#heres more of the celeb au
nontoxic-writes · 1 year
Seven Sentence Sunday Monday
oops, i totally lost track of my sunday. thanks to @welcometololaland for the tag! 💕
“Was it as bad as it seems?” Rooster asks over dinner.
“Was what as bad as it seems?”
“Baby on Board,” he clarifies, swallowing his mouthful of chicken and risotto, speaking with his mouth full like the caveman he is, and Jake is regrettably charmed. “Not the show, the whole… ‘I’m Jake Seresin, and you’re watching Disney Channel’ thing.” He does a perfect imitation of Jake’s bumper, his inflection flawless, and Jake groans.
“Why did you watch that?
Rooster shrugs. “I thought it was cute. The floppy 2000’s hair, the long sleeve t-shirt under the short sleeve t-shirt under the vest, the tie for some reason, the bedazzled jeans…”
“Okay, they weren’t bedazzled, they were embellished. And it was trendy at the time.”
im not tagging anyone expecting yall to post today because we’re all working now but @lilythesilly @swiftlythebest @blackandwhiteandrose and @stereopticons, yall are up next week lol
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thatdeadaquarius · 11 months
Genshin Impact Sagau/Isekai:
You still have acces to characters! ...by possessing them. 👻
PART 2 (you're here!) / Part 1
All art by me! :] leave me a iced coffee?? :0
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STOP tagging my posts as "Yandere Sagau", "Sagau Cult AU", "Sagau Imposter AU" or other related dark content tags.
I'm sick of seeing reblogs that tag my work as dark content, when I'm specifically trying to LIGHTEN UP THE SAGAU TAG 😭😭??
Please be more respectful of this. Actually read the work before you just tag it incorrectly. Tags do matter.
/nm /gen
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them)
Planet: Misc. Genshin AUs
Orbit: Headcanons, Scenarios
Stars: Tighnari ft. Cyno, Alhaitham, Collei
Comets & Meteors:
Content Warnings: Mild violence (bandit attacks/non-graphic), Reader/you possess people non-consent (mild/consent given eventually)
& Trigger Warnings: Reader/"you" possess people non-consenually for short times, but given consent eventually.
(pls comment if any more!)
Edit 12/24/23 + 4/5/24:
My goofy ass forgot to put this here .-.
Anyway this is a full length fanfic now ;)
…mistakes were made.
bad decisions were had, and okay, mayyybbbeee you could’ve taken more precautions against people finding out you were “real”.
afterall, you did see the Eremites reaction, even if it was only two guys (one from each camp) that you possessed :/
word spreads quickly amongst the Eremites groups, you guess, bc next thing you knew, after you’d moved closer to floating around Gandharva Ville,
they’d called that entire bit of forest haunted.
BUT IN YOUR DEFENSE-!! how were you supposed to know they’d blab to the whole camp they didn’t remember the past 20 minutes after you unpossessed them?? and immediately be on guard and jump to possession?? (Irminsul works hard but eremites/sumeru people work harder u guess)
And by the time you were happily patrolling with Collei, the forest rangers were just so chill you didn’t really expect anybody would think a ghost was possessing them (or whatever you were now… maybe,, just code?? it’s unclear)
so when u start to see Tighnari squint at people who’ve technically just “woken up” after you possessed them, mumbling under his breath more and more as a file he carries around gets thicker and thicker-
you start to think,,, maybe.
okay, mayyybbbeee,
you’ve fucked up.
You really can’t help it, first it was making sure Collei got back safely from patrols (she’s ur skrunkly okay, you can’t help it, you’re still aware she’s capable but- the urge to skrunkle overpowers you- )
but then-!! You managed to spot Cyno! :D its ur boy!! ur little meow meow, who can throw people over his shoulder!! He really doesn’t need you, hovering around, but eh ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
what could it hurt! …it’s not like he can see, hear, or feel you anyway…
(unless u possess some animal/machine he thinks is friendly, which. sumeru is not exactly known for cuddly creatures. you don’t feel like experiencing death when possessing stuff just yet-)
imagine ur panic and shock as the General Mahamatra takes on a camp of criminals on the run, only for one of the old ruin machines (the ones that are just LEG and DEATH)
to hear the ruckus and come stomping around a thick patch of trees, it launched missiles!! You can’t warn Cyno, he can’t hear you!! No one can!!! The criminals are unconscious, there’s no other wildlife nearby they all ran off!!! FUCK-
You look at him and try to imagine his perspective as vividly as you can, he’s looking over the criminals, but now he’s turning, so people passed out and the tree-line got it-
Congratulations! You’ve possessed Cyno. 💀
It completely disorients you for a second, but then the panic of dodging the missiles comes back in time for you to make his body dive and roll off to the side, for as long as you can manage a roll too since you remember that’s the best way to dodge missiles in the game
…which works really well! bc he’s so fit and agile tbh
It was weird to finally run again after so long (two months now in teyvat?? wow)
with your feet suddenly in sandals, and feeling the breeze chilling your bare chest (Cyno’s chest??)
yeah its a shock considering most of the ppl you’ve possessed lately have been fully clothed rangers lol
you quickly imagine your ghostly form again, and just like that you’re drifting out of Cyno in ur “ghosty” form, having floated out and away from his back
Poor guy looks so fucking confused, and immediately is wielding his spear again, and is about to get out the crouch you put him in behind the dilapidated stone wall (dammit he better not waste ur efforts to keep him alive-)
until missiles slam and explode against it, he ducks back down (thank fuck) and Cyno just looks around one last time before hopping the wall and running to fight the thing
you notice that when the electro user goes to use his powers, they seem stronger than they were in his fight with the goons??
Maybe he was just going easier on them, since they are only human?
…so why does even Cyno look surprised when he goes to make a simple swipe with his charged spear and a bolt of lightning cracks out from his spear instead…?
Tighnari knows you’re here.
You figure he must have collected the reports of people “blacking out” or “sleep-walking” or whatever else and begun to suspect the worst.
…to be honest, you’re not sure what to do.
on one hand, it would be great to have someone know you actually exist, as yourself,
but on the other…
What would Tighnari think?
Of you possessing his rangers?? Temporarily taking ownership of someone without permission??? You’re afraid he’d think the worst of you…
tho u didn’t do so often, as u realized how messed up this could be, and u never did more than make them walk or talk normally for a few minutes before leaving them alone!
… afterall, you missed interacting with people. You were honestly a little worried abt going crazy, which is the only reason u were desperate enough to possess human people in the first place and continue doing so, just to talk to someone and have them look you in the face again like you really did exist as a person here-
(u thought u remember reading somewhere back on Earth that someone can only last 3 days of no other human contact until they start to lose it? but even if that’s not true, at the very least, u dont think talking one-sidedly to yourself all the time is healthy…)
so when Tighnari seems to get that file you’ve seen him adding onto, and gather up supplies, mentioning a day trip to Collei and the others to Sumeru City for some
“further research into these ‘blackouts’, and also contacting some of my colleagues who might know something…”
there’s no way you’re not going with him.
you feel increasingly anxious all day, and at one point when you were sure Tighnari was walled-in by books at the House of Daena, decide to go blow off the anxious energy by possessing an animal to get some food!
…you’re not really feeling comfortable enough to possess a living being into eating yet, that seems hella nonconsensual, and u kinda would be taking the joy of the meal from them tbh-
so u possess a cat!
a ginger cat, bc u like to think if u do anything weird, that ppl in Teyvat have the same type of cats back on Earth and excuse it as just:
“unhinged ginger cats being unhinged ginger cats yep makes sense” lol
you’d managed to be really cute (and wasn’t that weird, having to mimic animal behaviors like rubbing ur side against a person’s legs..)
and convince one of the cooks of Lambad’s Tavern to give u some leftovers, and been about to go off to try out sunbathing before the chore boy, little shit he is, tried to chase you off with a broom!! >:( the audacity!! you clearly have a little plate and everything!!
luckily, you’d finished eating, but still! Ouch!! those bristles fucking hurt-!!!
…you look and see a Sumeru-ified version of a skateboard, and u just know ur little cat face is just ✨v✨
and u steal the little shit’s skateboard as revenge! HAHA thats what you get animal abuser!!!
The kid’s yelling at you as you speedily skate away with ur little cat paws (LMAOO), but the cooks are calling him back in so he can’t pursue, (oh good u hear them get onto him for chasing u off)
and as u slow down to coast along the Sumeru streets,
you feel someone’s eyes staring you down.
You assume it’s just people being amused at a cat skateboarding, obv
but when you look just ahead of you to see a smiling Sumeru citizen or eremite-
Oh. It’s Alhaitham.
and he’s just… watching you.
he’s stopped reading whatever he’s got in his hand, and is slowlyyyy turning his head as you pass by…
You decide to just keep skating away. LMAO
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it’s already sunset by the you’re accompanying Tighnari back from Sumeru City, floating along behind him
and you’d been expecting a calm walk back, tbh you’d been feeling a little better bc the ranger hadn’t found much to identify you, yet, luckily-
but bc u can never catch a break:
Tighnari didn’t see the bandits dropping from the goddamn trees BEHIND HIM- and they had like claymores out- those were definitely gonna be killing blows-!!
so yeah.
You possessed Tighnari.
turns out ur pretty good at dodging bc this is second time now you’ve helped dive away for someone in an ambush, ur kinda proud of urself tbh💀
and as you make him take a few leaps back, ur ears twitch in the wind as you duck behind a tree, then float away and out of his body
The poor hybrid ranger visibly sways, then shakes his head out of it, and he flicks his ears in different directions, squinting into the woods, he’s pulled out his bow, so you’re at least reassured he’s aware there are enemies
Like Cyno last week, he too gives up and rolls for the next tree for cover and begins to shoot and take down the bandits
the rest of the week is kinda a blur after that, bc it’s mostly filled with Tighnari running in circles around the camp checking for blackouts, writing letters to Alhaitham and Cyno apparently, and you not possessing anybody out of paranoia :/
Most notably however,
you’ve unfortunately discovered one of the few drawbacks of ur possessions
(y’know, besides not existing essentially, what with no one being able to sense u outside of possessions)
apparently, if someone walks thru you, they accidentally force you to possess them 💀??
while it’d already happened once with a random ranger that you didnt notice was walking up behind you,
you didn’t want to test it again just yet bc it kinda made YOU nauseous and incredibly dizzy when this happened
(as in, u stumbled like a drunk after this poor ranger woman ran thru u, until you were so dizzy and the world spun sm u had to make her sit on the literal ground, luckily she just thought she was just really dehydrated when she came back into herself 😭)
so obviously, you’ve avoided crowds to keep this forced possession thingy from happening all the time
like at the Forest Rangers meetings or something, ur watching off to the side, instead of standing with them or beside them
so needless to say, after about a week and half since possessing Tighnari,
you definitely did not mean to possess Collei.
She’d been in her wheelchair today, the Eleazar flaring up and tiring her body out
so her wheels had been entirely silent when she rolled up to where you and Tighnari were leaning over some strange experiments of his- you were just trying to figure out what all these mirrors were for, didn’t he do plants more-?
you didn’t even know what the hell happened, you just felt that familiar dropping sensation, like a small drop on a rollarcoaster, blinked, and then suddenly you were sitting instead of standing/floating???
Oh god-
before you could even begin to process that Tighnari was in front of you instead of beside you, the world was shorter,
The fox-eared ranger yelled in triumph, grinning with sharp fangs and spinning around to look at you (Collei)-
“Ah-ha! It worked! Finally, I saw you! I saw you, I-?? Oh gods, Collei, NO-!”
And with quick reflexes, Tighnari’s summoned his bow, but he’s clearly confused on what to do about this situation, taking aim, but also holding the air glowing with dendro not as taunt as you’d seen him in the battle with the bandits
You scramble to raise your hands up, brown poofy sleeves rise to your command, light green hair you can feel on your shoulders, everything is familiar, but not-
“WAIT! I’m sorry!! This was an accident, I promise! I don’t intend to hurt Collei, or you!! Please, just, don’t shoot me, I think you’ll just hurt Collei instead…”
You talk him down and decide, that if he’s put this much effort into finding out about your existence, is an incredible leader and friend to everyone around him, and was able to accept the traveler and many other strange things that’ve (probably? maybe?) already happened in Sumeru (god fuck u dont even know where in the timeline you are)
that you can probably trust Tighnari with your existence, and your powers.
…He nearly passes out.
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Life has gotten a lot funnier, and happier, since you told Tighnari (and some of the more trustworthy rangers and Collei by proxy) about ur existence (or really, confirmed it)
He’d been wary at first, appropiately cautious and demanding answers, of which you were happy to give and explain yourself
luckily, after a whole lot of “hmm, I see, no, I think I’m understanding-” , finger on his chin and everything
he’s said it’s okay to hang around the rangers, so long as you don’t possess anyone anymore without them knowing about you/with permission (outside of emergency situations that is)
tho he did seem surprisingly understanding and accepting of you doing it before after you explained how u were just unbelievably lonely and were lowkey paranoid of going crazy-
The rangers seem to believe you’re some kind of god/spirit thing, as you had no explanation yourself as to what you were ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
Tighnari’s also given you the rule to help out around here if you’re going to “ghost-laze around”, as he puts it lol
you’ve redirected ruin machines/feral animals away from rangers many times by now, to the many thanks and gratefulness of the rangers
you’ve even managed to even figure out how to push Collei’s wheelchair around when she uses it!
mostly by possessing tree after tree and using vines, or occasionally a fungi that can fly so you can nudge her along
she has insisted that you possess a ruin guard and carry her just to try it… however, Tighnari overheard her talking to the forest rangers’ dog (you) and immediately knew shit was up and banned you from doing it (at least not yet)
While most rangers are okay with you possessing them for a few minutes (and they’ve developed this bandana wrapped around their upper arms policy of “red = no possess, green = go ahead”)
Collei is the most okay with it and for longer, so you “won’t be that lonely ever again!” :’)
Tighnari is busy with stuff, so you can’t possess him as often, but the ranger has developed a theory that the more you possess someone, the more they can sense your feelings during possession/while floating around in ghost form too,
so he’ll occasionally feel you in the room with him, and start talking out loud in some one-sided convo to make you feel more included to make up for not being able to interact with him sometimes :)
(after taking you off his list of worries he’s still pretty swamped, not that he’ll tell you that, as he’s still not quite sure why he’s so, warm and safe feeling when you’re around, so willing to trust you so naturally, that it makes him want to at leats pretend to be worried abt a possessing ghost god/thing hanging out with the rangers now)
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basically everything is great!
the rangers are okay with you, they got a system to interact with you consensually, Tighnari and Collei are fond of you, you get to finally have something to do instead of floating around all the time (joining ranger missions)
and look!! they’ve even been kind enough to build you a little shrine or altar of sorts! Notes about Sumeru life, recipes for you to try, occasionally some books for you to read, and even some snacks/desserts for you to try out the next time someone possesses you and gives consent! (you leave them a little note stuck on their hand with your question for specific actions like that, if there isn’t another ranger there to ask for you when you unpossess them)
and everything is so cool, and everyone is so sweet and accepting
…Until Alhaitham shows up in Gandharva Ville, knocking on Tighnari’s door.
AHHHH idk if this is any good! sorry it took so long, it was mostly the art 😭😭
anyway its not the best (the writing or the art) but i hope it’s at least some content to look at and be entertained for a minute!
also figured it was a good day to post what with the attack on our beloved Ao3 (tho i think it’s back up now?)
anyway, feel free to leave critiques on this one! (which I’ll probably turn this into a real fic one day soon, but not sure what to do with the plot/do a diff setup than this or what)
sorry abt the radio silence! I just needed to close my mailbox bc i had a lot of stuff to answer, ur welcome to send submissions to chat/non-requests!
and also this took time to make (once again, mostly the art, bc thats how it always is with art isnt it 😭)
Safe Travels Stranger,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @justlostintheinternet   / @assassinsnake101 /@sun-wokung
If ur tag is here and didnt work, idk why!
Maybe see if your listed as a "searchable blog"?
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ktficworld · 1 month
Behind The Red Curtains
Pairing: soft dark! Steve Rogers x actress! reader
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Summary: You come to know that your success might not be solely because of your talent.
Warnings: 18+, dub-con, forced relationship, bondage, size kink, degradation + praise kink, choking, oral(f receiving ), unprotected sex( it's fiction, your life's not), dirty talk, explicit language, explicit sexual content.
(Let me know if I forgot something)
Prompt: Oral sex, overstimulation, praise, Mob au, Blackmail + Cum play + “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I think you even enjoyed it.”
A/N: So, this is my entry for the cum together extravaganza hosted by @labella420 and @stargazingfangirl18
I wanted to write this for a long time after the provocation by @biteofcherry 👀. I hope you all enjoy and this is my first time writing smut so, be gentle.
Divider by @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
Main masterlist
Steve Rogers masterlist
“Johnny Storm was seen with the new sensation in the modelling industry yesterday night. Rumor has it-”
You pressed the switch-off button with more force than needed as the squeaky voice of the anchor finally died down. Throwing the remote across the bed, you groaned in agitation.
You were dating Johnny Storm. Everything was going well, the meeting was story worthy, he was handsome, charming and had some good qualities you were looking for. This was the first relationship you got into since entering the film industry. Because you may be a hopeless romantic, but you were also choosy.
You didn’t know what happened in the process that just torpedoed your budding relationship. One day you were walking out of a cafe hand-in-hand and the next day, he was fucking some modelling sensation. Maybe you got lost in translation.
Or maybe he was just a fucking asshole. No matter what happened it showed you his true colors. That or instead of coming to you to talk out his issues, he went around, fucking and ghosted you.
Oh, but that was not the problem. The real problem was that you were shooting a movie with him. A romantic movie, with sex scenes. And you have no idea how you would be able to show any affection or chemistry on the screen without being awkward as fuck. This would be the best test of your acting skills for sure.
“Why do you look like you regret being born?” your friend and manager, Wanda asked as she entered your room.
You glanced at her and rolled your eyes. She was trying to lighten your melancholic mood but, it was of no use. “You know damn well why.”
She sighed. “I know, but you’re a great actress. You could easily pull off a serial killer then a rom-com is nothing for you. Don’t get worked up about it. Just imagine your celebrity crush instead.”
You laughed at that. You worked with people whom the masses considered celebrity and if you had a crush, you’d simply ask them out. So, you’re stuck in that department.
“I appreciate your support and I’ll get over this. Just give me some time. Is that why you came here?”
Wanda shook her head with a smile. “No, actually the PR guy told me to tell you to go to partage restaurant. Someone wants to meet you.”
You frowned. “You know if I started giving time to ‘someones’ then I won’t even be able to breathe. I need the specifics.”
“He didn’t tell me. Said the person didn’t want to be known till you meet them. But he said you need to go or they’ll be pissed and it could pose a problem to your career.”
Some rich asshole again. You pinched your nose in frustration. People really glamorised a celeb’s life but if they knew that you all have to play rich people’s puppets, they wouldn’t be so enthusiastic about it. 
“Fine, I’ll go. What time and day?”
“8 p.m Sunday.”
“Great. Now get lost, I need my beauty sleep.”
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Your heels clicked on the floor as you stepped inside the restaurant to utter silence. 
The usually bustling restaurant was deserted. There was no violin swimming in the air, mingling with the chatter of the expensive people, the polished tables had no spilled drinks and the fine plates had no leftovers. The lobby had no sight of a reception and all the staff had evaporated out of existence. You were half doubting yourself that maybe you arrived at the wrong time or date. Maybe the restaurant was closed.
But all of them vanished when a prim and proper lady approached you. You had never seen her before but you didn’t care to ask if she was new.
“Good evening, ma’am, you may go to the VIP area upstairs. Sir is waiting for you there.” She said in a professional voice.
“Yeah, sure. But can I ask why the restaurant is empty?”
“He booked the entire restaurant.” She said like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was not like this place costed more than the top-paying actors in the Hollywood.
You thanked the woman with a polite smile you went upstairs to get to the VIP section.
The he made you shudder from inside. Another sleazy old man who thought that you would open your legs for him just because he was rich was awaiting you and judging by the stunt he pulled. You’d have to be more tactful.
Reaching the shiny golden doors with a lion emblem, separating the demi-gods from the gods, you knocked on the door of the VIP room.
“Come in.” A thick and deep voice called out, making you frown. How come an old man has such a great voice?
Oh, but how wrong you were. Because, as soon as you opened the door, in front of you, sat a man who was far from aged. He was pure muscles. His rings sparkled in the chandelier lights. Draped in the finest black suit with his blonde hair combed back, sat none other than Steve Rogers, the mafia lord of New York. The one who you have been trying to avoid your entire career. Who posed as a successful businessman but everyone was aware of how he earned his dollars. Just, they were too afraid to acknowledge it.
You couldn’t move an inch, frozen from fear and surprise. You had only met him once, during the premiere of your debut film and people had acted like he wasn’t someone who could wipe them off from the face of the earth without even blinking an eye. That night, his eyes were glued to you like Hades's gaze on Persephone. So intense and consuming that you never wanted to see him again.
And now, here you were.
“Sit down, darling.” He husked out, the sound of alcohol filling his glass reverberating through the walls.
Breaking out of your trance with a gulp. You pulled out the chair and sat down across from him while your heart was in your throat. “Good evening, Mr. Rogers. What brings me the pleasure of your company.’ You managed to get out without your voice cracking.
He smirked and leaned back on his chair. “It’s your beauty, your talent and your creativity that brings you here, sweetheart. I’m a big fan of art and beautiful things, you are both of them.”
“Thank you…” You drawl out, expecting him to continue.
“I liked you the moment I saw you. In your pink dress, you looked so innocent, so shy. Overwhelmed by the media attention. I knew you would do something big so I gave you the freedom to shine and shine you did. However, it looks like your freedom has got to your head.” The last sentence was said with a lower voice and an ominous smile.
Your hands became sweaty as they clamped down on the armrest. “I’m not getting what you are trying to say.” You whispered out. 
His chuckle only made your heartbeat faster as he leaned forward and his gaze bore into your soul. “Let me rephrase, I claimed you the moment I saw you. But I knew you had potential so I let you go but your little dance with Johnny Storm made me realise it was time you became mine.”
“What-what did you do?” You choked out but you weren’t sure if you wanted to know the answer.
You yelped as he yanked your chair closer towards him till your knees were touching. Your chest moved rapidly as he leaned closer, his hands covering yours on the armrest.
“Awww, don’t play stupid, honey. Johnny, he’s a himbo and you are mine,” He said as his left hand moved to caress your cheek as you flinched away from his touch. “So, I pulled some strings, fed some mouths with dollars and your cute little on-set romance came to an end.” Your eyes widened in horror as he was the one that ended your relationship with Johnny. 
He gripped your face in his big hand and turned your head so that his eyes burned through yours. “Trust me, honey, I was generous with him. I could have him disappear and no one would have given a shit.”
“No.” You whispered, wrenching his hands away. You suddenly stood up from your chair, effectively surprising him.
“That is not happening. I don’t want to be with you, I’m sorry.”  You stumbled back to the door but before you could touch the doorknob, you were whirled around and pushed against it.
“When did I tell you, you could say no?” Steve growled his hand wrapping around your throat. “If you think you can reject me then you are sorely mistaken, darling. Don’t forget that the production house you work with the most is mine.” 
You gasped. How could it be his? It was of Tony Stark, you scorched the earth and back and found no such connection. 
Steve noticed your reaction and tsked.“You didn’t know? Don’t worry, you are not stupid sweetheart. The public doesn’t know that Stark is nothing but my pawn.” His other hand snaked around to squeeze your ass through your jeans and you screwed your eyes shut as his touch sent tingles through your body and your breaths became shorter.
He tugged you closer to him with your neck, his breath fanning over your skin. “Now, do you still want to be stubborn?”
Now, you were no dumbo. If Steve can jeopardize your relations with his production then he can also ruin your entire career. Mob involvement in the film industry is an unsaid rule. However, you didn’t know their claws were so deep and sharp.
“And what if I leave? Leave this industry?” What could be more precious than your pride?
He gave you a lopsided grin. “Then you’ll just be the wife of Steve Rogers who was an actress. Remember princess, I’ll never leave you alone. If I held onto you for three years what makes you think I’ll not find you and drag you to my hell?” 
Tears threatened your waterline as you murmured. “You are really forcing me?” What a stupid question to be asking a mobster.
He let out a throaty chuckle and moved his hand from your neck to his pant pocket however he was still invading your private space as his lips were inches away from your lips. “I’m giving you options: either come willingly or I’ll force you. Your choice, darling.” 
He fished out a silver card from his pocket, tracing the sharp and cold edges of it on your face, meandering down your neck and stopping only when it reached the valley of your breast. You gasped harshly when he slid the card inside your bra, the chilled hard paper resting against your warm skin.
“My number, call me when you make a decision. You have one week.”  He whispered against your lips before sealing the unspoken vow with a kiss.
With that he slipped away from your body and took his seat again like dark clouds gilding away from the moon before shortly, engulfing it once again. He resumed sipping from his glass like nothing serious happened and said nonchalantly. “You can go now.” 
You ran to your car like you were burned. Which you were, your soul was burning. Burning from the choices you were given. Which was essentially choosing which cage you preferred better, golden or grey.
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“Did you like the dinner?” Steve asked in his deep voice as he sat across from you at the dining table.
Blinking your eyes away from the full moon that shone outside the dining room window, you glanced at Steve and nodded. “Yes, I liked it.” 
You did come to him willingly in the end, after all, what choice did you have? The moment you admitted your defeat and called Steve flashed in front of your eyes. His smug and triumphant words ringing in your ears.
“Nice choice, princess.”
“You seem to like the moon a lot,” Steve observed as his piercing gaze never left you, noting your every move and reaction.
You looked down at your hands, clasped in front of you. His presence still sent chills of fear down your spine. His imposing figure and intense gaze made your heart race. Not to mention the way his eyes sparkled with desire and lust whenever they laid upon you.
“Yes, the night is beautiful.” You replied softly.
“Do you want to go upstairs? In the balcony for a better view? I also have a very pretty garden.” Steve offered and you refrained from frowning. 
From the moment you accepted his advances, Steve has been acting like the perfect lover. Sending flowers, expensive gifts, wanting to have nice and deep conversations and supporting you in your work. But still, you couldn’t decipher if he was actually being nice or plain manipulative.
However, you had grown tired, sitting and chatting in the room, the walls suffocating you. “I would like that.”
Steve grinned and stood up from his chair, taking a few long strides he reached you and offered you his hand. “Let’s go.”
You gave him a tight-lipped smile, slipping your hand in his, you got up. You sucked a sharp breath when his hand tightened around your smaller one and his eyes grew darker. You ignored the building tension as he led you upstairs, to the balcony.
His mansion was spectacular, painted beige with marble murals. It resembled old French castles with intricate paintings from Greek mythology on walls to railing carved with various plant and flower motifs.
When he said he enjoyed beauty, he wasn’t bluffing.
Stepping on the top floor, there was a lounge area with a fireplace on the right and a couch on the left. In front was the glass door leading to the balcony. Steve opened the door and you had to hold back your gasp as the view was absolutely breathtaking. 
It had the same marble railing as before and also had a sitting space for two people with two chairs and one glass table, perfect for a cosy morning or evening. The balcony ran along the entire top floor, connected with all the rooms.
However, the main highlight was the enormous garden that stood before your eyes. Tall trees were perched vertically of all types, some bearing fruits, some flowers and some none. Speaking of flowers, bright, colourful flowers adorned the garden like jewels. Rose, jasmine, sunflower, etc scattered all over with moonlight pouring on them.
It was straight out of a princess movie and you could spend your entire life wandering inside it, reading books under the tree shade.
“It’s gorgeous.” You whispered to Steve as you stepped forward, leaning on the railing.
“I know, my mother made it. She wanted me to keep the garden big and flourishing. So, I put everything I could to keep it perfect.” Steve revealed and moved behind you, his body pressing against yours.
You were so engrossed in gazing at the garden that you missed his hand coming to cover yours and he laid a soft kiss on your cheek.
“What are you doing?” You questioned as you tried to step away from his grip but he had you trapped.
“Enjoying my view,” He said as he gripped your hips and pressed them against him, his semi-hard cock pressing against your ass. “See what you do to me?”
His lips trailed down, kissing and sucking on your neck. His left hand travelled from your hips to your breast, he squeezed the underside of your tities while grinding his erection against your bottom. Your breathing was getting heavy as he continued to massage your boobs and sucked on your neck, collarbone and shoulder.
You had to refrain from biting your lips. His strong body and demanding moves were making you unwillingly wet. But he forced you into a relationship you didn’t want, you didn’t want this, right?
“I don’t want to do it.” You whispered despite wanting nothing but his hands under your scarlet dress.
“No?” He chuckled. “Let’s check, shall we?” He whispered seductively in your ear.
Your eyes widened as you thrashed in his grip but he stopped all your attempts to deny the truth with a hand around your neck and a squeeze that made you go still. His other hand glided under your dress and found your panties damp.
“Your pussy proved you wrong, princess.” He said with a smug laugh. He sucked at your pulse point as his fingers moved your lace panties aside and caressed your folds. The suddenness made you let out a choked moan as your hold tightened on the railing.
His words embarrassed you but you couldn’t deny that his touch was making your body betray you. He played your body like an instrument.
His fingers ran along your petals, spreading your arousal and brushing your clit, his index finger teasing your entrance when he abruptly stopped.
You blinked, gasping and panting. You were about to glance at him in confusion when he bent you over, your head resting against the marble railing as he went down on his knees, bunching up your dress around your waist. He ripped off your panties, the sound heating your cheeks with humiliation.
“You deserve to be punished.” He said through gritted teeth as he slapped your clit, making you jerk at the delicious sting as he spread your legs wider for him so your pussy was on full display. Wet and ready.
“Spank your ass till it’s burning for going out with that pathetic excuse of a man Johnny or have Bucky watch you as I fuck you senseless. He’s also a fan after all." He spread your labia and sucked on your clit, making you moan out loud as your stomach flipped.
“But I can’t, because this pussy is too tempting of a distraction.” He lamented as his lips went down to your pussy and his tongue teased your cunt with slow yet precise strokes.
Your left hand moved to his hair and tugged on the blonde locks as his administration made your clit pulsate with need. You couldn’t decipher whether you wanted him to stop or continue.
He tutted on you pulling his hair. You whimpered at the loss of his mouth on your pussy when the clicking of his belt echoed in the empty space. He yanked both your hands behind your back and secured them in place with his belt, the grip firm but not harsh. 
“No.Touching.” He growled in your ear as his words were accentuated by a slap on each of your buttcheeks, making you whimper in pain and pleasure as you let your forehead rest against the cool marble and he knelt again.
He took your clit in his mouth again but with more ferocity as your pussy clenched around nothing, “Oh my god, Steve yes!” You mewled.
“Captain or I won’t let you cum.” He commanded as his fingers joined in and drew slow and teasing circles around your cunt.
“Captain, please.” You pleaded as your orgasm started to build up in your stomach.
“Good girl, that’s my good girl.” He finally eased his index finger inside of you, his thick and long finger filling your pussy and you were afraid as to how you were going to take his cock as his finger alone stretched your vagina.
He pumped his finger in and out of you all the while kissing and sucking your clit. When you bucked into his finger he added another one, exploring your velvety walls to find your spot that would make you sing. He curled his fingers when you dripped around his fingers and mouth.
“Mhmm, captain. Feels so good.” You cried out as your climax was approaching you faster, your skin glistening with sweat under the pale moonlight. It was so embarrassing, being this crying and moaning mess he had turned you into. His hands kneading your thighs and ass.
“Are you going to cum, princess?” Steve asked in a husky voice as he kept up his pace, replacing his mouth with his thumb to grow circles around the bundle of nerves,
Your skin was on ablaze, the coil tightening in your belly as you were tethering on the of falling apart. “Yes, Captain. Please let me cum.” You requested, spellbound. He didn’t need to ask you to beg, you were already sliding into your subspace. His finger found your g spot as he twisted his fingers, making you whimper as your breath shuddered.
He snickered, sending vibrations through your body. “I didn’t know you were so obedient, good to know.”His hand came down on your clit and it was the final straw that threw you over the edge. 
You came with a loud moan as the blinding pleasure brought tears to your eyes and you gushed around his lips and fingers, coating his chin. He lapped all your juice, his pace not halting as he drank your nectar greedily.
Your body was quivering from the force of your orgasm, your heart racing as you tried to collect yourself.
Steve got up on his feet and you almost collapsed when he wrapped a sturdy hand around your shaking body, pressing you against his chest. He jutted your chin up and grinned down at you. “Aw, you already look so fucked out darling but it’s just the beginning, we have the whole night.” He smashed his lips with yours, swallowing your tired whimpers and moans.
After devouring your mouth and leaving you breathless. He picked you up and started walking to his left. You were too dizzy to notice your surroundings till you were hitting silk bed sheet and plush mattress. You glanced at Steve through your hazy vision as he stood at the end of the bed.
He smirked down at you. “How about you return the favour, sweetheart? Strip.” He ordered and it was enough to clear your mind of any hangover.
Your hand snaked to your back and you slid down the zipper and pulled off your dress, your breast clad in red lace coming into view as you completely removed the dress and discarded it on the floor.
You then unclasped your bra, trepidation and anticipation mingling together as your boobs spilled out. Now, you were completely naked, your panties already torn and tossed away.
“On your hands and knees.” He commanded as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt, his abs and chest made your mouth water and you wanted to grab and touch him but shook away the thoughts.
You got on your hands and knees, clothes rustling till the bed dipped behind you. Steve ran his hand up your spine, sneaking underneath to grop your breast. You mewled as his thumb tweaked your pebbled nipples, twisting and flickering the buds till you were writhing under him.
His other hand smacked your ass, causing you to whimper. “Spread your legs more, I want to see that pussy.”
You spread your legs some more, displaying your glistening cunt to Steve’s hungry gaze. “You have such a pretty pussy.” He said as he played with you enough that you were whining before he rubbed the tip of his cock over your cunt, spreading your arousal and his pre cum.
You shuddered, you had an inclining that he was big but how much? That you didn’t know since you couldn’t see his dick from your position.
He slapped the head of his cock on your pussy and you visibly shuddered. He did it a few more times before you were dripping for him and was on the verge of sobbing in frustration. 
“Such a shame that it is about to get ruined by my big cock.” He declared and pushed the tip inside you. You moaned as you awaited your eventual mounting.
You clutched the silky sheets as he slowly bottomed out, your walls spasmed as they tried to accommodate his length. You were so full already and he was gracious enough to give you time to adjust. All the while he explored your body, kissing your spine, kneading and spanking your thighs, ass and breasts. His touch was electrifying and in no time, you were whimpering for him to move.
“Ah, someone is getting impatient.” Steve mocked but began moving out of your hot channel. He was slow and deliberate, his girth dragged through your walls and your pussy fluttered.
He hissed. “Don’t do that darling if you want to walk the next day.” He pulled out all the way, only the tip remained inside. Pushing your head further into the pillow as he slammed inside your cunt in one stroke, taking your breath away.
“Look at your pussy, pulling me in and clenching around me,” He grunted as his hold on your hips tightened. He looked where you two were connected and sighed in awe. “I didn’t know you were such a slut, you look so innocent. But look at you now, dripping around a man’s dick you barely know,” He pulled out again and thrusted back in with the same power. The slow yet rough pace he set made you cry out in pleasure as your climax started to stir in your lower belly again. “But I like how cockdrunk you are that you just don’t give a shit anymore.” He groaned and pulled out.
He changed his angle slightly and when he thrusted back again, he hit your g-spot and you screamed, flames of pleasure intensifying. He tugged you by the hair, pressing you against his toned chest. “Tell me that you are my slut.” He growled in my ear.
“I’m your slut, Captain!” you said breathlessly as his deep thrusts made you gasp.
His hand came to your clit and his thumb started drawing circles, making you tremble in his grip. “Yes, you are my slut. My fuck toy, who would let me do whatever I want and whenever I want with her because I own you now. Repeat what I have said.” He thrusted harder and if it wasn't for his strong grip, you would have fallen down. 
“I'm your fuck toy. You can do whatever you want and whenever you want with me because you own me now.” You cried. 
“Such a good obedient girl- Ahh, taking my cock so well. Now, you are going to ask me to make you cum.” He groaned his thumb sped up. Leaning down, he sucked on your pulse point, surely leaving a hickey, marking you as his.
“Please Captain, let me cum! Let me cum around your big cock.” You squealed out. Tilting your face upwards he kissed, hard and rough, you moaned against his lips as you tasted yourself on him.
“Good girl, now cum for me.” He demanded as fingers and thumb pinched your clit, his cock hitting your sweet spot in quick succession.
You shrieked ‘captain’ as you came around his girth, squirting on his dick. “Good, what a good little slut for your captain.” He moaned in satisfaction as he nibbled at your earlobe, fucking you through your release. 
He let go of you when your shaking died down. Your face fell on the pillow as you tried to catch your breath. Your fucked out mind didn’t register that he didn’t come till you were being flipped on your back. Coming face-to-face with his annoyingly handsome face.
“You didn’t think it was over, did you?” He rasped with a smirk as he plunged into your cunt once again, but this time with more fervour.
You instantly mewled but the overstimulation and coming two times had worn you out, you weren’t used to this. You attempted to scoot away from Steve. “I-I can’t, too much.” 
He pulled you back down on his cock, wrapping your legs around his waist. He restrained your hands over his head with one hand, leaving you unable to escape the pleasure he was giving you. “You can and you will. Get used to it, sweetheart. I’m being gentle right now,” He growled as he moved on top of you.
The pace was rough and fast, the bed rattling with each thrust, your boobs jiggled from the speed. He placed his hand on your lower stomach. “Do you feel me here?” He asked, the belly bulge sending shivers down your spine.
“Yes, I do, Captain.” You managed to choke out as he pounded in your pussy mercilessly.
“Then enjoy it, honey. Enjoy, writhing and moaning underneath me. My cock stretching your tight cunt, because that’s where you belong. Taking my cock like a good little fuck doll.” He husked as the force of his thrust increased with each passing second. The pain and pleasure mixing made tears fall from your eyes, the knot tightening yet again.
Steve leaned over you, kissing your tears, trailing down to your neck and then your boobs, groping and licking the plump area before taking your pebbled nipples into his hot mouth.
“Oh my god!” Your back arched, pleasure zapping through your body like thunder as his hot tongue sucked on your nipples and his hand massaged your other breast. All the while his thick cock rammed into you, his pubic areas brushing your clit.
Your hands jolted to touch him but he had your hands pinned above. You shut your eyes and enjoyed the unyielding pleasure he was bestowing upon you as pressure built up for the third time in your stomach. Your moans and his grunts bounced off the wall, so did the clapping sound of skin slapping against the skin.
Suddenly, his grasp loosened before coolness touched your ring finger. You looked up as he slid a beautiful sapphire ring into your finger, sealing your fate with his forever. You managed out a surprised gasp. He brought your hand down and pinned it to your side, giving you a proper view of the ring as it sparkled under the stark glowing moon.
“Imagine me, sweetheart,” Your breath caught in your throat as his speed grew frantic, his cock hitting the deepest part of your cunt as he chased his own release. “Imagine me when you have to romance on screen with some pitiful A-list actor.” He whispered in your ear, intertwining your hands with his as he kissed your lips. It was softer than the previous ones but no less demanding.
“Imagine me when you have to pretend to fuck someone on set. Because I know,” He whispered against your lips before lowering his hand to your clit and he drew fast circles on the bundle of nerves to help you fall apart. 
Steve cursed under his breath and thrusted faster when your walls clenched his dick. “Because I know that I have ruined you for any other man. Ruined this pussy for anyone except me. So, imagine me when you kiss a man and realize that he’ll never make you feel this good.” You nodded along his words as tears streamed down your cheeks, smearing your eyeliner and mascara but he paid no heed to it. Rather, enjoying your fucked out state.
The fullness of his dick inside your pussy and the overwhelming stimulation finally tipped you over the edge as you came the hardest and it hit you like a tsunami.
After some more brutal thrust, he came inside of you with a loud groan. His hot cum spilling inside your abused cunt as it milked him dry. He pumped into you a few more times, giving you every last drop of his seed and staying inside your warm channels till his cock softened.
He put his forehead against yours as he finally pulled out and you almost whined at the loss of dick but restrained yourself as his cum leaked out of your hole.
Only heavy breaths echoed in the spacious room as both of you caught your breath. You were beyond regaining your previous strength as you couldn’t even move a muscle. However, Steve recovered shortly afterwards as he kissed your forehead and whispered smugly. “See, that wasn’t so bad, was it? I think you even enjoyed it.” 
You didn’t answer because he was right, you enjoyed every bit of it even if you didn’t want to. Before you could drown yourself in self-pity. Steve picked you up and took you to his bathroom to soak you in a nice, warm bath…
352 notes · View notes
An honest mistake on TV leads to you and Timothée going back and forth on Instagram
Timothèe Chalamet x Famous!Reader
Face Claim Jenna Ortega
A/n I love social media AUs.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Liked by y/nnnnnn and 1,734 others
allthingsy/n In Y/n's autocomplete interview she said her biggest celeb crush is Timothee Chalamet. Like. Gurl same. 😍
View all 643 comments
rosiecheeks She was so cute in that interview 🥹
y/nqueen I feel like I know so much more about her now
holllyaddams She's just like ussssss
timotheeee I'd die for him ngl
y/nlife Why do I ship it?
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Liked by tchalametttt and 32,827 others
celebgossip Timothée Chalamet on The Late Late Show admits he doesn't know who Y/n L/n is. When asked about her recent admittance that he is her celeb crush, the Little Women actor replied with "Who dat?" A little bit awkward for Miss L/n.
View all 1,834 comments
hannahbee He said it and laughed, he wasnt being rude???? Ppl make shit from nothing
rihannaisbae Please. She does two movies and thinks she's the shit.
ryanslife Exactly. Who tf is she?
y/nnn Star of the Number 1 show on Netflix rn?????? Stop clowning 🤡
bibaby He better be playin 💀😭
sarahwicks he be lying for the clout stg
itsgiving She's at home crying rn
Texts Between Zendaya and Timothée
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Liked by zendaya, florencepugh and 11,245,175 others
yourinstagram Do you know me now? @.elle
View all 83,384 comments
elle 🩷🩷
arianagrande ❤️‍🔥
melissabarrera That's my sister 🥹😍
Liked by yourinstagram
jack_quaid I think you'll find I'M the scream queen
yourinstagram You the ✨️drama✨️ queen
scream21fan She really said do you know me now 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 we stann
y/nismother Not her calling out Timmy 💀
y/nstann I'm SCREAMING
timmyfan @.tchalamet @.tchalamet
britney.bitch 🩷Barbie🩷Era🩷
randomguy32 @.tchalamet
Texts Between Florence Pugh and Timothée
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Liked by yourinstagram, florencepugh and 5,328,754 others
tchalamet Hi Barbie👋🏻🩷
View all 5,734 comments
user194 Guysssssss is this beefing or is this flirting?!
user92 This is flirting 💯
user724 Have they even met each other? He said he doesn't know Y/n???
elle 🩷🩷
user23 @.elle ships it
florencepugh A King 😍
Liked by tchalamet
tomholland2013 Real men wear pink
Liked by tchalamet
user847 No such thing as coincidence
user1748 This is a response to Y/n we ALL know it!!!!
user01 Y/n's in the likes!! 🚨🚨
user9374 @.yourinstagram @.yourinstagram
Posted on tchalamet IG story 1min Ago.
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Liked by user91843 and 1,837 others
melissaandy/n I'm losing my MIND. Melissa posted this on her story a week after Timothee Chalamet posted him standing in front of Y/n's Wednesday poster. WHATS HAPPENING?!?!
View all 827 comments
user8273 I don't get it???
user61535 Dune is Timothees movie
user8273 Yeah but what's happening???
user16 Basically. Y/n said Timothee was her celeb crush. When Tim got asked about her he said Who dat. Y/n posted her Elle cover and said Do you know me now? And THEN Tim posted two pics of him in pink suits saying Hi Barbie (Y/ns Elle shoot was in pink) AND THEN Tim took a pic of him in front of a Wednesday poster saying Ever feel like the universe is tryna tell you something? Me either. And now we're here. No one knows if they beefing or joking
user177 Previously on.... 🤣🤣🤣
user8883 I'm soooo here for this
user0374 I can't put my damn phone down
user1273 No but seriously... are they beefing or no?
user1736 Nahhh. This is pure banter
user8174 agreed.
user8827 Totally. They're making a big joke out of it
537 notes · View notes
ellecdc · 2 months
Hey elle :)
requesting poly!marauders x reader (or any of them individually if you prefer) where they're at some sort of big event with cameras and press, and she feels a bit overwhelmed but sticking with the boys helps her relax? especially once they're inside the event and past all the craziness it's quite enjoyable
love ALL your writing! and feel free to ignore this if it isn't something you'd enjoy writing, all my love <3
hi sweets! thanks for your request - I opted to go wolfstar if that's alright? thanks for being here with me 🫶
poly!wolfstar x fem!reader modern band AU
CW: references to alcohol, weed, someone being 'good in bed'
You think it might have been the fifty-seventh time that your name was shouted that did you in. All of the noise turned into a steady hum and barely registered in your ears anymore. 
You weren’t even quite sure why you were here. One minute you were playing in a garage band with your college friends in shitty pubs near campus, the next thing you know, you were on the red carpet at the fucking Vanity Fair Oscar’s After Party.
Though you biasedly agreed that your band was indeed quite good, you weren’t so sure that it earned you, Marlene, Sirius, James, and Remus VIP invitations to such an event. You were watching the likes of Margot Robbie, Issa Rae, Paris Hilton and other A-List celebs walk past you and Jesus Fucking Christ was that a Kardashian?
“Y/N! Over here!” Another voice infiltrated your senses, and you were reminded of the many flashing lights pointing at you.
You weren’t invited to the Oscar’s and you weren’t even an actor; surely this event didn’t require your attendance?
But you couldn’t deny that James, and particularly Marlene and Sirius were thriving in their roles as rockstars. Admittedly, it was Sirius that made this all worth it for you.
You and Remus were more understated than the rest of the group – both here for the love of music and for the love of your friends and very little else. James, being a child of two celebrities, was very accustomed to events such as these, and Marlene and Sirius were both the absolute definition of rockstars; intense, bold, fun and vivacious. You knew exactly why the crowds loved them.
You couldn’t blame them either; it was what drew you and Remus to Sirius as well.
He had the ability to make every person in the room feel like they had 100% of his attention and devotion; he was here for you. No doubt when it was his turn on this carpet, each photographer and journalist currently standing in front of you had felt very the same way.
Your relationship with your two bandmates wasn’t public knowledge, though it was absolutely public speculation that something was up with you three.
You’d like to blame it on Sirius; he was always the least likely to control his urges to ogle you or Remus or indulge in lingering touches whether everyone was watching or not. But you also knew it was in part Marlene and James’ fault – both of whom were very public with their relationships to the band manager Dorcas Meadows and a well-known photographer Lily Evans, respectively.
And finally, it was a little bit your own faults, refusing to speak on your relationship status when your fellow bandmates were far more open.
But you liked having these boys to yourself without having to share them with the public; there was the version of them that the public got and then there was the version of them that you got, and you didn’t want the line between those versions to blur.
The unfortunate consequence of that decision was having to do some of this on your own.
This, being shouted at to ‘look this way!’, ‘over here!’ or ‘turn around for us’, the last one making you very uncomfortable because you were quite sure none of the boys were asked to turn around for the camera’s.
The band had taken their group photos and horrifyingly, you were all asked to pose separately as well.
If you’d wanted to be photographed alone, perhaps you would have gone into this industry alone and not with the support of a group.
Stop complaining, you chided yourself, do you know how many people dream of a moment like this?
You were finally thanked for your time and effectively dismissed as – fucking hell – Ariana Grande stepped onto the carpet to take your place.
Your personal assistant - because you had things like personal assistant’s now – met you behind the curtains of the carpet to hand you a bottle of water.
“Okay, now they just want a quick shot of you all at the Glambot and then you’re free to enter the event.” She explained hastily as she took the water bottle back and put it in her purse.
“Great.” You muttered, trying to give yourself a little pep talk as you began to make your way to the line for the Glambot. Your dress felt too tight, your heels too high, and the various stage lighting too hot, but you found that your heart rate began to drop dramatically when you saw the likes of your two boyfriends and James and Marlene already in line.
Sirius and James cheered as they saw you approaching, causing the few people who weren’t already looking in their direction to turn.
You were sure your cheeks had the majority of your blood flow by now, and silently hoped that your makeup didn’t completely melt off from the heat radiating there.
“There you are gorgeous!” Sirius called over as Marlene wolf whistled at you.
“You guys are horrid, you know that?” You muttered as you stepped into line with them and James threw a protective arm over your shoulder.
Sirius laughed like a good sport, though you noticed that his eyes were far more sincere than his somewhat performative smile.
“I think we all ought to stick together, huh dollface? I’ve grown entirely too codependent on you lot to last more than five minutes out of your vicinity.” He commented, throwing a wink over at Remus who offered him a fond eyeroll in return.
But both of you heard it for what he was really trying to say in front of all the reporters; “I missed you, thank you both for doing this, I’m so happy to be here with you.”
“Yeah! What’s the fun of starting a band with your best friends when you have to do half of the fun stuff without them?!” Marlene agreed, gently nudging you with her elbow.
“My sentiments exactly.” You agreed.
By the time the group of you made it to the front of the Glambot line, Sirius and Marlene quickly stepped up to be the one’s talking to Cole Walliser and deciding on the group’s pose.
“Honestly, I know I was raised for this, but it’s like he was born for this.” James commented, leaning in to whisper to you and Remus.
“Never say that to him, his ego is already massive.” Remus responded, and though Sirius was in the middle of a sentence with Cole, his eyes darted over and he considered the three of you skeptically. He’d always said he had a sixth sense when it came to you and Remus, and it appeared he was right in that regard.
“I’m so sorry Cole, I think they’re talking smack. Oi! Are you guys taking the piss back there?” He said, throwing the three of you a cheeky smirk.
Marlene scoffed, adding “of course they are, Sirius.”
James quickly shook his head. “Nope! We were just talking about how good you look tonight, Pads, and how we can’t wait to take you back to the hotel and ravish you.”
Cole let out a hearty laugh and more camera’s flashed as the group of you chuckled.
“This is not helping with the rumours.” Remus muttered with a head shake, though his smile belittled any chagrin he may have been going for.
“Who said it was a rumour?” You joked, offering him a flirty wink.
The group of you had realized that playing into the rumours and joking about it was the best way to field questions and speculation. Somehow, it had grown to the point that there were theories that all five of you were in a polyamorous relationship.
“You guys are so funny.” Cole said, collecting himself from his laughter; you didn’t know if he truly meant that or if he was just doing his job as the lovely host, but you appreciated his encouragement, nonetheless.
The Glambot went well, you think. You hoped. You wouldn’t know until it was all over social media tomorrow so opted not to worry about it as the four of you migrated into the event space. 
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The event didn’t turn out half bad if you were honest. You got to eat and drink and chit-chat with some of the biggest celebrities of your time, you took an astronomical number of selfies, and danced the night away with your friends and boyfriends.
But if you were being super honest - the best part of the night was getting back to the hotel with Remus and Sirius.
Sirius was catching his breath like he’d run a marathon and you were sure his cheeks hurt from smiling so damn hard all night, but he was still riding his high as he fussed around the hotel room.
Remus looked just as delighted at Sirius’ obvious joy as you did but was nearly dead on his feet, exhaustion weighing down his movements as he all but melted into a wingback chair. 
“Oi! What’re you doing, gorgeous? That’s my job.” Sirius chided as he swatted at your hands which were in the process of attempting (and failing) to undo the zipper of your dress.
You didn’t put up much of a fuss as he undid your dress and gently kissed your shoulders; massaging the skin and muscles along your back that the gown had been digging into. 
You stepped out of the dress and caught the tshirt Remus had tossed to you before throwing it over your form and falling backwards haphazardly onto the bed.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired.” You moaned, relishing in the luxurious sensation of the downy duvet enveloping you in a hug.
You heard both boys chuckle through their nose as you felt someone - Sirius - start fiddling with the buckles of your shoes where your feet hung over the edge of the bed.
Sirius pressed a kiss to your knee as he stood and disposed of your shoes near your suitcase before moving to Remus.
Remus groaned petulantly and went no bones when Sirius tried to help him up. “No.”
“Rem. Get up.” Sirius chuckled.
“Go away.” 
“Moons, you cannot sleep in a chair, and you cannot sleep in a tuxedo.”
“Watch me.”
“Leave him there to die, Siri.” You commiserated from your own place of death.
“Yeah. Leave me here to die, Siri.” Remus repeated sardonically. “Take care of our sweet girl, yeah? Tell her I love her.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at that and though Remus kept up the ruse of being ‘asleep’ - you felt your heart swell at the smile that adorned his lips at the sound of your laugh. 
“You wanker.” Sirius chided lovingly through his own laughter as he pecked a kiss to your boyfriend’s head and started helping him strip from his place in the chair. 
You must’ve drifted off momentarily, as by the time you opened your eyes next, Sirius had just convinced Remus to stand long enough to pull a pair of pajama bottoms up his legs as Remus rubbed at his eyes like a giant overtired toddler. 
“How’d you end up falling in love with two eighty-something twenty-something-year-old’s, Sirius?” You asked sleepily from your place on the bed. 
Remus chuckled as he sat back down in his chair by the sliding doors, opening it up to light a joint before bed.
“I have no clue, but I’m so glad they love me back.” Sirius said as he started to change out of his own formal attire.
You could tell that the night was starting to wear on him slightly, but there were still notes of excitement and adrenaline pumping through his veins as he went about his bedtime routine. 
“You’re phenomenal at this; you know that, right?” You commented, causing Sirius to pause what he was doing to look over at you, expression softening into something hopeful.
“Yeah.” You agreed readily. “The best, really.” 
He quickly finished up what he was doing and hurried over to the bed, laying down on his stomach and propping himself up on his elbow so he could look down at you.
“Thank you baby.” He said quietly, using one of his hands to rub absentmindedly on your thigh. “I couldn’t do it without you two.”
Remus scoffed as he made his way over to the bed, having locked up the sliding door and matching Sirius’ position from your otherside.
You both loved and hated when they did this; it felt as though they were ganging up on you, exposing all your feelings and flaws. But you also felt undeniably worshiped under their loving gazes. 
“I think you’d do just fine without us there, love.” Remus spoke, gently squeezing Sirius’ hand before resting his hand on top of your sleep shirt over your ribs, gently rubbing his thumb back and forth. 
“Nope. Not a chance.” Sirius denied quickly.
“You were born for the stage, Sirius. For the flashing lights and cameras and talking.” You pressed.
“Only thing I was born to do was love the two of you.” He contended. 
Remus breathed a laugh through his nose as you made a cooing sound. 
“This just in,” Remus started, imitating a newscaster. “Renowned rockstar Sirius Black has gone soft.” 
Sirius scoffed in faux contempt as he reached over to pinch Remus’ side. 
“I am trying to thank you guys.” Sirius chided, his sarcastic smile turning soft as you and Remus relented and turned to face him. “I’m so grateful to have you guys by my side through all of this, I know it’s not really either of your things. And I know you’d both likely be just as happy if we called this all off tomorrow, but…”
He seemed to trail off as he looked over your forms towards the windows. “But….” You pressed, nudging him to continue.
“Don’t go shy on us now, Black.” Remus teased.
Sirius rolled his eyes but a smile broke out across his face. “But I’m so incredibly gone for both of you. I love you, I love this. All of it.”
“I love you too, Sirius.” You offered simply, leaning up to press a gentle kiss to his lips and ignoring the stiffness in your joints.
Remus, never one to pass up on an opportunity to take the piss, rolled his eyes as he let his elbow fall to lay flat on his back beside you.
“Yeah, yeah. I love you too, I guess. You’re just lucky you’re both so good in bed, otherwise I’d have split up the band ages ago.”You started to cackle, overwhelmed with exhaustion, love, and probably some of the alcohol still in your system as Sirius threw himself onto Remus demanding he “take it back or so help him, God.”
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 5 months
Invisble String
luke hughes x actress!reader
note: short cute introduction to this au, get to know how long Y/n has been Luke's celeb crush and get to know Y/n
also in 2018 reader is 17 and Luke is 15 for reference so like do the math i can't do everything
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"Why do you even want to watch 'It' you hate clowns?" the eldest brother asked, holding a bowl of popcorn while he rounds the couch to were he previously sat.
"Jack asked for a scary movie so I suggested a scary movie." though he wasn't lying, both statements were true, it wasn't the real reason he suggested the movie. But like he would ever admit that to his brothers because he'd never hear the end of it if they knew. Little did he know they already did.
"He wants to watch it because Y/n L/n is in it." Jack mumbled, not looking up from his phone where he looked up the cast list, and he begins to laugh along when his older brother starts to.
"Not true."
"Too true."
"Shut up. Are we watching this or something else." Quinn says, being the mediator among the three.
All throughout the movie, while Luke was gawking at his dream girl, Jack and Quinn would make eye contact over his head silently laughing at their brothers face of awe whenever Y/n was on screen. When she walked slow-mo out of the store, the scenes at the quarry, Luke had the same face as the boys on the screen except he wasn't acting.
73 Questions With Y/ L/n | Vogue
Y/n opens the door for the vogue camera man, after she just shut it on him.
"Hey! Y/n L/n! You excited for your 73 questions with vogue?" the interviewer asks enthusiastically.
"Yes, I am.. Does that count as your first question?"
While the man asks several questions, Y/n lead them into her living room.
"Who do you want to play you in a movie about your life?"
"Umm.. Sadie Sink. And I would like to play Sadie in the movie about her life."
"What is the knewest thing in here?"
After quickly looking around the girl grab a recent purchase of hers a stuffed octopus.
"I recently bought this stuffed animal. It's an octopus, because there's only one or else it would be octopi."
"Interesting, and what do you think is the coolest thing in this room?"
Setting down the octopus, Y/n walks towards her book case. Grabbing what looks to be a very old book.
"This is a vintage edition of Little Women the same one my mom read to me when I was 12 and the same one I reread in preparation for my role as Amy March."
While placing the book back on the shelf the man asks, "Without looking do you know what the last word of Little Women is?"
Jokingly Y/n pick the book up again and starts to open it, and the two chuckle, she then continues to answer the question. "No, um..I know, 'end'."
"Yep. That counts as a question."
"It's actually 'this'"
"... 'This'?" the man nods before Y/n continues, "No, you're wrong it's end. Because all books end in 'the end' how could you not know that."
The interview continues into the girl kitchen, while she pours herself an iced tea.
"What is your favourite sport?"
"I don't really have a favourite sport, but I guess I'll say hockey. 'Cause y'know they're hot."
Did you see your girlfriend said hockey boys were hot?
Maybe you have a chance
Shut up.
Luke rewatched that interview a couple to many times.
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liked by i_said_SpeakNow, LikeRibbonsInYourHair, and others
Y/n_updates: Y/n was at the New Jersey Devils vs Philadelphia Flyers preseason game! she was with the Devils wags too! Just more proof that her and Luke Hughes are dating... What do you think?
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taytaySwft: they would be so cute!! i hope they're together ☺️
_spider_man: what's with the it girlies dating professional athletes right now?
jackhugheswife: damn he could do better than her
amyMarchstan: better than the gorgeous and successful woman she is?
harrie13: I miss her and Lucas 🙁
stranger_80: No him and Sadie!!!
anne_Cats: so she's got a thing for Lukes huh?
harrie13: lmao i didn't even realize that 😭😭
TaybrinaStan: she's doing for hockey what Taylor is doing for football.
note: yes i did only make her previously date Lucas McLaughlin for that one joke that's not even funny.. what about it?
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jazzmasternot · 2 months
Hazbin hotel college AU head cannons
Note: decided to write these out after reading @sprainedwriting’s fanfic about Adam being a frat boy and I took that concept and ran with it.
Obviously this is based off of my own university experience where I attend a really big public university in the southern US. so that’s where my takes are coming from.
This is also my first time writing anything on here so there’s that aswell.
Majors in musical theatre, but not performance education. She wants to be the unhinged theatre teacher that everyone loves. Lives in one of those really fancy student apartment lofts with keke. And is part of the cat club where she feeds the cats on campus
She probably does something super hard like biomedical engineering (let’s go women in stem!) which takes up allot of her time already. Is also an RA for one of the dorms on campus which is good for her bc free housing and gets paid to do her homework at the front desk. Met Charlie in an English class and have been together ever since. When she’s not on call she’s spending the night at Charlie’s and Charlie’s almost always sitting at the front desk with vaggie even tho she doesn’t work or live at the dorm and no one says anything bc it’s just not that deep.
Majors in audio engineering and runs the campus radio station that people definitely still listen too. He went to community college first then transferred to a four year (to save money ofc) and is a commuter where he still lives with his mom. Does work study where he works the front desk of the library where he does his homework and works on his scripts for his radio show. Has no interest in working with Vox since he runs the tv channel simply bc he doesn’t want all that extra work. Still takes his notes on pen and paper and still has a nightmare of a time figuring out to electronically submit all his assignments and take his tests.
Angel dust
Okay so hear me out he majors in math ikik it sounds crazy but every gay math major I’ve ever met acts just like Angel dust. Goes to raves and frat parties even tho the guys don’t want him there but he always brings girls with him so the kinda have to let him in. Does nude modeling for extra cash at the art school so he’s kinda a celeb over there even tho he’s not in anyway related to that major.
Majors in Restaurant and hotel management and is one of those college students that are in their late twenties so already has more life experience than most other ppl here so he doesn’t do allot of the stupid college that allot of other ppl do. Lives in some off campus apartment that’s just a large house rented out to students made to look like a apartment (yk the ones in talking abt) works at the dive bar located just off campus that everyone goes to atleast once in their four years.
Sir pentious
Majors in mechanical engineering or industrial design I can’t really decided. Definitely uses the 3D printer all the time and is on the robotics team, which wins every competition they go to.
She’s changed her major so many times nobody knows anymore. Is part of the kpop club and has biases complete with intricately decorated covers, like she has so many photo cards. Also runs the campus hotties account where it’s just a bunch of candids of cute guys taken from far away. Will also get really pissed if you don’t wash your dishes bc it will attract bugs so if ur her roommate you better do the dam dishes.
Cherry bomb
Art major and is the one who got Angel the nude modeling gig. Is always pulling all nighters bc she kept postponing the assimgment till the last minute. Has probably vandalized a couple buildings surrounding the university but hasn’t been caught. Goes to raves and the aforementioned frat parties with Angel. Also has a traffic cone in her dorm room for no other reason than just bc.
Majors in multi media marketing, runs the campus tv and YouTube channel. Definitely the president of a frat that inflates his ego more than it already is. Always at sporting events at the front row with all the frat guys giving everyone the inside scoop and game commentary. Is very pissed that alastor won’t work with him. Treats himself like a campus celebrity even tho ppl could care less and are just trying to get their degree.
majors in film and media productions yeah he’s one of those. Always asking if you’ve seen pulp fiction and telling you that you need to watch some random black and white movie that’s only in French. Will definitely invite you over to watch something with you but we all know that’s not the case. Also all his film projects has allot of unnecessary nudity and sex under the guise of artistic expression, even when it’s so not relevant to the plot. Unless it’s a film that he’s making for the university in which case Vox is controlling every aspect of it which in this case is a good thing. Smokes in his dorm room without a care in the world and has really loud inconsiderate sex at any random point in the 24 hour day cycle.
Majors in public relations and runs the university’s Instagram account. She’s always walking up to ppl with a lil microphone to ask you to tell us what you’re wearing. Speaking off she always comes to class dressed up (like the international students) no leggings and tennis shoes for her. Also is definitely in a divine nine sorority, and runs their insta too.
She’s a professor for the aerospace engineering dept and shes here bc she got sick of making rockets for Lockheed Martin and reatheon. Hella smart and ppl are baffled that she chose to give up a seven figure job to teach a bunch of college kids but she’s so chill abt it tho.
Definitely English lit professor, makes you read the books no one’s heard of and not the classics. Always brings his own open regular coffee mug from his house to sip his tea from instead of a thermos, everyone asks how he doesn’t spill it on his ride to work. Also just straight up has an electric kettle in his office so he can have tea whenever he wants. Takes turns with carmilla eating lunch in each other’s offices.
Studies agriculture sciences and food processing. Will probably run a slaughter house when she’s done with her degree. Hangs out with Alastor in his radio booth from time to time just to gossip about whatever drama is going around lately. Wears long skirts and a tote bag all the time. Is always sweet to Charlie and Emily, also loathes Vox just as much as Alastor she just finds him annoying.
Is probably a religion professor that’s not religious at all and is super laid back in his class like one easy discussion board post a week. The kinda guy to be like “it’s so nice out let’s have class outside today guys” or “if I make this shot ur all getting extra credit on the quiz this week”.
Definitely majors in finance and is a frat boy. And his band plays at all the said frat parties. Is very insufferable to talk to at parties will try tell you how crypto is the currency of the future and how wolf of Wall Street is his favorite movie. Has a Saturdays are for the boys flag in his room and navy blue sheets. Oh did I mention he vapes he definitely vapes those Mike Tyson ones that taste awful and look like bricks yeah those. Always gets drunk at the tailgate way before the game is even started.
Yeah she’s in premed and wants everyone to know she’s better than you bc of it. Everyone else’s major is easy compared to hers so don’t you dare complain about all your assignments in her vicinity. She’s basically made it her whole identity like she’s in the premed honors society, future doctors of America. Types her notes on her laptop and then rewrites them with all her gel pens and fancy highlighters, like thee be so colorfull and pretty then the title would be something like blood clots. Still friends with Adam bc they went to the same highschool together and always helping him with his homework in turn he gets her into the tailgate tents and frat parties so she always gets free alcohol.
Majors in Elementary education and looks like it too, with the Stanley cup, James Avery charm bracelet, and all. She also takes super pretty notes but she does them in class which is super power all in itself, like her desk is scattered with gel pens and highlighters of every color and swears by her bullet journal. She also feeds the cats on campus with Charlie and runs the arts and crafts club on campus where they always host events like tote bag painting in the grass area of the university. Also doesn’t drink bc she’s not twenty one yet even tho she’s in college and definitely won’t smoke even tho most of the ppl that show up to her events are total potheads
She’s like the university president who doesn’t actually GAF abt the students and just fund’s athletics and raises tuition every year under miscellaneous fees. She tries to come off as supportive when she’s out in public but no one’s buying it.
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starrvsn · 3 months
PAIRING ⠆singer-celeb!(oc)reader x oscar piastri, exes-to-lovers!au.
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ynsannasource tweeted!
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﹫daydrmer WAIT WHAT???
⤷ ﹫ynnation i thought this was common knowledge 😭
⤷ ﹫daydrmer common knowledge for who !? y/n has always been so private about her relationships
﹫ynluvbot only the real ones know 🤞🏽
﹫81piastri RUE WHEN WAS THIS ???
⤷ ﹫dwnuderpiastri before his F1 debut apparently
﹫lan4norris PLS i need to know what happened between them
﹫oskrttt81 omg why do i feel like he would listen to her music before races 😭
⤷ ﹫vrmvroomf1 me when im delusional
⤷ ﹫mcclarenboys4lyfe imagine his tech just playing her music over the radio during a race 😭
⤷ ﹫koalaop81 bro would have war flashbacks 😭😭
﹫magnolia.sanna yeah she def wrote songs about him
ynsannasource tweeted!
a little update on y/n and oscar! after ALOT of digging i found an archived post from oscars instagram.
view image below:
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oscarpiastri my baby is so talented 🤍
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﹫f1goss the nosiest person award goes to 🏆
⤷ ﹫ynsannasource girl please you're a gossip page
⤷ ﹫f1goss got me with that...
﹫magnolia.sanna FUCK she had to have written at least half the album about him
⤷ ﹫livefastpiastri what love will do to you is definitely about him omg
﹫papaya.mclrn does anyone know why they broke up? or like how long they were together for?
⤷ ﹫prettiestyn apparently, this is what i heard at the time but they both had mutually agreed to part ways because y/n was gaining so much traction on her music career and oscar was beginning his f1 career that following year. especially since they were long distance for majority of their relationship a lot of people thought it was really straining them from doing what they wanted, not sure how long they were together for tho
⤷ ﹫dreamingofyn i think they were together almost 4 years
﹫pasteypiastri new oscar lore just dropped
﹫ferralforyn i love the oscar and yn crumbs
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liked by lilyhme, oscarpiastri, beabadobee, alex_albon and more
ynsanna hi everyone! my single ‘dear soulmate’ is out now <3 listen in on where ever you stream your music, i love you all so much thank you for always supporting me mwah 🩷
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bewitchedluv babe wake up!!! new y/n single just dropped!!!
piastri81bakery OSCAR IN THE LIKES ??!
⤷ fan12 wonder how he feels being someone’s muse 😩
alex_albon loved the song!!
⤷ lilyhme﹫23lexbon i put him on hahah
⤷ lilyhme﹫alex_albon ....WAIT YOU LISTENED WITHOUT ME ????
landonorris guys-guys what happening to me *turns into a warewolf*
⤷ lan4norris oh! okay…
⤷ bestiepierre10 trying to steal pierre’s brand i see
⤷ pierregasly can't outdo the doer i fear
georgerussel63 the feelings i felt listening to this
⤷ logansargeant alex blasting this on full volume in the garage got everyone in their feels
⤷ lilyhme i know there had to be a mechanic that cried
feelsforf1 they way half the grid is here 😭
⤷ alex_albon i put them on what can i say ??
⤷ lilyhme NO i put them on, give me my flowers >:^(
⤷ ashmartini148 damn near everyone but oscar 😭
yndoll yeah this song is def about oscar
charles_leclarc collab ???
⤷ fan06 this and oscar and yn getting back together will be enough for me
danielricciardo cried during my workout, thanks y/n !
⤷ lance_stroll no pain no gain 🦾
fan07 everything is slowly falling in place…
fan10 hope oscar listens to this and comes crawling back because i would
fan09 the feral need for them to get back together is crazy
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﹫ethunreal they way everyone is psychoanalyzing the song
⤷ ﹫starletyn what is there to analyze tho…. it is about him
﹫048122 yeah she’s so not over him like girl let him go
⤷ ﹫prettiestyn they split to focus on their careers like good for them but fuck i wouldn’t be over him too if i saw them everywhere
﹫mistyskies no because y/n was the reason i got into racing when she was with him during formula 2 and now he’s in f1 like it doesn’t feel right without her
﹫stellarf1 okay but the whole paddock under her comment section???
⤷ ﹫fan11 speaks volumes imo 👀
⤷ ﹫fan they def know about them being together
﹫yukipookie does he even have feelings for her still like… it’s giving one sided
⤷ ﹫sonnamyheart naw her music plays everywhere he def thinks about her
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liked by lilyhme, landonorris, oscarpiastri, carlossainz55 and more
ynsanna new location unlocked: monza! thank you for ferrari for inviting ❤️
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fan14 guess the collab will be happening
fan15 can literally smell a collab from the fourth slide
alex_albon it was so nice meeting you!
⤷ lilyhme criminal that you met her before i did
⤷ alex_albon i facetimed you and you didn’t answer… sounds like your fault
⤷ lilyhme blocked and deleted
estibestie we all know what this means right???
⤷ leclarc16wishes charles is on his way to steal oscars girl??
fan17 they had to have crossed paths PLS
landonorris no fair >:(( come to mclaren garage next time!
⤷ ynsanna invite?
⤷ fan13 we all know what youre doing
georgerussell you’re lucky you make phenomenal music, it was lovely seeing you!
carlossainz55 y/n is so much prettier in person, muy bonita!
⤷ fan18 oscar is punching air i know it
⤷ fan19 yeaaa shoot ur shot carloss
francisca.cgomes please come to more races!!! i had an amazing time speaking with you
⤷ ynsanna we’ll have to see… but it was so lovely meeting you 🤍
fan20 oscar needs to do something asap before one of the others take her
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﹫livesoilove post replies
﹫fan22 omg my manifesting did work
﹫fan23 so deserved omg
﹫fan24 i love this for them :’)
﹫fan25 their stories too, they def were togetherrr
oscar piastri's story replies
landonorris tfti :(
danielricciardo glad my pep talk actually worked :D #aussiebrothers4lyfe
loganseargent bro licked the plate clean
y/n's story replies
georgerussell having dinner with the man you wrote your song about i see
yourbff ya'll didn't talk at all or look at each other during the grand prix but you'll have dinner with him??? respect.
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, maudeapataw, oscarpiastri and others
ynsanna enchantment in the air
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aussiepiastri81 i wonder who that is on the second slide
ynfan bruh is that george russell i thought we were rooting for oscar ???
⤷ starletyn girl...
magnolia.sanna OUR RED STRING LOVERS
pierregasly the seals look just like yuki!
⤷ yukitsunoda0511 cute?
⤷ pierregasly no, small and lazy.
⤷ ynsanna pls take your beef else where ❤️
⤷ pierregasly y/n who do you think is cuter me or yuki
⤷ ynsanna please don't make this into a competition
⤷ yukitsunoda0511 we won't because if we did i'd win :)
pasteypiastri pov: everyone knows who you're with but you soft launch reguardless
⤷ sonnamyhear and i'd eat it up, bones and all
landonorris tfti :(
⤷ oscarpisatri your fomo is honestly concerning
⤷ landonorris surprised you know what fomo means.
⤷ oscarpisatri i'm not like checo relax
⤷ schecoperez ouch :(
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sanpiastriluver y/n and oscars stories just one day apart :)
fan27 using y/n's song is soooo obvious, i love it.
fan28 just because you don't put the artist doesn't mean we don't know who's singing
fan29 bro fr said out of sight out of mind
fan30 they're just making it to easy atp
⤷ username a little to easy
fan31 the song choice is so cute :')
fan32 why do i feel like the soft launching was probably oscars idea
⤷ username it probably was LOL
⤷ username a peak introvert moment
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liked by ynsanna, danielricciardo, landonorris, alex_albon and others
oscarpiastri always find your way back home 🫂
tagged: ynsanna
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dreamypiastri the hannah montana reference ????
⤷ sannamyheart knowing y/n she probably forced him to watch it
⤷ ynsanna and he loved every second of it
yndreamland is this a dream ????
pookieyuki oscar hard launching before y/n??
⤷ alex_albon lando owes me $50 now
⤷ landonorris thought i knew my teammate better than this 😣
ynsanna just a girl and her baguette 🤭
⤷ oscarpiastri me or the baguette?
⤷ ynsanna ...next question
danielricciardo remember me when yall get married, knowing i helped get you two back together again
⤷ rickycado03 in daniel we trust !!!!
landonorris no thanks lando for the picture of us???
⤷ ynsanna you crashed our date :(
⤷ landonorris … i wouldn’t say crashed i like to think i made it better oscar is boring anyways
⤷ ynsanna we were having much fun before you came thank you very much >:^(
⤷ alex_albon yeah y/n defend your man !!!!!!
⤷ landonorris who's side are you on ?????
⤷ alex_albon not yours duh.
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liked by lilyhme, oscarpiastri, mclaren, troyesivan, yourbff and others
ynsanna home sweet home 🤍
tagged: oscarpiastri
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oscarpiastri and i wouldn't have it any other way ❤️
⤷ ynsanna never again 🤍
ynnation its like nothing ever happened :''')
fan33 so cute 🥹
mclaren you're welcome whenever you like y/n!
⤷ pookieyuki our certified wag
⤷ starletyn yn supremacy !!
fan35 epitome of red string lovers
fan34 you guys are so cute i think i might be sick
lilyhme you guys are the cutest couple ever !!
⤷ alex_albon cuter than us?
⤷ lilyhme hush you
logansargeant in my mind you guys were always together, glad to see you back 🫡
⤷ ynsanna logan :''(
⤷ landonorris words to make a grown man cry fr
danielricciardo i will be the best man at yall's wedding right :)
⤷ landonorris get in line buddy
⤷ alex_albon the mc more like....
georgerussel63 still cannot believe you all thought i was the one dating yn
⤷ ynfan not my proudest moment...
⤷ oscarpiastri we don't even look alike too
⤷ georgerussel63 yeah, im much taller and better looking
maxverstappen1 does this mean we all get to watch y/n when she goes on tour??
ownership of starrvsn. please do not repost, modify or translate.
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blondbrat · 6 months
★ — SLUT !! drew starkey x actress reader
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summary - your dating the man of your dreams, drew starkey, your fellow cast member and boyfriend.. but like always, people have to hate on you — the only comment people ever for female celebs existing happily in their relationships ‘she’s honestly just a slut’
warnings - use of y/n, slut shaming, overall shitty comments, stressed!reader
a/n - part of a drew starkey!au I wanna start. inspired by taylor swifts song ‘slut !!’ honestly in love with drew I can’t he’s so perfect :) as someone who’s been slut shamed, I definitely wanted to empathize how hard it is, especially as a woman, just simply living your life and getting hate for it x
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If they call me a slut you smiled sweetly to yourself. posting the picture with a click of ur finger, a cute outfit for a fun night ! work had been going on long lately — not that you didn’t love every second of it. it was just tiring, and you were glad u could finally take a breath. just a chill night with your cast members and drew.. god, your smile turned into a cheeky grin as a knock sounded on the door.
you sighed softly, letting the weeks weight finally fall of your shoulders as you clicked off your phone — muting your notifications was an unconscious habit of yours
—instagram / 8:34 pm saturday
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y/nprimrose : basketball game group date! their really trying to bet on who’s b-ball team will win, as if it won’t be mine! in all respect, it will be 💞 @*drewstarkey @*rudypankow @*madylncline
drewstarkey baby, my love, sweetheart, we both know what team will win, mine ❤️
↳ obxhasmyheart STOP this kind of relationship >>>
↳ user1 the way he uses the nicknames for y/n 🥺
primrosefanpage how does she always have the cutest outfits?? I LOVE HER
↳ drewsactualgf1 cute, the fuck? I guess if she works as a stripper…
user2 does she always have to have her tits out tho? just like her character wow
↳ drewsactualgf1 slut on screen, slut off screen. a slut in general 🥱
↳ user3 the only reason she was able to pull drew!! like cmon over here mr.starkey, I have tits AND a personality
user5 fucking put on some clothes. drew. deserves. better!!
user4 the fucks wrong with this comment section…
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you didn’t glance at your phone once — drew peaking in with his usual grin. god, he was handsome as always. before you knew he pulled you into a cuddly embrace “hi baby, saw your post, you really think your teams gonna win huh’?” you beamed ! wrapping your arms around his neck as you gave him a soft peck — that shut him up quickly ! the night was perfect — everyone riding together as you all laugh and talk, simpering even more hysterically and playfully as the ride went on.
you found urself finally about to just relax. hand in drews as you all walked into the packed basketball building. crowed and buzzing with excitement. grinning sweetly at the array of papperazzi that greeted you, you all were used to it by now ! even posing in some as u four found ur seats, taking a few pictures with fans that seemed to be frozen in shock as u all waited for the game to begin.. you loved interacting with your fans, exactly why you requested normal seats — you loved being able to get to know them, helping them calm down once the realization hits in. it was as much as an experience for you as it was for them
“you look beautiful” drew leaned over and whispered in your ear, chuckling at the bloom of blush that crept over your cheeks. he couldn’t help himself, you did!
before you knew it, the game was starting — the turnover resulting in your team making the first basket ! you and rudy cheered, pocking drew in the side laughing as he rolled his eyes playfully. once more baskets were made and sarcastic laughs extanged, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder — leaning his head against yours as he kissed you on the forehead gently. both your friends too busy joking around to notice the sweet scene.. but it made it all the more perfect. this is what u both needed, just a night to be together ♡
drews arm still around you, you chatted with madayln — both agreeing work has been a lot lately while keeping your gazes on the game. your team was winning ! and you simpered, scrunching your face in mocking triumph as u glanced down at your phone — trying to slyly see if their was only a little amount of time in the game left, which would guarantee your favorite teams win ! but your recent notifications caught your attention instead.. and all you could see were specific words instantly ‘slut’ ‘stripper’ ‘a pair of tits and that’s it’ what the hell?? your face immediately fell, and you clicked on the notifications frantically.. expecting to find a porn scene or something with a woman who looked somewhat like you (which had happened before) not your joking post from earlier.. the picture wasn’t even the main reason you posted it. and let alone.. to get all this hate. for wearing a fucking shirt??
your feed was bombarded with hate after hate. slut, slut, slut and so much worse.. your gut twisted, a strange feeling of guilt and embarrassment fogging your head !! your anxiety spiking !! drew and all your friends were destined to see the post soon enough?? drew commented on it, just before all the comments were posted.. it was humiliating. and u couldn’t help but doubt urself —would everyone agree with the comments? did everyone think of u like that, just a pair of tits?? maybe it was a bit revealing? you’d struggled with these kinds of comments before u got famous.. and after the stress of non stop filming, the one day u finally let urself breath — this fucking happened :(( it was just all too much
your head was spinning — you convinced urself you were overreacting, this happened to all female celebrities atleast once.. but fuck, you never realized how humiliating it was !! until then.. u tried to breathe, and Drew noticed ur tenseness immediately, ur pretty eyes seeming to fall in.. shame?
you shook his hand from ur shoulder, standing up instantly “g-gotta go to the bathroom” you murmured — before drew could even grab your hand you paced away, dodging cameras and people as you slammed the door into the single stall bathroom. you just needed to process.. and hiding with the hopes drew hadn’t yet seen the comments. slut. slut. slut.. for wearing a pretty shirt?
tears began to well up in your eyes, satly droplets — and you wish they didn’t !! just like everything else that seemed to be happening, you had no control over it. your breathing was hitched, fast and panicked as u paced around the bathroom. reading every hate comment like you’d atleast find one that said it was a joke.. it wasn’t.
u were staring at yourself in the golden brimmed mirror — clumpy mascara running down ur face, leaving black stains in their fall. slut. slut. slutyou had just recently came to fame.. ‘slut’ met drew, the man of your dreams ‘slut’ and still, these small (not) things effected u— isn’t it fucked up? how its drilled into woman’s brains that it’s their fault.. for simply loving their bodies and being happy?
your thoughts were interrupted by a banging on the door.. it had been there the whole time “baby! y/n open up! let me in will ya? please baby I’m worried!” your heart melted at his concerned voice, eyes softening as you tried to wipe away ur foggy tears — meeting his eyes as u opened the door. ur best friend, and love of your life instantly swooning u in his arms.
“hey, hey baby look at me ok” he whispered softly, cradling u like he never wanted to let go.. he didn’t. “you scared me sweetheart, running out of there like that.. talk to me” his body was so warm, so hard, so perfect.. your home. and before you knew it you were letting urself breath. meeting his sapphire eyes. “drew.. do you ever-ever fuck do you ever look and me and frown because I look like a… s-slut” you stumbled whispering, adverting your eyes from his. “y/n w-what?!” he squeezed you in his arms even tighter, tilting ur head up to his so gently it felt like a butterfly’s touch. “Did someone say that to you?! someone here?!” he glanced around protectively, his face furrowing intimidatly before softening when he again found yours
“n-no.. just something I posted on insta—“
he didn’t let you finish your sentence — his heart breaking at the crack in your voice.
it wasn’t long before you were leaning agaisnt the sink, still snuggly in his arms as you cried in his shoulder. whispering sweet nothings into your ears as you let it all out — the stressful week, the exhaustion.. and then finally, the post.. the comments
you knew you would never forget the moment drew cupped your face with his hands, kissing the bridge of your nose — the touch so gentle it was like a butterfly. you could see the anger in his eyes, not at your of course, never at you. the fact anyone had the nerve to say such things about his girl, but more than anything, he needed to make sure you understood they were utter lies, being spurred in jealous envy “y/n please look at me babe, they are lies.. you are a beautiful, kind, and fucking incredibly talented actress and singer” you giggled at his empasis, tears no longer streaming down your face as u finally found his eyes “and fuck, the love of my life.. I’m drunk in love with you Primrose, and if some out of millions of people can’t handle that.. do what you do best-“ the words were like soft silk against your skin — drew, smiling softly, leaned down as gave you a soft kiss. “give them the bird, baby” he whispered against your lips, his breath fanning your teary face — eliciting a rapsy laugh from your pretty lungs.. god, he truly was your home
You know it might be worth it for once
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—instagram / 12:00 pm Thursday
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y/nprimrose : NEW SONG OUT NOW : SLUT !! ps. call me one, it’s worth it ❤️
drewstarkey your such a masterpiece baby, so drunk in love with you primrose ❤️ always doing what you do best ;)
you didn’t bother reading the rest of the comments, to occupied with drews kissing to even care (the song becomes a HIT)
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Might as well be drunk in love xoxo
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mrjoeshiesty9 · 9 months
Summary; Y/N and Joe have been together for 4 years, way before this LSU days. Y/N has always been there for Joe and suddenly she goes MIA until…..
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joeyb_9 I’m tired of the underdog narrative. Liked by kingjames, lahjay10_, tombrady, and 3,234,234 others
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lahjay10_ here we go boys!!
User2342 yesyesyes!
User37493 where was y/n?!
             ↳ user 232 can you just stop looking for her and congratulate the boy?!
bengals this is the new normal 😎
kingjames let’s go!!!!
Mamaburrow so proud of you all! On to the next one!
tombrady see you at the Super Bowl!
User9382 but for real, where was y/n? Where has she been for the last 6 months because?!?!
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lahjay10_ back to back baby! We coming for the ring!
Liked by bengals, sam_hubbard_, teehiggins, and 1,232,432 others
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Bengals who dey!!!!
User92384 this is our year boys!
sam_hubbard_ LETS GOOOOOOOO
teehiggins ayeeeee who day nation where are you!
User8173 underdogs who?!
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Y/b/f happy birthday to my best friend, my rock, my soulmate. You make everything better 🤍
Liked by y/u/n, zendaya, mamaburrow, and 76,343 others
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Zendaya happy birthday baby! Can’t wait to see you later!
Selenagomez happy birthday gorgeous!
User9342 happy birthday mother!
User29734 it’s the queens birthday!!! 
User92382 where have you been girl!?!
User1212 is this a new pic or?! Girl! It’s been 6 months since anybody has seen you!
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Y/u/n ✨ birthday shenanigans ✨
Liked by mamaburrow, yourmom, bengals, and 9,238,232 others
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Y/b/f I’m so proud to call you my best friends🤍
Taylorswift happy birthday baby! 
Mamaburrow happy birthday ma cherie, know I’m always here for you 🤍
yourmom happy birthday darling, I’m so proud of the person you have become 🤍
User2983 mother?!?!?!?!
User9382 we miss you y/n!!! Happy birthday queen!!!
Bengals happy birthday queen y/n 
lahjay10_ happy birthday sis! 
Sam_hubbard_ happy birthday lil sis! 
User1872 nope, no way they have broke up because, do you all see the comments?
          ↳ user323232 right?! Mama burrow, ja’marr and sam? Even Bengals?! No way! They’re still together!
User9283 how did the rumors of them breaking up start anyway?! 
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Joey/nupdates so joe’s family, y/n;s family, bengals family, their friends and other celebs like zendaya, taylor swift, tom holland, kid cudi and more, shared THIS EXACT SAME PICTURE. What is going on!? 
Liked by y/nupdates, Joeupdates, y/njoeybloves, and 3,322 others.
View 342 comments 
user231 so they’re not separated after all?!?!?
User39 maybe it’s a dinner party for their arc championship guys. chill. 
User932 where is this? If anybody knows? 
       ↳ user2 it seems like y/n’s house in Malibu?        ↳ user932 didn’t the bengals just play today?!
       ↳ user2  yeah but I mean….they’re both rich so…..they can easily fly everybody back and forth in 1 day hahah
       ↳ user232 also, y/n owns a private plane…. So you know….
User9232 this is random but her place is so cute!!!
      ↳ user838 right?! They’re both pretty private for people who are very much in the spotlight, so little things like these is so nice to see. 
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joeyb_9 Baby Burrow coming soon.
Tagged: y/u/n
Liked by y/u/n, taylorswift, stephcurry, and 15,322,523 others.
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Y/u/n this was the hardest secret we had to keep. Thank you joeyb_9 for being the greatest partner anybody could ever ask for.     ↳ joeyb_9 I should be thanking you for everything and especially for giving me the best gift ever. I love you my girl. 🤍
   ↳ y/u/n I love you more 🤍
taylorswift ahhhh! It was so hard keeping this secret! But I love you both so much, auntie Taylor will always be here 🤍
Bengals baby burrow we are ready for you 🤍
Mamaburrow can’t wait to meet the little one 🤍
User293842 mother is really a mother now!!! Queen mother!!!!
User02834 I knew it!!!!! i knew they were never broken up this whole time!!!!!!!!
lahjay10_ can’t wait to meet my little bud, gotta start them early
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Liked by y/nbaby, joey/n, lovey/n, and 5,234 others
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Joey/nupdates after the announcement that Joe and y/n were expecting (CONGRATULATIONS BY THE WAY) many of their families and friends started posting the gender reveal on their stories. I’m guessing that’s what the dinner thing that they all posted about earlier.
User2342 TEAM BOY!!!
User2384 imagine having a boy and it’s the exact same copy of Joe
      ↳ user29834 imagine having a girl and it’s the exact same copy of y/n
User92374 this kid gonna be gorgeous that’s for sure.
User0283 the genes!!!! Having the perfect parents!!!
User392 baby burrow!!! Ahhh!!
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Liked by joeyb_9, mamaburrow, yourmom, bengals, and 43,232,344 others
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Y/u/n my happy boy, so thankful 🙏🏻
joeyb_9 so grateful for you and baby j 🤍 thank you for the best gift ever
Mamaburrow can’t wait to cuddle him!
Yourmom we’ll see you all later! Can’t wait to meet him!
Y/b/f baby j! Cutest baby ever! Auntie will spoil you like crazyyy
User93784 baby j?!?
user9283 I love the privacy but I’m so curious what his name is!
    ↳ I doubt we’ll know his name until 10 years later hahaha
User3934 this is the cutest thing ever I’m crying 
User0210 they really have a baby 😭 so jealous, happy and proud!
a/n: this is my very first fanfic/insta au so... I hope you guys like it. If you want to request anything feel free to do so. I have a few more ideas so hopefully I'll get the chance to start writing them soon. :)
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mrvlbimbo · 2 years
Eddie x bimbo!reader🎀
The Eddie x bimbo!reader masterlist is finally here, all my Eddie lovers rejoice
If ur just getting into this series I suggest reading their origin story first, it’ll be the first fic down there and the link is in pink
I hoping this makes it easier for everyone to keep up to date with the ever expanding canon of the bimbo-verse as I like to call it
Lmk if there’s any way I can organize it better &lt;3
Smut meter
🍓complete fluff
🔥full on smut
Other tags
Their origin story &lt;;3 🍒☁️
Eddie x bimbo!reader nsfw alphabet
Eddie x Bimbo!reader rockstar/popstar HC
Eddie and his gf being clingy 🍒
matching her nails with his dnd dice🍓
eddies gf at his dnd matches 🍓
shopping with Eddie nsfw🔥/sfw🍒 (coming soon)
She has a necklace with his name 🍒
Eddie guessing his gfs lipgloss flavor 🍒
matching nails 🍓
How they met Groupie!AU🍒
Eddie comforting his gf when she isn't in the mood🌶☁️
Bimbo!reader stays over at Eddie's house🌶
Eddie helping his gf through insecurity 🍒☁️
she wears his bandana as a shirt 🍒
sloppy head pre concert🌶
Eddie and gf fighting on each other's behalf 🍓
gf making jewelry for Eddie 🍓
what do bimbo!reader's parents think of Eddie, pt 1/2/3🍓
Eddie with breeding kink🔥, gf with breeding kink 🔥
bimbo!reader falls and gets hurt :(☁️🍒
Eddie and gf have triplets, their names, eddies reaction to the news, their life with kids🍓
what does uncle Wayne think of Eddie's girl 🍓
what does uncle Wayne think abt the way she dresses 🍓
their nicknames for each other 🍓
sitting on his lap while watching a movie, pt 1🍒/2
family vacations with Eddie, Miami🔥 (other parts coming soon maybe?)
bimbo!reader does Eddie's makeup 🍒
Eddie standing up to someone who insults his gf's outfit 🍓☁️
Eddie comforting his gf after her makeup gets messed up during sex🍒☁️
Eddie and reader's tattoos, matching heart tats🌶, succubus tat🌶, bimbo!reader has a tramp stamp 🍒
Eddie keeping gf warm at a concert🍒☁️
bimbo!reader has a nightmare :( 🍓☁️
matching clothes🌶
gf teaching virgin!Eddie abt sex🔥
Eddie does a facemask🍓
Eddie makes special fancy drugs for his gf🍓
sexual tension before they were dating🍒
Bimbo!reader with a lot of stuffed animals 🌶
Bimbo!reader is absurdly strong 🍓
Eddie with bimbo!reader’s cat (Pom-Pom)🍓
pt 2 of Pom-Pom
Eddie takes Pom-Pom to a hellfire meeting
Pom-Pom being mean to Eddie
Eddie and bimbo get in a fight and he comforts her
Bimbo accidentally suck's Eddie's dick with lim plumper on
Eddie accidentally insults her outfit :(
Eddie and bimbo at the pool
Bimbo cries over Eddie's cock
Eddie gives bimbo head
Eddie gets overstimulated (from getting his dick sucked)
Bimbo making Eddie jealous by flirting with his friends
Eddie fucks bimbo with her pink dildo
Tittyfucking :0
Them giving eachother hickies
Eddie covering his girl's modesty
Bimbo smells like strawberries
Eddie and Bimbo fuck groupies together
Their triplets have a nightmare
Bimbo is a milf
Bimbo doesn't know how to swim
Pregnancy HCs
Eddie and Bimbo domming together
Bimbo can tell the weather with her boobs
Bimbo showing Eddie her lingerie
Eddie being a soft-dom
Eddie being a bit of a perv tbh
Bimbo accidentally hurting Eddie
Eddie is jealous of one of the dads at his kids school
Bimbo giving Eddie a lapdance
Eddie has a pet spider
Bimbo showing Eddie fancy food
Bimbo gets bruised knees (from giving head)
More abt the triplets
Steve and Bimbo
Eddie and Bimbo in a fight HCs
Eddie is jealous of Bimbo's celeb crushes
Eddie having lipgloss kisses all over his cock
Eddie not understanding innuendos
Bimbo playing with Eddie's soft cock pt 1/2
Bimbo oversharing abt her and Eddie's sex life
Bimbo finds Eddie's porn mags
Bimbo being the mom friend of the friendgroup
Bimbo being jealous and clingy
Bimbo defending Eddie and getting into a fight
requests/asks are open for new HCs abt them or to continue existing ones <3
Lmk if the links don’t work plz <3
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duckytree · 1 year
current bat games au lore
ok so here is part of what we have so far:
jason is no longer from district 2, he was originally a scrappy orphan from 12; he changed his name to "RED" after lazrus therapy and becoming a gladiator
Nightwing has a notorious reputation in the capitol as vain and bitchy. he constantly gets procedures done to look as young and beautiful as possible and will actively sabotage the new tributes' relationships with the capitol citizens. in reality, he is trying to protect the younger victors from being sexually exploited by putting himself on the front lines as the sex symbol
tim is the newest victor of the games. his mentor was barbara and they are both secretly working for the anti-capitol resistence.
damian is the political baby of a strategic union between talia and bruce to unite their clans without drawing suspicion from the government on why they're working closely. his parents are both big players in the capitol.
the al ghuls are the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists of the capitol who believe the revolution is nigh. but instead of underground bunkers they prepare for the apocalypse by training their children in several warrior arts
bruce's alter ego is batman, political terrorist who is working behind the scenes to take down capitol corruption (good luck buddy)
the capitol has a capped maximum on how much wealthy citizens can donate as sponsorship because otherwise bruce wayne would sponsor all the kids in an effort for them to live
when jason was thrown into the arena, he had no living mentor and had to fend for himself. batman secretly helped him with tips and advice on how to survive
Nightwing tried to talk bruce out of sponsoring jason in the arena. it wasn't out of cruelty; he just thought it would be a better investment to sponsor a child who is more likely to live instead of a starving little boy from the weakest district bound to die. bruce sponsored jason anyway
bruce's parents were assassinated for the treasonous act of believing district citizens deserved human rights
jason's abundance of sponsorships made him a target in the arena. he got really messed up and had to go through a brutal, traumatic, and experimental rehabilitation called the lazarus project. he came out of it brain damaged and now most of his body consists of lab-grown flesh or robotic parts. (notice his fake eyes and how most of his body is covered up)
the hunger games are like the annual SuperBowl. for the rest of the year the capitol citizens enjoy entertainment like celebrity escorts (Nightwing) or gladiator games, which is basically the WWE but more deadly and no predetermined winner (RED)
gladiators all have a number that is worn by players and fans alike. most gladiators wear theirs on their armour but RED wears his as a corpse identification tag on his ear
tim purposefully makes himself seem boring and unlikable so that the capitol will allow him to go home rather than stay at the capitol like nightwing and RED.
tim is probably on like 10 different government watchlists
damian keeps nightwing around as a friend/babysitter, since he gave every other one he had a mental breakdown
damian keeps jason around as a personal weaponsmith/arms instructor (hired by talia)
talia and bruce have split custody of damian
nightwing and RED are top-celebs in their fields
bruce's name is brucellosis I'm sorry that's just the way it is
bruce stopped sponsoring for a while after jason's injury cause he blamed himself
hunger games sponsors are like gambling or horse race betting. if your sponsored victor lives you get more money back. but it is so costly with such high stakes that most people don't do it
nightwing volunteered for some random kid who he had no connection with because he has no self-preservation and is kinda self sacrificing like that
nightwing's mentor was starfire. he had a massive crush on her and she'd pat his head
RED has a tense relationship with bruce and Nightwing but also trusts them more than anyone else
there are more but they require more context and characters so hang tight. suggestions welcome! just dm me in my inbox
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nocofamilyau · 6 months
Out of curiosity, Do you think Cody would still keep in contact with Gwen? And is Ezekiel doing better now atleast?
(me shamelessly asking a random question before asking abt my favorite character to not look suspicious /j)
like in canon (or, at least taking Christine Thompson's word for it..), Cody's attraction to Gwen fizzled out after World tour ended. sure, they kept in contact for a little while after but eventually that came to an end as they naturally moved on with their lives
this was from another ask that's now invisible in my inbox (probably due to the account that asked being deactivated - its pretty much on me for not answering what's in my inbox sooner/being put off trying to put each ask into a coherent order, deepest apologies for that), but it's mainly Cody that constantly wonders how the other TDI contestants (except the ones that he already still sees personally) are going, I guess more as like a passing thought.
(also, yet another retcon, hopefully the last one for a while - I mentioned in an earlier post that Cody was close friends with Sierra, who co-writes for his celeb gossip blog.. well the blog is still a thing, but has long since been abandoned. it was more of a side project Cody did during his 20's, with Sierra occasionally writing some stuff for it here and there. one day however, something clicked in Cody's mind - something that should have clicked long ago, and he stopped spending as much time with Sierra. hell, he probably hasn't seen her in years at this point, probably for the better..)
as for the Ezekiel question... oh man, I was sort of dreading when I would bring this up, since this idea has been stewing in my mind for a good while now, and admittedly, from one Zeke enjoyer to another, this will not a pleasant thing to reveal, but there needed to be a reason for Total Drama to be cancelled in this au, other than to needlessly justify why all newer generations of TD cast members are much younger than they are in canon
Ezekiel's dead. when he fell into that volcano in the World Tour finale, he didn't end up making it out (I mean, dude was submerged in BOILING LAVA - I get its a cartoon but its far from believable that someone could survive that). some say he was put out of his misery, others think it was a perfect example of how greed could ruin a person, but all in all, it was fucked. it was not a pretty death, and the fact that Chris and the TD production crew still had the AUDACITY to keep footage of and broadcast someone's death on international TV was enough to get the show cancelled immediately and get the shit sued out of Chris. at least now he can't terrorise anymore teens, sucks to be him...
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queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: in which Deyna Castellanos is spotted at readers first tennis match back from injury while Alex Greenwood is there to support her best friend, and there seems to be something more than friendship in mind
deyna castellanos x female reader
this is fiction - i am not saying Deyna’s sexuality is part of the LGBTQ+ this is all fiction! x
warnings: flufffffff and mentions of previous injuries
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y/n just posted
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liked by alexgreenwood5, cocogauff and 1, 210, 398 others
y/n see you soon? #USopen22 🎾
view 13, 092 comments
username1: QUEEN OF THE COURT IS BACK ❤️❤️
cocogauff: babe wake up - y/n's just announced her return to tennis
y/n: xoxo
alexgreenwood5: SO PROUD of you ! 🩷
y/n: couldn't have done it without ya chicky! 🩷
keirawalsh: so excited for you!! 🤍🤍
y/n: Thank you Kei! 🤍🤍
username2: Why is the man city women's team here?
username3: Alex and y/n have been best friends since childhood - so the team must see her a lot!
username2: thank you!
alexgreenwood5: @deynacastellanos ...
deynacastellanos: shhhhhh
username4: omg ?? Does Deyna have a crush on her???
username5: HAHAHAHAHAH Alex
anydmurray: knock em dead kiddo!
y/n: 🥺😘
username6: their relationship !
see more comments...
username3: have they got time off or something????
username4: yeah they have some time off before going back to clubs in September!
username5: IF ANYONE IS WATCHING THE US OPEN - they just showed a video of all the players warming up and y/n waved at Alex and her friends and DEYNA FUCKIN BLUSHED
username6: y/n is ONE HUNDRED PERCENT Deyna's celeb crush! 🤭🤭
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y/n breathed in deeply, her hand gripping her racket tightly as she watched Caroline Garcia move slightly, one more point. One more point was all that was needed to end this three and a half hour match.
y/n hadn't been playing to her full ability her mind still slightly on her recently healed Achilles. It had been spotted by the commentators, and when she inevitably re-watched her matched later, she would cringe at their pity of her recent injury.
She had never watched the video of her going down, she couldn't. At the peak of her career, 2020 Tokyo, one last hurdle for her Gold medal.
She'd won Wimbledon this year, she'd conquered the singles and doubles in the US and French opens and she and Andy had finally taken the doubles in Australia.
Then it happened, she stretched and she could feel the snap of her Achilles tendon, her body crashing to the floor as the crowd all shouted in fear.
The cry of pain she let out, caused her best friend Alex to jump from the crowd, still in her GB uniform from playing and bounce onto court, ignoring the shouts of the guards.
Belinda Bencic was with her too, having rushed to her competitor the second she went down, y/n's body shaking with pain-filled sobs as the medics tried to decipher the source of her pain, finally realising she was holding her ankle.
It took two months for her operation, the rupture being so bad, yet the back up in the hospitals caused a wait time.
It took another twelve months for her body to heal, and then another six to get her fitness back up, at every stretch, ever jump, y/n expected to feel it again, the pain, the snap.
But it never came, and now here she was, one final serve and she would be through, back to the final of the US Open like she deserved to be, needed to be.
y/n breathed in, looking left slightly, her eyes meeting the kind ones of Deyna Castellanos, Alex's teammate and friend, and she smiled, before throwing the ball in the air and bringing her racket down harshly.
She heard the call before she acknowledged it's meaning, standing their confused as to why Caroline wasn't moving, then the woman who she had battled many times now grinned.
She leapt over the net and wrapped the still paused girl in a tight hug, the crowd bursting into cheers and applause.
"Oh my god!" y/n let out, finally realising what the call meant, and Caroline laughed again as she clung to her.
"You deserve this, petit combattant. You deserve this." Caroline promised as they pulled away.
y/n let out a tearful thank you as Caroline walked toward her coach, the man hugging her in sympathy, y/n turned to Alex and the crowd which were screaming for her.
She let out a cry of joy, tears slipping down her red cheeks as she fell to her knees in relief, the photo becoming one that would be used for weeks to come, showing the joy and love of tennis.
A body collided with hers, long nails scratching at her shoulders as Alex pulled her best friend tighter.
"Ace!" Alex grinned into her.
"Ace indeed!" y/n laughed as she stood up, keeping a tight grip on the closest woman in her life. The press loving the inter-sport friendship began snapping pictures, as y/n's coach Mark wrapped an arm around both of them and guided them inside.
"y/n!" A voice called and soon enough a familiar strawberry blonde was wrapped around her, the player laughing as she hugged Keira back.
Keira, Lucy, Georgia and y/n had bonded best of the group Alex had introduced her to, and even though y/n was aware of Keira's impending move, it didn't dampen their close friendship.
Georgia was unable to join today, but the brunette had promised her friend she would be there for the final, stating she had no doubt she would make it.
"I'm so proud." Keira murmured into her friend's shoulder. y/n smiled as they pulled away, pressing a kiss to the hair of Keira's head.
"Thanks Kei." y/n smiled, Lucy moving over to hug the girl, the two having become like sisters very quickly.
"Well done, kiddo." Lucy hummed, a tight hug reassuring y/n that this was real, she really had done it.
"Thanks Luce." y/n chimed as they pulled away, Lauren and Chloe wrapping her in a double hug quickly. Alex was grinning madly as she pulled y/n over to the newcomer by her hand.
"This y/n/n, is Deyna, she's the only one you haven't met yet." Alex explains. "She's a big fan, ain't ya lovie?" Alex then asks Deyna whose cheeks flush.
"Alex." The girl whined, a thick Venezuelan accent ingrained in her voice which nearly made y/n's knees weak.
She turned to y/n, a small smile on her face as she tried to remain calm at the girl in front of her. y/n suddenly felt self conscious of her looks.
Her hair greasy with sweat, face sticky with it too, her eyes were probably slightly red from the tears and she had some many fly-aways she could guess she looked like a manic scientist.
"Hola un placer conocerte, eres una delantera, ¿sí?" y/n asks softly.
hello, lovely to meet you, you're a striker, yes?
"¿tú hablas español?" Deyna asks, eyebrows furrowed.
you speak Spanish?
Sí, pero sé que la versión venezolana también tiene un ligero dialecto, así que disculpas si todo esto es muy básico." y/n smiles.
yes, but I know the Venzuelan version has a slight dialect too it, so apologies if this is all very basic.
"No no eres fantástica!" Deyna exclaimed happily.
No, no, you are fantastic!
y/n smiled, her cheeks heating as Chloe gawked at her friend, confused that she didn't know the girl could speak Spanish.
"You speak Spanish?" Chloe asks confused.
"Chloe, I learnt to play tennis in Spain?" y/n questioned back confused.
"Yeah, but I just assumed they all spoke English." The blonde shrugged.
"Maybe that's why you didn't react when they called Ace, too used to it being in Spanish." Lucy teased and y/n laughs mockingly before shoving her.
This action causes the two to begin to fight playfully, acting like siblings as the rest just huff and roll their eyes, used to the twos childish ways.
"Alright, alright stop!" Keira chides, her voice stern as the two part and sheepishly look down.
"Sorry Keira." y/n chuckles as footsteps move to them.
"Well, well, well." A voice says and y/n turns and grins at the player.
"Andy!" She squeaks, running at the man she saw as a father, he'd done more for her than either of her parents had anyway.
"Told ya you would be fine." The man chuckles as he hugs the girl tightly. "21 and the best in the world." He adds kindly and y/n smiles as the pull away.
"Think that's cause I have a pretty awesome mentor." She denies and Andy chuckles, kissing her head before letting her continue with her friends.
"So, tomorrow?" Alex asks and y/n lets out a small breath.
"Tomorrow, one day to show them all I'm back." She nods. The girls all nods supportively as they begin their walk back toward the recording room, where y/n would have to sit through some classic interviews.
"Un día." Deyna hums.
one day
"Un día." y/n agrees.
one day
"Un día para demostrarte que has vuelto. Ellos ya saben que lo eres." Deyna tells her.
one day to show yourself that you're back. They already know you are.
y/n smiles softly at Deyna's words, realising that maybe she was right and she nudges her shoulder slightly in thanks.
"Ya estoy de vuelta." y/n nods. "Ya estoy de vuelta." She repeats stronger.
I'm back.
Deyna nods, believing her as Alex looks back, smiling sneakily at the pair she had hoped would get along well, Lucy sees her look and rolls her eyes, but as she hears y/n laugh at something Deyna had said she shares a knowing look with Keira.
y/n just posted
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liked by deynacastellanos, lucybronze and 1, 239, 776 others
y/n Thank you Caroline, you are an amazing woman and were a fierce competition. Thank you for all the love. I will see you tomorrow.
View all 80, 362 comments...
username1: the raw emotion from you made me SOB 😭
username2: The way she didn't even hear the 'ace' call! 😂
username3: Looked like she got stuck buffering for a sec!!
username4: 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ - 'Please reconnect battries.'
alexgreenwood5: Couldn't be prouder!! 😘
y/n: i love you so much xxx ❤️
keirawalsh: The photo of your shout of joy will now be my phone background 🥹
y/n: don't cause I'm still crying all the time...🥹
lucybronze: So proud little fighter!!
y/n: ly!! 🩷
lauren_hemp: Do I understand tennis? No. Do I love watching you win? Yes.
y/n: love you hempo!
stanwaygeorgia: Gowan girl!
y/n: see you soon!!! xx
username5: I have never been so glued to my screen ! 😶😶
username6: Caroline's reaction was so kind, so beautiful! 🥺
username7: she deserves this so much omg
username8: I'm going be a mess if she wins!
see more comments...
This was the longest match of her life. Even during her Wimbledon win, y/n had never been on the court for over four hours, and now they were running over their fifth, nearly at their sixth.
Iga Świątek was younger, fitter, and was not recovering from an injury. She was clever, a fantastic player, but she was not the world number 1.
Neither was y/n, in fact, she had dropped. She was slower, older that Iga, and recovering still, even now, her mentality taking a bigger hit than her ankle.
But today, she needed this win, she had to have it. Iga was younger, fitter, but she wasn't one point from victory. y/n was.
Her chest moved slowly as y/n inhaled deeply, her head tilting up slightly as the crowd waited, holding their breath. y/n's eyes met the soft ones of Deyna once more and a small smile was sent at her.
That soft smile at the lips of the Venezuelan sent small waves of belief down y/n, and she threw the ball in the air. She brought her racket down, watching as the ball flew.
y/n's hands flew to her head, she heard it this time, she recognised it this time and she sunk to her knees in tears as Iga sunk to her own in sadness.
y/n took a moment, breathing in as the crowd erupted in cheers, she had done something almost impossible. She had beaten an injury everyone thought would be the end of her.
Rising to her feet, y/n moved over to Iga, helping her to her feet as she cupped her face.
"Jesteś tak młoda. Tak utalentowany. Nie pozwól, żeby to miało na ciebie wpływ." y/n spoke softly.
You are so young. So talented. Don't let this affect you.
Iga seemed shocked that the English player spoke Polish, but she smiled thankfully as she wiped her eyes, and hugged the woman in thanks.
"dziękuję, mistrzu." Iga said kindly.
thank you, champion
y/n chuckled, shaking her hand as she walked away, fling her body against Andy who caught her, her body finally letting out the tears she was desperately trying to hold in.
"I did it." She breathed.
"You did it." Andy promises.
y/n just posted
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liked by alexgreenwood5, andymurray, and 1, 598, 333 others
tagged alexgreenwood5
y/n Two little girls, who knew they would be a European Champion and US open winner.
To those little ones.
We did it guys.
Thank you x
view 400, 638 comments
username1: this is so cute 😭😭
username3: her reaction made me cry so much 😭
username4: HER RUNNING TO ANDY 😭😭
alexgreenwood5: I cannot express how proud I am - you have been through so much, you deserve every second of this win ❤️❤️
y/n: Cannot ever say how grateful I am to have you in my life Lex, I love you ❤️
deynacastellanos: 🩷🩷
y/n: 🩷🩷
keirawalsh: SO PROUD 🩷🥺
y/n: 🩷🩷🩷
lucybronze: Georgia was screaming so loud, and THEN WE JOINED IT YOU DID IT 🖤🖤
stanwaygeorgia: I’D DO IT AGAIN 🖤
y/n: 🥹🖤🖤🖤
username6: Her comforting Iga was so lovely and the fact Iga said she spoke Polish and when asked about it, y/n said she learnt a bunch of things the night before so she could communicate in her language 🥹🥹🥹🥹
lauren_hemp: GO ON!!!
y/n: LOVE YOU!!!!
chloekelly: Go on babe !! So proud <3
andymurray: Couldn’t be prouder, you are so fantastic!
y/n: Thank you Andy, for all you’ve done xo
username7: 🥺🥺🎾
username8: I am so sad Iga lost :(((((
username9: then why are you here??
username10: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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alexgreenwood5 just posted on her story
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deynacastellanos just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on her story
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deynacastellanos just posted on her story
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y/n just posted
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liked by, chloekelly, alexgreenwood5, and 989, 230 others
tagged deynacastellanos
y/n maybe stick to the day job lovie xo
view all 50, 382 comments
username1: OMG they are hanging out again AHHHHHH 🥹🥹
username2: this is so cute omg 🤭🤭
username3: do you think they're 'getting to know' each other???
chloekelly: ace! 🎾
y/n: ace! 🎾
deyancastellanos: I blame my teacher for me not being very good...
alexgreenwood5: well, if you spend all lesson staring at the teacher you probably won't learn anything 😘
y/n: @deynacastellanos - how gd dare you, I'm a great teacher 😠
deynacastellanos: great looking teacher... 😶
comment deleted
username5: I SAW THAT DEYNA 😭😭
username6: you ain't slick Deyna 😭😂
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y/n smiled as the comments continued to flood in, her eyes watching the people call out Deyna for her now deleted comment, the said comment having been seen by the blushing y/n.
"They're going crazy." Deyna hums, a small smile on her face.
"Hmm, well they still think you're useless at flirting." y/n chuckles, leaning back to catch the last bit of sun on her face.
"Luckily you know better." Deyna says and y/n hums.
"Well..." She teases, but she begins to laugh as Deyna's hands begin to poke and squeeze at her sides, tickling her into a breathy apology.
In her squirming, neither have seemed to notice y/n has wriggled herself sideways across Deyna's lap and the tanned woman sighs softly, leaning down and pressing a light kiss to y/n's reddening cheek.
"I'm very glad you made that bet with Alex." Deyna hums as she pulls y/n into her chest, switching her to face forward so the tennis player's back was against Deyna's chest.
The football player sunk further into the trunk of the tree she was resting on as y/n's head fell back against her shoulder, enjoying the feeling of Deyna's arms around her.
"Same." y/n laughed, the bet being made on the day of the final in her head.
"you win a set by an ace today, tonight you kiss Deyna." Alex offered her hand outstretched.
"Alex I met her yesterday?" y/n answered confused.
"And? She's been your crush for years, and you're hers!" Alex fights back, a smirk on her face.
"Ace?" y/n asks, as her hand comes up to shake her best friend's.
"Ace." Alex confirms and the two shake hands.
"Yeah, I'm really glad I made that bet." y/n repeats and Deyna laughs as she cranes her head down, her lips pressing into y/n's.
I really got into this one … is it obvious ?? 😂😂
apologies if the Spanish and Polish was off it was ALL google translate xoxoxoxox
requests are open and I am super grateful to all the love for these xo
Queenie xx
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janovavalen · 5 months
ㆍ୨୧ㆍpercy jackson!
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ㆍ୨୧ㆍ percy jackson
summary: percy gets lost in the woods one night and happens to stumble along the reserved y/n. wanting to know more and more about it.
think none of her p.1
unlocking more of her p.2
her favorite color p.3
summary: nothing really just two different parts of the actual show in the form of y/n and percy<3 LOVE ANNABETH AND PERCY PERCEBETH FOR LIFE
reckless p.1
not leaving here without you p.2
social media au || in her comments || when social media calls so does the questions
summary: just walker and the percy jackson cast along with some other celebs being on insta
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ luke castellan
her new cut
summary: luke has always had a huge crush on y/n, one thing he noticed about her was her long hair, but one day he can’t help himself when he noticed she cut it.
don’t leave me
summary: percy tell’s y/n that the actual lightning thief happens to be her boyfriend.
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ grover underwood
here for you
summary: y/n has a nightmare and she needs grover for comfort which he is fast to hand to her.
i wish you saw yourself how i see you
summary: when grover gets back to camp he is esthetic to see y/n only to see they were…occupied?
ㆍ୨୧ㆍ percy jackson ( logan lerman!)
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zombholic · 6 months
CONSUMED PT. 2 — abby anderson
summary — the fame really consumed her.
description — rockstar!abby, poc fem!reader, explicit content, sfw & nsfw, modern au, no post outbreak.
authors note — lets pray i don’t abandon this series, i dont like this chapter but guys i promise it will get better!
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It had only been two days in your trip and you couldn’t get her out your head, Abby was consuming your mind, so fucking stupid she probably doesn’t even remember you.
You were trying to get ready, Ellie wanted to go to this club so badly that she was on her knees begging you to come along so she wouldn’t be left alone with Jesse’s insufferable ass, her words.
Sitting down on the toilet seat on this small hotel room you were scrolling through instagram, more specifically Abby’s page.
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You felt like you were going to throw up your own heart, how the fucking stars aligned of course she was coming here for her tour the week you were visiting.
“Can you hurry up! I have to shit!” Jesse started banging on the door.
“Shut up!” You quickly turned your phone off and opened the door only to be quickly pushed out by the man who looks like he’s about to shit himself.
Ellie was facing the mirror fixing her hair, she turned around to look at you with a smile on her face.
“How many girl am I gonna pull tonight?” She bit her bottom lip giving you the light skin Justin Bieber face.
“I’m going to punch you in the throat.” You rolled your eyes going over to sit on the bed.
“What’s wrong now?” She sat beside your feet placing her hand on your knee.
“Abby’s coming to Madison Square tomorrow what if i run into her?” Ellie laughed at your stupid question.
“Did you forget that asshole is like an A-list celeb now, there’s no chance you’ll run into her bitchass.” You knew she was right but secretly you wished it would happen.
The club seemed so much more popular than Ellie said, you could spot out influencers left and right. You clung onto Ellie like your life depended on it, mostly because you were known for getting lost easily.
Ellie was sparking up conversations with every girl she saw, Jesse was on the floor dancing his heart out with his drink in hand, you were sat at the bar sipping on your frozen margarita.
“Stop looking all sad and dance with me.” Ellie hands you a shot which you gratefully took.
She grabs your hand and takes you over to Jesse who was definitely drunk by now, all three of you snapped your neck over to the direction of where the commotion started to grow louder by the second.
Jesse being Jesse he ran over the crowd that started to form, you and Ellie chasing him down. Slipping between people you had managed to grab the loop of his jeans.
“Need to get you a damn leash—“ “Y/n?” The voice sounded so familiar but you refused to turn around.
“No, nope, let’s go!” Ellie grabbed your arm along with Jesse’s.
You turned your head to see the commotion that was started by Abby, your eyes meeting each others for just a moment.
Jesse threw himself onto the bed groaning and complaining that his head was hurting, Ellie made him chug a glass of water before sending him to bed like he was her child.
You were still in shock seeing Abby, how is it that the same day you see her post you meet her at the club? Maybe this was a dream and you’ll wake up. Your heart felt like it was going to break once more while it was trying to heal.
“I think I may have jinxed what I said earlier.” Ellie rubbed your back a hint of guilt lingered in her voice.
“I’m just gonna go to bed.” You gave her a tight lipped smile.
Your phone chimed a couple of times, you dried your face off with a towel before grabbing it thinking it was Ellie asking you for something.
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