#i have really strong memories of being out in my backyard at night during the summers
blazernot · 10 months
Beetle vibe. Specifically firefly
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sleeplessinpnw · 1 year
It's been awhile since I last posted. Thought I would make a life update post.
The summer is finally creeping up on us. It's May now and the warm weather is in full play. I'm so happy!! In a different place these days. Well... kind of. Until I'm put into a stressful situation. But for the most part, my depression has been a little less intense and I'm just feeling.... good. In a good mood today.
Going to St. Croix for my birthday in June and for aunt Barbaras memorial. I didn't know her very well, but I feel happy to be able to be with family during the occasion. About to meet a lot of cousins! I hope I will be able to remember names. Been trying to budget shopping for clothes to go. It hit me last night that I have tons of tees and some tank tops. I guess I mostly need comfortable bottoms and shorts to wear. GAINED WEIGHT!! Nothing old fits anymore. Going to hold onto some things though just in case my weight comes off. With my lifestyle habits, I have no idea when that will be happening. Just ordered a jump rope in hopes to at least get some cardio in since I hate running. Going to the store later today in hopes of getting healthier food. I do nooootttt know how to eat healthy apparently. I eat a lot of quesadillas and carbs so.... Going to try and cut back and eat salads. I don't even think my salads are healthy lol but better than canned food and mac n cheese.
I started vaping and 80 bucks later, I think it's time to quit. Obviously that's the smartest idea. Idk.... I'm trying not to smoke weed anymore and it gets hard when I'm use to smoking everyday. So whyyyyy a vape?? Nicotine is worse but it doesnt trigger the voices I hear. Weed does. I need to learn how to be sober and happy. I just.... get bored?? I'm awful!! Lol
Work is on hold for right now. I've been on break for now 2 and a half weeks. Still have money in my account but obviously that isn't going to last forever. Just trying to keep myself in a steady mood while I'm back to doing nothing. At least the sun is out. I can sit in the backyard and take in my surroundings. Trying not to drink at the moment as much because of my weight. But I dont need to always drink in the sun, it just makes it fun. Go figure. Anyway, I need to start applying for jobs again. I've been holding off because 1) I'm suppose to hear back from Sol for when they need more help again 2) St Croix is in two weeks and I feel like it would be hard to start a new position and then leave for a week 3) I'm still going to try and get a job with Premier Press and Q told me to wait and apply the end of June, beginning of July.
Therapy has been going well. I enjoy my sessions for the most part with my therapist. She's very sweet and I think I have made large progress since first starting. August is going to be a very large moment for me because it will mark the 1 year anniversary since being hospitalized. I told my mom that it's important to me. I want to celebrate some how. August will never be the same for me. I still have things that I need to clean out of my room from my voodoo craze. I should do that today.... it would feel good. It's hard looking at the mess in the corner of my room but once it's gone I think that I wil feel better. I really did some damage on my belongings and Ashley's. I will never fully recover from my actions. Scars. But I am working on moving forward everyday. I went to Mackenzies bridal shower yesterday and being in that community was SO HARD. I made it though. It's just weird being around parts of her world because the voices weirdly attached to it and it's humiliating to be around her. She was beyond sweet to me though and it felt good celebrating her for the evening.
Well.... thats kind of all the update I have. I'm going to try and check in with myself here more regularly. Cheers to bettering my mental well being, being strong and powering through all of this and getting better. I got this! Life keeps going on and is too short to keep beating myself up. Lot's of self love (minus the vaping BS).
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skinnyducky · 3 years
lullaby (pt. 2 to cherry) // v.h.
This part went through so many changes. Originally, they weren't getting back together but I ultimately decided for Y/n to take Vinnie back because I'm a sucker for happy endings and second chances. Kinda came out longer than I wanted it too, but meh. This part is heavily inspired by the song "Lullaby" by Mariah Carey. Other than that, I hope you enjoy!
link to part 1
Word Count: 2219, unedited
WARNING: language, mentions of partying, alcohol, drugs, and a very fluffy yet cheesy ending.
It had been a few months since you and Vinnie had bid your goodbyes. Within those months, you were doing great. You had aced your first semester classes, you just moved into your apartment, and you were at the highlight of your life. The only thing you lacked was someone to bask in the happiness with. To say you missed Vinnie was an understatement, but you were too prideful to actually tell yourself that.
You tried dating again, but no one could hold a candle to your Vinnie. Plus, you hadn’t been keeping up with him on social media or anything, so you didn’t know if he had moved on and forgotten you. You didn’t want to reopen old wounds, so you refrained from contacting him.
But little did you know, not a day went by that Vinnie didn’t think about you. He constantly thought about what he did, beating himself up for even having the thought of another girl while he was with you. But he didn’t know what to do. Your relationship was dying, and none of you bothered to even talk about it. So, to him, he thought there was nothing that he could do…thus causing him to do what he did. Thankfully, he didn’t go too far with the girl, but still…he knew what he did was terrible.
Dating for him was pretty much impossible. Much similar to your situation, there was no one who could fill your shoes. The way you danced around in his head during the day and ruled his dreams at night…no one could do that for him. You were one of a kind, and with as many offers he got, he was torn that none of them were from you. He was a funk…a really bad one.
His friends and housemates took notice of this and being the best friends they were, they decided to drag him out of the house and to a party at Triller Compound because that’s what every heartbroken friend needed when they’re down. To be surrounded by booze, loud music, and sweaty people…oh yeah, that’s what he definitely needed right at this moment.
“C’mon, at least smile a little bit.” Alex said, looking back the upset boy through the rearview mirror.
“Smile about what? Going to some party that I didn’t even want to go to.”
“You seriously need to get over, Y/n.” Thomas sighed, turning to Vinnie from the passenger seat. “What happened between to you two happened for a reason. You just gotta let it go.”
Mia scoffed from beside Vinnie and slapped Thomas on the shoulder. “Thomas, it’s not that easy!”
“I’m just saying, if it were me, I wouldn’t be all upset and everything.”
“So, you’re saying if we broke up…you wouldn’t be sad?” Mia responded sharply, obviously joking.
Thomas nearly choked, looking back at his girlfriend. “I-I’m not saying that. I mean, if…it’s just that…it’s different, okay. He cheated.”
“Did you have to bring that up?” Mia rolled her eyes and turned to Vinnie. “Don’t listen to him, okay. It was your relationship, and sure you messed it up, but…you still can be sad about it. I think.”
Vinnie huffed and stayed silent, no bothering to listen to anyone. He didn’t need people reminding him of his mistakes, that was the whole reason why he was being a downer. He just couldn’t forgive himself. There were no ounce of words or speeches that anyone could give him that would make him feel better. This was just something that he’d have to get over with time.
It was only minutes before they pulled up to the packed mansion and stumbled out of Alex’s car, Vinnie being the last out. He watched as his friends rushed to the house before heading inside. Upon entering the house, scenes of people grinding and drinking came into his sights. The sound of trap music filled his ears as the strong stench of weed brushed across his nose. He sneered before walking to the backyard. He scanned the area for any sober person he knew, hoping to find someone to complain about his situation to.
As he searched, his eyes landed on a familiar head of y/h/c hair. He furrowed his brows, trying to get a better view of the person. “That can’t be who I think it is,” he thought to himself as he moved in closer.
That was when you looked to side, and he caught a glimpse of your profile. His heart nearly stopped beating the minute he saw your face. He breathed hitched in his threat as he tried to keep himself from hyperventilating. He never thought he’d see you again, yet here you were…just a few feet away from him. He had forgotten the fact that you two had mutual acquaintances, so it came to no surprise that you’d come to this party.
Vinnie watched as you threw you head back in laughter at something one of your friend’s said. There wasn’t much he could do but stare at you. He didn’t know what to do. It’d be risky to even think you’d want to talk to him, so he refrained from walking up to you. He didn’t want to bring up painful memories. It was a good thing you hadn’t seen him yet.
“You’re joking!” You smiled. “Come to think of it though, Bryce would be the one to try and drink tequila off your tits.”
Your friend, Y/bff/n snorted, “I know right!? I was like…sir, I am not that kind of a girl. Please have a good night.”
The two of you continued to laugh at her situation before you heard her go silent. You calmed yourself down, looking at her shocked face. Confused, you followed her eyes and turned around to see what had her so shook up. At that moment, your eyes met the very person you had least expected to see tonight…
He was staring right back at you. The minute he realized you were looking back at him, he nearly freaked out. He attempted to look around, playing as if he hadn’t been eyeing you, but you had already caught him in the act.
“Is that…?”
“Vinnie, yep. That’s him.” You said, placing a hand on your hip. “I wonder what he’s doing here.”
Y/bff/n snickered. “It’s a party, Y/n.”
“I know that, but I honestly didn’t expect him to be here tonight.”
You two watched the boy look around frantically and you couldn’t help but smile a bit. You missed him and judging from the sight in front of you…it seemed as if he did too. But still, you were a bit out of the loop. Who’s to say he hasn’t already moved on. You couldn’t intrude on his happiness, that wouldn’t be fair.
“You should go talk to him.” Y/bff/n said.
You looked at her with your eyebrows raised. “You really think so?”
“It’s obvious he’s still into you, babes. And considering the fact you’ve been looking at him with those goo-goo eyes, I think you’re still into him too.”
“I don’t know, Y/bff/n. I mean…what if he’s seeing someone else.”
“There’s no way. If he’s trying that hard to pretend that he wasn’t just staring at you, he’s still hung up on you. And, even if he is seeing someone, that doesn’t mean you can’t just go and talk to him.”
You shrugged. “I guess you’re right.”
“Atta girl. Oh, and on your way back, make sure you grab me one of those little mini cakes. I’ve been craving one since we got here.”
Rolling your eyes at the foolish girl, you proceeded to leave her side and head over to Vinnie. The moment he saw you, he practically froze. You could tell he was nervous; his awkward stance and wide eyes told it all.
Within seconds, you stood before the boy, a slight grin on your face.
“Hey, Vinnie.” You greeted, placing your arms behind your back.
“Y/n, didn’t see you there!” He laughed. “Well, I did see you there but like, I wasn’t watching you or anything…yeah, totally wasn’t watching you.”
Your smile grew wider. “Yeah, sure. So, how’ve you been?”
“Good, uh…definitely good. You?”
“Um, my classes are going well, and I just got a new place…so, can’t complain.”
“That’s dope, Y/n. Glad to hear you’re doing good.”
You nodded, looking down at your feet. “Same to you. I’m sure you’re, y’know…enjoying everything with your girlfriend.”
Vinnie looked at you with a puzzled expression, your statement taking him back a bit. To be honest, he couldn’t be surprised that you thought he’d be taken by now because he thought the same about you. However, at the same time, with the way he was acting right now, he was shocked you didn’t realize he was still head-over-heels for you.
“I don’t, um…I’m not seeing anyone.”
You grinned to yourself, trying to keep your cool as you tilted your head at him. “I’m sorry, I just thought you’d be with someone.”
“It’s fine. I definitely get it. To be honest, I thought you’d be here with someone.”
“Technically, I am.” You replied.
It was at that moment Vinnie felt his heart explode and despair run through his system. He weakly put on a happy face, shooting you a thumbs up.
“That’s g-great.”
“Yeah, Y/bff/n just was dying to come with me. She’s been begging to go to one of these parties, so I thought why not?”
“Oh,” Vinnie breathed, feeling his heart piece itself back together. “So, you’re not seeing anyone?”
You shook your head. “Not right now. I’ve been on a few dates and stuff, but no one has ever made me feel like y-”
You stopped yourself, locking your lips together to keep that last word from leaving your mouth. You didn’t know why, but something in you didn’t want you sharing your feelings with Vinnie. Maybe it was the small ounce of hurt that clung to your heart like a child from Vinnie’s infidelity. Or maybe it was the slight fear that he may not want to get back together. There were so many thoughts in your head, all speaking at once. It was so loud, that you didn’t even catch what Vinnie had said to you.
“…and-…Y/n? You listening?” He tapped you gently, bringing you out of your head.
“Sorry about that. I was in my head for a moment. What were you saying?”
“I was just saying that I’m sorry for what I did. I was just so confused on where we stood in our relationship, not saying that it justifies my actions, but instead of coming to talk to you, I went and…well, did what I did. Believe me, I never meant to hurt you, and I totally understand if you don’t forgive me.”
You sighed, “I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t know where our relationship was headed either. Honestly, I was planning to break up with you that night.”
“And I ended up giving you even more of a reason to do so.”
You both laughed before meeting each other’s eyes.
“I wish we had talked about it, y’know? Communicated and all of that suff. It would’ve saved us both a heap of heartache.” You continued. “I can’t lie, even though life has been good, it sucks not being able to share it with you.”
Vinnie smirked, taking your hands in his. “Y/n, ever since we broke up…I haven’t been able to think about anything but you. I hadn’t streamed, I barely left the house…I couldn’t do anything. I just didn’t know how to function without you. You have such a hold over me…I didn’t know how to get over you.”
“I guess this whole goodbye thing really wasn’t a good idea after all.”
“No, I think it was. I think it happened for a reason. That reason being, so we can fall in love all over again.”
At this point, you were a smiling mess and there was nothing you could do to hide it. Vinnie wasn’t any better, you could tell he was in pain by the way he hadn’t stopped showing his pearly whites. It clear to both of you now that you two were still in love, if not more than before.
“That’s so sweet, Vin.” You said. “But also, cheesy. You were always the sappy one in the relationship.”
“As if, Miss Hopeless Romantic. I’m not the one who freaks out over Valentine’s Day.”
“Mmhm, sure you don’t.”
The two of you stood there for minute in silence, your hands entangled, and your gazes planted on each other. It felt good, and it was almost as if all that hurt…that fear…it was completely gone and now replaced with passion and security.
“Y/n, I know you probably have some resentment towards me, but I love you too much to care. So, if you’re willing and there’s enough forgiveness in your heart…I wanna restart, right from the beginning.”
Without much thought or hesitation, you said, “We can restart. For sure.”
“Well, in that case…Hi, I’m Vinnie.”
You smiled as the feeling of love washed over you. To say you were happy was an understatement, you were in paradise. Life was great, and now you had your boy back to share it with.
“Nice to meet you, Vinnie. I’m Y/n.”
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jinmukangwrites · 3 years
@damianwayneweek 6 (6-18): Baby Damian | Family bonding | First crush
Warnings: none
Notes: Short, sweet, barely edited cuz it's 1am. Please enjoy some de-aged Damian and frazzled Dick. Yes I'm back on my Damian and Dick bullshit. I just love them so much.
Three days, according to Zatanna. The magic that hit Damian isn't permanent, and should wear off on its own within three days.
Dick already doesn't know what to do with himself. He was hardly prepared to take over and raise a ten year old, let alone a toddler.
But here he is, sitting in the manor living room watching as a small version of his already little brother toddles around on chubby baby legs. He can't be more than two. He can walk around on his own well enough—though Alfred did block off all of the stairs in the manor anyways—and every so often he'll point at something and say... Something that sounds like a demand.
Dick wasn't really ever good with understanding baby gibberish. It doesn't help that Damian seems to have reverted in memories as well... so the things he's demanding probably aren't in English as it's not his first language.
Damian wobbles up to Dick, holding out a toy train that Alfred dug out from the attic that used to belong to Bruce. Dick takes it and thanks him, but Damian pays him no mind and returns to his toys, babbling about something only he understands.
It's so weird seeing him like this. All small, chubby, soft, and bright eyed. Dick doesn't know everything Damian has gone through... growing up in the League... and as much as Dick dislikes Talia, he knows she was the best mom she could be to him. She's raised him to be a smart, strong young man, and taught him to be able to protect himself in his dangerous surroundings... and of course Dick has known Damian long enough to have gotten through his walls and see the wonderful boy underneath, but as he watches this toddler squeal as another toy train turns on and runs on its own...
He cannot help but mourn the child Damian could have been. Should have been if every child in the world had the privilege of growing up in a safe home and no worries besides homework.
He shakes his head. He cannot think like that. Whatever child Damian could have grown into if he hadn't been raised by the League is still in there. Just a bit harder to bring out. Dick can feel himself getting closer every day.
Damian notices him shaking his head and makes a curious ah sound. He walks over to Dick, lifting his arms, and Dick assumes he wants to be lifted. He smiles at the kid and grabs him under the armpits and lifts him into the air perhaps a bit quicker than what he was expecting. The kid screeches as Dick lifts him over head and let's go for just a moment to catch him and bring him back down to his face.
Damian scowls a familiar scowl and hits Dick on the nose with his stubby little fingers.
"Bah," he scolds, and a laugh bursts from Dick's throat.
Yup, Damian is still in there.
"I'm beginning to understand why B adopted all of us when we were already in elementary," Dick complains as baby Damian screams in his wooden high chair—yet another thing dug up from the attic that probably belonged to Bruce.
Alfred hands Dick a rag with a smirk. The thrown bowl of mac-and-cheese is all over Dick's shirt.
"Master Bruce always had a tenderness for infants," Alfred replies as he uses another rag to wipe off the still screaming and complaining Damian. "He always found joy in finding whatever excuse he could to hold and play with a baby. We used to go to a church when he was still a child himself, and there was a woman there without a husband who would always bring her infant. He would always offer to hold the child for her during the sessions to give her a break."
There's a twinkle in his eye when he looks over at Dick. "I imagine that if this had happened to you, or your other siblings, when he was still around, he would have loved every second of it. Food throwing, tantrums, and all."
Dick can't help but smile. He looks over at Damian who's now kicking his legs and waving his now clean hands in a fit. "Still, I wonder what's making him so mad."
"He might not like the taste," Alfred says, "or the texture. Perhaps some experimentation is due."
After some expiration and a lot of screaming through baby lungs that couldn't possibly hold that much air, they find that Damian really likes tomato soup, apple sauce, and broccoli.
"Master Dick," Alfred speaks up on the first evening while they were showing Damian Pooh's Heffalump Movie. Dick was relaxing and watching the movie, trying to remember if he's seen this one or not, while Damian was on the floor playing with an old kitten stuffed animal.
"Yeah?" Dick asks. He looks over at Alfred, only to see Alfred raise an eyebrow down at Damian. Dick follows his look, then his stomach drops when he finds that under the recently shopped for infant clothes, is a full looking diaper.
Dick looks back up at Alfred.
"Please, god, no."
Alfred drops a diaper, a bag of wipes, and a cloth into Dick's hands. "Good luck, sir."
Dick's about to lose his mind. He did everything Alfred told him to. He read a bedtime story—Where the Wild Things Are, as it was Dick's personal favorite as a child. He made sure his diaper was clean. He turned on some white noise. He even gave him Zitka. Yet, everything he did, Damian would scream and sob in his borrowed crib until Dick picked him up and started to sing the lullabies sung to him as a child. He sings the ones from his own native language, and even though there's no way Damian understands Romani, the kid calms down and reduces to exhausted little hiccups and almost seems to fall asleep with his little fingers curled in Dick's shirt.
And the second Dick puts him down, the crying rekindles.
Dick doesn't know what to do. Damian cries and cries until he's held and sung to, but Dick can't hold and sing to him all night. He paces Damian's room, bouncing the aforementioned kid-turned-infant in his arms, mumbling tunes to whatever lullaby decides to leave his lips.
Alfred told him he has permission to wake him up if he needed anything with Damian through the night, but Dick can't bring himself to. Alfred already works so hard during the day and night, keeping the manor in shape and making sure Dick doesn't get himself killed during patrol... He shouldn't have to be relied on to take care of a grumpy baby that won't go to sleep.
No, no Dick can handle this. Damian is calm when he's held and sung to, so that's what Dick will do. He walks to the cradle and pulls out Zitka, then goes to his own bedroom to sit on his bed and holds Damian close to his chest, singing and bouncing him gently.
Eventually, Damian goes completely still against his chest, snoring slightly, but Dick's too fearful to risk anything now. He stops singing though, resorting to simply holding Damian and trying to keep his own eyes open.
He fails, but he wakes up in the morning with Damian laying on his chest, still fast asleep and drooling all over his shirt.
Dick doesn't look a gift-horse in the mouth. He shifts into a better position, then allows them both to sleep in a little longer.
Alfred discovers the problem quickly when Dick tells him how hard it was to get Damian to sleep. Turns out, Damian's teething. By noon, Alfred had returned from the closest grocery store with a few tools to help with that. He puts a few water filled plastics into the fridge, then gives Damian one to chew on in the meantime. And chew on it, Damian does. He gets slobber everywhere, but at least he's no longer so upset, especially once a cold one is exchanged into his grubby little hands.
"That's absolutely adorable," Barbara says over the phone. Dick's just finished sending her a massive amount of pictures he's taken of Damian after taking him outside to play in the backyard with the dogs. He's sent her the pictures mostly because he needs people to see how cute Damian is while trying to tackle a dog twice the size of him... but also partly because he gets the feeling once Damian's back to his normal age, he will make sure all evidence of this is destroyed.
Barbara is someone Dick's sure can keep pictures hidden in a safe place... just in case Dick wants to see them again after lying to Damian he deleted them.
Dick's beginning to understand why people like babies. Like, they're cute, yes. The sounds they make are cute sometimes too. The things they find funny are usually very goofy and enjoyable to watch. Their laughs are contagious, and their babbles are enjoyable to try and decipher...
But nothing beats watching them sleep, curled up against your chest. Full trust in you that you'll keep them safe. It's nap time, and instead of trying to peel Damian off from him and put him in the crib, he's decided to just let the kid pass out in his arms and use the opportunity to take a nap himself.
Apparently it's bad to always let babies sleep with you, but Damian's not going to be this small forever. Might as well enjoy holding him like this in pure peace while he can.
It seems Zatanna was generous with her prediction, as he wakes up with his breath being knocked out of him. Damian, his rightful age and dressed in his full Robin uniform, scrambles off of Dick's chest. It's all knees and elbows, and Dick's left rubbing his ribs as Damian pats his body, as if making sure he's really a 10 year old boy and not an infant.
"Good to have you back," Dick grunts, rubbing his eyes and holding back a grin.
Damian whirls on him and points an accusing finger. "I don't remember what all happened," he hisses, "but you will delete any photos immediately."
Dick bursts into laughter, grabbing Damians pointed hand and tugging him into a proper hug. Damian squawks just a little, but relents when Dick squeezes him tighter than what he would to an infant. Yes. This feels right. Baby Damian was cute and cuddly, but he really missed the prickly attitude of this rascal.
"Okay," he says, releasing his charge. "I'll delete the photos, after we tell Alfred you're back and you've changed out of the suit."
Damian huffs and nods. "That was horrible."
"I don't know, I thought it was fun," Dick teases. Damian glares at him and Dick grins back.
Yeah, he missed his kid.
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torilovestowrite · 3 years
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title: romance in struggle
pair: zeke yeager x reader
words: 3k+
content warning: n/sfw themes, ROYAL AU, ZEKE IS A KING HERE Y’ALL, READER IS A MARLEYAN PRINCESS, female-bodied reader/afab! reader, reader uses she/her pronouns, mentions of pregnancy, angst, mentions of blood, age difference (reader is 18 while zeke is 24) conservative mindset, mentions of blood, FORBIDDEN LOVE TROUPE, S/MUT, BREEDING KINK, CREAMPIE
synopsis: in which y/n l/n, a princess of the marleyan kingdom, ends up having an affair with zeke yeager— the kingdom’s traitor who caused a huge terror for nobles in marley.
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“my little ymir, don’t you think it’s a lovely day today?” y/n rubbed blonde child’s back as both of them watched the sunrise under a huge oak tree after hanging some laundry in their backyard. “look how fresh the air is.”
“yes! but you know what’s prettier, mama?” ymir responded happily as she held her mother’s hand, placing a small yellow daffodil on her ear, almost like an accessory. “of course, it’s you!”
y/n looked sadly at her daughter— her eyes glimmered in the midst of the dawn; staring at her mother who had a brooding look in her eyes. all the young girl wants is to make her mother smile. even though she would let out soft giggles from her lips and smile few times ever since she was born, ymir could still see a glint of loneliness in her eyes.
“you have the prettiest eyes, ymir.” y/n kissed her forehead as she continued to mutter under her breath, “it’s just like his eyes.”
her daughter’s eyes beamed as she asked, “like father?”
y/n smiled at her young child. yes, she is only five— but she’s perceptive as ever. unlike other children, ymir was sensitive towards how others are feeling around her. seems that she got her mama’s personality, huh? but there are no doubts— that ymir, her daughter, is his’; for her long blonde hair and her deep grey eyes could speak in behalf of her.
“yes,” y/n almost cried before she could even mention him. just the sound of his name makes her guts feel uneasy. “just like your father.”
her eyes looked upon the sky as she recalled her memories— a bittersweet tragedy that took place five years ago; right before her little ymir was born.
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“are you really going?” y/n asked the blond man as she held his wrist back in an attempt to stop him from leaving. her eyes gaze upon him— yearning for his affection; for his love— to make him admit that he would come back sooner.
zeke yeager— an untouchable man who’s willing to use all the means in order to achieve his goals. It’s almost like the eldian man— whose kingdom has been enslaved by the marleyans for almost 20 years; has no heart.
y/n l/n— the princess of the marleyan empire, has fallen in love with zeke yeager. she once met him while she ran away from the palace, getting lost in the middle of a dark prairie. being 18 during those days, the younger woman could still remember the cold stare that he held as she was crying in front of the lake after hearing her father’s decision. her clan wanted to marry her off to a man named willy tybur; another royalty— and to become one of his concubines in order to combine the powers of their clans— to sustain a supreme empire.
as she was having her laments, zeke caught y/n and spoke to her; and she found a friend in him with his words filled with sarcastic jokes— yet unbelievable truths. during her free time, she would come visit the forestries in order to share her feelings, laments... and he would entertain it. slowly, y/n began having feelings for the man, craving more than of his attention— but also, his affection; his kisses and hugs.
gladly, zeke felt the same. the two became a couple and secretly met during the night inside his tiny cabin filled with secrets. y/n could still recall the first time they kissed. it was her first, and she was glad that it was her first love for his lips felt warm on her. it was everything to a maiden like her— oh, how she wishes they could stay that way for the rest of her life! y/n loved the older male more than anything. she loved with a love that is stronger than love itself.
Little did she know, zeke spelled danger for the marleyans, as he was one of the last yeagers— the royal clan of eldia— who were killed and burned by her own clan. aside from that, the 24-year old man was deemed as a ruthless man for robbing from the marleyan nobles and even to the point of burning their lands, just like how they have dealt with eldia two decades ago.
but the young lady knows him well— zeke explained that he wouldn’t do those incidents simply for himself; but rather, he did it for his own people. the stolen goods that he was able to obtain were distributed among the poor eldians who were enslaved, starved, and abused by their marleyan lords who were only concerned with their own wealth and earthly riches. their desire for power made zeke disgusted. as a royalty who is in line to inherit the crown— if the marleyans did not kill his own family and abducted his brother, eren; he knows that power is needed to preserve sovereignty in a nation. but unlike them, zeke knows how to gain the respect of the people— and that is through giving back the services that they deserve.
“i need to leave. you know how the circumstances are for me right now, y/n.” zeke sighed as he kissed the young lady’s forehead— pulling her closer and kissing her tears away.
apparently, the romantic nights have ended for the couple— slapping them both of the harsh reality; that their clans are born to become enemies. and that they were born to be star-crossed lovers— only meant to meet; but not to end up together no matter how strong their feelings are.
“d-don’t do this to me, zeke. please. don’t leave me just like this.” y/n sobbed as she kneeled in front of zeke— begging him not to leave; gripping his hand tightly. her hands were shaking and her cries were getting louder. the older male did not want to see his little doll depressed over this. he helped her stand from the wooden floor of his cabin; giving her a kiss on the lips.
y/n felt like melting under his touch— his calloused hands which were much bigger than hers’ were warm; his lips and the way their tongue danced together felt warm too. the younger lady could feel his touch all over her body; as if the burning passion around their souls were bringing them together.
zeke lifted her from the ground, holding and carrying her towards the bed that was inside his room. the blond male wanted to leave a mark before he goes to an important mission— to find his brother, eren, and to start a war against the marleyans in order to free the eldian empire and to bring back the supremacy of the yeager clan.
he started slowly undressing y/n— their hands intertwined together as he bruised her body with his mouth; from her neck down to her belly. zeke was about to go feral at the sight of the young princess being completely submissive and compliant under his touch— it was a different kind of power to him; almost like an achievement.
“do you want me, y/n?” he asked as y/n helped in stripping him off his fabric— unbuttoning his polo and letting the clothing fall down from his torso. he placed his hands on her now naked thighs, positioning himself in the middle of her legs as he rubbed his erected member on her glistening bud. “do you want me to deflower you, my pretty lady?”
y/n pulled him closer, placing her hands on his back and feeling his touch as she responded, “yes, i would like to feel closer to you, zeke.”
and he sheathed his enraged member inside her moist insides— her walls tightly clenching around his member— causing her to claw on his back as she began to adjust according to his size. zeke could see a small trickle of blood coming out from her whole where his long rod of warmth rested. to make her more comfortable, he rubbed her tiny clit with his thumb, trying to soothe the pain that she was feeling.
as he started to do this, y/n felt herself get excited; her nipples began to stand erect— and as soon as zeke saw this, he didn’t miss the chance to put her right breast in his mouth— sucking her chest like a newborn infant.
“y-you can move now.” y/n gave him a peck on the lips as he started to move— causing the young woman to moan because of the friction between their bodies. they were sweating everywhere— but both of them care less; they wanted to be closer together— to live in the moment; fucking as if it’s their last time. i mean, who knows? knowing what could happen the next day, what if he actually disappears from her life forever?
his pacing began to become faster and his acts became even more merciless. his huge hands were gripping her jaw tightly as his thrusts were harsh— as if her insides were bruising. but the pain it gave her did not surpass the pleasure that she was feeling. his hands travelled down to her hips as he whispered to her ears as his breathing became erratic. “d-do you want me to breed you, my pretty woman? y-you want my seed, huh?”
y/n frantically nodded as he gripped her hips tightly, groaning loudly while he came inside her— totally filling her insides. as he was riding his orgasm, she began to call his name loudly, letting out her juices while clenching both of her fists on the bed sheet.
shortly after, y/n fell asleep beside him— and zeke had no choice but to look at her dearly. in his eyes, the young princess was the most beautiful woman. the blond man wished that one day, if he would be given the chance to meet her again, freedom would be granted upon them— the freedom to love and to choose the person you desire. yet he has no choice but to lament for there were shackles separating their beings no matter how much their hearts yearn from one another.
“i’m sorry, y/n.” zeke did not realize how a tear fell from his eye. “i’m sorry that this had to happen.”
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y/n felt a strong slap on her cheek as her own father, the king of marleyans, stared at her in disgust. her mother was sobbing uncontrollably as she watched his daughter being tormented and judged by her own husband. the younger female just touched her cheek as a response to his anger.
“you ungrateful imbecile! i didn’t know you were whoring around while—“ the king held the temples of his head in frustration, feeling a strong pain as he scolded his daughter. “what have you done, y/n?! you have brought nothing but shame to the family!”
it’s been a month since the last time she saw zeke. after they spent the night together, y/n was left with a saddening letter— a letter of goodbye coming from the only man she loved. and she felt nothing— but only devastation for it was written:
dear my pretty y/n,
i just want you to know that i dearly love you and i treasure you so much. i believe that amongst all the women who have tried to reach out to me, you are the most memorable— for i have loved you greatly. i love you so much. but i’m afraid that i’ll have to drift apart from you because of our huge differences.
you are a marleyan while i’m an eldian. the grudge that our ancestors have casted upon each other is what separated us. but in my heart, you are always there.
i wish we weren’t suffering like this— that we were free enough to express our love.
your beloved,
zeke yeager
after that night, y/n faced the consequences of being attached to him— while alone, she cried intensely during the nights; yearning for her dear lover’s presence— to see him; to feel his touch, and to speak with him again.
a month later, there were changes in y/n’s body. she always felt sick and even gained a bit of weight even when trying to eat less. her father, the king, decided to let the palace doctors examine her body— only to find out that she was carrying a child. the news made her father furious— throwing expensive ornaments around the palace while shouting as his wife could do nothing but to weep and to calm him down.
y/n wasn’t even speaking. she just stood there— weeping; it’s not because of the pain of being slapped; but the pain of disappointing your parents hits different to her— because she was known as a goody-two-shoes; as someone who have always obeyed them. and it’s her first time letting them down.
“who is the father of that filthy child?!” her father asked while still blazing in anger. y/n touched her belly as she began to swallow before speaking nervously. her response earned her another slap from her father— but this time, it was stronger than the first one— obviously filled with an intense rage.
“the father of my child... is an eldian.”
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that was the queue for her to leave the palace. after that night, y/n l/n’s name was erased from the list of the royal family members. her furious father wanted to kill her— but her dear mother begged for her life. as a result, she was exiled to a far away country where she lived alone and gave birth to her daughter, ymir. she was named ymir because zeke has always expressed his admiration towards his ancestor— an iconic woman for eldians; for she helped so much in developing and enhancing their empire.
ymir was a loud child who always cried loudly for her needs— but y/n still loved her dearly despite all the hardships and all the judgements she received for being an unmarried mother. with her daughter being born, y/n began to protect both of themselves from the society— avoiding any news about the eldia and marleyan war— which broke out few months after ymir was born. when y/n heard of this, a spark of hope came across her body— what if zeke came out alive? what if he managed to seize his land back and is still alive?
yet among all these years, there were nothing. nothing tried to reach out towards them— it has been always her and ymir; just the two of them. and so, the young woman, now at the age of 23, considered him dead. if he was alive, he would have been probably 29 by now— and if he managed to claim eldia once again, he would have been the king, right? then if that’s the case, he could have made an effort to find them. but nothing came up all these years. therefore, y/n concluded that zeke died during his mission at some point.
until she heard that name again. after hanging their laundry, y/n and ymir would go to the supermarket, buying all their food and essentials. the young mother heard of his name— zeke yeager; the older women were talking about him— the king who managed to retrieve the eldian empire and took over the whole country after claiming freedom from the marleyans. apparently, the economy of marley failed after that war; as they were isolated from creating trades outside of the country as a sanction for enslaving over millions of people. the sympathy fell upon the eldian race— a now free country loved by the people around the world; and the yeager clan was known as a marvelous family for protecting and freeing their own people.
“the king of eldia? zeke yeager? visiting a small country like ours? oh, how flattering!” the older woman chattered as she giggled at her friend while selling some freshly-ripe fruits in their stall. “i heard that he’s in search for a wife, right? my, my... only if i was a little younger!”
at first, y/n took the news lightly. it could be a hoax, right? also, despite this country being small, there’s a very small probability of them crossing paths. zeke won’t be able to find them, she thought— until she saw a huge carriage outside of their tiny home in the middle of grasslands. y/n peeked from their house’s small window to see a tall blonde man coming out of the huge vehicle. his shoulders were broad and he has a bit of facial hair. the young lady’s eyes widened as she saw who followed. he looked healthy compared to the last time they saw each other.
“z-zeke...” y/n cried as she looked at her 5-year-old child playing with her tiny dolls in the living room while sitting on top of the floor.
y/n’s cries became louder as the blond man knocked on the door— waited for their response; in which ymir opened the door. zeke’s eyes widened as he gazed upon ymir. the moment his eyes landed on the young girl, he knew— he knew that the 5-year-old girl was his daughter— a piece of his and y/n’s flesh and blood. zeke hugged the young child as he cried, “i-i finally found you...” ymir, the 5-year-old girl, was left confused and speechless— but the moment she saw her mother’s face, she realized who he was— zeke yeager, the last of the yeager clan— is her father.
few days after their small yet joyful reunification, y/n moved in along with zeke inside the eldian palace. as soon as the news spread like wildfire, the people were enraged that zeke have chosen a woman who was once a descendant of the enemy— but he loved her greatly. the whole five years that he has been fighting, y/n has left a whole in his heart— a huge hole that only her love and presence could heal. therefore, he couldn’t help himself but to find her no matter where it takes him— whether it takes him to the corners of this lonely and dangerous world or to the hands of the grim reaper.
think of it, romance and war struggles are both different— and when it is mixed, it could hurt people. but there’s nothing better than the feeling of having your loved ones by your side after years of battle scars, armed struggles, and bloodshed with enemies.
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also, maybe after this, i’ll make a reiner smau. what do u guys think ^___^
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bukojuiice · 3 years
to the most explosive boy i’ve ever loved before — bakugo katsuki
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ೃ pairing: katsuki bakugo x fem! reader
ೃ  tags: fluff, angst (if you squint) + letter ! (inspired by to all the boys i loved before) 
ೃ a prelude to @bukojuiice’s 1k followers event! 
ೃ six letters. one for every boy you’ve ever loved. The letters for your eyes only, filled with all the words you could never say. until, one day, they start appearing out of nowhere into your life again, and your love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
ೃ  my nav  →  my mha writing masterlist  → my katsuki bakugo x reader smau
ೃ  please do reblog if you enjoyed!! it really helps writers and content creators on tumblr!  if you want to be a part of my mha taglist. send me an ask!  ♡
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You like to save things. Silly things. Ribbons. Polaroids taken during the summer. Old candy wrappers to put behind your phone case. Most especially love letters. Of all the things you save, your love letters are some of your most prized possessions. you keep your letters in a white hatbox your mother bought from a vintage store downtown that sells all kind of things. 
They aren’t love letters that someone else wrote for you; You think that you don’t have those. Because you think that no one has fallen in love with you. No being on this vast earth has had their heart beat 120 times a minute walking past you. In contrast to your ever so wandering eyes. These letters are ones you’ve written using your hand and heart. These are times you’ve written a letter expressing endearment-whether shallow or deep, each one towards a different person.
When you write, you hold nothing back. you write like he’ll never read it. Because he never will. Every secret thought, every careful observation, everything you’ve saved up inside yourself, You put it all in the letter. When you’re done, you seal it, address it, and then you put it in your hatbox.
They’re not love letters in the strictest sense of the word. These letters are for when you don’t want to be in love anymore. When you’re tired of falling for him. They’re for bidding goodbye. Because after you write your letter, you are no longer consumed by your all consuming love. it doesn’t keep you up at night anymore, it doesn’t remind you of him every time you sing along to love songs, it doesn’t make you think of how he wants his breakfast cooked, it doesn’t plague your mind like the homework and tasks you’ve ended up missing... 
it gives you peace and closure.
that’s truly the meaning of the letters. 
they’re supposed to set you free. 
but do they really?
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You open up your hatbox, looking for the letter that you wrote to Katsuki all those years ago. 
Once you had found it, you take it out, as the letter was still neatly kept, and wrapped tightly with a light coral bow. You absently smile when you notice the little stickers of the sanrio character badtzbadtzmaru (a character that reminded you so much of him) and pastel red polco stickers attached to the sides. you place the letter on your desk, contemplating on whether or not you should be reading it as you first reminisce why you fell in love with him in the first place.
the two of you were childhood friends. 
It was a cliché at it’s finest, but your whole family was a little in love with him despite his rather pompous and airy attitude. he was the cheeky yet adorable only son of your next-door neighbors who came over after classes to play just dance, or smash bros on the wii with you. during the summer, the two of you would play, camp outside of your houses, go out on picnics and go stargazing at night, and he’d always try his best to cheer you up whenever you were feeling down. there was always a grumpy and gruff tone to his voice when he’s trying to be soft and nice yet, there was always genuine love behind those words. 
but, most importantly, he made you feel special. and not in the way that you felt like he was your responsibility but because despite his attitude, constant brags and whatnot, doubled with his other “friends” constantly hyping him up, further inflating his ego...
You were his reminder to stay on the the ground.
You were there for him to open up to you, to share his struggles and insecurities and to just bare his heart to you. his quirk was powerful and so was his personality, but, his heart only became as strong as his physical capabilities because of you. 
But... what happened?
The second year of Middle School happened. 
Katsuki became a shell of a person he once was. 
He still retained his explosive personality but due to the grueling peer pressure that the Middle School hierarchy brings upon you, he became an asshole who could care less about others, began to bully a seaweed-haired kid your age who just moved in next door, and started to always put himself on a pedestal. 
He was like an Icarus who was flying too close to the sun... and so the two of you drifted apart. 
Just like that.
Then, he moved away that same year, due to the demanding jobs and occupation of his parents.
Gone without even having a chance to say your proper goodbyes to him.
With a heavy sigh, you finally began to read the contents of the letter you wrote for him when he left. As soon as you realized your crush on him was more than just within the confines of puppy love; you brought out a pen and some crafted paper, and wrote to your heart’s content. 
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Dear Katsuki Bakugo,
Remember that scene in Lilo and Stitch where Lilo prays for someone to be her friend, asking for the “nicest angel you have.” and Stitch comes crashing down from the sky into her backyard?
That is the best way to describe how you came into my life. 
When I was a little kid, I only noticed the most bizarre features and facets to your personality. The way you scrunch your nose, your facial expressions like that of a gremlin, your cool quirk, and your loud personality... but as I grew older, I noticed a lot of more things. 
I noticed how spiky yet soft your hair was, your passionate crimson eyes that are so full of confidence yet burdened with responsibility, your quirk that became more than just explosions with how you would tell me the science behind it, the way you would talk to me and soften your very loud voice, and how you would even let me win a video game even though you hated losing. 
I’ve learned to look at you in a different light because I’ve fallen in love with you. 
You were like a tiny spark ever since I met you. Effervescent, bright, always appearing, and always beaming. Like a crackle of lightning. You shined bright for others in your own little ways. Constantly growing and glowing brighter like the feelings I had for you.
Ever since, your presence in my life was like a burst of beautiful fireworks popping inside my heart whenever I would think about you. 
However... even though we both started as no one but just little kids, holding hands, and trying to traverse this maze called life...
and now you’re all; your worth will rise, the more I fall. 
I realized that you didn’t need me anymore. 
Like these mementos we have stored, all these these memories we share. 
once were things —
now nothing anymore. 
We promised each other with our pinkies intertwined that we would embark on this adventure to become heroes together. 
yet, what happened?
Katsuki, Suki, Suki-kun... 
If the boy I used to love and cherish with all my heart would come back again... then I wish things could come back again to the way they once were. 
May it be in another day, another year, another time, or even another universe... 
Please come back as the sparkle of light in my life again.
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“(Y/N)!” The soft voice of your mother echoes around the house. “Katsuki-kun and his parents just moved back next door? Why don’t you say hi?”
“H-how?” You whisper to yourself, peeking through the window and seeing some moving boxes present in Katsuki’s old room. A familiar spiky-haired boy peaks through the window, noticing your wide-eyed gaze at him. 
His eyebrows furrow, tilting his head slightly at the sight of seeing you.
These were the same crimson eyes, same hair, same old gremlin yet handsome face you’ve wanted to see again for such a long time. 
This was it. It’s him.
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taglist: @chibishae34  @lovelytarou @ramunegoddess, @serossimpy @laudthingcat​ @f0leysgurl​
219 notes · View notes
jamilelucato · 4 years
Popcorn Taste [F.W]
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Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader
Summary: It’s a bit awkward spending Christmas in the Burrow after what happened between you and Fred.
Warning: there’s a drunk scene, but the characters are not underage; fluffy;
A/N: of course I’m participating in my own challenge, why not? So this is Day 7- Making A Popcorn Garland for the A Very Harry Potter Christmas with @whack-ed​
Harry Potter Masterlist ||  Musical Hogwarts Series
Generally, being invited to spend the holidays with the Weasley was all you could’ve wished. This year, however, staying in that small house locked with tons of red-heads was not your first goal.
Nevertheless, when the letter arrived, there was nothing you could do but sigh and reply with “thanks for the invite; yes, I’m coming; no, I’m not bringing someone with me.”
Mrs and Mr Weasley had a special place in your heart — for all the days they allowed you to stay with them, particularly during the dark times of war, and after it, when you were alone. You had no choice but to show up and, fair enough, it wasn’t all that bad. You liked the older couple; you always laughed around Bill; Charlie had unique stories to tell, and even Percy remained quite pleasant and able to communicate when you were around.
It was the next son in line that worried your guts and caused the butterflies in your stomach to fly around.
You took one last look at your flat before holding tight to your luggage before Apparating to the Burrow. It was one week before Christmas, but it was the exact day — and time — that Mrs Weasley had written for you to show up.
The loud sound (of what probably used to be) a vase breaking echoed in the house, and you involuntarily ducked, even though there was no one in the living room to see you.
“[y/n]? Is that you?” Molly’s voice found its way to where you were still scared to move and break something else.
“It’s me, Molly,”— she would never allow you to call her Mrs Weasley in front of her — “and I think I broke something.”
She found her way to the living room, carefully stepping away from the broken pieces and reaching for you with her hands, firstly cupping your face and squeezing your cheeks before pulling you in a proper hug.
“It’s okay, dear! I’m so happy you came,” she whispered in your ear, before pulling you away and reaching for your luggage, not even asking if you wanted help.
“She’s been talking about you all week.”
At first, the voice seemed familiar, and it made you shiver until Molly stepped out of your sight and revealed the real speaker, standing near the door sill — and although he looked a lot like who you thought he was, he still wasn’t him.
“Hi, George,” you smiled sympathetically, slowly moving towards the younger twin, paying attention not to step on the broken vase.
He received you with a quick but tight hug. When you pulled away, your eyes searched for the other half of that pair, but you didn’t find the other identical face.
“Fred’s coming later,” George explained the question that you didn’t ask aloud.
“I wasn’t looking for him,” you denied with some charm, more out of fear of Molly listening and having second thoughts than fear of George finding out what was going on in the dark corners of your mind.
After all, you were pretty sure that George already knew.
When you surreptitiously looked back, however, Molly and her bags were no longer in the room.
“Since Mum’s taking care of your accommodation, come help me with de-gnoming the yard,” George suggested, putting one of his long arms over your shoulders and pulling you close.
“I thought this job was Ron’s,” you said, having a vague memory of a Christmas years ago, “and Potter’s.”
George smiled. “Ronniekins and Harriekins are only coming later in the night,” he explained, guiding you out of the Burrow. “But I think you’ll like to see who’s helping me out in the yard.”
As soon as he opened the door to the back, your eyes scanned the place, soon finding red hair in the wind, too long to belong to any other Weasley but: “Bill!!” you shouted, running towards him.
Bill smiled when he turned and saw you, and greeted you with a warm hug, as he always did when you spent days at the Burrow and felt left out.
“Hi, little one,” he stroked your hair before putting you back on the ground. “I think we have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Tell me about it! You’ll never know...” Bill let you vent until you saw the platinum blond woman coming towards the three of you, and she had a hand positioned at the end of her belly as if it was too heavy to carry. “Oh, my Merlin!!!”
Bill chuckled at your reaction at his pregnant wife.
You rushed to get closer to Fleur, afraid she was too slow because of the child she carried in her womb, but you slowed down when you got close, scared you could hurt her.
“Fleur! I can’t believe it! Can I...?” you looked down at where her hands were placed.
“Sure,” she said with her French accent still very strong. She smiled at you while you delicately pressed your hands on her belly, trying to feel the life growing on her. 
“How long...?”
“Four months,” Bill answered from behind you. “We wanted to be sure before telling the family.”
“And you were right in doing so,” you said between gasps of surprise — you were still very much fascinated with it. “Hey, George, when are you and Angelina....”
“Don’t even start!” he interrupted you in a protest and soon everybody was laughing, just like old times.
You weren’t surprised when, after a long two hours of de-gnoming the backyard and a well-deserved hot bath, you found your suitcase in the twins’ room.
Molly had installed you there for two reasons. The first was that gradually over the day, the rest of the Weasley siblings were arriving, and so the rooms filled up.
Bill and his wife stayed in his room; Percy and his wife switched places with Ginny in search of a larger one, so Ginny and Hermione were cramped in Percy’s old small room. Ron and Harry would share Ron’s room upstairs, and Charlie had his room to himself, as it was also a tiny room.
Therefore, the only room large enough to accommodate an extra mattress was the twins’.
The second reason was that you had been used to sleeping there since you were fifteen when on the hottest summer nights you ran away from Ginny’s room and were welcomed next to Fred and George. When you were a teen, you believed you did a great job being discreet, but now at 21, you reconsidered that maybe Molly always knew, but pretended not to see.
You quickly changed, afraid the boys could come in at any moment. You had heard Fred’s voice — Merlin, you’d recognize it at any distance — when you were getting out of the bathroom, so you were extra nervous when you left the room and headed to the kitchen, where the majority of the family was. Except for Fleur who needed to rest and Percy, his wife and Charlie that were in the living room.
“Here, she is!” Fred’s voice greeted you in that heartwarming way that only he had, and with just a couple of steps he reached you and held you in a tight hug, slightly taking your feet off the ground. 
“Hi, Freddie,” you whispered in his ear with a chuckle while he put you back on the floor. You saw his cheeks turning red because of the nickname and thought it was the cutest thing ever.
“Hope you’re hungry,” said George from behind Fred, but you couldn’t see him — Fred was your only view at that moment.
“Always am, Weasley,” you replied, placing your hands in the back pockets of your jeans and walking towards the smell of warm food. You had no idea what it was — you always sucked with scents — but it looked good. Fred turned in the direction you were walking, watching you.
Like you, he was scared to death that you both would be startled the next time you saw each other, but as soon as his eyes met yours, he couldn’t contain the joy and desire to at least embrace you.
The thing was, last time you two had seen each other was on a party in the twins flat, and, after a couple of drinks, you ended up kissing Fred in a bathroom. It actually happened like this:
“What are you doing here?” Fred asked when you stepped in the small bathroom of his room. He wasn’t angry, just surprised. Besides, he wasn’t naked or something — he had already done whatever he needed to do in the bathroom, but he needed to wash his hands before leaving.
“I know you said for us to use the guest bathroom, but whoever is in there hasn’t left since,” you sighed, staring at him slowly, taking your time to appreciate the view, “and I need to pee.”
“Oh, I’ll leave.”
“Please, don’t,” you said, a bit too fast. Even drunk, you noticed that you didn’t even hesitate. “It’s just... I’ll get lost in here alone.”
Fred looked around. He was drunk too, but he still had a clear idea that his flat wasn’t at all that big.
“Okay,” he agreed slowly, unsure of what else to say. He then turned to face the door, allowing you to do whatever you needed to do with some privacy.
Deep down, he loved the idea of being in a small room with you. It’s just, he was drunk, so it wasn’t the first scenario he had in mind.
“You can turn now,” you said; your voice followed by the sound of the flush. You stepped closer to the sink — there really wasn’t much space there — and after washing your hands, you were left to confront your darkest fears.
Fred stared down at you, his head above yours just like always, only this time, he was so close that it was almost terrifying. It made you weak in the knees. And you were so drunk...
“Kiss me.”
“Huh?” Fred shocked his head. He had heard you, he just wasn’t sure you wanted to make his wildest dreams come true.
“Kiss me, Freddie,” oh, the nickname — it was his weak spot, and he was so close now. Your hands cupped his cheekbone.
“You are drunk,” he stated, noticing that at any other circumstances, you wouldn’t have the balls.
“So are you,” you smiled, leaning closer to him and finally ending the last millimetres that were in your way.
Both of you remembered the kiss, even though the approach seemed to be like it never happened. It didn’t last much — someone knocked on the door, asking for Fred, saying they needed to say good-bye, and so he left you alone in that bathroom with just your thoughts and his smell all over you.
It had been two months since the kiss, and you two ignored each other since. Some nights, you wish you could’ve forgotten it, but how could you when every time you closed your eyes your brain replayed the moment?
“Lost in thoughts?” asked Molly as she placed some food in your plate during dinner.
You stared at her — truly lost in thoughts. She smiled, forcing you to smile back, but the corner of your mind was still thinking about Fred and the fact that in a couple of hours you’d be sleeping in his room. With him.
Dinner went well, and even the late hours by the fire — even though Ginny and Ron left you to sit on the floor. It was easy to distract yourself from Fred when he had like, a ton of other siblings to talk to. And unfortunately, that’s what you did — avoided talking to only him the whole night.
When you finally gathered enough courage, you went to the bedroom, already in your pyjamas. You came across a snoring George (how easy it was for him to sleep, it was a mystery), but Fred’s bed was still empty.
As you entered the room trying to make as little noise as possible, you realized that there was already a body on your mattress on the floor.
Red hair fluttered, and in the dim light of the only candle in the room, you saw Fred’s eyes shine when they met you.
“What are you doing on my mattress?”
“Yours?” he asked in a voice not as low as yours. Perhaps he knew the limits of his brother’s hearing better than you. “You didn’t think I was going to let you sleep on the floor, did you?”
“Fred, please, it wouldn’t be a bother...”
“[y/n], just accept my bed for today. ’M already very well settled here to leave,” he debated, gesturing with his neck towards himself, where he really looked comfortable under a thick blanket.
You sighed, knowing very well, after years of being Fred and George’s best friend that there was no point with arguing. So you jumped on his old bed, trying to find a position, but already knowing it’d take you at least a couple of hours to finally sleep.
In a quick and not calculated movement, your head ended up turned on the pillow, making your breathing more limited, thus having to breathe through it.
It was a bad idea because, without warning, Fred’s scent invaded your nostrils. It wasn’t a bad smell, quite the contrary — it was very much inviting and, knowing that Fred was only less than a meter from you and remembering the taste of his kiss, sleeping was suddenly impossible that night.
You sighed, but could not move, paralyzed in that position — it was as if your body was addicted to his scent, and you wanted more and more. When you finally fell asleep, the dream that invaded your subconscious was not much different than what you imagined before you went to sleep.
“Popcorn duty?” asked Fred, catching up to you with just a couple of large steps.
“Yeah,” you sighed, trying not to sound so disappointed. Of course, spending time with Fred was marvellous, but since you kissed him and he never mentioned it again, it kinda seemed fair to you not want to be alone with him.
Fred didn’t notice something off with your tone, so he kept walking next to you towards the kitchen, where Molly had told you the popcorn was.
Placing yourselves next to each other, you were left responsible for holding the fishing wire, and Fred was in charge of the popcorn. You handed the point of the wire for him, who sought advice with his eyes.
You helped him with your hands — this time, you were the one to blush with the touch. You did not expect his hands to be so warm in the middle of winter.
“Do you reckon Mum would mind if we ate one?” he asked, raising a single popcorn up. “Or two?”
You chuckled at his worries, looking down at the bowl filled with old popcorn. You had no idea why he thought that was delicious. It still smelled like good popcorn, but you knew that, for these types of garlands, it needed to be ready, like, at least, one week earlier.
“They don’t look very appetizing to me,” you commented, tilting your head towards him, holding tightly to the wire since Fred seemed reckless with the thing.
“Ah,” Fred sighed, using the popcorn that he was about to eat to place in the garland. He seemed to be getting the hang of it by now. “Well, I’m just hungry,” he shrugged innocently.
“I bet. It’s not like you just ate breakfast, right?” you chuckled, and Fred joined, looking at you with the same sparkly eyes that captured your heart when you were just a kid. He had no idea that you have been liking him for so long.
“I’ll tell you what, before we go to bed, we can watch a movie and I’ll make you new popcorn,” you offered after a moment of silence. Fred wasn’t the quiet type of guy, so when the room was filled with it, something was definitely wrong.
He smiled with the opportunity you gave him. “Asking me on a date, [y/n]?”
You elbowed him, laughing nervous first, but when you realized that he was just teasing you, your laugh became more real. It was so easy to have fun with Fred.
After a few years of romantically craving him so strongly, you had forgotten that he was also a great friend.
“You wish, Weasley,” you chuckled.
Charlie walked in the kitchen, followed by Ron, and both of the brothers stared at you two for a while before getting back to what they planned on doing.
“Having fun?” asked Charlie with the cutest British mixed with Romanian accent ever.
You exchanged looks with Fred.
“No, he’s pretty boring,” you shrugged, before dropping your act and laughing out loud. 
“[y/n] won’t let me eat the popcorn,” Fred said, getting on board with your joke.
“That’s not what I said,” you raised a brow. Ron was about to roll his eyes, very much tired of your thing with Fred. He remembered you two back in school and how annoying and oblivious you two were. He was just like that with Hermione, but you were never the one to point it out. 
“I said that this popcorn is old,” you reached for one yourself, “and disgusting.”
“Are you complaining about Mum’s food?” Fred asked, dropping the wire over the table and crossing his arms, trying to look intimidating.
“She didn’t make it for us to eat it,” you pointed out. 
Charlie was leaned in the sink counter, watching the scene with a glass of water in his hands, trying hard not to laugh at the fact that you two were acting like an old couple. It kinda reminded him of when he was younger, and Arthur and Molly couldn’t stop arguing about what to do with the too-big-to-enter-the-house Christmas Tree.
“Let’s go, Charlie,” Ron called his older brother. “The ball ornaments won’t paint themselves.”
“You guys are painting the ornaments?” you expression suddenly turned blue. Fred looked down at you, feeling worried. “Oh, I wish I was painting.”
Fred bit his lip before suggesting “Why don’t you go with them? I think I can finish this myself.”
You looked from the bowl of popcorn still full with it to Fred, who had the cutest of faces. 
“Nah, you need me,” you said and then gulped at the double meaning of your words. “I mean, need me to finish this.”
Charlie and Ron exchanged suspicious looks while Fred stared at you, smiling with his eyes.
“Should we...?” Ron whispered to Charlie, who just placed his hands in the youngest’s back and pushed it.
“Just go,” Charlie whispered back, leaving you and Fred to get back to your own rhythm with things, distracted with each other.
When the popcorn garlands where ready, the tree was already inside the house — job done by Arthur and Bill. They had picked a beautiful tree (and to Charlie’s relief, this one fit the house).
Ginny and Hermione were the two focusing on placing the decorations on the right places, following the orders of Molly and Fleur (although the girls seemed to be paying attention only to Molly’s suggestions).
You were about to sit in the middle of Fred and George in the couch when Ron, Charlie, Percy and his wife walked in the house, holding a big transparent box filled with painted balls.
“Ow, let me see them!” you rushed next to Charlie and deepened your hands inside. “Are they still fresh?”
“No,” Charlie replied, noticing you were scared of ruining the ornaments.
The first one your hands touched you brought up, noticing it had two different names on it. In one side, [y/n] was written, but the other had Fred on it.
“Why two names?” you really wanted to ask why it was yours and Fred’s, but there were too many people on the room.
Ron and Charlie gulped, while Percy and his wife exchanged happy side looks.
“Mum wanted two names in each because she felt like our names were too short,” said Ron, but his explanation didn’t please anyone on the room, “or something,” he added a second later.
You placed the ball in your hands back in the box, and Charlie offered you a sympathetic smile.
You headed back to the couch, watching the girls finish placing the ornaments. Molly walked in, with a lot of bags on her hand, so Bill and George got up to help, leaving you and Fred on the couch alone.
“So... our date’s still up?”
You turned your face to him, at first confused, but then giggling.
“It’s not a date.”
“Did you invite anyone else?” he asked, leaning closer to you involuntarily.
“No,” you said as if it was clear.
“Then it is a date,” he smirked. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone you asked me out.”
“Oh, shove off, Weasley,” you pushed him slightly, both of you laughing. Oh, how you wanted it to be a real date.
But sure it wasn’t. It couldn’t be, right? you wondered, staring at him from the corner of your eye.
“Okay, they’re gone,” Fred said, calling you from the stairs. You left his room on tiptoes, scared of waking the house up and reached him at the bottom of the staircase.
You two waited for everyone to leave the living room — where the only TV in the house could be found — and pretended to go to bed as well. When Fred’s watch pointed to one in the morning, he shook your arm slightly (waking you up but you’d never confess you had slept) and you both left for your adventure.
“So what movie did you get us?”
He turned to face you, who was sitting in the couch, bringing the blanket you had taken with yourself closer to your chin.
“While You Were Sleeping,” he answered. “Seemed to be the youngest Mum had around.”
“It’s a romance,” you pointed out, tilting your head provocatively.
“It’s not a...” Fred looked up to the TV where Sandra Bullock started walking around the streets. “It’s a romance,” he sighed, defeated.
You chuckled. “I like it. But do you?”
“Ahn,” he seemed lost in thought. “It doesn’t matter.”
You had no idea what that meant, but you gave him some room to sit next to you in the couch and for him to get under the covers, while the popcorn in your lap kept you two moving your mouths.
The movie seemed quite pleasant, but it was hard to pay attention when Fred’s smell was all over you once again, the only smell your body had no problem identifying.
You gulped in the dark. “Are you enjoying it?” you asked, sure that romantic movies could not possibly be Fred’s favourite genre.
“Yep,” he answered a bit too fast. Suspicious, you thought.
“Who’s your favourite character?” you decided to test him.
“The girl.”
“Why’s that?” his answers seemed too generic so when replied this last question you made, you were surprised.
“She likes the guy, but she’s afraid to give up what she idealized. She’s scared of the new,” he said, and although the answer appeared accurate to the movie, something told you he was not talking about Sandra Bullock’s character.
You turned to face him, noticing that he was way closer to you then you thought. Perhaps all the warm did not come from only the blanket. Fred gulped when he saw you staring at him.
“I think she has a valid reason for that.”
The corners of his lips raised just a little. “What’s that?”
“The guy hasn’t been very clear about what he wants either.”
Fred gulped, feeling his cheeks burn. You were right — he wasn’t talking about the movie character.
“Kiss me.”
Oh, the sentence that has been hunting both of you down this time was voiced by Fred Weasley and that could have not left you more speechless.
So you knew what you had to do, after all, the guy was being very clear about what he wanted.
Your lips met his, this time with no rush. It was like when a hummingbird meets a flower — delicate, even though deep down very much desperate.
At this moment, you two were alone, and you had time, and you weren’t drunk. This time was going to be perfect, and Merlin, how it was! Fred had this unique way of touching you softly but fervently, and each time his hands changed position, your body twisted, wanting more, wanting him to kiss you everywhere, hoping he wouldn’t go away.
When you two finally parted, after several attempts to do so, but neither wanting to stop kissing yet, he smirked down at you, leaving your body in his embrace.
“You taste like popcorn,” he said, breaking the silence of the living room since the movie had ended and neither of you had noticed.
“I hope it’s the good one,” you smiled too, feeling surrendered to his charms.
It was good to have him around you, his body twisted with yours, and it was even best to know that he wanted you as much or even more than you craved him.
“It’s the best one,” he said, before kissing you again.
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chilly-me-softly · 3 years
fluff alphabet for jordan (henderson)
This is my first alphabet so hope I did it right and that you like it! x
Jordan wasn't the best cook in the world, he kept it simple and always made the same recipes sure that the result was more than acceptable. And you loved to see him in action, from the moment he put on his apron until he got to the cooker, his expression always focused as if he were in the middle of a surgical operation. And then his eagerness to know if it was good, the smile on his face when you complimented him, him enormously pleased with himself.
Of course he always has a ball between his feet, many times urging you to play with him. And you're not a professional player at his level, but you certainly manage to distract him in other ways...
After a day of practice what better thing than holding you in his arms while you tell him what happened while he was gone or anything else that comes to mind. Your voice is better than any relaxing drink, so much so that many times he has closed his eyes without even noticing.
But it's the little circles you draw on his arm, the light kisses you leave on his chin from time to time that make his night. Because no matter how much he likes being around the boys, no one pampers him like you do.
The little dinosaur is supposed to be for your son, but ever since it was given to you, it keeps you company when you're alone. Or even to annoy Jordan as he often complains that you spend more time hugging that soft toy than he does.
"I swear, as soon as he's born, I'll let him have it"
"If you say so" Jordan strokes your eight month old baby bump with a smile on his face, "did you hear mommy? She'll leave you her toys" he leaves a light kiss on your belly as you gasp hitting him with the dinosaur head.
"You're really mean Jordan, go away I never want to see you again" you put on a fake pout as he looks at you softly getting up to be at your height.
"How about you keep this dinosaur, and our son gets another one? You can match"
"I don't need a stuffed animal, I'm a big girl now" but you don't believe it either, him raising an eyebrow clearly amused and you hitting him with the dinosaur again.
Even on his days off Jordan had to work out, the home gym built for the occasion. And he loves showing off for you, when you go to sit on a bench and your gaze settles on his toned, sweaty body.
"Like what you see?" he sneers, gently passing the towel over his face and then laying it on your shoulders, you rolling your eyes faking nonchalance.
"Please my lover is in better shape"
"Oh yeah?" Jordan walks over trapping your legs against the bench and starting to lie on top of you.
"No Jordan you're sticky" you try to desist but he's already on your lips. So you draw him to you by the neck, the thin layer of clothing separating you starting to get annoying.
Jordan literally loves family photos, a big one of you just on the fireplace. He claims that every year you have to redo it because you all change so much, especially the little ones. Plus that year there is a new member of the family so it has to be redone.
You smile, arranging the ribbon around the baby's head in your arms as a three-year-old runs past your side almost tripping.
"Careful" you sigh, "Come on come over here next to us so we can take the picture and then you can go play" you don't know how he hasn't gotten dirty in some way yet. Jordan and the light shirt obsession. It's cute but totally not appropriate for a vulcano like your kid.
Finally Jordan arrives after talking to the photographer about the shots, wrapping an arm around you briefly. He places a kiss on your temple and the forehead of the little one in your arms before stopping the baby who was about to run away again.
"Just two minutes okay?" he smiles, crouching down and resting his hands on the kid's shoulders, smoothing down his jacket and adjusting his little bow tie before guiding him back to his seat.
And at the end of the week all you have to do is choose the best photo.
Especially in summer you used to disappear to spend some time alone away from schedules, appointments, dinners to attend, families. Nothing was better than disconnecting, just you and Jordan relaxing in a secluded place or being tourists in some unknown location. You did everything you could to keep your mind off your troubles for even a couple of nights and it was always worth it.
All you had to do was say that word and Jordan would drop what he was doing, his arms gently around your body. Sometimes you did it just for the sake of it, but most of the time you just felt the need to be held and he was almost always there to satisfy you.
Sick Jordan was absolutely something. His unkempt state, his bright eyes and his drawling smile made him so cute in your eyes even though he felt like crap.
"Stop looking at me like that" he complains as he always does trying to hide his head somewhere while you smile.
"I'm not doing anything"
"You're looking at me" his voice comes muffled from under the pillow as you try to take it off, stroking his slightly damp hair. You liked taking care of him for once, even if it meant he wasn't at his best. He always seemed so strong, always available for you and that was one of the few times you could somehow return the favour.
He got annoying but you couldn't really take it out on him, could you?!
You didn't use nicknames, his name was good like that and you didn't need to change it or not use it at all. And he loved to hear his name coming from you. With hilarity when you were having fun; with sweetness in intimate moments; and yet angry, joking, alarmed, every possible nuance brought a smile to his face.
You were having breakfast one morning, you were enjoying your bowl of cereal while his had become un-eatable by now as he kept throwing you glances not caring about it.
He continues to twist something between the fingers of the hand he has hidden from your view when suddenly Jordan reaches across the table, sliding something towards you. A key.
"This is the house key. I wanted to... well give it to you but don't feel pressured in any way" he doesn't know exactly what he's nervous about, many times he's left you his keys to get in or when he was out of town for emergencies. But you looking at him motionless certainly doesn't help him. Has he made a mistake?
"You're giving me the key to your house?" your gaze on that object, incredulous, not touching it as if it might shock you. "Really?" you always had his keys on loan, having your own meant he trusted you enough to let you into his space even unannounced, or that you wouldn't lose it and risk someone else finding it. It was a really great gesture.
"Yeah I mean I thought you could have your own copy, and use it even when I'm here" a huge smile breaks across your face as you stand up going to sit on Jordan's lap, him scooting his chair further back to allow you to be more comfortable.
"That's...I have no words. Just thank you"
"I like the idea of coming home to find you already comfortable"
"Oh I surely will" you chuckle as you finally take that key in your hands, snapping to your feet causing a confused expression to appear on Jordan's face as you leave for the door.
"I forgot something" you walk back inside using the key and going straight to leave a kiss on his lips as he stands up immediately wrapping his arms around your body. "Are you crazy? It's so cold out there"
"I have a key now" you state with satisfaction as you cling to him.
Definitely his trademark, you can recognise it even with your eyes closed. You couldn't be more different than that, you always trying to be as quiet as possible while he was always so loud. But you couldn't help but be mesmerised by his face when he laughed, from his squinted eyes to his head thrown back.
"If I were to lose my memory, I'm sure your laugh would make me remember you" a soft smile on your face as you looked up at him slightly from below lying on his chest as he raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? Why would you lose your memory?"
"I said if, it's a scenario" you roll your eyes pouting, him quickly running his thumb over your lips to remove it.
"Why do you always have to be so tragic?"
"Ugh Jordan it was a compliment, it's not my fault you don't get it" and that laugh is always there to fill your heart.
Every home game Jordan is sure to have you at the stadium cheering for him. Over the years that has never changed, only skipping games when you weren't feeling well or when you were really pregnant and Jordan would be more concerned about you and your safety than the outcome of the game.
A little unspoken routine between you, him always leaving home early no matter the kick off time to review tactics and you sending him a text to wish him luck with a picture of you - and later a picture of you and the kids - wearing his jersey.
After the match regardless of the result and after he has done any interviews, here you are together sharing a short but sweet moment. You remind him how proud you are of him, the children want to go and play on the pitch.
His nose brushes your neck as he snuggles up against you to rest; his nose brushes yours gently in an Eskimo kiss before he makes your lips connect; his nose brushes your skin after you have just stepped out of the shower. You often teased him by saying he looked like a tracker but you liked that little attention, the build up to what came next.
You always tease him by claiming he's getting old, sprawled out on the couch after spending half an hour chasing his son completely out of energy while the kid would happily take another ten thousand steps in the backyard.
"If I'm old then so are you, you know that don't you?"
"Yeah" you shrug, "but I'm still younger than you"
It's no secret that Jordan travels a lot during the year, your pixilated face seen more times than he'd like. But you don't hold it against him, besides being work it's his dream and moving around so much means he's living it to the fullest; that he's required and indispensable to the team besides being its captain of course.
You have learned to live the moments when you are together, to cheer and not waste it. And every time he stops to look at you while you're sleeping by his side or even just at any other time, he can't stop remembering how much those pixels don't really do you justice.
It was a normal day in your life when you realised as a teenager that you had a thing for guys' hands, and if they had rings for some reason it was a bonus.
And many times you'd literally froze as you stared at Jordan's hands moving as he talked or wrote or cooked, the addition of that ring after your wedding didn't help the cause. You were brought back down to earth by his laughter because it was always surprising how one minute you were actively participating in the conversation and the next you were like in trance.
You don't think you've ever told him verbally but you were lucky enough to have met him. Jordan makes you feel safe and you don't talk about the need to be defended from the bad. You know that with Jordan you can talk about whatever is on your mind without fear of being judged, you know he will always be there for you no matter what. You're immediately heartened by the reminder that he's by your side because any moment is less hard if the right person is by your side.
It is something you often talk about, tomorrow. Everything is unpredictable, you never wanted to make long-term plans because you never know what might happen but only one thing you know for sure that you want Jordan by your side. And your idea matches his.
"You are my tomorrow and as long as I wake up with you by my side I will have a reason to smile"
"You are my universe"
"Stop it"
"But you are, why wouldn't I tell you" he chuckles as you hit him trying to hide your face.
You are one who is always on the move, always available for others but at the same time doesn't know how to react to compliments. You do what you do not to be praised or anything else but just because you feel like it and every time after a compliment of any kind any word would seem unnecessary, making you stand in front of that person smiling embarrassed making you feel uncomfortable. There, if you had to find a word to describe it you could say that compliments make you uncomfortable.
And Jordan knows this very well, but every now and then when you're alone he starts showering you with compliments and sweet phrases for the sake of it. But the truth is that he likes it when you blush, your cheeks turning red as you do your best not to look him in the eye or hide your face in your hands.
It seemed years away, but your wedding day had arrived overwhelmingly. You couldn't wait to experience that day and those emotions to the fullest. The thing that had been most challenging for you was the vows, so many things to say without finding the right words. Everything seemed already said, obvious, not perfect and several times you had been on the verge of a nervous breakdown for that small detail.
But on your wedding day, no one around you exists anymore. There's just you and Jordan and your hearts full of love for each other, his thumb caressing the back of your hand for support. You almost forget what you've been struggling to write over those last few months, the words that come easily from your lips just by looking into his eyes.
Winner takes it all. Jordan watches from afar as you joke with some of his teammates and the only thing he can think about is how that year just ended was one of the most amazing of his life so far, both professionally and in his personal life. He had achieved extraordinary goals with the team, broken records and set new ones. And then he had you who had given him a child a few months earlier and he felt like a winner.
"Yeah that's yummy" Jordan watches his baby close his mouth around the spoon and then bring his thumb to his mouth getting messy with his own food.
"Why do you do that hm? Why?" his tone of voice only makes the child laugh as he waits for another bite clapping his hands on the high chair. Jordan quickly satisfies him seeing the same scene repeat itself, the little hands that have now become sticky and are getting everything they touch dirty like they always do at feeding time.
His professionalism never fails to amaze you as you watch him from afar managing to handle questions in front of a computer. It will be the third interview in which he's asked the same things over and over again and you have never seen him make any gesture of tiredness or annoyance. And you are waiting for him to finally get up from that chair to wrap him in your arm and give him the right amount of pampering he needs to clear his head of everything.
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rafael-silva · 3 years
for your arms are my lifeline: a tarlos fic
Where Carlos and TK are looking forward to their first lunch at Andrea and Gabriel’s place, TK a little nervous but both of them excited. The day, however, is quickly turned upside down when Carlos starts showing symptoms of an allergic reaction he didn’t have before.
for bad things happen bingo: tarlos + hurts to breathe
hurt carlos reyes, worried tk strand, paramedic tk, hurt/comfort, emotional/hurt comfort, kisses, whump, comfort
6.9k | rated T | on ao3
(inspired by maddie’s pink skies will keep me warm)
“Ready?” Carlos asks over his shoulder, standing by the front door and slipping his wallet into a back pocket of his jeans.
“Be right there!” He hears TK yelling from their bedroom upstairs.
Carlos hears shuffling moments later, followed by TK appearing on the top of the staircase and rapid footsteps thumping to the bottom.
“Easy, babe, we’re in no immediate rush,” Carlos lightly chuckles, directing his comment at the fact that TK took two steps at a time coming down.
“Just don’t want to be late to your parents’,” TK replies.
Carlos shakes his head. “We’re ahead of time. But what would really make us late is if you took a tumble down those stairs and we’d have to visit the ER,” he teases.
TK playfully rolls his eyes at Carlos. He knows he’s right, though, that if anyone can get hurt walking or, in this case, leaping down a staircase, it’s him.
And Carlos knows all-too well just how strong of a danger magnet his boyfriend is.
“I think we’ll even be a little early,” the officer continues.
TK unconsciously looks himself up and down, and Carlos knows he was doing the exact thing upstairs in front of the mirror a minute ago.
“Hey,” Carlos says softly, placing both hands on TK’s shoulder and following his gaze so TK looks into his mesmerizing brown eyes. “You look amazing. I’m positive my mother is going to compliment you on your outfit.”
TK shrugs, shoving his hands into his front jeans pockets. “I’m just nervous, I guess. It’s the first time we’re going over to their place and I want it to be perfect.”
“It will be,” Carlos promises. “I know they’re very excited to have us over.”
TK visibly relaxes and some of the tension seeps out of his shoulders.
Carlos moves closer to TK and closes the distance between them with a soft kiss to his lips.
TK smiles against Carlos’s kiss, returning it.
“Come on,” Carlos says when they separate, grabbing the container filled with chocolate chip cookies that they had baked for Andrea and Gabriel.
TK is on his heels, fetching the bouquet of a collection of beautiful flowers he bought for Andrea as they both step out of their home.
TK feels the nerves start to brew again the closer they get to their destination. He tries to swallow it down, but unconsciously starts bouncing his leg up and down while staring out of the window, watching as the crowded heart of Austin disappears in the rearview mirror, gradually replaced with wide, open fields.
Carlos notices and he reaches for TK’s hand with his right one, eyes fixed on the road and gives him a supportive squeeze.
“It’s going to be great,” Carlos reassures him.
TK spots the beautiful house from down the street as Carlos slows down the Camaro. He’s immediately engulfed with warmth as he steps out once the car is parked, and there’s so much history and so many memories engraved in the wood of this house, TK can tell, and it takes his breath away.
They walk side by side until they reach the front steps, and TK can practically feel Carlos buzzing with excitement and joy next to him.
The steps leading to the front door are decorated with flowers and he easily spots the porch swing sitting in the corner of the porch, no doubt carrying many stories.
Carlos watches with a smile as TK admires the entrance before turning to face him.
“Carlos, it’s absolutely beautiful,” TK awes.
Carlos nods, memories of his own rushing through his head.
The door is flung open moments later, revealing a very happy looking Andrea Reyes, her eyes immediately landing on Carlos and TK.
“Hola, boys,” she starts. “Mira, you both look so handsome.” And then to Carlos, “you could have rung the doorbell, you know.”
Carlos chuckles, nodding. “I was about to, TK was just admiring the porch and entrance.”
“It’s really beautiful, Mrs. Reyes,” TK smiles, his nerves slightly visible on his features. “And these are for you.” He holds out the pretty bouquet.
“Oh, TK,” Andrea says softly. “Thank you.” She accepts the flowers and pulls TK into a tender hug. “For both the compliment and the flowers. They’re beautiful. And I know just which vase to use.”
“Of course, it’s the least I could do,” TK replies, returning the hug.
Andrea looks at her son once she and TK separate. “Carlitos,” she beams, wrapping her arms around his muscular frame.
“Hi, Ma,” Carlos returns the hug with one arm, the other hand holding the container of cookies. “Thank you for having us.”
“We’re happy to have you,” Andrea responds and ushers them into the house. “Now, come on. Food is almost ready. I made some of your favorite dishes.”
TK is enveloped with more feelings of home once he steps into the house. It’s simple yet complex in different ways. The walls around hold various shelves, each covered in either family photos or neatly organized books. The house is so lived-in, and TK can feel the memories in the air, can feel the love this space holds. He can picture Carlos as a toddler, running around these very walls, laughter echoing through the house as his parents play with him. Or a young Carlos sitting on the dining table, working on a project with Andrea and Gabriel close as they watch him with pride. And even a family movie night, the Reyes’s watching a comedy together, laughing until their stomachs hurt and tears roll down their cheeks. Because in every way, this house feels like joy.
He follows Carlos and Andrea into the backyard, where he sees Gabriel get up from his seat to greet them.
“Hey, boys,” Gabriel smiles. “Carlitos,” Gabriel gives Carlos a hug.
“Hi, dad,” Carlos smiles back.
“Good to see you, TK,” Gabriel extends a hand to the paramedic once he and Carlos pull away.
“You, too, Mr. Reyes,” TK shakes the Ranger’s hand.
“Time to eat,” Andrea announces, returning with the flowers in a vase, which she places in the middle of the dining table.
Carlos immediately recognizes the vase as one he bought his mother as a birthday gift a couple of years ago and his smile widens.
“Let me help you,” TK says.
Andrea gives him an appreciative nod.
“And I’ll set the table,” Carlos adds and steps into the house after them, grabbing the placemats and cutlery from where they’ve always been.
TK reappears a few minutes later, holding a salad bowl and a large plate of tacos. Andrea joins them with a fish dish and bowl of tortilla chips.
“It smells and looks delicious, Mrs. Reyes,” TK smiles.
“TK, please, it’s Andrea,” she replies. “And I hope you enjoy the food.”
They all fall into easy conversation as they being serving their food and sitting around the table, Carlos and TK side by side across from Andrea and Gabriel. They catch up as Carlos and TK tell Andrea and Gabriel about their shifts and calls, moving back and forth between talking about their work and personal lives, which lead into other stories about childhoods and revivals of memories.
TK is telling them about a call the 126 got when Carlos starts zoning out of the conversation, feeling a little off about halfway into their meal.
It starts with a small cough, Carlos clearing his throat after a couple of times. But it leads to some more coughing.
“You okay, Carlitos?” Andrea asks, concerned.
Carlos nods. “I’m fine, I think a chip just got lodged in my throat.” He reaches for his water, taking a careful sip.
He draws in a deep breath, which only intensifies the coughing and TK watches him carefully, starting to get rigid and tense at the unexplained and sudden coughing fit which doesn’t seem to be easing and he can hear a light wheeze coming from Carlos. Something doesn’t seem right and he’s about to say something when the coughing finally subsides. TK holds back, but keeps an eye on Carlos during the remainder of their meal.
They soon start to clean up, TK about to help Andrea with returning the food to the kitchen when Carlos start coughing again. TK frowns, moving closer to his boyfriend.
“Carlos, what’s going on?”
And just like that, the atmosphere in the room turns heavy and tense.
“I’m okay, I’ll just step outside for some fresh air. It will pass,” Carlos decides and moves to the backyard, feeling TK and his parents’ gaze on him.
TK’s eyes remain on the door long after Carlos disappears on the other side, and he’s pulled back by Andrea’s voice.
“Lets pack the leftovers in boxes and we’ll check on Carlos. You boys can take some food home with you, too.”
They return to the living room just as the backyard door slides open and TK turns his attention to Carlos, who’s stepping back inside, looking shaky.
“Carlos?” TK calls out, frowning and instinctively starts to move towards his boyfriend.
The worried call of their son’s name pulls Andrea and Gabriel’s attention as they both turn to look at the two men.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” TK asks, getting closer.
Carlos shrugs. “Not sure, but something is not right.”
TK’s heart drops when Carlos sways to the side, knees and legs unbalanced and its thanks to TK’s quick reflexes that Carlos isn’t currently toppling to the ground.
“Whoa, hey, hey,” TK rushes to steady the taller man with a strong hold, his hands reaching out and latching onto Carlos’s shoulders. He feels Carlos grow even weaker in his grip and it’s up to TK to carry Carlos’s weight and help him over to the nearby couch.
Andrea and Gabriel, wearing identical looks of concern, are by their side now as TK gently lowers Carlos on the soft cushion and crouches in front of him.
“Hey, Carlos,” TK says, trying to keep his voice calm for Carlos’s sake but some of his own panic cracks through. “Talk to me, baby. What are you feeling?”
Carlos shakes his head, a hand going to clutch at his chest. “I…I can’t…chest is tight, hurts to breathe,” he wheezes out.
TK can see Andrea and Gabriel share a worried look from the corner of his eye but he keeps his attention on Carlos, going into first responder mode as the paramedic in him springs to life.
“Okay, okay,” TK nods, taking Carlos’s free hand that’s sitting in his lap and gives it a light squeeze. “I know it’s not easy but I need you to try and breathe slowly and evenly for me, okay?”
Carlos replies with a shaky nod.
“Okay, just breathe with me. You’re okay, I got you,” TK reassures Carlos.
Carlos keeps his eyes glued to TK’s, following the younger man’s instructions and letting him guide his breathing. The panic had started to subside a little, courtesy of TK’s presence and touch, but it still felt like a weight is crushing Carlos’s chest and lungs.
Once he thinks he can talk again, Carlos opens his mouth. “Chest…on fire,” he manages to say around a sniffle. “I feel sick.”
TK nods, gently taking Carlos’s face in his hands and tilting it upwards a little, his gut feeling confirmed when he registers Carlos’s red and watery eyes and now-flushed cheeks, as well as his slightly swollen face. After the quick survey of Carlos’s presenting symptoms, TK sighs.
“You’re having an allergic reaction,” TK states.
Carlos’s eyes go wide at that, the panic from earlier returning full force and starts stirring hotly in his gut, his stomach churning.
TK immediately picks up on that and is quick to reassure Carlos. “Hey, hey, Carlos, it’s okay. Stay with me. I need you to try to calm down. I know it’s scary but we can’t have you hyperventilate. Breathe. Slowly, in and out.”
TK breathes with Carlos for a few moments, and once satisfied that Carlos is okay, TK turns to his parents.
“Is there an epipen around?” He asks, grabbing his phone from the nearby dining table.
Andrea shakes her head. “No one in the family has allergies, that we know of.”
TK can sense the fear in her voice, knowing she’s staying calm for Carlos’s sake as well, and TK can see the fright in the way her eyes instantly go back to her son when she’s done answering, her eyebrows knitted together.
Gabriel wraps an arm around his wife’s shoulder, pulling her closer into his side and she goes easily, leaning into his touch and against his body.
TK knows he’s offering her, and himself, comfort, and TK can see his own feelings of helplessness and worry mirrored back at him through Carlos’s parents.
TK turns back to Carlos as he dials 911, putting it on speaker. “You’re okay, babe. I got you, we got you,” he hopes his voice is steadier than how it sounds to his own ears.
“911, what’s your emergency?”
TK could cry with relief at the familiar voice on the other side of the line. “Grace, it’s TK. Carlos is having an allergic reaction, unknown cause. We’re at his parents’ and there’s no epipen,” he explains, giving her the address next.
“I’m dispatching the nearest ambulance. It’s the 126, they’ll be there in three minutes,” Grace replies. “How’s Carlos doing?”
TK swallows against his dry throat before responding. “His breathing is slow and shallow and,” he places two fingers on Carlos’s neck, “his pulse is weaker than I like but he’s hanging in there.”
TK’s hand finds Carlos’s hand then and he gives it a reassuring squeeze.
Carlos feebly turns his head to the side as his mother moves closer to him. Andrea reaches out, placing a hand on the nape of Carlos’s neck and gently runs her palm up and down there. The movement helps comfort Carlos, just as it did when he was a little boy.
Carlos attempts to give his mother a calming smile, but it’s trembly and uneven. She smiles back and blinks, keeping her tears at bay.
Carlos then focuses on TK and tries to push aside the burning sensation in his chest. But it’s painful and he feels more dread build in his stomach. He can see TK’s lips moving but the words don’t quite reach his ears. Carlos feels like he’s in a haze, everything a blur around him and moving in slow motion.
“Focus on my voice, ‘Los,” TK’s words finally begin to filter through. “We’re all here, you’re okay. Help is almost here.”
The officer looks directly into TK’s eyes, ignoring the way his eyes itch and how he just wants to close them for a minute. He’s so tired, he’s exhausted really and he just wants to rest for a little bit.
“He’s starting to fade, Grace,” TK says, voice filled with terror.
The next thing Carlos hears is TK’s voice laced with panic and alarm, the paramedic not concealing it anymore.
“No, no, you have to stay awake, Carlos. Open your eyes for me,” TK pleads, his own eyes blown wide with worry.
His heart breaking at the fear and pain coating TK’s voice, and wanting to wash it away, Carlos fights through the fatigue and peels his eyelids open, finding TK’s concerned face amid the fog that is his vision.
“That’s it, stay with me,” TK visibly relaxes a notch and cups Carlos’s face, caressing his cheek with the pad of his thumb. It’s only then that TK realizes his hands are shaking.
Carlos leans into TK’s palm, the warmth and comfort grounding him, TK’s touch his lifeline.
The wailing of sirens fill the air a few moments later and TK is speaking to Grace again.
“They’re here, Grace.”
“Okay, go take care of your man. Let me know how he’s doing,” Grace replies.
“Thanks, Grace. I will.”
Carlos wasn’t even aware that Grace was still on the line as TK hangs up.
“I’ll go lead them inside,” Gabriel speaks up, and rushes to the front door.
The Texas Ranger returns less than a minute later, the paramedics right behind him, carrying their equipment. TK relaxes some more upon seeing his team arrive, getting up and standing next to the couch, still holding Carlos’s hand as Tommy and Nancy approach.
“Hey, guys,” Tommy gives them a small smile.
“Hey, Cap, Nancy.”
“Carlos, how are you doing?” Tommy asks in her calm tone, kneeling down where TK was moments ago.
“Okay,” Carlos croaks out.
Tommy gently pushes the stethoscope around Carlos’s chest, listening intently as Nancy starts taking his vitals.
TK shares a look with Andrea and Gabriel as Tommy and Nancy work in unison, their collective worry tangible and dominant in the air around them. Andrea’s arm snakes around her husband’s waist, seeking his comfort and TK knows she’s also giving Gabriel some of her own strength. He gives them a reassuring smile, strong and steady now, because it’s all going to be okay. His team is here now, taking care of Carlos. He’s going to be okay.
Gabriel understands, and gives TK a nod in response.
They turn their attentions back to Carlos and the paramedics when Nancy speaks, words directed to her Captain.
“His heart rate and respirations are low, Cap.”
Tommy nods, and accepts the epipen Nancy had ready.
TK finds himself smiling at watching his team work, they really all have become a well-oiled machine and they don’t need words to ask or to do anything, they’re all on the same page, the same line, always.
“Just a little pinch,” Tommy tells Carlos as she readiest the epipen and administers the medication.
The tension in the room starts evaporating when Carlos finally draws in a shaky, but full breath, and lets it out slowly. He coughs a couple of times, and TK places a hand on his back, rubbing his palm there in even circles to help ease the coughing fit.
“That’s it, baby,” TK speaks. “Take slow, deep breaths.”
When every breath Carlos lets out is followed by a series of coughs, Nancy moves to take his oxygen level.
“Oxygen level is a bit low, Cap.”
“Okay, let’s get you into the ambulance, Carlos,” Tommy decides.
Carlos turns to look at TK, his eyes wide and questioning.
“Just to give you some oxygen to get your level back to normal,” TK answers.
“I’ll go get everything ready,” Nancy says, grabbing the medkit and heads outside.
TK helps Carlos get up, and he and Gabriel support him as he walks on wobbly legs, slowly making their way to the rig.
A little dizzy and lightheaded with his legs feeling like jell-o, Carlos holds on as tightly as he can to his boyfriend and father, squinting his eyes at the harsh sunlight outside.
His eyes adapt by the time he’s being lowered to sit on the edge of the rig, Nancy already moving to place the oxygen mask over his face and he welcomes the fresh air being fed into his nose.
His muscles start to relax as he works on his even breathing, and TK sighs in relief. He can already see some of the redness has begun going away and the swelling has been reduced. He gives him a warm smile when Carlos looks at him.
“I don’t understand,” Andrea looks at TK. “Carlitos doesn’t have any allergies. He’d had this lunch so many times before. It’s been a while, though, so I thought it would be nice to make it for you both.”
TK nods. “Allergies are a mysterious thing. They can develop at any time, and even with foods that didn’t cause any before. It’s not unheard of. And it can happen during adulthood, too.”
“What did he eat?” Comes Tommy’s question.
“He had fish and chips and some black bean salad,” TK replies.
Tommy nods. “It’s probably the fish. It’s one of the most common allergies people have or develop.”
Carlos deflates a little at that, disappointment settling at the knowledge that he may not be able to have one of his favorite dishes anymore.
Andrea picks up on her son’s disapproval. “It’s okay, mijo. There’s plenty other dishes I’ll make for you and TK.”
Carlos gives her a small but grateful smile through the oxygen mask.
The mask stays on Carlos’s face for a few more minutes and then Nancy is taking his vitals again, smiling at the results.
“All good now,” she nods. “Everything is back to normal.”
TK steps forward, removing the oxygen mask and hands it back to Nancy. “How are you feeling, babe?”
“Much better,” Carlos replies.
“Good,” TK says before brushing a kiss to Carlos’s temple.
“Take it easy for the rest of the day, Carlos,” Tommy advises. “You might feel a little tired and worn out and that’s normal. Just rest.”
“We’ll take care of him and make sure he rests,” Gabriel reassures Tommy, looking more at ease.
“Thank you, Captain Vega, Nancy,” Carlos nods at the women.
“Glad you’re feeling better, man,” Nancy replies.
Gabriel helps Carlos back inside after saying their goodbyes while TK hangs back, Andrea staying with him, as Tommy and Nancy gather their equipment and drive off after another round of goodbyes and thank yous.
TK turns to head back inside when Andrea calling his name stops him. He turns to face her, and she’s looking at him with appreciation and approval.
“Thank you, for how you handled this whole thing,” Andrea clarifies. “You really did a great job keeping Carlitos calm and awake. He felt safe, and it’s all thanks to you.”
“Oh, that was nothing, Mrs. Reyes, I would do anything and everything I could to make sure he’s okay.”
“That was everything, TK,” Andrea corrects. “I know how scary that was, and I could see how it was affecting you but you pushed through that, you controlled that and you made sure Carlos was okay.”
TK drops his head, a hand going to scratch at the hair on the base of his head.
Andrea places a hand on TK’s shoulder. “Which brings me to my question, are you okay?”
TK hesitates for a moment, contemplating saying he’s fine but he knows Andrea will be able to see through it, the same way Carlos would.
TK sighs. “I’m a little shaken,” he raises his head and catches Andrea’s gaze. “It was scary, but I knew I had to put that fear aside, that it couldn’t cloud me and my abilities. I could help Carlos, I knew that beyond a doubt. I’m a paramedic, I know what to do in this situation, I’ve done it before, but it was a million times harder this time.”
“Because it was the man you’re in love with who was in danger,” Andrea adds.
TK nods.
“Just let me tell you this one thing.”
TK stays silent, watching Andrea.
“That fear, don’t push it aside anymore. Don’t bottle it up. The worst is over, Carlitos is fine. You can feel it now, don’t let yourself hold it back. And just as Carlos being in danger hurts, knowing he’s fine, seeing him and holding him will make it better. It will ease that pain and make the fear go away little by little.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Reyes,” TK gives Andrea a smile, knowing he’s right from his own experience.
Andrea returns it, giving TK’s shoulder a squeeze. “Come on now, let’s go back inside. Carlos will think we’re plotting something or another.”
TK chuckles and follows Andrea inside the house.
Carlos looks up from where he’s sitting on the couch, this time looking far more relaxed and not in pain. “Everything okay?” He asks with a small frown.
“Everything’s good,” TK replies, planting a kiss to Carlos’s forehead. “So glad you’re doing better, baby.”
“Thanks to you,” Carlos says, immediately gravitating towards his boyfriend once TK is sitting next to him.
“You know I’ll always do anything to make sure you’re okay,” TK intertwines their fingers together and rests their joined hands in his lap.
A wide smile spreads on Andrea’s face as she watches the heartwarming exchange between her boys, her heart swelling in her chest at the sight of Carlos resting his head on TK’s shoulder and TK gently running his thumb over Carlos’s knuckles.
It’s so simple yet so deep and those small gestures speak volumes she can hear. She feels their love, the comfort they give each other, and sees the way they’re tangled together and have become one.
And in her heart, Andrea knows her son has found his one in TK. And from what she’s witnessing, TK has found his one in Carlos, too.
She quietly ushers her husband into the kitchen, busying themselves there to give Carlos and TK some time to themselves.
They make their way into the backyard some time later, using their kitchen door so they wouldn’t disturb Carlos and TK. They could hear them chatting in low voices, Carlos’s tone still raspy and heavy but much better in comparison to an hour earlier.
They go quiet a little while later, and Andrea turns to see TK closing the sliding door a few minutes after.
“He fell asleep,” TK tells Andrea and Gabriel, who nod in response.
“Here, grab a seat, TK,” Gabriel points to the chair on Andrea’s side.
TK walks over and drops into it, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly.
“Would you like some fresh lemonade?” Andrea asks.
“Oh, sure, that would be great,” TK smiles.
Andrea pours him a generous amount and then hands the cup over.
“Thank you, ma’am,” TK gratefully accepts it and takes a sip, relishing in the cool drink and the way it runs down his throat. “This is so good.”
Andrea chuckles. “Drink up. There’s plenty more in the kitchen. It’s kind of a signature drink around here. We always have lemonade.”
“We can have some cookies too when Carlos wakes up,” TK suggests.
“Of course,” Andrea nods.
They all settle in comfortable silence, sipping their lemonades as the sun begins to descend  above them, painting the sky in streaks of red, orange and yellow, all morphing together with each blink.
TK opens a recent text thread, sending a message to Grace updating her about Carlos before locking his phone and leaning back in his seat. He feels heavy, his body and muscles almost weighting him down and he tries to get more comfortable, tries to erase the discomfort in his chest by making sure his body is at ease. He knows Carlos is okay, but the attack earlier is still eating at him, and he’s worried. He supposes it’s going to take a few days for him to feel better about it, but in this moment, all he can feel and think about is the way Carlos had gotten weaker in his grip. How Carlos was slipping away from him, and the sheer helplessness that had washed over him as it happened. He knew he gave Carlos all he could, did all he could for him, but part of TK was terrified that it might not have been enough. And even now, being just mere feet away that TK would hear Carlos if he so much as stirs, is still too far for TK.
His leg starts bouncing, his nervous energy palpable in the way the bobbing increases and hands busying themselves with the cup in his grip.
Clearing his throat, he sets the cup down and gets to his feet. “I’ll be right back, I just need to check on Carlos.”
Andrea and Gabriel nod knowingly, reading between the lines of TK’s words.
“You’re a good man, TK,” Andrea says when TK returns to his seat, looking a little better after checking on Carlos. “We really couldn’t be happier you and our Carlitos found each other.”
A big smile breaks on TK’s face. “That really means everything. He saved me, he truly did.”
“You saved him, too,” Gabriel says. “In so many ways.”
Andrea nods. “You brought him back to us. We didn’t know then, but now we do. He fell in love with you and you breathed fresh air into him.”
“His love made me better, made me better. My world was grey when my dad and I moved here, and Carlos brought color back into my life,” TK expresses, his heart singing with the amount of love he has for his boyfriend.
Andrea reaches out, clasping TK’s hands with her own and gives him a smile that speaks a thousand words, a smile that shows how incredibly grateful and blessed she feels at Carlos finding TK, at her son finding a love so pure, so powerful and beautiful with TK. The love she always dreamed her son would find.
“You found each other,” Andrea proclaims with joy coating her voice.
Gabriel nods, giving TK a soft smile.
TK’s chest fills with warmth and gratitude, Andrea and Gabriel’s words anchoring him and steadying him and it dawns on him then that he has found the rest of his family in the two people sitting across from him.
The sun has set and the stars twinkle against the dark sky when Carlos emerges from the living room.
“Carlitos,” Gabriel lights up at the sight of his son.
“Hi,” Carlos’s attempt to smile ends up turning into a yawn, which he stifles.
“Here,” TK grabs a chair and places it next to his.  
Carlos takes his mother’s hand and gives it a light squeeze as he passes her and then carefully lowers himself into the chair next to TK.
“How long have I been asleep?”
“A little over an hour,” TK replies. “You needed it.”
“Let me go get you a cup of fresh lemonade, mijo,” Andrea says as she gets up.
“Ma,” Carlos tries but trails off when Andrea lifts a knowing eyebrow at him. He knows enough to not argue with Andrea Reyes. “Thanks, Ma,” he smiles.
“A refill, TK?”
“Oh, sure, Mrs. Reyes, that would be great,” TK nods, handing her his cup.
She gives TK a pointed look. “Now what have we said about that?”
TK smiles, a little color smearing his cheeks. “Thank you, Andrea.”
“Much better,” she smiles at TK before heading towards the kitchen.
“Get what I mean about the first names?” Carlos whispers to TK.
TK nods, a little chuckle escaping his lips. “How are you feeling?”
“A little out of it, my whole body feels like jelly and my head is buzzing.”
“Yeah, it was a pretty rough reaction. You should be feeling better by the morning.”
Andrea returns with a tray, the cups filled to the brim, plus a big plate covered with the cookies and four smaller plates.
“Oh, the cookies!” Carlos smiles, excitement clear in his tired voice.
“We wanted to wait for you to wake up before eating them,” TK says, accepting his and Carlos’s filled cups.
Andrea helps everyone to the cookies, but Carlos and TK wait on eating theirs until they get Andrea and Gabriel’s reactions.
“Oh, boys, this is wonderful,” Andrea admires after a few bites.
“So good,” Gabriel agrees.
Carlos beams. “TK and I made them together.”
TK chuckles, shaking his head. “He’s being generous, he did most of the work.”
“You helped a lot, TK,” Carlos interjects. He seeks TK’s hand, and connects their fingers, gazing into green irises he could happily get lost in for days. “This was a team effort. We’re a team.”
“We do make a pretty good team,” TK smiles.
“Yes, we do,” Carlos nods fondly and brushes a kiss to TK’s cheek.
The four of them slip into light conversation, nibbling at the cookies and drinking lemonade until the cookies are almost finished and the lemonade has been consumed.
With another suppressed yawn from the officer, Carlos and TK decide to call it a night.
After a quick silent exchange between Andrea and Gabriel, Andrea speaks. “You can stay.”
It’s Carlos and TK’s turn to share a glance.
“I can fix up Carlos’s room real quick and you can spend the night here. I don’t think either of you are in any condition to be driving,” she points out, seeing how shaken TK is as well, and after another look with Gabriel, she adds, “and we’d feel better if you stayed.”
“We wouldn’t want to cause any commotion,” TK says nervously.
“Nonsense,” Andrea shakes her head. “We’d love it if you stayed.”
Another look between Carlos and TK has Carlos smiling. “We’d love to stay.”
Andrea grins, gently patting Carlos’s cheek and then TK’s before retreating into the house and heads up the stairs.
“Didn’t expect this, did you?” Carlos asks once TK closes the bedroom door behind him for the night.
They had changed into clothes that Carlos had previous left at his parents’ house. Both in comfortable sweats, Carlos opted for a grey cotton t-shirt while TK had picked one of his police academy ones.  
TK shakes his head. “I also didn’t expect you to have a harsh allergic reaction today.”
“Yeah, didn’t see that coming at all,” Carlos sighs, falling backwards on the freshly made bed.
Carlos closes his eyes, relishing in the familiar feel of the mattress underneath him. He loves sharing his home with TK, it becoming their home, with everything in it. He loves crawling into their bed after a long shift, finding comfort and love in TK’s arms. But this bed, the one he’s lying on right now, will always hold a special place in his heart. It’s a part of him, engraved in and with so many memories from his childhood and early teen years. He feels happiness flow through his entire being at the knowledge that he gets to share it with TK now, gets to share that part of him with the man he loves.
And even more so, he’s ecstatic that he gets to spend the night with his boyfriend at his parents’ place. Not only because he is physically close to TK, but also because of what having TK in his childhood bed really means. It’s something Carlos thought would never happen, it’s something he thought he’d never have; from introducing his boyfriend to his parents to sharing his childhood bed with him and everything in between. It was a dream, a dream that at times seemed so far away he was convinced it would remain that: a dream. But the feeling of the bed dipping next to him and the familiar arm going around his middle reminds Carlos that it is no longer a dream, it is now his wonderful reality.
“Where is your head at, baby?” TK murmurs, resting his chin on Carlos’s chest and looking at his face.
“It came true,” Carlos whispers back. He opens his eyes and he’s met with a confused look from TK.
“A dream,” Carlos continues. “Having you here, in this bed with me, in this room, in this house, with my parents downstairs having just said goodnight to us. It was a dream, one I thought would never come true. I spent many nights, wide awake in this very bed, longing for this moment, and for everything that it would mean, wondering if I’ll ever get it. And you’re here now, and I’m living it, that dream. Words aren’t enough to express how much this means to me.”
“Oh, babe,” tears gather in TK’s eyes as he moves up the bed and cups Carlos’s face. “You deserve this, you deserve to have that dream become reality. You deserve love, Carlos, all the love the universe has to offer. And I promise you, I will spend every day doing my very best to give you the love you deserve. Every day, for as long as you’ll let me. I would erase those terrifying few minutes we had earlier today if I could, but us right now, right here in this dream you’re living, that we’re both living, let’s keep living this dream together. Because this dream is our reality.”
A tear rolls down the side of Carlos’s face, the passion he feels for the other man growing more and more with every second of every day. And he’s completely overtaken by his love for TK, and the love he’s receiving from the younger man.
TK zones out a little after wiping away Carlos’s fallen tear and giving him a warm smile. His mind goes something and Carlos senses a shift in TK, but he doesn’t push, knowing TK will speak when he’s ready.
“I was so scared today,” TK eventually says, sniffing as he sits up. “It felt like I was losing you, like you were being ripped away from me, slipping from me and I couldn’t do anything. All I could do was watch and hold you as tightly as I could. Because maybe if I held on tightly enough, you wouldn’t slip away. I felt so helpless and…”
Carlos takes hold of TK’s hand and lifts it to his lips, planting a kiss on TK’s skin, grounding him and reminding him that he’s right there.
“And for a moment, I felt like I wasn’t enough to save you,” TK’s voice breaks, tears now streaming down his face.
Carlos’s heart shatters at seeing TK break like this, at seeing the pain etched into TK’s expression and tone.
“Hey, hey, no, no, come here,” Carlos gently pulls TK down towards him, wrapping him up tightly, holding him close.
TK doesn’t waste a single second in curling up against Carlos, closing his eyes and burying his face in Carlos’s neck. He lets himself get lost in the steady rise and fall of every breath Carlos takes, in the even rhythm of Carlos’s heartbeat under his ear. Carlos is here, he’s alive, and TK clutches onto that fact with everything he’s got.
“You did everything you could, babe. It was a scary situation, and I was terrified, too, but I knew you were right there, right by my side. I wasn’t alone, and I knew you were going to take care of me. And you did. You gave me your all, and you saved me, TK.”
TK nuzzles further against Carlos, Carlos running his hand up and down TK’s back, just as he knows calms the younger man.
Then TK is pulling back and out of Carlos’s hold, haphazardly wiping away his tears and Carlos frowns a little at the sudden change.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” TK rushes to say. “This shouldn’t…this isn’t about me, I should be comforting you, you’re the one who had a hard time breathing today.”
Carlos’s face softens at that. “And it affected you just as much, TK. I’m going out of my mind just imagining if our roles were reversed, and you actually lived it. Of course it’s going to affect you. And you should, and need to, express that and feel that. It’s hard, but I’m here, you’re here and we’re okay.”
TK doesn’t meet Carlos’s eyes, instead he finds a threat sticking out of the duvet and busies his hands with it.
Carlos gently pulls TK’s hands away from the distraction, holding them between his own and adds a comforting pressure, now Carlos being TK’s lifeline.
“Look at me,” Carlos pleads.
TK slowly lifts his red puffy eyes to look into Carlos’s and sees so much there; concern, worry, appreciation, love.
“We carry each other, Ty.”
TK nods. “Always.”
“Always,” Carlos echoes, wiping away TK’s fallen tears.
He cups the back of TK’s head and pulls him in, connecting their lips in a tender kiss. It’s not rushed or heated, it’s a simple press of their lips, filled with reassurance and hope. They take their time, reveling in feeling each other, pouring everything into the kiss; their worries, their fear, but also their love and reassurance.
TK pulls back and touches his forehead to Carlos’s, soaking up everything that is Carlos. Once he feels his heart rate slow as he calms, he starts peppering Carlos’s face with small kisses, which makes the officer chuckle.
The bed is smaller than theirs, but they make it work, cuddling together with TK’s head resting on Carlos’s chest, Carlos’s arm securing his hold around TK’s shoulder.
“Your mom told me the same thing,” TK says after a moment of silence.
“Basically about not bottling it up and to feel it,” TK explains.
Carlos hums. “She’s a smart woman.”
“She is,” TK nods. “And she has a smart son who takes after her. She also said holding you will make me feel better. She was right, because it does.”
“I see you’ve been bonding with my mother,” Carlos beams.
TK blushes. “She’s pretty great.”
“You’re pretty great, too,” Carlos replies.
TK gives him a small but genuine smile.
“You two bonding is everything I had wished for,” Carlos says, brushing a kiss to TK’s forehead.
“I’ve been looking forward to it so much, but I had hoped we wouldn’t have to bond while you were hurt.”
“It’s not how I pictured it but it’s okay, babe. There’s going to be many more chances for you both to continue bonding,” Carlos reassures.
“And with your dad, too. Although, I still need to crack how to do that,” TK chuckles light.
Carlos chuckles along. “I’ll help you out. Besides, they both already adore you.”
TK plants a soft kiss to Carlos’s lips before settling back in his position. They breathe together for a few minutes and TK can tell the moment Carlos drifts off to sleep.
TK feels lighter now, safe in Carlos’s embrace. They have each other, and that’s the most important thing. They’ll deal with anything that comes their way, together.
TK eyes begin to droop and his last thought before being lulled to sleep by Carlos’s steady breathing: we’re going to be just fine.
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julyarchives · 3 years
Don’t You Hear Me Howling? || (M) || 08
Finding out you are a female Alpha sparkled some rivalry inside your pack, and resulted in you losing your best friend and your life turning upsidedown, so leaving for college was the fresh start you needed. Years later, you are about to finish your degree and suddenly this past comes back to mess with your head.
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→ Pairing: Yeo One x Female Reader | Kino x Female Reader
→ Genre: A/B/O AU; Omegaverse; College AU.
→ Words:  3.8K
→ Contains: mentions of alcohol; wolf shifting; some Alpha-Alpha tension; Y/N making out with a special guest 👀; smut; Jealousy
→ A/n: Thus was supposed to be posted yesterday, but we sort of got lost in the calendar, so here it is now (oops?) we hope it isn't too lame and you guys like it! Also, as mentioned in the warning, there is a special appearance heheh.
→ Index: 01 • 02 • 03 • 04 • 05 • 06 • 07 • 08
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As much fun and easygoing as things were for you, you felt glad for the holidays break. You got out of the cab and breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent of the reservation forest that boarded the neighborhood.
Every year your pack has their own ritual to celebrate your ancestors during the holiday, and you were actually looking forward to participating this year, after missing it since you started college, for many personal reasons - and one of them included a very difficult talk with your parents. Also, so much has happened this semester that being in the small city allowed you to breathe some fresh air and organize your thoughts.
Your parent’s received you immediately as you went through the front door, with big hugs and wide smiles.
“It’s so good to have you home” your mom patted your head, her small frame making her reach high to do so.
“Let me take your stuff to your room” Your dad grabbed your luggage and turned around to take them upstairs
“Oh, it’s fine, I can take them” You tried to stop him, but he pretended he didn’t listen. But you knew he loved feeling like the man of the house. You redirected yourself to your mom “I think I could use a shower and a nap, the trip was too long.”
“Of course, honey, I’ll call you for lunch.”
You crossed paths with your dad in the doorway, who offered a small smile. He wasn’t very fond of small talk, so that was usual of him. You closed the door behind you and sat on the edge of the twin bed centered on the room. You looked around and took in the scent of your old home, which immediately brought back so many memories.
Before you left for college, you and Changgu were on bad terms, so there weren't pictures of you together anymore, but you could still see the tape marks on where they used to be glued on your old vanity mirror. You also remembered perfectly which drawer you have tucked them away, the one that you were currently staring at, contemplating taking a look at them. In the end, you just shook the idea off of you and followed what you’ve told your mom.
The day was rather quiet and peaceful, the big event being held in the night, and the talk you were dreading could wait after the celebrations. Your parents had visited you in college a couple of times, and you have visited them too, but it was rare, never for the holidays, so they prepared a special family lunch and you couldn’t deny that you had a good time being around them.
All the pack had gathered in a big clearing at night to celebrate, and the bonfire already burned high. You could feel all the attention shifting to you as you arrived, your dominant scent overpowering everyone else's, and you held yourself high.
The day you left the city you promised yourself to never get close to this pack again. They’ve ignored you and diminished you as an Alpha, and you knew this place wasn’t for you. They were all surprised to see you back, they could barely hide it, but every time you made eye contact with someone, they quickly turned away avoiding you.
You didn’t hide, not ashamed of you or your choices, but it was rather uncomfortable, the tension almost palpable in the air. You quickly grabbed your phone and texted Wooseok.
“ Please tell me you headed back town for the holidays”
To which he quickly replied
“I actually came to a friend’s house, I’m not there, sorry :(“
You sighed. The cold weather wasn’t so bad, the cool breeze was blowing softly and the fire kept the place warm if you got close enough. Your parents stopped along the way to say hi to their friends, but you followed closer to the bonfire, where your eyes quickly met the current Alpha.
For a moment you had forgotten he was Changgu’s father, but seeing him immediately brought the information back to you. They looked alike so much, the same eyes full of expression and sharp jawline. He was staring at you, not so happily, and nodded when you looked at him. Your expression could be sour, you weren’t sure how much you were holding back, but you respectfully nodded back.
He sustained the stare a couple more seconds, so did you, but soon he was calling everyone’s attention. Everyone gathered close and his wife stood by his side. That’s when you saw Changgu, getting close to his father with a stoic expression on his face.
You shoved your hands in the pocket of your jacket and offered a half-smile when he noticed you. At first, he seemed confused but returned the gesture
“Brothers and sisters” The senior Alpha called “tonight we celebrate the ones who have left us. Our ancestors passed us their wisdom,” He spoke firmly and slowly, looking around at everyone. “Their strength lives in us, and so we honor them with our nature.”
There was a long speech about union and tradition that to you it sounded too much like hypocrisy since the traditions would include you, supposedly the next Alpha of the pack, to be standing there as a successor. You did not bother, because you expected nothing else.
The leader of the pack was the first to turn. His skin shredded, giving space for the long dark brown and silver fur to grow as a howl echoed loudly, bringing out everyone’s instinct, but especially your Alpha ones, and soon you had shifted.
This was one of the reasons you wanted to come. Being in university has you taking suppressants daily, so letting yourself run free was like getting rid of tight clothes that restricted your movements. You howled loudly to follow the collective chant, an ode to the departed ones, a hymn for the pack, the freedom of instinct.
The pack’s Alpha ran in the front, leading everyone with his big frame. Changgu followed him, and it’s been so many years since you’ve seen his wolf form that you felt surprised. He was bulky and big, his posture very imponent, and you stopped to admire it for a second.
The run was freeing. The wind hiding your wolf nozzle, pushing your fur back, your paws hitting the dirt. You needed that, and just letting yourself act on your instincts was the best thing you could grant yourself at that moment.
Reaching the highest point of the forest, the collective howling restarted. You stopped right next to Changgu, whose wolf eyes watched you intently, and in wordless communication, you howled together, allowing the instinct to speak for yourselves.
After the traditional pack run, a feast was hosted by the Alpha, usually in his house, which was big enough to fit everyone comfortably in the large backyard.
Everyone happily celebrated what was the closest to a wolf Christmas, with an abundance of food for everyone. You sat with your parents at the assigned table, attending the event quietly, holding yourself back just enough to not drag any more attention than you were already getting. Mr. Yeo, the Alpha, customarily greeted every individual, and when he approached you and your family, you stood up and bowed respectfully.
"Thank you for having us" your father shook his hands
"It's my pleasure," Mr. Yeo politely answered, "I didn't expect your daughter to come."
He talked about you like you weren't there, and you were pretty sure that was purposefully meant to challenge your position.
"I came to pay respects to the tradition, sir" you opened a forced smile. A damn good one. "Can't let that behind me."
His eyes snapped in your direction with intensity, letting the impassive expression on his face falter for a second.
"Of course" he smoldered, masking it with a smile probably just as fake as yours.
To him, you represented a threat to his family's legacy, so it wasn't a big secret that he isn't very fond of you.
"I hope you enjoy the party," he said to you and your parents altogether, but redirected the last sentence at you "if there's anything you need, just tell me and I can provide."
"Of course, thank you so much" your mom answered gladly. She followed her leader with passion and always tried to be in good graces with him, so she's always been strict in the sense of community tradition and formalities.
"No need to thank me, ma'am" he smirked "that's just an Alpha job"
The provocation was like a punch in the gut. Ever since you were revealed an Alpha, Mr. Yeo tried to do everything in his power to deprive you of your given rights inside the pack. He raised Changgu to take his place and hated your guts for ruining his plans. He was a man of power and didn't appreciate when someone threatened that position.
"Y/N…" your mom called you with a warning tone to her voice.
You didn't notice how you were instinctively growling, low enough for only people close to the table to hear, but your Alpha emotion was strong enough to cause some heads to turn in your direction.
Mr. Yeo, of course, smiled in victory from a distance, happy to make you look bad in front of the community.
"You really don't care that he does everything to undermine me, do you?" You said to both of your parents.
"Honey, he's the Alpha." Your mom said calmly "everything he does is to protect you. Is the best for everyone."
"You do know I'm an Alpha too, right?" You scoffed, rolling your eyes.
They both stayed quiet. You looked at your dad, hoping he would say something in your favor, but he just complies with your mom's orderly silence.
"Yeah, thanks," you said, standing up and leaving.
Growing up you used to love being with your pack these kinds of celebrations were your favorite time of the year.  But now everything changed and suddenly you felt so misplaced that you felt like you didn't know anyone anymore. You knew all your neighbors, and their kids who went to school with you, but now they were almost complete strangers to you.
You grabbed a bottle of beer and looked around for the only familiar face you could find there. Changgu was not running Alpha errands with his dad, so when you found him he was surrounded by a group of girls, apparently younger than you, swooning at every charming smile of his, and you could just see how much he adored all the attention. You chuckled at his fuckboy attitude and the poor deluded girls who had a crush on him, hoping to get the son of the Alpha in love with them.
"Y/n?" You heard your name being called, taking you always from your thoughts.
The boy who called you was tall and slim, a long-ish hair half up in a ponytail and he looked happy to see you.
"Hey…?" You said with uncertainty, trying to figure out why he looked so familiar, but you just couldn't remember his name
"Hyunjin" he chuckled "I don't know if you remember me, but we went to school together."
"Right, Hyunjin, of course, I remember!" It finally clicked to you. Hyunjin was an omega, a few years younger than you but you two used to share some clubs in high school, but he didn't look so… hot. "You look so different, sorry it took me a while to recognize you."
"Yeah," he laughed shyly, scratching the back of his head. "I haven't seen you since you left for college. You look great"
His flirtatious half-smirk was very obvious and you actually thought he looked quite cute.
"You look great yourself" you bit your bottom lip, looking him up and down "But yeah, I kind of focused on graduating rather than coming here."
"I'm glad you're here now." He fully smirked this time "wanna go somewhere quieter? I'd love to catch up with you"
You felt hesitant at first, and you looked back to find Changgu again, and this time one of the girls was grabbing his arm, running his hand all over it. You wanted company for the party, and since Changgu was busy flirting, why shouldn't you do the same?
"Of course, let's do it." You took one last sip of your beer and linked arms with him.
He guided you around the house to the front porch, where you rested your elbows and watched the quiet street. Hyunjin had his back against it, looking at you.
You two actually did some catching up, and even exchanged numbers. You found out Hyunjin also went away for college, but he always came back for the holidays and breaks, and stuff like that, but nothing you were really paying attention to.
"You know, I have to confess something." He said, straightening his posture "I sort of had a crush on you, back in the days"
"Really?" You laughed softly, amused at the sudden confession. "Why didn't you say something, then?"
"Ah," he clicked his tongue. "Everyone knew you only had eyes for Changgu."
You rolled your eyes involuntarily.
"C'mon, everyone knew that, and Changgu didn't let anyone get close to you"
You were actually surprised to hear that since this wasn't something he ever told you but explained why you weren't popular with boys in high school.
"Well," you stood up and stopped directly in front of him "I don't see Changgu anywhere now, do you?"
Hyunjin grabbed your waist, pulling you closer to him, and your hands held the collar of his jacket.
"I guess I should shoot my shot, then" he licked his lips, alternating looks between your eyes and lips.
"What are you waiting for, big boy?" You challenged him.
He reached forward, kissing you rather urgently. His plumpy lips felt soft against yours, and he was a really good kisser. He pulled you against him, and you intertwined your fingers on the loose hair behind his neck. He gasped when you tugged on it, and you grinned into the kiss for getting a good reaction out of him. His hands sneaked down your waist, boldly squeezing your ass as the kiss got more intense, and he earned a shy hum of satisfaction out of you.
The noise of someone clearing their throat interrupted you two, making both of your heads snap in its direction, but neither of you really letting go of each other.
"Y/N" Changgu called you rather sternly, with a matching frown on his face. "I need you to help me deal with some stuff"
You sighed.
"Looks like some things didn't change, did they?" Hyunjin whispered just for you to hear,
"I'm not done with you yet." You whispered back, nibbling his earlobe.
"Now." Changgu interrupted again.
You pecked Hyunjin's lips before detangling from him, only then noticing that his hands were still in your ass.
"Text me, ok?" You said to him loudly as you followed Changgu inside the house.
He walked large steps and didn't bother looking behind to see if you were following.
"You couldn't have picked a worse moment to need me to deal with some bullshit, could you?" You whined, but he still paid no attention to you "all night, I was there doing absolutely nothing, and when I finally started to have some fun you decided I was important enough to attend whatever this is."
You babbled but still, he didn't respond, and you just kept following him around corridors in the big house, finally entering a dark room
"What is so important anyway that you had to call me so urgently-"
Changgu interrupted you when he pushed you against the door, making it slam loudly, his lips crashing against yours with a certain vigor.
At first, your eyes widened in surprise, and you pushed him back to look at him, but his hold on you didn't loosen up.
"What the fuck, Changgu?"
"Just," he stopped to think, breath already heavy in anticipation "shut up"
He resumed kissing you, and this time you rolled with it because, you couldn't deny, kissing him was something you ever saw yourself getting tired of. He pressed his whole body against yours, grinding on you making you gasp every time his thigh in between your legs rubbed against your clothed core.
"Fuck, Changgu" you said when he attacked your neck.
You pull the hair on his nape, making him look at you
"Is that what this is about?" You asked, forcing yourself to think straight "you can't bear the thought of me fucking someone else?"
Rather than answering, Changgu just growled, making you laugh ironically
"So you can flirt with all those pretty girls out there," you raised your eyebrows, "but I can not hook up with people? As if, Changgu"
You weren't as mad as much as you were enjoying taunting him for being so desperate to have you his.
"Just shut up, for fucks sake" he rolled his eyes and picked you, only to throw you on the bed behind him.
You finally recognized Changgu's old bedroom, with the light that came from the window above it. It was different, with no more posters taped to the wall or the action figures he liked to collect. It was a simple room with minimal decoration now.
"Gonna break another bed, wolfie?" You teased "I don't think daddy would be very happy to know you're fooling around with the Alpha"
He growled loudly, hooking his hands around your legs and pulling you closer to him, your bottom hitting his knees, which were pressed against the mattress. He leaned down and viciously kissed you, nibbling and ducking your bottom lip.
"You know, you're way hotter when your mouth is shut" he panted in between kisses.
Having turned into wolves mere hours ago had all your instincts right under the skin. The dominance, the connection between you and your Beta, the lust. Everything was on edge and you guessed that's why Changgu was so desperate.
He unbuttoned your jeans and pulled them down with your underwear in one swift motion while you took off your shirt, revealing your bare breasts underneath it. Changgu licked his lips and chuckled cockly when he ran a finger down your slit, showing you how wet you already were.
He took his shirt off, but didn't bother with his pants, and leaned back down to lick a long stripe of your juices, brushing softly on your clit on the way.
You moaned weakly.
"I'll show you why you're better here than with the what's-his-name out there." He said in a low husky voice.
He kept his hand around your legs and captured your sensitive nub in between his lips, making you buck your hips and grab his hair in response.
His back muscles were on display for you and it was hot to watch it contract and relax as he moved in between your legs.
"You're so eager for me, aren't you?" You teased him again and he hummed, sending vibrations down your core. "Do your worst, let me see if you're worth my time"
He leaned back up and you hated the loss of contact, but he quickly spun you around and pulled your hips up exposing your ass to him, and a harsh slap sting on your skin, accompanied by his deep growling that he didn't seem to have control over, and you yelped at the burning pain.
You heard him fumbling with his belt and soon he was entering you with no warning, making you bury your head in the pillow to muffle a loud moan. He didn't give you any time to adjust as he pounded into you fast, showing his desperation. He angled his hips just right to hit the perfect spot inside you to make you scream.
For a second you were afraid someone would hear you, but the backyard was not that close to the bedroom, and you tried to suppress your noises the best you could. Changgu seemed to be out of control with the way he hissed and moaned, your name falling out of his lips here and there.
A sloppy rushed fuck was not on your plans tonight but, fuck, it felt good. Changgu was getting sloppier by the minute and you just knew he wouldn't last long. You reached in between your legs and circled around your glistening clit, realizing you were in no better state than he was.
The closer you felt to your high, the more you squeezed your walls around Changgu's member, and the louder he moaned.
"Are you trying to get us caught?" You managed to say "such a loud wolf."
He didn't respond, too focused on fucking you, but he didn't get quieter.
You fastened your movements and had again your head buried in the pillow, moaning freely as you reached your orgasm, your whole body vibrating in pleasure. Changgu started thrusting faster, gripping your hips harder and pulling you against him to meet his thrust, and soon enough you felt his seed dripping down your thighs, strangled noises caught in his throat as he rode his high.
You relaxed your body when he pulled out of you, laying down with your stomach against the mattress, crossing your arms under your head for support. Changgu threw himself by your side, facing the ceiling and panting, looking fucked out already.
"Jealous wolf, aren't we?" You tapped his chest, provoking him
"Shut up" he chuckled
"How many girls did you fuck in this bedroom anyway? You were quite popular with the ladies back in high school. I bet they all died to be in Yeo Changgu's bedroom" you mocked a dreamy-girly voice.
"Do you really want to talk about who I fucked in high school?" He chuckled.
"Well, someone had to get laid, right? Since I couldn't because someone told boys to stay away from me." You smirked at his embarrassed expression
"Hyunjin is such a snitch, he was never good enough for you" he rolled his eyes and looked away.
"And who is? You?" You scoffed
"I didn't hear you complaining when you were screaming against the pillow just now"
You slapped his chest and he laughed loudly
"Jerk" you mumbled.
"Guess you can go back to your pretty boy out there", he said in a teasing voice, "if you're still interested, that is".
"So cocky, aren't you?", he laughed at your mocking expression.
"Maybe. But we still have festivities to attend".
You got dressed in comfortable silence and after a few minutes, you were good to go. Changgu stood by the door and smiled at you before opening it and waving for you to walk by him. As you walked out, a satisfied smile took over your face and you only hoped people wouldn't notice the smell of sex on you too much. You and Changgu parted ways and for a second you let the whole tension of your body relax during the holiday. Just for a while.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
New Idol
Peter Parker x Stark!sib!reader
warnings: *insert frowny face here*
a/n: this is a stark!sibling imagine!! PLATONIC. if i keep writing postmortem fics are you guys gonna be okay
prompt: after the death of tony stark, few people felt what peter was feeling and fewer could help him out down the line
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The death of Tony Stark was felt around the world, but others couldn’t have imagined the way his family had been affected by this tragedy. He was your only brother and he did a damn good job at it, you owed him.
“Hey, Pepper.” You walked into the cabin with grocery bags in each hand and kicked the door shut behind you. Pepper turned around and let out a grateful sigh.
“Thank you so much for going shopping for us, it’s just been so stressful ever since...” Your sister-in-law began to explain, but trailed off before saying anything else just in case Morgan was nearby.
“It’s no problem at all, Pep. I understand.” You set the bags down in the kitchen and heard little footsteps from above that moved across the upper floor and down the stairs.
“Aunt/Uncle Y/N!” Morgan rushed down the steps, nearly slipping before jumping off the last two and barreling towards you with a sweet little giggle that seemed to be contagious.
“Morgan, what did I tell you about jumping down the steps?” Pepper gently inquired while your niece gave her an innocent frown.
“It’s dangerous...” She mumbled as you leaned down to hoist her up on your hip.
“What’s up, Squirt?” You poked her on the nose and watched her face scrunch up. “Anything exciting going on today?” You asked.
“I had a tea party in the backyard.” She told you. “But it started raining.”
“Oh, no! Is everyone safe?” You went on and watched as Morgan quickly nodded, but you looked over her shoulder to see Pepper appear to be waiting for you. You slowly set your niece down on the floor and gave her a kiss on the head. “Why don’t you go upstairs so Mommy and I can talk for a minute? I’ll meet you there.” Morgan complied and raced up the stairs while you went to go sit with Pepper on the couch.
“Can I...ask another favor?” Pepper hesitantly said, piquing your interest. You cocked your eyebrow and waited for her to go on, but sometimes she was distracted by how similar you and Tony acted. “Right, well, he told you about Peter, right?”
“The Spider-Boy, yeah.” You followed along with a nod and let her go on.
“Yes, him.” She took a sip of her coffee and quietly smacked her lips. “I was wondering if you could maybe help him out. He needs a mentor and he...he took my husband’s death pretty hard. Tony told me he had just lost his uncle a few months before they had met.” Pepper teared up at all of her racing thoughts and covered her face as she began to cry. You leaned in to comfort her, rubbing her back and agreeing to the favor she had asked.
“I can do it, Pepper. You don’t have to worry about it. Just focus on you and Morgan, for now. I’ll be here whenever you need me, okay?” You assured her and let her cry on your shoulder. “I miss him, too.”
You showed up to an apartment building in Queens, searching for the correct door to knock on. Here it is.
It wasn’t like you Starks to get uncomfortable before social interaction, it was supposed to be your strong suit, but the invincibility that you used to feel had faded away after you lost your brother. You finally raised your fist to give the door a few taps and waited for it to open. You heard the chain and deadbolt unlock and were greeted by Peter’s aunt. She recognized you immediately, but still fell speechless.
“Hi, Ms. Parker. Is Peter home?” You politely smiled and watch her open the door all the way, trying not to trip over her words.
“He—yes, Peter, he’s here.” She shut the door behind you and paused. “Peter!” She shouted. “You have a visitor!” Shortly after that, Peter ran out of his bedroom and looked puzzled at the sight of you.
“Hi.” His voice got really quiet.
“Hi.” You replied. “Pepper asked me to come see you. I was wondering if we could have a little chat?” You watched Peter exchange a look with his aunt, who gave him an “okay” nod.
“Yeah, that’s cool.” The young hero led you over to the new couch they’d gotten after everything they had was lost in the Blip. It was pretty comfy, you were wondering where you could get one like that. “What did Miss Potts—I mean, Mrs. Stark...want you to come here for?” Peter curiously asked, leaving you to contemplate your answer. You didn’t want this to seem like some sort of charity, pity to Peter. You genuinely wanted to be there for him. You had some qualifications after your short time with the Avengers and your many years of being Tony’s sibling. You could do this. You could do this.
“I...wanted to know if you’d be open to the idea of...” You stopped to look at Peter’s concerned expression, it really did remind you of Tony. God, he touched so many lives, how could this get any harder? “Would you consider letting me around for your ‘spidering?’” You tried to put it the best way you could, trying not to cringe at yourself. Peter didn’t react right away, which kind of freaked you out a bit.
“Considered.” Peter simply stated. “Mx. Stark, I look forward to working with you.” The teen held out his hand and you gave it a shake, but Peter didn’t stop there. He actually leaned forward and wrapped his arms around you to sneak a quick hug. “Sorry, I just like hugs. I didn’t get too many in when...Tony was here.”
“It’s not a problem, kid.” You ruffled his hair a bit. “Are you hungry? Ms. Parker?” You asked each of them.
“I could eat.” Peter nodded and looked over to his aunt.
“Honestly, I really didn’t want to cook tonight.” May answered with a chuckle that you joined in on, you clapped and stood up from your seat.
“Epic, let’s go grab some dinner. Discuss the future. I hate living in the past, don’t you?”
Months went by and you and Peter really formed a healthy relationship. You, the solid mentor who seemed to have all the answers—Peter, the impressionable student who was starting to get the hang of it all. But Peter also started to see you as a parental figure, and you cared for him like he was one of your own. Hell, you and May even became good friends. You got to hear all about Happy from her and her from Happy. You were kind of rooting for them, to be honest.
Tony wasn’t brought up as much anymore, but you did think of him a lot. You wondered what he would say to you right now.
“Aw, y/n/n, you’ve gone soft! Look at that, I was worried you were gonna turn out like dad...”
The ringtone on your phone snapped you out of your thoughts. It was the middle of the night, who dared to call you this late? You grabbed your cell and looked at the caller ID.
“Hey, what’s up?” You answered the phone and waited for Peter on the other end.
“I can’t stop thinking about him.” Peter sobbed into the phone, causing your heart to drop. If there’s one thing you hated, it was a crying kid. “I miss him, y/n. I hate pretending like I don’t, like I’m over it!” He went on.
“I do, too, Peter. I really wish it were different.” You tried to keep a level head while talking to him, but everything he said was exactly how you felt. Just keep it together, y/n. “I try to remember all the good memories I have, try not to dwell on what could have been. Does that make sense?” You asked as you heard Peter sniffle into his microphone.
“You have more memories than I do. I wish I had more time with him.” You heard Peter’s voice crack a bit, he was trying so hard to keep it together, it wasn’t working. “Can you tell me something about him? Something I don’t know?”
“Yeah, I can do that.” You paced around, trying to find some kind of memory to share that would make both you and Peter feel better. “Oh, okay! So, when Tony was a teenager, his friends dared him to hack into the Pentagon. The FBI ended up showing up to our house and Tony proudly owned up to it because he knew he was untouchable. He never knew this, but even our dad was impressed.” You reminisced, hearing Peter chuckle a little. That made you feel a lot better about the situation.
“That sounds like Tony.” Peter said. If you hadn’t noticed, he’s on a first-name basis now. You were glad he was more comfortable with that.
“Where are you, Peter?” You were concerned with his whereabouts, he seemed better than he did a moment ago, but you didn’t want him to be alone.
“I was patrolling, but I’m not really feeling up to it right now. I think the coast is clear for the night.” He sighed and shut his eyes as he felt more tears fighting to surface.
“Do you want to wait, like, twenty minutes for me and we can go get some food? You can choose the place, I don’t mind.” You offered, which delighted Peter. He was still holding in those tears, poor kid.
“Yeah, sounds good, see ya!” He quickly hung up the phone and burst into tears at the building he was perched on. Peter just couldn’t keep it together sometimes, but he didn’t know what he’d do if you hadn’t stepped in when you did.
Meanwhile, you had just started letting out all the emotions that had built up during that call. No one told you that you’d have to keep it together for the kid, but you swear you’d do anything to help him out, just like your brother before you. You sat on your floor, leaning against the side of your bed as you wailed into your hands. You hadn’t cried this hard in months, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
You looked up at the picture on your nightstand of Tony and you at one of his extravagant parties, you really missed those crazy days. But you just have to keep telling yourself that you can’t live in the past anymore or else it’ll break you. What you can do is cherish the parts of your past worth remembering and honor those who are no longer with us. Peter will learn that soon, you just have to be patient.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @allthecreativeonesaretaken // @frostedgiant // @emygirl // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica //
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svmbucky · 3 years
Steve jumps out of an eleventh-story window and, because he has wings, Sam jumps after him. 
The men chasing them have only knives and the sky, at the time, seemed safer.
But, because he doesn’t have wings, Steve falls. Sam is ashamed to admit that all coherent though leaves his brain right around that time, and he nosedives straight down after him.
Steve jumped precious seconds before and there’s so much space between them, but Steve is reaching, not curled up behind his shield, not protecting himself. Never intending to make impact. The free fall rips the air out of Sam’s lungs, fear and speed rendering him breathless. 
Steve is falling. And reaching. And all the while his wild eyes and parted lips are saying come on, Sammy, come catch me. Catch me like you do during practice together, like you do when I step off of planes without parachutes and when Nazis push me off of rooftops, by the tips of my fingers, or under my knees and shoulders like a bride. Catch me like you always do.
Not this time. 
Steve hits the ground, and pain rips across his face. The shield skids off his arm, across pavement, and he twists into himself, breathes heavily.
Sam wanted so horribly catch him, kept after him even when he knew he couldn’t. He didn’t pull up in time. It’s only Steve, still looking agonized, throwing his strong arms up to catch Sam’s chest that keeps his knees from breaking. The padding still tears when he crashes. The road still scrapes him open, and he feels like a little boy falling off his bike again.
Sam is also ashamed to admit that he gasps, “please, no,” into Steve’s shoulder, and doesn’t realize he’s still moving until he squirms out from under Sam and pulls him to his feet. They’re being chased again by then, though Sam isn’t even sure he grasps that he isn’t being led by a dead man until they leap into Natasha’s car.
“Close one. Nasty fall,” she tosses into the backseat as she steps on the gas until the car squeals. She probably doesn’t see Sam wince, or the hand Steve lays on his thigh without looking up. And yet, she still has the good grace to leave them alone in the kitchen that evening, saying something about getting packed up and ready to find the next safe house.
Steve sips coffee because he’ll be driving. Sam sips coffee because he’s always felt rude dozing off in the passenger seat. “Are you okay?” Steve murmurs, covering Sam’s hand with his own and rubbing his thumb through the curve of Sam’s palm.
“I...” Sam starts, feeling helpless to answer. “I don’t know. No.”
“I’m okay, you know? There’s a bruise. It’ll be gone by morning.”
“I thought you didn’t bruise,” Sam replies, even though that’s not really true. He’s seen Steve bruise; it had happened once after he got punched in the face by a man with a vibranium arm.
Steve cracks a smile. “I’m flattered.”
It’s too harsh, but Sam snaps, “Wasn’t a compliment.” Steve’s smile dies.
“There was nothing you could have done. It was too far; I shouldn’t have reached for you. You never would have made it,” he reassures, even though he doesn’t have to because Sam knows. He’d never let anyone fall if he could help it. “So, there’s no reason to beat yourself up.”
“Can we stop talking about it?” Sam asks. He means it, too. There’s nothing else to say.
Steve is Steve though, and Steve is sweet, so he squeezes Sam’s hand and hooks their ankles together under the table. “I’m not gonna make you,” he says, “but I wish you would.”
“I love you. That’s all. I love you and I don’t want to see you dead.”
“I’m not going to die. I’ve fallen much further than that.”
Sam bites his lip. “Yeah. Don’t remind me.” Now Steve is actually scooting his chair closer, and it’s making Sam roll his eyes. “There are better places to cuddle than at the dinner table.”
That gets him the baby-blue puppy eyes, and Steve says, “Okay. Bed?”
“Couch,” he says, because he doesn’t want to explain to Natasha why he’s crying. 
He lets Steve haul him to his feet and lead him over to the couch, where they collapse together. Steve wriggles out of his jacket and throws it over their shoulders, oblivious as ever to the fact that he’s a human space heater. Really, this shouldn’t be comfortable at all; they’re in jeans and still wearing shoes, but Steve is a notoriously excellent snuggler. 
Sam still feels like an idiot or an asshole, laying there and sniffling into Steve’s t-shirt like he can’t stop, but the thing is he really can’t stop, and Steve’s never judged him before. That’s a really addictive feeling, not being judged. What’s also addictive is the warm grip Steve has on his arm, and the way his fingers are slowly caressing the crown of Sam’s head.
“I like your hair when it’s longer,” Steve mumbles. “You’re pretty, Sammy.”
Sam only sighs. Steve’s trying. He’s being as loving as ever, really, but Sam doesn’t want to be told he’s pretty right now. He’s honestly not sure he ever wants to be told he’s pretty again, because he feels horrible, and the incongruence is making it worse. His hands feel dirty, and his stomach feels upside-down, and he wants Steve to either be quiet or get upset about the near-death experience. Or, well, it wasn’t really a near-death experience at all. Because Steve is fine. So, then Sam is irrational, and also maybe having a slow-motion panic attack.
It very nearly becomes a real-time panic attack every one of the four times he wakes up on that couch, not realizing he’d nodded off, grabbing Steve’s waist, sure that Steve is falling. Or that Riley is falling, but sometimes he can’t tell the difference between his nightmares. The ripped-open feeling in his gut the whole way down is always the same, anyway.
Steve must not sleep much that night either because he’s awake and ready to dote on Sam every time he spasms back into consciousness. It’s pleasant and it’s comforting, and days probably could have passed by the time Steve whispers, “Let’s get up, honey, we have to drive.”
Sam doesn’t remember where they’re going and doesn’t really want to know. He wishes Steve would get on the road and drive them back home, so he could let his big sister crush him in a hug and watch her shake hands with Natasha. He’d play soccer in the backyard with his nephews and Steve. He’d probably call Rhodey, too, and visit his parents’ grave, and everyone would forgive him for everything.
But by the time he’s snapped out of that daydream he’s sitting in the front seat of Natasha’s car, beside Steve and with no memory of how he got there. Impossibly, he thinks he must have been asleep on his feet.
“Good morning,” Steve whispers with a tiny smile, like he can somehow tell Sam has just come alive.
“Oh, God. Good morning,” Sam says back and takes Steve’s hand off the wheel, folding it in his own. That widens Steve’s smile, and Sam feels himself relax with a shiver, the warm touch spreading heat into his cold hands and his body through them. Steve actually looks alright, Sam thinks, and it’s a relieving thought.
“How about McDonald’s for breakfast?” Natasha asks from behind them.
Sam arches a brow. “Is that safe?” he asks, knowing it can’t be.
“Close enough. It’s a pick-me-up,” Steve justifies with a shrug, and Sam actually laughs, because sometimes Steve is actually unbearably chivalrous.
“I— you don’t have to. It’s going to suck if they bring us in over some hash browns,” Sam protests.
“Hash browns it is,” is the only reply Steve gives him, squeezing Sam’s hand like he did the night before. Lovingly.
The sun is coming up on the horizon, and they’re driving straight into it, the light turning their faces golden and soft. Natasha is laughing behind them, the radio is playing quietly, and it’s funny how alive Steve looks right now with mischief in his blue eyes and that flashing white smile. Suddenly, how Sam could have possibly mistaken him for a dead man mere hours earlier is entirely beyond him.
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freckledoriya · 3 years
“my eyes adored you” (izuku midoriya x reader fic)
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WARNINGS: slightly angsty at times, but happy ending! 
SUMMARY: You were best friend with Izuku Midoriya when you were little, but went your separate ways. What happens when your paths cross again, years later? 
LINKS: ao3 | masterlist | ask box
TAGLIST: at the end of the post, message me to be added/removed!
AUTHOR’S NOTE: this is kind of (really) trash, but hey, it’s been a while and I’m trying to get back into writing. take it easy on me. 
inspired by frankie valli’s “my eyes adored you” 
You’re standing at the register of your local coffee shop, working a hundred miles per hour during the morning rush. It’s a job that you’ve had for a while now. You tell yourself you’ll leave when you find what you’re really destined to do, but the day has yet to arrive. With no current ambition and no quirk, you’re seemingly left to take coffee orders for the rest of your days. 
Today starts to blend in with all the days before. You hear the bell of the shop door sound, and sigh before preparing your best “how can I help you?” face. And that’s when you see him. Izuku Midoriya standing in front of you.
You and Izuku Midoriya have known each other for longer than you could remember. The two of you grew up together, learning how to read side by side while thumbing through hero magazines. As a pair, you two were inseparable.
“Let’s play ���heroes!’” five-year-old Izuku chirped with a bright smile, running up to you. He sticks his hand out for you to take. “I’ll be All Might!” 
You can’t help but smile back, giggling at your best friend’s unmatched enthusiasm. “You’re always All Might,” you tease, taking his hand in yours. 
You don’t know it then, as a naive toddler, but that feeling of pure happiness that rushes through your veins when you interlock hands with Izuku, is love in its beginning form. A love that will grow so strong, it will dominate your life and never let you free of its hold. It’s the kind of love that will keep you up at night, always wondering if tomorrow will be the day when you finally get over it, knowing damn well that tomorrow will arrive and your feelings will have only grown stronger. But right now, you’re five years old, and liking a boy is icky. 
You stick with him through everything. Through him finding out he doesn’t have a quirk, to the endless bullying he endures throughout elementary and middle school because of that. You spend nights camped out in your parents’ backyard, staying up late past your bedtime to talk about each other's feelings. Comforting him through tears, you wrap your arm around him. 
“I don’t have a quirk either,” you say. “And you still think I’m pretty great, right?”
He sniffles and nods, looking up at you and giving you a slight smile. 
You're not sure why at the time, but his smile makes your heart flutter. 
It’s not till you’re in middle school, walking home along the river as Izuku carries your books for you, that it dawns on you that you want nothing more than him to be your first everything- your first date, your first kiss, your first boyfriend. That’s when he becomes your first crush. Little did you know, that crush would seemingly endure the test of time. 
Time isn’t the only thing that tests the magnitude of your crush. After middle school, something changes. Izuku somehow gets a quirk and enters into the hero program at the prestigious U.A. high school. You could tell that he didn’t mean to leave you behind. The two of you would text every so often, vowing to meet up soon. But things never seemed to work out. He was always busy training or hanging with his newer, cooler friends. By the time of high school graduation, you two barely talked anymore. And then one year, he forgot your birthday. And then the next, and then the next.
You watched him from afar, climbing up the mountain to becoming the number one hero that he is today. Working his fingers to the bone to get himself a name, you saw the hell he went through to achieve his dream. And you admired him for it.
Some days, you’d find yourself daydreaming the day away, wishing you still were a part of Izuku’s life, but knowing full well that things could never be. He’s a top hero with fangirls, and you work the counter at a coffee shop. That humbling thought brought you back to reality.
“Can I have a coffee, please?” 
You assume that’s what Izuku says, but honestly, you’re too lost in your own thoughts and in his gorgeous, green eyes to comprehend that he’s speaking. He smiles a little bit, making your heart flutter in a way that it hasn’t in a long time. 
“M-Midoriya,” you whisper, his name falling out of your lips. 
He looks at you and slightly cocks his head to the side. Then, suddenly, you see it hit him.
“Y/N?” he asks, his eyes growing wider and wider. 
You can’t help but smile at the way he says your name. After all these years, he still says it like he’s talking to his best friend. 
“Oh my god, Y/N!” he almost yells. “I can’t believe it’s you!”
“It’s me!” you giggle. “I’ve missed you so much.”
That last part was meant to stay in your mind, but slipped out. Thankfully, Izuku is too distracted by processing that you’re in front of him to really think about it. 
“Ahem,” the person in line behind Izuku clears their throat. “I hate to ruin this moment, but some of us are in a rush to get our coffee.”
The two of you blush and mutter apologies. But then you start to panic. No, this can’t be goodbye again. You can’t let him slip out of your life again. Do something. 
“I’ll be on break in 15 minutes, if you wanna go hang out and catch up?” you say, your voice cracking at the end from nerves. 
“I’m actually on parole soon, so I can’t right now. But I’ll be done with work later tonight... We should have dinner!” 
You breathe a sigh of relief. “Sounds like a plan. Meet me here at 6?”
A beat passes of awkward silence as the two of you look at each other. 
“Um…Y/N?” he asks, his eyes looking into yours. 
“Yes?” you whisper, seemingly under his spell again. 
“...Can I get that coffee?” 
That snaps you out of it. “Yes! Of course! Coming right up!” 
The day passes painfully slow at work as you wait for 6 o'clock to roll around. The day is full of you playing back memories of you and Midoriya as children-- laughing, crying, being there for each other no matter what. It felt so good to see him earlier, like a piece of your life had been missing and you didn’t feel complete until he was standing in front of you.
You sit outside the coffee shop, waiting for him to arrive. 
… But he never does. 
It’s not till 8 that it starts to hit you that you’re being stood up. You practically feel your heart start to break. 
Because, who didn’t see this coming? Izuku Midoriya has better things to do than to hang out with you. You’re stupid for thinking otherwise. Stupid, stupid, stupid. 
He’s a superstar hero, and you’re nothing compared to him. Dust. Insignificant dust. Look at him, saving the world by taking out one villain at a time. And look at you, stuck in a dead-end job with no ambitions or dreams. Crushing on a man that removed you from his life for a reason.
You feel the tears well up behind your eyes. 
How pathetic. Look at you, sitting on a bench under a streetlamp, crying. You’re an adult, hopelessly in love with someone who forgets that you even exist. Why can’t you move on? You’re crazy, that’s why. You’re insane for even entertaining the idea that someday, somehow, Izuku will come to you with his arms open. 
You can’t stop the stream of tears coming from your eyes as you break down and cry. Softly sobbing, you put your face in your hands, wanting to hide from the world forever. Then, you hear it. Someone saying your name. No, not someone. You’d know that voice anywhere. 
You look up and see Izuku kneeling beside you, eyes wide and concerned.
Immediately, you see why he was late, and you feel stupid for not thinking of it sooner.
He is beside you in his hero costume, sweaty and bleeding in various places all over his body, obviously just coming back from an intense battle that went longer than expected.
“A-are you okay?” you ask immediately, wiping your tears away with your hands. 
Izuku furrows his eyebrows. “Me? Yeah, I’m okay. It’s just some cuts and bruises… Are you okay?”
“I-” you begin to speak, your brain telling you to say ‘I’m fine!’ and make up a story about why you were sobbing on a bench by yourself. 
But you can’t. Your heart won’t let you.
“I’m so scared to lose you again,” you confess, the tears coming back to your eyes. 
Izuku's face softens. “Lose me? What do you mean? You never lost me, Y/N.” 
You sniffle and shake your head. “You went on to do such incredible and amazing things. And I’m so proud of you. But I just wish I could be part of your life again.” 
He gently places his hands over your shaking hands, his touch feels impossibly electrifying and soothing at the same time.  
“I am so sorry,” he says. His eyes drift to the side and he gulps. “I… I was scared of how I felt about you.”
“How’d you feel about me?” you ask.. 
You can see a slight blush form on Izuku’s cheeks. “Like… I really liked you.” 
He looks up at you for a response, but you’re frozen in place, your brain working overtime to figure out what he’s saying. 
He must take you silence as something negative, because he begins muttering.
“I know, it’s stupid, it’s like we were best friends and you were so great and I was so not great but our relationship was so wonderful and you made me so happy like I never would have been able to get through middle school without you and I just adored you and-”
“And now?” you interrupt. 
He stops and looks at you, eyes searching yours for answers that you’ve kept hidden and locked away for years. 
“And now… I… I… I just want to be near you.” 
You don’t think. You just hug. 
You pull Izuku into you, wrapping your arms around his neck, breathing in the scent of him and reminding yourself that this isn’t a dream. It takes a second for him to unfreeze and hug you back, but when he does, you could swear that you’re flying. 
TAG LIST: @prismaroyal @wesparklebitch @bnha-violetnote @sunflower-kami-boi @shoutosteakettle @strwbrry-lia​ @birds-have-teeth​ @ee-blue @shoutodoki @denise-the-death-goddess​ @sadistiks @knifeewifee @viceofaladriel @saltie @khemz1312 @frenchspeakingfilipina @tessaisalbright @katsumi-kaminari @pixxiesdust @izukuwus @knaite-solo @inochaos​ @kiripimarules @dnarez
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alluringjae · 3 years
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[ 22:38 ] ⮕ [ 23:28 ]
part of my collection of cookie cuts from all i do is wait
in order to understand, read the main story first here.
pairing: ghost!doyoung x female!reader
genre: thriller, angst, fluff in the end
warnings: mentions and scenes of murder
author’s note: for readers of all i do is wait, i have a surprise for you this weekend!! but first, enjoy the first cookie cut of the week as there are a few more to come! 
this is semi-unedited lol
leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
“The Justice Department made their final verdict.” The judge in the middle peered over to his sides, where two other judges sat.
On the other hand, your hands clasped in a prayer position under your desk. Your deep breathes were hushed, hiding your already evident nerves. Mark, the defendant on behalf of Johnny, picked up on it and placed a palm on top of your shaking leg.
“We’re going to win, you know it.”
A public attorney like yourself would never take a case for those with high power, plus you’ll also share the limelight with them when the media deemed it scandalous or viral. Seo Industries, started at building 3 floor apartment buildings and now known for their high-rise buildings, practically expanded in most of Seoul. It’s hard not to avoid seeing a building or those who hold power behind it. Currently, it was Johnny and Mark’s stepmother, Bae Seojin and their stepbrother, Seo Kihyun.
However, this trial was to prove and persuade everyone that they were the culprits involved with the murders of Seo Hyunsik and Seo Johnny, the real heir.
Earlier, you succeeded in exposing the last yet crucial evidence of the case. It involved a box concealed deep inside a wall of the old bedroom of Johnny, whom you found out through Kun. There’s really an adrenaline rush when you’re working for both the living and the dead.
No need for a search warrant for an abandoned old house, they found it. Inside that box, there was a letter he wrote before he died claiming that whoever finds it, they must submit all the files they see. One was a journal recording all his stepmother and stepbrother’s private discussions in their family study, stating that there was a hidden access way only he and his father knew of and snuck behind them. All led to discussing how to assassinate him, his father and Mark.
He did this best to avoid it, but it took one miscalculation to ruin it.
Second were copies of the receipts of their earlier corruption and embezzlement when he snuck inside the company late at night. Last showed names of people they’ve both threatened and killed when they were being blackmailed of their crimes.
Their lawyer objected that the handwriting of said man was questionable, implying you and your team planted it. You saw this coming, bringing out a document from forensics confirming that this letter was written by the late Seo Johnny.
For every murder, there’s a murder device. Deeply digging through the ones from the old crime scene, it came out that they were inserted because no fingerprints from either Johnny or his father were there. Plus, the autopsy results detected signs of self-defense on Johnny’s body and mixture of his blood with Kihyun’s during their brawl. Possibly another reason the case was closed by bribery since there were documents connecting the former detectives and Bae Seojin.
According to Johnny, he witnessed everything that happened when he died. It was a memory he selfishly dreaded to look back, but he had no choice if he were to clear his and his father’s names and save Mark. He articulated how Kihyun buried the real knives under the fountain in their backyard, the only place no one checked. With the help of Kun and your team, you scavenged through it, even destroying such a delicate piece, and wrapped in brown newspaper, there the knives were.
Rush checking them by forensics, they also validated the fingerprints of Seojin and Kihyun.
Their lawyer objected again for the same reason of planting it, but according to Mark’s testimony, Johnny loved their garden fountain as it was the last reminder of their mother before her sudden death. Practically anyone close to Johnny knew how much he treasured it. It only made sense how in Kihyun’s perspective, he wanted to make his enemy’s beloved gift become his most hated one. Not only that, footsteps of said man were stated in the former investigation.
With the influx of evidence, not even their lawyer could refute. The way the judges pursued their lips and nodded, you had done it again. Seojin and Kihyun were cornered, the outrage from the audience at such an organized crime. Kihyun lost it as he was on the stand.
“Johnny-hyung always got the praise from my late father! Even if Johnny-hyung was so kind to me, I could never return it. I also never felt good enough, and even when he married my mother, deep down he always missed his former wife. My mother and I feared that we will be left nothing, so she suggested what we must to survive.”
“And to survive, you blatantly decided to murder them? After everything they’ve done for you, all the kindness they’ve given, you selfishly took their lives?”
“I deserved a spot in the business as much as hyung did, but never was I capable of killing and blinded by power if it weren’t for my mother’s hatred for Johnny and my father! Then with Mark unintentionally seeing everything, we had to take him hostage all these years so nothing could ever be revealed.”
“Unlucky for you, Mr. Seo Kihyun. You did it yourself, you and your guilt.”
Kihyun could’ve argued back intensely if it weren’t for the judge banging his gavel repeatedly to return the order.
There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. After decades of being misled to the idea that Seo Johnny killed his father and himself over a stupid fight of inheritance, it was a complex murder case involving his stepbrother and stepmother for the reason that they craved more power and superiority and would do anything to claim it.
Going back to the judges’ decision, two defendants were requested to stand up to hear the fate.
“Defendants, Bae Seojin and Seo Kihyun, expressed their jealousy and want for power towards the victims and brutally stabbed them multiple times. From there, they took the only witness hostage and mistreated him for years whilst keeping most of the victim’s hard-earned money for themselves. Due to the brutality of the crime, their hostile intentions, and the dishonor they brought to everyone, we are left with no choice but give them a severe punishment. The Justice Department finds them guilty and believes they must be detached from our society, thus we sentence them to life imprisonment.”
As the judge hit the gavel, it was officially final.
Everyone on your side cheered as the two guilty offenders were dragged away by guards. You and Mark shared a tight hug in victory, hearing his muffled sobs. He’s waited for this day to come.
“Johnny-hyung is clear, he got his long-deserved justice.”
Kun, who stood behind you, gave you a hug over the small fence after a successful trial, a few invisible people in the back were also triumphant.
“She did it.” Manwol applauded, peeking over Jeno and Yuta jumping up and down while Johnny in tears while Doyoung teared up with him. Joyful, Johnny’s pain subsided entirely. The speechless reactions of his stepmother and everyone else after his stepbrother broke under the pressure was a strong contender to his glory, but mostly, it was because of your intelligence and persistence.
You worked day and night, visited numerous areas, and investigated any possible leads to go hand in hand with his own evidence. In Doyoung’s embrace, he murmured, “Thank you, Doyoung. Just thank you.”
“You only deserve the best before you move on, Johnny.”
“I see why you love her so much, sincerely.” Separating, Johnny overlooked to you bowing to Mark and his family. “Don’t lose faith right now in your journey. You’ve come so far, my friend.”
Doyoung, who watched you proudly walking out from the court while numerous cameras were trying to interview you, couldn’t refrain from admiring you. You’ve really grown into a stronger woman day by day.
“I have no plans to do such, Johnny. I have to see every new great moment she makes next.”
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Original text by Esma Annemon Dil
Fotos by Doug Inglish
Styling by Simon Robins
Translated by @thedanceronthestreets
Intro: A broken tooth could almost have been the reason for our meeting with Pedro Pascal to be cancelled - and with that our conversation about roots, his new movie and times of change. 
Interview: It is almost eery how empty the streets of Los Angeles are under the gleaming sun. While Europe is finding its "new normal", people in L. A. are cutting their own hair even without being neurotics. Many of them have not seen their friends in half a year. The pandemic is out of control. So are the reactions to the situation. Inviting someone to a "distance drink" in the backyard can lead to the same consternation as proposing a relationship partner exchange. 
All the more of a surprise was Pedro Pascal's immediate confirmation. To the drink, not the partner exchange. He is one of the winners this year - and if Corona had not forced the movie industry to go on a holiday, he probably would not have had the time for this drink. After "Game of Thrones", the series in which his head was squished, followed 2015 the leading role in "Narcos" as a DEA agent on the hunt for Pablo Escobar, and now the leap onto the big Hollywood screen. As of 1. October the Chilean will appear in the blockbuster "Wonder Woman 1984". Furthermore, the second season of the "Star Wars" series "The Mandalorian" will start in October with him as the main character - unfortunately underneath the helmet. But we all seem to be under the same helmet in 2020. It is this man we want to meet, who worked as a waiter in New York a couple of years ago. Whose parents are political refugees that settled in Texas, and one day their son decided to walk into a drama club in high school. 
And then the cancellation. While we were preparing the house and garden for Pedro's drink and fashion shoot, which isn't an easy task under L. A.'s restrictions, his management called in with terrible news: Pedro has - no, not Corona - had to receive emergency surgery due to a sore tooth and is now lying in bed with a swollen cheek, making talking or shooting impossible. The sun shines onto empty streets. And our empty garden. 
A few days later, he stands in front of the door anyway, no huge bulge in his face, but stitches in his gum. No limousine service that dropped him off, he arrived in his own car and picked up his makeup artist on the way. He helps her to carry in all the equipment and states first and foremost: "I've got time today!" What a star! It does not seem like we are about to ask him how he managed to become a Hollywood sensation, but rather him asking us that question. Pedro Pascal! So, what kind of star is he then? 
Pedro Pascal: Sorry for ruining your plans. The operation was a total emergency. 
GQ: Really? We were wondering whether the swelling was the result of a secret trip to the plastic surgeon. Apparently, because of the quarantine in Hollywood, their schedules are packed. 
Sorry to disappoint you. A few days before our appointment I raced to the hospital with a tooth fracture and the worst pain I've ever felt - a hospital where the severe Corona cases are treated. I was unable to contact any dentists! Right before I parked, a specialist called back. I'll spare you the details of the surgery, gruesome. The pain was excruciating despite the 10 anaesthetic shots. The doctor said I wasn't the only one going through this, a lot of people grind their teeth at night thanks to stress. 
What are you most afraid of at the moment? 
The way the government is handling the pandemic scares me more than the virus itself. The lack of intelligent crisis management is a moral disgrace. The leadership crisis makes orphans out of all of us - we're left to fend for ourselves. 
How have you spent the last few months? 
With frozen pizza in jogging trousers in Venice Beach. I live in a rear building that's in the garden belonging to a family. In reality there are enough good takeout restaurants around that area, but for some reason I like salami pizza from the supermarket. 
That doesn't exactly sound like the movie star lifestyle. What does it feel like to be forced from top speed to zero? 
Considering the things happening in this world, my own state really isn't the top priority. But I would have to lie, if I said I wasn't disappointed. The entire cast and crew of "Wonder Woman 1984" put so much heart and soul into the production. We had so much fun on set. I had hoped to carry this feeling of exuberance around the globe to the openings of this movie. 
You are part of a political, socialist family that fled the Pinochet regime in Chile. What do you remember from back then? 
My sister and I were born in Chile, but I was only nine months old when we claimed asylum in Denmark. From there, we moved to San Antonio in Texas, where my dad worked as a doctor in a hospital. 
Texas isn't exactly considered to be socialist utopia. How well did you settle in? 
San Antonio isn't a cowboy city but rather very diverse with large Asian, Afro-American and Latino communities. In my memory it's a romantic place, culturally inclusive. The cultural shock only hit when we moved to Orange County in California later. Suddenly, the environment was white, preppy and conservative. 
How were you welcomed in California? 
To this day I'm ashamed when I think about how I let my classmates call me Peter without correcting them. I'm Pedro. Even without growing up in Chile, the country and language are part of me. I was quite unhappy in that place. At least I was able to switch schools and visit one in Long Beach, where I felt more comfortable. With its theatre programme, I found my path. 
Could you visit your family's homeland as a child? 
Yes, after my parents ended up on a list of expats that were permitted to re-enter the country. First, there was a big family gathering, then me and my sister were parked at some relatives' place for a few months while my parents returned to Texas. They probably needed a break from us. They'd had us at a very young age, had a vibrant social life, and my mother was doing her doctorate in psychology. 
Was your mother a typical young psychologist that tested her knowledge at home? 
You mean whether I was her lab rat? Absolutely. I can remember weird sessions camouflaged as games, where someone would watch my reactions to different toys. Even though I couldn't have been older than 6, I knew what was happening. My favourite thing was to be asked about my dreams. That was always a great opportunity to make up fantastic stories. 
Was that your first performance? 
Definitely! My strong imagination alarmed my mother, because I'd rather live in my fantasy world than in real life. I didn't like school. I ended up in the "problematic kid" category. At some point the subjects got more interesting and my grades improved. So many children are unnecessarily diagnosed with learning disabilities without considering that school can be daunting. Why is it acceptable to be bored out of your mind in class, when there are more stimulating ways to convey knowledge?
With everything happening in the world this summer: Do you believe that social hierarchy structures are genuinely being reconsidered? 
Hopefully. After the lockdown my first contact with people was at the Black Lives Matter protest. The atmosphere was peaceful and hopeful until the police got involved and provoked violence. At least during these times we can't avoid problems or distract ourselves from them as easily as we usually do. It seems that the pandemic provided us with a new sense of clarity: we don't want to go on like this. 
The trailer of "Wonder Woman 1984" represents the optimism of the 80s. That almost makes one feel nostalgic nowadays. 
That holds true. It's two hours of happiness. Patty Jenkins, the director, managed to make a movie full of positive messages. We shot in Washington, D. C., then in London and Spain - which now sounds like a different time. 
Do you miss travelling? 
I've only now realised what a privilege it is to just pack up your things and fly anywhere. With an American passport you can travel freely. And that's why the small radius we live in now is kind of absurd. Over the last few years I often retreated in between takes, because I was always on the road and overstimulated. Friends complained about how comfortable I had become. We all took social interactions for granted and realise now how reliant we are on human connection. Now, I wistfully think about all the party and dinner invitations I declined in the past. 
In L. A., people spend more time indoors or in nature than in other metropolises. Could this city become your safe haven after New York City? 
My true home is my friends. Ever since I was young I've lived the life of a nomad and haven't set roots anywhere. Until recently, my physical home was a place for arriving and leaving and hence I didn't want to overcomplicate living by owning lots of things. The opposite actually: Without having read Marie Kondo's book, I got rid of all the stuff that was unnecessary and lived a very minimalistic lifestyle. 
Is there something you collect or could never say goodbye to? 
Books! I still own the literature I read during my teen and university years. Recently I found a box of old theatre scripts and materials back from my uni days at NYU. I can't separate from art either, same as lamps or old pictures. Furniture and clothes are no problem though, they can be chucked. 
Do you remember any roles that were defined by their costumes? 
Yes, "Game of Thrones" comes to mind immediately. During that time I first understood what it means, as an actor, to be supported by a look. I owe that to costume designer Michele Clapton. She developed these very feminine robes and brocade cloaks for my role that looked very masculine when I wore them. I felt sexy in them. And very important were of course Lindy Hemming's power suits and Jan Sewell's blond hair for the tycoon villain Maxwell Lord in "Wonder Woman 1984". Relating to the style, I couldn't really see myself in the role since the shapes and colours of the 80s don't really fit my body. My type is the 70s.
Do you adopt such inspirations into your private closet? 
At this point in time, I'll choose any comfortable outfit over a cool look. Sometimes I mourn the days when I defined myself with fashion. It's a bit mad when I think about how, in the 90s as a teenager, I would go to raves; a proper club kid with crazy outfits: overalls, chute trousers, soccer shirts and a top hat like in "The cat in the hat knows a lot about that!" by Dr Seuss. Later in NYC I was part of a group that placed immense value on wearing a certain style. The fact that I only walk around in joggers nowadays is actually unacceptable! 
Normally, actors who work on comic screen adaptations become bodybuilders and eat ten boiled chicken breasts per day. You don't? 
My body wouldn't be able to handle that. I find it difficult enough to maintain a minimum level of fitness. As of your mid 40s, you suddenly need a lot more discipline. Until the tooth incident happened, I worked out a couple of times a week with a trainer to keep the quarantine body in shape. 
What would annoy you the most, if you were your own roommate? 
I can be very bossy. I have to gather all my goodwill not to force my movie choice on to everyone else. When I want something, I'm not passive aggressive about it, I attack head on. Also, I can get caught up in tunnel vision: When i feel down, I can't imagine that I'm ever going to feel better again. I have difficulty with seeing the bigger picture when experiencing problems or emotions. Method acting really wouldn't be my thing. That's why I try to only work on projects that feel good and where people encourage and lift each other up. 
While you were trying on the outfits you pointed out a lack of self-esteem. How does that coincide with your career? 
Isn't it interesting how traits and circumstances go hand in hand? Self-esteem comes from the inside, but it's also influenced by what society believes. We use critical stares from the outside against ourselves. I lived in New York for 20 years, I studied there and worked as a waiter up until my mid 30s, because I couldn't live off acting. It was always so close. The disappointment of always just barely missing a perfect part or opportunity is exhausting. When is the right time to stop trying and what's plan b? That's not just a question actors ask themselves, but anybody who struggles to earn a livelihood - unrelated to how much potential they have or how close their dream may seem. We are beginning to see now how our narrow definition of success is destroying our communities. At the same time, it's becoming obvious that, until this day, your family background and skin colour determine your chances of living a dignified existence. 
What are the positives of becoming a leading man later in life? 
I have the feeling that I've got control over my life - without the pressure of having to accept projects or be a social media personality. That surely also has to do with the fact that I'm a man. Women are surely pressured to appear quirky at any age. 
Life is always a management of risks - especially at this time. For what would you risk losing something? 
Usually, if you don't play the game you're not going to win anything. That applies to friendship, love, work, creativity. Anything that really means something to me, is worth the risk. 
Wonder woman 1984 will appear in cinemas 01.10. The 800 million dollar earning DC comic franchise is moving into the New York 80s with its sequel. It looks spectacular - only Pedro Pascal with blond hair in a three piece Wall Street suit looks better.
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sadclearance · 3 years
pairing: suwa hiroto x male!reader x naruse kakeru from orange
summary: summer is here again.
category: fluff(?), angst(?), hurt/comfort(?) idk i suck at categorizing
warning(s): implied/referenced suicide
word count: 2013
there's a flashback, but the start and end of it is signified with "*"
s/t - skin tone
Tumblr media
summer is a time of warm sunny fun. the sky is clear, the air is hot--there's nothing stopping the group of old high school friends from gathering.
"do you think y/n's almost here?" naho asks, seeing as everyone from the group has finished with their brunch meals.
"if he is, he better have eaten beforehand. no way i'm staying any longer. i wanna get to the beach already!" azusa throws her head back exasperatedly.
"i'm sure he's on his way," saku says, voice steady but mind not confident in his own answer.
"y/n just texted me," hiroto sighs, and everyone already knows what it's about. and nobody's surprised.
"let me guess," azusa leans her face against her palm, "he's got another paper."
"yup," hiroto nods, revealing the screen of his phone to his friends.
"this is summer! who has papers during the summer?" azusa frowns.
"y/n always has papers during summers," saku notes. "maybe he's just working really hard."
"do you guys even know what he's studying?" hiroto asks.
"if you don't know, none of us would," takako says.
"haven't you noticed?" azusa's eyes go wide. "are you dense?"
hiroto pouts, "that's not nice."
"y/n hasn't talked to any of us since high school," saku says.
"what? that can't be true. you're exaggerating," hiroto shakes his head.
"nope. not one text. not one reaction," azusa puts her pointer fingers together to create an 'x'.
"do you guys think he's holding up okay?" naho asks with a quiet voice. "i barely even saw him in high school after..."
and they all know what the next words were supposed to be.
but summer is a time for warm sunny fun, not a dark topic like this.
"let's go to the beach," azusa jumps from her seat and grabs her bag.
"yeah"s are heard throughout the group, and they all get up and follow her lead.
and the day is just the way it's supposed to be. the sun is bright, the air is hot, and the splashes of water that they playfully send each other's ways are cold.
"oh, you're so gonna get it!" azusa yells after saku dumps a bucket of water on her.
"hey! be careful," naho scolds. "you're gonna knock down my castle."
"sorry, sorry," azusa sends her a wink before going back to chase after saku.
it's fun like this. it's fun being with his high school friends. so fun that it makes hiroto miss high school.
but missing high school came with reminiscing memories of high school. memories that weren't always so fun.
and now hiroto feels like he can't move his fingers. his eyes can't focus on anything, and his view of the beautiful blue water is blurry. he wants to clear his mind, but he's trapped.
his heady is foggy, yet the past moments whizzing around inside his brain is painfully apparent.
*he doesn't feel the cool breeze of the ocean anymore. he feels the warm air of the blazing fire that was lit in y/n's tiny backyard. probably a fire hazard, but who could think about that when his best friends were smiling so big?
a black-haired boy that usually wears such a painful expression is now laughing heartily alongside the owner of the small place, letting his arms rest around his waist.
and warm s/t hands are pulling hiroto towards them.
"c'mon! join the party!"
there's so much laughter and warmth, even on the cold winter night.
hiroto thinks that it's the best night of his life.
the same hands that pulled him closer are now pointing at both sides of his cheeks.
the brunette and the raven laugh more before they decide to say "fuck it" and give into a little peck on the cheek.
but right before lips meet cheeks, y/n pulls his face away, and the lips are pressed against each other.
a cheery beautiful laugh resounds throughout the cold air as grey and brown eyes stare into each other, wide with realization.
when they pull away, hiroto expects kakeru's face to twist in disgust, but it doesn't. there's a small smile playing on his lips instead.
"your loss, y/n. kakeru's lips are sweet," hiroto playfully sticks out his tongue.
"then i guess i should get a taste for myself," y/n grins like a goof.
this view is so pretty and hiroto would never trade it for anything.
but then suddenly, kakeru's feet are off the ground, and y/n's body crumbles because kakeru is--*
"what--" hiroto gasps when cold water soaks him from head to toe.
"you were off in your own little dream world," takako says, putting the bucket down on the coarse sand.
"stop thinking so hard. that's never been a strong point for you," saku jokes before getting splashed by azusa.
"finally got you!" azusa celebrates, prancing around the low water in glee.
"you're on, takako!" hiroto says with a new burst of energy. he doesn't want to bring down the mood.
"it wasn't a challenge, but if you really wanna lose..." takako grins.
he's tired by the end of the day. takako was right. he lost.
"meet up at five for the festival tomorrow?" hiroto asks before parting ways.
"yup!" azusa nods aggressively.
"keep that up and you're gonna break your neck," saku flicks her head with his pointer finger.
"yeah," takako laughs.
"should we text y/n about tomorrow's plans?" naho asks hesitantly.
"i'll let him know," hiroto says after no one responds.
"you will?" naho asks with hopeful eyes.
"how could i ever say no to you?" hiroto ruffles her hair, trying to make the air less tense.
"don't be late tomorrow!" azusa yells at the group before going her own way.
the walk back to his house is quiet. he doesn't want to be alone right now. his mind is too much to handle alone, and he just wants something to distract him from these memories forever.
before he knows it, his feet have carried him to the l/n family house's door. the house that had been empty since y/n left for college.
he wonders if y/n's even there. probably not, considering how y/n's working on the paper for his project.
but he still needs time to work up the courage to ring the doorbell.
the simple task of lifting his finger and pressing the button takes some time and way more effort than it should, but he eventually gets it done.
"you in?" hiroto asks after a while. he knows his voice is weak, and that even if y/n was home, he wouldn't have been able to hear, but he can't find it in himself to raise his voice. his energy is suddenly drained, and he feels like he can barely keep himself up straight.
he leans against the door for support. "please."
he feels like a drunk, but he hasn't had anything to drink. it's pathetic and sad and ugly. all sides of him that he doesn't want to show anyone.
but he desperately wants to see y/n.
so, he continues.
"please, y/n. open the door," hiroto weakly knocks against the door.
he doesn't know how long he's been there, but he knows he needs to pick himself up and get to his own place.
before he leaves, holding the naive hope that y/n's on the other side of the door, he says, "we're gonna go to the festival tomorrow at five... it'd be nice if you came. i'll wait for you by the park that ka--..." this part is hard. he has to harshly swallow down the lump in his throat. "that we used to hang out at."
he couldn't keep his promise.
he had been waiting since four, but it was half-past five. he couldn't keep his friends waiting any longer.
"come on, hiroto," naho says with a painfully feigned smile. "it's okay."
"yeah," azusa tries to help. "we'll just catch him next time."
"we have all week to see him," saku eventually just grabs hiroto's arm and pulls him with them.
"okay, okay," hiroto forces out a laugh. "i can walk on my own. let's get a snack."
naho's as pretty in that kimono as she was back in high school, but hiroto can't find it in himself to be interested. he realizes that the things that used to excite him don't mean anything to him anymore.
it makes him feel hollow inside. will he feel like this when--if he sees y/n?
the thought haunts him for the rest of their time walking together, looking at what the different stalls and booths had to offer.
he doesn't remember when, but at some point, the sky had turned dark. he's sure the fireworks will start any time now.
"let's find a nice spot!" azusa says excitedly.
"you guys go ahead," hiroto says, pulling away from the group. "i need to go to the bathroom."
"hurry back! or you're gonna miss it!" naho says with a certain desperation in her voice, and hiroto knows it's because she can't afford to lose another friend.
"don't worry," hiroto reassures with a little smile. "i'll be back."
he knows it's silly, but he wants to go back to the park. it's stupid and illogical to even hope for y/n to be there because hiroto's not even sure if y/n was in the house when he said those desperate words.
but hiroto can't help but yearn.
he makes it to the park, and he sees a figure sitting on a bench--their bench.
it could be a random stranger that just happened to coincidentally sit there, or it could--
"y/n..." hiroto says softly when he gets close enough to confirm the identity of this person.
"hiroto..." y/n greets back. he's in casual clothes, nothing like what people normally wear to a festival. it's clear that this wasn't a thought out idea.
he hesitantly takes a seat next to y/n, leaving more space than necessary between them.
"i didn't know you were in town," hiroto says because as much as he's been longing for this moment, he doesn't know how to continue.
"then why did you come last night?" y/n doesn't look up.
"i..." how's he supposed to answer a question that he himself doesn't know the answer to? "i was hopeful."
the silence between them is unbearable, and hiroto wishes that seeing his high school best friend wasn't this awkward. it used to be so easy to talk to each other. why was it like this now?
"do you come back often?" hiroto asks.
"no. i've been too busy with stuff at school."
"you can't lie to me."
"then why ask?" it comes out harsher than y/n meant it to. "sorry..."
hiroto waits it out this time, and it works.
"i... i come back every summer," y/n lifts his head, but not to face hiroto's. his gaze passes the brunette and goes straight for the skies above.
there's tears building up in his eyes, and he tries to blink them away as fast as he can, but hiroto's already seen them.
he tries to think of his next words very carefully, but saku was right. thinking really hasn't ever been his strong point.
so he instinctively grabs y/n's shaking hand with his own and pulls him into an embrace.
"hey, y/n..." hiroto steadies his voice. "you're still reliving that summer alone, over and over again, aren't you?"
the only response he gets is trembling arms around his waist.
"as long as we live, summer will continue to come around..." hiroto tightens his embrace and hopes that his words are the right ones. "but the same summer will never come again."
"i miss him, hiroto," y/n chokes on a sob.
"i know. i miss him, too," hiroto buries his face in y/n's shoulder.
"and i missed you," y/n cries.
"i missed you more," hiroto whispers. "i love you."
he wonders if y/n could hear him over the loud popping of the fireworks.
but more than that, he wonders if this summer, they can finally start anew, as kakeru would want summer to be a time of warm sunny fun.
messy half-vent fic. idek if it makes sense. inspired from a manga that i forgot the name of but it was this younger guy who was chasing after an older guy, and the older guy had a deceased boyfriend that died in a car crash in the summer.
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