”
jake’s eyes widen at those words. he watched as tears began to form in his daughters eyes.
“i understand if you’re disappointed.”
“no, no. y/n, i’m not-“
y/n covers her mouth and all jake think to do is hug her. to remind her that he loved her.
“i’m not disappointed in you. i’m so proud of you, know that?” he muttered.
“what?” y/n looks up. “but i messed everything up.”
“you didn’t mess up a thing.” he told her.
he cups her face with one hand. “you are my daughter. i could never be disappointed in you or angry at you for something you can’t control.”
y/n started to cry even more. “and listen to me. there is nothing you could ever say to get me to stop loving you. do you understand? nothing.”
“all i ever wanted was for my kids to be happy and to grow up to be with someone for love.”
she nods. he pulls her in again as she cries softly while hugging back. “i love you, sweetheart.”
“i love you, dad.”
he hugs her for a little moment longer.
“you’re hurting my ribs.”
he looks down and kissed the top of her head one more before letting her go, making her breath heavily.
“jeez, dad.” she laughed quietly.
“i’m sorry. i just love you so much, sweetheart.” he rubs her head gently and she chuckled.
he pats her shoulder once. “let’s get some sleep, yeah? you’ve had a stressful day.” he says.
“okay.” y/n nods. he goes to his side of the marui to sleep next to neytiri while y/n goes to her corner to get some rest.
the next morning, y/n leaped out of her corner, put away her mat and blanket and ran out of the marui before her siblings could even yawn awake.
neytiri was making their breakfast when she ran out without warning. “y/n, your breakfast!”
she runs off and neytiri huffs. she looks over at jake who’s plating the food for the kids.
“is she okay?” she asked him.
he looks up at her and then back down at his task. “you’ll have to ask her.” he shrugged.
neytiri stays staring at him, waiting for him to spill it.
“i’m not telling you.” he muttered in a sing-songy tone
she hissed quietly and continued cutting vegetables. jake laughs to himself before getting up to wake up the kids.
y/n ran to the reef where tsireya was every morning, collecting food for her breakfast.
“tsireya!” y/n yelled out. tsireya was standing by rocks in shallow water that reached below her knee. she looks up to see y/n running at her.
y/n threw her arms around tsireya, almost knocking her over into the water.
“whoa- good morning.” she laughed.
y/n pulls away and holds her by the shoulders.
“i told my dad.” she smiled brightly.
tsireya gasps. “no!”
“last night! it went great, better than i though!” she exclaimed.
tsireya squeals and they hug while rocking in place in each other’s arms.
“oh, i’m so proud of you, y/n! i knew you could do it.” she laughed out.
they pull away for a moment. “what did he say?”
“he just said he wanted the best for me a that he still loved me. and i was so happy, j started crying and- ugh, i’m just so glad he finally knows.” she sighed out.
“this is amazing, y/n. wait, does.. does your mother know too?” tsireya asked, tilting her head.
y/n breathed out. “oh. uh, no. she doesn’t.”
“i forgot i have to tell her too.” she chuckled.
“it’s okay. i am positive she will have the same reaction as your father.” tsireya smiled. her hands rested on y/n’s shoulders while y/n’s hands were holding onto her arms.
“i was so excited to have my dad know uh..” y/n sighed.
tsireya thinks for a moment. “oh, i have to tame the baby ilu today. maybe i can take your siblings with me so it is just you and your parents.” she shrugged.
“okay.. yeah, please.” y/n nodded. tsireya smiles.
“okay, tell them when you go to eat breakfast.” she says. she kissed y/n’s cheek softly before y/n made her way home.
telling neytiri went perfectly, more than perfect. she responded with nothing short of love and support.
she kissed her face a bunch and kept reminding her that she loved her so much.
it made y/n realize she had nothing to worry about. her parents have spent years telling their kids that they love them.
her father moved their entire lives to protect them. her mother defended them when others called them demons.
that night, y/n went to visit tsireya again. they sat at the beach with the calming sounds of the waves crashing against the beach accompanying their voices.
“and she kept hugging me and during dinner, she gave me extra fruit and my siblings were jealous. it was great.” y/n sighed.
“i’m so happy for you. i knew you were strong enough to tell them one day.” tsireya said.
y/n looks at her and then down at her hand. she holds tsireya’s in hers.
“thank you for believing in me. and encouraging me. i couldn’t have told them without your love and support.” y/n said softly.
tsireya laughs softly and her ears perked up.
“i will always be here for you. to talk, to listen, to be there.” she muttered.
tsireya’s hand raised up to cup y/n’s face and she leans into her touch.
“i love you more than i’ve ever loved anyone. you’re independent and strong and i admire you so much.” she said.
y/n smiled and looks down. “i’m not strong, i-“
“you are. i saw how you were there for your siblings after neteyam.” tsireya said softly.
y/n looks up slightly. “you’re an amazing girl. and i thank eywa everyday that i was able to have the pleasure of meeting you.”
y/n smiled and threw her arms around tsireya, making them both laugh out.
“i love you more, tsireya.” y/n sighed out.
tsireya hugs her tighter before they pull away to kiss.
they’ve kissed millions of times in secret but to kiss with people now knowing, it was a different feeling.
y/n wanted to shout her love for tsireya from the highest hallelujah mountains for all of pandora to hear.
having to hide was a pain but having to hide her love for tsireya was worse.
the next day, she brought tsireya to their home to properly introduce her to her parents.
while jake and neytiri shared their congratulations and embarrassed y/n with thousand of questions, she didn’t let go of tsireya’s hand once.
₊˚. ღ
a/n: if you ever need to talk to someone when having trouble with coming out to friends or family, or even coming to terms with your sexuality yourself, i and many others are available to talk and to listen.
love you, beautiful 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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reinekes-fox · 2 months
So I had two ideas bouncing in my head for a while and I had to finally write them.
I love your take on vampires, they are so different from mine!
Hope you dont mind fanfic(?)!
TW: mentions of death and blood (related to Doctor MC), mentions of gambling (related to Gambling MC)
One: Nathan with Gambler MC (this was so so close to being pure drama)
Nathan was a good hunter. Calm, patient, collected… there were probably other words too but he couldn’t be bothered with it right now. He had a job to do after all. Stake out the new Lord Blackwell… see who this newly appointed vampire Lord was, what kind of monster did the Night King appoint now?
It had come as a surprise as he managed to track down you, the new Blackwell. He still remembered the old Lord, bastard that he was, at least it gave him a few really powerful allies… Werewolves, surely, they would prove useful especially if their presence alone was enough to stir the bats in this city. It made it so much easier with their attention on the beasts of the moon.
But this? A gambling den, emphasis on the den? Small, dark, the smell of cigarettes wouldn’t even leave this place if it would have been abandoned… It had been easy to spot the vampire, the new Lord Blackwell. Perfect Poker face, perfect for gambling. But the glint in your eyes… he had seen it. On vampires that finally felt something strong enough. For others it was blood. For you it seemed the smooth surface of dice and feeling of cards under your fingers was the trick.
And now here you were again, still looking the same way as you did all those years ago, ethereal eternal youth. Okay, you are missing a finger, and still haven’t managed to bug the most powerful vampire this town has to offer but otherwise? Face unchanged, the same glint in your eyes, standing close enough he can smell your blood and feel the unnatural coldness of your body. But now you are looking at him, his lips still feel yours even though you already pulled away.
And he can’t help but feel like he just pulled a Royal Flush.
Two: Minjo with Doctor MC (this got a bit emotional given my work)
The knock on your door rouses you from your thoughts. Not from slumber, it is too early in the evening for that. Normally you wouldn’t be home yet, but everyone agreed you better left the hospital. What had happened… you rub your hands together, you can still feel the blood and for a second you had hated it. Hated that fact that what was coating them was what kept you alive. That you desired it.
Your eyes stare until they focus on the door. Ah, right, someone knocked. Slowly you stand up, moving through the flat. It has changed, only a little bit. There is food in the fridge, some real fruit, a bottle of wine… a jacket Minjo once forget, it smells weird. It is like your flat has been dead, just like yourself, and Minjo is bringing it back to life.
And there she is, hair damp from the rain and a small smile on her lips. It falls when she looks at you, your state evident even with your natural coldness. Another thing you want to grieve, but can’t. You can not cry but oh how you wish you could! You so desperately want to weep for what you have lost, what you have become.
“Hey.”, she whispers, stepping in and pulling you in a gentle hug, her body so warm against yours. Minutes pass and she holds you, carefully as if you could break and the thought is almost enough to make you laugh. You are too strong to break!
“Work?”, she finally says, her voice calm and slowly manoeuvres you to the couch, making you sit down and holding your hands between hers, not letting go of you. You do not know how long it takes until you nod.
“It is hard.”, she sighs and tears shimmer in her eyes, slowly growing until they spill over her face.
“Oh, now I am crying.”, she tries to chuckle and wipes them away, “I am sorry! I just… I know how it is! Not from a doctor’s perspective, I don’t even know which specialisation you are, but… I know enough.” You can not cry. But maybe she can do it for you. If you one day dare and trust enough to share your secret.
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mel-1n-hell · 1 year
Safe Foods + Diet Foods Masterpost
(I live in the Midwest)
This is a list of a bunch of my personal favorite foods and ingredients to utilize when I’m heavily restricting. I usually love making the highest volume possible out of the lowest cals, but I also sometimes eat smaller amounts of higher calorie/denser foods if I’m, say, wearing something tight or whatever and don’t want to be water bloated. I believe in the importance of being at least mildly sated, and also in the importance of multivitamins+supplements! If you’re restricting, there is a 100% guarantee you are not getting enough vitamins to maintain external functions you really don’t want to start failing on you. I lost a lot of hair when I dropped a fuck ton of weight for the first time because I was 14 at my worst and didn’t understand anything/didn’t care at all about body chemistry, but after I was forced to recover, after my hair began growing back and thickening up, it became very important to me—as did many other aspects of my body that are influenced+enhanced by the ingestion of vitamin supplement (also hair oils like rosemary and castor and almond, leave-in conditioners, good conditioner in general // all of these things will support hair health and maintenance, specifically!) So take your vitamins! Especially capsules, because gummy vitamins are easier for your body to flush out. Plus, a lot of them are just placebos dyed a fun color and rolled in sugar. (The “Now” brand offers very high quality supplements and multivitamins in capsules/pill form)
Also, now that I’m an adult and can buy my own groceries, I have much more access to helpful tools that I wouldn’t have been able to access at 14 or wouldn’t have known enough about to even bother figuring out more. I’m much more educated now and feel almost as if restricting is too easy, too fun. Will it become a problem? Maybe. But until then, and as long as I know we’re all bent on our own destruction anyway, I’ll share what I know, because I wish I would have known about some of these things the first time I decided to dive headlong into the pits of despair (‘:
I can share my favorite combos/meals in another post if anyone would like to see it! First, though, a few general rules I follow, as a sort of context to the masterpost:
1. Caloric intake matters first and foremost. It’s just the simplest way for me to track what I’m eating. (Now don’t do this, but) You could be eating the shittiest, sugariest, most processed diet on the planet but if you’re in a caloric deficit, you’re still going to lose weight.
2. All vegetables are safe. A vegetable is not out here making anyone fat or unhealthy. Certain vegetables, like potatoes, are denser in calories, so it’s just a matter of learning how to use them, but if that scares or triggers you, stay away! For me, I always try to maintain that plants are nothing to be afraid of. I’m neurotic enough without being afraid of the food that literally comes from the earth.
3. All fruits are safe. Moderation is more important to keep in mind when it comes to fruits versus vegetables, because fruit contains more sugar, which means more calories overall. But fruits are my favorite additions to breakfasts, or as sides/snacks later on in the day. It’s a little extra something to crunch/chew on, and all fruit is just so yummy.
4. There’s nothing wrong with a chocolate fix!!! Dark chocolate (the higher the percentage, the better!) has numerous health benefits because it contains a plethora of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. It can be high calorie, so enjoy it in moderation, but there is absolutely nothing I love more than taking my time on a lux little square of dark chocolate while I’m reading a book.
5. No eating after 10pm. (I know most people choose an earlier time, but I’m a college student in a stem field who walks from her apartment to campus, so I get home later than traditional dinner time most nights.)
6. No eating before 7am. (8am is preferable.)
7. Eliminate as many sugary, processed carbs as possible. They aren’t really satisfying your body, and consuming these kinds of foods while restricting often leads to uncontrollable bingeing.
8. Eliminate fried foods (unless you figure out an air frier for a cheat night or something).
9. If you’re going to focus on any macros/micros, focus on protein and fiber! Protein is greater sustenance; fiber makes you shit.
10. If you binge, you binge. It happens. It comes with the territory of ED’s. Your body is literally pre-programmed to react this way to starvation because it’s a self-defense mechanism, and for many people, it’s an emotional defense mechanism. Just make your best mental and physical effort to minimize damage. Screwing yourself into the ceiling and just eating more will make you feel cosmically worse. Try to catch yourself before saying “fuck it” and continuing to binge harder, because even you know you don’t really mean that, and you know you’ll hate yourself to the moon for it later. Take a deep breath, name a few of the five senses to ground yourself or whatever, and then walk away. Listen to some music. Chew some gum or start sipping on lemon water. And remember: one pound is 3,500 calories. You would have had to eat that much on top of your basal metabolic rate (how many calories your body burns just existing) to gain just one pound. Water retention can be flushed. Fat cannot be.
11. Drink at least two quarts of water a day.
12. Take your fucking vitamins. xoxo
Okay! Now that I’ve rambled enough, here’s the masterpost (:
🥗 vegetables 🥗
1 cup broccoli, chopped (31 cals)
9-10 baby carrots (30 cals)
2 stalks celery (15 cals)
5 garlic cloves (20 cals) / (great roasted in the oven or as a flavor edition! stuff also makes you shit like crazy depending on how much you eat)
1 cup kale (16 cals)
1 cup spinach (7 cals)
1 cup baby spring mix (7 cals)
1 cup cauliflower, chopped (27 cals)
1 medium/small white or red onion (41 cals)
5 mini yellow/Dino egg potatoes (110 cals)
1 medium/small sweet potato (110 cals)
5 asparagus spears (15 cals)
5 medium white or baby bella mushrooms (20 cals)
1/2 cup sliced water chestnuts (45 cals)
🍑 fruits 🍑
6 mini sweet peppers (60 cals)
1 medium green bell pepper (24 cals)
1 medium red/orange/yellow bell pepper (37 cals)
1/4 avocado (75 cals)
1 medium tomato (22 cals)
1 medium banana (100 cals)
1 medium apple (100 cals)
1 medium grapefruit (104 cals)
1 large orange (87 cals)
1 clementine orange (35 cals)
5 medium strawberries (25 cals)
1 cup blueberries, frozen or fresh (80 cals)
10 raspberries (10 cals)
10 grapes (20-30 cals, depending on size + size variation; one small/medium grape is usually around 2 calories)
1 kiwi (40 cals)
1 cup red cherries, frozen or fresh (80 cals)
1 small champagne mango (80 cals)
1 cup honeydew melon, diced (61 cals)
1 cup watermelon, diced (46 cals)
1 cup pineapple, diced (82 cals)
1 medium cantaloupe (186 cals)
2 medium medjool dates, pitted (110 cals)
🍞 grains 🍞
1/3 cup flour, wheat or white (152 cals // for use in mug cakes, personal pancakes, personal cookies, etc.)
2 slices Healthy Life wheat, honey wheat, or white bread (70 cals)
1 Country Hearth light bun (80 cals)
1 mini bagel (100-125 cals, depending on flavor+brand)
1 bagel thin (110 cals)
1/3 cup rolled or quick oats, dry (100 cals)
1 cup plain Cheerios (100 cals // 140 cals for honey nut)
1/2 cup rice, brown or white (108 cals, brown; 102 cals, white)
1 “Ole” X-Treme Wellness wrap, tomato basil, spinach, or traditional (50 cals)
🍗 meats 🍗
3 oz (about the size of your palm) boneless, skinless chicken breast, cooked (120 cals)
5 medium chicken fajita strips, frozen (110 cals)
2.5 Simple Truth Organic homestyle chicken tenders (170 cals)
1/2 can Good & Gather chunk chicken, canned in water (50 cals)
1 can Chunk Lite Tuna (90 cals)
11 medium Member’s Mark cooked shrimp (60 cals)
1 tilapia fillet (112 cals)
4-6 pieces thin-sliced deli ham or roast beef (60-70 cals, depending on brand)
4-6 pieces thin-sliced deli chicken or turkey (50-60 cals, depending on brand)
🧀 dairy / imitation dairy and animal products 🧀
1 medium egg (66 cals // 78 cals for large)
1 tbsp I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter, light buttery spread (35 cals)
1 tbsp Blue Bonnet, light buttery spread (40 cals)
1 tbsp Blue Bonnet, buttery stick (60 cals)
1 slice Kroger fat-free American cheese slices (30 cals)
1 stick Sargento Light mozzarella string cheese (45 cals)
1/4 cup shredded fat-free mozzarella cheese (45 cals)
1 slice Sargento Ultra Thin cheese, Swiss, provolone, pepper-Jack, sharp cheddar, or Colby-Jack (40-45 cals)
1 cup unsweetened almond milk, vanilla or original (30 cals)
1 cup Silk unsweetened cashew milk, vanilla or original (25 cals)
1 cup Silk unsweetened coconut milk (40 cals)
1 cup Almond Breeze unsweetened chocolate almond milk (40 cals)
2 tbsp sugar-free International Delight or Kroger coffee creamer (30-40 cals, depending on flavor and flavor’s brand)
1 Kroger Carbmaster Yogurt, any flavor (60-80 cals, depending)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Mint Cookies n’ Cream (180 cals)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Cookie Dough or Mocha Coldbrew Coffee (185 cals)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Chocolate Peanut Butter or Mini Donut (190 cals)
1/2 pint Favorite Day low calorie protein ice cream, Caramel Maple Bourbon Pecan Pie (205 cals)
additional: any protein ice cream brand is a great dessert choice and so unironically delicious! I just listed Target’s because it’s cheapest, cost-wise, but Halo Top, Frozen Farmer, Enlightened, etc. -- they all market low calorie ice creams for anywhere between 270-470 cals per pint, depending on which flavor and brand.
🍚💰 god-send diet foods 💰🍚
1 bag shirataki noodles (20 cals)
1 cup shirataki konjac rice (30 cals)
1 pint Frozen Farmer sorbet, peach, strawberry, honeydew, watermelon, or mango (70 cals)
1 pint Frozen Farmer sorbet, strawberry lemonade (80 cals)
1 pint Frozen Farmer sorbet, raspberry (90 cals)
Walden Farms syrups, chocolate, caramel, pancake, maple walnut, strawberry, blueberry, etc . (0 cals)
Walden Farms dressings and sauces, Ranch, Buffalo Ranch, Caesar, Thousand Island, Chipotle Ranch, Bacon Ranch, Creamy Bacon, Italian, French, Honey Dijon, Balsamic Vinaigrette, Spicy Buffalo Vinaigrette, Super Fruits Balsamic Vinaigrette, Raspberry Vinaigrette, etc. etc. etc. (0 cals; there are literally endless flavors and all of them are zero calories. No joke. Look it up, order some on Amazon, Kroger and Walmart carry the most popular flavors)
Walden Farms coffee creamers, vanilla, mocha, peppermint, caramel, hazelnut, etc. etc. (0 cals; these might need to be ordered on their website or on Amazon)
Diet Soda, any flavor or brand (0 cals, obv)
2 tbsp Great Value peanut butter powder (50 cals // PB Fit = 60 cals per 2 tbsp)
Stevia or erythritol sweeteners (0 cals)
PICKLES!!!!!!!! (0 cals)
🥨 munchies 🥨
1 cup SmartFood white cheddar popcorn (70 cals // moderation)
1 cup Skinny Pop popcorn (39 cals // moderation)
18 mini twists, Rold Gold fat-free pretzels (110 cals // moderation)
23 twists, Clancy’s Everything-Pretzel Slims (110 cals // moderation)
3 Twizzlers (100 cals // moderation)
2 Zachary’s Thin Mints, mini dark chocolate peppermint patties (65 cals // moderation)
1 Brach’s Candy Cane (50 cals)
2 Hot Cocoa Kisses (36 cals)
2 Cherry Cordial Kisses (40 cals)
1 square 85% Lindt dark chocolate (58 cals // moderation)
1 X-Treme Wellness wrap, cut into 8 slices and salted+baked into tortilla chips, with 1/4 cup salsa (75 cals) or 2 tbsp Good & Gather queso blanco dip / Tostitos salsa con queso dip (90 cals // moderation)
1 slice Healthy Life bread, toasted and with 2 tsp I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter! buttery spread, garlic+onion powder, and some salt (60 cals) OR toasted and with 1 slice Kroger fat-free American cheese, melted (65 cals)
1/2 medium banana or apple with 1 tbsp PB Fit powder + 2 tbsp Walden Farm’s pancake syrup for PB drizzle (80 cals // other sugar-free syrups add 5-15 cals, ex. Maple Grove [5], Log Cabin [10], Kroger brand [15], etc.)
2 slices deli rotisserie chicken / turkey, thin-sliced, spread w 1 tbsp Kroger fat-free cream cheese, rolled around 1 baby dill pickle (40 cals // without cream cheese, 25 cals // don’t knock it till u try it😒😒unless u just don’t like pickles lol)
10 strawberries and Walden Farm’s chocolate syrup (50 cals)
1 sugar-free Jell-O cup (10 cals)
1 sugar-free pudding cup (60 cals)
🧂🥫 other sauces / dips / condiments / ingredients 🥫🧂
Mustard, yellow, Dijon, or spicy brown (5-10 cals per tsp, depending on brand)
Miracle Whip Lite (20 cals per tbsp)
Stubb’s Sugar-Free Smokehouse BBQ sauce (10 cals per 2 tbsp)
Prego Marinara No Sugar Added (60 cals per 1/2 cup)
Chi-Chi’s Salsa (40 cals per 1/2 cup)
Tostitos Salsa Con Queso dip (40 cals per 2 tbsp)
Good & Gather Queso Blanco dip (40 cals per 2 tbsp)
Any sugar-free or fat-free dressing!! Just check labels.
Maple Grove sugar-free maple syrup (5 cals per 2 tbsp)
Cocoa powder (10-20 cals per tbsp, depending on brand and purity of cocoa)
Dark spices are said to speed up the metabolism, and they also allow your brain and stomach to feel more sated after eating, so use lots of seasonings! Plus, flavor :P (chili powder, paprika, cayenne, red pepper flakes, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, cloves, etc.)
I hope you all found this post to be useful in some way, or maybe inspiring or motivating! If anyone has anything they’d like to add, don’t hesitate to reblog with your own list of favs. I plan on adding to this if I find anything new or remember something I might’ve glossed over when writing it.
That’s all for now. Stay hydrated and take your vitamins angels❣️
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I'm a big fan of demon hybrids having animal traits in the sense they're technically demon traits but plenty demon designs are based off animals to some degree, and I'm a biology enthusiast. So here's some of mine:
-Neros demon arm in dmc 4 is a result of his body trying to protect him. Similar to scaring, because he got attacked by a demon and it's noted he thought it was infected his body's immune response to being expose to demon (germs? Fluid? Breaking of the skin in general?) Was to basically activate his DT form in that one area likely to stave off infection and or prevent future damage. Again like scarring in humans. My supporting evidence is in DMC 5 Neros demon arm has changed to look like his according DT trigger. This is not to say DT forms are basically trauma, but that as a bodies defensive measure is less stable and functional the younger you are. Bc most of your bodies resources are going towards growing and hormones.
- Dante eating pizza with like almost all toppings could reasonably be backed as being because be it just using his guns or taking a DT form it's gonna be quite physically taxing. Carbs provide energy, it woukd realistically burn a ton of energy to do things like shapeshift. (You could make a case of this applying a similar way to V where functionally being split in two (6 counting Gryphon nightmare shadow phantom) means vergil was already running on fumes and Urizen just got most of it hence he still needed the qliphoth fruit for power. But also why even when eating it afterwards Vergil is still basically on equal footing as Dante. It basically just got Vergil at a healthy...everything. and it may be why Griffon Shadow and Nightmare weren't merged back in as well (yes symbolism obv but lemme support it with this) because the fruit was like a extreme multivitamin griffon shadow and Nightmare would be akin to like overdosing on vitamins. (This is also why Neros arm is basically in a DT state in dmc 4 but otherwise his DT is like a shadow. It's a lot of energy so this is his bodies closest thing it can manage due to energy but i wouldnt rule out age too as Dante had no issue going full DT at 18) this may also be why Nero can have his DT arms out without transforming fully into a DT form but also may just be bc he's 1/3rd demon
- Urizens form having so many eyes is a result of him still getting some of vergils trauma bc ptsd shows up as hyper vigilance/more activity in the brain.
- Neros DT form in dmc 4 and 5 both has downward horns akin to vergils dmc 3 DT form but also they are wing like in a way that reminds me of Credos Angelo form (esp in the chest) and his chin spikes are like Dantes DT form in 5. I think this is like half formed by genetics half formed by experiences in a way bc of those details. this also explains despite being idential twins dantes and vergils DT forms are so different. (Dante will never say it but he wishes his wings were also an extra pair of hands this is because he could eat more slices of pizza at a time)
- yknow how in some ways horns make cooling off easier because it pulls an animals blood out of their body through said horns to be cooled and then go back in the body? Dante and Nero can use this to cool off but Vergils broken horns don't allow this.
- bc Nero has more of a reptile/raptor motif and Vergils is more on the fish side with fin mentions I interpret this as Neros scales are made of kertaine like hair and Vegils are made of Dentine like teeth.
-until Nero regret a human arm his DT formed arm shed. This normally doesn't happen for Dante and vergil but that's bc theyre not in their DT forms 24/7.
I always thought that the reason why dante never got carpal tunnel from pulling the trigger of ebony n ivory sm is because his body would heal it before it got a chance. Vergil's horns could also be broken because his internal body temp is MUCH higher than his kin, and therefore that xtra heat in his hosts is still being vented despite how broken they are?? idk.
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nuctoria · 3 months
I've noticed
King Boo wants Luigi dead.
Antasma wants to control Luigi.
Dimentio... I don't want to know what he wants.
What are their interests/interactions be like?
How do you write them in a dark romantic way?
King Boo: he is egotistical, deranged and territorial towards Luigi. He has felt so wronged by him that he wants his defeat to be done by him and him alone so he will ensure no other villain has their way with him. He doesn't really want him dead, death is a luxury and a mercy he doesn't want for Luigi, but if he did end up dead by a natural disaster or smth, he would still go after him but in spirit, which is much easier for him to do and they will now have an eternity with each other. In this case, I'd make him more bold and in a way, a bit more tender but in a bit of a twisted way. What makes it better for King Boo is that none of his friends will be able to do a single thing about it, especially Mario since he is clearly weak to ghosts and boos so he can't stop him nor save his brother's spirits, so King Boo ends up taking down two birds with one stone.
Antasma: This guys is territorial in a different way to Luigi. He keeps Luigi as a means to feed and grow powerful once more but he also takes notice on his skills and decides to put them to use. This creates creates a symbiotic relationship, Luigi gets his nightmares eaten so he won't have them anymore and can finally get a full nights sleep and as long as he works, he gets food, clothing and so on. Antasma gets to feed, regain his power and a companion. This may seem fair or not as bad but make no mistake, Antasma keeps a close eye on the plumber and is quick to demolish any hope he wishes to keep of escape or his defeat. He also likes to give him a scare or two for entertainment, makes the nightmares later more fruitful. He's also quick to make sure no one can get close to Luigi or himself, isolating the both of them. You can think of it as a King really favouring his personal butler.
Dimentio: this guy's nuts. That's it. All he wants is to get rid of the worlds as they are and only keep himself and Luigi to rule over new worlds together. He will never let go of him if he gets his hands on him again and he will make sure of it. He has seen Luigi's formidable powers, knows why he was chosen by two extremely powerful artefacts and believes he deserves much more than he is given, planning on doing just that but in a way that will keep him tied to him forever. He will ditch mind-control all together, make him watch as everything is reshaped to their desires and feel his numb and terrified mind with honey-glazed yet twisted words, introduce him to new wicked ideas and games to play together and ensure him over and over again that they are fated to continue this for all eternity.
I might have gone overboard, please excuse me.
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dallonwrites · 10 months
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[ lover boy by @dallonwrites / sfgate / tumblr user catilinas / lover boy | little weirds by jenny slate / lover boy / hellraiser (1987) / manhunter (1986) / the lost boys (1987) / lover boy ] this post has alt text.
disclaimer: this is my own original work
Genre: Literary that wishes it were horror Setting: San Francisco, 1987/88 Aesthetics: fake blood, uncanny SFX in old horror movies, grainy home videos, a deeply orange sunset, retro arcade games, an empty mall, overripe fruit, anatomical heart models, heart shaped candles, leather jackets, rolling fog, the moon in the ocean, bowling alleys, red lights, trying to see a ghost in the hallway, real blood, mixtapes from former lovers, nightclub bathrooms, vampire fangs, neck kisses Summary: Sometimes, to cope with change and unpredictability, Beau likes to pretend he's the protagonist of a blood-soaked horror movie. And all he's ever wanted is a lover. But after the death of his childhood best friend he retreats into himself - frustrated at love and frustrated that Bobby hasn't haunted him the way he promised to - until he's jolted back by former friends needing his help with a movie project, an ex lover returning as new ones find new ways to hurt him, his friends and his community getting sicker, and a near death experience that comes with the urgency to record everything around him whilst he still can. The more that happens, the more he tries to find ghosts around him. The more times he sees blood on his hands, the more painful his old coping mechanism becomes, as his thoughts become less and less tasty.
what if you were autistic but you didn't know it because it's the 1980s and your special interest is horror movies and sometimes your brain feels a little bit blood-soaked but it's okay because it feels good! it makes you feel better, right? but then your best friend dies and also you lose the closest person you had to a lover and you wonder if you've wasted your time obsessing over romance but you don't have time to think about it because life keeps happening and nobody seems to care that your community is dying and no matter how hard you try you never see a ghost in the hallway or the bathroom mirror like you want to, and then your lover comes back but he's different, and so are you, and you really want to stop looking death in the eye, so you try to capture everything around you on your video camera to show that you were here, we were here and we're alive, and your queerness is your heartbeat and all you want to do in this life is love, so that's what you do, despite everything, whatever that love looks like, even when everything gets louder and brighter and too much to bare and you're starting to get scared by the blood in your thoughts
I call this "the culmination of my growing obsession with horror and the undergrad dissertation I wrote on how the AIDS crisis functions in queer narratives". I think it's my favourite thing I've started in a long time! There's so much flesh to this story that I haven't even dug my hand as deep into it as I could go. It's fun, it's silly, it's raw, it's sweet, it's emotional, it's complicated, it's a bit bloody, it's theatrical, it's trying it's best. It doesn't take itself too seriously but it's also crying in the bathtub you know
Characters (just a few otherwise this would get way too long)
Beau (he/him) the bestest boy in the whole world. Someone pleeeease take him to a farmers market on a chilled Sunday afternoon
Benji (he/him) Beau's little brother who Beau thinks is the bestest boy in the whole world. Even though he loves bugs and dirt and wants to be a shark when he grows up
Bobby (he/him) dead but before he died he thought being a ghost would be so fun. It'd be so much easier to sneak up on Beau! He could finally go to Fire Island! He loved handmaking jewellery and wanted to be a volcanologist.
Felix (he/him) the ex lover! He's doing sooo much better since the last time you saw him! Hey why is he crying in that movie theatre bathroom
Tiff (she/they) Beau's old friend and roommate. Tattoo artist who collects eye shaped decor and broken rotary phones. Lesbian/gay solidarity is the backbone of this novel.
Dorothy (she/her) In love with the moon and acrylic paints. What if you bumped into your ex boyfriends twin sister and feel like you shouldn't get involved but then you remember she's realllyyy fun to talk shit about people with?
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mlmxreader · 4 months
Death Do Us Part | Alfie Solomons x m!reader
↳ ❝ "I just... I thought that you would always be mine" + "You will never not be a part of me"
[I don't have specifics but could you make this one angst? Heavy angst is totally fine btw] ❞
: ̗̀➛ The trenches are not somewhere that anyone wants to be, and what happens at night is worse than what happens during the day.
: ̗̀➛ graphic depictions of death & injury, swearing, eaten alive, rats, eye gore
The sounds coming from No Man's Land would forever echo against the tall wooden graves; burial sites of a land once flourishing and blooming with life, now scarred and wounded with such great cuts that could never heal.
Trees that were once beautiful dark greens in summer and would happily rest with nests on their powerful arms, were now barren and black and smelled of rot and decay. Nothing lived anymore.
Bushes did not grow fruit, spiders did not spin webs, birds did not sing. Nothing lived anymore. The sounds were made up of loud groaning mixed with screeching; sometimes the squeak of rats could be heard as they bit down on achy eyeballs and chewed through the soft, popping flesh.
Hoards of them would gather at night, feasting upon the soldiers who were injured and left on the battlefield; their deaths would be slow, eaten alive from the stomach and out of their backs and through their spines until their bodies gave up. It was a slow, terrible way to go.
Amongst the trenches, it wasn't much easier. Ticks and lice infested every man, regardless of if they were alice or dead, and food was constantly in short supply; the soldiers took to frying their parasites over small fires, and still found their stomachs gurgling and gargling.
Many of them were malnourished, their faces sunken, and their eyes slowly being sucked into their skulls. Disease was rife and rampant.
The mud and the dirt and the clay managed to sneak in through clothes and boots with ease, and if a man fell into the designated shit pits... he would have to stay in his dirty, disgusting uniform. Nobody was having a pleasant time.
Alfie sat by the edge of the trench the entire night, weeping with his face buried in his hands; the hot tears cascading through his fingertips as his body trembled and shook. It was the closest he could get, his fingers and knuckles stinging and raw and red.
His head was pounding, and the snot trickling down his face was sticking to his beard. He could still hear you struggling. The wet slap of the mud as you tried to drag yourself closer to the edge of the trench, leaving behind a slick and sticky trail as your lungs started to get smaller and smaller.
Alfie knew it was his own fault. He had tried too hard and too much to protect you, and he had killed you. He knew that his hands would forever be coated in blood, smeared all over his tattoos and stained on his pale palms for the whole world to see and then some.
He had tried to protect you. He had failed.
He could still picture it as he wept, rocking back and forth without even realising it.
You were wearing his gas mask, as yours had been damaged by enemy fire and there were no spares; he had pissed on a cloth and held it to his face in hopes that it would prevent the gas from getting to him. It didn't.
His eyes still burned, and he still let a string of greenish yellow foam spill from his throat as he tried to seek relief. You struggled to secure the gas mask, and he was too late to reach you; he watched with wide eyes when the bullet tore through your neck.
The sound of your gargling as you hit the ground and struggled, and although Alfie did his best to find his way to you, he was ripped away by the commanding officer; Jamie was the Colonel, and had wasted no time and grabbing Alfie by the shoulder and dragging him away from you.
And now Alfie was here; listening to you die slowly as he wept and wished that he had never tried to protect you.
Maybe if he hadn't tried, it would have saved you and maybe it would have allowed you to live another day. It was all his fault, and he knew it all too well. It was his fault.
He would have to tell his mother; she would be devastated to hear that he had killed his husband. She would hate him and scorn him for it, and he knew it. Everybody back home would detest him for it, and he couldn't even bring himself to try and absolve himself; he knew that they would be right.
He had killed you.
"Stay down, Solomons!" Jamie called when he noticed Alfie tear his hands away from his face and shakily grasp the ladder. "He's a dead man, now."
Alfie glared at him, clenching his jaw tightly. "So bloody what?"
"So," Jamie sighed as he took a few steps forward. Missing a hand, his blue eyes were full of sorrow as he swallowed thickly and shook his head. Golden hair cut short. "There's no use in trying to get him back. He's a dead man, Solomons. We don't fight for dead men."
Alfie shook his head. "That dead man saved your life. He saved mine! He was mine!"
"I know," Jamie whispered. "Just let him be, aye? He won't last til morning - rats are gonna get him."
"Just let me bring back his body," Alfie whispered. "Just his fuckin' body. Let me at least say goodbye to him, for fuck's sake."
Jamie checked his watch, then listened closely for a moment before nodding curtly. "Five minutes. If Jerry starts the blitz again, you get your arse back in this trench, aye?"
"Yes," Alfie agreed with gritted teeth before hoisting himself over the ladder and slamming into the mud and onto his stomach.
With a groan, he picked himself up, and collapsed by your side; on his back, he pulled your hand to his chest, flipping you over and pressing his temple to yours as he sniffled. You were weak, hardly responsive and only able to groan.
"I just... I thought you would always be mine until we died," Alfie grumbled. "I thought we'd grow old, together... it was always fuckin' meant to be us against all the other cunts in the world..."
Your breathing got shallower, and when he slipped his finger down to your wrist, he wept softly.
"Know I fuckin' loved you," he continued with a trembling voice, "know that you will never not be a part of me... I will never fuckin' let you go, alright? You're always gonna fuckin' be with me."
You spasmed, and he frowned as he turned onto his side and kissed your temple gently; his hot tears against your slowly cooling skin.
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lilmaemae · 18 days
tagged by the lovely lovely @thestrangeillusion !! you're so cool actually, and i'm glad to have learnt more about you on your own edition, ehe <33 im a few days late but here are my answers !!
do you tidy your bed
no, because i'm going to lie in it in a few hours lmao. it feels more cosy in its nest state
what's your favourite number
15! or 5? as my birthday dates, they're precious to me
what is your job
i used to work as a veterinary nurse (for the past 2 years) but i just quit!
if you could go back to school would you
... i'm going back to school in september (college lmao), for vet school, so uh,,, yes? 😂
can you parallel park
not at the moment, but in the near future i hope so!
a job you had that would surprise people
i used to sell cured meat at a branch in the airport. or the time i helped my mom's friend with her candle making workshops?
do you think aliens are real
i think that there are many things different from human-likeness that can exist. whether or not they have "intelligence" in the definition relative to humans, however.,,, i think chances are slim. i think they'd be smart in their own ways.
can you drive a manual car
close! i'm learning how to drive right now, have been learning the the month or two!
what's your guilty pleasure
reading ao3 on my light tabs. i don't use incognito because it keeps logging me out of shit, and it's way easier to keep track of the fics im reading.
none atm, but i do wish to get either an animal/astronomy related one eventually !
favourite colour
greeeeeen and pink!
favourite type of music
i like pop/r&b? music that sounds melancholic. like day6, d.o (kyung soo), jeff satur
do you like puzzles
i've never had the space for physical ones but brain games are pretty intriguing!
any phobias
hate the fucking cockroaches 👎👎👎👎👎 genuinely, the occurance of those shits randomly in my bathroom gives me so much anxiety that i stopped washing my hair in the specific toilet
favourite childhood sport
,,, i've never exaclty done sports ngl, but i do have a brown belt in taekwondo?
do you talk to yourself
yes. it's the ✨anxiety
though on good days it's a silly narrator in my head that makes life a little more fun!
what movie(s) do you adore
ngl i'm not a huge movie girl but tangled and more recently nimona!! tangled's soundtrack is just, amazing, i adore mandy moore'a voice so much. and nimona is such a treat, especially with all the shape shifting and the gay dads.
coffee or tea?
tea! matcha lattes are so good. and green tea, hojicha, chrysanthemum tea, fruit teas, bruhh the list could go oN. for coffee, i only like mochas that are so sweet they'd make a religious coffee drinker puke. not to mention they either give me headaches or cause me to vibrate so intensely that i might as well be the flash trying to phase through solid objects.
first thing you wanted to be growing up?
a zookeeper! i always knew i wanted to do something animal related, and im glad i'll be able to learn more soon.
tagging @emberfaye @mousydentist @venagrey @jez-bez @chaeul @fairlylokai @the-cookie-of-doom @awiderangeofgreen @ella-norah and anyone who wants to do this challenge!!!
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m1d-45 · 1 year
hiyaaa new anon here, i'm normally a silent reader but my brain go brrr and i need an outlet
sagau impostor au except any defining features of creator!reader's divinity are not obvious in the beginning (like bleeding red when injured).
in the face of death, they think "finally, it's all over," except the minute their heart stops, they wake up again on the same shores beneath starsnatch cliff.
using this second chance, they do their best to avoid any and all forms of civilization, yet somehow they find themselves with a sword in their face once more.
just like before, they die, only to wake up on the beach again.
and thus a horrific cycle begins. with every breath given anew, a new blade comes to snuff it.
except...with each iteration of the death loop they're stuck in, signs of their divinity slowly become more apparent.
no one notices the tints of blue that gradually begin to color the impostor's blood until they've already been killed so many dozens of times.
ohhhh this is such a good thing in sagau, i’ve only read like two fics with this but it’s such wasted potential tbh
like maybe your blood only shifts once you start to absorb elements from teyvat, only once you’re back where you’re supposed to be, surrounded by your creations. it only changes once you start to gain some of your diving energy back, which is far easier when you’re walking along forest paths with elemental beings that adore you, when an unseen weight is lifted off your shoulders, like you’re finally breathing fresh air. even the cleanest parks on earth can’t compare to this feeling of ease, of comfort, of-
of betrayal?
when you die, you don’t notice the shimmer to your blood, only focusing on finding the most secluded area of teyvat to hide in. maybe sumeru’s forests? those seem pretty dense.
you try to cut through liyue, but all you get is a spear through the throat.
your ‘deaths’ don’t really hurt physically, surprisingly (why would they? teyvat would never dream of causing you pain, and you were never meant to be harmed by your creations) but they do hurt mentally. it’s hard to live when your beloved characters want you to die, when you have to face the weapons you wished for and ascended, when the fruits of your labor are bitter and poisoned.
teyvat is panicking, it’s people going berserk at the intensifying signs of divinity, growing more and more desperate to clean the earth for their god, not knowing that every imposter killed is another wall between them and your trust.
you’ve died. you’ve died. you’ve died. ‘friends’ are a glimpse you see in a pool of your own blood before you fade, the sparkle in your veins blinding to the ones that carry your ‘corpse’ away so you can heal. bubbles of hillichurl water wash it away, leaving you undamaged and clean again, fully knowing that within a week, someone will have to do it again.
they’re getting more vigilant hunting you, you know. just hope one of them spots the gold on their blade before it meets you again.
(also. you said hi new anon but didn’t sign. would you like to-?)
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monstrsball · 1 year
in honor of iwa day, i have written up all of my headcanons for his lesbian moms that i came up with months ago. it's what he would want. <3
okay, to make it easier for me and you, i went ahead and gave them names! sachiko & mayumi. now, let's get into it.
they were friends for a long time before they got together, they didn't get together until after iwa was born. i'm thinking he was around three or four when they officially started dating? (i suppose i'll take this moment to say sachiko is technically his biological mom but the distinction doesn't matter to any of them, iwa honestly gets pretty annoyed when people ask) young enough that he has always known both of them as his moms!! [his father isn't in the picture]
sachiko works in an office & mayumi is a doctor.
personality-wise, i think iwa and mayumi are more alike. she can be fairly blunt at times and has her own stubborn streak. she's the one who introduced him to godzilla too! however, iwa did get his sense of humor from sachiko! he's also like... the spitting image of her. same eyes, same smile, etc.
he loves both of his moms but because of their similarities, he probably butted heads with mayumi more when he was a teenager. nothing too bad though, they just got into silly arguments sometimes lol.
they're a fairly outdoorsy family! they go camping at least once (if not multiple times) every summer and they tend to do a lot of stuff! fishing, swimming, hiking, bug catching, etc. oikawa would go with them from time to time when they were kids.
sachiko and mayumi both play softball! they just play for a neighborhood association now but they were on a team together in high school. and mayumi played in college! she probably could have gone pro if she wanted to but she thought making a career out of it would kill her interest in the sport so she didn't.
they know a bit about other sports too! they had siblings and friends who played other ones but, funnily enough, volleyball was the one sport they didn't know a whole lot about. so they were thrown for a loop when that was the one iwaizumi got really into.
they learned quickly though! i'm picturing like. eight year olds iwa and oikawa sitting down and teaching iwa's moms all about volleyball. :')
sachiko is really into furniture restoration/refinishing! she's taught iwa a lot about it and he helps her with her projects from time to time. her projects are just for the family but she does daydream a lot about opening up her own little shop dedicated to it.
mayumi has a garden! i think she mainly grows fruits and veggies but she started a section for flowers too after sachiko mentioned wishing they had flowers. they end up with excess a lot so they're always giving fruits and veggies away to family and friends. the aoba johsai volleyball club always gets free fresh produce, living the dream.
in high school, iwa spends every sunday in-season helping her with the garden! only exceptions being when he's sick or has to be away for volleyball/school. he has plenty of time to hang out with his friends the rest of week so he likes devoting some time to hanging out with his mom. sometimes though his friends will come over and help too (it's sort of a rule if they want to hang out with iwa on a sunday, lol, bc he will rarely budge on it).
but honestly? his friends coming around probably has more to do with them also wanting to spend his time with his mom, lol. i think iwa's moms are really popular with his friends! they all think they're both really cool.
a majority of the seijoh four hangouts happen at wa's house, probably most of the seijoh hangouts in general tbh.
partially because iwa is an only child so his house is less rowdy but also because everyone just feels really comfortable there and his moms are more welcoming to a horde of teenagers than the other parents lol. (as long as they are told ahead of time)
they're pretty fond of iwa's friends! they think they're all pretty good kids and sachiko likes to send iwa to school with a treat for them on their birthdays. at first, it's just for oikawa, matsukawa, and hanamaki but by his third year it's expanded to include the whole team.
which sort of happened because his second year, iwaizumi offhandedly mentioned that it was yahaba's birthday too and she got really upset that he didn't tell her matsukawa shared a birthday with one of the first years on the team because she would have sent something for him too! (and she had only met yahaba like... twice at this point) she did send him with something a few days later. so his third year, she asked for an updated birthday list.
so, basically, the opinion held by all of iwa's friends is that iwa's moms are cool (but not in a trying too hard/acting too much like their friends way!!).
literally the only thing stopping matsukawa and hanamaki from making milf jokes is their utmost respect and admiration for them (and lesbians).
on that note, hanamaki and matsukawa both keep in touch with them after they graduate! and they hang out with them a lot even when iwa isn't there (especially when iwa is in california, they miss their son!!). their bonus moms tbh.
i think everyone on the team keeps in touch actually but matsukawa and hanamaki are the only ones who visit with them regularly.
they will send iwa messages informing him that they are stealing his mothers and iwa leaves them on read.
oikawa calls them "Mayumi-chan" and "Sachiko-chan" because he is incapable of referring to those older than him the way he probably should. iwa hates it but his moms don't mind it at all. in fact, i think sachiko is flattered by it.
his moms love oikawa, always have!! oikawa likes to tattle on iwa when iwa's being 'mean' because they always tell iwa to be nicer to him lmao. (they're aware iwa isn't really being mean, they just like teasing him)
for the longest time, oikawa's parents thought they were just really close friends and this was something iwa never really corrected because he was like.... a child. i'm picturing like oikawa's mom talking to him (age 10) and she says something like "oh, it's really nice of your mom's friend to help you guys :)" and he's like "??? uh, yeah."
she is mortified that she said that to him when she learns that they're actually a couple.
i made a post abt this but i'm just gonna put it here too. when they were kids, after oikawa met iwa's moms for the first time, he asked him later why he didn't have a dad and iwa said he got eaten by a shark.
this didn't really deter oikawa from asking further questions though because then he just had lots of questions about the shark that ate iwa's dad. and thus began a lifelong friendship.
HAPPY IWA DAY! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! everyone should love iwa's moms. open to asks about them always.
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ask-wren-zhang · 8 months
Shrub Club: episode 3
As promised, she has come bearing snacks and beverages. Or rather, she insists on helping with the garnishes and a few ‘taste tests’, while a few mutual friends of Deek carry out most of the work, such as setting up the small catering station and serving platters, adjusting the centrepieces and the food presentation. The house elves take great pride in their culinary magic, and Wren is left mesmerised by it every time without fail. A miniature picnic table is finely set with a tea kettle and a jar of syrup, accompanied by trays of fruits, cheese and seasonal fare. The main menu consists of Butterbeer and a blueberry pie, big enough to satisfy a party of four. Wren did hear @justaskmagnoliaellistor enjoys all things blueberries.
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She takes a slice and nibbles on it, scanning the area; the location is near perfection, with ample sunlight, good drainage and accessibility to the Herbology greenhouses, though the lack of proximity to water sources she finds mildly worrying.
Conjuring her notebook, in which having already briefed a list of magical elements she’d planned to incorporate, involving enchanted soil, lighting, and now adding irrigation enchantments, if applicable.
Wren scarfs down the slice of pie and marvells as arrays of wood and stone diligently slot themselves together like an intricate puzzle - the greenhouse already looks half finished, and the construction carries on swimmingly. Turns out @demetrius-haggarty is much more adept at spellcasting than he realises.
She sits back, her lap balancing her sketchpad, and worries if her efforts may be too ambitious. Bits of charcoal and worn pencils rattling as she unfurls each page. Colours bloom like stains on oil paint, edges of her vision sharpened, details now finer.
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Wren wants to plant a tree in the middle, Hawthorne (hehe), to grow wild and deep, belonging to no one but the soil beneath the ground base, and the dappled sky above. A dome is to be put in place, and it will be sheltering an even bigger world, with every unused space, they will fill with their own touches, the turning of seasons itself. The Extension Charm should do the trick.
Just as she scouts for any availability for walkways, or even additional features like seating areas or ponds. One minor detail sticks out regarding the layout of the greenhouse's dimensions: there is no glass.
“Well, that just won’t do. I wonder what are the chances of a glassmaking charm?” Wren ponders aloud, wondering if it’d be easier to up and transfigure a pile of sand into glass instead. That said, it wouldn’t hurt to try. She taps her chin, and looks out towards the lake, where the narrow, gently sloping land lies along its edge, an idea begins to surface. She wonders if @theodoradevlin would be willing for an experiment.
Her eyes flash with inspiration, it is brief. “What’s between beach sand and lake sand anyways?”
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Wren’s notebook:
Climate control charms with heating, cooling, and humidity control to ensure optimal growing conditions.
Research and select plants that thrive in the chosen environment. Incorporate a mix of exotic, rare, and unique species, if one wishes. (Want to plant a pumpkin patch albeit unsure if Maggie would like that.)
Integrate both natural and artificial lighting to mimic day-night cycles, ensuring the plants receive adequate light.
Implement protective charms to keep magical plants safe from pests and potential intruders. Magical wards or enchantments can be used for additional security.
Maintenance Plan: a regular upkeep schedule for watering, fertilising, and pruning plants.
Decoration: sculptures, fountains, or artwork (?) a butterfly garden perhaps.
Ensure that safety measures are in place, such as emergency exits. Must include protective gear e.g. earmuffs or dragonhide gloves, to protect both the greenhouse and its occupants.
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