delittle-delana · 4 years
Lana— Hey, are you okay? You just like, totally passed out or something for a sec there. Can- Can you see? How many fingers am I holding up? [ It’s three, the answer’s three ] Aw man, no. Don’t be embarrassed. I can name like, fifteen things I’ve done this past week that are way more embarrassing than this.
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[ She sat upright, clearly incredibly confused as she tried to figure out how she had even ended up on the floor. ] I’m sure I’ve bruised nothing but my pride. [ She cringed, realising it was Tyler coming to help her. ] I don’t know... seven? [ It was a joke, of course. There was nothing wrong with her anymore. ] I’m sure you can, but phantom pains at prom are not what I want to be remembered for.
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delittle-delana · 4 years
Ohmygosh, Lana! Are you okay? [ She immediately knelt down beside her, dress and all ] Is your head hurt? Can you we get some help over here, please! Hang on, do you need anything? Some water? I- I’m totally asking to many questions right now, aren’t I?
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Yeah. Yeah, I think so... [ She slowly sat up, a hand resting on her chest as she blinked in confusion. ] It was. I- There was a pain everywhere, but it’s gone... This is what I get for daring to go to the gym, I guess. [ She released a short laugh. ] No, no, you’re fine, Jen. That was so dramatic...
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delittle-delana · 4 years
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hope mikaelson + hairstyles (requested by anon)
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delittle-delana · 4 years
Woah, I-... [ she stopped dancing, holding her head ] No, I’m fine. I just got a little dizzy, it’s-... [ she suddenly dropped to the floor, an immense pain coursing through her, but no matter how hard she screamed no sound escaped her. It only lasted a few moments before she was lying on the floor, completely fine. ] Okay, that was weird and embarrassing...
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delittle-delana · 5 years
I- Oh! Hey, check it out. There’s my star—
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Quick, quick, can you take my picture with it? Promise I’ll shout if I see yours too and return the favour but this might be the only chance I get with this good lighting.
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Ah! This is so cool! Of course I can take your photo! How could anyone not want to snap a pic with their star? [ pulls out her phone ] Oh, wait. Did you want me to take it on your phone?
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delittle-delana · 5 years
hellsfavourite-angel :
Sorry, I think I just stepped into the twilight zone here. Um, how do you expect to land a gem like mom did if you don’t follow precisely in her Mary-Jane’s foot prints? Sure, no one actually gives a fuck about junior prom queen but junior leads to senior which leads to Miss Havensdale 2000-and-whatever. And all that leads to…total fucking stepford shittiness. Thought that was the dream? 
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I’ll have you know that I already have a gem in the form of Benjamin Montgomery. [ sticking her tongue out ] Miss Havensdale could be fun, but Maddie is definitely more prom queen material than me. Maybe next year I’ll have a change of heart. Seriously though, do you want one of these brownies? I don’t want them going bad and I really need to start getting ready for tonight.
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delittle-delana · 5 years
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delittle-delana · 6 years
M!A: Your character is now one of their future children.
Did you guys plant more trees while I was away? I don’t remember there being this many.
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full name: Elizabeth “Liz” Montgomeryage: 28fc: Jana Kramervoiceclaim: Jessica Stroup as Erin Silver in 90210
Actual angel of Havensdale Valley.
Produced from a prom hook-up between Benjy Montgomery and Lana Anderson.
Named after her deceased Aunt Effy.
Super helpful to everyone.
Is involved in 100% of the town’s charity work.
Regularly volunteers for Habitat for Humanity.
Too good, too pure.
As well as Benjy’s other kid with Bonnie, she also considers Greg’s children her siblings too.
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delittle-delana · 6 years
christopher-bites :
This is the single most exhausting day of my life.
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Chris! Hey! You haven’t seen Maddie today, have you? I’m out here campaigning for her to be prom queen and everyone thinks I’m trying to sell myself because she’s not here with me! So have you?
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delittle-delana · 6 years
hells-goldenboy :
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This is my last time being a senior so I think it’s mandatory to vote for me. Imagine Faye’s face if we were to win. 
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I’m sorry, did I just hear you imply that Maddie won’t be Junior Prom Queen, Leonard?
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delittle-delana · 6 years
greg-porter :
Faye Montgomery gets ‘vote for me’ cupcakes and I’m out here with what, nothing? Nothing but my perky ass? What the fuck. Who’s running this campaign?
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Um... Do you not have anyone helping you? I could-... I mean, I’m already helping Maddie, but I can try to sort some free time to help you out. I’ll make you whatever kind of cake you want.
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delittle-delana · 6 years
Hey, you want some of these brownies? There’s an ‘M’ printed right on there for Maddie. Yes, I know I was nominated too, but we all know Maddie deserves it more than me. She’s so involved with the school and our little town. You name it, Maddie’s doing it and she does it all with a smile. Go on, you know you want to vote for her.
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delittle-delana · 7 years
brightbonnie :
What we need around here is for someone to get started on the body shots. It’s the only logical next step. I can be the first body if no one else wants to volunteer but somebody has to line up the shots.
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You are officially my favourite person at this party! I’ll do one off you if you do one off me! How about that? I mean I can’t guarantee it won’t end up all over the internet cause we are hot af, but let’s do this!
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delittle-delana · 7 years
Oh my god!
Look at these cool little test tube shots! Look at them! Aren’t they just the cutest, nerdiest thing you have ever- Did Christian even buy these? What do you think is in them? I’m just gonna- [ turns and someone is right there ] Jesus! Hello-ooooh! Wow, you’re so close I can barely see you! Howdy. Test tube shot?
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delittle-delana · 7 years
ian-magic-son :
Hey good lookin’.
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You want another drink or what?
[ not even the lady he’s talking to and calling from the other side of the room ]
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Ian! Ian! Ian, over here! [ jumping, waving ] Hoo hoo! Hey! Ian! Come here! Come over here! You! Beside Ian! Bring him to me! Bring- Ian!
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delittle-delana · 7 years
joeysalvatored :
Yeeeeah boy! Who’s the boy? I’m the boy.
That’s me, that is me. Who wants to get down? I’m ready to get down! I need to dance. I need to dance, someone hold my cup, I’m about to tear it up! I don’t even know what that means but I am ready. This is my jam. I love Nicole Scherzinger. PCD! Hashtag.
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Joey! Joey! Everybody look at Joey! He is hashtag wrecked and it is amazing! Get it, boy! Get it! Someone hold that boy’s drink so he can get down! [ totally starts a chant of- ] Joey! Joey! Joey! Joey! Woo! Someone get me what he’s drinking!
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delittle-delana · 7 years
norawhitby :
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“Do you ever think how sad it is that some people have seriously never ever been kissed?”
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“You’re forgetting one very important fact; everyone’s been kissed by Jesus.”
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