#got incest
marysblo0d · 1 month
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How some of you sound
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horreurscopes · 1 year
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watching death note and house of the dragon simultaneously earlier this year did something permanent to my galaxy brain
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bonefall · 2 days
Maybe i just joined the fandom space way later than everyone else, but i swear to god the WaCa fandom is only this up in arms about how "ugly" and "deformed" and "disgusting" Moonpaw is/will be as a result of incest because she is confirmed to be a chimera.
I never saw this same kind of behavior when Graystripes parents were mistakenly made siblings. Nor with Ashfur and Squirrelflight, even after the fandom pointed out that theyre half-uncle and niece. I didnt see it with Fernsong and Ivypool. I didnt see it with Birchfall and Whitewing. I didnt see it with Dewnose and Sorrelstripe.
"Maybe its because theyre first cousins?" But no, because Dustpelt and Ferncloud are uncle and niece, directly related to Robinwing.
I believe the fandom only cares about the fact the parents are related here because in their mind it gives them "an excuse" to be disgusting about her chimerism. With any other characters, it's just another instance of the writers being incompetent. With Moonpaw, "it's why she's so fucked up".
Yes, they hate her because she's a result of an incest, but I'm starting to become convinced they're only this vocal about it because of how she looks. They don't truly care she's inbred, they only care that they have "a good reason" to be ableist.
This being said as a victim of incestual abuse. Cousin and cousin, just like Thriftear and Bayshine.
Is this a bad take? Am I grasping at straws? Is this just an effect of avoiding the fandom for so long? SOS
You're not grasping at straws. I think you're right on the money, honestly.
Something a lot of people don't seem to understand is that a lot of bigotry is not overt. Ableists don't usually run around saying they want all disabled people to be thrown off cliffs (when they get to that point we're in SERIOUS danger), but they DO grab your wheelchair's handles, or speak over you when you're stuttering, or assume you're stupid or dangerous. It's usually implicit biases, and structural inequality.
This is why humor is so good at revealing these internal biases. You may not believe you're classist, you might have friends from Alabama, or Durham, or Wales, but what accent do you give your "stupid" character if you're telling a story? Why are the accents of "poor" regions associated with low intelligence?
So to bring it around-- why did we see the spike in "jokes" about "ugly inbreeds" for our very first character with a confirmed genetic condition?
I've been in and around this fandom since 2008, and I've NEVER seen another character get talked about like this. Mind you, Graystripe was the child of a sister and a brother for a LONG time, too, from 2009 to 2016 (maybe even later, I don't remember exactly when the modern tree was released). And no one did it with Bristlefrost, either, in spite of there being a pretty huge uproar about her parents being distantly related.
No one else. Just the chimera. "No wonder she looks like that" and "here she is with a hapsburg jaw" and "she'd be so slurs she'd be icky."
Characters without disability, no congenital conditions, nothing = "Ugh damn writers and their incompetence strikes again. God they need to get some fresh blood in here"
There's also the incredible irony of the fact that like. moonpaw has a common tortie fur pattern and heterochromia. you don't even need to show an ableist an actual congenital condition, you can suggest a normal face is disabled and they will lose their minds. Bigotry rots your brain.
Also, just, as a closing note, as usual the bigot is incorrect. Chimerism and inbreeding have literally nothing to do with each other. There is no link between chimerism and inbreeding. they are once again confusing chimerism and mosaicism and trying to whine It's Just Biology because you told them their joke wasn't funny.
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tariah23 · 3 months
One of the main reasons why I used to avoid Isekai’s, and fantasy works in general, like the plague is because of how over saturated they’d become with things that didn’t feel like they even belonged to the genre to begin with… it’s not too hard to find works that stand out but so much of those works have been pushed down and forgotten, it just sucks.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
I'll give you 1 rabbit hole to go down... Pussy inspections with step-bro or long distance bf and any (i do mean any i can see all of them doing this tbh) character bc they are all filthy for reader making sure she is clean and messy for only one person in this world and she aint afraid to show her dedication bc she loves them with all her heart, mind and body
anon im so sorry i kept this in the ask box for so long BUT i just .. i just cannot comprehend this ....... THIS MADE ME SO FERAL pls each and every time i scrolled past this i was abt to scream 😭😭 i also can see MANY of the bllk boys doing this ,,please i feel like all of them are so obsessive in a relationship:((( BUT u know DAMN WELL that my absoluuuteeee fav to think of with stepcest is rinnie baby 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。 ok lemme expand
cw: stepcest, nsfw 17- and ageless blogs dni !
you've always been close with rin - the bond between you so much stronger than the one between you and the older itoshi brother - glued to him by the hip at all times, tugging along to watch the brothers practice and play. sae's four years older than you and finds it a bit harder to get along with you as well as he does with rin, probably because you just don't share any passion or hobby, but you're honestly okay with that! cause rin is always with u instead, making sure you're never left out.
sae leaving for spain and coming back a whole other person doesn't leave you unscathed, though, and watching rin close up on himself and grow so bitter hurts you sm :( your heart aches for your nii chan and u make sure to always, always give him all the support he needs - even if the ways turn a little... inappropriate, different from all the many ways siblings can show their appreciation to each other - but it's okay. he makes it feel just fine, like this is how it should've been all along <3 it's not like you're bound by blood - your parents took you in when you were a baby, yeah, and you two were growing up together just like all the other families - but your stepbrother treats you so well, and looks so good for you always, better than any of these boys that try to get your attention at school. nothing can possibly come between you two and rin makes sure to show it right <3
even when he's signed to a club overseas, all the way over in europe, and his name is worth millions, rin makes sure you're the very first thing he checks up on when he lands back in japan. you, his prettiest little sister, always looking so sweet as you welcome him home <3
"'ve you been good for me, love?" you tremble at rin's firm touch on the inside of your thigh, pushing your legs apart to get a better look of your soaked through, white silk panties.
your chest heaves, a quick nod of your head looking so desperate, he finds it hard not to smile.
"yes, nii-chan," you sound breathy, needy as your hips buck up just slightly. goosebumps rise along your skin, smooth and soft, and your stepbrother eases his large palms over it, fingers just slightly flexing on the flesh. "been thinking 'bout you everyday, rinnie."
teal eyes look up and bore into yours, a spark behind his gaze that you know so well and missed seeing so much over the time he was away in france. "hmm, were you?" he teases, a ghost of a smile on his lips as your hips squirm upon his palm cupping your heat through the flimsy material. "did you do anything about it?"
the inquiry makes you whine, cheeks feeling hot as you shake your head. of course not. you were his good girl, his good little sister. of course you'd never. he's the only one allowed to touch and pleasure your sweet little pussy - and he knows you're well aware of it, but can't deny himself to see the flustered look on your features.
"good girl," rin coos, hooking his index and middle finger behind the crotch of your panties and pushing them to the side. the sight of slick clinging to your folds, clit swollen and throbbing for any crumb of attention, is more than enough to make him groan under his breath.
anticipation makes your chest swell, throat tightening as you watch as he eases the underwear off, letting it pool around your ankle as he kneels closer to the edge of the bed. you start moaning even before his tongue comes in contact with your heat - the long wait making you so desperate that it takes just a hot breath across your pussy to make you mewl.
his nose knocks against your clit as he stuffs his mouth full of you, tongue lapping up all of the wetness that threatens to spill, and you taste just as sweet as he remembers. he moans, the sound vibrating against your heat as you grab fistfuls of black hair.
"nii-chan-" it's sinful, but sounds so good - so right.
his breath hitches in his throat at the little cries of yours. they ring in his ears, make his eyelashes flutter and hands grab at your ass to pull you even further towards him, until he feels your thighs twitch around his head and the heels of your feet digging against his shoulder blades.
no matter how much time passes, he's always going to be the best big brother you could ever have. your lover, the sweetest you could ever dream of and the only one you'll ever wish for. and even if his little checks up on you and the tight pussy he loves so much make you wish the earth could swallow you whole - the embarrassment too much to handle - you know it's only for the best, and look forward to it anyway.
you'll be done with college soon, and rin's already putting up a room for you in his paris penthouse, giddy with excitement at the thought of his pretty little sister moving back in with him - just like it's always been. but you don't need to worry! he will make sure to keep your little routine up either way, cause his imouto deserves to be taken care of <3
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the transzaki siblings
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hellonerf · 1 month
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remade that old shit character inspo chart with more characters this time. thankfully everyone condones it when i dont make sense
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
If you think incest is an inherently lgbt dynamic,there's a good chance you're a white gay who hasn't actually experienced incestous abuse
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lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
I have been thinking on the nature of mdzs as a deliberately vague text that leaves many things up to interpretation, and how i've slowly come to understand "up for interpretation" less as "there is One True version of this story i must find" and not even as " Everyone has a different One True Version of this story inside their head be based on their interpretations and the differences don't make one wrong and the other right" but as "There is no One True Version. Even in my own subjective interpretation of the text multiple things can be true at once" specifically, in regard to Jin Guangyao and the many things which are left up in the air as to whether he did them or not, most notably killing his son.
There's evidence for this, but it's non conclusuve (jgy saying he killed him while also saying he killed Qin Su, who very much killed herself. The speculations on how he'd have killed him being sect leader yao just saying shit. ) it is, esentially, just up in the air enough that if you decisively fall on one side of the debate is probably says more about you and your general opinion of jgy than it does about the "true" events of canon.
I have, as a proud apologist, always fallen on the "he didn't kill him but felt in some way responsible for his death." Side but recently have become more okay with the interpretation that maybe he DID kill him, and that at the very least, that when he tells Qin Su their son "needed to die" he is being genuine. Which, once you look at it beyond. "Is jgy a poor lil meow meow who it is Okay to Like or an irredeemable baby murderer" becomes both INCREDIBLY tragic and deeply interesting. Because here is a man condemned for who his parents were and who wants nothing more than to live, saying that it is possible to be so cursed by your heritage that you need to die. There is no existence for you. The exact same thing that has been said to him.
Of course being born out of wedlock to a sex worker and being a product of incest are different things, but that begs the question: where is the line? What crimes of the father can mean death for the son? How cursed can you be until your existence is so incompatible with society it is you who needs to give? And if there is... where is it? Qin su clearly thought she was past it. Was his son really past it? Is he?
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Just began Midsomer Murders and. Wtf. What is this place they live in.
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Supernatural 1.06 “Skin”
What happened? He tried to kill his wife. Tied her up and beat her.
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anthurak · 5 months
Fandom today has an unhealthy obsession with Found Family in the same way that Fandom ten years ago had an unhealthy obsession with Shipping.
Except I feel like this obsession is more annoying because at least Shipping seems a lot less susceptible to purity culture bullshit.
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colorisbyshe · 2 months
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ngl if this happened to me i would probably disappear for like week, like just drive to the woods and scream
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alicent-targaryen · 1 year
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SANSA MONTH 2023 ▸ Love Interest (insp.)
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artiststarme · 1 year
Staying Alive, Staying Alive
I was feeling a little angsty today and now here we are. I hope you guys like this and please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Title brought to you by @lumoschild!
Steve’s stomach dropped when he heard Dustin’s screaming from the trailer park. He and the girls were only about halfway back in their trek when they started hearing his cries which caused Steve to sprint in his direction. Why was Dustin screaming and where was Eddie? They were supposed to be out of danger. They were the goddamn decoys and Steve told them not to be heroes! 
The sight he stumbled on when he broke through the barrier of the trees would forever haunt him. Just past the rows of trailer homes, Dustin was knelt on bloodied knees, sobbing, with an unmoving Eddie situated half on his lap. The two of them were sitting in a pond of blood that was growing ever larger. Steve had never seen Munson so still, he was always flamboyant and larger than life in everything he did. His face, usually so expressive and full of life, had never been so pale either, only made worse with the sluggishly bleeding wounds still leaking from his neck and torso. 
“Dustin!” Steve screamed for him as he ran closer and fell to his knees beside him in a careless slump. “What happened? When’d he stop breathing?”
“I-I don’t know, just before you got here, I guess. He-he saved me. He didn’t run away this time, Steve.” He grabbed onto Eddie’s shoulders even stronger in a desperate hug while tears ran down his cheeks.
“Okay, I know he didn’t. Munson’s a strong guy and he still has fight left. I need you to put him down so I can bring him back, okay?” Steve muttered soothingly. If Eddie had just lost his pulse a few minutes ago, there was still a chance that he could get his heart beating again.
“What? Steve-”
“Put him down, Dustin!” Steve would feel bad for yelling at him later but he had a very limited window for CPR to work and he didn’t have time for any more niceties. 
Dustin flinched back as if struck and let go of Eddie abruptly. His face screwed up in a vicious sob when Steve started applying forceful compressions to his friend’s chest. “Steve, you’re hurting him!”
“He can’t feel pain if he’s dead, Dustin! If this works, he can complain about it later.” Steve struck Eddie’s chest over and over again to the beat of Stayin’ Alive by the Bee Gees like he was taught to as a swim instructor. He never could’ve imagined then that this is how he’d be using his skills. 
Both Dustin and Steve winced when they heard Eddie’s ribs crack but Steve didn’t stop applying his full body weight into every push. Nancy and Robin showed up at some point between Steve giving compressions and breathing into Eddie’s mouth but he paid them no mind. In fact, he didn’t pay anything any mind until Eddie gasped for air on his own. 
“Eddie!” Dustin yelled and tried to scramble away from Nancy’s arms that restrained him. 
“Ouch,” Eddie whispered before his eyes slid shut once more.
“No, no, no. Munson, wake up. Keep your eyes open. We have to get out of here, c’mon. Robin, help me pick him up,” Steve ordered. She quickly stepped forward and helped situate Eddie bridal-style in his arms. With a few well-placed cloths to act as bandages, she patted Steve’s shoulder and he bolted towards the gate in the Munson trailer. The entire Upside Down started shaking and the ground started to fracture in a horrific version of  ‘the-floor-is-lava’ game. 
But Steve could only focus on holding pressure against a particularly deep wound on Eddie’s side and the soft breaths fanning his neck. One step in front of the other, he sprinted as fast as he could without jostling the injured man in his arms too much. His efforts proved fruitless if the muffled moans of pain into his ear indicated anything. 
When he got to the trailer, Robin was right behind him. She threw the door open and pushed the small kitchen table underneath the quaking gate and threw herself through first, ungraceful and uncoordinated as it was, in order to catch Eddie when Steve pushed him through the portal. Which she did. By falling with him and kneeing him in the spine. Seeing them mostly safe, Steve carefully guided Dustin onto the table and threw the gate with his injured leg and then offered a hand to Nancy and gave her a gentle push. 
As the gate started to close, he hardly had enough time to jump through the portal into the Rightside Up himself. He could feel the sizzling heat on his sides and burning on the outer parts of his leg until his back met a soft surface on the ground. He made it. 
They didn’t have time to celebrate though because Dustin was crying in pain about his leg, Robin was rubbing her side in discomfort, and Eddie was still groaning and bleeding out onto his own stained mattress. Steve’s sides were screaming but he didn’t have time to acknowledge his own wounds until he was sure his friends would survive. 
“Alright Nancy, where’s your car? We have to get to the hospital.” Steve asked her, easily falling into the position of leader once more.
“Um, it's right outside.” With a peek out the trailer’s window, Steve could definitely see that it was not. 
“No it isn’t. Where’d you park it?” 
“I swear,” Nancy promised. “I parked it right in front of the door. We’ll just have to call for an ambulance.”
Steve shook his head and ran a stressed hand through his hair. Eddie didn’t have time for an ambulance. With the earthquakes and the preexisting stigma around the people that lived at Forest Hills, an ambulance would take up to thirty minutes and he didn’t have that. Fuck, what were they going to do?!
He sent another glance out the window to see a small sedan parked outside the neighboring trailer. Bullseye. 
“Okay, new plan. Eddie and I are going to hotwire that car and drive to the hospital. You guys are going to call an ambulance and meet us there.” He nodded to himself and went to pick up a blurry-eyed Eddie. 
“Steve, we should stick together. It’s not smart to go off on our own,” Nancy expressed condescendingly. 
“Well, no one’s ever mistaken me for being smart so I guess that’s par for the course. We’ll see you at the hospital.” Then they were off. Steve was once again carrying Eddie as gently as he could but this time Eddie’s eyes were open and searching. 
“Who knew that Steve Harrington would be so adamant on keeping me alive?” He muttered.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Munson.”
“I’m bleeding all over you, surely we’re on a first name basis now. Right Steve?” His tone was pretty challenging for a guy that was dead less than five minutes ago. 
“You can call me whatever you want, Eddie. Just keep your eyes open.”
“Okay, I’ll try my best. What’re you planning on doing? Lisa always leaves her car locked,” he said as soon as he saw the direction Steve was walking in.  
Steve didn’t dignify his question with a response. He just grabbed the ax from its position secured on his back and swung the dull edge towards the driver’s side window, shattering it instantly. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie murmured in amazement. Unknowingly to Steve, that was the exact moment that Eddie fell in love with him. He had risked his life to save him in the Upside Down and carried him bridal-style out of hell. Now he was committing crimes to keep him alive and looking hot while doing it. Eddie’s heart didn’t stand a chance. 
Steve gently leaned Eddie against the car while he worked to get the driver’s side door open and then picked him up again to gently settle him in across the backseats. His movements caused Eddie to whimper in pain but they were so close, they couldn’t stop now. 
“Okay Munson, focus. How do I hotwire this car?” Steve looked back at him and saw the seats quickly staining red. “Shit Eddie! Put pressure right there, we have to slow the bleeding. C’mon, how do I do this?
Eddie tried to press his bandana into his worst wound as he gave Steve directions. “Pull off the steering column and grab the wires. Did you get my pliers? You’ll need those to strip the coating.”
“Yep. Okay, I got the cover off and I see the wires. What next?”
“There-there should be… two wires. One red and one black. You have to s-strip them and tap them together until the ignition starts…” 
His voice started to taper off towards the end of his explanation and he could hardly keep his eyes open anymore. Steve pulled the wires from the steering column and stripped them just as Eddie had in the RV. When he looked into the backseat, he did a double take. Eddie’s skin was even paler and clammier than it had been before. Most worryingly though, his eyes were glazed and his breathing was labored. Steve reached an arm back to shake at his shoulder. 
“Don’t fucking die, Eddie! I didn’t carry you out of the goddamn Upside Down just for you to die in some stranger’s backseat.” He hissed in angered panic. 
“Ooo kinky.” Eddie mumbled through chapped lips. 
“Not kinky, dying is not kinky! Wake up, Eddie!” 
Just then, the engine turned over and the ignition started. “Yes, yes! Eddie, hold on. I got the car to start. C’mon man, five minutes to the hospital. You’ve got this.”
“Okay…” Eddie whispered. Steve could hardly breathe as he sped down the roads and broke every traffic law. He didn’t care about the consequences of his actions as long as Eddie lived. He didn’t care about speeding tickets or jail time, he just needed his new friend to survive. 
“Eddie, you doing okay?”
“I wouldn’t… characterize this as- as being… okay,” he answered between labored breaths. 
“You’re doing great, man,” Steve told him. He looked back at him in the rearview and saw Eddie’s eyes looking back at him. 
“Thanks for doing this, Stevie. You didn’t have to. You-you could’ve left me there-”
“Shut up, man. I wasn’t going to leave you after you risked your life to help us. You’re one of us now whether you like it or not.” Steve told him. He wasn’t going to stand for any self-deprecating comments after he’d almost died (did die for a few minutes) to save Dustin. 
Eddie hummed before the car lapsed into silence for the next minute or so, only broken by the sounds of Eddie wheezing for air and Steve’s fingers shaking against the steering wheel. When they arrived at the hospital, Steve pulled right in front of the emergency room and screamed for help. Nurses, doctors, and assistants came rushing out to help him and they placed Eddie on the gurney. 
His lips were red with blood and his face was ashen without it. But when Steve looked at him, he smiled wide. “I’ll see you later, Big Boy.”
Steve couldn’t even threaten the hospital staff to treat him well or tell them to ignore the rumors on TV (although he would find out later that Nancy and Robin did that well enough on their own). As soon as Eddie was wheeled out of sight, Steve collapsed from his own injuries. 
Just a few days later, Steve woke up from sedation to find himself in a hospital bed with Eddie as a roommate. And if his heartbeat sped up on the monitor when Eddie smiled at him, well, that wasn’t anyone’s business but theirs.
Permanent tag list:@doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild
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marysblo0d · 1 month
I think this is the only fandom I’ve been in where it’s considered weird not to enjoy incest.
I’m the freak for not shipping an uncle and niece, or brother and sister. Pull out the pillory and throw your stones!
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