#disgusting the comic
mio-nika · 2 months
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Part 1
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infernal-lamb · 5 months
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Searching your eyes for the saint is an act of futility
something that's just been on my mind recently!
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milfspiggy · 10 months
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p0ssym1lker · 4 months
Tim: you better stop or else
Damian: or else what? Huh?
Tim, on the fucking edge: listen here you little shit, your grandfather has been trying to have children with me for some times now and if you don't stop I will say yes and become your step-grandfather
Damian: ... What?
Dick and Jason overhearing: yeah. What?
Tim, ignoring them: up to you, do you what some aunts or uncles? From me? I dare you-
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Based on a dumb strip from the manga Minegishi-san Want Otsu-kun To Eat
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sakasakiii · 5 months
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some firstborn sons to start the new year two weeks after it began ✨
apologies for disappearing again,, this makes it the 4th? 5th time i've disappeared?? WILD. things have been busybusybusy but i've gotten some prior things all settled so hopefully i can get back into drawing and checking out things.... and answering asks!!!!!
obligatory extra as per tradition bc i always forget about the secondborns who arent maglor (im looking at YOU, orodreth's dad):
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 9 months
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Up High!
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cheatsykoopa98 · 9 hours
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Ragatha snaps
based on this one joke from inside out 2
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the batboys chillin' on WE's roof after patrol
jason, bored & horny: oi goldie, bet ya 10 bucks you can't do 10 consecutive backflips across the roof
dick, never backs down from a challenge: ha! prepare to be 10 bucks lighter, jay
damian, sweet summer child: what are you doing? we all know grayson can do that
tim, just wants to go home: he just wants to ogle at dick's assets clearly
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mio-nika · 1 month
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part 2: agoraphobia
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bruciemilf · 3 months
Hiii<33 Sorry to bother, but in your point of view, what are your favourite posts (yours and everyone else's) of superbat dynamics? In terms of relationships, friendship, loves etc? What makes this duo separate from the rest? Moments in the comics or animation that stuck out like a sore thumb by how lovely it is? I'm just curious and I always love to read the essays of comments and rants about such things ^^ (p.s I used to send a lot of asks so long ago, and now I'm back because i genuinely miss your talks
LOVE LOVE LOVE Clark being a raging good person, yet, needing Bruce there as a leash. Or damage control. Same thing.
Cringe fail stepdad Clark (affectionate) doing THE MOST to bond with the bat kids and failing with every single one of them. Except Dick. Because obviously.
ROMANTIC CLARK…… remembering Bruce’s heartbeat,,,, quality time fanatic. A wanton for gift giving. A slut for making the bat boy feel safe and appreciated, if you will.
Clark fining for Bruce’s trust. Seeing as a prize most desired. Stalking it like a beast waiting for something to bleed in its mouth. God that’s good.
Bruce fiercely denying any and all of Clark’s patient attempts at building their relationship at first. It’s self-defense guised under martyrdom. He likes to think he’s doing Clark a kindness by keeping away, because Death stalks Waynes like angry lovers, but it’s really just to spare himself a guaranteed heartbreak
But Clark’s got enough stubborness to fill an ocean with, so he’s not leaving anytime soon. “I won’t let the fear of what could go wrong stop what could end beautifully.”
The bat kids being super protective of their dad 😔 There’s been reports of a red masked vigilante causing sheer HAVOC in Metropolis since Superman saved Bruce Wayne last week. CLEARLY Red Hood is a jealous ex of Bruce’s.
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rondoel · 10 months
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Drifting EGO part 2
1/million chance opportunity to scare someone in the middle of nowhere with your presence ✓
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PET (prologue)
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sadiewayne · 9 months
i’ve just finished reading grayson and the amount of sexual comments made about him and his ass is actually making me sick. grayson is amazing but i can’t get past all the other characters doing shit like naming his ass cheeks and picking favourites
this is a character that was sexually abused/assaulted (more than once) and yet writers still sexualise him
and then fans have the audacity to continue that sexualisation to extreme levels. we’re not talking about calling him hot, this is about removing every bit of characterisation and effectively making him a walking sex doll
i’m new to the batman/batfam fandom, through the pipeline of ao3 -> wfa -> comics but it’s so gross to see how people treat him (and every bat bc they are all forgotten/twisted/ruined)
i know it’s a minority of the fandom, i know most of us are decent people who can go ‘dick grayson is hot’ and move on because there is so much more to his character, same with all the bats, but this minority that go all over the internet, with edits on tiktok which do insanely well (especially when it’s from Titans so it’s all live action, and they are sexualising both the character and the actor) and just the comments people leave
i just-
fictional characters still deserve respect bc one day it won’t be someone fictional
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strangesickness · 29 days
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batman twt when they find out i'm reading batman comics where batman and joker are trying to kill each other and i'm kicking my feet and giggling
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tokibuns · 5 days
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That one scene from fop but it's inside out:
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lunarneo · 2 months
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Poor Neo- Suppressed Spite...
why did he think that was normal, moral or funny to say?
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