#i feel like the education system is lazy as fuck
n0thingiscool · 9 months
I'm over here telling my young interns to check the Dept. Of Labor's industry growth projections for the next 50-years to help them pick a solid job/career after school.
Why the fuck do neither high schools or colleges teach this basic shit?
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decolonize-the-left · 4 months
Is anyone else just completely disillusioned? Done?
I could not think any less of people still talking about celebrities or how their biggest issues are not having a Starbucks cup that's $50
Like why are we as a collective letting people like that run the lives of everyone on the planet? A planet rife with unnecessary conflict and greed? People who can't be bothered to just Not go to chick-fil-a?
Why are people who clearly value profit over humanity in charge of humanity, ykwim? How the fuck did that become a majority opinion?
I drive thru my nuclear town, I go to our community events, our local small businesses, I try to support my community in ways I can everyday. But I can't help but notice that So Many of the people who do that alongside me, don't show up to protest for the rights of the people they claim to support.
Its all so incredibly shallow and one dimensional and obviously disingenuous and why the fuck are the rest of STILL begging for the ability to make changes within the framework they built?
Why are we still making educational posts for them and trying to make them understand when the first thing we are taught about reaching understand is that you must first be willing to listen and they refuse.
The ruling classes never listened. Never, ever have they granted anyone any oppressed group rights that they asked for without the group needing to fight for it. And it's always after generations of oppression.
I'm fucking tired of being nice and pretending the laws they made up matter and like their socially constructed bureaucracy is the only way to make change to be quite fucking honest.
They're LUCKY we use it EVER and now they don't even fucking listen to our voicemails?
The only things stopping me from taking what's mine are disabilities and I'm Dying to know what everyone else's excuses are.
Or is that?
Are we all physically too incapable? Is every single able bodied person actually a liberal fascist?
Asking for the disabled Turtle Mountain Ojibwe person typing this who's life literally depends on y'all caring enough about other people to make life anything but a list of systematic circumstances I'll suffer from until I eventually die early of an illness I can't afford medical aids for and which are not provided for me either.
And if you're able bodied and you feel the same... Start working outside that framework and stop asking so nicely. Stop giving a shit if you don't have the support of the oppressors and their liberal foot soldiers.
Stop worrying about what CNN is gonna say about you because I promise that the people who matter and Understand you will be inspired to follow in your foot steps and supportive.
Get active in your co-ops, mutual aid groups, and consider training like you're black bloc.
Learn what direct action is and how to do it and start doing it. Just reading theory era is over.
More of this
less whatever the level of cognitive dissonance this is
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Imagine saying 'i voted so I did everything I could' like the suffragettes didn't have an arson and bombing campaign because the people who Could vote were people benefitted from their systemic silence and thus did almost Nothing to help them get voting rights and they Refused to let oppressor laziness be their obstacle.
Yeah, they don't teach you that in Voting Matters School the suffragettes were bombing the UK just a year or two before they got their rights do they?
The only language oppressors will listen to is their own.
And I'm Tired of pretending otherwise because that delusion is what makes the privileged feel like they don't have to do anything but vote and makes them feel they're justified to criticize those of us that fight back through other avenues.
And maybe if we had politicians that gave a shit about any of us then those votes and movements and public sentiment would have a bigger sway in government, but they don't.
They don't fucking care.
Why are we still giving them power over any of us and letting them tell us what to do and demonize us when they use that power allowed to kill us and bury us in unmarked graves in some field in Mississippi? And make everything so expensive that the richest citizens on earth struggle to pay their bills?
Why can a government only "condemn" a state agent's right to shoot an unarmed protester 57 times, but they can bypass Congress to send Israel billions upon billions worth of weapons?
I'm tired of pretending this country is anything but a front for White Supremacists when every liberal I see is trying to gaslight everyone into thinking genocide is acceptable.
Shut the fuck up and get out of my equality tags, fascist.
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imustbenuts · 25 days
im free from yakuza kiwami 2. fuck the writing in this one. this was a complete mess of pulling from the most popular generic east asian drama tropes at the time of 2006 and having it be handled by a super inexperienced writer at the helm.
i went from having no expectations, got somewhat surprised, only to end up downing alcohol and laughing hysterically before the credits rolled. so that should set the mood for how i feel about this one. thought vomit under the cut, a lot of info dump about culture incoming
yakuza kiwami 2 is pure heterosexual east asian romance bullshit.
im gonna just. describe as best as i can what i know and remember from the general media coming out from the 90s to the 2010s in around this part of the world before i just start explaining why i think this story is a mess.
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so. 2 parts i swear is responsible for this rubbish.
1) East Asian Beauty Standard
the general consensus for a beautiful feminine woman AT THE TIME in this sphere is the following
be willowy thin (fat = lazy and ugly)
have black hair that ISNT short (dyed = too much individuality, too much WESTERN INDIVIDUALISM, gasp how dare!)
fair skinned (bc dark = she works in the fields and is from a lower class)
young. if you heard of the term "Christmas Cake" in japan context, yeah. (ie women over age of 25 are undesirable)
be educated and refined, bc that indicates class and femininity (failing this means shes vulgar and gasp like a barbarian)
be submissive to her male peers in the sense that her authority cannot override his at least in public (for the sake of his face)
dresses feminine and not like a man (trousers and jeans are man-ish. traditional clothing, skirts and dresses are preferred. the further back the stronger this sentiment is.)
incidentally, theres a lot of classism tied to this EABS due to sinocentric culture influences. it has to do with the chinese court system and how korea and japan copied it and a lot of the culture wholesale but. anyway. thats like over 1000 years of history in there thats not really worth detouring to rn.
and also, the worth of a man is sometimes (not always) upheld by how classy and feminine this wife of his is. as of 2024 though, this line of thought is still around in the more conservative pockets. also, the education might not matter as much these days as how deep her and her parents' pockets and wealth are.
moving on.
2) media tropes
so. off the top of my head.
if you wanted a popular romance drama in this time period, the popular offerings no matter where you looked tended to offer the same flavors of tropes.
the woman always has dark hair, is fair skinned, thin and younger than her male love interest. ive never seen this broken or subverted in my time absorbing via osmosis the dramas playing on local tv growing up in the early 2000s.
everything else about her can be subverted though. sometimes she can wear fancy pants or have short hair to indicate her strong individualism. BUT, her personality no matter how strong it begins, no matter how her intro begins will 99% of the time encounter an effect where catching feelings turns her into a meek loyal woman to her love interest.
bc she cant override his authority in this culture context.
at worst, she becomes highly irrational and even hysterical in the dramas when bad things happen. this includes things like love triangle, or a fallout of family business, drama, plot or whatever. she would cry and sometimes even die.
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see: sawamura yumi. sayama kaoru.
meanwhile, the male love interest can be anything. ive seen middle aged guys to young good looking upcoming actors playing the lead, with looks varying from haggardly okay to young and handsome. it. really depends on the genre.
depending on what specific country it came from, the drama would have the male either grow, become manlier (by learning honor ig), become stupid in the name of love, but he rarely if ever actually dies. the woman effectively becomes yoshi for mario to lauch off on when they're crossing a chasm
the romance is forced. a lot of the BIG LOVE SPARK ie kissing happens in tense moments bc it builds drama, but in reality comes too fucking close to sexual assault (some of the old jackie chan movies does this iirc for slapstick even)
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see: sayama getting kissed right after handling her biological father's ashes less than 24 hours ago and admitting to kiryu that shes scared. this scene right fucking here.
bc in general, the scriptwriters for popular dramas tended to be guys themselves and tended to write more human dudes. and the women in the stories are reflective of the ideal societal expectation at the time: being a Refined Housewife.
so her character development is often headed in the direction of marriage and being a stay at home mom.
if it sounds a little like tradwife bullshit, it is.
Refined Housewife
(i have massive negative thoughts about this which i KNOW for a fact is a thing bc a lot of these societal culture femininity was impressed on me as a kid in a world where it was already getting increasingly impossible to have 1 spouse be a SAHP. and also i hated the whole thing about giving face to the patriarch of the house when i personally saw so much ego dick measuring from my uncles. anyway understand that this is both a bias an a lived experience, so proceed with that in mind)
there is a problem with the Refined Housewife expectation: education.
in general, education has been a good metric to judge how classy or smart one is in asia's largely on-the-surface meritocracy based culture. people will look at each other's school first and then judge them from there, and pretty hard too.
so everyone regardless of gender will be expected to study super hard. and bc having good test scores and going to good schools looks good for the family's face, parents will often pile on tuition to the child to get them a leg up in life.
bc also no good degree from good school means no future.
but then... the woman is expected to be a housewife. 🙃 meaning... the education, her accomplishments, are kinda... tossed away in this context. put a pin in this.
it wont matter how much she studied or accomplished, bc the expectation is that the woman would marry and obey her husband, and give him face/honor that way. the kids will come eventually bc having kids = being filial to ones parents in this context.
also uh. no, having adopted kids is not thought of as being filial. continuing the bloodline is.
and if you've been paying attention, then yes, ive been skirting around the backbone of sayama kaoru's writing foundations this entire time.
Her story has been butchered so clumsily i cant even...
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lets just. ugh.
she fits the EABS standard, her tropes are trying to subvert the expectations of a womanly woman in this context, she has IMPRESSIVE education and career achievements. she works in a male dominated field, and is keenly aware of sexism. she is strong, stronger than her male peers, at least we are told.
by 2006s standards, its still considered a fresh take with those alone in japan. sexism there is its own flavor of crap. (if you noticed ive not spoken about LGBTQ+ stuff at all, its bc how ridiculously BINARY the expectation is at that point in time. it still is today but less so)
however, the writing has this sense of trying to copy the popular tropes at the time while not fully understanding and dissecting them, and ends up butchering sayama's character before the romance even properly began.
i mean, for fucks sake even, sayama and kiryu has a whopping 14 year age gap. when im told these are supposed to be believable people living in japan, this is too big for me to just go 'oh ok!'. and remember the Christmas Cake thing? shes 25. (FUCKING--!!!! !!)
the problem here that i see is the writer trying to apply all of those while trying to play the tropes straight. trying to imitate. trying to make a statement but then finding out theres nothing within yourself to stand by what you want to say and backtracking.
we are told:
sayama is strong yet she goes down with 1 slap by random thugs and needing kiryu to come in and body them. because romance ig.
we are told shes a yakuza hunter but she doesnt scare a single one beyond her introductory scene.
she goes from defiant and bossing kiryu around to getting her actions overridden by kiryu and ryuji, both men, towards the end
her subtext is that shes not feminine and therefore conventionally undesirable, but then kiryu tells her shes actually feminine and therefore desired, as if its all that matters.
she becomes so stricken by grief and freaked out that she runs off solo to deal with ryuji in the most out of left pocket planning ive ever fucking seen.
and then yells as she takes out her police baton to take down the big yakuza dude, drawing attention and turning herself into a hostage.
i know the writing will fumble but i didnt expect it to fumble this bad.
for all the good the surface chemistry kiryu and sayama has, its being undermined by a fundamental failure to understand tropes and then using said tropes as a crutch so much that everything here has become a bloody mess.
this failure of over-relying on tropes without understanding them extends to yumi too. sawamura yumi was young and beautiful, and became the Refined Housewife to the Not-Male-MC and ends up regretting it, and gets killed for it.
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her defining trait is that she is beautiful in subtext. thats. thats what the tattoo is. in a world where the tattoo makeths the person, thats what she is and all that she is.
dear lord.
ive read up a bit more on sayama and you know what. good that she chooses her career over kiryu. the romance would have caused both of their characters to explode with the trajectory this was heading in. ffs sayama could have had her own game. she has so MUCH potential.
and also GOOD that the writer is forced to think of kiryu in the position of the Stay At Home Parent for haruka and the orphanage down the line!!! subverting the fucking traditional BS expectation! yes!!!!!
all i got was sayama and kiryu making out before the bomb went off in front of my alcohol and salad while they're like 'eh, haruka will forgive us for dying :')'
and i ran out of alcohol.
sexism? maybe. incompetence? definitely.
hhgrhgrhrghrghrgrhgr wow this got long. ugh. guhhhhhh.
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chronicallyuniconic · 17 days
TW: ableism, disability hate/discrimination
TLDR: the government proposed changes to benefit rules for disabled people in the aim of "getting them back to work" this has sowed so much hate that the 'people' are attacking the disabled as if we're lazy or scrounging the system, using their status as a taxpayer for reasoning.
this fucking government and the humans we're sharing society with...i swear to God, it has dragged out SO much hate in the past couple weeks regarding people with disabilities who are out of work, disabled people who receive benefits like universal credit, personal independence payment, carers allowance and motability cars, and so on
they are directly attacking disabled people as if we're choosing not to work. as if we're lazy. as if we just don't want to. as if we're turning down jobs instead of taking them, as if we're stealing from the government & taxpayers (people who have a job)
because of this, it's brought all kinds of disgusting out on my twitter page (if you go looking, I'd advise a TW for ableist & direct abusive comments). it's brought out direct hate, for stating that its nobody's business, that we deserve to live, that we should have the freedom to buy what we choose with what we do receive.
met with comments like "the taxpayer is paying for you to buy shit" "you must be obese on 40 fags a day with 2 kids" "can't stop buying takeaways" "you're just fucking lazy" "what an entitled person saying freedom to buy" "you should have the bare minimum" amongst other degrading comments. as well as these, were a majority of misinformed people, who don't have a clue how the benefits system works. it isn't easy.
if it was easy, and you supposedly receive "thousands a month," wouldn't everyone be doing it?? that response is usually met with "cos I'm not stealing from the state" "cos I'm not lazy" "cos I go to work" nah, they just know, it isn't easy, and they're not getting anywhere with it.
I dare any of those fuckers that think like this, to quit their jobs & sign up to the system. I fucking dare you. how quickly your life will fall apart. good luck if you're paying a mortgage. good luck in general.
I never thought I would end up relying on benefits. I never wanted to rely on the government. and I still don't. I hate having to ask for help. I don't know anyone that doesn't. the government know they can't just do nothing for disabled people, it's part of the social circle. disability has existed in humans for as long as humans have existed.
it's frustrating. they don't know. they don't want to know. they don't try to know. they don't try to understand. they don't care. they roll their eyes when they're told it could be them any day. and when it is, they'll realise the actual living hell it is, to having to rely on a system because.. YOU ARE UNABLE TO WORK. what is it about that phrase that evaporates over their heads.
I WAS a taxpayer. but even if I wasn't, do they think those born with permanent disabilities, which definitively leave them unable to do anything, are lazy, or "sponging" or "could just look for a job" do they blame having to pay for them too? cos they won't admit it. they can't admit their true hate, but I see it, feel it, hear it. they'd rather us dead let's be damn honest.
I have a masters degree. I was in education from aged 3 to aged 25. but since diagnosed later with permanent disability(it was always there), it means nothing, I know that, I don't need to be told by anyone else. and the jobs and experience I had, also means nothing. many dont get to have the things I had, and I'm grateful I got to, because I understand with my whole heart, how hard it is as a disabled person, to achieve anything.
they tell you "just get a job" like we haven't considered that. like we've not all tried to find the job, that is accessible, can support your needs, has the working hours you can cope with. jobs like this don't exist for the majority. one day I am fine, the next 7 days I might be incapacitated. I might only be okay between the hours of 3am to 6am one day, and 3pm to 4pm the next. employers especially, do not care for that. at all. they cannot cope with the fluctuations of a disabled person. we are all absolutely individual, even with the same diagnoses. employers are not set up, supported or provided with the education, to allow disabled people into their business.
"if you can write, text, tweet, upload on your phone, then you can do a job" I'd love to attach a picture of my positioning and setup but honestly I'm past giving evidence to these asshats. they forget about text to speech, my screen scrolls with my eyes, screen reads back to me, there's a bunch of adaptability and accessibility they don't care or even know about.
so..even if we do find that one in a billion job, we have to get there. I can't do anything without someone driving me. I'm physically not able. but they don't care about that either.
work from home, they say. i don't tolerate screens well, migraines have been a huge fluctuating problem because of epilepsy. I can't sit up for very long at all, i am 90% bed and housebound, only really leaving my home for appointments. i cannot process a big influx of information anymore, my brain is like swiss cheese, I cannot read or take in the things that are important, in order for me to carry out my job. I rely on another person for the majority of my day.
any job we would find, would never allow us to rise through the ranks, to improve our standing and footing on the ladder, to ever experience a payrise or be treated like your non disabled peers.
it doesn't matter to them either, that the impact of the job can and usually does, affect the person's disability negatively. when your life only involves your job, it's not your life, is it?
it doesn't matter to them that the impact of working can lead many people to become so bad they can't work anymore. (hello, waves, me!!)
they expect you'll just get over that permanent problem. or you will work through it in a couple days. they don't understand constant symptoms, debilitating symptoms, twenty four hours a day symptoms. symptoms that incapacitate you. but they expect you to work through it anyway.
that's not how it works.
I was told "take up a hobby and get paid for it" why?? are you? are building lego and selling it? are you gaming on your computer and selling that? why should I use my fun time, my hobby, as an income. of which, the income would be so minimal, it would never cover rent, it would unlikely buy any food shopping at all, because ...it's a hobby. it's not my job. why would I sacrifice my hobbies, when you don't have to? my hobby, is also not my worth.
who's setting up the website and shop for my hobby? who's managing the orders? who's posting them? I made one hobby last week so have been unable to make 3 more hobbies, who's managing for that??
I hate this government for every hateful, spiteful, cold, calloused, manipulative, condescending, degrading, inhumane comment.
it's not even anger, it's like a complete state of fed up mixed with disappointment, lack of community on the issue, sadness of people's reactions, to disabled people.
I'd love for them to look my mother in law with stage 4 cancer, in the eyes and tell her to just get a job, after 38yrs of employment.
absolute cretins. the worst of humanity.
sorry it's so long, I am just 😪🥱😮‍💨😮‍💨
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mueritos · 9 months
Hey! Asking about your experience with being punk/punk adjacent and also in academia. How do you handle the two? Punk action and activism is grassroots, which I try to be involved in, but I feel like I’m just speaking big words and writing into an echo-chamber about gender. Like the only good I do is explaining to a group of cis people terminology. What are your experiences on this, if you have any?
Hmm. Yea this was difficult for me to balance too. I'll insert a readmore cuz this got kinda long.
I enjoy academia and research and being able to have more advanced conversations with people, but I was also sick of being in classes or circles of people who I knew would speak "woke" for the sheer fact of looking like good people, but on the down low were incredibly racist, classist, queerphobic, and just down right nasty carceral people. It was difficult trying to sift through who was safe to open up to and who wasn't, because many people were actually liberals in disguise (even if they called themselves leftists or leftist aligned). I also was never shy about being an anarchist/punk, I was the only person who wore my spiked jackets and boots to class, my outfits were loud, but I also began seeing some other queer people I knew wear their own jackets because they were encouraged by me (so that was nice).
I was doing activism on campus while in undergrad alongside the usual academic theory/research stuff, and it turns out that people actually will hate your guts the moment you start pointing out problems. The usual "YOU become the problem the second you point out THE problems", so I faced a lot of social backlash, even from other marginalized people who I had confided in about problems. My advice is that unless you're willing to become one of the most hated people on campus, don't do your activism on campus. It's a surefire way of making enemies, even enemies in people you have never met in your life. There are plenty of local orgs, food banks, and churches with programming that you could be way more productive in than trying to combat institutionalized oppression like that of an academic institution. You can try, believe me because I did, and while I learned a lot about organizing, I also learned when to give up and focus on my community instead of changing systems.
You pointed out that you're getting sick of explaining to cis people. This is definitely something you can stop doing, if you'd like. I stopped giving up my labor to educate other people (within reason) because I was one of the few trans people on campus. But I also have this value that I am not about to let some person walk around with the wrong idea about marginalized communities, so I always speak up when people say incorrect things (this has also caused some yt people to avoid me lol). Of course, you do this with compassion and with the goal of making sure their future interactions with marginalized people go better, but after a certain point, you need to be able to hold your energy for where you want to put it. Put more pressure on your institution or adjacent orgs to have things like safezone training (or bring in queer orgs for trainings/lectures). You can also just tell people some websites to check out instead of answering their questions, because surprise to them, their questions can in fact be solved by a simple search, they just are far too lazy to do that.
I dunno tho. I still struggle with growing so much in terms of punk/anarchist theory and ideas, but i have a serious lacking in actual community organizing. I'm introverted, don't like big noisy crowds, and I am quite socially anxious. Being punk is like my armor in a world that doesn't like me, because I find people fuck with me less when Im in spikes and boots. I find theory and academia so fulfilling for my virgo brain, but I also don't shame myself for not being active in local community. I know there will be a time I will be, but I also know that everyone is helping in the movement in the ways they can. It doesn't matter if that is at the food bank, in protest, on the computer, or by reading theory. All of it is equally important, and some of us aren't going to be good at everything.
I found myself feeling far more productive and alive when I was working with communities I knew would keep me safe. Started surrounding myself with more BIPOC queer people who were also working against carceral thinking, and I found my life to be way more enjoyable. connecting authentically with people who you feel safe with is just as important as organizing or protesting. You can organize or protest, but if you don't have a community to turn to, you'll burn out and won't be able to sustainably stay in the movement. Focus on energies, peoples, and love, connect authentically and have difficult conversations about love and politics and theory. You can be an academic, but still maintain the punk values you love in your daily life. Humans are made of contradicting values and experiences, we shouldn't shame each other for that and instead hold the multiple and contradicting truths in us all.
I can go on and on, but ill leave it at that. feel free to ask anything else in specific tho.
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Autism and Potential
Hi it's me, your local sleep-deprived in-a-slump writer here to ramble about autism and feeling like you're not living up to your full potential.
Idk about any other autistic people but I feel like I'm never reaching everything that I could be, that I have the potential to be, that I could and should be doing more. Fundamentally flawed. Or something.
And yes, I know "no one's perfect" but the bar feels like it's set so high, and it's impossible to reach it. Constant guilt, constant anxiety, constant impostor syndrome, slipping grades and executive dysfunction that I can't help.
Overthinking everything, spiralling and unable to get out of it, stuck doomscrolling on instagram or tumblr or twitter or tiktok, unable to make yourself get up and start the task.
I'm either "lazy" (psychically can't make myself do the task) or a "gifted kid" (overworked and burnt out).
Procrastination or perfectionism. Right and perfect or completely wrong. Brilliant with perfect grades or failing.
Pick your poison.
I think I'm going to give myself permission to be average. Mediocre. I try, I do my best each day, and that level of "best" varies, so to some it may look lazy, or unstable, but, at least for me, it's what works.
My aim this year and next is to pass. I honestly, genuinely do not care what score I get, my aim is to get through school and graduate at the end of it. It will not kill me.
Fuck the education system. It wasn't made for any of us.
Alright, I'm gonna cap off this post here and go to bed before I get too off topic and start rambling about the education system and the government. I'm just stressed and exhausted and not even halfway through Term 2.
But I hope this is...at least coherent, I'm very tired...and maybe resonates with someone, or a few someones out there.
We aren't alone, I promise.
Thank you and goodnight.
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menlove · 7 months
I envy people who don't have to work through school like the amount of my classmates who are going to school on their parents' money and staying in dorms or off campus on their parents' money so all they have to worry about is school is so.......
like I really can't help but feel like it really is so unfair and I know that's the entire point and higher education is gatekept to keep the lower class uneducated but it sucks that I have to still work to afford bills while going to school full time where they just get to focus on school. like I will Maybe have one day off without school or work a week. maybe. if I'm lucky and the schedule aligns, but usually it's one or the other or both.
and I know other lower class people dealing with this and it sucks especially because professors are Used to these upper middle class students and set their expectations there. like I straight up had a professor last year say to a class full of students "these readings shouldn't be too difficult. I know I'm assigning a few books a week, but since most of you don't have jobs just read it in your free time. and if you do work at like mcdonalds or something just put your headphones in at work and listen to the audiobook" which is so fucking unhinged and detached from the reality of what working and going to school is like
and it just sucks bc to your professors a lot of the time you just look uncommitted or lazy bc they expect you to be able to prioritize school like your classmates but I don't think they Grasp that for some of us we HAVE to put our jobs first or we won't have anywhere to live or food to eat. like not everyone can just call daddy and get more money on their credit card. but that's a majority of students in universities and it's genuinely infuriating that the system isn't built to help working students but 🤷‍♂️ that's America I guess
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redjennies · 2 months
people on this website really want to imagine non-voters as smug white leftists who just hate the system, man, and not like poor and working class people whose schedules don't allow for it, black and latino communities who are intentionally targeted for voter suppression, people who live in heavily gerrymandered areas or states where their vote straight up won't count, people whose politics don't match up with the increasingly partisan party lines, or any other reason and/or combination of aforementioned reasons.
and the reason tumblr continues tilting at these windmills of "leftists are the real problem" (even though everyone was a "leftist" in December) is that all the reasons people don't vote are systemic problems that require intentional and organized solutions. there are real and material ways to put people in poll booths (or mailing their ballots), but they require work. they require making sure polling places are more accessible to voters in ways that range from making sure the polling place is ADA compliant to better signs so drivers know where they're going and better parking so they don't leave. they require voter registration drives and helping eligible felons restore their voting rights. they require educating the community on mail-in ballots and early voting opportunities. they require getting people who maybe disillusioned with federal level candidates excited about local or state level candidates where they could make a difference because if you can get them to polls for something they do feel strongly about they might go ahead and vote for the federal candidate anyway because they're already there. they require holding the fucking democrats accountable for their actions after the election to stop fucking going out of their way to alienate their voting bases, Joseph Goddamn Biden, and not sweeping those concerns under the rug as "not that bad" to make your candidate look better.
there are so many different ways to help increase voter turn-out, but they all require reaching out to your community and finding the way you can help to the best of your personal abilities. I know this because the examples I've listed above are things I've either personally done or my friends, who have different skills than I do, have done. what does not help voter turnout in the fucking slightest is taking the easy out of whining on the internet about how leftists are a threat to democracy like a goddamn conservative because you think the anarchists you see online are annoying. it's not only internet activism at its fucking laziest, and as i've said many times before, it actively stokes reactionary sentiments among moderate liberals. you are not being the measured and nuanced voice of reason for contributing to this shit. you are being lazy in hopes to sound like the smartest voice in the room and giving credence to something that is more inherently dangerous to long-term progress than the tiktok teens joking about terrorism or whatever you've decided to froth at the mouth about because you're falling for inflammatory Fox News-level propaganda tactics.
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cringelordofchaos · 6 months
(warning: a ton of swearing, EXTREME stupidity, inaccessibility to screen readers, a ton of ranting)
I'm fucking stupid (like. Extremely)
in other words what I'm trying to say is
I don't know math. Like. At all
And it's a genuine fucking problem
(unrelated but my phone keeps trying to autocorrect "fucking" to "rucking/ducking" and it's really pissing me off)
I don't know how to phrase this differently. When I say I am HORRIBLY HORRIBLE at math, and I don't know anything going from 4th grade onward I MEAN it. And it's a fucking problem
Like how do I say this. I stopped paying attention to any classes in school ever since fifth grade and so I never, ever paid attention to math. How I have still managed to move forward, that is unbeknownst to me. But I haven't learned a single goddamn thing in those years and I don't know anything. Older people have told me to just start paying attention to class and I'll somehow catch up but the thing is, looking at the board........ I don't know anything. There is no former knowledge to apply here.
And it's all kinda my fault? I mean it's not like I CHOSE to not pay attention to class? Not really? I don't think st least? Ddisomdidwd
But even then I COULD ask people to help me but I feel so genuinely ashamed....... Like. Guys
To give an example of how genuinely stupid I am
Take this for example. 8 + 7 . EXTREMELY EASY. most people instantly think "oh it's 15" because most people are smart enough
IIII, HIWEVER, think this way: "oh.... Eight... Plus seven... Well first I'll turn eight into ten so it's a bit easier so I'll just take the number two away from seven... Ok now it's ten... Then I uh... Seven minus two.. that's five... So ten plus five is fifteen!"
I definitely don't have discalculia or dyscalculia or whatever it's spelled like, I am just extremely dumb and never practice math. Never
I never do my homework, never do anything at school, like I said I have no idea as to how I managed to pass
I don't know who to turn to, because I feel way to goddamn ashamed to open up about this
I'm pretty sure I can talk to my sister but I'm sure she isn't too interested in teaching my basic mathematics
There's the internet, I suppose? Which can help me
The only problem.
I'm way too lazy
I keep telling myself I'll do it, I'll study, and then I. Don't.
I have a math test tomorrow and I told myself and my PE teacher that I'll study, that I'll ask my sister for help
But I didn't. Nighttime is nearing and I'm not doing anything about it but I should be doing something about it
I'll do it or st least try doing it after making this post but I have no idea where to start.
How does one learn YEARS of math in one night.
Well, I have been able to recover 2 years of physics in 3 private classes? Probably because AHEM individualist teaching mechanisms hellomm??? This is why private teaching is so much better than the standard education system???
I guess it is fixable just
I just wanted to rant I guess lolz
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How do other countries do history education?
I know I'm doing the cringe thing but Americans are basically not taught about israel in school, at all. If it comes up it'll likely be in the context of literature class, not history.
Do you split up history classes over multiple years? Because the thing about history class is that it's just mostly a huge number of raw facts to remember. It's not like math where if you know certain procedures you can re-derive things you've forgotten; pretty much any such proposed rule of history is likely to be bunk.
So if you take the number of years of history you have to teach times the detail level you're aiming for times the size of the region you're trying to study, you have an estimate (in vague terms, I don't think you can necessarily get an objective number but you can certainly do simple mathematical reasoning on vague variables) for Total History Facts. And then depending on the age of your students and pedagogical methods and probably other factors, you have a Maximum Facts Per Year. You can use these values to determine the level of detail that allows you to cover your desired subject matter within a school year. If this level of detail is unacceptably low, make the full history education take more years and solve for the detail level again.
And someone - teachers, standards writers, textbook writers, whoever - consistently sets the target detail level such that it's impossible for a given US history class to get past the civil war, or they realize they're going too slow and do a really slipshod tour of the events most pertinent to any understanding of the modern world after a really detail-heavy examination of the differences between the 13 colonies. World history is even worse, I don't even remember how far we got because everyone's brain was leaking out their ears by the end but we absolutely did not make it to the present day. World History was the only class where I failed the AP exam, because it's world fucking history dumbass, you can't teach all of it in a year!
And then, of course, when you get to your next history class they just start over from the beginning at a higher level of detail that also peters out around the Civil War, so you never actually learn anything about the 20th century.
So the options are
a) it's actually exactly like this everywhere. (plausible tbh. there is simply a lot of history.)
b) american students are uniquely lazy and stupid. (seems pretty unlikely, and also the failure is pretty consistent - you could argue that even if student ability is the limiting factor, if it happens this reliably it's educators' responsibility to just make the curriculum easier)
c) american educators are uniquely incompetent. (this is less of a judgement against teachers than it sounds like, it could be that they are ordered to do things in a way that sucks by higher ups and there is no mechanism to inform the decisionmakers that anything is wrong. I don't know if the education system is uniquely dysfunctional but it certainly is dysfunctional at all.)
d) some kind of fucking conspiracy or something. (This doesn't seem likely because who could possibly benefit from this particular problem that wouldn't benefit even more from schools dispensing explicit propaganda about events in the 20th century.)
This feels like a really obvious problem with a really obvious solution (more history classes, less total facts per class), everyone who has taken or taught a history class experiences this, and afaict this is not just a mistake that new history teachers make that they calibrate for after teaching for a while. This is EVERYONE'S experience of history classes in the US, it's kind of an open secret, and pretty much nobody ever fucking does anything about it or even mentions it as a thing it might be possible or desirable to do things about.
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teeth-cable · 11 months
So if you want a prime example of questionable/shitty worldbuilding in the early Hazbin days: the entire concept of the Charlie comic.
So basically it was going to be set in Charlie's high school years which creates several issues.
1. Charlie was over 200 in the Hazbin pilot so that brings up an issue how long Charlie was in school and the education system.
2. It had to have been recent because Vaggie was going to make an appearance which....
3. Since its obvious Sinners don't age physically from their death date and Vaggie's design concept was shown at the same time as Helsa and Charlie's high school looks that due to lack of information implies Vaggie is high school age, which yes you can say everyone is 18 but its confusing as hell because if Vaggie is a sinner why is she in what I would assume would be a prestigious school/why is she in school in the first place? or... Vaggie and Charlie's relationship has some SUPER fucked aspects.
4. And we don't even know how aging works for Hellborns in general because like Paimon I fucking doubt is 50 but Vivzie could surprise us like she did with Stolas. Like how old are the deadly princes? Where are the ancient ass grandpa elder demons? Do demons choose when to stop aging? Is Lilith counted as a demon or human either way her age is questionable in that regard.
I'm getting a headache from how bad this world building is. So first knowing Viv, she will make the school system just like the one in America and that is another worldbuilding nightmare. Assuming Hellborns aged differently from humans, have a different history and culture from them, and will learn different subjects, it doesn't make sense to write Hazbin's schools in a traditional school system.
Second, no way in Hell would a sinner get into a Hell school especially if it's a prestigious one for Hellborn royalty. Viv said kids can't go to Hell so you have to die as an adult to be in Hell. So either Vaggie is lying about her age to attend this school or she is a possible teacher working there??? This feels such an inorganic way for Vaggie and Charile to meet each other. Like what purpose does Vaggie have to be there and with the implication of an adult Vaggie meeting a teenager Charlie in high school, I rather have them meet somewhere else where Charlie is also an adult.
Viv made a tweet about this idea back in 2019 so she had this idea for a long time now and didn't see the problematic elements or how it causes more questions than answers for the world building.
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I actually wouldn't be surprised if Paimon was actually 50 because Viv confirmed Stolas was 30 despite him being the ancient prince of Hell. Honestly I don't bother with the aging for Hellborns because that is a nightmare of it's own to figure out. Both Hazbin and Helluva are filled with so many creative lore and worldbuilding concepts that the writers keep ruining due to their laziness. Instead of writing Hell as it's own setting, they write it as a Red Earth 2.0. I know Hazbin’s thing with redemption is strongly tied in with Hell and Heaven but I rather take a boring show about redemption set on Earth than a terrible demon show about redemption set in Hell where the worldbuilding has potential but the writers fail to execute it properly.
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cherishedproperty · 1 year
Communities and Safety (or, Why You Should Do Your Own Vetting)
I've said it before, but the bdsm community on Tumblr literally changed my life. It helped me put into words the way I'd been feeling and the things I didn't even fully know I was missing. It showed me that I wasn't alone. My local kink community has also had a profound effect on my life. I can't imagine my life without either one of those.
That said, I think it's important to recognize that these are open communities. There is no vetting process for membership; you just kind of show up. People wander in and out. Many of us who are part of the bdsm community here have wandered in from other corners of this site, and that's a beautiful thing. But it also means that the community has no firm boundaries of who is in or out.
There are, of course, norms that we try to establish and uphold. Be over 18. Don't comment on a person's pictures (even sexually explicit ones) with elaborate fantasies about what you want to do with their body. Call out abusers when there's adequate proof. Be kind and try to educate the newbies.
Being an active part of the community means you have some responsibility for keeping it safe. But it can’t just be a community responsibility. Communities are inherently flawed, and made up of flawed individuals. Sometimes we miss stuff. Sometimes we disagree on what meets the threshold for a call-out. It’s an imperfect system, especially in an open community where people may not even know many of the members. You can’t rely solely (or even mostly) on the community to ensure all of its members are safe and up to code.
At the end of the day, everyone is responsible for their own vetting. That goes for any sort of community or social group, but especially for online communities—and especially where sexuality and alternative lifestyles are involved. I’m not saying not to get to know people. Isn’t connection the whole point? You 100% should get to know some people whose perspective you trust, who you think give good advice. But there can be a big difference between a blog and the person behind it.
I don't have any great advice for how to do your own vetting—at least not anything that hasn't been said a million times before. But here's a few things to keep in mind, specifically regarding bloggers on Tumblr:
Don't sacrifice your privacy or your boundaries, even with friends or people whose blogs you really like. Very few people on here know my real name or enough about me to identify me. Most earned that trust over years, and I still regret it in some cases.
Don't equate popularity with safety. There are blogs that get tons of asks for D/s advice that I can't for the life of me understand why.
Don't assume that a blogger is trustworthy just because they interact with other bloggers who seem trustworthy. I reblog thoughtful writing and perspectives all the time from people I don't follow or don't know well. And I only really know a handful of people who reblog from me.
Don't assume that you know a lot about someone because they share personal details on their blog. It may give them an air of being genuine and transparent, but it can be a faux/curated transparency.
The last couple of months have been a great reminder of that for me. Multiple people that I've known for years—that I've spent countless hours talking to through some of the most painful moments in my/their life—have turned out not to be who I thought they were. It definitely surprised me. But I tend to start with an assumption that it's a lot of fucking work to misrepresent yourself over that span of time. I am way too lazy/tired to go through all that effort. But maybe it's not so hard for some people. I don't know.
That said, I refuse to give up my faith in people or in this community. I have met people I consider genuine friends here. And if they turn out to be secret assholes too, then I guess I'm willing to take that risk. It's worth the connection and fulfillment I've gotten from those relationships.
I still believe in the value of this community. I still believe there's no other place like the Tumblr bdsm community for learning from the experiences and perspectives of others. But it's worth the reminder that each of us is ultimately responsible for our own vetting.
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nexus-talks · 1 month
Unexpected vent incoming ig?
Sometimes I'm just really exhausted by the state of the world
Like.. look at everything that's happening in America alone
Still dealing with school shootings, women's rights and trans rights are being disputed like we're not people, STILL dealing with corrupt police forces, the blending between church and state + ballooned military spending that led to the fall of Rome is going to lead to the fall of America too, economic disparities between the wealthy and the poor are WORSE than they were in the French Revolution, I have to get a job ASAP because in a couple years our mom wont get the money to keep us both alive (we live off disability payments and child welfare from the gov), homelessness is being battled with outright hostility even though its CHEAPER to just give them homes and rehab, everything about our healthcare system, EVERYTHING about our education system, its all just fucked
And that's not even counting what's happening in other places! All I really know about is the Palestine/Israel and Russia/Ukraine wars because I'm American and our government does not tell us anything that isnt 1. Directly related to us or 2. Something the entire rest of the world also knows
I'm chronically exhausted and running off adderall and energy drinks, struggling to take care of myself, and depression apathy has been kicking my ass. I can barely even cry about these things anymore, they've become so normalized. I want to scream. I want to cry. I'm so upset. I'm so numb. I'm trying so hard and I feel so lazy. I want to snap my fingers and fix everything. I want the apocalypse to come so that we can rebuild a society based on kindness and community and love.
At the risk of my mental health, I'd like to be informed about all the things happening in other countries. Please reblog with anything I didnt mention.
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gingaswag · 1 month
i like how in the education system if you struggle with math no one ever considers that it could be a learning disability. it makes me mad cause people recognize dyslexia and it gets treated seriously, but if you struggle with basic math your whole life you're just dumb/lazy/not trying hard enough.
like man... I'm college age and I STILL can't do fucking times tables no matter how hard I've tried... and I've TRIED and STUDIED so hard, and math is still my weakest point. I still struggle with analogue clocks and differentiating left and right. I feel like I almost definitely have dyscalculia but I feel hesitant even saying that cause like... idk every time I've so much as suggested it the people around me laugh and say I'm looking for an excuse to be lazy/not try hard.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
haahaha imagine if i came in here AGAIN to talk about how much i miss my LIFE wouldnt that be fucking WACKY
a ny ways missing my family <333 again <333333333 because i never dont miss them (add that to the Leo Being Cringe tally or whatever) and i am, quite frankly, in a really shit mood right now so why not kinfess about it lol
where i live isnt the worst for disabled people, but yk theres the whole thing with The Public Education System being the literal fucking worst if youre autistic or have adhd and i have Both of those and only ONE of them is diagnosed because the healthcare system in my country hates ME. SPECIFICALLY
and it really makes me MISS when i would just. be able to explain it to my family that im not lazy and i do really want to do the thing i have to do but i cant get it past the first. yk, thought stage. its like something gets lost in the neurons somewhere. and i dont know if ive made this apparent yet but that doesnt really gel well with the education system.
so here i am, feeling like shit in 1000 different and uniquely-hellish ways, missing my family not only because of fucking course i miss my family, and also because the situation im in is actually a bit worse for me, disability wise.
id be willing to spend time in the prison dimension again just to get back to you guys. to get home, yk? (and YES raph i KNOW thats "not good" and YES mikey i KNOW thats "unhealthy" and YES donnie i KNOW you'll kill me if i say that again but. idk what else to tell you haha)
yours in melancholy. or whatever
-leo 🔷⚔🌌
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le-fruity-fool · 5 months
So I saw a post abt gifted kid burnout earlier & ended up writing a novel in the tags so I just copied & pasted to make my own post instead. Ugh- so like- the thing is I always knew I wasn't getting the support I needed. I could count the teachers who sincerely believed in me on one hand. So when the straight-A-students started noticing that they were suddenly struggling to keep up with their workloads, & class material, & social lives, there was this sinister sense of vindication for me. But I was also just so extremely bitter because even after all that, the former gifted students could still commiserate with each other about it, while I was still the 'lazy' kid who got straight Cs & ‘didn’t care’. I had to listen to my friends call themselves failures when they got the same grades I’d always had & ngl, man it stung real bad hearing them reaffirm my worry that they thought I wasn't trying hard enough. The things they had to experience after leaving their gifted kid bubbles freaking sucked. But I'd been experiencing that the entire time, and I had to experience it alone. As an adult, I understand that in the end we all grew up to feel betrayed by a school system that crammed us into useless boxes instead of taking the time to identify what type of support we actually needed, thus leaving us all ill-equipped for a world where we're only valued for our productivity & our ability to conform. I know everybody figures it out eventually, it’s just that some people wind up noticing it a bit later. Eventually I realized it wasn't fair for me to brush off the academic trauma my friends experienced in public school, just because it wasn’t my experience. What matters is we all came to the same, extremely important, conclusion: Public education in the US fucking sucks ass & needs to change.
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