#growth/natural life
larissa-the-scribe · 8 months
Working on a more explicitly Christian story is funny because this means every time I zone out in church I start automatically worldbuilding the horrors like hmmmmmm we're talking about praising God but also this scripture could be a good inspiration for a water-based eldritch being
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quotethat · 15 days
“Learning requires an admission that we don’t know things and need to improve. Some feel too insecure to admit this, so their ideas become set and their skills stagnate. They cover this up with an air of certainty and strong opinions, or moral superiority, but the underlying insecurity cannot be shaken.”
Robert Greene
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sharkdays · 4 months
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"That despite having experienced inhuman suffering, she has nonetheless been able to gain the strength to face life."
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milkyprint · 10 months
Keep going, don’t quit… 🦋
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wayti-blog · 7 months
Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.
Albert Einstein
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wordsofwisdomandsoul · 7 months
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God, created the universe. With His voice He created all that exists: the birds of the sky, the beasts of the earth, the sea creatures, the flowers, the trees, the fruits, the stars and... human beings.
Absolutely everything was made by Him. Being the Creator, He had a specific purpose in everything He made. We can see that everything was created in order, for a certain reason, and in a perfect way, everything is good in a great way.
Dios, creó el universo. Con Su voz creó todo lo que existe: las aves del cielo, las bestias de la tierra, las criaturas marinas, las flores, los árboles, las frutas, las estrellas y... Los seres humanos.
Absolutamente todo fue hecho por Él. Tuvo un propósito específico en cada cosa que hizo. Podemos ver que todo fue creado en orden, por una razón determinada, y de una manera perfecta, todo es bueno en gran manera.
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One of the biggest drawbacks in life is that we grow up with the idea of discovering who we are based on the standards society has given us. A society is based on the standards and norms we have created for ourselves to live by. For a long time, society has told us what is acceptable to them and what is not. It has given us standards of beauty, success and perfection, manipulating in this way, the genuine purpose of our life. Trying to take man away from the Creator to invite us to "discover" life as if there was not someone superior who put us in this place.
Society has been a toy that the enemy of our souls has used to confuse and distract us from the Truth.
It's necessary to understand that just like fashion, politics and conflicts in the world, society is changing and adapting, it is in constant movement but has no stability because it is dependent on the human beings that make it up. Under these terms we will never understand our identity.
Society is something created by man but it is not what created man. So why do we give it the power to tell us who we are?
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Uno de los mayores inconvenientes en la vida, es que crecemos con la idea de descubrir quiénes somos basados en los estándares que nos ha dado la sociedad. Una sociedad se basa en los estándares y normas que hemos creado para vivir. Durante mucho tiempo, la sociedad nos ha dicho lo que para ellos es aceptable y lo que no. Nos ha dado estándares de belleza, éxito y perfección, manipulando de ésta manera el propósito genuino de nuestra vida. Tratando de alejar al hombre del Creador para invitarnos a "descubrir" la vida tal como si no hubiera alguien superior que nos puso en éste lugar.
La sociedad ha sido un juguete que el enemigo de nuestras almas ha utilizado para confundirnos y distraernos de la Verdad.
Es necesario entender que al igual que la moda, la política y los conflictos en el mundo, la sociedad va cambiando y adaptándose, está en constante movimiento pero no tiene estabilidad porque es dependiente de los seres humanos que la conforman. Bajos esos términos jamás entenderemos nuestra identidad.
La sociedad es algo creado por el hombre pero no es lo que creó al hombre. Entonces, ¿Por qué le damos el poder para decirnos quiénes somos?
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killabeeblog · 14 days
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elenaboils · 7 months
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🌸 🌱
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glimblshanks · 6 months
"This season retconed Mariner's character growth from season three" it literally hasn't, please learn how trauma recovery works
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spaceyshideaway · 6 months
𝐻𝒾𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒶𝓇𝓉 𝐵𝓊𝓉𝓉𝑜𝓃
When reflecting on my life, I realized it was nothing but a Sisyphean journey. Obstacle after obstacle, and just when I think I've made it to the top and can finally breathe, my boulder will fall back down the mountain... pulling me down to hell like a deadly ball and chain. As Ellis Grey once said, "The carousel never stops turning. You can never get off." Life goes on regardless of whether you are ready, and there is no time to catch up. Therefore, I have decided to take charge of my life. I will explore the depths of the universe, wander far and wide, and try to understand why I have always felt like the universe's punching bag.
I am hitting the restart button and erasing my past. I believe that it is important to learn from your past, but if you let it define you, can you really consider it your past? My past has never been a shadow; it has always been mixed with the present, and I could never walk away from it. Today, I am reclaiming myself, and I am becoming someone else. I will learn to carry myself like the person I aspire to be.
With this, I have three goals:
Become healthy, both physically and mentally
Improve my financial situation
Gain self-love and confidence
I will become the best version of myself, I already see a therapist but it's time to find a psychiatrist, a primary doctor, and lastly overcome my worst fear... a dentist. This will be a challenge, I have had a huge fear of the dentist since I was 16, and they drilled into my teeth without proper numbing... I felt EVERYTHING. However, the person I want to be has great health and does not let fear control her, so a dentist appointment will come but first let's do the easy part!
I used to be extremely resilient. Started working at 16, in order to be able to have money to get away from my house. My father was always more inclined to help out my brothers so I knew from an early age that if I wanted to do anything in life, I had to provide it for myself. I think the best example of this was when I had to work for over a year to save up enough money to pay for college while my father paid for my brother's tuition. Anyways, COVID eventually came and my hours got cut at my job, and I had to drop out. Going from working 50 hours a week as well as attending school full-time, I had my first major manic episode. I never fully recovered and created a long list of job instability and mental instability. It's time to change that, in February I am starting a certificate program that will improve my qualifications to expand my career options. Until then, let's just get a job that will pay the bills.
Lastly, I want to know what it feels like to walk into a room and not feel small. I want to stand tall, with grace and flair. I want to be a powerful force of nature that leads with empathy and confidence. I want to take pictures of myself again, and not only walk the earth but leave a mark. It's hard to make an impact when I am constantly sitting in the corners or just not even showing up. I let clothes wear me and hide me, I try my best not to exist or step on toes. I put myself last because I believe other people will always be better than me. I'm not saying I want to be better than anyone, but I am saying that I just want to allow myself to exist unapologetically.
This is the beginning of my journey and the reclaiming of my power. I invite you to come watch, or if you are feeling up to it... come hit the restart button with me and we can guide each other. This is the community I want to build, and I hope to see you in it.
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ksjanes · 1 year
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I have always looked upon decay as being just as wonderful and rich an expression of life as growth.
– Henry Miller
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jaycrawler · 5 months
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Every mountain is hard to climb. And even when you get close, you think “I am so tired, and I haven’t reached the top yet… I can’t go on”.
But then something keeps igniting you. Your spirit. Because you think “If I don’t do this… if I don’t finish this… I don’t try it… it will haunt me forever” and so, you go on…
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And then you make it… and that satisfaction of knowing how far you went, it’s eternal.
It’s peace.
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Keep going.
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wordsofwisdomandsoul · 6 months
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When I contemplate your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have set there, I ask myself, "What is man that you think of him? What is the son of man that you take him into account?" Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor. You gave him dominion over the work of your hands; you put everything under his feet. Psalms 8: 4-5
Cuando contemplo tus cielos, obras de tus dedos, la luna y las estrellas que allí fijaste, me pregunto: "¿Qué es el hombre para que en él pienses? ¿Qué es el hijo del hombre para que lo tomes en cuenta?". Lo hiciste poco menor que los ángeles y lo coronaste de gloria y de honra. Le diste dominio sobre la obra de tus manos; todo lo pusiste bajo sus pies. Salmos 8: 4-5
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We aren't an accident without destiny
Constantly we experience battles in our flesh that are a reflection of what is going on around us. Many times we aren't aware of the spiritual world around us because we can't see it, and that leads us to lose a battle that we don't know we are fighting.
One of them is to test our knowledge of God and thereby cause us to doubt our purpose and what He says about our value and identity.
We all have an emptiness that only God can fill. Human beings were created in His image, so it's normal to live on the edge of need and feel empty when we are far from our Creator. The original plan was for man to be in communion with God, otherwise, "feeling empty" would be one of the many consequences of being far from His presence.
Who knows the work of art better than the artist himself? No one knows the works better than the one who created them. God knows our needs because God is our Creator. That "vacancy" that inhibits us from living a full life will always be God because God is the only and greatest need of man.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I sanctified you, I gave you as a prophet to the nations." Jeremiah 1: 5.
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No somos un accidente sin destino
Constantemente experimentamos batallas en nuestra carne que son el reflejo de lo que ocurre a nuestro alrededor. Muchas veces no estamos conscientes del mundo espiritual que nos rodea porque no podemos verlo, y eso nos lleva a perder una batalla que no sabemos que estamos luchando.
Una de ellas es poner a prueba nuestro conocimiento sobre Dios y por ende, hacernos dudar de nuestro propósito y sobre lo que Él dice de nuestro valor e identidad.
Todos tenemos un vacío que solo Dios puede llenar. El ser humano fue creado a Su imagen, por lo que es normal vivir al filo de la necesidad y sentirse vacío cuando estamos lejos de nuestro Creador. El plan original era que el hombre estuviera en comunión con Dios, de otro modo, “sentirse vacío” sería una de las tantas consecuencias al estar lejos de Su presencia.
¿Quién conoce mejor la obra de arte más que su propio artista? Nadie conoce mejor las obras más que aquel que las creó. Dios conoce nuestras necesidades porque Dios es nuestro Creador. Esa “vacante” que nos cohibe de vivir una vida plena siempre será Dios porque Dios es la única y mayor necesidad del hombre.
‭"Antes que te formase en el vientre te conocí, y antes que nacieses te santifiqué, te di por profeta a las naciones." Jeremías 1: 5.
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