#anyways. goodnight hopefully
bougainvilea · 1 year
there r so many things i should have done and i cantmuster up the energy to do any of them
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triona-tribblescore · 7 months
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You're all magic anime girls in my eyes dw mikey uvu <3
(Yo-Ho-Ho) A Ninjas Life For Me
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whisperingn1ghts · 2 months
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svtskneecaps · 4 months
here's how it goes:
everyone spends valentine's day in DEEP denial. tubbo isn't dead, he CAN'T be. when they die they come back, that's how it is, how it's ALWAYS been. the island is hell but at least fatalities don't stick, except in specific cases and all of them in the same white shells. of course philza jokes, he's thinking about tubbo, he can't stop. he's expecting tubbo to jump out at any moment, he's expecting to go to fobo and see tubbo hidden in the basement throwing darts at a picture of fit and pac looking at each other, he's expecting to go back to the dungeon and the body is gone (he hopes). tubbo's not dead. he can't die. none of them can, just the eggs.
(it never takes this long to come back; he knows something is wrong)
here's how it goes:
tubbo tells the kids "i'm on my last life." the eggs have always had lives. i don't think some of them have ever understood that the players have infinite chances, with their insistence on protecting their caretakers from deaths like their caretakers do for them, charging back into the eye worker war, refusing to back out of a dangerous dungeon before their parents do, wanting to protect. i don't know if they understand that to the players, death is like spit in the face: unpleasant, sure, but no big deal.
tubbo tells the kids "i'm on my last life" and of course they believe him. death is their constant companion, no more than two doors down. some eggs are used to it being a breath away.
here's how it goes:
tubbo is dead. the children mourn him. the players are scared. defiant. they always are. who among them has died? dan, missing; spreen, gone; maximus... well there was no body, no announcement, surely-
(how long did it take pierre to accept it? to realize it? to take down the missing person posters? not a day. not a day.)
juanaflippa died and there was a court case to save her. bobby died and the whole server journeyed to save him. when is the last time the players have taken death lying down?
here's how it goes:
tubbo dies, and he dies unloved (fit's arm is stretched out to save him). he dies without purpose (sunny is there, she's waiting, she knows he won't move). he dies and no one cares (chayanne refuses to leave, his godfather, he failed his-)
here's how it goes:
the valentine's party is so loud but too quiet. there's a name in the air, even when no one is saying it
"wow sure is good tubbo isn't here" phil says (he's said this before, he'll say it again, but isn't it strange how many times? perhaps even he doesn't believe it. perhaps he's trying to convince himself.)
here's how it goes:
a creature with too many faces comes. it tells them the truth they won't face. tubbo is gone.
quesadilla island says, "not for long"
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bookinit02 · 10 months
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new chapter up now!
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seraphiism · 1 year
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𓆩 ღ 𓆪 𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐚
( i hope your dream won't just be left as a dream. )
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chara : alhaitham fandom : genshin impact quote cr : agust d a/n : i must be honest . i have no idea what i wrote (ノ `Д`) ノ. focuses on alhaitham's past, might be ooc
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prologue : ( the absence ) of dreams.
there is a place where knowledge survives in the depths of the world, its roots far and wide : agile, ubiquitous, resilient. how it fosters progressive growth and brilliant minds, sets the driving force for discovery and beyond.
there is a place where knowledge remains stagnant in the depths of the world, its roots damaged and decomposed : devitalized. dying. dead. how it fosters an insatiability and never ending greed, sets the expectations for discovery to come and go with such ease.
in this place, dreams are stolen away, only witnessed by youth. because there is always something to be learned in these visions, they'll say, because they'll stretch the truth, make something out of nothing ; they'll find a way to justify the theft of one's mind and soul and spirit intertwined in the manifestation of reverie, and you would have never known.
in this place, a scribe thrives, mind sharp and knowledgeable. in this place, a loneliness grows up and distances himself from the rest, finds that solitude has always been a friend first and foremost.
in this place, the foundation of wisdom and greater things-- home, alhaitham learns to dream again.
prologue , revisited : ( the absence ) of dreams , the absence of what could have been.
alhaitham remembers little of his childhood ; ask him of his origins and he will remember seldom through first-hand experience. they won't question it, not too much-- because oh, well-- it's hard to remember those things when you're so young, and they'll leave it at that because that's normal, isn't it? to be forgetful of a time where you knew so little, knew only how to rely on others and how to breathe and live and survive through the hand that feeds.
they'll leave it at that, but even if they didn't, he doesn't think he would mind. perhaps there is a distant sadness that survives in the crevices of the heart, never learning to fade in years past, and maybe that's just part of the human equation. he doesn't think about it much. no need to, after all.
yes, they'll leave it at that, blame the lack of memories in youth from age. they won't know that he lost his parents too early, lost something he never quite had, because can you really say you had something when it slipped out of your grasp so quickly and so soon? alhaitham finds some semblance of logic in that, but maybe that's selfish. of course he had his parents. he is sure that he loved them and he is sure that they loved him. maybe it is easier to cope somehow with these thoughts, even if there may be some cruelty in it.
perhaps he does miss his parents, after all, even if he understands that sometimes, it is hard to miss what you never had.
chapter one : the first dream.
it's an ordinary sunday and the room is white. look out the window and there's sunlight to be found, and what a beautiful sight it is, but what a frightening realization it is : it reaches and reaches, begging, but it never reaches the room, obstructed by the glass.
alhaitham doesn't know what it means. he doesn't know how he remembers that it's sunday, doesn't know why this place is familiar. it's cold. he doesn't think he's afraid, but this feeling that creeps up his spine deems an unrest, but he'll call it uncertainty, because there's always an explanation for everything, but even he cannot find the answers to what lies before him.
it is a vast space, endless, but he continues anyway. the path is tiresome, progress indistinguishable in the white. the sunlight stays, too. there is something to be found here. liminal space or not, he continues forth. the unrest brews. something in him trembles, but he walks, anyway.
endless. unforgiving. endless. unfamiliar. an undesired forever, the tiring of self, the burning in one's limbs, the extinction of energy, then --
a faint orange and yellow. alhaitham glances at the windows now, finds that the sunlight has found its way to the place where it belongs. he walks again. the orange and yellow hues grow with each step ; the cold slowly dissipates, and in his trek, it is almost like he is unearthing a life. he doesn't run, no, but part of him wants to, because there is something to be found here, but he doesn't. not yet.
the colors flood in. the white becomes something unforgotten, summons everything else in its absence. there is something that lies at the end -- he can see it -- it is something so terribly familiar but not known, so he runs and he runs and he runs until he becomes of close proximity, then he stops.
there is something to be found : a memory, a happiness, a sorrow.
it is almost a vision of some sort-- a strange sight, the image of himself. he doesn't move, frozen in place. he wonders what sort of expression he wields.
because before him, there is a happy family. a mother and father, one with the same shade of gray hair, another with the same shade of green eyes. it's a tranquil scene, and he cannot make out what is being said, but there are smiles on their faces as they look down at the child the mother holds.
he swallows hard. he does not know what to make of this. he takes a deep breath, shuts his eyes, almost smiles at the sound of distant laughter, and wonders if this is a dream. if it is, then this is not reality -- so he can find distance from this, somehow, and release himself from the fear and confusion of the unknown.
yes, perhaps this is a dream. maybe this is a memory of when his parents first brought him home.
his eyes feel heavy. he opens them anyway, witnesses the blooming of a newfound love and joy. he smiles a bittersweet smile and wonders if he will remember this when he wakes.
chapter one , aftermath : the first dream.
alhaitham wakes with a racing heart. he blinks, stares absentmindedly at the ceiling. he remembers bits and pieces of something; it lingers on the tip of his tongue, threatens to be forgotten. he should remember. he knows it was something very dear to him.
his heart slows eventually. he doesn't move. he has to remember, but the pillow under his head and the warmth of your body slowly lull him back to slumber, threaten to bring him under and free him of a lost memory on the verge of discovery.
"that's not sleeping."
he snaps from his train of thought at your mumbling. you don't think much of it at first; alhaitham is such a light sleeper that the smallest movement would wake him, but there is something different about his countenance that piques your curiosity.
"you okay?"
he looks at you, almost uncertain-- an expression you rarely see from your lover, but he nods before his gaze returns to the ceiling. he looks more perplexed than anything, deep in thought, and you almost want to press the issue, but you don't.
"i dreamt."
the knowing of dreams is no longer a shocking revelation nowadays, but even so, the restoration of them is a celebration. you do not remember yours too often, but when you do, you write them down, knowing that the recovery of such a vision should be cherished. you wonder if this is the first time he remembers his.
you wonder if it was peaceful. you wonder what it is that brings him uncertainty : the dream itself, or the ability to dream once again.
"was it a good one?" your voice is quiet. careful.
silence. the wind is a gentle breeze outside, barely heard. alhaitham inhales deeply, turns on his side to face you. it's almost instinct that your hands meet, palm against palm, and he smiles gently when he compares his hands to yours.
"it was." he laces his fingers with yours. "i dreamt of my parents."
even in the moonlit darkness, you feel the kindness in his gaze. you squeeze his hand, feel that lump in your throat when you remember his past hardships.
"i'm glad." your lips brush against his knuckles, grateful. "i hope you dream of them again."
chapter two : the second dream.
it's an ordinary sunday and the room is already filled with sunlight. alhaitham recognizes this, surrounded by rays of tenderness and warmth, and knows this to be yet another dream. he wonders if it will be different than before. he is reminded of that endless loop of dreams, understands them to be both wanted and unwanted, but he recalls the first dream, knows that to relive such a sight would be most welcome.
he walks. the path is vast once again, but there is hope in his stride. this time, there is a familiar shade of green and white that fills his vision. distant figures. he walks, anyway.
before him there are two people. one wields that same shade of gray, but this time, it is through age, and the other--
alhaitham suddenly feels an ache. the other is a young child. the other is him, an orphan, an outcast. he sits next to his grandmother, bright curiosity and intrigue in his eyes as she reads to him. a day like any other, he remembers, but special, nonetheless.
he smiles a bittersweet smile. dreams are not always beautiful, and even if this one hurts, it still is.
he swallows hard, takes a deep breath, closes his eyes. somewhere in the distance, he hears his grandmother's laughter when his younger self asks for yet another story.
one more, she'll say, he imagines, and she does.
he smiles a bittersweet smile. something aches so terribly.
he should wake soon.
chapter two , aftermath : the second dream.
alhaitham wakes with a racing heart. there is something wrong-- there must be with the way you look at him, eyes wide and filled with worry. your fingers linger on his wrist, frantic pulse known by your touch. he doesn't quite understand, slumber weakly holding onto consciousness, and it is only when he feels something trail down his face that he truly wakes.
rare is it that he sheds tears. in truth, he remembers the last time he cried, dressed in all black, vision blurred. a burial site. words of comfort unheard, muffled. forgotten.
how many apologies did he hear until they meant nothing?
"love--" you grab his wrist, gentle, slowly ease him back to the present. "are you--" you pause, take a deep breath, ease the tension from your shoulders. there are only so many times you can ask someone if they're okay, so you don't. another deep breath. "i'm here with you."
you have never seen alhaitham in such a state, never seen him cry. although he may not actively be distressed, the baffled countenance he fails to keep at bay says more than enough. with a soothing touch, you wipe the tears away, notice how quick they are to stop. alhaitham doesn't say much, tells you that he's alright, thanks you for your comfort.
you don't ask what he dreamt of, but there is something very lonely in the way he holds you that night.
he is afraid to fall asleep. he does not know if he desires yet another memory in slumber.
what a very selfish thought to have. he is sorry.
chapter three : the third dream.
it's a special sunday and the room is white, but already is it filled with warmth and daylight. he recognizes this place, knows it to be one of many celebrations. there is no journey, no endless trek. he is right where he needs to be. the scene is different this time. he is not a spectator ; instead, he is here, now, in this moment.
around him, there is endless chatter. he imagines he would enjoy the quiet more, but this time is different -- it almost brings relief to his heart, brings a lightness to it. around him are familiar companions-- a certain forest ranger, a known eremite-- ah, there's kaveh, crying and mumbling a thousand congratulations that aren't quite coherent.
and right before him, there is you ; your hands in his, both adorned with silver bands. you look beautiful, is his first thought, and he wonders if he said it out loud, given the way you smile so brightly at him.
this is a dream. it is a beautiful one, and it is one that he hopes will come true one day.
alhaitham smiles back, kisses you with all the love in the world.
he will wake up soon. he wishes he could hold onto this dream for a little bit longer, but that's okay, because when he wakes, you'll be at his side.
chapter three , aftermath : the third dream.
"i dreamt of you."
your normal routine goes this way : annoying alarm, the impending doom of the workday, and the useless means of avoidance by burying yourself deeper into the sheets until alhaitham drags you out of bed. sometimes he kisses your head in a silent greeting, sometimes he wishes you a good morning.
this, you think, is very much new, and probably the fastest way he's ever woken you up.
"oh." you stare at the ceiling before you roll over and look at him. "good morning to you, too."
worry is your first instinct-- given the nature of his previous dreams, you do not know what to expect. the visions the dreamscape blesses him with are both nostalgic and gut-wrenching, sorrow laced with catharsis.
"good morning." like clockwork, he raises his hand, lips curling faintly when you press yours against his.
"gonna share with the class?"
"the class should practice patience." he chuckles at your mildly annoyed expression, wonders how you will react to his thoughts. "i dreamt that we got married."
you freeze at those words, eyes wide, brows knit ever so slightly as you try to comprehend the words. he says it so casually, the topic of marriage. dream or not, the mere thought of a future together for the rest of your lives brings a sense of serenity, though your expression doesn't quite reflect it at the moment.
alhaitham finds it endearing.
"i would like to remember that dream for a long time."
you shake yourself out of stupor, ignore the way your face practically feels like it's the sun itself.
"tell me more about it."
"kaveh was crying."
"okay, and?"
he hums, thoughtful.
"you looked beautiful."
"oh? sounds like a good dream."
your response is nonchalant, though it is betrayed by the blithe smile that graces your lips at the thought of what that day would be like. alhaitham's gaze is filled with an incredible fondness as he looks at you, wonders when that day will come.
"yes, it was. i'd like to make it real."
oh. you wonder how he can manage to say such a thing so casually-- one would almost think he was discussing the weather. you blink, speechless. you almost want to ask if he's joking , though you know he's entirely serious when he says that, but still--
"okay." there is no hesitation in your words. "i'll marry you, alhaitham."
he almost seems surprised himself-- a spark of shock that quickly dies down into mild relief buried in amusement.
"that isn't my official proposal."
you lace your fingers together, press a kiss against his knuckles.
"i know." your words are barely above a whisper now, almost sacred, but he hears them loud and clear. "but whenever or however you do it, i'll say yes, you know."
of course he knows. always has. he squeezes your hand before pulling you closer, lips meeting in quiet euphoria and promise.
somewhere, there is a place where dreams are deemed part of one's soul once more, unraveling and uncovering the most vulnerable parts of the spirit. in this place, alhaitham dreams once more, memories revived and revisited.
in this place, alhaitham dreams of a happily ever after with you, and someday, you will relive that dream together, and it will be wonderful.
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Thinking of her (Emonette)
Outfit inspired by Nikki from 6teen and probably Dollightful's recent Uvie doll. Makeup definitely inspired by Gwen from Total Drama Island.
Really happy with how this came out for what started as a 5am doodle because I can't sleep. Also I wanted to give her a nose piercing of some kind but couldnt get it to work.
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stinkyhyena9000 · 8 months
FInally just got to watch Sing 2 for the first time in a month or so (I'm a very busy gal) and ohmygod I just remembered why I love Sing 2 so much: the ending.
The entire performance of Out of This World is great, but I'll only be going over Clay's part and thereafter.
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Seeing Clay down breakdown, and hearing his voice softly apologize about not being ready. It really shows how vulnerable he is, and how even if we put on a brave face and think we're ready, loss and mental struggle is not just something done quick and easy. Furthermore, it really means a lot to see him here, finally putting of his whole facade and finally letting loose a second time.
Speaking of which, I actually wanna look back in earlier parts of the movie (still within the time frame of the performance). During the time where everyone gets ready and the scene where Meena and Alfonso singing, we get to see glimpses of Clay sighing and staring deeply at his guitar case, like he knows what's inside it is going to hit him emotionally, and hit him hard.
Back to the show, when we see Ash first exit, we can see her alone, sing the songs Clay have sung before. Clay sees this, and he sees himself within her. (See me later for how they're so father-daughter). He sees this, and realizes that he can do this too, and he's not alone either.
I also want to note that Ash's quills actually do sort of resemble a white mane here. (2nd pic from later in the song)
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We can even see Ruby's ghost come in behind Clay, kinda sort of saying "get in there, she needs you." I like to think it's also a little call back when Ash asked Clay if Ruby would've wanted him to give up on music.
The theatre is flooding with lonely silence as she sings, even though it's full of people, similar to how people going through depression may feel lonely when surrounded with love. The crowd eventually chimes it, but it still feels close to that same way still.
And then BOOM, we get chills when we get hit with that first guitar. As soon as we start to hear him, the room fills with life as well. We hear applause from the crowd. We hear percussion. It's just great.
Now before I continue, I just want to mention. This scene is probably one of the best animated scenes throughout all of Sing 2. They did just such fantastic work on his facial animations. I can say that for every Clay scene in Sing 2, but especially here. And they didn't just do a fantastic job with facial animations, but all animation here.
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GUESS WHAT BABY. IM BRINGING IN LYRICS TOO!! (of course I am). So, this part also goes with the following lyrics
I believe in the Kingdom Come Then all the colours will bleed into one Bleed into one But yes, I'm still runnin'
I like to believe the lyric about running can be interpreted two ways. Firstly, it can be interpreted as a call back to him running from his emotions, in constant denial over his loss of Ruby. Another way of seeing it is him running towards, trekking on through all the hardships he has faced.
Back to the actual movie, I just want to mention: bro is getting groovy with it. You can se by the way he moves his body that he is really getting into the music, especially after 15 years
Later on in the song, we actually see Ash and Clay look at each other, kind of like thanking each other. Clay, thanking Ash for getting him out of that rut, and helping him to continue onward. Ash, thanking Clay for coming to the show, and being her idol for who knows how many years.
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Oh yeah, lyric time again! Here they are
You broke the bonds And you loosed the chains Carried the cross of my shame Of my shame You know I believe it
Ash is the one who broke Clay's bonds of that rut he was in, and she buried the cross of his shame by never making him ever feel bad about what he was going through, but being understanding with him.
Anyways, back to the main summary. God I love the song. I love how you can see the pure unadulterated hope and joy enter Clay's face as he sings his song. I love how you can see the moment he's officially caught his second-wind.
I mean, look at this face and tell me it doesn't make you feel all warm and inside. It doesn't give you hope for a better tomorrow.
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Unfortunately, I can't include any more images at the moment, but I can still go on.
Anyways, now we're moving onto the next famous bus scene. You know the one that plays that one song. We all love it.
It's just so great seeing all the cast members finally interact with each other again after being separate for a lot of the movie doing their own stuff. It's just a great reminder on how they really are just one big family. Even better is seeing how quickly Porsha, Nooshy, and Clay were integrated into it. Sure, the other two had some time to warm up but Clay? Clay just got here, and yet he's still already seen part of the family, and I'm really glad to see it.
The camera angles and lighting here and before are also just plain phenomenal. They really do a fantastic job with the camera and the different views of the different characters, and the warm lighting just does a fantastic job.
Super random but Clay also does a nice sigh here, and it really just speaks words. You can tell that that sigh was long overdue, and how he's just so ready to keep going and not be so caught up in not letting go. He's finally allowing himself to relax. Around the same time, we also see Ash cuddle up to Clay, and I just love the idea of Ash seeing Clay as a father figure. It's so good and true.
Oh and do NOT get me started on that song. I could really ramble on about it all day, but I'll try to keep it short. (Mostly) each character was saved by music, and that really makes the music fit. It's also worth noting that FUNFACT. Bono and U2 kinda made that song for funsies too.
(Quick summary of what happened: Bono teased wanting to make a song because the story of Clay spoke to him so deeply. Jennings wasn't actually expecting it to happen, but then Bono literally gave him a demo at the end of his first recording session)
And now we get to The Majestic. It is just plain gorgeous, and it really shows off of Sing 2 could've been just jaw-dropping gorgeous the entire way through given they were able to utilize their setting a lot more. LOOK AT THAT CITYSCAPE!! THOSE PRETTY LIGHTS!!
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And then we also see just a lot of nice and comforting smiles. I mean come on, look at the guy!! It's so awesome seeing Buster Moon so unbelievably proud of what he's accomplished.
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And then of course we cannot forget the final part. I'm sure everyone knows this by now, but it's so amazing and invigorating seeing Sing 2 end the same way Sing 1 started, like Buster is finally a kid again. It's just an awesome throw-back. I really don't see how Sing 3 can top this.
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I see my post from April 28th finally took off ... /lh
If you followed me, I will say that I'd like it if you read my carrd!! I'm going to bed, rn, but I wanted to make that known before I went to sleep.
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guinevereslancelot · 2 months
job interview tomorrow 🙏
#working interview as an assistant prek teacher#i know kids are exhausting but its the only thing i have relevant experience in#and im tired of being rejected from every office job i apply to i need a job even if it pays 12 dollsrs an hour lol#anyway they'll pay for continuing education and the phone interview went really well#i think it seems like a nice place with nice people and she said she wouldn't start me at the bottom of the pay scale#so i might get more than i think#still probably not going to top sixteen an hour but its something#they called me in for prek even tho i didn't apply for that i applied for infant toddler teacher bc i have no relevant education#just lots of volunteer work with kids#but she said that one was taken and would i consider this one i didn't think i was qualified for so thats a good sign#and she seemed really nice#and the location is good its like a 17 minute drive and not too hard of a drive either#just one tricky turn#anyway#all job interviews fill me with impending doom and dread#even tho i interview pretty well i think i just never have the relevant experience to get the job lol#but this time it seems more likely#i have anotherdaycare job that literally pays twelve dollars an hour that wants to schedule an interview as well 😬#but hopefully i get this one#the other one is closer but doesn't seem like as nice of a place to work tbh#anyway im so stressed!!#i took a sleeping pill which i may regret#i never take one before an interview bc im afraid i'll be super sleepy and tired and not want to get up and be less sharp at the interview#but then i NEVER manage to sleep the night before which i decided is worse lol#so hopefully that doesn't backfire#goodnight ❤️
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pyrriax · 2 months
I'm Your Man
draft of an animatic which may or may not get completed, centered around lavius elyria & mortis (@specialcontainmentdatabase) and the development of... Something.
while this doesn't exactly go in depth on what's happening (and skips over some major pieces at the end because i didn't feel like combing through a 20 minute recording for important events, plus we were planning to rerecord that piece regardless) i'm happy to explain / elaborate
some additional information + the original pieces as they were, since this whole thing was done on like. three canvases over the course of a day (in reverse order)
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some further context for little details: thunderstrike is lavius's primary weapon, while soulrender is mortis's.
the crystals are basically excess magic which is eating away at lavius, since he's too fearful to use it. in the latter half, when he has crystal surrounding him, that's the indicator of the shift from s2 -> s3 of the server this is based off of. it's also a bit of a show of growth.
a lot of their earlier interactions are glossed over in favor of brevity, but i do love the early dynamic they had, and lord does this skip over so many hours of just Grinding For Materials and Helping People With Projects. oh. and also the dragons. but those are too important
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myfriendtheghost · 11 months
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goodnight dork
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lululawrence · 2 years
You know what I love? The sheer amount of coordination Harry and Louis seem to have in so many aspects of their lives.
Louis starts wearing an entire line of clothing that is his own personal custom line on tour and gives us zero info. Meanwhile, whilst we wait for him to let us give him even more of our money, we learn Harry is releasing his own HA HA HA collaboration line with Gucci.
I just wanna know who got into it first. Which of them was the one who started looking into the details of fashion design and wouldn’t shut up about it to the other, but instead of boring them they got interested as well and eventually decided to give it a try themselves, but do it their own way?
Anyway. Don’t think about how much joint research they did about fashion and design and sharing thoughts with each other at the most random times between songwriting and recording and planning their own music festivals and shit during lockdown. How many links they shared with each other when they found something they thought the other might want to include in their line. How now when one rants about a frustration or annoyance about how certain fabrics lay versus another or the sustainability and environmental impact of different options, the other has their own wealth of knowledge and experience to draw from now as well. Definitely don’t. It’s a slippery slope, my friends.
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going back to AU where Childe and Foul Legacy split into two different beings, and both being there on a day where you crumble. everything's been stacking up, just everything. nothing you do goes right, and even the little things seem to go wrong in your hands. you've tried so hard to keep a smile on your face, both for Childe, stressed and on edge about the separate physical existence of his Foul Legacy form, and Foul Legacy himself, so sweet and gentle yet so frightened by everything. Childe still doesn't trust Foul Legacy- understandable, seeing how he used to use that form for battle- but it still breaks your heart when you see the glares he sends Foul Legacy with the subsequent whimpers that come after. yes, you try so hard to keep your chin up, comforting and supporting both sides of your beloved, Childe and Foul Legacy. but today is too much. nothing was right, everything was wrong, and by the time you get home you're tired and just want to curl up into a ball. Childe comes home for dinner, Foul Legacy lounging in the corner, and you're holding yourself together surprisingly well until your hand moves a centimeter off and sends a glass tumbling to the ground. it shatters, shards of glass twinkling on the ground, and your already fragile state shatters with it. you fall to the ground, hiding your face in your knees as you dig your nails into your arm for some semblance of grounding. in an attempt to not cry you bite your lip, gnawing at the skin until it stings, but still tears begin to drip from your eyes as your frame shivers. Childe leaps to his feet with a yell, pushing his chair back when he sees you suddenly drop. hurriedly the scrambles to comfort you, to hold you, to reassure you that everything will be alright even though he's so confused, because you've always had a smile whenever he saw you- but Foul Legacy gets there first. he's next to you in an instant, crooning and whining in concern. flicking the broken glass away from you, Childe's Abyssal half takes you in his arms and wraps his star-dotted wings around your trembling body. with a gentle push of his hand you're leaning into his lilac fluff, full sobs wrenching themselves from your chest as you cling to Foul Legacy desperately. Childe watched, astonished, but a soft smile creeps its way onto his face and he makes his way over to Foul Legacy's side. the monster coos when he sees Childe, allowing him to gently detach your hands from your arms and turn your head towards him. you've bitten your lip so hard that it's bleeding, and Childe frowns as Foul Legacy whimpers. wrong, wrong, wrong. everything you do is wrong. someone plants a careful kiss on your forehead, then someone much bigger nudges your cheek gently. there are two pairs of arms around you now, one with claws and one without, but both holding and hugging you like you're precious, like you're worth something. Childe murmurs quietly, sweet reassurances, and Foul Legacy purrs and hums as he nuzzles his forehead into the back of your neck. and slowly, slowly, your sobs quiet to small hiccups and sniffs, and you bury your head deeper into Foul Legacy's fluff as Childe pets your hair. together they watch you drift off into sleep, exhausted and empty but curled in Foul Legacy’s grasp, and Childe smiles quietly. perhaps he can tolerate Foul Legacy's existence for a bit longer.
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froggyrights · 6 months
I have to open at 6:30 tomorrow morning everyone please send me your strength
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joelletwo · 6 months
having suuuuch. boringly textbook art problems. like clearheadedly thinking oh thats a good art idea and i cant draw that as good as it is in my mind. better not even try. now thats also the winter depression. but like. i know how to get out of this. and it just seems boringggggg (thats also the winter depression)
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