#for me Jafar unfortunately
moonshinemagpie · 7 months
quick in the tags who were the first characters you ever looked at and said "I could fix him"
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roachliquid · 9 months
Before I get going into season 3 of Danny Phantom, I feel a need to take the time to enthuse about my all-time favorite antagonist of this series to date. I mean to tell you, this guy dethroned the Box Ghost, and he's still sitting at a solid #2. Though with that being said, it probably won't be too surprising when I tell you who unseated old Boxy, since this dude is so absurdly threatening that so far, he's only been deployed twice.
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Yep. I'm talking about the man, the myth, the incredibly attractive legend himself, Freakshow.
Don't try to embarrass me; I've got no pride.
But uh. Moving past my taste in evil would-be clowns, I will admit that Freakshow is a classic example of Danny Phantom's derivativity. Creatively, he's blatantly heavily inspired by other cartoon villains - Jafar and the Joker being the most obvious ones - and visually, he's like if Richard O'Brien decided to work for the circus. Which I'm not remotely complaining about; it's a combination that works very well - it's just, y'know, classic DP creativity.
Anyway, the thing that I find whenever Freakshow shows up is that I am genuinely a little bit scared of him. Not in a "I am no longer aware that I'm watching a silly cartoon for kids" way, necessarily, but in an "oh shit our heroes are in real trouble" kind of way. Which sounds impressive for a guy who has no powers of his own, but... I think that's a big part of why he feels so threatening.
See, while Danny's faced a goodly number of powerful and high-stakes villains, I rarely find myself feeling like he's truly out of his depth. At the end of the day, most of them are ghosts, and he can usually defeat them by doing some kind of ghostly activity, such as shooting them with beams or taking a trip to the Ghost Zone. The few exceptions include Dan Phantom, a guy who could only really be defeated by Danny choosing not to become him, and then this motherfucker.
As I mentioned before, Freakshow is a normal human, a fact that he has a way of using to his advantage. Not because it exempts him from being blasted with beams or anything, but because he isn't constrained by the behavioral patterns or weaknesses of your average ghost. He doesn't have a consistent, unified power set that can be memorized and predicted, nor does he have a convenient Achilles heel sitting somewhere in the Ghost Zone just waiting for some hero to find it. Instead, he exhibits the far more worrying tendency of just having whatever powers he was recently able to get his hands on, and being more than prepared to get his hands on them whenever the opportunity arises.
That's the thing about Freakshow, is that he plans. And not in the grandiose, elaborate habit of Vlad Masters, who puts all his focus on a singular plan at the expense of flexibility. Freakshow's plans are simpler, but generally more effective - he looks out for potential opportunities, and does whatever legwork he can so that by the time one arises, he's ready to seize it and hit the ground running. He is, to put it in a word, adaptable.
And that's genuinely worrying. Because when someone is that flexible, you can never be too sure what they're capable of. Combine that with the absence of conventional ghost weaknesses, and you create a problem that Danny is just... not equipped to solve.
As badass as ghosts can be in Danny Phantom, I treasure those moments that show that they have their own disadvantages. Freakshow is a stellar example of that principle, a guy whose greatest strength - unfortunately unbeknownst to himself - is simply being a human being in a situation where that isn't the norm. Especially to a fourteen-year-old whose biggest non-existential threats are ordinary humans, that's a pretty big deal.
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
this is so cheesy but i couldn't stop thinking about it
Zukaang aladdin au!! look i just really really need them to sing a whole new world on a magic Appa carpet ride while staring lovingly into each other's eyes. the balcony scene is also peak zukaang. zuko's dragon druk (instead of jasmine's tiger) sniffing and growling at aang until he realizes he is Safe. Momo is Abu in this case. Hmmm who is prince zuko being married off to? (my vote is zhao=jafar lol)
Omgggg anon! I genuinely love this AU idea. It actually works so well, especially with Zuko as Jasmine and Aang as Aladdin. All of those iconic moments with Zukaang would just be aaaaaaa. So beautiful. You’re making me want to make fan art of this now lol.
I think you’re right that Zhao is the closest counterpart to Jafar, but also if I were to personally try and adapt this AU, I would probably just do away with the whole “marrying the love interest off to the villain” plot lol (it always made me uncomfortable in the original movie anyway). In my version, Iroh would probs take on the role of Jasmine’s dad (the Sultan), Zhao would be Jafar, of course Momo would be Abu and Appa would be the magic carpet, but idek who the genie would be… Sokka (fits the comedic aspect)? Avatar Roku (fits the mystical advice-giver aspect)?? lmao.
Though I guess technically it also doesn’t have to be a one-to-one direct adaptation of everything that happens in Aladdin - like it could just be about Zuko being the FN prince who wants to see the world and not be married off to a rando, while Iroh is his kindly father figure/Fire Lord, and Zhao is the advisor trying to take over the FN. Aang is of course the scrappy street orphan who manages to catch his eye, and maybe he’s also secretly the Avatar who went missing as a baby? Either way he would have hair in this AU lol.
Maybe Toph is one of Zuko’s close friends - she’s a rich girl from another country who lives in the FN bc her parents are like the ambassadors for the EK or something, but she and Zuko often sneak out so they can have “normal” days in the city (and so Toph can fight in underground bending tournaments). Maybe Katara and Sokka are some of Aang’s friends who are also peasants - I can’t really think of how else they’d fit into the story unfortunately lol.
Anywaysssss sorry for the long ass reply anon, you got me to start seriously brainstorming for a second there haha! Idk if I’ll ever write an actual fic, but I’m definitely seriously gonna consider making some fan art for this AU concept… :)
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francis-writes · 2 years
Disney villains on Valentine's day
Hades He's usually busy with his work as the God of the Underworld but for this day he specially takes a vacation. You decide how will you spend the day and there's no limitations, he's a God after all. Visit in a fancy restaurant? Trip around the world? Whatever you can dream about, he will organize that (if you just wanna stay in the Underworld and for example play chess, have sexy times or - in modern times - watch movies, it's also an option!). Gives you standard Valentine gifts: flowers, sweets and lingerie (which he advises you to try on).
Jafar Unfortunately, he can't take a break from his duties as a Grand Vizier but he always remember to buy you a gift. Usually very pricey and impressive. Possibly he finds some time to spend with you by giving up his evil scheming for one day. He doesn't organize anything, there's no time for that, you just enjoy some peaceful time together on a walk or relaxing in palace.
Dr Facilier He's not wealthy but he always try to make that day special for you. You go to dancing, eat something good. On this day you're simply enjoying time together and you doesn't need anything more.
Judge Claude Frollo He doesn't really like showing his feelings in public so you rather spend this day in your home or travel outside of Paris, maybe go on a horse ride. Despite being a workaholic, he takes a free day to finally spend some peaceful time with you. You may also count on a nice gift - Whatever you want, as a minister of justice he has a lot of money.
hey, if you enjoy my work, maybe you would like to support me on ko-fi? Only if you can afford this. It would mean a lot to me<3 link is in the pinned post
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pangur-and-grim · 2 years
what media shaped you most profoundly as a kid? for me it was:
The Return of Jafar (1994)
The Xanth Series (unfortunately, seeing as the author should be on a watchlist)
Tamora Pearce - specifically her Song of the Lioness, Protector of the Small, and Immortals series
Watership Down (1978)
The Pit Dragon Chronicles 
Silverwing (literally my first novel - my sister was going to see Kenneth Oppel talk, and my mom said I could only come if I read his book. I think I was 6 years old)
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gavillain · 16 days
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TAGGED: TEN CHARACTERS YOU IDENTIFY WITH (&&&either add what you admire about each, or what it is that connects you to them!)
I never really saw myself as a hero or identified as one, so all of mine are villains. I don't necessarily think that I'm an evil person or that I'm not a good guy or nice person IRL, but for whatever reason, heroes just don't really do it for me. I'm drawn to the villains because they're such individuals. They're theatrical and dramatic in a way that's fun and engaging, they're confident, they're intelligent, they go after what they want, they're not afraid to be leaders and take control, they're either queercoded or explicitly queer, and they have a dark and elegant sense of style and flair - and all of that is what I really value and seek to emulate and incarnate in my day to day life. All of that applies to ALL of them, but here's why each individual one is on here.
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty/Kingdom Hearts) - My favorite and the one who is the most me of any of them. I'm generally pretty level headed and having a grand old time doing what I love, but if I get provoked, it's fire breathing dragon time. I have a tendency to be petty, and I have a very low tolerance for disrespect and thoughtlessness. I'm generally content to be kind of isolated up on my own proverbial mountain top, but I have a soft spot for my "familiars" and animals that I keep close. Sometimes overconfidence gets the better of me in the face of my own "Organization XIII"s but I always land on my feet. I also can be a bit of a control freak, a bit bossy, and a bit self-centered at the worst of times, and, well, that's her whole thing XD
Jafar (Aladdin) - To the people who don't know me well, I can appear to be a quiet and no-nonsense strict vizier, but to my personal "talking parrots" who I show the real me, they know I'm a dramatic goofball with a dark mind. I always find myself wanting more and more of the things that I enjoy and energize me to the point where sometimes I overindulge and find myself trapped in a "lamp" of my own making. I also really relate to his deleted song "Why Me" about growing up feeling unappreciated by my peers and carried down by people who were less than worthy of my time and efforts.
Loki (Marvel comics/2011-2013 MCU) - Loki's entire plot in the first Thor movie is one great big "Does this remind you of anything? HINT HINT" with being a gay allegory, and it hit me right at the same time I was coming out so I felt a strong bond with him and drew a lot of strength from him at the time. The way he embraces everything bad anyone has ever said about him and reclaims it to be a part of his own power is very much I try to live my life and why I'm so comfortable with my own flaws and "darkness." I have a mischievous and playful side reminiscent of him, and also just like him, I can be a full tilt diva who has to make a production out of everything (I actually came out as gay on a literal stage).
Hook (Once Upon a Time) - Firstly, we look the most alike of any of these guys. I've cosplayed him many times because of that. I like to think of myself as devilishly handsome, and I love me a good innuendo or sex joke. But I'm not just a sexual person, I also have a vibrant romantic side. And if anyone messes with the people I love, it's all over. I will launch into a centuries long revenge quest for the ones I love, and you don't wanna be on the other side of that. Oh, but I was also raised to be a gentleman and behave accordingly.
Grimhilde (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs) - I like to be the best with the things that I'm good at, and I want to be praised as the "fairest one of all" with regards to my talents. And, unfortunately with that, sometimes I have a bit of trouble embracing those who rival me in the things I'm good at, and that can take me to some dark places. I love witchcraft and working with the esoteric, and I love dressing up in costumes and "disguises" like she does. I also have a dark sense of humor that comes out around those who I allow to see my "old hag" form.
Ursula (The Little Mermaid) - Pat Carroll described Ursula as an ex-Shakespearean actress who sells used cars; I'm an ex-theater kid who sells real estate and works with binding contracts on the daily. I love doing voice impressions and voice acting, and the way I connect to characters and people is most immediately through the voice. Also her relationship with her sister Morgana most directly mirrors my relationship with my brother (I'm the Ursula, he's the Morgana).
Russell Edgington (True Blood) - I'm a Southerner born and raised (he's from Mississippi and I'm from Georgia), and we're both gay men in relationships who care very deeply for our partners. Russell certainly speaks to my wacky and fun loving sides, but he also kind of reflects my cynicism towards humanity and the state of the world. We both care about the environment and have some righteous rage over the ecological damage humanity is doing. Vampires in True Blood in general also kind of mirror the experience of being queer in America, and that also comes into play.
Hades (Hercules) - I feel like my relationships with my extended family mirrors Hades's with the Olympians pretty accurately. I have the glorious intersection of dad jokes and dark humor that makes Hades so stinkin' funny XD I'm generally a cool and collected guy, but as previously mentioned, I DO have a bit of a temper that can explode with fiery brilliance. I'm an Aries - it's part of my star sign description XD I also have a strong connection to Greek mythology and that interest, so Hades acts as a connection to that as well. And, hey, I roleplayed as him online more than anyone else, so he and I are tied to each other in a special way through that.
Dr. Doom (Marvel comics) - I've always been "the smart one" in my family. I always excelled at school, I've always won at Jeopardy, I always am the go-to walking encyclopedia for my family to consult, I'm reasonably good at chess. Point is, I connect to Doom by feeling like the smartest guy in the room, but also, circling back to a similar point with Grimhilde, I'm not often the most comfortable with NOT being the smartest guy in the room. I can't stand a "Reed Richards" trying to show me up XD I also am not afraid to admit that I'm a bit of a mama's boy XD I take after my mother more than anyone else, and I've always idolized her. Doom went to Hell and back to fight the devil himself to save his mom, and I'd like to think I'd do the same if put in the same circumstance.
Fish Mooney (Gotham) - I love pretty things. Beautiful sparkly aesthetically pleasing things like her myriad of outfits and her nightclub's décor. I'm very particular about the aesthetics surrounding me and making sure it reflects who I am. I also connect with Fish over our value system - she's all about building a sense of "family" with those she's close to, whether they're by blood or by choice, and I've always felt very strongly that family is who you choose. She looks out for her own first and foremost, and so do I. I also have a competitive nature and like to climb to the top when I can, and being a gay man in settings dominated by straight people often feels similar to Fish being the only black woman in the straight white male dominated mob.
tagged by: @marciabrady
tagging: @eerieeyes, @tampire, @violetrose-art, @gordhanx, @heddagab, @violethowler, @101bangzoom, @corvidreavenart, @thefinalboss387 and anyone else who feels like doing this (and no pressure to you guys if you don't want to either)
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simpforsimeon · 2 years
*Yuu meeting the great seven and a immortal person, which their family knew for generations somehow*
Maleficent, chuckling: Why hello dear, you must be Yuu (Last Name), right?
Scar, grumbling: So that’s the brat who we have to stay with?
Ursula, laughing and nudging Scar: Oh come one, 'great king of the beasts', look at how cute they are, such an unfortunate soul that we have to teach to be the best, just like us!
Evil Queen, sighing: Ursula, tone it down a little.
Ursula, pouting: Oh come on, EQ!
Jafar, annoyed and done with everything: Shut up, for the love of God, Ursula.
Hades, ready to teach this kid the ways of the underworld and how to kill your rich spouse and take all their money: Heya, kiddo, names Hades, blah blah, I'm the king of the underworld and stuff, just be sure to let me know when you need my help, kid.
*Yuu, overwhelmed a little by everything, nodded their head*
Yuu, looking towards Queen of hearts: Umm, hello your majesty..?
Queen of hearts, ready to take this kid and Riddle under her wing: Why hello, my dear child, I do hope you know the rules of my red kingdom~!
Yuu, nervously, but still knows the rules: Y-Yeah!
William, watching everything unfold while looking calculative towards the situation with a knowing smile, and laughed at Yuu's facial expression: Pffft-- hahaha -- my, my, our little Yuu has -- hehe-- such adorable -- hihii-- reactions~!
(William is my twst oc, I'll show you more about him later on, and Call him Liam, Willie or Wille!)
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bones4thecats · 7 months
who is your favourite character in record of ragnarok and twisted wonderland? And what do you think would be their type? Any headcanons you have that you usually don't see others write but you wish there was more?
Hello there, Anon! I love the questions you had asked me, and it took me a while to figure them all out, but I wrote them down as I thought, so they may be a but lengthy. Anyways, I hope I answered your questions good!
Okay, so I have quite a few favorites within both fandoms, so I'll seperate them based on species/dorm!
Twisted Wonderland
Heartslabyul: Riddle Rosehearts ~ His character is super adorable with how his face gets red when he gets mad, and I find his constant need to follow the rules funny. It's not like the Queen of Hearts is gonna kill you, she's basically dead anyways! Savanaclaw: Jack Howl ~ He's just adorable, and he reminds me of my male best friend because he's quite defensive about his reputation, but with people he cares about, he's awesome! Octavinelle: Azul Ashengrotto ~ Azul is one of my favorite characters in general because of how smart, yet sensitive he can be. Like when he had overblotted because of MC and the others tearing up his contracts he worked hard on, it's understandable and relatable. Also, his fear of his weight makes me pity him as a chubby person myself, but I love the way he gains confidence! Scarabia: Jamil Viper ~ Jafar is one of my favorite characters in the whole Disney canon, so having Jamil as one of my favorites shouldn't be surprising. I love his design and I absolutely love his journey, he's good at cooking and he's amazingly loyal to his family and friends, he's husband material. Pomefiore: Rook Hunt ~ I love Vil, but Rook's character overall is so much fun to read and write for. I love his design to freaking much, like his hat, so cute, the fact that he came from Savanaclaw to Pomefiore, very unique and cool, I also adore his frenchness, it shows relation to the film's original location and written place. Ignihyde: Ortho & Idia ~ I couldn't choose between the two of them, their dynamic together is so fucking cute, like I can't. I also love introverts, I find them adorable, and having a very extroverted sibling just makes it extra cute!! Diasomnia: ALL FOUR ~ Like with the previous duo, I cannot choose between all three. I love Malleus, he's a very fun character, and with how oblivious and willing to learn he is, he's awesome. Lilia is just great, he's an amazing father to both Silver and Malleus, and the way he looks after Sebek like his own, cute!! Silver and Sebek are similar, adorable children that we must protect. Staff: Divus Crewel ~ All I have to say is: Monochrome King RSA: Che'nya ~ Personally, I love the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland (1951), he's just an amazing example of an anti-hero, and the way he teases Riddle and Trey just for laughs is super cute and shows how much he truly cares for the two as his friends.
Record of Ragnarok
Abrahamic Pantheon: Beelzebub ~ I prefer him over a lot of different Gods, so much so he's in my top 10 favorite characters throughout the whole fandom. But, I love how careful he is, he seems to care about others enough to where he tries protecting them from distancing himself, but that's also a flaw, otherwise, he's just a decent person in general, despite wanting Humanity's end. Buddhism Pantheon: Buddha ~ He's just so much fun. He loves to mess around and tease others, which is something I love to do, which kinda draws people towards me (I'm an unfortunate people-magnet), and I also love how he's so laid-back, you gotta love those chill peeps. Hindu Pantheon: Shiva ~ I love his love of the art-form dance. Dance is something that has a bunch of different forms, and the way that he just takes that passion and made it his own unique thing was inspiring! Greek Pantheon: Heracles / Apollo / Hades ~ I love all three of these guys, so it was hard to decide between them. Hades is a family man and cares for his brothers no matter what, Apollo is a decent person and doesn't judge for looks, but by personality, and Heracles is just an amazing example of the word 'hero'. Norse Pantheon: Thor ~ I just love his character in general, he seems to value his family and title, he even showed sympathy to killing Lü Bu, and I found that to be an amazing addition to showing the humanity in the Gods. I also adore his design, red is one of my favorite colors behind blue and black, so having long red hair? Yes. Human Fighters: ALL ~ No competition, they all rule. Lü Bu shows care for his army, Adam loves his 'children' despite their wrongdoings, Sasaki has a strong will of never giving up despite challenges, Jack will do seemingly anything to protect those he cares for, even if they don't care for him back, Raiden's care for Thrud was so heartwarming, he warned her to stop the Völundr to save her life, and (technically) Zerofuku, he's just a baby that was let down the wrong path, he needs guidance, and I believe that if he had the right teacher, his life would've been way better. Valkyries: Göll ~ She's just so god-foresakenly cute!! I feel like my heart's gonna explode everytime she looks concerned for both Humanity and the Gods fighting, she's so much more human with her emotions than other characters, it's amazing.
Their types all vary, but I'll probably make a list on each dorm/pantheon and their types later on because this is starting to get very lengthy and my hands are cramping badly, so to keep my hands in tact and this post short-er, I'll answer your final question.
I believe there should be more Male! Readers, as there are mostly either Female or Gender Neutral. Like males can read the GN, but like, pretty much all the Male! Readers I find are NSFW and not SFW. I believe there should be more of those, but like I said, GN does work relatively well.
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Psycho Analysis: Judge Claude Frollo
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
The Disney Renaissance was home to some of Disney’s greatest villains. Scar, Ursula, Gaston, Jafar… The films from 1989 to 1999 all redefined what it meant to be an animated antagonist. But while there were many great villains during that time, one in particular managed to be regarded as one of the darkest and most terrifying villains in the entire Disney Animated Canon: Claude Frollo, the sinister minist—er, judge who serves as the main villain of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
The man is heavily entwined with the more complex themes of the movie as well as a lot more cold and vicious than one might expect from the company that brought you Mickey Mouse, but what exactly is it that makes him such a great villain? Well, read on, because I try my best to explain it.
Motivation/Goals: Frollo is a horrible, bigoted prie—er, judge who wants nothing more than to totally eradicate all of the filthy Romani from Paris in the name of the Lord. Unfortunately, he ends up falling hard for one of them, Esmeralda, after watching her do a saucy dance routine. From there, Frollo is consumed by a single-minded lust for the woman that drives his actions, with his conflicted feelings on the matter leading him to blame her for giving him sinful thoughts and determining that all of Paris needs to burn because he is… well… he’s a
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I get a lot of mileage out of that gif.
Performance: Tony Jay was picked specifically for this due to his memorable bit role in Beauty and the Beast, and boy does he manage to prove that that was the best decision Disney could have made. His naturally magnificent voice lends Frollo the class, dignity, and intimidation it deserves. One could even say that Dr. Lipschitz is off his shits for this one.
Final Fate: As he attempts to slice through a gargoyle and sent Quasimodo and Esmeralda tumbling to their dooms, he loses his footing and ends up clinging to his gargoyle for dear life. Said gargoyle comes alive, breaks off, and sends Frollo hurtling into a river of fire below, which ends up being a pretty spot on interpretation of his attempted one-liner: “And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!” With this in mind, it’s pretty easy to interpret what happened to him as karmic divine intervention—Whether you think it’s God Himself, the spirit of Notre Dame, or something else entirely enacting it upon him is up to interpretation, and ultimately unimportant. What matters is he didn’t go to heaven where the angels fly; he fell in a lake of fire and fried. And we definitely won’t see him again on the 4th of July.
Best Scene: It is really not even a contest here. “Hellfire” is without a doubt the greatest Disney villain song ever made (and maybe even the best villain song period) and is a prime showcase of Frollo’s internal struggles and motivations, so of course it is his best scene.
Best Quote: When finally he has Esmeralda at his mercy near the film’s end, he echoes a line from “Hellfire” and says ”Choose me or your pyre.” It’s such an unsettling line that really highlights how deep into his lustful entitlement Frollo has fallen, and what’s more these words echo the real life sentiments of certain disturbed individuals. It’s a truly timeless villain quote in that regard;there are men who would rather a woman die than not be with them, unfortunately, and Frollo is the poster child for that brand of manchild.
Final Thoughts & Score: At the start of the movie, Chopin asks, “Who is the monster, and who is the man?” in regards to Quasimodo and Frollo. While the answer is fairly obvious even just after the opening number—Frollo attempts infanticide after murdering a woman, after all—the way the movie goes about expounding in the two characters in a way that explores this question is deeply fascinating.
Frollo is an incel to put even Gaston to shame. Almost immediately after seeing Esmeralda for the first time, he begins to obsessively lust for her, but his bigotry and zealotry leads him to condemn her because he’s unable to get a grip on his emotions. He ends up being the latter extreme of the Madonna-Whore Complex, contrasting Quasimodo as the opposite extreme. It should come as no shock that Quasi picked up some negative traits from the guy who raised him, but thanks to being a supremely nice guy his incel traits manifest as venerating a caricatured ideal of Esmeralda rather than condemning. There’s a reason the end of “Heaven’s Light” segues right into the start of “Hellfire;” both men have toxic views of Esmeralda, objectifying her in opposite yet equal ways.
It is how they deal with these toxic mindsets that ultimately resolved the question posited at the start, as well as cementing Frollo as one of the darkest villains Disney has ever done. Quasimodo, while not happy at being rejected, still cares for Esmeralda and does all he can to help her, culminating in him saving her from being burned at the stake. His experiences lead to him accepting Esmeralda and Phoebus as couple gracefully, shedding away his toxic mindset. This ends up reaffirming his humanity, earning him the adoration of Paris and the end to the loneliness he’d experienced for so long; he is the man.
Frollo, on the other hand, deals with rejection by going on a racist, genocidal rampage against the Romani, setting the city ablaze simply because his perverse affections aren’t reciprocated. This culminates with him offering Esmeralda either death or to give in to his advances, and when rejected conclusively he doubles down on his murderous rampage, which ultimately leads to his doom. His inability to see Esmeralda as a complex human being instead of an object to lust after, an inability brought on by his own bigoted views, is what ultimately peeled away his humanity and revealed him as he truly was: A monster.
And Frollo is a monster in a very resonant, chilling way. In this day and age, we see people like Frollo all the time. They’re in our schools, seething when the girl they like rejects them for another; they’re on the internet, spewing misogynistic bile because they can’t get dates; they’re in our churches, preaching intolerance to their mass while desperately trying to bury their own sins; and they’re in our government, using their power to oppress and demoralize those with less power than them. “Choose me or your pyre” is the sort of attitude you see in the incels who end up on the news for committing or planning to commit atrocities.
And this is what makes it so good and cathartic to see him fall. We want people like him in real life to face the consequences of their actions, and we can only wish that said consequences are falling into a river of molten lava. It ends up being all the sweeter if you interpret his fall as being an act of God, as mentioned above.
Tony Jay apparently described his role as Frollo as his “bid for immortality,” and it’s safe to say he succeeded. He pretty much singlehandedly elevated the film he’s in so far above its flaws that it’s astounding and proved to the Disney Renaissance, all while giving us a villain song more incredible than any seen before or since. Thank God I’m doing fractions now, because this man deserves a 10.5/10. He’s not quite an 11 because I wouldn’t call Frollo one of the most important and influential villains in the vein of, say, Darth Vader, Count Orlok, or Fu Manchu, but he’s still a cut above the rest when it comes to villains. He’s easily the second most incredible antagonist Disney has ever made, and the only flaw he has is that you don’t get to personally beat his ass in Dream Drop Distance, which is especially bad since he straight up racially profiles Sora before immediately calling him a slur.
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cosmiconix · 3 months
Sorry if it took me a while to congratulate you on your birthday... but here for you ฅ⁠^⁠•⁠ﻌ⁠•⁠^⁠ฅ
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FRIEND 🎉!! I hope all is well for you and that you had a happy and happy birthday and also that you ate a lot haha :'3
Hades and Jafar here also sent you congratulations, otherwise they would have to put up with me bothering them both all day!! 🤣
(Also unfortunately...I didn't have time to draw a gift ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
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Artist note: Okay, I've figured out how to cease the name confusion between my character (Onix) & myself (the artist). From now on, I will go by the nickname (Cosmo) instead of (Onix), that way the name (Onix) can be for my character alone. To specify this more simply... The artist/me= Cosmo. My character= Onix, or Annalicia, you can choose. Any works that feature my character (Onix) will have the tag #onix, any works involving myself (Cosmo) will have the tag #Cosmiconix. that way you all can still find the posts you wish to see & I don't have to change anything.
And JUST to clarify in case anyone might be wondering. The name (Cosmo) does NOT determine my gender in anyway whatsoever, I won't be clarifying any form of information regarding my true gender, age or anything to do with identity. So, I will continue to go by they/them pronouns here online to keep anonymity. I only chose this name because it also reminded me of my username (Cosmiconix). Thank you all for reading this update, I'm not sure how to end this, but have a good time. 😊✨
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tortillasconsal · 1 year
Here's a list of characters that remind me of the Slenderfam, because I can't handle it anymore:
Bobby Fabulous, from Phineas and Ferb.
Regina George, from Mean Girls.
Chanel Oberlin, from Scream Queens.
Patrick Bateman, from American Psycho.
GLaDOS, from Protal.
Adrien Brody, from The Grand Budapest Hotel.
Count Olaf, from Netflix's A Series of Unfortunate Events.
Miranda Priestly, from The Devil Wears Prada.
The Riddler, from Gotham.
Bloberta Puppington, from Moral Orel.
Anton Sugar, from No Country for Old Men.
The other Mother / Beldam, from Coraline.
Roy, from Don't Hug Me I'm Scared.
Emperor Belos, from The Owl House.
Judge Frollo, from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Hades, from Disney's Hercules.
Kyubey, from Madoka Magica.
Silco, from Arcane.
Mother Gothel, from Dinsey's Tangled.
Willy Wonka, from both the 1971's film and Tim Burton's film.
Jack Skellington, from Nightmare before Christmas.
Sardonyx, from Steven Universe
Sun Stone, from Steven Universe aswell.
The Cat in The Hat. Yes, I'm talking about the one from the fucking live-action movie.
David, from Camp Camp.
Brett Handman, from Inside Job.
I want to say Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter because a lot of people are expecting it, but I don't rlly see it. I'll leave him as an honorary mention though.
Arthur Fleck, from The Joker (talking specifically about how he was at the beginning).
Shinji, from Evangelion.
Milo Oblong, from The Oblongs.
Peppa Madrigal, from Disney's Encanto.
Peter Graham, from Hereditary.
Morty, from Rick and Morty.
Jafar, from Disney's Aladdin.
Dracula, from Castlevania.
Pinhead, from Hellraiser.
Hannibal Lecter, from Silence of the Lambs.
Deathstroke, from 2003's Teen Titans.
Judge Frollo, aswell.
Jigsaw, from the Saw series.
These are based on my own take for the characters in my AU. I didn't add Offenderman because he's still the original version here.
Might update this as I write more of each character, but for now I want to post this to have some Creepypasta content while I keep finishing the requests
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gemwing2010 · 10 months
Cuphead Devil’s Playlist
1: The Devil’s Song from The Cuphead Show
2: Hellfire from The Hunchback of Notre Dame
3: In the Dark of the Night from Anastasia
4: Open Up Your Eyes from My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)
5: Poor Unfortunate Souls from The Little Mermaid
6: It feels So Good to be Bad and it’s reprise from All Dogs Go to Heaven 2
7: Brings Out the Devil in Me from The Cuphead Show
8: You’re Only Second Rate from Aladdin: Return of Jafar
9: Peaches from The Super Mario Bros Movie
10: improvisation of Chaos Will Reign Today from Miraculous The Movie
11: Within You from Labyrinth
12: Playing with the Big Boys Now from The Prince of Egypt (sang with King Dice and Anubis)
13: No More Mr. Nice Guy from The Swan Princess
14: It Will All Be Mine from Pokemon Live the Musical
15: Dance Magic Dance from Laybrinth
16: Ruber from Quest for Camelot
17: Be Prepared from The Lion King
18: Improvisation of The World’s Greatest Criminal Mind from The Great Mouse Detective
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showtoonzfan · 1 year
Not sure if this is an unpopular opinion but along with the other problems in The Circus I really did not like Paimon. He’s got an interesting design and the teaser for him made him seem like he was going to be this very powerful and mysterious presence in the episode, but he just ended up being a cursing asshole like all the other characters. I get the point is to ham it in even more that Stolas is actually a great father because hey look how bad his own father was by comparison 🙄, but it just seems like a waste of a character and a potentially interesting relationship for the same unsubtle comedy. We didn’t get to learn anything about him or even see his reaction to Blitzo stealing from his home. It’s just like Stella where you have unrealistic lines like “I’m so good at daddying” that makes the characters either look like idiots or cartoonishly evil. If the show was just a comedy it’d be fine but it’s not and we’re suppose to take these relationships seriously like they aren’t played for laughs most of the time.
Agreed. Paimon could have been an interesting character but he’s not unfortunately. Hell, I don’t even think he’s an obstacle towards Stolas, despite me bitching about how Vivzie pulls the “their fathers made them that way” card, Paimon honestly doesn’t seem to have made an impact on Stolas as a person whatsoever. Viv herself had said in a patreon call that he’s not really a villain, so I don’t even think we’ll be seeing him again honestly, then again I don’t care for him, he made such a little impact on the audience as well. Way to waste the voice of Jafar and yet ANOTHER character that could have been interesting and actually affected the story.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 months
So... Here's the ask I promised (it's a little rushed, I wanted to send this in before I head into work so you could see it first thing in the morning ^^). Your F/O's as Disney villains... Except for Cruella because she already is XD
Otis B. Driftwood
This one intrigued me the most; imagine like the self-appointed holiness (pfft) of Frollo and the demonic and cruel Horned King (as well as both villains not being what you expect for kids movies). Otis, as well as his adoptive family, are an infamous group of witches and wizards, with Otis being the 'priest' among them. The one in charge. In this land, the greatest fear is being kidnapped by any member of the Driftwood clan, as they all will happily torture and maim you for their satanic rituals.
You, the princess of this land, had your carriage raided (which you were only in because you were on your way to meet a prince your mother arranged for you to marry -_- I can feel your disappointment from here) and were taken along with your dowry. You were intended to be a part of Otis' ritual, however it is quickly noticed by the family just how strange you are for a princess. Almost like a little witch, just like them- well, you're too nice, but there's potential! Otis is a grump about it... But note that he does not protest Mama's proposal that you marry HER son instead 😏
Jim Bickerman
Now, for Jim-balayla, imagine if the correlations between him and the weasels went a little deeper; you're back in 1947, you're living your best life after surviving World War II, and just want to relax... However, ever since that new cruel judge took over, no one has known peace. You constantly read in the papers of innocent people who were convicted, and so much of your town is being bought and destroyed. For what, you don't know... But there is a small light for you here.
Jim Bickerman. Originally a poacher, but now he's been hired by this corrupt judge to be part of his new very questionable law-force. As a man who supposedly only cares about money, this was ideal for the judge; no emotions would get in the way of his job... But, when you get suddenly kidnapped to convince your parents to sell their property, lines seem to get crossed between you and Jim.
Professor Callahan
I... Still don't know Cal as much as you do XD but I'm pretty confident in my assessment that he's basically Jafar. With his talent and viciousness in the courtroom, it was a surprise to no one that Callahan worked his way up to the king's court, becoming the royal advisor for your caring father. Cal, unfortunately(?) Is smart enough to know that he can't just make his own changes; your father isn't stupid, he'll notice if he's being manipulated. But he didn't become a 'prestigious' man of law for nothing, you know. Callahan knows how to twist his words and play the waiting game.
And that especially applies to you, the sweet but very intelligent princess who has already caught onto his act by now. Callahan doesn't just see you as one of the many he's propositioned over the years; you actually give him a challenge... Though not too big of one, as you don't seem to like the idea of him being banished from the palace. You want him to leave your father alone, but you don't seem to mind the subtle flirts thrown your way or his lingering gaze.
I hope you like these! And that they're not too messy 😅 I feel like Jim became more Wayne, but I swear he's killer than that other old bastard! He's just your silly little guy! XD
(*cough* also I've gotten more thoughts on the Slasher AU. With Disney-fying your boys, would you like the slasher-fied weasels too?)
I love all of these so MUCH!! AND I WANT TO TALK ABOUT THEM ALL!! Mama Firefly trynna make me marry her scary son??? Possibly getting kidnapped by Toon Patrol!Jim!?? al being my Fathers trusted adviser and flirting with me?? Nasty rotten men... 😏 I am pretty amenable to that, though XD Okay so I originally just had a very long, very detailed mess of headcanons for the Jim one but that was when I thought I was just gonna post that in responce in order to push it out quicker. But then I decided to wait til the weekend and really enjoy these concepts! XD Now I've written actual drabbles for each of them and it was sO FUN, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!
Disney-Ified!MultiVillains x Fem!Disney!Reader || Drabbles
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CorruptLawEnforcement!Jim Bickerman x Indentured!Reader (x Good Day For It Thugs)- After you made the mistake of trying to cut a deal with Lyle Tyrus you end up indebted to him and stuck working for him, which means you have to see his mean band of thugs, quite a lot. Norman frustratingly never looks you in the eye, Dale's an ass and makes fun of you, Wayne's grabby and Jim's not much better- but who comes to your rescue when a job goes wrong? *Bickerman Twins AU*
Warnings: Sexual references.
WitchPriest!Otis B Driftwood x KidnappedPrincess!Reader- ... you have to marry THAT!?-
Warnings: Sexual references, Otis being grimy.
Jim Bickerman:
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Dread develops in you as you realise that that wasn't supposed to happen. Lyle said that the guy, your target, would brush you off. You were just for distraction; all you'd have to do is flirt a little so Dale could get behind him and grab his wallet, and Lyle could use his ID to find his family. The man was not supposed to be reciprocate.
He has a wife. He was not supposed to reciprocate!
But his hands on yours rubbing across your knuckles with his thumb and your stomach's rolling. You try so hard not to wince.
Your eyes shift past his head, a forced smile across your lips, and find Lyle, Norman and Wayne in the corner booth. Lyle and Wayne look all-too-amused, and you know they're going to let this happen. Norman isn't even looking.
Where's Dale gone with the wallet? Where's-
"Hey there, sweetheart, been lookin' for you everywhere." Suddenly Jim's right next to you, and your eyes snap up to him from your barstool with wide eyes that beg him to get you out of this. You're so used to him calling you pet names you don't realise what he's doing at first. "Didja get me my drink then?"
What?? "... I- No, I uh, forgot what you like?"
A dark and sleazy smirk spreads across his face as he leans into you, the brim of his hat brushing against your forehead, making your eyes go even wider searching his for what's going on. "Good," He tells you lowly, heatedly, but definitely loud enough for the target to hear- and promptly drop your hand. In a tone thick with hot suggestion, "because I think we needta leave, hm?"
Jaw dropping, you search for words to respond with but cant find anything. You can just quietly take Jim's arms and let him pull you off the stool and gently to your feet. For a moment, you cant help leaning into Jim, like he's safe. "Um, okay- "
"Sorry about this, fella." Jim flashes the target, who looks very confused and put-out, a good natured smirk. "She likes ta rile me up, flirtin' with other guys. I'm not saying its nice, but it sure works." He flashes a wink and slides a 20 dollar bill across the bench, and you feel mortified at the implication. "Have a drink on me, huh? G'night." With a final tip of his hat, Jim guides you out of the bar in front of him; a hand firmly on your shoulder.
Once you're out, the door falling shut behind you both, you spring away from him; making a distinguishable 'eek!' sound; cupping your hands over your mouth and nose. "What was that! ?"
"I just saved your ass, honey," Jim chuckles darkly, lit up only by a lonely streetlight. "How about some gratitude?"
"Saved me?- "
"Uhuh, thats right. Looks like I'm your knight-in-shining-armour, sweetheart. What? Were ya expecting someone different?"
At that cruel remark, your face falls. Your eyes falls downcast. No, you suppose you weren't. At the start you might've wished for a saviour, someone kind who loves you, but no one's coming to rescue you for real. You're Lyle's for life now, you already know that.
... But then- Settling Jim with a scrutinising look, you tilt your head to the side. "... why did you do that?"
For a moment Jim, while unscrewing the cap on his flask, pauses. He looks Caught, like when Lyle reminds him all the cash he's carrying for him better still be there when Lyle gets it back. He lets out a wry, nervous chuckle and shrugs. "-Well sweetheart I guess I'm just not that kinda bad."
Otis B Driftwood:
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"Wonder if she's pure?~ " You hear a voice, southern and sweet as sugar, keen cruelly as you come back to consciousness. "What do you think, Otis??"
"She better be." That voice is southern but buts the opposite of sweet as sugar. Its anything but. It sounds like the devil speaking. When your eyelids finally lift, you see an excited older blonde woman wearing too much lipstick and a terrifying white-haired man looking bored. You gasp, but you barely make a sound- there's rope over your mouth.
It still garners there attentions, though, and the man scowls. But the woman smiles brightly, rushing over to you and peeling the rope off of your mouth. "Well hel-lo, sweetheart! You had quite a long sleep! Thats a good thing; no eyebags for the wedding pictures, hm!?~ "
"W- weddings??" You wonder out loud, breathless. The you remember, head swimming- your prince. The betrothal. Right. But why do you feel so bad, like you hurt yourself?? What is this terrible dirty place?? Why the rope!?
The man's staring at you, and a rotten cruel grin slithers wobbly across his face. "Look, Mama, she's thinkin'. Got a lotta thoughts in there, huh princess? Nothin' addin' up?"
"Oh hush Otis. Don't be mean." 'Mama' scolds, getting a heavy eyeroll and a growl from 'Otis'. Mama cups her hands around your face and gives you a good look over, then smiles. "Ohhh, yes. You'll do perfectly!~ I'm gonna have pretty grandbabies, huh??"
This... this is the Queen Mother? Your eyes shift over her, in her grimy tight clothes and over-the-top make up. Well, to each there own. If you were Queen you'd dress however you like, too. "Your majesty, what- "
"Oh, sweetie, no! I'm not the Queen!" Mama laughs shrilly, turning back to Otis who's grinning and shaking his head. Your eyes stick on him, then, assessing him. You don't like the sight of him one bit, he looks like he wants to hurt you, he looks dangerous. "No, no, no! Don't you remember?? We're the ones that raided your carriage."
The change in tone is so abrupt you almost miss it, your eyes locked on Otis' lanky, dirty form. Then suddenly realisation hits you, and a memory (Otis, dressed in a dark priests robe and horrifying make up, stood in the middle of the road so your coachman had to stop. Being dragged out of your carriage in the middle of the night by your hair; crying out. Otis grimy fingers on your jaw holding you up so he could see you. Your coachman's scream. Otis saying you're perfect). This was definitely not your destination.
As you heartbeat starts to become erratic, Mama gets up and steps away from you, and Otis crouches down in front of you instead. When he grabs your face again, all his gross fingers pinching one side while his thumb rubs against the other, you cant look away or avoid his rank breath. "I wanted to sacrifice you, for the record- it woulda been a mercy. You might even have liked it, a little." The grimy grin on his face is downright vulgar at that part, so you're quite sure you wouldnt've. Though, a part of you heats up in excitement at the thought. You proudly ignore that. "Til the end. But Mama had a, uh, different idea."
... you cant respond, you just cough from the smell of his terrible breath clogging up your airways. Choked, you manage to repeat the word 'different' though, confused.
"Mhm... " He grins, fowl.
Mama lays a veil over your head. "Welcome to family, sweetheart!"
Annnnd, I wanted to do Cal too but I have a shelf to build and books to home! I'll do him later though, definitely XD
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Disney Villain Polycule Posts Part 7 - Picking a Plus One
WOO sneaky shenanigans - Hades maybe you shouldn't push your luck with your relatives, eh? Plot things might happen O.O
Under the cut becuase jesus wept this got away from me.
Hades is being forced invited to a shindig on Olympus, and Zeus has been kind enough to allow him to bring a plus one. With four partners however, that's a tad more difficult than it seems…
Hades is in hell.
No, not just literally for once.
Zeus had decided, in all his air-headed glory, to come down personally and invite him to another olympian shindig. Some over-the-top, mouse approved party which he had to attend.
Now, no skin off his nose getting to spend a day or two in the fresh air and good views of Olympus, even though he tends to get stinkeyed straight back off the cloud again but hey, no more pointless conversation to get snubbed from right?! Sigh.
Mouse approved too, so he couldn’t even get smashed and challenge Apollo to a chariot ‘race’ and nosedive into the earth.
He didn’t have a damn clue what this event was for and stopped listening pretty much the second his dear younger brother got past ‘hello’, but now he had a problem.
He had to bring a plus one.
The problem with being a married god was that people expected you to show up with your spouse. Persephone had made it abundantly clear that if she ever had to set foot in an olympian party with her mother present again she would fill every mattress, seat cushion and sofa on the planet with cacti and make for the sea – a notion he completely understood – and so she was a no go.
Besides, she liked getting to sit on his throne while he was out, and he was more than happy to leave the underworld to her steady eye for a bit. She either tended to redecorate or scare the souls shitless with new monstrous plants, and he loved the maniacal laughter he could sometimes hear echoing down the styx that meant she was having a good time.
So no Persephone. That was his one legitimate call, so turning up with anyone else would invite assumptions of cheating and at the very least a bodyslam from Mother Nature herself, and he was in no mood to be backhanded with the weight of a continent. He could just go alone…
...OR he could have fun with it.
Olympus was barred from mortals entering the realm, but, heh, technically HE was the only god controlling of someone’s state of mortality. They don’t call it an Immortal Soul for nothing!
He turns up to the event – seemingly alone. The air next to him was absolutely laced with glamours, and he could feel the long, thin fingers wrapped around his arm squeeze excitedly.
All throughout the event he forced himself to chat to his siblings and extended family. Sometimes all but launching himself into conversation and letting his natural smoke billow as he moved to cover up the tell tale snags of disturbed cloud around him.
If he really focussed he could tell exactly the moment when Facilier was successful in pickpocketing a god or goddess. A tiny hiss of delight and faint whizzing of a shadow under the cloud layer, handiwork completely silent otherwise. Items disappearing into the glamour with almost supernatural speed thanks to the bokor’s light and nimble fingers.
Off to the right, Jafar had slithered, glamoured and disguised further as a normal sized cobra, listening in on godly gossip and exploring the godly homestead with devious intent. Hades hoped he could make it to Athena’s library in time, and shoved the yearning to see Jafar’s face light up like a child whose birthday had come early deep down. He’d get to see it later, as his partner let the more nerdy, scholarly side of himself take over in a flurry of ink spatters and scattered parchment, attempting to replicate the goddess’s work.
He had, unfortunately, been cornered by Demeter, Zeus and Hera when he felt the tingling scrape of a half transformed claw glide across his upper back.
Maleficent was no doubt absolutely delighted at the fact none of the other gods knew she was there and has let the excitement render her a tad more dragon-esque than normal.
She was also probably laughing at the poorly hidden wish to be left alone written all over his face as his family grilled him for Sephy’s absence. Demeter seemed determined to accuse him of locking her down there – a line of thought that illustrated just how truly little she knew her daughter, since Sephy would have broken out and stabbed him by now if he tried that – Zeus was running for the ‘worlds most patronising pep talk’ award (nothing new, but it did reinforce the wish to stuff his beard into a wood-chipper) and Hera-
-Hera wasn’t saying anything. Which was bringing him out in a cold sweat.
The Goddess of Marriage was just, squinting. At him. He frantically resisted the urge to flick his eyes toward where he knew his beaus were causing mischief around the room.
...Maybe it was a bad idea to flaunt a secret poly relationship in a room containing the goddess of love and the goddess of marriage after all huh??? He didn’t even know how the two did their thing, for titans sake woman - could she see something?!
He frantically babbled out a half assed excuse to leave and all but yanked on the connection to his partners to skedaddle. Cut losses while you’re ahead and all that. He needed a drink and nap and to triple the Underworld wards pronto.
Later, on Olympus.
Hera met Aphrodite on a balcony, overlooking a stunning view of the sunset over Greece. The party was over, and the world was leaning into the contemplative quiet that came with onset of night.
The entrance to the underworld could be seen in the far distance. She let the silence simmer for a while. The elder goddess made no move to interrupt it. Hera sighed.
“I think you’re on to something.” She said.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Fictober 19/31 -- “Do we have a deal?”
It is PHYSICALLY PAINING ME that every time I see this prompt, I remember back to 1992’s Aladdin where Jafar is disguised as another prisoner so he can use Aladdin to enter the cave of wonders.
But now I get to inflict the physical pain on you of Steve missing the end of a soap opera that started in his time by three years. It’s over 1K so look out for the cut!
It was eating away at him. Lottie hadn’t mentioned the paintings when she’d mentioned her ‘mutant’ name, what everyone had taken to calling her. She hadn’t mentioned any of her friends back home, really, except for Paisley, who she’d made a wedding dress for, and someone named Maryam. She’d never mentioned any artist friends.
Hadn’t mentioned a lot about her life back on the west coast, now that Steve thought about it. He wondered if that was a privacy thing, or if she didn’t feel comfortable telling them. It hurt, a little bit. They’d been hanging out in the common room a lot. He’d… sort of counted Lottie as one of the few friends he had in this century.
Well. Lottie had always been upfront and straightforward when asked about something. Steve took a deep breath and nodded to himself as he stepped off the elevator, sketchbook tucked under his arm.
Unfortunately, Thor was there, raising an eyebrow at him. “Why do you look like you’re about to go off into battle?”
“Fuck, do I really?” Steve asked, shoulders sagging.
“Relax your jaw,” Thor said, clapping him on the shoulder as he moved past him. “And don’t lean forward so much when you walk.”
“Oh my god,” Steve breathed as he realized Thor hadn’t been joking. “Is this why everyone jumps out of my way at SHIELD when I just want to come home after a mission?”
Thor turned in the elevator, raising an eyebrow at him. Luckily, he seemed amused. “Maybe if you didn’t do everything with the same amount of earnestness, you wouldn’t look like you were coming to punch Hitler in the face every time you made a decision to do something.”
“You haven’t gotten to the forties yet!” Steve shouted after him as the doors began to close, and Thor laughed. “Who showed you?! Was it Tony?!” He scowled when the doors closed all the way, swallowing up any answer Thor could have given him.
Steve continued scowling for a few seconds, just to feel better, before he returned his attention to the common room. Lottie was still where JARVIS had said she would be, curled up in the loveseat, giving painstaking attention to her sketchbook. He figured she must have been designing the next dress in her Avengers line. He’d seen the pictures for his, Tony’s, and Bruce’s in her cloud. He wondered if she’d been working on Thor’s, or if they’d just spent a while in each other’s company. Thor seemed to hate being alone, from what he noticed.
“Lottie,” Steve began, wondering how to phrase his question.
Lottie looked up at him, face breaking out into a smile. “Oh, hi, Steve! What’s up?”
“I have… questions for you,” Steve said, and then closed his eyes and sighed. God. He usually ignored the fact that Natasha teased him about being awkward. Times like this, though, he was glad she wasn’t around to see him really being awkward.
When he opened his eyes, he found Lottie had sat up straight on the loveseat, sketchbook set aside, fingers steepled together in front of her chest. He blinked.
“How about this? I give you… the information you want,” Lottie began. “In return, you give me… Irish stew for supper. Do we have a deal?”
“Huh?” Steve asked, squinting at her in confusion. “Lottie, if you want Irish stew for supper, you just have to tell me. I didn’t have plans anyway. JARVIS, order ingredients for Irish stew.”
Lottie blinked at him, apparently too stunned to speak immediately. Finally, though, she spluttered, “Oh my god Steve it’s a meme. You don’t have to make Irish stew if you don’t want to. I’ll answer any questions you have regardless.”
Steve stared at her for a moment, trying to parse what she’d said, then ultimately dismissed it as unimportant. He hadn’t had any idea what to make for dinner and it was his turn. He was glad for the suggestion, honestly. “I don’t know how to ask the questions without being weird.”
Lottie looked as if she wanted to carry on with her previous point, but he very deliberately circled the couch to sit down across from her. She stared at him for a moment, then rolled her eyes with a scoff. “Steve. Honestly. I haven’t punched Tony or Clint, and they don’t even try to be delicate with their questions. Just go ahead.”
Well, that was true, Steve had to concede. His questions weren’t even half as intrusive as Tony or Clint’s were, either. “When we were doing research on you. Before you told us to just ask you any questions,” he added with a wince when she scowled a little. “I… found some art. Paintings of a lioness, from areas around where you grew up.”
“Yeah?” Lottie asked, raising her eyebrows. Then she seemed to understand the question hidden in his statements. “Yeah, those are me.”
He’d thought so. He wondered if it would be gloating to admit it. He decided it would be better to do that with the rest of the team instead. “I can’t find any information on the artist,” he finally said. “Social media, galleries, even a name. It’s just a website with paintings of you as a lioness around your town.”
“Yeah, he took them off his main website after I was stabbed,” Lottie answered. “Not because he was ashamed or anything, though. At the time, my family was so private about me that the press went for my friends and neighbors next. He didn’t want to answer any questions about me so he took them off his website, then asked if he could put them back up. I said I’d prefer if he didn’t, and he asked if he could put them on a private website then, and I said that was fine. The anonymity would protect both of us. I’ll send you a link to his socials,” she added cheerfully. “You’re such a good artist, he’ll be honored you want to see his work.”
“Yeah,” Steve answered, hoping he didn’t sound squeaky. He could admit the work had been beautiful, but mostly he’d wanted to be nosy. Well. No one had to know that. “What’s his name?”
Lottie blinked at him, surprised, then let out a startled laugh. “Oh! I’m sorry. His name is Daniel. Daniel Winston. We went all through school together.” She grabbed her phone, tapping at it. “Here, I’ll send you his Instagram. He has links to his professional pages on there.” She did one final-sounding tap, and his own phone buzzed in his pocket. She waved hers at him with a smile. “He’s moved on from lions in orchards and on the steps of city hall, thankfully. He made me feel beautiful at the time, but I’m glad he’s moved to something new.”
Steve’s smile froze on his face. She hadn’t mentioned the painting of her standing on her school or standing on top of a house. And the dates on those had been recent. Like, months recent. And all of them signed off with well-wishes for Lottie. He opened his mouth a little. Should he tell her? Or—maybe he shouldn’t? They were still on Daniel’s private website, apparently, and Steve had only really found it by mistake. He wasn’t even sure he could recreate how he’d gotten to it.
“…Steve?” Lottie asked after a moment, brows furrowing together in concern.
Steve sucked in a breath. He still didn’t know what to do. “You never really talk about your friends,” he finally said. It would give him time to talk it over with someone else, get advice on how to broach the subject without blundering into it like a stampeding elephant. “I just… it must be hard. To be away from them.”
“Oh,” Lottie said, surprised. “Well. We message each other a lot. Or, well, as often as we can. They’re getting married, and having kids, and working. But we still talk a lot. I’d just gotten back from Paisley’s wedding a couple weeks before you guys knocked on my door. It’s not like I never see them. Hell, the other day, Natasha walked in on me arguing with my friend Maryam over whether Supernatural is a soap opera or a telenovela.”
“I understand those words separately,” Steve began, then frowned. “Soap operas? You mean like Guiding Light? On the radio?”
Lottie’s mouth dropped open into a surprised ‘o,’ eyes wide, before her lips spread into a wide smile again. “Oh my god. Steve. Okay but you know it ended, right?”
“Of course it did,” Steve said, confused.
“In two-thousand-nine,” Lottie finished.
Steve didn’t realize how stunned he was until he heard the thump of his sketchbook hitting the ground after sliding from his lax grip. “Two-thousand-nine?!” he finally spluttered, and Lottie began to laugh. “That’s seventy-two years!”
“Steve,” Lottie choked out.
“DID NED AND MARY AT LEAST GET A HAPPY ENDING?!” Steve exclaimed, frantic, as Lottie rolled off the couch, clutching her stomach.
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