#but he's going to be a smug asshole about it sometimes
tootiecakes234 · 4 months
Katsuki’s POV:
I fucking hate myself. I was never supposed to become this type of sick idiot.
But here I am, across the room staring at her because she’s laughing, and it’s one of those full body laughs. She’s not trying to cover her face or stifle it at all. Sometimes she gets self conscious about her laugh being too weird or too loud but she couldn’t give two fucks about that right now and I physically cant tear my eyes away from her.
I’m aware that Eijirou is talking to me, but I’m not hearing anything he’s saying. It’s not until Denki’s face pops up in my line of vision that I finally snap out of what ever fucking trance the temptress had put on me.
“Baku-bro you should really close your mouth before something flies in it.” Denki says with a goofy grin on his face.
“Yea well, you should close your mouth before I shove my fist in it dumbass.”
“Hey, leave him alone. He’s in love.” And Eiji bumps his shoulder up against me. “It’s super manly.”
“Do you idiots ever shut up and mind your business?” I shout because I hate being called out about her. I swear I’m trying my best to not follow her around like a lost puppy but all that does is have me tracking her around with me eyes like a goddamn stalker.
“Dude, no one is saying it’s a bad thing. She’s super hot. Sometimes you can’t help but stare at her.” Denki says with a smirk on his face. He’s goading me. “ but you know what’s better than staring… touching. I might just run over and give her a big old hu- woah dude. I’m kidding calm down.”
My hands grabbing the front of his shirt and I can feel the sparks about to start flying from my hand. Then I feel a soft hand on my forearm and the effect she has on me is immediate.
I cut my eyes over and catch her smiling at me and just like that the sparks stop because I’ll be damned if I ever do anything that might end up hurting her.
“Kats… what have we said about hurting our friends….. they may be stupid but that doesn’t give us a right to kick their asses right???” She’s speaking slowly like she’s trying to talk down a jumper.
“Yea Kats. Don’t beat up your friends.” Denki’s smug voice caused my hand with his shirt to clench a little tighter.
“Denki dude. You’ve gotta cut it out before he murders you.” Eiji says that like he’s trying to help but the asshole is also snickering.
Then the hand on my forearm slides up my arm, across my chest and ends up wrapping around my neck and that’s it. She’s got me.
“Come on bub. I’m hungry, let’s go get food. Leave the evil men to cause chaos amongst themselves.” Then she’s pulling me away and all I can do is follow.
I turn my head quick tho and shout, “watch your back dunts face. I still owe you an ass whoopin!”
“Yea yea lover boy.” And his friends chuckle behind him.
And that’s what i am now isn’t it? It’s what she’s turned me into. A man so deep in fucking love that all she had to do was say the word and I’d fall to my fucking knees for her.
This shit is so embarrassing🙄
Katsuki Masterlist
Tag List: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @i-literally-cant-with-this @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @quirklestrash @lotionlamp @facinated-lemon @bakugouswaif @mintsbubbletea @anon-mouse223 @darkstarlight82
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sunny-mercya · 10 months
Ours not Yours.
Poly!Billy Loomis & Stu Macher x Male Reader
Fandom -> Scream 1996
Requested by -> @jaythes1mp
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Billys rage of jealousy was at a boiling point and ready to burst into anger. Throwing some fists or perhaps even gutting someone sounds more than pleasing appealing to Billy right now.
Slamming his locker shut, Billy turned his head to the side, taking a narrowing glance at the group a few meters ahead of him.
Tyler Gillery, one of the school main jocks, was the sole reason of Billys displeasuring anger. The teen was next to you, couldn't keep his hands off—one was always placed on your hip, as if you belong to him—from you. How Tyler could bring a laugh out of you, with his stupidity of jokes, how he managed to make you smile—the genuinely one with radiating happiness and love—and overall keep you from them, your actual boyfriends.
Billy scoffed, shoulders his bag and walked towards them. Bumping hard into Tylers shoulder, ignoring Sidney and Tatums confused faces and whatever they are about to say. Billy wasn't in the mood for their girlish complaints. He thought about pulling you along and away from them, but Tyler had a good grip on you and by god—that smug arrogant smile Tyler gave him, was making Billy even more furious.
«Damn, whats up with Billy? He looked mad.»
«hah, he's just being a silly moody mopey» joked Tyler, laughing boastfully and well too loud.
You elbowed Tyler in the rips, hard enough to have his grip loosen on you. Facing him, you gave him a frown. Tyler, in a mock surrender, holds his hands up, taking just a few steps of distance from you.
«chill, was just a joke, pretty boy.»
Your frown deepens, turning more into a scowl. Taking your bag into your hands, you gave a short goodbye to Sidney and Tatum.
«Hey hey, we're still going to do some studying later?»
«Maybe. If you're not being a silly asshole moody mopey.» your reply was flavoured with a disdain—biting bitter curtly—in your tone.
You liked Tyler. You too were acquaintances, counting him to a friend level, in and outside from school. He's a good guy by heart, but sometimes he can be a unnecessary mean little shit.
Stu grinned. Amused by Billy's little fit of jealousy and upcoming bloodlust towards Tyler. Stu gets it, really, seeing you constantly with Tyler—all friendly and almost lovely dovely—gives him too a rumbling of jealousy, but his and Billys jealousy were two different things.
Stu's jealousy was subtle, more of a teasing and hovering near you. Holding your hand for a week and showering you with compliments and jokes.
Whilst Billy's jealousy was a merciless possessiveness. Brooding glares, keeping you at hips bay, always near him and at the end of the day, marking your body with visible love bites and making your body limp in his hold.
«Ya know, rumours has it, that the Nurse office is at this time unoccupied and how about we give [Name] some health check up?» Stu's grin got wider, licking over his lips, leaning against some lockers.
«I'm this fucking close to gut Tyler out. The asshole had the actually audacity to have his filthy jock hands on [Name]'s hips.»
Stu only hummed in agreement, that he was listening to his boyfriend angry ranting. Being on a lookout for you, to catch you in his arms and "kidnapping" you into the nurse office. Doing it in school is a thrilling thought of excitement.
Billy and Stu hadn't meant to go this far. Didn't mean to cover your skin with so many love bites—bruising your skin into a purplish bloody hue, leaving marks, visible, of teeths all around every inch of your body—decorating your skin with it as if you were a trophy.
They both felt almost guilty about it, once they saw how dazed—one the verge of passing out—and shakily you are. Almost though.
Billy and Stu laid with you on the medical-bay bed, cramped together and with you in the middle. Prepping you face with kisses and showering you with praises till you dozed off into a short nap.
It was entirely your fault, that they had to go such length. This could have been avoided, if you didn't have acted so naughty.
For 2 whole weeks you have ditched and kinda avoided them, to hang out with Tyler—doing school projects or something like this. Leaving your boyfriends for themselves and it was getting on their nerves.
You were theirs, their precious little darling. You are Billy and Stu's priced possession. They will kill for you, if it means to protect you.
If they could, they would have collard you up, showing everyone who you belong to—even though they all know by now, that you're the boyfriend of Billy and Stu. Though since they couldn't do that, Billy and Stu have settled for a far better idea—giving love bites, the ones which would fade after weeks.
Exhausted with sleep, you limped through the empty school corridors. Billy and Stu walking on each side next to you, one holding your hand and the other your bag.
A pleased smile full of smugness and overconfidence on their lips. You rolled your eyes, muttering something about being impatiently needy under your breath. Honestly, they could have waited till you were at home, but then again, your boyfriends liked to be experimental (risky).
«Boys, once we're home you're gonna get me some Mcdonalds and KFC,»
«'course babe, everything you want my prince!»
«Yo, [Name]!» Tyler called out for you, jogging towards you, once he saw you stepping outside the school. He ignored the glaring stares of Billy and Stu, thinking about challenging them—too see who could win you over more, even though Tyler knows that you're already in a relationship with the two—but he always liked a good match or gambling.
Tyler stared at your neck, gulping his spit when he saw the amount of hickeys on your neck. Tired and disheveled you looked and Tyler wonders what you three has done and somehow he knew what you did, but didn't want to imagine it.
Because Tyler knew all too well that you belonged to only Billy and Stu. They have made that more than once perfectly clear.
«Are you....uh still up for some studying?»
«No, sorry, maybe tomorrow perhaps. I'm about to fall asleep any second soon,» you shook your head, mumbling out another apology to him as your eyes threatened to close themselves again. Staying awake was hard and the more you walked around the more exhausted you gotten.
«You heard [Name], maybe tomorrow Tyler. Now, if you so kindly would piss off now»
Tyler nodded, watching how Billy put an arm around your middle, pulling you close to him and giving Tyler—like he has done before—a smug grin.
There might be no killing tonight or in the next few weeks, but that doesn't mean Billy and Stu wouldn't give Tyler a good fucking scare anyways.
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hyperfixatedbastard · 3 months
one must grab the titty
Soft!Adam x AFAB!Reader
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It's no surprise that Adam's big on physical touch, but you expected it to be - well, sexual. Turns out that this clingy, hypersexual douchebag actually likes innocent, nonsexual intimacy. Like holding your boobs just 'cause they're nice to hold.
Word Count: 926
WARNINGS: SFW (I think?), AFAB!Reader with gender neutral pronouns, mentions of sex, no sexual content, nonsexual intimacy
A/N: I kinda hate this but I'm tired of working on it, so here ya go! Apologies if you have no tits, but let's be honest, that wouldn't stop this bastard.
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Adam has some… odd habits, at least by Heavenly standards. Sometimes you wonder just how exactly he’s an angel, but you’ve learned to not question it. He may be a douchebag and an asshole, but he has his moments. He’s sweet with you, at least. You never expected him to be a doting, clingy boyfriend, but he certainly proved you wrong.
No matter where you are or what you’re doing, he’ll have an arm around your waist, or one of his wings loosely wrapped around you. Adam is a possessive guy (after hearing about the whole Lucifer debacle, you can’t really blame him), and he makes it clear with the way he interacts with you in public. And in private, he’s arguably worse—you’re lucky to sit down without him draping an arm over your shoulders to pull you in close, or practically pulling you into his lap. He’d never admit it, but you think he needs the reassurance that you’re still there, that you haven’t left him.
You’re not so sure about that theory once the touches go past cuddling.
"Adam," you begin in a suspicious tone. "What are you doing?"
The angel in question blinks back at you owlishly. His mask and robes have been traded out for some sweatpants and a t-shirt that reads ‘I Got ADHD’ with the subtitle ‘A Damn Hard Dick.’ The two of you are cuddling on the couch in your shared apartment, with some shitty action movie playing on the TV as you sit wrapped up in his arms and wings with your back to his chest (you didn’t think that action movies would be allowed in Heaven considering the murder and whatnot, but once again, you don’t question it).
"Hm?" he hums innocently. "I'm watching the fuckin' movie, babe."
You glance down to where his hand is shamelessly groping your boob over your shirt. You debate whether or not to even confront him about it, considering he isn't actually doing anything other than just holding your tit, but you ask anyways.
"Why is your hand on my boob, then?" you prompt, your eyes shifting between his face and where his hand is idly groping your chest.
Adam chuckles and breaks out into a smug grin. "What? Can't a guy hold his partner's tits?" He gently squeezes your boob for emphasis.
Your face heats up at that, and your eyes narrow in confusion. "Why do you want to?" 
"Uh, because they're fucking great," he answers incredulously, like you're the weird one here. He then brings his free hand up to hold your other boob. He gives them both a gentle squeeze, but doesn't do anything more than that. The lack of a sexual innuendo, joke, or proposition doesn’t make sense to you—it feels out of character for Adam, even after learning about his love of cuddling.
You just look at him, confused. Sure, you've always known that he's a boob guy, but this doesn't strike you as Adam's usual horny antics. But if it’s not sexual (which you still find hard to believe), what the fuck is it? 
He seems to realize that his original explanation isn’t good enough. "Look, hot stuff, boobs are just nice to fuckin' hold, y'know? All soft n' squishy n' shit."
You raise a brow at that. It’s a fair point, you suppose. "So, what, my tits are like stress balls for you?"
Adam laughs—not that loud, boisterous laugh he does when pranking some poor soul, but that more genuine, softer one few people ever got to hear. "Yeah, pretty fuckin' much, babe. They're comforting!"
You roll your eyes at him, albeit fondly, as a smile pulled at your lips. "Whatever works for you, I guess."
His smirk grows, and he squeezes your boobs a little firmer this time. "Oh, these beauties are fucking workin' for me, sweet cheeks."
You scoff, albeit lightheartedly, and swat at his shoulder. "Shut up and watch your damn movie."
Adam doesn’t respond, but he pulls you a little closer and gives your tits one last good squeeze before returning his attention to the TV—for the most part, at least. His hands don’t leave your chest, but they don’t really do much either. They’re just resting there, occasionally groping or giving a light squeeze. Damn, this really isn’t a sex thing for him, is it?
You’d already been shocked when you’d first realized how clingy Adam is. You were even more surprised to discover that he’s a fan of nonsexual intimacy in general, like cuddling and hugging without it leading to something more. And here he is, surprising you once again by doing something that should surely be sexual in his mind, yet treating it casually and barely even making sex jokes about it. 
A few more minutes into the movie, you can’t hide your curiosity anymore. “This really isn’t a sexual thing for you?”
Adam’s eyebrows raise, and he looks puzzled at your question before breaking out into a smirk. “Why, do you want it to be?”
You scoff and shake your head. “No, I’m just… surprised, is all.”
“Hey! I can appreciate some nice boobs without it being sexual,” he protests, and he sounds at least partially serious.
“Okay, okay, I believe you,” you assure him with a soft laugh. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing.”
“Good, ‘cause I fuckin' like this,” Adam remarks, once again squeezing your boobs for emphasis. You just fondly roll your eyes at him and go back to watching the movie.
Having a clingy boyfriend is pretty nice, actually.
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Taglist: @3sire-777
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ravenromanova · 8 months
I fucking hate you
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Parings: Bucky x Female avenger reader
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, Mean Bucky (only for a little). SMUTTTTT DO NOT READ IF YOURE UNDER 18+! Daddy kink, Metal arm kink, Praise kink, Hate fucking, Breeding kink, Unprotected sex, Oral (m and f), Fingering. DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDERAGE
Summary: When you and Bucky are forced to have a therapy session after a mission gone wrong you two find another way to let the anger out.
Kinktober masterlist - Main masterlist - Send me requests!!!!
The sound of the clock ticking mixed with a pen tapping against a notebook drives you insane as you stare at the wall. It’s been thirty minutes of silence with neither you or Bucky daring to speak first. In your eyes this session was pointless. He was the one who fucked up the mission and yet youre paying for it by having a therapy session with him.
The mission was a simple intel mission… or it should’ve been until Bucky went off the rails and got the both of you captured. Luckily you were able to get yourselves freed before anything bad happened. But nevertheless you were told by Fury and Maria that you two needed to fix the issues between you. Honestly you didn’t hate Bucky as much as you led on but he could be such an insufferable asshole sometimes.
He would constantly pick on you like a small child, belittle your powers and abilities, and not to mention he would constantly ditch you during missions. So since he wanted to be an asshole you decided that being a petty bitch would get him to stop… You were very wrong and that just seemed to make it worse for you.
All in all you were completely infatuated with the super soldier but it was clear he had no interest in you. So you kept up the petty bitch act and that just meant the two of you were constantly at war with one another.
“This is a waste of time, It wasnt even my fault the mission got fucked up so im not even sure why im here.” You state crossing your arms looking at Dr.Raynor.
“The reason youre here y/n is so you and James can work through whatever it is going on in hopes that you two start getting along” The older woman says with a slight shake to her head.
“I wouldn’t have a problem with him if he wasnt such a dick” Your words made Bucky whip his head to look at you with a scowl on his face.
“Oh im the asshole? What about you huh? You’re a fucking pest and not to mention the weakest one on the team” He scoffed looking back at raynor.
“THE WEAKEST ONE? The only thing special about you came from a fucking test tube” You retort feeling yourself about to explode from rage.
“Oh so that’s how we are gonna play this?” He asked cocking his head to the side with a smug smile.
“You act like youre tough shit when in all reality take off the arm and take away the serum then what are you? A amputee with a military background.. You aren’t that special” Your words hit a part of him he didn’t know existed anymore.
“Okay enough you two!” Dr.Raynor said before Bucky had the chance to respond. “This is ridiculous! Throwing insults back and forth wont help whatever is going on between you two” She continued and you and Bucky huffed.
“It definitely makes me feel better knowing miss priss over here gets knocked down a few pegs” He mumbles under his breath.
“Okay that’s it! I’m fucking done. I cant do this shit anymore. You wanna hate me? fine. Guess what? I fucking hate you too” You said standing up abruptly and slamming the door as you exit the room.
Bucky and Dr.Raynor both looked at each other and sighed. “Why cant you just be honest with her?” She asked him making him roll his eyes.
“I dont know what youre talking about” He shakes his head making the older woman groan.
“Dont play dumb James. We both know how you feel about y/n you are just to chicken shit to tell her” She retorts raising her eyebrows at the solider.
“You’re a terrible therapist” He retorts shaking his head at her comment. Yes Bucky was madly in love with you but he didn’t think you’d feel the same after his past and how he’s treated you.
Ever since Bucky had come back from being blipped he found it difficult to readjust to life yet again. So he did what he always did he threw himself into his work. Avenging became the only thing he did day in and day out. He had met you during a meeting when you were introduced as the newest Avenger. You were all bright and bubbly towards everyone even him.
Naturally he avoided you not wanting to taint the sunshine that shined from within. But despite him being a dick to you, you still smiled at him during training, said good morning whenever you saw him in the mornings. You were just always sweet to him for some reason even though he had never shown you kindness. Well that was until six months ago when one day you were just as bitchy to him as he was you.
For some reason that hurt Bucky more than he thought possible. He didn’t think he would miss your sunshiny attitude until it was gone. The two of you started fighting amend arguing over everything for the past six months. The entire team was annoyed by the sudden escalation in you and Bucky’s relationship. Normally he would just be cold to you and that was it. But now you’ve started fighting back which was a surprise to everyone since you were normally so quiet. Bucky missed the ray of sunshine you used to be but he also didn’t want to taint you with his presence.
But nevertheless Bucky kept up his whole thing of messing with you and you started being bitchy right back, which was why the two of you were forced into therapy together.
“Go tell her how you feel James, That’s youre homework for the week” Dr.Raynor said breaking Bucky out of his thoughts.
“And if i dont?” He pushed tilting his head. The woman looked at him then sighed.
“If you dont ill make sure you and Peter are assigned on the same missions for six months” She threatened and Bucky’s eyes widened at the thought of being stuck with parker on missions.
“Okay okay no need to do all that” He said standing up and putting his hands up in defeat. The older woman laughed to herself as she watched Bucky walk out her office.
Bucky had left the office to go and find you but had no luck. He had looked for you in all of your normal spots kitchen, living room, game room, your room but you weren’t there. It wasnt until he decided to check the training room that he had found you. You were at the punching bags hitting them as hard as you could to get out your anger.
“Y/n?” He said softly as he approached you carefully not wanting to startle you. You had turned around to face him with your chest heaving and your face sweaty.
“What Bucky?” Your voice dripped with venom as you spoke. Bucky had ran his hand through his hair sighing a little.
“Look i just wanted to say im sorry” He said and you looked for any hints of sarcasm or anything in his eyes but found none.
“I’m sorry im gonna need you to repeat that” You brought a hand to your ear acting like you didn’t hear him.
“I’m sorry for being an asshole. I never meant to hurt youre feelings doll” Bucky repeated but this time adding in a nickname that made your heart race.
“i-its okay” You stutter out not really fathoming the fact that Bucky is apologizing or that fact that he used a nickname to address you instead of an insult.
“No its not- i-i just dont know how to handle my emotions properly and i took it out on you when i shouldn’t have” His hands didn’t their way to your hips as he speaks. Your eyes go to his wands on your waist and then back up to him.
“It’s okay Bucky i get it” You say as your hands find their way to his shoulders. Bucky’s flesh hand moved to cup your face as he looked into your eyes making you melt. He slowly rubs his thumb against your cheek making you smile and lean into his touch.
“Why are you being so nice all of a sudden?” The question comes out shaky when you speak.
“Because it wasnt until you said that you hated me that i realized i fucked up and treated the one person who has never looked at me like a monster like shit. And i couldn’t stand the thought of you hating me.” He said honestly and for the first time you could see genuine emotion in his eyes.
“And whys that?” You ask stepping a little closer to him with a small smile.
“Because im in love with you” Bucky admits bringing you into a passionate kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck and deepen the kiss earning a small groan from him. The two of you get so wrapped up in each other you forget to come up for air.
“I-I love you too” You admit after you catch your breath making him smile. Bucky then picks you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. He then carries you out of the training room and takes you to his.
When he brings you back to his room he lays you down on the bed before getting on top of you. He slots himself between your legs as he brings you in for another heated kiss. You moan into the kiss as you feel his hands roam all over your body. Bucky’s hands find the hem of your shorts and pull them down your thighs not breaking the kiss.
“Please” You whisper against his lips feeling his metal hand graze your dripping core. He sits on his knees and takes off you shirt then bra before sucking on your nipple. You throw your head back in pleasure letting out a moan.
“Oh fuck” Bucky takes his metal hand and finds his way in your panties and starts playing with your clit. “Yes daddy” You whimper breathlessly feeling the cool metal come into contact with your heat.
“Oh you like that kotenok?’ He asks after he releases your nipple with a pop. You nod your head and whisper a ‘Yes’ and start bucking your hips against his hand.
“Please please fuck me” You beg moving your hand down to his clothed crotch.
“So needy” He mocks unbuckling his belt and drops his pants on the floor before taking off his boxers and shirt. Once he’s fully naked in front of you, you cant help but stare at his reddened cock standing at attention for you.
You sit up so you come face to face with the red tip and wrap your hand around the base of his cock. His eyes go wide and his breath catches in his throat when you lick the pre cum off his slit.
“So good” You whisper before you hollow out your cheeks and take him into your mouth. His hands instantly find their way into your hair trying to resist fucking your throat. You tap his thigh letting him know he can use you as he pleases.
Bucky then grips onto your hair tighter and starts to thrust into your throat. “Fuck kotenok” He whines feeling your tongue graze the vein of his cock. You open your throat as much as you can so you can fully take him and sink down to the base of his cock.
“Fuck- i-im gonna cum if you keep doing that” He grunts feeling your throat open and close around him. His thrusts gets sloppy as he feels himself about to finish. He abruptly stops thrusting and pulls himself out of your throat making you whine.
“As much as id love to make you swallow id much rather breed that pretty pussy” Bucky says wiping the drool off your chin making you nod your head. You quickly get on all fours in front of him and wiggle your ass making him smack it.
“Yes daddy” You moan in delight feeling his metal hand come into contact with your soft skin. Bucky smirks and smacks the other cheek making you moan happily.
“You like that baby?” He coos rubbing the red marks he’s left making you shiver.
“Mhm” You nod backing your ass up against his cock. He takes the sign and slowly eases himself into you before bottoming out.
“So tight” He groans pulling out then thrusting back in. You scream in delight feeling his thick cock stretch you out. You weren’t a virgin in the slightest but Bucky had definitely been the biggest you’d ever taken.
“S-So big daddy” The words come out broken as you feel his tip kiss your g-spot.
“You can take it baby. Take daddy’s cock be a good girl and take it so i can fill you up. Would you like that? Do you want me to breed you and make you a mommy?” He asks wrapping his metal arm around your neck bringing you up to get a new angle.
“OH FUCK YES” You scream at the new angle feeling him in a new way. The thought of Bucky breeding you makes your eyes roll back and your brain go fuzzy. “Please-please fill me up daddy” You bed as his thrusts get harder.
“Oh i will kotenok dont worry” He says squeezing his hand a little around your neck. You never thought in a million years you’d have all your fantasies come true but fuck were you loving it.
“G-Gonna cum daddy… can i cum?” The question is choked out making Bucky smile.
“Yes baby cum for me im right behind you” He said and that’s when the coil in your stomach snapped and you came all over him. Feeling your warm walls clench down on him sent him over the edge, and he wrapped his flesh at around your stomach holding you close as he came. Bucky’s thrusts slowed down as he fucked his cum into you ensuring none would leak out.
“Fuck baby” He groaned in your ear giving you kisses up and down your neck and collarbone. “You did so good kotenok” Bucky praised slowly pulling out but still holding you close. Once he pulled out he laid you against the pillows and settled in between your legs again.
“T-Thank you daddy” You said in a fucked out haze trying to catch your breath. Bucky kisses from your chest down to your thighs and then settles his face in front of your pussy. He spreads your wet folds with his flesh hand before leaving a kiss on your clit.
‘Too sensitive daddy-cant-please-“ You protest trying to close your thighs but failing as he holds them apart.
“Just wanna taste you baby” He whispers giving your thigh a kiss. Not trusting your voice you opt your nodding and letting him do what he wants.
He slowly licks a stipe from your hole to clit making you whimper and cry out. Bucky groans at the way you taste and starts eating you like a man starved. His lips wrap around you clit and starts sucking lightly making you claw at his back.
“Yes yes yes” You chant feeling another orgasm about to rip through you. He picks up the pace and starts sloppily eating your pussy making you feel like never before.
“Gonna cum!” You scream arching your back off his bed and gripping the sheets as you finish on his tongue. Bucky groans in satisfaction and licks you clean before bringing you into a messy kiss.
“So fucking good” He praised after he broke the kiss. You smiled at him and feel back against the pillows in a haze. You felt the bed dip and you saw Bucky walk into the bathroom and grab a wet cloth. He came back to the bed and cleaned you up while telling you how good you did.
“You’re so perfect” He whispered in your ear laying down next to you. You crawled over to him and laid your head on his chest looking up at his pretty blue eyes.
“Not too bad yourself” Bucky laughed at your comment bringing you in for a loving kiss. “I could get used to that” You said with a cheeky grin on your face making him roll his eyes in faux annoyance.
“You better because now youre stuck with me” He said giving you a wink. The thought if being ‘stuck’ with him gave you butterflies and make you melt even more into hin.
“I think id be okay with that” You said pretending to think about it making Bucky laugh. He ran his hand through your hair and admired your beauty. In all of his 106 years on this earth he never thought he felt this way about someone. That was until you.. And he’ll be damned if he ever lets you get away again.
~The end~
I do not give permission for my work to be copied or translated on other cites
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rough housing with earth-42 miles 👀
(this is like a month overdue but enjoy!)
Rough-Housing With Earth!42!Miles Morales
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He's actually one to not go down without a fight
Obviously he's letting you win in the end though
He just finds it funny to watch you struggle for a minute or two
Or sometimes he likes tackling you and straddling your waist secretly
He finds it so cute
You guys are fighting at the most random times of any day as well
Some stuff has been broken in stores causing poor Miles to have to pay
Even if he loses on purpose he says shit like
"I still won."
OR if he loses by actually losing he is shocked
He's offended
He's going over his own workout routine because he just got humbled real quick
He still refuses to admit he loses
He is a cheater as well
He's locking his arms around your waist, tickling you, blowing raspberries onto your neck and shit
Or he's gonna kiss you mid rough housing, act like he's starting a makeout before pinning you down
This asshole plays dirty and he is not afraid to admit it
He loves the shocked look on your face when he does that as well
He's so smug about it as well
But even if you did win by actually beating him even if his ego is hurt a bit he's actually proud and smug
Because his baby just pinned him down
His partner is strong and he knows it
Even if you were stronger than him he likes trying you and annoying you
Trying not to giggle when he sees those muscles in your arms
Feels like a schoolgirl for a moment in a hug 🤭
@mushystrawberries @sweetheartlizzie07 @itstooearly-its3am @Ihavetoexist @kaorussgf @samsketchezz @yas-v @lovelymiaablogss @sussybaka10 @shisuishoe @sairavity @moonlight-rosevine @spectr3inl0ve @najiiix @popeheywardssecretgf @edgyficuselastica @sylisan @onginlove
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hyunniesgirl · 6 months
Can you make a one shot smut where like reader and Chan like REALLY hate each other, like CANNOT stand each other but like while reader is out partying she like sees Chan so for shits and giggles she goes up to him and flirts with him which ends up w Chan subbing and begging to cum. I’d like to be 🪼 anon pls :3 and ty if you do this !! 🙏🏼
I love the hate concept (I'm literally obsessed with hate sex), thank you for the ask ❣️ I hope you like it, I'm not really good with smut but I'm trying to get better!!
Something bad
Pairing: Bangchan x reader
Words count: 2,006
Warnings: switch!Chan, switch!reader, hate relationship, handjob
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You hate his guts. Bang Chan thinks he's all that, but in your opinion he's actually an asshole. You have known each other for so long you're not sure if you always hated him, but if not, you don't know when it started.
He's your brother's best friend, so he is always around, teasing you, making jokes about your hair in the morning or even bringing his hookups late at night, banging them in his room so loudly as if he wants you to hear how good he's making them feel.
You listen to everything from the guest room you sleep in when visiting and the smug look on his face when he sees your eyebags the next morning make you even more mad.
He's not much different from you, Chan likes to see your reactions, how red you get when you're angry about the simplest things he does to tease you or even how you avoid his eyes when you find him at the front door in the morning, saying goodbye to the people he fucked.
He'll look at you waiting for a complaint about the noise but you just look everywhere but his face. He loves that, love that your feisty attitude dies down after hearing him going on all night long. You're back to your usual self by lunch time, that's why he keeps bringing people every night when you visit, he wants to make you angry.
You're currently looking for an apartment, you just got out of uni and got a nice job, so you're staying with your brother just until you can sign the lease of the apartment you're renting with your two best friends.
They invited you to go out tonight, have some fun, maybe fuck a hot random stranger or just pass out drunk anywhere but your brother's house. Literally anything is a better option than another sleepless night of Chan fucking someone senseless and making you horny.
You would never, ever, admit this out loud, but the way you can hear him groaning sometimes when you get close to his room, just messes with your head. He IS an attractive man, even though you hate him, you cannot deny he is hot. Beautiful dark wavy hair, nice broad shoulders and that physic is just… you just know he could break you in half if he wanted to.
You shake your head, why are you having these strange thoughts again? He's your brother's best friend and the guy that makes your life a living hell every time you're in his house. Is it because he's here? Out of all places, why did he and his friends decide to come to the same party as you and your friends did?
“Should we go home?” You sigh, making your friends glare at you.
“Not even a chance”, Sana says, making you sigh. “Should we play a game? Maybe that will get you to relax”
She exchanges a glance with Yeji, smirking. You're already kinda dizzy from your previous drink, so you're not sure you understand what that look means. But you nod, drinking games are your thing, you love them all.
It was all premeditated, you're sure your friends knew Chan would be there with his crew, they are acquainted, after all. You know it was all planned when Yeji giggled, saying “I dare you to flirt with Chan”. Sana laughed so hard at your face after hearing that, saying “we are talking about a hard flirting, literally get a hard on out of him”
That's how you ended up walking in his direction now, feeling your face warm, at least the alcohol makes you feel more secure about yourself. You're looking hot today, wearing a tight short black dress with a neckline lower than how you usually wear, exposing a good piece of your skin and breast. You're sure you can pull Chan.
He stares at you up and down when you show up in front of him, you look smoking hot. He knows you're attractive, it's such a shame you're so annoying.
You greet his friends, you know all of them since they come buy a lot to your brother's and Chan apartment.
“Can I have a sip?” You ask Chan, sitting by his side at the booth. His friends look at each other, saying something you can't hear because of the loud music and then going to the dance floor.
“What do you want?” He ignores your question, scowling when you do the same to him, grabbing his drink and tasting it.
“Woah, this is bitter just like you”, you smile seeing him rolling his eyes.
“Are you drunk? Should I call your brother?” He asks, sighing.
“No, Channie”, you pout, calling the nickname you've heard so many people scream when they were fucking, “let's have some fun, hm? What do you think?”
You turn your body to stare at him, putting your hand on his chest, snuggling closer to him. He smells nice and the warmth his body emits makes you want to get even closer.
“What game are you playing?” He asks with a smug smile on his lips, brows lifted in question.
You sigh.
“It's truth or dare”, you tell, rolling your eyes. “Can't you just get hard already so I can be done?”
Chan chuckles, throwing his head back in a loud laugh, you know it's loud because you can hear it even with the loud music playing in the background.
“Do you really think you have what it takes to get me hard, little girl?” He asks playfully, making you scowl.
“Of course I do”, you tell him, crossing your arms.
You can't help but notice the look he sneaks at your breasts almost popping out of your dress. You decide to use that, in your favor.
“Do you wanna touch it, Channie?” You ask, touching your chest with your hands and squeezing your breasts up so he can have a better view.
“If I do get hard”, he clears his throat, “you should think about the consequences of what is going to happen after that”
“I will win the dare and go back to my friends”, you shrug.
Chan smiles, diabolically. Clicking his tongue.
“I don't think so”, he turns to you, sliding his hand on your thigh, squeezing the flesh while he gets closer to your face. “If you do manage to get me hard, I'll take you home and you're going to take care of it. So you better think carefully about your next move”
You feel goosebumps all over your body, it's because you're grossed out, right? You would never feel turned on with Chan speaking so closely to you, his hot breath hitting your skin has nothing to do with the warmth growing in your lower stomach.
“You know what I think, Channie?”, you try to take back control over the situation, “you're afraid your best friend's little sister is going to make you so horny you won't be able to do anything other than beg to cum”, you slide your hand to the hem of his shirt, sliding it under the fabric and brushing your nails on his stomach, close enough to his cock to provoke a reaction out of him.
Chan breaths through his teeth, trying to control himself. He tried being confident, saying those things to you so you'd get scared and go back to your friends. He didn't think you would keep going and now he's not so sure about what he said, since you clearly are managing to get him hard.
He slides his hand under your dress, feeling how wet your underwear is and decides to use that in his favor.
“Are you sure you want to keep this up?” He asks, brushing his fingers over your covered cunt. You don't avoid his gaze, staring at him intensely, you're not going to give in. He smirks, well, if he can't escape this, he better have some fun. “Let’s see who's gonna be the one begging”
You're not sure how the hell you got there, in a moment Chan was whispering something to you and the next he was dragging you to the bathroom, throwing you against the wall. His lips are attached to your neck, sucking so hard you're sure it's gonna leave marks. Your body is pressed against his and you feel his hard cock on your stomach, now that you manage to get him hard it's time to stop it, so why is the only sound that comes out of your mouth muffled moans?
He slides his hands under your skirt, moving your underwear to the side while he presses a finger on your clit.
You have to do something, you need to take control. Your hand touches his covered cock and Chan groans, resting his head on the wall. He hates the idea of leaning on you.
You work fast, unbuttoning his pants and sliding your hand under his underwear, grabbing his cock in a fist, going up and down, feeling his cock twitching in your hand.
Chan was too cocky, he shouldn't have let you do this. Your touch is just too good, he can't help but moan subtly with every stroke you give to his dick.
He's growing restless, even though he's working with his fingers on you he knows it's a lost case. Your hand is soft, massaging his cock gently but firmly and the look in your eyes, like you're watching your prey, the way you have your bottom lip stuck between your teeth, enjoying seeing him panting while you play with him, it's just too much for him. He feels his orgasm getting closer, you can tell by the way his cock is twitching so you slow the speed of your hand, earning a frustrated groan from him.
“Do you like it, Channie?” You ask playfully, watching his voice crack when he tries to speak.
“Stop teasing, you fucking brat”, he grunts.
“That's not what I want to hear, baby”, you say as your index finger twirls over the head of his cock. “Do you wanna cum?”
He nods, feeling the blush on his cheeks grow, he can't believe he's humiliating himself like that.
“Tell me”, you smirk, “tell me what you want, be a good boy for me, yeah?”
You're feeling extra confident now, seeing him whimper when you get back to jerking him off.
“L-Let me cum”, he whispers too low, you're not even sure if you heard him.
“You can do better, Channie”, you tell him, fastening your movements.
“Please”, he whimpers, “let me cum”, he throws his head back, he doesn't want to give in so easily but your hand around him is just divine, he wants to cum so badly he doesn't mind begging at that moment.
“More”, you tell him simply, “beg more”
“Please, I just-” he whimpers.
“Are you going to stop being so mean to me?” You ask, trying to get something out of this, since you have him so vulnerable right now.
He nods frantically, needing his release more than anything. You keep jerking him off faster, while watching him moan, your hand going up and down on his cock.
His cum springs all over your hands, while he groans with faltering movements, trying to calm down from his high. You're almost sure you heard him sob, but if that really happened, he hid it really well.
After cleaning up the mess he made on your hand, you look at him with a pretentious victorious smile.
“I guess I won”, you cross your arms in front of your chest and Chan sighs, not able to look you in the eyes. Acting exactly like you do when you find him and his last fuck in the living room of his apartment.
“Let's just pretend this never happened”, he tells you, turning around and going out of the bathroom.
But you're not so sure if you'll be able to leave him alone now that you tasted this side of him.
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jarofstyles · 7 months
Can you do a bit of arrogant or idk like…. Mean dom Harry teasing you while you suck him off? That would be so good
Oooo… yes I can.
“Said to stick your tongue out.” Harry mumbled, holding her hair in a makeshift ponytail with one hand while the other handled his cock. Y/N’s eyes shifted from the dribble of precum on his tip to his eyes, the dark gaze making her want to shiver. “Or did your pretty little head empty out once you saw my cock?”
Harry had an affinity to be the biggest asshole in the world, but Y/N simply couldn’t stop seeing him. Spending her Saturday half annoyed at him as he teased her and make her irritated when they were with her friends -she refuses to say his because she was there first, damn it!- only to end up in his living room on her knees, burning slightly from the carpet underneath. He sat on his armchair, pants pulled to his knees and his cock glistening in her spit from when she had greedily taken him into her mouth. Without asking, of course.
“Hm?” A tug of the hair made her fuzzy vision clear, lips shaped in an ‘o’ before she laid her tongue out flat. Sometimes, time moved slower when she got into this headspace. The good thing about Harry, though, was he wasn’t ever an ass after sex. He had morals, surprisingly, and liked to indulge in this. This was the only time they weren’t at each other’s throats. “Look at that. Baby’s got a brain after all.” His sarcastic coo damped her, her poor panties a waste of fabric at this point.
As much as she hated his arrogance in most scenarios, seeing him like this was something else entirely. Broad, smug, controlled. He likes to watch her submit in the only way she would ever allow. His hand stroked his length a few times in front of her face, that all knowing smirk on his raspberry lips making her want to squirm.
“Y’know, you just had to ruin it. Had to ruin my plans by being greedy. Was planning on kissing on you a bit, getting you in my lap and make you cum on my thigh. Filthy little thing you are, you like working for it but… no.” He sighed, rubbing his thumb over the drippy slit of his prick. “No, you apparently are too cock starved from my two weeks away, had to take it down your throat. Couldn’t even do that correctly today either, coughed around it and making a mess before I asked for it.” He shook his head in disappointment, tilting her head further back and tapping the head of his cock over the flat of her tongue.
“Could have just asked. Begged, really. But instead, you got on your knees and took my cock into your slutty little mouth.” He rubbed himself over the wet muscle, groaning lowly as he watched the filthy sight. “Think I didn’t know you’ve been gagging for it all night? Think I didn’t see you shift around and squeeze your thighs when I sat next to you? Pretend to hate me but really, you hate that you can’t just climb on my lap and sit on my cock whenever you want.” He rambled sometimes, a talker during sex, but when Y/N got to have him she didn’t care. Her brain did indeed like to shut off.
“Go ahead. Close those lips around it and suck, but I’m in charge. You want me to fuck your mouth?” His request for consent never wavered, despite her previous discussions of being fine with it. Y/N didn’t have it in her to speak, whining and nodding frantically as she scooted closer on her knees. That was one of her favorite things. Being useful, watching that polished control he has fray around the edges. The release.
“Course you do. Should have known.” he paused for a moment. “You know how to get me to stop.” Gripping her locks, he pushed her down onto his cock. Ignoring the gagging, he used his hand to push her mouth down on him, the wet, nasty sound of her throat being fucked filling his otherwise silent living room. His thighs were spread a bit, his black jeans bunched under his knees as he used her. The silk of her throat and the hot spit dribbling down to his balls, he never had anything better.
“There you go, mama. That’s all you need to calm that fiery temper down, hm? Need my cock in that hot little mouth.” He hissed, pulling her up slightly so her sucking focused on the tip. Tears went down her cheeks from the gagging, but the smear of black mascara down her skin only added to his favorite vision. “Could treat you so, so nice, but you hate that. You want me to use you as a whore, and I aim to please.” He pulled his cock from her mouth, hushing her as she let out a whine. It was true. It weirded her out when he had tried to be gentle during sex.
“Christ… if only our friends knew about you. If they knew that you love to get on your knees for me, after bitching about me all day long. How you beg for me to stuff that sweet little cunt full. Mm, or that ass.” It had been twice, the first times you’d ever done anal but good god, did you like it. Harry was surprisingly gentle for that. “I’ve taken all your holes. So you can sit there and complain that m’an ass, that I’m mean, that I piss you off… but always remember that you’ll end up begging for it at the end of the night.”
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strangererotica · 1 month
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Soft!dom Eddie x Sub!Reader • Dom!Steve x Sub!Reader • Perv!Dirty Cop!Hopper x Reader
SMUT SMUT SMUT, minors DNI • Includes established MFM relationship, mentions of drugs & incarceration, abuse of power, spanking, rough sex with aftercare, angst, sex in the Blazer. Hopper is a manipulative asshole in this fic; only proceed if you’re comfortable reading his character from that perspective. <3
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Eddie sat down heavily, frustrated, on the edge of the bed. He’d been in a weird mood all day, but it seemed his negative attitude had reached a peak. “Over my lap,” he ordered. You smirked back at him in silence, leaning with your ass against the dresser a few feet away. You weren’t going to budge.
Eddie’s eyebrows lifted at your audacity, his big eyes blinking back at you in surprise. He sat forward slightly, palms closed over his knees. “Okay,” he conceded. “You wanna be a brat, that’s fine. I’ll tell Steve when he gets home, let him deal with you…”
You winced, knowing from experience that if Steve delivered your punishment, you wouldn’t be able to sit comfortably for days. Steve’s hands were bigger than Eddie’s, and he had fewer reservations than Eddie did when it came to leaving marks.
Eddie’s lips twisted into a smug grin as you reluctantly made your way over to him, pulling your panties down. “That’s what I thought,” he teased. Eddie guided you onto his lap, your stomach resting over his thighs, head dipped toward the floor. He lightly groped the fat of your left cheek, before drawing back his hand and spanking you.
The sting was minimal, but the burn left in the wake of Eddie’s hand radiated through your muscles. A little shiver ran down your spine as Eddie’s breath blew cool between your shoulders. “What am I being punished for, Sir?” you asked. Eddie chuckled above you.
“You really don’t know?” he asked, before spanking you again. “Thats kind of adorable. You take my hand so well-.” *smack!* “-And you don’t even know what you’re being punished for. Just that I know what’s best for you…” *smack*
Eddie was switching between both sides of your ass, rubbing away the sting each of his strikes left behind. You were grateful for Eddie’s punishment and not Steve’s, because unlike Eddie, Steve never participated in any kind of aftercare. That was Eddie’s job; Steve left the tenderness up to him.
After fucking you into a wet, contented mess, Steve would just leave the room. He’d pull out of whichever of your holes he’d just obliterated, leaving you sloppy and swollen, letting his cum drip all over the place as he staggered off to the shower. Eddie’s job was to clean you up, to soothe your wounds after a particularly rough session, and to make you feel safe. Eddie would lick you head to toe, cleaning Steve’s cum off your skin and from inside whichever hole Steve had used.
You’d sometimes come again while Eddie was cleaning you up, and he’d give you lots of praises and encouragement for doing so. He’d kiss your pussy and tell you, from between your slick, quivering thighs, what a good job you’d done making Steve happy, and making him happy, too.
Eddie would then pull you into his arms and cuddle you to sleep. You’d drift off in the safety of his arms, with the comforting feeling of Eddie’s cock pulsing against your ass. When he was sure you were asleep, Eddie would carefully exit the bed and go relieve himself in the bathroom.
“Such a good girl,” he said softly, caressing the sensitive skin of your ass. “I’ll bet when people see you out and about in Hawkins, they’d never guess what a little freak you are behind closed doors…”
Eddie groped your ass, messaging away the pain. You shifted on his lap, his stiffening cock poking uncomfortably against your ribs.
“I’ll tell you,” Eddie said. “Why you had to be punished.” He guided you off his lap and seated you beside him on the bed. You waited for Eddie’s explanation. “Last night,” he began. “When we were fucking…you called me Jim.”
It was difficult, but you managed to conceal the wave of dread that rushed through you. Shit.
“And it got me thinking…” Eddie continued, his tone cautious, displeased. “…Do we know anyone named Jim?”
You avoided Eddie’s eyes, fearing the look of suspicion you’d undoubtedly see in them.
“Or maybe the real question is…” Eddie sighed, wrapping his arm around you, a soft (but intentional) act of dominance. “…Who do you know named Jim?”
You swallowed, stalling, your mind scrambling to make up a suitable response. You wouldn’t tell Eddie the truth, of course. That you were secretly fucking a man name Jim behind both Eddie and Steve’s back…that Jim was Chief Jim Hopper. You couldn’t tell Eddie that you and the Chief had agreed upon an arrangement of sorts, one which existed in order to keep Eddie out of prison…
Your boyfriend was a drug dealer. Everyone in Hawkins basically knew this about Eddie; but he’d somehow avoided being charged for possessing or selling illegal substances. At least, until a few months ago. Chief Hopper had followed an anonymous tip that had told him where Eddie was currently crashing. The tip had brought Hopper straight to the door of your apartment complex. He’d parked his Blazer in front of the building, and waited for Eddie to emerge.
With every intention of arresting Eddie, Hopper had waited, and watched. But when Eddie did emerge from behind the door, he wasn’t alone. He was with you. And from the way you were hanging on Eddie, lifting on your tiptoes to reach his neck for a kiss, it was more than obvious to Hopper that you and Eddie were a couple.
A rather sinister idea was born in Hopper’s mind…that if you cared for Eddie as much as it appeared you did, you’d likely be willing to do whatever it took to keep him out of trouble. Hopper chose to postpone Eddie’s arrest until he’d had the chance to confront you in private. The following afternoon, Hopper waited for you to leave the apartment alone, and then made his move.
Under the guise of arresting you for drug possession, Hopper had gone through the whole cuffing process, making sure to grope you more than he needed to in his search for any ‘weapons’ you may have had on you. Hopper loaded you into his vehicle, but put you in the front seat beside him instead of the back. When you questioned him what evidence he had against you, Hopper explained that he was actually there for a different reason.
“That scumbag boyfriend of yours,” Hopper started, and left the sentence hanging as if it didn’t require a conclusion. You didn’t bother explaining to Hopper that you had two boyfriends, because it wasn’t necessary. Given Eddie’s reputation in Hawkins as a metal-loving, devil-worshiping, pothead deviant, assuming Hopper was referring to Eddie made sense.
To play off your nerves, you pretended not to know about Eddie’s drug usage or selling. Batting your lashes at Hopper in an attempt at naïveté, you hoped to throw him off any suspicion of Eddie (and by association, you and Steve also). “You mean Eddie?”
Hopper smirked back at you, digging a cigarette from his pocket. Your charm wasn’t working on him. “Yeah,” he replied dryly. “Who the fuck else would I mean?” Hopper rested the cigarette between his lips and held his lighter beneath its tip. You watched it bloom and crackle alight, your heart rate steadily increasing. You knew that if Eddie were to be arrested, the cops would likely have enough evidence to lock him away for a long time. And that terrified you.
Affirming the direction your thoughts were taking, Hopper explained, “Reason I’m here now, talking to you instead of Eddie, is because l see how much you care about him.”
Hopper exhaled smoke in front of him, looking ahead through the windshield as he spoke. “You don’t wanna see Eddie do time…hell, I don’t want to see the kid get locked up, either…”
That was a lie, and you knew it. Hopper didn’t give a shit about someone like Eddie. “But he does have some serious charges against him…some that could land him years behind bars.”
You shuddered at the thought of Eddie missing from your life. You and Steve would have each other, of course…but without Eddie’s softness, there would only be Steve’s roughness. The tenderness Eddie showed you, the cuddling, the warmth, the gentle punishment rather than harsh, would be gone. Your world would be a darker, lonelier place, without Eddie in it…
“So what can I do?” you asked, unprepared for what Hopper did next. “I mean, how can I help Eddie?”
The Chief removed his cigarette and licked his lips, a lecherous little smile replacing his former look of compassion. His tone was colored with a husky, suggestive darkness when he spoke, his hand moving to rest atop your thigh… “I’m sure you and I can work something out...”
You gazed down at Hopper’s hand, watching his fingers boldly trace further between your legs. He didn’t react when you called him a pig, and when you asked “are you really that fucking desperate for a woman to touch you?” Hopper laughed, unaffected.
“Trust me, sweetheart,” he assured you, taking another relaxed drag of his cigarette. “I don’t need this…” Hopper slipped his hand deeper, till he was cupping your cunt in his palm. You drew in a shocked breath.
“…But if you want your loser boyfriend to stay out of prison-.” Hopper continued, slipping his fingers under the fabric of your panties. “-You do need me…”
There was a pause between you, as Hopper awaited your response. He let his fingers glide between your lips, gently spreading your labia apart. When Hopper’s thumb pressed against your clit, a soft whimper left your lips before you could stop it. He snickered callously; Hopper’s ego was boundless.
“Fine,” you conceded, after weighing your options (you had none). “If you promise to keep Eddie safe.” Your jaw was tensed in a look of defiance.
Hopper nodded his approval, a triumphant, sick grin on his face. He removed his hand from between your thighs with a groan, and placed it on the gear shift. “Atta girl,” he muttered over his cigarette, and put the Blazer in reverse.
Hopper pulled out of the building’s parking lot, and drove you somewhere private, a place where no one would see how he touched you, how his fingers pumped in and out of you in time with the rhythm of your hand around his cock. No one knew that twice a week for the past three months, you’d been fucking the town’s Chief of Police in the back of his squad car. And what only you knew, not even Hopper, was that you liked it.
You’d liked it the first time, and every time since. Hopper was older than Steve and Eddie, and with those years came an experience that was obvious in the way he fucked you. Hopper didn’t just lick your pussy; he made out with it, sloppy, filthy tongue-fucking you, smearing your slick, saturating his beard in the wet heat of you. He’d come up for air just long enough to breathe, before burying his face between your thighs again. Hopper smothered himself against your cunt, lapping long stripes up and down your slit, consuming you like a man taking his first meal in days…
Hopper was hung, and he knew how to use what Mother Nature had equipped him with. When you rode him, Hopper was always able to buck up into you without hurting you. He had a control over his body that few men you’d been with could claim. Being an exceptionally cocky, dirty bastard may have had something to do with Hopper’s confidence; but regardless, he’d obviously had a lot of practice fucking women.
You wondered sometimes how many women Hopper had been with. You vaguely recalled the rumors you’d heard whispered around town about Hopper’s reputation for pumping and dumping the women of Hawkins. But somehow, the rumors had failed to include the fact that Jim Hopper was a goddamn pro when it came to fucking.
The backseat of his police Blazer was cramped, but he fucked too well for you to mind the location. You would have let him have you anywhere, regardless of how uncomfortable, dirty, or inconvenient the place. Being folded up and pinned under the weight of Hopper’s body, his strong arms locking you in place, filled you with a sick sense of security. However toxic he was as a human being, Hopper’s ability to bring your body to rapture was unlike anything you’d ever experienced. The twisted arrangement between you and Hopper had quickly begun to feel more like a relationship.
Even when you were being intimate with Eddie and Steve, you found yourself longing for Hopper. The bed your boyfriends fucked you in was soft and warm, all silk sheets and fluffy pillows, lavender-scented candles arranged at the bedside. It used to be your sanctuary, your favorite place in the world.
But now, what turned you on more than silk sheets was the feeling of your ass being rut into the sweaty, polyester backseat of Hopper’s car. In exchange of the soft romance of lavender, you preferred the scent of Hopper’s aftershave and stale cigarettes, the musk of his sweat dripping from his chest to yours as he fucked you...
— Eddie squeezed his arm around you tighter, and it shook you from your thoughts of Hopper. “So tell me, baby,” Eddie pressed, a poorly-concealed suspicion in his voice. “Who do you know named Jim…?”
You tried to laugh it off, telling Eddie he must have misinterpreted the sounds you were making. “I was moaning a lot,” you teased, trying to distract him. Eddie stared at you for a moment, as if waiting for you to confess something. When he realized he wasn’t going to get anymore information out of you, Eddie offered you his hand to leave the bed. “Doesn’t matter, pretty girl,” he said with pleasant tone. “What d’you say we smoke a little, watch some TV, then head to bed?” Eddie pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. When he pulled away, there was a sadness in his eyes that the artificial smile on his lips couldn’t hide.
“I’d like that,” you replied, taking Eddie’s hand. He glanced at the clock beside the bed. “It’s late,” Eddie observed. “Better get our fun in now; Steve’ll be home from work soon...”
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Steve Harrington wasn’t a jealous man. Or perhaps more truthfully, he was jealous and simply refused to acknowledge it. The relationship you and Eddie had together irritated Steve, because it was a level of intimacy he himself had never been a part of.
Unlike Eddie, Steve was able to hold down a full time job. Being away from the apartment the three of you shared for eight hours a day meant that Eddie had access to you that Steve did not. Eddie’s current employment status was, officially, unemployed. Unofficially, Eddie was quite a successful local drug dealer. Steve normally would have had nothing to do with the kind of guy Eddie was…but you loved Eddie, for reasons Steve could only guess at.
Maybe you loved Eddie because he was gentle, soft in all the places Steve couldn’t be. If there was an emotional switch inside of himself that Steve could have flipped, to make him the kind of soft dominant that Eddie was, Steve would have flipped it in a heartbeat. All he wanted, was to be wanted exclusively by you.
Steve had grown up in a home where affection was scarce, and almost never expressed. Watching the shit show of a marriage his parents had, Steve decided early on that he never wanted to be tied down to any one person. He’d constructed walls around his heart to protect him from any relationship a woman could offer him beyond sex. Meeting you had been a life-altering experience for Steve. Because despite all the years he’d spent hardening his heart, you’d entered Steve’s life and demolished them instantly…
The problem was, Steve still had so much emotional baggage to rid himself of, before he could love you the way you deserved to be loved. He didn’t want to be the mature, stoic presence in your life forever; but it’s all he knew how to be. Steve wanted to romance you, to spend his family’s generous fortune on something that mattered for a change: on your happiness.
But the man you loved, whose arms you drifted to sleep in every night, was a drug-dealing freak. The complete opposite of Steve, who’d barely smoked a single joint in his life, let alone tried the harder drugs Eddie was fond of using and distributing...
Steve left work for the evening and was grateful to be heading home, for the chance to be near you again. He drove his BMW to the apartment complex, pulling to a stop in his usual space. Steve would have entered the building as usual, without pause, if he hadn’t noticed a police vehicle pulling out of the lot just as he pulled in. Steve was always a little wary around cops, not for himself really, but because he didn’t want you to get in trouble for your association with Eddie.
Steve watched the car pull away, noting the lettering on its sides. “Chief,” he read aloud, and his anxieties multiplied. A standard police vehicle wouldn’t have concerned Steve as much, but the Chief of Police had apparently been to your building. Maybe Steve was being paranoid, but he needed confirmation that you were alright.
He walked briskly up the two flights of stairs to your apartment, and unlocked the door in a hurry. “(Y/N)?” Steve called into the dark front room. “Ed?” He rounded the corner to the bedroom and found you and Eddie asleep, in each other’s arms as usual. Steve lingered in the doorway, leaning against it, his heart rate slowing to normal. Of course he was only being paranoid, again. Whatever business the Chief of Police had at your building, it clearly did not involve Eddie. For the moment, anyway.
Steve sighed in relief, setting his briefcase on the couch. He loosened his necktie and made his way to the kitchen for something small to eat. After finishing his quick meal and a couple of beers, Steve returned to the bedroom. He watched your body softly sleeping, hair splayed in pretty waves across your pillow.
Steve climbed into bed beside you, and pressed his lips to your forehead in a gentle kiss he knew you wouldn’t feel. “Sweet dreams, angel,” he whispered. Steve wrapped his arms around you and held you closer than usual, wishing he could give you this same tenderness when you were awake. But Steve knew he was too cowardly for that, too frightened of revealing his love for you.
He held you a little closer than all the nights before, curved his body securely around yours more snugly than usual; because finally, Steve realized, it’s how he should have been holding you all along…
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mynameismckenziemae · 2 months
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Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd x You/Reader/OFC
Summary: Being mistreated isn’t uncommon for a woman working in a male-dominated field, but Bob isn’t going to let it slide when he witnesses it happen to you.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, oral (m receiving), p in v, military/mechanical inaccuracies (I’m assuming), misogyny, etc.
For as long as you can remember, people (men) have underestimated you. Starting with your older brothers thinking you were an easy target, though they quickly learned that wasn’t the case. Next, your math teacher overlooked your intelligence because you were female. Your guidance counselor tried to persuade you away from the Navy after graduation because you weren’t tough enough for the military. The RDC laughed in your face the first day of boot camp, saying someone of your stature would never make it through; it sure felt good to see the smile fall from his face when you received ‘Outstanding’ marks in your physical readiness test.
But just because you were used to being underestimated; doesn’t mean it doesn’t get old.
It’s been two months since relocating to your hometown to be the lead aviation structural mechanic of North Island and none of the men you oversee have warmed up to you. The look of disappointment on your crew’s faces when you were introduced was obvious; your name was gender-neutral so they were counting on a male. You hadn’t expected them to befriend you, but you did expect respect; which was definitely lacking.
“A little help over here,” you call out, struggling to not lose your grip on the intake part you were trying to replace.
“Hello? Can someone help me?” You ask again a few minutes later, muscles trembling as it slides further off your shoulder. Not only would it hurt like a bitch if it lands on you, but it’s also not a cheap part if it bends or breaks.
“Equal pay for equal work, sweetheart. You can’t do the work yourself, you shouldn’t be here,” Jackson, the smug asshole, replies while the others chuckle in agreement.
“Fuck,” you grit out, trying not to panic as it begins to fall. But strong hands are helping you guide it into place. The same hands that have been on your mind since he dwarfed yours when he shook it on your first day.
Your attraction to the rest of him has only grown in the time since, along with your feelings; you adore his sweet, quiet demeanor. Natasha keeps telling you he feels the same way about you, but you haven’t built up the nerve yet to make a move.
“I’ll hold it here while you attach it,” Bob says softly near your ear. Your heart races as you do so, getting close enough that you can smell his signature leather and clean laundry scent.
Bob’s brows furrow as he watches your arms shake from the exertion. “How long were you holding this up?”
“About 5 minutes,” you reply, catching him shaking his head from the corner of your eye.
You’re done a moment later, sighing in relief when you put your arms down.
“Thanks,” you say as you set down your screwdriver and wipe your hands. You can’t help but notice how good he looks in his flight suit.
“No problem. Why didn’t you ask for help?” He asks as he wipes off his own.
“I did,” you sigh. “The boys here uh…aren’t too fond of me being their supervisor.”
“Why not?” He asks, perplexed.
“Because I’m a woman,” you reply with a shrug. “They don’t think I’m right for the job because I ask for help with lifting sometimes. Among other thing so I’m sure.”
His expression quickly turns angry.
“What’s up, Floyd?” Jackson says, smacking Bob on the shoulder. “If you need something worked on, you’re better off coming to me.”
“Why’s that?” Bob asks, shrugging his hand off and turning around.
“Come on, you know a woman’s place is in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant,” Jackson jokes.
But you’re not laughing. Neither is Bob.
“A woman’s place is wherever the hell she wants it to be, Jackson. I know you’re an idiot but I can’t believe you’re dumb enough to say something like that in front of me, but also your female commanding officer. I haven’t been impressed with the way you,” he stops and looks at the rest of the guys that have gathered around, “any of you have been treating her since she started but refusing to help her is going against direct orders. Not only could she have been injured, but the part she was holding costs more than a year’s salary for you.”
He steps closer to Jackson as he continues. “I’ll leave it up to her if she wants to report it, but if I ever see you disrespect her again, you’ll have to deal with me.”
You’re suddenly feeling hot and flustered as the crush you’ve been harboring intensifies as sweet, shy Bob defends your honor.
Jackson visibly gulps, nodding before he looks at you.
“Go home for the day,” you say with a glance at the clock before you begin to clean up your bay. “All of you are dismissed.”
“Look, I’m sorry-“ Jackson starts but you cut him off.
“Save it, Jackson,” you sigh. “I’m not going to report you, but I will if it happens again.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies before scurrying away.
Bob follows you as you wash your hands in the sink, scrubbing the grease off. “Sorry, if I overstepped. I know you’re more than capable of standing up for yourself. I just can’t-“ he starts but you interrupt him as you dry your hands.
“You didn’t overstep. I appreciate it,” you assure him as you look over his shoulder to make sure everyone’s gone.
You take a step closer, bringing a hand up to play with the zipper of his flight suit.
“Thank you,” you murmur as you pull him to you for a kiss.
He freezes as your lips touch his, but only for a moment before he kisses you back; the tension that’s been building snapping in an instant.
“I’ve wanted this since the moment I laid eyes on you,” he breathes as you kiss down his neck, groaning as you nip his collarbone.
“Me too,” you murmur against his neck before pulling back to take his hand. “Come on.”
You lead him to the parts room, unlocking the door and pushing him against it once closed, gasping into the kiss when you feel his thick erection pressing against your stomach.
He groans when your hand finds him next, palming him through his flight suit. You shiver before pulling down the zipper, wanting more of those delicious sounds.
“What are-oh God,” he sighs when you fall to your knees, flicking your tongue over the wet spot on his boxerbriefs to taste the precum.
“Wanna taste you,” you say, hands pausing by the waistband of his briefs. “Can I?”
You continue when he nods, gulping when his size is revealed to you. “So big,” you murmur, meeting his eyes as you lean forward to lick the precum beading.
“Fuck,” he whispers before his head falls back against the door with a thump and his hands fist at his sides when you suck him into your mouth.
You bring a hand up to stroke what can’t fit in your mouth and unzip your own coveralls with the other, slipping inside and between your legs to give yourself some relief. Your eyes fall close with a moan as you circle your clit.
“Oh-oh my God,” he gasps when you moan, his eyes zeroing in on what your hand is doing. “Are you touching yourself?”
Your eyes open and take in his wrecked expression before you hum around him.
“Ah…w-wait,” he pants, guiding you off him and to your feet. “I almost-I don’t wanna cum yet.”
You smile as he spins you, pressing you to the door. You shiver as he leaves wet kisses down your neck and whimper when he sucks your nipple through the thin material of your sports bra.
“Next time,” you promise, stopping him as he starts to kneel. “Right now I want you inside me.”
He inhales sharply at your words and nods as he reaches for his wallet, pulling out a condom.
“What are you doing?” You ask with a giggle as he puts it under the light while you slip your coveralls off.
“Making sure it’s not expired,” he replies with a chuckle. “It’s been in my wallet for a few years. It’s good for a few more months yet.”
“Good,” you reply, watching as he rolls it on.
You wrap your legs around his waist when he lifts you and lines himself up to your entrance.
Your mouth finds his as he pushes inside you, and you whimper at the sweet stretch.
“You feel like heaven” he whispers before trailing kisses to your shoulder as you adjust, withdrawing to push back in when you’re ready.
Now it’s your head that thunks against the door as he fucks into you at a steady pace, grunting softly into your neck with each deep thrust.
He pulls back to watch you through lust-heavy eyes as he wets his ring and pointer fingertips before sliding them between you to circle your clit. “Feel good?” He asks, voice husky.
“So good,” you moan, clenching around him as your release starts to build.
“Good,” he nods, “I want you to cum for me, can you do that?”
“Y-yes! Fuck, I’m close,” you whine, your hands scrambling to find purchase on his shoulders as your orgasm rapidly approaches.
He leans in for another kiss and the change of the angle is all it takes for you to fall over the edge with a throaty moan.
Bob’s hips stutter and he fills the condom with a deep groan when you clench rhythmically around him.
He sets you down gently once you’ve caught your breath, making sure you’re steady on your feet before removing the condom. You pull your underwear back on while he zips up his suit.
“What are you doing tonight?” He asks as he kneels, helping you step back into your uniform.
“I have a date with a load of laundry,” you joke. “Why, what’s up?”
“Think it’d be upset if you rescheduled?” He asks, leaning forward to press a kiss just above your bare knee, then halfway up your thigh as he pulls up the fabric. “You said I could do this,” he places a wet kiss to your clit through your underwear before continuing to rise, “next time. So I was thinking I could pick up takeout and we could have ‘next time’ tonight?”
“I like the way you think,” you reply with a smile, leading the way out of the hangar.
A/N: Thank you @lexixstewart for the idea (again!) You have such good ideas! I hope you like it!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in comments/reblogs!
Sorry if you’re not a Bob girly, but I’ll add my taglist here:
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gauloiseblue · 2 months
Medic!Reader × Poly!141
Part I | Part II | Part III
[Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, a love confession if you squint]
Taglist: @rainlovesyou12 @nijiru
When you're back at the base, the first thing that you get from your team is collective stares
"What happened to your cheek?" Price asked, visibly concerned
"Got punched by an asshole." You replied, still holding the ice pack against your face
"How did it happen?" He then glares at Graves, "You let this happen on your watch?"
He throws both of his hands in the air, while maintaining his smug face, "Easy there, soldiers." He said, "Sorry that I got your princess harmed, but it's necessary for the mission."
"Necessary?" Price growls, "Watch your mouth when you speak, Graves."
"Alright, alright. I'll leave." He then pats on Gaz's shoulder before turning around
The group immediately approaches you after he leaves, trying to look at your wound
"Whoa, he really gave you a nasty punch." Soap commented, "He wore rings?"
"All over his fingers."
"It'll take long before the bruise heals." Ghost interjected, "Since you're the medic here, I'm sure you know what's best for you."
Price nods before he looks at you, "You don't have to work today, you can rest after a mission."
"No, I'll come to work." You said, "Don't worry about me, captain."
He seems reluctant, but lets you do it anyway
Thankfully, your job requires you to use a mask, so most of your bruises are concealed.
At dinner, Graves brings quite a lot of alcohol to celebrate their mission. (The team had retrieved the important documents, as well as eliminating the target, so It's pretty much a success)
You usually skipped alcohol, but tonight you feel like you need it, so you join in
The table that you're in is pretty big, so three other soldiers are sitting with you and you team
Surprisingly, your team can handle their alcohol very well, but Soap is a lively drunkard, he talks a lot, and keeps the alcohol flows
Meanwhile, you're a chatty drunk. You can't keep a secret when you're drunk
"He touched me with his filthy hand, so of course I'd slap him." You confessed, "But then he dared to punch me in the face. The audacity."
"That's rough." Gaz winced
"But y'know, sometimes our job comes with those kinds of things." One of the men shrugged, "I didn't ask for it when I got shot or tortured, but then again, that's the consequences of my job."
"I didn't ask to be a surveillance." You hissed, "I'm just a medic, for God's sake."
"You could've ask him—"
"I did! I even tried to reason with him but nooo, he did care." You grit your teeth, "Even after roping me into this, he never once gave me any info for the mission and told me to be pretty and meek. At least I could've prepared if he told me things I could be dealing with during the mission."
"Cut it out, boy." Price stopped him before he could reply, "Y'know Graves was in the wrong here. We always brief our soldiers before missions."
"I'm not defending him."
The other man, who's silent for the whole interaction, finally speaks, "Maybe he did it because you've been using his name for unnecessary things."
You snort, "Somehow borrowing his name equals me almost getting raped?"
He shrugs, "Sometimes mentioning a certain name equals death."
"Yeah, okay, I get it." You immediately got up from your seat, "I'm just a spoiled bastard who can't handle the slightest discomfort aren't I?"
"Where are ye goin'?" Soap called when you're walking away
"My room. I'm tired of this shit."
Once you get into your room, you don’t bother to change your clothes as you go straight to bed
Of course, after getting angry and all, you can't immediately fall asleep. It takes about 15 minutes, before you're free from your anger
Then, you hear a knock on the door, before you hear a voice calls your name softly from outside
"Are you still awake?" You heard Price spoke
You contemplate whether you should answer or not, and decide to pick the first one
"Can I come in?" He asked, and you said yes
He steps inside, and pulls a chair by your bed. You turn around to see him, not hiding the tears streak on your face
"I'm sorry for what happened earlier, I hope you know he didn't mean that."
"I know." You frown while looking away, "I know all of those soldiers didn't mean to yell, or use hurtful words, I understand that, but I always try to comfort them, not telling them to grin and bear it."
He nods understandingly, "The constant threat in the field does make people numb to other's needs."
"Why are you here? Are you apologizing on their behalf?"
"No, I just got a feeling that you'd change division if I didn't clear it up."
You let out an amused snort, "I was just thinking about leaving. I hate Graves anyway."
"I won't force you to stay but I'll be very sad if you don't, you know how much I love your food." You roll your eyes at him, he chuckles, "Please hold on for one more month, then we'll go back home, to our base."
"Well, I can't disobey you if you say that, Captain."
"You better be."
You chuckle at him, and he gives you his usual (and sweet) smile. "Thank you, Price. I really do."
"No prob." He pats your arm, "You can talk to me whenever you want."
"I'll keep it in mind."
The next morning, when you're preparing your medical equipments, a patient comes into the room, and catches you by surprise as you recognize his face
"Johnny? Oh—" You hurriedly come to his side, "What happened to your face?"
"Got into a fight last nite." He grins, "Y'should've seen the other guy tho."
"My God, why did you do that? Who was it?" He looked away when you asked him, "... Don't tell me,"
"Ye don't 've ta worry 'bout it, bonnie."
"You can't make me not worry about you." You retorted, "They could've given a penalty!"
"Nah, they won't. 'M too valuable for that."
"Still," You let out a sigh, "You didn't have to do that."
"Yer angry at 'em."
"But it's only for a moment. I'm… used to that."
He looks at you for a moment, before pulling your hand into his. "Bonnie, ye kno' when you asked me to be a fake boyfie, ye told me that no one in the group'd be willin' ta help ya?" You furrow your brows at him as he continues, "Well, t'was a lie. They won't hesitate ta help ya, bonnie. But I didn't tell ya because I don't want 'em to."
You open your mouth to speak, but no word comes out of your mouth.
He chuckles at your silence, before giving your shoulder a pat." Make of that wha' yer will."
With that, he left the room. Leaving you there, dumbfounded, before you realize you haven't even treated him yet
You thought about him for half of a day, until lunch came and you sat down on the table without looking around. You didn't hear when the chair beside you was pulled, before someone took a seat
"Man, I miss your cooking." You snapped out of your thoughts, as you turned to see Gaz. "Everything tastes bland here, I can't even tell the difference between one dish and the other."
You chuckle when he pokes out his tongue in dismay, "I miss cooking too," You stare down at your plate, "... Helped me clear my mind."
"What's on your mind?" He asked, "Care to share?"
"Not sure if you'd wanna hear it though."
"What are you saying?" He retorted softly as he gave your shoulder a squeeze, "You know I'd listen to you."
"You're sweet, Gaz." You chuckled, "But really, I just wanna go back to our base. But at the same time, I feel like I'm just retreating back to my shell. I know that I can't be choosy for this job, but I wish I could be with you guys for a long time."
His gaze stays on you for a while, before he speaks in a hushed tone, "Don't tell anyone that I say this to you, but last night, me and Price were discussing about your contract, and," He leans closer, "It's possible to do a rescission for the contract. Since you've been put in harm's way."
He nods, "He might pull some strings to get you back, but the higher ups would dismiss it since you're not an operator. We're confident that this'll work, since Laswell herself has approved it."
You look at him for a moment, before pulling him into your arms. "Thank you." You said to him, "I don't know what I'd do without you guys."
You feel him smile before he pats your back, "People said that you're a spoiled princess," He grinned, "But we certainly don't mind spoiling you."
"You'll regret it someday."
"You're worth the regret."
His words stuck with you for the rest of the day, and somehow it lifted up your spirit as you took care of the wounded with ease. At night, when you're walking back to your room, you spot the masked man in the hallway. His head turns when you call his name, and you wave at him.
"Are you done for the day?"
"Mostly." He replied, "Just need to fill some paperwork."
"Alright then."
The two of you would bid goodbye, if you both didn't hear the angry stomp echoing in the corridor. You turn your head towards the sound, and your blood runs cold as you recognize the face
"I need to talk to you." Graves said with an unmistakable rage in his voice, "My office. Now."
You're about to open your mouth before you feel yourself pulled, until your body bumps against a hard muscle. It takes a second before you realize that Simon has his arm wrapped around you.
"Get outta the way, boy." He warned with a glare, "It's none of your business."
"No." He stated, as he kept you by his side
He snorts when he hears it. "No?" He sneered
"If it's about the revocation of the contract, she's not the one who filed it." He glared, "I did."
"Oh." He raised his brow in a mocking manner, "So you're the one who wrote those things?"
"Affirmative." He responded, "I was the one who saw her during the assault, so I'm eligible to give the account as a witness."
You see his muscles harden under his neck, as he hisses to the masked man, "I hope you're ready for Russia because that's where I'm sending you."
"Go ahead and try."
Just like that, the storm has passed by.
You don't know how long you stand there, before he reluctantly lets you go from his arm. You clear your throat as you step aside to face him.
"Um… Thank you." You told him while looking down
You feel his eyes on you, before his hand reaches up to pat your head. "It's nothing."
He bids you goodnight as he tells you to return to your room. You obey as you walk to your door, but when you look back to see him, you still find him standing on the same spot
The next morning, when you deliver your report to the Captain's office, you notice a familiar figure by his desk
The two men were talking, before they lifted their head when you walked in
"Hi." You greeted them, "Hope I'm not interrupting?"
"Not at all." Price reassured, "We were just discussing over something."
"Somethin' ta help fo' yer case, bonnie." His captain nudged him when he said it, "Wot? 'M sho she a'ready knew."
"Is it about Graves?"
"Well," He sighs, "It is. We were just talking about the things that he submitted as evidence."
You shot him a puzzled look, before you turn to Soap.
"The letters, bonnie." He grinned, "I gave him the letters tha' bastard wrote."
"You still had those with you?"
"'Course!" He chuckled, "Ah wanted to use it to rile him up, turns out they're useful for yer case."
"While they won't be included as real evidence, they're enough to convince Laswell to give her approval."
You look at him, while hugging the file close to your chest. "Price, I don't know if I could even repay you back—"
"Don't worry about it, (Name)." He dismissed it by a flick of his hand, "It's my job to ensure your safety."
"And out job ta keep the valuable member o' the team by our side." Soap added with a pat on your back, "Graves can bugger off with his shite."
"Oh…" You cover your mouth, trying to contain your emotions. "Thank you, I—"
"Stop it, bonnie." He said as he pulled you against his chest, "You owe us nothin'."
You didn't cry joyless tears, but they didn't know since you couldn't speak through your sob. You feel bad for causing them to panic, since you cry not out of distress, rather, you're touched by their kindness. When you feel Soap's embrace tightens, and your Captain's hand on your back, you can't help but indulge for a little while
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pandorafairy · 1 year
Fire of Souls
Part 2: An Expedition
Enemies to Lovers
Tsu'tey x Reader (younger sister of Jake Sully, dreamwalker)
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Anything written in italics is spoken in Na'vi
My direhorse drinks calmly from the pond as I watch Jake attempt to mount his steed. Neytiri stands beside him, her hands on her hips and amusement twinkling in her eyes. “Steady, Jake!’ 
“Argh!” He yells like a banshee and jumps on top of the direhorse. The creature shifts uncomfortably as Jake settles on his back. I raise an eyebrow and pat the animal beneath me. On Earth, I rode horses all the time but direhorse are something entirely different. The first time I sat on top of one; I felt immediately at home, it came so naturally to me. Jake on the other hand… 
“Make tsaheylu,” Neytiri calls to him. Jake whips his hair around and connects to the direhorse. The animal freezes before stepping back nervously and shooting off into the forest. Jake holds on for a moment, then loses his grip. He flies into a pile of mud with a groan. Neytiri and I  laugh instantly. 
“Thanks for the support guys,” Jake mumbles as he crawls to his feet.
Suddenly, the forest begins to rumble, the sound of hooves pierce through the air. Three direhorses break through the treeline, each one with a rider. Tsu’tey is in front of the pack, his head held high. My lips immediately turn downwards at the sight of his face. 
For the past two weeks, I’ve been training with Neytiri and my brother. Tsu’tey keeps his distance but sometimes he’ll stop by and say something belittling. He usually targets Jake and avoids eye contact with me. Sometimes I stare at him with all my might, challenging him to look me in my eyes, but he never does. The way he ignores me is infuriating. Tsu’tey and his companions stop before us, their direhorses breathing heavily. They look incredibly self righteous, especially Tsu’tey with his permanently etched scowl. 
Neytiri crosses her arms, clearly expecting trouble. Tsu’tey and his friends burst into laughter as they stare at Jake, covered in mud. Tsu’tey looks at Neytiri and cocks his head to the side. “What did I tell you? They’ll never learn.”
His words grind against my brain as anger pools in my stomach. Jake glares up at Tsu’tey, “Got a problem? Say it in English.”
I tell my direhorse to move towards Jake. Tsu’tey flinches slightly as I come closer but his eyes remain trained on Neytiri. He never speaks to me, not since my first night here. But everytime we're close to each other, the space between us grows hotter, filling with distaste and loathing. The tension circulates around me as I stop my direhorse right in front of him. I’m tired of him ignoring me. Actually, I’m tired of him in general. I set my mouth in a straight line as my direhorse blows out an irritated puff of air.
Tsu’tey’s head snaps towards me at the sound. His friends look at each other in surprise but Tsu’tey just deepens his frown. His eyes trace my legs, clearly noticing my natural posture on my direhorse. A smug look covers my face. That’s right asshole, two can ride a horse.
Tsu’tey shakes his head bitterly before staring at Jake. “You should go.”
“You’d miss me too much,” Jake replies. I choke back a laugh. 
Tsu’tey’s rolls his wide shoulders as his companions shout rude remarks at my brother in Na’vi. Tsu’tey’s nostrils are flared and his strong chest is blown out. I can’t help the smile that creeps onto my face. Something about seeing Tsu’tey worked up…
“What’s wrong?” I mock. Tsu’tey turns his head slowly towards me like he can’t believe I've spoken. “Scared he might be a better warrior than you?”
Neytiri pauses, her eyes whisking between Tsu’tey and I. His friends hesitate, unsure of how to react to this. Tsu’tey lowers his head and glares at me through hooded eyes. “No, alien, he can’t even ride.”
Jake stiffens as Tsu’tey’s friends snicker. I lock eyes with Tsu’tey and a jolt runs through my body, igniting me with fury. “I can ride,” I smirk at him,“maybe even better than you.” 
Tsu’tey scoffs, his beaded hair glistening in the light. “Impossible.” I narrow my eyes at him and he lifts his head smugly. God, he’s so arrogant. 
“She is surprisingly good,” Neytiri mummers, “a natural.” 
One of Tsu’tey’s friends pats his direhorse before looking up, a wicked grin on his face. “You know what this means?” 
“No,” Tsu’tey barks, “do not say it.” He glares at his friend. My body is cold without his hot gaze on me.  
Neytiri’s lips break into a smile, her eyes glittering mischievously. “Soloteu, tonight. Then we will see.” 
I freeze. My stomach bubbles with nerves. What is that? Tsu’tey’s lips flatten into a straight line as his long fingers tighten on his direhorse. 
“Are you going to refuse, Tsu’tey?” Neytiri coos. 
Tsu’tey says nothing, his jaw clenching. I smirk, enjoying his discomfort.  I don’t know what Soloteu is but if it makes Tsu’tey shut up: I’m in. “Worried you’ll lose to some dreamwalkers?” I jab at him. 
Tsu’tey spits angrily. “We begin at the eclipse.” His direhorse takes off into the forest, his friends following closely after. Tsu’tey’s hair flies behind him like a flag of victory. I force my eyes away to find Neytiri watching me. 
She looks between Jake and I. “We have much work before tonight.”
“What’s tonight?” Jake asks, wiping the last bit of mud from his confused face. 
Darkness covers the forest, making all the plants come to life, they glow and burst beneath my feet as Neytiri leads Jake and I deeper into the forest. My hands are trembling with anticipation. Neytiri explained Soloteu, it’s a game. There are two teams with the same amount of players. That means Jake, Neytiri, and me against Tsu’tey and his companions. The objective is to find the thanator cub hidden in the forest with a red ribbon tied around their neck. Whoever retrieves the ribbon without hurting any animals, wins. The only rule: you have to ride a direhorse. 
“Do you seriously think I should play?” Jake asks for the hundredth time as we push through various trees. Neytiri shakes her head. “You must,” she hisses back to him. He mutters something under his breath that I can’t quite make out. 
We break through the tree line into a clearing where Tsu’tey sits, already mounted on his steed. His friends chat happily behind him as he sits tall, his shoulders straight and stares off into the distance. What is he looking at? I trace the treetops but see nothing. 
His head twists in our direction as he hears Neytiri walking up. “Ready?” She asks playfully before calling for direhorses. This must be their resting spot because instantly three horses appear through the trees. Neytiri makes tsaheylu as she mounts. 
I force my hands to stop their shaking and mount a horse beside her, making tsaheylu. I slip easily into the seat and clap her side lovingly. A tingle runs down my spine. I look up to find Tsu’tey watching me, his face serious as always, as his eyes drop down to where my hand caresses the creature. I raise an eyebrow at him and he looks quickly away. 
That’s weird. I open my mouth to say something when a horn blares through the clearing. Tsu’tey takes off immediately, faster than I ever knew a direhorse could run. His friends holler battle cries behind him as they follow, making excitement spread through my veins. Neytiri laughs, enjoying the game already. 
“Go left, that is where the thanator den usually is,” Neytiri says, “and if you need help or find it, use this call.” She whistles a high note before dropping low and chittering twice. I don’t have a chance to nod before she bolts off into the night. 
I sprint after her, feeling the wind whip my face as Jake’s voice follows me. “Wait!” 
I shake my head as I go deeper into the forest. Riding through here will be difficult, there are thick roots covering the forest floor, large rocks with sharp edges, and various animals hooting in the branches above me. I tighten my grip on my steed, speaking calmly to her through our tsaheylu. 
I’ve lost Neytiri but my direhorse knows her bearings. She leads me around each tree and stump as we navigate the forest naturally. She knows my goal and keeps her eye out as well. I scan my surroundings, searching for any sign of the red ribbon or Thanators. We have to win, Tsu’tey and his idiot friends cannot have another thing to hold over us. Speaking of, his friends hoot from a distance away. I tense, praying they didn't find the ribbon. 
The wind is practically burning my face as we race through the trees until my eyes spot something. I jerk back in my seat. A large paw print is marked in the ground. My direhorse makes an uneasy sound as she slows down. I pat her and eye the strange marking. That couldn’t be a thanator… could it?
A high pitched whistle rings through the air followed by two deep tones. I pause, it sounded different than when Neytiri first did it. Wait… that’s not Neytiri. The signal rings through the air again, sending chills through me. Jake. 
“Go girl,” I say roughly as my direhorse bolts in the direction of Jake’s calls. 
I crash through the trees and onto a cliff where a large waterfall splays down. All my hopes of Jake having found the ribbon, vanish. He’s dangling over the edge of the cliff, his blue fingers grasping desperately at a few rocks on the edge. I jump off my direhorse and race over to him. His eyes widen as he sees me bolting towards him. “Wait, don’t—”
A giant figure jumps out from my peripheral vision. I duck to the ground instinctively, feeling my heart fly into my throat. A beast lands right in front of me, blowing hot steam out of its nostrils. I exhale sharply. What the hell is that thing? 
I’ve studied Pandora for years and I’ve never seen a creature like this. Four massive horns curl on the outside of its head, six strong legs stilt from its bulky but flexible body. 
“Just go!” Jake yells over the roar of the waterfall, his voice straining as his blue fingers begin to slip. 
The beast blows an angry breath at me. I close my eyes for a moment before charging, letting all my army training and instincts take over. The beast runs at me, seeing my act as a threat. Once we’re right in front of each other, its nasty breath radiating from its mouth, I drop to my knees and slide beneath its body. Its skin is a strange mix between scales and fur. The beast continues running as I grab Jake’s struggling hands and pull with all my might. 
But he’s heavy. His feet have no ledge, his entire body weight is resting in my hands. I wrap my arm around the rock, trying to give myself more strength but it’s slippery from the waterfall. I groan in pain as I try to lift him. 
“Go,” Jake says through clenched teeth, “or we’ll both fall.” 
“I’m not losing you too,” I mutter as Tom’s face flashes through my mind. I dig my fingers deeper into my brother's skin and heave. I whistle to Neytiri, practically screaming into it, praying she’s nearby. 
The beast stops its running, making the forest seem way too quiet. Jake’s eyes grow as shakes his head. I won’t give up. I’m not losing another brother. I yank and yank, refusing to look behind me, even as the pounding begins again, heading right towards me. 
“Y/N, GO!” Jake yells, the veins on the side of his neck protruding out. 
The pounding grows louder and louder as the beast nears us, the entire ground shaking like a thunderstorm. I’m biting down on my lip so hard that I taste blood. My fingers are going numb around Jake’s hand. The beast exhales like a volcano exploding, his breath hitting my back in a hot wave. My eyes become frantic as I search for anything to help me. My chest is growing tighter and tighter. I’m going to die. 
The beast is charging towards my back. This is it. At least I’m with Jake. I squeeze my eyes shut when a holler bursts through the trees. 
“AHHHH!” A man’s voice yells. Someone lands behind me, sending a burst of air up my back. The beast’s paws stop their charging as it rears back and roars. Jake’s eyebrows shoot up. The sizzle of an arrow pierces the air before making a squishing sound as it enters the beast. The beast roars again, slamming into a tree, sending leaves all over the ground. 
“Be gone!” The  voice yells furiously. I freeze, my hand slipping on Jake’s. I know that voice…
The beast growls. Another arrow flies through the air before thudding against the beast. The creature grunts angrily before stomping off between the trees. I don’t have a moment to be relieved because Jake’s hands are sweaty and he's falling through my grasp. 
“Help me!” I call but I didn’t even need to. Tsu’tey is beside me, his large hands covering mine as we tow Jake over the cliff and on to safe ground. I throw my arms around Jake’s neck. He smells like sweat and blood. I hold my brother tightly. “You scared me,” I whispered.
“Don’t worry,” Jake mumbles, “can’t get rid of me that easily.” 
We pull slowly apart. I almost lost another brother. I couldn’t bear that. Fear is still coursing through my veins when I remember that Tsu’tey is here. 
He sits beside me, the warmth of his body seeps into my side. His fingers red from pulling and there’s a cut on his bicep. His eyes are drawn together, his mouth pulled down into his usual scowl. He doesn’t meet my eyes but I say it away, “Thank you, Tsu’tey.” 
His golden eyes find mine, full of turmoil and emotions I can’t decipher. “I didn’t do it for you.” 
I furrow my eyebrows. Jake starts to cough. Tsu’tey stands and walks a few feet away, blood slowly dripping from his cut. I exhale, slightly annoyed. “Well still, thanks.” 
He stands like a statue with his shoulders rigid. He rubs his chin, his full lips moving each time his long fingers pass. Worry begins to pool in my stomach. “What was that thing?” I ask. 
Tsu’tey growls at my words as his face becomes livid. Why is he so angry? Neytiri breaks through the treeline on foot. Her yellow eyes are big with worry and confusion. “What happened?”
Tsu’tey lethal expression turns grave. Jake fights his way to his feet. “Some beast attacked me,” he says. 
Neytiri’s mouth falls open. “An animal attacked you?” Jake and I nod. 
Tsu’tey crosses his arms over his chest, clearly pissed off. “Another thing the sky people have brought,” he snaps, a vein protruding on his sculpted face. 
“We had nothing to do with,” I motion to where the beast once stood, “whatever that was!”
“Our animals do not attack us,” Tsu’tey hisses at me as he takes a step closer, “that animal did not even recognize us. It is not even a Pandorian animal.”
“You want to blame us for everything!” I scream and take a step towards him. 
“Sky people are always to blame!” Tsu’tey screams back, his throat straining and his accent thick. 
“Well, we didn't create that monster!” 
“No, you are the monsters,” Tsu’tey breathes out viciously. 
His words sting like I’ve been slapped. Rage pours through me. “Then why did you help us?”
Tsu’tey halts, his jaw loosens slightly. He opens his mouth then closes it again, like he too isn’t sure why he helped. 
Neytiri places her hands in front of her. “Enough. This is a matter for the Ole’eyktan and Tsahik.”
Tsu’tey grunts before straightening himself. I look away, no longer wanting to see him, but his comment replays in my mind. You are the monsters. 
“This beast is unlike anything we have seen before,” Eytukan, Neytiri’s father, the Ole’eyktan, yells from where he stands on the main stairs of Hometree. The entire clan has gathered around the base, everyone listening intently to their leader. 
“We can gather a hunting party,” Tsu’tey says loudly, throwing his fist in the air, “and this beast will be dead by morning.” 
The clan erupts into cheers and applause. Jake and I stand beside Neytiri who eyes her father worriedly. Jake studies the crowd and occasionally rubs his blistered hands. My heart pounds in my chest, I can’t shake the feeling that something is about to happen. 
Eytukan lifts his hands and the clan falls silent. “We have war brewing with the sky people. We cannot send that many hunters away from Hometree.” 
Whispers spread through the crowd as Tsu’tey tenses. “I will go alone then.” His voice is deep and full of pride. 
Eytukan studies Tsu’tey, considering this proposal. Mo’at stands behind her husband with her eyes closed. My hands grow clammy. Neytiri balances from one toe to the other before stepping forward. “Father,” she begins, “Y/n is a good rider, a natural. Send her with Tsu’tey and she will prove herself.” 
A few clan members gasp, including myself. What did Neytiri just say? Eytukan tilts his head to the side as Tsu’tey shakes his head. “No,” he says aggressively, “I do not need a dreamwalker slowing me down.” 
Small laughter flickers the crowd as my shocked face turns into a grimace. Tsu’tey is such a self righteous little… 
Eytukan doesn’t even bother to look at me. “I agree. The dreamwalker will not—”
“She must go.” Mo’at’s eyes fly open, her shoulders trembling and her beaded hair shining. “The dreamwalker will accompany Tsu’tey.”
Now the clan is frozen with silence so thick I could cut it. Time feels like it’s slowing down. This can’t be happening. Tsu’tey’s eyes widen but he tries to cover it. He says nothing as Eytukan turns to Mo’at. “Why do you say this, wife?”
Mo’at takes a step forward, her eyes boring into Tsu’tey. He swallows, the bulge falls down his throat. She makes a grunting sound before turning to me. Her gaze shoots through me like electricity. She tilts her head as her eyes trace my body. My heart might beat right out of my chest. Mo’at pauses before turning to the clan. “Eywa has spoken. Tsu’tey and Y/n will hunt the beast and return safely to us.” 
For a moment, no one speaks or moves. Then, the entire clan explodes into cheers, battle cries, and applause. The sound sends shivers of excitement through me. They’re cheering for me. A small smile fights its way onto my lips as various clan members reach over and smack my arm encouragingly. Jake rubs my arm. He definitely doesn’t understand all that’s happening but he knows it’s about me.
“They leave at first light!” Eytukan hollers, causing the entire clan to erupt into cheers again. Neytiri nods at me in support. A small bit of pride sparks in me. If I can do this, maybe the clan will view me as one of them. I’m beginning to feel hopeful until I spot Tsu’tey.
His jaw is locked. His body is rigid and his lips are curled into a forced smile. Tsu'tey’s eyes drill into mine, darkening by the second. My breathing slows as I stare back. He looks at me a moment longer, his eyes flashing, before turning and walking through the crowd. 
“You will work well together,” Mo’at breathes into my ear. I jump. I didn’t see her coming. She places her soft hands on my arms. Her kindness radiates into me. “Give yourself and him time. You will see,” she whispers and disappears into the crowd before I’ve even thought of a response. 
I swallow and find Tsu’tey’s retreating back. His strong blue body glows beneath the firelight. Maybe Mo’at is right… Or maybe Tsu’tey and I won’t last a single day.
Thanks for reading! I'm sorry this took awhile to write. I still don't like this chapter but the next part is when things will start to get ~juicy~
Please let me know what you think! And tell me what you would like to see happen in the next parts <3
@qu33n0fth3n3rds @katsukisworld @kyuriin-chan @leilaniers @ddioriez @hangezoes-wife @simpingfor-wakasa @pinkpantheris @rey26 @howlerwolfmax @thebestrouge @graniairish @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @dragon430 @cheari @cupidlot
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goth-mami-writer · 2 months
POV: You're the quiet intern just trying to make it down these steps⬇️
@short-honey-badger who helped me cough this up a few months ago, and we had a lotttt of fun.
⚠️(absolutely not my art. The artist is @yunonoai on TWT. Thx!)⚠️
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《 Your director told you to use the back stairwell after the day was finished with final takes in filming. You were the new intern on set and still learning everyone's roles and names, but you knew the cast well. After grabbing your coffee and bag, then being told by the director to use the back stairwell due to some work being done on the front entrance, your stomach churned.
That's where the cast took their smoke breaks between sets and most of them....didn't know you. You were the newbie, and you saw how some of them looked at you in-between filming takes. All of them towered above even the director sometimes, and intimidating just wasn't the word. Some were very cordial. Or at least friendly. But for others... that just wasn't the case. They were almost entirely like their fictional character. Smug and coarse in interaction.
You took a deep breath and opened the door to the back stairwell. The first thing to hit you was the smell of deep, musky cigarette. It almost gagged you because half of them were avid smokers, often being late to set times from hurrying back from their smoke breaks. The heat from the outside lot met you then, and you squinted your eyes from the bright light that illuminated your descent. But you realized now that it wasn't just a few of them here.
It was all of them.
The villains, the noble protagonists. The anti heroes.
Oh, God. Everyone was here.
"Heyy.." The half of them called out in unison while the others only gave a you side glance from their unenthused expressions.
All of their legs were folded across the concrete steps, making it difficult for you to navigate your way down safely. You swallowed hard and decided to speak up for those who might have not realized you were needing through.
"Uhm, excuse me. Sorry." You said with your hands clutched on the strap of your bag.
Nanami, the upstanding gentleman of the group, was the first to stand. He was sitting right at the front, that being your only sigh of relief. He was one of the oldest, and his presence on set always made everyone feel safe. He was especially kind to women.
"Here, dear, I'll help you through." Nanami said with a charming smile as he dubbed out his cigarette into the concrete. He told everyone to mind their legs, and only half of them listened.
"Oh, come the fuck on, she'll be fine." Remarked Toji, the boisterous asshole who spoke his mind with a sneer no matter who was listening. He rolled his eyes and moved his knees from your path. Nanami held his hands on your shoulders as you began down and you tried not to look at each of them but it was so hard. All of them were so endearingly attractive in their own specific ways.
Sure Toji was snide and downright rude as hell but his cocky grin made all of the girls' knees shake. It leveled everything about his asshole personality.
To your immediate left, was Geto, the quiet protagonist in the show who nudged the man to his side Gojo, who moved his blindfold up, moving out of your way accordingly with a smile.
Gojo turned his head down the stairs and everyone seemed to pay attention when his very telling blue eyes came from beneath his dark blindfold,
"Guys, let the intern through."
"Eat a dick, Satoru." Toji remarked from across the steps.
Everything was going fine. You were about halfway down now with Nanami's hands holding your shoulders protectively until you finally passed Toji by who began to loudly exclaim from behind you once his eyes fell low as you passed him by,
"Goddamn! She can walk past me anyday!"
You felt a very intentional smack to the back of your ass only to be returned by Nanami who you could hear reprimanding the eager man with a vicious grip to his collar before apologizing to you in your ear,
"I am so sorry."
"It's okay." You said with your face painted a blinding shade of red, and you looked down, just hoping to make it down the rest of these steps without being humiliated further.
Gojo and Geto had a little more class, only sharing a menacing look to each other at the sight of your ass so close as you passed and now you were finally closer to the bottom flight of stairs, still being led by Nanami.
Here at the bottom held two of the more unsavory characters that included Sukuna and Choso, two villains, however powerful and / or likable they were. Choso, the quieter one of the pair, only moved his outstretched legs, not giving a word in your direction before looking back down to his phone. His eyes were so catching and dark that you wished he would've kept your gaze. But that stare was only broken as you passed by the last loiterer there on the stairs, Sukuna.
He grew a cunning, mischievous smile and asked you with his voice that purred so seductively like a flirt no matter what he was saying,
"Hm, I've never caught your name on set?"
You told him your name and he hummed with a sultry, entertained rumble in his throat as he reached out to touch your blouse in a clear pass until he was stopped by Nanami, who was determined to not let you get touched twice.
"Hands to yourself, old man." Nanami grumbled before rubbing your shoulder as you reached the lower flight now. He asked if you'd like to be walked to your car as well, but you assured him it was fine, thanking him for being so kind.
"We'll see ya tomorrow!" Toji called down with his eyes narrowed in a haughty expression from his seat above, and you shivered hearing that.
"I promise we'll be more behaved if you take this way tomorrow! Have a good night!" Nanami promised as he made his way back up to the very first step, and you hurried now to your car. Your face was red, your arms were trembling, and your blood raced.
You weren't embarrassed or humiliated at all. Instead, it was closer to exhilaration to be so close to them in a cramped space like that. And it certainly didn't help that no one minded their manners. It only made you want it more. You fanned yourself and hoped that the front entrance that you usually took to get to the parking lot never got fixed.
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papercorgiworld · 5 months
I LOVED toxicity would you be down to write a part two for each of our boys 🤭
Happy to hear you loved it! 🥰 I kinda immediately wrote part two for you… Sometimes writing is a struggle and sometimes pooff it’s just there, crazy, honestly.
Anywayyss, it’s a lot of smut, but I checked your blog and I don’t think you’ll mind… I really hope so, because it’s just pure smut!
So I hereby officially announce
Toxicity part 2
Read part 1 here.
Warning: pure smut
Theodore Nott
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Theo pulls your lace panties down with such roughness that you worry he might tear them, but that would also give you excuse to demand another apology so you leave him at it with his frustrated behavior. The air touching your already slightly wet pussy sends chivers up your body as Theo takes his time moving up your skirt before digging his fingers in the flesh of your hips. He avoids your face as you stare at his messy hair. His death eyes are only interested in the part he truly loves most about you, your soaking cunt. With his forceful grip on your sides he pushes you into the desk, while watching you all exposed with your legs open to him.
You were getting annoyed with his petty way of dominating a situation that you were in control of so you grab a handful of his locks forcing him to make eye contact. “Are you going to say sorry or make that tongue of yours work?” Theodore can’t decide if it's your words, your smirk or those taunting eyes that makes him want to fuck you until you’re crying and confessing your love for him. His eyelids fall as he pulls away from your infuriatingly beautiful face.
You let go of his hair and with a surprising brutality his mouth is on your cunt, his tongue forcing its way through your folds. You cling to the desk for support as you gasp at his mercilessness. Theo grabs your ass pulling you into his face, fucking your pussy at a fiery pace. You're forced to let go of the desk so you can cover your mouth and muffle the sounds that escape you. Out of fear that you’ll scream his name, you use what little power your body holds in your state to push him away. He smirks as he watches your panting body relax and you immediately get annoyed at his arrogant smug face.
You won’t have it, his dominance really gets a rise out of you. So, when you notice his rock hard cock constrained by his pants you can’t help it. “Are you going to continue being a smug bastard and stain your pants or are you to man up and fuck me.” His tongue rolls in his mouth as he struggles to keep quiet, frustrated that you know how turned on he gets by your attitude and your cunt. “You have no idea what you're asking for.” A cocky smile spreads on your lips. “I know exactly what I’m asking for. You looking at my pretty face and fucking me untill you’re forgiven, or… you can always say ‘I’m sorry for being an asshole’.”
It takes Theodore only seconds to get up and unzip his pants. When his big dick is revealed your eyes roll to the back of your head. Theodore’s desire to roughly fuck into you calms as he notices your body tensing up when you see his size. He grabs your hand, bringing it to his cock, telling you to ease him into you. Your mouth falls open as he fills you. A pleasured growl leaves his lips once he’s fully inside, making you look up into his eyes. Feeling this close to one another you both drop the attitude and fall into a deep passionate kiss.
Everything after that is a hazy bliss of soft moans. He thrusts into you with an almost sweet passionate look in his eyes and you arch your back and spread your legs, selfishly enjoying the beautiful man in front of you. When you feel your orgasm approaching you reach for Theo and cling to his body, muffling the sounds of ecstasy. Even though a part of you wants to push him off of you, you decide his hard work deserves a reward and you let him fuck into you untill he reaches his own high.
After quickly cleaning yourself and the office. You throw Theodore a glance as you open the door. “You’re forgiven.”
Mattheo Riddle
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Mattheo had never been fond of your attitude, never liking it when you demanded attention. So sucking up to you in order to make you feel appreciated was never going to work. However, now that he knew that you just wanted his attention he was more than happy to do some physical pampering, the only love language that Mattheo knew he had perfectly mastered.
The walk to his room had you filled with anticipation of what was to come. Luckily for you Mattheo didn’t waste any time giving you what you wanted. As soon as he closed the door behind you he pulled his shirt off over his head and you were eager to let him know you were pleased with his willingness to give you what you wanted. You immediately close the distance and let your hand wander over his bare chest, while entangling your fingers with his curls. When you finally look up from his muscular chest to his intriguing eyes he doesn’t hesitate to kiss you.
Knowing that you’ve probably wanted him for a long time Mattheo doesn’t bother to hide his hunger for you, kissing you roughly and walking you over to his bed. He pushes you onto the bed and lets his hands wander over your legs, going up until his fingers hook on your panties pulling them down, making you throw your head back leaning into the soft mattress. “You want me to pamper you and make you feel appreciated? Fine.” You want to say something sassy in response but as soon as his lips brush over your inner thighs you decide to keep quiet and your eyes flutter shut. You had Mattheo where you wanted.
His hands grab the fabric of your dress and slowly push it up, all the while kissing you and closing in on your pussy. His arm snakes under your waist, angling you right before letting his tongue gently move over your folds. Mattheo’s actions are immediately answered with a whiny moan from you, making him smirk against your needy cunt. “Honestly woman, I can’t believe you went complaining to my father because you wanted-“ You cut him off before his arrogance ruins it. “Just munch, pretty boy.” You snare at him and he just gives you a smug smile as he sees your annoyed and flustered face from between your legs.
He starts eating you out and with his arm under you he urges you to move your hips, rocking into him as you please. This man really knew how to treat you right, pushing his face in between your legs, making soft vibrating sounds against your pussy and his arm tightly wrapped around your body like he was never going to let you go. He had you feeling appreciated, alright. It was embarrassing how fast he had you gripping the sheets and moaning uncontrollably. Your pleasure under his touch makes him desperate for more. “So beautiful, come on love, let me taste more of you.” His praise, his low voice and how he immediately returns to your pussy, kissing your folds, turns your moans into soft cries as your body starts to wince every time he licks your soft spot.
Mattheo eagerly continues to feast on you as your orgasm shuts down your brain and makes you whine his name. Finally coming to your senses you pull Mattheo away from your overstimulated pussy. As soon as his eyes fall on your blissful face an insufferable smirk forms on his lips. “Pampered enough, princess?” He whispers as he crawls over you. Your needy brain ignores your exhausted body and makes you shake your head. Surprised but eager Mattheo helps you fully undress before pulling down his pants. “Anything to keep you pleased princess.”
Please feedback me about any errors! Kissies!
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alaskasmonsters · 1 year
𝖘𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘 (michael kaiser)
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pairing: michael kaiser x gn!reader
contents: flirting, foreign language (german), teasing, petnames, enemies to lovers, mistaking attraction for hatred, reader has anger issues
w/c: 2.486 (istg this was meant to be short,,,)
summary: kaiser is infuriating. there is just something about him that made your blood boil. and when the boy started teasing you in german, knowing damn well you had no idea what he was saying you could only imagine what type of things he was saying about you.
a/n: oh look it’s my favourite trope. mistaking attraction for hatred. <3 kaiser speaks german in this one because *looks at hand* i do what i want :)) you’ll find the translations for what he says at the bottom of the post. they are pulled from my own brain (this is me trying to say i am in fact fluent in german shshshhs) also writing some of kaiser’s lines made me cringe bdhdh ngl he thinks he’s so hot 🙄🙄 and he is also the title is lowkey highkey misleading hahaha
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Kaiser got under your skin like no one else did. He always had that particular skill. No matter what he did, no matter what he said, the boy infuriated you to no end.
Everything about him down to his stupid smirk, his playful tone, his insufferable confidence and sometimes even just the way he would look at you… there was nothing in the world that managed to rile you up as much as being stuck in the same room as that boy.
Unfortunately, this was something that happened quite often. Kaiser and you being forced upon each other, like the universe was playing some twisted game, waiting to see who of you would break first and go at each other’s throat.
And you were pretty sure you were losing.
If getting the chance to choke Kaiser could be classified as a loss, that was. Maybe it would be a blessing. Maybe you shouldn’t look a gifted horse in the mouth. Maybe you should just wipe that arrogant smirk off his smug face forever and call it a day. Then you’d be rid of the pest called Michael Kaiser.
The boy who managed to bring out the ugliest side of you. An angry side, a spiteful side, a childish side. A side you did not like about yourself. A side you’d rather ignore, push deep deep down to the depths of your subconsciousness and never let see the light of day again.
You had no idea what you did to deserve this. Why the universe decided to punish you specifically was beyond your comprehension. Haven’t you always been an upstanding citizen? Haven’t you always tried your best to not be an asshole, to not let your anger get the best of you? And yet, and yet, here you were once again, standing in front of Kaiser, who was regarding you with one of his trademark smirks, while you were struggling to keep your cool.
The boy knew exactly how to push your buttons and he never held back. No, he seemed to bathe in your attention, all satisfied smirks and gleaming eyes, and your anger only spurring him on in his mission to be the most infuriating man on the planet.
You didn’t even know who started it this time but you were blaming Kaiser anyway. After all he was usually the one breaking the unspoken rule that was put in place for the two of you that said you were not allowed to interact. Because of how little you got along you were also advised to avoid each other as much as possible.
Regardless of who was the initiator today, it didn’t matter. The damage was already done. The “damage” being you, standing here, chest swirling with burning hot anger and Kaiser, who had nothing better to do than make it worse.
Like fucking always.
You hated Kaiser, and most days you were sure he hated you, too. Still, it was always you who got upset with him and it was always he who liked to make a joke out of the whole situation. Probably because he knew it would only infuriate you more.
The boy loved pushing your buttons.
“Weißt du, du bist echt süß,” Kaiser purred, tilting his head to the side as he regarded you, “Einfach zum Anbeißen.”
You frowned, jaw clenching in irritation as you glared at his smug face, the mocking tone of his voice not going past you.
Even when he was speaking another language. Despite knowing full well you couldn’t understand him and that you hated it. He loved it, though. Speaking German when you were already angry, knowing it only made it worse.
Whatever insults he spout at you or names he called you in the other language, with a fake smile in place, you couldn’t possibly know. But you expected the worst.
“Michael,” you warned.
His eyebrow ticked up at the usage of his first name.
That was only a small triumph. He preferred being called by his last name, especially by you. He was a weirdo who got off being addressed with the title of an emperor, and you weren’t an exception. You knew it made his skin buzz, could see it in the way he’d lit up.
Kaiser nodded, seemingly to himself as he leaned his shoulder against one of the lockers of the dressing room. Why you were even in here was beyond you. Maybe today was the day of bad decisions.
“Und dann ist es noch so einfach, dich sauer zu machen, fast schon witzig,” he continued, not dropping his smirk.
His eyes narrowed at you mockingly, hands pushed deep into his pants pockets. He seemed to look relaxed but you knew he was watching you like a hawk, waiting for what you’d do next. If you’d leave, like you did many times, storm out and slam the door shut behind you or if you’d talk back, something you often couldn’t resist either.
Your jaw ticked. Knowing that Kaiser was well aware of how easy you were to anger and provoking you anyways was something that got your blood boiling like nothing else. Your heart was already thumping wildly in your chest, the sound of it rushing to your ears. Adrenaline was coursing through your veins, spurting you to act, to run or to argue or maybe to punch him. And worst of all, you could already feel the onset of shivers.
It was such a nasty betrayal of your body.
Whenever you got upset, you started shaking. It was most likely the adrenaline but if driven to a certain point of anger it’s something you couldn’t help. Your hands and your shoulders and your legs would start shaking and you’d stand there looking like a stupid chihuahua — at least Kaiser loved to compare you to one of those.
He loved to make fun of you for it. He loved to make fun of you for a lot of things…
Your body moved before you could think.
“You’re a fucking jerk,” you hissed, stepping closer until you were stood right in front of him and digging your finger into his chest.
Kaiser didn’t appear appalled or the slightest bit worried about your trembling form. His grin was sharp, eyes narrowed with a dangerous gleam in his eyes. Your anger, like so often, only seemed to spur him on.
He leant forward, pushing off the wall, weight against your finger on his chest increasing as he came face to face with you. Before you knew it his hand was on your face. His fingers found your chin, pointer finger gently lifting it as his thumbs graced your cheeks.
You froze, heart skipping a beat in disbelief at the audacity of this man. Your face flushed, you could feel the anger in your cheeks now.
“Wenn du meinst, Schatz,” Kaiser mused, emphasizing the last word and leant closer, your noses barely a breath apart.
Your hands tightened into fists by your side. You should move. You should push him away, maybe slap him while you were at it but you found yourself frozen, completely shocked by the intrusion of personal space. That was unfair. He couldn’t do that when you were angry.
Wait, no! He couldn’t do that at all!
Kaiser hummed, watching the conflict wash across your face with interest, lifting your chin up higher and dipping his head lower.
That was the moment your brain decided to bid its goodbye, your brain cells frying with its departure.
You had no idea what was happening. Whether Kaiser had just seen something on your face and gracefully decided to take it upon himself to remove it with his lips, or if he had finally thrown his last bit of dignity out of the window and was planning to bite you.
Which didn’t make much sense, because out of the two of you you were certainly the one struggling to keep yourself from being violent with him. He had never even come close, unless he was as good at hiding it as you would like to hope you were.
Kaiser’s face was still moving closer.
Your breath hitched in your throat as you realized what the only logical follow up to this action was and you stopped, not moving away when you easily could have, waiting for Kaiser to seal your lips with his.
But before it could come to that Kaiser stopped, waiting a moment, before drawing back, observing you out of hooded eyes and taking in your…whatever expression you must be making that moment.
If you had to guess it was probably similar to whatever a crashing Windows would be looking like.
“You look like you really want this ‘jerk’ to kiss you, though,” he murmured, still only centimeters away from your lips.
Before you could decide to do anything, like actually push him away or maybe pull him closer or any other insane thing, Kaiser giggled, fucking giggled, before pulling back. He didn’t withdraw without planting a kiss against your forehead, though, making you flinch.
What the-
You gaped at him, blinking. Then you realized what just happened.
You had almost let Kaiser kiss you.
You. had. almost. let. Kaiser. kiss. you.
You had almost let Kaiser kiss you!
No, wait, this wasn’t even all there was.
Kaiser had almost kissed you!
Kaiser, the most infuriating man on the planet, the asshole that got off on fighting with you, had almost kissed you. No, he did kiss you! On the forehead. He had planted his lips there, acting like it was the most normal thing in the world. Which it wasn’t!
Who even did that? Who kissed their…their…enemy anywhere?
Your hand touched the space above your brows his lips had touched, as you stared at him. He gave you a challenging look.
“You’re….you’re so? You’re unbelievable!” You stuttered, completely out of your depth.
The both of you had entered new territory with this action of his and you had no idea how to act.
“Oh? Am I?” he asked unconcerned.
You glared at him, raising your finger then changed your mind. Instead you turned around and started stomping towards the door. You could not be dealing with this right now.
You simply refused.
Kaiser chuckled, snatching your wrist. “Come on, don’t be like that. If you wanted me to kiss you you should have just said so.”
You clenched your jaw, somehow managed to talk yourself out of actually hitting him and instead only ripped your wrist from his grip.
“I didn’t !”
“I didn’t want you to kiss me, you asshole,” you bit out, turning to look back at him over your shoulder, face lowered and eyes narrowed to give him your best glare.
Kaiser looked unimpressed.
“Is that so?” He tilted his head to the side, grin cheeky.
“Oh now you can speak a language I understand,” you growled, winning the inner fight against your voice of reason and facing him again.
“Magst du es nicht, wenn ich deutsch für dich spreche?” He feigned hurt, placing his hand over his heart. “Das verletzt mich echt.”
You wanted to bury your face in your hands and scream. But you didn’t. Because you were strong. So, so strong. And so brave about it.
“You know I hate that. Stop being so fucking infuriating.”
He snickered. “Why are you even so mad at me all the time?“
“Because you’re infuriating!” You deadpanned.
“And yet you find me irresistible.”
“Irresistible not to beat up.”
“How crude.”
“Shut up, already?”
With every moment the urge to wipe that self-satisfied grin from his face became stronger and with it your resolve to hold back slowly started to crumble.
Kaiser seemed to notice. Just like a shark who smelt blood he could always detect your weaknesses.
“Or what?” The challenged, stepping closer, voice lowering into a murmur, “You know, if you don’t stop being so rude I might actually have to kiss you to shut you up.”
You gaped at him, trying to step back and gain more distance between you when he took another step forward but your feet were rooted to the spot.
Was it really so easy to catch you off guard? Was Kaiser really capable of reducing you to such a mess with the threat of a kiss?
The boy laughed softly, enjoying whatever expression you must be making with your face right now. Maybe this time it was similar to a cornered animal.
“I said shut up,” you repeated, but your words had lost their heat and your face wasn’t just flushed from anger anymore.
A few moments ago you had fantasized of punching Kaiser in the face, and now…now he was saying those confusing things like they had been on his mind for a while now and you were unable to shift your focus anywhere but his slowly approaching lips.
Why did he even think of kissing you? You hated him. He hated you. What kind of fucked up game was this?
Kaiser bent forward again, suddenly directly in front of your face. How he had managed to get so close again was a mystery to you.
“Make me,” he murmured, a challenge visible in his eye.
You snarled, your anger finally taking the upper hand as your arm shot forward, fingers burying themselves in the fabric of Kaiser’s collar. You considered pushing him away, forcing him to give you space. Instead, and for no reason you were able to understand you pulled, yanking him down. Then you pressed your lips to his.
Kaiser‘s mouth felt warm against yours, lips both chapped and soft, the hand now on your waist firm. He pulled you closer, returning the kiss with fierce
You shouldn‘t question this. Not right now…maybe never. Yeah, never was probably for the best.
“Maybe you don’t hate me as much as you pretend you do,” Kaiser hummed against your lips.
The words managed to bring you back to your senses. At least partly. At least enough for you to realize what you were doing. And what you were doing was kissing Kaiser, you, who had been given a chance and still chose.
Had you actually just done this?
“You! I- Fuck you!” You hissed.
This was…You hated Kaiser. You hated him. He made you angry. On purpose! What were you doing here…kissing him?
You loosened your grip around Kaiser‘s shirt and used your flat palm to push him away. The boy didn‘t stumble, barely took a step back when you had already turned around, ready to run off.
Kaiser‘s amused laughter followed you as you pushed through the door and rushed down the corridor. His last shouted words, “Bye Schatz!” accompanying you as you disappeared behind the next corner.
You couldn‘t believe what had just happened.
You had kissed Kaiser. And the worst part about it? You kinda wanted to do it again.
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“You know, you’re really cute. I could eat you right up.”
“Not to mention how easy it is to rile you up, it’s almost funny.”
“If you say so, honey (=verbatim ‘treasure’).”
“Don’t you like it when i speak german for you? That hurts me.”
“Bye honey (=verbatim ‘treasure’)”
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taglist: @crystal-lilac @duf3h6237 @hufflefluffslytherin @chucky-26o1 @lordbugs
2K notes · View notes
mitsuyeaah · 1 year
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“i wanna touch on you. you see me in my room. wish you were here right now, i wanna get freaky on camera.”
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cw: youtube star!sanzu, camboy!sanzu, college au, slight enemies to lovers (reader dislikes haru), pining, nsfw (mdni), smut, masturbation (f & m), sex toys, fingering, unprotected rough sex, cum eating, swearing, pet names (baby, princess), slight degradation
word count: 9.5k
a/n: i present to you, akashi haruchiyo <3 also sorry, i had to edit out senju on the header :”(
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You stared daggers at his face, biting your tongue to hold back any sharp insults that threatened to come out. If looks could kill, Haruchiyo Akashi would be dead by now. Your blood boiled just by looking at him, the way he threw his head back against the red cushions of the booth—laughing obnoxiously loud, the way his eyes shut as if the joke he had heard was the funniest in the world. It took all your willpower not to roll your eyes at the man, god, he was so fucking cocky.
You hated how he thinks he’s all that just because he’s famous on YouTube, or whatever streaming platform it was, like you cared.
“Careful with that glare, you might accidentally stab him with it.” Keisuke pulled you out of your trance. Your head whipped toward the man next to you, a smug smile forming upon his lips, a glint of playfulness evident in his dark honey eyes. You rolled your eyes at him, “Good. He annoys the fuck out of me.” You didn’t know when this feeling of annoyance for Haruchiyo started but all you knew was that you two were definitely not on the same wavelength.
Not one bit.
Ever since meeting Haruchiyo, you never really got along with him under any circumstances. His first impression was fine, you could give him that but as you got to know him and through Mikey and Keisuke, the more you could not stand the man.
Mikey, Keisuke, and Haruchiyo were three peas in a pod, their personalities didn’t stray too much from one another but there was just something about Haruchiyo that you couldn’t stand, it also didn’t help how frustrated you became because you didn’t know what the reason was. There was really no one to blame for this certain thing you were feeling, that’s why it was much easier to project anger onto Haruchiyo.
Plus, it wasn’t like he was all innocent. As a matter of fact, he added fuel to the fire. He would constantly make jokes about you that you didn’t quite find funny, or sometimes he just won’t leave you alone. Haruchiyo would ask you endless questions ranging from one end of the spectrum all the way to the other end, to which you would always answer ‘it’s none of your business’ because it wasn’t, you weren’t close to him, unlike with Mikey and Keisuke.
If anything, the two of you would only exchange by bantering, and they weren’t friendly ones. There wasn’t a day where you two didn’t fire insults at each other, and every time, either Keisuke or Mikey would jump in before it got out of control.
In all honesty, it looked like you were the only one really worked up during these exchanges because Haruchiyo would always smirk at you, if you knew any better, you’d think he was enjoying this. He probably did, he probably liked you seeing all riled up because of him and you hated it because it made you even angrier.
At this point, you didn’t even know why you came along to these hangouts fully knowing that the pink haired asshole would turn up too, you guessed it’s because Mikey would always beg you to come and you could never say no to him.
“Alright, I think I’m going to head back. I have a shit ton of assignments to do.” You groaned, stretching as you stood up from the booth, bidding your friends goodbye. Of course, before you could fully turn and walk away, Haruchiyo just had to say something, “Geez, you’re always in your dorm all day. No wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.” He chuckled before taking a sip of his cold beverage—a strawberry smoothie, black painted nails contrasting against the pinkness of the drink.
You closed your eyes for a few seconds, the feeling of anger bubbling up from your stomach as your hands curled into fists by your side. You let out a deep sigh and opened your eyes, directly looking at the turquoise eyed man—who had the same old smug expression plastered over his stupid face, “You know what? Yeah, you’re right and what about it? I don’t see your lame ass with a girlfriend either.” You raised a brow, challenging him.
As expected, he gave you a saccharine smile, “Baby, you don’t know how many women would drop on their knees for me.” You poked your tongue against the inside of your cheek at the pet name, Haruchiyo always called you ‘baby’ despite the countless times you told him not to. Taking a deep breath to calm your nerves, you calmly replied, “First, I am not your baby and second, you might have hundreds and thousands of subscribers but you’re still bitchless.” You shrugged before completely walking away, not bothering to hear his reply.
“I have millions! Get it right!” He called after you and you could only roll your eyes at him.
You knew Haruchiyo had millions of subscribers, you just wanted to play with him because you knew he wasn’t going to let it slide. 
As a matter of fact, as much as you’d like to deny it, the content he puts out on YouTube wasn't too bad— although, you’ve convinced yourself that it's because Senju—his little sister—carries the whole channel by herself and Haruchiyo is just there.
Their content ranges from Vlogs to other sponsored videos just like other content creators, and from time to time, they upload their solo videos on the shared channel—Senju mainly posts about beauty and fashion whereas Haruchiyo would mostly post videos of him playing games requested by their subscribers. Despite their difference in personalities, they made their channel work and were able to garner different subscribers.
You’ve watched several solo videos that Senju posted and often gushed to her about it via message. The two of you were close and sometimes she would even include you and her other friends in one of her ‘daily Vlogs’. She was very sweet and kind, unlike his older brother that you couldn’t stand.
Later that night, you were too engulfed in your assignments that the loud sound of your phone vibrating against the desk almost made you jump out of your seat. It was already one o’clock in the morning and the only person who would possibly be texting you at this hour was Mikey. That man’s sleeping schedule was all over the place—to which he would blame his choice of degree, engineering.
You mindlessly patted around your desk for the device while reading a passage for the pre-lecture readings, your eyes never leaving the paragraph. After several attempts to reach for your phone, you finally found it and brought the screen closer to your face, eyes scanning for the recent notification.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t from Manjiro.
It was from Haruchiyo, ‘i wasn’t talking about women from my youtube subscribers btw.’
Your brows knitted at the text, what the hell did he even mean by that? Your eyes scanned the sentence once, twice, thrice but you were still lost. Huffing, you set your phone face down and decided to leave his message unopened and unreplied, you weren’t going to waste your time and energy on something you couldn’t understand, especially if it came from one Haruchiyo Akashi.
Since it was already getting late, you decided it was best to wrap up your assignment and head over to bed but you weren’t exactly going to sleep yet. No, the night had just begun. You’ve had a very stressful week full of due dates and new assignments that you barely had time to take care of yourself, and therefore needed to release all the pent up stress and emotions that accumulated throughout the week.
You knew just the perfect way to find a release.
Grabbing your laptop off the desk, you set the device on the mattress of your bed and typed the url of a certain website on a keyboard. You’ve never really told anyone about this but you’ve grown fond of a certain someone in this particular streaming website, someone who helped you with your deepest sexual fantasies and he was damn good at doing it.
You place your middle finger on the trackpad, smoothly gliding it around to navigate the cursor through the website and clicking on the profile you’ve been subscribed to for quite a while now. You knew your friends would probably tease you for getting off to some man behind the lens—especially Haruchiyo who liked to make fun of your single ass but you didn’t care, it’s not like they were going to find out.
God forbid them from finding out, especially that insufferable rosy haired idiot that took a liking to annoying the fuck out of you for days on end.
If Haruchiyo somewhat got a hold of this information, he would never live it down—it was a fact. You’d have to live with the fact that he’s able to torment you for months, trailing behind you and letting you know about your dirty little secret.
Oh, you’d scour the world just to find his dirty little secret.
SANZU. You clicked on the profile, the name in white capitalised letters that beckoned you. Begging to be explored and seen.
You didn’t know who this man was but fuck, he was hot. The sounds that leave his lips as he pleasures himself in many different ways practically had you drenched and clenching around your fingers. In some videos, he’d be edging himself; he would be sitting on his queen-sized bed, all exposed and covered in a sheen of sweat as his hand desperately pumped up and down his hard cock. Loud whines leaving his chest as his hips bucked up with need, his free hand gripping the soft sheets under him, turning his knuckles white.
The way his abdomen would contract and limbs stiffening as he topples over the edge was definitely a sight to see. He’d let out these delicious loud moans laced with endless profanities as his hand clenched around his dick. Thick cum spurting out of his pink tip, making a wonderful white sticky mess on his stomach and thighs as he trembles ever so slightly.
The angle of the camera gave all his subscribers a perfect view of his torso, thighs, and everything in between. Of course, he kept his face out of view for such reasons but it somewhat made his videos even sexier, the way his head was cut from the frame left his viewers wanting more. His cock was the prettiest you’ve ever seen—a deep shade of pink, he wasn’t too thick but his length made up for it; his dick had a slight curve to the left and an evident vein that ran on the underside of it. God, the things you’d do just to run your tongue along that line.
Mysterious yet sexy, that was how many perceived this man—Sanzu.
You relaxed against the headboard, legs spread out, fluffy pillows supporting your lower back as you clicked on his most recent upload. 10 minutes ago. It read on the blurb at the bottom of the thumbnail, it wasn’t a long video as indicated on the timestamp but you were grateful, nonetheless.
‘Missing her’ hours. The title read.
He was in the same environment just like in his other videos, in his room and on the bed. His body was illuminated by some kind of bright light from behind the camera, allowing a stark contrast of his naked body against the dim background. This time he had a new toy with him—a fleshlight. A glob of spit landed on his hard cock, one hand flying down to spread the slimy liquid all over his dick—also using the pre-cum from his pink tip. His free hand grabbed the flashlight resting on the bed and brought it close to his cock.
SANZU grabbed the base of his dick and slowly pushed the fleshlight down his tip that was still leaking pre-cum; the man let out a breathy moan as the head of his length disappeared within the toy, his back slightly arching and exposed chest pushing upwards at the familiar pleasure. Your mouth parted at this—shallow breaths slipped past your lips, your keen eyes fixed on the way he teased himself by just thrusting his tip in and out, hips desperately bucking up for more.
You could feel the familiar sensation grow on your pussy, tingles spreading throughout your wet folds the further the video progressed. Tired of rubbing your thighs together and clenching on nothing, you slipped a hand past your joggers and massaged your folds through the thin fabric of your panties—a wet spot beginning to spread and soak the fabric.
The man on the video lets out a loud desperate moan as he pushes the fleshlight all the way, bottoming out; you could tell he threw his head back with the way his neck became taut. “Mhm…fuck! You’re so tight for me, huh?” He grunted, an evident strain in his tone. He stayed like that for a while, dick fully sheathed inside the sex toy as he shamelessly let out desperate pants, trying not to cum on the spot. Your mouth watered at the way his balls deliciously pressed against the base of the toy, so large and full.
Fuck, he was so aroused; your fingers pushed the soiled fabric aside and massaged your clit, legs slightly jerking at the intense pleasure jolting through your body, “Ah…! Yes, all for you…” you whispered in a breathy tone, head resting on the wall behind you while keeping your eyes on the bright screen of your laptop—mouth slightly parted, letting out shallow pants.
A small whimper leaves your lips as you push two fingers inside, free hand gripping your blanket at the sensation of your gummy walls stretching around your digits.
Another glob of spit lands on the base of his cock, and he pulls the fleshlight from his dick, earning a loud squelching noise at the way the toy firmly encases around his length. This time, he actually starts moving the fleshlight up and down, both hands firmly encased around the toy as he desperately rubs it against his dick. “Ngh—haah! Yeah? You like tha—ah! You like that? Mmph! You like it when I fuck you hard?” He moans.
His back arches at the pleasure, the bright light behind his camera shining the thin layer of sweat on his exposed chest. Loud and repeated wet squelching sounds along with his desperate pants emitted from your laptop which went straight down to your wet cunt. The crown of your head rubbed against the wall as you tilted your chin up, a moan forcibly making its way out—pleasure engulfing your whole body.
“Mhm—ah! Yes! I love it when you fuck me hard!” You responded to the video before letting out a long high pitched moan.
Your fingers thrusted in and out of your sopping cunt, making the same noises as the video did; you brought your free hand up to your face and bit on the sleeve of your hoodie, moaning against it as you clenched your eyes shut. You had no roommate to possibly hear your moans but you couldn’t trust the dormitory walls enough that the neighbouring rooms wouldn’t be able to hear you. You could feel yourself cumming soon—your hand and wrist were slowly getting tired from the fast repetitive movements but you couldn’t stop now, not when you were so near that you couldn’t feel your legs anymore—toes curling and feet digging deeper into the mattress.
Strands of hair were now sticking to your neck and forehead as a light layer of sweat covered your whole body, the room suddenly felt a couple of degrees hotter but you couldn’t care less. All you could focus on at the moment was the pace of your hand and the loud erotic moans coming from your laptop. “Aah—fuck! Why don’t you cum around this dick like the good girl you are? Huh?—ah shit!” He grunted, moans becoming shorter and high pitched which suggested he was close.
Something about him talking dirty to an inanimate object made you clench harder around your fingers; if he was already spewing that much filth to an object, imagine what he would be like with a person. Oh, the things you’d do just to hear him whisper nasty things in your ear as he pounds into you.
“Come on… let’s hear those—haah! Let’s hear those pretty sounds.” As if he was talking to you, you removed your arm from your face, a string of loud high pitched moans immediately rolling out your mouth, like it was begging to be let out.
The man in the video quickly changed positions, he was on his hands and knees—legs opened wide as he held the sex toy against the bed, desperately thrusting into it like it was the real thing. His bed squeaked with every sharp thrust of his hips, back hunched over the mattress; you could see the way every muscle in his body popped along with his movements, god, it was so fucking hot.
It also didn’t help with the way he looked so desperate, rutting into the little sex toy like his life depended on it and the string of profanities that came out of his dirty mouth. Your eyes fixed on where his cock quickly thrusted in and out of the fleshlight, imagining that it was you who he hungrily fucked into.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck! I’m cumming! Cum with me, baby—ngh!” Short frequent whines that were in tune with his sharp thrusts left his lips. That was all it took for you to reach your orgasm, the familiar feeling at the pit of your stomach suddenly bursts up through your spine and down to your legs—your whole body becoming rigid as you came around your fingers, back arching and lips forming an ‘o’ shape but no sound came out.
You tried your best to keep your eyes open and stare at the man on the screen, he had his cock fully sheathed inside the toy, pulling out only by a small amount and quickly thrusting back in to ride out his orgasm. His body became taut with pleasure, his free hand gripping the sheets under him as his thick cum spilled out from the fleshlight—this time the squelching sounds were much louder from the big load he had produced. “Mhm—aah! Fuck yeah… take all of it, princess.” He panted out, hips still thrusting into the sex toy.
Closing your eyes, you let out desperate pants, suddenly you were hyper aware of your surroundings—the way your hair stuck to your neck and forehead, the sudden humidity of the room, the gross feeling of your clothes rubbing against your sweaty body, and the way your soiled panties clung to you.
You let out a groan because the urge to take a bath was stronger than ever, and you also had to change your sheets since you felt icky. It was almost quarter to two in the morning but you didn’t mind taking a hot bath and doing some laundry at this hour, even if it meant sacrificing some of your sleep.
“Why didn’t you answer my text last night?” You looked up from your steaming noodles and gave Haruchiyo a blank stare, you could already feel annoyance bubbling up from your stomach—his aquamarine gaze already on you, a mysterious glint. “I could care less about your text. Plus, why’d you even text me in the first place?” It was now Haruchiyo’s turn to shrug and you swore there was a slight tint of pink that dusted his cheeks but you paid no mind to it, it was probably because of the hot food that occupied the table.
“You guys were texting last night? That’s new.” Mikey—who sat across you—darted his eyes between you and Haruchiyo, brows shooting up his forehead before exchanging a look with the man who sat next to you—Keisuke. “No, we weren’t. He texted me and I didn’t respond.” You rolled your eyes and got back to eating. You knew that look they shared between them, they always did that and you knew it was probably just to tease you because you didn’t get along with Haruchiyo.
Haruchiyo let out an exaggerated sigh and leaned back against his seat, placing his hands behind his head, “You know, I was up all night waiting for your text. I’m hurt.” God, you wanted to smack that look off his face. Before you could retort, last night’s events ran through your mind, your cheeks warmed at your late night activities which caused you to struggle to think of a response.
You blinked, ears turning red and not knowing what to say to him—remembering how the man’s hips desperately rutted against the fleshlight, soft whimpers that left his lips like music to your ears, the way his legs trembled as he came inside the toy. He was so hot. You rubbed your legs at the thought of him, hands slightly balling into fists.
That man had you wrapped around his finger—like many other women subscribed to him. The worst part was, you didn’t even know him and he was already doing all kinds of things to you without laying a single hand on your body.
Fuck, if you saw him in person, you would be fucking him on sight.
The rosy-haired man tilted his head to the side, a sly grin making its way on his face, “What? Cat got your tongue?” Being brought back from your trance, you slightly shook your head and rolled your eyes at Haruchiyo—he didn’t miss the way your face turned a tad bit crimson. Cute. You glared at him, all the lust in your system suddenly being drained away and replaced with annoyance, god, you’d trade Haruchiyo for that man anyday.
As usual, you bit your tongue from saying anything that would escalate the conversation and ignored him instead but your face gave away your mood—your brows tightly knitted together, lips turning into a scowl and eyes turning dark with a glare.
You just couldn’t stand him.
Haruchiyo acted like you two were close, he acted like you were okay with him making fun of you, he acted like you were friends with him. He was completely insufferable. Every time you see him, your jaw tightens and annoyance bubbles up from within your stomach, hands automatically clenching into fists.
His presence annoyed you. It made you want to pull all your hair out.
“What were you even doing last night?” Keisuke asked Haruchiyo, changing the topic, he sensed the change in your demeanour. You couldn’t really rant to Mikey about your pent up anger over Haruchiyo, so Keisuke got the other end of it—unfortunately but at least he’s nice enough to listen to all your rants, no matter how childish they get.
Keisuke loves you and Haruchiyo both and he doesn’t take any sides because he thinks it’s just petty. A big misunderstanding between the two of you, and he’s told you that; he wasn’t afraid to let you know that maybe you were just misunderstanding Haruchiyo.
Give him a chance. He said one time. Whatever that meant.
And you really did try your best, you tried to be open about a possible friendship with Haruchiyo but every single time, he’d make you remember why you didn’t want one. You always found yourself making snarky comments instead of friendly ones; you were both at different ends of the spectrum, far away from one another.
Maybe it was because you two just didn’t click—completely different personalities. Or maybe you just couldn’t understand your emotions that well, you were never one to perceive emotions and feelings easily, which is why you’ve become completely oblivious to people that had shown an interest in you in the past.
All these complex feelings inside you would just come out as a big mess and all you could really project was annoyance and anger—something that wasn’t pleasant. After all, these were the feelings you were most acquainted with.
Human emotions in a nutshell.
Haruchiyo snorted, you could still feel his turquoise gaze on you while you ate, “Oh, y’know, just…stuff.” he leaned over the table and grabbed his phone, mindlessly typing away with a smug smile on his face. “Anyway, I have to go. Senju and I are preparing for another content, you guys should definitely anticipate it!” He jumped up from his seat, bidding goodbye to all of you before going.
It was already late in the afternoon and you decided to spend it by lazing around your dorm and being practically glued to your bed but it was fine, it was the weekend anyway. You were currently online shopping, browsing over clothes that you knew you didn’t need or accessories that weren’t necessary but it was nice to look at them. You had several tabs open on your laptop and you noticed one tab blinking with a notification, it was last night’s tab.
You mentally face palmed yourself for being so careless and not closing the tab. It wasn’t like anyone was going to go through your laptop but Mikey would sometimes borrow yours for a short period of time when his one would be acting up. Thanking the heavens for Mikey not borrowing yours today, you clicked on the tab and saw that SANZU had posted a status.
‘Will be going live in a few! Stay tuned for something spicy ;)’
You quickly sat up from your bed, laptop slowly sliding off your stomach. Wow, I’m being treated today, aren’t I? You thought. Thanking the universe once again for treating you nicely today, you set your laptop in front of you and clicked on the link provided on his status.
The video was still black which indicated the livestream was yet to start, so you patiently sat there and waited for it to start. You’ve watched some of his livestreams in the past and it did not disappoint. He would do what his subscribers asked him to do—edging? Not a problem. A sex toy? He’d pull out his stash. Dirty talking? He’d open his mouth in an instant.
It was a pretty sight to see. A submissive man who’d do practically anything.
Some would even send him money—lots of it—to moan out their name as he pleasures himself but you were more the quiet type of watcher who just enjoyed the view. Plus, you didn’t even have that much money to spend for some man to moan out your name, as tempting as it sounded.
You did comment from time to time, though, as embarrassing as it sounds, you would always call him a ‘good boy’—a pet name he had grown to love. But that was about it, your mind blanked whenever you tried to come up with something for him to do.
After a couple of minutes later, the black screen finally disappeared and showed him in his usual set up—he was clothed but he didn’t wear a shirt underneath his leather jacket. What a tease. Though, it complimented his fair skin really well, making his abdomen stand out more for his viewers.
God, black looked so good on him…but you would’ve looked better on him if you were being honest.
Before you could settle and make yourself comfortable on the mattress, a switch turned on in your head which caused you to study the leather jacket a little harder. It looked familiar. Too familiar for your liking.
You tuned out everything that he was saying to his live viewers and furrowed your brows, eyes squinting and body leaning closer to the LCD screen—you didn’t know why but your heart started to race, you felt like you were about to discover something forbidden, something you didn’t like.
That leather jacket was the same one Haruchiyo was wearing earlier today at the brunch.
“No way…” you whispered to yourself, hand resting on your chin as your eyes widened. Different thoughts raced through your mind but you tried to counter each one of them—surely they just happened to have the same jacket, right? Leather jackets are popular at the moment, of course. You convinced yourself that. Plus, Haruchiyo literally said he was going to prepare for a video with Senju, so he can’t be doing this livestream.
A sudden realisation hit you, you could just call Senju and she’d probably say that his older brother was with her! You were probably just over analysing all of this because of a stupid jacket. Just because the man you’ve been getting off to had the same jacket as Haruchiyo doesn’t exactly mean they could be the same person.
There was a slim chance.
Haruchiyo has worn that leather jacket several times in their videos, even thanking the retail brand that gave it to him as a gift. Who knows? Maybe SANZU was a fan of the Akashi siblings and probably got the same jacket as Haruchiyo because he found it nice.
Grabbing your phone, you scrolled down your contacts and called the youngest Akashi sibling, wasting no time. It rang for a couple of seconds before Senju picked up,
“Hey! What’s up?” “Hey! I hope I didn’t interrupt or anything, are you busy at the moment?” You gnawed at your bottom lip, nerves becoming uneasy at the thought of Haruchiyo possibly being SANZU. The loud background noise on the other side of the call indicated that Senju was outside and you got a sinking feeling that you weren’t going to like where this was going.
Your stomach sank at the next few words that came from her lips, “Not really! I’m at Harajuku right now, just shopping for some clothes. The usual.” She giggled into the phone, normally, you would’ve reciprocated her giggle and joked about not taking you with her but you didn’t. You sat on your bed looking at the screen of your laptop—that still showed SANZU—unmoving and unsure of what to do next.
Haruchiyo said he was going to prepare for a video with Senju but she was clearly out at the moment and didn’t say anything about releasing new content for their channel.
“T-that’s exciting! Are you alone?” You tried to sound enthusiastic but couldn’t bring yourself to be. Maybe Haruchiyo was with her all along, she usually had company while shopping anyway—someone to carry bags full of clothes and accessories for her. Yeah, that’s right. He was probably with her.
Senju sighed, “Ah, no, I had to go alone today. Haru said he was busy with something. I don’t really know what since he didn’t specify.” That was all it took for you to mentally punch yourself, maybe the universe wasn’t on your side today. Just the thought of you getting off to SANZU’s videos who could possibly be Haruchiyo all along was embarrassing. Completely embarrassing.
You exchanged a few more words with her before bidding goodbye which left you sitting in your bed in silence, eyes glued on SANZU—who had already discarded his leather jacket. You watched him. Suddenly his voice started sounding familiar, just like Haruchiyo but you kept denying it. You couldn’t accept the fact that maybe he was SANZU.
There was only one way to truly find out.
You scrolled up to find Haruchiyo’s contact, thumb hovering over your screen as you decided whether or not to go through with this. What if you just let your imagination run wild instead? Let yourself wonder if it was Haruchiyo or not. Why did you even have to know in the first place?—
Oh. That’s right.
An idea popped into your head. Maybe you have found his dirty little secret, maybe you could use this as leverage over him.
A small smile crept upon your lips as you dialled his contact, maybe this wasn’t as bad as it seemed. As your phone rang, your eyes darted over to the livestream, waiting for Haruchiyo’s phone to ring.
And it did.
You didn’t know whether to be happy about this because you finally had some kind of leverage over him or be embarrassed about the fact that you’ve been getting off to his videos. Haruchiyo’s videos. The same person who pissed you off without fail.
You watched as he abruptly stopped what he was doing and reached for his phone behind the camera, black painted nails encasing around the little device. “Sorry, guys. I’ll have to answer this real quick.” He quickly slipped out of the frame and out of his room, you presumed since you heard the door open and close.
Fuck. So he was SANZU.
“Hmm? What’s got you callin’ me, baby?” He used the same tone in his videos, the one that had you soaked with your own slick, the one that had you rubbing your thighs together. You closed your eyes, trying not to let his voice affect you in any way—normally, you would’ve rolled your eyes at him and the pet name but you didn’t.
The pet name felt different. It brought a shudder down your back.
You huffed, “Are you busy?” As much as you’d hate to invite him over to your dorm, you wanted to let him know about your recent discovery, maybe with this, you could finally get him to stop with his silly antics and desperate attempts at trying to annoy the fuck out of you.
You didn’t have to see his face to know that Haruchiyo was smiling from ear to ear, “Oh? And what’s got your pretty head curious about me?” You clenched your fists, there he goes with that tone again. You were hating every bit of this phone call because you didn’t want to admit how much his voice affected you—how your cunt tingled ever so slightly at it.
“Can you… can you come over? I have something for you.” A small smirk formed on your lips as you pushed down the lust that was slowly engulfing your whole body. If only Haruchiyo knew what was coming for him. “You? Inviting me over? What’s gotten into you, baby? Thought ya hated me. Hmm, but I’ll be there in an hour and a half… just have some things to take care of.” You nodded even though Haruchiyo couldn’t see and quickly ended the call, not being able to take any more of his voice.
It made you feel things.
Your eyes darted back to your laptop as you saw him walk back into the frame, apologising to his subscribers before returning to his activities. Sighing, you closed your laptop so you could gather your thoughts, you didn’t even feel like watching the livestream anymore because of this information.
The fact that you’ve been getting off to Haruchiyo practically fisting himself was embarrassing, you wanted the ground to just swallow you whole. No one knew about it, yes, but you couldn’t bear the thought of THE Haruchiyo Akashi being able to make you that wet without laying a single finger on you.
It was embarrassing and wrong. You thirsted over someone you didn’t like, someone that had your blood boiling within seconds of being in his presence. Now you weren’t going to look at him the same anymore.
But underneath all that, something deep inside you was joyful that the person you’ve been thirsting for a long time was right under your nose. Haruchiyo was the man you’ve been fantasising about while you were alone in your room—the man who you wanted so bad to fuck you, to have his hands on you and his cock in you.
Waiting for Haruchiyo had you pacing back and forth, time was agonisingly slow and you were somewhat nervous, you didn’t know why but you were.
The time finally came when you heard knocks at your door, you practically lunged off your bed and to the entrance of your dorm which revealed Haruchiyo. You stared up at him, his long rosy hair loosely secured in a low ponytail—which some were sticking to his forehead from sweating, cheeks dusted pink like he had just ran a marathon and the same leather jacket around his shoulders.
“D’ya finally realise your undying love for me, or what?” He chuckled, a smirk plastered on his lips as you stood aside to let the man in.
It was weird.
It was weird to have him inside your dorm fully knowing what he’d been up to just a few hours ago. You couldn’t shake the vivid images burned into your mind, the images of him fisting his cock and the way he fucked the fleshlight last night. If you could punch yourself right now, you would definitely do it.
“No… but what I did find was…” you trailed off and took your phone out, hastily searching for his profile on the website. Haruchiyo raised a pink brow, confusion written all over his pretty face as he watched you tapping on your phone. “This.” You clicked on his profile and shoved your phone to his face, it was your turn to smirk, you couldn’t wait to see him begging not to tell anyone.
Maybe you would tell him to get on his knees and beg—
He was smirking. Why was he smirking? No, no, no, this isn’t supposed to be like this! He’s supposed to be shocked and confused, not smirking. Your smirk fell off your face as Haruchiyo’s eyes darted from the phone and over to you, no trace of shock evident on his features. Not even one. He was clearly unfazed by this.
“Tell me baby, do you watch them?” He was using that tone again. His smirk turned into a saccharine smile as he took a step closer, to which you responded by stepping back and amidst all this, you held each other’s gaze. Not one dared to break eye contact. “I-i…” you mentally facepalmed for stuttering and not finding the right words to respond with.
He tilted his head, raising a brow, “Hmm? I asked you a question.”
You sucked in a sharp breath. Fuck, he was supposed to be at your mercy, not the other way around. Now, he’s got you wrapped around his finger like SANZU did, well, after all, they are the same man.
Closing your eyes, you nodded. Heat spread from your cheeks and up to your ears as embarrassment slowly engulfed your whole body. This was not the outcome you wanted. “Look at my eyes while I’m talking to you.” He stated firmly which caused you to immediately open your eyes and meet his aquamarine gaze once again, something about the way he used his voice made you want to obey him.
You looked into his eyes, studying the intricate turquoise patterns on it—the deep shade of blue that outlined his irises, a slightly different intensity of the colour that you haven’t noticed until now.
Haruchiyo pushed strands of hair behind your ears before resting his palm on your cheek, thumb lightly ghosting over your bottom lip; he looked at your lips like it was his prized possession, like it held more value than his life.
“I really want to kiss you right now…” he whispered, eyes trailing upwards to meet your own. Your breath hitched at the way his touch burned into your skin—the good kind. You blinked up at him, heart pounding against your chest, “What’s stopping you, Haru?” Your voice came out light and airy. 
You didn’t know why you were acting this way. No, you did know why you were acting this way—it’s because Haruchiyo got you all wrapped around his finger, and you let him do it. The urge to fully submit to him and your feelings was slowly making itself known, it was an urge that you had deep down when you first discovered SANZU, and now that he’s here in flesh, there is no stopping you.
All the times you’ve fantasised about him, all the times you’ve thought about having his cock buried inside you, all the times you’ve wanted to be pinned down by him were slowly coming to you, and you didn’t know if you were able to keep up with it—with him.
Haruchiyo cursed under his breath at the nickname. Haru—the nickname he hears on a daily basis either from his friends and siblings. So why did his insides do a somersault when you said it? Why did his knees weaken a little at the name he hears every single day of the week? Fuck, it rolled off your tongue like it was made just for you, and only you.
He gave your bottom lip one last swipe with his thumb before leaning down and placing his lips on yours. Oh fuck, your lips were soft. Haruchiyo was gentle—there was a slight hesitation with the way his lips moved against yours, afraid yet desperate for the way your lips felt against his own, like he was testing the waters. After all, it was the very first kiss you two shared together and he wanted it to be perfect.
Haruchiyo swore he could see sparks fly as the kiss deepened, his knees buckled at the feeling of your soft, pillowy lips against his—his mind was spinning, he’d been waiting for this day ever since he laid eyes on you and oh, how worth it the wait was. His hand on your cheek tightened ever so slightly as he pushed head face closer to yours, he wanted more.
Suddenly, everything felt hot—burning. Your body felt like it was on fire with the way he kissed you with such passion; your hands found its way to the collar of his leather jacket, fingers clenching around the thick fabric, you couldn’t keep up with the way his lips moved with hunger. Groaning against his lips, you slightly pushed him away to catch your breath—swollen pink lips parted as your chest heaved up and down, trying to take as much air in as possible.
He leaned his forehead on yours as he panted, hot breaths mixing with each other’s as you two stood there in silence, trying to process what just happened. “I’ve been waiting for this ever since I met you… fuck, you drive me crazy, you know that?”
You bit your lip at his confession, butterflies forming in your stomach and knees almost buckling at it, “Just shut up and kiss me.” Cupping his face, you sealed the space between the two of you. This time, the kiss was rough, desperate, hungry, and Haruchiyo didn’t hesitate to match the movement of your lips.
You groaned as he bit and tugged at your bottom lip, hands flying up to his rosy hair and gripping the strands like your dear life depended on it. Amongst the messy kisses, the two of you found your way into your bedroom after messily stumbling through your dorm, hands flying up to the wall for support.
Haruchiyo broke the kiss and held your gaze, turquoise eyes hooded and filled with pure lust, “Are you sure you want this?” His index finger and thumb rested on your chin as he waited for your answer. You groaned, “Fuck, Haru, you don’t know how much I’ve fantasised about this… about you.” Haruchiyo sucked in a sharp breath, muttering a low curse before instructing you to strip everything down and sit on the floor to face your body length mirror.
Like the obedient girl you were, you did what he’d told you. Haruchiyo joined you a few seconds later, leather jacket and shirt discarded which left his dark jeans hanging around his thin waist.
He sat behind you, naked chest flushed against your back. Your cheeks heated at the way his eyes trailed every single dip of your body, the way his stare lingered on your chest before trailing down to your wet cunt, earning a small smile from him.
He placed his hands under your knees and spread your legs open, your wet cunt now fully exposed; Haruchiyo tangled his legs with yours, placing his feet at the inside, next to your own so you wouldn’t be able to shut your legs close once he started.
You watched yourself through the mirror, all exposed and at his mercy—his body looming over your figure, almost engulfing you with how broad he was.
“Tell me…” he started off, slender hands rubbing up and down your sides, causing goosebumps to form under his light and feathery touches, “…what do you think about when you watch my videos, hm?” He leans over you, lips dangerously close to your ear.
You let out a whine, resting your head on his shoulder as he starts massaging your breasts with his hands. Alternating between his index finger and thumb pinching at your nipples and squeezing your mounds; you swallowed thickly as you watched your breasts being fondled by Haruchiyo.
“Mhm—ah! I think about—fuck! I think about how good your cock would feel inside me…” you bit your lip at the tingling sensation on your chest, face turning crimson red as his hands worked on you. “Hmm? Naughty girl, aren’t we? Tell me more…” He bit the shell of your ear before placing wet kisses along your jaw and down your neck, earning another whine from you.
His hands snaked its way to your front, stopping at the inside of your thighs and sensually rubbing it. Fuck, he was so close yet so far to where you needed him the most. “Ngh—haah! Shit, Haru! I think of myself as the fleshlight you were—ah! You were fucking last night… Fuck, I wish I was the one you were fucking last night. Could give it to you so much—mhm! So much better than that measly sex toy.”
Haruchiyo pressed his fingers on your wet folds, earning a loud groan from you as he started rubbing them up and down, spreading the wet slick produced by your cunt, “Is that so? Well then, I’ll just have to test it out for myself, huh?” His fingers alternated between rubbing up and down your folds and massaging them in a circle—his ministrations caused you to produce more slick, and you watched as it rolled down onto the floor.
You let out a loud moan as one hand spread out your folds and the other inserted two slender fingers into your cunt. It was just what you expected, his fingers reached way deeper than yours did and it made your toes curl. You bit your lip at the sight in front of you, your legs tangled with one another while Haruchiyo had two fingers stuffed into your wet cunt.
Loud squelches broke the silence as he started mercilessly thrusting his fingers in and out, your juices coating his hands as it trailed down to his wrist, “Aah! Yes… right there, Haru!” You let out a high pitched moan, followed by a string of profanities as you threw your head back against his shoulder; your legs instinctively tried to close around his fingers but Haruchiyo had his legs tangled with yours, so the only option was to sit there and take it—all of it.
Your back arched at the sensation, chest protruding forward which caused Haruchiyo to grab one breast with his free hand and roughly massage it, cupping and tugging at the fat until it was swollen.
“Look at yourself while I’m fucking you with my fingers like this. Look at how you’re falling apart with just two fingers.” His free hand travelled up to your neck, firmly taking hold of it and forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror—to look at how fucked out you were, the way you hair stuck to your sweaty skin, the way your swollen lips parted for moans to escape, the way your face contorted with pleasure, the way your sopping cunt gladly took him in with every thrust of his fingers.
You bit your lip at the sight of you, all fucked out for Haruchiyo; nothing but a whimpering mess from his two fingers. The familiar bubbling in your stomach was slowly making its way up, you were so close.
Your hands flew up to his hand that held your neck in place as he started rubbing his palm against your clit, high pitched whines leaving your parted lips as you cried out his name. “Yeah? You close f’me, baby? Why don’t you be a good girl and cum around my fingers?” He whispered against your ear, goosebumps forming as his hot breath ghosted around your skin.
“Aah! I’m cumming, Haru!” Moaning loudly, your hands gripped his arms like a vice as you came around his fingers, legs trying to close around his hand and muscles becoming taut as pleasure engulfed your whole body. “Yeah, that’s it, princess. Good girl.” He moaned with you, trailing hot kisses down the side of your neck.
In the midst of it all, Haruchiyo whispered praises against your ear as he rubbed your clit to ride out your orgasm, causing your hands to fly down to his own and stop him from moving any more as you were becoming overstimulated.
You watched him as he pulled out his fingers from your cunt and brought it to his mouth, tongue licking a long stripe from his wrist, all the way to the tip of his fingers before inserting them into his mouth, all while holding eye contact with you through the mirror. You bit your lip as Haruchiyo moaned around his fingers, loud wet noises coming from his mouth while he sucked and licked his digits.
He let them go with a loud pop and smirked at you, “Get on the bed for me, baby.”
Haruchiyo helped you stand up from the floor, your legs wobbling a bit as the two of you made your way to your bed. Your head made contact with the pillows as you made yourself comfortable, Haruchiyo trailed after you, crawling up the bed and stopping just at the apex of your legs.
“Are you ready for me, baby?” You frantically nodded your head, your bottom lip trapped against your teeth. Your heart raced with anticipation, fuck, you’ve been waiting for this for such a long time, you couldn’t believe it was finally going to happen. 
He slipped out of his pants and underwear, cock springing free from its tight confines. You stared up at his hard cock in awe—it was so much longer in person. You also noticed the vein that ran on the underside of his cock, the one that you vowed to trace with your tongue, maybe next time.
Haruchiyo spread his pre-cum along his shaft, giving his hard cock a few pumps before hooking his hands on the back of your knees and pressing them against your chest so that your wet cunt was on full display, all for him. You whined as he teased the blunt tip of his cock up and down your wet folds, “Impatient, are we?” He chuckled before slowly pushing the tip in.
He hissed at the way you tightly hugged the head of his cock, one hand resting on your bent knee, trying to push down the feeling of wanting to cum right then and there, “Fuck! I always knew this pussy was going to be so tight for me.” Haruchiyo groaned as he pushed his cock further into you, eyes almost rolling back at how your tight, hot cunt sucked him in.
You bit your lip at the way his cock felt inside you, you felt so full and yet he wasn’t even all the way in, “Mhm! Haruuu, you feel so good..” Haruchiyo could only let out a breathy laugh at that, still trying his best not to cum—he grabbed the base of his cock, squeezing hard until the urge to cum slowly dissipated.
With this, he fully thrust himself into your sopping cunt, loudly moaning at how you clenched around him. He stayed sheathed inside you for a few seconds, hands resting on either of your knees and trying to catch his breath—his eyes were glued shut because he knew if he were to open them right this very moment, the urge to cum would come back in an instant.
You wiggled your hips impatiently and whined, trying to chase some kind of friction, “Haru, please move. I can take you.” Haruchiyo cursed under his breath, “Baby, don’t say things you don’t mean. You’ll be begging for mercy later.” He chuckled, before pulling out and slamming back in, earning a loud moan from you.
Your hands flew to the pillows underneath your head as Haruchiyo began thrusting at a fast pace, wet noises and skin slapping could be heart—he hooked his hands behind your knees and pressed them further into your chest, using it as leverage to thrust deeper into you.
He smirked at your state, you were nothing but a moaning mess, all fucked out for his cock that you badly craved. “Haah! Where’s all the snarky remarks now, huh? Shit! You say you don’t like me but look at you, such a slut for my dick—ngh!” You couldn’t even reply to any of his comments, not while he was dicking you down this good—the only things slipping past your lips were your desperate attempts of moaning Haruchiyo’s name out.
“Ah! Ah! Ah! Haru! Fuck..” your hands clenched around the pillows beneath your head as he thrusted harder which caused his heavy balls to violently slap against your ass, his low ponytail swinging with every thrust.
“That’s right, let everyone know who’s making you feel this good! Mhm, you are definitely much better than that measly fleshlight.” Haruchiyo threw his head back, letting out a deep groan coming from his chest. He would always fantasise about how tight you would feel around him, and you definitely didn’t disappoint.
With the way his blunt tip was repeatedly abusing your cervix, you could feel another orgasm creeping, “Fuck! I’m almost there—aah!” You shut your eyes closed and clenched around him one last time before cumming around his cock as the coil in your stomach finally snapped.
You let out a loud cry of his name, face contorting with pleasure and legs shaking against your chest as you creamed his cock, “Ah, yeah, that’s it baby…” He groaned, trying his best to thrust in and out with how tight you were clenching around him. Fuck, you looked so hot.
“Sit up f’me baby… take my cum.” You did as you were told, the ache between your legs still shooting sharp pleasure up your spine as Haruchiyo quickly pulled out and started desperately fisting his cock. He moaned at the sight of you, mouth open and ready to take his cum—that was enough for him to completely let go and let pleasure take over him.
Haruchiyo threw his head back, a loud shameless whine escaping his lips, hips rutting against his fist as he came—hot cum spurting all over your face and chest. He rubbed his cock up and down, milking out every last drop as he aimed for your open mouth.
“Good girl…” he panted, one hand resting on your cheek as you swallowed his cum.
The two of you laid down next to each other, staring up at the ceiling while trying to catch your breaths, “…Did you really mean what you said earlier? How you’ve been waiting to kiss me since we first met?” You croaked, turning your head over to the rosy haired man. He snorted, “Yes, I thought it was obvious?” He met your gaze, a small smile making its way to his lips.
Your brows knitted together, “No? I literally hated your guts.”
Haruchiyo sat up at this information, shock evident on his pretty face, “Wait. You hated me for real?” You nodded. He let out an obnoxious laugh, the one you’ve always hated but this time there wasn’t any hint of annoyance in your body, “I thought that was your way of flirting! That’s why I added fuel to the fire, god, I didn’t know you actually hated me.” He buried his face in his hands, embarrassment slowly swallowing him.
Now, you understood why Keisuke said it was just a whole misunderstanding between the two of you. It was a one-sided hatred.
“Oh my goodness, I don’t even know if you like me back— God, I’m such an idiot!” He mumbled against his palms, ears visibly turning red.
“I don’t… hate you. And I never said anything about not liking you back… it’s just that I really have a hard time understanding my emotions, so I resort to projecting anger at the wrong people.” You sat up, now feeling bad for him as you replayed the past with him—all the meaningless arguing.
Haruchiyo removed his hands from his face, “Is this your way of finally confessing your undying love for me?” Normally, you would’ve rolled your eyes with annoyance but this time, you did so with playfulness.
Everything suddenly dissipated, the pent up annoyance and anger, this time, you were actually willing to understand your emotions, for the sake of your future friendships—for the sake of Haruchiyo, because for him, you were willing to face your uncharted emotions and feelings.
And all those daggers and glares that you’ve been giving him for the past few months were suddenly replaced with Cupid’s arrow and heart eyes.
Maybe Haruchiyo Akashi wasn’t too bad at all.
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© mitsuyeaah
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bellewintersroe · 4 months
enemies to lovers headcanons with nix, winters, speirs and liebgott pls 🥺? (love ur writing btw)
thank you!!!!!! I love this request omfg hehehe and I’m so excited to write it, I hope this does your idea justice 🥰🥰
Easy Boys x Reader ~ Enemies to Lovers.
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Ron Speirs:
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I wrote something here but I accidentally deleted it and now I can’t remember but oh well. I think something along the lines of the fact he’s superrrr intimidating to you at first.
lets say you’re a pretty friendly person, you’d think he was super standoffish and maybe a bit arrogant? Idk it’s a weird take but let’s go with it.
anyway you don’t really talk, but when Ron starts to notice you more often (he always notices you the whole time) he can tell you don’t like him or something.
idk but one day when he’s just like oddly nice to you, like overly nice you suddenly feel bad and after months (or years) of avoiding the man you feel a pang of guilt.
he’d probs offer you some cigarettes or his coat or something whilst it’s raining in Germany.
the small gestures when Ron is finally relaxing towards the end of the war become more common and you decide you actually never hated him at all, you just completely misread him.
lets be honest you’re probs still intimidated asf by him, like the first time you two are walking alone just one on one it’s nerve wracking.
hes a lot more gentle? And soft spoken that you ever realised, like you’re just discussing something and you’re actually taken a back at how nice his voice is? That sounds odd, but then you look up to him and you kinda share a smile and that’s the exact moment when you can pin point the feelings between you both.
“you know I used to be scared of you.” You’d admit to him after a night of drinking in the eagles nest.
ron would just smile and legit just KISS YOU?!?
“uh did you mean to do that?”
“yeah…. Did you not… like it?”
you’re kissing again and suddenly the idea of somewhat disliking each other seems so stupid, Ron was there the whole time, yet only now did your relationship blossom into something so sweet and beautiful.
Joe Liebgott:
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The most PERFECT example of enemies to lovers ever fr.
like you thing he’s smug and arrogant and he likes to tease you, like he says ur hot when your angry but then you snap back and he thinks ur a bitch and then the two of you avoid one another like the plague.
if you’re all sat in the same group you can guarantee he’ll throw some snarky comment your way and you’d hit one right back at him.
“Drop the attitude doll, just cos you’re hot.”
Backhanded compliments? Sometimes they’re kinda confusing but they’re reoccurring from entering Europe, it’s like Joe can’t actually be mean?
idk but you two will bicker and even when the feelings of hatred and despair begin to fizzle ever so slightly you still keep up to the image of disliking one another.
“I hate you.” But side eyes to watch the other persons response u know??
the thing is, you match each others personalities perfectly. Like you’re both feisty asf.
it’s one day that you’re a little downbeat and Joe decides he wants to make a snarky comment to you (to get your attention/ watch your reaction) that his heart legit drops out his asshole when he sees you cry.
like he actually make you cry. Fuck! It’s gone way too far and some of the boys are like; “oh way’da go, liebgott!”
He feels super, super bad, but just thinks you fully despise him now so he avoids apologising to you. In reality you’re more upset because something clicks that you don’t hate him, at all- so when he made a comment on a particularly rough day it bothers you in a different way than usual.
Has it clicked that the two of you like each other yet?? Idk idk.
anyway I can imagine one day Cobb makes some rude ass comment to you, and just as you’re about to open your mouth to spit something back at him, Liebgott interjects, feeling some form of anger like no other.
“Hey, watch your fuckin’ mouth, Cobb. Why don’t ya back the fuck off?”
it catches you both off guard like uhhhh- do you acknowledge that Liebgott just publicly defended you?? It shut Cobb up, so when Joe is satisfied and a little nervous with his work, he leaves.
idk I just feel like it would make you wanna chase after him and when you thank him he’s super relaxed and just… open?? Finally, there’s no facade that the two of you dislike each other, not remotely.
the conversations start up properly, like for some reason Joe would be nervous around you, he’d be so calm and speak so softly you’d tease him like is that the same person?!?
teasing each other like crazy becomes more of a playful/ flirtatious thing and neither of you can deny it.
“you know doll, maybe you never considered the fact you’ve actually been in love with me this whole time.”
“maybe I have.” “What??” “What?!”
let’s just say the feisty nature between the two of you is shifted into the bedroom… maybe all the tension of ‘hating’ one another paid off?
Lewis Nixon:
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Honestly I’m struggling to think of scenarios for Lewis and Dick because they’re you’re superiors, like both of them are extremely respectful and professional men, I’m not quite sure how you’d end up becoming enemies?? For the sake of the fact it’s fiction, let’s just make something wild up.
so maybe bcs Lew is a big drinker and you’ve warned him time and time again to cut it out, you get so annoyed at him you just snap? Like you’re a little impatient with him, but he’s also not really giving you, the company nurse, but regard in return.
lewis would probs sign and roll his eyes and just walk away and it’s kinda awkward asf, and let’s say you’re shy, you just kinda avoid him like crazy.
so there’s more of a tension between the two of you, like you sigh every time you see him with an alcohol bottle, talking about his rich upbringing. Even tho Lew is extremely modest and doesn’t brag, maybe you just get the wrong end of the stick/ misunderstand? Idk people are complicated.
I feel like even tho it’s awkward you two would end up alone somehow? Like you’re stood waiting and you’re kinda forced to talk.
“Look I know you hate me and all-”
“I don't hate you, Captain Nixon.”
The interactions kinda pick up after he’s divorced, like you end up helping him with an injury he gained after a night of boozing. You don’t lecture him but you’re a lot more patient and understanding.
and uhhhh this does something to him. Like he’s confused, whys he feeling all these feelings towards a lady he’s barely interacted with?
oooo one day the tension between you guys would become too much and he’d kiss you and you’re both like wtfff- but it feels so good and so right so you just continue.
You two become masters of having a secret relationship and when the others find out it’s super unexpected and everybody’s a little baffled cos they figured the two of you hated one another??
It makes a good story to tell the grandkids, let me tell you that.
Dick Winters:
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Ummmm this guy, yeah I’ve struggled to think of a scenario where he’d ever be anybody’s enemy (apart from the Germans obvs). But personally, he’s too respected, too calm and gentlemen like for you to be his enemy.
in this case maybe it’s more of a ‘we once had a thing but he stopped it and now I'm upset at him’.
like before you get serious, Dick has to stop the relationship because he knows it interferes with fraternising rules. Working together and being in a relationship would never ever ever work. The army forbids it.
it sucks and because he’s such a nice guy that sucks even more, like you can’t even look at him without wanting to cry, so you just completely blank him and try to push him away as far as humanely possible. Considering the circumstances you’re under, this isn’t very easy, nor is it very achievable.
dick always keeps an eye out for you, even though you don’t notice, he’s always asking others if you’re okay and if you’re taking care of yourself.
ofc there’s bigger things to worry about than your relationship ending, so the two of you would probably end up being completely professional with any interactions you have.
ouch it hurts both of you, but neither of you know it’s a mutual feeling? The longing for one another is so painful considering Dick thinks you hate his guts.
after the war is over and you leave the army, only then does Dick call you up one day and tells you everything.
like he wastes no time, trust me, and you’re in complete shock, because this man who became a total stranger to you is practically telling you he loves you?!??
ugh ofc you feel the same and the relationship back to lovers kinda begins to there.
But fr Dick Winters ending a relationship with you is legit your arc to become a villian- it’s no surprise you go a little crazy when he had to end things.
all you can say now is how glad you are things actually worked between you both, and be enthralled by the fact Dick practically waited for you the whole 3 years he knows you.
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