#hearing aid clint barton
Is it true that you are deaf or not?
Yes, I’m deaf. Enough sonic arrows without ear plugs will do that.
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thegoldenarcher · 5 months
hot take: clint listens to rap :3c
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and-so-he-rambled · 2 years
Proposal that Clint Barton has the deaf accessibility on for his phone (it flashes the flashlight twice every notification and vibrates) because if I have to get flash banged every time a get an email, so does Hawkeye.
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ace-sailor-uranus · 2 years
...why does he have both hearing aids molded but only one painted lmao
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fuckin-sick-bih · 6 months
I read your teas fic and oh my god its so amazing. Kudos to you for that! I only recently got into marvel but i would love to see some natash content if you’d like?
glad you liked the Tess fic! i can try to brainstorm for some Nat fics, but i also really enjoy writing d/Deaf Clint! so he may make an appearance which could be interesting...? dunno! just spitballing!
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izzysarchivedblogs · 1 year
@mr-tony-stark liked for a starter (post here)! you get clint barton!
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Visitors aren't unwelcome at the Barton-Pizza Dog residence. In fact, he gets more than he has fingers to count. Typically, there are two reasons that people come to his apartment unannounced.
They were angry with him, or they needed a place to lie low.
A secret third option which was really just option one was they were angry and they were his exes. That last part was important information because he's got a list of exes that were his fault things ended and they were relatively on good terms. For the most part, save for Jessica.
Clint's not even aware the door is being pounded on until Lucky is jumping on his chest and pestering to get to the door. It was suppose to be a lazy day albeit being a Monday.
Ugh, Mondays.
No one should be popping by, not even Kate. The super secret fourth option for reasons why people came to the apartment, Kate Bishop, mini-him with less mistakes.
"That's quite enough, Luck." He utters, knowing that the dog is barking as he saunters to the doorway and much to his surprise. It's Tony Stark.
What could he be doing here? He's not Kate Bishop, he is not an ex. There doesn't seem to be an angry expression on his brow, and Tony has money enough to buy a private island to lay low on.
Before he is standing there dumbstruck for too long, he points a finger up to his face. "Sign, text me, or let me gets the aids in." No way is he trying to lip read after waking from a nap, it'd be like fifteen percent less accurate than he normally could lip read and that was only about thirty percent accuracy most of the time anyways.
Wait. Tony would totally blow up his phone before showing up unannounced-
"Oh! Right, so my phone got dropped off a building."
Clint's leaving the door wide open, turning away to go retrieve his hearing aids from the kitchen while he lets Tony deal with Lucky whose sniffing at his knee and checking out the hallway.
"What's up? No Avenger business, right? I told you I'm off duty."
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quicksillver · 11 months
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[image: black and white painting of Clint Barton from Marvel in three-quarter view. His expression is serious, his brows slightly furrowed. He has a prominent scar on his upper lip, and various other more faded scars. He has a BTE hearing aid. His hair is short and blond, neatly swept over his forehead and his chin is lined with barely visible light scruff.]
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Marvel Masterlist
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One Shots
Spook-vengers Tower - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
Better Than Gifts - Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda, Vision, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson (all platonic)
New Years Eve - Steve Rogers x Reader ft. The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Peter Parker, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes (all platonic)
Not Making It Out - Loki x Reader
Love Is Sacrifice - Loki x Reader
Champion Selection - Loki x Reader
My Mistakes - Loki x Reader
The Task - Loki x Reader
Pulled From The Timeline - Loki x Reader
Poisoned Ice - Loki x Reader
Pompeii - Loki x Reader
Madripoor - Bucky x Reader
Why Would I? - Bucky x Reader
A Small Thing - Bucky x Reader
Not The Worst - Bucky x Reader
A Little Help - Bucky x Reader
When You Wake - Bucky x Reader
What We Started - Bucky x Reader
Kiss Her, Captain. - Steve x Reader
Attacked - Steve x Reader
Aftermath - Steve x Reader
The Drink Allergy - Steve x Reader
A Subtle Escape - Steve x Reader
A New Mission - Tony x Reader (platonic)
3am - Frank Castle x Reader (platonic)
Trick or Eat - Venom x Reader (platonic)
Halloween Cookie Surprise - Venom x Reader (platonic)
When Ghosts Hunt - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Under The Flame - Robbie Reyes x Reader
As Imagined - Ben Poindexter x Reader
Surprise Guest - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Earpiece Patch - Clint Barton, Reader, Kate Bishop
Imagines + Mini Fic
Imagine Steve wanting to propose but having to hold off because of the Civil War
Imagine Steve's surprise when you hit an entitled party guest
Imagine flirting with Steve much to his surprise
Imagine inviting Steve to the newly created Memorial Centre
Imagine a kiss from Steve to distract you from blinding pain
Imagine boldly telling Steve how you feel mid-mission
Imagine waking Steve up after being disturbed by a nightmare
Imagine being paired with Steve during the time-travel mission
Imagine Steve’s anger when you go off book during a mission
Imagine being the last person that Tony tells about 'moving day'
Imagine Bucky’s therapist asking about you
Imagine laughing at Bucky after his failed plane jump
Imagine getting caught in the crossfire of John Walker’s rampage
Imagine trying to talk John Walker down at Zemo’s apartment
Imagine waiting for Bucky and his cake delivery
Imagine convincing Bucky to get back into dating
Imagine taking Bucky to meet his dinner date
Imagine being ambushed by HYDRA while waiting for Bucky
Imagine Bucky being present when you wake up
Imagine refusing to work with Loki at the TVA
Imagine Loki trying to explain his theory to you on a busy day
Imagine Loki being asked to let you go
Imagine discovering that Loki is to aid in the escape of Asgard
Imagine Loki falling asleep on your hand
Imagine Mobius shocking you with an idea regarding Loki
Imagine Loki hearing about your variants
Imagine sending Mobius to calm Loki after you’re injured
Imagine Loki stealing your pie at the TVA
Imagine your surprise when Thor brings Loki to Norway
Imagine learning that Hela wants you dead too
Imagine waking up on Sakaar to find Loki trying to help
Imagine asking Thor about a gift that you gave him
Imagine Thor trying to grant you visitation with Loki
Imagine Thor learning that you’re in Norway with his father
Imagine Thor asking Loki about your whereabouts on Sakaar
Imagine finding Venom raiding your pantry
Imagine spending the holidays alone in Avengers Tower
Imagine checking on Robbie’s injuries
Imagine helping Matt escape the prison after Fisk takes control
Imagine Marc Spector inquiring about your hand injury
Imagine Khonshu trying to convince you to be his avatar
Imagine going present shopping for the Avengers
Imagine the Avengers when they learn that you and Bucky were attacked
Imagine Clint coming to you after a mission gone wrong
Imagine Fury asking you to be a diversion
The Rider’s Guardian - Robbie Reyes x Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
Stowaway Cloak -  Stephen Strange, Reader (platonic)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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(Return to the Easy Navigate Masterlist)
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ungrateful-sneeze · 7 months
Clint Barton, losing his hearing aids in a fight and falling off a roof into a dumpster.
Matt Murdock, with a concussion, resting in the same dumpster after a fight, wondering who the fuck just fell on him.
Clint: *trying to keep quiet, mouthing about how he’s deaf
Matt: *confused at why this guy wasn’t saying anything or answering him when he keeps saying he’s blind*
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𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷 2
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Therapy begins, and Y/n can’t see herself in any of these people. When introductions lead to comparing trauma, will the redhead be able to coerce her out of her shell?
Warnings (Entire Series): This series deals with mature topics, including, but not limited to: death, mental health issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, grief, trauma, general unwellness, illness (both mental and physical), and a most likely inaccurate portrayal of group therapy (though it’s much better than whatever was going on in TFATWS.) Please mind the warnings below.
Warnings: anxiety, mentions of death, mentions of: cults, suicidal thoughts, past suicides of family members, heart attacks, kidnapping, child abuse, boat accidents, bombings. Please mind your triggers and stay safe.
🌻 Series Masterlist 🌻
𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐲
“You can all follow me this way—Dr. Coulson’s ready now.” He announced.
You stood on legs that felt completely hollow—any sense of comfort you’d felt in the waiting room disappearing in an instant. You trailed behind the redhead, the only two people behind you were the two men who’d walked in after you.
Peter, who was most likely college-aged, lead you all down the hallways and to a door. He opened it, leading you all inside the room.
A man, who you assumed was Dr. Coulson, smiled warmly as you all filed inside. There was a circle of chairs in the center of the room.
The room itself was calming, with little decorations here and there.
You sucked in some deep breaths, hoping to at least try and calm your nerves.
Peter walked out of the room, and you turned your attention to Dr. Coulson.
“Hi, everybody. Go ahead and take a seat wherever you’d like.” He directed, sitting down in the one farthest from the door. You took a seat in a chair, and the redhead took the seat to your right. A man with a goatee sat on your left. You quickly surveyed the group.
There was the man with the purple shirt, and you noticed that his eyes were a blue-green color. Next to him was Dr. Coulson, and on Dr. Coulson’s left was a man, with dark skin and some of the most beautiful brown eyes you’d ever seen. Next to him was the man with long brown hair, and then next to him was his blonde friend. Next to the blonde was another blonde, this guy with longer blonde hair he tied back in a ponytail. He was also huge, and muscled to no comparison.
Next to that guy was another man, with dark brown or maybe black hair, and gentle brown eyes. He wore glasses, and seemed very shy. Then there was the redhead next to him, and then, well, you.
“I’d like us all to go around and introduce ourselves,” Dr. Coulson spoke again, “name, age, and a fun fact about yourself, if you feel comfortable doing so.” He invited the conversation, grinning. “I’ll go first. I’m Dr. Phil Coulson, you can call me ‘Phil’ or ‘Coulson’ or whatever you’d like. I’m 49 years old, and I’ve worked here for about fifteen years or so.” He looked to the man in the purple shirt.
“Uh, I’m Clint Barton. I’m 30 years old, and..I’m hard of hearing.” He turned his head to glance at Coulson, and you caught a glimpse of his hearing aid.
The man next to you introduced himself. “The name’s Tony Stark. I’m 45, and I’m a mechanic.” He answered confidently.
Everyone’s focus turned to you. You froze instantly, the introduction you’d been rehearsing in your head completely disappearing from your mind. Your mouth felt dry and your scalp felt hot, like you were standing in the hot sun.
The redheaded woman next to you leaned over to you.
“It’s okay,” she whispered. “I get nervous too.”
Though she didn’t say much, you felt a small bit of comfort as you cleared your throat. “Sorry. Uh, my name’s Y/n. Y/n L/n. Uh...I’m 27. Uh…I almost didn’t come here today.” Several people flashed you small smiles of friendliness, to which you smiled back.
“I’m Wanda Maximoff.” The woman next to you smiled warmly. “I’m 26. And I’ve been married before.” When she smiles, her nose crinkles.
“I’m Bruce Banner. I’m 43, and I’m a scientist.” The guy beside her said quietly. He seemed anxious, but also very kind.
“I am Thor Odinson. I am 30, and I had two siblings.” The guy with the blonde ponytail’s voice was loud and booming, but not in an aggressive way. He looked fun to be around, and he looked like the kind of guy you didn’t expect to see in a therapy group. But you could really say that about any of these people. They didn’t look traumatized, from what you could tell.
“Hi. I’m Steve Rogers, I’m 29 years old, and I’ve known this guy—“ he taps the brunette next to him's shoulder, grinning, “—my whole life.”
The guy next to him nods, confirming this, but he shifts awkwardly. You notice that he's wearing gloves, along with his jacket and all his other layers. Strange, considering the weather, but maybe he just had poor circulation.
He took them off as he fiddled with his hands. You noticed his left hand was a dark, dark gray, with gold lines in it. Metal, you realized. He caught you looking, giving you a look of distrust, of defensiveness.
No, you wanted to assure him. I didn’t mean it like that. Fuck. You felt immeasurably guilty and he looked away.
"My name is James Barnes. I'm 29. I go by Bucky." He states, and it looks like he struggled to get it out. Steve smiles at him, and you can compare his demeanor to one of a golden retriever.
"I'm Sam Wilson. I'm also 29, and I used to counsel veterans down at a VA office in DC." The man with the beautiful brown eyes said.
"It's nice to meet you all." Dr. Coulson grinned as he looked around the group. "Even though you all come from different backgrounds and have lived different lives, you all have one thing in common: you all have PTSD, or struggle with a past trauma." He explains.
"Today, I’d like to talk about PTSD as we start this week’s session. I understand that many of us in this group have experienced past trauma or traumas, and are still navigating the effects of these experiences. I’d like to invite all of you to speak openly about any emotions or events that you’ve been struggling with, and how it has impacted your life. We’re here to support and understand one another, so don’t hesitate to share your stories. Are you all comfortable with going around and explaining why you came today? You can be as brief or descriptive as you'd like. I'd like to remind everybody that this is a safe space, and there will be no judgement here."
You sat quietly, not wanting to be the first person to speak up. Luckily, you didn't have to be.
"When I was 13, I watched my father have a heart attack. Right in front of me. I was real sick a lot as a kid, so it was rough on my Ma. She ended up passing when I was 18." Steve speaks quietly, nodding slowly to himself, keeping his eyes on his hand, which rested on his knee.
When it was clear he was finished, Sam spoke up next. "I was in the military. Served in the Air Force. Watched my best friend, who was also my partner of two years at the time, go down. Felt like I was just up there to watch." Sam recalls.
"My sister was four years older than me, and my brother was two years younger. She killed herself when I was 14. My brother overdosed when I was 17. My father favorited me, and it was clear that he did." Thor states.
"I was kidnapped as a kid, and my dad was shitty." Tony shrugs.
"I struggled a lot with...thoughts of suicide a lot. So..yeah." Bruce trails off.
"My dad was abusive." Clint explains briefly.
"I'm from Sokovia." Wanda began. "My brother died in a bombing there a few years ago, as our parents did when we were younger. My husband died last year in a boat accident."
Husband, you noted.
"My girlfriend died nine months ago." You force the words out, remaining cautious. Girlfriend. Not boyfriend.
Nobody reacted differently to your statement, and you smiled internally, though you couldn’t help but compare your response to everyone else’s. Yours didn’t seem as…serious as theirs. You felt a sense of guilt seeping in. Here you were, taking up a spot in a therapy group where someone with some serious issues could be sitting.
"...I was in the army. Got..got my arm blown off. And then, uh...cult." Bucky kept his gaze on the floor, even as Steve gently pressed his knee against Bucky's.
"Wait. 'Cult'?" Tony catches, brows furrowed and eyes showing the confusion he felt. Everyone, including you, nodding in agreement with him.
“Long story.” Bucky brushes it off.
“Okay then.” Sam shrugs.
You watched Dr. Coulson as he began to talk again.
He’d introduced a small game to help everyone get to know each other. It felt like a thing you’d do in middle school, but it worked nonetheless. You enjoyed it, even. It hadn’t been awful.
You knew a little bit more about everybody. Thor’s favorite color is red. Clint was good at archery. Bucky worked at the library. Steve had a long list of illnesses. Sam liked running. Wanda’s favorite flowers were sunflowers.
When it was over, you drove home. Once you got in your apartment, you opened your phone, clicking on a familiar contact.
“Hello?” Sharon’s voice sounded out from the phone.
“Sharon, hey.” You smiled awkwardly to yourself.
“Oh my God, Y/n. It’s good to..hear your voice. Wait. Did you go? To the meeting today?”
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I did.”
“How was it?”
“It was uh, it was good.” You stared at your feet, realizing your shoes were still on as you stood in the living room. You kicked them off, listening to her voice.
“I’m glad to hear it. I..wasn’t sure if you’d go. The emoji was good to see, but..a bit vague.” She laughed.
“Yeah…sorry about that. And I’m sorry for…y’know, ghosting you and all that.”
“It’s okay. I’m just glad you seem to be doing a bit better. Hey, uh, I’m in the parking lot of the hospital. My shift’s in a few minutes, but do you wanna get some coffee? Whenever you have time.”
You paused for a minute, taking in some shallow and shaky breaths.
“Yeah. Yeah, I’d..I’d like that. See you soon, Sharon.”
“Bye.” She said.
“Bye.” You echoed, listening to her hang up the phone. After a moment, you lowered it from your ear, smiling.
Maybe everything wasn’t so bad, after all.
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fandomnerd9602 · 9 months
Stephanie Rogers and Male Reader forgetting to the coms are on during a mission and reader is teasing Stephanie until she pins him and tells him to focus on the mission and she'll give him what he wants after
Reader: You mean you'll let me suck on your muscles
Stephanie: Absolutely
Reader: and grinds on your abs
Stephanie: Anything for my good boy
Reader: And you'll use make me see stars
Stephanie: We'll even use the shield if you like
The Team: OH MY GOD
Natasha: Damn You get her girl
Clint: *turns his hearing ads on* What the hell is going on?
Stephanie: (purrs) baby I’m gonna make you see Stars and Stripes
Y/N: oh? Well I’ll make sure you can’t go on your morning runs for a week
Stephanie: oh baby
Wanda: how do I turn my comms off?!?
Bucky: I didn’t need to hear this
Tony: no wait I’m writing down ideas for me and Pepper!
Natasha: alright Rogers! Get it!
Barton turns on his hearing aids…
Barton: did I miss something?
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writing-house-of-m · 9 months
Welcome to the Team
Wanda Maximoff x Reader x Jeff the landshark
Summary: Jeff meets the team
A/N: Here is part 2 of my Jeff AU. In celebration of today being a year since I first posted a fic there will be a double bill of Jeff! The final 1 year celebration request includes Jeff too so you can expect that later on. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this part, it's practically a crack!fic 😂
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It is unusual for everyone to be sitting in the lounge area on a random Friday afternoon. But you have put it off for long enough so it is time to finally rip off the band-aid.
You are standing facing the group of heroes who are all looking at you expectedly with Wanda standing right behind you. You look over your shoulder and see her give you an encouraging smile, waiting for you to start talking.
Taking a breath, you begin. "Okay. I know you're all wondering why we've asked you here today." And before you can get anywhere the Avengers must think this is the cue to start a guessing game.
"Wanda's pregnant!" Tony exclaims.
Some of the quicker thinkers widen their eyes and reflexively look at you.
You point at him to quickly shut down the thought, "No."
"Really? There have been some weird noises coming from your room lately," Sam thinks aloud.
Once again you are stopped before you can comment.
"You're moving out together?" Bucky asks.
You're about to decline the accusation but then they all come flooding in.
"You finally proposed?" Natasha questions.
"Wanda proposed?" Steve opposes.
"Oh wow, I really thought it would be you to pop the question, Y/n. What a twist," Carol, who you don't even know why she is here, says.
"You got a dog?" Peter speaks with a hopeful look in his eye.
"A cat maybe?" Bucky decides to add his own input. Along with Bruce who follows with, "Perhaps a rabbit?"
You turn to see Wanda amused by the whole thing. Turning back around, you have to raise your voice to be heard, "QUIET!" This manages to restore some order to the meeting you called.
"Thank you," you relax. "None of you are right. Actually I guess Peter, Bucky and Bruce were close."
You see Peter raise his hand for a fist bump but Bruce mistakes it for a high five so it turns into an awkward closed hand around a fist situation. Bucky is too far from either of them to celebrate the small victory.
"There is a new addition to the compound, his name is Jeff," you announce.
"Who names a hamster 'Jeff'?" Peter asks.
"No way, it's going to be a parrot. Or some kind of bird right?" Clint 'The Hawkeye' Barton guesses.
Once again this starts off a new guessing game - What animal could it be?
"Monkey," "Raccoon," "Fox," "Guinea pig," "Chameleon," "Duck!"
You begin to question your life choices, how did you ever end up in this situation? Maybe you should have set this gathering up like a game show at least then it might have been fun for you too.
Instead of stopping them this time you take a seat until they hopefully tire themselves out.
"No, no. From the noises I heard it's definitely a goat," Sam remarks.
You decide it's hopeless when the discussion doesn't look like it will cease. Giving up the waiting game you nod your head to Wanda rolling your eyes, you can tell she is holding in her laughter for your sake.
She leaves the area and after a few moments she returns with Jeff. It is only when the pitter patter sound of footsteps close in do they realise you are no longer standing directly in front of them. Instead you are next to Wanda with a new being between you.
You could hear a pin drop now that everyone's gazes are fixed to the little guy.
"Everybody, this is Jeff," you introduce your new roommate.
The attention seems to make Jeff nervous, you don't know if he has ever had this many eyes on him. Possibly when he was captive in the lab. You realise this could be traumatic for him so you guide him to step behind you.
His two front feet grip your leg as he peers round to see everyone still looking at him.
Wanda sits on the floor close to him with a hand resting on the fin on his back. "It's okay Jeff, they're all friendly," she reassures him.
"Is that a fish with legs?" Clint asks, "Oh man, I was way off."
"He's a shark," you say matter-of-factly. When you see everyone's expression change to a worried or frightened one you clarify further in hopes to calm their nerves. "A landshark!"
It doesn't work.
"Y/n, what the hell is a landshark? You better start explaining and fast," Natasha all but threatens you. You can see one of her hands has disappeared behind her back meaning she is defensively readying a knife behind her.
"He's not harmful, he's really friendly," you say. Then you remember some things you have read about sharks so are quick to add, "Also sharks are misconstrued as being vicious when they're actually not. They get a bad rep even though they're basically puppies of the ocean. Did you know, more people are killed each year by coconu-"
"Y/n!" Natasha interrupts.
"Right," you say, gathering your thoughts and glancing down at him. "He's nice and friendly and really playful. A bit of a clutz too. We've had him hidden in our room for about two weeks now."
This seems to bring Tony's attention away from the shark to you, "Oh really? And you didn't think to mention this to the person who pays for everything around here?"
"We were going to tell you after the first night he stayed but didn't bother because we didn't think he would be here for this long. Dr Cho was trying to get a specialist in to take a look at him but there were delays," Wanda momentarily takes over for you.
"Oh, so Cho knows. That's great," Tony comments sarcastically, "as well as the specialist, right?"
"Yes. Plus two others who work with the specialist," you add much to Tony's dismay.
Jeff seems to be a bit more comfortable because he has come out from behind you. He tugs on your pant leg wanting to be picked up by you so you oblige and feedback to the group what you have found out so far.
"They finally looked him over a couple of days ago. No one knows where he has come from or why he looks the way he does. The working theory is that he was experimented on which fits with what Wanda saw in a flash the first time she came in contact with him."
Jeff starts squirming in your arms so you nod to Wanda to continue while you try to settle Jeff by whispering words of affirmation to him. Telling him none of these people will hurt him as you rub up and down his back.
"From the tests and interacting with him so far he seems to be able to understand us and in addition to being able to breathe air he can breathe underwater too. The more time we spend with him the easier it has been to communicate," Wanda finishes, while she scratches under Jeff's chin which helps calm his nerves.
Everyone looks on in silence as Jeff pulls away from you slightly. You speak in a low tone asking if he wants to say hi to the team. Which, reluctantly, he agrees to.
There is a strong bond between you, even if it hasn't been too long since you found him, so he knows he can trust anyone you want to introduce him to.
You go to place him on the ground but he whines a little while clutching your shirt. Instead, you stand back up and he turns in your arms facing the expecting crowd.
He raises his little hand in a wave speaking in a small voice, "Mrr."
In a second everybody's eyes soften and you hear a collective 'aww' sound out.
Maybe you should have started with this.
They are all about to rush over but you stop them from doing so with a hand out in front of you while taking a step back. Wanda moves swiftly standing between the incoming horde and Jeff.
"One at a time," she requests.
Peter makes his way over first and greets Jeff introducing himself.
It definitely must be a sight, all of this.
A young couple holding a shark as if he is a baby. It is only inevitable that someone asks, "So, is Jeff like your child then?"
And of course that person has to be Natasha.
The Jeff you are looking at now is unrecognisable to the Jeff from half an hour ago. He has lossened right up.
After everyone introduced themselves Peter decided to show Jeff his web slingers and, against yours and Wanda's wishes, hung Jeff upside down from the ceiling. The excited noise and wide smile was enough to make you step back. But not too far back just enough, in case you needed to catch him.
After that he spent some time with Carol who showed him a glowing fist. Natasha smirked at Wanda and you as she twirled a knife around her fingers, Bucky doing the same which turned into a contest.
When they weren't looking you picked him up and moved him away from the crazy movements.
As the only member with kids Clint simply spoke to him like he was a baby, Steve said he didn't have any tricks for him but maybe one day he would show Jeff his shield. Sam asked Jeff if he wanted to pet Redwing which he happily did.
Even now Tony has been playing tricks with him, making a coin disappear then reappear from behind Jeff's ear. He had to borrow a coin from someone first, it would have been more surprising if Tony had any small change on his person to begin with.
Next is Bruce who tells Jeff there is someone else he should meet then transforms into the Hulk. Jeff looks at the green giant in wonder then puts his arms up to be picked up so he can be the tallest in the room. When Hulk sees Jeff he crouches down so he is eye level with Jeff, sniffing and surveying him. He chuckles, calls Jeff 'a puny baby' then picks him up and places the landshark on his head.
Shortly after everyone takes their leave. Clint is on his way home to his family, Natasha goes to train with Bucky following behind her. A Hulk-less Bruce returns to the lab with Tony. Steve, Sam and Carol are discussing a mission they are assigned to lead and Peter says he has some homework he needs to finish.
"What a day huh Jeff?" You breathe out, exhausted. Jeff looks at you like a small child while trotting around, jumping on the couches and back onto the floor excited about all the new friends he has made.
"I think Jeff is going to be just fine here," Wanda says to you as you both watch him, side by side.
"Hello good people of Earth!" You hear a familiar loud voice sound from the entrance disturbing your peace. And when he makes it in front of you, he is his usual happy self.
"Hi Thor... What are you doing here?" You ask, confused.
"I'm here for the meeting, of course," Thor says in his cheery voice.
"I didn't know you were on the mailing list," you say a little tiredly trying to think back to the email you sent out.
"I didn't know he knew how to check his email," you hear Wanda's side comment next to you.
"Well, I am the strongest Avenger after all," Thor boasts, "I should be here for all the little talks and what nots."
"Right," you say a little unsurely. "Err, the meeting is over now but it was to introduce a new resident to the compound."
You see him spot Jeff who peeks his head over the backrest between you and Wanda. He is looking at Thor in awe with his mouth agape much like he did when he saw Hulk.
As he climbs over the back rest you stand and Jeff stands next to you in front of Thor his head tilting back as he trails his eyes upwards from the hammer Thor is holding to his face.
"This is Jeff," Wanda says.
"Jeff the landshark," you add.
Thor has seen plenty of creatures in his lifetime so it's no surprise he doesn't react in a negative way. "Oh, how wonderful! Welcome to the team, little landshark!" Thor's voice booms excitedly.
You don't get a chance to tell Thor that Jeff is not a part of the team, only that he is staying with you in the compound because, before you know it, he lifts Jeff onto his shoulder and walks away with him.
Sighing heavily you place your hands on your hips when you hear Thor talking about a battle, going into excruciating details about how he killed a group of enemies. You are a little wary of how Jeff is going to respond to the gory details of war.
Wanda stands and moves behind you. She wraps her arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder. "He-" Wanda was about to say something but is cut off short when you both hear an excited squeal from Jeff in the distance so she rests her chin and giggles against you instead.
"I was going to say he's going to love whatever story Thor brings up, but that's kind of obvious now," she says, smiling into your shoulder.
You sigh again, "I know. But now he's going to want us to talk about all the fights we've endured and I don't think it's good for him."
Next, you hear some scuffling making you cringe because it sounds as though some equipment has fallen and crashed to the ground. Not long later you hear the sound of fast little footsteps making their way in your direction.
Then you hear Thor shout, "JEFF! GIVE THAT BACK."
Well this can't be good.
Before you can move from your spot Jeff runs past you with Mjolnir clutched in his mouth. Wanda has stepped beside you and when you glance at each other you see she holds the same shocked expression as you.
You both then turn to see Jeff's figure running out of the entrance doors. Wanda is clearly amused but you speak aloud the question on your mind, "How is he worthy and I'm not?" You ask, insulted.
Wanda wraps her arms around your neck, her fingers playing with your hair, "It's okay honey, you don't need a hammer telling you anything I don't already know."
She is leaning in to kiss you but a new voice enters your ears.
"Sestra! Come look! There's a dog in a shark costume out here!" Pietro exclaims, "And he's holding a fake hammer too!"
It is official.
Jeff has met the whole team.
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petite-madame · 1 year
Hello how are you doing? I love your work so much and follow you since 2016.
I was just wondering if you have some Clint Barton/ Clintasha content in your timeline?
If not it’s absolutely not a problem just wondering.
Thank you for your creations and have a lovely day/evening wherever you are! 😘
Hi anon
Thank you for following me for so long and for enjoying my work. It's very kind of you 💖
I was just wondering if you have some Clint Barton/ Clintasha content in your timeline?
I DO! Here are some links for you ^^
Clint with white hair
Clint sporting a swim suit
Heroic Fantasy Clint
Heroic Fantasy Clint riding a horse with Natasha
Base Ball Clint
Clint from my "Food Calendar"
Clint and his favorite t-shirt
Hurt Clint with his hearing aid
Clint in front of Natasha's grave
I have some Clintasha artworks but I'm not gonna lie, I'm too lazy to dig for links so I'm reposting them below (I'm also reposting some artworks with Clint and his friends including Wanda, Sam, Bucky, etc...)
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Hope it was what you were looking for and have a great day ❤
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castieltrash1 · 2 years
Tatianna, my love! Could you please do a Clint x Reader fic featuring public sex for the kinktober challenge? Our boy deserves to be loved, and in front of everyone lol :) xx
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kinktober day 1 → clint barton x f!reader; public sex, deaf!clint, dirty talk, cockwarming, exhibitionism
“No one’s watching, don’t worry,” Clint whispers softly, stubble tickling the shell of your ear in a way that would make you squirm if you weren’t desperately trying to hide the fact you’re cockwarming him in a room of a hundred people; a few whose eyes have lingered on you in a way that makes your skin crawl. The thought of them knowing what’s really happening under your bunched-up skirt and the conveniently placed tabletop masquerading your salacious acts is both exhilarating and terrifying.
For a moment, you consider saying something, telling him it’s too much too fast, that your growing nerves outweigh the pleasure. He’s long since pocketed his hearing aids -- the loud music and overlapping conversations growing irritating -- but you’ve got a few nonverbal cues, and his hand pressed against your torso means he’d feel the vibration of you speaking if you tried. Instead, you bite back a whimper when Clint’s free hand disappears under the hem of your skirt, bypassing your pushed-aside panties to rub against your swollen clit, wet with the arousal that coats the base of his cock.
“Don’t let anyone hear those cute sounds,” Clint commands, pinching you between his thumb and forefinger and chuckling at how you instinctively clench around him. It’s not enough to make either of you cum, but he doesn’t seem put off by that, instead driven to see how far he can push you before you drag him to the nearest abandoned hallway or closet and fuck his brains out.
He holds you closer to his chest, hips rocking into yours, and your head spins when he murmurs “just a little longer.”
kinktober rules/requests ♡
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober Day 3
Clint Barton + Dom/Sub
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I was more in the mood for something different today. Hope yall still enjoy it tho. This is comic Clint btw, my deaf king.
 Kinktober list
Clint flexed the muscles in his arms, pulling at the bindings locked around his wrist in intricate knots. He lay face down, his chest pressed into the mattress as he stood on his knees, his ass in the air. He tightened the muscles in his thighs and tried to wriggle his feet, but the bar locked around his ankles kept him still.
He was naked, sweat beading all over his body as he tried in vain to listen for you. Before he had been pushed to the bed, you had removed his hearing aids and tucked them away. You both knew the rules, if he needed an out, he would give you a specific symbol with his hands. This had been discussed long ago, before you both had felt comfortable enough to lean into your roles as dom and sub.
Opening his eyes, he only saw darkness, the fabric around his eyes making him blind. The knowledge that not only could he not hear, but he could not see, sent a thrill up his spine and made him sweat. Clint felt spit dribble out his mouth around the gag you had pressed between his teeth, the ball muffling most of his noises as he panted through his nose.
Clint gave a jolt when he felt your hand on his back, running up the muscled expanse of skin. When you had your hand between his shoulder blades you waited, letting Clint untense and relax, his muscles going lax as he melted back into the sheets. Clint whimpered through his gag as your palm ran over the curves of his ass, giving one side a small slap before gripping it tightly.
The archer could feel his cock throbbing between his legs, he knew even without seeing it, that it was a dark red. The ring around the base had halted earlier orgasms, cutting his completion right before the last jump. His body gave a violent jolt as you grabbed his hardness, giving the wet length a cruel squeeze, tearing a loud almost pained cry from Clints lips.
He could never keep track which direction you came from, his many years of assassin training becoming null when he was in the palm of your hand. Maybe that was why you always took his vision and hearing away, so he could not fall back into his ways, listening and looking out for every possible threat. It was a sign of trust, a sign that he believed that you would protect him if anything were to happen.
Clint sobbed when you let go of his length, a choked gasp leaving him as you smacked it afterwards. It sent a warm feeling all the way up Clints spine, knowing you could do whatever you wanted to him at times like these, and there would be nothing he could do to stop it, not that he would, as he trusted you. He had lost track of time a long time ago, so he didn’t know how long you had been at it, grabbing, pinching, and biting him all over as he shook in his restraints.
Suddenly he was flipped onto his back, his hands complaining faintly under his weight. He drew up his knees, spreading his thighs to the best of his ability, an attempt to entice you to end your teasing and let him cum, or simply to fuck him and fill him, he didn’t even need to finish, knowing he had made you cum was enough to satisfy him.
As he lay thinking of you, he felt you crawl up to bed and over him. When your lips pressed against the gag in his mouth, Clint ran his tongue against the back of it as he thought of your mouth and taste, oh how he wanted you to devour him, to shove your tongue down his throat and wrench away his ability to breath.
When the blindfold was removed, Clint had to blink his eyes a few times to adjust to the sudden brightness. Above him you watched as he tried to focus, smiling to yourself at the blissed and cloudy look in his eyes. Leaning down, you kissed him between the eyes and leant over, laying down beside Clint, turned to him on your side.
Removing the gag you threw it to the side, leaning in to kiss the man you loved. Clint moaned, gasping as your tongue ran against his own, your taste filling his mouth and his senses, his eyes fluttering as you filled all he knew. He was so distracted by your taste he didn’t realize before it was too late, that you were reaching for his weeping cock and taking it in your palm. Clint whined as you jerked your hand up and down in a slow torturous pace, watching as he couldn’t seem to decide if he wanted to thrust up into your hand or pull back at the pain of overstimulation.
You purred against his lips, covering him in praise and love. When you told him he had been good, that he was perfect and everything you needed, Clint felt like he would have came right then and there. Almost as if you knew the thoughts going through his head, you pulled off the cockring and told him he could.
Clint wrenched his head back, disconnecting your spit covered lips in the process as he screamed, his neck aching from his roughly he had thrown his head back as arches of white splattered against his chest and abdomen. The entire time you kept praising him, pressing kisses to his neck as you jerked the last few drops out of him.
As Clint floated off somewhere else, you undid his restraints and cleaned him up, wrapping him in his favorite blanket and fishing out his hearing aids for when he wanted them. When he came too, he realized you hadn’t finished, but when he tried to reach for you, he was pulled into your chest where you cuddled him close. It seemed tonight had mainly been for him, and you had gotten all the enjoyment you needed from watching him. This made his face warm up, knowing just seeing him and pleasuring him was enough for you. The archer shut his eyes, nuzzling close to you as he slowly drifted to sleep, the feeling of your chest rising and falling lulling him the last of the way.
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freakyquill · 2 years
*Kate and Yelena at the Barton's farm for Christmas*
*Clint walks by the game room late one night and freezes*
Kate: Oh my God, Yelena! YES! Go faster!!
Yelena: I'm trying my best Kate Bishop! Now shush and let me work!
Clint, turning off his hearing aid: It's just a nightmare. Keep walking.
*The next day over breakfast*
Kate: I still can't believe what you did last night! Your fingers are like machines!
Yelena, smirking: It just takes a little practice, Kate Bishop.
Clint, coughing: Uhm, girls... About that... Maybe you should keep it down yeah? You know with the kids..
Kate, frowning: What do you mean Clint? Lila showed us all the tricks yesterday!
Clint, chocking on his coffee: WHAT?!
Kate: Yeah, Guitar Hero! Lila's a pro!
Clint: You were playing a GAME?!
Yelena, laughing: You thought we were having sex?!?! Oh, Barton, you're so funny! Believe me, you'd have heard Kate even with your aid off if we were.
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