cringelordofchaos · 7 months
(warning: a ton of swearing, EXTREME stupidity, inaccessibility to screen readers, a ton of ranting)
I'm fucking stupid (like. Extremely)
in other words what I'm trying to say is
I don't know math. Like. At all
And it's a genuine fucking problem
(unrelated but my phone keeps trying to autocorrect "fucking" to "rucking/ducking" and it's really pissing me off)
I don't know how to phrase this differently. When I say I am HORRIBLY HORRIBLE at math, and I don't know anything going from 4th grade onward I MEAN it. And it's a fucking problem
Like how do I say this. I stopped paying attention to any classes in school ever since fifth grade and so I never, ever paid attention to math. How I have still managed to move forward, that is unbeknownst to me. But I haven't learned a single goddamn thing in those years and I don't know anything. Older people have told me to just start paying attention to class and I'll somehow catch up but the thing is, looking at the board........ I don't know anything. There is no former knowledge to apply here.
And it's all kinda my fault? I mean it's not like I CHOSE to not pay attention to class? Not really? I don't think st least? Ddisomdidwd
But even then I COULD ask people to help me but I feel so genuinely ashamed....... Like. Guys
To give an example of how genuinely stupid I am
Take this for example. 8 + 7 . EXTREMELY EASY. most people instantly think "oh it's 15" because most people are smart enough
IIII, HIWEVER, think this way: "oh.... Eight... Plus seven... Well first I'll turn eight into ten so it's a bit easier so I'll just take the number two away from seven... Ok now it's ten... Then I uh... Seven minus two.. that's five... So ten plus five is fifteen!"
I definitely don't have discalculia or dyscalculia or whatever it's spelled like, I am just extremely dumb and never practice math. Never
I never do my homework, never do anything at school, like I said I have no idea as to how I managed to pass
I don't know who to turn to, because I feel way to goddamn ashamed to open up about this
I'm pretty sure I can talk to my sister but I'm sure she isn't too interested in teaching my basic mathematics
There's the internet, I suppose? Which can help me
The only problem.
I'm way too lazy
I keep telling myself I'll do it, I'll study, and then I. Don't.
I have a math test tomorrow and I told myself and my PE teacher that I'll study, that I'll ask my sister for help
But I didn't. Nighttime is nearing and I'm not doing anything about it but I should be doing something about it
I'll do it or st least try doing it after making this post but I have no idea where to start.
How does one learn YEARS of math in one night.
Well, I have been able to recover 2 years of physics in 3 private classes? Probably because AHEM individualist teaching mechanisms hellomm??? This is why private teaching is so much better than the standard education system???
I guess it is fixable just
I just wanted to rant I guess lolz
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