#i get so anxious about birthday presents
thirstyshaman · 10 months
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my friend's birthday is ONLY 3 MONTHS AWAY so i'm already working on something for her because she deserves the best.
she LOVES grell (and she really wants the artfx figure but no. i can't afford that) so i was thinking about a keychain? or a print? something along those lines
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katya-goncharov · 2 years
my parents arranged a parcel with all my birthday presents in to be delivered today, which is so sweet of them but hmm also kind of annoying bc I don't know when it's going to arrive and if I actually, like, want to go out and do anything, what if i miss it and I end up with no presents again? :/
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noisilyscreechingsong · 11 months
Dp x Dc Crossover Writing Idea
“Red Robin!”
When he backtracked to find the owner of the voice he was a bit surprised to find a young boy, maybe eight years old if he had to guess, dressed in a red sweatshirt that dwarfed him and a pair of gym shorts that had seen better days.
Not many Gothamites called out to the vigilantes, a silent agreement to stay out of their way and not to look too closely. This kid however stared up at him with bright blue eyes unafraid of getting the Red Robin’s attention.
A fan?
Before he even opens his mouth, the kid gives him a small, hopeful smile, eyes shining with something that reminds him of himself when he was that age and following Batman and Robin with his camera around his tiny neck.
“I brought you a gift,” the boy say with nervous excitement. He enthusiastically swings off the backpack he had on to dig through the contents, taking his eyes off the vigilante and showing his unwavering trust that nothing bad would happen to him while Red Robin was here.
The boy pulls out what appears to be a jar wrapped in newspaper, the worn page ripping in some spots to show the clear glass underneath. Small hands present it like it’s Red Robin’s birthday (which it wasn’t).
He takes it cautiously, the kid hasn’t been hostile but this was still weird, and pulls it closer with enough space so if it’s a bomb it doesn’t blow up in his face.
It’s got weight to it and the slight sloshing tells him it’s filled with liquid. He carefully unwraps the ‘gift’, keeping his eye on the boy who stands waiting anxiously.
Tim almost drops the jar as soon as he sees what’s inside. Only his reflexes from over the years held on and his expression turned neutral.
A pair of eyes sit at the bottom of the jar. The orbs were crudely extracted, tissue floating around them like a mane of hair around a head.
He turns the jar to see the irises and… he knew these eyes. The slimy green is filmed with death, but he recognized these eyes from the number of times the owner locked them onto him, the cruel possessiveness they possessed when they gazed at him. Never again apparently.
Tim doesn’t speak for a while, not knowing what to say, but also thoughts racing too fast to form any proper sentences.
“Do you like it?” The small, nervous voice interrupts those thoughts.
What an innocent question on an equally innocent looking face.
“How did you get Ra’s Al Ghul’s eyes?”
The teasing chatter over the comms immediately hushes into shocked silence.
“I took them from his body, so you knew he was dead. I burned the rest so you don’t have to worry about him coming back again. The Pit there is gone anyway,” the child explains easily, not fazed in the slightest from the words he speaks.
“Grandfather is dead?” He hears Damian whisper over the comm.
So many other questions were flying through Tim’s head. He looks the kid over again.
Black hair and blue eyes. In any other situation the kid might have been a possible Wayne adoptee. He’s not a clone from what he can see though. Despite the coloring he doesn’t really look like any of them. Pale skin like Tim, but has freckles. The same kind of nose as Damian, but wide, round eyes. Jaw kind of like Jason, but his body shape is too narrow. Bright, almost icy blue eyes like Dick, but eyebrow shape is flatter. Lip shape like Bruce, but from the kid’s anxious lip biting he could see the faintest trace of dimples.
“Who are you?” He asks instead of the other million and one questions.
The boy blinks almost like he wasn’t expecting the question. He’s cheeks color pink with blush as he grins widely.
“I’m Danny!” He introduces cheerfully like he didn’t just hand a vigilante a jar of eyes.
“Hi, Danny,” Tim greets almost dumbly. “Want to tell me why you gave me this?”
Danny scoffs his shoe against the pavement in what appears to be embarrassment.
“Well, I know when you ask someone for something, it’s nice to give a gift or something. Like I did something nice for you so maybe you’ll do something nice for me?”
He takes a moment to absorb that child-like reasoning.
“So you want me to do something for you and you thought I would like Ra’s Al Ghul’s eyes in exchange?”
Danny studies him and fidgets with the large sweatshirt sleeve.
“I just thought you would like proof. Like the whole ‘bring me the heart of my enemy’ kind of thing. Do you not like it? I couldn’t just take a picture ‘cuz I didn’t have a camera with me, I know you like photography. I can do something else for you if it’s not enough,” he offers worriedly.
Tim freezes.
“How do you know I like photography?” He demands.
Danny tilts his head curiously.
“Because Tim Drake likes photography,” he says like it’s obvious, “and you’re Tim Drake.”
Well. This is less than ideal.
“Red Robin, take him back to the Cave,” Batman instructs over the comms.
Yeah, he was getting there.
“Do you know the other’s’ identities?”
Danny nods and hums affirmatively. Tim waits.
“Oh! Yea. Batman is Bruce Wayne. Robin is Damian Wayne. Red Hood is Jason Todd. Nightwing is Richard Grey-“
“Okay. That’s enough.”
Tim glances around the empty alley they were standing in, checking to make sure no stray people heard. Luckily they were truly alone.
“Danny, do you want to come back with me?” He asks, but it’s not really a question. The kid was coming back regardless, it would just be better if he went willingly.
Unsurprisingly, the kid lights up like a little sun at the offer.
“Really?” He nearly shouts in excitement.
“Yeah, kid. I parked my bike a few blocks from here. You ever rode a motorcycle before?”
Danny shakes his head, nearly bounding on his toes.
“Not in this lifetime.” And wasn’t that odd wording? “Are we gonna grapple there?”
“Think you can hold on?”
He kneels down so the boy can climb onto his back and lock his arms around his neck and hook his feet together around his torso. Danny is worryingly light as he stands.
The kid is the picture of an excited and overeager child as they carefully fly over rooftops and then drive back to the Cave. Even when they park inside the safety of the Batcave, Danny’s eyes are filled with child-like awe and wonder, so curious and chattering with questions and wild imagination. It would be cute, endearing even, if the jar of eyes wasn’t sitting heavily in his pocket.
Alfred came down not too long after their arrival with a tray of healthy snacks and some waters. Danny happily munches on the apple slices as he wanders around where Tim can see him.
The rumble of the Batmobile can be heard almost an hour later after Tim has to tell Danny not to touch the weapons for the fourth time. The kid’s attention is drawn to the sleek black vehicle as it parks by Tim’s bike. He trots over with wide eyes as the doors open and Robin exits, then Batman.
Unfortunately, Dick is in Bludhaven and Jason is visiting Roy and Lian this week. Cass and Steph were gone as well and Duke was sleeping. It was just the three of them and this kid with Alfred as the only buffer.
Danny stares openly, curious, as the duo makes their way over to the computer where Tim has claimed his sit.
Tim turns the jar that he set on the table so the eyes are facing them and slowly leans back again, suddenly very tired. Damian flexes his hands into fists tightly while Batman is very still.
“Hi,” Danny chirps like nothing is wrong, oblivious to the tension in the air.
Batman takes a measured breath. Robin glares down at the child, but remains silent for now.
“Who killed Ra’s Al Ghul?”
Danny blinks blankly.
“You’re saying he just dropped dead?” Damian sneered in sarcasm.
“Death took him,” the child says simply as if that explained everything.
“How?” The word is demanded and emphasized.
“Like Death takes everyone. His expiration was overdue.”
Bruce frowns and Damian almost snarls.
“I demand you start making sense!”
Danny glares back in offense.
“I’m being very clear! Maybe you should ask better questions!”
The twelve year old growls at the smaller child and Batman has to place a firm hand on his shoulder to keep him from attacking.
“Danny?” Batman questions after a tense moment.
The boy’s arms are crossed in irritation, but he blinks out of his glare to stare up at the man.
“How do you know our identities?”
“Oh, memories.”
Danny looked like everything he said made sense and it was driving Tim up a wall.
“Memories,” Bruce repeats.
“Uh-huh,” Danny nods confidently. “From the Lazarus Pit.”
A jolt goes through Tim as he recalls what the boy said earlier about the Pit.
“Didn’t you say the Pit was gone?” He asks before Bruce could continue his line of questioning.
Danny turns with a bright smile as if he was proud Tim remembered.
“Yea! Well, gone from this world anyway.” Tim was concerned. “I took the memories from it before sending it back where it belongs.”
“Okay. How did you know how to ‘take the memories’ and send it back? Back where?”
“I was born from it. Duh. It went back to the Realms or I guess you’d call it the Afterlife,” Danny actually rolls his eyes as if they should already know this.
“Born from it?” Damian asks with a wavering voice, hidden well from the child but not from them. “Nothing has ever been born from the Pits.”
“That you know of.”
And wasn’t that the kicker.
“So, to clarify, you come from the Pits. You know who we are because you took the memories from said Pits. Death took Ra’s because his time was up. And you took the eyes from his corpse to give to me because you thought I would like it as a gift so I would do something for you.”
Danny positively beams.
“This is why you’re my favorite!”
Damian grinds his teeth harshly.
“What is it you want Red Robin to do for you?” Batman asks in strangled hesitation.
“Oh!” Danny perks up like he remembered and hops over to Tim with pleading hands. “Can you please make me an identity? You’re really good at all that stuff and I was hoping you could find me a family. Someone to adopt me. A nice family, with a bed and family dinners and a dog. I always wanted a dog.”
Tim has the sudden urge to scream.
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chahnniesroom · 5 months
for richer, for poorer
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
summary: gift giving has always been something you've agonised over. for chan, just having you in his life is enough.
word count: 3.4k
warnings: insecurities (especially related to finances), feeling anxious, hurt/comfort
a/n: i know it’s still a long time until october, but i didn't write it in time to fit as like a holiday related fic. formatted this on my phone bc i'm lazy so please let me know if anything looks weird!
bonus: minho's reaction to his gift (included as a reblog of this post)
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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Gift giving has always been something that you agonised over. You wanted so desperately to get something meaningful and special that nothing you ended up getting seemed special enough.
So when Felix had proposed throwing both Chan and Minho a party for their birthdays, you were more than happy to help plan. You could see that Chan had hesitated when Felix had told them about it, but he had ultimately agreed when he saw the way Minho had seemed to perk up at the idea.
It wouldn’t be anything too big, Felix promised, just inviting some close friends to have dinner and hang out. It slowly balloons into more than a simple dinner, but the opportunities for the members to have their friends gather are so rare that you swallow your concerns.
The night of, you can’t help feeling a bit nervous. You recognise almost everyone, but that's the part that scares you - you've only seen most of these people through your phone screen before. You know Chan and Minho have a lot of idol friends, but you didn't realise there would be so many at the party. You had discussed the guest list with Felix briefly, but your concern had been about the number of guests and not who they actually were. Now you’re starting to regret it, you aren’t mentally prepared to be face to face with so many celebrities.
The time passes surprisingly quickly with people trickling in as the night goes on. Dinner is casual, you’ve helped to cook a number of dishes and takeout was ordered to fill the rest of the counter. There isn’t enough proper seating so everyone is spread throughout the kitchen and living room.
You spend most of the time just wandering through and making sure that there’s no shortage of drinks, appetizers, and that the empty dishes or cups are cleared away. Of course, you greet everybody as they arrive and thank them for coming, but it’s hard not to be intimidated by all the famous faces.
Eventually Changbin drags the birthday boys to the living room, standing them in front of the TV to open gifts. Everyone else either crams themselves onto the couches, sits on the floor, or loiters closer to the doors.
Chan insists that he open presents at the same time as Minho instead of one at a time like Jisung suggests. Someone pushes a couple of matching boxes into their hands and steps away.
It's almost comical how different they open them. Chan takes his time, carefully pulling apart the ribbon that's wrapped around the box, sliding the lid off and putting it to the side, then slowly peeling aside the tissue paper. Minho on the other hand, manages to pull the ribbon off the box without untying it and flips the box to shake off the lid and reveal the contents.
They're complementary hoodies in the casual and oversized fit that the boys usually go for. You recognize the brand, have seen the members wear it on more than one occasion, and know that they most likely cost the same as your monthly salary.
The next gifts seem fairly innocuous, a beanie for Chan and a baseball cap for Minho, but you know their pieces often go for over a million won, more than you’ve ever spent on a single clothing item.
It continues on like this, the boys receiving items like music equipment, alcohol, and sunglasses. It makes you swallow hard when you think of your own, mostly handmade gift.
Maybe the worst part is that nobody else at the party even blinks an eye at it. You can’t blame them, it’s the nature of their occupation that has gotten them desensitised to being surrounded by luxury and it’s not like they can’t afford to indulge in getting more expensive things.
When you look down, wanting to stop staring at the pile of opened gifts, you see that you've partially crushed the packaging of your own gift. It already looked shabby enough, it was obvious you had wrapped it yourself and the paper you used was from the supermarket, but now it was even worse.
When you try to smooth out the crinkles, your shaky fingers somehow make it ruin it more. You bite your lip, hard, then stop, self conscious about your appearance around all these idols.
It suddenly feels cramped and too warm, sweat starting to gather on your forehead and back. The room starts to spin slightly and you become overly aware of your heart beating in your chest.
A burst of laughter from the crowd spooks you, pulling you out of your head. You use the opportunity to get to your feet and excuse yourself. You slip away as quietly as you can and breathe a sigh of relief when you make it into Chan's room without anyone following you.
You don’t bother to turn on the lights, not wanting anyone to check up on you, and sit on the ground with your back against Chan’s bed. With the door closed, the noise from the party is muffled and it’s significantly colder in this area of the dorm. You press your hands to your face and take a few deep breaths to try and calm your heart rate.
You don’t know what’s wrong with you because you know you shouldn’t feel like his. You had been looking forward to watching Chan and Minho open their gifts, you had spent a lot of time preparing them and you had felt confident that they would enjoy them.
Well, until you saw everything else that they received.
Now your ideas just seemed silly. You feel humiliated at the thought of everybody seeing the obviously cheap gifts and even worse when you consider how ashamed Chan might be for others to know that you were his partner.
Although you were working full-time at the moment, you had only graduated from university last year and your student debt was an ever present weight on your shoulders that you tried your best to hide. Everything you had went to paying it back and checking in bi-weekly to see the number get smaller and smaller was the only thing that made you feel better.
Chan knew that you often worried about money. You had been mortified the first time that he had walked in on you trying to organise your finances for the next few months. He had glanced over your shoulder before you had even realised he was in the room and all the red cells showing where you were in a deficit were hard to miss.
It had been early on in your relationship and the dates that the two of you had been on as well as a couple unforeseen events had meant that you had been spending way more than what you had anticipated. Of course, Chan had treated you on a number of occasions, but you refused sometimes because you felt guilty every time he offered to pay, especially since it had been only a couple years after his debut.
He had been more than understanding, but you had been so embarrassed and caught off guard that you couldn't stop the tears from streaking down your face. Since then, Chan and the members had never done anything to make you feel like they pitied you or thought any less of you for your financial situation, in fact they did the opposite.
When you had first started visiting the dorms, opening the food delivery apps was like a reflex for all of the boys once it was dinnertime. You were always hesitant to choose anything and felt even worse by the nonchalant way that they covered the costs each time. Even though you knew they didn’t think anything of it, you couldn’t help but feel like you were taking advantage of their hospitality.
Somehow they caught on to your reluctance to buy food and now it's tradition that you cook for them when you come over, enough so that they keep the kitchen stocked with more than ramen, chicken breasts, and protein powder.
In particular, Minho absolutely loved your cooking and had needled you many times on sharing how you made it. You had always denied him though, saying that you didn't use exact measurements and came up with things on the fly. That’s why for his gift, you had taken the time to create a recipe book, complete with pictures for each step and modifications that he could make based on the ingredients he had.
You had spent a few months thinking about what to give Chan. He was harder to shop for since you knew he wasn't overly fond of celebrating his birthday and didn’t want you to spend money on him, but was always touched when you got him something. Usually, you tried to do something he was more likely to accept.
Last year, you had organised with the company to give Chan a day off and had taken him out to a movie. It was a pretty standard date, but the two of you rarely had the opportunity to go out together and you knew Chan had resigned himself to watching the movie when it was released online instead of going to the theatres like he had hoped to. Having to spend a few days trying to sort out all the logistics of secretly rearranging Chan’s schedule had been more than worth it with the way that his face had lit up when you had told him about what you had planned.
You don't know how long you sit alone, but every time that you tell yourself to get up and rejoin the party, it feels impossible to move.
“Hey,” Chan's voice is cautious, but you startle anyway, scrambling to stand up. Stuck in your thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed him entering the room. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. Just needed some air, it was getting kind of stuffy in there,” you explain. “I didn't think you'd notice.”
“Of course I noticed. You were there one second and gone the next, I didn't know what happened.”
“It’s nothing.” You avoid Chan’s gaze, not wanting to see the concern that shines in his eyes.
Chan steps closer, then reaches out and tangles your fingers together, using your connection to pull the two of you to sit on the bed.
“Y/n, baby,” he says softly. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on in here.” He leans forward until the side of his head bumps into yours.
“Don’t say it’s not important,” he warns. “It’s important to you and that makes it important to me, okay?”
“Uhm,” you pause for a moment, unsure of how you want to word your thoughts. You trust Chan, but it still feels scary being vulnerable. “I guess, I was just feeling… Insecure.”
“Insecure?” Chan tilts his head slightly. “About what?”
“Everyone-” you laugh slightly, embarrassed. “Everyone gave you guys such nice gifts, I feel like mine don’t even compare.”
“Y/n, you know I don’t care about that kind of thing. If I had the choice, nobody would be giving me gifts at all. Just having you in my life is enough.” Chan’s voice is painfully sincere.
“I know you don't mind. It just- It feels bad that I can't give you something nice like they can. It's dumb, I know, but I can't help it.”
“I can open it here, away from everyone else if you want,” Chan offers. “Or you don't even have to give it to me today, you can save it until you feel better. Or don't give it to me at all, it's all okay.”
“No no, I want you to have it,” you say immediately. Before you can think better of it, you reach down and retrieve the gift from where you left it on the floor.
“Whatever makes you feel comfortable,” Chan reassures you.
“This is fine,” you decide. “Just the two of us."
“It’s not designer,” you say suddenly, fiddling with the ribbon that keeps the two packages together. Both of you ignore the fact that you’re just stalling at this point.
“I don’t need any more clothes, I barely wear everything I own now,” Chan jokes.
“Really, you might not like it,” you warn.
“Baby, when have I ever disliked anything that you’ve gotten for me?” Chan drops the teasing tone. You think for a moment.
“When you asked me to order noodles for you and I accidentally got you the spicy version and it made you cry?”
“Did I say that I didn’t like them?”
“No, you ate it all even though I warned you that it would make your stomach hurt for the next couple of days,” you say, smiling faintly at the memory.
You had gotten yourself the same dish and had found it to be bearable, while Chan’s face had turned bright red after the first bite. You had offered a few times to get him a non-spicy version so that he could enjoy himself, but he had been determined to finish, soaking his shirt and beanie with how much he had sweated. He hadn’t even been able to continue carrying a conversation with you, too busy trying to suck in air to cool his mouth.
It had been even funnier for you the next day, receiving multiple texts from Chan about his stomach hurting and having to continually pause dance practice to go to the bathroom.
“The pain was worth it,” Chan insists. “I'm actually convinced that I'll like anything you give me. Now come on, let me open my gifts!”
You hand over the gift and watch as he pulls away the ribbon to separate the boxes and peels away the tape on the first package. His brow is furrowed in concentration as he tries not to rip the wrapping paper.
This gift was more neutral, a set that contained a wallet and cardholder, both in black. Although Chan hadn’t complained at all, the wallet he had been using was from years ago and the synthetic material was starting to crack and flake away at the edges.
He looks delighted, examining it briefly before pulling out his old wallet and transferring all his cards and cash into this new one. Although it’s not a name brand, you had purchased it at a small shop specialising in handcrafted genuine leather goods at a surprisingly affordable price. It was good quality and suited the simplicity that Chan preferred.
“It's just what I needed,” he says, sounding pleased. “You pay so much attention.”
“I'm glad you like it,” you say, feeling relieved even though you had been pretty sure that he would be happy with it.
The unease comes back when he turns his attention to the second gift. Once again, he puts in effort to gently unwrap it, revealing an old chocolate box that you had repurposed from one of your dates.
You’ve always been on the more sentimental side and had saved it, wanting to remember the evening that Chan had taken you out and the two of you had spent 20 minutes in the shop, meticulously picking out the flavours that you wanted to try. The box is made of a surprisingly durable material and is the perfect size for this gift. You’ve painted over it too, concealing the original design.
Chan turns it around in his hands curiously, before sliding the lid up. You turn away to stare at your hands, overwhelmed by nervousness.
You already know what’s inside. It’s a deck of cards that you’ve transformed, with 52 things I love about you inscribed on one of the jokers. On the flip side, you’ve painted a picture of you and Chan smiling widely with your cheeks pressed together. It’s his favourite, one he always tells you would be permanently on his lock screen if he wasn’t an idol.
The rest of the cards are decorated similarly, a small drawing or painting on one side with the things, people, and places that Chan loves on one side, and something that you love about Chan on the other. The last joker is the only one that's different, you've treated it as a card and have a small message written on.
You had been so excited when you had thought of the idea, even though it was almost embarrassingly cheesy. Chan was often hard on himself, overly critical, and sometimes insecure. You tried your best to reassure him that he was doing well, both in his career and personal life, but you weren’t always able to be with him to do it in person.
As time goes by, your dread just continues to build, but you don't dare look up, not wanting to see Chan's reaction. Based on the silence, he’s clearly not thrilled with the silly idea that you had gone with. You can almost imagine his expression, jaw clenched and lips pressed together as he tries to think of what he can say to let you down easy.
Finally, you can't take it any longer and you lean forward, reaching out to grab at the cards that he's still reading though.
“I'm sorry, it's stupid, I know,” you say quickly. “You can tell me that you hate it, it's okay. I don't know what I was thinking, but just- give me more time, I'll get you something else, something nicer-”
It catches Chan off guard, and instead of successfully taking the cards away, you grapple with them for a second before they slip between both of your hands, scattering across the floor like confetti.
You instantly drop to your knees, scrabbling to scoop them up like the most awful game of 52 pick up that you've ever played in your life. To your horror, the task gets even more difficult as tears start to well up in your eyes.
“Y/n-” Chan says gently, reaching out and taking your wrists in his hands to stop your frantic movements. “Come here.”
You resist for a moment, but he pulls you into his arms, cradling your head so your face is resting on his shoulder. The tears leaking from your eyes soak into the fabric and you sniffle softly.
“I'm sorry,” you say, voice partially muffled. “I'm a mess.”
In response, Chan pulls back slightly and when you don't turn towards him, he taps a finger against your cheek until you face him. Your eyes widen when you notice that he also has tear tracks streaking down his face.
“It's okay, I'm a mess too. I should have said it sooner,” he says, voice low and gravelly. Still in his embrace, you can feel the rumble of it in his chest. “I love it. I was overwhelmed, I wanted to say something but you left me speechless.”
“Don't just say it-”
“I've never had a gift so thoughtful, Y/n,” Chan says earnestly. “How could you think this was stupid? You must have spent hours and hours on it and I really appreciate it. It’s just- is this really what you think of me?”
“What do you mean?” you ask.
“Do you really love that-” Chan picks up the closest card to him and flips it so that he can read the message. “That I snore? Y/n, why do you even have this in the list?”
“Yes, snoring was one thing and it's because with everything, there’s always a reason to love it. It's not that I love that you snore, but with your insomnia, hearing you snore is a relief because it means you're sleeping, that you're resting. Even with your insomnia, I know you're busy thinking of every little way you can make things just right for you and the members. It's because you care so much, how could I not love these parts of you?”
“You- you really love all these little things?”
“Of course I do,” you say in a hushed voice. “Of course. When I was making these, I couldn't fit it all. I love everything about you, Chan.”
This time, it's Chan that breaks eye contact, shaking his head as if in disbelief.
“I don't know what I did to deserve you.”
“It's not about deserving. You didn't have to do anything, that's the whole point. I love you just as you are.”
“You know that's how I feel about you, right?”
“Even if you never got me anything ever again, I wouldn't love you any less. You being in my life, by my side, that's the greatest gift you could ever give.”
till death do us part collection | read it on ao3 | masterlist
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phas3d · 4 months
hi i really love your works and i saw that ur req is open so if it's okay w u can i ask slytherin boys reaction if reader just give them something "just because" (maybe flowers, accessory, plushy, etc. and reader said they just reminded them of the boys), which they think is very unusual since supposed to be it's them who should give presents to you since u r the most wonderful person they have.
Just Because || Slytherin Boys
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type :: fluff
tw/cw :: none
contains :: draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
summary :: you gift them something randomly and they're all traumatized so they don't know how to react
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He's pretty used to getting random gifts from his parents as a reward or an apology
So when you give him two brand new ties from his favorite brand, he's confused
He can't recall any fights with you within the past few days
And he also hasn't done anything "reward-able" within a while
So he instantly assumes you must have done something bad
He gets anxious and asks you what the gift was for
When you say it's "just because" he doesn't believe you
Asks you more questions and your replies don't help him understand
Once you fully explain that you got him those just because you love him, no other reason, he's shocked
"Oh wow, well thank you then. I'll get you something soon too."
You reassure him that he doesn't need to but he insists
Comes to you the next day with a stack of boxes filled with purses, heels, dresses, and more
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"Why?" He asks instantly as you hand him the box of chocolates
He's fully convinced you're either trying to
A.) Spike him with a lotion potion (which he doesn't think is needed)
B.) Spat in it and wiped your boogers on it because he did something bad
The first one is due to his past of girls trying to get him to like them because even though he was evil and emo, he was still hot
The second one is due to Mattheo traumatizing him as a kid by doing every gross action possible in order to call dibs on food
You explain that you did it because you love him and that's it
But he doesn't trust you fully yet
He cuts open all of the chocolates one by one, putting them under a microscope
He does this for about an hour before he finally realizes that you were right, it's just plain chocolate for him
"Thank you." He says as he eats one, making you smile that he finally tried it
The next day, he does the same for you except WAY more expensive
Brand new purses, heels, dresses, and makeup all for you
If you reject it, he'll just force you to take it by slowly sneaking it into your wardrobe
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Knows about this purely from romantic movies and TikTok
He was fully convinced it was just a girl thing and that guys never got it back
So when you get him a pair of brand new shoes, he's confused
"It's not my birthday yet?" He's trying to think of why this gift is for him
Thinks it's a prank at first
Tom used to give Mattheo "gifts" when they were younger and eventually those "gifts" would light on fire, get glued onto his skin, or morphed into something hideous
He's super cautious at first to even touch the shoes because he thinks it might bite him
Tom really traumatized him (canon older sibling event)
But when you coax him enough to trust you, he tries the shoes on and loves it
Wears it 24/7 and brags to everyone that you got him them
He then realizes he should gift you something too as a surprise
So he gets you a cute plushie and some cute hair accessories
Always feels so proud when you wear his hair accessories
This sparks an addiction in him, kinda like a gambling addiction LMAO
Starts to buy a bunch of clothes, shoes, accessories, and more just so you can always be wearing something he got
It's like claiming you as his and showing off to other guys that if they wanna steal you from him, they gotta spoil you rotten
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Before his mom passed, he was raised to always treat a woman like a queen
His father, despite being a raging death eater and murderer, also believed the "happy wife, happy life" phrase
So his father would make sure to force Theo to gift his mother flowers, "pay" for his mother's meals with his father's card, and more
With you, he's no different except now he does it with his own money
Buys you flowers, chocolates, pays for all the dates you go on, etc
So when you surprise him with a fully planned date that you paid for in advance, he's super shocked
"But why? That's my job :(" He's genuinely upset that you did this
Thinks that you weren't happy with the dates and gifts he gotten you
But you explain that you loved those all but you wanted to treat HIM for once
And he's so flattered, he gets all giddy - Like "Awww shuckss" kinda giddy LOL
Enjoys the whole night with you and treats you out to an even more fun date next week
It becomes a little schedule for you guys, that you take turns planning your weekly dates
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Was never treated to much as a child since his parents left him in the care of the Malfoys
Of course they cared for him and were super kind, but they would obviously gift their own child the better toys and foods instead of him
He grew up knowing that this was normal, so when you gifted him something super lavish for once, he was paranoid
He instantly assumes that you got an even better gift for someone else
But you shut down his worries and say it's just for him
But now knowing that it was just for him, he feels guilty for some reason - as if he's not supposed to have this
Tries to gift it back to you and deny it but you insist
Will keep fighting with you until you smack him on the head and yell at him to just accept it
He'll accept it, but he always feels some guilt attached to it since he doesn't feel worthy of you buying him anything expensive
But you reassure him that you wanted to get him a gift because of how amazing of a boyfriend he is to you
So he'll accept it, finally, but he definitely buys you something next time you two go out
masterlist || recommended :: annoying habits
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pinkiemachine · 23 days
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I’ve only done some light reading on Selina, but even so, details on her past seem few and far between. Maybe there’s a reason, maybe I just haven’t looked hard enough, whatever. Someone can enlighten me in the comments. What I do know, however, is that she’s eluded to have experienced some form of abuse as a child. Now, this research came on the heels of brushing up on the rest of Batman’s rogues’ gallery and I gotta say, abuse as a backstory comes up a lot. And I’m just sitting here, like, “There are so many unique people in this world with unique traumas and hurts that this feels almost cookie cutter.” Am I wrong? I just wanna be more specific and explore problems more intimately. So… Selina Kyle. What to write for her backstory? I thought a lot about who she is as a character present day—her playful aloofness, her decision to become a cat burglar, breaking rules as if they don’t exist, always on the run, never settling down with anyone long term, stealing nice things for herself—it led me to this backstory: When Selina was a child, she was horribly neglected. Her father was almost never around and her mother was depressed, anxious, under the influence of alcohol quite often, and wished she never had a daughter. Selina found that it was always easier to live as though she were invisible. If she never got caught making a mess or being noisy or causing problems, her mother would never get mad at her, or even a acknowledge her, and neither would her father if he ever showed his face. She never received birthday gifts—or if she did, they were pitiful—and all of her attempts of reaching out via gifts to her mother and father were rejected. She was never loved and grew to believe that the only way she would ever feel cared for is if she just took care of herself and only herself. She was good at being invisible, and so she became good at stealing. She treated herself to nice things whenever she felt like it, and she rarely ever got caught. She never made close friends. She never really fell in love. She built up walls so high that no one could ever break them down… until she met Bruce. Suddenly, here was a guy who could consistently catch her red-handed. Who told her she needed to stop robbing people. Who believed she could be better. Who saw her. And even though she kept double-crossing him, escaping his grasp, and escaping justice, she found that it was a little bit harder to return to crime every time. She had always found him attractive… but the longer they chased each other around Gotham, and the longer he showed that he wasn’t going to ignore her or give up on her, the more that attraction turned into a deep feeling that Selina had never felt before. True love. She was scared of it. She didn’t know what to do with it. It was completely the opposite of everything she had ever known, and she secretly didn’t think she deserved it. After all, she was a criminal. She was a “bad guy.” Someone who stole from others for pleasure and profit. And yet Bruce believed she was a good person deep down. He believed she had the capacity for change. And in time, he would find himself falling in love with her too. By the end of their story, naturally, those walls had come crumbling down and they had each learned how to love again, something they both thought would never happen to them. 💜
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beenbaanbuun · 2 months
birthday present w/ yunho
words - …
genre - smut
warnings - degradation, dumbification, free use, mentions of collaring, choking, marking
you can’t help but feel a little nervous as yunho stumbles into your apartment all bright eyed and giddy
he kicks his shoes off in a hurry before practically running over to the sofa and vaulting it so he can get ti you
you can barely mutter out a ‘happy birthday,’ before his mouth is on yours, silencing you with a gentle kiss
it’s soft and sweet, and you melt into it - melt into him - leaning against his chest before he pulls away with a giggle
he takes the opportunity to tug you into his side, tucking you beneath his arm and pressing another kiss to the crown of your head
“thank you, sweetheart,” he practically giggles into your ear, “cant believe i’m so old this year.”
you can only giggle as he continues to joke, telling you all about the nursing home he wants you to put him in
it isn’t until you shift the hand holding the envelope with his gift in that his words peter out, and he gives you an excited look
“is that for me?” he points to the envelope and you nod, “can i have it?”
with an anxious smile you pass it to him
he marvels it as if it’s the most precious thing in the world, as if he’s never seen an envelope before
“sorry it isn’t very big,” you cuddle up into him, loving the way his voice fills his chest and rumbles against your ear, filling up your brain with warmth
“you think i need anything big?” he grins down at you, “you could give me a lump of coal and i’d be happy because it’s from you.”
cheesy boy, you think to yourself; it’s cute, and you savour the moment knowing it won’t last
not after he’s seen your gift to him anyway…
he tears into the envelope, briefly cooing at the cute card you’d given him until the little pink slip inside it catches his eye
you’d spent a few hours decorating it last night, making it look all pretty as if he even cared about the design of it
as if he cared about anything other than the three words written across it in cursive
he pulls it out and his breath audibly hitches in his throat
“f-free use coupon,” he stutters, words garbling as they fall from his lips, “you mean… like actual free use? whenever i want?
your anxiety rests deep in your chest as he stares at you with his jaw hanging open
still, you find it in you to nod, a pretty hum falling from your lips as you let him know that that’s exactly what it means; whenever he wants
“from now until the same time tomorrow,” you chew on your lip, “you can use me whenever, however you want.”
a groan falls from his lips at your answer, low and deep; he covers it with a cough but you still hear it
then you notice the way he shuffles his hips to accommodate the tent growing beneath his sweats, desperately trying to make it seem less obvious
clearly he’s more into the idea of using you for his own pleasure than you originally thought
not that you shouldn’t have expected this; one of yunho’s favourite things to do it move you around like his own personal rag doll
his big hands all over you as he flips you over and holds you open for him
one hand on the back of your head as he pressed your face into a pillow, the other resting on your hips, angling them perfectly so he can slam into you over and over again
the memories send a needy shiver down your spine, so you force them away and instead focus back on the present…
“are you sure, sweetheart?” his voice is deeper when he speaks, and it’s clear he’s trying to keep the horniness at bay
“i wouldn’t be giving this to you if i wasn’t sure, yuyu,” you say, a cheeky grin on your face, “i am your gift; mind, body and soul.”
at the thought of you being entirely his, he groans again, but this time he doesn’t bother to hide it
it goes straight to your core, dampening it slightly
“well i guess you won’t need your clothes,” he says through his moan, voice coming out whiny and pretty, “if i have access to your body for 24 hours, then i want real access, pup.”
… pup
that nickname goes straight to your core too
he only ever calls you that when he’s being mean in bed, tone dripping with condescension as he puts you in your place and dumbs you down to nothing
you stare at him with wide eyes as your hole involuntarily clenches; you have to admit that you love nothing more than when yunho is mean
“don’t just stare at me with those big, dumb eyes,” he smirks as your hands immediately fly to the button of your jeans, “that’s my good girl.”
you’re melting already, and yunho knows it
he must have a mental list of all the buttons he has to push to get you all pliant and obedient
not that it really takes much; you’re obedient for him most of the time
there’s just something about his deep voice drawling out a ‘good girl,’ that sends shivers running through your body
and when he holds out his hand to take possession on your panties, you don’t even think twice before putting them gently in his palm
you’re his good girl after all!
he brings them to his nose and takes a sniff, inhaling the musky scent of your juices; you turn shy at the sight of his eyes fluttering closed
“sweet as always, tiny,” he mumbles as he pulls them away and tucks them into his back pocket, “i bet you taste just as good, right? so yummy for me…”
a hand flies to your core, a single finger swiping through your folds to collect the juices that are starting to gather there
he smears them around, avoiding the sensitive nub that throbs in need; he doesn’t quite want to give into you just yet
he pulls it away after mere moments and wastes little time in slipping it into his mouth, moaning as he swirls his tongue around his digit
he pulls it out with a pop and an adorable, lop-sided grin forms on his lips
in any other circumstance it would be cute; right now it just makes you feel tiny
“your pussy is my favourite flavour, pup,” he says, “but i’ll save eating it until later, yeah? i have got all day, after all.”
he puts a hand on your shoulder and pushes you until you’re flat against the couch, naked and exposed underneath him
he begins to move, shuffling until he’s towering over you making you feel even smaller beneath him
large hands land on either side of your head as he crawls over you, aligning his pelvis with your own
he grinds down once on your clothed pussy, his own grunt harmonising with your soft moan; the two of you sound like you are meant for one another
“i don’t think this gift was really for me,” he whispers as he grinds down again, harder this time, “i think this is just some twisted little fantasy of yours.”
his lips are on your neck in seconds, nibbling, biting and licking all over the sensitive flesh
no doubt you’d have marks aplenty by the time the 24 hours are over; hickeys and teeth marks littering your chest, your thighs, and anywhere else he can put his lips
there’s just something about seeing you covered in the physical proof that you are his that drives him absolutely wild
in fact, he’s often found himself in a pet store looking at their collection of dog collars and wondering which one would fit your pretty neck
it’s a nice thought, but for some reason it feels so much nicer to see you in a collar made of his hickeys instead
besides, it’s not like his hand wouldn’t do a similar job anyway, his fist wrapped around your throat, pinning you to his chest as he desperately fucks into you from behind
“i thought you’d appreciate it,” you whimper as his sweats work hard to spread your wetness around
“and i do, pup,” he grunts, “but your wet little pussy is telling me just how bad you want this; to be my personal cocksleave whenever i want.”
he pushes his sweats down just enough for his cock to spring free, painting your stomach with a splatter of pre-cum
“you’re my greedy little pup, aren’t you?”
he lines himself up and pushes himself in with one long, hard stroke
it makes you cry out as his tip rams against your cervix; he kisses you to swallow the sound
and when he pulls away, just seconds later, he begins to pull out again
you moan as he finds his rhythm, moving in and out at a painfully languid pace
hard and slow, each thrust fills you perfectly to the brim with yunho before he pulls back out and repeats
“but that’s okay, greedy little pup,” he grins as he stills deep inside of you, “i have all day to satiate you, don’t i?”
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pigcowboys · 5 months
secret santa !
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pairing: percy jackson x female!reader
summary: camp half-blood decides to do secret santa this year.
warning(s): pre-established relationship and kissing but, none, mostly!
a/n: merry (late) christmas to everyone who celebrates it!! this was supposed to be out on christmas day but.. uh yeah. this is slightly self-indulgent.
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“you’re doing it right?” you asked, adjusting your position on your bunk bed as you tried your best to scrub out the nasty maroon stain you’d spilled onto the fabric.
it was almost christmas day and with that important birthday coming up, it meant only one thing for you, gift shopping. not that you hated it — honestly. it was just the idea of somehow disappointing your friends.
the stakes were higher this year considering the fact chiron had brought up the idea of doing a secret santa with the rest of the camp. everyone voted in agreement the idea — well, except for clovis but, to be fair he wasn’t conscious when the announcement was made.
soon after it was set in stone that the camp would be hosting its very first secret santa and then following that, everyone was assigned a partner.
piper got annabeth, annabeth got leo, leo got piper and somehow travis stoll had gotten clarisse. that last part was going to be interesting. you even got someone as well, too. not that it made you anxious at all, you loved gifting people presents — great at it, dare you say.
well, it was a bit easier to gift people presents when you didn’t have to worry about whether or not your gift would somehow make the person hate you and question why they even started dating you in the first place.
so, it was safe to say you weren’t especially overjoyed when you got percy as your secret santa. your mind went blank as you shifted to the side, allowing percy to slide past you to reach for his paper with his santa.
you eyed him curiously as he stared at the words on the paper indifferently before a smile flashed onto his face. he turned the paper so your eyes had access to it clearly, completely missing the moment when your heart dropped.
"we got each other," percy said, tucking the paper into his pocket. "that's lucky, right?" you merely laughed nervously in response.
"yeah, totally." not lucky, not lucky at all.
“everyone is,” annabeth started “why? are you changing your mind?” annabeth asked, causing you to frown slightly.
“well, no..i think.” you trailed off, eyebrows furrowing as you flung your sponge to the side. gods, you seriously hoped this would wash out after a while.
“i wouldn’t wanna spoil the fun.”
“plus, you’re curious about what your secret santa might’ve gotten you.” annabeth chimed in.
“that too.” you replied. "any idea what percy might have in mind?"
annabeth merely hummed in response leaving you even more conflicted than before. what if he gets you an amazing gift and all you get him is some crap that he'll say he loves, a fake smile on his face before dumping it somewhere in his cabin 'till the next secret santa.
you didn't want to be that girlfriend. you actively rebuke any allegations that may have even brought that idea up.
“i am so screwed.” you sobbed out, pressing your fingers against your face as you sighed dramatically.
“you have time, use it.” annabeth reminded you. she was right, it was only 2 days till christmas day and even then, secret santa wasn’t going to happen till later into the evening.
“just don’t use too much, shopping places are never open for late minute gifts.”
“right, okay..” you murmured out. "i have time."
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those 2 days came and went sooner than you expected it to and by christmas day morning, you were frantically wrapping up percy’s gift, thoughts racing as you tried to not think about whether or not the gift would be cool enough for him.
he’s be happy with anything you got him, you knew that. didn’t make ease your mind any less, though. you stumbled out of your cabin as you rushed towards the decorated tree that was out near the forest, courtesy of the demeter kids.
to be honest, even if you liked christmas or disliked it, everyone could appreciate the effort put into decorating the tree. especially with all the presents stacked under - it added to the scene. you bent down, carefully placing it underneath the tree, not too close so that it would obviously stick out, but not too far that people would forget it was there.
this was a big camp, after all.
you'd made your way over the mess hall, scanning over it for any signs of percy before taking a plate and shoving food onto it. you spared a part for your godly parent and then made your way toward the table to sit with everyone else.
even with percy missing, the mess hall was still lively - believe it or not. everyone seemed to be talking lively about their gifts and what they were expecting, something that didn't ease your anxieties about your own gift.
it didn't help at all when your eyes finally settled on percy's own across the room, a small smile pulling on his face as he tended to his plate. your mind had been so zeroed in on worrying you hadn't even clued in on the fact he was walking over to you, taking a seat beside you.
"thanks for saving me a seat." you fought back a smile at the sound of his tired voice. he must've been knocked out sometime after sword practice. you hummed in response, fiddling with your food as your mind raced.
your eyes drifted towards percy as you watched him silently from the corner of your eyes. between the bed hair and the disheveled state of his clothes, it was safe to say that he had just woken up. despite the anxieties that swirled in your mind and the ansty fidgeting of your legs, you couldn't deny that percy was gorgeous.
though, it just brought your mind back to your dilemma. secret santa would happen right after dinner and then would be campfire time. how could you sit and sing songs at the campfire knowing percy had hated your gift?
"you're being stranger than usual, y'know."
"hm?" you turned to look at percy who gave you a quizzical look. "i'm acting completely normal."
"you've barely touched your food."
you stared down at your plate, it looked like a ghost had gently floated over it - devoid of human ingestion.
"i'm not hungry." you lied, slapping yourself mentally when your stomach growled deeply.
"mhm.." percy nodded along, trying to suppress the smile on his face. "what's wrong?" he asked, pushing his plate aside as he turned his whole body to face you, something that didn't go unnoticed by you as you locked eyes with him.
you narrowed your eyes at him, ignoring the tingling in your chest as you watched him carefully. you really hoped he hadn't caught onto the fact you were just checking him out at this point, turning your face away in embarrassment as you rested your head on your elbows,
"what kind of stuff?"
"important stuff."
"like what?"
"percy, will you leave me alone!" a laugh, followed by his hand brushing against your back soothingly. you titled your head up to look at him as your head rested on your elbows.
"sorry, sorry." he smiled. "just hang in there, okay?" was all he whispered in your ear before moving back to press a sloppy kiss to your head that made your face scrunch in disgust.
"gross...you're so disgusting, percy.." you murmur, wiping the wet blotch of spit that was left on your forehead from the kiss.
"i love you too."
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"what'd you think you got?" piper asked, shifting in her seat slightly as she waited for annabeth to respond.
"you're asking me like you don't know what i got." annabeth replied with a small smile.
"can't hurt to imagine."
you zoned out the rest of the conversation as you suppressed the urge to scream out of frustration. the camp chatted lively around you, cueing you in on the fact that you'd been cuddled up beside percy without once offering a word to him.
not that he minded, he was aware you wanted to be with your thoughts and he respected it. just..didn't feel very..couple appropriate. it felt like you'd been talking to yourself way more than the guy who was supposed to be your boyfriend.
"quiet down," chiron's voice rang through all the chatter, reducing the crowd to silence. he'd somehow managed to shimmy matching ugly christmas sweaters onto him and mr. d respectively. the image alone made you want to pull out your phone and snap a picture.
though, you decided against it, taking notice of the death glares mr.d had sent your way.
chiron announced that secret santa would be happening in a bit, receiving a series of cheers from some campers in the crowd. you shifted slightly in percy's hold, prompting him to look at you - a curious look on his face.
"you okay?"
"yeah, it's just kind of cold, i guess."
percy hummed in response before pulling you into him so you were resting against his chest. he rested his chin on your head with a small smile.
“is this better?” he whispered, to which you merely hummed in response, snuggling yourself against him as you tried to get comfortable. now, you weren’t a fan of those overly lovely couples that couldn’t keep their hands off each other in public but, you had to admit that being in percy’s arms felt more than good with the day you’ve had.
chiron continued on with his announcements, listing out the series of activities tomorrow and also stating as well that the stables would be closed on account of an “accident” that had happened in there. that part was received with a small shiver.
“that’s all i’d like to say, furthermore, I’d like to wish everyone a merry christmas.” then, chiron and mr.d stepped to the side as the festivities continued on.
it was time.
“wonder what everyone got.” you murmured, watching quietly as the rest of the campers hurried towards the tree decked out with over the top presents. percy stood up, offering you his hand as he locked them.
“me too.” percy agreed, sighing slightly. “gods, all i hope is that someone doesn’t make the mistake of gifting travis firecrackers ever again.”
“or a megaphone.”
“oh, yeah, i totally remember that year.”
“I’m sure everyone else does too..”
percy cracked a grin, one that cause your stomach to flutter slightly as you smiled back at him. he squeezed your hand before making short strides towards the rest of the campers.
you should’ve been anxious — you were anxious. though, your concerns seemed to slip away the longer you stayed with percy. the way he looked at you, it made you realize just one thing that you were sure a crummy present wasn’t going to change.
he loved you.
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camp activities were fun and all but, extremely loud.
you’d figured it’d only been amplified by the fact that everyone was opening their christmas gifts and comparing what they’d gotten from each of their respective partners.
you could respect that, secret santa was no joke.
yet, you’d still managed to slip away with percy while none of the adults were watching in favorite of opening your gifts in the company of one another rather than the rest of the camp. and judging by the sputters of stars in the night sky illuminating percy and your faces, it was a good call.
“you think they’ll be mad at us for ditching everyone else?” you asked, clutching your present to your chest as you adjusted your winter coat.
“we’ll be back before they know it,” percy replied, turning to face you with a smile. he was always smiling. “and anyways, everyone else would be too busy with their presents to care.”
you sighed, taking a seat next to percy as you rested his gift in-front of you. percy turned to look at you with an anxious look on his face as he cleared his throat, holing his hand out as he waited for you to take the gift from him.
you looked back at him, nerves set ablaze as well as you exchanged your gifts, resting the wrapped present in your lap as you ogled the festive paper.
“so, truth be told — i’m pretty nervous.” percy blurred out of the blue.
“gods, i’m so glad you said that cause, i so was too.” you sighed softly, your heartbeat stilling for the first time this night as you shifted your body so you were turned towards percy. “i really wanted my gift to special and.. i feel like if it isn’t you’d like hate me or something.”
“i could never hate you.”
you paused for a moment. it’d only be a few years since you’d started to date percy, you should’ve been more used to his personality. yet, it never seemed to catch you off guard when he said these kind of sentimental things.
“even if i got you like..a smelly sock for christmas?”
percy laughed before shaking his head. you bite the inside of your mouth, frowning slightly as your face grew hot.
“sorry, i’ve been so quiet tonight.” you averted percy’s gaze, picking at the clear taping of your present. “it’s just — I don’t know, i guess i was lost in my own head.”
percy watched you quietly, leaning forward to cup your cheek as he planted a soft kiss to your lips, pulling back to stare you head on in your eyes.
“don’t apologize for something like that, it’s fine — really.” percy replied, his voice soft and careful. it made your body feel warm.
“if you want, you could open my gift first,” he added, moving his hand to rest atop yours. “that way you won’t be so nervous.”
you smiled, a genuine one. “that or your gift will be so amazing that it makes mine look horrible.” percy grinned back at you.
“let’s see.”
you nodded, turning to stare down the gift in your lap before you started to unravel it. it wasn’t a particularly big present, not that you minded at all. anything from percy was something to treasure. you moved the packaging to the side carefully as you stared at the small box that hit behind it.
it wasn’t cardboard, more like.. leather? or silk. and it was blue — percy’s trademark. you looked to him with a curious look on your face before turning back to gaze at the small box. you let your finger glide over the material once more before you opened it.
“percy..?” you mumbled out, voice barely a whisper.
inside the box contained a small ring that looked to be just about the size of your ring finger. your heart dropped at the sight of it — in a good way. it was pretty, careful patterns etched into that showed that it was finely crafted. and at the center of it, a small gem that was the same shade of your favorite color.
the cherry on top.
your eyes started to water involuntarily as your lips trembled. you were at a loss for words, how could you say anything? you stared at percy in shock as you tried to grasp the right words to say, eventually coming up with the idea to not say any words at all, leaning forward as you pulled him into a tight hug.
percy hugged back immediately, burying his head into your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you gently.
you pulled back to look at him, tears pooling down your face as he wiped them away with his thumb, pressing a kiss to your tear stained cheeks.
“you’re..you’re totally insane for being nervous.” you managed out, laughing slightly as you choked back a sob. “how did you get the money to pay for this?”
“i saved up!” he replied brightly, a proud smile flashing on his face. your shoulders trembled as a warm laugh broke through your lips, causing percy to flush slightly in your hold.
“thank you so much percy.” you whispered, moving your hand to rest on his cheek as you spoke. “you really didn’t have to get me something like this.”
“it’s all fine.” he replied calmly. “it’s you were talking about, y’know.” your face burned with embarrassment as you smiled uncontrollably, pulling percy in for a deeper kiss.
you pulled away from him, watching quietly as percy took the small blue box you’d placed on the floor beside you and opening it. he held the promise ring in his hand, gently taking your own as he slid the ring on carefully. you watched him quietly before press another kiss to his face.
then another, and another.
and before you knew it, you were peppering kisses all over his face, taking the small giggles he emitted from his lips as a sign to do even more than before. percy managed your name out though his giggles, fingers digging into your winter coat as he tried to pry you off of him.
“the — gift!” he giggled, shutting his eyes tightly as you pressed another kiss to the bridge of his nose. “what about — your gift?”
“another time.” was all you whispered as you slid the gift away, focusing in on making sure you’d filled every single spot off percy’s with the feeling of your lips.
safe to say percy hadn’t gotten to see what you’d gotten him till a little later into the night.
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onlyswan · 1 year
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summary: in which music waters a wilting flower on a chilly autumn night and jungkook is stuck by the glue onto you.
> idol!jungkook x reader / strangers to lovers / fluff, slight angst / wc: 4.4k
> warnings: mentions of oc’s toxic ex bf, slutshaming, and alcohol
> in which masterlist!
note: the in which couple’s first encounter reveal?! has arrived with a bam cameo at the end <3 recommend reading the ‘first times’ in the masterlist next if you haven’t yet :D as always reblogs and/or feedback are appreciated 🥰 and yes. i love beabadoobee.
“sir, will you help me-“ you panic, eyes pleading for help as you look between the door and the owner of the music shop. “i think it’s stuck.”
“oh! of course, of course. i apologize about that.” the middle-aged man, quick to your aid, ducks out of the counter. “i ought to get this thing changed soon. spent a fortune on it but it’s not doing what it’s supposed to do.”
you copy his chuckle, watching him push up the still half-closed door before shoving it open to the side.
“thank you!” you politely bow your head before stepping out.
“come back again next time! i’ll give you a discount!”
“really? a discount? then i have no choice but to come back!” you whine playfully, smiling at the promise of saving money in the future. you present him another bow. “have a good night! close the door now, it’s cold.”
the 90’s love song playing inside becomes muffled when the transparent glass completely shuts out the outside world once again. instead, the lead vocalist’s voice is replaced by a golden and dulcet humming by a stranger.
you scan for the source of the sound, and at once, you discover it when you whip your head to the right. scrolling through his phone, he’s sitting at the far corner of the old wooden bench— the same boy who was paying at the counter when you stumbled into the store. unbeknownst to yourself, your heart skips a beat. you were transported to a field of flowers when you brushed past him, and you met his big brown eyes briefly when he turned to leave.
burdened by the heavy and uneven weight you’re carrying on your shoulders, you decide to rest on the other side of the bench while you wait for a taxi to pass by. you spare a glance at the oversaturated band posters on the off-white wall behind it before sitting down as their audience.
the humming ceases when he feels your presence beside him.
you cautiously set down the padded guitar bag on the ground, securing it in between your thighs, anxious of getting so much as a scratch on the precious instrument. it’s a dear friend’s birthday tomorrow, and you only found the time and the money to purchase her gift today.
you check your wrist watch. 10:13pm. you fell asleep in the library while studying for a test, and because of that, you’re probably going to be home at around midnight. this place is pretty far and secluded, but apparently it’s known for its good and rare finds. you went here with your friend two months ago just to window shop and one of their bass guitars caught her eye. naturally, you couldn’t resist. her birthday gift has to be this. for some reason, it just feels easier to spend money on your loved ones than yourself.
will you even manage to send a birthday message before you pass out to sleep again? god, you hope so.
you feel your empty stomach grumbling angrily, and you’re not sure if it makes a sound or if it’s all just in your muddled head. yup, you missed dinner, too.
“i’m so hungry.” you cry out quietly, resting your forehead on the neck of the guitar.
fine, maybe you subconsciously said it a little louder than quiet. it was a shot in the dark, curious if the stranger beside you would have any sort of reaction. you hope for a glance at most. he has beautiful eyes, ones you almost feel envious of.
“me too.“ the sulky response slips out of his mouth with an exhausted sigh.
the sound of his voice makes you perk up in pleasant surprise, gazing at him with an amused, tight-lipped smile. on the other hand, he stiffens from the realization of what he just did. he stops manspreading, straightening himself up and awkwardly clearing his throat.
“sorry… it was a reflex.”
“it’s okay.” you reassure him with a quick laugh.
you tear your eyes away from him, watching the moths frantically flying under the street lamps. it’s silent for a moment, except for the shop owner’s on-going playlist and the occassional singing of the abundant crickets.
you face him again with a flair of innocence.
“do you want a granola bar?”
he lifts his head to look at you, the screen’s light reflecting on his tan skin, and that grants you the ability to see his breathtaking eyes. there might’ve been countless instances when they hated how small this bench is, most likely a tight fit for three people, but right now, you wouldn’t have it in any other way.
“it’s just that… i’m going to eat it and it feels rude to eat alone knowing you’re hungry, too.”
his teeth sinks in lower lip, contemplating for a few beats before nodding his head. “yeah, sure. i’d like one. thank you.”
you bring out the tupperware from your messenger bag, unfastening the sides open and separating the lid. as your own wordless way of telling him that they’re not poisoned, you grab one first, taking a small bite, before offering the container to him.
“here you go.”
you stifle a cackle when he pulls down the sleeves of his black hoodie as if he’s preparing to eat a whole course meal. he’s so fucking cute, gentle and dainty while picking up the granola bar along with the parchment paper underneath it. that leaves you with three left. you set down the tupperware between the two of you, loosely putting the lid on top.
“huh?” he exclaims with big round eyes, hand hovering over his mouth as he chews. “did you make this?”
the question makes you wince nervously. he didn’t like it? you could’ve sworn it's the best batch you’ve made so far. “uhm, if it tastes good, then i did. if not-”
“no, no. i like it.” he giggles, waving his hand to shoo your worries. “it’s not too sweet, and it’s soft? how did you make it chewy?!”
“oh-” you breathe out a sigh, clutching your chest in relief. “i just follow a recipe i found online! my neighbor gives me honey like every week so i found a use for it.”
“well, it’s really good. thank you.” he gives you a kind smile, scrunching his nose before resuming to eat the snack you spent your sunday night preparing.
and it’s quiet again. you look the other way to hide the proud smile playing on your lips, the fluttering of your unguarded heart raging and stubborn. maybe if you put food in your mouth, you’ll stop talking… not.
“i’m ___.”
he swallows before replying, distinctive dimples near his mouth making an appearance. “i’m jungkook.”
jungkook. it suits him so well. it’s perfect.
“do you play the guitar?“ jungkook asks curiously, motioning at the instrument you’re holding.
“oh, no- i just got this for my friend’s birthday. she’s in a band.” you share with a chuckle. “what about you? what do you need those giant speakers for?”
“ahh, they are big, aren’t they?” he scrunches his nose, glancing at the two boxes beside his feet. “i just figured buying new speakers would motivate me to work on music more.”
“are you a singer?” you gasp dramatically for effect. “or perhaps, a rapper?”
“i mean…” he smiles sheepishly, shrugging his shoulders. “i guess i can rap, too.”
“that’s cool. i think you have a pretty talking voice, too.”
“aigoo, thank you so much.” he jokingly bends down his torso for a bow, clasping his hands together with the small remaining piece of granola bar in between before taking it in between his teeth.
the harmony of your laughter bleeds through the chilly air, providing your hearts a wave of much needed warmth.
“thank you too. you gave me an idea what to gift my friends next time.”
“speakers?” his face lights up like of a kid unboxing presents beside the christmas tree. you’ve never met anyone who looks this passionate at the mention of the said device— this whole interaction is giving you the urge to dive deeper into the world of music beyond the sphere of being a casual listener. “they’ll love it. it’s the best gift for me personally.”
you tilt your head to the side. “you know a lot about them?”
“hmmm, i don’t know.” he purses his lips as he hums, eyes falling on the ground as he ponders. “they’re important for shows and work so i naturally learn a lot about them… i often look for reviews and new releases. it’s like a hobby?”
“really? then i’m sold. i need you.”
the carelessly casual words escape your mouth before you can think twice.
“need me?” he repeats your word in surprise, pointing at himself.
you disguise yourself with a nod and a coy smile, acting nonchalant as if you’re not screaming inside. you’ve always been this shameless when you have nothing to lose, but he’s just so pretty that you want to learn shit like what his favorite food is and whether your zodiac signs are compatible even though you don’t believe in them.
“help me choose the best speakers to buy, one year from now. i don’t know anything about music at all, so i always have a hard time with gifts.” you’re pouting sadly by the end, your words bearing the weight of truth, albeit you’re also using them as an excuse to glue yourself onto him.
in your mind, five seconds feels like it’s stretching into eternity. he breaks out into a shy grin, playing with the parchment paper left in his hand before folding it over and over again until it becomes the same size as the nail of his thumb. he stuffs it into the pocket of his washed denim jeans.
“okay then, i should help you. give me your number?”
your hands graze each other as you lay hold of his phone, clueless instruments of your and jungkook’s youthful impulses and anticipation.
“do you have other ___’s in your contacts? should i name myself ‘___ from mj’s music box’?” you inquire half-jokingly, raising your eyebrows at him.
”ey, come on. there’s no need for that.” he chortles, staring back at you with an unnamed emotion in his eyes, but you quickly revert your attention to the screen and you don’t notice.
“i don’t think you’ll remember me just by my name a year from now, though.” you mutter to yourself as you tap on the screen. after that, you tap the call button to save his number on your phone as well.
you’re already handing him back his phone when he finally constructs a reply-
“is that so? then make it difficult for me to forget.”
and the air gets robbed from your lungs. it makes you wonder how many hearts he has broke, being this handsome and charming, and if you’ll even drag this out and stick around long enough to find out.
“be careful of your words. i’m pretty competitive.” you playfully taunt him, softly tugging his wrist to put the device on his delicately wide palm. “don’t blame me when i end up being the only person you think about.”
he matches your energy, a cocky smirk tugs at the corner of his lips as he shakes his head. “psh, why would i? that doesn’t sound like a bad deal.”
why are you thinking of ways to keep this flowing instead of retreating and coming up with an obvious excuse to leave? as always, you find yourself most liberated when you meet new people, even when you know they’ll only be a fleeting presence in your life, here to leave a stain or a scar. you wish a taxi never arrives. you wish to be left stranded here for the rest night so you can hear him talk about the first song he ever wrote and you can tell him about the stupid song your first boyfriend wrote for you.
but alas, the universe intervenes with your fantasies and the approaching blazing headlights almost blind your blurry eyes.
you wave your hand to hail the taxi, and you smile at jungkook one more time. “time for me to go.”
“oh, okay.”
the vehicle parks infront of the bench. he watches you hurriedly toss the granola bar you never finished into the transparent tupperware, a feeling akin to disappointment gnawing at his guts.
“wait- weren’t you waiting for a taxi, too?” you wonder out loud as you slide the resealed container inside your bag.
“i’m fine, i have a ride. you go take it- oh, oh- let me help you with that-” he stands up abruptly when he sees you struggling to stand up, lifting the guitar to relieve you of the barrier.
“thanks, jungkook.” you laugh airily, getting on your feet, closer to him than you’ve ever been. he’s taller than you originally thought, and it’s hard to ignore the fact that his flexing forearms are veiny… (you have a suspicion that he’s doing it on purpose. the guitar bag isn’t that heavy.) those, paired with that pretty baby face— he’s so manly and so adorable in a way you’ve never seen in anyone else. he’s a beautiful, refreshing sight to behold.
you’re holding your breath, as if that would freeze the hands of the clocks, halt the earth from spinning on its axis because it’s the only way for you to stay without blaming yourself. the love songs haven’t stopped playing, and a slow acoustic sets out to delude you that this is a scene from an indie romance film, a beginning of something beautiful, but it rarely is. it never is.
his bunny teeth sink into his bottom lip, tainting it a darker shade of pink, before his tongue sneaks out to lick it. “you can go inside.” he generously says, slightly raising his arms to gesture at your cherished gift he’s grasping securely.
you only nod in understanding, walking past him and proceeding to open the door to slide into the backseat. you assist him in putting the guitar inside the taxi and over your lap, and you force your brain to shut down before you can speak again and your friskiness gets you into trouble.
“get home safe, ___!” he brightly chirps, waving at you goodbye.
your cheeks are starting to hurt from all the giddy smiles, but you just can’t stop, not when he has this contagious and bubbly expression painted on his face that’s simply impossible not to adore.
“you too, jungkook.”
his meticulous eyes briefly wander around your figure, checking if you’re too close, and then he carefully slams the door shut. you sink into your seat, swallowing the lump in your throat before telling the taxi driver your address.
you don’t want to think too much, so you close your eyes, hoping to get more sleep to recharge your mental and social batteries. unsurprisingly, you grow restless not even five minutes after. the soothing piano ballads faintly playing in the radio aren’t much help either. an infuriated scream hangs on the tip of your tongue, and you bite it down into dust. instead, you dish out your phone from the pocket of your bag to save jungkook’s number… but then the venomous voice of your ex calling you degrading names ranging from ‘an ungrateful, attention-seeking bitch’ to ‘a slut’ after you broke up with him echo in your tumultuous head, and you begin feeling pathetically small and nauseous. for a split moment you find yourself contemplating whether you should just delete it or not. out of guilt or out of fear, maybe both, you’re not quite certain.
what ultimately pull you out from the dark abyss of relentless overthinking are the first notifications you ever receive with his name attached to them.
hey this is JK
i just thought of this now ?!..
trade my music equipment expertise for your magical granola bar recipe? :)
you bury your face in your hands, silently crying out— “ah shit, this is so annoying. why does he have to be so cute? i need a drink.”
“i’m hungry.” the grumpy complaint spills from your tongue now that bam, your not-so little happy pill, is out from sight.
“me too.” jungkook juts out his bottom lip, lifting his head from your shoulder to look at you. “do you still have strawberry wafers in your bag?”
his question prompts you to hug it defensively. no, just no. “i’m saving them for emergencies-”
he puts his index finger infront of his lips, shushing you with a shake of his head. he tuts. “i know. this is an emergency, baby.”
cornered at the armrest of the couch, you have nowhere else to go. you unwillingly surrender to satisfying his craving, grimacing as he starts rummaging through your bag. this is exactly why you told him you should eat brunch before bringing in bam for his grooming, but jungkook insisted that it won’t take too long. sure, maybe the grooming session itself won’t… but the waiting in line part? that definitely took too long. making an appointment is technically futile when you’re visiting on a weekend.
“mhmmm, i love it.” he moans in satisfaction, devouring the slice of wafer in only two consecutive bites.
you glare at him when he offers you the plastic bag with a teasing smile, seizing it from his grip to snack on the treat while you continue to wait at the lounge area. you’re the only fur parents left here, the last clients before the staff goes on their hour-long lunch break. the sign on the door has been flipped to say ‘CLOSED’.
jungkook wraps one arm around you, pulling you closer by the shoulder and cupping your face with his warm hand to plant an apologetic kiss on your cheek. “i’ll cook you a hearty meal for dinner when we get home.”
you melt in his hold, leaning further against the backrest to release the tension from your body bred by hunger and impatience.
“really?” you feign nonchalance as you make the futile attempt of hiding the pleased smile curving on your lips. “i want chicken. the one you made before, with the creamy and spicy sauce.”
your mouth is practically watering as you describe the dish, the smell and taste of his cooking still vivid in your senses’ memory. it’s making the food you’re eating painfully insipid, but it’s better than nothing.
“and wine, too. no- actually, i’m craving tequi- argh, i’ll settle with wine.”
“okay! chicken and wine for dinner!” he agrees straight away, pressing a kiss on your temple before pinching one more stick of wafer between his fingers. he breaks it into two halves and gives one of them to you.
you accept it wordlessly, but a peculiar feeling is slithering its way into the tight confines of your heart, and you can’t withdraw your eyes from closely observing your gorgeous boyfriend. he brushes off the crumbs that fell on his white t-shirt and his lap after he finishes his share, still chewing as he tenderly takes the empty plastic from your hand. just as you predicted, he finds entertainment in folding it as small as possible.
“this is giving me déjà vu.”
“déjà vu?” he tilts up his head, doe eyes widening as you’ve captured his attention.
“uh-huh, you know when we first met…” you trail off, sending him a threatening look when the confused expression on his face stays unchanging. “you remember, right?”
his mouth hangs open before his eyebrows knit in irritation, posture straightening as he stammers with his defense. “what kind of question is that? you’re hurting my feelings- you were wearing a varsity jacket with the number 6 on it!”
“jungkook, i wore that like everyday for four months.”
his expression softens, pierced lip forming a pout. “do you even know that i-i… ah, i’ll show you instead!”
“show me what?”
he digs his hand in the pocket of his dark blue denim jeans, dishing out his wallet. you peer at him with curiosity as he rapidly unzips it to comb through his cards, pausing at his driver’s license and removing the white paper hiding behind it.
“no way-” you splutter, nearly choking on your own spit as your hunch grows enormously.
he unfolds it to reveal the faded blue ink that writes the most crucial and specific details of the first time the universe conspired to make your paths cross.
“look, i still have the receipt from the night! november 11…”
you notice him squinting at the faint characters, and you momentarily disconnect from the surge of mixed emotions to pull out his prescription glasses from the collar of his t-shirt. you affectionately wear it on him, weaving your fingers through his hair to brush away the loose strands from his bun blocking the lens.
“thanks baby- it’s november 11, 2017. at 9:55pm!”
jungkook originally kept this receipt for a month incase he had to return the speakers due to unforeseen defect or damage. but then you never stopped talking, and you became the only person he thinks of 24/7 just as your coquettish warning told. the thought of throwing it out never occured to him. instead, he preserved it in his wallet because he carries it with him everywhere he goes. he would even argue that it’s his most important property in it. he can have his credit cards cancelled then replaced, but this piece of paper is once in a lifetime.
mj’s music box closed down due to the pandemic. he hasn’t told you this, didn’t want to break your heart when he found out. he knows that you treasure the place as much as him, if not more.
meanwhile, the new-found knowledge has rendered you speechless, unblinking, buffering.
“what’s with that face? you’ve never seen this in my wallet?” he quizzes you in bewilderment, smiling humorously.
“of course i haven’t! you want me going through your wallet without permission?!” you whine, hugging his arm and hiding yourself behind his back to calm the intense pumping of your heart.
oh, your sweet, sweet jungkook— he never runs out of way to make you fall in love with him all over again.
“my love, you know i don’t care about things like that.” he chuckles, astonished by how you still highly value and respect his privacy and boundaries despite how long you’ve been together. it just occurs to him then, that at the very core of your relationship, this is probably why he never once regretted moving in with you. he says it all the time, but he just feels so goddamn lucky to have you in his life. he loves you. he loves everything about you. even the things he doesn’t like, he loves.
“aren’t you going to eat that?”
you’re overflowing with his love, you can’t stomach anything else.
“i won’t.”
“i’ll indulge myself then.” he cages your hand in his, raising it for the wafer to reach his lips. he bites it all the way down like a bunny eating a carrot, ending the journey with a chaste kiss on your knuckle. “you’re too quiet… are you crying?”
you shake your head profusely, tightening your embrace. “i love you so much, i can’t think. i just want to hug you.”
he smells a different type of sweet nowadays— more manly, more mature, binding you in an enrapturing spell, and with a suble hint of a baby scent that somehow makes him much more intoxicating. it’s overwhelming to think about— the amount of perfume bottles you’ve bought and consumed after asking one another if they smell too basic or too strong; the amount of times jungkook changed his wallet and took the receipt along with him because it only felt right.
“mkay, i’m not going anywhere.” he whispers, nosing at your hair.
and so, he stays stuck by the glue onto you as he gulps down a bottle of water, as he returns his wallet in his pocket with grunts of difficulty, as he deletes a promotional text on his phone sent by his service provider. he suspects that you’ve already fallen asleep. after all, you did spend the entire night dancing to the songs he sang along to. you wore the crocheted blanket you made as a cape and a dress, flowing with your graceful movements controlled by the lyrics and the beat and the melody and his compliments and his giggles.
he’s proven wrong when you slowly turn your head, cheek squished against his bicep. with heavy eyelids, you search for his hands, tangling them with your lonely ones.
“want to hear something silly about that day?”
“i’m all ears.” he beams eagerly, watching you twiddle with his long and slender fingers.
“do you know why i offered you my food?”
“because you couldn’t let a pretty boy like me succumb to starvation?”
“weeeell, there’s that…” you admit to his confident guess. “but aside from that, i wanted to see your nails closely.”
“my nails?”
you make a noise of confirmation as you trace his tattoos, a laugh seeping from the cracks of your relaxed demeanor. “to see if they were clean and trimmed or not.”
“so…” jungkook, the most hygienic man you’ve ever met, is digesting what you just confessed to him. “if they were dirty, you never would’ve told me your name?”
“hmm, yeah. because i always badgered my ex about it and you know how that relationship ended, so i thought enforcing those type of rules would help because i don’t want to deal with that shit again.” you cringe at younger you’s naivety and desperation, smiling shyly. “and it kind of… worked out so well? it sounds so funny to me now. i actually love myself for that.”
“fuck, baby,” he sighs.
he can’t imagine how a human being could ever dare to treat you with anything but gentleness. literally, can’t. it makes him sick to his stomach, makes the blood in his veins boil. he feels disturbed by the memories that still haunt you, and he feels angry because he is powerless and he can’t erase them no matter how hard he tries.
he caresses your face, planting doting kisses on your lips. the ghost of his affection lingers, like an invisible lipstick mark. “i wish i met you sooner.”
“what are you saying? i think we met at the perfect time!” you console his frustration, grinning when the epiphany lands on top of your bittersweet flashbacks. “out of the 365 days of the year, we met at 11/11. you’re my wish come tru- bam!”
the shocked, high-pitched squeal freefalls from your mouth when bam excitedly jumps on your laps out of nowhere, the weight of his upper half crushing your thighs underneath him. the dog smiles at you, panting.
“bam, i missed you but i was just about to tell your dad something romantic!”
taglist in the reblogs! send an ask / dm if you want to be added (or removed) :D
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digitaldiarystuff · 6 months
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summary: You and Jude go on a late night drive when he gives you a present and you freak out
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
genre: angst/ fluff
When Jude had to bail on your dinner date you were pretty bummed. You realized his schedule was hectic and you couldn’t meet everyday but tonight you put so much effort in your looks and felt sad. You didn’t even bother changing your dress and went straight to depression mode bringing out ice cream as dinner. You were halfway into the rom-com you were watching until your phone started buzzing.
“Hey baby.” you said a little sleepy.
“Hey love, are you at home?”
“Where else would I be Jude, of course I’m at home.” you sarcastically said.
“Okay then come out.”
“Are you here?” you exclaimed ecstatic about meeting your boyfriend. You missed him so much and desperately needed him to hold you.
“Yes Y/N just come out here.”
“But where are we going, all the restaurants are closed.” you said realizing it’s well past 2 a.m.
“Just come to me.” he said and hung up. Rude, you thought but the excitement to see him was too much that you grabbed your coat and skipped like a little girl to his car.
“I missed you so much.” you said as soon as you were seated and reached out to his side to hug him. He always brought comfort to you.
“Oh my god baby you look unreal.” he said as he’s eyeing you without shame. “And I’m here looking like a homeless man”
You chuckled “I don’t think homeless people wear Prada.”
“Some of them do, no seriously I saw one of them the other day full on rocking Givenchy.” he said and you felt all your stress lifting. Jude always made your mood go up immediately.
After that he reached for the back seat and grabbed some takeout.
“I know you skipped dinner so I brought you some.” he said and you smiled seeing how well he knew you.
“You’re the best.” you said as he started driving to a spot where you could overlook the city and eat in peace. Even though Jude’s career and his social life was a little much sometimes, these calm moments were your favorites. Just you two enjoying each other’s company with no distractions.
As soon as he pulled up, you grabbed the Chinese food from the packages and gave him his chopsticks. You ate and talked about your day and the things that bothered you since you were both drama queens. This was a fun conversation you had everyday, you told each other everyone who made you mad and gossiped about them.
“And then he said I should eat less because I gained 0.5% fat.”
“Oh no he didn’t.” you fake gasped and laughed. Jude was so extra sometimes.
You spoke for a few more minutes until you remembered something.
“Oh god, what am I even gonna get your mum for her birthday? What if I choose something hideous?” you panicked and Jude calmed you down saying how much his mum loves you and would love anything from you.
“But since we’re on the subject of presents.” he said and opened the console in front of you.
“I got you a little something.”
You noticed the blue bag immediately. It was Tiffany, and small. You felt your heart beating and started panicking. Your friends made some jokes about you being already married with Jude since your relationship was going on for 2 years and strong but you always avoided the subject. Coming from a broken household, with separated parents, you were always afraid of marriage from a young age. Jude knew that and respected your ideas though he always said he wanted to spend eternity with you.
But seeing a small box in a Tiffany bag has made you anxious, surely Jude wouldn’t propose to you right? You knew that but you couldn’t hide your horrified expression as his burrows furrowed.
“You don’t wanna open it?” he asked.
“Jude, what’s in the box?” you asked warily.
“Baby, open it and see.” he was confused about your reaction.
“Jude I need you to tell me what’s inside it. Please.” you begged getting more and more agitated.
“Y/N what’s going on? It’s just a gift, I saw it in the store and thought you’d love it.”
“What is it?”
“Y/N what are you so pressed about? This isn’t a complex situation, you grab the bag open it and thank me. Why are you acting weird love?”
When you said nothing, he snatched the bag from you and opened it himself.
“It’s just a fucking necklace, I’m not proposing to you.” he laughed a little trying to lighten the mood until he saw your face.
“Y/N I”
“I’m sorry Jude, I’m so sorry.” you started sobbing from guilt. You freaked out about nothing and have been rude to Jude. He immediately realized what’s going on and you could see his eyes fill with guilt as well.
“Baby, shh it’s okay. It’s not your fault I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m sorry.”
“No no it’s my fault, I freaked out on you. I’m sorry, I’m just a weirdo who doesn’t appreciate you enough.” he held you against his body and helped you calm down. After your sniffles stopped he leaned back and held your cheeks to make you look up at him.
“Y/N you don’t owe me any explanation, I love you with all your weirdness and flaws just like you love me. I want to spend my life with you, you’re it for me with or without a big commitment and ceremony. I want you next to me but would never push you, I’ll always be with you.”
You smiled at him and realized you’re the luckiest girlfriend ever.
“Thank you Jude, for everything and for the record I want to spend my life with you too.”
He kissed you with love and you happily reciprocated.
“I can’t believe you thought I’d propose like this. You really don’t even know me at all.” he said looking offended and you giggled.
“Now let’s see this necklace, do you want to put it on me?” you said and turned your back to him as he pulled it and clasped the back. It was the most beautiful piece of jewelry you’ve ever laid eyes on.
“But you do know me.”
“Of course I do.” he said and kissed your temple after seeing the pendant on your neck.
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zegrasdrysdale · 6 months
Jack Hughes - being a dad
[ daddy's girl ] j. hughes
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paring : dad!Jack Hughes x fem!reader
summary : (Y/N) surprises Jack on his birthday by bringing their eight month old daughter to her first hockey game, which happens to be during the first round of the 2024 playoffs
warning(s) : mentions of birth,
author’s note : i've had baby fever really bad recently so here y’all go. i'm thinking about expanding this into an au universe so if you think you'd be interested in seeing that, just lmk !
It's been hard to keep a secret from her fiancé for nearly two weeks so (Y/N) is ecstatic the day Jack's birthday arrives. It's a good thing that their daughter can't speak yet or she would definitely give away the surprise that is planned for that night.
One part of the surprise isn't physically that big, but (Y/N) had to pull some strings and call in some favors to make sure it didn't get to Jack that she is going to the game tonight with their baby girl for the first time. Their daughter will be wearing the other half of the surprise that Jack won't even see until the Devils hit the ice for warm ups.
Needless to say, (Y/N) is very surprised for the day ahead.
Jack's alarm goes off early at seven in the morning the day of his birthday, but (Y/N) is already wide awake with breakfast already made so Jack can have breakfast in bed on his 23rd birthday.
He's been exhausted lately because of how long the first has gone against Carolina. Tonight is game seven so she knows how stressed out and anxious he is. The least she can do is give him a good morning before he goes to the arena for morning practice.
She watches from the doorway as Jack reaches over to the bedside table to turn off his phone alarm. He reaches across the mattress to her side and when he doesn't feel (Y/N) in bed with him, he sits up.
"Happy birthday, my love," (Y/N) softly says as she walks into room. She holds a tray with a plate full of food and a mug with coffee. She sets the tray in front of Jack on the bed after he sits up and crosses his legs. "I thought you deserved breakfast in bed after the past few weeks."
Jack has the biggest smile on his face and watches his fiancée sit beside him. "The world truly does not deserve you baby," he tells her. He leans over and quickly pecks her lips. "Thank you for breakfast."
She smiles and he begins to eat his breakfast. (Y/N) steals a couple pieces of bacon from the plate and Jack looks offended every single time. He tries swatting her hand away but she manages to get some more bacon.
Almost right on time at half past seven, the monitor goes off and their daughter begins to cry. Jack goes to get up and (Y/N) stops him. "I got her," she tells him. "You finish eating. I'll go get her."
Quickly, (Y/N) gets out of bed to go across the hall to their baby's room. She leans down and picks her crying baby up. "Good morning to you too, Reina," she says as she holds her in her arms. "Let's get you changed and get you fed, yeah? Does that sound a good idea?"
Little Reina keeps crying when (Y/N) lays her down on the changing table. She grabs a diaper and wipes to change her daughter's very stinky diaper. She hums to hopefully calm her.
It works and Reina's cries grow quiet. She stares up at her mother with her big blue eyes. She looks so much like Jack and (Y/N) loves it.
As (Y/N) puts Reina back into her pajamas, Jack says behind her, "I love watching you with her. I couldn't resist coming over to watch you with her."
She turns around with Reina in her arms. Her daughter lays her head on her shoulder and coos softly when she sees her father. A smile is on her lips as Jack walks into the room. "You only say that because I changed her smelly diaper," she jokes.
"You said it," Jack laughs. "Not me." He takes Reina from (Y/N). "Good morning, baby girl. You slept really good last night. Was that my birthday present?" Reina giggles and babbles like she's answering her father.
"You keep sweet talking your daughter while I make her a bottle," she tells Jack. "She likes you better anyway."
Jack laughs and begins to sway with Reina against his chest. (Y/N) leaves and goes into the kitchen to make her daughter a bottle.
She tried breastfeeding after her daughter was born, but both she and Reina weren't a fan. It's okay though. Not every baby breastfeeds and it took (Y/N) a while to understand that and to realize that there was nothing wrong with either of them because of it.
As soon as the bottle is warm enough, she makes her way back to Reina's room. She hears Jack talking to her so she stands out of sight so listen for a second.
"I can't wait for the day you come to one of my games," Jack is saying when (Y/N) approaches the door. "You'll get a front row seat to seeing me warm up on the ice with your mom holding you. I won't be able to focus and will probably get yelled at by Nico for paying more attention to you but I won't care. You probably won't even remember coming to the game but I will never forget it. I haven't forget the first game your mom came to after we started dating during my second season. I thought Nico was going to have my head when I stayed right by the glass where she was standing the entire time I was supposed to be warming up. I got an earful from him when I got back to the locker room before the game started but it was so worth it."
She smiles and turns into the room so Reina can get her bottle. "I should've known you never forgot that game," she says. "You guys did win and you scored two goals."
Jack looks over at her and smiles. Reina practically squeals when she sees the bottle in (Y/N)'s hand. "I had to make sure we won," he jokes as he hands Reina over to her mother. "I'm going to get ready to head to the arena for practice. Are we still on for an early lunch when I get done?"
"Reina and I will waiting for you in the parking lot when you get done," she tells him. "Please make sure you shower when you're done so you don't smell like sweat walking into the restaurant."
He shoots her a smile and leaves the room. (Y/N) sits in the rocking chair by the window. She slowly rocks back and forth while feeding Reina. Her eyes are on the rising sun while Reina drinks every drop of the bottle she's being given.
She's thinking about how Jack said he can't wait until Reina comes to one of his games. He has no idea that she's going to be right there for the game tonight.
As soon as Jack leaves the apartment to go to the Prudential Center for the game, (Y/N) begins to get herself and Reina ready to go.
The plan is to leave around 5:30, and it's only 4 o'clock so there is plenty of time to get herself showered and Reina bathed.
She starts with a shower while Reina is napping in her room. She makes sure to do a full wash. Shampoo, condition, body wash, face wash, exfoliation, and making sure to shave of all necessary body parts. She waits until Reina is awake to bathe her because, like her father, she gets cranky when she gets woken up from a nap.
Once they're both clean and dry, (Y/N) digs into the depths of the closet to pull out the little jersey she had made for Reina tonight.
Reina looks very cute in the little black Jersey jersey. On the back, it says "Daddy" with an 86 under it. She happily coos when she's secure in the jersey. (Y/N) makes sure to get a picture so she can show Jack after the game.
(Y/N) puts on her own matching Jersey jersey that just has Jack's last name and number on it. It's going to be her last name one day too so she doesn't mind wearing it. The jersey is big enough to be a dress on her so she throws on a pair of shorts underneath so she's wearing pants and puts on black knee high heeled boots. She ties her hair up into a messy ponytail and puts on light makeup.
She holds Reina on her hip and takes a picture of them in the mirror as soon as she's dressed. She keeps them to herself until after Jack sees them at the game. Her daughter seems very happy in her new jersey. Her first jersey.
Right on time, (Y/N) is carrying Reina downstairs to the car. A baby bag is thrown over her shoulder that has extra diapers, wipes, formula, baby ear protection since it gets pretty loud in the arena during a playoff game, and their security passes to get into the family suite after warm ups and down into the players' lounge after the game.
She secures Reina in her car seat with her favorite stuffed elephant. Reina is babbling happily while she plays with the elephant so she gets in the front seat to drive the half hour to the Prudential Center.
Soft children's music is played during the ride to keep Reina happy and (Y/N) sane. All the songs are songs that both Jack and (Y/N) picked so they don't lose their minds during long drives. Reina seems to like them so they play the playlist every time they get in the car.
(Y/N) is shaking with excitement as she pulls into the private parking lots where players and their families park for games. It's hard to find a parking spot. There are a lot of cars so she knows that other wives, girlfriends, and families are here for the game.
It's game seven of round one of the playoffs against Carolina. She isn't at all surprised that the parking lot is pretty much full. She's sure that families that are here for Hurricanes players are parked here too.
As she's getting Reina out of her car seat, a voice behind her says, "Please tell me you brought that little angel of yours with you." She turns and sees Erik Haula's wife, Kristen, and her two kids. "All I've heard for the past few months is how happy Jack is to have a little baby and I have yet to meet her."
With a laugh and Reina on her hip, (Y/N) turns around. Kristen smiles at Reina in her jersey. "Here she is," she says. "Little Reina. She's very excited to be here." Her daughter giggles while she plays with her toy.
"She is so cute," Kristen squeals. "Wow, she looks so much like Jack. They could be twins. It's crazy that we do all the work and they come out looking like their father."
"Right?" she laughs. "All Jack did was tell me to push and held my hand while I screamed and pushed his baby out of me." Kristen nods in agreement and smiles. "Walk with me?"
The two of them walk into the Prudential Center with their kids. She holds Reina on her hip as they walk into the building. They show their badges to security to get to the lounge with the players' families.
Almost everyone in the room gushes over Reina. Her grandparents are the first to get to her. Ellen and Jim Hughes immediately take Reina into their arms. Even Uncle Quinn gets involved with holding Reina. (Y/N) sits with Kristen and they talk about their kids while her oldest runs around with one of the other kids.
One of her favorite things is to talk about her daughter and brag about her daughter. She has the best daughter and she wants to make sure everyone knows that. She has the best daughter and her daughter as the best father. (Y/N) wants the entire world to know that.
At 6:30, the wives and girlfriends are told they can head out to the ice for warm ups. (Y/N) grabs Reina's ear protection before following behind the group. She puts them on as she walks to the ring.
Reina is holding her elephant as (Y/N) stands right in front of the glass. She's playing with the elephant’s trunk when the Devils players all skate into the ice.
They take shots at the net for the first minute or so before each player begins their own pregame warm up.
When Jack skates past the first time, he has to take a double take. When he skates by the second time, he actually stops and looks like he’s about to cry. (Y/N) turns a bit so he can see the back of Reina’s jersey. He pouts and knocks on the glass with the top of his stick.
(Y/N) tries to get Reina’s attention on Jack behind the class. “Reina, baby,” she says. “Look. It’s daddy.” Her daughter looks around then sees Jack behind the glass.
She smiles when she sees her dad. The biggest smile forms on Jack’s lips when Reina looks at him. Reina reaches out and puts her hands on the glass. Jack pulls off his glove and puts his hand up to hers.
“Hey, my loves,” Jack yells through the glass. Reina giggles when she hears his voice. “I gotta go. I love you both.”
(Y/N) waves goodbye with Reina’s hand before she blows him a kiss. Jack smiles again before he skates away. Her eyes follow her fiancé as he zooms around the ice to warm up for the game.
As warm ups end, Jack is one of the last guys on the ice. He takes a couple extra shots before he skates over to them one more time.
The lights dim and (Y/N) shows Jack the pictures she took before leaving their apartment. He smiles and taps the glass to get Reina’s attention. She giggles in response.
She holds up one half of a heart with her hand. Jack completes the heart as the horn goes off to signal the end of warm ups. “Say bye to daddy,” (Y/N) tells Reina. Her daughter smiles and bangs on the glass.
Jack skates off and (Y/N) heads up to the family suite to watch the game.
The first period goes by quickly. Brendan Smirh ends up with a major for fighting Sebastian Aho and vice versa. The Devils are the team to capitalize and Dawson scores a goal with a Dougie assist. They end the period up 2 to nothing after Luke scores an even strength goal with two minutes left, assisted by Ondrej and Jesper.
The second period is worse than the first. Aho scores on a breakaway and Teuvo Teräväinen scores a shorty. It’s tied at two going into the second intermission.
(Y/N) has to change Reina and give her a bottle. She wouldn’t stop crying with five minutes left in the period.
Ellen walks up to her while she’s feeding Reina in the back of the box. “I truly don’t understand how you’ve managed to stay sane all these years while you’ve played and watched hockey,” she admits to her future mother-in-law. “It’s only the first round and I’m losing my mind.”
“You’ll get used to it,” Ellen laughs. “If Jack is going to do anything, it’s stress you out during playoffs. The same thing happened last year.”
Yeah, except the Devils lost in 5 in the second round to Carolina. They made it to game seven this year. “I need him to not do that.”
The horn signals the end of intermission. The lights come up and (Y/N) makes her way back to her seat. Reina finishes her bottle.
Halfway through the period, Michael McLeod trips one of the Hurricanes and he’s granted a penalty shot. The puck gets past Vitek and Carolina celebrates on the bench as they take the lead with less than ten minutes left to go in the series.
She will never admit it to anyone but she uses Reina to hide behind. She uses her daughter to distract her from the fact the Devils are still down with three minutes left.
Lindy pulls Vitek and (Y/N) has to bite her lip before she yells at him even though he can’t hear her. The entire building is on edge as six Devils players get set for the faceoff.
Nico wins the faceoff and gets the puck back to Luke in the offensive zone. Luke passes to Dougie, who passes to Jack. (Y/N) watches Jack slap the puck to the net. The lantern lights up and the horn sounds. The building nearly explodes as the Devils tie the game up late in the third. (Y/N) stands with Reina on her hip and celebrates the birthday boy scoring a goal.
The final minute of play is always the worst when tied up. It's even worse when it's game seven in the Stanley Cup playoffs. (Y/N) is biting the skin around her nails as she watches Vitek get pulled from net one more time.
With thirty seconds left, Nico puts the puck in the back of the net and (Y/N) swears she loses her hearing from how loud it gets in the building.
The horn sounds one more time to signal that the Devils won the first round of the playoffs. Everyone in the suite celebrates while the boys celebrate on the ice.
One round down. Four games won. Three rounds left to go. 12 more wins. They got it this year.
It's nearly an hour after the game when the players begin to make their way into the lounge. Jack is one of the first players to come into the room.
His eyes immediately find (Y/N) and a now sleeping Reina in her arms. He makes his way over and sits beside them on the couch. Jack leans over and presses a soft kiss to her cheek. She looks over at him and smiles.
"Congratulations," she tells him. "Can't wait to root for you in the second round."
Jack's eyes are on his sleeping daughter. "I can't believe she's here," he says. "I mean, I couldn't wait to have her come to a game and she's actually here. Was she okay?"
"She was perfect," (Y/N) replies. "Your mom really helped out a lot. It was nice to come and watch without worrying about a sitter at home with Reina. She was very happy to see you during warm ups. She kept giggling and laughing whenever you skated by. She's such a daddy's girl sometimes. It was the best thing I think I have ever seen."
He takes Reina, who just yawns as she's picked up out of her mother's arms. "It means so much to me that you were both here for the game," he softly says. "Glad we were able to pull off the win for you guys. The jersey is a nice touch, by the way."
"Had to let everyone know who her daddy is," (Y/N) laughs. "I've gotten a lot of comments today saying that she looks like you so I think the entire world knows who her daddy is."
Jack laughs and (Y/N) rests her head on her fiancé's shoulder. "Thank you for giving me this life," Jack says atter a moment of silence. "Being here and being supportive even though I know it's exhausting most of the time. You're a great mom and an even better fiancée. Just want you to know that."
(Y/N) picks her head up and meets Jack's eyes. "We have a lifetime ahead of us," she replies. "But lets get through the playoffs before we continue worrying about any of that, yeah?"
He nods in agreement and Reina begins to whine in Jack's arms. He picks her up and holds her against his chest. Reina's head is on the shoulder that (Y/N) had her head on. As soon as Reina sees Jack, she smiles and he kisses her cheek. "Hi, my baby," Jack says against her skin. "Hope you had a nice nap. You've had a busy day."
She smiles as Jack sits Reina on his lap and plays with their daughter.
This is her life, and she can't wait to find out where it leads.
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another-lost-mc · 8 months
Hello! Hope your doing well, I just wanted to request how Lucifer (and his brothers if you want) would react to an MC with a birthday on the same day or near their birthday? I am requesting this because I only just found out my birthday is the day after Lucifers, I really don’t know how I never realized this, but yeah. You don’t have to do this right away I know your busy, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day/night!
- 🥀
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a/n: that could lead to so many fun and touching moments! my birthday is the day after solomon's and I think a combined party with him would be awesome, as long as he's not allowed to cook anything.
sharing the same birthday with mc | the demon brothers + dateables
1.2k words | sfw | fluff | gn!reader
cw: slightly suggestive in belphie's section because it's him. hints of possessiveness if you squint (mostly the dateables).
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There are different reactions to knowing your birthday is on or near their own. Almost all of them will try to prioritize your own preferences instead of their own. If you do (or don't) want to celebrate your birthdays together, they'll accommodate you so that you have the best birthday possible. ♡
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Lucifer — He's the Avatar of Pride and one of Diavolo's closest friends. A large celebration is inevitable and he has a certain image to uphold. If it were anyone else but you, he might be offended about sharing the spotlight of his birthday with someone else. Since it is you, he's not only open to the idea, but he's suddenly more invested in making sure the others take the preparations seriously. He also realizes that throwing one party (and dealing with the chaos that ensues) might be better than trying to throw two parties.
Mammon — He's totally onboard sharing his birthday party if it's with you. Everyone goes all-out to make the party bigger and better, and he's not going to complain about that. He still wants to do something special though, just the two of you. Maybe the day before or the day after the big party, nothing fancy, as long as you can focus on each other. Plus, he just happens to have another present he got for you, one he didn't want to give you at the party in front of everyone else. It's more sentimental, and he blushes when you open it and your eyes sparkle happily like the most beautiful gems he's ever seen. Without the others around, he gets to keep this perfect moment all to himself.
Levi — This works out great for him and he's more than willing to share the spotlight with you. It draws attention away from himself which means he's not as anxious. He doesn't usually like how much of a fuss everyone makes about his birthday. He might actually enjoy himself more knowing that he has something else in common with his Henry you. When the celebrations get too intense and completely unbearable, he can sneak away while everyone is distracted by the other guest of honor. Honestly, he thinks you deserve more attention than he does anyway.
Satan — He knows you have excellent taste and is completely fine to let you choose what kind of party to have. His brothers complain about his boring birthday ideas: going to a museum or gallery, seeing a play or obscure film in the human world. It's painfully transparent when they're more enthusiastic about doing those things if you want to. Satan can't find it in his heart to be (too) angry about it, because he holds your hand or sits next to you the entire time. He's going to make the most of it and no one else can complain. It's his birthday, after all.
Asmo — The only thing better than a big party celebrating his birthday is an even bigger party celebrating both of you! He's almost unbearable during the planning stage - he insists that everything must be perfect because you deserve nothing less than that. By the time he's done organizing everything, his birthday almost feels like an afterthought because he gets so caught up in making it the perfect day for you. He holds your hand and tucks you against his side when the party guests greet you and offer their birthday wishes. He takes countless selfies of both of you, but he keeps most of them for himself because he just can't bring himself to share them. You're stunning in the matching outfit he gave you as part of your gift, and he feels like the luckiest demon in the three realms every time you return his happy smiles with a bashful one of your own.
Beel & Belphie — They're already used to sharing birthday parties with each other, and they're happy to share with you too. They love their brothers and appreciate their friends, but on their birthday, they would rather spend the day with you alone. Their dream birthday is the perfect blend of all three of your interests. Beel gets to splurge on his favourite foods, and Belphie clings to you like an overly affectionate sloth. He's half-serious when he asks you to feed him because he's too tired to feed himself, and Beel just smiles around a mouthful of food watching the two of you bicker across the table. Beel gives you his gift, something thoughtful but practical, something he knows you wanted. Belphie nuzzles against your shoulder and slides his hand under the hem of your shirt and promises, "When we get home, we should have a nap - and I'll give you your present then."
Diavolo — His birthday is already one of the grandest celebrations in the Devildom, and he likes that it also falls on Halloween. Adding your birthday celebration to his is the best excuse to throw the biggest party in the three realms. Even if you share a party together, he makes sure that all the attendees acknowledge your birthday as much as they acknowledge his. He makes a toast in your honour and invites all your other friends to do the same. It's a glimpse of what it feels like to treat you like royalty, and Diavolo thinks he wouldn't mind sharing his birthday (or more) with you.
Barbatos — He doesn't usually like it when the others make a fuss over his birthday. It feels sort of pointless to someone with his power - time has strange meaning to him now. He softens his resistance to big parties or elaborate plans when he realizes he shares that special day with you. He would gladly take a personal day to celebrate his birthday (or yours) if you ask him to, since it's your company he enjoys the most. The Little Ds work hard to make sure Barbatos has nothing to worry about on his day off, but he's suspicious that they're only behaving so well because of you. Every year he looks forward to his birthday because he can spend the day spoiling you, and since your birthdays are so close together, he has the rare luxury of being spoiled by you too.
Simeon — He would prefer to spend his birthdays with you alone. He doesn't have many desires, but your company is something he craves constantly. That doesn't change when your birthday is the same as his, or is very close to it. If he's smart about it, he can make your combined celebration work to his advantage. It's not a lie when he tells everyone that an outing or special trip might be more exciting than a party at the castle, and it's hard to resist when there's still so much of the Devildom for you to experience and explore. (Simeon mostly counts on having more opportunities to sneak you away for some alone time if the others are distracted by their own activities.)
Solomon — He gloats that your birthdays are (nearly) identical, as if you're kindred spirts that share a special bond the others don't. (He brags about it so much that if they didn't care before, they're annoyed by it now.) The month of December in the human world can be so festive and nostalgic, but he understands why having a birthday during a holiday season can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes your birthday felt second-place to the other celebrations going on that time of year. You're his adorable little apprentice, and he promises like an oath that you'll never be disappointed or alone on your birthday again. You've never felt so special because you know he means it. (Your only request is that he lets someone else handle the birthday cake.)
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read more: when it's mc's birthday (nsfw) | obey me masterlist
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Birthday: cbf!soap x reader
Johnny turned eighteen a couple months after you.
He had tried to convince you to not make it a big deal, but you and his mother couldn’t help but have a celebration. He couldn’t lie that it was nice to have a couple presents and have cake with you, as well as play a couple games.
To end the evening, he took you on a drive, one that ended up lasting well into the night. The two of you were sat in a field, covered in nothing but darkness and the stars.
“Can’t believe we’re both eighteen now.” You said with disbelief and he nodded.
“Crazy to think about.” He added. “We’ll be graduating in a couple months.”
You hummed. The thought of graduation made you nervous. Not only was it a big change from the routine of high school but you weren’t entirely sure if Johnny was going to leave.
It had been a while since he had talked about joining the military and selfishly you hoped that meant he was done with the idea of it. You hoped that meant he was going to go to university with you and the two of you wouldn’t have to part ways.
If he went from talking about it almost weekly to not even mentioning it, that had to be the reason.
“Figured out what uni you’re going to?” He wondered and you shrugged.
“Not yet…I’m not really sure what my major would even be.” You told him but he didn’t say anything.
You noticed immediately and glanced over at him to see the slight disapproval on his face, something that made your stomach turn up in nots.
“That’s a lie.”
Johnny scowled and glanced away from you. He traced his fingers over the scar on his chin while he gripped the steering wheel.
“…you haven’t made a plan at all?” He wondered and you felt a little bit of shame creeping up inside you.
“I have one. A small one.” It wasn’t a lie but he didn’t seem to like that answer.
The real truth was that you were terrified. You didn’t want to grow up and lose everything again, like how it was when you first moved here in the first place, but the thought of the future made you anxious.
The future was uncertain. What would you do with your life after college? What would you do during college? Would you even choose the right major? Was going even worth it?
Was Johnny even going to be here?
You wanted to tell him all of that but the words got stuck in your throat. When did it get so hard to talk to him? When did you stop telling him your fears?
“Alright then.” He said and started the car.
“Why are upset with me?” Your voice was small as he started back on the road.
“I’m not upset with you.”
You knew that he was holding back. He wasn’t being truthful and he wasn’t saying what he could be saying to you.
When did it get so hard for him to talk to you?
You stared at him, anxiety consuming everything inside you to the point it was like you couldn’t breathe.
A/n: oops projected a bit in this one lol
Tags: @elysian0612 @cassiecasluciluce
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maestro030403 · 2 months
What toy the Batch would buy Omega for her Birthday
(Does she have a birthday??? Whatever - what they would buy her for any occasion because I bet they would buy her presents all the time if they could)
He would try to buy her a set of books or her own datapad, but would be made fun of by the other members because "that's not a toy"
He would definitely find some sort of chemistry set and quietly observe her playing with it
He's not the type of guy to actually play with it and show her how to play with it, although he wants to step in when she "does it wrong"
He doesn't let Wrecker touch it even though he's intrigued by the chemical reactions
"Independent play and discovery are very important for children's development. I read it in (blah blah blah)"
He would totally get her a little play set with dolls
A mini marauder-like ship and five little action figure clones with an extra little girl doll
He would definitely play house with her when he's not taking care of his other children he has the time
One time she got them all into the game and each of the members got to pretend to be the others
He would buy Omega some fidget toys because he thinks they're cool and will keep her busy
Hunter ends up finding them and showing Omega cool tricks with a yo-yo
Wrecker breaks about half of them
Crosshair sneakily steals one and uses it when he gets anxious
One of the batch sneaks one into Tech's hands when he's talking and he doesn't even notice. He keeps it.
He would buy her an easy-bake oven and "make snacks" and play chef with Omega
Tech boosted up the power so that it could actually cook - "if we have this thing we might as well be able to use it"
Crosshair puts something metal in it and it causes a fire
Hunter bans any sort of cookware that wasn't already built into the ship
He gets her a "build your own weapons kit."
Crosshair: "Don't show Hunter"
Wrecker: "Where'd you even find this?"
Echo: "This isn't for kids"
Tech: "It appears none of us can use it - the box says 'you must be 18 years or older to use'"
Hunter ends up finding it and making himself a weapon out of it
Omega insists that Batcher needs her own toys, too
The batch gets Batcher lots of chew toys and fetch toys
Echo insists that Omega's new chore is to clean up the dog toys when Batcher leaves them all over
Tech insists that they do not play fetch in his ship, especially after the so called "fetch incident"
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ipegchangbin · 10 months
— changbin’s birthday present.
🏷️ dom!reader, sub!changbin, petnames “baby” and “mommy,” anal (changbin receiving), pegging. 2k words.
a/n: hi, i’m back. ;)) happy late birthday to jutdwae from instagram!
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shock washed over changbin in waves. he stared at the present in his hands, hastily unwrapped out of curiosity and excitement; except that he never expected to fulfill his one favorite wish today.
the bright pink strap-on stared back at him first before he met eyes with you.
changbin clearly didn’t know how to react, the usually loud boy falling silent at the surprise. the corners of his lips were curling into a smile and he chuckled once before bombarding you with a flurry of silly questions.
“i really thought that you didn’t want to try it!” he exclaimed, but you only shook your head before accepting a kiss from him.
you giggled and tapped his nose. “it’s your birthday, binnie. we can try it later if you aren’t too tired by then.”
“nah, i wanna try it now.”
“want it,” changbin licked his lips, completely disregarding the fact that he had to get ready for a birthday dinner later. “kinda need it.”
you smirked at his needy face, eyes sparkling and mouth slicked with drool. “kinda?”
he offered the pink dildo and strap back to you. in your hands laid the one thing you both wanted to try for so long. changbin stared at it like an excited puppy, giving you all the reigns and the power — just as you both wanted.
he grabbed your wrists. you smiled, softening his excitement, eyes turning from stars into hearts.
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it didn’t take much more for you to comply. in minutes, the both of you were naked: he was on the bed, you were adjusting the strap.
changbin fiddled with the bottle of lube in his hands, clearly nervous yet curious. he zoned out in disbelief at the sight of your strap. it was big, the girth almost mirroring his own cock, and he felt slightly intimidated.
you fingered him before, right? it isn’t going to be any different, right? the lube will help, you both did your research. it’ll be fine, right?
“baby, you ready?”
he flashed you a meek downturned smile. “yeah. just…shy.”
“there’s no need to be shy, it’s just me.”
the slightly anxious giggle that left your throat followed by your focused hands squeezing the lube out of the bottle stunned changbin. you rubbed the smooth liquid all over your cock, causing him to bite his lower lip. everything about you was both adorable and hot, pretty and handsome, lustful and loving.
but you were both scared of fucking up.
“baby, if it starts to hurt, you know how to tell mommy, right?”
changbin nodded and muttered the safeword, making eye contact with you. the sparkle only seemed to grow in his gaze.
you chuckled in response and he mirrored it. you praised him for remembering as you gestured for him to open his legs. the already-apparent blush on his cheeks grew even more, his face reddening as he exposed more of himself to you.
it wasn’t like he didn’t already do similar things with you before. you were always the commanding force in bed and in the relationship. he had given his body to you like a layman offering his soul to a god, and you offered your own body to his in the same way a deity blessed their beloved chosen one.
yet no amount of pretty words could capture the delicious whimpers that escaped changbin’s lips when you worked a finger inside him.
he threw his head back, arching his broad back and large hips upwards, refusing to still in place at the pleasure. he moaned, “mommy, mommy, you’re so—fuck, love you,” reaching for your other arm for support. your finger circled around his clean hole, making sure that the lube covered his plush and reddening walls with comfort. you tested with another finger, and to your delight, he loved it more than he should.
“i’m just stretching you, binnie. is it that good?”
“y-yeah, can’t…want more, can’t wait—”
your fingers curled up against his sweet spot, throwing a line of shivers down his spine and spreading throughout his body. the cheeks of his ass flushed red. his hands clung to the pillows at the back of his head. his dick hardened almost instantly, the rather average length yet astounding girth building a need to release from your gentle touches alone.
that was just his appetizer. his eyes were trained on the strap-on dildo, wondering how in the world it would fit his tight little hole, the one entrance you called his “pretty wet cunt. all mine, wet just for me, needing only my cock in it.”
his cock twitched. his ass clenched around your digits. you noticed it and your canines shone in your smile.
“hi baby boy,” you cooed at his cock, “aren’t you happy to take me from the back?”
changbin whimpered. like a bunny, he sniffled and made a small breathy noise, signaling his happiness and utter need.
“well, are you sure you’re ready to take me?”
his eyes darted to meet yours, this time focused — you were asking him a real question. the thoughts clouded his head for a split second: how is that supposed to fit?
they all disappeared the moment he saw the sincerity behind your deep pupils.
“yes mommy. i can take you.”
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you angled yourself between his legs. his thighs sat on either side of your hips, the firm muscle yet plush skin inviting you to his warmth. it didn’t help that the lube on your dildo and inside his ass felt cold and smooth, fucking with his senses all the more as seconds passed without you inside him.
to verify, you asked if he remembered the safeword and safe signals. he told you that he isn’t worried anymore but his eyes were still wide. you figured to comfort him.
“happy birthday, binnie.”
you both giggled at that, finally comfortable in each other’s presence again, and ready for the action. it was a warm moment that you both wished to relish in forever, yet, your cock was right next to his entrance and he was finally prepared enough to take it.
“i love you,” you said, before pushing your cock inside.
changbin immediately gasped, the half-moan leaving his lips in a deliciously loud cry. his ass welcomed the peak of the tip and clenched around it. though he loosened up, he was still tight, and his walls had to take it only little by little.
to his delight, you were gentle and patient. you almost seemed methodical with your approach, being careful to exert the force in your hips gradually as your cock slid inside him. all you wanted was to not hurt him, but fuck, you looked too hot — changbin loved seeing your focused face, watching your body work with his, and that alone was sexy enough to send him into deep pleasure.
he eventually took it past the tip, though you slid in even further as his wetness hugged you while he moaned. he thrust his own hips closer to yours, whining at the sensation of being filled and stretched even further. he had gotten used to the foreign feeling, but not to this degree. he fucked himself on your strap, taking more and more in pure need, feeling every inch of you until—
“fuck! mommy! right there!”
you reached his limit. not only that, you angled your cock right up against his pleasure spot.
you both stilled in place. he had to adjust to the full length inside of him and you had to rest your hips. his breathing was irregular for a minute, so you plopped your head onto his chest. you pecked on his skin, freeing the butterflies and untying knots in his stomach, signaling him to match his breathing with yours.
“good boy. taking me so well.” you said with a warm smile.
changbin smiled and pouted after. “m-mommy? kiss please?”
you leaned up to kiss his lips, making sure not to apply overwhelming pressure on his ass. after a minute of adjustment, you whispered telling him you were pulling back. he mildly hesitated; he relished in the feeling of being so full, filled to the brim of his loving mommy, wanting to stay in that blissful state that he couldn’t believe he never felt before.
just as soon as you pulled away, you thrust back into him.
“ah! fuck!”
he immediately reached out to grab your shoulder and arm. the desperation in his gestures as well as the perfect arch of his spine sent chills down your own, your own warmth and hips twitching at the sight of his euphoric state.
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thrust. thrust. thrust. you steadied your pace, fucked him with a constant force that seemed to send him through heaven and back. he felt fucked, drool escaping the corner of his mouth, tongue twitching at the slurred words he failed to mutter from growing dumb over your cock.
it filled him. then it didn’t. you gave him love with every thrust and the lube helped to glide it in, stretching him to the point that not a hint of pain made its way through his system. it sounded wet, disgusting, filthy — you fucked an entrance that was never meant to be fucked, but if that was the case, then how could it feel this good?
he didn’t even know what to moan. did he want “more, more, god, more!” or did he say “can’t take it anymore, shit, can’t hold it in, can’t, can’t!” or were they both things he couldn’t comprehend? all he wanted—needed—was you.
and all you wanted—needed—was him.
for once, you felt a real extension of yourself. for once, you finally felt that you were fucking him, driving him mad. it wasn’t connected to your nerves but you felt the jolts in your system as you fucked him with the dildo, the pressure directly mirroring your own; maybe the wet sounds and mess from the lube and his own wetness making its way on your waist and stomach somehow helped.
changbin dropped his hips, only to arch his back even further. his head twisted from one end of the pillow to the other, his strong arms feeling weak as he helplessly clung to yours. he chuckled happily when you accepted his hand and held it tight.
your thrusts became erratic as you both neared your climaxes. if you could, you would finish inside him: it was something you both dreamed of, maybe another dildo could do that. you couldn’t steady yourself with the haze of a high making its way to your heat, similar to changbin’s balls growing painfully red.
you squeezed his hand but snaked the other one just above his ass cheeks, reaching for the dip on his lower back. there, you noticed that he had two dimples on his ass. the one feature alone prompted you to go faster as you pressed on them, noticing how much it affected changbin.
he kept squealing at this point. he was in delirium. he whimpered like a hurt bunny, his voice pitching to a tone that you’ve never heard from him before, his throat making noises that only invited you even further into him.
“please, there, please! i-i’ll cum! i’m gonna…”
“finish with me, please baby.”
without another word, you both kissed and came at the same time.
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his arms wrapped around your body fully and tightly. you put your weight over his own after he insisted that he wanted it. you both stayed there.
“that was so fucking good.” changbin laughed for a second before feeling the ache on his lower back. you had to laugh at it too.
you snuggled closer to him, rubbing your face against his chest and perking nipples. he whined one last time before giggling with his eyes closed.
“i love you, binnie.”
“i love you more, y/n.” he replied.
“i love you most—wait. oh shit.”
changbin, still hazy and cozy, disregarded your shock. he yawned and squeezed you in his arms, rolling over to trap you in bed.
“changbin, no, you have a dinner—”
“call it off for me.”
you squinted at him, your face impossibly close to his at the squished position. “i can’t just do that!”
“it’s my birthday, i rule today.”
the opportunity opened for you to reach his ass cheek and squeeze it. he yelped with a high pitched whimper and cowered into your body.
“but who rules you in bed?” you asked.
changbin pouted. “it’s you, mommy.”
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secretlovezz · 5 months
I was wondering I could request headcanons with König, Soap, Price and Ghost celebrating a birthday with their s/o who thought that they’d forget/didn’t know? If it’s too many characters (😭I know writing is a struggle) maybe it’d be okay with just Ghost?
By the time I’m writing this, my birthday would’ve been tomorrow :]
I hope you have a good afternoon/day/evening/night
I'm so late omg (I'm horrible at getting requests done I'm so sorry!!!!) but here it is!!! I ended up only writing for Soap and Ghost even though the goal was to write for all of 141+konig so maybe there'll be a part 2 with everyone else eventually😭 Happy belated birthday babe and thank you for the request 🫶🫶🫶🫶 ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
I feel like because Simon most likely doesn't celebrate/do things for his birthday he won't do too much for you (this doesn't mean he doesn't care though).
He gets you the cutest presents, ones with meaning and love, ones that'll last for as long as possible.
Although he's nervous Simon is slick about the process of giving you your gift.
He's hiding it behind a cushion while the two of you are casually watching a movie together on the couch.
He hasn't said much to you all day (he is horrible at keeping secrets from you so he's kept his mouth shut so he doesn't spill the fact that he got you something).
You notice his silence just like you notice how Simon is being twitchy next to you, the arm around your neck is flexing and his free hand is wiping against his pants to get rid of sweat.
You don't think you've ever been more anxious and on your birthday no less.
Has he forgotten?
You feel sick to your stomach, nausea overtaking you and making you uncomfortable. Your body wiggles against your boyfriend's side and his eyes drift to you. His brown eyes are searching you intently; his gaze makes you all the more nervous.
He contemplates saying anything before his lips finally part to ask, "You alright, Dove?"
Your head is snapping in his direction before he can even finish his question, eyes wide in a way that make Simon's squint in confusion. He twists his body to face you a little more forcing you to look at him.
"What's wrong," He asks, your eyes are darting to any place that isn't his eyes because if you do he'll see straight through you. Sometimes you hate that he can just tell when you're upset.
When you don't answer him Simon sighs and stretches his arm to reach behind him. Your eyes water and your plump bottom lip quivers in response to his movement but when he pulls his hand back in between the both of you he's holding a little box.
Now your eyes squint in confusion causing a tear or two to fall out. Your boyfriend is quickly dropping the box and reaching to wipe them from your face pressing a swift kiss to your forehead before pulling back.
Before you can ask him anything about the box simon is grabbing your hands putting them together in a cupping motion and dropping the box into your hands. You look at him doe eyed and he motions for you to open it kissing your temple once more. If you weren't a little sad you would have laughed or giggled at the horrible attempt of a bow around the box. You pull at it and it comes loose and falls into your lap. You glance at Simon once more eyes still a little watery and he nuzzles his nose against your cheek.
You open the box slowly a little worried of what you might find inside.
When you open it to see dog tags you choke out a sob.
"It's a replica, not the real thing but still, happy birthday dove," Simon says while swiftly moving your face into the crook of his neck. You move yourself to straddle your boyfriend arms wrapping around his neck. You stop your cries to place a quick kiss on his neck. Your professions of love mumbled into his neck as you hiccup.
"I love you, hm? So much," he says and Simon chuckles when you whine at him.
"So so much," He whispers.
John "Soap" McTavish
I lowkey feel like there's no possible way for you to feel like he's forgotten.
He's talking your ear off about what you guys are gonna do weeks before.
But imagine he gets called away just days before your birthday, he'd get so sad :(
He wanted to celebrate it properly; take you out to dinner buy you some flowers and a present that you would adore one that could make you smile.
So alas he's away on your big day and he's so busy and has so much work to do he almost doesn't get the chance to call you.
You try to watch a movie, one that you and Johnny would enjoy together if he were home, cuddled up against each other, slipping gentle intimate kisses to one another, laughing and giggling at stupidly cringe movie scenes. His hands would never leave you, they never did.
You miss him.
The thought made your lips quiver and your eyes water. You felt that you usually did okay, good even when Johnny wasn't around but today was your birthday and he wasn't here and it was harder than you thought it would be.
You picked up your phone and turned it on.
No notifications.
You'd hoped he'd at least text you but it was rounding 10:30, it was dark out and the lack of natural light was making you sleepy, but there was still nothing from him.
You're nodding off trying to keep yourself awake but eventually, your eyes are closing and your head is leaning back towards the cushion of the couch. You're snapped out of your closeness to sleep by the ringing of your phone. You scrambled for it moving quickly to answer whoever was calling you.
"Hello?" You answer.
A rumbling chuckle on the other line causes tears to gather at your water line, "were you sleeping, can hear it in your voice," you could imagine the smile gracing his face.
Your voice is shakey and quiet when you respond, "I miss you," you pull your knees to your chest, "I wish you were here."
You hear the ruffles of fabric, you wonder what he's doing.
"Wish I was there too believe me... Jesus, I miss you. Was gonna have flowers sent to you but Cap'n's threw me into somethin' I couldn't get out of and-"
You smile, cheesing into your pajama pants, "You were gonna buy me flowers?"
Johnny scoffs softly, "'course, my pretty girl deserves her flowers always and when I get back I'm gonna get you so many flowers you won't know what to do."
You laugh and he thinks he's never heard a sound more beautiful. He joins your laughter for a moment before the both of you quiet down slowly.
"Happy birthday sweet girl," Johnny whispers, "I love you"
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