#hes so attractive in your style. game red does things to me
jils-things · 4 months
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dude im on my knees appleshipping beach episode im so weak im soooo fuckin weak. canon episode immortalized by @beeholyshit I LOVE YUO
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wakeup01 · 7 months
A Matching Pair
Goddammit. Why does he always have to argue about it. Can’t he ever put himself in my shoes and try and be more understanding.” I mumble to myself as my boyfriend fades out of sight down the empty train car. I sigh and stare out the window of the train, listening to the world outside shudder past.
“This space free?” Comes an excited voice, I look up to see a fit young guy casually drop onto the seat opposite me. He looked no older than 22 and was outfitted for some kind of sports game, with a designer tracksuit sagging off his hips, a red jersey that pressed against his lean stomach and a glossy puffer jacket.
“Uhhh…not really.” I remark, side-eying his trendy permed hair, perfectly styled and faded. I had never really understood the appeal of…‘fuckboys’; rich but devoid of personality - aside from the prepackaged one they adopt. In this case even I had to admit that he was rather attractive, in a blunt, dumb ‘grammer is for losers’ sort of way. There was a casual air of confidence in the way he carried himself, narcissistic? Sure, but maybe a little ego didn’t hurt, especially in the bedroom.
Shame he obviously wouldn’t be a sub - he’d look nice around my cock, although I can picture my boyfriend tripping over himself to placate his every whim. The perks of this ‘open relationship’ we had seemed increasingly one sided. Ugh. I’m quickly reminded of our argument, and my indignation wins out over my misguided lust.
“Mate, you look proper mad.” He chuckles, kicking off his trainers. He stretches out his legs and rests them on the seat next to mine.
“Name’s Dominic and I’m not….mad.” My voice trails off.
“Uh oh. Who is she then blud?” He gestures at me with his hands, rattling the horde of bracelets that buried his wrists.
“Pftt. I should ‘av guessed. It’s all the same to me. I’m Trev ‘btw’. You off to the gay convention?” There’s a wry smile that is hard to be angry at, in fact I feel strangely comfortable with him. He seemed like a good listener.
“Funny, but yes. Meeting our friend Nate there.” I cross my arms in a futile attempt to appear more dominant.
“Wait, they have those now?” My eyes squint at him. “Just fucking with you. I got a game the next town over. I’m a player.”
“Wow, you don’t say.”
“Maybe you’ve seen me play on the tele eh?” He puts on a face and flashes his shiny white teeth proudly.
“Sure…” He was in a professional team? Like I’d know.
“So spill, what’s the issue with yuh ‘boy’? His ‘bussy’ too small?” My mouth begins to move before I really get the chance to think about what I’m saying, or why I’m telling him at all.
“Ugh. He just never tries to see things from my perspective, he always expects me to play the ‘top’. About everything. And I don’t share his weird kinks.”
“TMI. Oh. You’re the top? And your name is Dom? ‘Lolz’. Is your boy called SUBastian?” He laughs mischievously. His brazen use of text speech was strangely endearing, something I thought impossible.
“Dominic. And no, his name’s Addy.” I correct, flatly.
“Uh huh. Yeah, and have you tried the same? See things from Addy’s point of view. Find equal ground right. Maybe I can help. It’s like when there’s a disagreement in our footy team.”
“I don’t think it’s quite the same thing…”
“Should give it a try Dom, see how it feels to be the sub. It can be fun to let someone else take charge. Easy too when you don’t overthink it. Go on, just lay back and relax.” Yes, I’m sure this will solve all our problems. I humour him anyway, resting my back against the seat’s cushion. Ten seconds pass in silence, just the hum of the train carriage throbbing rhythmically.
“This is stupid-“
“Shush.” Trev stares at me intently, trapping my eyes into his own. I don’t think to look away, why would I. He continues talking, I hear the words floating past me but don’t register what they are. It feels like minutes until his fingers snap in front of his face, and the spell is broken. He just smiles and waits expectantly for me to reply. His legs move from the seat next to me and I follow their movement.
“I—I guess.” I stutter, unsure of what I’m replying to, feeling slightly dizzy, like waking from a dream. For some reason my eyes seem drawn to his feet, now resting on the edge of my own seat, fidgeting between my thighs. I didn’t notice that they were sockless before… or that they were so big.
“Deeper.” He snaps his fingers again. My eyes are feeling so heavy, it’s becoming harder to keep them open. “Picture your boy sitting in your place. See it in your head.” I think about him, see his dreamy smile, like the one growing on my face. “So easy.” Trev repeats, my head nodding absently to his words. He adjusts and pushes his feet against my groin. Hmmf. I should tell him to stop. To stop…
“Uhh.” The dull sound leaves my lips instead of the words I wanted, the rubbing sensation fraying the edges of my thoughts.
Trev’s fingers fiddle at his pockets. He pulls out a vape stick and blows a huge bubblegum flavoured cloud of smoke into my face. The fumes flow through my open mouth and circle my head. His hands appear to be moving in slow motion, like everything was suddenly at half speed.
“Being in charge is exhausting huh. Much better to just relax and follow along, like your boyfriend would.” Yeah, he would probably do whatever this guy asked him to.
“I bet he’d rub my feet If I told him to.”
“Yeah.” I agree, wrapping my hands around Trev’s chunky feet - he definitely would. I run my fingers up and down his sole, picturing my boyfriend in this situation.
“Eyes up here fam.”
I look back up at him, falling into his stare once more, entranced. My hands continue to massage him, passing over the curves and arches of his large feet. The shame of doing this in a public place completely lost on me. “Good foot boy.” I fail to hold back a moan at the validation. Is this what it feels like? It feels…nice, good.
I sense my body start to slowly lean forward of its own volition. Trev loudly exhales, his lips pursing. Another dose of bubblegum mist fogs my view. “What else would your boy do?”
“Don’t know…”
“Bet he’d love to sniff my lush feet hm?”
Probably, I think. He was way more kinky than me about such things. This guy’s feet were quite ripe after all, maybe if I got a bit closer…no—no what am I doing? I begin to pull back when his intense eyes narrow at me.
“It’s okay. I can see you want to take a whiff too. Boy.” His inflection changed on the last word. There was something about the way he said it. Powerful.
“My—my boyfriend will be-“ My voice cracks.
“Put your fucking nose here. And sniff my cheesy feet.” He orders, accentuating each word, dropping all pretence - his finger snapping and pointing down.
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It’s like a switch being pressed in my head. The words cut like a knife right through any lingering hesitation. My face lowers and inhales deeply, sucking up his harsh scent.
“Yeah.” I mumble from behind his feet in a daze.
“Yeah what?”
*snap snap*
“Yes sir.” I don’t know why I said it, it just slipped from my lips and then it was too late to take it back. Too late to stop, as my face leans down to his foot like a magnet. Too late to pretend I didn’t want a sniff, my nostrils breathing the thick musky air.
“A good start boy.” I tentatively take a couple more whiffs, a part of me still attempting to hold back, feeling self aware. He rolls his eyes and shoves his feet forcefully into my face, my nose pushed snugly between his big toe. His stench shrouds my head like a cloud. The concept of ‘disgusting’ faded to nothingness.
“Salt and vinegar flavour, your fav.” Trev asserts. It became true the moment the words left his lips. Salty and eye watering. My favourite. My cock liked it too apparently.
“You look so much better under me, worshiping me - where you belong. Keep going.” And I did. Breathing deeply, in and out. In and out. The heat from his foot radiates outwards, travelling down my body, seeping into my skin. “Wouldn’t your boy agree to be at my feet at all times If that’s what I wanted?” He—I would. I want nothing else.
“Of course sir.” I say, unaware that the words would seal my fate.
Something is changing. A shift in weight. My whole body starts to feel lighter, filling with air. My skin itches, a rash forming across it’s surface - bleaching every inch an even, clean white. The rash crawls down my chest, flattening my modest set of abs, leaving everything it touches incredibly soft, absorbent and flexible. Tiny strands of fuzzy cotton fabric poke out from each pore; the changes showed no sign of stopping.
Everything is happening all at once, alarms try and go off in my brain but it’s preoccupied swimming in a musky drunken stupor. My feet seem to leave the floor as my form inexplicably shrinks, the length of my arms folding inwards as my body simplifies.
“Look at you bruv. You were easy as fuck.” I gaze up at him, his smug face towering over me, looking so far away. A puff of vape smoke floats down towards me, particles dissolving on my cushioned skin. The sweet aroma mixes with the smell of his sour feet. “Just one look into my eyes and you were done. Get socked bro.”
Trev started to appear bigger and bigger, his feet dwarfing my new size, now taking up my whole view. It was like my essence was being pulled around his foot. My mouth opens and his toes slip effortlessly inside, stretching me out and making themselves at home. The rest of his foot follows, his ankle resting at my opening. It sets off my gag reflex momentarily, before feeling perfectly natural, like I was tailor made for his foot.
“Sorry bud, they’re a size 13.”
The taste of his potent sole explodes into me. I’m violently shaken out of my trance-like haze, the world around me speeds up. I try and desperately pull away, lucidity returning like a slap to the face. Why am I on the floor? Why is his foot in my mouth?! Oh shit oh shit!
“Get socked!” Trev yells enthusiastically. “Get fucking socked!”
Control is slipping away. My skin pulls taut around his foot, the fabric digging between his toes. It feels as though every part of me is pressed against him, his warmth surrounding me. My new shape settles into place, defined by his smooth curves.
I can’t move my ‘body’ at all, but all my senses still persist…somehow. My blurry vision clears, a sudden shift in view makes me disoriented. It’s as if I have a pov of the room from the bottom of Trev’s foot, he lowers it to the floor and my worldview erratically drops to carpet level before going dark. The material of the carpet brushes against me, the strange sensation is embarrassingly pleasing; bringing attention to the absence of my cock. Relief now seemed impossible.
“Socked. Man, I love that initial freshness. Tbh, it makes the inevitable even more fun.”
He pushes the weight of his foot into me, his sweaty soles sticking to my tight fabric body. It feels humiliating to be literally stuck on the ground. His stench clings to me, soaking me in his foot musk. The imprint of his toes yellowing my surface. It’s like having his foot down my throat, perpetually swallowing his mind numbing sweat.
“Mmm that’s good, you hang so tightly. A perfect fit. Hope you like sucking on my rank fucking toes. Cuz now you’re just my stinky ripe sock. Fucking idiot. Can’t wait to get you worn in.”
That’s not possible, I can’t be a sock…it defies logic. This is a nightmare I’m about to wake up from, any second now…any second…
He pulls at me and stretches my ribbed opening up and over his tracksuit, stuffing the silky material into me.
“So much more… pliable.” Trev wiggles his toes and my body conforms to it’s every movement, lodging in between each one. I try and desperately struggle, do something. I manage to achieve a light wriggle that only helps pull myself tighter against his skin.
Trev lifts his foot and points it towards the window, the dark night air rushing past outside. A clear reflection echoes back. I stare at it in disbelief, wanting to blink the reality from my eyes. A caricature of my shocked face is crudely printed on the underside of the sock - trapped frozen in time, with the word ‘SNIFF’ sewn into the fabric. The material was already beginning to discolour. Logic or not, That’s all I am now - a cheap white sock. His sock. An object.
“Basic as fuck boy makes basic as fuck sock. Lit.” He points out, smirking in the reflection while he checks out his new kit. Trev puts his feet back up on the seat, letting me watch the empty space where I had been sitting - back when I was more than just his property.
“Enjoy the view, while you can cheesy. You’re going to spend most of your time staring at the floor, or the inside of my fumigated sneaker.” What joy. I hadn’t even thought about that, about what comes next. Surely he didn’t plan to keep me like this? “Hmm. I think the name Dominic is a bit too fancy for you now, how about…sock. Simple, to the point.” Trev steps me back against the ground, his heel slightly raised. “Suits you, don’t you think sock?”
Light footsteps thud from down the carriage, getting closer and closer. “Hey babe. I wanted to apologise, Nate thinks—who are you? Umm where’s my boyfriend?” Addy had returned, this was my chance.
I wanted to shout and cry out to him, to get his attention anyway possible. I conjured a barely audible rustle and then nothing. All it did was reinforce how small and subservient I now felt, forced to listen to my owner in silence.
“Oh he’s not gone far, cutie. Sit.”
I hear my boyfriend stammer from above. All it took was one compliment and he turned to putty. In most cases it was endearing, but right now I needed him to be anything but agreeable.
I feel the weight on me shift. I glide through the air again, Addy’s expression coming into view across from me, from us.
“He’s…” Addy looks me over curiously.
“Yep. He got socked.”
“Gosh. That’s…hot.” His cheeks blush.
WHAAT! You’ve got to be kidding me! Damn, why did he have to be so kinky when I need him to rescue me. I can recognise his horny face a mile away.
“Now it’s your turn. Look at my eyes.” Trev’s voice taking on a more serious tone. Addy’s eyes dart up, quickly becoming ensnared by Trev’s hypnotic gaze. No, please snap out of it. “Good, keep looking. Relax. Let me give you the deets. In a few minutes you’re gonna have the privilege of having my foot up your arse, sucking up my sweat as a thin piece of fabric like your bf. You’ll be my sock puppet, controlled completely by my foot. You can already feel my toes pushing at your mind. You want it. Say it.” Trev waves me back and forth, hypnotically.
“Say it.”
“I — I want to be your smelly sock puppet. Pleaseee Master.” He moans in a trance.
“Course you do.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Addy’s shorts were noticeably tenting, a wet spot forming at the tip. He was getting off on the idea! “Sock puppet. Look at your boy, read the word sewn into him. You know what to do.”
Addy’s head leans towards me, eclipsing my vision. His huge nose presses up against me, his eyes dilating. I can feel his wavering breath brush at my cotton skin. He did exactly what the sock - me, said to and sniffed. The hesitant whiffs quickly devolve into enthusiastic huffing.
“Babeee. Hmmf. You smell so niceee. Mmmm.”
“That’s an obedient sock sniffing sock puppet.” Trev assured him. ”Now onto the other one.” Addy moves away from my view, I can only see him shuffling at the edge of my narrow locked vision. “Ready to join him?”
“Yes masterrrr.” Addy’s voice slurs monotonously. “Enter me and take control. We’re both yours.” Like hell we are!
“I want you to lick this foot clean like a dirty dog before it becomes your new home.” I hear him start to slobber all over Trev. “Good puppet. Get socked.”
The sound of my boyfriend licking and moaning in heat continued for what felt like an eternity. There was nothing I could do but be suspended in the air like my owner deemed appropriate.
“It’s time to become a puppet. Turn around and spread that cute bubble butt. There we go, feel my foot enter your rear, filling you up, fucking your tiny brain. Ufff. Tight. Fuck. Let’s stretch you out, nice and wide. Ahh that’s better. Your hole clamping around my ankle. Yeah. Becoming soft and flexible. A sock puppet. A sweat guzzling, empty-headed, dirty filthy sock puppet.” I can just about see Addy’s head, craning back in pleasure as he’s foot fucked.
“Butt feels…Hnng my—my body…” Addy pants desperately.
“Now belongs to my fat fucking foot. SOCK. PUPPET.
“Pu—puppet.” Addy’s bobbing head pulls out of sight, compressing around the invader inside him.
“Sock puppet. Surrendered all free will. Sock puppet. Commanded by feet. What are you?”
“I’m a sock… a sock puppet. Mmmmf…I’m a soooommfff.”
His voice goes silent. I can only assume he’s turning into a perfect match for Trev’s other foot. The thought horrifies me, but also gets me a little excited. I glimpse a pristine white shape shudder next to me. Trev sits up and places both feet flat on the ground, in order to admire his new additions to the collection.
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“Hell yeah. You two make the cutest pair. Glad I could help bring you ‘together’. And no more worries about disagreements ‘lmao’. Go on, kiss and make up.”
Trev bends his legs and points me at Addy’s new form, his lustful face captured on the socks sole; the word ‘LICK’ was immortalised above. I was for sniffing and he for licking, it made a bizarre kind of sense to my addled brain. He brings his feet together and rubs us both against each other, our ‘faces’ pressed closely. My mind blurs, the friction bringing searing white hot bliss. God it’s amazing. He was so soft! Please more. More! Babe. Don’t stop. Get socked!
Trev eventually pulls us apart, I watch the folds of Addy’s loose fabric pull taut, finalising his transformation. He made a cute sock, just like me. We were now on equal footing. Wait, what am I thinking? This is insane, I don’t want this! Was I stuck like this? Would it be really so bad? No, stop.
I realised that the smell was permeating my thoughts, twisting them. Knowing that didn’t change how good it felt, how good his touch felt, his musk.
“Don’t worry, when I go to replace you I’ll be sure to sell you on as a pair to one of my foot sluts. Let’s be honest, as socks go, you’re kinda ‘mid’ at best.” The comment did nothing to reassure me about turning back to human. “Man you gay nerds are so dumb, none of you can resist my scent. It’s like you want to be part of my fit. Even my sneaks gave more of a struggle than you two lovebirds. All I need now is some new undies to stretch over my ass and hug my fat dong and balls. Know anyone?” Trev pauses and then laughs to himself.
As each minute passed my mind became more subdued, it was relaxing, becoming content. The part that was angry, defiant, was shrinking. A bubbling happiness was slowly expanding within me. I did my best to push it back but with my senses overwhelmed, it was a seemingly losing battle. Addy was probably already loving every second of it.
“Let’s have some fun. Which one of you will make a good cum sock? Who am I kidding, you’ll both be great. But for now…”
He peels me free from his foot, holding me limply in the air. For a moment I feel incredibly empty, already missing his warmth. The disappointment is short lived; I’m quickly filled out as he pulls me over a stiff pole. His cock. His glorious thick shaft. I’m forced to swallow it whole, it’s tip poking at my edges.
With his hand around me he wanks me furiously, using me as sleeve. ‘Don’t enjoy it’, I shout internally. This sucks. This sucks! It’s hard to ignore the pleasure it brings the both of us. Oh god I’m being stretched out by him completely. It sucks. Sucks… this…mmm. Faster. Go faster! Fill me! Cum inside me, mark me as yours!
My sexy owners pumping reaches a crescendo, now with both hands thrusting me up and down. One final tug. A grunt. A twitch. Thick copious splooge unloads right into me, flooding my interior. His fuckboy seed is absorbed into me, my cotton body sucking up every drop. A dark patch spreads across me and crusts over as it dries. The bitter taste lingers, like the cum was sat on my tongue.
“Fuck me, that was sweet. But enough fun.” Trev pulls me off his dick and janks me back over his foot, his toes push against my cum stained dark spot, still damp.
Trev’s phone starts to ring with some loud trap song. “Trev. Yeah. Yeah mate. Course, you fucka. Be arriving soon. Mint, I got me some new gear too. Ace. Uh huh…K, chat tomorrow.”
What would have normally been inane babble to me made a concerning amount of sense, like his identity was somehow rubbing off on me.
He stands up, dragging something over to him with his other foot. I’m lifted high into the air, tauntingly hovering over his beat up shoe. I can’t help but look down at my future smelly prison. I don’t think my mind can take any more…
It didn’t help knowing that the sneaker was once a guy, now heavily used. It was like seeing a glimpse of my own fate. Mmmm.
“Let’s get you acquainted.”
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I see the trainer hurtle towards me as I’m lowered to the floor. My edges slide effortlessly into the pungent confines of his sneaker, the thick stale air engulfing me. I’m pressed against the stained sole and squelch against it’s moist surface; the outline of his foot clearly indented into the material. My vision goes pitch black.
The stench is blasted at me from all sides. Fuck me. I don’t stand a chance against it, my mind is drowned beneath its waves. Sinking below as new, more simple desires emerge.
There’s a muffled sound of an announcement playing overhead. “Guess this is where we get off lads. I should probably warn you, me mates and I have a footie match tomorrow. And I don’t plan on removing you, after that I expect you won’t even want to be turned back. Not that I ever planned to. I’m sure you stinkheads don’t object? Sorted.”
I didn’t object, in fact, I— I think I was looking forward to it. My printed face would probably be completely yellow by the end of it, as it should. Mmm.
The weight of his foot lifts as I feel myself rise from the floor and then just as quickly I’m pushed back down to the ground. My boyfriend being subject to the same in tandem. A second later and it happens again and then again, each step the strength of his body squishes me against the shoes insole, which sticks to my surface. And each time, my brain is submerged in a pleasant sweaty haze, scattering whatever dim thoughts I had left. The weight flattening my mind to sodden mush. Rewarding me for fulfilling my role as his smelly, mindless sock, us both huffing at our owners beautiful addictive feet. Together.
“Maybe we should stop off at that gay convention first, see how many noses we can get pressed against you two while you get sucked dry. Plus, we could find that friend of yours to get wrapped around my big sweaty butt.”
Yeahhh…I bet Nate would make a perfect pair of fucking briefs.
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nonobadcat · 1 year
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For @oklolnoty
Down the Rabbit Hole - Five Chapters - 20k words - Yandere Shigaraki Tomura x Rabbit Quirk Female Reader
Rating: 18+ readers only - Minors DNI
Whole story TW: Noncon, yandere with kidnapping, severe quirk based discrimination, binge drinking, canon typical threats of violence (reader directed), canon typical death (nonreader directed), oral (give/receive), PnV (doggie), breeding, and expensive designer clothing everywhere.
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Working at Animal Instinct, the city's premiere hostess club for those who like their girls "pawsitively" attractive, may pay the bills but it'll cost your soul. Playing the brainless bunny girl everyone expected you to be, you were prepared to waste your life selling over priced champagne and sham companionship just to afford rent. When your efforts are rewarded with the client from hell, you try to stick to your bubblegum bimbo persona. However, being called boring by some crusty incel with the social skills of a trashcan is not something your pride can let slip by. ...and finding someone who hates society's games as much as him is not something Shigaraki Tomura can let go.
Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5 🐇 Ao3 Mirror
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Chapter 1: Dumb Bunny - 3.4k words
TW: Binge drinking, quirk based discrimination
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“Omigosh he’s back again!”
Plastered against the glossy black bathroom door, Nyanko’s twisted grimace and bristling tail ill suited her glamorous styling. Rhinestone trimmed claws pawed for purchase as an annoyed shriek hissed between tight teeth. It was fortunate that lilac satin squeezed her willowy frame like a vice. The very dress that transformed her bust line from “average” to “savage” restricted her air intake, keeping her whining to a polite volume.
Twisting the golden cap of your Yves Saint Laurent lipstain back on, you dabbed at your cupid’s bow. “Crusty boy?”
“Yes!” She groaned, pinning her cat ears to her skull. “Mama-san has paired him with twelve different girls in the last month. Boy’s got a heart made of Teflon! Won’t stick to anyone!”
You raised an eyebrow. “I thought this club was a kurabu? Isn’t the first pairing long term?”
“His dad is some sort of big deal so he gets special treatment, but mostly it's a mutual hate-hate thing,” Nyanko explained, wagging her finger. “He can’t find a girl he likes and all the girls beg Mama-san to let him try someone else. Even Aru didn’t want him and you know she has thick skin!”
“Quirk~ist,” you sang out, tucking your make-up back in the small, pearled handbag. “Just because she has an armadillo quirk doesn’t mean her soul is armor plated.”
Nyanko’s tabby tail swished. “Why does he keep coming back if he’s never happy?” she demanded, stomping her spike heels.
“I like those.” You nodded to the red bottoms. “The flower lace on the mesh is cute.”
“I know, right!” She twisted this way and that, showing off the shimmering details. “Abe-san got them for me last week. I think he has a foot thing but I’m not complaining.” All at once, her hair bristled. “Wait! Don’t try to change the subject! I’m in a real bind here!”
You popped your lips, smoothing down a stray lock of hair. “Oh? Why?”
“Because I’m one of the few he hasn’t chewed up yet!” She shivered and rubbed her arms. “I’m terrified Mama-san will pair me with that creep next!”
“Then quit your job and take Abe-san up on that mistress position. It’s not like he can last more than twenty seconds anyways so you won’t have to do much work.”
Her face fell flat. “Honey, hell’s got your name.”
You kicked off the faux marble tile and strutted over to the petite, raven-haired cutie. A single finger reached out, straightening the curl of her long bob. Patting her shoulder, you flashed her a grin and whispered in her ear. “Then it’s a good thing none of us go by our real names here, isn’t it?” 
She giggled before rolling her eyes towards your new lip color. “Speaking of 'people who just want to take a poor girl away from this place', is that a gift from your one hero client?”
You nodded. “Oshida bought it for me on the paid date. Asked me if he could put some of his cum in it.”
“Guess he’s not as family friendly as his press agent makes him out to be,” she muttered.
“I told him I couldn’t use it if he did because I’d be too addicted to the taste.”
Nyanko flashed you a judgey side eye and pushed open the bathroom door. “How are you that good a liar?”
“Nyanko, what are you talking about?" You plastered on an airy smile. Each word tumbled out wrapped in sweetness. "Everyone knows that bunny girls aren’t smart enough to lie. ♡” 
The words burned bitterly on your tongue.
Nyanko huffed, turning on heel. “I hate you.”
“Hate you more, sweetie,” you teased, following her down the long hall.
Pink tiles with golden veins lead the way to the reception desk. On your right, Animal Instict's main bar buzzed with flirtatious conversation, fake smiles, and exhausted salary men. One of the puppy girls, wrapped in cherry red spandex and ten centimeter black platforms, clung to her elderly client's arm like a fly on garbage. 
"Is Pochi back early from her paid date?" You asked, slipping under the glossy countertop.
"Kiba-san's bunions are acting up," Nyanko whispered, cupping the side of her face. "You know, the bunions that flare up when Pochi wants a fourth helping of foie gras."
You looked the other hostess up and down. Her rosy cheeks glowed as she smoothed her glossy tail across her lap. "She's pounding the champagne again. Her heat cycle must be close."
Nyanko waved her hand. "Don't date the dog if you ain't got the bank."
"Catty of you."
She hissed.
"Ladies," a firm voice warned. "You are on the floor."
You both turned towards a sultry middle-aged woman. Clad in a cocktail dress crafted from delicate golden mesh and rhinestones, her long, peacock plumage glittered every shade from sea green to deep navy in the warm light. She fixed you with a sharp glare before snapping open a fan. Its fluttering teased at her long, fake lashes.
"Yes, Mama-san," you replied in synchrony, bowing your heads to the boss.
She narrowed her eyes, craning her long, graceful neck to inspect your makeup. When it passed muster, she snapped the fan shut. "Honey, Tano-san requested you tonight as Usagi is out with a migraine."
Wow… just going to work his way through the bunny girls, huh? Guy wasn’t even subtle about his fetish.
"Of course," you agreed, bowing again. "Thank you, Mama-san."
Mama-san turned her scrutinizing gaze towards your companion. “Nyanko—” she crooked boney finger— “come with me.”
Nyanko’s ears drooped. “Y-yes, Mama-san…”
Mama-san rapped the cat girl with the lacey fan. “Professionalism.”
Nyanko forced a pained grin before snatching up a hot towel from the stack. “O-Of course!”
You shook your head, selecting a rolled towel of your own and placed it on a silver platter. Then, smearing on an airheaded smile, you followed the leader around the large, gangly money tree. Just past its scraggly leaves, two men came into view.
On the left, dressed in a deep navy sport coat and matching pleated pants stood a solemn faced man in his late sixties. He peered into the entryway’s mirror, fussing with his thinning, silver streaked hair. The wide, rose-gold rolex watch made his wrist look fat and did horrible things for his yellow undertones. When you came into view, he jerked away from his preening. Hungry eyes traced the line of your leg from heel to hem. His thick tongue lapped at the corner of his mouth.
“Tano-san,” your boss guiding you forward. “This is Honey Bunny.”
“It's so good to meet you, Tano-san!” You added a sugar rush bounce to your step. “We hope Usa-chan should feel better soon. I hope it’ll be okay if I take care of you for her until she’s better?”
With a grunt, he took the towel, clumsily groping your fingers along the way.
Mama-san turned to the man on the right. Hiding his face behind a mop of pale blue waves, a surly looking twenty something hunched against the wall. Blazing red eyes stared out from under hairless brows. He tugged at his collar, as if the beautifully tailored Armani three-piece was strangling him. It wasn’t hard to guess how he got the moniker “crusty boy”. Patchy scale peeled from his under eye bags. 
“Shigaraki-san, this is Nyanko-chan.”
Nyanko playfully scratched the air, before speaking out in a voice half an octave higher than her own. “It’s a purr-asure to Meow-chu, Shigaraki-san! I hope we can become good friends!”
He sneered at Nyanko before raking his neck with ratty, broken nails. 
Your coworker smiled so hard you thought her face might tear. “Would mew like a hot towel?”
He plucked the moist terry cloth from her outstretched hand with two fingers. He half-heartedly scrubbed his hands before walking right past her. “Let’s get this over with.”
Nyanko’s tail drooped as she skittered off after her guest. You pressed a coy hand to your lips to hide a grimace.
This was going to be a long night.
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One hour into the evening, you would have paid Usa-chan to take her client back. 
At first, you thought Tano simply fumbled his cigarettes due to some nervous condition. However, after the third one in half an hour, you caught beady eyes peering down the front of your dress as you leaned in to light them. He ordered nothing but the cheapest wine on the menu (2.6k yen per glass + the 25% service fee) and nursed his drink like an old woman. Those squirmy hands of his kept “accidentally” brushing against your tail every time he shifted in his seat. Conversation was hard fought and mostly about how much he hated his boss. 
“Are you and Usa-chan related?” he asked for the fifth time that night.
You brushed your long, silky ears back. “Well, I’m a Lop and she’s a Lionhead.”
“Oh. So it’s not the same thing?”
If you smiled any harder your teeth would crack. “I know, right? They sound so similar I always get them confused.” You hoisted the green bottle up. “Here, it looks like you need a refill—”
He quickly covered the glass with his palm. “Let me touch your ears?”
Rot in the gutter, you steaming trash heap.
Hesitant humming accompanied a thoughtful head tilt. “Mama-san kinda sorta told me I’m not supposed to because it’s against club rules or something.” You clicked your tongue and beamed at him. “Makes me sad because I love having my hair brushed. Oh well, right?”
He scooted closer. “You could just ignore her.”
Wide, panicked eyes sold the frantic, high pitched squeak. “Omigosh! But it’d be bad to do that right?”
Rancid breath poured over your bare neck. “I can make being a bad bunny really fun.”
You laughed, “playfully” shoving his shoulder so hard it pushed him a solid half meter away.  “Oh Tano-san! No wonder Usa-chan loves you so much. You’re so funny!”
…and wringing your floppy neck with your ugly Gucchi tie would be even funnier.
On the other side of the tufted leather booths, Nyanko seemed to fare even worse. 
“So… Shigaraki-san, do you work for your paw-ther?”
“He’s my mentor, not my father.”
“Oh! That’s so neat! So he’s like a father to mew?”
One word grated through gritted teeth. “No.”
Nyanko winced at the harsh tone, her smile shaken for only a moment before she rallied. “Your mentor must be very generous to send you here so Meow-ften.”
“It’s annoying,” he groused, scratching his neck like a dog with fleas. The pungent stench of iron caught on the breeze from the air conditioning. All the women around you wrinkled their sensitive noses.
“It doesn’t have to be.” Nyanko placed one hand on the cream leather next to his thigh and leaned in. A long golden necklace slipped down her décolletage, pointing the eye towards her assets. Pouty lips forced her tongue high against her fangs, playing up an alto’s vocal fry. Delicately, she twirled her hair behind her pointed ear. Dangling diamonds glittered in the dim glow of the teardrop chandelier. Round, golden eyes peered at him from under sooty lashes. “Neh, Shigaraki-san, what kind of girl do mew like?”
The booth squeaked as he scooted away. “Someone real.”
“I’m all nyan-tural,” she purred, letting her free hand trail down her bust.
With a sharp “chcc”, he groped for his cell phone. 
Nyanko cocked her head. “Oh? Nyu like video games?”
“A little,” he muttered, loading up an app. Comic book style red and yellow text exploded across the screen. Four different voices called out: “Hero Center Battle Royale!!!!”.
“Ooooh!” She clapped her hands together. “Which ones do mew like?”
“The ones where the heroes die.”
“Sounds exciting!”
“More exciting than this conversation.”
Fight on, Nyanko-chan!
While your coworker clawed for any hint of mutual interest, Tano leaned back into his seat and manspread until he was pressed against your bare thigh. “Seems like the pretty kitty is having a rough time.”
“Really?” You smiled so hard the muscles below your eyes spasmed. “It sounds like she’s having fun learning a lot about a new person to me.”
Face flushed, your patron sipped his wine. “You’re kinda a dumb bunny, aren’t you?”
Yeah… That’s what your university professors thought too. At least, until your grades put you second in your class by only three points. Maybe if they stopped staring at your ears long enough, they would have seen the brain between them.
“Nyanko-chan loves to meet new people,” you chirped back, sitting on quivering hands to avoid throttling your meal ticket.
Tano thumbed his chin. “Wonder if she’s so persistent because she’s gonna go into heat.”
Ew… can you just not?!
"That must be a pain, going into heat.” Beady eyes flashed to you. "You do too, right?"
Gross. Disengage! Disengage!
You tapped your chin. "Huh… I dunno. Maybe bunnies are different or something." 
…cause a three second Google search couldn't have told his horny self that?! Seriously…
Faking a sweet smile you reached for his glass. “Heat or no heat, I think that connecting with others is a reward in and of itself."
And if Tano could connect the dots he would have the decency to GO HOME if he wasn’t going to drink.
He pulled his cup away. "I don't need a refill."
You set the bottle down. "Oh! My bad! I just really wanted to take care of you. You worked really hard after all. You deserve a little rest."
He leaned back into his seat and smiled to himself. "Yeah. Guess I do."
Ugh… Just drunk enough to be a self-centered douchebag, but not enough to get you a sales bonus. This sucked.
He cracked open one eye and glanced at you. "But seriously, aren’t you even a little worried about her or are you just too stupid that to read the room?”
You leaned into your palm, using the thick of your hand to stifle the snarl. “Finding the right fit for every guest can be hard but everyone here loves the challenge.” One ear flopped across your eye. You inhaled, letting the rise of your ribs strain the bust of your gown. “I’m just so glad we have such good chemistry.”
His greasy grin made you nauseated. Greedy eyes drank up your coworker’s long tail and tufted ears. He licked his lips. “Should I offer to save her then? Having two of you around sounds like fun.”
….and entirely defeated the point of coming to the type of classy club where you are supposed to have an intimate, one-on-one conversation with your hostess. Not to mention, you’d have to split the tip. Then again, that assumed this cheapskate didn’t skip it all together.
You bit your cheek until the taste of iron pricked your tongue. Painted lips slipped into a puffy pout. You turned your head, letting tears pool at your lash line. Ducking low to play up the shadows between your cleavage, you pinched his sleeve between two fingers like a schoolgirl tugging on her crush.
“Ah… I suppose it’s true that Tano-san is so cool he could have two women at once.” 
His breath caught in his wrinkled throat.
With a forlorn smile, you glanced down at the connection between you before dropping his sleeve like it shocked you. Your voice pitched high as you hurried out a breathless apology. “Oh! Sorry!” Nervous fingers prodded together as you hid behind one ear. “When I am around a man like you, I-I sometimes just get these instincts...” 
He gulped.
Time to go in for the kill. 
Your eyes danced away from his. “It’s been such a long time since I felt this way, I forgot that it happens. It’s hard, but I’ll try to control myself better.”
Tano reached for your hand, but you pulled it away to bop it into your fist. “Oh! Speaking of instincts, Usa-chan told me once that you negotiated a lot of big contracts for your company. How did you get so good at your job?”
He leaned back into the booth, puffing out his chest. Wrapping one arm over the back of the chair, he crooked his finger at you. “Come a little closer and I’ll be happy to share.”
Ugh… You needed a drink.
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“Oh my gosh, Honey-chan he was just the worst!”
Nyanko’s whiskers tickled the side of your neck as she buried her face in your shoulder. You sighed, wrapping your arm around her. The smell of fried food and beer wafted in the summer air. Plump moths collided with the streetlight three paces away. Two wobbly salary men waved. The one wearing a tie on his forehead blew a wet kiss. Your party of three wiggled your fingers and giggled like shy school girls. As soon as they were out of sight, the smiles dropped like corpses on a battlefield.
You patted Nyanko’s shoulder. “There, there. You did what you could.”
She sniffled, fanning her flushed face. You passed her a tissue. She dabbed at her make-up. Flecks of mascara peeled onto pale paper. Another sob wracked her body. “WHAT DOES HE WANT!?” she wailed.
“Seriously,” Pochi scratched her dangling ears. “Mama-san gave him to me last week. He told me ‘your skills need a level up’. What does that even mean?!” She swished her silky black tail. “Let’s see his mummy lips pull three champagne towers in one night!”
“Three? Were you in heat?”
She sneered wide enough to flash her canines. “I faked it.”
You laughed. “Hot, but scary Pochi-sama.”
She jerked a thumb over her shoulder, motioning to Nyanko’s limp body. “Blame Little Miss Crafty Kitten there. For 30,000 yen, she gave me a run down on my tells and I did my make-up and perfume to mimic them. Worth every penny.”
Nyanko’s blank eyes stared at nothing. “I am a good hostess. I am a good hostess. I am a good hostess.”
You gave her a long side eye. “You charged 30,000 yen for that?”
A shaking hand rose into the air. She clenched her thumb and index finger into a ring.
“And I’m the one going to hell?” you teased, handing her off to Pochi. “Here. I forgot something at the club. You two get going before the last train leaves. I’m close enough to walk.”
“Whatever,” Pochi groaned, hugging the crying cat to her chest. “Come on Nyanko. You had too much to drink.”
With a gentle wave, you watched them as they staggered down the sidewalk leaving only Nyanko's miserable whining in their wake. When the last sob slipped into silence, the false feelings melted from your expression. Every hair on your neck bristled. A hard heel thumped on the pavement. Fists clenched to your side, you dashed off into the nearest alleyway. Wrenching off your expensive pumps, you set them on the ground out of reach. Your vision swam blood red, you zeroed in on the filthy dumpster. All at once, a frustrated shriek tore through the night air.
You slammed your heel down into the dumpster, leaving a dent in the rust.
Blow after blow rained down on the innocent trash receptacle. 
Twisted metal groaned under the weight of your fury. Memories of fresh-from-college job interviews flashed through your mind.
"I don't know that you're a good fit for our culture." "You seem really nice but we're only looking for serious candidates." "Oh…. I have another position you can interview for, sweetie."
Judgey stares and smarmy grins seared your brain. Lava hot rage bubbled through your veins as you kicked the dumpster five centimeters off its axis.
Panting and raspy, you heaved for air in the middle of the pavement. With a final huff you tossed your hair, hiked up your purse, and strutted away.
At the end of the alley, bloodshot scarlet eyes were watching your entire tantrum. Just below them, a ghostly white smile glinted in the flickering amber light.
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Next Chapter Expected: June 30th, 2023
Expected Completion Date: Mid-Aug 2023
Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5🐇 Ao3 Mirror
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Taglist: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @shig-a-shig-ah @castershellwrites @smilinghowever @krystalwithakay @iris-goddess @ss-syche @mortallysparklyfun @meameows @magnificentclodpiezonk @betterfettered @utena-akashiya @ventdavi154 @st4rrust @imaginedheroine @the-lady-writes-what @shiggysimp69 @toughbook @naughteehee
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justagalwhowrites · 1 year
im pretty sure you've been asked for all the ocs at this point separately but i have a tiny pea sized brain and cant remember LMAOOO but who are your fcs for the ocs? doc/andrew/jess/derek/kristen/marta/elias/etc. (im sure im missing some)
my brain definitely manifests them a certain way but im curious to who you imagine!!
So I left a lot of these non-existent or vague so people can plug in themselves and people they love BUT here’s who I picture 😍
Doc: I don’t really have an actor who fits her so I made this AI thing when I was thinking up the character? But I’ve pictured her as fairly petite (5’2”-5’4” ish?), small but not skinny, rounded but not thicc. Basically just the personification of softness and femininity. She’s got a lot of hair that’s wavy/curly that gets out of control easily and her personal style is the thrift shop version of Jess from New Girl. She looks like someone the apocalypse will chew up and spit out.
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Andrew: my sweet baby angel! When we first meet him, he is 110% Lucas from Stranger Things. Fairly baby faced but brave in the face of it all - and still able to find happiness and joy. By the time Doc leaves the QZ, I’m kind of leaning Donald Glover? Someone mentioned they cast him as Andrew Garfield and I kinda love that too lol
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Jess: Our third member of the codependency squad (who was honestly way understanding of her boyfriend/husband’s weird attachment and we love her for it) and resident comedian is, in my head, Doctor Who era Karen Gillan. Red hair, vibe of sass and strength but also naïveté (and so pretty that we can’t blame Andrew for gawking at her for months) we love her.
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Derek: the good guy who might have been if it weren’t for trauma and Joel! He’s 40 year old James Marsden. Just… *chef’s kiss* Look between him, Joel and Tommy? Doc can PULL. Someone said they cast Oscar Isaac here and look… Oscar is like maybe the one man I might find more attractive than Pedro, it depends on the day BUT I cannot cast him as anything but a leading man. Oscar and Pedro can only be end game in my book (but I will accept any and all HC castings lol)
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Kristen: Our favorite, competent as HELL trauma nurse! I pictured her as being unexpectedly feisty coming from a small, pretty, blonde package. Does she seem like someone you’d underestimate? Poor choice on your part but that’s her. Malin Akerman is who she is for me!
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Marta: our tough still figuring it out assistant turned expert nurse! I wanted someone sweet but strong who could be both naive and brilliant, so Ana de Armas it is! Only realized just now that her name in Knives Out is also Marta lol I FORGOT THAT BUT OH WELL!
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Elias: Our stalwart dogooder under the umbrella of FEDRA turned exhausted man trying to keep people alive, Elias is a kind hearted leader trying to do the best he can with what very little he has. His caring and drive I think are exemplified in Jimmy Smits - especially West Wing era Jimmy Smits at the beginning of the fic.
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So yeah! That’s how I see all these lovely lovely characters! I hope this enriches or informs the reading for you. Thank you so much for reading and asking! Love you!!
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acapelladitty · 1 year
Whole Day Off: A Very Christmas Special 🎄
Summary: Twas the night before Christmas and all through the basement. A wicked thing happened, over a Santa hat placement. Witty Girl's stockings were knee-high and red, as she fell to her knees to give Dr. Crane hea-*gunshot*
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even the louse who remained in a hunched position over his work desk as you emerge from the bathroom of the basement. 
Well, that simply wouldn't do.
Clearing your throat, the high-pitched jingle of the bells which line the very tip of your hat finally attract his attention as he glances over at your standing position.
The Mrs Claus outfit you had bought on impulse and saved for this moment is scandalous; the sheer red babygirl-styled teddy pushing your breasts up to an obscene level as the white fluff which decorates the edges of the red lace thong tickles your inner thighs with every slight movement.
He makes a noise low in his throat, his body moving quicker than you would have suspected him capable of as he slips free of his work stool and strides across the basement to stand before you.
"As foolish as whatever you are planning is, know that the colour red is very becoming on you." He mutters, the words suspiciously rough and muted as he pushes his wire-rimmed glasses back up his nose.
"Really?" You humour him with a wicked smirk. "You think so? Tell me more."
"I can't speak much for the childish costume, but the colour makes me want to see how closely I can match it on your skin through other means."
"It's not childish, it's Christmas."
"Same thing, different language."
"No love for the holidays, Dr. Crane?"
"I'm not much of a holiday person," he purrs, unable to prevent his hands from ghosting across the sheer fabric which covers your stomach, "and I never celebrate if I can help it. Just another distraction from the things that truly matter."
"If that's true then what the hell did I buy this for?"
Pulling out the object which you had carefully hidden behind your back, you don't miss the twitch in his jaw as he stares at the lurid red Santa hat.
"Absolutely not."
"Oh well." You sigh with exaggerated disappointment. "Then I guess I'll need to take this outfit off then. Which is such a shame because it feels wonderful as it clings to my skin. It's so soft and- oh well."
You turn back to the bathroom but find your exit paused by a thin hand as it locks around your wrist.
"You'll find it very tricky to take off when I have you fully wrapped up with some of that tinsel I can see poking our from your little bag on the couch. Is that what you want, Witty Girl? To be tied up and unwrapped like a salacious gift?"
"Maybe." You purr, unsurprised at how quickly he has seen through your game. "But only if you wear the hat."
"The hat."
Perhaps a result of all his blood rushing south as your hands run across the pronounced swell of your breasts, he does adopt a look of serious consideration as he follows the path of your fingers with his gaze. 
"And what will you give me, in return."
Splitting into a wide grin as his inherent selfishness shines through once again, you place the tips of your fingers on his chest and guide him carefully to the nearby couch, allowing him to drop to the fabric without a hint of grace. Your hands move up to wrap around his knees, spreading his legs with clear intent as you drop to the floor and balance your weight on your knees.
"A head for a head." You explain. "You wear the hat and you get my mouth. It can be my gift to you and I think it's a pretty fair exchange given the circumstances."
"And what a nasty mouth it is." He mumbles, reaching for the hat with about as much enthusiasm as you suspected he might.
In only takes a moment before the Santa hat is perching precariously atop his head, the deep russet colour peeking free of the white fluff which rings the base of it as a grim line of displeasure settles on his lips.
Biting back a smirk at the obvious grouchiness, you drop your head to his inner thigh as you glance up at him coquettishly.
"Play along, Mr Claus, and I might even sit on your knee and you can decide if I've been naughty or nice this year."
"Naughty." He replies without hesitation. "All of your actions have demonstrated a pervasive naughtiness which even my extensive corrections haven't put a dent into."
"Then play nice and you can have your reward." You scold him gently as your fingers reach for his zipper. "Just like I'll have mine."
His cock is hot and heavy in your hand, straining against your touch, and it brings a smirk to your lips as you realise just how much of an effect your little costume seems to be having. He could bitch all he liked about not having any love for the holidays but that didn't seem to hold him back from enjoying this.
Licking a sordid line from the base of his cock to the tip, you loosen you jaw and relax your throat as you quickly dip your head forward, swallowing his entire length in one fell swoop until your nose brushes the very edges of his pubic hair.
The urge to gag is strong but it's placated by the sound of utter surprise which breaks free of his chest, the noise somewhere between a grunt and a moan as his back arches off the couch.
As your warm throat envelops him, the muscles massaging his cock while you pull yourself free, he is unable to prevent his hands flipping from their casually splayed position to claw their way into the fabric beneath his fingers.
The sheer nastiness of being on your knees before him never failed to make a hot flush of shame heat you from within, the subservience itching that little part of you which delighted in making yourself available to him and his twisted whims.
By this point, you know what he likes and you wield that accumulated knowledge like a dagger as you both your head along his length, using your hands to massage the base of his cock in a wicked pulse.
"And what about you, Dr Crane? Have you been naughty or nice this year?"
You ask the question a little hoarsely as you pull free of him, your enthusiasm making your throat feel tight even as you continue to pepper the tip of his cock with small kitten licks, the taste of his pre-cum as familiar as ever.
"I think we both know the consensus on that answer, witty girl. You're the special case who has somehow conflated my misbehaviour towards you as being something nice to enjoy."
A surprisingly teasing response and you can feel his good mood in the words and the way in which he is indulging your own whims.
"In fact-" 
Continuing, he cuts himself off as he moves forward suddenly, capturing you in an unexpected grip. 
His hands are are strong as ever as they wrap around your waist and pull you to your feet before snatching you down onto his lap; your knees spread on either side of his legs as the length of his cock presses teasingly at your sheer thong.
"I think I will alter my half of the bargain." He grunts. "Instead of that velvety mouth, I would much prefer having you wrapped around my cock so I can listen to the noises those beautiful lips make as you work for your reward."
Pulling a short string of tinsel from your abandoned bag, his torso pushes up against yours as he swiftly secures your wrists behind your back with a practised ease.
"Nowhere to escape to now, little mouse."
You tilt your head in faux-confusion.
"Who's trying to escape?"
"Not yet, maybe, but we'll see. For an alleged gift, you are lacking some decoration. Lets see-"
His hand once again dives into your bag as his long fingers secure around something and pull it free.
"Ah, perfect."
Eyeing up the familiar nipple clamps, you moan and push your chest out towards him in clear encouragement. He doesn't need to be told twice as his strong hands slips within the structured cups of your teddy to pull your breasts free, allowing them to fit comfortably in his palms for a quick, harsh grope before release.
He moves quickly, plucking at your nipple until it's peaked and reddened enough to snap the clamp on; the sharp shock of the pain taking your breath away as you arch your back and gasp. He repeats the feat quickly and you revel in the delightful ache of your chest as he flicks the left clamp with his finger.
"Hmm, you want this to be festive? Yes?"
"Sure. Why not."
He catches the end of your hat between his fingers, carefully ripping off two of the small bells which decorated the edge as he tears through the cheap fabric. Using the sharp edge of the pin which held the bells in place, he forces it through the thinnest part of the rubber edge of the clamp before doing the same to the other.
Impressed with his commitment to the bit, you reward him with a slight bounce of your tits as the tiniest movement caused the bells to jingle in a thoroughly pleasant way.
Your face must have shown your delight as the very corners of his lips tugged for only a moment before his hands returned to your chest; groping and teasing the skin there as the bells tinkle away.
"Just one more addition."
"You're enjoying this." You accuse as he dives into the bag once more.
"Your wicked debauchery has the unfortunate effect of being somewhat contagious. Particularly when the benefits are mine and mine alone." He pauses. "Still, do not be foolish enough to expect another gift from me for the holidays."
You barely refrain from rolling your eyes at him, knowing that the clear disrespect would irritate him.
Pulling another thick length of tinsel free, this one finds its home around your neck as you swallow around it with a sudden flush of anxiety. It's not the most comfortable restraint, ticklish and rough against your exposed skin, and you are forced to tilt your head back as he ties the ends around the tinsel which is restraining your hands.
Breathing heavily as you wriggle against him, the position is an interesting one. The tautness of the tinsel around your neck puts you in an interesting predicament as leaning your head forward chokes you further and forces your hands up your spine to prevent the material from tightening too much. Leaning your head back lessens the pressure but also forces your chest to push out in what you can only imagine is a delightful view for him.
The fabric of your thong is damp as you press down on his cock in open invitation, the insistent moving garnering a quirk of his brow as his right hand slips between you. His fingers are warm as they rub along your slit, testing the wetness there with an obvious rumble of approval as he lines himself up against you; his cockhead bumping against your sex.
"Let's see how nice you can be, witty girl."
Hilting himself within you with in one messy thrust, the sudden stretch draws a sharp yelp from your lips. Pained pleasure has you biting your lower lip as you roll your hips against him, your fingers pressing against each other as they remain pinned to your lower back.
Your rhythm is jerky, mostly guided by his hands as they hold your hips steady and bounce you stop him; every thrust making the bells on your chest ring out with a frantic pace as you gasp your pleasures.
The tinsel does a marvellous job of keeping your focus as you tilt your head back as far as possible to prevent the mild choking. 
A choice which he seems to appreciate as his rough lips make themselves known on the exposed length of your neck; sucking a livid mark atop the area he tended to use as an injection site as you whine and clamp down around him.
As far as your fucking goes, it's a mess. Finesse is out the window as you both press against each other like animals and allow your actions to be guided by pure instinct and pleasure. His hands are everywhere against you; groping, nipping, massaging and worshipping your body with an unfamiliar reverence which makes you want to please him all the more.
His sadistic tendencies seem muted in favour of pure enjoyment and, in this moment, it could be easy to imagine yourself as just another couple enjoying the holiday season with some festive sex.
"Am I boring you, little mouse?"
His rough, slightly panting voice pulls you from your thoughts and you stare at him. The Santa hat looks ridiculous on his head and the silliness of it is at odds with the heated expression which he is piercing you with.
"Never. I think we both know you couldn't bore me."
"Then what are you thinking about?" One of his long fingers flicks at the clamp decorating your left nipple with amusement as the bell rings out.
"Nothing as exciting as what you're doing to me right now."
The response makes his brow furrow slightly as you evade giving him a proper answer but he accepts it at face value as he instead grinds his groin against your ass, his pubic hair tickling your inner thighs as you meet his movements with another roll of your hips.
Resuming your earlier frantic pacing, the hot arousal which sits low in your stomach is almost at breaking point as you whine and mewl with every renewed thrust. Hands restrained as they are, you can't reach your clit and a growl of frustration joins the cacophony of sound as you grind yourself against him, seeking additional friction that way.
It doesn't go unnoticed and his hand slips between your legs once more as his other arm wraps around your waist to secure you to him like an anchor. His fingers move in jerky circles as they press against your clit with a torturous pressure that borders on being too much.
Chest aching and neck extended backwards, the added pleasure proves enough and you come with a full-bodied shudder; your body clenching around him to milk every last shred of pleasure you can as you hilt yourself fully atop him. The tinsel pulls roughly against your neck with every small jerk and your convulsing is enough to force him over the edge as well as his orgasm follows just behind your own.
As he comes, his cock twitching within you with his last few lazy thrusts, his lips lock around your neck once more to bite down harshly on the sensitive junction where neck meets shoulder and the sharp pain draws a fresh groan from your lips as you lean into it.
Both ruined, the only sound within the room is your paired breathing as his fingers fumble messily with the tinsel which is looped around your wrists. It takes him a good moment but eventually he releases your hands - also freeing your neck since the tinsel there is no longer attached - and you fall forward onto his chest carefully.
The fabric of his shirt is smooth and your hands drop down for a moment to release the clamps which are still locked around your nipples; the sudden blood flow returning to them forcing a grunt of painnfrom your lips as shaky fingers drop them to the couch by your side.
Sated, aching, and thoroughly fucked, you allow a slight smile to play on your lips as you inhale the familiar scent of him through his shirt- the sound of his heart beating erratically in your ears.
"Merry Christmas, Jonathan."
The chest below your head stiffens and a wash of regret passes over your heated skin at the impulsive words. It was a sincere comment and he didn't seem to mind wh-
"Merry Christmas, witty girl."
A sighed response, but you don't miss the slight incline of his head towards you as his large hands come to rest on your lower back, locking you in position and showing his lack of intent to move anytime soon. 
You would never be foolish enough to describe it as an cuddle, but it was close enough that you knew to shut your mouth and not question it.
After all, it was practically a Christmas miracle.
Also on AO3
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maaichen · 2 years
A small love letter for @aspaceformbf
[disclaimer: This letter was written in German and translated in google, only to be edited into a less weird version. I do not take responsibility for deaths caused by cringe or laughter. In addition, by reading this letter, you confirm that your Magus will not follow me to hell should one of these happen to you. Amen.]
Soooo… ehem.
First things first - Do you want to know how I came across your blog and your twitter and stuck to them? It wasn't the sheer volume of great edits (okay, those too) or all the head canons. Or your general activity. It was a wonderful mix thrown into all these posts and your personal version of this man, which breathed a little more life into him. It made him more tangible, gave him something more to see on or in him. And your Magus? A great guy. Yes, he is somewhat peculiar in his way, but DAMN if he isn't so fucking adorable! Also, if you don't laugh at the thought of an over 6'5 tall man with fiery red hair doing some kind of wild mating dance in front of his beloved, then what? (BTW, I'm waiting for a head canon to be written where you buy him a new wig at his trusted wig shop.)
What is also wonderful about you and your work here: you leave him in a great, balanced state.
Many people paint him as violent, insane, or a complete '100 shades of gray'-pervert. He's also not the soft baby we've all come to know and love on Tumblr, BUT he comes very close. Your Magus or your head canons gave him some well-sorted levels in the character itself, which I think is perfect. Magus would give anything to live a domestic life with you. Mundane things like holding you in your arms, shopping with you, or eating your both home-cooked meals at the same table. But he would also, out of sheer jealousy and hopeless obsession with you, try to get those around you away from you if they get in yours and his way to eternal happiness. The variety is there and that is what I love about it!
I… used to read a book I can't remember the title of, but it was something similar. It was a male being that was once human. Maybe a ghost? He met the woman of his dreams, but she couldn't see him. He almost went insane and in despair that he couldn't even touch her or her smile was meant for him but some other guy, so he decided to break into his former work lab and… Unfortunately, I don't remember the rest. But goodness gracious, what I would give for a story like that just to be able to read it again! In any case. Magus has the potential to be used for similar interesting/paranormal stories, in my opinion!
I have to mention again how great I think the sprite edits are. They kinda lure you to them as a fan, because you wouldn't get those in the game itself, but they're close enough to be the real deal? Does that make sense? And before I get away from the sprite edits (or I just forget, my brain only works on three gray cells atm, and they usually only play UNO when I'm down with a cold), from where do you get these great ideas for his outfits? AND may I also mention how AMAZING it is that you dress him in those?! I always imagine that before that, he only wore his generally everyday clothes we all know. BUT because of YOU, he got experimental with his styles. And I mean… Hello? A daring, see through top? Hot cropped outfits, A happy trail?? Ugh, kill me, that shit is hot…
Heh, imagine - Your love and attention alone was enough for him to try it out for you (or secretly for himself, who knows) only then to wear it with pride. Just for your reactions, compliments and because he finds himself more attractive and desirable for you in those.
Also, an interesting point about your blog is that you continue to present him as an entity from another world. "I love this man, and he loves me, even though we exist in completely different realities. We found each other under the strangest of circumstances and can no longer live without each other" I mean… SUPER romantic??? You can also spin it into interesting stories. "He joins you in games. You have absolutely no idea how, and he just playfully jumps and ducks around in front of you in game, if you should ask him." I bet you already have that somewhere similar in your sea of ​​ideas.
Damn, it's fun to flip through this work of yours and inspire myself for ideas in the form of pictures, posts, simple answers or entire chapters in Word pad.
What I'm trying to say with the text wall here is… Thanks. A very simple, thank you. Because of people like you letting your ideas and creativity flow freely AND sharing them with the world, people like me can get joy, ideas and general energy for the pent-up creativity to participate in the fandom. We don't know each other, but who cares. I think you're great and admire your work here. I'm your fan, that's it.
In poorly translated love, Maaichen.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
hii could I request a omori matchup? I'm pan so any gender is fine
personality - intp, I'm very introverted in public, i don't like starting conversations (unless i really have to) and i struggle with anxiety so often i overthink my interactions. Get to know me and I'm extroverted, airheaded and clumsy, eccentric, and pretty corny. I enjoy making jokes (dad jokes r my fav) or oddly sexual ones bc i can be a big flirt. I'm a therapist friend, always listening and giving advice. I'm a very blunt person, like if you need the truth, it's coming to you. I'm childish- but also a motherlike/responsible person when I need to be! i'm forgetful though, so don't ever ask me to remember something for ya. I'm not organized nor do I ever do my work on time, I wait until the last minute to do anything! I have moodswings and some unhealthy mental thoughts, so sometimes i can't control my emotions and isolate myself from others. I just need alone time for awhile and then I'm okay, but I try not to completely let it bother me (ah yes, I'm the type to bottle up emotions.).
physical des - I'm around 5'3, I have black/brownish hair? it's a mix shoulder length hair(Reaches alittle past my shoulder) it's always straightened even though it's naturally curly! I have a mole under my left eye, if you look hard enough lol and I have a septum piercing! I'm kind of curvy too so theres that :P
fun facts!
ironic but my nickname is mari ( my friends call me that) and I actually play the piano , i'm able to play final duet <3
I love dressing in alternative/gothic fashion. I love any emo/goth style such as scene emo or mall goth the most
I love kel and aubrey- out of the group. Spaceboyfriend or Pluto were my favorites from the game
I have a low social battery, specially when I'm in school or public places ( I love talking so much I rant for hours on end about anime) so it's weird to others how quick my talktiveness changes
tysm take ur time and make sure to take care!!
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first few meetings, it's kind of difficult for you two to talk to each other
neither of you like starting a conversation or speaking much, so when you talk it's really only in response to someone or one of you blurts something out and it starts convo
SUNNY has an attraction to you. i mean like he just feels drawn to you, and feels safe like he can kind of be himself around you
as you open up to each other, he acts unimpressed sometimes but he really enjoys your silly personality
SUNNY doesn't emote much but he has a great sense of humor. honestly he laughs at your dad jokes (not because they're funny but because they suck)
if you pull any flirty stuff on him, he'd be really lost. he's still kind of stuck in the OMORI mindset, so in his head he thinks he's completely unaffected and deadpanning.
but irl he's sweating and red, and gets super shy
SUNNY is someone who likes to live outside of reality. he doesn't want to face truth, but as he recovers from his past post-good ending, your bluntness could actually help him come back to reality instead of hiding in his mind
you remind him of KEL, to an extent. kinda goofy, clumsy, sometimes air-headed. but he likes that about you. your personalities clash in some way, but they also are very similar.
SUNNY relates to isolation and bottling up emotions until they pop. i think you two would do therapeutic things together, as you both have some things that you want to work out, so why not together? :)
if you do want to be alone though, he understands. he does the same thing too, and you guys respect each others boundaries while still helping the other take a step outside their comfort zone
years into the future, i think it would help SUNNY if you two were to play the final duet together
after all, he does see some of MARI in you, and (assuming you met after the incident) he knows that she would've loved you dearly. it would probably take a lot of healing, but you'll get there together
SUNNY also really likes alternative fashion, but he never really had the money, thought, or time to get into it
so it'll be super cool for him if you lend him some of your clothes or if you two went shopping!! he thinks you both look sick as fuck
he's quick to notice if you're burning out socially, and will get you two out of there asap (he also has a low social battery, but not when it comes to his friends)
he likes hearing you talk about stuff you like. he's a great listener, and he's sure to let you know you aren't annoying him or anything like that. he also has a lot of stuff he wants to rant about, but it'll probably take time for him to open up
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witchthewriter · 2 years
Hi! I'm participating in the ship game again, because it's an addiction.
So could I please have a male ship from Buffy, Twilight and the walking dead or merlin, whichever you prefer
I'm about 5 foot (if that) in height, I have long brown hair, quite pale skin with pretty prominent freckles, blue/grey eyes and a sort of curvy build. MBTI is INFP, Hogwarts house is a gryffindor and I go by she/her pronouns.
I'm the mum friend in my group, my bag is filled with everything someone might need of a day. Hand sanitizer, hand cream, lip balm, hairbands, pens, tissues, you name it I probably have it. I like to take care of people and when the people I love are happy, I am too. That also extends into buying gifts, christmas is a busy time because I spend so much time finding perfect gifts.
My dream is to be a novelist but I would also love to be a costume designer. I just love being creative. I'd love to have a place which is mine, with comfy chairs and shelves full of books and dvds. I love watching films, especially horrors and the like.
I am pretty shy at first and I'm not too rebellious, which means for some reason my brain comes hardwired to be attracted to every bad boy on the planet at any given moment. It's a real issue.
Some more miscellaneous information about me. My favourite animals are lemurs or red pandas, my favourite colours are pale yellow and turquoise, my favourite flower is a water lily, my birthstone is a ruby and my favourite food is a dominos pizza.
Thank you!!
Thanks for participating! 
𝐁𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫
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I ship you with Angel! His character is actually so much better in his tv series, so the Buffy version is ... kinda flat. But his character is very caring, protective and introverted. I can see you guys sitting on the couch, both reading, enjoying one another's company.
・Calls you 'honey'. He's not overly into the pet name thing, but with you he made an exception
・Likes when you suggest dates and new things for you guys to do. Maybe he’s done them a million times, but he’s not done them with you
・Loves when you run your fingers through his hair. He often rests his head on your lap and listens to your heart beat
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ Style by Ryan Adams
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
↬Tall Grumpy (Angel) x Short Unbothered Sunshine (You)
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
He loves your caring nature. Someone who cares just as much as others as he does, it takes the brunt of the effort off of him
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Willow! I think she would love to be mummed by you - telling her to drink more water and always putting on her bandaids
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I ship you with Jacob Black! I think he would really appreciate your togetherness, and caring nature. In return, he would protect you with everything he has, no matter the cost.
・Tried to keep his secret from you for the longest time. But your curiosity got the best of you, and you couldn’t help but snoop. You actually accidentally found out about the pack one night, and from then, you were the only stranger to see the wolves. (Well, human stranger...besides Bella.)
・He gives the warmest hugs, and he’s constantly warm. Cuddling next to him, especially in the winter, is the epitome of perfect
・Likes to hound you when you’re reading or writing or doing work. He loves having your attention
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ The Train by James Newton Howard
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
He loves that you dream of being a novelist. Well, he loves your dreams in general. And that a lot of them include him.
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Alice Cullen, I think she would be such a fun friend. And you wouldn’t judge her like a lot of people do. Literally, anyone who comes in contact with her judges her a little, but not you
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I ship you with Gawaine or is it Gwaine? Either way, I ship you with him. I think you would be instantly attracted to him. And your relationship would follow the plot line of ‘you fell first but he fell harder.”
・Calls you every single pet name. ‘Sweetheart,’ ‘love,’ ‘darling,’ ‘my love,’ ‘my world.’
・ He loves getting a rise out of you. Doing stupid things to make you worried about him. But then you show him that you’d care about him even if he didn’t do the most ridiculous things
・Always brings you a flower every time you see each other
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈:
↬ Flying with Mother by John Powell
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔:
↬ Dumbass x Oh God I Guess That’s My Dumbass
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑖��� 𝑓𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑏𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢
He loves that you truly care about his well-being. He’s been alone by himself for so long, and so reliant on only him, that having someone who wonders about him is overwhelming
𝑌𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑
Is Merlin! I think you guys would have so much banter and share so many sarcastic remarks. 
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toomanyf4ndoms7 · 3 months
Justice League Versus The Legion of Doom character concept: Batman.
Biography: When his parents were gunned down in Crime Alley, Bruce Wayne swore to make sure nobody else would suffer the same injustice. In his never endearing fight against crime, he has gained many allies, and almost as many enemies. But no matter how bad things seem, his allies know that the Batman is a symbol of hope, not fear.
Play style: An all around fighter with a variety of gadgets, Batman has no shortage of options to fight with. But as versatile as he is, his special moves like high damage, so combos are the way to get the big numbers.
Ground Combos: fourteen.
Air combos: None.
Special moves:
Cape stun: Batman swings with his cape, stunning the opponent if in range.
Falling Bat: Batman detonates a smoke bomb, then drops down from above.
Advancing Justice: Batman fires his grapple gun, pulling him in for a kick, enhance for a stun state.
Batarang Toss: Batman throws a batarang.
Crusader Counter: Batman covers himself in his cape. If the opponent hits him, he does a small series of hits like the Arkham games.
Throw: Batman does a brief series of hits before kneeing them away.
Character Trait:
Wayne Tech: Batman calls one of three Wayne inventions depending on the commands:
Shock gloves: Batman’s punch attacks now do extra damage.
Bats: Batman can use three miniature mechanical bats to increase combo length.
Explosive Gel: Batman can fire out an explosive gel trap in the floor, acting as a ground trap:
Super move:
I am the night: Begins with a series of advancing punches. Batman throws a batarang that attracts a swarm of bats to flock around the opponent. The screen goes to the opponent’s point of view, watching the bats clear away for Batman to land a hard kick to the opponent’s face.
Victory cinematic:
Batman gets a call on his gauntlet and grapples away, the scene cuts to him driving the Batmobile, looking across his rogues gallery.
Some dialogue:
Batman: Why work with Lex Luthor?
Joker: Why spoil the surprise?
Batman: It could spare you the trouble of losing.
Batman: Have you been training?
Nightwing: Every day and night.
Batman: Tim told me otherwise.
Batman: Not now, Selina.
Catwoman: We’re still on for tonight, right?
Batman: We’ll… talk about it later.
Batman: You’re new to me.
Despero: I’ll destroy all of you!
Batman: We’ll see.
Batman watches a small villain meeting from a gargoyle: Hm.
Green Lantern: What do you see?
Batman: Deadshot and Cheetah are close to each other. Sinestro and Despero just left. No sign of Joker or Harley.
Green Lantern: That reminds me, while we’re doing this, who’s handling the other rogues in your city?
Batman: Red Robin, Batgirl and Nightwing are on patrol, Oracle providing intel. They can keep Gotham safe for the time being. In the meantime, we need to get a closer look.
*Green Lantern is gone, pulling the stealth disappearing act.*
Batman: Hm. That’s how it feels.
Superman: I'm glad you came to the anniversary.
Batman: Someone had to pay for all the balloons.
Wonder-Woman: And I assume that your children want a piece of the cake?
Batman: Alfred also wants a piece.
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xoteajays · 8 months
I always have notes on every device in case something happens.. Like my photo, laptop and whatever else I'm using. Because with the luck I have, I would lose what I consider valuable data on if something were to happen to any device. Definitely one thing I hate about technology too. I think technology companies to this one purpose. Greedy cunts.
But yeah.. Names. You would think the names wouldn't appear since I know names are always spelled differently, in any other countries too.
Names are names. Not words. That should be completely different.
Well... Those thoughts are connected? Kind of. Because when anyone thinks of black cats (besides the superstitions), people would think of either Halloween or witches. Maybe both. Or my cousin's cat from my perspective. And how can't someone not love black cats? Pretty kitty.
I am the type of person who cares more about animals than humans.
Obviously when it comes to your own stories, your own ships, you will be able to write those ships however you want.. Anything can happen if it's believable enough in a well written way. That works for anything.
Rocky definitely seems open minded to someone's style... But I admit that I may actually be biased on the whole concept of his girlfriend as someone who wears mostly dark fashions since he wears mostly light fashion. She wears mostly black, he wears mostly white. With just the occasional splash of color mixed in too (like with Rocky's red gloves).
And Orange's style depends on her mood. Because her style could be a mix of different styles. She wears what she likes. So like somewhere between biker, punk, bohemian and tomboy styles; but with feminine looks to their style. If that makes sense. So Orange's style is eccentric in a way. So she just wears what she's in the mood to at that moment.
Blue's style is between punk and tomboy.. The most feminine I can be able to imagine her is if she's wearing makeup or jewelry. The makeup she wears isn't heavy makeup either (eyeliner, mascara, chapstick) so her style is completely feminine. And it even depends on what jewelry she wants to wear. She won't wear daggling jewelry in a fights though so she's not stupid enough to do something like that. So there's that.
I don't know about Red yet. And same with White/Green if I've decide to keep her as a H&L character. But that's the style for those two.
Obviously every person has their own preferences in whatever type of person they're attracted to. And how you may want to write any types of characters too. But that doesn't mean you couldn't be curious with what type of person they're attracted to. Looks, personality and style.
Well.. If you ever come to America for whatever reason, then you have to come during winter. Just to experience snow once. But there's also the chance that you'll probably regret it though. Because of the snow.
There are times when you probably won't get announcements. Like if the show ended, you don't always hear about new seasons until some time later. You'll have to find out what happens in the finale episodes.
His character was shot? Oh.. You're talking about Squid Games? With him being listed for this season, does not always mean that character is alive. If he's not officially alive, it could be memories and flashbacks too. Since that's usually the case for certain characters. I don't know.
I'm able to fine some movies to watch right now... Hopefully I can find decent movies. Since there is not that many options this year though.
Revenge? Movie? I don't think so. I watched shows and movies with a revenge plot.. But I don't think I have ever watched a movie titled that though. Nothing that I can remember anyway. I don't think I ever did.
Wait.. Death Note. The anime or the live adaptions? Because that's so different for me. I doubt that I'll watch the live adaptions. So my mind my mind is blanking out on names. But the actors of Smoky and even Arisu were in a live adaption together.. That's just some trivia for you.
I knew that Corpse Party was originally a game, before they created it into an anime. Because I vaguely remember graphic screenshots with the game back when it was popular. But I had no interest in the series though. I don't know. I remember it not appealing to me that much.
Maybe.. I'll search into the series again to see if I feel differently about it. So I'll have to see if my opinion changed since then. Or maybe not.
Oh! Okay.. So I never read Darwin's Game. But I do remember reading the summary to the story before. So it's basically like Borderland, just with a slight difference to the story (being the monsters). That's really the same concept. And I recently read the summary for the High Rise Invasion story. Some of their characters remind me of AIB characters.
Because I've been so caught up with watching a lot of Asian shows or movies lately, and now horror movies, I've been neglecting anime for.. I don't know. Way too long now. So I will have to find a way to balance out every type of show and movie, including anime, that I just want to watch. So that is something that I'll have to figure out how to do then.
Yeah. I can respect that people have their preference in the languages they would watch anime.. But there are quite a few series that I would recommend in English. Basically series where characters would really have accents and foreign languages in English dub, but not really any in other languages. If that makes sense. I don't know how to explain it though. But there's quite a few anime like that. So, yeah. Be prepared.
Red Garden is only a one season series. Well.. One season and an ova, so that won't be a long series for you if you end up enjoying it. But I'm always going to say that the artwork is one of my favorite details with with series. The creator has their own unusual style for the characters but in a way that you'd enjoy, at least I do anyway. I do love this series as it is. And I do love the music too. Now I want to listen to the music.
- 💋
rocky and his gf could match with splashes of red, since red looks good with both black and white. also, ykno, colour of passion an’ romance an’ all that. also links them as partners.
ryuko’s style is pretty far on the girly side. a tad alternative, but mostly girly. a lot of dresses when not in fight situations. probably the most experimental with make up because ykno. she’s got the freedom to try things now that she didn’t before while under her father’s thumb.
hinami is more tomboy-ish and probably wears some boy clothes actually, because you dont really have the option to be picky in nameless. she probably has a couple nicer things, but a lot of the rest is on the boyish side, probably a lotta patchwork stuff and flannels.
yui is, as i said, a lil on the cuter side of tomboy. more just trendy, casual, comfy styles as opposed to actually boyish. like it’s not uncommon to find her wearing skirts or girly styles. she probably wears a lil bit of makeup, like more natural looking make up.
shizuka is like chic tomboy. like baggy pants, button ups, hoodies, leather jackets. some more sporty stuff. probably doesn’t wear a lot of makeup unless maybe at work because she’s bartending/waitressing. yui probably taught her. she’d probably straight up wear hiroto’s clothes and look damn good.
i like the cold tho! give me a cold winter One Goddamn Time. literally the coldest it got this year was barely 14°c (so like, 57°F? i think??). i want to crunch in the snow. give me frostbite. and a reason to actually wear a jacket. i can never wear jackets!
yea his character in squid game got shot, but he’s listed as ‘status: unknown’ so he could still be alive. he was pretty resilient for the whole show, so i’m being hopeful!! his brother who shot him was a pretty major character tho, so i wouldn’t be surprised if ha joon’s role reprisal was for flashbacks.
the anime! i’ve seen bits and pieces of the live action, just because arisu’s actor looked pretty as l. apparently there’s two different japanese live action adaptations, one from 2006 and one from 2015. idk if i’m interested in the live actions tho, but i might watch the anime.
nooo all the red garden links you sent me aren’t available in australia!!! they’re all blocked :( :( :(
was holding off on replying to you so i could watch another ep of worst of evil. so here’s ep8!!
bossman’s in a lot of trouble with a lot of people. got both his chinese associates and another korean gang looking to ‘teach him a lesson’.
cop’s having a real bad time about the informant being dead and the boss looking into the backstories. he’s stressin. one of the cop’s police bosses literally didn’t care that a man was dead so long as their case wasn’t blown. the wife’s worried about her husband so now she’s inserting herself deeper into the undercover situation.
g o d . the fucking romance spaghetti going on here. the boss is into the wife who’s married to the cop who the chinese associate is crushing on. and the wife showed up to go on a ‘date’ with the boss right when the cop was going on a ‘date’ with the associate. it’s a whole gd mess!
the boss is so cute tho, trying to impress the wife with his workplace and taking her somewhere special. he bought her a pretty necklace 🥺
he’s still suspicious tho and poking into his informant’s death. the wife’s got her gun and it seems like she was prepared to shoot the boss if it came to it. ride or die for her husband clearly.
THEY FUCKING KISSED!!!!!!! THE BOSS AND THE WIFE!!!!! GIRL WHAT ABOUT UR HUSBAND?!!!?!??! SHE LIED TO HIM THAT SHE LOVES HIM!!! and not like a short kiss either. like a good kiss. okay yes maybe i watched it a couple times, ha joon doesn’t have many kiss scenes!
both his remaining friends are like ‘isn’t she a cop??!!!? what if she’s using you?!!’ GOD, LOVERBOY IS SO DUMB!!!
also all of these actors are such good kissers. like these are some hella good kiss scenes.
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// Okay so... Time to complain about greek mythology portrayals!
So no secret that I very much dislike how some interpretations get mainstreamed just because of passing time and different social mores. Like yeah, Zeus is a womanizer, but in context it's usually a good thing to have the king of the gods and the cosmos be interested in you? Like yeah, you're probably going to die for your kid's pathos and everything, but there's a reason why women fall for him, he's got game!
And I mean some changes are good; giving more twists to things like the Hades and Persephone story, a huge focus in modern pop culture, is good! Doing more with Medusa is good! (also I love that Ovid basically decided to retell the story on his own fanfic style and that's now basically canon.)
But we gotta talk about Apollo?
So imo, Apollo is one of the bigger dicks in the pantheon; like so many of his stories involve dead love interest either directly or indirectly because of him. Despite not being Hera's kid, he's got all of her rage and all his dad's horniness, and it usually goes horrifically wrong. And it's good to highlight these things! They're a part of his characterization!
But. The problem with working with just that part is that you're missing like, half the characterization? Like part of the reason stories involving his love life are tragedies is because initially they seem to be going well! He's the god of like, everything good. Medicine, music, the sun, ect. He's basically a walking talking embodiment of a magazine's cover model.
Basically, you have a character who is super powerful, super attractive, super capable, and super talented, who is equal parts rock star and professional, who seems like the perfect dude? But like looking at the sun, his radiance blinds you to what else he can do; he's so used to being loved that he takes rejection very personally (which isn't that odd among gods, tbh). But what is unique is just how little game this god has. Zeus has game. Dionysus has game. Even Poseidon seems to have game. Apollo? Does not have game. Most of his stories are women absolutely not liking him.
But it's really hard to tell a good story or write a good character without both parts? Like so many modern retellings just make him an out and out monster, who is openly and obviously a terrible being and that's just... confusing? Because you can't both have everyone love him and also have him be a giant walking red flag. You can't have women lusting for him based on the idea of who he is if he's not doing anything to cultivate the idea of who he is!
Basically, it's very frustrating to see a perception of a character turn in the right direction, but then get flattened out until the direction no longer makes sense? Inverting the dynamic of a story can work! But if you alter it to the point where the internal logic no longer makes sense you're not making a better story out of it?
I guess it just frustrates me?
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baddiedaddy7 · 2 years
𝙑𝙚𝙣𝙪𝙨 𝙎𝙞𝙜𝙣𝙨✨🥰
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Aries Venus:
🔥•falls in love fast, but also falls out of love fast
💓•probably believes in love at first sight
🔥•they are most likely a fan of surprises. needs someone that always has something up their sleeve
💓•fierce, will go after what they want
🔥•inpatient in love, and may move too fast
💓•moves on fast
🔥•full of passion
💓•may prefer the chase than an actual relationship
🔥•may wear red a lot, something bold and eye catching. may like lace, or sportswear. this placement makes me think of red stilettos
💓•will NOT let anyone disrespect the ones they love, they’ll call you out and won’t think twice when they feel like your hurting their crushes/loved ones feelings
🔥•turn offs is someone that moves slow, has too high expectations, won’t be able to be fun all the time, and someone that never takes any risks
💗•you’ll have a better chance with these individuals if you’re confident
🔥•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:leo earth:virgo water:scorpio air:gemini
Taurus Venus:
🌺•loves to touch. tickling, hugging, cuddling, kissing, etc
🍷•likes to take things slow, can’t be with someone that’s inpatient
🌺•traditional/old school love. may buy you flowers, chocolate, etc
🍷•also may prefer traditional gender roles. my ex had this and he always insisted on paying for my food when we went out
🌺•selfish in love, wants your attention and can be possessive
🍷•may like fancy dates like going to italian restaurants, drinking wine together, cooking together, etc
🌺•doesn’t have time for silly games, and realistic
🍷•dresses comfortably, unless it’s a special occasion. may like to wear sweatpants a lot lol. hoodies/sweaters. may like to dress with clothes that deal with nature like shorts with flower designs on it
🌺•will open up to you if you make them comfortable, it might take some time
🍷•will make sure you’re secure and protected
🌺•loyal, and easily jealous
🍷•they will leave a situation if they think the person will waste their time, won’t settle down, is all over the place, isn’t romantic, and is always rushing you
🌺•probably a huge fan of nature, cottagecore, etc
🍷•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:sagittarius earth:capricorn air:libra water:cancer
Gemini Venus:
🧞‍♀️•will flirt with you all the time, even after your official
🌿•hard to pin down in the first place tho
🧞‍♀️•lives in the now, and may not plan out their future
🌿•not the most trustworthy, but is fun and full of light heartedness
🧞‍♀️•not afraid to make first moves, and charm their way into your pants
🌿•loves having conversations, may make small talk often
🧞‍♀️•probably sapiosexuals, finds intelligence mesmerizing
🍀•runs away from true intimacy
🧞‍♀️•playful, and can’t be with someone that doesn’t have the same sense of humor
🍀•style isn’t expected, is colorful, and usually feminine. may love to have purses as well
🧞‍♀️•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:sagittarius, maybe aries earth:virgo air:aquarius water:pisces
Cancer Venus:
🍯•needs a lover and comfort space in one.
🌸•hoodies/sweaters, feminine clothing, clothes with sayings on it or flowers, and softer colors are what you probably wear or are attracted to
🍯•some of the sweetest, and sensitive ppl around. can be loving, and values love in all formsd(platonic, familial, romantically)
🌸•emotionally intelligent, knows what to do to make others feel better and always thinks of others
🍯•serious when it comes to love. doesn’t want someone that sucks around all the time, wants commitment
🌸•the small things matter to these ppl, so try to remember!
🍯•can be a bit intense
🌸•may have a hard time leaving something toxic, but i hope yk you deserve the world😢
🍯•moody asf doe lmao
🌸•likes luxuries, and looking beautiful
🍯•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:leo water:pisces air:libra earth:capricorn
Leo Venus:
🌼•will show you off no doubt, and always talk highly of you
🥂•warm, and fun to be around. will always try to make sure you have a good time when with each other
🌼•jealous, don’t be giving attention to these other hoes🙄
🥂•may like to wear or may be attracted to colors like red, gold, and purple. may dress edgy and they shine✨
🌼•overprotective, and will stand up for you
🥂•has a love for fashion
🌼•knows their worth, and radiates confidence
🥂•overdramatic little hoes lol, won’t care to argue with you in public if you push them
🌼•will shower you in affection and wants to be showered in appreciation and compliments in return
🥂•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:aries earth:capricorn air:libra water:cancer
Virgo Venus:
🐛•makes sure things go okay for ppl they care abt(alarm clocks are on, that the clothes they need for the week are clean, etc)
🍄•has a genuine heart, and cares abt others but may not be good at showing it
🐛•some may say your standards are too high, but you just know your worth💆🏾‍♀️
🍄•but you may have a habit of nitpicking and need to learn to embrace flaws, nobody is perfect and flaws can be beautiful.
🍄•may be a grudge holder
🐛•dresses “clean” if that makes sense. well put, a fan of pastels and neutral colors.
🍄•hates/not rlly a fan of PDA
🐛•shy, and does like lovey dicey shit, just likes it in private. but yeah usually shy, it’s kinda cute
🍄•freaky deaky in private lmao
🐛•chill individuals
🍄•enters love with caution
🐛•small things also matter to these folks, so pay attention. they will remember the small details abt you too. observant, and good listeners
🐛•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element: fire:sagittarius earth:capricorn air:aquarius water:scorpio
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Libra Venus:
🌹•can have hoe tendencies ngl (which is actually good bc do you, just don’t break any hearts in the process please🥲 and be safe🙂)
🧁•charming asf, don’t ever be scared to go after a crush cause whew😮‍💨
🌹•dresses up to date/trendy style, simply glamorous, and can easily pull off dresses. feminine and fancy clothes may be your thing. the best venus for style tbh, y’all make sure everything is done from head to toe✨💆🏾‍♀️💅🏾
🧁•also has high standards, and can be nitpicky, they just know what they want
🌹•loves romance. rose petals on beds or baths, wine tasting, picnics, etc
🧁•just like their opposite sign aries, they can lose interest and move on fast
🌹•loves to flirt, and may also be a fan of the chase lol
🧁•tactful, and fair.
🌹•logical, and rational. i feel like many lawyers have this
🧁•but they are intune with their feminine side
🌹•i feel like these ppl prefer to go out and eat than cook tbh
🧁•good at cooking usually tho
🌹•can be nonchalant, and over rationalize things if that makes sense
🧁•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:sagittarius earth:capricorn air:gemini water:scorpio
Scorpio Venus:
🥀•vengeful, don’t even think abt cheating on these ppl you will get fucked over
🦂•will stick with you to the end, ride or dies
🥀•attracted to toxicity and usually finds a way to mess up a relationship(unless their mature)
🦂•takes them awhile to trust others
🥀•usually reserved
🦂•oversensitive asf, like you gotta avoid making certain jokes around these ppl. some of y’all are the type to playfully insult someone but can’t take it when they do it back. can’t take what you dish out lol
🥀•vv sexual and sensual, damn chill out you horny dolphin lmao.
🦂•jealous asf omg, they want ALL of your attention when your around. possessive
🥀•may have a tendency to lie, but hate liars(kinda hypocritical)
🦂•lowkey bubbly, and fun. can be sweet
🥀•loves black, and red clothing. clothing that’s mysterious and sexy
🦂•can do things based off of emotion then regret it, mainly off of anger
🥀•insecure, and just needs to know that you’ll always be there
🦂•loves to stare at crushes lmaoo
🥀•stop stalking them on social media tho💀😭
🦂•sweet but rarely/only when they finally let you in
🥀•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:aries earth:this one is hard, it depends on the moon tbh air:libra water:cancer
Sagittarius Venus:
🍀•wants someone who isn’t clingy, but who isn’t distant either
🦄•attracted to/attracts foreigners, and may adore other cultures/countries
🍀•may getting luck through love/romance
🦄•loves to travel far
🍀•not rlly the jealous type, and may even try a poly or a threesome lol
🦄•will post you on their socials
🍀•may be flighty/flaky, and play games
🦄•frat boy energy😭
🍀•may confuse infatuation for love
🦄•turn offs are someone that’s clingy, oversensitive, boring/never spontaneous, someone that wants commitment first not later.
🍀•may love to tell stories
🦄•introduces you to new things, perhaps from different countries/cultures
🍀•spirit is fun, energized, friendly, curious, and free
🦄•experimental in relationships, may date different races, genders, etc just for the experience
🍀•someone that’s adventurous, talkative, chill, not possessive/jealous, and fun are what you like
🦄•wants to explore the world with lover, and/or bsfs
🍀•hugs, you love to receive and probably give them
🦄•will try to be loyal when they feel comfortable around you, and like they’ll never be bored of you
🍀~will make an effort to hangout with you
🦄~may dress up in clothes that are exotic, may dress hippie like or be attracted to those styles
🍀•probably loves to skate
🦄•laidback, a little bit too much lol
🍀•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:aries earth:virgo air:libra water:pisces
Capricorn Venus:
🤎•We love with our all, and 100%. you’re either in 100% or out.
🐐•We do NOT like our time wasted, esp when we could’ve gave it to someone else.
🤎•We fall slowly but hard😮‍💨
🐐•We’re very romantic, and some of us(including myself) like very cheesy romantic things(low key🤫). going on dates to nice restaurants, baths together, etc. we can indeed be romantic lol.
🤎•We just like to hide our romantic and cheesy side and come off as detached bc we don’t wanna give 100% to someone that will only give 50%.
🐐•We also almost always have the best intent and would never hurt our lovers on purpose. your mood is our mood.
🤎•We’re not picky bc we’re ℎ𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑚𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒(even tho we kinda are😅). we’re picky bc we wanna love without getting hurt in the process, and don’t want to waste our time bc time isn’t something you can get back and we hate fails lol.
🐐•May dress casual, fancy, and/or classy. may wear/love to wear neutral colors in general, black, grey, brown, etc or green
🤎•When it comes to makeup, may do just the natural look, or a few things like mascara, lipstick, and that’s it.
🐐•May like elegant beauty/aesthetic, 60s vibe. fashion from different decades in general. may like academia aesthetic
🤎•clingy, insecure, fast moving, childish, and someone that doesn’t have their shit together is not our cup of tea
🐐~attracts older ppl, if not then attracts ppl that may look older or have a mature mindset
🤎~also attracts/is attracted to possessive, and mysterious ppl
🐐~traditional, may not mind traditional gender roles and values marriage
🤎~thoughtful, always thinking of partner and discusses decisions with partner
🐐~needs reassurance(suprise!). we have doubts and sometimes feel like our partner may not care abt us or that we aren’t good enough so yes reassurance is nice
🤎~stubborn, even in love. also skeptical of romance
🐐~not afraid of love, more afraid of heartbreak🥲, esp since we take longer than others to move on
🤎~thinks about future with partner/crush, and daydreams abt it. picky with friends also
🐐•level headed, and hates stupidity/ignorance
🤎•will say i love you when 100% sure, which will take quite awhile.
🐐•doesn’t lose interest easily unless you rlly piss us off or we find better
🤎•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:leo earth:taurus air:libra water:cancer
Aquarius Venus:
👾•like sag venus, experimental and open minded. will probably try a threesome, dating other genders, races, etc lol
🛸•assholes ngl, usually unintentionally but still lmao
👾•may go against authority, and independent
🛸•most likely doesn’t want to meet your(their significant others) parents/family lmao and i feel them on that tbh😭 or may not want to spend much time with them
👾•dresses unusual. may wear weird color combos, mismatched things like shoes, hippy vibes. and probably dresses from other decades too or wants to.
🛸•music are the loves of their life, and interested in photos?
👾•minds their business, and doesn’t rlly want to be the center of attention
🛸•crushes are sudden and random lol. may crush on their friends also
👾•doesn’t get jealous like that
🛸•flirty, and probably fuckboys/girls. some of y’all are also too friendly with y’all exes💀.
👾•hates clingyness, and over emotionalness/sensitivity
🛸•will most likely bring a friend on dates, esp the first one
👾•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:leo earth:virgo air:gemini water:pisces
Pisces Venus:
🍬•has a soft spot for animals, and connects/attaches to them
🐬•may wear rose tinted glasses and ignore red flags/gives ppl the benefit if the doubt too often
🍬•likes dresses that flow in the air. cute patterns, like hearts or cheetah prints may catch your attention. may like to wear colors like blue, green, maybe even lavender.
🐬•starry eyed/fanciful, and romantic
🍬•has a love for art, and music
🍬•may get disappointed easily, bc you make up ideas of a person in your head that they most likely can’t live up to
🐬•loves poems, and may like to make some of their own
🍬•turn offs are someone that’s distant, rude, always on the go/too hyper, mean, and not romantic/dreamy
🐬•emotion absorber
🍬•empathetic, and selfless. cares abt others
🐬•like virgo, wants someone that’ll help them with stuff. remind them to do their hw, put a blanket over them when they fall asleep, stuff like that
🍬•most compatible zodiac signs out of each element:fire:sagittarius earth:between capricorn and taurus air:gemini water:cancer
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traits may be affected by other planets and aspects as well. bye now✌🏾
Also check out my masterlist :)
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kuroosweakness · 3 years
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things the haikyuu boys did when they had a crush on you 
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miya atsumu 
started wearing whatever you really liked wearing/complimented him on. if you mentioned the print on his shirt, you best bet he’ll be wearing that shirt for a whole week straight. a shirt he once thought nothing of is now his favorite shirt. 
“‘tsumu, why don’t you try changing. you know, y/n could probably smell you a mile away,” osamu said to atsumu one morning as they were walking to school. 
“nuh uh,” atsumu quipped back. “i washed it with the detergent y/n likes.” 
“oh so you finally learned how the washing machine works?” 
“‘samu you’re ruining it for me.” 
asked overly-personal questions. not to be creepy or weird, but because he cherished the information he knew about you that no one else did; it made him feel special 
“y/n, do you have any big regrets?” 
“is there um, anyone you feel really happy around?” 
“what’s your guilty pleasure? c’mon everyone has them.” 
“have you ever been bullied?” 
got visibly irritated whenever another guy interrupted your conversation with him. or if you were just smiling too hard when talking to a guy he doesn’t know about
“if you keep frowning like that, you’ll look like a grandpa by next year,” osamu said right before biting into his onigiri. 
“shut up, ‘samu,” he groaned, trying his best to distract himself from the fact that you looked happier talking to another guy than him. did you smile that hard when he made a joke? he sure hopes so :’ 
kuroo tetsurou 
pointed out the smallest differences in you. he noticed the slightest changes in your body language, style, mood, etc etc. on your bad days, he desperately wanted to ask if anything was wrong, but didn’t want to risk overstepping boundaries. so he just asked “how’s your day?” and even if you answered with a “good/fine/okay” he would know you weren’t telling the full truth 
if you came to school wearing a brand new pair of shoes, he’ll point it out and tease you all about it. if you showed up with a new hairstyle, kuroo won’t say anything, but you can tell he noticed because of the way he looks at it. 
even if you cut off three centimeters of your hair, he probably noticed. 
kept trying to fix his appearance around you 
he tried making it really subtle too. he’ll smooth down his jacket, try to flatten down his hair, and straighten his collar around you in hopes that it’ll make him look a bit better (he’s such a cutie 🥺 okay who’s gonna tell him that he’s looks perfectly fine the way he is) 
teased you, in a flattering way. the type of teasing where you have to force yourself from smiling too hard. and he only does it to you! no one else is worth his teasing 
but the moment someone else starts teasing you, he’d act a little ... distant. he’d back off and just watch you interact with them. if you look uncomfortable, he’d immediately put a stop to it and put them back in their place. 
called you by a nickname only he uses
at first, he used it as a joke. but overtime, it just stuck and now it doesn’t feel right for him to call you by your first name. again, the annoyance is clear on his face when someone called you by the same nickname 
when you first met kenma, he said, “y/n? i’ve heard a lot *glances at kuroo* about you.” 
suna rintarou 
lowkey protects you. such as putting an arm in front of you, shielding you with his body, draping his jacket over your head, lending you his umbrella, that type of stuff (ugh just kiss already) 
he acted like it was no big deal. it’s not like he’d admit it was on his mind for a whole week. the miya twins knew something was up when suna suggested watching a romance movie. (suna needed new scenarios with you in his head) 
subtly invited you everywhere, made excuses to be around you 
“hey, we have a game on saturday at *specific location* in case you wanna come” 
“since they’re having a buy-one-get-one-free, it’ll be a shame if you didn’t come along ...” 
“since we’re both headed towards that place, might as well go together” 
unexpectedly defended you/your opinion in conversations and class. even though suna rarely talks in class, if you brought up a point/answer, he’d defend it
sakusa kiyoomi 
had trouble meeting your eyes without blushing 
even with his mask on, you could see the redness spread across his cheekbones whenever you spoke to him. 
always plopped himself in a seat close to you, even with all those other empty seats 
his became more soft, gentle, and high-pitched around you, his posture became less stiff 
it’s subtle; he didn’t even notice a change in his own voice. maybe because there’s nothing else on his mind when he’s talking to you? 
always walked a little bit slower in the hallways when he saw you pass by and eyed you, hoping that you’d notice him like the way he noticed you
bokuto koutarou 
stumbled with his words and forgot basic things around you
“class? what do you mean by ‘we have to go to class’??” 
listened intently to everything you said and memorized facts about you better than his vocabulary words 
“akaashi, did you know that y/n’s favorite ice cream flavor is ...” 
“nope, y/n can’t make it today. how do i know? because they told me in advance :D oh wait, y/n’s not gonna be here today?? D’:”
made a handshake with you to do in front of everyone to show off that your connection with him is special
the pride he felt when everyone gathered around to watch you and him do your special handshake 🥺
got you gifts out of nowhere simply because you said you liked it
his mindset goes: getting y/n ___ = y/n happy :) i better get it for them before someone does 
tendou satori 
always lends you his stationary and whenever he forgets a pencil, you’re the first person he asks. don’t worry, he always returns them right after :) 
he also loves “borrowing” your personal things. the idea of you trusting him is really special to him. plus, whenever someone asks him where he got it, he gets to say, “oh, it’s y/n’s.” 
loves, loves, loves passing notes in class!! 
he kept all of your conversations with him in a special little box hidden in his room. 
complimented the little things he knows you care about! 
he loves seeing that beautiful smile of yours while knowing he’s the cause of it.
he smiles so much around you <33  tendou’s smile is so contagious it’s hard to be sad around him. not to mention he always knows how to cheer you up :’ 
iwaizumi hajime 
whenever his friends talked about hot actors and classmates they found attractive, he never joined in. (if you were there, he’d be glancing at you ever-so-often) 
he’d always offer to walk/drive you home. every single day. even if you insisted that he didn’t need to, it would take another five minutes of convincing him. if you said yes, he happily got you home. no matter what occasion, he always asked you. it was your regular, daily routine with him :) 
made jokes only for you to hear. he loved having inside jokes with you that only you two understood. the confusion on other peoples’ faces was satisfying. 
akaashi keiji 
had a lot of sympathy for you over small things (and big things too, of course) 
if your weekend plans got messed up, if you lost your jacket, forgot your stationary, tripped on the stairs, he’s the person you go to to talk about these things. he never belittles your struggles and always finds a way to help you feel better 
always checked in with you and made sure you had a lunch to eat 
even if your classroom is across the campus, you better expect him to be at the front door after your class is over
tried his best to get to know your friends and family (and pets!) 
akaashi best boy 🥺 the way he sees your friends and family as his own because he knows how much they matter to you 
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-> a/n: i hope you like these hehe :))
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havin-a-wee · 3 years
If Only She Knew
pairing: dad!harry x cheerleader!reader
word count: 4.2k
warnings: smut (fingering + unprotected sex), cheerleading position implies readers weight, 20 year age gap
hi! ive been having some really bad writers block but i wrote this and even though its def not my best work i like it enough to post it :) also, i totally didn't mean to imply the readers weight, i only realized afterwards, so im really sorry about that. also the age gap is kinda big, so if ur uncomfy with that you shouldn't read this <3
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“Geez watch where you’re going!”
You don’t even look up at the girl, recognizing her nasally voice easily from how annoying it is. You were nose deep in a book while walking down the school hallway, and of course your worst enemy had to be walking down the same hallway, at the same time, in the opposite direction. You are both at fault for the collision, considering Ella had her eyes locked on her instagram feed. But knowing the girl, there is no way in hell that she will take any responsibility, even though you are the one who has coffee dripping down the front of your white blouse.
Since middle school, Ella Styles has always hated you. You have never known why, but she seems to have a vendetta against you, and tries her best to make your life miserable. You never let her, always refraining from giving her the explosive reaction that she was looking for. And that makes her hate you even more.
High school is over in 2 months, and although you are going to miss the freedom of being a child, you most definitely won’t miss the people from the tiny town you’ve lived in since you were young. You’ve always been the type of person to have a small friend group, only 4 people in your circle. But that’s how you like it, because crippling social anxiety makes it difficult for you to meet new people.
“I- sorry.” You still don’t look at her, instead peeling the soaking wet top off of your stomach.
“You better be sorry.” She flips her blonde hair, ensuring that the fluffy locks hit you right in the face. You are lucky this time seeing as she didn’t take it further, because sometimes she would purposely embarrass you after small incidents such as this one.
Tears well at your waterline and you run into the nearest bathroom, pushing open the blue door and locking yourself in a stall.
After all these years of torment, Ella rarely was able to get to you. But sometimes, she does something that pushes you off the edge, leaving you with red, tear-stained cheeks. The final straw this time was her ruining your brand new shirt, the one you were anxiously waiting to debut at school.
But now there was coffee dripping down your chest and staining the bright white fabric. Your only saving grace is the cheerleading uniform in your backpack. In fact, you were walking to the locker room to change for practice, and then for the game at 6 tonight.
You had been excited for the game, knowing that Friday night games always led to parties and fun afterwards. You rarely go to parties of course, but the buzzing energy never fails to rub off on you. But now that stupid Ella had to go and mess up your day, you’re dreading seeing her smug face while she asserts her dominance as cheer captain.
You untie your top and rip it off in a haste, frustrated tears running down your face periodically. You could’ve put a jacket on and gone to the locker room, but Ella would be going there soon, and the last thing you want to do is run into her with teary eyes. She can’t know that you let her get to you.
You brush your hands down your uniform, pulling down the skimpy costume and stuffing your old clothes in your backpack. Once out of the stall, you pull your hair up into a high ponytail, reapply your lip gloss and walk back into the hallway, having already done your makeup that morning. You’re happy that it’s a home game today, because the home game uniforms are two pieces and the skirts are smaller than the ones on the away game uniforms. There is a certain someone you are looking to impress, and the way your tits spill out from the top of the outfit will most certainly help you in your mission.
It’s not like you need to impress him, because he’s shown time and time again that he finds you sexy no matter what you wear. And when he doesn’t tell you, he shows you, by pressing his hard on up against your ass after you just woke up, despite your messy hair and bare face.
However, he also loves when you tease him. And that’s exactly what you’re planning to do.
You sling your heavy backpack over one shoulder and trudge down the hallway, the old fluorescent lights practically blinding you on your journey. The locker room is dingy, smelling of cheap soap and Victoria’s Secret perfume. At least it doesn’t smell like the boys locker room, which smells like sweat and more sweat.
It's already bustling with people, your teammates scrambling to get ready in time as to not get yelled at by the coach.
“Y/N!” The familiar shout of your best friend Rose is like a breath of fresh air, and you bound over to her. She’s standing in front of your lockers, the two of you obviously picking ones next to each other. “Wait, why are you already changed?”
“The bitch spilled her coffee all over me,” you grumbled, your eyes shifting over to where Ella and her little goons are giggling.
“I keep telling you, anytime you want me to beat her up I will gladly do it.”
“Not that I doubt your abilities Rose, because I know you would have her on the ground in a heartbeat, but I can’t let you do that. She can’t know that she upsets me.” You lower your voice for the second sentence, irrationally fearing that she can hear you over the loud chatter echoing through the room.
“I still think you should let me beat her up, but you do you I guess.” Rose shrugged her shoulders and turned back to her locker, bursting out into laughter with you after a beat of silence.
The rest of the getting ready process goes smoothly, Rose distracting you from the girl side-eyeing you in the corner. Soon enough, the whole squad was in formation outside, and you have your hands on the shoulders of Rose and another girl named Bethany. You are a flyer, meaning that you’re the one who the bases support while you pose and flip in the air. Its a hard job, but you are one of only three girls on the team who is advanced enough at flying to be safe doing it in routines. One of the other three girls is Ella.
Ella is the flyer for the middle group, seeing as she is the captain. You are on the right and the other group is on the left. Luckily, Rose is a base in your group, so you feel a lot better putting your safety in the hands of someone you already trust with your life.
“ELLA! YOU’RE DOING IT WRONG!” Coach Habbiths voice is piercing, her angry shrieks bouncing off your ear drums. Ella audibly huffs, displaying her frustration with the critiques she has been receiving since we learned the routine weeks ago. That’s one of the biggest problems with Ella, she believes that she's always right.
Every single practice she has done a needle instead of a scale at the end of the routine. It's aggravating for everyone, and that frustration is amplified everytime she makes the same mistake over and over. “Alright, everyone down. group 1 and group 3 take five, Ella and group 2 stay on the field.
The team obliged to her instructions, and you are brought down from the air.
“Okay Ella, I want you to watch how Y/N does the last move, because she’s actually doing it correctly.” Coach is standing in front of you now, and she emphasized the word ‘correctly’. This is much to Ella’s dismay, and much to your excitement.
Nothing brings you more joy than seeing Ella’s face when you one up her, and this time is no exception.
Aside from a few eye rolls and nasty looks, Ella corrects the move without much fuss. By now there's 15 minutes until the game, and the players have been warming up on the field for about half an hour.
“Did you see her face!” Rose tugs on your arm while you walk back to the locker room, water bottles in hand.
“I know! I should’ve taken a picture!”
“We can only hope that it knocked her ego down a peg.”
“I doubt it” Rose nodded in agreement and you continued your chatter, talking about the random things that best friends talk about.
“It’s go time ladies!” You jumped in surprise when Coach Habbiths yelling booms through the locker room, the hefty amount of metal in the room enhancing the echo.
In a blur, your entire team rushed out onto the field, the crisp air cooling your warmed skin. There was a huge crowd. probably the biggest the teams ever had. But that makes sense, because this game was against your school's biggest rival. Luckily, despite the huge crowd you were able to lock eyes with those piercing green irises you have gotten to know so well over the past couple months. Everytime you see him he gets more and more attractive, and this time is no exception.
At this point, the teams routine is muscle memory and you’re done with it before you can blink. Most people would think that being thrown in the air is memorable, but your main concern is the growing wet patch on your panties that spreads each time you squeeze your thighs together. Just the thought of the man is enough to turn you on, and now that you’re sitting on the cold metal bench your imagination has time to go wild.
The only thing that snapped you out of your daze was the eruption of appaulause from the audience, and the realization that the other cheerleaders were standing up and running towards the players. You breath out a sigh of relief, recognizing the cheering as a signal that the game has ended.
“Hey, you coming?” Rose tugs on your arm, looking down at you still on the bench.
“Um, actually I don’t feel so well, I think I’m going to go home.”
“I should’ve known. You know, one day you’re going to have to go to a party.” Rose places her hands on her hips, giving you a sarcastically annoyed stare.
“And today is not that day.” You grab your backpack and sling it over your shoulder, turning back to Rose for a second. “Have fun and be safe.”
“I always do.” Rose places a chaste kiss on your cheek before turning back to the gathering crowd on the turf.
Instead of heading to the sidewalk and walking home, you duck under the bleachers and walk down the gravel path, pushing open the fence that separates the field and the school. The contents of your backpack slosh around while you sway your hips as you walk. Finally, you make it to the back wall of the school, leaning your back against it and plopping your heavy backpack down by your feet.
And now you wait.
Much to your convenience, the wait this time isn’t long, only five minutes passing before you see the familiar man following the same path you did earlier.
He has a pair of brown slacks on, pressing against his waist courtesy of his black belt. A button up white shirt hides the tattoos on his stomach, but he's rolling up his sleeves as he walks over to you. He's walking with intention, hungry eyes zeroed in on you.
When he’s only steps away, you cheekily bite your lip and use your finger to push up your skirt a little bit more.
Your actions have the intended effect, his eyes blowing wide and hands grasping at your waist.
“Y’can’t do that.”
Before you have a chance to ask what he means, his lips collide with yours, his tongue slipping in only moments after the initial kiss. But as soon as he started, he pulls away.
“Y’can’t be teasing me on the field like tha’, had me hard next t’my friends.” His hand is on the wall above your head, and his other arm is wrapped around your waist pulling you into his chest. He’s panting, and you are too.
“Sorry Mr. Styles,” you push your bottom lip out in a pout, giving him the most innocent look possible. “Just wanted to wear it cause I know how much you like it.”
“Aw, my babygirl wore this f’me? Well I guess y’can be forgiven. Now let’s get t’my house before I fuck yeh right on this wall.” He places a soft kiss to your lips picking up your backpack from the floor and turning to the direction of his car.
“But it hurts!” He turns around again, giving you a sympathetic look and caressing your cheek. The rings on his fingers are cold, but you’re used to the feeling.
“I know sweet girl, but I can’t take care of yeh here, s’too risky.” He pauses for a moment, thinking of a solution to your not so little problem. “How bout I give y’my fingers in the car? Hows that sound hm?” You nod eagerly, pulling his hand down from your cheek and holding it. He takes the signal and begins walking to his car while you follow him.
You never planned to sleep with your bullies dad. But a few months ago your parents dragged you to a family friends housewarming party, and that friend happened to be a friend of Harry’s too. There were no other teenagers there, so your focus was on the attractive older man who had been checking you out since you first locked eyes, and after ending up in the upstairs bathroom together the two of you have been fucking at least twice a week. You only learned that he’s a dad when you saw him for the first time outside the party. He didn’t look the part, and you actually thought he was in his 20s until he corrected you. He’s 38, having become a parent at only 20 years old. Your relationship is a bit taboo, but you’re a mature 18 year old and you and Harry get along well. So well that your time together has developed from casual sex to a mutually exclusive relationship. (Neither of you like labels, but you’re basically boyfriend and girlfriend).
He makes you really happy, and when you have to face off against Ella, it helps knowing that you have power over her, even though she doesn’t know it.
“Did she do anything today?” Harry is walking beside you, hands still intertwined.
“Besides spilling coffee on my shirt, nothing much.” Harry sighs in frustration and squeezes your hand as a show of affection.
“M’so sorry, I wish y’didn’t ‘ave to deal with her.”
The thing about Harry and Ella is they can barely be considered family. Ella’s mom is, for lack of a better word, a bitch. She’s snobby, conceited, and rude, and those behaviors have rubbed off on Ella. Another thing that rubbed off on her was her mom’s hatred for Harry. Being young parents put strain on their already struggling relationship, and they split before Ella’s first birthday. Harry said he tried his best to make it work for Ella’s sake, but her mom was looking for someone to pay for her life, and Harry had just started working his way up as a businessman.
Now, he’s a CEO, but luckily Ella’s mom already found a new beau with plenty of money, so she didn’t come crawling back to him. However, the success Harry achieved only a few years after their breakup made her jealous, and so she instilled that anger in their daughter. So currently Ella spends most of her time with her mother, and when she is with Harry she doesn’t treat him kindly.
“It’s not your fault Harry, you don’t have to apologize for her actions.”
“I know, I jus’ hate tha’ she treats yeh like that.” He sighs again, reaching into his pocket to grab his keys. In a few more steps you’re standing outside the sleek black suv, walking around to the passenger seat and sliding in once you hear the click of the door unlocking.
You both take a few seconds to breathe, an unspoken gesture to prepare for the night's events. Harry turns to you, a sexy smirk plastered on his face. “What d’ya think about fixin’ that ache darlin?” You nod eagerly, sliding down a bit in your seat to give your legs room to spread. “Think yeh can take off y’skirt fo’me?” Your head bobs once again as you nod, hooking your fingers under the elastic waistband and shimmying out of the skirt. While you’re doing that, Harry turns the car into the deserted street, using only one hand to steer.
You toss the tiny skirt into his lap, giving him a signal without distracting his eyes from the road. He reacts immediately, his free hand coming down to squeeze your thigh. You mewl at the contact and bite down on your lip, trying to stop your hips from bucking up in search of relief. His squeezes move up your thigh, and finally his fingers press against your weeping cunt. Swiftly, he pushes your soiled panties to the side, swiping his fingers up your folds collecting your juices. You shriek and buck your hips up into his hand, but much to your dismay he removes it from between your thighs. The car comes to a stop at a red light, and Harry takes the moment to look at you, his eyes wandering your squirming body. He’s practically drooling when he places his fingers in his mouth, tasting your sweet wetness.
“Sorry pup, jus’ needed t’taste yeh.” He chuckles again, and you whine softly in desperation. In one quick motion, he dives his hand back to your pussy, pressing his thumb on your swollen clit.
“Fuck!” The pleasure shoots up your spine, goosebumps raising across your body as he rubs circles on the puffy button. “Harry- please,”
“What d’ya want puppy? Want m’fingers?”
“Yes, yes,” you breathe out, words barely comprehensible through your panting.
“Alright, alright, I gotcha.” And with that his two fingers press into you, filling your tight hole perfectly. There is no hesitation before he begins pumping the digits in and out of you and his thumb never lets up on your bundle of nerves. “Such a needy puppy, got yeh soaking f’me from out in the stands hm?” His eyes are still on the road, but you can picture the lust filled eyes that are undoubtedly on his face.
“Get so wet jus- just thinkin’ about you,” you gasp, writhing as his fingers slam in and out of you.
“Yeah? This is my cunt, m’the only one who can make yeh this wet, isn’t tha’ right?”
“Only Harry.” At your confirmation he speeds his hand up, your vision clouding with white spots as the knot building in your stomach grows tighter and tighter.
All of a sudden, he pulls his fingers out of you, leaving you empty. “Wha-” You begin to question him but you realize that he’s pulling into his driveway. Instead of complaining, you sit up quickly and unbuckle your seatbelt, pulling your skirt back up your legs to avoid being nude on his front lawn.
As soon as you feel the little jolt your hand yanks on the handle and you hop out of the car. Your brain is fuzzy with need and all you are focused on is alleviating the aching between your thighs. You hear Harry lock the car while you're on the steps, and you turn back to ensure that he’s behind you. And sure enough, he’s hot on your trail, just as eager as you to get inside and onto his bed. Your foot is tapping on the ground anxiously, waiting for Harry to unlock the front door. After what seems like an hour, he is next to you again, fumbling with the silver keychain in his hand, eventually unlocking and pushing open the door. You both practically run inside, hands roaming each other's bodies and lips locking as you shuffle through the hall.
You disconnect breathlessly when you reach the stairs, subconsciously wrapping your hands around Harry’s neck so he can pick you up bridal style. He does so hastily, barely a second passing before he’s plopping you onto the fluffy mattress. “Finally,” he pants, hands fumbling with his belt buckle. There’s a prominent bulge in his trousers, and although you’ve seen it plenty, you are always in awe at how thick and big he is. While he’s busy removing his clothes, you are practically drooling at the sight of his bare cock, full, heavy, and dripping precome.
He looks back down at you with his emerald green eyes, simultaneously dropping his recently-removed shirt on the floor. “Can I ride you?” The look he gives you is indescribable, a mixture of need, lust, cockiness, and beauty all rolled up into one.
“Whatever y’want puppy,” His hands scoop under your ass, and he lifts you up and switches your positions. Now it’s your turn to undress, and Harry makes himself busy by running his hands up and down your torso. “So gorgeous, y’know that?” You nod quickly then pull your shirt off of your head. “Most beautiful girl in the world I reckon.” You blush at the compliment, butterflies being added to the many sensations occuring in your body. You straddle his thighs, wrapping your hand around his length and tugging a few times. A loud groan rumbles through his throat, and you smile knowing you’re the one who made him feel like that. “Thought- thought yeh said y’wanted to ride me pup.”
“I do.” You keep your hand on his cock, sitting up on your knees and lining him up with your weeping cunt. All at once, your body is put at ease as his cock fills you up perfectly. He bottoms out inside of you, both of you moaning and groaning while you adjust. “So big-” Your words come out in choppy pants, the syllables being cut off by your heaves. You suck in one deep breath and move upwards, sinking back down onto him quickly. His large hands hold a tight grip on your waist, guiding you up and down his member. His lips attach to your neck, suckling on the supple skin just enough so that it doesn’t bruise.
“What a dirty little puppy you are,” he growls, eyes focusing heavily on where your bodies connect, watching himself disappear inside of you as you bounce up and down on his cock.
“Feel so full-” Tingles ricochet down every part of your body, and your legs are becoming weaker with each movement. Harry can feel your movement faltering, so his hips thrust upwards to meet yours, fucking you from underneath. “Harry!”
“I know pup, I know.” His thumb strokes your cheek and he leans in for another kiss, devouring your plump lips and swirling his tongue around yours. “So fuckin tight,” The words tumble from his mouth in a low growl, which sends the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. His cock twitches inside of you, encouraging you to muster all your energy and finish both of you off. Adrenaline kicks in and your strength returns, riding him faster and harder than before. “Let go f’me Y/N.” It only takes a few more thrusts for you to come undone, Harry’s orgasm following suit. The waves of pleasure roll through your body, and you throw your head back in ecstasy as you allow the feeling to overcome your body. Spurts of his hot cum cover your velvety walls and you ride out your orgasms together, resting your foreheads against one another.
You end up sleeping at his house, feeling safe knowing that Ella is staying with her mom today. It’s normal for you to sleep at his place, seeing as both of you are usually so tired that you pass out before you can leave. What isn’t normal is for you to be woken up in the morning by Harry’s phone ringing. Harry is a deep sleeper, and you laugh at the sight of him conked out while his ringtone blares on the nightstand just a few inches away. Carefully, you reach over his sleeping body and grab the phone, planning on hanging it up and going back to bed. However, when you saw that it was Ella calling, you changed your mind. Making a split second decision, you slide the icon to the right, holding it up to your ear.
“Hello?” Her whiney voice rings through your eardrum and you wince. Not the nicest thing to be woken up to.
“Hello,” you answer, your voice not reflecting the cocky grin that spread across your face.
“Who the hell is this!” she shrieks, and you make a mental note that she must not be a morning person.
“A friend of your dads.” Your response is once again calm and monotone, trying to stifle the laugh that is bubbling in your throat.
“Ugh! What’s your name?”
“Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N”
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aruuq · 3 years
Gifts Headcanons – Haikyuu Characters; Advent Calendar Day 2
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characters: akaashi, atsumu, bokuto, fukunaga, futakuchi, hanamaki, hinata, kageyama, kenma, kita, kuroo, oikawa, osamu, sakusa, suna, tendou, terushima, ushijima x gn!reader
genre & style: fluff
word count: 1.7k
notes: i really tried to turn my creativity on with this one
warnings: mention of food
event’s masterlist │ other gifts headcanons: gnshn ┃ jjk ┃ tkrv
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❄ Kageyama seems like a really awkward person. He wants to show you how much you mean to him, but at the same time he doesn’t want to scare you. Tobio’s terrified that if he buys you something much cheaper than a gift that you bought for him, you’ll be upset; but at the same time if he buys you something wayyyy too expensive, he’s scared of you feeling uncomfortable with a cheap gift. There is only one solution to this situation. Kageyama buys you a few gifts (the range of them is from a carton of favorite yoghurt to a gold necklace with little gems in a charm), and he only gives you your present after he receives his, so that he knows which one should he pick.
❄ This precious ball of sunshine sees the whole world in you. Hinata loves you and wants to share his passion for volleyball with you, so he buys you a ball from his favourite brand (be it Mikasa or Molten). Then he tries his best in wrapping it in a red ribbon, and ta-dah! He gives you your present with a bunch of hand-made coupons for private lessons of volleyball with him!
❄ Kuroo looks like a man who would buy you a giant bouquet of your favourite flowers (they can be artificial if you are allergic), and invite you for dinner in an expensive restaurant. He prefers experiences over material goods, so he makes sure to take you somewhere interesting after eating! It may be a simple walk over a nearby lake, or a night in an arcades, Tetsurou choses it based on your likings!
❄ Kenma is a simple boy. Don’t expect him to give you anything other than a game. But don’t get me wrong. He does it only so you can both spend more time together playing this one specific game you’ve been wanting to play with him for so long. But if you really really don’t like playing games, then he buys you something different that has to be connected with your hobby, and preferably, is useful.
❄ Fukunaga wants to give you something you’ll remember forever. That is exactly why he prepares you something to be an experience you will never forget. Your date starts with a dinner he cooked himself, then it moves to his room where he’s prepared a comfy seat for you to rest while he tells you all sorts of jokes he specially prepared for this occasion.
❄ I think that our Grand King starts looking for a gift for you wayyyy too early. It’s only September, when he creates a note in his planner with ideas of what he could possibly get for you. The funniest thing is that, when time finally comes when he’s facing the decision of buying you something, Oikawa goes blank. There’s way too many options scribbled on the dedicated page in his notebook, and across random places (like his note app on the phone, receipts, tissues, pages of magazines). Finally, he proceeds to buy you something he’s remembered you talking about a long time ago, ignoring all of his helpful notes.
❄ You expect him to give you something stupid. A shirt with a low quality meme printed on it, a whole box of these lighters that shock you with electricity when you use it, or just a silly trinket that reminds him of you. But Hanamaki has different plans for a gift for you. After he saw an ad with some beauty products on your phone that seemed to attract your attention, he decided to buy it for you. It may be a mascara, eyeshadow palette, a moisturizing cream or literally anything that makes him think “Wow. A beauty product. So cool.” It doesn’t necessarily need to be a beauty-beauty product, it just has to scream to his little brain that it is a beauty product. He also wants it to be tested on him right after you open it, because he’s curious how good a job he did by buying it for you.
❄ Bokuto is very excited about the idea of exchanging gifts with you. The big boy that he is with the character that he has, I’m sure he buys you a giant teddy bear that’s his height. He wants you to be able to hug him even if it’s not actually him but a plushy. He also gives you a self-made Christmas card that may be a bit crooked and uneven, and stained with way too much glitter, and maybe some of the kanjis are misspelled, but it’s from Bokuto. And that’s what matters the most.
❄ I think that Akaashi buys you something he knows you want but you will never buy it yourself, cause you think it’s not worth the money (even tho you really want it). For some people this thing might be some clothes, for others a book, and for different ones a game or a phone case or literally anything, so I will not give you any specifics. But you get what I mean.
❄ Ushijima straightforwardly asks you if there’s anything you need so that he can provide this to you. He knows he’s not good at reading people, so he doesn’t want to upset you by giving you an unwanted gift. Your ideal answer would be showing him the exact product that you want (for example showing him the exact pair of shoes you want) – he can also work with a specific item (something like I just want a long blue dress or I want a new coffeemaker) – but what feels like a nightmare to him is you saying that you doesn’t care what he gets you. It probably ends with him buying you a horrifying porcelain statue he’s found in the local bazaar or other weird shit.
❄ Tendou, honestly, is a cutie. His idea for a gift is easy. It’s plain. And maybe basic. But it’s something you associate with him the most. He gives you a giant hand-made chocolate bar with nuts or dried fruits in it shaped like your favourite anime or cartoon character. Tendou even goes one step further and adds tiny gold particles in it to make it more bourgeois. And if you are allergic to cocoa – he does it with white chocolate. And if you don’t like white chocolate – he adds crushed freeze-dried fruit to change its taste.
❄ He’s a rational but romantic man. For sure Kita buys you something he knows will be useful in your everyday life that also reminds you of him. It may be a handkerchief that he himself has embroidered floral patterns on it, because he knows you always complain after eating a meal in public that your hands are dirty, and you don’t want to wipe them in your palms; it may be a wallet he has put his picture in before giving it to you, due to the fact that yours has a broken zipper; or a metal key ring with a fox pendant, ‘cause he knows you always lose your keys.
❄ He’s a funny little man, I love him. Atsumu for sure buys you something very original, you’ll remember for ages. My personal headcanon of him is that he highly craves adrenaline, so I think he’ll buy you a voucher for a bungee jump or a parachute jump, or diving with sharks. He also buys one for himself, so you are not alone while doing this crazy thing.
❄ Suna is a lil shit. When you meet for the exchanging of gifts, he acts surprised as if he’s forgotten about it. No matter if you are disappointed or you tell him that nothing has happened, he continues his little game until you two arrive at his place. In the middle of a movie marathon, he hands you an envelope with tickets. These can be tickets to the cinema, to an amusement park, or for a train to a place you've been wanting to go for a long time.
❄ Osamu invites you over for dinner. But it's not just any dinner. It’s a dinner you could buy for a lot of money at a bourgie restaurant, the one with twelve courses, decades-old wine, and someone playing violin in the background (it’s probably someone from his team that has taken a few lessons in their childhood, but hey! it’s the efforts that matters). Oh, he also sends Atsumu to one of their friends, so that you can spend this precious time alone, without the interruption of his annoying (ily Atsumu, dw) twin brother.
❄ Sakusa buys you something small and classy you can wear on special events. It can be a pretty gold brooch, silver cufflinks or a tie clip matching your favourite tie. He wants you to think about him while in situations where you may be stressed, surrounded by lots of people talking to you and not giving you a moment to breathe. When your fingers clasp onto the present he’s given you, you already feel better, even if he’s not by your side.
❄ I think that Futakuchi may try to include a bit of everything when preparing a gift for you. A bit of something hand-made, a bit of something he has to buy, a bit of going out, a bit of food, a bit of something he’s seen you wanting for a long time and a bit of surprise. When you mix it all together, the only thing I can imagine is preparing a round of scavenger hunt. You need to go after the hints he has scattered around the city, only to find out that the final place is his backyard. He then gives you the real present, being something you’ve really wanted, and orders a takeout you can eat in his room while enjoying each other’s presence.
❄ Terushima’s idea for a present for you is at the same time really predictable, but not really. It suits him tho. He makes sure you will not know what he has prepared for you until the moment of exchanging gifts. Terushima buys you pretty (and probably expensive) jewelry for your favourite piercing – and if you don’t have any, he takes you to his piercer and tells you that you can do whatever you want; no matter how many you want, he'll pay for them all.
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yoongiswiffey · 3 years
You're Not Going Anywhere Pt.1
Pairings: Min Yoongi x Poc Reader
A little Kim Taehyung x Poc Reader
Genre: Smut, possessive Yoongi, Club scene
Word count: 4,235
Tags: #yoongismut #yoongiambw #yoongixpocreader #ambw bts # Black reader
Summary: Y/n finds herself in a sticky position or many where she tried to play the game her way the only thing is she was doomed from the very beginning.
        “What the absolute fuck!” Your best friend Melody shouts coming out of the bathroom putting in her earrings walking towards your closet.
“I know right,” I scoffed looking at her through the mirror of my vanity after I filled her in on the current situation. It’s our best friend's 21st birthday and the girls and I planned on going out and showing her a good time but Yoongi thought otherwise he thinks I should just stay home while he’ll be out with his friends clubbing. “Like who does he think he is telling me what and what not to do!” I say getting up walking towards Melody picking through my closet trying to find something that catches her eye.
“ Right it’s not even like you’re dating he’s such a hypocrite.” Melody rolls her eyes pulling out a tiny black dress with a rip down the side of the leg with a plunging neckline. “Oh my god babe I’m totally wearing this tonight.” she beams looking at it walking towards my bed rushing to put it on. I mean she’s not wrong Yoongi and I aren’t dating whatsoever we just fuck from time to time so I guess you can say we’re fuck buddies. Wanting to push that thought away I shake my head racking through my closet for the perfect dress.
“Y/n fuck him, we’re going to go out and have a bomb ass night.” Melody says walking over towards the mirror checking herself out with the dress on causing her to smile skipping back over to me hugging me from behind.
“ Let’s get you into a sexy ass dress and fuck shit up tonight, hell let’s get you some new dick.” she shakes her arms wiggling her eyebrows causing me to move with her laughing I shake my head then I find it the perfect dress pulling it out the closet Melody snatches it from me.
“Oh my god Y/n this dress is going to look so good on you.” she analyzed the dress I walked over towards her taking it back making my way over towards the mirror. “I know and you wanna know the catch babe” I smirk putting on the dress looking at the dress in the mirror it’s a little red sparkly tight dress really complimenting my skin tone with slits on both sides of the legs really showing off my curvy figure with spaghetti straps with a open neckline reaching just beneath my breast making the girls sit just right.
“Yoongi bought it.” I state turning my head towards Melody whose just staring at me she walks towards me hugging me looking into the mirror. “Have I ever told you how much I love you?” she smiles causing me to laugh, “ Love you too babe come on let’s go.” I walk over grabbing my black ankle strap heels which still does nothing to my 5’5 height.
“It’s going to be a good night” Melody sings songs which makes me laugh.
After the short ride to the club we got in without any ease. It seems like everyone's eyes are on Melodys and I push it aside making our way towards our own booth seeing the birthday girl herself smiling as we embrace her. “Happy Birthday Momo.” I say stepping aside “Thank you guys for coming I’m so excited let’s get this thing started.” she cheers, throwing her hands in the air. We cheered with her, “Wait where are the drinks?” I say looking towards the table “I’ll be right back.” I smile, weaving my way through the thick crowd towards the bar finally making it. I wait in between patrons for the bartender to finish his current order. He looks up towards me.
“I’ll be with you in one moment, doll.” he nods towards me. I lean over the counter “Take your time..” I began pausing after searching his shirt for any sign of a name tag which he seems to take notice of. “Taehyung.” he provides, causing me to smile “Y/n, well take your time Taehyung” he counters a smile back finishing up his last order making his way over towards me wiping the counter in front of me.
“What can I get you Y/n?” he asks, leaning forward on the counter. “Can I get 12 shots of tequila?” I ask which causes him to glance behind me towards the obvious group watching me. He stares back down towards me grabbing the cups and a tray and begins cleaning a cup. “Special occasion?” He inquires looking back down towards me with a smile dancing on his face. “Yeah it’s my best friend Momo’s 21st birthday.” I beam turning around pointing to the one wearing a birthday sash and tiara them seeing your action they wave and smile with you returning the favor facing back towards Taehyung who then waves towards your friends you take the chance to really get a good look at him he’s wearing a black button down with the first three button undone with a chain dangling from his tanned neck. Taehyung was a really attractive guy. He seems to feel your stare which makes him look down towards you causing you to look away.
“Looks like you guys are gonna have a fun night.” he chuckles, pouring your drinks, “ Why don’t you go back to your girls I got it.” he says    while finishing up your drinks taking off his skirt apron placing it on the counter grabbing your tray walking from behind of the bar making his way towards the front where you stood.
“Taehyung you don’t have to, I got it you have more orders.” you try taking the tray away only for him to move it out of your reach glancing up towards him you notice he’s smirking down towards you, GOD you’d be lying if you didn’t think that was the hottest thing you’ve ever seen.
“I know I don’t have to but I want to and as for the orders I was actually supposed to be off 30 minutes ago.” he said nodding towards a guy putting on an apron starting to take orders “Jin was running a little late so I stayed back to help.” he says looking down towards where you stood you notice his eyes start to wander down your body slowly reaching there way back towards yours causing you to smirk. “Okay fine let's go.” you take his hand into yours pulling him through the thick crowd with him stopping the bodies from colliding with you making your way back to your table you catch eyes with Melody who smiles at you looking between you and Taehyung which cause you to shrug winking at your best friend.
“Guys this is Taehyung,” You announced, placing a hand on his chest he smiled slyly placing the tray of drinks down on the table. “Sorry for crashing your birthday party Momo.” he glanced at her as she blushed. “No that’s perfectly fine.” Melody damn near yells “I mean no it’s cool or whatever.” she says more quietly which causes you to laugh, catching Taehyungs attention. “Let’s get this night started.” you say grabbing a shot with everyone following your suit “ To Momo '' you all raise your glasses clinking them together downing the first shot of the night. As the night went on you noticed the girls dancing and having a good time. Taehyung and you have been getting to know each other really well. You found out that he’s really into art on a different level and fairly enjoys photography. As you go to spark up another conversation you hear an almost too familiar laugh from a booth not far from yours you glanced over and saw it. You see Yoongi there with another girl on his lap. Your eyes moved down towards his hand placed on her waist while the other nursed a glass of his preferred drink whiskey. Seeing this you scoffed thinking about how he told you not to go out only to see him here with his friends and another fucking girl on his lap, what pissed you off even more was how good he fucking looked. Wearing a deep red button down shirt with two or three of them undone with his black Armani blazer with his favorite chain plus the one YOU bought him you notice the girl grab it and your blood begins to boil. Melody followed your gaze more like your glare and noticed as well.
“What a fucking dick.” she crosses her arms then her eyes light up like how they do only when she has some plan. She turns to leave which you take the chance to take another shot you turn your attention towards Taehyung to find he’s already staring at you his lip caught between his teeth letting it fall, then you hear it your favorite song Body by: Summer Walker you know exactly what Melody is doing so you don’t even question it you place one perfectly manicured hand awfully high on his thigh while the other made it’s way into his flawlessly styled hair playing with it looking at it then down towards his eyes.
“Wanna dance.” you asked in a sultry voice  getting up placing your hands on his spread legs leaning foward giving him the perfect view of your breast which he slowly and shamelessly might I add gladly took the opportunity to look at taking his time before staring back into your eyes you noticed something changed in his and you know it all to well. Lust. “Lead the way babygirl.” he rasps  licking his bottom lip you smiled grabbing his hand pulling him up while he grabs another shot knocking it back before you head towards the dance floor on your way you noticed Melody by the Dj winking at you, you raised your eyebrows smirking, pulling Taehyung to a open part of the dance floor placing your hands on his chest and began to sway your hips staring up at him through your lashes which makes him grab your hips pulling you closer biting his lip letting out a scoff.
“God Y/n you’re killing me.” Taehyung chuckles, smiling down towards me, his large hands roaming my hips placing my arms around his neck playing with the nape of his hair. “Oh baby we can’t have that I won’t get to have any fun.” I pout winking at him smiling, turning around grinding my ass against his covered crouch with him quickly replacing his hand on the tops of my thighs. “Hmm kind of fun are you suggesting babygirl?” he leans down and whispers into my ear making butterflies stir up inside my stomach reaching a hand behind his head while the other is set on top of his hand placed on my thigh lifting my head towards his ear. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” I whisper back, taking his earlobe in between my lips, sucking it lightly, letting it go, licking it slightly while grinding back into him, which earns me a groan and a squeeze to my thighs.
“God Y/n.” he rasped which causes me to laugh feeling the stares of someone’s eyes on me I look up and if I wasn’t paying attention I would have missed it but I seen it in between the few heads I saw him staring me down, cup in hand standing taking a sip jaw clenching nose a flare. Now is my chance and I take it. Grinding back into Taehyung rolling my hips as we sway from side to side the sound of music plays through me.
I can’t tell you what it is
But you got me goin’ crazy
Sex with you is so amazin’
Ahh How, how long can you go, baby
Better last till my body’s sore ‘cause it crazy...
As the song plays on I pulled down Taehyungs head closer kissing him which he responds by kissing me back with such urgency pulling away I glance back up through my lashes and just like a ticking time bomb Yoongi exploded chugging the remainder of his glass clenching his jaw eyeing me down with the coldest stare I almost shivered, but not wanting to back down I did the one thing that came to mind and sent a kiss his way.  Having enough of the show he starts making his way towards Taehyung and I giving me a sudden wave of nervousness mixed with excitement as I continue to dance on Taehyung, on his way towards us Yoongi remains eye contact with me and God I think I’ve made the biggest mistake he’s fuming. In little then no time Yoongi is standing in front of us. I see him but I act like I can’t. “Y/n let’s go.” Yoongi says calmly, staring at Taehyungs hand on the inside of my thighs to anyone else that would have gone unnoticed but I saw the look in his eyes and the way his jaw was tight. Taehyung takes notice of someone in front of us.
“Who's your little friend baby?” Taehyung says looking up from the nook of my neck hearing the smirk in his voice I smirk a little, swallowing down all the nerves. “Tae baby this is Yoongi, Yoongi Taehyung.” you say noticing Yoongis slight almost unnoticeable grimace in calling Taehyung baby loving how your getting a rise out of him you decided to keep going Yoongi goes to open his mouth but you cut him off. “I’m actually thinking about going home with him he’s promised me a goodnight and it’s been a while since I’ve had a nice good fuck.” you pat the side of Taes neck softly, never breaking eye contact with Yoongi. “Isn’t that right Daddy?” You whispered towards the end gaining a look from Yoongi you can’t place. Jealously? Anger? Hurt? But as soon as it surfaced it’s gone again masked by a plain look of boredom.
Before Taehyung can open his mouth you’re snatched from his arm placed behind Yoongi. “Don’t you ever place your hands on my girl again.” Yoongi states, staring Taehyung down which causes him to chuckle. “Your girl if I remember correctly you were just coped up with some random girl?” Taehyung says slyly, diverting his attention back towards me tilting his head to enable to catch a glance of me behind Yoongi. “Y/n let’s get out of here Doll.” he says Yoongi not even giving you a chance to answer grabs your wrist pulling you in the direction of the doors following in suit trying to catch up with his long strides.
“You know where to find me doll when you need to get a real dicking down.” Taehyung calls out to your descending figure. When you both exit the club you’re finally able to pry Yoongis tight grip from your wrist. “Let me fucking go!” you push into his chest turning to leave only for Yoongi to grab your hand spinning you around. “Get in the car.” he states staring at you, you look at him in utter disbelief scoffing “No who the f-“ you started only for him to cut you off.
 “Y/N GET YOUR BRATTY ASS INTO THE CAR.” he says firmly yet calmly towering over you staring you down leaving no room for discussion seeing so you make your way towards his car getting in slamming the door while you’re at it. Soon after you hear him sliding in starting the car driving off, after sitting in complete silence for a while you decided to turn on the radio to cut the deafening silence you go to reach for it only before Yoongi grabs your hand placing it on your thigh returning it back onto the steering wheel only then you notice how hard he was actually gripping the wheel to the point his knuckles turned white. Realizing now you’re in deep shit you begin thinking of all your possible options going with the safest route.
“Baby I-“ you started only to be quickly hushed from a single glance from Yoongi turning around facing the window as you sadly accepted your inevitable doom.
Sometime later when you finally make it to Yoongis house he pulls the car into the driveway shutting off the car, not taking his eyes off the steering wheel. “I want you in my room by the time I can even step foot a single foot in that house.” Yoongi states calmly which causes me to look at him trying to find a word to say but it's caught in my throat when he catches my eyes turning towards me. “Did I stutter?” he questions raising a brow to which I immediately open the door quickly making it towards his door pushing it open not even bothering to close it knowing he’s just a step behind me quickly making my way upstairs to his oh so familiar room I take my place in the middle of his bed and wait for the end of my life. A few minutes later I hear the door close followed by the slow ascending footsteps and just like that I’m just struck with all kinds of nerves looking down playing with the hem of my dress. Not being able to hear any more footsteps, I lift my head seeing Yoongi standing in the doorway walking into his room. My eyes follow him as he begins taking off his blazer.
“Did you have a good night Y/n?” Yoongi questions tossing his blazer on his bedside chair peering at me through his silver locs. I open my mouth to say something but my mouth feels so dry closing it swallowing once I try again still unable I opt towards a soft shaking of the head. Yoongi then starts to unbutton the cuffs on his sleeves and began to roll them up one by one “No you didn’t have a good night baby?” he questioned slightly tilting his head staring at you rolling up his other sleeve to his elbow “You seemed to have a fun night didn’t you Doll.” he practically spat out the pet name Taehyung called you “Yoongi ba-“ you started “You know what me too I also had a shitty night. Would you like to hear how Daddy’s night went?” he says placing his ring filled hands on the edge of the bed leaning forward staring into your eyes still not trusting your voice you nod earning a smirk from Yoongi “Use your words baby.” he says eyes never leaving yours waiting on an answer.
“Y-es.” you practically whisper earning a slight head tilt from the man in front of you “Yes?” he asked standing up walking over to his dresser taking off his favorite chain but leaving the one you bought him on. “Yes what?” he inquires staring at you through the mirror while placing his chain away, knowing what he means “Yes D-Daddy'' damn it all to hell why am I so nervous he accepts the answer with a nod of the head “My night was quite boring to be honest but then the weirdest thing happened two girls walked into the club and caught everybody’s attention.” he states causing you to go cold whipping your head up meeting his eyes he knew you were there the whole night yet you didn’t spot him till the end of the night. “I couldn’t care less you went out with your girls to have fun but do you know what did it for me?” he ask spinning around leaning against the dresser playing with the rings on his finger causing me to immediately take notice of the action quickly looking back into his eyes when he started talking. “Seeing my girl bringing a random to her section.” he scoffs lightly pushing himself off the dresser and begins unbuckling his belt walking towards the edge of the bed causing you to shift in your place. “Actually no what really did it for me was watching my girl playing with me.” he says looking up towards you while sliding the belt through the loops placing it into one of his hands leaning on the bed.
“No Yoongi I-i mean Daddy I-“ I started being cut off with the beckon of his fingers not wanting to make him wait I begin to crawl towards the end of the bed sitting on my knees in between his arms while one wields his belt face to face I wait for further instruction. My eyes bouncing back and forth up between his soft lips back to his eyes I begin squeezing my thighs tighter together. God I’m pathetic I practically just dug my own grave but I can’t get over how hot Yoongi is.
“No? You didn’t play with me?” he asked “You didn’t knowingly wear Daddy’s favorite dress to make me jealous? Oh or how about the part where Melody plays your song then you go off and dance with that guy.” he smiles letting go of the belt placing his hand on your thighs feeling the heat radiate off of him earns a shiver from you. “Come on baby you can’t tell me that’s just a mere coincidence.” he says standing up staring down towards you a smirk  dancing on his face tilting his head.
“Seeing as how you got to have fun and play games I think it’s only right Daddy gets to play some of his own don’t you babygirl?” he asks walking over towards his bedside chair taking a seat with spread legs never once taking his eyes off of you. “Yes sir.” you say in a cracked barely audible whisper.
“Then come here and get that pretty little mouth around Daddy’s cock.” he says with so much authority it made you scramble to hurry with the task at hand getting up you meet him at the chair kneeling between his legs staring at the rising tent in his pants practically begging to be freed from its confined space. “What are you waiting for?” he stares into your eyes snapping you out of the daze you were in you reach up to unbutton his pants letting the zipper fall giving somewhat more freedom for his manhood placing your manicured hands inside the band of his underwear you pull it halfway down in order to free his cock as soon as you pulled them down it immediately slapped his stomach making your mouth water glancing up towards him not wanting to make him wait anymore you take him into your hand slowly pumping him earning a slight grown from above scooting closer placing your elbows on his legs you lick a long strip on the underside of his cock leaving a shine, pumping him again in your hands you then take him into your mouth sucking the tip circling your tongue  around his head taking him further down into you mouth an utter groan comes from Yoongi causing you to squeeze your thighs together wanting to please him you decide to pick up the pace you start to bob you head faster taking him in with much more earnest while rotating your hands pumping him at the same time as more spit begins to develop you feel hands entangle their way into your hair guiding your head up and down Yoongi grabs your hands moving them off his manhood.
“Behind your back.” He states firmly slowly pulling your head off his cock with a slick pop sounding off the walls ``Yes sir” you say lips plump and red, he takes one hand from your hair gripping his cock placing it on your pouty lips smacking it a little harder than you anticipated “Open.” he says stroking his cock  a few times you let your mouth fall open tongue folding over your plum lips placing his cock in its rightful place he begins slowly guiding your head up and down his shaft picking up speed spit begins to form dripping down the sides of his cock only to be caught again by your mouth he begins facefucking you with him hitting the back of your throat your eyes begin to water all throughout the room sounds of squelching and his groans can only be heard.
“Fucking hell” he slightly chuckles thrusting his hips up into your mouth hitting your throat not being able to fully slide in, you then swallow letting him gain the passage he’s been wanting. “Good fucking girl such a good slut for Daddy hmm?” he questions pulling your hair back into a makeshift ponytail clearing your hair out the way so he could get a perfect view of his cock between your lips. Pulling you off his cock bringing you into a deep frenzied kiss standing you up stumbling your way over to the bed Yoongi unbuttons his shirt quickly ripping it off pushing you down onto the bed grabbing your legs pulling you towards the end of the bed ripping up your dress just past your waist his eyes goes dark.
“God Damn Y/n where the fuck are your panties” his eyes shoot up towards yours filled with an unexplainable look. Trying to find words to say you’re silenced by fingers slowly trailing your slit causing a soft gasp from you.
“I-I didnt wear any..” you state softly lifting your hips slightly following Yoongis receding hand.
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