#d the reward is next-to-nothing
hyperionshipping · 5 months
Think the twins don't even care about Tricks because bandits dying is not all that concerning and I think people assumed "that little dog of Jack's" died with him.
I think Tricks only becomes a hassle sometime later on. But no one can seem to find him... Lilith keeps dealing with vandalization and her already small crew getting picked off ("It's like a professional is hitting us. I... I think I know who it is") and, I think, just because he can he fucks with streams/the towers. He's got so much hate in his body.
Oh, and Jack's shield. Now you see him, now you don't, and now a corrosive bullets lodged in the worst spot it could be. Killing you agonizingly slow! If he doesn't shoot again and... oh. He did already
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propertyofwicked · 2 months
SECRETS part 2 - LN
lando x fewtrell!reader
no content warnings in this part, i promise the next part will have some actual fluff to it
part 1 -> part 2 -> part 3 -> part 4 -> part 5 -> part 6 -> part 7!
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y/n was easily won over by chicken nuggets and a diet coke - a fact lando knew too well. both he and max had both spent almost hundreds on the food combo every time y/n was roped into one of their plans. whether she was lying to her parents to cover up where max had been all night, or even just being asked to hold a camera or a boom mic for a quadrant video, she was always rewarded with 6 chicken nuggets and a diet coke.
lando had in fact not included max in his late night plans, and very quickly made it known as to why.
“so, how’s uni?” he asked, warming her up for the incoming conversation, turning onto a side road and pulling the car to a stop.
“yea it’s good thanks, how’s driving?”
“could be better, i could be better,” he smiled sadly, but glad she asked about driving as she fell directly into his trap, “why did you stop coming to races?”
“lando,” she sighs his name, almost disappointed in him for even asking, “university’s a lot of work you know. i can’t fly around the world to watch you drive a car. and, i still watch the races - just from home.”
“so it’s nothing to do with me?”
“well ignoring me for a year doesn’t help your case, but no, it’s not to do with you. you know i’ll always be there when i can. when im invited,” the emphasis on invited hung like hot air in the car, and created and unsettling silence.
“lan, can i ask you a question?” she said, breaking the awkward atmosphere in the car.
“mhm, anything.”
“why did you stop talking to me? i know we’re not as close as you and max,” she adds, lando almost wincing at the mention of his best friend, “and i know you were busy being, you know, a superstar and that. but even over your break, i saw you like twice in passing.”
“im sorry y/n, honestly it wasn’t intentiona-”
“bullshit, try again norris. the truth this time.”
lando breathed in deep, as if to lock and load his next statement.
“max he, uh, he told me he’d seen some pictures of us. you remember that club in monaco?,” she nodded in response, remembering the encounter with lando that night in somewhat drunken detail, “he wasn’t happy with me. thought we had something going on behind his back. y/n when i say angry, i mean he was one step away from beating me up and then keying my car.”
“but there was nothi- i mean we weren’t d-”
“i know, i tried to tell him,” lando sighed, “he gets a bit, let’s say ‘over protective’ with you i guess. doesn’t trust me maybe? i don’t know.”
“so instead of letting me discuss it with him, you refused to acknowledge my existence for a year? yeah that’s mint, let’s do that,” she said, the sarcasm rolling off her tongue.
“i was a dick, ok - i’m sorry. but your brother is slightly terrifying when he’s angry. think he’s realised he was wrong - that’s why he let you come to the race im guessing.”
he was wrong - but was he? was max completely wrong to assume what he had? she thought the feelings were mutual but clearly lando had other ideas.
“can i drive your car?” y/n asked, smiling over to lando in the drivers seat. he’s started driving around aimlessly again, deciding to put an end to the conversation about where they stood with each other. his head whipped around to look at her, his eyebrows quirked up in a mix of confusion and immediate refusal. he wasn’t even driving one of his more expensive cars, as they all stayed in monaco. but of course, lando norris needs a high end car in every country.
“please, lan,” she said again, eyes widening in attempt to tug on his heart strings, “please. i miss driving, i haven’t driven since like, christmas since my car died and went to car heaven.”
“y/n, angel,” the nickname wasn’t something new, but it still flipped something about in her stomach, ”if anything, that makes me want to say no even more. besides, it’s automatic - you drive manual.”
“oh come on, it’s literally just a pedal for stop and go. please.”
“not tonight,” he said, looking at her to show his sad frown as if that would make her happy about the rejection, “if i get podium tomorrow, ill put some money towards getting you a new car.”
“lan, please you don’t have to do that.”
“i know i don’t have to. i want to. besides, if i get podium i think i owe my lucky charm something to show my gratitude, no?” he said. y/n knew this was an argument she wouldn’t win, so she smiled up at him, nodding slightly.
the car fell back into a silence, comfortable this time, with only the sound of lando’s music playing quietly out of the speakers, and the odd whooshing of a car driving past.
the car came to a still, the red light reflected on the their faces as they waited for the light to change.
“the stars look pretty tonight,” she said absentmindedly. y/n was never one to sit in silence without at least attempting to fill it.
“yeah, they do,” lando responded, although he wasn’t looking at the stars, moreover, he was staring directly at the light reflecting onto y/n’s face. his own mouth curling up into a smile when he saw your soft features grinning contently at the sky.
it was around 1am when y/n and lando returned to the hotel car park, casually discussing life at university and where y/n saw herself using her degree in the future.
“i think it’s better if we don’t tell max about this,” she mumbled, tilting her head to the side, catching lando’s eyes. her own eyes blinking slowly in exhaustion.
“i think so too. are you going to tell him what i said?”
“not right now. but i refuse to let him believe has any right to threaten his own friends in a bid to control my life,” she says, her body now twisted fully to face him directly.
“just,” he sighed, “dont get violent,” his hand reaching over to rest on her knee.
“me? violent? that is a bold accusation, norris.”
“y/n - i know you. just don’t be too harsh, he thought he was doing what was best.”
“thinking is always max’s downfall,” she responds with a snort. she turns her body back, arm reaching to grab the handle when lando catches her other arm, forcing her to look at him again.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“i’ll be there.”
sneaking back into a room was usually y/n’s specialty, but she’d never attempted to sneak past max before. rather, her teens were spent sneaking back into the house with max. unlocking the door and pulling the handle down, y/n pushed softly on the wood, but the creaking was so loud in the silence of their hotel room. the floor boards to her bag of clothes seemed to have a vendetta against her today too, she could’ve sworn they did not creak when she had walked across them earlier.
the bathroom tap decided to splutter loudly and spit freezing cold water down her, and the door to slide back open and allow the stream of light to fall directly on max’s face.
“y/n?” her brother groaned, “you just come back in?”
“yeah, sorry - i tried to be quiet,” she whispered back, turning the bathroom light off and stumbling gracefully through the dark room to the sofa.
“it’s 1am? you were in the gym for 3 hours?”
“erm, yeah,” her voice wavered in the lie, “i got distracted on the treadmill. tired myself out though.”
max grumbled something in response, too sleepy to say anything further.
the next morning max walked down to the hotel lobby, passing the gym in his journey for breakfast.
open 7:00 - 23:00
hang on, he thought to himself, shut at 11?
where had his sister been? she couldn’t have been in the gym till 1am, so where had she been, and why had she lied?
★ ☆ ✦ ✧ ✩ ✶
tag list: @harrysdimple05 @scopeiguess @hiireadstuff @landosgirlxoxo @natt9598 @phantomxoxo @val-writes
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fillinforlater · 2 months
Eleven to One: Hotel Roommating
Male Reader x Ahn Yujin, Choi Yena, Kim Minju, Kim Chaewon
Length: 2014 words
Tags: Daddy kink, thigh kink, thigh fucking, pit licking, teasing, a slap, edging, cumming on skin, pet play, an offer you definitely should refuse but kinda can't, cum eating, missionary, fingering, orgy
TW: the usual, but I would consider this mostly tame... okay, maybe also not LOL
Inspiration: Yujin's outfit (check below (HOLY COW))
(A/N: Sex in the hotel continues... though it might not be the best or longest piece, I promise the ending will make it worth while ;) Have fun!)
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“Room Service!"
For a second there, she got you. Fear runs down your back, ice cold, as you grab the door handle. No room service could ever be allowed to see or smell the absolute mess you made here. Especially Chaewon, who leaks down the phallic plastic onto the table, while watching a teary eyed Minju follow you to the door, your cock in her hand. 
Fortunately, you do recognize the voice behind the door. It’s familiar, not some room service lady that could ruin your life and the reputation of at least one popular girl group. You turn the knob and reach for the woman behind the door in the blink of an eye.
“You scared me for a second, you fucking brat,” you yell at Yujin, but that was before you took a look at her outfit. “You’re lucky I’m in a good mood right now.”
“Oh, I’m in a good mood too, Daddy,” Yujin teases and gets ready to kick off her shoes, open up her dress and offer herself to you (you know she is in heat; she has been for a while most likely), but you stop her.
“You keep that outfit on,” you order and spin her around. “My cock needs to be in between your thighs while you still look like a Goddess of fertility with that shiny, stupid fucking outfit.”
“Oh Daddy,” Yujin giggles and watches your tip glide in her tight gap. “Wasn’t Minju enough for you? And what happened to Chaewon-unnie?”
“Care to guess?”
“She is one of us now?”
You smirk and lean in to bite your girlfriend’s neck. “One hundred points.” You begin to slowly thrust in between the sweaty trunks that are Yujin’s legs, perfect sculptures of smooth marble, but a lot softer and infinitely more valuable. Yujin hums in pleasure and lifts her arms to reach around your neck while you continue to place marks on hers. There is no concert the next few days, so no one will notice the love bites you place on her. 
“Minju, mind helping me out here?” you suddenly ask and Minju jumps in surprise. You know she is still needy, unsatisfied, but would never touch herself without your permission, so you want to give her a bit of a reward. “Lick our Daeng-Daeng’s pits clean. I promise you, she tastes wonderful.”
“O-okay, Daddy.”
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You can see in her eyes that Minju has never done this before. It’s a waste though, so you pull at her strings (she is a good girl after all) and take into view how incredible she looks. Minju sticks out her tongue and drags it across the entire pit. Yujin trembles, her thighs gently swaying around your shaft. An incredible feeling, but what makes it exceptionally great is the lewd sounds the two produce. Tender moans, wet licks, soft bodies rubbing one another to the point where nothing could be more intimate. 
“D-does it tickle, Yujinie?” Minju asks when she switches sides, her hands secretly placed on your own. You both have a hold on the young woman’s hips and Minju’s question goes unanswered when she goes straight to sucking on the opposite sensitive, hairless, sweaty spot. 
Holding back would be offensive. There are the two best thighs wrapped around you, while Minju’s soft belly becomes a home for your tip. With every thrust you poke her and she seems to really enjoy it. Maybe she is—no, she definitely is—thinking that you are pointing at her fertile womb, ready to be filled and bred. That’s why her orbs sparkle the way they do, that’s why she pulls you two into a threeway hug where Yujin gets squeezed and overstimulated at spots she didn’t think could be this sensitive.
“D-Daddy, I thought you were teasing,” Yujin mumbles. “But I feel so good, so hot. Please, cum on me, paint my milky thighs, it would fit them so well.”
“I can feel you melting, baby girl.” You lean in to give her ear a love bite, with all your love and sufficient force to make her dizzy with pleasure. “Since you asked so nicely, I will cover you, claim you with my seed.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” A sudden make-out session ensues after Yujin lowers her arms, leaving Minju jobless and needy as ever. There is salty sweat around her lips and in her mouth while she watches you and Yujin trade sweat saliva in heated passion. Your cock is buried in her gap, then quickly peaks out again as you begin to rapidly fuck it. “I can’t believe you got Chaewon-unnie already. Was it really that easy?”
You both turn your head to the shivering, squeaking but not (yet) dildo-riding Chaewon, whose head might be in even more heat than Yujin. Her face is red like the ball gag in her mouth and the only thing cooling her off are a few tears from her unfocused eyes. You love that she looks so obedient and pathetic, far away from what she dreamed off. Yet you decide to be more than merciful. 
“Minju, how about you put your hands on Chaewon’s hips? Maybe let some of Yujin’s sweat run down her cheeks? I think that should cool her off.”
“Okay, Daddy~”
With a sight like that—Minju behind Chaewon, who desperately looks up to the taller girl, hips in a firm, loving hold; then, Minju drools all over her face and you know that Chaewon is on cloud six, maybe seven, more pleasure yet to come—your orgasm is rapidly approaching. You bend Yujin over a bit, press her thighs back to you to meet your pistoning hips. The swollen cockhead peeks out a few more times before—
A knock at the door.
—you become an artist. Trapped in heavenly softness, you release all of your load on the inside of Yujin’s thighs. You use your throbbing cock like a brush to smear the white goo over more parts of her skin. It has to stick on her and not fall to the carpet floor. With a strained voice, you call out: “Minju, get our new pet in here. And don’t forget to close the door!”
“W-what? Pet?” Yujin tries to catch her breath, but her jaw drops the second she sees Yena run through the door and fall on her knees. “Yena-unnie, what, what is happening?”
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“No need to call her Unnie, she is our new pet,” you announce and reach for Yena’s collar. “Isn’t she a beautiful kitten? Kitten, what did I say about clothes, hm?”
“Meow,” Yena responds, very apologetic. You kind of admire her for wearing just this thin, way too short crop top and hot pants that barely cover her small ass, but no kitten would wear those, so she quickly kicks them off, now just as nude as the other girls—most of the other girls.
“Ye-Yena, is this true, you are with Daddy too?” Minju asks, just as perplexed as Yujin is. Yena nods in excitement, while you get a leash for her beautiful pink collar. “But why a kitten?”
“Well, don’t we all like different things?” you ask Minju with a big grin. You secure Yena on the leash and walk her across the room for a couple of steps. “As long as Yena likes it, I think this would be a great addition to our… arrangement.”
“A family pet,” Yujin whispers, all eyes on her. Now it’s out there, this crazy idea. No sane person could say yes to it. Everyone at some point returns to their level-headed, not horny self. The mere suggestion of living together as a quasi-family where sex is boundless and the concept of patriarchy is pushed to ridiculous extremes should push them all away. 
“When I’m the family cat,” Yena suddenly speaks into the tense silence, her voice filled with wonder. “I have to move in with you two. Would that be a problem?”
“No, we have enough space and money,” Yujin quickly responds. “In fact, I think we can cover all your expenses.”
“Sounds good, I’m in. Meow!”
Yena smirks and crawls towards Yujin who stares down at her with love and lust. Suddenly, Yena’s face dives in between Yujin’s thighs and she starts to lick off your cum like it’s ice cream on a hot August day. Yujin mewls, opens her legs a bit more so Yena can get every last drop. 
“Well, I already live with Daddy and Yujin.” Minju looks at the floor, a little embarrassed. She scratches the back of her neck and then shares glances with you and Yujin. “If it’s okay, I will stay with your family, maybe as a sister?”
“That sounds great,” you tell Minju, as your eyes betray you. They are so fixated on Yena’s hunger for your cum, for Yujin’s scent, God, she is devouring your girlfriend. If it weren’t for the stage outfit, Yena surely would’ve pushed her tongue into Yujin’s cunt—who can blame her? IVE’s leader is irresistible. “Your presence is always welcome, Minju.”
“I think Chaewon c-can’t join,” Yujin murmurs, her hand in Yena’s pink strands, sweaty from all the hard cleaning she does to her thighs. Seriously, she starts to leave hickeys there now. You pull at the chain to signal her stop. “She has to stay at the LE SSERAFIM dorm.”
“Well, Chaewon is my best friend and best friend’s usually don’t live with another family,” Minju explains. You put Chaewon’s jaw into your hand and look at her begging eyes. Before you pull out the ballgag, you give her face a quick slap, one that stings for a bit. 
“I bet you think we are all crazy, I get that, but—”
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“Don’t defend yourself, Daddy,” Chaewon says, gasps, somehow she gets these words passed her pursed lips while the dildo is deep in her cunt. “As Minju’s friend, I sh-should come over every now a-and then…”
“I’ll make sure to reward you then, my little slut~”
���Thank you, Daddy.” You push the ball gag back into Chaewon’s mouth and give Minju a wink. It’s a sign she thankfully understands and suddenly, Minju makes Chaewon ride the dildo with all her power. A creaming pussy starts to cover the glass table, screams almost make it past the restriction in between her teeth and you can feel her bliss fill the air.
You step close to Yujin. She laughs weakly and shakes her head.
“You’re insane, a madman!”
“Oh yeah?” You reach for the back of her dress and a zip later, Yujin’s excellent body is free. Yena mewls at this first sight and if she had a tail (still on the list of items you have to get her) she would wag it like crazy. “You are probably right, I lost my sanity the first time I met you.”
Yujin giggles and removes the leather end of Yena’s chain from your hand. She puts it in her mouth and with doe, puppy eyes slowly kneels next to her kitten friend. Your cock twitches, obviously. Somewhere in this hotel room filled with the smell and sound of unbridled sex, your phone vibrates. You don’t care. They can leave a message. You have better things to do.
“Looks to me like you’re the insane one, the madwoman.” 
You push her over, on her back. Yujin’s legs wrap around you like Yena’s pussy wraps around your fingers. You push your rehardened cock into that tight, tight little cunt of your girlfriend and fuck her into the carpet with no thoughts. There is nothing but blankness in your head and there will be for the next week or so. Just you and Yujin. And Yena, who sucks on Yujin’s tits and fucks herself on your hand. And Minju, who is thrilled about Chaewon riding that cock through multiple orgasms. Well, maybe Chaewon will be here too. 
Text messages pop up on your phone. They are from Hyewon.
“Hey Daddy, my final day before maternity leave is next week. I need you here earlier though, because someone important wants to do an internship here.
“The one and only
“Jang Wonyoung.”
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13uswntimagines · 5 months
I'll Take Care of You (Alessia Russo x MMA!fighter R)
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Request: Could we maybe see some slightly more stern dom alessia dealing with r (doesn’t have to be smut) in front of the team because reader starts acting bratty with them?
Part of the same universe as the come down.
Warning: Slight touching but not actual smut. Also D/S fic
Author's note: Hey Y'all, i really hope you enjoy this. I want to point out that D/S dynamics are based on trust and communication, so that's what I chose to focus on. Alessia is a soft dom, and chooses a punishment that she knows will be effective. If you want to chat or have any ideas or comments, feel free to hit me up.
Gearing up for a fight was the equivalent of stretching out a rubber band to its limit. It was 8 weeks of nonstop training, 4 weeks of conditioning your body to shed water so you could make weight, 2 weeks of cameras following you around for UFC embedded, and 1 week of media bombardment where you had to listen to grown men act like 5-year-olds talking about who was going to beat who.
It was utterly exhausting. 
The only upside was that at the end of it, you got to step into the octagon and do what you did best. 
You got to put the plan your coaches drilled over and over into your brain into place. You got to release all of the built-up anxiety and frustration from camp. 
You got to fight. 
It was like coming up for oxygen after being trapped underwater. Sometimes the cage felt like the only place you could really breathe on your own. 
It had been your safe haven for almost as long as you could remember, which was kinda strange considering your health was put at immediate risk every time you stepped inside. It had been your escape from your family, and your only coping mechanism for as long as you could remember. 
To go through training camp, and fight week and the weight cut, only to have your fight pulled at the last minute was fucking devastating. 
It was like when Alessia brought you all the way to the precipice of an orgasm and then pulled away just before you could tumble over it, except far far far worse. 
It made your blood boil. It made the monster in your chest roar that your opponent couldn’t do his end of the job to make the fight go on after all of the shit he was talking. And there was nothing anyone could say or do to make it better. 
Dana promised that the fight would be rescheduled. He even threw in that if you won, you would be next in line for a title shot. 
But it didn’t help. 
The fight was set to be at the O2 arena, meaning your girlfriend and all of her teammates had been set to see you, and now they couldn’t. You couldn’t get your 10 training weeks back and you would have to do the weight cut all over again. 
It was a shit sandwich, and it made you feel completely out of control. It made you crave for someone else to put you right again. For Alessia to remind you that she had control always. 
Maybe that’s why you chose your satin button-down shirt to go to dinner with your girlfriend and her teammates and paired it with tight black skinny jeans. 
It wasn’t often that you liked to push Alessia’s control. That you toed the boundaries that she set, but tonight it felt like the prize comparable to stepping into the cage. 
With the little black dress she had worn, you really couldn’t blame yourself either. You could never resist when she showed off her legs. You were obsessed and she knew it. It was probably why she had chosen the outfit, to begin with. 
It was probably designed as a reward of sorts for after your fight, except you weren’t having a fight. So you supposed it was kind of like a consolation prize. 
Except you felt wound too tightly to really enjoy it.
“So that’s it, they just call the whole thing off?” Ella asked leaning forward to rest her chin in her hand.
“Yep,” You popped the p, your finger running a gentle circle on Alessia’s exposed knee. “I can’t even sign a paper that says I’m fine fighting him despite the failed drug test, and it’s too late to find a replacement even if we allow a catchweight,” 
She let the movement continue, the hand wrapped around your shoulder gently squeezing the arm furthest away from her. 
While she was relieved that the rules prevented you from fighting a man on steroids, she knew how gutted you were about the cancellation.
“Probably for the best mate,” Leah said, sipping her wine. 
You shrugged, letting your finger trail a little higher on Alessia’s leg. 
It was slightly too… forward for the steakhouse her teammates had chosen, but with the dimmed lights you figured no one could see your hand under the white tablecloth anyway. Not with how close you were sitting to your girlfriend. 
“I already made weight, so it’s kind of a waste,” You muttered, dragging your nails up the inside of her thigh to just below the hem of her dress. “I’ll have to start camp all over again unless I take something short notice,” 
“Can you do that?” Mary asked, from your other side.
You shrugged again. “I told Dana I was game if he needed someone to fill in, so we’ll have to see,” 
Alessia’s eyebrows pulled tighter together “You didn’t tell me that, love,” 
“Didn’t I?” You asked, feigning dumb, as your fingers finally made it past the hem of her dress. “Must have forgotten. I’m excited to see you all play on Tuesday though,” 
You ran your nail across the sensitive skin on the inside of her thigh, dangerously close to her center. But before you could make it any further, her free hand caught your wrist, and repositioned you so your hand was resting very innocently near her knee again. 
“Ireland is always fun to face,” Ella smiled at you. “Should be a bit chippy,” 
“I’ll definitely be rocking my MacCabe jersey,” You matched her expression, your thumb again beginning to rub circles into Alessia’s skin. 
Leah frowned, dropping her menu. “You will?” 
“Absolutely,” You smirked, wiggling your eyebrows and slyly trailing your thumb back up Alessia’s thigh. “Gotta support my favorite foul-mouthed Gooner,” 
Leah’s eyes went wide, and Alessia squeezed your shoulder. 
“And what about me?” Your girlfriend asked, a pout pulling at her lips. 
You wiggled your eyebrows, a witty remark at the tip of your tongue, knowing it would piss her off, but the tension in your chest made you unable to stop yourself. 
You wanted to push her. To force a reaction, even when you knew all you had to do was ask for what you wanted. 
“Are you ladies ready to order?” A waiter asked, appearing behind Leah before you could let it fly. 
You let your smirk widen, closing your menu with a thud and making eye contact with the waiter. 
“Since she’s not on the menu,” You started, leaning closer to your girlfriend for just a second, edging your hand even further up her thigh until it was again past the hem of her dress. “I think I’ll have the tomahawk, medium rare with a Yorkie and the roasted carrots please,” 
You winked at the waiter for good measure as the table giggled and Alessia’s cheeks turned bright red. 
The waiter cleared his throat, turning his attention to your girlfriend. “And for you ma’am?” 
Alessia opened her mouth, probably to order, but you cut her off instead. 
“She’ll take the sirloin, medium with the Orzo and kale salad,” You said, reciting her normal order with perfect precision. “And she’ll be having me for dessert later,” 
More giggles erupted from your friends, and you dragged your hand impossibly higher, extending your pinky so it brushed against her underwear. 
She inhaled sharply next to you, sending you a warning side eye as the rest of the table continued to order, but she didn’t immediately remove your hand. 
You ignored her warning, letting your pinky slide over the satiny fabric of her underwear. 
It wasn’t what she normally wore, and you couldn’t help the wolfish grin that took over your features. 
She had worn lingerie for you. 
Maybe that should have stopped you. Made you consider that you wouldn’t get anything if you kept pushing, but again you couldn’t seem to help yourself. 
“Will you be in the Ireland friends and family section then?” Leah asked, wiggling her eyebrows at your girlfriend. “Cause I don’t think my family or Less’ will enjoy you wearing the opposing team’s jersey,” 
You made a noise like you were considering it as you finally slid your hand up and cupped your girlfriend’s heat. “I don’t think I’d feel at home though. Surely your family can deal with it right Less?”
Alessia nodded once, very stiffly. “My family loves you no matter what you’re wearing,”
You smiled impishly at her, adding just a little more pressure to her core. 
She shifted in her seat, leaning very close to your ear, as Ella started talking about some movie she and Joe had watched, taking the attention of the rest of Alessia’s teammates. 
“They’d even love you if you had to wear your collar at the game,” She chuckled darkly in your ear, her voice soft enough to get lost in the noise of the restaurant as her free hand yet again caught your wrist and pulled your hand back to a much more innocent position. “Now behave, or I promise you’ll regret it,”
You pulled away, your devilish smirk only getting broader. “No,”
Her eyebrows furrowed her expression something between anger and concern and warning, like she was trying to figure out why you were pushing the boundaries when you never did before. 
You wiggled yours in return, offering her nothing else before joining the conversation of her teammates. 
You weren’t ready to talk yet. 
You were too content digging yourself deeper and deeper. 
You continue to push Alessia all throughout dinner, taking every opportunity to make her blush or to creep your hand further up her thigh. At one point you had even wiggled a finger beneath her underwear before she could stop you. 
And your behavior hadn’t stopped once you left the restaurant. 
You definitely placed your hand far too low on her waist as you and your friends walked back to the hotel the UFC had rented for you, and winked cheekily at the fans as you entered the building, spending far too long signing things and flirting just to annoy your girlfriend. 
You knew from the “come on darling,” and the way she wrapped her arm around you, her fingers closing gently around the back of your neck that you were in serious trouble as she led you into the hotel and to the elevator. 
“Good luck mate,” Leah nodded towards you as she stepped into her hotel room after Mary and Ella. “Think you’re gonna need it after that show,”
She tilted her head toward your girlfriend glaring a hole in Leah’s doorframe. 
“Good night Leah,” Your girlfriend bit out, pressing her thumb into the space at the very center of the back of your neck.
Leah rolled her eyes at the movement, well aware of the dynamic between you and your girlfriend. More aware than most of her teammates for both club and country because of how long you had known her. “Right you two, do have too much fun,” 
You stared at the door for a long moment after it closed, the tension in your chest bleeding down to your stomach.
You knew your time was up. That you would have to pay the piper so to speak, and it had guilt swirling along with the unpleasantness. 
You knew that all you had to do was utter a word and it would all be over. 
You knew that Alessia would stick to your limits, no matter how hard you pushed her, but you couldn’t help the… lingering anxiety that came from your past relationships. 
The ones that took advantage of your submissiveness, and the unhealthy way you had always chosen to deal with stress. The ones that ignored your pain for their own pleasure. 
 “Come on then,” Alessia said, very gently running the nail of her thumb down the length of the back of your neck, and squeezing your shoulder. 
You hummed, allowing her to lead you down the hallway to your own hotel room door, but she paused before she opened it. You looked up at her, realizing suddenly that you were trapped between her and the door. 
She stepped closer so your noses were nearly touching. She dragged her hand from your neck to your chin, using her thumb to tilt your head to where she wanted it. 
“I love you,” She said, her voice soft and sincere. “No matter what,”
She leaned in the last centimeter separating you, connecting your lips in a very sweet kiss. 
You leaned into it, opening your mouth when her tongue poked out, welcoming it and meeting it with your own so they spun in a slow dance. 
It was the reminder that you desperately needed. 
The promise that she would take care of you, even when you acted like a brat. 
She pulled away just enough to disconnect your lips, and your mouths separated with a low pop.
“Remind me of your colors,” Alessia said, her thumb running across your cheek. 
“Green for good, yellow for slow down, and red for stop,” You recited, your voice breathless. 
“Good girl,” She hummed. “Open the door, and take off your shirt and pants once we get inside,” 
You swallowed hard at the change of tone. 
“Yes Miss,” You said, already pulling the key card from the back pocket of your jeans. You didn’t look away from her as you fumbled until you heard the lock on the door beep, and clumsily pushed it open. 
You stumbled backward, unwilling to break eye contact with your girlfriend because you knew you would probably get very little of it tonight. 
She turned away from you as soon as the door slammed shut, busying herself with something you didn’t know. 
“I believe I told you to do something,” She said, not even sparing a look over her shoulder at you, and you realized you had been staring for too long. 
You cleared your throat, your fingers trembling as they unbuttoned your straining shirt. 
You carefully pulled the satin materials from your shoulders, folding it neatly and laying it on the bed before you started on your pants. 
It took you three tries to undo the button, the zipper getting caught in the stretchy material of your boxers. You peeled your tight jeans down your legs, folding them and placing them next to your shirt. 
You felt Alessia’s presence behind you as you pulled off your shoes and socks. 
As soon as they had been placed in their rightful place, her hand found its way to your bare back. 
The touch was soothing and grounding and exactly what you needed to combat the slightly floaty feeling in your brain. 
The hand slid up your back, all the way to your neck. 
The soft squeeze on the back of your neck was like magic, as was the soft, but stern order. 
You sank to your knees without question, your butt resting on your heels, your hands facing palm up on your thighs, your back straight and your head bowed, as the tension in your chest slowly ebbed away.
“I think we need to have a chat,” She continued, the hand on your neck sliding up to run through the hair at the base of your skull. Her nails scratched soothingly at your scalp. “Because your behavior in the restaurant is not the behavior of the good girl I trained,”
You grunted, glaring at a spot in the carpet. 
You didn’t want to talk. 
You already had to talk to Dana, to your coaches, and to the media. You had nothing left to say. 
“Do you want to tell me what that was about at dinner?” She asked you, the fingers on your scalp wrapping through your curls. She gave it a sharp tug, forcing you to look up at her. “Because I’d really like to know what the fuck you were playing at,” 
Her blue eyes burned into you, concerned and… something else lingering below the surface. 
“I wasn’t playing at anything,” You grit out. 
She raised a perfect eyebrow at you, as she searched your face.
“Is this because your fight was canceled?”
You didn’t answer her, unwilling to admit how… off balanced it made you feel. 
But that was enough of an answer for her. 
Her eyes softened minutely. “Baby,” 
You shook your head. 
You didn’t want her sympathy or her pity. 
You wanted her to crush you. 
“Alright,” She signed, tilting your head back so far it was painful. “I’m going to give you 2 options. We can call Clarke and Lexa and they can run you through a workout,” 
You shivered at the mention of your respective striking and jujitsu coaches, knowing already that whatever the alternative was, you would be choosing it. 
“Or you can take a punishment of my choosing,” She finished. “It won’t be an easy one,” 
“I’ll take a punishment,” You muttered after a beat. 
You didn't need easy right now. 
She hummed, holding you close for a long second, and you relished in the attention. 
That had been why you acted out at all anyway. 
She dropped her hold on your hair suddenly, and you crashed back on your knees. 
“On the wall,” She said, completely cutting contact with you, and walking towards the little kitchen area of the suite. 
You let out a shaky breath, pushing yourself to your feet, and shuffled over to the wall next to the television across from the couch. 
You turned to face the couch, wincing when Alessia pulled a wine glass out of the cabinet and a jug of water from the counter and returned to you. 
She carefully filled the glass to the halfway mark, before her attention turned to you. 
You knew immediately what punishment she had chosen. 
The rules were simple, you would balance the glass in one of the designated calisthenic positions. If the water spilled, or the glass fell then you would move to the next position. The punishment would be over when you made it through all 15 positions to Alessia’s satisfaction, or if you safeworded. 
It sounded easy, or like it wouldn’t be effective, but that was entirely wrong. It was the punishment that you hated the most. 
Your stomach never failed to drop when Alessia approached you with the wine glass and water. Just the sight of her with it was enough to have your muscles quivering at the impending fatigue. 
“Ready darling?”
You made a low sound, leaning back against the wall, bending your knees, and getting into the first position. 
A wall sits with your knees pressed together to focus the pressure on your quads. 
She used a hand on your shoulder to push you further down the wall until your thighs sat parallel to the floor, and then very carefully balanced the stem of the wine glass between your knees so the base just barely brushed your hamstring. 
You frowned. She usually balanced it on top of your legs further up your thighs so all you had to do was stay level. But where it was now meant that you would have to stay level and squeeze with your adductors so it didn’t slip and spill the water. 
“Tell me your color,” She said, her thumb sweeping under your chin, drawing your eyes away from the glass to meet her blue. 
“Green,” you murmured, leaning into the gentle touch. 
“Good,” She hummed, cupping your cheek for another long second before she pulled away. “I’ll be right there, reading my book,” 
Your gaze trailed after her as she settled herself on the couch directly across from you, picking up the 7 Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. She easily found her page and began to read. 
You glanced back to the balancing glass between your knees. It was already shaking slightly, the liquid vibrating around the bowl of the glass with the effort of your muscles to keep it in place. 
It irritated you that you could already feel your quads and adductors quivering. It was pathetic that they were already fatigued after only 30 seconds. 
You grit your teeth, letting your hips slip down further so you could squeeze with your glutes to take a little bit of the pressure off of your adductors. The glass shifted minutely, and the water inside sloshed dangerously before it settled. 
Your eyes flickered back up to Alessia, wondering if she saw it too, but her eyes stayed planted in her book. 
That irritated you too. 
The only upside to your fight being canceled was that you got to spend more time with her. You wouldn’t have to split your attention between her and not getting your face caved in. 
Now you didn’t even have that. 
You thought of safewording and forcing an early end to your punishment. It would be a violation of the rules though.
But when she found out that you broke her trust (the most severe infraction you could ever commit) she might choose a more… harsh punishment. One of the ones that was listed in the soft limits the two of you had agreed upon. One that would separate you from reality, and leave you feeling floaty and thoroughly controlled. Thoroughly owned. 
A part of you wanted her to forcibly put you in your place. To disregard how bad it would feel tomorrow and the bad memories it would bring up for you, and just demolish you. To crush your will and grind you into dust. To beat you into oblivion. 
It was what your opponent would have done anyway. 
You knew Alessia would never agree to it while you were this upset. She didn’t like to give in to your self-destructive tendencies. 
The glass between your knees shook again, drawing your attention back to the warm fire setting deeply into your quads. They would ache tomorrow you were sure, but then again wasn’t that part of the point?
It would be a reminder that even when she wasn’t with you, you belonged to Alessia. It was an invisible mark that claimed you. That reminded you she would always take control when you felt dangerously unstable. 
And then it clicked.
This punishment was Alessia’s favorite because it was based on your choice to obey her. Your choice to push your body to its limits to please her. Your choice to give her control over you. 
She didn’t need to use a belt or a paddle to bend you to her will. 
She just had to ask. 
You just had to relax and trust that she would take care of you. 
You let out a long breath, counting down from 3 in your head. You let it fall back into the wall with a low thump and your shoulders sagged, as the remaining tension in your chest drained out of you. 
“Good girl,” Alessia said softly, and the page of her book turned. Your eyes darted back to her, hoping that they would be on you, but they weren’t. 
She looked so composed, both legs tucked under her, reading her book. It was diametrically opposed to how you felt, completely out of control. A quivering mess fighting to stay in a simple wall sit. 
It further reminded you of your place, and the weight of it was enough to have your eyes sliding closed. 
You focused on your breathing, 3 seconds and 3 seconds out. Deep and slow. 
You lasted for more breaths before the glass slid from between your legs, landing on the carpeted floor with a light thud. 
Your eyes snapped open, and again you expected to meet Alessia’s eyes, but they remained trained on her book. 
“Next please,” She said softly, flipping another page in her book. 
You slid down the wall to the floor, sucking in another long breath as you nodded, wishing that she would just look at you, but you knew that was part of the punishment too. 
You took another breath as you rolled over to your stomach and sat yourself up on your elbows, squeezing your core. It was a slightly modified plank designed to show off the muscles in your back and arms for the benefit of your girlfriend and to give your legs a break for a bit. 
She waited until you were in a position to stand, slowly padding over to you and grabbing the wine glass off of the floor.
She paused next to you, and you felt the way her eyes dragged across the muscles on your back. 
“Always so pretty for me,” She hummed and you heard the water as she refilled the glass. “Too bad you can’t have the reward I had planned,” 
Her touch lingered as she carefully balanced it between your shoulder blades, and stepped away. 
“Let’s see if you can beat your best time on this one,” She said, talking more at you than to you. “Your record is 22 minutes, which isn’t quite championship timing. I think you need to make it at least 25,” 
You groaned. 
Her competitive streak was legendary and often a part of your punishment when you had been particularly ornery. You switched positions at her pleasure, so you knew you would be planking all night if you couldn’t break 25 minutes. 
It was like when she decided you needed to break your edging record. 
There would be no mercy unless you safeworded. 
You focused on your breathing as she sauntered back to the couch, fighting to keep your core and back muscles locked to prevent the glass from tipping. 
Your abs clenched, and you so badly wanted to roll your shoulders to relieve the tension building in the space between them. The space holding the glass. 
You focused on the sound of Alessia’s breathing. Each rhythmic inhale and exhale like the clicking of a metronome, broken only by the occasional fluttering of a page. 
You wished she had put the timer in front of you so you could see how long you had left. 
But then again that would probably be worse. 
You always found it harder to go the distance in a fight when you could see the clock ticking down. It always made you feel more exhausted at the end of the round, and made standing up off of your stool at the start of the next round that much harder. 
You sucked in another breath, refocusing on the sounds of Alessia’s inhales and exhales. You counted each one, letting them wash over you and lul the fog slowly seeping through the crevices in your brain. 
It let you forget the trembling in your core muscles and the sting between your shoulders. They didn’t matter. All that mattered was each of Alessia’s breaths, and your ability to please her. 
To be honest, you forgot about the water balancing on your back. 
You shifted, lifting your head so you could watch Alessia, and that sent the glass tumbling to the floor with a low thud. 
She looked up at the noise, pushing herself to her feet and grabbing the glass. 
“Good job darling. You made time.” She rewarded you by meeting her eyes for a long second and flashing you a winning smile. “Position 3,” 
You took another deep breath as she filled the glass. 
You pushed yourself up into a pushup position, slowly lifting your right arm and left leg so they extended. 
Your arms shook immediately, and it was then that you recognized just how exhausted you were already. Your core ached in a way that was edging on unpleasant, and your back felt like you had run 5 rounds with your jujitsu coach. 
It was strange that you felt so drained and you had only made it through 2 positions. 
Alessia waited until you were stable before she balanced the glass in the very same area between your shoulder blades. 
The spot that felt so tight.
You knew you weren’t going to last long before she even stepped away. But you tried to breathe through it. You tried to ignore the little beads of sweat collecting at the small of your back, and the cramp setting in just below the glass, radiating up to your neck. 
You deserved the pain. You had done your damndest to make sure Alessia gave it to you. 
“Tell me your color,” Alessia said, her voice dripping dominance, sending a shiver down your spine and causing the glass to tumble off your back. 
You collapsed to the floor. 
You hadn’t even made it a minute. 
“‘M ok,” You murmured into the carpet, each breath rattling as it left your lips.
You hadn’t even lasted long enough for Alessia to make it back to her seat. 
It was pathetic.
“That’s not what I asked you,” She said, crouching next to you, her hand resting on the throbbing space between your shoulders. “Tell me what your color is,” 
Your brain ran into overdrive, taking stock of the burn in your thighs, and the way the muscles in your back were locked up tight, and before you could even think through all the reasons why you shouldn’t safe word, “red,” was falling from your lips. 
You had been red before you even started position 3, you realized. 
“Good girl,” She said, settling fully down beside you, her hand running soothingly up and down your sweat-soaked back. “You did so well for me, and I’m so proud of you for knowing your limits,”
You groaned into the carpet as warmth spread through your chest, chasing away the last of the tightness that had been there since Dana caught you after the weigh-ins. 
“‘M sorry for pushing you,” You mumbled, your words nearly getting lost in the floor. “Didn’t know how to…�� 
You trailed off, losing your train of thought. You weren’t even sure what you didn’t know how to do, only that antagonizing your girlfriend. Your miss. Had been the only way that seemed to make sense to achieve it. 
“I know darling,” She hummed, gripping under your arms and shifting so your head was resting in her lap and your upper body was between her legs. “Take some deep breaths for me, and then we’ll get you cleaned up and we can cuddle,” 
You made a low sound of agreement. You felt content with her completely around you, her scent enveloping you, and her hands running gently through your tangled hair. 
She was the stability to your rocky seas, and you trusted that she would take care of you, just like she had already tonight. 
A cuddle sounded perfect because it was perfect. 
It was everything you needed. She was everything you needed. 
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rkmoon · 7 days
How to trick your brain to write (for ADHDers)
So, I've spent years raw-dogging my ADHD without any medication, and I would like to share a couple of ideas on what you can do when you need that extra motivation to write. Note that ADHD brains work when there is novelty, so after a few days/weeks/months, expect this to stop working ! But that is okay! There is nothing wrong with you. You just have to do something else.
Here are some ideas:
Buy stickers that say "good job!" or a star. Get a calendar and stick a sticker for each day that you write.
Learn how to do paper stars. Get a small jar and add a paper star whenever you reach a certain writing goal. Watch the jar fill up. Maybe get a reward once it does?
Grab a glass of ice cubes. Write until the ice melts into water.
Grab a small candle. Light it and write until it is all melted.
Make a spotify playlist with a length corresponding to how long you wanna write. Play every writing session and enjoy music as you write. Stop when the music stops.
Sit down on a good spot and tell yourself that for the next hour (or any amount of time) you are either going to write or do nothing. Stay strong and don't open your phone.
That said, lock your phone with an app like ColdTurkey and be unable to use it for a few hours. Write once you start to get bored.
Get a tasty drink that you're only allowed to drink when you're writing. Write when you crave it.
Read writing tiktoks to get you excited about writing. Or maybe writing vlogs on youtube.
If anyone else has more ideas, don't be shy to add! :D
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law in pink | s.r
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♡ previous part | next part ♡
summary: A case takes them to Massachusetts, where you are reunited with your past and the people who carry it.
warnings: a bit of jealousy on Spencer's part, though overall nothing so far in this part.
this story is spencer reid (season 7) x ssa elle woods!reader
words: 1,185 words.
a/n: after a while, I finally bring you the third part of law in pink, the truth is that I've been wandering a lot about what to write, but I finally found it. I want to point out that this "chapter" will be divided in two or three parts (I'm not sure yet), to reward you for your time. Without anything else to add, thanks for reading.
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Working in the FBI field always ended up surprising you.
Not because every day was a new adventure, with new cases that could border on the edge of human sanity, but because it could bring you face to face with people from your past.
A new case had dragged you to Massachusetts, where you saw old faces you recognized on your way to the police station.
The conversation with Emily was what was stealing your attention, and even more so when it was about one of the topics you dealt with the most, besides the criminal code, and that was hair care. You had recommended a new product to the woman and she was talking to you about how good her hair looked, it even looked shinier than usual from both perspectives.
"I know! Plus, it's not tested on animals and their products are 100% natural, it's like a little bit of paradise in your hands." You commented sipping from your coffee, placed your bag to the side as you watched Spencer walk in with a folder in his hands and well focused on it.
It was no secret that after his gift it had caused the two of you to connect a little more than usual, and everyone could tell with the little love language gestures you each had on each side, like how every morning you gave him his coffee the way he liked it because you had memorized them or how he took care to save you a spot next to him on the jet where the sunlight would hit so your skin would get the vitamin D it needed for the day.
You quickly pushed away the chair that was in front of the map the opposite had drawn up and watched him sit down, returning to your conversation with Emily. Spencer thanked you with a silent gesture, causing you to smile as you listened intently to Emily converse about the difference in her hair from week to week.
But, their conversation was interrupted as Derek and J.J were entering the room with a box of donuts.
"The breakfast express had just arrived, ladies... And Spencer." The smell of frying and sugar made you immediately turn to the table to see that they had found just the donuts you had been chatting about a couple of days ago.
"Are those the gluten-free donuts? I haven't seen them in years, they look just as delicious as when I was here." Your voice let out a soft sound of joy, approaching the one glazed with pink and had a flower drawn on top. "These are the best donuts you'll ever taste, and it's also suitable for the gluten intolerant."
The sweet taste of the donut made you stir as you brought a hand to your mouth in surprise, it was as if the past had just slapped you in the face.
You turned in the direction of Spencer, who looked quite immersed in his work.
"Spencie." The man looked up at your call. You brought the doughnut close to his face and smiled, letting the scent of your 'Miss Dior' perfume permeate his nose. "Try it."
"Ah, no thank you. I am at the moment somewhat busy, Y/N..." His hand was trying to push yours away, plus you kept watching him with that look that caused Spencer to give you the whole world. "B-besides! I'm faithful to my chocolate donut with sprinkles-"
"With sprinkles on top... Come on, Spencer, I'm not asking you to eat it all, just taste it."
The tasting-not tasting fight they were carrying on was interrupted when Hotch walked in where his face showed quite a bit of annoyance.
"What's going on, Hotch?"
"The suspect's lawyer is in the interrogation room." Commented Rossi, who simply modulated 'he's a jerk'.
"He's coming to talk to us now." Finished Hotch, who was heading straight for a cup of coffee but didn't quite reach for it when a rather annoying voice interrupted him.
You didn't know if it was your imagination or the memories of that place that made you cough, the smell of expensive cologne and mint made you push the donut away from your hands. You set it down on a napkin, listening as it echoed back to that voice that once spoke honeyed words to you.
"Agents, a pleasure. I'm defense attorney, Warner Huntington III."
Where was the closest place to hide from that character? You thought, but you wouldn't let the man you used to call "teddy bear" get you down at that moment.
" Lawyer Huntington, this is the BAU team. Agent Rossi, Morgan, Jareau, Prentiss, Dr. Reid and Agent Woods."
Your gaze connected with Warner's, who let out a gasp of surprise at the sight of you.
"Y/N... Wow, it's been a while, darli-"
"It's good to see you, Attorney Huntington." You commented as you watched him from your position.
You watched him approach you, plus Spencer's body made it so he couldn't take any more steps than intended, well... Spencer's leg was the one that separated you, as he stretched his legs out, separating you both just enough so that nothing of your bodies would rub together in any way.
A safe distance for both of them, thanks to Spencer.
"You two know each other?" J.J. asked, who watched intrigued.
"We were coupl-"
"We were part of the same Harvard Law generation, actually. We both graduated, but we took different paths." You lied in front of them, and they could read it when Warner's face grimaced.
It was clear that the two of you had a bond that was more than close, but the way you didn't want them to find out was the answer to resolving that which the others had to find out until you decided to talk about it.
"Rather, both of us-"
"Counselor, what exactly is the reason you're here?" asked Spencer, who watched from his position, with that feigned smile you already knew how to distinguish.
"Ah, yes. I was coming to introduce myself as the defense attorney, as well as discuss the legal issues surrounding my client." He turned to look at Hotch, who was drinking from his cup with that face that the situation displeased him. "I'd like to discuss a few things with Agent Woods, since we both graduated from Harvard and have the same degree from-"
"Actually, Agent Prentiss is also a Criminal Justice graduate, you could discuss with her along with Dr. Reid in addition to Agent Woods."
The way Hotch had cut Warner off made you let out a small chuckle, thanking in the direction of the major, who was simply giving you a discreet wink.
"Yeah, right. Three's better than one, you're right." Warner's voice wavered a bit before he opened his mouth again. "Good, then I'll come by later to discuss these details, they're calling me from the firm, excuse me."
Silence immediately settled in the room, but before they could blurt anything out, you immediately turned in everyone's direction and blurted out.
"I have a good explanation for this, I promise."
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♡ first part | previous part ♡
If you like it, don't forget to like and repost it.
a lot of love, alme. ❀
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chaos-smh · 3 months
Dutch Van Der Linde Headcanons
a/n: sorry for the delay in posting! this is probably a bit ooc but dutch is hard to write for phew. hope y'all enjoy!
pairing/s: dutch van der linde x fem!reader
content: suggestive content, smut, dom!dutch, hand kink?, established relationship, d/s dynamics, sub!reader, fluff?, dirty talk
word count: 790 words
minors dni!!🔞
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Dutch can’t keep his hands off you. It almost felt as if there wasn’t a single moment in the day where his dexterous fingers weren’t resting on you, pressing into your supple flesh with his rings cool against your skin. It didn’t matter to him if everybody else was watching when he would crane your neck with his calloused hand and force you to look at him. However, what he savored the most was those moments in the depths of the nights when he would grasp at your flushed face, stifling your breath and muffling your cries of pleasure. The night would usually end with his hands soaked with your own tears and drool. Although, nothing could match your awe for the rings he wore and Dutch loved to tease you about it. “Oh? You want me to keep them on, do you sweetheart?” He would soon have you grasping at him and blushing hard when he curled his fingers inside of you with the cold jewelry soon drenched with your own slick. 
Dutch loves reading to you. Being the type of man that he is, Dutch took a certain pleasure in explaining things to you but he especially enjoyed when he was able to read to you. It surprised him when you had first asked but he was quick to fulfill your request. There was something about the way that the words would roll of his tongue and how his baritone voice would resonate in his chest which you fell in love with. It gave you butterflies when you would rest up against his chest with his arms around you as he read page after page into the late hours of the night. However, you quickly found yourself loosing track of the narrative when you would simply become mesmerized by the way he spoke to you. “You just like my voice, don’t you, my dear?” 
Dutch loves to spoil you. He took pride in the way that he was presented and perceived and he insisted that you should too. The gifts had started off very small but each one came with its own meaning, whether it was romantic or something which would make you to giggle. It became noticeable when the gang started to receive a steady flow of money as bottles of expensive perfume and lavish dresses would find their way to you. He relished in being able to dress you up and show you off like you were his own little doll. However, presents weren’t the only thing that he spoiled you with. Whenever you pleased him enough, he was kind enough to reward you. Dutch would honor you with deep thrusts which would leave you shaking and begging in a puddle of your own pleasure by the end of the night. “You can’t take anymore? But you’ve been such a good girl.”
Dutch always leaves his mark on you. It was clear that Dutch took pride in his work and that included you. There was nothing that gave him more of a thrill than being able to see the chorus of colors that littered your neck after a long night well spent. Your cheeks would burn the next day when you would attempt to go about your daily routine and try to avoid the teasing jokes from the other girls. However, you always caught the smug look and satisfied grin on Dutch’s face as he stood proud with a cigar on his lips and looked over you. Dutch also made it sure that you couldn’t sit. Deep shades of blue and purple smothered your behind as he would smack his ringed hand against the supple flesh for what would feel like hours. He enjoyed watching you waddle around the next day. 
Dutch has a need to always be in control. Whenever Dutch lost control, he always knew at the end of the day that you would be there to submit to him. You would be stupid to challenge his authority or disobey his word. Whether you were strung out over his lap or forced on your knees, he was quick to remind you who was in charge. Your nights together would be spent in deep bliss as he would coax out your submission with long and unforgiving thrusts, making sure to leave you sobbing for your own release. His firm teachings didn’t just remain in the bedroom though, as he made it habit to let everyone know who you belonged to. Dutch adored the blush on your face when you would refer to him as ‘sir’ and he relished in the way you squirmed when he made you sit on his lap.  “Don’t pout now, or do I need to remind you who you belong to.” 
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DM Tip: The Debt Always Comes Due
Isn't it weird how little we engage with gold as a real gameplay system? Sure, at low level wealth makes a great questhook, the party is usually hurting for a payout so that they can afford necessary gear upgrades/ubiquitous healing potion restocks/their next trip to the magic item shop. After a while though the promise of raw wealth loses its lustre, and the party is less likely to go out of their way to accept bounties, go off chasing treasuremaps, or accept gigs from shady patrons.
Generally I'd advise that this is a sign that your party are done being run of the mill sellswords, and it's time to hit them with a big epic questline that's focused more on emotional and narrative stakes than base currency. That said, sometimes you want to run a longer adventure arc that's centred around the acquisition of wealth, but to do that, you're going to need to go against the grain on one of the foundational assumptions that underpins D&D both mechanically and narratively.
TLDR: If you want your party to be motivated by gold past their first big pay off you should consider using a "wealth hurdle", which in short is a narrative and gameplay challenge that forces them to collect not only more gold than they already have but also more gold than they could get doing what they've been doing so far. This can be anything from a crimelord calling in a debt on them or one of their allies, a powerful monster swooping in and demanding tribute, comissioning some grand construction, or funding the defence of a region. Having the hurdle active should cause problems for the party, and not clearing the hurdle before a perdetermiend deadline will immensely bad things to happen. This will force the party to take risks they otherwise wouldn't, giving a high degree of focus to their subsequent adventures that they wouldn't have if they were content.
What we're trying to fix:
At it's core, D&D is a power fantasy, and a good chunk of its gameplay mechanics regardless of edition are about acquiring new strengths, options, and assets. These assumptions are likewise built into the genre and narrative structure of most campaigns: Heroes undertake quests usually for the promise of some reward, gain experiance/hit milestones along the way, and eventually stumble across some kind of loot drop at the end. There's nothing strictly wrong with this, but it does mean that all the resource problems the heroes face in the early game (and the inbuilt motivations that come along with them) are all but resolved by the time they hit the next gameplay tier.
This is complicated by the fact that outside of 3rd party options there's not much to spend money on. The DMG (which you should totally ignore) say you shouldn't let them buy magic items, and the common wisdom would say "let them buy a keep", but that solution only appeals a niche selection of adventuring parties.
Using Weath Hurdles turns acquiring gold not just into a quest goal but a gameplay challenge, forcing your party to scour the land for potential sources of wealth (and risk upsetting whoever or whatever happens to be currently holding it) and take on challenges they'd never normally attempt if there was only survival/personal enrichment at stake.
Food for Thought:
Tradional d&d structure has the party getting a huge payout at the end of their adventure in the form of a bosshoard or questgiver reward which is a very backloaded "you can have your dessert after you finish your greens" sort of attitude. Consider switching it up sometimes: have the party's patron or employer give them a small stipend to spend on kitting themselves out, have an early game treasure haul so the party can have a mid-arc shopping episode. This is especially useful in higher level games where your party may go weeks to months without a level up as it preserves the feeling of progression and gives them new toys to play with in between the big character defining abilities.
Recently I've been learning my way around blades in the dark (can't reccomend it enough btw), and just like any other time I've wanted to learn a new ttrpg system I'm having to do a bit of neural rewiring when it comes to figuring out how to write and run sessions of the game. Coin in BitD is both an XP (used for upgrading the party's shared crew sheet) a resource (burned to upgrade the results of various rolls) and a stat ( rolled to see if the players can lay their hands on various hard to come by items). It didn't really click for me until my first group messed up really badly on what was supposed to be their introductory adventure and pissed off the local crimeboss. I was just going to have him bully them, lock them up and then have a jailbreak the next session ( it's what I'd do in d&d), but on the fly I had the idea that he'd let them go with a massive debt they needed to pay off, which forced them to either pay him a percentage of their takings on all future jobs, or do small jobs in utmost secrecy so that they could build up their own strength under his nose.
Interestingly enough, the d&d game where I thought player wealth as a resource was most interestingly used was Dimension 20’s starstruck Odessy, which was a conversion of the amazing fanmade  starwars5e system. Starstruck is a parody of hypercapitalism and aptly uses money as both a narrative and gameplay feature. One character is stuck paying weekly insurance premiums on a debt he would never be able to pay down forcing him to act recklessly to acquire wealth in the immediate future. Another character was a economic and political power player and some of the best moments in the series come from her high stakes wheeling and dealing and bouncing money between accounts while the rest of the group engages in epic space battles; the rest of the crew might’ve barely got their ship out of the dogfight, but she’s the one who ensures they can pay for the repairs once they get to the space dock.   None of this would be possible without completely ignoring the normal constraints of wealth per level: gaining and losing huge sums based on moment by moment player decisions, The need for them to play along with the absurist gig economy to boost their rating and get better paying jobs, making a devil’s bargain with a corporate sponsor all so that they could risk their lives in a deadly arena fight all for the (very unlikely) chance of winning the equivalent of a million GP.  Not every campaign should, or even could so focus on money in this way, but it was FASCINATING to watch it in action. 
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tofu83 · 1 month
The Followers:
The mysterious nightclub
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"Who are you!?" Adam exclaimed and subconsciously took a few steps back. "How do you get in?"
The man’s every muscle was delineated beneath the skintight rubbersuits, his eyes were concealed behind black visor, his face was expressionless.
He answered in a masculine, emotionless but somehow familiar voice to Adam. "I am Mike."
Adam was shocked. He and Mike were good friends from high school. Now they were roommates and both juniors in same college. Adam’s major was in Information Engineering but Mike’s was History. Adam was introverted but Mike was extroverted. They were so different but that’s couldn’t influence their friendship.
This guy was obliviously older and muscular than his friend. Yet there were some features similar to Mike. Adam would guess this is Mike’s elder brother if in other situations.
"Mike" kept going toward the kitchen and face the refrigerator.
"Need food." He took out a fish and started to bite it.
"That’s not sashimi!" Adam grab the fish from Mike and throw it to the sink.
"You can’t stop me." Mike said and moved robotically to the sink.
"Buddy, you are freaking me out!" Adam tried to pull him back but Mike turned to face him.
At this moment, Adam saw there were tears from Mike’s eyes.
"You're crying?"
"Hel…"Mike stopped answering and started turning around to the sink.
"Fine!" Adam pulled Mike’s visor down from his eyes.
Mike screamed then hold his own head and yelled, "it’s…it’s….ahhh! Tied me up! Hurry! Away from water! Quick!"
Moments later, Mike’s hands and legs were tied up with towels to a corner of his bed.
"Now you tell me what’s going on! You told me you were out to a nightclub but you come back like this? Wait, are you really Mike?"
"It’s me! I am…errr" Mike was sweating and shaking his head, "damn! That’s not just a nightclub, there are some ancient relics in the basement. And the relics…ah" Mike kept moaning, he seemed to trying to continue the sentence but failed.
"Ok, you relaxed and I call the police or ambulance."
"Nooooo! You can’t do that or there will be more victims!"
"Alright, you relax and calm down. I'll do some quick research to figure out what you experienced."
Adam suspected Mike smirked evilly for a second, but that might be an illusion.
"Useless, I did research before I went there. Nothing! Just some rumors sounded like jokes."
"You suddenly become normal and calm?"
"'It’s is relaxing! I am still fighting its influence!"
"What is IT?"
"I…I can’t say its name or…" Mike stopped, and face became painfully.
"You will bear pain or panic or something bad, right?"
Mike nodded.
"The only way I can figure out what happened is to go there by myself, right?"
Mike nodded again but tried to force out the voice to say, "don’t…"
"I will do anything to help you. You can’t stop me."
"No, not that." Mike paused and said, "don’t go now, it’s already morning." And he collapsed to sleep.
Adam smiled, he knew Mike would never stop making jokes even he looked like a shit.
Mike slept all day till next midnight. Adam waked him up.
"Good night! How do you feel now?"
"Good enough!"
"May I untie you now? Aren’t you hungry or thirsty?"
"No! It's night again and I’m afraid it will be back to my mind again! I’m not hungry but a bit thirsty."
"Okay."Adam put a kettle with straw of water by Mike. "Well, I am going."
"Good luck!"
"You don’t stop me?"
"We always can’t stop each other, right?"
Adam gave back a smile and went out.
After Adam closed the front door, Mike smirked and effortlessly tore the towels bound him. He picked up the kettle, stood up, drank all water and threw the kettle away. His expression was blissful, his eyes were soon covered by black visor emerged from nowhere.
"You did a good job." A voice whispered in his mind.
"It’s my honor."
"Receive your reward."
"Thank you, Master." Mike felt the pleasure spreading through all his body and concentrating on his groin. He cum with silent moaning because "Master" didn’t allow him to make noise now.
He felt hungry after his reward was finished. The body was not strong enough. He took the fish from refrigerator and ate it all. The body became even bulkier and was filled with energy.
He needed to be stronger. He was Master’s loyal follower and a guard of the cult. He was proud to trick his friend to go to the club. His master needed more followers.
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Adam felt nervous when walking in the alley. Although he would do anything to help his friend, he was still the guy afraid of social interactions. The feeling of being watched was so strong that he kept looking around to make sure there was no one stalking him. The only thing let him feel not so bad was the neon lights. That made this place a bit like the futuristic city in cyberpunk themed video game.
As being closer to the targeted nightclub, he found the surrounding area becoming even stranger: there were only men in this area and most of them were in good shape, wearing black rubber suits and black visors.
Just like Mike.
"We are same…" a voice whispered and Adam suddenly found that all men in black rubber stared at him. He was almost frightened to fell.
"Don’t be afraid, come…" the voice whispered and Adam was calm down and saw all men were doing their own thing or just walking past. Was it an illusion? He turned around and faced a hunk, who also wear black rubber skintight suits and visor.
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The bouncer looked at Adam without saying a word, his blank expression, crewcut hair and stubble face made him seem hard to get close to. Adam was too scared to move but could only look into the mirrored black visor and saw himself looking back. His mirror image was distorted by the ripples created in the center of the glasses. It made him feel strange and dizzy.
"You, pass."the bouncer suddenly said and made Adam a little bit shocked.
"Welcome, brother." the bouncer opened the door and let him in.
He didn’t know why the bouncer called him "brother" but he felt comfortable when he heard that.
"New brother arrives" the bouncer talked to his wrist, looked like talking to somebody through a beeper, and then stood up straight, smiled in bliss. Obviously, he was enjoying his reward.
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"Holy shit! What’s that!" Adam was scared by what he saw inside and intended to get out but the front door was locked.
No, he could not run away. He came to find out what happened to Mike and to figure out how to help his buddy. So he turned back to face that "thing".
It was a huge black "egg"hanging on the ceiling and was wrapped in plenty of big black octopus tentacles, all smooth, shining and reflecting neon lights from the environment.
The luster of the egg attracted him to move closer without realizing it. His mirrored image on the egg was clear and thin but it became vaguer and thicker when he moving. The surface of the egg seemed to be made of rubber, and was pulsating rhythmically. Adam also heard a humming noise coming from the egg, he couldn't stop himself from putting his ear to the big egg and listening. The egg was as warm as Adam’s body, and the nerd could swear there was a male moaning inside. Before he reacted, the moaning became speaking…
Adam tried focus on the words disturbed by the white noise, which was also in the egg.
When Adam heard the keyword, he suddenly realized that he was in a trance, as if he was hypnotized. He was sweating profusely.
He came here to find a way to help his brother, he could not let himself also…Wait! Why did he call Mike brother? He was shocked but even stunned by the mirror image on the egg.
It was Mike smiling back at him!
"We are same…" the voice whispered again.
Adam now found that there are not only one egg but many ones in the night club. Each had a mirrored image of man on surface. He seemed to saw these man before. They probably were those men in the alley because he was sure one of them was the bouncer at the front door.
Then the images of men all morphed into same guy: Adam. But these Adams’ body were sculpted and cladded in black rubber, their hairs were trimmed short, their eyes were blank and they smirked at him.
"Join us, we are brothers, we are same, we are one…."
"No!" Adam screamed in horror and run throughout the club to search the stairs led to the basement. Mike had told him there was something in the basement and that could be the key to the mystery.
Suddenly, a part of wall morphed into a hole and he fell into it, slid down a slide and fell into a puddle of water.
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"Fuck!" He struggled to stand up and saw a giant cephalopod creature floating in the midair. This time he was too scared to move or scream.
"Come to me," the creature whispered in the air but it’s loud in Adam’s mind. "My child…."
"No…" Adam turned back subconsciously but found he was no longer in the club!
He was in the street he came through to the club. There was no body, no life, no sound, only himself. He felt panic, lone and cold. He wanted to run but didn’t know where to go.
The giant octopus-like creature was still floating on the air and even larger than before. Its whispering became very loud and striking Adam’s mind strongly.
"Come to me, in the water…"
Water came from all directions and flooded the entire street. Just when he thought he was drowning, the scene changed again.
He was standing on the rocky shore of the sea, and the sea that should have been rough was calm. The setting sun was warm and seemed to guide him in the direction: "Sinking into the water. Just like the sun."
"Into the water…" he spoke to himself in unison with the whispers of the creature, and and leapt from the shore.Again he felt like he was drowning but this time he actually lost consciousness.
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When he woke up, he found himself in a dark space and felt something sliding back and forth on him.
He looked down and found that he was naked and there were many octopus tentacles "stroking" his well-defined body. He was not a sports person, not fat, but his body type was definitely not so good. Admiring his new body and being caressed by the tentacles, he became erect.
"You like it…"the creature whispered.
Yes. Adam thought but he forgot something. What’s that?
"It’s greeting gift for you to fallow my voice."
Adam tried to remember what he forgot but a tentacle grabbed his erected member and started stroking. It felt too good to think.
"Submit to me and you will get more…"
Submit? How…No! What am I thinking? Why I come here?
"You are my child. That’s why you come to me….Just like your brothers…."
Suddenly a tentacle inserted into his virgin back hole, it was so smooth that let him feel no pain but pure pleasure. The tentacle massaged his prostate and made him in the euphoria he never experienced in life. His vision became blur.
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Gradually there were well built males appearing one by one, standing in water in front of him.
"Brothers…" he was surprised that he addressed these guys "brothers" and didn’t felt wrong.
They all had well-defined bodies with tentacles massaging their muscles. But the difference between them and Adam is they were all in black rubber suits.
"Join us, submit to master…"
Adam unconsciously walked closer to the group of men and suddenly recognized one of them, remembered something.
"Mike!" He hold Mike’s strong shoulders and shake. "I came to help you!"
But Mike remained blank face, didn’t respond to him.
"You looked younger here! If I took you back, you would be normal again…"
"If you wanted to go back, I can’t stop you" Mike suddenly said, "but I can help you stay."
"Don’t you feel so good now?"
Adam felt the tentacle inserted his anus further and those stroking his body and genital became faster. He did actually not move his body yet, he was stilled trapped in the same place by tentacles.
"You will be strong, fearless and positive, all you need is submission"
The tentacles guided Adam’s hand to touch Mike’s body, it’s so hard so manly.
"Join us, be brothers, we share our mind, we improve our physique, we obey master, master help us become better, master is the truth."
Mike’s lips suddenly came close to Adam’s and gave him a deep kiss.
Adam resisted at first because he and Mike were best friends but not gay. However, he gave in very quickly. Good friends hug, good brothers share, they share everything including saliva, so it’s normal to kiss your buddy.
Mike put his tongue into Adam's mouth, and it gradually became longer and thicker, and finally turned into an tentacle.
Adam felt the tentacle from his front and back extended to each other and connected. It’s the moment that every men disappeared, vanished like smoke, including Mike.
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His vision became completely dark, could not see any thing but feel tentacles massaging his digestive tract, caressing his muscles, rubbing his face and something sucking his nipples and phallus hungrily.
And the smell. Smell salty, masculinity, freshly. The smell of the ocean and men. He started to imagine a muscular himself surrounded and squeezed by other muscular men. They were brothers, they loved each others, they were each others, they were all embraced by Master’s arms. The tentacles made him very close to climax and the voice of master whispered.
"Submit. My child. Accept your true form. Follow my lead forever."
Adam felt so good, and he finally understood. He came to find a way to help Mike. But in the end, he was the one need help. Thanks, Mike. Thanks for tricking him to grab the black visor. The visor was absorbed in his hand and the journey to the truth began.
Master is the truth. All men are Master’s children. All men should submit. Master will make each man perfect. Each man is equal. They are brothers, follow Master’s lead.
He submitted. Not only body and thought but also spirit and soul.
"Good child. You have your reward."
Adam reached the most fierce but also most pleasurable climax in his life. He roared like a beast, he knew Master would be pleased if he proved his loyalty out loud.
For a second, he saw himself standing among other muscular males, all in skintight rubber suits. They lowered their head to show submission to the Master.
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On the ceiling of the basement under the nightclub, hang several giant rubber eggs. Tentacles massaged and stroked each eggs, slimy and slippery. Moaning sounds could be heard occasionally from the eggs.
One of them was shaking violently. A small vertical crack appeared and plenty of black goo flew out. The crack became bigger and bigger until the egg shell cracked in half. All remained black goo fell on the ground and there was a naked man kneeling on one knee.
The man’s body was muscular and sculpted, his face was with square chin and five o’clock shadow, his hair short and eyes blank. He slowly stood up. The black goo spread from his toes up and formed rubber boots and pants. Some goo shot to his arms and rubber gloves were created.
The man’s head kept down until the goo covered all from his neck down. The skintight rubber bodysuit outlined his perfect body, glimmering under the led neon lights on the walls.
He walked upstairs to the ground floor. There were also giant black rubber eggs, some merely pulsating, some were cracking, and some already broken, but there was only him alone in the room.
The man’s finger touched a cellphone left on the bar table, the cellphone wrapped in black goo immediately.
"911, what’s your emergency?"
"I am kidnapped! Help!" The macular man used a faked young man voice answered.
"Do you know where you are? Are you safe?"
"I’m safe, for now. It’s a nightclub…" he gave them the address.
"May I have your name please?"
"I am Adam."
"Okay, sir. Our men will be there in 10 minutes, please be calm."
"Hurry!" And he hang on the phone, or more accurately, disconnected the phone.
Adam stood up straight, smiled. He knew he did well as Master ordered him to do so he could enjoy the pleasure throughout his body. When the police arrived, Master might give him the main reward, the first climax after his rebirth.
The visor form on his blank eyes. He walked out and gave a nod to the bouncer. Mike and the bouncer were assigned as guards of the cult and should be more muscular than other followers. But follower like Adam who could arrive to the front of Master, would be assigned as missionaries. They would be given nice looking face and their body would morphed to the most attractive type according to the objects.
Adam walked through the alley, searched target. He had never been so eager to take the initiative to contact strangers. Thanks to Mike for helping him get to know his master. Now with the support of his new brother and the leadership of his master, he had a clear and new goal in life.
"Thank you, master!" He yelled in mind but made no noise in public when enjoying his first main reward at the entrance of alley in the street.
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evvlevie · 4 months
Are you desperate to manifest? Then read my advice.
Hello my sweet followers! It's your favorite shifting/manifestation Blogger Evie again, and today I am here to soothe your nerves.
See, if you are anything like me, I know you. I know the way you have been obsessing over this particular desire of yours, closely watching every single possible hint of this desire arriving in your 3D and continuously over-consuming content on social media regarding manifestation/shifting content.
And since I have been there, I know what kind of advice you are craving. What kind of "hack" you are desperately seeking to finally unlock you having everything you have ever wished for. Coming across thousands of methods, overthinking their legitimacy, doubting everything, feeling like you are pushing your desires away, and then panicking, genuinely panicking, over the fact that you are sabotaging your own self and your desires. All of this ending with asking yourself why you deny yourself heaven.
Let me guide you through this.
First of all:
forget everything you have over-consumed in the last days/weeks/months. All of this extracurricular type of knowledge that you acquired regarding manifestations and all of that. Allow the two of us to start with a clean canvas here.
... you done? Thank you, my darling ♥️
Now let me tell you something about manifestation ...
Key, and I mean 🔑 K E Y 🔑 to manifesting things, is trust and faith.
yes. It's that easy, but also that hard.
Due to the way our society is constructed, we life our lives with the expectation that everything good only comes after a lot of hard work, a lot of pressure and most importantly : control.
There you have reason number one why people get in their own way when manifesting things. They doubt their manifestations can arrive "just because" they wished on it or believed on it. They can not trust into the fact, that that is all it can take, they believe they need some sort of control over their blessings. They want to know how it arrives, when it arrives, maybe even why it arrives. They want to control something, because that would satisfy their belief, that nothing comes from nothing.
Y O U are a spiritual being. Y O U are consciousness. Y O U are also the physical environment that you are in. Your 3D is Y O U.
But your cute little desperate, over-consuming ass knows that already doesn't it? Of course you do. And I am here to reward you with your own little ✨A+✨ for effort, but you need to understand the essence of what it means that the 3D is Y O U.
Your 3D is a direct, and I mean direct, translation of your soul. You and your physical environment are tied together. You are conjoined twins. You might seem like two separate entities, but on every level that matters, you guys are one. Your moods get reflected into the 3D, just like the 3D can affect your mood by presenting you a certain situation. But it is important to note, that everything starts with your assumptions, and ends with your 3D producing the physical version of that. Let me say this again: the 3D is a P R O D U C T of YOUR ASSUMPTIONS. Anything that you see, feel, smell whatever, is old news. It is the physical shape of your PAST thoughts.
So now, when you are affirming that your neighbor is in love with you and is going to ask for your hand in marriage, and he doesn't do it the very next day, do you assume your manifestations have failed? Maybe. Are you panicking now, because you have thought a negative thought and the entire internet has taught you, that this negative thought has now prevented you from ever attaining your desire ever? And do you now affirm against your accidental self sabotage in the way that you are drowning your head in forced positive thoughts that you are not believing a single bit? And are you now back to panicking because you know that you don't believe your forced positive thoughts, and you are anxious that this has now pushed your manifestations further back away?
I have been there. In fact I can only type out this scenario because I HAVE FELT THAT WAY.
But rest assured, because here is where my 🔑 K E Y🔑 of trust and faith ties in.
When I tell you, that you are a spiritual energy capable of changing your physical reality as much as you like, as enormously as you want, I want you to think of yourself like a greek god, or a magician of some sort. As if you had a blank notebook in front of you and anything you write in it happens. 100% Guarantee. How powerful would you feel? That's your exact, and I mean exact, power. The 3D is not your commander. You are like a child with infinite fantasy and the 3D is just play-doh that you mold to your liking. Realize your power. And most importantly: ACCEPT it. Accept, that even the bad stuff that had happened to you, happens BECAUSE of you. Nothing ever starts from anything else other than you. Remember: the 3D is like your conjoined twin. It is not your enemy, because it's delayed production shows you things you dislike, it's simply just you.
✨Now imagine this:✨
Let's say you want to manifest, that you get a brand new car. A MINI. Let's say a red one (totally not suggesting this because I drive a red MINI). And let's say you want that car so bad, you look up at the sky and shout at it : "Please god! Let me have a red MINI! Preferably with a heated steering wheel!" AND TO YOUR SURPRISE a woman right next to you overheard your little prayer there and tells you this: "Lucky for you, I am a fortune teller! And I can see that you are driving a red MINI with a heated steering wheel AND it even has Apple Car-Play!" You jump up and down out of joy and nothing can stop you. Your mother just told you that you guys can't afford another car insurance but you don't care, because the fortune teller already told you about your crazy cool red MINI. Suddenly the every MINI-dealership on the planet is destroyed in a hurricane, but you don't care because you know from your fortune-teller that you will get a red MINI, so why would you bother? Two weeks since then have passed, and out of nowhere your father confesses to you, that he has partaken in a crazy poker-game where a random rich dude has gambled with his brand new, red MINI-Cooper and that your very own dad (who you didn't even know, knew how to play poker) has won this amazing car for you (and it even has heated seats!).
This scenario, is what manifestation is for you, every day. Persisting in a fact that you already have something, despite the 3D showing you different, is trust and faith in yourself as the one and only creator of your reality. YOU are your own fortune teller. YOU know, that your desire is on its way to you, because you decided that it is. Every single time, you manifest things and the opposite is showing up, you need to be your own best friend, your own hero, your own fortune teller and your own creator and remind yourself, that you have all of your desires on their way, because only you can make a decision in your realm. You look outside of the window and there is no MINI in the driveway? Well I guess the translation into the 3D is slow again, because I know I manifested one.
Things have always taken its longest way to me, when I desperately tried to control. Tried to monitor and tried to micro-manage the way stuff happens. And when it didn't come quick enough, I would blame myself and question my powers. But there is no reason to question your powers, when you as the creator are prefect in creating. Your production might be slow, It might be weird and it produces in unexpected ways, but it's for sure reliable. When you put oranges into a juicing machine, you get orange juice. You just have to trust into your own production company that its producing your products (and they are).
There is no reason, no room for anxiety, for overthinking or doubts. The process is simple. You order, you get. Every time. Nothing else. And sometimes you see your old orders before you see your recent ones, but that's okay your recent ones are still on their way. If you were to bawl your eyes out the moment your mother told you, she won't buy you a red MINI, that wouldn't have changed the fact that the fortune teller already predicted you that car. You would just be crying for no reason, but idk maybe you just need to? Who am I to judge the reason someone is crying, bestie?
Manifesting with this anxious overthinking scenario I showed you earlier can feel heavy, but I am here to remind you, that your anxious 3D-reactions are not postponing your manifestations, if you as a creator decide, that you are allowed to react without consequences, or at least without the consequences you would disapprove of. If you panic, and you feel like every single thought matters and manifests, then yeah obviously. The trick is to realize, that there is a cheat code to everything, and in this case, it's deciding that certain things just never happen because you don't want them to.
So finally I want you guys to remember:
be your own fortune teller, and trust into the fact that you always predict correctly.
yours in every reality,
Evie <3
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morlock-holmes · 1 year
Notice in the post below that the only named task that the OP struggled with is homework?
Now, people diagnosed with ADHD or similar disorders often do struggle with tasks that we might actually want to do, but almost always, the diagnosis is linked in everyone's mind to an inability to do homework.
But homework is fucking bullshit.
I really think it's absurd to ignore that fact when talking about how you complete tasks.
"Gosh, my kid seems to have a lot of trouble focusing on dull make-work which I force him to do for two hours every single day, why could this be?"
I spent literally as little time in school as I could and still graduate. As in, by my junior or senior year the principal sat me down and said, "If you skip anymore school we aren't going to be able to graduate you from High School."
And yet... When I bothered to go, I got good grades. I did generally quite well on tests and did eventually graduate. I'm quite proud of that as an act of self-mastery but it does raise the question:
Why was so much energy spent on trying to get me to go to school for all that time when I was demonstrably able to get the benefits with literal years less work than they wanted me to put in?
Why was so much time spent trying to devote those years to schoolwork when it simply wasn't necessary for me to learn?
Homework is a microcosm of that whole question. I always wanted to know,
"So, if I can skip 60% of the homework and still get an "A" on the test, why do you try to force me to do it?"
And to this day I have never gotten a good answer.
So: I saw no value in most of my homework and that hasn't changed to this day.
So, here's a pop quiz for the people wondering why their kids with diagnoses don't do their homework no matter what planning and techniques adults supply them with:
What would your kid have to do to spend less of their valuable time on homework?
"Well, if they just knuckled down and got it done..."
BZZT! WRONG! You get a "D-" on this test and I really hope you apply yourself more to the next one, you have so much potential...
If they "forget about it" then they have to do even less.
Now, of course that means that your kid is in a state of constant stress from avoidance. They are thinking, "Man, I'm going to get in so much trouble for not doing this, but I just can't seem to force myself to do it, and anyway I don't fucking want to."
You think that they'd be better off spending two stressful hours on their homework and then being able to relax the rest of the time. They feel like they'll be happier not doing it at all and feeling a vague undercurrent of stress as they go about their leisure time.
What's the third option if they want to spend less time on homework?
Oh, nothing? Is it nothing whatsoever until they graduate from school?
This is infuriatingly counter-productive. We spend literal years teaching ADHD kids that avoidance and procrastination are the only ways to exert control over their lives in the face of unpleasant situations imposed from outside.
Now, in point of fact this is absolutely not the case for adult life, which offers a plethora of ways to reduce pointless make-work imposed on you by outside authorities and, in any case, rarely bothers to impose two hours per day of unpaid, unrewarding make-work on people anyway.
How much of the difficulty ADHD people have with cleaning the toilet or whatever is because psychologically, they still think of it as homework? Cleaning the toilet is not homework; it rewards you with a clean toilet at the end and it's entirely possible to defer it, or hire someone else to do it, or find shortcuts. But if the major psychological task of your childhood is homework, maybe it might take quite a long time to think that there could even be anything aside from homework?
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crheativity · 1 month
Congrats on 200!
If it's cool with you, can I request a 5pm spa day with Vil?
WARNINGS: I don’t know anything about skin care (which is probably not a good thing). Also, featuring workaholic Vil. This also might be a bit out of character, I’m sorry, I tried D:
COMMENTS: Thank you Ithseem!! I’m sorry this took so long!! Not knowing anything about skincare or spa days made this like 10x more intimidating haha. I hope you enjoy it!!! Also, Vil with banter >>>>>
(Also, I promise I haven’t forgotten your other req, it’s just taking a while ;n;)
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It is a truth universally acknowledged that the more “perfect” someone is, the busier they must be. If that was the case, you thought, then your boyfriend must be the most perfect person in the world.
It wasn’t that you were starved for attention - your boyfriend, the one and only Vil Schoenheit - gave you the attention you wanted any time he could (and quite often when he really should be working). But that never stopped you from feeling just a little bit lonely when he was away for a model shoot or busy with his acting. The past couple of days had been particularly painful. Vil had been away for about two weeks, shooting various cameos in various TV shows that you definitely remembered the name of.
Now he was finally back, and, as such, you’d gone to see if you could spend time with him, only to find him sitting cross-legged on his bed, deeply entrenched by a small mountain of paperwork.
“What’s all this?” You made your way over to his bed, attempting in vain to find a free spot to sit.
He glanced up at you and smiled, humour dancing in his eyes. “I believe it’s polite to knock before entering someone’s room.” He gently reminded you as he shuffled around some papers, making room for you next to him.
You sat down, wriggling into a comfortable position. “Usually, yeah, but you’re my boyfriend. You don’t count as a ‘someone’.”
He raised his eyebrows, his smile quirking into something a little more smug. “If I’m not a ‘someone’, does that mean I’m no one at all? Or do I not exist to you, hm?”
You took his arm and hugged it, humming in thought. “More like the fact that you do exist is unbelievable.”
Vil rolled his eyes but smiled. “And where did you learn that one?”
“From the best - you.”
He chuckled and patted your head with his spare hand.
You remained there in quiet for a while, the silence only occasionally broken by the scratching of Vil’s pencil on paper.
After a couple minutes that felt more like a couple hours, you felt restless. Having Vil back was amazing, but you wanted to do something, not just sit here and wait for him to finish whatever paperwork he was working through. That was out of the question, however. Vil always preferred to have his work done before doing anything else, so he didn’t have it hanging over him to do later.
To stop him in the middle of his work for something that could be done later, it’d have to be something pretty special.
After a couple minutes of brainstorming, you had a plan. It wasn’t guaranteed to work, but it was better than nothing.
Hesitantly, you tugged Vil’s arm. “Vil?”
“Yes, dear?”
“Do you wanna have a spa day?”
Vil glanced up at you, surprise and some suspicion evident in his expression. “Pardon?”
“I just wanted to ask if you wanted to do a spa day.”
“…Why do you ask?” He looked interested, but confused.
“Well… you were gone for ages and I missed you. And I know you worked really, really hard on those shoots. So I was trying to think of something that you like that we could do as a celebration or something, I guess? Like, a celebration that we’re together again and a reward for your hard work.” You glanced up at him and smiled hesitantly. “Is that okay?”
Vil looked surprised, a faint splash of pink dusting his cheeks. He hesitated, then smiled. “Oh, alright then. This can all wait.” He took the papers on his lap and placed them in a pile, then gathered up all his other papers and dumped them unceremoniously on his desk. “It’s all utterly boring anyhow. But, dearest,” he paused and turned to look at you, a curious light in his eyes, “what made you think of a spa day?”
You shrugged and smiled. “Because you like them, right? And besides, relaxing after a long trip is better than doing more work.” You wrinkled your nose at the paperwork as though it smelt like Grim after rolling around in the mud.
Vil quickly walked over to you and pulled you into a tight hug. “Thank you, dearest.” He pulled away, a tired smile on his face and a purely, genuinely happy look in his eyes. He turned and went to prep everything needed for the spa day, and for that you were glad;
Even when he was exhausted, he knew how to make your heart skip a beat.
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♥Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!!♥
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing! :D Ive never made a request before so i hope i am in the right place haha. I'm being completely self-indulgent here... but could I get Kaeya, Wanderer, Tighnari, or Diluc ( or anyone else you may want to write for) fluff with a reader who is sweet and kind? Like they dont have a mean bone in their body, constantly compliment their s/o, cook them cute breakfast pancakes in the shape of a heart, bunny or with a smiley face,,, wear clothes that match theirs/clothes in their favorite color. Just super pure wholesome relationship shenanigans. :3 Thank you!! I hope this all made sense. And if you'd rather not write this then that's totally okay!!
First of, thank you so much for saying that. It really means a lot to me<3
Second, you're fine, it made perfect sense. I don't usually write a lot of fluff, even though I adore it, so I don't know if I'm any good at it.
But I gave it my all, so I hope something good did come out of it.
Characters Included: Diluc, Tighnari, Wanderer, Kaeya
Content: just pure fluff, nothing to worry about
Word count: 2,1k words
Thank you so much for your request. Hope you enjoy<3
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Your sweet and caring personality is a stark contrast to Diluc's own rough and closed of one, so I feel like at first, it would be a bit too much for him
He definitely has to get used to it first
He can't remember the last time he was showered in compliments that didn't regard his strength or wealth
simply just you existing, complimenting his choice of clothes, his hair or anything else, has this man speechless and sometimes, even blushing
and if you ever were to give him a... riskier compliment.. hope you enjoy watching a malfunctioning Diluc right in front of you
his face would explode in all shades of red, stuttering like crazy, trying to process what you just said
Diluc can take a bit of teasing, but don't take it too far with him or he will combust on the spot
the relationship with you also greatly improved his communication skill. He is still rather reserved and quiet, but he is a good listener and great at remembering stuff
over time, it gets easier for him to communicate about his wants and needs, what he likes and doesn't like
he can now openly talk about it with you, without fearing to upset you of feeling guilty about it, because he felt like that would be too selfish of him
everyone around you can see what a great influence you are to Diluc's everyday life
He feels much more at peace and doesn't look like he's constantly on edge, like he's about to murder the next person that comes into his line of vision
I feel like Diluc's love language would be quality time. He likes to spend time together, just the two of you. And he doesn't really care how the time is spend
It could be on a long walk, baking or cooking together in his kitchen, cuddling on the couch or the bed, he really doesn't care as long as he gets to be alone with you, no one and nothing to distract you around
invites you to permanently live with him in his mansion after only a few months of dating. Would be understanding if you told him that this would be too fast for you, but if you agree? He's over the moon, because that means he can spend every single second of the day with you when he's also at home
really grew to enjoy cuddling over the course of the relationship. Didn't see the appeal of it at the start, but now he knows why everyone is such a big fan of it
Cuddling is a must when you lay in bed together at night, he can't really sleep right anymore without you hugged close to him. He needs you right by his side
Diluc becomes more vocal a bit later on, starting to also give you compliments
overall, he needs a lot of time to settle in and feel comfortable in a relationship, but if you are willing to give him the time he needs, the rewards you'll get will be so worth it
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Now, I may be a bit biased with him, because I love Tighnari, but I don't care
Tighnari would be a very attentive lover
he dates only with the intention of settling down and having a forever with you, so if you're not up for that, please tell him upfront so he doesn't waste his time
would take great pride if he is the sole provider for the both of you, since his instincts play a big part in that
he would take his time in a relationship, trying to ascertain if it works out between you two
feels very sure and secure in the relationship, but that doesn't mean that he never gets jealous
funnily enough, I headcanon Tighnari as one of the most jealous men ever. He knows you would never do anything to him behind his back, but he can't help his instincts. And when every little thought in his head just yells "MINE" he can't help but act on them. Don't blame him for it.
once he is sure that you are the right one for him and that he wants to spend his life with you, he would sit you down and talk to you about mating
he told you a few things about it and how he and his instincts work (because he is a hybrid and all), but he never went into too much detail
if you were to agree to becoming his life partner and mate, he would be so happy that he starts crying a bit
hugs you close to him and doesn't let you go for the entire night
He never thought that love and romance would be for him, nevertehless thought that he would ever find a mate in the first place. So excuse him for feeling overjoyed at the way his live is playing out right now
Tighnari's love language I think would be both physical touch and acts of service
he loves to pamper you and one of the best ways to do that would be to help you with household chores
every once in a while, when you decide to sleep in a bit, don't be too surprised when you wake up to the dishes from the night before being done and properly stored already.
The laundry that you washed and folded but didn't put away yet? Suddenly gone and neatly stocked in the closet.
When asking him about it, he just looks at you and goes "What? Am I not allowed to help my mate around the house a bit?"
Doesn't really expect a reward from you, but also won't complain if you give him kisses and cuddles for his help.
He really, REALLY, enjoys your cooking. Even when sometimes you make stuff he's not really into, he still eats it and every time finds something he does enjoy about the meal. But maybe that's just the effect you have on him as a whole..
Also, physical touch.. Tighnari can't go a day without touching you. It starts every morning, instisting to stay in bed for five more minutes for morning cuddles.
You're still cooking when he comes home from a long day? Hugs you from behind, kisses your neck and either helps you with the cooking, or just stays there and basks in your presence
He has to touch you in some way, shape or form every time he sees you, even if you just walk by him. He can't help it, just let him induldge, please
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Now this man..
Hope you brought some patience with you, because you're going to need it
Before even thinking of getting into a relationship with him, you first have to earn his trust. And that's not something easily achievable
But, if you manage to do it and make him fall in love with you while doing it? Congratulations, he will be your forever loyal and loving partner from now on
He's still very bad at communicating, so maybe learn to read between the lines with him
He always acts like he doesn't like stuff that you do, but if you look closely, you can see the way he turns his head so you don't notice his red cheeks or how his tone gets a bit softer when he's embarrassed about something
In reality, he loves and appreciates everything you do for him
Even though he never fails to tell you how ridiculous you are for making his breakfast pancake into a heart-shaped form, he still quietly sits down and eats it, head turned to escape your gaze. He just hopes you'll never see how red his face gets every time
He once saw a stall on a market he was walking through that sold necklaces. On a whim, he bought one that had a single, indigo coloured crystal dangling from the string
When he noticed you wearing it almost every day, he felt like he suddenly gained a heart, and it leaped and wanted to jump out of his chest again. He didn't say anything but just hugged you from behind, holding you a bit tighter than he usually did
I think Wanderer would appreciate you even more if your love language happened to be words of affirmation
He can't even begin to tell you how much it means to him to get that constant, verbal reassurance that you love him and want to be with him
It's something he still struggles a lot with, not thinking that he's worthy of all the time and effort you put into him. But your words really help him, it starts to sink in that you're with him because you want to, not because he manipulated you or anything
As for the Wanderer himself, I feel physical touch would most likely be his love language
Not only because he gets the physical reassurance that you're actually here with him and this whole thing is not just a delusion or dream his mind came up with. It's also because it reminds him that you're alive and well in his arms, and you're not planing on going anywhere
one of his favourite moments is when you two cuddle, either in bed or on the couch, with his head laid on your chest. He can clearly hear your heartbeat like that. He feels safe listening to it and it is a safe method for him to enter the dreamworld without much problem.
A very devoted lover, although difficult at first, but again, the pay-off is more than worth the effort
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There is one, very important rule in a relationship with Kaeya. One he will never, under no circumstances, ever break
Once a week, there will be a couple's night
During that time, the both of you stay at home together. No outings, no work, no going out with friends or family, nothing
Just the two of you, dressing up in cute little matching onesies, making dinner together (maybe have a little food war in the kitchen), cuddle up on the couch afterwards
Sometimes you play games together, other times it's a full on spa night with face masks, where you give each other massages and just pamper the other.
But the both of you are so grateful that you decided to implement this rule into your relationship
Kaeya's job as a knight can get rather busy from time to time, it happened on more than one occaison that he stayed at the headquarters for a few days uninterrupted. During that time period, you rarely got to see him.
Still, when it was time for date night, neither of you made exeptions. No matter how much work was waiting for him, Kaeya would put it on hold for this night. Because that's what you both agreed on and also, he really needs the break. He missed your presence and touch
Kaeya is another one who I think expresses his love for you through physical touch and quality time.
Precisely because he doesn't always have much time to spend with you, every second counts for him. To him, it does not matter how that time is spent, so long as it's with you
There could be thousands of other people around you, it could be on a night out with friends. As long as he gets to touch you, feel you close to him and have you there with him, he is happy.
Kaeya also trust you deeply. You're one of the only people he feels comfortable enough around to take his eye patch off.
Once you learned that his right eye is fine under that patch - except for a not so nice looking vertikal scar - and saw it for the first time, Kaeya also told you the story behind how he got that scar
Of course he is scared about your reaction to it, but when you lean close to him and softly kiss the scar, he realized that he never, not even for a second, had to worry about it. Because it's you. You are here with him, you make him feel loved and cared for. Of course there was no reason for him to ever doubt you
Wants to put a ring on your hand as soon as he can, but with how hectict his life can get, he would rather wait for it to calm down
But he knows, deep down, that you will be the only person he will ever love like that. And for nothing in this world would he ever let go of you..
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thegnomelord · 6 months
17 with Phillip Graves I'm begging🙏
also I just found out about your account and your writing is so good what??? in love w your work
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You have no idea how long I've wanted to do something with Graves but couldn't figure out what lol :D Play the game HERE.
Prompt: Oral as punishment.
CW: NSFW, sub Phillip Graves, GN reader but you get referred to as 'doll' but as far as I'm aware it's gn sooo, oral, feminization, semi-public sex, humiliation, cross dressing, mentions of masochism/pain play.
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Phillip Graves is a fucking brat.
For weeks now he's been trying to rile you up, sitting next to you whenever you go to eat in the mess hall so his hand can safely wander beneath the table. He's all confident when he does this, laughing along with the other shadows like nothing's wrong, feigning worry when your breathing grows stuttered and heat ravages your skin as if the bastard's not unashamedly groping your crotch.
The little shit knows you won't react in public; he knows what he's doing.
And you know what he wants— the little masochist loves the humiliation of being brought over your knees like a boy as much as he craves the sting of your palm on his ass, the sharp bite of your belt leaving welts on his thighs, the lingering nibble of pain from healing bruises decorating his pale skin like paint flicked by a deranged artist —each lick of pain left by your hands is like a drop of a drug he's addicted to, each session leaving him needing more.
You know you've been indulging him for too long when pulling him into his office has victory sparkling in his eyes, goosebumps spreading across his skin like he's already expecting a slap to the face.
You don't reward him with what he wants. "You're a real menace." You growl, closing the door but leaving it unlocked. "Acting up like a little brat."
"Ah don't know what yer talking about Doll," Graves says smoothly, his eyes lingering on the door. "Just bein' my charming self." He notices you don't lock it, that self-preserving part of his mind catching on faster than he does; you're up to something.
"Sure you are." You grip him by the hair, your lips only an inch apart. "My baby girl just wants to be punished, right?" Tugging on his hair just enough to tease him with what he wants you quickly pull your head away when he attempts to kiss you, shoving a small bag into his hands. "Put this on." You suddenly say.
Graves blinks rapidly, heart stuttering at your words, and he's both worried and aroused by the look in your eyes; like an old trickster god. He looks down and reaches into the nondescript bag, careful as if you've stuffed a bear trap inside it, confusion flaring in his eyes when he feels soft fabric and softer lace.
"You've got to be kidding me-" He snaps sharply, almost insulted, ears and cheeks as pretty pink as the gstring and skirt he now holds in his hand. "-I don't- doll, I can't- I-"
"You can and you will." You cut off his sputtering, yanking on his hair to shut him up. "You wanted to be a brat, I'm treating you like one." Your eyes narrow, pointedly ignoring how your harsh voice has a shiver running down his spine. "Now quit bitching and put that on. Right here."
Graves opens his mouth to argue with a retort burning like hot coals on his tongue, but the self-preservation portion of his mind kicks in from one glance into your eyes and before he knows it he's dropping his pants, embarrassment flooding his chest at how his cock bobs to stand at attention.
"Slut." You huff when you notice he's gone commando again, "I wonder how much the others would like to know their commander's such a whore."
He bites his tongue to silence himself and to stop himself from whining as he slips the panties on, the soft dainty lace trapping his cock, the light pink color darkening the fading bruises on his legs. The skirt comes next, so short it doesn't cover anything, and Phill resists rubbing his thighs together when he sees his cock poke out beneath the skirt's frilly fabric.
"Look at you, pretty girl," You chuckle, reaching down to fondle his cock like he'd done to you, the mix of your rough grip mixed with the silky soft fabric of the panties forcing a moan out of his throat. "Ready to stop being a brat and be a good girl?"
"Yes, please-" Graves quivers, clutching your shoulders and moaning while you continue to grope him, only stopping when there's a prominent damp spot at his tip and swiftly taking your hand away. "Fuck, doll."
You ignore his whining, moving him to sit in his chair, using his jeans as an impromptu cushion for your knees as you get beneath his desk. "Now, you've still got work to do." Your words has dread bubbling in his chest and his cock twitching when you pull his chair close to his desk, throwing his naked legs over your shoulders so he can't roll away. "You're finishing your work, oh, and you don't get to cum."
"Fuck-" Graves sucks in a sharp breath as your lips tickle his tip through the panties, "An' if I do?" He can't help himself, needs to rile you up even as a blush crawls down his neck.
He feels you grin against his tip, nearly jumping out of his chair when you roughly grip his balls, the tight string of the panties pushing down the middle of them to make them more grabbable. "Then this little clit is getting stuck in a cage until I decide to forgive you." You chuckle, slowly and leisurely licking him from base to tip, adding your spit to the liquid soaking the fabric. "Now get back to work."
He roughly brushes a hand through his hair, tugging on the strands to get his focus back before his bleary eyes settle on the laptop. He tries to type a report, but he keeps missing letters because it's fucking hard; you're consistent in your inconsistency, switching up the way you pleasure him with your mouth each time he's beginning to get used to it— lapping at his shaft like a dog one second, lewdly sucking on the tip the next, breaking off periodically to bite his fading bruises or tease his hole.
And all the while you keep his cock trapped in the panties, the constant strain of wet fabric adding to the building pleasure in his gut. Your hands keep him still when he attempts to wiggle or squirm, leaving fingerprint bruises to reward him for staying still as you suckle on his length and pulling moans from his chest.
He forgets the door is unlocked, moaning and groaning and squirming at how your spit cools, sending shivers up his spine. His groin is wet with your spit, from the tip of his cock down to his hole, his muscles spasming beneath your fingers as his body tries to buck into your mouth.
He's breathing like a racehorse and barely able to finish one report out of a few hundred when there comes a sharp knock on the door, followed by "Commander Graves?"
Fear and arousal floods his veins, his eyes quickly falling to you, large like dinner plates as he remembers; "Doll-"
"What are you waiting for?" You ask, teasing and smug like he'd been the entire week. "Go on pretty girl, call them in." There's no room for argument in your tone, and Graves gulps, his thighs tensing around your head and clenching his teeth.
"Come in!" He says and thinks-hopes- his voice doesn't sound as shaky to the as it does to him. He keeps his focus on the laptop, whole body tense and ears straining to hear his door open and close, mentally following the shadow's movements. "Report." He says.
You choose this time to lightly nibble on his tip, but he manages to clamp his mouth shut and the shadow doesn't notice anything. They prattle on about several things that could have been sent as an email and all the while Graves is stiff as a board trying not to squirm, trying not to show how your hot mouth on his cock is affecting him.
"Are you alright sir?" The shadow asks, bringing attention how flushed he looks. Graves briefly catches your smug gaze as you purposely open your mouth to rest his leaking tip on your tongue, the panties wet with your spit and his precum.
"Peachy," He grinds out, fingers balled into fists in an attempt to keep from squirming when your thumb presses against his hole without penetrating, trying to make him break. "Dismissed." He says sharply.
"But sir-"
"I said dismissed." He growls, hopes and prays his voice doesn't crack, ears burning and refusing to look at the shadow because he's so close, his balls and cock twitching in your hands.
The shadow hesitates, almost leaning closer and Graves nearly flinches, beath catching in his throat; the shadow would only need to take a half-step to see the pink skirt and panties, and just the knowledge of that, of his shadows knowing how much of a whore he is, has more precum leaking from his tip.
"Yes sir," The shadow says and salutes before leaving. The door closes with a resounding 'click' bringing with it heaven and hell.
Graves slumps back into his chair as if he'd run a marathon, his breath of relief broken by a moan when you dig your nails into a bruise on his thighs. "Good girl," Your smooth praise has liquid pleasure flowing in his veins, your nails digging deeper into his bruises feeding his addiction for pain and building a second need for more humiliation. "Did so well for me."
"Doll, please, I need-" He whines, head falling back against the backrest of his chair and a pitiful sound escaping his chest when you pull your lips from his cock. "-please just let me cum, need to cum."
"Oh no, you're not done yet," You're like a devil between his legs, grinning up to him. "You've still got a few hours of work left."
"You're evil," He breathes out, but he's hopeless to submit, leaning in to reach his laptop, groaning when your lips return to his leaking tip, his belly tight with heat that he's desperate to hold off. "Alright, yes, sure-"
"Good girl." You press on his bruises and suck on his tip again, and maybe you'll let him cum in a few hours...
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yourheart-inmyhands · 7 months
haha im back from the dead to be annoying >:)
Btw zhongli pantalone and childe you know the one where you made her like a child hissing at them. What if they suddenly became like a calm and kind darling after one of the biggest child screaming last night and like they also stop fighting or anything but will be Affectionate if you treat them kindly and won’t force them >;)
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ah this is such a good idea! i apologize that it took me so long to get to it but i hope you like it :D
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including mentions of stockholm syndrome, mentions of drugging, mentions of mind breaking, being held against will, being deprived of food, being deprived of sunlight, delusional behaviors, and other potential topics. Please Read At Your Own Risk!
Yandere!Zhongli would be skeptical, while he likes the idea that you finally came around, he knows it’s not true. He’d continue to keep you trapped in one room for a while, testing the limits of your sudden kindness and docility. If you should continue to act well, he may begin to step back a bit, allowing you to be in a less secure room, one with windows, perhaps even a real light.
It was startling at first, to suddenly find you so calm and pliant. Zhongli had almost believed you’d finally been broken mentally, a sad side effect he had considered from the beginning due to your aggression towards him. He was pleasantly surprised to find you were simply docile now, no mental break or severe lapse in brain capacity. Was it accepting your situation? Stockholm syndrome perhaps? Or were you just playing along in hopes of earning some freedom? Zhongli tests the boundaries for the next few days. Seeing how close you’ll allow him, how much he can come in contact with you before you lash out, all the little affectionate things he’d been dying to do that your previous behavior had prevented. If you should continued to behave, he would reward you with a new room. This room had real windows, the glass is reinforced and there are many fine nails sealing it shut, but it’s something.
Yandere!Pantalone would be wary. He thinks it’s a ruse to get him to lighten up on you, but he doesn’t. The chains bound to your ankles that lock you in the room, limiting your range of movement and keeping you tied down remain in place. The guards stay outside your door and the windows remain sealed shut. If you continue to behave well, he’ll reward you with some small gifts that you can enjoy but nothing more. It takes a long while to earn his trust, it’s something you must really work for.
The first few days of your sudden shift in behavior are handled exactly how they were before. Pantalone would leave you alone for the day, coming to visit only at your feeding time, which was dinner time for the rest. The only difference he made was that he spoon-fed you, typically he’d set your tray at the foot of your bed and set up a small table and chair for himself just outside your reach. He liked the calmer attitude you had, it made the polite discussion over dinner more enjoyable now that he actually received responses. It took a few weeks of this polite behavior for him to start bringing you better gifts. Things like puzzles, books, and other things you hadn’t previously been allowed due to the danger factor of them. From there he slowly starts to visit you more, coming to your room during breakfast and dinner, and eventually he’s there for all three meals. He’s a very patient man, he spent his life building himself to be the legacy he is now, he has no problem waiting out this little game of yours. Doesn’t mean he won’t enjoy it while it lasts though.
Yandere!Childe would be the most accepting of this. He’d assume you’d just finally accepted your situation, as escape was inevitable with him looming over your every move. He’d take you on walks around the palace now, sit closer to you when you two would eat together, cuddle with you at night, anything you’d finally allow him to do and he’d do it. He is so devoted to you and your happiness that he’s over the moon now that you’ve accepted him, accepted that you two must be together.
Waking up beside you had never felt better, now that you could actually cuddle him back. Before when he’d have to use other methods of keeping you calm, it just wasn’t ever right, but now, now it was perfect. Childe liked this new you, the you that smiled at him when he said a stupid joke, the you that let him mess with your hair in the morning, styling it how he thought best for the day. The you that let him take you one walks around the palace, your arm linked in his as he told you about his grand adventures. He hoped it was just you finally realizing that you love him too, and that you were destined to be together that made you like this. Part of him gnaws in the back of his mind, worrying that he had messed with your head too much and that you’d developed stockholm syndrome, but he doesn’t think that’s so bad. After all, you finally loved him back, why did it matter how you’d come to that conclusion.
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
Your Name
I forgot to post this very old Extra here! It was one of the first ones I posted on A03 and it just seems like I left this in drafts! Sorry Darlings!!
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You had been sitting in the bedroom reading, finally getting some peace and quiet. Greatful for these moments since they were far few between.
"Mommy!" You heard shouted just outside the bedroom and sighed closing the door. Far far between it seemed... the door opened and Bee decided to jump onto you, You screaming and quickly catching the heavy boy.
"Benny Don't jump on people like that!" You yell as you hold the giggling boy. Looking to Dee who stood there politely.
"Hey Mom- we have a question-" Dee asked as he jumped next to you, you trying to juggle Bee who had decided that swan diving on you was the best course of action despite being too damn heavy for that.
"Yes what is it?" You asked calmly, Setting Bee down on the floor as you looked to Dee, who nervously messed with his hands.
"Well I know we have your last name.. but since we know Dad now shouldn't we have his so... what is Dads Last name?"
You opened your mouth to reply before pausing. You had given them your last name out of convenience but actually didn't know.
"I'm not sure-" You admit as you had never thought about it before. Buggy never did talk much about his potential heritage or who his parents were. You knew he was raised on Gol. D Roger ship with Shanks but nothing else.
"Can we ask him?" Dee questioned, you giving a shrug not seeing why not and leading the two twins up to the top deck were you knew Buggy was.
"DAD!" Bee yelled as he slammed himself against the Clkwn Captian as he was at the wheel, who yelled and tossed off the laughing child into the newly installed plastic ball pit that occupied the top deck, this clearly being an odd game shared between the two despite Buggy pretending to be mad.
"Dad we have a question for you" Dee asked calmly, standing by your side.
"Whats your full name?" Bee asked loudly, you watch as Buggy body seemed to bristle at this and he muttered under his breath rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why do you want to know that?.." He questioned with a raised brow.
"Cause we have Mom's and wanted to know yours!" Bee yelled as he got out of the ballpit, making sure to pelt Buggy with one of the rubber balls which he happily returned the favor.
The Captian seemed to chew on this information as he looked at the boys. Sighing dramtically and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Fine Fine- its....Nefertari D. Buggy"
He muttered, you felt your jaw drop at this as the boys just looked confused.
"N-Nef-ee-tary?" Bee tried to repeat clumsily. Buggy patted his head in reward for his clumsy try.
"Nefertari Lad. In this case it would mean you two are Nefertari D Benny and Nefertari D Danny"
He said calmly, you still trying to mentally gather what the fuck Buggy just said.
The boys seemed to accept this and run off happy with their last names- clearly having ditched yours in favor of their father. You looked to Buggy with a raised bow, him waving one of the men who handed him some papers to look over.
"Why didn't you tell anyone? That's a huge deal Buggy-"
Buggy shrugged, his eyes still focused on his papers. You had known Buggy for a long time and stepped closer infront of him since he still refused to meet your gaze.
"...a-are you ashamed?" You questioned quietly, watching his gaze finally meet yours as he lowered the papers from his gaze with a heavy sigh.
"No- I'm not shamed... however I won't acknowledge people who don't acknowledge me (Y/N) that family included-" He said a bit sharply as he looked at you. You stood back a bit at his words and sighed softly
"That seems fair I suppose" You say softly. Knowing that Buggy in his own way had his reasons for not wanting to reveal his family name.
"You do realize the boys ate going to be spreading it like wildfire though-" You point out but Buggy shrugs.
"Honestly they look the part so no one will be surprised- it's also not like they don't cause enough trouble already" He pointed out which made you laugh.
"That is very tru-" A loud explosion on the side of ship caught both of your attentions before hearing poor poor Cabaji scream.
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