#but others are just...yes i would enjoy some presents related to this. i will Absolutely Loathe. no i cannot tell u details its just vibes
whilomm · 6 months
telling ppl what ur into when they ask for Gift Giving Reasons is such a fucking minefield sometimes when ur an opinionated ass bitch. i cant tell ppl "oh alice in wonderland is my favorite book" what if they buy me something with that used car salesman looking fucking disney flesh cat. i would have to pretend to enjoy the flesh cat!!!
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dollfaceirene · 4 months
irene's 101 guide on how to improve your self concept
hear ye, hear ye! I heard you're tryna improve your self concept but have absolutely no idea where to start so i've made this post to help aid you and hopefully answer your question on the 'how' of improving your self concept.
Firstly, what is your self concept? Your self concept is basically who you perceive youself to be.
For example, if i was to say "do you think you can manifest a sp?" and your response was "ofc not, im not worthy enough" ya da ya da ya, then you perceive yourself as someone who isn't worthy enough for a sp.
Here are some reasons why your self concept may be a lil shaky & how to fix it
You always seek validation from the 3D
As someone who's known about the loa for like 2 years now??, it's basically the unspoken rule to not seek validation from the 3D of your desires materialising because,
a) the 4D (your imagination & inner self) is the cause and the 3D (outer reality) is the effect
b) The 3D = neutral, it will only reflect whatever assumptions, desires, etc that you persist in.
How to fix it?: Become present in your 4D/imagination, thats only what matters. Affirm you only seek validation in your 4D, visualise, etc because at the end of the day, it will always be 4D ➨ 3D, not the other way round!
2 . You easily waver
Wavering = switching between states, Do you find yourself persist in one assumption (one thats the new story) but as soon as you see the opposite in the 3D, you find yourself re-affirming the old story again? Then you're wavering!
How to fix it?: Have some self discipline! Whenever you find yourself affirming the old story, clock it then affirm/visualise, etc whatever correlates to the new story. Remember, the more you repeat the new story, the more the old story becomes dead to you because you will be so used to being fulfilled in the new story, you wont even bat an eye at the old one.
3. You assume you can't manifest 'large' manifestations but others can
C'mon now, nobody is born with ultra special manifestation abilities that make them manifest better than other people, everyone has the same limitless abilities when it comes to the law of assumption, if one person can manifest a mansion, why can't you? You are as capable as manifesting anything as anyone else!
How to fix it?: Honestly just acknowledge that you are among everyone who is a master manifestor, its litch in your DNA to be a master manifestor! I suggest affirming master manifestor-related affirmations to help you be fulfilled in the state of being a master manifestor.
You may feel like consuming LOA content is good for helping you and stuff and its honestly fine to read LOA content when you are feeling unsure but it gets overwhelming when you overconsume content since alot of LOA content may contradict each other, as people write their advice based on their on beliefs. This is why i recommend just consuming "back-to-the-basics" typa posts and when you feel content, apply it! (instead of constantly looking from post to post on "how to manifest" when you already know.
2. Affirmation tapes are a GAMEEE CHANGERRRRR! I really recommend Indigo Detry's ones and listen to them when you are doing activities that dont really require concentration (e.g art, reading, etc).
3. If you're looking for good loa youtubers i really recommend Indigio Detry and Manifest it, Finesse it (GOATS FRRR😩😩)
I hope you enjoyed this post and it helped you in any way; please let me know if you have any questions as i would be happy to answer them <3
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writesleah · 6 months
christmas headcannons ౨ৎ m. riddle
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౨ৎ mattheo riddle x reader
౨ৎ pure fluff
౨ৎ mentions of childhood neglect if you squint, nothing else just super adorable, fluffy mattheo
౨ৎ I ADORE THIS MAN these might just be projections of my feelings towards christmas but i swear he loves it too
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this man adores christmas
he always denies it, but he always looks forward to it
every. single. year.
when you two are just starting to speak, he might mention how he enjoys the 25th, but nothing more than that
the second he gets comfortable with you, it’s non stop rambling
“two months until christmas”
“it’s almost december”
it would be annoying if you didn’t adore him so much
it’s not just christmas day, it’s the entire month of december, the entire season of winter
he’ll always be begging you to do some sort of christmassy activity with him, thinking you’ll say no because it’s stupid
he feels like it makes him seem childish, so you have to reassure him that you love his enthusiasm and adorable date ideas
from december 1st, the two of you will be ice skating on a lake, or drinking candy cane flavoured hot chocolate whilst watching the snow fall
every single day is a new opportunity to do something vaguely related to christmas or the winter months with him
if you ask him what he wants for christmas, he’d either give you the biggest list you’d ever heard, or he wouldn’t ask you for anything and just say he didn’t know what he wanted - one extreme to the other
i think his obsession comes from the constant craving of a good christmas during his childhood
i don’t think his parents would’ve been interested in christmas at all, so it left him always wishing he could enjoy it
when he found you, he realised that there are people who do actually care about his interests or his favourite time of year
he was utterly grateful for your understanding, even if it seems incredibly simple to you
the second you ask him if he wants to watch a movie with you, he decides it has to be a christmas movie
no matter what time of year it is, always a christmas movie
his favourite movie is the grinch, you watch it every year
he also likes the polar express, but just because he can laugh at the animation and tease you for not liking its uncanny valley effect
he can’t watch home alone, it’s just a little too relatable, considering his childhood, but he never admits to that, he always says he thinks it’s boring
he would stay at hogwarts over christmas as long as you stayed with him
staying at school meant that you could have the slytherin boy’s dormitory all to yourselves, without any of the boys he shared with blabbing on and ruining your peace
on christmas eve, he likes to get all cozy in bed with matching pyjamas and a mug of hot chocolate each
christmas morning is his absolute favourite
he goes above and beyond with your presents
you always feel like he shows you up, considering that he always tells you to either pick one thing from his extensive list, or not to get him anything at all, leaving you scrambling to figure out what he wants
he reassures you that he loves whatever you get him, and makes sure that you like your presents too
the entire morning, he’s rambling on about how excited he is for the food
he loves brussel sprouts, even though you can’t stand them
he hates pigs in blankets, thinks they’re the absolute scum of christmas dinner, much to your dismay since you love them so much
so when you have brussel sprouts on your plate and he has pigs in blankets, you’ll both give them to each other, so you have double the amount of the food you like
roast potatoes are common ground. you both like them
he’ll always pour the gravy for you if you want it, and he’ll always help you to fix your food onto a plate
he can’t ever stop helping you, even if he knows you don’t need it
when you finish eating, he immediately either wants to watch a movie or play some sort of game, depending on who else stayed at hogwarts
and yes, as much as he hates it, he will watch the eastenders christmas special with you
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arlertdarling · 1 year
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( A ) AFFECTION — how affectionate are they? how do they show affection?
levi is not excessively nor outwardly affectionate. he prefers to show affection through small, random touches — a hand on the small of your back as you walk, fingers grazing your elbow as he moves past you, resting his face against your shoulder when you’re busy doing something, brushing his thumb over your knuckles as you briefly hold hands. he tends to avoid showing this kind of affection in public.
then there’s the more frequent but not as noticeable affection, the affection that goes beyond skinship — running you a hot bath after a long day without you even having to ask, remembering small details about you that sometimes even you forget, always finding time for you even when he’s up to his neck in work. the longer you’re with him, the more you realise that levi is actually very affectionate, but only you will ever know that about him.
( B ) BEST FRIEND — what would they be like as a best friend? how would the friendship start?
you have to be observant to notice the shift in your friendship and level of closeness with levi. it happens over time, and presents itself in small increments, but once you see it, it changes the way you perceive everything he says and does.
what starts as similar interests and shared habits, a mutual tolerance and eventual enjoyment in the other’s company, turns into meaningful conversations and long hours of just being in one another’s presence. he’s able to curse insults at anyone, but it’s only with those closest to him that his words will be followed by a slight upward tilt of his lip.
( C ) CUDDLES — do they like to cuddle? how would they cuddle?
despite how it may seem, levi is actually quite fond of cuddling. at first, this wasn’t obvious; usually you’re the one to initiate it after all. you thought he only accepted it because he wanted to make you happy, but after some time, you begin picking up on his ‘tells’ — small things that show that he enjoys it as much as you do, like how he’s always quick to interrogate you when you move to get up, or the smile he hides in your neck that he thinks you don’t notice. he also doesn’t seem to have a preference on who’s the big or little spoon, as long as it’s you he’s with.
( D ) DOMESTIC — do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning?
eventually, yes. levi would really value domestic life, but it would take a while for him until he feels ready to take that step. as for domestic responsibilities, it’s safe to say you will never see a house cleaner than one that levi ackerman is living in. he’s not nearly as good at cooking as he is cleaning though. i think he would be better than average, but only because he’s naturally detail-oriented and follows instructions to the letter. he’ll get annoyed if his food doesn’t turn out perfect, insisting that it’s the recipe’s fault and not his own since he did everything correctly and it still turned out ‘like absolute horseshit. i’d say it belongs in the trash but i wouldn’t even feed this to the rats. what a fucking abomination’.
( E ) ENDING — if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?
the way he does most things: quickly and efficiently. first, he waits until you both have time where you won’t be interrupted or distracted, and then he gets straight to the point. he’s not the type to sugarcoat either. he makes his reasons and feelings clear, but he doesn’t do so to be mean or intentionally hurt you; together or not, you’re still someone he cares about. the situation is uncomfortable for him too and if there was a way not to hurt your feelings at all, he would attempt it, but when it comes to ending a relationship, he sees such efforts as futile. hurt feelings are unavoidable while communication and honesty are what allow relations between people to function and thrive. going by that, he doesn’t see any better way than to just say it how it is.
( F ) FIANCÉ — how do they feel about commitment? how quick would they want to get married?
as with settling, it takes a lot of time. he believes that he struggles with commitment, but it’s actually more like trust that he struggles with, and in reality, he’s a very loyal and committed partner. your relationship never really had an official beginning or established label to commit to, it sort of just grew and developed organically on its own, without either of you meaning for it to blossom as much as it did. there was only ever an unspoken agreement that your relationship was past the point of an average friendship or camaraderie.
marriage is not at the forefront of levi’s mind, nor is it any sort of long-term goal that he aims to achieve. he’s happy as long as you’re happy, but he also isn’t in a rush to make such big decisions that, in his opinion, don’t change much about a relationship. with enough time, he might be eager, but overall, it’s more of a luxury than a necessity in his eyes.
( G ) GENTLE — how gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
physically, levi is mostly quite gentle with you, constantly conscious of his own strength. sometimes he isn’t, but that’s typically when he’s trying to be more serious or stern.
emotionally, he is harsher, words toughened by his bluntness and logic. you’ve become immune to letting any of it prick you personally though. you know that ultimately, even with all his sharp edges, levi is not only one of the most understanding people you know, but also often right about what he says.
( H ) HUGS — do they like hugs? how often do they do it? what are their hugs like?
levi is not the biggest hugger, preferring other smaller forms of touch and affection, but it makes hugs from him feel special. they come about when you would expect them — when you’re tired or in a low mood, staring at him longingly because there’s nothing more you want than to be in your lover’s arms — but occasionally levi will indulge himself and hug you without warning, wrapping his arms around your middle, pulling you close and nuzzling his cheek into the soft skin between your neck and shoulder, making you smile and ruffle his hair.
when he’s comforting you, his hugs are firm and patient, lasting as long as you need them to, and sometimes come with a few strokes on the back — but when the hug is unexpected, when he’s clinging to you, pliant and yearning, his hugs are soft yet heavy, as if you’re a mirage that might vanish if he lets go.
( I ) I LOVE YOU — how fast do they say the L-word?
even rarer than a hug is saying ‘i love you’. it tends to catch you by surprise when it happens because you’re so used to his ‘show don’t tell’ approach to love. you might be getting ready to part ways for an expedition, exchanging farewells that you’ve said so many times before that you almost don’t notice it when levi adds on three more words than usual. or you might be blinking your eyes open to the dawn, his bare chest against your back and a warm palm on your hip when his lips ghost over your shoulder blade, trail up to your nape and whisper the sentiment into your skin like he wants to leave it there for safekeeping, so you can trace it with your fingertips and think of him in his absence.
( J ) JEALOUSY — how jealous do they get? what do they do when they’re jealous?
though levi likes to think he’s rational and respects that you are your own person, he does have his moments. he only gets jealous a small amount and not often, but he will never admit to even that. he doesn’t really need to, considering you’ve known him long enough to understand how he’s feeling just by looking at him.
his brows pull together, more tightly than normal, and his jaw clenches and unclenches while he debates whether or not it would be worth voicing the vaguely rude remarks in his head. at that point, you always give him a swift squeeze, bringing his attention back to you so you can flash him a small, knowing smile. this never fails to bring him back to his senses, his adam’s apple bobbing and his eyes darting away, embarrassed.
( K ) KISSES — what are their kisses like? where do they like to kiss you? where do they like to be kissed?
most of levi’s kisses are pecks, or short but soft and purposeful. his favourite places to kiss you are your shoulders and neck, particularly so if you’re cuddling. if he’s feeling especially romantic, he’ll press a kiss to your knuckles, palms or wrists too.
his favourite places to be kissed are his cheeks, lips and chest. kisses behind his ears and in his hair will make him nudge you away because they make him flustered, but they’re places he also loves.
( L ) LITTLE ONES — how are they around children?
babies and toddlers are drawn to him, tweens hate him, and teenagers are either afraid of him, respect him or both. levi himself, though, doesn’t have any particularly strong feelings about children, regardless of age. teens are probably the only ones he sort of knows how to speak to, but any younger than that and he’s hopeless. if given the chance, i think he would be quick at learning how to take care of them, and would perhaps even start to see the appeal in having them.
( M ) MORNING — how are mornings spent with them?
mornings with levi tend to be early ones. he likes to be productive with his time, usually rising with the sun, and prefers to make breakfast by himself (whenever you try to help or make it yourself, he always finds a way to critique you). after eating, he’ll shave, wash up, comb his hair, then brew some tea and immediately get started on his duties. on days that he doesn’t have any, he will still wake up early, but he’ll spend his time reading, cleaning or people-watching, sipping away at his tea as the hours roll by.
he doesn’t say nor show it, but he enjoys it a lot when you come and keep him company. whether you rest your head on his lap or just sit in the same room as him doing something else, your presence alone has a large influence on his mood for the day.
( N ) NIGHT — how are nights spent with them?
nighttime is levi’s favourite time of day. it wasn’t always his favourite since he has insomnia, but it’s improved ever since he met you. he’s found that it’s easier to fall and stay asleep with you by his side, tucked into his arm, face pressed into his shoulder or chin on top of his head, your limbs thrown around him like a blanket. he tends to sleep best when he can listen to you talk; when he can let the strain of the day melt away to the sound of your voice and the vibrations in your chest. he is also the most affectionate at night, which gives you something to look forward to at the end of the day.
( O ) OPEN — when would they start revealing things about themselves? do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?
even to his friends, levi’s past is mostly unknown. he doesn’t like being asked too many questions, especially personal ones, but the key to his padlocked heart is time; eventually, he opens up as easily as if he had never resisted in the first place.
you had always made an effort not to pry too much, so it took you by surprise when one evening, as you held him, stroking his hair, he said something, and then another thing, until the initial shock you felt slipped away and you recognised his words as the secrets that he’d been carrying, keeping close to himself like the blade he learned to use when he was barely in his double digits. he spoke with a characteristic calmness that somehow felt out of place given what he was saying and how long he must have been turning it over on his tongue before this.
it was probably the most vulnerable you have ever seen him, and you still feel a tender pull at your heart when you remember the look on his face. the way that each time he glanced at you, another doubt would fall away because he realised that maybe he was allowed to show his scars to someone other than the cold eyes in his mirror; that even though life is fleeting, denying yourself the chance to at least let someone see you and experience you, the darkest parts of you, all because you might lose them someday, will only make you regret it once they’ve already gone.
( P ) PATIENCE — how easily angered are they?
levi is an orderly and tidy person with a low tolerance for stupidity, but he’s not so easily angered as he is easily annoyed. his patience is immeasurable when it counts, but when it comes to the antics of others, or mildly infuriating things like the sound of someone eating with their mouth open or when something in his desk has been misplaced by a subordinate, it quickly wears thin. he’s not one to snap at people for such things, but that doesn’t mean he won’t grumble and curse or make a harsh retort.
( Q ) QUIZZES — how much would they remember about you? do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?
everything. levi doesn’t want to forget a single thing; any detail or facial feature or moment spent with you. he’ll often say or do things as a result of something you can’t even remember mentioning to him. it warms your heart and makes you want to try your best to do the same in return, just to see the softness of his eyes and that smile he’s not afraid to show you.
( R ) REMEMBER — what is their favourite moment in your relationship?
when you kissed him for the first time. you were shocked to find that levi was not a good kisser; you’re not entirely sure what exactly gave you the inclination that he was at all particularly experienced — the good looks? the fact he’s naturally talented at most things? — but either way, you couldn’t help smiling into the kiss and pulling away to hold back your laughter. he was eager and probably trying his best, but as endearing as it was, he clearly had no idea what he was doing and it wasn’t getting you anywhere.
“care to share what you find so amusing?” he asked, tilting his head in an attempt to look at your face, which you had turned away so he wouldn’t he see your grin.
you regained your composure, but kept the smile on your face. your fingers reached up, drawing an invisible path across his cheekbone and down the side of his face until you were holding his chin. “you’ve never done this before,” you whispered, “have you, levi?”
it stung his pride, of course it did, but he’s not so insecure that he would lie about it. he swallowed. “no, i haven’t,” he admitted, unable to meet your eyes.
the smile on your face grew as you hummed. “i see,” you said, the hand on his chin moving to brush away some hair from his eyes. “i suppose you could do with some practise then?”
levi’s eyes flickered up and at that moment the tension in his shoulders loosened, the weight of his embarrassment lifting from them. “yeah,” he said with a sigh of relief and a bashful smile. “i would like that.”
since then, he’s improved a lot. he’s a quick learner, which you always sort of knew, but it was a pleasant surprise when you found out that he had also memorised and mastered everything that makes you weak in the knees, almost as if to pay you back for making him so flustered back then.
( S ) SECURITY — how protective are they? how would they protect you? how would they like to be protected?
it’s almost instinctual how protective levi is of both you and his comrades, doing it without thinking, as if it’s not something he needs to think about. he protects you both implicitly and explicitly; before and during threats to your safety are made.
having you protect him is more of a second priority. he thinks it’s selfish, but he just doesn’t know if he could handle being the reason you get hurt — or worse — but when you are the one protecting him, he trusts you entirely. he knows when you’re overestimating yourself, but he also recognises that you’re capable. regardless of your military standing, he will always see the two of you as equals.
( T ) TRY — how much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?
the value of levi’s efforts lies in sentimentality; how much he does for you, both when you’re there and when you’re not, and how his talent for remembering everything about you shines brightest when he’s pressing kisses to that spot you love or perfecting the recipe to your favourite meal. gifts aren’t frequent with levi, and anniversary celebrations even less so, but they’re always sweet and meaningful and perfect.
( U ) UGLY — what would be some bad habits of theirs?
aside from the obvious bluntness and toilet humour, levi has a habit of staring at people. he doesn’t mean to be rude or creepy, he just likes to observe (or in your case admire) others. he also has a less frequent habit of cracking his knuckles when he’s stressed or thinking.
( V ) VANITY — how concerned are they with their looks?
appearance has never particularly been an area of interest nor worry to levi. of course, he prefers to take good care of himself rather than be lazy or let himself go, but he does this more for his own comfort than for the approval of others. frankly, he doesn’t care what opinions people have of his looks — but whenever you compliment him, it makes him feel... weird? he doesn’t really know how to react, he’ll just look at you like, “okay, and?” because he’s not used to being called things like cute or pretty or handsome, much less extravagant terms like gorgeous or beautiful. he’s not opposed to it, but he also doesn’t entirely get it.
( W ) WHOLE — would they feel incomplete without you?
yes. as much as levi would like to think he would be fine on his own, he knows he would be lost without you or his comrades. he already feels as though he has lost a lot of himself along the years, but those he has left in his life make healing and filling those gaps with new memories and love much easier.
( X ) XTRA — a random headcanon for them!
he has somewhat messy cursive-like handwriting. since he grew up in the underground city, he never had any formal education and was illiterate for most of his life. it wasn’t until he joined the survey corps that he learned how to read and write thanks to erwin making some arrangements for him. outside of his tutoring, levi did a lot of independent practise, using old books and texts as reference, which made him develop a strange hybrid of neat yet messy and cursive yet not handwriting, due to the differing styles of the modern day compared to bygone eras.
( Y ) YUCK — what are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?
he doesn’t like arrogance, pretentiousness and when people don’t clean up after themselves, but probably the biggest thing that levi cannot stand in a person is poor hygiene. it evokes such a visceral disgust in him that he can barely keep himself together long enough to spit out whatever obscene or rude insult his mind has supplied him with.
( Z ) ZZZ — what are their sleep habits?
levi tries to maintain a regular sleep schedule, but sometimes he’ll have paperwork that needs to be done before the next day, so he’ll stay up to finish it. he doesn’t really snore or move a lot in his sleep, but if he’s had a particularly tiring day, he’s prone to sleep-talking. he actually sleeps quite peacefully, not counting the occasional nightmare or randomly waking up because of his insomnia. he mostly sleeps on his side and in complete darkness, though he’s able to tolerate dim lighting if you need it.
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danse--macabre · 6 months
jaheira/astarion headcanons:
he constantly flirts (which is par for the course for astarion), as early as the end of Act 2, but it is just so ineffective. so ineffective. your lies mean nothing pretty boy!
jaheira enjoys rebuffing this and coming up with creative ways to tell him his lines do nothing, lol.
he also constantly winds her up as well. will joke about her being a bare-foot hippie for simply being a druid. has called her 'the great jaheira' and 'the high harper' before ('and what does the high harper think?'), just to annoy. attention-seeking behaviour!
this is admittedly something jaheira will also do. loves to rib him for complaining about the damp, the wet, the cold, the mud, nature in general, walking too much, carrying too much, etc. will call him a soft little baby and an aged old man at the same time.
they are a bickering couple
the fact that astarion couldn't give a shit about nature while jaheira is literally a druid is a running joke and theme when it comes to dunking on each other tbh.
another related running theme: when they finally do hit it off, it's a running joke they never actually have sex in a bed. at camp, in a field, in the dirt, on the floor or against the wall in an abandoned building - but almost never in a bed. (real reason: I did not realise you could rent the elfsong out, sorry. but also astarion does complain about this of course.)
astarion LOVES to try and get jaheira to talk shit. she presents herself as somewhat above it, but jaheira is probably partial some gossip and I think a habit that does begin in the early stages is they will share a bottle of wine and they will start being old judgy queens together
'you're becoming a bad influence,' she'll say, wrinkling her nose, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. 'Was I not already?' She rolls her eyes, walks away. 'All the best things are, darling!' he'll call out, with a cackle, as she walks away.
when jaheira actually turns and gives astarion a genuine and sincere compliment... critical hit, maximum damage, hits the fucking bullseye.
other ways of critically hitting: any gentle caress to his face after a genuine compliment.
lots of genuine arguments as well about adventuring choices. I think one thing that does draw me is that yes, astarion does have people pleasing tendencies but he does tend to be quite vocal about his opinion. I'm fairly sure he and jaheira will clash often BEFORE he becomes super drawn into any kind of romance arc & I think in some ways that's fairly good for him.
astarion thinks the fact that she can turn into a panther and just tear into something is the hottest thing and quite frankly I think he was interested as soon as he saw her do this in the moonrise towers fight.
on jaheira's end... quite frankly if he wasn't a vampire and if they didn't have a job to do she would have just bedded him sooner, he's easy on the eyes and good fun, so why not? It does hit her in the middle of their flirting period that in another universe she wouldn't have hesitated.
when they do hook up jaheira tries to keep it a secret / on the down-low. this lasts about five days LOL.
it's not actually astarion's fault - he can be discreet and respects her wishes - it's just this camp is full of gossip mongers and lae'zel has bat ears. within five days everyone Knows.
at least one person (probably wyll, since he's fairly insightful) thought they'd been hooking up since they hit rivington.
jaheira doesn't realise astarion is slightly older than her until she tries calling him cub.
he laughs her off as a flatterer. she's confused, he tells her to just go on and guess his age. she thinks he's 120 years old.
'Add another century to that darling and you're almost there'. Cue jaheira being slightly stunned and astarion absolutely revelling in it.
I think she will still sometimes refer to him / treat him as if he is younger and he to her as if she is older though. It becomes a running inside joke.
biting: very much off the table when they do finally hook up.
(this does not stop astarion brushing his fangs against her skin to tease her when they hook up. 'Careful. No biting.' 'Oh, I wouldn't dare').
the fact that he is a vampire actually is one of jaheira's concerns and a small point of contention. jaheira has an interesting banter where she explains about a time she killed a spawn quite dramatically - while she's not a 'kill on sight' reckless moralist, she's got no great love for the creatures, and as much as she does come to enjoy the banter and the company, it's tinged with wariness in the first half of Act 3, because Jaheira is slow to trust and quick to suspect
the first bite happens well after cazador is dealt with. honestly I can see it happening on the eve of the final battle. because of jaheira's initial wariness, it becomes a real moment of intimacy and trust. she lets him drink from the arm, rather than the neck, just to maintain more control, has healing and resurrection scrolls prepared (she does not tell him this because she doesn't want to freak him out), etc. But he's able to stop when she asks. After it's over there is a very warm moment, after astarion gives her his sincere, genuine thanks, of her cradling his face and calling him a messy eater (lol)
speaking of Cazador, that's... honestly, it's a Lot given they're having a 'light & breezy' romance and they're still in the casual dalliance stages, have only just started hooking up if at all. jaheira ends up learning about some of the horrific trauma through seeing rather than Astarion telling and I think it'd be a bit mortifying if he weren't so singularly focussed on the goal.
I think Jaheira offers to share a bottle of wine with him the night after. I think he takes up her offer and it's a mix of talking about what happened in his own words (Astarion is actually fairly direct when it comes to talking about traumatic incidents) and also talking about something completely different when it gets too much.
Things definitely do ramp up in the final stretch / final few days before the Battle with the Elder Brain. Lots of post-battle shenanigans with some honest and quite raw moments? It's one of the most intense points of their fling (which increasingly feels NOT like a fling).
But I think Jaheira instinctively draws back after the final battle and tries to walk back some of the intensity and intimacy that developed due to 'it might be our last chance', due to some ingrained fears of intimacy and loss + trying to rationalise it as an impulsive, heat-of-the-moment thing + an expectation that Astarion would just move on anyway (false).
Astarion goes off to become a hero in the spawn ending. He does often return to the gate and they always arrange to meet for a drink. There's a lot of catching up, chatting shit, but also Jaheira increasingly turns to him for advice and to get his perspective on an issue. I think she trusts his viewpoint and when she can get in her head about not being able to save everything or everyone, or a hard choice she has to make, he'll often just go, somewhat bluntly, 'well you did the important thing, didn't you?' and put things in perspective. You killed the bad guy, you stopped the plot, you saved that woman's life. Trust yourself more. (He'll attempt to walk this back with a joke about how he's still a libertine scoundrel; Jaheira will laugh him off)
'You work too hard' is a common complaint of Astarion's. He's right. Jaheira always appreciates hearing it.
I think it's here we might also get touches of Astarion's 'I want to be close without having sex' we see in Act 2. I think there's at least on occasion where they initiate sex, he backs out, she's supportive and they end up cuddling.
Something Jaheira discovers way too late, following the events of the game: he's damned good at giving a massage. 'You didn't think to tell me this while we were sleeping in the dirt?' (Response is something like: 'Oh Jaheira, you wish you'd used me more for my body? My my.')
As said before, the 'I actually have sincere feelings for you' confession comes unexpectedly during the epilogue party, astarion impulsively ends up telling her. Jaheira... has to suddenly deal with the distance she put up like a wall coming crashing down because Astarion is impulsive and bad at holding things in
I think in an interesting mirror to Astarion's request to go slow with sex, Jaheira says she'll need to go slow with intimacy and romance. It's been a while (more than long enough), but she's not really had anything serious since her husband died.
I think as a compromise they maintain long distance for a bit, Astarion continues to adventure, but he'll visit with increasing frequency and for increasingly long periods. Jaheira will, after a while, insist he stay with her and not just in a tavern, and this gradually morphs into him spending months at a time in Baldur's Gate before a lead will pull him in another direction.
Which I think is good for them both. I think Astarion does well from a chance to just develop an identity for himself without being 'a partner' and grow on his own through adventuring. I think it also helps things develop at a pace Jaheira's comfortable with and means Jaheira can set some very concrete boundaries.
As things become serious and Astarion just drops the mask, they're very much 'fondly rib each other in public whenever one of them is even a displays affection, but deeply soft and sweet with each other in private'
Takes them a long while to say anything like 'I love you'.
Personally I can see them doing it after the other gets injured in battle. Berating them for being reckless and then telling them they love them, they're terrified, etc. Quite frankly I can see this happening to them both, but given Jaheira has lost a love before... more meaningful from her mouth.
Astarion is nothing like Khalid and Jaheira is very thankful for this. He's a different thing entirely, but it's not any kind of lesser love either.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Just binge watched Lucifer on Netflix and now I present to you:
Desmond Miles survives 2012 (Desmond Miles Lives truthers, where ya at?), gets the hell outta dodge from the temple with new POE powers, and gets hired to work at Lux in LA. Meets his new boss and both of them are like, "!"
Lucifer instantly knows this boy is hella special because, damn does his soul reek of Isu Bullfuckery. (Headcanoned God and his Angels are sort of a rival interdimensional species to Isu, and God is the one who supposedly gave humans free will... idk I never paid attention to bible study anyway.)
Does the whole, "what do you desire?" schtick and Desmond, due to POE powers and Isu Bullshittery, wonders 'why the fuck is actual Satan here in LA?'
I imagine a platonic bromance relationship between these two. Y'know? 'Cause on the one hand we have the Reluctant Ruler of Hell and on the other hand the Reluctant Savior/Sacrificial Lamb of Humankind.
Lucifer could offer safety and protection from whoever Desmond is hiding from, while Des can be his bartender/bouncer/very much-needed BFF. And come on, I betcha good ole Lucy boy (and Maze) would absolutely enjoy dragging a couple a lot of Abstergo people Vidic down to Hell for multiple crimes against humanity(i.e. kidnapping and unethical human experimentation which results in mental instability.)
I’m all in for this idea. Desmond and Lucifer being bash brothers, yes please. Just imagine the chaos these two would get to because they're both morally dubious? XD
Also, just imagine how much faster Chloe would be finishing her cases with Desmond’s Eagle Vision? She would have two cheat codes with her this time.
Anyway, I’m going to focus on how we can integrate Lucifer into AC more in this one.
Before anything, just a sorta fun trivia: Lucifer has a little cameo in Crisis on Infinite Earths and he talks to John Constantine, implying they have some sort of history together. John Constantine is played by Matt Ryan who voiced and mocap’ed Edward Kenway XD
We will be keeping this contained to Lucifer though but you can totally add a John Constantine cameo and set it during the time Desmond is working in Lux (and you can totally add Desmond feeling some sort of longing and sorrow because John Constantine sounds and looks familiar to his Bleed of Haytham Kenway)
Alright, with that little trivia out of my system, let’s talk about how we can push Lucifer into AC canon.
(You might not have paid attention to bible study but my religion teacher was so boring he had to implement a rule that there should be no other notebook/books related to other subjects on our table during class because we kept doing other subjects when he’s lecturing us soooooo I was bored enough to read the bible he made us bring every class. I'm sure he'll be proud I'm using what I learned in his class for fic related things XD)
Let’s talk about God in Lucifer’s show. He’s obviously based on the Judeo-Christian God. Now, we have no confirmation if that said God does exist as an Isu in Assassin’s Creed BUT we do have a leeway we can use to make it easier to integrate the characters from Lucifer into Assassin’s Creed.
The Templar Order uses the phrase “May the Father of Understanding guide you”. Now, this is based on the Isu triad that pops up a bit.
The one we’re more familiar with is the Capitoline Triad where Tinia is known as the “Father of Understanding”.
However, there is an earlier iteration of this triad.
The Isus who created humans.
And the one to hold the title of ‘Father of Understanding’ during that time is Yaldabaoth.
From Wikipedia
Gnosticism presents a distinction between the highest, unknowable God, and the Demiurge, "creator" of the material universe.
Gnostic Christians considered the Hebrew God of the Old Testament as the evil, false god and creator of the material universe, and the Unknown God of the Gospel, the father of Jesus Christ and creator of the spiritual world, as the true, good God.
If we use the statements above and the fact that Yaldabaoth is considered one of the creators of mankind, we can set up God as another Isu scientist who had an alternate idea of a workforce but his idea was pushed aside and Yaldabaoth’s project with the other two Isu scientists moved forward.
God, in anger, created his ‘children’ together with the Goddess. And, to complete the triad, we’ll add Lilith as an Isu as well instead of Adam’s first wife. The three of them (although Lilith has a more advisory role to this entire thing and is actually working on her own workforce idea) created the ‘Angels’, trying to one-up all the data they could get from Yaldabaoth’s project to make them better than humans.
They are. Unfortunately, that meant they were also… shall we say… ‘freer’ than humans as well. God knew that the Isus would see them as defective and, not only that, many would find what they have done as some form of betrayal and being stripped of their rank and status would be the lightest sentence the Isu would give them. So God and Goddess kept the Angels a secret, and passed them off as human slaves while Lilith went her merry way and continued to work on her personal workforce.
And now we come to the whole ‘gave mankind freewill’.
So many like to point at Lucifer as being the serpent that gave Eve the forbidden fruit. Let’s use it. Lucifer, being one of God’s first children, takes an Apple of Eden and presented it to Eve who used it to start the Human-Isu war. Lucifer takes up arms to join the humans.
Things get super messy when they find out about the impending Solar Flare and God and Goddess decided to add their consciousness to a device called ‘Heaven’. (In this setup, Goddess!Charlotte would be like a more ‘questionable’ setup of an Isu consciousness overwriting a human’s consciousness). Their children (who did have the kind of body that would survive a solar flare and were more or less immortal) were tasked with guarding ‘Heaven’.
Except Lucifer who, as punishment for starting the whole Human-Isu war, was tasked to guard a device called ‘Hell’. He guarded it together with Lilith’s ‘children’, the demons.
What these two devices do will be a mystery but they are connected to the Gray in some way and to the Calculations. Perhaps it’s even the actual database of all the Calculations and, by that very definition, it housed all the knowledge, memories and emotions of every living thing in the world.
What defines them as a person.
What defines their soul.
And, from there, we can just integrate all Celestial things in the show as this entirely more advanced workforce’s ‘code words’. (And the devices are connected and that’s why God could boot the Goddess into hell)
By the time 2013 rolls around, Lucifer already owned Lux for a few years now and Desmond applies as a bartender as he’s had enough of all these Assassin-Templar BS to last him a lifetime. He saved the world, this is his damn retirement plan.
Lucifer sees him and goes ‘how interesting, an actual human-POE hybrid.’ while Desmond sees him and goes ‘why does he feel… familiar?’ because his Isu genes and POE-hybridness is giving him signals that Lucifer is definitely not human BUT he ain’t an Isu too.
He’s… Isu-adjacent.
Like Maze.
So Desmond continues to work there and Lucifer finds the perfect time to do the whole “what do you desire?” and Desmond’s POE-hybridness just kicked in.
We’ll make it in this fic that all the Apples are connected to one another and they have a ‘shared memory space’ so Desmond ‘remembers’ that this is the smug bastard who gave the Apple to Eve.
And, because of his limited knowledge of religion, he goes “Why the fuck is actual Satan here in LA?!”
(side note: some count Satan and Lucifer as two different beings but, in this case, we’ll just make Satan another name for Lucifer)
So now they both showed their hands. Lucifer just blatantly showed he wasn’t human and Desmond just showed he has Isu-related knowledge.
Cue an entire night of trying to get drunk while talking about what the fuck happened to them (with special mention to their daddy issues and the whole reluctant ruler of hell and the ‘more-or-less pushed into it’ savior/sacrifice)
At the end of their heart-to-heart, Desmond becomes Lucifer’s main confidant and slowly becomes his BFF. Lucifer uses his mojos to keep Desmond hidden from both Assassins and Templars.
Also… it’s not just Abstergo’s that in his shitlist. William Miles is there as well, that’s for damn sure.
Another subplot we can add is that Lucifer ‘asking’ Chloe to look into Abstergo just so he can, you know… ask them… what they desire?
Other unorganized notes:
What do we do with Juno? I set it to 2013 so Desmond dealt with Juno before peacing out to be a random bartender. Hey, if Ubisoft can do it in the comics, we can take out Juno with one paragraph… maybe even one sentence.
Desmond could see through Maze’s shapeshifting. Whenever he uses Eagle Vision, he sees Maze’s true form.
Actually, Desmond’s Eagle Vision has been powered up by his POE-hybridness that he sees EVERYONE’s true form. His only description of Lucifer’s form? “Bright as fuck.” (this also means Desmond knows Michael by 'sight')
Also, Amenadiel? He looovvveess Desmond’s Shirley Templars.
Lucifer’s deals? He has a connection to Hell and, because of that connection, he’s connected to the Calculations as well. In this case, any deal he makes impacts the Calculations slightly so the person making the deal would get what they want.
Also, this:
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invidiia · 11 months
Lippmann with assistant darling, a concept:
You’ve always been good at your job, did all that he asked for with no complaints and go along with what he had in mind, that’s why he likes you so much. You don’t really know or expect just how deep that “like” runs, it’s not even just fondness anymore it’s obsession, he doesn’t know when it took for a turn but it did at some point. Does he want to go back? Never, not really.
He realizes he likes you and he’s deep into the pit of desiring you to be with him. He’s nice, and he keeps an eye out for his reputation but there isn’t anything bad if he gave you a bit of a raise, yes? You deserve it after all, along with a lot of other nice things in life he could get ahold of—
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being his assistant - yandere!lippmann (bsd)
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includes ; lippmann (bungo stray dogs stormbringer)
warning ; yandere themes, mentions of murder, mostly soft!! <3 still yandere. i talk about the reader's hair here so if you're bald then i apologize 👍 also a gaslighting joke but i think he'd do it
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being lippmann's assistant was an easy job, really. no issues, aside from maybe a jealous fan who thought you were kept too close to the famous actor you worked under.
you caught him staring on numerous occasions. he was just so kind, wasn't he? you know how some famous people aren't as nice as they are when they're interviewed? this just wasn't the case for lippmann - he was perfect, exactly how he presented himself to the public.
sometimes, no — more often than just sometimes, lippmann gave you gifts and compliments. little hair clips, rings or any other accessories from recent movies that he got to keep? why, of course, it goes straight to you! just take the gift, it reminded him of you the entire time he filmed! he made sure to say that the thought of you helped him focus on set. he was just so kind, wasn't he?
lippmann always found himself touching you. was it an arm on your shoulder while he thanked you kindly for bringing him the drink — your choice, of course. go ahead and get yourself a cup of the same thing. he wanted to know your favorite. chances were, he'd ask for the same drink again — or was it the way he gently placed his thumb on your cheek, taking your focus away from the papers of this week's schedule and to him. he would tell you it was dirt on your face, but he kept his thumb there for another moment before straightening his tie and walking away, back to whatever he was doing while your face had flushed from his sudden affection. was there anything on your face? nope!
obviously, your paycheck was smaller than his. you could afford nice things, but of course, lippmann could always buy clothing with the nicer fabrics, and just about everything else with better quality. he knows that you don't have the money for things as nice as he does, but you get around just find with about half of what he makes, aside from any other forms of income he has. the man enjoys buying you things. no matter how much you protest against him spending that, you come to an agreement that you'll pay it back to him. does he let you pay it back in the future? nope, he probably gaslights you 🫶
this is.. obsession. what started as a fond liking to you had escalated and grown to a deep infatuation. lippmann has a good name out there, and getting blood on his hands for you? he'd do it, absolutely. as much as he would love to kill someone who wronged you, you can't get revenge and keep a spotless reputation.
but being a part of the port mafia, he has his ways, doesn't he? lippmann has good connections, and while you don't exactly know other than his relations with the legal side, he still has the ability to get a target on that person's head. who from the organization would pass up an opportunity to kill someone for money?
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[ a/n ;; honestly i got more but im so fuckign tired its like 4:33 am and i'm running out of brain energy ]
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22degreehalo · 6 months
Okay I finished the movie. (Spoilers follow!)
I liked the parts about Barbie as an actual doll. I liked the ending! It was fun and creative and had some real emotion to it!
I didn't... enjoy the portrayal of gender.
The movie just really does not seem to want to face up to the idea that in the Barbie world, women are the privileged class. They hold all positions of power and property. Barbie doesn't even know where the men live?
Yes, it's all deliberately weird and surreal. But it's all just too weird and surreal to relate much to the real world. The climax relies on assuming that the barbies would essentially relate perfectly to a random real-world woman, which... even if it were true that all women IRL can relate to each other, their life experiences are just way too different.
(Yes, the patriarchy got introduced into Barbie land! But... how??? It's very hand-waved. Why would the privileged class suddenly completely turn the system 180 just because a guy came by with some books? It almost feels like a reverse-racism thing...?!)
And then, in the end, the kens still aren't treated equally. The movie jokes that 'someday' they'll have as much power as women IRL. But... we literally just spent the last hour exploring how shitty women have it. So now the kens have it even worse than that. And that's okay?
Again: it's meant to be dumb and silly. But we're also supposed to suspend our disbelief and live in this world for two hours. And the world just doesn't really jive with the tone. The more you think about it, the more you treat it as a real place, the less sense it makes. It only works if you laugh off the kens as just privileged white guys just because they resemble them.
Which, also! The movie in the end tries to be comforting to men and say that they don't need to be defined by their girlfriends or whatever! Which is actually a good message IRL: for too many men, being able to Date A Woman really is treated as the ultimate arbiter of human worth! (It... makes little sense in the world, where it seems like the kens really do need to rely on the barbies? But. see above.)
Except the entire way through, the idea of men having feelings is mocked and laughed off. Like I said, they imply that a gender non-conforming man would have absolutely 0 reason to fear violence at the hands of other men, which is... completely detached from reality?! Everything a stereotypical 'man' might care about is treated as being not really all that good, men's fears of abandonment or failure are eye-rollingly chalked up to 'egotism' (again, despite the status of the kens in this world), and when Ken cries at the end, it's presented as humiliating, as opposed to the dignified crying Barbie does on multiple occasions.
To be clear: I am not accusing the movie of misandry. I'm accusing the movie of being excessively cruel towards men who do not fit the stereotypical image of 'masculine', and then also being kind of pointlessly mean at those who do, as well.
Like, in the climax, one of the ultimate scenes of 'female empowerment' has the barbies pretend to listen while the kens play the guitar at them ('Push' by Matchbox 20, which is a good song IMO??? But it's treated as like. Objectively bad.), only to deliberately check their phone to show they don't care, then get up and talk to another man instead. And all of this is framed as, like 'playing on their petty egos and jealousies.' And not as like... them opening up? To someone they like? And trying to do something nice? And then being hurt when they don't feel the connection they wanted?
(Also men getting angry at other men, or staging a 'war', is treated as entirely petty and silly and kinda funny. Just an 'own goal', so to speak. Which, again, feels very insensitive when men... do in fact violently attack other men over reasons like jealousy.)
(Also also it's treated as super arrogant when a man tries to help out a woman who is literally saying aloud that she doesn't understand and wants help??? Because it's soooo offensive to think a woman can't do something she says she can't do??? even though the end of the movie is all about how women shouldn't have to be perfect and should be allowed to be just normal and not really good at anything???? I'm so confused.)
It's just... such a weird mix of a genuinely fun and creative campy setting, which then mixes in the most weirdly tone-deaf and old-fashioned gender essentialism possible. It tries to be progressive at the end, but the setting is already so stuck in those ideas (that inverting gender power dynamics would be really good actually since women are better in power, that men don't have any real legitimate reason to have emotions so it's weird and dumb if they do) that it doesn't track. It doesn't match the actual events of the movie.
It's not just an empty popcorn movie. Frankly, it'd be a lot better if it was!!!!!!! (At least for me, hahah.) It's best appreciated, honestly, if you do turn your brain off and just enjoy the pretty visuals and the nice moments at the end. Which is sad. Because it clearly does try to do so much more than that! But all those attempts just... make the movie more confused and weird and kind of mean?
Basically, the movie tries to do a whole 'haha what if we switched the power of the genders' but then still wants to treat all of the men like they're privileged white guys, even though there's 0 worldbuilding reason for that to be justified. (Plus also it has the typical 'wacky misandry' problems of being incredibly shitty to GNC and disabled men. but like I just expected that literally always nowadays.)
So yeah uhhh. unfortunately I gotta say that I don't really agree with those 'lollllll men hate this movie even though it literally just says that they're okay by themselves and don't need to base their worth on women!!!!!' like YEAH but it also implies some pretty. questionable stuff about oppression and mental health and how much we should respect men who have ~delicate fragile emotions~ too.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 1 year
Holly Jolly Christmas
Summary: Holiday chaos.
Pairing: Kate Bishop x female!reader, the Avengers are a family not just coworkers
Warnings: none
Word count: 1316
a/n: This whole story is chaos
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @sayah13
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The holidays have always been a hectic time at the Avengers compound, but it went up a notch in craziness when Kate and Y/N joined the Avengers, then it went up another notch when the two started dating.
Because of the holiday chaos, most of the Avengers like to stay out of the way on the 23rd of December, unfortunately, some of them get roped into the Christmas preparation.
“To the left!” Y/N shouts from her place on top of the living room table. She’s holding her fingers up as if it helps her to see if the tree is properly lined up. She groans when Clint stumbles over again. “Watch out! That tree cost a lot of Tony’s money.”
Clint sighs, but decides it’s better to stay quiet.
Humming, Y/N leans her head from one side to the other, sometimes closing one of her eyes. “Something doesn’t feel right.”
“I think it looks great right here, Y/N.” Steve smiles, trying to reassure her, but he just gets shushed.
“Can we get it higher?”
“Higher?” Clint and Steve glance at each other, not really liking the sound of that. “What do you mean?”
“We have a lot of gifts, they need room under the tree.” Y/N looks around the room. No one besides the three of them are there, so they wouldn’t get asked to help. She gasps. “Sam! Over here!” She waves at the Falcon, who tried to sneak from the kitchen to the elevator.
There’s a deep displeasure written on his face, but he walks over to them. After all, who could say no to one of the youngest members, who just wants to spread some Christmas magic around the compound.
“What can I do, Y/N?”
“Can you move this table under the tree, while Clint and Steve are holding it up?” Y/N steps down from the table with a huge smile on her face.
This makes Sam get a smile on his face as well. “You want those two to hold the tree up?”
“Say no more.” Sam gets out his phone. “You heard the boss, lift it up, fellas!” Steve and Clint lift the huge tree up, getting pines all over their faces. Sam laughs at the scene and takes a few pictures of them struggling before moving the table under the tree with ease.
With a grunt, they lower the tree, moving away from it to see how it looks.
Y/N is grinning from ear to ear. “It looks perfect!”
“It does!” Kate arrives to the living room with a huge box of Christmas ornaments, Natasha right behind her with another box.
When Kate puts the box down, Y/N goes next to her and kisses her cheek. “You ready to decorate?”
“Of course.” Kate goes to kiss Y/N on the lips, but she’s already digging into the box. She gives chuckling Natasha a small glare, before going to the box herself.
“Nat, come help!”
“Yes, sweetheart.”
Although, Christmas decorating and shopping weren’t Natasha’s top ten ways to spend her time, she still enjoyed it more than the others. Ever since Y/N joined the Avengers, not really by choice, Natasha has taken on the motherly role. She could relate to Y/N the most, so, they built a bond that she doesn’t have with the other Avengers. Which is why Natasha would do things she dislikes if it makes Y/N smile.
After two hours the whole living room and kitchen is fully decorated and all the presents are under the tree. Y/N smiles as she takes in the scenery of various decorations. Most of the Christmas decorations were put on today, but other holiday decorations were put earlier, as not all of the Avengers celebrate Christmas.
Y/N frowns when she notices one last thing in the bottom of the box. “We forgot the star.” Picking it up, she stares at the tall tree. “How do we get it on top?”
“You could stand on my shoulders?” Kate suggests.
“Absolutely not.” Natasha furrows her brows. “Do I need to remind you of all the times one of you has gotten an injury because of a stupid idea like that?”
Kate and Y/N look at each other with wide eyes. “I think it’s out best bet, you’re short and K-“
Natasha’s lips go into a thin line as she shoots daggers to Y/N’s direction. “Do you want to say that again?”
She freezes, instantly realizing her mistake. “No.” Y/N mumbles quietly, feeling like a kid who is getting scolded by her mother. Though, that’s pretty much what’s happening.
“Good. Now, don’t do anything stupid, while I go look for Peter. He could put the star on.” Natasha gives the two a pointed look before leaving the room. But, she should’ve known it doesn’t work.
“Okay, get on my shoulders.” Kate crouches down in front of the tree. Y/N steps onto her shoulders carefully, holding the star on one hand, while the other is holding Kate’s head. “I’m gonna stand up now.” Her grip on Y/N’s legs is tight as she stands slowly.
Y/N holds onto the tree, giggling nervously when she’s on the top. Carefully, she reaches as tall as she can and sets the star on top of the tree. “Yes!” She shouts, lifting her hands up in celebration, which causes Kate to lose her balance.
Y/N shrieks as she starts falling down, but suddenly her feet are already on the ground. She looks behind to see Peter standing there. “Hi.” He smiles.
“Thanks for saving me.” She smiles sheepishly.
Kate runs up to her. “I’m so sorry! That was a total ac-“ She stops when Natasha steps into the room.
“What did I tell you?” One of her brows is lifted and her arms are crossed over her chest. “Well?”
“Not to do anything stupid.” Y/N mumbles.
“And what did you do?”
“Something stupid.” Kate speaks up.
Natasha shakes her head with a sigh. She knows the two of the will be the death of her. “Go to your room.”
With a giggle, Y/N and Kate start walking to their rooms, while going past Natasha, Y/N kisses her cheek. “Yes, мама.” The title makes Natasha smile.
”Wake up! Wake up!” Kate bangs on every Avenger’s door, waking them up. “It’s time to open presents!” Giddily, she runa to the kitchen when she’s sure all the others have woken up. “Hey, love.” She kisses Y/N, who is right about done with cooking the Christmas foods.
“Morning.” Y/N’s eyes are slightly closed from waking up so early to cook, but the holiday spirit is still in her. “Is everyone awake?”
“Yeah, they’ll be down soon.”
Wanda is the first one to come down, being almost as excited for Christmas as the couple. “Y/N.” She gasps, looking at the various foods for all the Avengers. “I could’ve helped you cook.”
“You always cook for us, I wanted you to have a break.” She smiles. “There’s no pork or shellfish, meat and dairy are on different tables.” Y/N shows all the foods around the multiple tables. “I hope I cooked them right.”
“They look great, Y/N.” Wanda assures, hugging her.
Just then the other members start arriving to the kitchen and living room, everyone admiring the decorations and various foods.
Seeing the presents, they go straight to them, checking the names to see which present is theirs. Kate and Y/N giggle, going to rummage through the packets with them. Once everyone finds their own, the group starts opening them together, at times shouting or cheering if they get something extraordinarily good.
Although, the holiday times are all over the place when it comes to the Avengers compound, they all love it.
Especially Kate and Y/N.
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White Diamonds - Park Sunghoon
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Pairing: Enhypen Sunghoon x fem!reader
Genre: fluffy, angst, some suggestiveness toward the end
Warnings: uh rejection? Brother Jay being protective?
Word Count: 4k
A/n: so uh yeah I was supposed to make all of Enhypen's stories Christmas related and I ran out of time so Sunghoon's is New Year's themed! Enjoy!
The sound of your heeled boots clicking on the tile floor in the department store gave you a sense of style as you walked over to a rack of clothes near the back of the store. Skimming through the hangers, you found the right size you needed and went to the register. A smile greeted you as the lady behind the counter traded out your new size for the size you previously got in a Christmas present. 
Something caught your eye in the display window underneath you. It was a diamond necklace, glittering up at you. It wasn't priced too high which furthered your interest. Your shopping partner noticed you taking interest in the necklace. 
"Can we take a look at that necklace?" he asked, pointing at the one you were staring at. You opened your mouth to reject the idea, but the lady behind the counter already agreed kindly, pulling it out from under the glass and setting down in front of you. 
"Thank you," you softly said, smiling at her before taking a good look at the jewelry. The male next to you pressed his body lightly into your right shoulder, peering down at the necklace. His eyes peeked up to look at your reaction to the diamonds, wondering how badly you wanted it. 
"Do you like it?" he asked, keeping the conversation between the two of you low and private to avoid the sale's lady trying to convince you to buy it. You smiled at him and nodded, loving the design and placement of the diamonds. He reached in his back pocket for his wallet the instant he knew you liked it. 
"We'll take the necklace too." he stated, handing the lady his card. He tried his best to keep a straight face when he looked at you to see your eyes had gone wide with shock and surprise. 
"Jay," you gasped, smacking his arm. "I've got my own money."
"Consider it an early birthday present." he said, taking the bag your new blouse was in as well as the bag holding your new necklace. "I have to spoil my little sister somehow."
"My birthday is not for another seven months." you dead panned. Jay only smiled, walking in front of you to get the door. He was proud of himself for finally buying something you liked instead of guessing randomly on your interests. 
The two of you continued to walk around near the shops, getting some free time and relaxation before the New Year's Eve Ball the two of you were required to attend to by the order of your parents. Every year the two of you were required to attend and showcase the strong and beautiful aura of your family business, which you weren't interested in partaking. Jay helped when he could but wasn't interested in taking over the business just like you.  
"Who are you taking tomorrow?" you asked Jay, referring to the dates you both had to have for tonight. Jay took a sip of his coffee as the two of you rounded the corner of a building. 
"I'm taking a girl from my extracurriculars class," he replied. You raised an eyebrow at him wondering why he chose someone he didn't know. He noticed your quirked eyebrow and rolled his eyes playfully.
"Yes," Jay confirmed your questioning look. "I'm taking her so that I'm entertained for the night by all of her questions rather than trying to come up with random small talk like I would with one of our cousins or an old friend. Like you."
You bit the inside of your cheeks at his words. He was right. Small talk was always the worst, and you almost always were paired with a cousin or a random stranger your parents knew. Not this year though. You had other plans for a date. 
"Who's going with you?" Jay asked opening the door into another store. He furrowed his eyebrows when you simply stared at him. Then realization hit him, his eyes lighting up in hotly disapproval, "No, absolutely—" 
"No!" Sunghoon, your brother's best friend, declined with a tone filled with disbelief. Your face fell in annoyance at his answer. 
Sunghoon and Jay were tighter than a corset when it came to their friendship. Sunghoon always came over for dinner twice a week and stayed over most nights, having more fun at your house than his. Despite him and Jay being so close, the two of you had your own relationship. You would call it a weird one after he rejected your affection for him back in the first year of high school. But after six months or so of him continuing to treat you nicely, you forgave him and let him still be a part of your life. 
To say you were torturing yourself would be an understatement considering your feelings for him only grew stronger as he went through maturity and grew in height. He was so incredibly handsome now. On the nights he stayed over, you had to give yourself mental pep talks to talk yourself out of the idea of you and him together. Jay knew about it too, which only made things more difficult. 
Currently, you were at Sunghoon's house as you finished making yourself a cup of coffee to warm you from the cold outside. You gave Sunghoon a pout, hoping that would change his mind; it didn't. He shook his head, leaving the kitchen to go back to his room. Now that he was on the run from your question, you had to chase him before your reasoning fell flat.
"It would be a one-time thing!" you cried out, desperate to get him to agree since you were all out of time trying to find someone. The ball was tonight and that meant either you were going with Sunghoon or going alone. Alone was not an option.
"Why can't you go with a cousin or something?" Sunghoon was now leaning back into his pillows, scrolling through his phone. You didn't answer him which made him raise an eyebrow at you.  He was going to be very hard to get on board with this idea. 
"Sunghoon," you sighed out, setting your coffee cup on his nightstand before dropping down onto his bed, laying purposely on his legs, which he complained at. "I don't want to go with one of my cousins. I would rather go with you because you would make that stupid Christmas event worth going."
He rolled his eyes at your whining (his heart was pounding at your choice of words) and went back to staring at his phone. When you wouldn't get off his legs, he reached over and grabbed another one of his pillows, smacking you harshly with it, "I already told you. I'm going out with Heeseung for a guy's night. Plus, as much as I like going places with you, I hate that Christmas event. I hate dressing up and pretending that I'm enjoying myself in the moments where we have to interact." 
"I know but I have to have a date and I refuse to go with someone I don't know!" you also took this time of year to show yourself off and showcase the growth you'd gone through each year. Sunghoon would be lying if he said the last few times your Christmas looks made him slightly regret rejecting you so long ago. The party reminded him of that moment and now that he returned the affection, he didn't want a reminder that you couldn't be his. 
"What does Jay think?" Sunghoon's words made you pause, trying to figure out how to word Jay's opinion without digging yourself into a hole. Sunghoon's scoff pulled you out of your thoughts and made you angry. "Classic older protective brother. I'm not going with you, so find someone else."
You got up from his bed with anger and grabbed your coat. "Screw you, Sunghoon."
An hour later, Sunghoon's phone rang. Confused, he lifted his head from his pillow and grabbed the phone to look at the person's ID. Jay.
"Hey," Sunghoon answered, laying his head back down and blinking a few times to rid his body of sleep. 
"I have a tux for you."
"What?" Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows. What was he talking about? A tux?
"I know you don't have one and you need to wear one or else my parents are going to kill the both of us later," Jay said over the phone only making Sunghoon more confused. The silence on the end of the phone made Jay stop rolling the cuffs back on his sleeves. Did Sunghoon tell you no?
"I'm not going," Sunghoon sighed, finally realizing what Jay was talking about. "I'm going out with Heeseung tonight."
"You rejected my sister for the second time?" Jay deadpanned. Sunghoon was weary of Jay's tone. When he put it that way it sounded horrible. 
"I'm not going to your family's New Year's Eve Ball."
The line was silent. Sunghoon checked to see if he had hung up, but realized he was still there. "She can't go alone."
"Jay," Sunghoon sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose out of stress. "You know I like her. You've been telling me since we became friends that she was off limits, and I've respected that. Going with her when she looks that beautiful is like asking me to walk out into public naked."
"It's doable." came the reply. Jay laughed when he heard Sunghoon's complaints tumbling over the other end. "Fine. You owe me one from tenth grade. Saving you from that paper that was due. This is me asking you for a favor, please, just take her and I'll thank you later." 
Sunghoon couldn't argue with that. He'd been in a really bad spot with that paper. With that, he caved, "If something happens, I blame you. And she is pissed at me so expect her not to be in a good mood."
"Don't worry, once she sees you, her mind will be made up." Jay told him, finishing his sleeves and taking the phone back into his hands from his shoulder. "I'll send over the tux."
It was about an hour away from the Ball when you finished getting ready. Since this was the last year of you being under your parent's house, you had picked the most elegant gown you could to help send you off into the real world. A pearl white ball gown with a deep sleeveless sweetheart neckline. The gown shimmered elegantly when you twirled it back and forth like a little girl trying on a dress for the first time. You pinned your hair up nicely after curling it and added the diamond necklace Jay purchased for you yesterday. He also found some earrings to go with it the next morning. For your shoes, you were secretly going to bring converses to change into in the limo on the way there because you'd be on your feet most of the night.
"Y/n," your mother called up to your room. "The limo is here."
You huffed, pulling the pearl white shoes with a shiny solid stiletto heel onto your right foot and then your left before carefully, yet gracefully, walking out into the hall. Jay came from his room stopping to take you in. 
"That's your best look yet," he commented. 
"I would hope so," you smiled, closing your door behind you and looking for a place to hide your converses. Jay smirked at you and held his hand out. You gave him the shoes and watched as he tucked his right arm behind his back and offered you his left arm to walk you down the stairs. "Thanks."
"What are the shoes this year?" he asked as the two of you began to walk down the stairs. As soon as you took the first step, he knew they were difficult to walk in. "Pumps?"
"Stilettos." he grimaced at you and held the converses a little tighter.
"I'll be sure these make it to your limo," he promised, amazed at your ability to walk, much less down the stairs. You squeezed his arm gratefully as you finished the last few steps safely. When you came around the corner into the entry way, you paused, looking at a sight you never thought you'd see. 
Park Sunghoon, in a tux. Looking way more handsome than usual.
Jay looked at your expression and saw it held question. Then he saw some kind of anger flash through your eyes. Oh boy, what did Sunghoon say to make you so mad?
The sound of your mother's amazed gasps drew you away from looking at Sunghoon (who was looking at the shelves of books and hadn't noticed you yet) to greet your mother with a smile. She helped you choose tonight's look, and you were so glad despite how much you hated going to the ball. Now that you were on steady ground, Jay unhooked his arm from yours and kissed his mother on the cheek before heading out to your limo to hide the shoes. 
"It turned out to be more beautiful than I thought!" she gushed warmly, squeezing your arm gently and comfortingly. All the sourness you felt when seeing Sunghoon washed away at her words and affection. You were grateful for her. 
When Sunghoon heard the commotion behind him, he turned to see who was speaking. His eyes glazed over every inch of you, feeling his heart jump to his throat and begin to beat rapidly. He swallowed hard. This is exactly what he was afraid would happen the second you appeared in front of him. There was no way he was going to be able to control himself from blurting out all of his feelings to you. Only when Jay reappeared, Sunghoon remembered his place.  
Jay came over to stand next to Sunghoon, following his friend's gaze over to you. He knew the turmoil going around in Sunghoon's head, but as much as he loved Sunghoon as a friend, he loved you more and couldn't bear the thought of him possibly breaking your heart. You didn't need that. Though the look on your face when you looked over at them spoke volumes of its own. 
"Jay," your mother called to him. "Your limo is here. You need to go get your date before the party starts."
Jay simply nodded, patting Sunghoon on the back and kissing your cheek before leaving the room. Your mother left also, leaving you and Sunghoon alone. He could sense your anger from where he was standing, which frightened him a little bit.
"Why are you here?" you asked, looking at him. Sunghoon shifted slightly, uncomfortable under your stare.
"Oh," you scoffed, realizing that this situation was actually worse. "So, you're not here because you want to be here, but because Jay either threatened, bargained, or convinced you to come. That's actually worse than me going alone."
Sunghoon knew this night was going to be terrible if he didn't fix this. You watched as he crossed the entry way in long strides to stand in front of you. "Look, I'm sorry I was so negative earlier. Jay has never let me take you out even if it was for a family event, so I naturally said no. I've already had to reject you twice and now that Jay has approved of me taking you to the New Year's Eve Ball, can you let me do it properly?"
Some of his words surprised you, leaving you wondering what his side of your relationship had been like this whole time. If Jay was the middle blocking the end, how different would things be if he wasn't a factor in your relationship? Because Sunghoon was trying to make the night positive and explained some of the motive behind him rejecting you, you decided to let your anger go. 
"Okay," you sighed. "Park Sunghoon, will you go to the New Year's Eve Ball?"
Sunghoon smiled, "With pleasure."
A little while later, the two of you were in the limo heading to the place the event was being held. After several minutes of driving, your eyes were scanning the car to see where Jay had put the shoes. He promised he would put them in here. 
When you couldn't find them by scanning the interior, you unbuckled your seatbelt and puffed your dress out in front of you to provide mobility. Sunghoon watched silently as you lifted things and opened cabinets in search for your shoes, which he didn't know about. The sound of your huff made him speak.
"What are you doing?" he was more than amused at the sight of you on all fours in a ball gown digging through cabinets.
"I'm looking for my shoes that Jay put in here." 
"You mean to say that you are bare footed?"
"No," you denied. "But I will be if I can't find these stupid shoes!"
Sunghoon began looking around the car, trying to help you find them. He happened to look down next to him, noticing a pair of converses on the seat. He grabbed them and held them up, "Are these it?"
You looked over your shoulder at him to see the shoes in his hands. Slight irritation pulsed through you at the fact that he'd found them faster than you had, and he was still seated nicely. With difficulty, you got back into the seat and took the shoes from him, muttering a small "Thank you".
His eyes widened when he saw you pull up the bottom hem of your dress, exposing your stiletto heel. "You were wearing those?"
"Uh yeah," you smiled. Handing him the heel while you finished changing out your shoes. He stared at the heel in shock, wondering how you were walking in the first place. The car pulled up to the venue as soon as you finished tying your shoes. 
Cameras were flashing which caught him off guard. You smiled and grabbed his hand in yours, "Just focus on me."
Later in the even the music started to play, and dancing took place on the dance floor. You were standing with Sunghoon over by one of the walls, watching everyone around you walk, dance, chat, and laugh. Just like Jay's date, Sunghoon was also asking a lot of questions about the event and what was going on. It made you feel giddy inside whenever he looked at you after pointing at something in question.
The last dance was approaching, and you were hoping Sunghoon was going to ask you to dance. When they announced this was the last song for the night before the clock struck midnight, he realized. With small steps, he came in front of you and offered you his hand, mumbling a small "May I have this dance?". The smile that lit up your face made him warm on the inside and even more so when you accepted and followed him to the dance floor.
"I'm not very good at this."
"Don't worry," you assured him, taking his hand in yours and pulling him close to you. His strong aura fell a little bit at the feeling of you in his arms. He'd had you in his arms a few times, most of the time playfully as the two of you tackled each other or when he tickled you, but this was different, more intimate. "Me either."
For as long as the song was playing, you held onto him, swaying to the music with his arms holding you. Sunghoon was basking in the feeling of you, ignoring the stare of Jay from a far because he wanted to enjoy this moment with you. This may be the only time he'll get to hold you like this, which made his stomach feel sour. 
"Sunghoon," you began, mumbling right next to his ear. He hummed in response, waiting for you to ask your question. "Back at the house you said you had to reject me. If Jay left things alone, would things be different?"
Sunghoon smiled. Yes.
Before he could respond, the lights dimmed, and the music stopped playing as your father announced there was fifteen seconds left on the clock until midnight. Both of you looked in the direction of your father on the small, elevated stage and listened as everyone began to count down at ten. You pulled back slightly to look at Sunghoon, searching his eyes as you waited for an answer. 
"3...2...1, Happy New Year!"
The sound of champagne glasses clinked and sparklers lit up around the two of you, but you paid them no mind.  Sunghoon kept your gaze, noticing Jay staring at the two of your from a far in his peripheral vision. Suddenly you felt Sunghoon's lips against yours, pressing a firm kiss. He held you a second longer before pulling back. His nose brushed against yours lightly, wondering if he'd crossed a line. 
"I'll take that as a yes," you muttered before tilting your head back to meet his lips again. Instantly, he kissed you back, switching his hold on you slightly to deepen the kiss. 
"Why are you so tall?" you huffed, standing completely on your tip toes to reach him. A smile appeared on his face at your words. 
"If you were wearing your heels maybe it'd be easier."
"Oh shut up," you laughed letting him wrap his arms around your waist, lifting you up a bit to take some of the strain off your toes. "Take me somewhere else."
"This is why I love you," Sunghoon kissed your cheek and pulled the two of you out of the main hall, avoiding Jay and his flame gaze. The two of you ran to the end of a hallway and hid behind the wall of the arched window to see privacy.
Sunghoon pulled you by the waist and pressed you up against the wall before pressing his lips to yours again. He pushed his body against yours, desperately trying to hold you as close as he possibly could without making it uncomfortable for the two of you. 
"Gosh," Sunghoon groaned. "You're so beautiful."
"Say it again."
"So, so beautiful."
At his words you only kissed him harder which made his heart jump. Just when his lips began to trail down your neck, his lips touching the cold diamonds and his hands traveling lower down your front, a voice called out your name. The two of you froze, staying as still as possible in an attempt to not get caught. Footsteps grew louder in your direction and in seconds, Jay was right next to the two of you. His eyes widened at the sight of you two; Sunghoon's face at the crook of your neck and your hands in his hair with your head tilted back to give him better access. 
"Yah!" Jay nearly shouted. Sunghoon flinched, giving your collarbone a light peck secretly.
"Dang," Sunghoon muttered against your skin. Jay pulled him back roughly and shoved him.
"I said she was off limits!" Jay shouted again. Sunghoon closed his eyes and then opened them to look directly at you. He didn't regret a single ounce of his feelings for you or the fact that the two of you had just made out. 
"You with me," Jay said taking your hand in his and dragging you away. Sunghoon winked at you when you turned back to look at him, mouthing an apology. Jay scoffed as images of you and Sunghoon popped back into his head, "He will not be on your New Year's resolution list, not if I have anything to do with it."
Oh, Sunghoon was definitely on your New Year's resolution list. Without a doubt.
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Anti-Snape propaganda: his whole reasoning for opposing wizard fascism was ‘oh no, my tragically unrequited crush (who hates me because I called her a slur when she was trying to help me and cruelly married a man who bullied me in highschool) might be in danger!’ If Lily was a Pureblood, he would have no reason not to stay a Death Eater. He’s the one who puts her life in danger in the first place, while spying for the mass-murdering blood supremacist, and he only feels regret and switches sides when it affects him personally.
(In addition, it’s highly insinuated that there was more to the end of the friendship than Snape calling Lily a slur, although, you know, that’s reason enough. She mentions that he’s already hanging out with future death eaters who make her uncomfortable, which definitely presents the possibility he’s already entrenched in the gross racist views whether or not he likes her personally).
This is the quote where he goes to Dumbledore:
“The — the prophecy . . . the prediction . . . Trelawney . . .”
“Ah, yes. How much did you relay to Lord Voldemort?”
“Everything — everything I heard! That is why — it is for that reason — he thinks it means Lily Evans!”
“The prophecy did not refer to a woman. It spoke of a boy born at the end of July —”
“You know what I mean! He thinks it means her son, he is going to hunt her down — kill them all —”
“If she means so much to you, surely Lord Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for mercy for the mother, in exchange for the son?”
“I have — I have asked him —”
“You disgust me.”
Yeah, he was totally cool with trading away the lives of his high school bully and his supposed true love’s newborn baby (who she died for! But he cares so much about her happiness, right?) as long as he got to keep Lily Potter like a muggleborn pet. Because let’s be honest, muggleborns weren’t considered equals by the Death Eaters, and I can’t imagine the woman who sacrificed herself to save her child’s life would be super fine with just letting her family be slaughtered in exchange for ‘mercy.’ How would he deal with her horrified trauma? Would he be keeping her under lock and key, or…? I think it’s reasonable to assume some pretty fucked-up implications for the whole ‘I asked the Dark Lord’ comment.
Also, lots of people justify his creepy sadman act (where he used his academic authority to bully the abused orphan who dared to be related to his highschool bully) by saying he was abused and bullied himself, like that doesn’t make it worse? He knows what that’s like, and he inflicts that pain on others, while remaining constantly self-pitying. Additionally, as though his motivation for actively trying to make the eleven year old orphan’s life miserable wasn’t stupid enough, Harry is absolutely not the only one he treats this way. He torments a ton of Gryffindors over the years, so either he just enjoys preying on the weak, like Neville (who in no way resembles James Potter, and whose family life was ruined in part due to the prophecy Snape revealed), or he’s taken his childhood bullying trauma to the next level by assigning it to a quarter of the school population! I’m not saying getting bullied isn’t terrible. It’s very traumatising in some instances and I do feel sympathy for his experiences. But Snape is not a sympathetic figure or hero to bullied children, he’s just a hypocritical self-pitying incel who wilfully plays straight into the circle of generational trauma. If anything, the fact that Harry didn’t grow up to bully children who reminded him of Snape makes him the true champion here.
Sorry, this is stupidly long. I guess I have a lot of repressed rage about the TERFiest of books and how much crap I’ve heard justifying poor writing in the past.
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animezinglife · 1 month
I love how you write Elucien and think you would do Gwynriel justice too!! What's your favourite part of writing Elucien?
Aw, thank you, hon!
Honestly, it's who they are as people. I love all the subtle ways in which their temperaments, interests, and skillsets complement each other, but more than that, it's their inherent kindness that brings me a lot of peace to write. Writing them is very much a stress-relief activity for me, and I love exploring what their relationship could be during the quiet moments.
I think about the way we've already seen Lucien comforting Feyre and his gentleness towards her even when he's upset, stressed, and has just had his life ripped out from under him. Everybody's aware of his sass and sharp tongue--and I love that about him--but I don't always feel like that softer side of him gets as much appreciation as the rest. He held Feyre against him to keep her warm in that cave. It's survival, yes, but there's still a gentleness in how he did it even though they were exchanging some pretty harsh perspectives.
I think of how he held her when she had her "nightmare." I think of how fiercely he loved Jesminda, and how fully he trusted Elain's visions. I think of how he put himself between Feyre and Rhys in the first book to shield and hide her from him thinking he was a threat to her.
That's a side I simply adore leaning into and thinking about the warmth and safety it would bring to Elain's life in a way that genuinely suits her. I love how she'd never have to give up broadening her horizons or growing at her own pace without having that strong, reliable presence and partner in him.
As for Elain, as of right now she's the sister I relate to most in the relationship front. The shutting down, the hiding from it, those walls that come up whether intentionally or not--all of it hits a little close to home. It's a means of protecting herself even if she doesn't realize it, and Lucien--while never a threat to her safety--absolutely is one to her heart right now.
Beyond that, I love the air of mystery to her and exploring all the ways in which a relationship between them could benefit her without losing the core components of herself.
She can love all of life's simplicities, and still appreciate what a big world she lives in.
She can come into her power in a way that doesn't bring bloodshed; that leans into the strengths she already possesses and just needs to fine-tune (strengths her mate conveniently has mastered).
I love exploring all the ways in which her confidence has grown: that she's come into a life she's genuinely active in, present in, and enjoys. That she can explore her sexuality with him and be completely safe in doing so with no pressure (and, at least in the settings I tend to write them in, away from the prying eyes of the least-Puritanical people ever who suddenly act like Puritan chaperones at a junior high dance when they're concerned and are entirely too up in their business for them being a grown man and woman). I like exploring all the ways it's comfortable and natural between them.
I love all the ways they could still be completely, authentically themselves but still fit perfectly together, and I love them finding a home in each other.
I'm very much a "home" writer in my original fiction as well and focus on relationships, so that naturally carries into fic writing.
All of this to say, it has everything to do with who they are and all they could be.
Thank you for the ask!
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odybee · 9 months
Rant about why I'm not open about enjoying g/t. Not terribly substantial; guess it's just something I wish I could tell people without them judging.
Contains mentions of fetish content, but only because it's part of what people tend to associate the community with, when that stuff makes me really uncomfortable.
I feel like there's a discrepancy between what people that aren't "in" consider to be g/t and what it is to people that actually consume/produce the content. Like, yes, there is a section of the community that consumes related content because they're into the fetishistic side of it, but by no means does that mean the entire community enjoys stuff like that. Externally, you can like movies like Epic or Monsters Vs Aliens, but openly associating yourself with the g/t community because you think the dynamic between one character and another with an extreme size difference creates interesting points of contention that would fundamentally change how those two characters can interact with one another automatically makes you a fetishist in some people's eyes. Especially if both characters are *human*.
Personally, I love seeing the angsty, scary side of what size-related dynamics present. An exceptionally tiny human in a world built for regular humans, for example, would react differently to their environment than an equally small creature would since their size directly effects their means of interacting with a world that is no longer meant for them. By taking the inherent risk of talking to other members of their own species, a tiny human would be completely at the mercy of someone else's flaws and desires. Even if intent suggests that the tiny human is in no danger, they would always know that the larger humans they are interacting with are just as inherently flawed, if not more so, than they themselves are. This would be just another part of a normal relationship between people, but due to the intrinsic power imbalance, each of the larger person's mistakes become potential threats to the smaller's wellbeing.
To me, that's fucking *horrifying* and I love it for that. The kind of mental distress that a constant state of 'what if' creates is just one of many issues that could arise of extreme size difference. Which, to many, occasionally including myself, makes it all the more rewarding when the relationship overcomes the odds and becomes something comfortable for both parties instead.
These relationships don't necessarily have to be romantic or even friendly, and one can even say that such a romantic relationship could easily be seen as predatory depending on the context. The appeal of fluff in the g/t community as I see it, though, mostly comes from the potential for the larger character to protect the smaller as wholly and completely as the larger could in destroying the smaller. It's having absolute trust in a being that is simply, absolutely powerful, and being rewarded in a way that would be impossible for creatures of equal stature.
This all goes to say that assuming the existence of an inherent connection between all g/t content and macrophilic/microphilic fetish content is silly and frankly a bit insulting. Hell, I think that even certain parts of g/t that I get a bit woozy with (ie. vore) can be effectively used as plot devices rather than fetish content alone. It just sucks that I can't talk as fervently about all these things everywhere else as I can here without everyone thinking I'm a weirdo.
As always, I'm open to questions and comments. I'd love to see other people's takes on this.
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oraclekleo · 2 years
Kim Min Gyu (Seventeen) Kinky* Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Turn On
Dirtiest Secret*
Full Name: Kim Min Gyu
Stage Name: Mingyu
Group: Seventeen
Masterpost: Seventeen
Tumblr media
Kim Min Gyu
Mingyu (Seventeen)
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: Kinky*
Position - IV The Emperor
Mingyu can’t really go any more dom than this. He’s likely a caring dom, though. While he likes to be respected (called ‘sir’ or ‘master’ or whatever dom pet name he’s currently into) he’s not likely to manipulate or trick his lover. He’s openly assertive and powerful and will be the driving force of the relationship.
Libido - VI The Lovers
While he’s a dom, he’s not a sadist or anything near that. Mingyu is a romantic kind of guy and will enjoy love making fully and without restrictions on his side. He’s likely to truly enjoy kissing immensely and he’s absolutely incomparable when it comes to this skill. He’s passionate, sensual, his kisses are deep, hot and reaching the very soul of his partner. He’s also likely to become handsy. He likes physical contact, likes to feel his lover’s skin against his. Mingyu is actually more likely to enjoy making out than sex but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t want it. He does want it and he wants it a lot. The making out sessions nearly always escalate into nights of passion.
Turn On - VIII Strength
Mingyu is a dom but he has his mischievous and bratty side to him. He likes to play and become the teaser once in a while. And he looks for a lover who could easily tame him at times like these and handle his bratty side. He’s not looking for another dom, more like a person with wisdom, courage and gentle way of disciplining him. He’s looking for someone smart enough to grasp when he wants to play games and join him in this endeavour but won’t try to boss him when the game is over and Mingyu takes the dominance back.
Kink - 5 of Cups
Mingyu might have a thing for water. He’s likely to enjoy showering together with his lover (pressing them against wet tiles and taking their breath away from them in a steamy shower), or taking a bath together (being ridden while water splashes around) or even swimming naked at night together, getting frisky in the water, waves being the background noise for moans and sighs. Oof! I should stop before I need a cold shower myself here. You get the idea.
Dirtiest Secret* - King of Wands
Mingyu is likely to truly enjoy love making outside in nature. We have already mentioned naked swimming at night but Mingyu will like any kind of dirty ride when surrounded by nature. Picnics are never dull with this guy as he’s pretty inventive with strawberries and whipped cream. He’s likely to enjoy the thrill of being caught as well. Imagine this: Mingyu and his significant other attending some family or friends event, at one point they sneak out and find the thickest tree in the garden just for Mingyu to first inspect his lover’s tonsils thoroughly with his tongue and then start undoing his pants and ask his lover to drop on their knees with a cheeky wink. Okay… the cold shower seems like a good idea now.
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*Cough, cough!* You're not helping, man... 🥵
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asmoteeth · 1 year
¡Hey Asmo! How are you doing? I hope that you have been fine (idk from which part of Argentina are you (and it's not my business to know), but I hope that you are not suffering the heatwave as much as I'm XD)....
That last wedge fanart was simply sooo good Asmo...the look of shock, but also betrayal/slash anger, was spot on *chef kiss* idk about you, but with all the fluff present, some angst too would do really nicely (this is so perfect)
My personal hc: even as an established couple, HS still feels awful for his attitude towards Wedge when he found out he was an ex-con; it's really obvious when he's in that state, because he looks like a kicked puppy and exudes misery when around Wedge. How do you think he would fix this? Mandatory cuddle time? Wedge will turn HS into a burrito when he refuses to cuddle? Kinda like this?:
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*I bet he also does it when HS tries to do something stupid or when he's sleepy but doesn't want to recharge* Bonus: if you are into completing ship charts, would you be interested in doing this one? Only if you wanna ofc... You can ignore the horny level part, though (cause I know your opinion on that matter)
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Anyway, ¡sending you good wishes Asmo!
THE FIRST LINES WERE A WHISPLASH DO YOU MEAN LIKE-- YOU LIVE IN ARGENTINA TOO????? THAT'S SO COOL IF THAT'S THE CASE JSNWKABSIWKWBEIQJQ WHUAAAA The heatwaves have been painful, my clasroom is a forsaken OVEN and I almost threw up from the heat today, thank you for asking (´-﹏-`;)
THANK YOU SO MUCH <333 Honestly the expression was the first thing I drew in the whole piece, I just had an idea of anger+shock+fear+sadness and had to put it down to drawing QUICKLY and then I kept going, I didn't even expect to finish it today, I'm very proud of the lighting and blurry parts doing their job at giving the drawing profundity.
I DEFINITELY FEEL LIKE HOTSHOT COULD GET THOSE GUILT TRIPPING MOMENTS, even if he changed his whole view on deceptions he was probably raised with AS SOON AS HE DISCOVERED WEDGE WAS ONE I feel the things he said ("decepticons don't count as anyone" for example, ouch) might crawl on his back from time to time, what if he needs to overcompensate for that night?
What if he makes a day FULL of silly activities Wedge enjoys? Idk, weight lifting? THEIR DUO DRAG RACE STUNT, etc.
But Hotshot keeps getting guilt trips and it shows so at some point Wedge shakes him by the shoulders like WHAT'S WRONG WHY AREN'T U HAVING FUN
Hotshot is cornered and has no other way than to explain what's bothering him, Wedge is a little mad, but over the fact that he didn't tell him in the first place, specially when it was related to him and the fact that it was eating him from the inside this much.
They decide this day should be more soft, so they just head back inside, SOMEHOW GET A BLANKET LONG ENOUGH FOR THEM (sewing???) And YES, THEY CUDDLE YOU ARE SO RIGHT (tho honestly for me their "cuddling" is napping sprawled on the conversation pit, Hotshot is def a spider hugger when sleeping I accept 0 criticism)
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I love the slider thingie so much omg
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Obligatory Kallus ofc 🖤 but if you already have an ask about him or want something more: Kanan and/or Rex?
Oh you're the first one to request Kallus so let's go!
One aspect about them I love: I love and respect that even though he was in the Empire for a long time and actually believed in its cause and that it was helping the Galaxy (not like probably some of the others who joined to gain influence, money or power) he was still capable of changing, he didn't ignore the new facts and point of view presented to him by Zeb (and I imagine ignoring it would be very easy), instead he took steps to actually ask questions, find out the truth and eventually had enough courage to defect (my baby's character development is something that can be so personal...)
One aspect I wish more people understood about them: No idea actually
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have about this character: BUCKLE UP IT'S MY TIME TO SHINE!
He grew up in the Underworld, probably surrounded by many immigrant families, so he grew up in a diverse environment and knows a couple of languages besides Basic (btw he taught himself that posh Coruscanti accent in the Academy)
He would probably have a good alcohol tolerance (an Eastern European one, you know)
He used to be super self conscious about his freckles, many said it made him look childlish and unprofessional, but Zeb loves them and thinks they're absolutely adorable
He loves to stargaze, since he couldn't do that in the Underworld as a kid (bonus points if he's always amazed by plants and forests and nature for that exact reason)
He has scars after Onderon (like on his chest, back and arms) and is very self conscious about them
He cannot, for the love of his life, take a compliment
He's got very pretty penmanship
One character I love seeing them interact with: Zeb of course, duh! They are my sweethearts and I love them and not only because it's an obvious ship, I genuinely love their interactions. I adore The Honourable Ones and the way they were able to find the way to relate to each other despite being on two different sides of the war and that Zeb was the one who opened Kallus' eyes (and also shoutout to that small part of part 2 of Zero Hour, where they get the coordinates from Kallus' escape pod and Zeb just looks so scared and concerned for his man, like yes!)
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more: I would honestly love to see him and Sabine become besties, they have the potential, both being defectors from the Empire, I love the concept of them growing closer and becoming friends and bonding over stuff like gossiping about old Imperial bosses. I also feel like these two would be the ones who cook best out of the crew so maybe like, kitchen gossip sessions over making dinner? Idk, I love it (oh and btw he totally lets Sabine paint his nails when she's bored)
One (or more) headcanon(s) I have that involve them and one other character:
As above, I think Kallus can cook quite decent meals, he just never had the time and so when he's in the Rebellion, Sabine encourages him to cook meals with her and he rediscovers that passion (and is later able to enjoy it fully on Lira San)
I feel like all droids love him and he's the only one besides Hera, who Chopper actually respects and wouldn't mess with (also because Kallus is nice to Chopper and he loves to be cherished, my little war criminal)
He's an orphan from the Coruscanti Underworld and had to fight his way to the surface and to the Imperial Academy and later off planet and his backstory is something he bonds over with Ezra (bonus points if they exchange tips on pickpocketing and shoplifting, since they both used to do that to survive)
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