#he KNOWS i don't wear jewelry so he's going to think (but not ask) 'why did she buy that?'
in-my-loki-feels · 2 months
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Hi, it's me, the person who is very susceptible to sales, especially when they're ONE DAY ONLY. So here I am with the RockLove TVA stopwatch necklace that I told myself not to buy. 🤡
It's very pretty but I don't know when I'd wear it! The second my partner sees it, he's just going to shake his head. No judging, but he will perceive me to my very core.
We just had this conversation:
Him: How many times have you watched Loki?
Me: ...a few?
Him: I thought so. You usually don't buy stuff unless you've watched a show a lot.
Me: (thinking) Oh no, he noticed the 'stuff'...
Anyway, it's a very cool necklace but I can't help wishing they had released a pocket watch, which I'd feel better having but not carrying around. I imagine this was a more marketable idea.
ETA: more pictures to show the width and chain. I also forgot to mention that the arrow spins, which is a very cool detail. I tried it on and I do like how it hangs lower than the collarbone so maybe I'll have to suck it up and endure my partner's perceiving gaze when I wear it.
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Hi! If youre still doing requests, i have kind of an odd ask , but maybe some of the upper moons' reactions to meeting Muzan's wife (reader). I also really like whipped!Muzan so maybe the other demons' reactions to seeing the demon king doting on his wife. Thank you very much :)
Hi Anon! (^○^.) I actually love this request, so thank you for sliding it into my askbox ♥
Honestly I love a powerful man - especially a powerful villain - who's just absolutely in love with their wife (♥ω♥.) and would do anything for them, it just brings me joy.
Anyway! I'm rambling abit, but here is your request! I hope I've done it justice (^ω^.) Please enjoy!
Come again to request whenever you want cause I'm always open.
Muzan Kibutsuji being whipped for his wife + Upper Moons Reactions - Headcannons:
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You know those types of men that are just unmovable pillars of stone - who look like they were carved from the finest marble by the hands of angels - who are always impeccably dressed with a voice of icy poison and just command your attention?
Who turn to the softest love-struck mush when with their wife
yeah, that's Muzan Kibutsuji with his wife (aka. you)
The finest meals, clothes and jewelry are yours with a click of his fingers - all done to make you happy, to see you smile
Anything that you mention briefly - doesn't matter if it''s a book or a holiday - its yours by the end of the day
Just one smile and a fluttering of your eyelashes has muzan on his knees - a singular pout of your lips has his mind running wild
You just have to breathe and Muzan's heart squeezes, breath stuttering in his chest as he looks at you in adoration
You could ask for the world and he'd give it too you on a platter
Muzan worships you
Each touch from you is a blessing to his skin
Each kiss sealed into him
Each word of love that falls from your lips make him drunk to hear, each sentence thick with a love that leaves hearts in his eyes and his heart thumping wildly
He wants to wear you like a brand - each mark you leave on him (bite marks and all) are worn with pride - and you (and only you) get to touch and mark his skin in such sensual ways
Under his wedding ring, his finger holds your bite mark, something that he begs you to do each day - with love-struck tears pricking his eyes - and it always makes him feel like he's properly yours
"My Love," He purrs with a voice a think velvet "My wonderful wife, my moon and stars, I love you for ever and always" and he kisses you so softly
Sometimes you have to stop this man from wearing matching clothes with you - "But Beloved,"he whimpers with a face liked a kicked puppy "I want us to match" - because he will absolutely wear a matching couples outfit
Other days he just likes sharing the same colour palette
When you worship him by placing soft kisses to his skin - his wrists, knuckles and faces - Muzan feels like he's on cloud nine
Upper Moons Reactions:
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When the upper moons first met you, it was by accident - pure accident -they'd been summoned and it just so happened that it was when muzan was just in the midst of kissing you and bathing you with compliments
Kokushibou doesn't even blink and just stands in position like a trained guard, this sight has been something he's accidentally stumbled upon a couple of times before and honestly it makes him miss his wife
Because this isn't the first time he's met you but rather the fifth, the first actually time he met you, you were incredibly respectful of him and actually treat him nicely - you became tea drinking buddies - so he quickly came to like you
Douma/Doma genuinely shrieks - like an honest to god scream - before quickly going to make fun (not a good idea) about how loving Muzan is and, "Why don't you treat us this way Muzan-sama~ You're breaking my heart~"
Akaza looks away from such an intimate scene with respect since it felt wrong to look upon his lord loving his wife - although his heart does ache for some reason when looking at such a perfect loving scene
Hantengu starts sobbing while apologizing anxiously - actually very jealous at how loving the scene is, he wants a wife and to dote on someone
Gyokko simply proclaims it as artful and simply leaves it as such
Daki Blushes a deep crimson - it makes her want a husband to dote on her so much
While Gyutaro simply sighs before looking away - much like kokushibou and akaza in respect - with jealous crawling up his ribs at such love, he wants somebody to dote on and love him so romantically
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ooffmlsorry · 7 months
OP Men Dating a "Girly Girl"
A/N: sorry this took so long and I haven't posted anything original in a minute my life is mess and I'm so very tired jfc...I know this isn't more than my usual group but I was just gonna stop at Luffy and then decided to add Ace and Sabo as a thank you because writing these and putting them on Tumblr has been really good for me, so thank you for always being here to indulge me 🥲 ❤️
Sanji, Zoro, Law, Luffy, Ace, Sabo
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Let's be honest, girly-girls drive Sanji craaaazzzzyy (not that all women don't, but he's definitely more partial to the feminine ones) Your make-up, pretty skirts and dresses, jewelry, and manicure, he can't help fawn over you constantly 😍Although you do it because you enjoy it, it's nice that your efforts are so appreciated!!
He spoils you soooo baaaddd!! He literally can't help himself when he sees something pretty or cute that reminds him of you, he has to get it for you. You're drowning in squishmallows at this point.
A river of blood shoots from him every time you show off a new outfit. You're going to kill him and he'll thank you for it.
Dressing up in nice outfits together, especially on date night, is a shared activity that you love to do together. Y'all are living your best happily ever after lives.
Ya'll definitely have scheduled self-care nights. You put on some slow music, open a bottle of wine, draw a bubble bath, all that.
He's utterly useless when it comes to helping you pick your outfits or makeup if you're stuck because he loves you in everything, it's too hard for him to pick. You're his perfect, beautiful Y/N-swaaaaan 😍💖💖✨
He does love to see you in pink or red though so he might default to those colors
Don't try to test your makeup on him lol, you're going to re-awaken the gender identity crisis...I mean Kamabakka trauma
Listen...I'm not saying Sanji has a mommy kink...I'm not even at Whole Cake Island so idk wtf is going on there. All I'm saying is if you give this man a bath, wrap him in a towel to dry him off, and rub him down with luxurious lotions and oils, you might awaken something...that's all...👀
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He has no clue wtf you're doing. If it weren't for the fact that there's no proof that witches exist in this world, he'd think you are one
He looks at your vanity full of serums, creams, scrubs, lotions, etc, not to mention the makeup and he's like "??????" Just completely baffled
But what do you expect? This man would use that five-in-one Irish Spring soap if he could.
Just because he doesn't understand it doesn't mean he doesn't appreciate and admire the fact that you have extensive knowledge in something he can't even comprehend
He knows you like nice shiny things, and again, while he doesn't get it, he does think it's really, really cute when you go starry-eyed over a necklace or an outfit in a store.
In the same vein, he knows how much you love cute things and animals. He has absolutely found a cute animal in the jungle, picked it up, and brought it to you just to show you because he knew you'd love it.
Sometimes in his own gruff way he'll agree with you that it's pretty cute. Thank you for helping this manly man admit things are cute and that's okay.
Other times, he's the one making sure you don't get distracted because it's so cute
Unfortunately and fortunately, you're pretty to him no matter what you do to yourself so it's all kind of a moot point to him.
You can try to ask him about which 'x' to wear, sometimes it's helpful because he'll throw out a really practical answer and then other times he's like "How 'bout you just go naked" 😏.
He'll wear a face mask with you like...twice a year. And he's going to bitch and moan about it but he does it because he loves you. The entire process is like trying to give a cat a bath "WHY IS IT SO COLD? THIS STAYS ON MY FACE FOR HOW LONG???"
Exfoliate this man at your own risk...I'm dead serious that water is going to be brown
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I need you to know right now this man will let you paint his nails!!! I mean, not like gel or acrylics or anything, but he'll let you paint them any color as long as it's a dark shade of that color. You once designed Bepo on his middle fingers. He did in fact flip people off a lot more often when he had them.
Let's you wear a pastel boiler suit because you he loves you and wants to see you happy
Much like Zoro, he's got no clue what you're doing. He'll stand back and watch you while making the exact same face as the gif above.
He thinks he's being stealthy peaking around a corner to watch your morning or night routine, but you quickly catch on. Please please pleeaaassee ask him if he has any questions because he does. He's just really curious why you're doing what you're doing and what it does. It's basically skin medicine and he's really fascinated.
Knowing that you like shiny things makes his life admittedly a little easier, it's not that he doesn't think of what to gift you, he puts A LOT of thought into what he gives you, but knowing that earrings, necklaces, and bracelets always make you happy is great just in case of analysis paralysis or he forgets. Sorry.
Also you wearing the jewelry he gets you does something to him, especially a necklace he can pull on a little, mmhhm you're making this man struggle with impure thoughts.
You both love cute things, it's something y'all connect on. It's really good that you help him access that very neglected inner child of his and encourage him to coo and fawn over adorable animals with zero reservation.
He'll do skincare with you too when he's not super busy. He can admit it's kind of nice to sit in bed with a book, glass of wine, and a face mask and just bask for a minute
He acts like he hates when you rub serums across his face and use a derma roller on him but he loves it
Law doesn't really pay attention to your clothes, but when you really go all out he breaks out in a sweat and he can't keep his eyes off you.
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I'm not saying he thinks it's stupid, it just...why have an hours long care routine when you could be going on adventure with him??? 😭😭😭
He will help you pick out your makeup but don't expect it to look good. You're gonna end up with neon orange eyeshadow and green lipstick. Like literally every "My Boyfriend Does My Makeup" youtube video.
Plays around with your stuff but that's because he has no idea what all these strange contraptions are. The moment you try to explain his eyes glaze over and next thing you know he's whisking you away to go do something more fun.
He likes the shiny bright stuff (highlighter), makeup probably is the only part he even remotely engages in because it's
Explain how contour works to this man and watch him lose his fucking mind, he thinks you're a shape shifter now (honestly this applies to all of them except Law and maybe Sanji)
He never notices what you wear, Nami is gonna have smack him on the back of the head to get him to realize you put on something fancy
Luffy points out everything, it just so happens that things he points out sometime happen to be cute animals
Hides in all the stuffed animals and squishmallows in your room to surprise attack hug you
*throws mud at you* "Is this the kind of mud you like, Y/N??" He really means well though.
You know those hair masks with all natural ingredients like honey and banana? Yeah, he's gonna start sucking on your hair like spaghetti...I'm so sorry.
He'll bathe with you but that's because he wants to be close to you, it's definitely not about being pampered or relaxing.
Try to put a face mask on him or something else and it'll just become a game of tag around the Sunny. You can't catch him and he's having a great time outrunning and outwitting you.
He knows this is all important to you so even though he doesn't get it he'd never make fun of you for it and the moment someone calls you "extra," he's kicking their ass.
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Maybe all the glam is a little silly to him but that just makes you extra cute!
He will also absolutely let you paint his nails. Hell, he'll let you do a full beat on him just for fun and he'll wear it for the whole day because he's so unserious lol
...As long as he gets to do your makeup after...Much like Luffy you're gonna be covered in neon colors that don't even remotely match, but you guys have a great time lol
Admittedly likes to be pampered by you when he gets back from a long mission.
Please take a bubble bath with this man, it's not like the water is ever going to get cold!
I'm pretty sure you'd legitimately lead to Ace taking better care of himself. Got this man out here talking about his cuticles and shit lol
Honestly, it's really good for him because self care leads to self love and Ace needs a lot of help with that.
He tells Pops about all the stuff you do 1.) because he loves you and 2.) he hopes some of it will help Whitebeard heal a little, god bless him 😢
All of your hardwork doesn't go unnoticed, he legitimately gets kind of misty eyed when you really dress up because he's so so so lucky. He swears he doesn't deserve you.
He always brings back some kind of gift even whether it's a cute plushie or something exotic to wear from all of his long travels
I need to stress how much this means to him, everyone of these things is like a little proposal because he already knows you're it. Every little gift is leading up to a ring from this man.
He's also just genuinely impressed by the skill it takes to do your makeup so well, especially after he tries doing it on you
Much like his little brother unfortunately, he does play with all the little contraptions in your vanity, especially in the beginning because have you seen an eyelash curler? He's so confused lol
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Sabo and Ace truly are his brothers because he really don't get all the effort lol
Admittedly, a lot of that is because he thinks you're so hot already what's the point???
Once he gets this is just how you are he's less confused, he's probably the most normal out everyone. He lets you do your thing, although he's really curious how you managed to always look amazing while being in the fucking revolutionary army!!?? Where are you getting the time???
If someone were to intrude on y'all on a free afternoon you're both in fluffy robes with face masks on and Sabo loves to pretend to act like a bitch when he's in selfcare mode with you lol
"Are you seriously bothering us right now, ugh! I can't even right now!!" And then you both break out in laughter
He really thinks you should teach others how to contour and do makeup because it has great applications for disguises and infiltration.
And brags about your skills to everyone
Wonders how many of your makeup supplies could actively be used as a weapon *eye roll* jfc Sabo
There's a part of you that secretly worries all your boujieness will remind him of his blood relatives, but he assures you that it doesn't because you have a good heart and he never doubts that
Besides, being a little extra with him helps him associate those things he used to associate with his blood relatives with you instead so it's even better
He spoils you so bad, but with a Sabo-flair, ie. stealing from shitty people and bringing it back to you because you're oh so more deserving of nice things let's be honest
He gets jealous of the cute animals that you squeal over hehehe, please hug him when he starts pouting
He'll always wear a little pink just for you ❤️
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battymommastuff · 3 months
The One I was Meant to Find
Batmom x Batman, Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: While digging through the attic, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd uncover a secret about their adoptive mother. A secret that reveals the true, and dark story of the most loved couple in Gotham City
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Masterlist
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!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
You can swallow fire, you've practically flown through the hair....You've performed in front of millions from age eighteen. You felt like you could handle anything the world threw at you....
Until you entered the Upper district of Gotham City a week after being taken in by Bruce Wayne. The part of the city full of the most lavish, and expensive stores. So many name brands that you only ever dreamed of wearing. Not even Haly himself could afford such luxuries, and he owned the circus. Bruce insisted that he bring you to this part of the city to shop for your new wardrobe. He planned on buying outfits, dresses, shoes, jewelry, perfumes, and anything else you could never need. You tried to convince him to just take you to a thrift shop or some random outlet, but he only looked at you as if you spat on his shoes. 
So here you were, standing in front of a store that you had no business being in. Little did you know, you would be walking into these stores as if you were walking through your home in the future. All in due time...
Bruce enjoyed a cheap glass of champagne while you were given dress after dress to wear. Since your method of employment was no longer safe, he planned on hiring you as his assistant until you were safe to find your own career path. You stepped out in a dark blue dress that fit a little big on you, "Bruce, you really don't have to do this...I mean a thousand dollars for a dress? I'm sure we can find something similar for a cheaper price." You said while holding the price tag. He frowned, standing up from his seat. He walked over to you and inspected the price tag for himself. 
He turned you around so you were facing the mirror, "I think it looks wonderful on you." Bruce said with a smile. He moved your hair to the side so he could zip up the rest of the dress and rested his hand on your hip. You both decided to put off the facade of being a couple while in public. Subtle touches like this were going to happen, but he didn't go too far with it, "I could buy this entire store if I wanted to." He whispered into your ear. A shiver went down your spine, and you bit your lip softly. You knew Bruce Wayne was rich, but just how rich was he? Obviously he was rich enough to keep up his lifestyle as Batman. You turned around, not realizing just how close the two of you were. 
Have you ever had that feeling? That feeling that you were looking at someone you knew? As if you'd been with them a thousand life times. That's what you felt when you looked into his eyes. It was as if your souls found each other once again. You knew the theory of the multiverse from one of the clowns in the circus, he loved conspiracy. The thought of you and Bruce being together in different universes made you giggle a bit, "What's so funny?" He asked, his hand still resting on your waist. 
"Nothing at all, Mr. Wayne." Bruce rolled his eyes then back away from you. You only called him that to be a tease. You two often found yourselves teasing one another. Which is why Alfred was very happy to have the both of you out of the house...so he can be free of the thick tension for a few hours. Now you were walking downstairs to the batcave, dressed in one of your new nightgowns. Tonight was one of those nights where you felt unsafe. Truly, you never felt safe. You knew there were eyes on you outside of Wayne Manor. The only place you felt safe was right by Bruce's side...or Batman's at this time of night. 
"You should be asleep." Batman said as he typed away on the batcomputer. It made you think of the night he rescued you, "You have a busy day tomorrow, and I'm sure your boss wouldn't be happy with you being tardy." He joked then turned to look at you. He could tell instantly that you were scared. He understood the fear. After his parents were murdered, he would be up all night in fear of their murderer coming back to finish him off. Living life having to constantly look over your shoulder was no life to live. Without a word, he stood up while removing his cape. The surprisingly light material was draped over your shoulders to keep you warm. He wasn't going to make you leave. If you felt safe around him, then you could stay. Still in silence, you sat down on a stool next to a table lined with gadgets. You hadn't the faintest clue of what any of them were, but they looked very dangerous. 
Was it strange? That you could picture your life like this? By his side, helping him on his quest for Justice. The Manor already felt like home. More so than the circus ever did. That feeling came back again. The one where you felt as if you've been through this before. As if every choice you've ever made led to this very moment. Led you to Bruce. 
"Do you believe in soulmates?" 
Your mouth formed an O shape and you awkwardly nodded. That might have been a question for Bruce Wayne not Batman. You learned quickly that the two were vastly different people. Bruce almost felt like the mask while Batman was truly who he was. Sometimes you saw a mix of the two...which you favored. 
"Y/N. I'm not someone you can love. My life and what I do will only bring you more danger, you will never live the happy life you deserve to live. I can never make you happy, and can never give myself to you fully. I'm sorry." 
Being rejected before the first move was ever made never felt good. You felt your heart shatter at the same time that your eyes began to water, "R-Right...I was dumb to ever think otherwise." You said while sliding down from the stool, "Goodnight...Batman." You whispered and swiftly left the batcave, passing Alfred who instantly noticed the tears falling from your eyes.  He could only shake his head as he made his way down the stone steps. 
"Lying to yourself and to her will only make it worse, Master Wayne." Alfred said as he set down a fresh cup of tea next to Batman. Nothing was ever openly spoken, but it was obvious that Bruce and Batman both had feelings for you. Everything about you just drove him insane. He never believed in soulmates until he met you. He never thought that there could be anyone in this world made for him. Yet there you were, and it terrified him. How could he ever keep you safe? Once his enemies knew of you, you were going to be the target. The Court was already going after you, but he had so many more that would love to watch him hurt. He knew if he let himself care for you, it would only end with him losing you. 
And he couldn't lose you....
@maxinehufflepuffprincess @tayswhp @rainycloud858 @luna-zendra-star @starlets-things @simpfourmarvel @kawaistrawberry21 @js-favnanadoongi @kodzukenmaaa @xxrougefangxx @pixviee @discocactus-world @b4tm4nn @minimoxha @crutoyu @nightw-izhu @legendarylearner18 @mangegeek17 @pixiedust0604 @that-one-fangirl69 @ilovetaquitosmmmm @irelanrose @asterelz @angelxx7 @millies0bsimp @marie0v @starmansirius @amberpanda99 @hoshi-is-ult-bbg @inutheangel @chaoticevilbakugo @mellowdiy @luvly-writer @enretrogue @zanzie @backyardfolklore
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simpleeindulge · 4 months
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What You're Getting for Valentine's Day!
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Info: Fem/reader x One Piece Men, Monster Trio, Eustass Kid, Trafalgar Law, fluff, minor suggestive ideas, soft Headcanons
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He's no Casanova, but the man does pay attention.
While Sanji, Nami, and Usopp are trying to hook him up with the usual stuff, Zoro will get you something you want.
That journal and pen set you liked, that hairpiece you thought was cute, or even the shoes you thought would look good with a dress you haven't worn yet.
He doesn't do it to be different or because he thinks the day is dumb, which he does; he does it because he knows you will like it (and prove to the cook that he does know something about romance).
But yes, he will give you all the gifts the rest of the crew had ready for him anyway.
His gift surprises you because you don't think he pays attention, but the man does.
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Now, he is new to this and does and does not get it. He loves you every day, so why is today different. After getting schooled by Franky, Usopp, and Sanji, Luffy is on board. (Nami offers help, but the boys tell her they got this.)
What follows is some chaos. He will beg Sanji to show him how to make chocolates, ask Usopp to help make a teddy bear, and beg Nami to find an island so he can find flowers. (Robin did offer hers, but Luffy wants to do this on his own.)
What you get is truly something from the heart. A box of lumpy-looking chocolate hearts, a bear that, for some reason, shoots lasers (Franky's idea), and a bouquet of poisonous jungle flowers.
It's hard not to smile at Luffy when he looks proudly at you with his gifts.
You know Luffy cares, and it feels good to see that he had fun treating you.
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The whole nine yards and then some. You're drowning in chocolate and smuttered with flowers. It's so bad that the other men beg Nami to dock the ship so they can escape. (They'll be back later for the food.)
That's fine by him because he has other things planned for you, starting with a long white box with a dark red bow.
Yes, it's lingerie, but it's good quality and something you would wear.
He'll romance you into it by making you a bath, lighting candles, and setting out all your favorite lotions and oils.
The man may be a pervert, but he knows how to turn up the charm and treat you special.
You're basically going to have the Valentine's Day the stores wish they could promote.
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Valen-what-now?! HaHAHAHhahaaa!
Okay, but seriously, Kid is going to that guy who remembers at the very last minute and could give a shit.
Killer is your savior in this department because he knows how to speak "Kid" and what could motivate him. You and sex.
Expect lingerie, flavored oils, heels, jewelry, strawberry chocolates, whipped cream (you know why), silk rope in your favorite color, and candles (to be used differently if he can talk you into it.)
Killer will help set the mood with roses and candles(different ones) and leave the rest to Kid.
Kid may be a rough diamond, but he knows how to turn on the charm, and you won't see it coming till it's too late.
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I would laugh here as well, but Law is an intelligent man. Happy girlfriend equals...PEACE!
He'll do the three essential gifts and think that he is set. It should keep you happy, right?
Well, it will, but after getting a second option from Ikkaku, Law is shocked to learn that he is boring with his lazy Valentine’s wooing. His gifts are fine, but he has no other plans, just the usual daily work!
In a panic, Law will rethink his plan just in time to order the ship to find land. He'll ask you to go with him to a nice restaurant and maybe a walk to see the sunset.
It's cheesy and still predictable, but you love it because Law does not leave his comfort zone for anyone except you (and Bepo). While the flowers are lovely, his time and attention are a better gift.
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lina-lovebug · 5 months
New Years Kiss
Orm Marius x fem! reader
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Orm Marius couldn't admit he liked you.
As the son of King Orvax, he was prideful, cunning, malicious and stubborn. He always knew he'd have to fight for his throne, and because of that reality, he's spiteful.
But he's also Atlannas' son. He never spent much time thinking of how they both cared to the brink of it hurting them, or how his love was displayed in actions whilst hers was in encouraging her son to do better with his newfound freedom. In looks, he is his mothers son, but his pride held onto him steadfast.
"(Y/N) is coming."
Arthur mused, "oh now someone's paying attention."
Orm said nothing but rolled his eyes. His elder brother, Arthur, had a habit of teasing him. Sure, he had grown used to it and had his own retorts, but it had only gotten worse since Arthur figured out that Orm has a crush.
On a human.
"She's hosting, so you better not fuck this up."
Orm sneered, "what are you talking about?"
"New Years Kiss, little bro!" He went to mess up his hair, but Orm dodged him, "when the clock strikes midnight, humans have a tradition of sharing a kiss," Mera explained to him whilst feeding Jr..
"I don't know why you're telling me this because I have no intentions of courting her-"
"When you sound like that, you don't," Arthur cut in, his voice loud even from the kitchen.
Orm is Atlantean, (Y/N) is human.
Logically, it would never work out.
So why even try?
But even as Orm would remind himself of such a glaring difference, the thought would vanish the moment he saw her. He had seen hundreds of Atlantean women in his time, even mermaids, but somehow they were dull in his eyes compared to her. She wasn't just different because she's human, but she genuinely cared about everyone around her. He first claimed she was strange for giving her food to the homeless, or how she was odd for asking the barista how her day was.
Because it's a pure act of innocence that he hadn't seen in a long time.
And its what drew him in even further.
Despite his claims, Orm still found himself picking off any piece of lint or fur on his clothing and made sure he smelt just like that candle she loved so much.
And a dash of that cologne that Arthur wears.
"Oh, he just keeps growing! Jr, I thought we talked about this. You need to stay cute forever," (Y/N) loved seeing Jr.. Her face lit up in joy anytime she saw the little prince, and Orm felt a pang of jealousy.
Then realized.
He's jealous of a toddler.
"Help yourself! The potato skins are almost done," You had done the most to avoid Orms intense gaze but with those eyes? It was nearly impossible.
"Orm, how was your Christmas?" You asked, a tad bit nervous as he came inside and took his shoes off. He was always respectful of your home.
"Arthur gave me a fish."
"Did you name it?"
He looked at you for a moment, ". . .his name is Triton."
His deadpan voice with that line made you smile, and you brought out a small box from your back.
"What's this?" He asked carefully, watching it in your hand.
"Well since I couldn't make it for Christmas, I thought you could have it today," you explained, a small feeling bubbling in your stomach. You saw it and immediately thought of him, but never saw Orm wear jewelry a day in his life.
"It's for me?" He felt his heart skip a beat as he took it carefully and unwrapped it. It was a small box and went it opened up, his pupils dilated at the gift inside.
"I know how it feels to not be able to go home," you explained as he pulled it out of the box, admiring it, "so I thought you'd like something that reminds you of it."
It's a ring with carefully carved ocean waves along the side. You could relate to Orm in that way - being exiled. Well, it wasn't exactly exile, but it was always one way or the highway with your parents.
Choosing your own happiness came with a cost.
"And it's stainless steel, so it won't tarnish in the water," I added nervously.
"It's beautiful," he finally spoke up, slipping it on his right hand. He met your gaze with a nervous smile, "you didn't have to-"
"(Y/N), I think the potato skins are burning!"
"Fuck!" You shouted, running to the kitchen. Orm admired the ring for a bit longer, enjoying the warmth it brought it him before joining the others.
The evening was quite eventful, to say the least.
Arthur ate half of the food all whilst sharing pictures of Jr., and then Mera had started to feel ill. You apologized if something was overcooked or undercooked, but Mera insisted she had been feeling off all day.
Leaving you and Orm.
He sat on the couch like a stuff board, suddenly hyperaware of his own breathing and kept glancing at you across the couch.
You chuckled, "sorry. You first."
Orm said softly, "it is nothing of importance. Please."
"Want to see the fireworks? It's almost midnight," Orm hadn't heard much of them before being banished to the surface. Only that they were loud and he refused to go outside.
But for you?
He'd say yes.
Since it was cold outside, you grabbed a blanket from the couch and wrapped it around you before slipping on shark slippers.
"I'm sorry if this has been a rough New Years Eve. I'm usually a better cook than tonight," you apologized, "I've just been feeling weird lately."
"Is it a human sickness?" Orm questioned, still keeping a small distance from you, for fear his heart might burst from his chest.
You blushed lightly, taking a small step closer to him, "something like that."
"Well. . .I hope you feel better."
Dense as always.
You took the initiative to step closer to him, your hands keeping themselves on the railing of your porch. The wood creaked lightly, and Orm wanted nothing more than to hold your hands.
"Humans get cold easily, correct?" He knew this but wanted to sound dumber for this.
"Yeah, why?" You asked, looking up at him.
He said nothing else but gathered your hands in his, cupping them together. You faced him but looked down, completely sure your face was scarlet.
"Guess I should have worn gloves," you muttered.
"I like it better this way," Orm confessed, meeting your gaze in your own shock.
It's now or never, he thought.
"I hated your kind," what a fucking way to start, "and what you did to the ocean. I wanted to blame all of you, for surely no one was innocent. . .but I have never seen something so pure in their efforts. You are shameless with your kindness, and it used to befuddle me. Why would anyone do things without expectations? Nothing to return back?"
"Orm," you breathed out. Surely he wasn't going to say it? Surely the fucking Prince of Atlantis didn't fall for a land dweller?
"You're incredible," He confessed, a small smile teasing at his lips, "You're the best of your people, and. . .and I. . ." He felt like words couldn't describe what he felt.
So he led with action, and kissed you.
His lips were nothing like you'd imagined. They were soft, and supple against your own, which you were lucky enough to remember your strawberry chapstick today. You leaned further into the kiss, and one hand came up to cradle your cheek. He wanted to continue on, memorize your lips against his - the very euphoria it brought him.
But a loud bang separated you both.
The fireworks started, bright reds, greens, blues - all lighting up the sky. You leaned your head against his chest with a laugh, "that scared the shit out of me."
His arms wrapped around your frame, ensuring your warmth as the colors in the sky danced in his eyes.
"I was your New Years kiss," He said absent-mindedly, and you looked up at him.
"Did Arthur tell you to plan this?"
He chuckled, "oh no. He may be older but he's not that smart."
"You're so mean," you playfully smacked his chest.
"But never to you," He planted a loving kiss on your forehead, silently thanking his brother for having Mera fake her illness so that he could do this.
I'm a fucking dumbass. I wrote this but passed out at 1am 🤦‍♀️
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italiansteebie · 1 year
The first time Steve is exposed to subculture, it changes his life. The sneer his mother gives ins't surprising, but Steve can't help but be entranced by the glinting silver on this random man's body.
They're everywhere, in his nose, lips, and when he flicks his tongue out, Steve even catches sight of the shining jewelry in his tongue. And maybe Steve was already 13, practically grown up at this point, but he sees this man and thinks, that's who he wants to be when he grows up.
Unfortunately, that is not how things go.
His mother sees him studying the style of the delinquent in front of them and smacks his lightly on the head. "You have a reputation to uphold, Steven," She mutters through gritted teeth. So Steve hangs his head, and his dreams of looking like the colored haired boy he saw in the grocery store.
So years later, he's still adorned in polo shirts and light washed jeans. He's snuck in some goofy hair, but it's no where near what he'd want it to be ideally.
And here's the thing, he knew his family's reputation was important, but now that he's been denied from every college he applied to, including tech, and he's been lowered to serving ice cream in a sailor uniform, he wonders just how important the reputation was.
He can't help but wonder if he's going to die like this.
Covered in vomit and blood, in a sailor outfit on a dirty bathroom floor curled up to a lesbian, who he thinks maybe his soulmate. Platonically, of course.
"I've always wanted, like- colored hair. 'Nd piercings 'nd stuff. Y'know." Steve said, letting his head fall against Robin's shoulder. "Why haven't you?" Robin asked, resting her head on his. Steve shrugged, "Reputation, I guess. I think my parents would commit homicide."
Robin snorted, "If only they could see you now," she giggles. Steve shifts to retaliate, but can only laugh along with her. Steve nods, laughing harder when an angry looking Dustin and Erica barge into the bathroom.
They make it out alive.
Somehow. But they do.
And that's how they ended up here.
"Rob, are you sure this is a good idea?"
"Of course it is! Look, Eddie is probably the only punk adjacent guy for miles, and he probably knows about all those records you think you hide in your closet."
"You've seen those?"
Robin shrugs, "When there's a box labeled 'do not open' in King Steve's closet, you take a look. It doesn't matter! I'm sure he knows who Iron Maiden is!"
The door swings open, "Of course I do."
Eddie Munson stands in front of them in all his glory.
"Told ya." Robin says, a light sneer on her face. Steve shoves her over, before looking back at Eddie, about to speak before he cuts him off. "I know Iron Maiden, what I don't know, is why King Steve is on my front porch with Robin from band. And why he's asking about Iron Maiden of all things." Eddie looks a bit like he want's to turn them away, but he steps back and opens the door wider, motioning for them to come in.
Once they're all milling about Eddie's tiny living room, Steve starts. "I know you've got this whole," Steve gestures at Eddie, "Metal head look going on and, well. I need some advice. Guidance, if you will." Robin nods along with him. "Yeah, a lot of guidance. He want's to get his nose pierced, but he only has polos."
Steve scoffs at this. "I have band shirts, Buckley. I'm just not allowed to wear them. But no more! I'm fully embracing this side of me."
Eddie watches, slightly amused, "So what do you need my help for?" He asks, eyebrow arching. "I need you to pierce my nose. Or at least tall me where to go," Steve rambles, shifting from foot to foot.
He watches as the metal head mulls this over. Eddie sighs, and shakes his head, Steve's shoulders dropping. "C'mon, Rob. He's not gonna do it, let's just go." He says quietly. "Woah, hey! I never said I wouldn't do it. I just don't uh- Why me?"
"You're the only person I thought could be helpful." Steve admits, watching as a smirk spreads across Eddie's face. "Alright then, big boy. Step into my office."
Steve follows Eddie into the bathroom, Robin hot on his heels, watching in some combination of awe and fear as Eddie pulls out. needle from the medicine cabinet. "Oh shit," Steve breathes. Eddie raises an eyebrow, but moves on. "Stay here while I get the jewelry."
"You okay, Steve? Oh my god, you're shaking." Robin frets, "Do you wanna back out? We don't have to do this." She says, grabbing Steve's hand. Steve swallows thickly, "I- I want to. I just. The needle is really freaking me out. I keep seeing that fucking syringe." Robin nods, rubbing Steve's shoulder, laying her head on his shoulder.
Eddie comes bounding back into the bathroom, "Hey- woah. Am I interrupting? No PDA in the trailer, please." He laughs. Steve and Robin jump away from each other, "Oh ew. He is so not my type," Robin groans.
"Whatever, let's do this Stevie. We're doing your septum, right?"
Steve tilts his head, and Eddie sighs "The one right here," Eddie places his hands on his own septum. "Oh, yeah. That one." Eddie nods, getting to work.
Eddie lies the needle up with Steve's nose, "Okay, breath in," Steve follows, "And breath out," Eddie instructs, and slides the needle through. In a fluid motion, Eddie slides the jewelry in, screwing on the ball and checking his work.
"Alright, we're all done, Steve-o." Eddie says, patting his cheek, before looking up at the boy. He looked a bit pale. "Steve?" He asked, before Steve promptly passed out, flopping to the floor in a boneless heap. "Oh, shit. Steve!" Robin cries, bending down. Eddie freezes for a second, "Oh shit. Okay. He probably just fainted, it happens sometimes. Lemme get him some water." He practically leaps through the trailer to grab some water.
He's back in the bathroom right as Steve comes to, "Scoops! I work for scoops, please!" He's shouting, there's tearing streaming down his face and Robin is there next to him, holding him close. "Shh, Steve. We're in the trailer, remember? Eddie's trailer? He pierced your nose." Robin soothes.
Eddie moves in closer, "yeah, I uh. I got you some water," he says, handing him the water. Steve grabs it with a shakey hand, "Thanks, Munson." He breathes, tears slowing. "Uh. Sorry. I had a long month. Y'know," Steve shrugs, and it leaves Eddie reeling. Was he just going to pretend this didn't just happen? The guy was still sitting on his bathroom floor. "Steve, seriously? Look, just sit here, I'm gonna go call someone to pick us up." Robin sighs, before making her way out of the small space.
"Are you okay," Eddie asks, sincerely, "No." Steve answers, voice cracking as he does so. "I was in that mall fire last month, and the hospital trip involved a lot of needles. I guess I didn't realize they still kind of freak me out." Eddie nodded in understanding. "I get that. I couldn't look at a blue chevy for the longest time cause it reminded me of my dad."
Steve sighed, "Thanks for doing this, Eddie. Hey, uh. How much do I owe you?" Eddie waved his hand, "It's all good, Harrington." He dismissed. Steve shook his head, "No way man, I gotta pay you back somehow." He insisted.
Eddie mulled it over, "take me to dinner?" He asked, before realizing what the fuck he just said, "I mean- fuck. Not- I didn't" He scrambled to his feet. Steve grabbed his hand, "Eddie, wait. It's fine."
"Fine? I asked you on a date. If you hadn't just passed out in my bathroom, I'm positive you would've decked me by now!" Eddie squealed. Steve shook his head, "I- I like both, Eddie. Y'know, boys and girls. And honestly. I'd love to go on a date with you," Steve said, smiling up at him.
"Steve! Joyce's here to pick us up since you died!" Robin called from the living room. Eddie helped Steve stand, and walked him to the living room. Steve leaned a little heavier into his side, "I'll call you when I'm a little less weak in the knees, okay?" Steve said softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before following Robin outside.
"Thanks again, Eds!" Steve called once he was in the car.
Eddie couldn't wait for that phone call.
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melminli · 5 months
my boy - by billie eilish
pairing: young coriolanus x fem. reader
summery - he ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest
word count: 2.5k
contains: angst, slightly dark themes, possessiv but soft coryo, politician coryo, talk about pregnancy and marriage, alcohol consumption
a/n: i have many songs that i think r just so coryo coded, so i thought i would choose one and write something about it. this one is just so him like, every lyric fits him perfectly
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You sometimes wondered if there really had been a time when you had truly loved Coriolanus Snow. You didn't want to doubt that you didn't anymore, but the fact that you had any doubts at all said more than you wanted to admit to yourself.
"Don't you want to get dressed?" The voice of the person you were thinking about asked you. As his Fiancée, you should definitely not think about such things. You turned your attention to him and saw him standing in front of the mirror, buttoning the buttons of his expensive waistcoat.
You noticed he was about to tie his black tie next as he reached for it, and you stood up to stop him so you could do it for him. It always looked a little messy when he tied it himself. "I thought maybe I'd stay home this time. I'm a bit tired." You said, concentrating on doing a neat job, even though you probably could do it with your eyes closed by now. Perhaps the reason was more that you were trying to avoid his gaze and also his silence.
He said something back to you as you were pulling the tie tighter around his neck. "I think you should get dressed." Was all he said and ended the discussion with a few words like he always did. It would look bad if I turned up without my fiancée. Though, at the same time - I really need something pretty to look at if I want to get through the evening.
You just sighed softly as Coriolanus walked past you to fix his hair. I think I'd better wear a matching dress then. You went to your closet to look for a black dress and it should be very easy for you to find something suitable since you had a dress for every occasion. Especially since you and Coriolanus had had started to be invited regularly to galas and events.
But you just weren't in the mood. Whatever, this should be fine. You finally decided on one and put it on. However, you had a little trouble zipping up the back, though luckily, your fiancé returned the favor and helped you out. After he finished, he watched your figure in front of the mirror and gave you a gentle kiss on the back of your neck while holding you in his arms. "There you go, my dear, you look beautiful. You should also wear the pearl jewelry I bought you, they would look good on you."
You leaned back into his arms. "Good on me, or good on the wealthy impression you want to give others." You said, already knowing the answer. Coriolanu's gaze sharpened slightly at your words. He didn't like it when you got sassy with him - no matter to what extent. It seemed to be one of your traits that were hard to get rid of, but he hoped that perhaps with time, you would learn to watch your tongue more. I don't think so, but a man can still hope. At least it's not as bad as it used to be.
"Pollux will be there." He announced and sat down on the armchair next to your dressing table while he watched you make yourself pretty for him. One of the reasons why it was there. "But I would argue that one doesn't exclude the other." He came back to your earlier statement.
So, that's what this is about. The name Pollux was not necessarily associated with positive things in your household. Ever since Coriolanus had started getting involved in politics around Panem, the two of them were considered arch enemies, one could say. Both very charming men with sweet words who also each hid a poisonous dagger behind their fake smiles so they could take the other out at the slightest mistake.
"I can't stand that fucking bastard." Coriolanus complained, grimacing as he thought about his face. "If I have to listen to him make one more pun with his name, I'll shoot myself and everyone in the room. Just because your name means crown doesn't mean you're going to get it stupid asshole. I really fucking hate that guy."
Your fiancé rarely swore, at least that's how it used to be. He thought it was bad manners and therefore never did it in public, but well, maybe you secretly just wished that he would show his best side in your presence too and not just to stupid important people.
It didn't suit him. Well, at least from your point of view, it always sounded a bit strange and kind off forced to hear him swear when he hadn't done it for so long. Like he was trying to imitate someone. "You're sounding more and more like your father." You said quietly to yourself, averting your gaze from his hate-filled eyes.
That seemed to cheer him up. "Well, thank you, my dear. Didn't realize you knew so much about him." He said and became curious. He couldn't remember telling you about him. He certainly mentioned him a couple times, but not that much that you could draw that comparison.
It wasn't a compliment. You opened the bottom drawer to pull out the box of pearl earrings and necklace after you finished doing your hair. "I don't know that much. Tigris has only told me a few things from time to time, and that's it."
He hummed as he just shook off his right sleeve a little to look at his watch. "Did she." he replied with his head somewhere else as he abruptly changed the subject to be able to talk about his own interests. "Don't take too long. The Avox should have the car ready by now, and I want to leave soon." He announced and stood up from his seat. He took the necklace from your hand and placed it on your free neck before gracefully pulling the clasp. "What did I tell you, hm? Like a pretty princess." He said in good humor and gently held you by the chin to place a kiss on your lips. My pretty princess. All that's missing is her lonely tower. "I'll go down and see if everything is all right. Just come down when you're ready."
You tried to stay in a good mood too. "Okay, Coriolanus. I'll be right there." you told him, leaving his casual mention of your staff unmentioned. You got tired of talking about how your heart got heavy when you saw the silent workers.
At least you can treat them well while they are working us. Trust me, others would not grant them such luxury. With us, they are better off than most. After all, there is a reason why they are in the position they are now. What kind of luxury? Treating them like ordinary people should not be treated as such, and yet he was right once again. They would be worse off somewhere else, so you should be able to suck it up and do your best to at least give them the dignity of looking them in the eye and enduring their silent nature. After all, they had to do the same.
That's probably what he likes the most about them. You thought to yourself and were pretty sure that your fiancé would approve if you said just as little - to just open your mouth to say what he liked to hear, like a bird that he only let sing when it was his favorite song. Wouldn't he like that? Of course he would. Well, if he wants a quiet good girl then he can fuck off.
"You know, I noticed how you don't really call me Coryo anymore." He briefly stated and left open how he interpreted this.
You continued with your make-up. "Hm? Well, I think it just suits you better now, dear. You're not the same boy you used to be."
He begs to differ. "Don't be like that. I haven't changed that much. I'm still the same Coryo you fell in love with all those years ago." He laughed as he said goodbye to you with one last kiss on your head before leaving the room.
You just sat there with a heavy heart in your lonely room while staring at your silhouette in the mirror. That's what I've been trying to convince myself lately, too.
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Thank goodness there's alcohol at these events. As someone who was born and raised in the Capitol and also came from a wealthy family, you were no stranger to popular events.
However, you definitely liked them more when they were considered parties and not some lame adult gathering. You'd give anything to hear the booming music from big speakers now while a few crazy, very drunk people hit the dance floor. It was chaotic, but at least it was real - people weren't hiding behind their pretty dresses and fake smiles like they are now. Whatever, you can't stop getting older, I guess. Maybe it would take a few more years for the Capitol to figure out a way around that, too, but by the time they did, it would have already lost its value.
You started listening again when your name was mentioned. "Now that you're engaged, I suppose the wedding isn't far off, huh?" Mrs. Valentius laughed merrily. If you remembered correctly, she was the wife of the man who had won some important literary prize or something last year. "And we all know that when marriage is near, children are not far away."
You laughed with her, albeit very uncomfortably. I'm not going to elaborate on that. You took another sip of your drink and saw how you just had a little bit left, same goes with your patience, too. I need more of both.
Your eyes looked up again when Coriolanus put an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to his side. "Of course. The preparations are a little stressful even if they are going well, but who knows, maybe the first one will be there on our big day. What do you say, my dear?" He replied in your place with his disgustingly charming smile. I think I would like it if she was pregnant with my child on the day of the wedding. Would just have to make a few alterations to her dress, but that can easily be arranged.
Yes, you definitely needed a new drink. "Let's see, Coriolanus. Like you said, things are stressful enough right now, and I'm sure you don't want me to be any harder to handle than I already am, huh?" You joked around and laughed with the couple in front of you. I can't believe what kind of shit I'm saying about myself, but those are the only jokes these two douchebags are laughing at, and I really don't want to talk about this subject anymore. "I'm going to go and freshen up, if that's all right with you." You excuse yourself and make your way to the toilets, but not without grabbing a glass from a tray of a walking waiter.
You shut the door behind you and finally felt like you could breathe properly again since you were no longer surrounded by all these people. Could be worse. We didn't meet Pollux and his wife yet, but it's still pretty bad. "Oh, this is a nightmare." You said, leaning your arms on the sink. "Why don't you tell them when we're fucking so they know that the baby is in the making, huh? Ugh, since when did it become normal to get so personal?" You complained and swallowed the contents of your glass in one gulp, feeling it burn in your throat. It felt good.
You wanted to give yourself a few minutes alone to clear your head and come out re-energized, but the more time you spent in the room, the less you wanted to leave. You preferred to hear the voices muffled through the door, but this thought was interrupted when it opened, and you tried to act unruffled for a moment until you realized who was coming in. "Coriolanus? What are you doing here?" You asked nervously as you watched him enter. "This is a ladies' room, you can't be here!" You whispered aggressively as you stepped closer to him and saw him turn the lock behind his back. I should have fucking done that. My head is all fuzzy.
His eyebrows drew together in slight irritation. "Your breath reeks of alcohol. You've had too much to drink." He stated, making a mental note to pay more attention to your consumption next time so it wouldn't happen again. He ignored your earlier statement and continued. "What's wrong? Are you feeling sick, or why have you been in here so long?" He asked you, slightly concerned, rubbing your arms as you seemed quite drunk
"No, I'm fine." You replied stubbornly, a little annoyed and couldn't quite find the right words, so you just said the first thing that came into your mind. "I just didn't like all this baby talk."
He hummed and continued to speak to you in a calm tone since you seemed upset. "Well, you know I want kids." He said, trying to be a little more understanding. "But I get why you would find it a bit intrusive. Don't let them get to you. That's just the way these people are." He finished, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
Maybe, but that's not the way you have to be. You didn't expect him to apologize for his behavior, but it still didn't hurt any less. "I suppose you're right." You just whispered, trying not to get too emotional under the intoxication.
But you didn't manage to hide it from him. "Oh, my dear. Are you really that upset about it?" Your fiancé cooed as he saw you holding back from bursting into tears. He put his index finger to your chin and lifted your face so you couldn't hide from him. His lips moved to the spot where the first tear fell and left a soft kiss there. "You're too cute. It's really too bad that we still have to wait. A baby would certainly stop the questions, wouldn't it?" He asked you sweetly as he stroked your cheek thoughtfully and lied through his pearly white teeth. "A real shame it is. You should freshen up, I think we can leave a little early tonight since you're not feeling so well."
You just hated that he looked so pretty doing it.
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melanieph321 · 9 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - The Ring
This is what I imagen Ruben look like telling you to get your shit together and find the ring he gave you. 🤭🤭
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Summary - Ruben doesn't like it when reader takes off her wedding ring.
You and Ruben were the complete opposite. He was punctual, you were not. He was tidy, you were not. You were forgetful, he was not. But opposite attract, no?
It did most of the time in your relationship. However it came a day when you forgot something that Ruben just couldn't forgive. At the time you and Ruben had been happily married for five years. Your love was strong, building a life together that you both cherished. However, there was one recurring issue that tested your commitment to each other- Your habit of taking off your wedding ring.
Ruben couldn't understand why you would remove something so symbolic and precious to your relationship. He wore his ring with pride, always feeling connected to you no matter the distance. But you had a tendency to remove your Swarovski emerlad ring, placing it on tables, in drawers, or even misplacing it altogether.
One evening, as you were about to leave for a friend's birthday celebration, Ruben noticed your bare finger.
He sighed, annoyance evident on his face. "Y/N, why do you always take off your wedding ring?" Ruben asked, unable to hide his frustration any longer.
You turned to face him, slightly puzzled. "Ruben, it's just a habit. Sometimes I feel a bit restricted wearing it all the time."
"But it's more than a piece of jewelry," Ruben replied. "It symbolizes our commitment and love. It's a constant reminder of our vows to each other. And the fact that you have a husband waiting for you at home, for all who wishes to know."
Although amused by his jealous rage you realized how upset he was and felt a pang of guilt. You stepped forward hugging him, promising to be more mindful of keeping your ring on.
"Will you get it form me? I think I left it on my night stand."
"You think..." He muttered, but turned around to get it for you.
He came back minutes later, a stale look on his face.
"It's not there."
"No?" You scratched your head. "Must be in the kitchen then."
You went on to look for it yourself but ended up with nothing. You returned to Ruben in the hallway. He stood leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. "Did you find it?"
"No." You shied away, too embarrassed to meet his eyes. "I don't remember where I put it."
"Huh? What was that?"
You had mumbled the last part. Ruben pushed off the wall, cupping one hand to his ear, mocking you.
"I said I don't know where it is!" You exclaimed.
Ruben settled with a look that said "I told you so".
"Will you help me look for it, I'm already late for the party."
Ruben sighed but suggested that you'd retrace your steps
You ended up searching the house, room by room, recalling the places that you had been throughout the day. Ruben patiently checked drawers, cabinets, and even the most unexpected spots, hoping to stumble upon the ring.
Panicked, you turned to Ruben and said, "Ruben, I can't find my ring anywhere and I really have to go."
Ruben paused his searching, seeing the genuine panic in you. He contemplated insulting you again,  saying "I told you so". However somthing changed his mind last minute. "Okay, just go. I'll continue looking for it."
He nodded. "Tell Maya I said happy birthday and call me whenever you want me to come and pick you up."
You stumbled forward, into his embrace. "Thank you, I love you!"
Ruben made faces as you locked your arms around his neck, planting kisses on the corner of his lip, his cheek and on top of his eyelid.
"Yeah, yeah, just drive safe and call me if you need anything."
You left Ruben to do the searching, thinking all was fair in love and war. However as you spent the night partying with your friends, Ruben spent the night turning the house upside down, to no success at all. In the end he was exhausted, questioning why he hadn't held you more accountable for somthing he believed to be so important in a marriage. You came home that night, unaware of his growing resentment. However it all resurface the next day.
Ruben had been gone all day, training with his team. As the sun began to set, you entered your cozy kitchen, eager to prepare a delicious meal for your beloved husband. However, Ruben, still simmering from a recent argument, sat at the table with a stern expression on his face. Without uttering a word, he turned his attention to the phone in his hand, failing to greet you like he usually does by asking you to come sit in his lap.
Confusion washed over you. The silent treatment from Ruben was deafening, more painful than shouting matches. You tried to recall your earlier dispute, confused to where it had all gone wrong. I mean Ruben had been the one to let you attend your friends birthday party, insisiting he'd stay behind and keep searching for your ring himself. Had he regret his decision of doing that?
Desperate to bridge the growing chasm between you, you decided to swallow your pride and make amends. You approached the cupboards, reaching for the dinner plates on the top shelf. But as you stretched your fingers toward the stack, your petite frame failed to reach them. You hopped and groaned in a desperate attempt to get them, however to no use.
In that moment, seeing you struggle, Ruben's frustration began to fade, overridden by his inherent nature to protect and care for his wife. He quickly pushed aside his resentment and stood up. Without a word, he stepped behind you and effortlessly plucked the plates from the top shelf.
Your eyes widened in both surprise and relief as Ruben gently placed the plates on the counter beside you. In that moment, your physical distance evaporated, replaced by a tender connection only made possible by unspoken understanding.
Feeling a flicker of warmth in your heart, you turned to face Ruben, eyes brimming with gratitude. Ruben, unable to resist the unconditional love shining in your gaze, couldn't help but smile softly. Silence still hung in the air, but it was now infused with a newfound tenderness. It was as if you had silently communicated more in that single gesture than they could ever express with words. Still, you tried.
"I'm sorry, Ruben. I know how important this ring is to you," You whispered, eyes filled with tears.
Ruben's hands went to cup your face, raising your head to look at him. "Hey."
"Hey." You chuckled.
"I mean hey, this is what's important to me, not some piece of jewelry."
"But you said..."
He leand forward, pecking your lips, silencing you. "I know what I said and I was wrong."
"Oh Ruben." You fell into his embrace. "I promise I'll find the ring. I know I left it somewhere around the house."
He shook his head. " It's okay. You'll just have to buy a marker from now on."
You frowned "A marker, why?"
Ruben's thumb swiped across your cheek, his gaze looking deeply into your eyes. "So I can write "Mine" across your forhead whenever you go outside."
You laughed, he laughed. You truly deserved being made fun of.
The ring was gone for now, but the love you and Ruben had for each other remained unchanged.
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lilasamaaa · 1 month
Wicked games | Max Verstappen x Leclerc!Reader
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Genre | Fluff, some light angst.
Word count | 1.5K.
Warnings | Some sexual innuendos, reader playfully gaslighting Max.
Summary | You love Max, you really do. But there’s just something about your brother’s teammate… as a driver, of course. 
Author's note | This piece was requested! Thanks to the lovely anon who came up with the idea, I had so much fun writing it! This is shorter than what I usually write, but I wanted to keep this one light and fun :)
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"Babe? Max's voice comes from the living room. "Are you ready to go?"
This weekend, it's the iconic Monaco Grand Prix, and you're delighted not to have to take a flight and endure jet lag from the other side of the world for once. Not that you're complaining about having the privilege to travel so much, but you understand what flight attendants mean when they say that flying makes you age prematurely. Before the bustling week begins and paralyzes the entire city, you, your brother, and Max had agreed to go eat lunch at your favorite place before the boys had to attend their pre-race press conference.
"I'm almost done," you shout back, placing bobby pins in your bun, when you hear the footsteps of your boyfriend approaching until they reach the door.
"We're..." Max starts before his gaze lands on you. "Oh, no, baby. There's no way you're wearing that."
You arch an eyebrow, observing your boyfriend in the large mirror of the bathroom.
"What's wrong with my outfit?" you ask, tilting your head.
"You're not really going to wear that, are you? Not while holding my hand?" Max replies, starring at your white tennis skirt and red Ferrari polo while you let out a hearty laugh.
"I might be your girlfriend, Max Verstappen, but I'm a Ferrari fan first and foremost. You knew this when you first asked me out."
"Of course I know, baby, but there's a difference between supporting Ferrari and... walking around with their colors on the street. With me."
"Are you playing territorial right now?" you ask, putting both hands on his chest, struggling to suppress your laughter.
"If you're so set on wearing red, why don't you try something more... Discreet? Like the red dress I brought you from Miami?"
"I'm wearing the polo, Max. It'll make Charles happy. And Carlos too," you add, winking at your boyfriend before walking towards the living room.
"Huh? What's the connection with Carlos?" Max asks, following you. "Is Carlos invited to the restaurant?"
Ever since Max and you started dating, several years ago, this has been your favorite game. Never gets old. You just love mentioning the Scuderia and its drivers. It's not that he hates the team, no, after all, as Sebastian once said, everyone's a Ferrari fan. But while Max understands your attachment to the team in relation with your brothers, there's one thing he finds less understandable... Your fascination with the other driver.
"You didn't tell me Carlos was coming," Max says again, still following around while you put on your jewelry.
"I didn't think it was important," you shrug, smirking.
Let it be clear : you don't feel anything for Carlos. No attraction whatsoever. But ever since the Spaniard joined the team and became a close friend of Charles, your relationship naturally developed to the point where today, you genuinely consider Carlos as a member of your family. You've even met his own, spent holidays with them, and you've crashed at Carlos' place multiple times before. Sometimes, when you need someone to talk to and Charles and Max are too biased, too closely involved with you to provide good insight, you call Carlos. The same way the driver always comes to you when he's got girls troubles. Yes, the two of you share a beautiful, tight bond. And knowing there's no ambiguity between the two of you (Max knows it too, deep down), you love driving your boyfriend crazy by mentioning Carlos.
"What's the matter, Max?" you ask, turning around, smiling at him.
"Look, I don't say anything when you sleep on his couch, or when you spend hours on the phone with his sisters. It doesn't even bother me when you check his results, and I surely didn't say anything when you celebrated his victory in Australia while my car was giving me hell," Max continues, gesturing with his hands. "But isn't this a bit much?"
"What is?"
"You said we were going out... As a family? Like, your brother, you and me?"
"Carlos is family," you reply, playing dumb.
"You..." Max starts, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, yeah. Whatever." your boyfriend says, throwing his hands in the air.
As Max and you arrive hand in hand in front of the restaurant where Charles and Carlos are waiting, you don't miss the look your brother gives you upon seeing you dressed in the red polo.
"You're fucking impossible," Charles mutters while kissing your cheek.
Once inside, as the four of you walk over to your table, you still see the opportunity to drive Max crazy by sitting across from Charles. Next to Carlos. Diagonally, your boyfriend watches you, eyebrows furrowed, a hint of annoyance in his eyes.
"Miami was so fun," you start, taking the menu.
"You and I must have a different definition of the word" Max says, rolling his eyes.
"Well, it's not so unpleasant to see someone else cross the finish line before you, for once," you reply teasingly.
"Like in Melbourne?" Max asks with an ironic smile.
"Like in Melbourne," you nod, winking at your boyfriend before turning your attention to the Spaniard. "You did so good, Carlos. I'll have you know that I was rooting for you from the start."
"Yeah," Charles interjects, rolling his eyes. "We know."
The table is engulfed in a heavy silence, and you enjoy yourself so much, your eyes sparkling mischievously.
"There's some tension in here, am I right?" Carlos asks after some time, looking at all three of you in turn.
"She's been bugging me about you all morning," Max replies, taking a sip of his coke. "She thinks it's funny."
"Why would you do that?" Carlos asks, looking at you, eyes wide. "You know he's going to push me off-track because of you, next time."
"You're better than them, that's all," you reply, eyes fixated on the menu in front of you. "They just can't admit it."
"Now, that's just nasty coming from my own sister," Charles says, laughing. "Take that back."
"Leave her to it," Max says to your brother, giving you a meaningful look. "She's decided to be bratty today. She knows it drives me crazy."
"We should all know less about each other," Carlos says before gesturing for the waiter to come over, while Charles tries to hide the red from his face with his menu.
The meal goes well, the false tensions easing over a succession of delicious dishes. But you're not done with your little game. Not yet. As the server clears your plates and refills your wine, you lean in towards Carlos.
"What dessert do you recommend? I'm in the mood for something sweet," you ask Carlos, fluttering your eyelashes innocently.
Across from you, your brother sighs, running a hand across his face, while Max stares at you in a way you know all too well. A look that tells you that once the two of you set foot back in your shared apartment, you're going to pay for your behavior. Big time. But for now, you don't care, leaning over Carlos' menu, your shoulders pressed together. The Spaniard is so innocent, so far from imagining that you're using him to lead your boyfriend exactly where you want him.
"Their crème brûlée is delicious," the driver replies mechanically, eyes still looming over the piece of paper.
"Crème brûlée it is, then," you reply, setting back in your chair. "I just love to make them crack," you finish, locking eyes with Max.
That's it. You're fucked. Max's usually clear eyes are dark with annoyance and desire. Feeling the heat in your lower belly, you lower your gaze, finding it hard to meet your boyfriend's eyes. You can't wait to get home, knowing that with the afternoon of interviews ahead of him, your boyfriend will have to suppress his desire until tonight, amplifying his frustration. After dessert, the four of you head to the cashier, where Max pays for everyone before leading you all outside.
Carlos gives you a quick hug before heading back to his car, promising to call you soon, knowing that the other two drivers will follow him in a few moments. Charles approaches you, and you throw yourself in his arms, pressing your nose against his neck.
"You've got to stop doing that," your brother mumbles playfully in your ear. "You're not the one who has to deal with his awful mood in the paddock afterward."
"He's just so easy to rile up," you say, as both of you let out a laugh.
Charles pinches your cheek before waving to Max and joining Carlos in his car. You find yourself facing Max and give him a radiant smile. Perfectly innocent.
"You're the worst," your boyfriend starts, crossing his arms against his chest.
"You just love me," you say, sticking out your tongue.
"I'm going to ruin you tonight," he concludes, pulling you towards him before kissing you passionately, his hands grazing your buttocks, barely covered by your short skirt. "Show you who's better than who."
"I can't wait," you mutter against his mouth, softly biting his lower lip before taking the keys from his car in the back pocket of his jeans.
"Can't wait," you repeat, watching your boyfriend walk away until he disappears into the backseat of Carlos' car.
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
ATSV Characters with a Goth S/o
heeeeeyyyyyy guys 😇 *slowly sliding the 100+ REQUESTS in my inbox to the side to make room for a new special interest*
🥀Cw: none, mostly fluff!!!
🥀Pairing(s): Hobie x reader, Miles x reader, Miguel x reader, Spot x reader
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he would LOVE any type of alternative partner tbh- he just LOOOVESSS that ur goth and will support you 100%
people who go against societies expectations/standards and don't fit in with the norm intrigue him, and your style is probably what piqued his interest in the first place
y'all definitely wear matching fits sorry i don't make the rules- hobie just can't pass up the opportunity to match w you!!! whenever you go to meetings within the spider society he always brings you along, regardless of whether or not you're a spiderperson and hobie loves showing off you and your style
look me in the eyes and tell me hobia would not absolutely rock some funky eyeliner LIKEEEEE- he def lets you practice on him and will do your makeup for you too!!!
hobie loves thrifting with you, there is no way he isn't a major thrifter and you both definitely DIY a lot of your clothes
hobie absolutely has BLESSED music taste, but while he usually listens to rock, punk, dad rock, or post-punk type of music, i def see him enjoying more gothic/new wave music- especially if u introduce it to him!!!
i see him enjoying bauhaus, sisters or mercy, scary bitches, etc- he'll also give YOU a lot of music recommendations and help to expand ur taste!
hobie would also accompany you to any protests or conventions that you wanted to attend, and would act as your scary dog privileges
honestly hobie is a lovely partner to have if you are goth, and he's not only supportive but VERY enthusiastic about your fashion and lifestyle!
hes such a sweetheart!!! he definitely supports you if you're goth and asks a LOOOT of questions lmao
miles draws you and your fashion a lot, and will def design makeup or eyeliner ideas for you too!!! while ik this is more associated with punk, i also see miles drawing you a few custom patches and stuff like that
your kind of like his muse in a way, and miles just really enjoys sketching you, especially since you have such a unique aesthetic and such cool outfits
he loves watching you get ready and do your makeup. seeing you do perfect eyeliner wings and heavy makeup in general lowkey relaxes him, and he just loves admiring you
im sorry but miles knows absolutely nothing about goth music or culture, ur gonna have to introduce him to a lot of the songs/bands!!!
while i don't think he's huge on the music at first, i think it would grow on him over time. its definitely the type of thing that he loves because YOU love it, and he sees how mu much you enjoy it so he starts listening to it as well so he can talk to you about it
i think his favorite band would be the cure, and his fav songs would either be boys dont cry or the walk (both by the cure- idk why thats so specific but they just kinda fit his vibe yk?)
miles likes holding hands a lot, and he loves when you wear rings or gloves or something along those lines because it just reminds him so much of you! your hands just feel different compared to other peoples and he just loves how unique you are
if you have a lot of piercings, miles would definitely ask about them or buy you specific jewelry for piercings!!!!
overall, very very cute and supportive about your style!!! (he lowkey gives bi wife energy, and iyk what in talking ab then ily mwah)
he's pretty indifferent to your style at first, i don't see him as the type to judge much based on appearances. its your personality that really throws him for a loop, and a part of him admires your dedication to making yourself look how you want to look and truly living to be your best self, regardless of what others think
if you think miles knows nothing about being goth then be prepared for miguel bc he knows NOTHINGGGG- no music, no history, no political views, zero, zilch, nada, goose egg
if he cares about you i do see him being intrigued about your style, and once you two are officially dating is when he'll show more interest in your personal fashion sense
he strikes me as the type to like, NEVER listen to music, so he literally only listens to the music you like!!! he does find himself occasionally humming the tune of some strawberry switchblade song or casually listening to a siouxsie and the banshees song while he works, and over time you influence him a LOT with your music taste. he definitely associates any and all goth music with YOU, and that's probably why he starts enjoying it.
he's a "hand on you at all times" type of guy, and while he is rarely touchy with others, miguel is definitely keeping you close. your fashion makes that convenient for him, and he loves pulling you into a kiss by grabbing onto your belt loop or something of the sort
miguel loves how you look with and without makeup on and isn't afraid to tell you that, however, he really likes it if you incorporate his colors or color scheme into your makeup one day. he'll never admit it, but you keep catching him admiring you with the smallest smirk on his face every few seconds
if anyone ever gave u shit for what you wear and how you dress, especially someone in the spider society, you'd practically have to restrain miguel from drop kicking them across nueva york- he doesn't want anyone to be rude to you , and while he knows you can stand up for yourself, he just gets protective at times
goth? whats that???
he's lowkey such a nerd, and spends too much time being science-y and planning on how to beat spiderman to actually get caught up on fashion
spot doesn't know how he pulled you tbh, but he appreciates you nonetheless!!! he thinks you and your aesthetic are something to be admired, and will unabashedly tell EVERYONE he knows about you
he will shoplift any clothing or jewelry that you want, and he'll even take you to other dimensions where there are better alternative clothes as well
spot doesn't really have a face to do makeup on, but he'll offer to do yours for you! surprisingly enough he's pretty good at it, though he does work pretty slowly
spot loves fiddling with your accessories, whenever he's standing near you he's always reaching out to touch you in some way shape or form. he loves playing with any chains or necklaces you wear, and will help adjust them so that they lay correctly
he helps you get ready in the morning!!!!! if ur the type of goth to wear corsets, he makes lacing them up SO easy and will gladly do it for you
i personally hc that spot HATES seeing himself in mirrors/pictures, it reminds him sm of what he used to look like, but he LOVES taking photos of you and your style!! whenever you are wearing a cute outfit or have funky makeup on, spot adores just taking photos of you
if you ever did a makeup look inspired by him and his spots he would probably CRY :(
URGRHHRHHRRR I LOVE ATSV SMMMMMMM!!!! this post will DEFINITELY have a pt2 w more characters!!!!! i swear tho atsv literally pulled me out of the most horrendous burnout ever i FELT the artblock and writing block lift off of my body as i watched it. IM SO INVESTED I MADE A SPIDERSONA...
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
New Girl
pairing: gilbert blythe x female reader
warnings: just fluff, somewhat love triangle with billy, some jealousy, kissing
summary: you had just moved to avonlea from london, you were a beauty with fancy clothes and a lovely accent, who just so happens to have two boys take interest in you
a/n: there is such a lack of gilbert fanfics on here, he is such a sweetheart and needs more attention
song: angeleyes - abba
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Walking up a hill from your new home, you follow a path you saw that helps lead you to school easily. You were dressed in a gorgeous light blue dress that somewhat stuck out around you. You had a ribbon in your hair and some jewelry with white gloves.
You truly didn't know what to wear, back at your old school this was the normal clothing.
You saw a pretty small white flower, you picked it and tucked it behind your ear. Smiling to yourself you continued down the path until you hear your name being called.
"Excuse me! Miss!" you stop walking and turn around to see a young boy, he seems to be around your age. Your eyes quickly scanned his features and you had to admit he was rather handsome.
"Hello, sir!"
"Gilbert- please, call me Gilbert," he smiles.
"Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you, Gilbert. I'm y/n," you smile at him.
"You're new here? You have a pretty accent"
"I am, and thank you. I just moved here from London," you blush.
"Wow, is it nice there? I've been wanting to travel."
"Well honestly I suppose it depends on where you are and what part you're talking about. But overall I like it," you explain looking at a squirrel you saw running in a tree.
Gilbert seemed to not be able to look away for you. He was in awe of you, he has never encountered a girl with such beauty as you.
"Perhaps you would join me in my walk to school? If that's where you're heading?" you suggest.
"I would love to"
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You both arrive at school and see everyone already there. You put your small bag on a hook in the cubby area. All the students turn and look at the two of you. It quickly goes quiet and they start to whisper.
You smile at them nervously and start to fidget with your gloves.
Gilbert leans over to your ear and whispers, "don't worry about them, they just don't get a new classmate that often." You nod and introduce yourself. The girls giggle at your accent and the boys ask you to say some words they think would sound funny with it.
Gilbert also took notice of Billy Andrews who was in the back watching the scene. Gilbert also noticed the way his eyes lingered on you, longer than he liked.
He then saw Billy start walking towards you as the boys started to walk outside and girls went to their little corner. They all told you to come sit with them but before you could follow, someone stepped in front of you.
"My, my, what a pretty girl you are. I'm Billy Andrews," he says holding his hand out. You put your hand in his with the intention to shake it, but to yours and Gilbert's he gently picks it put and places a kiss on your knuckles.
Perhaps you would find this sweet, if it were Gilbert doing it. But this boy seemed rather arrogant in your opinion.
"Oh- um- thank you and good to meet you... I must be going now, the girls are waiting for me," you nod your head over to the girls watching in the corner. You see Diana and Anne smiling at you waving their hands over for you to join them.
You slip away from Billy and go sit in between them. "I love all of your dresses," you say to them. They were different from what you grew up with but that's what made you like them.
"Ours? Look at yours! You are very beautiful and that outfit is miraculous!" Anne exclaims as the other girls nod their heads.
"Why thank you," you then lean over towards her when the other girls broke off into some converstations, "your red hair is lovely, did you know? It suits you perfectly," you whisper.
"Oh you don't know how much that means to me!" Anne smiles so happily you can't help but do the same.
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The day ended and Gilbert had a clenched jaw while he was thinking about Billy telling the other boys that you would be crawling to him in no time. Gilbert may or may not have accidentally stuck his foot out as Billy was passing by.
Gilbert saw you walking out of school and jogged over to you. "Hey! How was your first day?"
"It was magnificent, it was very different from what I am used to," you admit.
"Figured it would be, do you mind if I..." you look over at him as he continues, "walk you home?"
"Of course not!"
This then became a routine with the two of you, you both had grown very fond of each other and were very close.
Today, Billy was flirting with you again, and Gilbert mistook your actions for you flirting back. That day on the walk back, you got in a small argument.
"You were flirting back!"
"What? No I was not," you shook your head.
"Even if you weren't why wouldn't you?!" Gilbert didn't understand why you never went out with Billy, most of the girls had a crush on him.
"Because- because I fancy someone else!" you take a step closer to him, leaving only a few inches between you two.
Gilbert stops as his eyebrows raise, "who?"
"Oh Gilbert, you complete idiot," you sigh while shaking your head, but before he could respond you grabbed his collar and connected your lips to his. He quickly responds and puts one hand behind your head, and the other around your waste. You could have melted right there as you leaned into the boy. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair, loving how soft it was.
Gilbert was about to faint, he had been dreaming of this happening since he met you. As you were pressed on him while your lips molded with each other, he prayed that you couldn't feel how fast his heart was beating. You slowly pull back and rest your forehead on his.
"You, Gilbert, I fancy you," you whisper to him, breathlessly.
"I like you as well, darling," he smiles connecting your lips again.
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sh7ggy · 2 months
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summary: going on a date with hawks <3
A/N: sorry for not posting much, ive been a mix of busy, unmotivated and uninspired, but im back now :3
includes: fluff, mild swearing, innuendos.
When Keigo asked you out, you were over the moon. You've had a crush on him for a while now, and for him to want to take you out on a date, was like a dream come true.
I mean, how could you not have a crush on him? He's absolutely gorgeous, suave, funny and a true gentleman. You and him had been friends for a while, and now you were finally taking it to the next step.
He wanted to meet you at the park, so you put on something casual. Although, you still wanted to impress him, so you accessorized with some jewelry.
Then, it was finally time.
When you arrived at the park at exactly 23:00 like he asked, of course, nobody was there at that time of night, Keigo had specifically planned it that way, so the two of you could get some privacy without him being mobbed by fans.
You sat down on a nearby bench, waiting for your date to arrive.
A few minutes later, you spotted a pair of crimson wings flying towards you.
'Hey there, hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long.' He landed in front of you.
Luckily, he wasn't dressed up either. Just wearing an oversized white sweater and baggy jeans. For some reason, he also had a big backpack with him.
'Now, let's get to walking. I've got a nice spot for us to go to.'
While you were walking through the foresty part of the park, there was a comfortable silence. Both of you guys just looking around, taking in the beautiful view of the red and yellow fall leaves on the trees. The bright moonlight lit up the park, so it wasn't too dark to see.
At some point, you two were walking so close together, you noticed the backs of your hands touching. You were wondering if Keigo noticed it too, when he suddenly reached around and grabbed your hand. There was your answer.
'I'm sure you don't mind, right?'
'No, I don't.' You blushed and looked away.
He must've noticed your blushing, cause he had a cheeky grin on his face the rest of the way there.
You eventually arrived at the spot Keigo had meant to take you to. It was a gorgeous lookout with a view of the lake beneath you.
To your displeasure, he let go of your hand.
He opened the mysterious backpack he had with him and took out a red and white-checkered picnic blanket and snacks and laid them out under a willow tree.
'Did you think I'd let you sit on the ground?' He winked at you goofily.
'You didn't have to bring all this for me.' You said as you sat down next to him on the blanket.
'Only the best for you, birdie.'
You chuckled at the petname.
'Don't laugh at me!' He said, pretending to be offended. 'Now, eat up.' He fed you a strawberry to shut you up.
'Damn, you didn't have to force-feed me.' You punched his shoulder playfully.
'Shut your mouth before I force-feed you something else.' He punched you back a little bit harder.
'Why don't you make me shut up?' You provoked him.
'Don't try me. I'll kick your ass.'
The two of you started play-fighting. While you fought with all your strength, he was actually holding back, cause as a hero, he was much stronger than you. He wasn't letting you win, though.
'Wow. you really aren't gonna let your date win?' You feigned anger.
'You're such a brat.'
That's when he pinned you to the ground and kissed you. It was a short moment, but the feeling of his lips on yours took your breath away.
'That ought to shut you up.' He smirked as he released you wrists from his grip and sat back up.
And he was right, it did shut you up. You were silent for a while as you stared off into the distance.
'Hey, I didn't actually mean the thing about shutting you up.' Keigo spoke up after a little while. He was afraid he'd overstepped a boundary.
'I know, I'm just looking at the view. It's really beautiful.' You tried to distract him from the fact that the kiss flustered you.
'Yeah, it really is.' He said, looking at you instead of the view.
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yan-lorkai · 4 months
Please may I have a black butler headcanon of Sebastian with a S/O who is a literal cat magnet and cats pretty much always come to her for affection and love. Cats probably have a sensor raider when it comes to humans. Kinda Yandereish but just fluffy headcanons.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Cutest rq I ever received ngl, I was imagining reader playing with the cats and things like that and Sebastian looking at them with so much adoration in his eyes wjdwoldwls. I loved this, hope you like! (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
* Warnings: Yandere content but its pure fluffy, really.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Cats seems to follow you anywhere. Why? How? You don't know but they always come to you wanting to be petted and to cuddle. They like to follow you around, they like when you play with them and if you tried to bathe them, they wouldn't even run away. Again, how and why do they like you so much? No idea, they just do.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You like their company though, they're funny and chaotic sometimes. But you love them as much as they do. But you know someone who also love cats? Yes, him; Sebastian Michaelis. It's not uncommon to feel his eyes on you but are they really on you or on the cats that are following you here and there? You don't know.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ The answer it's both. He's both watching you with great interest, seeing how you play with the kittens but also admiring all the cats that surround you, some cuddling your chest, others on your lap and your side, all of them purring and pretty much relaxing in your presence while you do your things.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He knows that if he gets closer the cats will move away, but he can't help but hold one of them on his lap while he plays with it, not caring about the feline's claws trying to hit him. He feels at peace holding it, soothing it gently, stroking behind its ears as he coos and makes small talk with you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You are like a parent to all those cats so he co-parent with you, buying tons of toys and food for them, helping you clean and play with them when he has time. Aside from this, he also takes the opportunity to swept you off your feet, cooking dinner for you, helping you on your errands, even massaging your shoulders when you feel too tense. Small gestures to make him appear good looking in your eyes
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Sebastian tries to understand why cats like you but he can't help being mesmerized by you as much as they are, wanting nothing more than to hold you and never let go. And if you lives nearby or works for Ciel, he do tries to sneak all your cats inside the manor.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You and him taking care together of any preggo mama cat, omg <3
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You and him name every single kitten that was born, some names are normal, some you two make up and he make it extra silly to make you laugh. He loves your laugh and smile, he isn't so subtle as he likes to think. You also can probably figure his feelings after awhile.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Your cats love him and people do say that cats only trust in trustworthy people. Sebastian is trustworthy in your eyes, he does everything to make you feel loved and taken care of.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You beat him and ask to court him before he can, gifting him a ring that reassembles a cat. Sebastian normally doesn't wear any jewelry but your ring? He wears it on his finger all the time to show off and he takes such good care of it. He also likes to call your cats your kids. How scandalous, you two have so many kids even before marriage 🤭
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ You don't know it but Sebastian train each and every cat you got to attack anyone who tries to talk to you, only exception being your relatives and close friends. Because of this and because people like to gossip, you're known as the cat magnet and that talking to you is inherently bad as anyone who tries ended up being bitten, scratched and chased by your cats and you are left wondering why they react like this. Nothing you do can possibly stop them so you resign yourself to spend your free time at home. And with Sebastian, of course.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 3 months
Jason Todd With Scientist S/O
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He thinks your job is so cool
He's really smart so he can keep up with all the science lingo but sometimes you have to explain exactly what you're doing I the lab since it's not all common knowledge
Wants to know what you're doing and why you're doing it or how you're doing it
explain the deep dive details, he loves it and it makes him feel like you care about him being interested
He respects if you have to work long hours since he does too
He is honestly worried that if you're working on anything high profile or top secret that something bad will happen at the lab so he hangs around a lot and has given you a few different things to signal him if you need him
If you're a vigilante he still does this and the rest of the Batfamily have given you something to call them just incase
It's not that they don't trust that you'd take care of yourself, but sometimes you can't drop a beaker of something just cause Mr. Freeze is having a meltdown again instead of going to therapy
sorry Victor, I understand but don't be freezing innocents dude
sometimes you have to leave the bed early because you have a long day at the lab and need to be able to work long hours without it being 1am the next day
Jason probably reads Frankenstein with you a lot since he jokes about you being Frankenstein
hopes that you never do become Victor Frankenstein though because that dude was wild
He thinks that you look adorable in your lab gear
even if it's full hazmat stuff he thinks it's so cute
he doesn't like hazmat things though cause like- obviously
You have a lot of jewelry from Jason and you cannot always wear jewelry in the lab
there are things that can tear, dissolve, steam, burn, it's just overall not a good time with rings or hanging necklaces
Jason realizes that you have to leave your jewelry behind and lot and he gives you a special jewelry box to keep everything in
installs one in your locker at the facility so that no one can bust in but you can wear your jewelry every where but the lab
Asks you about your day and cooks dinner when you're having a hard time
house keeper of the year
he learned from Alfred
picks you up from the lab and likes to come in and see what you're doing if he can
doesn't mind getting suited up in a lab coat, hair net, gloves, glasses... if that means that he gets to see what's up
he loves asking questions about the things that he's looking at and feels comfortable asking what may be considered dumb questions
he's confident that no matter what comes out of his mouth, it's received as if it came from someone who's an expert in the field
Comes to your work in his Red Hood gear if you're working late
hangs out and talks to you while you're working
drops you off and picks you up on his bike
makes sure that you have clean pjs after taking those scolding all over showers when you're done working
loves watching TV after work with you since it's a time that you can both shut off your brains and hang out
Fridays are ice cream and tv nights even if you two are working late
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cerisahh · 2 months
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SYNOPSIS ꒱ gun gives goo's number to someone flirting with him, reader is unaware and gets jealous
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REQUEST ꒱ hiiiiii may i request a drabble of gun x f!reader where he took her out on a date but when she went to the restroom she saw a girl ask him his number and he still gave it to her (and reader got jealous lol), but it turns out that he gave goo's number instead of his to that girl. eventually gun found her jealousy cute and decided to tease her before revealing the truth to her >< thankewww <3 - @vynnyll
NOTE ꒱ THIS WAS SO FUN TO WRITE!!! thank you for the request, vynn. it was a pleasure experimenting with this one!
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Gun isn't exactly what most would call a 'hopeless romantic'.
That's why you're surprised when he asks you to have dinner at an exclusive restaurant in the heart of town. Not that you hadn't gone on dates before, but they tended to be more secluded, the atmosphere more relaxed. Not right in the hustle and bustle of central seoul.
Now imagine your further surprise when he turns up at your apartment the night before with the most gorgeous gown - because it would be a great disservice to simply call it a dress - and a smirking grin at your instant fawning.
Your boyfriend delivering an outfit for you to wear to a date? Now this is pretty romantic.
"I take it you like the dress?" He asks, still holding the gown as you continue to pour over the details and embroidery.
"Like it?" You say breathlessly, still mesmerised, "Oh, Gun, you really didn't have to - I love it - but you really didn't have to."
"I wanted to, so I did." The corners of his lips lift up into a slight smirk, "Besides, you shouldn't thank me too much. Not like you're gonna be wearing it for long."
Romantic while it lasted, anyway.
You kick him out shortly after so he can return to his work, and so you can return to admiring this masterpiece. Seriously, where did he find this?
You go to sleep late that night, having tried on the gown and pretending you were a princess for an entire hour. I mean, no judgement, you look like one in that getup.
Gun arrives at your door at seven o'clock sharp. The door opens and it takes quite a fair amount of willpower for his jaw to not go slack.
You look breathtaking. He notices you've done your hair up all fancy and you've adorned yourself with jewelry that matches your outfit perfectly. He chose the right dress for sure. And the right girl.
"My, my." His arm snakes behind you at your waist and pulls you closer to him. Mine, he thinks, "Don't you look delectable."
"Delectable is certainly a choice of words." You grin, relaxing into him, placing your own hands atop his chest.
He hums and it reverberates through his chest, "I can think of a few more. Ravishing, opulent, enchanting," With each word his hands wander until you're flush up against him and the wall. God forbid any of your neighbours decide to peek their head out of their doors. One wrong move from him - or right, depends on how you're looking at things - will have you both tumbling back into your apartment and forgetting about your date tonight. Besides, you did not want him roughing up your dress.
You will your heated cheeks to cool down, "You can add late for our reservation to the list if you carry on that way."
He does, in fact, carry on that way. You both arrive at the restaurant twenty minutes later than what you had arranged, which is shrugged off by the waitstaff due to the fact that Gun knows the owner personally.
Which is another way of saying that Gun had threatened the owner personally, but who cares about details.
You two are escorted to a more secluded part of the restaurant, well, as secluded as the place could really get. It was a weekend so naturally it would be full of more people.
Gun levels a threatening glare at the waiter before he gets the chance to pull out your chair, doing so himself much to your amusement.
“Someone fancies themselves a gentleman tonight.” You muse, patting down the skirt of your gown as it adjusted to the chair.
“Gotta get in all the niceties before I get you back to my place tonight.”
Gun was lucky you had the patience of a saint right now, otherwise you would have flicked him with the cloth napkin you were holding.
The dinner was nothing short of delightful. You're no stranger to the finer things in life but between the food and the company in attendance, you had no complaints. It was nice to be seen in a more public place with Gun, somewhere that didn't involve fighting or gang wars.
It wasn't as nice to see a woman a few tables behind Gun's shoulder staring at you two. What was her problem?
"I need to powder my nose." You say to Gun, who was in the middle of taking a bite of a particularly bloody slice of steak. How he can stomach eating meat that rare you'll never know.
He hums, chewing thoughtfully, "You just said that to sound fancy, didn't you."
"Would you rather all the grizzly details of my bathroom escapades?" You ask, folding your arms against your chest.
"Would you judge me if I said yes?"
"Might do."
"Then no."
You roll your eyes and walk yourself to the bathroom, checking your hair to make sure it hasn't lost any of its volume or shape, it could use a little hairspray. Good thing you have your bag and a patient boyfriend.
Almost as soon as you left to 'powder your nose' - Gun thinks that saying is ridiculous, by the way - some woman wearing a dress that is way too low cut for the establishment they're in had sauntered up to him and started talking. About what, he wasn't sure, he wasn't in the mood to entertain some random whore who was clearly only looking for a rich man and a quick lay.
He notices she's stopped talking a few seconds too late and watches as her phone is pushed into his field of view - effectively moving his plate of food away, the arrogant bitch - he picks it up and stares at it for a moment, before putting Goo's number into her contacts. He's been pissing him off more than usual lately, he can deal with whatever train wreck is standing next to him.
"Are you busy later, handsome?"
Would this girl just fuck off already? She already thinks she's got his number so what more could she possibly want? He opens his mouth to tell her something of that nature before he gets interrupted.
"He is."
You're standing behind her glaring with your arms folded, mostly glowering at the woman but he sees you flicker that murderous gaze at him too.
Would it be so wrong to say he liked it?
Coming back to your table to see the staring woman, who now that you're looking closer looks like she's wearing an awfully cheap Jessica Rabbit cosplay, flirting with your boyfriend for everyone to see was not on your bucket list for tonight.
Seeing him put his number into her phone wasn't exactly thrilling either.
The woman cocks her hip to the side and looks you up and down, "And you are?"
You smile mirthlessly, "His girlfriend. You're standing in front of my seat."
"Really?" She asks, raising a brow, "You're his girlfriend?"
You're not an insecure person. Especially not with the way you know you look now, and you can see it in her eyes: she's intimidated.
Good. She should be.
"That's right. Now move along." You shoo her away with your hand.
She harrumphs at you and throws a 'whatever' over her shoulder. You make a sound of dismissal as she stalks off, you've half a mind to follow her to the table she came from and slam her head onto it a few times.
Where did that burst of violence come from? Gun must be rubbing off on you.
Speaking of Gun, you turn to him. He's leaned back in his chair and is all but smirking up at you, "Something bothering you, sweetheart?" He asks, examining you whilst you take your seat opposite him.
"Someone is bothering me." You manage, your expression must look similar to that of someone who has just sucked the juice out of a lemon. "What was that?"
"What was what exactly?" His head tilts slightly to the side with his question and he looks and sounds so stupid that you almost slap that stupid grin off his stupid face. Grinning like a moron like he hadn't given his phone number to that simpering whore. The nerve.
"Why were you talking to that... woman?" Bitch had been on the tip of your tongue but you caught yourself just in time.
With an air of nonchalance, he shrugs, swirling the amber liquid in his glass. He takes a sip before he speaks again, "She wanted my number."
"Right. So you just decided to indulge whatever fantasies she was concocting in her head for shits and giggles and give her your number just because she wanted it?"
Oh he liked this side of you. Seeing you sitting there all irritable and enraged, albeit quietly, as to not make a scene, made his blood pump hotter. Jealousy looked real good on you.
He supposes he should set the record straight, having you think he would ever give his personal number to some rouge-wearing tramp when he had you was laughable. Guess he'd have to get that through your skull later, one way or another.
"I gave her a phone number. Not mine."
"What?" You pause, the angry flush that had been festering dissipated quicker then it rose, "Who's?"
He shows you his phone instead of responding verbally, “Goo?” You say, confused.
“Didn’t really think I’d let any woman have my number did you?” He tucks his phone back into his suit pocket.
"You weren't exactly telling her to leave."
He looks at you, "I wasn't even listening to her."
"Well... I don't like it."
"Like what?"
He's gonna get a kick out of this one, you let a beat pass as you try to gather some words that won't make you sound like a jealous control freak that doesn't want her boyfriend to even acknowledge the existence of other women.
"Women talking to you."
That was absolutely not the correct choice of words. He snickers.
"Shut up. You know what I mean." You huff, cross at yourself.
"I do, but hearing you admit that you were jealous is music to my ears. Say it again."
Holding up your middle finger doesn't do much to deter him. "Say it, you were jealous."
You roll your eyes, "You really want to hear me say it?"
"Desperately." He admits, taking a sip of his drink. Nodding at you to begin your confession.
"Will it shut you up?"
"For all of thirty seconds, maybe."
You lean back and look to the side, "Fine. I was jealous. Hope you enjoyed that because I'm never saying it again."
"Once was more than enough."
"You still have twenty five seconds left."
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© CERISAHH 2024 — all fics on this account belong to… ME! don’t steal my shit.
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