#do you think maybe just maybe they never liked supergirl in the first place
superlustersnew52 · 2 years
sure is telling how the supergirl show never let kara exist without bringing up superman all the time (giving him at least one appearance per season) and then when they had a chance to make a superman show they set it in a universe where kara doesn’t exist hmmmmmm
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crunchycrystals · 1 month
my siblings rewatching the flash and im feeling nostalgic
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spaceman-earthgirl · 1 year
idk if you’re still doing supergirl writing, but a fic where Lena finds out Kara is supergirl based on her hug alone.
This ask was from a while ago but I've been in a supercorp mood again recently so decided to write something. Enjoy :)
A hug from Kara Danvers is a very specific sort of thing.
It’s also one of Lena’s favourite things.
She may not have had a lot of hugs overall in her life, certainly she missed out on a lot as a kid, but she knows that Kara gives absolutely amazing hugs.
Kara has it down to an art.
First of all, Kara’s hugs are always so warm. Lena’s not sure how she does it, they just are. A hug from Kara never makes her feel anything less than completely warm, held in strong arms, pressed against the heat of Kara’s body.
And maybe the warmth isn’t exactly something Kara can control, but what she can control is how tight her hugs are. Kara’s arms wrapping around her are never too loose, like the hug is just a common courtesy, and never too tight or smothering, it’s perfect. Kara always holds her tight, tight enough that Lena can sink into the embrace, sink into Kara’s warmth, can forget about everything else except for the warm body embracing her own.
Kara also knows exactly how long to hug for. And okay, so maybe sometimes Lena would like the hugs to last a bit longer, but her hugs never feel awkward with their length of time.
Kara will hug her in greeting, arms tight around her body but brief, a smile on Kara’s face when they pull apart that makes Lena feel warm for different reasons. Goodbye hugs go about the same way, except for the fact they’re not quite as brief. Kara always lingers, time stretching as they hug, Lena hoping it’ll last forever. Lena’s favourite goodbye hugs are always after game night, when it’s just the two of them left in Kara’s apartment, Kara in her comfy clothes, feeling so soft against Lena as they hug.
There are other types of hugs, hugs when they’re both happy and they embrace quickly, hugs that are longer, meant only to comfort the other. And hugs for no other reason than they want to.
Lena’s never had a friend quite like Kara. Lena’s probably had more hugs from Kara than she has had the rest of her life.
Not that Lena’s going to complain about that.
Last is the way Kara smells. Lena can’t describe exactly what Kara smells like, but she smells sweet, a mix of something floral and something else Lena can’t quite identify. Lena always presses her face into Kara’s neck when they hug, tries not to make it obvious that’s she’s breathing her in.
So, all of this combined is what makes Kara’s hugs perfect. Lena may have gotten drunk once and told all of this to Sam, who had pointed out that maybe it was just the fact that it was because she was hugging Kara that it was perfect, and Lena knows that’s probably a big part of it too, but she didn’t admit that part.
Sam has also teased her endlessly about it since.
The last thing Lena expects today is to be attacked.
Actually, that’s not true, her life being threatened has unfortunately become somewhat of a common occurrence.
It’s fine, as it usually is, with Supergirl swooping in to save the day. But this time it was close, and she can see the worry and panic in Supergirl’s eyes as her gaze flits around Lena’s body, looking for injury.
There’s something familiar in the gaze that Lena can’t quite place.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Lena smiles. She’s shaken, she will admit, but she’s okay, she’s alive, her brother didn’t win this time. “Thanks to you.”
It’s probably more accurate to say the last thing she expects today is the shaky “Lena” Supergirl exhales before she finds herself with an armful of the hero.
It only takes a moment, as soon as the surprise at being hugged wears off, for Lena to instinctively wrap her arms around Supergirl in return, her body working on memory alone.
It takes her mind a bit longer to figure it out.
Supergirl is so warm, feels so familiar pressed against her. She thinks for a moment it’s just her own familiarity with the hero but she knows the press of arms against her back, the strength that keeps her close. Her face finds its way to the crook of Supergirl’s neck and she knows this smell too, breathes in the familiar scent as Supergirl’s arms tighten around her.
It’s the “I’m so glad you’re okay,” that really seals it, the worry in Kara’s voice. She knows it’s not just Supergirl she’s hugging, but her best friend too.
She’s not even angry, or upset, that Kara hasn’t told her, because it’s obvious by the shake of Kara’s body that she cares about her. It’s not mistrust or lack of care that has made her hide her secret, it’s something else.
She doesn’t say anything when Kara finally releases her, now is not the time, not when there’s Lex to deal with, not when both of their emotions are all over the place. There’ll be time to talk later, once this is all dealt with.
(It’s not Lena that brings it up, it’s Kara, a week later, that same shake in her voice when she tells Lena the truth about her identity. That fear is back too, and Lena can see once again, how much Kara cares for her, knows how much she trusts her, the fact that she’s sharing her secret evidence enough of that.
She can see how scared Kara is she’ll lose her because of this too.
“Thank you, for telling me,” is all Lena says before she pulls Kara into a hug.
Kara’s relief is evident in how tight she hugs Lena back, the way she presses her face into Lena’s shoulder, and how she doesn’t let go for a really long time).
(It’s two months after that, that Kara shares another secret, right after Lena has told her how much she loves her hugs.
This time, Lena doesn’t pull Kara in for a hug, but for a kiss instead.
It’s also perfect).
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How I would re-write Supergirl Season 2/3
(as some one who stopped watching after season three, and also has not rewatched the series since 2020) (reign arc and heroes of the week will remain unchanged)
So, starting off strong, at Alex and Maggie would not have gotten engaged. Season 2 finale would have been Maggie realizing she was rushing into things, Alex being all "no I love you, I know I do" and Maggie being like "there is a whole gay world for you to explore... go do it." This would lead to sadness, a bit of tears (Chyler and Floriana would be AMAZING- daytime emmy nominee worthy performance).
Rhea would reveal Kara's identity to Lena in the finale. It would be casual too, she would be like "you are much better for my son Lena, that kryptonian isn't worth her weight in dirt here. I can't believe he would settle for a lowly slave." And then Lena would be all "reporter" and Rhea would be like "Yes Kara Danver's, former slave to a, Cat Grant I believe her name is" and then Rhea would continue on her spiel and there would be a cut scene as the camera focuses on Lena taking in the information
They save the day- Monel leaves for what ever reason he had to leave- don't remember, don't care. Also, Kara and Mon-el would have never dated, he would have just pined for her and James and Winn would be all "join the club"
Season 3
Alex mourned over her first lesbian relationship over the 6 month gap between seasons, Lena hasn't told Kara she knows.
First DEO scene of Season 3 is Alex talking to Kara (and invertedly Winn and James) about her most recent date on an app. It went bad, Winn chimes in like "what was it this time" and Alex is like "she was weirdly into ___" then J'onn walks in, like "Alex I am sorry to interrupt but there are pressing matter to attend to- there is a meta human down town" (que hero of the week intro)
Lena and Kara hang out, audience find out that Lena hasn't told Kara cause Kara has to leave to deal with a alien and does the usual "uh, I hear my named being called, ugh bye" and Lena just smiles and nodds, and sighs wistfully, staring after her (supercorp shippers go crazy)
Ep 2 or three we first see Sam and Ruby in line for Noonan's or something (why did they establish that as a brand, just to immediately ditch it after season 1???) and it's just a cute simple little "Hi, I'm Alex, let me help you out" but Sam is endeared and Ruby just smiles because (I love Ruby but honestly) she didn't have that much of a personality early on in the season
That same ep we see Lena reuniting with Sam. After that, when ever Sam and Lena meet each other (I don't remember when or how) Kara and Lena are like "you two know each other" and Alex is all blushy like "yeah, Kinda, I mean, not really" and Sam is like "yeah, Lena she is the girl from the place". Sam and Lena share a look (agent reign shippers go crazy)
Sprinkles of supercorp here and there- Just Kara and Lena doing their normal friend shit but Kara being like "woah, I am feeling things maybe"
At ep 8 or so Kara is at the bar with Alex and ask her how she knew with Maggie, that she liked Maggie. And Alex is all "well, I guess I always knew I liked girls but it was always objective. Like, I would think, she is so kind and smart and beautiful and amazing, any guy would be lucky to have her. But something about Maggie just forced me to realize that I was the one feeling these things, not some guy. I don't know, something about her just made alot of things clearer. Like, I realized I was the one driving the car, not a passenger. She made me stop being so passive in my own life" and Kara is quiet the whole time. Alex then ask "why" and Kara is all "no reason". Cut to Lena at L-Corp working on something relevant to the plot (supercorp shippers go crazy) (that conversation inspires Alex to ask Sam out- they then start to date)
Next ep, Kara goes to Lena's office, and is all, "there is something I need to tell you" and Lena is all "I already know" and Kara is shocked an all "how do you know" and Lena is like "in hindsight it was obvious. *list of things that hold double meanings cause miscommunication trope*" "Lee- I would have told you earlier but I-" "It's fine, I get it. You were doing it to protect me" "protect you???" "yeah- you're supergirl". Que Kara sighing and then freaking out, Lena saying Rhea told her, Kara being pulled away by some kind of supe situation, and Lena being all "go get them supergirl"
Kara admits her feelings at the end of the episode. Lena is shocked, but agrees. They agree to go on a date, a real romantic date and not a friend one, but oops- it's ep 9 which means Kara fights reign, goes comatose and then we get angsty, driven lena being like "we gotta fix Kara"
From then on, the show goes like usual, but Alex and Sam are dating and Kara and Lena are as well. The show ends with Season 3, Alex leads Deo, Winn stays but James leaves to help in the future but it really doesn't matter because the show it over. Supercorp is canon, Alex and Sam have a daughter and everyone lives happily ever after.
Edit: forgot to say this orginally but more Cat cameos. I love that woman so much- she has to come back at least twice in season 3 and be like "I leave the city for five minutes and you let her do WHAT? Agent Scully, why on EARTH would you let your sister fight a world killer??? Have you no brains under that thick skull" or something. I just want for her to be there, see Kara and Lena together and pull out of peice of paper from her purse that says "gay" and be like "I knew when you first walked into my office. No straight women would willingly be yelled at that often" or something. Idk, she was just very deeply missed
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6rookie-writer0110 · 8 months
First thunder
Kara Danvers x Reader (Gender-Neutral)
Request - Can I request fluff for Supergirl Kara Danvers x Reader who is a Saiyan like from Dragon Ball; and how they bond over how similar and different they are? Like how Krypton was once seen as a shining beacon for the galaxy, while the Saiyans were fearing across the galaxy as being planet conquering savages. Kryptonians focused more on furthering science and exploration, while the Saiyan loved nothing more than combat and getting stronger.
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You are training with Kara, usually like training with your best friend. But she knew something was wrong and she stopped.
“What’s wrong, Y/n?” Kara asked.
“I just miss my home planet,” You said.
You sit on the ground and she sits next to you.
“There are times I feel like that. I miss my old home and everyone that I used to know” Kara said.
“How do you keep going?” You asked.
“It can be hard sometimes. I wonder what if it didn't happen, would I have met Alex and my friends differently? There are a lot of what-ifs, but you are not alone and you shouldn't bottle up all the time. If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you” Kara said.
“You are like that green alien the small one, because you always know what to say” You smiled.
“You mean Yoda” Kara laughed.
“I don't think that's his name. But, I miss everyone so much” You said.
Kara puts her arms around you for comfort. You and Kara stood up and went back to training. You went Super Saiyan and you smirked at Kara.
“Just because you can change your hair color, doesn't mean I'm scared,” Kara said.
“I don't expect you to be scared,” You said.
You start to fight with Kara. Your punches are going faster but Kara starts to catch up and she blocks your punches. But you and Kare keep going, you use telekinesis to move a boulder to hit Kara. But she used her heat vision to destroy the boulder.
“That’s all you can do?” Kara asked.
“Nice, thinking on your feet” You smirked.
You moved back then you got into form, then your power starts to from Destructo Disc. A razor-sharp disc of golden ki that can slice through almost any substance.
“I really hate that move,” Kara sighed.
She starts to dodge your attacks now you start to go faster.
You and Kara trained for hours, but you two are not tired. But back at the deo, Lena and Winn were explaining something but you got confused. Because the conversation was about science you pretended to know the topic. But you made no sense but Kara knew, and you tried to pretend again.
✯ ✯ ✯ ✬
You went to Kara’s apartment and you gave her a bag. A little while ago, you and Kara stopped Lex’s robots and Kara got hurt.
“What is this?” Kara asked.
“They are called Senzu Beans, which helps us Saiyans heal faster during battles. Try it and you will feel it” You smiled.
“I never heard of Senzu beans before,” Kara said.
She ate two senzu beans and she can feel her body healing fast.
“Wow, Y/n! These beans are like magic. I feel much better” Kara smiled.
“See! Since you are feeling better… maybe we can get something to eat?” You said shyly.
“Yes, we can and I will call Alex,” Kara said.
“Keep the bag in case you need it” You smiled.
She hugged you and you hugged her back. You and Kara met Alex at a restaurant and you always order a lot of food.
You are training with Alex and Kara but you try to be careful with Alex. You don't want to hurt her so you hold your powers back. Alex teaches you how to fight without your powers.
“Y/n, we are going to have a game night at my place you should join us,” Kara said.
“I like that idea,” You said.
Kara used her super strength to throw a car at you, but you moved out of the way by using teleportation. Now, Kara and Alex start to attack at the same time but you block their attacks.
You like game nights with them. You are always having fun and there are always snacks. You always try to beat Alex in each board game, because sometimes she is on a winning streak
✯ ✯ ✯ ✬
It's Halloween night, and you and Kara have on costumes. Kara wants you to experience trick or treat, and you quickly say yes. You are dressed as a pirate and Kara is dressed as a vampire. You and Kara are also taking Alex’s daughter to get candy. Your bag is halfway full
“Wow, people on Halloween are very nice,” You said.
“I think we have enough candies and we should go home,” Kara said.
“Please can we get more candies?” You begged.
You give her the puppy eyes and she tries not to give in.
“Fine! Let's get more candy” Kara said.
You smiled then you wrapped your arms around her and picked her up.
“Y/n, Y/n put me down,” Kara said.
“You are the best friend ever!” You yelled.
You gently put her down. She did keep he promise and you got more candy, then went home with her. You start to eat half of the bag then Kara takes it away, so you can save some for tomorrow.
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musicloverxoxo7 · 8 months
BTS Halloween party – Bite me
Non-idol!Jimin   x   fem!reader
Summary: You have been friends with Jimin for a while. But now at a Halloween party together, things go further than ever before. Will either of you stop?
Themes/warnings: smut with a bit of plot at the beginning, alcohol, oral (f and m receiving), unprotected sex, nipple play, friends to lovers
Wordcount: ca. 2.5k
I do not own BTS. They merely inspire me. None of this is related to their persons in real life.
You’re dressed as Scarlet Witch for the Halloween party Taehyung is throwing. You love Marvel.
“I bet Jungkook will be dressed as Iron Man”, one of your friends says and giggles. She’s had a crush on the guy for ages.
“99% sure”, you agree.
You walk up to the house the party is taking place in and ring the doorbell. When Taehyung called you and asked you to come, you couldn’t say no. He throws amazing, tasteful parties with just the right amount of casual fun.
Someone you don’t know opens the door and lets you in. Probably one of Taehyung’s friends. He has so many. You and your friends follow inside.
The decorations are black and gold with a hint of red and orange. Very elegant, exactly Taehyung’s style.
“If you want anything to drink, Yoongi is manning the bar at the moment. Feel free to eat, drink, dance, whatever you want. See you later”, he winks at you as the door rings again. A smooth system to keep the party going.
“I’m going for a drink first”, you say. None of your friends follow. One heads off to find Taehyung, the rest drift off to chat with people they recognize. You shrug your shoulders and head to the bar.
Yoongi hands a pretty cocktail to a woman dressed like Supergirl. You feel like you’re interrupting a moment and hover in the background until the women leaves.
“Ah, y/n, what do you want tonight?”
“She’s probably out for blood. But only my blood.” Chuckling, Jimin sidles up beside you. He’s dressed up as a vampire with fake pointy teeth, dark make-up around his eyes and a black button-up that is sinfully wide open.
“Red wine as usual, y/n?”
“Yes, please.”
You’ve known the guys for nearly decade, so they know you well. Yoongi pours you the wine and refreshes Jimin’s drink. The two off you walk away after to make room for all the people who suddenly are in need of a beverage.
“Nice costume”, you say.
“Yours is good as well.”
Jimin looks you up and down.
You feel strangely tingly all of a sudden.
“Oh, y/n! Hey!”
Taehyung comes up to you and slings his arm around you. You hug. Jimin’s face looks a bit sour when you pull apart again.
“Please, y/n, dance with me. I’m trying to dance with every woman tonight.”
You glance at Jimin, but he averts his eyes.
“Alright. I’ll dance with you. See you later, Jimin.”
“Later”, he grumbles and slinks off.
“Is something wrong with him today”, you ask as Taehyung leads you to the dance floor in the living room.
“Nothing more than usual, I think.” You hit Taehyung in the arm. He smiles in his cute, boxy way. “You should go check after the dance, maybe.”
The two of you have a blast dancing to Thriller by Michael Jackson and then a song you’ve never heard before. After four songs, you remember that Jimin was being weird. You do one more song and then push one of your friends at Taehyung. He doesn’t seem to mind, even though a slow song has come on.
You head off to find Jimin. He definitely isn’t on the dance floor. Next you check the bar and snack station. No trace of him there either.
You’re about to head out of the kitchen, where all the snacks are, when you spot a lone figure on the terrace. One with a slim waist and thick thighs that reminds you of Jimin. You open the terrace door, which doesn’t creek. Jimin still turns around.
“Hey, you.”
You step up next to him. A chilly breeze blows around the house, making goosebumps erupt all over your arms.
“Are you okay?”
“Are we okay?”
Jimin doesn’t answer immediately, so you look at him. It’s very hard to say what he’s thinking.
“Do you like Taehyung?”
“Of course, I do. He’s my friend.”
“I meant if you like him as more than a friend.”
“No, I don’t.”
You say it without hesitation or second thought, because it’s the truth.
“Okay. Just asking.”
“Come back inside, Jimin. It’s cold out here.”
Jimin smiles at you.
“Can I bite you before we go inside?”
“Bite me?”
You’re taken aback. Jimin laughs at your surprised face. But not in a mocking way.
“I’m a vampire, remember? I have to bite people to get energy. And I’m feeling a bit drained right now.”
Now it’s your turn to laugh. You and your friends truly are a weird bunch.
“Go ahead. I hope my blood tastes like strawberries, for your sake.”
Jimin puts his arm around your waist and pulls you closer. He pushes your hair to the side, exposing your neck. You shiver, but it’s not because of the cold.
His lips are gentle when they touch your skin. When they move away a heartbeat later, you feel naked. Cheated.
“That was you biting me? What kind of a vampire are you?”
“Sorry, wrong spot.”
His lips come down on your neck again, with more pressure. You feel his tongue on your skin. You hold your breath. Without your brain consciously deciding to do so, your hands land on his chest. Thanks to the many opened buttons, you get to feel some warm skin.
“Do you want me to stop?”
Jimin moves along your neck, trailing soft, open-mouthed kisses. You melt into him.
When he stops and comes face to face with you, your mind starts working again. Somewhat.
“You lost your pointy teeth, Count Dracula.”
“As a modern-day vampire, they only come out when I’m out for blood.”
You smile at him. He smiles back. The cute, one-sided dimple smile that makes his eyes almost disappear.
“May I kiss you, y/n?”
Instead of answering, you grab the front of his shirt and pull him closer until your lips meet. His lips are soft, warm and he tastes of Coke.
You pull back again.
“You weren’t drinking alcohol?”
“No. I wanted to be able to drive people home if they needed it.”
“I like that you’re so kind and considerate.”
Jimin bites his lip. They are red from the kiss.
“I think we should kiss again.”
He doesn’t need telling twice. With one arm tightly around your waist, Jimin backs you against one of the pillars that holds up the terrace’s roof. Your bodies pressed together, he kisses you like there is no tomorrow. Your hand finds its way inside his shirt. You can feel his strong chest muscles, the beating of his heart under your palm.
You slide your other hand down to his belt, to hold him as close as physically possible. A few more seconds, then he draws back, running a hand through his beautiful dark hair.
“I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
You frown at him.
“Uncomfortable? I was very comfortable, actually.”
Jimin, his cheeks slightly flushed, points downwards. Your eyes easily find the dent in his jeans, which seems to be growing by the second. You smile as you keep looking at it.
“I didn’t notice. I was too focused on feeling up your chest and enjoying the kiss. And I’m not uncomfortable at all.”
You grab Jimin’s arm and pull him closer. His body heat envelops you again, which feels nice.
“If a kiss is all you want, that’s okay. I personally wouldn’t mind taking it further. But only if you are comfortable with it too.”
“It’s not weird for you? We have been friends for so long.”
“No, it’s not weird. If we want to be more than friends, why shouldn’t we?”
It’s like a switch is flicked inside Jimin. His eyes turn to molten chocolate and his lips relax into a sexy smile. You swallow hard.
“Thank you for making me feel at ease.” His arm goes around your waist, pulling you so close again, that you can feel his hardness against your stomach. “If you want to stop at any point, tell me.”
His lips brush along your neck again. You sigh. With one hand, you tug free his shirt from his pants and slide your hand under. The muscles of his stomach are hard and warm under your hand. Your other hand goes to his ass.
Jimin claims your lips in another kiss. This one is less rough and messy, more measured and much more intense. His free hand slides up your side until he can brush over your nipple with his thumb. You whimper into the kiss. He repeats the motion until you feel like you might implode. You cling onto his ass for dear life.
Jimin finally draws back again. His hair is messy and his pupils are blown out. He looks absolutely stunning.
“I, uhm, live just down the road. Should we go there and continue this? I’d much rather do this with my mouth than my fingers.”
“Let’s go.”
You grab his hand and drag him along.
“Also, I know where you live. I was there literally last week, silly.”
“Right. And you helped me look at it when I thought of buying it.”
“That too.”
The ten-minute walk you spend mostly talking about life. Talking has always been easy for the two of you. You never run out of topics. Twice, you stop to make out some more.
As soon as the door is closed and the light is on in Jimin’s house, you pounce on each other. A trail of clothes follows you to the bedroom, which you helped him repaint and redecorate last year after a break-up.
By the time Jimin gently lays you down on his bed, you’re both naked. You reach out and run your hand along his shaft. His breath catches when you move up to the frenulum and head. A pearl of precum leaks out. You lean forward and lick it off. You blink up at him, your hand still wrapped around the satiny skin.
“Baby, please. Take it slow, okay? I don’t want to be the first one to cum tonight.”
You let go and lie back down, spreading your legs in the process.
His eyes dart back and forth between your perky nipples and pussy now on full display. You smile. Finally, he settles on your boobs and covers your body with his to reach your nipple. He plays with it with his tongue a little first, driving you near insane.
Then he takes your nipple into his mouth and performs literal magic. You cum way too quickly, pulling on his hair as if your life depended on it.
His smiles up at you once he’s unlatched. You only manage a sleepy smile in return. Jimin moves lower, trailing kisses along your stomach, down your thighs. He leaves tiny suction marks on the insides of your thighs. It feels wonderful, being worshipped this way. Your mind is clearing up a little right when he dives in to suck on your clit.
He’s not playing around. He keeps attacking your clit in the best possible way and with barely a moment to breathe in between. Your thighs want to squeeze shut around his head, but he keeps them apart with his arms. Your heels and fingernails dig into the mattress. You whine and moan, unable to form a coherent thought.
The coil in your stomach tightens and tightens until your eyes roll upwards, your toes curl and you cum again.
Jimin, quick at learning to read your body, stops his ministrations as the waves stop rolling through your body and you slump into the mattress, exhausted.
He crawls up the length of the bed and lies down next to you.
“You’re really good at this.”
You turn your head to the side and look at him.
“You look a bit tired now.”
“I mean, yeah, a little.”
“Do you want to sleep?”
You yawn. Jimin kisses the tip of your nose. You’re asleep before he manages to pull the blanket up around you.
You wake up enveloped in warmth. The clock on the bedside table reads 5:36 AM. Jimin’s arm is draped around your waist. You can feel his soft, even breathing against your neck.
Against your lower back, you can feel his hardness. Memories of the previous evening replay in your mind. The way he took care of you. The skilled ways of his tongue and mouth. How you got off, but he didn’t.
You still haven’t felt him inside of you. The thought makes you squeeze your thighs together. The soft, satin skin of his head when you licked it last night. You let your hand wander between your thighs to craw circles on your clit. You know you’re too horny to go right back to sleep.
You keep as quiet as you can, trying to not move your hips. The orgasm comes quite quickly and you bite your lip so you make no sound.
“Anything I can help you with, baby?”
Jimin’s voice is a sexy, sleepy whisper, his voice low and smooth like honey. He runs his hand down your side to your hip.
“Sorry I woke you.”
“I think it was more my dick that woke me.”
You let out a giggle.
“What is off-limits”, you finally ask.
Jimin is silent for a moment. Probably thinking.
“Anything right now?”
“I’d prefer not to get out of bed right now.”
Both of you laugh.
You spread your legs, reach for his dick and position it at your entrance. Then you slowly push your hips back towards him. Jimin lets you, his breath hitching a few times.
“When you asked me if anything was off-limits, I thought you had something wild in mind.”
“Just wanted to be on the safe side.”
He is fully enveloped in your warmth now, filling you nicely. Jimin takes a few deep breaths.
“You feel good, baby.”
He kisses your shoulder. Then, he sets a slow pace. While you play with your clit, he hits just the right spot.
The occasional low moan of Jimin turns you on even more. If this isn’t the perfect way to spend the early morning, you don’t know what is.
Though he still moves at the same slow pace, you notice when Jimin’s movement becomes sloppier. You arch your hips a little more, taking him even deeper.
“Jimin, harder, please.”
He complies. And has you seeing stars with a few hard thrusts. The orgasm washes over you, having you contract around him repeatedly. Jimin lets out a grunt and spills within you.
Despite the position, you’re both breathing heavily. It takes a hot minute until your pulses return to normal. Jimin slings his arm around you, resting his hand on one of your boobs. You lie like that for a bit.
“I really like you, y/n.”
“I really like you too.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Jimin gives you a kiss on the cheek before letting go and slowly easing out of you.
“Stay like that, baby. I’ll bring a washcloth and towel to clean up.”
A few minutes later, as you cuddle into Jimin’s chest, your hand above his heart, you think that this is the best Halloween ever.
© musicloverxoxo7, 2023
Please do not copy, translate, or repost my work. Doing so will make you legally liable for stealing intellectual property.
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marvelwitchergilmore · 9 months
Every Little Thing (Is Magic)
Summary: Loki x Fe!Reader -> You and Loki are friends, but what happens when some pain-in-the-ass magician decides to stick his powers in where they're not wanted?
Disclaimer: This is part one. Not proof-read. Watched Supergirl and felt like writing. Like, comment and reblog for part two. Fluff, humor?, Loki being more excited than a puppy for a hot minute.
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If someone had told you years ago that one day you would be hanging out with The Avengers only to find yourself in a compromised situation that included yourself, The God of Mischief and a multi-universal-pain-in-the-ass magician - you wouldn’t have believed them. 
Hell, you couldn’t believe it was happening, even when it was right in front of your eyes. 
When you had joined the team via the recommendation of Clint Barton, you hadn’t expected to find a close friendship in The God of Mischief himself but, surprisingly, you had. 
And somehow, between first meeting and the present time, you and Loki had found yourselves having a movie night each Friday. 
He enjoyed, despite denying it for a while, the world you lived on. Maybe it wasn’t as grand or glistening as Asgard, but it had its moments. The way the rain fell on an empty afternoon. The way the sun would rise just over the horizon each morning and had every place on the earth look so magical, even the darkest corners looked like a paradise. 
But, half-way through the second viewing of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, someone interrupted your peace time. 
Loki had been sitting on the sofa and immediately jumped when he heard a second voice and you let out a short scream before dropping the glass bottle of milk on the floor. 
“Oh, I am sorry. Here, let me.”
The guy, dressed in a dark suit and fedora, waved his hand and the milk was cleaned up and disappeared in an instant. A second movement and a brand new bottle appeared on the side of the counter, fresh and cold. 
“Who are you?”
“That isn’t of importance.” He waved off. 
“I believe the lady asked you a question.”
The nameless man turned around on his heels with a smile. “Ah, Loki. I’ve met many of you. Nice to see you again. Please, there is no need for weapons here.”
With a move of his hand, Loki’s weapons had disappeared leaving both you and him shocked. 
“Now, I was hoping we could both speak.”
Your head was trying to register everything but it was having a difficult time not trying to kill the man in front of you. 
“Who are you?” you asked again. 
“Not of importance.”
“I believe it is.” you replied. 
The man smiled. “Well, if you must call me something, call me…Vel. Short for Velho.”
You leaned a little to view Loki past Velho, to which he seemed a little offended. 
“Do you recognise the name?”
Loki thought for a moment before looking at Velho. “It’s Finnish for Wizard.”
“You’re a wizard?”
Again, he looked offended. 
“Darling, couldn’t you already see that?” He shrugged. “Never mind. Besides, we’re wasting time. Why don’t we get on with it?”
“Get on with what? Look, Velho, I don’t know where or…what you are but, please, if you need help, we can-”
Velho laughed. “Oh, darling, I don’t need help. But my help is needed.”
“What on earth for-?”
Suddenly the room around you disappeared and rather than being your apartment, it spun and changed until you were in a large ballroom with long and grand-designed tables and crystal chandeliers. 
“That’s better, don’t you think?”
“Whoa, wait a moment-”
Suddenly, with a snap of his fingers, Velho made Loki disappear. 
“Whoa! What - Where did you send him?”
Velho was circling you with a finger pressed to his lips and his mind running wild. “Don’t worry, dear. He’s just getting ready.”
You stood tall. “Where?”
“Nowhere important.” Velho sized you up with his fingers as if he was measuring a painting from far away. “Ah, yes. That’s it.”
You yelped as you felt your feet shift from under you and your entire outfit that had consisted of comfortable pyjama bottoms and a long sleeve t-shirt changed into a corset tight wedding dress which put Enchanted to shame. 
“What the hell?”
“Yes, I agree. Much too poofy. How about-” 
Velho waved his hand again and you spun until you found yourself in an entirely new dress. Less poofy but much more lace. 
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Getting you ready.” Velho replied as if you knew what he was talking about. 
“Getting ready for what?”
“Much too lace. You look like a botched job at a Victorian Era wedding. Ah, I think I’ve got it.”
You didn’t pay attention to the next dress but the moment you stopped spinning you put your hands out and Velho stopped talking. 
“Hold on! What are you getting me ready for? And don’t you dare say it’s not important. And where is Loki? Bring him back, now.”
Vehlo smiled. “He’ll be here in a few minutes. But why don’t you take a look.”
A mirror appeared behind him and as he stepped out of the way, you saw the dress he had put you in. 
The open sleeves draped down to the floor with elegant gold details. The dress had a transparent, hand-crafted opening whilst velvet fabric bookended it. The shoulders contained the same golden detail and the train seemed to continue on forever behind you, and the veil that was attached to the flower crown that adorned your head was longer still. 
Your hair had changed too. 
From the messy and dirty bun you had thrown it into, you found it clean, curled and framing your face in a way you always wished to have got it, but in reality had never been successful. 
Wisps of glitter seemed to float around you, blessing you with a romantic essence you never believed you could hold. 
You looked like you had just stepped out of a fairytale story. 
“And to hide it from your groom.”
A soft wave of his hand and you found a simple cloak wrap over your shoulders only to find the inside like silk against your skin with gentle details of ivy, lavender and roses all on a golden background. 
Carefully, Velho moved the hood to sit on the crown of your hair where it draped down and hid your beauty whilst somehow showing it off secretly to the world. 
Now you were definitely in a fairytale. 
“Wait. Groom?”
“Ah,” Velho stepped back. “I almost forgot.”
With a snap of his fingers, Loki suddenly burst in through the double doors down the hall causing you to turn. 
He must have been running down multiple corridors, trying to find the right one to find you because once he laid his eyes on you, there was a complete look of exhaustion and relief. 
“Thank the gods, you’re okay.”
“I’m okay.”
Only now did you realise what he was wearing. 
A suit. 
A wedding suit. 
Now you snapped your attention back to Velho. “What are you doing?”
“Just what should be happening sooner than later.”
You found the room spinning again and you found yourself back in your apartment, in your pyjamas except for your hair which was not messy or dirty but clean and in soft waves and half pulled back. 
“But I can see you’re both not just quite ready for that yet. But maybe I can hurry things along a little bit.”
The look in Loki’s eyes suddenly changed and you were taken aback as he opened up his arms, called your name and came towards you. 
“My love, I have been waiting centuries for you and I have finally found you. I love you.”
Loki continued in a romantic speech, hugging you multiple times in between. Meanwhile, you stood awkwardly, not quite knowing how to accept the sudden over the top affection. 
“What did you do to him?”
“Oh, nothing.”
You pulled yourself from Loki’s arms and rushed away from him only to find him back at your side again. 
He kept calling you “My love,” and complimenting you to the high heavens. 
“Turn it off.”
Velho smiled and clicked his fingers and within seconds Loki was on the floor, holding his head. 
“What the hell just happened?”
You bent down and looked at him. “Follow my finger.”
“I feel like I’ve just hit my head a thousand times over on a rock.” Loki told you. “Is this what a hangover feels like?”
You shrugged. “Sometimes. Depends on the drink. Are you still in love with me?”
Loki looked at you a little confused. “No more than usual.”
“Let me help you.”
Loki stood with your help, still holding his head. “What happened?”
“He did.”
“Guilty.” Velho smiled. “Now, I best be off. And, just a small warning darling, his powers don’t work on me. Nobody’s do. So, you’re just gonna have to figure this one out without magic. See you soon, my darling.”
“No, no, no, no, no-”
A snap of his fingers, a click of his heels and a hand behind his back, Velho smiled and Loki went from panic to having so much adoration and love for you, it surpassed that of a puppy when its owner comes home. Meanwhile, your panic turned into annoyance as Loki held you in his arms so tightly, it no longer felt like him. 
There had to be a way to fix it. 
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harleychick91 · 8 months
SuperCorptober Day 22: Art
Friends To Lovers
“You seem rather perky today,” Lena grinned. “What is it?” Taking her normal seat on the couch, the businesswoman studied me. “Something good happen at work?”
Sitting, I unpacked our lunch. “Sort of. It does deal with work but not totally.” Pulling out my phone, I brought up a picture and gave my phone to Lena. “Have you heard of this new artist, Sarah Bennett? Some of her paintings are in the newest collection at the art gallery in town.”
“The one that opened last month?” A dark brow rose.
“Yes. I’ve saved a few pictures if you want to swipe through them. Beyond the woman’s name, there’s virtually zero information about her. Miss Grant wants me to find out who she is for an exclusive.”
Handing me my phone back, Lena nodded. “How do you plan to do that?”
Grinning, I shrugged. “I was hoping you knew something about her since you know people in the art world. Or maybe a lead on the type of art she does? My guess is that she orders all of the art supplies online and has them delivered so she can keep her identity secret.”
“Maybe she wants to stay hidden?” Lena offered. “Like Supergirl.”
“Possibly. If that is the case, I’d write the article without revealing too much.”
“You do have that talent,” the brunette smiled. “You always respect the person you’re interviewing and never write something they truly want to keep private.” Lena chuckled. “I’d know.”
“I do my best.” Looking back at the pictures, I chewed the inside of my cheek. “She captures her subjects in a way that’s incredible. Each detail is done with such care. With the amount of paintings in the gallery, she must have a studio somewhere in town.”
“It sounds like you have a crush on Sarah Bennett,” Lena teased. “Is there something you want to tell me?”
Heat crept up my neck. “Oh, I don’t… It’s just…her art is…”
“Kara,” Lena placed a hand on my arm, “I’m joking. I’m glad you enjoy her art. If I find anything out, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Thank you. I really appreciate it,” I smiled. “Now, let’s eat!”
“Yes,” the CEO laughed. “I don’t want you to get in trouble for being late again.”
A few days passed and I still had no leads on Sarah Bennett. Sighing, I stared at the blinking cursor on my empty word document. “Kara Danvers?”
Looking up, I raised my hand. “Over here.”
“I have a delivery.” Placing an 8x10 package on my desk, the man smiled. “Sign here.” Doing as asked, he tipped his hat. “Thank you. Have a good day.”
“You too.” Carefully, I unwrapped the brown paper. A soft gasp escaped my throat when I saw myself staring back. Oh, gosh. This is gorgeous! Unfolding a note, my cheeks flushed.
To my greatest admirer. This is how I see you. -Sarah B
Placing the note down, I picked up the painting. I look beautiful in this. Whoever this woman is, she sees me in a way I don’t see myself. I have to find her.
Walking past my desk, Winn stopped. “Wow. That’s incredible. Who’s it from?”
“Sarah Bennett.” I slid the note under my arm. “I guess she found out I’m a fan of her work.”
“Does Miss Grant know yet?” The man grinned. “She’s going to freak.”
“No. It just arrived.”
“Have fun dodging her,” he murmured.
Taking my lunch break, I kept thinking about the painting. I wish I knew more about her. If I knew something, anything, maybe I could find her. Grasping at straws, I found myself in front of the art gallery. Maybe the owner knows something.
Entering the gallery, I went to the new artist section. My jaw slacked seeing a new painting. It was two women, one blonde and one brunette, sitting at a small table at a local coffee shop. That looks like me and Lena.
“Kara, you’re back.” John, the owner, came to stand beside me. “It just arrived this morning. She named it: Friends To Lovers.”
My stomach dropped. How does she know?
Finish reading on AO3 or FFN
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chaotic-super · 1 year
Joining The Superfriends - 21
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Read it on AO3 here!
Well, Lena’s screwed.
Nia probably is too since Lena let her fall asleep over sixteen hours ago and she’s been unable to wake her up since. She’s been checking her pulse regularly and her breathing seems completely normal but she’s just not reacting when Lena tries to wake her up, it’s like she’s in some kind of a coma.
At first, Lena was just convinced that she must be finally getting some decent sleep and her body is just catching up on the sleep she’s been missing out on but she doesn’t seem to be having regular sleep cycles, her eyes never reactive when Lena checks them and she doesn’t respond to any kind of external stimulus at all.
Lena’s still holding out hope that Nia will wake up soon enough though and is actively working on figuring out what her dream might mean, working her way through book after book until she has a general idea of what it could potentially mean.
A light knock at the door interrupts Lena’s pacing. She’s been doing it for a while now and she’s actually gotten very good at reading while pacing, knowing exactly how many steps in each direction she can take before she has to turn around and walk in the other direction.
Lena looks up from her current reading material to see Supergirl in all of her glory leaning against the doorframe. “Hey, Lena. How is everything going in here? Have you been in here all day?”
Marking her page with a post-it note, Lena closes the book she was just reading and tosses it down onto the table, not flinching when it lands with a thump.
“Careful, you’ll wake sleeping beauty over there.” Kara nods to Nia, who is still leaning against the desk, head down and eyes closed.
Lena rubs at her eyes with a hand, wiping away her own fatigue in harsh movements that make Kara’s eyes hurt just from watching her. “No, she won’t. I can’t wake her up.”
“What do you mean?” Kara’s only reaction is a frown, her face otherwise composed but it doesn’t fool Lena, she can see the panic in the way she gulps and the way her hands ball into fists at her side.
“I was helping her, she’s been having a reoccurring dream that’s been keeping her up at night so she’s barely slept the past few days but when I went to go and fetch Nia’s books for her, I came back here and found her exactly how she is now, fast asleep. That was sixteen hours ago. Her breathing and pulse are both fine but she’s not waking up.”
Despite Lena telling her that she’s not waking up, Kara’s trying it anyway, she has to see for herself. She walks over to Nia’s sleeping form and picks her up with ease until she’s lying across the table, at which point Kara stands over her, grabs her shoulders and shakes her without an ounce of delicacy.
Lena knows that Nia isn’t going to wake up but she does hope and she can’t help but hold her breath as Kara shakes her, waiting to see if there’s a reaction.
There’s not.
“Nia! Nia, wake up!” Kara tries again, disappointed when she, once again, gets no response.
“I tried that already. I do think she’s just sleeping but I didn’t think she’d sleep for this long, maybe we should get Alex and Brainy in here, Alex can check her over properly and Brainy might have more insight into what’s happening.”
“Good idea. I’ll take her to the med bay though, Alex will be able to make sure she’s alright there. Can you go and get them both? I think they’re in the kitchen making coffee.” Kara slips her hands beneath Nia’s body, lifting her up tenderly and being careful to not jolt her too much as she carried her out of the room, Lena hot on her heels.
They part when they get to the med bay, Lena rushing off rapidly while Kara continues on inside, lying Nia down on the bed in there and doing the only thing she knows how to do, placing the heart rate monitor and starting it up. The only reason she knows how it works is because of how many times she’s watched Alex use it on her but hey, at least she’s learned something through all of the times she’s taken a punch or two.
Alex, Brainy and Lena are rushing in just as she’s finishing up with the wires.
“What’s going on?” Brainy rushes to Nia’s side, scooping her hand up between his and holding it to his chest tightly.
Kara steps away from Nia to give Alex room to get close to her and set up the rest of the equipment she needs. “Um, Lena says she’s been asleep for sixteen hours now and she’s not showing any signs of waking up soon.”
“Why are we only learning about this now? If she’s been asleep for that long then we should have been told about this hours ago.” Alex pins her harsh, protective gaze onto Lena, her accusation making Lena suddenly question her decision to wait it out and see if Nia would wake up on her own.
“I thought she was just sleeping for a long time because she’s not slept properly in days, I thought she’d wake up on her own and didn’t want to tell you in case it was normal so as not to disclose the information Nia entrusted me with.”
Alex shakes her head. “Secrets are not more important than the health of the team.”
“I’m sorry.” Lena ducks her head. “I didn’t want to betray her trust.”
“I know,” Alex says, her focus now on Nia rather than on holding the conversation with Lena. “Brainy, you can stay but Lena and Kara, you guys head out, I need the space to check her over, we’ll fill you in when we know more.”
“But—” Kara goes to argue but the sharp look she gets stabbed with from Alex has her quietening down and taking one last worried look at her friend on the bed before heading out. “Ok, we’ll wait upstairs.”
Lena doesn’t want to leave, she wants to stay and see what test results Alex gets from Nia but based on the spiky glare she was getting before and the quick dismissal she and Kara just got, she’s not welcome here.
She knows she messed up by not telling anyone that she couldn’t wake Nia up but really, her name is literally Dreamer, how is she meant to know when something is terribly wrong as opposed to Nia just doing what she does best, dream?
Kara pulls Lena out with her by her hand, her fingers squeezing around Lena’s in what she hopes to be a reassuring manner. “Come on, how about we get you some coffee? You look like you need it.”
“Yeah, ok.” Lena barely registers what Kara’s saying, too in her head about her choice to just see if Nia would wake up on her own instead of having Alex, a trained medical professional, look her over.
“Lena, look at me.” Kara senses that Lena’s not really listening and she needs her to be with her, mentally rather than just physically. “Look at me.”
Lena does, her eyes glistening as she fights back her tears at how bad she feels now. “I’m sorry, Kara. I didn’t mean for her to be like this, I thought she was just asleep.” 
“I know, and that’s why you need to listen to me, Lena. We will fix this and Nia will be just fine, we always find a way and this is no different. I need you to tell me exactly what’s going on with Nia though so we can help, can you do that?” Kara holds eye contact with Lena, not letting her break it by carefully pressing a finger beneath her chin when she tries to duck her head. “I know that you were just trying to help and I’m not going to fault you for that.”
Lena’s chin wobbles, her bottom lip quivering in time with it. “Maybe you should. I can’t believe that I actually sat beside her for that long convincing myself that she would be fine, I should have known, I should have sensed that something was wrong but I just let it keep going and going. Who knows how long I would have sat there with her comatose beside me if you hasn’t come in and taken over.”
Kara’s hands move to Lena’s shoulders. “Hey, don’t beat yourself up. Let’s get that coffee and go over all the information we have and then we can go from there.”
Lena nods, her way of doing things is clearly flawed so it’s better if they go with Kara’s plan now rather than her own. “Alright.”
Lena watches Kara carefully. She focuses on the way her lips purse as she reads over the books Lena herself was reading not too long ago and she maps out the contours of the lines on her forehead with her mind, her vision digging into each crease and wishing she could smooth them out.
With a huff, Kara shuts the book she’s reading. “I’m not really sure what we can do from here, Lena. The dream itself isn’t too complicated but we can’t narrow down the meaning when we can’t make a proper match between what she saw and what’s written here and then what we can find, there seem to be multiple options for what they could mean. That’s without taking the reoccurring factor into account.”
“I know, I spent hours trying to figure it out too, all I could gather from it is that most of the sign point to it being related to an upcoming event and it must be big or at least important for it to be reoccurring how it is.”
Kara sighs heavily, picking up her coffee mug and taking a sip only to pull away in disgust when she realizes that it’s long since gone cold. “Ew.” With a quick blast of heat vision, her coffee is once again steaming hot.
Lena holds out her mug and Kara takes the hint, using a second blast of her heat vision to warm hers up too. “Maybe we should stop focusing on what her dream was and focus on what her dream is now.”
“What do you mean?” A crinkle forms between Kara’s eyes and it takes everything in Lena not to reach out with a finger and press down on the flesh to smooth it out.
Lena takes a deep breath, rerunning the logic through her head to make sure she’s not about to talk out of her ass in front of Kara. “Ok, so, hear me out. What if the reason Nia isn’t waking up is because she’s dreaming? Sounds pretty logical, right? So, if she is dreaming, there’s a good chance that it’s a different dream from before because her other dream was keeping her awake while this one is making her sleep, it’s two ends of the spectrum, too little and too much, we need to get inside of her head to see what’s happening.”
Kara’s face doesn’t change throughout her messy explanation and not for a good thirty seconds afterwards either, finally, she opens her mouth to speak, closing it again a moment later and thinking for a bit longer before coming up with something to say. “That’s a good theory.”
“Do you think it’s worth looking into?”
Kara nods. “I do and I know how to do it too.” Without further prompting, Kara makes quick work of setting all of Nia’s books into a relatively neat pile and then heads for the door, stopping to look back over her shoulder and beckon Lena to follow her. “You coming?”
Lena rushes to her feet, almost tripping as she finds her balance and ups her pace to catch up with Kara’s long, confident strides. “Where are we going?”
“The med bay.”
Lena can barely keep up with Kara, her strides far too determined for Lena’s uncertain gait.
“Alex, we’ve got a plan!” Kara announces their presence, “Brainy, I need that weird forehead thing you used to see into my mind when we first met and I need you to make it so Lena and I can go into her dream.”
Brainy frowns, “I think that if anyone is going into Nia Nal’s dreams, it should be me.”
“Are you caught up on all of the things that have been happening in her dreams recently?” Kara challenges.
Brainy hesitates, his hands still cradling Nia’s. “Well, no.”
“Then it has to be us, there’s too much stuff to catch you up on so we need you to just do whatever you can to make this happen so we can try and figure out what in the world is happening to Nia.” Kara moves over to Alex. “Have you found anything on any of the tests? Anything that might show why she’s like this?”
Alex looks down at Nia, sadness evident on her face. “No, I haven’t but she is stable.” She turns to Lena. “Hey, sorry I snapped at you.”
“Don’t worry about it, I deserve it.”
“No, you don’t.”
Brainy breaks through the moment, not letting them argue over something he deems insignificant when his girlfriend is lying prone on a bed in the med bay. “I’ll be right back, I have the device in storage still and I believe that it will only take me approximately eight minutes to repurpose it so you can enter her dreams.”
“Alright, we’ll go over the test results again just to be sure while you go and do that then, Brainy,” Lena says, a little worried about her plan now that they are actually going through with it and needing the reassurance of the tests to tell her that Nia is healthy enough that she can cope with having her and Kara’s consciousness darting around in her head for a little while.
Alex doesn’t put up much of a fuss at Lena wanting to double-check the results, she can tell by the apprehension clinging to her bones that Lena needs to see them for her own peace of mind rather than because she doesn’t trust her judgement and skills.
Lena takes the tablet Alex offers her and immediately notices that she has a lot of brain activity and that all of her stats are completely fine. That’s good news. “I hope this works.”
“Me too but why do you need to see her dream if she already told you what it is?”
“I think it’s a different one and I need to see it because I think that something terrible is going to happen and it’s going to happen sooner than we want it to,” Lena says, trying to rid the panic from her chest and ground herself before they get on with what they need to do.
Kara takes a seat beside Nia after pulling up a couple of chairs to the side of the bed. Of all of the strange things that she’s done over the years of her being Supergirl, this is going to be up there with the weirdest because seriously, she’s about to go into somebody else’s dream.
She’s had Brainy in her head before and Alex in her black mercy induced dream but to go into somebody else’s feels personal on a level that makes her a bit uneasy. It makes her feel like she’s invading Nia’s privacy a bit but as of yet, she hasn’t come up with any other ideas of how to help get Nia out of her comatose state so they are going to have to go through with Lena’s plan.
It doesn’t take a genius to see how much Lena is beating herself up because she didn’t instinctively know that Nia was in a bad way, how could she? Nia was just asleep, something that everyone sees on a regular basis since she’s always napping around The Tower and it makes sense that Lena would think that she’s just sleeping for a while to catch up on sleep after barely catching a wink for several days in a row. Kara just wishes she could say something to make Lena feel better. Maybe if the plan works it will help to alleviate some of the guilt that Lena is riddled with.
Those few minutes that Brainy is off sorting out his device to make it compatible with their situation feel like hours because they don’t have a lot to say, their worry for Nia palpable and their brains refusing to do them the service of allowing them to make small talk. It’s probably a good thing really, they would end up feeling bad for talking about the weather in a situation like this once it’s over anyway.
Brainy does appear not long after, with a confident swagger to his walk now that he has his mind partially occupied on his work rather than Nia’s wellbeing.
“I have recalibrated these devices so that you can enter her dream seamlessly. I have added an inbuilt distress signal so that I can pull you out if you need me to, this device will let me know when you want to come out anyway and I can remotely put you under. For safety, I would suggest you both be monitored the entire time you’re in Nia’s dreams. You will also wake up naturally if the dream comes to a natural end. That’s what we’re hoping for.”
“Ok, that sounds good,” Kara says, urging Lena to come and take a seat next to her by gently tugging on her sleeve.
Lena clasps onto the edge of Kara’s cape, nervous but trusting in Brainy and his device. He’s a smart guy and they have Alex watching over them too. This should be fine.
Brainy and Alex start surrounding them, working like a well-oiled machine as they set up the devices on their foreheads, a long, white bar of an item with wires coming off of it and then adding more wires around their bodies to track their stats while they are under, mostly just tracking brain activity, heart rate and blood pressure.
Lena tries not to fidget as Alex carefully sticks wires and electrodes onto her, repositioning them where she has to and being gentler than Lena has ever seen her be. She’s been told about Alex’s past as a doctor but she’s never really seen her in practice properly. It’s a nice surprise and it leaves her with no doubts that Alex was a good doctor, it’s almost a shame she quit being one but she does a lot of good as a badass vigilante too. A doctor, a secret agent and a superhero, Alex has done it all, she really has.
“Are you ready?” Brainy asks, giving them one last chance to back out, one that neither woman is about to take.
Kara and Lena share one last look before nodding, both of them nervous and doing their best not to show it. “We’re ready,” Kara speaks for them both.
“Three, two, one.” Brainy remotely switches on the devices and in an instant Kara and Lena are unconscious, their bodies sliding on their chairs until they are leaning against each other, keeping each other up like two cards in a card pyramid.
Kara is shocked to find herself lying on the ground in what appears to be a desert of some kind, sand trickling into her suit and making her feel all icky.
A quick glance around shows her that Lena is right beside her, also in the process of figuring out what’s going on and very intrigued by the glow of the bright turquoise sand they are resting on.
“Lena, are you alright?”
“Fine. Are you?”
“Yeah, let’s try and find Nia.” Kara heaves herself to her feet, hating the feeling of the sand racing its way through her suit until it’s pooled up in her boots. For a dream, this feels awfully real and any other time that would be cool but there’s not much worse than having sand in your shoes.
Lena takes a good look around. She uses her hand to block the rays of a harsh sun from her eyes, noting with a hint of excitement that it’s a red sun, the same as Rao, the sun from Kara’s home planet. “The sun is really pretty.”
“It is, it reminds me of home.” Kara smiles slightly but doesn’t linger on it for long, letting herself have only a tiny amount of time to embrace the moment before getting back to task.
They look all the way around them, looking out over the sand to try and spot anything other than desert and they don’t have to search for long because off in the distance to the south of them, they can spot a giant structure of what appears to be a castle of some kind, one that you would see in a fairy-tale. It has turrets and flags and towers. It’s majestic.
Lena finds herself drawn to it and not just because it’s the only thing here other than sand. “I have a feeling that Nia might be there.”
“You really think so?” Kara questions.
“I do.”
“Let’s go then.”
They trudge their way through the sand, cursing the coarse feeling of it as it rubs against their skin, hurting them even in the dream which doesn’t bode well if they have to face anything worse than some sand.
It takes them a while to get there but also simultaneously no time at all, their perception of time warped by the dream completely. They find themselves standing before a great gate, wood and metal intertwined to create a rustic-looking beauty that Lena thinks would make a great garden gate if it were much smaller.
Kara reaches out to try and push it open and trips when her hand goes right through it, her body falling after it. Lena can’t stop the snort of laughter that she lets out, the noise loud and obnoxious as she walks through the gate herself only to then trip over herself as her foot catches on Kara’s body that is still on the floor from where she fell.
“You just fell for me.” Kara laughs.
“Try that again after the second date and maybe I’ll find it cute.” Lena rolls her eyes, pushing herself to her feet and pulling Kara up with her, looking around the courtyard to see where they should go next. “Huh.”
“Say what you want about dreams, they can be really helpful when you need a little bit of a hand figuring out where to go next,” Lena replies, looking up at one of the turrets of the castle that is glowing with a faint pink and yellow ripple.
Kara’s eyes widen at the sight. “That’s…something.”
“It sure is,” Lena says, finding the door closest to the turret and hoping that they will just find some stairs that will lead right the way up to it.
Once they are inside the castle, an easy feat if there ever was one, they become pretty bummed to find out that in every direction they look is a hallway that looks identical to the others, one that doesn’t fit into what a hallway in a castle should look like, one that you’d expect to find in a doctor’s office.
“Well, that’s less helpful.”
A loud, high-pitched scream from above them and somewhere to the right has all of their hair standing up, their ass cheeks clenching and their eyes widening. They follow it, almost by instinct at this point that if something is scary, they should go toward it like the idiots in movies that always die first.
As they are trying to find the source of the noise, the screech happens again, this time closer but still above them, perhaps directly above. Lena almost jumps out of her skin at the sound of it and holds a hand over her chest to steady her pounding heart. “Holy shit, I’m suddenly remembering why I usually leave the missions to anyone else but me. I can’t wait until I can get back to my lab and just pretend none of this ever happened.”
“As if, you come on a mission once and your life is forever changed and you can no longer back out of being sucked into coming out on more missions, we’ll have to get you started in training so you can learn to kick some major balls.” Kara smiles at Lena for a moment, her smile only then widening when she notices a little doorway blended into the wall, a panel of plaster jutting out on hinges in the most peculiar way. “Ah, a door.”
“That’s not a door, that’s a wall built by a blind person who thought they were building a window.” Lena reluctantly follows Kara through the gap, keeping her in arm’s reach at all times.
“Don’t be mean,” Kara says, a complete lack of bite to her tone. She reaches out behind her as a third scream echoes through the new hallway they are now in. Lena takes her offered hand and skims her eyes over the exposed brick of the new hallway they are in. It looks like a servant’s passage, much more befitting of a castle.
They come to the apex of a narrow set of stairs and come to a stop when they see something they were not expecting before.
“Hey, Nia,” Kara calls out quietly at the woman standing in the middle of a banquet hall atop a great wooden table. She’s dressed in a squirrel costume and is throwing the large, heavy candles from the table up at a boombox that is strung from the ceiling by a thick rope.
Nia turns to them rapidly, startled by their presence, and without thinking she tosses a candle in their direction. Kara, thinking quick on her feet, ducks. Lena isn’t so lucky and the candle hits her in her chest, sending her gasping to her knees while she cradles her injured left boob in her hands. “Ow!"
Nia’s hands shoot up to cover her mouth as she gasps in shock. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry, Lena!”
“Don’t worry about it.” Lena wheezes, making her way to her feet, hands still cradling her injured boob, “accidents happen.”
“Is your—” Nia points to her own boobs for a moment awkwardly, “ok?”
“Give me a minute to recover and then I’ll tell you.”  Lena breathes heavily through her nose, releasing her boob after a few long moments. “Ok, ok, so, how are you, Nia?”
“Me? You’re the one that’s injured!” Nia exclaims.
Lena shrugs. “You’re the one in a comatose state in the med bay and the one that we had to use some of Brainy’s future tech to get into the dream of.”
Nia’s face goes blank. “What?”
Kara nods. “Yeah, that about sums it up. You went to sleep and haven’t woken up, we’re nearing seventeen hours at this point and this is a dream, nice squirrel costume by the way, you want some nuts?”
Nia looks down at what she’s wearing and her eyes grow so wide that both Lena and Kara momentarily worry that they might pop right out of her skull. “Oh, I hadn’t noticed that.”
“And what exactly did you think you were doing with the candles?” Lena asks, very confused about what’s happening and her now aching boob making it hard to concentrate.
A scream fills the air, ricocheting through the open space and answering Lena’s question. The boombox shakes with the force of the sound and it makes them all rush to cover their ears. “I was trying to destroy that.”
“Understandable but can we figure out how to get Nia to wake up so we can leave this hellscape please?” Kara asks, not enjoying her time here in any way, shape or form.
Lena agrees right away. “That’s a great plan. Nia, do you know if we can get higher up in the castle from here?”
“We’re in a castle? Neat.”
“That’s a no then.” Lena sighs. “How have you been here for this long and yet you don’t know anything about what’s going on?”
Nia’s lips turn down and she finally climbs off the table, coming down to the same level as Lena and Kara. “I don’t know, this just happens sometimes, I sort of become entwined with my dreams to the point where I don’t question them.”
“Well maybe that’s how we get out of here, we make you more aware of your dream and I know where to take you to do that.” Lena smiles at Nia, her dimples coming out as she tries to make Nia feel more comfortable. “We saw a turret on the way inside that was glowing, I’d bet my non-injured boob that we can find a few answers in there.”
“Ok, sounds good to me.” Kara shrugs, heading for a door that is on the opposite side of the banquet hall they are in.
The three of them pass through the door and as they do, Nia gasps. Her squirrel costume has disappeared and in its place, her Dreamer outfit has appeared except rather than the usual blue, it’s bright pink.
Lena tilts her head while looking at it, deciding if she approves of it or not. It’s kind of giving Stephanie vibes from LazyTown but she’s here for it. She gives Nia a thumbs up and then keeps heading on her way.
They follow the twists and turns of the hallways they have found themselves in, plain stone slabs adorning the floors while the walls are exposed brick. They feel like they are walking around in circles but there’s nothing else they can do but keep looking for a way up.
They scan each brick they pass and are careful not to trip on the uneven slabs, periodically stubbing their toes and cursing Nia’s dream for giving them all of the awful things people normally try to avoid in real life, sand in shoes, random screaming and now stubbed toes. This dream is nothing short of uncomfortable. Maybe that’s the point.
“Hey Nia, what kind of things annoy you?” Lena asks, eyebrows pulling together.
Nia shrugs. “I don’t know, this?”
Kara catches on to Lena’s train of thought much quicker than Nia does. “What annoys you just in general?”
“I don’t like when people chew with their mouths open.”
Kara shakes her head. “No, that’s not what we mean. What annoys you like…when we’re on a mission?”
“I don’t like booby traps.” Nia shrugs and just a moment later she trips on a wire tracing across the width of the hallway, sending her sprawling across the floor and barely avoiding the axe that swings down from the ceiling.
“Ah, so that’s going to be a problem.” Lena sucks her lips into her mouth. “Maybe we should be making her think about things that make her happy instead.”
Kara nods, staring at the axe for a moment and noting how sharp the edge is. “Nia, think about puppies or something.”
Like magic, a group of puppies come barrelling down the hallway from behind them and run right past them, not stopping for a moment and disappearing from view just moments after like they were never there in the first place.
“That’s kind of cool,” Lena admits. “Nia, make us a door leading to the glowing turret please, maybe a nice one, perhaps something elaborate and fancy, just for the hell of it.”
A white and gold door appears, swirling shapes engraved into it, leaves and flowers etched into the wood in places. It’s a really nice door basically.
Kara tries the door but it’s locked and even a good harsh shove with her shoulder proves fruitless, doing nothing more than starting up a nice bruise that will match the one on Lena’s left boob. “A key, Nia?”
A large brass key drops from the ceiling above them.
“Thanks.” Kara picks it up and slides it into the lock, opening it up to a spiral staircase. “Let’s get up there and get out of here, it sucks here, Nia, no offence.”
“If I can control it all then it means it’s a lucid dream.” Nia frowns. “Lucid dreams in Naltorians aren’t that common, despite our powers. It’s a sign of my powers trying to protect me from having dreams that could be detrimental to my health. I guess the other dream was getting to the point where I needed protection from it. The lucid dreams let me control my own dreams, hence letting me provide a safe space for myself but it’s also not uncommon for people to be terrorized in their lucid dreams because they don’t recognize them for what they are and let their emotions dictate their unconscious choices, that’s why the dream has sucked, it’s playing off my annoyance from my recent lack of sleep. It’s interesting to think about.”
They reach the top of the stairs as Nia finishes her explanation. They’re in the turret, they know that now because the glow is emanating from the centre of the room and it’s not the turret itself emitting the light but a portal watch, one similar to the design that Nia has seen Lena begin planning to build.
“I think that’s our way out.” Nia picks it up without hesitation, pressing a couple of buttons and watching as a portal opens. “Who wants to go first?”
Kara places a hand on Nia’s shoulder as she passes her. “Good job, Dreamer.” She passes through the portal.
Lena follows suit. “I agree with that sentiment, come right through after me, ok?”
“I will.”
Lena passes through.
Nia takes a deep breath and passes through.
Nia’s eyes flutter open to the bright lights of the med bay, forcing her to shut them again just a moment later because it hurts. “Ow, we need to add dimming bulbs in here.”
“We have them, we just don’t use them,” Alex replies, watching Nia’s stats for a minute before humming, happy that they are all normal. “Welcome back to the land of the living.”
“Thanks, it’s been a journey.”
“I know, I’ve been told. Kara and Lena woke up a little while ago, I offered to stay with you while they went to go and freshen up. Your boyfriend, however, refused to leave your side.” Alex shifts her gaze to Brainy, the Coluan face down on the mattress, snoring slightly.
Nia doesn’t fight the smile that spreads across her face. “Don’t wake him.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Alex puts her tablet down and presses the back of her hand to Nia’s forehead. “How are you feeling?”
“You’ve been asleep for hours.”
“I know.” Nia laughs. “It wasn’t a relaxing sleep.”
Alex sits down on the chair Kara was unconscious in not long ago. “Was it really bad?”
“Not really bad. Not as bad as the reason I was stuck in my dream in the first place.” Nia’s eyes are already drooping again. “There’s something bad coming, Alex, something that’s going to be really difficult to handle and we have to be ready for it.”
Alex sniffs. “Then we’ll be ready.”
“I hope so.” Nia pressed her head back into her pillow.
“Is that such a good idea?”
Nia grins, little dimples appearing on her cheeks from how wide she’s smiling. “Yeah, I just learned how to lucid dream and I want to ride a unicorn. I know how to wake up by myself now, don’t worry.”
Alex shakes her head. “You can wait to practice your lucid dreaming later, we have fresh coffee in the kitchen for now.”
Nia pouts and it’s honestly a pretty good contender to Kara’s infamous pout. “Really?”
“Really, now get your butt up, we have preparations to get on with if your prediction is correct.”
Read 4 more chapters early on Patreon here!
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owl-with-a-pen · 3 months
Been getting back into Supergirl recently, which means I’ve been getting back into Brainia, which means I’ve been thinking more about my Naltorian headcanons.
This is one I’ve just kind of had in the back of my head for a while. It’s not really a mannerism as much as it’s just me rocking a sort of soulmate-adjacent concept because I love those.
Naltorians are a species that mates for life in a very literal sense. They can only form romantic bonds one time in their life. They can bond to multiple partners in the case of polyamory, but in cases like this the entire polycule has to meet each other before any romantic bonding takes place and all bonds will form at the same time. Once it’s done, it’s done. There will be no more partners, ever.
Naltorians tend to be very protective of their partners and proactive in upkeeping and maintaining their relationships, as they know there won’t be another chance if they lose this one. Generally, they don’t have to worry about breakups outside of extreme circumstances. They don’t ever want to be without their partners, so it’s very rare for a Naltorian to voluntarily end a relationship.
When a Naltorian bonds to a member of another species, though, that can get a little messy. Imagine Nia, knowing full well that Brainy is her one and only even in the earliest stages, dealing with that breakup. Imagine Brainy, being very aware of how Naltorian romantic bonds work, dying of guilt that entire time because he knows exactly what he’s doing to her. Imagine the added dismay when Brainy has to go off to the future without her, because they both know she is never going to be able to move on or find someone else.
On a less angsty note, I don’t know exactly how voluntary the bonding itself is, but a Naltorian will always bond to someone who is compatible and makes them feel safe and valued. Brainy would be very honored to know that not only does he meet the criteria, but he does so more than anyone else in the world. He would treasure that.
I also just think it’s a little fun to have Brainy very familiar with the motions of a romantic relationship but not at all with true emotional intimacy with a person he loves, while Nia is the exact opposite. She knows a lot about the closeness the bond entails and the commitment it requires, but maybe not so much about the little things in a relationship because she’s never been in one before. Getting together is a learning curve for both of them.
Ohhh I like this, and also yes that did kill me with the angst factor because of my god Brainy realising what he'd be putting Nia through during the break-up is just devastating to think about. Even more-so when he leaves for the future. Honestly, that being the reason he comes back would definitely be a better explanation than what we got. 😅
But I kinda want to add my own spin on this idea if you'll allow me. Because what if it's a little different for the Dreamer of a family? Nia's mother had a dream of where she had to go to find her husband, so what if that's the standard for finding your soulmate if you have the Sight? What if Nia didn't think it would apply to her, she's trying to convince herself she won't get the Sight and in doing so she rejects a lot of Naltorian customs along the way. Maybe she doesn't even think the whole soulmate thing applies to her either as she's half human, so she does dabble in the dating world but never falls for anyone, or it never feels just right.
And then maybe one day she wakes from a dream that she plays off as nothing, just like any other visions she's had along the way. She pushes it back, so far that when she first sees Brainy it doesn't even register fully that he seems familiar to her somehow, but she does know that this feels different. That something here is worth pursuing, worth fighting for.
Maybe she has the dream again a couple of nights later and it clicks into place, but because she's still trying to avoid her powers it takes her a lot longer to come to terms with what it truly means.
I wonder if you could apply Brainy's foreknowledge of Naltorian customs from Nura to this equation as well. He's so cagey about starting a relationship with her in season 4, but imagine if it was because he was aware of the fact that his residency in that time was only temporary and as much as he was beginning to feel for her, he didn't want to cement himself as her one love if he knew he couldn't be with her forever.
I really like your idea that Nia and Brainy are coming at the relationship from different angles, but also maybe they're actually more similar than they realise. They've both tried their hand at relationships, even if it only ever went as far as physical and never emotional, and so they're both on this new territory where they suddenly have to navigate the very raw feelings they're suddenly experiencing for one another. I also love your idea that Nia at least knows how to deal with that from what she's heard of Naltorian customs and soulmates in the past, but Brainy's got absolutely no frame of reference. Having them learn and work on it all together just sounds so so cute and is also a great doorway for comedy.
Aaah thanks for sharing as always, come join me in jumping headfirst back into that Supergirl pool. 😂
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superdanverstrio · 1 year
Kidnapped PT.1
PT.2  PT.3  PT.4  PT.5  PT.6  PT.7
Summary: Baby Danvers Get kidnapped and it’s up to Kara and Alex to do everything in their power to save them.
Warnings: Torture, kidnapping, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: this is probably gonna become a supergirl x marvel crossover.
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At first when you opened your eyes you thought you want blind, because the room you were in was pitch black. You blinked some more, and you think you can see something not too far from you, you think it's a table with a computer on it, but you're not sure. You tried to get up, but quickly noticed that your wrist and ankles were tied to the chair you were sitting in. Not only that, but you tried to wiggle out of the restraint, but it only manages to dig into your skin. Instead of trying again, you tried to remember how you got here in the first place.
 The last thing you remember was walking to Kara's apartment, you were supposed to meat both your sisters there to hang out. All of a sudden someone grabbed you from behind, you tried you fight back but the person grabbing you seemed to be 10x bigger and stronger than you. You screamed, hoping that maybe Kara or someone walking by would hear you. You screamed and trashed around until something pricked your neck, you tensed up, and then you felt your body relaxing on its own, your eyes felt too heavy to keep them open, and you could no longer scream for help. The last thing you remember was the voice of and men, then nothing.
The sound of a door opening and closing brought you back to the present, you watch as a tall scary creature step in the room, it was at least 6 foot 5 with yellow pupil and super long claws. 
“Y/N Danvers?” the alien said. You don't answer him, instead you ask him a question," Who are you and what I'm I doing here.” The light suddenly turns on, blinding you for a short moment. “ I will be asking the questions, but since I'm feeling nice, ill answer those 2.” He slowly walked toward you, stopping a few feet in front of you, he crouched down to be at eye level. “ My name is Vexok, and you are here because of your sister.” Immediately you thought it was another alien seeking revenge for what Kara's mother did, so it was a shock when you did say Kara's name. “ Your sister… Alex, I think it is-.” “How do you know my sister!” You said, trying to sound more confident than you feel. “You never forget the name of the person that kill your brother.” You stayed silent, there was no way Alex would do something like that unless she absolutely needs to. 
 “So it's only fare if I kill you for revenge.” He said smirking, he got up and walk to the other side of the room and turn the camera on. “ Now smile for the camera.” Vexok said, walking back toward you.
An hour earlier at Kara's Apartment.
 Alex and Kara were seated on the couch waiting for you. When after 30 minutes you didn't show up Alex decided to Call you, when you didn't answer after a few ring Alex hanged up. “Where could they be?” Kara wondered.” Maybe they're just late.” Alex answered. “Super hearing?” Alex asked her sister. Kara focused on her hearing for a few seconds, Alex say frown on her sister's face. “ What's wrong?” “I can't… Hear their heartbeat.” Kara said worried. “ We should go to the D.E.O.”
 When they arrived at the D.E.O they approach brainy's work desk. “Brainy.” Alex demanded. “Yes director Danvers?” Brainy said, turning in his chair. “Supergirl.” He greats with a nod of his head. “Brainy, would you be able to track someone's phone for us?” Alex asks. “Of course who's phone would you like me to track.” “ Our sibling's phone, we haven't seen them in a while and their heartbeat as gone silent.” Kara explained.
In less than a minute, brainy found it. “Got it.” “Really where?” Alex demanded. “In an allay way near your apartment.” Brainy said, pointing at Kara. “OK let's go.” Alex said, in a hurry to find you. “The thing is, Miss Danvers that it was an hour ago and the phone as been disconnected since.” Brainy said before they left. Just then Alex got a message on her phone, she check to see who it was, but she didn't recognize the number, so she decided to check it later your safety was more important right now.
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wizardofahz · 10 months
Oracle Comes to National City
Fandom: Supergirl A/N: Once upon a time, I figured it’d be fun to play with the idea of Barbara Gordon coming to National City. This has been sitting in my drafts for a while, and there's no better time to finish it than Disability Pride Month. This is set in Supergirl season 5 and references some Birds of Prey comics.
“Hello, J’onn.”
The familiar voice has a grin breaking out across J'onn's face as he spins around on his stool.
And there in the middle of Noonan's of all places is the one and only Barbara Gordon. This particular branch is spacious enough that she was able to wheel her chair to just beside their table.
J'onn rises from his chair to give Barbara a hug.
Pulling back, he turns back to the table. “Alex, Kara, this is Barbara Gordon. She’s a friend from Gotham City.”
"It's nice to meet you," Kara says with a friendly smile. Alex gives a little wave.
Barbara smiles at the Danvers. “It’s nice to meet you too. Though truthfully, you need no introduction."
J'onn wonders just how much Barbara knows about them. He has never been so naive as to assume she doesn't know about Kara being Supergirl or Alex being DEO. But still. With all the information of the world at her fingertips, how deeply has Barbara decided to dig?
Barbara must sense what he's thinking because sends him a sly smile. "J’onn talks about you both a lot.”
Well. He certainly can't refute that.
He hasn't told the Danvers much about Barbara, so he does so now. “Babs is a librarian, which among other things makes her a tremendous resource." It's an understatement if ever there was one, but there's only so much he can say in public. He turns to Barbara. "What brings you to National City? ”
"Business," Barbara says simply. "Though maybe we could talk in private?" She glances at the Danvers, so they know they're to be included.
They all agree, grabbing their coffee cups. Kara scoops up the remainder of her sticky bun, her late morning snack, in a napkin.
On the way to J’onn's office, he asks Barbara about her basketball league. The Danvers trail behind them. He doesn't hear them, but they're undoubtedly talking, asking if the other knows what's going on.
They enter as Brainy is putting on a coat, soon to be on his way out.
“Oh, good. You’re back. I am--” Brainy stops in his tracks and balks. “Oracle.”
“Brainiac-5,” Barbara greets. “Or I suppose you prefer Brainy.”
J'onn knows he's mentioned Brainy before, certainly not to the degree of Alex and Kara, but Barbara's never mentioned meeting him before.
“What are you doing here?” Brainy asks defensively, posture growing more rigid and standing a little taller. “You think I am incapable of being good without oversight.”
J'onn has no idea where this is coming from, but Barbara meets Brainy's gaze knowingly. There's clearly history here.
“I never said you couldn’t.”
“And yet you are here.”
“I’m not here because of you.”
Brainy lets out a little hmph of disbelief before turning to the others. “I am going to pick up my pizza, which I will eat... away from here.”
Kara frowns as they watch Brainy leave. “That was like watching Brainy interact with Kelex.”
Barbara sighs then explains, “Shared Coluan memories... they can make things a little messy.”
“So you’re Oracle,” Alex says, looking Barbara over as if for the first time.
Kara says, “Kate told me about you.”
Barbara’s brow furrows as she tries to put the pieces together. “Kate... Kane?”
Kara nods.
“You’ve met?”
“In another universe.”
Barbara mouths, Oh.
Confusion is not an expression J'onn is used to seeing on Barbara's face. It's good to know that even the all-seeing Oracle has limits. Speaking of Oracle and her vast empire of knowledge, J'onn figures it's a good time to talk business. “Would you like to see the Tower? We can talk up there.”
Barbara eyes the stairs leading up to the elevator. “We can talk downstairs.”
It's J'onn's turn to shoot Barbara a sly smile. “Babs, I’m a shapeshifter. Need I remind you that our technology can shapeshift as well?”
She accepts the teasing with a chagrined smile. “How foolish of me to forget.”
“Well, it’s nice to know I can still surprise you,” J'onn says as he transforms the stairs into a ramp.
After a brief tour and a brief interlude about the differences between this Tower and Barbara's own, they get down to business.
“You have a Leviathan problem,” Barbara says easily as if it's common knowledge.
“How do you know about that?” Alex asks before coloring slightly under Barbara's quirked eyebrow. “Right, you’re Oracle. You know everything. My bad.”
Barbara smiles in response before continuing, “More than that, Leviathan is a tech problem, makes it of particular interest to me.”
“Are you sure you want to get involved?” Kara asks, concerned. “Leviathan is dangerous.”
Barbara waves a dismissive hand. “J’onn knows what I like to say.” 
He does, but he'd prefer she not. “Please don’t.”
She does anyway. “Never underestimate a deathbed as an opportunity to rethink strategy.”
“Damn,” Alex says, whistling appreciatively. “That’s metal.”
“And not something you should be thinking about,” J’onn says sternly before glaring at Barbara. “Why would you say that?”
Barbara smirks. “It seemed like something they’d appreciate. Was I wrong?”
“I know you’re not him.”
Brainy jumps at the familiar voice, cursing under his breath.
He had avoided Oracle when possible, sequestering himself away and assuming he'd hear her coming. He would not have guessed someone in a wheelchair would be that stealthy. He underestimated her. He would not do so again.
"As do I," Brainy responds, not bothering to keep the defensive sarcasm from his voice.
"I know you have his memories. I know Coluan history. I also know that when I was shot, everyone was trying to tell me how to feel, how to move on. Even how not to move on." She runs a hand over one of her wheelchair's pushrims absentmindedly. "So I get it, maybe not exactly but... We are who we choose to be." She looks up at him, considering. “What do you think? Can we work together?”
Brainy meets her gaze and thinks, What would Kara Danvers do?
It's a question that served Brainy well in the past (in the future actually, but that was neither here nor there, or rather, neither then nor now). He considers the situation through her eyes. With their technical powers combined, they could be a formidable team.
And Oracle was right. They had a shared set of memories, albeit from opposite sides, but they could choose what to make of them. He wouldn't let them change his behavior if she wouldn't.
"I'm willing to try."
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leighlew3 · 1 year
Hi Leigh!
I hope you don't mind me asking this, but because of your knowledge of the industry, I'm genuinely curious about your thoughts on the whole Warrior Nun situation. With everything going on - fandom noise, all the articles, Netflix CEO commenting, etc - what do you, realistically, think is going to happen? Not only with the show itself but also within the industry. Like, do you think it will have an impact in any way? I've personally never witnessed a streaming service getting so much negative criticism before, but it reminds me of the time around Lexa's death on The 100 and all that followed. It feels like "bury your gays" turned into "cancel your gays" and if nothing else, I just hope all these WLW shows getting cancelled leads to some changes - but again, is that something you see happening?
Buckle up, this is gonna be a novel...
In all honesty if this was a couple years ago, or even just one year ago I would say it might make people less likely to drop LGBTQ shows, absolutely.
But with everything that’s happened over the last year… sadly, I think Hollywood will do what Hollywood so often does and take all the wrong lessons from this and become even more paranoid about greenlighting LGBTQ (and in particular wlw) shows in the first place, for fear if it doesn’t work out they’ll have a widespread backlash from the LGBTQ community and risk being labeled as homophobic. aka “We don’t have to worry about pissing people off with cancellations if we don’t make the shows in the first place.” aka “Not worth the trouble.” could be the perspective of people in charge in the coming days.
Lexa’s death on The 100 taught the lesson that it’s (generally) NOT okay to bury your gays. And then Supercorp on Supergirl sent the message that queerbait is outdated as hell, and just plain embarrassing and unacceptable now (aka either deliver and go there, or stop teasing it and state outright you never will). 
So, I’d love to say Warrior Nun will teach people not to cancel wlw shows that have strong fanbase, but based on recent statements it’s clear that in this case they’re running with the (hard to buy) defense that it wasn’t successful and the fanbase was “small” (?!), or at least not successful and big enough for the budget it required to keep going. So between that + the many, many wlw shows that have been lost over the last year to cancellations... it’s pretty bleak right now, tbh. Recent events overall, even beyond WN, is just likely sending the message to TPTB that it’s risky doing shows featuring (lead especially) LGBTQ rep, in particular shows with wlw rep. It’s sending the message that wlw shows simply don’t perform to the level needed. 
And rather than look at the REAL reason WHY something failed to reach a broader audience or meet someone’s invisible and undefined standards for renewal, TPTB in many cases could sadly chalk it up to “queer women don’t sell” even though there could be so many other reasons a show didn’t reach the level of audience they deem acceptable for a renewal, including but not limited to: bad or limited marketing by the network or streamer themselves and/or lack of time to garner a proper audience (a struggle many streamers have with their shows in general, even outside of LGBTQ rep), or maybe it’s on TPTB behind a show itself aka it simply had subpar writing and poor production value, or bad acting/casting, or lack of chemistry for the lead duo, or just plain terrible creative decisions (see The Wilds Season 2 making a show about girls into a show about boys) etc etc. 
I mean, Dickinson was effing brilliant, fantastic casting and chemistry, incredibly clever and heartfelt writing, solid production value, overwhelmingly positive reviews -- but it never got the marketing it should have had. And thus it quietly came and went, left its mark on its core fans, but was at least able to end in the way they wanted if nothing else, after 3 short seasons. 
Look, one of the most successful streaming series of all time that literally helped launch the format -- was the sapphic as hell Orange is the New Black. But OITNB was the perfect recipe. It was well written, fantastically cast, had organic buzz galore, award noms -- but it also had big marketing. It was the ideal alignment of ALL vital elements coming together to work. 
And I think that show really paved the way for a lot more queer wlw content to emerge, and fill the streamers especially. Alas, sadly, the bubble burst. And it burst for many reasons, including political theater in real life and an attack on LGBTQ rights of late. But for two big reasons, from a strictly industry side: lack of proper marketing for some shows, and lack of quality from others. 
I mean, let’s face it, some of the wlw series that have been axed the last year or two were not always high quality shows overall (I mean come on, some were on The CW for a reason). And it may seem like “But, cishet shows can be silly or cringey or lame and last for years!” Yes, absolutely. And that’s incredibly unfair that LGBTQ audiences can’t have shows that are just straight up camp or have mediocre writing or acting but are still loved by fans and last for a while. But that’s the hierarchy. It’s heteronormative bs and it’s not right, but it’s just how things are until we can successfully change them. The community has to work twice as hard to be taken seriously. And for LGBTQ BIPOC in particular, sadly one can stack those obstacles even more. 
So, I think for the next few years, shows with wlw representation in the TV space (and otherwise) -- well, they’re going to have to check a LOT of boxes in terms of overall quality, casting, concept, execution, talent on screen and bts, etc and then be grabbed up by a partner that truly believes in it enough to properly promote it -- in order for it to stand a real chance at sticking around. 
Warrior Nun had most of the elements above, alas much like Dickinson -- it just did not have the marketing support it needed. Meanwhile others shows had the marketing -- but honestly just weren’t that great in terms of quality, so fans simply didn’t latch on as much, and who could blame them. 
And thus, here we are. So do I think the widespread backlash around Warrior Nun’s cancellation, and fans’ amazing efforts to fight back will have any lasting effect on how Hollywood makes cancellation decisions? In the past I would have said 100%. But for now, I sadly kinda doubt it, because its cancellation was just the latest (but arguably biggest) in a long list of cancellations. 
If anything, right now Hollywood execs may actually feel emboldened to just go with the flow, take the social media fury from fans, and do what they’re gonna do -- with no regard for impact on the LGBTQ community. They also can hide behind the excuse of “Lots of shows and projects are being cancelled left and right, LGBTQ shows are no exception nor being specifically targeted, LGBTQ fans just don’t see the bigger picture. For every LGBTQ show canned, there’s 10 shows about straight people that are dead too.” And I say this -- because I had this said to me recently by someone with power in the industry. Alas what these people don’t understand is it’s NOT the same. Because LGBTQ content is so limited already that the community can’t afford to lose any more. And those 10 cishet shows that got the axe? They’ll just be replaced with 10 more next year. Meanwhile LGBTQ shows? Are less likely now to be greenlit after all this. 
And that’s disheartening. And it’s not okay. 
TLDR: I dunno how all of this will play out for sure. I HOPE the Warrior Nun situation changes something for the better, I just... right now, at this exact moment in time, I don’t feel super confident that it will. I think we just need to get through this painful period in LGBTQ media history and hopefully come out the other side better off somehow, likely after a show with wlw rep hopefully comes along soon that has both the quality AND marketing to truly succeed.
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 7 months
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes- Chapter 7
Fandom: Supergirl
Characters: Kara Danvers, Clark Kent, Samantha Arias, Lena Luthor, Lillian Luthor
Summary: What if superheroes had to pay a property damage tax every time they had a fight in the city?
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Kara looked up and smiled. Above her was Rao’s light shining down on her. She was surrounded by rolling green hills with a bubbling river nearby. She lay down with her eyes closed in the warm grass feeling the light tips against her fingers. She smiled as the heat from the red sun warmed her face. She felt a gentle hand nudged her. She looked up and saw her mom sitting next to her. She was wearing her blue ceremonial outfit for the House of El, with their family motto printed boldly in the center of her chest. Her long, curly brown hair hugged her face as she stared at Kara with so much love and warmth.
Kara smiled and said, “You’re here.”
Her mother chuckled and said, “Where else would I be?”
“I thought that you would be with Dad and the other scientists discussing the tremors around the city.”
“I think I had enough time listening to pompous men thinking that they know everything.”
“Even dad?” smirked Kara. 
Her mother chuckled and lightly slapped Kara’s arm.
“You know your dad is the exception. Your father is the only one other than me of course with common sense in that group.”
“Maybe, if you guys collected more data, you could…”
Her mother shook her head and said, “The tremors aren’t my main concern right now. I am more concerned about you.”
Kara frowned and asked, “Why?”
Her mother looked back out at the grassy hill and sighed. 
“I often worried that we set you up with an impossible task.”
Kara sat up, grabbed her mom’s hand in hers, and said, “You never did such a thing.”
Her mom gave her a forced smile and said, “But, we did. We sent you off into the unknown to watch over Kal El. I was 28 when I had you and felt overwhelmed. You were only 22 with no support…”
Kara hugged her mom and said, “You don’t have to worry. I arrived much later than Kal. He is an adult now.”
Kara looked down, sighed, and said, “He obviously doesn’t need me around. He just thinks I am a nuisance.”
Her mother shook her head and said, “You are no such thing. You are one of the bravest people that I know. You are always the first to volunteer to go into situations where I have seen grown men falter. Did someone forget that they were the youngest cadet ever to become a corporal?”
Kara chuckled and said, “I remembered the baffled look on Major Sans’ face. He told me I would fail out my first year.”
“And you proved him wrong.”
Kara looked at her mom wistfully and said, “I wish I had a chance to be in my new position. Back then I had a purpose.”
“Purpose is ever evolving.”
Kara frowned and asked, “What do you mean?”
“You still have the same purpose of protecting Kal El. It is just the method of what you have to do has changed.”
Kara rolled her eyes and said, “That jackass could care less what I would think. Besides, he is doing fine on his own.”
“Are you so sure about that?” asked her mother. 
Kara frowned and tried to look up at her mother. However, everything had turned blurry. The red sunlight had intensified around her making it harder to see.
Kara placed her hand over her face and winced.
“Mom, I don’t understand.”
She heard her mother’s voice but she felt it was drifting. As the light became brighter and brighter, her mother said, “Remember the first principle of your training as a cadet. Kal El’s life depends on it.”
Kara jolted up breathing heavily. She looked around and noticed that she was sitting in a bed that had a sunlamp right above her. 
No wonder why I felt like there was sunlight on me.
She looked around more at her new environment and was startled. She was in a cave. A very well-lit cave. There were bats flying overhead. 
I guess that answers where I am at. 
She heard rumors before about Batman's supposed lair. She thought it was all myths about hiding in caves with bats especially considering how high-tech his weapons were. She shook her head. 
Looks like there was some truth to the rumors.
She looked to her left and was startled. There was a man unconscious in a bed a couple of feet from her. She didn’t recognize him at all. He had brown hair and peach-colored skin and wearing a white shirt. He appeared to be similar in age to her. 
Wonder if he is one of the Robins or even Nightwing. 
She tried to get up but winced. It felt like her body had been hit by a ton of bricks. She looked down at herself and was startled. She wasn’t in her Supergirl outfit anymore but in a nightgown.
“Hopefully my suit wasn’t destroyed,” muttered Kara.
She groaned again as she slowly made a second attempt to get out of bed. Once she got on her feet, she had to steady herself for several minutes. She looked over again at the unconscious man. He seemed to be the only person near and she wasn’t sure if she could make it around to explore. 
Hopefully, he is up for questions about this place.
Read the rest on AO3
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lygattxsyl · 2 years
A secret not so secret
“That's low.”
Kara never stopped walking. Or rather trample a new path in the floor of the Tower. It wasn't even that low. Not the nicest thing, okay, but not an insult either. A Kryptonian's doesn't swear after all. Well not really. Her aunt Astra had taught her some solid words that the youngest member of the Science Guild shouldn't have known, but Kara had rarely had the heart to use them. Everything about Astra remained tender, in all the sense of the term. Tender like a soft hug but also like a bruise that would never heal. Maybe that was also why she never sweared in other languages too.
All that to say... Wait, hadn't she grumbled that in kryptonese ?
Their argument forgotten – it was stupid in the first place, Kara's fault if she was sincere – she turned around. Lena was perched on a stool, a heavy book in front of her. She seemed hardly interested in Kara's antics.
“Lena ?”
“Hm ?”
“Did you understand kryptonese ?”
Lena's hand frozed as she was about to turn a page. Silence lasted a beat, two. She raised her head, blinked twice.
“Kara, you do realize that I hacked in the Fortress computer twice, right ?”
Kara nodded.
“The Fortress computer who is coded in kryptonese.”
Oh. Right. All the signs were there. It didn't explain how nor why Lena seemed oddly guilty about it.
“I guess I was a little too distracted at the time.”
It did nothing to diffuse the awkward energy between them. Because the first time, Lena had used the Fortress to hurt her and the second time to save her, just before she was sent to the Phantom Zone. In their history, there was nothing good linked to the place. Even so, Kara felt like she only had a piece of the truth.
“Can I ask ?”
She breathed, far from the Girl of Steel despite her suit. Lena could give her courage but also snatch it from her. All this without realizing it. Their relationship was better but they still danced around certain topics. In true, the world had given them too little time to heal.
A sigh answered her.
“I'm not proud of it.”
Nevertheless, Kara wanted to know. Seeing Lena look down to play with the wristband of her watch, the Super bridged the distance. The table was still between them but it was better. She could also bend down a little to try to catch Lena's gaze.
“You can tell me if you feel comfortable.”
It was something they learned little by little. To develop a healtier way of communication. That secrets weren't always bad. That they didn't have to tell each other everything to make up for the past.
“When we... After I learned about you, about Supergirl, I had this need to know everything. I spend hours, days, going through all the information that Lex had collected. I was obsessed.”
“Because you hated me ?”
“Because I wanted to understand. I never hated you. I was just so hurt. But learning kryptonse... It was different. I didn't realize it at the time but it was a way to be close to you. I think. I'm sorry.”
Slowly, Lena blinked back tears, her gaze magnetic for Kara.
“I missed you. I still miss you some days.”
The sharp tones of kryptonese were strange modulated by an Earthling mouth, after all it wasn't natural for them, but Kara felt a new warmth develop in her chest. The terrible accent was nothing next to the pleasure of hearing someone new speak her mother tongue again. Just for her. Part of the reason could have made her angry, all that touched Krypton was always too personal for her, but she couldn't concentrate on those details. Not when her heart was beating so fast.
“You could use some practice.”
Words bubbled in a mess of tears and laughters as she linked her hand to Lena's on the table.
“Could you teach me ?”
Hope. That's what shone in Lena's eyes. The same hope that coursed through Kara's veins.
Their would be okay.
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maydoesthings · 9 months
pairing: MaLink (or is it Marink?)
warnings: spoiler for Links Awakening, this is supposed to be sad, talk about Legends and Marins relationship but the names are never mentioned (because dramatic), No specific spot in timeline (somewhere in LU)
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You can tell by the way she walks that she’s my girl.
You can tell by the way she talks, she rules the world.
You can see in her eyes,
She’s my girl, my supergirl
The sound of the ocean, the endless blue, the seagulls flying around, the sand you can feel.
He’s been here before. In reality or not, he’ll always have a connection to the sea, the beach, the seagulls, hibiscus flowers,… It was always bittersweet for him. So many good memory’s followed by traumatic events. Everything that happened that haunts him up until now. He hates it. But he hates himself even more for wanting to forget.
Oh how could he ever wish to forget her. The only thing he has left of her, his memories. If they’re gone the pain will be, but she will too.
Most of the times he could push it away but sometimes he got lost. Lost in memories, in thoughts. It didn’t matter. He wasn’t at the beach, far from it actually. But sometimes he felt like he was there again. Feeling the breeze, the sand. When it was quiet in evenings like this one, he could imagine a voice. Her voice. Singing the Ballad of a god. He misses it.
He doesn’t want to care, yet he does. And he hates it, every moment because he doesn’t want to relive memories he wants to go back in time and stay. Stay at her side. Sing and dance with her. Forget the time and place. Just the two of them.
But he can’t.
She haunts him. Her hair flowing in the wind. Her blue sundress falling so perfectly down. The kind brown eyes. The beautiful smile when she was happy. The hibiscus flower always completing the look.
She was mesmerizing. Too good to be true. Could someone miss the things that were never there? But it felt so real, her laughter, her singing, their shared moments.
He felt like crying. Maybe if he was in his house all alone he would even though he said he would get over it. How could he get over it? Over her?
She always promised him everything would be alright. Nothing would go wrong. How stupid he had been to believe the lie. But was it a lie when she herself thought it was true. He could’ve prevented it, they could’ve been happy. It always felt right if it was just the two of them at the beach.
They belong together. Always did.
He used to think she was too good for him, still thinks so. He liked to think of her as his girl. His one and only love. It was selfish, trying to claim something that was never his to begin with. But he likes to think she thought the same. That they belonged to each other.
No one could help him in those moments. When he would stare at the sunset. Letting the emotions overcome him. If there was anything he could do to get her back, he would. No questions asked he would sacrifice anything for her. It was weird. Loving someone so much.
Love. Something you can’t control. Something fascinating but horrific at the same time. He loved her since they first met. He realized that too late.
She always wanted to fly. Fly away as a seagull. When he woke up from the beautiful nightmare, he saw seagulls. Maybe she got what she wanted. Maybe she’s free singing to the world. Maybe she’s watching over him from above.
He would prefer the first option though because she doesn’t need to see the person he’s become. How miserable and pathetic he is.
But she would help him. Of course she would. She would wipe his tears, comfort him and hold him. Love him so unconditionally.
He sings her song when he’s alone. He writes her letters. He draws her trying to remember every little detail. He can’t forget, he won’t forget. Not her, not the way she talked about her passions, her dreams. How she would look at him.
He’s scared to forget her voice. If he can’t hear her voice anymore he’ll be lost. Because her voice is what truly was connecting them. She isn’t her without her voice. If he forgets her voice he’ll forget her face. It hurts just thinking about it.
He’s tired. So, so tired in one way or another. He’s tired of his obsession of her but he can’t let her go. He’s tired because if he sleeps he’ll have either nightmares or he’ll dream about her. He doesn’t know what’s worse.
He can’t let her go. His girl.
He knows that he had to leave, but he tells himself he wouldn’t have.
And then she’d say that nothing can go wrong when you’re in love.
What can go wrong?
Then she’d laugh…
And then she’d scream in my face.
Tell me to leave, leave this place.
‘Cause she’s a supergirl.
And supergirls just fly…
Supergirl - by reamonn
I don’t think this song is for everyone but I think it fits legend so much I can only recommend the song 🙏
Anyway I hoped you liked it and maybe I’ll get some more out.
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