#damian Wayne needs a hug
meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 2 months
Dark Blue Moon and the Suffering Sun Part 9
Byleth trembled as the Guard gathered in the barracks later that night. He had been found floating belly up near the top floor after having sounded the alarm.
It wasn’t his fault! T-there was a s-s-SIREN. Right there! In front of him! It looked thin and waspish and starving, and he was sure it was gonna maul him to death right then and there. Did you see the teeth on that thing?! Byleth shuddered. His hand went to cover his gills. Imagine being chomped on the neck by that stuff. The stuff of nightmares.
Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, he wasn’t the only one terrified. Well, that was a little misleading. Byleth stood at attention in line with his fellow guardspeople, awaiting dismissal. The debrief was long and agonising, hearing details about how the siren lurked around unnoticed for hours, but most of his comrades were just irritated, or even disappointed. He glanced to the right, where Ableth was nursing his wounds from trying to tackle the little demon, and he wasn’t even fazed! Like, holy shit. If the siren got that close to him, he’d probably shit his pants right on the spot!
No, the one who was terrified was apparently the local administrator, currently having a ‘conversation’ (more like a shouting match) with their commanding officer out of sight, but definitely not out of earshot.
“It was a child! A baby! Do you even begin, begin to comprehend how bad this makes you, and by extension, me, look?! King Arthur will have our heads! Our heads!”
Their commander audibly sighed (which was a big yikes, considering how patient the guy was even on a bad day). “I understand your concerns, administrator, but this guard have done the best they can. The siren child was armed with weaponry the likes of which we have never seen before, and the raids have been tireless besides.”
“Blah blah blah blah do you even hear yourself? Maybe if you had trained these grunts better they wouldn’t have been out-matched by a toddler!” Byleth took offence to that. He’d like to see the office suit face up against that monster!
“Only one man was hurt, and he’ll be disciplined for his recklessness. The child did not set out to attack anyone, he was only stealing supplies, and fled when resistance appeared. It’s the same story as ever.”
“It sounds like your guards are as incompetent as ever!”
“The sirens have no way to access such advance weaponry. Do you understand what this means? If we don’t speak up, what will we do when a proper war band appears, each bearing these weapons? How many towns will they have razed before your dead spirit will be ready to admit the consequences of this cowardice?”
The administrator sputtered. The ridiculous loss of composure, and the raucous laughter of Byleth’s friends helped sooth the abject terror of a hundred more sirens appearing out of the ravines. By Poseidon spare them!
Line breakening~~
With the adrenaline running low, Damian ran on fumes as he twisted through the ravine, tracing back his fin-strokes to the cave where he’d left Phantom. Against all odds, he found it, and almost cried in relief. Throwing his newly acquired loot to the floor, Damian let his body drop like a cold iron, and passed out.
Danny felt pain. Like, all over. Everything hurt. Normally he’d be able to heal any injuries he got while siren fighting, and what a blessing that was. He wasn’t sure just how dense his parents could be, but he didn’t want to test it. The aching agony all over his body reminded him just how little he ate that morning, and man was he regretting it. Stupid Skulker and his stupid hunting dog dolphins. His stupid hunting doglphins. And stupid Damian for making him come close.
Well, that was a little harsh. He couldn’t blame the kid for believing the dolphin propaganda. They had a tight grip on the world, man.
The smell of blood prickled his nose. Danny shot up, fully awake. “Damian where ar-”
There the kid was, collapsed against the rocky floor of their makeshift hideout. Beside him, bags and satchels spilled out with food, bandages and weapons?! Guilt rocked up Danny’s body. Did Damian go hunting for food while he was unconscious? The kid’s tiny body was littered in bruises, and raw patches where the scales barely healed over. His sail was bent at an awkward angle too. Where the hell did he go?! Where did he get weapons?
No wait. Danny came closer and sniffed the loot closely. You had to be kidding him. There were Atlanteans nearby?! Part of Danny very much doubted the idea that the Atlanteans, probably the number 2 siren haters in the world aside from his parents, would just hand Damian a gift basket if he asked them to. So he stole from them?
Jazz would call this catasrophising, but she wasn’t around, so Danny felt pretty justified in panicking a little. Like, what was he thinking?! The Atlanteans would’ve skewered him without a second thought.
A small whimper caught his attention. Danny’s mental disaster train screeched to a halt. Damian was shivering, violently. Oh right. It was like, midnight or something in a deep ocean ravine. The kid was probably freezing. And if he wasn’t healing, that meant he was low on nutrients, and even lower on body heat.
Right, needed to care for the kid. Crap. He was planning on staying near the surface for most of the trip. A blanket was big and cumbersome and he didn’t have much storage space on him.
But goddammit if he let the kid freeze to death on his behalf. Resigning himself to a fate of being bitten once Damian woke up, Danny picked up the tiny, fragile guppy, and tucked him underneath his fins. As Danny began to eat his fill, he wondered just what kind of person he was going to be swimming across two oceans with, to be brave enough to go out singularly into the unknown…
Damian awoke to the sound of chewing, and gentle purring. He missed Alfred the cat. Poor kitty. He probably missed Damian too. It’s ok, Damian can make it up to him. He’ll give the little kitty all the pets and grooming he could ask for.
A weight settled on his hair, and- oh… oh that was so good. He didn’t know Alfred could pet him too. Maybe this was one of the good endings to his life, one where he’d spend life as a kitten, without a care in the world. That would be so nice, just being there and safe and warm. The hand stroked and straightened his hair, and it snaked down to where his ears were and scratched them. It was pure heaven. Damian thought that such a place would be forever closed off to him, but maybe the world had decided to be kind…?
“Woah, you’re actually lowkey super adorable like this.” Alfred said. Why did Alfred the cat sound like a pasty-faced teenage boy? He’d always imagined him like the real Alfred: prim, proper, distinguished.
“You sound strange, Alfred.” Damian mumbled. The hand scratched his ear again, and Damian’s purring intensified. “Please return to your proper voice at once.”
“Dude, I have no idea who that is.”
Nonsense. Damian had named his cat after a very distinguished man, and let him know it every time he saw him. How could he not know his own name?
“That is preposterous. You are Alfred the cat, my esteemed pet and loyal member of the family.”
Aflred the cat snorted. He snorted. “Oh my god that is so gold. I’m going to hold this over you literally until you grow old and wrinkly.”
Damian felt… offended. That was so mean! Why would Alfred the cat say such a thing, to him, Damian, his owner and friend! Damian always made sure to treat his pets with the care and respect they deserved, and this is what he got!?
“B-bad kitty. You will be disciplined.”
And Alfred the cat just kept laughing! Alright, the air of relaxation evaporated as Damian started getting annoyed. He opened his eyes, ready to teach his wayward cat some manners when-
The last 24 hours caught up again. Before him was not Alfred the cat, as he had thought, but Phantom completely healthy again, lying on his back, laughing his heart out. Almost literally, too. Damian watched as Phantom’s still beating heart, and water-filled lungs bounced and jiggled inside his chest cavity with each half-choked laugh. It was mesmerizing, and kind of nauseating.
Suddenly Damian couldn’t find it in himself to be angry, just an overwhelming feeling of relief.
“Phantom!” He cried out, voice almost cracking. Phantom tackled him into a hug, and Damian only put up a token resistance. It just felt so… right. “You are… You have recovered from your injuries.”
“It’s Danny, actually.” Phantom, er- Danny, said, voice soft, quiet. Almost vulnerable… “Danny Phantom. Most people just know the Phantom part.”
Danny… Daniel…. “I was foolish. I should not have ignored your warnings. Forgive me, Daniel.”
“Hey now, don’t you start picking up the Fruitloop’s habits. It’s never Daniel. Just Danny. Daniel’s a randomass human name, but Danny’s mine.”
“It does not change the fact that it sounds like a nickname. I… I do not do nicknames.” Damian said. Normally he paraded this fact as a matter of pride. With Richard, Drake, even Kent. Now, with Daniel encompassing his body in warmth, he felt strangely small.
“And I don’t do self-deprecation. So what about a deal? I’ll forgive you, if you promise to call me Danny.” The older boy said, voice leaving no room for argument. And yet, the playful tone underneath it gave Damian something akin to comfort. The way Richard did in the early days, despite Damian’s barbs and open threats.
“Very well, D-Danny.” Damian forced out. The name felt alien on his tongue. “This is a privilege few can boast to.”
Daniel- no, Danny, chuckled again. “You sound like a kid saying a swear for the first time and they’re really scared of being caught.”
“I am not a child.” He was never allowed to be.
“You are crazy though. And reckless. And that’s coming from me!”
Ah, so Danny figured it out. “You noticed the smell of Atlantean.”
“What were you thinking? They hate sirens. With a capital H.”
“I will not apologise for my actions in there. You needed food. It was my own poor judgement that got you injured, so it was my responsibility to rectify that.”
Danny was quiet for a moment. “I’m really trying to channel that ‘angry because I’m worried about you’ energy that my sister does, but you’re making it really difficult. Now I just feel bad.”
“They posed no threat to me. It was an easy operation.” Damian said. Danny sighed again.
“What am I gonna do with you? Outside of taking you home, that is.”
“For one, you could unhand me.” Damian’s words were hollow, even to him.
“And let you freeze to death? No chance. Now come on. The sun’s about to rise, and you need your breakfast.”
“Have you eaten enough yourself?” It would not do to let this foolish teenager hurt himself for Damian’s sake again.
“Dude, I’m like triple your size and age right now. It’s my job to be worrying over you.” Damian harrumphed.
It felt nice to be cared for again.
Bruce hung up the phone. Dick was about ready to riot, and the others were on a wire-thin line too. It was one of the most exhausting calls he’d done in his life, but it had to be done. He wasn’t going to leave his family in the dark, not after Jason.
It wasn’t just he who had potentially lost a son, however. In his hours of maddened searching, he’d glossed over the fact that the son of local siren hunters, the Drs Fenton, had also gone missing. Tim was already on the case, sifting through thousands of hours of CCTV footage to analyse the kid’s behaviour of the course of the last six weeks. Two unrelated boys going missing at the same time. And one boy had been displaying suspicious behaviour for months before hand. Something was up.
And so Bruce straightened his tie. He refused to wear any form of black. Not now, not yet, while there was still hope to be clung to. His trip to Fentonworks was in part to share condolences, and in part to investigate. Wherever Damian was, the clues lay somewhere surrounding Daniel Fenton.
He just hoped Damian had to be ok. If this hope died, Bruce felt like he might die with it.
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ao3statistics · 5 months
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This is self-made. Created on 02.01.2024.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all popular Ao3 tags directly connected to the tag "Damian Wayne". Shiptags were NOT included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
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morgansunflower · 1 year
Christmas Babies 1/2
Warnings:suggestive content, explicit language, childbirth, angst.
Older! Damian Wayne X Pregnant! Wife! Reader
Bruce Wayne X Talia al Ghul
Damian and Y/N are thrilled to be parents but with that joy is worry as things do not go entirely to plan.
Arthur's notes! Third P. O. V
Requested taglist @too-strong-to-lose
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Y/N paced in the bathroom her hands nearly shaking. She always wanted to have a baby. Though this was so soon, so soon. They'd only been married for a year and now she's pregnant. A gentle knock on the door came to her causing to startle into panic and hide the test into the bathroom trashcan.
"my love, I did not intend to startle you. Are you alright? Are you prepared for the day at the Manor"
"it's ok, you didn't scare me.. yeah Dami I'm ready.."
She opened the door, Damian kisses the top of her head. Her words become stuck in her throat as she was unable to tell him. Everyone greeted the young couple with open arms. She was completely nervous. She stood pacing in the living room alone eating a bag of chips, the exact thing she had been craving for all day. Her heart tried to calm down. Of course she was married into a family of detectives. They were sure to find out. For all she knew, Damian knows. Cassandra most definitely knows she feared. She takes a deep breath sitting down at the table exhaling deeply. This stress was exhausting her. Dinner was served. She sat right next to her spouse. While on her left side Cassandra intentionally sat right next to her. She glances down to Cassandra's phone as the text was written.
-it's OK to be scared. Damian will be thrilled to be a father. I know because he told me before he married you. You'll be such a great mother. I'm so happy for you both😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️-
She smiled to her, to silently thank her. Y/N didn't leave a crumb on her plate having felt extra hungry.
"so Y/N Dami you guys down for patrol?" Grayson casually asked starting conversation
"tt, of course. If you think you still have the skills old man" Damian mocked to his older brother.
"for the last time I'm not ancient or old" Grayson defended
"well of course not" Barbara laughed kissing her husband's face
"I think I'm going to take a break tonight" Y/N softly said in a apologetic tone
"awww I thought we girls could patrol for old times sake" Stephanie whined missing her, little sister..
Ever since she was young Y/N became very close to the Wayne family. Cassandra kicked Stephanie's knee to scold her sister.
"but we completely understand" she then added.
"thanks Steph, I'm going to go to the bathroom I'll be back" she said raising to her feet to go pee for the 6th time since she had been there.
Damian looked down his heart in turmoil. Something feels wrong. She had been so distant from him. He feared he did something to upset her. In truth she was scared of something happening. She wanted to wait until there was a better chance of for the baby to make it. Though that's not what Damian would have wanted. As soon as she was done with the bathroom.. She texted him to meet her in his old bedroom. Damian quickly rose from his chair to hurry to his wife.
"Aww gross please tell me they're not doing THAT"
"just shut up Dick" Jason threatened his stomach turning.
Damian sees Y/N with tears in her eyes. His heart fell now believing something was wrong. He walks to her pulling her into his arms. She smiled knowing she needed that.
"my love what's wrong? What have I done? Are you ok? Please tell me"
"it's OK, everything is OK" she dried her tearful cheeks "I'm pregnant"
He felt stiff in her touch, she lifts her head to him. He had a shocked look in his eyes that scares her.
"a baby?.. I'm going to be a father"
"yes Damian" she said her heart racing.
He smiled widely warming her heart. A Baby. A sweet little baby. He hugs her gently. His throat began to shake. He sits her on the bed and lifts her shirt over her abdomen. He kisses her very small bump. She runs her knuckles through his hair.
"beautiful" he kisses her bump "so beautiful"
As her, second trimester, they told everyone. The family were thrilled with the news. Y/N's emotions were everywhere as Damian dried each tear and shushed each worry. Though the worry increased as Y/N seemed extra exhausted, extra nauseated, and extra emotional. Talia knew the second she saw, her daughter-in-law she was pregnant. Now she was certain she was carrying twins. She called their doctor to ensure he confirm her suspicions. Talia sat in the chair her knuckles resting on her chin. Was she overstepping most certainly but she has her concerns for a reason. Bruce stepped into his room to see his wife with that certain look on her face. Oh no.
"what did you do?" he sighed
"you're absurd darling, I have done nothing"
"the last time you had that look on your face. You bought Grayson his childhood elephant Sitka to assure him you were not who he thought you were"
"and I did prove my point!.." she sighs "it's regarding.. Damian.. I.. Y/N I believe is barring twins"
"and this is upsetting for.."
"I called their doctor to confirm my worry!" she snapped
"Talia!" Bruce sighed frustrated, but he still loved her.
"do not lecture me, you of all have no right.. Alfred perhaps, but not you!"
"understood, why are you upset that she may be pregnant with twins?"
"23 years ago I told you that I had lost our baby.. That was no lie"
Bruce's heart broke in two. That was a very terrible day. He understood than that she was pregnant with not one but two, however she lost one. Thanksgiving. As the whole family again joined together for Alfred's lovely food. As it was the only time they were all together for holidays or Alfred's demands. Y/N didn't complain as she was starving and had been craving Alfred's food for weeks.
"so you two excited about the two little bundles" Stephanie exclaimed with a joyous smile
Damian's eyes soften to adoration to how truly beautiful his wife looked. He felt his heart was so warm and whole with her presence.
"very, we discussed perhaps going on a Babymoon before the twins arrive" Y/N halfway smiled in a tired tone
"NOO!!" Talia and Bruce said surprising everyone
Talia clears her throat "perhaps waiting a year would be wiser. You're body needs much rest"
Y/N couldn't help but agree "that is true..."
Damian rolled his eyes at himself. He thought the vacation would ease her rather than be worse. Christmas eve soon came after and Y/N was do in 3 days. The doctor had put her on bed rest from her contractions continuing to come closer together too soon. Y/N hated it. Damian put off patrol and work. So she loved being able to have her husband to herself. Damian stood in the workout room in their house to blow off steam. Y/N sleeps until she feels a sharp pain and winced harshly. She waited 5 minutes, shit. She can wait and let Damian do what he wants for a few minutes. She needed him for a long time. She then felt another
"f-fuck" she cursed "DAMIAN!!!!"
Damian drops the weight and runs into the bedroom. He takes his wife's hands. Her eyes tightly shut as she breaths through the contraction.
"I'll get the bags!"
Hours later....
"AHHHH!!!!!" Y/N screamed pushing her first child into the world.
"it's a boy" the doctor announced
Y/N covered her face crying. Damian smiled wider as he came closer to his child. Damian cuts the umbilical cord and takes his son with love in his eyes. A baby boy. He lays their son on her chest. Damian proudly kisses her for enduring what she did. As the baby is being cleaned. Y/N was exhausted, but she prepares to push again.
"your second child is in breech position Mr and Mrs. Wayne. We must preform a C-section!"
"no! What?! This--" Damian's whole body was nearly on the erge of shaking
She squeezed his hand "D-Dami... it's OK"
Damian looked into the Nicu both his daughter and son laid in separate cots. They were precious, so small.. So innocent. They need their mother, he needs his wife. He hears rushed approaching footsteps. He turns his head to his family their hearts falling seeing the despair in his eyes. He looks back to his little baby girl and baby boy.
"our son was here naturally however our daughter was breeched.. Y/N is.. She.." he fights every emotion down "she lost a substantial amount of blood.. They do not--" he stammered gritting his teeth tightly, cursing the tears that were now falling down his face.
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marauderundercover · 2 years
Hawk in the Night (Madds Buckley)
If I could draw, I'd make this song into an animatic with this general set up for the lyrics. Tim would always be on one half of the screen, and Damian on the other. Anyway, enjoy this blurb thingy
"Oh baby bird, I'm glad you don't cry anymore. Be brave; one day you’ll fly, you'll soar. But dont forget where you come from, the vultures that watch your back"
Tim's parents standing eerily behind him, making sure he's perfect and Tim is just trying so hard
Damian, tiny, having the entire League watching him, waiting for him to make a mistake
"Oh baby bird, I'm glad that you quit your chirping, that songbird shit was worthless. And no one would've heard you hacking up a tune"
Tim, left alone in Drake Manor, not making noise anymore when he's hurt or sad. Learning to cry quietly because no one is coming for him.
Damian, being taught that crying is weakness and he can't have a weakness. There are too many enemies looking for just that.
"Sharpen your talons and fight. Claw at the world as it claws out your eyes. We raised you right, hawk in the night"
Tim's parents accepting Tim's good grades (something he has only because he's worked to achieve greatness, lost sleep over it. Because he has to make them proud)
Damian becoming a skilled fighter much too young (because he's lost sleep over it, stayed awake for hours perfecting a sword move in the hopes of making someone proud)
"Oh baby bird, I'm glad you don't smile anymore. It means you're strong, the weak never have their wings unfurled. You know your place. At least you're not fighting for scraps"
Tim, a practiced gala smile on his face when the situation calls for it. Because Janet was upset when he actually smiled. Too expressive. Too easy to exploit. A Drake is unmovable.
Damian, scowls quickly replacing toothy grins. Toothy grins were only for undercover missions, not real life. They are unbecoming of an Al Ghul. Of the son of "The Bat".
"Oh baby bird, I'm glad that you quit your laughing; it's too loud. That awful bubbly sound that would happen when you were a child"
'Too loud, Timothy. Children should be seen and never heard.' A phrase ingrained into his head; quiet voice, quiet hands, quiet life.
'Silence, Damian. Weapons of the League move swiftly and silently.' Silent, swift, secluded.
"Oh baby bird, the nightingale can't soar like an eagle; its wings are much too fragile. It's weak like its ego, but us child, you and I, we've got pride on our side"
Tim, chasing the Bats around Gotham. Just watching, but hoping, in the back of his mind, that he'll be caught. But he's not. And he wakes up in Drake Manor the next morning. Alone. A Drake.
Damian, hoping he'll do well enough to earn something about his Father. Anything. But he doesn't. And he can't. He goes to bed with an empty feeling in his chest. "The Bat".
"Oh baby bird, the hunting birds can live their lives alone. Who needs friends? A dead weight's all that other birds are made off. So fight the world, screech like a hawk in the sky"
Tim, alone in a too big manor, no longer waiting for the phone call that he knows won't come. Trying, desperately, to convince himself that he doesn't need anyone else. That he's fine alone. (Janet Drake's speech about his 'school chums' being beneath him weighs heavily on his mind. He doesn't need friends either)
Damian, outwardly unflinching at the blood on the floor. Inwardly, screaming the loss of his first (and, he swears, only) friend. There's not time for friends in the League.
"Sharpen your talons and fight"
Do as we say, Timothy
Again, Damian
"Claw at the world as it claws out your eyes"
Tim, trying to get someone to hear him
Damian, trying to get someone to see him
"We raised you right"
Tim, alone
Damian, alone
"Hawk in the night"
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crii-sis · 4 months
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jason “cannot go a single minute without mentioning his death” todd
Batman & the Signal (2018) #3
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hailkingphantom · 1 year
Dp x dc
Bruce dies.
An unknow threat attack the JL and take the life of the dark knight
All the bats are devasted, this time it wasn't that Bruce dissapear and most likely dead
This time he died. They have the body, they buried the body and did the funeral.
Batman is dead. Their Dad is dead.
The months pass, Dick take the mantle od Batman again but this time he conserve both robins at his side, Red hood is out of control and is only see in the cementery, Robin is more violent than ever, Red Robin only appear to work, Black bat dissapear and Oracle only contact to work.
The JL call a reunion after get in contact with a ghost who call himself Fright Knight, which said that the Ghost King request a meeting with the heroes.
The bats go as expected, an unknow entity with a unknow power is not something they can pass up, not again
The meeting goes well, they agree other meeting to discuss the latest details when-
"Shit, I'm sorry, my dad is kind of paranoid and stress when I don't call respond his messages", the teen king said as he take his phone, and go to a corner before answer the call, the batkids send him an understanding look.
"Hi dad" "Yes, I'm okay." " Sorry for nor answer" " Yes, I'll tell you how it all went later" "I love you too, bye" and then the king end the call, the JL give him strange looks
"What's up? Do I have something in my face?", the halfa asked
The heroes look at each other and then Flash respond "No, its just.. we didn't expect that the ruler of dead to have a dad"
"Oh", the understanding came to the face of the halfa," yeah, I didn't expect to get a new dad either, not after mine tries to disect me" the heroes look at the king horrified as the king keep talking, "but then a new ghost just pop of nowhere and begin to help me with the paperwork, train the news, deal with the council, give me advice and support when I needed... that before I realized get a dad, heh heh" the ghost king said, the ambient grow warmer and the king prepared to leave.
A green portal opened and the King was going to step trought the portal-
"Wait!" Someone yell, and the halfa turn his eyes back "what's your dad name??" Asked curiousily
The king smile and said "Bruce"
And then he was gone
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stormikitty · 1 year
Danny had found out a while back that the principal, staff members, and some students at Casper High had known for years that something was going on and that Danny and Jazz didn't have a safe homelife, but did absolutely nothing. The only person who tried to do anything was Mr. Lancer, but his attempts did nothing because he was ignored by the people he reached out to for help many times. Danny's death could have been prevented if people actually did something about what they noticed.
Danny listens to true crime podcasts a lot. Some stories are burned into his brain. That's usually the stories about abused and neglected children who could have been saved. Stories where many people knew something was going on and did nothing about it, and a child died because of that. Those ones always hit a little close to home for Danny even if the specific details are different. Sometimes, true crime podcasts about these situations make Danny cry himself to sleep, wondering when the world will learn from past mistakes and stop letting this happen.
Danny's new adoptive family finds this out when someone turns off All Dogs Go To Heaven when it gets to the credits and Danny goes on a rant about Judith Barsi for no less than an hour. At the end of his rant, he mentions that the world still hasn't learned and quietly asks, "When will it stop? When will people learn from the past and stop letting children suffer and die?"
He is tearing up. The rest of the batfam don't know what to do. They aren't sure how to respond. They didn't think turning off a movie during the credits would trigger a reaction like this. He's more emotional about this whole thing than anyone else would be about the death of a child actor they never even knew.
Later that week while visiting the manor, Jazz explains that the reason that affects Danny the way it does is because of trauma relating to his own death and how easily it could have been prevented if someone had done something.
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damian-lil-babybat · 2 years
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Quick doodle.
Who needs a cape pile? Damian!
They are like onions, they have so many protective trauma-induced layers, and each one makes you cry.
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Tim stans look at him and see the smartest, most competent Robin to have ever robined. I see Stephanie's bratty richboy ex who's been beefing with a 10 year old she babysits, for the past 15 years.
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Tim, what are you doing, mate? That's a fucking 10 year old.
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That's the same fucking kid playing in a bouncy castle, Tim!
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raindisaster · 3 months
I decided to start writing my own Fic about my favorite character and here's an idea.
Billy is a blind orphan boy, so when he gets powers he still remains blind and sees others with the help of his lightning (I haven’t figured out how yet)
The idea was that Billy didn't join the league, he became a vigilante because he didn't like being too visible. So the League starts hunting for him first, but the one who tracked him down will be Damian, with whom he will become friends. However, no one knows what this will lead to.
However, the main thing is that he can control the power of Shazam, even in his normal form and does not have to transform. So he only does it when he needs to hide from the league and others.
And they look around in search of that child who just stole a magical artifact from Kandakia and stopped the terror there, and they stumble upon Shazam.
And Shazam like: Whoooo? İ child? There many of them there! Which one you want $_$
And league literally freaking out
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I love all my Batboys equally, but I will never forgive Dick for what he did to Tim. I love Tim as Red Robin, but the way Dick just snatched the only familiar thing the boy had after all the tragedies he had just gone through , WAS INSANE. Did he expect Tim to accept it just like that and move on?!?
Like Tim has been stalking the Bats since he was like nine yeas old and forced himself into becoming robin in an effort to save batman and his loved ones.
His WHOLE childhood revolved around the bats.
So Dick made Damian the next robin and expected Tim to stop coming to the batcave altogether and start living a civilian life?!? After all the things he sacrificed for that role.
And he did not even care to give Timmy a heads up about any of this.
I know the reason Dick fired Tim as robin is because he considered him as an equal, but MAN, he messed it up.
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snakeredbirdbatkatana · 9 months
So went down a fanfiction rabbit hole and you know what I don't see enough of BAMF Jason Todd.
We see him protecting Tim maybe Damian.
Which I am all for protecting the baby birds don't get me wrong. What I want though is for him to find out the shit Dick Grayson has gone through and then fucking destroy them.
I am a sucker for protective sibling sometimes. I want Dick to be protected.
His little brother is a fucking Rouge he is terrifying he took over Crime Alley I want to see him go to bat for Dick I want him to fuck up Dicks abusers. I want him to get justice for Dick.
Cause let me tell you Mirage grates on my fucking nerves and I firmly believe Jason Todd would fucking end that.
(Mirage is a thing in my mind not a person no respect from me for that one)
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ruenii · 1 year
Tim, [trying to bond with toddler!Damian and spend time with him]:
toddler!Damian, [actually hissing]: you dare to show your affection to ME?? hmp!! i do not wish to partake in such unbecoming things!! stay away from me pitiful human! you truly are such a disgrace!
Tim, [ignoring Damian because he's busy with other stuff]:
toddler!Damian, [his eyes wide]: you... dare ignore Damian? you ignore him like garbage?! oh! oh! jail for big brother! jail for big brother for One Thousand Years!!!
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stormy-skyzzzzzz · 2 months
Imagine Jason Todd listening to “I Bet On Losing Dogs.” Poor baby would love Mitski.
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postpendulum · 10 months
Some deformed jumbled mess of whatever this idea is has been rattling around in my adhd riddled brain for weeks now and I'm finally forcing myself to write it down, it is barely fleshed out in the slightest (hence, "deformed") and only the main idea is in my brain right now so I'm basically making it up as I write this so, apologies.
The Fenton parents (for whatever reason) decide that Gotham is the perfect place to spend their summer vacation, and while their there through some
💫Wacky Shananagans💫
Danny ends up meeting (omg your never gonna guess this, it's so out of this world for me, who only has one dpxdc post so far and it's this ship as well, it's so wacky and wild, blow your brains out pew pew pew)
What the what!?!?!??!?,! WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT????? I AINT MEVER DUN DIS BEFORE!!!!!!!!
Anyway basically they have a summer romance because idk mwa mwa kissy noises gay gay homosexual gay and whathajaga
And then idk I had this that that like, I saw someone say once somethen like "damn tho the most unrealistic thing about this show is that nobody at that damn school thought Danny was hot💀" and I thought like, "damn bitch that true tho." So like idk, I thought like, I'm pretty sure its psychological fact or whatever (this gonna be damn embarrassing if that isnt true tho cuss ona my possible options ideas plans whatever for college is psychology💀) that confidants makes people more attractive, so like, ig like Danny builds confidence over the summer with you know, getting a boyfriend, Damian not taking any of that whatever bullshit idk ahjaobznaja or maybe just ghost aura shit whatever idfk whatever you want.
Basically when he goes home at back to school after summer break is over people suddenly realize "oh shit wait whys he kinda hot tho," and the fuckers like randos, maybe a-listers, whoever's just a buncha people like flirting tryna shoot their shot whatever, but then Danny's just like, thinking about how much he loves his boyfriend and how much he can't wait to see him in person again and what not. I also like to think Danny probably didn't even tell anyone at school he got a boyfriend, like maybe he even forgot to tell Sam and Tucker because he was to busy being fucking lovestruck, I mean I doubt that would actually happening and it's more likely that he'd constantly be gushing to them about Damian rather then not and I actually like that idea a lot better now that I thing about it that other one was more of a funny little side thought idk. But yeah nobody knows besides like Sam Tucker and Jazz, so yeah.
On o think that's it for me I'm done good night y'all *cue mic drop*
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theo-notts-doll · 4 months
nico di angelo, damian wayne and regulus black are all the same person in different fonts thank you that is all
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