#class notes
jackxo · 10 days
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ℌ𝔬𝔴 ℑ 𝔴𝔞𝔫𝔱 𝔱𝔬 𝔟𝔢 🏛️
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juneability · 7 months
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231003 ♡ tuesday. fall is hitting hard! i took a walk in the rain today to clear my mind (it didn't work) and finished a reflection journal for my international studies course (went a page over the limit but the prof is chill about that). i've been reading The Jane Austen Treasury and yearning to read Mansfield Park since it and Persuasion are the only novels by her i have not yet read.
➵ 🎧—the purple bottle, animal collective.
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swan-studies · 1 year
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When the sunlight hits your desk just right *chef's kiss*
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Academic words that will 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 your writing skill.
Words that enhance your writing
I help researchers increase engagement with their work. Together we will transform your ideas into unique and intuitive graphics with my reliable process: 1-Pinpoint your goals 2-Sketch and prototype 3-Discuss and iterate 4-Goal accomplished . 𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐌𝐄 (DM Your Projects) . 💎Here to HELP You: ✔️Graphical Abstract Design ✔️Journal Figures Design ✔️Scientific Illustration ✔️Flyer and Poster Design ✔️Infographic Design ✔️Slides Design
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deanstudies101 · 1 month
2x12, Night Shifter
Critical theory: Empathy + compassion—who is leading that? Crushes. “Nerd.” 
Discussion question(s): Dean teases Sam for being a nerd etc. but when it really comes down to it, who has the more ‘nerdy’ interests? How does this relate to ideas of constructed masculinity? Does Dean have a crush on Ronald?  
Further reading: Dean's kindness towards Ronald (@bloodydeanwinchester)
Discussion: Hate Sam. We’re mad at him. That was all his fault, and only because he couldn’t stand to be nice to Ronald for five minutes. If they’d told Ronald he was right or along the right lines (like Dean wanted to!), he wouldn’t have gotten involved, or even if he did he would have handled it better. And then he died. And Dean gets the shit. Been described as “The continuation of Sam's anti-neurodivergence agenda.” (Sumner). Sam never tolerates what he views as ‘weirdness’ (here, Bugs, etc.) Who says Dean is not empathetic? Dean cares so much about people, wants to help people, was nice to Ronald, and tries to reassure people. He is working so hard with the situation they’ve been given, trying to do his job and keep people safe at the same time. Sam put all those people in that situation because he thought Ronald was cringe… when Ronald was scared, upset that his friend is dead, and doing some damn good detective work. Dean doesn’t have any friends, and he connected with Ronald, this was perhaps a possibility for Dean to make a friend. If Sam and Dean didn’t grow up together, that is who Dean would be. Dean wanted so badly to tell Ronald from the start, and also they’ve involved far less competent people before, so..? 
Notes: Scene/musical choice of all time. Visiting student Sumner. 
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scala-ask-caelum · 9 months
So everyone—you’re training to become Keyblade wielders, right? What is that like?
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Class Notes (by Xehanort): When a new wielder is bequeathed, they usually do not summon the bequeather’s blade, but instead one suited to their own strengths which also balances out their weaknesses. However, it is the token which dangles from its chain that provides this power, not the Keyblade itself. It can be surmised, then, that the token (which alters the Keyblade’s physical appearance when equipped) is the true source of a Keyblade’s, therefore connected to a wielder’s, individuality. As such, during the time spent training at Scala ad Caelum, students are issued a “uniform” keychain for the purpose of leveling the playing field so teachers can grade based on personal growth, not the inherent strength of the Keyblade. The keychains do allow upgrades via “forging” when moving a wielder to a higher rank/difficulty level.
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nat-love-4ever · 3 months
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Happy Valentines Day! ❤️🫶💌
I hope you have a wonderful day spending time with your loved ones today! In the mean time I’ll be writing notes and catching up on class lectures for my Health Psychology.
P.S. My new MacBook Pro is Amazing!🤩
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Also for work, I need to work on my latte art and cappuccinos.
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amanita-break · 8 months
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botany notes
27 aug 2023 / 28 aug 2023
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the-wannabe-it-student · 11 months
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Sunday means some time to relax? No. Sunday means more grind.
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spidersays · 1 year
How to start a local Hypnokink group
This is a barebones set of advice and steps that the leaders of Mind Play RVA took to open their local hypnosis group, spread in the hopes of revitalizing or wholesale creating more local hypnosis kink groups. No two groups are the same, and no two groups are going to encounter the same stumbling blocks. Take this as ‘a list of things that I wish I’d thought about or known beforehand’ more than anything else. I will try to organize this as best I can, but I am an agent of chaos - it is best if you just read the whole thing. Ideas flow from each other fairly freely. Consider each bulletpoint a ‘thread’, not a ‘list’
Prologue: Who we are
Mind Play RVA (MPRVA) is a hypnosis workshop that meets on the last Saturday of every month in Richmond, Virginia. MPRVA is only about five months old. We managed to create a local hypnosis group, time will tell whether it is at all a durable group.
Section 1: The Big Things
Get involved in your local kink scene.
I cannot stress how important this is. The amount of support MPRVA recieved from other leaders in the Richmond community cannot be overstated. We recieved almost all of the advice I am distributing now from those local leaders - scheduling, formatting, a list of bad actors and predators in the local community. We even had a leader offer to act as security for our group when she attends.
This will also let you gauge whether your local scene needs a hypnosis group. There might be a small or underground group that doesn’t advertise itself that you could join. There might be nobody into hypnosis in your local scene.
If there are educational groups in your local scene- present for them! Teach a hypnosis 101 class to a TNG group. This will allow people to discover the kink, and also teach them that you’re trustworthy. Few people will attend a new group lead by people who aren’t trusted by other trusted members of the community.
This will also let you gauge whether your local scene is hostile to the idea of a hypnosis group, or hostile to you or your members.
Many local kink scenes have a significant racism problem. Try and sus that out, even if you are not a person of color or nobody you know is. This will affect how you go about engaging with the rest of your community, as a group.
Acknowledge that this will take a lot of time - and some amount of money
You will need to invest significant time and possibly significant amounts of money to make and maintain a group. Everything from organizing a space to meet, buying seating for your membership. Little things.
MPRVA is lucky enough to have found a space that will allow us to meet for free. We are incredibly lucky in this manner. Most people will likely spend significant amounts of money on their space - or require an entry fee, or money for food in the cases of munches that meet in restaruants, so that the space can earn that money from the membership themselves.
Find your format
Figure out what kind of group you want to form. I have broad ‘categories’ - Munches, Educationals, Workshops, Play Parties, Retreats, and Cons.
Munches might be the easiest event to organize - they typically meet in a bar or other food-providing venue. They might also occur in public parks. Munches are typically just ‘meetings’, show up, eat a sandwich, and talk about your kink. Depending on the size and regularity of your group, you may not even need to tell the restaurant that you are meeting there, or the nature of your group.
Educational groups tend to have some sort of presentation at some or all of their meetings - topics such as Hypnosis 101, Kin-aesthetic inductions. Any kind of group that provides education. These groups tend to need a little bit more space, and a little bit more privately - you’ll be having a single person or group talk fairly loudly about a kinky topic.
Workshops are like educational groups, but also provide space and opportunity to practice the topics taught during the educational portion. These typically require more space, and require quieter spaces than other groups - especially for hypnosis groups, where it might be difficult for new subjects to fall into trance with many distractions.
Retreats and Cons are outside the scope of this document. An example of a retreat are small kink ‘camps’ that sometimes get organized - either invite-only or with limited tickets, such as Deep Mind Darkwood. Charmed is a hypnosis convention.
Find a space
This is the biggest stumbling block that most groups come across. You will need space to organize people, and you will need sufficient enough space to sort people.
Get creative with this! Groups in Richmond meet at all kinds of locations - from people’s houses, to people’s basements. There is a local goth/industrial bar that hosts kink events here. If your local scene has rope dojos or dungeon spaces, reach out to those, as they are often willing to host other kink groups. MPRVA meets in a queer-run members-only gym that one of our leaders happened to be a member of!
Depending on the format of your group, you may need to disclose the purpose of your group to the space you are organizing in. Many locations will not allow a kink group to meet there. I encourage being open and honest with the space you are organizing with, if doing so does not put you or your members at risk.
Space consideration is extra important now that we are in a neverending pandemic. Consider the space’s ventilation system, and ensure that you have enough space for your members to spread out.
Advertise your group on FetLife. Advertise your group at local munches or educational events. Advertise your group on Instagram, if you’re willing to! Nobody will attend your group if they don’t know it exists!
Get good at speaking
If your group is not simply a munch (and even if it is), develop public speaking skills. Learn how to project, learn the confidence to stand in front of a crowd and talk about a topic you’re not used to talking about. Spend some time taking a community college course on public speaking, take theater classes, or just run too many Dungeons and Dragons groups. Whatever it is you need to do - you need to know how to carry yourself with an amount of confidence that makes people believe you can run a good event.
Temper your expectations
Prepare for all of your work to come to nothing. Prepare to spend money, energy, and social capital, and for nobody but you and your friends to show up. Temper your expectations.
My advice is to only put in as much effort as you would do to organize a club for your friends. If you get more turnout than just that, be ecstatic.
Section 2: The Little Things, and the Unfun things.
Consider not using the word Hypnosis in relation to your group, at least in print
Some states and localities regulate the use of the word Hypnosis. It might be illegal to use it. Find out!
Hypnosis is often a banned term, due to credit card companies banning transactions relating to erotic hypnosis - Fetlife’s policies are inconsistent, but there has been at least one purge of hypnosis groups organizing on it, and (I believe) it doesn’t allow new groups to form using the word.
Legal issues
Depending on the laws in your area, erotic hypnosis (and other forms of kink) could possibly land you in legal trouble if police or legislators take note of you. Keep it in mind.
Reputation issues
Will you be impacted if you are found to be leading a kink group? Think about your job and your personal life.
Hypnosis has a really bad reputation - some of it is deserved, and some of it is misinformation. Many kink people - especially older ones - don’t believe that hypnosis kink can be done consensually. Develop a plan to explain hypnosis and consent - and be prepared for some people to dismiss you anyway
Even if you are doing nothing illegal, you may have issues with police showing up. Have a plan in mind - to hide your activities, to explain the situation, to protect vulnerable members of your group. It is better to have a plan and not need it than to be caught with your pants down when the cops knock.
Police are often used as a weapon by bad actors. If you kick somebody from you group, they might decide to call the cops on you next time you are meeting.
Have a plan in mind for how to deal with people who are disruptive to your group. Do you talk with them first? Do you have a three-strikes policy? Do you have a hard-line stance?
Have another plan in mind on how to deal with predators - either known or unknown - that attend your group. My advice is to simply bar them entry, but things may not be so simple - especially if they’re willing to be physically violent.
To that matter - have a plan for how to physically remove somebody from your group who isn’t willing to simply leave when told. Find out your local laws, and the rules for the space you are organizing.
Group durability
I hope that you are organizing with like-minded indivduals. Even then, friendships sour and breakups occur. Consider (if accessible to you) forming your group with a set of bylaws - form a nonprofit if you must - with the ability to remove members from leadership without the organization itself falling apart under the strain. If you must sign a contract with a space to organize your group, try to have a legal entity that is not an individual leader that can be liable for that contract.
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linnealong · 2 months
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(pictures from Pinterest)
Art Noveau works in style of Alphonse Mucha and Similar stylized photography
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comparatist · 1 year
03.04.23 |
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~ internal assessment on sangati [bama] on 05.04.23. preparation starts from today. i've gone through the text already. revision of class notes and personal note making is what i'm going for. also the abstract submission is done. yay!
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drarryruinedme7 · 2 years
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Pansy swears every single one of Draco’s notes looks like this
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Which search engine is best for academic research? Hint: It's not Wikipedia
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PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally.
The PubMed database contains more than 34 million citations and abstracts of biomedical literature. It does not include full-text journal articles; however, links to the full text are often present when available from other sources, such as the publisher's website or PubMed Central (PMC).
Available to the public online since 1996, PubMed was developed and is maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM), located at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
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Google Scholar
Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other websites. Google Scholar helps you find relevant work across the world of scholarly research.
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Semantic Scholar
Semantic Scholar provides free, AI-driven search and discovery tools, and open resources for the global research community. With Semantic Scholar, researchers can understand a paper at a glance. Our system extracts meaning and identifies connections from within papers, then surfaces these insights to help Scholars discover and understand research.
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Connected Papers
Connected Papers is a unique, visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their field of work.
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Research Rabbit
Research Rabbit is starting with our Discovery app which unlocks a completely novel way to search for papers and authors, monitor new literature, visualize research landscapes, and collaborate with colleagues.
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swan-studies · 1 year
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Onwards toward the next chapter of statistics (yay 🥲) I'm running a little behind, however today feels like a good day. So I'll try and work my way closer to my schedule 💪
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deanstudies101 · 25 days
2x18, Hollywood Babylon
Critical theory: “Being part of a team” and a sense of purpose. Food insecurity.
Key quotes: Dean, “It's not so bad, I kinda feel like part of the team, you know?”
Discussion: Dean had the best time, he got a break from his job (by having another job), he got lots of free food, and he got laid. He felt like he was part of a team. He’s one hell of a P.A. He was good at the job, he picked it up really quickly, and he has this idea that all he’s good at is hunting, that all he can do is hunt. And he was hunting on the side.
And he was social. He was into all the gossip, he knew who to talk to for what, he just. Likes talking to people. He’s all bashful talking to actors he likes. He was raised so isolated, but he likes talking to people. We will discuss this in more detail as the show goes on—Dean craves community, and he thrives in it. A lot of the recurring characters are Dean’s friends. (us)(it’s the found family tism moment)(it’s growing up with no one who understands you, and then finding people who do)(Dean connects instantly with anyone with nerdy interests <3) 
There’s really not much depth to Sam. It’s pretty much all ~what if I turn evil. (This is quite a big thing, to be fair)
Sam doesn't know how good he had it—he judges Dean for eating all this free food, but he doesn’t seem to realise that Dean always went hungry so that he didn’t have to. Food issues can be hard to spot—and we all have them in some way—but with Dean it’s so obvious. He is used to being hungry. When he sees free/cheap/delicious food he just goes for it. He’s the same with sex—he sees someone he likes, he goes for it. He takes life’s pleasures as they come, because he doesn’t know when they’ll come round again, and he knows he could die any moment. And Sam judges him for this.
Food insecurity is more noticeable when viewing the show overall, and we will revisit this in future, as well as how Sam’s food issues from childhood manifest (ie. having no control over what he ate -> strictly controlling what he eats) 
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