#i have never felt so seen in my fucking life i burst out crying multiple times it made me feel SO MUCH
whatifyoulivelikethat · 6 months
peppermint gum, m | jjk | and burst forth
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
It’s impossible to fall in love when you’re already in love. And Jeon Jungkook was in love. Helplessly. But what could he do? Time passed. The world became tasteless to his eyes. All he could do was hold onto the crisp and intense color of those memories, remember her words, and wonder where she was now. Savor, and burst forth.
click here for part i | this is part ii | total wc: 25k
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; this story contains parental child abuse - child neglect and abandonment; sloooow burn; mild alcohol consumption; hardcore pining JK; angst and fluff and feels; (in part ii) smut (fem reader, slight D/s dynamic, so much kissing, hair pulling, scratching / marking. grinding, choking, m-receiving oral, finger sucking, fingering, nipple play, m-masturbation, thigh riding, edging, penetrative sex, doggy, multiple orgasms); shifts back and forth between Jungkook’s POV and your POV; from lovers-to-strangers-to-lovers again :)
non-idol!AU; pining!Jungkook x noona!reader — ft JK’s helpful? friends Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin; reader’s close friend and talented guitarist, Kang Hyungu (ONEWE’s Kanghyun if you want to see his appearance, hehe, same personality); JK has all his piercings and has hair (lol)
Jungkook woke up with crusty eyes and on top of the love of his life.
He woke up with a start, the last dregs of an icy and panicked nightmare clawing at him. He couldn’t even remember what happened. The only way he could describe the sensation was that it was as if the color blue had become an emotion. Which was crazy talk, but honestly at this point what was new? After all, Jungkook was peeling his eyes open with effort and seeing the most beautiful sleeping face under him, even with the dark circles under her eyes.
He froze.
Oh, shit, what have I done?
A frown flitted over her features.
Her eyes opened a crack.
He squeaked and immediately ducked. Shoved his face into her chest, hurriedly wiping away at his face with the cuffs of his sleeves. I can’t show my face like this, I look so stupid and pathetic, I–
Her voice was low and unused.
“What… What the fuck are you doing?”
He could still feel the residual ache between his eyes from crying so much, but at least he had cleaned up his eyes and felt a little less like a crispy bun left in the oven too long. “I…” Pausing, but the truth came tumbling out anyway. “I didn’t want you to see me ugly…”
He mumbled into his hands.
She snorted and Jungkook jumped as her hands settled in his waist, squeezing him, only now realizing that his sweatshirt paws were on top of the curve of her breasts. Thankfully, she was clearly wearing a padded bra under. How she slept in it was beyond him. Then again, she managed to sleep with a whole ass man on top of her, although his lower body was in between her legs.
She held onto him.
“Believe me, I’ve seen ugly. You’ll never be close to ugly in my eyes.”
She said it sleepily and with her head tilting back to stretch her neck. He couldn’t say anything. How could he? Oh, sure, if he was unserious, and he opened his mouth to joke back but nothing came out. He almost wanted to cry again. Instead, he shut his mouth and trembled, trying not to put too much weight onto her. She either didn’t care or had enough grace to not comment.
“You still snore pretty bad.”
“S… Sorry.”
She cracked her neck and exhaled over his head.
Her hands relaxed and slid over his lower back.
His eyes widened, overwhelmed by the cool, heady rush swirling through his body at her touch.
“I got used to it then, so I guess it’ll just take time,” she murmured.
For a second.
For a fleeting, perfect second, Jungkook was held by his most precious memory.
Then, she patted him in the back and her hands retreated. A soft groan and her palms planted onto his chest, lightly pushing him away, wiggling under him. He promptly backed up, turning his head away and hiding his disappointment, but she didn’t look in his direction, stretching and yawning, pointing towards the bathroom, go ahead and get washed up, I’ll get you a towel for your face, and he latched onto the suggestion to scurry away, trying not to seem too hurried, his large black parka carelessly falling onto the floor with a heavy thump.
It was suddenly cold and far too bright.
But he couldn’t run back to her.
His head snapped towards the mirror the second he burst into the bathroom.
I look like shit.
The pink flush on his cheeks deepened to red as he approached the sink, dropping his head and turning on the water. Splashing his face and gasping at the cold. Fuck, I am such an idiot. It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. He was supposed to be cool, calm, and collected and sweep her off her feet with his newfound coolness. Instead, he had broken down and cried like a child in her arms until he passed out from all the emotional energy he expelled. Great. Way to look dumb, Jeon Jungkook. He scrubbed at his face with his palms, hoping to peel off a layer and reveal a better man, as if he was some kind of golden onion and not a fractured, incomplete, whiny little bitch.
“Hey. Hey! Maybe you’ve heard of the term facial peel, but what you are doing is not what the term means.”
Jungkook jumped at the interruption, and was greeted with a plop to the face from a fluffy white towel. His reflexes caught it right away, pressing it to his cheeks, embarrassed again. All he could muster out was a t-thanks, and then he started again as he felt her crouch and open the cabinet under the sink, accompanied by sounds of clunking.
“Here. Pick a toothbrush. Pink or purple?”
He yanked the towel off his face and saw himself in the mirror, his half-wet black hair sticking straight up, and then he looked down, startled and wide-eyed. She raised an eyebrow at him, down on one knee and prosing the choice of a light pink toothbrush in one hand and a lavender-colored one in the other.
She shrugged. “Sorry. Last ones in the multipack are these colors. I save the fun colors for guests so they can distinguish themselves.”
He glanced at the one in the holder and it had a black handle.
“Uh… I guess I’ll take the purple…”
He took it, careful not to made skin-to-skin contact.
She disappeared under the sink again.
“I have a travel toothpaste if–”
He jerked his head, his mouth full of suds.
“Or you can just use mine,” she said slowly, lowering her hand. She shoved the travel toothpaste back under the sink, presumably in its previous hiding place. “Not like we haven’t swapped spit before, I guess.”
He tried to apologize, but she stood up, waving it away.
“What do you want for breakfast?” she asked, taking her toothbrush and starting her own routine.
It felt…
Shockingly, unbelievingly, scarily normal. Her and him, in close quarters, standing beside each other and sharing the mirror and the space. Similar to his small apartment back then. Similar to the tiny hotel rooms they sometimes visited when his previous roommate was there. These days Jungkook had a bigger apartment and lived alone. Just like her, it seemed. She had was a clean and modern bathroom, but he saw her touches all around it. The black cherry scented lotion. The large dark gray bath towel with a matching fluffy hair towel wrap hanging on a hook beside it. The black wire basket above the toilet held neatly stacked white rolls. They looked soft and plush.
Her toothbrush holder was matte black glass.
Sleek and elegant.
He leaned down and used his hands to cup some water, the used towel around his shoulders. Rinsed and spit, trying to be efficient. And not disgusting. He continued staring down at the sink bowl.
Unable to lift his head.
“You… You must be tired of me…” he mumbled, exhaling as evenly as he could, the mint flavor cooling his tongue and the inside of his mouth.
She answered slightly muffled.
But dead serious.
“You can stop pretending you are inconveniencing me and simply accept what I’m doing for you.”
Jungkook raised his head.
There was a brief heartbeat exchanged in the mirror. Seeing each other in reflection. Somehow it was more honest than being eye to eye. Well, of course, because he had been having trouble all morning making any real eye contact, but in that brief moment, in that second of time that felt like hours, in that gum bubble right before the jarring pop moment, she saw right through him. He let himself be seen, and it seemed as if she knew and accepted what his true feelings were, despite his fear of his wants being too ugly to admit. Knowing him better then he knew himself, just like how it always was.
Had been.
She kept brushing her teeth absentmindedly, and then moved past him, picking up the other cup to rinse her own mouth and spit. He backed away, but not too far. Wiped his hands on the towel given to him. The unspoken intent lingered, do you still not understand what is happening here, and he did, but he was afraid to be wrong.
He was so very afraid.
And yet.
Her head was right there, soft hair and all.
His hand lifted.
She rose quickly and his hand retreated immediately. She was speaking and opening the mirror, revealing the hidden cabinet and an array of crammed skincare. All higher end brands, along with an onyx gua sha stone with its own stand, and a lip balm she plucked off the edge and applied.
“I have bread, eggs, cheese. Can make eggy toast topped with cheese and have kimchi on the side. Extra butter to make the bread crispier. You’ll like it.”
“I… wuh?”
You make the eggy toast and ate breakfast with Jungkook.
A big chunk of butter slapped into the hot pan. Then pan-toasting the bread on both sides until golden brown before pressing down the center of the bread slice with a ladle, creating a shallow bowl to drop an egg in. You had let the egg cook for a bit before sprinkling a little salt and white pepper, then added shredded cheese on top and covered the pan, giving it a few seconds to melt before removing the eggy bread from its warm home and onto a plate. Added some kimchi on the side for some prickled freshness and handed the meal to Jungkook, who had hovered around you the entire time, providing various oohs and aahs with your every action.
Your one-man hype squad.
It wasn’t the most Korean meal, but he had been drinking the night prior. A hangover meal of sorts.
You didn’t talk much.
You had already done enough. It was pretty obvious what was going on here. The real question was whether or not to let it happen. Still, you couldn’t let Jungkook cry himself to sleep in your arms the night before and not send him off with a full belly. Even if he never spoke to you again, it wouldn’t have sat right with you. It felt too heartless to straighten up and tell him to get out right after waking.
And, anyway.
You had missed him.
It made no sense. It wasn’t like you had deeply invested into those few months with him. You had been too caught up in your endless cycle of self-destruction to truly appreciate how much Jungkook liked you. It was obvious, of course. He followed you like a puppy and never wanted to leave your presence, but you had chalked it up to him being young and not knowing better. In fact, you had originally thought he was still chasing a fantasy up until last night, but no amount of your denial could explain away his words or those tears. He had grown up, at least enough to understand that reality and dreams weren’t one and the same. And yet he had clung onto those memories of you, even if he thought that the future he was heading towards was tasteless.
That took a certain kind of stubbornness.
Well, you must be stubborn to stay in love, no?
You paused mid-bite.
Jungkook was stuffing his face. You had made him two pieces. He had seemed very hungry. You spooned more kimchi onto his plate distractedly, your mind wandering. Devotion was stubbornness. Wavering was lack thereof. Stubbornness was often an act of selfishness and that was still true in love. It just depended on how one imposed that selfishness onto another.
You felt a tap on the back of your hand.
You started, blinking out of your thoughts.
He was staring.
“You didn’t finish eating,” Jungkook gulped, tilting his head. “Something wrong? I thought it was really tasty.”
This was coming from someone who would eat basically anything. Still, you took it as a compliment. Not because you needed to be complimented, no, because you saw his black-brown eyes sparkle when you half-smiled at his comment. Just for that. Just to give him the small happiness of knowing you valued his praise. You could be humble about the culinary skills you had acquired over the years simply so you didn’t look arrogant, but, then again, the result would be that Jungkook would feel as if his words weren’t worthwhile and that was not the truth.
Even if your mind wasn’t so sure, you still smiled for him.
No matter the result, you loved me back then, in the only way you know how. You taught me about your love, whether I believed in it or not. Very ox-like of you, Jeon Jungkook.
“Do you think we should go on a date?” you suddenly asked.
His big peepers popped open wide.
“A d-date?!”
“What should I wear?!”
Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung high-fived each other with a simultaneous maniacal giggle as Jungkook stood next to his open closet door with his eyebrow twitching. So much for having older friends giving their mature opinions.
“Very funny,” Jungkook muttered under his breath.
“Isn’t that how you get ‘em, JK?” Taehyung teased, grinning with all his teeth. Typically, Kim Taehyung gave off a mature, elegant vibe. He was the kind of handsome that could elevate any look with his strong features and cool demeanor. The deep baritone voice only added to his manliness. “Just rip off your shirt and bam!”
With close friends, though, Taehyung was an idiot.
“What if he walked into the restaurant and tore open his shirt?” Park Jimin snorted behind his small hand, trying to be polite but failing miserably with the nonsense coming out of his mouth. “Do you think his date would notice first or do you think he would get arrested first?” The epitome of cute and airy, Jimin was the type that ended up being social because he looked so approachable with his soft features and endearing eye smile. He always drew in a crowd with his genuine emotion behind his carefully considered words.
Which meant that Jimin was also the type to rub in the teasing until he really, really grated those nerves.
“You’re not helping, guys,” Jungkook growled, thumbing through his very monochrome closet. Black, white, gray, classic blue denim. Not much color. Shit, was he really this boring? Honestly, he ended up selecting basics mostly for the reducing decision fatigue when picking out an outfit for every day. It did not, however, help when he needed to impress.
Especially because Jungkook rarely wore or owned any formal wear.
Was a dress shirt too much? Too little? Not a good indication of the kind of man he was now? He didn’t want to portray like a better or false version of himself. But he had to look good. Fuck. This was way easier when his only goal was to get laid and not to have a relationship.
“You still haven’t told us who it is,” Taehyung piped up, still sitting on the end of Jungkook’s bed with Jimin. One would think the fashion model of the two would get up and start pulling things, but he didn’t budge.
“Yeah, we need deets,” Jimin chimed in. “We can’t suggest anything without context.”
Jungkook responded flatly. “It’s a girl.”
He could practically hear the eye roll in Jimin’s response. “Wow, what an underwhelming gender reveal. Next time bring those poppers with pink confetti while you’re at it.”
“Uh, well, do you know her personally or is this blind date status?” Taehyung asked, sounding confused.
“I know her.”
Jungkook knew precisely why Taehyung was confused, but didn’t address it. Jimin, however.
“Why are you being so cagey? By now you would have shown us a pic.”
Yeah, by now, he would have shown a face photo or even the dating profile. To be honest, Jimin was the most useful on pinpointing perfect outfits that screamed “fuck me now” even with only a few pics or a limited text exchange. He was some kind of wizard at that. Personal experience? Who knew. Taehyung ended up being emotional support and occasionally the voice of reason.
“Ugh, is it that stuck-up bitch from a couple months ago?” Taehyung suddenly stood up, coming up behind Jungkook. “I don’t like her.”
“I told you I didn’t even sleep with that one,” Jungkook mumbled, moving away as Taehyung thumbed through his jackets, took out a fitted light denim one, and put it on himself, modeling in the full-length mirror for who-the-hell-knows-what reason. Too casual, right?
“Good, because nobody liked her,” Jimin tutted.
Yet she did look similar to a clean someone.
Not as pretty, though, Jungkook knew.
Sometimes he had to take what he could get. Not that time, because they were both right. That woman’s personality was awful. Had been best to run right away. Jungkook frowned as Jimin stuck his hand out right in front of his face, waving it around.
“Give me your phone.”
“We need pics!”
Jungkook offered one detail. “She’s hot.”
“No shit?!” Jimin gasped sarcastically. He staggered back with a fluff of his bleach blond hair. “That’s so out of character for you!”
Jungkook glared and thought about biting him.
Did not.
For now.
Jungkook froze. That was the type of exclamation Taehyung let out when he realized something important. The kind where Taehyung pointed upward and popped his fist into his open palm, about to say the very important thing and blow everyone’s minds.
“It’s her, isn’t it?”
He could sense Taehyung was facing him now. Jungkook couldn’t raise his head to look. His abrupt muteness was enough of answer. He felt Taehyung’s strong hand on his shoulder, but he continued to stare at his clothes as if they could magically answer in his stead, chewing on the left side of his lower lip nervously.
“Am I right, Jungkookie?” Taehyung asked again softly. “I thought you said she disappeared.”
It’s impossible to fall in love when I have always been in love with you.
There was a pang in his chest, sharp and intense.
“Guess… Guess nobody disappears forever,” he finally muttered.
Jimin jerked back, stunned. “Woah, wait, wait.”
Taehyung knew more than Jimin. Not really for any other reason than gut feeling. Somehow, after he had finished moping and feeling sorry for himself, Jungkook had felt that Taehyung would understand the intensity of it all. Taehyung had a grounded personality, but there was certain je ne sais quoi about the dark-haired man. Call it a hunch from the partial truths of described rendezvous in Paris and his occasionally off-the-cuff viewpoint on things. Taehyung had always been inseparable from Jimin ever since they met, so Jungkook had to tell the other male too, but back then Jimin was kind of a…
A slut.
Safe and consensual, but dude had been going through his hoe phase. He hadn’t been in a place to understand how profound those memories had been for Jungkook. Therefore, Jungkook had just said he really loved her despite the short timeline. Jimin had told him he was an idiot to believe that. Taehyung had whacked Jimin in the back of the head for that. He did apologize right away, but it wasn’t until years later that Jimin really comprehended the depth and apologized. By then, though.
It was all too late.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Jimin worriedly chittered. “She broke your heart last time. Bad.”
Jungkook looked up.
“I’m fine.”
“Are you?” Taehyung persisted. “Come on, don’t act like we haven’t noticed you have a type. You think Jimin and I are cross-eyed and blind? Not to mention you usually drop girls like hot potatoes with your weak-ass excuses.”
“Yeah, for instance, you randomly stopped seeing one girl because she liked sweets,” Jimin pointed out.
“She likes sweets,” Jungkook interrupted. “But only sour candy. She would always give me any chocolate she received.”
Taehyung rubbed his forehead, his tan skin glowing under the overhead lights. “Dude.”
“This is not good for you.” Jimin sighed, expression apprehensive. He resembled the skeptical emoticon with his rounder and more animated face. “Setting aside if she has become a better person or not… why now? And could she really be as great as you think she is or are you trying to make her live up to an impossible fantasy?”
“It just happened,” Jungkook snapped. “We ran into each other the other night.”
Jimin frowned. “A little fast, isn’t it?” He was slipping into his Busan satoori with his frustration. It often came out around at the same time Jungkook’s did since they were born in the same area.
“Did you at least talk to her for a long time?” Taehyung playing devil’s advocate in this case. He loved a swift romance, as unlikely as it could be. Red string of fate, soulmates, the works. “What was it like?”
Jungkook would never call himself a poet.
He simply answered exactly how he felt.
“It was like I was able to finally come home after a long journey,” he breathed out.
Jimin and Taehyung exchanged a look. But Jungkook didn’t care anymore, lost in her smile, her touch, her smell, lost in that night. It didn’t make any sense, of course, because she was vibrant as she was calm, but that was how it was. Coming home. Like bursts of color back into his desaturated world. From the mundane to the extraordinary, even from something as basic as standing beside each other and brushing their teeth.
He had just liked knowing it was her.
“Did you guys sleep together?”
Jungkook gave Taehyung a side-eye. He got a shrug in response.
“No. We… went home.”
Was he supposed to say, no, I ended up at her place and I cried myself to sleep in her arms? Hell no. Some things were meant to be secrets. Even Jungkook had good enough sense to leave well enough alone. Couple white lies here and there weren’t going to condemn him. Sex before marriage might, but, eh, in that case he had been damnned for long before now. Whoops.
“Uh huh,” Jimin mused. “Alright then. Let’s pick an outfit.”
“What about this?”
“Taehyung, you would wear that,” Jimin scolded, pulling out an olive-green bomber jacket.
“Aren’t sweater vests are outdated? I saw that on TikTok.”
“They’re not outdated!” Taehyung scolded Jungkook, putting back the black sweater vest with white trim. “Also, real life is not TikTok, dork. I was thinking without an inner shirt, anyway. Show off the arms.”
Jimin hummed, considering. “Something lighter. Do you have something similar in cream? Or beige? Plus some medium wash blue jeans and a studded belt. She was kinda edgy, I remember.”
“Uh, lemme look…”
“Yo, the hat hair?” The Busan dialect was coming out again due to Jimin’s agitation.
“He looks cute in them!”
“We’re not serving egg even if he is over easy.”
It took a moment for Jungkook to register the scalding degree of that burn.
“What should I wear?”
You turned around to see Kang Hyungu with his raised hands and a clueless expression. “Normal people wear clothes to a date,” he reasonably stated.
You answered dryly.
“Very funny.”
You were not amused. The cerulean-haired guitarist struggled and turned away from the video call, rummaging around in his kitchen and making a lot of noise. From this angle you could peek the bottom of his dark purple undercut and his cutesy Pingu t-shirt. Hyungu was a very manly looking guy, but he never hesitated to wear graphics that he found adorable. Too secure not to.
“You didn’t order take-out again, did you?”
He made a noise that was neither affirmative or negative, which meant he definitely did. “I’m not in the mood to cook.” The word cook was being used generously here.
“Which means you made melodies all day, huh?” you interjected.
Hyungu stuck his big eyes and handsome (yet generally expressionless) face back onto the screen. “It’s such a burden to be so talented and hardworking, but someone has to do it.”
You ignored his plight. “Should I wear a dress?” you asked, pawing through your hanging articles of clothing.
You frowned and looked over the dresses one by one. None of them felt right though. The date was a meal and then who knows. There was a variety of shops around the area, so it might be fun to look around and talk, perhaps. Tight dresses out, probably. You weren’t about to freeze your ass off for the vibes.
“Maybe I should wear pants?” you wondered out loud.
“Nah, noona. You look way better in dresses.”
Despite not having much expression around strangers, Hyungu had strong opinions when asked. In fact, he was so quiet that he often faded into the background before chiming in at the most random of times. He was one year younger than Jungkook. Upon first glance, he looked older, but anyone who knew Hyungu personally was subject to his seriously unserious nature.
“Who’s the guy?”
“Somebody I used to know,” you replied absentmindedly, pulling out a high-waisted black skirt with silver hardware and pleather suspenders. Hm.
You heard the frown in his voice. “Someone I know?”
“I don’t like him.”
“You don’t like anybody I go on dates with,” you shot back, pulling out a white ruffled shirt and a black velvet one. The skirt was designed to sit right under the bust so some type of undershirt was a must. The white seemed too contrasting. You could unbutton a few buttons of the black velvet dress shirt, or maybe go for a fitted red-and-black striped top to make it more casual. Maybe more casual was the move. The sushi restaurant wasn’t upscale. But, also, you didn’t care about being overdressed. A loose t-shirt might be a cool vibe too. Choices.
“They like you for the wrong reasons,” Hyungu scolded, ramming noodles into his mouth.
“Who cares?”
Nah, black velvet shirt it was. More comfortable and the mixing of textures made for a good monotone outfit. Plain black knit thigh-high socks were a no-brainer too. Plus, then you could wear black boots which was better for the colder weather.
“I do! They’re lame and disrespectful.”
You hunted for your sterling silver guitar pick necklace. “I keep telling you that I’m not looking for a relationship with them.”
“Well, you should look for a relationship with someone.”
You upturned your lips and raised an eyebrow at the screen of your phone propped up against your perfumes. Hyungu’s face still hadn’t changed much from his baseline neutral, other than one cheek bouncing up and down with each chew. At least he had the decency to keep his mouth shut. “This again?”
“You deserve to be happy, noona.”
He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You paused.
Then you rolled your eyes. “Some guy isn’t gonna make me happy.”
“The guy will make you happy.” And then Hyungu shoveled some rice in his mouth. He was a man of equality. All carbs were his friends.
You let out a silent, heavy exhale. “You’re so sure about that.”
“Yeah, I am,” he continued with a munch. “Even if you’re delusional about it.”
You puffed one cheek. “I’m not delusional about anything. I’m very rational.”
“I might have been drunk but I wasn’t blind, noona.”
You froze.
“I’ve never seen you act that way around a guy, ever.”
You tapped your fingertips against your dresser drawer, out of his field of view. The long seconds ticked by. Fuck it. “What do you think of him?” you questioned.
Hyungu made a scrunched face as he fought with the lid of a container that seemed to contain cucumber salad. His mother must have made it for him. “What was his name again?”
“Jeon Jungkook.”
“Oh. Yeah, he was with the group that was friends of the band, right?”
He paused, twisting his lips to one side. “Mmm, can’t really remember that well. It was kind of noisy and you know how it is for me when there’s a bigger group and I’m not super close with anyone there.”
Your shoulders slumped. “I thought you said you were fine.”
He waved a hand, debating for a moment before simply eating out of the container. “Gotta keep trying to get used to it. Anyway, I was more focused on getting along with the band since we have five more shows. But he did help us in getting home. He must not be a bad guy.” He looked up at you. In some ways, Hyungu was the most honest when he was playing guitar. People not close to him found him hard to read.
He was no mystery to you, though.
“Can’t you tell that he really likes you?”
You broke his gaze, almost guiltily.
“No one is supposed to like me. I’m scary on purpose.”
Hyungu laughed.
“You’re never been scary, noona.”
In the silence that followed, you and Hyungu had a silent conversation in words unsaid. You didn’t look towards the screen, preferring instead to turn around and look through your jackets, pretending to search for something. You had been told before that you were unapproachable. That was by choice. You didn’t need nosy loons talking about shit that they didn’t know about. Thankfully, Hyungu had never done that. He simply told you what was what. Again, he was highly observant and, apparently, he had paid attention to Jungkook’s obvious signals.
“I don’t know the history between you two, but you would be crazy not to go for someone who looks at you like that, noona.”
You turned around halfway, cocking your head. “Have you ever known me not to be crazy?”
He shot you one of those looks of his. The fed-up-with-your-shit look. “Then you would be stupid. And I know you’re not stupid,” he warned, as if it was a threat. “Wear your long black fur coat. My mom is calling. Have fun.”
And then you saw him reach over and end the video call.
You stared at the phone screen as it faded to black.
Then you scoffed, shaking your head.
“No need to be so weird about it, sheesh…”
“Uh, before I forget, I meant to tell you that you look really nice today, noona.”
She stepped out of the restaurant and gave him an amused smile. “After the meal?”
Jungkook knew Jimin and Taehyung would call him an idiot. Taehyung had told him repeatedly to remember to compliment her and stuff like that, but they had gotten so caught up with catching up on each other’s lives after their parting that Jungkook had forgotten. He had told her about his video editing job at a music company and how he was working more towards production and directing. She had told him about how she worked to live, but her day-to-day job turned out to be a book editor with occasional other side projects. Somehow, strangely similar types of careers. Jungkook had told her about his friends and their antics. How he realized he was losing opportunities to make memories by staying in so he was trying to go out more to treasure those people. She had told him about how she never grew out of her gaming habit and how, with money, it had gotten worse. And how the rest of her free time and cash was spent on going to festivals and events to support Hyungu and his band, but it turned out she really loved discovering indie music as much as the next pop hit.
It was as if they were…
It had been so easy, so simple despite his initial awkwardness. He had thought, for a moment, that she regretted asking him, but as soon as they sat down, she gently prodded him with conversation. The restaurant atmosphere left them alone together out in public. It was surprising because he remembered, back then at the PC bang, she had been prickly and reluctant to engage in human interaction. Now, she was confident and involved in their conversation. He saw flashes of her old, closed-off self when she paused before telling him something about herself.
But then she seemed to brush it aside and spoke calmly.
Is it because of me?
He didn’t know. It was clear, however, that things had changed.
She had become more whole and, in turn, more beautiful.
“Thanks, though,” she said with a laugh, buttoning her long black fur coat. Jungkook was a bit said about that because the all-black skirt and velvet shirt combo with the guitar pick silver necklace was so cool. Still, it was a frigid night, so he understood.
“I really did mean to tell you right away,” he insisted. They had chosen to walk around a bit to walk off the Japanese food they had just enjoyed. He was jam-packed with sushi.
“Your stunned face tipped me off enough. And the literal five seconds of silence and constant staring when I sat down.”
He felt his cheeks heat. “O… Oh.”
“I like how you look today too.”
She smiled at him.
Jungkook nearly stumbled. “T-Thanks! Although… I actually had a little help,” he admitted, sticking his hands in the pockets of his olive-green bomber jacket again. He had almost tripped only because his black combat boots had a platform. That was all. Yeah. Not because he dearly loved her smiling at him or anything.
“Well, they have a good eye, so I appreciate them.”
He tried not to roll his eyes. “They would love to hear that.” But he wasn’t going to tell them. Nope.
He stopped as she paused on the sidewalk. Turned around and she was looking down the street before back at him. A moment of hesitation.
She held out her hand.
Jungkook stared at it with wide eyes, his jaw dropping.
Her expression was between sheepish and amused, the corner of her lips ticking upwards. “This is a date, right? Let’s try it. Holding hands.”
He didn’t know how to feel. It wasn’t as if he was foreign to public displays of affection, but back then he had always been the one to initiate. It had seemed that she tolerated it and he had continued to do it, blind to the inequality of affection. She had only initiated sexual activity, about as often as he did. But something like this? It was only now that he realized how much he had wished she had, even if only in private.
To others, it would seem odd that such a small action of affection would hold much significance.
He reached out.
Fingertips hovering over her palm.
He raised his head and Jungkook looked right at her, blinking hard, wondering if he was dreaming.
“Is it… Is it really okay?”
Her small smile shone in her eyes.
“Unless you have sweaty hands?” she lightly joked.
He felt his cheeks flush hotly. The innocent comment suddenly reminded him. “Oh, uh… k-kinda, actually… w-well, they might g-get clammy ‘cause they get that way when I’m nervous, um…”
She let out a chuckle and dropped her hand.
Before he could blurt out a hasty, w-wait, she stepped forward and hooked her hand in the crook of his elbow, resting her fingers on his right forearm, so close now that he could smell her warm, comforting perfume.
“How about this?”
She tugged him forward with their linked arms. He looked down at her, startled, but now there was mischievous glint in those mysterious orbs shadowed by lashes. His skin prickled from the closeness, even underneath all the layers. Legs moving forward even if his brain hadn’t caught up.
“You thought I didn’t remember that you like skinship?”
“I… I thought…” He swallowed, trying to clear his throat and the fluttering of butterflies that had shot up from his stomach and into his throat. “I thought you hated it.”
She shrugged. “Normally I do. But I want you to be my exception.”
It was a good thing walking was a muscle memory action because Jungkook was pretty sure he was in a different daydream dimension at her response. Er, nightdream? Whatever. He couldn’t fuck this up. Well, the crying on the couch was always a point against him, probably. He winced at the cringey memory.
“Noona, um.”
“I’m sorry about the other night to your place.”
“You mean when you sobbed and became a puddle on my sofa.”
Ouch. “Y-Yeah…”
“I can’t say I expected it. It’s all good though. I’ve fallen asleep on that couch countless times.”
It’s impossible to fall in love when I have always been in love with you. At the time, he had been too emotional to gauge her response to everything he said. Maybe this was all a pity ploy to his extreme reaction. He didn’t want to believe that, but his mind was restless at the thought.
He needed to know.
“I meant it though. Everything I said.”
“I never took you for a liar,” she answered, holding onto him as they walked in step, their bodies lit up by the various colored lights each shop used to entice customers to enter.
He had to inhale deeply before asking. “I should have asked you how you felt though, before running my mouth like that.”
There was sound all around them. Noisy cars. Music from inside the stores and blasting dully from vehicles. Chatter from people all around them, on phones or huddled together. The echoes of steps blending together into an endless nighttime march. The occasional laugh or dinging of a bell when someone left a store. People who passed them glanced quickly before looking away.
It was conceited, but Jungkook enjoyed seeing their flashes of envy, even if all strangers could see was their outward appearance.
None of them knew the whirlwind between these bodies.
“I am the kind of person that always believed the past is in the past,” she finally said, holding onto him tighter. He tried not to stiffen when he realized the back of his upper arm was right by the side of her clothed breasts. “It took me a while to accept that I can’t do anything about the past or how it affected me. Likewise, I don’t really believe in reconnecting with people. Drifting apart is natural. Not negative or positive, per se. Just happens. I always believed it happens for a reason.”
He bit the left side of his lower lip. She continued.
“You asked me back then, aren’t you afraid that I’ll forget you? I answered a bit cheekily, I remember, but your question stuck with me. Nobody has ever asked me that, you know? In fact, I am used to being forgotten.”
There was something about her voice.
The quality of it had gotten mistier. Introspective. And hurt. It was not directed at him, but it was there despite an obvious attempt on hiding it. He felt her grasp onto him tighter, although maybe it was less about the physical aspect and rather to the things he had said.
“I had become so used to it, in fact, that I thought your question was ridiculous. Forget me? Of course, you will. It would be better if you do. We all need to move on from our past and not cling to a memory holding us back.” She let out a mirthless laugh, but softened, leaning her head against his shoulder. If the current topic wasn’t so serious, Jungkook would have been over the moon. His heart beat fast regardless. “But you didn’t forget me. Even after all this time. I thought it was just because you wanted your dick blown.”
To be fair, that was a reason on the list.
Lower priority, but there.
Jungkook, once again, shut his mouth and left well enough alone.
She let out a breath.
It quivered in the cold, crisp night air and disappeared.
“I use reason and logic in my everyday life to interact with others. To maintain relationships. But love? Love is something that has no reason. I don’t know how I feel towards the idea. I would not say the emotion is afraid, but it is not a positive one either. The idea of love constantly reminds me that it is something I lack. That something so basic was supposed to be mine, but I was denied it throughout my childhood without knowing it.”
She stopped.
Jungkook turned and saw she was gazing up at the moon. There were no stars visible from the city, but everyone knew they were up there.
“Did you notice I don’t talk about my parents?” she asked softly.
He did. “Yeah.”
Her tone seemed apologetic. “Is it selfish to expect some kind of affection from those who birthed you? Or even only a simple co-habitation relationship? Anything other than nothing?”
Well, shit. “I don’t think so.”
She didn’t say anything for a moment.
“I almost wished they had given me away. Or hated me. Something. Anything.”
Jungkook didn’t know what to say.
Firstly, because he was not good at comforting anyone. Not even himself. He was simply sulky until he kinda got over it. Granted, much of it was first-world problems. He could always go running to his parents for advice or solutions if he couldn’t think of any. Or his friends. But deeply personal stuff he kept to himself. It felt almost a burden to say something, so on some level he could understand the importance of what she was saying. Why it was significant that she felt the need to tell him. He could feel it and he was grateful she was willing to express it to him.
“I don’t want you to experience a fraction of what I did. I don’t even know how deeply those moments are embedded in me,” she sighed, loosening her grip on him. “I see those moments reflected in my instincts. The scars of my past stick to the soles of my shoes no matter where I step. I don’t know how much of it is my true feelings or something that is simply fundamentally wrong with me.”
He remembered something.
“But you said you want to learn love,” he said quietly.
They stayed beside each other, warmth whirling with warmth even when surrounded by cold, crisp air.
“I did say that, yeah.”
Then all those littler things. The things she said and the way she said them. The offer.
“I don’t really understand love either,” Jungkook admitted.
She chuckled. “Yeah, I got that from your chaotic reentry back into my life.”
Their arms were still entangled. Although she was the one holding onto him, Jungkook was the one who brought his arm closer to his body, pinning her forearm to him. She accepted it, not moving away. His body sung at the contact but his thoughts trembled.
He whispered to the moon and the darkness above them.
“I’m scared that one day you won’t want me to be in your life anymore. Again.”
He couldn’t look at her. He was not about to bawl in public, for fuck’s sake.
“Don’t let this end.”
I have always been in love with you.
No person could fill that void. He tried, countless times. Jungkook knew it was impossible, stupid, pathetic, crazy, all the conclusions. But it was not crazy to know that he would never be the same. Even so, he could have lived a satisfactory life. A fun one, even. It was not fair to chase those that didn’t want to be found, so he hadn’t. If it was all for the best, then it was for the best.
But she came back to him.
His peppermint gum love.
“I’ll be stuck to you, you know.”
He turned his head and found her looking back at him. His pit-a-pat heartbeat, following the pop of each bubble, sharp and exciting, and he savored it. The seconds, the moments, the memories, all swirling into one. Everything. Everything, bright and intense and reminding him how it was like to live life.
Jungkook grinned.
She smiled and raised herself.
And kissed him.
It was as if his fractured, desaturated world fell into place all at once and color burst forth.
Her soft scent pressed up against him, persistent, clinging, and he drowned in it, leaning into her lips, the softness and honesty together. Her fingers wrapped around his forearm to steady herself, their bodies now closer together, one of her legs between his. She had stepped forward to turn and make the distance. He held her, his left arm around her waist, and he wondered how it got there. A reflexive reaction, apparently.
She broke apart, her lingering exhale warming his lips.
He frowned slightly, opening his eyes.
“Heh. That’s it for now. We shouldn’t be so forward in public, after all,” she pointed out with a smirk.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes. Put on his best, most convincing pout. “Who cares?”
She was laughing, shaking her head at him. “I do. You want to start this off with an arrest for public indecency? That’s a bang for sure.” She pulled on his arm, indicating them towards the sidewalk again.
“Hmph, fine, but one more kiss.”
And he yanked her back, pressing his lips to hers again, and if this was impossible, stupid, pathetic, crazy, if he really was a fool, then he was one forever, smiling into her smile, her hands coming up to cup his cheeks, his arms around her waist, the unfaded memories and the engraved present finally meeting.
This is love.
He didn’t understand it, but he didn’t have to understand for his body to know it was real.
She leaned forward, past his nose and to his ear.
“You like kisses, huh?”
It was then that Jungkook realized his body did, in fact, know something.
“Um… This has never happened before,” he mumbled, his cheeks burning.
She held tightly onto the collar of his jacket, her hair against his chin. Half of it was pulled back with a black claw clip. It gave an elegant yet casual look while also keeping him from hiding his blushing face from bystanders.
Just his luck.
“Maybe you didn’t remember, but you also would get instantly hard whenever I kissed you back then too,” she teased, her warm breath grazing his ear. She was making it worse. Shit. Jungkook tried to bite the inside of his cheek. Her thigh was pressed between his legs so there wasn’t much hiding of anything.
“Noona, please shut up.”
“Although maybe not with such innocent kisses.”
“Noona, please…”
You danced your fingers up his chest.
Each point of contact going from fingertip to fingernail. Bated breath. Strangeness and familiarity all at once, sitting on your bed with only the orb-shaped lamp on, cool blue artificial moonlight looking down upon the magic unfolding in this room. His hand raised and closed in around yours.
You looked up as warmth encircled your touch.
Jungkook smiled nervously.
“Does it feel weird?” you asked him.
“A… A little bit,” he whispered. There was no reason to. Pointless, really, because you could hear the neighbor downstairs having some sort of wild party. Your apartment was silent. “Mostly because I used to think about it a lot.”
You raised your eyebrows. “You think you’ll stop thinking about sex after I give it to you? Maybe I shouldn’t, then.”
“That’s not what I meant!”
He puffed his cheeks in exasperation. He grabbed your hand tighter, whining your name without the honorific, and you were suddenly transported to the past. Breathless nights, falling into a melody of bodies, and you pressed your knuckles against his chest, making Jungkook yelp and nearly fall over, catching himself with his hands before freezing up as you hovered over him, crossing your arm over his front and planting your palm on the bed under his armpit. He was raised to his elbows, looking up at you with those wide, dark brown eyes. Pink lips parted, the two silver rings gleaming at the right edge of his lower lip and that familiar mole underneath punctuating every surprise and every smile.
What was that phrase?
Live fast.
It had always been like that, though.
Die young.
Would you ever really age if you were always in the perpetual state of learning to love Jeon Jungkook?
You lowered your head and kissed him.
You were well aware that this was probably too much all at once and yet there was also so much time lost from the journey apart. Maybe necessary. But bad decisions could have good consequences. A kiss for the mole under his lips first, for old time’s sake. Then his waiting mouth. You tilted your head and kissed him deeper this time, shivering at his familiar clean scent. Your other hand rose and ghosted his jaw, sliding your tongue into his mouth as he moaned. Fingers sliding into his soft hair, slowly thrusting your tongue in and out before he caught it with his teeth and gently sucked on it, running one hand over your waist, pressing his fingers into your side.
You backed off a little and flicked your tongue along his lower lip, exhaling into his mouth.
“Remember you used to be a freak?”
His jacket was hanging on your desk chair but he was still in his beige knit vest top.
His brows furrowed.
“I’m not a freak,” he insisted.
You curled your grip into his scalp and tugged. His head tipped back and his eyes slipped closed, shuddering, a mute whine in his throat, his own hold on your waist tightening, blocked by layers of your skirt and tucked-in shirt. You pulled harder and his lashes fluttered, his chin lifting and exposing his throat to your lips. Light kisses, barely there. You were pretty sure the words coming out of his mouth were a lie because his body was telling you the complete opposite.
He hadn’t changed that much in that respect.
You ran the tip of your tongue from between his collarbones, up his trembling neck, stopping at his chin to push his head back down and claim his gasping mouth with a fierce kiss.
There was no hesitation now.
You had been worried that somehow maybe your bodies wouldn’t click. Maybe you wouldn’t feel the same level of exhilaration or enjoyment. And it wasn’t the same. Not at all. No, as you leaned in more, trying to force him to yield, and he refused, pulling your hand down from his hair and sliding it under the hem of his top, making you touch him instead, trapping you in the lip-lock, no, this was refined hunger meeting a refined flavor, and you dug your nails into his flexed abs, causing him to break the kiss and throw his head back, moaning to your ceiling.
You lifted your chin as he pushed your hand up higher.
Looked down at him as you sunk your nails into his flesh and dragged down, watching his expression flicker between pain and pleasure, his eyes turning glassy with lust, looking right back at you. Unashamed.
He tugged your hand back up again, between his tense pecs.
Your breathing shallowed.
You scratched him again, so hard that it left irritated pink lines onto his skin.
Jungkook whimpered, his black hair messy and fallen over his forehead.
I wanted everything about you.
You pulled back and seized the bottom of his top, dragging it up and over his head with his help, falling into his arms as he sat up, smacking your palms into his broad back. Taking that part of him too, irritated red lines all over, and kisses over his jaw, his naked chest against your clothed chest, his own hands clutching fistfuls of your velvet shirt, chasing after your lips.
I still do.
Your skirt had a silver zipper straight down the front center. You felt him grip the pull and check if it was working one. Smiled as he gasped, realizing it was. It even detached at the hem so all you had to do was shrug out of the suspenders. It fell to the floor with the heavy clink of metal from the clasps.
You swung a leg over him and straddled his lap.
Him shirtless, his torso covered in your violent marks.
Your hips colliding into the front of his jeans.
He groaned in your face.
You gripped his studded belt with one hand and grinded against him. The first few buttons of your shirt were open and the slick backside of the velvet fabric caused the collar to slide off one of your shoulders, exposing your collarbone. His hands cupped your ass, sinking into the curve, and you ducked down to kiss him again, again, grabbing onto his bare shoulder for support.
His breathing hitched as your hand came close to his neck.
The impulse.
Hot and hard.
You positioned your hand around his neck and squeezed the arteries, choking him.
The sensation of power, the taste of his whine, his larger frame trembling under you, and Jungkook pressed your clothed heat into his trapped erection and succumbed to the ravenous nature of your kiss. It was the same and it was different. Layers of passion on passion. Intense and sending shivers from you to him. Back then, he was driven by inexperience. There was arousal in his fumbling and frustration, but none now when he reached for the buttons, flicking then apart with ease even as you choked him and gripped his belt. Your body faintly exposed under the folds of the lush fabric, but you didn’t drop it, instead catching his lower lip with your teeth and sucking on it tightly.
Letting him go with a pop.
His eyes rolled back, that underlip mole quivering in anticipation.
You pulled him towards you by his neck as his vision reoriented. Hazy and lust-drunk, but unequivocally trained on you, his grip digging into your thighs. Seconds filled with rattling breaths, pushing him to the edge, and the impulse rose again. Something you used to tell him. You hadn’t really meant it back then. It was a display of fantasy then. For show. For the mood.
But things were different now.
“You will always be mine,” you growled millimeters from Jungkook’s thin breath.
His half-lidded eyes shimmered. He couldn’t respond, too lost in the headiness of lost air. But his body knew. The body has its own language and his agreed.
The corners of his open mouth lifted.
You let go of his neck and grasped handfuls of his hair, yanking his head back, his wanton moan pitching and falling, almost going limp in your hold as oxygen flooded back into his brain. You licked up his hot throat, closing your eyes, savoring the vibration of his cries and the desperate way he pinned your lower body to his, begging for release but too incoherent from the burst of overwhelming sensations to make them audible.
“And I will try to be everything you need until I run out of time,” you murmured to his raging pulse under your lips.
Maybe you would always struggle to define the word love.
Maybe you would never know.
But you didn’t need to know to listen to what your body wanted.
I don’t need to know love to be sure of loving you.
Your velvet shirt fell to the floor. You slid down between his legs. Worked together to undo his belt, glancing up at him and seeing your red marks on his chest. The rise and fall of his pants. Higher. Seeing him watching you as you pushed down his jeans. Closing in. Tracing the edge of your teeth with your tongue as you palmed him over his boxer briefs, cocking an eyebrow at his soft cry that he turned into a hiss under your direct attention.
“Embarrassed?” you taunted.
Jungkook bit the side of his lip. “No.”
You hooked your pinky finger over the waistband of those Calvin Klein’s.
“You sure?”
Desperation crawling into his gaze as your thumb rubbed against the hard shaft. Several seconds of stroking and you stretched out the waistband, rubbing a slow circle, molding the fabric to the swollen head of his cock, smiling as his cut v-line underneath was revealed.
“P-Please…” he gasped above you.
Took your time to make eye contact again. You cocked your head to his crotch.
“Go on. Take it off then.”
His erection popped out. Dark red, rock-hard, begging for your mouth.
Unfortunately, Jungkook knew how you operated.
Flashes of the past and present. Heavy nights. Early mornings. Cold rooms with warm bodies. Your hands on his knees, spreading them apart and leaning in. Lips working the inside of his thighs. Kisses. Bites. Sucking. Rushing as much as moving slowly, breathing hotly onto his cock and watching it twitch at the heat. A flicker of your gaze and the needy anticipation written all over his face. The same wide-eyed stare from back then and, now, accented by piercings and tattoos running up his right arms, his muscles tense and rippling from trying to stay still under your unspoken control.
Your lips closed in around his girth and you shoved him down to the depths of your throat.
“A-Ah, fuuuuuuuck…”
It was a familiar stretch of your muscles. He was at his hardest, giving you the freedom to glide up and down with little resistance, positioning your head at the correct angle to receive him as deep as possible. You pressed your lips inward as you rose to the tip, curving your tongue around. Up and over. Coating him with saliva and stimulating that thin skin, increasing the sensitivity with the attracting nature of water to water made more powerful by the rubbing of your tongue, sinking your nails into the insides of his thighs. Piling on sensation after sensation. Crisp with pain. Intense from pleasure. Tighter, licking all over, sliding him against the ridges of the roof of your mouth.
Jungkook panted your name, the syllables slipping into moans, losing himself to the wet bliss.
You almost didn’t catch the fleeting words his gasp.
“Yeah… it’s… s-supposed to feel l-like this…”
His hips tensed under you but you kept him down with the base of your palms, leaving him at the mercy of your pace. The familiar tingling at the back of your head, keeping the angle perfect and the depth steady, and he was right, yes, this was how it was supposed to feel – the blinding rush of adrenaline, desire, and connection all swirling into one indiscernible emotion. The kind of heat that was beyond raw passion, closer, the kind of satisfaction that was pleasure on many different levels, so close, the kind of sex that people could only dream about.
A torn moan and Jungkook’s hips bucked into your face, sliding down your throat and spilling his thick, salty orgasm into the tight pocket. You locked your shoulders and stopped moving, feeling his cock shudder and throb. His cum oozing upward, and you swallowed, chest tight. He cried out above you but you held him down and swallowed again, inhaling much needed air, his strong taste coating your tongue, tactile and delicious.
You had almost forgotten how attracted you had been to his pheromones, but clearly your drenched panties hadn’t. You could even smell yourself from here. Also, your knees were killing you. Guess those years had an affect on your body after all, even if your brain had been subconsciously stuck on Jeon Jungkook.
The body always remembers.
To think you had said that just to be a smartass but Jungkook had unintentionally taken it seriously and it had turned out to be true all along.
A happy little accident.
You crawled up his body and he greeted you with kiss after fervent kiss. Somehow, he didn’t seem to mind that you had only just swallowed his cum. Then again, Jungkook would never beat the freak allegations. You were the only one making those allegations but, hey, you did know him best, even if neither you nor him knew that.
He unhooked your bra.
You slipped out of it, letting the black lace cups flop into the pile of his jeans, belt, and underwear on the floor. You were straddling his lap, knees on the bed, and he pulled you in deeper, giving you a moment to adjust. Stared into your eyes fiercely, the captured universes in those dark brown orbs glimmering with determination.
“Don’t look away,” he ordered. Not very sternly, but you smiled all the same, your arm around his shoulders, bare breasts and hard nipples right under his chin. Jungkook couldn’t intimidate you for shit. It was the big peepers, probably.
He narrowed his eyes.
A stare down. Seconds saturated with anticipation. He raised his right hand, the two center fingers grouped together and the rest splayed out. Your smirk widened. Closer to you. Before he could say the words, open your mouth, your lips parted and you leaned in, swirling your tongue around his fingers, shifting your line of sight to admire the tattoos down his arm.
Jungkook sucked in a breath, stifling his awed moan.
Your eyes flickered back up to his face and you sucked on his fingers, directly looking at him. Even tilting your head and curving his fingertips down your throat, manipulating his movement with your tongue and your inner muscles. He shuddered, speechless at the arousing nature of this obscenity. You held yourself steady by splaying your fingers over his shoulder blades, letting him slowly thrust in and out of your mouth, the glossiness of your spit catching the low light.
“F-Fuck…” Jungkook breathed. “You’re so sexy.”
You let your self-satisfied agreement show in the lowering of your lashes.
He grinned, noticing it right away, his expression pleased and frustrated all at once. Enjoyed the show for a few more moments and then pulled out. You held on until the very last second, releasing him with a wet, lewd pop. Loud in the silence of labored breathing and intense eye contact. His other hand at your waist nudged your ass. You lifted yourself up. His right hand slid between your legs, his two wet fingers grazing the edge of your dampened panties.
“You smell so damn good,” he murmured, looking down to bear witness. “I want it smeared all over me.”
“I told you you’re a freak.”
“Yeah, I am.”
You would have rolled your eyes at his now confession if it wasn’t for him hooking the edge of your panties and bunching them to the side while at the same time closing the distance between your chest and mouth, and suddenly you were clutching his head with both hands, gasping, tangling your fingers in his hair as he sucked on your nipple and sunk his two fingers into your wet pussy.
Jungkook wouldn’t give it to you if he thought you couldn’t take it.
Your back arched reflexively, thrusting your chest into his face, and your hips rolled, thrusting his two wetted fingers into you. He got the hint, following your body rhythm, deep and rough, making the visceral pleasure spiral in your tightened core. Of course, you had sex after Jungkook. Shitty sex, subpar sex, better than average sex, mind-numbing sex. But it had always come at the price of your own expertise. It was never about how well they matched you, because they never did. They never had the time to. But not Jungkook.
His body remembered.
Your breathing deepened and he increased the pace, the fervor, switching sides of your chest and catching your hard nipple between his teeth. Pressing his tongue tip into it, rubbing forcefully and then sucking. Lips and then tongue, back and forth, thrusting up into you, and you gave in, locking your hips to take the wanted abuse, letting the rising orgasm take command. Blood roaring in your veins, heartbeat at your throat, hard, fast, intense, your tense thighs trembling, tipping your head back.
Closing your eyes.
Moaning his name.
You pulled on his hair, hard.
Jungkook whined under you but he didn’t let go. Mouth too busy to speak. The declaration tumbled out of your open mouth.
“Close… fuck, I’m gonna cum…”
The constricted strain in your chest burst, and you threw you head back and sighed, low and wanton, prickling nerves racing up and across your back. Your inner walls pulsating. The heavy, sweet scent of your climax hit you first, soaking Jungkook’s hand, sticking to the insides of your thighs, and then uncontrollable shivers overtook your hips, gasping as his mouth left your chest, the abrupt loss of heat leaving your nipple cold. He moaned with you, his fingers buried into your spasming pussy, enjoying every second of feeling your orgasm, his thumb closing in to press down on your throbbing, slick clit.
You sucked in a sharp inhale.
He held it there, only adding pressure to the hyper sensitive nerves, letting your ride out your orgasm with your hands still gripping his head. You could feel the afterglow flutter in your lungs. Slow and deep shaking breaths.
“You’re still the best at fingering me,” you gasped.
You lowered your head and he chuckled faintly. Mischief sparkling in his dark brown eyes under messy black strands. “Good.” Sounded and looked very proud of himself.
Fuck, you waned to kiss him so bad.
So you did.
Again and again.
With Jungkook, it was easy. With Jungkook, there was never a question. You had just questioned it because you had thought it was the right thing to do. He had questioned it because he had been afraid. You hadn’t understood it and neither had he. Nobody did. But that didn’t matter, because as naturally as the wind blew, so did you and Jungkook tumble to the bed, him licking off your juices on his fingers and groaning, savoring your flavor. Hands all over each other, recalling all his erogenous zones and listening to his sounds again, your heartbeat racing at the pitch in his deep tone, the desperation in the call of your name.
You felt him cup your pussy and smear your juices all over his palm.
Glanced down and saw him grip his half-hard cock with his now-wet hand, moaning into your ear, heating your skin with his need.
You tilted your head more.
His lips found the pocket right under your earlobe.
You sat down on his raised thigh and rubbed yourself against his flexed muscle as he jacked himself off, sparks flying throughout your body, from his mouth attached to your skin and the hardness between your legs, watching him pleasure himself below you. The wet and slick quality of your previous orgasm increased the friction, and you tilted your hips forward a little more, angling the pressure to your clit, fuck, grasping the pillow under Jungkook’s head so tight that you felt your knuckles strain. Intense made more intense by his teeth. His tongue. His lips. Dancing around your ear, catching the curve, biting down, his lustful groan muffled in his throat.
You knew.
He knew.
Jungkook snapped back and ground his teeth, whining in his chest, gripping his cock covered in your cum and his pre-cum beading at the purple-red tip. You also froze, clenching your jaw as the climb to release was cut off, sending your body into an intense array of emotions. Want. Greed. Voraciousness. The edging radiated throughout your veins, primal need pleading you to keep going, but every second wasted was another layer, threatening to amplify the next orgasm.
Which was exactly what you and Jungkook wanted.
He didn’t have to ask you what your favorite position was. He liked them all, of course, for different reasons. Doggy for the view. One leg against his chest for something to hold onto while having some room to move. Regular missionary to hold your face and kiss you in between thrusts.
The condoms were on your bedside table. It took him no time at all to rip one open and roll in down, groaning at the sight of you lifting your legs up to your chest, spreading your wet pussy and tight ass for him to see. His voice was low and hoarse from exertion, but he didn’t seem to notice or mind, scooting himself forward to pin your thighs down with his chest, positioning himself right in front of your entrance.
“I fucking love that view,” he heatedly breathed out.
You grinned. “I know.”
Jungkook folded you in half, trapping your body between his chest and mattress and sank into you, locking eyes at the same time.
His favorite position was one and the same with yours.
“Ugh, you feel so fucking good,” he swore, stopping when he was buried balls deep, his cock twitching inside you. You appreciated it.
“Take it slow,” you hummed, nonchalantly.
A muscle in his cheek twitched. His long bangs were all over his face but you couldn’t miss his death stare. Jungkook mouthed, fuck you, and you mouthed back, you are, before lifting himself to grip your calves, pushing your thighs down onto your ribs. He slowly and deliberately thrust into you. Taunting you to balk under his stare, but you did not, rising to the occasion. Literally. Your ass raised off the mattress as he snapped his hips in and he groaned deeply, clenching his jaw as your pussy squeezed him all over.
He didn’t look away, but he was warning you.
He slid out again. Then back in.
You did it again.
He growled and slammed his hard length back into you, dropping down. His palms smacked down onto the mattress and he bent over even more to hit that wicked depth, resulting in instant ecstasy radiating through your weighted lungs. You matched his ferocity. Your arms over your head and pushing back against the headboard, and he pounded you. Hard and intense and each collision knocking the wind out of your lungs, this is it, losing yourself to him, him losing himself to you, letting the carnal instinct take over. The rhythmic slap of hips to hips, wetness, drenched in your sex and his sweat. Every so often in the madness, you caught a glimpse of his gaze, fucked-out and craving more, and you saw your reflection in his eyes.
Mirroring him.
Your breath stilled in your throat.
The compounding sensations built and your body didn’t stop reacting. Time slowed down and seemed fast all at once, this is love, something your tried so hard to understand but screw it, fuck understanding and fuck believing in it, reaching up and curling your hand around Jungkook head, forcing him down lower, his heavy breath washing over you, his eyes closing as you gripped his hair and tugged, breathlessly moaning with him at the sight of his visceral pleasure, the sound, the pace, the taste of his kiss still lingering on your lips.
For as long as he loved you, your heart would love him back, no matter what your thoughts said.
“Not yet,” you gasped. “I’m close.”
“Fuck me, I’m gonna burst,” he whined, digging his palms in, slamming his hips into you and you saw Jungkook bite the side of his lower lip, suddenly silent, focusing hard, his sweaty black hair sticking to his forehead. He always went quiet when he didn’t want to cum too fast.
You wanted to torture him a little but the edging had brought you too close.
“Ah, Jungkook!”
Your head snapped back into the pillows and his fell back, the wanton sound of your joined moans loud and shameless, echoing throughout your bedroom as you came hard, tensing your entire body and feeling your pussy clamp down onto his jerking cock pumping the condom full of cum. The lack of sufficient air, the whirlwind of release, the closeness and a drop his sweat on your tongue, and you shuddered, clinging onto him as wave after wave crashed into you, each throb pulsing between your legs reaching him as well, burning you both in each sharp pang of erotic euphoria.
You heard him exhale your name, erratic and rough.
Thudding heartbeat revibrating against the base of your neck.
You felt his heat retreat, lowering your legs carefully.
“Get on your knees,” Jungkook panted.
You almost pointed out that this was your bed and not a hotel, these cum-covered sheets are going to have to be slept on because I’m not doing laundry in the dead of night, but either your body moved faster than your brain or you didn’t give a flying fuck. Or both. You turned and springboarded off your folded right arm, still on the searing high of adrenaline and the furious pulse between your legs. You heard him rip open another condom and gasp again at seeing your cheek pressed to the pillows, your chest against the bed, arching your back to raise your ass and spread open your holes for him to see.
“You’re so fucking hot, fuck.”
You flexed your pussy. It made an audible, wet sound, startling you slightly. It didn’t deter Jungkook the least. In fact, he grabbed your ass and dragged you down to him, groaning as he thrust into you again, immediately starting up from where he left off. You shoved your hands into the mattress and flicked your head, tossing back your hair and finally getting some air, breathless at his girth and strength.
Not that any of that stopped you from smacking your ass back into him.
It was becoming a favorite word.
Probably your fault.
Well, fuck.
You steeled your core and dropped your shoulders, spreading your knees a little more. By the depth of his groan and the increased ferocity of his thrusts, you knew you had reached that perfect angle, sighing out in satisfaction as you felt the repeated pressure hitting you just right, right there, fuck, yes, Jungkook, closing your eyes to burn in the desire, higher and higher, deep and hard and chasing the same height at the same fierce pace, feeling your heartbeat slam strongly in your chest.
The swell.
The echo.
The unison.
The way the sparks raced up and down your spine. Breaths drifting out, rapid and shallow, noticing his strained grunts and muted moans once again, smiling, then focusing, squeezing him tighter, your shivering walls massaging his cock. Admired how perfectly he fit inside you, almost to the brink of discomfort, seamless, your pussy pulling him in hungrily with each snap of his hips. His fingers dug into your ass and you savored that too, all of it, not taking a single second for granted, letting yourself become overstimulated in the multiple sensations.
Jungkook’s gravelly voice choked out your name.
The frantic edge indicating he was almost done for.
Before you could respond, your head jerked back and your eyes rolled up, the high nearly alarming, depraved moan falling from your lips as the power of the orgasm seized your lungs, knocking the wind out of you. It was almost too much. You would have collapsed if it wasn’t for Jungkook’s firm hold on you, gasping as he came. His hips twitched against your ass, pressed as deep into you as possible.
You moaned as his fingernails suddenly clawed down your lower back, heightening the peak of pleasure.
So good you couldn’t speak.
There were no words.
You could barely comprehend it anyway. There was no describing how different this sex was from all the others. You had known it once, but it even better now, afterglow radiating off of you, each nerve brimming with ecstasy, letting out a gratified exhale as his body leaned against your back, his hands sliding up your stomach and to your chest, squeezing your breasts and lightly toying with your nipples.
His lips pressed to your upper back, feathering you with a meteor shower of kisses.
Your torso shook, trying to come down but suspended. You didn’t resist him, clutching the rumpled sheets, sighing softly at the thrumming beat of heart-to-heart, his cock still inside you. Getting soft and probably against his will. He groaned, sounding annoyed.
“You know there’s always tomorrow, right?” you chuckled, inhaling and catching a whiff of his cologne on your bed.
The imprint of him already.
“I think it’s already tomorrow,” Jungkook grumbled, grunting as he held down the base of the condom and pulled out.
Well, he had always been here, at the back of your mind, never forgotten.
“I’ve got more in me,” he vented sternly, although you suspected that wasn’t really directed at you. You hadn’t faced him yet but if you turned around you were be quite sure that you would be greeted by the pleasant and entertaining sight of Jungkook glaring at his limp, overworked dick. And yet. You didn’t. Instead, you looked up. The window was within your line of sight.
The night sky up above, but the moon was right here, in the magic of this room.
“You’ll stay the night, won’t you?” you breathed to the sky, wishing the dream to life to the stars you couldn’t see.
You turned your head, past the moon-shaped lamp across the room, past walls and everyday things, past the clothes scattered everywhere, and Jungkook was blinking at you, startled for a moment, big brown eyes wide, lips parted. Piercings. Tattoos.
Years on years.
“Anything for you,” he breathed back, staring straight into your eyes.
Still the same.
“Really. I will always stay by your side.”
He climbed back onto the bed. Over you. Skin to skin. Leaning down. Kiss after kiss, meaning more than raw passion, and you felt the wetness on your face. Drop after drop, fallen stars, and Jungkook brushed him away from his thumbs and his smile, you couldn’t get rid of me even if you wanted to, noona, I’m stuck on you, forever after, and you didn’t want to cry, no more, your arms around his torso, pulling him closer, gripping his shoulders, shuddering at the foreignness of expressing emotion.
“Are we…?”
Your voice was so small but he was so close, so close, his hands in your hair, forehead to forehead.
“Are we falling in love?” you whispered, staring into his eyes and finding the stars.
And now you could see that he, too, finally found the stars he had been looking for all this time.
Jungkook smiled.
Crisp and intense, this peppermint gum love where every day was the rush of falling in love more and more, forever after making memories so this feeling could never fade away.
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doggaro · 2 years
i just finished reading loveless and i am fucking SOBBING. what the FUCK
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(This is a long fanfic and will consist of multiple parts.)
The day Stolas met you, the life which had been boring at worst and full of love and respect at best, was in complete shambles. Broken ever since the "Brunch incident".
He and his wife were barely on speaking terms, and when they did speak, it would almost exclusively devolved into a fight filled with harsh words and thrown objects.
His darling starfire hadn't spoken to him in over a week. Something he'd usually chock up to teenage angst, but she actively avoided him now.
Something she'd never do before.
And so with his homelife slowly tearing him apart, he naturally thought a visit to his favourite Imp in all hell would brighten his day.
And that's where you came in.
You'd worked at I.M.P for the last few months and were quickly becoming a valued member of the I.M.P family.
Youd just finished a job and were about to fill out the rather tedious paperwork the job entailed, When the towering Demon Prince entered the office.
You were too proud an Imp to admit it, but when you first saw Prince Stolas you were a little starstruck.
Said Prince, apon finding a new Imp at I.M.P's office immediately inquired as to who you were
Taken off guard by suddenly be talking to a Prince of hell, you spent a moment fumbling your words, before finally telling him your name.
Stolas finding the whole thing quiet adorable.
Stolas sparked up a conversation, asking how you ended up at I.M.P and your work with the company. Something you were more than happy to tell him about.
You told him how Blitzø had hired you after youd single handedly killed 3 men in a fight with only a can opener.
Then you told him about how working as an assassin was challenging but enjoyable work, all things considered.
You tell him how working for the chaotic force of nature that is Blitzø was great too, when he wasn't being a prick.
As charming as Stolas found your slightly flustered conversation. There was a purpose to his visit. And so asking you if Blitzø was in, to which you told him he was in his office.
Stolas suddenly became anxious, wondering aloud if his outfit was presentable or not.
This caused you to laugh, placing a hand over your mouth.
Stolas was immediately indignant, demanding to know what was so funny.
You killed the laugh with a cough, before telling him you laughed because simply put "You'd never seen a more ravishing demon in all your time in hell" And for him to be anxious was funny to you.
Stolas Blushed hard, a Warmth he didn't understand spreading through his chest. It had been so long since he'd received such praise from someone who wasnt utterly subservient to him.
Sputtering out an timid thank you, before immediately making his way Blitzø's office, Ignoring your cries to wait.
Being violently thrown out of Blitzø's office was not how he saw this unplanned little 'Rendezvous' going.
Blitzø stepped out stared down at him, a mixture of disgust and anger plain on his face.
'I'm so sick of this shit stolas' Blitzø grumble out, pinching the bridge between his eyes. 'We made a Fucking deal, I come over ONCE a MONTH and fuck your brains out. And you leave me alone unless you have a job for us.'
Stolas tried to reply, trying to explain why he was there. But before he could Blitzø interjected 'I can put up with all creepy perverted texts and shit, but I am not your God Damned SEXTOY Stolas! I don't want to see your ass don't here again!' He screamed, before slamming the door.
Stolas just sat there. Unwilling to move. He felt like he'd just been slapped.
His eyes stung. His throat burned. He clutched at the ground, and even as his world fell apart around him, he could only focus on one thing.
He felt so cold...
He had no one.
No one loved him.
He felt so cold...
It took everything he had not to breakdown, he couldn't, not here. It was unbecoming of a prince to been seen showing such weakness.
The sudden sensation of something on his shoulder. Daring to open his eyes, he was shocked to find You, standing over him. Hand on his shoulder and a sympathetic smile on your face.
You reached into your coat and removed a handkerchief.
Croutching down you wiped the growing dew around his eyes.
Putting away the hanky, you stood up and offered him a hand.
Helping him to his feet, you asked him if he was okay. Stolas immediately tried to put up his aristocratic facade and assure you he was fine.
Only for the words to die in his throat and for him to almost burst into tears again.
Leading him into the nearby office, you find yourself in the conference room. You sat him on said conference table.
Quickly zipping off, you returned a moment later with a little plastic cup of water.
Handing the little cup, he took it with a wordless thanks.
Stolas felt cold.
He felt like his whole world was falling apart. He had nothing.
His wife couldnt stand him.
His beloved Starfire wouldn't stay in the same room as him.
He had nothing and no one.
No one loved him.
Why should he even go on.
Even through there crimson glow, you could see just how close he was to breaking down.
So before his despair could consume him completely, you did the only thing you could think of.
You climbed atop the conference table and pulled the poor owl-boi into a hug.
It was a little awkward due to the height difference, but standing on the table brought you high enough to pull his head onto your chest.
Stolas was utterly shocked, not just by the action itself, But the fact you did this on your own acord.
He didn't have to barter or beg or make promises for your affection.
You just... gave it freely.
He couldnt help himself.
It had been so long since he'd last felt the loving touch of another soul.
And for you to give affection so openly, he felt he could let himself be vulnerable to you. He releases a long anguished cry, bursting into tears.
You just held him close, gently petting his head, whispering words of comfort, telling him everything would be okay.
He didn't know why but your words brought out
Stolas threw his arms around you, holding onto you as though you were the last anchor in his sea of despair.
The poor owl drenched the front of your shirt with his dejected tears.
Stolas didn't know how long he cried for, and you simply didn't care.
You could tell he needed this and were more then happy to give the demonic prince some much needed affection.
Eventually, Stolas shed all the tears he had, standing up he unintentionally pulled himself from your warm embrace.
Stolas instantly missed the warmth of your touch. The same all consuming coldness as before instantly returning.
Looking up at Stolas you draw your handkerchief and go to wipe his tear stained face.
But before you could, Stolas grabbed your hand, his other hand was placed on the back of your head, he pulls you into a kiss.
You weren't sure how to react, stolas certainly didn't give you any time to figure it out as he pulled you deeper into the kiss.
While you were initially shocked by the kiss, you honestly, didn't care to put up any kind of resistance.
While you would of preferred he asked for a kiss, you could tell the guy needed this. And all things considered, you were happy to oblige him.
So when his tongue slid across your teeth, asking for entrance, you wrapped your arms around his neck you let it in, giving stolas full access to your mouth.
You began leaning into the kiss, doing your best to return his passion.
Stolas, took your returning passion as further permission, he became more aggressive.
His tongue dominated your mouth, as his hands began roamed across your body.
Stolas was in bliss, each time you shivered or moaned, bringing him further pleasure.
Taking each sound as encouragement, he became more and more aggressive. Sure that each sound you made was an unconscious sign of love.
He became more desperate to hear your angelic voice as moaned or cried out. Desperate to hear someone say they loved him.
Gripping his head, you tried to de-escalate the situation before it got out of hand.
Of course that was easier said then done, as Stolas was much stronger then he looked. But after much effort, despite Stolas's silent insistence that you continue, you finally managed to break the kiss.
Stolas's forceful nature found you pushed back onto the table. Stolas towering over you, staring down at you with those awe inspiring crimson eyes.
'We cant be this doing this' You try to tell him 'Not here. What if someone walks in on us?' The question hung in the air. When it became obvious it wasn't deterring his growing need you asked 'What if Blitzø catches us?'
Stolas pulled back at that.
Looking to the side he rubbed his arm, Anxiety bubbling in his chest.
Stolas hadn't thought of that.
What if Blitzø did walk in?
Finding him with one of his employees.
In his office.
Would Blitzø be upset?
Would he yell at him, scream and throw a fit, insisting he had betrayed him...
Would Blitzø even care?
There was a part of him that said 'Of course he would. Blitzø, no matter how much he denied it, surely Blitzø cared for him on some level.'
Stolas could tell himself that all he wanted, but deep down, he knew the truth.
He placed his hand on your cheek, looking down at you. He tried to speak only for a new wave of emotions hit him, causing him on reflex to fall silent.
It was in that moment, as he stood over you, did he realis he didn't need to hide his vulnerability from you. You weren't judging him, he could be vulnerable to you and would judge him for it.
His heart swelled and despite having just met you, he found himself developing a deep yearning to be with you.
'I-I know this is sudden. And you have every right to say no. But please... No one has ever shown me such genuine affection like you have today.'
' I'm so used to people only interested in me for my status or resources.' Stolas held himself, looking dejectedly to the side. A new wave of sorrow enveloping him.
'Your the only one who's shown me the slightes care, past what I could do for them.' He didn't meet your gaze, he ran his hand down your chest, his voice becoming just above a whisper. 'I have nothing (Y/N), I have no one. Right now your the only thing I have.'
'I need to feel something (Y/n), I need to feel something before I fall apart, and I want feel it with you.' He was practically begging you by this point.
Things like pity and mercy were a death sentence in hell.
There was nothing stopping you from saying no. You cared little for royalty. You weren't some door mat that took every word from royalty as gospel.
But right now, this great Demonic Prince standing before you. He didn't want your obedience. He wasn't forcing you to do anything.
He just wanted some sort of affection. something you knew you could give him so easily.
How could you say no?
With a deep sigh, you resigned yourself to your fate. Leaning forward you place your hand under his chin and raised his head to meet your gaze. Stolas was shocked when pulled him close and planted a kiss on his his beak.
'Lock the door' you whispered.
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hello, excuse me if this makes you uncomfortable but my birthday is September 14 and I have very few friends and therefore I did not receive congratulations or gifts, could I please ask for something with drarry and scorbus? something like Harry and his children living in the manor anda Lucius and Narcissa still alive, I know it's out of your comfort zone and if you can't or don't want to then sorry for the inconvenience🥺😖
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Hello friends, First thing- Happy birthday to the nonnie who requested this. Second thing- Yes! For your birthday and for the other lovelies who have requested Scorbus, I will write one (1) Scorbus fic. I will do my best but I've got to be honest- I don't have any real feelings about Scorbus (I don't read much of it and didn't enjoy The Cursed Child). So we'll have to see how it turns out.
cw: talks about hospice care and future death (not of a main character- we're talking about Lucius, no death will take place in the fic) without further ado, here's the best take I can give you. <3
"But Daaad," Albus whined, "I don't want to go!"
"I know, bud," Harry replied, instantly regretting calling his 15-year-old 'bud', as he helped Lily find her bag.
James came in and flopped on Albus' bed, "It's just because he-"
"Shut up!" Albus shrieked, pouncing on him and smothering him with a pillow.
"Boys-" Harry started even as the boys started screaming and wrestling and Lily started to cry about not being able to find something. "Enough!" he shouted, casting a shield charm between the boys. "All of you," he said, "Let's just take a breath."
"But-" multiple voices rang out.
"No buts," he interrupted. "Deep breaths. Right now."
(Read more below the cut)
Everyone glared at him but at least they stopped talking.
"Okay," he said, "James, please stop intentionally trying to bother your brother."
Albus stuck his tongue out at him.
"Al, please finish packing. Lily, your straightener is in the bathroom under the sink."
They let out a collective groan.
"Look guys," he said. "I know. I know it's hard when I have to go to work. I know being in a house where someone is about to die is difficult. But Draco is a good friend and if I can help Lucius pass on, I need to do it. Okay?"
All of his children nodded sullenly.
"Besides," he added, "The manor is huge. You won't even have to see Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. And," he said, smiling at Albus, "Scorpius will be there. I'm sure he'll be glad to have a friend, yeah?"
Albus rolled his eyes and just muttered, "Can you get out so I can pack, please?"
With a sigh, Harry nodded and left, thinking for the thousandth time that single parenting was really fucking hard.
He hadn't expected this to be his life. Harry had expected that he'd join the aurors or that he'd go on to be a quidditch player.
Working as a hospice care healer had never been in the plans. But there was no denying that he was good at it; he wasn't grossed out by all of the ways that bodies failed as a person began the process of dying. He didn't mind the late nights and early mornings. He actually usually enjoyed listening to stories from his patient as they reflected on their lives. And death didn't bother him. He'd spent nearly twenty years in this profession, he was good at his job, and he liked it.
Still, as he stood looking at the Manor, nerves that he hadn't felt in years settled in. He couldn't be sure if it was because the Manor still gave him the creeps all these years later, if it was because it was Lucius Malfoy and they'd never had the best of relationships, if it was because he was anxious about how Draco would handle his father's death, or something else entirely.
"Let's go," Albus snapped, impatient and anxious.
He nodded once and stepped up onto the top step and rang the door bell.
Draco opened the door, looking exhausted.
"Hey," Harry said softly, aching to hold him, to take him into his arms and hide him away from the rest of the world and all that was happening to him.
But they didn't do that. Not in public, not where anyone could see them including their families. Maybe especially their families. "Hi," Draco replied and Harry knew he was wishing for the same thing. "Thanks for coming."
"Of course," he said because there hadn't really ever been a choice. He loved Draco and he would do anything that would help make this easier. "Let me just get these guys settled in and I'll check in with your dad, okay?"
He nodded, "I have you guys set up in the West wing," he said as he started inside, "I know this is probably not the way you were hoping to spend your summer hols-" Draco started.
"It's okay," Lily said, falling into step beside Draco. "I'm sorry about your dad," she added.
"Thank you," he replied.
And Harry smiled, if nothing else, he and Ginny still agreed it was important to raise their kids to practice kindness.
It was a long day. The first day at a new job almost always was, lots of intake paperwork, lots of working to make sure they had all their doses right in order to keep their patient comfortable, and inevitably lots of input from the patient's family.
By the time Harry had gotten everything set up and diagnostic spells and alerts in place, Lucius was sleeping comfortably in the hospice bed, Narcissa on the cot beside him.
Only Draco remained awake, watching Harry work from the sofa in the corner.
When he finished he nodded to the door and Draco followed him out. "You okay?" he asked softly once the door closed.
"Will you stay with me tonight?" he whispered.
"Yeah, love," he replied, giving Draco's hand a quick squeeze. "Of course."
Draco nodded once and led the way through the halls to a different wing entirely. He opened the last door on the left and let Harry in first.
Harry looked around curiously. He'd obviously seen Draco's room in his own home but not the room he occupied when he stayed at the Manor.
"It's actually not the room I stayed in as a child," Draco informed him as he made his way to the drawers to pull out two pairs of pajamas. "It gave me nightmares," he said, "after everything in this awful house."
He hummed, "It must be hard," he said gently, slipping into the comfortable clothes Draco had tossed him. "A lot of trauma wrapped up in an already challenging event." He folded down the covers and climbed in, making a space for Draco so he could curl up in front of him.
"Harry?" he asked once he'd settled back against him and pulled Harry's arm snug around his waist.
He hummed, pressing a kiss to the smooth, soft skin of Draco's neck.
"Do you think you might want to tell our families about us?"
Harry froze, "Do you think you might want to tell our families?" he asked.
"I asked first."
"Personally," Harry said, "Yes. I would like that. I don't like keeping things from my kids and you're," he swallowed. It was silly to be nervous, he'd said this before, but he couldn't help the surge of adrenaline. "I love you, Draco. You're important to me. But the real question is do you want to tell them? You dad-"
"My father is a bigoted arse," he snapped. "And yes he is dying but Harry you make me so happy and I just," he sighed. "I don't want to keep it a secret anymore. If he hates it, he hates it but I don't want him to go from this life thinking that he got to control mine."
Harry didn't quite know what to say.
"I'm awful. I know. I-"
"Draco," he said, squeezing him a little tighter, "I wasn't judging you. I don't think you're awful. Grief and death affect us all differently. If that's what you want, let's do it."
"Let's tell our kids first."
Harry called a family meeting the next day after he'd check on Lucius and they'd done a bit of exercise and gone for a walk.
In retrospect, this might not have been the best thing to call it. Family meeting had never had the best associations and the last one they'd had was to tell the kids that he and Ginny were getting a divorce.
His kids were cagey, Scorpius was withdrawn, and Draco was honestly a bit erratic.
"Okay," he said, smiling at the room, only Lily smiled back. "So we," he said pointing back and forth between him and Draco, "have some news."
"Oh Salazar, please no," Albus whispered.
Harry gave him the look the one every parent had perfected by the time their child was three. "It's good news," Harry said.
"We're together," Draco blurted.
James barely looked up from his book as he said, "Called it."
Lily said "Like together-together?"
And Albus promptly burst into tears, fleeing the room.
"Albus!" Scorpius shouted, jumping up and chasing after him.
Harry and Draco looked at each other. "Maybe he thought that Ginny and I would get back together someday?"
James rolled his eyes, "That's not it. He and Scorpius are like," he waved a careless hand, "a thing."
Draco's eyes widened.
"Oh," Harry said. "And no one could have said something about this before?"
James shrugged, turning the page, "I tried to say something yesterday and you told me to shut up."
"I did not use those words," Harry said.
"Yeah, but that's what you meant."
Harry opened his mouth to argue, he was careful about his words, never wanting his kids to feel like they were unloved and unheard.
"It's fine, dad," James said, waving him off, "You should talk to Albus."
He was right, they really did need to talk to Albus and Scorpius.
When they found them, Al and Scorpius were sitting together on one of the swings and Al was still crying.
"Alright," Harry said, transfiguring a couple of sticks into chairs. "Let's talk about this."
"You're the worst," Albus shouted at him. "It's like you're intentionally trying to ruin my life without even knowing you're doing it."
It took everything in Harry not to point out the fallacy in that logic. Draco, too, if the sharp intake of breath was anything to go by. "Could you tell me more about why you feel that way?" Harry asked, gently squeezing Draco's thigh.
"Because he thinks you're going to ask us to break up," Scorpius said, biting his bottom lip.
"And even if you don't, everyone's going to think it's weird," Albus said, a hiccoughing sob escaping.
"Think what's weird?" Draco asked.
"If you guys are dating and we're dating," Scorpius said.
Harry nodded, "I think I understand," he said. "But honestly, guys, we're not going to ask you to stop dating and it doesn't really matter what other people think."
"Easy for you to say," Albus sniffled, "You're Harry Potter. Everyone already loves you."
"I agree with you dad," Draco said, "other people's opinions are irrelevant. It's not as though you were raised together or anything like that."
"Well everyone already hates you anyway," Albus snapped, "So why would it matter?"
"Albus," Harry warned, "Apologize."
"No, it's alright," Draco said. "I used to be a lot like you, you know," he said. "I used to really care about what other people thought and how they felt."
"What changed?" Scorpius asked curiously.
"Your mum, actually," he said, with a little smile. "She helped me to look at myself and see who I really was, not the person that people believe me to be. She helped me to recognize that other people didn't define me, I did." He shrugged, "At the end of the day, if I chose to listen to them I was still the one defining myself that way."
"That," Albus started, wiping his nose on the back of his hand, "Makes sense."
"Good," Draco said, nodding once.
Harry squeezed his hand, "Right, well, congratulations, you two. Please be sure if you decide to make things physical you talk to one of us about protection spe-"
"Dad!" Albus shrieked, covering his ears. "Shut up! Shut up! Merlin save me."
Draco laughed, attempting to stifle it with a cough and failing in Harry's opinion.
"I'm just saying," Harry said, holding up his hands in defeat. "We should probably have this conversation at some point."
Albus shook his head and Scorpius had turned as red as a beet.
"Well. I'm off, then. Back to work," Harry replied.
Draco took his hand, "I'll walk you," he offered and they headed back to the house.
"Well," Harry said, once they were a good distance away. "That was unexpected."
"Was it, though?" Draco asked. "The way Scorp talks about Albus," he trailed off. "Well, let's just say he reminded me a little too much of me at that age."
"Had a crush on me that long have you?"
He laughed, "Longer. My father was just too bigoted to take my ramblings for what they really were."
Harry leaned over and pecked his cheek, "Well, I after that, I think that telling your parents will be a piece of cake."
See the rest of my drabbles here
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venzelwrites · 3 years
Albedo Headcanons
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He makes ridiculous puns with a straight face and creates an awkward silence in the room
He will stare at people without blinking for an extended period of time
When he looks at people, most of the time he’s not really looking, more like he’s just staring into space
The most aloof person ever
Someone could recite an essay to him and if it didn’t catch his interest, he’d retain none of the information - he’d just stare
A very small number people leave impressions on him
When he hasn’t slept in days, he fidgets - biting his lip or occasionally chewing on his nail
If someone who is usually one way acts a different way, it’ll grab his attention like nothing else
For example; when they quiet and reserved Sucrose is expressive and passionate, it doesn’t matter the topic - he’s paying attention
He’s the only one who’s comfortable in a room with awkward silence
For some reason he doesn’t get cold
Like ever
He could live in Dragonspine and be fine with just his usual clothes
He rarely makes time for his friends - he doesn’t know who to consider a friend
He’s made Sucrose cry by complete accident
Multiple times
It’s one of the few times anyone has seen him panic
Klee will barge into his lab when he’s not busy and attack his hair with accessories
It doesn’t bother him
The first time Sucrose saw him with a hurricane of red accessories in his hair it startled her
He finds it funny when Sucrose gets startled by him
He doesn’t make noise when he walks
One time he came up behind Sucrose and started talking out of the blue and Eula bursted into the room ready to kill someone because of how loud Sucrose screamed
Sometimes when he talks he doesn’t realize he’s mumbling so people just stare at him like, “???”
Has a weird fascination with drawing Sucrose’s peculiar ears
Wanted to conduct research on them, but Sucrose was insistant on not doing so
When he’s denied something he’s interested in he looks like a kicked puppy
He will brew tea and get sidetracked for hours - and then just drink it cold
Sucrose has to check on him occasionally to make sure he’s not staying up for seven days straight or drinking old, cold tea
She’s had to wrestle him to bed
And had to wrestle unhealthy drinks from his grasp
One time he was actually startled by her - he was absorbed in painting and she gently poked his shoulder
He flinched and looked up at her like she grew another head because he didn’t even know she was in the lab
He’s a nightmare in the mornings whenever he does sleep
Has barged into the laboratory two hours late because he had a Eureka! moment while laying in bed and contemplating his life
Scared the living daylights out of Sucrose
Has actually managed to get the harmless sweetie to cuss
“Good morning, Sucrose.”
“O-oh, e-excuse me, M-mister Albedo. You quite s-startled me.”
It scared him almost as much as he scared her
Found it funny after
Once in a blue moon he’ll tease people
“Oh, I was unaware the soft spoken Sucrose could speak so vulgarly.”
“Mister Albedooo..”
Has a weird in-the-kitchen-at-three-am bond with Sucrose
One time they both met in the hallway, walking to the lab at four in the morning because they couldn’t sleep
Klee made a point to ask Albedo why him and Sucrose weren’t married
“Big brother, why aren’t you and Sucrose married?”
Insert Albedo malfunctioning and Sucrose choking on coffee
He had to explain the concept of work partners and assistants to her
Sucrose just about cried of embarrassment because she’s had a fat crush on him for the longest time
He is completely oblivious to this fact
One of the rare times when he teased her, he called her sweetie because of her nickname and she went bright red and hid behind her desk
Cue Albedo being very confused
He seriously thought she was sick
“Sucrose, are you feeling alright?”
She was about to cry I swear
Lisa joked to Albedo that Sucrose could have her own harem once
He looked her dead in the face and asked her what a harem is
He’s an intelligent person I swear, I just like to write him a very uneducated in people
Sucrose made a joke once and he stared at her for a good minute before laughing
It wasn’t even a laugh it was a chuckle
“Haha, I guess you could say my progress is blooming,”
He’s scared this poor girl too many times
He’s also found that she is not entirely harmless
One time she lost her glasses and accidentally made an explosive
The panic he felt when he realized
He’s also seen her obliterate a whopperflower
Whenever anyone teases him about anything he just stares at them with a blank expression
Has made Kaeya feel awkward
One time nail polish caught his interest and he painted both his and Sucrose’s nails with a tiny paintbrush
Sucrose was just, “???”
The stupidest thing can catch his interest
He’s like a cat
Kind of
One time Sucrose barged into his room apologizing a storm because she messed up in the lab and he just stared at her because he was half asleep
And then just pulled his arms around her and patted her back
Sucrose had never been so startled
“I’m sorry I broke one of your breakers and I know it took you a while-“
He honestly just wanted her to stfu so he could go back to sleep
And then he fell asleep again
And when he woke up Sucrose was still standing
With baggy eyes and sore legs
He just stared at her like wtf because she could’ve left and he wouldn’t have cared
He legitimately put a couch in the lab for him and Sucrose to crash on when they passed out from sleep deprivation
The rest of the knights thought it was for guests
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maxirueee · 3 years
AU Alberu's POV as the experimented Beru
Alberu: Cale?
Cale: ...nggh..yes?
Cale rubs his eyes as he tried to open them slowly only to see his lover looking right at him with a nervous expression.
Alberu: I suddenly had a bad dream.
Cale: It's literally 3am in the morning.
Alberu: mm..yea- well *fidgeting*
Cale: Spit it out. What was your bad dream about Beru?
Alberu: DON'T CALL ME THAT ANYMORE- PLEASE just please I'm begging you...
Cale was in deep shock that his lover raised his voice at him just because of what? He called him by his nickname?
Cale: Didn't you tell me multiple times that I should stop calling you 'hyung' when we finally got together?
Alberu: I-its not that.. I just-
Cale: Tell me what's wrong Beru.
Alberu: THAT'S the PROBLEM.
Cale: Which is??
Alberu: That nickname, in my dream I was suddenly trapped in a flat boxed screen, I couldn't move but all I could do was smile. Smiling while looking towards the horizon which seemed endless. White. Blank.
ALberu: After a few minutes I suddenly heard voices. At first, there were a lot of compliments about how radiant I loo-
Cale: Are you even sure that's a bad dream?
Alberu: Yeah it is a bad dream!
Cale: Aren't you just totally flaunting how good-looking you are? You're srsly waking me up in the middle of the night because of this? I'm going back to slee-
Cale looks back at Alberu who had a look of desperation. Cale couldn't distinguish if what he's seen rolling down the face of his beloved was sweat or tears. Maybe both. Well, he might as well comfort his lover since that was his job. Alberu: I heard giggles, squeals, people were shrieking with how I finally appeared. They kept saying that I looked so dazzling, how I sparkled. They were even speaking the same annoying lines that you tell me every time with your glib tongue.
Cale: Whatever do you mean oh shining sun of the Roan Empi-
Alberu: My point exactly *glaring at Cale*
Cale: Alright go on.
Alberu: It went on for days, I couldn't tell how long I was trapped in that frame-like screen window, all of a sudden I reverted back to my dark elf form.
Cale continues to stare at him, already feeling bored as he watched Alberu continue ranting his struggle of a mere dream. Although he found it amusing as he heard him say the next lines.
Alberu: But it didn't stop there, my hair color suddenly changed to a blood-red color just like yours Cale. I was the spitting image of you. And the voices agreed on how we really are sworn brothers if we just switched hair colors.
Cale: Hoh...
'There must be something more to this if it actually made the emperor of the Roan Kingdom have buckets of sweat rolling down his pretty face.'
Alberu: It was until I heard somebody say, 'How about a Pink Haired Beru?'
Cale: Huh?
Alberu: My hair color immediately changed to pink, then sky blue, then green, then orange, then red again. I didn't know when it'd stop but I couldn't even budge. Even when I wanted to so bad.
Alberu looked dead straight in Cale's eyes, with both his hands firmly holding his partner's shoulders, but ironically he was shaking. Alberu Crossman was shaking in fear. For what reason? Is this another one of the Sun God's pranks to his lover? Perhaps it was the God of Death again? He continues to ponder at the annoying thought that maybe divine beings were messing around his precious people again but stopped as Alberu continued speaking his worries.
Alberu: I thought it was okay since it was just a hair color change..then a woman's voice asked with great anticipation, "HOW ABOUT A BALD AND A MOHAWKBERU?"
Alberu: I continued to smile, even when my luscious golden blonde hair was instantly gone and I was suddenly bald. BALD! I saw numerous hearts floating in front of me and I could hear the mockery and laughter of beings I could not even see. Yet I continued to smile.
Cale was speechless.
Alberu: For some reason, I could read the words floating in front of me. "EVERYBODY GIVE IT UP FOR THE ROAN KINGDOM'S FAVORITE SHINING SUN- BALDBERU" is what it said. More hearts appeared at a scary rate and I couldn't even shout or move. I was terrified.
Alberu glared at the person in front of him like a mad man. Cale just shut up and listened to whatever he said, Alberu really looked mental.
Alberu: The woman from a while ago spoke again, I swear her voice was scary beyond belief. She added "Okay everybody hold up- Now imagine DELINQUENT HAIRCUT AlBERU"
Alberu: My hair suddenly grew back twice as much and it was styled into this weird looking hairdo...
Cale continued to have his stoic face which made Alberu feel relieved. Little does he know Cale was on the verge of laughing his ass off-
ALberu: I suddenly heard "JOSUBERU I CAN'T WITH THIS FANDOM- YA'LL REALLY DID IT U PUNKS" again from that mortifying woman since earlier, apparently it was done by a group of people claiming to be my fans?! BUT THE MONSTROSITY THEY'VE- no that wasn't even half of it
Cale: 'There's actually more?! PFFFFFT' I see, continue then. The prince saw his darling sweetheart Cale shaking as if he was sympathizing with what he was going through. At that very moment, he felt touched by his lover's empathy towards himself.
Alberu: The horrors didn't end just there as I was still waiting for the whole nightmare to be over, they were begging for a 'Voldeberu' which I don't even understand, at that point, I SUDDENLY LOST MY NOSE!!
Alberu: Somebody then proposed a 'Clowberu' AND MY FACE SUDDENLY BECAME A CLOWN WEARING MAKEUP. The hardships I had to take while staying still like a fucking mannequin. BUT IT STILL DIDNT STOP THERE.
Cale almost broke into laughter as he wanted to continue listening to his lover's amusing dream! If he laughs now Alberu might as well punch him in the face.
Alberu: I wanted to cry, I pleaded with the Sun God in my head that I want this to stop but I didn't get what I wanted. Instead, a chatbox suddenly appeared, I almost pissed my pants reading at the schemes of those so-called 'fans' had for me.
Cale: Oho.. what did you s-see then? 'Pfft'
Cale couldn't handle it anymore he bursts out laughing, almost in tears.
Alberu: How could you be laughing at my pain?!
Cale: Oh dear emperor of mine, isn't it fine that you have such 'entertaining fans' of yours?
Alberu: Entertaining can't even describe those lots... They all praised me for how I was the rising sun of the Roan Kingdom as they humiliated my every being. To the point where they even planned on turning me into 'LIGHTBULBERU'. A FUCKING LIGHTBULB BECAUSE THEY WANT ME TO SHINE LITERALLY. A WALKING FLASHLIGHT KING. ME. ALBERU CROSSMAN.
Alberu: Haaaahh... You don't understand because you were never in my position. Those fans were a bunch of lunatics I say, LUNATICS!
What Alberu doesn't know is that we, the fandom won't just stop there...
Alberu felt shivers down his spine as he recalled the very vivid and realistic experience he had inside his dream.
Cale: I am so telling this to Tasha, my esteemed and very much adored Beru <3
The trauma seemed to have sunken deep into his mind that every time Cale calls him by that nickname, he subconsciously touches his hair and nose in order to reassure himself that it's still there.
I'm tagging these superb beings for making the thread LEGENDARY: @cale-alberu @chunnicalesimp @thescarletguard @trashduchesshenituse-reblogs @farmercale @just-a-sleepy-person @annerisk @pile-of-sticks @trash-duchess-henituse @icyteaa
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maira-writes-shit · 3 years
It was 4 in the morning
Zenitsu Agatsuma/Inosuke Hashibara
Fluff, first kiss
It was 4 in the morning.
4 in the fucking morning.
And someone was knocking at his door so hard that he was pretty sure it was about to get destroyed.
But Zenitsu was scared, like always.
Please don’t kill me!
Please be a nice killer at least…
He was sitting curled up in a little ball on his futon, still listening to the loud knocking that had woken him up. He was shivering and crying. He couldn’t die yet! He hadn’t even gotten a girlfriend!
Don’t be a whimp!
A voice, that sounded a lot like gramps, said at the back of his mind and he took a sharp intake of air.
The blond Demon Slayer grabbed in the dark for his katana and then made his way tot he door. He reached out his hand, the other resting on the handle of his katana ready to strike-
The door flew open.
„Ahhhh don’t kill me!!“, he shrieked.
„Huh? Why would I kill you?“And Zenitsu’s cheeks grew a lot hotter as he recognized the voice of the guy to whos feet he had fallen. He immediately jumped up and brushed non-existant dust off his clothes.
„You didn’t see that, Inosuke.“
„…but I did.“
And he had been correct. In front of Zenitsu stood no other than his fellow Demon Slayer, and by now good friend, Inosuke. But wait-„Oh my god! What happened to you?!“
Long trails of blood were dripping from Inosuke’s bare chest, he had taken off his boar head and there was multiple skratches along his cheeks not to forget the sheer amount of bruises littering the other mans body.To say the least: Zenitsu was concerned.
His green eyed friend looked away, almost embarrassed. „It really is nothing…“
„NOTHING??? YOU’RE COVERED IN BLOOD!!“, The blond Demon Slayer shrieked. „Get your ass in here!“
To his slight surprise Inosuke followed without a word.
„Really how could you let yourself get beat up like this?!“Inosuke did nothing but grunt.
The two were now sitting the warmly lit bedroom of Zenitsu’s house. They were sitting opposite each other and the older was starting to disinfect the others wounds.
Zenitsu just kept mubeling about how stupid Inosuke was for letting himself get so beat up. He wasn’t angry, just worried. He worried a lot about Inosuke lately, for some reason.
Everytime they saw each other there were new skars on the others body and Zenitsu didn’t like it. Of course he was aware oft he risks their job contained, hell he thought he’d die within the first week of being a Demon Slayer. Yet it hurt him seeing and hearing what his friend had to go through.
The blonde sighed as he bandeged one of Inosuke’s muscular arms.
„Are you going to tell me what happned or do I have to squeeze it out of you?“
No answer.
The wild boy had been wierdly quite since he had enterned and again…it worried the other.
Zenitsu looked up with a frown.
„Are you ok-?“ his breath got stuck in his thorat.
Inosuke was staring at him.His beautiful green eyes were staring right through Zenitsu’s facade of frustration.
He was speechless. He couldn’t break the eye contact. It was like being hypnotiesed.
Time seemed to stop as brown eyes stared back at green.
Zenitsu had always thought Inosuke’s face was pretty, especially his eyes. But he had never been his close to him before.
He truly was stunning.
How his messy hair slightly moved from the open window, how his long eyelashes graced his pink tinted cheeks, how his lips looked so soft- If Inosuke were a girl Zenitsu would have kissed him long ago.
But he wasn’t. So he forced himself to look back down to his hands that were still supposed to be bandiging the other Demon Slayer’s arm.
„Ahem! Y-You still haven’t answered!“, Zenitsu fake coughed.
„I…got in a fight with a demon…“ Inosuke’s voice sounded ruff.
„Of course you did!“ The older was trying to rebuild his act from before but it came out a little too squeaky.
They just stayed in slightly awkward silence after.
It felt a bit uncomforteble but at least it gave Zenitsu time to think.
What had gotten over him? That sudden urge to kiss his friend.
If he was honest he had experienced it more than once before
What could he do? He was weak for pretty people. But…he was straight, right..?
Zenitsu had never allowed himself to think about guys like that. It was wrong, it was unatural, he wasn’t allowed to.
But there it was, right?
He had never allowed himself to think about guys like that, but he had always wanted to.
He was weak for pretty people and that was including guys.
It’s wrong!
But was it really? What was so wrong about loving?
It’s unatural!
But was it really? There were even animals partnering with the same gender.
No matter with what dumb excuses his head tried to come up with, it just didn’t make sense anymore.
Wait…does that mean that I-?
I-I like Inosuke?
There was no way that made sense!Inosuke was so wild and illmannered. He was insuffering and a fucking asshole! He jumped into danger without thinking and he was so incredibly brave and sweet in his own way. He was also caring and so god damm pretty yet at the same time also handsome? His eyes were the most beautiful thing Zenitsu had ever seen and his laugh made something in his heart jump.
Oh god-
„Oi Monitsu! You’ve been done with that for forever!“
„O-Oh I’m sorry!!“
Inosuke rasied an eyebrow in concern and Zenitsu did feel his cheeks heat up at that.
„Forget my wounds. Did you hit your head or something, Monitsu?!“
Zenitsu started to chuckle and soon his little snickering turn into a full blown laughing fit.
He didn’t know what came over him but he was just laughing and laughing and couldn’t help himself.
„O-Oi!? You ok there?“, Inosuke asked concerned.
„Y-Yeah I-I’m fine-“ but he burst ou laughing again. His stomach was hurting by now, his cheeks were streched almost painfully and tears were beginning to form in his eyes. Zenitsu’s laugh was bounzing from the walls as he held his stomach, sitting in front of the guy he had just realized he was in love with.
The stupidity of it all was probably what was so amusing to him.His laughether died down slowly and he panted a bit.
„I-I really am sorry Inosuke-.“
And there they were again.
Inosukes eyes.
Time seemed to stop as brown met green.Two worlds crashing together.
Inosuke was looking at the frozen Zenitsu with a small, sweet smile. One Zenitsu had never seen before. One he wished he could see daily and one he wished was only for him.
No mater how much his fears tried to control him it was basically reflex as the blonde moved forward and pressed his lips against Inosuke’s slightly chapped yet still soft ones.
It was just a quick brush of lips but god…Zenitsu was basically floating.
His brown eyes opned to see an unforgettable sight.
Inosuke seemed frozen in place. His eyes were blown wide open, red blush spread all over his face, his lips were forming a slight ‚oh‘ sound and he had one of his hands halfway in the air.
It stayed like this for a few seconds until a smile started to spread on the same lips Zenitsu had kissed just now.
Zenitsu’s face was as hot as it had ever been. There seemed tob e sparkles in the others eyes and he just couldn’t  do anything but think it was adorable.
„Ok ok! I’ll do it again!“, he said, looking away to try and hide his blush.
He put one of his hands on the others chin softly and the other on his shoulder only to pull it away after Inosuke hissed in pain at the wound there. Zenitsu repositioned his hand and leaned in again.
It was just a few more centimeters.
„Close your eyes, dumbass“, Zenitsu wispered before he joined their lips again.
The world was standing still around them. Everything semmed to be quite, the older was only able to hear his and Inosuke’s hearts beat in sinc.
He giggled as they pulled away.
And that’s how their night continued. Kissing each other, laughing and whispering sweet nothingst o the other. They stayed like this till the sun started to wake up.
It was 4 in the morning when Zenitsu’s life changed fort he better.
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yunhoiseyecandy · 3 years
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✕ 𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐥𝐞; 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐬
✕ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞; 𝐬𝐦𝐮𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
✕ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧!𝐬𝐚𝐧 ◆ 𝐟.𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
✕ 𝐰/𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 𝟒.𝟒𝐤
✕ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬; 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬, 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤, 𝐧𝐨 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞
[𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭] @tinkerbellwoo , @galaxteez​
you never really knew what to do or how to feel when you got cheated on. because no matter how many times it happened, you always found yourself crying about it, feeling more than pathetic about yourself and how much better you could’ve done.
the first time it happened, you remember the pain that ripped through your chest when you saw your now ex-boyfriend screwing one of your co-workers on your freshly bought couch. 
you didn’t know how to react, the woman’s eyes wide with fear and confusion as she covered herself with the blanket next to her, the man you once loved pulling his clothes back on as rushed words came out of his mouth in a panic.
“t-this isn’t what it looks like, baby.”
“I love you so much,”
you laugh thinking about how stupid he sounded when he spoke to you, your hands balled up in fists at how much anger was coursing through your body.
now that you think about it, never in your life have you felt such rage and confusion cloud your mind. you’ve always been more of a calm person, only ever acting out when something really hurt your feelings.
but the moment you saw the woman on your bed, in your house, you knew he had to go.
and as soon as the girl put her clothes back on after telling seonghwa that she’ll call him later, all hell was released when the door closed behind her.
you ran back to the room you used to share with him, multiple trash bags in hand as you filled them up with his belongings. you didn’t care about if they were fragile or not, walking with a calm expression on your face while you tossed the bags out the front door, pointing at it to tell him to go out with them.
“y/n, listen to me,” seonghwa said as he ran after you, tears welling his eyes. you didn’t care what he had to say, appalled at his actions and not being able to look at him without feeling like you had to throw up.
you scoffed, “no, I don’t want to hear your sorry excuse. get out before I call the cops and have you arrested for trespassing,”
tossing the last bag out the door you stood back with your arms crossed, waiting for him to leave. “baby, it was just once. I-I don’t even know her-”
“and you expect me to forgive you? once or not, seonghwa, what you did was wrong. I’ll never forgive you for that.”
tears were now streaming down his face, and you struggled to hold back your own. “out. now.”
-end of flashback-
that was the last you heard from him, soon finding out from a friend that he had moved away to try out for a company he wanted to join.
“what an asshole,” your friend lily had said as you told her the story before shoving a french fry in her mouth, “you deserve better.”
you laughed at her, nodding your head and looking out the wind. it was a beautiful day, the autumn leaves falling off the trees and onto the brown grass, and your hand came up to feel the glass and check if it was still cold outside.
your fingers grazed the window, and that alone was enough to tell you that you had to get home before the measly little sweater you had thrown on this morning could no longer protect you from the piercing wind.
“I should get home, it feels like it’s getting colder outside by the minute.” you said, shoving your card into the little slot on the check holder. 
lily smiled, “yeah, we probably should. we should go out more often, though. I’ve missed you so much.”
and you’d missed her just as much, even though she could be a pain in the ass sometimes. 
you had just recently gotten back from a trip to california, and it’s been almost two years since you’ve seen lily in all her sweet, yet somewhat annoying glory.
you still loved her, nonetheless, always wondering how she’d had the patience to put up with all of your emotional baggage. she’s been there since day one, giving you advice on relationships and how to cope with losing one.
she’s always been a people person, too. so it made sense that she had lots of other friends, but she always made it a point to come right back to you.
and you’ll always cherish her for that
you took one last sip of your juice before standing up after the waiter had come back with your card, slipping it in your wallet and hugging lily.
“jesus, y/n. it’s not like I’m leaving forever,” she giggled when you squeezed her so hard it was making it a challenge to breathe. “I know, it’s just been so fucking long.” you sighed.
stepping back, your hands made sweater paws to keep them warm before making your way outside, regretting not bringing anything as soon as the wind made your teeth shatter.
you really should’ve brought a coat with you
walking down the dark, peaceful streets of new york you counted every pavement your feet stepped on, hands clutching your purse as your tongue swiped over your chapped lips.
you always preferred night over day, the hot and annoying sun that made your skin blister bound to make you favor the cold and silent time of day.
and the same went for the sun and moon, the way the stars always managed to catch your eyes whenever you had just gotten back from work. 
you never really got how some people were scared or fearful of the darkness, because you had always managed to find beauty in it, calmness.
the way your mind cleared while you watched the sun set, the oh so beautiful moon soon rising and making you forget that you weren’t the only person in the world.
you weren’t at all surprised when you ran into a street light in front of you, arms reaching out to grab onto anything to hold yourself up from falling.
but as soon as you felt two arms wrap around your body, the warmth from the person's chest easing the coldness that ran through you, all the worries that ran through your mind were put to ease.
“you should be more careful next time, sweetheart,” the man said, his deep and rough voice sending alarm bells through you. and the more his grip around your fram tightened as he brought you closer to him, you could smell alcohol in his breath.
you were shaking as you spoke to him, your voice coming out more like a squeak than you would’ve liked. “s-sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going,”
the man chuckled, “yeah, you should. how about you give me your phone number to return the favor?” his sentence came out more like a statement than a question, and you noted the way his eyes were hazy as he cocked his neck to the side.
you gently removed his arms from around you, standing back and wrapping your own around your frame. 
he’s drunk, y/n. just do whatever he says
you smiled politely, sticking out your hand. “okay, fine. that’s the least I could do, right?” you said, and you could tell by the way his eyebrows flew up that he didn’t expect for you to actually agree.
he smirked, “damn, I really got your number, huh?” he stepped forward and wrapped his arms back around your waist, tucking his head in the crook of your neck. “why don’t you come back to my place, hm? I’d love to see how good your body is underneath this sweater..”
your hands were pressed up against his chest, pushing him slightly as you leaned back away from him. “sorry, I’m busy tonight.”
in the moment your eyes flickered over his face you watched his pupils dilate and his eyes flash purple. you could tell something was wrong with him, his jaw clenching as his breathing got more and more ragged by the second.
“don’t be such a bitch, y/n.”
your eyes went wide, reflexes kicking in and you kneed him in the crotch and ran. your breathing was shallow as you looked back at him, heart feeling like it was going to burst out of your chest.
how did he know your name?
your head turned back around and you saw the porch light of your house, hands struggling to get your keys out of your back pocket. they fumbled and tears rolled down your cheeks and onto your lips. you could taste them as you shoved the key into the lock and pushed the door open, legs sinking down to the ground as your breath evened out. 
you’re safe now. your hands ran through your knotted hair and your chest heaved up and down. time seemed to stop when you made your way to your bedroom, hands moving to push the curtain open and check if he was out there.
you sighed in relief when he wasn’t, and you felt something soft brush up against your leg. 
“oh, penny,” her tongue felt like sandpaper as she licked you, and it made goosebumps spread over your body. 
she meowed, and you took that as a reminder that it was time to feed her again. her legs stretched out in front of her while she watched you, eyes following your every move while you poured water in her bowl.
you giggled, “ya know what? I think you deserve something a little extra today,” you layed out some catnip on a plate, “I think you’ll like this.”
the little bell on her collar rang throughout your quiet apartment as she ran towards you, meows of approval coming out of her when she realized what you’d given her.
“at least I know one of us had a good day,”
-san’s pov-
“listen here, you fucker,” he spat out at the man underneath him, anger coursing through his veins. “if I see you even look at her again I’ll-”
“you’ll what, kill me?” the man cut him off as he chuckled. san knew nothing about this situation was funny, and he also knew that the guy didn’t care if he lived past this or not. 
san had been following you for a while now, watching over you to make sure no one would try and get to you before he did. he needed you for a thing that was more important than something that would only last a year, and that something would save not only him, but everything he loved.
so he took pride in protecting you, soon learning little quirks and habits you tended to do. but he knew that falling in love with you would only make things worse for him, as his chances to even succeed at his plan were slim already.
you were important, more than important, actually. you had such a bright and healthy soul, and it was extremely rare to find one in as good as a condition as yours. yours had the power to save life itself, and san needed it so bad.
he knew what he was doing was selfish, but he didn’t care. I mean, after all, san didn’t have a soul himself.
his hands moved from the man's collar to his neck, eyes flashing red and the man's smile fell from his face. “fucking hell, you’re one of them, aren’t you?”
san smirked, “a blood vessel? damn right, and you know exactly what that means,” he knew exactly what the man was thinking, and he had to hold back the urge to laugh right then and there.
in the demon realm, there are three types of vessels. there’s the shadow’s, light’s, and blood’s, which is what san was. if you were a blood, it meant that you not only had a say over what the other vessels were able to do, but you were also able to kill freely if needed.
and right now, san holding down this shadow, he knew it was one of those times.
his movements were swift and steady as he choked the man, his hands wrapped firmly around his neck while he peered down at him. 
“your kind will soon learn what it feels like to rot in hell, and it makes me sick to think about how you used to rule the place I call home.” 
one last shaky breath left the man’s mouth, and his eyes turned white before san stood up to watch the body in front of him vanish as if it never existed.
“maybe next time you’ll think about getting your own food”
san’s placed his chin on the palm of his hand while he watched you sleep, and he felt his ache as you whimpered slightly.
she’s probably having a nightmare, he thought, your hands gripping the bed sheets under you.
with his hands in his pockets, he made his way over to you slowly, sitting on the edge of your bed. his lip tucked between his teeth as he thought about how much longer he could wait before he couldn’t take the pain anymore.
his world was dying, and he needed a soul like yours in order to save it. but why did one like yours have to be so goddamn beautiful?
he knew it would be tough to think of you as only a provider as soon as he saw your smile, cheeks rising and making your eyes disappear whenever you laughed. you were so gorgeous, so fucking gorgeous that he couldn’t even process anything whenever he thought about you.
and the amount of times he’d gotten off to the sound of you moaning, two of your small fingers thrusting deep inside of you while his hand wrapped tightly around his cock was endless.
you had such a pretty pussy, and he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold back his presence much longer. he needed you, and the thought of having you all to himself had him ready to bury his head between your legs.
his thoughts left his head when he heard you moan, hips grinding down into the mattress to get any sort of friction, and it was then that he knew you most definitely weren’t having a nightmare,
you were having a wet dream
“fuck,” he groaned, watching your back arch off the bed. he was never one to fuck someone without them really knowing him, but hell was it hard for him to stand back when the pretty red, lace panties you had on you were soiled from your essence.
it was now that he was watching your every move that he could smell the arousal dripping off of you, and he let his body melt into the couch he sat down on that was at the edge of your bed.
but as soon as your body shot up when you had woken up, he was back to being unseen when you gasped for air. 
-y/n’s pov-
your skin flushed when you felt the wet patch on your underwear with your fingers, and you thought back to your dream you’d just had.
it was amazing. the guy’s body was beautiful, and his fingers were skilled just as much as his tongue was as he drilled into your wet hole.
you don’t know why, but you kept hearing the name san ringing through your head, and you thought maybe that was who it was in the dream.
the guy had black hair that he pushed back with his hands every ten minutes, and his jawline was prominent, chest hard and the way his stomach flexed when you touched it had you wanting to taste every part of him. 
though, you will admit you’d never met a guy named san before, but that didn’t matter because he was one hell of a man.
his piercing gaze he held on you made you want to try and go to sleep again in hopes of seeing the mystery guy. but you knew that would be hard to achieve, especially when you weren’t in the mood to be sleeping right now.
your core ached with every passing minute, and you longed to be filled up the way he had you. 
“san..” you said out loud, “that’s a nice name,” 
san’s lips parted when he heard you say his name, and confusion clouded his mind. 
he’s only heard of two times before when humans were able to come in contact with demons, but you were special, so this didn’t come as too much of a surprise to him as it should’ve.
but for you to be having a dream about him? that seems like too much of a coincidence.
he watched as your hand came down and in between your legs, fingers grazing your clit over your underwear. his body faltered, and for a second he felt himself lose his cover and become visible to the naked eye.
your eyes flickered to the person who was leaning up against your wall, hands tucked in their pockets before they vanished before you.
even though it was just for a second, you knew exactly who you saw in your room.
wide shoulders, dark eyes, soft lips - it had to be the guy in your dream! your body moved towards the couch, and your mouth opened before asking him a question.
“show yourself to me,”
silence. no response, but that didn’t stop you from ushering him to reveal his form. you didn’t know who or what he was, but that wasn’t going to stop you from meeting the guy who’d made you come with only his mouth only ten minutes prior to now.
san bit his lip, contemplating if he should do what you said or if he should wait. 
fuck it, he thought, licking his lips before stepping forward so that when he wasn’t hidden anymore your faces would be only an inch apart.
you felt wind against your cheeks, your eyes fluttering open. you gasped, a familiar and cheeky smile on their face when they saw you blush.
“name’s san, sweetheart. what’s yours?”
you didn’t know what to say to him. your name, maybe? no, he probably already knew that, and you could tell from the way his chest moved up and down when he laughed at the expression on your face.
his hand grabbed your chin, thumb grazing your bottom lip while he licked his own. “what’s the matter, y/n? you asked for daddy, so why don’t you stop wasting his time and tell him what he wants to hear,”
your thighs closed together at the darkness of his voice, and it didn’t go unnoticed by san. you watched as he pushed the couch away from the bed and stood before you, hand moving from your face to gently wrap around your neck.
you gulped, “what are you?” your voice was shaky as you spoke, and the smirk that danced on his lips never left them as he answered you. “a demon. but don’t worry, I won’t hurt you”
his voice got lower as he bent down to bite your ear, “unless you want me to,” 
he craned his neck to the side to place wet and sloppy kisses below your ear, and you felt his teeth sink down and bite at the soft skin. before you could close your mouth, a small but noticeable whimper slipped past your lips, and san groaned when he heard it.
you watched as he pushed your back onto the bed, hand slipping down to pinch your inner thighs. you moaned, the feeling of your slick covered panties sticking to your pussy making you feel needy and empty.
“please,” you gasped, “touch me already.”
his lips were still attached to your neck as his hand dragged a finger up and down your clothed core, and he felt his cock strain painfully against his jeans when your wetness left his finger a sticky mess.
“shit, baby. didn’t know you could be such a good girl for me.” his unoccupied hand pulled your shirt up and over your head, groping your thighs and pushing them far apart.
he watched as your legs pushed back and your knees met the fabric of your bed, panties slipping between your pussy lips and rubbing over your clit every time he ground into you. 
you moaned and arched into him, “I want your cock, san. fuck me.” 
you blinked your eyes, and in the second all his clothes were off except for his boxers. “I like it when you beg for me, do it again.”
he pulled back from you when you didn’t reply, eyes turning a deep red as he made his way to your closet. “oh? guess you’re not gonna be as good of a girl as I thought you were gonna be,”
you watched him return with a belt, pulling it to make two hoops and moving your hands to the base of the bed. “what’s your safe word, love.”
he pulled your hands through the belt, “velvet.” you watched him crawl between your legs again, and his tongue swept over your nipple before biting down on it. “ugh, f-fuck!”
his hand pulled your underwear up and down your pussy, and you ground your hips down to get some feeling of relief. “fuck - right there, right fucking there,”
he watched as you mewled under him, and his thoughts clouded his mind with what you’d taste like. he’d only dreamt of this day, and he was going to take full advantage of it because it might not ever happen again.
you groaned when his hand left your underwear, moving to settle at your waist. his lips kissed down your body until he met the red fabric, his tongue darting out to lick and suck the soft flesh of your thighs.
he could taste you on them, and his teeth grazed over your panties before ripping them off and tossing them to the side. 
“you want it rough, don’t you? my pretty baby likes being my little slut,” he dragged his lips up and down your pussy, and you moaned when his tongue flicked over your clit. “such a mess for daddy, what a whore,”
his arms wrapped around your thighs and pulled you closer to his mouth, and you felt him moan into you. 
you watched his head move up and down with every thrust of his tongue, his nose touching your clit with every movement. “mhm, san,”
he felt you clench around his tongue when he curled upwards, and he knew that if he kept going like this you’d come soon enough. and as much as he loved the idea of cleaning you up with his mouth, his cock throbbed and ached to be inside of you.
you whimpered when he pulled away and stood up, wiping his chin with his fingers before sucking them clean, “I know, baby. but I need to be in your pussy right now before I come just from those pretty noises coming from your lips.”
your eyes were glued to his cock, and they widened when he finally pulled down his boxers. his tip had beads of pre cum, and you saw some that had smeared down the rest of his cock from his clothes he’d had on. 
he thought you were adorable, that shocked yet lust filled gaze you had making him want to fuck you dumb. “you can take it, don’t worry,”
he crawled his way up your body and lifted one leg over his shoulder. pulling him by the neck, his lips were soft and sweet when they met yours, and you tasted yourself on them. 
with one hand on your thigh and the other caressing your throat, he pushed his cock into your pussy with ease. you were soaked, feeling nothing but please from him when he gave you the first thrust.
he’d been bigger than any guy you’d take, but it helped when he’d gone down on you so you were prepped enough to take him with no pain.
“fucking hell, you’re so wet,” his eyes were an even deeper read then before as he watched himself bury inside you. his cock felt so good, and you had forgotten the last time you’d gotten fucked this good.
his hand was choking you at this point, but it only added to your arousal and made your head feel as light as a feather. his hips moved faster the more you clenched around him and he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. 
with your leg still up on his shoulder he reached down to draw circles over your clit. your legs went numb as you screamed out his name, “san, fuck! I’m gonna come,”
his thrusts got faster, and you felt his pace slow down. his cum filled you up, and you lost it when you felt it drip out and onto the sheets beneath you. 
you took a moment to process all your emotions, the burning feeling on your skin making you want to do nothing more than crawl up on his chest while you both lay in a bath.
“can we go clean up? I’m not a fan of cuddling until we’re not all sweaty and a mess,” you giggled, and you noticed that san was just staring at you with a sleepy expression on his face, his lips pulled up into a soft smile.
“hm? oh, yeah. I’ll go get it ready.” he pulled the blankets over his body and stood up, making his way to the bathroom.
his thoughts were going a mile a minute. he honestly didn’t know what to do next. he’d just had sex with the woman that he needed a soul from, and sooner or later, he’d have to tell you.
he shook his head and stuck his hand under the faucet, breathing in the lavender soap he had poured in. 
he loved you, but he also loved his realm. 
it would be a hard choice, but he knew which one fate would end up choosing for him.
“I’ll make you proud, mother.”
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wordstro · 3 years
[11:26 AM] + hero/villain au + "you think he'll stop? after what he did to you?" + part 6
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 masterlist
2k, hongjoong's pov for the first half but it goes back to y/n's! warnings for lots of cursing lol
kim hongjoong felt responsible for you. he'd seen you around when he was younger, but he hadn't truly known you until years after the Incident. you lived three streets down from him, near the park with the hydrangeas. he remembered this because he spent time in that park often with his parents, and later his friends. it was the best spot to hide whenever he and his friends wanted to smoke or drink before a party, or if he wanted to spend time alone with a date.
neither of you ran in the same circles. hongjoong smoked cigarettes behind the school next to broken CCTV cameras. you kept to your small circle and he never saw you at parties. hongjoong only cared about his music classes. you cared about your classes so much, you even went to supplementary after school classes. he hadn't known much about you in high school, aside from the fact that some time in ninth grade you were teased briefly for your tattered shoes. he never cared enough to find out if that escalated any further.
when hongjoong turned sixteen, he was used to screaming matches with his parents. he wasn't used to his powers. they came one day all at once, bursting from him one morning. he'd touched his toothbrush and it disappeared. he hadn't thought much of it that morning, assuming he had been severely hungover and dropped his toothbrush somewhere. but, when he came home late that night and his parents confronted him for missing classes, his emotions burst from him. he never knew what they had said to him in that moment, he only felt a rush in his ears and the feeling that his heart was attempting to burst out of his chest. when he woke up in an unfamiliar white room surrounded by people in white hazmat suits, he was told he wiped out his entire town.
when he returned to the spot where his home should have stood, after months of government-issued rehabilitation, all that was left was a crater where his hometown once was and his inability to figure out where the hell he put them. dimensional storage, he learned, was his power. he ran himself into the fucking ground trying to figure out which dimension he sent everyone.
his mentor insisted he go to university, try to live a life outside of trying to redeem himself, try to be happy. he'd obliged only because he respected his mentor. he didn't think it possible because he basically killed an entire town. hundreds upon hundreds of people. and that burden would live on his shoulders forever.
when he saw you in his first year calculus class, wearing the same tattered shoes he remembered you were teased for, he knew he had to speak to you.
you told him what happened, how you went to seoul for a supplementary class, and you'd missed the last bus home and had to spend the night at an overnight bathhouse. when you returned everything was gone. your parents, your home, every single thing was gone and all that was left was a giant crater filled with rubble. from there on out, you were left to fend for yourself.
"it was you, wasn't it?" you asked him, a few months later.
hongjoong tried to deny it, but you'd spent enough time with him to see past his facades. you'd leveled him with a frown and said, "i spent years trying to figure out what the fuck happened that night. the internet has everything, joong. besides, you and i are the only survivors."
hongjoong would always remember the guilt that lay heavy on his shoulders as he looked at you. he'd spent enough time with you to learn the consequences of his actions. you lost everything because of him. you'd gone hungry often and never quite had a home since that night. even now you worked multiple jobs to pay for university classes. because of him.
"it was an accident." he began, and to his surprise you didn't grow angry. you only sat and listened. it was more than he deserved.
when he disclosed his powers to you, you'd only picked up a rock off the ground, crushed it in your hands, showed him the dusty remnants, and said, "i assumed that was it. mine's not as cool as yours though."
from that day onwards, he felt responsible for you. he refused to let your applications to the hero-villain alliance go through. perhaps it wasn't his call to make, but he could not live with himself if you got hurt on the job because of him. not again.
eventually, he gave in, when he realized just how rundown you'd become from your multiple jobs and how often you spent weeks on his couch while searching for cheaper apartments, when he realized it wasn't his place to make such decisions for you. so he made a few calls, had your application bumped up, and made seonghwa, yunho, san, mingi, jongho, yeosang, and wooyoung swear they would not let you get hurt on the job.
it worked, until a year ago.
until he pulled you from the rubble and took in the burns wooyoung left on your neck.
until he had to face you in battle, your eyes looking right through him as he tried to speak sense into you.
until now.
"what the hell are they doing here?" san grits out the words, his gaze narrowing as he stares at the camera footage in front of him, at you standing at the front door of the alliance, your back ramrod straight and your knocking incessant.
hongjoong drags a hand through his hair, "we should let them in."
"and what if they go berserk on us the moment we do?" san bites out.
"what else are we supposed to do?" hongjoong turns a glare on san, "shoot them on sight?"
"maybe that's the best course of action."
"you don't believe that," yunho's voice is quiet, but it rings between them, his kind eyes on san.
san does not meet his gaze.
"just," hongjoong takes a deep breath, "get the chains, mingi. tranquilizers, too. hopefully, they cooperate. yunho, tell taeil to scout outwards up to radius five in case they're a decoy for someone else."
san stiffens at that. hongjoong just squeezes san's shoulder as he steps around him, "we outnumber them right now. don't worry."
"i'm not worried," san mutters, but his shoulders relax under hongjoong's touch.
hongjoong takes a deep breath as he approaches the door, the months and months of guilt that had accumulated while you were gone heavy on his shoulders.
you wake up to a bright light and the inability to move a single inch. your breath catches in your throat and you think, oh god, is this eunwoo's lab? and your chest feels tight with the thought, the very idea that you did manage to escape, that maybe you dreamt yeosang helping you escape, or wooyoung made due with his promise and has left you in eunwoo's clutches to do whatever experimentation he's wanted to do to you or -
"woah there, hey, it's okay."
the deep voice is familiar. kind. the touch on your arm is not cold like eunwoo's. you blink away your confusion, and your heart flips at the familiar face.
"mingi?" your voice cracks.
mingi smiles, but before he can say anything, the door behind him swings open and in walks san, his expression fixed into a tight glare. yunho eyes you warily, and he keeps a distance you don't blame him for. hongjoong enters last. his gaze flits over your form, assessing you quickly as he used to do. you've missed them. even as you assess your own situation, understand that you are strapped to a chair the same way you were when wooyoung and yeosang first kidnapped you, the relief swirling in your chest makes you want to cry.
you open your mouth to say something, anything, but you have no idea what to say. the guilt and fear and relief creates a lump in your throat you can't move past. you can't even remember the awful things you must have done to them. the distance makes you want to disappear.
hongjoong steps close, crouching in front of you, his gaze searching yours, and he simply says, "explain."
you tell him everything.
hongjoong drags a hand through his hair, "that's...a lot."
san hovers close, and though his hostility has lessened it's still there, still so potent, but you understand it because you'd watched him act that way before wooyoung and yeosang took you.
san's face is inches from yours, "how do we know you weren't ordered to come here?"
"you don't," you say, "but i left that pouch on purpose and yeosang risked his life to get me out of there and...and my word is all i can give you. i know -"
san cuts you off, "how do we know you won't try to finish the job the moment you're set free? i watched you kill those people, y/n." he jabs a finger against your chest and you wince when he touches the injection bruises, "that was all fucking you. how do we know what's going to come out the moment we test the words you gave us? how can you guarantee our safety in all this?"
his tone is accusing, and it only makes you feel worse. you glance at yunho, mingi, and hongjoong, but neither of them step towards you. only yunho looks away, closing his eyes.
"i don't know, i'm sorry," your voice breaks. the thought of having lost their trust and not being able to fix it breaks your heart.
"crying isn't going to help," san grits out, though he does step back a little.
"san, stop it," yunho pushes san's shoulder, dabbing at your face with a handful of tissues, his gloved hands noticeably hesitant. still, he powers through, frowning between you and san, "you don't need to be so hard on them."
"yes, i do," san snaps, "one of us needs to be hard on them, and i know it's not going to be any of you. i'm not letting us go through the same shit all over again."
you drop your eyes to the floor and yunho lets out an audible sigh, "hongjoong, please tell him to lay off."
you look up, meeting hongjoong's gaze for a long moment. his eyes are heavy with the same kind of guilt you've seen on him since the day you met him. an existential, bone-deep guilt you know he will always feel when he sees you. you remind him of his past, of his moment of weakness, of everything terrible he's ever done. he thinks you never notice the guilt, but you do. hongjoong looks away. he says, "san's not wrong. we need to be careful."
yunho rolls his eyes, and mingi sighs.
san opens his mouth, hands crossed over his chest, when he's interrupted by the high whine of a siren. it pierces through the room, startling all of you. yunho drops his gloved hand from your face. mingi frowns.
"it's a level one breach," hongjoong says, though you all know exactly what it is. you've had training on it, sure, but the last time you heard this exact siren go off was when wooyoung, yeosang, jongho, and seonghwa betrayed the alliance and wreaked havoc on the city. it means there's an attack on the city and it's predicted to be devastating.
your heart drops just as san spins on you and grabs your collar, "what the fuck is going on?"
"i don't know," you shake your head, "i really don't."
"now's not the time," hongjoong yanks san's arm off you, "we need to go to the debriefing room and figure out the threa-"
a loud, distant boom has hongjoong snapping his mouth closed, eyes widening. the floor quakes beneath your feet, your teeth chattering at the intensity of the trembles.
"oh fuck," yunho grips the table to steady himself, "we need to go. now."
another boom fills the silence, followed by screaming, loud and shrill.
"what about -"
an explosion echoes right above them and the room lights start to flicker. you flinch at the dust falling into your eyes.
"let me out."
san lets out a bitter laugh at your demand, "see? this is exactly what the fuck i was talking about. you just -"
"we can't just leave them down here." mingi snaps, "we're in the fucking basement, san."
"we should! do you think it's a coincidence that we're having a level one attack while we're all preoccupied with y/n showing up unannounced at our doorstep?"
"stay with me if you want!" you shout, "i just want to see wooyoung."
hongjoong swivels on his heels, meeting your gaze. it's the first time he's looking at you so candidly since you woke up and you nearly recoil at the intensity of it. "why do you want to see him?"
"to stop him."
"you think he'll stop? after what he did to you?" hongjoong grits his teeth and, for the first time, you can truly see how angry he is, how affected he is by everything. he never shows his anger so blatantly, but now it rolls off him in waves. the world is silent, eerily so, like the calm before a storm.
you resist the urge to recoil and look him dead in the eyes, "if i have to break every single bone in his body to stop him, then i will." you turn your gaze to san and repeat, "i will."
after a beat, san says, "i'm holding you to it."
you nod and he looks away.
"great, glad we got that figured out," yunho sighs, "now let's get the fuck out of here."
suddenly, a sharp creaking noise cuts through the eerie silence. the groan reminds you of a wailing whale, low and drawn out and a chill runs down your spine and straight to your toes. mingi yanks at your chains. you pull an arm free, just as there's another keening wail and suddenly -
"holy shit."
the entire building above you is gone. sunlight fills everything. at least, you believe it to be sunlight at first, until you realize just how bright it is. it's searing. hot, like the sun.
your eyes widen.
or like wooyoung.
"y/n, come on. get up."
you're yanked out the chair, ignoring the pain running up your leg when the chains scratch at your calf.
when you reach the ground, you cough around black smoke filling your lungs, your eyes widening as you take in the sight of wooyoung on fire, brighter than the sun, hotter, flamed wings surging from his form. below him marches an army of skeletons, dragging their bones as they lay siege on your city.
your heart drops to the pit of your stomach when wooyoung's eyes meet yours.
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rogerslovesstark · 3 years
Hi there! A huge fan 💜💙 I was wondering if your requests are open?
If yes, could you please write an angsty fic where in reader is dating Bucky and for some reason he belittles her and breaks off their relationship. After which eventually everyone on the team stops talking to her. She's forced to leave off on her own and struggles a lot. Later Bucky realises his mistake and tries to contact her but the old her is gone. Like she finds her own happiness. Sorry if it's too detailed☹️
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Your recruitment to the team was quick and very low-key. Almost no one knew that you had joined the Avengers because you requested Tony not to hold a press conference. You loved being an Avenger, the idea of helping people in need was so fulfilling.
However, the spotlight of being an Avenger was not pleasant. You did not know how Tony and Steve were able to handle it, the constant feeling of eyes on you, paparazzi almost always being on top of everything you do.
The few events you did go to, you stood with Bucky most of the time. He always kept you safe and comfortable while the party was booming. The two of you would walk around the venues Tony would rent out, looking at the architecture of the building, admiring the art that was around.
The conversation was kept minimal because there was already so much noise from the party. Both silently agreed that there was no need for extra noise.
It was the New Years Party two years ago where Bucky asked you if you wanted to slow dance. The Venue had multiple balconies and he chose the smallest one for the two of you to dance.
The two of you swayed to the soft music that could be heard from the party. Once the clock hit 12:00, Bucky leaned over and kissed you. You two began dating shortly after.
Every Sunday was a day for a date unless either of you had a mission. Every other week you planned a date for you and Bucky, walks in the park, restaurants, bars, everything you could think of.
You developed a dependency on Bucky. Always seeking his reassurance, seeking his comfort and touch. You felt as though you were not complete unless you were with Bucky. 
Your childhood was to blame, primarily your father. Physically, your dad was there but not emotionally. You never received emotional love from your father, the ‘I’m so proud of you’ or ‘you’re doing amazing’ Just a stiff nod.  
Being raised by your psychotic father was the reason you developed into the cold-hearted killer you were. From 16-19, you worked as a mercenary and killed for money.
You craved emotional validation from someone because you were so deprived of it when you were a child. You struggled to form relationships with others because of it too. That was one of the main reasons why you were not as close to the team.
Bucky would always smile at you, or kiss you when you were excited about something you would accomplish. On missions, he would always stay near you unless instructed otherwise by Steve. 
Bucky has been extremely off recently, always working with Steve, or working out with Sam, helping Wanda train her new abilities because it’s hard to kill a super-soldier than a normal human. 
He had missed five Sunday dates. Five of them. In those five weeks, you barely saw him and it was driving you crazy. You constantly would search for the time where the two of you could just be alone. You were so deprived of physical touch and emotional love, you began to fall into a depressive state. 
You walked towards the conference room, you asked Friday where Bucky was. She said he was in the conference room alone which is weird that she specified.
You opened the door and found Bucky just sitting on his phone. It was almost 10:30pm and he was just chilling in the conference room on his phone.
“Baby, I’ve been looking for you,” You said, walking over to him and running your hands along his broad and muscular shoulders. He was always so tense when he was sitting hunched over.
He shrugged you off his shoulders and turned to look at you. Not a soft, loving kind of look that a lover would typically give his lover; he gave a harsh glare as if you had done something to him. 
“God, you are so fucking annoying, you know that,” Bucky said. He grabbed that hand that was touching you and stood up from his chair. He let go of your hand rather quickly as soon as he stood from the chair. 
“I can’t fucking stand being around you Y/n, I don’t know why I ever asked you to be my fucking girlfriend,” He said, lowering his face closer to your face so the two of you were at eye level. 
Tears pooled in your eyes, every word he said was like a thin blade stabbing you in the stomach over and over again. You did not know what you did wrong, you had not even seen him in almost a week despite living with him.
“I’m sorry Bucky, I’ll be better, what can I do to be better, please,” You whispered, if your voice were any higher, you would being sobbing. 
Bucky just watched as you pathetically tried to hold your sobs in. You really were a weak woman and Bucky knew that. He knew that he held you in the palm of his hand and if he wanted to, he could break you.
He watched as your world crumbled around you because Bucky had decided to hurt you. Your hands were shaking and curled into fists. Your nose was turning red from holding back your tears.
“You are nothing without me, and I don’t want you anymore, so get the fuck out of my face and leave. No one on the team likes you, they would rather see you dead than ever have to see your horrific face ever again.” Bucky snarled, ready to see you burst into tears.
He knew that was the last straw.
You quickly turned around and left before you burst into tears. Bucky grabbed your arm and tried to turn you around, wanting to see you cry. You were forced to turn around, tears in your eyes pulling your hand back and smacking Bucky on his cheek. 
You left him dazed in the conference room. You ran to your shared room, collecting all your belongings. You had a small apartment in the heart of Montreal that no one knew about. You deliberately left off your information given to FRIDAY.
“FRIDAY, get rid of all information regarding Y/N L/N” You requested.
“Request denied, reasoning: unauthorized access to function,”
“Override denial, code Tony Stark has a fat ass” You rolled your eyes at the code Tony had told you to be used as a last resort code.
“Permission granted, removing all information regrading Y/N L/N,”
You grabbed a piece of paper on your desk, writing a short goodbye to Tony knowing he would wonder where you went. You quietly walk over to Tony’s office and placed it on the monitor he mainly used.
You left the compound shortly after, walking seven miles to the small car you planted in the forest. You prepared this as a last resort option. You never wanted to use this car but times were desperate and you had to get away from Bucky.
You were struggling, barely able to figure out how to live on your own. The money you had saved from working for the Avengers was running low and the waitress job you did have has barely enough to pay the bills you had. 
Montreal was really expensive you ended up realizing, with such a horrible job, you sold your apartment and moved in with some college students in a small house. You shared a bedroom with one of the women in the house. 
Ashley, your roommate, actually found the job for you, she helped you changed your appearance and spotted your money whenever you were desperate for it.
You had no skill set for an actual job, the only skills you had were killing. And your skills had developed rapidly as an Avenger. You knew what you had to do to survive.
The first kill that you had was a child trafficker in Toronto. Ashley covered for you, saying you two would go to a spa for a girl's weekend. She stayed at the spa while you finished the job. You gave her 20% of the income made. 
You two had gotten close over the two years that you spent in the shared house. She was one of the only people that you trusted at this point. She suggested that you started therapy, which you decided to actually go to.
Your therapist wanted you to start realizing that you were more than who you surrounded yourself in. You deserved the love that you craved and you could only get it when you truly loved yourself.
Bucky was laying in the bed the two of you shared. Two years had passed since he had driven you out of his life. He didn’t know why he did it, he was so upset because he saw you flirting with Tony. But Tony got engaged to Pepper only a few days later. 
After nine months of you being away, he started to crave your presence in his life. He asked FRIDAY where you were but she had no information on you. When FRIDAY said she had no information on you, he had one of the biggest meltdowns he ever experienced. 
You were officially gone from his life. Even with all the winter soldier experience of tracking people down, he couldn’t find you. Bucky knew that you were smart, you could hide in plain sight if you wanted to. 
It was in Toronto that he saw you again. Bucky’s whole world stopped after he saw you. You were so different now. Your hair was completely different from what he was used to, and you dressed differently too. 
It took him two months to finally get you to speak to him.
“What do you want Bucky?” The way you used to speak to him was so soft, now you were so cold towards him. Bucky’s stomach churned, almost nervous to respond to you.
“Y/n, please come back, I’m sorry for everything I have done to you, everything I said was a lie. I still love you” Bucky pleaded to you. 
“Bucky I’m not the same woman I used to be, you broke me, I was so broken and I was the only one who fixed me. You don’t get to come back after I learned how to not live with you.” You shouted at him.
Tears pooled in Bucky’s eye, he had lost the one person who had shown him, true love. The one person he wanted to protect for the rest of his life. He lost you, forever.
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atinysunbaby · 3 years
Meant to be | Choi San 🖤
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Warnings : Cursing, violence, mention of sexual assault, depressing thoughts.
Words count : 2.6k
Previous 《 Chapter 1
Chapter 2
"Don't move!" He doesn't let go of me, the more I try to get out of his grip and the more he tightens his hold on me. It hurts, I want it to stop. Please make it stop!
"STOP!!" I wake up screaming and gasping for air. My whole body covered in sweat, tears streaming down my face. Head pounding, feeling like it's gonna explode. It takes me a moment to control my breathing, looking around the room and trying not to think of what happened. I sigh, closing my eyes wishing this was all just a nightmare.
My body tenses to the sound of the door opening. I sit up in less then a second, ready to escape from any danger. "Hi sweetheart~ I heard just now, everything ok? Nightmare?" I feel like I can finally breathe hearing her voice, sighing from relief. She speaks softly, worry evident in her tone. Looking at her sincere expression and her caring eyes, it reminds me of my mother. At this moment I want to tell her everything, I want her to listen to me while holding me tightly in her arms, to tell me everthing will get better.
"Aunt Kath, I need to tell you-" Before I can finish my sentence, the door burst open, cutting me off. "Hey! Little angel's awake~ You know what? Don't worry about a thing, I told Kath everthing! She gets it, it's all good~"
They both look at each other and smile. Then aunt Kath turns back to me and gives me a look of pity. I'm confused and scared at the same time. If she knows what happened in that car, the only reason she'd be looking at me that way would be because she's really fucking crazy. My voice is shaky and almost inaudible. "W-what did he- tell you?"
"I knew how hard it was loosing your parents. It was a shock to me too and I hadn't seen my sister for multiple years. So I can't imagine what you're going through. James told me you confided yourself to him, how worried you were and how sad you felt. But it's ok, if you need anything I'm here and James is too." She grins and doesn't let me any time to add a word, petting my head before heading to the door. "We'll let you rest now, tomorrow you gotta go to school. If you need anything we'll be downstairs."
Before closing the door, James pokes his head in my room and puts his index finger in front of his lips. He whispers. "Our little secret"
I feel like crying, but there's only a single tear escaping my eyes. It burns on my cheek, my skin already being red from all the crying. My breathing's uneven so I try to calm myself, taking some deep inhales and exhaling slowly. I lay down, completely drained from energy.
A few hours went by, and my eyes never left the ceiling. I can't bring myself to close them and have those nightmares again. They'll be worse this time and I can't take it. I feel alone and I'm scared. He could enter this room any moment and I wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I can't tell my aunt, she would never believe me. She loves him and has known him for years and I just arrived. But I could always try, there's a slight chance that she'd believe me. That or James would catch me and do much worse then what he already did.
The alarm on my phone goes off and I angrily shut it off. I get up from the bed, with difficulty. I can barely stand, like I have no strength left in me. Despites being so weak, I make my way to the window. There's a small place where I can sit and I don't hesitate to do so. I open the curtains, then the window, in need of some fresh hair.
It would be nice, if only my life wasn't such a disaster. I'd probably feel happy right now, at ease. It's what I love the most, being surrounded by nature. The smell of trees and sound of animals, it always managed to bring my mood up. What I liked the most though, was walking in the forrest. Alone with the apaising feeling of liberty, but sadly, that once beautiful and soothing place doesn't hold the same emotions anymore. It makes me feel lonely and trapped, the complete opisite of what it's always been.
Howlings are what cuts off my depressing thoughts. For some reason, it makes me feel safe and unknowingly, a small smile appears on my face. I love wolves, they're my favorite animal. Mom bought me a necklace a long time ago, with a small diamond wolf. I wear it all the time, I remember being so exited when she gifted it to me. I never once took it off.
After some time, the noises make me feel sleepy. I don't even realise when I fall asleep. But this moment of peacefulness is ruined when I hear the door slam. I wake up hurriedly and look around. My gaze immediately fall on a figure standing in the middle of the room. My breath is stuck in my throat once I recognize who it is. James. He has a knife in his hand. "I told you not to say anything, but you had to open your fucking mouth! Now I have to punish you."
He advances slowly, then stops and stays there looking right into my eyes. He has a creepy smile on his face and starts to laugh. He then becomes motionless for what seems like hours. I'm scared to death and scream when he's about to stab me, but a wolf suddenly jumps on him and bites his head off. It takes a few second before everything stops and I lock eyes with the animal. Instantly every negative feelings disappear, instead I feel like I'm floating. It's like all my problems went away.
When I'm about to caress the beautiful creature, the color of it's eyes change. I squeal and smile, but it takes a few steps back before running away. I barely get a glimpse of it from my window after it jumps out. Then I feel it, everything coming back to me. Then the world around me turns to darkness.
I wake up abruptly, sweating and breathing heavily. I look around hoping to find James' corpse or the wolf from my dream, but unfortunately there's no sign of any of them. Then I see the sun is up, meaning that I need to get ready for school. Just great, exactly what I need right now! Seriously, can my life be any worse then this? I don't think it's possible, but let's not talk too soon.
Walking makes me feel sore and some parts of my body are terribly painful. Not forgeting about exhaustion and a deep feeling of disgust. There's more I can add to the list, but I'd probably be dead by the time I'm done.
2 hours later
My aunt was the only one there earlier, James went to work already so I fortunately managed to prepare myself without having to worry about him. Breakfast was quiet after I almost slipped and let Kath know about everything, after that, I shuted my mouth. Then left for school, not forgetting to wish aunt Kath a nice day.
Now I'm in front of the gates, it's quite a big school for a small town like this. There's already a lot of people entering or hanging outside. I hesitate before walking to the entrance. Some people look at me probably wondering who I am and noticing the fact that I'm a foreigner.
I enter the school and have for mission to find the teachers' classroom or the principal's office, anything. I search for a while, when I suddenly have this weird feeling. Overwhelmed and tingly, it's intense and getting worst with each second. I try to shake it off but it doesn't go away. It's too much at some point and I stop in the middle of the corridor. I notice a door, it has a bathroom sign and I hurry inside.
I push my back against the door, trying to calm my crazy heartbeat. I open my eyes when I hear a noise from in front of me. I hold myself back from screaming. There's a boy my age looking just as surprised as me. His expression stays the same, then he frowns cutely.
"What are you doing in here?" He asks me curiously while tilting his head. I can't help but look at him from head to toe. He's handsome, breathtaking. I shake my head slightly, trying to gain some composure. "Sorry I just- I'm new here. I thought it was the girls' bathroom."
"The door to your right, you'll find it easily. Now excuse me I need to go." He says hurriedly before walking right past me. His shoulder brushes against mine and I for some reason want to lean more against his touch. When he's gone, I start feeling sick so I rush in a stall and empty my stomach.
After some time, the bell rings and I panic. Quickly I stand up, ignoring the dizziness. I rush outside of the bathroom and proceed to search for someone who can give me my schedule.
Some time later
I met with a teacher after talking with the principal and they gave me my schedule. First class is history, something that I know nothing about. Apparently, I'll have to get extra lessons, maybe from another student. Even though i'd prefer not to, I don't really have a choice so I agreed.
Finally, I arrive in class, late but the teacher knew I would be. Instead of giving me the embarrassment of introducing myself infront of my classmates, she kindly does it for me. I thank her with a small smile and she reciprocs it before telling me to take a seat next to a boy named Wooyoung.
I recognize that boy, it's the one from earlier, from the bathroom. He doesn't meet my gaze, but I can see he tenses up when I sit next to him. I hesitate between staying quiet and pretending we didn't meet before or introduce myself to him. In the end, I choose not to say a word since he already seems uncomfortable.
Surprisingly though, he's the one who speaks up. He clears his throat and gently, with the tip of his index finger, taps my shoulder. I turn my attention towards him and he smiles shyly. "Hi! I'm Wooyoung. Sorry about earlier, if I didn't run away I could've helped you find your way around."
"Oh no no! It's ok really. It's not your fault! I managed anyways, but thanks for wanting to help. Oh- and I'm Y/N by the way!" I rush out a bit nervous. He giggles before noticing a strand of hair falling from behind my ear. He lifts his hand to tuck it away, but I flinch away from his touch and whimper. Both our eyes widen, but not for the same reason. He's confused and looks at me with a frown on his face and I'm panicking. I know he wouldn't have hit me, but I couldn't control my body from reacting this way. Ashamed, I look at the front and ignore him for the rest of the class.
As the hour go by, my nervousness takes over my body and I keep fidgeting. Wooyoung tries to restrain himself from interacting with me, but all the noises I'm making are becoming too much for him. He suddenly grips my tigh, stopping my movements. My hands immediately go to his wrist, holding it tightly. "W-what are you doing?"
"You're being noisy, It's annoying." His gaze doesn't leave my face and I bow my head feeling overwhelmed. He takes his hand away from me and I exhale shakily. I don't notice his eyes still on me, analyse my every movements and reactions. "You don't have to be afraid of me."
I lift my head about to respond, but he speaks first once again. The intense aura surrounding him only a few seconds ago, now completely gone. "Wanna eat lunch with me? Well- me and my friends. If you accept, I'll pay for your food~"
I enter the cafeteria, dragged by Wooyoung. Since he asked me the first time this morning, he hasn't stopped annoying me. At some point I was about to decline, but before I had the chance to do so, he took me with him.
So now I'm here, his arm around my shoulders, guiding me to grab our lunch. When we're both finished, he insistes that he pays for my food. He ends up winning after arguing for some time and something tells me that it won't be the last time.
Wooyoung brings me to his usual table, he says they always sit there. No one is here yet, so I have some time to prepare myself mentally before meeting his friends. But what the idiot sitting next to me forgot to mention was that he has seven of them.
When I see all those boys coming towards us at first, I don't make a big deal out of the situation. I think that they just wanna talk to Wooyoung, but oh fuck was I wrong. The moment they sit around the table and questionningly watch their friend while also eyeing me, I panic. Instantly, my body freezes. I never had that problem before, being surrounded by people, boys especially. It never made me feel this way, but I guess I'm marked by what happened just yesterday.
"Who's your friend?" One of the guy asks, a smile on his face. He seems nice, but it doesn't make the nervousness go away. Wooyoung's hand meets my back softly before he answers the boy. "This girl Seonghwa, she's my new friend Y/N~ She's new here and we met in class earlier. Isn't she so cute~"
He pinches my cheek making my face burn in embarrassment. I try to hide myself, but he grabs my head and presses it against his. Our cheeks are squished together and the others are chuckling at Wooyoung's behavior. Another of the boys says. "Come on man, leave the poor girl alone. She doesn't seem really comfortable."
"Aww Yeosang~ I knew it! You're jealous~ You could've just told me!" He tries to hug Yeosang, but he pushes him away with disgust. Someone tries to keep everything under control and speak. "Wooyoung leave him alone and eat your food!"
The scolded boy whines and tried to act cute, but it only makes a few of them fake gag, what makes them receive a few punches. They all introduce themselves after the small battle settled down, all but one. Jongho asks about the boy's whereabouts. "So, where's San by the way?"
Some of them shrug, but Yunho answers him. "He had something important to do. Said he'll be there before lunch's over-"
"Ugh- I'm starving!" The missing boy sits down next to me, completely unaware of my presence. Then being met with silence, he confusingly looks up. He looks at everyone searching for an explanation, but tenses up when he sees me. "Oh..."
When our eyes meet, somehow my body react on its own. I shake slightly and the noises around me sound drowned. I don't hear San's voice, but I can see his mouth moving, he wears an apologizing expression. Then all of a sudden I abruptly stand up, everything being too much for me to handle. "Sorry- I gotta go!"
Next 》 Chapter 3
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mosswillow · 3 years
Try again, and again, and again - Maybe you’ll be free this time.
Dark!Charles Xavior x Reader (fem), Dark!Erik (Magneto) x Reader
Warnings: 18+ Adult content, Rape/noncon/dubcon, oral (male recieving), manipulation, abuse, mind control, posessive behavior, glove kink, blood, violence.  
Word count: 2222
A/N: Eek, I finally finished this. I hope ya’ll enjoy it. This is different from my original plan of multiple parts. I like how this came out though, it feels right with the vibe of part one. Hopefully it’s the right amount of confusing to make it fun and interesting but not stressful.
By clicking keep reading you confirm that you are an adult over the age of 18 and understand that this content is dark and potentially triggering.
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You’ve done this too many times, stood at this window remembering it all. It’s exhausting; you’re so tired, so worn down. It’s a lie, all of it. You never married him. He forced you into this, erased your memories and added his own. He stripped you of your agency, moulded you into what he wants. A happy wife, someone to control - to submit.  
“Are you ready to stop this now?” Charles hisses from behind you.
A tear runs down your cheek and you wipe it away with the back of your hand. You step back from the window and slowly force your body across the room to your “husband”.  
“Good girl,” he praises, pulling you down and kissing away your tears.
You close your eyes and let him kiss you. His tongue pushes in your mouth and you open for him, tasting the slight saltiness of your tears on his tongue.
“Let’s go back to bed,” he smiles.
You lie next to him and turn your body away, stiffening as he puts his arm over you protectively. Your life has always been like this since you were born, it was stupid to think you could ever find happiness in this fucked up world. You feel his hand snake down your body and take a deep breath before opening your legs for him.
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He was the first mutant you ever met, found you scared and starving in an alleyway and gave you food - love - family. He made you feel like you weren't alone for the first time in your life. For so long everyone around you made you feel like your power was bad but he didn’t think that. He thought that your power made you better than everyone else. He taught you to embrace it, to carry your mutation with pride. He told you to never take abuse, to throw everything they did to you right back at them.
Comical, really, how the one who brought you to a place of acceptance, who taught you not to take abuse, turned around and abused you. He had taught you well, too well. As soon as the first bruise showed up you chose to leave. You deserved better.
“What do you think you’re doing,” He said as you packed a bag. You should have left while he was gone but it was too late now.
“I just need space Erik, some time to think about what I want.”
“No,” his voice was quiet but serious, the tone more alarming than any of the times he had yelled. it made you stop packing and look at him. He took a small step forward and you noticed the disheveled appearance. His leather costume was torn in several places and sweat was beading on his forehead.
“This is what I’m talking about, I need to be able to have my own life. You dictate everything and won’t even tell me where you go. You… you hurt me,” you grabbed your arm gingerly, looking at it and frowning.  
The familiar sound of metal being manipulated came from Erik and you looked up just in time to see pieces of silver fly towards you. Your wrists were suddenly encased and you tried in vain to move against them.
“Let me go,” you said.
“No,” he replied almost too calmly.
“I’m leaving you Erik, you can’t do this,”
He walked to you and ran a gloved hand over your cheek.
“I can do anything I want, baby.”
Your wrists suddenly slammed into the floor and he was grabbing your head, tilting it back so that you looked up at him. He brought his other hand to your cheek, smoothing his thumb over your lips. “Anything,” he said as he pushed his thumb in your mouth. The earthy smell and taste of his glove overwhelmed your senses and you struggled against him. It was no use though. He was stronger than you would ever be. You relaxed your jaw and closed your eyes and he removed his hand, replacing it with his dick. He grunted as he pushed into your mouth, slowly pushing further into your throat with every thrust. When his cum finally filled your throat you swallowed and kept your eyes down. He crouched in front of you and kissed your cheek before leaving to shower. He left you there all night and by the time you were finally released from your chains you were too exhausted to fight. He carried you to the bed and fucked you gently and you let him.
You spent months alone in the prison he created for you. He said you would be let out once he was confident you wouldn’t try to run or use powers but you weren’t sure that would ever happen. Even when you followed all his rules, when you acted like you loved him. He would still find reasons to keep you isolated. Your life revolved around him, a cycle of trying to please him, eventually acting out and the inevitable punishment that came with your rebelion. It wasn’t a way to live.
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“You’re thinking about him.” Charles' voice has an edge to it, one you’re familiar with.
You nod and turn your face away.
“You’re not there anymore sweetheart, I’ll take care of you.”
Charles grabs your chin and forces your head towards him. He kisses you softly on the cheek and pulls you towards him until you’re settled against his warm body.
He’s the same though, it’s the exact same suffocating love you ran from almost two years ago.
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It took five years of trying to finally do it. Erik made a mistake, He left the back door open and you took your chance without hesitation. The first barefooted step onto the dirt was euphoric. Being kept away from the earth was like torture. Silent tears fell as you dug your hand into the ground and felt it move. It sucked away the fear, leaving you with a sense of peace. You had power again, could feel it like electricity move through your body.
Sounds of fighting came from nearby and you hid.
You could feel where people walked. The earth was talking to you, telling you when and where to hide. You made your way to a helicopter and crouched in the back, making yourself as small as you could and praying that whoever was attacking would get away and take you with them.
You held your breath as a group of mutants piled in quickly and the helicopter lifted from the ground. You stayed hidden for an hour before someone noticed you. A woman, red hair and drenched in sweat looked at you.  
“Who are you?” she asked. her bright green eyes widening in shock.
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“I’m not like him,” Charles says “You’re happy here,” The anger in his voice becomes more evident by the second.
“Stay out of my head!” you yell.
A headache starts burrowing into your brain and you cry out in pain.
“I’m not like him,” he reiterates.
You struggle in his arms, turning to your back and looking at him from inches away.
“You’re even worse. He always knew he was a monster, he wanted liberation at any cost, me at any cost. He was…” you search for the words to explain “a poisoned cup of water.”
You grit your teeth and stare in his eyes, bringing your face so that your noses almost touch. You don’t care, there’s nothing he can do to you that hasn’t already been done, no way he can hurt you more than he already has.
“You pretend like you’re a hero but you’re not. You're a glass of juice laced with the same exact pison as him. You look good and taste good but you’ll kill me the same way.”
He uses his power against you, reminding you who he is and what he can do. You scream as your body bursts into invisible flames. With Erik the bruises would remind you that it was real.  Charles doesn’t even afford you that. Everything with him is invisible, all in your head. They’re not the same, Charles is worse.
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“Is she ok?”
“She’s fine Jean, give her some space.”
You groaned as you returned to consciousness.
“She’s waking up!”
You jolted up, turning your head to stare at your surroundings. The last memory you had was crouching in the helicopter, now you were laying on a couch surrounded by mutants.
“I’m Jean,” a soft voice said.
“I’m sorry I… there were no other ways out,” you whispered.
“We know,” You looked over to see Charles pushing himself towards you. He stopped and looked you in the eyes.
“We’ll take care of you,” He smiled.
You smiled back, feeling safe and free for the first time in a long time. The X-Men, you had found a true family at last. Everything was going to be ok.
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You’re expecting him to knock you out again, for you to fall asleep and wake up his loving wife but The pain stops suddenly and you whip your head towards him in surprise.
“You didn’t take my memories?” you ask.
“I’m not like him,” Charles insists.
You sit up and pull your knees to your chest.
“Show me you aren't, let me go.”
He looks up at the ceiling and inhales.
“I can’t.”
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It started so slow with Charles. He gave you personal lessons, treated you kindly. You started to actually fall for him.
But then a new mutant came in and the chemistry was like nothing you had ever felt.
Charles got jealous almost immediately. You slowly started to see him the same way you saw Erik, recognizing the signs, there were so many red flags. You weren’t going to stick around, you had to leave while it was still an option.
You packed a bag and ran without a word, finding a job far away.
You should have known better. It was your hope that he would just let you go but of course he didn’t. Charles found you easily, and he was angry. You had never seen so much rage, it was like you were looking into Eriks eyes. You begged him not to do it, cried for help.
They stood there complacent as he forced you to your knees and rewrote your history, wiping your brain for the first time. They said they were your family, you loved them, and they betrayed you.
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“It would be easier if you just accepted this, I don’t like using my powers against you.” he says.
You roll your eyes. He does like using them, you see it behind his eyes every time he does it. He loves the power. You look at his face and see a slight twitch in his eye. The wheels start turning in your head, a theory forms.
“You’re losing your ability to control me,” you say.
He sets his jaw and you know you’re right. Your lips lift into a small smile as hope starts to bloom.
“What will you do once you can’t just erase memories?” you ask.
A headache starts again and you stare at him, fighting back. You’ve never fought back before like this, didn’t know you could.
“I’m going to leave you,” you say before the world goes black.
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Jean was the one who made the memories return for the first time. She unlocked them for you, cried and apologized as you sat there panicking.
Nobody said no to Charles. he wanted you and they were too afraid of him to stop it, she told you. The team was happier, Charles was happier. They sacrificed you, pushed the abuse onto you so that it wasn’t on them anymore.
It was all a show.
Your husband of three years had only kidnapped you a week prior. It was stressful and confusing, you ran to the bathroom and vomited. Charles called your name from the kitchen and you bolted out of the house. You made it halfway through the yard before you were tackled and held with your hands above your head. The only thing you could reach was a little bow from your hair. You took it and jammed it into the ground, letting the earth take it and hoping that one day it could somehow help you. You had to fight, keep trying no matter what.
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“Good morning my love,” Charles says.
“Good morning,” you smile back.
You give him a kiss on the cheek and stretch out before walking to the kitchen. You look out the window and your memories come back in a sudden burst.
You turn around to see him in the doorway. Fear washes over his face as he realizes how fast you escaped this time.
You smile and raise your middle finger at him. The window shatters into small pieces as your fist breaks through. Blood drips down your hand but you don’t care. You’re free.
“I’ll find you,” he calls.
Maybe he will. Maybe he’ll find you and bring you back, keep you locked up. Maybe he’ll add chains to your hands and feet like Erik did. He won’t chain your mind though, never again will he control you like that. He can try again, and again, and again but you’ll always break free.
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Pretty Girl | Damian Wayne
✦ pairing — older!Damian Wayne x Plus Size Reader (she/her)
✦ word count — 3.9k
✦ request — I was wondering a Older Damien Wayne x plus size shy reader, where they were friends since young and were each other’s first and broken up. Now older they meet up at their high school reunion and maybe Damien still loves her and her being a shy, jealous person when meeting his date. And idk if you do this but if so maybe smut after the end
✦ warnings — angst, a little bit of jealousy, nsfw, smut, it’s talked about beforehand but still: unprotected sex (please don’t do this), vaginal sex, oral sex (female receiving), fluff.
You were regretting having let Jon convince you to attend a high school reunion. There wasn’t a single person you wanted to see that you hadn’t met up with prior to the event.
Jon said it would be a good opportunity to relive fun experiences. He promised he’d be with you the entire time. And he kept his promise — until Damian arrived.
Your anxiety spiked up, Jon could hear it clearly. He could also hear Damian’s heartbeat when he saw you. Swallowing harshly upon realizing the youngest member of the Wayne family had brought a date, you excused yourself.
Both Jon and Damian followed you with their eyes. Jon shook his head, aware of what was going on. He of course couldn’t burst into the bathroom and console you, Jon had done it a few times throughout high school when Damian wasn’t around for whatever reason and your nerves got the best of you but this time it would look like something else since you guys had arrived together.
Ever the shy sweet girl, you had often told him he shouldn’t worry. But Jon cared, and he could see how the predicament of physically following you was tearing Damian apart too.
Jon greeted Damian and his date curtly, only with a nod. Glaring at his best friend, he motioned for him to follow him to a more private area.
Faking a smile, Damian asked his date to wait for him.
“What do you think you are doing?!”
“Attending the reunion you told me I couldn’t skip. I assumed you would be happy.”
“You’re so full of crap.” Jon shook his head, crossing his arms against his chest. He had always been able to read Damian like a book, the same way Clark did with Bruce — his powers helped, but he didn’t need them, not when Damian was more expressive than he presumed.
Damian gave it all away by staring at the hallway, fixing his eyes on the door he had hidden behind with you multiple times.
“Aaaaand you’re a moron,” Jon added.
He would never say it out loud, but Damian knew Jon was right. Walking past his best friend, whom he genuinely adored and appreciated, Damian went back to his date. She was chatting up with people like she had known them for years.
They quieted down when he arrived, solemnly nodding their heads in attempts of greeting him respectfully. He searched the room for your best friend, forgetting that she had moved out for college and never returned to Gotham.
He acknowledged his date by name, “Would you do me a favor?”
Nodding, she listened carefully as he guided her away from the curious people.
You wondered if there was something wrong with you. Not with the way you looked or anything like that, just… just with you. Shyness had never gone away like your parents hoped when you were a child, and it had never bothered you until now.
Your chest tightened more and more at a fast pace. It felt different from anything you had experienced before. Huffing out, you leaned on your forearms against the skin and looked at your reflection in the mirror.
A blurry face was the only thing you found. Blinking rapidly, your reflection only turned blurrier. The bathroom felt hot, you would have broken into a sweat if you hadn’t been wearing a dress.
The bathroom door creaked open, startling you. You had expected to see a former classmate, giving you a tight smile and a pitiful look. You would’ve preferred that.
Damian’s date closed the door behind her. “Are you alright?” her voice was gruff, but you could tell the question had been genuine.
You nodded, avoiding her eyes. “The second stall is the best,” you murmured.
She ignored your comment and went straight to the point. “Could you please come out?”
How dare Jon send her to convince you? Hadn’t he realized the reason you couldn’t stay there was because you were miserably jealous?
The door opened again, that time you saw the ex-cheerleader captain enter. As you had predicted, she smiled at you and gave you a pitiful look — her eyes focused on the woman accompanying you for a fleeting moment, in how different the two of you were.
Feeling your throat lock up, you nodded again at Damian’s date. She opened the door for you, letting you out first.
Damian was outside the bathroom, with his hands behind his back and his attention solely on the door. His date walked past him without sparing him a glance, but you couldn’t.
You had never been able to ignore him and his magnetic aura, the hope of that changing vanished the second you saw him enter the gymnasium.
Unconsciously, you looked for Jon. It was unusual for him not to be around Damian. Feeling the familiar weight of Damian’s gaze on your face, you stood beside him.
“She’s pretty,” you told him honestly in a rasp, avoiding his eyes.
She was, everyone thought so. He felt shitty for bringing her there, not because he had lied to her or anything but because he had been right and you would react harshly. It was all he wanted, a reaction from you, a sign no matter how small that you were still interested.
“Jon’s not ugly,” he countered, fully aware that you weren’t dating his best friend.
Shrugging, you put more distance between the two of you. “Have a nice evening,” you wished him before walking away.
You couldn’t do it. Being around him hurt more than it should have. Relationships ended all the time, yours had expired because that was how life worked. There hadn’t been bad blood between you, but now you wished it had.
When you entered the bathroom to stay away from the gorgeous couple you partially had done so to make up an excuse to leave. Jon wouldn’t believe it, but he could never stay mad at you so it didn’t matter.
Still having feelings for a high school sweetheart was something out of romantic comedies. Everything about your relationship with Damian had been, to be completely honest. Childhood friends, the popular guy and the shy chubby girl, a sad break up that she didn’t get over of when he had moved on.
You had dated people after him, but every relationship had fizzled out for a reason. And the reason was green eyes and cocky smiles. You had lied to yourself and blamed it on your social skills, you weren’t outgoing enough and it was a turn-off for some — but the truth, the truth was worse, it had never been a turn-off nor a problem for anyone because you knew how to choose your partners. They simply weren’t Damian Wayne.
Waving goodbye at Jon from afar, you failed to notice you were being followed until you reached the parking lot.
“(Y/N), come on.”
You had missed the tone he used when saying your name. It hadn’t changed since you last heard it.
“I have things to—“
“You can't lie to me,” Damian cut you off.
“Uhmmm, could you just… leave me alone?”
He knew you didn’t mean it. “No.” Damian grabbed you from the wrist upon seeing the hesitance on your face. “Can we talk?”
“Not a good idea.”
He hated your short answers and the fact that you didn’t seem to trust him anymore. Fuck, he should’ve listened to Jon. To Jon from all people in his life!
“Please? There’s a new coffee shop nearby, it won’t take long.”
“I don’t want your girlfriend to think anything bad.”
Damian sighed deeply. He would sound pathetic. Fuck it. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
Oh. So he had fully moved on, then.
He saw heartbreak in your shifty eyes and couldn’t stop regret from overwhelming him. You weren’t able to speak, too surprised by the revelation to try and hide it anymore. She was everything you envisioned him with, pretty and mysterious with smooth skin and cold eyes.
God, maybe you had never been enough for his standards and now it was catching up on you. Or maybe his taste had changed. Either way, you couldn’t do anything about it.
Snatching your hand off his grip, you continued your path toward the street. Your legs felt heavy as you crossed the parking lot, like they used to after having to do a presentation in front of the entire class when you were a teenager.
The difference was that Damian had been there to steady you. He’d always tell you how well everything had gone and how proud he was — no one believed he could be that tender or attentive but you had seen it with your own eyes and felt it at every level of the word.
He hadn’t tried to run after you this time. A part of you had wished for it to happen, it would have been nice to not feel like you were drowning in your one-sided very much alive romantic feelings. Who even loves someone for that long?! You had never thought it would be possible, how could it when Damian and you had fallen out of love? Turns out only he had.
You reached your apartment complex in one piece, walking slower than you had intended and forcing yourself not to cry. The empty elevator, usually comforting, felt way too big.
As the doors slid open, you stepped outside with the intention of calling your best friend. Telling her she had been right would be everything but fun, and telling her it would have been easier if she was there would hurt.
Turning the lights on, you kicked your shoes off and walked directly to the kitchen. You needed a glass of wine — or the entire bottle, yes, that.
“Did you really forget to doublecheck for intruders like I taught you?”
You jumped, dropping the glass in your grasp. Damian was behind you in a second, apologizing for startling you.
“What are you doing here?”
Glass shards crushed under his shoes as he shifted. “I need to talk to you.”
You stood on your toes, trying not to hurt yourself as you stared down at the shattered cup to assess how to get away from the shards without touching Damian.
“Could you uh… move?”
“Will you leave me here standing like an idiot?”
It took you a moment to shake your head.
As you cleaned, he snooped around. He had never been inside your apartment. Damian had been about to drop by once, but he decided it would be for the best if he stayed away. He had only lied to himself with good intentions that hurt him more in the long term.
He still kept tabs on you. His siblings laughed, saying he was whipped after all those years. Only his father understood the way he felt, perhaps because Bruce himself had gone through that with Selina or because he was glad his son was finally comfortable with being human and the vulnerability it came with. The truth was more simple: he cared about you and there was nothing he could do to stop that.
Every time he had heard you were dating someone else it broke his heart. He had dated around too, but much less than you had — he didn’t have time for non-committing relationships, and he didn’t want a committed relationship with anyone but you.
“Did you hurt yourself?” he asked when you joined him in the living room.
“No,” you mumbled.
That should have been the moment where you offered him something to drink, but you were hoping the visit wouldn’t extend for more than five minutes.
Damian wasn’t sure how to touch upon the subject. Small talk wasn’t his thing and you had always felt uncomfortable with it so that wasn’t an option. Why couldn’t he just say it bluntly? That was his specialty, you had always giggled at how unsubtle he was.
“I still love you.”
“Is that why you’re getting married?”
“What?” Fuck, he had been such an idiot for not explaining himself with the proper words. “I am not.”
“Oh.” You made a pause, staring down at your lap where you let your hands drop. “Well, you took her as your date to something important and you said she wasn’t your girlfriend so…”
He didn’t consider a high school reunion as important, but he easily kept that to himself. “I thought you would take someone else when Jon told me you would be there,” he explained, “I didn’t want to look like an idiot in front of everybody, that’s it.”
Well, he made you look like one instead.
Damian rounded the coffee table in the middle of the living room to sit down next to you.
“Look at me?” You denied him. “(Y/N).” Still no reaction. “Beloved, please?”
Your breath hitched. His heart almost melted right there. Carefully, Damian placed his knuckles under your chin and pushed it upward. He then softly cupped your cheek, feeling the acceleration of your heart rate as your jugular jumped under the tip of his middle finger.
You finally stared into his eyes. Hundreds of times you had gotten lost in them — before your first kiss, throughout the first time he made love to you, the first time you were introduced as his girlfriend… his eyes had always grounded you while letting you drown in them.
“Tell me you still love me,” he pleaded.
“I don’t think I have to say it,” you admitted. It was painfully obvious he still knew you perfectly.
“I need to hear it.”
Not strong enough to deny him, you whispered, “I still love you.”
His mouth was on yours immediately. He kissed you fervently as his free hand rested on your thigh while one of your own flew to the back of his neck. Damian was elated with the effusiveness you were kissing him back, holding his head in place and taking control of the kiss completely.
It had been so long since he had you for the last time that he had forgotten what arousal really felt like. His senses were too alive as your tongue explored his mouth, dizzying him with every sigh that escaped you.
Your fingers trailed down his torso, slowly yet firm. He caressed your thigh, so soft and tempting. He couldn’t wait to sink his teeth on them again. In consequence, the bruising kiss came to an end — you bit down his bottom lip, pulling on it as you stared into his eyes.
Damian grunted, withdrawing his hand from your face to grip your waist. Your hands slid down in reaction, the one on his nape to his back and the one on his stomach to his crotch. His bulge twitched under the weight of your warm palm.
He sighed your name, aching for your touch. It was borderline pathetic how easily you got him going. You leaned in to kiss his jaw, not taking your hand off his crotch but not applying more pressure either — Damian moved his head so he could kiss you on the mouth, impatient to get more of you.
“You don’t know how much I want you,” he interrupted the kiss to say, wet mouth on top of yours as he spoke.
You giggled, cupping his bulge. “I think I do.”
His grunt sent chills down your spine. Damian’s grip on your waist tightened as he pushed you to lay down on the couch. His lips were immediately on yours again, sloppily kissing you while his palms dragged up your thighs. Reaching the rim of your skirt, he stopped to ask for permission to lift it.
You granted it to him, nodding as your nose brushed his. He slipped his hands under the material first, taking his time to trace your thighs.
“I missed you so much,” he said against your jaw before dragging his lips down your neck.
You angled your neck, giving him as much access as he needed. Feeling his smile on your skin, you started to unbutton his shirt, struggling to get past the middle. Damian’s fingers brushed your clothed core, making you whine loudly.
Bunching your skirt up, he pressed his knuckles against your core, using his other hand to hold the skirt so it wouldn’t fall. You pushed him off you, sitting up and eventually standing off the couch.
Assessing you would take the dress off, Damian finished the job you had started with his shirt, with urgency, throwing it to the side. He was about to start undoing his pants when he caught the sight in front of him.
There had always been something stupidly hot about seeing you in mismatched underwear. You looked down at your body, just to check what it was he was staring at. You hadn’t really paid attention to what you were wearing when you left the apartment, too unmotivated to attend the reunion to really care. It had ended up playing in your favor. Good one, (Y/N).
The sound of his pants being unzipped ignited something in the pit of your stomach. Out of reflex, you rubbed your legs against each other.
You assumed he would stand up when he kicked his shoes off and discarded his pants, but Damian instead got into his knees, placing his hands on your back. Trailing open-mouthed kisses over your thigh, from the outside to the inside, he pulled your panties down, giving you mere seconds to kick them to the side. He used to finger you first, but this time around he skipped it — probably because you were too aroused already. Pulling you toward his face as he grabbed you by the ass, his mouth latched onto your clit.
Gasping in pleasure at the sensation of his tongue licking a stripe from your clit to your entrance, you gripped his hair. Damian buried his face between your thighs, letting you pull him as closely as you needed. His nose bumped against your clit, tongue dipping into your entrance.
You moaned his name, tugging on his hair. He swiped his tongue upward, shifting his face to now suck on your clit. Your hand slid down to the base of his neck to which you held onto, closing your eyes tightly when his finger brushed your entrance from behind.
“Okay,” you breathlessly said, pulling his face from between your thighs. “I need you.”
Teasing you was far from his head. Damian jumped to his feet, meeting your mouth in a needy kiss as he guided you back to the couch. You tasted yourself in his hot tongue, parting from him only to find you weren’t satisfied and kissing him again.
Damian almost ripped his underwear off, too eager to really care. Kneeling between your thighs, he stared down at you as he asked, “Condom?”
“Pill,” you assured him, a little abashed. “Unless you’re not—“
“I’m clean.”
He snorted, brushing his tip up and down your slit as he held his shaft on his hand. “Ready?”
You nodded, bucking your hips up and pursing your lips in excitement. Damian entered you slowly, leaning over at the same pace. With his face in your cleavage, he waited for you to get used to him again.
“Fuck,” he cursed through a groan. You were warm around him, walls clenching up in reflex as your chest heaved over his face.
Placing your hands on his biceps, you whispered for him to move. He complied, huffing in pleasure on your skin. Sucking on the uncovered parts of your chest, Damian let his hands trace your sides for a moment.
It wasn’t enough for either of you. He shifted, leaving a kiss on your lips as he pulled away from your torso. Still connected with you, Damian gripped your hips and started a quicker pace.
Grabbing your thighs, he pulled you closer to have you rest your calves on his shoulders. The new angle made you squeal. He would draw blood from his bottom lip if he continued biting, but he couldn’t stop himself. His initial plan had been to take his time but it was getting harder to follow said plan.
Gripping the edge of the back of the couch, you gazed up at him. “It’s okay,” you breathed out, “go faster.”
You didn’t have to tell him twice, Damian pulled his hips back only to slam into you. You had really missed the burn only he could give you, rocking into you faster the more you tightened around him.
He ghosted your clit with his thumb, circling it lightly as he found a rhythm with his hips. Cursing as you arched your back, you bucked against his thumb and cock.
His moans were like music to your ears, eyes clenched shut and Adam’s Apple bobbing as his thrusts grew sloppy. Your head fell back with a particularly deep thrust, the strangled moan coming out of your mouth only prompting him to move his thumb faster.
He had you leaving out a string of whimpers rather quickly. Your reaction went straight to his cock, ragging his breathing as your walls clenched at every stroke of his cock against them.
Opening his eyes as he felt sweat drip down the side of his face, Damian hovered over your equally sweaty body, kissing you through your orgasm. Your hands flew to his shoulders where you sunk your nails in attempts of keeping him close, repeating his name between short kisses as he relentlessly fucked you.
“Come for me, pretty girl,” he moaned as your walls squeezed his cock.
Your mouth hung open after a long whimper, you just couldn’t take it anymore. He watched as your pretty face contorted in pleasure under him, hands sliding down his biceps as you came undone around his throbbing cock.
He called your name through a cry, resting his forehead on yours. “You wanna cum?” you whispered a question, feeling him twitch inside you.
“Shit,” he groaned, nose bumping yours, “yes.”
Cupping his face, you hummed. Damian’s muscles tightened under your touch and over your soft body as he finished inside you, warm cum coating your walls.
He stayed there for a few moments, catching his breath. Eventually, he slipped out of you slowly. You whimpered, feeling cum drip down your folds. Damian smirked in satisfaction upon noticing the semen flowing down your thigh.
“White door to your right,” you instructed him. “There are clean towels under the sink.”
Handing you a damp towel, he waited for you to take it to then withdraw his cellphone.
“Gotta go?”
He shook his head. “Letting Dick know I’m fine.”
You reached for your panties, standing up in order to slip them on. Damian pouted, dropping the mobile device onto the couch as his hands were placed on your waist.
“I love you,” he said.
You said it back, having missed telling him just because you could. “I love you more.”
He could have fought you on it, but he preferred kissing you softly, breaking into a smile in the middle of the kiss when you wrapped your arms around him. You dropped your head onto his chest as the kiss ended, leaving a peck on his sternum.
Sliding his hands toward your lower back, tracing it up, he stopped at the clasp of your bra. Damian whined, “We didn’t even take this off!”
Giggling on his skin, you slightly parted from him to gaze up. He lifted both eyebrows suggestively, making you roll your eyes. Placing your hands on the sides of his torso to put more distance between his body and yours, you told him, “I need a nap first.”
He took a hand off your back to motion for you to lead the way to your bedroom, never not in the mood for cuddling you.
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nicco-needs-love · 3 years
Back with the last two chapters! Quick warning, this is the chapter with a quick description of gore! It's short and it's not a canon character <3 y'all are so sweet omg- this is a looong one. Pretty sure it's around 4k .
(2/3)Red Proposal
"Ooooh isn't this exciting?! We're going to a wedding! God, this is awesome!"
"Shut up, rat! If I hear one more word about this damn thing we aren't  going!"
"Awww, come on, angel baby! This is an exciting day for everyone! I mean, we could take some pointers from this-"
"Shut up!"
Hyde is silenced by a pillow slamming against his face. Licht huffs, getting off their bed and stomping into their bathroom.
Hyde laughs, peeling the pillow off his face. He can't help but be excited, it's a wedding! Especially since it's a wedding for one of his siblings, most shockingly is Ildio getting married! Hyde is a sucker for weddings, the most romantic day of someone's life. Well, it's been about ten days out of Hyde's life, he tries not to think about that. He got up hours ago, already getting ready for Ildio's wedding. There's a dress code, obviously fancy attire, the really interesting thing though is that the wedding theme is all white. Hyde finds it ironic, a vampire and a mafia boss, having an all white wedding. Honestly it's a beautiful thing.
"Angelllll…! Don't leave me alone! I wanna cuddle~!"
"Oh my fucking god Hyde!"
Licht kicks open the bathroom door, clearly 'irritated'. Hyde laughs, his arms wide open for a well deserved cuddle session.
"Pleaseee!  Baby!"
Licht huffs, not in the mood to argue about this. He thinks that Hyde may actually need this. Licht doesn't ask about Hyde's past, it's a touchy subject for obvious reasons. The only time he really hears about it is during Hyde's emotional occasional rants. He knows that Hyde has been married multiple times, which is something that many people do, it's completely normal. However, multiple marriages don't have the same circumstances as Hyde's. Licht can understand that today can be an emotional day. So, he decided a few nights ago, when they got the wedding invitation and when Hyde started crying; that Licht would be much more tolerable to Hyde's antics. He lies down in Hyde's arms, Licht's face against Hyde's shoulder.
"There. Happy now?"
Hyde hums, laying his head on top of Licht's, smiling into his hair.
"Mhm. Very."
Unfortunately for Licht, he's very comfortable. This is a daily occurrence, much to Licht's 'dismay'. He's gotten used to Hyde's emotional swings, between being completely neurotic and bursting into tears. These little moments, usually last around ten minutes, are a highlight of Licht's day. No one would ever hear those words from his mouth, though.
"Y'know… I'm kinda worried for Wor and his Eve. Their wedding isn't gonna be public but it's much more public than I thought they were gonna do."
"What do you mean? It's a wedding, not a cult ritual. "
"No, no, I mean anyone could show up. I still remember Child's look when he found out there would be another wedding. I don't think he himself would do anything but his subclass? I'm not too sure."
"I think you're thinking too much into it, why would he even want to ruin a day like that? If it's not meant to be, they'll just divorce."
Hyde goes silent for a moment, mulling over not Licht's words, but Hugh's. Hugh would keep glancing over at Hyde while talking about how marriage doesn't work for Servamps. That it's just a painful thing for both of them. Hyde knows that Hugh was talking to Ildio, but the words felt directed at him. Even though he doesn't think about her anymore, it's a topic that will never be let go during meetings.
"Hey, it's rare for you to shut up."
Licht's words drag Hyde out of his thoughts. 
"Aha, sorry angel, just started thinking."
"Well. Stop thinking about other things, start thinking about me, an angel. "
Licht can feel Hyde smile against his head.
"Yeah, you're right, angel. You're the best to think about."
Hyde shouldn't be thinking about the negative things, especially on such a joyful day. He just can't help it. So much negativity has happened in the lives of the Servamps. Why would luck grace any of them today?
"This is going to be the best day of my life… this is going to be the best day of my life this is-" 
Niccolò keeps repeating that mantra in his head, it's not that he doesn't think this will be the best day of his life. He's just cripplingly worried and anxious about this day. What if he messes up? What if he falls down on his face while walking down the aisle? What if Ildio decides that's it, he doesn't want to get married? What if-
"Boss. Are you alright?"
Nicco looks over to Cappuccino, snapping out of yet another one of his worry sessions.
"Ah, I'm fine. Just… worrying."
"Shouldn't you-"
A knock on the door startles Niccolò, the door opens slowly.
"Sorry to interrupt, I just would like to have a conversation with Niccolò Carpe Diem."
The door completely opens, revealing a man that Niccolò doesn't know. By the look of the suit, he's most likely a member of another family. Nicco swallows heavily, feeling somewhat nervous at the sight of this. He takes a few steps forward, offering his hand to the stranger. In the corner of his eye, Nicco can see Cappuccino with a hand in his shirt, where everyone keeps their guns holstered. 
"Nice to meet you."
The stranger takes his hand, shaking it quite enthusiastically. 
"It's a pleasure to finally meet the new leader of the family! I knew your father, he was a wonderful man."
Niccolò raises a brow, giving a small smile. This man certainly caught Nicco off guard. He thought he knew everyone back when Father was alive. As he was ill for a long time, Nicco had met everyone within his father's social circle since he was going to inherit the family. With shame, Nicco thinks that he could not be paying enough attention to the events of other familiar families. He's done a decent job gaining all their trust but all of that could go away at any moment, it's a terrifying thought to Niccolò. 
"R-really? Well, it's wonderful to meet you again. You're welcome to stay if you'd like. This is a personal event and I don't think we've been in contact so this may be an awkward situation. "
The man shakes his head, still holding Nicco's hand. Nothing seems wrong with the man, his tone and presence seem harmless. Still, Nicco is on edge.
"What personal event is it? I just wanted to meet the new kingpin after your father's passing."
Niccolò drops the man's hand, the term 'kingpin' catching his attention. It's a word that Nicco hasn't heard in a long time. Especially in the business he's in, that word is very much a buzzword, a word that isn't used kindly. If this man actually knows the family, then that word would not be used.
"Forgive my rudeness but, which family are you a part of?"
The man smiles,
Niccolò freezes, blood running cold. This family name… Nicco remembers it far too well, they were the first family that Nicco spared. He spared their boss, thinking that family would leave the city. Instead… They set aflame the building where a child and parents of a very close family of Nicco's. To this day, Niccolò still tears himself apart about it. If only he had shot that boss… He tenses, not too sure how to continue the conversation-
"Anyway, what event is going on today?"
Before Niccolò can even speak, the Serpente family member speaks. Nicco isn't sure he should even tell this man. However, if he acts suspicious now, things could go horribly wrong.
"It's uh… today's my wedding."
"Your wedding!? Well, who's the lucky lady?"
Nicco goes quiet, not sure what to say to this. For the few people that know about this wedding, they're fine with it. Not many people even need to know anyway, marriage isn't going to affect his job, and that's the most important thing. There's also the fact this marriage is complicated, it isn't a 'conventional' wedding. A gay marriage, a gay marriage with an immortal vampire and notorious mafia boss.
"Uhm… Well, I'm marrying a man. I'd say I'm the lucky one."
Niccolò chuckles, trying his damndest to add some humor. He isn't sure who this man is, besides the name… His hands are uncomfortably clammy, he's getting increasingly nervous by the moment. The man gives Nicco a look. A look that Nicco can place from looks he has seen in the church. Years of flashbacks, years of self loathing, years of tears. All of that from one glare. Niccolò takes a small step back, the step signaling Cappuccino to get a grip on his gun. Nicco doesn't want to start a fight, especially today. He already had started getting ready for the wedding. He was going to be the one walking down the aisle. Already in his white suit. The last thing Nicco wants is to get into a fight with the stranger, getting either his own blood or this man's everywhere.
"I see… Well, I hope you have a wonderful wedding! I'd love to stay for the ceremony! I'll be back for the meals!"
The man laughs, walking right out where he came. Niccolò blinks, he sighs loudly, tension leaving his shoulders like a boulder. 
"Grazie Dio…"
He comments, shoulders slumping down.
"Did he say he was a part of… Serpente?"
Cappuccino says hesitantly, not sure if he heard right. Nicco nods, rubbing his temple. 
"Yes… I'm not sure he was telling the truth…"
Niccolò knows he shouldn't let this get to him, it could have just been a new boss wanting to make amends with Nicco. Yet, here he is, getting freaked out and very weary of what just happened. 
"This is going to be the best day of my life… This is going to be the best day of my life."
"Ohhh this is so exciting oh my god! You're getting married!"
"Law, shut up."
The wedding just began. Ildio waiting at the altar, the best men and women of both grooms on each side of the altar. Ironically, a priest at the forefront of said altar. It's a beautiful sight, everyone all dressed in white suits and dresses. White chiffon curtains tied to trees, white rose petals scattered throughout the grounds, a gorgeous pearl white five-tier cake, it's a stunning scene. All the chairs filled with people, there aren't many chairs, a grand total of twelve. The Servamps are standing with Ildio, the best men, and one woman. Even Hugh showed up, it took a lot of convincing but he ended up showing up. Of course, when he did, Hyde gave Hugh a long talk about saying anything negative today. Surprisingly, he agreed and even apologized. Their Eves are all sitting down in the pure white chairs. The other chairs filled with Niccolò's family. Ildio even got to meet Niccolò's sister, who looks uncannily similar to Nicco. She's a very kind person, can't hold a candle to the kind heart or beauty of Niccolò, but still a very kind and lovely person.
The only thing the wedding is missing is Niccolò. Ildio can't help but be excited for this. A moment that he never thought he would ever experience in his life. Or even want to experience. Yet, here he is, wanting to marry Niccolò, wanting to spend as much time with him as he possibly can. It could be the romantic movies that Hyde would make Ildio watch when those movies were all the rage. Ildio can't wait to see Nicco walk down the aisle, to see his beautiful face. It's almost comical how much Ildio has changed, gone is the man who only wanted food and blood. Well, he still needs both of them, those things just aren't the only things he thinks about now.
A quiet song starts to play in the background, a song that Ildio knows very well from long drives together with Niccolò. La storia infinita. If the couple were to have a song, this would be it. The song is slower than usual, the lyrics accompanied by a soft piano. 
Then… There he is. The man that Ildio is helplessly in love with. Niccolò Carpe Diem. He always looks beautiful but today… Today he looks ethereal. It's ironic because Nicco always calls Ildio his God but here, Nicco is the one who looks like an Adonis. He's wearing a pure white suit, fitting him perfectly in all the right places, the cuffs of his coat and pants are a delicate lace. Nicco's long, beautiful hair is placed in a low bun. A sheer, delicate lace veil covers Niccolò's face. The last detail, the thing that makes him look even more stunning is a dark green rose in his suit pocket. Ildio has no words; their song playing quietly in the background, Niccolò looking like a God walking down the aisle. Ildio can't help the tears starting to roll down his face. He can't name a time that he's ever cried happy tears, or cried ever.
Niccolò continues walking up the aisle, the beautiful song picks up in sound, right as Nicco reaches the altar. He can't believe it. This is the day he's getting married. Getting married to Ildio of all people. It's not that Nicco didn't think he would ever fall in love. The thing is, he never thought anyone would love him back. Niccolò never thought that someone would care enough about him emotionally or romantically. Yet, here he is, getting married to the man he is hopelessly in love with. Nicco knows that he won't live forever, it's a horrible thing to think about, that one day, he'll die and leave Ildio behind.
The preacher starts speaking, reading from a holy book; going silent for each of them to recite their vows.
"I, Niccolò Carpe Diem, take thee, World End, Ildio, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better and for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till…"
Niccolò goes silent for a moment, thinking about this word. 'Till death do us part.' Nicco isn't sure he wants to say that, he feels like it would be disrespectful to Ildio because death will do them part… Except Nicco is the only one who'll die.
Ildio grabs one of Niccolò's hands, rubbing the inside of his palm, as if telling Nicco it's okay. At this point, tears are running down both of their faces, tears of extreme joy, but tears nonetheless. They aren't the only ones either. Almost everyone in the ceremony is reduced to tears.
"-Till death do us part. According to my beliefs, I hereby pledge to you my eternal love."
Ildio inhales, he can't believe he's hearing these words. These words that he's thought about hearing from Niccolò's mouth many times. Actually hearing them is an entirely different thing. He didn't expect a slight crack at some of the words, Nicco shakily inhaling from tears. Nor did Ildio expect Nicco to stop in the middle of the vows, as if asking to continue with the last few verses. 
"I, World End, Ildio, take you, Niccolò Carpe Diem, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for rich and for poor, in sickness and health, to love and cherish until… Until death do us part. I pledge to you all my love."
Ildio turns red after finishing his vows. He missed a few things, he tried to memorize the vows but he couldn't help getting lost looking at Niccolò. The lines about death taste sour in his mouth. He wants to just forget about the fact that he's a Servamp. That one day he'll outlive his precious Nicco. For now, all Ildio can do is hope to ignore it.
"Is there anyone who wishes to object to this holy, wonderful matrimony?"
Silence. Nicco had turned his head for just a moment to see if anyone was going to say anything, he turns back to Ildio, smiling. Ildio grabs the ring that he picked out, picking up Niccolò's hand-
It's as if time starts to slow. Ildio looks at Nicco, seeing a large splotch of red starting to bloom against his shoulder. Niccolò stumbles, catching himself before he can fall or before Ildio can catch him. The blood quickly travels to cover almost all of Nicco's front suit. 
A loud shrill scream echoes throughout the lot, a scream from Nicco's sister. 
Ildio sees red. Not red from blood. No, red hot rage. So furious that he can't see anything but red. Following the smell of the gunpowder, he runs to the shooter. It all goes red.
Niccolò presses an unsteady hand against the gunshot wound, a shot from a revolver. He knows he won't die from a shot like this, he's had much worse injuries. His waistcoat is stark red, a horrifying contrast against the white. Nicco looks around, desperately hoping that everyone is okay. He meets eyes with his sister, who is racing over to him.
"Oh Mio Dio Niccolò?! Stai bene!?"
"Sto bene, sorella…"
Niccolò speaks Italian in a shaky voice. He's shocked, not going into shock, but shocked that he would be shot on his damn wedding day. Niccolò's sister grabs his hands, looking terrified. 
"I'm okay… Just shaken up."
"Sh-shaken up!? You've been shot, Nicco!"
Niccolò looks down, realizing the blood is traveling to his pants as it's completely covering his shirt. Some of his blood paints his sister's dress, staining a large portion of the bottom white tulle red. 
Loud, vicious moist sounds fill the air. Terror grips Niccolò, he turns to look where the sound is, terrified that something may have just happened to his beloved Ildio-
Ildio is panting, whole body heaving in quick breaths. Blood is everywhere. Covering his mouth, bits and pieces in his hair, his entire outfit is entirely deep crimson. Beneath his feet is a body, or… the small remains of a body. All that's left is an open chest, organs strewed throughout the entire yard. Deep red mush where the head is supposed to be, legs and arms gone, thrown in multiple different directions. A large pool of blood is beneath Ildio, obviously not his, but the shooter. A large gun, the one that shot Nicco, lays a few feet away. Niccolò feels sick, bile rising in his throat at the sight. He's seen Ildio's rages. He thought he had seen the worst. This… This is the most violent thing Nicco has ever seen. He turns his head to retch, moving over not to get any of his morning breakfast on any of the guests who haven't run for the hills. Which none of them have.
Niccolò walks over to Ildio, trying very hard to ignore the squelching of his shoes in blood.
The red slowly fades back to color, Ildio coming back to his senses. He looks around, taking in the gory scene beneath him. He takes a few steps back, eyes widening. He's done this before, he's let his fury take hold of him. However, this is the worst that Ildio has ever been. Ildio turns around, catching Niccolò just in time before his body hits the ground.
"Ti ho usata come una risposta. Ma eri milioni di domande." 
(Just to not confuse anyone, the last line is the last verse from their wedding song^^)
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johnismyreason · 4 years
Hell on Earth (one) // KOH!TomHolland x Human!Reader
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Summary: Tom, Prince of Hell and only heir to the throne, is sent to Earth by his parents as a punishment. He ends up in an odd city full of the worst humans, except one, who, despite not knowing who he truly is, decides to help him.
I have this idea since this summer and I was way too lazy and busy to put it down. This is going to be a series so if you want to be tagged for next chapters, you can send it in the ask box, and also tell me what you thought of it ! I really hope you’ll enjoy it my loves :) 
oh ! also this is my thousandth post ! Thank you so much for following me and enjoying my work, it means the world to me ! 
Warnings: sort of panick attack, cursing, bad English bc I’m French and other mistakes.
“Wait... What do you mean I’m banned ?” Tom huffed, not believing what he just heard. 
His voice resonated in the gigantic throne room where his parents, the King and Queen of Hell were sat, holding hands. The room was cold, just like every other room in this castle, even though outside the weather was hot, dry, almost stifling. 
“Tom, we asked you multiple time to take your responsibilities as the future King of Hell, and instead you kept partying, having fun, hanging out with the wrong people.” explained his father “You’re not a child anymore” Tom’s heart was beating so fast making his breath was heavy. 
The young prince was known for his love for partying, being carefree and for never taking his responsibilities. Tom was the sole heir to the throne, so he knew he wouldn’t be in competition with anyone else. However he saw that as an opportunity to do whatever he wanted, more than a heavy burden to save the honour of his family. 
He looked at his father and his mother alternately, trying to process. Tom finally stoped his sight on his mother who was as disappointed as his father. Normally, she always takes his defence, try to smooth the King’s fury, but not this time. 
“Mother...” whispered Tom full of despair, looking for help, but she only looked down, hiding her sad eyes. “Father, you can’t ban me forever ! Who’s going to be the next King ?” 
“I’m not banning you forever, my son” the King rose from his throne and walked slowly towards Tom. “I know Hell must have a King or Queen no matter what. I am banning you until the moment you are responsible, respectable and grown enough to become King.” 
“That makes no sense !” Tom exclaimed flying his hands up and looking at the ceiling. “I am responsible, respectable and grown ! I am the result of the education you taught me my whole life and-”
“You don’t speak to me like that, Thomas !” cut the King when Tom started raising his voice. “You are in no position to say anything.” Tom pinched his lips to stop him from yelling again and breathed with his nostrils. His father was now right in front of him, standing tall. “You leave immediately.” 
“Immediately ?! But... But where to ? How am I gonna live ?” 
“Earth” simply responded the King. Tom puffed the breath he didn’t he was holding, his arms getting heavier. 
“Earth ?” he repeated. His father nodded his head. “Dad...” the king flinched hearing this name. It wasn’t forbidden just... unusual. “I can’t go to Earth.” Tom’s eyes are dangerously filling with tears but he knows that letting them fall won’t change anything. “Please give me another chance, I’ll do anything-”
“You will do as I said. You will go to Earth. End of discussion.” The King turned his back to Tom and walked back to his throne next to his wife who was now slightly crying. Tom ran to his mother, fell on his knees and took her hands in his, begging her to do something. 
“Mother please, don’t let me go, I promise I will behave, I’ll be the King you’re waiting for, you’re wanting me to be. P-please...” Tom was no longer holding his tears back. The Queen withdrew her hands sharply from Tom's grasp. 
“Tom, you will go to Earth as the King ordered. You will be able to come back when you are ready to take his place.” The Queen of Hell stood up and forced Tom to do the same. They faced for a few seconds trying to speak without words. The Queen was disappointed, angry and sad to see that her son was not the young King she hoped for to see, but instead was this childish, selfish and reckless prince only interested in loosing himself in every creature and drugs he could find at parties. His mother embraced him, holding him as close as she can before he leaves. After all, he’s still her only child.
“Don’t ever disappoint me like that, Tom” she whispered in his ear. Tom shivered in her arms, felling guilty to cause her this much pain. “Find a reason to be wise. This is Hell, a kingdom. Not anarchy. I will miss you my love” she sobbed and Tom buried his face in the crook of her neck, like he used to when his heart was aching as a child. 
“Mom, please don’t let me go...” his whimpers muffled in his mother’s hair. She pulled back and took Tom’s face in her hands to look at him one last time. 
“Find her” she softly smiled. Tom looked confused at the Queen, before feeling an odd warmth in his chest. 
Looking down at it, he saw a red light consuming him rapidly spreading across his body. He stepped back and hit his chest trying to take this light off of him. He knew what it meant. He saw multiple times people getting banned from Hell. Traitors, fallen demons, even his uncle. The light was taking his whole body, there was nothing Tom could have done to stop it. He raised his frightened eyes to his parents who looked at him without any emotion, when he vanished in a flash of light dust. 
Tom doesn’t really know how he ended up in a refrigerator but as soon as he felt the cold on his skin he bursted out of it, earning little surprised screams and confused looks from the people in the grocery store. Tom looked around before heading out running. He stopped in the middle of the road when he heard a car honking at him and stoping right before him. 
“Get out of here asshole !” screamed the driver. Tom, whom was really not accustomed to be talked like that, stretched out his hand to use his power to torture the man. But, nothing happened. 
“My powers...” he mumbled. 
“What the hell are you doing, you fucking freak ?! I said get out of here !” and almost without warning, the driver hit the gas, giving Tom just the time to push himself on the side. 
He ran to the boardwalk and started walking fast, his head turning in all directions to find an issue to this nightmare. He heard people complaining about him and his weird behaviour but he couldn’t care less. He was alone, on Earth and literally powerless. He’s used to people being around him but they were always at his mercy. The noise, the heat, he knew all about it, but what he was experiencing right now was really not as delightful as the screams of sinners begging for the torture to stop. That was music to his ear. Not this mess that sounded like the worst carnival ever. He kept walking without knowing where to, his heart beating so fast and hard against his chest. Dripping in sweat, his muscles tensed, all your senses on alert, Tom thought he was going to die. 
“Sir ?!” a sweet but worried voice took him out of his invading thoughts. It seemed like the young lady owning this chanting voice was trying to call him a few times already. “Sir, do you hear me ? Are you okay ?” she was holding his shoulders to steady him. Tom’s eyes stared at her and all of her features. She was strangely reassuring and familiar, and she gave off a light that normally would have scared him away. She kept holding his gaze until she had an answer from Tom. 
“U-uh y-yeah, yeah...” Tom stuttered. “I’m fine”
“You really don’t seem fine” she questioned, her hands still on his shoulders but her grip loosened, since Tom calmed down a little. 
“I’m just... lost” he replied. 
“Oh. Do you leave around ?” 
“Not really, no.” Tom chuckled. 
“Then, how did you end up here ?” she frowned and let her hands fall to her side, and Tom immediately missed the protecting weight of her delicate hands on his body. 
“I-I... don’t know ?” 
“You don’t know ? But- oooh, I get it” she nodded her hand side to side with a cheeky smile “partied too much uh ?” the lady chuckled. 
“Is that so obvious ?” Tom jumped on the opportunity to escape from the irrational yet real reason on why he looked like an lost elephant in the middle of the Antarctic. 
“Well... yeah.” she chuckled shrugging her shoulders. Her laugh made Tom reaching another level of calm and let himself smile back at her. “Can I help you in any way ?”
Tom couldn’t believe it. He’s been on Earth for twenty minutes and already seen the worst of it and humans, even though he lived where all the worst people end up in the after life. But she, with soft words and light hands, has managed to lower the level of absolute nightmare to bearable. 
“Um...” Tom thought of how he could tell her that he didn’t know anyone, didn’t have a place to live and couldn’t tell her where he was coming from. “No, I’m gonna be alright” he shrugged, scrunching his nose. 
“Are you sure ?” she asked surprised. “You looked pretty panicked and disoriented just a few seconds ago, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you”. Tom’s heart skipped a bit. She didn’t know him and yet she worried about him. If only she knew who he was, she would never care about me so much, thought Tom. 
“Don’t worry I got it” the curly boy responded nicely. 
“Ok... well, if you need anything, I work at the bakery down the street, at Patty’s. Don’t hesitate to come visit me.” She smiled so brightly, the light in her shone stronger, calling Tom to embrace it. 
“Thank you, this is very... nice.” Nice ? What is nice ? Tom only knew pettiness in his kingdom. 
“You’re welcome ! And don’t worry, this city looks like Hell but it’s really not that bad” she giggled. The prince rose his brows and smiled slightly at her warning. Tell me about Hell. “Well, um... bye.” she waved a little at him – and he held back the urging desire to take it in his to place a delicate kiss on it – and walked passed him, turning her head back for a final look.  
Tom sighed heavily thinking that nobody will help him anymore and that he had to find a place to sleep at least for tonight. He wandered the whole day around the city of... London ? At least that’s what he heard from other people. Why this place, though ? Who chose it for him ? Is it his father ? His mother ? A random counsellor ? The fallen prince had no answer but approximately a thousand questions. 
The sun was setting down, illuminating the London’s sky with a bright pink and purple light. People were either going home or going out to party. I could use a party, thought Tom. But he shook this idea out of his brain. He was on Earth for this exact reason. I could use a bed, actually. Without noticing it, Tom went back to the square he met... Satan, I don’t even know her name ! He thought of going to that bakery and ask her for help. Maybe she knows where he can sleep tonight. Maybe she can invite him to her place. Maybe... maybe he should not bother her with his problems. Ugh ! Tom grunted in despair and cursed his parents for the deep shit he’s in. His head turned around when he heard giggles and high heels tapping the pavement. A group of girlfriends was heading to a bar to celebrate someone’s birthday. They were pretty. Tom’s feet took the lead, and walked him towards the same bar, where music – awful music he thought – was blasting. He hesitated to go inside and then thought a drink wouldn't hurt him. He has already drunk far worse than the poor human drinks. One glass, that's all. And Tom walked into the bar, his heart racing with excitement.
That was one drink too much. When Tom slowly emerged from his sleep, his head was banging like crazy. He squeezed his eyes open, blinded by light coming directly on his face, his hand before his sight. He then only realised where he was. Laid on a bed, his head resting on a soft pillow, under a warm blanket... naked... next to a girl, naked too... oh, actually two girls. Tom rose out from the bed. With a pillow to cover him, the party boy looked for his clothes that were spread on the floor, and put them back. That looks too familiar. He then tried to proceed to get out of the bedroom but tripped on one of the girl’s high heels.
“Damn it !” he grunted, waking up... Stacey ? 
“Uhmm Tom ? What are you doing ?” she mumbled coming out of her dreams. 
“I... go. Bye.” He opened the door and motioned out. 
“Wait ! When are we meeting again ?” she asked dropping herself with the blanket, leaving her friend fully naked. “We had a lot of fun last night” she walked closer to him, lingering a finger on his chest and biting her lip. She’s pretty. 
“Never.” He took her wrist out of his chest and said “Look, Stacey-”
“Chloe” she corrected shooting him with her eyes. 
“Shit, I knew it.” he said between his teeth. “Look, Chloe, we had fun, yes, but uhh, you see, we won’t do it again.” 
“Why ?” she looked disappointed 
“You’re not my best shot in bed. ‘Didn’t blow my mind. So, yeah... Bye !” and just like that, Tom steeped out of the appartement under a rain of insults from the now very angry girl. It always made him laugh. Playing with girls, taking what he wants from them and never apologise. 
But now what ? Back to the starting point, Tom was a wandering soul in London. His head was killing him from all of the alcohol he had. It shouldn’t be hurting him this much. Human’s beverages were poor and weak. He never understood why alcoholic sinners were so addicted to this. It’s not even good ! His feet were dragging him through the wakening city and he felt his stomach growled. 
“How the hell did I end up here again ?” Tom mumbled scratching his scalp. He was back on the square his life saver left him yesterday. It’s maybe a sign, thought Tom. A sign ? What sign ? Tom didn’t have much more time to think before his stomach screamed for food. “Guess I don’t have any other choice” he sighed and began to walk towards the bakery. 
When he arrived, the prince of Hell, discovered a bright colour painted shop, with a few tables and a window full of pastries, sandwiches and cakes. His mouth watering at the sight, he could have smashed the window and eaten it all. 
“You ? Hi !” said a melodic voice. Tom snapped his head up to look at you. What an angel.
“Hi... You remember me ?” asked Tom 
“I do, yeah ! Um, how are you doing ?” you smiled 
“Perfect !” responded enthusiastically Tom, his hands behind his back. 
“Yeah ?”
“No, I lied.” he admitted immediately, taking you by surprise. You blinked a few times not knowing what to say. “I’m in deep shit actually” 
“Umm, wow, ok... so how can I help you ?”
“First, can I know your name ?”
You shook your head lightly realizing that indeed, you never told each other’s names “Oh yeah, I’m Y/N. You ?”
“My name’s Tom, prin- just Tom” he cut himself from using the old and vanished way of presenting himself.
“Ok, just Tom,” you giggled trying to relax, “what’s next ?”
“Next, could you offer me something to eat and drink and seat with me so I can expose you my, uhh, situation”. That was bold of him to ask you to give you food when you were still strangers to each other.
But you didn’t hesitate “Sure ! What would you like ?” You demanded with the biggest smile. How is it possible to be so nice ?
“The tuna sandwich please ?” What ? I don’t even like tuna ! It’s because of that smile...
“Great ! Have a seat and I’ll join you right away” you both nodded at each other and Tom chose a table that was the farrest from the counter. While waiting for you, he fought of how he could tell you that he’s actually the Prince of Hell, whom was banned by his parents to teach him a lesson, and didn’t know why he ended up here, in London, but however he still needs a place to live for a few days, or weeks, or month... or years. Tom let out a deep breath and played with his fingers.
This is gonna be easy. Right ?
TAGLIST: @theamuz @shayminisshiny @lovewolfspirit @mybabyboytony @justamessandahalf @kenzieee000 @maybemona​ @bailey8211 @smallheathgangsters @skymoonandstardust​ @fangirlfree @geesquariid @tcf1​ @mycomealongpond11 @osterfieldnholland​ @seutarose @sailingintothenight​ @peterbparkerth @hollanddolanfangirl
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crashdevlin · 4 years
Centerfold 4- Memory’s Been Sold
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Centerfold Masterlist
Author’s Note: Written for Meghan who requested some fluffy A/B/O smut and then I came up with an idea and ran with it. Smut will start after the plot is established. Also, this is gonna go toward my @spnabobingo​ squares. This chapter fills my Slutty Omega square and is rated E for Explicit.
Summary: Dean is living the normal-boring life with Lisa. When he opens the newest Playboy, he gets the shock of his life.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Beta!Lisa, Alpha!Dean x Reader (memory)
Word count: 2083
Story Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, 18+! HERE BE SEX!! DON’T READ IF YOU’RE A YOUNG’UN!!! , masturbation, pornography, mentions of multiple partners, mentions of fem-fem porn
Dean pulled his pickup into the gas station down the street from Lisa’s house...his house. He had a house. He had a home, a family, an 8-5 job on a construction crew. He had...a real life. A real boring life. He was bored, but he supposed it was normal to feel bored, right?
“Hey, Jerry. The coffee fresh?” Dean asked as he walked into the convenience store.
“Half hour old,” the clerk, Jerry, answered with a smile. “And, uh, it’s Tuesday!”
Dean chuckled as he grabbed a thick paper cup and poured dark, bitter liquid into it. “New mags came in, huh?”
“Yeah. The Penthouse center is hot as hell, man. Oh, and the Playmate of the Month is the hottest omega I’ve ever fuckin’ seen!”
Dean laughed as he fitted the top on the cup. “Well, bring ‘em out, man. You know I’m gonna buy ‘em.” He took a drink as he walked up to the counter. Jerry had a Penthouse and a Playboy on the counter already. “They’re that good, huh?”
“Dude...especially the omega Playmate, man. She is smoking hot.”
Dean set the coffee on the counter and picked up the Playboy, slipping it out of the sleeve and looking at the cover. The cover was a woman, Taffy Rose according to the tiny script on the bottom next to the photographer credit, in a strawberry-print bikini and bunny mask. Hot, but nothing special. Nothing different or new. But he flipped the magazine open to the center and gasped.
“Holy shit.” The bunny mask was gone, her body on full display except the bits of skin hidden by the pink feather boa. His throat went dry. His cock got hard in jeans. His head felt like it might explode.
“I know, right?!” Jerry exclaimed, happily. “Isn’t she the hottest thing you’ve ever seen?”
“Yeah. She’s the hottest thing I’ve ever…” Dean’s voice trailed off as he focused on her neck. No mark. He hoped they hadn’t photoshopped one out. She was the hottest thing he’d ever touched, tasted, the best thing he’d ever missed out on...Taffy Rose, Y/n Y/l/n...his omega. Dean cleared his throat and tried to close the magazine, but he couldn’t. She’d grown up so beautiful and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “She, uh...she been in anything I might’ve seen?”
“I don’t know, Dean. I’m Googling her name as soon as I get home. I suggest you do the same, man.”
“Yeah. Uh...I’m just gonna...I’m just gonna take the Playboy. I’ll get the Penthouse next time, Jer.” Dean threw a ten on the counter and walked out with the magazine, leaving his coffee behind and not even caring. He sat in his truck cab for a few minutes, staring at her photo. Y/n went into porn. Whoever would have thought that sweet little innocent young woman with the overprotective parents would- “Actually, no, that makes sense.”
He rubbed his hand over his erection as he looked at the ‘fuck me’ look in her eyes. It didn’t take long for his mind to drift back to her under him, holding him, letting out gasping cries as he fucked her, that look in her eyes as she dug her nails into his shoulders.
His cock softened as he remembered getting on the phone with her to tell her he was leaving.
He felt like he was going to cry when the line clicked. “Y/l/n Residence!”
“Y/n, it’s Dean.”
“Oh, hey! I just got finished washing every surface you touched,” she said, giggling. That giggle tugged at his heart. “I can’t wait to see you again, though. It was so worth the cleaning time.”
“Yeah, uh...it was awesome, baby, but...my, uh, my dad called.”
“Oh?” Dean could almost hear the heartbreak in her voice.
“Yeah. He...got word of a job in Connecticut. He’s pickin’ us up tomorrow.” There was silence on the line for a minute. “Y/n?”
“You’re leaving?” she squeaked.
“Yeah.” Dean had to fight the tears. “Yeah, we’re leaving.”
“But...what about...I...am I gonna get to see you again at all?”
“Not unless you can sneak out tonight. Dad’ll be here in the morning. We’ll be gone before noon.”
“Oh God.”
Dean took a deep breath and started the truck, driving home with a pit in his stomach. He immediately hid the magazine in his desk and sat in the rolling desk chair. He looked around to make sure Lisa and Ben were both out of the den area, hoping they were out of the house, before pulling up Google and searching for ‘Taffy Rose omega xxx’. Several thousand results popped up, so Dean went to the first. A video on Pornhub labeled ‘Sweet omega Taffy seduces her best friend Kat at a sleepover’. Dean swallowed and licked his lips, turning his volume down almost all the way and clicking on the video. She looked fairly innocent, without looking fake, which was a feat of its own considering he knew he was watching porn. The other actress wasn’t pulling it off anywhere near as well, especially the overacted reaction to ‘Taffy’ kissing her.
Dean could remember making out with her when she was just a little younger than the 18 year old she was pretending to be on his screen and it filled him with yearning to see her wrap her arms around this other woman’s neck and pull her in for a passionate kiss. He watched a little longer before hitting the back button and started searching through more and more results.
‘Omega Taffy Rose and her hot omega stepmom’ ‘Taffy Rose fucks her best friends’ ‘Sunny Sweets and Taffy Rose Turth or dare’ ‘Batgirl and Supergirl caught by Poison Ivy’
“Holy shit, she’s the hottest Supergirl,” Dean whispered, as he pulled his dick out of his jeans and started pumping it. It occurred to him, as he lazily jacked off and clicked through the ‘Taffy Rose’ tag on XNXX .com, that she was always with other women, usually other omegas. It took him forty minutes of clicking to find ‘Beta Brad Bull wants to know what omega tastes like’.
Not a single alpha in any of her videos, and not a mark on her neck, despite the fact that so many of her omega co-stars had marks that they had failed to cover no matter the makeup they used. And Brad and Taffy didn't go further than oral.
"That's weird," Dean whispered, tucking his dick back into his boxers but leaving the jeans open in a V. "Usually 'mega actresses are getting knotted every other scene."
He clicked off of the porn site and went back to Google, searching 'Taffy Rose alpha'. He found several blogs asking why a porn actress was unmated, some wondering how she could be in this business without fear of being taken by force, and some judging her for doing porn in the first place, but eventually he found an interview with her. He turned up the volume a bit and started it.
"Taffy, you have just burst on the scene and you've been staring in so many films this past year, it's crazy how popular you are all of a sudden!"
"Yeah, it is. I mean, I just started this as a fun way to make some money and now it's a full-on career!" Dean gasped at her voice. It was deeper than he remembered, seasoned with age, but that giggle at the end was exactly the same. That giggle made his heart hurt.
"Well, as long as you're having fun, right?"
"Now, I've noticed, and I'm not the only one, that you seem to favor lesbian scenes. Is that a personal preference, a reference to your actual sexuality, or-"
"Oh, no! I love guys. I live for cock, but…” Dean’s dick twitched at that. Why did her voice sound so musical...especially saying something so filthy? “I don't fuck alphas and there's a lot more work for an omega willing to fuck another omega than an omega willing to fuck a beta."
"Now, why don't you fuck alphas? It would seem a natural thing for you, right?"
She looked down, a bit of the bashful teen girl showing on her face. "Um...I just...it's dangerous, since I'm not mated...and it's special, ya know?” She bit her bottom lip and looked back up and Dean’s jaw dropped. “I may be a slut, but I can't fuck some random alpha and take his knot. I've never taken a knot and...probably never will."
"Fuck, I'd give anything to have you on my knot, Y/n," Dean whispered as the door opened and Lisa and Ben entered. Dean scrambled to exit out of the browser and cover the open jeans with his t-shirt. Reality crashed down on him. There was his family. There was his beta girlfriend and her son...his boy whether by blood or not. “H-hey, honey. How was work?”
“It was good. How was your day, Dean?” she asked, walking over to the desk in the den.
“It was-it was a day,” he answered, tilting his head to allow her to kiss his cheek.
“What’s this?” Lisa asked, pulling open the half-closed desk drawer. She gasped and slammed the drawer closed when she saw the magazine. “I cannot believe you!” she snapped.
“Come on, Lees, it’s just a Playboy,” Dean defended.
“‘Just a Playboy’? Dean, you’re living with a teen boy now! You can’t have this stuff! You can’t expose him to-”
Dean scoffed and stood, looking down into her eyes. “Lisa, I promise you that boy knows about porn and knows how to find the good stuff online. My Playboy is probably too tame for him.”
“How dare you? Ben would never-”
“Yeah? Check his browser history.” Dean rolled his eyes and stepped around her, walking out of the house and to the garage. He grabbed the cover and pulled it up just enough to open the door and climb into the front seat of the Impala. He took a minute to let a wave of nostalgia roll over him at the feel and smell of his baby before he settled back, legs kicked out and jeans shimmied down enough to pull his cock out.
He closed his eyes and wrapped his fingers around his base. He could see Y/n in his mind. He could hear her laugh. He could see her smile, the way her eyes lit up when he said her name. He started moving his hand up and down his length as he remembered the way Y/n looked at him the first time he sunk his dick into her.
He ran his thumb across the head and gasped as he remembered her digging her nails into his shoulder muscles, how innocent she sounded when she said ‘I think you can go faster’, the way she whimpered with every thrust, the way she wrapped her legs around his waist and babbled his name, the way she whispered ‘harder’ and thanked him when he grabbed her white wood headboard and started pounding into her like the alpha he was. He wanted nothing more than to knot her, but she couldn’t take it.
She could take it now. He wanted to fill her and knot her and make her scream. He wanted to hear her moan and giggle and gasp and-
His breath caught as cum shot out of his cock, splashing over his hand. He gasped in a breath before another stream of semen left him. “Fuck.” Dean fucked himself through his climax until there was absolutely nothing left for him to give and then he slumped into the leather.
He was suddenly filled with despair. He found her. His omega, the one that got away, the one woman his mind returned to in quiet moments. He found her, but she was in the San Fernando Valley in California and he was in Cicero...with Lisa and her boring, normal life. Lisa and her son that she coddled. Beta Lisa that sent him away when he went into rut, who would never be able to take a knot. He loved that Lisa took him in, nursed him back from the brink of breakdown, but the yearning he had pushed down since he was sixteen years old was now back with a burning vengeance.
And there was nothing he could do about it.
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth​ @flamencodiva​ @wasabiwitteks​ @rainbowkisses31​ @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661​ @officiallyunofficialperson​ @dolphincliffs​ @mrs-meghan-winchester​ @gayspacenerd​ @foxyjwls007​ @ilovefanfic86​ @marvelfansworld​ @f-yeahfandoms​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ @hhiggs​ @sev3nruby​  @hobby27​ @paintballkid711​ @divadinag​ @thewhiterabbit42​ @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @superfanficnatural​ @letsby​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @swinchester27​ @chalicia​ @sunnyroadtrips​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @death-unbecomes-you​ Hunter Tags - @atc74​ @sandlee44​ @spnbaby-67​ @kalesrebellion​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @hoboal87​ @stoneyggirl​ @kbl1313​ @cookiechipdough​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @holylulusworld​ @pretty-fortune​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits​ @imperiusimpala​
Gaga For Green Eyes Tags- @typicalweirdbookworm​ @deanmonandnegansbitch​ @jadesupernatural​ @stoneyggirl​ @4fareader​ @squirrelnotsam​ @lyarr24​ @akshi8278​ @pretty-fortune​ @we-are-all-a-bunch-of-idjits​
Centerfold Tags- @mychemicalimagines​ @moron225​ @ladyofmaidensandwine​ @that-one-gay-girl​ @roonyxx​ @teresa-67​
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