#giant x male reader
I want a giant to gently hold me in their hands while placing soft kisses on me as they whisper praises to me. I think it would be very therapeutic.
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running-with-kn1ves · 16 days
Faeries and Giants
A/N: Thanks that one anon for this idea! took my own spin on it >:DD
Content Warning: Held hostage by a giant, mentioned consumption of humanoid creatures, kidnapping
Synopsis: Life isn’t all great being a faerie in a world of giants, elves and dwarves-- of which, some are keen on plucking you from the forest floor like a berry and keeping you to themselves. 
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“So… delicate,” plump fingers outlined the crisp glass of your wings, their luminescence almost blinding to the giant. Your teensy, human-like frailty was some sort of evolutionary mistake-- how could you survive in these woods for so many decades, for centuries? You and your kind were mini parasites-- although delicious, and cute to play with, ultimately not meant to survive in this world where big bad wolves and giants ten times your size could pick you up like an acorn and snap you like a tall blade of grass. 
“Get your dirty paws-- OFF!” You kicked and bit with feral haste, clothes of leaf and twine breaking each time the giant poked and prodded at your pudgy, elongated features. One wrong tug and your arm or leg could come twisting off, your wings tarnished and ripped to fragments if he so pleased. 
“Settle down now, little one,” He let out a roar of a laugh, shaking down through his palms to his feet, making the earth beneath him crumble. “You’ll get hurt worming around so much!”
You shrieked at the gentle touch against your bare sole, the giant playing with your toes and fingers as he stretches and bends your limbs. 
“Please--urk, put me down! I’m not meant to be this high, I, I need to get back to the ground-- let me go!” 
“Ah, but aren’t you meant for the skies, little beast? What else are these… appendages for. Mere sparkly decoration?”
He runs a finger down the middle of your back, touching the sinewy fiber connecting translucent wings to your spine. You shivered, physically jolting at the uncomfortable, warmly touch. 
Your wings were drenched-- wrinkled and sopping from the “quick dip” the giant holding you thought would be a good idea before scooping you up like a pretty pebble. His previous…encounters with your kind must’ve prepared him well for the fluttery agility your poor wings could provide.
“Hm, do you like that?” The giant groans in heightened interest, resting his cheek in his hand as he holds you in the other. “The fairies I’ve met are far less dainty, withholding far more… animosity. Of course, they had been well-versed in magic and spells moreso than you seem to be. Far more appetizing, too. But you… you almost look like a stout sapling, useless in all endeavors besides your adorable little figure!”
Looking to the Giant’s pocket, you can see them there….Wings, some crumped to shards, others merely bent, stuffed in his trousers with shimmering pinks and golds and blues-- cleanly picked off of whatever faerie they belonged to.
“You… they’ve been disappearing, because of you! Collecting their poor wings…You’re a monster! My friends, eaten and killed--!”
The giant brought you to his eyes for closer inspection, pools of lake green beneath his moppy silvering and unkempt hair. He observed the river of tears falling from your face, your nose dripping and stuffy as you beat against his hand. 
“Why yes! We seem to agree on something; I am a monster of the forest-- as are you, and your thieving little fellow faeries. Stealing from my livestock, shoveling everything they can find into their mouths, attempting to poison and spitroast and maim me--” He brushes a tan knuckle against your cheek, smooshing it in an attempt to wipe away your tears. “And so I eat them-- which ever ones manage to cross me, choosing to arise my wrath. It’s the circle of life, my little winged beast.” 
He chuckles at the nickname, gazing at you slumped over on the creases of his palm, calloused from a life of barreling trees and tending to his oversized farm on the outskirts of your fae hamlet.
 You were too high to jump from his palm at this height, even with his fingers no longer tightly wound around you. If you tried to fly now-- you’d be as good as dead. 
“S..so, what’re you gonna do, with me?”
You wipe away your tears, trying to see the giant clearly this time; maybe you could pinpoint a weak area of his, something to make him drop you-- it’d be better than spending eternity in his palm, or his stomach. 
“So precious… What do you think? Should I eat you?” He grins, a large straw of wheat hanging from betwixt his lips. 
You shake your head rapidly, attempting to reach for the dagger in your leather boot. 
“No, no. Of course not, I can’t rid myself of such a cute fae like you, even if I despise the rest of your species--” He delicately takes his thumb and pointer finger to your cheeks, squeezing them to puff out your lips. “I enjoy your itsy-bitsy presence too much… perhaps I’ll keep you where the birds used to lay; the cage is quite spacious, right in the kitchen. I’ll make a soft bed of chicken feathers for you, a table just big enough to do your faerie crafts and harmless little spells on.” The giant smiles softly, touching the bare of your collar uncovered by leaf and leather cloth. “I’ll bring trinkets from the valley for you to do with as you please, cook hearty meals for us to share, even let you out to be coddled and touched every now and again-- how does that sound?” 
You were quick to shake your head, tempted to stab at his palm with your dagger, but an irked expression ran across the giant’s lips as his gaze fell to the grassy plain beneath him. 
“Your friend here however, will not be staying.” He holds you tightly again-- squeezing enough to keep you in the dark of his palm. It was warm and of an earthy smell, almost too tight for your cold body. You're abruptly tucked into the giants shirt pocket, a finger over your mouth and eyes that forced you into muted darkness.
Even with your fabricated blindness, you could here the breathy grunts of a familiar voice-- unmistakably from a woodland elf, the glass-shattering vocal chords of a creature who could burst ear drums if he so desired. You didn’t know for sure, but you had a reasonable guess of which elf in particular who seemed to be fighting a mountain of a giant in your honor. An unforgettable, certainly imbecilic ignoramus elf who tailed you everywhere you went in hopes that, this time you would accept his smitten betrothal request. 
You swam against fabric tugging you downward to reach the shirt pocket’s opening, wincing as the giant holding you captive yelped out.
“Gah! he stabbed me, the little fucking imp!”
It's the first you've heard him curse with such venom, mouth curling into a snarl as he bends to pick up the wooden sword-swinging elf at his boot. 
The elf screamed out your name, trying to cut at the scarred fingers holding him hostage. You reached out to him from beneath your pocket enclosure before the giant flicked you on the head, holding your savior far out by the tips of his fingers. 
“Ah look here, your knight in shining armor… hah, too bad, he looks absolutely delectable.”
The giant’s irritation was growing by the second, keeping a hand over you in his pocket as he shakes the elf around furiously.
“No--! please don't eat him, he just-- Let us go, he has nothing to do with this!” You tug against the giant’s button up, watching your elf companion swing around his needle-like sword at the  giant holding him up by his collar. 
The giant laughed, eyes crinkling as his chiseled chest bumped against your back.
“Don't fret sweet faerie, I’m not so brutal as to consume a creature like this raw; by all means, he’s coming home with us. How long he lasts- that's up to you.”
The giant stood from his crouched position on the grassy knoll, heavy boots digging into the grass to make muddy imprints. He dangled the elf out forward, watching as the poor creature sweat bullets while looking at you helplessly.
“Let my faerie-- go!” The tiny voice felt so far away, different than the usually grating elf’s voice you were accustomed to getting frightened by.
The giant places his fingers into his shirt pocket, nudging you with them in a powerful caress. 
“You'll remain my little darling-- while our elf friend here, remains where he belongs-- in the pigpen. Together, we can find a punishment suitable for him.”
You didn’t like the sound of that. With one heavy foot in front of the other, the giant started toward a thatched roof cabin in the grassy distance. 
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limitedgigi · 11 months
I was summoned by the soft!Yan tag. Can you perhaps do a soft wolf boy yan? Big, scary and very aware of how intimidating he is but truly just wants a cute human to snuggle and kiss.
i love writing gentle giants!!! ofc :)
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yandere! wolf boy headcannons
yan! wolf boy who lived in the woods near your cottage, staying away from civilization so he doesn't come off as a threat.
yan! wolf who is confused seeing you pick berries in a nearby bush, why are you so deep in the woods? for some berries??
yan! wolf who startles you when he sniffs your back, immediately jumping back at your sudden yelp.
yan! wolf who doesn't understand why you didn't run away from him after you saw him, i mean, he's a 6'7 feral looking wolf-man, why aren't you scared?
yan! wolf who immediately starts to act like a puppy as you reach your hand out to scratch behind his ear as his tail starts to wag.
yan! wolf who won't leave you alone as you leave that area to find more berries.
yan! wolf who picks you up to show you where the most delicious berries are!
yan! wolf who's ears droop in sadness as you explain to him that you have to return home.
yan! wolf who leads you further into the woods and closer to his den as you ask him to lead you outside of the forest. you can't leave him!!
"whaddya mean we're going deeper into the woods? nah, you're just tired and don't remember where you came from! here, lemme carry you!!"
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bunny-yan · 1 year
Total written works: 60 not sure if i'm going to add the imagines or leave them as little treats for those who find themselves bored and decide to scroll through ;) Bully Friends Cyborg Warmth
Delinquent ~ Sax Savior Chase Headshot Fight Duke Different Second Son Theodore Fae ~ Aereon Runaway Headshot Names Gently
Fan ~ Harper Number One Secret Bedroom
Giant Heart Privacy Needs Storytime
Hacker & AI ~ ? & Eve Blocked Greetings First Meeting(?)
Hero ~ Tasman Selfish Dreams Fears Silent Treatment Fool Propose Desert Fix You Cicada
Incubus ~ Ambrose Sleep Stamina Wet Fever
King ~ Idris His Possession Fears Sane Sorry Your Highness Stockholm Positive Fiancéed
Priest Faith Picnic Prayer
Serial Killer ~ Ellis Saw Hugs Monster
Soldier ~ Winter Kidnapped Captive Headshot Notice
Stalker ~ Valentino Valentine's Day Headshot Careless Popular Greetings Mask
Telepath Ex
Sharing is Caring ~ Series Fears (Hero & King) Greetings (Hacker, AI & Stalker)
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abbyfmc · 3 months
Yandere Giant x Human Queen! Reader Headcanons:
Warnings: Mention of obsessive behavior, kidnapping, murder, which should NOT be imitated in reality. Also, these headcanons are personal, so they should not be taken as the absolute truth.
*The headcanons:
Personally, I imagine this giant as the ruler of a kingdom who, by chance of fate, took a look at the land of humans, where he saw you for the first time.
He would observe you for a while first.
You would seem tender in some way in everything you do, and even a little funny. From this point, his feelings would begin to develop.
He started checking on you more often, until he realized that he loved you and that he would have to make you a giant like him somehow.
Meanwhile, he set about building a small golden cage for you, and when he finished it, he came down to the human world and kidnapped you simply by holding you in his hand.
He had his servants prepare a potion or spell to make you a giant and therefore his queen, which gave you to understand that he would not let you go.
He would keep you in your cage while the potion or spell is prepared for you, and he would not stop caring for you or watching over you.
Everything would be given to you in small portions. From food and drink to water to bathe and clothes.
No matter how much you ask for it, he will never let you out of your cage without him, nor will he let you return to your kingdom since he thinks that your new home is with him.
He would not let anyone enter the room where your cage is.
He would not let any other giant take you in your hands.
He would monitor you under the pretext that for your tiny size you are prone to be crushed by other giants and objects, be drowned by even drops of water or devoured by rodents.
When he takes you out of the cage, he puts you in his shoulder and therefore, near his ear in order to hear your sweet voice.
Does anyone from your kingdom come to rescue you? He can kill him from a stomp.
Every time you try to escape they threaten you to literally crush your whole kingdom.
He would call you "his queen" and even make a tiny crown.
When it is at last to make you a giant queen, he will have a bittersweet feeling. Sweet because he can finally hug you and weigh without fear of crushing you. In addition to being able to form a family with you; and sour because he will miss protecting you in the same way he did before.
He does not need to say that he will not tolerate any respect for you, regardless of who they come from.
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rodolfoparras · 9 months
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Content tags; somnophilia
Cant help but imagine Gaz sprawled out on his bed, out cold after a long mission, laying on his stomach with white thin sheets barely covering him.
You gently creep closer to him, an endeared smile on your face as you take in the sight of your sleeping boyfriend.
He looks absolutely beautiful with the stream of light shining down on his naked ass and back, the peaceful look painted on his face, black lashes resting upon scrunched up cheeks and mouth parted as soft snores leave his lips.
As you go to cover him up properly, you hear small sounds tumble past his lips, face scrunching up as he fidgets around on the sheets.
At first you think he’s having a nightmare, hand gently caressing his cheek to help him relax. However you quickly notice he’s grinding upon the mattress , and nothing on his face resembles a look of fear along with that, the sounds escaping his lips remind you of something else.
You feel your cock stir in your pants as your mind registers that he must be having a wet dream and you quickly make your way over to the other end of the bed, where his feet lay.
The bed creaks as you crawl up the sheets before nestling yourself between his legs.
You calloused hands drag along his thighs, gently kneading the flesh and hearing the way he lets out a contented sigh at your touch.
Your thumbs easily dig into the cleft off his ass and part his cheeks, his puckered hole now on full display as you eagerly drink in the sight of him.
Gaz only lets out a slight sound of confusion before settling back down again.
It doesn’t take long before you’re delving in between his cheeks, his musky scent engulfing your senses as you swipe your tongue along the cleft of his ass, feeling the way he slightly buckles into your mouth.
You deliver another wet stroke to his hole, before slowly circling his rim, easing the ring of muscle before working your tongue inside him.
This time around you hear rustling of the sheets as more small noises tumble past his lips. You continue fucking your tongue into him til you feel his body tremble and til the soft noises turn into full blown moans.
By the time he stirs awake, spit’s dribbling dow his thighs and cheeks, back arching up as he turns to look, wide awake and eager to have you fuck him.
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fruityspaceboy · 1 year
Tony: *panicking* What the fuck are you two doing?
Y/N: *smiling like an idiot* We're blooping Tones, he loves it, look! Y/N: *continues poking Lokis's blue cheeks while saying 'bloop' with each poke*
Tony: *screaming* He's a fucking Ice-Giant Y/N! He's dangerous! *tries to come towards you*
Loki: *stretches one of his long arms out to keep Tony from coming too close to the both of you and growls*
Y/N: He's not dangerous, protective maybe but he would never hurt me.
Y/N: *uses hands to squish Lokis cheeks and make his face look funny and squished together*
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Small big problem
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Pairings: Peter B. Parker x giant spiderman reader (platonic), Mayday x giant spiderman reader (platonic).
Summary: Some times is easy to to forget that even the strongest can be vulnerable.
Warnings: none.
A/n: this is my first time writing straight and purely in English, and it’s freaking hard when it’s not your native language. All my respect for the people that can.
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In the spiderverse, a place of infinite possibilities, it’s easy to find every kind of people. Different Spider-Mans with different abilities.
There are different variants like Miguel with his claws and fangs, like Hobby with an always present distinction in his movements typical of his dimension, Jessica with her webs that come out of her fingertips and fights on a motorcycle or Margot with her avatar that has a physical and tangible form. Then there are the common variants like Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy. But even then, knowing of the possibilities, it was big shock for Miguel, Jess and Peter B. to land on a dimension were everything was huge. It was even more shocking to find the anomaly they were chasing, being pinned down by the big hand of the universe’s Spiderman.
But surprises don’t end there.
The moment he took off his mask in front of the team, every one was left speechless.
“Sooo…” started Jess.
Finally coming out of his shock, Peter smiles watching a young, smiling and fresh face under the mask. “Yep, a new teammate.”
Y/n rises both his eyebrows in slight confusion when both spider people turned towards the bigger guy among them. Because to him, they were all still small. His always been the tall kid in everything, but he totally feels like a giant in front of 3 people standing on an AC engine to stand shoulder height level with him. Basically, they were like 12 inches action figures to him.
Miguel, on the other hand, wasn’t thrilled to the idea of including another hormonal teenager to the society.
“Absolutely not.” he stated, turning his back on them and start messing with the watch.
Peter was the first to start arguing. “Oh come on. Big guy here-“ he said while pointing with his head at the young giant. “handled the anomaly effortlessly. He could totally be a good asset.”
Jess crossed her arms over her almost unnoticeable baby bump. “I agree with Peter in this.”
Miguel sighted turning around. “No. I already let you two persuade me to let Hobbie, Gwen and Pavrit into the society. I don’t need another teenager.” He said, making hand gestures to make emphasis in his point.
“Umm…” the three adults turned to the young boy when he got their attention. “If I may ask. What is this team you are talking about?”
Miguel opened his mouth under his mask to answer but was beaten by Peter. “It’s supper cool. You’re gonna love it kid. We are part of a society that reunites variants of Spiderman from different universes to protect the multiverse.”
“Wait, so- the theory of multiverses is real?” Asked the young one.
Peter, being the science nerd he is, started to explain. “Yeah. Miguel-“ he said, pointing at the líder of the group. “-our boss, leads mostly everything in there. He’s the only Spiderman that’s not funny, but everyone else is, so don’t worry. And it’s incredible to work with the other variants. Entertaining. But you should-“
“It’s not supposed to be fun or entertaining.” Interrupted Miguel with his authoritative voice. “This is serious. The multiverse is under our protection-“
“Ugh, and there you go again.” Complained Peter like a kid. “Killjoy. You keep repeating and repeating the same thing…”
While Peter and Miguel kept discussing the matter at hand like a married couple, Jessica and Y/n shared some glances between them. The younger asking ‘Is this normal?’ with his eyes, to which she replied ‘you have no idea’ with her own look.
Kind of feeling guilty for causing the discussion, Y/n tried to fix it. “It’s not necessary. Besides, I don’t think it would work.” He talked again, gaining the attention of the team. “You seem pretty surprised by my size. Which makes me think that the rest of the dimensions are on a smaller scale. It’ll be difficult or strange for the people in those dimensions to suddenly see a big Spiderman”
Peter turned to Miguel and threw him a bad look. “And now you made him feel bad.”
Miguel made his mask disappear just so Peter could see his offended expression. He can’t be serious, right?
Jess and Y/n felt the need to face palm so hard in that moment.
Long story short, Miguel ended up giving in and accepted the young Spiderman in the society.
The first days were something.
Most were intimidated merely by his height, that is until they all saw the friendly face under the mask when he took it off. But a special gang was the most interested in the newbie. Hobie, Pav and Gwen. The same teenagers Miguel was complaining about. He could understand why, the gang has too much energy for the poor man to handle. That’s why he has taken in to his own hands, the task to entertain the group whenever they are in his office.
Partly he does it so he doesn’t get in Miguel’s bad side and on the other hand, he wants to help the boss whose hate for life seems to grow every passing day.
Other than being busy with the gang, everything else was going perfectly fine.
He was called on difficult missions with Miguel, Jess and Peter B. after checking that the mission site is spacious enough for him to move. Or even leading his own missions with Gwen, Pav and Hobie. The last one was the hardest to convince to follow instructions, but he found a way to convince him to do what he wants without him even noticing, at least not until it was already done. Reverse psychology is what worked the most.
Until there was a problem. Hobie and Gwen were called to move a doc Oc anomaly to another universe in order to fight without causing damage to the surroundings. But they didn’t expect for the anomaly to have such an advanced technology so they called for back up, aka, Y/n.
But they forgot to mention a small detail.
The anomaly was in Lego Spider-Man’s dimension.
Y/n had such a heart attack when he came flying out of the portal and instantly had to calculate the landing to avoid destroying everything.
It was inevitable.
His foot alone covered the whole street.
Back up for the back up was needed, and seconds later Jess and spider byte appeared taking care of the situation.
But poor Y/n still was left with the horrified faces of the citizens in his mind. He doesn’t know how many bit the dust because of his mistake because there were to many casualties caused by the anomalies attack. It was a miracle that Lego Spider-Man’s dimension didn’t disappear.
Gwen and Hobie were scolded for how careless they were in their decision making once they returned.
Y/n didn’t leave his own dimension for a week with Miguel’s permission to stay out of missions until further notice.
It took the whole gang and spider Lego himself to convince him to go back to the HQ.
It was hilarious for him to see the relieved face of Miguel when he again was in charge of the teenagers. Poor man felt like he was one step away from strangling them all.
It took some time and encouragement from those who care about him but everything went back to normal. Dealing with anomalies and protecting tiny people, training with different variants of Spider-Mans that were brave, confident or stupid enough to face him, and last, the most fun thing to do is invite the gang to his universe just to see them mess around with things bigger than them. His locked screen picture is a selfie he took with them holding or eating a slice of pizza half their size.
But just like with any normal human being, there are good days and bad days. Just like the present.
Y/n dedicated himself to roam in the halls of the HQ trying to clear his mind of his thoughts while he waited for a call from any Spiderman in need of back up.
There has been some things troubling him at home. The need of silence and time brought him to the training zone.
Due to the busy day, most of the spider variants are out, dealing with things in their own dimension or chasing anomalies. That left the HQ almost empty, even the training zone.
He went to the machine that simulates carrying to trains and sat down letting his feet dangle from the edge.
Many would think that being Spiderman means not having to deal with common problems. That everything is about villains and training with cool super powers. But they forget that under the mask, there’s a normal teenager with normal problems.
But still problems.
“There you are.”
Y/n flinched in his place when he heard the voice so close behind him. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice he wasn’t alone anymore.
When he turned he found Peter B. walking towards him with his always smiling baby attached to his chest.
“It’s unusual to not see you with the teenage gang during missions.” Said Peter watching his daughter impatiently kicking her legs. His smile faltered when he didn’t recibe an answer from the young giant. He looked up encountering Y/n staring at his baby with an unreadable look. Not in a bad way but still worrying. “You okay kid?”
Y/n was startled out of his thoughts. He looked away and fiddled his fingers, putting a smile in his face that didn’t reach his ears. “Yeah, yeah. Just- you know… thinking.” Said the teenage with some insecurity. “The usual.”
Peter rises an brow at the down attitude. That is totally not the usual.
Normally, whenever the giant boy sees Mayday or Jess swollen belly there’s instantly a smile in his face. But today doesn’t seem like the case.
“Hey, everything okay?” Asked the father. “Because that doesn’t sound like the usual.”
He saw Y/n’s shoulders tense up when he was caught and he didn’t like it. That meant that something is bothering him.
In a silent message that he is not leaving, Peter sat down beside the boy, looking at the hyperactive Mayday to avoid putting pressure on the teenage.
“Wanna talk about it?”
Y/n visibly deflated at those words, letting out a sigh. “It’s just-“ the words got stuck in his throat, unable the let them out. “No, forget it. It’s something stupid.” Dejectedly, he placed his elbows on his knees.
Peter put a hand on the boys side, in a reassuring way. It was the only place he could reach. “If it’s bordering you I doubt it’s stupid.”
Both of the males turned to look at Mayday when she stared fussing in the carrier. Her little hands swaying in the boys direction.
“Oh look. Little Parker here noticed that someone is sad.” Said Peter while taking his baby out of the carrier. He bounce her up and down, managing to get a laugh out of her. Instantly, better than a charm, there was a smile in Y/n’s face. But just like before, his smile slipped of his lips, returning to that indecipherable look.
Suddenly a lightbulb light up in Peters head. He stood up with Mayday in his hands and held her in front of him. “Hold her.” He said.
The sudden request startled the big guy, making him jump in his place and lean away from Peter. “What?”.
“Hold her.” He said again, bringing her nearer.
“I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Oh come one. It’s rejuvenating.” Y/n shifted a little to the side when Peter walked closer.
“N-No. I’m serious. It’s not a good-“
“Here” in a swift movement, Peter put his baby in the teenager’s arm. Mayday’s spider ability did the rest. She stuck to Y/n’s spider suit.
The poor giant froze in his place, he even stoped breathing in fear of blowing her away or something like that.
He may like the baby, but he’s never hold a baby, much less one this small. He is truly terrified that he’ll hurt her. She is just so small.
Both males’ attention was on the baby that stared crawling with curiosity in the new surface. She looked happy to be freed of her fathers baby prison in his chest.
Y/n, instinctively put a big hand under the baby, in case she fell, finally letting out a breath.
When she actually let herself fall and land on her back on the hand, y/n had a mini heart attack. But ultimately let a sigh of relief when she let out a giggle.
To be more comfortable, y/n brought Mayday in front of him and put his free hand below the other just in case.
Peter felt accomplished when he saw that smile in the young one’s face again. “See? Everything’s okay.”
Y/n’s smile widened when Mayday grabbed his thumb and hug it like one of her plushies. She truly is adorable. With her fluffy and curly red hair she looks like a little peach in the palm of his hand. A small baby of the size of his middle finger.
“I’m going to be a big brother.” Blurted out suddenly the teenage.
Peter blinked a few times at the declaration before finally processing. “Congratulations kid. That’s cool. Your gonna be a big sibling.” Said the man, rising his hands in celebration.
The big smile in his face waved when he saw that expression in the teenage’s faces.
“Or not?” He said a little bit unsure.
Y/n kept looking at the baby hugging and chewing his thumb. Always making eye contact with her. “It is good.” He brought his free hand closer to the other, tickling her soft chubby tummy, earning a squeal from her. “It’s the almost inexistente relationship between my mother and I that worries me.” He finally confessed.
It may have been only a few words, but the relief that brought him was evident in the way his shoulders slumped. Finally he could talk about it.
Understanding the seriousness of the situation, Peter took a seat beside the young giant in a silent sigh that he is paying attention.
“When my father died, we unconsciously stared to distance ourselves from each other. And when we realized what was happening we tried to fix it but…” Y/n physically grimace at the memories. “It was so painfully awkward between us.”
Peter’s eyes softened when the teenager took one hand of his daughter between his thumb and index. Softly caressing the chubby palm.
“And then there’s Tom.” The adult gave him a questioning look, not knowing who is Tom. “He… is my stepfather.” The teenager clarified.
“Is he a bad person?” Asked Peter a little confused why it seems like something is happening.
“No, actually no. Totally the opposite.” Y/n sighed again. “He is a good guy. He loves my mother, makes her happy and everything.”
Mayday grabbed the index that kept her arm trapped, as a way of revenge. She wrapped her arms and legs around the finger before it was lifted.
The adorable baby giggle when she was moved up and down, always keeping a hand below her for protection. The sight brought a smile to the faces on those present.
“In short, he is good for her. But he trays way too hard to be on my good side to the point it becomes really uncomfortable. And now with the baby…” At last, after everything being said, he turned to look at Peter.
The adult didn’t need the teen to finish the sentence to understand what he meant. “You fear that gap between you will only widen.”
Y/n nodded.
Peter’s gaze softened at the simple yet complicated problem. He’s had a few of those and there’s always a way to clear it.
“Look kid. Let me tell you something” Said Peter, putting a hand in Y/n’s elbow again. “I may not know your mother, but if there’s something being a father and married has thought me…”
As if knowing what her father is saying, Mayday squealed while attaching a web in Y/n’s finger to let herself dangle between his hands.
“Is that, a parent’s love knows no limits.”
Y/n nodded understanding. It was right, after what happened with his father the same year he became Spiderman, his mother became a single mother who worked overtime just to pay the bills.
She could have just sent him to an orphanage or call social services. But she didn’t. She fought to give him a good future.
“But you should talk to her.” Said Peter again catching his flying baby when she swung to her father’s arms, startling the poor boy. “We know our kids more than anyone else. But we still can’t read minds.” Concluded the father.
Simple words with a heavy bust of confidence were delivered.
Y/n let out a chuckle. He couldn’t believe it. The goofiest spider dad he has ever met actually made him feel better.
“Thanks. That actually helped.” He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with air and straightening his back.
“By the way.” Started Peter again. “You held Mayday without her making a fuss. Have you considered being a babysitter?” The ridiculously out of the blue question with his serious face made Y/n snort and shake his head. “No, I’m serious. Mayday loves you and MJ and I have been planning to go on a date for months but there’s no one we trust enough you know. With her having super powers and all.” Quickly explained Peter while bouncing his baby.
Y/n rolled his eyes with a smile. “I’ll think about it Peter. But no promises.”
In celebration, Peter threw May in the air. “Yes.” He caught the squealing baby.
“If that is the case, I’ll totally have to make an appointment beforehand.” Said a feminine voice behind them.
They turned finding the very pregnant spider woman of the society.
“Why did I suddenly became a babysitter material?” Asked the teenager in fake annoyance.
Jess smiled up at him. “You always were. With babysitting the young spider gang and everything. You’ll just babysit a real baby this time.” She said with obviousness in her voice.
Y/n nodded his head, accepting his reality.
Peter turned to Jessica, standing up with Mayday finally in the carrier again. “What are you doing here? I thought you were in stand by ordered by Miguel.”
“Miguel needs a hand in the mission. Three pairs of hands to be exact.” She clarified while starting to introduce the coordinates in her watch.
“What? Is the boss getting his butt kicked?” Joked Y/n standing up.
“Seems so. Let’s move.” Ordered the woman.
After the portal big enough for them was opened, the three were launched through the multiverse.
Y/n doesn’t know how it feels to be normal and thinking civil problems are the biggest weight his shoulders could ever carry.
But he does know that being Spiderman is something he would never give up.
He could never give this awesome people in the society up.
He would give his life first.
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anglbrkr · 2 years
Making Rent [Orc/Male Reader]🔞
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Making Rent
Ive got chu ;)
Content Warning: Abuse of power, assault, dubcon, massive size difference bro, it will hurt, this dudes huge, amab genitalia, reader is so petite and shy, pretty straight to the point
this is longer than 1k, so, if you see typos
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you dont :)
2.8k words
[N] arrives at a dilapidated building in the slums of the city. Until he can reach the social heights he desires, he’ll have to stay here, the thought bringing a distasteful taste to his tongue. The human knocks on the door, the handle dwarfing his hand, which then is opened by a large, burly orc. His skin is an olive green, veins bulging on his arms, and his wild hair tied back. "Yes?" he growls.
Gulping, [N] cranes his head to properly meet the eyes of the orc man, gripping the hem of his tunic. "H-Hello, sir, I am [N]. I-I'm looking for shelter, a place to stay for a while..."
The orc perks up slightly at his words and gestures to him inside. The inside of the building is not much better than the outside, with dirty walls and a grimy floor. The human feels the orc clasp the small of his waist, sending a shot of dread to the pit of his stomach. "A small thing like you don't need much space, hm?" He asks, his voice jovial, but his wandering hand has perverted intent that causes [N] to freeze.
"Forgive me, sir, I didn't mean to-", [N] stutters, but the orc's only response is to give a loud, cackling laugh.
"Cute lil thing," he laughs, his large hand going lower, rough fingers kneading his clothed arse. The human grits his teeth, but doesn't struggle against the orc's advances. If he causes a scene, he'll probably kick his ass, but if [N] plays along, he’d be able to escape. The human’s cheeks heat up as he continues his antics, eyes fluttering just the slightest when the orc squeezes harder. "Be a good boy for me, and I might let you stay a whole," he grins, leaning in close to [N]’s ear.
The human swallows, gritting his teeth.
"My name's Mobrukk, nice to meet ya, pretty boy," Mobrukk grins, his breath reeking of malt liquor. [N] nods, ignoring Mobrukk’s gaze and his actions to his best ability. Mobrukk's groping at the human’s behind becomes more intense, and [N], whose head reaches the orc’s chest, doesn’t have to look far to see the orc’s arousal press against his trousers. "I'll bet ya don't even know how to use that lovely body ya got, ya frisky little cucco," Mobrukk says, a mischievous glint in his eye. A soft breath escapes [N]’s lips, feeling Mobrukk’s hand curve under his behind to his crotch, his fingers slowly rubbing the human’s member through his pants. [N] winces but tries to remain strong. "Now I can help ya with that, ya realize that?" Mobrukk teases, before giving [N] another squeeze, this time harder.
The human winces and a low groan escapes his throat, his eyes fluttering shut. He bites his plump lower lip, unconsciously moving his hips to Mobrukk’s perverted touches, his eyes fluttering open as he becomes lost in the sensations, his cock twitching from the stimulation.
"I can give you a place to stay, pretty thing, don't even have to give me your gold," the orc whispers huskily, "pretty lil’ humans like you shouldn't have to lift a finger, eh," he continues, his touch becoming more passionate, "ya feel me, boy?" Mobrukk whispers roughly into [N]'s ear, the human biting back a moan himself, his cock throbbing beneath the fabric. "You're so hard... it must be all my fault." Mobrukk chuckles, pulling away slightly, leaving [N] panting. The human's heart is beating like a dragonfly's wings. The smell of the orc's musk fills [N]'s nose, making the human's mind foggy, his breathing ragged. "What do you say? Do we make an arrangement or what?" Mobrukk asks, grinning widely gulping loudly, nodding, unable to think straight. "I just need you to sit on my cock every now and then, yea," he continues, his other hand gripping [N]'s jaw tightly, forcing the human to look up at him. "Just gotta keep yer mouth shut about it, right, pretty boy?" The orc smirks, pushing [N] towards a door, slamming it open to reveal an office. "If ya want a roof over your head, ya just follow orders, alright?"
[N] feels himself being pushed against a table, wincing as his back harshly presses against the wood. Mobrukk's thick fingers tug at his pants, ripping them off easily. The human gasps, his chest rising and falling rapidly, his shaft straining to break free of its prison. Mobrukk grabs onto [N]'s erection, squeezing tight, causing the human to gasp. "Mmm, ain't ya a hot one, huh?" The orc mumbles, running his thumb across the tip of [N]'s engorged cock and teasing him.
[N] whimpers, clutching the edge of the desk, his knees weak. The human wants to beg, and plead for mercy but knows there isn't any coming from Mobrukk. The sight of the orc's large hand dwarfing his cock sends waves of pleasure coursing throughout [N]'s body, his legs trembling. He feels Mobrukk's warm breath on the side of his neck as he leans closer, pressing his lips to his cheek, whispering lewd things into his ear. "Ya know, I could take care of ya real well, pretty boy..." Mobrukk purrs, nibbling at the human's earlobe, his hands stroking [N]'s thighs. "I could stretch that arse of yours wide open, fill ya with up..." The human shudders, his cock twitching, wanting desperately to burst, dripping precum down his thigh.
Mobrukk kisses [N], his tongue slipping between his lips. [N] moans lowly, his toes curling as Mobrukk slips his hand around [N]'s cock, jerking him off roughly. The taste of Mobrukk's tongue against his own makes the human buck uncontrollably, his balls tightening. His hips thrust forward, meeting Mobrukk's hand, his dick throbbing within the orc's grip. The human whines, moaning deeply as Mobrukk begins sucking his nipple gently through his tunic. "Ah... no, please.." [N] begs quietly, whimpering, his legs shaking. Mobrukks' tongue swirls around his sensitive nipples before darting back to his ear, licking the lobe seductively. The human lets out a muffled cry, shuddering, his whole body taut.
"That's it, pretty boy," Mobrukk whispers, watching the human desperately buck into his hand, "cum for me..." The orc's hand pumps faster, eliciting a louder moan from [N]. The human bucks wildly, crying out, his entire body tensed. With a final, powerful thrust, [N] explodes, spurting ropes of cum, his body arching off the surface, and a high-pitched keening escaping his throat.
His body shakes as his orgasm subsides, his shoulders drooping heavily. He lays limp on the table, panting and sweating profusely. The human watches dazedly as Mobrukk licks his fingertips clean, smacking his lips. "Well now that's some fine fucking," the orc grunts happily, standing up to stretch, "now come here, sweetheart..." [N] blinks blearily, trying to process everything. It takes a few seconds for him to realize the orc was talking to him.
Slowly, he rises to his feet, swaying unsteadily. The human glances nervously at Mobrukk, who smiles at him reassuringly, but there’s an edge. [N] walks hesitantly toward the orc, taking hold of his wrist.
"Don't worry, pretty boy, I won't hurt you too badly," Mobrukk murmurs soothingly, kissing [N] on the forehead. [N] shivers lightly at the kiss, but remains silent, allowing himself to be led upstairs. "Yer gonna ride me, nice and good on a proper bed," Mobrukk explains, guiding [N] into a bedroom, and shutting the door behind him. [N] stares blankly at the room, unsure of what to expect.
There's a huge four-poster bed with a canopy hanging above it, and plush pillows are strewn haphazardly across the mattress. "This my finest room, pretty boy, and it could be all yers if ya play by my rules," Mobrukk informs him, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Now, strip," He commands, gesturing towards his clothing. [N] quickly pulls his shirt over his head and drops it beside him, staring awkwardly at Mobrukk, watching the orc reveal himself, there’s no denying that muscle makes up most of his physique.. The human's eyes flicker towards Mobrukk's cock, thicker than his forearm, longer too, and so heavy that even when erect it has trouble standing up, flopping limply against his stomach.
"Alrighty, now hop up on my lap, pretty boy," Mobrukk instructs, patting his thigh. [N] moves carefully, stepping gingerly onto the bed, careful not to fall. Mobrukk's cock twitches the closer he gets, veins protruding from its length, the human gulping audibly. He swears it has a noticeable musk, the scent filling [N]'s nostrils and sending chills down his spine.
"Now put that arse of yours on display for me, hm?" Mobrukk grins, grabbing [N]'s waist and lifting him effortlessly into his arms. The human squeaks softly as he is lifted higher and placed atop his lap, his bare skin pressed against the orc's hairy torso. [N]'s legs wrap around the orc's muscular waist, his arms wrapping themselves around Mobrukk's broad shoulders, clinging tightly to him. "Ooh yeah, pretty boy likes being taken like this, doesn't he?" Mobrukk growls, leaning forwards, capturing [N]s' lips with his own, their tongues intertwining hungrily.
[N] moans softly, his body melting under the orcs touch. Their tongues dance together, slithering against each other sensually.The human whimpers deep in his throat, his hips beginning to rock slowly, rubbing his cock against Mobrukk's stomach. His breathing quickens as the heat between his legs increases, his cock swelling. The human breaks off from the kiss, gasping for air, looking up at Mobrukk shyly
"P-promise to be gentle...?" [N] pleads timidly, his voice quivering. Mobrukk chuckles, reaching down with both hands and cupping [N]'s cheeks, giving the human a tender peck on the lips before letting go. It's the last gentle touch the human feels before being flipped onto his stomach, his ass propped up in the air, exposed and vulnerable. Mobrukk smirks, sliding a hand underneath him, tracing the line of [N]'s spine.
"Don't worry, I'll treat ya real good, baby..." Mobrukk promises, planting a firm smack on [N]'s rump, eagerly spreading his cheeks.
A loud groan escapes the human's lips, his body writhing beneath Mobrukk's touch, begging for attention. "Please...!" [N] whimpers, his back arching involuntarily as Mobrukk rubs the tip of his cock along [N]'s anus, teasing him mercilessly. The human bites his lip hard enough to draw blood, feeling himself growing hotter and harder by the second. Mobrukk laughs darkly, spreading [N]'s ass further apart, revealing the ring of flesh hidden inside, the human's hole gaping obscenely.
"Look at ya, you were so shy before, must've been real pent up," Mobrukk teases. He presses the tip of his cock against [N]'s puckered asshole, making the human let out an agonized whine, his hips bucking helplessly against Mobrukk's grip. "Begging and pleading for me to fuck that tight little arsehole..." Mobrukk slides his cock along the rim of [N]'s opening, teasing him mercilessly, his cock throbbing with desire. He pushes forward just slightly, forcing his way past the tight ring of muscle, only a fraction of his cock entering the human's body. [N]'s mouth falls open, his eyes crossing as the searing pain radiates through his entire lower half.
"Oh Gods..." [N] moans pitifully, biting his lip. His body reacts harshly, unable to stay still under Mobrukk's grasp, but the orc holds fast to him easily, pinning him to the bed. Mobrukk eases his hips forward, pushing another inch or two into the human, stretching his insides painfully. The human whimpers, tears springing to his eyes as Mobrukk continues to force himself deeper into him, every thrust driving home the reality of how much bigger and stronger than [N] he truly is. The human knows he's tearing inside, his mind screaming out in protest as the orc stretches his body wide open.
Mobrukk's thick member reaches the end of [N]'s tunnel, resting firmly against the base of his pelvis, leaving the rest of his shaft buried inside the human, unable to move without pulling free.
"All in while raw, didn't even need to lube you up," Mobrukk grunts, rolling his hips, rocking his cock back and forth inside the human, coating his inner walls in a slick layer of precum. [N] whimpers loudly, his body trembling, sweat dripping from his brow. He can feel Mobrukk's warm breath on his neck, the orc's hand stroking his hair lovingly. "I bet ya never felt anything this big before huh?" Mobrukk growls lewdly, slapping [N]'s butt roughly. The human cries out sharply, clutching at the sheets, his muscles tense. "You're mine now, lil' slut, got no choice but to take it like a man..." Mobrukk pants, continuing to slide his dick in and out of [N], the human whimpering continuously, his entire body shaking uncontrollably.
"Mnf..." [N]'s eyes droop, his eyelids flickering rapidly. His fingers dig into the orc’s shoulders, nails scraping harshly against his skin, and his toes curling. A low hum fills his ears, his heart beating frantically, his whole body burning with pain. "Oh gods, oh gods..." The human's voice cracks, his chest rising and falling in short shallow breaths as he struggles to keep control. Every time Mobrukk forces himself deeper into him, [N] a silent scream threatens to escape him, his lungs straining to pull oxygen into his starved body.
"So sensitive," Mobrukk growls lowly, gripping [N]'s hip tightly, hissing as he drove himself balls deep inside the human, eliciting a high-pitched scream from the smaller male. "C'mon pretty boy, cum for me, make yourself useful," Mobrukk taunts, pounding away relentlessly at [N]'s abused arsehole. [N] lets out a pathetic moan, shuddering violently as Mobrukk's cock plunders his bowels, again and again, drool spilling from the corners of his slack jaw.
"N-no please, stop," [N] begs weakly, tears streaming down his face, “‘S too much... too rough..." His words are drowned out by Mobrukk's harsh grunts, the orc slamming his cock into [N] repeatedly, the sound echoing throughout the room. [N] purses his lips, trying desperately to maintain some semblance of composure despite the intense pleasure coursing through his body, but moans eventually spill from his mouth. "’S too big, too big…" he dumbly whispers, moaning incoherently. Laying limply on the orc’s lap, he can’t bring himself to meet the thrusts, drool falling freely from his mouth. Without warning, he feels Mobrukk’s cock press against something every other thrusts, eliciting a breathless whimper, clenching around the length each time this area was pressed against. milking it dry.
"That it?" Mobrukk snarls lustfully, thrusting one final time, burying himself balls deep within the human." No more crying? You want me ta finish yeh here then?" He taunts, squeezing the human's hips as he ruts into him. The head of his cock aims directly where his prostate lies, eliciting a guttural groan from the human, his muscles spasming erratically as Mobrukk fucks him senseless.
"Oh gods! Right there, right there..." He croons in response to the small sounds coming from the human's throat. The orc grips the human's waist tighter, grunting as he drives his cock in and out, hitting his prostate on every stroke, setting off waves of pleasure that radiate throughout the human's body. Each thrust sends shockwaves of ecstasy shooting through the human's frame, causing his already sore body to convulse wildly, until finally, all resistance is lost, and his orgasm overtakes him. His entire body shakes and shudders, his mouth gaping open wordlessly, his tongue lolling from his mouth. His vision blurs, everything going black before returning in a white haze. All sense leaves him, his world nothing more than the searing hot pleasure that repeatedly thrust into his guts, pressing intimately against a bundle of nerves that send jolt after jolt racing through his body, bathing his brain in euphoric warmth.
His climax lasts for several seconds, but feels like hours, his mind becoming fuzzy and distant until finally, mercifully, it passes, his body relaxing as the tension leaves his muscles, his breathing returning to normal. He lays limp atop Morbrukk, allowing the orc to rut into him to chase his own pleasure, the sounds of his thighs hitting his arse echoing in his ears. After a few minutes, Mobrukk begins to slow down, pulling his cock almost entirely out of [N] before plunging back in, grunting heavily. He ruts into the human as he orgasms, his hot, thick seed pooling deep within [N]'s guts.
"Gods..." [N] mewls, panting lightly, his legs hanging limply over the edge of the mattress, his eyes closed. The human's back arches reflexively when Mobrukk pulls out, his hole clenching tightly around Mobrukk's spent cock, milking the orc dry. Mobrukk pulls out completely, collapsing on the bed with the human on top of him, panting. Mobrukk wraps one arm around [N] possessively, holding him close.
"Look at ya," Mobrukk murmurs quietly, brushing a lock of [N]'s hair behind his ear, "all soft for me," The human snuggles closer to Mobrukk, burying his head into the orc's neck, nuzzling affectionately. His arse is sore, leaking thick globs of the orc's seed, but the thought makes him smile happily. He doesn't care about that right now; all he cares about is being held in orc’s arms.
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madam-mitsume2023 · 1 year
The brothers Helping Giant MC in a "Special" Way.
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Ever since you were a giant. You were starting to feel insecure. You looked in the Mirror to see your reflection gain weight. But you didn't. A side effect of the potion was negative thoughts because it was mixed with human hormones, so you laid in bed with the cover over you completely only to feel 14 feet or 7 pairs of feet on you. Each one a different weight. "MC, What's the matter? You have failed to make it to class since 2 weeks and you never leave your dorm." Lucifer spoke. Eventually you spill out everything, Lucifer and his brothers discussed something and eventually he cleared his throat.
"We have an idea. But we would need to be in your body for it."
You were confused "We will get rid of your problem internally." He meant you to eat them. You were nervous as the brother's can be out of control at times, with Beel getting hungry, Mammon being easily irritated, Satan getting upset over almost anything and Asmodeus not liking getting dirty. "MC darling, you'll be okay. We'll be okay. At least I can be inside you and you get to taste my great flavor!" Mammon gave his brother a glare "Oi, I am going inside them first!" You were shocked but gently picked up the tan boy who was spooked at first but you gave him a peck, before he could even react he was in your jaws, he had the taste of golden Caramel. He got to smell your fresh breath before sliding down to your pit. He was being hugged through your gullet and you could feel it, you also felt him land which he poked a bit "I'm okay! Whoever ends up next better not land on the Great Mammon!" You giggle and rub your gut. You held out your hand and Beel Levi and Asmo went inside. "Let's get this over with..." Levi went in tasting like grape soda, Asmo tasting like Skittles, and Beel like Beef jerky. They landed on each other but you gave them some soothing rubs. Satan and Belphie both sighed and went in next, Belpie tasting like a Blueberry Muffin and Satan like Peanut Butter. You were assuming that Lucifer saw them causing a ruckus since your stomach was poking a lot hearing them bicker and your gut go off quite a few times. It felt like you could throw up or ot felt really nice, he sighed and went into you hand. "As the eldest I must prevent my brothers from causing our dear friend to feel uncomfortable. With that he went in your maw tasting like Earl Grey Tea. Once you felt him land the ruckus had stopped. You gently laid down and you felt the brothers travel to different parts, they were eating away any fat you didn't like along with the negative thoughts and memories in your brain and heart, making you feel and look more toned and much happier but Beel did all the eating. Satan and Lucifer were killing any familiars in your body that shouldn't be, Mammon and Leviathan were patrolling your whole body, secretly liking it in there. Asmodeus was charming your brain. Making you love yourself more and Belphegor making you rest better. Lucifer even added some pride in your thoughts. They also rested in your body before leaving. Rather it was in or on your heart, lungs, stomach, mouth, you were asleep to, but you felt better thanks to your great friends.
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twinkliker3000 · 1 year
the world if people didnt pointlessly gender x reader fics:
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December Christmas Monster stories
December 13.) Half giant x GN reader
Warnings: depression, hating job, job quitting, size difference
Minors Don't Interact!
Working as one of Santa's elf was a seasonal job, the pay was shit but it was fun. Pretty much volunteer work. There was a bonus though. It came in the form of the man playing Santa named Treg. 
He was a half giant and standing next to him in your work uniform you really did look like a Christmas elf. Treg was kind to everyone, always smiling. You couldn't help but be drawn to him. It helped that you were one of his main elfs. Every shift he had you worked too. Always right next to him helping him with the kids or getting him water. Any time he had to get up and walk somewhere you were with him to make sure he didn't bump into any kids. It was hard seeing kids when you were that big. Treg was always so happy when you helped him out. Constantly thanking you for every little thing you did for him. 
Treg often would make you a cup of hot chocolate during your shared break. It always tasted better when he made it. The two of you would always chat the whole break before going back to going to work. 
The work gossip was that both of you were dating in secret. Though any time the two of you were confronted Treg vehemently denied it. You did so too, just less convincing than him. One of your coworkers noticed this and asked you in private if you wished you were dating him. You frowned as you nodded your head. They gave you a look of pity before walking away. 
They must have said something to Treg because after that day he started avoiding you. It hurt badly when suddenly your schedule changed from his. You had been replaced by another worker who preferred to pose for the photos and flirt with all the parents instead of helping Treg. Not that you could do anything about it, you were assigned to a different Santa. He was a satyr who didn't care about his job, he worked the dead shift hardly anyone came around when he worked and he liked it that way.
Your fun job became miserable in less than a week all because you couldn't get a handle on your dumb one sided crush. You didn't smile at work anymore, what was the point?
Before the end of the second week you had turned in your uniform and quit. You went home and cried that night. The next day you went out to the store to go get comfort food. Walking around the store you filled your cart with tooth rotting snacks. Your heart hurt so you wanted your stomach to hurt more to take your mind away from it. 
Walking around absentmindedly you didn't pay attention to anything until you heard heavy footsteps. Looking up you saw Treg approaching you. You had the urge to run away from him but found yourself frozen in place. “Y/n? I heard you quit? Why did you do that?” His voice sounded heart broken. Why did he sound heart broken? Treg was the one who rejected and ignored you, not the other way around. 
“What does it matter to you? You made it clear you didn't like me when you started ignoring me.” You snorted, turning your head to look anywhere but at him. “I only started distancing myself because I realized I liked you too and that scared me. I'm constantly scared that I'm not going to know your next to me and I'll accidently hurt you.” Treg explained stepping closer to you. “Didn't every day we worked together prove I could handle that? You never hurt me before, why worry about that now?” You asked, glancing at him. “Because the thought of being with you meant a higher chance of hurting you but when you were gone it hurt even worse.” His eyes were starting to water as he talked. 
How could you be upset at that face? Looking down at your feet you stepped forward reaching your hand out to hold his sleeve. “I'd take that risk to be with you.” You told him, looking up at him. “For you? I'd risk anything.” Treg said carefully, holding your hand in his large one. You looked like a doll compared to him, you kind of liked it. 
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dervampireprince · 1 year
ASMR | Marvel - Loki x Listener - Palace Pet [M4A] [Spicy Patreon Preview]
[M4A/GF4A] [Dom Loki] [Shapeshifting - Jotun Loki] [Size difference] [Belly bulge] [Breeding kink] [Praise] [Light pet play] [Oral on listener] [Blowjob on speaker] [Throat fucking] [Royalty kink] [Aftercare] [Scene discussion]
The first of this month's two fledgling audios. Aspen requested "Maybe a Jotun Loki audio" and Luna Vix requested "a Jotun Loki could be really really cool".
Custom audio commissions are open! Full spicy audios on soundgasm and Patreon. Downloadable versions, exclusive  spicy audios and Discord on Patreon. I also stream on Twitch 3 times a week @ dervampireprince . [minors + ageless blogs dni. this blog is for 18+ only.] [do not repost/reupload/edit my audios/videos]
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limitedgigi · 11 months
yall pls request 😭
another yandere hcs post bc i was bored!!
so sorry if its too long
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yandere jock hcs!
yan! jock who is your school's prized quarterback and has never lost a game.
yan! jock who sees you in the crowd at his game and immediately falls in love with you.
yan! jock who talks you the next day during class and asks you to have lunch with him.
yan! jock who invites you to his next game, but is disappointed when you tell him you have plans that day.
yan! jock who performs poorly during practice because all he can think about is you.
yan! jock who notices how his teammates look at you in the halls as you pass by their group and hates the way they stare at you.
yan! jock who starts to slack off during his next game, until he sees you watching him in the crowd.
yan! jock who turns the game around and beats the opposing team to make sure he impresses you!
yan! jock who asks you about your plans you had that day and melts when you tell him you cancelled them to watch him play.
yan! jock who follows you around like a lost puppy after the game.
yan! jock who carries all your stuff, holds doors open for you, and pulls out your chair for you, like a true gentleman.
yan! jock who scares off any competition with his 6'2 muscular frame, and then showers you with attention immediately after.
yan! jock who comes to any of your extracurricular events when he has free-time to support you! he's your biggest cheerleader, literally.
yan! jock who is ecstatic when you ask him out on a date. he doesn't care where you guys go, he'll pay for everything as long as you're with him!!
yan! jock who spaces out when you talk to him and just looks into your eyes with a stupid smile on his face, thinking about how much he loves you.
"h-huh? oh, yeah i was listening! what did you say? uhh.. um... hehe.."
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bunny-yan · 8 months
I am so deeply invested about your Giant Yandere Oc are you willing to make more content surrounding them? Its such an interesting take to the point ill take anything regarding them love you lots keep up the good work 💌
TW: Intimidation, Mentions Death, Depicts Violence, Language, Absolutely no minors
“Play along.” You said, eyes wide as you stared down the shaken stranger. “Play. Along.” You repeated once you had their eyes. You could tell that they had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. You had been the same when you had first been dragged here against your will. Lost, angry in your confusion, and drowning in overwhelming fear. It was unlucky that he wouldn’t show her the same patience that he had you. 
You felt sick looking into this girl’s eyes. You didn’t want to imagine what she would look like if he decided that he’d been merciful enough and let his anger get the best of him. 
“Where am I?” Her shaky voice said, looking back and forth. There was no comfort to be found in her strange surroundings. Everything was foreign and astronomically different. The surface was smooth, unlike anything you had ever encountered. 
Realization set in when you saw what appeared to be a coffee maker, one you could make out from miles away. You knew this surface. It was an island. A kitchen counter and a brand new world. 
“We don’t have time for that. He’s going to be back any minute. Just do whatever he says and don’t freak out.”
“What? Who is he? Where am I?” Her words melted together the faster she spoke, eyes flitting back and forth as she tried to come to terms with her surroundings. It wouldn’t kick in right away. It was hard to believe something you’d only heard about in bedtime stories as a child. 
You wanted to say more to alleviate her incoherent rambling, but the vibrations you’d come to recognize as his footsteps were getting closer. 
“Don’t freak out. Don’t-”
You slammed your hands to your ears out of instinct, before lurching forward and slapping your hand over the girl’s mouth to cut off her piercing scream. Her eyes were big as she stared at the monster towering above the two of you. It was nothing he hadn’t experienced before. 
Pulling up a chair, he rested his head on his hands as he watched the two of you. 
“Getting friendly without me?” His eyes narrowed on you. “I’m jealous.” You didn’t want to let go, not when you weren’t sure how she’d react, but you didn’t want to hear the sound of popping limbs if he decided to pull the two of you apart.
Slowly taking your hand away, you let out a shaky sigh of relief when the girl simply stared up and up and up, frozen in terror. 
His size wasn’t the only terrifying thing about him. The way his eyes narrowed on the two of you, you felt your spine tighten at the thought that he was a predator sizing up his prey. From the looks of it, his advantage was overwhelming. 
“Have you explained to our new friend the game we play?” He asked, poking at you. 
“Stop that.” You growled, holding onto his finger so you didn’t get shoved into oblivion. The size difference made his distance perception awfully inaccurate so you’d received an injury or two from his playful gestures. 
He smiled, resisting the urge to pick you up between his fingers. Didn’t want to break any ribs, after all. The last time his urges got the better of him, you stayed holed up in your house, moaning in pain when you weren’t begging him to let you go to the hospital. Thankfully, the special meal he provided you day and night allowed for a quick recovery. Not that you were particularly grateful. He couldn’t blame you when his urges often got the better of him. 
“She just woke up.” you said by way of explanation. It was clear from the way this girl looked as if she was about to pee herself that she had no idea what was going on. She looked just as confused as you had been when you were going about your day before being plucked from your life and spirited away. You were almost certain that she’d gone through the exact same thing. He wasn’t exactly subtle with his kidnapping. 
“Can you please just give me a moment to explain things to her?” you asked, edging closer to where she was. She looked pale and you wanted to be close enough to catch her if she fainted. He’d get angry, but you didn’t really care. His feelings didn’t matter. 
“No.” he said. You glared at him, but he only pouted in response, lowering his head to the counter you stood on. “I’m bored and I don’t feel like waiting.” His playful tone didn’t diminish the authority in his voice. 
This wasn’t an option. 
“This story has a good ending so you’ll like it.” he quipped.
You felt anxiety as his eyes finally left you, taking on a cold edge as he looked at the girl. 
“You.” he said, making the girl flinch at his booming voice. “My little doll and I play a game called storytime. You’ve had the wonderful fortune of being included.”
It was awful explanation, but you just hope she remembered the rushed advice you tried to give. 
“Once upon a time,” he began, alarm immediate in your expression at the abrupt start. You tried to run towards the girl, but a hand as tall as a wall slammed between the two of you, eyes narrowing on your figure. “No cheating.” he said. 
It wasn’t fair. She didn’t know the rules. 
When he removed his hand, you knew better than to move from where you were. Characters didn’t exist without the story after all. 
“Once upon a time,” he began again, resting his head on his hand. “There was a princess. She was very ugly princess who was lacking in many ways. She didn’t have the brains of her older sister, the First Princess, the brawn of her older brother, the First Prince, the beauty of her younger sister, the third Princess, or the courage of the youngest son, the second Prince. Outmatched at every turn and belittled wherever she went, the princess fell into a deep depression. It was so deep that she bought what she believed was poison from a strange merchant and drank it before falling into a deep sleep.”
You looked at the girl who was dazed, and understandably confused, and tried to will her to understand that she was the princess in this make believe story. You couldn’t say anything to her. Your characters hadn’t met yet and doing anything outside of the narrator’s guidance was breaking the rules. 
He looked at the girl, narrowing his eyes. You could tell that she was frozen in fear from his attention. “She drank poison and fell into a deep. Sleep.”
Still, she didn’t move. 
You could see the irritation growing on his face and before you could make the conscious decision to help her despite what it would mean for you, his finger poked at her chest, sending her sprawling backwards.
“You’re supposed to be asleep, ugly princess.”
The girl screamed, landing hard on her ass. 
Your eyes widened at his complete disregard for their difference in size. “Be gentle!” you yelled at him, wishing that it eased some of the worry in your gut but when his eyes slid to you it only got worse. The look in his eyes was unrepentant, bordering vicious before it softened as he gazed upon you. 
“Quiet, doll. It isn’t your turn yet.” he said, the pad of his finger brushing against your head before he turned back to the girl who was still moaning in pain. “In case you haven’t figured it out by now, your character is the ugly princess. Any action she does is what you’re supposed to do.”
Sniffling was the only response before she carefully lowered herself to lay down. 
You sighed, hoping that the story would be like all his others. It would revolve around you making a complete fool of yourself, much to his amusement, before having a happy ending. You’d wrap it up nicely, take a bow and it would the end of this. 
“On the 75th year since the Kingdom’s founding, the King decided to hold a ball celebrating his lineage’s prosperous reign and the successes of his children. The First Princess had successfully negotiated treaties with neighboring kingdoms, the First Prince successfully ended the four year war with a rival Kingdom, the third Princess was a prosperous socialite that created trends throughout the kingdom, and the second Prince went abroad to study before returning with many emissaries as potential allies. Everyone had achieved something great except for the sleeping, ugly princess. As this was the largest ball since the founding of the Kingdom many lords and ladies came from all around the world and an especially curious royal stood at the edge of the ball, bored out of their mind.”
The introduction of your character. So far, so good. 
“This royal couldn’t stand to hear all of the others preen about the Kingdom’s reign considering they came from a neighboring country that declined due the Kingdom’s raids. They came to speak to the First Princess about negotiations, but she was too busy to listen. They wanted to convince the First prince to pull out their knights, but he too wouldn’t listen. They tried to speak to the third Princess to sway the opinion of the nobles but she was too busy being fawned over and pampered. They even came up with a plan to show the second Prince that their country would make a good ally, but he was too proud to be bothered. Left without hope, the royal abandoned the ball filled with superficial frivolities and wandered the palace to nurse their wounded ego.”
You began to walk, slowly making your way towards the girl. He didn’t stop you, deciding instead to continue with the story and you had a feeling you were about to get a chance to encounter her, not that it would matter beyond assuring yourself that she was okay. 
“On the royal’s walk they came upon wall of portraits displaying the royal family. They recognized each one except for the portrait of a woman with a face shrouded by a veil. After asking a passing maid, they found out that it was the neglected ugly Princess. The royal learned of the princess’s condition, but they believed that there was hope. They believed that if they cured the princess, then surely she would listen to what they had to say. Hoping to meet their propitious savior, they snuck without much difficulty to the ugly princess’s chambers and gazed upon her sickly sleeping face.”
You took no time at all to saddle near the girl, looking over her and trying to ascertain whether or not she was okay. 
“This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy. This is crazy.” the girl repeated over and over again, eyes wide presumably in shock. 
You placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down, but she flinched before her wide eyes turned towards you. You jumped when her hand snatched your wrist before she pulled you closer. “Help me.” she begged. “We have to get out of here.”
Shushing her, you resisted the urge to glance towards your giant spectator. He might’ve been huge, but his hearing was exceptional. There was no doubt that he was listening to everything she said. 
You tried to soothe her as quietly as you could, but her pleading only grew more hysterical, gripping your wrist tighter as she cried.
“The ugly princess was slowly fading away like the wilted flowers at her bedside. It wasn’t hard to see that she didn’t have much time left. Observing her declining state, the royal had a newfound desire to save the princess and their kingdom. With their goal in mind, they set off to find a cure that would bring the princess back from her deep sleep.”
You began to pull away, the girl yanked your wrist back towards her chest. Her eyes were drowning in fear as she pleaded, “Don’t leave me. Please, please don’t go.”
“You’re okay.” you whispered, grabbing her hand and wrenching your own out of her grip despite the guilt you felt. “Just play along and you’ll be fine.” 
She stopped seeing. 
Her gaze was empty and aimless as she looked beyond you, going somewhere you couldn’t see. 
“You’re taking too long on your journey royal.” 
Dread coiled in your gut, causing you to climb to your feet before stalking away from the girl. 
“Anymore interruptions and you’re getting a penalty.” 
No matter how reluctant you were to leave her on her own, you couldn’t help her if you were penalized.  It was best to just listen and hope for the best. It was all you could do. 
“The royal-.”
You were unsure why he stopped so abruptly. Looking back, your heart almost leapt into your throat when you saw the girl getting to her feet. 
“Please.” she begged, stumbling as her weak legs struggled to carry her weight. “I wanna go home.” she sobbed. “Please, just let me go home.” Her words were a whine, almost unclear from how hard she was crying. 
“The ugly princess is sleeping.” he said, her pitiful display not having any effect. You had a bad feeling about this. Why didn’t she just listen? 
“I-I wanna go home. Please!” Her voice was becoming hysterical, taking on a shrieky tone and you could tell by his darkening expression that he was getting irritated. 
“The ugly princess is sleeping.”
Biting the bullet, you begged her, “Lay back down!” 
His eyes snapped to you. “Shut up, Doll.”
“I wanna go home! Please let me go home!” She was screaming at this point, hiccups breaking apart her words as she cried and choked on her tears. 
Without any warning, he plucked her body sending her flying backwards. You covered your mouth, fear gripping you as you watched her sail through the air before bouncing off the ground and rolling to a stop. You didn’t have to see her arm bent at an awkward angle to know she had broken her bone.The sound of the the violent crack after her body made contact with the counter made you flinch. 
Every muscle in your body was tight, clenched in fear, having yet to recover from that awful sound. You looked at the girl’s crumpled body, still, unmoving. 
You hoped she wasn’t dead.
Looking at him with wide eyes, you uttered, “What the fuck.”
Looking at you with a smile as if he hadn’t just possibly killed someone, you felt deeply unsettled. 
“What is it, Doll?”
“What the fuck‽” you yelled. Your voice was loud enough to ring in your ears or maybe it was the uncertainty of watching someone die. 
Was she dead?
You turned on your heel and ran towards where she landed before a giant hand obstructed your path. 
“The royal doesn’t meet up with the ugly princess until the end of the story, Doll.”
“Fuck your stupid story!” you said, punching at his hand and feeling helpless at the knowledge that it was doing nothing to hurt him. Your blows felt lighter than a mosquito bite. 
You tried to circumvent his hand, but he moved to block your way. This continued until you yelled at him in frustration, it only growing when he smiled. 
“You’re so cute.”
You wanted to hurt him. You wished there was a knife small enough for you to do actual damage, but your violent thoughts turned to sweet relief when you heard a pained groan on the other side of his hand. He hadn’t killed her. He hadn’t killed her. 
“Are you okay?” you shouted. 
What a dumb question, but you couldn’t think past the anxious relief that threatened to rip your insides apart. There was no response beyond another pained groan and you just took it as a good sign that she was still alive. 
“She needs a hospital.” you said, pushing away from his hand as you turned to face him. He scooped you up, horror planting itself inside of you, before bringing you closer to his face. 
“Our doctors don’t treat your kind.”
“This is serious! She’s badly injured.”
“I’m being serious. In case you haven’t noticed, the instruments are a little too big to fit inside your body.”
“Then give her a piece of the heart! Or better yet, take her home so she can get treated there.” Your exasperation was shared as he gave you a funny look.
“Why would I do that?”
You knew that despite his seemingly easygoing nature he was cold, but you didn’t think he was this unfeeling. She’d broken her arm and he acted as if he couldn’t care less because she wasn’t significant enough to him. 
Gritting your teeth, you growled, “Because I’m asking you to.” His eyes shone with excitement at your words. 
“Asking for favors?” You wouldn’t humor him with a response. “And what do I get if I indulge you?”
Of course he expected something in return. Bringing you closer to his face, you couldn’t stand the cheeky smile he wore as your racked your brain with something to barter with. If you low balled he’d ask for something ridiculous and you’d have no but to agree since he had all the bargaining power, but you didn’t want to do anything you were too uncomfortable with. 
You knew what he wanted. 
He didn’t expressly state it but you could see it in his eyes. In the light harassment you were forced to endure, in the way he lingered whenever you were doing anything remotely uncomfortable. But to open that door meant his abstraction of feeling would become a reality. 
Biting your lip, you choked down the dread as you said, “I’ll- ”
A piercing scream forced you to cover your ears. 
She was fully awake and she had seen her arm. Her sobbing echoed throughout the room, a deep agonized wail passing her lips. “It hurts!” she cried, choking when she couldn’t pull breath deep enough into her lungs. “It hurts!” she screamed. 
You felt his irritation before you saw it. Turning at the sight of his fingers flexing, you froze like a deer in headlights at the deep scowl on his face. 
He was angry. 
You’d never seen him angry. 
His hand came up and you realized too late, still frozen in fear to yell at him to stop, mouth open in a silent scream as it slammed down on the counter. 
A loud bang thundered through the room, vibrations simulating a miniature earthquake for you, before there was complete silence. 
He didn’t. He couldn’t have. 
You felt a cold sweat, too afraid to turn around.
He couldn’t have.
You were unable to stop yourself, feeling something beyond morbid curiosity. It was almost like an obligation to see, to convince yourself fully. Your head was rigid as you turned to look over your shoulder and your head snapped back so quickly you felt pain in your neck. 
“So,” he said, bringing you closer to his face once again with a smile dancing across his lips. “You were saying?”
You dropped to your hands and knees, no warning as bile burned your throat, forcing everything out of your stomach. You didn’t care that you were throwing up in his hand, you couldn’t get that sight out of your head. 
When there was nothing left in your stomach to throw up, you began dry heaving, your body shaking so violently it was painful. 
He killed her.
You gagged at the stench of blood. 
He killed her.
Tears were leaking from your eyes in reaction from the pain. He shushed you, cooing gently as he went to stand. 
You shook your head, your body still shaking. You shouldn’t have looked. She would haunt you and what was left of her would remain in your nightmares forever.
You sobbed, hating how weak you sounded.
“Shhhhh, Doll. It’s okay. You’re okay.”
Not wanting to hear soft words from this monster, shaking hands covered your ears as you closed your eyes tight and begged for this to all be a dream. That you’d open your eyes and see that the goddess woke you from this nightmare. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up, okay? You’ll feel better.”
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laughableillusions · 1 year
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Posting raw pencil drawings bc I think the fact you can tell that I was in a state of complete mania whilst drawing adds to the charm.
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