#fake stuff laid on top done
alyjojo · 1 year
When gamer boys just take over and get you unfkd from this stupid bug like it’s cake 🤤
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r0ttenhearts · 10 months
broken bottles
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scaramouche x reader
college au
sypnosis: the pieces scaramouche left behind of your promises
warnings: angst, abandonment, no comfort
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“if we live together we have to keep our fridge stocked with dr pepper.”
three bottles of that sweet brown drink laid untouched in the fridge. now chilled with the time it had spent in that cold box, rather than the warm state they were in when scaramouche first put them in.
“we have to have a fish tank! oh, scara, don’t you like them? they’re pretty right?”
“sure, we can have a small one. i don’t mind.”
the large glass aquarium was dormant of any aquatic life. colorful rocks were carefully scattered on the bottom, a fake wooden log on top of the rocks. it never got to float. water never touched the inside of the glass.
“after school we have to hangout, right? we can watch movies and shows together on the couch.”
“whatever you want (y/n).”
the living room was vacant for the most part. scaramouche’s favorite horror movies laid untouched in their cases, shoved under the tv stand.
“do you think i can bring my pc? you’ll help me find a new case, right? i don’t know much about this stuff..”
“i’ll help you find a laptop in the meantime. i’ll take care of it.”
on a notepad in the kitchen was a list of pc parts scribbled down in scaramouche’s handwriting. it was buried under the spam mail and magazines that scaramouche had signed up for. untouched and forgotten about, laptop on the floor of your bedroom.
“do you think we’ll get our own rooms? will you get annoyed if i go and visit you.”
“what’re you talking about? we’re sharing one, you dumbass.”
there was only one bedroom in the dormitory. pillows and blankets on the bed belonging to you. a bed big enough for two people, but only vacated by one every night.
“if we live together you can’t do the things you do with me, with other girls. it feels weird.”
“i won’t have a need to mess with them if i have you.”
the tears in your eyes when he wouldn’t look at you, his hands wringing together as he exhaled, looking up at you one last time. “i like someone (y/n). i can’t be here anymore.”
“you promised me scara. you promised you were done with that.”
“yeah, well, now i’m done with you.”
all that was left was the bottles he left behind, eventually tipping over and spilling all over the bottom shelf of the fridge. broken promises and shards of glass were all that remained.
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taglist: @samarill @whorerificstuff @sakiimeo @astrolomona @dearsumire @saeism @shoheartluv @0kauy @lelemnh @aqualesha @msdevilis @linkookie197 @beriiov @xiaonscaraswife
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ilovefandoms102 · 2 years
Forbidden-Part 2*
Pairing: Professor!Andy Barber x Plus Size Reader
Summary: What happens after the wild night with your professor?
Note: Just look at him all scrumptious 🥵
Warnings🛑: professor!andy, age gap(reader is in her 20s), physical violence(not from Andy or reader), allusions to smut
Part 1
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You woke up in a warm cocoon of Andy, his body completely covering yours. His head laid on your chest, legs tangled with yours, one arm wrapped under you and his other across you with his hand cupping your breast. You found one of your hands in his fluffy hair, the other holding his wrist of the hand on your breast.
You couldn’t help but smile, feeling the slight ache between your legs. After the first time he fucked you, it wasn’t long until he was waking you up with his head between your legs, you even worked up the courage to give him a blowjob.
It was safe to say you’d had a wild night with your Professor. Luckily, you only had his class and an evening one today, and since Andy’s class was in the middle of the day, you got to sleep in.
“You look even prettier in the morning.” Andy rumbled, his deep morning voice making you shiver.
“My hairs a mess Andy,” you huffed, his answer only being a chuckle and sweet kiss to your jaw.
“Beautiful,” he whispered, kissing behind your ear and down your neck.
Both your hands threaded through his hair, the soft strands begged you to keep hold as you tilted your head for him to travel with his kisses. You wanted his mouth on yours, so with a gentle tug of his hair, your brought his lips to to meet yours. He tasted good, even in the morning. Chad would never do this with you, he wasn’t the affectionate type. Andy showed you what you were missing.
“I have to go.” you whispered against his lips.
“I want to see you again baby.” Andy whispered back, his hand at your breast gave it a squeeze.
He smirked when you gasped, letting his thumb swipe over your sensitive nipple. You squirmed under him, biting down on your lip.
“I have a class to get to, the Professor frowns upon tardies.” it was your turn to smirk as his turned into a full smile.
“I’m sure he’d let it slide for a beautiful woman, one he knows how she tastes.” Andy said as he tugged at your now hardened nipple.
“Honey, we don’t have time. I-” you whined, but Andy was quick to interrupt.
“Come to my office after class.” he grinned, stopping his torture as you pouted.
“Fine, only because now you made me super horny.” you grumbled with a roll of your eyes.
“That was my plan.” Andy chuckled, it turned into a fully belly laugh when you playfully shoved him.
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You drove back to your apartment with a smile on your face and the ghost of Andy’s kiss on your lips. He certainly knew how to give a proper kiss goodbye. Your happiness didn’t last long however when you saw Chad standing in front of your door.
“You aren’t supposed to be here.” you said, clutching your keys tightly.
“Baby listen, I’m sorry about the past few days. I just…I had some stuff going on ok? I love you and want to make it all better.” Chad expressed with a fake look of sorrow.
You knew he wasn’t sorry, and you certainly weren’t taking him back.
“We’re done Chad, nothing you say or do will make me forgive what you did.” you hissed, pushing your way pass him and unlocking the door.
“Wait! Baby, please let’s talk!” he tried, but you quickly slammed the door in his face.
Chad proceeded to be more annoying as he followed you all the way to Andy’s class. You were supposed to meet Andy before class, but as your luck would have it, Chad made it impossible.
“I can help you! I can help you pass the class baby and we can spend days together! Just like old times!” he pleaded, grabbing your elbow as the two of you reached the door.
“I certainly don’t need your help since not only am I the top of Professor Barber’s class, but the top of my whole fucking class! Leave me the fuck alone!” you seethed, shoving him off of you just as Andy walked out of the classroom.
“Hey, everything alright?” Andy asked cautiously, but you didn’t give him an answer.
You definitely did not let Chad answer either as you stormed into the room. Andy looked at you, then back to Chad, arching a brow to which Chad scoffed at then stomped away. It was just you and Andy now, other students filling the room any minute now. You were getting out your things when you felt Andy’s presence, shifting your eyes up to him.
“What was that?” he questioned softly, you shrugged as your answer.
“Baby, do not fuckin’ lie to me.” he growled, hest coursing through you as you squirmed in your seat.
“Later Andy, someone might see us so go.” you mumbled, avoiding his eyes.
“I don’t give a flying fuck, tell me what’s wrong now.” he bit back, leaning into your desk with his hands at either side.
This was bad because now you could see his muscles bulging out along with the veins running up and down his arms. Not only that, but you could smell his scent that was absolutely intoxicating, reminding you of last night.
“Please,” you whispered, daringly brushing your pinky finger against the side of his hand.
Andy stared at your for a beat, then two before he gave a lift of his chin. Your stomach dropped when he turned and walked back to the front of the classroom, the tension of his muscles making it obvious he was angry.
After class, you didn’t go to Andy. The entire time he taught he wouldn’t dare look at you or even call on you to answer a question like normal. You figured it would be best to give him space to calm down, but another part of you wanted to crawl in his lap and ask him to hold you.
Andy💘: Why am I in my office without you?
Uh oh…
Babydoll❤️: Cuz you’re mad at me
Andy💘: Get your ass in here before I tan it tonight
Babydoll❤️: I need some time Andy
Andy💘: I think we need to have a chat and part of that will be between my hand and your ass
You couldn’t help the shiver of that message, he’d spanked you a few times the other night and you loved it. In a daze, you didn’t realize Chad had been walking behind you the whole time until he caught your wrist. He whirled you around to face him, a surprised squeal leaving your lips.
“How many fucking times do I have to tell you-!” you hissed, yanking on your arm.
“What is that on your neck?” Chad demanded, yanking you behind the building.
“No! Let go of me!” you yelled, unsuccessfully catching anyones attention since not a lot of people had evening classes.
“You fucking slut! You motherfucking bitch!” Chad roared, his hand seizing your jaw in a painful hold.
“Get off!” you gasped, panic flooding through your veins.
“Who was it?! Huh?! Tell me now!” he screamed, roughly shaking you.
Using all your strength, you fought back against him. Pushing and shoving while Chad shoved you against the wall painfully.
“Chad,” a deep voice, Andy, sounded through the alley.
“Stay out of this,” Chad angrily snapped.
“Should I get in contact with your father? Wouldn’t want another incident like a few years ago.” Andy raised his brow, your eyes widening as you looked from him to Chad.
“Fuck you Barber!” Chad spat, throwing your arm back with such force you stumbled back.
You and Andy watched him walk away, being certain he was gone.
“Office, now.” Andy growled, using every ounce of his control to not find and beat the shit out of Chad for touching what’s his.
“I-I want to go home.” you sniffled, staring at your feet while tears streamed down your cheeks.
Andy’s heart broke looking at your state, immediately rushing to gather you in his arms.
“N-No, Andy some-some-” you choked out, pressing your hands to his massive chest.
“Shhh baby, let me take you home. You’re safe now.” he whispered, laying a gentle kiss to your nose.
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Andy safely got you home, following you inside. You were extremely grateful, relieved that finally someone in your life cared about your safety. Andy had stopped at his place to change, bringing stuff for a few days because no way was he leaving you by yourself. Not his girl.
“Sweetheart, let me see your face.” Andy called to you softly.
“Andy, honey it’s fine.” you mumbled, setting your stuff down while your back was to him.
Andy knew your tactic however and gently pulled your back to his front, his strong arms capturing you in that familiar warmth from this morning. Your body seemed to have a mind of its own since it completely relaxed into Andy. His lips kissed your cheek, the scruff of his beard made you shiver.
“Please?” he asked with another kiss.
Reluctantly, sort of, you turned. Andy carefully tilted your head, checking for any bruising.
“You had anything to eat baby?” he questioned, your reply was the shake of your head.
“Let’s order some take out, I’ll call and you relax.” he said more of a statement than a suggestion.
“I don’t want to be alone.” you blurted, grasping his tshirt tighter.
“Alright baby, just stay here.” he murmured, kissing your head before pulling out his phone and wallet.
After dinner, Andy ran you a bath. He was incredibly sweet and gentle, even sitting outside the tub so he could take care of you. It was strange, you’d never had someone go out of the way like this for your well being. Your parents definitely didn’t give a shit and now you realized Chad didn’t either.
“Baby?” Andy called, his lips skimming your ear.
“Hmm?” you hummed, shivering slightly as Andy scrubbed your skin with the loofa.
“You wanna talk about what happened?” he asked, leaning his bristly cheek against your soft one.
“I-…things-we-he’s never-” you croaked, tears welling up again as you recalled the interaction.
“Has he ever harmed you like that before?” Andy forced himself to ask, clenching the loofa so tight his knuckles turned white.
You noticed, seeing and feeling the anger radiating from him. Leaning slightly against him, you picked up his hand, holding it to your chest.
“Not like that, he’s-that’s…we never got into any physical altercations.” you fibbed slightly.
“Baby, don’t fuckin’ lie to me.” he growled, dropping the loofa and moving his big hand to turn your chin.
You looked into his beautiful blue eyes, full of concern and anger. It was hard to resist, so you went for it as you leaned the rest of the way, kissing his lips slow and gentle. Andy’s thumb caressed your jaw, his tongue lightly tracing your lips. You tried to deepen the kiss, getting up to your knees in the bath tub and throwing your arms around his shoulders.
“Sweetheart,” Andy murmured against your lips.
“Less talking, more kissing.” you mumbled.
“Unh uh, tell me the truth.” Andy said as he pulled back.
“Andy, baby just kiss me.” you pleaded, whining slightly.
“Y/n,” he growled, his demanding energy shocked through you.
“He backed me up in a corner…the day before I came to your house.” you whispered, watching his eyes go from concerned and angry to enraged.
“I’ll kill him he ever steps fucking near you again.” Andy hissed.
“Andy no, don’t, he’s not worth it.” you tried to say assuringly, but he was so caught up in thoughts of all that Chad had done to hurt you.
“But you’re worth something to me…and I’m not going to stand by and watch that asshole hurt what’s mine.” he claimed, two places spasming at his words.
Once you got out of the bath, Andy dressed you in once of his tshirts and helped you into a pair of undies. Andy stripped to his boxers and climbed into bed with you, turning on some game you weren’t paying attention to. You snuggled up into his warmth, throwing your leg over his big thighs. The background of the tv and Andy’s fingers combing through your hair lulled you into a peaceful slumber.
Andy checked if you were sleeping, the bruising starting to become more prominent. He reached for his phone, making some calls to be sure that fucker never touched you again.
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On the double standards of Taylor’s love life and Swifties’ role in Taylor’s reputation
{Fair warning: this is kind of long and I actually originally wrote it during the Ratty stuff but it’s relevant now and this post from @9w1ft (specifically the tweet) made me think that maybe this needed to be really laid out there. }
Disclaimer: I am in no way claiming to know what Taylor’s sexuality is definitively, nor am I suggesting that every relationship she’s had with a man was fake, or that she is a lesbian. I myself have experienced enough bi erasure and biphobia to know better, but I had to put this out there explicitly so hetlors don’t have that as a “gotcha”.
Swifties have the lowest possible standards for whom they consider to be a boyfriend of Taylor’s.
Their standards are a) the media has to stir something up b) they have to interact distantly in some public capacity before they c) walk around together (holding hands or not).
I can give you the names so many women with whom Taylor acted like that, often for longer periods of time and with more interaction than a couple dinners and pap walks or whatever she’s done with those men. And that’s without time to go do research which would doubtlessly turn up more names.
To name some examples:
Karlie Kloss, Diana Agron, Selena Gomez, Gigi Hadid, Blake Lively, Cara Delevingne, Martha Hunt, Sophie Turner, Lorde, all three Haim sisters, Zoe Kravitz, Emma Stone, Camila Cabello, Lily Aldridge, Lily Donaldson.
(To be clear, I’m not suggesting that Taylor dated all or most of those women.)
Now, I have no doubt that if most swifties looked up photos of Taylor with a lot of those women they’d go “they aren’t even doing anything in that picture” or “they’re just walking side by side” or whatever else.
I’m 1000% sure that if you photoshopped a man into basically any of those pics people would assume they’re dating because they’re walking together.
Almost all of Taylor’s supposed boyfriends have had significantly less interaction with her than those women, but people don’t hesitate to say she’s dating the men. Her team can and will deny it, but swifties will add a name to their list anyway, and that creates a whole other problem.
The sl*t shaming:
In my opinion, the sl*t shaming that Taylor has experienced for about the last 15 years has been, at least in part, because of swifties who jump to conclusions about men she’s seen with. When her own fans believe she’s dated however many guys, it’s that much easier for the media to repeat that and twist it to be negative.
If you wouldn’t look at a random guy and girl standing within a few feet of each other or walking together and come to the conclusion that they must be dating, why do you assume that about Taylor? Or, for that matter, does every person of the opposite gender that you associate with have to be your SO?
[And yes that can easily be turned around on Gaylors, but the whole point is that we aren’t solely using proximity to link potential exes or lovers to Taylor. We actually do the analysis of the lyrics, we break down the connections, we do the research.]
My point is that swifties have contributed on a large scale to Taylor’s sl*t shaming in a way that should make them think twice about who they claim she’s dating. Unfortunately as we’ve seen with this M*tty situation {and now the football guy}, they don’t seem to have the self awareness to realize how they’ve aided such a disgusting campaign of hate.
One more thing: you can say that no one will say those things now anyway because Taylor is on top of the world and they wouldn’t dare sl*t shame the Queen of Pop or “The Music Industry”. You might even be right. But if you do this and feel no guilt or shame over how your actions may have played a part in the several intense periods of sl*t shaming that Taylor has gone through previously, you need to think about why that is.
Taylor said it best in her speech at the Grammy museum in September 2015. She was introducing Blank Space and talking about the situation that made her write the song.
“In the last couple of years the media have had a really wonderful fixation on kind of painting me as like the psycho serial dater girl… It got pretty out of control there for a couple of years because… every article would be like, Taylor Swift Standing Near Some Guy. Watch Out Guy!”
That sounds insane, and it was definitely worse then than it is now, but the fact that it’s happening right now at all is ridiculous. Swifties need to stop helping the media tie Taylor’s name to men as if that makes her relevant. She’s a highly awarded singer, songwriter, and performer who has set and broken records (and then broken the ones she’s set) countless times. Swifties need to stop pretending that dating someone is what makes her interesting or we’re no better than the people who think she only writes breakup songs.
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scoops-aboy86 · 5 days
♠️♥️ once again! It's Halloween time and for the past month Steve has been chauffeuring the kids around for whatever they wanted (all with attitude of course) and he can't help the annoyance he feels dealing with them, especially Mike. Sometimes he and Eddie get together and talk about what little shits they are, and Halloween night the two get the idea to get a little revenge. All in good fun of course. They all gather at Steve's house and the two make the plan to get the kids (teens now wow) to leave their candy with him while Eddie distracts them and to basically fool them by making them think he ate it all. Of course he has backup candy bags (the good stuff; full size candy bars), but now he has to figure out where to dump their actual candy. He can't hide it because that's too obvious and he technically has to pretend to have eaten it all so Steve concludes to actually just eat it (a horrible idea really, but this was a last minute prank and the joint he smoked an hour ago doesn't help either).
With Eddie and the kids gone he gets started: flicks on a scary movie and settles into the couch, all six candy bags nestled by his side. Chocolates and gummies, licorice and skittles, little bags of treats slowly popped into his mouth. One after the other, Steve methodically unwrapping, chewing, and swallowing. After awhile the taste gets a little old so he cracks open a coke. He's halfway through the third bag when his stomach cramps, gurgling loudly from all the sugar and fizz. He shimmies a bit before unbuttoning his pants and continuing with the plan, telling himself it's all for the sake of revenge.
And again, he keeps going, lost in his own gluttony as he tries to pick up the pace before they get back. He's finally down to the last bag when he hears the van pull into the drive way and he bolts up, bloated gut groaning and sloshing. With clumsy hands he grabs the bags and bolts up to his room, locking the door, hiding the evidence and determined to finish the sixth bag. He can hear them in the living room and he's barely chewing as he shoves the candy down his throat, chugging coke to wash it all down.
With one last gulp, he's done it! But with it gone, and his gut too loud to ignore, he catches sight of himself in the mirror and he's positively potbellied. Unbuttoned jeans tight where his gut lays, his polo shirt having ridden up from where it once covered his deep set belly button, lips smeared with chocolate. He couldn't suck in if he tried 🙊 happy halloween!
Oh my god this is so funny, and my first thought is MIKE what did you DO? But it would have to be all of them, for him to target all their candy bags. (Not Erica’s, though. She’d legit slash his tires, and Eddie’s too for aiding and abetting.) But nothing genuinely hurtful, six parts because I like fluff and half a dozen because that would make this a pretty lame revenge. 
Oh! Oh I know… Added some cool (read: kinda nerdy) homemade Halloween costumes, because Eddie can sew and Steve’s is pretty easy, so it’s a little different from what you laid out. 5608 words! Thank you for the prompt, pal, this was a fun one. 
Always one thing after another with these goddamn kids, Steve swears. Sure, it’s not uncovering deadly monsters and government plots anymore… but they’re teenagers now, so it’s still always something. 
Today it’s wax fruit, a fake Oreo, and a plastic pickle snuck into his sandwich (that he had made, how the fuck…?) that looks like Mike must’ve stolen from one of Holly’s old play sets. 
And now, to top it all off, Dustin pretended to hurl and got him with fake vomit. 
It’s a rough April Fool’s day. 
But like, at least they aren’t actively making fun of him for the weight he’s gained since the Upside Down ordeals had ended for good. Everyone laughs just as hard when Mike gets Will with a wax apple, and that kid is still a string bean. 
“Mike needs to branch out from pranking people he has a crush on,” Eddie mutters darkly later that night, when it’s just the big kids having some good old-fashioned off duty babysitters time around the pool. 
Steve, confused, is about to ask what he means from behind his (fake pickle free) sandwich, but Robin coughs on a mouthful of beer so instead he has to pound on her back until some of it comes out her nose. 
“Jesus Steve, did you have to thump so hard?!”
“I thought you were choking!!” 
Robin sticks out her tongue and pushes him into the pool, and in his flailing attempts to avoid his fate Steve manages to snag Eddie and drag him in with him. 
Then Nancy sputters “Steve, again?” while laughing so hard that she can barely breathe. It reminds Steve of how he’d dragged her into the pool on purpose the first night they’d—
Steve’s cheeks flame immediately. He’s only actually told Robin how he feels (thinks he feels? is starting to feel?) about Eddie, but Nancy is smart and she knows him, he’s not shocked that she’s noticed. So he has to splash both her and Robin, obviously, before they give away anything. 
Unfortunately, Eddie takes the opportunity to latch onto him like a barnacle and pull him over, so Steve misses and douses Argyle instead, and—
—Steve still remembers, come October. He wants to get them back, but to do that successfully he’s going to need backup. Tough, with both Robin and Nancy off at college and Jon and Argyle back in California, but not impossible.
He swallows down his nerves and asks Eddie. No big deal, they hang out together practically every day these days. Practically best friends. Except… Steve hasn’t exactly told him the reason he doesn’t take girls out on dates anymore. 
“A revenge prank, you say,” Eddie murmurs, hands in front of his mouth and fingertips drumming together in intrigue. He’s sprawled in one of Steve’s kitchen chairs with one leg over a wooden arm like no one ever taught him how to sit like a human. It should be ungodly uncomfortable, but the dude looks perfectly at ease. Weirdo, Steve thinks affectionately. “I like it. Do you have anything in mind, or are we brainstorming?”
“Brainstorming,” Steve confirms, and they relocate to the living room and get to smoking about it over bowls of the spaghetti bolognese he just finished making. 
Eddie’s condition for helping is that they plan matching Halloween costumes, and since they both know the boys are pulling their old props out of closets and attics to suit up as the Ghostbusters again, it’s not difficult to decide on a theme. 
“No no no, we can’t be the Gatekeeper and the Keymaster,” Steve protests with a laugh, waving his hand through the smoke in the air. Since he’s currently holding the joint, the motion paints all new swirling shapes before them. 
“Why not?” Eddie squawks, and steals the joint back before it can ash anywhere unfortunate. 
“Because you have the hair to play Sigourney Weaver, but I could never pass for Rick Moranis. It totally wouldn’t work, man.”
“Dude, work with me here! What else are we going to be, Gozer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man?”
“I…” Steve pauses. He’s seen Ghostbusters, and remembers the Gozer the Gozarian costume from the end of the movie. Can he turn down an opportunity to see Eddie in a nude body stocking and heels? “… Yeah, okay.”
Apparently not. Can he survive it? Remains to be seen, but he’ll find out eventually. 
“Wait, really?” A disbelieving grin spreads across Eddie’s face, making both dimples pop. “You’d put on the little hat, sailor’s collar, and neckerchief for me, Stevie?”
And it’s not that Steve didn’t register the other half of the deal, but he doesn’t really mind. High as he is at the moment, his hand drifts to the belly he’s put on since high school—the munchies keep hitting him in waves and he’s already finished most of the would-be leftovers from the pot in the kitchen, so he’s a little bloated right now. He giggles and gives himself a pat. “I mean, why not? I’m in shape for it, aren’t I?”
The pat knocks loose a burp that sneaks up and out of his mouth as soon as he’s finished talking, but Eddie laughs so brightly that Steve forgets to be embarrassed. 
“I’ve got it,” Eddie gasps once he’s pulled himself together again. “Steve. Steve, you could be the one hundred foot marshmallow man summoned to destroy… their Halloween candy.”
“Destroy it?”
“Yes! It’ll be your revenge for all that fake food! I can be a distraction, while you confiscate all their hard-earned, tooth-rotting treats. They come back—oh no, they’ll weep!”
“Weep?” Steve snorts. Eddie rolls his eyes. 
“They’ll weep, Who stole our candy? Who could have done such a thing? With much gnashing of teeth. And you make your appearance, maybe smear some chocolate sauce around your mouth to really sell it, and say, That’s what you get for all that wax fruit.”
“I guess I could do that,” Steve says slowly. When Eddie offers him the joint again he accepts, taking a hit absently as he mulls it over. “Kinda mean though, stealing their candy. Waking all over the place to get that stuff is a lot of work.”
Eddie shrugs. “Get ���em candy from the store. The full-size bars and shit. Then once they’ve learned their lesson, they can have that; everything’ll be fine and you get your own trick-and-treat stash. Oh—” he flails with excitement at another idea, and Steve can’t help the way it stirs butterflies in his already full stomach to see all that enthusiasm on his behalf—“but before you do, if Dustin gives you shit, you gotta say something like, What, are you so sad you could puke, Dusty-buns? That’ll show him.”
It makes Steve laugh, a warm feeling growing in his chest to know that they’re good enough friends for Eddie to come up with zany schemes on his behalf. He already knows he’ll go through with it, if Eddie is serious. 
Several weeks later it’s Halloween, and the plan is set. Everyone (minus Erica, who’s trick-or-treating with friends her own age instead) is coming over after making their rounds through the neighborhoods, and Eddie will take them all to the haunted corn maze at one of the local farms. Steve, meanwhile, will hide their candy and pretend to have eaten it by the time they return. 
It’s a great plan. Eddie comes over around sundown to do some pre-celebrating in the form of hotboxing Steve’s bedroom before all the kids in Hawkins start ringing the doorbell at any house with a front light on. 
And Steve feels like he’s been hit between the eyes with a brick when he opens the door to Eddie’s knocking, because wow. 
That is Eddie. With his hair up. Wearing a nude bodysuit covered in plastic baubles and white feathers. When he blinks, his eyelids are dark red with eyeshadow, just like Gozer’s eyes in the damn movie. And all Steve did was fish out a few elements of his old Scoops uniform—not the one he’d been interrogated by Russians in, he and Robin had burned both of those outfits after Starcourt—and put them on over a white sweater and white pants. 
Eddie leaps across the threshold, strutting around in… oh god, he is wearing heels. Steve has to look up slightly to meet his gaze, and it makes him want to lean in even more than he usually always lowkey does. 
“Gozer the Gozerian,” Eddie howls, baring his teeth in a feral grin as he continues to announce, “Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, the Traveller has come!” He jabs a finger towards Steve demandingly. “Choose, and perish!”
Somehow, Steve manages to keep his composure—maybe from all the practice he’s had. He puts his hands on his hips and raises his eyebrows. “I thought I’m the one destroying stuff tonight. Isn’t that the Marshmallow Man’s whole job?”
“Aw, Stevie,” Eddie starts, looking him up and down and… getting distracted for some reason. 
Steve glances down at himself, worried that maybe he’s gotten something about his sweater, but no. And he can’t see anything on his pants either, unless it’s just under where his belly pooches out over the top of his pants and makes it hard to see—he’s made his peace with that, but it makes him nervous now. “So, uh, are we gonna smoke or what, man? Do you even have pockets in that, um… outfit?”
Whatever it was that had snagged Eddie’s attention, he shakes himself out of it to shoot Steve an exaggeratedly put-upon pout. “Sir Stay Puft, you dare question a god? Of course I have pockets.” He reaches towards where the over-layer of fluffy decoration is thickest winding up his torso—the left side, where Steve knows his scars are also the most prominent, even after a year and a half. Turns out there’s a cleverly hidden zipper pouch beneath it, and Eddie produces two roll-ups and a zippo with a cheeky grin. 
So they’re definitely both decently stoned by the time the kids come by. The four original Party members are in their Ghostbuster suits, as expected: Will as Winston, Dustin as Egon, Lucas as Ray, and Mike as Venkman. El has her short but growing out hair curled and a guitar case slung across her back (presumably because no one had seen fit to let the kids borrow a cello, which was for the best). Max, in her wheelchair, is green from head to waist and styled to look like Slimer on top of the hotel maid cart from the movie. 
“Oh shit,” she crows when she registers Steve and Eddie’s costumes. “Okay, you nerds are definitely outnumbered in terms of ghost power now. Looks like I chose the right side.” 
The three of them exchange high fives, before Steve insists on getting pictures. “You know your mom will love it,” he says pointedly to Dustin. “And since she cooks me dinner more often than any of you—”
“I cook for you sometimes,” Eddie pipes up. Which is true. But mentioning Mrs. Henderson’s cooking has already reminded Steve’s high brain that he hasn’t eaten much since Eddie arrived, not wanting to get spills or crumbs on his glaringly white outfit, so Steve just waves him off, distracted. He feels his stomach give a quiet little grumble. 
“Yeah yeah, I know you do. I’m talking to the twerps.”
“We’re not—”
“Anyway,” Steve says loudly over Mike, clapping both hands together, “come on people, pictures! Everybody! Let’s go!”
They manage to get a few shots of the entire group using the timer feature on Steve’s parents’ fancy camera (that they’ve never used). He has no idea if any of them will be any good from the way he can hear Eddie muttering encouragement for everyone to strike weird poses right before the flash goes off, but at least they’ll be funny. Poses are much more encouraged for the rest of the photos, featuring the Ghostbusters battling their different ghostly opponents. El seems a little annoyed that she doesn’t have anything in particular to do, and thankfully no one suggests that she try to act out Dana possessed by Zuul—that’d be a little too close to home. 
So the last couple shots are of El fending off all three ghosts with her ‘cello’ case, delightedly shouting “Get away from her, you bitch,” no matter how many times the boys try to explain that yes that was Sigourney Weaver, but in a different movie. 
And then—
“Okay,” Eddie says loudly, clapping his hands and winking unsubtly at Steve, “who’s up for the haunted corn maze? Gozer is granting you lame little mortals a ride too and from, otherwise my associate Mr. Stay Puft here will be free to step on you with impunity—”
Ten chaotic minutes later, Steve is alone in a house full of candy and an empty stomach. He rubs absently at it while dumping all the kids’ candy bags out on the kitchen island counter. As he goes, he makes backup bags to send them home with—plain brown paper, the same ones he always used to take his lunches to school in—and matches every  fun-sized bar he dumps out with a full-sized bar he drops in. 
If he hesitates on a few of his favorite kinds of candy, no one has to know. Mostly, though, his thoughts are a mix of Claudia Henderson’s lasagna and wishing he were at the haunted corn maze with Eddie. He’s taken dates to the haunted maze before, it’s not that hard to find a dark corner where no one would realize it’s a guy he’s trying to woo, especially with the form-fitting Gozer costume thrown into the mix… But, well, they’ve spent a decent amount of extra time together while plotting this—read: getting high and congratulating each other on being so devious and smart—and that will have to do for now.
When alternate bags are all done, he grabs a Coke from the fridge and slurps at it while sorting the remaining candy into different bowls: one for just chocolate, one for nuts, one for nuggat, one for toffee, one for sour, and one for the rest. And then… he takes them all out to the living room couch, along with a new six-pack of Cokes. Fully aware of what he’s doing, but still floaty enough from the weed that he’s not really sure when he made the decision. 
The plan was to stash the stolen candy and share it with Eddie later, but he’s hungry. Probably won’t finish it all, anyway. There will still be some—and even if there’s not, he can always buy more. Doesn’t care right now, he’s hungry. He hasn’t eaten since, like… lunch. 
And, fine, yes, his weight has really gotten away from him, especially lately. He’s spent all summer whenever he wasn’t working lounging by the pool in his backyard, working on his annual tan while completely unbothered by danger beyond forgetting to apply enough sunscreen. Relaxing. Snacking. Drinking, sometimes beer but most commonly pop. He gets to do this now, he’s earned it, and he’s really enjoying himself. 
Steve settles himself amongst the candy bowls with a VHS in the player and a hand on his belly. It’s so soft and squishy, he usually ends up touching it one way or another these days; now, he feels all over the way it spills into his lap a little, kneading at it like a stress ball. With his other hand, he reaches for a Snickers bar and melts into the couch as it hits his tongue. 
Most of the trick-or-treat candy is small for each one to fit in his mouth in one go, and anything larger is a challenge that he meets with happy enthusiasm. 
After that initial bite, he starts with his least favorites, wolfing them down to get it over with and washing each mouthful down quickly with a Coke chaser. When he gets to the stuff he likes okay he lets himself slow down, still going at a steady pace but allowing himself to really taste and only popping a new Coke can as a palate cleanser when his mouth feels thick with chocolate and other layers of sweetness.
He’s no longer hungry at this point, but he’s not full, either. Maybe a little pinched though, so he sucks his fingers clean, shifts around a bit and leans until he can get at his waistband, and unbuttons his pants with a sigh. Stroking the red lines of his tummy as he reaches for a Three Musketeers, barely aware that it juts out a little more every time he frees it from his jeans these days. 
This is where he pauses to revive the tail end of the second joint he and Eddie had started just before the kids came over, sinking into the high and further into the couch with a pumpkin-shaped bowl balanced on his soft chest. He pours the little packets of M&Ms and Skittles into his mouth at the same time, just to see how it tastes, and it’s weird but he doesn’t hate it. Does that with the rest of them to try and decide if he likes the combo, and whines a little (he’ll never admit it) when they run out before he can reach a conclusion. The pumpkin-shaped bowl is empty. 
As Steve gets to his favorite candies (these in a regular white bowl, it matches his outfit) he picks up speed again. Somehow the movie is almost over, he’s hardly even watched it, and there’s only so much time left before Eddie’s van rumbles up into his driveaway again. He’s unwrapping the next two candies while still chewing, barely taking breaths between bites, trying to hurry and relishing every second of his impromptu and very unhealthy feast. 
He’s so enraptured with the unending parade of sweetness on his tongue, the constant chewing and swallowing and chewing and swallowing, that he almost misses the telltale sounds outside. (The movie is over, nothing of interest showing on the TV screen, when did that happen?) Frantic, he sweeps as many wrappers as he can out of his lap before going to stand up. It takes him a few tries, he’s so sunken into his spot, and when he finally manages it, red-faced and puffing and buzzing with adrenaline and sugar rush and the remaining high, he has to put a hand under his full, heavy belly in order to move around comfortably. Not quite cramping, not quite stuffed, just… a really satisfying stretch. 
But guess who doesn’t have time to enjoy it! God, he fucking hates being rushed these days. 
Eddie has a key. They’ll let themselves in, so all Steve has to do is get to his bedroom with the last of his stolen haul and two remaining Cokes from the six-pack. He gets there, barely, before he hears the front door swing open, hustling so fast up the stairs that the motion keeps jostling burps from between his chocolate-smeared lips. And then he’s in, sagging back against the closed door. Candy bowl clutched up by his chest and pops set on the floor nearby to get one open and bring it to his thirsty mouth. 
Okay, so maybe his exercise regimen has gotten a little bit lax lately. Maybe all he usually does is walk between his bedroom, the living room, the kitchen, and his car. Maybe he still sweats just as much despite getting around a lot less, because it costs him more effort than it used to…
No time to think about that, Steve tells himself dazedly. He needs to finish. The last of the candy is already unwrapped; he pushes the empty wrappers aside and grabs a handful, undiscriminating as he crams it in his mouth. One mouthful, then a second with hardly time to swallow, breathing hard through his nose. The treats act as a natural gag for his whimpers, fullness finally catching up to him, squirming on his padded ass with a muffled groan as the sensation sends a bolt of lighting straight south. Another handful, that’s basically the last of it, and he washes it down by chugging desperately at his Coke. Finishes it, claps a hand over his mouth to contain an inevitable belch—luckily, it’s covered by the start of indignant shouting from the living room. 
And he knows the scene he’s left. Trick-or-treat bags scattered haphazardly around the kitchen, empty. The living room couch littered with empty bowls and empty wrappers. Destruction at the hands (and mouth) of Mr. Stay Puft.
His jaw hurts, but there’s only a little bit left. Just a little more, and he finds that he wants it. Wants to finish the challenge… No, the prank, this is… to get the kids back… He feels so hazy between the pot and his overfull state, tipping the very last of the candy into his mouth and chewing with his mouth open, head tipped back against the door, exhausted. And then dutifully reaches for the last can of Coke, opens it, and pours that down his throat too. Breaks away from the lip of the can with a weak cry and another series of burps, even starting to hiccup which makes him whimper and clutch at himself, overheated and churning gut too loud to ignore and too tight in his skin, or maybe in his clothes, or both, he just—
“Steve?” Eddie calls through the door, sounding a little uncertain. “Karen just picked up half the kids and Joyce got the other half, I gave them all the replacement candy already. Are you… You good in there?”
“Eds,” he pants, groans, hiccups. “Je—hic—Jesus, I’m so.” He carefully lays both hands on either side of his distended belly in an attempt to soothe it. “I, I did it, I ate—urrrrrrp, fuck—ate all of it. Did it, Eddie. I’m so… Feel like I’m gonna explode…”
And he does, an overheated tingly sort of feeling washing through him in waves, his heartbeat pounding in his stomach and his ears and his dick. Not the first time it’s happened, the way he eats, but he’s gone all out tonight and the sensation of being ready to pop has seeped from his stomach to also encompass his hard-on. Part of him wants to keep going, but he doesn’t have anything else, couldn’t possibly fit any more down his throat, but he wants to do something.  Needs it. Needs…
“Eddie,” he groans, “he—hic—elp me.”
He can feel Eddie trying the door, but with Steve’s weight leaning against it there’s no way it’ll open. “Uh, I’m trying, I can’t…”
Laboriously, Steve kind of… rolls himself to one side, enough to haul himself onto his knees. He has to pause there, and again when he drops down onto his hands, and again after he crawls forward the barest few inches. Eddie tries the door again and it swings right into the meat of Steve’s ass, slapping against the tight denim and making Steve cry out, making him wobble and sway with a fresh wave of arousal that he absolutely didn’t expect but can’t help reveling in. He wants to drop down right there, he’s so tired and achingly horny, but knows instinctively that he can’t land on his belly like that. So he soldiers through, digging deep just to finish crawling to one side and slump against the plaid wallpaper instead. 
He breathes shallowly and waits for Eddie to come help him. 
The first look Eddie gets of Steve makes his eyes damn near pop out of his skull. Steve looks positively pot-bellied, spilling over his unbuttoned, unzipped pants like that, his belly button half uncovered and deep. Couldn’t suck in if he tried. He has chocolate and traces of candy-coating color all over his face and smeared on his sweater from all the times he’d thought he’d sucked his fingers clean but not quite, rubbing whatever was still on them into the fluffy knit. Messy, telling smudges at the bottom hem where he’d absently tried to pull the shirt down throughout his binge. It didn’t work; there’s a chocolate-smudged lip of far more than a mere muffin top bulging out the bottom, resting on his thighs. Jesus H. Christ, it almost looks like he’s doubled in size since Eddie last saw him a few hours ago, was there really that much candy in the kids’ bags?!
Eddie’s shoe knocks against an empty can as he enters the room, sending it spinning, and he supposes that’s his answer. It must be the combined efforts of candy and carbonated syrup water that have Steve so bloated, fizzing away in there. 
When he’d first walked in a few hours ago and seen Steve in costume, his breath had caught in his throat mid sentence. Super embarrassing, but what was he supposed to do? One minute they’d been talking about costumes, so stoned and loose-tongued that Eddie had suggested they be the goddamned Gatekeeper and Keymaster—characters that had canonically fucked, just left of onscreen! Next, it was weeks later (and he hadn’t actually blacked out all the time in between, it just felt that way for a second) and his current best friend and longtime crush opened the door in a tight sweater and pants that looked painted on, wearing a jaunty little hat atop his magnificent head of hair. The words well hello there sailor had lined up on his tongue like pirates ready to walk the plank. He’d had to think very hard about how many times he’d accidentally stabbed himself with a needle while sewing the ‘ghostly’ accents onto his costume, just to avoid popping a boner right there in Steve’s foyer. 
There’s just so much of Steve these days. So round, and all of his clothes perpetually tight. And Eddie’s been jerking off to the thought of this happening ever since they came up with this plan, imagining how the siren call of all that candy might make Steve’s mouth water, get his stomach rumbling, make him think that it wouldn’t hurt to have just one then taking another and another and another, insatiable… He just hadn’t expected it to actually happen.
“Eddie,” Steve groans again, looking up at him with pleading, bloodshot eyes. “I’m so full, n-need your help.”
“What can I do?” He drops down into a crouch in front of him immediately. “I’m right here, Stevie. What do you need, sweetheart?”
Okay, he needs to cool it with the pet names. Luckily Steve is already pawing at himself, looking so blazed he might not have even heard. “M’too, m’too hot Eds. Gotta get this off, get… off…”
Jesus H. Christ. 
So Eddie helps him out of the sailor collar and no longer pristine sweater. He tries not to stare but his eyes go wide when he realizes how much it was compressing. Steve groans in relief as it comes off and his entire upper half seems to puff out a little bit more, all covered in thick chest hair. Eddie wants to dig his fingers into it, into all of it, but he has to stay focused. 
Next are the pants, which Steve whines for Eddie to do and then whines more as he’s forced to lift his heavy ass, rock back and forth as Eddie drags the unforgiving fabric down, huffing and puffing between hiccups and burps and mewls of discomfort. Eddie’s dick is about to burst off and start running laps around the room for fuck’s sake, his hands are shaking he wants to touch so badly. Soothe away the stomach ache, tell him how amazing he did, finishing all that candy. Murmur in his ear, ask if that makes the revenge so much sweeter…
To make matters worse, the jeans take Steve’s boxers with them, elastic in the waistband already stretched to the point of uselessness, and Eddie can see so much. Too much, for his composure, as Steve’s cock slaps up against the underside of his belly. 
They both moan at that and Steve turns his head to look at Eddie full on with reddened eyes, tremors running through him that only give him more tantalizing friction against his hairy gut and prompt his hips to rock faster. He’s so blissed out that he doesn’t even break eye contact, just reaches blindly to grab Eddie’s hand and guides it down between his legs, rings and all, where he’s already slippery with precome and sweat and half sliding down the wall to help with holding his own belly out of the way. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie breathes, captivated by the desperate heat in Steve’s gaze. He strokes, reverent but quick. “Holy shit, holy shit Stevie…”
“Eddie,” Steve moans. His eyes roll back, his entire head going with them to thunk against the wall. “L-like that, fuuuck—hic—Oh god, keep, keep doing that, more, Eds, more, I—”
Eddie dives forward and shuts him up with a desperate kiss. He already knows that Steve is going to cause him to ruin this damn Gozer costume he worked so hard on—in the hopes of impressing Steve, actually. Which he must have done, from the way Steve kisses back like he wants to devour him, like even after all that candy Eddie is the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted and never wants to be without again. 
Someone has definitely been impressed, and maybe Eddie will have to revisit the possibility of a god or something when he can think again because kissing Steve is heaven. Just… absolutely worth all the pining, even if it never happens again. 
Then Steve goes almost completely slack, breaking the kiss with a wail as he comes in thick, pulsing ropes over Eddie’s fist. His only movements are his legs (thick, biteable, trembling so hard to either side of Eddie’s hips they fall only to jerk up in little spasms as his toes curl) and his mouth (plush lips bitten and messy, twisting into shapes of wordless ecstasy). 
And Eddie has seen Steve relax, seen him indulge… seen him eat steadily through a large spread of snacks while lounging by the pool all summer in a Speedo with a sleepy, content look on his face, but this is the first time he’s really seen him let go. Lost in pure bliss. 
He’s barely thinking when he brings his come-slick hand up, thumbing through the chocolate in the corner of Steve’s mouth before sinking the digit inside. Coming himself, the instant after Steve eagerly closes around it and sucks, licks, drools all over his hand to get it all. Shuddering harder when Steve grips weakly at his wrist and continues laving over each finger one by one, slow but thorough, eyes open and dazed but tracking Eddie’s face. 
Until they’re both still, other than Steve letting out the occasional drowsy hiccup. Eddie’s fingers smooth over his parted lips, receiving faint kitten licks now and then as though Steve just can’t help himself. His other hand cradles the side of Steve’s bulging fullness, gentle against the duality of soft and immovable, in awe that he gets to touch. A part of him is still reeling that this happened at all, that he gets to see Steve so sated and sleepy and bare—except for one sock that’s managed to stay on his foot. 
Jesus H. Christ. Steve’s naked and they’re in his bedroom and they didn’t even make it to the bed.
“Do you, um. Want to lay down?” Eddie whispers. He can feel his face growing hot from the lameness of that question… Steve is practically on his back where he is, enough that he might not be able to see his feet. 
Steve nips at his pointer finger, blinking lazily with a little groan of contentment. “Does that mean I have to move,” he mumbles, but gamely begins to sit up. Eddie, from his crouch, shifts immediately to the side to help him, supports Steve’s back as he huffs his way towards semi-upright against the wall. “Urp—mm, thanks Eds.”
“No problem.” And Eddie doesn’t know why he’s whispering like he’s in a fucking library instead of kneeling in Steve Harrington’s bedroom with jizz sticky and cooling on the inside of his fucking body suit, but he doesn’t want to break whatever spell or dream that’s allowed this to happen. Wants to hold onto Steve a little bit longer, coaxing out little groans of contentment through belly rubs. 
Steve gives Eddie the sweetest smile, sleepy and sated. “Felt so good. Still feels good. Did you…” A flicker of uncertainty crosses his face. “Was it good? Was I good?”
And Eddie just can’t let that doubt linger another second. “You were perfect, sweetheart,” he replies immediately, rubbing slow, soothing stripes along Steve’s side. “Fucking amazing. Move over, Mona Lisa, there’s a new masterpiece in town and his name is Steve Harrington.”
That earns him a laugh, cut off quickly when Steve clutches at his belly with a groan. “O-overdid it. Mm… ‘S fine, ‘s just… a lot.”
“Certainly looks like it.” He leans forward and presses a kiss just north of Steve’s belly button, can’t help cradling it with both hands and rubbing soothingly. “Let’s get you up, okay? Get you in bed.”
Soon enough Eddie has him cleaned up and tucked in. 
“Stay?” Steve sighs, already more than half asleep. 
So Eddie shucks his costume and climbs under the covers behind him, chuckling as Steve sluggishly reaches back and tugs Eddie’s arm over himself, demanding to be snuggled. 
And that’s more or less how they wake up in the morning. 
“Eddie,” Steve says through a yawn, subtly rubbing his naked ass back against Eddie’s naked front. There’s a teasing note in his voice as he continues, “I’m hungry.”
Secure now in the knowledge that this is neither a dream nor some kind of trick, it’s a morning treat that Eddie just can’t resist.
Permanent tag list (ask to be added): @hotluncheddie @lawrencebshoggoth @tangerinesteve @sofadofax
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ashxngrotto · 6 months
𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕 𝑺𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂 𝑬𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒕
This is a story written for @olivermorningstar from the Secret Santa Event hosted by @lemeowade !!
Warnings: reader being referred to ‘he’, Christmas themed, fantasy AU in Theo’s part, Arranged marriage for Jude, and fake dating for Sariel, also he/him pronounces for the reader!
A/n: hello I hope you like this! ><
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𝑺𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒍 𝑵𝒐𝒊𝒓 — 𝑭𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈
“To avoid letting any nobles or princes from the other countries knowing that you’re Belle, we will start dating.”
“W-wait.. what?” He was shocked, didn’t expected that sentence and the devilish smirk.
“Fake, fake dating.” Sariel said it out loud as if it was the most normal thing in the world, “to avoid people spreading rumours and stuff, we will be fake dating, is that all right for you, Belle?”
Oh, anyone would know that they couldn’t say no to that devilish smirk as if Satan himself came waving at you.
So, he said yes.
Sariel is now sorting out documents for Chevalier’s faction, also asking servants to search for Luke for his absence for the whole morning.
There he is, no, not Luke, but the “fake partner”. Sariel saw something in his hand, what could that be?
He held out a small present box, the colour is the same s Sariel’s eye colour, a beautiful amethyst-coloured ribbon on top.
He smiled and handed the present to Sariel, and Sariel took it with both his hands,
“What is this?” Sariel asked, his voice filled with gentleness and tenderness as he spoke, no one except Belle himself has ever heard the ‘devil’ spoke so gently.
Inside the box was a snake-shaped pin, and a Rhodolite stone in the middle as decoration.
Belle shrugged as he began, “I don’t know what to give you for Christmas, I know you don’t like sweets that much, and you definitely wouldn’t like roses.”
Sariel chuckled, he was so sweet for thinking and giving him a gift for Christmas.
“So I chose a pin, and it even had a Rhodolite stone!” His voice was filled with excitement as his face lit up with joy.
Sariel’s lips were curved into a delicate smile, he took out a hairpin from his drawer, one that was given to him from the previous king, saying that he may need it for someday, sure, today’s the day.
The hairpin was rose-shaped, also with a Rhodolite stone.
Sariel leaned closer, as he whispered in Belle’s ear like a snake whispering sweet nonsense to its pry.
Sariel began with a soft, but also seducing voice as he began, “this Christmas, and for every Christmas from now on, I’ll give you the devil’s eternal love.”
As he spoke, the church bells rung, signalling it’s another Christmas in Rhodolite but also their first Christmas spent together.
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𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒐𝒅𝒐𝒓𝒖𝒔 𝑽𝒂𝒏 𝑮𝒐𝒈𝒉 — 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒚 𝑨𝑼
Theo is kinda like a werewolf vampire in this au ><
“Hondje, come here” Theo sat with his legs open as he patted his muscular thighs signalling you to sit on them.
He sat on Theo’s lap, shifting as he found a more comfortable posture.
“You want something?” He laid his chin on Theo’s shoulder, speaking softly while stroking his lover’s ears.
“Food.” Theo chuckled as his lover pouted, clearly not satisfied with that answer.
“Alright…” Theo placed his hand on his lover’s waist, the other one unbuttoning his shirt, “I feel like I’m craving for your blood.”
His lover blushed, but didn’t stop him from continuing as Theo shed off his shirt, revealing his lover’s bare shoulder to him.
“May I..?” Theo’s fingers were tracing the outline of his lover’s bare shoulder, his lover nodded, giving him the permission.
Theo bit into his shoulder, as his lover softly let out a whimper, no matter how many times they’ve done this, it always feel so good in many ways.
Theo licked the blood away, showing his fangs to him.
“Merry Christmas..” Theo took his lover’s hand in his, softly kissing the back of it.
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𝑱𝒖𝒅𝒆 𝑱𝒂𝒛𝒛𝒂 — 𝑨𝒓𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒂𝒈𝒆
Jude was never a gentle person.
“Hey Jude-“ Victor began
“Shut the hell up dumbass”
“Mean as always I see~” although being called a dumbass, Victor still had a charming smirk on his face, his lips curled into an elegant smile.
“I want you two to get married.”
Jude’s eyes widened, the cigarette between his lips fell off.
“What the f-“
That’s how you two got together, but Jude never saw you as a real partner, even after the wedding.
During the wedding night~
Jude’s back was facing you, his chest rose and fell as he slept.
You were still recovering from his previous rough and merciless actions, why did you agree to this marriage?
You saw Jude hanging out with other women, although he claimed it’s for work, you still didn’t believe him.
Why? You’ve tried hard to be a good fiancée, you did whatever what he wanted. And now you’re his partner for the rest of your lives. You’re not even sure will he love you someday.
You started thinking about the previous memories with him:
One time when you tried talking with him,
“Don’t annoy me, I’m working.” He blew the smoke out, and shooed you away yet again.
How many times already? You can’t remember anymore, you’re too tired of being pushed away, so you just tried to ignore this feeling that keeps stinging your heart every time.
“What now?” Jude’s handsome face was in front of you, his calloused fingertips caressing your tear-stained cheeks.
Wait.. when did I start crying? You thought to yourself.
“Thinking about stupid stuff again?” Jude’s voice was nothing gentle, or kind. Like how it always is.
“No I’m not.” You tried arguing, but can’t help to feel sad, why can’t he be gentle?
You began talking about all your unhappiness with him, “I don’t like this, I don’t like it when you’re treating me like a toy-“
“Who said your a toy?” His voice was sharp, but you can see that his eyes were carrying a tiny bit of gentleness, something that you’ve always wanted.
“..but you treated me like one.” You still don’t want to face him, so you looked away, not letting him see your tears-filled eyes.
“Look at me.” He turned your face to look at him directly.
“You’re never a toy,” he said.
You felt him leaning closer, his eyes are now looking at you lovingly, could it be he love you? Wait.. but it’s impossible..?
“You’re my partner.” He continued.
His lips are touching yours, kissing you oh-so-gently, nothing like how rough he was like two hours ago.
He pulled away after a while, leaving you panting heavily.
“I love you.”
His voice has never sound so sincere, he took your hand in his, as he kissed each of your fingertips.
“I, Jude Jazza, promise to love you..” he kissed your thumb.
“And take you as my partner..” he kissed your index finger.
“To have and hold from this day onwards,” a gentle kiss landed on your middle finger.
“For best, for worst, for rich or poor,” now your ring finger..
“In sickness and in health, to love and cherish,” he lips touched your pinky.
Now, he looked at you as if you’re his everything, you know, he never break his promises.
“Until death do us apart.” He kissed the your wedding ring.
He never break his promises, he’s for real.
He’ll never stop loving you, until death do you two apart.
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viscerax · 1 year
A Card Splattered In Blood
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Edward Nygma x GN!Reader
You stared at your desk. Your coworkers had been crowding it since the moment you came in, and the moment you set your stuff down and fixed yourself your usual cup of coffee, you shoved your way through the crowd, careful not to spill the hot coffee on anyone.
Once you got closer to your desk, a horrible stench hit your senses, and you were almost gagging from how rancid it was. "Please god no..." If this is what you thought it was, certainly you were doomed.
The crowd seemed to part for you as you got closer. And then, you were left, staring in horror? No, not horror. You were quite used to this. More like embarrassment at the mess that was created.
Before you laid a heart, you assumed human, laying on a heart shaped platter, blood splattered on your desk (conveniently not touching your paperwork or computer.) Next to the platter, was a light green card, folded so that it stood upright. There were red splatters of blood on the card, and part of you couldn't tell if it was an aesthetic choice or by accident.
You picked up the card, and everyone around you seemed to be holding their breath. The front of the card read "I Can Be Stolen Or Given Away And You'll Live, But You Can't Live Without Me? What Am I?" The question mark was a perfect match for his iconic marking. You smirked to yourself the slightest bit, opening the card. You already knew the answer before you even opened it.
"A Heart."
Your coworkers were used to stunts like these. They all figured you just had a crazy stalker.
"Did you enjoy the gift I left for you?" His voice almost made you jump. You hadn't even heard him come in. Perhaps the noise of the skillet on the stove top drowned out the door creaking open. Or, more likely, he had snuck in and was being purposefully quiet. You turned down the stove, turning around to face him. The Riddler, or rather, Edward Nygma, standing directly behind you, so close that you almost ran straight into him when you turned around.
You smiled, looking up at him a bit. He was rather tall, and you had to shift your gaze upwards to make eye contact. "I loved it, Ed. But... you have to be careful. People are starting to ask questions." You hummed, leaning against him. Edward wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder and planting a kiss on your cheek.
"Its okay, Y/n... let them ask. Its not like they can prove anything with a simple valentines gift..." he chuckled, that devious chuckle that told you he had another trick up his sleeve. You pulled away from him, giving him a curious look.
"Ed... what are you planning?" Ed gave you a fake pout, causing you to roll your eyes.
"How could you accuse me of anything? I'm innocent your honor!" He raised his right hand, like he was pledging, and the glimmer of something caught your attention. He smirked and extended his hand to you. In the palm of his hand were two emerald studded earrings in the shape of a question mark, the ball at the bottom of the mark being a dangling emerald jewel. "These however, might be a bit more... incriminating." You let out a bit of a squeal, immediately wrapping your arms around Edward in a tight hug, almost knocking him over.
"They're beautiful, Ed... stunning." Ed smiled, gently grabbing your chin and turning your head so that he could adorn your ears with the new jewelry. You felt the weight of them when he was done, but you didn't mind. You shook your head a bit, and the jangling sound of the earrings making you smile like a giddy child. "I love them, thank you!"
Ed smirked, placing a kiss on your lips. You leaned into the kiss as much as you possibly could, once again almost toppling Ed in the process.
"Happy Valentines day, my dear." Edward hummed, peppering kisses all over your face.
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thequeenopower · 2 years
Unplanned ; Sapnap
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I don't even remember the night, never mind where I met him. But he was cute, kind of awkward, but cute. He was forward even though he seemed shy around girls. So I went home with him, it didn't seem like he knew what he was doing, but once he figured it out he was great at it. But then it ended and I snuck out before the birds began to sing.
And two months later came two lines.
I didn't expect it, I was half expecting some sort of STD but definitely not a baby. And the worst part was, I didn't have any way to contact him. I gave him a fake number and the goddamn state of Florida is so huge that I have a better chance of finding him in outer space.
I tried planning an abortion appointment but since I've never done it before, I was too far along to get the thing out so know I had two other options;
Keep it and live with it, or, give it up.
Now I was planning on giving it up, I was never fit to be a mother. I was still in college with a shitty job. I couldn't support myself, never mind a child. But there's something people never talk about when going through with giving a child up, its the connection you make with the baby growing inside you. Now I never believed I'd make a connection with it, but the second I saw his face on the ultrasound, I fell in love.
I became a better person for him, and because of him. I quit my job and worked my ass off to try to graduate sooner, which didn't quite work out. But, I was able to get a good job at a high up corporation doing their finances while continuing school part time. I was also able to get an apartment and split rent with a friend.
Then when 34 weeks came along, so did the baby.
What had happened was I was on a flight from Florida to California for a family vacation and then went into labor on the plane. They landed somewhere in Texas where I soon had my baby, Benjamin Michael l/n.
That was nine months ago, and two months ago I re-discovered his father.
~~ two months prior
"Hey, y/n! Whatcha doin'?" Ashley announces her presence which scares Benji.
"Not much. Just changing baby butts," I shake a diaper on Benji's face, it itches his nose a little which makes him giggle.
"Could I use your TV in here to watch a streamer?" I nod, knowing she only wants to use this TV so she could spend time with Benji before her trip.
The three of us got comfy on my bed as she started up the stream called, "FORTNITE TOURNY WITH PUNZ AND KARL". By someone named Sapnap. It's an odd name for a stream but maybe it was normal. I never normally had time to watch stuff anymore, if I did it was either TV shows, movies, or Markiplier, cause who wouldn't want to watch Markiplier.
The stream turns on and it's immediately on the lobby menu of Fortnite, a man in the top left corner goes on for some time talking about god knows what. For some odd reason, the stream stayed on for about 2 hours. Though I wasn't paying attention as I was doing my own thing, like school work and checking up on Benji and Ashley. It wasn't until I was done with my work that I finally laid on the bed and paid attention to the TV. The man on the screen looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. It wasn't till I heard him speak that I realized who it was.
"Nick?" Ashley looked at me confused before her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.
"No way. It can't be." I nodded as I was entranced by the man laughing and playing with a ball on the screen.
"You have to contact him and tell him! His name on Insta-"
"No, I couldn't do that to him. It's best if we just leave it at this. It'd ruin him and his career." My eyes were teary as I had finally come to terms with Benji not growing up with a father.
~~ present day <3
You had taken a trip to TwitchCon with Ashley's little sister Jenny. Ashley couldn't make it since she had an art contest at her school to be in. Though she wanted to still be able to give art to her favorite creators so she paid for Jenny and me to go. It was very hard to handle two other people but at least Jenny was 14 and was able to take care of herself when I wasn't able to.
Jenny was going to be wearing costumes for the days we were there for and the first day she was dressing up as someone called 'Dream'. So I decided she couldn't have all the fun and dressed up as a Minecraft creeper, which was three sizes too small, and Benji dressed as a Minecraft panda. It was a regular panda suit but I put a Minecraft panda head as the hood and made it so it could stay on his head.
We walked around outside for a bit before the building opened. We took some photos of people who asked, Benji getting complimented every two seconds. He would just smile and kick his feet since I was baby wearing him. Then it was time for us to go in and we got straight into line for someone, I never checked the name. It was about an hour-long wait, but it wasn't bad as Benji was mostly quiet. He did get fidgety at times which is when I would take him out and let him stand or be held by Jenny.
Finally we made it to the front of the line and Jenny was getting excited.
"He's one of Ashley and mine's favorite streamers. You have the stuff to show him right?" I nod and turn my back a little so she can take out the items from my bag.
"Hello," The man greets as Jenny excitedly walks toward him.
She gives him the pictures which he accepts and thanks. I then take a picture of the two of them. He goes wide eyed as he looks at me, as if he knew me.
"Hey, uh, cute baby." He replies. He seems unsure of what to say and kind of awkwardly stands there.
A couple seconds passed as I thanked him for the compliment. We're then told we have to move along which lets us go into the next line.
As we stand in line I try to remember who the man was. The person floats in my mind a little, it's fuzzy and only there for a few seconds at a time, like clips of a movie.
"Hey, what was that guys name that we just met?"
"His name is Sapnap."
I couldn't get him out of my head for the rest of the day. It was like he was stuck there and I had no intention of getting him out. He knew, he had to of. If he didn't, then why did he stand there like a fish out of water when he saw me. I knew he didn't know Benji, but he most certainly knew me.
Jenny and I sat in our chairs at the panel, the creators sitting above us all waiting to be asked questions. Jenny asked me to go up and ask a question for her and to ask them if they had seen a certain art by her which she had accidentally posted on my account.
"Hello, I'm y/n, this is Benji," I wave his hand for him which got people to aw.
"My friend has a couple of questions, if you don't mind me asking two." They sat in silence waiting for me to ask. Sapnap whispered to a boy beside him which made the boys eyes go wide and look at me bewildered.
"So one, what's your favorite Minecraft animal slash mob?" They all answered with their respective answers, Sapnap's animal being a panda.
"And second, my friend wants you guys to check out a piece of art she created but accidentally posted on my account. Is it alright if I tell you the user so you could check it out?" The blonde one all the way to the right nodded and took out his phone.
I told him my account and he replied back with his reaction to it which got some others to ask to be shown it. As I sat down, the man's phone was being passed down the line of people. It stopped at Sapnap as he took out his phone to most likely copy the user to also like the photo.
The panel continued on for another couple hours until it finally finished. Jenny begged me to stay a little longer and go outside to meet some people we couldn't before.
I waited off to the side as she took photos and just played with Benji outside of his carrier. It wasn't long until we were interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder.
"Hey, y/n, right?" I turn towards the voice and see Nick. I nod and he smiles leaning against the wall with me.
"So we finally meet again, at last." I chuckle and see Benji looking at Nick with his big green eyes.
"How old is your son?" He looks puzzled, like he knows something but just wants the last piece to be sure.
"He's going to be nine months soon." He looks at me. Does he know? Surely not.
"Is he- is he mine?" His voice is low, like a scared kid.
I nod, not really knowing what to say. A tense air blankets us and there's nothing else said between us. It took minutes, a couple of photos that he took with fans, before he finally asked a question.
"Could I hold him?" I stare at him blankly, not knowing what exactly to do. Finally, I slowly started to move Benji towards him. He holds him under his armpits, far away from him like the second they'd touch they'd explode. I push them together which gets Benji to laugh and clutch onto Nick.
Nick smiles, realizing that this is probably the best feeling in the world. He fell in love that day, not with the woman standing next to him, but his son that was in his hands. From that day onward, he vowed to take care of them both. He put their needs before his and eventually stopped streaming for some time to fix the relationship between the three of them. After a while, he got back into streaming and showed off his newly wedded wife, who was pregnant once more, and his son, whom he explained he loved more than anything in this world, and outer space.
ill be honest, the time line is a little messed up but fuck me it was hard to find things that sewed everything together perfectly. please just go with it, im tired lol.
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jarofstyles · 2 years
how my bby sk8rry ?!??
Our baby sk8rry? He’s vibing right now I can’t lie.
Check out our Patreon!
“Jesus… can you chill out?” Y/N squealed as the skateboard came to a halt in front of her. He had said a simple trip to the skate park would be fun- but for some reason he had decided to be a little shit and skate all around her, faking out a few things and cackling with laughter as she squealed and told him to relax.
“Babe- you can’t seriously keep thinking I’m going to run you over after faking you out that many times.” He giggled through his pants, looking over her with his eyes tracing her face. She had decided to join him today, thank fuck, because he was having more fun messing with her than he usually did just while skating.
“You’re convincing.” She huffed, sitting back down, crossing her arms and laying back on the ramp. “I wanted to see you be sexy and all that. Skateboarding and being hot and your cool tricks. A supportive skater girlfriend. All you’ve done is freak me out and made me drop my coffee.” Her pout turned as she looked at the wet spot that the incident had first happened at, her coffee exploding all over the concrete.
“Aw, darling.” He cooed, hands grabbing her knees and pulling them apart to stand in between them. The legs were dangling as her top half laid on the ramp but he placed hands on her thighs anyways. “I promised I’d buy you a new one. You don’t let me be your sugar daddy too often so-“
“Ugh!” She sat up and Flicked the hat off his head. “Enough with that.” It made her flush. He loved to tease her about stuff like that, but he paid no mind to the hat in the ground. Instead, he took advantage and grabbed her cheeks, gently smushing them together and laying an obnoxious kiss to her lips that now stuck out. He smiled against them, liking that she was being feisty.
“No. It’s fun, and you like when you call me daddy in other situations, so I think-“ this time he yelped, her teeth nipping his bottom lip. Pulling back scandalized, he raised his brows at her and widened his eyes. “Excuse me? Did you just bite me?”
“Yes!” She grumbled. “You… there’s people around.” Her voice dropped. “Don’t be dirty.” It was a sham. Y/N knew it just made her hot under her skin and he couldn’t do anything about it out here- well, shouldn’t.
“Doesn’t mean you bite me. Brat.” He pouted it out, loosening his grip on her cheeks. “Say sorry. Kiss it better. I’m done here, and m’hungry. We will go for lunch but I want an apology kiss.” He cupped the back of her neck, the other hand splaying over her thigh and playing with the holes in her jeans. “Please?”
“M’not sorry.” Y/N rolled her eyes. “But I’ll kiss it better. You do it when you…” spanked her ass. She stopped herself, letting out a breath through her nose. “You know. So I’ll be nice.” Plushy, warm lips met his, much softer and willing this time as she ever so lightly suckled on the lower lip. An apology for too harsh of a sting, if that wasn’t him being dramatic. She could taste a tiny tinge of blood which made her whine- she had gone too hard.
“Sorry.” She whispered, pecking his lips again. “M’sorry. But you…” kisses again, one on the top and one on the bottom lip. “Deserved a bite.”
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linphd · 2 years
Falling for their f*ck buddy | Headcanons (bit NSFW)
gender neutral
-> This is based on RPs I had with my OC lmaooo… a bit angsty ! oops !
-> Keigo Takami, Touya Todoroki, Rumi Usagiyama.
Hawks | Keigo Takami
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When you started working at Endeavor’s agency, Hawks was already head over heels for you. However, due to his link with the hero commission, he couldn’t really date anyone -even less another hero that was already in the top of the rankings only a year after graduating.
Yet, he managed to sneak in your apartment after a party ; you both weren’t drunk as Endeavor was watching you, but he had whined about never having seen where you lived despite being a « so good » colleague. Sure you found him cute, you used to have a crush on him when you were in high school and he had just started being a pro, after all. But still.
He told you you were his first time. It felt wrong. « What ?! But you should’ve done it with someone you love instead ! That was… random ?! » you replied. « How am I supposed to even love someone, hm ? The hero commission is babysitting me as fuck. » Well… you couldn’t have thought of anything to say.
One other thing was that he learned very quickly -because, indeed, you fucked him several other times after that, late at work or after hero parties- how to please you, and you couldn’t just go back to some random boyfriends that couldn’t even do the simplest things.
Maybe your crush from high school had come back, or maybe you were just blinded by how good he was. But it felt like he wasn’t just a fuck buddy anymore, now. If so, why would you be doing his skin care in front of a movie after having taken a bath together where you laid your back against his chest ? Guess « releasing some steam » was just a cover to the hero commission to him, but who knows ?
Dabi | Touya Todoroki
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You weren’t scared to go out really late in the night in unknown places ; your quirk was powerful enough to have made you a member of the Top Three at U.A. So, you never really considered yourself in danger. Going to crowded places ? Sure. Getting drunk with strangers ? No problem !
After meeting Dabi at a bar, it was quite fast for you to agree to hook up ; you liked older guys -and also had questionable tastes in men- and he just thought you looked slutty. Yes, he knew you were a student at U.A ; he had seen you on TV for the sports festival. But you didn’t know he was a villain (it’s an AU okay??). So, when he asked for your name, you gave him a fake one, and he did just the same.
He would’ve just left after he was done with you, but you were his best sexual partner ever and he was tired : so, he stayed overnight and only left the morning, after you told him that it was weird for him to hang around. Yet, every time you would walk by each other, you would end up in your bed with him -until he finally gave you his number.
Throughout time, he became closer to you and you spent more time together ; getting him a skincare to help him with his scars, painting his nails better as he sucked at it, yet never talking about y’all personal lives. « Can you pick me up ? Just steal a car or whatever, I know you do stuff like that. » you asked him, by text. « Why would I do that ? Go by foot. » « They used quirk eraser on me, I’m scared now. I ran away from those guys, they were scary. »
No need sending another text, he was on his way after checking your location. But why was he even on his way ? He never cared about the people he fucked. Never gave them his number neither ; but you were cute and a U.A student, both were advantages. When he arrived, he saw you curled up and on the verge of tears. He didn’t ask much, he just drove you home. Didn’t even spend the night with you, genuinely just accompanying you.
That’s why you thought you had developed feelings for him, and vice versa for him. He could just never admit it, you were almost a pro hero anyways, and you would find out eventually. And eventually you did, as when his boss decided to attack 1A, you were there. The Big Three had to accompany the 1st years camping. You recognized the blue flames -he had used them on you several times to be kinky- and then you recognized him. He has never seen you again since that night.
Miruko | Rumi Usagiyama
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You didn’t plan on becoming Miruko’s plaything. She had been helping several times at your agency, and you had met more than once at hero parties. She liked you and considered you a friend ; you were a new pro that was still not broken from the job, and you were quite hopeful.
It changed once you both got drunk at a party and when you decided to go to her place to bitch about all the heroes that were there -stinky and old and only talking about boring stuff. Endeavor had to drive you -he was a very disappointed boss, but whatever. You were sat on the couch, eventually talking about your love life.
« I don’t know why people don’t date you, you’re like so sexy ! Why don’t people date you ? » she asked. « I should ask you that ! » you replied. « People are intimidated by muscular women like me ! They should know better. » she said. « They should only be intimidated by how easily you could pick them up. You could totally do that ! »
It didn’t make much sense, but as she decided to pick you up, you both fell on the couch, and it escalated quickly. Miruko was indeed intimidating, so you were glad that she took the league. And it didn’t change all the times y’all did it. Even sober. She would always take the lead, but she would be so sweet about it ? It was not the same as the other sexual encounters you had had.
« Is (Y/N) coming to the party or what ? » she asked Hawks. « Probably. Endeavor told me he would work late tonight, so I guess they have to follow him. » she sighed. « They’re the only reason I come to this kind of party ! » the woman whined. « Yeaaaah, we all know you only want a little plaything around you. » Hawks jokingly said. « It’s more than that. I just want them to be around all the time. » Cue to Miruko realizing that if she wants to spend that much time with you, it’s because you might be more than her plaything…
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Into The Unknown, Part 42
Tim laid across the couch, his head in Marinette’s lap as she braided his hair. Steph sat beside her, head on his girlfriend’s shoulder as she absently hugged a sleeping Damian to her chest.
Steph had come over to babysit while they went out on a particularly big grocery run, only to end the day with Damian asleep in her lap. Everyone knows it’s illegal to wake up a sleeping child, so… they were all stuck waiting for him to wake from his nap.
Also, they wanted to hang out. Was that illegal?
Tim closed his eyes, content as he listened to Marinette and Steph chatter on about everything they could think about.
There was something remarkably soothing about having a person’s hands in his hair, so much so that he almost wanted to fall asleep… but, as much as he trusted Marinette and Steph not to hurt him, he didn’t trust them to not draw on his face.
So, he listened to them talk about the new shows that they were binging.
“– yeah, Mari, it’s a great show, you have to watch it,” Steph was saying. “Basically, there’s this spy and he has to pretend to have a nuclear family at threat of a nuclear war.”
Marinette made a tiny choking sound and Tim suppressed his own wince. It was a popular show at the moment, he had heard about Terry and Miranda talking about it a few days back, but it still made him nervous every time it was brought up within earshot. It felt like the universe was hinting that they wouldn’t be able to keep up the act for much longer, like it was warning them that something had to give soon and even if it didn’t they would have to go back home eventually… it wasn’t, he knew, he had even checked their old universe to make sure that the show existed there (it did), but forgive him for becoming a little superstitious when he had only recently learned that there were gods living among them.
Steph either didn’t notice their internal freakouts or didn’t care. “Yeah, and they have all these domestic shenanigans and they slowly turn from a fake family into a found family.”
Marinette hummed lightly. “I’d watch it, but, really, I think I have enough domestic shenanigans with these two,” she said.
Tim stuck his tongue out at her.
She flicked his nose.
Shocked and appalled that his darling girlfriend would betray him like this.
“Hold his hair for a sec so I can get out the hair ties?”
Steph hummed and he felt his hair switch hands.
“... dude,” said Steph. “Why is your hair so soft? What do you put in it?”
Tim shrugged as much as he dared when there were two women currently very invested in how his hair turned out. “Just whatever’s around, I guess.”
“Which is always my stuff,” Marinette said, sounding distressed. “But his hair still manages to be nicer than mine. I hate him.”
If his eyes were open, he would have rolled them. “I just have better hair than you.”
“You know, I once saw him use hotel shampoo,” said Marinette continued on as if she hadn’t heard him, disgust coloring her tone.
He groaned. “When will you let that go –?”
“He what?!” Steph said, just barely avoiding yelling for the sake of Damian.
Great. And now his girlfriend and best friend were bitching about him and his hair care routine right in front of (well, technically, above) him. Fun.
Eventually the school year ended for Damian and they were forced, against their will, to hang out with their child… yes, truly, it was a shame…
Arcades, am I right?
Marinette smiled as she watched Damian struggle with a whack-a-mole equivalent, a hammer almost as big as his entire body wobbling uncertainly in his grip as he tried once again to get the game to register his hits. It was cute, and the mild frustration on his face when he actually managed to tap the little lizard person on the top of the head only for his score to not go up due to how lightly he had done it was even cuter.
She took pity on him after a while by picking him up and setting him on the dashboard so he could smack them down with his hands.
She let her gaze fall away from the game as she held the kid’s waist to make sure he didn’t fall. Over to where Tim was playing a shooting game a while away.
(Damian had noticed a giant stuffed bear on the prize wall when they were walking in and one well-timed set of puppy eyes later Tim was sighing and forking over money for his own card to see if he could get enough to win it.)
She smiled as she watched Tim forget, yet again, that he was wearing glasses and accidentally hit himself with the fake gun while aiming for a zombie that was particularly far away.
He caught on to the fact that she was watching him and sent a tiny, slightly sheepish grin her way…
Which, of course, led to him getting killed in-game. He turned back to his screen and sighed deeply when he saw his character getting eaten.
He collected his tickets and then walked over so he could rest his chin on her shoulder. It couldn’t have been comfortable, Damian was squirming in her grip to make sure he hit every target he possibly could, but he didn’t seem to mind.
And then the game was over. Three tickets. Great. Gotta love arcades.
At least Damian seemed happy with his winnings, holding them up and beaming when both of the adults gave the praise he was so clearly asking for.
But he was quickly distracted. Which always seems to be the case with children.
He gasped and squirmed out of her hands so he could go run over to a crane machine.
There, sitting right at the front, was an ArachnidKid plushie. He pointed at it with pleading eyes and they were weak, okay?
So, they tried to get it. Attempted the game an embarrassing amount of times, really. But, the plushie was too close to the front for the claw to reach it and, when they tried to get something else to sate him (a spiky bouncy ball), they discovered that the claw wasn’t even that great.
The adults shared grimaces.
Only for Marinette to get an idea as her eyes landed on Tim’s glasses.
She leaned forward to whisper something in his ear and his lips twitched into a grin.
Marinette handed Damian her phone to distract him for a few minutes. Damian immediately found his way to the drawing app and he started doodling flowers in vibrant colors.
He glanced around before making direct eye contact with a security camera.
And then he reached through a portal, lovingly provided by Kaalki, and grabbed ArachnidKid.
“You know, you’re gonna freak out some poor security guard if they ever check these tapes,” Marinette said, though she was snickering a little at the idea.
“No one will ever believe them,” Tim said, gently dusting off ArachnidKid and then handing him off to an elated Damian.
And then they were back to playing games. 
Damian ended up getting more tickets than Tim.
… well, technically Marinette won the tickets because she was the one to pull the lever on the fishing-themed prize wheel for Damian, but she wasn’t going to tell Tim that. No, he did not need context. All he needed was to know that he lost to their kid.
Marinette was never going to let him live this down.
The slump in Tim’s shoulders as they walked out to the door was only partially because of the giant stuffed bear he was struggling to carry.
Marinette smiled and leaned to press a kiss to his cheek. His expression brightened just slightly.
Tim wasn’t quite sure what to do. He stood in the doorway, expression carefully blank outside of the faint blush dusting his cheeks, as he tried to think of anything that would make the embarrassing squeaking sound that came from him the moment he had laid eyes on the alternate version of his father make sense.
And, yes, he had always known that, one day, he would probably end up meeting the Bruce Wayne of this reality. Marinette worked for him, the chances were so insanely high that even someone far less paranoid than he would have expected it.
However, he had simply… figured that he would cross that bridge when he got to it.
And, well, he had gotten to the bridge and immediately driven straight off the side.
Bruce’s smile didn’t waver but he narrowed his eyes in the very slight way he did when he was suspicious about something.
And wasn’t that just a bitch? Steph was so insanely different than the Steph from his own world that Tim had managed to separate the two somewhat in his mind – where this Steph was pessimistic, his own had been optimistic, and where his own had started looking into medical school because she truly wanted to help people (thinking of it as almost an extension of her vigilantism), this one was interested almost purely in the money being a doctor provided – the tiny differences in realities had caused a ripple effect large enough to change the courses of their lives drastically, and, by extension, change themselves drastically… but, somehow, Bruce was still Bruce. So much so that Tim could read his expressions easily even after years apart.
It ached. Like a tiny scrape he had left to heal up naturally, only to find out days later that it had gotten infected.
He loved his new family, yes. He enjoyed staying with Marinette and Damian, so much so that sometimes he found himself selfishly wishing that they could stay in this universe forever.
But he missed his old family, too. Missed Bruce and his brooding nature. Missed Dick and his warm hugs, Jason’s tendency to take Tim out on their bikes when things got to be too much, the way Cass simply knew when he was cold and would wrap him a blanket without either of them saying a word, his old Steph that had displayed her optimism and love on her sleeve, Duke jokingly cursing him out when he realized that Tim had stolen one of his puzzle pieces yet again...
He missed Damian, too. That one didn’t have the easy solution that the others had, though. Marinette and Tim had made sure of that.
Tim met his not-father’s eyes and smiled nervously. “Families of workers are allowed here, right? Mari wasn’t lying to me, was she?”
Tim knew that she wasn’t. Not only would she just… not do that, he had already used the chiropractor a couple of times in the few months since he had received the gift. Someone would have definitely said something by then.
Bruce gave a good-natured laugh that was forced as he shook his head. “No, you’re quite alright.” He glanced Tim up and down once before resting his hands on his hips. “I was expecting Marinette, though. Do you happen to know where she is?”
It was a believable enough story, Tim used a copy of Marinette’s card to get in. But Tim knew better. Bruce wasn’t Batman in this reality, but he was still smart. He wouldn’t make that kind of mistake.
Tim wasn’t going to say any of this, though. Not when Bruce was already wary of him.
“I think she should be with Paige and Ava right now while she winds down from her shift and waits for me –…” His own eyes narrowed. “Wait, she’s off work. Leave her alone.”
Bruce’s eyes flickered with something akin to surprise, and then amusement tugged at his lips. “I see. I suppose it’s not too important, it can wait until tomorrow.”
Tim nodded sharply. Marinette already overworked herself given any kind of opportunity, she didn’t need an enabler.
Bruce smiled and held up his hands in mock surrender, and then slowly turned and walked out of the hallway that he had bumped into Tim in.
Tim huffed to himself and glanced at the time. He should be about ready.
It wasn’t until he was in the elevator and pressing the button to the correct floor with maybe a little bit too much aggression that he realized that Bruce was probably testing him.
The annoyance settled a little, but it was quickly replaced by something else.
He sighed lightly, letting his head tip back against the cool wall of the elevator.
He was a stranger to his own father. To his entire family in this reality (or, at least, the family that existed there).
He really didn’t want to think about that.
The elevator dinged and he was allowed out. His legs took him down familiar hallways as if on autopilot until he found Marinette where she always was.
She was standing in the break room with Ava – Paige must have left already – with a tight-lipped smile as Ava did her best to make her spit out her coffee.
Tim smiled a little and walked over so he could wrap his arms around her from behind and bury his face in her neck.
She didn’t react much, not even when he squeezed her a little tighter than was normal, she just reached down to lace one of her hands with his and continued talking with her friend.
And, if he knew that she didn’t just so happen to pass a photography shop on the way to Damian’s school and just spontaneously decide for no reason that they should go inside and see if there was anything he might like, he was smiling too much to ever say so aloud.
Marinette really didn’t expect to have a serious conversation when she went to pick up Damian that day, but the moment she had laid eyes on Damian she had noticed that he looked… more subdued than usual. The thought concerned her more than she would ever admit. Especially when she offered to pick him up and carry him home, something that usually had him immediately livening up and complaining about he was a big boy now that could walk there himself, he simply held his hands up to let her do so.
She picked him up, resting him against her waist, and didn’t say a word when he wrapped his arms around her neck a little more tightly than was strictly necessary.
She pressed a kiss into his hair and then started on the walk home.
It wasn’t until they were both sitting on the subway, her kid in her lap as she ran her fingers through his curls in an attempt at soothing him, that Damian pushed himself closer to her and mumbled, “Why don’t I call you and Tim… Mom and Dad, like the other kids do?”
Marinette was lucky they were sitting, because she was sure she would have dropped him otherwise.
She was quiet for a moment. Serious conversations – and vulnerability in general – were not her forte. She hadn’t had to deal with Hawkmoth in years, but there was still this tiny part of her that shied away from anything negative. Something in the back of her head that whispered that she needed to avoid anything serious at any cost.
She bit her lip, wishing Tim was there.
But he wasn’t, and she doubted that Damian would take it well if she stayed quiet that long.
She sighed lightly. “Because, technically, we aren’t.”
Damian flinched. Something so small that she wouldn’t have even been able to notice if he wasn’t currently pressing against her like he expected her to disappear any moment.
She grimaced. Yeah. Maybe that wasn’t the best way to phrase that. “We’re your siblings,” she explained.
It was quiet for a moment before Damian pulled himself away from her sharply to look up at her with wide eyes. “Siblings aren’t supposed to date!”
Marinette blanched. She was acutely aware that there were suddenly many more eyes on them than there were just moments prior.
“What? No! – I mean, yes, that’s true – but – but – no, that’s not what I meant.”
Damian’s eyes remained wide and confused.
She hesitated slightly. “Well… we… okay, I am your sister, right? Tim isn’t related to you. But, when Tim married me, that made him your brother, too. They call it a brother-in-law, because the law makes you their brother –...”
She trailed off. Damian was giving her a blank look.
At least people weren’t staring anymore? That wasn’t really the win she was most interested in, but it was still a win…?
She looked down at her kid’s wide eyes.
She sighed.
Pinched the bridge of her nose.
“Do you want to call us Mom and Dad, Dami?”
Damian scrutinized her face for a moment, clearly wary, but eventually he nodded.
Her embarrassment faded in favor of something that was somehow both similar and not – there was still that strange feeling of vulnerability, but there was a warmth to it, something that pulled the slightest of smiles to her face and made tears build in her eyes. She leaned forward to press another kiss to the top of his head, and then tugged him close again, her arms wrapping around him securely.
“Then you can, okay?”
He wrapped his arms around her neck again. Tucked his head beneath her chin.
She thought he fit perfectly.
“Okay… Mom.”
Marinette squeezed him a little tighter and allowed a few tears to slip through.
Shit. Damn it. Hell.
They had lost Cat.
Tim and Marinette raced around the apartment frantically, practically upending the place in search of the stuffed animal, but it was nowhere to be seen. Damian wailed into Frank’s fur.
Tim groaned and sunk into the couch after an hour. It was definitely not in the house…
Marinette ran a hand through her short hair, thinking.
And then she sighed and pulled her phone out, biting her lip as she typed frantically. Maybe she was texting their friends to see whether they had left Cat at one of their houses after they had babysat? “Uh… alright. Can you check the school?”
“The school? It’s late, it’s definitely clos –,” he started, only to pause when he heard his phone chime.
Go to the store.
He sighed lightly and nodded. “Okay, I guess you’re right, I might as well check…”
She gave him a grateful smile and leaned to peck him on the lips, and then turned back to Damian.
“Alright, Dami, how about we watch some TV while Tim looks for him? How about Elmer?” She was saying, though Tim wasn’t paying much attention.
He rushed to his feet and, in his frantic state, only barely remembered to grab his wallet and keys as he sprinted out the door.
It took three tries, but eventually he found a stuffed animal that looked like the original Cat. He snatched it up immediately, feeling some of the adrenaline fade now that he had a solution in his hands.
He glanced over at the three others that sat behind it on the shelf.
He grabbed those, too. Not having a repeat of this disaster, thanks.
When he got back to the apartment, new Cat in hand and the other three stuffed into his backpack, he found Damian and Marinette still up, watching the promised TV. Damian’s eyes were still rimmed red as he petted Frank’s head in his lap, but it seemed that he had cried himself out as he leaned heavily against Marinette and managed little more than quiet sniffles.
They looked up when the door opened and Marinette’s shoulders relaxed the moment her eyes landed on the stuffed animal. He gave a slight smile when Damian lit up upon seeing Cat#2.
“Look, Dami, it looks like Cat went to the doctor all by themself! Got all cleaned up – and they even fixed their eye!”
Damian’s scrambled off of the couch – Frank huffed a sigh as the hands left her fur, but then her tail started wagging as Marinette obliged in stroking her head again – and grabbed the stuffie from his hands. He hugged Cat to his chest, sniffling sobs starting up again, but this time relief painted his expression.
Tim ruffled his hair and Damian was quick to rush back to Marinette’s side so he could fall asleep.
Marinette was helpless to stop it, really. Hands full of dog and unable to turn down her kid when he had just been crying his eyes out… yeah, Marinette hadn’t stood a chance.
Tim smiled, grabbed a couple of blankets, and took his place on Damian’s other side.
They found their way to their old sleeping position, Marinette and Tim curled around Damian and all of them cocooned in blankets.
Now with the addition of Frank laying across all of their laps, though, so… hopefully, the extra pressure might prevent Damian from kicking out at them during the night.
“Wanna make bets on which will hurt more? Sleeping on the couch or sleeping with Dami?” Tim mused lightly.
Marinette giggled and turned to bury her face in his neck.
Damian’s breathing soon evened out, his grip slackening somewhat on Tim’s shirt.
“... so, why didn’t you take off the eye?”
He blushed bright red. “Felt wrong.”
She pressed her face into his skin to muffle her laughter.
He squeezed the arms around them tighter.
And he found that he could stay like this forever.
@unoriginalmess @hammalammadamdam @astrynyx @laurcad123 @927roses-and-stuff @toodaloo-kangaroo @queenz-z @imarivers8 @jeminiikrystal @adrestar @twsssmlmaa @literaryhiraeth @trippingovermyfeet @ev-cupcake @its-maemain
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thatguywiththefaceog · 7 months
Kinktober 2023 Day 31-Free Day (panties and lingerie/crossdressing)
Star Vs the Forces of Evil-startomco
Tom and Star rope Marco into an important Mewian Royal tradition. One that involves stripping.
written for @kinktober2023
requested by @ramdomaxes
Warning the following story contains fictional minors in sexual situations. If this makes you uncomfortable or are under 18 please do not read. This story is rated E for explicit and is for adults only. This story is a complete work of fiction.
It was Halloween night at Echo Creek. And Marco, Star, and Tom couldn't think of a better way to spend it then with each other. Of course the teens had a limited choice of stuff for them to do. As Mewnian royals, Tom and Star were forbidden from any sex, lest they cause a succession crisis. So their horny teen ancestors had come up with a tradition; one or more royal heirs would put on a show for another while they masturbate. It was a grand tradition dating back centuries.
So the three teens were tucked away into Star's room. She had used magic to make the inside bigger than normal and install a stage. Tom was the lone audience member. Everything under his neck was covered in a weighted blanket as per tradition. The blanket part, not the weighted part. That was what the Diazs had.
The lights dimmed and out came his two friends. To go with her devil horns, Star was dressed as a devil. A red crop top with fake wings in the back and black booty shorts with fishnets. To go with Star's costume, Marco was an angel. He was wearing a white blouse with a white mini skirt with pantyhose. Marco’s face was done up in makeup with pink lipstick and baby blue eyeshadow. It made his short hair look very feminine. On his head was a fake halo.
Tom undid his jeans and fished out his cock. He was already hard when he started stroking his massive, thick, demon cock. As he jacked off, Star and Marco moved to music. They almost touched and almost kissed, never do. It was driving the demon prince wild.
At this point, the two 'princesses' started to undress. Star was sticking her chest out as she pulled the top over her head, while Marco made sure his ass was facing Tom as he pulled down his skirt. In the end,Star and Marco were down to their bra and panties. Star wore black, her bra doing its best at showing her 14-year-old chest. Marco meanwhile, had chosen white for this evening. His large package strained against his panties. Both had thongs on that showed off their very shapely asses.
Marco laid on his back, spreading his legs, allowing Tom to get a better view of his cock and balls. Beside him, Star pulled apart her buttcheeks, showing off her dirtiest hole. Tom bit his lips as his strokes picked up stream. Oh ho he’d love to fuck them both. To taste Star’s ass before he pump his seed deep in her pussy, impregnating her. Mounting Marco’s sweet latino ass and fulling him with his demonic royal cum.
Tom came, his seed spreading across his hand and on the blanket. Once finished with their little dance, Star and Marco claimed off the stage. After zipping himself back up, Tom handed Marco the blanket. “I got my jizz on it. Sorry.”
Marco folded the thing. “It’s okay. My dad gets his jizz on this thing all the time.” Tom eyed the piece of cloth.
“That was exhilarating!” Star shouted. “Maybe Tom can get dressed up. And he and Marco can-”
“Oh, no can do.” He slipped on his pair of black jeans and his red hoodie. “Jackie and Janna and I are gonna have a little fun.”
“Marco! But what about Mewnian royal tradition!”
“Star, I’m neither Mewian or royal. I’m free to jizz in whomever I please.”
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gongsanghada · 2 years
Spark | Part 1
“I wonder what would give him that idea.” He spoke quietly, tucking my hair behind my ear.
I did my best not to laugh, “I have no idea.”
  “Oh my god I’m so sorry!” 
All of my things scattered across the floor. I was so flustered I forgot I was in Korea and should have spoken Korean. 
It didn’t matter, the girl I had made contact with kept laughing and walking away. 
I had said “sorry” out of habit, but the reality was she ran into me. I heard her laughing and joking with her boyfriend as I struggled to open the door to the building. I already knew she wasn’t paying attention. 
Her lack of concern admittedly annoyed me. How could you run into someone knocking all of their things out of their hands and not care? Not even fake an apology?
I tried to quickly grab my things, but they were all over the floor. Thankfully it was just work stuff and nothing embarrassing. My three planners, a bag of pens and highlighters, sticky notes and paper clips, a few very important thumb drives my boss would kill me if I lost. Stupidly, the bag of small things was open so it all dumped out. 
On top of that I was wrangling my purse trying to get through the door and holding my phone in my hand. It really was a recipe for disaster. I’d just expected other people to be aware of their surroundings and not run into someone clearly struggling.
I was cursing everyone out in my head and angrily shoving pens and stupid paper clips into the bag. 
“I’m so sorry.” A man’s voice spoke to me. 
The girl should be apologising. Not her boyfriend. 
“Don’t worry about it.” I said kindly not even bothering to look up at him. I grabbed the thumb drives and made sure I had all of them and that they weren’t broken. 
My boss was pretty laid back and kind, he was one of those “cool bosses.” I could basically do whatever I wanted as long as I got work done and didn’t mess up. Losing or breaking a thumb drive with his work on it would definitely be a big mess up.
The man handed me one of the planners. 
“Thank you.” I said as I finally looked up at him, he smiled apologetically. It was so surreal seeing him. I knew who he was, everyone knew who he was, he was one of the biggest idols in Korea currently. I’d known about him for years when he debuted with his group. 
I smiled again and looked away gathering my things into one big hazardous stack, I realised I was just sitting there staring at him.
His hair was dark, though he usually had it bleached or dyed. I loved his dark hair. His lips were the perfect plumped heart shape and his jaw was a sharp angle. 
He spoke in Korean to his girlfriend as we stood up. The parts I could understand, he was asking her to apologise. She responded in a sickly sweet whiny voice, that she didn’t want to. One word stuck out and made me immediately dislike her. “Babo.” It was the Korean word for “fool.” Her boyfriend immediately chastised her. I felt awkward enough already having spilled everything on the floor, I didn’t need to witness their fight and be called names in another language by a bratty celebrity.
“Thanks again.” I said with a smile and walked towards the elevator. He looked at me as I walked away, the quick glimpse I got he had sorrow in his eyes. He kept talking to his girlfriend. I pressed the elevator button carefully so I didn’t drop everything again and waited. 
The whine in her voice was absolutely unbearable. She sounded like a child begging her parents for a lollipop. The elevator dinged and the doors slowly opened. I looked back at him, he was already looking at me. His eyes were still full of “I’m sorry.” I offered a sympathetic smile and got onto the elevator. 
I sat my things on the kitchen counter. Finally home after a long day, all I wanted was to crash. Other than the incident in the lobby at work the rest of my day was pretty nondescript. A friend of mine had gotten me the job when I first moved here a month or two ago. Time had gone by so slowly, but so quickly at the same time, I already lost track of my short time here. 
I was the personal assistant of a CEO for a record label. My boss, Kim Jae Won, was also a producer. He was amazingly talented and could create an entire song, music and lyrics, in the span of an afternoon. It was incredible. 
I was honestly so blessed to be able to work for him. He was inspiring and friendly. Not one of those slave driver bosses that made me do meaningless tasks just to prove a point. I’d always been intrigued by the music industry so I was more than happy to work alongside him. The pay was amazing, the work was easy for the most part, and everything was laid back. It really was a blessing. 
I sat down on my bed after getting out of the shower and had a flashback to this morning. The way his eyes looked. “His” stage name was Zico, that’s what everyone called him. I hadn’t heard people use his real name in years. Which was unfortunate I thought, I actually really liked his real name, Jiho. 
The way he looked when he handed me my things was exactly like the movies. He smiled and his eyes lit up. It was almost heart stopping how handsome he was in person. I’d seen him years ago when he and his group came to the US for a tour. He was heart stoppingly handsome then too. He honestly hadn���t changed a bit. Maybe just slightly older and there was something else behind his energy. I assumed his military service had changed him a little. I can’t imagine it not changing someone.
I brushed my hair and kept thinking about this morning. His girlfriend was absolutely awful. Of course I wanted him to be happy, but how could someone be happy with a partner like that? She literally did not care that she knocked me and all of my things over. Her whiny voice popped into my head and made me cringe. That voice could ruin anything, it had officially ruined my somewhat happy thoughts about Jiho. I decided it was time to turn in. 
 “Lennon, I have a last minute meeting today for 11.” My boss, Jae Won, tapped on my desk as he walked by.
I nodded, “got it.” I opened one of my many planners and wrote down “meeting 11” in the open space.
 “Oh,” He turned around and walked back to my desk, “I’ll need one of the studios available. Can you make sure one is prepped for today? Just make sure a free thumb drive is there and my notebook if I forget it.”
 “Yeah, of course.” I smiled and made a mental note of it. He was one of those typically handsome guys. The most perfect bone structure, dark hair that was perfectly placed with not a single hair out of place. On top of being incredibly kind, he was handsome. Unfortunately for the females of the world, he was married to his work. I didn’t have a crush on him, he was my boss after all, but him being handsome definitely made long work days easier. 
“Thanks, you’re amazing. By the way, Gray said he was going to stop by to drop off a track.” He sat half way on my desk. Gray was my friend who had gotten me the job here. He was a producer and performer and very talented in both arenas. “Perfect, I’ll make sure to get it from him.” I stood up and gathered the files I was organising. I tapped them on the desk as Jae Won spoke again. “Are you sure you two aren’t dating?” He furrowed his brow, “Not that it's my business.” He held his hands up. I’d be uncomfortable if I felt like he was asking for his own benefit, but it honestly just felt like an innocent question. I laughed, “Me and Gray? Absolutely not. He's one of my best friends.” I walked over the other wall where a sleek matte black file cabinet sat and shoved the files in.
 Gray was also handsome, of course he was, but I didn’t feel that way about him. Admittedly we were kind of flirty, but it was really just us messing around. Neither one of us was serious about it.
“Best friends can date.” He shrugged and slid off my desk, “Eleven.” He wagged his finger in the air as he walked away reminding me of his meeting. I wouldn’t forget. He might, but I wouldn’t.
A few hours later I went to one of the empty studios and got everything ready. I knew Jae Won would forget his notebook, it wasn’t even in his office when I found it. We have a seating area in our office‘s lobby where my desk is.
 There’s a lush leather couch and a few chairs surrounding a glass coffee table that probably costs more than 6 months of my rent. His notebook was sitting on the coffee table. He’d be wandering around trying to find it swearing he “left it right here.” 
I sat it on the desk in front of the computer and sat a pen next to it along with an empty thumb drive. I put a couple of water bottles on the table for them to have if they needed it. I made sure the room was clean and organised and even though he didn’t ask me to, I went ahead and turned on the computers and the system. 
I went to my desk to grab everything I’d need. I’d sit in on his meetings unless I had a lot of work to get done. These studio meets were actually pretty fun. I got to watch him and the artists create music or come up with a concept for a music video. It was incredible to see the things he came up with.
 Jae Won walked up to me looking at his watch, “Everything ready?” He asked.
 I nodded, “Yep, I already put your notebook and thumb drive in there.” 
We started walking past the sitting area.
“Perfect. I’ll go turn the system on.”
“Already done.” I called after him.
He turned around slowly, “You turned the system on?”
I nodded, “I’ve seen you do it plenty of times, so I went ahead and did it to save you time. I hope that’s okay.”
 He smiled, “Initiative. I like that. You’ll be mixing tracks next.”
I opened my notebook, “oh no, I doubt that.” I smiled as I wrote down the date on the top of the page along with a couple other details that helped me keep track of things. I usually kept notes of his meetings just in case he forgot something.
 “Here’s our star.” He smiled looking past me. 
They said their hellos in Korean and Jae Won began to introduce us. “This is my assistant Lennon, she’ll be sitting in on the meeting if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course.” I immediately recognized his voice. I looked up from my notebook to see Jiho. It had been two weeks since the incident and I had begun to forget the way he had looked at me. Those butterflies had begun to disappear, but were suddenly back in full effect. 
“Lennon, I'm sure you’ve heard of Zico. We’ll be helping him with his next music video.”
I smiled kindly at the tall guy in front of me, “Of course. It’s nice to meet you.” I bowed slightly to show respect. 
He returned the smile and bow, “It’s nice to meet you too, Lennon.”
I swallowed hard and tried to keep my face normal so he wouldn’t notice how hearing him say my name affected me.
 “The studio is all ready if we’re ready.” Jae Won spoke, breaking my eye contact with Jiho. I noticed my boss smirk just as someone grabbed my waist from behind and shouted “ah” scaring the absolute life out of me.
 I gasped as my boss and Jiho laughed. I put my hand on my heart to feel it pounding.
A familiar man child stepped next to me, it was Gray.
 “I. Hate. You.” I said slowly and slapped him with my notebook. 
He was smiling, extremely proud of his efforts. “Mind if I steal her for a sec?” He calmed his laughs and spoke to my boss.
Jae Won nodded and Gray and I walked back to my desk. 
“You’re awful.” I said to him as I set my notebook down. He wrapped me in a hug as I turned to face him.  
“I’ll make it up to you, how about lunch? I’ll buy.”
I squeezed him and agreed, “Jae Won thinks we’re dating.”
Gray pulled away slightly, “Oh he does?”
I nodded looking up at him.
“I wonder what would give him that idea.” He spoke quietly, tucking my hair behind my ear. I did my best not to laugh, “I have no idea.” “We could, you know.” His arm tightened around my waist. “But why limit myself to just one woman, that wouldn’t be fair to every other girl in the world.” He sighed and pulled away suddenly.
  He was such a dork. This was why people thought we were dating because one of us would do something ridiculous like that and we would be the only ones knowing it was a joke. 
“You have a track for me, don’t you?” I sat on my desk with an outstretched hand.
He shook his head, “It’s all work with you isn’t it?” He smiled and handed me the drive. I looked past him and saw my boss talking to Jiho. 
Jiho looked at me, his smile had faded a bit. He always seemed to be a little sad whenever I saw him. It was upsetting to see someone I’d respected and who’s career I’d followed for years look so wary all of the time. 
I took the drive and put it in my pocket for safe keeping, “You know you could’ve just emailed this or air dropped it right?”
“Yeah yeah.” He groaned. “Then I wouldn’t get the joy of scaring you.” He laughed. I smiled and rolled my eyes, “I’ll see you for lunch.”
I started to walk away from him, he took my hand, “Wait.” I faced him again, his joking silly demeanor had changed to a more serious tone, “You work all of the time, you’re going to get burnt out, trust me. You need to go out and have fun.”
I made a face at the suggestion, “I don’t know about that. You know how anti-social I am.”
“You’re Jae Won’s personal assistant. How have you avoided going to events?”
I shrugged, “Just lucky I guess.” I joked. His serious face didn’t change. I sighed, “Fine. We’ll do something this weekend.”
I’d try to get out of it, but I was sure he wouldn’t let me this time.
He smiled finally, “Good. I’ll see you for lunch.”
I walked back to my boss and tried to ignore the feeling of Jiho watching me.
 We all walked into the studio and the two of them began talking about the music and the music video they were envisioning. They both were so similar, my boss and Jiho. Both were incredible producers and writers and they both were very much married to their work. Once they started talking about the music they zoned in and everything on the outside didn’t exist.
 My boss’s phone buzzed on the table and he didn’t even notice. I grabbed it and checked the email. I responded to it for him just as another one came in. I wrote down the info for an event he had been invited to last week and made a note to remind him about it. 
I looked up, Jae Won was listening to the song the music video was for. He was in his own world when he worked. His phone rang this time, he reached over and silenced it without even looking at the screen. I glanced at his phone and saw “Eomma” as the caller. I grabbed it and stepped outside to answer it. It was his mom.
 It wasn’t uncommon for me to answer his calls or emails. He had quickly entrusted me with literally his entire life. I said hello and let her know he was working. I usually had the pleasure of speaking with her at least once a week as Jae Won was always busy with something. She was a very sweet and understanding mom, and always had a chat with me for a few minutes even though my Korean was still awful and her English wasn’t great. It was her anniversary with her husband and she was calling to remind her son of the dinner he agreed to go to.
 A dinner he failed to mention to me so it wasn’t written down. Which meant he definitely forgot about it.
 I stepped back into the studio. I didn’t want to interrupt him, but I had to. I touched his shoulder pulling him out of his work trance. He looked at me expectantly.
“You need to call your mom back.” I said kindly and handed him his phone.
“Oh, thank you!” He grabbed it and quickly stepped out. 
I wrote down his dinner date in my planner and was suddenly aware that Jiho and I were alone in the studio. It was deafeningly quiet.
 “I think he’d be lost without you.” He finally spoke.
 “Nah.” I looked up at him, he was leaning back in his chair. He looked more comfortable than I felt. “He’d be fine. He just wouldn’t make it to any meetings or appointments on time or ever.” 
Jiho laughed quietly. That smile was something I always wanted to see. It was quiet again. “I’m sorry about the other day.” He adjusted in his seat, sitting more upright.
 I shook my head, “Don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault.” I nervously tapped my pen against my hand. I hated that he was apologising for his girlfriend’s behaviour. She was the one that should be apologising. Not him. 
“I know.” He leaned forward resting his arms on his knees. “Yuri didn’t mean to run into you. She’s clumsy, she felt awful.” He stood up for her. It was admirable, but also frustrating. I knew he was lying, how could he want to stand up for her?
I nodded slowly in disbelief. I wanted to call him out, but I didn’t want to just outright say I knew he was lying.
“Jinjjayo?” I asked if that was really how she felt. 
He closed his eyes knowing he was caught. “You speak Korean?” He asked opening them.
“Enough to know she didn’t exactly feel bad.” 
He sighed, “I’m sorry. I really am.” He put his hands together, almost begging. I hated it.
 “Jiho please stop apologising.” I offered a sympathetic smile. “It’s really not a big deal.”
 His face softened and the corner of his lips started to pull into a smile. “What did you call me?” 
My heart sank, “oh my gosh I’m so sorry.” I let his real name slip. We were in a professional setting, I should have stuck with his stage name. That’s what he seemed to prefer going by, literally everyone called him “Zico.” It felt like I was overstepping and inserting myself into his life by using his real name. 
“Now it’s my turn to tell you not to apologise.” He smiled and sat back in his seat. I wanted to apologise again, but Jae Won walked in and got right back to work. 
An hour later they had straightened out all of the details for the concept of the video and Jae Won said he’d take care of everything else. 
“Lennon, we’ll be doing a casting call for the leading lady on Friday, so—.” I had to cut him off, he of course didn’t remember.
“Sorry to interrupt but Friday won’t work. You have a meeting with the shareholders and those usually last a majority of the day.”
He sighed, “Of course I do.” 
He hated those meetings as much as I did. They were so boring. Just a bunch of people sitting around a table talking about the direction of the company and how they think it should be run and Jae Won patiently and politely defending his company and his choices. 
“Then you’ll have to go for me. You know my standards better than anyone. Zico will be there so he’ll know what he wants from a creative and personal aspect and you’ll be my voice of reason when he chooses someone who isn’t up to par.” 
Jae Won playfully slapped Jiho’s shoulder. Both guys smiled at each other as if there was some secret guy code happening here. I decided it would be best if I just ignored it. I was extremely unsure about standing in for Jae Won. It was a lot of pressure to try and do things exactly how he’d do them. If I didn’t measure up to his standards and help choose the perfect girl I’d fail him completely. It was an honour he felt he could trust me enough to do this, but I’d almost rather sit in on the shareholders meeting with him. 
I was also still uncomfortable and embarrassed from using Jiho’s real name. I could feel he wanted to talk to me when Jae Won walked away and I was not wanting to chat about my mess up. I handed my boss the thumb drive Gray gave me earlier and quickly left for my lunch “date” with him. 
The rest of the week had been much of the same day in and day out, me basically running every aspect of Jae Won’s life and making sure he and his company stayed running smoothly. I only had the added anxiety and dread waiting for today when I’d sit in on the casting call with Jiho trying to find the perfect girl for his music video.I made sure Jae Won had everything he needed for his shareholders meeting. We both gave each other a look of encouragement before I left him to the wolves and I went to the casting call. I walked in and Jiho was already sitting at the table looking at his phone.
Call him Zico. Zico Zico Zico. I had to remind myself not to let his real name slip again.
“Hey, I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” I sat down next to him. I made sure I was early, so he was really early. He smiled and sat his phone down. “No, about five minutes.” “Oh good.” I looked at the papers in front of me, there was a paper for each girl with all of her info and work experience. He cleared his throat, I could feel nervous tension between the two of us. I wasn’t sure if it was all my nervousness or if he was nervous too. Which made me even more nervous. What was he possibly nervous about? Did he think I’d screw it up? I was just a personal assistant, I really had no right to be here choosing what girl would be in his music video. “I thought we could go over what I’m looking for.” He spoke. “Sure.” I turned to face him and realised how close we were. I shifted uncomfortably. I hated that I felt uncomfortable around him, but I did have a serious crush on him and I had for years. He had a girlfriend, and he was a client for my boss. I had to put my own personal feelings aside and just look at him like he was just another client.
“What’s your ideal girl? For the music video I mean.” I quickly added, I felt my cheeks redden. So much for pushing my own feelings aside. He hid a smile, “I was thinking of someone shorter than me.”
I nodded, it wouldn't be difficult, he was almost 6 feet tall.
“Dark hair. Kind, sweet.”
It was weird he wanted to go over what he wanted. Normally they tell the casting agent what they’re looking for and the agent picked the people who physically fit what the client was looking for.
“So maybe someone innocent looking?” I offered. I’d never done this before, I had no idea how to choose someone based on these random descriptions. He shook his head, “She doesn’t have to be innocent.” He sat back and thought for a moment, “Someone who you want to be around because there’s something intriguing about them. Someone who doesn’t leave your thoughts no matter how hard you try to distract yourself. She could look innocent, but you’d also know that she wasn’t. She’s more mysterious than innocent.” He had seriously thought about this more than I thought was necessary. It really showed how much he really took every aspect of his career seriously.
“Does she have to have dark hair?” It seemed to be a pretty arbitrary descriptor just for a music video, “Like if she has every other qualification and is perfect for the role, but has blonde hair.” He shook his head seriously, “No. She has to have dark hair.”
Who was I to stand in the way of artistic vision?
 I nodded, “Let’s hope we don't have many blonde girls show up.” I smiled. 
He returned the smile and told the assistant to bring in the first five girls. I looked at him and we both tried not to laugh as the five girls stood in front of us. Two of them were blonde, one had red hair, and the other two were brunette. This would either be a very quick and easy process or it would be extremely difficult. Especially considering we had to find a girl today since they started filming tomorrow. Jiho immediately put the non brunette girls’ info sheets into a pile on the side. He wasn’t even considering them. I had no choice but to do the same. I smiled at the girls and thanked them for their time. I didn’t want to come out right and tell them they didn’t get the job.
A few hours later, we had narrowed the list of girls down to 15 brunettes and we had to choose our “it girl.” One by one we had each girl come in, Jiho kept making up reasons he couldn’t choose them. I tried not to think his reasons were ridiculous, but they really were. One girl didn’t have the right shaped eyes, one girl’s hair was too short, and one girl, he didn’t think she was mysterious enough. We were running out of girls and time. 
One of the few girls left was standing in front of us and I knew he was about to nix her.
 I held up her info sheet so my voice would be muffled, “Zico, you can’t keep saying no to choosing a girl. We’re running out.”
“I just don’t think any of them are what I want.”
I sat the paper down and sighed. I looked back at the girl. She was pretty, had long hair, and her eyes were bright. She was perfect in my opinion. She did look nervous though, but I couldn’t fault her. Two people were sitting in front of her judging her and one of those people was a handsome idol. A frustrating, but handsome idol.
I smiled at her, “Zico, can you go stand next to her please?”
He looked at me, shocked I’d even suggest it. “What? Why?”
“Please go stand next to her. I want to see how you two look together.” I tapped my pen on the table and waited for him to get up.
He reluctantly got up and stood next to the girl. He didn’t look happy one bit. I wasn't sure what it was, but it felt like he was being difficult intentionally, like he didn’t want to choose any of these girls. Something was going on and I was going to figure out what it was. “Zico, can you put your arm around her?” He put his arm around her shoulders and gave me a look that told me he was unimpressed with my tactics. It was actually humorous. I suppressed a laugh. They did look good together, but as soon as he put his arm around her she got all giddy and started laughing nervously. He shook his head. I agreed, she wasn’t the girl unfortunately. I told her thank you and asked for the next girl to be sent in. Jiho started walking back to the table. “Zico, stay up there please.” “Yah, why do you hate me?” He sulked.
 I bit my lip to keep from laughing. I looked at the two of them and already knew he’d find an issue with her. “Put your arm around her.” He did. I waited for her reaction, none came. Instead she put her arm around his waist and leaned into him. So far she was our front runner. “Thank you. Now can you two look at each other and hold hands and just look like a happy couple.” The last part was mainly for Jiho.
I clasped my hands and set them on the table, “Zico, remember when Jae Won said I was going to be the voice of reason? I’m doing that now.” I smiled at him just to let him know I wasn’t trying to be mean, I was just trying to protect my job and his music video.
He began acting the second he turned to face her. They held hands and started talking happily  to each other. “Hey, how's it going?” Jae Won spoke quietly as he put his hand on my shoulder and sat down in Jiho’s chair. “Awful.” I answered honestly. He looked at the pair in front of us, “Why does he look uncomfortable?” “You noticed that too?” I held up the info sheets to block our conversation from the pair. “He’s not said yes to one girl. Just a bunch of maybes.” Jae Won looked shocked, “Why? Did he give a reason?” “They’re not what he’s looking for.” I responded quietly, “Girls were immediately a no if they weren’t brunette.” “What?” Jae Won’s voice was full of shock, “He didn’t tell me he wanted only brunettes. How many girls do you have left?” He looked at the stack of papers on the desk. “She’s our last and our best. This morning he had a whole list of requirements. Brunette, kind, shorter than him.” I tried to remember all of Jiho’s requirements. Jae Won sighed and looked up at the couple in front of us. They were no longer talking, but standing awkwardly looking at us waiting for something.
 I smiled, “Thank you. You did great! We’re going to discuss some things and we’ll let you know what we decide. Do you mind waiting in the hall for us?” The girl bowed and walked out. “She was perfect.” I said as Zico came back to the table and knelt down in front of it.
“She seemed like a good fit.” Jae Won agreed.
 Jiho shook his head, “I wasn’t feeling it.” I felt defeated. I let my boss, myself, and Jiho down. 
I sighed, “Zico, we don’t have any other choices. She was the last girl. She met all of your qualifications.”
Jae Won leaned back in his chair lifting the front two legs off the ground, “Zico what’s with the qualifications? You didn’t tell me you had any. If you did, we could have gotten a better list of girls for you to choose from.”
Jiho had those sad eyes again, “I didn’t think about it until last night. Sorry.”
Jae Won looked at the idol in front of us, “How did Lennon do today?”I blinked and looked at my boss. I was taken aback by his sudden conversation change. Jiho smiled, “She did great. She was very helpful and understanding of my vision for the video. Until she became “Jae Won’s voice of reason.”” He smirked.
 I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down at my lap.
Jae Won sat his chair back on the floor and held up the list of qualifications I wrote down, examining every requirement. He took a moment before speaking again. “Zico, go stand over there again.” The idol did what my boss asked him.
“Lennon, go stand next to him.” I quickly looked at my boss. “You can’t be serious?”
“I just want to see if it works. Please go stand next to him.”
I reluctantly got up and stood next to Jiho. He towered over me.
He laughed quietly, “payback.” I looked up at him, he was finally smiling.
 Before I could say anything, Jae Won spoke again, “put your arm around her now.” He was doing the same things I did. Jiho put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. Without thinking, I put my arm around his waist. I tried to quiet the part of me that was internally screaming. Jae Won nodded, “Do couple things.” He waved his hand in the air. 
I dropped my arm from Jiho’s waist and stepped away, “I can’t do that.”
Both men asked “Why?” at the same time. I looked between the two of them.
  “He has a girlfriend.” Jae Won leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, “It’s just acting.” He said it as if it weren’t a big deal at all.
  I wasn’t an actress, that was the issue. Any type of couple thing I did with Jiho wouldn’t be “just acting” for me. I didn’t know how to separate my personal feelings from the “acting.”
“Pretend he’s Gray. Do what you’d do with Gray.” Jae Won spoke again. Once again he was determined Gray and I were dating. However, it could be helpful. Gray and I were just friends, flirty, but friends. Maybe I could just treat Jiho the same way. Keeping in my mind he was a client, but innocently flirt with him only for the next two minutes. 
Jiho grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back to him. “It’s just acting.” He repeated Jae Won’s words and smiled. “And maybe a little payback.”  His hand slid across my lower back.With that movement, I knew it would not be the same as how Gray and I are. He was better at this than I was, but he was also used to acting and I  had to admit he was really good at it too.
I put my arms around him, pretending he was my friend, “We could have avoided all of this if you would have just picked a girl.”
He scrunched up his nose and shook his head, “I didn’t like any of them.” He looked down at me for a moment. He was almost searching my eyes for something, but I wasn’t sure what it was. “I don't think couples talk about work this much.” he smiled sweetly. Little did he know, work was my life, I talked about it all of the time, I thought about it every waking second, I even had dreams about it sometimes.
Out of nowhere, Jae Won turned on the music for the video. It really was a beautifully sad song.
 It was about a man and woman in a toxic “relationship.” It was all one sided. He seemed to love her but she didn’t seem to feel the same way, even if she said she did. The relationship started out good and on a high note, but it just seemed to crumble as time went on. 
Jiho stepped away, still holding my hand. Dread filled me, I knew he was going to try to dance with me. He noticed my apprehension and smiled, “Shall we dance?”
 I laughed, “No, absolutely not.” It wasn't a “let’s dance” type of song, I had no idea how this was going to go. He pulled me to him like they do in the movies and we began, poorly, dancing. We both couldn't help but laugh.
“It's not so bad, right?” Jiho spoke quietly so only he and I could hear. It really wasn’t awful, but being this close to him made it difficult to remember it was “just acting.” I wrapped my arm around him and stepped a little closer. I could feel his muscles below his clothing. His cologne enveloped me. I looked up at him, trying to pretend he was just Gray. They looked nothing alike. Gray was typically handsome. Jiho was like a handsome bad boy. I couldn't help but glance at his full heart shaped lips.
He slid his hand down my arm and to my waist. He leaned his head down resting his forehead on mine. We stayed there for just a moment and too quickly it was over. He pulled away again, smiled and spun me around before I clumsily crashed into him. We both started laughing, thankfully I didn’t feel embarrassed for almost knocking us both over. He dropped my hand and placed his on my lower back, his other hand slid behind my head.
 He lowered his inches from mine, “thank you.” He whispered just before he pulled away, the music stopping as he did. I took a breath and tried not to show how flustered I was. We both turned to face Jae Won. He was sitting back in his chair, his arms folded, one hand cupping his chin. He looked back down at the list I wrote of Jiho’s requirements. He exhaled and leaned forward. “She's shorter than you, has dark hair, I think she's kind, you two seem to get along well..” He paused looking at Jiho, “What do you think Zico? It’s either Lennon or the girl that was in here a moment ago?”
I couldn’t believe I was in the running to be in his music video. I didn’t want to be in the running. This wasn’t part of the plan. I was just supposed to sit in for Jae Won, not become part of the “artistic vision.”
Jiho nodded, “Her.” He pointed at me. 
“Wait, no.” I laughed nervously looking at him then my boss. “Jae Won, I can’t do it.” I quickly tried to come up with a reason other than “I will fall for him if you make me do this.” “I won’t have time to do it on top of being your assistant. The other girl was a lot better than me.”
My boss stood up and walked over to me, “Lennon, it’s a music video. They last a couple days tops, this one will probably just be one long day. We start tomorrow morning and when have I ever made you work for me on the weekends as my assistant?”
I looked him in the eyes and answered honestly, “Almost every weekend since I became your assistant.”
He pulled back, “Really?”
I nodded, “You’ll be totally lost this weekend if I’m busy doing the video.”
He took a breath and straightened up trying to come up with a plan. “We’ll both be at the shoot, you can still be my PA.”
Great. Double the work that I didn’t even want to do.
“I’ll pay you triple what I normally pay you this weekend. And the next two weekends you can have off completely. How does that sound?”
I had to admit it sounded really good. Not that I believed he’d leave me alone for the next two weekends, but it was worth a shot. I sighed and gave in. “Okay. I’ll do it.”
“Perfect. Both of you make sure you’re on time. We might be able to get through filming in one day. We start at 5am.” Jae Won patted my shoulder and walked out. 
Jiho wrapped me in a quick hug, “Thank you.” He sounded almost relieved. “I’ll make it up to you.” He promised as he pulled away. And I was definitely going to hold him to that. 
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revvywevvy · 2 years
Well... I went and wrote Claire and Dwight's 'not-date'! <:) Tagging @mogships bc ik they wanted to see this <3
Non-Entity AU (The Not-Date)
Claire sat on her bed, staring idly at her phone screen. She had said a few weeks ago that she wanted to make up for the injury that Dwight had sustained the night they’d bumped into each other. Every day since then, she’d been texting him without fail, checking in to ensure he was fine while also tossing in some friendly chit-chat at Eddy’s suggestion. Through that chit-chat, Claire and Dwight had found some common interests, and they were quickly going from strangers, to acquaintances, to friends. On top of that, Dwight had mentioned days ago that he’d checked in on the injury with a doctor, and that, luckily, his nose wasn’t broken, even if it had been close. He was fine, and they were on friendly terms, so… the pit Claire felt in her stomach at this moment felt ridiculous. That day had come for her to make it up to him, and they were to meet up at a cozy café Dwight had picked out which was just a few blocks away. Hell, Claire had even gone to the place ahead of time to check it out, and it was great! So, the usual suspect, anxiety, was the only cause she could pin down for such dread.
“Hurgh… stupid brain… you’re really gonna pull this shit now??”
She flopped back onto her bed, sighing heavily when she could feel her heart palpitate and her hands start shaking.
“...Ooooof course you are. Oh, goodie.”
She jumped a bit when her phone pinged, Claire quickly pulling the device up to look at it. The shaking in her hands only seemed to get worse as she read the text Dwight had just sent.
「 Heyy, im about to leave my place, should be @ the cafe in like.. 30 mins. U still gonna be there or do u wanna reschedule? <:-] 」
Claire’s frown deepened. She forced herself to sit back up, knowing if she stayed laid down she’d stay there for the remainder of the day. She set her phone in her lap, bringing her hands up to her face and lightly slapping her cheeks in an attempt to snap out of the spiral.
“Okay Claire, c’mon. No ditching your pal, that ain’t cool. Just… suck it up, girlie. You can do this, you’ve done this before. It’s just… lunch at a potentially busy café. Where you can risk publicly humiliating yourself like you’ve done five bajillion times before, ooor even worse lose your first in-person friend in years. Nothing new!”
She put on a fake smile, hoping she could fool herself, but it immediately drooped back into a disappointed frown.
“...Man, not gonna lie, your pep-talks kinda suck.”
Claire yipped in surprise, eyes shooting over to her door where her brother stood, leaning in the doorway. He had a small frown on his face.
“C’mon, dude, you gotta have more faith in yourself than that.”
Claire fiddled with her hands at that.
“Yeah, I know… it’s really hard though, man. Especially when it feels like my heart and lungs’re about to explode into a million pieces, haha…”
Eddy narrowed his eyes at that comment.
“Alright, scaredy cat, I get it. Take ‘yer rescue ‘n take a sec to chill, ‘kay?”
Perking up at the suggestion, Claire immediately went to doing that, her phone practically falling right onto the floor as she quickly reached over to her nightstand and grabbed her inhaler.
“So, did Dwight give a time?”
Claire was silent for a second, holding in her inhaler before shakily breathing out.
“Yeah, uh, 30 minutes and he’ll be there if I give the okay. I… don’t wanna flake out last second.”
Claire went and took a second puff of her inhaler as Eddy responded.
“Then don’t. I know it’s easier said than done, but y’can’t just let this stuff dictate your daily life forever. Who knows, if you do back out then you may miss out on a fun time!”
She exhaled once more, tapping her foot. She set her inhaler back on her nightstand before turning to her phone, grabbing it up once more and looking at the screen.
“Y-Yeah, you’re right. Just… gotta give it a chance. Dwight’s a nice guy so far, this’ll be fine..!”
Eddy smiled and nodded.
“There we go, that’s the spirit! You got this, man.”
Claire gave Eddy a passing glance, quickly moving to respond to Dwight’s text. She can do this, she can do this..! Albeit shakily and with some typos, she wrote out a quick response and sent it.
「lol ofc im gonna stillb e there!!! gonna be a lil late tho, todays goin a bit sour but i’m still chillin sdghsdghs」
Dwight was quick to respond back.
「Oh fr?? Man that sucks, tyt gettin here, no rush!!!」
Claire felt a little bit calmer reading that, thankful that he was being patient with her. Taking a second to take in some deep breaths, she tried her best to relax before getting up from her bed.
“Okay, I gave him the green light. Looks like I gotta get goin’, now.”
“Alright, you have fun and stay safe now, yeah?”
“Yeah, Eddy, I gotcha.”
Claire offered a small smile to Eddy, and he nodded in response. Eddy stepped out of the doorway, heading back into another area of the apartment. Claire sighed, walking over to her closet and grabbing her bag, checking to ensure everything she needed was there. Once she knew she was good to go, she made her way to the apartment door, before leaving the building.
Dwight was already at the café, sitting at a random booth and fiddling with a menu. His face was already burning with embarrassment, and Claire wasn’t even there yet. He’d thought he was doing a good job at holding it back, but, honestly, he was absolutely terrified about this. Dwight had never, ever been out like this before. Sure, he’d been invited to random company parties a long time ago, and had a few family outings here and there, but a one-on-one like this was a first for him. At least before he could blend back into the crowd and do his own thing, but this time, all the attention was on him, and he had no idea what to do. He’d stood in front of his bathroom mirror all morning practicing the most mundane of sentences and trying to keep his composure, and now that prep was all falling apart. In the midst of that terror, there was another thing that had him feeling like an absolute mess.
The fact that Claire was so consistent with texting him was baffling enough to him, and at first, he’d assumed it was just out of pity and that she’d flake on him. However, upon receiving a quick text that she was down the street and would be there in a minute or so, he finally accepted that she was being serious, and that this was really happening. It was much easier to cope under the impression that this’d be for nothing, but no, it was something.
‘Ohhh boy, oh geez… I can’t believe I actually agreed to this, I can’t believe she’s actually sticking to this!! Crap, I’m going to make myself look like an idiot, aren’t I???’
Dwight reached up to his face, grabbing his glasses and fixing them up once he’d noticed just how much they’d fogged up, before realizing just how badly his hands were shaking. He sighed, trying to give himself some sort of internal pep-talk, eyes trailing to the entrance of the café. His breath hitched when the door opened, and in walked Claire.
‘Woah, okay, she’s actually here! Okay, okay, relax Dwight, just stay calm… shit, say something, she’s coming over here!’
Claire had spotted Dwight on her way in, and waved at him with a nervous smile before approaching the booth and sitting opposite of him.
“H-Hhheyy, Claire..!”
Nice one, Dwight. He mentally facepalmed at the horribly awkward delivery. Claire’s face shifted for a quick moment as she took in the awkward greeting, but offered a sympathetic smile to cover up her own fiddly expression.
“Hi, Dwight! Um– h-how’ve you been? Was the drive here fine?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, it was okay. Uh… t-traffic was a little ‘eh’, but otherwise… um. Good. Yeah.”
After that response, both of them went quiet, an embarrassing and highly awkward silence befalling the two. Claire’s lips pressed together into a thin line, eyes widening a bit as she stared down at her own menu, fumbling with it in some attempt to seem… alive? Interesting? Something, she didn’t know what the hell she was doing. Though, peeking up at Dwight for a split second, she felt horrible. It wasn’t long before she realized she couldn’t get away with being quiet forever, sighing and letting her menu drop onto the table with a small ‘plop’. Dwight immediately looked at Claire, sweating nervously at the sudden move.
“Claire..? Y-You okay?”
Claire, with her elbows on the table, leaned into one of her hands, a defeated expression on her face.
“No, not one bit. Hhf… I’m sorry Dwight, this is probably a total disaster for you, huh…? Talk about a dodgy way to pay someone back for fucking up their face.”
“L-Listen, I, ah… I know I probably seemed way more chatty and… extroverted… over text, but, uh… I suck. At talking to people. In person. N-Not to mention it seems like this is really awkward for you, too. Ughh, I don’t know what I was thinking with this, now I’m just going and wasting way more of your time.”
“Wh– w-wait, no, I wanted to come out here, this wasn’t a waste of time! I just, uhm. I’m not very good at this kinda stuff either. Err… honestly, this is the first time I’ve ever done something like this. I wish I was kidding, but, uh, nope. To be honest I was only fine until now because I kinda just… assumed you wouldn’t actually show up? Wait, shit, that’s not something I should’ve said, uh–! Yyyyyikes…”
Dwight’s face exploded into a huge flush, and he looked away, rubbing his arm anxiously. Claire paused, looking at Dwight with a semi-surprised expression, seeming to brush off the last bit for the time being.
“Wait, you, too..?? I thought the lack of talking was just me turning out to be this, uff, massive disappointment in person???? L-Like the sudden ‘personality’ switch made you not wanna be here anymore? Wait, that means…–”
Once it fully clicked that Dwight was just as much of an anxious mess over this as she was, she huffed out the biggest sigh of relief, letting her face plop against the table. Dwight flinched at that response, but settled the smallest bit upon hearing what she’d said next.
“Oh, thank fuck, I wasn’t the only one nervous as all hell about this!!!”
Dwight blinked dumbly at the statement, both of them failing to notice the weird stares from other diners who were currently being disturbed by their game of ‘loner’s first social interactions’. Claire couldn’t help but laugh, shaking her head and finally looking up at Dwight.
“Geez, and to think we got all worked up over this, ahaha..! This whole time, ha, thinking I was this total idiot, ahaha..!”
Dwight awkwardly laughed as well.
“Hehe, right, I uh. I’m actually kinda glad I’m not the only one, either..? Ahaha, man, and to think I thought I was some joke of a guy and that you’d flake, aha!”
“Haha, yeah, may be an odd thing to be happy over, but knowing it’s not just me makes me feel so much better about this, oh man..!”
Though, Claire’s smile immediately disappeared once she fully registered what he said.
“Ayo, what??”
“Uh– w-what???”
“That last part, t-the joke of a guy and flaking part??? You thought I was gonna flake..?”
Claire’s expression went a little sad.
‘Damn, didn’t think I gave people such low expectations..’
“W-Well, I mean… that’s normal anyway, isn’t it??”
Claire was not expecting this rollercoaster of emotions, going from nervous, to happy, to sad, to completely baffled in such a short frame of time. Even with the lack of positive relations she’d had since childhood, she’d never seen someone think that was normal. She sputtered and practically choked on her own spit in shock.
“Wh– Uguh??!? No??? That’s not normal at all?? Wait, oh my god that’s– how often does that happen to you?!”
“Wuh– Uhm, this is the first time I’ve been out with someone one-on-one before..! So I guess, uh… a-always???”
Now Claire was just downright offended on his behalf.
“I– what?! No fuckin’ way, that’s– bloody hell, people really never fail to be complete pieces of shit, huh..? That’s so messed up!! Like, not even when you were a kid?? Like in elementary, middle, highschool, all that jazz??”
Dwight frowned, looking away with an embarrassed look.
“I… wow.”
Claire’s expression softened sympathetically.
“Oh, geez, Dwight… that’s awful…”
Her brows furrowed and her face shifted to a look much more determined. She thought back to that small talk with Eddy. Of course she had to have more faith in herself, she’s got this! No pussyfooting about, no backing down. Her hands slammed on the table.
“Man, y’know what? Fuck those guys! I may be a total mess and suck at talking to people, but ain’t no way I’m letting someone be alone like that. It’s official, we’re friends now, got that, Dwight? No more bein’ ditched, flaked on, alone, nunna that!!”
Dwight’s head flicked right back up, eyes wide at her declaration. Though, before he could respond, one of the waitresses cleared their throats loudly, letting them know they were getting too wild. Claire curled in a bit, expression sheepish.
“O-Oops… sorry..! B-But, uh, like I said..!”
She quickly shook it off and looked back at Dwight.
“Wh- what?! R… Really..?”
“Yes, really. I’m bein’ a hundred percent serious here! We’re bros now, bro!”
Dwight snorted a bit at the cheesy delivery, but was still shocked at the declaration.
“Yup, absolutely my dude! My pal, chum, home-slice bread-slice, frienderooski–”
“Pfft..! O-Okay, okay, I get it, ahaha..!”
Claire smiled triumphantly at his laughter, mentally fist pumping. Though, she paused when her stomach very obviously growled. Dwight went a little quiet as well, before letting out a small giggle. Claire smiled a bit, scratching her cheek with one finger.
“Oh, right, gotta eat, ahaha. All this freaking out has me hungry, ehe..”
“Right, we should probably order something before we get kicked out for loitering, haha…”
Claire finally took a proper look at the café’s menu, eyeing all of the options. She was surprised at how many options the menu had besides the usual café options, but she chalked it up to this being a bigger place. Luckily, being hungry made it much easier for the usually indecisive woman to pick stuff out of the large menu. Though, Dwight could only sit there staring uncertainly.
“Um.. Claire?”
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“Uh… I dunno what to order, I don’t wanna make you spend too much money.”
“Bah, I could care less about that right now. I came over-prepared, so go nuts!”
“...You sure..?”
“Sure as I can be!”
Dwight relaxed a bit more, hearing the affirmation making him not feel as bad over this. Eventually, a waiter walked over. Dwight ended up ordering a chicken pesto sandwich and hot chocolate, and Claire a fettuccine alfredo with chicken and apple tea. Though, being a little overzealous she’d added in a basket’s worth of hash browns, too, to Dwight’s amusement. When the food eventually arrived Dwight found himself giggling some more.
“Wow, are you gonna be able to finish all that?”
“What, the hash browns? Nah, bruh, we’re sharing those! Man, these browns look crisp as hell… I bet they’re gonna be great!”
“Aha, well, I dunno if we’ll be able to finish all that… though, I will say I agree with that last part.” “Weh, if it comes down to it we can always get a takeout pack.”
Without much more delay, Claire dug into her food, letting loose and really just enjoying herself. Dwight went about eating as well, feeling a lot better now that the atmosphere settled into one of calm and contentedness. At one point, though, Claire’s phone pinged and she perked up.
“Oh, oops, forgot to turn that off, lemme just…”
She paused, looking at the notification and eyes widening as she read it.
“Huh? What happened?”
Claire had the biggest smile on her face.
“Oh man, I know we had this convo like… a week or so ago, but Studio King just announced the release date to the next installment of Spirit Blade???”
Dwight practically choked on his food. She remembered their conversation??
“W-Wait, really??” “Yeah!! Oh man, and look, they announced that Zeleste is gonna be the protag!!! Isn’t that great?! Lucky day for you, huh? Ahaha..!”
Claire smiled, showing her phone to Dwight and he looked at the announcement discussing it, eyes quickly scanning the screen.
“Holy crap! Oh, that’s amazing!! Oh man..! W-Wait, you remembered my favourite character, too??”
“Well, yeah, Zeleste is sick as hell, man! You’ve got great taste in characters, haha. Oh hell yeah, and Cyra’s a base character in this one, too!! Man, I was so mad when they made her DLC in the last one! I can’t wait to see what they end up doing with her in this one..!”
Dwight smiled wide, Claire’s excitement rubbing off quickly. He hadn’t really put his thoughts through the filter before speaking.
“Ooh, you know what we should do Claire?? When the game comes out we should play it together, wouldn’t that be awesome? I dunno whether it’d be at your place or mine, but…”
Dwight trailed off, realizing what he’d just suggested. He overthunk it a bit, worrying that the offer came off as an actual date proposition. Though, before he could even think of getting red in the face, Claire’s face lit up. She shook her fists in giddy excitement.
“Oooh!!!! Yeah, we should, we should, we totally should!!! Ooohoho, that’d be so fun, man!!”
Dwight’s smile immediately returned, and he couldn’t help but feel fuzzy at the joy in that response. He wasn’t sure he was going to get used to having an actual, legitimate friend now, but he already felt amazing so soon!
“How about at my place?? Eddy ‘nd I just set up a new couch the other day and it’s so comfy!! It’d be great for gaming, for sure! Ooooh, and, and, since I’ve got summa those movies I suggested to you the other day, we could watch those, too!!!”
Dwight felt his face heating up for sure this time.
“Oh, r-really??”
“Yeah, man, I bet you’d love ‘em, they’re so funny!!”
That fuzzy feeling felt ten times more intense now.
His smile softened.
“...That sounds great! Oh, but we’d have to schedule around my job, though.”
“Alrighty, sounds easy enough… hopefully! Hope your schedule isn’t too wild, haha.”
As the two continued eating, they went about planning their next hangout. After that, they found themselves going on and on about their hobbies and interests, the rest of their lunch turning out to be a blast.
A couple of hours later, Claire and Dwight were both back at their individual apartments. Clare practically skipped into her bedroom to put her things away, Eddy noticing right off the bat how joyous she was.
“So, guessin’ it went good?”
“Hell yeah it did!!!!!!! We’re gonna hang out again in a few weeks and play the next Spirit Blade game together!!! Oh, and we’re gonna watch some movies, and maybe some other stuff too, I dunno??? But oh man, I’m so excited!! O-Oh, wait. You’re okay with Dwight coming here, right..?”
Eddy smiled brightly at his sister.
“Yeah man, I’m chill! Judging by your vibes right now I’d say he’s hella cool, so he can come over whenever, just so long as he ain’t marchin’ in without knocking first, haha!”
“Eeeeeeeee!! Thanks Eddy, you’re the best!!!!!!”
Eddy laughed at that.
“Geez, you say that like I’m a parent givin’ ya permission for a sleepover or sumthin’! ‘Sides, can’t be hoggin’ the guy all to yourself, I wanna get to know him more, too!”
Claire laughed at that, turning on her heel and heading into the kitchen to get some water, her tone lightheartedly sarcastic.
“Nah, he’s my bestie, I saw him first!!”
“Pfft- haha, no fair, dude!”
“Yes, fair!! I get first bestie privilege!~”
The siblings laughed amongst one another, the two continuing their day like normal from there. Claire felt more than giddy for the remainder of the day, her energy being soft and warm for the continuation. Her Syncord friends didn’t fail to notice the change, and were happy to tease away about Claire’s new friend. Claire couldn’t care less, feeling fuzzy over the day going so well for once. She’d missed having in-person friends, and was more than happy to have that luxury back in her life.
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warblingandwriting · 6 months
Trying to get over going on reddit by just watching those youtube videos where people read reddit posts but man nothing annoys me more than these guys just pretending blatantly fake IATA posts are real. Like dude, this guy is claiming he was orphaned and took over his family business at AGE 16, the doesn't raise a single red flag for you? The obvious (and pointless to the story) appeal to emotion to manipulate the reader into siding with the main character (and make no mistake these are characters) seems like critical thinking 101.
And the same with the stories where you're not supposed to sympathize the lead, like the blatant bad stuff done is just laid out there with no self-awareness?
On top of that both of these groups are just airing their dirty laundry online? Now, I'm watching the video (or, in former days reading the posts) so obviously I find it pretty entertaining in a ridiculous, soap opera sort of way. (I will never forget you man who made a multi-post saga about some drama with his wife and her biological daughter that she hid from him, ending with him discovering that his wife did something so terrible he would never post it online, but, if you were really curious you could dm him for the fully details! :). ) But it really grinds my gears my gears that they don't take a minute to examine what they're reading.
Or, worse, when they sit there at the beginning of the video and say 'well, I know most of these are probably fake, but we're going to pretend it's real because it's more fun that way!' In what universe? It's way more fun to make fun of these dweebs for writing fake out garbage than to just buy into it! At least, in my opinion. I need someone whose reading these things and like... analyzing them to explain why they're fake.
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
revenge quartet
warning!! this story contains mentions of mrder, blood, death, drugs, alcoholism, crime solving, and many other triggering things. read at your own risk. characters are real kpop idols so credits to them for any looks, references to their groups/songs, themselves, etc. storyline belongs to me. cases are based off of real ones.
hitting their alarms and hopping out of bed, the four males ran to the bathroom at top speed. shotaro saw the older three stuck in the door and he smirked to himself as he squished in the small opening they had made and slipped through easily. "once again i'm first. sucks to be you guys." he said as he started brushing his teeth with his green toothbrush.
forcing the rest of his body through, yeonjun glared at shotaro and grabbed the orange toothbrush, starting to brush his own teeth. "ah! that's wooyoung hyung's!" shotaro said as he pointed at the other, standing near the shower as to not lose his life. "ah. you're right." sunwoo said as he grabbed his pink one and stood next to shotaro. wooyoung glared at yeonjun and kicked him in his side, sending him into the towel rack and mini shelf they had between the toilet and sink. "ow..you fucking asshole it was a mistake!" he yelled out as he kicked wooyoung back. the two fought each other while sunwoo and shotaro talked about their schedule for the day peacefully.
all four of them had barely managed to get their clothes on within the two minutes they had left for getting dressed. each grabbing their bag and running with a small snack in their mouths, they each went their separate ways and went to their respective places.
everyone except shotaro who turned around right as he got to the entrance of the school, heading towards a different place where he sighed and made sure he wasn't being followed.
as shotaro made it to a nice building that everyone believed was owned by a big conglomerate corporation- which it was. it just belonged to the family. shotaro entered and handed his backpack to one of the men acting as a security guard who bowed and spoke on the intercom of his in ear, letting everyone know that the boss was entering the building.
shotaro laid on the couch and grabbed one of his mangas, starting to read it as a line formed, people waiting to tell him whatever it was they wanted to say. "boss, they're all lined up and ready." one of his hands said as he looked over with an amused smile as he continued to read.
"the dragon clan wants to be partners, they're looking for protection, alliance, and some blue. 90 million." nazaki said as a grunt came from the younger who allowed it. "kento, go with nazaki and make the deal. also be sure to give them the common pleasantries. on my behalf." the two nodded and left, going to make the deal with the clan immediately.
"two traitors, one undercover, and three killed." another member said as youta, shotaro's main right hand showed the pictures of who did what. putting down his manga, shotaro turned his head looked at the older who only sighed and shook his head. "what torture method have i not tried yet? none left? then kill the ones who killed ours, tell the traitors that i want answers and them here now. youta, can i have another snack? i missed breakfast." as the two traitors were brought in and youta served the younger his snacks, placing a hand on top of his head in disappointment and unsurprised that he had missed breakfast again.
"those are the two who betrayed. sold our stuff illegally to an enemy gang and leaked some of our information to them. that's why we had failed deals the past two days." shotaro looked up at youta, a spicy chip in his hand in shock. "should i kill you first for not telling me?" he questioned the taller as he shuddered and cleared his throat. "chop off a finger. no, al capone 1930s style. no, i don't know. youta and akio can choose. but i want it done right here." they got to work and shortly after there was a large pool of blood on the black marble floor. the members were unsurprised except for a few who didn't realize the brutality they could face.
youta had his jacket on the ground, it being used as a towel for shotaro to wipe his face as he had some blood on it. "sir, the deal needs to be made with lions soon. they're waiting on an answer." looking at the female, shotaro sighed and nodded, waving her away. "the usual contract deal and questions."
the door swung wide open and rei ran in, handing a file to the male who opened it and looked at her, making sure. "akio, meet sunwoo hyung and see if he has anything on it."
"hey how did he become boss?" someone asked as they watched the tv in another room where they could see all the news and happening in the office. youta chuckled and changed the channel, swinging the HDMI cable around. "if you become a higher up, you'll know why a high school kid is the boss. but i'd be careful, don't dip your head where it doesn't belong. he's the spawn of satan himself when he wants."
akio entered the police station and kicked a body in, a blank look on his face as he walked to where the detectives were and stood a bit awkwardly, not expecting the chaos so early in the morning. he was better off listening to the complaints of the new recruits about how they were rejected by shotaro to join his private ranks.
"how can i help you?" one detective said as the male looked over at him quickly. "i'm looking for choi sunwoo? he's a forensic scientist? Mr. brain almost?" he said as the other nodded his head and lead him to where he was at. "sunwoo has a guest." the detective said as sunwoo put down his file folder and waved him in, sitting at his chair and tilting his head to the side. "hyung is out asking questions and whatnot. they runt didn't show up to school?"
akio hung his head with a sigh, making sure everything was soundproof and it was only them. "he executed two of them and has several deals being transacted. i'm also here about the case. he wanted to confirm the stuff you found." "its what it is. i checked at the scene too." akio nodded and prepared to leave, taking a gift bag with some of the evidence to bring back to the young male who was most certainly having fun tormenting.
as he returned with the bag, he handed it to rei where she started making sure and comparing the drugs to what they had and what was found. hearing the young male throw a fit, the older made his way to where the sound was coming from only to sigh. shotaro was whining about a strawberry milk spill, which was one of his favorites. "okay. calm down. here's another one."
walking around with his precious milk, shotaro had akio and youta follow him around as he walked the floors of the company building as he looked to see what everyone was up to. "aki-nii, did you have your department investigate properly?" shotaro asked as he stopped and stared at one of the computer screens, a porn video playing loudly and in the open for everyone who walked past to see. "they're doing so now. so far its no gang relation. just a bad deal went right. not from us." "i'm bored. let's go to the gym. the others are there too?"
yeonjun looked frustrated as he sat at his desk and looked through his student's grades. his eye twitched even more at the note his own brother left him, snapping a pen in the process. "these fuckers.." he mumbled as the other teachers bustled about.
entering his classroom again, he looked around and let out a breath of defeat. shotaro still didn't show up. "no sign of shotaro still?" he asked as the others shook their heads and prepared for class. "the theory of love is-" "i'm here, don't beat me." shotaro said as he closed the door and walked over to his seat, only to be dragged by the older who started beating him up.
as shotaro sat down with a busted lip, silent and completed his work, not wanting to piss him off further. "shit.." he cursed quietly, the pain subsiding slower than usual.
as they all got home about an hour apart from each other except for shotaro who went to the company building again, having a feast of sweets eating dango and bunggeopang. "joonhyung hyung, what did you find? kento too. what did you find from both sides?" shotaro asked as he placed his bunggeopang down with the cutest smile that could kill if the wrong thing was said.
"whoever your brother is after is definitely trying to go on a power trip and needs a good fix to hold him over until he can pay back. we think." joonhyung said as shotaro blinked and tilted his head to the side. "what else?" "he stole a surplus amount from one of our shops and has been bouncing from gang to gang trying to see who would help him. but they're all after his head. he's been selling information about everyone and the big corporations too." kento replied as the sound of glass breaking filled the air.
the large dining hall was silent as nobody dared to breathe the wrong way or even look the wrong way even to their equals, knowing the wrath they'd face against the young boss.
"one of my shops, hm?" he questioned, the venom in the statement dripping out quite obviously. nodding his head silently and looking down, waiting silently. "who was in charge of the shop? hm? one of the lowers? which one?" shotaro asked as he spun the knife around and stared the other in the eyes. "we don't know boss. we suspect it's one of the ones that was killed. he ran it and got caught up in the mess." joonhyung said as shotaro threw his knife, anger filling his veins.
"go back to eating. no talking." youta said as shotaro looked at rei, his drug expert. "it was blue and nafaria." she said as she placed the two on the table and stepping back into line. "thank you rei, you're good now. enjoy a meal with the others. they went to your lounge to eat since they're doing transaction paperwork. make sure the drugs are legit please." shotaro said as the older female bowed her head and walked off to grab her food and leave the tense room that could've murdered masses.
shotaro looked around the room and looked back at his hands who kept their heads down, including youta. "eat and stop looking like pieces of beaten up shits. just put everything in a report like a normal office worker. i'll ask the hyungs myself. carry on with conversation and music. the noise is beautiful." he said as the hands nodded and went to their table to eat. "shotaro, its time for you to go back and eat a real meal. all of them are home and the nosey lady left. i'll take you if you want. their assistants are going to be coming here now." youta said as akio and kento stood up, following behind the male who got in the car with a sigh.
shotaro entered the house and looked at his brothers who were each doing their own thing in the surprisingly quiet house. "i'm back." he announced as he walked into the common area and placed his bag near the steps, plopping down at the table to get ready to eat.
"welcome home, sho." sunwoo said as he ruffled the younger's hair and sat at his spot next to the male. wooyoung sat in front of the Japanese boy and yeonjun across from the other. as they all started eating, yeonjun broke the silence. "how was your day sho?" he asked as the other choked on his food. "it was okay. i had to take a shower like three times because i kept getting blood on me." he said as the others nodded their heads and let the other continue to talk.
"the elders are having a discussion with the other elders from the other gangs in the area about something. a joint program i think. it's also almost time to find out if anyone else will be able to join the higher ranks and become my hands. youta said almost everyone applied. kento and joonhyung are investigating on our part of the case from the papers rei gave me. did i mention i almost executed everyone in the dining hall?" he said as everyone froze in place. someone really must've made him mad if even his closest hands were at risk of death.
"i investigated the body thrice. it's like a clean murder with no traces of evidence from the killer left behind. ran tests, everything." sunwoo said as wooyoung sighed and picked up a mushroom. yeonjun shook his head also, no luck with the other prosecutors he had asked. "none of them had a case with the murder being this clean. it's not a copycat." he said as wooyoung groaned. "how are we going to do this?"
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