#but we are also VERY aware that platonic cuddles are a Thing
genderqueerdykes · 3 months
in honor of aromantic spectrum awareness week, i thought i'd take the time to talk about how much my personal life and feelings improved after coming to terms with the fact that i'm aromantic. before i accepted this, i found myself in several romantic relationships where i was deeply unhappy, uncomfortable, and made to feel like i wasn't a good enough partner because i just couldn't do or feel certain things.
i've never enjoyed kissing, and cuddling gets uncomfortable for me within the first few minutes of doing so. even hugs are deeply uncomfortable to me unless i really know and care about someone, and even then, hugs only come when that person asks for them. it never occurs to me to touch people this way, the most you'll get out of me is a pat on the shoulder, back or knee.
i ended up dating several people who were very much romantics, and heavily focused on that aspect of our relationship. it kind of felt like torture to me, i felt like i was being forced to live every day like it was Valentine's Day- every day had to be filled with hours of cuddling, kissing, and telling the other person how much i loved them. while not all romantic partners are like this, it wore on my psyche quickly to be paired with folks like this, because i understood how important it was to them, but i just couldn't keep up the performance.
i thought something was "wrong" with me for years and that i just wasn't in touch with my emotions, or that i was somehow embracing some toxic aspects of my masculinity without realizing. it took me ages to remember that i came out as aromantic when i was much younger, but after criticism from my friends, including a friend who was asexual, i stopped identifying with the label, because i was told that aromanticism wasn't real, and that that just made me an asshole.
nearly a decade and several uncomfortable romantic relationships later, it finally clicked that there wasn't something wrong with me, but there was something wrong with the situations i was getting myself into. sure, i love being partnered- i have a queerplatonic partner that i've known for a decade and have only gotten closer to over time. but we've never been romantic. we don't exchange romantic platitudes, and i realized; i've never been happier with someone else than i am with this person.
why is that?
oh. because they don't expect romance from me. they are also on the aspectrum and don't have a romantic partner, either.
this relationship has brought me more joy than any romantic partnership i've ever attempted to pursue. that doesn't mean there's something wrong with me- i was just looking for happiness in the wrong places. i was miserable not because i'm aromantic, but because i was getting into romantic relationships.
romance can be a source of misery. romance does not inherently make everyone happy. we are not all looking for romance as a species. in fact, chasing it makes many people miserable. too many people spend their lives looking for "the one" that they can kiss, cuddle, hold and say all of those mushy things to when they may not even want that to begin with.
i've never been more at peace with myself since finally, fully accepting that i'm aromantic. i love who i am, and i love how i love. i am not loveless, i experience platonic, queerplatonic and other forms of love. but loveless aromantics aren't miserable, either. we are all embracing ourselves in a way that's true to us. we are refusing to warp ourselves to a society that tells us that we all must have homogeneous feelings.
i am aromantic. i am here. my aromanticism is queer in a society that expects and demands romance of me, and this is true of all aromantics, cis, trans, gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, and otherwise. we are here, we are not going away any time soon, and we will not be silent because our identities make some people uncomfortable. we are happiest being who we are.
happy aro week, this goes out to every last arospectrum person out there, appreciate yourselves this week. you deserve it.
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
I've never been more convinced then I ever have of Buddie canon and I think we're about to get Buddie canon confirmed in the bachelor party/wedding episode.
I think these 2 episodes, 4 and 5. One told through Buck's the other told through Eddie's are clearly telling a story of two separate queer journeys. One of acceptance(Buck) and the other of repression(Eddie).
I think this episode is going to end with Eddie doubling down on his relationship with Marisol because Buck being bisexual is going to draw feelings inside of Eddie that he is absolutely terrified to explore and he thinks that being with a woman is just going to make those feelings that are getting stronger and stronger for Buck go away, they won't.
Then in episode 6 which is the Bachelor Party/Wedding episode, as Ryan said Eddie is going to let go, have fun and see where it takes him. When Ryan said that I have never been more convinced that something is happening between Buck and Eddie after the bachelor party and it's going to be something very non platonic that will be the reveal that Buddie is canon.
I'm very much inclined to agree with you, especially about episode 4 being Buck's journey of accepting his queerness, and episode 5 being about Eddie's journey of repression. Buck and Eddie have always been narrative parallels on equal and opposite journeys, both heading for the same place but going about it through very different personal arcs.
Like I've said before, I think things are going to get worse for Eddie before they get better. And I think you're so right that episode 5 is going to be things "getting worse" because he's going to double down on Marisol. The more I've been hearing and sussing out with people, it seems like Marisol's sticking around past episode 5 (which sucks, I know! We were all hoping!) but I can see why that choice is being made because unfortunately if we want to explore Eddie's comp-het, then we need a woman around for him to be comp-het with! I think that's likely why they also switched up on Marisol's personal style this season and had her go from tomboyish in s6 to very femme in s7. They needed to represent her being a little bit more of the "perfect woman" for Eddie again a la Ana Flores. Especially in contrast with Buck and Tommy who are very masc-presenting men.
Most of the time when people talk about compulsory heterosexuality in an academic space they are always talking about women because comphet is inherently a byproduct of patriarchy and misogyny. But, as most of us are aware by now, patriarchy has deep-rooted harmful effects on men too. I can't claim to be anywhere near an expert but I would love to see it explored deeper with Eddie given that a lot of his story has also revolved around him deconstructing other aspects of toxic masculinity and hypermasculinity.
Like does Eddie really enjoy going out with Marisol? Or does he like the freeing feeling of being able to cuddle up with a woman in public and know that no one is judging?
There's a lot of academic theory that goes into compulsory heterosexuality but if you look at the "Am I a Lesbian? Masterdoc" and apply everything there to Eddie, it's almost point for point him.
Some examples:
[brackets] are me turning "men" to "women" from the original text for clarity
Deciding which [women] to be attracted to – not to date, but to be attracted to –based on how well they match a mental list of attractive qualities.
I like the idea of being with a [woman], but any time a [woman] makes a move on me I get incredibly uncomfortable.
I do not like the reality of being with [women], only the idea of being with [women].
I like the idea of marrying a [woman]/being in a relationship with a [woman], but I can always pick out a reason to not want to date any [woman] that is interested in me or any [woman] suggested to me
You view relationships with [women] as a chore, burden, or just something you must deal with.
Picking a [girl] at random to be attracted to
Choosing to be attracted to a [girl] at all, not just choosing to act on it but flipping your attraction on like a switch
the [girls] I like are always hyper [feminine] [girl's girls] who embody everything about [womanliness].
Only/mostly being attracted to unattainable, disinterested, or fictional [women] or [girls] you never or rarely interact with.
Reading your anxiety/discomfort/nervousness/combativeness around [women] as attraction to them. Confusing your anxiety around [women] for “butterflies” or being flustered.
Dreading what feels like an inevitable domestic future with a [woman]
You have every reason to be happy in your relationship with a [woman], but you just aren’t / everything is going really well, but something is missing and you can’t figure out what
Thinking you’re commitmentphobic because no relationship, no matter how great the [girl], feels quite right and you drag your feet when it comes time to escalate it
Going along with escalation because it seems like the ‘appropriate time’ or bc the [girl] wants it so bad, even if you personally aren’t quite ready to say I love you or have labels or move in together etc.
Or jumping ahead and trying to rush to the ‘comfortably settled’ part of relationships with [girls], trying to make a relationship a done deal without investing time into emotional closeness
Your relationships with [women] are devoid of passion.
Feeling like you have to have relationships with [women] and/or let them get serious in order to prove something, maybe something nebulous you can’t identify
Getting a [girl]friend mostly so other people know you have a [girl]friend and not really being interested in [her] romantically/sexually
Wishing your [girl]friend was more like your [male] friends
Worrying that you’re broken inside and unable to really love anyone
Having had people think you were gay when you had no suspicion you were gay
That got longer than I intended but I wanted it here anyway because it just proves (at least to me) that this is the story they're doing with Eddie. The only ones I didn't include were the parts about sex because other than Shannon we actually haven't seen how Eddie reacts in sexual moments with women.
As for the bachelor party/wedding, I do think a lot is going to happen there, and likely a lot of Buddie clues, big and small, but I still don't think anything physically intimate (kiss, hookup, etc) is going to happen. The only exception might be hand-holding, a hug or like a slow dance. Those I could see being plausible.
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
dating piper mclean would include
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• we know that girlie is LOADED so be prepared to be spoiled and showered with gifts.
• while piper doesn't like flaunting her wealth, if she sees that you have your eye on something she'll immediately buy it for you. no questions asked. you don't even need to say anything.
• piper has a soft spot for when you play with her hair; running your fingers through her choppy locks and especially when you braid it. when you gently scratch her scalp while brushing your nails through her hair, she gets lost in her own little world.
• piper has a habit of linking arms with you!! like, wherever you go, the two of you are literally inseparable. she also sees it as a way to declare your relationship, because she's proud to be with you and has nothing to hide! <33 she's also a hand swinger fr.
• piper isn't afraid to show you off if you're okay with it. like she's in a beautiful, loving relationship, why wouldn't she??
• you guys have matching bracelets!! nothing fancy, just a bunch of multi-colored beads on a string, but she loves them so much. sometimes you dedicate dates to making these bracelets just because it's one of her favorite pastimes.
• she has ones with your name written on the beads, a couple with the titles of the albums you listen to together, as well as ones with your preferred color schemes. just anything to remind her of you. <33
• her collection is so big that they now stack up to her forearms. maybe it's becoming a problem.
• girlie is also definitely the big spoon when you guys are cuddling unless she had a bad day.
• you know that picture of your crush doing your make up while sitting on your lap? THATS YOU AND HER.
• you’re doing her makeup while she’s looking up at you.
• you can make her blush just by looking at her.
• when the two of you go out on dates you sit on the same side.
• the two of definitely share a closet, where she steals all of your oversized clothing.
• NICKNAMES GALORE: darling, babe, sweetie, honey, etc.
• PETNAMES IN FRENCH >>>> OMGG. her most used ones are "mon amour" (my love), "ma chérie" (my dear/my darling), or just "chérie" and yes she is very much aware of the effect she has on you. <33 speaking of, she 100% helps you ace all your french exams. such a good gf.
• she tells you all about her family history. piper loves how your eyes light up with genuine curiosity. with you, she feels more appreciated. she'll tell you all about the culture, customs, and even show you a few traditional songs of her heritage.
• piper knows she has a good singing voice, but she still feels self-conscious whenever she showcases it in front of others. but when it comes to you? she'll sing all you want, since she feels a huge sense of comfort whenever you're around. whether it's through cuddles or other means, it's in your arms that she feels the most at peace.
• she's a big fan of pda. loves kissing you on your cheeks, forehead, and lips. holds your hand 24/7 and loves to rest her head on your shoulder when she's tired. loves when you hug her from behind.
• she swoons when you make a playlist dedicated to songs that remind of you of her and songs that fit your relationship with her.
• the two of you definitely do all of those tiktok couple trends together like the lipstick one and the picture in the wallet one.
• the two of you take candid photos of one another and love doing photo booths together.
• you both have a polaroid of the two of you in your phone cases and your wallets.
• if you don't have a lot of siblings in your cabin, she definitely sneaks into your bed to snuggle with you.
• she definitely wakes you up into the middle of the night just to ask you if you'll still love her if she was a worm or if you love her romantically or platonically.
• she will bite you to show her love and affection for you.
• if you’re not a vegetarian, you floss and brush your teeth after every meal before kissing her. (which she thinks is the sweetest thing ever!!)
• girlie is SO in love with you and would do anything for you.
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DNI if you're a bigot (yes that includes you idiots who think I'm a sissy and not a woman) and do not be sexual with me if you're over 35 or a minor
Hello, I'm not going to say my real name so just call me Daniel (they/she and he if you prove you respect me enough). I am AMAB autistic gender-fluid transfem ENTIRELY CIS HET WHITE CHRISTIAN MAN THAT IS IMMUNE TO MODERATION that is a former plural system and now a singlet. I love all things nerdy like MTG, D&D, listening to infodumps, Pokémon and Honkai Star Rail. I also play Clash of Clans but put literally zero effort into doing it well. Also my gender is whatever makes me most attractive to you, but the gay version of it.
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Idk what I'm really doing here but tumblr is a great dopamine farm. It's also where I met my besties and (not actually it's an inside joke) wives @subbyblue @atlasofthestars113 and @verdantmothmachinations
You are highly encouraged to do any asks at all I love attentions. DMs are also encouraged as long as you get to know me and gain consent first. Honestly just send any ask it gives many happy chemicals.
Minors shouldn't be looking at this blog but I can't stop anyone so 🤷 (you'll get bitch slapped with a block though if you try to do anything horny with me and you don't have your age somewhere or are a minor). However, if you want to ask a question about kink/sex for purely educational reasons I will highly encourage anyone and everyone, regardless of age, to do it. We need much, much better sex education especially around kink and kink safety.
Inspired by @xenasaur
This blog is safe for queers of all types, racial minorities, addicts, age regressors, systems (endogenic included), and systems with littles.
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You should know that I'm an orca.... and orcas rule anything they can see >:3
For anything that happens in DMs I'll need to know you a bit first, I'm a person too and want be seen as such.
My general limits are scat, gore, raceplay, ageplay (though I'll happily care for you in a platonic sense!!), emotional manipulation (both directions), corruption of myself, intox without consent prior to the intox and more as I think to add them. Don't act or suggest doing aggressive or controlling things to me (ie: tearing clothing off me, pinning me down, gagging or restraining me, domesticating me, etc), I like being in control of myself at all times and having my body respected. The only person allowed to dehumanize me is me. I like the terms Mistrum, Mommy, and Mistress, and enjoy many many kinks including but definitely not limited to: petplay, sadism, general dominance/control, breeding, bondage, monsterfucking, and ahh... harder kinks I tend to keep to my hard kink blog ( @anunholyforehand )
However, my limits when subbing are almost everything (I'm very very vanilla and just want to be praised when it happens). Honestly when I feel subby the cuddles and comforts are much more important than anything else. Oh hey you actually read my limits, good job, have a link to all my audios I've done.
Also have a link to commission me
New thing!! I am a singlet but this wasn't always the case. I don't expect you to understand how or why but I do expect you to respect this fact. I am one and I am whole now. I will keep myself.
Stolen from someone else but the point remains
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Legal stuff cause privacy (I'm fully aware it will make next to no difference but on the off chance it ever matters I may as well have it, took me like five seconds to copypaste the image anyways lmao)
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ryanmarshallryan · 1 year
Like a Set of Nesting Dolls - Another Vore Story
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Jordan had swallowed me on a number of occasions.We both had so much fun every time he did that he hadn’t digested me yet, so that he could swallow me again and again. We lived far apart, so it was always an exciting occasion to get together through the years. This particular visit was exciting for more than one reason. For one, Jordan was bringing one of his friends, Nathan, who wanted to try a nesting doll vore situation. The plan was for Jordan to feed Nathan to me, and then Jordan would swallow me whole. It was going to be a feat for sure, but we were excited to try it out. Furthermore, I had been dating a cute guy named Drew for a few months and he wanted to learn more about my interest in vore, and what better way to learn than witnessing it. Jordan’s two boyfriends, Michael and Brad, were also coming over to round out the party, and I’m sure to cuddle Jordan from the outside while Nathan and I were snuggled up in his belly.
“Nice to meet you,” Jordan said to Drew before turning to me, “And as always, nice to eat you,” he continued, giving my belly a little shake. I gave a little laugh and pulled Jordan in for a hug. Jordan introduced me to his boyfriends and Nathan, and I introduced them all to Drew.
The 6 of us started the evening by going out for sushi together to break the ice. I caught up with Jordan for a bit on all the new things in his life, chatted with Brad about how he met Michael and Jordan, and got to know Nathan a bit more. I turned to Drew, who was wrapping up a conversation with Jordan, and asked how he was doing. He seemed a bit nervous, but excited to meet everyone.
“Hey, Drew, if this whole vore thing is overwhelming for you, we can all just have a fun, platonic cuddle party or something,” I said to him.
“No, I’m having a great time. It’s obviously something you want to explore, so I want to support you in your interests,” he replied. I assured him if his mind changed, he was fine to let me know.
After we were stuffed with various sushi rolls, we headed back to Jordan’s home to start the night. We played some board games, made ice cream sundaes, and had a giant cuddle puddle on the couch.
We began sharing stories of chaotic gay times we had all had. Jordan, Nathan and I talked about funny and sweet vore moments we had had. Like that time Jordan accidentally swallowed someone who jumped off a diving board into his mouth unexpectedly; or that time Nathan dressed up in a hot-dog costume at a Halloween party and had two preds argue over eating him, until one pred swallowed the other; or when my ex-boyfriend who didn’t understand vore tried to flirt with me with quirky phrases like “Are you ice cream? Cause you’re going straight to my hips… Get it? ‘Cause like if I ate you you’d be my fat,” without realizing that I was very much aware of that reality. Though Drew and Jordan’s boyfriends weren’t particularly into vore they shared stories of their weirdest dates and such.
After a lot of laughing and cuddling, Nathan changed the subject, “Do we have anymore whipped cream?”
“I think so, why?”
“I think it’s time for second-dessert… for some of us,” he said with a sly smile. He got up and got a can of whipped cream from the fridge and started spraying the cream all over his chest. “Someone wanna help me with this?”
Drew looked around and got up and helped spray whipped cream on Nathan’s back and body. Drew grabbed some of the melting ice cream and helped lather some onto Nathan’s chest. Jordan got up and got a little taste. He turned back to me.
“Are you ready to be stuffed?” Jordan said to me with a wicked smile.
“I don’t know, I haven’t swallowed someone whole before,” I said nervously, watching Nathan put on his funny attire of whipped cream and melting ice cream.
Nathan turned and walked over to me, straddling my legs, “I’ve heard ice cream is your favorite food,”
I was breathing faster now, “Sure is,”
“How much do you think you could eat in one sitting?” he asked, rubbing my belly, which was starting to growl and groan.
“I think my record is 4, maybe 5 pints?” I said shakily.
“Nervous?” Nathan asked. I gave a smile and a nod. Nathan looked down at my groin for a moment, “But obviously quite excited.”
Jordan sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder and rubbed my side. He whispered in my ear, “Just imagine being fuller than you’ve ever been in your life. Ready?”
I took a deep breath. “All right, I’m ready. How are we gonna do this?”
Michael and Brad lifted Nathan up on both sides as Drew watched from the corner of the room. Nathan stuck his feet forward as Jordan whispered to me to open wide. They all pushed Nathan forward a bit and I got the first taste of Nathan’s sugary legs, coated in cool cream. Once that first taste hit, my body helped take over. I swallowed hard and felt my throat open. Jordan’s boyfriends continued to guide Nathan down my throat. I had to gently push Nathan’s hard-on down to help him slide easier down my throat. I felt my stomach begin to balloon out so I relaxed my abs to let my abdomen expand easier. I lifted my hands up and helped guide Nathan’s hands and arms into my mouth. I tilted my head back and helped lift Nathan’s torso up into the air to help gravity pull him down easier. Nathan’s eyes rolled back into his head for a moment in sensual elation, then he looked down into my eyes and gave a faint smile and shudder. Jordan’s boyfriends stepped back, as Nathan gave out one more moan, and his head slipped past my lips. I continued swallowing hard and felt him begin to curl up in my belly.
I didn’t even notice that Jordan was rubbing my stomach, helping Nathan to settle in on the inside. I gasped and caught my breath. Jordan reminded me to swallow some air for Nathan, too, and I did so. I looked over at Drew, whose eyes were wide with awe. “How are you doing?” I called out to him.
“How am I? How are you?! You just ate a whole person!” He exclaimed.
“I did, didn’t I,” I considered. I raised my voice to my stomach, “Hey Nathan, how are you?”
I heard muffled yells of enjoyment and felt him squirming rigorously about inside me. Drew came over and put his ear to my belly. Nathan pushed against my stomach and Drew felt the strange sensation. Jordan continued rubbing my belly for a bit, while Drew leaned in to kiss me a bit.
“Now that you’re nice and stuffed, how do you feel about becoming… the stuffing?” Jordan whispered.
“I mean I’m always ready to get in your gut, but do you really think you can fit me, and Nathan down your throat?” I teased.
“Of course! I could eat Drew too and not even notice!” Jordan responded.
“You could?” Drew interjected.
“Wanna find out?” Jordan asked Drew.
“Oh, Drew is just here to observe,” I started, but looking at Drew I held my tongue, “unless he’s changed his mind…”
Drew looked from my belly to Jordan’s. “You could swallow me whole?”
“Any way you’d like.”
Drew smiled, “I have an idea.”
Next thing I knew I was on my feet, and Drew was in the air being held up by Jordan’s boyfriends. Jordan stood at Drew’s feet and gave them a taste. Jordan held back and asked how Drew was.
“I’m excited but nervous,” he said.
“If you need to tap out just say the words,” I said to Drew, leaning in and giving him a kiss. Drew looked back at my lips, inviting me to kiss him again. I couldn’t tell if I had butterflies in my stomach or if it were just Nathan squirming about.
Jordan started slowly swallowing Drew’s legs, while I made out with Drew’s lips on the other end. We continued in this fashion until Jordan had swallowed up to Drew’s ribcage. I pulled back for a moment to check on Drew. Drew reached his arms over and pulled me back in for more making out. My hands held Drew’s sides, and I clasped my arms to his sides and slid them into Jordan’s mouth. We were getting swallowed altogether, all at once.
Michael and Brad let go of Drew, and started embracing Jordan and his ever expanding stomach. I held tight to Drew, kissing him deeply. I opened my eyes and saw that his head and my head were about to be engulfed in Jordan’s mouth. I breathed in through my nose sharply, and pushed forward.
Everything went dark, yet my sensations were on fire. My torso was being tightly squeezed all around by Jordan’s throat muscles, my lips and tongue were being stimulated as Drew and I explored each other’s faces, my stomach churning like crazy with Nathan squirming inside, and my legs lifted off the ground as I was pulled into Jordan’s throat. Within moments I was crashing into Jordan’s stomach on top of Drew.
I felt a large jostling as Jordan crashed back onto the couch with Michael and Brad. Drew rubbed my belly as we continued making out with each other, being squeezed from every which way. I felt Nathan rubbing my belly from the inside, so I pushed back against him a bit. I tried to rub Jordan’s belly from the inside too, as well as Drew’s body but it was difficult to know which way was which and who I was touching. Jordan’s belly kneaded my body tighter than ever before, probably because it wasn't used to stretching this much. Jordan’s belly squeezed so tightly I thought I might vomit, so I pulled back from Drew for a moment to catch my breath. I couldn’t really pull back, since my head just pushed against Jordan’s stomach walls, but sure enough I felt Nathan begin to travel back out of my esophagus and from my stomach into Jordan’s much larger stomach.
“Wait, whose stomach am I in now?” Nathan said, gasping.
“Is that Nathan?” Drew breathed out. I felt around and couldn’t tell who was who, as both were entangled with me and all of us were slipping and sliding, covered in various intermingled stomach juices.
“How’s everyone doing in there?” came the booming voice of Jordan from all around us.
The three of us exclaimed a chorus of various positive but cramped responses. It took us a while, but we found a relatively comfortable position of three-way spooning of sorts inside Jordan’s belly and we rubbed each other and Jordan.
After a while, the stomach acids began tingling more and more, almost too painfully hot.
“Unless you’d all like to become belly fat, which of course I would be more than okay with, it’s probably about time to let you out,” Jordan said.
“So how are y’all feeling? Are we getting digested tonight? Or wait to digest another day?” I call out to Drew and Nathan.
“I have work Monday, so I should probably, you know…” Drew began.
“... Become belly fat and never have to think about work again? I was thinking the same thing too!” Nathan said, laughing. We all laughed, Drew perhaps a bit more nervously than Nathan and I.
A few minutes later, after a strange slip and slide sort of adventure out of Jordan’s belly and throat, the three of us were taking a quick shower together to rinse off. We cleaned up and returned to continue cuddling on the couch, all 6 of us.
“I forgot you guys were here!” Drew said to Michael and Brad, “I guess I was focused on the people in front of me and, well, the stomach I was in.”
“It’s a pretty great stomach to be distracted by,” I say, rubbing Jordan’s belly.
“So what’s up for your next vore adventure,” Brad asked.
“I kinda want to try that hot dog suit one like Nathan,” I mentioned.
“We could make that happen…” Jordan mumbled as we continued dreaming about all the fun ways to end up in someone’s gut. Vore is a fun time.
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aroseinasnowstorm · 2 months
How about headcannons for Alucard with a Asrxual but NOT Aromantic human S/O?
"Au contraire, mon capitaine! He's back!"
My man comes out of time where this was what was expected of women. After all women were not supposed to have fun during sex, they were just supposed indulge because of their lovely husbands. Not that he ever believed in that.
Regardless of your gender that would be the first thing he would think about, we all process new things we hear about by trying to compare it to things familiar to us.
Well, he must admit, he is a bit miffed at first. Isn´t he beautiful? Isn´t he a handsome man? He can be everything! Woman! Man! Everything inbetween! How come you do not find his appearance attractive?
Make no mistake, he is by no means mad at you in any way. He´s just sometimes acting like the arrogant brat he is but he will quickly recover. He loves you, even if he is very much a monster.
How your conversation goes depends very much on your attitude towards sex. After all, you can be asexual and sex repulsed, sex indifferent or sex favourable.
Either way he would ask you a few questions. Make no mistake, he´s a highly intelligent man and he learns incredibly quickly. There is also no judgment to be found in that vampire.
Listen he´s a human eating monster, do you really think he would care about his partners sexuality, gender or appearance? He does not. Nonetheless his reaction and future approach to the topic of sex will depend entirely to which category you belong to!
Sex Favourable
So you merely lack the physical attraction but still want and enjoy sex? How curious... he will definitely change his approach when he would like to seduce you. Apparently making bed-room eyes and looking even more pretty than usual will not do the trick but he never relied entirely on that anyway.
Sex Indifferent
Alucard is a sensual creature but he by no means needs sex in a relationship. Look, this man is ancient and his relationships with everyone around him often blurr the lines of platonic, romantic or whatever else there may be.
If you enjoy it but could live without it, he won´t ever pressure you, he might make a few advantages to see if you are up for it but he absolutely will settle for just cuddles if you aren´t up for it.
Sex Repulsed
If you are aware of Alucards past you very well know that he had gone through a lot of trauma, including sexual nature. I headcanon him actually to be switching between hypersexual and asexual. His sexuality might be as fluid as his gender in every single way.
He would relate to you, perhaps not fully, as he definitely still has that thrive every now and then but... eh. He´s been locked away in a basement for way too many years with no stimulation. You want no sex? Ever? That is just fine with him. He sincerely does not mind. Though he might ask you for a few extra kisses here and there. He is a needy creature, affection-starved and always eager for your attention.
By all of those he would ask if he ever made you uncomfortable or made you feel pressured. He would make sure to adjust his behavoir accordingly. He is very much enarmored with his signifcant other.
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thewillofdeez · 1 year
Shanks - SFW Alphabet
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G/N Reader, minor discussion of adult themes.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Shanks is a very affectionate person, both with his friends and his lovers. If you’re not that kind of person, he’ll totally keep his hands to himself, but he does like expressing his affections through touch. For his closest friends on the crew, hugs are commonplace. He’s been known to plop himself into Beckman’s lap when drunk for a cuddle. Mihawk gets a big sloppy kiss on the cheek whenever they see each other (he hates it and has considered killing Shanks to end it, but he doesn’t because he VERY begrudgingly loves his friend very much). But you? If you want, you get the hugs, you get the kisses on your head or cheek, you get him falling asleep on your lap. Whatever you want, as long as he’s touching you he’s content.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Much like Luffy after him, he sort of picks people up and makes them his friend whether they want to be or not. You might have started out as a reluctant companion, or maybe you were friends from the moment you met. Shanks knows he can come on pretty strong, so if you need time to let him in, he’ll give that to you because he thinks you’re worth it. If Shanks considers you his bestie, he’ll move mountains for you.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Shanks loves to cuddle. He’s a physical touch as a love language kind of guy. He wants you to lean your head on his shoulder if you’re up late on watch duty. He doesn’t mind if you fall asleep, hell, he’ll encourage it. He also loves sleeping with you. Whether you’re a couple or platonic, he specifically enjoys the closeness that comes with falling asleep with another person.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Shanks is a pirate for life. Even if he wanted to, there would be no “settling down” for him. He plans on being at sea until the day he dies. He also kind of enjoys that he has people on the crew who do the cleaning and maintenance for him. He feels like he got enough of that life on the Oro Jackson.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Shanks would do anything in the world for his person, but he’s a pirate above all else. It’s the only life he’s ever known and the only life he wants. The thing to most likely break them would be if his partner wanted something he couldn’t or wouldn’t be willing to provide. It’d break his heart entirely - he loves easily, but being in love is something rare. He’d get past it, but he’d be hesitant to allow himself to be in such a vulnerable position again, and he’d feel forever changed.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If you’re a member of his crew, Shanks would be open to the idea of marriage, but it might take some convincing. He’s very aware of power dynamics and even before you started dating the idea of being romantically involved with someone on his crew made him cautious. But the crew was fully supportive, and so he took the leap. To take that next step would be much the same kind of discussion. Ring or not, he is completely open to the idea of spending his life with the right person. If you’re not on his crew and he can’t guarantee being able to spend every day with you, it’s probably not going to get to that point in the first place anyway.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
We’ve all seen Shanks. We know he’s incredibly strong physically, as a pirate, and with his Haki. But with you, he’s all soft edges unless he needs to use that strength to protect you. Emotionally, the man is basically a golden retriever.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
If you asked Shanks what the worst part about missing an arm would be, he wouldn’t say having to re-learn how to do everything with his right hand, it wouldn’t be the weird phantom limb syndrome he had going for a while, and it wouldn’t be the things that he never realized were harder to do with only one arm, like putting on pants. He would 100% say it’s that every hug he gives is now, by definition, half a hug. He makes up for this by just making every hug twice as long.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Shanks is liberal with the word “love,” but not in a meaningless way. He loves his crew, he loves his friends, and he’s open about letting people know this in a completely platonic way. He thinks it’s important to tell the people you care about that you care about them while you can. But for romantic love, he’ll be a little more cautious. Yes, he’ll want to tell you immediately. He’ll want to shout it to the world. But he also knows romantic love is delicate, and he would hold back until he was sure you were on the same page. After that, though, you’ll hear it a dozen times a day.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Nahh, Shanks trusts you. There isn’t a jealous bone in the man’s body.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Shanks wants to kiss you all over, everywhere, and all of the time. You’ll get soft, sleepy smooches when you wake up in the morning, and he’ll nuzzle your face and neck, enjoying being close to you. During the day you’re both busy around the ship usually, so you’ll get a quick peck here and there when your paths cross. At night, he’ll pull you close to him and kiss you deeply, letting his tongue explore your mouth…then elsewhere, if you want.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Shanks is awesome with kids, probably because in some ways he’s sort of a big kid himself. He speaks their language, and they tend to flock to him. He gets joy out of playing along. If a kid he doesn’t know comes up to him and shows him a rock, he’s totally gonna tell that kid it’s the coolest rock he’s ever seen. Shanks doesn’t see room in his life for being a full-time parent, but he enjoys taking on a mentorship role with the kids he meets and being a positive influence in their lives, and that scratches the itch enough for him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Shanks is a morning person through and through. He spends about two total minutes being groggy before he’s back to his normal self and ready to start the day. Unless he partied a little too hard the night before, he also likes to be among the first people up on the ship. He sort of sees it as part of his duty as captain - if his people need to be up at the crack of dawn, he should be too. If you’re an early riser, you can enjoy getting ready for the day together and reading the paper over coffee and breakfast. If you like to sleep in, he’ll slip out of bed and do his best not to disturb you.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Shanks can be a party animal and when the time is right will drink and dance well into the night. But he also appreciates the still, quiet nights where you can sneak up to the crows nest and sit under the stars together. He likes to sit with you, arm wrapped around you as you talk or just enjoy the silence together.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Shanks is generally an open book, but as a pirate captain, and an exceptionally powerful one at that, he’s learned that revealing too much about himself too quickly can be a danger to him and his crew. He likes talking about his experiences and sees life as a series of lessons to be learned, and he enjoys sharing that. In the early days together, you’ll get all the surface-level stuff, but after some time he’ll tell you his deepest thoughts and motivations.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It takes a lot to really anger Shanks. Usually when he’s angry it’s tied to fear that something or someone he cares about will be taken from him. He doesn’t lash out often, and lets most things roll off his back. But sometimes, like anyone, he gets pushed to the edge, and that’s when the sword comes out. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Shanks has a mind for broad strokes and not fine detail, but he remembers what’s important to him. He’s not forgetful, necessarily, but sometimes it takes a minute or two for things to come back to mind.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?)
Shanks’s favorite moment in your relationship was when the crew was docked on an island in the New World and there was a festival in town. He loved watching your reactions to the lights, the dancers in the street, and the delicious local food. You were thrilled, and he was thrilled because of that.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?)
Shanks can be overprotective of the people he loves, sometimes annoyingly so. He knows his own strength, and sometimes he feels it's his duty to personally keep you safe - almost like because he’s so strong, no one else is really capable of doing so. It definitely makes him anxious. Whether you’re his friend or his lover, he values your life immensely and it would break his heart to lose you. Regardless of your background, you may need to prove yourself as a fighter before he feels comfortable not being your personal bodyguard. Or maybe you’re okay with him being your protector, and that’s cool too.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Shanks wants to celebrate every day that he gets to be with you. Being at sea can make it hard to find special things to do, and the privacy with which to do them, but he’s rarely not thinking of something for you. Your birthday will be a huge celebration every year, if you want (if you don’t, you better make sure he knows that!). If you both choose to celebrate anniversaries, he’ll make them special, but more personal - he’ll probably have Lucky cook up something fancy and close up the mess hall for a few hours so it’s just the two of you. If you’re on his crew, he’ll be very careful not to show you any special treatment when it comes to your duties, but he’ll also do little things to make your life easier or just make you smile, like drawing you a bath if you’re sore or buying you small things at port that he thinks you might like.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Shanks is, ummm, a little on the ADHD side. While it has its benefits, sometimes you might have to fight to get him to focus on the things that are necessary but he’s not particularly interested in. He also gets carried away sometimes, and relies on Beckman, the rational brain in his life (and you if you’re that type) to bring him back down to earth.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Shanks knows he’s hot as hell. He gets enough attention, he’s had people tell him they have his wanted poster in their bedroom. He also puts next to no effort into his looks aside from basic hygiene. He wears the ugly pants for absolutely no reason other than because he knows he’s attractive enough to get away with it. He doesn’t even like them that much, but he’s been wearing them too long to stop now. He likes to joke that if he wore socks under his sandals no one would even look at him weird and it would probably be suddenly in style.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partner?)
If Shanks is going to fall in love, he’s going to love hard and with his entire soul. He feels like the right person is actively meant for him, out of all the people in the world, and if they’re gone permanently from his life, whether through circumstances out of his control or because it just didn’t work, it’ll take a lot to feel like himself again. He’ll get there, but he’ll also feel permanently changed.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I’ve got two: 1) Before he lost his arm, Shanks was a decently skilled guitar player. 2) Shanks is an organized chaos kind of person. His office is a huge mess, but he knows where everything is, and that’s what’s important.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In a partner, Shanks doesn’t want someone who’s controlling. For him, being a pirate is about being free, and while he’s certainly willing to compromise some in a relationship, he still has to be free to be himself. In general, Shanks strongly believes that nuts of any kind do not belong in cookies, brownies, or other baked goods. The only exception to this is peanut butter, but it’s gotta be the smooth kind.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Shanks snores, but it’s a sort of quiet, cute snore most of the time, unless he’s been drinking a lot. He sometimes talks in his sleep, but it’s entirely nonsense and you enjoy telling him about the stuff he said the next day. You have occasionally woken him up from laughing so hard, and sometimes tell the whole crew if it was particularly funny.
Previous: Shanks NSFW Alphabet
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littlemissmanga · 6 months
OC: Yen Ori'ken Alphabet: SFW Edition
Taking a break from writing about our favorite boys to get some inspiration for Yen so I can finally finish chapter 4 of Date Night
I used this alphabet template from @the-coldest-goodbye I included answers for both platonic and romantic relationships. SO! Here we go ...
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Part Dathomiri on her mother's side with a long line of traditional matchmakers on her father's side, Yen moved to the heart of the Republic to make her way in the business world. Unsatisfied with the illogical and callus bureaucracy, she jumped at the chance to do some real good at Right to Love Matchmaking.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
ACTS OF SERVICE. If there's one thing Yen knows it's how to get shit done. If you're someone she loves, she's getting shit done for you so you don't need to worry about it. Her brain literally cannot comprehend someone telling her not to do acts of service for them.
She is also fairly physically affectionate, but in small ways. Yen is a quieter presence and she'll show affection with gentle touches - shoulder, back of the neck, top of the hand, or just standing a little closer to her partner or friend if she feels they need it.
But physical touch is also the no 1 way she receives affection (she just doesn't always realize she needs it cause she's way too in her own head).
When it comes to verbal affection, she says "I love you" fairly easily to friends and partners, but struggles with empathizing so she says "I love you" a lot just to convey that she's there for them. If they ask her advice or even just vent to her, she tends to get very opinionated in her responses -- ie, if you're struggling with something, it's very hard for her not to tell you how amazing you are and this you shouldn't be struggling. She's been told this isn't always very helpful, so she's learned to ask if someone wants validation or her real opinion. If they say the latter and get pissed, they're not friends for very long.
When it comes to affection with a partner, she isn't too into PDA - holding hands is sweaty and inconvenient, making out in public is gross to her. Hugging in greeting is ok, but more than that just not her vibe. In private? She's still not super sappy, but she does love a good side cuddle while she and her partner just do their own thing in the same space.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
If another person either approaches her, it'll take Yen some time to feel them out. But if she approaches someone, they'll likely become friends a little faster. Yen is attracted (platonic and otherwise) to competency and proactive thinking. She respects and responds well to people who see solutions beyond the problems. She really cannot stand learned helplessness or intentional ignorance.
When someone comes along who vibes on her wavelength, Yen opens up big time. No such thing as secrets with her, she'll tell you whatever you want to know. She'll also feel a lot more comfortable speaking her mind, where usually she's very aware of the "proper" thing to say. She's got a cutting sense of humor and is blunt (but not a "tell it like it is" person, she'll only do that when someone directly asks for her sincere opinion) so she usually falls in with people who can either keep up with her or soothe out her edges.
Either way, best friends with Yen means a LOT of sass and an ungodly number of BOMBASTIC sideeye. Bestie knows at once what each of these micro-expressions mean. But Yen's face cannot be quiet without extreme awareness and control. That control slips for any reason (alcohol or surprise are the big ones) then everyone will be able to see 80% of her thoughts. Friends try to help her keep her grip in public. Bestie sees the leash is off and says "GO TIME!"
But with Yen, there will always be tea spilt and shade served but she's also the best person to go to for a voice of reason and sound advice. She's a real ride or die kinda girl. She's the one you call at 3 am going "I need your help and you can't ask me why" and she'll say "bet".
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Yes. As I said, Yen receives affection in physical touch, but she's not the best at realizing that. She prefers at home/in private only, outside of extenuating circumstances. Yen will cuddle close friends who need it as well as her partner. She loves cuddles that still give her some freedom (spooning as the little spoon or butt to butt cuddles, side to side on a couch so she can read/use her hands/etc., touching feet from opposite ends of the couch). But every so often she'll need that full-body, nothing to do but let your thoughts go and enjoy the feeling of someone pressed against you kinda cuddle and a true partner for her is someone who's able to recognize that and help her recognize it, too.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Eh, so because of her family's profession, domesticity is always something that was expected of Yen. And to her younger mind, it looked so confining. She felt there were better ways to do good in the galaxy. But that was a bust.
Now, it's not so much the domesticity that calls to her, but the idea of being settled with a primary partner and a group of friends and family as her community that's what she craves. Life is chaotic and unpredictable, but the core of your life doesn't have to be, and that is very appealing to her.
Her ideal partner isn't someone looking to "wife her up" but rather someone with their own goals and ambitions who can slot into her life and live alongside her.
She can cook, she's kinda awful about cleaning but that's because she never lets things get messy to the point where she'd need to know how to get stains out or anything like that. But usually, she's so busy she just let's the droids do their thing.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If she's breaking up with a partner, they should know it's coming. Yen will not bite her tongue for very long and be uncomfortable for someone else's sake. She'll have told them several times what her issues are, what needs aren't being met, etc. If they believe they're being blindsided, they haven't been paying attention.
She'll be very to the point. Not cruel or cold, but there's no apology or soft tone from her. "We've spoken about X, Y, and Z several times, but there hasn't been any change and I'm feeling taken advantage of, so I believe it's best if we part ways."
She'll be fair in splitting co-owned things. She likely won't move in with a partner until there are conversations about marriage as she's not willing to deal with the hassle, so she likely wouldn't have to coordinate moving out/moving their stuff out.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
It would take Yen a LONG time to get married. She'll fall in love fast enough (when it's the right person, she'll know because the wrong ones do. not. last.), but going any further than steady partner with their own apartment will take years.
Yen sees relationships succeed and fail each day. She knows it takes a lot to go the distance and she's not willing to put herself in a bad place for the hope it'll go right. She needs to see her partner prove it, and she needs to prove it to herself, too, through the mundane and the unexpected, through the good (for one or both) and the bad (for one or both).
But with the right partner? When Yen feels truly herself and safe with this person? Absolutely she would be thrilled to commit herself officially.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Yen doesn't have an edge so much as she's got a shiny steel backbone. It doesn't bend OR break, so a lot of people's first impressions is that she's a bit of a hard ass.
But Yen can be gentle for those she really cares about. It's not in cooing words, she's awful with those. But physically, it's a soft caress on someone's back, it's a gentle kiss to the crown of their head. In action, it's literally whatever you need or what she feels needs to be done but she's usually pretty good at respecting boundaries though that won't stop her from taking care of you however she feels she needs to.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
When Yen loves you, a hug from her is oddly maternal. Like, it feels like the acceptance and care you were always supposed to have. Maybe it's because she doesn't hug a lot - it's not her first thought. So you know when she hugs you, it's beyond sincere.
She does love receiving hugs more than she realizes day to day. (Also, her hands are thin, bony, and ALWAYS cold so hug with caution.)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Pretty fast, all things considered. But Yen also acknowledges all kinds of love - familial, platonic, friendship, partnership, etc. Saying "I love you" is literally the only way she can wrap her head around expressing to the people in her life that they are important to her.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Yen doesn't get jealous easily. Certainly not over a partner. Her S/O is free to do whatever they wish because for her, a partnership NEEDS strong mutual trust. So she won't be flustered if she sees S/O at a cafe with another woman or dancing with someone else. But if they cross a line, that's a choice they made and she'll leave in a heartbeat, same if they're intentionally making her jealous. She does not have time for games like that.
She does get jealous if she feels she's being left behind/left out of a friend group, but that's really more just feelings of inadequacy than straight jealously.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Yen prefers closed mouth kisses with her partner. Tongues are unwieldy and she hates feeling slobber and spit all over her mouth after. She is pretty free with those kisses, unlike hugs. A romantic partner can expect a quick peck on the lips or cheek, the back of their neck if they're sitting, or the press of her lips to each knuckle if she's feeling particularly intimate.
She'll also be free with kisses to very close friends, on the cheek and top of the head.
When it comes to receiving, a forehead kiss makes her MELT. But if you wanna make her absolutely giddy (something you'll never really see otherwise), then we're taking rapid-fire small kisses peppered all over her face. You may even get a little giggle.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Hit or miss. She thinks kids are cute in theory. But in practice they're a little too unpredictable for her as a whole. She's best with little babies and older kids (10+). It's the school age ones with no boundaries, unlimited questions, unstable logic and execution skills, and massively misplaced senses of confidence that overwhelm her. But just like with matchmaking, it's all about balancing personalities and needs, so she'll try extra hard with her friends' kids and once they're better at communicating, she's Best Auntie (TM).
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Yen is most productive in the mornings. She'll wake up a little after sunrise, organize her to-do lists for the day, make some coffee and take care of little personal tasks to get her day started right. A quick breakfast and then she's off to work.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
She'll try to go out with coworkers or friends at least once a week (to prevent her from working overtime too many nights and because if she didn't schedule her social life, it wouldn't happen). But after a few drinks (never more than 3 or else she'll need help getting home), Yen will head home, shower, put on her comfy clothes and let the rest of the night be dedicated to relaxation.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Depends. It's usually slowly, but not out of self-preservation. Yen is used to being the one asking questions, so it's not really in her habits to share her own info unprompted. She'll tell you anything if you ask, though.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Yen has the patience of a saint for someone she can tell is trying their best. She has absolutely ZERO tolerance at all for someone half-assing shit and wasting her time. Or for rude/mean-spirited people. Or inconsiderate people. Or stupid people - not their actual intelligence, but people who act stupid or choose to be ignorant and make it someone else's problem.
She won't be like aggressively mean about it. But if you used up her patience, you'll be getting THE LOOK.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Everything. If you're important to her, she's got a mental and likely physical file of information that's important. Your birthday, favorite comfort food, your emergency contact information, etc. She believes in being prepared and this way, she's ready for any opportunity to do something for you (re, show you she cares).
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
There's no one moment for Yen. She lives for the everyday, since that's real life anyway. If you genuinely make her every day better, then that's always her favorite moment.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Mama Bear is her only setting when a friend is going through something. You will need to tell her expressly if you do not want her acting on your behalf because she WILL fight for you. Physically not as much (though she's not above using her stiletto as a weapon). But she can weave within the confines of the law to get the outcome she wants on your behalf. She'll take on corporations, the Senate, literally any person or entity she needs to to keep her loved ones safe and happy.
(Listening to her verbally eviscerate someone on a holo call all without raising her voice or swearing is genuinely a terrifying but oddly comforting ordeal.)
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
So much. All the effort. Your favorite meal? She'll call your mother to get the exact recipe. What you taste will be her fifth attempt, because no way was she risking not practicing.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
She's too quick to judge. It's rare Yen will give someone a second chance once she thinks they're a problem and that closes her off to a lot of new chances/opportunities. When it comes to her romantic life, it affects new relationships (I know she's on Dogma's case in Date Night, but Yen rarely makes it to a second date herself. But then again, she's not the client) and old (you fuck up and hurt her in a way she told you not to? Curb, immediately. There is no couch option).
She's also stubborn as hell and very little can get her to change her mind. And is often too intense in her defense of others, and it comes across as crusading a bit at times.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She isn't conceited, but she does like how she looks. I feel like if anything fundamental changed about her appearance, though, she'd struggle. Big time.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes and No. Yen prides herself on her independence and self-sufficiency. She doesn't need any one person to feel complete in herself. That said, she does love and rely on her community, with a few of them being key players and if she lost all of them, she would feel lost in general (but not in herself).
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Yen is acutely aware that her behavior isn't very feminine. She was told growing up that she was too bossy, too opinionated, not soft enough. So she really focuses on her appearance to make it feminine. She's not going to be rocking Barbie pink any time soon, but loves looking feminine and needs to to feel complete.
Her sense of style was very basic when she first moved to Triple 0, but friends and coworkers helped her expand her vision and experiment to find things that were feminine without being frilly and still very functional. Once she got that down? Everyone best get out her way.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Bad hygiene. She cannot stand it.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
EPIC REFRESHER ROUTINE. Like, it takes her an hour and she has to do the entire process. But it helps relax her and it feels like she's pampering herself every night while taking care of herself. Just amazing.
She also usually wears soft PJs to bed (usually a silk set) but every once in a while, even if she's single, she'll ditch the jammies and just indulge in the feel of her sheets against her skin.
Taglist: @wings-and-beskar @sev-on-kamino @starrylothcat @dystopicjumpsuit @sinfulsalutations @wolffegirlsunite @secondaryrealm @idontgetanysleep @freesia-writes @multi-fan-dom-madness @sunshinesdaydream @clonemedickix @wizardofrozz @anxiouspineapple99 @dhawerdaverd @mythical-illustrator
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flora-tea · 11 months
Update [8/6/2023] I decided to keep this post up despite originally feeling slightly insecure/uncertain about it. I was incredibly pleasantly surprised by all the positive attention it got! I also decided to update & polish it up a bit. Thank you all again sm! 💚
Some random rambling about part of my arospec awakening journey, because why not? xD
I was inspired by an aro poll related to aro peoples' feelings on romance. This is, in a way, my long-winded indirect way of answering the poll. I apologize for the length but I hope some can possibly relate to my experience!
One of several things I've fully realized & embraced about myself pretty recently is being on both the ace and aro spectrums. I also realized I tend to flux through feelings of being romance-neutral/indifferent, romance-averse, and romance-repulsed.
I'm averse-leaning in relation to myself and often find myself indifferent-to-repulsed in relation to others/fiction. For fiction in particular things get especially funky. Oftentimes, my feelings on romance and how I feel when seeing it can be pretty complicated and ambivalent!
For instance, I can appreciate and at times even feel warm fuzzies at thinking about or seeing affectionate gestures & intimacy commonly perceived as romantic (like kissing, [mutual] flirting, cuddling, slow-dancing, going on dates, lingering touches, holding hands, etc. {which btw, we as a society really need to normalize these things being seen in relationships outside romantic ones}) However, if a romantic relationship/attraction is the context and my brain is aware of that, that's when the apathy-to-discomfort feelings start creeping up on me. These feelings & their levels can also sometimes depend on the day or context, which is difficult to explain even to myself x'D
For a long time, I've often felt either apathetic or weirdly uncomfy upon hearing folks talk about their romantic relationships, whether irl or fictional. This was and still is especially felt if the people or characters are romantically engaged or married, as my mind has an especially uncomfortable relationship with marriage. I found I'd often experience the same feelings when seeing intimacy in a fully romantic context. I’d feel happy for them sure, but experienced an either empty or not-so-nice feeling gnawing at me. I couldn’t define it for the longest time (and just recently was able to realize what was going on, and was able to stop shoving it down or ignoring it).
For so long, I wondered if it was jealousy. Yet, during the very few romantic experiences I’ve had in my life, things felt pretty good and right until romantically dating/a romantic relationship was actually being established or in the conversation; then I'd start to feel progressively detached and anxious. And yet, I would sometimes still cling and push due to wanting to be desired affectionately. I chased what I was convinced was a love and yearning for romance. But deep down, I longed for days of being close and affectionate but in a more platonic or even ambiguous context, and I’d think “Maybe we moved into this too fast…”, even if I’d known & hung out with the person for years and even if things were going well. I also struggled to imagine myself in a lasting romantic relationship. I began sometimes wondering if something was wrong with me or if I "just had commitment issues".
A weird thing is (not weird in general as peoples’ feelings can be fluid/change over time!), I thought I loved romance for so long. I felt I loved the idea of romance for myself and in fiction/media. I even had favorite ships growing up and was a big shipper in general. Even so, looking back, the vibe I imagined was always primarily 'affectionate besties' and I often imagined the characters describing themselves as best friends and emphasis being put on their friendship, even while imagining them sharing gestures typically perceived as romantic. But I’d always feel progressively apathetic or averse after/if a romantic ship became canon. And when reading romantic fics (usually slow-burns), I’d love it up to the point characters established a fully romantic relationship; then I’d often start to feel detached. I never understood why. It was always so strange to me how my feelings changed.
*Additionally, when it comes to fiction/media;
Characters touching foreheads, holding hands, hugging, or dancing together always made me feel so much more joyous excitement compared to any [romantic] kissing scene
I always felt notably happy and cozy if characters continued referring to each other as friends/best friends after kissing or cuddling or anything else affectionate that folks tend to put in the "romance" box.
I liked when characters had what people call "romantic tension" or moments but the relationship remained considered platonic or ambiguous.
I liked when people described characters as having a "'romantic' friendship" before I even knew much about types of relationships
The only times I've felt any sort of joy and no discomfort in relation to the concept of marriage were if it was a mutual 'pretend marriage' trope between friends or done for any mutually non-romantic reasons (& if the concept of marriage is treated lightheartedly).
I often thought or felt the least about song lyrics with love songs, or I'd imagine the lyrics to be about best friends instead. (lately, I've found queerplatonic-ing love songs in my head to be surprisingly comforting)
Several things clicked and then hit me like a train after I was inspired to read more about the aromantic spectrum and discovered the existence of relationship anarchy and Queerplatonic relationships and tertiary attractions, and after I finally became aware of the Amatonormativity that was drilled into my mind since childhood.
I realized how amatonormative phrases like “just friends” and “more than friends” and “finding ‘the one’ someday” chained relationships to a hierarchy & continuously shoved into my brain this idea that romance was ‘the ultimate relationship’, that it was ‘the strongest/closest relationship a person could have’, that a relationship needed to be a romantic relationship for there to be intimacy/affection, that ‘being in love’ could only happen with romantic attraction, that a romantic relationship was ‘the goal’, that having (a) partner(s) was only possible with a romantic relationship, that romance was 'the ultimate devotion'. The amatonormativity constantly shoved onto us by society skewed my views on intimacy and relationships (and myself) for so long, as I know it does for so many people. To acknowledge that and contemplate on my realizations, to unlearn those mentalities, and to learn about the vast diversity of feelings and relationships and possibilities/options that exist, was freeing.
I also had an epiphany that brought me so much clarity: All this time, it wasn’t really romance I wanted/loved, it was love and affection and closeness in general, especially outside of romance intention/context.
Additionally, over time, I realized that what I want for myself isn’t to have a romantic relationship again, but I do love the thought of being in a Queerplatonic Relationship someday.
I also realized that overall, I feel most comfy with the idea affection/intimacy in tertiary attraction contexts (like platonic, queerplatonic, alterous, and nebulous/ambiguous)
With reality and fiction, the thought of intimately affectionate besties who'd confuse the heck out of much of our society brings me joy. I'd love to see more of that in the world, and perhaps experience it myself someday 💚
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our-destiny · 1 year
Headcanons about what Bucky would be like as a father (or at least a father figure)
There is honestly not enough content about platonic Bucky so I made my own <3 Could be read as you being his biological child or adoptive, readers gender is not mentioned, not sure when this is taking place, and as always this is not well written but whateva we ballin
Bucky as a father would be protective, playful, and very loving.
Bucky is so soft for you, he's very aware that he's dangerous and might scare you or hurt you, his time as the Winter Soldier plays heavy on his mind as we know, so he tries very hard to gentle and approachable.
His love languages with you would be physical touch, quality time and acts of service.
Bucky loves to cuddle with you, and because he can't sleep at night he's become fond of napping with you during the day. Just feeling you near him and hearing your breathing really calms him down, especially because he worries so much about you.
He would be hesitant about touching you, definitely having to build up to full on hugging and cuddling. At first he would refuse to touch you with his metal arm, hiding it behind his back because he was scared he was going to hurt you, or scare you with it.
But after you telling him countless times that you think his metal arm is cool, he eventually lets you have a look at it and starts touching you with it. Though he would more so just let you initiate it and touch it if you wanted to, not really going out of his way to show you affection with it. Though eventually Bucky becomes comfortable with putting his arm around you, especially if you needed comforting.
Bucky likes to spend time with you, too. He loves seeing you happy and hearing you laugh so he does everything in his power to make sure you have a good time. This is also where his playful aspect comes in. You've got him wrapped around your little finger and he will do anything you ask of him, including making a fool of himself. I feel like he would like to do quite active stuff with you, like playing tag or going exploring in a woods or something, but it's honestly up to you. Though he will be hesitant to do tickle fights or play wrestling, but you can definitely convince him.
Acts of service and his protective trait also go hand in hand, he feels like the one thing he's good at is hurting people and fighting, and if he can use that to do some good, he will. He remembers what he learned during his time with Hydra and uses that to protect you. Bucky gets a bit paranoid that Hydra will come for you so he takes your safety very seriously, always checking the locks on the windows and scanning the room when he's out in public with you. He also teaches you some self defense and how to use certain weapons so you can defend yourself if you have to.
It isn't only physically that he protects you, he also tries to keep you protected from all the dark and evil things of the world, especially surrounding Hydra and what they did to him. The most he'll tell you about his past is that he lost his arm in the war, but if you want anymore details you're gonna have to ask someone else. Chances are even if you do ask someone else they won't tell you either, probably because they don't want to make Bucky mad, or they don't want to scare you, or Bucky threatened told them not to tell you.
Bucky wants you to know that he will always take care of you, emotionally and physically. He tries to remember what it was like taking care of Steve back in the 40s, and how he comforted him after his mom died, so he can take care of you too. Of course comfort isn't really his strong suit but he tries, he promises that whenever you need him he will drop everything to make sure you're okay and that he'll never turn his back on you.
Going back to how he teaches you self defense, I feel like Bucky would really like to have someone that he could pass his knowledge onto. Like he would love to teach them different card games that he played back in the 40s or I always imagine him teaching his kid how to do his signature death glare. Just having someone that he can be a sort of mentor to, especially considering how old he is, I think he'd really like that. Or him having a kid that looks up to him and wants to be like him. At first he would be like, "trust me, you don't want to be like me, I'm terrible," but I think eventually, once the kid starts following him around and trying to be like him, he would warm up to the idea and take them under his wing.
I saw someone say that Bucky keeps 2 pairs of his dogs tags on him, one round his neck and one in his boot and I love the thought that Bucky gives you his extra pair of dog tags. He'd especially do this if you look up to him, or if you miss him a lot when he's on missions.
Talking about missions, what happens really depends on when in the timeline we're talking. Usually when he is going on missions he will get someone else to look after you, usually Steve or Sam if Steve's not available. But if this is happening during or after tfatws then I think Bucky might stop going on missions altogether and instead move somewhere out in the country and just live peacefully with you. I think that he would jump at the chance of getting some peace with you and dedicating his time to raising you instead of fighting.
I feel like Bucky and his kid are going to be very similar, so much so that even if he adopted you people with think that you're his biological child. Tony will definitely call you either 'Little Bucky' or 'Bucky Jr' just to tease the both of you.
The rest of the avengers have also become very protective of you as well, though Steve and Sam are definitely the ones that you're closest to and are around the most. It might even be that you see them as father figures, too, so now you have three dads.
Over all Bucky's very sweet and he will do anything for you, even if he is a bit hesitant at first.
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shytastemakerthing · 11 months
please matchmake this hopeless romantic LOL ♪ (romantic please!! not platonic.) I’m someone who loves to dress up in pink, frilly dresses and I tend to wear j-fashions like sweet lolita or hime gyaru, both very pink and frilly, I love love love cats and tbh I’m a big dork, I’m ambiverted(leaning towards introverted) and I think I’m enfp/infp, I can be hyper sometimes but also tired, I’m a little emotional sometimes too , i love video games, manga, anime, I have an anime figure collection (most of them being pink) and I love cute stationery♪
Hello! It wasn't specified as to which Fandom you wanted this for so I went with the most popular, which is TWST! I would usually send a message to ask but given this is an anonymous request, I can't do that lol🤣😭
I hope you enjoy!
Note: Dont really pay attention to the poll at the bottom. I accidentally clicked it and now it won't go away and i can't post this until i put something in that poll😭😭.
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I match you with......
Idia Shroud
🎮 This guy seems to be pretty popular within tne matchup sections of things (not that I am complaining, I love writing about him xD).
🎮 This is a clear story of the whole 'opposites attract' trope that we see going on all of the time. Between the both of you, it's like night and day. His gloomy disposition and state of dress (I hope he washes that hoodie bevause he wears it all of the time), and then your pink and frilly clothing really makes the both of you stand out when you're next to one another.
🎮 This doesn't mean that he isn't a fan of the way that you dress. In fact, it's the complete opposite. Do you know how many of his favorite anime characters dress the same way that you do? He's already express ordered quite a few outfits just for you...... and if you happen to wear a cosplay of one of said favorite characters, the man has ascended on the spot with this derpy grin on his face.
🎮 Movie and Anime marathons are a MUST in this relationship. The fact that you love them as well is a huge bonus to him. Why go on actual dates when you coild both curl up in the comfort of his room with plenty of snacks and binge watch the latest series that the both of you are into?
🎮 Speaking of dates, it's rather hard to get him to go on one outside of the confines of his room, but given your love for cats and his love for cats, if you manage to get you two a spot at a cat Cafe during one of the less busy times of the day, then he will consider going with you. Spoiler alert, he does go and tiu had to keep him from trying to take some of the cats home.
🎮 Cute stationary (I am also an avid collector of things in this category), he knows you love it. He knows you collect it. His family is very well off and he has an account that he has been saving and wracking up for years now. You best believe that he will be splurging on you to get you you the best and cutesy stationary supplies. Honestly, seeing the smile on your face causes his heart to race and that love meter to keep on filling.
🎮 No matter the gaming set up you had before, as said before, he is very well off in terms of finances. He has 100% gotten you a brand knew, latest off the line, gaming setup in your cute, pink, over the top style. It was an anniversary gift and he is still reeling in from the mass attack of cuddles and kisses he received from you after this.
🎮 Hybperneess isn't exactly his strong suit and he is well known for avoiding the extroverts at the school. Your hyperactiveness is a bit different, though. Unlike other people, you are emotionally aware and are able to see when he begins to grow uncomfortable with tbe amount kf energy you are excuding and are able to quickly bring the energized atmosphere down to the levels where he is the lost comfortable.
🎮 Overall, the relationship took time to get used too, but now he's latched onto you like a leech (no pun intended). He honestly can't get enough of just how adorable you are, your state of dress, and just how tou carry yourself. This is certainly a romance route he wants to carry out until the very end.
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LMAO get this
Edward and Cheslock sharing an s/o 🥲 not just any s/o, but a male s/o 😈
listen I love these two as purely platonic friends
... but I may also be starting to ship them a teeny bit ;w;
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Can we talk about the sheer amount of competition, though?? For real, one of these guys is always trying to do something to impress (Name), especially if the other one did something impressive a short time ago. Did Edward dedicate his performance in a game of cricket to their S/O and win? Well, Cheslock has to then dedicate his performance in a concert to their S/O and get a standing ovation. And the cycle continues. It just never ends with these two!
Cheslock tends to get more affection at least in public, simply because he’s much more relaxed about showing affection even with eyes on them. Edward will hold (Name)’s hand as they walk, but that’s about it until he taps more into his wilder streak. Cheslock, on the other hand, will gladly kiss (Name) on the cheek… and sometimes on the mouth. Yes, even while other people are watching. Edward is appalled! … And maybe a little envious. He’s going to get to the point where he can do that, it’s a goal!
That said, Edward gets quite a bit more focus in private. Cheslock doesn’t filter himself, so he doesn’t have another… ‘level’ to go to, so to speak. He isn’t holding anything back, whereas Edward often is. Their S/O sees Cheslock’s whole self in public, and they only see Edward’s more boisterous, sensual side when he shows it to (Name) in private. That makes it a bit more exciting to see, and Edward is very good at keeping their S/O’s attention once he has it.
None of that is to say that (Name) prefers one man over the other, though. His relationship with each of them is just different; still very much equal. The three of them do things as a group often, and he just… interacts with Cheslock and Edward in varied ways. Just because it’s not quite the same doesn’t mean his relationship with each one isn’t equal. Their little polycule is actually none too bad at keeping things balanced so no one feels slighted.
Competitive as they might be with each other, Cheslock and Edward are great at working together if they feel the need to defend their S/O’s honor. They both have a strong sense of what is and isn’t noble, so if (Name) gets his character questioned, the other person will have two incredibly protective gents ready to fight over it. Cheslock’s rosining up his bow to thrash some arse in a battle of musical wits, and Edward has his sword drawn if the offending party would prefer to settle things in a more physical way. Pick your poison.
Sleepy (and maybe not so sleepy) cuddles with (Name) in the middle between Cheslock and Edward? Oh, yes, definitely.
… (Name) shouldn’t be surprised if he finds Cheslock and Edward locking lips occasionally. Whilst they may not have gravitated toward each other in a romantic way otherwise, sharing a S/O has made them both more aware of their own attractions in general. They’ve learned to better recognize those feelings, so… they might as well see what comes of it if they want to kiss each other too, right? It might lead to something, it might lead to nothing, but whatever happens, they’ll have given it a go and not just ignored their feelings. If they end up being with each other the way they’re both with (Name), great. If not, they’ll continue to be fantastic friends. There’s no down side here!
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sillysayaka · 1 year
hi your blog has likely eliminated the last bit of poly hate i had in myself and possibly has awakened something inside of me?? i'll likely not know for a while but having multiple intimate partners is something i'm okay with and actually find hot?? i'm worried it's just a kink but this confusion is good it means i'm discovering shit abt myself and regardless if it reveals good or bad traits knowing more about myself is always a good thing
anyways ily (platonically i think)
anon so i can be myself and be fully transparent, too shy to say this with my main url (also since that blog is supposed to be SFW (excluding foul language, i can say fuck and nobody can stop me))
First of all, thank you for taking your time to talk about this! as you are well aware, I am an advocate for polygamy. Not just because I myself am poly and in a poly relationship, but because I genuinely believe more people might be interested in it if they gave it a try and overcome internal stereotypes. When I was first introduced to polygamy, it was in a bad german tv show and it absolutely portrayed it as "just an orgy". It tooks years for me to not only stop seeing it that way, but also to not consider an orgy something bad. For me, I started to experiment with polygamy when I was interested in someone that a friend of mine was interested in too. I noticed that like, even if we both do things with this person, it's not like either of us is taking something away from the other. Because humans are full of love. And this love does not have to be for just one person. I do not condemn those who live their way that way, but I demand mutual respect. It opens up possibilities previously unheard of. I knew a lot of couples who overall liked their partner but seemed to always complain about one thing or the other. "Oh, I love my boyfriend, but I also wanna go out on my own and meet new people..." then...do that? Communication, like for any relationship, is very integral towards a healthy poly relationship. Setting boundaries, expressing desires, sharing experiences and overall having a great time! In regards to you fearing it might be a kink: it's really not. Like by default it is not. People can make it a kink, get off of having multiple partners, but even then, it's not "just" a kink. It's genuine interest and commitment to multiple people. Being in a polycule helped me in more ways than I can count. I have an easier time reaching out to people, expressing my interests and boundaries, knowing how to network and seek help when I need it. One of the greatest things about a polycule is a cuddle pile. Like just, stack each other. One big pile. 10/10 would recommend. I won't pressure you into coming off anon! But I would love to chat with you more, maybe you can send a DM if you want to!
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twinklecupcake · 1 year
I don't wanna go in TOO obvious a direction, so for 1 and 2 how about ChimeraShipping and Ao Lie respectively?
Chimerashipping when I started shipping it if I did: Man, I don't even know… I think I'd seen a few fanarts before officially starting the series, and being like "Huh, if a huge part of the fandom just says 'fuck love triangles/demonizing the girl, let's make an OT3' that must be a well-written trio." I don't know when I actually got on board with it, but I think I was just sorta nodding along while marathoning the show and going "Hm, yep, I see it." my thoughts: Thank god people just say "What a healthy pair of platonic besties and a demon who has two hands," instead of just demonizing Mei or ignoring her. What makes me happy about them: They all bounce off each other in the best ways, and can always support each other. Also I love the various 'cuddle pile' fanarts. What makes me sad about them: ALL OF THEM NEED THERAPY. things done in fanfic that annoys me: I don't think I've actually seen anything that annoys me in Chimerashipping fanfic? things I look for in fanfic: Mei and MK being open about "Just because someone dates me doesn't mean they can ignore my bestie." Red Son being honest about liking both of them. Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Dragonfruitshipping + aroace MK My happily ever after for them: They all get some therapy, are happy and thriving. Red Son is an inventor/engineer, Mei is a hobbyist racer and streamer (she knows the professional world for both careers is rough), MK is just vibing and doing what makes him happy. who is the big spoon/little spoon: They're a sandwhich. Mei and MK on either side of Red. what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Snuggling. Also Mario Party/Mario Kart.
Ao Lie
How I feel about this character: HE IS A JUST A GUY. LOOK AT THE GUY. Also holy hell, what a great friend + literal embodiment of 'little screentime, huge impact.' Also I've seen people say he and SWK were like Mei and MK, and I definitely agree. All the people I ship romantically with this character: N/A My non-romantic OTP for this character: Ao Lie + SWK = besties for lyfe My unpopular opinion about this character: I do NOT think the Samadhi Fire killed him. Leads to some amazing angst fanwork, but I don't think it happened. Simply because I'm pretty sure Mei would have been aware if her great x a thousand grandfather had spontaneously combusted, or if people in her bloodline had a tendency of dying via fire-splosion. I think it just hopped to his own child instead, and so on and so forth. One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish we could've had more scenes of him and SWK. my OTP: None. my cross over ship: None. a headcanon fact: I like to think he did a very fairy tale thing and married a random human farmgirl (I think there must've been a lot of humans in Mei's ancestry) and everyone was surprised.
"Ohhh, right, I didn't tell you I got married!" Baijie: "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU GOT--"
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marriedmyfandom · 2 years
Wednesday in a QPR for season 2
Okay, this started as an idle thought because someone said that aroace Wednesday would destroy her emotional/social character arc which is just ???
Like first off, you can definitely develop your social skills and how to check in with your emotions by just... making friends. Wednesday staying a single aroace but learning how to make and maintain friendship would still be character development.
But for the sake of the argument let’s pretend that you subscribe to the allo monogamous notion that for everyone there is this one (1) *special* person out there. So let her be in a QPR!!! Is my main argument for this that I finally want QPR representation, especially in mainstream media? Yes, but that doesn’t make it any less important. I  mean is that really too much to ask?
Now, I know Enid is the most prominent choice for Wednesday’s QPR and I hear and support you but may I propose Tyler...? Hear me out:
I know him saying she was sending him signals got some mixed reactions to say the least. But most people at some point deluded themselves into thinking their crush was sending them signals when their crush very much did not. And also, it’s not as if Wednesday sent anyone else non-platonic signals because she’s probably aroace. Add to that Tyler might be aroace himself but in denial so all he knows about romantic/sexual relations is what society and media taught him and the whole situation gets even more confusing
So why Tyler? (let me preface this by saying this is gonna include some self-projection but isn’t that the point?)
It’s very clear that he cares about her and is very intent on clear communication. Wednesday would always know where she stands with him and we know he has the nerve to ask her where he stands with her and is respectful of her boundaries. Which is important in any relationship but especially in a QPR. Also the fact that she kissed him shows that she felt comfortable enough to explore her own limits with him and trusts him to stop when she shows signs of discomfort because his previous actions were proof that he does.
Of course there is the issue of the Hyde but the more I think about it the more adamant I become that this is not his fault. Like he was groomed/manipulated/traumatized so much. We know he did not intentionally start everything and I would not be surprised if he  actually did not enjoy any part of it. But he was told that he did over and over again so he finally deluded himself into believing that because it gave him some sense of control. (honestly, how many groomed ppl during the relationship think that they actually want this only to later realize that they very much did not). Especially given how emotionally vulnerable he was in that entire situation.
But why should Tyler be in a QPR? I’ve stated before (on Twitter) that I believe both Tyler and Wednesday are queer. I don’t care if you call it mlm/wlw solidarity, bi4bi, QPR, ... there’s something fruity going on between these two. Now this is where the self-projection is getting heavy. The whole Hyde thing will probably cause an alienation between Tyler and his body because so much happened to his body that he had absolutely no control. And as someone whose body does a lot of stuff I have no control over because of my physical disability, let me tell you that it makes intimacy with other people complicated to unappealing (now, I have no way of knowing if I’m simply on the ace-spectrum or if sth caused by my anxiety about my temperamental body. But since I’m generally interested in it but then end up worrying myself in a frenzy about my body’s movements during something as simple as a cuddle session even though physical touch is my primary love language I’m leaning towards the latter). So Tyler would also need to be in a relationship with someone who is aware and respectful of his physical boundaries.
And that’s why I think they should be in a QPR together and will now delude myself into thinking that the show is giving us signals that it will happen even though it’s absolutely unrealistic.
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menalez · 2 years
I'm the second anon and I came back to clarify some things.
1) I don't have a low libido, I never specified this.
2) I'm not comfortable with hugging or cuddling or being close in any way to my other male friends because they're your usual straight teenagers tm. Them even talking about relationships/women in general has me being uncomfortable, with what little they know about true intimacy, if nothing else.
3) My friend is straight, as far as I'm aware. Perhaps bi-curious. But he's hugging other male friends and they all know it's platonic, y'all are weirder than me for assuming I'll have sex with him only on the basis of us hugging. I also know he's never liked me romantically, if you want more proof.
4) When I said "share a bed", I really meant platonically. How we used to share beds with other girls/women during trips. Is this not an universal experience??? I shared a bed with two classmates (both female) once because there simply was no more space elsewhere. It was a double bed and we had a blast with it, lmao.
5) I do come from a very clingy culture, but it's me who's not as clingy, both due to most of my friends not being clingy either and me not being used to people being clingy as a result. Which is why I was having this crisis. Because my friend is clingy and I don't mind that from him. But if it were other male friend, I would mind. In the end I figured out that the constant exposure to my other friends sexuality is the cause of this. I would mind them if they did what my other friend does because THEY might see it as romantic.
it just sounds like a normal friendship to me anon 😭 i don’t rly have straight male friends anymore but i don’t think ur somehow into men for. simply being close to ur male friend (sharing a bed and hugging are literally just.. normal friendship stuff.. it’s just less commonly done w men bc men generally don’t understand our boundaries as lesbians, not bc as lesbians we’re innately uncomfortable with being at all close to men)
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