#had a cry in the shower today. hope thats the end of it
bougainvilea · 1 year
there r so many things i should have done and i cantmuster up the energy to do any of them
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mrs-myers3 · 7 months
Warning: cussing
You noticed Stu wasn't as clingy and hyper and Billy was in a more....bitchy mood well he always is but didn't say anything, until, it was late at night and they just got back from 'killing' well thats what you thought.
As soon as you heard the door open you got up and hugged both of them kissing both of the through the mask, Billy kinda shoved you off but tried to cover it with the act that he fell.
Your heart felt like it was about to shatter, you was tired of it, you decide to question them about it when they get out of the shower.
I sat back on the couch, only in underwear and Stu's shirt. Billy sighed as he sat at the other end of the couch "can you give me the remote" that was the first time he spoke to me today. It hurt cuz he usually always talks to me, hugging and kissing all over my face and neck, Stu too "Y/n!" "Oh sorry" I handed him the remote, purposely running my fingers over his. He made a gross out face and pulled back. Stu came out and I scooched over beside Billy so Stu could sit on my other side and me be smothered by their love, forgetting my worries. No. Billy got up, and went on the side I was just on, Stu sat beside him. Neither of them looked at me.
"okay, what the fuck is going on. Did your victims try to sleep with yall or somethin?" I pointed out the big ass hickeys they both had on their neck"Y'all are...." Billy scoffed "were what? What! As if you care anymore" he got up to leave but I grabbed his arm "what is wrong with you!" Stu came and stud beside Billy "come on Y/n, we both know you slept with Randy, so we went and slept with Sid and Tatum, no need to lie anymore"
"but I didn't even go to Randy's! I told you I was going to study with him but I actually went with Sid to buy y'all gifts for our anniversary!" I want to hit both of them and leave but I also just wanted to cry "w-what" Stu felt horrible, he should've known you'd never do that, God why are we so stupid! Billy didn't believe me but when he seen I started to cry he realized "baby I-" "No! Just stop! Please.....if you don't trust me then I shouldn't be here!" I ran up to our room and started to pack my things.
I heard their footsteps coming up the stairs. "Baby please, we're sorry" Stu said " bandaids don't fix bullet holes Stu" Billy hugged me, before I could even react. I started to feel bad cuz I've never seen him so broken "baby please we took a huge misunderstanding if you take us back we promise we never will again, please I can't lose you too your everything I have please I swear I'll stop being so bitchy, we can watch whatever you want, you can be top/big spoon just please, please don't leave me" Billy whispered in my ear, crying softly. Stu stud behind him with hope and fear in his eyes.
"I-....okay, I forgive you both" Billy kissed me so hard I almost fell. I smiled as Stu hugged me from behind "I love you both"
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sincerelyrki · 2 months
hey hi baby res, how are you doing! it’s 12am here (its JAYS BDAY) hope you don’t mind me popping in to say hi!
God today was so tiring for me.. I had 5 hours of dance practice, as soon as I got back home, took a shower, celebrate jay’s bday, wrote him a bday letter that was supposed to be sweet but ended up a bit angsty ☝🏻😔 and I got too emotional that I’m overwhelmed (ijbob = I just burst out bawling), then I remembered I have another dance practice tmr at noon. fml but hey, it’s still jay’s day after all, nothing could go wrong! right 😺
N E WAAAYYY! I don’t know what time it is for you but I hope!! you!! have!! an amazing!! day or night ahead!! eat lots of good food and stay hydrated! (oh I have stuffy nose which sucks 🤧) please take care bae <3
(me rn fr fr)
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HEYHEYYY CLAIREEEE💗💗💗 i’m doing good thank youu, i’m at work rn😔 9.5h shift today which is literally horrible. alsooo it seems like you’re 11 hours ahead of me :)
5 hours of dance practice and then another one sounds exhausting, i hope you get lots of rest <33 ALSO YOU WROTE HIM A LETTER?? THATS SO CUTE AWEEE, id cry if someone did that for me. (GIRL THE “right😺”??? can’t be jinxing nothing❌)
at this moment it’s 6pm for me, i’m off at 7 which is excitinggggg. i spent my entire day here but when i get home im going to update miniskirt and maybe finish some other fics i’ve been writing. AND THANK U SM MLL YOURE SO SWEET💗💗💗
i hope you’re sleeping well and feel better when you wake up :( i’ll talk to you when you wake up🤍 (ill dm you later xx)
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rainydaydally · 7 months
Here in this labyrinth (I’m trapped) Chapter 6
WARNINGS: Transphobia Deadnaming Fighting Misgendering
“Well, I’m sorry that I’m just worried about my son getting hurt!” Sheila retaliates. “Ma, you KNOW Stan. He would never hurt me! You just want me to seem perfect and Stan to be the bad guy!” Kyle says. Sheila opens her mouth to say something but Kyle doesn’t let her get it out. He stands up from his seat at the dining table and stomps up the stairs to his bedroom.
When Kyle enters his room, he shuts the door, locks it, and lays down onto his bed. He looks at his phone and sees he got a text from Stan. “Came out to my mom as bi.” Kyle smiles and texts back. “Thats amazing! I’m guessing it went well?” Stan replies a minute later. “Yeah, she’s really supportive. It was still scary though. Was coming out to your parents as trans scary?” “Well, even when I was little I never felt like a girl. I woud cry when my parents put dresses on me LMAO. So, they weren’t too surprised when I came out at 8, then everything kinda went from there.” Kyle texts Stan, but then hears a knock on his door.
Kyle puts his phone down, but doesn’t answer the door right away. “Kyle?” Sheila’s voice says, small and calm. “Open the door, please.” He groans and unlocks the door and then walks back into his bed. She enters his room and walks to where he’s lying. “Bubbie, I’m sorry. You know how I get. I’m just worried about you.” Kyle nods as his mom pushes the hair on his forehead back. “Stan isn’t just your boyfriend. He’s also your best friend. I should know that he wouldn’t hurt you and I’m sorry.” Kyle sits up from where he is in bed, and hugs her. “It’s okay. I’m sorry I yelled at you.” Kyle says. Sheila places a kiss on his forehead before saying, “I’ll save your dinner plate for later.” And walks out of his bedroom.
Kyle goes back on his phone and messages Stan for a bit, and then goes into the bathroom to take a shower. He avoids looking at himself in the mirror at all costs, showers, and then puts his clean clothes on. He does his hair, washes his face, and then finally goes to bed.
Even though it’s only 8:45, Kyle hides under his covers, forcing himself to sleep. He was extremely tired, so he didn’t need to force it much.
The next day, Kyle wakes up to his horrible alarm again. He wishes Cartman had atleast outed him on a Friday instead of a Monday. Whatever, he had yesterday off so today is already half way through the week. Kyle yawns and gets out of his bed,
He gets ready for school as usual, and exits his house. “Hey.” Someone says as he walks out his door. He looks up and sees his boyfriend, Stan Marsh. “Hey Stan.” Kyle says, as him and Stan start to walk to the bus stop together. They don’t talk much, but they don’t need to. They’re basically one step away from reading eachother’s minds.
They arrive at the bus stop, and (thankfully) Cartman isn’t there, just Kenny. “Cartman must be too scared to show up.” Stan remarks as the three of them wait for the bus. Kyle and Kenny laugh. “He got his mommy to drive him to school.” Kenny says. “No, Dude. His mom definitely hates him now, too. He’s probably walking to school.” Kyle says matter of factly, but still with fun in his tone. “The little sh*t deserves it.” Stan says, looking at Kyle.
Suddenly the bus shows up, and the three of them climb into it. Kyle and Stan sit next to each other, and Kenny sits next to Butters. “Hiya fellas! Great to see you back, Kyle! Hope ya doing alright.” Kyle smiles. “I am, thank you Butters.” Butters really is a sweet kid, just sometimes he talks for what seems like hours on end.
The bus eventually arrives at their school, and they all go inside. “You ready to go back?” Stan asks Kyle. Kyle holds onto his hand tightly, and nods. Kyle, Stan, Kenny, and Butters enter the school.
They all walk to their lockers, preparing for the school day. “I’m going to head to the bathroom before class.” Kyle says as Stan nods, continuing to put things in his locker. Kyle walks through the hallways to the bathroom, looking down at the ground. He really doesn’t want to make eye contact with anyone. When he arrives at the bathroom door, he sees Cartman leaning on the open door on his phone.
Kyle eyerolls and walks past him, but Cartman quickly stands in front of him, blocking the entrance. “Dude, what the f*ck? Let me through.” Kyle says, anger rising. “No girls are allowed in the boys bathroom. Kylie, you should know this.” Kyle knows people heard, and are starting to watch. His deadname rings in his ears. “There’s no f*cking way I’m using the girls bathroom. I’m obviously a boy.” Kyle’s voice raises, as he tries to shimmy his way past Cartman. Stan and Kenny hear commotion around the boy’s bathroom, and go there to see what was going on. The scene unfolds in front of them. A few seconds later, Kyle stops trying to get around Cartman, and stares at him dead in the eyes.
“What do you mean ‘obviously a boy’? You have long-ish hair, long eyelashes, a girly face, and- most importantly- a GIRL BODY. You’re a F*CKING GIRL, KYLIE!” Thump.
The sound of Kyle’s fist hitting Cartman’s face. The crowd around them errupts into gasps. Cartman holds the part of his face that was hit, now red. “Goddammit, you f*cking tr*nny.” He punches Kyle with his other arm in his chest. Kyle stumbles back a bit, but quickly hits Cartman right on his temple. “F*ck. I am not gonna get beat up by some stupid girl.”Cartman says under his breath, punching Kyle in the gut, and then his face. Kyle wraps his arms around his stomach, sucking in sharp breaths through his teeth. His ribs hurt so, so bad.
Kyle goes to punch Cartman again, but feels his arms almost being locked. He just now notices Stan and Kenny holding his arms back, and Craig and Tolkien holding Cartman’s arms back. “No, please… he deserves it..” Kyle says, his voice shaking, his breaths sharp and weak. “I know, Kyle, I know.” Kenny says in Kyle’s ear as he holds him back, and they drag him away.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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mathcorebxre · 1 year
Kara's Transition Diary, week 1
My name is Kara. Im a closet transfemme from the UK. I needed somewhere to vent and talk about my journey in depth, and I dont really have anyone in my life that I can talk to about this so I'm going to put it out on here. I'm hoping to update this weekly, so my thoughts come out as true as I can have them, so they might be a bit triggering and dark sometimes, but hopefully it will have a happy ending! The hope with this post is that someone will read it in the future and I can help someone figure out their identity and it will help them!
Because this is my first entry, I'll give a bit of history of myself, and how I realised I was transgender. I'm 21, and when I started university at 18, I started to explore my sexuality and gender a bit more. I have always found it easier to talk to women, and I've always felt more comfortable around them than with groups of guys. When I was younger, I was weirdly drawn to trans topics, and found myself watching videos from trans people talking about their lives for hours on end. When I first moved into university, I bought a dildo, and I soon found that I felt much more comfortable wearing tights, thigh highs and the like when I was mastrubating that way. I'm not quite sure why, and I do kind of feel ashamed that this is how my journey started. I feel like everytime I have to explain how I knew I was trans that they will think of it as a fetish because of it, but I'm sure its not.
When covid happened, I was not in a good place. I was severly depressed, and I couldn't stand seeing myself in the mirror. I would cry in the shower because I felt like my life was worthless. I started crossdressing fully around that time, and that's when I realised I was trans. I had a wall to wall wardrobe in my room which had doors covered in mirrors, and i normally kept the wardrobe fully open so that i didnt have to look at myself. Everytime I did, I couldnt stand the sight of me. Everything about me looked ugly. I hated my body, my chest, my facial hair, everything.
Then one day, I ordered a really nice dress. It was a blue check pinnafore, with a white long sleeve attached. I put it on, and the way it fit was amazing. it was tight around the waist, and gave the impression of a bit of an hourglass shape. I stood infornt of the mirror, and I experienced euphoria like never before. I cried because I'd never been so happy looking at myself. It was like a switch was turned in my head, and I knew that was who I was meant to be.
This was around the middle of 2020. A lot of time has passed since then, and I don't want this first entry to be the length of a novel so I wont get into eveything thats happened since here. What I do want to do is say what brought me here to write this diary.
Today, I had an appointment with an endocrinologist, about perscribing HRT. The result of that discussion was that he didn't think that perscibing me was the right choice because he wasnt sure that I was fully trans. I think it was really the way that I explained everything, so I want to write down all of my thoughts so I can explain everything better.
Yeah, so thats the start of it. I know that I'm on a long journey, and I dont know if anyone will read this or will care, but I just wanted to write it and I feel better now I have.
If anyone does read this and wants to talk about it, please feel free!
See you all next week :)
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floral-poisons · 2 years
its slice of life/comedy and lowkey kinda queercoded like i sense a smidge of pqr around here yk
anyway since req are open ! hope you dont kind if i request malleus, jade, rook and whoever else you want with an gn s/o thats really tired all the time ??
like s/o is so tired all the time they end up have to carry them to class all the time. (maybe a scenario where theres like a fire drill and the character lost their s/o in the building. they got lost bc theyre always carried all the time so they dont know where the emergency routes are AJSJDJD)
or maybe one time it rained and they were almost at their dorm and it was raining a lil, whatever no biggie, but then it started pouring and they were like "just a lil more. i can make it" and got sick the next dayAHEUDJF
headcanon or scenario up to you !!! i just want to embrace my new kin Tanaka he is such a weirdo and i love him so muchAUAJHWJDG
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i've never heard of this but i will put it on my neverending list of anime to watch!! i'm happy to provide this for you anon.
i also included riddle because why not?
someone set the alchemy room on fire. again. this had to be like the fifth time this week (albeit it didn’t happen during the science club this time around). everyone evacuated the building and was waiting for the whole thing to be under control, which wouldn’t take long.
malleus had no trouble getting out. he was feeding his digital pet while waiting for the whole situation to blow over-
“malleus-sama, where’s (y/n)?” sebek asks. “usually they’re with you.”
malleus almost dropped his digital pet. “(Y/N)!!!” he exclaims, running back inside the building. it was rare to see malleus panic. he had accidentally left you in the building!
eventually he found you. you were wandering around, and it wasn’t far from the exit he entered through. he could only sigh in relief as he took your hand while you yawned. “you always come to my rescue~” you smile.
getting through assignments was tough when you were tired. all the time. but your boyfriend was riddle rosehearts so he was going to get you to finish your work one way or another.
“alright (y/n). there’s one more problem...” he wanted to cry seeing how many parts there were. that was literally half the alphabet! how did professor crewel expect them to do it? “we got this!”
“yeah! we got this!” you smiled.
it only took about five hours. you fell asleep. riddle decided to say “fuck it” and did the whole problem before adding the answers to a sheet. he’d let you use it when you woke up. although he was too tired to go back to his dorm and fell asleep on your carpet.
“hmm? are we done?” you yawned as you woke up. you looked back at riddle before picking him up and putting him in a guest room. he worked hard. he deserved to rest.
“rook! rook!” you whined as you followed him in the hallway. you two were heading to class.
“yes trickster? what can i do for you?” he smiles.
“do you think we can dance today? i want to continue my lessons!” you pouted. you had asked rook to help you multiple times. though it seemed that most of the time ended with you falling asleep.
“ah okay. we’ll meet at the pomefiore ballroom for practice later. okay?” he smiled upon seeing your excited nod.
turns out today would be like those most times where you fell asleep on rook’s chest while you two were dancing. he kept you up. but he enjoyed the quiet atmosphere and being close to you. it was peaceful compared to the hectic environment of nrc.
“can’t i at least get out of bed!” you whine. you were trying to sit up but fell back down, feeling the intense fatigue take over your body again. you could feel how much your body wanted to sleep.
“no. look you can barely stand up.” he huffs. “you got sick from yesterday’s shower. and you must deal with the consequences.” jade helps you sit up and uses multiple pillows to prop you up.
“i was so close.” you pout.
“well it’s not so bad.” jade puts the tray of food on your lap. “i mean, i get to spend the day with you. and hopefully not get sick. i probably won’t. my immune system is impeccable, as azul would say.”
“well that means you’re the best boyfriend.” you yawned.
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ayyezhongli · 3 years
horny hungry dom zhongli x innocent slutty childe
where zhongli is horny asf and childe has this lusty energy around him which makes it hard for zhongli to concentrate bc he just wants to ravage and fuck childe using him as a fucktoy
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ok so its late in the day n zhongli jus came back from a mission. he has paper work he needs to finish but forst he needs to shower bc he’s sweating like crazy.
so he says “good work today”
trying to contain himself with all this lust and sexual desire that was pouring out of childe. childe smiled saying.
“yeah thx, you too”
n zhongli walked over to take a shower. the lust was too strong. like a tornado. if he stood there any second longer he would’ve for sure fucked childe stupid right there. he turned on the shower water to hot and stripped revealing his member hard asf.
“fuck not again.”
so now zhongli steps in the shower, cheeks tinted pink and one of his hands against the tile wall.
“i’ll just get it over with now”
with his free hand wrapped around his dick, he starts pumping himself as images of childe flash in his brain. childe in a maid outfit. childe with a lewd face. childe moaning….all he could think about were these abstract images and dirty scenarios about childe he made up in his head mumbling childes name under his breath.
“Fuck! fuck! fuck!”
so zhongli cums shooting his load all over the tile wall panting. after a few minutes of washing himself he turns off the water and wraps a towel around his waist and gets out. he puts on a fresh pair of boxers and has the towel over his shoulders. when he looks up to his surprise, he sees childe standing in front of him with a bright red face.
“how long have you been here?”
“w-well i went to go shower bc i thought you were done b-b-but….”
zhongli stares childe down biting his lip. childe could see the hungry look in zhonglis eyes. he looked like a beast who captured his pret and ready to devour it any second. n he suddenly found himself backing up as zhongli approached him until he was pressed up against a wall kabedoned.
He’s gonna eat me alive!!
“u saw enough.”
zhongli couldnt hold back anymore. he jus couldn’t. he has been for so long and too long. and with the way how childe was acting, his flushed face. He REALLY couldnt.
childe was squirming around trying to escape and oh that turned him on so much. watching childe squirm underneath him. and so he fiercely attacked childes neck marking and claiming every spot he can which in response to this action childe gripped his shoulders letting out tiny little pants and moans right into zhonglis ear.
“Sensei p-p-pls stop”
childe begged while zhongli ignored him. childes begging only made him harder. there was no going back now. zhongli slid his hands up childes shirt mouth still attached onto childes neck. he went up pinching his nipples causing a loud moan to escape his mouth.
“F-Fuck Sensei!!”
he moved up to nibble on his ear and reached his hand down into his pants to palm him.
“you’re already so hard for me childe….”
childe moaned into his ear. childe had the lewd face that zhongli always dreamed of. It turned him on so much he almost came.
“D-d-dont to- Ahh~!!”
it was too late, zhongli had a tight grip around his dick and started pumping him fast. childe came within seconds all over zhonglis hand and in his pants. zhongli rid childe of his pants and started rubbing against him through his boxers.
“Mmmnn S-sensei dont stop ahh~”
“i never planned too”
He’s even hotter than i imagined
“kiss me.”
n so childe did. wrapping his arms around zhonglis neck kissing him passionately. he wanted to have all of childe for himself. have him all to his self. violate and claim every orifice or non orifice of his body. all of it should n would belong to him by the time he’s done. pulling away breathless a string of drool attached from the mouth he went back in and childe rubbed back harder and needier than before.
“S-sensei….i want you….”
zhongli felt himself blush but kept a calm composure.
“prostrate yourself in front of me and maybe i’ll consider it.”
childe did so all shame going down the drain. n zhonglis view was nothing short from perfect. it was beautiful. seeing childe’s pink innocent little hole with his ass high up in the air. he couldn’t hold back. it was so plump, so untouched, so round, so innocent looking he wanted to destroy it. and so he bit down marking and claiming what belongs to him which made childe yelp. with a loud smack childe came as a red hand print formed on his ass.
“you came just from that? what a slutty little masochist”
childe quivered while zhongli spanked him a few more times. he could feel his legs going weak until they finally decided gave out and he dropped to the floor unable to hold himself up any longer.
“i’m not finished with u yet. get back up.”
childe struggled to follow his directions but eventually did wobbling.
“good little slut.”
zhongli bent over and planted a gentle kiss on his head.
“turn around and suck”
zhongli said pulling down his boxers revealing his hard member. childe just stared. that wouldn’t be able to fit inside him!! how was he gonna take all that it!!
“stop gawking at it n suck it!”
childe gulped and started licking his shaft sucking on the balls from time to time. he slowly lowered himself down gagging at every inch. he wanted to see zhonglis reaction through it all so he maintained eye contact as he watched zhonglis face flush and his hand covering his mouth. it was hot ngl and childe could feel himself becoming harder. after a few zhongli came and he could feel the slimy liquid go down his throat and drip down the side of his mouth. he pulled away but before he could fully zhongli held him down.
“keep going.”
childe did the best he could. and he could feel zhongli’s throbbing cock in his mouth.
“stick out ur tongue”
zhongli said panting slightly
and he came all over his face and getting sum on his tongue. catching his breath he looked down at childe to see such a slutty cum covered face panting with his tongue sticking out and tears forming from the side of his eyes.
“you look so hot covered in my cum, such a slutty whore all for me~….”
zhongli put his fingers in childe’s mouth.
“suck and get them nice and lubricated.”
childe did so until zhongli pulled them out.
“prostrate yourself for me again.”
and when he did, zhongli shoved his fingers inside causing childe to moan in pain, crying.
“S-s-sensei it hurts…”
“it wont for long just hang in there. this isnt even the part that hurts the most.”
zhonglis fingers wiggled around inside childe
“god ur squeezing my fingers so tightly”
his fingers searched for that one g spot.
“where is it now….”
zhongli said still looking until childe arched his back and let out a loud moan drool dripping down the side of his mouth.
“found it.”
what was he feeling? what was this immense amount of pleasure? has he have no shame? it all felt too good childe couldn’t think straight. as a puddle of drool formed from the side of his mouth n on the floor zhongli pulled out and aligned himself.
“woah woah wait sensei thats not all gonna f- AHH SHIT!!”
but before childe could finish zhongli pushed himself inside him. all of him. and childe choked on his own spit, eyes widening and crying clawing at the floor to escape as zhongli thrusted into him fast and rough showing no mercy.
“Sensei it hurts! It hurts! It hurts so much!”
childe cried out clawing and scraping at the floor.as much as he tried to escape zhonglis grip on his hips was too tight.
“shhh its okay….it’ll feel better soon.”
and like zhongli said, the pain started fading away n all he could feel was pleasure. all he could think abt was zhongli. zhonglis dick deep inside him. destroying him. ruining him. claiming him.
childe moaned out.
“fuck that was hot. moan out my name again. moan the name of the person who’s fucking u stupid. claiming you for themselves.”
zhonglis pace quickened and by now he was slamming into childe ruining him like he always got off too.
and with that childe came dropping to the floor.
“this isnt over yet childe, not even close~….”
zhongli flipped him around placing each of his legs on his shoulder and pounded into him harder n faster than childe could ever imagine.
“I’m gonna cum again…”
“n im gonna cum too….”
giving a few more thrusts zhongli came inside him and childe came again on his chest cum dripping out of him and panting heavily and twitching.
“ur still so hard for me.”
zhongli palmed the twitching childe and he came once more all over zhonglis hand. zhongli lifted his hand up to childes mouth.
“lick it clean”
hesitating, childe sucked his hand clean tasting himself. the bittersweet slimy consistency. he couldn’t help but scrunch up his nose.
“good boy.”
zhongli said picking childe up and carrying him bridal style.
“lets take a shower shall we?”
and so they stepped into the shower to bathe but it turned out to be another round. the end :)
(but guess what- i wrote an alt ending so enjoy 😈)
“good boy.”
zhongli said picking childe up and carrying him bridal style. when zhongli raised his head he could see diluc standing in there eyes widen is shock to speechless to say anything. Childe looked at diluc face flushed
diluc was too speechless he couldn’t say anything.
“i’m just gonna-”
diluc said turning around.
“dont tell anyone diluc”
“i never planned too.”
diluc said walking out.
“Besides…i dont wanna risk the chance of me n kaeya getting out.”
(ok now thats the alt ending. hope you enjoyed the story. it’s pretty rushed but don’t mind that)
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sweetberrysmooch · 3 years
HC: And There Was Only One Bed (Affectionate) [pt. 1]
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(This is unfortunately gonna have to be in several parts, mainly so I can get something out to you guys while still being able to work on the rest ^^)
Basic sleeping hcs with ya boys, and sort of... smell hcs? Idk, I got into a mood and couldn’t stop writing about smells so here it goes lol.
Characters: Dream, Techno, Wilbur.
Warnings: There’s mentions of nightmares in Dream’s and a emotional breakdown in Wilbur’s, but that’s it.
Song Recommendation: Dream A Little Dream Of Me- The Mamas & Papas.
Up Next- Quackity, George, and Bad. [pt. 2]
Hope you have nice day today <3 Enjoy!
Depending on where you’ve fallen asleep, Dream will kind of work with your position before he lets himself relax.
He prefers it when the two of you are in your bed, with him near the closest door and on his back and with you sleeping against his side, arm stretched over his middle. It’s a good way for him to be between any intruders that may come and to still have you close. But no matter where you are, he has to make sure that he can protect you before he lets his guard down.
Another position he likes is when you’re tucked against his chest under his chin, sitting on his lap or curled up together in bed. Being tall with a broad chest means he makes a pretty good pillow, so use those puppies when you can 👀👀
Smells like a forest, most times. Almost like wild honey, but it’s a very delicate smell. You don’t notice it until your first hug, when you were upset and crying and he pulled you to into his arms so you could hide your face. Now you smell it everywhere he is, in your house, on your bed, even your clothes smell like him. Neither of you say anything, but he slowly begins leaving his soap at your house. Just in case, y’know, if you ever run out.
Other times, when he seems a little more... off, he smells like the beginning to a storm, like ozone and petrichor. Those days he doesn’t speak that much, and keeps you at arms length. He sits quietly and watches your doors and windows with obvious intent, and is gone before morning. You don’t think he even moved from his spot throughout the night, much less slept there. You don’t see him for a few days afterwards.
Usually he remains as still as a log, but sometimes he has fidgeting fits where he twitches and grumbles to himself. Sometimes you’ll even catch him speaking full-on sentences, though they don’t make much sense. Mostly normal out of place stuff, but once you heard him talking about someone called DreamXD, and figured you’d ask him about his oc the next morning.
He has nightmares often too. It’s hard to tell when he’s asleep but he’ll wake up sweating and trembling and lean over you to check you’re still breathing. He won’t ever tell you what they’re about, but it isn’t hard to guess when he buries his nose into your hair and holds you tightly like you might leave him.
If the two of you aren’t sleeping in your house or completely alone, he won’t sleep until you are. Sleep loss doesn’t quite affect him like it does others until after a pretty long time of not doing it, to which he’ll become surlier and more angry until he eventually just clocks out. He wakes up extremely well rested 2 days later and the process repeats. Sleeping at your house is the closest he gets to proper sleeping, and it’s the only time he can ever feel truly relaxed when doing so.
When he can’t fall asleep, he goes straight to watching you. He gently plays with your hair and fiddles with your fingers, relishing in how unmarred and soft they are in comparison to his much rougher, bigger ones. It’s a sure fire way to get him to mellow out and relax, and he finds that sleep ends up coming much quicker.
(Dream wakes up in warmth one night, with rain knocking on window panes instead of what ever shelter he could scrape together and a fire crackling far off. He deduces immediately that he’s in someones house, and it doesn’t take long before he notices the owner, asleep in his lap. 
Your legs are slung over the arm of the padded chair he’s sitting in, a book (one of his own, he acknowledges, an older version of a well known storybook that he has memorized already) loosely held onto in your hands, and your head rests on his shoulder. 
He expects to feel worried soon, the fear of you getting close to him reappearing to ruin another close moment. But it never comes. All he can feel is the safety and comfort you always emanate, driving away his tension and soothing his mind. He closes his eyes, and falls back asleep.)
Techno is very very touch starved ^^; While he may not be the only one on this list that is, Techno is definitely the most…. shy about it. He won’t ever directly ask to sleep next to you, and will actively try to avoid that. He’s afraid of making you uncomfortable but also of being close to you in general? It’s an odd mix of emotions, like eating mints and a hot pepper at the same time and then feeling hell fire burn inside of your body. Anytime the two of you have to sleep in the same room as each other, he will immediately offer you the better spot and go find a chair to sleep in, and he won’t accept a no.
The most you can do is make the choice to go sleep next to him. It’ll weird him out a little before becoming overwhelmingly endearing when he processes the fact that you would rather sleep next to him than somewhere more pleasant. When you’re asleep however, he’ll pick you up and move you to the place where he wanted you to be. He’ll drape his massive cape over your body and (after assuring himself six different times that you are in fact asleep) softly press a kiss to the crown of your head. If he runs his thumb over your cheek once, then thats his business.
Later on in your relationship though, after he relaxes and settles a bit, it’s pretty unusual if you don’t fall asleep next to him. He still won’t outright ask for it, but he kinda just hopes that when he starts his nightly routine before bed that you’ll just join him without needing to be asked. Having you there helps him sleep better, you act as both a silencer for the voices and someone to hold close when he’s at his most vulnerable.
When sleeping in bed together, he prefers to pull you close and curl around you in a half pulled fetus position. He’s usually a heavy sleeper, and actively clings on to you when asleep. It's an impressive feat if you can break free from his strong arms while they’re wrapped around your middle, and you leaving inevitably wakes him up. He’ll go searching for you then, barely awake, just to pull you back to bed to be his teddy bear again.
And speaking of the voices, while generally they’re loud and insistent, occupying his mind more than he does at times, their reaction to you baffles him so much. In place of the usual screaming is gentle mumbling, quiet whispers about how nice you look today or how pink and soft your cheeks look. It’s a welcome relief, and no matter how he hard he ignores the fact that he’s wrapped around your finger, he’s glad to know they care for you as much as he does.
He also smells pretty nice, it’s this natural musk he has mixed with a muted minty scent. The mint smell comes from this fancy soap Phil had gotten him a while back that he hadn’t given much thought about until you said something. Techno’s already a clean kind of guy, but after hearing your praises of his smell he almost begs Phil to get him more.
Snores, but in a quiet reserved way. Sometimes he makes soft cute noises, like little happy sounds when you snuggle into him more, or bashful grumbles when you kiss him before bed.
(Sunlight flickers through the blinds of Techno’s room, streaking across your face and waking you from sleep. Sighing quietly, you lift your head a little and stretch as best you can while being held in place at his side, before snuggling back into your spot, fully content to stay there for the rest of the morning. 
As you enjoy the moment, you savor the gentle snores that rumble in his chest, his strong heart thumping beneath your ear, and the way his hand kneads your hip as he wakes. 
‘It’s a good morning to sleep in.’ Your mind says quietly, and with how he rolls over to face you and kiss your forehead, it seems Techno thinks so too.)
The way Wilbur sleeps really depends on what Wilbur it is.
To start off though, a few general things. He’s a neat sleeper, doesn’t snore, doesn’t move a whole lot, and smells pretty nice too. His smell also came from a fancy soap he got from Phil, but it smelled like sugar and lemons and it was a lot heavier than Techno’s. He would always take showers before bed because he knew you liked how it smelled, and often he would offered to share it with you (so that you would smell like him). Once he was exiled, he didn’t have the liberty of bathing as frequently as he used to, and he stopped using the fancy soap because he thought it felt tainted. He’d end up smelling like stale air and gunpowder, though he’d never tell you what the smell was from.
With sleep, if it’s pre-Pogtopia Wilbur, you get a fairly standard sleeping arrangement of him crawling up into between your legs to flop down on your stomach with a sigh, waiting impatiently for you to get comfortable and curl around him like you usually do. Your hand comes to cradle his head closer to your chest and he nuzzles into your collarbone before falling asleep near immediately. The two of you wake up tangled completely together and immensely comfortable. Wilbur used to sleep in on days like that, quietly savoring the peace that came with you and your generous hands that would slowly brush through his sleep-messed hair. Even after the election, when he starts descending into madness, the memories serve as a final comfort to him.
Post-Pogtopia Wilbur (Vilbur, if you will) is a stark contrast to his old self. He’s more bitter, more reserved, and even more paranoid. He doesn’t sleep with you anymore, at least never consistently, and the only times he does is when he’s so emotionally fraught that he passes out from the stress and lack of sleep midway through you trying to calm him down. You usually end up just kind of holding him close, praying that when he wakes up you can settle him before he works himself up again. You fall asleep like that, tired and restless.
(He rouses from sleep a few hours later, curled up in your arms and still exhausted from the breakdown. Your chest rises and falls slowly behind him, face smushed into his hair and completely relaxed. 
For a moment, all is calm again. He can pretend that it’s just how it used to be before the election had happened, that the two of you are back at home, happy and stable. 
His hands tremble when they reach for yours, and he grants himself the freedom to cry while you’re still sleeping, ignoring the fact that the next day will be just like the last, and that nothing has changed.)
See you next time :D
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satoruvt · 3 years
for a moment i forget to worry
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pairing → xu minghao x reader
word count → 3196
genre → fluff + angst, college au ↳ tags: strangers to friends to lovers </3, college kinda sux, ROOMMATE CHAN MAKES AN APPEARANCE OR TWO, dance major minghao, reader is completely lost but its ok who isnt, lots of cute couple stuff, pov ur entire relationship with minghao. thats it, a sad break up scene, a solid amount of crying
summary → there’s something about minghao. maybe it’s the way he dances, vibrant and youthful, or maybe it’s the way he loves you. based off of hunger by florence + the machine.
warnings → i hint at sex but its pretty vague, i also mention a breakdown type deal (revolving around school/life after school)
a/n → first of all this was NOT supposed to be 3k words i dont know how it happened. second of all i’m only kind of happy with this HAHA i feel like the story itself isnt bad but i wanted it to match the song more ... idk :/ i hope u guys like it regardless !!!
pieces of you masterlist
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The first time you see him is by accident.
Really - all you’re doing is trying to find Chan. You’re passing by the practice rooms, looking into them in hope he’ll be there, stopping to gaze at decorations and medals and trophies lined up on the walls. It’s when you approach a room that music plays from that you think you’ve found Chan, but when you gaze in, it’s definitely not him.
You don’t know who it is, but he moves like nothing you’ve ever seen before.
It’s hypnotizing, almost makes you want to drop your things and dance with him. There’s a sense of youth that comes from him and it’s almost overwhelming - but it’s not in energy, necessarily, but rather from the precision of his movements, the technicalities that he seems to both follow and break at the same time. Something vibrant seeps out between the seams of his body, colors you can barely recognize as they splash against anything they can reach. It’s almost tangible. 
You watch him long enough for him to finish his performance (an unknowing one) with the last notes of a song you forgot was even playing. His eyes meet with yours, slow as he completes an eloquent turn, and at the same time, a hand meets your shoulder.
A small wave of embarrassment washes over you, and you turn towards whoever touched you, effectively breaking eye contact. “What are you doing here?” Chan asks, hair still wet from what you assume was a shower.
“Looking for you,” you tell him, following as he starts to walk towards the exit. “I wanted lunch, and you owe me for that time I took your British literature quiz for you.”
Chan groans but agrees to pay, and you laugh, though the world seems a little paler than it did a few moments ago.
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The second time you see him is by chance.
You’re waiting for a lecture to start, tapping your fingers against your laptop idly as you watch students trickle in last minute. It’s not a strict course, but it does start at nine in the morning, and most everyone shows up with a coffee.
You look down to brush a stray hair off of your table, and when you look up again, the dancer from before walks through the door, then looks right at you.
You feel a blush heat your face and it’s like he wants to make sure that you know that he knows, because he almost refuses to look away. You break eye contact first (like the last time, you remember for no reason) but still watch as his figure moves up the stairs, past the rows, and you hope he’ll just move past you too…
He doesn’t. He takes the empty seat right next to yours, and you don’t say anything, instead finding the peeling sticker on your laptop incredibly interesting. The professor comes in and decides that today he’ll take extra long to set everything up, apparently, and you want to scream.
“So,” the dancer says, voice quiet. It takes your breath away, the way he sounds. “Mind if I ask why you were watching me the other day?”
You cast a glance at him - not too long, you don’t think you could handle more than five seconds tops - and finally open your laptop so it makes you look busy. “I was waiting for a friend.”
The smile in his voice is palpable. You’re already exasperated.
“You…” you start, finally deciding to look at him as some sort of subconscious power move. “You’re a beautiful dancer. It was hard not to watch.”
Beautiful doesn’t even cover half of it, but you figure he already thinks you’re weird for watching him, so you hold back the thoughts of youth and vibrancy and color. The dancer looks at you, almost blank for a moment, before a soft smile draws itself on his face. It makes your heart beat a little faster. He says “thank you” with a gentle tone, sincerely felt.
The class starts, and the two of you don’t speak throughout the next hour and a half. You type out notes on your laptop and you see him write down names of the paintings being shown on the projector, little thoughts and notes written afterwards.
By the end of class, your professor assigns an optional partnered project, and you’re more than prepared to head back to your apartment and start on it yourself. The dancer stops you before you leave, however, asks if you’d like to be his partner.
(And he says it like that, would you like to be my partner, polite and somehow sweet.)
You know your answer. “I don’t even know your name,” you stall, standing from your chair. 
“Minghao,” he tells you. “I’m Minghao, and I’d like for you to be my partner.”
You say yes easily, put your number into his contacts even easier. The sky is blue when you leave the lecture hall, trees dotted with pink and purple flowers, and it is all so bright that you forget it wasn’t this way in the first place.
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The third time you see him is for school.
Underneath the excitement of giving Minghao your number, there is the knowledge that it’s for the sake of an assignment. He texts you the day after to ask if you’re free to meet up to work and you tell him sure.
(Sure is what you send back, but he doesn’t have to know that you burst into Chan’s room immediately after, plunging face first into his bed just to scream into his pillows. Chan had sighed, turned around in his desk chair to look at you, then asked what happened. He gave you two minutes to rant and then kicked you out, back to your own room.)
You and Minghao agreed to meet at the library on a day that neither of you had any afternoon classes, and you get there early, spend some time working on other classes. You have somewhere around thirty minutes to freak out to yourself before you see Minghao come in, dressed like he knows what he’s doing to you (which is really just a hoodie and jeans, but you think it’s the cap that really pulls the whole boyfriend look together), smiling when he finds you at a table in the corner.
“How are you?” is the first thing he says when he sits down, and you pull down your laptop screen a little to see him better.
“I’m good,” you say, feeling your heart pound. “What about you?”
Minghao sends you a kind smile. “Really good. Should we get started?”
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You lose count of how many times you see him after that.
Meeting up to work on the project soon becomes just meeting up, and after the project’s done and turned in, it happens even more. You hang out and get lunch, send each other texts and stupid videos, take walks around campus together. The weeks pass, summer mellows into fall, then into the early days of winter. You develop a genuine friendship with him, finding comfort in his presence, looking for him wherever you go. 
(Although the crush is still there, potent and patient, stubborn in a way you’ve never experienced before. You wonder if it’s a sign of some sort.)
You’re in one of the practice rooms with him, sitting in the corner. You had a class nearby and he’d wanted to practice a little more, so you told him you’d work on your own stuff while he finished up and then the two of you could grab something to eat.
But you made a small error on your part - the dancing. You’d forgotten the way he moves (you haven’t seen him dance since that first time) and in no time at all you’re letting your screen go dark in front of you and watching him. Honestly, it’s not your fault, you really can’t help it. 
But of course he notices.
Minghao meets your eyes through the mirror and raises his eyebrows at you, and all you can do is look away, desperately try to get your laptop up and running again so at least it seems like you weren’t watching him for too long.
“You’re staring,” he says, long after you’ve looked away.
“Sorry,” you tell him anyways, immediate, quick. 
Then he says, “I never said anything about stopping.”
In a second, you look up from your laptop and up at him. He moves closer, crouches in front of you. His eyes are kind - they’re never not - but you think you see something a little more in them. “Sorry, I think I missed that last part,” you respond, blinking. Minghao smiles like you’re endearing.
“I said I want you to keep looking at me.”
You think you’re barely breathing when he shuts your laptop for you, slides it off of your lap and onto the floor (gently, with care, and it’s a wonder to you how he can focus on that right now). He practically crawls over you, one of his hands eventually reaching the junction of your jaw and neck and holding there. “I’m gonna kiss you now, if that’s okay,” he says, but doesn’t move. You nod as soon as his words reach your brain, eager and quick.
And the next few hours get a little wound up in your head, a little mixed in with the feeling of his body - that moves so youthfully, with so much vibrancy that it reaches everything around you - melting into yours and the sound of him asking you to tell me what you need, honey, and the still-playing slow jam music he was practicing to.
You watch him sleep next to you, hand curled around yours against his pillows, and think that nothing bad could ever touch him.
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The two of you… come together, after that.
Neither you nor Minghao use any proper labels, but you both seem to know. No labels are needed, really. You have each other and that’s all there is to it. And everything is really good.
You work together and laugh together like you’ve always known each other. He tries to teach you to dance with him when you’re in the practice room with him, pulls you up by your hands and guides you through your giggles. He was the first person you called when you realized that you had no idea what you were working towards, didn’t have a clue what you actually wanted to do with your life. He gets along well with your friends and you text his because they’re basically yours, now, too.
Winter turns back into spring, slow and easy. Vibrant and youthful. You’re not able to meet Minghao’s parents, but he meets yours (and you’re sure a quick introduction to his mom over a FaceTime call has to count for something). The two of you take advantage of the newfound warmth of the season and try to get out as much as you’re able to, with picnics and city dates and anything you can think of. A drawer in his dresser is reserved for your things, you bought an extra toothbrush for him to use when he stays over.
You watch him dance. It still feels like the first time, like color and breathlessness. You tell him he’s beautiful every time, feel yourself fall a little deeper when he still gets bashful amidst his comedown. You tell him you love him for the first time after he gets done with a performance - a proper one, for a showcase of the dance club he’s in. He says it back.
You think he put all the stars in the sky just for the two of you to gaze at them together.
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Things shift the beginning of your junior year.
Minghao tells you about a program he’s applying to, a proper dance academy in New York that could really kickstart his career. Training under some of the best choreographers and performers in the world.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You ask him after he tells you, and he shrugs, leaning back in his chair. You’re studying at his apartment tonight.
“It’s just…” he frowns. “It’s so far away, you know?”
Oh. You hadn’t even thought about that, too caught up in the excitement of him being able to apply at all. A quick sigh leaves your lips, and then you reach for his hand, hold it between both of your own.
“That’s okay,” you tell him, though now that you’re thinking about it, you feel nervousness in the pit of your stomach. “We can work something out, though, when we get that far. We’ll figure it out.”
Minghao nods, a fond look in his eyes. He pulls one of your hands to his lips. “We’ll think about it if I even get accepted,” he says.
It’s bittersweet, but a promise nonetheless.
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Fifteen minutes after you get a call from Minghao, there’s a knock on your door. 
You wouldn’t necessarily say you’re worried, but, well. Everyone’s experienced the jump of anxiety when they get hit with the “I want to talk to you about something” line. Nonetheless, you stand from the couch to open the door, mentally preparing yourself for any and everything. 
“Hey,” you greet when you see Minghao, opening the door to let him in. His face is unreadable. “Everything okay?”
He walks a few steps into your apartment, waits for you to close the door before turning back around to face you. Then he holds up a piece of paper, the creases from where it was folded still bending. You send him a confused look.
“I got in,” he says, a grin breaking on his face, and you blink, then feel your jaw practically hit the floor. Minghao only nods like he understands, and before you know what you’re doing, you launch yourself at him, holding him close.
“Oh my god, Hao, that’s amazing,” you say into his sweater, then step back to get a proper look at him. Youthful, vibrant. “I’m so proud of you.”
He seems to soften at your words, pulls you back into him again with a gentle kiss to your head. “Thank you for believing in me,” he tells you, tenderness palpable in his voice. All you can do is squeeze him tighter.
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Minghao spends a lot of time away from you after that.
You’re not really hurt in any way - even though he got into the academy in New York, he still has to practice. You get it, this is important. He doesn’t text you as often, isn’t able to stop by as much, and you miss him, but you know how much this means for him. But it gets… weird, almost, after a while. Strange, even for him. It feels weird that he’s set to leave at the end of January and it’s December and he’s distant.
Both of you are laying in your bed, looking at the glow-in-the-dark stars on your ceiling, when you decide to bring it up. “You’ve been… kinda far away lately,” you start, nudging him with your shoulder gently. “Everything okay?”
His eyes stay on your ceiling, but you feel the way he sighs. “It’s about the program,” he says.
“And about… you and me.”
Oh. That doesn’t… sound the best. “About, like… what we’re gonna do?”
Minghao nods.
You say, “I wouldn’t mind visiting every so often. It’d be hard, but I’m sure we could find something to work.”
Minghao shakes his head, says, “no.”
You pause, and when you look at him he’s already looking at you. What does he mean by no? Does he want you to move with him? Or does he -
He reaches for your hand and you think oh.
His eyes are a little glassy. You feel the tears come, too.
“Oh,” you say out loud. Minghao squeezes your hand. “So this is… this is it?”
Your room is suddenly cold, and you want to crawl under the covers and stay there. The person in front of you is blurred into something unrecognizable, but you can’t be bothered to blink away your tears.
“I think so, love,” he whispers back to you. “I think it has to be.”
The two of you cry like that for a while. In your bed, loosely intertwined and broken. Even the way Minghao cries carries a kind of vibrancy that’s overwhelming, makes you think of the first time you saw him so long ago, and now -
When you manage to get a better grip on yourself, you ask him if you can still see him off at the airport. He says, “I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t.”
Then you ask if you can kiss him again. He responds by kissing you first. 
And it’s sad, it tastes like salt and sorrow and you feel like the promises you never got the chance to make are broken. It feels like the most beautiful blue you’ve ever seen, and you know it’s only a branch of Minghao’s color.
He leaves soon after that, pulls on his shoes and his coat and turns around at the door to give you a tired smile. After he’s gone, you drag yourself to Chan’s bedroom, and once he sees the state you’re in, he offers up one side of his bed. Neither of you say anything, but the friendly reassurance of his hand in yours says enough.
You don’t fail to notice that everything seems to be washed out, a blandness you’re not used to.
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The last time you see him is at the airport.
It’s a cold day, despite being sunny. The airport offers little warmth, but you figure it doesn’t matter. You won’t be here for long. 
It doesn’t take you very long to find Minghao - you still look for him wherever you go, even if you’re not looking for him. Even then, it’s still so easy for you to find him, to pinpoint that vibrancy, that youth. He’s talking to a few others, you think you met them. Soonyoung and Jun.
Minghao meets your eyes and you freeze, but then he waves you over with a gentle smile. You follow like you think you always will. 
You greet Soonyoung and Jun and the four of you talk, albeit a little awkwardly, even when Soonyoung tries his hardest to lighten the mood. Eventually he has to leave, and Jun follows with a shy goodbye. They both hug Minghao before they go.
You’re not sure what to say, but after a minute, you find words. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you,” you tell him, a little selfishly. 
Minghao says, “you’ll do good. I know you will. I’m not worried about you.”
He pulls his phone out of his pocket to check the time, and you think he’ll give you a stiff and sad goodbye, but he steps a little closer to you. Looks at you the way he used to.
“Maybe…” he starts, then pauses. “Maybe we’ll meet again.”
Maybe, you think. Maybe.
“I hope so,” you tell him, then watch as he leaves.
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Rabbit iiiiiii
Want a chapter two? Let me know!
Draco finds a Hufflepuff attempting to cheat. He torments her, keeps her under his wing becoming possessive , unsure of his feelings. After turning Reader into a Rabbit he realizes how much of an ass he was. But now hes in Azkaban for his crimes.
A/n. Okay. So i asked Multiple people. “What happens in Azkaban?” They all said “you sit in a cell.” And im sitting here like. “I cant write that.” So THIS is what i came up with. I hope its okay :/.
W! Mind games, self injury(scratching), fear of going insane, Draco gets kicked and punched around.
@khemz1312 @goofygobber @rosiehufflepuff @trashyvicks
“Cheers love”
Draco said once you vanished from his sights, he never thought the twins would help you come see him, or anyone for that matter. Of all people, he was not exactly the most loved at Hogwarts. The man looked both ways down the very long hallway not seeing anything except for darkness. At least no one would bother him while he was thinking.
He made his way back to his spot under the window to think about his actions; maybe he went a little overboard with how he handled catching you. But a teacher? That's not as fun. Draco looked down at his hands counting the cuts all over them, he had the most on his palms and around his fingers. He was very roughed up, as soon as he got here the dementors were not very kind to him. Draco blinked his eyes feeling sleepy and slightly cold. He rolled his eyes leaning back on the wall reminiscing the time he turned you into a rabbit.
You were so cute like that; so little, curious, fit right in his pocket. Dracos hands fell to his sides and his eyes started to close. You had gotten used to him when you were a rabbit…
So tired…
When he got out Draco wanted to master the spell to change humans back whenever so he could turn you into a rabbit again. If you let him of course, he laid down on his side, holding himself.
His father.. What would he do about that? Obviously he could not take you home . Maybe a flat of his own would be better. And that shop? It made him smirk as his eyes started to close. Cute..
Footsteps could be heard and they were getting closer now. It woke Draco up from his slumber which he was not happy about. The one time he was actually getting some sleep in this place.
“Dinner already?’ he asked, in a condescending tone as he got up to rest his back against the wall. “Is it more than bread today?”
The cell opened and closed after the figure stepped in. Draco scrambled to his feet with wide surprised eyes,“..Father?”
“Not the best cell.. But it suits you.” the man said, dusting the dirt off his clothes.
“What are you doing here? Who let you in?”
“I'm here because I have unpleasant news for you.” he took off his gloves while he spoke.
“..news?” Draco stepped over to his father.
“That girl you turned into a rabbit is dead.”
“..she… shes ……….” Draco went as far as the chain would let him to his father. His ankle was straining against the cold tight cuff link. “H..ho-w…”
“What?.. But she doesn't fly! She doesn't have a broom!” the man grabbed his fathers coat shaking it, asking him multiple questions just for Lucious to throw him off and kick him away from him. Draco hit the cold brick wall on his side in the corner. He held his head trying to process this , he was hurting inside and out.
“They needed one more , and you were not there so I suggested...”
Draco glared over at his Father, who looked rather proud of himself. His hands went to his hair white knuckling them. “You…”
“She didn't last long, it was a waste.” Lucious stepped to his son grabbing his chin so he was looking at him. “And to think she would still be alive if you just left her alone”
“Its not my fault!” Draco shoved his father just for him to strike him down into the cell floor. “Get your hands off me boy, remember who your authority is. “
“Shes dead because of you!, shes.. !!! …………………..” Draco felt very cold all of a sudden, looking down he saw that his hand was fading as if it was getting sucked up by something.
“Wait.. Azkaban would never let you come into the cell…” Draco stumbled up, hitting the wall to steady himself. “They wouldn't.. Your not my father! Get out you bloody dementor!!!”
“Draco dont you know your own father?”
“Shut up! I know my father and thats not you!”
“Pity, enjoy your time here.” the figure of Lucious faded and Draco woke up in a very cold sweat. He was still laying down under the window, no one was with him in the cell and his body ached.
“Dementors.. “ slowly he got up moving to the corner to hug his knees. “Do your bloody worst, im Draco ffffffucking Malfoy.”
It won't be the last time the Dementors mess with Draco… they were determined to break him. Throughout the two years he was there you had not come to see him again except that one time the twins helped you. Draco told you now to bother the twins so you didn't. Fred and George did try to cheer you up though as much as they could. They even got a hold of Dracos old robes that they gave to you. It helped but you wanted the real thing. Him.The carrot cravings went away after a couple weeks which was nice. You did not need to carry a bag of the produce with you anymore.
Hufflepuff was still weary of you and Slytherin were still jerks. The Ravenclaws sympathized with you and you found comfort in them when you needed it. You wanted to visit him, see if he was okay. But all you could do was hope and stare out your window at the moon knowing he was looking at the same one ..
Two years later.
“You killed me”
“Shhhuut up….”
“Im dead, because of you.”
“Do you ever wonder? What could you have done differently? Acted in a more.. Reasonable way?”
“Your not .rrr.-re-al..”
“Not anymore, my time on this earth has ended. Because of you Draco”
Draco ran into the bars punching at them, blood was dripping from them now. The figure of you faded away right as he got to them to reappear in the cell next to him now. “Your not real..” he said again.
“Treated me like an animal, toyed with me..-” he swung at the dementor watching it fade away then reappear. “I was just a hufflepuff, an innocent girl.” Draco shook his head but the thoughts just got louder and louder.
“Stay here”
“...with me, let's be together” you held out a rotted hand to the shaking man. “Be like me”
Draco had been tormented by these dementors at least 3 times a week ever since his ‘father’ had come to see him. Day in and day out for at least 6 hours a day a dementor came to him as you to try to get Draco to crack.
The first time he almost fell for it, but he quickly realized it was not you. You were not a crying mess trying to touch him and you could not float….
But still seeing your figure hurt him, your body was made to look dead to cause even more damage to the man which it did. All he could do was endure and think about you, the real you. It was all he had to hold on to. He told himself when he spent his first night here that he would be okay, he would make it out fine.
But now hes crying on the floor at least twice a week with new bruises, cuts, and a giant headache. He fully knew how awful he was to you now, he had to apologize properly. That motivated him to fight, along with keeping you safe from his father. He would get out, he would be okay.
“...b-b-b-e like you?”
“Yes Draco, like me. Lets be together, lets get out of here.”
“Get .. out..”
“Yes , lets get-”
“No, you get out. Get out of my cell, get out of my head just GET OUT!, ill never go with you! Your not real and your NOT HER!” he stepped back, tripping over his feet and grabbing the cell bars to steady himself. His clothes by now were tattered and his dirty dark blond hair was in a pony tail. The cuts on his face turned to scars and his nails were bloody from him scratching at his itchy skin . Everytime he swung at the dementor it would fade out leaving traces of itself on the man making him freak out and scratch at his own skin till they turned purple.
The dementor faded through the bars down the hallway and Draco sunk down to his knees scratching at his arms trying to free himself of the lingering black smoke.
“Rabbit… “ Draco choked in a big breath glancing over at the small window to see the moon shining in on him. “Ill get out.. Ill be okay. We will be okay……………………….”
A few days later a man had come to Dracos cell. He unlocked the old door letting it swing open. The man stepped to the side gesturing to the hallway and Draco looked up from his hand to see Snape looking in at him.
“Hurry up, its filthy in here.”
“How is she….”
“Why don't you see for yourself? Do i look like a owl?”
“More like an over dramatic snake.” Draco slowly got up limping to his old professor who helped steady him.
“Im glad your okay, Malfoy.”
Draco rolled his shoulders and cracked his very purple bloody knuckles. “Of course i am”
Meanwhile, those two years you had graduated and opened up your own shop with the help of Fred and George. They pulled some strings and found an empty building you could sell potions in. it was a small building but you liked it.
The Wet Nose it was called. With little bunny decorations all over the inside and on the sign, the sign was your favorite. It had a little bunny looking over the sign with its ears down. You tried to make it apparent you were here so Draco could find you.. All you could do was wait now..
Draco had left Azkaban with Snape , showered, eaten , and dressed in real clothes. He was in clean black pants with a matching suit top with awhite shirt underneath and black shoes. His face was still heavily scared and his knuckles were starting to slowly heal. The scratches on his arms would not heal though. They would stay that way for a really long time. He worried if you would still want him like this. He also kept his hair long , just past his neck he liked it. Draco was not completely free of the dementors, he could still hear them in his head from time to time. Whispering things for him to come back and what not. He always had to shake his head and they would go away for the time being.
Snape had dropped him off at Diagon Alley as he requested. Before he left he got out of the car to give Draco one final word.
“What? Which way am i going?”
The man rolled his eyes and pulled Draco in for a one arm hug, even though draco loathed this. The poor man fought and cursed, slipping free of this unwanted affection.
“The bloody hell was that?”
“Go down this way, on the left.”
“Fantastic but what was-” he slapped him on the head.
“Oww!!! What gives?”
“Thats, for barging into my classroom.” and with that he left.
“Barging into my classroom” mocked the man fixing his hair.
Draco wasted no time getting to your shop. He found it easily and just stared at the sign. He was scared. Terrified, would you still want him… you said you would wait for him.. But.. the way he looks. He shook his head, making the dementors stop. “No. she will, she waited all this time. She will.”
Ring ring!! The bell on the door went off once Draco opened the door. The first thing that got his attention was the many smells coming from all over the room. All the windows were open with plants sitting in them . He had to make his way to the back where the register was, passing all types of potions a variety of colors. When he finally went to it he saw a little brown rabbit sitting on the counter wiggling its nose. The rabbit tilted its head at Draco and the man did the same.
“Biscuit? Is someone here? And you didn't ring them up you silly animal” you joked coming from the back room up to the counter.
You looked up from the rabbit to see Draco standing there, his smile slumped and he had his mouth half open. He was in awe. It was really you. The real you. Quickly he fixed himself and his smile went all the way up his face, the man stepped closer with a happy, relieved tone.
“Hey, Rabbit”
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thequeenb · 3 years
Who Knew A Car Accident Would Bring Us Closer?
I know that i disappeared but guess who is back😏
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My routine is very simple. I get up early, i take a shower, i brush my teeth, i put on a glamorous outfit and i drive in the heart of the city to buy a ridiculously overpriced coffee.
Today i was in a good mood. The gala was near and things with Zoey seems to get better. What always ruin it is Poppy and her attitude whenever she sees me. I roll my eyes turning the radio on and oh my god this my song!
I sing along as my body moves to the rhythm, i am a good driver dont get me wrong but when my favourite song plays i can be clumsy. Driving in the city is an annoying habit i had to get used to. When i was driving back in Farmsville things were less complicated and ugh don't get me started with the bad driving skills some people have
I am near the parking lot of the University when my favourite part comes up and i close my eyes for a brief second to feel the music as i sing along the last verse. But then the music stops, and when i open my eyes i see another car coming with full speed towards me. My instincts kick in as i try to avoid it but soon all i can feel is glass spraying around.
I don't dare to open my eyes as i am shocked and overwhelmed. I try to move but the airbag is suffocating me. Think Bea, think. My free arm tried to reach out for my phone as i hear voices around my car. If only i was more focused on the road, damnit!
My anxiety takes over as i try to breathe and only then a man is on the side of my door screaming
"Hey! Are you okay in there? The paramedics are on their way, please hold on"
His voice fades away and my stomach turns. I didn't even notice the pool of blood around my chest, what the fuck is happening. Zoey, i need to call Zoey right now, but before i try to find my phone a familiar sweet voice calls out to me
"Bea are you okay? Please respond to me" despite the current situation i have a faint smile, how adorable she is worried about me.
"Zoey.." thats all i manage to say in hope she heard me
Everything feels heavier as minutes pass by and all i can feel is the blood running down my body. Its a weird sensation really, but i wish none of you ever get to see what it feels like. Everything is sticky and wet but all i can do is try to keep my eyes open.
I wonder who had the audacity to hit my car but then i feel guilty remembering that i am the one to blame mostly. Soon enough i can hear sirens and i am finally relieved.
After several tries the paramedics got me out of the car and the bright light of the sun is blinding. I know i shouldn't complain but what if this is my last moment? Ugh i am sure Poppy is laughing right now with her friends, i can even imagine the conversation
"Did you hear what happened to Hughes? That silly farm girl got into a car accident"
Ugh what am i even thinking. I feel a soft material underneath me and i hardly get a glance around me. I can see Professor Kingsley looking at me with her worrying eyes, then there is Zoey next to me fighting with a woman to let her come with me in the ambulance and is that? No my mind is playing tricks i lost a lot of blood. But no its really her. I see Poppy approaching the man that probably hit my car and she is yelling? Very funny brain, don't mess with me right now. She is happy not sad i am sure
Before i can think more the doors of the ambulance closed but i feel a warmth in my hand
"I am here Bea, please hold on" Of course its Zoey and she is holding my hand tight, i cant imagine how scared she is but i am glad she is here with me. I feel so tired i need to rest my eyes, no no! I have seen to many movies about people dying this way i need to stay awake.
I can feel my heart beat in every sore part of my body, the blood is now dry and uncomfortable, my breath is getting slower and slower. The bright lights above me are painful and the voices around me start to fade. Don't tell me this is the end. I didn't win the crown yet to rub it in Poppy's face, i didn't see her shock after i am pronounced the Queen of Belvoire but wait. Why the hell am i thinking of her that much?
My eyes cant stay open anymore despite my numerous tries, i can hear Zoey encouraging me with the nurses but i give up into my desire to rest. I squeeze her hand one last time before i pass out.
How many of you watch Grey's anatomy? Don't lie i am sure some of you have, especially with Sandra Oh that good looking woman god, but thats not the point, don't lie to me. Well despite your answers this is what it feels like. I can hear the machines around me as well as my heart beating steadily
How did things get this sad so fast? It was supposed to be a normal day for me but i guess i had to ruin it. I wonder who's here with me and oh my god i am about to have a heart attack. Next to me is standing who? No guess..i will give you a hint, blonde hair..rich girl..who am i kidding, its the one and only Poppy Min-Sinclair
I blink a couple of times and she notices. Don't tell me she was here the whole time, maybe she came to make fun of me, is Veronica here? Does she film my failure? Oh. We are alone great.
"You are awake" she says as she is slowly approaching
Its hard to speak but i try to do some effort "I guess you are disappointed" i say smiling but she doesn't, she actually looks concerned
"I knew you were bad at almost everything but being a bad driver is so embarrassing Hughes" she roll her eyes, sitting in a chair next to my bed
Oh hell no who says that? Is that what comforting means to her?
"If you are here to make fun of me do me a favour and close the door behind when you leave" i don't look at her, instead i turn around, i am to tired for this conversation
"I was the one who saw the accident" she says and to my surprise she sits up to study me closer
"When i saw your cheap- ah..when i saw your car i was the one who called the paramedics you know"
I turn around to look at her and i can see her eyes sparkling under the bright lights "I mean i didn't have a choice right? I could not help at all but.."
My eyes start to tear up, every word feel more genuine than the other but why? Aren't we enemies? Doesn't she hate me? My thoughts are flooded with painful memories, how embarrassed she made me feel and then it clicks
"But you like me" i say almost breathless. She is shocked and that's how i know i am right, this can't be happening.
I didn't realize that i was crying until Poppy laid her head over my chest carefully. I can hear her sobs, everything that she had been feeling all day come out now and all i can do is cry with her, holding her tight.
"I can't believe i almost lost you" she says as her tears take over again
"Shhh, i am here..i promise" its all i can say. Today was definitely a weird day but in the end it brought us together
After we both calm down she doesn't move, instead i stoke her hair even though i feel weak and i can feel her smiling "the man that hit you is getting sued"
A low laugh escape my lips as she stands up gazing at me "but if you tell anyone about this you will be next" but its her teasing because her eyes say otherwise
I want to thank her, i want to forgive her for all the bullshit she put me through but words aren't enough to describe how i feel. Instead i yank her by her shirt and i kiss her softly. I can feel her body relax against mine but she is careful not to hurt me. I can feel her calm down as she takes a deep breath.
Pulling back she has this grin, its my favourite "Well, your kissing skills aren't as bad as your driving ones"
We both laugh as she takes a sit next to me, we are both talking about various topics and the more we discuss the more we realize we have a lot of things in common. Poppy and i are alike, but unlike her i show my good, kind side. I am greatful she is here because now i know who she truly is.
Tag list: @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @princessstellaris @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @aiswood @alexlabhont @dopeyouth @tyrils-star @alexroyard @uselesslesbianfr
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machinegunbun · 3 years
What about reader is the manager/assistant and fucks up some bug career opportunity for them?
Mistakes can allways happen but that was something really big
Maybe even gets fired for it?
Fucked It +
TW?: Mostly angst but theres some very slight smut with readers S/O
A/N: Not to age the writing but Im writing this as colson tweets that he’s gonna play at the halftime show in the next few years. S/O= Significant Other. I wanted to keep it kinda gender neutral cause bi people exist i dunno. 
Word count:1.8k A little longer than a blurb, but just as dialogue-y
This year had been stressful, to say the least. There was the release of tickets to my downfall, and along with that the cover scandal, the bloody valentine music video, downfalls high, the snl episode. It was like every second of your day was filled with something, you rarely got the chance to spend time with your S/O.
That’s right, you had an S/O. Being Colson’s manager wasn’t your entire existence, although you’d seemed to have forgotten that recently. Their name is Devin, and they are not very happy with you.
They’d broken down in tears your first full night home, telling you how under appreciated they had felt while you were away. Devin had a life of their own too, though, and considering the pandemic at hand had chosen to go stay with their family to avoid the covid hot spot that was LA. You understood, and as much as you hated to admit it you barely even realized they were gone. You didn’t know what that meant, but you knew whatever it meant wasn’t anything good for your relationship, but, you loved them and you wanted to recreate that spark.
You wanted to put work into them, and you, and most importantly your relationship. You’d gotten through the emotions, but as for the spark there was only so much you could do thousands of miles away. So, you decided to put in the work and devise a plan. Your plan started about an hour and a half ago, beginning with a shower and ending with your favorite lipstick.
You love Devin and you want nothing more than to wrap them up in a soft blanket and kiss them on the forehead and take them on picnics, but you also wanted them to look at you and touch themselves. You could do one of those things in your current situation, and you felt both would help to replenish your spark.
You looked good too, dressed in your lingerie with your hair all done. You felt so unbelievably sexy just looking at yourself in the mirror, you wished they were here to witness it.
You stood in the doorway of your bedroom, your LED lights set to red, your phone set to start recording in 
You tried your best to pose sexily in the small frame, arching your back and playing with your hair, slowly slinking down the wall. You were sure when you sent this Devin would be calling you within seconds. You checked the video, editing it to the length you liked and saving it to your camera roll.
Butterflies began fluttering in your stomach as you looked at your message app. You had seen Devin in so long, what if the spark had really gone? What if they didn’t want you anymore? Or what if they just didn’t want you right now, what if this wasn’t the right thing to do?
You took a deep breath, looking yourself in the mirror and quickly clicking through your messages, sending it before you could think too much and clicking your phone off. You moved from the bathroom, moving to your bed, staring at your phone and waiting patiently for a response.
After thirty minutes you gave up, too nervous to check if they’d seen it. You were cool.
Well, you were cool now that you had cried and and picked yourself apart piece by piece, ending up on the couch in a heap of blankets eating a family bag of your favorite chips to yourself. Family guy played on the TV, the episode only really meant to drain out the noise of your thoughts, and momentarily the bling of your phone. You would’ve missed it entirely if it weren’t for the flickering of your flashlight that you’d enabled to make sure you didn’t.
You rushed from your comfy blanket fort, spilling your chips on the way, your hand wrapping tightly around your phone. You turned it around, seeing that the notification that had popped up was only from Dylan, the guy that got Colson a place at the halftime show. 
Work, great, the thing that started this all. Was this the universe telling you it was over? You read on.
It simply said “Call me.”
Your eyebrow raised, considering waiting until tomorrow. You opened your messages, seeing that you had accidentally sent him the video of you in your lingerie. Fuck, thats why Devin hadn’t responded.
You opened his contact, calling him quickly, each ring feeling like needles being inserted into your brain.
“So I hope you understand why we wouldn’t want to be associated with that unprofessionalism.” He said, you’d zoned out through his lecture
“I understand, I do, but I hope you’d be willing to reconsider as this was a mistake on my part and not Colson’s. And seeing as this isn’t public I hope we can just brush this all under the rug and forget it ever-”
“I hear you, but I don’t think that will be possible. Mistake or not it was unprofessional on so many different levels
“But, sir-” You tried, your fingers thumbing over the buttons of the remote to mute the tv.
“It’s over, I’m afraid.” He responded, a beeping noise signalling the call had ended
Oh, nicer, you thought sarcastically, it wasn’t the universe after all, it was the manager.
Tossing your phone on the couch beside you, you retreated to your blanket fort, unmuting the TV.
Colson and the boys had been looking forward to performing at the halftime show since you’d met them. They’d been so excited when you told them you’d got them a spot. Although it was the last thing you wanted to do right now, you knew you had to break the news to Colson. 
You stared at your phone, willing yourself to reach over and call him, eventually drifting off into an unsatisfying sleep.
“Oh good, you’re here! Okay, so I was thinking for the halftime show-” Colson began, but you cut him off before he could continue
“Oh, yeah, about that.” You say, rubbing your head in hopes it would soothe the dull ache that had begun to rear its ugly head. You opened your eyes in time to watch the excitement drop from Colson’s face.
“I…” You began, not sure how to start “I fucked it.” You began to laugh, taking a moment to acknowledge how ridiculous the situation had really been.
“What do you mean?” He asks, knitting his eyebrows together in confusion.
“Devin and I are going through a bit of a rough patch with them being away and all, so I decided to try and,” You made a vague shimmy movement with your shoulders “spark things up a bit. You know the silhouette challenge on tik tok? I did that, but I got nervous when I sent the video and I was on the couch for like hours crying too scared to see if they even looked at it, next thing I know I’m getting texted by Dylan asking me to call him.” You paused, partly for dramatic effect and partly to let yourself laugh. You buried your face in your hands, Colson watching in amusement, eager for the end of your clearly hilarious story.
“I accidentally sent him my nudes. It was so fucking embarassing, oh my god!” You finish, looking up from your hands to realize no one else seemed amused.
“What’s that got to do with the halftime show?” Rook questioned.
“Oh, right.” You’d completely lost track in the midst of your rambling “He said it was completely unprofessional and he wasn’t interested in working with us.”
Colson remained silent for a moment, looking over to the other boys before responding “He isn’t interested in working with you.” Your eyebrows furrowed at this, looking between the boys..
“What’s that mean?” 
“This is the gig of our lifetime. I’ve- We’ve wanted to play the halftime show since… forever. This was our one chance and because of you we got booted out. And you were laughing about it.”
“I’m sorry, it was a genuine accident, I thought you’d find it funny. Some corporate guy saw my tits ‘cause my relationship is failing, if I don’t laugh I cry.”
 “You’re the one who sent him the nudes. This is your fuck up.”
“Yeah, okay. But I work for you, so by association he won’t work with us.”
“Then you aren’t a part of ‘us’ anymore.”
“Colson, seriously? It was a fucking accident. You’re being ridiculous.”
“Watch your tone, I think you’re forgetting you work for me. I’m a nice guy, but this isn’t my shit to deal with.”
“I’m sorry.” You repeated, your voice lowering. It was easy to forget Colson was your boss, he never treated you like an employee. There was more respect between the two of you than any boss/employee relationship you’d ever seen before. You’d never even seen him mad before today. You were genuinely lucky to have had this experience, to think that it was about to come to an end broke your heart.
“Is sorry going to get us this gig back?” The question was rhetorical, but you shook your head “Then I’m sorry, I can’t let this pass me up because of something you did.” Colson says, staring you down. You stood like a statue in your place, unsure whether or not you should leave. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife.
You took it upon yourself to make the decision to turn and leave, driving to the nearest gas station, where you sat in your car, crying in the parking lot.
Everything was fine and in the matter of a week it had all gone to shit. How did this happen?
You were in a happy relationship, and now they were living with their parents for who knows why and telling you they felt neglected. Your career was going amazing and you’d ruined it completely with one mistext.
You started your car back up, settling on the hope that maybe Colson and Dylan would come to their senses, and come Monday morning you would still have a job.
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crispycrimebrulee · 4 years
Imagine the Main Four & Adultrio propose to Y/n? like how it happened? where the location? yes or no?
Ok so for my sheer comfort I wont be doing Killua and Gon, because that requires me to age them up, but i’ll do the rest! (i’ll be nice and assume the reader says yes, for happy ending’s sake)
- Leorio would bring you to a fancy little restaurant, possibly a rooftop one so you could get a beautiful view of the city/town while you spend time together. He’d pick out your outfit and absolutely spoil you the entire day and night. He’d hold your hand and squeeze it constantly. Honestly, you might be able to tell he’s got something planned, because he super excited the whole day, but also a little nervous. You catch him looking at you a lot with a adoring look on his face. He’d get flustered easier that day too. 
- he’d do it in public, but not a huge crowd. The classic proposal; down on one knee, trying to to fall apart while he lets out a little practiced speech while being all smiles! 
- nearly passes out if/when you say yes :’)
- Kurapika would take you one of 4 places: where you two met (granted you didnt meet during the Hunter Exam), where you had your first date, where you had your first kiss, or your favorite place to meet. He would most likely also propose on a special date, like Valentines Day, your birthday or your anniversary. He’d bring you flowers and some gifts, maybe even a new outfit at the start of the day, and probably take the day off just so you can be in each others presence the whole day. He hides his intentions much better than Leorio
- He’ll also do the classic proposal, and he does stutter a bit in delivering his passionate little speech that he made for you. He also does this in public!
- can barely keep himself from crying if/when you say yes
- He spoils you the day of, to which, he probably does so often if he’s been with you long enough, as well if he feels this certain about you to propose. He takes you shopping, casually asking you to pick out something super fancy because he wants to take you out later. He brings you to a spa, somewhere to get your hair done, he’s giving you the works. He practically dedicates the day to you, and is particularly nice to you today. 
- will most likely bring you to a popular and lively restaurant thats 5 star. He’s 110% doing this in public he wants to draw in a crowd, he wants an audience for this. He is going to make this the spectacle of the night. Fancy little flourishes as he presents this stunning ring to you.
- you can sense he feels relief if/when you say yes
- This sweetheart is a reserved person, and likes to keep his relationships private. That being said, he feels like a proposal is a private matter, because the only people/person that matters is the two of you/just you. He will most likely still spoil you a little that day, making sure he has his schedule cleared, and he treats you the whole day with a fancy breakfast/lunch/dinner. He will most likely take you to his estate garden at night, when you can both see the stars (see he can be a little romantic if he puts his mind/heart to it)
- you can tell he’s nervous, for once in his life. He’s more or less hoping that you’ll say yes out of genuine feeling for him and not because you feel forced/stuck in this relationship
- not the classic proposal, because as....classic as he can be, he does have the sense about him to be romantic and make this special. You’ll be sitting in the estate with him and he’ll most likely pull you into his lap and start by asking if you love him. He’ll place this massive ring in front of you and practically whisper, asking you to marry him. 
- you can definitely see that he’s ecstatic
- This romantic fucker right here.
- He’s going to wake you up with classic music that he composed, and quotes love poems all day. He’ll say things to you in french, and call you his “one and only” all day. He will shower you with gifts and praise and love all damn day. He cleared his schedule and yours so you have each other all day. He picked an outfit for you, brought you roses, he’s taken to you an art museum and a library and has done nothing but being tooth-rottingly sweet and romantic all day. 
- He brings you to a 5 star restaurant with a rooftop view, and he has the area cleared out so it’s just the two of you. There’s rose petals and candlelight dinner and classic music. He will most likely ask you to waltz with him to, again, more romantic classical music.
- Like Illumi, the ring he has for you is huge. He spared no expense (lets be real he probably stole it from the Tiffany’s vault) and he does a classic proposal at the end of your waltz.
- if/when you say yes he picks you up and spins you around, unable to contain his sheer joy~
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flamediel · 3 years
Just so you know it's ALWAYS a good time to be horny on main and sis can we talk about something?? Since you said that you think that Chris and zab are kinky mfs, mind sharing your thoughts on the subject?
Okok this is the last thing I answer before I get to my actual work obligations akdjsksjjsje I PROMISE. This is all super disjointed bc I didn't have that much time but I've had this in my inbox for a while and I I wanted to answer it for you baby so here you go. Hope its OK x
Anyway zab and Chris's kinks, as decided by moi (someone who has not slept w either of them but has a really active imagination)
Minors do not click the button
I've talked about his oral fixation before and I'll do it again, that man loves having things in his mouth
That means he wants you to sit on his face
And when it comes to eating you out he gets REALLY into it so it turns into overstim FAST
This man will sit you on his face and hold your thighs in place for hours while he makes you cum again and again
Oh, you're tired? Its too much? Crying from how sensitive you are? Too bad babe, his fingers are bruising your thighs as he holds you in place.
Hes also a boobs man which means he's always grabbing them and you know what? Zab is 100% the type of man to suck on them
And I dont just mean your nipples, I mean hed rather leave hickey on your chest than on your neck
Its less visible, so he can really take your time marking you up without having to worry about other people seeing them. By the end of the night you sucked and bitten at every inch of your skin from your collarbone to your ribs and its allll bruising.
Plus if he's nipping at your chest he can keep his hand around your neck
Bc I 100% think this man is into choking.
Its just one of those things thats subtle but still let's him exert his authority over you.
And his hands are so fucking big they wrap around your throat easily.
Size kink size kink SIZE KINK
Not necessarily w most things but, he likes being able to physically overpower his partner
But I refuse to believe this man is just a dom and I just know he's into power play
He loves when girls are willing to fight back and push his buttons the way he pushes theirs
Like, teasing him and making him sit back while you ride him, getting your own pleasure out of him.
Or dancing on him at the club until he's hard and pulling you out into the car.
Zabdiel is into domming, but he wants an equally dominant partner
Someone that will choke him back (wallahi the choking fic is coming i just refuse to write that one at work) and make him beg to have her suck him off, but who will also happily choke on his dick five minutes later.
Its partly why his favorite position is you riding him, so you can both try and set the pace before one of you inevitably succeeds in taking control
For this round at least
And so he can watch your tits bounce and your face contort as you cum all over his dick
Ok I am gonna Stop bc I really cannot be spending more time on this but uhhh yall lmk what you think
Ok time for chris my unproblematic fav
Chris is VERY different from zab in that sex w him is loud and fucking chill
This man will make jokes while he's inside you and feel zero remorse
Hes always laughing and giggling and honestly? It works for him.
Kink wise chris is fucking chill
Hes def the most experimental of all the boys, if it makes you both feel good hes down to try it
And yeah, he also v much cares about the other persons pleasure
I won't lie i don't necessarily get that vibe from all of them but Chris? Chris is gonna make sure you get off
This man is always sticking his tongue out and I have no reason to believe he doesnt know how to use it
Hes pinning you down and sticking it inside you
Zab leaves hickeys on your tits, but Chris? Chris likes to leave them all over you thighs
Hes such an ass man (yall remember that IG model he followed a while back? Yeah) so he'll take any excuse to grab that ass
Richard is def more into spanking but I still see chris doing it.
More often tho he'll just be grabbing your ass to hold you steady while he fucks you
Chris likes to hit it from the front but he's experimental af so he's usually not gonna be fucking you in a bed. He's the most likely to do it in public but even if you were home he'd rather fuck you on any other available surface
Against the door, on the counter, in the shower, you name it
Also car sex just suits him and I definitely only think so bc @cnc-oh-boi wrote a MASTERPIECE about giving him road head but I will still stand by it.
Chris is also hella loud in bed.
I dont mean grunts so much as I mean TALKING
Hes constantly telling you how hes gonna fuck you
And making you beg for it out loud
Chris wants to hear you be desperate for him
Loves to choke you and make you tell him where you want him
And to grab your neck as he shoves his dick down your throat.
He can be playful in bed, but he also very much knows how to take control, and he loves to fuck you absolutely senseless
Jashjsjshs yeah. Thats. Thats enough for today oop
Yall tell me what kinks you associate w them and what other boys you wanna see this for. I might edit this when I'm not supposed to be working lmao but for now it is unedited and kinda crappy
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zmayadw · 3 years
Hello :) 
It’s time for the next part :)
Thanks again to all who read it so far!
I woke up with the sun already out, making my eyes adjust to the light again. I checked the clock above doors. 9.45. Huh, nice, I tought, the nurse didnt lie when she said the pain meds would make me sleep better. I felt more rested today, but still pretty sore. I managed to get up and go to bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror -I looked like hell. I hoped Jessy would come today with my stuff, I needed some fixing up urgently. As I was leaving the bathroom, my phone beeped with new message. My heart jumped with excitement,only to see it was Jessy. „Hey hey, sleeping beauty, im sorry, you will have to manage without my awesomness today, but dont worry, i'm sending the next best person to keep you company! ;D Call you later ,kisses!“ I smiled as I layed back to bed. That sweet nurse from before entered my room smiling. „Good morning, hun, hope you slept well“. „I sure did, thanks.“ I replied, while she settled the food tray with breakfast on the stand. She helped me make myself comfortable in bed, and putted the tray in front of me, when a voice came from the door. „Doris! My favorite nurs!“ It was Dan, and Doris chuckled as Dan came over to the bed. „Oh my, hun, if I knew who your friend was, I would have brought you something stronger then this tea“ I laughed, while Dan made a gesture with his hands, stabing at his heart. „Awww, c'mon Doris, dont be so cruel, you know you like me!“ Doris just waved her head as she went for the door. „If this schmuck starts to bother you too much, you just yell hun.“  I smiled at her „Thanks Doris, I might just do that.“  Dan looked at me. „Is that a 'thank you' I get for coming here?“ he siad, being dramatic as Dans always is. I grinned „Ofcourse not! But its entertaining to see you all squirmy.“ „Tsk,tsk, sure, pick on poor Dan.“ He grabed a chair and sat next to the bed. „You look like shit, Maya.“  „Gee, thanks Dan, thats really what I wanted to hear.“ I said, even tho I knew he was right, I did look awful. „Hey, dont get mad at me, I just say it as it is! Luckily, Dan is here to the rescue..again.“ he said handing me my backpack. „ Jessy went through your stuff, and filled your pack with what she tought you might need the most. She said to text her later if theres anything else you need so she can bring it.“ „Thanks Dan.“ I said taking the backpack from him. „And I mean thanks, not just for this.“ Dan looked at me, and I could read a bit of worry on his face. He quickly tried to hide it „Hey, no need to thank me, I told you once before, if theres a damsel in distress, im here to help.“ „Damsel“ I snorted. „Doubt that a damsel would act so stupid as I did.“ I felt that awfull feeling of guilt taking over me again. „Look Maya, i'm really not the one to judge you here. Yes, what you did was Incredibly stupid, and lets be honest, you almost got yourself killed. When Lily called me and told me everything, I was so pissed at both of you, well you mostly, but also kinda excited that someone actualy took the matter into its own hands.“ I looked at him with awe, I didnt quite expect it. He continued „And frankly, I kinda expected something like this from you sooner or later, well at least the part of you coming to Duskwood. As I was running to my car, calling Thomas and filing him in on everything,I got really angry at you for not turning to me for help. You know I would help you no matter what, I told you that hundred of times before.“  „Yes Dan, I know you would.“ I said, even more of that guilt creeping in. „But you didnt! Then I tought, maybe afterall you didnt trust me enough as you said.“ „I did trust you, I do trust you Dan, you have to know that.“ Now even tears started forming in my eyes. „I know, Maya, its just how I felt at the time. And when I got to the mine, Thomas was already there, with this cop who was close by and responded to the call since I told Lily to inform that inspector guy. He said we should wait for backup, but stuborn as I am, I just rushed in, Thomas yelling after me, but I just kept running. Good thing they went after me, because God only knows what would happen if they didnt.“ I couldnt keep the tears anymore, and I just burst out crying. Dan got up from his chair, sat next to me on the bed, hugging me. „ As I said im not here to judge you, or make you fell more guilty. Heck, I might have done the same thing, or something worse. Things wer starting to get us really nowhere, and something happening was kinda of a kickoff for me. And im not mad at you any more Maya, just to get that out in the opet.“ „Thanks Dan, I really appriciate it.“ I barely managed through my tears. „Yeah,yeah, im awesom, I know.“ He grined at me, as i looked him with eyes full of tears. He huged me a bit tighter, and I rested my head on his shoulder. „You got me really freaking scared there in that mine, Maya. When I saw you like that..“ he paused.  „I cant say how much im sorry about all, Dan. I did more harm then good, and I betrayed all of you guys again.“ „Well, at the end, you did find Hannah, so im sure Thomas wont have that much of a grudge.“ He grined at me, handing me a tissue, wich made me relax a bit. „Yes I did. And how are our little love birds doing?“ i asked wiping the tears, as Dan moved back to the chair. „Oh, theyr fine. Thomas is not letting Hannah alone for one milisecond, wich is a bit too wooshy mooshy if you ask me.“ He mad a face of gaging. „Oh, c'mon mister tough guy, that picture Jessy sent me of you two from last night was quite mooswhy wooshy in my eyes.“ I said teasingly. „If you ever say that to anyone about me, and I mean ANYONE, i swear Maya...“ I didnt let him finish, I just grined „Dont worry, your mooshy wooshy secret is safe with me.“ „Good, good. So when are they letting you go from this shit hole?“ „Oh, come on, its not that terrible here: food is not bad, room is nice and quiet, and I have a killer wiev, what's the hurry?“ „I promised you some whiskey.“ he grined „And Jessy wont let me drink, but when you get out she wont be abel to say no.“ „ You really ARE scared of Jessy.“ I said laughing. „She might be small, but the woman is a dynamite when serious!“ I laughed so hard, the tea I just sipped when out through my nose. „Thanks Dan, I needed this.“ „Dan to the rescue.“ He smiled and winked. „Sooo...“ he starte, and I got a feeling I knew what he gonna ask me. „Did the 'hackerboy' contaced you by now?“ „His name is Jake, could you please not call him that anymore.“ I said a bit too stern maybe. „All right, all right, no need to get all serious on me now. Did 'Jake' contacted you?“  I hesitated for a brief moment before answering „No, nothing yet. And to be honest, might be better like that. I myself am not too eager for that talk .“ „Heh, I can understand that. If I was that much pissed at you back then, I dont want to imagine how much 'hac..' , sorry, Jake is pissed at you right now.“  „Well, I guess I will find out soon enough..if he still wants to talk to me at all.“  Dan putted on his serious face, but with a little grin on it „Hey, if he talks bad to you, let me know, i'll show him off!“ „Ohh, im sure you would enjoy that..maybe even to much.“ I said, him grinning even more. „But thanks, Dan, again, for everything.“ „Yeah,yeah, dont you get all wooshy mooshy on me now also.“ he said, getting up. „Well, I gotta go. You get better soon, and call if you need anything.“  „Thanks, Dan, sure will.“ I replied, and waved him goodby. Doris came shortly after Dan left, and got me off the IV, suggesting I take a shower. I grabbed the pack Jessy sent me, and went through it. I took out some underweare, clean shirt and sweatpants, grabbed the shampoons, tooth brush and paste and headed for the bathroom. The shower did feel nice, but it took me ages to finish it, since I was still quite sore. A big bruise at my ribs was still making me short breathed at the times, and all the other cuts and bruises didnt help with easing the pain either. I had a  cut on the back of my head, wich was the reason my head still throbed a lot. I brushed my teeth, looked myself in the mirror, and already could notice some color coming back to my cheeks. I got back to bed and took my phone, might aswell check those messages and emails, its not like I'm have anything smarter to do. Most emails wer not important, I answered a few I needed, and switched to messages. Most of missed calls and messages wer from the night of the incident, so not much replaying needed here. Cleo sent a message saying shes happy im ok, and she will come to visit soon. Thomas also sent a message, thanking me for everything, emphasising tho that I was reckles and how all could have ended differently, but still no grudges from his side. He was just too happy Hannah was back with him. Ofcourse, they all wished me to get well soon, and they cant wait for when I get out so we can all meet properly.I replied to both, thanking them for good wishess. Staring at my chats screen, I opened my conversation with Jake. He was offline, ofcourse. I stared at the blinking pointer on the text space, but I didnt know what to write. My head was blank, I couldnt think of anything. After few minutes I exited the chat, settling the phone aside, and turning the tv on. Maybe some movie or something will get me relaxed a bit. I switched through channels, till I found something acceptable to watch. I ajusted myself on the pillow, and before I knew, dozed off.
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katsukisbimbo · 4 years
Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
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✯pairing: Bokuto Koutaro x Reader
✯genre: strangers-to-lovers au!! with fluff, cRack aND!! smut!! slight angst too. uhh the several uses of the term “fat c0ck” because bokuto has a big dick
✯summary: meeting bokuto was a roller coaster you weren’t ready for, but you knew that if you had the chance you’d ride on it over and over again just to experience everything all over again
✯wordcount: 3.7k
✯note: hey guys i’m slowly pushing requests out so i hope you guys can bare with me!! this is for @gulfwanq​ who’s writing i absolutely love!! keep making great content love, muAh
you first met bokutou when you went to the local convenience store near your school
you really wanted some onigiri plus you didn’t have lunch
aNd onigiri miya was closed today
rUmbLe RuMbLe
gosh you were hungry
when you went to grab the last onigiri on the shelf you were surprised to see another person grab it before you
like huh
do i have to bite this stupid persons hand of-
you turn your head to look at the culprit and
your jaw DROPS
this man is gorgeous
and he looks like an owl
a really cute owl
“if you could kindly take your hands off of my lunch i’d greatly appreciate it >.
and that’s the nicest way you could tell someone to fuck off really
but he just smiles and pulls the onigiri towards him and turns to walk away
you jump on his back and try to choke him?? and steal the onigiri back??
and this dude is just laughing
what part of this is a JOKE to you HUH
this is LUNCH
you were not here to play games with cute boys
but you would make an exception if he played with your-
the store owner sees the two of you fooling around and just kicks you both out
in the end neither of you ended up with the onigiri
“did you see what you did horn head? now i’m hungry”
and he just grabs your arm and pulls you into a different direction
“hEY- wHere are you tAking mE” you yelled exasperatedly at the random boy who was pulling you
“we’re going to get ramen”
oh ok
but like,, was he going to treat u or,,,
“i’m paying, come on”
who were you to turn down free food??
especially from a beefy looking dad-
“wait a minute,,, who aRe you?”
“hEY HEY HEY!!! dOnt you know me y/n??? i’m bokuto koUtaro!! i’m in the top 5 ranking of japan’s aces!!! i’m the best!!!”
his name,, did not ring a bell
nothing at all
“uhh,, ok,, how’d you know my name?”
ruh roh
bokuto started sweating profusely when you asked him that question
siri how do you tell your kouhai that you’ve noticed her ever since she was a first year but you were too pussy to actually talk to her or ask her out until you saw her trying to get the last onigiri at a convenience store so u say ‘hey why not steal her onigiri and make her fall in love with me’ so that’s exactly what u do
siri: here are the search results for “adult diapers”
“ahh i’ve noticed you around before n i kinda thought you were cute”
take in bokuto didn’t even care that you didn’t acknowledge him before like he just cares that you’re talking to him now
n he was just avoiding your gaze but all u could think about was how cUTE!! he looked
and that was how you met bokuto koutaro
now he was almost leaving you
and through the months, bokuto had weaseled his way into life as your best friend, and in your heart, but as something more
it was easy to catch feelings for him
i mean,, who wouldn’t
you were currently in his bed, waiting for him while he showered
bokuto had graduated just today and you were gonna miss him so much :((
while you were thinking about bokuto, you didn’t realize that he had already exited the bathroom, sHIRTLESS
his grey sweatpants were hanging low on his hips, giving you a show of his v-line and delicious looking abs
he turned to you and gave you a heartwarming smile
he was too cute for his own good
“kouuuu come lay with me”
he dried his hair a little bit more before hanging the towel back into the washroom, then made his way to your spread out figure on his bed
he crawled on top of you and wrapped his arms around your waist while his head rested on your chest
your hands automatically made their way to bokuto’s head, massaging his salt n pepper locks just the way he liked it
he looked too pure right now
“kou?” “mm?” hummed bokuto
“i’m gonna miss you. so so much.” you forced out, feeling your tears starting to drip down your cheeks
bokuto immediately noticed the quiver in your voice and looked up, only to see his precious girl crying
“oh no bAby please don’t cry, please don’t cry i’m so sorry pretty girl come here” he cooed as he sat up and scooped you up into his arms, sticking you back in forth as you buried your face in his neck
but this only made you sob harder
“whyre you crying pretty girl? i’m not leaving tokyo, and i’m still gonna live here. you’re still gonna see me” he reasoned
he didn’t gEt it
he was going to go to a different school, meaning he wasn’t going to be with you all the time
and going to a new school means meeting other people
what if he meets someone and falls in love with them
and what if he just leaves you behind
you wouldn’t know how to deal with all that pain if that ever happened
you knew that bokuto was a busy man but you weren’t ready for him to leave you completely
like yeah you coUld come to his house to see him but you wouldn’t want to distract him from doing work or anything
you just weren’t read to let your kou go and that was okay
“i-i don’t want to be left behind” you sniffled
instead of comforting you even more, bokuto just tightened his hold on you and started laughing, letting you head the deep timbre of his voice
his laugh was so cute
“what do you mean pretty? im not going anywhere so how can i leave you?”
did u rEALLY have to spell it out
bokuto looked at you expectantly as he lifted your chin to make you face him
you shifted your gaze to the suddenly interesting pillow at the foot of bokuto’s bed
“i’m scared that you’ll find someone better than me” bokuto’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and opened his mouth as he was about to interject-“i’m not the prettiest, or the smartest, or the coolest or the most athletic, but yet you chose me to be your best friend kou” you mumbled
all bokuto could do was watch as his love broke down in front of him, spewing all these lies about herself, degrading herself in front of him
honestly bokuto was pissed
who inserted all these negative thoughts into your pretty little head?
who made his special girl feel like she wasn’t enough for him, when it was him who didn’t deserve her?
she is kind, understanding, and loving. she is also vEry smart. which is why he couldn’t figure out why you thought you were less than what you were
he didn’t understand how you couldn’t see how wonderful you are
“i’m scared that you won’t return my feelings”
there it was
bokuto pushed you by your shoulders, far enough to let you see his beautiful face, but not too far to the point where it seems like he’s doing it out of disgust
“oh y/n. my sweet girl, my special girl, you have absolutely nothing to worry about! y/n, i’m in love with you, i’ve been in love with you since you were a second-year. and i never doubted oNce that you were the one for me.” he stroked your cheek
“im so sorry if i didn’t reassure you, pretty. i just thought that you already knew these things. i’m kinda stupid, even for one of the top 5 aces in japan!!” he joked, causing you to let out a few giggles
you looked into his bright eyes, and cupped his soft, warm cheek, and slowly leaned towards his pink lips
“kOu!!! y/N!!! dinners ready!!”
you immediately placed your hands on his chest, planning to push him away and coax him to going down for dinner
he leans down and captures your lips with a heated kiss
your hands made their way into his still damp hair and tugged, making him groan into your mouth
your body involuntarily arched at his touch, letting you feel his bulge as he pressed into you
you started to rock your hips against his, wanting to feel the friction between your clothed groins
“k-kou— kou please‘ you whimpered into his mouth, not knowing what exactly you were begging him for
“shit babe i gotta stop or else i won’t be able to hold myself back,, and i want our first time to be special” he mumbled against your kiss bitten lips
he was so cute :(( he wanted your guys’ first time to be special :((
mom :( i’m :( in :( love :(
“okay kou, lets go downstairs then” you suggested as you tried to push him off of you
“bUt pretty giRL—“ “no whining kou, lets go big boy, you must be hungry” you said as you finally got him off of you and sitting on the edge of his bed as you tried to pull his arm
“yeah i’m hungry just not for food tho” he mumbled lowly, not letting you catch it”
“what was that?” “nOTHING i’m starving haha let’s eat” “oh okay”
after the both of you made your way downstairs, bokuto i’d mom had immediately noticed your interlocked hands and started cheering
“I KNEW IT!! Y/N WAS GONNA BE OUR DAUGHTER-IN-LAW” she yelled in her husbands face as the both cheered while you and bokuto just stood there
“i’m so proud of you son, you finally grew a pair and asked her out after what? months and months of pining after her? ‘dAd how do i ask a pretty girl out?’ and ‘daD she’s so beautiFul i feel like i’m gonna pEe myseLf’”
any time spent with bokuto was never boring
after that day, bokuto had taken you on several dates, until he formally asked you out
and he was the best boyfriend you could ever ask for
he always had snacks ready
he always made sure to text you and call you to tell you whenever he was busy so that you wouldn’t worry
he always made you one of his top priorities which felt nice
and bokuto just gives you so much love
but one thing is that,,, bokuto is very jealous
he would get all mopey and dejected whenever a guy or girl would come up to you and ask you for your number, or if you wanted to hang out with them sometime
obviously you declined, informing them that you had a boyfriend
but the fact that people still wouldn’t leave you alone pissed him off to no end
he voiced his thoughts to kuroo, who just thought that he was being stupid
there was no way you are gonna leave him for anyone else
bokuto was stupid to not see how utterly and completely in love you were with him
all you had in your heart was bokuto and nobody else was needed
but there was this one incident, where someone had groped you in public, right in front of him
and he went ballistic
if it wasn’t for his friends and you who held him back, he would’ve certainly gotten arrested for assault
even though it would’ve been fair
sexual assault is a big no no
after that day, you made sure that whenever you sensed bokuto feeling down or jealous, you would insure him that he was the only one and will only be the only one
which usually got him feeling better in a span of 2 minutes
when bokuto had gotten into the MSBY Black Jackals, you were so proud of him
you were happy that he was able to do what he loved and made it into his career
he was really an excellent volleyball player
you would try your best to make it to all of his games and he honestly really appreciated it
he was so thankful for you for being as loving and supporting as you were to him, he honestly didn’t think that he deserved you
but let’s be honest
bokuto deserves the world
meeting some of his teammates for the first time was hEctic
they had all come over for a small get together at yours and bokuto’s condo
hinata wa stour favourite, just because he was cute and you saw how much he admired bokuto
and sakusa was very nice?? surprisingly you got along with him just fine?? which surprised everybody else
but miya atsumu
this boy was something else
you lOved him!! honestly!!!
but he was just a little shit sometimes it made you want to rip out your large intestine and eat it
he would sometimes crash at your shared condo with bokuto, after a night of drinking with their team
and he’d let you clean up after him AND your boyfriend, as they were both drunk out of their minds
there was one night where you had to sleep in the guest bedroom because koutaro and atsumu had fallen asleep in your bed
while cuddling each other
but all in all he was a great guy, and someone you loved as your brother
the first time you had sex with bokuto
you were afraid
bc of the fact that you were a virgin n it was your first time
but luckily it was kou’s first time too!!
which put you at ease a little
but you were still afraid that you might not be able to satisfy him?? like what if he says that it doesn’t feel good?? or if he says that you sucked at sucking dick??
that would be so sad
so you did what you had to do
you contacted all your female friends and asked them to teach you how to uh sex
which was a very awkward conversation between your friend group, since most of them were virgins too
they suggested to take it slow and not spring it on him all at once, especially since most days he’d be too tired from practice
so after practice, you made your move
bokuto had just gotten home and had gone straight into the shower after giving you a little peck while you were cooking in the kitchen
you decided that you were going to let him eat to gain some strength before you sucked him dry
after his shower, he excited the room with black sweatpants hanging low on his hips
kinda like deja vu
this was a scene that would never get old
you say him down and fed him, knowing that he liked being babied on some days
and you honestly didn’t mind, you liked taking care of your boyfriend
he was just too cute
after dinner, you washed the dishes and pushed him on your shared bed, face first
you sat on his bum and started lather his back with lavender oil, knowing that he loved the smell and how warm it made his back feel
you started to massage his back, slowly starting to press your thumbs into the knots in his back, making him groan at the feeling
it went like that for at least 45 minutes, you finished up after tending to each knot in his back, making you feel very accomplished
you flipped him over, only to see his blissed out face. his eyelids were drooping and he had a little dopey smile on his face
you put your hands on his chest and slowly made your way down until they reached the hem of his sweats, which you slowly pulled down
releasing his semi hard cock from its confinements
you felt yourself start to drool at the thought of gagging and slobbering all over his fat cock
he was barely conscious until you licked a fat strip from the base to the tip
which woke him up pretty well
“s-shit babe“
his large calloused hands tangled themselves into your hair and started slowly pushing your head back onto his awaiting dick
which you gladly took into your mouth
he stared with a slow place as you caressed his cock with your warm tongue as he pushed your head down, and suckled on his tip when he pulled back
you loved the feeling of his fat cock going down your tight throat
the feeling of your drool and his precum mixing made you clench your thighs, which didn’t go unnoticed by your boyfriend
“fuck, thats it pretty girl, take it down your throat. you’re such a good girl. baby’s gonna take my load right? you’re gonna be a good girl and swallow it all for me right?” he teased as he pulled you off of his dick
you coughed and nodded your head, moving your face near his crotch again, wanting to keep it in your mouth
he chuckled at the desperate look you had given him when he didn’t give you what you wanted
luckily, you had only been wearing your panties and one of bokuto’s oversized shirts
you loved wearing his clothing especially because you liked having yourself covered in his scent
he just smelled so nice
he pulled you up and pushed your hips to turn you around
which made your hips over over his awaiting mouth while your were faced with his dripping cock
you started to slowly give the head kitten licks, until those licks turned into long and hard sucks
he pushed your panties to the side and grabbed your hips, pushing your pussy into his waiting mouth
his tongue was relentless
alternating from roughly licking your clit to dipping his tongue in your slit, moving his tongue with vigour
his manhandling had made you work even harder, getting him closer to his euphoria
cuz you are the cause of bo’s euphoria🥺
yEah yEAh yEah yEah yEah yeAhhhh
once hit started to stroke your clit with his thumb
it was over.
you were done and creaming on his face while bokuto was releasing on your face as well
bokuto really do be hitting different
he gently pushed your body off of his and reached for a towel, gently wiping your face while whispering apologies
after he was done he gently kissed your lips and got on top of you once more, using both his hands to spread your legs to reveal your glistening slit
(psa sex isn’t really like this irl LOL i’m exaggerating it,, but if u find someone who cares enough about u then it might just be like how i describe it👁👄👁 my first time having sex was with a skinny weeb gamer boy who sold marijuana to the crazy people downtown so,,)
bokuto shoved two meaty fingers into your hole, spreading you out even more and scissoring you
making you arch your back off of the bed
shit bokuto felt like he was about to bust just looking at you
“i’m gonna make you feel so good pretty girl, you won’t even remember anything but my name.”
👁👄👁 ok den
one thing bokuto loved to do was go on late night drives with you??
it was surprising that bokuto had a license in the first place but after he had graduated you had forced him to get one, because obviously it was necessary smh
he had taken you to your guys’ favourite spot 
which was just on top of a hill that had a beautiful view of all the city lights 
his car always had extra pillows and blankets just in case you guys had a last minute trip to your spot
he immediately set up the pillows in the trunk and beckoned you to come over and sit next to him 
““i love being here with you kou, it’s like just yesterday i was still tackling you in the convenience market for the last onigiri” you reminisced 
he laughed and buried his nose into your hair, loving the smell of your fragrant shampoo
his large hands rubbed your sides, making you snuggle into his side even more than you were 
he was just so warm  and cuddly 
it was hard not to just bury yourself in him 
“i love you y/n. you know i’d give you the world if i could right?” ““i know kou, i love you too. you don’t need to give me the world because i have you, you are my world”
you never failed to fluster him, after years of being with each other 
you were so in love with this boy 
all you knew was bokuto 
he was your first everything, and hopefully your last 
he slipped out of your hold and stood up, admiring the view of the city as he walked a little, until he suddenly turned to face a confused you 
like y was he suddenly standing up 
until he wasn’t 
this was bokuto koutaro, the love of your life, down on one knee, as he held a white velvet box, which contained the prettiest diamond ring you could ever get 
you immediately felt tears starting to stream down your face, even though he hasn’t said anything yet 
“y/n,, i’m so in love with you. i don’t wanna be with anyone else but you. you give me happiness, love, faith, and courage. i want to be by your side until we grow old together. i have loved you since you tried to choke the shit outta me in that convenience store. you loved me at my worst, and my best, you are the cause of all good things in my life. you are the cause of my euphoria. no, you are my euphoria. pretty girl,, will you continue being my euphoria?”
you couldn’t help yourself as you jumped into his arms and started peppering kisses around his face while mumbling yes with each kiss 
he took your hand and gently slid the ring on your finger 
now he could show people that you were his, as he was yours
“i love you kou”
““i love you more, pretty girl” he mumbled as he kissed the top of your head 
“kou,,” “mm?” 
“i’m pregnant”
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