#gonna keep trying til i get it right but i’m gonna space them out so i don’t get a noise complaint lol
harrylights · 5 months
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spacedace · 2 months
“Hey, I need to get married for bullshit Infinite Realms reasons, you two in?”
“Tt, of course.”
“Sure thing! Do we need to get going for that like, right now? Or later?”
“Eh, like in a couple of hours? The Observants are demanding some Royal Ball or something and they pulled out some stupid old laws out of their collective asses that if I’m not married by the time it starts they can assign me spouses of their choosing, can you fucking believe that shit?”
“Woah, what the hell? Can they even do that?”
“I was under the impression they were only permitted to observe.”
“Right? It’s total crap, but apparently there’s like this super old law on the books and they didn’t bring it up until now when there’s like no time left to try and force me to marry someone they pick.”
“They are training to gain influence over you?”
“Eh, more like they’re trying to get control of my Dad by way of me. But still fucked as hell.”
“So why do you need to marry both of us? Or do you just need to marry one of us and we should play rock paper scissor for it?”
“Technically I only need to marry one of you, but I don’t want them pulling out any loopholes or something. So, it’d be great if one of you could be my consort for my role as Queen of Mirrors, and one could be my consort for my role as Crown Princess. You two can figure who’s who on that all that, I’m good with whatever.”
“Oooh, can I be consort for the Mirror Court? I can annoy Kon more that way.”
“I am amenable to that. Grandfather will have a fit when he learns that I can cut his access to the Pits off at my discretion and there’s nothing he can do about it.”
“Awesome, okay are you two good for meeting up at like, three? We can pop over to my Lair and get everything sorted out there.”
“Works for me, my only class til this afternoon is at one and the professor already said we’re cutting out early because she has to go out of town this weekend.”
“Four would be more agreeable if possible, I have to take Titus to the vet for his checkup.”
“Okay let’s aim for four then. It’s just signing some paperwork, making some quick blood-slash-ectoplasm pacts and swearing a couple binding oaths… Should only take like five or ten minutes?”
“They’re not gonna make you have a huge royal wedding or anything?”
“Nah. Dad keeps things pretty chill so as long as the paperwork is all in order we’ll be good. Though once Auntie Dorathea finds out she’s absolutely gonna make us have one. She loves planning weddings. Swear its what she makes her hoard out of somehow.”
“So long as we have a say in some of the proceedings I have no issue with that eventuality.”
“Same, it sounds like it’d be a fun way to annoy the Observants even more.”
“Don’t for get all the weirdos trying to be my suitors and all that bullshit.”
“We have an accord then. We can reconvene at the usual place.”
“Awesome, you two are the best! I gotta jet and let everyone know and get the ball rolling on the paperwork stuff. See you guys at four!”
With that, Nomad - Stella Phantom, Crown Princess of the Infinite Realms, Queen of Mirrors, Core of the Speedforce and ghostly hero of the Titans and the Justice League - tore a rip in the fabric of space and time and darted out of the room the same way she came. Through the mind-bending tear in reality the eerie, eye-searing green of the Infinite Realms glowed in all its unsettling glory, Phantom Keep a glittering expanse of night sky made solid in the distance.
Jon waved at her cheerfully as Damian gave a nod of farewell before both silently turned their attention back to their respective tablets as the portal closed behind their friend and teammate and the glimpse of the Ghost Zone disappeared again. Completely unbothered by the conversation just held or the life changing implications that came with them.
Jon was humming as he tapped away at something on the screen before him, Damian propping his head up on his fist in vague boredom as he frowned down at the information he was reading.
The rest of the room Nomad had left behind was caught in a frozen, stunned silence in the wake of the baffling conversation they’d all just been witness to. All eyes in the room darted between Flamebird and Pheonix seated calmly at the end of the table, then to the space where Nomad had disappeared to, back to the young men, and then towards the head of the table where Superman and Batman sat looking bewildered and a bit on the verge of heart attacks.
The short status update meeting was about to become much, much longer it seemed.
Though a lot more entertaining.
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steddieas-shegoes · 11 months
'til the grave and when we're ghosts
| This is a birthday ficlet for my flower, Dio (@flowercrowngods), who deserves all the happiness and love that he can possibly get, especially on his birthday. I hope the love between Steve and Eddie is sweet enough for you today ❤️ - Mickala
“The moon’s hiding tonight,” Steve whispered.
He’d come outside with Eddie to help him relax after a hard day at physical therapy. The air around them was thick with a tension Steve wasn’t used to.
Even on his bad days, Eddie was usually still light enough to float around the space they shared, bringing happiness to Steve that he hadn’t been prepared for.
“Yeah. Maybe she’s having a bad day too,” Eddie whispered, his voice sounding choked, wet.
Close to tears.
Steve turned onto his side, watched as Eddie closed his eyes, a tear slipping down the side of his face.
Steve reached his fingers out slowly, wiping away the moisture and waiting for Eddie to open his eyes again.
“What’s wrong, Eds?”
Eddie finally turned his face, another tear escaping from his eye.
“Do you ever wonder if it’s worth the trouble?”
“If what’s worth the trouble?”
“The work of getting better. The fact that I’m six months into recovery and barely closer to being cleared for take off than I was when I started is annoying. What’s worse is that this may be all I ever get to be again. I might always have a limp, and pain, and lose feeling in my leg and arm randomly, and phantom pain in my stomach. I could spend years at physical therapy and brain therapy and taking medications and it could all mean nothing.”
Steve cupped Eddie’s jaw, shaking his head as he spoke.
“It’s all for something. It’s to show yourself that you are alive. It’s to show the kids that you aren’t gonna give up on being the best you can be. It’s to show Wayne that you are the same Eddie you’ve always been.”
“But it’s hard. It’s so hard.”
Steve leaned in and kissed a tear on his cheek, biting back his own sob when Eddie pulled him on top of him.
Sometimes Eddie liked to feel small. He liked having Steve surround him, liked having Steve’s face right above him so he couldn’t see anything, feel anything, but Steve.
And Steve always knew when he needed it, always made himself bigger, shielded him from the world.
He did it now, curled himself around Eddie so that none of the barely-there moonlight could break through. Shared breaths against lips kept them both warm, kept them safe.
“I am so proud of you, baby. Even when it’s hard, you try. Even when it’s hard, you don’t run. You could have given up every single day since you woke up, but you didn’t. You kept going, kept trying, kept showing up for yourself. You make me so proud just to know you, let alone get to love you.”
Eddie’s leaking eyes watched Steve’s, his gaze turning softer as Steve spoke, his body relaxing more with every word.
It’s not the way Steve was going to tell him he loved him, not even close to his original plan.
His original plan was a romantic dinner, all of Eddie’s favorites, even the cookies that were kind of a pain in the ass to make but made Eddie light up. Watching the stars like this, but in the privacy of Steve’s backyard instead of the semi-privacy of the backyard of the new trailer. Going for a midnight swim, clothes abandoned on the pool chairs, skin against skin underwater and above it.
He’d wrap his arms around Eddie’s waist, the cool water lapping at their skin as Eddie pulled him against his chest, humming a song or whispering a story of just breathing slowly.
He’d tell him. He’d say he loved him. Make sure he knew how every moment with him is a moment Steve couldn’t have dreamed up if he tried.
That was the plan.
Plans can change, but his feelings don’t.
He loved Eddie when he was in a coma in the hospital, he loved Eddie when he woke up begging to see Dustin to make sure he really was okay, he loved Eddie every time he laughed and sang and made wild gestures for the people he loved.
He’ll keep loving Eddie through every moment of pain, through every day like today and night like this, he’ll love Eddie because it’s easy.
“I love you, Eddie. More than you can possibly imagine or know, more than I can say. And every day it gets bigger and better and I wonder what I could have possibly done to deserve this chance. I didn’t know it was possible to love a person as much as I love you, but I’ll keep doing it, every single day, for as long as you let me and beyond that. ‘Til the grave and when we’re ghosts, baby.”
Steve was shaking, both with the effort of staying above Eddie for so long and with the emotions spilling out of him.
He cupped Eddie’s jaw, his thumb wiping away a set of fresh tears.
He rested his forehead against Eddie’s, felt Eddie’s hands reach up and hold his hips, tug his waist down so they were touching at nearly every point they physically could be.
“I didn’t think I’d have this, I still don’t.”
“But you do, Eds. You do. You have me, you have the love I have for you. It’s all yours for as long as you want it.”
“‘Til the grave and when we’re ghosts?” Eddie smirked up at him, his cheeks flush from crying.
Steve nudged his nose against Eddie’s, silently asking for a kiss if he was ready for one. Not pushing, just suggesting.
Eddie leaned his head back so their lips could meet in a messy kiss, the tears staining Eddie’s face now becoming a part of Steve’s.
But that was it, wasn’t it?
Steve wanted every part of Eddie.
He wanted the sunshine and the moon and the stars. He wanted the laughter and fun and love. He wanted the touch and the looks and the excitement.
But he also wanted the tears and the snot. He wanted the bad days and the pain. He wanted the nightmares and the trauma.
He wanted it all with Eddie because Eddie was worth having it all with.
“I’ll take any bad day with you over any good day without you,” Eddie whispered as they pulled apart. “I love you too.”
Steve shivered at the words, felt the way they carved a permanent place in his chest.
Love didn’t fix the bad days, not for Eddie or for Steve, but it made them bearable, made them feel like they had something to hold onto when everything seemed hard to grasp.
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chemicallywrit · 1 month
Happy Audio Drama Sunday!! When I was a non-teacher adult I thought to myself, surely as a child I exaggerated the desperate need for summer break. Now that I am a teacher adult, I can admit that I was. Wrong. I need a break, but luckily I have time for this.
Here's what I listened to this week!
@ourstoriedinsight's season finale was this week and wow. Wow. The way this show so effortlessly dances on ideas of trust, truth, and ethics while telling a story of four (five? Sir George count?) ridiculous and reluctant heroes who have only a dead friend in common is staggering. This episode especially, as you can see how they really drew together against (and then with) Sage. I love them, your honor. And I would also let Rain be my lawyer. Everyone listen to Our Storied Insight.
Jeez louise @camlannpod, can you give a girl a break? I am so glad Gwaine’s okay, and I’m fascinated by the mistrust Peredur has for him, even after they tried to track him over hill and dale. And I am SO worried about what's about to happen next. I wonder what Dai's going to do about it. I wonder if he'll do anything (please, Dai, do something).
This week's episode of Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club had me rolling. Look, I knew the title going in ("It's French for A Horny Party") and I still cackled when the line appeared in the episode. Josie, I hope you continue changing for the better. Also it inspired me to make beans and rice for dinner and that was a wild success.
When Karim Kronfli showed up at the beginning of the season of Among the Stars and Bones, I was excited, but holy heck. The performances in this show. Oh, right, and the twist at the end--you know, I really should have expected things to get a million times worse, based on how last season went, but this is a MILLION times worse. How are they gonna get out of this one folks???
@keepitsteadypod KEEP IT STEADY IS BACK KEEP IT STEADY MY BELOVED. Things are REALLY going places between Zach and Gabe now and neither of them know it. I love high schoolers, they're so dumb. Admit you like each other, dummies. Shoutout to our great good school nurse trying to fight for kids, and I thought the reveal about Zach's past was remarkably done. I love this show.
In relistening news, Life with Althaar again (what's up, @geminicollisionworks!). I rarely relisten to shows, but this one is worth my while every time. Listen to Life with Althaar, a silly space sitcom that gets Not So Silly when the story decides to commit to the bit. Althaar, I would die for you.
Inn Between is truckin right along with 5.9 this week, which I found absolutely delicious to watch the actors bring to life. It’ll be outdone only by the episode next week. In zombie news, boy oh boy, this week we're doing some recording for The Dead that I'm very worried about but ready for the challenge of. It involves directing singers in a language I do not speak! Lol pray for me. If I can make it til school ends, maybe I'll have some other news as well! Keep a weather eye out.
Hey, want to help me satiate my sudden summer cravings for fun drinks? Buy me a ko-fi!
See y'all next week!
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ros3ybabe · 9 months
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Language Learning Goals 🎀
because I’m just starting out trying to re learn and familiarize myself with the Japanese language again, it was hard for me to think of current goals I might want to achieve, and what time frame I’d want to achieve them in. I think I will begin posting a monthly goals list because as I learn more of the language, my goals are definitely going to change. Right now I have my long term goals for Japanese and then some short term daily/monthly goals!
🌸 Long Term Japanese Goals -
conversational fluency - I want to be able to have comprehensible conversations with native Japanese speakers, and be able to understand what they say and also be able to speak the language myself
understand Japanese media - I want to be able to listen to music and watch Japanese YouTubers and Anime without subtitles
understand spoken/written Japanese - again, I want to be able to know what other people are saying in this beautiful language and also be able to read it to some extent.
My main goals long term are to travel to different parts of Japan in the coming future so being able to speak, understand, and read japanese are my biggest concerns but I’d also like to have that knowledge of writing the characters and knowing proper stroke order too, just for fun and education!
🌸 Daily Japanese Learning Goals -
Use one type of media as a passive learning tool (music, tv shows, YouTube, anime)
Study Flashcards 2-3 times (currently using my hiragana Flashcards I made on Anki)
Minimum of 2 Duolingo lessons
Practice writing the characters in an app (again, currently re learning hiragana)
1 other app lesson used as a supplemental learning tool (renshuu, Bunpo, LingoDeer, drops, etc)
My daily goals are a bit broad as this is typically what I want to do on a day to day basis for about a month of two, and then I will incorporate using textbooks, workbooks, notebooks, and really dive into the self studying and learning more structurally.
🌸 Monthly Japanese Goals (September) -
Memorize hiragana characters
Begin learning basic vocabulary (~30 vocabulary words by end of month)
Begin studying katakana characters (make Flashcards, use apps, etc)
Practicing speaking and pronunciation skills (shadow speak: use YouTube and some tv shows)
Practice realistic listening skills (YouTube videos, tv shows, anime)
Purchase Genki I and Genki II workbook and textbook + Answer Key and chart bundle
Kept a minimum of a 7 - 10 day streak on Duolingo
Joined Japanese club at my university
These are my current goals for the month of September! As the weeks continue, i will assess my progress and build new monthly goals depending on my current progress levels. I’m really excited to be doing this and sharing this journey with everyone. The biggest thing about why I made this blog the way I did was to keep myself accountable for my goals and that is exactly what I plan on doing; reaching my goals!
I so deeply appreciate the encouragement and support you all show me on a consistent basis! It means so much to have this community to keep me accountable and just help keep me on track with my goals but also remind me to be kind to myself! You guys are absolutely amazing <3
Im gonna post a combined daily update for today and yesterday later tonight!
Til next time, lovelies 🩷🤍
***also, wanted to mention, none of the pictures I use are my own!!! I get them from Pinterest but I use them in my posts to keep me motivated to make my space and aesthetic in real life as similar as possible!
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louisisalarrie · 2 months
Can you explain what you mean about Louis team not trying anymore? Do you mean in terms of promo of him/his tour?
Louis is on a break at the moment so not sure what we’re expecting his team to be doing? I’ve got to say I’m not that keen on them either. I mean I like his band members but the management crew do seem lazy and disinterested. Not sure if it bothers L or not. He’s so laid back it’s hard to tell!
Heya anon! Thanks for the inbox, and welcome to the show.
Look… yes, he’s on a break. That’s fine, and while Harry and zayn are currently getting press, there could be concern for over-saturation in the market due to the overlap of fans, and therefore could even be Agreements between H/L/Z’s managers to space out the promo a bit so fans can absorb one thing at a time. Niall’s on tour with consistent promo social media posts (not too many headlines though), so he’s not to worry, and Liam isn’t getting really any press, even though he is being more active with fans. However…
Just because Louis is on break, that doesn’t mean his team needs to be. They should be gearing up with promo for the LATAM tour that starts in 2 weeks. They’ve always been lazy with trying to reach GP and having substantial press/working with interviewers or industry professionals that will connect him to a larger demographic, and have relied on a very dedicated fanbase as their main source of income/Louis’ success. The problem with that, is by forming such a special connection between Louis and the fans, he (his team) need to be creating content and delivering to the fans so it doesn’t feel so one sided. It frustrates me to no end because even though they are doing well with the relationship between louis and fans, sometimes they don’t even know that demographic as well as they think they do.
Louis 100% deserves a break. I don’t expect him to be posting every day or doing livestreams or twitter chats, but his team need to at least be posting on Insta/twitter once or twice a week for him. Theyve been really MIA a little too long in my opinion, and the whole point of this promo is to sell tickets to the upcoming LATAM tour. It is crucial promo time, ya know?
So anyway, again this is just in my opinion and experience and analysing the marketing strategies/timelines of Louis’ past tours/album drops etc., they just aren’t delivering that promo, and haven’t actively tried to reach a larger demographic with the GP like… ever. Could he have done a couple of pre recorded interviews while he wasn’t MIA to drop over this time? He should have. Maybe a few pre written press articles about his tour ready to drop on a specific date? Hopefully. There should be content available to post whenever necessary. And hell, I’m sure there will be some level of promo before the tour, but leaving it til last minute doesn’t really do him any favours.
His team come off as lazy and often rely on us to do the work for him, which like… fine, fans literally keep an artist’s career alive so there is obviously a level of fans promoting said artist, but it feels like it’s a lot of us giving and hanging around and a lot of them taking and too much reliance on just his already established fans selling out shows, not new fans who could grow his numbers substantially.
Again, I’m 100% not advocating for him to not have a break, I’m saying his team are barely doing the bare minimum at the moment, and it’s not doing him and his tour any favours. I’m not saying Louis is lazy, and I’m not saying that he doesn’t care, this is strictly to do with his team and their strategies.
And yes, he does come across as very laid back and yes, he loves what he does and works hard. But I feel there may be a level of complacency with his team right now. Like “oh well, you’re not ever gonna be as big as Harry, so we won’t even bother with this strategy even if it worked for him” kinda thing. But, for the hell of it, let’s say that Louis doesn’t really wanna do more promo. He’s happy at the level he’s at, doing just enough of what his team wants him to do, and he doesn’t want to strive to be any more successful. He knows he’s at a good place, so why bother? But… Matt Vines needs to make money. He’d be on a commission rate of an industry standard around 20%, but might be more depending on their Agreement. It wouldn’t be any less. So… if Louis isn’t making more money, Matt isn’t making more money (he would be making a certain amount with the other artists he manages, but overall Louis would be making the most out of that roster, his commission on smaller bands may lead closer to 15% standard). Obviously money is still coming in to them, but you get me. So, even if Louis is chilling and happy, it’s weird to see such a little amount of promo leading up to a very exciting and hopefully successful tour in LATAM.
You can read in this interview from 2022 with Matt, about his ideas on management. Notably, the below about previous data from 1d and their activations and campaigns and I haven’t really seen too many elements of that in his current promo (obv gonna be at a different scale because 1d was one of the biggest bands in the world for a hot minute there, but there’s been little to no elements of these strategies in his current promo season):
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So i truly haven’t seen much of those marketing techniques employed within his promo these days. And here, he talks about the relationship he has with his artists and why his company stands out from others:
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Which, yes, I agree that a manager-artist relationship should be different from what it’s traditionally known. And I can see that they do have a different relationship, with the lack of stunting and louis taking the reins a lot more. We see more authenticity, and less show, which is great. Louis is serious and has actively worked to understand the business and how different streams and parts of the industry work.
But his team aren’t working to grow the fanbase. Matt Vines has been in this industry long enough to understand marketing and promo and demographics more so than Louis, but it feels like he’s not even helping him grow bigger. Idk, it feels disappointing that for a hot minute he was on a roll and gaining a lot of traction and it seems to have stagnated a little bit and his reach has only gone so far, where it should be further out to the GP too.
Anyway, look, again this is just my opinion. I’m incredibly proud of him and his team have done a lot for him, but they can always do more. And yet, they haven’t. I don’t want to see Louis exhausted and a wreck from touring like the 1d days, but promo comes in so many different forms and it’s not just about stunting and clothing lines and social media. There’s more his team could do for him, without him working 100% of the time.
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tllgrrl · 1 year
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Quam Celerrime Ad Astra by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
A SarahBucky AU | Rated: T | Pairing: Astronaut!Sarah Wilson x Astronaut!Bucky Barnes | Space Fluff
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They officially started dating during the 18 months of mission training.
9 months in, after grueling, intense, no holds barred physical and mental prep for the mission, good-natured ribbing became coffee breaks, and commiseration became lunches. Study sessions became deep conversations. Dinners with the team became dinners for two, and eventually dinner and the next morning, breakfast in bed.
Their last time to themselves before reporting to the Facility for the week-long preflight quarantine with the crew, they spent the night making love as if it was literally their last night on Earth because the mission was going to be a very long 6 months.
At one point, seeing the bite mark on his shoulder and the bruise on her hip, between kisses she teased, “Keep this up Lover Boy, they’re gonna give us our physicals and wonder if we’re in a Fight Cub.”
“No doubt,” he murmured, rolling the two of them over. “I’m not too heavy on you, am I?”
“Hold on…” she mused, then shifting her hip, her thigh relaxed open a little wider, which pulled an appreciative moan and a soft giggle from both of them. “There. Not heavy at all. This…is definitely one of the benefits of gravity.”
⋆ . ˚ ✩ ⋆ . ˚
4 months later, a little more than 2 months remaining of a hand held here, an arm brushed there, a couple of loopy, weightless, zero gravity make out sessions, and quick kisses GoodNight before climbing into their sleeping bags tucked into individual quarters that literally could hold only one person….
“…Barnes. Barnes, do you copy back there?”
“Copy, Commander. Sorry. Just kind of…taken by this view.”
“Yeah. I don’t blame you. Seeing the Earth out there like that. It’s really something.“
“You sure are…I mean, affirmative. Over.”
“Barnes, is your COMM to Crew and Ground live?”
“Negative. We’re presently on Intercom. We have the room to ourselves.”
“Copy. We don’t want another slip up like—“
“I know. Sorry about that. I blame that slip on the Overview Effect and you. Seeing both you and the Earth, floating in space in front of me. I guess I lost myself. Good thing the crew and everyone at Ground Control all know by now that we’re—“
“They do. But what people not us didn’t need to know, or hear, was how good you think my ass looks in this space suit. Granted, you’re not wrong, but—“
“Waitaminute, hold on. Okay. COMM’s off…now.”
“I’m kidding! It’s just…Sarah…from where I am right now, the beauty of Space has nothing on you, cerul meu înstelat.”
“Look at you getting your flirt on at 5 miles a second! Cerul meu înstelat, huh? That’s a new one you’re going to have to teach me later, but for now, Mission Specialist Barnes, mind on task. Clock’s ticking on this EVA. You need to deploy your experiments and gather the data, and I need to check the solar arrays and the thermal blanket on the MSS so we can get back inside and let the next team get out here.”
“Which would give us a little bit of alone time, Commander Wilson. You and I only have…let’s see…36 hours left to try and set a record for the Mile High Club.”
“Ha! I miss you too, and can’t wait ‘til we get back home because not only is there no real privacy to speak of up here, we both know that…things…don’t exactly work out here in space like they do back on Earth.”
“Don’t remind me! Doesn’t stop me from wanting to—hey…do you think I can get Ground Control to release us early? You know, send a—“
“What, a Shuttle to come get us so we can rush home and—?”
“I’m just sayin’! Quarters are really close on the Station, and us not being able to…baby…it’s hard.”
“Not way out here, it’s not!”
“You’re killin’ me, Wilson!”
“Wait’ll we get home. And bring that spacesuit with you, sweet cheeks. Copy?”
[Other mission crew members are heard snickering through their headsets.]
“Hey, you two lovebirds. The sooner you finish up out there, the sooner you two can—“
“What!? BARNES!!”
“Roger that request, Commander.”
⋆ . ˚ ✩ ✭ ⋆☆゚ ゚⋆☆゚✭ ✩ ˚ . ⋆
Cerul meu înstelat (Romanian): My starry sky.
Quam celerrime ad astra (Latin): “With greatest speed to the stars.”
Roger: “received and understood”
Copy: “Roger” + “I am retaining this info”
Copy: Also means “Did you receive the message?”
EVA: Extravehicular Activity aka “spacewalk”
MSS: Mobile Servicing System. Part of which are robotic arms used to transport equipment and support astronauts during EVA.
The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift reported by some astronauts. A profound state of awe caused by a particularly striking visual stimulus such as seeing the Earth from space.
⋆ . ˚ ✩ ✭ ⋆☆゚ ゚⋆☆゚✭ ✩ ˚ . ⋆
1) Also posted HERE on AO3.
2) Posted again for a SarahBucky Fic/Art Event, fan art by Yours Truly HERE.
2) There was no artist credited for this beautiful fantasy artwork. I even searched Google and can’t find anything. If you know who the artist is, please let me know so I can give them some proper credit. Until someone can tell me who made this, I’m going to say that it was a talented artist. And how often do we see Black women as astronauts in fantasy art? However many you say, it’s not enough.
Thank you for reading and indulging me.
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Favourite lyrics from ‘Louis Tomlinson’ Songs:
Disclaimer: I love all of Louis’ songs and think he is an incredibly talented lyricist. His lyrics often make me feel emotions I wasn’t expecting, and get me into deep spirals of thought.
Faith In The Future
All This Time: It’s not how you spend the time, it’s if you waste it // And I keep on building mountains hoping that they’ll turn to gold but the truth is I still doubt that what I do can get me home // Our eyes meet and I can tell that you’re the same as me
Saturdays: I’m gazing at the floor somebody’s got your trainers on the ones the ones that you wore when you walked out the door // We always used to say Saturdays take the pain away // Through my cigarette A shadow of you sticks me to the carpet // My heart might be broken but I won’t be broken down
Holding Onto Heartache: Creates the strangest feelin’ just slowly waitin’ for the end // The moments never shown to us because we faded into darkness // You know the parties over when you’re standing in an empty space alone // Nothing’s ever easy to be honest, I’m not easy on myself
Face The Music: Love and hate are in-between depends on your reality to see them // So one more night I’m gonna choose I don’t wanna face the music but I still wanna dance with you // Close your eyes and count to ten If you’re standin’ on the edge of fallin’ // Let’s buy some time
The Greatest: Said I had a plan for us time, it came and changed it all we had to disappear // Back dancin’ in the dark back to the very start finding pieces we can fit making up for what we missed // It’s you and me until the end life for us is never over
That’s The Way Love Goes: Remember when you told me I should give it time? well, here’s the chance for you to take your own advice // When it cuts you, when you bleed that’s when you’re feelin’ it the most // Not gonna ask you, but we’ll make sure your okay who cares? It’s her loss anyway
Chicago: They say, “bitter ends turn sweet in time” is that true of yours and mine? // Has it been long enough that you can forgive me? Just because it didn’t work, doesn’t mean it’s meaningless to me // ‘Cause I’ve been wondering what you’d say would you have told me to keep goin’? or would you say to walk away?
Headline: Sometimes, I wake up, and I hear you through the silence // You let your pride hide all your beauty and your kindness // So many reasons now you’re not mine // You never told me never I guess I never knew we’d have the shortest forever // Thought I could, but I can’t forget you
Silver Tongues: You said love was a pretty lie // you smile at me and say, “It’s time to to go” but I don’t feel like goin’ home // you say grass was a dirty drug you like to preach with a vodka in your mug // you and me until the end wakin’ up to start again
Angels Fly: There’s a time for sayin’ who did what where it went wrong, I wanna hear all that, but right now what I need you to know is // You’ll be okay, we can talk tomorrow I’m on my way with some time to burrow // I won’t say a word, it can wait ‘til morning // put the pain behind you now you don’t need it anymore // there were problems in this empty bottle at the bottom, but we drained all that (My ultimate favourite of FITF)
She Is Beauty We Are World Class: Conversation is currency shapes become language // Escape the inevitable fade into light soak up the empathy // Has it been all this before? Do you see what I see?
Bigger Than Me: When somebody told me I would change I used to hide behind a smile // I didn’t read the signs walking different lines I know I took a left trying to make it right // I was afraid, I don’t know why ‘cause so does the world outside I’ve realised and it’s bigger than me
Common People: I Came from a good home A house full of terrace dreams that was enough for me // The mistakes and the heartaches when I get lost, I go back to where I started // I took head of the local no deep pockets, only big hearts do you see what I see?
Out Of My System: I never wanna go slowly I only wanna go faster towards disaster // I am only half of what I think I can be // I’ve lived a lot of my life already but I gotta get though the rest // I’m taking all of my demons puttin’ them where I won’t see them ‘cause I just wanna feel alive
Written All Over Your Face: A hurricane behind the door so, I’ve come ready for a war // When we’ve finished saying nothing can we, please, get back to loving?
Lucky Again: I see how hard you’ve worked to be yourself // But I figured it out, then made my way back to a life I would choose // Before the world, it got so serious before the time, it got away from us // Whatever get you through the darkest night just find the light out in the darkness, hold tight // I’m a hard man to find but you figured it out and I love you for that
Defenceless: “wish I didn’t need so much of you” I hate to say but I do // we’re sleeping on our problems like we’ll solve them in our dreams // And I can’t get inside when you’re lost in your pride but you don’t have a thing to prove // And I’m too tired to be tough just wanna be loved by you
Only The Brave: Set fire to history I’m breaking my own rules // I’ve been close enough to touch but I never cared for love // And it’s only hello, hello, no goodbye. (One of my favourites from Walls)
Walls: The day you walked away and took the higher ground was the day I became the man that I am now // Nothing makes you hurt like hurtin’ who you love // For every question why, you were my because // So this one is a thank you for what you did to me why is it that thank-yous are so often bittersweet?
Always You: I went to Tokyo to let it go drink after drink but I still felt alone // Walked through the door but it felt nothing like home ‘cause you’re not home //
Too Young: I’ve been looking back a lot lately me and you is all I’ve ever known It’s hard to think you could ever hate me // Now we can finally have conversation that I wish we could’ve had before // Now I realise yeah, I realise we were too young to know we had everythin’ // It’a been two years since I’ve seen your face I’m trying to find some better words to say before I let this moment slip away
Two Of Us: This morning I woke up still dreaming with memories playing through my head // Even when I’m on my own I know I won’t be alone // I can feel your blood run through me you’re written in my DNA looking back in every mirror // We’ll end just like we started just you and me and no one else
Perfect Now: You don’t feel pretty and It’s hard to miss I wish you could see my point of view as someone starin’ back at you // Just keep your head up, love, keep your head up don’t hide away don’t ever change // I guess some queens don’t need a crown and I know why // You never do but if you asked me too I’ll tell the truth lying next to you // You make me feel like being someone good to you, even at your worst. (My ultimate favourite from Walls)
Fearless: Tell me, do you still remember feeling young? And strong enough to get it wrong // Now if happiness is always measured by the life you designed that car on the drive then you should feel better than ever but you know as well as I it’s all lies
Kill My Mind: And you hate me, and I want more // And ya won’t let go of you hold on me // Kept me living from the last time from a prison of a past life
Don’t Let It Break Your Heart: Life get hard and it gets messed up when you give so much, but it’s not enough // And what hurts you is gonna pass and you’ll have learnt from it when it comes back
We Made It: Now, we’re saying goodbye, waving to the hard times yeah, it’s gonna be alright, like the first time // Share a single bed and tell each other what we dream about things we’d never say to someone else out loud // Oh god, what I could’ve become don’t know why they put this all on us when we’re so young
Habit: I always said that I’d mess up eventually I told you that, so what did you expect from me? // I took some ‘cause I ran out of energy of playing someone I heard I’m supposed to be // You gave me the time and the space I was out of control and I’m sorry, I let you down
Just Hold On: Feels like you’re standing on the edge looking at the stars and wishing you were them // Where do you go when the story’s done? you can be who you were or who you’ll become // The sun goes down and it comes back up the world it turns, no matter what // It’s not over ‘til it’s all been said It’s not over ‘till your dying breath
Just Like You: But you only get half of the story the cash, and the cars and the glory // ‘Cause nobody cares when you’re boring // yeah, I feel the same as you do same stress, same shit to go through // I’m just like you if you only knew // Yeah, I get sad too and when I’m down I need somebody to talk to // Every heart breaks the same every tear leaves a stain can’t I just be same?
Back To You: These days I don’t even know myself // I tell myself I’m done with wicked games but then I get so numb with all the laughter that I forget about the pain
Miss You: Just one more pint of five does it even matter anyway? // Just like that and I’m sober I’m asking myself, “is it over?” // And all of these thoughts and the feelings cheers to that if you don’t need them // We can’t even be on the phone now and I can’t even be with you alone now // we were in love and now we’re strangers // When I feel it coming up, I just throw it all away get another two shots ‘cause it doesn’t matter anyway
Copy Of A Copy Of A Copy: It’s an old curse dreamers diving head first // Nothing is original there’s nothing left to say // I can hear you howling until your lungs hurt so let this be your comfort // In a strange way all in this together been this way forever
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abbatoirablaze · 2 months
Shameless, Chapter 11
Word Count:  2.2k
Warnings: small instances of violence/siblings fighting, mentions of cheating/infidelity.
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“Hey, thanks for coming with us Sofia!” Ian smiled.
“Yeah, really sucks that dad wasn’t able to come…or any of my brothers…they weren’t gonna release Mickey without an adult present.” Mandy agreed. 
“I got you, Mandy.” You smiled softly, wrapping an arm around her, “you’re my little brother’s girlfriend…practically family…”
Ian gave you a look and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
You knew why he’d shown up. 
You knew that he’d been screwing Mickey on the down low. 
“Here he comes,” Mandy smiled as they opened the back door and he was released, “you know, you didn’t have to come with us, Ian…”
“Bad neighborhood!” Ian said quickly, barely looking at the two of you as he kept his gaze focused on Mickey, “need to make sure that you guys are safe.”
“Yeah, we live in a bad neighborhood!” Mandy scoffed.
“Yeah, but we’re related to the bad people in our neighborhood,” Ian argued, “you guys aren’t related to people here…”
“What the hell is the Gallagher family reunion doing here?”
“Dad, Joey, and nearly everyone else was busy…so Sofia offered to be the person over eighteen to get you out…and Ian-“
“He thought I might need protection!” Mandy laughed.
“Oh yeah?” Mickey asked as he reached out and pulled Mandy into a hug, “you may think that you know my sister.  But you don’t know my sister til you fought my sister!  She’s protecting your ass!”
“You smell like barbeque sauce…”
Mickey reached out and pinched her tits, twisting her nipples through her bra.  She screamed and grabbed his arms, fighting him off, “OH, OW!  What did dad tell you?”
“Oh, ow!  Fuck-Fuck the police!”
“No titty twisters now that I’m a C cup!” she growled, pushing her brother away from herself.
“C cup?  Bitch you wish!” Mickey scoffed.  He turned, looking to the guards, “HEY!  Fuck you!  Fuck you!  And especially fuck you!”
“Alright, come on kid, before they lock you back up!” you teased as Mandy and Ian started pulling him away from the doors.  He wrapped an arm around Mandy’s shoulders and tried to wrap one around Mickey’s, but he pushed him away from them. 
“You uh-knocked up pretty good…” he commented dryly as he looked back at you, “still with the cop, or is that a little Milkovich taking up rent space in there?”
“It’s the cops,” Mandy laughed, “but they’ve been splits Ville since he tried to break up Fiona and her boyfriend.”
“Thought they did break up?”
“They did…and Colin’s been at our house every other day with flowers or otherwise trying to win Sofia back.”
“He knows the little crotch goblin isn’t his?”
“Trust me, Mickey…Colin knows that my child belongs to Tony.”
“We could still raise him as a Milkovich if you and the cop don’t get back together though,” he shrugged, “sure dad would love to finally have a grandkid…and you know that Colin would raise the bastard like it was his own.”
“Gee, Mick…thanks for the thoughts…”
“Just saying,” he shrugged, “any of you fuckers got a light?  No one put any money on my books, and I’d kill for a smoke!”
“I don’t right now, but I could drop a carton off after I get done at my shift at the club…Col was saying he wanted to see me…”
“You’re not coming home?” Ian asked.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be home in time to make sure Debbie’s daycare is good…was just gonna stop off at Chez Milkovich first.”
“Sounds good,” Mickey agreed, “I’ll tell Colin he’ll get half the carton…”  
“What the hell was that?”
“Oh, you saw the little slut and her grandpa tipping out sis big time too?”
“Oh, I saw little slut just kiss my sister,” you answered as you placed a drink on the bar, “six fifty.”
The guy tossed a ten on the bar and told you to keep the change as he walked off and was quickly replaced by another one.
“That a thing?” you asked.
“What, Fiona going out with them all the time?”
“Judging by that tone, I’m going to assume that it is,” you smirked, but the smirk was quickly replaced by a frown, “but no…was talking about her kissing that chick.”
“She does it all the time.”
A shiver ran down your spine, “damn…maybe I have been missing out on what’s going down…Do you think I’ve been spending too much time at the Milkovich’s?”
“Milkovich, or with your husband?”
You frowned, “I-It was only once, V-“
“Girl, he’s your husband.  You should be spending more time at the house next door than the one a few blocks down.”
“V I don’t need a speech on a soap box.”
“All I’m saying, is that you can’t just let people into your life when it suits you Sofia,” she sighed as she put a hand on the small of your back, “Tony was good for you…sure, he called the cops on Steve…and he got him to give him the house…but he did it because he knows the types of guys Fiona lets in, and he was trying to protect you guys…I mean, you remember the guy with the anger issues…and the guy who started trying to deal drugs out of your house when you were at school…and the guy that-“
“I get it,” you frowned, cutting her off with a shake of your head, “but it-he could have talked to me about it instead of going right on after Steve…instead of calling the cops on Ian and Lip.”
“Sweetie, he thought he was doing what was right…” she offered, “and anyways…he said he kicked out that rub and tugger after your conversation…you still have your copy of the key…fuck the Milkovich kid…go get your husband back…”
“Yeah…you’re right, V…” you smiled, “thanks.”
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Your brow quirked, but you didn’t say anything as you made your way past Fiona, who was sleeping on the couch, and into the kitchen.
“Quiz me!” Ian encouraged. 
You messed with Lip’s hair as you passed, and opened the fridge to start breakfast, “who needs food still?”
“Me!” Carl called.
“Well, what do you want, kid?”
You nodded, tossing him the bag, before looking at your other brothers.
“We both do!” Ian admitted.
“Uh, if A equals B, then B equals A!”
“He may as well get a windshield and call it a car!” Lip groaned.
“It’s just a phase.”
“What are you guys talking about.”
“She hasn’t even slept with him yet!” Lip admitted.
“He’s talking about Karen.”
“Ugh,” you groaned, “I’ve never liked her.  You could do so much better than her, Lip…”
“Maybe he’s a eunuch!” Lip said, ignoring your comment.
“Maybe she just likes him?” Ian shrugged.
“Debbie, what do you and Liam want for breakfast.
“Whatever?” Debbie shrugged.
“Lip, why are you sleeping in mine and Fi Fi’s bed?” Fiona asked as she came into the kitchen.
“Lip was sleeping in our bed?” you asked, “what’s wrong with your room?”
“Ask her!” Lip frowned, pointing at Debbie.
“I moved Liam!” she called, coming towards you so that she could reach into the fridge, “I can’t be in the same room where Liam is constantly masturbating.”
“It’s not masturbating if nothing comes out!”
“According to whom?” Fiona asked.
“My friend Jack O’ Donnel.”
“Not true!” Debbie claimed, with a shake of her head.
“It’s kind of true!”
“Not legally true!” Ian argued.
“So, Liam could be arrested for masturbating?”
“What?” Fiona asked, “no.  Listen up!”
“What is the age where it’s inappropriate to arouse yourself in front of others?” Lip asked, “even if nothing comes out.”
“Two years old!”
“Guys, we’re not having this conversation,” you argued, playfully slapping Lip upside the head, “Lip, keep quizzing Ian.  Carl, masturbating is still masturbating even if nothing comes out, regardless of age….Fi…we have to do something if it’s becoming a problem…maybe move Lip into Frank’s room?”
“Unfortunately, Frank has rented out his room to a pregnant woman!” Fiona groaned as she slipped a new shirt over her head and pointed upstairs.
“What?” you asked.
“I told them!” Debbie announced.
“You let her in last night?” you asked.
Debbie shrugged, “she had a key!  Besides, she’s from China.  They kill extra babies there.”
“Liam needs to go back in with you!” Fiona frowned.
“WHAT NO!” Debbie screeched, before looking to you, “Fi Fi, tell her that Liam can’t be back in with me.”
“Debs, that’s not fair,” you tried, “maybe we switch with the boys.  Have the three of us in the boy’s room and the boys split off?  Carl and Liam in one and Ian and Li-“
What’s done is done!” she yelled, looking between you and your sister.  She stormed off leaving you with your sister.
“Okay…for now, Liam’s in the boy’s room!” Fiona announced.
“SERIOUSLY?” Lip asked.
“Four guys in one room!”
“Isn’t that a health violation?” Ian asked.
“Why can’t we do what Sofia said?” Carl asked, “you three in our room and then Lip and Ian in yours and me and Liam in Debbies?”
“We don’t have money for anymore beds, and I can promise you that Debs won’t sleep on the top bunk and Sofia won’t be able to jump up there with as pregnant as she is.”
“Well, we have to figure something out!” you tried, “Fi…there’s not enough room in there for them…maybe we push the chick out that Frank rented his room to?”
“We’ll find Frank and figure it out, but until then, four to the room!”
There was a cough, and the kitchen went silent as the woman that Frank had rented his room to came down the stairs.  Fiona left the kitchen in a huff, and you put a hand on Lip’s shoulder before sliding around and kissing Ian’s temple, “We’ll get him here and figure it out…I promise guys…it won’t stay this way.”
“Of course!” you smiled, “now come on…you gotta work at Kash and Grab, and Lip…you said you and Kev need extra hands with the ice cream truck today?”
“Fiona…you got the daycare?” you asked as you followed your two brothers outside to where Kev was eagerly honking the horn for the ice cream truck.
You stopped though, your heart aching, when also coming to the bottom of the steps, to the door right beside yours was your husband. 
You couldn’t stop the butterflies that rose in your stomach at the thought of it. 
V had convinced you that maybe it was best to give Tony another shot.  After all, he was trying to do what was best for your family.  He didn’t have any ill intentions with it, other than to create some distance between Fiona and Steve. 
When he fucked up and realized that Lip and Ian were the ones that got arrested, he’d done everything in his power to make sure they walked…Steve just happened to give him the house after the fact, thinking that was the main factor in keeping them out of jail.
And then last month when the two of you hooked up, and he admitted that he’d kicked out the Laotian girl…
He did care. 
“Tony?” you asked softly as you opened the door to the house. 
You didn’t get a response from him.
But you did hear music coming from upstairs. 
Closing the door behind yourself, you pushed upstairs.  The lights were off in the master, and the door to the nursery was closed, but you saw lights on in one of the other rooms, on the far side of the hall.
“Tony?” you tried again.
A woman moaned in response. 
Your heart broke. 
But that didn’t stop you from stomping down the hall and barging in only to see your husband balls deep in another woman. 
“Go fuck yourself, Tony.  I’m done!” you spat, throwing your wedding ring at the ground, “I want a divorce!”
“Go fuck yourself, Tony….I don’t want to hear it.”
“Sofia…wait…wait, would you please jus-“
He stopped speaking when you whipped around, and slapping him hard across the face, “don’t you fucking touch me, Tony.”
“I-I deserved that.”
“You said you were done!” you spat, “you said you kicked them out…you-“
“I did…but then-“
“Then what?” you growled, “what happened Tony?”
“You didn’t come back!” he answered, “I-I kicked her out.  I got rid of her.  But then you didn’t come home.   You just kept staying over there!  To the fucking Milkovich house.  Hell, I arrested one of his brothers the other week and he admitted that you were fucking Colin again.  Wh-what did you expect me to do, Sofia?  Wait forever?”
“I didn’t expect you to stick your dick in another woman while I made sure my family was okay, Tony!”
“You weren’t making sure your family was okay, you were being a crazy bitch!” he growled, “you were going out and fucking another man while I sulked in our home.”
“I’m sorry,” he tried, his head shaking, “I’m sorry, Sofia…just please...”
You looked down to see him holding your wedding ring in his hands, “what the fuck is this, Tony?”
“Please don’t leave me, Sofia…”
Chapter 12
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pinkafropuff · 5 months
[Home for the Holidays] -Emilia
She was singing again. Thanks to how high up she’d gotten, she was sure it wouldn’t be heard by others- she had a knack for producing “static” so that her words would only be heard by her own ears- so long as they did not get too close, or look too deeply. Her spell would make sure of that; with her very specific requirements, it was almost assured that she would be free to express (or not express) whatever she wanted.
“You can only be heard by someone as lonely as I, from a place I am not and am not well known. You will sound only as the sweetest of whispers of the dearly departed, of easily forgotten words and tones.”
It was cold out; it was always cold in Ishgard, but today, up high and with all that wind, she found herself longing for the snow in a way that she did not think possible before. The month, as it were, was the Eorzean equivalent of “December”, and she found herself reminiscing as she cleaned the blade of her lance, carefully polishing even the most minute of details on the shaft. 
It “sounded” like a normal carol. As she thought much about it and cared very little for its tune, the simplest would suffice:
“Oh ay, ay ay, I’m dreamin’
Of a white
With every-
Christmas Card I write
May your days,
May your days,
May your days,
Be merry and briiiiiiiiight-
…and may all your Christmases
She could see her breath when she breathed out a bit too heavily. She was wearing a hat, but…still. There was something chillier about the warmth of ones’ breath against the air in December, and it always smelled like-
She paused. Mouth slowly opening and closing, she felt a strong tug at her chest. For a long time she ignored it; its warmth began to scald her throat as she held it down, prickling at her abdomen as she swallowed to destroy it in stomach acid, though it was all to no avail. Its taste was like the sweetest juice. She could indulge it this once. Just once. 
“...I’ll…be home…for Christmas…” A whisper. “You can count on…me…”
“Please have snow
And mistletoe
She chewed the words to make them unrecognizable. “...r..sents under the tree.” One boot to the top of the cathedral, she pushed back just slightly; a modicum of snow slipped off of its sloped top, dropping down onto the empty streets below. 
“...Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home 
…for Christmas
If only in my dreams…”
The only warmth was on her tear-stained cheek. 
“If only in my-”
(She closed her eyes.)
Rustling among boxes of things long forgotten. Static cling against long, red sleeves. Since it’s winter, it’s the perfect time to rummage among old things and pretend they’re new. 
He’s making a mess. He hates mess, so it’s clearly not his favorite part, but he’s so deeply invested in what the mess could be, that [-----] can’t find him in the garage as readily as she’d usually be able. It’s not that big, of course; though it can fit the one car, it hasn’t in years, given the junk of various persons taking up its space. By now, it’s almost like it was never meant for an automobile at all. 
“I found the tree!”
“Daddy, everybody knew where the tree was, we’re havin’ cocoa right now.” It’s a good thing she’s wearing her long hair today. It’s nippy around her neck and shoulders, even with the hat she’s thrown on to keep her warm.
(She reached up and touched her now-short hair. That was one thing she missed, but maybe not much else. For her it smelled of the fakeness she needed to convince them of her personhood. For her it was estrangement. A barb in her skin.)
“They can’t eat or drink nothin’ til I pray-” His voice broke off. “Babygirl, if you’re gonna help me, then help me! Don’t just stand there.”
[----] let out a little sigh. “I’m not that strong. You should ask….I dunno, Robert or somebody.” Not that she didn’t want to try. Though she’d throw her back out too, with the way things were going.
“He at work right now.”
“Then we should wait until he gets home. He’ll be over for the movie at least, and Auntie’ll probably goad him into staying.” Not that there was any guarantee he’d help out. “At least Trina’ll be around to help out by then. Don’t want you to throw your back out.”
“If I do, I got a doctor right here.”
(Her elbows were getting cold. Stupid dragoon armor. A good coat was better than this. How did Estinien survive like this, anyway? The elves seemed French but reminded her more closely of Russians. Tough and tall. Rough, but trying not to be. Or maybe that was French after all. She wouldn’t bother.)
“Doctor Ross is not on call, it’s Christmas! And, because I’m working with the government, I get paid time off!”
(How that would bite her in the ass later.)
“Well, you should get your ‘paid time off’ behind over here to grab the other end of this tree. I know you been liftin’ patients and all that. Ain’t no nurses ‘round here to pick up your slack!”
In the end she’d relented, if only to take the tree box inside. By the time they were done, her mother had already started a fight with her father about his habits- though at least they’d already gotten through the prayer. It was enough to wake the neighbors- which, in this case, were her aunts and uncles not originally keen on showing up early to their collective grandparents’ (and parents’) tree-trimming, house decorating celebration. It was loud but warm, its simmering cooled only as low as time would let it before they all dispersed to their various homes, most of which were apartments in that same building. 
A microcosm in an otherwise crowded space. If she peered into a snowglobe, that’s exactly what she’d see; a big, loud family in varying skin tones, talking and laughing with drinks in hand, whether they be coffee, tea, cocoa, or wine. 
“Nah, no cocoa. Pass me the rum,” she’d said after one too-long shift at the hospital, and her nana had passed it over without much fuss.
“A workin’ woman deserves that much.” 
(“Have fun, but not too much fun.” She’d say.)
The freezing cold is incentive enough to pull her legs in close, arms tightly wrapped around herself as her thoughts rest in a far off memory. 
“Happy Starlight everyone!” Through the hustle and bustle of the season, Emilia finds herself sitting alone at a table in the back of Revenant’s Toll, her arms and legs crossed, boots resting atop the table. Apparently it’s celebrated as a holiday for children- why, Emilia is not keen on finding out- but she relents that it must be a cultural thing, and otherwise not something she is overly interested in. Alphinaud and Alisaie- despite being children themselves- are passing out gifts to every Scion, which she admits is good of them; with all that money in their family, it would be good to at least be generous. 
A poor facsimile of a thing. But they seemed happy nonetheless. She was a lot of things, but a party pooper was not one of them. No, it would be better to leave, or to brood. Whichever would lead them to not seeing her cry like a stupid baby at the end of the night. 
“Ah, there you are.” It was not an unwelcome voice; she’d gotten used to Alphinaud by now (though not as much his twin, who was still merrymaking with other guests and clearly goading them into sharing their drinks, despite being able to buy her own), and figured he’d come around sooner or later, probably to wish her a nice day or something or other. While it wasn’t a bad thing per se, she was getting tired of putting on her act with him, especially when he’d taken rather recently to grinning in response, as if he knew her dearest secrets. As if he knew her. “I’ve a gift for you, if you want it.”
She gave him a very strong side eye. Arms crossed over her chest, she leaned back further in her chair, enough to (while knowing the wall was behind her) stretch her hands above her and brace them behind her neck in a dangerously careless position that she was sure would tip anyone else’s chair over entirely. “If it’s free, I’ll take it,” she lied. 
“I knew you’d say that,” it was almost a mumble, but he offered her a package nonetheless. “Happy Starlight. I know you aren’t keen on asking for things you want, and you may even have been a bit mean spirited when you said it, but-” He paused, seeming to want her to open up the package. She did not. “..well. I hope you like it, at least. And there is a receipt of sale, should you wish to return it.” 
“Generous of you,” she answered lazily, and though he shrugged at her, he still smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, mirroring her former position.
“Well,” he admitted, “I did hear that, with all this prestige, if I cannot afford to be at least this generous it would make me quite the laughingstock.” 
Without wanting to, her lip twitched. It felt like a smile. “Well, blow me over. I guess I’ll accept it then.” And she meant it. Genuinely. 
When he left, there was only a beat or so before his sister came; in her hands was a rather big, vase shaped thing with a big bottom and smaller top (not unlike her own physical frame), that made a heavy, gentle slosh sound- which made her wonder what was in the damn thing. 
“Here,” she said to Emilia, though all she got in response was the doctor’s flickering gaze from her to the gift and back, somewhat in disbelief.
“What is that.” She didn’t ask it like a question, and couldn’t bring herself to sit up at first- but her curiosity got the better of her and she slipped her boots off the table to lean close. 
“Maybe you should open it up…?” It sounded like a hint, but the impatient edge made Emilia grin a little. 
“And if I don’t?” A challenge. Alisaie was easy to challenge, given she never backed down from one, and easy to goad when times got rough. It was her favorite thing about the younger twin- other than her taste for red in her clothing, which Emilia agreed with on principle. 
“Well, then…!” She warned, eyes flashing a bit…but then she closed her eyes and pressed her lips into a thin line. “Look, you can open it or not if you want, but you’ll miss out on something amazing to enjoy when we go caroling later on tonight.”
“Oh, so it’s a drink,” she murmured, using a delicately gloved finger to pull on the wrapping paper. “What, you made me some koo-” She thought better of it. “...some lemonade from your stand?” Easily the best way to guarantee her intent. 
“Just open it!” 
She did. When fully unwrapped, the bottle glistened with the most beautiful brown, the spirits within shivering just slightly with every touch. With two hands she gingerly handled the container, careful not to release its slim neck from her grip. Rum. Finely aged and beautifully packaged. It must have cost a fortune. “...where did you get this?”
“You said you liked to drink,” Alisaie admitted, “and though I know it’s a bad habit, I just thought…well, it’s not wrong if it makes you a bit happy now and again, is it?” 
Emilia’s lips parted. Her lipstick started crackle against drying skin. 
“Now, you have to promise me that you won’t drink too much tonight instead of hanging out with us, or else I’ll…!” She threw her hands up. “I’ll smash the bottle! I’ll drain every last drop and you’ll see none of it.” Arms crossed over her chest and mouth pulling into a tight sort of pout, she turned her gaze to the side. “Whatever. It’s not my fault Alphinaud picked a coat for his gift. I know mine isn’t as good.”
Something tickled at her eye. It didn’t matter. “What?”
“He already gave you his, didn’t he? He tried to make me feel better about it, but I wanted to get you the coat, since it was all you asked for,” she was so absorbed in her conflicts with her brother that she didn’t realize she’d spoiled the surprise. The gift in question was clearly still at Emilia’s side. 
Suddenly driven by a need to know, she grasped the package and ripped it open. Fuck. He really had gotten her a coat. A really nice coat. A really nice red coat, clearly made to be used as armor in environments where cold was king, where her breath caught on mountain peaks and she was too stubborn to do more than sit out there all night long, to be safe with herself and her tears away from prying eyes. 
These stupid kids.
“They’d go good together if they weren’t so-” She broke off suddenly, noticing for the first time that Emilia’s face had begun to flush around her cheeks and eyes. “...are you alright? You look a little-”
She bolted out of the door with her arm over her face and didn’t stop until she was higher than anyone could see her. 
Of course they were kind. They're young. Adults, maybe, by this world's standards, but Emilia knows better than most the difference between eighteen and twenty-four. Between an overgrown child wallowing in debt and a fledgling doctor who'd pulled an entire 12 on her feet. Somehow, the twins were both at once. 
The wind whipped at her cheeks again. At least in this cold, it wasn't only her eyes that would sting red, or her nose. She could explain it away this way, crouched down in the snow-covered dirt like a gargoyle standing watch for the holy cathedral.
“Run out of children to frighten?”
Her lip twitched at first with some sort of disdain, though for once, she hadn't meant to. When her head turned to see him, he was more or less the same as she remembered; tall, brooding and unbearably pointy. A more or less match for her ire. An easy target.
“‘fraid not. Got kicked outta my hotel.” The cracking of chapped lips curled to one side. She’d have to find a place with better stuff for them later, since that cheap shit was not cutting it. “Why? Ain't you got better things to do than harass ladies, Mr. Dragoon?”
To this, he was silent. The Azure Dragoon only crossed his arms, a heat stewing beneath his helmet. “Unfortunately for you, this is work for me.”
“...damn. Even you gotta work on Christmas,” she murmured, which made his head turn a bit, though she realized she shouldn't have said it. “...it's a holiday, ain't it? What you out here for?”
“You, apparently.”
The words snapped her teeth against each other. It was good that it was cold. Better to be mistaken for the chatter of shivering than something else. When she regained her bearings, she drawled, “...what for?”
“There’s a storm picking up near here,” he admitted with some carelessness, “and some of the children thought to venture out further than they ought.”
Hmph. “You callin’ me a kid?”
“I didn't call you anything,” he answered roughly, “though you speak it well enough on your own.” A single armored hand extended, its sharp fingers not unlike a dragon itself. “Well? What are you waiting for. Run along.”
She kissed her teeth. She had half a mind to argue with him- tease him, goad him, annoy him enough to give her a good fight- but he was right. It was getting colder, and the flurries of snow were starting to get stuck in her eyes (which she rolled enough for him to see, even amidst the furious white). 
Emilia stood, boots crunching in the thick snow as she shifted her weight to one foot and then the other before shoving her hands into her pockets, shoulders slightly hunching in dismay. “Of course, officer,” she said, her voice clear as a songbirds’. “I was gettin’ bored of this spot anyway.”
Then she smiled. A too-sweet smile that made him scowl. Ironically, it amused her enough to give him a real one for free. When she teleported off, Estinien was still standing there, a statue clad in black in an otherwise endless white. When a few moments passed and he was sure it was clear, he headed back into town, the whisper of the wind kissing the back of his neck, its forgotten song stinging near cracks in his armor.
“If only in my-”
The coat was still sitting on the table when she returned, along with the bottle. Alisaie didn’t smash it yet, huh? A stray thought. She snagged the bottle and opened it up to give it a sniff. 
The Scions were all gone. Maybe they'd gone caroling without her. Good, was her first thought, though it soured after a moment or so. That wasn't fair or kind. Not that she was given to doing more than one at a time.
Boots thump, thump, thumping across the floor. The cabinets to the bar burst open as she searched for some necessary ingredients- though most were below her, in what seemed to be a kind of fridge. 
It was good to ride out compulsions like these when they came. Maybe something good would come out it- like the sudden urge to clean a long-dirty room or do one’s taxes just before the deadline. 
Big bowl. Punch jar? Bowl. Regular bowl. “Who gives a fuck?” She said out loud, thrown up beside her head, a careless gesture to pair with her swears. Eggs, milk- shit, they had so many kinds of milk- sugar, heavy whipping cream, (? was that too different than milk?) vanilla (probably), cinnamon (maybe?), salt (oh hell yeah, salt. ‘To balance the flavor’ or something). By the time she was done mixing what seemed like it should be eggnog for at least fifty people, the doors opened faster than she imagined they would. In an effort to cheapen her actions quickly, she grasped the finishing touch: the bottle of fancy rum.
She took a deep breath. She could drink this on her own. She could treat it as a friend for hours, maybe weeks if she stretched it out, if she was good with it, it get her through this godforsaken season, through the empty and spiraling cold while everyone else sang carols and stayed warm to the touch-
-chewing her lip. A little sigh. Time was running out, and she didn’t want to be seen doing it, so. It’s Christmas, ain’t it? She unscrewed the cap and dumped it all in- at least, more than half of it, to compensate for both the sweetness of the eggnog she had yet to taste, and the amount of servings. Clumsily- and quickly, of course- she grabbed the bottle and set it off to the side, hands on top of the bar. When the doors opened, the Scions- both inner circle and outer- filled in, with Alphinaud and Minfilia at the front. 
“Oh! There you are! We were out looking everywhere for you! Alisaie said you had quite a fright-” The blue twin broke off when she glared down at him, silencing any efforts to overdramatize her flight. He cleared his throat instead. “Anyway, what is this?”
Minfilia in particular peered over the bowl. “Mm…it smells quite nice. Is it alright to drink?”
“Is it safe to drink, you mean,” began Alphinaud, though Alisaie elbowed him in the side. The rebuke seemed to come from either side, Emilia, Alisaie, and Minfilia all, so he just shrugged and opted to stop himself before he got skewered by them all. 
“Well, Emilia clearly made it for us,” she wanted to protest Minfilia’s assumption, but found she could not, “so why don’t we give it a try?�� 
She shrugged in response. Though she hadn’t thought far enough to get cups, she found them fast enough to make herself one. “...it’s spiked. Don’t drink too much.” Then she poured some of her own. Apprehensive because of the smell (eggs tended to do that to her, on occasion), she took a sip, only to be startled by the pungent taste that was very unlike alcohol. Maybe she shouldn’t have put in that many different kinds of milk?
“...this is…interesting.” Minfilia nodded, though her expression was clearly concealing a rather different emotion. “It tastes very…unique. Yes. Unique.”
The twins got their own cups (though Emilia thought to keep an eye on them, given their ages; legal or not, they were comparatively young) and Alisaie wrinkled her nose delicately at first, before retching back into her cup. “Ew! What is this?” It burst out from her with a bubble of laughter. “It tastes like…like spoiled milk? With rum in it.”
“Let me try,” Thancred pushed forward, and before they knew it, everyone was grabbing a cup of the eggnog, though Emilia herself leaned back and cupped her hand under the elbow holding her own glass, sipping slowly as she closed her eyes.
“This is awful,” her brother agreed, though he was laughing too. “What is this made out of? It’s not…spoiled, but it tastes like-” His eyes searched the ceiling before they closed, fist to his chin as he lowered his head in thought. “Like flavors fighting for dominance?”
“We shouldn’t judge it too harshly,” said one voice, obviously noticing her off to the side. “I mean it’s- I mean the rum is good!” 
A ripple of laughter washed over the small crowd. Not wanting to upset her (though there was no way she could be) they kept the banter light after that.
The nearly empty bottle caught her eye. She turned away and pointed her gaze at Alisaie. “You still goin’ out?”
The red twin stood up straight. “Wh-I mean you-”
Her brother slid in beside her. “Of course we are. It’ll be cold, though, so you could bring some of this if you were willing to join us…?”
Of course she would. She was young, after all. “Nothin’ better to do.” She swirled her swill around in her cup. A waste of expensive rum. She smiled to herself, enjoying what felt like a smart little secret. ‘Sides, I should take that coat out and see if I need to take it back.” 
This seemed encouraging to him, somehow. “Mayhaps with a little more drink, you’ll even sing some carols…?”
“Shut up, kid.” Was her answer, though more than one Scion noted that it was not a “no”.
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echosprompts · 1 year
daisy jones & the six : miscellaneous songs. 
daisy jones : nobody needs 
“i remember waving at the car.”
“doesn’t matter that we’ll never say goodbye.”
“nobody needs a family, just trust me.”
“nobody needs a family.”
“just trust me.”
“she’s a ship-wreck on a sea of self-loathing.”
“the question of what oughta matter cuts you deep.”
“thank you.”
“i’m sorry.”
“i love you.”
daisy jones : by myself
“it’s alarming to see how far i can run.”
“i wind up the same as i always, crying in a heap in some hallway.”
“i gotta try something new.”
“i can do this with nobody else.”
“i can ruin this night by myself.”
“i can write down my miserable poem.”
“i can drink to my own bloody health.”
“i could tell by the waves you couldn’t see me.”
“you couldn’t see me.”
“people may try.”
“i’m gonna do ‘til i die to and give it hell.”
“give it hell.”
“i don’t need anybody’s help.”
daisy jones : type of guy
“you’re the type of guy who has a virgin mary leaning on his bed.”
“you’re the type of guy who has a hundred double meanings in his head.”
“a painting leaves you empty-eyed.”
“i’m that same type of guy.”
“you’re the type of guy who hangs on every word he stumbles for.”
“you’re the type of guy who doesn’t wanna talk about it anymore.”
“what can make you laugh, can make you cry.”
“all i do is listen and forget what you were just about to say.”
“all i do is listen.”
“it’s finally time to hit the hay.”
“they shaved my head and made me stand with both my arms stretched open wide.”
“you’re childlike and ignorant, or negligent, or both, i can’t decide.”
“you’re childlike and ignorant.” 
daisy jones : it was always you
“this is not a faith to awaken.”
“their love will never last.”
“to see the toll it would have taken.”
“i could forget my name.”
“swore i’d never darken your door.”
“you’ll say it was insane.”
“we never could go back to before.”
“i can’t control it.”
“it was always you.”
“don’t question what oughta be.”
“i’m a slave to attraction.”
“feelings never went away, we hid them under plastic.”
“feelings never went away.”
“i say i know my mind, but overlook the workings of my heart.” 
“i blew it bad this time.”
“i’m disappearing back to the start.”
“hide away what i’d die to say.”
“doesn’t take the rain for the ride to change.”
“i guess i better wake up.”
“i guess i didn’t know it.”
“i didn’t show it.”
“it was always true.”
wyatt stone daisy jones : stumbled on sublime 
“i’ll go have a coffee.”
“i stumbled on sublime.”
“getting through the day was always such a chore.”
“let yourself live a little more.”
“stumbled on sublime ‘til the signals weak.”
“stumbled on sublime ‘til i can’t speak.”
“she’s all around your head, she’s dancing on the edges of your mind.”
“she’ll all around your head.”
“she’s dancing on the edges of your mind.”
“i’ll listen again.”
“i wonder if i might see you around this way again.”
“out there somewhere wild off the night.”
“she’s out there where the storms don’t break.”
“she’s out there and it’s keeping me awake.”
simone jackson : up to you
“all that i can do is wait.”
“if i can’t understand maybe i can still relate.”
“someone has been in your shoes before.”
“most of the time, they just walk right out the door.”
“i’ll leave it up to you.”
simone jackson : a song for you
“i’ve been a lot of place in my life and time.”
“i’ve made some bad rhymes.”
“i’ve acted out my life on stages.”
“this world will know now.”
“i know your image of me is what i hope to be.”
“i’ve treated you unkindly.”
“there’s no one more important to me.”
“can’t you see through me?”
“you taught me precious secrets of a true love.”
“you taught me precious secrets.”
“you came by the front and i was hiding.”
“i was hiding.”
“i’m so much better.” 
“i’ll love you in a place where there’s no space or time.”
“i’ll love you for my life.”
“cause you’re a friend of mine.”
“when my life is over remember when we were together.”
simone jackson : ya love ain’t enough
“you know your love ain’t enough.”
“don’t tell me you’re in love.”
“the world was a dark place, but you showed my your light.”
“you swept me off my feet.”
“i know i am strong cause you wanna lend me your heart.”
“i gotta say, though i don’t want to, there’s nothing left for me to say.”
“there’s nothing left for me to say.”
“don’t let me fall in love.”
simone jackson : last night together 
“you think you can hold back, i don’t.”
“you think you can hold back.”
“i’ll make it go on like this forever.”
“you will find out you were wrong.”
“this is our last night together.”
“people say i’m free but they don’t know me.”
“i like it wild.”
“guess it’s time to let you go.”
“let me get the last round.”
“i’ll need no man to lead me to the promise land.”
“say what you want, calling me and my friends deviants.”
“say what you want.”
“i am a diamond under pressure.”
the dunne brothers : look me in the eye
“i put the man in the moon.”
“i put the grease on the wheel.”
“i put the sword in the stone.”
“i lit the southern stars.”
“i know you don’t mean it.”
“you can’t turn around and look me in the eye.”
“look me in the eye.” 
“turn around and say it to my face.”
“say it to my face.”
“i can feel the hole in your memory.”
“i’ll show you things you can’t unsee.”
the dunne brothers : flip the switch 
“come on, you can’t be serious.”
“you can’t even take a joke.”
“the sun is shining down on you.”
“come on and pull the trigger.”
“is that a version of an invitation?”
“you couldn’t say you never loved her, could you?”
“you couldn’t flip the switch.”
“you couldn’t pull the trigger.”
“i hear you taking to yourself, but do you ever really listen?”
“i hear you taking to yourself.”
“do you ever really listen?”
“is there some burden on your soul?”
“can you tell me what i’m missing?”
“it’s too late.”
“it’s too late now.”
the dunne brothers : silver nail
“when you feel like nothing’s real and you can’t sleep, that’s when you call me.”
“steady hands and joke amend are reliable.”
“it could’ve been you.”
“i couldn’t be sure.”
“isn’t that fair?”
“there’s a piece we never lost and we never found.”
“there’s a piece we never lost.”
“shaking that tree and still no fruit came down.”
“when good enough is just good enough.”
“my world that hangs on a wire, what will i do when it all catches fire?”
“you may call, but i won’t be around.”
“i can’t pick up, cause i just can’t put you down.”
“i just can’t put you down.”
the winters : over/under
“i will be an ordinary guy.”
“they just never know how to spot an angel in the snow.”
“i will show you something true if you really want me to.”
“i will show you something true.”
“if you really want me to.”
“it’s always nice with her.”
“it’s an over/under deal.”
“watch the over under, that calm that you fake.”
“watch me lose my ordinary regret.”
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
y’all feel free to ignore me i needed somewhere to put this recipe where i can find it again
Adapted from this recipe which is my favorite chocolate creme brulee recipe
Ingredients: 2 cups whipping (or heavy) cream, 3 small lemons (zested and juiced) 1 tbsp vanilla extract, 6 egg yolks, 6 tbsp sugar. Also, spare sugar, for caramelizing the top. Also also, medium heavy saucepan, at least two spoons/a wooden spoon and a whisk/some kinda stir thing, baking tray (like a 9x13 thats like twoish inches deep)(its not too important its just gotta fit the ramekins), 6 ramekins (small bowls essentially), hot water.
1. Put cream and lemon zest in a medium, heavy saucepan.
2. Bring to simmer. Do not walk away at any point while the cream is on the stove. No, not even to take cat pictures. It will know. And it will boil over.
2.5. You can, though, if you’re keeping a close eye on it, get your eggs separated while you wait for the simmer (i have counter space right next to the stove so doable for me)
3. Remove from heat. Add vanilla and lemon juice, stir, let it continue to sit off heat.
4. Stir together eggs and sugar in whatever size container will fit them.
5. Temper the sugar/egg mix- get your hot cream (if you let it cool down all the way, you have either more patience or worse object permanence than I do) next to the sugar/egg bowl, slowly pour in a spoonful while stirring the eggs. Do that a couple more times til you think the mix is hot enough you’re not gonna end up with scrambled eggs, then pour the sugar/egg/cream into the rest of the cream, stirring quickly the entire time (get a friend if you need to for this)(I temper bigger stuff like pudding for banana pudding this same way and it is easier with a second person helping but even if they had thumbs my cats wouldn’t help)
5.5. Strain the mix (ideally into a good container for pouring)(you don’t have to but zest texture makes me gag and if you accidentally scrambled some eggs this’ll take that out)
6. ‘let cool to room temperature’ (jk) Oven to 300 F, put a rack in the middle of it.
7. Grab the baking pan, arrange ramekins inside baking pan (I cluster everything next to each other for this bit) Pour cream into ramekins, as evenly as possible. Pour hot water into the baking tray until they’re half submerged (I now move everything to be evenly spaced)
8. Bake until just set- about 40 min (the center might be a little jiggly still but the side shouldn’t be). Let cool (’on racks’ listen I get them out of the bath and onto the stovetop and they cool there it’s fine. it’s fine)
To serve- you need that crunchy sugar layer. You’ve got some options here (don’t use brown sugar for this)
You can- spread sugar over the top of each thing you’re gonna eat and either torch it if you’re fancy and you have one or put them on a cookie tray and put it all under a broiler for a bit (watch it, broilers love burning your things as much as milk loves boiling over)
You can also put sugar into your hopefully clean heavy medium saucepan and melt it and pour that on top, then put the brulees back in the fridge til you can touch them. (I prefer to do this, because i want More Crunch Contrasting Texture and trying to torch/broil the unmelted sugar burns bits for me)
Have fun, use this as a jumping off point. I’ve done lemon raspberry off this, and if I get my brain cooperative I’m gonna mess with some more citrus fruits
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sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 163
Heartache/A Good Man Goes to War
Plot Description: Sam and Dean investigate a string of unusual murders in which the victims were all recipients of organs from the same donor
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: well, hmm. I wouldn’t be out running alone late at night…..or at all. So, maybe??
I don’t know what it is but this feels like a much older episode
You’re allowed to produce shop, Dean. It’s good for you. Don’t get mad at Sam for wanting fresh, organic apples
This officer HATES Dean lol
I wanna be mad at Dean every time he makes remarks about Sam’s year off, but I’d be the same way
Oh thank god Sam was recording that guy’s babbling. Ah, damn.
How…did Sam just get access to that dude’s medical records??
How did I know they’d reverse the expectation for that next murder. Good for her
I can’t believe we’re back on the Sam wants out of the family business conversation AGAIN
I shouldn’t be…so…at her smearing blood on her face and taking a bite of a human heart
Do we know for sure that Eleanor is his mom though?? Oh. OH. OHHH. The football player drove off the road to end his deal with the Mayan maize god.
And she wasn’t his mom!!! Betsy from the letters IS Eleanor
I can’t tell if she…….DEAN. Anyway. Eleanor and Brick’s story is beautiful and sad and horrifying all at once
I would let her rip out my heart and eat it in front of me
It’s literally so weird that they forgot Sam was there, too. All three focused so much on Dean, and all Sam had to do was bash one of them over the head with a beer bottle?
Oh. Sam’s gonna try to leave again…
“A Good Man Goes to War”
Plot Description: it’s the battle of Demon’s Run, and River Song has something to tell the Doctor
The way Amy and Rory constantly get torn away from each other…
AND the way they keep trying to make us think Amy’s in love with the Doctor ALL THE FUCKING TIME
It’s exhausting
I’m sure these like…space station grunt workers will tie into the grander scheme at some point but I can’t bring myself to care about them…yet…?
Is this the Silurian woman who becomes a…not companion, but frequent ally of the Doctor? (The way my brain went through V names and tried to convince me her name was Vriska as if I’ve even read homestuck) it IS her because that’s Jenny. Jenny, right?? Yes.
Oh to be fighting with laser guns but dressed like you’re in Pride and Prejudice. That’s such a good way to stage a scene
Why DO they even attempt to keep River locked up? Or is it mostly self-imposed out of some sense of penance
Knowing what we eventually find out about River and hearing her tell Rory that it’s her birthday 😭
Ohhhh…the space station grunts are the underlings to the people who kidnapped Amy.
They really made the headless monks Sith Nazgûl huh?
I do like the interspecies lesbians
It’s interesting to think about this episode in contrast to The Pandorica Opens (if that was the first of the Pandorica episodes). We have a lot of the same elements, but now the Doctor has gathered a group of different alien species to do the attacking. It’s kind of no wonder the one grunt talks of him as a dark legend
The pirate crew??????? Hell yeah!
One, the Colonel Run Away speech is powerful but two, you being angry isn’t new, Doc. You can pretend you’re a silly little muppet man all you want but….no
Oh I like that bit of dialogue too “the anger of a good man is not a problem. good men have too many rules” “good men don’t need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many”
I can’t believe he’s putting a time limit on Amy and the Doctor hugging…..
That would be so unbelievably traumatizing. If your newborn child liquified in your arms.
No matter what it is that River says here, no matter how right she is, part of the reason she couldn’t come here til now was because she shouldn’t cross her own time stream
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portaltothevoid · 2 years
Foolin’ (13//20) eddie munson x ofc
Tumblr media
Summary: Happy Halloween! Kat and Eddie go the party. Kat gets very drunk. She’s spunky, she dances, and... you just have to read it to find out what else.
Word count: 4.6k (it’s long, it’s worth it, and you’re welcome)
Warnings: drinking, smoking, throwing up, bit of angst, bit of flirting, bit of spice,  the slow burn is burning down the house, i don’t have time to edit and put in the italics i am just too excited to get this out to you guys
Taglist: @munchabunch @madaboutmunson @morphie316sims @michele131 @riffcrusader
Music poured out of the house and flooded the neighborhood. People in all kinds of different costumes filled almost every space in and around the party. “We gotta find Robin,” Kat said just before they stepped through the front door. No sooner did they set foot in the house, did heads start turning to look at them. Conversations stopped mid-sentence and topics switched to be about the newest arrivals. Were they together? What was Kat even wearing? What was she supposed to be? And why did she look so good? Some of the more popular girls rolled their eyes, the guys just stared wide-eyed.
Kat wandered around the first floor of the house trying to locate Robin or at least try to spot Steve’s signature locks through the crowd. Finally they found them outside playing beer pong again. Robin noticed everyone else’s stares being directed a certain way before she finally saw Kat. “Kat! Hey! You made it…with Eddie! Hi!” Robin greeted them when they arrived at the table.
“Hey! Sorry, took us a bit to find you. I love the Bowie costume,” Kat gushed. Robin spun around, showing it off.
“Thanks! I love your… oh my god.” She said when she fully took in Kat’s costume. 
“Is it too much? I feel like it’s too much. I mean, I love this outfit, but I don’t think there isn’t a single person that hasn’t stared at us.”
“Are you crazy? They’re staring because of how ho– how…” Robin started, her eyes growing wide as she looked over to Steve to save her. 
“Because of how hot you are, Kat.” Steve chimed in nonchalantly. Kat was standing close enough to Eddie that she felt him tense up at the compliment.
“Mission accomplished then.” Kat said with a smirk. “Okay so can we jump in here or do we gotta wait til the next game?” She asked, nodding at the table. 
“Perfect timing, just gotta reset,” Steve said.
They played long enough for Kat to get a buzz from the beer she had, but was quickly growing bored due to the fact her and Eddie were winning. He was quiet for the most part, staying back just to observe. Steve calling Kat hot actually got on his nerves enough that he had to control himself from constantly giving him an attitude. Luckily, he played it off well, keeping up with the group's banter. It was more like a lingering feeling in the back of his mind.
“I’m gonna go get us some real drinks,” Eddie said once the game was over.
“Okay, we’ll be out here so you can find us.” Kat said, smiling at him. He went into the house, disappearing into the sea of people that filled the large living room. As soon as he was inside, Kat turned to Robin. “Okay, I think you’re right.”
“About, you know…” Kat said as she nodded towards the house, referring to Eddie. She ended up recounting the events that happened in the car on the way to the party.
“Wow, it only took you a few days to catch up to the rest of the class!” Robin teased.
“Robin, what do I do?!” Kat said, clearly showing how flustered she was by the whole situation.
“What do you mean? You guys are perfect for each other. If he’s being obvious enough that even you are catching on now…”
“No, but, I can’t. This won’t… We’re friends. We need to stay friends.” Robin just gave Kat a look. “It’s true! It’s better that way. Ugh! You know what, I’m not dealing with this tonight.” She huffed as she grabbed a random solo cup filled with beer off the pong table and just downed it.
Robin raised her eyebrows at Kat. “Because that is definitely one way the truth won’t come out,” she mumbled.
“So, Kat, what are you supposed to be anyway?” Steve asked her.
“Uh… a cultist? I just wanted to give the people a little scare,” Kat giggled. 
“Definitely spooky.” Steve nodded in agreement. Robin’s eyes lit up and she nudged Steve. “Ow! What?”
“Cynthia! One o’clock!” Robin pointed out.
Steve ran his hand through his hair. “Sorry ladies, but duty calls,” he said, bowing out of their little group.
“Are you guys, like, each other’s wingperson or something?” Kat asked.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” Robin chuckled lightly, taking a sip of her drink.
“Maybe Vickie is here somewhere…” Kat whispered loud enough for just Robin to hear as she strained her neck looking around. Robin almost choked on her drink. “Sorry, sometimes I can just tell. I’ve seen her sneaking glances at you, it’s totally cute. And like, don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. I’ve done some crazy shit at parties back home too, so like, I get it.” 
“I… uh, wow. Okay. That’s actually a relief you already know. Wait, no. There’s no way Vickie even notices me. Are you crazy?”
“Now who’s the one that has to catch up with the rest of the class?” Kat smirked. 
“No. Nope. There’s no way. She doesn’t even notice me outside of band.” 
“I wouldn’t be so sure of that!” Kat said in a sing-songy voice. Now it was Robin’s turn to down the rest of her drink and grab another of whatever was in reach. Kat was shaking her head as Eddie weaved his way back by her side.
“Took forever to find that,” he said as he handed her her ice-filled drink, which Kat sniffed to figure out what it was and it quickly brought a smile to her face.
“You remembered!” She said excitedly as she took a sip of the whiskey Eddie brought her.
“Of course I did,” Eddie said, shrugging in a self-assured manner. 
Robin raised her eyebrows again and casted a look at Kat. “Shut up, Robin,” she mumbled into her drink in response as she took another big gulp of it.
“She didn’t say anything?” Eddie asked, confused.
“Well that was a bust.” Steve said as he rejoined the group.
“You’re back already? Oof.” Robin said, Steve shot her a look.
“I’ll have you know everything was going very well. Until her boyfriend showed up.” He said flatly, rolling his eyes before taking a large sip of the drink in his hand. 
“Weren’t you supposed to be, like, some hotshot here or something?” Kat asked. Eddie and Robin both stifled their laughter.
“I still am a hotshot, Kat. Thank you very much. It’s not my fault that the ladies are being hard to get.”
“Oh yeah, sure, Steve, blame the ladies.” Kat mocked and then bursted out laughing, taking another sip of her whiskey. 
“How did you not know Cynthia had a boyfriend?” Eddie chimed in. Steve and Robin looked at him, surprised he even knew who they were talking about. 
“Well, some of us actually graduated on time, Munson,” Steve shot back. Eddie just flipped him off.
“And don’t some of us move on from high school once they graduate, Harrington? Hmm?” Kat retorted, squinting her eyes at Steve. Eddie covered his mouth with his fist as a poor attempt to hide his laughter.
“She got you good, Harrington.” Robin laughed. Steve just sputtered nonsense as he tried to come up with a comeback, but couldn’t. 
“Alright,” Kat began, throwing back the rest of her whiskey, “it’s time to dance.” She grabbed Eddie’s hand and made her way into the house. “Come on guys, you know you wanna!” She called behind her to Robin and Steve. They looked at each other and shrugged and followed them inside. 
Kat didn’t even register what song was playing, she just immersed herself in the sea of costumed bodies with Eddie by her side. She danced and laughed, forgetting about her past and her worries. It took some convincing and another drink to get Eddie to really loosen up, but Kat’s drunken happiness was infectious. He couldn’t help but join her. Even Robin and Steve went right along with her, just letting loose and enjoying some carefree moments. 
Some time later, she did need to take a small break. She yelled over the music to her friends that she was going to get another drink. Grabbing Eddie by the hand again, she dragged him with her. All the drinks were strewn about the kitchen. Empty bottles, half full bottles, knocked over cups, all littered the counter space. 
“Kat, you really should have some water before you have anything else,” warned Eddie, which caused Kat to pout.
“Aww, daddy, you’re no fun.” She tried to keep pouting, but ended up in a fit of giggles. 
“Excuse you?” Eddie asked in a high pitched voice with his eyebrows raised as high as they would go, truly stunned by her comment.
“You heard me.” She laughed again, leaning into him, covering her face.
“Yeah, I’m getting you water.” He said as he searched for a clean solo cup. When he did, he filled it up with water from the tap. “Please, just humor me, and drink this.” Kat shrugged and did as she was told. 
“Okay, but, I’m having one more drink after this.”
“Whatever, just drink that. All of it.” She gave him a salute and downed the water in a couple gulps, turning it upside down when she was done.
“See? All gone.” After she gave him a shit-eating grin and gave him back the cup. She then found a shot glass and washed it in the sink. Eddie just laughed at her sudden responsibleness. “Now you’re being responsible?” He commented.
“What! I don’t know where this has been.” She defended. Once she was done, she combed through all the bottles that still had something in them. Nestled next to the fridge was a little tequila station. Her eyes lit up and she made a beeline over to it. Before Eddie could even register what she was getting up to, her hand was salted and the shot poured. He only realized after she had it knocked back and went to bite the lime what she had gotten into. 
“You do not mess around do you? Okay, okay. I think you’re good for now. How about another glass of water? Yeah?” He said as he got her a refill. Luckily, the one shot had satisfied her and she happily drank the water. It wasn’t until she heard the opening drum beat to “Take On Me” by A-Ha did her eyes become as wide as a kid’s first glimpse of their Christmas presents. 
“Come on! Don’t even tell me you don’t love this song!” She grabbed Eddie by the wrist this time, pulling him onto the dance floor. She sang the words right to him as loud as she could and danced her little heart out, but after the first chorus, she broke away from him and climbed up on a table nearby. She was whooping and hyping everyone up before she started belting out the lyrics. When she sang “You’re all the things I’ve got to remember, You’re shying away, I’ll be coming for you anyway,” she sang it directly to Eddie, giving him a wink before she continued her impromptu performance. 
When the song ended, Eddie helped her down. It was miraculous she didn’t fall, given how high her heels were. People around her cheered, celebrating the fun show.
“Kat, are you serious?! You can sing! That was wild!” Robin declared running up to Kat.
“Thank you, thank you!” Shortly after, Kat excused herself to go to the bathroom. Eddie let her go, keeping a watchful eye at a safe distance in the off chance she heard someone gossiping about her and decided to let them have it. She made it to the bathroom alright, but on the way back to her friends, things went a little differently when she did indeed catch two girls talking about her.
“Oh my god, look at her. She clearly just wants attention.” Some basketball player’s girlfriend was saying.
“Right? I mean her outfit is just asking for it. She looks like a total slut. Trying to show off. And for what?”
“Seriously, like, I get it’s Halloween, but who does she think she even is?”
“And she’s with that freak, Munson! Is that who she’s trying to impress? Like, ew!”
Kat, feeling bold as ever, slid herself right between the two girls and looked at her nails. “I don’t know, I thought I looked amazing in this outfit, which you two probably couldn’t pull off, like, ever.” The girls exchanged scared looks with each other. “What? Don’t stop talking on my account just because I’m here. I would love to hear more. Do you think my dancing was a little too much? I tried to tone it down so I could sing, but I just couldn’t help myself!” Kat paused looking at them expectantly, waiting for a response. “Aw, what’s wrong ladies? Cat’s got your tongues?” She sarcastically pouted as she grabbed both girls by their shoulders. Her clever pun was inspired by her thinking she had literally been pinching their tongues down. She imagined the grip she had on their shoulders to be like the grip she could have had on their tongues to get them to shut up. The girls started to whimper as if that was actually happening to them, but anyone who saw them would think it was because of Kat’s grip. “Maybe next time, you should check who’s around before you start talking shit, yeah? And for the record, I am simply having fun and Eddie is like, my best friend, so keep his name out of your mouths.” Her grip tightened even harder with her last sentence. It wasn’t until she heard her name did she lose her focus. She noticed Eddie coming towards her and her gaze softened. She released the girls with a shove and went right to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and spinning him around so she was facing the girls, staring them down.
Eddie held Kat by her waist, slightly taken aback at her sudden outburst of continued affection. Not that he was complaining, he just knew she needed to get home soon. “Hey, you wanna get outta here? Nothing is going to top a Kat Ramsay performance, so as far as I’m concerned this party is over.” He said, whispering into her ear. She let go of him, her hand sliding down his arm, as she grabbed his hand yet again. Every time she did that, it sent shockwaves through Eddie and he did his best not to let that show outwardly. “Okay, let me just say bye to Robin!” She dragged Eddie behind her, finding Robin so they could let her know they were leaving. Soon enough, they were nearing her car, Kat never letting go of Eddie’s hand.
Kat’s displays of affection were actually surprising to him. He knew something would happen between them eventually, but seeing Kat completely let go of any and all inhibitions made him realize just how much she kept inside. Immediately when he first saw her and her attitude he could tell that she had been through some shit. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. The closer they became, the more attached he got. 
Eddie was someone who could easily take care of himself in any given situation. He usually was smart when it came to picking his battles, but the way Kat time and time again went to his immediate defense when someone said his name with even the slightest negative tone, warmed his heart more than anything ever had before. If she was the reason he was fated to repeat years and years of high school, he would do it over and over and over again if it meant having her by his side.
As they got closer to Kat’s car, the terrain made her a little wobbly. Not wanting her to break an ankle, Eddie dropped her hand and put his arm around her waist to steady her, guiding her to the passenger side of her car. He went to open the door for her, but she slithered in front him and leaned against her car, blocking the door. She reached for the belt loops on his breeches and pulled him close to her. Adoration filled her eyes as she gazed into his. She reached up to brush some curls that had fallen out of place. “You look so pretty in the moonlight,” she whispered. The moon having been full just a few days prior was still bright enough to illuminate his features. Kat, still having her hand up, moved it to gently stroke his cheek with the back of fingers. 
Suddenly, for the second time that night, she lurched forward to wrap her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. Her movement caused Eddie to take a slight step back, but he instinctively wrapped his arms around her waist, steadying the both of them. “You’re, like, my best friend. Like, I’ve never had a friend like you and…and it’s… Please just don’t leave me. I don’t think… I couldn’t handle–” She continued to whisper in his ear while her eyes welled up with tears.
Eddie pushed her back just so that he could look at her. “Hey, hey. Don’t cry.” He consoled as he wiped a tear from her cheek with his thumb. “I’m not going to leave you. I would never leave you.”
“But everyone does. Everyone always does.” Kat bit her lip to keep it from quivering. Eddie cupped her face in his hands.
“Well, I am not everyone, sweetheart. I, Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson, solemnly swear to never abandon you. You have my word.” He said, leaning his forehead onto hers. She smiled but then lightly pushed his shoulder back.
“Don’t call yourself a freak. I don’t like that. You’re a nerd. Not a freak.” She said sternly. Eddie playfully rolled his eyes.
“Fine then. I, Eddie ‘The Nerd’ Munson, solemnly swear to never abandon you. Better?” 
“Mhm. Much better,” giggled Kat. 
“Gross! Get a room you Satanic freaks!” Some jock in a toga yelled to them as he and his group of friends were walking to their cars. Kat squinted her eyes to see who it was over Eddie’s shoulder and saw they had the two girls that she confronted earlier in tow.
“Kat, just leave it alone, let’s get you home now.” Eddie said purposefully trying to move her away from the door handle.
Her breathing picked up and she felt this tingling rage slowly build up inside her. She just waved her hand as if trying to knock the guy over. In her head she was imagining slamming him in the side with a wall of energy. And just like that, he toppled over into the bushes. “What the–!” She heard him yell. All his other friends were making fun of him for being too drunk. While one guy offered a hand to help him up, he stared at Kat horrified. She returned his stare by glaring at him menacingly. “Yeah, I’m over this. Let’s get out of here.”
Eddie helped her into the car, his heart singing as she somehow managed to defend him yet again. He was never really sure how whenever she was around, something always happened to those that tried to mess with either of them. Shaking his head, he ignored the insane thought that popped into his mind. It was probably just a coincidence. Meanwhile, as Kat sat in the car waiting for Eddie to get in, she wiped her nose on her cloak. Blood. It had been years since this had regularly happened to Kat and ever since coming to Hawkins it had been happening more and more again. She shrugged it off, still too drunk to care. She shuffled through her tapes again. “Ah ha!” She said when she found the one she was looking for. “This is the Halloween feel I want.” Happily she began bobbing her head to the opening chords of “Evil” by Mercyful Fate. Eddie smiled and chuckled to himself, always taken by surprise how alike him and Kat were.
Towards the end of the drive, Eddie took a chance by asking Kat a serious question. He figured she was more likely not to dodge it in her current state. “Why do you always defend me around the jocks?”
“Because they’re assholes and you don’t deserve to be treated like that.” She matter of factly stated through slurred speech. “Stop trying to be the big tough boy that doesn’t let anything bother him. I know it does!” She clumsily raised her finger, pointing at Eddie.
“You don’t gotta go fighting my battles, you know. I’ve dealt with this for…pretty much my whole life. Part of the territory.”
“Well. I don’t let people treat my friends like shit. Deal with it.” Kat huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Sometimes it’s not worth it to do that every single time.” This caused Kat to squint her eyes and slowly turn her head to look at him.
“Don’t. Care. Deal with it.”
“Kat, I know how they are. I’m telling you–” He knew this conversation should have been tabled for later, but he couldn’t help himself from trying to explain it to her.
“And I’m telling you, I can’t control myself when I get pissed off. If it’s bad enough, I just. Weird shit happens and I can’t control it. So, you’re just gonna have to deal.”
Luckily before things escalated anything further, Eddie parked the car in Kat’s driveway. She carefully made her way into her house, plopping on the seat in her foyer to take off her boots.
“Okay, so, welcome to my humble abode.” Kat said, presenting the first floor to Eddie.
“I see what you mean about it not having much character.”
“Right?! I told you. So generic.” Kat made her way up the stairs. “You just gonna stand there? This is the grand tour.” When she turned to start up the stairs again she tripped, but quickly caught herself. “Oop, careful, there’s a step there,” she giggled as she continued on her way to her room, Eddie quickly catching up to her.
“How do you make it a whole night in those boots and you trip barefoot up your own stairs?” He asked her, laughing. She just shrugged and continued giggling.
“That’s the bathroom,” she pointed to her left. “This is my room.” She turned to the right and opened her door, flipping on the lights. Of course, Eddie went straight to her guitar. Kat threw her shoes near her closet and took off her cloak. “You can stay awhile. My aunt won’t be back til, like, I dunno, late?” Kat said as she left briefly to use the bathroom. Eddie poked around her room, taking his time to go through her extensive record collection while he waited for her to come back.
When she returned, she went to the middle drawer in her desk and fished out a pack of Marlboros and a lighter. She stumbled over to her window, opening it, and lighting her cigarette. Kat was staring at the moon while Eddie went and put Dio’s Sacred Heart album on. Striding over to her, he held out his hand and said “Care to share?” Tearing her gaze from the window, she flapped her hand around to get the pack of smokes off her desk to hand it to him with a dopey smile across her face. He lit up his own cigarette, leaning against Kat’s desk next to where she sat on top of it, swinging her legs. 
Eddie looked down at her, a half smile on his face as he just watched her sway her head to the music. It took half a song before she looked up at him. “What?” She laughed.
“Nothin’.” He smiled before he took another drag. Kat put hers out in an abalone shell ashtray.
“You can say it’s ‘cause I’m pretty.”
Taking a final drag and putting out his cigarette, he shook his head and laughed at her. “Pretty doesn’t even begin to cover it, princess.” 
She hopped off the desk, Eddie quickly grabbed her arm to steady her. Twirling to face him, she crossed her arms on his chest and rested her chin on them, looking up at him. “Then what does?” She asked, batting her eyelashes. Before he could even respond, the tattoo on his chest caught her eye instantly distracting her. She pulled his shirt to the side and analyzed it, revealing there were actually two there. Lightly, she traced them with her fingers. Eddie had hoped she couldn’t feel his heart rate steadily increasing. “I like these,” she smiled as she moved to trace the one that looked like some kind of demon. “Why a black widow?” 
“Recurring dream.” He whispered.
Kat’s eyes lit up in surprise. “Like me! Remember when I told you about..?” She said with a look of excited shock still on her face as she pointed to her left forearm.
“I remember,” he chortled. 
Kat left her hand on his chest, bringing her gaze up to his eyes. Her other hand began to play with his hair, twirling one his curls around her finger. “Do you think…Do you think we’re just gonna stay friends?” He looked at her quizzically. “Like, just friends,” she slurred. She relaxed her hand and his curl fell across his face. “Because I don’t…” Reaching up to brush the hair out of his face while staring at his lips, she continued, “I don’t think… I dunno how much longer…” Her hand stroked his face before she held his neck. “I can pretend that I don’t…” She cut herself off by pulling him down towards her. In the state she was in, her kiss was sloppy, not that Eddie cared in the slightest. He reached up to hold her face as the kiss deepened. The electricity between them could have caught the room on fire.
Eddie thought he knew Kat well enough, that come tomorrow morning, she would deny what she had just said. He knew she really wasn’t ready to face the feelings she had for him. Not wanting her to regret anything, it took all his strength to break from the kiss and gently push her away. “Kat, we can’t… Not this way,” he whispered breathlessly. She looked confused and almost angry that he was the one who stopped the kiss. “But I thought–” She started but then her face fell. “Uh oh.” She said as she turned around and made a run for the bathroom, the night had finally caught up with her.
She bent over the toilet, emptying all the contents from her stomach. Eddie followed right behind her. He held her hair in one hand and rubbed her back with the other. When Kat was finished, she flushed the toilet and leaned back against the tub. “Shit,” she groaned. Eddie helped her clean herself up, before making sure she got into her bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she was out. 
He caressed her head, muttering “Sweet dreams, princess,” before he saw himself out. All the while he was wondering just how much Kat would remember from tonight. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t entirely sure if he wanted her to remember everything, debating if it was best if she didn’t. He feared she would be filled with regret and remorse at her drunken antics. During his drive home he planned out scenarios of what he would say to make sure they stayed friends, in case she did end up feeling that way. He sighed as he entered his trailer. The wait until he could talk to her again already felt excruciating, but only time will tell how the ever unpredictable Kat Ramsay would feel.
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Casey & Janis Pt.6
Casey: I wouldn’t, nobody, whatever they was offering
Janis: me neither
Casey: fuck it up before they’d made that many transfers anyway, nevermind tried to put a ring on us, out of my hands
Janis: whatever Billie gets a % of won’t be worth it
Casey: depressing, back full circle to the comedown
Janis: it is, no avoiding that
Casey: most people’s lives are, reckon I’ll avoid mine being far as I can do, tah
Janis: mine was
Casey: mine too
Janis: what if we default
Casey: I’m not letting that happen
Janis: what if I do
Casey: try it, mate, you heard, give a shit if you fancy having a strop
Janis: I don’t fancy it, it just happens
Casey: what went on with him won’t with me
Janis: I’m just a moody bitch, I think
Casey: your hormones’ll have nowt to do with what’s in your head soon, claim it while you can before she properly takes over
Janis: she can have it, I’m not claiming none of this bullshit
Casey: I will, least some of
Janis: no, none of it
Casey: what makes me look and feel most good, only that sort of dickhead
Janis: you’re lovely, I’m a nightmare
Casey: don’t start this, I’ve said it before, I’ve had nightmares, you’re not
Janis: you’re so good, it makes me mad when I’m not even coming close
Casey: and it makes me fuming when you reckon you’ve gotta play up as owt for me
Casey: how you feel is how I want you to behave
Janis: I don’t want to get this wrong
Casey: talk to us, keep on doing, and we can’t
Janis: alright but now I do feel naive and like a twat
Casey: what for
Janis: because I don’t know how to apologize or fucking
Janis: make you feel like you’re not walking on eggshells now
Casey: you don’t need to apologise, I overstepped the mark if either of us did, I only wanted to make you feel better, but there’s times in the last decade I can’t make you feel okay about, it don’t matter if you done a list a mile long of everything you never did with him and we crossed every one of ‘em off, there’s shit that won’t be crossed out never
Janis: you were giving me space to talk about what I missed out on, that can’t be seen as anything but a good thing
Janis: it just made me feel like a virgin who don’t want anyone to know again
Casey: you feeling like that ‘cause of something I said is a bad thing, give a fuck if I meant it to be good, it weren’t
Casey: I’m sorry
Janis: please don’t say sorry
Janis: it’s me, I made me feel like that because I wasted half my fucking life now
Casey: but you didn’t, it ain’t gonna be half your life, you’ve got so much fucking time to do whatever the fuck you want
Janis: I don’t wanna feel like I’m having a midlife crisis, it’s fucking humiliating 
Casey: you’re not my dad, and I’ll say again, I’m not your crap missus
Janis: the reminder ain’t needed quite as much as you give it but
Casey: however you feel, one night and I’ll change it ‘round til you’re more alive than anybody we know
Janis: that’s how you always make me feel
Casey: we have them, ‘cause you ain’t 90, but we don’t need years
Janis: you’ll never get bored of me
Casey: chuck all the eggs you want at me, I’ve walked over worse
Janis: no, tell me I’m fun and so easy to live with, tah
Casey: I’ll show you
Janis: okay, I can agree to that
Casey: and agree to marry us, I don’t care if it’s something boring and middle aged dickheads do, it’ll be different when it’s you and me
Janis: did I not already agree to that?
Casey: yeah, but don’t go and change your mind
Janis: it’s not meant to be a death sentence, I want it
Casey: I want you, in every mood
Janis: forever
Casey: I still feel where you wrote it on me
Janis: you're all over me, all different pressures
Casey: forever, an’ all
Janis: I’d feel really alone properly if I couldn’t still feel you right now, I dunno how I hacked that
Casey: if you couldn’t feel me I’d be right there showing up to make sure you did, I can’t hack leaving you alone with none of this, that I had to before
Janis: Soon, we can be together soon and I don’t have to come back here ‘til the AM
Casey: we’re together now, no dickhead in no other room could pay us enough to piss off ‘til [the time she’s supposed to finish working]
Janis: okay, yeah but I can touch you soon and I need to do that
Casey: so touch where you need to, I’ll feel it, challenge accepted
Janis: [just be busy trying to do that, testing your telepathy]
Janis: how do you feel now
Casey: [the most unnecessarily dramatic video response to her efforts so she can fully see and hear his reaction to what she’s trying to do, no fucks given to the fact she’s at work rn, soz, he’s just here still on this bathroom floor, no clothes at all nbd]
Casey: like that, watch it when you’ve got a sec
Janis: his times nearly up, thank God
Janis: I’m trying not to look because I want to pay you proper attention but
Casey: I can wait if you can
Janis: I’m just having a little preview, that’s it
Casey: 🤏
Janis: I can’t just leave you there, looking like that, fuck
Casey: you’ve left us with loads of goosebumps all over
Janis: sorry but you can’t get dressed yet, find another way to stay warm
Casey: be sorrier if I got dressed, when you get to the end you’ll see how much that’d hurt
Janis: I’m behaving, definitely not anywhere near halfway through
Casey: you’ll have to go back and listen
Janis: I wanna see if I’ve got every sound right, just from how it looks on your face
Casey: you will, you knew exactly what you was doing when you caused them, it felt so right
Janis: I know how to make you happy
Casey: and keep me like it for [however long is left of this countdown because we’re back to edging here lol lol]
Janis: until you can be the one I’m on top of again
Casey: they dunno what they agreed to saying yeah to our table
Janis: I’ll try to keep what I do under it but
Casey: no promises, I get it, nor from me
Janis: you’d look too good laid out like that
Casey: ‘til we’ve our own kitchen that’ll fit a table, we’ve gotta use theirs
Janis: I do miss that table
Casey: practiced my DIY on it, there’ll be no bother doing the same fix again
Janis: we can’t go back there, what if one of them came back
Casey: all the what ifs
Janis: my head is racing with them
Casey: my pulse is, it’s in time to how yours were
Janis: [picture of your fitbit vibe ‘cos makes sense you’d have one for the sporty vibe of it all because hard same]
Janis: somehow every reason why we shouldn’t has fucked off though
Casey: [we all know he’d have one too, she probably got him one as a gift at some point because they were sporty bitches together and like what else are you getting a lad his age, and we all also know he’s sending a pic and his heart rate is v similar because they literally are in sync always it’s not just words they’re saying to be intense]
Casey: tell us why we should
Janis: [it’s too real and thus the 😍 selfie response because what else can you do when there’s another person in the room and you wanna be feral af]
Janis: alright, I’ll give it my best shot…
Janis: 1. Last time 2. Every other time we fucked or almost did in that place 3. We know when it’s empty 4. You miss the next doors loads 5. They could come back any moment
Casey: alright, we’ll stay off the table at [whatever this restaurant is called] and get on our old one on our way back
Janis: only 🤏 gutted you didn’t take convincing so we could talk about it some more, like
Casey: I never said stop talking, did I
Janis: reckoned there was too many memories there but
Janis: some of them need to be kept
Casey: *loads
Janis: yeah, that many, all the ones with you and me
Casey: we’d fall out if you said you wanted me to bin any of them, be the first time I’d have a job to do what I’m told
Janis: you’ve got a proper good recall, be a right dickhead to punish you for it
Janis: especially when it makes me feel everything
Casey: think what you’ll feel when you’re on that table wearing [the outfit he’s picking for her to wear to this dinner date which has now clearly just been chosen that second for being feelsy in reference to one of the times they almost fucked in the kitchen that isn’t icecubegate day obvs, we know the vibes that he’s letting her remember without going into any deets besides the outfit ones, because know she’ll recall it too and we’re righting that wrong]
Janis: you should be thinking about it, exactly how you were back then
Janis: thinking about taking [said outfit off] or pushing it to one side, if I really was looking at you like that, how fast my heart was pounding
Casey: can’t be doubting my recall when you just called it proper good
Janis: I’m telling you what to do, have you finally had enough of that?
Casey: I like it too much to get fed up of it, don’t worry
Janis: I would never ask you to do anything you didn’t really, really wanna do
Casey: you’d never wanna do something I didn’t, what we want’s the same
Janis: It is hard to remember many times it weren’t, too in-synch, pissing everyone else off
Casey: it were more than it weren’t, you couldn’t let on some of the time, that’s all
Janis: yeah, couldn’t exactly be that blatant then
Casey: worth the wait
Janis: you are, every time
Casey: you are
Janis: I know you’re being so patient right now
Casey: [a pic of him that is exactly like the flushed bathroom floor pic she sent him because they love to mirror each other]
Janis: you timed that just as he was fucking off, thank God ‘cos you look so 🥺
Casey: I am so 🥺
Janis: what can I do to make it feel better?
Casey: finish watching, it’ll be mutual
Janis: I have 15 minutes ‘til the next one, I can do it
Casey: in 15 mins you can do loads
Janis: you would know
Janis: look how much you’re achieving 
Casey: have to keep on making you proud of us, you know what it means to me
Janis: you mean so much to me, everything
Janis: all I’ve got right now, it’s because of you
Casey: my hormones’ll be in sync with yours if you don’t steady on
Janis: that’s alright, I don’t feel like crying/screaming now, not like that, anyway
Janis: can be your turn
Casey: I’d cry for you if I had it in us
Janis: I know you would
Janis: you never know, tattoo might hurt THAT bad
Casey: maybe if you’d told me I had to get it somewhere else, but I dunno what’d be gayer, paying some lad I went to school with to touch my cock or crying about it when he does
Janis: awh, the gay panic 
Janis: they’ll have seen worse, wouldn’t be phased if you puked, pissed yourself and passed out
Casey: too right they will have
Janis: baby, we both know you’re not going to be bothered by some needles really
Casey: me who ain’t phased by sod all, in the wrong job by the sounds of it
Janis: oh no, I’m jealous
Casey: go into business together if you like
Janis: for people who want really shit tattoos
Casey: have a look ‘round, girl, that’s most
Janis: yeah, alright, you got a point
Janis: you can touch as many lads up as you want then
Casey: piss off, that’s what you already do, why am I taking over it
Janis: ‘cos you’re not allowed to touch any girls
Casey: I’m not touching no lads, whatever you’ve heard from [this tattoo artist boy from school lol] ain’t true
Janis: you’re an idiot
Casey: who’ll stick to serving others drinks
Janis: you can do whatever you want, boy
Casey: it is what I want, ‘til she’s here to need taking care of
Janis: Good
Janis: I don’t need to pretend to be thrilled about you touching anyone up
Casey: we’ve been over before how you’re no actress, mate
Janis: dash my career dreams, dickhead
Casey: your career’s sorted, has been for ages
Janis: not good at much, being able to lowkey assault the customer was the only way it was gonna work for me
Casey: you’re good at everything you give a proper go
Janis: it made sense, haven’t had to think about it much since
Janis: was never trying to take over the world like Rih or fix it like my mum
Casey: there’s no need to, what matters is it don’t do your head in having to live in it
Janis: it works for me, yours will too
Casey: us working together is what’s made sense to me, far back as I can think on
Janis: we’re a good team, always has been true
Casey: and that’s the world she’ll come into, I’m happy with it
Janis: you’re happy, I’m happy
Casey: you’re happy, I’m doing something right
Janis: everything
Casey: how it feels
Janis: it’s true, for us
Casey: yeah, very
Janis: I haven’t been this happy, consistently, never
Casey: there’s fuck all more mutual than that
Janis: marry me 🥰
Casey: [not him doing a countdown until they can, thank god the divorce of it all has appaz been changed to a year now instead of two, how highkey you two are]
Janis: no pressure to work off the baby weight
Casey: none from me, like
Casey: I’ve said how fit you’ll look
Janis: I dunno how well that’ll translate to a wedding dress 
Casey: in my head it does, really well
Janis: oh yeah?
Casey: if you don’t believe us I’ll take you to try some on
Janis: what if I get shy
Casey: I’ll tell the nosy bitch who works there to piss off out
Janis: 😳 maybe
Casey: just think about it
Janis: is your birthday next
Casey: that you promising you’ll look well pregnant by then
Janis: we’re trying, she can’t help being teeny tiny in there
Casey: it’s my fault, barely feeding you nothing today
Janis: we’re busy
Casey: you’re gonna eat for two in a bit, no arguments
Janis: it’ll be 12 weeks, your birthday
Janis: when you can tell people from
Casey: she’s done that as a present for me, knowing I can’t wait to brag to them at work about her
Janis: she is your best mate, after-all
Casey: ask her if she’d rather I go in for her tattoo then
Janis: don’t even need to, she’s my kid, obviously she’s going to want that
Casey: since she’s your kid she might not fancy waiting when she can have it done same time as yours, I dunno
Janis: nah, wants to be special
Casey: should’ve guessed, that’s so like you
Janis: oi 😏
Casey: they’ll be able to hear her heartbeat’s what it says
Janis: yeah, the first scan
Casey: don’t reckon I’ve eaten a plum but that’s how big she’ll be an’ all
Janis: she’ll still be there, won’t she
Casey: yeah, ‘course she will
Janis: can’t feel her yet, no way to know until they tell you
Casey: we do know though, she’s ours, we don’t need nobody to tell us she’s there
Janis: I’m just a bit
Janis: how am I going to do it, who’s coming
Casey: depends how he is
Janis: There’s no way in hell he’ll want to go with us both, I know that already
Casey: might be you and him or you and me do
Janis: neither of those is fair
Casey: what’s fair to her is having the scan and what’s fair to you is you’re not there on your own, it don’t matter about him or me
Janis: We’ve got a whole month or so to think about it, nothing to do about that now
Casey: right, don’t let none of the maybes do your head in when all sorts could happen between today and my birthday
Janis: exactly, I’d rather plan what we’re doing to celebrate 
Casey: other than talking the ear off every dickhead I know or meet about her, I dunno
Janis: you’ve got no ideas, I’ll have to take over then
Casey: my birthday’s usually getting off my face with my mates, but you’re my best mate and you can’t
Janis: you can do that too though
Casey: they’re not gonna fancy hearing about her
Janis: so talk about me
Casey: I don’t wanna hear what they’d have to say, you’re not like the lasses they’re with or I were before
Janis: alright
Casey: I don’t care about the bollocks they’re bothered about no more
Janis: so is it new friends too or
Casey: it’s me and you, you’re the only mate I need
Janis: you know I’m not trying to isolate you
Casey: you know it’s not like that
Janis: but if you still want to go get trashed with your mates and talk about whatever the fuck, then you’re allowed to do that too
Casey: I said I don’t, I’d fall out with them, why would I wanna spend my birthday doing that when I could spend it with you
Janis: okay, I just have to say
Casey: my arm ain’t been behind my back once, you don’t force us into nowt I don’t fancy, never
Janis: it ain’t a habit I’m looking to pick up, just keeping on top of it
Casey: I can’t think what we should get up to ‘cause it’s only just now hitting me it’s alright if I spend my birthday alone with you
Casey: we couldn’t for none of my others, not properly
Janis: yeah it’s mental, we’ve never had this sort of freedom
Janis: sometimes I forget we’re not just hiding in our flat in our own little world
Casey: there’s too many places I’d take you and things I’d do if you just said pick whatever
Janis: there’s years to make up for but we’ve got more
Casey: and yours to celebrate together, not even started on them
Janis: she’ll be here by then, gatecrashing
Casey: when’ll hers be
Janis: [around the time because you can’t be that exact but her actual bday is 17th Sept so like a month before Janis’ and 9 days after Jimmy’s]
Casey: near his
Janis: yeah
Casey: and my mum’s, maybe she’ll do that for us an’ all, let me celebrate it again
Janis: have to see if her timings that good
Casey: how good of a mate she is
Janis: but no pressure, yeah 😏
Casey: not the sort of dad I’ll be
Janis: can’t believe you’re still such a baby, how are you only turning 22
Casey: Oi, who you calling a baby, love
Janis: what you gotta be one for, mate
Casey: I’m not one
Janis: I’ll be 25, may as well be 90
Casey: calm yourself down, you’re not turning 45
Janis: you wish
Casey: what you starting on me for, dickhead
Janis: I’m not, just a joke
Casey: you’d not be laughing if I was with her next door instead of you, about how old she is, ain’t it
Janis: so she says but her face is at least a decade older
Casey: 😏
Janis: you couldn’t pull mrs next door, she hates you
Casey: she don’t have to like us to fuck us
Janis: some people do actually think that’s a requirement, like
Casey: her’d be mad for any attention, especially off someone as fit as me
Janis: 🙄 cocky little shit
Casey: less of the little and it’s a compliment
Janis: I’m not in a complimenting mood but 🤏 cute
Casey: stick to calling me your baby and I’ll give you all the compliments you like, put you in a better mood
Janis: the next doors must be barren, or their kids hate them, she wouldn’t be able to call you baby without crying off
Casey: be a right ugly crier, not like you
Janis: I miss you
Casey: how long’s it
Janis: [do your timer moment]
Casey: nah, fuck that, I need to see you
Janis: you have to wait
Casey: I can’t
Janis: we already had our two hour lunch
Casey: ages ago
Janis: pisstake, ain’t it
Casey: hang on, I’m practicing putting on a fake limp
Janis: I don’t just do walk-ins, you know, got a long waiting list, tah v much
Casey: bit rude you wouldn’t for me if I’d dived for a ball or some bollocks how they do
Janis: you’re special, are you
Casey: I’ve heard it somewhere before, yeah
Janis: you know I’d love to see you but I only have 2 more dickheads to go today
Casey: alright
Janis: If we don’t try, I’m never going to get better at this
Casey: you’re perfect at it
Janis: to you, but I can barely concentrate and all I wanna do is walk out the door any given minute to come find you
Casey: I’m sorry, last thing I for real fancy doing is fucking up your waiting list
Janis: I wouldn’t change it but I know I have to behave 
Casey: I’ll leave you to get on how I said I would with that other dickhead, behave myself
Janis: but
Casey: we best try, you said it
Janis: and we’re alright?
Casey: we’re okay, that beats alright
Janis: good, don’t ever be mad at me and not say shit, do my head in
Casey: I’ve not got it in us to behave in a way that does owt but let every dickhead in the world know when I’m fuming, have I
Janis: could have it in you to sulk for the rest of my shift, it’s legit not that long
Janis: but I believe you
Casey: if you want me to stick my bottom lip out for the rest of your shift, I will do, I can give it all that 🥺 whenever
Casey: but I’m proud of you, promise
Janis: ‘course I want that and then some but it’s a mixed signal when I’m telling you we’ve gotta try
Janis: listen to myself and give it a shot
Janis: love you the most
Casey: love you more, I’ll be stood there bang on [the time] waiting with my 🥺 that proves it
Casey: and your clothes
Janis: [recite the outfit he said he’d bring]
Casey: [likewise remind her of what you’ll be wearing and why]
Janis: 😍 I can see you so clearly, gonna have to pinch me to prove you’re real when you’re actually here
Casey: we’ve gone harder with weirder foreplay in public, be alright
Janis: when was it weird 😢
Casey: it weren’t ever as far as I’m concerned, but if you start an office poll you’ll never crack on with your last dickheads
Janis: I am not dying to hear any of their input or latest situationship woes, don’t worry
Casey: and if I let you hear all the reminders of what I actually thought about it you won’t behave how you’ve gotta
Janis: fuck this, it’s too hard
Casey: no, you can do it, baby
Casey: I’ve seen you keep on with harder shit than this like it were piss easy
Janis: but I wanna hear or surely I won’t concentrate, imagining what you could be imagining 
Casey: [obvs do go into all the deets I cannot remember about every public hookup y’all have had so far and how into every second of it you were, boy]
Janis: [add your own mems in because likewise but also send him a covert pic of this client like I’m working, don’t worry lmao]
Casey: I’m trying to be jealous but I fucking can’t of him, like
Janis: I wouldn’t [whatever the most unhinged thing y’all did in public was, matter of opinion I suppose but you get the point lol] for him
Casey: or [an unhinged thing they haven’t done but he’s proposing they do outside her place of work when he shows up like a heathen, probably don’t, whatever it is, but you know]
Janis: anything for you, just you
Casey: for us both, you’ll like it as much
Janis: could be more
Casey: we’ll see, I’m getting into that phrase 🤏
Janis: so daddy
Casey: it’s always a yeah for my girls though
Janis: the only kind of we’ll see I want to hear 😈
Casey: now I’m allowed to say yeah you’ll never hear me telling you no
Janis: how am I meant to not entirely abuse that power
Casey: you must be meant to, if you dunno what else
Janis: you’ll like it as much
Janis: promise
Casey: I trust you
Janis: you’re so special, for real
Casey: you
Janis: you, I’m going to make tonight so good for you
Casey: I’ll bend over backwards to make it a date that’s as special as you are, with or without bending you over a table an’ all
Janis: and then I’m keeping you company all night
Casey: if she makes you tired there’s somewhere I can put you, I’ve already sorted it
Janis: intriguing 
Casey: looking after you’s first thing in my head anywhere I go
Janis: you kill me
Casey: I just can’t concentrate on owt ‘til I’ve got a plan for you that means you’re okay, they’d get no real work out of me else
Janis: there’s no one better than you, to look after us
Casey: can she hear how shit the music is, I want her having better taste than what they play
Janis: not yet, she’s not invited anyway, it’s our time alone
Casey: that’s alright then, know you’ve some taste
Janis: oi, what you saying I’ve not got taste in now
Casey: first husbands
Janis: well, not a lot I can say to that one
Casey: least he does look like us, you can have that
Janis: Casey
Casey: yeah, I know
Janis: it won’t end well if we start talking about him, if we even can
Casey: ignore me, it’s not funny, it probably can’t ever be
Janis: nah it’s just like, even if I did admit he was wrong for me or whatever
Janis: don’t change what’s happened
Casey: it’s an old habit, they’re not easy to change neither, but I get it
Janis: you were just pointing out what was obvious to you, not mad at you for it, then or now
Casey: don’t be mad at me and not say shit yourself, long as you ain’t, we’re still alright
Janis: he’s the underdog now, be a dickhead move for me to try laughing about it but you’re getting used to the role reversal, no worries
Casey: I haven’t stopped making dickhead moves, I dunno if I ever will
Janis: it is different though, him and Bobby have fucked you over too, more mutual
Janis: I cheated on him, black and white case there
Casey: there’s no need to make excuses for us
Janis: just what I reckon
Casey: what I reckon is, he’s no underdog if he got what was coming to him, not seeing it coming isn’t the same thing as him getting what he got ‘cause of what he did or didn’t bother to be doing, sod all’s black and white, we’re all grey
Janis: its hard to see myself as wronged in any sort of way, guess I feel too guilty
Casey: he left you first, I saw it and you felt it, it don’t make what happened okay, it means he’s not the only one fucked over
Janis: okay
Casey: he can be a victim without needing to be a saint as well as
Janis: you’re right, I know you are
Casey: he hurt you and that matters even if nobody else has a clue about it
Janis: you saw it, you care
Casey: but I didn’t do nowt soon enough, I feel guilt for that
Janis: I didn’t help myself either, I’m not helpless, not usually
Casey: I could’ve stood up and said something to stop the wedding, nearly did
Janis: it was a mess, we all were
Casey: I let you down, him too
Janis: it wasn’t your job, it’s okay
Casey: it weren’t a job you could do, you still loved him, and he wasn’t gonna do it himself
Janis: you were a kid, there’s nothing you could’ve done
Casey: I’ve not been a real kid since I don’t even fucking know when
Janis: I know
Janis: none of us can go that far back and do what we should’ve
Casey: I just need you to know that I know where my blame goes, how much there is
Janis: I can’t blame you but I hear what you’re saying still
Janis: things had to happen the way they did, what if it was back then and he took it even worse
Casey: everyone’s gonna say I don’t feel none, ‘cause I’m not sorry this has happened, and I reckon you’re right it had to, but long as you’ve heard what I’ve got guilt about
Janis: I know you do, they can say whatever but they don’t know the half
Janis: I can say I can’t stop thinking about if you had stopped it but still feel guilty
Janis: we don’t have to bring up the reminder every day, every time we reckon we’ve got out of line
Casey: he’s punished you enough and you’ll do the rest without it being worth me or any other twat having a go
Janis: of course I look back and want you to stop me, make me admit how I feel about you
Casey: part of us was too busy shitting myself you wouldn’t, that’s my fucking weakness, and I won’t get rid of it, not fully, ‘cause you didn’t put it there
Janis: there ain’t a man alive that wouldn’t be in that situation, sod the shit put in your head
Janis: most would’ve given up years before that, written it off as over before anything could ever happen
Casey: but the shit put in my head is what tells me I should’ve done, to give up all the bloody time
Casey: what I hate more about Jim than how we’re different and them making it us who’s loads better, is how deep down we’re not different enough
Janis: but you didn’t and we’re here now
Janis: I know you’re talking about more than just me though but how many of your mates you know are in their career path, or even a job they get owt out of but their minimum wage
Janis: your parents fucked you up but it’s normal to have next to no fucking clue what you’re doing at your age, you’re cannier than loads to realise you want to be somewhere else
Casey: I can’t stop myself thinking he can’t let go of you either, just like I couldn’t and didn’t
Janis: He has
Casey: but has he, not really
Janis: yes, he has
Janis: not moving on instantly isn’t the same as holding on, he could not want me less if he tried
Casey: him not wanting you no more but doing sod all about it is the flipside to me wanting you more than anything but doing sod all about it, it’s all not giving up when you should do
Janis: how the fuck do you want me to take this
Casey: I don’t know, I’m just trying to make sense of it
Janis: either way, liking me is a problem you both share
Casey: don’t, it’s not something I regret
Janis: just something you should both get over
Casey: no, I’m only worried he can’t
Janis: no it’s great, I’m just a fucked up coping mechanism for you two, thanks
Casey: why have you gotta take it like that
Janis: read back what you just said, or don’t, this is your issue to work through
Casey: there’s only an issue if you properly think you’re just owt of the sort to me
Janis: like I said, I don’t know how else you expected me to take that
Casey: you could take it as I’m chatting shit and doing my head in, and yours, over bollocks that isn’t true, tell me that
Janis: I don’t know, Case, I can’t tell you that’s not true, it might fucking be 
Casey: you’re the one person who can, you know us, tell me I don’t have to be scared of that, that I’m not as fucked up as that
Janis: how can you sit here and ask me if you should’ve given up, if you’re as bad as him for not
Casey: ‘cause I’d rather die than treat you how he has, use you like he did
Janis: what it really is is you think I’m making the same mistake, again
Janis: I didn’t pick right the first time and I’ve done no better this time either
Casey: I don’t want to think it, none of it
Janis: so stop it, fucking stop
Casey: it’s not empty words, I trust you with my fucking life
Casey: all your decisions I get them more than I get my own
Janis: It’s not remotely similar, not to me, it’s the literal opposite
Casey: I dunno what to do when my head gets hijacked by this shit
Janis: it’s self-sabotage, I can only point it out if I see it, I can’t make you stop doing it
Casey: I’m so scared of hurting you it’s gonna end up making me
Janis: then do it now and you’ll have nothing left to be scared of
Casey: no, fuck that
Janis: it’s been said
Janis: I know it’s not you talking
Casey: I said it, and you heard us say an’ all there’s no need to make excuses for me
Janis: if you tell me that’s not how you meant it, then I’m going to take your word for it
Casey: it’s still not alright
Janis: you were trying to work shit out
Casey: you’re not my fucking lab rat to try shit out on, I can’t just say what the fuck I like ‘cause it’s in my head
Janis: yeah, you can
Janis: that’s what we do, I do it to you all the time
Casey: I can’t, I feel a twat now
Janis: I’m not promising to just be a sounding board for it, you should know I’d be bad at that
Casey: I’d go back to [school therapist] if I was after someone to nod at my total bollocks
Janis: buzzing as she’d inevitably be
Casey: old enough she can more than hug, ‘course she would
Janis: 🤮
Casey: yeah, same
Janis: how did you even get to thinking about this
Casey: I dunno
Janis: idiot
Casey: I felt like I’d let you down and then
Casey: it kept on and on from there
Janis: you let me down in your estimations only, in everyone else’s that was my own mess to get in and out of
Janis: there’s plenty of ways I feel like I let you down that no one else would ever reckon was my place
Casey: how do I chuck him out my head
Janis: dunno if you can
Janis: you have to let better shit in, properly, that’s about it
Casey: okay
Janis: let me in and don’t try and chuck me out
Casey: you are in and I’ve never wanted you to piss off
Janis: you aren’t a quitter, you’re famously the opposite, and that’s a good thing, you can’t spin it into a bad one
Casey: he did
Janis: ‘cos everything in his life has to be shit or how would anyone take his misery seriously
Casey: I’m tired of hearing him
Janis: lucky you won’t be hearing nothing but me soon
Casey: we don’t have to, I get I’ve pissed on it
Janis: I need to eat, you said so yourself
Casey: but there’s loads of ways other than
Janis: tables booked, I’m going
Casey: I booked it, don’t need telling
Janis: I’m saying you can come if you want but I will be if you don’t
Casey: what do you want
Janis: do I wanna sit at dinner alone or do I wanna spend time with you
Casey: simple question, girl
Janis: if I was building your self-esteem, I’d make you answer yourself
Janis: but obviously I want to be with you
Casey: I’ll obviously be there 
Janis: I’m sorry, I flipped my lid like that
Casey: you had a right to, what I said
Janis: I’d rather I’d said something dead helpful though
Janis: not made you feel like a twat
Casey: I did that to myself, I was so chuffed to bits for us to be going out and to be having you at work, only to fuck it all up
Janis: you’ll get into it, don’t I always make you feel better
Casey: it’s ‘cause I were that happy, what if I keep on with this bollocks whenever we are
Janis: then we’ll still be happy and I’ll get to have a right go at you too, win win, boy 
Casey: 😁 
Casey: warned you my hormones was as fucked as yours
Janis: I know you’re as fucked as me, if anyone can handle you, its me, same when you flip it
Casey: that’s okay then, we are
Janis: you will be, your heart and head’ll stop racing in a sec when you realise you’re never losing me
Casey: might have ‘em racing more, just the opposite way
Janis: more fun that way
Casey: Let’s piss off somewhere for my birthday, only fair if the kids are gatecrashing the honeymoon
Janis: anywhere?
Casey: the one rule is nowhere you’ve been before, no reminders of when photographers tried to touch you up
Janis: I can work with that
Casey: [throw out some suggestions that I won’t commit us to rn because even he can’t remember everywhere she’s ever been]
Janis: [❌ off the ones you have like lol]
Janis: I’ll surprise you, if you want
Casey: forgot how you got about
Casey: but yeah, go on
Janis: unless
Casey: what
Janis: if you wanted, could go back to Manchester
Casey: rulebreaker, you’ve been there
Janis: it’s your birthday
Casey: we’ll take her when she can pick the accent up, bit late for you
Janis: you like my accent, dickhead 😏
Casey: 😏
Janis: fine, I’ll never speak to you again 😶
Casey: I give it [what’s left of the timer + a literal minute like she’ll last that long and no longer] before you break that rule too
Janis: 🕐👀
Casey: as it goes, I do like your accent, but she’s gonna look like you, so you can let me have it
Janis: you who wants her to look like me as well
Casey: nah, her
Casey: you who said I’d be an ugly girl
Janis: I stand by it
Janis: I’d be gutted if you were a girl
Casey: I’d not be that buzzing myself, be right hard work getting all them rumours about you to turn out true, nevermind the satisfaction it’d give loads of dickheads who weren’t us
Janis: 💔 your gay angst would be SO real
Janis: it is well bold of you to assume she’ll be a girl when your family is incapable of producing them, clearly
Casey: what were it you said a sec ago about shutting up
Casey: and I’m assuming nowt, heard it off her herself, she’d know
Janis: this don’t count, tah
Janis: you better hope she’s not just well confused
Casey: we’ve been over it, she’s your kid and like you she wants to be special, only lass’ll sort that
Janis: harsh, you’re special
Casey: to you, being their favourite don’t count for this
Janis: I think you are a lesbian, like
Casey: and I reckon you’re a dickhead, like
Janis: soz I like you ‘cos you’re such a lad, babe
Casey: be gutted else ‘cause I ain’t well confused so
Janis: you’re the least confused person I know
Casey: tah very much
Janis: and hottest
Casey: have to get to know yourself better, ‘cause that’s you
Janis: I know myself too well thanks to you
Casey: good, you can go tell her in the shop about me, don’t reckon she believed us when I said I had a daughter I were buying for
Janis: I told you, babyface
Janis: blokes always use the weirdest techniques to come onto girls so can’t say I’m surprised her head was there
Casey: the confidence, you’re not my type, love, calm yourself
Janis: I’ll let her know
Casey: you have to, there’s loads I’ve gotta go back for and I can’t be bothered if she’s gonna follow us about while I am
Janis: you’re a busy dad
Janis: ‘course I will, swear
Casey: [show her all the pics you took to remind yourself of all the other cute shit you wanna get and also to show baby Jac like she can pick because you’re a nerd]
Janis: spoilt cow
Casey: I’ve promised I won’t leave you out
Janis: shopping for mini versions of shit is more fun, I get it
Casey: why we’ll do it together
Janis: you’re better at it than me, I dunno what she wants
Casey: you know loads more than you give yourself credit for, I’m always saying it
Janis: hmm
Casey: and what you don’t, ask her, never shuts up neither, takes after you for it
Janis: gonna have to invest in some good headphones again, like
Casey: oi, you’ll like her accent, I’m gonna work dead hard on it
Janis: what if I don’t like her, what am I gonna do
Casey: you’ll love her
Janis: you can’t promise that
Casey: I can, I already know it’s true
Janis: people drown their kids in baths
Casey: not people like you
Casey: and anyway, why do you reckon I’d sit there and let you, I’d give you a hand, get you the help you needed if your head were that done in by it
Janis: you might not know, don’t think you go ‘round telling everyone, sort of makes you sound like a piece of shit
Casey: you’d say something or I’d see it
Janis: you have to, keep an eye on me
Casey: you’ll not be on your own for none of it ‘cause we’re a team, it’s not about not trusting you
Janis: you can trust me, I don’t
Casey: you can lean on me when you’re scared, I ain’t
Janis: how aren’t you scared
Casey: she’s ours, there’s nobody better to take care of her than both of us
Janis: I want to be as unconfused as you, I meant it
Casey: you will, when we’re a family and you see how good it is, all of us together
Janis: we have to make it stick, no good family I’ve ever been a part of has
Casey: I haven’t had a good family ‘til now, I’ll fight to keep this one
Casey: FOREVER, how you wrote, I mean it
Janis: I mean it too, I won’t lose it
Casey: you trust me not to, I trust you not to
Janis: I trust you with it all, always
Casey: it’s mutual, my love, couldn’t be more
Janis: okay, are you ready to come meet me, nearly done here
Casey: Nearly there, more like
Casey: walked past [somewhere v nearby] a minute ago
Janis: 😍 I’ve missed you so much it’s dumb
Casey: I miss you, it’s stuck in my throat as a massive lump, can’t even say it
Janis: swallow
Casey: [obvs do and send her it + you then saying you miss her, just a casual little video]
Janis: no, changed my mind, spit in my mouth right now
Casey: counting down every fucking second ‘til a hello like that
Janis: only kind you deserve
Casey: *you
Casey: [+ completely unnecessary audio of him spitting]
Janis: give me it
Casey: come here
Janis: [do the minute you can rush out this door like goodbye ladies]
Casey: [pull her into a gap between this building and another, or something like that, the second she appears, so you’re not just spitting into this girls mouth in full view of anyone, including potentially her clients and co-workers]
Janis: [not for y’alls eyes thank you very much, we need to be alone as much as that is possible on a high street so excuse us, just making out with a messy intensity only y’all ever would]
Casey: [god bless, the feels are high, as per, you do need to, just telling her ‘I missed you’ over and over too, like look how well I can say it now]
Janis: [saying it back until you’re literally out of breath combined with the dramatic kissing you’re doing opposed to taking one second to breathe ever about it]
Casey: [I’d like to point out that he’s showered and either shaved or done himself a little haircut/maybe both to make an effort for this date, but more importantly he’s bought her some chocolates cos it’s a cliche romantic date gift but it’s also food and the whole eating for two of it all, so thrusting said chocolates at her lowkey aggressively for such a soft gesture cos !! as they continue to makeout and get even more lightheaded]
Janis: [absolutely love that for you, sir, making yourself look so good for your date, adorable, you can tell we’re appreciating by sniffing on you DEEPLY in this makeout, as if we weren’t inhaling dramatically before, now fully just getting high off you, nbd; trying (but failing realistically) not to squash these chocolates between your bodies, soz we’re overwhelmed by the entire energy of this ‘will I pass?’ like am I gonna look good enough compared to you now boy]
Casey: [we all know he gets high off her all the time and she looks amazing always, even (and especially in his POV cos he likes her best when she’s wilding lol) after work and all their feral antics, GRINNING into these continuous kisses, caps needed, at her appreciation since he was nervous of going too hard and looking like as much of an excited nerd about this date as it’s obvious he is (especially with the earlier self sabotage of it all) + only helping her with the utter destruction of these chocolates by pulling her closer and doing the thing where he then carries on trying to when she can’t get any closer ‘can’t fail us, you’ so sincerely and full of love about this]
Janis: [we are GRINNING back with our everything because if there’s one thing we appreciate hardcore, it’s your unabashed enthusiasm and therefore we will always return the energy; catching a chocolate that’s trying to escape this squashed box and popping it in his mouth so y’all can make an absolute meal out of that and then be very amused at your realistic shit eating grins ‘you never do’ as we’re wiping some chocolate from your lips with HUGE heart eyes, leaving our finger on the tip of our tongue after we’ve used it to clean you up]
Casey: [take a sec to be gross, we’re all very thankful it’s chocolate and not actual shit knowing what you pair are like, her HUGE hearteyes would be killing him though, despite the fact he’s obvs giving them back, so use your enthusiasm she loves so much to do the absolute most with her finger, that goes without saying, can’t let her down ever, please stop short of making yourself throw up though sir considering all the effort you’ve made to look nice]
Janis: [you aren’t allowed to get that messy, lads, best behaviour as much as you ever do, thank you, just attempting to get some of our energy out before the restaurant which we know is basically a pointless task but you’re trying lol]
Casey: [we all respect that you’re trying not to be feral hogs during what is supposed to be a cute date vibe, you won’t succeed I’m sure, but god bless, I hope you’re not carrying her clothes and they are in some sort of bag so they don’t get covered in rapidly melting and squashed chocolate cos that’s not allowed either]
Janis: [would not be the look, also are you gonna quickly pop back in and change, attempt to do it here, love to know babes]
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uniquezombiedestiny · 2 years
🔊 + owen, but also + vera
for owen:
out of sorts i’m lost in a lie / kinda funny how everything good seems to die
i’m so tired, burdened by choice / ever bound to speak in someone else’s voice - hes pretty much trying to follow the others choices but he is So Tired
less than none, i’ve already won / ‘til the job is done by no one - he just. disappears. but comes back bc he has a whole ass job and also lives with people ('when do i get to go home and see my family?' 'thats the neat part! you dont')
let’s fade to black and disappear / finally at peace with a revere
falling apart your plastic heart
ah, what a mess, you’re second best
build it up and drown it out / and look at what has happened now - pretty much the same as the 'less than none' lyric
turn away what can’t be accepted / all of my imperfections - continuing from the last line (lyric? line? idk). his explanation for why he just. leaves
it’s getting hard to see / maybe i should let things be
holding on and ripe for rejection / ah, what a warped perception
it’s quite the shameful deed / i’ll let you take the lead - just disappearing and coming back is shameful so hes just like. im gonna be in the background. everyone elses got this 👍
out of chances to make things right / kinda funny, i tried with all my might - out of chances to fix things/himself?
oh, i’m so weak, i’m immature / ever bound to seek and never know for sure - hes trying to find a purpose (probably) but like. the rest of this/the above line exist so its hard
“keep it moving! you can’t stop now” / how i’ve made this far, i don’t know how
ah, always forward, never turn back / the past will move and then start to unpack
stutter and stop / these mangled memories of mine - could be regular memories becoming warped to him, or if he gets to know hes in a timeloop and get all those memories hed just. lose it for a while
keep splitting apart / you’re drowning in the wine - continuing from/same thing as the above line
fake it ‘til you make it / try a little harder - kinda like advice from his friends or his observations of how theyre so okay (they arent but yknow they act like they are)
grinding to a halt / you’re nothing but a martyr - both in general and about day 50 as a like. realization that maybe this (living to d50 [unlike everyone else]) was his purpose
hes just. depressed as hell. tbh that explains like all of this lol
also i didnt consider this being owen much until now and wow it actually fits pretty good
aaand for vera:
“ah, i’ll try a different viewpoint!” / another fallacy
despite all my best intentions, i still played make-believe - about the 'turn back now' line. in relation to the 'vacant places' line, she could be looking in the wrong places
i’m scouring the vacant spaces / to find an awful sight - trying to find the truth of the timeloops and how to stop them
despite the dread i still move forward
turn back now, you can make this right - about the above + going down the wrong path/having the wrong solution or intention (saving everyone by just obliterating the loops + their problems. live in a fantasy :))
none of that matters anyway / surely you can live your life another day? - vera @ everyone lol
waste away, always dreaming / again, confused! it’s so deceiving
so we live a lie seldom would detest / close your eyes and breathe a sigh, who would have guessed - theyre at l corp, a. wing thing idk. wing of the world?? its a good job on the outside 👍
and still, to say that this is best...?
every photo triggers recollection of what’s gone / caught the perfect angle, begging to be lead on
so, dance along! tell me i’m everything and more / still ignored, how deplorable!
i can’t be what you want
in this empty city, the shadows run our lives - the city + the head running it both suck. everybodys sad etc etc
just outside the stillness, i’ll wait in the moonlight - in l corp shell wait to save the people there
there’s no need to cry! tell me, were you hoping for more? - either mv @ vera or vera @ like everyone once she straight up becomes the light/her own hopes and dreams (thief of hope moment)
make a mess, fake a happiness / my vision starts to blur - continuing the last line, 'fake a happiness' being about how her light-y like. state makes people stuck in one place in time, never able to feel negatively. but if its about mv @ vera then instead she just gets happy out of like. absurdity ("isn't it funny???????????" <- losing their mind)
i like vera :) i always thought this song fit her. also kinda fits manager vera too, and like. all the veras really
also i see bleach as like this songs brother song (and it fits gem whose pretty related to vera [in a story way lol])
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