#he is shadow demon
ao3sbatfamily · 2 months
'A Revelation' by BrickSheep
Author: @fantastic-wiles
“He hates me.” Kori stated. “He doesn’t bother to hide that he has a favorite.”
“What can I say? I’m charming. An eldritch magnet, one might even think.”
“That’s what he is, then? An ‘eldritch’ creature, or ‘abomination’ as Cassie put it?”
“He’s not really an abomination, but yeah. Eldritch; It’s just a way of saying unearthly or uncanny. Odd and unusual, for people like us. Which is saying something, considering what we do in our spare time.”
Tim paused when Damian made a soft noise in his sleep.
How could someone think he was an abomination?
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fernsnailz · 1 year
do you think shadow was aware of his super strength when he stopped marinating in his tube ? since he can just flip buses i think it'd be funny if there had to be a learning curb
also the image of small crechure shadow being able to lift maria over his head is funny to me.
maybe gerald trips on some osha violation and when shadow goes to help him up he accidentally launches him into the ark's ceiling
i'm absolutely obsessed with this concept of overpowered tiny dude shadow pre-inhibitor rings. chaos and destruction everywhere
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hauntingyourself · 11 months
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In which, at some point between his brother’s death and the first book, kaz actually had somehow become a demon or something not-quite-human
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pearlypeacepeacock69 · 11 months
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I'm still here is shadow batman hell. This time with ✨️Bat-Taser✨️
Part one
Part two : The babies
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jesterchao · 1 year
The funniest lore bit from the murder of sonic the hedgehog
Is that shadow showed up to Amy’s birthday, realized he forgot a present, panicked, tried to over compensate by buying a hyper specific one, failed, than spent the rest of evening trying to hide this had occurred at all
Yet despite that, in generations Shadow didn’t show up or was too busy to attend Sonic’s birthday
Meanwhile, Sonic forgot his present, the cake, and his wallet
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casual-trash-art · 6 days
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His shadow being a love struck little gremlin is my favourite trope
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nnayomaise · 30 days
i think the thing that really gets me about all the "we've got to kill this guy kabru" meme redraws with mithrun is that in the very first conversation mithrun has with laios, he trusts him with, essentially the fate of the world and his life long revenge quest against the demon
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aetherean-alchemist · 4 months
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QSMP February drawing of the day
Day 2: Q!BBH updated design/concept art
An agent of destruction and a reaper of death
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thebiscuitlabryinth · 4 months
Cookiekind, in general, seems to hold the strange belief that Shadow Milk Cookie, as the Beast of Deceit, does not understand truth. This is because they have burnt ash for brains, and cannot comprehend that a change in superficial title does not mean that Shadow Milk Cookie is no longer the Master of Knowledge. Even if it did, a deciever can only be effective by understanding the nuance of truth, for the greatest lies are created through its flexibility.
So despite popular opinion, Shadow Milk does recognise, understand and know truth. Well, he knows everything, but especially something as fundamental as that.
Look, here's a truth, right now; Shadow Milk Cookie quite likes Pure Vanilla Cookie, in spite of everything.
Not in the soft, fluffy cotton candy way, of course. Shadow Milk likes Pure Vanilla in the same way a cat likes a mouse, or a researcher likes a test subject, or a puppeteer has a favourite puppet. He likes him because he is a source of entertainment – having such a soft, simple heart makes him fun to watch struggle with silly emotions, and easy to taunt and frazzle. That's all, really. Shadow Milk can't even say he likes him to the point of wanting to crack him open and see what makes him tick, because he doesn't need to. He already knows everything about Pure Vanilla, right down to the composition of the yeast in his body, because he has constantly kept his eyes on him since the start.
It must be said though, if we are to talk in truths, that Shadow Milk may have some biases that make him more invested in Pure Vanilla's continued existence. Namely, the fact that he holds his Soul Jam.
Now, obviously he doesn't like that this little half-cookie, this unworthy, flimsy vessel, holds half his power. On the contrary, it is nothing but an insult to watch him clumsily flaunt it around while Shadow Milk stays unjustly shackled. It is the only transgression Pure Vanilla has ever committed against him, but it is a blasphemous one.
And yet, even with his bubbling rage at the disrespectful theft of his rightful power, Shadow Milk sometimes likes to toy with the idea that he is a gift, a plea for forgiveness from the Witches that he can righteously ignore. After all, Pure Vanilla has his Soul Jam – his, not theirs – and does that not make Pure Vanilla his too?
Naturally, Shadow Milk knows that the Witches are horrible, selfish old tyrants and would not grant him that grace, but that does not change the fact that Pure Vanilla is, for all intents and purposes, his other half. There is something powerful in that knowledge, especially since he knows it would tear Pure Vanilla apart.
So Shadow Milk does like Pure Vanilla quite a lot, even with the full knowledge that he's a dirty little thief, because he is entertaining and, most importantly, he is his.
Now, here is another truth, since we're already on a roll; Shadow Milk Cookie will escape the Seal and get his Soul Jam back.
It's an inevitability, really. Even if Shadow Milk feels like he is absolutely crumbling of boredom stuck in this stupid tree, especially since the rest of the Beasts have one by one drifted into a bitterly restless slumber, they are all far too strong to be contained by a single measly seal forever. The day will come when it gives way beneath the probing of his hands, and with the cracks in the tree nearly large enough for him to stick his fingers through, he knows that day will come much, much sooner than later.
As for what comes after he escapes? Well, Shadow Milk has no concerns there.
The Faerie Cookies may have longer lifespans than average, but sadly that doesn't make them any smarter. It'll be a piece of cake to knead their doughy brains into doing what he wants them to, even with half his power missing. The Guardian is the only one who poses any real threat, and even that has a laughably easy solution, because he certainly isn't immune to crumbling.
Shadow Milk picks at the slim seam of the cracks with hands that are not his own, encouraging them to grow as he takes a moment to fantasise standing over the Guardian's pathetic crumbs.
Speaking of laughably easy solutions, Pure Vanilla is awfully kind to come to Beast-Yeast, right on the cusp of Shadow Milk's escape! Really, Shadow Milk was estatic when he overheard him discussing those travel plans. It saves him the trouble of having to track him down once he's finished freeing his friends and razing the Faeriewoods to the ground.
Even better, having Pure Vanilla around to welcome him back to the free air could prove to be useful. It would be so deliciously poetic, for Pure Vanilla to cut down the tree with his stolen power and set Shadow Milk free with his own hands, offering himself up in a syrupy spotlight to reunite the two lost halves of Knowledge to its true owner.
Shadow Milk could push him into it, he thinks confidently as he twists his claws into the fracture, grappling at the edges to force them wider. He knows Pure Vanilla better than Pure Vanilla knows himself, he is sure. It wouldn't even be hard.
Now, let's review! Shadow Milk Cookie quite likes Pure Vanilla Cookie, that is the first truth. And he will escape the Seal and get his Soul Jam back, that is the second.
These truths coexist, and because they do, Shadow Milk has long decided he won't immediately crumble Pure Vanilla into fine dust when he takes his Soul Jam back.
Oh, he could, and so easily too. Shadow Milk has held Pure Vanilla's hunched form in his palms dozens of times, in the pit of the abyss, has felt how fragile and weak it is – not that Pure Vanilla ever notices, the silly, blind thing. He has curled his claws around his silhouette like a cage countless times, and entertained and irritated himself with how easy it would be to crush him in one fell swoop.
Yes, he could crumble him without a second thought, but that wouldn't be much fun, would it? It's not like he needs to destroy him to be able to retrieve his Soul Jam, and really, it would be a bit of a waste. He's been waiting to meet him – really, truly meet him – for oh so long, to get rid of him immediately would just be anticlimatic. Nobody likes a boring ending, least of all Shadow Milk.
There is a sudden, audible crack, and Shadow Milk's hands finally breach the containment of the bark, fingers quickly scrambling to anchor themselves on the edges of the open wound. An uncontrollable, wild grin splits across Shadow Milk's face, or whatever is currently left of it, wide and eager.
He lurches forward, all of his eyes narrowing in on the wispy traces of light outside, with the exception of the one that always follows Pure Vanilla like a curse, currently watching him settle into an airship with some teeny, insignificant Cookies. Anticipation begins to simmer the endless darkness around him, finally, finally, finally making him feel alive for the first time in far too long.
Somewhere nearby, Silent Salt is slowly beginning to rouse, and Shadow Milk's grin stretches even wider. They don't make a sound and hardly move, but Shadow Milk knew they would be the first to wake. They always are.
Finally, a third truth, to neatly complete the rule of threes; Shadow Milk Cookie is looking forward to properly introducing himself and the other Beasts to Pure Vanilla Cookie.
This one doesn't need any further explanation. After all, there is nothing more thrilling than a good reveal.
The wood groans pitifully beneath his harsh grip, the noise mingling with the distant thrum of an airship in motion, and Shadow Milk's quiet but sharp giggling.
Ah, he can't wait to see Pure Vanilla's face when he realises the true identity of his precious Light of Truth.
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snail-noodle · 4 months
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So serious! I can already imagine that's the face he used to have before his corruption
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please let me give him some kisses- 💙🩵💙🩵
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little-devil-art · 6 months
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[Pride and Wrath of Nohr] 💙💚👑
Does that make sense? I don’t know. I’m unsure. But I did it anyway, so have Xander in Lucifer’s attire and Leo in Satan’s. The Demon forms because….because. Thought it would fit them. But if you think about it, it kinda makes sense, right? Btw if Lucifer and Satan were to wear their armour, would they drop unconscious?
I’m currently falling a bit back into Fire Emblem lately, but I try my best to be part of the two fandoms ghh….Hope you like my random idea though!
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spacedace · 1 year
Okay here me out:
dp x dc writing prompt where Dani ends up exhausted (and maybe a little weak from traveling for so long, maybe she got in a fight and is hurt) and finding shelter in a nice barn with a friendly cow in it, curling up in a dark corner to rest and recover where she’s pretty sure no one will notice her until she's ready to take off again.
And because her form since stabilizing has always been a bit prone to sliding away from more human and into the more eldritch when she's tired, she appears less like a human girl and more like an more humanoid-ish shadow creature. Emphasis on the creature.
Damian is a responsible pet owner, he makes sure to go around feeding everyone first thing in the mornings, even on weekends, and because of his training he has a sharp eye for things that aren't quit right, so he spots this...thing curled up in the corner immediately.
His first instinct is to fight it - it managed to get past all their security measures, it's an unknown, it could be a danger to his family, or worse BatCow - but then Alfred-the-cat jumps down from the hay bail the creature is curled up behind and lands on it. The creature gives a pained little noise, but doesn't strike out or hurt the cat, just turns glowing green eyes up at it and meets Alfred-the-cat's little mrrp with one of it's own and buts it's shadowy head against the cat.
And Damian, maybe a little more tired then usual up so early after a long night fighting rogues as Robin, just comes to the conclusion that - while obviously a supernatural creature of some variety- it clearly has been adopted by Alfred-the-cat as a kitten and equally adopted the cat back as it's caretaker. And separating them would be detrimental to both.
So obviously this is just another pet for him to take care of, especially when he realizes that Bruce-the-shadow (it only seemed appropriate since Alfred-the-cat adopted the creature) is injured.
Dani is a little too out of it to fully get what's going on at first, just vaguely aware of someone that looks a bit like Danny saying something to her and trying to check on her injuries - he must have found her, one of the local ghosts must have told him what was going on - so she just lets him because she knows how he gets.
The rest of the family thinks it's a bit weird that Damian has been spending so much more time down at the barn recently, but hey it keeps him from getting into fights with his siblings and they all get the need for some alone time now and then.
Things only start getting weird when Dani starts realizing it's not her original/brother/father taking care of her but instead some kid her age, but by then Damian has started talking to Bruce-the-Shadow the same way he does his other pets, sharing the things he feels he can’t share with anyone else, and she sees that same loneliness and unwillingness to trust that she feels and really with the bruises the kid keeps showing up with she worries okay?
So she sticks around, even after she's all healed and could take off again, keeping her form shadowy and doing her best to keep an eye on her new...friend? Friend.
Cut to Damian ending up in some bad fight and Dani as Bruce-the-shadow showing up to save him and BatFam is concerned™️ about what the fuck that thing is, and Danny getting worried because he hasn't seen his clone/sister/daughter in a bit and she usually at least checks in by now and deciding to go look for her.
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bonkalore · 6 months
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I had been sitting on this since summer and have been wanting to share but it wasn't quite finished!! Think I finally can say it's mostly done now tho and am mostly satisfied lol
This is the end form design I have for Jayce when he finally opens the coffer with all the Dread Magic and he is just FUUUUCKED up on that shit and there's hardly any of him left in it at that point and it's very angsty and intense but I still plan to save him. Still working on how I resolve all this but sort of have a plan. It's gonna be a rough time for everyone.
I really messed with his designs for a while on how fucked up he should get by the end and didn't feel satisfied, but then ended up with a fucking kaiju demon anyway, whoops. I just wanted a design that felt worthy of something that actually felt apocalyptic. :) (normal form Jayce is there for scale lol)
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I carry a deep admiration for Aleksander and his unbreakable will.
Human beings are creatures of comfort. We crave familiarity. While change is inevitable, most of us tend to stick to a routine to keep us grounded. It breaks my heart so much to think that the Darkling could not afford to have even such basic comforts. With every rebirth he had to breakfree of the habits of his past life and reinvent himself as a new person with a different set of likes and dislikes. Even his mannerisims has to be scrubbed clean to avoid suspicion. By the time we meet him in the Grishaverse how much of him is the real him? How many of his habits are his and not something he cultivated for his new persona?
He is a singluar fixture in time and eternity passes through him. The language he once spoke is dead, the music he once loved no longer exists, the places he once travelled are long gone, the people he once knew are nothing but a distant memory. With each turn of the Earth, everything he grew to like again is chipped away along with remains of his soul.
And yet he persevered. Even when he had nothing or no one to anchor him, he carried on through war, genocide, loss, grief and pain. He kept fighting till his last breath and sacrificed himself once again for the greater good.
He deserves so much better than the indignity that LB put him through.
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Is nobody gonna mention the first villain we see in the Mafia AU isn't Baal or Kiriwo but Maemaro, the sixth finger?
What a pleasant surprise!
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Bro is GORGEOUS too like that design is just. Yes. Epic cowboy
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