#but eh I'm too tired to angst right now
wanderingpen · 2 years
Kurogiri is the only reason Tomura's hair was ever in that puffball cut that it was in in season 1-3, and I stand by that until proven otherwise. Tomura has never cut his own hair in his life and it shows.
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loverwebs · 1 year
It's Supposed to be Fun, Turning 21
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: Your boyfriend, Peter, doesn't make it to your birthday dinner. So you walk home alone, only to run into the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
Warnings: Slight angst & mentions of alcohol
Word count: 1,700
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A very tired Y/n stumbled over the bumpy sidewalk of New York, cursing under her breath whenever she nearly stepped in a puddle. Her purse was crossed along her body and a bottle of wine swung from her hand.
She made her way home quickly and in annoyance, not wanting to be out any longer than she had to. With that in mind, she took a shortcut through an alleyway.
"Ma'am, stop right there!" A voice behind her shouted. She hesitantly turned, about to blow the person off, before she saw the city's masked hero within a few feet's distance.
"Holy shit! Oh, fuck did I do something? If it's the wine— I'm legally allowed to own it! And I have my ID, so please don't arrest me. I'm not even drunk!” a startled Y/n shouted.
"No, no! It’s okay," The vigilante approached her.
"Oh, okay," She said, touching her heart and sighing in relief. "Sorry for getting all jumpy there. It’s been a long day."
"No, you're fine! I didn't mean to scare you. I was just gonna say, you really shouldn't be walking home by yourself. It's not exactly safe, especially at night," He explained through an overly deepened voice.
"I know it's not," Sighed the girl. "My friends tried to get me to walk home with them, but my place isn't that far. And I'm really not in the mood to talk to anyone."
She continued her path, glancing back at him to add a quick, "No offense."
"None taken," He replied through a jog, catching up to her. "Did you just happen to be carrying around a bottle of wine with you, though?" He softly laughed at her antics.
"Uhh, yeah, just tonight." She returned a weak one.
"What's the occasion?" He asked, though he already knew the answer.
"It's my birthday. I'm 21 now and I wanna have my first drink with my boyfriend. He couldn't make it to my party and the restaurant let me bring one home with me."
She smiled sadly, lifting the bottle up so he could see the written For the birthday girl, enjoy! that a waitress had signed in permanent marker.
Peter felt guilty hearing this. Not only because he didn't make it to her birthday, but because she still waited for him. Wanting to share the special moment— despite him having missed it entirely.
"Happy birthday, then." The masked boy spoke, voice cracking as he said it. "I hope you spent it well."
"It was... eh. But thank you."
"Why was it 'eh'?" He asked, holding his breath.
"It's just, I don't know." She shrugged, not wanting to get into it.
She pondered for a moment, then, "I'm not trying to be rude or like, ungrateful, but don't you have actual Spider-Man stuff to do?"
He shook his head, "Making sure you get home safely is just as important as any other mission to me... plus, I wanted to make sure you were okay."
"That's nice, but I wouldn't want you to stop helping someone who actually needs it because of me."
"It's fine," He waved a hand in dismissal. "Don't even worry about it. I was pretty much done for the night anyway."
All she did was nod, not entirely convinced, then he spoke again.
"Sooo.. your birthday," He started.
"Right, yeah. It was fine, I guess."
"How come?"
"You're already walking me home, the last thing I want is for you to be my therapist too." She joked.
"Well, maybe I could help cheer you up... I like to help people. It's what I do."
"My friends already tried.. and failed. What makes you think you can?"
"I'd try my luck," He suggested. "Or we could walk in awkward silence."
She laughed at that, to which he said, "So what's got you down?"
"Okay, I mean.. like I said, my boyfriend didn't show up at the restaurant, soo I kinda spent the whole night staring at the door in case he did."
"Oh." He mumbled. "Sounds like a shitty boyfriend," He whispered, a little more to himself.
"He isn't," She shook her head a few too many times.
"He's naturally late to things, yeah. And he can't always make it to stuff. But when he is there.. His presence makes everything so much better." She said truthfully.
Peter hummed in understanding, his heart feeling heavy at her defending words. Here he was in a Spider-Man suit, meanwhile she wore her best party outfit. Not even cursing at the boy for his absence.
He didn't deserve her, he thought.
"Did he at least call? You know, saying he couldn't make it?"
Silence filled the air momentarily, which was enough of an answer. Still, she said, "He usually does..."
"Yeah?" He swallowed the forming lump in his throat.
"He— he always lets me know if he can't. And he did wish me a Happy Birthday! It's just— he's— I don't know what's going on with him anymore." She gave a teary laugh.
"Sometimes, it just feels like he's gonna break up with me. I feel like he wants to do it, but he's waiting around for the perfect opportunity, y'know?" She quickly wiped her now forming tears. "Sorry, I sound really pathetic."
"What?! No. No... You don't." He paused. "You— you really think he's gonna break up with you?" He dreadfully asked.
"I don't know," She gave a weak shrug. "He's like, distant lately."
"Have you.. Have you tried talking to him about it?"
"I've tried, yeah." She chewed on her lip nervously, thinking of the many instances where he canceled at the last minute when she intended on speaking with him.
"Like just this week, I asked to meet up after his afternoon class because I wanted to know if something was wrong, but..." She trailed off, holding back more tears.
"He canceled," He finished her sentence, wincing at her confirming nod.
"Right, and it's like, what am I doing wrong?" She added helplessly.
"Nothing! You're not doing anything wrong," He said through an interior panic.
"Doesn't feel like it."
They continued walking as Peter thought of the correct words to say. She'd laid her thoughts right there at his feet and he didn't know what the right move was.
He gave a desperate sigh, then proceeded to say, "I don't think he wants to break up with you."
"Seriously? That's what you're gonna tell me? You don't know that—"
"Hear me out... It's just, you know. Maybe he has a lot going on and.." He started, feeling overwhelmed.
"And maybe he hasn't been able to really tell you everything he wants you to know because he's scared. Scared to lose you. Or scared that you're already slipping away from him." He rambled on.
She slowed down her pace, tilting her head at him as a sense of familiarity within his words settled in.
He wasn't faking his tone anymore, and she wasn't as in her head as she was when he first found her.
"But you're not doing anything wrong, okay, Y/n?" He continued, voice breaking as he stepped closer to her. "I can promise you that."
She looked around to make sure the streets were empty before abruptly stopping in her tracks, eyeing him, when it finally clicked for her. She inched closer to him, while her shaky fingers tentatively reached towards the bottom of his mask.
She did so slowly, making sure he had time to stop her if he wanted to.
"Wait," He put his hand over hers. "It's not really.. It's not safe to do that here."
She understood and immediately withdrew her hand, taking a few steps back.
"Do you trust me?" He walked towards her, carefully placing his hands on her hips. With a nod, she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Just like that, he aimed at a nearby building and shot a web, swinging with her in his arms. Her body tightly hugged him as they made their way to the rooftop of Peter's old apartment building. The same place they had their first date.
A sloppy "Happy Birthday" was webbed above the projector that was setup, along with blankets on an old couch that they’d made out on several times.. A few of her favorite drinks and snacks placed there as well. She noticed them as he gently put her down.
She once again turned to look at him, but his mask was already off.
"I'm sorry I missed your birthday, Princess."
"Oh, Peter," She frowned and went to cup his face. "Who did this to you?"
"It doesn't matter," He said softly, leaning into her hands.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I really wanted to... But I never knew when or how to do it. And tonight, I wanted to be there." His lips trembled.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to be there. But some guy had this really wonderful idea to rob a bank on your day, which caused a lockdown and eventually it led to a car pileup—"
She placed a kiss on his lips, shutting him up while holding onto the back of his neck in order to keep him close.
"I saw the news, Pete." She said once they parted and hugged him tightly, body shaking as she did so.
"Are you crying?" He asked through furrowed brows. "I'm so sorry I upset you, I—"
"I'm not upset with you. You don't have to apologize."
"You're not?"
"I mean, I was upset when I thought you were preparing some 'it's not you, it's me' speech on my birthday. And the thought of that hurts a lot more than knowing you kept this from me."
"I shouldn't have ever made you feel like we were gonna breakup, I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to give you that impression. You have every right to be upset at me for it." He hung his head low in shame.
"Thank you for owning up to it, but it's okay now, love. I'm okay now that you're here," She reassured him. "And I'm really glad you trusted me enough to share this with me."
"Of course I trust you. I had it all planned out.. We were supposed to go to dinner first and then come here. I was gonna explain everything up here, but things just got all messy, as always."
"I just said it's okay," She giggled, tracing the spider on his chest. "Besides, I can't complain when you look this good in your suit."
She smiled at his forming blush and messed up hair, then leaned in to kiss him once again.
"I love you," He whispered against her lips.
"I love you too, Spider-Man."
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ryker-writes · 1 year
damn that leech sibling post really made me wanna make them sad, so can i request a scenario where reader starts ghosting them? basically just dodging them and their attempts at conversation, and one day the leech twins hear reader trash talking them. perfectly okay if you can’t!
I'm actually glad I get to do another part to the Leech twins one. This branches off from the original post
For those who didn't see the original leech twins sibling angst, you can find it here
Request rules and Masterlists
Leech Twins as siblings (Broken relationship: No forgiveness ending)
the two of them were spending an awful lot of time around you today and insisting on doing whatever you wanted to do
there wasn't any teasing or insults either
it was very...suspicious
you knew of Azul's magic with making contract and how clever they were at luring people in
so you were a little concerned that they wanted you to sign a contract
deciding not to dance around it you asked
"Are you guys trying to get me to sign a contract or something?"
Floyd was very blunt with his response
"Eh? What would we even need from you? You already work for Azul"
Jade was more polite
"We simply wanted to spend some time with you is all."
he smiled, but it wasn't his menacing one
it was a more genuine smile
they genuinely wanted to spend more time with you
but it was far too late for that
after years and years of being cast aside by the entire family and being called the boring little sibling by everyone was already enough
but then they had you working yourself nearly to the point of passing out every other day, all while they continued to make fun of you
and after all of that, they wanted to try and spend time with you now?
you're too tired to deal with this
to deal with them
you just can't anymore
so, without a word, you just turned and walked away from them
from then on, you did everything you could to avoid them
for about a week after that, Jade made consistent efforts to try and talk to you
he would often try to create conversation during your shifts at the lounge
usually it was about orders or certain customers
each time, you never responded or even looked at him, and continued working
but he was persistent and kept trying every chance he got
it's because of his persistence, everything that happened, and their presence at all that you decided to quit your job with the lounge
no longer would you see them on a daily basis
that's what you hoped
not to long after that you noticed Floyd "coincidentally" passing you in the halls or needing something from your classroom
and of course, he had to try and talk to you while you were there
you made a point to leave the room or pass right by him whenever you saw him
as soon as you left you could hear him grumble and sigh behind you
you were beyond exhausted of them at this point
each day they tried to talk to you seemed to chip away at your nerves
it didn't take long for you to finally express how over it you were
they finally gave up after hearing you talk to one of your classmates
the classmate mentioned wanted help with some of the tougher homework from class
they thought you were still associated with the twins and the lounge, so they came to you asking if your brothers or Azul would be able to help since they seemed smart
at that, you laughed
"Smart? I wouldn't call them that. If they've convinced you that they're smart, then they've managed to manipulate you just like they do everyone else. Those two can't even tell when someone doesn't want anything to do with them. They're pests that don't go away."
sure it may have seemed mean from an outsiders perspective
but they heard it, and they got the point
after growing up being the outsider, constantly ignored in the family, and deemed the boring sibling, they got a little taste of what you went through
but of course, they would never be able to feel the full extent of pain you went through because of them
they completely stopped trying to talk to you after that and finally, you could be away from them
there wouldn't be any chance of them hurting you again now
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random-twst-things · 10 months
Question - of all the characters, who: doesn't know twst isn't a dating sim, knows it's not but aims for it anyway, knows and suffers, and doesn't know - just vibing? Feel free to add more categories
Oooh! That's an interesting concept. I had to think about this for a while bc I wanted this to be the most accurate I could make it. And I'm SO sorry this took so long, I got busy with school and first semester tests I'm so sorry 😭
Contains: Tiny(very tiny) bit of possessiveness(Malleus) angst(?)(idia, jamil, azul, cater, sebek) most certainly some spelling mistakes here and there (English is not my first language I'm srry 😭)
Doesn't know twst isn't a dating sim:
Riddle: Did you really think Riddle would even know what a dating sim is? Absolutely not, especially not with the way he grew up. He has no idea why he loves you (he does, he's just in denial) he's so shy trying to pursue you, he has this act he tries (tires) to put up but it's so easy to see the effect you have on him. He's not as strict on you about the rules as he is the rest, he seems to have developed a soft.
Trey: (I'm so sorry, I don't know much about the guy 😭) Gentleman. That's its. Ty for coming to my TED talk. Okay, but srsly, hear me out on this; He's a whole gentleman when he has a crush. He definitely uses his great baking skills to his advantage with you. He definitely sees how others look and act around you, I mean, who wouldn't when it comes to you. Wanna learn how to bake? He'll gladly teach you and take this as a chance to get to know you even more.
Ace(1): I honestly don't think he'd know twst isn't a dating sim. He's mosy definitely smug about being close to you, after all he is your best friend, right? Bro thinks he has rizz but he's just a fumbling mess when he tries it just makes him look clumsy (sorry ace)
Deuce: he's so sweet. He's glad he's one of your best friends and get to be close to you without worry. Part of his delinquent side does come out a little when it comes to you, it's not directed to you! Not at all! More like directed towards those who did you wrong and didn't even try to say sorry. Don't worry, he won't do anything to reckless! He still wants to be an honor student after all. He's gonna do his very best for his mom and you.
Ruggie: oui, he's hard to tell on what category. He likes you. He likes how you are. It never bothered him one bit that your home was semi broken. God, the things he would think and want to say to you (He's romantic like that yall), but he's too shy to actually say (yall he's making me blush eeeee)
Kalim: he's too busy hanging out and being happy with you he doesn't even notice. All he knows is that he loves you and wishes to show you the world (see what I did there? Eh? Eeeh?) He's not at all shy about the compliments he gives you, he's really creative with them, tho. Invites you to every single one of his parties and makes you take home as much food as you want.
Epel: He's going for you most definitely, even with all these people. He does his very best to look strong and manly in front of you, that it's cute. He doesn't really mind if you call him cute or pretty, if that's what you like, but he's still gonna act (only a little) like he hates it, but he never tells you to stop.
Floyd(1): Two words; good luck. This guy will not try to hide his favoritism with you. He will not hide his desire to steal you or keep you from the rest. His very (very) open about it, too. It doesn't even matter if he knew twst wasn't a dating sim. He's still gonna be the same. You don't mind his (bone crushing) hugs? He's allowed to squish you? ....you shouldn't have said that bc now every time he sees you he squeezes you so tight he cracks your sore muscles like those chiropractors on TikTok.
Jade: hmmmm (good luck, again) He's a gentleman, but in an offsetting way, yk? He's the silent one. The type to smile when provoked and just bc, it's hard to tell the difference but its there. He's a watcher. He knows almost all of your special interests (Don't ask how he knows that). Putting the creepy aura behind, he's a nice guy (?) He'll most definitely rant about his mushrooms to you. You don't mind? You like hearing about his mushrooms? Oh my.... good luck
Malleus(?): I feel like he does, but doesn't at the same time? I don't think he knows what a dating sim is, but he notices the way the others act and look at you. He notices the way things seem... different. But he isn't one to back down when something precious to him is to be taken away from him. He is a dragon, after all. (Not that he'd let that happen to begin with, you'll love him dearly in the end....won't you?) Talks to you about his gargoyles, all the different facts. You dont mind the long talks about it? Youre asking to know more?? Oh great sevens....
Silver: (AWWWWW) he's so sweet. He tries so hard to show he likes you but in such a subtle way that it's hard to catch on it even notice. He's a gentleman at heart. He loves how understanding you are of his sudden sleepiness and tiredness and don't get angry at him for something he can't control as much as he'd love to. You wanna watch over him while he sleeps? Why? Oh, so nothing harms him when he's asleep? Oh dear... His heart is beating so fast he might not even be able to sleep now (he does anyways, but with tinted cheeks)
Knows it's not but aims for it anyway:
Leona: he's the type of guy to somehow always know something you don't expect him to know. Anyways. The dude could care less if the game wasn't designed to be a dating sim. He's still going for it in his own way. Unlike the past, this is something he can't give up on. you're something he can't give up on. But oh, is this man so so smug when he uses you as a pillow.
Vil: it's either Rook told him or he figured it out on his own before Rook told him. Even if twst wasn't meant to be a dating sim with love, he will turn zero into something like he's always done. He will by any means do his utmost and his best to pursue you all while being himself. He cherishes the moments you have alone when he's giving you advice on how to take care of your skin. The small and soft lingering touches when he teaches you how to apply moisturizer correctly.
Rook: Okay, he's bound to find out twst isn't a dating sim. He's a sharp guy. Even with the knowledge of knowing twst isn't a dating sim, it isn't going to stop him from pursuing you. He himself finds this situation funny with how many hearts you've captured even with twst not supposedly being capable of that. Oh? How did you know he was watching you? You could feel him? Oh dear trickster you sure do know how to pull his heart strings.
Floyd(2): Good luck once again. I couldn't decide whether he knew or not. But! Same situation regardless. Instead, tho, he's a bit more.... more him? He's gonna find this all so much more hilarious and funny.
Lilia: This cheeky old man most definitely knows. He's seen dating Sims and knows what they are. Just bc twst isn't designed to be a dating sim doesn't mean he can't aim for it. He's not at all shy when it comes to pursuing you. He's been alive for hundreds of years, what's there to be afraid of?
Knows and suffers:
Cater: (I'm so sorry, I had to 1.0) cay-cay gonna slay-slay, more like cry-cry. I feel like he's a "2nd male lead syndrome" type of guy, yk?? It's a bit hard to explain, but yeah. Anyways. 2nd male lead, we all know how that ends, don't we? (Hint: tears) He's cautious when it comes to love, hes scared of it at times. He does know he loves you but he's going to watch you being happy instead. He wishes you the best, truly! (he hates the little feeling in his chest when he says those words bc his words and actions say their happy for you, but the little feeling in his chest says otherwise)
Azul: he loves you, he really does, but would you? He knows he isn't the ideal guy. He knows he's done some shady things. And most of all, he knows (thinks) that with all these suitable people for you, he'd never be considered a choice. So he's content with just watching you from afar living a happy life. Every time you enter the lounge he finds himself between wanting to hide away or catering to your every need but he knows that if he gets any closer to you it'll just hurt more in the future.
Jamil: He's a smart guy, he knows. He also knows that he doesn't stand a chance with all these suitors going after you. A prince, an heir, a model/actor, knights, etc. He'd like to think he did stand a chance, but standing next to them, he can't help but let his insecurities get the better of him. But, oh... when you offer to help him with his chores he can't help but think that maybe... Just maybe there's a chance.
Idia: he most definitely knows, I mean, look at the way they all look at you!! He knows and suffers with the thought that he'd never stand a chance. You're being pursued by all these SSR characters!!! Surely you'd never pick someone like him when you could do so much better. He'd stuff himself in his room even more (if that's even possible) He'd avoid you even with his tablet. Every time he rejects the offer when you invite him to play video games he hates himself even more. Stop giving him false hope... Please
Sebek: (I'm so sorry 2.0) Malleus. That's why. His master, he can't seem to accept that his master would aim for a human like you, but he's hurt. He doesn't know why he feels that way. He doesn't understand why his chest hurts when he sees malleus and you interacting in such a way. (He'll begin to understand after a while, WHILE) once he realizes why it hurts, he is distraught. He won't show it, but you can see the subtle changes in his composure every now and then. He knows he has to let you go. He feels as if he has lost you. Lost something that wasn't even his to begin with and never would have been.
Doesn't know and/or just vibes:
Crowley: Dudes clueless
Grimm: he's just confused as to why everyone is after his henchmen. He doesn't know what a dating sim is either.
Ace(2): he's having the time of his life seeing you struggle with all this. He has absolutely no idea why so many are after you, but he's just gonna watch as they all struggle. (He knows why they are after you, after all his best friend in kinda cool, but he'd never admit to that) also has a laugh with watching riddle try (don't tell riddle he said that tho)
Ruggie(2): another that's gonna have the time of his life with this. Laughing like the hyena he is, watching the struggle (especially Leona's struggle 💀)
Jack: He's just vibing. This whole situation is a mess, really. He watches out for you most of the time just in case. (*caugh* floyd *cough*) He's a bit worried for you ngl so he wants to teach you self defense just in case, if you already know how to handle yourself thats great! (*cough* floyd *cough)
He does know and tries to be supportive
Ortho: he knows. His brother told him in his ramblings, and he noticed that idia is thinking smth negative. He tries to encourage him in every possible way to just try, that there is a chance, but nothing seems to work.
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genshinluvr · 2 years
Secrets and Doubts
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: You landed your first-ever job in Inazuma City! You wanted to keep it a secret away from the men for now because, well, you don't know how they'd react if they knew what your job was. Because of your secrecy and strange behavior, your secrecy made the men suspicious of you.
Note: I took time on this fic because I had a lot of things to do for school, and I wanted to be able to type out a lot of stuff for this fic 🥲 It's the weekend, and yet I still have homework to work on and turn in 🗿 So, if you see that the chapters are less than 8-9k words, its because school is starting to get hectic and I'm trying my best to type something out with a full schedule 🥹 Please keep in mind that I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo)
Warnings: Thoma is a bit rude in one part of the story, but it's okay because the reader and Thoma make up toward the end :> (there's a tiny pinch of angst, but not too bad)
Word Count: 9.8k
Today was the longest day of your life. You walk out of the building and head to the secluded area of Inazuma City, stretching your arms in the air before letting out a long yawn. You wiped the forming tears in your eyes and rubbed your eyes tiredly. Today was not only the longest day of your life in Teyvat, but it was also tiring. You’re tired, and you’re in desperate need of a shower and a long nap. 
Recently, you have been hired at this cute cafe in Inazuma, and you’ve been keeping it a secret from your boyfriends. It wasn’t like you didn’t want them to know that you had a job; it was for another reason that you can’t disclose just yet. After all, this cafe that you’re hired at is new and is a little bit different from other cafes throughout Teyvat. You walk over to where the teapot is floating and look at your surroundings, making sure that no one is following you. After confirming that you were alone, you entered the teapot.
Once you’ve entered the teapot, you stumbled on your feet and nearly fell to the ground. You huffed and muttered to yourself about needing to get used to teleport to a new location without losing your footing. It was already nightfall in Teyvat, and at the abode, everyone must’ve been asleep by now. You walk to the front door of the estate sluggishly, your shoulders slumping.
“Now I remember why I hate working.” You groused, pulling your keys out from your pocket before unlocking the front door and walking through the door with your eyes closed. You end up bumping into something, causing you to stumble back slightly. You open your eyes and swallow the lump in your throat when you see your beloved boyfriends standing there with their arms crossed over their chests or their hands propped up on their hips.
You laugh nervously, “Oh, good evening, my loves!” You squeaked, your face heating up with embarrassment. “I, uh, hope you all had some good night's sleep?” You ask, slowly closing the front door behind you.
“Where were you?” Ayato asks, leaning up against the wooden pillar in the estate. If he didn’t look so intimidating right now, you would’ve commented on how good he looks in his nightwear. But seeing the expression on his face, you decided to keep that comment to yourself.
You sigh, “I was in Inazuma City, shopping and exploring the beautiful region.” You said. Technically, you weren’t lying about being in Inazuma City. As for shopping and exploring in Inazuma City, that was a lie that is going to bite you in the ass soon.
“Shopping in Inazuma City, eh?” Al Haitham asks, looking at you with scrutiny. You shift in your spot, feeling awkward with the way Al Haitham was practically sizing you up.
You clear your throat, “Yes, that is correct! I was shopping and exploring Inazuma City.” You said, nodding your head hesitantly.
“Then where are the shopping bags?” Itto asks, cocking his eyebrows at you.
You held your hand up, “Listen, I didn’t say I bought anything. Yes, I went shopping, but I didn’t really bring any mora with me.” You laugh sheepishly.
Childe sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Just like Zhongli. Always forgetting your wallet at home and never having mora on you.” He exhales through his nose. 
“To be fair, I can make mora easily. I don’t see the need to bring my wallet with me everywhere I go if I can make mora. But living as a mortal, I believe that it’s necessary for me to carry my wallet with me whenever I leave the abode.” Zhongli murmurs, crossing his arms over his chest.
You sighed softly, “Listen. I’ll try my best not to come back to the abode late again, like today. I lost track of time. I promise it won’t happen again.” 
“We’re not forbidding you from exploring Teyvat on your own. We just don’t want you to stay out too late because we’re worried that something or someone could harm you,” Diluc says, placing his hand on your shoulders.
Kaeya nods his head, “Diluc is right. At the same time, we’re not against you being out of the abode on your own; having you stay out for so long worries us. You don’t have a vision, and we don’t want you to end up getting hurt and not have any one of us to protect you.” 
You point at Xiao, “But I can always call for Xiao if I’m in any danger. He’ll be the first one to be able to show up if I call out his name.” You said.
“While that is true, you also need to keep in mind that I also have my duties as a yaksha,” Xiao says. He crosses his arms over his chest. 
Dainsleif sighs, “Just try not to stay out too late. We understand that it’s easy to lose track of time, but please don’t return too late.” Dainsleif says.
You nod your head, “Of course! I’ll try to come back before the sun is down. Today was just a strange and long day for me.” You sigh, rubbing the back of your neck. “I’m going to go upstairs and take a shower. It’s been a long and tiring day for me.” You said, slowly walking toward the staircase.
Thoma quickly yet gently reaches out to grab at your wrist. “Do you want something to eat after you’re done showering? You weren’t home all day, and we were worried that you didn’t eat all day today.” Thoma says softly.
You smile at Thoma, “Yeah! That’d be nice. Thank you, Thoma!” You said, standing on the tip of your toes before planting a kiss on his cheeks. “I’ll be back downstairs after I’m done with my shower.” You said, giving his hand a light squeeze before walking up the stairs. 
The men watched you walk up the stairs and to your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. They all turn to one another, not saying a word. What else were they supposed to say? The important thing is that you’re home, safe and sound. Nothing happened to you, aside from you having a tiring day, which was odd because how can shopping and exploring Teyvat (specifically Inazuma City) be tiring?
“Do you guys think [Y/N] is telling the truth about shopping around Inazuma City and exploring Inazuma?” Aether asks, sitting down on the wooden stool near the kitchen island.
Heizou shrugs his shoulders, “I believe them when they said that they were in Inazuma City the entire time, but the shopping and exploring part is something I don’t believe in.” said Heizou, leaning against the kitchen counter next to the blond male.
Venti snorts, “What? Are you guys suspicious about them? [Y/N] would never do anything behind our backs.” Venti huffs, plucking at his lyre with a small irritated frown on his face.
Gorou laughs nervously, “I don’t know about that, Venti. [Y/N]’s heart was racing in their chest while they were telling us their whereabouts and why they returned to the abode late.” Gorou shrugs his shoulders, and his ears twitch.
Al Haitham turns to Tighnari, “Is that true? Can you hear their heart race against their chest?” He asks, crossing his arms over his chest while waiting for Tighnari to answer.
Tighnari nods his head slowly, “That is correct. The minute they stepped through that door, their heart was beating at an abnormally fast pace. However, I couldn’t tell whether it was from them being startled at the sudden sight of us or if it was because they were lying about their whereabouts.”
“You guys aren’t suspecting that they’re up to no good now, are you?” Cyno asks, propping both of his hands on his hips while gazing at the men with a stern look on his face. Even though Cyno wanted to know about where you’ve been all day, he knows you’re not up to no good. Though, you being out in Teyvat is a bit strange given the fact that you’re more of a homebody rather than the one to be out of the house for hours.
Scaramouche snorts, “Perhaps [Y/N] is tired of seeing all of your ugly faces and needs a change of scenery. If that were the case, then I don’t blame them at all!” Scaramouche says, the corner of his lips quirking up in a tiny smirk.
“Maybe they have a good reason to lie about their whereabouts. Although, I don’t see the need in lying about it when relationships are built on trust.” Albedo murmurs, stroking his chin while deep in his thoughts.
Kazuha smiles, “Maybe they’re not comfortable with sharing it just yet. We shouldn’t be making assumptions when we don’t know the full story. Yes, they came home late and were out in Inazuma City all day, but that doesn’t mean they’re up to no good.” Kazuha says gently.
Pantalone chuckles, “Then do you know what they could be hiding?” Pantalone cocks his eyebrows at the samurai with curiosity. Kazuha sighs softly, shaking his head, almost rolling his eyes with slight irritation. 
Pierro clears his throat, “Enough. It’s best we leave this be and act as if nothing has happened. If [Y/N] proceeds to return to the abode late, then we’ll have no choice but to follow their every move.” Pierro stated gruffly, leaning back in his seat.
Dottore rolls his eyes, “And what if they proceed to be out in Inazuma City for hours? Are we going to go out and search for them before dragging them back to the abode?” Asked Dottore.
Capitano chuckles, “We don’t want to cause a scene if we were to drag them back to the abode. People will assume that we’re kidnapping them if we were to do that.” 
Everyone then went on with their business while waiting for you to come downstairs to eat something. This time, Thoma has decided to make you butter chicken for dinner. Cyno offered to make some Tachin as a side dish for you to eat with the butter chicken. You trot down the stairs almost thirty minutes later, freshly showered and wearing your pajamas. Thoma and Cyno give you a smile before setting the plate of food down in front of the spot where you usually sat. Zhongli pulls your seat out for you, you sit down on the chair, and Zhongli pushes the seat in for you.
“So, what do you plan on doing tomorrow?” Aether asks, stealing a piece of your butter chicken before taking a bite out of it.
You shrugged your shoulders, taking a bite out of the Tachin. “I think I might do the same thing as I did today. Explore Inazuma City and maybe look at clothes.” You said, reaching over to grab a chicken on your plate. “Why’d you ask?” You look at Aether curiously.
“All of us were planning on taking a trip to Sumeru and hanging out in the desert,” Heizou says.
You furrow your eyebrows at Heizou’s response. The desert? “What’s the temperature going to be like tomorrow? The desert is always hot, isn’t it?” You murmur, lightly smacking Aether’s hands away from your butter chicken.
“Actually, the temperature is going to be cool tomorrow,” Kazuha interjects, pulling up a seat beside you. 
“While the desert is always hot, there should be a cool breeze that’ll cool everyone down while we’re hanging out in the desert.” Said Baizhu, approaching the dining room. “We haven’t been visiting Sumeru as often, but it’d be nice to explore around a nation that is ruled by the dendro archon,” Baizhu smiles. You nod your head slowly. As much as you would love to explore Sumeru with your lovely boyfriends, you don’t think you’ll be able to get vacation time off of work. After all, you just started working recently, and you most definitely do not have enough working hours to put into a day off. That could get you fired, and you don’t want to get fired from your job just yet.
You dabbed your lips with the cloth napkin, “I don’t know.” You murmur to yourself. “As much as I would love to explore Sumeru more, I don’t think I have the time for it.” You said.
“What do you mean you don’t think you have the time for it?” Al Haitham asks, crossing his arms over his chest while looking at you skeptically.
Your eyes widen at your minor slip up, “Oh! I just meant that I wanted to spend some more time in Inazuma for a little bit. I don’t mind exploring Sumeru, but I have priorities in Inazuma City.” You said, scratching the back of your head awkwardly. “Besides! Exploring Sumeru should be the perfect time for all of you to bond while I’m not with you guys!” You added.
Itto pouts and stomps his feet on the ground. “But we want you to be there with us too! We don’t like going anywhere without you!” Itto whines, getting onto his knees before resting his chin on your lap while giving you puppy dog eyes.
Gorou places a hand on your shoulders, “We don’t want to do anything without you. We want you to be with us and not be left out of anything.” He gives you a sad smile.
You smile at Gorou sadly, placing your hand on top of his. “I’m sorry, Gorou, but I really can’t go to the desert with all of you tomorrow. I promise we can go to the desert in Sumeru next time when I’m available!” You said, squeezing his hand gently. Gorou visibly deflates in front of you, the sad smile slipping off his face. Gorou was disappointed, and so were the others.
“When you’re available?” Venti asks, his eyebrows pinching together with confusion and skepticism.
Ayato chuckles, “I’m sure shopping and exploring Inazuma City isn’t a priority, [Y/N]. But if you don’t want to hang out with your boyfriends, then that is fine too.” Ayato crosses his arms over his chest, looking away from you with clenched jaws.
“Guys….” You said, letting out a laugh of disbelief. “You’re not getting upset that I’m not tagging along, are you? You guys have left me all alone at the abode to tend to your duties, and not once have I gotten upset with any of you.” You frowned at the men around you, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.
“That’s because we have duties to tend to. You don’t work, nor are you an Akademiya student in Teyvat! What’s there for you to prioritize? All you do is sit at home and do nothing; you don’t have any priorities to worry about like us.” Thoma says, his eyes widening almost immediately after hearing what came out of his mouth.
Tighnari leans to Thoma, “I think you should’ve kept that comment to yourself.” He whispers to the blond male.
“Yeah, no kidding. Now [Y/N] is going to get upset with us and ignore us for days!” Cyno hisses at Tighnari and Thoma, glaring at the blond male.
You let out a sharp exhale, dropping your cutlery on the plate before wiping your hands and mouth on the cloth napkin. The men around you flinch when the cutlery clangs loudly against the ceramic plates. You pushed your seat back and stood up. “I’m going to bed.” You stated, turning around to walk up the stairs to your bedroom.
“What about your food? Weren’t you hungry?” Xiao asks, grabbing onto your wrist. You take a deep breath and slowly pull your wrist out from Xiao’s grasp. You didn’t want to hurt anyone by showing them how frustrated you were with them.
You turned to Xiao and gave him a weak smile, “I thought I was hungry too, but it seems like I lost my appetite.” You said, rubbing your stomach. “I’ll have those for leftovers, or Aether can have them. It doesn’t matter to me.” You said, walking up the stairs. You can feel the hunger gnawing at you, but you don’t have the energy to eat. Especially when the others are in the same room as you; maybe you’ll sneak downstairs for some midnight snack when everyone is asleep.
Once your bedroom door closed, the men looked at each other in silence, not knowing what else to say. Yes, they’re upset that you didn’t want to go to the desert in Sumeru with them, but the immense guilt they felt when they saw how upset you looked after hearing Thoma’s comment.
“And now they’re upset with us.” Kaeya sighs, shaking his head with a frown on his face.
Childe holds up an index finger, “Correction, they’re upset with Thoma. He was the one that said that shit. We didn’t do anything.” He crosses his arms over his chest, looking over at the blond Kamisato servant with a glare.
“That’s the thing; we didn’t do anything to come to their defenses after Thoma said that. Now they’re hurt over Thoma’s words and didn’t finish their food.” Diluc says, rubbing his eyes tiredly.
Dainsleif looks over at Thoma and slowly approaches him, “You need to apologize to [Y/N]. Your comment was unnecessary and had clearly hurt their feelings.” 
Scaramouche looks over at Thoma before inching his hands close to Thoma’s ribs, his index finger extending out, inching closer to Thoma’s torso. Scaramouche pauses for a moment before looking around, making sure that no one is watching what he is doing. Alas, everyone was watching him except for Thoma, who was too deep into his thoughts to realize what Scaramouche was about to do. An evil smile appears on Scaramouche’s face, zapping Thoma’s ribs.
“Ouch!” Thoma yowls, jolting away from Scaramouche when electricity shoots through his body. Thoma looks over at Scaramouche with a glare.
Scaramouche shrugs his shoulders, “Hey, you deserve it. You did make [Y/N] upset, so this is me getting back at you for hurting their feelings by making unneeded comments.” Scaramouche says, crossing his arms over his chest.
Zhongli looks over at the clock hanging on the wall, “It’s getting late. We should all go to bed. In the meantime, I hope Thoma takes his time to reflect on what he has said to [Y/N]. Perhaps tomorrow morning will be the perfect time for you to apologize to them.” Zhongli says, looking over at Thoma, his amber eyes glowing menacingly. 
“I agree. We should all go to sleep, and hopefully, by tomorrow morning, everything will be sorted out.” Albedo nods his head.
Everyone reluctantly bid each other goodnights before departing to their bedrooms while the four Harbingers exit the abode to walk to their mansion. You lay there in your bed, exhausted and disheartened by the things that Thoma had said to you. You know Thoma didn’t mean what he said and that it was all in the spur of the moment, but still. What Thoma had said to you stung. You let out a shaky sigh, burying your face into your pillow while hugging the body pillow against your body tightly. As much as you want to seek comfort from one of the men, you can’t get yourself to leave your bed and go to one of them for comfort. What if they agreed with what Thoma had said? While you didn’t work, nor are you an Akademiya student, you still tried your best to keep yourself busy around the abode. Since that didn’t work, you decided to get a job at a cafe in Inazuma City to earn some Mora on the side while trying to keep yourself occupied while the men were tending to their duties. You closed your eyes and tightened your grip around the body pillow, slowly drifting off to sleep.
After what felt like an hour, you woke suddenly woke up from your slumber and slowly sat up on the bed. You felt like absolute shit. You threw your blankets off your body and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Even though you slept for hours, it felt like thirty minutes to you. You took a shower, got dressed, brushed your teeth, washed your face, and dried your hair. It was still early in the morning, and everyone else in the estate should still be asleep. 
You peeked from your bedroom and looked around the mansion. It was still dark, and it was really quiet. Everyone was definitely still fast asleep in their bedrooms. You slowly made your way down the stairs, trying not to make a single noise that would wake the others up from their sleep. Specifically, Gorou and Tighnari since both of them have the keenest hearing out of everyone.
Once you reached the bottom of the stairs, you put on your shoes and slipped out the front door quietly. You leave the teapot, and you are automatically in Inazuma City. You yawned and rubbed the sleep from your eyes with your knuckles, walking to the cafe that was tucked in the corner of Inazuma City. You stepped into the cafe, and the smell of freshly baked desserts and pastries wafted your nose, making your stomach rumble with hunger.
“Ah! [Y/N]! It’s good to see that you showed up on time!” The older gentleman says, giving you a closed-eye smile, stepping out from behind the kitchen.
“Of course, I would show up on time! I always worry about showing up late, so I always make myself leave the house earlier than I need you.” You said, walking over to the back of the cafe. “Tadashi, are Yuri and Mei here? It’s awfully quiet.” You said.
“The girls will be here momentarily. I have to step out of the cafe for a moment. We ran out of some ingredients. I will be back with more flour and sugar in twenty minutes.” Tadashi says, walking to the entrance of the cafe.
“Alright! I’ll be changing into my uniform.” You said, waving him off before walking to the changing room of the cafe. You pulled your uniform out from your locker and immediately changed into the uniform of the cafe.
Back at the abode, the men were beginning to wake up one by one. The house was still quiet, but the sounds that occupied the calm air were the sound of footsteps, showers running, faucet running, and a tiny sneeze from Heizou.
“Do you think we’re still going to hang out in the desert without [Y/N]?” Paimon asks.
Aether shrugs his shoulders. “I’m not sure, Paimon. Plus, what Thoma said to [Y/N] yesterday definitely makes them not want to hang out at the desert with us even more.” Aether sits on the cushioned chair and rests his head on his hands.
“I don’t think Thoma would want to hang out in the desert either. He’s quite down today.” Heizou says, strolling into the dining area where Aether and Paimon are.
“Speaking of Thoma, has he apologized to [Y/N] yet? I can’t stand seeing them upset with all of us.” Venti says, resting his chin on the dining table with a pout on his face.
Baizhu walks out of the kitchen with a steaming cup of tea in his hands, lightly blowing on the herbal tea. “It’s still early in the morning. [Y/N] is still asleep in their bedroom, and Thoma is probably upstairs getting ready for the day.” Baizhu takes a small sip from his teacup before sitting down on one of the empty chairs at the dining table.
“Do you think [Y/N] is going to forgive Thoma for what he said to them? He called them useless without actually saying it.” Kazuha asks, fiddling with his fingers nervously.
Ayato sighs, “Let’s hope that they do accept his apology. I don’t want to see either of them upset with each other.” Ayato says, adjusting his coat as he steps into the room where everyone is slowly trickling into. 
“Agreed! It would create a lot of tension in the abode if they were upset with each other! Well, if [Y/N] is upset with anyone in the estate in general.” Gorou says, walking into the dining room while fixing his hair. 
Thoma walks down the stairs, fully dressed and ready for the day. He gives everyone a tight smile before walking to the kitchen without saying a word. The men look at one another quizzically, wondering if he had spoken or apologized to you before coming downstairs.
Albedo hums, “Do you guys think he apologized to [Y/N] about last night?” He whispers, looking at everyone cluelessly.
Kaeya shrugs his shoulders in response. “Considering he gave us an awkward smile and didn’t say a single word to us, I’m assuming he either didn’t apologize to [Y/N] yet, or he did apologize to them, and they didn’t accept his apology.” Kaeya crosses his arms over his chest.
Scaramouche was about to open his mouth to say something when everyone in the estate heard thundering footsteps coming from the stairs. Everyone slowly turned towards the direction of the stairs, only to see Itto looking around the estate with confusion.
“Why are you making the house rumble with your footsteps, big foot?” Scaramouche asks, raising an eyebrow at Itto.
Xiao sighs and rubs his forehead tiredly, “Itto, it’s too early for you to be making such loud noises at a time like this.” He glares at the oni, who ignores the glare while continuing to look around the abode with a look of confusion and worry on his face.
“Have any of you seen [Y/N] today?” Itto asks, propping both of his hands on his hip.
Diluc sighs, “They’re probably still sleeping in their bedroom. It’s only seven in the morning, and they usually don’t wake up until around nine in the morning.” Diluc says, getting up from the kitchen to brew some coffee. 
“Well, they’re not in their bedroom at all. It’s empty, and [Y/N]’s bed is organized.” Cyno interjects, walking down the stairs with Al Haitham and Tighnari following behind.
Childe stood up abruptly. “What do you mean they’re not in their bedroom? Are you implying that they’re not in the abode at all?” Childe demands, his eyebrows narrowing.
Tighnari sighs. “You see, we were going to check up on [Y/N] after what had happened yesterday, but Itto had beat us to it. Itto was looking for [Y/N] to talk to them about what happened yesterday and that he’s not upset with them if they didn’t tag along with us, only to find out that they weren’t in their room at all.” Tighnari explains, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Could they be at the Harbingers’ mansion by any chance?” Zhongli asks.
Dainsleif shakes his head, “It doesn’t look like [Y/N] went to visit those Harbingers. If they did, we would’ve known that they’ve gone to visit the four of them after waking up from their sleep.” The men around Dainsleif look over at one another, not knowing what else to do. Since you’re not in the abode, could you be at the Harbingers’ estate instead? The men ended up stopping by the Harbingers’ estate, knocking on the door of the black and white Snezhnayan-styled mansion.
“Wouldn’t we know that [Y/N] has left the teapot? After all, the stairs at the mansion creak from time to time if there is any stress laid upon it.” Al Haitham crosses his arms over his chest, waiting for someone to answer the door. 
The men hear the door unlock. The black wooden door flies open, revealing a shirtless Pantalone. Pantalone rubs his eyes before adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking at the men in confusion.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of twenty of you?” Pantalone asks, crossing his arms over his bare chest.
Diluc rolls his eyes, “Is [Y/N] here by any chance?” Diluc asks.
Pantalone shakes his head, “[Y/N] is not here; if they were, we would’ve made it known already.” Pantalone replies, leaning against the wooden door of the estate.
“Shit, so they really did leave the teapot while we were all sleeping,” Aether mutters under his breath.
“Oh? Did [Y/N] finally escape from the clutches of the twenty possessive men?” Dottore asks mockingly, walking up to Pantalone and the other men. “I don’t blame them if they did.” Dottore snorts, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk on his face.
“It looks like that blond Kamisato servant’s words hurt them even more than it should’ve if it caused them to wake up at the crack of dawn and leave the abode,” Pierro says, in the kitchen, pouring coffee into his mug. “How foolish of him to say that to [Y/N]‘s face easily.” Pierro clicks his tongue with disapproval. 
“If you think that we’re hiding [Y/N] somewhere in our estate, save your breaths because we are not hiding them here,” Capitano stated gruffly. “Although we do welcome them here with open arms if they ever want to escape all of your presence.” He added.
Al Haitham rolls his eyes before turning to the other men behind him, “They’re no help at all. Let’s leave the teapot and search for [Y/N].” Al Haitham orders.
Kazuha sighs. “Where could they have gone exactly? While I understand they said they’ll be in Inazuma City, they didn’t say where exactly.” Kazuha says with a faint frown appears on his face.
Xiao sighs softly, “Maybe they did want some space,” Xiao’s arms fall to his side, unsure of how to feel other than disappointment and sadness. 
“And it’s all this one’s fault!” Scaramouche says, zapping Thoma’s side with his index finger with an annoyed glare. 
“Hey! I was going to apologize to [Y/N] after I make them breakfast!” Thoma exclaims, rubbing the area where Scaramouche had zapped him.
Baizhu shook his head, “It looks like we’ll have to find them first before you can cook something for them to eat and apologize after.” Baizhu pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go find them!” Venti says, ushering the men to the exit of the teapot.
You plopped down on the bench outside of the cafe, feet sore and body aching from having to move around constantly. You tilt your head back and let it rest on the bench, closing your eyes. Today was only your second day of working at the cafe, and you were already feeling tired and overwhelmed with the number of people you had to deal with. It’s still early in the morning, yet the cafe is busy. You were about to reach up to rub your eyes, only to stop and let your hands drop onto your lap.
“I’m hungry.” You sighed, rubbing your growling tummy. As an employee of the newest and hottest cafe in Inazuma City, you can eat and drink for free! But the cafe only sells pastries and sweet drinks. “Some tempura would be nice, maybe some pizza as well. Should I go back to the abode to eat something? I am on my break right now.” You muttered, stroking your chin. 
Just when you were about to decide on whether you should return to the abode while on your break or not, you spotted the men from afar— they stick out like sore thumbs— and you immediately panicked. You got up from the bench and ran back into the cafe, hoping that none of the men had spotted you while you were fleeing the scene. 
“Oh! Back from your break already, [Y/N]?” Yuri asks, looking at you with wide eyes. “That was fast.” She commented, propping one hand on her hip while placing down a cup of smoothie in front of the customer.
You laugh nervously, “Ah, yes! I wasn’t that hungry and grabbed a small snack!” You lied, attempting to ignore your growling stomach.
“It’s a good thing you’re back early! We’re about to hit rush hour soon, and a lot of customers will be flooding into the cafe soon.” Mei spoke up from behind the counter.
“Rush hour! Right! How could I forget about that?” Your smile wavered on your face. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to the restroom.” You said, walking to the nearest restroom in the cafe. 
You’re just hoping that none of the men come across the cafe. It would be humiliating if they saw you in the cafe’s uniform, working at a new cafe that is targeted at a specific demographic. It wasn’t that you were ashamed of having this job. It just feels awkward if the men knew you got a job at the new cafe. You didn’t know how they’d react if they were to see you dressed a certain way, catering to other customers that weren’t them. 
“We’ve searched everywhere in Inazuma City, and they’re not here,” Ayato grumbles, running his hands through his hair with a frustrated sigh.
“They did say they were going to explore Inazuma City and shop around, did they not?” Dainsleif asks, crossing his arms over his chest before shooting a glare at bystanders that were staring at the group.
Itto claps his hands and points at both Tighnari and Gorou, “Since both of you have super senses for being part animal, have you guys tried sniffing [Y/N] down or try hearing for their voice?” Itto asks, looking at Tighnari and Gorou curiously.
Tighnari shakes his head, “I haven’t heard them, nor have I smelled their familiar scent in Inazuma City.” Tighnari looks around the city, his ears twitching while trying to listen for your voice if you were around.
“Well, if they were in Inazuma City, I haven’t smelled or heard them.” Gorou sighs, his ears drooping, his shoulders slumping forward in defeat.
Albedo pressed his lips together, “What if they were never in Inazuma City?” Albedo mutters, stroking his chin.
Kaeya quirks his eyebrow. “What do you mean by that, Albedo? Care to elaborate for the rest of us?” Kaeya asks as he crosses his arms across his chest.
“He’s implying that there’s a possible chance that [Y/N] was never in Inazuma City and only said that to throw us all off.” Childe interrupts, a deep frown appearing on his face. Everyone looked at Childe and Albedo with confusion. Was it possible that you were never in Inazuma City the entire time? The real question is: why did you leave the abode early in the morning while everyone was asleep? And how in the world did Tighnari and Gorou not hear you leave when the two of them have the keenest hearing out of everyone in the abode?
Scaramouche lets out a sharp and irritated “tsk,” while rolling his eyes and running his hands through his hair. “If they’re not in Inazuma City, we might as well wait for them to come back to the abode. It’s no use in searching for someone who doesn’t want to be found,” said Scaramouche, his face almost red with anger.
“I suppose that is the only option we have for now.” Zhongli murmurs, his eyes were scanning the city around him.
“I still don’t think they lied about being in Inazuma City. I’m sure they were in Inazuma City but decided to explore another part of Inazuma after seeing all of the city.” Heizou sighs.
Cyno crossed his arms over his chest, “Well, if they did, they should’ve informed us about it.” He huffs, his eyebrows furrowing.
Thoma frowns, “[Y/N] didn’t even inform us about them leaving at the crack of dawn!” Thoma clenches and unclenches his fist, feeling nothing but dread, worry, and guilt gnaw at him.
“Let’s go back to the abode and hope for the best that they will return.” Diluc murmurs. The men around Diluc let out a collective sigh of defeat before walking back to where the teapot was hidden.
Your shift ended quicker than you expected, but you’re grateful because now none of the men can chew you out for coming back to the abode so late. You changed out of your uniform and got dressed into the clothes you’d arrived to work in. It was mid-afternoon when you got off of work, and your stomach continued to rumble throughout your shift. You walked through the doors of the estate, tired and in desperate need of food.
“[Y/N]! Oh, thank the archons, you’re back!” Heizou cries, throwing himself at you. You screamed and fell to the ground with Heizou straddling your waist, his arms wrapped around your neck tightly, his cheeks pressed up against yours.
Aether pulls Heizou off of you, “We were worried about you! We couldn’t find you in Inazuma City at all!” Aether exclaims.
“Oh, sorry. I should’ve left a note before I left, but I was in a hurry.” You smacked your forehead as you got up from the ground with the help of Aether and Heizou. You were planning on leaving them a note, but you’re still upset about Thoma’s comment from the day before and decided not to leave a message at all. After all, when the men leave to go to tend to their duties, they never leave you a note.
Xiao walks up to you and grabs you by your shoulders, looking at you closely. “Did you at least eat something before you left the abode? You have a bad habit of eating only one meal a day.” Xiao stated.
Before you could answer Xiao’s question, you were interrupted by the sound of your stomach letting out a loud growl. It was so loud that you’re pretty sure that the Celestial archons could hear it.
Kaeya chuckles, “That would be a no,” His smile slips off his face while approaching you.
Al Haitham clicks his tongue and shakes his head with disapproval. “You’re lucky Thoma made you something to eat prior to your arrival,” Al Haitham and Kaeya guide you towards the dining area where the plates, cutlery, fancy cloth napkins, glass cup, and ceramic teacups are laid out on the wooden table. 
Ah, it seems like everyone will be dining together. You forgot how long it had been since you’d sat down and eaten your food with the men. A few days, maybe? Maybe the last time you sat down and had breakfast, lunch, and dinner with the men was before you were hired at the cafe in Inazuma.
“And you’re right on time too!” Venti chimes, sitting down beside you when you pull out the chair from underneath the table.
Everyone sat in silence while Thoma brought out food and placed them in the center of the table for everyone to be able to reach. You just know that they’re going to start questioning your whereabouts today, but you can’t tell them yet. It’s embarrassing, and you don’t know how they'd react if you were to get a job. Plus, you worry that Thoma is going to start blaming himself the minute you admit that you have a job. Then again, you’re not exactly sure if the job is going to be permanent or not.
Once everyone had put food on their plates and begun to dig in, you lightly poked at your food and reluctantly ate them. The men around you murmur to each other, giving each other the side eye before looking over where you sit. Your eyes were glued to your plate, you were staring off into space, and you seemed to have slowly sunk down in your seat to make yourself seem smaller.
Gorou clears his throat, “So, [Y/N]! How was exploring Inazuma City?” Gorou asks, looking over at you from Itto’s shoulders.
“It was okay! I’m quite tired from today, but I’m glad I was able to get home early today than yesterday.” You said, not making eye contact with anyone.
“Why did you leave the house so early? I understand that Inazuma looks beautiful when the sun is rising, but you can always explore Inazuma when the sun is high in the sky.” Itto commented, propping his elbows up on the table.
You hum, “Well, the temperature is quite cool early in the morning, and I like to explore the region when it’s not too hot or too warm.” You said, reaching over to grab your napkin and dab your lips with it.
Ayato pauses and looks over at you, slowly placing his ceramic teacup down on the saucer. “It’s dangerous to leave the abode on your own, [Y/N]. Perhaps next time, one of us can wake up early and guide you around Teyvat if you’d like.” Ayato offers.
You slowly nod your head. It’s not like you’ll be staying at your job any longer. Yes, you like working at the cafe, but there are hardly any other people working there, and you didn’t think you’d have to go to an extent for your job, like drinking some random elixir that lasts for almost eight hours.
“I would love that! But we might have to hold off on that for a few days.” You murmured, pinching your chin while in deep thought. “It’d be nice to explore Teyvat early in the morning when the day has yet to start.” You said thoughtfully.
“Oh? Are you saying that you’ll be getting up early in the morning tomorrow?” Childe asks, resting both of his arms on the table while pressing his chest against the edge of the table. Zhongli lightly taps Childe on his arm, giving him a disapproving look. Childe pouts and leans back in his seat, letting his hands fall onto his lap. Ayato and Scaramouche snorted at Childe’s reaction, shaking their heads while proceeding to take a sip of their drinks. You cleared your throat and let out a slow sigh.
“Yes, I will be getting up early tomorrow morning. But not as early as I did today since….” Since your shift starts at nine in the morning instead of seven in the morning today.
“Since what?” Dainsleif asks, raising an eyebrow at you.
You shake your head and rub your temples with an exhausted sigh. “I don’t know. I’m feeling drained, and I’ve been having a hard time trying to sleep early.” You grumbled.
Scaramouche looks at you closely and notices something strange in your hair. “What’s that?” Scaramouche asks, pointing at the white fuzz in your hair.
Tighnari reaches over and pulls the fuzz from your hair and holds it in front of his face, squinting at it. “It’s animal hair— rabbit hair, to be specific.” He murmurs, looking up at the others, then back over at you.
Cyno makes a face. “That’s strange. Why is there a hare in your hair?” Cyno covers his mouth with his hands, stifling his laughter, occasionally snorting.
“It’s fur, you idiot.” Al Haitham says, flicking Cyno’s forehead.
“I don’t care; it’s a joke you stick in the mud!” Cyno retorts, swiping at Al Haitham’s hands.
Zhongli tilts his head to the side, “How did you get fur in your hair?” Zhongli asks. He gazes at you with curiosity.
“Oh, perhaps they visited an animal cafe in Inazuma before returning to the abode,” Kazuha commented.
You immediately nod your head at Kazuha’s comment, “That is correct! I visited a rabbit cafe before returning to the abode!” You squeaked.
“Is that so?” Baizhu murmurs, gazing at you with interest. Again, you nod your head.
Albedo stares at you with scrutiny, his eyes scanning you from head to toe. “If you were at an animal cafe, then how is there no fur on your clothes?” Albedo asks.
“Oh, I didn’t hold them or let them climb on my lap.” You said, beginning to shove food into your mouth, wanting to get dinner over with already.
Gorou hums, “Furs do fly everywhere. I’m impressed that you’re able to leave that animal cafe without a single fur stuck to your clothes.” Gorou says, leaning down to slurp up his ramen.
You sigh and run your hands through your hair, checking to make sure that there aren’t any more furs trapped in your hair. “I’m impressed too.” You muttered, making a face when you discovered a small knot in your hair. “Ouch.” You mumbled, rubbing your head.
“It looks like you need a haircut,” Pierro commented, looking up at you from the book in his hands. “Your hair is getting long.” He reaches over to his cup and takes a long sip from it.
“Aw, come on, Pierro! I think they’ll look adorable with long hair.” Pantalone coos, ruffling your hair as he walks by your seat. “Plus, what am I going to pull on when I—” Pantalone was cut off by Xiao throwing a knife in his direction.
Dottore laughs, “The little yaksha is quite feisty, isn’t he?” Dottore looks over at Xiao, who glares at him in return. “These men have been on edge since this morning. Any little risque comment about [Y/N] will set them off.” Dottore whispers loudly to the four Harbingers.
You look at Dottore with surprise, “They’ve been on edge since this morning? How so?” You ask, wiping your mouth with the napkin. You’ve eaten too much and too fast, and now your stomach feels full. Very full; like you were going to burst very soon from eating too fast and way more than you can handle. You’re just going to have to pray to some archon out there that your bloated stomach goes away before you have to change into your work uniform tomorrow morning.
“They assumed we hid you at our estate,” Capitano says, taking the tea bag out from his cup before tossing them into the trash bin. “Perhaps you should come and pay us a visit when you’re able to. We don’t bite.” Capitano smiles underneath his mask.
You gasped softly, “Oh my gosh, I’ve never stepped foot in the Harbingers’ estate before! Maybe I should pay a visit sometime!” You said.
A smile ghosts over Pierro’s face, “Good. We will be expecting you.” 
After dinner, you weren’t allowed to retreat to your bedroom. Instead, Childe and Itto had you sitting between them while they rambled on about how much they missed you and how it was a pain in the ass to search around Inazuma City for you. Your head was resting on Itto’s shoulders while Childe was playing with your fingers, rubbing the palm of your hands with his thumbs.
Once the night has fallen, everyone slowly starts to go to bed one by one. But of course, before everyone left, each of them kissed your cheek, forehead, the crown of your head, and your temples before going off to bed. You find yourself plopping down on your bed, feeling yourself slowly falling asleep. Right when you were about to drift off to sleep, you heard your bedroom creak open. You crack your eyes and glance towards the door, only to see Thoma peeking his head from the entrance of your room.
“Thoma? Why are you still awake? I thought you went to sleep.” You murmured, sitting up on your bed and rubbing your eyes. 
Thoma enters your bedroom and closes the door behind him before walking over to your bed. Thoma sits down at the edge of your bed beside you and gazes at you with eyes that remind you of a sad puppy. Thoma reluctantly reaches toward your hands and grabs them, lacing his fingers with yours.
“I’m sorry for hurting your feelings yesterday. I didn’t intend to hurt you, and I worded my sentences wrong. I’m sorry. Everything I said, I didn’t mean it at all. I hope you can forgive me.” Thoma says softly.
You gave Thoma a weak smile, “Of course, I forgive you, Thoma. What you said did hurt me, but you were right. There’s no need to deny it because it's true. I don’t work, nor am I a part of the Akademiya.” You said softly. Thoma opens his mouth to protest, but you press your finger against his lips and shake your head. “I’m trying my best, Thoma. And maybe I’ll get a job, but I’m testing the waters right now.” You said. Thoma looks at you questionably.
You coughed and looked away from Thoma, “It’s a long story. I’ll tell you guys everything when I’m ready.” You said, giving him a small smile. Thoma nods his head as you slowly take your finger off his lips. “I’m going to sleep now. I really need to fix my sleep schedule because it's all over the place.” You sighed, laying back down on your bed.
“Alright, goodnight, [Y/N],” Thoma says, leaning down to press a kiss on your forehead.
You smile and snuggle into your comforter, “Goodnight, Thoma.” You said, closing your eyes.
The next day, you got up for work as per usual and left the abode before everyone woke up from their sleep. Unlike yesterday, you actually left a note to inform the men of your whereabouts, leaving you the information about where you were going to work. Yes, you told them that you’d be in Inazuma City, but not exactly where you’re going and what you’re going to be doing in Inazuma City. Today felt like it was going to be a good day. Perhaps it's because you and Thoma have amended the small rift between you two from a few days ago. Upon your arrival to work, you changed into your uniform and were handed an elixir to drink. You adjusted your uniform and downed the potion that Tadashi had given to you. Your face pinches up in disgust as you hand back the glass vial to him.
“It’ll take some time to get used to,” Tadashi says, giving you a sympathetic smile. 
You snorted, “Well, it’s a potion that lasts up to almost eight hours. I don’t think I’ll be able to get used to it.” You said. A few minutes later, bunny ears sprout from the top of your head, and a small cotton ball-like tail appears where your tailbone is.
“Hey, it’s temporary. It’s not like it’s a permanent potion.” Tadashi added.
You squint your eyes, “That is true….” You clicked your tongue and began to set the tables in the cafe.
When you left to go to work, you assumed that everyone was still asleep. What you didn’t know was that everyone was awake when you left for work, and the men had followed you the entire time. They hid behind buildings, bushes, trees, and wooden crates while you walked to work. All of them had woken up earlier than you did and waited for you to leave the abode before following close behind.
When they saw you walk to the cafe that is tucked in the corner of Inazuma City, the men were suspicious yet curious as to what you were doing there. The building was small, but it looked cozy and welcoming from the outside. The building has a huge glass window that allows people that walk by the building to see what’s going on inside. What they expected to see was you buying some pastries; what they didn’t expect to see was you stepping out from the back of the cafe wearing a maid costume, thigh-high stockings, and five-inch platform heels.
“Awooga! Holy shit, [Y/N] looks good in that maid costume!” Childe whispers loudly, his eyes widening and his face flushing red.
“Why are they wearing a maid costume for another man that isn’t us!?” Itto hisses, looking over at the others with his eyebrows furrowing.
Ayato looks up at the sign that hangs above the small building, “Maid Cafe.” Ayato murmurs.
Kazuha squints his eyes, “What did that man hand to [Y/N]?” Kazuha asks, pointing at the glass vial that is now in your hands.
“And why did [Y/N] drink it?” Kaeya questions, looking at you in disbelief from a distance where you couldn’t see the men.
Diluc sighs, “I guess they’ll accept any drink that is given to them.” Diluc pinches the space between his eyebrows.
Albedo’s mouth drops when bunny ears suddenly sprout from the top of your head. The same pristine white fur that was on your hair the day before. “I have many questions.” Albedo stated, not taking his eyes off the bunny ears on your head.
“What do we do now?” Aether asks.
“We confront them about it,” Xiao stated, getting up from his hiding spot before walking into the cafe with the others following behind him.
The bells of the Maid Cafe chimes loudly, alerting you and Tadashi that there are customers. You looked over at the clock to see that it was opening time already. Tadashi looks at the entrance and smiles widely, waving at new faces.
“Hello! Welcome to the Maid Cafe! Angel will be right with you in a moment.” Tadashi says, walking to the counter. “If you would like to dine in, please inform us! If you would like a takeout, do let us know about that as well.” Tadashi adds.
“Who’s Angel?” Heizou whispers to the others. The men around Heizou shrugged their shoulders at Heizou’s question.
“I don’t know who this Angel person is, but I would rather have [Y/N] be our waitress or maid,” Scaramouche mutters.
“Hi! Welcome to the Maid Cafe! You can call me Angel, and I am here to serve you!” You said, turning around to face the new customers after setting up the tables. You let out a choked gasp when you make eye contact with the men, almost dropping the glass plate in your hands. “What are you guys doing here?!” You squeaked, pointing an accusing finger at them.
“What are we doing here?! What are you doing here?!” Venti exclaims, looking at you with wide eyes.
“I work here!” You exclaimed.
“Work!?” Your beloved boyfriends exclaim, looking at you in disbelief. You sighed loudly and nodded your head slowly, scratching your ears with anxiousness. 
Zhongli points to the top of your head, “Why do you have bunny ears?” He asks, slowly reaching up to lightly touch it. The ears on your head twitch, causing Zhongli to pull his hands away from your ears, eyes the size of plates.
“Why do they call you Angel? Is it a fake name that you go by while you work here?” Dainsleif asks, his eyes scanning you from head to toe.
You nod your head, “Yes, it’s my work name. I, Mei, and Yuri go by aliases as we work here because we don’t want customers to know our real names.” You answered, rubbing the back of your neck with a sheepish smile on your face. “This was not how I wanted you all to know about my new job.” You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest, your tail twitching with irritation.
Tighnari’s eyes widen, and his ears perk up at the sight of your tail. Tighnari slowly reaches toward your tail, his hand pausing halfway when he realizes something. Tighnari’s face turns a deep shade of red before he slowly retreats back to where he previously stood.
Tighnari clears his throat, “I didn’t think your maid uniform is so…. Short.” He looks away from you.
“Hehe, yeah, that is the point of this cafe. It’s to cater to certain demographics.” You said, subconsciously tugging the bottom of your uniform. “So, uh, are you guys here to eat, or are you guys here to scold me for keeping my job a secret?” You ask, rocking back and forth on your feet.
“We’ll stay to eat,” Baizhu says. You smile at Baizhu and nod your head, gesturing for them to follow you.
“So cute.” Childe giggles, poking at the little white cotton ball that is your tail. You smacked Childe’s hands away from your tail with a huff of breath, your face heating up.
“You have a lot of explaining to do.” Al Haitham stated as he and the rest of the men sat down at the table.
You sighed for the billionth time today, “If it’s about me getting a job after Thoma’s comment, no, it’s not. I got this job days before Thoma made that comment. Don’t point your fingers at Thoma and blame him. I had forgiven him already, and we talked it out last night before going to bed.” You said, patting the top of Thoma’s head with a small smile on your face.
“Quit your job,” Itto demanded, giving you a small pout.
You snorted, “And why is that? I need a job and mora to shop around.” You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
“You don’t need to work for mora when I can spoil you with everything you could ever want.” Pantalone says, tossing a large bag of mora on the table.
You laugh, “As much as I loved being spoiled by all of you,” You reach over and lightly pinch Pantalone’s cheeks and a pouting Childe’s cheeks. “I want to make my own mora too! Plus, I need to keep myself occupied. Being home alone while all of you are out doing your jobs makes me feel lonely.” You said.
“And you chose a job where you’re wearing a maid costume, thigh-high stockings, tall heels, and drink potions that make you sprout out bunny ears?” Ayato asks. 
You sighed in defeat, “Yes, yes, I did. But I look cute, and it’s not heavy labor, aside from wearing these dang heels.” You grumbled, taking a seat at an empty chair. “These heels are killing me.” You complained, squeezing and rubbing your sore feet.
Aether leans to you, “You should quit your job. It’s not worth wearing heels all day and parading around in a maid costume to please creepy men. I would rather have you go out on an adventure with us than cater to creepy men.” Aether says, giving you a small pout.
“I don’t know….” You hesitated, playing with the hem of the maid dress. “I’m going to feel bad if I quit.” You murmured.
Cyno squeezes your shoulders lightly, “It’s okay to quit the job that you don’t like! Some people quit after they’re hired! This kind of job isn’t maid for you, so you might as well quit and find a job that is more suitable for you.” Cyno cackles, earning a slap on the back of his head from Al Haitham. Cyno grumbles and glares at Al Haitham.
You cracked a smile and snorted at Al Haitham and Cyno. “Alright, I’ll think about it.” You said. “Now, let me go get the menu, and you all can start ordering something!” You said, getting up from your seat to walk to the counter where the menus are. 
While your back was turned, facing their direction, the men couldn’t help but admire the sight of you wearing the uniform. Perhaps they should get you your very own maid uniform to wear around the abode. It’ll be for their eyes only.
Note: Aw man, I think this is the latest update I've ever posted for an Isekai'd!reader fic 🥹 Idk how I feel about this chapter since I worked on it while being busy with school and loads of assignments, but I hope you all liked it 😭 It's close to 2 AM, and I am in need of sleep and break from assignments, but that's not going to happen. For my new and returning readers, I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
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nanatown · 11 months
— let me in ; park jisung
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# : fluff, slight angst if u like.. squint, established relationship.
warnings : nothing much, just a slightly mad jisung. (not proofread!)
💬 : ehe... im back
word count . . . 0.4k !
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you wake up to the sound of not so quiet footsteps entering the living room. your boyfriend, jisung, stands infront of you clearly tired but also struggling fall asleep.
you and jisung had a minor argument just a few hours ago. you knew he didn't mean anything he was saying, he was just having a bad day, but you just had to tease him. just a bit.
"If you hate it so much why dont you go sleep on the couch then?" he mutters, loud enough for you to hear.
your mouth opens slightly agape, in shock "oh, really? you SERIOUSLY want me to consider that?" you reply, trying not to giggle at your cute (upset) boyfriend.
"yeah, babe, you can go sleep outside for all i care-" he pauses, suddenly cut off with a sarcastic gasp. he huffs and leaves to your bedroom, locking the door in the process.
you laugh, yelling out "babe, you cant lock me out of my own bedroom!" — "I just did."
hurriedly, you run and beg him to unlock the door.
"no! I told you, you can sleep outside if you really cant stand it. get out of my face!" he exclaims angrily through the wooden door separating the two of you.
you smirk, amused. soon rummaging through the house for a spare blanket.
Its now 3:32 am, and your boyfriend here is tiredly begging you to come back to bed.
"babe, please come. back." he says softly, with a sweet genuine tone. "I'm sorry Ji, for whatever we had earlier." - "no i'm sorry, I didn't mean to say all those mean things to you and I really didn't want you to sleep out in the cold either-"
your lips cut him off as they softly land onto his. jisung puts his right hand on the right side of your face to deepen the kiss. all of your kisses felt very loving, but not this one, this time, it felt more than that.
It felt like he needed you a lot, more than usual. he needed you in his arms all cozy and cute. he really missed you, your scent, your face, your voice, your lips.
even if it was just for a few hours, it felt like he missed you forever. and you did too, very much likewise.
he pulled away and suddenly carried you bridal style, his lazy little feet walked all the way to the bedroom and you both went to bed as soon as he flopped on top of you.
jisung hates to admit it, but he can never sleep properly without you. especially when you're in the same building. he might aswell not sleep at all if you're not there to keep him warm.
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[ written by © nanatown ! ]
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peakyltd · 1 year
Hey Daisy 🤗 If the prompt "I forgot you were like this" wasn't chosen yet, i would like to request a fic for it with Tommy 😊 I loved your story Nightmare and would like to see more of your angst! Feel free to discard in case you don't feel comfortable/don't vibe with it!
Broken | (DARK!Tommy)
A/N: Apologies that it took me a while to write your request Isa! I went with Dark!Tommy for this one so I hope that'll be enough angst 😜 I'm not so sure about the outcome tho, maybe it's a bit rushed? But I'll let you and everyone who reads this be the judge of that! The prompt can be found in bold and italics.
Tommy Shelby x reader
Warnings: Manipulation(!), narcissistic traits, threatening, neglecting, non canon. It's not a happy story overall so please don't read if those topics are triggering for you.
Word count: 3700
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She was wandering trough Arrow House. The place once filled with love and warmth was now replaced with emptiness and worries.
Tommy had left once again and she didn’t know where he was or what he was doing. She didn’t care, at least that’s what she told herself. She somehow still cared, way too much for her liking. Deep down she knew that he had her wrapped tightly around his finger.
She stopped in front of a portrait of him, taking the details in. They used to be happy and he had always been a great husband to her. Now he only spoke to her when he needed her.
Slowly but surely he took things away from her, things she loved. She lost her friends and didn’t saw her family anymore. Only his but they weren’t invited often. She didn’t realize it at first until she was stuck in the house. Their house. He told her it was the best for her, that she would be safe. He probably had it all planned out.
She believed every single word and now hated herself for it. How could she be so stupid to believe him? A sigh escaped her lips as she made her way further trough the house.
How could she not, she loved him and he loved her. They were married, you don’t marry someone you don’t trust. He only did this out of love… right?
She used to be an independent woman. He told her he loved that about her. She would never let a man control her life like that. She would never until she met Tommy, the man who changed everything. Above all he had changed her.
But after today she would go back to being an independent woman. To being herself. She had talked to a lawyer in secret and had him make up the divorce papers. She was ready to leave this prison although she was scared for his reaction.
She entered his office and put the paper on his desk. She didn’t had the heart to tell him. That, and she was too afraid. She knew he would call her over and make her explain but she didn’t dare to start the conversation.
After a quick glance at the office, she left and made her way upstairs. Once she reached the last step, the front door opened. Tommy walked in. Her heart was beating fast as she carefully peeked down to where he was standing.
His shadow creeped up on the floor as he made his way to his office. He looked tired and it seemed like he had a tough night considering the number of stains on his clothing. Her heart told her to go see him, to help him but her head told her to stay right where she was.
Maybe he was injured and needed her. But if he was, he had called it upon himself. She chose to listen to her head and leave him be. She walked over to their bedroom and entered it. Her body felt tensed, she didn’t know what to expect from him.
Before she had the chance to close the door, she heard cursing coming from downstairs followed by Tommy shouting her name. “(Y/N)!” Her breath was stuck in her throat, fear washing over her. “(Y/N) come here for fucks sake!” He bellowed. She had no other choice than to face him.
Her hands were trembling when she reached the end of the stairs. Tommy stood in the doorframe of his office, anger blazing on his face. She did not dare to look at him. “What the fuck are you thinking, eh?!” He shouted at her, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her inside, slamming the door shut.
“Eh?!” His face was dangerously close to hers. She looked up at him, his face was battered, a few cuts decorated his frame. “I can’t live like this anymore.” She softly said, afraid that he was going to hurt her. He had never touched her but he also was never been this angry with her.
“I can’t fucking hear you!” He yelled, his eyes boring in to hers. “I can’t live like this anymore.” Her voice was louder and to her surprise steady. “You can’t live like this anymore?! And why’s that?! I give you everything you ask for! Everything!” He shouted, she could feel his breath on her face.
“I’m stuck in this house because of you. I have no one left because of you.” She tried to defend herself. “I told you why, eh?! It’s the best for you!” Tommy stepped away from her, taking his glass of whiskey he had filled before. “And that you have no one left is not my fucking fault now, is it?!”
She looked at him, tears filling her sight. “Then whose is it? Because I’ve always looked out for my friends, my family.” Tommy took a sip, hoping the burning liquid would calm him down a bit. “Perhaps you did too much.” He countered.
“How could you say that?” Tears fell down her cheeks. “How could I say that? I just found fucking divorce papers on my desk, maybe you could try to explain that first?!” His anger rose up again.
“I think they explain enough.” She cried, looking at him. Tommy lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply before blowing the smoke in her direction. “So you thought, I’d just sign ‘em? Are you out of your fucking mind?” He sneered at her.
“I’m not.” She told him, her fingers nervously played with her dress. He looked at her, nothing but anger in his eyes. “Go upstairs. You’re obviously not capable enough to have this conversation.” He harshly told her. “I am, Tommy. Don’t act like I’m some stupid woman!” She yelled at him.
He laughed humorlessly. “But you are. Now go. We talk tomorrow morning.” He waved her off. She looked at him in disbelief. “I don’t want to talk tomorrow, I want to talk now.” She discussed as she watched him sit down behind his desk. “Go.” He hissed.
“If you don’t want to talk now, I’ll leave.” She stated. He looked up at her, cocking his eyebrow up. “And go where? You just said you had no one left.”
He knew exactly how to hurt her. The tears were still falling down her cheeks as she stared at him. “Now go upstairs. Goodnight (Y/N).” He dismissed her.
She wanted to scream at him, hit him even but she just stood there. Feeling defeated after what just happened. "Wasn't I clear enough?" Tommy's low voice pulled her back from her thoughts. "You were." She simply stated as she left his office, making her way upstairs again. When she reached the bedroom, she was sobbing.
She was so disappointed in herself. She could finally tell him what she wanted but didn't. She couldn't. Maybe he was right and was it her fault that she had no one left. Was she really that clingy? Maybe that would explain why Tommy was barely there for her, maybe he was annoyed by her.
She sat down on the bed, wiping the tears from her cheeks. She was going to leave, no matter what he said. She would find someone who would help her. At least that is what she hoped for, someone who cared.
It took her a while before she started packing her belongings. She still wasn't sure what to do. There were some things she had to leave behind, she wasn't able to bring everything and when Tommy would find out she sure as hell never got it back. So she had to pack the things that were the most important to her.
She came across a gorgeous green dress and stopped to let her hand slide over the fabric. It sparkled when the light hit it. All the excitement to wear it was gone. There was an important event next week, she had been looking forward to it.
Finally she could spent some time out of the house and hopefully spent time with Tommy but after tonight he would never take her with him again.
Her thoughts were running trough her head while she held the dress until a low voice startled her. "What do you think you're doing, eh?"
Tommy was watching her. She never heard him come in. "Nothing." "Nothing? So this bag packed itself?" He asked her, as he lifted the bag from the bed. His voice was calm.
"I'm still going." She confidently told him. "I don't think you are." He sat down on the bed, holding eye contact with her. "You don't fucking own me, Tommy. You're never here in the first place and when you are, you act like I don't even exist!" Her frustration and sorrow taking over.
"Listen, lov-" "Do not call me, love!" She yelled at him. Tommy sighed. "Listen, love. You know I do this because I love you, right?" He assured her.
"If you'd really love me, you would never treat me like this!" She cried out.
She didn't want to cry again but she couldn't fight her tears anymore. Tommy stood up and embraced her. All she wanted was to fight him off but she had missed his touch for so long.
"I'm sorry, (Y/N). I shouldn't have said those things." He apologized to her, stroking her back.
She gave in to his embrace and softly sobbed into his chest. "You would do it again. You do it everytime." She blurted out.
Tommy let go of her and put his hands on her shoulders, looking into her eyes. "It is because I love you and I want to protect you. You know that, right?"
Staring back at him, she didn't know what to say. She didn't even know what to believe anymore. "You know how my life is, love. I work hard to provide a good life for you but it's dangerous. So I rather put myself in danger than you." He explained. "Without me you wouldn't be where you are now."
"Maybe that would be better." She sniffled, her eyes scanning his face. It didn't seem like he was lying, maybe he really wanted the best for her.
"I don't think it would. Now come, you should get ready for bed. You don't want to look tired tomorrow when Pol comes over, do you?" He changed the subject ever so swiftly.
"And next week, you'll look amazing in this dress." He added as he tapped the green dress softly. "I'm not going Thomas." She began. "It's not even up for discussion (Y/N). You're going. If the evening goes well, I might sign the papers if that's what you want."
The minute he brought up the divorce, her hope had flared up. "You would?" She asked him, her voice soft. "If you go and behave, then yes." He assured her, stroking her cheek. "You wouldn't want to ruin our night, eh?"
"No." She answered him shortly. "Then go to bed and do your best." He had her right where he wanted.
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The week had been very differently. Tommy was much kinder to her, took her out for dinner multiple times and even sat down to attentively listen to her and her worries. He apologized to her and told her that he loved her. She finally felt heard by the man she loved.
On the morning of the event she was woken up by Tommy who was standing at the edge of the bed with a huge bouquet of red roses. She sat up, confused by his sudden gesture. "I wanted to genuinely apologize for my behavior ." He told her while handing her the roses. She took them carefully, the bouquet was heavy.
"Thank you." She hesitantly said, now knowing what to do with it. "Shouldn't you be working?" She asked. "I decided to spend time with my wife today. Breakfast is waiting for you downstairs. Your favorite." He answered her, his blue eyes looking in to hers. They seemed sincere.
"Is this just because of those papers?" She wondered. "It's not. You were right, I neglected you. I just want to show you that I do love you." He told her, kissing the top of her head softly. "Are you joining me for breakfast?" He asked her. "Okay. I'll get ready" She answered as she admired the roses once again.
When she walked in to the dining room, Tommy was already waiting for her. She sat down at the table and found indeed her favorite breakfast.
"You didn't put any kind of poison in this, did you?" She bluntly asked him. Tommy chuckled. "No of course not, I'm not some kind of monster."
She doubted him still. "Here let me switch." He said as he swapped their plates and ate some of her previous plate. She finally gave in and started eating her breakfast.
"I get that you don't trust me (Y/N) but I want to make it up to you. Even though you might've already made up your mind." He grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly. "I promise you I'll change."
He told her many things but never these words. She hoped he was sincere with her this time because despite everything he did, he still had her heart. He was apparently the only one in her life that still cared for her.
He had planned out their day already, first they went horse riding together. It was relaxing to be back in the nature with her favorite horse. They stopped at the spots her and Tommy visited often back in the days, reminiscing old, happy memories.
When they arrived home, Tommy had made sure lunch was prepared for them. They enjoyed the lunch, even had a few laughs. It made her feel happy, like he was really trying to change for her. Finally.
“Would you like to go out for a walk?” He had asked her. “Oh... yes, okay.” She wasn’t used to this kind attention anymore, or any kind of attention in general. “Come on then.” Tommy stood up and reached out for her hand, she happily took it.
Once they arrived back home, it was time to get ready for the event. Many important people would be there so they had to look perfect.
She had put on her dress, had done her hair and was now applying her make up. Thoughts of the day going trough her head, almost forgetting what she had to endure these past months.
“Can I come in?” Tommy asked, opening the door slightly. “You can.” She answered. He entered their bedroom and stopped behind her. “I’ve got something for you.” He said, making her turn around.
“You got something for me? You already gave me roses today.” She said. “I know but I knew you’d like it the moment I saw it.” He replied, holding a square box in front of him.
“But before I give it to you, I want to tell you that I’m sorry for everything. Really. You are the love of my life, you have been ever since I layed eyes on you. I couldn’t imagine a life without you.” He told her passionately, he pressed his lips on hers once he finished his sentence.
She returned the kiss. It was sweet and soft, it had been such a long time that he showed her affection. His words had hit her hard. She knew he was speaking the truth, he would never lie about those things.
“I forgot you were like this.” She softly said. “I’ll do better. I promise.” He told her as he gave her the gift.
“Now open it.” He demanded softly. She opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond necklace. A gasp escaped her mouth. “Oh my god Tommy it’s beautiful.”
“Would you let me?” He asked as looked at the necklace. “Yes of course.” She smiled. He took the necklace and carefully clasped it around her neck. “Now everybody can see you’re mine.” He smiled, pressing a kiss in her neck.
“As if they didn’t already know.” She stated as she got up. “I think I’m all ready for tonight then.” She looked up at him.
“One more thing before we go.” He said, moving over to the fireplace. “What might that be?” She asked excitedly, wondering what he was up to. Tommy took papers out of his suit pocket and unfolded them.
“These papers." He showed her the divorce papers. "What are we going to do with them?” He asked her as he pretended to read them, walking slowly over to the fireplace. “I-“ The words got stuck in her throat. “I don’t know.”
“Let me ask this differently.” Tommy said as he looked at her. The kindness in his eyes had made place for a cold, hard stare. “Do we burn these papers or do we keep them?”
“Tommy…please.” She pleaded, now knowing what to do. ��Keep in mind what I did for you these past days, love. You can’t betray me after everything I did for you.” He simply stated, showing no emotion.
“And I appreciate it, I really do.” Her voice trembled. “Then I guess I know what to do.” He said as he put the papers in the fire, he calmly watched them burn.
She watched the papers go up in the flames, the color draining from her face.. He moved over to her and grabbed her hand. “Lets go before we’re too late.”
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The car ride was quiet. All her hopes of a peaceful life had faded away in the flames moments ago. She had to think of something else. Maybe the gala could be her salvation somehow.
The driver stopped the car in front of the building. Tommy got out and opened the door for her, offering his hand. She took it, not looking at him, as she got out. "Come on, love. It's a cheerful evening." He mentioned, lifting her chin with his finger.
"You look gorgeous." He complimented her. She was forced to look at him and showed him a small, fake smile. "Now let's impress some people, eh? It would be good for the company." He stated.
They linked arms and made their entrance. A few people had already recognized Tommy and before she knew the endless conversations and networking had started.
If she wanted to have a chance to escape, she had to do it tonight. Her eyes scanned the chic space, packed with people. Her heart started beating faster, it scared her but she was determined to do it. It was now or never.
"Darling, would you please excuse me?" She kindly asked Tommy who was talking to some kind of entrepreneur. Tommy looked over at her, not sure what she meant. "Are you okay?" He asked. "I just need to visit the restroom." She sweetly smiled at him.
"Alright." He spoke before returning to his conversation. She made her way trough the crowd until she found a door that led to a long hallway. She turned around to search the crowd, trying to see if anyone was following her.
She was safe. She quickly entered the empty hallway and closed the door. She ran as fast as her heels let her. When she reached the end of the hallway she found a door that led outside.
Her hand reached for the doorknob as she heard footsteps coming closer. She hid around the corner, frantically looking around in hopes of finding a better hiding spot but she didn't.
If these footsteps belonged to Tommy, she would be dead.
She held her breath, not knowing what to expect. A figure of man appeared in front of her. "Can I help you miss?" He asked politely. She looked at him, a soft gasp escaped her lips. It was a waiter.
"I-I just need to get some fresh air but the door was locked. I'm not feeling well, you see." She lied to him, hoping he would fall for it.
"Oh I'm sorry. Guests are normally not allowed here but I'll make an exception this time." He joked as he unlocked the door. "Thank you so much." She almost desperately thanked him.
"Do I need to get someone for you?" He asked her. "Oh no, you don't have to. They know I'm here." Another lie fell from her lips, she really hoped he fell for it.
She stepped outside and waited until the waiter went back to the party. If she wanted to get away from here she had to find a ride. She didn't care where to as long it was far away from the place she once called home.
Carefully she made her way around the building until she could see the cars lined up in front of it. Keeping her body close to the walls to escape the lights that were lit all around the building.
A few people were leaving already, maybe there could be an opportunity to join them.
She anxiously came closer to the front, there wasn't much to hide behind anymore.
Once she reached the front she decided to just go for it. Asking the first driver she'd see to bring her to whatever place would come to mind. She stepped away from the wall and made her way to approach the closest car.
"There you are." A man blocked her way, grabbing her wrist tightly. She looked up at him and was met with familiar blue eyes. The blue eyes that once loved her but now scared her. "I was wondering what took you so long."
He knew. He knew that she wanted to run away. To escape him. "I think we should go back inside, don't you think?" He held her wrist even tighter, a small smile on his face but a cold look in his eyes. "Eh?"
"Yes, we should." She softly agreed with him. He let go of her wrist and placed his hand on her lower back, leading her back inside. He leaned close to her ear.
"The next time you're trying something like this again..." He whispered. "I'll make sure you won’t live to see another day."
Taglist: @zablife @brummiereader (I know you asked to be on the taglist of my new series but I thought you might like this as well! If you rather not want to get tagged in anything but the upcoming series, please let me know!)
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xxlady-lunaxx · 20 days
Room for two | {ObaMitsu}
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Theme: Fluff
Note: apparently I've been lax in writing fluff so ive been demanded to write it to pay back for all the angst
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Spoilers! post-muzan's death
begins in reg.AU and then switches to modern 
They were buried together. Sanemi saw it with his own eyes. He was allowed out of bed for the funeral, though supported by Tengen's sturdy arm. Apparently, Obanai had been holding onto Mitsuri for dear life—rather, death—and they had been unable to be seperated. The thought made Sanemi's heart ache for them and he wondered what had happened in the moments before their death. Had Obanai been able to tell her finally? If so, Sanemi was glad of it. At least he'd have some sort of final rest before he drew his last breath. Nevertheless, it hurt him to watch as the coffin was lowered into the ground and the stone engraved with their names was placed upon the freshly packed earth.
The coffin was large and specifically adorned beautifully. The Ubuyashiki's had left money to the side to buy the gravestones and coffins to be gorgeously made for each and every Demon Slayer who had deceased in the past thousand years. Kiriya and the others had made sure that the same money was used to buy coffins for the Demon Slayers who had died fighting Muzan as well, keeping the tradition.
This particular coffin was built large enough to have room for two as both Obanai and Mitsuri were tucked inside. It looked pecuiliar, two stones over one grave. But it fit. They had always been close to one another, despite their obvious differences and neither wanting to tell the other how they felt. They had been close. And they would be even through death.
Sanemi leaned against Tengen, letting himself relax slightly. 
"Are you tired?" Tengen asked, shifting their position.
"I'm fine. I want to stay here, still," Sanemi murmured.
"Alright. Tell me if you want to go."
"I will."
Words were spoken for the two Hashira and Sanemi watched as bundles of flowers piled up all around the grave, decorating it and making it look as alive and colorful as the two had been. As they were. People started leaving as the sun slowly made its descent down the sky and still Sanemi stood, watching the grave with a melancholy smile. Finally, he stood up, almost tipping over from the sudden movement.
Tengen, startled, quickly held onto him before he fell.
"I'm ready to go," Sanemi told him.
"M'kay," Tengen replied, taking his arm and guiding him out and down the path, back home.
"There won't be any room!" Obanai whined as he eyed the ferris wheel.
"Oh, don't be a pussy," Sanemi groaned, rolling his eyes. "Kanroji's going to be back from the bathroom any second now, you have to ask her to go with you before the place closes."
"Why are we even going at night, then?" Obanai protested.
"Because the lights of the city will be turning on and it'll be more romantic so you can ask her out," Sanemi explained, crossing his arms. "She's coming, now. If you don't ask her now, I'm going to set her up with Tomioka."
"He doesn't even—does he like her?" Obanai asked with a sudden panic. 
Sanemi laughed. "No. But he's like you in some ways. While you're too scared to ask to be her boyfriend, he's too scared to turn down someone's offer to date him. Honestly, you two should be best friends with all your similarities. Now, go ask her out because Tomioka is right there and I'm not afraid to get him."
Mitsuri walked up to them, giving Obanai no time to snap at Sanemi before he seemingly disappeared, leaving the two alone.
"Eh? Wasn't Shinazugawa here?" Mitsuri asked, confused as she looked around. 
Obanai blinked. "Oh- Uhm, he went to go on a ride with Tomioka," he said. That's what you get. Now Mitsuri will think Sanemi and Giyuu are being all lovey-dovey.
Through his peripheral vision, he saw Sanemi roll his eyes from behind a random tree. He smiled contently to himself, then gathered up as much courage as he could to deliver the question.
"Oh! Okay!" Mitsuri said. "Will we be leaving soon? I think it's going to close in a bit."
"Uh... Do you wanna go on the ferris wheel together?" Obanai mumbled, his cheeks burning red already as he awaited rejection.
"Just us?!"
Obanai nodded.
"Eeehhh?! Really?!" Mitsuri squealed.
Obanai's gaze was set on the ground and he was unsure if this was a good or bad reaction.
"Of course!! I would love to!!" Mitsuri responded, practically vibrating with excitement.
From surprise, Obanai's head snapped up. "Really?"
"Yeahh!! Oh, we should go now before they close up, hurry!" Mitsuri urged excitedly, taking his hand in her own and running off towards the ferris wheel. She all but dragged him there as they gave their tickets over.
"Are the two of you going in together?" the person handling the tickets asked.
Mitsuri nodded. "Yep!" 
"Right. It might be small but it's the last round we're going tonight and there isn't enough time to wait for the two-person ones to be open, if that's alright."
"Yes, it's fine," Obanai spoke up, deciding that they would go now or he would die.
"Very well."
The door was opened and they both clambered inside. There were seats on either side of it but it was, as informed, tightly spaced. For a moment, Obanai had a sense of claustrophobia. Then he remembered Mitsuri was only a foot or less away from him and his panic turned into a flustered one as he remembered that Sanemi was forcing him to ask her out.
The wheel started to move and Mitsuri smiled at Obanai.
"I'm happy to go on this with you. I wanted to go earlier but I thought it wouldn't be as fun by myself and I forgot," she explained. 
"Oh. I'm happy to go with you, too," Obanai said. Then realized that was probably stupid to say since he was the one who asked her in the first place and corrected himself. "I mean, I'm happy you acepted my offer."
Mitsuri beamed.
They waited a bit as they were slowly moved up. As they started to reach the top, Obanai drew in a breath deciding he would tell her now. At least she couldn't run away from him in here. 
Mitsuri was gazing out of the window, eyes wide in awe. The sun was setting and, as Sanemi had said, lights were flickering on all over the city. From up here you could see the whole city stretching out before them. The lights from the buildings and cars were scattered about and it looked as if they were stars, a whole sky waiting for him to tell her. 
"It's sooo pretty," Mitsuri murmured, her breath fogging up the glass.
Obanai nodded but, in his mind, Mitsuri was far more beautiful than the view. 
They reached the peak of the wheel, sitting above what seemed like everything. A burst of ecstasy of being here with Mitsuri, of being up here, hit Obanai and he let the words flow from him as quickly as he could, before he freaked out. The wheel would round back up again since it went around twice, but the first time was the best and he wanted her to know now.
"I... like you. Like... romantically. A lot. And I wanted to know if you would maybe consider... being my girlfriend?" Obanai asked. He was sure his voice was too quiet to be heard, especially through his mask. Yet Mitsuri's eyes widened at the question and for a moment she said nothing.
They were already making their way back down, half way there. That was fine. At least he'd told her at the top.
Then Mitsuri all but fell onto him in her excitement, forgetting they were in such closed quarters. She squeaked, ended up bonking her head twice as she tried to get up until she managed to sit across from Obanai again, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 
"I'm sorry," she hurried to say, averting her eyes.
"It's fine," Obanai said, resisting the urge to smile. She was adorable. Oh god. "Ah... So your answer? Also—please don't feel obligated to say yes or whatever," he said quickly, remembering what Sanemi had said about Giyuu. "You can say no if you don't want it."
"Oh! Oh, no, no," Mitsuri said, shaking her head.
For a moment, Obanai figured she meant about his question and his heart sank. And then she said, "Uhm, uhm, I would love to be with you! As your girlfriend! I really would! If you would take me as... as yours, then I would definitely date you."
Obanai's eyes widened as he struggled to process this. "Really?"
She nodded enthusiastically, face dusted pink as she caught his gaze. "I lov- I mean, I like you too, and I have for a bit... It's embarrassing, but I've admired you for a while now and I didn't know if you would see me as anything but a friend, so I didn't ask," she said.
The ferris wheel was going up again and Obanai took her hands in his own. 
"That's... how I've felt about you," he admitted. "But I'm happy you feel the same..."
Mitsuri nodded again, her embarrassed smile turning sweet. "Of course I do! You're so cool, Iguro-San, I don't know how I wouldn't like you!"
Obanai's face turned pink at the praised and he glanced down. "I thought myself unworthy of being with someone as amazing as you, really."
"Eh? Really?!" Mitsuri exclaimed. "Ah- I'm so flattered right now, I think I'm going to melt the ride..."
Obanai laughed gently, looking back up at her. "I think we both will, then," he said quietly.
"Ehm... Can I kiss you?" she asked nervously.
Obanai took a moment to process this. Then he nodded, tugging his mask off.
Mitsuri smiled nervously before she leaned closer, her eyes fluttering close. Obanai copied her movements and then—
Then he felt the plush of her lips on his own and the slippery feeling of her lip gloss. His hands moved blindly, cupping her face. His heart felt afire, as if it was burning for the endless affection he wished he could communicate to her as they pulled apart.
They seemed to mirror each other with their mouths slightly ajar, eyes wide and cheeks red. Then Mitsuri laughed softly, happily and Obanai followed her example, feeling exhilerated. He glanced to his side and realized they were already almost all the way down. Mitsuri noticed too and pouted for a moment, then smiled again.
"Well, we already saw it once. And it was fine we didn't get to see it again," she said, handing him his mask. 
Obanai agreed. "It was better the second time around," he teased, putting his mask back on. The ferris wheel was stopping slowly, letting off each passenger.
Eventually, it stopped at theirs and Obanai stepped out. He held out a hand for Mitsuri and she took it. They walked away to where Sanemi and Giyuu were talking by, neither letting go of the other's hand.
Sanemi grinned when they arrived and Mitsuri parted from Obanai to go talk to Giyuu while Sanemi confronted him.
"I saw you two kiss," Sanemi said, waving his phone to show a picture of the ferris wheel. He zoomed into the part where Obanai and Mitsuri sat and Obanai flushed, realizing that Sanemi had somehow gotten exactly where they had kiss. They had been at the very top, then, and Obanai decided that he had been wrong about being at the top the first time was better. The second time was definitely best.
"Shut up," Obanai huffed. "And delete that picture."
Sanemi hummed. "No."
"Then send it to me."
"I can do that," Sanemi said, tapping on his phone to send it. "Anyway, I'm assuming you two are dating now?"
Obanai nodded, a smile curving his lips without him realizing. "Mhm. Also I told you there wasn't enough room. The one we went in was supposed to be for one person but they ran out."
Sanemi shrugged. "Looked like there was just enough room for two. Especially with you both just getting all on top of each other and kissing."
"I- We only kissed once!" Obanai whined, pushing Sanemi lightly.
"Mhm. Well, count on me not being around when you two kiss more. I can't handle that." 
"SHUT UP!!!"
« Word count: 2024 »
also y'all can ignore the fact that the first part was technically a lil angsty, I don't wanna talk about my inability to write only fluff
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myzzjolanda · 10 months
Biggest fears
So eh, I might have done a thing again. Not sure if it's any good, but I loved writing it. This idea had been in my head for a while now and I wanted to share this. Might have some language mistakes because English isn't my first language, it's late and I'm tired. Enjoy!
Pairing: Larissa Weems x reader
Show: Wednesday
Warnings: none, but a bit of angst and fear of rejection I guess?
You've always sucked at love. The short story about it was that you were scared of it. Scared of being happy and being loved and then being hurt. Long story was that you were bullied for a long time untill you were 17, and in that period never dared to ask someone out. What if they just laughed at you and tell every person they knew of about that ridiculous thing you asked? And then the next day, the bullying at school would be even worse. You decided to save yourself from the embarrasment. After you were 17, things got better. You weren’t bullied as much anymore, but you still did have a lot of shame in you. Your selfworth was low, you still hadn’t had a boyfriend or girlfriend and you were just feeling not that pretty or interesting at the age of 25 you had your very first ‘boyfriend’, who, looking back at it, just did things for sex so that ended quickly. He was trying to hide you a lot and while you were together it was just sex. You both decided this wasn’t going to get better the best thing was to end things. You were quite angry with him for this, since you trusted him with being a virgin and all and you felt used. He didn’t seem to care much. In the 2 years that followed, you dated a bit more but it ended all in nothing. At that point, you decided to quit love. The hurt wasn’t worth it, if everyone decided not to want you.
And here you are, at 30, being in love with a tall, blonde woman who is so pretty she could be a godess. You didn’t know how it exactly happened. You had decided to do your masters abroad and choose a small university in the United States. The masters suited your bachelor well and you loved that you could experience this in another place than your own country. You had decided to take a part-time job in a bookshop in Jericho to earn some extra money, and that was where you met her. She walked in on your first day at work, which happened to be a rainy Saturday, with so much grace and the brightest smile you’ve ever seen. Appereantly she always bought her weekly newspaper from the UK there, since it was obvious that that was where she was from. You noticed that after some weeks, you started to look forward to her visits to the shop. Although you decided a good while back not to do love again, you did decide it wouldn’t hurt to befriend her right? She seemed really sweet and you’ve noticed you both had some similar tastes. Both loved reading, history and classical music. You found out her name was Larissa Weems and that she was the headmistress of the school for outcasts. She was well respected in the city, but still down to earth and really sweet and friendly. You could be easily just friends with her. Although you were madly in in love with her, you’d rather be just friends. You were too afraid that telling her your feelings and/or becoming a couple would ruin what you had build up with her. You figured that as long as you could just be friends, you could manage.
That was untill the moment at your weekly coffeemeeting after your work, when Larissa started to look a bit more serious. “Y/n? I want to ask you something.”. She looked around, almost to see how many people there still were in the Weathervane. Since it was near closingtime, it was almost empy, just the barista and the two of you. Your heart sank when you saw Larissa’s face. She looked really worried, but also hopefull. You put on a brave smile. “Go ahead!”, you answered cheerfully. She took your hand. She stayed silent for a terrifying long moment. “I think I’m starting to like you.”, she said with a soft voice. You felt the sensation of panick rise in your stomach. It was so much, it almost hurt. Your mouth felt dry. “Y-you like me.”, you answered. She nodded, almost afraid. You freaked out. You were scared, you had decided not to do this anymore, because you were always scared. “I got to go.”, you said, standing up and almost running away from Larissa. “y/n!”, she tried yelling out you. If you had looked back, you could’ve seen how scared Larissa looked when yelling for you, and then sad after you run out of Weathervane. But you didn’t look back. You were to scared of what you would see. In your mind, you’d know this would be bullshit, but you’d still have a guttfeeling that someone would be lauging at you, because of the way you've just behaved. Perhaps Larissa was laughing because of you. Perhaps she thought you were weird because of today. She wouldn’t be the first one to think so. When you got home, you were brave for a few mlre minutes. You quickly changed into your comfy pyjama’s, put your phone into your charger and then ran to your bed. You hugged your teddybear tightly, and then cried. You just cried long untill you fell asleep.
Larissa felt the urge to call you quite often for the next couple of days, but she couldn’t do it. You looked so scared when she admitted her feelings to you. Did she say something wrong? She never ment to hurt or scare you. She decided she’d leave you be for the moment. Perhaps you’d just wanted someone else than her. Someone better or so.
In the next couple of weeks, you noticed that Larissa wouldn’t come over for her weekly newspaper anymore. Instead, she always asked one of her teachers to pick it up for her. Although you didn’t like to admit this, but this probably even hurt just as much as getting your heart broken after a relationship. You wanted to make it up to her, but you didn’t know how. Perhaps she didn’t want to have anything to do with you anymore. You just ran away from her, no explanation, no nothing. If she still wanted you, she would’ve visited the shop again, wouldn’t she? On the other hand, perhaps she was just as hurt and scared as you are. You made a mental note to text her when you were of from work. That gave you a bit of time to think wha you wanted to text her. You decided you’d rather text Larissa than to call her, because you were still scared of her reaction. You’d rather read her reaction than hear her angry or upset reaction.
That night, you still didn’t know what you wanted to text Larissa. You sighted. “I messed up, didn’t I?”, that would be short. But isn’t it a weird message to send, after all this time? For the time being, you couldn’t think of anything better, so you just pressed send. You were worried that if you’d wait any longer, she wouldn’t read the message anymore. And then the scared waiting began. And then all of a sudden, Larissa her status changed to ‘online’, and the status of the message changed to ‘read’. You panicked even more. You started to breathe more heavily. You layed down in bed, pressed your teddybear close to you again, and started typing again. Hopefully to make things better again.
“I’m sorry I messed up, I didn’t want to hurt you. I got scared. Not scared of you, but I’m scared of love. I didn’t want to mess up. I think I like you too. I miss you and I’m sorry.”, you typed, and pressed ‘send’ again. You waited again. Larissa was typing now.
“Are you home now?”
“Yes. But I look like shit now.”
“I don’t care, so do I. I’m coming over.”.
Your eyes got wide. What did this mean? Is Larissa angry with you now? Was she going to yell at you? She was so tall, she could tower over you so easily and when she would yell… or was she just happy that you said you liked her too? Different scenario’s were happening in your head now, one even worse than the other. You didn’t want to think of the positive scenario’s. What if the end was bad anyways?
Your doorbell rang way too early to your liking. You carefully opened the door, and saw Larissa. Despite the situation, you were so glad you saw her. You noticed she didn’t look happy, nor angry, but she looked… sad? You never saw anyone look so sad towards you. “Hi.”, she said. She tried to smile. “can I come in? I did bring that wine you liked with me.”, she continued. That cought you of guard. You knew she was sweet, but in those weeks without her, you forgot hów sweet she was. You just simply noddrd and made way for her to get in. You walked her to your kitchen and grabbed two wineglasses. You watched as Larissa poured the both of you a glass lf wine. You decided to break the silence. “Larissa, I-“ “No, wait. Sit.”, she demanded. Oh. Yeah. That would be handy. You sat down and played with your wineglass a bit. Suprisingly to you, Larissa’s face softened a bit. “I can tell you are nervous, y/n. Can you tell me a bit what scares you?”. You shrugged. You didn’t even know where to start. Slowly, you answered: “Love, I guess. Never had much friends in school, got bullied, had my first boyfriend at 25 who took my virginity and left me shortly after, dated a bit afterwards but no one wanted me. I think I always felt unlovable and those things didn’t make anything better.”. You felt your eyes sting. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”, you added softly. Larissa remained silent for a few minutes. You didn’t dare to look her in her eyes. Eventually, she took your hand “did you mean it? In that tekst? That you liked me back.” You looked up again. You felt a weird hopefull feeling in your belly. You couldn’t supress a smile while you nodded. Larissa smiled back while she squeezef your hand. “Good. Because to me, you’re not unlovable. You are the sweetest, prettiest, purest person I’ve met and I’d love to have you in my live.”, she said. “Really?”, you answered, ashamed almost immediatly of how happy you sounded. “yes.”, Larissa answered, while she pulled you onto her lap. “And I know you’re still a bit scared, I can see it in those pretty eyes of yours. But I don’t care. We can do things as slowly as you want this to be. I want to wait for you. Because that is what you do when you love someone. As long as you allow me to call you mine. I love you, y/n y/l/n.”. You felt like you could cry. You admitted your biggest fear to Larissa, and she still loved you. She was even willing to wait for you. “I love you too, Larissa Weems.”, you answered, and then kissed those beautifull, red lips. “but indeed, please wait for me if I get scared again.”, you hummed after the two of you let go of each other again. Larissa smiled her prettiest smile at you. “I will, my love, I’ll always wait for you.”.
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thepaintedlady00 · 1 year
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Part 4
Part 3 | Part 5
TW: fluff, yall finally get to experience some full happiness which is totally not gonna get ripped away 💀, mutual pining, some slight angst
You looked at the blue stone, tentatively stroking a finger down the smooth shimmering edge. It had been a few years since he'd given it to you... Since Dream of the Endless had shown you a side of him you'd never seen before, had never known existed. You'd been to The Dreaming many times since that night, but you'd never ventured closer to the gate, still afraid that it would remain closed to you and that the whole thing had been nothing more than a long game. So you and Puck sat on the beach, watched the sunrise, and returned to The Forest. You'd done it so many times without a word from Dream that you were almost scared to face him now.
As the days passed you wandered closer and closer to the gate, slowly building up the courage to pass through it until you finally stood right in front of it, looking up. The Corinthian, who'd spent so much time on the beaches waiting for you to come closer had grown rather tired of being patient, groaned beside you, and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, holding you in place as the gates began to open. He practically dragged you inside the second there was enough room for the two of you. "Been watching you walk around for years, time to commit Daunt!"
"Corinthian!" You growled as he howled with laughter.
The Gates of Horn and Ivory lay open before you, revealing the bright sun shining off the golden peaks of Dreams palace. Lush green forests and the life of every species natural and imagined filled the space between. It was beautiful. Open and free and bright, the air was clean and the sky was clear. For the first time in a long while you could see the blue of it, the soft puffy clouds that changed shapes above your head, and the birds that flew happily past. The Corinthian squeezed you into his side. "So, how does it feel to be in The Dreaming finally?"
"It's wonderful," you answered with a hidden smile. "Everything is so bright and clear."
He chuckled. "You'll get sick of it eventually."
You shook your head at him. "Never. I've spent far too long in The Forest to ever grow tired of a place like this."
"It's not as free as it looks," he merely said as you walked. "Lots of rules to abide by and never anything fun to do."
"Are you speaking for me or yourself?" You wondered looking up at him with a grin.
"A bit of both I'd like to think."
There was a tenseness in your friend's tone that made your eyebrow rise a bit. "You're just upset that Dream doesn't allow troublemakers to do whatever they please."
He smiled. "You're also a troublemaker, do you plan on following his stifling rules left and right?"
"He is the monarch of this realm," you stated. "And I am a guest. I must abide by his rules if I ever wish to return."
"And do you?"
"Of course." You looked at everything around you with a sigh. "I've been forbidden from entering for so long... It is nice to have somewhere else to go when things in The Forest grow too dark. Besides, if I'm welcome to return I get to see you more often."
The nightmare nodded slowly, his grin remaining but something felt wrong about it. "That is a rather strong argument. Just... Promise me you'll cause a bit of trouble now and then. Don't want you to get boring like everyone else."
Rolling your eyes you nodded. "I promise."
The Corinthian led you through the town, past the hushed whispers of Dreams subjects, and toward the bridge to the palace. Your nervousness returned as you looked up at the magnificent creatures guarding the gate. Puck moved ahead of you, yellow eyes warily watching everything you passed. "Dream will want to see you, likely to waste your time with a tour."
"That would hardly be a waste," you said quietly. "After all I've only seen glimpses of this place."
"Eh, you've probably seen enough to get the picture." He gave you a mocking bow and smirked. "Enjoy your audience with the great king, fair Daunt. If you can slip away, come  find me and I'll give you the fun tour."
You chuckled at the nightmare and pressed your hand to his cheek. "Try not to have too much fun without me, dear Corinthian."
He scoffed, laying a hand playfully on his chest. "I could never!"
The throne room looked different than the last time you saw it. The space that had once been full of life and dancing and laughter was now little more than a cold, space that mirrored the Dream you’d known for centuries. The Dream that had been nothing but cold and cruel to you since you could remember and not the one you’d seen that night. White marble glowed beneath the rainbow light from the vast ceiling of stars and galaxies above you as you walked deeper into the silent space. There at the top of the window ding stairs was his throne. It was odd… Not as grand or as large as you'd imagined it to be all these years.
Puck sniffed the ground and plopped down beside you. "I don't like it here. Everything smells different."
"Is it so different from the beach?"
"Yes." Your companion insisted. "Smells like him."
You hummed, giggling softly as you leaned down to scratch behind his ear. "Ahh yes, and we both know how much you detest the smell of the horrid Dream Lord."
"Horrid?" The voice smooth as the finest silks and deep as rolling thunder filled your ears, sending waves of conflicting emotions over you. The throne room felt smaller as you turned your head to gaze upon him. Dream stood between two large pillars, the black of his cloak standing out harshly against the cool stone, flames licking at his feet. Jessamy perched on his shoulder and his hands twisted behind his back as his glowing eyes regarded your companion with a look.
Puck growled lowly, baring his teeth to the dark figure, and curled around your feet slightly. "I would have used a far more insulting choice of words Nightmare King."
"Manners Puck," you chided softly. "We are guests after all."
Dreams eyes lifted to yours, bright and warm… An odd thing where the Endless was concerned. You'd never seen him like this, so calm in your presence and it was terrifying. He bowed his head slightly and gifted you a thin smile. "You look well, Lady Daunt."
Lady. Your mind echoed with the word. He'd called you the formal title before, all those years ago on the pier bathed in starlight. You'd forgotten how it sounded, the honey-sweetened sincerity, the low almost desperate timber of his voice… As if he were pleasing you to believe him, to forgive. Yet the memory of those hands curled around your throat remained. You returned his gesture, stiff, uncertain. "As do you, Dream of the Endless."
A look, swift and fleeting, passed over his face… hurt. He straightened and looked about his throne room. "What do you think of my realm so far?"
"I've seen little of it," you reply. The cosmos swirling above your head once again caught your eyes before you looked to his throne. It reminded you of your place, of how little your words mean to one such as he. "What I have seen is beautiful, as your creations always are."
He hummed, moving silently to stand closer to you, as close as Puck would allow. "High praise from one whose realms beauty rivals that of mine."
You almost laughed at him. The Forest was dark and clouded in mist. Its woods echoed with desperate cries of frustration and sorrow and it bent to none, not even you. "You need not attempt to flatter me."
"I am not." Dream said. "Your realm is beautiful in its own right, in a way I could never recreate… Much like you are."
Your head turned quickly, eyes wide as his words settled against your skin like pinpricks of knives. Was he mocking you? Trying to bait you into some kind of cruel game? Yet there was nothing, save the gentle gleam in his eyes and the thin smile on his lips, nothing that indicated the words were said with malice. So, you cast your eyes away. "Thank you."
Jessamy cawed from her master's shoulder. "What do you want to see first, Lady Daunt? There is much within The Dreaming to see!"
"I don't know."
"Well, surely you've thought about your visit a few times."
You looked to the floor. "I suppose I never thought I'd get to see any of it."
Jessamy made a quiet noise as Dreams dark figure appeared to grow taller. Jessamy shook her silky wings. "Why don't we start here then? The Library is just down the hall. Lucienne will certainly want to see you!"
"That sounds lovely." You lifted your head and looked at Dream, whose face had hardened. "If the Dream Lord permits it."
His brows furrowed and lips pursed. "You may go wherever you wish. I meant what I said, Daunt. My realm is open to you."
You watched him closely, still looking for any sign that his sincerity held any manner of falseness. With a tentative nod, you shifted your feet. "Such a thing is… Generous of you, Dream Lord."
Jessamy looked to her master. "So… The library then?"
Dream gestured down the hall and bowed his head slightly. "After you, Lady Daunt."
He could not stop looking at her. No matter how much he tried to go on normally, everything vibrated with just the knowledge that she was here. She'd taken so long to venture even a little close he thought this day would certainly never come. But, here she was, walking beside him to the library, quiet and timid but here.
You honestly didn't know what to expect on this tour, how willing was Dream to let you into his world? Would your presence be confined to the high walls of his palace as if to hide you from the other creatures he ruled over? Would he expect something in return for this kindness, for the supposed freedom to come when you liked? All thoughts faded as the library doors opened and the literal collection of all written creation lay before you.
The trusted Librarian of The Dreaming, Lucienne, was already waiting at the table. She offered you a bright smile and bowed her head to Dream. "Lord Morpheus, Lady Daunt
“Lucienne,” you said with a smile, “It’s good to see you again.”
“You as well, my lady.” She returned the smile. “You look well.”
Jessamy perched on the desk, quietly pecking at a book she appeared to be reading. Dream gestured to the tall shelves. “Every book that was is or will be is here. You are welcome to look through my collection."
Your lips twitched into a tiny smile as you admitted, "I've tried before, one time, while you were away. But to me, they're nothing but blank pages."
"I could read one to you."
The pure genuine nature of his offer made you pause. Your wide eyes met his. "You don't have to do that, I'm certain you have better things to do, more important things..."
With a raised hand he stopped you and gestured to the shelves once again. "I would not have offered it if there were more important things that required my attention. Please, pick whichever one you like."
You hesitated but complied nonetheless. You'd tell yourself it was mere curiosity about the books of otherworldly beauty, but the truth of it was far more simple. You enjoyed this newfound calming presence that Dream was offering, as well as his silken voice. He sat down at the head of the long table and watched you as you searched the endless shelves. After a moment you stood on the tips of your toes and plucked one from the group.
Dream seemed to recognize the rich sapphire bindings immediately and smirked to himself. You narrowed your eyes at the sight of it but still set the book down just close enough that he could reach it. "I enjoy the color."
He regarded your words with a simple nod. "It's a beautiful book. Written by a friend of yours, Will Shakespeare I believe he's called now."
You smiled to yourself. "Will, of course. I suppose you had something to do with his sudden inspiration."
"What is it called?"
"A Midsummer Night's Dream." Dream looked at Puck with amusement. "I think you'd companion will enjoy a character or two."
Pick settled on the floor with an unhappy growl. "Unlikely."
"It sounds sad," you mused, taking a seat one chair away from him near the middle of the table.
"I suppose it can be seen that way," he said, stroking his fingers along glittering letters you couldn't see. "Though many would consider it a comedy."
His eyes met yours as you settled into the chair, but he said nothing more, instead, Dream opened the book and began reading. Hours passed, but his voice remained steady, occasionally glancing up to look at you. The story was beautiful, but his voice was more so and after a while you laid your head down on the table, eyes watching Dream with a speck of wonder. Unbeknownst to you, he continued his reading unhindered but the sight of you remained in his mind.
Eventually, when he looked back up your eyes were closed. If he'd not known better he'd have thought you to be asleep. You looked peaceful, something he'd not seen… Something he'd actively prevented in the past. "Why did you stop?" Your eyes didn't open.
He smiled, just a little. "Apologies, I was lost in thought."
You hummed softly. "You don't have to continue if you don't want to."
"I don't mind, though you seem to have grown less interested."
Your eyes opened slightly as you smiled at him. A real smile, the first he'd ever recieved. "On the contrary, I am very invested. Your voice is beautiful, relaxing."
He swallowed thickly and cleared his throat as he lifted the book to shield his face from your view. "Very well, I'll continue."
You chuckled to yourself. "I'm still listening, I promise."
When you’d asked to visit the brothers and their beloved gargoyle, Dream had been glad to grant the request. He walked beside you the whole way and even remained as the two bickering brothers gave you tours of each of their houses. It was different, being so close to him without hearing a word of insult or complaint. It was… nice. You played with Gregory while Cain and Abel spoke to Dream about some Dreaming matter or another. Gregory was always one of your favorites of Dreams creations, though you could never understand how such a gentle and adorable creature had ever been a nightmare. 
You bid them farewell, promising to return for tea as soon as you were able to before falling into step beside Dream as he led the way back toward the village of his creations. "It's odd seeing you like this."
"Like what?" Dream questioned with a side glance your way.
You shook your head and tried your best not to feel the tingling his gaze brought to your skin. "So… Content."
Dreams eyes narrowed, "Content?"
"I don't know how to describe it," you laughed. "You're just… Different."
"I suppose it's not untrue. You've not known me to be very content in our past meetings." He sighed a quiet sound that you weren't entirely sure you'd heard. It appeared as if he wished to speak more, but his lips remained tightly shut as the two of you continued to walk down the wooded path.
When Dream had to step away to deal with something you sat on the bridge and looked out at the gorgeous orange and yellow hues of the setting sun. It was so beautiful here, so different from the mist and darkness you’d grown used to. It was almost too beautiful… like you were just dreaming and would soon have to wake up.
“There she is, the grand Lady Daunt,” a familiar voice teased as The Corinthian leisurely walked across the bridge to stand beside you. “Dream finally let you go free?”
“He’s taking care of some business,” you said, smiling. “I’ve been instructed to wait for him to finish.”
The Corinthian smirked and shook his head. “Still following the rules?”
You nodded, returning your gaze to the sun. “Of course I am. I told you, I want to be able to come back after this visit.”
He huffed. “I guess I won’t pretend to understand why you’re willing to be so buddy-buddy with him.”
“He’s the monarch of this realm, one I have to deal with quite often.” You sighed. “I’m tired, Corinthian. Tired of fighting with him at every turn.”
“Fighting with him is fun though,” your friend insisted, his head turning to look at a dreamer wandering over the bridge, standing just off to the side of you and Corinthian, looking around with his mouth hanging open at the glorious sight of The Dreaming.
You watched him closely as he forced his head to turn back to you. “Fighting with him is tedious, especially when I'm just trying to do my job.”
He shrugged. “But you’re like him, Daunt. Powerful.”
“I’m not an Endless, Corinthian,” you reminded him. “I’m not as powerful as him, nor as, well, endless.”
“You haven’t even tried to be,” he nearly hissed, frustration and anger suddenly filling his voice as his eyes drifted behind you to look at the dreamer again.
The Corinthian turned his head away from you and the dreamer, a scowl setting his lips into a frown. You tilted your head to look around him better, "Are you jealous?"
"Of Dream?" He scoffed. "Never."
"Not of Dream," you clarified glancing at the dazed dreamer. "Of them."
His face softened, a realization overtaking him as he watched the human. "I… I don't…" He turned his head back to face you. "They're accepted for who they are no matter how ugly or terrifying they can be. I… I want that. I want to feel, to experience what they do. To be accepted… Flaws and all."
You touched his cheek with a soft smile. "I accept you, Corinthian just as you are. Beautiful and terrifying and everything in between."
He leaned into your touch with a sigh. "I know you do, Daunt." There was still much restlessness in him, you could feel it, but before you could inquire more he straightened his stance and bowed tipped his hat to you with a tight grin. "Duty calls."
You watched him walk away for a moment, worry building up inside you at his odd behavior as of late, but the loud caw of Jessamy as she flew down to perch beside you shook you from your thoughts. She bowed her small head as Dream slowly made his way toward you, calm and unreadable as he always was. “Is it time I take my leave, Dream Lord?”
He shook his head. “You may stay as long as you wish to, Lady Daunt. Though I have one last location I wish to show you.”
“Very well,” you said, trying to mask your relief that he’d not come to kick you out.
The two of you walked in silence, trees, and hills of wildflowers passing by as you entered a wooded area. It reminded you of The Forest, but what you’d always longed for it to be. Animals darted through the site, butterflies flew from flower to flower and a warm comforting silence filled the space. Here there was no mist, no echoes of haunted dreamers' desperate pleas, nothing save the sound of rushing water as you near a small lake and waterfall. “It’s beautiful here.”
“This is Fiddlers Green,” Dream stated. “The jewel of my realm.”
“And a grand jewel it is, Dream Lord.”
His head tilted slightly as he looked at you, the now rising moonlight casting an ethereal glow on his pale skin. “Why do you not call me by my name?”
You’d long heard that Dream had enjoyed being called Morpheus, a name you did not know if he was gifted at the beginning of his life, or later by the humans. “I did not think I was allowed to.”
Dream nodded, his lips pursing. “You are. I… I would prefer you call me my name.”
“If that is your wish, Lord Morpheus.”
A soft smile and a light breath escaped him. “Would you dance with me?”
“Dance?” You asked, taken aback by his request. “There’s no music.”
“An easy thing to remedy.”
With little more than a gesture the meadow filled with soft echoes of music. It was almost surreal, the soft melody was familiar somehow. You blushed a little as you looked at your dirty and tattered gown. “I’m afraid I’m not dressed for a dance with a king.”
He chuckled softly. “Another thing easily remedied.”
The gown that settled against your skin at the King of Dreams will was familiar, the one he’d gifted you for the ball. Your hands slid against the soft fabric as you looked up at him with a tiny smile. “I did not think you would reuse a design. Have you run out of ideas?”
“Perhaps I simply wished to see you in this particular gown again.” He bowed his head a little and lifted his hand toward you. “And share a dance with you as I should have that night.”
Your heartbeat echoed in your ears as you took his hand, chills spreading up your arm and down your spine at the cold feel of his silken skin. “I suppose I should grant you such a simple request. You’ve given me a far greater one today.”
As the two of you swept off into a light and gentle dance he said, “I should have gifted it to you long ago.”
“I am simply glad to be here now.” You smiled at him, an action that caused his eyes to fix on your lips.
You didn’t know how long the two of you spent dancing in the beautiful fields of Fiddlers Green, but with each passing moment, the space between you grew smaller and smaller until you were right in front of him, looking up into the sparkling starlit eyes of the Dream Lord. It was so easy getting lost within them, lost within him, that you’d almost not heard the echoes of the dreamers. The two of you shared a breath as the urge to fill the space between your lips grew near unbearable. The echoes grew louder and louder until mist began to fill the fields and the trees began to shift closer together and grow darker. The Forest was calling you home.
“Forgive me,” you whispered. “My realm can be… temperamental at times.”
He looked around with a soft sigh. “So it seems. I’ve… enjoyed our time together, Lady Daunt.”
“As have I, Lord Morpheus.”
“Will you return?”
You smiled, the closeness neither of you had corrected growing almost comfortable. “Do you want me to return?”
“Yes.” He didn’t hesitate.
“Then I will,” you said softly. “Perhaps next time we can dance again?”
Dream’s smile was something that took you off guard. It was larger, far more noticeable than any of the others he’d given you that day. “I would cherish the chance to dance with you again.”
“Until then,” you pulled away from him, Puck’s glowing eyes waiting for you at the edge of the misty treeline. “Morpheus.”
“Until then, Daunt.”
You and Puck vanished in the trees, reentering your darkened realm with an erratic heartbeat and light flush to your skin. Puck had been inquisitive, asking you questions about what you’d gotten up to while he explored the odd-smelling realm on his own, which only made you blush harder at the memories of such intimate moments you’d shared with the Endless being. As the two of you found the path you nearly gasped at the sight of specks of white lining it. 
Flowers. The pathway was lined with small white flowers. You knelt to inspect them, careful not to be too rough with your featherlight touch. “Were these here before we left?”
“I do not believe they were.”
“How did they come to be?” You wondered as lights flickered above your head, shining softly down on the forest floor. You looked up and nearly sobbed at the sight of the tiny insects floating around you, weaving between the trees and lighting the misty forest.
Puck's nose twitched as he sniffed the small creatures cautiously. "What are they?"
"Fireflies," you breathed, lifting your hand to the air, now filled with brilliant twinkling lights.
Your companion chased the insects, eyes bright and darting from one to the next as they blinked in and out of visibility. You smiled fully as a warm laugh bubbled up from your chest and for the first time since the creation of the world The Forest was filled with laughter.
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hongmingoo · 8 months
Kind of Love
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Pairing: Boo Seungkwan x reader
Warnings: older reader! x college student! Seungkwan, fluff, tiny bit angst, idiots in love, toxic family relationship, toxic mother, childhood sweethearts to lovers.
Word count: 5.0k
Synopsis: Boo Seungkwan is precious. He is the type of guy who wants to be there all the time for the person he loves. He is headstrong, sassy and confident. But at the same time, he is also shy, emotional and sensitive. So emotional that he'd be moved to tears immediately if his heart was touched. He is also kind, and caring but also a nagger with a nasty temper. But ultimately, he is the person who will love you so wholeheartedly that you would not feel lonely again. 
"Noona!" A cheerful voice called out. You looked to the side and saw a boy with fluffy hair, round cheeks and cute smile running towards you.
"Seungkwan-ah! Did you wait long? You should have told me earlier you're coming today. I would have taken a half day at work," you huffed. He just smiles sweetly, fidgeting at his long fingers. You looked up to him and wondered, when did he grow so tall?
Seungkwan must have noticed the expression on your face, that he chuckled and started bouncing on his feet.
"Did you think I grew taller? Hehe" he giggled and he's honestly so cute you want to squish his cheeks, so you did. He pouted.
"You're still so cheeky eh? Have you eaten? Let's go eat first. What do you want to eat?"
"Noona! I'm not a kid anymore. But can we go eat chicken?" You just nodded, and took his hand in yours. He grabbed his huge suitcase and rolled it towards your car. 
You ate at your favorite chicken place, luckily for you, the boy seems to love the place and the food already seeing how he chowed everything like a starved man. 
"Slow down, Seungkwan-ah. You'll choke," you laughed at him, so endeared by the younger boy. You have known him for the longest time, since he was born, when you first moved to Jeju at five years old. Seeing him all grown up now feels weird, but there's a sense of fulfillment filling your chest too, to know that you have been a part of his growing up phase. He's a good boy, so polite and kind towards his elders but a confident child who won't let anyone mess with his person no matter who they are. 
Seungkwan is a family to you and you feel so happy to see him grow up into a fine young man. You didn't realize you had been staring at the boy until he cleared his throat, the tip of his ears flushed. 
"Why are you staring at me, noona? Do I look funny? He complained, wiping his mouth with a napkin roughly. 
"No, you look good. I can't believe you're all grown up. You were just a baby, but look at you now! College student already. Aww, my Seungkwan is a big boy" you coo, reaching up to squish his cheeks in your hands again. He complained, but let you do it anyway. 
"Have you got a place to stay? The dorms didn't open yet tonight, right?" You asked as you drove through the traffic. It wasn't that heavy but you had a long day today so you're quite tired. 
"No…" he mumbled quietly from next to you. 
"Then just stay at my apartment. I have a spare bedroom. I'll drive you to the university tomorrow, okay?" You announced as you made a turn to a more quiet neighborhood.
"But I don't want to impose on you, you did a lot for me already noona" 
"What are you saying? You're like a brother to me already. You're not imposing. You're breaking my heart" you pout dramatically at him before looking ahead at the road again. You missed the way Seungkwan's smile dropped when he heard you saying he's like a brother to you but he quickly hid it with a side eye at your pout. 
"Or do you prefer to sleep at your girlfriend's house? Is that why you refused to sleep at mine?" You teased, and his cute reaction made you burst out a loud laugh. Seungkwan was as red as a cherry, from the tip of his ears to his slender neck. He hid his face in his hands, long fingers pressing at his eyebrows to avoid himself from frowning.
"What are you saying? You're embarrassing me! I've only arrived today, how would I get a girlfriend already? Are you stupid, noona? I'm not surprised honestly" he nagged, talking in an angry but extremely cute pout of his. You laughed again, already used to the younger boy calling you names because you know there's no bite in his words. 
"Okay, okay. Don't be mad. Seriously, you have no chill. My apartment is not that big though, but it's comfy. Well, for me at least. Let's go, we're here" you said as you pulled up into the parking lot and turned off the engine. Seungkwan was a bit taken aback because he doesn't even notice when you've arrived but quickly tails behind you like a lost puppy. 
"Welcome to my humble home" you said as you turned on the lights in the doorway of your apartment. It was a small space, equipped with a small living room and a small kitchenette. But it has two bedrooms and a bathroom. The decorations are simple and minimalist, just shades of blue and ivory. The apartment just feels like you. 
"You can sleep here tonight, Seungkwan-ah. I usually leave this room for my siblings if they come to visit. Rest comfortably," you explained as you beckon him to come over to you in the guest room. It has a single bed, a desk, chair, and a dresser. There's a big bear plushie on the bed too. 
"Can I use that too?" The boy asked, pointing towards the plushie and you just nodded with a smile. You left him to settle down afterwards and head to bed after you wash up. 
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Seungkwan started his sem flawlessly, still stopping by your place occasionally to hang out. You let him, of course, because you enjoy his company more than you'd like to admit. Some days, he would bring his friends– Hansol and Chan over for a group project. He literally treated the place as his too, like you've said to him when he first arrived. They would be sprawled all over the floor on the living room by morning for staying up the whole night studying. 
Sometimes, you'd ask him why he prefers to study at your house instead of the library and he would just shrug it off and say the place is packed with disgusting couples instead. 
"Noona, don't you have a boyfriend? We're always hanging out here but I've never seen you hang out with any guys," Chan asked one day, being the nosy but caring guy that he is. He made a confused noise when Seungkwan shot him a particularly harsh glare before answering,
"She doesn't have a boyfriend. She's too busy dating her job to actually see anyone" he muttered nonchalantly. You jabbed at his side with a frown on your face. 
"I'm not dating my job! I'm just busy making ends meet. You know I have to support my family back home" 
"Yeah, I know. I'm just joking. You did a good job. I'm so proud of you Y/n-noona" Seungkwan coos, cupping your face in his hands before pressing a soft kiss to your temple. It was oddly domestic, but you love it either way. You love the feelings of being pampered by the nasty nagger. 
Hansol and Chan turned to each other and shared a knowing look. 
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"When will you wire me the money? I need to pay for your sisters' school fees. I need to pay the bills. Do you expect me to pay it all by myself? Your brother hasn't given me money in a long time. And you're gonna be like this too? You both are working already, can't you even support your mom?" Your mom barked through the speaker, her piercing voice shooting through your ears, almost bleeding them. 
You held back a sigh, not wanting to irritate her any further.
"Maybe he has his own commitments too. I don't think that he doesn't want to give you some, he's just struggling at the moment," you retorted, trying to rationalize the situation.
"He should have prioritized me! I'm his mother. You're always siding with him. Are you not my daughter?!" She yelled and you almost threw the phone at the wall from irritation. 
But you have a new husband now. Why not ask him for money?
You thought but against saying it out loud. You agreed to transfer her some money as soon as you hang up and end the call. There's unsatisfied pounding at the back of your head and you let out a grunt, tugging at your hair harshly to maybe alleviate the pain. The doorbell rang but you didn't feel like receiving any guests so you ignored it. You plopped down on the couch and let your arm rest on your eyes. It rang several more times before a text came in. 
Seungkwan🍊: noona it's me. Are you home? I brought you some cake.
Your heart immediately melted at the text and typed a quick reply. 
Me: It's your birthday. Come on in. 
The front door chimed, and there's shuffling before Seungkwan appeared with a box of cake in his hands. 
"Are you okay? You seemed tired" he greeted. You just hummed at him so he proceeded to put the box on the kitchen counter and take the cake out. 
"Do you want to eat it now? Or should I chill it first? It's tiramisu" the boy asked. You let your arms fall to your sides, feeling the anger dissipated already. Seungkwan came to you when you needed him the most without having to ask, with your favorite cake. You stood up abruptly– shocking the poor boy and trotted to the kitchen towards him. He looked at you, puzzled and immediately froze when you latched onto him. Your arms wrapped tightly around his slender body, face nuzzled in the crook of his neck, inhaling his comforting scent.
"I love you, Seungkwan-ah" you sighed. Seungkwan froze yet again, before wrapping his arms around your leaner frame. 
"I- I love you too, noona" he confessed, voice cracking a bit. It sounded forced so you looked up at him. Seungkwan was flustered, face flushed with pink dusting his cheeks. He was biting his lower lip in nervousness. 
"Yeah, I know–"
"No. Look at me properly, noona. As a man. Not as the young boy who always follows you around. And not as your brother. As a man. I've liked you since I started high school. But I don't want you to be arrested. S-so, so I waited a bit more. Until now" he explained, completely flustered. And you were speechless. You have never seen him more than a brother, never even thought about it before he mentioned it. You pulled back. 
"Seungkwan, I'm older than you. By five years. You could have found someone else at the university. Someone of your age or maybe closer. I'm not cut to be with you"
"Why does it matter if you're older than me by 5 years?" 
“Of course it matters! We could have different personalities, likes and dislikes. And we could have different ways to wind down and, I might not be able to understand your vibe–”
“If that mattered to me, I would have stop pursuing you long ago, noona. You know how I am. If I dislike something, I would have said it to your face” he replied as a matter of factly which made you stunned, almost dumb. It’s true though. Seungkwan has never had the problems to say what he thinks ot loud. He’s that kind of person who will be honest with you even if it hurts. His hands find your face, cupping your cheeks into his warm palms. He stared down at you with wide eyes, filled with nothing but honesty and adoration.
“We don’t have to change anything if you don’t want to. I won’t force myself onto you too. We can take as much time as you need. But won’t you give me a chance? To be yours? I would love to call you mine”
Your heart skipped beats, and your breath hitched. You didn’t realize how much time has passed and now you are looking at the boy who used to follow you around as a toddler, as a grown man. And it made your heart races. So fucking fast. Seungkwan is tucking strands of your hair behind your ears now, still waiting for your answer patiently. Where have the impatient boy gone to?
“Okay,” you muttered, quickly hiding your face in the crook of his neck again to hide the blush that is creeping up your face. Seungkwan chuckled because he found it funny that you’re embarrassed now, but against saying anything about it. He was proud enough of himself to be able to make you flustered. It means that you did look at him in a different light now. 
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Being with Seungkwan is easy. Falling for Seungkwan is even easier. He is the kindest boyfriend ever, always so sweet and caring. Loving Seungkwan is effortless. You find yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with the guy who’s capturing photos of cherry blossoms with his phone with his back facing you. You had taken him to watch the cherry blossoms to celebrate him passing his first semester at school with flying colors. It has only been two months since you both officially started dating, after 3 years of moping in a heartbreak from a bad break up, your heart finally allows you to love again. You watch Seungkwan coos excitedly at the falling flowers, snapping tons of photos to share with his family and friends before he turned to look at you with the brightest smile adorning his face. 
“Thank you for driving me here, noona. I love it very much” he giggled so happily. Your heart soar with happiness that  you find yourself smiling at him too. You’re in love with Boo Seungkwan.
But the happiness did not last long as you had hoped. Your mom had somehow found out that you’re dating Seungkwan and has been on your head since. She would mock you for your pathetic choice, choosing to date a college boy rather than hot, rich older guys. And you admit it was pathetic that you let her get into your head. You haven’t told Seungkwan any of the demeaning things she said to you afraid that you would hurt him. Instead, you keep it sealed inside you for who knows how long you can conceal it before you break. 
Of course, being the attentive person that he is, Seungkwan notices your changes almost instantly. He would ask you if you’re okay, or if there’s something you would want to tell him while he hugs you ever so lovingly. But you only hugs him tighter as you swallow all the painful thorns inside you. 
Seungkwan, on the other hand, can feel that you’ve been distant towards him. You didn’t chatter as excitedly as you did before with him. You only listen to him but didn’t let him on about you as much. You’d welcome him warmly anytime he decided to appear unannounced at your apartment, still treating him with so much love and care. But, he knows there’s something wrong with you somewhere and you wouldn’t let him in. So, he thought maybe he hasn’t done enough for you to trust him fully, that he would double his efforts to make you feel at ease with him. To open your heart for him. 
Today, he felt that his heart broke into pieces. You were talking to a man at a cafe near your workplace. You weren’t just talking, he can see that the man is flirting with you, and you smiled at his attempts. The man was tall, broad and attractive. Handsome chiseled face, black hair that was styled neatly, expensive suit, and watch. He was wealthy, and Seungkwan can see that painfully obvious. 
Of course, you would choose someone like that over him. Someone who has a stable career in front of him, someone who’s wealthy enough to support you and you life, your family. He knows how your family treated you like a money-making doll and you’ve gone through hell because of that. He hated himself for not being able to do anything about that other than just watching you suffer and he couldn’t help hating you a bit for choosing someone way better than him. It was just plain selfish. So, he did what was the most obvious move for him. 
Seungkwan🍊: Let’s break up, noona. I can’t do this anymore. 
He blocked your number as soon as he sent the text, turning on his heels quickly before he could see your reactions towards the text. He made a wishful thinking that he’s doing this for your sake. But he was just honestly afraid you would dump him first. He's a coward and he's painfully aware of that.
You were stunned to see the text from Seungkwan. And you’re even more speechless to see that he has blocked you on all your socials. He had left you with no means to contact him, and without any explanations. You’d go to his dorms or university for a chance to meet him but he wasn’t there. It's like he just vanished into thin air. It has been 3 weeks, and you still haven't found Seungkwan. You were starting to think the universe hated you, until you got a call from Chan.
You pulled on the handbrake harshly as soon as you noticed the trio on the pavement. You jumped out of the car, practically lurching towards Seungkwan who was being held by his friends. He tripped all over his feet until you caught him in your arms. 
"Seungkwan-ah" you breathed, relief washing over you as you stare down at the boy who's drunk out of his mind. 
"Noona?" He slurred, tipping his head upwards to look at you with a wry smile before passing out. You looked towards Hansol and Chan for explanation and they both just sighed. 
"He returned that day after breaking up with you crying his eyes out. Said he saw you on a date with another man who's way better than him. He dumped you for your own sake. But he's been moping around ever since. Decided to drink today because we just finished our midterms. We really don't know how to help anymore so that's why we called you. Sorry to make you come all the way here, noona" Chan clarified. Hansol just nodded in agreement, he's never been a talkative bunch.
"It's fine. Thank you for calling me. Let me drive you guys home."
The drive to the dorms was quiet, only filled with Seungkwan's light snores and occasional chit chat from Chan and Hansol. They thanked you for dropping them off before you continued to drive home. You hauled Seungkwan's weight on your back, dragging him up to your apartment. 
"Seungkwan-ah, do you need to puke?" You asked him as you sat him down on the bed. He was still so out of it but he managed to shake his head. 
"Here, you need to drink more water to sober up," you say, holding the glass of water to his lips. He obediently took a sip, and then some more before looking down at you who was kneeling on the floor in between his legs. 
"You're so pretty, noona. Why did you leave me?" He asked innocently. You bit your lips, knowing he still wasn't in his right mind to talk about it right now. So you just gently push him to lay on the bed and cover his body with the comforter. 
"Get some sleep first. Let's talk tomorrow okay? You need rest. Goodnight" you placed a soft kiss on his forehead and temple before moving to leave and he just stared at you as if you've grown two heads. The next time you came into the room to place a bottle of water and aspirin on the nightstand, knowing he would be in serious pain tomorrow– Seungkwan was already peacefully asleep. You leaned down to place a soft kiss on his lips,
"I love you, Seungkwan-ah" 
Seungkwan did wake up with a head splitting headache the next day, he reached for the water bottle and aspirin and just gulped them down in one go. But as soon as he noticed where he was, he froze. His phone was plugged in to the charger, the jacket he wore last night have been hung on the hanger against the dresser. His friends must have called you to pick him up after his ridiculously embarrassing coping agenda. Picking up his phone, he noticed it’s only 7:29 in the morning on a Saturday, you must still be sleeping since its your off day. He gathered his things quietly and made a move to leave before you woke up.
“You seriously won’t just leave like that after making me drive to the other side of the city and back at 2am, right? Tell me if I’m wrong” Seungkwan froze. Your voice sounded stern and cold that it brought shudders down his spine. He turned back to see you standing just outside the kitchen with a ladle in hand. The sight of you broke his heart. You looked pale, dark bags under your eyes, cheeks sunken and body leaner than what he remembered. 
“Noona, what happened to you? You looked sick” he rushed towards you, worry evident in his tone. You scoffed and turned away to head to the kitchen again.
“I made you a hangover soup. Eat first, then we can talk.” You both ate in silence and Seungkwan offered to wash the dishes after. He made a glass of iced americano for himself and a hazelnut latte for you since you didn’t really appreciate the taste of his favourite drink. But seeing that you stocked up the americano capsules just for him warms and wrench his heart at the same time.
“Tell me the truth. Did I do something wrong? Did I offend you in some way? Why did you leave? Without any explanations? Don’t I deserve them?” the boy was bombarded by series of questions as soon as he placed the glasses on the coffee table. Your eyes looked desperate and there’s tears pooling, waiting to disperse. 
“If… If its about the guy, it was a blind date my mom set up. I rejected him properly and was planning to tell you all about it after. I… I even bought cakes so that we could celebrate you getting the highest mark in your quiz. But you suddenly texted me that and gone! I went to your uni, asked your friends and waited for you to finish class everyday after work but you just gone! What am I supposed to do with my heart then??” you lashed out, tears bursting out of your eyes like a waterfall. 
“I thought you liked me. Am I wrong? Do you hate me now?” You felt pathetic. You never intended to lashed out and begging like this. You desperately wanting to pull yourself together, being emotional and out of control isn’t your forte but the thoughts of losing Seungkwan is driving you insane, you couldn’t help yourself. You took a deep shuddering breath, trying to stabilize your emotions. 
“Just tell me the truth. If you dont like me anymore so we can get this over with” you hissed. 
“Do you know how sad and helpless I felt when I see you breaking down on your own without telling me? I know how your family treated you, but there’s nothing I could do because no matter how bad they treated you, I know you still cared so much about them, and there’s nothing I can do. I could only stand here and watch you suffer alone. You wouldn’t cry in front of me. You wouldn’t say you’re in pain because that would make me sad so you acted strong as you’ve always did since you’re young. You have always been strong, noona. The strongest that I’ve ever met. And I’m sure that you don’t need anyone to protect you because you can protect yourself. But even the strongest soldiers need a place to lean on. And you wouldn’t let me be that place for you. You wouldn’t let anyone in. I can’t do anything about it because it’s your fight, but wouldn’t you let me be there by your side to catch you when you fall?” Seungkwan cried. He was hiccuping from how hard he cried too and you have to hold back the urge to just pull him in and give him  the biggest hug he deserves. 
“And when I saw you with that hyung. I thought that he’s way better than me. I bet he can give you everything you ever wanted. So I have to let you go and it’s for your own sake but no. I was just so scared that you’d dump me so I decided to pull the trigger first. I’m sorry, noona”
You let out an exasperated exhale. So frustrated at yourself and the situation. You could have guessed that all this mess stemmed from your inability to let people truly come in your heart. Because you weren’t able to let yourself be vulnerable in front of anyone. And because of your own insecurities, you let Seungkwan got hurt. 
“No… I’m the one who should be sorry. I let you got hurt. Because of my own weakness” you breathed. Seungkwan seems unsatisfied with what you said so he rushes to where you were standing and cupped your face in his large hands. 
“I don’t want that noona. All I want is for you to tell me how you really feel. If you’re hurt, say that it hurts. If you’re in pain, say that it’s painful. If you’re sad, you can cry. If you’re mad, then get angry. You allowed to feel what you feel. You’re allowed to act out how you feel. You’re allowed to ask for attention. You are allowed to act childish, to be selfish. For you. I can’t see you like this anymore. I can’t see you sacrificing yourself trying to be everything for others. I don’t want you to disappear just because you try to be everything for everyone else too. Don’t do this alone, noona. Let me help you, please.”
Seungkwan begged, tears streaming down his innocent face. It breaks your heart to see him like that. You have always known the boy to have the purest heart out there. He’d be the first person to cry for you whenever you got sick.  And he’d cry happy tears when you aced your college entrance exam too. He’d be there to help you with your chores. He'll help you carry the groceries on your trip back home from the supermarket. Sometimes, he’d nagged at the grandma who’s mocking you for getting sick regularly, saying it wasn’t your choice that you have a weak immune system. He’d give out the tangerines his family planted once they’re ready to harvest to the neighbours at 5am without being asked. 
Seungkwan is precious, you knew that but you still broke his heart even if that wasn’t your plan. 
“Don’t cry.. Why do you keep tearing up?” you croaked, unable to stop your own tears when you see him still sobbing until his shoulders are shaking. 
“Because you are so stupid, noona. There are people whos’ willing to listen to you if you’d just open up. But you chose to suffer alone. How stupid couuld you be? I’m so tired of your stupidity, honestly you drive me insane! How should I tell you how stupid you are?” he nagged, wiping at his face harshly. You would’ve gotten mad if it wasn’t him who said it. So, you just laugh because there was no bite in his words, just evidence of his adoration towards you. 
“I love you, Seungkwan-ah” you confessed, holding his hands away from his face to look into his deep brown eyes. 
“About damn time. I was wondering if you would ever–” he complained before he cut himself off and those round eyes widen even more. His sobbings stopped abruptly, he was staring at you in disbelief at what you said. You laughed again at his reaction and squished his cheeks with your smaller hands and stood on your tip toes to plant a soft peck on his upper lip. 
“And not as a younger brother. I love you as my boyfriend, Boo Seungkwan” you confessed again, this time pressing a kiss to his lips properly. The boy froze, his face got impossibly redder than a ripe tomato and he just stood there, staring at you. Bewildered. You stepped away from him, pulling your hands back to your sides, looking up at him with teary eyes and faking the saddest pout you can manage. 
“You don’t feel the same anymore? Am I way too late?” you asked. Seungkwan gaped at your audacity to act cute, after making him go through roller coaster of emotions. He scoffed.
“Gosh, you’re impossible” he grunted, grabbing you by the waist and tugging you close so your body is flushed against him. His nose nuzzled against yours as he sighed, relief washing over him. 
"I'm not imagining things right? You really said you love me, right?" He asked. Staring into your glistening orbs. 
"I will say it as many times as you want me to. I love you, Boo Seungkwan" you assured, kissing his eyes lovingly. The boy made happy, tiny noises and you couldn't help cooing at his cuteness. 
"So, will you take me back or not? Are you going to abandon this noona of yours?"
Seungkwan glared at you but hid his face in the crook of your neck, tightening his hold on your body. 
"I won't let you get away. You're stuck with me, noona. You're mine" he grumbled angrily and you just laughed. Totally endeared and in love. 
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dxmoness · 2 years
Ah yes it's me again I'm here to request Claude with a daughter and Athy with a older sister
By appearance you may think that reader is like a strong man/woman but actually her heart is very fragile she just trying to be stronger in everyone eyes
And umm- can you make a little bit angst in the plot like when Claude wake up from his coma please? At that time, readers feel relief and burst into tears because they overthinking that their father may not be wake up anymore
So yeah that's my request please take your time to write this!!! And And remember to eat well ^^
(Ehe- Don't mind if you can give a little hint of Lucas and Reader?)
𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓(𝒔): 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒖𝒅𝒆, 𝑨𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒂, 𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂𝒔
𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒉𝒘𝒂: 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒎𝒂𝒅𝒆 𝒎𝒆 𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔
aight I'd gladly do a WMMAP fic anyday, so here ^^
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Name was the eldest daughter of Claude De Alger Obelia and the possible crowned princess of this kingdom. Yet, never did she feel that right was hers.
Name had a reputation for being a strong person. A lot of people said she took it from her father. Perhaps she did, but never quite noticed it. The truth was she was not as strong as they say. She just hid her feelings from everyone else so that she will not come as "weak".
She was talking with a maid a few days ago when Felix ran into the room, panicking. Her father had gone into another coma. She had gone to her father's bedside that moment. And she had not left since.
No matter how much Felix asked or begged her even to leave and take a rest, she would not budge. She will endure her dropping health until her father wakes up she told him. She stayed by his side there she slept which she barely even did so, she ate on the place near his bedside although she didn't even finish the amount, and even studied there. She could not bear thinking that if she turned away even once he might die without her realizing.
Dreams had haunted her of the death of her father, but she tried her hardest to stay strong.
Today her father seemed even more pale than his usual color. The depressing thoughts started forming when she heard a voice behind her.
Her sister had finally come back to the castle, so she heard from Lily. She wanted to greet her then, but stopped when she remembered Father.
Athy had come a couple of times to see if there were any changes with their father, but was greeted with his state.
Name couldn't stop thinking he'll die at this point. Without Lucas it was impossible to think what was happening and what might happen. Wherever the hell Lucas was he better hurry before her father dies.
"He's not going to die, if that's what you're thinking." Her eyes widen to see Athy and Lucas by the door.
"Athy..." She mumbled as she let go of her father's hand.
Walking towards the magician was a bad idea, for she suddenly collapsed onto him. Her body too weak without sleep and food to manage a single walk.
Lucas just stared at her. "Yes, Name?" He asked, noticing she was giving him a look he could not interpret for the tired eyes seemed to cover its emotions.
"Save....him..." She whispered, before blacking out.
When she had awoken, everyone had told her it had been days since she had fallen asleep. Lily and Felix seemed sk relieved to see her wake. She supposed they had thought she'd end up like father.
The thought struck her like a slap. Father! "Father?! What happened to him?" She asked, panicking. Had he died?
Felix looked at her with a nervous stare. "Princess... Your father is alright, but... Athy has been asleep for a while after saving your father from the dark magic within."
She gasped as she pushed the sheets off her frame. "Where is he? Please take me to him!" Her tears pricked as she could barely hide them.
They found Claude talking with Athy who had just awoken.
Name ran to him, hugging him as relief surged within her. The tears freed themselves now that she was in her father's arms.
Claude hugged his oldest as Athy got up to hug the both of them. They were back together. Name sighed in relief.
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I hope this is as you expected, if not I apologize! This took me the whole day TT
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[Context, after learning about the decay of angels' plan to annihilate in 10 days, Ango comes home to his wife's presence.]
Warnings: slight angst due to Ango overthinking, but very fluffy, very descriptive kiss part, author's first time writing.
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Ango came home from work, very late as usual. His mind playing events of the DOA'S annihilation, trying to come up with ways to think 10 steps ahead.
10 days...10 days and the continent of Japan will no longer roam of human lives...10 days left for people to be alive 10 days left...and people dont even know what's coming for them
10 days and....
Ango halted the car he was driving as he realized he drove past your shared home.
Ango sighed taking his shoes off and let out a sharp exhale, he didn't even know how shallow his breathing was, until he recalled what Mushitaro said at Anne's playroom...again...
"Welcome home! i've prepared a bath for you, do you want dinner?"
Ango's thoughts dissipated, it was his wife...
"...are you good? You look like you just saw a ghost"
"Ango- eh? Uhm..."
Without a second thought he rushed to wrap his arms around his wife's frame, with his head leaning on top of her's, his arms locking to her torso. His wife attempted to sneek her arms out to reciprocate, sharing their warmth.
After what seems to be 5 mins, Ango lets loose, and cups his wife's face to his warm hands.
"Ango...what is this?" His wife was confused, yet she was greatful
"What is what?"
"All this?" "I don't get what you mean my love"
"Oh uhm...its just that usually when you get home, you finish you reports and go to bed from there"
It just now occured to Ango, after 3 years of marriage with his wife, he never got to cherish his love for his wife much, he was too busy saving the world.
"Ah, I undestand how busy you are, so don't fret about it ok?" His wife reassured, bringing up her hands to touch Ango's that are supporting her face for him to cherish.
This was the women he trusted most, the woman that loved him, accepted his flaws, stayed with him despite his dangerous occupation, and was always there to tend to him after his hectic work and sleep less nights of working.
...and this woman was gonna be taken away from him in 10 days...
"...i love you, do you know that..." Ango asked
"Of course I do Ango, I love you more did you know that?" His wife followed now rubbing circles on his hand using her thumbs.
"What would you do if you had 10 days of living left?"
"Sorry...nevermind that..."
"Well...I would say goodbye to my family and friends, then..." She came closer putting Ango 's hands off her face. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling their bodies closer.
"I would spend the remaining days with you..."
Ango flushed red, you can almost compare him to the tomato juice he drinks back with Dazai and Oda.
But despite his bothered apperance he coudnt help but feel rather...sad
"But my love...what if in those days im working? I cant tend to you..."
"Oh its ok im not asking you to take 10 days off, I simply want to wait for you home and cook for you and ready a bath for you, then you're gonna do your reports while I wait for you to join me in bed, thats all, like usual, I'd spend 10 days left with just that, and you." His wife answered.
Ango felt something in his heart, as if something heavy was exhaled out of his lungs. He was grateful of his wife, being content with his mere presence.
"This is very... new of you today" The wife added
"Right... I'm sorry"
"You must be very tired asking questions like that"
"You're right"Ango then locked his eyed to his wife's lips and gave very gentle and sweet peck , he missed doing that to you.
"One more" His wife demanded, and so Ango complied
"One more pleaaase" Ango complied again
"One more pleeease" and again
"One more one more" and again...
"One mo-" Before his wife could ask he kissed her again, this time more passionately, and longer.
He moved his hands to her waist, then arms slid from his chest then clinging to the back of his neck
It was getting more passionate while Ango slightly tilted his head to feel her lips on his more, slightly and just gently adding his tongue
to the kiss.
"Mmm- wait I might burn the pastry I'm baking, ill come to it before it burns our house down haha" His wife pulled away to prevent her baking getting burnt.
Ango sat down on the sofa to loosen his tie. He must admit he missed the most intimate moments him and his wife go through, instead of recalling his dilemma from work, he takes a moment to recall their lovely memories together.
Although it was 10 days left, he suddenly had more hope and motivation to save this home of his, which is his wife from the doa's twisted plans.
Its actually my first time writing hehe oops, just a scenario I wanted to share so it was very sudden
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agentluna · 2 years
Tw: Feeling like a replacement,angst, Solomon almost feeding you his cooking
Mc: Lucifer are you done with your paperwork? Uggghhhh I'm getting tired of waiting.
Lucifer: *chuckles* Just wait a few more hour Li- Mc.
Mc: ...
Lucifer: You know,you really are like Lilith. Both of you are kind yet bratty at the same time *smiles softly*. She would always wait for me to come back to the Celestial Realm just to play with me. *chuckles*
Mc: ....
Mc: I'm sorry Lucifer something came up,bye. *closes the door rather loudly*
Mammon: Oi human I need some Grimm!
Mc: And how much exactly is some Mammon?
Mammon: It's only 5000 Grimm! It's not that much right? Now gimme!
Mc:*sigh* Mammon I have no Grimm. You already stole them yesterday remember?
Levi: Mc c-can you help me with cosplaying?
Mc: Hm? Sure Levi,who am I going to cosplay?
Levi:*shows them a picture of an anime character that looks exactly like Lilith* This one!
(After a few days of preparing/building/making the cosplay.)
Levi: Ooooh you really do look like Lilith! Your attitude doesn't help that either. *laughing*
Levi: Quick! Let's show it to my brothers!
Levi: I bet everyones going to be happy!
Mc:*wants to cry but doesn't want to ruin the make-up* Wait Levi,I can't run on these heels!
{Time Skip}
Everyone: ......
Belphie: Lilith?....
Satan: No you dumbass that's Mc.
Asmo: Wow! I won't be surprised if you are Lilith's unknown twin!
Beel:*too speechless**so he continued eating but this time slowly*
Mammon: Hahahaha human you really believed Levi saying that there's an anime thingy going on?
Levi: Shh you moron! You just spoiled the plan!
Lucifer: Now now let's not fight especially when Lilith is here.
Satan: Again, that's Mc. Not my aunt or sister,and not your sister. But Mc
Belphie: Satan is right, Lilith is far more greater than them.
Beel: No Belphie it's bad to compare them. *talks with food in his mouth* Evean whin Mhc lke lilith.
Asmo: Don't mind them honey, let's take a pictu-
Asmo: Uhm guys where is Li- I mean Mc?
[Mc left minutes ago because they couldn't handle being compared to Lilith]
Mc: Haa... I am just a replacement for her*tears streaming down on their cheeks* they probably wouldn't love me if I wasn't like Lilith or if I wasn't Lilith's descendant. *sniffles* I'm nothing more nothing less.
{() is thoughts}
Solomon:(Holy shit, I was just going to suprise them with my new soup.)
Solomon:( Hmmm should I comfort them or should I leave them alone?)
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Ambushed Again - Kenny x Emery
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This is part of my Dark Angel of the Bullet Club series
I have too many ideas circulating over what's been happening on Dynamite the past month or so. I'm sorry
Eventually, I'll have a more unique idea for Kenny x Emery, but for now, the show is fueling the creativity. Oh well.
Based on Dynamite from... March 29th, I believe?
Word Count: 3153
Tag List: @blxxckheart, @summertimefun1982
((If you would like to be added to my tag list, please let me know! I have 3 separate ones for each company- NJPW, WWE and AEW))
Warnings: I attempted to describe Kenny's match against Cobb, so there's a fight scene. Mox being an ass. Angst?
(border by)
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Emery stood beside Kenny as the doctor wrapped up his wrist. As Don explains to Tony Schiavone about what supposedly happened last week, it took everything in her not to roll her eyes. Biting her cheek, she kept her mouth shut of any witty remarks—if only for Kenny’s sake.
She didn’t know why, even after all this time, Kenny kept Don Callis around. However, she respected Kenny too much to pick fights with the balding manager constantly.
As soon as Don left the room, having stated he was going to find Hangman to apologize, Emery let out a huff of annoyance.
“Tch, I can’t believe him.”
“Emery,” Kenny said as she looked over at him. His eyes looked tired, but she could see the silent plea.
Don’t start.
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Ken. Come on—you don’t honestly think that Hangman would—” Emery started, “You know Hangman! I can’t believe I agree with Callis here, but he’s got a point. What’s up with the two of you? You were so close—we all were! How come you didn’t believe him last week when he tried telling you he didn’t do anything?!”
Kenny’s head tilted to the side just a tad as he looked at Emery. This was the last thing he needed, especially with everything going on lately.
“No- no,” she shook her head, holding her hands out, before dropping them to her sides,” I’m going for a walk. I can’t keep---”
Kenny watched silently as she left the room before his head dropped back in agitation. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath before looking at the doctor and telling him to continue on. Kenny had an important match tonight that he had to focus on; it was already complicated enough with what happened to the Bucks. He didn’t need any more distractions.
 Emery stalked down the halls, arms crossed in front of her. She really didn’t get it. Callis had been nothing but mean and condescending to her since she met him—but Kenny never seemed to be there to see it happen. Hell, even Matt had been ready to knock Callis’ teeth down his throat once but backed off in the end.
As she’s walking, Emery hears the BCC music roll through the area as they made their way out to the arena.
“Dalton Castle and the Boys, eh? Hate to say it…” Emery thought, feeling bad for the Ring of Honor mainstays. Eventually, she came upon a camera set up, where Renee stood with Hangman. A lump rose in her throat, and quickly, she turned to walk away before he saw her—but it was too late.
“One sec, Renee—Hey, Emery,” Hangman called out, jogging after her before she got too far away; he stopped just behind her, and since she’d feel bad about ignoring him, Emery slowly turned to face her old friend.
“How… how you doin’?” he asked her, a small smile on his face. She could feel her heart restricting, and Emery wanted nothing more than to smile and talk like before… but she couldn’t.
Could she?
“I—I gotta be going… Kenny’s got a match—”
“Right, right—Cobb,” Hangman nodded, scratching his beard momentarily,” I just—I wanted to check with you really quick. After what happened last week. I didn’t do what Callis is saying, I didn’t push him—”
“No, I know,” Emery told him, taking a deep breath, “I know you didn’t. Just… be careful around him, ‘kay?”
“I see you still don’t trust him,” Hangman gave her a smile. A brief smile crossed her face before disappearing quickly.
“Well, I’ll uh—I’ll let you go then. I got an interview, anyhow. Renee’s waiting…”
“Right….” Emery nodded, her eyes not meeting Hangman’s, so she missed the sad look that crossed his features.
“Be careful out there, Ree,” Hangman told her before turning around and walking back over to Renee, standing in front of the cameras. With a nod, Emery turned and walked away from the area.
Her heart pained at acting so distant with the Cowboy—but she didn’t know what else to do right now. Taking a deep breath, the brunette kept walking around the hallways; she was cool-headed enough to return to Kenny, but he was busy preparing for his match, and she didn’t want to bother him.
A half-hour later, Emery walked towards the go-position, seeing Kenny standing amongst the crates.
“Hey…” she said to him as she got closer. He looked over at her, a small smile briefly on his face.
“Thought you might not come back…” Kenny told her, rolling his neck to loosen it up.
“Yeah… for some reason—I can’t seem to stay mad at you for too long,” Emery gave him a smile, causing him to chuckle softly. Kenny bopped from foot to foot, amping himself up for his match as Cobb’s music began.
“Have you seen Don?”
“Nah, I haven’t,” Emery shook her head. Not that she cared, but it was unlike Callis not to meet Kenny before a match. The IWGP United States championship belt, with its red strap, was around his waist. As she stood there with him, just watching him prepare and stretch his muscles, Emery heard a voice growing closer.
“Yeah—Alright, guys. Are we live here? Okay—Kenny—”
Kenny and Emery both looked over their shoulders, eyeing Tony Schiavone as he stood there with a microphone.
“Just moments ago—” Tony began as Kenny pointed towards the short stairs that he was about to go up. This was rather… irritating, Emery had to admit.
“—Right before the break, the BCC attacked Don Callis and Hangman Adam Page. I don’t—”
“Adam!” Emery thought, looking at Kenny with wide eyes as he looked down at the floor, ingesting the information.
“They attacked Don—” Kenny interrupted Tony, looking back towards the stairs, trying desperately to keep his composure and focus. Emery reached a hand out towards Kenny, gently placing it on his upper arm.
“I know you have a big title match, but I thought you should know.”
Kenny stood there in silence for a moment, emotions running rampant on his face, licking his lip in thought before briefly telling Tony,” I’ve got a match—”
His words became muffled and almost inaudible as he waved off Tony dismissively. Emery gave Schiavone a small, apologetic smile as he backed up.
“Okay, buddy…”
“This is the last thing Kenny needs right now,” Emery frowned, sighing deeply as she watched Kenny bring one hand up and pinch the bridge of his nose, his head hung slightly. Grimacing as he pulled his hand away, Kenny glanced towards the crates beside him, his focus on the match quickly dissipating.
“You’ve got this,” Emery told him, trying to be as supportive as possible. Kenny’s old music hit, the sound of Devil’s Sky flowing through the arena as it was bathed in the blue lights.
Trying to shake the thoughts from his head, Kenny climbed the steps and walked out onto the stage, Emery following along right behind him. Standing behind him, she tried to keep as much emotion off her face as possible, forcing a small smile on her face for the crowd and fans. Pointing to the sky, pyro went off beside them before the two walked down the ramp toward the ring. Kenny stopped briefly at the steps to the ring, trying to focus on the task at hand. As he stood there, Emery looked at him, taking in his left elbow that was bandaged in black tape and the blue kinesio tape on the left side of his abdomen.
Jeff Cobb was not an opponent that you wanted to fight while injured in any way and lack focus.
Emery stayed on the floor, giving a curt nod to Kenny as he stood in the corner of the ring while the referee held the belt up. He returned the nod; his expression was flat, emotionless, as he tried to focus. The bell rang, and the two locked up; it didn’t take long for Emery to become very concerned as Kenny began to clutch his abdomen. Hobbs caught onto it, too, and started to zero in on it when he could. She could tell, as she paced ringside, calling out to Kenny in support—that he was not fully there. His body was there, sure, and his brain and heart. But Kenny’s soul was not in the match—it was far away.
Was he concerned about the Bucks? About Hangman? Or was he concerned about Callis still?
Emery wanted to believe that it was the Bucks and Hangman that caused his lack of focus, but something told her that she was wrong. As she watched Cobb stand on Kenny’s back, his full weight pressing into the already sore ribs, Emery winced, backing up from the apron.
“Come on, Kenny! You got this!” she called out, trying to will him back into it somehow. Peering around the corner post, she watched in horror and concern as Cobb picked Kenny up from the floor and sent him stomach-first into the barricade around the ring. Emery felt her entire body tense up, her teeth grinding as she watched—quickly spinning away to avoid watching as Cobb picked Kenny up and rammed him spine-first into a nearby ring post.
Emery felt sick to her stomach the longer the match went on. Every time Kenny would attempt to lift Cobb up, he’d buckle as his ribs cried out in protest. Every defense Kenny tried to mount would end the same way—his ribs sending sharp pains through his body, causing him to buckle to the ground and allow Cobb to get the upper hand once more.
She had no idea how he managed to do it, but Kenny pulled off a string of defenses, picking up Cobb and performing a snapdragon suplex, quickly following it with a V-Trigger and another snapdragon. However, after the second suplex, Cobb got up, and with a lariat, Kenny was back down, clenching at his ribs.
The thought of tossing in the towel, if only to save Kenny from serious injury, occurred to Emery several times—but if she had done that, it would cost him the championship.
And that was one thing Emery could never do to him. Kenny worked hard and put himself through a lot to get each championship. Especially after losing all the titles he had back in 2021 so he could take a break and get what surgeries he needed to heal his body.
Emery watched as Kenny climbed the corner turnbuckles, preparing to launch an attack—wincing as Cobb caught Kenny right under the chin with a fierce headbutt. From her spot, she could hear the impact, making her worry that Kenny might have a broken or fractured jaw. She turned her back, not wanting to watch as Cobb delivered a delayed vertical suplex from the turnbuckle—and with a grimace, she heard the impact Kenny’s body made with the matt when he landed. Risking a glance over her shoulder, Emery felt her heart breaking as she watched Kenny writhe in pain, his back arching off the matt below him.
A two-count pin for Cobb only served as the beginning, as he performed a moonsault press and went for another pin—but again, Kenny managed to kick out at 2. Cobb pulled Kenny over to the ropes closest to Emery, pushing him into them to do more damage, but only briefly. The ref backed him off, and Emery hurried to Kenny to check on him. Gasping for air, his eyes glazed over as he fought to breathe through the pain. She glanced up briefly at Cobb, standing behind Kenny; he gave her a wink, holding his hand up like Kenny does before he delivered a V-Trigger, and as he ran at Kenny, Emery jumped away from the impact.
“Kenny!” Emery called out, wondering if throwing in the towel was the right thing to do after all. He’d forgive her eventually… wouldn’t he? Biting her lip, she watched as Cobb lifted Kenny up for a one-winged angel, and anger coursed through her at the mockery—but she quickly smiled as Kenny slipped out of it and went for a one-winged angel of his own. It was a mistake, though, because as soon as he tried lifting Cobb off the matt, his ribs gave out, and he landed on his knee.
“Come on Kenny! You got this!” Emery yelled at him, turning to the audience to try and get them behind Kenny. He shook his head, clearing the cobwebs for a moment, before performing a ripcord V-Trigger on Cobb, getting the larger man’s chin with his knee, and quickly following it with a V-Trigger. Emery held her breath, watching as Kenny lifted Cobb up, keeping him on his shoulders for a substantial period of time—probably longer than he should have—before successfully doing a one-winged angel and going for the pin.
At the three count, Emery jumped in joy, and her arms stretched out to the sky as she smiled; Kenny clutched his ribs, rocking back and forth as he lay on the matt. Despite the excitement of the win, Emery grew extremely worried for him. Kenny managed to kneel in the middle of the ring, his shoulders visibly heaving as he struggled to breathe. As he eventually made it to his feet, Emery climbed up onto the apron, smiling at Kenny- and he returned the smile, but it quickly disappeared into a grimace as he fell back to his knees, clutching his ribs.
Emery knelt down on the outside of the ring apron as Kenny slowly crawled over towards her.
“Hey, give me a number Ken. How bad is it?” Emery asked him, frowning at how hard it was for him to breathe.
“I’ll—I’ll be—fine,” he choked out, trying to level his breathing.
“Kenny—” she started to argue, but the crowd began to stir at something, and as she looked around, Emery felt her heart drop. Blackpool Combat Club jumped over the barricade and slowly circled around the ring. Kenny saw the fear in her eyes, looking over his shoulder to see what it was before he began to worry. Unable to stand, Kenny kept spinning around carefully on his knees, trying to keep all three members in his line of sight.
“Stay back, Emery,” Kenny called out to her as she stayed perched on the apron.
“What? No! Kenny, I can help—”
“No!” He exclaimed, his eyes landing on her. As she stared into his blue eyes, Emery could see the concern and the uncertainty he was feeling; she could help—she knew she could, and he knew she could.
So why was he having her stand back?
“That’s right Lil girl,” Mox drawled, as he paced the side of the ring closest to her, “Might wanna stay out of this.”
Looking back to Kenny, Emery saw his focus was once again on BCC as they slowly climbed up onto the apron. Biting her tongue, and against her better judgment, Emery carefully slid off the apron she was on. Just as BCC was about to enter the ring, Bryan Danielson’s music blasted through the arena—catching everyone by surprise.
Hope surged through her as Bryan entered the ring, and BCC fled to the side, gathering together outside the ring. Kenny is just as surprised as anyone and uncertain about Bryan’s intentions.
“What are you doing?”
Emery heard Claudio call out to Bryan but got no answer. Turning to Kenny, Bryan held out a hand to help him up. A smile found its way onto Emery’s face, thinking that maybe- just maybe- Kenny would make it out without further injury. Though he was uncertain, Kenny eventually took Bryan’s hand, and no sooner had Kenny gotten to his feet than he took off, sprinting across the ring to knock Yuta off the apron. The younger man had been trying to sneak into the ring, but Kenny had seen him instantly. Astonished at his sudden gust of energy, Emery was focused on Kenny and completely missed Bryan crouching down in the corner opposite of her friend—and was shocked when Kenny turned around, walking right into a knee to the face.
“KENNY!” Emery yelled, pressing against the apron as Bryan locked Kenny into a face lock, and the rest of BCC slid into the ring, beginning their attack.
Ignoring that Kenny had told her to stand back, Emery reached up and grabbed the second rope- using it to pull herself up onto the apron, fully prepared to get into the ring, only to be cut off before she could. Mox knelt down in front of her, blocking her path with a sickening smirk on his face.
“Nah nah nah,” Mox mocked, waving his finger back and forth, “Listen to daddy. He said stay.”
Narrowing her eyes as she glared at him, Emery slowly lowered herself back to the floor. Her eyes darted past Mox to where Kenny was; Bryan still had him in a headlock while Yuta and Claudio kicked at him. The timekeeper had begun to ring the bell repeatedly, trying to get some assistance to the ring to stop the attack. The first people out were Brandon and Nakazawa, but Mox and Claudio quickly took them out as Yuta continued to kick at Kenny.
Emery watched helplessly as some security came out to try and stop BCC, only for the group to take them out. Finally, Bryan let go of Kenny and stood up with a sickening smile as BCC stood beside him.
They all dropped their gazes from the crowd to Emery, each gaze saying the same statement.
Mox walked up to the ropes and yelled down to her.
“Your elite boys ain’t shit.”
Bryan joined him by saying,” By the time we’re done. There will be no Elite left in AEW.”
Claudio nodded, adding a warning, “It’d be best if you just stayed out of it. We don’t want to hurt a pretty face.”
Yuta stayed silent, and a part of her felt like the silence hurt more than the words from the other members of BCC. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Emery watched as BCC climbed out of the ring, and the second it was clear, she scurried into the ring and over to Kenny’s battered body.
His eyes were open, but there was a faraway look in them. Emery gently placed her hands on his arm, too worried to make him feel more pain than he was already in. As the ringside doctor joined her beside Kenny and began to check on him, Emery watched silently, wondering.
How much longer was this going to go on? How much more could the Elite take?
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(Request) Thoughtful
Request: Heres 1: The Revenged Ending but with Ellie In it.
Hey, thank you for the request and I'm really sorry for the wait. As always you all can send in anything to me. 
Tw/Tags: Revenged Ending, Canon Divergence, Ellie's POV, Angst, Hurt/No Comfort, Mild Violence, Background Character Death, & Unhappy Ending
Ellie didn't know much about this Henry Stickmin guy other than that she felt sorry for him. The single time she ever saw him was when she was back at the Wall, he had escaped in a spectacularly odd way though from what she can only presumed didn't end well for him. Shaking her head, she didn't feel much of anything towards the man, a mere stranger in her weary eyes. Revenge was such a petty thing anyways when she decided for the better to ignore the news on every screen she passed by detailing his case. It was plainly unfortunate. 
"Shucks, what happened to him?" A stranger said, a heavy southern accent ringing in the background as she hovered near the bar's main booth waiting for a drink. 
"Eh. Not really. He deserved it. Like those criminals he took down" Another voice, likely the first stranger's friend replied in a brazenly careless manner, "And please he just unknowingly made it easier for the military to handle. Killing two birds with one stone, you get it, right?"
"I suppose... Nobody shoulda died in a fiery way like that though? From what I heard he was still alive when he crashed that huge ol' airship into that space thingy?" 
Turning around halfway she saw the pair in the corner of her eyes sitting in a small booth together opposite to one another while nursing their third drinks where the second harshly spoke up, "Ah who cares, man. He was a lowlife criminal. They are all. He backstabbed everyone he came across, the military, whoever else was in his way. Honestly he made it out far too easy" 
Swallowing the lump stuck in her throat, the redhead grimaced, switching her attention over to the bartender standing in front of her, "Uh. May I have a drink? Anything strong you got, please" 
The bartender didn't say anything to her thankfully, only nodding in response when  making her the requested drink and as she received it a minute later in her hands. 
"Thank you" She tiredly sighs, taking in a breath, then takes a long, anxious look at the half full, clear glass contemplating her whole life. Immediately she downed nearly the entire drink in one gulp; it was in fact quite strong and bitter, she noted with a sudden shiver. Fiddling around with the cold cup she huffs out in exhaustion. Every moment from managing to break free from her prison to now she's tired for no real reason. Closing her eyes she imagined what life would've been if there were different choices had been made, one where she was able to live happily, free with supportive friends yet she tended to see the same sad thing.  
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