#but still we get to enjoy their bromance up close
army-in-the-stars · 6 months
🔥 핫해핫해가 태국에 떴다 | 이민혁 X 윤지온 | 핫해핫해 ep.2-1
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justdontaskme · 1 year
Just Kiss Already (Aitana Bonmati x Reader)
Little Christmas fic for anyone who needs a quick and short escape from holiday festivities. Wanted to try someone new. Thanks to @chaisreading​​ for the idea for this one. Happy Holidays to everyone!
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After such a long flight to Portugal, you were praying that the first stop would be the hotel where you hoped to slip in a small power nap. You would kill for the comfort of a bed right now. 
The team was scattered around the plane, some still sitting and others aimlessly wandering the small space before it was time to deplane. For the time being, you were more than content, staying in your seat, head on Aitana's shoulder as she scrolled through her phone. 
It wasn't unusual for you two to be so close. The midfielder was actually one of the first people you had clicked with when you first joined the team a couple of years ago. Your teammates would joke constantly about you two being an old married couple, and you played into it every time. 
After stepping off the plane, you stayed close to the Spanish midfielder, feeding off the calmness she was always giving off when away from the pitch. You made sure you were seated next to her on the bus, and even led her to the nearest couch as soon as you walked into the hotel. 
The team waited patiently in the lobby of the hotel while room assignments were being passed out. You had been banking on getting to room with Aitana this trip, but you couldn't be too disappointed when you were paired with Keira. 
Your best friend came up behind you with a set of keys, happy to have been roomed with you. 
"Are you a little peeved that you didn't get to room with Aitana?" she nudged your shoulder lightly, her eyes alight with mischief as she watched your eyes following Lucy and Aitana to the elevator. 
"It would have been nice, but now I get to hang out with you so I guess it all worked out." And it had. You'd been meaning to spend more time with your friend since she'd joined Barca, but there had been little time to do so. 
"Have you thought about telling her?"
You turned to Keira confused, "What are you talking about?"
"Have you thought about telling Aitana you like her?"
You merely shrugged your shoulders, snatching the hotel keys from Keira and leading the two of you to the elevator. 
Keira was the only one, well if Keira knew then Lucy probably knew too, but they were the only ones you had openly admitted your crush on Aitana to. Your best friend had actually picked up on it not too long after joining the team. So after a night out a few weeks into her transfer, you had rehashed your whole life story surrounding your harboring of a crush on the Spanish midfielder ever since you had first joined the club. 
The redhead waited until the two of you were riding up the elevator to broach the subject once more. 
"I'm just saying, she's really cute and I think you two would be really good together."
"You sure do bring Aitana up a lot. Are you sure you're not the one with a crush on her?" You smirked, seeing the blush on Keira's face. 
"I'm happily taken," Keira said, but the damage had been done. 
"No worries, I'll happily take Lucy off your hands," you laughed, watching your friend's eyes bug out at the suggestion. 
"You wish you had a chance with Luce," Keira said, her eyes narrowed as if challenging you. 
"I mean I think I could have a chance. She did follow me all the way to Barcelona," you teased. Since Lucy's signing was announced, you always joked that she only said yes to Barcelona because you were there. You always enjoyed pressing Keira's buttons by reminding her how well you and her girlfriend got along. 
Redirecting the conversation away from your bromance with Lucy back to you and Aitana, Keira started in again. "Think about it. It would be so much fun. If you and Aitana were together then we could go on double dates together."
"Just say you're tired of third wheeling with me and Luce. I totally understand," you laughed.
Keira shoved you into the room with a roll of your eyes. Even though you'd been living in different countries for many years, she loved that the two of you were still so close enough to talk like this with one another. 
While the day had gone by as normal, the constant stares your friends were sharing with one another let you know they were up to something. You just didn't know what, so instead you focused on the conversation Aitana was having with Mariona on the walk around the city. 
Chaos began at breakfast the next morning. As a person who loved their sleep, you were always one of the last ones to breakfast and most of the time someone always had to wake you and make sure you didn't fall back asleep. And they had planned to use that to their advantage. 
With Keira and Lucy at the helm of the mission, your teammates had plotted to get the two of you to finally admit you like one another. And seeing as the Christmas season was upon them, they thought mistletoe would be the best plan of action. 
Seeing as Aitana was one of the few who could wake you without having to face your grouchy morning wrath, the younger woman had been tasked with making sure you made it to breakfast on time. 
Their plan was for your joint entrance to be the perfect time to share your first kiss. Unbeknownst to them, the two of you had come down just a little earlier than they had planned for, which gave it all away.
Approaching the dining room, you noticed a group of players hovering around the entrance, inconspicuously tying something over the frame. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were doing, so you decided to have a little fun with it. 
"Ooo look, Frido and Ingrid are under a mistletoe," you called out as you approached them, nudging Aitana ahead of you. "That means they have to kiss!"
Everyone had been so distracted by the collective gasps of surprise from Mapi and her girlfriend that they didn't even notice the sly wink you sent over to Aitana. 
Pina and Patri were next, and they had tried to catch the two of you at the team bonding session in Irene's room. They had sent the two of you downstairs to grab a few things while they got the mistletoe ready. Unfortunately for Pina and Patri, it backfired and the two girls ended up kissing one another. 
It didn't stop there, but most of the other attempts were spoiled before they could even start. 
On the last night before heading back to Barcelona, Keira had asked you to switch with Lucy and you were more than okay with that. 
So here you were, high off a crushing win, sitting on the edge of the bathroom counter as Aitana got ready for bed.
"Are we going to keep pretending we don't know what they're trying to do," Aitana asked, putting her stuff down and stepping into the space between your legs. 
"It's more fun this way, don't you think?" You asked, wrapping your legs around her waist so you could pull her closer.
Your girlfriend rolled her eyes, but she did have to agree. The lengths to which your teammates had gone to try to catch the two of you under a mistletoe was quite hilarious. 
"Well, I'm just glad we don't have to pretend in here and I can kiss you whenever I want."
"I like the sound of that. Kiss away," you said, eagerly accepting the kiss she planted on your lips. 
The next day, just before the game, your friends had concocted another plan to catch the two of you under the mistletoe. But with all of the previous failed attempts, they had planned a much more elaborate scheme. 
After warmups, the team slowly began to make their way back to the locker room. They waited patiently for you to enter the room, one person in particular standing just under the entryway. 
Before you could even get inside, you were stopped by Ana who had a few questions for you before the game. 
"Hey, Y/N, look up," Mapi called from the other side of the room, her face giving away exactly what you were to find over your head. 
You started stammering, looking for a way out, even sparing a glance to your girlfriend, who was already a little red in the face. 
Just as Ana was leaning in, you felt a slight gust of wind as you felt the blonde being pushed to the side and Aitana grabbing your training top and pulling you forward until your lips landed on hers. 
Never one to deny a kiss from your girlfriend, you let yourself relax into it, inching your body closer until it was pressed up against hers. 
"Finally!" Keira cheered from the side. "We've been trying to get you two to kiss this whole time."
"Oh, we know," Aitana replied, her eyes still fully fixed on you. The jealous stare you had seen just before your lips met was now gone, but you loved the determined look on her face now even more. 
"Is this when we tell them we've been dating for months now?" You smirked, leaning in for another quick peck before walking your girlfriend over to her locker. 
"You've been what?!"
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footprintsinthesxnd · 2 years
Callsign ‘Troublemaker’
Pairings: Jake Seresin x reader
Summary: When Bradley Bradshaw meets his namesake. Part 1 ‘Next Thing You Know’ can be found here or on my master list.
Warnings: mention of parents death, has a happy ending, Bradley and Jake bromance
Huge thank you to @callsign-phoenix for proofreading for me.
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The days at the hospital seemed to drag by and Jake couldn’t wait to get his wife and son home and settled in. When the day finally came he was so jittery and excited that (y/n) had to tell him to calm down as they got into the car.
“Jake, chill out. You have so much energy. What's gotten into you?” You laughed, settling into the passenger seat, still sore from her surgery but growing stronger by the day.
“I just can't wait to get him home, into his little room.”
Jake had spent so much time decorating the nursery. He had gone for the theme of planes, of course. The walls were alive with all the different aircraft on a beige background. The little wooden cot was nestled in the corner and above it hung a mobile with little jet planes on it. Bradley had found it online and now his namesake was going to enjoy it.
The drive home was slow, Jake barely going about 20 mph. “For a fighter pilot, you certainly don't know how to drive fast, the speed limit is 40, Jake.”
“I know. I know, but we have precious cargo,” he said, glancing into the backseat at your sleeping son. He looked so peaceful, tiny hands scrunched up by his chubby face, little eyes closed tightly. Jake had been your rock during the first few days of parenthood. He took to it like a duck to water and he loved every moment of it. During your pregnancy, Jake had read all the baby books he could get his hands on but the thing he enjoyed the most was skin-to-skin bonding time. You often found yourself waking up in the hospital bed to see your husband slumped in the chair, shirtless and with your baby boy resting on his chest. The sight of them together made your heart swell with love.
When you pulled up the driveway, you sighed with relief. It felt good to finally be home, in your own clothes and your own bed. Jake rushed around to help you out of the car and lead you to the front door before going back for Bradley. When you opened the front door, you were met with loud cheers. The Dagger squad had crowded into your small living room, cheering and clapping as the couple entered with their newborn. Phoenix stepped forward and embraced you tightly. “God (y/n), don't you ever do that again. You have no idea how stressed I was.” She rambled, continuing to hold your shoulders firmly.
“How do you think I felt, Nat? She's my wife.”
“She was my best friend first, Bagman.” you laughed, smiling at her.
“I'll try not to do it again. I promise.”
“You better had.”
The great of the squad all greeted you, hugging the new parents and making a fuss of the little boy. Even Mav was in his element, humming quietly and rocking Bradley gently after he started crying.
“You’re a natural, Mav,” you said quietly, watching over his shoulder at your sleeping son.
“The old man's still got it in him then.” A familiar voice said from behind you. Turning you came face to face with Rooster. He wore one of his signature Hawaiian shirts, a bunch of flowers in one hand and a book in the other.
“Mum always told him that Mav was good with me as a kid. Apparently, he was one of the only people that could stop me from crying if I had a tantrum.”
“I still can.” Mav joked, gently placing your son back into his arms before greeting Rooster. Once Mav headed over to talk to Phoenix and Bob, Rooster approached you.
“How is the little troublemaker getting on?”
“He's good. Keeping us on our toes but we wouldn't have it any other way.” You looked down adoringly at your little boy, who was still peacefully sleeping in your arms.
“And more importantly, how are you feeling, (y/n)?” He placed his hand on your arm supportively.
“I'm tired and still a little sore, but mainly I'm just relieved.” you smiled up at him. “I wanted to thank you for everything the other night, Bradley. I know that we couldn't have done it without you, Jake especially. I'll never be able to repay you for it but just know that it meant everything to him that you were there.” You gave him a side hug, careful not to wake the sleeping baby in your arms. Bradley hugged you back gently, placing a soft kiss on your head.
“Honestly, it was nothing. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat, anything for my wingman. Although I hope I never have to. Keep out of trouble, (y/n).”
You nodded, “Thank you, Bradley.”
You stood together silently for a moment before Bradley realised he was still holding the gifts. “Oh, these are for you,” he handed you the bunch of flowers in his hand. They were stunning, a mix of all different colours.
“Oh thank you, you didn't have to.” you told him. “Jake, could you pop these in some water for me?” you asked, passing the flowers to your husband.
“Sure,” he took them from you and placed a kiss on your cheek, before turning to Bradley.
“Hey, Chicken.”
“Hey, Bagman.” The two men greeted each other with a hug before Jake disappeared into the kitchen.
“I umm... I also bought this. It was something my Mum and Dad did for me when I was little and I've treasured it ever since my Dad died. I just thought you could keep all his memories and pictures in here and if anything happened...” he stopped himself seeing your worried face. “Not that anything will. I will look after Jake with my life if I have to. I just thought that if anything did, at least he will have all his memories of Jake in here.”
Bradley handed you the book and you sat down in the chair, placing it carefully on your lap. It was a brown leather photo album.
Engraves on the front in gold letters read:
‘Baby Seresin’s photo album’ and underneath it read: ‘Callsign - Troublemaker.’
You gasped, placing your hand over your mouth, tears filling your eyes.
“Bradley, this is beautiful. I can't believe it... I love it, Bradley, thank you.”
You stood up, embracing him tightly as a few tears escaped down your face.
“Hey Bradshaw, are you upsetting my wife,” Jake called jokingly, coming over to join you. You showed Jake the album, trying to dry your eyes. Jake stared at it silently and you watched as a few tears slid down his cheek.
“Roo, I...” he choked out, trying to find the right words. Bradley could sense how choked up his friend was and placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder.
“It's ok, Jake. I know.” Jake nodded and pulled Bradley into a hug.
“Thank you, brother,” he mumbled into Bradley’s shoulder. The two men embraced before pulling apart and Jake composed himself. You could see the look that passed between them, it was something more than just friends. You always understood the importance of having a wingman and that when they were flying Jake and Bradley always looked out for each other. Bradley was as much part of the Seresin family as his namesake.
“Ok enough of the chitchat. When are we going to find out this little guy's name? I know it's a good callsign, but I feel like we can't keep calling him ‘Troublemaker’ forever.” Phoenix exclaimed from across the room, pointing amusingly at you and Jake. “Spill the beans.”
With your son resting in your arms, you took your husband's hand, squeezing in gently.
“Should we tell them?” You asked.
“YES!” a chorus of shouts filled the room as the crew gathered around.
“Well,” Jake began, clearing his throat. “(Y/n) and I came up with so many names but when it came down to it, there is only one name that we felt would truly fit him. So everyone…”
“Meet Bradley!” You both said together, excitedly revealing your son's name to the group. Everyone was silent until Bradley spoke up.
“You… you called him Bradley. You named him after me.” His voice was shaky and you could see the unshed tears glistening in his eyes.
“Yes, Brad. After everything, it’s the least we could do.” Bradley nodded slowly, a large smile growing across his face. You both grinned back at him. Jake wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you into his side.
“Thank you, Bradley.” He said, smiling gratefully at his wingman.
“You’re welcome.” With that little Bradley let out a small cry before he unleashed an earth-shaking wail. You began to rock him gently, trying to comfort him.
“I think your namesake wants you, Roo,” Phoenix said, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“His name is perfect, (y/n).” She said, smiling at you.
Bradley held out his arms and you carefully placed your son into them. He rocked the baby slowly back and forth, humming the song that Mav had earlier. The little boy’s cries became quieter until they were just whimpers. “Well, little man, I think we are going to have a lot of fun. Don’t you, ‘Troublemaker’.” Little Bradley cooed, lifting his tiny hand and wrapping it around Bradley’s thumb.
The rest of the squad was congratulating the Seresins, but Jake wasn’t paying much attention, he was too busy watching his wingman with his son. The two most important men in his life shared a very special moment. Jake knew he’d won the jackpot when Rooster became his wingman, but he didn't realise that he was also going to gain a best friend and godfather to his son as well.
Tag list: @callsign-phoenix @blue-aconite @green-socks @mayhem24-7forever @topguncortez @averyhotchner @a-reader-and-a-writer @imjess-themess @alexxavicry @boringusername3 @untoldshortsofthefandoms
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imsailorpluto · 11 months
So I've finally finished Bloodhounds (+ ahjussi collection)
...and I have no idea where to start and what to say and how to feel.
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No, wait, please hear me out.
It was b l o o d y and at parts a very difficult watch, as it has lots of explicit fighting scenes, which look extremely realistic and cruel. So cruel that I had to close my eyes and not watch, I even skipped many & i'm not sorry. However, there are also parts so heartwarming that it makes you forget about all the crimes and gore for a moment. So, it's up to you to decide if it's worth the struggle. Since the violence could be a bit too much for many, let's just say I do and don't recommend this one at the same time. Personally, one of things I greatly enjoyed is the subtle comic tone of Gun-woo's and Woo-jin's interactions with each other and their characters which represent people doing sports professionally so well, the purity of their hearts and lack of malice in everything they do, since they truly do live for the sports. Then there are two absolutely powerful and skillful young women, Hyeong-ju and Da-min, playing such important roles in the entire series, each of them individually contributing so much to the entire plan of bringing the bad guys down and saving what could still be saved. And also, one of the most enjoyable parts were definitely the bonds that came out of these newly formed friendships. Younger acting crew did an amazing job. In comparison to the older and experienced ahjussi crew (I'll get to them in a bit), they've got some serious talent. It must have been a huge undertake for both Woo Do-hwan and Lee Sang-yi to live up to the expectations of the entire team behind this drama. And they did it. They absolutelly slayed.
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If you still haven't watched this drama, trust me when I say these two cinnamon rolls will instantly win your heart right at the beginning of the first episode. They're like the most perfect two besties you'd want to be besties with too. And yeah, you'll suffer thru all the horrors just to see them win the biggest battle of their lives. Gosh, every time I tried typing something coherent about them it just ended up being lots of crying shaking throwing up. They're the best, ok? And this is best I can do. ╥﹏╥
And while our marine boys scratched so many itches around this platform, I have to mention the absolute gentlemen that starred in this series and swept me off my feet *deepest sigh ever*
So many great actors took part in Bloodhounds, it's hard to believe my own eyes at times. Whoever was in charge of the casting did a killer job. I couldn't even take the bad guys seriously because they're freakishly handsome. Well, at least not until Kim Myung-gil brutally ended my favourite ahjussi trio damn you ep 6
What started as an obsession over two young marine guys and their bromance ended up as a hole in my heart over downfall of three middle aged criminals men and a will to trade all the money and gold bars for their lives. And more importantly, a huge appreciation for Korean actors over the age of 40.
No, let's be real. They're handsome and talented and great at their job and deserve all the love and support. With that in mind... here's a tiny screenshot dump because it would be a shame not to post it:
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And I want to be normal about them and move on in peace but *internal screams* I've already mentioned Lee Hae-young in one of my earlier posts, addressing my obsession with the character he portrays, the sushi restaurant owner Hwang Yang-jung. And I know many people are obsessed with him too. But no one is speaking up. Which is silly. And tbh I really thought there would be more gifs of him and other men but...there's close to none? Can we talk about how fine this man is? How fine this whole ahjussi crew is? Can we... can we just acknowledge they sliced us all in tiniest pieces possible and burned us all till we turned into charcoal? Can we make a mess of kdrama side of tumblr by excessively posting about them? Pretty please?
It's true, I came for the boys, but stayed for these men. I'm not even joking when I say kdrama has me in a chokehold again, but this time for a whole new reason. Dropping everything just to watch series and movies these guys took part in sounds like the best idea at the moment. I even forgot about the new releases I started watching, which makes me laugh at myself, but... it is what it is. At some point, a girl just has to obsess over her favourite ahjussi, and that's okay.
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booksobsess · 2 years
Lucky Charm – Part 1
Charles Leclerc x Doctor! Reader Part 2
Synopsis: Before all their success in life, Charles and y/n were lovers and split up to focus on their professional careers. Until 10 years later y/n receives one patient in ER from a terrible car crash
Warnings: Language, car crash, nearly death, PTSD, Pierre and y/n bromance
Words count: 4'2k
A/N: I would like to clarify, that English is not my first language, so if there are some misspellings or grammar errors, I'm sorry. But feel like commenting on them so I can rectify my grammar. Also, I'm just a pharmaceutical student and I don't know the 100% process of a surgeon's processes. As well as I'm not a F1 expert.
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Charles and I were celebrating he officially signed for Ferrari the following year in F1. I was so happy for him, it’s been his dream for as long as I remember.
We had known each other since high school when me and Arthur got paired in a school project and your friendship with the Leclerc's began. In 2016, Charles and I got closer and ended up developing feelings for each other and have dated ever since. I went to every race he had from F3 to now being with Alfa Romeo in F1.
I had always been there for him. When Jules died, I was here. After his lovely father died, I was there. I was his mainstay. Maybe if I hadn’t been there, he would have given up everything. But my hope and perseverance knew he shouldn’t do it and kept fighting. And here we are, celebrating his Ferrari sign for the next season.
There was only one problem. We weren’t only celebrating his sign for Ferrari. I just entered Universite Paris Saclay as one of their future medical students.
“You don’t know how proud I'm of you” commented Charles smiling without taking his eyes off you.
“Are you kidding me? You just signed for Ferrari, Ferrari! That’s the biggest accomplish here”
“That’s old news. And in your defence y/n, I must add you got your dream career which is more difficult than getting to Ferrari”
You look on your lap avoiding his gaze, smiling like a 16 year old girl.
“You are blushing” said Charles with a corky smile
“No, I’m not” I said getting up from the table and walking to sit on his couch.
Charles follows you to sit next to you. He grabs your chin to make you look at him and takes your lips together.
Then he puts our foreheads together to rest and I close my eyes.
“I’m proud of you”
“I’m proud of you two”
We stay in each other’s arms in silence to make the moment last.
You both knew what getting to uni and Ferrari meant, we haven’t talked about it, we avoided it just to enjoy our possible last summer together.
But the summer was ending and we still haven’t talked about our future.
I decided to be brave and face our fears once and for all. I could already tell my eyes were getting wet.
"Esque il a quelque chose va mal?" Is there something wrong?
"Mon amour, nous devons parler" My love, we neet to talk
"De quoi?" About what?
"Vous savez ce que" You know what
And then is when everything collapses. I start crying and he comforts me saying everything will be ok, that we will get through it
"No we won't, and maybe you don't see it now but if we stay together in the future, one of us will have to give up our dreams. And I couldn't take it if you dropped out of F1 just to be with me. And as selfish as I sound I couldn't give it up either or fail in the process of becoming who I want to be"
We stay silent looking at each other until he stands up and walks to his shelf full of trophies and pictures of his family, Jules and me. Maybe he still hadn't thought about it like I have, maybe I'm the pessimistic one in our relationship and don't see a future where all this works out. Half of me thinks he understands what I'm saying and getting my point, but my other half wishes he has another alternative where we can stay together and be happy.
"I hate to admit it, but you are right. You are always right" Says Charles as he looks at our pictures.
His words shatter me and it's stupid, I was the one that brought it up, it was my idea and the one that ruined everything. I hoped he would tell me everything will be ok, and we will get through it. I really did, but reality is a bitch and we couldn't do anything if we wanted to be successful in life. And it's better to end things now in good conditions and not later in a big fight.
I stand up and walk behind him to hug him from the back, and I start sobbing more than I have ever had. He tuns just so he holds me as tight as he can.
It's not a goodbye. It's I will see you later, as friends when we will be both happy and laugh about it. And with so, we kiss one last time and he offers to drive me to my parents' house. When I open the door to get out, he says "I love you"
The saddest part is, that he is probably the only man I could ever love. So for one last time, I respond "I will always love you"
It was a goodbye. That day was the end.
Charles and I have not seen each other since the day we broke up. Except I spotted him one afternoon with a beautiful brunette girl 3 years ago, when my boyfriend at the time and I visited my parents at Christmas.
I do not regret the decision I took back in 2018. In fact, that was the best decision I ever took in my life. Because ever since that, things only got better for both of us. I know he is doing well despite we have not talked to each other for years, because I had watched every Sunday Formula 1, to see how things were going.
I have not lived in Monaco for 9 years, I only came home in August and Christmas to visit my parents.
Last year after something traumatic happened, I felt I needed to come back home and with my resume, I easily got into the Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace as one of their neurosurgeons.
Today is Friday and the Monaco Grand Prix is in two days, so the streets are crowded, and a lot of nice cars are on the roads. But It doesn’t affect me, I always walk to the hospital, since I t's faster.
"Is that y/n y/l/n? Or are you an illusion?" I turn to see whose voice was to find Pierre Gasly in his car, stopped at the traffic light.
"Pierre! How have you been?"
"Get inside the car before the light turns green, I will take you" And despite the last time you saw him being 10 years ago you got in, and it seems that no time has passed.
"Let me guess, you are going to Port Hercule"
"You are so smart" We burst out laughing "Girl I haven't seen you in years, how have you been?" I was about to respond to his question but I got interrupted. "Wait, tell me where I need to drive you to. Maybe I'm going in the wrong direction"
"You are" I said with a giggle "I'm going to the Centre Hospitalier Princesse Grace"
"Why? Did something happen?" Pierre asked while going all the way around the roundabout.
"I work there"
"Oh right, I remember Charles commented you got into medicine" He stops talking and gets a little tense.
"Hey, that was 10 years ago, there is no need to get tense"
"It's just that Charles never told me why you broke up and I thought it ended up badly"
"It was a mutual agreement. The reason was simple, he just got into Ferrari and I had to leave to get my medical degree. No hard feelings"
Pierre's face is pure confusion, maybe asking himself why Charles never told him why we broke up.
We chitchat for a bit until he gets me to the Hospital.
“Hey, on Saturday would you like to go to the Paddock I can get you in”
“Oh, thanks but it’s not needed, I can’t watch Saturday’s Grand Prix either. I have to work at the ER, we are short-staffed this summer and they need me. I hope it goes well!” I smile at him and I start to get off the car.
“Oh, you won’t give me my lucky kiss? It was sort of a tradition, wasn’t it?” It was, when I accompanied Charles to the races I always kissed Charles and gave Pierre a kiss on the cheek for luck. So I gave him a big hug and I kissed him on the cheek.
"I missed you Pierre"
"I missed you too, so much" He said the last word with a sigh as I was getting out of the car.
When I was entering the hospital one friend of mine came running to me.
“Girl, was that Pierre Gasly?”
“Yes, we were… we are friends”
“Can you introduce me?”
“No, today is the first time I’ve seen him in 10 years, it would be awkward.” She put on a disappointed face and I continued “Maybe if we get closer again I will introduce you” I said while rolling my eyes.
“How do you know each other?” At work, I don’t talk about my private life and less about something that happened during my teens.
“I used to be friends with Charles Leclerc family and I went to almost every race and I meet most of the drivers. Pierre was the one I got along with the most”
Her mouth makes a shape of an O and thankfully doesn’t ask more.
Next thing I know I’m putting stitches on a kid who cut his finger.
At 16:30 my turn ends and I walk out of the hospital with my friend next to me searching something on her phone. When she suddenly grabs me by the shoulders and makes me look at her. With her phone up and a picture of 18 year old me and a 20 year old Charles and the next picture it’s us kissing. Two photos that we posted on social media and circulated in some articles about our break up.
“You dated Charles Leclerc, Charles Leclerc! And didn’t tell me! He is the hottest guy ever” I close my eyes and I sigh, today it’s not a good day to remember everything.
“Yes, we dated. It’s no big deal, ok? We went to the same school and our families are friends. I don’t want to talk about it ok?”
“Did it end that badly?”
“It was a mutual agreement, he got to Ferrari and I went to university, that’s it”
Thankfully the conversation ended there and she got to her car and I continued my walk home.
After I arrived home, my phone vibrates and I grab it and see a call from Arthur, we always stayed in touch and now that I'm back in Monaco we often hang out to chat.
"y/n do you want to come to my house? We are hanging out in the swimming pool, there are some friends of mine, my brothers and some of their friends, you know Pierre right? He is also here"
Without knowing I get nervous and insecure about myself. I had thought I had everything in control and I knew I will have to see Charles again at one point. But I'm stressing out and I'm not focused to see him again, less in a room full of people.
"Ehem, that would be really nice but... I work tomorrow morning and also on Sunday so it's better if I stay home, thank you tho" That was the lamest excuse I've ever given.
"Oh, no problem, then on Sunday night there is an afterparty for the Grand Prix. And since you don't work on Mondays you must come"
Shit, I already told Pierre I wouldn't come.
"Yes I know, I found Pierre this morning and he told me, I will try to come"
"Come on y/n, you will come, end of discussion. You can't avoid him forever, besides right now you are both sing..." I immediately cut him off
"Yes, ok, thank you Arthur, I'll make an effort. Bye, have a nice day"
Despite Arthur and I always have been friends, after his brother and I broke up we never talked about it.
I was sure I'd moved on but now that I can see him again I'm scared.
It's Sunday morning and today I work all day in ER, a little exhausting but I like working under a little bit of pressure, it makes me more focused.
The saddest thing is that I won't be able to watch the Grand Prix, it's the first time I've not watched it. But it's just one time and nothing will go wrong is just another race. I will watch it when I get home.
Today thankfully was calm, since everyone was watching F1, not many incidents happened.
"Hey y/n, since everything is very calm today you can go home early, we will get through it, now you can go watch the Grand Prix" Announced me another doctor in ER, that knew I had never missed a Grand Prix.
I went to the lockers to change into my regular clothes, grabbed my purse and I got out of the room. Then suddenly the doctor that allowed me to go home ran towards me.
"Y/n! y/n!, You need to get back to work immediately, we just received a call from the ambulance. There has been a car crash and there the patient has a concussion. You are the best in these scenarios, we need you."
Immediately I return and put on my clothes as fast as possible. I think I haven't closed the locker, but that's not my priority right now.
When I get back to the ER the ambulance has not arrived yet. And then it hits me.
I'm driving in my car, there is a big hit, the car spins, there is a bigger hit and everything goes black, seconds later I remember looking at the passenger’s seat and Dorian's face is covered in blood. "Dorian! Dorian! Please answer me" red and blue, blue and red, sirens and the next thing I'm being pulled out of the car.
"Y/n! are you alright? The ambulance just arrived, come on!" I see a nurse helping me get back to reality. I hate car accidents.
But I'm running to get to the stretcher and get the patient to the hospital. When my world collapses again when I see a man in a red suit and a red and white helmet full of pictures. I cannot collapse right now. I must not. I must help Charles
And for the first time, I can control myself and my fear doesn't get me.
I grab the helmet providing a Manual in-line stabilisation (MILS), there is a nurse ready to help grab his chin and also apply pressure on the occipital region, I slowly take off the helmet full of pictures of his dad, his family, Jules and... me. But there is no time for distractions. I need to help him.
"There is a concussion! There is a second-degree burn on the left side of the neck! The patient is still unconscious!" The nurse announces and they immediately cover his burns.
After that, I do a CSF (Examination of the cerebral spinal fluid) and while we wait for the results I go to the MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) machine to check his brain and there I see a pair of blood clots. Shit.
"Immediately we need some Heparin to undo the blood clots" The nurse passes me the needle and I inject it as fast as I can so there will be consequences.
Two hours later, Charles is in a room still sleeping, thankfully there was no complication and all the blood clots are undone. Now I'm walking to the reception where I suppose most of his team and his family are for me to give them the news.
"Charles Lecler's family?" As much as I would like to run to his family hug them and tell them he is alright I must stay professional. In the reception room, I spot Mrs Leclerc, Arthur, Lorenzo, most of the Ferrari team and some drivers, like Pierre, Lando, Max, Carlos, Lewis, ...
"Y/n dear were you the head of his case?" Mrs Leclercs asks me and hugs me with love and fear.
"Mrs Leclerc I must stay professional right now" I whisper to her ear
"Oh right, sorry" She breaks up from the hug and nods as she stays near her sons. Most faces are of fear but Arthur's one is of relief, like he knew Charles has been in good hands.
“Chales is alright, he had a concussion and a couple of blood clots but are now in control thanks to the anticoagulant, the cerebral spinal fluid thank god was not damaged. Also there is a second degree burn but it’s not the priority. Right now he is sleeping in his room, he has not yet awakened”
After that there is a big sight from everyone.
“Can we go see him?” Lorenzo speaks first, looking at me directly.
“The only ones that have authorization to go to his room right now are his family tomorrow, if he is awake and wants visitors, others can come see him”
With that Mrs Leclerc, Lorenzo and Arthur are taken by a nurse to Charles room and most of the F1 team is leaving the hospital, except Pierre and Mattia Binnoto whose last is the first to approach me.
“I must see Charles right now, we need to discuss the championship…” Without second thoughts I immediately cut him off.
“The patient needs to rest and recover fully before even thinking of racing again”
“I don’t care what you say he…” I cut him off again
“You should be worried of your driver’s health and not your stupid championship right now. I don’t want to see you again for the rest of the day, so if you do me a favor and walk off the building calmly and not make me call security. Thank you very much and have a nice day”
And with that he left with some of his crew mates that were waiting for him. And right by the corner I notice a shocked face of Pierre with his mouth open. And still looking at Binnoto Pierre walks towards me.
“I have never seen someone shut his mouth is such style” I look to see if there is someone else in the reception room and thankfully there was no one. And right there and then I colapse.
I fall into Pierre’s arms and he holds me tight.
“I thought I couldn’t do it, when I saw him in the stretcher everything collapsed. I don’t know how I…” he pulls me of his shoulder to look me in the eyes.
“You are amazing, that’s how you did it. Now be the strong y/n I’ve always know and go with him.” Pierre with one hand takes of the tears I didn’t know were falling. “You are amazing” says as he kisses me on the forehead.
“I will call you when he awakes” I make a phone sign with my hand and take it to my ear to emphasize I will call him and I walk fast to Charles room.
Once I get to Charles door one doctor comes and tells me I did enough for today and and that I can go home. And I respond by saying I will say in the patient room to check on him.
I know on the door and Arthur opens and immediately hugs me and I hug him back, and in short moment his mom and brother are also hugging me.
“Did you see what happened?” Arthur asks me. I take a look at sleeping Charles
“No, and honestly I don’t think I want to see it right now”
I don’t let them know how difficult it was for me to help him and not get my emotions overtake me, it would sound unprofessional in-front of them, even if they are like my family.
Two hours later Arthur and Lorenzo went home to change clothes and will bring some for their mother, who stayed and is now sleeping in the corner.
I’m admiring Charles, he has growing out his beard a little, he looks more mature. When suddenly his head moves and turns in my direction and his eyes open slowly.
“Y/n…. Am I in heaven?” Seriously, to all the things he could say and it's that.
"I'm not dead, you know..." I put a big smile on my face, happy that he is alright and awake.
"I know, but you look like an angel" Oh, I look away from him and I can feel my face heat up. He must feel rave from the crash.
He looks around to check where he is and notices his mother sleeping next to him.
"Would you like me to wake her up?" He turns to look at me and shakes his head.
"What happened? Why are you here?" Charles asks as he looks at the bed and the room, the second question although it shouldn't it hurts me.
"I can go if you want me to" I start to get up, of course, he doesn't want me here, it's been 10 years stupid. When a hand retains me by the wrist.
"Please stay, don't go" He puts on a puppy face for me not to leave him. and I sit back down.
"There was a car crash during the race, you got a concussion and we gave you heparin. You are still under supervision, and I'm here because I was the doctor in charge of your case" He puts on a sad face and immediately asks if anyone got hurt in which no one else got hurt thankfully. And also asked who was the winner but the race was suspended.
Right after that his mom awakens and starts showering him with kisses and a minute later his brothers arrive with clean clothes for him and his mother.
"You are in good hands, I will get going home" While still talking with his family he cuts the conversation and looks at me.
"Y/n, you live here?" He asks surprised.
"I live and I work here, I'm back home" Charles changes his worried face to a more relaxed one, with the thought of home.
"Please come again tomorrow" He says it like a command but immediately rectifies himself "If you don't have any other plans obviously" I smile at his response.
"I don't work tomorrow but if you want me to I will come to visit and I will also take advantage of it by checking your vitals" With a smile on everyone I get out of the room and go home to rest.
The next day in the morning I had to run a few errands and I also went to buy Charles a few things from the supermarket, flowers and a nice bracelet I saw in a shop window and immediately thought of him.
When I get to the hospital there is a lot of media waiting to get any news on him or to see him leave the hospital and bombard him with questions.
I put on my white coat, even though I don't work today, and I walk to Charles room. When I knock and get in it surprises me to only find Charles in the room eating a pudding.
"How are you feeling today?" I asked while leaving his presents on his feet.
"Are you asking this as Dr. y/l/n or as y/n?" He asks me while grabbing his presents and leaving the pudding to the table. "Also you didn't have to bring all of this"
"I'm asking as both" he looks at me with a friendly smile "Oh that it's nothing, I know the hospital food is trash and that it just reminded me of you"
"I find that pudding quite good actually" I laugh at his comment and he smiles back at me.
"I missed it"
"What?" I asked while I'm sitting on the chair
"Your laugh" I blush and look away and immediately try to change the subject.
"I thought the room will be full of people"
"Oh" he says looking all his room full of flowers and presents "It was, at 7am the first to come was Pierre"
"I know, he told me" He puts a questioning face and I reply to him and explain to him we bumped into each other on Friday.
"I know, he told me too" I sigh at his response
I check at his vitals and the notes the nurses put on the document and I notice everything is fine.
"Seeing everything is alright and no complications occurred, and as I'm your doctor, I can give you the discharge and you can be out in a couple of hours"
He puts on a sad face as soon as he sees me talking about work, but that's the main reason why I came here. Wasn't it?
"Can we talk first? I haven't known anything of you for years and I would love to catch up"
"I would also love to catch up in your life"
"Since my fabulous doctor gave me the discharge today" says as he laughs "We can meet up at my place tomorrow morning? Is that good with you?"
"It's good for me"
"Perfect, it's a date then"
Part 2
A/N: I know there is not much of Charles in it and is a little long but I feel like the background of the MC is important for you to understand her.
@livinghappy10 @mekraycom @mrscevans @dreamer-grl @gwynethhberdara
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babytarttdoodoo · 10 months
This isn't a fic request (though I am looking forward to a lot you've got on your pending list!!) but you write Roy x Jamie so nicely as an established couple. Would love to know your thoughts on how they get together and how that relationship works?
Oh, gosh, well, thank you for asking! This all may well make it into a longer fic one day but in the meantime have my disjointed ramblings.
Firstly, I do think it would be a decent amount of time after canon before they got around to it. Like, a year at least.
Roy is taking steps to work on himself (namely, he has to deal with his temper and communication before they would ever be able to work) and needs space to work through that. Jamie is also experiencing probably the most stable period of his life he's ever had and deserves time to enjoy it.
If we think that Colin and Michael's kiss didn't cause an absolute riot in-universe, I could see Jamie coming out as bi (even if only to take the heat off Colin) and dating a few men publicly. We love a sexy little king getting to safely explore his sexuality with a rabidly invested support network around him. This could also be what triggers Roy to start thinking about him in that way.
Might be controversial but I don't think either he or Roy would have a lot of experience being involved with other men from pre-canon. Between football culture and the potential risk to their careers, women were just an easier option. I do, however, believe Roy knows he's attracted to men (20 years in locker rooms pls), but is just repressed enough to have never seriously considered that his fixation on Jamie might be romantic or sexual in nature.
Realising he feels jealous is a genuine surprise. It's probably still a while before he does anything about it.
Honestly torn between ' a heat of the moment kiss followed by lots of Talking' or 'Roy invites Jamie to dinner and A Very Mature Conversation'. Either way, they definitely need to talk extensively before anything happens.
Roy is Jamie's manager. Yes, I know there are instances of it happening in the women's game and being fine. A relationship between two very famous male sports personalities would, unfortunately, be a whole different kettle of fish.
Therefore they agree to:
Go slow and feel out if this could even work before getting too deep.
Having a few confidantes in the know (Keeley, Georgie, Rebecca, maybe Beard) so they're not in a closed loop of secrecy with each other.
Keeping professional decisions out of it as much as possible.
That last one is contentious because so much of who they are individually and to each other is tied up in football. When they do, in fact, think they can have a serious relationship, it becomes apparent very quickly that they also have to tell the team. One, because it will keep them accountable; two, because the number of times they're nearly caught fooling around is genuinely ridiculous.
Roy smiles at Jamie a lot. It's a bone-chilling sight without context.
Jamie will move to another team eventually. It's what makes sense for his development and career path. I have more thoughts on that trajectory but for this I'll just say that, when he starts getting offers, he does consider that it might make keeping his work and personal lives separate a lot easier.
There are a lot of good times. They understand each other extremely well. They push each other towards self-improvement across the board. Jamie is wonderful with Phoebe. Roy and Simon develop a baked goods based bromance.
There are some tough times. Their careers takes them all over the country and beyond. Distance strains them. They both internalise a lot of negative feelings for fear of ruining what they do have.
(They each think the other deserves better. They are idiots.)
But talking to each other always gets them over the hurdles. Loving each other always brings them back together.
Once Jamie steps back from playing, falling back on modelling and charity work with underprivileged kids, they finally, quietly, go public.
The wedding is beautiful.
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thelostgirl21 · 11 months
Tips for those of you that wish to enjoy Geraskier as a romantic couple, without erasing Jaskier's greyromantic (more specifically sapioromantic) identity.
Alright, here's the deal...
I've recently gone on a very long rant re: how queer baiting has conditioned most of us, in the queer community, to read any emotionally intimate friendship between two same-gender characters as romance.
A) The lack of officially acknowledged same-gender relationships on screen - in major TV shows and series that aren't specifically about LGBTQ+ themes - has put us in a situation where, if he want to enjoy any same-gender romance at all, we are forced to interpret close "officially platonic" (*cough*StormPilot*cough*) pairings as romantic couples.
B) The TV and movie industries have been purposefully encouraging such perceptions, and inserting as many "romantic cues" as they can into such same-gender "friendships", to keep their LGBTQ+ audience involved in those stories without alienating their more conservative audiences by having to depict some actual queer romances.
So, not only are non-queer people under the impression that it's perfectly typical, for same-gender friends, to constantly become so emotionally and physically close and intimate with each other that they behave as if they are almost dating while also being 100% straight.
But, they don't realize that there is barely any equivalent of straight men/women characters on screen developing such emotionally and physically intimate friendships without them inevitably "getting together" romantically at some point.
Unless one of them is already romantically taken, that is (and even there, a dreaded "love triangle" may occur and they'll still wind up together anyway!).
But, if the boy and the girl are both straight and available, and they behave as you would expect a married couple at some point, obviously they are romantically/sexually into each other! What else?!
If it's two same-gender characters, however?!
Well, it's obviously a friendship all the way (while nevertheless often heavily dousing that friendships with romantic subtext).
And sadly, the way queer baiting has been heavily messing with our perceptions of platonic vs romantic relationships is putting the aromantic community at a huge disadvantage.
What huge disadvantage, I hear you ask?
I mean, after all, if all those emotionally close and intimate relaltionships remain platonic in canon, shouldn't people on the aromantic spectrum be happy about it, and feel represented? Don't they have tons of "queerplatonic ships" to choose from, and enjoy as such?
Sadly, no.
The answer is firm and resounding NO.
Wanna know why?
Because, most of the time, whenever a relationship might read as "potentially queerplatonic", it is virtually never acknowledged as such.
It is virtually never about them.
It has absolutely nothing to do with both, or one, of those characters being on the aromantic spectrum.
When we talk about classic models of "bromances", those are virtually always occurring between two men that are assumed to be otherwise straight (or, at least, one of them is, ex: Jace Herondale & Alec Lightwood from "Shadowhunters"), or two women that are assumed to be otherwise straight (or, at least, one of them is).
When "bromances" occur between a man and a woman (I'm thinking Steve and Robin, from "Stranger Things"), it is usually because one of them is gay.
The implication and the message being sent to us with all those close friendships is thus a very clear:
"You can only achieve such emotionally close (queer)platonic friendships, and/or companionships, because you are not sexually compatible.
Otherwise, you would already be forming a romantic couple, and/or secretly longing to be in one.
If Robin wasn't a lesbian, she and Steve would obviously be dating."
And the reason why Steve and Nancy still love each other that deeply - despite no longer being a couple - is because they still have romantic feelings for each other despite Nancy also having romantic feelings for Jonathan and having chosen him as a romantic partner...
So, that has nothing to do with queerplatonic relationships, either, at all!
Also, can someone please sit these three kids down and have a good discussion regarding polyamorous relationships with them? Thank you!
So, how could anyone on the aromantic spectrum identify with those friendships, and/or feel represented by them, when they are always treated as being either "lesser than" a romance, or "a consolation price" when romance isn't an option?
That's not even bad representation, it's a complete lack of representation!
Yet aromantic love (be it defined as alterous, platonic, etc.) can be as beautiful, intense, and sincere as a romance, and there's a deep, almost spiritual connection there.
It is not "lesser than", but simply different.
The kind of emotional intimacy you share, and the way you connect together with the person you "platonically/alterously fell in love with" feels different.
The relationship dynamic you may achieve together, and the kind of commitment you may choose to make with those friends (that may even become life partners), as well as your needs and expectations, tend to be different than what would be expected of a romantic partnerships, although there can be many overlaps.
Aromantic forms of platonic/alterous love aren't a consolation price when romance isn't an option!
They deserve to be seen and treated as a first choice.
Those relationships provide a unique and profoundly valuable way of emotionally and sometimes even physically (because physical attraction can be sensual rather than sexual, and there are best friends that are comfortable enough to be sexually intimate together without any desire to form a romantic couple, too, by the way) connecting and being intimate with another person.
And what currently makes Geraskier unique in canon, is that they've established that Jaskier, at the very least, would have been 100% compatible with Geralt romantically and sexually (given he's a panromantic pansexual).
What makes the way Jaskier has been canonically falling in love with Geralt different from the usual BrOTPs the queer community are usually offered, however, is the fact that Jaskier's desires for Geralt are not romantic, but platonic in the way aromantic people are known to experience love.
Jaskier having no romantic crush for Geralt would thus not prevent him, at all, from wanting to share a loving relationship, and even perhaps queerplatonic partnership with him.
He could still love him in an amorous way. He could still yearn for sharing some sensual (or even sexual) intimacy with him.
Between having what people typically consider "purely platonic" and "purely romantic" feelings, there is a wonderful universe of affections and attractions for Jaskier and Geralt to explore together!
And aromantic people can experience the same level of heartbreak and loss upon losing their "best friend in the whole wide world" than they would a romantic partner.
I mean, when you listen to Jaskier sing:
Did you ever even care With your swords and your stupid hair?
in "Burn Butcher Burn", I've always felt like it was a callback to the very first things that Jaskier physically noticed about Geralt, and what initally sparked his (platonic? alterous? sensual? sexual? aesthetic? all of the above? other?) attraction for him!
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If we compare the way Geralt and Jaskier behave together on screen with queerplatonic partners in real life, there is no proof of anything romantic going on.
I can't stress this enough.
HOWEVER, sadly, queerplatonic partnerships aren't really ever explored and acknowledged as such on screen. So, most people are very unfamiliar with them.
Instead, the TV and movie industry typically makes same-gender characters behave in an amorous manner to suggest romance and bait their queer audience.
AND it took them 4 FREAKING YEAR (we're actually a bit closer to 5 now) to confirm that Jaskier fell in love with Geralt platonically, rather than romantically, while canonically establishing Radovid as being Jaskier's very first sapioromantic crush.
This is where real life collides with fiction in a deeply heartbreaking way, to me...
Because during those 4 years, the queer community has been reading Geraskier as a romantic couple the way they've been taught and conditioned to identify queer romance on screen.
Most of them likely haven't even considered the possibility that Jaskier could have been on the aromantic spectrum, and thus "squishing" (hard) on Geralt rather than "crushing" (romantically) on him.
I don't believe that any of those fans would have had any desire to ignore and/or reject aromantic love and/queerplatonic relationships representation, if they'd known earlier on that Jaskier simply wasn't someone that experiences romantic desires (unless certain very specific conditions are met).
And 2 complete seasons is a very long time for romantic Geraskier fans to get profoundly attached to their ship, and feel somewhat gaslighted by the show's producers and writers when suddenly they're told "Oh no, they were 'just friends' all along! Nothing romantic to see here!"
(Of course, with the establishment of Jaskier as a greyromantic, they were never 'just friends' in the typical sense, but I've feeling that many fans have missed how significant Jaskier experiencing his very first crush was to the narrative.)
So, I believe that the knee-jerk response of pure disbelief that Geraskier could have been representing anything other than a romance can be expected and understood within that context.
HOWEVER, the unfortunate consequence is how that anger and disbelief has lead some fans to claiming that Geraskier can only be read as romantic.
Using some arguments such as: only someone romantically in love with Geralt could ever have experienced the level of heartbreak that Jaskier did, and written a song such as "Burn Butcher Burn", following their breakup.
I've seen some arguing that, if Jaskier's feelings had been "platonic", he wouldn't have been so hurt by their "break-up".
What those that have been shipping Geraskier romantically for over 4 years are truly expressing, I believe, is:
"Once again, I feel like I've been emotionally used and baited by the TV industry that keep on denying any romantic intent whenever they heavily layer a same-gender friendships with romantic subtext; and I can't agree with what they've done, or accept that Geraskier should be read as platonic!"
And I do hear you, I get it, I see how wrong it is that you have been made to feel that way, and I do not believe that you should be forced to embrace Geraskier as being aromantic / queerplatonic, or made to feel guilty for wishing to continue to ship Geraskier romantically.
But what I want to help you realize, is that by using such arguments, what your fellow queer siblings, on the aromantic spectrum, are hearing is:
"The way you love not only does not exist, but even if it did it can't be as strong, nor as valuable, as romantic love."
And that's not okay. The anger and hurt you feel is okay and 100% justified, but insisting that aromantics are not capable of such love, by saying that Jaskier's behavior with Geralt has always been obviously romantic, is not okay!
If you've been using those arguments before, first take the time to acknowledge how you feel, realize that you are not to blame for those feelings, remember you're still an amazing person, and take a fucking deep breath, alright?
Because you're 100% entitled to blame the people that have kept messing with your head and your perceptions through their queerbaiting practices for those mistakes you just made.
If we go purely by classic TV show queerbaiting standards, that relationship did seemingly present itself as romantic. You weren't wrong for seeing romance there.
But queerbaiting isn't real life.
Remember this: queerbaiting is not at all representative of how relationships work in reality.
In reality, you have romantic same-gender relationships that read as romantic and that are romantic.
In reality, you also have queerplatonic relationships that people often mistake as romantic, but are nevertheless queerplatonic.
In reality, queerplatonic relationships do happen between same-gender partners, but also between sexually compatible men and women, too.
In a strongly stereotyped TV and movie world, where relationships are oversimplified and watered down to follow rigid rules and expectations, canon Geraskier is a relationship that feels refreshingly real.
This is the kind of friendship I have with some of my own best friends. I know at least 5 friends (and maybe more, but they're the first 5 faces that popped to mind), for whom I've got 100% platonic feelings for, that I'd feel 100% comfortable rubbing chamomile onto their lovely bottom, alright?
On TV? Thanks to a legacy of queerbaiting, such a scene feels gay as hell!
In real life? Look, if you've pulled a muscle in your buttocks, and a massage will do you good? Pants down, my friend! Pass me that chamomile oil, I'm here for you buddy!
You're a heterosexual man and I'm a pansexual woman? I don't see how that changes anything to the task at hand! Or how that would be supposed to make me suddenly develop romantic feelings for you I've never had! You don't suddenly fall romantically in love with a best friend just because you've *gasped* "touched the butt", for frak's sake!
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Just... give me a moment to recover from that ludicrous idea...
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So, you want that butt massage or not, dude?
The physical contact might be affectionate, sensual, and feel intimate... but friendships are emotionally and quite often physically (though a bit more rarely sexually) intimate, too.
And demisexuals, like myself, might actually tend to favor and enjoy sensual intimacy (tender caresses, kisses, snuggles, etc.) more than they enjoy sexual intimacy, even with their romantic partners.
So, I can't blame any of you for how you might have instinctively responded to the announcement of Geraskier being canonically platonic.
But, now that it's done, and you've hopefully let that frustration out, I am inviting you to shake off all that queerbaiting conditioning, reclaim power over your own mind, and reflect on how love happens in real life, outside of those distorted TV standards.
I am inviting you to reflect on how those arguments might accidentally be invalidating the love that is experienced by another marginalized queer community.
And hopefully, bringing some measure of comfort to the aromantic community, as well, by letting them know that the vast majority of Geraskier fans that did have that knee-jerk reaction of saying "Geraskier is obviously romantic because there's no way Jaskier would have responded like this, or loved him so much, if there was no romance!" likely have been reacting that way because the TV and movie industries have been constantly "teasing them" with romance, while laughing in their faces and telling them that they are crazy for reading romance into those dynamics (hence why I'm calling it downright gaslighting)!
As aromantics, you did not deserve having your own sexual identity invalidated.
After all, I think this is literally the first time that aromantics have been offered some actual representation on a show that does not specifically revolve around queer characters or queerness, and a chance to openly explore a (queer)platonic ship where one of the two characters is an acknowledged greyromantic.
The last thing you need, is to have people come and mock Jaskier and Geralt's relationship, by saying that it can't be anything other than romance.
But, knowing where that hostile response towards the idea that Geraskier might be platonic comes from, might help you hopefully understand that the hostility wasn't meant for you, and that I'm sure the vast majority of the fans of that pairing would have been more careful, with the way they've been expressing their own hurt, if they'd realized the kind of message it sent.
Because if there are people that should understand how having their own sexuality being erased in fandom hurts - ex: whenever someone decides that they are going to start writing a canonically bisexual or pansexual characters as either straight or gay, depending on the gender of the character they are pairing them with - it should be bisexuals and pansexuals.
So, if you are unfamiliar with sapioromantism, here's what to know:
Sapioromantics are greyromantics that experience romantic attraction towards a person in response to the way they perceive that person's intellect.
This is what awakens their desire to form a romantic bond with another person and, under the right circumstances (because I'm guessing they might also need to find the other person aesthetically attractive, for example), allows them to fall romantically in love.
Otherwise, they can still fall in love with people, but platonically/alterously.
The show officially decided, this season, that Jaskier was to experience his very first crush with Radovid, feel confused about his feelings, sense that there's something different about the way he's attracted towards him, etc.
BUT there's no obligation for you to follow the show canon when it comes to Geraskier.
There's no obligation, at all, to give up on Geraskier as a romantic ship or pairing.
The fact is that Geralt is a deeply intelligent and insightful man, too. So, it's not unrealistic that a sapioromantic could have been attracted to that side of him, and fallen in love with Geralt romantically as well.
Yennefer is another smart, brilliant woman that can absolutely be romantically shipped with a sapioromantic.
There are many, many different types of intelligence, and what Radovid appears to specifically be displaying is more specifically high levels of emotional/relational intelligence, true.
But that's how the show decided to portray the specifics of Jaskier's sapioromantism.
And you won't be erasing a character's sexual identity if you decide to have your own version of Jaskier romantically connecting with other forms of intelligence.
People mention that Geralt, in the books, uses way more words than on the show, and would apparently rather discuss philosophy with Jaskier, at times, than hunt monsters.
You won't be disrespecting or erasing the aromantic community if you make Jaskier become romantically attracted to other models of human intellect.
You really don't have to accept Geraskier as a platonic ship after having grown attached to them as romantic partners for over 4 years! I don't believe it would ever be fair to ask that of you or even remotely necessary!
And, as far as I'm concerned, I'd never dare tell you that you "misread" Geraskier as romantic. I think Joey Batey might have been exploring the idea of Jaskier being an aromantic or greyromantic seeking a queerplatonic relationship with Geralt since seasons one, yes...
However, as he said in interviews, he had never received any clear answer regarding his portrayal of Jaskier's queerness before Season 3.
So, you couldn't really have "misread" something they hadn't fully made up their minds about now, could you?
Queerplatonic relationships do often read as romantic, too, as they tend to share many similarities.
What hurts, is when Jaskier's behavior and the strength of his love for Geralt is being used as proof that his emotions can't be platonic, and/or ignore that Jaskier is being portrayed as a greyromantic in Season 3.
Aromantic representation matters.
I'm therefore hoping that we can find the right balance between allowing everyone to ship their favorite character(s) with who they want romantically if they need to; while at the same time avoiding to erase Jaskier's sapioromantism, and/or arguing that platonic/alterous attractions can't be as important nor as strong as romantic attractions.
I think with a little empathy, the queer community can find the right point of balance between everyone's needs, and be given the opportunity to ship and enjoy Geraskier (queer)platonically and romantically, without invalidating Jaskier's sexuality in the process either way.
I know this post is similar to that other one I'd made, but I've heard few a-spec people saying that they'd had to stop following certain fans, because of the way those fans were were aggressively arguing that it was impossible for Jaskier to have been loving Geralt platonically in Season 1 and Season 2.
And so, I felt it needed to be said again, with this time giving a bit more importance to the aromantic side of that issue, and offering fans that ship Geraskier as a romantic pairing some information on what sapioromantism is, and how you can make Jaskier's greyromantic identity work as part of your own romances and headcanons.
You could decide to have Jaskier experience romantic feelings for the very first time with Geralt (instead of Radovid), and be adorably awkward about it! The possibilities are pretty much endless!
I just hope you can realize that what's happening on the show is not yet again another case of "Stormpilot" or "Stucky", or any other same-gender straight guys acting queer together!
Geraskier is canonically queer. Possibly queerplatonic, but most definitely queer, because Jaskier is a pan greyromantic that fell in love with Geralt in a platonic/alterous way, and might have experienced sensual and sexual desires for him.
It's a queer ship, regardless of whether you ship them platonically or romantically.
Personally, I think I'm likely to enjoy
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But that is entirely up to you.
Just please be mindful that, when you start mocking the idea of Jaskier and Geralt having platonic feelings for each other, you are ridiculing a canonically queer ship, as well as the type of love experienced by a canonically queer greyromantic character, though.
This is what I have a problem with.
And no, saying "Well, I can headcanon that Jaskier isn't a greyromantic because he hadn't come out as greyromantic in Season 1 and Season 2, so I'll continue to write him as being able to fall romantically in love with anyone!" is not okay.
Back in 2012, when Mass Effect 3 came out, Kaidan Alenko was revealed to be a canonically bisexual character, available to be romanced by both fem!Shep and m!Shep.
However, since some women were uncomfortable with Kaidan's bisexuality, they decided to continue writing him as straight in fanfiction arguing that, because he could only be romanced by fem!Shep in ME1 (and everyone had thus assumed he was straight since 2008) they were allowed to continue to write him as straight, and ignore the character having been established as bisexual in the 3rd game.
Yet, the fact that Kaidan is bisexual, rather than straight, does not create any obstacle for him to be in a romance with fem! Shep!
There is no rational reason to headcanon him, or continue writing him, as a straight character moving forward once he's come out as bisexual!
"Well, my Kaidan Alenko is straight!"
Congratulations! You are expressing a biphobic view of the character!
Understandingly, the bisexual and pansexual communities were angry about it, and called them out on it.
So, let's not put the aromantic community through the same thing, shall we?
Because there is absolutely no reason to ignore Jaskier being on the aromantic spectrum while romantically pairing him with Geralt, Yennefer, or even both!
If you purely go by the books or the games, it's another story. They have their own canon.
But if you are writing / using the TV show character, Jaskier being a sapioromantic has been made canon, and is not creating any obstacle for him to experience romantic love for other characters than Radovid.
Other characters are plenty intelligent enough to realistically spark a sapioromantic connection with him, should you wish to!
Have Jaskier be intrigued/enamored with some of their intellectual features, and you'll be doing just fine.
If you're unsure how to do that, simply ask.
Ex: once that romantic spark has been ignited, you don't need to have the character continue to constantly obsess about the other character's intellect... I'm demisexual, and I don't keep obsessing about how trustworthy I find my sexual partner to be, despite the fact that my own sexual desires are usually "sparked" by a deep sense of trust/emotional safety with the other person.
There is also the notion that you can occasionally find yourself with an exception that feels different without the character themselves knowing why. Ex: a friend that identified as a lesbian (romantically and sexually) found herself desiring a man for the first time and, to this day, she still has no clue what was special about THAT man, but she decided to go with her instincts rather than "Oh no! It doesn't fit my label or established orientation, and therefore I shall skip a chance at romantic love and sex with this wonderful man!"
You want to introduce a bit of flexibility to Jaskier's sapioromantic instincts? You can do it respectfully, while still finding a way to point out, in your writing, that him having a crush on Geralt, Yennefer, or [insert name of the character here] is still an uncommon occurance.
You can enjoy what you love, without erasing a canonically queer character's identity to suit your own romantic narrative, is basically what I'm saying.
And you can enjoy your own romantic ship, especially, without mocking or belittling a canonically queer aromantic ship (Geraskier).
The rest is 100% up to you!
Our sweet aromantic sisters, brothers, and non-binary siblings deserve some love and visibility, too. And to enjoy things that have been made canonically theirs without becoming the unfortunate casualties of other people's disappointment.
If you hadn't realised canon Geraskier was a queer ship, and/or understood/noticed that Jaskier was being portrayed as a greyromantic that experiences romantic attraction for the first time in Season 3, it's okay.
Once again, I'm not taking the time to explain all this to blame those that jumped on the "b-but... Jaskier so obviously has romantic feelings for Geralt!" conclusion.
Had they been a sexually straight man and woman on a TV show, chances are they'd be "romantic endgame" or at least go through a "romantic phase" (a practice that is deeply wrong and damaging, too, IMHO, and does not allow to properly represent what platonic / alterous love is, and/or offer queerplatonic relationships any actual visibility), yes.
And, like every instance of queerbaiting, it ended up with the close emotional and physical intimacy between them not leading to any romantic conclusion.
But it did lead to a very much queer conclusion, and Jaskier having been portrayed as a character that fell in love with Geralt aromantically, thus being highly representative of a queer community.
This is that "but" that I sincerely hope you now understand, and will be treating with the same care and respect that you want others to show the representation of your own sexuality.
If you are a fellow panromantic/pansexual, or even bisexual, omnisexual, polysexual, etc. Yes, the representation also affects you / is close to you.
But Jaskier has been canonically established as more than pan. He's also a-spec on the romantic side, and it's actually the first label that Batey used to describe his romance with Radovid.
That his romantic desires be triggered specifically by the way he connects with a person's intellect, rather than their gender, matters to the community it represents.
Now that it has been brought to your attention, please do not lose sight of that over your own joy of him being queer, and romantically/sexually compatible with men. It's all I'm humbly asking of you.
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inchidentally · 2 months
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ouuhh that's not…
I swear I read it three times and looked through their blog hoping they were joking alfhaslfkh nope
BUT I do not want anyone to engage with this so I'm hiding the link - not just because it's ridiculous but because the best way to confine rpf ship drama is to leave it alone. (edit: so I lied abt this asofgsalfga I did reply to one person but only bc they put it in the main tags) I don't rly like blocking but I also don't want to have to create a million filtered tagged posts on my dash - and tbh I don't think anyone I've blocked will care anyway. this way I can still see carlando content for fun but none of the fandom nonsense.
I'm mostly posting this bc up til now I rly wanted to set aside the behavior of the fandom to continue enjoying carlando content but I just can't be bothered anymore. between the larrying and the rampant, disgusting casual misogyny - and ofc the competing with which friendship or fake ship blorbo 1 and 2 are "happier" with asgfjsalfglja. and it's not just this latest thing I get sent tweets and posts abt whole agendas to "prove" that Lando isn't "happy" with Oscar/Martin/insert man who is currently considered threatening to their concepts of Lando's relationships. some ppl even friendzone Max F and Lando and pretend Carlos means more to Lando than him so there's no limits to the insanity.
so for me atp there just isn't enough about carlando to make it worth constantly being reminded that the way too many of it's fans truly believe that these are two men are either as close to each other as they are to their real, acknowledged close friends and/or in a secret gay relationship, that their girlfriend(s) are cold-hearted PR plants/escorts rigged by an evil all-controlling PR department and once the blorbos are freed of homophobic forces (oh god Carlos' old tweets tiktokboom) they can finally have the kind of toxic heteronormative version of a queer relationship that is right with the universe.
like, rpf is only meant to be for fun and more important it is meant to be kept away from anyone involved/the general public !! but when ppl's delu results in the actual women these men choose as their partners being at best aggressively cropped out of pictures and videos* and at worst stalked, harassed, their families and employers harassed, abuse and slander left in comments sections on popular social media and team pages - yea carlando laughing together sometimes and slowed down bro hugging isn't enough lol
it’s also slightly the fact that if you picked a bunch of Lando’s reactions to Carlos and Daniel and no one knew context clues then no one would be able to tell which one he’s reacting to. Carlos/Daniel teases Lando, Lando shriek laughs and goes red, James Corden style gay innuendo, slightly tense undercurrent of men wanting to one up each other with jokes, iterations of bromance that are half sincere and half for the cameras, hashtag hashtag. Lando goes to Daniel's ranch on a whim, dando is special. Lando goes to Carlos' sister's huge society wedding, carlando is special. Lando's family likes Lando which makes carlando special. Lando and Daniel share mutual friends outside of racing which makes dando special. like, it's the same dynamic just rotated around at different times. I enjoy both ships to a certain degree but I'm kind of mystified at ppl choosing to see them as super deep and meaningful and worth fighting over.
side note g o d do I fully embrace that ppl who do these ship competitions and larrying nonsense have ZERO interest in landoscar bc we love Lily and support Lando in his many probable conquests - and bc the Lando and Oscar dynamic isn't a big bromance for the cameras and has no fake gay for fangirl consumption.
like yes pls absolutely consider landoscar inferior to carlando if it means they stay away from inventing conspiracy theories and saying they "just have a bad feeling" about Lily and start attributing everything Lando has achieved to his teammate instead of himself.
also I could be SO incredibly mean using charlos vs carlando and the difference between PR and the public trying to tear one apart but it persisting vs PR and the public being a major factor in the other persisting at all. or the fact that charlos does everything ppl want carlando to do. but there's no point spending more time on people who think that two adult men - who've both said they're as much rivals as friends and the bromance is more what the public sees - are laughing in metrically different and lesser degrees of happiness with their new teammates vs a former teammate.
like, as long as I can now not be exposed to those opinions then they have a perfect right to express them. god knows I'm not saying my blogs is worth a damn but at least I don't trash anyone's gf or try to stunt on other rpf ships for no reason
tl;dr I'm p much done trying to make carlando worthwhile for me to rb or post about. I enjoy seeing it on my dash for myself but that's it! no one will be affected by this change lafhlsahf
*I know there are a few ppl out there who do this bc they have a no-private life policy on their blogs and that's np. they aren't die hard carlando fans tho.
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jadequeen88 · 2 years
Chapter 2: Love Bites
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Series master list here❤️
Summary: She looks like some sort of siren or elven lady, her long, dark lashes kissing her cheekbones as she looks downward. As subtle as possible, Eddie breathes in her scent. She smells like the high-dollar shampoo he never can afford, mixed with a dark, amber-smelling cologne. She doesn’t smell like the cheerleaders that used to leave their “Love’s Baby Soft” and hairspray smell on his pillows. She doesn’t smell like clean sweat and cheap soap like the groupies after his shows. She smells like a grown woman and Eddie momentarily forgets how to function.
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Author's Notes: The chapter when we see the Steddie bromance in all its delicious glory, Eddie indulges in a little "self-care", and a big discovery is made.
18+ ONLY
I'll be honest, guys. I still love this series and want to keep writing, but I've lost motivation. I'm hoping that posting here along with AO3 will push me to get it done. So as always, if you like, PLEASE reblog. Likes and comments are great too, but reblogging gets it out to more folks.
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“You knew at first sight you'd enjoy my attack. That with my first bite, there'd be no turning back. So come in my arms, I strike any hour. I will return to trap and devour In the dead of night love bites” — Judas Priest, “Love Bites”
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Eddie's POV
A loud, rhythmic knock on Eddie’s trailer door makes him look up from rolling the blunt he’s just assembled.
“Come in!” he yells without getting up. He knows by the stupid-ass cadence used in the knock who it is, so there’s no use stopping what he’s doing to answer the door.
Steve “The Hair” Harrington flings the door open wide, a six-pack under his arm and wearing those dumb fucking glasses he always wears, even now when the sun has long since set. Eddie groans when he sees him wearing them along with that “Members Only” jacket that he hates almost as much. For a moment, Steve’s silhouette is backlit by the yellow glow of the lamp posts that line the road to the trailer park before he kicks the door closed behind him.
“‘Sup loser!” Steve chirps, slamming the beer down right beside Eddie’s current workspace. “What’s the big news? It must be important to make me drag my ass out this late. Why are we celebrating?”
“First of all,” Eddie mumbles around the paper he is licking to seal the blunt closed. “Call me a loser in my own home again and I’ll kick your ass.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, baby,” Steve says casually without missing a beat.
Eddie rolls his eyes and continues. “Second, take the shades off. You look like a jackass.”
Steve does exactly that, but not without humming the chorus of “Sunglasses at Night” while bobbing his head and landing roughly on the couch. Eddie makes a loud retching noise and in response, Steve blows him a kiss and winks.
“Watch it, big boy. One day I’m gonna make you cash in on all that teasing.” Eddie ruffles his hair and that finally gets him in check.
“Hey, hey, HEY! Not the hair, man. Christ.” Steve quickly pats his hair back down into the style he’s trademarked and perfected over the years while Eddie lights the blunt, sniffing back a laugh at his friend’s expense.
“So spill it already. What happened?” Steve reaches for the blunt as Eddie finishes taking the first hit.
“You’re looking at a man who secured a weekly gig. Making honest money playing my own music.” He reaches over with a flourish of his hand to take the blunt back from his friend.
“Well, look at you!” Steve says as he exhales a cloud of smoke through his nostrils. “Making money, being Mr. Rockstar. You’re gonna be swimming in groupies, my guy.”
“Nah,” Eddie holds the fragrant smoke in his lungs until they burn and he feels the first tingling sensations of his high. “Not worried about groupies. There’s only one woman for me. I’m ruined now.”
Steve pauses before putting the blunt back to his lips and looks over at Eddie with raised brows. Eddie “cold cynical heart” Munson is claiming to be ruined by one singular woman?
“Woah. Pump the breaks.” He turns to face Eddie directly. “Ruined? How?” He pauses, throwing his hands above his head, exasperated. “And when?!”
Eddie sighs and rubs a hand down his face. “The owner, man. The chick who bought Benny’s.”
“Oh really?” Steve is thoroughly invested in Eddie’s story now, the weed and beer forgotten momentarily. Eddie snatches the blunt away from the distracted man, keeping it from burning away.
“Yes, really.” He sounds thoroughly miserable now, taking in another lung full of smoke. “I show up late, right? Because, of course, I do. Our campaign ran late since Wheeler and Henderson decided to be complete dumbasses and they ended up failing both will saves when-”
Steve groans loudly as if he’s in immense pain. “Oh for fucks sake, Munson. Please do not talk to me about your fairy and dragon shit.”
“Fine, FINE!” Eddie’s scratchy voice goes up at least two octaves and he flings his hair around wildly. “Anyway! I’m late, as usual, and of course, of-fucking-course, I walk in and see a literal goddess in front of the stage. I nearly ran right back out. There was no.. no warning or anything! How was I supposed to know the new owner would look like that?!”
“Like what?” The Cheshire grin is back on Steve’s face as he waits for Eddie to continue.
“First thing I see is legs for miles.” He’s relaxed in his seat now, closing his eyes and recalling how amazing she looked. “Black heels on her feet. And when I tell you she’s built like a fucking brick house?” At that, he opens one eye to meet Steve’s gaze. “Best ass I’ve ever seen. I had to walk behind her and thought my knees were gonna buckle, man. And so… sophisticated. I’m talking, miles outta my league, dude.”
Steve nods, cracking open a beer. “So who is she? And why is she here?”
Eddie gives him her name then and tells him she actually grew up here but has been in LA working for the past ten years.
“Wait. Hold on a second.” The wheels are turning underneath that perfectly coiffed head of hair. “If she’s been working in LA since we were kids… that’s gotta mean.”
“Yeah, man. Like I said, she’s way outta my league. Older, hot, business owner. She’s cool as fuck. She was even wearing an Iron Maiden shirt under her jacket.”
“Ooh, ouch,” Steve says, reaching for the weed after taking another sip of beer. “The only thing missing that would have really ruined you would be if…”
“She had red lipstick on, Steve.” Eddie hangs his head in defeat.
“Damn! The final blow! Munson is officially doomed!”
“I’m so glad we get to play there every week, but,” Eddie hesitates as he puts the blunt back to his lips. “Fuck. It’s gonna suck trying to not… follow her around like a kicked puppy, man.”
Steve takes the blunt from Eddie and shakes his head in mock sympathy as he takes a drag.
“Oh, dude. You’ve got it bad.” Steve looks at Eddie through bloodshot eyes, grinning evilly like the menace he is.
“Fuck off,” he mutters before snatching the blunt from his friend’s loose grasp and smoking. Eddie sinks back into the couch beside him and lets his head hang back as he exhales a cloud of smoke towards the ceiling.
“Christ. Don’t be so touchy there, princess.” Steve snatches the blunt right out of Eddie’s mouth mid-pull. Eddie groans and elbows him making him grunt as he takes another hit of the dwindling blunt. He blows the smoke directly into the other man’s face.
“You were the one who kept going on and on about her.”
“Didn’t go on and on…”
“Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Eddie takes what’s left of the blunt and stubs it out in the ashtray sitting on the coffee table and sets it aside. Steve groans at that.
“Dick move, man.”
“Says the biggest dickhead I know.”
“Okay, look.” Steve meets Eddie’s gaze with a solemn expression. “I’m sorry that I pointed out that you’re pining over the hot older woman who is not only way out of your league, but also kind of your boss now. The woman you have no chance bagging whatsoever. I should be a better friend to you. I should keep in mind that you simply aren’t as gifted as I am in this area. But don’t worry. You have other very nice qualities about you, Eds. We can’t all be certified MILF baggers.”
“Right, okay.” Eddie slaps his hands over his denim-clad thighs. “Fuck off, Harrington. Get outta my trailer. Now!”
Steve is cackling like a hyena. The lanky man is lying sprawled out on the couch on top of Eddie trapping him under the dead weight of his body. He finally manages to shove him off onto the ground. Steve lands on his side with a slight “oof!”
“Okay! Okay!” he wheezes while sitting up from the floor. “Seriously though, I’m happy for you guys. Robin and I will be there Friday for sure.”
“You better fuckin’ be.” Eddie lunges at him, pretending that he was about to tackle him back down but only aiming to make him flinch.
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, sweet cheeks.” Steve leers up into his face. “I mean, after hearing all about this absolute fox, no way I’m missing my chance with her.”
That comment finally pushes Eddie over the edge and the two wrestle on the floor, damn near shaking the entire trailer. The boys only call a truce when Eddie pins Steve and threatens to upend a half-drank beer into his hair. After that, they finish their drinks, and Harrington leaves with a wave thrown over his shoulder.
Eddie sighs in relief when he’s finally alone. Don’t get him wrong, he doesn’t mind hanging out with the guy, but he’s been flying half-mast most of the time Steve was over. Smoking always tends to make him a little horny regardless of the situation. Add into the mix that he was pathetically pining over the vixen that’s consuming his thoughts and it’s disastrous. At this point, he’s dying to rub one out before he sinks into his mattress to sleep.
He doesn’t even make it to his room before undoing his belt. He kicks his door closed, rips his pants down with his boxers, then hits the play button on his cassette player to hopefully cover any obscene noises he was about to make. Eddie knows he won’t be able to be quiet tonight. Rob Halford’s voice coming from the speakers should cover up the loudest of the noises he was about to make, anyway.
The dim glow of the full moon doesn’t help illuminate his path, causing him to stumble over a stack of cassette tapes. He swears under his breath and tells himself he’ll deal with putting them back later. Binders full of D&D campaign notes and his dice bag clatter noisily to the floor as he flops onto the mattress and removes his shirt. Eddie doesn’t want a single piece of clothing on his body. It feels like fire is racing underneath his skin. With the first downward stroke of his hand, a wild thought of her casting some sort of sex magic spell over him flashes through his mind. It’s the only thing he can come up with as to why he’s this worked up.
“Fuck…” he whimpers. He’s so pent up that he’s been leaking into his boxers for the past few hours, making him as wet as if he had already reached in his bedside table for the cherry-flavored lube he keeps hidden inside. He runs his palm over the leaking head to gather up the viscous fluid and spreads it down his shaft.
Eddie’s eyes roll back in his head as his strokes speed up. He bites his lower lip until it’s swollen and red. When he begins to twist his wrist on the upward strokes, his back arches off the blankets, and his heels dig into the mattress.
He’s too worked up to be embarrassed at how fast he’s about to come. Eddie is no virgin. The handcuffs hanging from his wall and pack of Trojans on the nightstand make that obvious. Since he grew out his hair and learned to play guitar, there had been no shortage of girls sneaking in through the window of his trailer. Back in high school, he was the dirty little secret half the cheer squad kept from their families and friends. Once he finally graduated, it would be girls (and guys) after gigs in the back of his van, or the alley outside whatever dive bar they’d played at that night. Eddie likes sex, is good at it, and has no shortage of people to choose from. It makes no sense why she kindles this primal, raw desperation in him.
Normally when he gets off on his own, he flips through his mental Rolodex of past encounters and focuses on that. He hasn’t had to use his imagination in years, but no past hookups work for him this time. Tonight, his thoughts are consumed with her. Pinning her to the floor in the middle of the stage at Benny’s… licking greedily between her thighs as she sat on the bar top…
What sends him over the edge is picturing her riding him. He normally doesn’t care for it, honestly. Eddie has never had anyone climb on top of him and ride him the way he needed. But her? He knew it, could feel it in his blood… she could change that. Maybe she would start slow, rolling her hips back and forth, barely letting him inside. Then maybe she would seat herself down on his cock and rock back and forth, getting him as deep as possible, only worried about chasing her pleasure. He’d rub circles into her clit and grab her ass to help move her even deeper. Maybe as she came, she’d bite his lip and pull his hair.
Eddie groans like he’s wounded and focuses on the reddened tip of his cock. With his free hand, he grabs a handful of his hair and pulls at the scalp. He gasps, “That’s it, baby… yes, yes, yes…”
“Shit!” he cries out as he spills over his hand, his cum seeping between his fingers. He can’t do anything but lay there boneless in the moonlight for what feels like hours. When he finally regains a bit of his strength, he gets up and showers. After he washes away the sweat and jizz—which is absolutely disgusting, by the way, Eddie can’t remember the last time there was so much, it’s all over him—he throws on some jeans, wraps his hair in a towel and goes outside for a smoke before brushing his teeth and hitting the sack.
He swipes his lighter and pack of Camels from the kitchen counter and walks barefoot out to the old couch that sits on his front porch. The late summer breeze is beginning to announce the arrival of autumn with just enough chill in the air to make Eddie wish he’d grabbed a sweatshirt.
He’s just about to light up when he hears the slam of a screen door disrupt the still night. It comes from across the dirt road that bisects the trailer park. There is a pretty high turnover rate with most of the places here. Usually, someone staying temporarily rents one of the last few trailers at the end of the road. Eddie never thinks about who is coming and going from that end of the place. It’s also not like he keeps consistent hours like folks who have 9-5 jobs, so it’s perfectly normal for Eddie to go months without seeing a neighbor.
Lighting his cigarette, he lounges back on the couch, looking towards the trailer where he heard the door slam. A porch light turns on and when the door opens, Eddie swears it feels like he’s swallowed his own heart.
It’s her. It looks like she's stepping outside to smoke as well. When he sees her raise her hands to her face, the faint glow of a lighter flicks over and over… and…
“Oh shit,” he whispers to himself. Her lighter is dead. He thinks he can hear her faintly curse and move to stand. This is his time to shine. Without thinking about what he is doing, he leaps from the porch into the damp, dark grass below. He begins to run toward her trailer when he remembers he has a goddamn towel on his head.
“Fuck!” he whisper-yells into the night air, ripping the towel from his head and throwing it at the couch.
Right before she gets up to go inside, Eddie calls out to her.
“Hey!” he shouts, trying to sound friendly and approachable, not like a crazed trailer park resident possibly trying to attack her in the middle of the night. He makes it over to her trailer, bare feet kicking up gravel, lighter raised in his right hand like some sort of prized treasure. “Ya need a light?”
It’s still pretty dark despite the one yellow bulb that illuminates the tiny porch, but Eddie doesn’t need light to see that she is just as stunning here as she was all decked out earlier at Benny’s. Honestly? He thinks she looks even better in the ratty Black Sabbath tee. He notices she is also barefoot and sporting damp locks. The thought of her showering at the same time as him only a couple of trailers away makes him feel a little dizzy.
She looks down at him, confusion marring her features. For a horrible, gut-turning second, Eddie thinks maybe he’s fucked up big time. Then recognition lights up her eyes. “Eddie?” She says slowly, a grin spreading across her lips.
“The one and only,” he shuffles his feet a bit and clears his throat. “I was, uh… out doing the same thing and noticed a damsel in distress.” He gestures to his lighter. “Couldn’t let that happen on my watch, so…” he lets out a small chuckle.
She sits back down on one of the lawn chairs she has on the porch and gestures to the empty one. “By all means. How chivalrous of you, Sir Eddie.”
His heart twists in his chest as he takes the steps two at a time to get to the empty chair. She puts the cigarette between her lips and leans forward as he flicks the lighter on and cups his hand around the flame to keep the night breeze from snuffing it out. He stares unabashedly at her face, backlit by the orange glow of the cigarette. She looks like some sort of siren or elven lady, her long, dark lashes kissing her cheekbones as she looks downward. As subtle as possible, Eddie breathes in her scent. She smells like the high-dollar shampoo he never can afford, mixed with a dark, amber-smelling cologne. She doesn’t smell like the cheerleaders that used to leave their “Love’s Baby Soft” and hairspray smell on his pillows. She doesn’t smell like clean sweat and cheap soap like the groupies after his shows. She smells like a grown woman and Eddie momentarily forgets how to function.
She sits back in her chair and Eddie (reluctantly) does the same, trying not to think of how good her sheets smell or what laundry detergent she uses to wash her clothes in. He wants to memorize every single scent surrounding her. It makes him feel crazy.
He remembers that he never got around to smoking his own cigarette. Eddie pulls out his pack from his back pocket and lights one up for himself.
“Good thing I’m made of tougher stuff than most gals,” she says, blowing a cloud of smoke from the side of her mouth. He looks over to see that she was grinning a little, eyes sparkling with mischief and untold stories. “You would have scared the shit outta most people just now.”
He groans, rubbing his brow with his free hand. “So I did come across as a psycho? I was aiming for ‘helpful, caring neighbor’.”
She laughs and it sounds like music. “No, not a psycho. Definitely a good neighbor.”
She takes another drag and crosses one bare leg over the other. Eddie realizes that her shorts are so tiny that they are basically underwear. Is that what she sleeps in? He imagines that if she stood up, he’d be able to see the curve of her ass peeking out from under the black material.
He shakes his head slightly as if to rattle the lewd thought out of his brain. “Well, mi’lady,” he says, smoke curling out of his nostrils. “You’re probably the only person in Hawkins, Indiana who wouldn’t turn heel and run in terror from Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson.”
At that, she throws her head back and laughs louder than she did before. “You’re no freak,” she says, looking at him with those bright eyes again. “I’ve met freaks. Besides, you happen to be looking at Hawkins High’s former Queen of the Freaks. I know what it really means when the hicks around here call us that.”
Eddie narrows his eyes in disbelief. “No fuckin’ way…”
“Yes, fuckin’ way,” she counters, stubbing out the butt of her cigarette on the amber glass ashtray sitting between them on old, plastic milk crates. “Got my first tattoo at fifteen in my best friend’s kitchen. Got caught smoking a joint in the girl’s locker room while skipping class. Even played at being a rockstar, Joan Jett style.”
He marvels at her. He wants to sit here all night and hear every story she has to tell. But as she stands and stretches her arms over her head, Eddie knows that’s his cue to leave.
“You are brimming over with surprises,” he beams down at her as he stands up from his chair.
“I promise, I’m not as interesting as I sound,” she chuckles as she turns to head inside. “But I can share some stories with you another time. Us freaks have to stick together, after all.” She winks at him over her shoulder and he could have been knocked over with a feather. “Good night, Eddie.”
He raises his hand in farewell and utters a small “night” before she vanishes behind her door. After he hears her move further into the trailer, he leaps from the porch and pumps a fist wildly into the air. He feels like he is floating the entire jog back to his place. Eddie collapses onto his bed and lets out a long sigh.
The most amazing woman he has ever met is now his neighbor. Then it hits him… The most amazing woman he has ever met is now his neighbor…
“Shit…” he mutters into his pillow. He was already well on his way to thinking about her constantly before knowing she lived so near. Now, he has no clue how he’ll get anything done with her constantly in his orbit. The lovesick metalhead decides that’s a problem for his future self as his eyelids get heavier and sleep overtakes him. His thoughts swim with visions of long legs, bright eyes, and soft skin as he slips into a dreamless sleep.
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@word-wytch @usedtobecooler @punk-in-docs @wroteclassicaly @sequincowgrrrl @boomhauer @munsonquinns @raccoonsandrangoons @ladyfogg @theold-ultraviolence
Just tagging a few people that have shown interest in my work/people who I think might possibly like it!
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FF: 30 Days, I’m yours! Day 7 Pt.1
(A/N) Hope you enjoy this part!
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: no idea, it’s been so long since I wrote this I literally don’t know what this part is about...
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12
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Day 7: Art Museum
I don’t think that I’ve ever slept that peacefully. I just wish the wakeup call would’ve been nicer. Like a kiss from Loki. Or something else from Loki, you know. But no. Instead Tony’s voice boomed through the speakers installed everywhere in the tower.
“Meeting in the living room in ten! Everyone is required to come!” I groaned annoyed and turned around. My flickered over and I came face to face with Loki. His arms were still wrapped around me and a smile was painted on his face.
“Good morning, love.” He pressed kiss to the tip of my nose, making me smile.
“Good morning, Loki.” His smile turned into a grin as his name left my mouth.
We stayed silent for a bit, before I closed my eyes and cuddled closer to him, making him chuckle.
“So, we’re just going to ignore him?” I sleepily nodded, turning Loki’s chuckle into a laugh as he pulled me even closer. I didn’t care what that meeting was about. It couldn’t be anything important since it’s not taking place in any of the meeting rooms.
“Loki, Y/N. You also have to attend the meeting.” As if he’d read my thoughts.
“Friday, tell Tony to fuck off.” Loki snorted.
“Don’t make me come down there and get you, Y/N.” It was a threat. And I knew that Tony would actually come down to get me if I didn’t show up.
With a sigh, I pushed myself up onto my elbows and looked over at the god next to me. He smiled and nodded and another sigh escaped me. I threw the blanket back and swung my legs out of bed, getting to my feet. My back was turned to Loki and I heard a low purr as I stretched.
I glanced at him over my shoulder and rolled my eyes with a smile, before I grabbed my clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. I found a second toothbrush and used it before I changed into the same stuff I wore yesterday.
When I walked back into the bedroom, I found Loki, already changed and waiting. He had his hair tied up again, making me smile. It looked really good on him.
I joined him at the door and our hands immediately found each other.
A few minutes later, we arrived in the living room and I blobbed down on a couch, Loki sitting on the armrest next to me. Everyone else arrived within the next few minutes and as soon as Tony was sure everyone was here, he stepped into the middle of the room.
“Okay guys, we’ve been invited to the MET this evening. No, it’s not the Gala, but they have some kind of new collection and they wanted us there. As guests, I may add. “So, Ladies, a car is waiting to take you shopping. After that a bunch of hairstylists, make up artists and nail techs will be waiting for you here and take care of you. Gents, we are going suit shopping in half an hour. Make sure to be ready by then, we’ll meet down by the cars.” Tony nodded at us and walked back in the direction of the elevator, leaving us a bit confused. Why would they invite us so suddenly?
I was suddenly flanked by Pepper and Nat. They pulled me onto my feet and after Tony towards the elevator. Both had a grin on their face.
I turned around to look at Loki but he was also surrounded by Thor and Bruce, just managing to peek out behind them. Nat and Pepper pushed me into the elevator and I just so managed to wave at Loki before the doors closed before me.
Tony had the car take us to the most luxurious dress store in all of New York. I just hoped that he was paying, because I couldn’t afford anything in here.
The retail worker in there greeted us like we were famous, which was true for Nat and a bit for Pepper, but I was a nobody compared to them. Still, they treated me with the utmost respect.
“What colors are we looking for, Ladies?” The woman that spoke to us must be the boss of this shop. Nat quickly responded with red or black, while Pepper said that she doesn’t know yet. I thought about it for a second, but the answer was clear from the beginning.
“Green with gold accents or accessories.” The women got to work and pulled different dresses out, gathering them in different dressing rooms. While they did so, Nat, Pepper and I drank a bit of the champagne we were offered. But the women worked quickly and soon, we were told that they were ready for us and asked who wanted to start.
We volunteered Pepper, since she wasn’t sure about the color yet and would probably take the longest. She disappeared into a dressing room, together with one of the women and emerged a few minutes later, wearing a silver, floor length gown. Nat and I ‘ooed’ and she did look gorgeous. But it was obvious that she didn’t feel comfortable.
The next dress was a dark blue one which really didn’t fit her. One after another, we got rid of dresses until she emerged, wearing a beautiful gold colored one. It fit her like a second skin and complemented her skin tone perfectly.
“I think it’s this one.” Nat and I nodded and she disappeared back into the dressing room to take the dress off. Meanwhile, Nat also disappeared to start with her dresses.
I was soon joined by Pepper and we waited for Nat to come out. And once she did, it was obvious that it was the right one. A deep red, complementing her hair, skin tight, pushing her boobs up so they looked like perfection. I was jealous how easily she found her dress, sure that it would take me way longer.
While she took her dress off, I followed one of the women into my dressing room.
“Which one first?” I looked at all the different dresses. Most of them a beautiful dark green with gold accents in some places. I chose one with a plunging neckline and a high slit, pretty sure that it was one that would immediately drop out of the race.
But as soon as I turned and looked into a mirror, a gasp escaped my lips. It was beautiful. The gold details on the shoulder, arms and waist looked amazing and even though it was pretty revealing, I didn’t feel slutty or close to naked. I felt like a goddess and a smile spread across my face.
“Here, I found those. I thought they’d look amazing with this dress.” The woman that had helped me put the dress on was kneeling in front of me, holding golden heels. I frowned at the height, making her laugh.
“Don’t worry, they aren’t as tall as they look. And they’re really comfortable.” She held my hand as I slipped into them, surprised that she was actually right.
“You look amazing.” I couldn’t help but nod as I smiled at my reflection. “Let’s show the others.” She pulled the curtain aside and held my hand as I took the first few steps, but let go when she felt that I was confident enough.
Both Nat and Pepper gasped as they saw me. Pepper even had her hands covering her mouth.
“You look hot!” Nat jumped to her feet and walked closer, inspecting all the gold details and grinning while doing so. When she was done, she looked up at me. “Loki will love it.”
I felt myself blush but smiled at thought of Loki seeing me in the dress. I hope he’ll like it.
“Nat is right, you look amazing. But something is missing.” Pepper stared at me for a bit, before she walked off before returning with some items in her hands. A golden clutch, as well as a necklace and a pair of earrings, all of it fitting the golden theme.
She put the accessories on me before taking a step back and nodding.
“Now, just get your hair, nails and make up done and Loki will fall to his knees before you.” I chuckled and nodded, thanking them both before walking back to the dressing room.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
I think it’s actually really easy to think that Jared fandom is ‘as bad’ if you only hang out in Jared circles for a while- because the actual gravity of how bad the wider fandom is is so bottom of the barrel terrible! Jared’s stans are pretty awful- particularly since the end of the show. There’s so much to enjoy about Jared- so why do they have to focus so heavily on trashing Misha and Jensen if they’re truly just enjoying him?
Jensen isn’t ‘abusive’ or ‘talentless’ or ‘selfish’ or any of the other things he is accused of by a subset of loonies, as evidenced by the fact that Jensen is still successful, still clearly close with Jared and still held in very high esteem by him personally to a fully fledged bromance level.
But I’m glad you pointed it out that while they’re annoying, and accusing someone of being abusive when they aren’t is a really shitty and stupid thing to do, it’s hardly the same as telling someone who’s mentally ill to kill themselves, saying they fake their mental illness, trying to get their projects cancelled, trying to get them banned from their own shows, or detailing violence they want committed against them and then gaslighting the people who call it out, or making them out to be ‘oversensitive’ for being a regular human. Like there’s very annoying person behaviour in Jared fandom- but there is flat out psycho behaviour in Hellers and sometimes AAs- and whenever I get pissed off with Jared stans I have to remember the line and accept that they are just playing in a fandom where the goal posts for acceptability were moved by Hellers and AAS long ago. I don’t have to hang with the crazy people but it’s important to remember who was the worst so we can at least always do better than that- and we always have to remember the difference between ‘annoying and negative’ and ‘flat out psycho’.
Yeah, it's a really important line for me. I don't like all of the other petty, insulting, obnoxious crap being said about Jensen (or Jared). Obviously. Mostly I just roll my eyes because I find it absurd, but it does piss me off a bit sometimes. I'm personally taking steps to avoid it when I just can't deal with that level of negativity, especially when there are things I know are going to cause extra outbursts, like Jibcon.
But it really isn't on the same level as directly @ing attacks at the person, telling them to kill themselves, or even just typing up elaborate fantasies of doing violence to them. It's just not.
While I think that the number of those kinds of obscenely inappropriate remarks directed to and at Jensen from Jared stans is a non-zero amount? So far as I've seen? It's still been only a few isolated incidents unlike the flood that happens with the hellers/AAs towards Jared (or Jensen during that five minutes immediately after he's shot them down again).
Does that make all the other stuff okay? Not to me. But if we're seriously going to sit here and talk about who is overall objectively worse? I think it matters.
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baiboop · 4 months
Sharing my Heart
Chapter 2
Adam is sitting at the kitchen table, impatiently looking around. A cold sandwich in front of him on a nice decorative plate. It looks pretty old, like something his grandmother would’ve had.
After the afternoons spirited conversation the group decided to split up and ‘cool off’ for a while. Bobby was in the living room reading a book and sifting through papers, he was presumably the one they tasked with babysitting Adam. Which Adam thought was kind of a bad idea, seeing as he could run and Bobby… Well, couldn’t.
Dean was outside working on a car, Sam was somewhere in the house also doing research, and the angel could be anywhere- literally.
He picks up the sandwich inspecting its contents before dropping it back down, letting it land unglamorously and come apart on the plate.
His stomach was extremely knotted from the entire situation, this effectively killed his appetite.
He leaned back in his chair, eyes passing Bobby and locking onto to the door. He scanned the rest of the areas visible to him, checking for any potential threats that may hinder his escape.
Not finding Bobby to be particularly threatening, Adam stands up and quickly but quietly moves for the door.
Reaching the door without much issue he grabs the door knob, a smile of achievement on his face.
“Going somewhere?”
“Uh- yeah, out for a beer.” Adam says, thinking of the best excuse he could on a moments notice.
Sam offers a smile. “Great, we have beer in the fridge.”
“Look.” Adam starts, “I know you pitched this whole dewy-eyed bromance thing to me, but I’m on lock down, aren’t I?”
Sam has his hand on Adams shoulder, walking him back to the kitchen table. He pulls out a chair for Adam gesturing for him to sit, Adam obliges. Sam pulls a chair out for himself on the opposite side of the table, sitting down and locking eyes with Adam.
“You may not believe it, but dad was trying to protect you. Keeping you from all this.” Sam tells him.
“Yeah?” Adam says. His mind quickly wandering to the memory of his mother’s and his own gruesome death. He feels anger burn at him, definitely apparent in his voice. “Well, bang up job! I guess the monster that ate me didn’t get that memo, huh?”
Sam stares at him, lips parting and closing again before he chooses his words.
“You remember that?” He says, softly.
Adam scoffs dryly, “Oh yeah. All of it.”
Adam averts his eyes, looking off to the side to try and avoid the man seeing his eyes start to well up.
Sam Scans Adam’s face.
“Still. Trust me. Do you know what’s worse than seeing dad once a year? Seeing him all year.” Sam returns with a faux laugh, clearly trying to lighten the mood.
Adam says nothing for a moment. He’s in no mood to laugh or joke about anything. His eyes go up to meet Sam’s.
“Do you know how full of shit you are? It was me and my mom. That’s it. She worked the graveyard shift at the hospital. I cooked my own dinners, I put myself to bed. So you can say whatever you want about our dad, but the truth is I would’ve taken anything. Alright?”
“Look, if we had known we had a brother-“
Adam cuts in before Sam can complete his resolve, “Well, you didn’t so.”
“We would’ve found you. Look. I can’t change the past, but from here on out-“
Adam cuts in again. Sam’s attempts to soothe him only make his anger fester more. “What? We would’ve hopped in the family Truckster? Popped on down to Wally World?”
Sam smirks at the response given by his younger half-brother. “I’ll tell you what. With an attitude like that? You’d fit in just fine around here.”
Adam feels warmth on his body, the sun is shining down on him. He feels calm and peaceful, completely different than the rest of the day. He’s sitting on a wooden bench that’s damp with morning dew. He observes his surroundings, a small smile forming at the familiar swings and play set.
“Your mom’s not coming you know.” A male voice says ripping him from his relaxed state and putting him back on edge.
Adam looks beside him to see a late forties, balding man sitting beside him.
He surveys him with a despondent face hardening into his features. He draws his brows tightly together, considering speaking but ultimately decides against it. The man repeats himself, “Your mom’s not coming, you know.” The man pauses to take a breath and look around. “This is the park your mom took you to on her days off, right?” He stops again, eyes locked on the swing set, nodding to himself before repeating again, “She’s not coming. Not yet.”
Adam turns his head to face the man before his words continue.
“But she will. Soon.”
Adam continues on, staring at the man for a bit before he reveals his thoughts.
“You’re Zachariah, right?”
“I am.” Zachariah responds in a sing-song voice.
“And I’m dreaming, right?”
“You are. You weren’t where you were supposed to be, kid.”
“Yeah, I know.” Adam replies nonchalantly.
“Can’t quite zero in on you, either. So let me take a wild guess- You’re with Sam and Dean.” Zachariah ripostes.
Adam bites his lip, “Yeah.”
Zachariah takes a second to shake his head and make a pained expression.
“Didn’t we tell you about them?”
Adam nods.
“So, you know you can’t trust them, right? You know Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other right?” Zachariah says with an almost pleading facial expression.
Adam sighs, “I don’t know. They said a few things about you too.”
The two lock eyes for a moment before Zachariah picks the conversation back up.
“Really? Trust me kid when the heat gets hot, they’re not going to give a shit about you. They’d rather save each other’s sweet bacon than save the planet. Where do you think that leaves you on the list? They are not your family. Understand?”
Adam looks forward blankly, failing to respond.
“Now, you want to see your mom again, or not?” Zachariah says giving Adam a ‘reassuring’ slap on the shoulder.
Adam’s eyes snap open. He breathes the houses musty, damp air into his lungs, shivering from the shock of the sudden change.
He’s laying on the bed, eyes open, staring at the ceiling debating his options.
Risk it with the Winchesters (guys he just met), or say yes to an archangel and see his mom again. It only takes him mere moments to decide, then he’s ready.
Sitting straight up in the bed, he surveys the area around him. He squints his eyes trying to find the figures of Sam or Dean anywhere in the dark. The of his line of vision from the bed isn’t very good however, he doesn’t find either brother and sighs in relief.
He closes his eyes once more, starting to pray. He was never the praying type, they didn’t attend church so this was a new thing to him.“Dear.. Zachariah? Who art thou in heaven? Uh, I’m in Bobby Singers house? Sioux Falls, South Dakota. It’s a uh scrap yard and-“
His prayer was shortened by the flapping of wings, and Zachariah standing in front of him smiling. Two other presumed angels standing behind him.
“There you are.” Zachariah says, triumphantly placing a hand on Adams shoulder.
A split second later they were off.
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kyrodo · 10 months
Dive To Blue. Our song. Coming out as gay. Starry home where we spent hours talking in front of the mirror while petting each other and moving our hands together. Magic freeze tag where he kept stopping to interact with me, tagged me and pressed his hands against mine laughing while I was frozen. Bringing up how people keep seeing us as a couple or twins or calling us cute together or even randoms thinking we're a couple on first sight.
These are unforgettable moments. We get along so well. Our nightly habits harmonize. People say our voices are similar, that our laugh is similar. I really enjoy spending time with him. I really enjoy dancing with him playing with him talking with him about anything. I won't forget being drawn on. I won't forget sitting still while choskey and Kitsunary dress up my face. I won't forget going to the theme park our meowing or being there for unity, programming, or for his rough day. Or being included in gunfire with his bff.
It's hard to imagine that this same life used to be so different. I've experienced things people would hardly believe. I've been hated and tortured by people because I didn't keep my own feelings in check. I didn't act mature. I didn't let go, just made a spectacle of myself instead. And I paid for it. And yet there's hardly a trace of that life left.
Just this bond with my newfound crush who quickly became the best friend I've ever had. This overwhelming proof that I've learned from my failures and made the best of the feelings I have without going overboard. Without speaking them. Without pushing them. While still getting very close to the person I love. While still keeping Red. While still being shipped with him by nearly everybody that's seen us. While experiencing a mutual and receptive bond full of healthy communication. Even compared to kara, this is the closest I've ever been to someone online. And the strongest bromance I've ever experienced even compared to Red.
We share activities. We share topics. I deeply respect and trust him. We share memories that I very much enjoy. Perhaps one day I'll be able to say out loud things I have to pretend I don't feel. But despite still hoping that moment will come, I've outshined my past mistakes in every possible way.
I never want this to end. Because these are the happiest and most fulfilling moments I've ever had.
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kitakashi · 1 year
okay I keep pausing on watching but rn I’m close to 140 so I’m getting there lol. the fillers were pretty funny. I love when toshiro played with ichigo’s little sister. it was very wholesome <3 alsooo does he have a crush on momo? I know they were friends since forever but there seems to be a pattern that everyone likes each other since kids or what not.
(with all my ranting I’ve realized you’re like the only ex mutual I’ve kept in touch with 😅 maybe it’s because I like talking to you about bleach, and for me personally I love to hear about someone’s first watch journey with an anime I love. like I would probably be exited if you watched one piece and live blog it or something. I enjoy people’s reactions)
back to the bleach talk tho… ngl everytime I do see the opening I get a little sad for orihime… I get her crush with ichigo is one side but like I can’t help but feel for her because we all have been there. an unrequited love. she just looks like so sad.. and then her admitting to rangiku that she felt jealous over rukia always managing to get ichigo back up and she feels helpless even tho she’s known ichigo longer. it’s like you can’t help but feel for her. SOBBINGGGG
Tōshirō and Momo are childhood friends, I don’t believe it ever gives a solid yes or no if either has feelings for the other. Not sure about the manga tho. 🤔
I’m honored you’re keeping in contact. 🥰
Ichigo is too busy with his 500 bromances to realize Hime is wifey. 🙄 She’s just a fun sweet character, most of them would be dead without her. I’m glad Hime isn’t petty, that she can still be friends with Rukia even tho she’s jealous of her. That’s not easy to do. And yea, Aizen can’t keep his hands to himself. Keep watching, how everything intertwines is fascinating.
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februarys-wednesday · 2 years
i just saw THE BATMAN 2022 and i FUCKED WITH IT HARD! SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT read at ur own risk 🔪🔪🔪
lemme start with some general things and then i'll go through the plot and my opinions
the fight choreo oh my Lord that was delicious; y'all know i love a marvel movie but i am Sick and Tired of jumpcut after jumpcut in fight scenes and as DC has a history of copying marvel's success in many aspects i'm glad they did not keep this aspect with the combat bc that fight choreo in marvel makes me NAUSEUOS mmkay. i adored the fight scene with the riddler gang in the catwalk of the stadium-i loved that he got knocked down, i love that they used his cape against him, i LOVE THAT WE GOT TO SEE THE FUCKING UTILITY BELT!!!! YES YES AND YES
that. goddamn. batsuit. oh My LORD WHAT A FUCKING BATSUIT THAT WAS the bulletproofness the structure the batarang on the chest the FUCK ING COWL i am UNREASONABLY joyful about that cowl finally we got a cowl without a fuckin 0 for a mouthhole that always looks so WEIRD i loved that we got the jawline cowl
oh man oh man did i love the humor in this movie, this movie wasn't quippy (again, like marvel) but its moments of humor felt appropriate and in-character and tonally correct-colin farrell as the penguin was a good throughline of humor without being over-the-top, and i liked that they actually used batman being a sulky weirdo as something funny and not just as something that makes him intimidating. o ne of my favorite bits is towards the end when bman just Appears 👁👁and selina goes Jesus Fucking Christ i loved that bit they do that so sm in other bman content and i love it. i also loved that gordon and bats played off each other like that-i would be very out of depth to call it a buddy-cop dynamic but it was reminiscent of that sort of thing and i enjoyed gordon calling the big bad bats "man" all the time it made me giggle i hope they expand on this bromance further in other movies
ok now onto the PLOT
i like that we have begun close enough to the start of the batman tenure to still get some of the growing pains and an actual character arc without rehashing the whole parents-dead-tour-around-the-world-training-with-ninjas-thing we've seen it we like it but it's a little tired if you would like another iteration of that story please go watch the animated batman year one or the first in the nolan trilogy if you're that much of a stickler for live action i don't understand why you would be BUT redundant point is redundant just as that fucking batman storyline is i enjoy it as much as the next pal but JESUS i'm bored we all know the backstory OKAY!
i loved bruce as a character a whole lot in this movie even if i wish they spent more time with him and not just with batman-but honestly i think that kind of the point. bruce at this point in his life is very depressed and very alone and VERY cut off from the majority of the world at large-and much of this movie, for me, seemed to be about bruce finding his humanity and compassion and purpose through being batman. he doesn't take care of himself, he doesn't care about what happens to him, and besides alfred, he is all alone at the start of this movie. it makes the payoff of his later development so much more satisfying!
in regards to this being early in his career, i also liked quite a bit that we got to see the growing pains of the batman-the stumbling of his jumps and flying, the slow development of his tech, ect., i liked it all quite a bit.
i enjoyed how clear it was that batman as a concept still isn't a thing people in gotham are very used to, especially the police force. i like that gordon sticks up for bman-it's a nice little way to quickly showcase the tentative trust between the two-and i like that he still gets kicked out of the crimescene LMAO.
him being a little emo boy in the cave with Exasperated Alfred was my FAVORITE! him turning down his nirvana to watch the news, the sunglasses indoors, the runny makeup, the baggy shirt, this man is me in seventh grade and i loved Sad Boy Bat so MUCH! ugh
and speaking of alfred, his relationship with alfred-ohhhh that broke my heart in the best way possible. clearly still a lot of growing pains to work through in any sequels that may happen. it's trusting yet awkward and distant and i really feel that conversation in the hospital encapsulated it. i want to see more of these two in the future please!
bats following selina home is just perfect lmao. he's so unaware of how creepy that is this man needs to touch grass brucie you delightful dumbass i love you.
that fucking FUNERAL SCENE was my second-favorite scene in the whole entire movie. bruce looking at the little boy and so clearly seeing the paralells between himself and the boy, and even though this is early in his arc, i love that they took time to showcase him prioritizing life, choosing to protect the kid instead of going after the riddler. and that scene in the chapel during the NIGHT oh you could cut that fucking tension with a KNIFEEE man. i'll have to look it up but i'm fairly sure that scene was based on the collar bomb bank robbery-research it if you'd like to and wouldn't be disturbed by the contents, it's a very interesting true crime case. i loved to watch bruce's brain work during that scene! barely any action besides the explosion and still so interesting to watch.
oh man i LOVED THAT GODDAMN CHASE SCENE OUT OF THE GCPD! not much to say about it but it was very reminiscent of batman year one and i also really liked that he fucking faceplanted on his first time flying bruceman i love you you idiot man.
the capture of the riddler was just fucking fantastic what a fucked up little man! i loved their conversation in arkham, the little misdirect where i did think eddie boy had figured out bman's identity was fun, and paul dano i must applause for your in fucking credible acting. he managed to capture deep insecurity, total idolization, fear, jealousy, and uncompromising beliefs all in one scene. it was a little funny bc eddie boy you are Batshit but also man oh man was that disturbing!
i just loved every scene batsy was in ed's apartment, it was just so fun to look at that fantastic set and to watch him work! more detective bats please and thank you!
i adored (and by adored i mean Fucking Hated but was amazing for the plot) the little alt-right army riddler amassed online that ACTUALLY showed up to commit violence in the name of their ideology, that was another aspect that made my skin crawl because that is something that's, you know, actually fucking happened irl lmao!!!
and can i ALSO JUST SAY that BATMAN beating the FUCK out of a gang of alt-right terrorists because they are the exact fucking OPPOSITE of what he stands for-THAT was SO vindicating oh my lord, like all these fucking dudebro batman edgelords (coughbenshapirocough) i hope you saw that shit and cried!
one last thing before i pass the fuck out-that flood scene. that, that that that THAT scene! truly a beautiful way to tie up his arc for this movie. gorgeous gorgeous scene, bruce realizing gotham needs hope and not vengeance, bruce leading citizens out of the flood, bruce staying with the injured, batman is about COMPASSION and LOVE and HOPE and OH MY GOD i loved that scene SO SO MUCH. GODDAMN I WANT MORE BATMAN LIKE THIS.
i'll probably have way more to say about this tomorrow but tldr i loved this movie so SO much! give me more battinson please preferably with a child. ok gn
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georgie-the-mate · 2 years
Turning Red and coming to terms with my sexual identity
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Recently, I watched the movie Turning Red with my boyfriend. In case you have not seen it yet. It's a cute story from Disney Pixar that tells the story of a 14 year-old Asian-Canadian girl and the awakening of her "red panda" which serves as an allegory for puberty, menstruation, etc (there are many interpretations out there). For me , however, it was awfully similar to how I figured out my sexual identity as a gay man, my father's reaction when he found out and finally coming to terms and accepting that as a part of me and not something I could take out through a "magical ritual." Keep in mind that, unlike the movie, this happened to me over the course of at least 10 years.
Potential SPOILERS ahead.
The Awakening of the "red panda
In the film, Mei awakens her Panda after a series of events triggered by her emerging interest in boys, namely her drawing fanart of her crush in her notebook. In my case, it all started back when I was around 15. I enjoyed coming back from school and tuning into whatever Disney Channel sitcom was airing at the time. Eventually I found myself more attracted to the male characters, particularly David Henrie's Justin Russo from the Wizards of Waverly Place. This peaked to the point of spending hours online looking for shirtless pictures of the actors and getting highly excited whenever they happened to appear that way on screen. AWOOOGA! I was raised in a very Christian and traditional Latin American family, so at the time I couldn't quite understand it and feared that I could be having sinful thoughts. I dismissed it as a role model desire. After some years I happened to discover gay porn and dating apps like Grindr and this is where my next parallel comes in.
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The Parent Shaming.
First to the movie. After her night drawing, Mei's mother comes into her room to find her masterpieces and quickly confronts her. However, instead of talking calmly about it, she rushes to the store where the “model” was working and accuses him of “corrupting”her child.
Alright so this happened to me at least twice or thrice in a couple of different ways. First I was looking for videos of naked men, without really knowing what porn was at the time, and ended up watching porn on the family computer and somehow forgot to delete the browser’s history and close the tabs; HUGE mistake. The next day both of my parents confronted me about it and dismissed it as one of those growing pains never to be talked about again.
Then the second instant I remember of a similar situation was when I was 17. One day my father randomly retrieved my cell phone and went through my messages. At the time I changed schools so I had a conversation with a friend from my previous school in which we were kinda having a bromance moment. My dad took this as him “inciting” into liking men and the worst part is something I discovered many years later. My dad confronted HIM through my phone and apparently even talked to his parents. Naturally we distanced, but when I tried to reconnect he didn’t respond which at the time I couldn’t understand why. If you read this, I am truly sorry for that happening; I had no idea until recently.
Now the most painful and recent instance of the parent shaming. I was 19 years old, already in college and ventured into my first relationship with another man with my first sexual experience; it ended after a few months. Due to that, my hormones were all over the place so I wanted to experiment more and know more people and have more interactions, and so I opened a Grindr account. This time is quite shameful to remember but here it goes. I spoke to literally anyone I could find and sent private pictures to whomever requested them in an attempt to get more action with guys. One day, one of these convos leaked to my dad. I still don’t know who did it but I do hope karma or the universe gets back at him. You might imagine everything that happened after. My dad confronted me and called me lots of different hurtful slurs, told my siblings, my church, ultimately saying I was a disgrace to my family and that I would be kicked out unless I could change my “sinful” ways. I remember he even tried to guard me from the world, not allowing me to go out and over controlling my activities. Which takes us to the next section.
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Denial of the true self
After Mei was publicly shamed by her mother for her teenage desires and fantasies she self-criticises and goes hard on herself in an attempt to please her mother and not disappoint her which causes her red panda to appear the next day and she tries to hide it. When her mother finds out about it, she tells her that the Panda is dangerous and she would never have a normal life with it but that there was a cure through a magical ritual to seal the panda forever. Mei then goes on with her life, hating her panda and trying to hide it from the world.
After my father basically disowned me he tried to make a deal with me. I would go to therapy with the pastor from our church and try to change into a “normal person” in order to keep living with him. I didn’t know better at the time so I did the same as Mei and tried to repress my own panda, my homosexuality. During at least three years I hated myself for being gay and the “therapy”only made it worse. I tried to distract from it by joining different clubs in college which ultimately made me sick and worsened my emotional situation. Through the whole therapy sessions I was told that I was living in sin, I had to change and all the usual stuff you are told in conservative churches. In the last session, I had my magic ritual. The pastor would pray and make me verbally renounce to my sinful ways, kick out the “homosexual demon” and try to live in accordance to God’s ancient law. I walked out sad,confused and still hating myself. The following 7 years I entered a deep depression involving self-harm and kinda never looked for professional help or discontinued it due to my awful experience in the “therapy”.
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Accepting and embracing the Red Panda
Over the course of the film, Mei discovers that her Panda is well received among her peers. They basically love her panda form so she takes full advantage of it and learns to accept it as a part of herself. However, the day of her ritual comes and in the process she confirms it, she doesn’t want to renounce it, instead she will embrace it as a part of her. Then the whole climax of the movie goes on until the final battle.
For a time I repressed myself and whenever I felt attraction to another man; I resorted to self hate and many times to self harms, many scars still visible to this day. Eventually in 2016 I decided to try another relationship with a man this time taking some precautions and being more weary about it. We lasted for a year and a half in which I cannot deny I was very happy. During that time, my panda became more visible to others: my friends, my sister and new people I met. They love it! Here the whole process of accepting my panda as a part of myself started. I met new people who were also part of the LGBT community and they gave me so much acceptance and love and most importantly made me feel safe. They taught me about embracing and accepting this part of myself. Eventually we broke up with this guy. I was so dependent on him so it led to many toxic interactions, clinginess, refusing to move on and deep depression once again.
The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic came, and finally I was able to give myself some time to heal and move on with my life. During this year I fully grasped the concept of accepting my panda as a part of me and to live with it to the fullest being true to myself. I was finally able to heal from all this trauma and bad experiences with my panda.
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Unlike Mei, whose problems were solved overnight, I am still working on it, looking to be better every day. My relationship with my father has never fully recovered from that and he kinda wants to think I was “cured” even if the evidence shows otherwise. I am happier with myself and learned to embrace that part of me. I even gave myself the chance to love again and have been dating a guy for over one and a half years now. We have grown together, each of us contributing to the healing of each other, creating safe spaces and it’s wonderful.
As I said before, I’m still a work in progress but definitely better, and I love how this movie Turning Red resonated with me on this level. Thank you Domee Shi and her team at Pixar for this amazing story and for making these characters' growing pains so relatable in different ways.
If you haven’t seen this movie yet, I highly recommend it.
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