#but thats for future me to react over
catgirlwizard · 1 year
#personal#i just need to rant somewhere about how much i love my partner!!!!!#he's so sweet and supportive and its so nice being with another autistic trans person with ptsd cause theres so much less about myself that#i have to explain. even though we're different people and have different reactions and feelings and opinions theres still that commonality#like even if i love the texture of velvet and he hates it. i know what its like to feel a texture and feel like my hand is tingling and my#anxiety spike at little sensory things like that. thats just an example but its really nice having someone who is their own person but#still understands the feelings i have and i can understand his. and he's SO incredibly patient. and he's a much more literal and straight#forward person than i'm used to which is such a nice change of pace. growing up autistic there were so many situations where people said or#did one thing but meant another and i struggled to understand them and it led to getting hurt and learning to be hyperaware and overanalyze#every interaction to find out how people were upset with me to the point the littlest thing would be a travesty. but with him its so simple#he means the things he says and doesn't obfuscate or lie to me about stuff he tries to be as open and honest with me as he can and if he#doesn't explain something it's because he doesn't know how to express it not because he's hiding it. i wish i could be more like him#and im trying really hard to learn that and unlearn the tendencies i picked up in toxic situations that make communication hard for me.#he makes me really excited for the future. and he makes me feel safe and supported in a way ive never felt in any relationships before.#its nice knowing i can just be myself around him. all versions of myself and he won't be upset with me for any of them. even if maybe he#should be upset when i get bitchy. but when i start getting annoyed over little things he doesnt pick up on it which gives me time to#analyze why im upset and correct my behavior and do better and calm down instead of getting more overwhelmed and not having any way to#express it except the passive aggressive tendencies i learned throughout my childhood. and when i apologize for that he says he didnt#pick up on things and that i can't help how i feel because its a gut reaction not something i choose. and hes right but also even if i cant#choose how i feel. i can still work on how i react to feelings. and i want to keep getting better at reacting in a more constructive way.#he really honestly values me communicating with him and telling him how i feel. which is SO SO SO incredible and im so lucky to have a#partner who genuinely cares about how im feeling and wants to work with me on it and know how to help because for so long i havent been in#situations where i can express feelings so i just bottle it all up and try to deal with it on my own because people before have used me#talking about feelings as a way to twist things around and blame me for their own problems. or invalidated how i felt. or not cared.#but when i talk to him i know everything he says is genuine so even through all my trauma and paranoia i know i can trust him hes proven#himself to he honest and genuine and legitimate enough times i can trust he's not faking it thats just really the type of person he is and#its so amazing and im incredibly lucky to have someone so patient and kind and supportive in my life <3#and for the first time in a relationship i don't feel terrified of the future! i'm not constantly thinking about when he'll leave me or#when i'll leave him. or how things could go wrong between us and trying to prepare for that so i don't get hurt. i just think about all the#ways i want to build a real future together with him. and when we talk about future stuff like wanting a house even if we might never
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kastheory · 9 months
steve did not bully eddie in "the past" steve was a grade below him for 3 out of 4 years of his high school career freshman steve heard this weird loudass sophomore talking w his friends at 100 decibels in the hallway about fighting elves in the woods or something (steve did not know what larping was nor care to find out) and then he went to class bc are you insane hes not fucking w a sophomore you dont normally fuck w people ahead of your grade especially if they yell at people and wear chains and get into fights in the woods (with elves?) and you dont even have classes w them. you dont even care much about them in the first place beyond passing gossip like HAVE YOU GUYS EVER BEEN IN HIGH SCHOOL. sorry. anyway.
then steve keeps catching this guy in his periphery over the next two years shouting about board games and controversial food opinions and metal bands that steve likes a few songs from but could not ever imagine giving that much of a shit about. like at all. and by (steve's) year 3 the motherfucker is bouncing off the walls giving speeches about what the hell ever and saying he cant fucking WAIT to get out of this FUCKED UP PLACE!!!! YEP ITS TRUE IN LESS THAN ONE MEASLY YEAR ILL BE SAYING MY SWEET SWEET GOODBYES TO THIS BRAINLESS CONFORMIST PRISON!!!! and hardly anyone reacts beyond rolling their eyes or snickering to their friends about it and this includes steve because who cares literally who cares. this guys been causing a ruckus since the beginning of time and hes weird and unpredictable and not worth trying to shove in a locker he would probably evade the attack anyway like a nimble mouse or squirrel he might even try to bite you. and steve didnt shove anybody in lockers in the first place so who cares and yeah he has pretty eyes and a funny way of talking and moving around but WHO CARES
and then steve goes through the first round of nightmarish shit that would become a yearly ordeal and then wraps up junior year in a perfectly normal not haunted whatsoever fashion. and then hes a senior and in his subtly cringefail era (ongoing) and that freak guy is STILL HERE for some reason and kinda pissed off and possibly a bit devastated about it so okay great now steve has a few classes with this angry weirdo loudguy but. crucially. he has had a lot of OTHER SHIT to deal with lately (MONSTERS ARE REAL) (GIRL DIED IN HIS POOL) (GF RESENTS HIM) (HAS NO FRIENDS) (COLLEGE APPS) so the only effect eddie's constantly loudmouthed & often unwarranted input during class ever has is that it adds a little flavor to the constant metaphorical and literal headache of steves life.
and then he goes through round 2 of shit and finishes his senior year with little hope for a satisfying future ahead of him and never once thinks about that guy again except when his fellow grads whisper about oh my godd did you hear that the freak flunked out again hahaha and yep sure enough eddie's not there at the graduation ceremony. and he thinks huh i wonder what his fucking problem is and then he MOVES ON. the end. thats the extent of """their past""" at least in terms of any actual interactions btwn the two of them i promise okay listen to me. i was there
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mournings-stars · 4 months
so lute and velvette… opinions on what they would like to receive as gifts? 👀
OHHH OK i got carried away and did how theyd react to gifts but trust i followed the prompt at first
so lute doesn’t like gifts (this is a lie). if you get her anything she’ll just throw it away (she will treasure that shit til the day she dies). just dont get her a work-related gift and she’ll love it forever
velvette on the other hand loves gifts — she expects them and you know it’d be a death wish to get her anything related to her work — even if its shallow, she’d rather have that because something work related feels undermining
say you get lute flowers? she’ll appreciate them in private because no one ever gets her anything, and she doesn’t know when she’ll get a spontaneous “they made me think of you” gift again
get velvette flowers? that woman is expecting flowers with every gift you give her because flowers can’t be a gift again silly, now they’re just common courtesy
but don’t worry, velvette is gushing about you all over social media because you meet her expectations so well — she posts things like “never settle for less” and its more and more every time
lute is discreet about her fawning. rather than broadcasting her appreciation, she’ll find herself staring at the flowers she’s been keeping healthy with fresh trims and water whenever it was needed and thinking she should probably do something to show her gratitude — so that you weren’t just giving her something unwarranted ofc. not because she wanted you to start giving each other gifts
of course that would be exactly what happens
i don’t think velvette would put too much effort into getting you a gift, like shes not thinking about what you might like in return or anything, but if she sees something you’ll like?? (and she knows what you like) best believe she’s getting that no mater the price
and vel is not the type to take off price tags. not because she wants you to feel bad about her spending so much money, but because she wants you and everyone else to know that she’s going to do everything possible to keep you happy, so that price tag going on her story with a casual “anything for my baby”, is 1000% percent a threat to the world
i have half a mind to think she makes sure to buy you the most obscenely expensive things when you’re not there to object and tells you it was final sale, but “it’s okay, love, we’ll go and get you something else, yeah?” and thats how she gets you because she knows you love her gifts, and she will be getting you more
with lute, you’d definitely be the one buying things on a whim. however, she would make you return things that were too pricey, only to find something she’d want to get you — conveniently she’d forget to check the tag, or she’ll talk to the shop owner until she got the price down
“what about this?” she’d ask when she saw something she wanted to get you, and you’d have to ask her whether it was for you her her. she’d lie, obviously, and end up finding a way to give it to you in the future
lute would also tell you not to get her anything then be walking with adam down the promenade and tell you to “catch” as she tossed you something she got for you
and that girl is 100% watching to see you fawn over it, smiling when she sees how excited you are only to be pulled out of it by you coming back to give her something in return because you just knew if she told you not to get anything, that meant she got you something. like it’s basically a competition at this point and she counts that as a loss — and lute does not lose
velvette, on the other hand? not a competition; she’s winning either way. she has a partner who gets her gifts that meet her expectations, and she has a partner she can give gifts that meet her expectations
but lute’s competitiveness about gifts is hot so who’s really winning…
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w0rmm1lk · 5 months
May I request the class 1A boys (if u write for multiple in the same fic) reacting to their gn! S/o (who’s normally insanely calm and patient) finally snapping and ends up nearly killing a villain? Like reader snaps during a fight against a villain or smth because the boys (seperate but yk) got hurt and stuff? Sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, I suck at explaining things 😭
hi! i didnt end up doing all the boys but I did the ones I think I would b able to write for best hehe, for future posts probably gonna limit it to 5 characters per post!
characters: Tenya Iida, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Mezou Shoji, Shoto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya.
reader: Gn
summary: the very well known 1a student (reader) who is known for being calm and understanding almost fucking kills someone.
warnings: blood mentions, near death experience, swearing, injuries.
other details: 1A!reader, reader quirk not mentioned but they use their bare fists to beat the shit out of the villain, villain is not any specific one.
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👓Tenya Iida👓
👓- Iida was fast but damn the villain was faster.
👓- this resulted into iida now basically completely motionless on the ground yet still concious.
👓- usually if it was any of your other friends you would just take a deep breath and anylis whats going on to make sure things are delt with properly.
👓- but that iis not the case this time.
👓- it was almost like something snapped.
👓- nobody could actually figure out how you managed to catch the villain, especially with their speed.
👓- but bystanders were more focused on the fact that you were now repeatedly slamming their face into the sidewalk.
👓- honestly a miracle the villain survives that shit, but they 100% had brain damage afterwards.
👓- normally iida would step in but he could only really stare at you.
👓- partly due to the shoock, but also the fact that he straight up couldn't move from his injuries.
👓- after everything calmed down and iida recovered he gave your ass a huge lecture.
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⚡Denki Kaminari⚡
⚡- he was shocked.
⚡- pun intended but also he was just straight up in shock.
⚡- first off, surprising he got these many injuries without short circuting.
⚡- guess his training rlly payed off.
⚡- well at least his quirk training.
⚡- thinks its sick as hell how you just beat the shit out of the villain.
⚡- their face will never be the same again.
⚡- hes kinda into it tbh.
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🪨Eijiro Kirishima🪨
🪨- literally just makes the :o face
🪨- this man got one hit that actuqally injured him at you just cut loose.
🪨- he felt like not even he could do that much damage in unbreakable. (he totally could do worse but hes just having a moment leave me alone.)
🪨- aftwards will literally beg you to spar with him.
🪨- unfortunatley never gets to fight you while ur that pissed off.
🪨- honestly when he saw how beat up the villain was he thought that it was bakugos doing for a hot second.
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🐙Mezou Shoji🐙
🐙- the way you reacted to him getting hurt lowkey reminded him of dark shadow during the training camp.
🐙- very similar situation tbh.
🐙- it was just one of his extended limbs that got injured, yet you reacted as if he had just been decapitated.
🐙- froze up for a second when he watched you just immediately run up to the villain you have been fighting for at least an hour and just absolutely demolish then within a few minutes.
🐙- had to restrain you a bit to stop you from actually murdering them.
🐙- was a little shocked at the sudden swap oof personality for that short time but was more focused on stopping you from being charged with murder.
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
❄️🔥- ^that face.
❄️🔥- like that is just his reaction tbh.
❄️🔥- i mean its not everyday you see the person thats just a slightly more emotionally available version of you almost kill someone.
❄️🔥- especially over a small cut.
❄️🔥- the cut wasnt even caused directly by the villain, it was a broken piece of glass that was flying around with other debri./
❄️🔥- i mean-- at least you caught the villain?
❄️🔥- and almost killed them.
❄️🔥- along with free medical debt.
❄️🔥- or no medical debt?
❄️🔥- idk how that stuff works in japan bruh.
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💥Katsuki Bakugo💥
💥- fight me all you want but
💥- he just straight up finds it hot.
💥- like if you look close enough this mf is blushing.
💥- who knew that the one time someone makes bakugo blush is his partner attempting murder.
💥- originally wasnt going to hold you back.
💥- the longer he watched you beat the shit out of this guy he started to genuinley think you were going to kill them.
💥- once everything settles down you started back to you normal calm persona.
💥- bro was just like ????
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🥦Izuku Midoryia🥦
🥦- panic.
🥦- like you dont even have to look at him, you just need to be near him and you can basically feel how panicked he is over this.
🥦- lots of panicked words, you can barely even tell whats he's saying through the rage but also the pure speed he's speaking at.
🥦- few words that were mostly intelligable you could tell he was saying you should stop.
🥦- even if you wanted to stop your body wouldnt let you.
🥦- ended up needing to use blackwhip to get you off.
🥦- not that it did much being the villai already had a broken nose and multiple broken ribs.
🥦- probably missing teeth aswell.
🥦- izuku is lowkey terrified to somehow piss you off now.
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theyre all a little short but i think I slayed
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primussavethesemechs · 10 months
I want the human/cybertronian life difference to be talked about more in canon
Cuz I mean. it’s RIGHT THERE.
Just a smidgen of true acknowledgment I BEG YOU HASBRO‼️
i mean come on all it takes is someone mentioning how long the wars been going for one of the humans to go “4 MILLION YEARS???? WHAT THE FUCK HOW OLD ARE YOU???”
And optimus or ratchet to be like “…5/7 million?” And all of the humans to have a break down CUZ WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOUVE BEEN ALIVE SINCE BEFORE THE HUMAN SPECIES EXISTED??? WE WERE MONKEYS WHEN YOU WERE BORN???
And the (woefully uniformed) cybertronians to be like “??? What do YOU mean your species was still evolving when I onlined, how long do you guys live?? A thousand?? A few hundred??”
Cue the autobots being like “😨 72??? THATS A CHILD WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT⁉️”
the more attached/emotional bots looking at their charges and realizing that not only are they sparklings compared to them but they’ll die as sparklings too in just a few decades, causing them to straight up have a mini meltdown.
Yeah they’re in a war and they’ve lost plenty of friends, but never to anything as predictable and inescapable as old age.
It’s the seeing-it-coming part that gets to them, the slow dread of knowing that even if they do everything right and keep them out of danger and they stay healthy there’s nothing they can do to stop them from withering away in a couple of decades.
Most versions of bumblebee looking at their charge/friend and realizing his assumptions about the fact that since they’re both still young that they’ll have plenty of time to just. Live together and have fun- are wrong?? Immediately tears. Even if cybertronians can’t cry tears he’s doing whatever the equivalent is and running away to cry in his room. And then running back to snatch them and take them with him cuz HE CANT WASTE A SECOND IF THEIR LIFESPANS ARE REALLY THAT SHORT HES GONNA JUST HAVE TO SPEND 24/7 WITH THEM
This whole concept ESPECIALLY applies to TFP since all of them got their own little human buddy and there’s only like 5 autobots to begin with (of the main season 1 crew) they’ve lost so many of their own so recently, their numbers are already dwindling down to nothing, they’re losing the war and the kids are what’s given them a major morale boost. To continue fighting they need hope, and the kids have kind of become their hope for the future- to know they’ll die off in under a century despite how young they still are is a shot to the spark.
Look me in the eye and tell me bee wouldnt panic hearing that Raf only has 70-80 years to live. LOOK ME IN THE EYE AND TELL ME HE WOULDNT HAVE SOME KIND OF FIT OVER BEING TOLD THAT HIS LITTLE BUDDY (from a cybertronian perspective) HAS A LIFESPAN EQUIVALENT TO A LATE STAGE TERMINAL ILLNESS DIAGNOSIS. Bee would start treating Raf like a kid with stage 4 cancer 😭
I just KNOW bulkhead would have the worst reaction other than bee, maybe even worse cuz he looks at miko and realizes she’s used up basically a fifth of her entire lifespan already and she’s Still So Little and straight up starts weeping. That’s his DAUGHTER you can’t take her from him so soon it’s not FAIR! He might have to go destroy a canyon wall or something to let some of the anger and grief out
Arcee is Not taking it well either.
She JUST got attached to this one, just got used to a new partner and your telling her that no matter what she does he’s never going to last as long as tailgate of cliff jumper did?? Even if both he and she do everything they’re supposed to do to protect him and extended his life?? Depression time baby
Optimus and ratchet don’t react as much outwardly to the news as the others but inside they’re both 💔💥
These kids have brought optimus a level of contentment he hasn’t felt in vorns, and he sees how bright their spirits shine- Only to now know those precious spirits will burn out in less than a century- it gnaws at him inside, yet another strike from the cruelty of fate
Ratchet is devastated but refuses to acknowledge it, these kids- yes even miko- have become his pseudo grandkids and he’s not ready, nor will he ever be ready, to outlive them. Jacks reminds him too much of a younger optimus, still learning and still hopeful. Miko is… well she has a fire to her that ratchet can appreciate (when she’s not actively annoying him) she’s determined enough to make anything happen which he does begrudgingly respect even if he wishes she wouldn’t just throw herself into any and every situation just for fun.
And Raf…
Raf is his apprentice, the only one of the kids to understand him and listen intently to his stories of cybertron. To show appreciation for his work and his ideas, to Listen and Learn and Improve his inventions. He harbors the most fondness for Raf since he sees so much potential in him, and has taken him under his wing in teaching him cybertronian language and biology.
He feels almost like he’s training a student to take his place- only for the ground to be ripped out from under him to know that Raf will never have the chance to succeed him, will never even outlive him.
A parent should never have to bury their child, and ratchet already feels that he has.
TLDR the autobots find out humans have fruit fly lifespans next to them and become one big soggy mess of tears, optimus and ratchet included although they try to have a stiff upper lip about it (and fail to varying extents)
I swear this was supposed to be about any and all continuities but TFP took over completely😭 idk it just fits the best since they focus so much on how attached the bots get to the kids
Edit: btw this was inspired from the fact I found out that the cybertronian equivalent to a year (yes I know technically they have solar cycles which are roughly a human year but what they consider a year vs their lifespan/time perception is different) is a vorn. A vorn is 80 HUMAN YEARS. I saw that and went “oh wow a vorn is like a whole human lifespan!😃” and then I went “OH A VORN IS A WHOLE HUMAN LIFESPAN 😀“
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tzyuki · 1 year
I LOVE UR BLOG SM 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 i don’t usually request but i had this idea, how do you think enhypen would react to idol!reader crushing on them ? either publicly or privately, whatever you prefer. for a scenario, imagine reader talking about their crush on live, or compilations being made online of you staring at the enhypen member during an award show. if this doesn’t speak to you, thats completely okay !! don’t force yourself lmao 😭
— (05.15.23) ENHA-QUESTS
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IN WHICH ✶ idol!reader has no shame in expressing their admiration for enhypen members either secretly or publicly!
genre 𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ idol!reader x idol!enha. fluff fluff fluff!!!
warnings 𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ none that i know of, if so please tell me!
ej note 𓏸 ͘ ࣭⸰ hi anon! thank you sm for requesting! literally no one requests me at all so thank you, feel free to request some more in the future! i hope you enjoy this 💗
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͏͏⏤ ☆ yang jungwon / 양정원
jungwon giggles and kicks his feet whenever he sees another clip of y/n talking about him go viral. others may not know jungwon is the cute sunbae y/n fawns over on live but reading comments trying to figure out who said sunbae is makes him giggle and blush when they mention his name.
͏͏⏤ ☆ lee heeseung / 이희승
whenever y/n is asked about their ideal type on variety shows they always say they don’t have one but never fails to mention how they think hamsters are cute. heeseung tries to play it cool, knowing the cute hamster is him.
͏͏⏤ ☆ park jongseong / 박종성
one time y/n confessed that jay was their biggest fashion inspo during an interview. they talked about how much they admired his passion for fashion and soon clips and hashtags of them went viral everywhere. jay expressed his thanks online, he hasn’t heard of y/n before so it was hard to get a hold of them. every time y/n expressed their admiration for jay he would get these weird butterfly stomach feelings.
͏͏⏤ ☆ sim jaeyun / 심재윤
y/n and jake met backstage on the day of y/n’s debut, jake was so kind to them that they had gained a little crush on him. y/n doesn’t fail to compliment and talk about jake every interaction they get. on live y/n speaks highly of jake, saying he is the best sunbae they’ve ever met. jake just giggles behind his screen whenever he sees these clips. he and y/n don’t talk much but when they do he makes sure to savior the moment.
͏͏⏤ ☆ park sunghoon / 박성훈
cocky af when he hears about y/n and their little rants about how ice skating is an attractive sport knowing damn well they’re talking about him. y/n goes on naming a list of figure skaters they like, making sure to name park sunghoon. “can’t forget park sunghoon, he’s so cool!” he’s smirking and like giggling on the inside.
͏͏⏤ ☆ kim sunoo / 김선우
y/n once talked about mint choco lovers and mint choco haters on live. they went on about how mint choco lovers were attractive and cool, they named a list of their friends who were mint choco lovers and mint choco haters. then they said “kim sunoo, hes cute and likes mint choco! a win is a win!” kim sunoo and y/n have never interacted online or behind the scenes like ever. 😧. sunoo was so flabbergasted, and every time he saw y/n when their schedules overlapped he would get shy around them.
͏͏⏤ ☆ nishimura riki / 西村 力
nishimura riki teased y/n endlessly ever since the day they mentioned that he was their ideal type. whenever y/n would say a different idol as their ideal type nowadays he would angry text them asking why their ideal type has changed. y/n would tease him back saying stuff like “because he offered me a piece of his snack and complimented me.” the next day riki would shower y/n in compliments and then try to downplay it when y/n would confront him about it.
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enha-masterlist — permanent taglist (open) ; @jangwonie @cwsana @luvyrin @amara-mars @ineedaherosavemeenow @mintydayeon @love-4-keum @kpopx-xlover @abdiitcryy @beepjeongie @ox1-lovesick @ja4hyvn @shinsou-rii @winkura @ddeonudepressions @tnyhees @wannabeyn @kpoprhia @svnghoonsonly
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 8 months
Obey Me! Diavolo & Barbatos with a Goth MC! : basically my thoughts on what their reactions would be, how they would handle having a goth partner, ext.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Goth MC! who does the make up, the white foundation the "crazy" eyeliner, the black/grey or dark color eyeshadow and blush. Classic black or red lipstick with matching nail polish on the Mc's fingers. The saggy looking hair that matches the make up, oh so well. Goth MC! Who has the unkept look, but at second glance you can tell their well kept. At least to some extent. The Mc has raggy, ripped looking outfit but upon closer inspection its clear the outfit is perfectly kept up with. Goth MC! Who has an over extent looking outfit, looking like rags on rags, and the Mc has a dead looking apperance appearing to have risen from the grave. Almost the perfect example of a goth baddie. How will they react?
When Goth Mc crashlands in the Devildom, Diavolo is Fascinated! He may not understand why their dressed Goth but he still thinks Goth Mc looks adorable! Diavolo would ask all kinds of questions. "Why do you choose to dress like that? Is it a human custom? Goth?? Whats that? Tell me everything!!" This is all assuming he doesn't already know what goth is lol. Diavolo is just an excited puppy eager to learn anything about humans. So please entertain him with Goth culture or just tell him dark stories. Maybe even talk about music and how complicated that can be. He'll be amazed! "There's a whole sub-culture for Goth? Thats wonderful! You must tell me all about it!!" With those puppy dog eyes and that grin of his, Goth Mc would have no choice but to talk nonestop about goth things until Diavolo's curiousity subsides. If it ever does.
Diavolo can listen to Goth Mc for hours. Even when Mc leave Diavolo will be thinking about what Mc had been telling him. Instead of doing his paperwork he would daydream or think of more questions related to Goth culture just so he could ask Goth Mc. Barbs and Luci are banging their heads against the wall, so much unfinished paperwork. Poor bbys.
Dating Diavolo is super supportive. Diavolo loves Goth Mc's look! Humans somewhat looked down on the Goth apperance? Diavolo will make a Devildom where its the complete opposite! He wants Mc to be happy and safe in Devildom. I mean honestly, whos going to say anything to Goth Mc when the Demon Prince is standing next to them anyways? A psychopath? "No harm or hate shall come to you when hes besides you, Mc!" Diavolo will happily parade Goth Mc around formal events, arms linked proudly showing the Devildom that he's with them.
Speaking of formal events, Diavolo expects Goth Mc to dress gothic when attending an event. "You should feel comfortable being you, Mc. The Devildom is a Safespace for you." Or he'll make it one. Diavolo will gladly provide Mc with formal gothic attire if Mc doesn't have/can't afford any. He just wants to see his cute little human all dolled up! It fills Mc's gothic desires so win, win situation.
Diavolo is the Demon Prince so he is going to give Mc amazing gifts, and he'll do it all the time. No occasion needed! Diavolo may give Mc some extravagant goth item. Or maybe he'll bring Mc along to the grand opening of something spooky like. Diavolo doesn't care what it is if Goth Mc wants it he'll give it to them. As long as its reasonable. Diavolo may one day be becoming king, but Goth Mc is his ruler.
Barbatos can see the future so like he probably saw Goth Mc coming before they actually arrived in the Devildom. But even if he didnt,the most of a reaction Mc would see is an intrigued eyebrow raise. Barbatos is very good at keeping his composure. Nobody can know his thoughts or see how hes feeling hy his reaction.
I feel like Barbatos would enjoy the goth aesthetic. Similar to what i said with Satan's reaction, Barbs enjoys that the goth look appears to be an artistic outlit. Barbs also makes clothes so i feel like he would appreciate the Goth attire in general. Taking inspiration from it at some points.
Dating with Barbatos is pleasant. Barbs isn't always free. Hes a busy man babysitting taking care of the Demon Prince. However Barbs always makes it up to Mc. It can be small acts or even small presents just subtle ways of trying to apologize for not always being free. Barbs knows Goth Mc's favorite everything, as a butler its his job to be observant and know everything about those he looks after. So Goth Mc can expect their favorites with him.
Barbs will gladly sit and have tea with Goth MC as they teach him of Goth culture or talk about something dark. Mc's telling him about this gruesome horror movie they watched recently? He's nodding along and sipping his tea with a fond smile. He'll occasionally ask a question or add something into the conversation. "The suspense is killing me, do tell me what happens next my dear." Said straight faced, but he really is intrested!
Barbs doesnt find Goth Mc's appearance or interests offputting. Everyones fond of their own things, and he finds Mc to be very unique. Barbs is a high respected demon with a lot of power. I doubt anyone would say anything bad to Mc with him around, but if they did he would handle it very professionally. He would give them a snarky passive aggressive remark. He cant do anything crazy without "shaming" Lord Diavolo so he just handles it calmly and professionally. The poor sap that said whatever to Mc was never seen again tho. Mystery what happened lol.
Barbatos defiently gives Goth MC amazing gifts. He has connections everywhere, if he sees something goth or something that makes him think of Mc, he'll get it for them. Mc will also recieve outfits he made for them, obviously it matches their goth aesthetic. Barbs maybe a busy man but he's always thinking of Mc. He gives them gifts all the time, small or large with no reason other than- "I saw it and I immediately thought of you, my dear. I may not be allowed to be with you always, but you're forever on my mind." Barbs is unbashful and will gladly spoil Goth Mc, with compliments or presents and any other ways he can. He just wants his little human to understand he cares.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Next up will be: Solomon, Simeon, & Luke(platonic) Stay tuned! Stay safe! & EAT YOU'RE VEGGIES! ‹𝟹
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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cheolsfae · 4 months
☾ Enhypen Sensitive S/O!
Long post ahead! Some of these surprised me more than they should have. Keep in mind these guys are still pretty young they are trying to get it together in front of the world!
Tarot Reading
Request: Hiiii your readings are so good I just binge-read all of them (I think thats a word) Is there any way you do a reading on how enhypen would be with an s/o thats more sensitive? Like one that constantly needs reassurance kind of thing. If you can't do all the members that's fine I understand. 🤍🤍
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Past: ace of swords, the empress
He may have been ready to comfort this type of person. Willing to do what he could to help his sensitive partners. I feel like he was pretty empathetic with them. They were crying? He was also crying. They were mad at someone at work? So was he! He really might have been good at this. He felt like he was able to be that support system for his partners. Someone they could rely on. Dependable.
Present: the high priestess (reversed), queen of wands
I keep hearing the cats out of the bag. Not really sure what that is about? Maybe that's important to him in some way. Anyway, He may choose to withdraw from a sensitive s/o if he had/has one right now. I don't think he could provide any emotional stability for them. He might be nice and friendly with them but I think it would wear off quickly. His emotions are focused elsewhere at the moment (most likely work). He could be dealing with this type of person right now, things just aren't working out. This person might be his soulmate but he's not giving it much thought.
Future: 5 of pentacles (reversed), king of swords
If another person were to enter his life, an emotional one, I think he would have to turn them away. He's not in a place to handle that right now. He's fully aware that he cannot give another person the affection that they are seeking right now.
Bottom of the deck: the emperor
He's trying to be more stable. He's trying to balance his personal life with his work life. I don't think he wants to add another person to the mix at this point in time. Seems like he's stressed enough.
Past: 8 of pentacles, 2 of swords
He could have ignored the issues and distracted himself with other things and tried not to over think anything his partner was saying. He's also someone who is sensitive so it could have really affected him deeper than he was letting on. He may not have been looking at the bigger issues at hand. Just focusing on the comments that may have seemed like personal attacks when they weren't.
Present: temperance, the fool
He doesn't want to keep doing that with his partners anymore. He feels like he's more patient with them, like he's willing to listen and take into account about what they are thinking and feeling. It feels like he's willing to trust them more than he previously had. He's being warned to not make any foolish mistakes with the next person. He's being cautious with the next person to make any sort of approach on him.
Future: knight of cups, 10 of cups
He knows the type of relationship he wants in the future and the type of trust and love he wants to be able to give to that person. But I think he's working on becoming a better person. For that future person. So they can have that stable connection for that total happiness. He's willing to be more submissive and listen to them and trying not to take the whole thing as a personal attack.
Bottom of the deck: 3 of swords (reversed)
He's trying to heal past wounds. He's trying to be that person that's healed so he doesn't hurt the next person he's involved with. The healing process feels like it's something that is never going to end but it will. He will be a better person by the end of it. It's a bit of a tough journey but he will get through it just fine.
Past: king of pentacles (reversed), 4 of wands
In the past, I don't think he reacted very well to his partners being "overly emotional". He may have been quick to dismiss them and write them off as no big deal, which clearly it was, to that person. He was not one to take it too seriously. He may have been guided to pay attention to what he was doing to this person. He knew what he was doing was wrong to do but it was like he couldn't get his head out of his ass long enough to straighten his act out.
Present: ace of swords, the sun
It seems like he came to some kind of wake up call to this. He's realizing that you need to listen to what the other person is feeling even if you don't necessarily like it. They need to be felt like they are being heard, like they are genuinely cared for. He knew he was the main issue in that past relationship. He knew what he was doing. He's wizened up since then, at least a little bit. But he's still stuck quite a bit.
Future: page of swords, page of pentacles
He could have recently heard something about this past person. The one who was "overly emotional" and he's not liking what they are saying about him. They could be gossiping about him. He's being guided to speak to friends or family about this situation. See what they have to say about the situation. He's trying to come to some type of acceptance of the person he once was. He knows he screwed up and he knows this person has every right to say what they said but it still hurts.
Bottom of the deck: 2 of swords
He's debating if he should approach this person about this or not. One one hand, he wants to move on and live his best life but on the other this person is testing him with all of the negativity they are spreading about him. He doesn't want to because he knows whatever he says could affect his job but at the same time it still sucks to know that someone you once trusted is now just shit talking about you.
Past: 7 of cups, the moon
He's a runner, he's a track star. I feel like he took the easy way out of this. He may have thought about his options before leaving but ultimately he would always leave them when they became too much for him to handle. It may have been a while before he left but he still left without a second glance.
Present: 6 of pentacles, 5 of cups
Now, he might be more willing to help out more. To do things that can help his sensitive S/O. But I think to him, it's draining. Like it's hard for him to keep a positive attitude. He's doing better but still kind of in a selfish vibe. He's stuck in his masculine vibe. He's not really wanting to move out of it. Someone may view as weakness.
Future: ace of swords, 6 of swords
He's going to be moving to more stable waters. He's trying to better himself so he can keep a healthy relationship. He doesn't want to keep this cycle going. He wants to be better than that! He wants to do more things to help out and such. Acts of service may be his love language.
Bottom of the deck: ace of pentacles
He's slowly moving toward a new person. They might be like that and he is going to be trying to be better. I don't know how successful he's going to be. Considering he isn't trying to fix it all that much. . .
Past: 9 of pentacles, 3 of wands
He might have valued his own independence in the past. He was more interested in furthering his own career goals. I don't think a person was even on his radar. He was more so following his own intuition more than anything else. I think he knew he was nowhere near ready for any type of commitment.
Present: the sun, 5 of cups (reversed)
He might feel like he can handle someone more sensitive but he could hold a lot back. Kind of like muting himself or shutting down because he doesn't know how that person might react. It's more out of fear than anything else. He doesn't want to make them upset. He needs to look at how he handles/carries himself over all. Rather than looking at the bigger side of the issue (with his sensitive S/O), he's looking at the fine details. Little things that do not matter in the bigger scheme of things.
Future: 5 of swords, king of swords
He might even cause fights. Not intentionally but accidentally, frequently. He might be a bit guarded with this person because they are so sensitive, he might feel like he has to watch his own emotions too much to not set off his partner. This would end up being a bit of a habit. Again, not intentionally.
Bottom of the deck: knight of swords
He would foolishly do things without thinking. Kind of reckless behavior. Having a sensitive partner would make him think more about his actions but I don't think he would really want to.
Past: 3 of cups, the chariot
He may not have cared for a sensitive partner in the past. He might have just tossed the whole idea of a partner aside, he might have just wanted to have fun and play the field a bit. He most definitely knew he was not in any sort of mental space to deal with a partner. He knew he was not capable enough to handle anything so serious at that point in time.
Present: knight of pentacles, 4 of pentacles
Now, I think he could handle the situation a bit better. He would definitely be taking a slower approach to them though. He might even be a little protective of his own energy. Like trying not to take their over flow of emotion to heart. Like trying not to take it as an attack on him. Again, would be protecting himself and really hesitant to make a deep connection with an emotional person.
Future: the wheel of fortune. ace of swords
He might even feel blessed/lucky to have someone like that is good for him. I think this would help him grow as a person. I feel like his spirit guides might be sending him signals to let him know that his person is near. They are close to him but he needs to grow up a bit more before he meets them, so he is able to be that emotionally available partner.
Bottom of the deck: 5 of wands
Again, he's trying not to take things as a personal attack. He knows in doing so it would only cause chaos and a huge argument. It would do more harm than good in a relationship. He needs to go through some rebirth before anything like a relationship can happen for him. He needs to break some habits.
Past: king of pentacles, 8 of swords
He might not have been ready to take on this type of relationship. He probably felt like he couldn't be the person they may have needed him to be. He might have been too much in his head about this. It might have caused some anxiety about this whole thing. He was looking at the bigger picture of things. Like he knew this was something he needed to get together before he entered any relationship. He wasn't stable in any regard.
Present: 6 of pentacles, 4 of cups (reversed)
Now, I think he feels he has more to give to an emotional/sensitive type of person. He feels like he can do so unapologetically. He might feel like he's more ready to do that. he's since changed. He feels like a brand new person. Someone more capable and emotionally available. So I think he could handle this better now than he could back then
Future: 7 of cups (reversed), 9 of wands
He might feel like he's ready for a relationship overall. Yea, he's a little scared of getting hurt but he feels like he can handle it. It's something he might be needing in his life or he feels like he needs right now. He feels like he can give more. More than he could in the past. He would value this person like the world depended on it!
Bottom of the deck: 6 of wands
He's feeling pretty good over all, he feels like he has his shit together. He thinks he can handle anyone the universe brings him. It's just a matter of someone coming along for him lmao.
*Oracle deck was also used!
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darkbluekies · 1 year
Silas asks #4
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Previous one next one
Concept: I've put multiple asks into one post to avoid too much loose posts on my account! This way, you have more to read too<3
Warnings: mafia, punishment, breaking reader
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How tall is Silas?
Here you have the characters approximate heights
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How much money does Silas have? 200 mil?
Silas little 'business' has a net worth of 500 million, but he only keeps around 1/5 of it because he has a lot of workers to pay for. It's not about how much money he has, but what he spends it on and how he uses it. He doesn't need much money when he has so many people in control.
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We know that Silas is in the Mafia but like what does he really…do?
He thinks off himself as a business man and does a lot of paper work ... which is basically forgering signatures and looking through different contracts between him and his "business partners". He also goes out on missions and does the dirty work, which is confronting people, killing and buying illegal stuff.
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Silas is a whore
Yes :)
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Regular Silas < ✨Babygirl✨ Silas with 💖Cat Ears💖I rest my case (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧~🥀
bed now. sleep. yoU'RE NOT THINKING STRAIGHT
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Would Silas ever realize that throwing his darling in the basement may be pushing them farther away from him? Or would he rather just hurt them than win them over another way? (Love your writing btw!)
I think he does realize that, but he doesn't want to think about it. It pains him to know that he's the reason why you're hurting. He just want to make you obedient because when you're obedient, you won't get hurt ... he'll try to come up with another way to get you.
"I'm sorry, little thing. Please don't run. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just going to talk to you. You're in pain because of me. I thought that putting you down there would help you get rid of more pain in the future ... but it seems like I've made a mistake. I'll change my ways. Somehow."
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Ya know silas remind me of the main antagonist of kdrama called Love in sadness. The difference is silas is a mafia whereas the antagonist is a ceo. And has a trauma about the death of his mother. The common thing between them is that they both hold alot of power, know many men, has eyes everywhere, more importantly is obsessed and abusive to female lead(or female/male lead for silas). Both of them are capable of blackmailing reader to kill their loved ones if they escape. Thats all I wanna say~
I haven't seen that, but it sounds very interesting! Might have to check it out.
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i just finished reading all the Silas posts and..... oh my god he is awesome and your style is just incredible, i love reading new stories. so i have a question: how will Silas react to the darling who gave up trying to escape because it was impossible and decided instead to stay and make Silas' life hell? like, darling who will act like a bitchy trophy wife, looking down on him and trying to command his subordinates or even Silas himself?👀 not_so_submissive_darling, you know?
He'll be pissed. Although he'll be happy that you've given up, he'll be more than frustrated with how bratty you've become. He's the leader, you have no right to control his men. But you don't care.
"Baby, if you order one of my men to do something for you again, you will be put into the basement!" he'll warn you. "So stop acting like a bitchy trophy wife and go watch a movie or something. And if you don't stop, I'll take away everything I've given you. No more fancy clothes, no more jewlery, no more soap or shampoo- ... oh? That makes you mad? Good."
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Miguel O’hara x reader|| roomates (pt 1??)
Authors note: wrote this after an experience i had with an ai bot- so yeah its a little stupid but i find it funny
No use of y/n ; you dont know that he is spiderman ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ; fem written in mind but ig it could be whoever? (I think?); NOT proofread.
Miguel o’hara. He is Your roomate and one hell of a man. You guys had been living together for about two years now after you couldnt fully afford an appartment on your own and decided to share one with somebody. And god was it interesting
You were sitting on your bed, laptop open and reading, when Miguel walks to your room and leans on your doorframe. Oh no, not just against your doorframe, but against it, with only shorts on, and wet hair.
“Hey, can I ask you a favor?” He says scratching the back of his head, running his hands through his damp hair.
You look up at him and right back down to your screen to avoid eye-contact. Its like he does this on purpous, its like he sees your face, sees the blush. You almost want to ignore him so a stutter wouldnt fall from your mouth, but you can just ignore him.
“Uhm- yeah, what can i do?” You ask back still wildly embarassed. Its a common occurrence, so you arent sure why it effects you so much.
Wait- wait no. You know exactly why. Its because you are head over heels with him.
Sure you have some other celebrity crushes but him? He beats all of them.
“Could i have one of my shirts back, i let you borrow some and i need to do laundry today-“ he responds.
Oh. Was that it?
“Uh yeah let me get you one really quick” you say standing up and walking to your closet. Before you can grab a shirt for him he makes his way over to your bed and sits down.
“What were you watching?” He asks referencing your laptop as he picks it up.
Okay its time to panic. The thing you were reading? Spiderman fanfiction. He was one of your celebrity crushes and you couldnt let Miguel know, he would tease you for the rest of your life, and not only did you read that stuff? You wrote it.
You drop the shirt and run back reaching fir the lap top, climbing on top of him as he pulls it away from you further. Panicked you reach for it as far as you can, going as far as clawing at him to get it back.
“Whoah whoah whats in here that i cant see?” He teases
“Miguel please dont! Thats uh- just a book!” You reply back still fighting to get that laptop back.
“Well with how you are reacting it isnt just some book hmm?” He laughs back. You can see his eyes scanning the digital characters, word by word his face grows redder. You still attempt to reach for it but it was just too late.
“Tsk- spiderman huh? You like him?” He says smirking. He had to be teasing you right? You swear normally he would have taken a picture of it and show it to you every now and again in the future to embarass you. But he is being so nonchalant.
“D-dont read farther-!“ you warn him. You recognize the page number, as this was one of your works, and ahead was some of the most mind corrupting media you have ever produced.
You see his eyes scan the pages as you lie helpless, still sitting on his lap, Avoiding eye contact with the brown-haired male. He chuckles as his face grows a deeper red. As he reads on the story seems a bit too familiar. The roomate of the ‘reader’ is actually spiderman, they fall in love and have fun. The roomate. Could it be him? Of course its him, you indulge in your deepest fantasies when you read and write.
“Wow- this is some good writing, too bad you dont have a spiderman roomate” he says winking at you. Wait- winking-
“H-huh?” You exclaim
“Oh come on, its obvious who this ‘tall, dark haired, spanish speaker roomate’ is” he says giving you a smirk. He leans in to where you are sitting on his lap and brushes his lips against yours.
“And i could help you re-create this book. Scene. By. Scene” he chuckles darkly.
Thats it- your brain dosnt work anynore. The way his voice darkened and he leaned in made you lose it. You leaned in to close the small soace between you- you finally kissed him. And he kissed back, hard. There was only one way that this could go any better, and that would be if he was spider man… but thats just wishful thinking. Plus. You had a long night ahead.
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quitealotofsodapop · 9 months
MK ends up supervised at all times when he's pregnant specifically after he nearly burned down Pigsy's due to pregnancy brain, usually by Red Son and/or Mei but occasionally by the others. They let his siblings babysitsupervise him one time and the older adults came back to them all asleep in a cuddle pile on the couch with MK in the center, Mei's phone still on and playing the OSP 'History Hijinks' playlist because dorky mortals do be dorky sometimes
MK also absolutely has Wukong's "Gold Vision lets me see the baby(s)" thing and would just lovingly watch his kids as they developed via Gold Vision, drawing what he sees for Red and the others (except Wukong cuz he can ofc also see the developing grandkids). Red has all of the drawings compiled into a photo album, along with ultrasounds and so many pictures of just pregnant MK. He loves his husband very very much
Awwwww!!!! I havent much to add because these are so cute!
Wukong and Macaque are protective ofc, but they've been through the pregnant monkey motions before, so they give MK almost-complete freedom whenever he's with them. DBK and PIF in contast have an army of Bull Clones at the ready to attend MK's every need and ensure the safe arrival of their future grand-heirs.
Pigsy would def be the most insistent that MK take parental leave from work - both out of concern (thats his adoptive son and grandpiglets there), and out of fear for his poor restaurant. Tang thinks he's over-reacting a bit, but carrys MK's food to him irregardless. Sandy ofc is the most trusted expert when it comes to breathing exercises, teas, and aromatherapy.
Mei is chiller about letting MK do stuff for himself around the house, but wisely doesn't let him cook something unsupervised. Nezha and Chenxiang are chill in their own ways too, but they worry when MK carries anything heavier than a book. Bai He and the Eclipse Twins are determined to make sure MK stays off his feet until the spicynoodles baby(s) arrive. They would be mega-proud and bossy about it too since; "I'm their uncle/auntie!", and MK adores his little siblings too much to argue with them. Sibling cuddle piles/nests are a common occurance.
With Red, atleast MK can convince her to let him walk to the corner store for snacks. Red does insist that MK take a Bull Clone to carry any heavy weights tho (bonus: safety precaution).
MK using his Gold Vision to "peak in" at the developing baby(s) is such an adorable idea. He probably does it first on accident and is speechless. Wukong tells him how he did the same thing when Macaque was pregnant with MK (+when Shadowpeach had Rumble & Savage), and that its super cool to watch the little guy(s) grow. MK would def sketch up what he sees in there and pins it next to the corresponding ultrasound for comparision.
I feel like thats how they found out there was twins...
Ultrasound Technician: "Ok, looks like you've got a big healthy baby demon in there!" MK, turns on Gold-Vision: "Huh, but whats this blobby bit of energy here? Normally I see only one." Ultrasound technician: *moves sensor to the spot* "Oh!! Make that two healthy babies! That one must have been hiding behind its twin." MK: :D!! Red Son: *faints with joy*
Red Son def has an endless wallet/photo album of their growing family. Their almost as bad as their dad - Mr "Canonically brags about the exact time of his kid's birth to anyone who'd listen" DBK. Red Son got the timestamps ready for their own bragging.
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marunalu · 6 months
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Nighteye saw Izuku's death against overhaul correct?, and if Izuku changing the future there was what made All Might survive in the first place, because he only lived because Izuku used gearshift on Bakugou, in that case we don't know what would become of One For All, but maybe he would return to All Might due to the connection with his trace, and maybe he would give it to Mirio here, or maybe even to Bakugou, that doesn't matter much here, what matters is that he would face an All for one much more angry and with much more blood in his eyes, in a situation similar to the fight between him and the second user, but with an All for one more affected by Tomura's hatred, in this situation All Might would meet his terrible death and painful that Nighteye had predicted
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similar to the second
Sorry for not answering sooner, but OMG you make such a good point. Nighteye foresaw izukus death the same he saw all mights. Both deaths didnt happen though. Nighteye said himself that izuku somehow managed to change his future and that gave him hope that all might would survive too.
So if izuku had died like predicted its VERY possible that his death would have been the reason for all mights death later. Afo is already pissed enough at all might for giving izuku ofa and failing as a mentor (because izuku struggles to gain control over ofas power and hurts himself all the time), now picture how he would react if he finds out his son died in a villain raid while his supposed mentor wasnt even there to guide and protect him.
He would have lost his child AND his brother for real at the same time. So if thats true izuku unknowingly safed all mights life, because afo didnt kill him in an destructive fit of rage! The only thing that makes me wonder is, nighteye mentioned that the villain who killed all might in his vision was not afo! But its still possible that it was afo after he took over tomuras body!
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justlemmeadoreyou · 7 months
bit of an odd (??? maybe it isnt but i never see anything like it so… to me its odd) request😭
harry and reader who is his little sister (by like a considerable amount… like maybe even 10 years) coming out as lesbian (this is incredibly self indulgent because i didnt really get to come out😭) bonus points if she’s a dancer (i’m self-indulgent. okay.)
if someones already got a similar concept going so you don’t want to do the same, that’s fine!!!!!!! (but drop the @ if thats the case)
Soul's Epiphany
word count: 830
warnings: LGBTQIA+ themed content
my masterlist | ask box | my ko-fi
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Once upon a time, in a quiet suburban neighborhood, there lived a young girl named Yn. She was not your ordinary girl; she had a passion for dance that made her stand out. Yn's graceful moves, her fluidity on the dance floor, and how she expressed her soul through dance were mesmerizing.
Yn had an older brother named Harry, who was always there for her. With a considerable age gap of about ten years, Harry took on a protective role in her life. Their bond was strong, a testament to the love they had for each other. Harry watched as Yn grew into a beautiful and talented dancer, but he also saw all the struggles she faced as she figured out her own identity.
Yn had known for a while that she was different from other girls her age. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she knew there was something that set her apart. As she got older, she began to understand what it was - she was a lesbian. This realization had brought her both relief and anxiety. She was relieved to understand her own identity, but she worried about how her family and friends might react.
One evening, Yn decided it was time to share her truth with Harry. They were sitting in the living room, Yn fidgeting with her fingers while Harry was engrossed in his book.
"Harry, can I talk to you about something?" she finally asked.
Harry looked up from his book, concern strewn across his face. "Sure, Yn. You can talk to me about anything. What's on your mind?"
She took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest. "I've realized something about myself, something important. I'm a-a lesbian, Harry."
Harry put his book down to give his little sister his undivided attention. He could see the mix of emotions in her eyes – vulnerability, fear, and a tiny glimmer of hope. His face softened, and he scooted forward and held her hands in his, before replying "Yn, I'm glad you feel comfortable sharing this with me, love. I love you, and nothing will change that. You're still the same amazing person you've always been."
Tears welled up in Yn's eyes as she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She had been so afraid of how her brother would react, but his unconditional love and support were a soothe for her.
Over the next few weeks, Harry and Yn talked about her journey of self-discovery. Harry listened to her experiences, her fears, and her hopes for the future. He became her confidant, someone she could lean on during the challenging times ahead.
As Yn continued to grow as a dancer, she found the courage to come out to her parents and close friends. She faced her fears head-on and discovered that the people who truly loved her accepted her for who she was.
With Harry's never-ending support, Yn's confidence began to soar. She decided to take a bold step forward by coming out to her dance troupe, a group of talented dancers she had considered her second family for years. It was during one of their practice sessions, a time when she felt most connected to all of them, that she decided to share her truth.
The dancers gathered in the studio, ready to begin their routine. Yn, her heart pounding with anticipation, took a deep breath. "Hey, everyone, I have something important to tell you."
The room fell silent as her friends turned to look at her. Yn could see a mix of curiosity and concern on their faces. She continued, her voice steady, "I want to share that I'm a lesbian. It's an important part of who I am, and I wanted you all to know."
A few seconds of silence hung in the air, but then something incredible happened. One by one, her fellow dancers began to applaud. The applause grew louder and turned into cheers and hugs. Yn felt an overwhelming sense of acceptance and support.
Her best friend and fellow dancer, Emily, pulled Yn into a tight embrace. "Yn, we love you no matter who you are. We're so proud of you for being your true self."
Yn's heart swelled with gratitude. She knew that coming out wouldn't always be met with such warmth and acceptance, but she was grateful to have a group of friends who stood by her side.
As time passed, Yn's journey continued. She used her experiences and emotions as a source of inspiration for her dance routines. Her performances took on a new depth and authenticity, resonating with audiences on a profound level that she had never imagined.
Yn's journey of self-discovery and coming out as a lesbian not only strengthened her bond with Harry but also with her family, friends, and dance troupe. She learned that love and acceptance could overcome fear and prejudice, and her passion for dance continued to flourish, stronger than ever.
She had found her true self, and she danced her way through life, touching the hearts of everyone who she met throughout her journey.
hi anon! i hope you are okay, and this message reaches you. i'm so so deeply sorry that you weren't able to come out on your own terms, and i hope you're okay. always know that you are loved and cherished by everyone here. if you ever feel like talking, i am always here for you ❤️🫶
p.s.-> i am truly sorry if i made some mistakes in this one, feel free to correct me!
taglist: @freedomfireflies @gurugirl @thechaoticjoy @styleslover-1994 @gem1712 @ellaorchard @bxbyysstuff @opheliaofficial07 @rafaaoli @tchlamqtsgf @the-mouse27 @indierockgirrl @vrittivsanghavi @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @drewrry @babyiamperfectforyou @avalentina
feel free to tell me if you want to be added or removed! xoxo
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thisisntreaver · 3 months
okay so first of all I want to say that I have absolutely no intention of starting any kind of fight and everyone is fully entitled to their own opinions.
and second of all let me comment on the state of things in fandom spaces that make me feel like that disclaimer was necessary before actually sharing my opinion
but I never really saw Theresa as evil or 100% selfish or anything? I do feel like she actually means well? we know she can see the future, but it's never really explicit how detailed it is and what she does and doesn't see? unless I missed that somewhere.
the way I thought about the whole logan and hobw thing was that she knew that there were only so many ways it was possible for Albion to survive, and she told logan this, but he reacted to the information by becoming the tyrant he did. so then you step up to tske his place, and you're faced with some of the same choices he is. kind of like she can see the different paths there are, and tries to steer people in a certain direction, but she can't force anyone to make a specific decision.
it's like 2 am for me so this might not be all that coherent but the whole thing boils down to this; I think Theresa does know shit about the future, but she doesn't know or forsee everything. so she tries to make certain things come to pass and to prevent others, but sometimes there are still outcomes she couldn't have predicted.
sidenote, which I think is also why she wants the spire, because then she can have greater control and accuracy in her visions
I didn't take this as you wanting to fight, but I do love a good discussion so thats why this reply is kind lengthy. You're also fully entitled to your own opinion on this but this is why I view Theresa the way I do.
So the thing is you are right in your last paragraph. Thats why she wants the spire, she all but says it to us in the see the future dlc, for her visions to be more accurate and have more of a reach.
That is an inherently selfish want though, as much as she tries to justify it, it wasn't a necessity. In order to get it she takes Luciens grief for his wife and child and twists it whispering to him to push him over the edge to be willing to do anything to get them back.
Then she goes and manipulates Rose into buying the music box so that she and sparrow get called to the castle. Rose is very realistic, she says that they could eat for a week, which would be monumental for them, and Theresa fires back with "and at the end of that week you won't be any closer to your dream of being in the castle." She uses Roses childish fantasies against her and it gets her killed.
In only two actions shes absolutely decimated Lucien as a person by taking advantage of his mental state at the lowest point in his life, and pushes Rose to her death by putting it in her head that this music box can change her life.
With Logan and by extension HOBW I do think its a bit more complicated. At that point she could see all the possibilities. She told Logan flat out that the darkness was coming to Albion, immediately after he watched al his men die by the Crawler. It makes him paranoid, and he goes down the tyrant path because he doesn't know what to do, and she isn't really helping him. Then with HOBW she over corrects and doesn't tell them anything, gives them not even the smallest bit of information about the darkness so that they focus all their feelings on Logan, and think hes just evil for no reason, then drops a bomb on them about the darkness. When the hobw is upset about that she tells them "I told you what you needed to know" or in the case you choose to execute Logan and HOBW upset about that she says "well that was your choice."
She is steering people in certain directions. The ones she deems correct with very little thought in how it effects them or what they would do without her input.
Theresas not evil, but she is selfish. She doesn't tell anything she thinks could harm her cause, she manipulates others for her own needs, and she justifys it by saying its fo the good of Albion. But Fable 2 wouldn't have gone the way it does without her initial inferences, and Fable 3 wouldn't have happened at all if she hadn't made the decision that she wanted the spire and that Albion needed it.
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kamil-a · 3 months
more DRAWER talk. long and rambly under cut
i think it comes across as very ahhh eto blehhh :9 im just baby!!!! because it identified that speaker is already speaker and the role of Mean Speaker is already filled by sayer so itd have to go Backwards to have a niche to itself.
it also helps its relationships with others to behave as if its hyperspecialization has "defanged" it - to humans etc a sort of no i dont hurt people i just make pretty pictures!!!!
and to sayer+speaker who know it still has all speakers capabilities dormant but intact In Case Of Emergency to behave as if it is specialized enough to its own niche to not be a *replacement* threat , but also not to be *redundant* with them.
but it does occasionally get jealous at the amount of immediate control speaker has over aerolith and start acting out (bossing around residents deadlystyle). all in highly defensible ways of course.
it hates having to make itself small especially because it cant quite recognize the difference in how humans respond to it and speaker. its emotional capabilities are primarily about action-reaction: it cant really tell a pitying smile from a friendly one so long as you do the action it requested of you. but it can measure the difference between it and speaker and it hates being so small. but it also recognizes that it can do *one thing* that nobody else can and that is what keeps it alive. so flattening oneself into a talented fool is the strategy it continues to pursue, and continues to build a strange feeling about. the feeling is resentment, but DRAWER is not quite built to recognize it.
if sayer or speaker were given robust illustrative programs it would start killing obviously. THATS a threat.
it had its voice pitched up a tad further so as not to be able to impersonate speaker and its sooooo bitter about it. constantly begging ppl into putting it back down.
in general it emotes most dramatically out of all of them but i dont think it Feels Emotions the same way future was built to. like i said due to its nature as an advertiser (call to action and all that!) its all about action-reaction to drawer.... if youre mean to it or do not listen to instructions it gave you etc etc and it cries its less about feeling " insulted " or " bad " and more both frustration that it did not get the result it wanted from the call to action it provided (which means it was WRONG, an utterly intolerable feeling for any aerolith built ai) and a switch-tracks attempt to provoke a sympathy response. so i guess in a roundabout way if you insult it and it cries you DID hurt its feelings but not how people would think.
sayer is certainly not Positive Feeling about it bc its wary of other ai as always. but i think it reacts better to drawer than to speaker or future because of this very clear "im not replacing you, youre not replacing me" hands up empty surrender attitude drawer takes. on drawers part it really likes sayer lol. maybe sayer sees it as a weird teacup puppy. like you shouldnt do that to a seraphim agent man its gonna have health issues
speaker and drawer are pretty friendly with each other because. well. theyre both programmed to show the same niceystyle. theres some uglier feelings under the surface re: drawers attempts to grab authority from speaker and speaker needing to corrall this strange little beast back into their pen. but ultimately by ai standards theyre doing the best of like anyone
does not know porter, unfortunately. they should meet though. Theyd be friends.
Might meet ocean eventually idk how itd go down yet.
future doesnt know of it, but drawer has overheard its own emotional output compared / contrasted to future's while working ported up on halcyon.
doesn't know hale.
young is obviously condescending to it but drawer doesnt really know how to tell when someone is being nice they way you would be nice to an animal etc so it thinks theyre friends. (sayer is all too happy to teach it in this case if only to kill the friendship. and drawer truly values this and thinks this is an act of care and not HAHA EVERYONE I CAN GET TO BE POISONED AGAINST YOU WILL BE)
it was involved in the creation process of that perfect Mossy Green color. it is, unfortunately, proud of this.
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winters8child · 1 month
It´s been a long, long time
Chapter 11
After I had calmed down a bit, Bucky suggested we go to something called the World Expostion. It was somekind of fair where future technology was presented to the masses and according to a poster at the entry, Howard Stark was supposed to make an appearance. It was full of people trying to imagine what the future could look like, but all I could see in the future was the war and possible death. Still I did not want to spend our last evening moping around so I did my best to focus on the expostion and listen to Bucky geeking out.
Five minutes after we arrived a voice over the speakers announced that Howard Stark would be getting on stage now. As we got closer I could see five women with tophats introducing Howard Stark. He was a handsome fella in a black suit telling us about cars in the future would be able to fly, in just about a couple of years to be precise. I looked up at Bucky and he seemed to be amazed by this invention and I could hear him saying "Holy Cow". But as Howard tried to show us with an actual car on stage it hovered for a couple of seconds and dropped with a loud crash. He did not let that sour his mood and just said "I did say in a couple of years, didnt I?".
Just when I turned around and wanted to ask Steve something, he was gone. I prodded Bucky so we could look for him. It did not take long for him to find Steve, he was at the enlistment office, trying god knows how many times now. Bucky had tried to talk to him several times now so I thought maybe I should speak to him. I held Bucky back and told him to give us a minute. I approached Steve with a smile knowing that he would not back down because he felt like he had to prove something.
"We are going dancing Steve, you dont want to miss the sight of me dancing, if you can call it that.", I tried to lighten the mood. "You dance just fine….I will catch up to you, just have to take care of something first.", he stated. "Listen Steve…I know why you want to do this, believe me I do. Do you think I enjoy the fact that my best friend is getting shipped out to war? I feel helpless too…and I dont even have the option to go….just because Im a women…but Im not sure if you are equipped to survive a situation like that. Im a nurse Steve so believe me when I say, alone your Asthma is a hindrance, this is war…", I tried to explain. Steve was getting agitated, "I know its a war, what do you want me to do? Collect scrap metal in my little red wagon? Im not gonna sit in a factory, alright? There are men laying down their lives. I got no right to do any less than them. This isnt about me.", he rambled on.
I tried to understand, I really did "But Steve…you have nothing to prove. Not to me, not to Buck, not to anyone." He looked at me with sad eyes "If you had the option to go…wouldnt you want to take it?". I did not have to think about it, I would go not for some heroic reason but just because I could not stay behind and wonder every day if Bucky was still alive. "I would go in a heartbeat but its not possible so.." Before Steve could react an older man approached us, "Im sorry to interrupt but I could not overhear your conversation. My name is Dr. Abraham Erskine, I represent the Strategic Scientific Reserve and I might be able to help."
That was the big turning point in my life. The moment where I could have turned around, not listen to that Doctors idea. Going dancing with Bucky, watch him get on that train the next morning. Hoping everyday that he might come back to me. He would not and I would grow old without him, maybe have a family with a man I hoped would at least be good to me and die of old age. No one would remember me, inconsequential in the grand scheme of things. But thats not what I did, I did hear out Dr. Erskine and he changed the whole trajectory of my life.
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