#i do feel silly that i'm feeling down but i also just kinda don't wanna be here bc i've made myself uncomfortable
tvrningout · 5 months
if i'm honest, i'm having a bout of " am i being annoying? " so i might just see myself out till tomorrow. i hate to do that bc i really wanna get my drafts queued, but i also don't think it's good for me to force myself to do something if i'm feeling off. maybe i'll surprise myself and come back and write? but i'm not gonna stress about it too much -- or at least try not to :' )
please take care of yourselves and remember it's alright to take a break when you need one <3 in general ofc, but especially on this silly lil website bc this is a hobby -- not a job!!
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rubysparx · 5 months
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Honestly I don't think I'm qualified to make this post, I just don't know if I can make coherent enough words man. But the thoughts are in there and I will try to articulate them. This is probably going to be mostly images though. anyway yeah KABRU POST.
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A couple nights ago (at approximately 2:30am, lasting a little over half an hour) I had a bit of a moment about Kabru. That, too, was mostly images- most of what you see in this more concise post were presented then as well. I think my main points of the "moment" were about Kabru's trauma + self hatred, his autism and/or general otherness, and also a little labru if you'd like..
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I think something easy to start with is I wanna point out Kabru's constant back and forth and conflicting opinions of demihumans and how, I believe, thats a reflection of how he goes back and forth on what he believes his purpose of living is- and the general worth of his own life. I've said it before and i've just kinda shown it in images; Kabru is "i think im a monster and it disgusts me" where Laios is "I know im a human and it disgusts me" (i could go more into the latter on another post)
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the above are both from the world bible, with the left being from the section on kobolds and the right being from the section on Kuro specifically. Utaya was very near to the desert where most of the kobold population is, this is likely why Kabru is able to speak Kuro's language- he grew up around demihumans. (chapter 48 cover, kobold chapter in the world bible) I won't try to speak for how his mother or the rest of utaya felt about the kobolds but I can say that Kabru was very much othered as a child, as was his mother, purely for the way her son's (kabru) eyes looked.
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I feel like its fair enough to say that both kabru and the kobolds were othered, and possibly for similar reasons (villager's seeing them as nonhuman, as monsters) and the fact that Kabru learned their language probably didn't help his case. I think his perception of kobolds (and all demihumans, subsequently himself, as he probably still views himself as nonhuman or not human enough.. deep down) was damaged by the Utaya incident. at 2:30am when I first started this ramble my main comment was that "had the utaya incident not happened kabru would have little reason to feel ashamed for his connection to monsters. and may have ended up similar to laios in that he couldve had otherkin swag" which is just a sort of silly way of saying Kabru could've learned to love the thought that he is possibly nonhuman or at least not hated himself so much for it.
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in the original ramble I said, and quote, "he has been STALKING laios. laios is his hyperfixation to learn how he can ever be loved. he keeps going back and forth so harshly on wether or not he wants to kill Laios and he clearly sees his survival from utaya not as an unfortunate trauma [*] but as a necessary, deserved fate. a punishment for his mother's witchy sins, and for his sin of being non-human. to atone for it all, to apologize for being alive, he tries to better the lives of all humanity. He was set on his way to dethrone the governor of the island . do you understand? im going insane" *i also said somethings about the way he processes other people's traumas and not his own. He's able to understand and even help some people, but he struggles to process his own issues and see himself as worthy of love and life.
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^some examples of Kabru being understanding of or helping others who have suffered greatly. I think its also worth mentioning that with Rin (called "Lynn" in that translation) he says "I wish there was a way to get her out of this" though he's insisted and pushed for himself to go into a dungeon;
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In chapter 94, Mithrun says "The desire I had left wasn't revenge. All I wanted.. was for it to finish devouring me." and I don't feel like it's a stretch to say Kabru was in a similar situation. Mithrun sought out the demon with no plan on how to kill something like that because deep down he wanted it to end his (Mithrun's) own life, to finish the trauma it caused and kill him. I think Kabru went into the dungeon in part with the hopes that it'd kill him. That the same thing that destroyed Utaya and caused him so much trauma would just.. finish him.
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I just think Kabru is a beautifully complex character, I have a lotta thoughts on him and I don't see nearly as many analysis posts for him than I do Laios (despite labru being such a popular ship)
there is no tldr for this post idk how to summarize it. do what you will with this collection of images. have fun. go crazy
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fun fact the woman in the bottom left corner is his mother, she is labeled here as "witch"
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changisworld · 30 days
“just try it”
fuckboy!hyunjin x reader
Word count;7,023
Summary: you’re known as quite a timid & closed off person in your college class, the one who studies 24/7 & doesn’t have much interest/ confidence in order to enjoy the usual college life, including having sex. You get partnered up for a project with the known fuckboy of the campus, hyunjin.
MDNI, 18+ only, smut warnings under the cut
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
main masterlist here
part 2 here
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SMUT WARNINGS: Virginity loss (f rec), slight coercion, kinda manipulative hyune, fingering(f rec). oral (both rec), piv, multiple orgasms, slight needy hyune, slight body worship, nipple sucking, light marking(scratching, hickey), corruption???, mention of blood( It's extremely brief) kinda angsty ending??
"Hyunjin, for the presentation you can go with... y/n!" your lecturer says after scanning the room & you freeze as she says this, making you want the ground to swallow you on the spot. You know Hyunjin & you haven't got a good opinion on him whatsoever.
You give a faint, displeased smile to your teacher before she moves onto sort out other groups for the project & a minute later, the chair beside you is moved & your new partner is now sitting next to you.
"heya, glad to be your partner, don't worry, I'll actually pull my weight sweetie so you won't be doing it on your own." he says with a faint smile, resting his head on his hand as he looks at you.
You stare at him as he says this, honestly in disbelief. You know he is just trying to piss you off as he has asked you to do an essay for him, leaving you with all his notes before running off, not allowing you to even say no. "I don't want you to help me, you'll make us fail. I'll just do it." you say, venom in your voice & hyunjin 'tuts' at this.
"Cmonnn y/n, don't be silly, i'd love to help! You can come to my place at the end of today & we can start." he says as he rips the corner of the piece of paper you were writing on & writing his address on it before sliding it to you & then standing up & resting his hands on the back of your chair as he leans down to you. "See ya later."
He leaves the classroom as the bell goes & you groan, scrunching up the paper he scribbled on & shoving it into your jacket pocket before also leaving.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You spend your lunchtime in the library, starting a few rough drafts so you can get a better idea of what you want to say as you present, taking the extra couple of minutes to write Hyunjins parts too. You have your headphones on & you're quite honestly in your own little bubble but as you look u from the computer to open your drink, you notice the same annoying guy from earlier, sitting across from you, looking at his phone, not paying you any mind.
"Can I help you?" you question, staring at him with an annoyed lookon your face. "Actually, you can. Stop working without me, I want to help." he responds back, not looking up from his phone as he texts someone. You scoff & roll your eyes as you swivel around in your spinny chair, looking right at him.
"I don't feel like failing because you do jack shit. Just go n i'll do it myself, go admire yourself in the mirror or something & leave me alone." you respond again before turning back to your computer but a second later your chair is being pulled by him so you're facing him again, his phone now on the desk.
"Stop being so weird y/n, I want to pass as much as you do so stop being so stingy. Move, I wanna see what you've wrote." he flashes you a closed mouth smile before lightly pushing your chair, allowing him to now have space for him to also sit. You groan before standing up. "Just take my seat Hyunjin, I'm leaving." You push your seat towards him & begin to leave but you feel him swing his arm out & hook around your waist before pulling you.. onto his lap.
"You're so hard to please, you like this with everyone n everything hm?" he questions as he begins reading what you've written down, grabbing the keyboard & beginning to tweak a few things.
You hate to admit it & glad there are no mirrors anywhere so you don't have to allow yourself to see how much you're blushing. You can't think of anything to say so you just sigh as you watch him type, his arm still around your lower half, him paying no mind to it as he pulls his airpods out & handing you one as he uses the other as he puts a random playlist of his on, your own headphones around your shoulders.
You both stay like this, you being too shy to move & he just simply not caring, he asks for your opinion on certain parts as he types out your opinions.
A minute or so later, you both hear footsteps entering the library but you both don't pay attention, up until the footsteps stop right in front of you, the footsteps belonging to another girl in your class, Lisa. You give her a small smile, trying to be polite despite not really being friends but she ignores you as she pulls Hyunjins airpod out & he flips his head around before looking up at her.
"Ah, hiya Lisa, you alright?" he asks as he now realises the perfume you're wearing, which he likes. "Yup. Wha'cha doing? I thought we were going for lunch together at that new cafe I saw, y/n keeping you prisoner? You're more than capable to do this without Hyunjin today, right? Can you stand up n Jinnie cmon." Lisa replies, trying to sound as if she is joking around but it's obvious she's pissed.
Her words make you remember that you're still sitting on Hyunjins lap & you instantly shoot up but his arm stops you, forcing you back onto him. "Ahh Lisa totally forgot, y/n is helping me get that A so i'm gonna stay, go with Chan or something, I'm busy." he responds, turning the chair you're both sitting on so you're both now facing the computer as he begins typing again.
Lisa scoffs as she has her eyes burning into the back of your head before she slams his airpod back down on the desk & walking out, her paying no mind to the stares from annoyed students she is receiving. "Bitch almost broke my airpod into damn pieces." he murmurs as he reaches out & takes it back & puts it in his ear, not mentioning anything else, which makes you curious.
"Why is she so upset? You can go with her Hyunjin I can really do this on my own." you question, reaching forward to pull your notepad towards you, swatting his hands off the keyboard as you start copying what you've wrote on paper, onto the document. "She's pissed because me n her have been fucking n she can't handle me talking to any other pretty girl. Me n her are nothing so don't stress pretty, I'm available." he jokes as he leans back to let you type & you scoff.
"How can you be fucking her yet you claim to be nothing with her? You're playing with her feelings, it's sad." you respond, annoyance in your tone & Hyunjin just sighs. "I've got a big dick n I like to use it. You'd fuck her too if you had a dick, she's good at sucking it, believe me. She said she wouldn't catch feelings but here we are. I'm tryna pawn her off to Seungmin or Chan but she doesn't take the hint." he says, nonchalantly as his fingers fiddle with the bottom of your shirt, simply twiddling it in between his fingers.
"Why you interested anyway, It's casual sex. Don't you relate? I know you don't party or anything since i woulda seen your pretty face from anywhere but don't you ever hook up with anyone?" He questions, leaning forward as he rests his chin on your shoulder, not failing to miss how you tense up as he does so. You don't respond to him, which give him his answer.
"Ohhh, you a virgin or something? How does someone who looks like you not get around?" he teases, wiggling from side to side in the chair, making you wiggle on him as you huff. "Shut up Hyunjin, oh my god. I just.. have better things to do? I have better things to focus on." you murmur back, cheeks going red again but this time out of embarrassment. He chuckles before letting the subject go, not wanting to pry too much.
You type for a minute or so more as he helps you reword it, suggesting some ideas which actually aren't stupid. This goes on for a few minutes until you hit a stump & both can't agree on what to do. "Just come to mines later, mkay? I know you've kept the paper, Sorry to be the one to break the bad news but I've got to go see someone, so you're gonna need to get off my lap." he says, patting your leg & you shoot up, remembering where you both are & being reminded again you are siting on thee Hyunjins lap.
He packs his stuff up before ruffling his hair up & then walks past you, taking his airpod out of your ear & also your headphones off your shoulders at the same time. You turn around to protest but he speaks before you can get any words out. "I'll take these with me so you have to come later, unless you wanna buy another pair of course, see ya later pretty." he skips away, your teeth clenched & eyebrows frowned as you watch him.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
You reach his apartment later that night after going home to get dressed, now wearing sweatpants & a plain grey tee & you stand at the front door for a minute, trying to talk yourself into knocking on the door but also to try calm your nerves. 'why am I so fucking nervous?' you keep asking yourself. Before you can act on anything however, you feel a tap on your back & it's obviously hyunjin, staring back at you, before moving forward to unlock his door, as he does this you realise the faint smell of a sweet smelling perfume, which makes you roll your eyes.
"You coming in then?" he questions as he kicks off his own shoes, arm still holding the door open for you & you sigh before stepping in, also taking off your shoes.
You follow Hyunjin into his bedroom out of all places as he takes your bag off your back & throws it onto his bed, you take a seat on his desk chair, spinning from side to side as you sit on top of your hands. "Why can't we study in your kitchen hmm? or livingroom?" you question & he flops onto his bed before digging through your bag to grab your books. "My wifi connection is shit everywhere except for my bedroom & bathroom for some reason so unless you wanna spend even longer with me than you want, not that I'd mind, by the way, we gotta do it here." he says, not bothering to look up at you as he grabs a few highlighters & pens from your pencil case, taking the extra few seconds to have a quick dig through the rest of your bag before putting it on the floor.
You scoff as you stand up off the chair & settle down on his bed beside him after realising it will be almost impossible for you to both sit at his desk due to the size of it & the random clutter all over it.
You both begin figuring out what the hell you both need to include for your exam, Hyunjin obviously still randomly trying to flirt with you but you just ignore it. You both actually start making progress, both of you lying on your stomachs across from one another as the mixture of scrap paper, books & laptop is in between the both of you as you both balance yourselves on your elbows.
Every time you both have a quick discussion, however, you can't help but notice how much his eyes wander to the opening of your shirt, showing the top part of your chest, you try to ignore it but you can't help but get a bit flustered by it, which he realises so he doesn't have the shame to stop. "Can you stop trying to stare at my tits? You aren't even being discreet." you scoff, trying to sound stern but your voice pitch raises at the end regardless.
"Can't help it. You're hot n if it's right in front of me, you can't blame me, silly." he quickly responds, nibbling on the end of your pen. "You're such a man slut, you have another girls perfume on you yet you can't contain yourself around someone else not even two hours later, you gross me out." you snap back, reaching out to snatch the now slightly chewed pen from between his pretty lips & wiping it on him before dropping it on the bed.
"Only have the perfume smell because Lisa knew I was gonna be with you later, you jealous or something y/nnnn?" he snarks, reaching out to boop your nose, watching as the tip of your ears go bright red. "Jealous? Don't make me laugh, Hyunjin. I don't care what you n her have going on, believe me." You break eye contact with him, getting flustered from the conversation happening. "Cmonnn, y/n, if you wanna fuck, just say that." he half jokes, picking up the pen again before fiddling it in his hand.
You laugh at his words, honestly not even surprised at what he is saying. "You're so cocky, god. I'd genuinely, rather die." you spit, eyebrows frowned, which makes him hum. "So, you're telling me, If i was to kiss you, you'd actually push me off you?" he queries, pushing the paper & books to the side, nothing separating the two of you anymore.
You open your mouth to mostly yell at him for even saying something so dumb but you don't get any words out as he puts his hand behind your head & leans forward before connecting his lips against yours. You freeze under the touch, not even really knowing what to do since you've never actually kissed anyone either, but you can't help but take notice of how soft his lips are & how they move in a perfect rhythm.
He breaks his lips off yours a few seconds later, but doesn't leave your space, your lips centimetres apart. He again realises how much he is blushing & you hate how composed he looks. "Y/n." he says, in a lower voice. "mhmm?" you instantly reply, your heart racing. "Was that your first kiss?" he questions, the hand behind your head now playing with your hair.
You embarrassingly nod your head & he just smiles. "Well, since we are here, we can redo it, if you want. No pressure." he responds, his voice now sounding more soft. You mentally contemplate for a split second before nodding. "just follow my lead alright, it's easy." he says before leaning back in & kissing you again.
You move your lips against his, remembering to relax your lips so it feels easier & better for Hyunjin. You subconsciously lift your hand to rest it against his cheek but as you do this, he leans further forward & pushes into you with his bodyweight, making it so you are now laying on your back & you can't help but feel your underwear dampen, which gives you even more butterflies.
He moves the hand that was resting on the back of your head & rests it on your cheek instead, caressing it with his thumb as his other hand now rests on your lower stomach before his fingers begin playing with the hem of your shirt & you move your own hand & rest it on top of his that is playing with your shirt.
He keeps the pace of the kiss slow, keeping it enjoyable for the both of you but he can almost hear your heartbeat going at a million miles per hour as he teases you by biting your bottom lip, which makes you let out a small whimper which instantly sends blood to his cock.
You somehow forget to breathe & as he breaks the kiss for the second time, you're breathing a lot heavier as your cheeks are on fire due to how much you're blushing.
"There's no way that was your first kiss, you're so good at it." he remarks, biting his own bottom lip, which you can't help but find extremely hot. His fingers now dig themselves under your shirt, his finger now lightly scratching & caressing the skin of your stomach, making your back arch slightly.
"It was my first time.. I swear." you say back, your voice sounding more blown out & airy than you wanted. "Well, if you want, we can go further. I've already been your first in one thing & I'd be able to actually show you how to feel good.. for your future partners, of course." he says, his voice sounding low again, his fingers not stopping their actions as he still caresses your skin.
"I- that's a huge thing Hyunjin, I want my first time to be with someone who I really care about." you basically whisper back, your nerves making you want to almost vomit, he pouts at your response. "heyyy, I can show you absolutely everything you'll ever need, I'd look after you so well, make you feel amazing, if you'll let me. I know you care for me even a little bit since you've been blushing every time we have spoken today. Not to mention, I've never had a bad review." he responds, elongating the last word to try get his point across.
As he says this, he leans further down & rubs his nose against yours while giving a faint smile, before leaning down & nuzzling his face into your neck , inhaling your sweet vanilla perfume before nibbling on your neck. "I promise. pleaseee.?" he whispers in your ear, his fingers now crawling further up your frame, resting just beneath your tits, which makes your breath hitch. You think for a second, your hand reaching up to caress his long soft hair as you nod your head before mumbling an 'okay' & you can feel him smile against your neck.
He sets himself back up on his elbows, giving you a warm look before leaning back, kissing you again as his fingers now reach up & cup your right tit, to his surprise you're not wearing a bra, which makes him hum. "No bra? Did you expect this, y/n?" he asks, smirk not leaving his face as he starts to brush his fingers over your nipple, making you squirm beneath him. "They're just uncomfortable." you reply, making him chuckle before kissing you again.
He wraps two fingers around your nipple before twiddling it between them, tugging it lightly every once in a while, liking the reactions you give him as he does so, letting small noises escape your lips & get swallowed by him.
This continues for a minute or so before he moves his lips from yours & moves to your jawline, slowly littering kisses down it before moving down to your neck as he removes his hand from your tit to lift your shirt up but you stop him as you sit up & take your shirt completely off, surprising yourself with the random outburst of confidence.
His eyes light up at the sight, your tits being some of, if not the best pair he has ever saw. He smirks at your face, you giving him a faint smile, your eyes filled with lust as you are convinced your panties are now soaked more than they already are. "so pretty, can I taste them?" he asks as he lays down & pulls you so you're now straddling him, your ass now being able to feel his thick hard on.
You nod & he wastes no time at all before pushing on your back, your tits now right above his face before he looks up at you, smiling before he latches his pretty plump lips on your nipple as his fingers begin playing with the other one again & you can't control the yelp you let out at the feeling. You throw your head back as your fingers weave their way through his hair as you lightly tug on it, making him release a few low groans as he continues suckling, spit leaving his lips & wetting your boobs.
You can't help but begin grinding against him, the sucking noises & your light whimpers filling the room. He switches to the opposite nipple & at the same time, his hand comes to rest on your ass, caressing it & squeezing the flesh, making you arch your back, wanting more.
"Hyune- more, please." you say, swallowing your pride & asking the man beneath you to give you what you now want. He unlatches himself & you look down at him, his lips & chin shiny with his own spit as he helps you grind against him. "Well what is it you want y/n hmm? You're gonna need to tell me if you want anything since I don't know what you can handle, silly." he replies, smirking at you as he wriggles his fingers into the waistband of your sweatpants as he now grinds into you too.
"I- fingers or something, please?" you whine, leaning forward to hide your face in the side of his neck, hiding the embarrassment on your face. Despite you not being able to see it, he is smirking as he helps move you so you are laying on your back again & your legs automatically part, your feet planted on the bed as he settles between them, sitting on his legs as he takes his hoodie off, revealing his gorgeous body which you can't take your eyes off of.
"Just giving you a bigger view with a view." he remarks which makes you snap out of it, chuckling to himself as he leans forward to kiss your forehead, making your heart flutter.
He sits back again before putting his hands on your knees, caressing them with his thumbs as he is between your legs. "Can I take these off? They're cute n all but I'm sure your bare legs look a whole lot better." he says as he is looking into your blown out pupils without his own, now fiddling with the drawstrings of your joggers.
"Please." you reply & he doesn't waste any time before helping take them off, you raise your hips for him to make it easier, now leaving you in just your basic, white cotton underwear which makes you hide your face in your arms, shy, but he is quick to swat them away.
"Don't hide your pretty face, there's nothing to be embarrassed of. You're so innocent, my y/nnie." you don't fail to miss the 'my' part & you clench around nothing, letting out a small huff as he lays himself down on your stomach. You set yourself up on your elbows as you look down at him, a bit confused as he admires your clothed core, a small wet patch seeping through the cotton.
He takes a finger & touches your wet patch before taking it to his lips & tasting it, letting out a hum noise as he smiles, not even looking at you as he then peels your panties off your skin too, now leaving you completely bare for him, making you squirm.
He plants some kisses on the inside of your thighs as his finger trails up & down your slit, spreading your wetness around your entire core, making you raise your hips off the bed due to the unfamiliar stimulation but he is quick to push you back down.
"I'm gonna give myself a better taste, alright? Keep your hips down or I'll stop. If you seriously want me to stop or slow down, just say the word yellow, okay?" he asks, fingers stopping their movement. "O-okay, can you just go slow? I don't really know what to expect." you reply, giving him a small, nervous smile, which he nods. "Of course, I was planning on it anyway beautiful, Just lay back f'me." You do as he says & lay back & gasp a second later as you feel the kisses have now moved from just your thighs, a kiss now being placed right on your clit.
He kisses from the top to the bottom of your pussy, listening for your reaction & once he realises it's a good reaction, he begins kitten licking your clit, his index finger still feeling around the outside of your hole, adding extra stimulation. He lets out a low groan & licks the entirety of your core in one motion, making you whine & you try to close your legs on accident but he's quicker & wraps your thighs around his arms, holding them open. "Taste so good, fuck." he murmurs to himself more than to you as he begins speeding up his motions slightly, flicking his tongue back & forth before taking your clit into his mouth, suckling on it, making sure to use plenty of spit, the noises of his lips & the wetness echoing throughout the room, almost as loud as the moans you're now making.
You try your best to not squirm too much but you can't help it & you are moving as much as Hyunjin is allowing you to which isnt much by the way, the sensation being completely new to you in the best way possible. You let out an even louder whine as he uses his teeth to lightly graze against your bud, throwing you towards a high, feeling much stronger than when you brought yourself to orgasms.
Hyunjin takes this opportunity to now slide a finger inside your tight hole which you clench around immediately, making him groan again. He begins to slowly finger you while feeling around for your G-spot which only takes him a few seconds due to his long fingers & he begins rubbing his finger up & down it, making your eyes roll to the back of your head as your legs begin to tremble.
"Hyunj- I'm gonna cum, d-dont't stop." you yelp, fisting his clean, grey bedsheets until your knuckles are turning white & who is Hyunjin to deny you? He continues at the exact same pace with his finger but decides to add a second one, stretching you out that bit extra as he continues to suck on your clit, using his tongue to massage it at the same time.
Your orgasm washes over you, it being the most intense thing you've ever felt. Your fingers latch onto his hair & pull on it, pulling a groan out of him as he lets you ride out the first orgasm of the night, his arms having to work harder to actually keep your legs open.
He unlatches himself & slowly pulls his fingers out of you when you've came down from your high, panting heavily as a thin sheen of sweat now coats your face. He sits back up on his legs, caressing the inside of your legs for a moment before crawling up your frame & tapping his now coated fingers on your lips & you understand instantly, opening your lips & he pushes his fingers into your mouth, resting on your tongue as you suck your own juices off them, his eyes not leaving yours for even a second.
He releases his fingers from behind your lips before leaning in & kissing you again, this time worming his tongue past your lips, allowing you to taste yourself even more, making you hum, not expecting to be so turned on by this.
You slither your hand down his pretty chest & even prettier abs before fiddling with the hem of his pants, looking up at him with glossy eyes. "Just gave you heaven n you're wanting more? Aren't you full of surprises." he teases, poking his tongue on the inside of his cheek. "I want to, return the favour, well, try to." you reply, fingers moving down to balm the huge tent in his pants, making him jerk his hips forward on instinct.
"Ahhh, you want to suck my cock, jagi? Aren't you too sweet. I'll guide you. Don't be intimidated though." He says before standing up to kick his pants off & taking his underwear off with it too & you now know what he meant by 'don't be intimidated' because he is huge. He is around 7 inches & it slightly curves upward & his balls pretty & full, making your eyes gape open in amazement but also nerves, he laughs at your reaction.
He sits back down on the bed & you take it upon yourself to move & settle down on the floor in front of him, sitting back on your knees as he opens his leg enough so you can settle between them.
"Just take it at the base with a grip that isn't too strong & jerk up & down at a slower pace & then work your way up, you can kinda twist your wrist in a way too. The tip is the most sensitive so make sure to focus on that mkay? Just do what feels right, I like a tiny bit of pain so don't stress if you graze it." he tells you, his hair sticking to his forehead as he looks down at you.
You nod at his words & begin jerking him off the way he instructed & you're clearly doing a good job as he jerks his hips into your hands, biting his bottom lip as you do so. "Make it wet, it feels better." he groans & you let a glob of spit fly past your lips onto his angry red tip, which makes him wince before you lean further forward & lick the bead of precum off his tip, making him groan.
You look up at his reaction as you begin to suckle on the tip of his cock before moving sown to the shaft & littering kisses & quick suckles on it, before repeating the action. Your hand is now wet with the spit you've dropped onto & jerked all over his cock & you you decide to wing it & you put his entire tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue over it & he throws his head back, trying his best to not jerk into your mouth as you work your way down slowly, taking about a quarter of his cock in your mouth as you keep jerking him off.
"You sure this is y-your first time? too good at th-this." he groans out as he gathers your hair out of your face & pulls it into a makeshift ponytail, groaning at the pleasure you're giving him. You try to take further in your mouth but he's quick to pull your head back up so you're not pushing yourself too much, him deeming it as too much to try deepthroat him on your first time.
Spit keeps escaping your lips & you jerk it into his cock, the sloppy noises turning you on impossibly more. You release his cock from your lips to get your breath back & you blow cold air onto his tip which makes his legs tense up as he lurches forward slightly. "You're made for this y/n, i'm convinced. Lay down on the bed for me pretty." he says in a aired out, raspier voice as he helps you stand up anyway & he lays you on your back.
He quickly walks over to the other side o the bed & opens his drawer before pulling out a condom, ripping it open with his teeth before walking back over to you, your legs already spread open enough for him to slot himself between. He puts the condom on & jerks himself off a few times & then drags his cock over your folds a few times, making you buck your hips.
"I've stretched you with my fingers but it's still gonna be a stretch y/n, please tell me to stop if it's too much, you're a smart girl so i'm sure you know it's gonna hurt. You ready?" he questions, his face more serious looking than before as he looks into your eyes, still dragging his cock, it running over your clit. "I know, Just do it, I'll be fine." you respond, your hands resting on your chest.
He gives you a warm smile before he slowly begins to push inside of you & your breath hitches in your chest, trying to not pay much mind to the pain but a few tears leak past your eyes. Hyunjin pauses his movement when he is half inside you, leaning forward to allow you to hold onto him. He plants a few kisses on your jawline before connecting his lips to yours, kissing you slowly as he pushes the rest of the way in, making you yelp into his mouth, his fingers coming up to wipe away your tears despite him not even being able to see them.
Your hands latch around his back as you keep clenching around him, making him groan into your mouth. Once he can sense you're more relaxed due to not clenching as tight as much anymore, he pushes the rest of the way in before pausing again.
"How are you feeling, beautiful? You alright?" he asks you as he moves the hair out of your face then kissing the tip of your nose. "H-i'm fine, just feels weird." you reply, one of your hands coming down to hold onto his muscly arm, relaxing yourself.
"Okay, I'm glad. I'm gonna move now, alright? The pain will pass, pinky swear." he gives you another peck before he sits back up & holds onto the inside of your legs, keeping you open for him as he slowly retracts himself then pumping himself back in, making you let out a small 'mhmmph' sound. He sets an extremely slow pace, not breaking eye contact with you to make sure you're not going through any extra discomfort.
You begin to let out small moans & whimpers after a few minutes, the pleasure now surpassing the pain. Hyunjin scrunches his eyes together as you clench around him, higher pitched moans leaving his lips. "You c-can go faster. Feels good." you tell him, trying to move your hips to get more. "Thought- you'd never ask. Yo're s-so tight y/n, fuck." he groans as he slowly begins to pick up his speed, the lube provided by the condom plus your wetness making it loud, your skin sticking together as he fully thrusts inside you.
"y-you're so beautiful. So good f'me y/nnie. so pe-perfect."" he whines as he sets a quicker rhythm, throwing his head back, trying to not cum on the spot just from the noises leaving your lips.
He brings a hand down to your clit & begins rubbing circles, matching the pace his cock is doing & your back arches off the bed & you shriek from the overstimulation. "G-gonna cum again, t-too much jinnie." you gasp, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your hand reaches down to try swat his hand away from your clit but he is quick to hold your hand down on your lower stomach, now making you feel his cock moving inside you. "you can take it pretty, Just a little more, o-okay? cum with me." he groans out, not slowing down his pace at all. Your legs keep shaking & your back keeps arching off the bed, unable to even form thoughts, the only words able to leave your mouth being his name.
"c-cuh-cumming hyune." you force out & hyunjin can't help but smirk. He lets go of your hand & leans back down so your chests are connected before nestling himself in your neck before he begins sucking a hickey into your skin, only partially on accident, but you pay no mind.
You begin clenching uncontrollably as you can feel your orgasm bubbling up, your whole body beginning to tingle as his cock is ramming into your G-spot without missing a beat. "Y/nnie p-please don't clench so much, g-gonna cum." You can't stop even if you wanted to though however as your orgasm squirts out of you, spraying directly onto Hyunjins abs, pubic bone, the base of his cock, the bed & a few droplets hitting your lower stomach too, your eyes rolling back into your skull as your fully body shakes, shrieking & gasping uncontrollably.
"Holy shit, y-you're too perfect, squirting on my cock, y/n you'-you're too beautiful, you're n-not real, oh my god." he whines into your neck.Hyunjin basically squeals, his moans are that loud as he bites down on your neck as his own release fills the condom, you being able to feel his cock pulsating inside you.
You both sit in silence for a minute, catching your breaths back, feeling each others chests expanding against the other, his hot breath against your neck as you weave your fingers through his now wet hair.
Once you have both actually came down to earth, he peels himself off of you before peeling the now used condom off his now softening cock & you realise it has a red tint to it despite him trying to hide it from you by throwing it in the bin quickly.
"Did i bleed on your dick Hyunjin? That's so gross I'm so sorry, you could have stopped I wouldn't have cared." you rush out, feeling a deep level of embarrassment but he just tuts in response. "Don't be ridiculous babe, It's normal, doesn't bother me." he replies as he walks over to his drawers, pulling out a pair of boxer shorts & a random tee shirt before handing it to you.
"You can just stay here tonight, I don't really want you tryna get home since it's not stupid to think you're gonna struggle to walk too much, we can go shower soon." He says as he climbs back up his bed, You would protest but you know he is no doubt right. He sits up by his pillows before pulling you into his chest as he kisses the top of your head.
You both stay like this for a while before you both remember your orgasm is still marinating into his bedsheets, he changes them right after he helps you into the shower before joining you.
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
It's been a week since Hyunjin took your virginity & you have tried your best to tell yourself it meant nothing to him, because it most likely didn't but you have since caught feelings for him, despite trying absolutely everything not to.
You both still met every day but it was mostly just on campus & you completed your project & obviously got an A but he actually helped so it wasn't just all you, which you deeply appreciate.
Ever since the project was finished, however, he has kept his distance. He doesn't sit anywhere near you & spends his time in lectures teasing the other random girls who fawn over him, which makes your heart burn.
You are just day dreaming when two girls in front of you talking catches your attention, & that's when you find out Hyunjin hooked up with one of them, the day after he was literally your first for everything.
You feel tears begin threatening to leave your eyes so you gather your stuff & leave the room, your lecturer not paying any mind & you begin walking towards the bathroom to try freshen yourself up when Hyunjin walks from the opposite direction & he notices the tears & he stops you by moving your chin so you're looking up at him.
"Why the tears, sweetcheeks? Pretty girls shouldn't cry." he remarks, chewing gum as he looks at you, wiping a tear off your cheek with his thumb. "Doesn't matter Hyunjin, stop bunking & go back to class." you say in a monotone voice. "woahhh, you're calling me Hyunjin again? I liked the name Jinnie a lot more, why've I been demoted hmm?" he teases back & you want nothing more than to punch the gum out his mouth.
"You tell me, do you tell all the other girl you fuck to call you Jinnie too? Like the one you fucked the day after you took my virginity?" you snap back, your voice shaking. He raises his eyebrows, honestly in shock from your words. "Babe, you know what I'm like, we aren't anything that I'm aware of so I'm a free man. If you want anything else, you gotta tell me." he replies, his voice sounding more soft as you actually begin to cry, which he hugs you as you do.
"I just thought you just wanted your cherry popped, y/nnie, I'm sorry for thinking so, mkay? We can get lunch together or something n cheer you up, we can speak about it." he offers & you just nod , leaving his arms as you wipe your tears away.
He gives you a smile before he wraps his arm around your shoulder, walking back the way he had just came from. "You can choose the place, but not too expensive since I'll pay as an apology present."
⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
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witheringwidgetwrites · 10 months
MC has a secret admirer!
Request goes; They're already dating but it's new so most of the lesser demons don't know about it. MC then starts getting love letters from an anonymous person and the Dateables/Brothers get the need to show off that MC is theirs?
I'm gonna do the brothers first! Hope that's cool! If yall wanna see more pls request it! (Also pretend that this is near the beginning of yalls relationship)
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"Wow, look babe, I got a love letter! Guess I'm more popular than I thought, you might have some competition." You chuckle, kissing his cheek. It was a very flattering letter, laying out all your strengths, compliments sprinkled generously throughout the writing. It was... surprising to say the least. But you were excited to tell him about it!
If he's already on edge, he might just yank it and rip it in half. Today, however, he's in a good mood.
"Let me read it." You hand him the paper, watching him closely as he grimaces and scoffs. He's not nervous, but he is baffled that someone had the nerve to send you such a... bold letter.
A little prideful, in the sense that he has something that no one else can. He know's you wont leave him for some lower demon, but he can't help but feel slightly threatened.
Walks a litter closer to you around town and RAD. He'll hold your hand when the hallways start to filter out and there's less students around.
Puts in the effort to take you on more public dates, Restorante Six, most likely. kissing your hand and giving you roses at the table. He's not flashy, but it's enough for rumors to spread quickly.
He rips it from your hand, immediately turning his back so he can read it. "Is this the kinda lame sappy stuff you're into? Even I'd do better than this! It don't even mention ya eyes!"
He hands it back to you, mumbling something about, "i'll show 'em" before he stomps off, shaking his head.
He struts the RAD halls with his arm around you, glaring unnecessary at anyone who walks by. He's certainly on edge for the first couple days after. He starts passing you small silly notes during class, little drawings and pickup lines. You watch him as he turns away, hand trying to cover his flushed cheeks.
Also takes you out more. Carnivals, amusement parks, more casual things! Posts 1 post, with a few photos of you together, captioned 'almost as good as grimm.' If you get another letter, you might end up having your first kiss in front of the school!
"Wha? Who?" He can feel his heart beating faster, anxiety rising in his chest. "Just kidding Levi, you're the only demon for me!" You giggle at him. "Could I read it?" You hand it to him, watching him plop down in his gaming chair. He gets very expressive while he reads. Before long, his tail is swishing behind him, "they don't even know you! There's no mention o-of any of your favorite videos games in here! You love games." He frowns, throwing his hands up dramatically. "I know Levi, I don't even know who sent it. Don't worry, they don't know me as well as you do." He pretends to lose control of his tail, that pulls you into him for a hug.
He sulks for a few days, but after some reassurance, he has a plan. You're going to the aquarium and he'll hold your hand! That'll really show 'em. Might even go to physical school a few days more than usual to walk with you.
He writes you a little in-game dialog sappy note, telling you a few things he loves about you. Might make a singular Devilgram post with you, hugging his Ruri-chan body pillow, captioned ''my #1 and my #2'
"Ohh! Of course you're popular MC! Everyone loves you, and me of course. We're the top power couple! Now let me take a look." He smiles at you, smile faltering slightly as he reads the letter. Eyes blinking a little stiffly, he hands it back to you. "That's so superficial, you're much better off with me." And with that, he walks away.
He shows the world exactly who's you are immediately. You're tagged in maybe 10 posts in a row. Pictures of you and him, some of just you, all captioned things like, 'my love' and 'my number one always' and 'remembering the moment I fell for you' and it's unmistakable.
Becomes even more affectionate in the RAD hallways, snuggling up to you, sitting in your lap/having you sit in his during lunch.
He frowns, putting his hand out for the paper. He glances over it, brow furrowing as he reads. "This is amateur writing. You deserve much better." He hands it back to you, walking past you quickly with a scowl on this face. He turns back halfway down the hall, "be ready at 6:30." You decide to leave him be.
First order of business, he writes you a beautiful letter. It's long winded, many poetry references, and references to stories you've read together. Even compares you to a cat, somehow. He does not give it to you yet.
He dresses nice for your date, electing to take you to dinner, and then a stroll through the royal gardens. As you approach the doors to the House of Lamentation, he turns to you, reaching in his pocket and pulling out a wax sealed letter, your name written neatly on the other side.
Sits a little closer to you at lunch time, and in the library. Hoping someones will see and rumors will spread.
He doesn't read the letter. He's a little jealous, but he thinks reading it will upset him, so he stays away.
He makes the small effort to hold your hand more. He's not normally one for PDA, but for you, he can make a small exception. You can see how flushed his face is when you look up at him.
On game days, he lets you wear his jersey until he needs it. Might post a picture on his Devilgram of you in it. Captioned, '#1 fan'
After one of his games, he sees you talking to a lower demon, they seem to be standing awfully close. He sees them throw their arm around you, and so he calls for you, pretending he didn't see them. He waves at you, jogging over and cupping your face with his hands before placing his lips on yours.
He's half asleep when you tell him. Isn't really bothered until you make the comment about competition. Now he's awake, and looking around like there's a present threat. Yanks the letter from you, holding it close to his face while he scowls. He scans the paper, before rolling his eyes and rolling back over onto his side, taking the letter with him.
Pretends he's not bothered. Asmo brings it up at the dinner table, Belphie calls it a "stupid letter" and crosses his arms, slouching.
Doesn't bring it up again, but you notice he's a little more cuddly in public than he was before. One day after class, he finds you in the library studying, he saunters over, kissing you brashly, tongue tracing the edge of your bottom lip,and loudly, before wiping his lip with his thumb, and sitting next to you, "what're you studying today, MC?"
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 4 months
m'starting to get my groove back no emperor so here's a lil valentines day piece i wrote, hope yall enjoy ♡ ! ( a lil bit more love for the hopeless romantic singles like me, ppl in a relationship yall can get that from your s/o's..still love yall tho ♡)
fem reader, katsuki is a nervous lil thing, his friends don't help( they do end up helping him out tho), just pure fluffyness, bksquad boys are sassy towards each other but all in good fun, bkg is a softie, kirimina kinda hinted but eiji shuts it down take it how u wanna, food n takeout mentions,dude talk written by a girl trying her best, kirishima's sheets smell bad lemme know if i missed sum else ♡ !! (no friends to lovers mentioned in this one btw..starting to feel myself goin thru withdrawal already..), not rlly reader oriented like usual but i thought this was cute lol i like the idea of katsuki caring about us so much he goes out his way to ask for help from others (despite hating doing so)teehee (also i like the idea of these silly guys interacting and i like hc-ing them okay okay i'll stop rambling okay-)
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the last thing kirishima expected at 9.34 pm was someone basically busting down his door with how hard they were knocking on it.
eijirou opens the door urgently and is even more suprised to see his foul mouthed best friend on the other side of the door.
"woah, bakugou, man !" he exclaims seeing the state his friend was in. his eyes looked droopy and his clothes were wrinkled up like he had done a lot of moving around. usually, he would've assumed his friend had just awoken from a good nap, but his restless expression said otherwise. "what happened to you ? you look—"
" 'm fine." bakugou gruffs hoarsely, taking a deep breath at his friends widened eyes, softening up his demeanor just slightly " i'm good," he rephrased "just—you gonna let me in or what ?"
eijirou sputters out an "of course, of course" only for his friend let himself in before he could even move aside. though he immediately freezes when he sees-
"woah, kacchan's gone nutso ! " denki exclaims, face turning red from laying upside down on kirishima's bean bag for way too long.
"and he's up past 8 ? must be the apocalypse or somethin' " sero chuckles from his place on the floor near the dresser.
bakugou groans has he flops onto eijirou’s bed "of course you losers are here" his complaint is muffled against the pillows, but not muffled enough to where the rest of the boys can't hear.
"hey ! we were here before you ! 'f anythin', you're the one intruding—!" denki gulps, eyebrows furrowed. he quickly spins around to lay right when he feels the blood rushing to his head, taking a deep breath afterwards. sero chuckles and bakugou deadpans at kaminari for a good fourty seconds before slamming his head back down and groans even louder.
kirishima decides he's at a safe enough distance to sit down on his own bed, without making any sudden moves so as not to anger the beast that is an angry, sleepy bakugou. he places a hand near his friends leg, where he deems he's at safe to ask "what's up man ? you're usually in bed by this time.." he hears sero make a noise in agreement.
"yeah, or he's havin' kissy-kissy time with his giiiirrrlffrrieeeend.." kaminari sings, kicking his feet in the air jokingly. bakugou, to everyones suprise, flinches at the mention of you, then slams his head against kirishima's pillow harder and groaning even louder.
all three friends share a curious-somewhat worried look. kirishima nudges his head in bakugou's direction, silently begging his friends to say something. said friends adamantly shake their heads, as if synchronized, making a cross motion with their arms. kirishima sighs to himself, some friends.
yet again, he is the first one to speak up " did..did something happen between you two, didja fight or something ?" he asks carefully, his entire body is strained and the air in the room is so heavy, everybody present ready to get a big portion of the great lord explodo-bomberkill's anger.
only to be met with bakugou turning around to lay on his back eyebrows strained slightly and eyes absent, thinking about something they don't know "what ? course we didn't fuckin fight, idiot." he answers simply.
the three friends all let out an obnoxious sigh of relief, to katsuki's slight confusion.
"hoo, okay." kirishima answered relieved. he knows you and bakugou don't fight very much (which he thinks is super manly) but he knows that when it happens bakugou get's extremely—EXTREMELY—irritable, so it's best to stay away from him while he has his heart broken for a little bit, unless he reaches out by himself, but that only happens when he feels really bad and came to ask for advice on how to get his boyfriend priviledges back. "soo.." eijirou sings "what happened then ?"
bakugou's face hardens and the group stiffens again, preparing for a latent explosion--perhaps the volcano was still dormant and was about to be set off. the three boys hold their breaths.
bakugou takes a deep breath, a sour expression on his face.
bakugou huffs out a sigh.
he opens his mouth to speak and—his cheeks are turning pink ?
"valentine's day's after tomorrow and i don't know what the fuck to get her."
the three boys slump over and kaminari does so so hard his face bangs against the floor. kirishima feels like he's in a sitcom or some gag anime.
" that's it ?" sero chuckles to himself "what ? you're worried for valentine's day ?" sero mocks, gladly taking the opportunity to mess with the blond "that shit's easy man." he cackles, leaning against the dresser more comfortably.
"yeah dude, all you gotta do is get her some chocolates and like—a teddy bear or somethin' girls love that typa stuff !" kaminari piped up, having lifted his head up from the floor. sero nods and bakugou lifts himself up to scoff at them. it feels like it comes from the deepest depth of his very being and kirishima feels a little hurt, despite not being the target of the attack.
"this is why you losers don't have girlfriends yourselves, so i don't wanna hear anythin' from you." kaminari chokes out an "ouch, dude !" " sides, i'm not just gonna settle for that boring ass shit for my girl. no chance in hell." bakugou concludes gruffly.
"yeah, yeah we get it you're the perfect boyfriend" sero quips bitterly, rolling his eyes. " why'd you come here to ask us if, according to you, we get none ?" he questioned raising an eyebrow.
"i came here for shitty hair, not you bastards." the blond spits, rolling his eyes as well before turning to kirishima, who jumps a little at his friends slightly desperate eyes on him.
"woah, i don't have—what makes you think i would be any help ?" the redhead splutters, waving his hands around.
"don't you have something goin' on with alien chick ?"
"what ?! no dude, we're just friends !"
at that, bakugou's eyes widen the slightest bit before he groans for what feels like the 5Oth time tonight, and flops back onto the bed dramatically, turning his head away from his friend " your fuckin' useless too, then." his friend grumbles angrily.
"hey !" kirishima exclaims "mean ! i help you with your girlfriend troubles all the time without having one !"
bakugou turns to face his friend again with narrowed eyes, before exhaling a frustrated sigh and lifting himself up again, eyebrows furrowed. "your sheets smell like ass by the way." he chides, nose scrunched slightly.
"h-hey !" kirishima reiterates " i was gonna wash 'em !"
bakugou gives him an incredulous look, before shaking his head, sighing.
"well look, how about you just get her something you know she likes, isn't that good enough ?" sero offers, shrugging to himself.
"ou ! i saw a guy on tiktok ask his girlfriend out with wingstop, you could like-" kaminari, despite getting lightheaded before has apparently not learned his lesson as he flips around on his back again "—ask her to be your valentines with some fast food chain she likes, and those cute pink heart balloons they sell at the mall, y'know !"
the boys all hum at kaminari's suprisingly helpful idea. kirishima doesn't wanna say it out loud but he really hadn't expected such a cute idea from his electric friend.
"y'know, i was gonna say you were just hungry with the wingstop thing, but that's actually not a bad idea kaminari." sero hums absentmindedly with an impressed expression on his face. kirishima sweatdrops at his lack of tact but isn't really suprised.
"fuck you, man ! you guys never trust me with this stuff." kaminari whines mostly to himself. "yer track record isn't really the best when it comes to scoring girls, is it ?" sero retorts.
kirishima shakes his head seeing his friends start to bicker. he decides to ignore them and turn to his spiky haired friend, who seems deep in thought "well, what about it ? that sound like a good idea ?" he asks.
"s'not half bad.." his friend mutters in response " it's a good start, i guess."i if he notices how kaminari presses a hand to his chest with a heartfelt look on his face, he doesn't comment on it.
"oh, maybe try the take-out and a movie, i'm assuming you're not trynna have a whole celebration, yeah ?" bakugou grunts in response, his nose scrunches as he cringes thinking about the idea. he shakes his head "no, want it to be..about just the two of us, y'know ?" he utters honestly, in a way that sounds way too out of character from him.
a symphony of awwwss resonates around the room and katsuki feels his cheeks heat up hard as he harshly tells his friends to shut up.
" but seriously i'm curious, you guys are already together right ? why would you need to ask her to be your valentine anyway—shouldn’t that be a given ? " sero wonders.
"i don’t fuckin know, my old hag says it’s about the principal or some shit like that." bakugou sighs, flopping back onto the bed and throwing an arm up over his eyes, it seemed like being up so late was affecting him.
"no way dude, you called your mom ?" kaminari asks, jaw practically reaching the floor (or the ceiling..?) in shock. bakugou flushes and splutters as he hears his friends reaction to this apparently shocking news.
“shut up.” he growls “she says it’s important to show i care.. my old man does it an' they're still together right now so he must be doin' something right.
"woah man.." kirishima uttered in awe " you're goin so far to make your girlfriend happy.." he clenches his fist "s-so manly !" bakugou simply grumbles to himself in response.
"honestly..i didn't expect that from you..like at all."
"fuck off !"
"like genuinely, at all. or maybe like, 0.00003 percent cha-"
" i'll fuckin' kill you tape arms !" bakugou barked, small sparks shooting out of his palms as he kneeled at the foot of kirishima's bed in pursuit of the black haired boy. kirishima swiftly swoops in and grabs his friends arm, quickly putting his finger over his mouth
"shhhh, man !" kirishima shushes. " if we're loud, class rep's gonna hear us !" he hisses.
"or worse, mr. aizawa..." kaminari whimpered.
all four boys share a shiver.
afterwards, bakugou sighs, acting as if him almost literally blowing up at his friend a minute ago hadn't happened and gets up to sit on the side of the bed.
"well whatever, i'm satisfied." he says, a little yawn leaving him "my folks gave me some ideas so i'll use those too." his eyes zip around the room and back to the floor, then he closes his eyes and speaks so quietly kirishima barely catches it
"you guys' idea isn't horrible either so i'll keep it in mind..thanks." he utters a quick " 'r whatever." before suddenly getting up and practically sprinting to the door.
it's quiet in the room as everyone sits stunned and kirishima is the first to speak again "o-oh yeah, no problem man, anytime !" he beamed, though still slightly shocked.
"yeah, no problem..!" kaminari can't seemed to decide if he wants to smile or be stunned. his mouth stuck in an awkward half-smile-half- '°O°-' face.
" course." sero raises a thumbs up and a small smile.
bakugou grunts to himself, graces his friends with a simple "night." then pulling the door open quietly, looking around the hallway quickly before swiftly creeping out the room, closing the door behind him. the boys quickly reciprocate the goodnight quietly before he can fully close it. he stutters at the door for a second longer and kirishima knows he heard them then, so he's satisfied.
it's quiet in the room for about 5 seconds after bakugou's left.
"dude, for some reason that made me feel all warm inside..is that just me ?" kaminari hummed, pressing a hand to his chest.
"nope, me too" sero admits, sighing to himself.
"yeah, same here" kirishima says as well, smiling to himself " he really cares about yn, huh ?"
"i can give him that, yeah" sero stretches, getting up so he can jump onto kirishima's bed.
"dude" he lifts his head up "your sheets do smell like ass." sero snickers.
afterwards valentines day comes around. the boys don't have valentines of their own but when they see you and katsuki hand in hand, with you holding onto those cute pink heart balloons from the mall, wearing a sweater a little too big for you and a valentines day gift bag in your one hand, with bakugou holding onto a bag of take-out and offering them a single side glance and a nod with a half smirk on his lips, they feel extremely proud of themselves. bakugou reminds himself to tell his friends he owes them one.
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sh1-n0bu · 1 year
I, 🦝, see a lot of people write about Venti in a way that I'm not sure I find appealing. Don't get me wrong I prefer dom reader (with anyone but Beidou she can do whatever the fuck she wants to me I don't care) but for some reason I feel like many Venti fics are kinda.... predatory.
In many of them the reader treats him unkindly in a very under-negotiated-kink-with-no-aftercare- way.
I fucking live for that shit.
I want to take a bath with him, wash his hair for him, maybe give him a scalp massage because no one can tell me braids don't get uncomfortable long term. I want to cuddle him. I mean have you seen him he's so skrunkly. And then fall asleep together like a plain boring old married couple.
Aftercare is good. Aftercare is friend. Intimacy is a scrumptious thing whether sexual or not but especially with someone who's that pretty. I mean have you seen him? I have. I am looking. I am looking intensely.
♡︎ 𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙗𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙙 ♡︎
characters: sub!venti x gn!dom!reader
warnings: overstimulation, praise, edging, fluff, feminization
notes: decided to try a headcannon format with this since my brain just can’t come up with a good sex scene lmao. i’m sorry my most loyal 🦝 anon. also dedicated to @junerixi aka the biggest venti simp that i know.
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i haven’t exactly seen any sub venti fics tbh, since i don’t follow that tag, so idk what kinds of fics are lurking there
but i’ve seen quite dark types of sub character fics at some points and oh dear, as a soft dom it just doesn’t feel right to me
for reasons i really can’t see venti being a sub. maybe a power bottom???? the gremlin in his just excludes that aura
will definitely tease you out in public
will hold eye contact with you at the bar while pulling his already short shorts upwards with a shit eating grin on his face
i can also see him liking all different kinds of lingeries
the soft satin dress ones, the two piece lace ones with stockings, the cute frilly sleeping dress ones etc etc
definitely wears his favorite satin dress with nothing underneath as a gift for you, whenever you come back from work or a long commission late and tired
put on the brightest lipstick so he can leave marks all over your face and body
likes to put on make up because he knows you likes it when it runs down his face while you absolutely fucks him silly
the type of power bottom who would push you down on the bed and ride your cock/strap until he’s satisfied
but beware he gets too into the pleasure and forgets to say thank you
so just cover the slit of his cock and tell him to keep riding you. it will get him begging in no time
“aaangh.. you’re so mean [name]~”
“p-please? please let me GYAAH! please let m-me cum! i-i’ll be.. i’ll be good nyaagh”
praise him for being a good boy for asking. call him your good boy, your precious bard, your sweet prince. he lives for those praises
as someone who used to braid her hair all the time when they were long, yes wearing braids for a long time can cause headaches
have a nice warm bath with him in your aftercare. massage his head while scrubbing soap on it
“giggle thank you windblume. feels really nice..”
might doze off during the aftercare but it’s alright. your sweet bard will get the best rest of his life in your arms with the biggest, dorky smile on his face
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dontbethatguy20 · 6 months
Hellooo! Chucky has been recently added to DBD, as you probably know, but I'm not sure if you are willing to write for him :( If you are, I've got a silly little request that goes like this: survivor reader is downed by Chucky, but before he can summon his spirit to carry them to the hook they tap his nose and go: "Boop!" (If you are okay with it, I would also love to know Tiffany's reaction to getting booped in the nose!) Thank you and no hard feelings if you don't write for them! 🩷
I love this. It's adorable :) Don't worry, I got you.))
He'll be taken back and he'll freeze for a moment and be like "Ok, what the fuck?"
He'd take a couple of seconds to process before he just shakes out of his head before probably doing his mori on you out of spite.
I feel in the next trial with you he'd see you, he'd roll his eyes and be like, "Really? This guy agian" then save you for last probably couse imhe thinks you're going to do it agian and dosnt want it to happen.
When he finally gets to you agian, he'd probably be one of two things, be irritated but let you do it before killing you like "get it over with" and he'd roll his eyes or just try to kill you before you could do it agian.
Story to go with:
Five minutes was all it took. Five minutes for 3 of the strangers I arrived in this fog with to be picked off one by one.
I looked on from the cover of a bush maybe 20 feet away as the last of my improvised team fell.
A piercing laugh ripped through the cold night air. “That’s what you get when you play with dolls asshole!” The possessed doll’s knife sliced through skin and muscle easily cutting the terrified scream short.
A choked whimper escaped my lips, “Shit.” I whispered quickly clasping my bloodstained hands to my mouth. A futile attempt it seemed.
Chucky’s head spun with a sickening click. His plastic eyes lit with excitement for yet another plaything.
“I know you’re there you little shitstain!” He twirled his knife, coated with viscera gleaming in the moonlight.
My thoughts raced through my options. He knows I’m near. If I move he’ll hear me. What can I do? Shit! Maybe if I stay here he’ll leave thinking I ran away. Wait…where did he go…?
Chucky was no longer near the body he’d just disemboweled.
He left!
I backed out of the bush slowly.
I have to find the gates.
“Hide and seek is over fuckface! Guess what?! You lose!” My head whipped around to face the 2 foot killing machine just in time to witness the blade sink into my thigh bringing me to my knees. A scream tore itself from my throat whether from pain or shock was unclear.
My head was screaming at me to run but my injured leg refused to cooperate.
This is it. I’m going to die here.
“What’s wrong? Don’t wanna play tag?” Chucky snickered and readied himself for the final blow. “Say goodnight!”
He really is an actual doll… possessed. I wonder…
Before he could attack I allowed myself to act on an intrusive thought.
In one swift motion I reached out and with one finger I gently pressed the doll’s nose. “Boop.”
He froze. His hands fell to his sides, face scrunching in visible confusion.
“Boop? Fucking boop?!” He shook his head and cackled loudly holding his midsection to steady himself from the laughter. “Thanks for the laugh kid, I’m gonna have to tell Tiff about this one.” He grinned maliciously, his knife raised above his head, “Game over!”
The last sensation I felt was the cold steel scraping my ribs. The sound of my own innards being thrown in the dirt and that damned laughter, my lullaby.
She'd be taken aback a little but be like, "Oh, cute, kinda adorable," like she'd actully like what you did.
She'd probably complain to chucky that he doesn't do adorable shit like that. "Why don't you do shit like that, you dipshit?" That's what she'd say to him
She'll still hook ya, but if you get off hook, she'll then come after you last couse she thought it was adorable. But if you're lucky she'll let you get hatch.
If you guys are in a trial and she sees you agian, she'd be like, "Oh, you agian" in a happy tone of voice and she'd wonder if you'd do it agian.
Tiffany's story to go with:
You were in a trial, the sound of other survivors around, the sounds of screams here and there.
You have been lucky enough to do a couple of gens without too much trouble until you were on your way to a gen you saw. You ran over, or tried at least. That's when you heard little tippy tappies behind you. You looked, and there she was, Tiffany, coming straight for you.
You screamed in fear and then ran. You did run her a good while, enough for a couple of other survivors to finish a gen, and that's when she got you. She was about you just kill you from the ground but that when you got a good look at her. "She's just a pretty doll," you thought. You, by impulse, just booped the tip of her nose.
She paused for a moment before speaking. "Awww, that was kinda cute." it gave her a little smile.
"I'll let you live this once, only couse I got to complain to chucky about not doing shit like that." she'd then carry you to hatch.
(Mines kinda short lol
Chuckys story and editor of my post : https://www.tumblr.com/astarionsrightnipple
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plsdonttakemyname · 1 year
Hiyaaaa!! Can I request a headcanon with Dazai and Chuuya (separately) where them and reader gets in a pretty heated argument and reader leaves the house. But when they come back they smell like alcohol? And when (Chuuya and dazai) ask where were they, they try to avoid the question. Making them believe that they cheated on them. When they didn't? Could you also make hurt/comfort?
(I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense!!!)
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A/n : Hii sorry again if I made any grammar mistakes and this is kinda short ,</33 and yes you can request this ! I hope u enjoy this fic .<3
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Osamu Dazai
Honestly, Your both arguments started off as a silly harmless joke to you crying and storming out of your house.
He felt really guilty as soon as you slam the door shut.
He called you multiple times since it was getting late and you're still not home yet.
But to not avail your phone was on silent and do not disturb, so you couldn't hear your phone ringing.
It was 11:43pm.Dazai heard keys ringing on the other side of the door and assumed it was you
He ran to the door just to see your cheeks bright red
Asks you where did you go, until he noticed you smell like alcohol
You don't drink. Ofc that's what he thought but the argument drove you to drink some alcohol to get your mind off the argument
He asked where did you go again but you tried to avoid his question and walked straight into your bedroom
He didn't think much of it and decided to ask you in the morning but when he heard you sobbing in your bedroom floor while your back is pressed against the wall his heart shattered into millions of pieces
Instantly asks you what's wrong while hugging you, smoothing your back trying to comfort you.
After you told him everything he apologized and promise to never bring this up again.
Takes good care of you for the rest of the night. Ofc he will settle down with the teasing.
At the end you both are cuddled up and falling asleep into each other's arm.
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Nakahara Chuuya
He hates having arguments with you and barely have any arguments with you, that's until one night.
There were tears running down your cheeks while you both continued to throw insults at each other.
You had enough.After doing all the extra work your boss assigned for you, it was a stressful day and you came home just to argue with your boyfriend.
You turned around and grabbed your bags and storm out of your both shared house.
Unlike Dazai, He didn't care until it was getting late and you're not home yet.
He started to feel guilty and worried for you.
As the clock hits 11:00pm he heard the front door unlocked.
He slowly went to check to see if it was you or not. He felt relieved after knowing it was you returning home safely.
Instantly apologized until he smelled a strong alcohol and perfume smell. A scent he never smelled on you before.
Will go silent for a minute and asked you where did you go.
You tried to avoid his question but he didn't gave up asking.
You took off your shoe and hung your coat on the coat rack, slowly making your way to sit on the sofa, tears starting to build up in your eyes.
As you tried to talk and explain tears are already flowing down your cheeks.
He comforted you as you explained that it was your new perfume that u got from your friend as a birthday gift.
After explaining everything to him he apologized to you and said he didn't mean those hurtful stuff he said to you and he truly doesn't wanna lose you.
You choked out a sob while hugging him back, apologizing too.
The night ended up being you two cuddling and showering each other with kisses, as if the argument never happened.
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I'm so sorry if some part doesn't make sense but I hope you enjoyed it, also I accidentally pressed on this thing and idk how to get rid of it so I'll just put random questions in them 😭
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tgcg · 20 days
Ya got any tips for writing dialog for the sillies?
i wish i could come up w anything deeply helpful irt this but i just kinda "feel it" & it "happens", generally in a way i find hard 2 explain to people... i will give it a go though
i made a post abt the kind of mindset i have when i write karkat dialogue here https://www.tumblr.com/cgtg/739174575193112576/do-you-have-any-tips-on-writing-karkat-dialogue a while back though🙂
for dave i think id have an even harder time explaining it, but my dave is rly heavily influenced by post-irony & ytp. whenever i write dave i just kinda follow a stream of consciousness that is dubious about shit and loves to laugh i guess? i rlly don't know how to describe it. i tend to reread canon dialogue particlarly from act3-6 for inspo, sometimes i'm straight up using my own brain with some kind of dave-filter
when i write them together i like 2 live in the beautiful world where they both agreed to be earnest with each other, probably my best example of that is "candid detail". i don't do that all the time bc i also like to write em with their guards up e.g. "bad mouther hole master", theres a lot of points in their relationship that have rly fun dynamics 2 me.
i guess i also do them kinda silly. ive been told my dk is quite silly. i like 2 imagine they know how to make each other laugh. they also learn a lot from each others perspectives on things, like insecurities or bad experiences or even just what they like / what art is to them, stuff like that. in my interp they do rly end up having a lot of things in common ideologically bc they're both at their cores very soft people.
it's all abt big long sentences with an undertone of quiet empathy. it can also be about aggressively bumping shoulders w their own egos too because that's fun
fundamentally though, i write them 2 be genuinely interested in what the other has to say. like, curious about each other. it gives u rly fun back & forth that isn't too mean-spirited & is more playful/genuine... i think it's rlly easy to write them totally discrediting each other's viewpoints which i do sometimes too (again, FUN !) but if u do it in the wrong context it just comes off as needlessly sardonic & harshes the vibe. i mention that bc i have a hard time balancing their egos & genuity myself sometimes
also very important to know when to have them run their mouths & when to have them sit their asses down & LISTEN. i tend to have them run their mouths a lot in scripts i havent finished/posted, just bc i have so much fun doing it, but it makes the dialogue so long-winded that i can't turn it into a comic... yeah definitely part of it is remembering they both know how to be succinct when they need/wanna be and aren't ALWAYS flapping their mouths. sometimes i realise a script is going in a direction that could be a whole other convo & that's when i tend 2 nip it in the bud
i really dont kno if any of this is helpful but i hope it is a little 4 my kinda... process i guess 🙂
thank u 4 asking me abt it ! if i think of better ways 2 explain it i will share in da future i hope u r having a good day
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babygirl-diaz · 2 months
Heart to Heart to Heart
This fic is dedicated to the anon who sent me an ask saying "Don't write poly, it's a sin." I wish you a pleasant day and enjoy your fic!
It was their one-month anniversary and Eddie wasn't sure Buck and Tommy even remembered it. Or if they even wanted to celebrate it. He was too embarrassed to ask. This was his first relationship with two other people and he was so into them. They lit up his entire world and made him feel something no other relationship ever did.
"What's wrong?"
Eddie looked up to see Hen giving him a concerned look.
"Nothing," Eddie shook his head.
"Sure looks like something," Hen replied and sat down next to him on the sofa. "Is everything okay with Buck and Tommy?"
"Yeah, everything is fine. I just- just-" Eddie sighed before saying, "-When I was with Shannon, we kinda celebrated every little milestone we had. From our first month together to our first kiss, etc. And I loved that. I loved having a silly little anniversary for everything. And the smile it brought to Shanon's face always made my day better."
Hen nodded along but it was clear from her expression that she didn't quite get where Eddie was going with this.
"-It's my one-month anniversary with Buck and Tommy," he explained.
"And you wanna celebrate it?" Hen asked and a small smile twitched on her lips.
"I do," Eddie replied. "I really do."
"Then go for it. What's the problem?" Hen continued to ask.
"You have to understand, I've never been in a relationship with a man before, let alone two men. So I'm just wondering if they're gonna wanna celebrate it or they'll find the whole thing ridiculous," Eddie replied and looked down at his hands.
"Well, you'll never know if you don't ask," Hen told him.
"But what if they laugh at me?" Eddie asked and couldn't help but pout a little.
"Then do you really wanna be with them?" Hen asked.
Eddie was taken aback by that question, but he knew Hen was right.
That evening, Eddie stopped by a flower shop and bought two bouquets, one for Buck and another for Tommy. They were simple bouquets of red roses because he was cheesy like that.
They were going to meet at Tommy's that night and when Eddie reached his house, he stayed in the truck a little longer than necessary, just looking at the flowers on the passenger seat. He wondered if he should take them. In the end, he just said fuck it and took the bouquets with him. He knocked on Tommy's door and waited patiently for him to answer.
"Hey, baby," Tommy greeted him cheerily after opening the door.
"Hey," Eddie replied awkwardly.
"Hey, Eds!" Buck appeared behind Tommy. "What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice.
"Nothing," Eddie tried to assure him. "Um... I got these for you two!" He quickly told them, handing them the bouquets.
Both of their faces lit up like Christmas trees as they took the flowers from him.
"For our first month anniversary?" Tommy asked.
That took Eddie aback. "You remembered?"
"Of course we did! Doh!" Buck chuckled and stepped aside to let Eddie in.
Once Eddie was inside, both Buck and Tommy planted a kiss on each of his cheeks.
Eddie blushed profusely at that.
"Come on, gotta show you something." Buck took Eddie's hand and led him to the living room.
Eddie turned around to look at Tommy for answers but he just shrugged.
Eddie's eyes widened when he saw the scene before him. There was a table set up for the three of them with all sorts of food and a candle in the middle of the table. There were also two sets of the same red rose bouquet sitting on the table. "Wh-" He started to say in disbelief.
"Happy anniversary, baby!" Tommy said in his ear after wrapping his arms around Eddie's middle.
"I can't believe you guys did this!" Eddie said.
Buck wrapped his arm around Eddie from the front, sandwiching him between himself and Tommy. He kissed Eddie's forehead, making him smile. "You love anniversaries. So could we not celebrate our very first one?"
"How did you know I love anniversaries?" Eddie looked at him confused.
"You told me, silly. Don't you remember?" Buck asked.
"I did?"
"Yeah, you were once telling me about Shannon and how you two enjoyed celebrating every little anniversary together," Buck replied.
"So we figured we should continue the tradition," Tommy added, kissing behind Eddie's ear.
"You two-" Eddie started to say but he really teared up this time. "I can't believe-"
"Well, you better believe, baby," Buck told him and kissed his forehead. "And the best part is that we all ended up bringing each other red roses. We're such saps."
"That we are," Tommy agreed. "There's another first time we haven't had yet. At least not with you," he said pulling away from Eddie.
Buck did too and wrapped his arm around Tommy's waist instead, pulling him close.
"I- I'm still not ready," Eddie told them awkwardly and shifted from one foot to another.
"That's not what we meant, baby," Buck assured him.
Eddie looked at them confused and Tommy chuckled before saying, "Our first kiss. We haven't had that yet."
"But we've kissed before," Eddie told them, still feeling confused.
"Yeah, we kissed at Maddie's wedding when you pulled both of us close and planted a sloppy kiss on our lips. But I am talking about our first proper kiss, where you let us explore that pretty mouth of yours," Buck suggested.
Eddie looked between the two of them and blushed again.
"We of course don't have to if you're not ready," Tommy quickly assured him.
"Yeah, of course not," Buck added.
"No, no, I am ready. I want it. I just- I didn't realize that we haven't kissed since the wedding," Eddie replied.
Buck and Tommy looked at each other before taking each of Eddie's hands and leading him to the couch. They all sat down and Buck pulled Eddie into his lap.
"Do you wanna go first?" Buck asked Tommy.
"No, be my guest," Tommy replied and kissed Buck once.
Eddie felt his heart thrum in his chest as he watched them kiss.
Buck then pulled away and tilted Eddie's chin up, bringing him forward, and kissing him. It was a slow kiss. Very different from the one he shared with Buck and Tommy a month ago. He opened his mouth when Buck's tongue traced his lips and let him in. Buck was respectful and didn't push Eddie. He rested his hands on Eddie's waist and left them there. He also let Eddie set the pace of the kiss. Eddie felt like his whole body was on fire. He grasped onto Buck's shirt and pulled him closer so that he could feel his body and his heart pressed against him. They soon parted for air and looked at each other. "You good?" Buck asked.
"Better than good," Eddie replied and wondered if his lips were swollen just like Buck's.
"Holy shit, that was hot," Tommy chimed in. "I don't know if I'm ready to follow that."
"Tommy just shut up and kiss me," Eddie told him, feeling a bit more confident, and slipped into his lap instead, straddling him.
"God, you're so beautiful," Tommy pointed out and stroked his cheek with his thumb and pointer finger.
Eddie leaned in and kissed him instead. Tommy's arms wound around Eddie's waist and he pulled him closer as he kissed him. Like Buck, he took it slow as well. His lips were rougher than Buck's and waited for Eddie to let him in out of his own will. But when Eddie let him in, it almost felt like he was ready to consume him. His tongue wet and heavy in Eddie's mouth, explored every inch of it and he drew out moans from him, which he then swallowed back. They kept kissing for what seemed like hours before coming up for air.
Eddie felt dazed after kissing him. "You two are going to be the death of me," he told them when he found his voice again.
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cripplecharacters · 2 months
so, the posts on this blog about facial difference inspired me to make an oc with facial difference- specifically strabismus and a port wine stain. she's pretty much become one of my favourite characters to draw and develop, ive taken care to make sure she doesn't fall into shitty tropes. however, i have had one problem- in the world she lives in, rebels like her cover their face most of the time. ive been really struggling on how to design her mask/covering in a way that doesn't feel shitty, and doesn't feel like it's trying to cover her facial difference. and i know that technically it's not as bad if she's not the only character who wears a mask, but i still don't wanna push it, if you know what i mean? so it would be awesome if you could give suggestions on how i could handle her mask. here's a reference of her for. reference, and some ideas ive had for masks. thank you for taking the time, and for this blog in general!
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[Image description: Traditional drawing of a light-skinned girl with pink straight hair, smiling. She has a large port-wine stain on the left side of her face, and her right eye goes inward. Around her are three headshot sketches;
first shows her in a bandana that goes over her nose with "bandana doesn't obscure FD but hides smile + necklace" written above, second shows a half-mask that covers only the right side of her face, with "early concept, feels tacky, shows port-wine stain but not strabismus :(", third shows a domino mask, with "domino mask, do I even have to explain? No-go" next to it. End image description.]
I think that something close to the second one would actually be kinda fun (no irony or sarcasm). If we're talking about a story where everyone wears a mask, having the character with FD wear one that covers everything except for the FD is actually subversive! I never thought I would say that, but it does feel like it is.
Not sure how strict of a design should it be, but a diagonal - her bottom right to her top left - mask would be nice!
I tried to write down a detailed description of what I mean but it was coming out rather overcomplicated, so I hope you're okay with me doing a few demonstrative sketches; a diagonal and rather-silly option, an idea for the bandana with a drawn smile and the kind of tie that would show her necklace, and an idea for the half-mask but with an eye with strabismus painted on the mask.
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So here are the suggestions! I haven't drawn in a while so my skills are kinda rusty, but I hope it conveys the concept! My personal favorite would be the first one - I know it barely counts as a mask but then again, in comics it's common that someone is unrecognizable when they wear a pair of glasses, so maybe it's not as farfetched haha.
The second one would be totally fine by my standards, but I'm assuming that her necklace has some kind of significance in the story, so maybe she could cross it at the back and tie it in the front instead for it to be more visible (or wear the necklace over it even?).
I think that doing something like on the third drawing above would be okay if there are also a lot of moments where her actual strabismus is shown. In general, I think that the idea of a character with a facial difference wearing a mask just to paint it on the mask is kinda silly, and I feel like it would fit her character. But for something like that to work, she would need to have the mask off often. If you choose to do that, I suggest your first time showing her to the viewer is with her mask off, both for the usual reasons I mentioned before but also because strabismus is often used as a gag in art. For me, seeing a character wear that kind of mask with no context would be kind of eye-rolling - but seeing a character with a crossed eye put on a mask with the same exact kind of eye, go and join their friends at doing rebel things? That's actually something new!
I enjoy that your character seems to be on the rather joyful and happy side, I like that :-) (smile emoji)
I hope this helps!
mod Sasza
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the-milk-monarch · 5 months
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Summary: General headcanons.
☢︎ | Total Drama | ~3k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mal | Mike | Vito | Svetlana | Scott | Gwen | Noah | Cody ⚠ | smoking weed lol
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He'd be very hesitant to try any illegal (or legal, depending where you live) substance.
You gotta be on very close terms, and he needs to trust you a lot.
Would be surprised, first of all, when you offered.
I imagine he was a "good boy" throughout his life, so he'd have to think about it.
But if you finally get to it, he'd be quite fun.
After he goes through the several coughing fits, of course.
You make sure to bring him something cold to drink though, to help with the burning throat.
I imagine he'd focus on all the touchy-feely aspects of weed, like enjoying soft fabric, the euphoria, better music and so on.
It'd be quite an adorable sight of him "discovering" those.
The both of you had already prepared everything for a good smoking session, or so you thought. You noticed you didn't have a tv remote nearby to change the screen to Netflix, so you had to leave Mike alone on the couch for a moment. Mike felt all tingly and slightly dazed, nothing he had ever experienced before. It was both terrifying and kinda cool. He patiently waited for your return, but as he got slightly bored, his eyes began to wander around. His focus got fixated on a fluffy blanket you were supposed to cover yourself with. He gently picked it up with curiosity. His fingers just touched the nicest fabric known to man. It took you a while, but you eventually found the remote. Which was left in your room. You should really watch where you put your things while stoned. You couldn't hide the smile you had on your face as you noticed Mike getting comfy with the fluffy blanket. He made his lower half into a burrito, fidgeting with the tip of the blanket with his hands. After he noticed you staring he immediately stopped, though. "Oh- You're back." He smiled nervously. "You mind sharing that blanket?" You smiled back, nearing closer to the boy. "Right, of course, you can come here." He changed his position as he quickly reacted. You got under the blanket with the remote in your hand, sitting next to him as your side touched his. "It's- very comfy." He quietly remarked with a shy smile as a fact, but also to explain his "weird" behavior. "Not as much as you." You joked as you leaned your head on his shoulder, flashing a silly smile. His face flushed a slight shade of red as he chuckled.
Not that he'd demand it, but... If you pet his head, he'd appreciate it a lot 👉👈
Do it please, he'll melt.
Surprisingly, he never tried it.
Ok, he may have, once or twice, but it was with a bad crowd most probably, so that doesn't count.
He'd also have to trust you quite a lot to be exposed to such an activity, it'd leave him vulnerable, after all.
But if you're close together then it wouldn't be such a big deal for him.
Weed paranoia might set in if the vibe in his mind ain't right though.
Then he'd be closed off and not really having fun.
But if not, he'd be quite chiller version of himself.
And you try your best so he'd be comfy.
"So- How do you feel?" You asked, looking at him. An idea has already formed in your head, but for now, you try to test the waters. He reciprocated the stare briefly, taking a second to process what has been said to him. "I'm- fine. Why do you ask?" "Do you wanna feel even better?" You ambiguously (in his pov) asked. He raised an eyebrow at you. You could've worded yourself better, but it's what you have to roll with now. "I mean-" You tried to explain yourself, but it's hard to form words in your state. At least you and him are both stoned, so it's unlikely Mal would cringe too much at you. "Since we're watching a movie, and I see you sitting so tense, why don't you- lay down?" You lightly suggested. He shot you yet another confused stare. "You care a lot about my comfort now, huh?" He asked you in a bit poking fun way, but it was all lighthearted - at least you thought so. "I'm very hospitable to my guests, what can I say?" You smoothly tried to save your face. He rolls his eyes at you, after which he smirks slightly. "Alright. But what about you? What if I take all of the couch space?" He raised his brow in a bit amused manner. "You know, you can just put your head on my lap." The words spilt out of your mouth. You got some surprised yet entertained at your boldness stare. "Don't think it's gonna become a habit." He 'warned' you before hesitating for a second and carefully placing himself down. His head awkwardly leaned on your lap. He wasn't used to being in such position. "And that's supposed to be comfy?" He was laying on his back as he looked you straight in the eyes with a halfly playful and doubtful expression. You noticed it was your cue, so you gently raised your hand to touch his hair. He got slightly alarmed at what you're doing, but after your fingers touched his hair and made the first pet, his expression softened a little. His face remained neutral, although it was visible from his body language that he actually enjoyed the closeness. "...So? Feeling comfy yet?" You playfully asked, playing with his hair. It was quite fluffy, as you expected. "Hm... I agree it is enjoyable to have a useful pawn at your disposal." He joked with a slightly silly smirk.
Surprisingly enough, he'd be quite funny when watching some shitty movies.
Like this guy has some sick ass roasts for the bad characters + stupid plot mixture.
Sorry but Mal strikes me as a hidden comedian.
Of course, it's only funny if you're into his humor though.
Loves listening to music high, the lyrics just flow in his head.
Are you up for listening to My Chemical Romance with him??
This boy must have smoked some before.
Or at least seems like the type who would.
He'd be way more annoying with his flirts.
Weed gives him confidence, and it's already oozing out of him enough while sober.
An opposite of Mal, in a sense that Vito just cannot be funny.
You may only laugh at how bad his jokes are (respectfully).
This won't stop him from having a good time and laughing at his own jokes though.
To be fair, on weed everything is way funnier, so Vito passes the hilarity scale anyway .
He also laughs at the dumbest things.
Show him funny videos compilation and he'll have a good time.
Would get even lazier.
Expect him to be all over the couch.
Oops, guess there's no place to sit now.
Better go cuddle with him.
You just came back from going to the kitchen to get some more food and here you saw your place on the couch taken. "Vito." You shot him a half-serious glare, to which he just stretched more comfortably. "Hm? Oh, did ya really like that spot on the couch?" He said looking at you, playful and smug. You rolled your eyes at him, waiting for him to move. He didn't. He just looked at you, as if testing your patience. "Sorry, I look too good right now to move from this place." He playfully stuck out his tongue with a smirk. You took it as a challenge, so you just squeezed yourself in-between the couch and him, making him almost fall off the couch when he lost balance. "Aye, yo- you gonna drop the goods-" He quickly remarked as he got his balance back. You chuckled and caught him with your arm on his side, supporting his body so he wouldn't fall down. He readjusted into a comfier position, facing you. "Ain't it better laying here?" He said with a smirk.
Perfect fit to watch movies while cuddling.
Especially some cool, action ones.
That way he can tell you how he's as amazing as those guys in the movie, and that he could do anything, like that guy from Need for Speed.
If you disagree, he'll be very disappointed.
It'd be... an usual sight to see her smoke.
I mean, she's so active and energetic-
It kind of translates to something else when she's high.
She loves to talk on weed.
"Vant me to tell you zat one time I got a golden medal?" The enthusiasm was fully visible on her face. "Of course." You nodded lazily but with curiosity. "Oh, great! It vas near the time I performed my first backflip!" She reminisced and continued. "I'll tell you about zat too!"
She's so social, talkative, expressive and overall joyous.
You think it's quite adorable, and you don't mind listening.
You forget everything she said after few minutes anyway.
Don't worry, she'll say it again, with the same enthusiasm.
But don't take her as a selfish one, she'd love to intently listen to your stories too!
She'll try her best to remember them as well.
On a funny scale, Sveta is most likely the 3rd funniest one, I don't make the rules (I do actually)
She can be a bit- savage, if she wants to.
Especially when it amuses you.
She loves to see your smile.
She's also such a cuddlebug!
Loves to stay close to you, you're like her personal pillow.
You noticed the window to your room being open. You didn't mind a slightly colder room, but you wondered if Svetlana was bothered by it. "Hey, Sveta, are you cold?" You asked casually, gaining her focus. "Are you?" She looked at you like a concerned mother. "Nah, I'm fine." You calmed her down, although you couldn't deny the dirty truth. "I mean, maybe a bit, but I'm too lazy to go close it." "Oh, zis is unacceptable-" She scooted closer to you as she said halfly-jokingly and embraced you tightly. She gently laid you down with her body weight and put herself on your chest. You felt her arms holding you as she had a warm smile on her face, giving you a nice source of heat now. "Is zat better?"
He'd be a total dork.
He has never smoked weed, but will act like an expert.
"Hey, Scott, you sure you're gonna handle that much?" You asked, concerned about Scott's wellbeing after you noticed his share of weed. "Psh, I'm gonna be fine!" He brushed you off with a simple gesture with his hand. You watched as the boy with freckles on his face got the bong in his hands and started to inhale the smoke. He tried his damn best, but he couldn't stop the attack of sudden coughing it gave him. "Ih'm- Good-" He managed to cough out.
After trying to appear cooler, he'd behave a lot more dumber.
Which made it harder for you to stop giggling after each of his response.
"So- Whatchu wanna watch?" You asked him lazily. "Wha- Huh-" He looked around, thrown off of his thoughts. You laughed softly at his state. "...What was the question again?" He looked at you, really dumbfounded. "What movie do you want to watch?" You repeated with a chuckle. "...One that has moving pictures in it."
He also wouldn't be able to resist the food.
The pure joy in his eyes once he took a bite out of the pizza you ordered before smoking-
Is also a lot more excited for things, like "Woah, there are still onion rings left? Amazing!"
Is also down for like, anything you suggest.
Wanna watch a movie? Got it.
Wanna watch the paint dry? Sure thing.
(He used to it for fun as a child, anyways)
Wanna sit on the floor, stopping whatever you were doing to pet your dog/cat? Count him in!
His whites turn so red because of his blue eyes- (I experienced it first hand)
She totally smokes weed on her own, from time to time.
So she's not as afraid to do it with you for the first time.
Her social anxiety would be slightly lowered, and so she wouldn't be as self-conscious to get vulnerable around you.
She would probably have a good time.
Also would get more touchy, she rediscovered her biggest weakness, affection.
She usually doesn't receive much of it, given her closed off and calm body language around others.
She'd be the one to ask for permission to touch your hair (if you're close, of course).
She loves to play with it, you're like a personal kitty to her.
Loves watching horror movies with you!
Whether bad or not, she's up.
Her favorites are Scream, Nightmare on Elm Street and Scary Movie series, which she enjoys a bit ironically (not all of the jokes from the movie aged well).
If you're scared of horror though, she'll light up the mood with silly jokes and lots of cuddling.
She looks the best in her cozy pajamas, laying on the bed with you.
Sorry Gwen-fans, no little situation bit for Gwen 😔 I'm feeling uncreative on this one
You wouldn't expect him to actually agree to smoke weed with you.
Turns out, he's up for it.
I mean, he never saw it as anything spectacular, but could understand why people do it.
Never planned on doing it himself, but since you offered, he's slightly curious to try.
Que nonchalant coughing after inhaling too much on the first try.
Don't make fun of him.
Would internally salivate after the hunger hit him like a train right when he finished smoking.
"So- What do you want to eat first?" You casually asked. He waited a bit before answering. "Anything works, really." You passed him a very good looking, chocolate donut. He took it into his hands, looking at it a bit before taking a bite. His eyes opened a bit wider while experiencing the explosion of flavor from it. "I never thought I'd know what Owen feels like on the daily."
Would get like, 10x funnier.
Watch a movie with him, it'll be a blast.
He's the type to sarcastically comment on a cheap 3D during a movie scene. "Geez, if I wanted to watch a bad production, I'd watch Total Drama."
Would probably cringe after the smoking session was over though.
As if he shown "too much of his bad side", which he usually smoothly tries to hide.
But it wouldn't be such a big deal, he just isn't in the mood to hear your teasing at something silly he might have done then.
Actually would be up to smoking again, it seems like a blast.
Yes he smoked all the weed, everytime and anywhere.
Don't actually let him smoke too much though, he'd get obliterated.
He has never tried weed, but wanted to try it with you, since you offered, and he thought it'd be a good idea.
But he found out he's slightly paranoid after it.
And his awkwardness doubles.
I mean, how can he not, he has to show his best self to you!
He calms down once you put him in a good place mentally.
He can't stay in his limbo of intrusive thoughts if he's got a bad joke to laugh at.
His honest laugh is so pure.
He didn't even know how much of a sweet tooth he'd become after smoking.
He likes sweet to a relatively normal degree while sober, but boy oh boy that chocolate bar is looking good right now-
He won't stop eating them unless you tell him to leave you some, to which he'd embarrassingly chuckle at. "Sorry-"
If he's feeling brave after all of that character development, he might subtly suggest snuggling together.
He just got to see how amazing it is to have a heightened sense of touch, and he's not gonna waste it.
"Do you- also feel a bit cold?" He asked, trying to be casual. "No, actually. Do you?" You responded honestly, leaving him a bit out of options as to what to say. "Um... I- kinda- do-" He stayed 'nonchalant' as he fidgeted a little with his hands, trying to keep his body language neutral. You didn't think a lot before responding back. "You can come closer, I don't mind." You casually said. You didn't really mind the close proximity while high, you liked having someone to casually lean onto. And you certainly didn't mind it with him. "Oh, that's fine then-" He scooted over to you in a smooth, yet a bit hesitant manner. You felt Cody's warm side beside yours. "If it's not weird with you, you can like- comfortably lay on me, if you want." You lightheartedly and carefully suggested, not wanting to seem like a weirdo, in case he's not as open to physical touch. Cody's eyes widened a little, but he wasn't about to decline your offer. "O-okay!" He exclaimed, trying to contain his excitement, not to seem too desperate for any sort of affection right now. He entangled his arm slightly into yours to get even closer, after which he leaned his head on your shoulder. "Amazing..." He mumbled to himself with a goofy smile, hoping you wouldn't hear.
If you're like his best friend and he's comfy around you, prepare yourself for a karaoke night of stupid songs like California Girls.
This boy can get silly.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
Proxies with a fem reader going to a pumpkin patch so she can pick out her pumpkin? :>
Proxies and Fem!Reader going to a pumpkin patch!
obligatory toby is platonic but tbh i dont think romance ties too much into these specific hcs also i havent been to a pumpkin patch in years so im really scraping my brain trying to remeber what people do asides pick pumpkins...and google... a lot of google... i admit i had to fight myself not to make this a group thing where it's all together but im 80% sure you wanted these separate no unique gifs for each character, too eepy (its 6am rn and i couldnt sleep for the life of me SOBS)
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I feel like out of the three he's probably going to give the most resistance, he just doesn't like being around where loads of people may be; too much noise you know? But with enough coaxing and reassurance I do believe you can convince him to tag along
Most straight forward about it, wants it to be in and out, so he kinda beelines and tries to find a pair of pumpkins that'll do
"Babe... those ones are too small to carve..." "They're. Average."
Sorry I had to make that joke
Out of all the activities there you might get him to sit down for a hayride if it's not too too packed!
Overall it's an okay experience, but really this guy would prefer the pumpkin carving at home after the fact; out on a porch sitting next to one another, alone in comfortable silence! He saves the seeds to make into snacks later
A little more willing to go out! I feel like he's the easiest in terms of talking into stuff! As long as it's not anything dangerous he's more than willing to spend time with you.... all the better to keep his eye on you.. both in a cute aww he wants to protect you way and a creepy way but hey that's creepypasta for you
If they're offering shitty quickly constructed rides count him in, he's going to be the one dragging you!
While I'm not sure what rides would be there I'm sure there'd be but you're gonna be there for way longer than originally planned
Saving this for another day but Ferris Wheel trope where it gets stuck, one of y'all totally shouldn't send in a character for me to do that for wink wink nudge nudge
Probably the most emotive you see Hoodie, ever, it's actually a little jarring at first but it's cute in it's own way that he's getting all hyped up over some rides
overall? y'all forget to actually. pick pumpkins so you guys have to almost immediately return to go browse at the pumpkins that remain. Does the thing where you knock on produce to make sure it sounds right. Does he know what he's going or what he's looking for? No clue but hey there's that mental image, Hoodie kneeling down on the ground, head pressed against a pumpkin and tapping it
Ticci Toby:
Pretends to not wanna go but really he's totally fucking stoked that you wanna go somewhere with him, him? like him him? Toby? Well if you insist-
That bit sounded mean but I believe Toby feels.... I don't know how to put it but like I think it's because he used to be bullied and left out that he still gets a little surprised when you willingly invite him to hang out; not that he's complaining though
Haunted corn maze. This fucker beelines for the corn maze. You have lost your silly friend with an affinity for collecting empty snail shells (hc)
Good luck trying to find him, if it's one of those mazes with scare actors he's not going to flinch or scream so there goes your audio cue
Eventually you do find him though! So it's not totally disastrous! It just takes you upwards of fifteen minutes because you yourself got lost before looping back to the entrance, only to find this little shit sitting right by the entrance
Seriously how the fuck did he do that?
No clue
You know how sometimes pumpkins are bumpy or a lil... off looking? Leave it to this fucker to make several jokes about how they look, primarily ragging on the bumpier ones
"Hey look, it looks like you" "shut the fuck up"/j
Generally a very good time as long as you ignore the small heart attack you got when Toby disappeared! Good luck cleaning the mess after carving up your pumpkins
He probably tries to see what the guts taste like
idk what raw pumpkin guts taste like
not sure if its any good because ive only tried pre canned pumpkin puree and used it for baking so idk if it tastes good straight from the source
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kairiscorner · 10 months
🎶 When did it end? All the enjoyment
I'm sad again, don't tell my boyfriend
It's not what he's made for
What was I made for? 🎶 my fav part fr... anyways GOOD MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING KAIRIIIII. teehee.. can you do a miles x reader comforting reader? (any kind of problem that you want.. ex: weight, exams, feeling like a failure and etc) if you want to ofc!
HI AGAIN 🐨 ANON MY BOO 🫂 omg i LOVE this idea, also why would you hurt me with 'what was i made for' (sobs uncontrollably) BUT ANYWAY, HOPING YOU LIKE THISSSS
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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everything's gonna be alright — miles 1610 x reader
summary: lately, you haven't been feeling very proud of yourself. you used to be so good at what you did, it was your pride and joy to be amazing at what you do--but it's like the spark's gone, and when that spark's gone... wouldn't who you are be gone, too? miles doesn't think so, though, and he's here to prove you are so much more than how you see yourself. word count: 827
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you couldn't pick up the phone right now, everything just felt so... suffocating. nothing felt right about today, about this whole week. you knew you should expect days like this, days when you feel unmotivated to do what you usually brings you fulfilment and joy, but recently, it's gotten a lot more intense. you felt like you were falling behind, like everyone else is getting ahead of you while you're still stuck back to where you started. you felt like the world was passing you by, and no matter what you did to counter that feeling, the feeling merely festered and worsened. you hated what you became when you felt this way, it made you feel like you weren't really in control of yourself.
"gonna, um... gonna talk about it?" miles asked you as he crawled into your room through your open window. you sighed, unsurprised that miles came after you ignored his calls. he always visited you like this, it was kind of tradition now ever since he got his powers. but whenever he came, you were usually so bright and cheery, with you doing whatever it was you were so passionate about–but recently, you've been more and more closed off, and it's been concerning miles.
you shrugged. "what's there to talk about?" you asked him as you began picking up the fallen items and pillows from your flurry of anger and disappointment in yourself. miles helped you clean up, what with him having memorized every inch of your room since he's here so often. "maybe about the fact you've been kinda off these days, and... i've been calling you. but you never responded, so i felt the need to see if you were okay–" "i'm fine." you responded immediately as you almost slammed your notebooks back on the desk, your nostrils flaring and your eyebrows knitting together.
miles looked at you with concern in his eyes. he approached you slowly, worried about what happened, even though you said you were fine. "i'll believe you, but if you wanna talk..." he began as he picked up a photo of you two that fell down from your notebooks and looked at it, smiling as he saw the silly faces you both made. "...i'm right here for you." he said as he gently pat your back and handed you the photo. you looked at him and took the photo from him, feeling slightly ashamed you were turning him away when he's so eager to help you. you felt a coldness overwhelm you as you shut your eyes and sighed. you admitted to miles nothing was okay right now, not a single thing was okay about this whole week and everything just... felt like you weren't important, your efforts weren't being recognized, and you were working yourself to the bone for nothing.
you felt hot tears form in your eyes as miles gently wiped them away for you. he nodded and looked at you with sympathy and compassion filling his face as sadness and regret filled yours as you thought more and more about how pathetic you saw yourself, how pathetic miles must've seen you at that moment. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry i'm so... so pathetic, i--" but before you could finish, miles shushed you and wrapped you in a gentle hug. "hey, hey... it's okay. you're good." he reassured you as he held you close, with you holding on to him and sobbing a little more into his shoulder.
"but it's... it's not okay, you have such valid problems, like saving the city, taking down villains, making peace with your uncle's death... and here i am crying over such stupid things..." you murmured as your lower lip trembled and as your eyes filled with new tears. miles kept holding you close as he rubbed your back. "all problems are valid. and even if you don't think so, i do. you're perfect in everything you do, because you make it your own. don't feel pressured to be on top, i'm perfectly content meeting you halfway there, or nowhere near the top at all."
"i love you, and i love everything it is you do. if you don't feel like doing it, don't be disappointed in yourself. take a break, be kinder to yourself, and best of all... realize you're worth so much more than your hobby, your grades, your looks, your everything. you are not what you make, you are who want to be." miles said as he pulled away from you and smiled as he wipes away the remainder of your tears. "and if you want me to start, well then, i'm no hero--the city made me that. i know who i am, and that is your annoyingly cute boyfriend of yours who will never stop reminding you i care, and that you are wonderful." he said as he kissed the top of your head and held you close again. "and i love you, so, so, so much."
tags !! @k4tsu3 @fiannee @luvstarrstruck @toneystank-3000 @ii01vq @maxoloqy @solecitoszn
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mncxbe · 5 months
Imagine Hirotsu x fem reader x Mori swf and nsfw what do you think of this relationship how would it work what fo you think. Let's say reader works for ADA
omg ok that's actually interesting. i didn't think of this combination before?? two dilfs i'm drooling.
I gotta start by saying that the only way I see this working is if Mori and Hirotsu actually share their time with you. like I don't see them in a relationship? I feel like the dynamic between them just doesn't allow it. BUT y'all got an arrangement set. with very clear boundaries because otherwise both of them would be kinda posessive over you. so for example you spend a week with Mori, one with Hirotsu why does this lowkey sound like shared custody help
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑sfw stuff
for Mori, he'd take you out on the fanciest dates and spoil you rotten. I don't see him being a big fan of cuddling but he does let you sit on his lap. you'd mostly meet during evenings when your schedules allow it. but because Mori is Mori I really think he'd be into this relationship mostly for the sex suff.
now Hirotsu he's a whole 'nother deal. he's the type of man who picks you up after work and brings you flowers, loves to listen to you talk about your day– what was good and bad, every little detail really. he also enjoys those late night talks and I see him discussing poetry with you (random hc but I spoke my truth). if you sleep over he makes you breakfast. he's also the one who checks up on you more often– just little texts or calls during the day to make sure you're alright
ღೀ๋࣭ ⭑nsfw 𝒄𝒘: mentions of knife/ breath play and degradation
oh good lord. your sex life with Mori would be interesting to say the least. I strongly believe that he'd be more focused on his own pleasure than yours. for him sex is a sort of stress relief. I see him either heavily degrading or praising you– no way in between. Mori would be hyperaware of your reactions that's why I think he'd prefer positions where he can see your face. despite being a bit of a sadist he respects your boundaries: if you say you don't wanna do smth that thing is completely off the table. partially because he values your opinion and partially because he doesn't want you to leave him and run off with Hirotsu. I see Mori being into knife play and breath control play.
but Hirotsu... sweet man. he's a service dom who'd do anything to get you to cum. hear me out he sometimes smokes during sex (or after). he likes it when you're face down ass up for lack of better words cuz he doesn't really like looking you in the eyes. yes, he does have deep feelings for you but he's still not comfortable showing you his vulnerable side. plus he's in love with your plush hips and thighs– squeezing them oh so tightly when he feels your gummy walls clamping down on him. the aftercare would be absolutely amazing too. god forbid he ever calls you a bad name in bed tho or makes you uncomfortable in any way. sex with him is all about your pleasure and comfort♡
I really don't think they would mind the fact that you work for the ADA, it's just a small detail. neither of them would want to discuss work matters anyway. for them the time spent with you is too precious to be wasted discussing such trivial matters.
if the three of you ever go out together the atmosphere would be a bit tense? uncomfortable? silly? they've known each other for such a long time and interacting like they aren't boss and emplyee would be a bit strange for them.
that's all i had to say on this♡ not proofread so sorry for any mistakes ღwuah
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Hunger Games Men as Taylor Swift Songs
Idk if this is kinda odd to post but I'm a person who loves music and every song I listen to paints a scene in my head and I've been getting super into hunger games lately so a lot of the songs I've been listening to have reminded me of the characters. Specifically, my delulu self can imagine being in certain romantic situations with them based on the situations happening in these songs. For the sake of continuity, we will use songs from Ms. Taylor. I wanna write little one shots inspired by these situations. I already wrote the Snow one today so maybe I'll continue.
tldr- these are Taylor swift songs that reminded me of what it might be like to be in a relationship with these characters.
Peeta Mellark
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Jump Then Fall- Taylor Swift, Fearless
"The bottom's gonna drop out from under our feet, I'll catch you"
Honestly I was thinking 'Mine' at first but I felt like Peeta HAD to have a song off of Fearless. He is the human embodiment of sunshine to me and Fearless as an album is gold, bright, and holds a theme of puppy love throughout it. All of those things just SCREAM Peeta Mellark to me. 'Jump Then Fall' is a song that is relatively vague in terms of story telling lyrics but it is about loving someone and being happy just to see them happy and wanting to be there for your partner no matter what. I feel like Peeta is that kind of ride or die lover. Even after the capital had brainwashed him into hating Katniss he still found his way back into loving her again anyways. He is a lover you can trust. He truly would stick through it all so it's okay to 'Jump Then Fall'.
(Story Idea: Kinda toying with a cute little fluff where the reader and Peeta are going swimming at a lake or something. I have another idea for him too but it's apart of the Finnick X Reader X Peeta story I'm theorizing)
Gale Hawthorn
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Better man- Taylor Swift, Red
"But your jealousy, I can hear it now talking down to me like I'd always be around you push my love away like it was some kind of loaded gun, you never thought I'd run."
Firstly, Red is my favorite album. Sorry had to get that out of the way. Gale honestly, ugh there was so much potential here. I think as the movies progressed he started to lose his empathy and grew a more selfish shell. Better Man really reminds me of what Katniss might have been thinking with him. He would've been the one if he was a better man.
(Story idea: reader contemplating their relationship with Gale a month or two after the break up and reliving the memories of the past that are gloomy and haunted over by the fact that, Gale really wasn't ready for a relationship. They ponder over things until coming to the disheartening conclusion that brought them to breaking it off in the first place, it really could've worked out if he was a better man.
Also possibly a part two of that with a tooth rotting fluff about Gale going through some character development and becoming a better man and then they get back together)
Finnick Odair
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Starlight- Taylor swift, Red
"He said "Look at you, worrying too much about things you can't change, You'll spend your whole life singing the blues if you keep thinking that way"
Ahehehe Finnicks my favorite. It was hard to pick just one for him but I went with Starlight because he is just such a charmer. Starlight is a song about a whirlwind sort of romance where you are at a party and doing some silly things and you're falling in love. I can totally imagine this happening with Finnick. You meet at a capital party, run off together and start creating some chaos and fall in love. There's specific lines that remind me of him like the "he was trying to skip rocks on the ocean saying to me, "don't you see the starlight"". I could totally see Finnick doing that and just truly being a charming man and finding those little bits of joy in the messed up life given to him. I could see this also being a sort of sheltered reader and it being their first party and he helps them loosen up and have fun.
Honestly, its hard for me to pinpoint just one song for him because so many remind me of him so here are some honorable mentions.
Holy Ground- Same kinda vibe as Starlight
Forever Winter- he has trauma and I can help him. Ours- Finnicks Reputation makes your family question if you should be with him but you know him truly and they can't take whats ours
Mine- A LOT OF PEOPLE THINK THIS ONE BECAUSE OF THE "I remember we were sitting there by the water" line but the rest of the song doesn't fit him
Paper Rings- They wanna get married but Finnick can't because of the capitals uh plan with him so they have a little ceremony with just themselves and some friends and paper rings before the events of Catching Fire and then they decide to run off to district 13 to be together for real
Coriolanus Snow
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Tolerate It- Taylor Swift, Evermore
"I know my love should be celebrated, but you Tolerate it"
honestly this was the one that inspired me to do this post. I already wrote this story because I CANT HELP MYSELF! This song was playing in my car after I watched tbosas and it was just painting this whole picture of how the person Snow ended up marrying after Lucy Gray must have felt. I'm pretty sure there was that line in the book too that was talking about how Snow never wanted to fall in love again because he felt so out of control and how he would marry someone he didn't love so that he never had to feel that way again. it was something like that. So Tolerate It sounds like the total POV of his next partner. The song itself is about a relationship with a power imbalance where the person singing the song is giving their absolute all for the love, affection, and praise of their partner and their partner gives them nothing in return. The term "Tolerate It" also is insinuating that the person the narrator is in love with is mildly annoyed with the things the singer is doing for them. They simply deal with it but are never impressed and that just gave me snow vibes.
LET ME KNOW IF I SHOULD SO A PART TWO WITH OTHER CHARACTERS (recommendations open :') ) OR OTHER ARTISTS. I listen to all genres fr.
Thank you for readings and let me know if you liked any of the ideas I suggested and if I should write them!
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