#but I also got lunch with my girlfriend and saw her after her class so not too bad
Me yesterday: I don’t have class Tuesdays I’m gonna be so productive tomorrow!!
Me today: finds out I’m not a full time student so I don’t get my scholarship until it’s fixed so it’s imperative I get into the acting class I want to take and I gotta fill out a form and go Find both professors to get them to sign off on them, also finds out I’ve been accepted into my intro to law class but missed the 24 hour window so I had to call the registering office and luckily I was the only one on the list so they let me in
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sheeple · 2 months
Heirs of Hogwarts | part 3
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Genre(s): Nuisance to Lovers / Fake dating / Fluff / No Voldy au Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Mattheo Riddle x Hufflepuff!Reader Summary: After finding out your (now ex)boyfriend cheated on you with the girl he told you not to worry about, you decide to get into a fake relationship with the kid of another founder of Hogwarts. What could go wrong? Warning(s): Matt's thirsty (but so are you also lowkey) / Awkward family moments / Visuals (Don't like them? Don't use them🤷🏻‍♀️) / I suck at writing kiss scenes (yes it's happening) / it's spicy but not full on smut (smut adjacent) A/n: For now this is the end of the mini-series. Thank you all for enjoying my story and see you all in the next one! [Masterlist] [part 1] [part 2]
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Normally you would love to be proven right. Revel in the knowledge that they should have listened to you. But now? Fuck being right. You don't want to right. 
You've been carrying the letter with you for a couple of days and the weight of it makes your schoolbag makes it feel like it's filled with bricks. The letter is weighing you down, and everybody around you seems to notice it. Especially Mattheo. You still hang out with him, of course, but every time the words are on the tip of your tongue, you chicken out.
"Have you told him yet?", asks Susan as she sees you reading the letter again during lunch.
Giving her a frowned look, you shake your head. How in Merlin's name can you inform him that 'hey, my parents want to meet you because Meemaw saw us sneak into my dorm. Now they think we are together and having sex and want to meet the hypothetical father of my hypothetical baby if we were actually having hypothetical sex and not being careful. All hypothetically of course. Why else would I sneak a boy into my dorm?' 
Not casually at least. 
You look over towards his table and meet his eyes. He motions with his head towards the door. You nod with a small smile and finish your juice. "See you in class."
"Have fun with your boyfriend!", she calls after you and you flip her off. 
"What was all that about?", asks Mattheo with a small smile while the two of you walk side by side towards Herbology. 
You shrug, scratching the nailbed of your thumb. You feel a sharp pain but you continue. You know now more than ever that this is the time. "I've... I've received a letter. From my parents." You fish the letter out of your bag and hold it out for him.
Mattheo stops and looks unsurely towards the folded-up paper. When you give him a nod he unfolds the letter. You watch nervously how his eyes scan over the words.
When he stays silent, you begin to panic. "We- you don't have to! I can totally write my parents back and tell them... something! That we broke up or whatever."
"You've got nieces?" He's got a soft smile on his face as he traces the embellishments of the letter. Of course, the stationery of House Hufflepuff has its letters decorated to match the vibe of the family name.
With a shake of your head, you run a hand over your hair. "Out of everything... the thing you focus on is my nieces? Not that fact that my parents want to meet you?"
Mattheo shrugs, handing you the letter back. "Yeah, so what? That's what boyfriends do, don't they? Meet their girlfriend's parents. Fake relationship or not. Wasn't it your parents you wanted to fool?"
That shuts you up and a flaring heat spreads over your face and neck, even towards the points of your ears. "I-I yeah... But I never imagined them doing this! Then I would have never done all this to you!" With a guilty look, you slowly reach for one of his hands. You rub slow circles over the back of his hand.
Mattheo's brain short circuits as his eyes focus on your hand and his. How soft the pad of your thumb feels against his skin. He wonders if your hands feel as soft on different parts of his body. Or how sharp your nails feel when you scratch his back.
He snaps out of it and shakes his head. Taking his chance, he turns his hand around and laces his fingers with yours. "So... how do I leave a good impression on your parents?"
You think for a moment, looking away. "As superficial as it sounds, they put great value in looking a certain way." In that way they're just like other pure-blood families, you want to add but don't. You don't want to offend him or his family.
With a determent nod, Mattheo starts walking the opposite way you were going, pulling you behind him.
"Where are you taking me? Divination is that way", you point over your shoulder as you catch up to him.
Mattheo gives you a daring smile, his eyes wrinkling playfully. "My dorm. I need your advice on what to wear."
You protest and sputter about your attendance all the way towards the Slytherin dungeons. A snake made of metal rises from the ground and reveals a set of double doors. "Pure-Blood", says Mattheo and the doors swing open. You give him a look and he shrugs. "It's the password. Nothing I can do about it."
"I said nothing!", you laugh, being pulled through the entrance
The common area looks like it's carved out of rock, with marble pillars and arches. Large windows give you a look into the endless depth of the Black Lake, fish swimming by. It takes your breath away how stunning the Slytherin common room looks. It's oh so different from your own, but just as beautiful.
You try to ignore the stares you get from the Slytherin's around the room. You do stand out like a sore thumb with your sunshine yellow robes.
"Don't you ever need to pee very much when you are in the common area?", you ask, motioning towards the waterfall you circle as you enter the common room and the many water features around.
Mattheo rolls his eyes with a smile as he leads you down a corridor and holds open the door for you to enter his dorm. Four four-poster beds with green drapes are arranged in a circle with a heater in the middle of the room, spreading warmth around the room. He motions for you to sit on his bed while he rummages through his closet.
You lean back on your hands as you watch him pull one after the other crumbled-up shirt and pants out of the closet. He sends you a slightly embarrassed look and you hop off his bed.
"Let me have a look", you say softly, pushing him to the side.
"I'm sorry... It's a bit of a mess." He scratches the back of his neck as a slight blush colours his cheeks. 
You wave his worries away as you spot a nice pair of jeans and a not-too-crumpled black shirt. It could totally work paired with a dark green jacket. You lay out the pieces on his bed and look proudly between the outfit and Mattheo. It's something you're parents would approve of while still being himself
"If you wear this with the shirt tucked in and your hair just styled like you always do, everything will be okay." You turn towards him with a smile. 
While you were arranging the clothes, Mattheo snuck closer to you. He now stands so close to you, that you can smell his cologne. Your lips part as you look up at him. "Matt?", you whisper as he slowly cradles your face with both of his hands.
His eyes flicker from your eyes towards your mouth. Your eyes flutter closed as you feel soft puffs of breath on your face.
Mere millimetres before his lips touch yours, the door swings open and the two of you jump away from each other. "God fucking damn it", you hear him grumble under his breath as Enzo and Draco stand in the doorway.
The two boys look at you with wide eyes before Draco's expression morphs into something more teasing. "I hope we didn't interrupt anything", he says slyly, sending a smirk towards Mattheo. Who gives the blond a scalding glare.
Feeling way too awkward about the situation, you quickly gather your things. "I-I have to go. I wouldn't want to be late for my next class." Giving Mattheo a shy smile, you rush out of his dorm and the Slytherin common room — almost stumbling down and then up the stairs. 
Once you deem yourself far away enough, you slump against a wall and cup your scorching hot cheeks. Your heart beats wildly in your chest... and somewhere else. Did that really just happen? Or almost? In Merlin's name, when did you get so hot and bothered about Mattheo Riddle? Not long ago he was a nuisance to you. And now? Now you've almost kissed two times and he's meeting your parents this weekend.
When you close your eyes you still see Mattheo's warm honey ones, looking at you with such softness and want- no need. 
Shaking your head, you steady yourself and with slightly unsteady legs you walk towards Arithmancy.
Meanwhile, back in the boy's dorm, Mattheo collapses onto his bed and curses out his friends. "Fucking twats!" He presses the balls of his hands into his eyes, frustration running rampant through his body. 
This was the second time someone interrupted him trying to kiss you. Just when he has gathered the courage to do so. First your friends and now his own. Who out there has it so out for him to cockblock him two times.
Draco and Enzo just look with high amusement towards their frustrated-to-no-end friend. They're gonna take this moment and tease him forever with it.
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You don't get a chance to talk to Mattheo about the kiss. To talk to him in general. Because every time the two of you spot each other, either his or your friends wisk you away and it's driving you mad. It's like they planned it together or something.
It makes you all sulky because you want to discuss what happened between the two of you multiple times. You want answers — which you are lowkey scared of. But it's better to rip the bandage off quickly and get your heart broken than live with questions and never get an answer.
You walk into the Great Hall that Saturday, your fingers anxiously clawing at the nailbeds. But you've taken precautions and bandaged up your thumbs so you can't scratch. The pain stays but there's no blood.
"Don't you look all lovely", smiles Hanah brightly, making you twirl. 
You smile and show her a cheeky leg as the split in your skirt falls perfectly when you sit. "Well...", you let out a nervous sigh, "Matt's meeting my parents today. So, we have to look the part, don't we?"
Your friends' eyes bulge out at the nickname you gave Slytherin bad boy Mattheo Riddle. Nobody ever dared to call him anything other than his name. 
"Is that why he was not-so-subtly sneaking glances at us before you came?", wonders Susan out loud, which makes you tense up.
Looking at the Slytherin table, you find Mattheo easily. He gives a small wave with a smile and you return the gestures. "I'm going to sit over there. I have to prepare him from the wolves."
Slowly, you rise from your table and walk to the other side of the Great Hall. You feel the eyes of the Hufflepuff's and Slytherin's on you. But the only important ones are Mattheo's liquid honey ones, who look at you in wonder.
"Hi", you whisper when you finally reach him.
"Hi", he whispers back, a wide smile on his face.
"Can I sit with you?"
Without hesitation, he nods and slides to the side, almost shoving Enzo into Blaise's lap. He pats the now-empty spot next to him and you swing your leg over the bench. Mattheo zero's in on your bare leg and his brain shortcircuits.
You try to ignore the weird looks the Slytherin's present are giving you as you reach over and grab a piece of toast. You meet Hannah and Susan's eyes from across the room and they give you enthusiastic thumbs-up.
Swallowing your bite, you turn towards the boy next to you to say something. But your words die on your tongue at the look Mattheo gives you. It's unreadable. But not bad unreadable. There is some fondness in there you believe. "I have to warn you, by the way."
He cocks his head to the side, an easy smile on his face. "For your parents?"
A snort escapes you and you shake your head. "No- well... maybe my dad will grill you. But my brothers are way worse. They will either try to embarrass me or you."
"How many do you have?"
"Brothers? Four. There's a twin pair in there too. They are the second youngest after me."
Mattheo pales slightly. Four brothers? He found Thomas already trouble enough. But Four? He knows he's in for some shit.
You can't help but laugh as he visibly pales. Taking his hand, you pat it. You look around the Slyherin's. They all look very amused at Mattheo's despair.
The two of you finish your breakfast before it's time to go. Your parents expect you for lunch but knowing your family, there's not going to be time during just lunch. 
"How are we getting to your home?", questions Mattheo as you both walk through the halls towards Professor Sproud's office. 
You knock on the door and when there's no answer, you enter the room. "Via portkey. Which should arrive any second now." And like you said, a little yellow cup appears on the desk. 
Placing a hand on the cup, you hold the other out for him to take. Mattheo does so and the two of you are whisked away from the castle.
You stumble for a second before you find your footing. Taking a deep breath, your senses fill with the floral aroma of your home. It feels good to be back.
"Holy fucking shit", you hear Mattheo whisper under his breath as he looks at the estate your family owns. It looks centuries old, with ivy covering most of the outer walls. A sprawling garden buzzes with bees and butterflies. A fountain is heard somewhere in the back.
You feel slightly embarrassed at Mattheo's slack jaw. This is mostly the reason why you never told about or took anyone home. The house mansion has been in your family's name for centuries. It's said that Meemaw bought it, but there's no proof of it.
"Come on." You tug him by his hand towards the front door. Mattheo's too caught up by the exterior of the house that he bumps into you when you stop in front of the front door. "Ready?", you ask, and he shakes his head.
As you ring the bell, Mattheo looks at the inscribing above the door. "Dum spiro spero, vi et animo. What does that mean?"
"As long as I breathe I hope, with strength and courage", says your father as he opens the door with a wide smile. "It's our family's motto. Nice to meet you, son." He holds out his hand for Mattheo to shake.
As he pulls the boy inside, you try your bestest to not cringe. "Dad this is Mattheo. My boyfriend." You shyly glance towards Mattheo to gauge his reaction. A slight blush paints his cheeks and you bite your lip hiding your smile.
Your dad shakes the dark-haired boy's hand enthusiastically. He starts to ramble off about the family motto and what it means and it morphs into an in-depth history lesson about the house. How the tiles and pillars in the foyer are at least four hundred years old and how they're kept in such fine condition by magic.
"Dad!", you call out, not having missed the hidden panicked looks Mattheo has given you, trying his best to look interested. "Don't you think it's a little early for Staghill History 101? Let the boy breathe."
Your father lets go of Mattheo with a jolly laugh, his moustache curling upwards. "You are right. I am so sorry, good chap. Why don't you two go to the library while I round up the twins? They're all very excited to meet him."
Tugging on Mattheo's hand, you nod. "Sure. Make sure they clean off any dirt before Mum has an aneurysm. Again."
As you lead him towards the south wing, you stop just outside of the library. "Are you okay? I'm sorry. My dad's a lot and he's just happy to see anyone and everyone. Could be Father Christmas with how jolly he is." You scratch the back of your neck awkwardly, looking away.
Mattheo laughs. "It's okay. He's... nice. Now I get where you get it from."
"What?", you question with a cock of your head.
Mattheo wets his bottom lip, his eyes focused on yours. "That twinkle in your eyes when you talk about something you're passionate about." He reaches out for your flaming hot cheeks, cupping them.
The doors to your right swing open and the two of you feel like little children caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Your oldest brother, Felix, raises one disapproving brow and the two of you quickly step away from each other.
"Is it them? Don't hog the door, you big oaf!" Behind Felix appears Herbert, immediately engulfing you in a big, bone-crushing hug. 
"They were snogging", says Felix, walking back towards the couch he always sits on when he visits home. His comment earns him a swat from his wife next to him.
"We were not!", you protest scandalised, wrestling out of Herbert's hold. "We were just... It's none of your business what we were doing!" You grab Mattheo's hand and walk into the library, towards your mother.
He scoffs under his breath, mumbling; "You made it everybody's business when you let Meemaw catch you." That earns him another swat from his wife and a stern look from your mother. 
"Mum", you say after giving her a hug, tugging Mattheo closer, "I would like you to meet Mattheo."
"It's very nice to meet you, ma'am." Mattheo puts on his most charming smile while holding out his hand. 
Your mother shakes her head and gives him one of her signature warm hugs. "None of that! Call me Clementine. Or Clemmy. Or Ma. You're practically family now!"
You blanch, shrinking into yourself. Dear Lord. Why does your mom need to be so much?
Felix snorts. "Is he to stay? What happened to that bloke from Christmas?"
Yours and Mattheo's eyes meet and you purse your lips. "I rather not speak about it..."
That gets their attention, both men leaning forward in their seats. "What did he do?"
"Nothing!" You grow irritated at their endless questions as your mom ushers the two of you towards a couch. Sitting closely together, Mattheo lays a hand on your knee. You don't know if it's to comfort you or to ground himself.
Herbert studies the two of you with his eyes narrowed. He purses his lips while leaning back into the chair. "He beat the ex up, didn't he?"
"Oh, my Gods! Can you not play detective about my life? Stop talking about my ex with my new boyfriend right next to me", you scowl, not wanting the two of them to flip out over something that you're way past.
At that, your mother claps in her hands. "That's right! Mattheo, why don't you tell me something about yourself? What house are you in for instance?"
Mattheo glances nervously towards you and you lay a hand over his own, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "I'm in Slytherin, ma'am. I hope that isn't an issue."
Your mom chortles and waves his concern away. "Oh please, we aren't that kind of family."
"Speaking of family", pipes Herbert from across the room, "Who's family you belong to?"
Both your mom and you sputter and scold Herbert. But the twins coming in gives your brother his answer.
 "Why on Meemaw's good name is Mattheo Riddle sitting next to our sister?", sneers Victor, Danny leering over his shoulder.
A groan escapes you while you slink down the couch, hiding your face in your hands. You had hoped that Mattheo's family wouldn't be a subject. The twins are the only ones from your family who have seen the kind of nuisance Mattheo has been to you before leaving school last year. Of course, it looks very fucking weird that he is now cosying up to you, his hand on your knee and claiming to be your boyfriend.
You feel everybody's eyes on the two of you. Mattheo shrinks down under the many gazes, his hold on you tightening in a silent plea to not abandon him right now.
Not knowing how to get away under the scrutiny, you glance at your mom. She looks shocked and when she meets your eyes, her gaze softens before turning stern. "Didn't I always tell you boys to not judge people? What can the poor boy do about which cradle he was born into? So get off your high horses and be nice to the boy!" She stands with her hands on her hips, berating your brothers.
"What did I miss?", asks your father, standing in the doorway with a tray filled with cookies and teacups, the teapot floating behind him.
"Nothing", smiles your mother, turning towards you, "I was just saying that Mattheo should have a tour of the house. Why don't you do that, honey?"
Getting what she's implying, you nod exuberantly. "Yeah, right! Let's go." 
Mattheo's all too happy to escape the tense room and quickly follows after you, walking with a big arch around the twins, who are still glaring at him.
"I am so sorry." You cast your eyes towards the floor as the two of you walk through one of the many art-lined hallways. "I- There is no excuse for how they treated you..."
Mattheo's hand on your waist makes you stop and look up at him, unsheathed tears dancing in your waterline. He tuts, wiping away the single one that has managed to escape. "Don't cry, pretty girl. It's a warranted reaction. I'm used to it by now. How awkward it was anyways."
You pout while leaning into his hand. "That's horrible Matt. You don't deserve to be treated like that because your father made a wrong choice!"
"It was more than a wrong choice, lovely. Besides, there's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin, remember?" He laughs, but you see that there's sadness in his eyes.
With a shake of your head, you lean closer to him. "You aren't bad! Such a vile stereotype."
This time a genuine laugh bubbles out of Mattheo's chest. "Oh, sweet, sweet, Hufflepuff", he trances your cheek with the pads of his fingers, "there are many things that make me as bad as they say. Mostly for the thoughts I have about you."
Your brain short circuits and you blink up at him, processing his words. He has what? Heh?
Mattheo chuckles at your dumbfounded look. Oh, how cute you are when you are clueless. He clasps his hands behind his back and looks around. "Is there anything in particular you want me to see?", he asks, throwing you a bone.
That seems to snap you out of your daydream of what Mattheo could do to you and you shake your head. "Yes. There is one final person I have to introduce you to."
The two of you walk side by side as he studies both muggle and magical paintings. You lead him towards the main sitting with an empty frame with a chair hanging above the fireplace. Dragging an ottoman over, you motion for Mattheo to follow your lead and climb on top of the cushions.
"Meemaw", you call out towards the empty portrait, "I would like to meet someone."
It takes a second or two before your ancestor appears from the side, graciously draping herself and her skirts on the chair. "My littlest Badger! How are you, my dear?"
You lean closer, smiling. "Hello, Meemaw. I would like you to meet someone." You motion towards Mattheo, who looks with big eyes at her.
"Isn't that...?"
Heat spreads over your face and you bite your bottom lip. "I- yeah..."
"Mattheo Riddle, your ladyship." He bows slightly, earning a hearty laugh from her. 
"Aren't you a charmer? You musn't call me ladyship. Just Helga is fine. Or Meemaw, seeing as you are our littlest badger's love." She sends you a doting smile. "Say, if I may ask; aren't you one of Salazar's boys?"
"Yes. I hope that isn't an issue for you, Helga."
She waves his concerns away. It surprised you how easily Meemaw's taken by Mattheo. He's a naturally charming person when he wants to be after all.
"Oh, of course not, dear boy! Your great-grandfather and I had a... very special relationship of our own when we were younger. It warms my heart that our descendants have found each other." A fond look paints her face as she looks off in the distance. 
As a melancholy glimmer befalls her, you take that as your cue to leave. "I have to continue my tour of the house, Meemaw. See you later."
Waving her off, you hop off the ottoman and put it back in the right place before exiting the sitting room. A sigh escapes your lips and you swing your arms back and forth. Mattheo gives you a raised brow before taking your hand in his and continuing the swinging.
It's nice. The two of you just walking and talking about nothing special in particular. You sometimes point out some facts about you growing up around the house. "In that room, we always used to build pillow forts in." Or "I once ran against that door and lost both my front teeth. They were loose anyways", you add quickly at his concerned look.
Everything's so easy with Mattheo that it scares you. How are you supposed to go back to strangers after your arrangement has come to an end? Can you even go back to strangers? Even if Mattheo doesn't feel the same, you wish you at least could stay friends. Because he's genuinely a nice person to hang out with. It would sadden you to lose him.
The ring of a bell plucks you from your thoughts and you turn towards where the sound came from. "Oh! Dinner's ready." You lead the both of you towards the dining room, taking shortcuts and hidden doors. Mattheo chuckles as you press open another hidden panel before finally arriving in said room.
Out of habit, you go to sit at your usual place at the table and Mattheo follows you. But as he pulls the chair back, Danny is quick to sit in it. After sending a glare at your brother, you look apologetic towards the dark-haired boy. His eyes scan the room and the only free seat is right in front of you, between Herbert and Felix. 
Mattheo sighs and takes place on the empty seat. He feels your brothers stare at him, and he does his best to try and act normal. He smiles politely and answers any questions your mother asks him. Eventually, he learns that — who he believes is Felix — is a beater for the Caerphilly Catapults. His wife plays for the Holyhead Harpies and that's how they met each other. 
Dinner seems to pass by smoothly — not counting the snarky remarks of the twins. But they're dicks. As everybody starts to collect the dishes, your father clears his throat. "Why don't you all go outside and...", he glances towards Mattheo, "Take a lap around the fountain so Mattheo and I can have a heart-to-heart."
Both you and Mattheo send slightly panicked looks towards each other as he gets led away by your father. As your brothers let out an 'oooh', you jab Danny in his side with your elbow. He rubs his side with a slight pout and you poke out your tongue. 
"The last one is a rotten egg!", yells Victor and he sprints towards the back door. You let out a curse and start sprinting after him, the others following. 
While you and your brothers race towards the burrow, Mattheo gets led towards your father's office. He anxiously takes place in the chair in front of your father's desk. The man leans forward and studies the Slytherin boy with narrowed eyes. 
"What are your intentions with my daughter?", he asks, getting straight to the point. 
What are his intentions? Well... he can think of a few things. But none are parent-approved answers. "I like her. I really do, Sir. I wouldn't dare to hurt her." Because that is the truth. He always had a crush on you, but getting to know you? You're everything and so much more than he imagined. 
Your father hums. "I ask this because I have received some chatter that you've been in a... physical altercation with one Malcolm Preece. So, Mattheo, what is the deal with that?" He leans back in the leather chair, one brow raised.
For the first time in a while, Mattheo feels genuinely nervous. And it's not the same kind of nervous before he took you out on your first date. No. This is a different kind of nervousness. A deep-down fear to disappoint the people who he cares about. 
And yes, you are one of those people he realises. He cares about you the most.
Lying will do no good. Because, as your father has shown, he somehow has a way to get information about what happens at school. "In all honesty, sir, Preece was threatening your daughter. They broke up and he kept bothering her. It... indeed got physical because some guys don't know when to take a hint." 
Your father purses his lips, his eyes scanning over Mattheo's face. Searching for a sign of dishonesty. But he finds none. 
"Did you at least get him good?"
That makes the dark-haired boy laugh. "Yes, sir. He won't dare to bother her again."
Your father stands up from his chair and holds out his hand for Mattheo to shake. With a smile and a firm handshake, he says, "You did good son. Now, I believe someone's way too anxious to wait a second longer." He points towards the door, where a shadow is seen pacing under through the crack.
Mattheo closes the door behind him and sees you look at him with wide eyes, chewing on your thumb. "How did it go? What did Dad say?" You fling your arms around him and press your cheek against his shoulder.
He smiles and wraps his arms around you. "Don't worry. Everything's fine." When you look up at him, he cradles your face and wipes away some stray dirt. "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it", he smiles.
You roll your eyes but can't help but smile. "Fine. You know what, if we leave now, we maybe have some time left before curfew."
A smirk grows on Mattheo's face while he wetts his bottom lip. "And do what?"
"I don't know", you shrug playfully, pulling him with you, "We will see."
"Absolutely not", says your mother when you come and say your goodbyes. "Your room is already set up. Fresh sheets and everything! Wasn't that clear from my letter?"
Your eyes dart nervously towards Mattheo, who gives you the same look. You silently ask him if he's okay with it. If he's not uncomfortable. He shrugs. He's not too bothered by the idea of staying over.
A sigh escapes you. "Fine. But we don't have anything to sleep in."
Your mother claps in her hands and gets up from the couch, motioning for the both of you to follow her. She leads you through the house, towards your bedroom. 
The smell of clean cotton hits you as soon as you enter your room and you breathe in the smell. That's one of the many things you miss about your home. The house elves of Hogwarts don't use the same detergent as your mother and it just hits a special spot in your brain when you finally smell it.
"I'll grab a pair of Felix's clothes for you, Mattheo." Your mother pats his shoulders before exiting the room.
The boy in question stands in the middle of your bedroom and a smile grows on his face. He can't explain why but it so much you. In the short period he has gotten to know you, this is exactly the type of room he imagined you to have. Maybe with fewer plants.
A four-poster bed stands in the middle of the room, facing a fireplace. On top of the bed grows some hanging plants that spread onto the walls and turn into wallpaper. There's a cosy-looking chair next to the fireplace with tons of pillows and blankets. 
You watch him eyeing the chair and you mention towards it. "You can sit in it if you want. It gives you also a really nice view over the garden." 
Mattheo does so, burying himself between the pillows. The garden is almost too perfect with the way it's lit up by floating lights and lightningbugs. When he looks back at you to comment on the beautifulness, he sees you pull away the many pillows from your bed into a trunk at the front of your bed and readying the bed for sleeping.
"I... I can sleep on the ground- if you're more comfortable with that. I could even fall asleep in this chair."
You stop what you're doing and look at him with such a scandalised look that it makes him shrink. "Uhm how about no? I dragged you into this, like hell I let you sleep on the floor!"
Your mother comes back at the right time with a pair of joggers and a shirt in her hands. She gives him a warm smile as she hands him the clothing, instructing him to where the bathroom is. Mattheo takes that as his saving grace to get a moment of his own. He has to admit, your family is a lot. This whole situation is a lot. And he has nobody to blame for it except himself.
Not that he blames himself. He's quite enjoying himself, being with you, meeting your parents and seeing where you grew up. He now gets why you are how you are. How you can shine so bright because your parents do everything to lighten you.
When he comes back you are also changed in quite the same outfit as him. You are sitting on your bed, nervously nibbling on the side of your thumb. He strides towards you and grabs your hand, stopping you from destroying your nailbed and making you look up at him.
"Are you okay", he asks, interlacing your fingers.
You nod with a hum, eyes focused on your interlinked hands. "Yeah... I'm just tired from today." You run a hand over your hair, brushing some stray strands out of your face. "Are you okay?"
Mattheo lets out a light-hearted scoff. "Don't worry about me, lovely. My family is much much worse."
You blink, wanting to ask more. But a knock on your door stops you. Your father stands in the door opening, Victor looming over his shoulder and glaring daggers at Mattheo. 
"Will you do your old man a favour and keep the door open? I know it makes you uncomfortable, hun. But I don't think I have to explain why?" He motions with his eyes towards how close the two of you are and with a sigh, you nod.
The house is so old that it creaks and groans with even the slightest breeze. And it freaks you out when you hear it at night. Are you saying that this centuries-old house doesn't have ghosts? Likely.
As your dad walks away, Victor takes a step forward, his jaw taut. "You", he points towards the dark-haired boy, "I'm right next door and these walls aren't as thick as they seem. I will hear everything. No funny business!"
Mattheo sends him a charming smile that you know will irritate Victor. "I promise." But when he turns around when Victor storms away, he shows you his crossed fingers. You let out a giggle and swat him.
After that you take it as a cue to get ready to sleep so you crawl under the covers. Mattheo positions himself between you and the open door and the two of you lay on your backs, staring up at the canopy. 
It... feels weird having Mattheo Riddle next to you in your bed. The even weirder feeling is the desire to keep him there.
You turn so you're facing him, your hands tucked under your pillow. "I've been wondering... When you spoke in Parsletongue, what did you say?"
Mattheo tenses slightly before turning towards you, a pink flush heats up his cheeks. His eyes trace every inch of your face, taking in the details; moles, freckles, perfect imperfections. It makes him want to reach out and trace every one of them.
"Oh I don't remember", he says offhandedly, his eyes fleeing yours.
You scoot closer, a mischievous smile on your face. "Yes, you do! Please tell me. It can't be that embarrassing."
His lips part and the same sounds fill the room, raising goosebumps on your arms. "You are... you are the most beautiful person I know and I don't know if I can keep pretending that this is fake."
Your smile melts off your face and you look with wide eyes towards him. An unsure look fills his eyes as his brows knit together. "Say something", he whispers- begs. A hesitant hand reaches out and gets placed on your cheek.
Your heart beats a million miles an hour and every word just escapes your brain. So you do what you have been wanting to do for a while now. And you kiss him. Pressing your lips against his, you close your eyes while your hand travels from his wrist to his shoulder, gripping him tightly.
Mattheo lets out a surprised humph, his eyes wide as he watches your eyes flutter close. He breathes in deeply before kissing you back, pulling you closer.
Two pairs of lips mould against each other while Mattheo's hand slides down and grips your thigh, wrapping your leg around his middle. Your body melts against his as the kiss grows more fierce, lips parting and tongues exploring each other's mouths. 
A low growl emits from Mattheo as you part, your chest raising and falling rapidly. He zeros in on your neck and decides then and there how kissable the skin looks and that it needs to be marked.
Your head gets thrown back as Mattheo attacks your neck with kisses, licks and bites and you do your best to suppress the breathy moan that wants to escape you. You bite your bottom lip as your eyes squeeze close. 
Mattheo's lips travel down, tracing the shape of your throat with his teeth and he flips the both of you over, hovering above you. He relishes in your bitten raw lips and the half-lidded look you give him. The way your chest raises and makes your shirt tighten... he thanks whatever god there is out there that made this possible.
His admiring takes too long in your opinion and you grab the back of his head, yanking him down so he kisses you again. Mattheo complies and cradles your face, his big hands engulfing your cheeks, feeling the heat underneath them. 
He pecks your lips a few times before trailing down, Mattheo's hands finding the hem of your sleep shirt. He glances at you and only continues after a nod. He pushes your shirt up, above your breast while his lips trail from your chin, neck, and collarbones, to your sternum. 
When he flattens his tongue tentatively against one of your nipples, a moan escapes you. It makes him smirk against your skin, doing it again. 
"Matt... ah!", you squeak out, gripping his shoulder.
His tongue swirls against the nub and one of his hands reaches up, clasping a hand over your mouth to silence the sweet noises pouring out of your mouth. Your tongue swipes over one of his fingers. Mattheo presses the pads of his pointer and middle finger against your tongue before sliding into your mouth.
A 'mmph' escapes you while you suck around his digits, hands trying to ground yourself as everything feels too much; his tongue against your boob, his fingers in your mouth, and something hard pressing against your core. 
Your hands find the hem of his shirt and your nails rake up against his bare back. He moans against you and releases your nipple with a 'pop'. He looks at you with dark eyes and swollen lips while he lowers himself towards your core.
While his fingers dance over the elastic of your underwear, you push his fingers out of your mouth. "Matt wait..."
As if your words scorched him, he's off you immediately, his chest raising rapidly and face flushed. "I'm-I'm sorry. I got a little carried away..."
You sit up, pushing your shirt down and shaking your head. "No... please don't- it's okay. I-I enjoyed it too. It's just...", you cradle his face and peck his lips, "I don't want our first time to be in my childhood bedroom and avoid making too much noise."
Mattheo leans into your touch and kisses your palm. You pull him down with you and lay on top of his chest. When you move your legs, you accidentally bump against his boner. You sputter out an apology, feeling bad for blue-balling him.
His hands grab your hips tightly and he presses you closer against his body. He brings his lips towards your ear. "Don't worry about it, Princess. Because when I have the chance, I'm gonna fuck you so good you forget our whole relationship was fake to begin with."
Oh Gods, you created a monster... 
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Tag list (bold means I couldn't tag you): @mylosz0 @kermits-bitch @jolly4holly @daisiesformylove @frogtape @dancing-inasnowglobe @slytheos @undercover-smutlover @reverse-soe @nikkissecretlibrary @moon-struck-meraki @bengbengbengi @justhavingsomefun1 @itsamusical4lifee @genshingeeksworld @y0urm0m12 @alnitakstarsky03 @mel-vaz @slytherinboysappreciation @sailtomarina @bubybubsters @jasmine2105 @abaker74 @lovelyygirl8 @vickykazuya @eltrss @llpovi@m1kasawps @sol3chu @ledtassoo @itsarajr @glittervame
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cosmichahn · 1 month
Melissa Schemmenti x Fem!Reader —☆
about: they always said what happens at PECSA, stays at PECSA...but not this one.
warning/s: mild cursing
word count: 2.6k
note/s: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while, whoops! but anw, hope you guys enjoy it :)
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“Philadelphia 76ers tickets?” You whisper-ask whilst looking at Ava who had just announced it to everyone. “Yeah, I’ll pass.”
It’s teacher appreciation week, and to be fair, you just want to see the band club perform for tomorrow’s assembly. It’s a little piece that you helped them prepare for all of the teachers to watch. This one was kept as a little secret from Janine; no offense to her, but you thought she might twist the crooks and nooks a little with the performance if she found out.
“We have a strong contender, everyone.” Ava grins with malice after what you said which left everyone confused.
“Why are you passing on this opportunity?” Janine gasped, sounding as though she had just got offended.
“If it were a concert from an artist I liked, I wouldn’t pass.” You shrug. “It isn’t, and I might just get confused with everything.”
“I know who to give the two tickets now to, oh, yes.” The principal says which then catches everyone’s attention away from you.
Gregory then asks suspiciously. “What do you mean, two?”
“We only have two tickets and I was gonna give them two to only one teacher.” Ava explained, hearing groans from everyone while you decided to silently excuse yourself and head to your classroom which is on the second floor.
Some of the morning classes have passed, and thus, the first break of the day before lunch. Set in the teachers’ lounge, chaos was something not to be avoided, until Ava asked for everyone to go to the library for an emergency meeting, as well as ask for a Sprite.
As you were about to go on by yourself, Ava proceeded to send you a message that asked for said Sprite. With a silent groan, but a small feel of relief, you just went ahead quickly. Thankfully, the fast food place with Sprite was near the school anyway.
At first, you were a bit lazy to drive off, but on second thought, the meeting was gonna be about the tickets anyway; so it didn’t really bother you as much. You wouldn’t want to spend half an hour listening to others bickering about tickets, although it would be a funny sight to see them arguing and bantering over who gets the tickets, likewise what Ava would feel if she saw that scene herself.
You were then soon on your way to the library after about 15 minutes of driving there and back where you got yourself something while also including Ava’s Sprite. And as you entered the library, “Sorry for being late, Ava. Here’s your Spri-”
“Here is our winner, the owner of the two tickets!” She announced proudly, presenting you similarly to some kind of prize.
Your eyes widened, and your eyebrows furrowed. “Wait, Ava, no! You know what happened the last time you gave something similar to someone who didn’t want it.” Everyone’s stare then transferred to Daryl and his eyelashes. “And why me? Why not Mr. Johnson?”
“Yeah, she’s damn right. I deserve it!” Mr. Johnson preaches from behind with a broom in his hand, like a staff from some Dungeons & Dragons game.
“Because you don’t have anyone to go with and I can be the perfect match to accompany you to this game.” Ava says with a huge smile plastered on her face. “Unless you’re gonna bring your secret girlfriend to the game. Betrayal.” She then looks at Melissa who catches up on what she just said.
“Oh, she’s not- '' You try to explain, placing the fast food bag on one of the tables. “No, no, Ava, you got it wrong.” You add, chuckling nervously.
“Yeah, that’s not what my ears found out when I heard all the flirting in each other’s classrooms, huh?” Ava teased.
“I think this is a little more interesting than basketball right now.” Janine whispers to Jacob and Gregory with a little laugh that escapes her mouth.
“Didn’t we bet on this?” Jacob replies.
With Gregory saying, “Yes, you guys did.”
It started around when the school year started and you and Melissa began to grow closer to each other after a debacle about different cuisines. She mostly stuck with Italian, and you, on the other hand, explored different dishes from different cultures. It was a mutual love for food; that could perhaps have also turned into a mutual liking and interest for each other.
“It’s just a little flirting, Ava.” Melissa shrugs her shoulders, with you agreeing.
“A little friendly banter.” You add.
“PECSA Weekend.” Jacob says and coughs in between words that earned various curious looks from the other teachers and Janine’s eyes widening with her mouth trying to cover a stifled laugh.
You feel a little awkward while mouthing, ‘What the fuck?’ You shake your head at Jacob, with eyebrows furrowed.
‘For the sake of the tickets.’ He mouths back, giving you an apologetic and yet competitive smile.
After nodding your head at him with a ‘What the living Christ, dude?’ expression, you announce that you will be withdrawing from this ridiculous somewhat of a scam that the district offered to the teachers.
“Yeah, let me just slide out of this room. Settle this yourselves.” You purse your lip, before waving goodbye.
Jacob’s gaze transfers to Melissa’s who looks at him with threat as he gulps in an invisible lump in his throat, making his palms extra sweatier than usual.
Meanwhile, just as everyone left the library, Janine and Jacob huddled while walking to their classrooms; with Gregory following them from behind. “I knew it. Something did happen at PECSA.” Jacob says, looking behind him to see if Melissa was behind them or so. “You could say that I am a good guesser.”
“As intriguing as this is, we should just let them be.” Gregory interrupts, before getting laughter as a reply.
“And pass this opportunity for destined love to not intertwine?” Janine raises an eyebrow with a cheeky smile. “Not gonna happen.”
“I’m just thinking of those Basketball tickets.” He says in defense as the two agree.
While that conversation continued on to be about Philadelphia 76ers and board game night, Melissa and Barbara were having a little talk while also heading to their respective classrooms.
“Now how did Jacob know about it?” Melissa wondered with suspicion. She’s fine with people finding out, sure, but she’s thinking of your friendship with her and how some people can be a little extra nosy, which she isn’t a fan of.
“Well, you know Jacob and Janine. Almost always up for schemes and so on.” Barbara says before waving goodbye as she then arrives at her classroom.
Melissa thinks to herself quietly while beginning her class. She enjoyed each and every second with you that night. Intoxicated by alcohol or not, she likes listening to every word you say because it just keeps her ears up. She’s known you for only about a couple of months given that you were only a new teacher at Abbott.
You’ve melted her under your grasp, and though she may be older, you never once made her feel as though she is. You make her feel young and more alive, while at the same time keeping her on her toes. She likes that you reciprocate to her talking about firefighters and different Italian dishes, as well as her family. Melissa isn’t one to trust people too quickly, but she slowly found herself warming up to you.
This has been a constant thought in her head, as well as it’s yours. Just a constant loop. A game of tag. The type of unrequited love that’s obviously mutual love that everyone can see, but manages to not be for both you and Melissa.
After that small inconvenience, or say, exposing secrets in the library, you’re now behind your desk with your laptop in front of you while your class is writing an essay.
The laptop is opened just so you can occupy yourself with something. Just some numbers you’re crunching and a few tests that you’re checking up that you’ll return to your students soon.
Your thoughts then wander to that said PECSA weekend. Alcohol was involved, a bunch of Math-a-ritas later and you’re caught up making out with the hot redhead teacher who just so happens to be Melissa. No feelings were confessed that night, but surely those actions meant something. Hopefully. As you would think.
It remained in your head how it felt the way her hands lingered all over your body, the small groans, her lips against yours. It wasn’t a hookup or a one night stand that happened, as all of it was simply just kissing the whole night until who knows what time it was.
You brought it upon yourself to get drunk with Melissa and invite her to your room; it didn’t take her a second to say yes to you before feeling your back against the cold door with her hand trickling over to the door knob to lock it. She kissed you well, and touched you in places she left cold when she sneaked out the following morning.
‘Didn’t want suspicions to linger. Sorry.’  That was the message she sent when you woke up with your clothes disarray and your lipstick smudges, with her trailing on your neck.
That was about a month ago. Surely, some things changed over the course of a month. Exchanging text messages over those couple of weeks changed, you weren’t that close to each other anymore, and the constant ‘What are we?’ lingered in your mind for more than you want it to.
That night changed what you and Melissa had. For the worse or for the better? You didn’t know.
You sigh in your chair, waiting for the bell to ring as this calls for your next lesson, Music. This one is with Janine’s class.
“Deep in thought, Miss?” Amanda asks. She’s one of the students sitting near your desk. Not with worried intent, but with curiosity.
“Go back to your essay, kid.” You look at her as if denying something in mind.
“Ok, Mrs. Schemmenti.” She blurts out before everyone in the room echoed with ‘Oooh.’s Amanda laughs at your embarrassed demeanor before she apologizes that that might have ended up being a little too personal.
As it turns out word got out about Jacob mentioning PECSA weekend, and not only that, but it was heard by one of the students from Jacob and Gregory’s podcast club, This Abbott Life.
Music class went by like a quick second as it was just a little jamming session with the second graders from Janine’s class.
It’s the end of morning class which means that lunch is on its arrival. Lunch which meant that you have to face Melissa after what seemed like only a small incident that happened a while ago. And so upon pondering over what to do or where to go just to avoid an upcoming awkward situation, you exit the music room after dismissing the class and decide to go to your own classroom upstairs to eat lunch.
Walking from down the stairs was Jacob who saw you then gulped from nervousness with the awareness of what he did, but surprisingly, you didn’t notice it. Although behind you exiting a classroom was someone Jacob was a little more terrified of. Melissa. She then catches his eyes, making him rush towards the teachers’ lounge.
As you sit quietly in your classroom, on your desk is the lunch you brought and a book you’ve been reading lately. A couple moments pass and you’re indulged in the story you’re reading. It’s a nice book you’ve been wanting to read in a while, something Melissa recommended to you some time ago. You do miss the closeness you two had before PECSA.
Well, most people say that what happens in PECSA stays in PECSA, but in your case, it probably isn’t.
“I see you’re finally reading it.” Her familiar voice dances in between the words printed in the book, which catches your attention. She greets you with a smile.
“Oh! Hello, Melissa.” You greet with half a smile, inserting the bookmark into the book and carefully closing it so as for it not to crease, before welcoming her to come inside.
“How’s it so far?” Melissa leans on one of the windowsills. She seemed really intrigued as to what your thoughts were, but that wasn’t exactly the reason why she came up here to you.
“It’s so far so good.” You fidget with the printed cover of it. “It’s a very intriguing book with well written characters.”
Melissa grabs one of the chairs and places it beside you, ready to listen to your thoughts on the book, but instead, she was met by the silence of obvious thoughts that lingered through your mind.
“Are you alright, hon?” She worries.
You feel as though this is the perfect opportunity to talk about it after acting as though you were cool about it, about everything that happened. That nothing worried and haunted you.
“We should talk about, you know.” You say it as straightforward. “While we have time for lunch.”
“What about it?” She asks, her voice as gentle as the way she held you that night.
Your fingers begin to fiddle with each other out of habit. “Were there some feelings involved?” You went in straight to the flame. “Did you kiss me because I wanted to kiss you, or did you kiss me because you wanted to kiss me?”
“What do you think happened that night?” A question with curiosity that overflowed.
“Well, we got drunk, went to my room, started making out, then the next morning, you left.” Instead of receiving a proper response, you instead get a chuckle out of her. “What’s funny?”
In between soft chuckling, she says, “You’re missing a few details, sweetheart.”
“Is that so?” You ask anxiously before feeling her hand take yours, circling her thumb on your palm.
“You know, when we got on your bed you suddenly ran away.” She recalls. “You ran away to the bathroom and all I heard was vomit and gagging.”
You felt shivers behind your back, feeling embarrassed over something so blurry in your mind and barely there.
“After that, you just kept on crying.” Her gaze softens as she catches your eyes. “You were scared that me hearing you vomiting over the toilet made you lose your chances with me and so you didn’t want to kiss me again.” She purses and licks her lips. “You said stuff about how you feel as though I deserve someone better.”
“I would have helped you clean up, but you refused and just left me hanging there for a good half an hour.” Melissa placed her glasses on top of her head. “We ended up just hugging each other the whole night. I was gonna say something but you fell asleep.”
“You can say it to me now.”  You smile a little.
With hesitance, Melissa starts talking. “Look, I wanted to tell you the next day, but you know, I’m not the best at opening up.” Your hand creeps up onto the side of her neck as she takes this and places it on her cheek. “I have feelings for you too. I like you, and there isn’t a day where your chances of having me lessen.”
A smile of relief grows on your face, laughing out of embarrassment with Melissa soon following your laughter. “God, we are so naive.” You say, rolling your eyes playfully out of the ridiculousness of the situation.
You pull your chair closer to hers, getting a little closer to her. Your eyes trail to her lips and she notices this, letting go of your hand and holding your face to meet her lips with yours. The kiss felt more passionate, with the taste of morning coffee surprisingly still within her lips.
“We shouldn’t be doing this on school grounds.” You whisper in between kisses that Melissa continued to give you.
And so midway she stops. “Are you telling me that I should bring you home?” She looks at you with intent and need.
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empressgetou · 1 year
shinichiro x girlfriend reader
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at the age of 25, shinichiro still feels like a highschooler whenever he's around y/n. he gets shy by the thought of her and sweats like buckets when she's near him. can y/n really blame him though, she is his greatest love or what he says.
today, however is just a bit extra for shin, he had thought about it for days. he thinks it's finally time for him to man up finally and propose to his one true love after all these years of being a wimp.
he couldn't even understand himself why he still feels this way towards her, they have known each other when they were still little kids and yet his feelings is just as the way it was since then. he was just too whipped.
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it was any normal day in highschool, shin with his 3 trusted friends and y/n currently having their lunch at the rooftop.
"i'm definitely gonna ask that girl on a date in the other class." shin decided to break the glass earning snickers from his friends while y/n just listened to their conversation.
"that's literally the 20th girl you've tried to date over our highschool years. there's no way she's even going to talk to you." waka jumps into conclusion.
"one more strike and you're out man." takeomi added.
"graduation is just around the corner shin, who knows maybe after this, that girl s'gonna go somewhere far away or something, you never know." benkei reasoned.
"somewhere far away from him that's for sure." again, waka teased his friend and they all laughed again earning a pout from their leader.
"yeah, you laugh your hearts out idiots. i'm gonna be laughing at your face once she says yes. and besides i'm pretty confident about this one. just the other day, i saw a letter at my locker and i tell you man, she was their looking at me holding the letter. i'm sure it was her." that made y/n stiffened but pretended to be normal still eating her lunch.
"just because you saw her doesn't mean it was actually her who wrote you the letter."
"besides since when did you get letters anyway???"
"you guys are too much for me. leave a man and his future love blossom be alright? and duh it's not only you who receives letter waka!"
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"so, where'd ya wanna go after shin?"
"ahh... sorry y/n i thought well maybe you should go home first?"
"hmm, why– oh you guys having a meeting? i could wait for you."
"uhmm actually i was going to meet maya, you're classmate, who sent me letters, you remember?"
yeah, no that wasn't maya who sent the letters. she thought.
little to shinichiro's knowing, those letters were actually from y/n. well y/n isn't going to tell him that sooner, she just recently realized that she have feelings for his best friend. for years of being in denial, she finally accepted how she truly feels. but like an idiot he is, he thought it was someone else's letter of confession for him.
"uhuh yeah that girl hehe. okay, i'll see you later?"
"uhmm then after that i'm also having a meeting with the guys, sooo tomorrow?" he sheepishly said rubbing the back of his neck.
"oh yeah it's cool. it's the weekend anyway, i'll bring dorayaki for manjirou." she says sweetly and bid her goodbyes.
"you can take care of yourself on the way home right?" he asked worriedly and catches up to her holding her elbows that sparked her heart with the sudden touch.
"mmm yeah, i'll be fine. s'not like i'm gonna get in trouble while walking or anything." they both laughed.
"sure. i'll see you tomorrow. text me when you got home, sweet!"
"i will! and tell me all about your date after!"
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y/n went to get ice cream before she sulked into her bedroom at home and when she's about to turn into their street she heard some thugs calling out to her.
"hey you!" she whipped her head to where the noises of bikes came from.
"you're with that black dragons leader?" asked the man who seems to be annoyed and is with a few bunch of men behind him giving lustful looks that made y/n cringe at that sight.
is he tryin to insult me? if i were shin's girlfriend, i wouldve cried myself out every time. she thought pasting an annoyed look to the guy.
"yeah no, if i were, i would've told everybody i met on the streets"
"fiesty one eh, boys? that's what we like, a little challenge." they all snickered.
she was about to go on her way when she was pulled back suddenly by the man making her look up to him.
"it's best if you release me before i do something unbearable to you." making her glare at him and made the men bursted into laughter as if they were being threatened by a kitten.
he was about tighten his grip onto her when a loud roar of engine was heard and stopped right in front of them.
she saw a familiarity of the wheels and a figure of a man, who looks exactly like her in male version, got out of it making her sigh thinking it'll be a full of scolding later back at their home.
"why don't you scumbags scram before i crack your heads?"
the man holding the woman seemed to saw the tattoo by the neck of the man who just parked.
"it's a red spider lily gang." whispered the other men at the back.
"let's go." he unhanded his grip onto the woman and ran to his bike and drove away without looking back.
when they were out of sight y/n look back at him again only to see meet his glare towards her.
"get in the car." said the man, his brother called out and without any other word she went inside and went home.
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the next day, y/n found herself walking up to her neighbors house. holding a few snacks which is mostly dorayaki and few strawberry flavored juices for the kids, specially mikey since he's a hungry kid.
stepping up inside their gates she heard a few voices by the dojo hall, she then went straight ahead and jirou, keisuke, and emma already seeing her figure making them shout.
"y/n you're here!"
"hiii y/n!"
"y/n did you bring dorayaki?"
she smiled and greeted the kids back as well as grampa who is busy teaching the other kids.
"is shin here?" she asked curiously not seeing the teen inside the dojo.
"he's probably in the garage again ditching my class." grampa grumbled.
she bid them goodbye as soon as possible since she doesn't want to bother their class and went to the garage. nearing the location she can already hear a frustrated clanking of the tools.
"keep that up and you're gonna ruin it." her sudden voice was heard making shin jump to surprise and whipping his head at the back making y/n giggle.
ah that laugh. he thought.
"watcha doing?" leaning to his side a little too close making shinichiro a but weird to his feeling.
"a-ah. you know just tampering here and there hehe." rubbing his nape
"or maybe sulking?" she teases.
"hey! yesterday was actually embarrassing you know! she told me it wasn't even her who sent me those letters."
"maybe because it was actually another person and you just assumed it was her." she suggested.
"are you suggesting that you knew who sent me those?"
"well i kinda have an idea who might be."
he stopped working and raises his head towards her urging her to continue.
"it was. it was me." she whispered so quietly just enough for the both of them could hear.
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and now 7 years have gone by and shinichiro and y/n's relationship had never been better. emma, baji, and manjirou are already in highschool and has formed a gang, and their friends come by at their house every time.
he also met izana along the way and convinced him to stay and is now living with them for almost 3 years now. shin already retired from being a black dragon's leader but is still famous and well respected around. he already put up his motorcycle shop just around the block and is doing pretty good.
shinichiro would initiate to have a day out or a trip to the beach once every month and ends up everyone going with them. the girls are pretty close with y/n considering the girls either don't have an older sister, is the only girl or the youngest in their families. the boys too are head over heels for her making shin envy most of the time since she give attention more to the high school kids rather than him.
it's true that it was stressing managing to have a day out since y/n has to take care of some babies with him (mainly shinichiro ft. manjirou and izana bantering every now and then) but at the end of the day she would be looking at them happily and delightedly since they get to bond with everyone.
now back to their house, everyone is excited. emma and hinata are in charge of the food in the kitchen. yuzuha, senju, luna, and mana on the decorations.
mitsuya and draken on the grill outside and the others are just being a nuisance honestly. rindou on the other side of the house preparing for the music to be played later while his brother and their friends tryna distract him.
takeomi, waka, and benkei already started their drinking session but not too much for them to get drunk for later's main event.
shinichiro already instructed baji and was on his was to fetch y/n from the mall around 10 minutes ago. baji was told to act as if izana and mikey fighting again and ruined their beloved kitchen that made y/n worry.
shin looking at his surrounding seeing everyone having fun and getting ready for everything they needed swells his heart. he had been preparing for her birthday, he wouldn't let anything ruin this perfect day now. all he has to do now is actually prepare himself.
hearing a loud roar of engine signals baji and y/n's arrival making everyone stop what they were doing and going into their places switching off all the lights.
manjirou and izana can be seen outside because of the moon's shining, holding each others neck as if they were to kill each other at any point.
"guys seriously, i don't wanna deal with this right now. why don't we head inside and sort this out." y/n already annoyed and separated the two and proceeds inside the house.
darkness was the first thing she sees and nagged the three boys again.
"if the kitchen were burning why did you actually even bother to switch the light off and where's grampa?" already smelling the burnt food that emma had to prepare to make it believable.
she was about to flip the switch on when they all shouted.
"happy birthday y/n!!!"
shock was all over her face and before she could utter a word, luna and mana already walking towards her with a cake in their hands that says, "happy birthday and congratulations y/n and shin!" that made her confused.
"huh?" looking around for her lover who was already kneeling behind her. surprised and her eyes are on the verge of tears at this point.
"make sure you make it short! we're already starving here!" manjirou butted in that made everyone laughing while shinichiro just ignored not letting him ruin his mood and proceeded his speech.
"to be honest, i'm really nervous that i already forgot what was i supposed to say here." staring into her eyes that earned a few chuckle from her and the others.
"y/n i never would've thought that my best friend since i was a kid would end up being my girlfriend as of today. i was always looking for a missing piece not knowing it was you all along that completes me. i'm thankful for you, for being there for me, by my side, supporting me, and helping me whenever i need. for always patching me up whenever i'm covered in bruises, but you scolding me is much more painful than those bruises i earned. y/n you are the love of my life, and because of you, you made my life a living fairy tale in this world full of nightmares and i'm talking about those two boys." he stopped for a moment and looked at his two brothers and they all snickered.
"y/n i promise to love you a bit more every single day of my life and take care of you and our family. it sounds cliché, but i want to spend the rest of my sunrise and sunsets with you, if you'd let me... y/n, sweetheart, the love of my life. will you mar-"
"yess!!! oh my god yesss!!" she hugged him while he was still kneeling making them plop down.
"you didn't even let me finished" they both laughed.
"i couldn't wait any longer. i will marry you shin." she smiled so sweetly and shinichiro insert the ring that fitted perfectly into her finger.
everyone clapped, shouted congratulations to the couple and confetti's popped all over the places. she look all over the place and saw grandpa sano and y/n's family in the back also mingling and clapping for both of them.
the three teenage sano's went forward and hugged them both tight congratulating and teasing their older brother making y/n laughed.
they both sure do have a lifetime to spend this fairy tale of a life with their little nightmares.
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481 notes · View notes
echobx · 2 months
soulmates 1 - jj maybank x fem!reader
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summary: y/n is on a double date with her boyfriend when she runs into her actual soulmate
warnings: none
word count: 3.5k
author's note: idk what to say
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In a world where you could hear your soulmate's thoughts, as long as they were thinking about you, as long as they were at least 16, it was still very difficult to find them. Most people would go their whole lives without even meeting the person they were connected to, most people had found their peace with it, and so had you…
“I'm taking you out for lunch,” your boyfriend, Kelce, pressed a kiss to your cheek. You had never heard his thoughts, but that was okay. Maybe you were secretly sad about it, but a lot of people had the same issues as you. You had anticipated your sixteenth birthday like any other kid, but even more so because your parents were soulmates, having grown up together they had gotten lucky. But you weren't blessed with the same luck. This wouldn't mean that you didn't love your boyfriend. No, Kelce was nice and sweet and loved to show you off to his Kook friends.  The split between Kooks and Pogues had never been to your favor. Your parents were hardworking middle class, too poor to be Kooks, too wealthy to be Pogues. 
“Where are we going?” You smiled at him. “Country Club, haven't been there in a while, especially with you.” He smirked and you had to laugh.  “I see, you just wanna show me off,” you giggled, not at all foreign to the concept. You got up and tugged on your dress to make it fall evenly.  “You are so beautiful,” he complimented you and leaned down into a kiss.  You were an uneven couple, everyone could see it, but you didn't mind it at all. You knew that they all just saw him as the rich kid that got in fights with Pogues because he couldn't keep his mouth shut. But to you, he was kind and loving and just the best boyfriend you could wish for. He made you forget that you weren't even soulmates.  “Will the others be there?” you asked while the two of you walked out of his house and towards his car.  “Just Topper and I think his new girlfriend. He's been so up my ass ever since Sarah dumped him for that Pogue John B. I hope the new one will help,” Kelce said and held your door open so you could get in.  “I hope he can forget about Sarah, it's not like they were soulmates,” you noted while he got in too. “Right?”  “I don't know, he never told me,” Kelce shrugged and started driving. 
It had been a real scandal when the Kook princess had run off with the Pogue, no one could understand why she would do such a thing, but to you, it was clear. You didn't have to look at them twice when you saw them around town, they were clearly meant for each other, they had gotten lucky.  You hoped that you might find your person once you moved away to college. The statistical probability of finding your soulmate in a close radius to your home was pretty low. That's why multiple companies were now making big profits with the desperation of people who just wanted to be happy. They created apps and websites to “help” you find “the one”, but even those only helped in about 30% of the cases.  All in all, your chances were pretty low, but you had just turned 17, and had been with Kelce for only three months. Your life was still ahead of you, your chances were still not completely low. But you also told yourself to not hope, to not get caught up in the search because you didn't want to end up like the people they sometimes showed on TV. 
“… and then he just hits a hole in one on the last game, can you believe it?” Kelce laughed, and you realized that you hadn't paid any attention to his story.  “Impressive,” you note and smile at him.  “Yeah, but God, I miss that guy.” It took you a moment to figure out that he was talking about Rafe. Rafe Cameron, Kook prince, technically after the death of his father Ward, the new Kook King, but you didn't care so much about semantics. He had left Kildare, where to, you didn't know, but you knew he was out for the big money, just like his dad.  You reached for your boyfriend's hand and held it, hoping he would find some sort of solace in your touch. You hadn't known Rafe well either, you still didn't know many of Kelce’s friends because you had mostly been focused on each other at the start.  “I think he's gonna come back.” Your words gave him a bit of hope, and he smiled before parking the car. 
Kelce got out and opened the door for you, like he always did, like a gentleman would. “Chivalry is a must,” your mom had always told you. From a young age on, she had made sure that you knew your worth and held your standards up high.  “Thank you,” you blushed as he closed the door again and pulled you into his side.  “We're going all out, sugar. Double dates deserve some extravaganza,” he chuckled.  “Oh, how darling of you,” you said in a pretentious voice, and the two of you laughed even more. It was easy with Kelce, he made you feel good about yourself, and you had wished nothing more than for him to be your one and only. 
You walked inside and someone guided you to your table, Topper and his new girlfriend, Sheila, already sitting there.  “I'm sorry for being late,” you apologized to Top and gave him a quick hug before sitting down opposite of him.  “Oh no, we were just a little early,” he brushed it off and then started talking to Kelce about a new boat he wanted to buy.  You would've talked to Sheila if her eyes hadn't been fixed on the waiter. 
He was tall, had blond tousled hair and his shirt sat tightly on his body, showing off that he had muscles although looking rather lean compared to Kelce.  ‘Not bad,’ you thought to yourself, and his head perked up, and he started looking around. ‘Just a coincidence, nothing more, there are many people here who are thinking about him. He's working, of course you think about your waiter. Hell, Sheila hasn't been able to even take her eyes off him and Topper doesn't even notice,’ you had turned back to looking at Kelce, not noticing that the boy was now eyeing your table very carefully.  ‘Don’t tell me she's a fucking Kook,’ you could suddenly hear an annoyed voice in your head.  “Everything okay?” Kelce asked and brushed a strand of hair out of your face. “You look like you've seen a ghost,” he joked, and you shook your head, trying to regain composure.  “Yeah, no, I'm okay, just remembered the time I saw a guy run over a cat. I don't know why I thought of that,” you lied, and he gave you a quick kiss. You couldn't let them know what had just happened to you, especially not Kelce, you couldn't break his heart. 
“Topper,” the boy came over and greeted him with a fake smile, not even giving Kelce or you any attention.  “JJ, nice to see you,” Topper laughed lightly.  ‘JJ? Peculiar name,’ the thought popped into your head, but he didn't turn to you, instead he looked directly at Sheila, who seemed to be more than intrigued by him.  “What can I get you?” JJ asked, still only looking at her.  Topper ordered for the two of them, as well as for Kelce and you because JJ still hadn't paid us any attention. Then he walked away and you had to scoff. 
“What an asshole, right?” you mumbled to yourself, and Kelce immediately kissed your cheek.  “The amount of times I wanted to rip that smug smile off that Pogue’s face,” he hissed and watched JJ vanish inside. Your heart got heavier, it had been clear that there was something between them, but the fact that the boy enraged Kelce this much meant nothing good.  “He couldn't seem to keep his eyes off of you,” you chuckled at Sheila, trying not to seem too disappointed by it.  She laughed and put her hand on Topper’s shoulder. “Oh, that Pogue wishes.” But you knew the look she had given him, everything else was just a very bad lie in your eyes.  “Yeah,” you laugh quietly, before getting up. “I'm gonna go freshen up just a little,” you told Kelce and he nodded.  “Don't be too long, or I'll come find you,” he joked, a loving smile on his lips as you turned around and walked inside. 
‘Fucking Sheila? Why her? Why not me? I was right there, asshole!’ you screamed at JJ in your mind, knowing well enough that he would hear it.  ‘What are you talking about?’ the voice in your head replied, his voice.  ‘I didn't even want a fucking salad, okay! I wanted fries! But no, you couldn't even dare to look at us and ask what I wanted. And now I'm stuck with a stupid ass salad, because Topper is stupid,’ you let out all of your frustrations as you checked your makeup in the mirror of the restroom.  ‘Fuck!’ he exclaimed inside your head, and then it was silent again. 
You got back to the table and just a moment later JJ arrived with two of the four plates. He still didn't give you any notice until he came walking back, with a steak for Kelce and a plate of fries for you.  “She didn't order fries!” Kelce barked at him, but you just put your hand on his thigh.  “I did, I changed my order inside,” you lied without giving JJ a single look.  ‘Never seen Kelce act like a fucking dog. Who are you, pretty girl?’ JJ thought, but you couldn't let it show how much it made your heart falter.  “Why are you still standing here?” Sheila asked loudly, and you finally turned around to look at JJ. Your eyes met, and you couldn't be sure if it had been your own or his thoughts that let a silent “wow” slip.  “My bad, enjoy your food,” JJ said, still staring at you as he walked away, unable to take his eyes off of you, really.  “Why was he looking at you like that?” Kelce asked and you gulped lightly.  “I don't know,” you mumbled and started eating. 
‘What's your name, pretty girl?’ his voice was back in your head, and you nearly would've spit out your water. ‘You already know mine, so it's only fair. And it's not peculiar. I just don't like what my parents chose, so I'm doing my own thing,’ he explained, and you could see him walking around, doing his job while very casually trying to get to know you.  ‘I have a boyfriend,’ you remind him, but he just laughed inside your mind, a nice wholehearted laugh that sounded almost like music to you.  ‘I’m glad you like my laugh, princess, but don't forget about your boyfriend. Isn't he the best? Only tried to kill me last year,” JJ’s words made you choke on a fry.  “Hey, y/n, are you okay?” Kelce asked, and you nodded, taking a sip of water to try and calm your throat.  “Yeah,” you said and tried to smile at him. You knew of his temper, being the only one who could calm him down most times, but you would have never thought that he would actually willfully hurt someone so much that they would potentially die.  “We can leave if you don't feel so well,” he spoke in a soft voice, but you couldn't stop thinking about it. About how he must've hurt JJ, about what he could've done to him.  “I'm fine, really,” you pressed out and turned back to your plate, half empty, but you felt like eating another fry would just cause you to throw up. “I'm just gonna use the restroom real quick,” you excused yourself and all three of them gave you a weird look, but let you leave without further questions. 
‘Where did you go to, pretty girl? I didn't mean to scare you,” his voice was back in your mind.  “Stop talking!” you screamed and stopped in your tracks, you hadn't even noticed that you had actually said it out loud until the whole Country Club was staring at you. Quickly, you ran towards the restroom and hid in a stall.  You didn't know how much time passed as you hid and cried into yourself. This was definitely not how you had imagined it going, having him so close but so far, being caught in between a feud that you hadn't even known existed.  ‘Hey, princess, he's getting impatient, and I really don't wanna deal with that shit,’ JJ whispered to you.  ‘Y/n,’ you told him. ‘That’s my name. But everyone calls me y/n/n, apart from my parents, my parents call me Bean, because I only ate beans as a baby.’ You didn't even understand why you told him this very particular thing about yourself, when you had never let anyone know about your parents' weird nickname for you.  ‘Cute,’ he chuckled. ‘Will you come out again? I don't want to have to come in there, and then have to give you back to him as if he should have any claim over you,” JJ muttered, he was disgusted by the thought of Kelce kissing you.  ‘You don't have to be so mean, I can still hear you. Also, that's disgusting, he doesn't kiss like that,’ you thought but had to laugh about how weird he made it look in his head.  ‘Makes it more bearable though,’ JJ admitted.  ‘I have to talk to him, how the fuck am I supposed to do that? He already hates you.’ You buried your face in your hands.  ‘I won't let him hurt you, princess,’ he replied to your thoughts and the more you talked to each other just like that, the less you had to fight yourself to hide it, everything got easier. It was like listening to music while doing homework, as long as you kept on concentrating on what was in front of you, the music wouldn't bother you too much. But it also could be all encompassing as soon as you let it.  Yet you also wondered why he was so protective of you, a girl he had only just met.  ‘My best friend had a lot of issues, Sarah got hurt in the process, not badly but still. I don't want that for you, for us,’ JJ explained, and you wiped your tears away.  ‘Topper’s ex?’ you asked and stood up, wiping your dress down to seem more respectable again.  ‘Sarah, yes, I bet you heard. Kooks and Pogues don't always mix well, but she's a Pogue now,’ he spoke of it so casually as if he didn't mind at all.  “I'm neither,” you spoke up, but you knew he could still hear you.  ‘Your boyfriend is a Kook, that's already too much,’ he said and the disgust that he held for Kelce was incredibly draining.  “I don't choose who I fall for. It's not my fault,” you told yourself as if it was a manifestation. 
‘Do you really love him?’ JJ asked just as you walked out of the restroom, he was leaning on the wall opposite of the door, eyeing you wearily. “I don't know,” you replied out loud, and he couldn't help but smile, suddenly everything you had thought to know of love was thrown out the window. This feeling was completely different from anything you had ever felt before, and you never wanted to feel anything else ever again. ‘I would kiss you, but I'm not gonna give him any ammunition to hate you more than he already will once he finds out,’ he thought as his eyes darted down to your lips. It was like you were frozen, both unable to move as you stood on each side of the hallway.  ‘Probably better.’ You smiled and blushed a little over his boldness.  “They have been asking for you quite a lot, wondering where you are, why you aren't coming back. And yet not one of them made a single move to go check on you,” JJ spoke with a low voice.  “I should really go back then,” you whispered, and he gave you a small smile before you turned and walked back to the table. You knew he felt the small tingling feeling that settled in your guts, you knew he could feel you because you could feel it in him too. No one had ever mentioned that it wasn't just thoughts, but a direct connection into the inner world of the other. 
“I'm sorry, I’m really not feeling too well,” you apologized while sitting back down at the table.  Topper eyed you, and you felt like he knew, like he could see it in your eyes. “I can drive you home,” he suggested sweetly.  “I don't want to cause any trouble, I can just call an Uber,” you said and turned to Kelce. “I'm really sorry.”  “Nonsense, let Topper drive you home and if you don't feel better I'll just come by, and we can watch a movie together.” He smiled and put his forehead to yours.  ‘Oh, vomit,’ JJ’s thought popped into your head just as Kelce placed a small kiss on your lips.  “Uh, yeah, we can do that,” you told your boyfriend and got up. “See you later then,” you said and walked away with Topper by your side. 
You didn't want to think of JJ; you didn't want to think of hurting Kelce; you didn't want to think at all, but as soon as you were sitting in Topper's pickup truck he turned to you.  “Tell me it's not JJ,” he said as if you had committed a crime.  “I don't know what you mean,” you lied.  ‘We really gotta work on your lying skills, princess,’ JJ chuckled.  “I know that look, I had to look at it for two months before Sarah admitted it to me. Promise me to not break his heart, it's already hard enough as it is,” Topper said and you nodded shyly.  “I didn't want this,” you said, but JJ just laughed, and you had a hard time pushing him into the back of your mind.  ‘Are you only good at lying when you're doing it to yourself?’ “I had hoped that it would be him, and then it wasn't, and I was okay with it. I didn't want this now, I was okay with it never happening. I don't want to hurt him,” you started crying and Topper leaned over and hugged you. He had never hugged you like that before, it felt good to be cared for by someone who wasn't Kelce for once. “Please don't tell him,” you whispered as Topper pulled away again.  “I won't, but you should, as fast as possible, actually. It's only been three months, you haven't even said I love you yet, right?” Topper asked and turned on the engine.  “Yeah, no, we haven't. I just don't know how to. How do you tell someone that?” you asked, but he couldn't give you an answer that wouldn't hurt either of you in the end.  ‘You just say, “Hey, Kelce, you big asshole, I'm actually already bound by the universe to the very charming, extremely hot and sexy JJ Maybank. See ya’” or something like that,’ JJ told you, but you couldn't reply, your heart felt too heavy, heavier than you ever imagined possible.
“Top?” you asked quietly. “Yes, y/n/n?” the boy answered just as he stopped in front of your building.  “Kelce hates him, JJ, I mean. They hate each other, don't they?” You already knew the answer, but you hoped for some more intel on it all.  “Yeah, it's not pretty. I tried to stay out of it, it was mostly Rafe's fault, but the Pogues aren't that innocent either. It's better if you tell him before anything happens, trust me. I don't want to see you get hurt,” Topper explained with a sad smile. You didn't know that he cared so much about you, never truly having considered him your friend.  “Will you look after him, or just make sure he doesn't do something stupid once I-” The words got stuck in your throat but Topper just nodded.  “Took me some time to understand it, that you don't have a choice in this. He's gonna have to accept it,” he said, and you opened the door to get out.  “Thank you,” you said and wanted to close the door to walk towards your home.  “Y/n? If you need anything, you can just call me, just because you and Kelce are gonna end, doesn't mean we aren't still friends,” he told you and you nodded.  “I'll remember, thanks for the ride,” you said goodbye and walked towards the apartment building.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
part 2
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idontplaytrack · 3 months
Janis ‘Imi’ike x fem!reader(closeted)
warnings: MDNI, smut(oral, fingering both r receiving), coarse language, pet/nicknames
In which, reader and Janis are in a secret relationship because reader isn’t out yet. Time after time, the janitor’s closet was the go-to spot for some alone time.
You leaned against your locker, with a book in hand to pass time while waiting for Cady to arrive at school. And Janis, your girlfriend, who’s gone to the restroom. Damian was scrolling through his phone was he stood beside you. As a crowd of rowdy students entered the school, you shifted uncomfortably as they milled past you. Keeping a close eye on who they were. Mainly to stay away from the guys who’s called you some nasty names. You didn’t tell Janis, and they also seem to know when you were alone. That, or they just happened to have great timing. The many, many cliques at North Shore now almost-always peacefully co-existed after the whole Burn Book fiasco. With the exception of some, unfortunately.
“Hey, are you okay?”
“Something’s bothering you.” He raised a brow, “Why are you so…fidgety whenever a group of students walk by.”
“No, it’s nothing.” You insisted.
Before he could respond, Janis returns. Thank god.
“You were gone awhile,” Damian remarked.
“There was a line.” Janis shrugged, “What book is that?”
‘It’s yours. I took it when I was at your house the other night.’ You wanted to say.
Look, you knew Damian and Cady would be nothing but supportive. But you just couldn’t do it, not yet. You tried coming out to your Mother a handful of times but you never did successfully. Given her reaction to queer representation in the media, you learnt over time that not sharing anything with her would be best to protect your own peace.
You shrugged, showing her the cover while holding a thumb in the page you were on. “Oh, nice.” She had that signature smirk on her face.
After getting by half a day of classes without Janis and your friends, you met them all again at lunch. “Oh, thank God.” You heaved a sigh when you saw Cady appear in the cafeteria. She quickly spotted you and gave you a wave as she approached the table, “Damian and Janis should be here in a minute. I walked by their class and their teacher’d just dismissed them.”
“Okay, cool.” You nod as she placed her backpack down beside you and told you she was gonna go get her food. As you ate, you people-watched, noticing that Regina was behind Cady in the lunch line and they said hi to each other. “Hey, girl. You survived.” Damian’s voice pulled you out of your trance. “Sure did.” You played along with his tone, “Senior year’s already sucking ass that I don’t have half my classes with any one of you guys.”
“I know.” Damian shrugged, “I’ll be back in a sec. Just gonna go get my lunch.” And so you were alone again, watching the lunch line move forward. Then, Cady leaving the line carrying a tray. And Regina saying ‘see you around’ to her. Boy, that was something you had to get used to, still.
All throughout lunch, Janis couldn’t keep her hands off you- her hand first gripped onto your thigh which nearly caused you to yelp. You shot her a look, but she doesn’t back off. Then the hand got lower, and lower so you shifted further away from her- which Cady and Damian definitely noticed. “Okay. What the hell was that y’all?” Damian asks in his usual fashion.
“Nothing. I’m left-handed, she’s right-handed. I didn’t want to keep knocking into her elbow as I eat.” You lied. Well, partially.
Cady eyed you two for a second, “Okay.”
“You’re not scared of me, are you?” Janis asked, casually.
“What the hell kind of question is that, Janis?” You came off almost way too offended.
“Okay, did you two wake up on the wrong side of your beds this morning?” Damian glared at the pair of you.
The lunch concluded in an awkward silence. Then, the bell rang. Signaling the end of the break and beginning of study hall for you, Janis and Damian. Cady had calc, with Aaron. “We’ll see you later, Cady.” Damian called out. “Are you two fighting?”
“Nope.” Janis responded dismissively.
“Cause something’s going on and you two gotta talk if it’s gonna be like this from now on.”
“Nothing. Is going on.” You added on.
“I ain’t stupid. I see what’s happening.”
“Oh, yeah?” Janis probed.
“See now, this is what I meant. Why have you two been acting like you can’t stand the sight of the other person? You’re fine individually but once either of you shows up, you just- oh, my God. Cady was right.”
Janis plops onto the bench, her eyes squinting because of the sun. “She said she heard one of you in the janitor’s closet.”
“Hell do you mean?” Janis swallowed thickly. Your heart started to race…you couldn’t deal with this now. So you ran away from them, not hearing what how the conversation ended. “We’re fine, Damian.”
“Yes!” Janis exclaimed.
“Ahah! So what we’re y’all doing in there?”
“She really heard?” Janis asked, worried.
“What’s going on? That was you?” He calmed down, his face all serious now.
“Might’ve but, also maybe not? You know what? I’m not gonna talk about anyone behind their backs. We’re not talking about this now. Just- give me a minute and we’ll meet you back in the library for study hall,”
Janis quietly walked upstairs and down the halls. Quickly locating the janitor’s closet, she enters. “Hey.” She said softly, “What’s going on? You usually are fine with me having my hand on your thigh when we sit down together.”
“I dunno. I just- freaked out.” You stutter, “Also- it wasn’t helping.”
“Wasn’t helping what?” She asks, that glint in her eyes far from innocent.
“The fact that I…need you.” You avoided eye contact as you replied to her.
“No, no. Look at me.” She tilted your chin so that your eyes were locked in with hers.
“My mom found out.” You spat out. Her eyes soften, “What? Are you okay?”
“I can’t go over to your house anymore. So I’ll only get to see you at school. And then I got angry, because she grounded me. And I just- I- she found my toys in the drawer and she started asking me stuff about school, about who I was talking to…about you.”
“Baby, that’s ridiculous. You’re a senior in high school and she got mad over a vibrator?”
Janis was very protective of you, and though she didn’t like showing emotion, you were one of the few people who saw her with her guard down.
“Does she think you can get pregnant with it or something?”
“Janis.” You chuckled tearfully, “She just- she’s not open minded. And I cannot take it anymore I need, I need you to take me right now.”
She chuckles huskily, “Baby, if that’s what you wanna do now, I’ll be happy to make you feel good. But you’re sure you’re okay?”
“She didn’t hit me or anything. I’m just pissed off and I couldn’t hold it in anymore.”
“Good. If she did I would’ve reported her. I. also didn’t tell Damian anything.” Janis gently cupped your cheeks with both hands, “You’re so pretty, my love.” Leaning in, your lips crashed together. It swiftly escalated to become a heated make out session, her tongue explores every nook and cranny of your mouth as you fought the urge to keep quiet in the enclosed space.
Her hand travels down your torso are your back gets pushed up against the wall. You nodded eagerly as her hand slides into the front of your cargo pants, rubbing circles on your clothed clit which causes a pathetic moan to fall from your mouth as she bit down on your lower lip. “So wet for me already…” Her finger ran a stripe up from your entrance to your clit over the thin fabric. You squirmed, she places a firm hand on your hip. “You want me to take this off?” She asks, you spot her beneath you, between your legs.
“Yeah, please.”
With that, she slids off your pants and underwear, leaving them by your ankles. You were fully exposed to her…and seeing her admiring you aroused you even more and she could tell. You couldn’t keep still and your cunt was dripping. “Want me to take care of that?” She asked, her face dangerously close to you. Your mind was too clouded by arousal to speak, so you could only nod as an incoherent mumble comes out from your mouth. Janis wasted no time at all and latches her mouth on to your clit, circling the bundle of nerves in a gentle, rhythmic manner. And your knees? They nearly buckle already. She chuckles, making you squirm once again. Her tongue lapping, tasting you like it was her last ever meal. God, it drove you insane that she was worshipping your body, calling you beautiful, making you feel so loved and wanted. Janis liked it rough, but she knew you preferred otherwise and was more than happy to oblige. “Oh, God. Janis~”
“Careful, princess. People might hear us.” Her breath fanned against your sensitive skin, “But if you want to let them know you’re my girl, go ahead- use your words.”
Your worries were completely forgotten as Janis pushed you closer and closer to the edge with each flick of her tongue. Suddenly, she stops- her mouth leaves your cunt and travels down to your thighs, leaving a trail of soft kisses. “Oh, I’m so lucky, baby. So pretty and all for me, isn’t that right?” Her eyes were watching you again as you practically clenched around nothing. Her finger makes a return, dipping into you just slightly. Your breathing hitches, “Fuck.”
“Will you let me know if it hurts?” Her finger stops, she puts it in her mouth and she licks it clean.
“Yeah.” You agreed. You hadn’t done this before- she’s always just made you climax orally. And although you were nervous, you wanted to go for it and try it. “Okay.” She responded quietly, her middle finger plunges into you with ease. Janis watches your face for any sign of discomfort, but you felt perfectly fine. She soon found a rhythm that worked for you, keeping at the pace for awhile until she heard more sounds of approval from you which were getting harder and harder to stop yourself from making.
Janis catches your gaze as you felt a second finger teasing around your entrance. “Yeah, do it.” You told her decisively. She did as you told her to, her pointer finger joins her middle finger, causing you to take in a sharp breath as you felt this brand new sensation. Janis lets out a groan at your tightness, her fingers stagnant to allow you to get used to them.
“Shit, does it hurt?”
“Keep going, keep going.” You hummed licking your lips with your head thrown back a little.
“Alright.” She started off slowly. Pathetic whimpers fall from your lips at first, and she was worried that you were actually in pain. But it was a mix of some discomfort and pleasure. Eventually, you couldn’t hold back anymore and a guttural moan erupts from your throat. Janis takes this as her cue to pick up her pace, curling her fingers up to hit your g-spot. You were reminded of where you were so you returned to meek little whines, and whimpers.
“Fuck, Janis- that feels so good.” You told her quietly as your eyes met. She had a look of determination in her eyes to push you over the edge, and you could feel it happening soon with that coiling sensation in your core building up. “Janis, oh, my G-” It catches you off guard, but she adds her tongue to the mix. You weren’t complaining though, it felt damn amazing and you were closer than ever. Her tongue presses flat against your clit and you unraveled. That little trick was one she picked up after a few times- she knew clear and well you would orgasm if she does that. Her fingers were coated with your juices as they continued gently to help you ride out your climax. Her free hand, it wipes off her chin and lips before she kisses you.
“You did so good, princess.” She smiled proudly, cleaning off her fingers with her mouth. You kissed her back and mumbled a weak ‘thank you’. Allowing you a moment to catch your breath, you feel her tongue on you again. “Janis, what are you-”
“What? I can’t clean you up? We still have half a day of classes. Can’t have you all sticky and uncomfortable.” She stated innocently. You shrug, glancing at your watch. “What time is it?”
“We have thirty minutes.” You informed her breathlessly.
“Mm, okay. Impressive.” She said back while her tongue was busy at work to lick you clean, not a drop was left by the time she got you dressed and straightened up. “Okay, let’s get back to study hall.” She chuckles.
“Fifteen minutes?” You asked.
“I know, right?” She smirked, pressing a kiss to your cheek before she opens the door.
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liminal-space-lesbian · 11 months
Pairing: Yoko Tanaka x fem!reader
Summary: After a riveting conversation with Enid, Wednesday, and Divina over lunch you head back to Yoko's dorm to watch a movie. However you two get a bit distracted...
Warnings: play wrestling, tickling, mentions of breaking curfew, ooc Yoko
Words: 1,433
a/n: I got a little sidetracked at the beginning I'm ngl, so I apologize in advance. Also very obvious hints to Wenclair bc they're literally canon (I'm delusional)
You were sitting at a lunch table with Enid, Wednesday, and Divina. Conversation flowed easily as it usually did, Enid gossiping about her blog and Divina complaining about Kent. Wednesday stayed mostly silent and brooding, though offering a snide comment or two ever so often.
"So anyways, what's up with you?" Enid asks, directing her attention to you. You blinked, shrugging lamely.
"I mean, nothing really. I just go to class and try not to get a failing grade." You say around a mouthful of food, causing Enid to chuckle.
"That's honestly so real. Good for you for staying out of trouble. Unlike some people." Davina says, pointedly glancing at Wednesday and Enid. Wednesday rolls her eyes and Enid gives an offended gasp.
"Hey that's not fair! Wednesday's investigation is super important! Plus, last time we snuck out we saw Y/n by the lake with-" Enid was cut off by Yoko approaching the table. You lit up, grinning at her as she walked up behind you and draped her arms over your shoulder, kissing the top of your head.
"Are you guys seriously hassling my girlfriend?" Yoko drawls, a smile playing at her lips as she speaks. You blush at her display of affection, reaching your hand up to pat her arm lightly.
"No, I'm just setting the record straight because Divina seems to believe that Wednesday and I are the only ones who sneak out after curfew." Enid defends, shooting a glare at the Siren. Divina playfully sticks out her tongue in retaliation.
"Oh, well in that case you are one hundred percent correct." Yoko says with a grin as she sits down next to you. You blush and bump your shoulder with hers, shooting a playful scowl at her.
"Oh? So what do you guys do when you sneak out?" Davina questions, leaning forward and raising her eyebrows suggestively. Yoko sighs dramatically and slings an arm over your shoulder.
"A girl doesn't kiss and tell." She replies with a wink, and you gasp.
"Yoko!" You scold, a blush burning at your cheeks as she laughs, her fangs glinting in the sunlight.
"We just went for a walk by the lake the other night, that's all." You declared, finishing the last of your food and standing up, grabbing your tray.
"If you say so." Enid sing-songs with a wink, and you scowl at her.
"Oh, don't act like you and Wednesday don't suck face during your "investigations"." You say, sticking your tongue at out her. Enid blanches and begins stuttering and you notice a pink tinge adorning Wednesday's pale cheeks.
"Anyways, we're leaving. See you in class." You say with a sense of finality as you grab Yoko by the back of her uniform and pull her to her feet, dragging her along with you and leaving Enid and Wednesday to defend themselves from Divina.
"Ooh, that was mean." Yoko teases, following you as you dump your tray in the trash before marching off towards Yoko's dorm. You heave a sigh, shooting her an exasperated look.
"It was only the truth." You say nonchalantly as you arrive at Yoko's dorm, pulling open the door and heading straight for her bed, flopping own face first with a deep sigh. You roll over and look at Yoko, reaching your hands out towards her with an inviting smile.
"Oh my gosh you're so childish." She says with a laugh as she takes her jacket and shoes off, walking over to you. Before she sits down she pulls your shoes off as well, setting them off to the side neatly.
"Do you wanna watch a movie or something?" She asks as she climbs into bed, allowing you to wrap her in your arms, pressing your face into the side of her neck, inhaling her scent contentedly.
"I mean I guess." You say dramatically, feigning disinterest as she reaches over to pull out her laptop. She pauses and turns to give you an unimpressed look.
"Oh? Do you have something else you'd rather be doing?" She teases, raising a perfect eyebrow as she smirks down at you. You tap your chin playfully, pretending to think deeply for a moment.
"I mean we could maybe... I don't know... Kiss a little bit." You drawl, flashing her a playful smile as you loosen her tie mischievously. She throws her head back and laughs, and you cant help but stare at her fangs.
"What has gotten into you today?" She asks, a little breathless after her bout of laughter. You heave another dramatic sigh and pull away from her, flopping down on your back.
"Can't a girl just want to kiss her girlfriend." You complain, pressing the back of your hand against your forehead. Yoko looks down at you, amused as she sets the laptop down and leans her face over yours.
"Mm I guess she can. It seems reasonable enough." She surmises, leaning down to kiss your forehead, and then both of your cheeks before finally planting a gentle kiss on your lips. Your heart races at the feeling of her lips on yours, your head spinning as you reach your hands up to cup her face. All to soon, she pulls back to smile down at you. Her expression falters and she stifles a laugh as her eyes scan over your face.
"What?" You ask suspiciously, eyeing her as her face turns a bit red as she holds in her laugh.
"Oh, nothing, I just for got I have lipstick on." She says, unable to contain her laughter as your expression drops.
"Yoko you didn't." You say in exasperation, sitting up wide eyed to grab your phone, opening the camera to see dark red kisses all over your face. Your mouth also has smudged lipstick on the corners of it, and you blush, playfully shoving Yoko as she cackles.
"Wait! Don't wipe it off I want a photo!" Yoko pleads as you reach for a tissue on her end table. You shake your head and she grabs your arm, wrestling you back into bed. You can't help but laugh, trying to wriggle out of her grasp.
"No! Let me go, I need to wipe it off!" You shout through giggles as Yoko wraps her arms around your torso, pulling you down back into bed. You turn around in her embrace, facing her with as serious of an expression as you can muster.
"Fine, you leave me no choice." You say, trying to keep your voice serious. Yoko looks confused for a moment before her eyes widen in fear.
"No-" Before the word can even fully leave her lips, you press your fingers into her sides, tickling her mercilessly. Her laughter fills the room as she shoves your hands away, pleading for mercy.
"Hm... I suppose I'll stop. Under one condition." You say, grinning down at her as she tries catching her breath, tears welling in her eyes from laughter.
"And what's that?" She asks, dabbing at her tears with the had that isn't trapped in your grip.
"A kiss. On the lips." You specify, narrowing your eyes at her. She sighs dramatically, pausing for a moment before replying.
"A tough bargain but... I suppose I can make it work." She says with a dramatic eyeroll and feigned disinterest. She leans up and places a chaste kiss on your lips, and you release her with a victorious smile.
"I do want a photo though." She says, reaching for her phone with lightning speed as soon as she's free. You go to protest but before you can she is pointing the camera at you and snapping a photo. You groan, covering your face with your hands as she coos over the photo.
"Aww, you look so cute! I'm making this your new contact photo." She announces, tapping away at her phone. You shuffled closer to her, leaning against her and peering down at her phone as she changed your contact photo.
"If you let Enid see that photo I'm breaking up with you." You threaten in monotone, causing her to chuckle. She turned to press a kiss to your temple, smiling at your defeated gaze.
"Don't worry, this is just for me." She reassures as she smiles at you. You stare at her, admiring her features for a moment before pressing a deep kiss to her lips.
"Good." You whisper against her mouth before pulling away and reaching for her laptop.
"So what movie did you want to watch anyways?" You asked, opening her laptop and lying down, resting it on your lap as Yoko cuddled up next to you.
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kyskaisen · 1 year
your only golden girl.
i've been dead af lately☠ i have a few drafts that i'm working on rn so ima work on that after this but rn i have the best idea for maki content >:)
Paring: Maki Zenin x F!Reader
warnings: a bit of a yandere theme? idk, she's just a bit possessive here, that's all,, suggestive ig tho nothing really happens, my writing quality turning to shit
word count: 1.9k
note: i'm obsessed with her. ☠
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on days where maki would be humbled when she would always pride in herself as 'cool and collected,' it would always be when someone was taking up too much of your time; be it panda, toge, yuji or even gojo, she'd always find herself in a mood and having a frown on her face for days on end. whenever that happens, you'd always have to guess what's wrong, and you almost never get it right, so you're left in a mood as well when maki wouldn't tell you what's wrong with the same exact saying, 'figure it out.'
when she was moody, it affected everyone else, too. she'd always take her anger out on training, being too rough with whoever her training partner is (if it's whoever's been hogging up your time, she'd go twice as hard, leaving them sore afterwards) and not think about how humbled she just got. it would affect how everyone focuses in classes which all of you don't really need as jujutsu sorcerers. for example, when maki was pissed off at megumi one day for being your training partner instead of her, she ripped off tiny pieces of paper, took a straw that she used from lunch earlier that day, and kept shooting paper wads through it, aiming it straight at megumi. it was also one of those uncommon times where she was a bit childish (even when she tells everyone she's not).
and today was one of those days when maki walked out onto the training field and saw that you were training with toge. it made her blood boil, because why would you choose to train with someone else over her, your own girlfriend? what's even worse is that you're not even noticing how mad she is, this is usually the time when you're supposed to be comforting her, making her feel like your golden girl. your only golden girl.
"panda," maki turned to face the cursed corpse next to her, resting her pole arm over he shoulder. he glanced at the clearly fuming maki as he gulped in fear, not ready to face her wrath. "yeah?"
"c'mon, you're gonna be my training partner." she demanded, not waiting for any complaints or objections from panda as she was already stomping onto the field. panda sighed as he mentally prepared himself for the beating he's about to receive.
on your side of the field, you were actually having a bit of fun. nobara, your underclassman, decided to watch as you and toge were training, even added commentary when one of you fell or missed a swing. it was a bit irritating, but fun nonetheless.
"it's hot outside, why's maki-san wearing long sleeves?" nobara asked, crossing her legs and resting her elbow on her knee just to rest her chin in her palm, looking over at maki and panda. you looked away from toge who was laying on the ground and looked at maki who was sweating like a pig, though you couldn't see from that distance. she was clearly getting a bit overheated, from all the moving around, the boiling temperatures, and that dark purple long sleeve shirt that she wore on purpose.
you sighed, shaking your head briefly as you set your training weapon down. you plopped down on the ground a second later, sighing as you were finally sitting in the shade provided by the big tree. nobara tapped her chin with her finger, watching maki move quickly and wacking panda everywhere with her pole arm.
"it's like, 85 degrees out. how is she not dying?" nobara pressed as she lifted her brow. you pursed your lips, looking back at maki with a deadpan stare, "she has a habit of doing that. i don't think she realizes how hot it is, she must think she's immune to it or something." you admit as you're watching her move slower and slower. you're wrong; she does realize it, and she knows very well that she's burning up, but nobody else knows that it's her own way of getting you to worry about her, eventually taking care of her in the end and reminding her (yourself more than her) that she's your golden girl.
"maki, you're completely drenched," panda commented as he swayed to the side, avoiding maki's embarrassingly slow punch. if there's a first time for everything, there's a first time for maki giving a weak punch, and that was today. panda frowned, watching maki strain herself with red cheeks and a sweaty body. he figures that it's the shirt, not to mention those black leggings she's wearing. it's like she was asking for a heat stroke, and she might as well, considering you haven't come over to take care of her yet.
"maki, stop. you need to take a break, you look like you're on your last days and you're still throwing punches," panda grabbed maki by her wrist, holding her still, getting a good look at her beet red face and the sweat that stuck her bangs to her forehead. her mouth was dry, her throat was burning, and her arms were tired, she might as well plop down to the ground and bake in the sun.
panda sighed, watching her drop to the ground. he looked around for you and toge, then waved at you, him and nobara for all of you to come over. when you and toge looked at each other with the same expression, the three of you got up from your spots to rush over to where maki had fallen.
"is she ok?" you ask once you reach her, leaning down to grab her by the arm and try your best to lift her up. it took her every ounce of will power to hold back a shit-eating grin on maki's face as you were lifting her up, throwing her big arm over your shoulder. panda sighs as he scratches the back of his head, "yeah, i think she's just a little hot from all that training."
"probably," you reply as you turn to face her red face; the flush even reached her neck, from what you could see (which wasn't much). thank god for deodorant, if she didn't have that on she would've stunk twice as bad.
"whatever, i'll take her to shoko," you say as you turn around, your other hand holding her wrist as you make your way to the building, maki limping the whole way there.
shoko was in the middle of playing tetris when the two of you came in; she looked up from her computer to find you and maki walking through the door. she looked so surprised, seeing maki's the one being taken in and not the other way around, considering the line of aching students she sends to her.
she clicks her tongue, getting up from her desk as you set maki down on the counter where everyone usually sits (minus panda) despite shoko telling everyone not to sit there. she spent a few months telling everyone to not sit on the counters, but eventually gave up after even gojo was sitting on the counters.
"what happened to her," shoko asks cheekily as she grabs a thermometer from one of the cups sitting further down the counter. you sigh, watching maki open her mouth and let shoko stick the instrument underneath her tongue, then roll your eyes. "she wore that damn shirt in this hot ass weather, that's what happened."
"in 85 degree heat?" shoko frowns a bit. "that's a bit odd, you'd think she'd at least bring water with her--" shoko pauses to glance at maki as the thermometer rests in her mouth. "you did bring water, did you?"
maki hums in response, as she can't say anything or nod her head, then shoko sighs before the thermometer goes off. she immediately took it out of her mouth and checked the numbers, then clicked her tongue.
"maki, i suggest you lay off on training and classes tomorrow or the next few days," she shows the temperature to you both. "you've got a fever of 103.5."
"how did i get a fever from that?" you and maki both hopped off the counter at the same time. you rolled your eyes as you grabbed maki by the arm. "next time don't wear dark colors and long sleeve shirts in 85 degree heat." you tease as you drag her out of shoko's office, not even letting her get the chance to tell maki to get a cold shower tonight (though she probably already knows).
"did you do laundry or something? cuz i know you had other alternatives," you question as you open maki's door (she left it unlocked just for you to walk in whenever you wanted to, regardless of what she might be doing), dragging her in and shutting the door. maki knew you'd ask that question if the situation did lead to you bringing her back to her own room to treat her there, so earlier this morning she took out all her shirts in her wardrobe and put them in her dirty laundry basket and took it down to the laundry room and shoved everything in there.
"i did, i just forgot to take it out this morning," she lies as she watches you open up her wardrobe. when you think she's telling the truth, seeing that nothing's in there, you shut the doors and turn to face her.
"well, i guess you should go take a cold shower," you cringe as you slowly begin to make your way out of her room, her eyes following your creeping figure the whole time. when you reach the door and set your hand on the door knob, she springs up from her bed and catches your shoulders, pinning you on the floor.
there's a grin on her face when she watches you wriggle underneath her, trying to escape her impossibly superhuman grip. she inches closer, your faces barely an inch away from each other as she watches the worried look on your face. she hums, leaning down to press a kiss against your cheek, "i did that on purpose, sweetheart."
when the nickname leaves her soft lips, there's a shock that rings quickly throughout your body. you didn't know what it was, nor what sparked it, but it felt weird, and the nickname itself made you feel weird. and she knows, she knows that the shock rung even in your bones, she knows part of you tingled a bit when she called you 'sweetheart,' she knows it all, because she knows everything about you, even more than you know about yourself.
"i did that so you could come to my aid, to help out your precious little angel," all the times you called her an angel seemed fake as her tone sounded sinful, her voice leaving your cheek and trailing down to your neck. "and here we are, just how i planned it."
"m-maki," your hand comes up to run your fingers through her emerald green hair, sighing blissfully as her lips ghosted the skin of your pretty neck. she grins upon hearing your soft moans and sighs of bliss, then runs a streak on your neck with her tongue, almost making you jump.
maki's hand snakes down to your hip, holding you in place as she continues her ministrations. you squirm a little, waiting on her to do something else before squealing as her teeth nipped your skin.
"hmm, always so good for me," she hums in satisfaction, her hand slithering underneath your shirt to rest on your side. her cold hand against your warm skin sent chills all around your body.
"always so good for your golden girl." she coos, trailing her hand further up to your chest.
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this would've been smut but i'm a minor☠
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
oooh if you’re up for fluffy #10 with eddie but it’s eddie trying to make cookies for his gf with a sweet tooth but fails and then more fluff
I am for sure up for fluff! I hope this is what you were looking for, and if it is not please let me know! I will gladly rewrite it.
“I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies”
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Eddie could easily tell Y/N was having a bad day. She'd usually smile at him every second, laugh at every joke he'd tell at lunch, and peck his lips before every class. Her lips were frowning this morning, and a fake small laugh would leave her lips at his horrible joke, and his lips had been lonely since last night. He wasn't sure what made her upset. He didn't know if she woke up upset, or as the day went on, it was not working in her favor. And the worst part is that he's been running to every class and barely saw her all day. It's like she was replaced by someone who was not his girlfriend.
He quickly sat down at the hellfire lunch table and realized she had not sat down yet, her spot was still vacant.
"Okay, does anyone know why my girl is so upset today?' Eddie asked out loud, hoping someone had an idea why she was so upset.
"I'm glad you noticed. I was getting worried. She didn't bring me my usual "good luck on your test" note, and I truly believe I failed that test because of it. Dustin answered.
Eddie rolled his eyes at the dramatic ending of his sentence, but the anxiety in his chest got worse when he heard she'd been weird with everyone. But secretly, he was happy to know that it wasn't him that was the problem.
"Yeah, I saw her crying in the hallway while she talked to Chrissy. Maybe she knows? " Mike butted in.
Eddie loudly clapped and pointed at Mike "You are a genius. Of course, the best friend would know. " He loudly exclaimed, causing eyes to drift towards him, but he shrugged it off. The chair next to him scraped against the floor loudly, and a heavy body plumped down with a sigh. His brown puppy eyes looked over to Y/N as she pulled out a textbook. His eyes grew more worried when he noticed she didn't even kiss him.
"Jesus Eddie, you gave me a heart attack." she clenched her chest. On any other day, Eddie would laugh, but today he was too worried about Y/N.
"Hey, baby." He softly smiled. He knew better than to ask her what was wrong in front of an audience, so for now, he would simply be gentler and sweeter than usual. He decided his heart hurt too much from the absence of her lips in the past 24 hours, so he quickly leaned in and tasted her lips. He felt her smile and kiss him back. But she pulled away faster than usual, and the smile was gone before he could blink. He grabbed her shaking hand under the table and placed it on his knee. It was a common way for her to comfort him, but sometimes just feeling him would comfort her. And he hoped the small gesture would help her feel more at ease. The group quickly fell into a discussion, but Eddie's eyes stayed on her the whole time.
Once the final bell rang, Eddie quickly moved in the direction of Chrissy's locker. "What's wrong with her?" Chrissy practically jumped out of her skin at the voice coming from over her shoulder.
"She's just having a hard day. I guess her parents got on her ass for getting a B on her last test. Her brother has been trying to get her to break up with you and convince his parents that you will just break her heart. And well, her favorite ponytail broke and she started sobbing in the hallway, but I think that was the final snap. " Eddie's heart hurt hearing that his girlfriend was going through so much and he didn't know. Granted, he wasn't able to see her after he dropped her off last night after their first date. He wondered why she didn't call; she knew he'd always answer the phone no matter what time it was. He also felt anger towards her asshole brother. That guy has been on their necks about their relationship since the very beginning.
Eddie thanked her for the information and raced to his van. Y/N was getting a ride from Steve since her work shift started pretty much right after school. Having a few hours before she got off, Eddie headed to the store. He paced down the baking aisle, looking at the many different cookie choices. He has never seen so many damn flavors in his life. Peanut butter? No, she hates peanut butter. Sugar? Well, that just seemed boring. Snickerdoodle? That sounded like a dog breed. Oatmeal? Yuck. Lastly, he saw chocolate chips. You can't go wrong with chips, right?
Wrong! Baking cookies was a lot harder than Eddie thought it would be. He cracked eggs, and half the shell went into the bowl. He tried to dig them out until Wayne told him that it ruined the eggs. He tried to soften the butter but ended up putting metal in the microwave. Wayne was not pleased with that one. He tried to measure out the oil and it slipped from his hands because they were greasy from the damn bottle. At one point, Wayne kicked him out of the kitchen and sent him to the couch while he fixed and cleaned the kitchen. "Okay Eddie, they are done in 20 minutes. Do not forget. " And he was out the door for work.
Eddie forgot about the cookies. He went to his bedroom with the idea of cleaning it up before his girlfriend arrived. but got sidetracked when a new idea popped into his head. And before he knew it, the smell of something burning took him away from his thoughts. "FUCK," he yelled as he raced to the kitchen. And sure enough, his cookies were very burned, like black. Eddie sighed heavily. All he wanted to do was make his girlfriend cookies, and he couldn't even do that.
Y/N was trying to survive the day. She missed Eddie and was looking forward to spending the night with him in his arms. All she needed was to be held and told that all would be okay. As Steve dropped her off at Eddie's trailer, she noticed many of the windows were open. She walked in confused. Her heart melted at the sight of her boyfriend holding a plate of something black in the shape of a circle with a beautiful smile on his face. "What are you up to, baby?" She asked as she kissed his lips. His smile silently faded.
"Well, I knew you were having a bad day, and you always say a sweet treat would make you feel better when you were young, so I thought I'd try it, and well, it was a disaster." He laughed.
Her heart had turned into a puddle at her feet, and if she didn't walk carefully, she'd slip in it. Her eyes got wet and she cried for the second time that day. Seeing the tears, Eddie quickly put the plate on the counter and cupped her cheeks.
"Hey no, don't cry. I promise you don't have to eat them." He tried to joke, and it landed. A watery laugh left her lips, and it was real. His stomach flips at the sound, and his own smile lights up his face. His eyes studied her face with adoration.
"Good tears baby, I can't believe you'd do all of this just because I had a bad day." She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself close. Feeling his body heat cover her everywhere.
He kissed her head with a soft caress. "Well, of course, I did. I love you and want you to feel better on your bad days. "
Let's just say her day got so much better.
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catwrites9 · 1 year
can you write a happy tara and reader fic where you show them getting together with a little angst and it’s hard because of what tara’s gone through and reader also has something they’re hiding for whatever (good reason) and then we see them get together and be happy in the end 🫶
The Lie I Never Told
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Warnings it’s scream so blood and killing, gut like a fish, cussing, use of y/n and she/her pronouns, and I think that’s it.
W/N I know you said a good reason but I put a little twist on that, and I know you said happy for the end but if you want to skip the last few paragraphs, I kinda got a little carried away. Possible part 2?
You and Tara fell in love from the first sight across the campus, later finding out that you both had the same scendue. After one month you guys started dating, keeping it a secret from everyone even though you were in the same friend group you still decided it was the best. That was until ghostface came back, you got attacked by ghostface and while getting attacked that ghostface told Sam about you two.
“Hello Sam,” Ghostface said.
“What the hell do you want”
“You really should be nicer to me considering the fact I have someone you care about in front of me”
Same looks around to everyone in the living room” Clearly your lying because everyone’s with me”
“Oh I’m sorry Sam, I forgot that Tara kept her a secret” Everyone’s heads turned to Sam while Sam’s turned to Tara. Ghostface continued talking” Honestly if I was you I would listen to me or you’ll lose Tara considering the fact that I have her girlfriend in front of my begging for her life as she bleeds out from multiple stab wound, Gutted like a fish”
Those words rerunning through Tara’s head. “Would you like to hear Y/N cry for her life” Ghostface said, not waiting for a anser as they turn off voice isolation from the phone call mic. Hearing you as you choke on the blood feeling like it was filling your lungs.
“Where the hell are you-you mother fucker” Tara yelled while geting up.
“Her apartment, it’s quite funny how much she cares about you and how I’ll gut you like a fish just like her”
“Shut the fuck up” Tara yells while going twards the front door caring a pocket knife.
“Tara, what are you doing?” Sam asked while going in front of her.
“Yeah Tara, are you trying to be gut just like her,” Ghostface joined in.
Your able to get three words out, those words staying in her head forever “please help Tara”
“I’m going to save my girlfriend, move Sam.”
“How do you know this is not just a way to get you over there”
“Because I just know Sam”
“If you're going I’m going” Chad spoke up, he was who introduced you to Tara but never knew you were dating, even though his sister was skeptical from when she first saw you.
They all get up and follow Tara. By this time Sam hung up and lectured Tara about getting a girlfriend as they ran to your apartment.
Once they got to your apartment they heard banging happening, Tara tried opening the door with your spare key but remembered that your deadbolt doesn't work with that key.
Over the course of 8 ish minutes they stayed there as the heard banging and rusling insinuating a fight was happening. After it stopped they heard the door open but what they didn’t expect was you falling as you had multiple stab wounds and blood all over your body, you fell into Tara and Chads arms as Chad picked you up running to the closest hospital.
That attack happened a year ago, the date being the exact day you almost died just because you were dating Tara. Those moments she thought about it as they were the moments she blamed herself for getting the woman she loved hurt.
You didn’t remember the day you got attacked well you remember the attack but not the exact date like Tara did. You noticed Tara not being her normal happy self when she was on campus so you decided to check on her after class but you couldn’t find her even after joining the group for lunch. So you waited till after school and after Sam went to therapy to go to her apartment. You knocked and you waited for her to answer which didn’t happen. So you did it again, and again, and, and again till she answered the door. Tara’s eyes were puffy showing she was just crying.
“Tara” was all you were able to get out as you put your hand on her cheek, following her into the house as she closed the door. “What’s wrong? '' She didn’t answer you and just hugged you as she pushed you back to the couch so that she could sit next to you.
As she sat beside you she had her head down” I was just- I’m sorry for being the reason you got hurt”
“Oh Tara it wasn’t your fault that I got hurt it was Ethan’s and Quinn’s, and Bailey’s I forgot about him”
“No Y/n it’s my fault you got hurt if I wasn’t you girlfriend you wouldn’t have got you hurt”
“But you're my girlfriend and you can’t just take it back because I love you and I would have confessed anyways because of Chad presuring me.”
“Sometimes I wished I never made eye contact that day” Tara mumbled but loud enough for you to hear.
“Wha-“ You tried holding back your tears. “You don’t mean that Tara”
“I do because if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t have almost died oh wait you did die for 5 minutes”
You let your tears fall but you knew you had to tell her.
“Tara, your not the reason I almost died it’s me”
“The Secret I Never Told, the one Ethan kept talking about during the whole killers reveal”
“What is it?” she questioned while now looking at you.
“I don’t want you to think of me differently but I’ve seen how you and Sam are and I fear that you’ll stop loving me”
“Just tell me Y/n, I won’t stop loving you”
“You know I’m the same age as you right”
“My father was Stu Macher”
She stayed there shocked, you feared that she was gonna be mad at you for waiting so long to tell her.
“How is that possible”
“My father basicly stored his semen at a place that then later on was used for when my mom was ready to have kids after his death.
She thought for a moment,”You thought I wouldn’t love you just because of your dad”
“Yeah I mean I’ve seen you’re relationship with Sam and I heard about the moment at the hospital you both had”
She smiled as she grabbed your shoulders pulling you into a hug. “I’ll never stop loving you just because you father is Stu Macher”
“Her fathers who now” The worst moment to walk in on Sam's part.
“Sam,” Tara said.
“How is that possible, isn’t she as old as you?” Sam asked while leaning on the wall..
“Yes he just stored his semen so that later on my no could have kids with him”
That moment felt like an hour of her just going from staring at you to staring at Tara.
You broke the silence with “Which is why I told you me and you were similar Sam”
“Honestly you guys do whatever you want I'm too tired for this, but if you hurt her I’ll make you die a painful death” She said and then walked away to her room.
“Damn she really is tired if she only threatened me with dying a painful death.” You joked while putting your arm around her.
You both laughed and then you then watched a movie while waiting for pizza to get delivered and in the middle all of the movie having Chad, Mindy, and Anika come over. They all invited some new people you all met, Mattew, Anthony, Johnathan, and Liam. You were just happy she loved you for who you were. You walked to the bathroom looking into the mirror seeing him behind you.
“If you tell me to kill someone then I reserect you just to kill you again”
“You did good kiddo, I know I haven’t been the best dad but i want to be you dad, even if I’m a hallucination I won’t tell you to kill people….. as often, but you did good”
“Thank you it means a lot” you walked out sitting back down with Tara watching the random movie Mindy put on while she takes about every detail about the movie. You loved moments like this wishing you could live forever like this.
Tara’s phone starts ringing showing up with no caller id. Of course moments like this could never last forever.
You pick it up showing her, the room being quite, scarily quiet. But that still made you not hear Sam come up behind you as she sees what happened. Sam picked it up and answered it.
“Hello Sam,” Ghostface said.
She didn’t answer.
“Please pass the phone to y/n”
You grabbed it put it to your ear
“Hello y/n you didn’t tell her about your mom did you, the fact she was also ghostface, sad really but the even funnier thing is that I just recreated what the last ones did to you but this time with your adopted mom, Sidney Prescott, and now I’m about to go gut your brother so have Fun” Ghostface then hung up.
You immediately called your mom.
She answered “Hey Y/n what wrong”
“Mom where are you ghostface just called me saying they killed you”
“I’m in nyc I was going to surprise you but ghostface is back”
“Yes and they said there gonna get D”
“Fuck, I’m coming right now”
“No don’t it’s better if your somewhere safe, because if they are telling the truth then they’re is multiple and they’re gonna go after you and him”
“Or they were lying thinking that you would chose me over him and are going after him.”
“Or I lied about both and I’m going to kill you” you heard from the corridor of Sam and Tara’s rooms. Ghostface was there ready to strike at the slightest movement.
“Run” Mindy yells as ghostface started running at everyone.
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starsfic · 9 months
Okay so I saw a post about Luz explaining her scar to normal people, and for some reason I can picture her coming up with crazy stories on the spot for it even to people who know about the boiling isles, and if present the members of the hexsquad are ready to support the random story in some way
"What happened to your eyebrow?"
To be fair, it was a reasonable question. Luz had been fielding it left and right from both humans and witches. Her eyebrow scar, the one given to her by Belos, was new.
It was just that it was Boscha asking it. Not curiously, but with a sneer like it was disgusting. Luz had always had the feeling Boscha blamed her for Amity not returning her feelings, even though she had come way after Amity had made it clear, so this attitude wasn't a shock. What was a shock was the thing that came out of her mouth.
"Willow gave it to me."
The hallway came to a stop.
"What?" Boscha raised a brow. "Half a witch Willow did that? To you?" Also fair, if it wasn't Boscha. Willow was known as a very nice person who didn't hurt people unless she had to. But Boscha was still holding a grudge, still calling her that, so Luz had no regret for what came next.
"Yeah. Yeah, we were arguing about...about..." Dark hair caught her eye, and Luz waved. "Hey, Willow!" Her bestie looked up, raising a brow at the hallway staring at her and Boscha, who looked a touch uneasy. "What were we arguing about when you gave me my scar?"
For a moment, Willow looked confused. Her eyes went wide and Luz couldn't help a smile. She knew Willow would pull through.
"We were arguing about movies and you told me that I had bad taste in boyfriends." Willow walked over and leaned against her. "Which, rude, that's your brother I'm dating."
"Yeah, yeah, except I have sister privileges." Luz leaned right back and savored the panic that lit up in Boscha's eyes. "I can tease Hunter all I like. Anyway..." Luz took a deep breath as her mind worked. "Willow threw a vine at me and, the way I was standing, she scratched me right across my brow and then told me that she could do it again."
Willow leaned in. "But worse." Boscha made a half-choked noise that almost sounded like a whimper. It got louder as Willow smiled brightly. "Anyway, we gotta go to class! See ya later!"
And off they walked, waiting until they turned two corners.
"So...we probably need to actually start settling on an actual reason for your scar. Skara still thinks you had a weird knife-juggling accident, that blonde girl thinks you fell into a bear trap, and I don't even know what you told Darius, but he refuses to have forks around you."
Luz chuckled. "That last one isn't my fault. I think he's teasing Eda for whatever she told him about it." She sighed, leaning against Willow. "But, I get it. At least you looked like a badass."
Willow nodded. "That I did."
(Willow actually did throw a vine at Boscha during lunch, narrowly missing her face. The pink-haired girl fainted and, when someone asked if the story was true, the wonderful girlfriend known as Amity didn't pause to say "Yes.")
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antennaed-shidou · 10 months
Small Chances
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♫ Mikage Reo x f! reader
♫ Warning: not prof-read
♫ Extras: Word count 1k+
♫ In which you misunderstand Reo actions, and he understands yours
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She sat in her parking lot waiting for her date to pick her up. Time passed and {Y/n} was still sitting in her parking lot. She looked at her phone seeing the time 19:43 and there was no sign of Reo showing up.
She took a deep sigh heading inside giving up on Reo. She plugged her phone in deciding not to text Reo why he didn't show up. She thought if she did she was be more disappointed than already.
{Y/n} lays down on her bed facing the ceiling watching the fan rotate around. Salty tears filled her eyes as they slowly fell down her cheeks.
{Y/n} was so excited when Reo told her he would take her out on a little date. But when he never showed up, her heart just sharted like a piece of glass being shot.
Soon she was able to fall asleep letting all the thoughts slowly leave her mind about Reo.
The following morning when she woke up her eyes were a little puffy. {Y/n} placed some ice around her eyes to help with the puffiness. The female walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast.
While she was eating {Y/n} debated on whether to go to school and there was a high chance of seeing Reo and getting embarrassed. And obviously, if she didn't then there would be no embarrassment. Which she would do.
She also didn't want to ruin her perfect streak of showing up every day because of a guy that would obviously shoot her down. After she was done eating breakfast she got her things and was ready to head off to school whether she may cry or not!
At first, the day went on normally, {Y/n} talked with her friends her classes went on smoothly. But around lunch is when things started to go downhill.
"How was your date with Reo?" One of her friends asked while posting silverware to the female she was talking to.
{Y/n} took a deep gulp not sure how to answer. Her friends were protective of her and always wanted what was best, and what would happen if they found out about the most popular guy and the school stood her up?
"It was ok," {Y/n} answers smiling guiltily hoping no one would notice she was living straight through her teeth.
"You're lying aren't you?" The friend asked sigh seeing straight through the words.
The [h/c]-haired sheepish smiled rubbing the nape of her neck. "Maybe he didn't show up and I sat on my parking lot for about two to three hours last night."
The friend sigh as she got up from the table, "Well then... wonder if the popular guy has ever had a fist cross his face."
{Y/n} quickly jumped out of her chair going to stop her friend, "It's not that serious. I mean in all honesty I should have known Reo wasn't going to show up in the first place. I mean look at me..." She motioned to herself knowing no one would ever go out with her.
"Then look at him..." She motioned over to Reo who looks where beyond compare. "He's just too popular and handsome for me."
{Y/n} felt her hand move and it wasn't her own doing. When she looked over to see who had done it the most popular purple-haired male was standing right beside her.
The friend took {Y/n} back as she stood before Reo. "So you stood up my friend on a date, huh. The most popular couldn't do a smile task such as telling the female you hated her."
Meanwhile, Reo stood there dumbfounded at what the girl was saying. He looked over her shoulder to see {Y/n}, he saw a small tear roll down the side of her face. Reo tried to talk to the [h/c]-haired female but the friend left to no avail.
"She doesn't want to talk to you buddy. Go away and talk to one of those other girlfriends you have."
"Please, just go away Reo." {Y/n} muttered facing the other way covering her face that he assumed would have dried up tears.
Though he did listen and walked away from the table sitting back on his own. If only the friend wasn't there then the male could say what he really wanted to say.
Reo knows where you were coming from, he didn't show up last night at all and that was indeed his fault and what made it worse was he couldn't explain himself further.
The rest of the day he tried to take to {Y/n} but he couldn't find the right time. He definitely didn't want to text it to her because that would make things worse than need be.
Reo was pacing back and forth in his room deciding whether to show up and her house and tell her what was going on or decide to meet with him somewhere.
{Y/n} heard loud honking outside. She opens her curtain and was met with Reo who was holding a Bouquet of flowers. She rushes downstairs putting on some nicer clothes and shoes before meeting again face to face with Reo.
"Why are you here, Reo? Aren't you supposed to be with another girl? I mean I completely understand, I'm not pretty at all, and not any of the other guys want me so there is no need to feel bad if you deny me too. It's happened many more times than you can think." As she was rambling on Reo stopped her from sprouting any more nonsense.
"No, you've got it all wrong. I love you, {Y/n}. Actually, I've liked you ever since I first laid eyes on you. Your smile that lights up even the darkest of nights, your eyes so delicate I can see your soul. Even your soul, so delicate from being broken so many times by guys that never deserve to even look in your direction. Most important your sweet and caring personality that moves people to strive and do better. I don't just like you, {Y/n}. I love and adore you, {Y/n}."
While he was talking tears start to fill the female's eye. Once Reo was finished with his speech the female took the bouquet from his hands and grabbed him for a hug.
"Then why did you not show up yesterday?" She asks breaking away.
"I was so excited for the date that I lost track of time setting up everything, by the time I was finished it was already the next day and when I showed up to your house, you were no longer there." He bawled his fist hoping she would believe him, he wasn't telling a lie but his statement could be a little hard to believe. "I didn't text you either because I didn't want to disrupt your sleep.
A small smile cracked on her lips. She put the flowers aside and gave Reo a kiss on the cheek, "All in forgiven. Now please can we go on the proper date."
He wraps his arms around her walking her to the vehicle, "I would be deleted to take you. I know you'll love it."
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I wrote this late, or finish it late. I was on a roll baby my fingers were on fire. (reblogs are welcome! Request are open)
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ninapi · 1 year
Save me (The Beginning)
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Premise: How did an innocent pre-teen relationship could turn into such a toxic mess? Your loving gentle boyfriend was just not going to have you do anything you wanted, would he?
Word Count: 3196
Note: So, this chapter is a bit intense, the rest of the series won’t be as heavy, it’s fluff after all, but I wanted to give context. Don’t get scared on me, it’ll get better, I promise. That being said, welcome to my new otome-like series! Just like the one before this, will have three routes, all with different endings!
Warning: mentions of bullying and toxic relationships, swearing and stalkerish behavior. Please don’t read this chapter if you consider this to be a problem, chapter 1 will be softer, you can skip to that one.
Chapter 0: Oikawa Tōru
You thought junior high would be fun, you finally felt like your opinion would matter to some people, you weren’t just a child anymore. But growing up was a confusing process, making new friendships and building relationships wasn’t as easy as when you were younger.
Majority of the girls in your year didn’t want to be your friends anymore just because some of the guys in your class thought you were cute, it was endearing but also a bit annoying, you were constantly treated as a frail creature and they wouldn’t let you thrive on your own. When this started happening, girls who used to be your friends in elementary school started pulling ugly tricks on you, like spitting in your water after breaks or throwing your books in the toilet. Your best friend had a crush on one of the guys who was all over you, turning the rest of the girls against you quickly. You never expected you would end up being a victim of this sort of behavior, specially not by the hand of people you used to trust.
This is when you met Oikawa Tōru, he was a year above you and the most popular kid at school. You knew he existed but never expected him to defend you from your aggressors. “Hey, pretty girls shouldn’t be doing ugly things like this. Makes me want to never see your face anymore, such a waste, you became so ugly in seconds.” the girl who was clutching onto your hair was now kneeling defeated on the ground, his hand trying to mush your hair down gently. You were trying your best not to cry but her pulling was pretty intense, it really hurt your scalp and you were just so tired of the whole ordeal it was breaking you from the inside. “Come here sweetheart, how about we go for some ice cream? Iwa-chan, please make sure the teacher knows what this scum did.” the look of disgust painting his face was enough of a punishment for the girl you once considered a friend, she, like the rest of the school, had been crushing on him since she saw his blinding and charming smile, and he was now looking at her like a piece of trash.
You followed him quietly, trying to grasp the situation, “Thank you, Oikawa senpai. You really didn’t have to do that, I…” you didn’t know tears were still running down your face, but he did, so he leaned in closer and wiped them away with both of his thumbs giving you a soft smile. “It’s ok, people like her must be put in their place. How about you stop crying and show me that cute little smile of yours?” you did your best to smile, ending up in the weirdest face you’ve ever made, causing him to cackle as he dragged you away from the school.
This was your first encounter.
After that it was pretty much a blur. He would come look for you during lunch period every now and then, and walk you home sometimes even if he had to run his way back to practice, running was part of his menu anyways. He just wanted to make sure you were safe. Unfortunately, him getting so close to you just triggered a bunch more of repressed females to hunt you down and the bullying intensified even with his guard dog antics.
That’s when he got a brilliant idea. In his head it made perfect sense, people would leave you alone if he formally made you his girlfriend, right? He wasn’t just adored by girls but also respected by many, they wouldn’t mess with his girl. So when he asked you out he did it big, making sure everyone in school would hear.
But it didn’t make things better.
The very next day you were pushed down some stairs by one of the members of his fan club and that was all he was willing to take from these people. If it couldn’t be him, it was Iwaizumi the one to be with you at all times. They would even guard the bathroom door waiting for you to do your business safely. You really appreciated his way of keeping you safe, but it did feel like a bit too much at times. He really wanted to just put you in a box and protect you from all harm, but being a year older wouldn’t allow him to be with you during classes and shorter breaks, there was no way for him to control everyone and everything around you, no matter how hard he tried.
You’ve been dating for over a year, it was his last year in Kitagawa Daiichi, he would have to go to high school first, and the thought of leaving you alone was making him lose sleep. He needed to do something to get someone to protect you, someone who could take care of you and report to him constantly while you were finally able to join him again in school grounds. So, he thought taking you to practice with him would be a great idea, if you were able to become friends with someone from his team, on your grade hopefully, you wouldn’t be completely on your own for an entire year and said teammate would for sure keep him up to date with whatever was going on with you.
Though, he never expected you to click with the young setter who’s been giving him the worst time since his arrival to the team. Couldn’t be any worse.
Nobody liked him and they were all very mean to him, always talking badly of him behind his back, this including your own boyfriend. You could honestly relate to him; everyone hated him just because he was good in a stupid sport. He wasn’t the softest-spoken person you’ve seen, that is a fact. But it was totally unnecessary to be that mean to him, you bet things would be a lot different if they would give him a chance and try to understand him better.
So you approached him. First you would just sit beside him on the benches after practice, hand him a towel or some water, say hi to one and another in the corridors, cheer for him when he did something cool. Nothing too deep, you just wanted him to feel like he wasn’t alone among a bunch of haters, like you are when in class. You did talk to the other members of the team more, it wasn’t like you were giving him your undivided attention, but it looked like that to Oikawa.
One afternoon, by the vending machine outside the gym, there were only two boxes of milk left and Kageyama thought of just buying them both so he could drink the other later, but he didn’t anticipate the disappointed look on your face when the machine told you there was no milk left. He started walking away from you, normally he would just leave, it was your fault for being slower than him, but something about you just made him turn around, take one of your hands in his and drop the extra box of milk on it. He didn’t say anything at all, just stared at you and left right after.
Unbeknown to the two of you, Oikawa was watching the entire scene unfold and his hatred towards the youngster grew to new heights, specially after you gave him that cute little grateful smile of yours, the one he adored, the one that he thought was reserved just for him.
Just who does this new kid think he is?
After that day, you were forbidden to partake in the volleyball team’s activities. You really didn’t like the way he was talking to you. You baked some cookies in one of your classes and wanted to share them with him, Iwaizumi and your new friend as a token of appreciation for the milk. “What did I say, (Y/N)? I told you I didn’t want you here. You could have just waited to give them to me later. Now go.” your boyfriend was pulling you a bit too hard for your liking, he looked like someone completely different to his usual soft and friendly persona, it was scaring you a bit. “Tōru, please wait, you are hurting me!” you pulled your hand away from him, cradling it to your chest, “I need to give the cookies to the others, give me a second, I’ll leave after that, I promise.” his face was as red as your wrist, he didn’t want you in the vicinity a second longer. “Leave now, (Y/N). I don’t care about your stupid cookies, just leave!” his tone made you back off from him, crashing onto a solid chest, “Are you alright, (L/N)-senpai?.” Kageyama was standing behind you, silently offering his chest to keep you steady, scared that you would collapse on him. You were trembling, and your face was as white as a ghost.
“Get your disgusting self away from my girlfriend.”, but he didn’t move, you turned around to face him, taking a deep breath, “Do you need me to punch him?” his eyes were boring holes into Oikawa’s and you were just grateful to have him there, it made you feel safe and gave you the time you needed to calm down. “That won’t be necessary, Kageyama-kun. I appreciate your concern though. Here, have some cookies. I made them for you, as a thank you gift for yesterday’s milk, hope they are to your liking. Can you please also give this other bag to Iwaizumi-san? It appears I’m not welcome in the gym today.” the shaky smile you gave him was ringing many alerts in his brain, but he was nobody to get in between a couple's fight, so against his better judgement, he went back inside.
You turned around, not even looking at your boyfriend and left.
Oikawa was losing himself, he was so angry all the time lately. What was it with that smile of yours? You baked the cookies for Kageyama? Not for him? This guy thinks he can just come and not only take his position in the team away but also turn his girlfriend against him? He really must not like breathing.
Iwaizumi could see through his friend; he’s noticed the changes in his character as of recent. Kageyama’s arrival had been quite the shock, he just couldn’t compete to his natural talent, no matter how good he already was. It was making him very unstable, and his aggressive behavior was a cause for concern.
“Shittykawa, just saw (Y/N) leave the school crying. Is everything alright? Shouldn’t one of us walk her home?” he wanted to approach the subject cautiously, he knew you were a complicated side of his life, he knows he loves you but he’s never liked how possessive he’s been over you since the very beginning. “She’s fine.”
Kageyama approached Iwaizumi with the bag of cookies, this confusing him even more, why was Kageyama the one to give them to him? You were always there to cheer for them during practice, something was definitely off but Oikawa was not having it, he just got up and left with bag and all, he didn’t even want to practice with the team anymore, they had the brilliant boy anyways not like they needed him, he’d go for a run instead and clear his head.
Things were bad. After your encounter you thought he would not contact you at all for a couple of days and just be mad, but it was unexpectedly different.
He spammed you with hurtful texts, all spitting venom, you’ve never heard him curse even, it was unsettling to see him acting this way.
You've seen his demeanor change over the last few months, but it was certainly getting worse, was this what he really thought of you? You were just so sick of reading all his words full of resentment, still having twenty two unread messages left, you decided to turn your phone off and went for a shower. Breaking up sounded like a very good idea, he was leaving for high school soon and you seriously didn’t like the way he was treating you. Was it such a big crime to share unopened drinks with friends? He was overreacting and you had already enough bullshit on your plate to deal with his.
After your long shower, you went over to the kitchen to look for something to snack on over your distressed evening, but the doorbell rang interrupting your line of thought . You didn’t think anything of it, so you went to see who it was, shock very present on your face when you saw your boyfriend panting heavily against your door. “Tōru, what are you doing here?” you were keeping your distance, the hurting words he sent still piercing your bones, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I don’t know what came over me. I-I just don’t want to lose you, specially not to him. He’s come to take everything away from me, I just know it.” he was sobbing onto your hair now, holding you tightly. This was his first offense, you could surely forgive him, right? “He just gave me a box of milk, Tōru, is not like he is plotting to destroy your life...” he was looking down at you with teary eyes, why could you just not see it? “Just wait till I’m gone. He’s going to strike and try to take you away. But I won’t let him, you hear me? I won’t let him.” you were now caressing his back trying to get him to calm down, his words were once again getting scary and suddenly the idea of breaking up with him didn’t sound so appealing, since when did you stop feeling safe around him?
He used to be your happy place.
“I’m not interested in anyone else Tōru, you’re my boyfriend, to me he’s just one more of your teammates, someone I wanted to befriend, who looked like he needed a friend, that’s all. Could you trust me at least a bit?” your words made him cry harder, his hold was beginning to hurt, so you pushed on his chest gently, trying to make him to look at you, “Do you want some of my cookies now? I can make you some tea to go along.” your empty looking stare and smile that didn’t quite reach your eyes was giving him a bad feeling, but he had to remind you, you were his. “Can I have a kiss first?” you nodded, pecking his lips, but that was not enough for him. He pressed you hard against your door, his tongue going into your mouth instantly. You’ve been dating for a while now but were still very young, never been that intimate before. And instead of feeling good, it was the opposite, it felt wrong and it tasted dangerous, you wanted nothing to do with it. Making it short, you went inside your house to brew some tea. Once you managed to calm him down, he reverted to his sweet loving boyfriend persona, giving you mixed feelings. Maybe he was just going through a lot. He did support you when you needed him most, you would do your part.
Oikawa’s first year in Seijou was almost over, he became a regular almost instantly causing uproar with his skills and beauty, making his mood to change for the best. Thankfully Iwaizumi went with him and kept him in check, but he would still go to pick you up after school every day, he would joke around saying he had you on a leash, but was it really a joke? You sometimes wondered.
You wanted to believe things were going to go back to normal at some point, but the sad reality is that they never did.
Whenever he saw you saying bye to Kageyama or even noticed you smelled differently, he would make a scene.
People were already expecting it, some even waiting for the drama by the entrance of the school as some sort of entertainment. Mostly every day he would yell at you, call you awful things while manhandling you and then kiss you better. Like some sort of sick clock, he would drop you off at your house, smother you with praises and bring a gift of some sort at night when he overdid it, chocolates being his choice of preference, It was a pretty established cycle for him.
You never knew which side of him would greet you each day, some days were fine, he would just talk about his day, treat you to some sweets, be your lovable caring boyfriend. But majority of days you would get his paranoid self, always sniffing your hair for trails of sandalwood, anything that could accuse you of spending time with Tobio, or cursing at everyone that looked at you the wrong way.
“(Y/N) you left your chopsticks in my bag.” Kageyama hurried after you, waving your pink chopsticks around.
Why did he have your chopsticks? Have you been lying to him? Is that why you’ve been avoiding his calls? Because you’ve been even chummier with his worst nightmare?
You just took them and placed them back in your school bag, waving Kageyama good-bye and making your way over to the entrance. Oikawa was already fuming, and you hadn’t even said hi to him. “Are you fucking kidding me right now? What, are you having lunch dates now? You dumb woman! Do you think you can just play with me while you go messing around with the insufferable king?? Does it make you feel important, having two setters thirsting over your cunt???” you were staring at him dumbfounded, you had lunch with the entire volleyball team, they wanted to wish you luck in your first year of high school and you all ate together outside the gym. Kageyama was next to you, and you put your chopsticks in his bag instead of yours by mistake, that was all. Your state of shock was apparent, he just kept spitting insults in front of your school, some people even trying to record the entire thing to post later.
Kageyama, who was still close enough to hear his outburst, ran your way. You looked like you were about to pass out, he couldn’t just ignore the situation this time. He was sick of him, of the way he made you feel, the way he treated you like if you were a dumb useless rag doll, when to him, you were the only person around to ever give him a chance. “(Y/N), let’s get you home.” he whispered over your shoulder, gently pulling on your arm. “How many times do I have to tell you to take your fucking hands off MY woman??” he charged at Kageyama, ready to strike a punch to his gut, but you got in between them as fast as you could, taking all his hate with you, he shouldn’t be getting hit because of you, he’s such a great guy, people just can’t see him like you do. You were doubling over in pain, a couple drops of blood came flying out of your mouth at impact of his heavy punch, “Yeah, let’s go, Tobio...”
Oikawa was now on the floor staring at you with horrified eyes, what did he just do? This was your fault; he didn’t want to hurt you.
Kageyama helped you up, putting one of your arms around his neck so you could lay half of your weight on him, helping you walk. Once you were far enough from your school, you let out a deep sigh, laying your head on the crook of his neck while taking a short of break from walking, “Say, Tobio. Which high school are you applying to next year?” he hummed in thought, a bit confused as to why you were asking that now after this horrifying encounter, but he answered, nonetheless. “Well, my dream has always been going to Shiratorizawa like my grandpa.” nodding in thought, you smiled at the sky above you. You have been already accepted in Seijou, but you would do your best to be accepted in Shiratorizawa then. Your parents might not like it since it’s a bit out of the way from your house and would require taking several trains a day, but you really didn’t want to go to the same school as your boyfriend, if you could even call him that now.
Your dad opened the door when Kageyama knocked on it, panic filling his eyes at the way you looked. He lifted you up in his arms, thanking your friend endlessly before taking you inside. “Hey dad, can you get me a Shiratorizawa application form printed? I don’t want to go to Seijou anymore.” the implications of your statement were very clear to him, he noticed Oikawa getting more aggressive over the years and didn’t even want to think of what made you take that decision.
The time for applications and entrance tests was already over by a lot, but your dad managed to get you a chance to do it out of the deadline, he had to swear you were a promising student and almost guarantee his board member friend that you would pass the entrance test with flying colors, but he got you a chance. And you did pass it, surpassing everyone’s expectations with your academic performance.
You would be attending Shiratorizawa next spring.
After breaking up with Oikawa via text, you got a new phone number to avoid his messages and calls, he was driving you crazy calling you at three in the morning and sending you voice notes, some spiteful insults followed by others of him crying and apologizing, it was just messing with your head and your parents had to talk with your school so you wouldn’t have to attend to the last week of your final year in Kitagawa Daichii.
Tōru, started coming to look for you at your place due to your lack of replies, banging heavily at your door and yelling with all he’s got for you to come out. Your parents wouldn’t letting him go into the house of course, but you could hear his voice from your room, and you couldn’t take it anymore. You could feel someone watching you all the time, from your windows, this whole thing turning you into a paranoid mess. Was breaking up with someone always this complex?
Thankfully, Shiratorizawa had dorms. Many people from all over the country came to the school every year so they offered dorms separated by gender, meaning, thankfully, there were no men allowed in the building, so your family got you a room there just to try to get their daughter back. Not only were you not sleeping enough but every little sound would make you jump, your nerves wouldn’t turn off for a second and they just hoped Oikawa would never find out where you were.
The day you left for your new school, you did it as sneakily as possible, bright an early. There were no troubles whatsoever and you were pretty confident everything would be just fine, he would never find out where you were and things would be finally over.
Or so you thought.
Note: Starting next week the updates will be Friday and Sunday instead of Tuesday and Friday~ 🍃
Tagged babes: @dazaisfavgf, @lauraagrace
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eddieswh0r · 2 years
Okay short silly idea because requests are still open!! My birthday is on Valentine's day and I just love imagining how Eddie would react to that. Maybe his crush just casually brings it up in conversation and then goes on about how it's the worst holiday to have a birthday on because nobody's ever asked them out so it always ruins the holiday and birthday (can confirm it sucks) and Eddie's just like "well, I know what day I'm confessing on!"
Sorry if that's totally incoherent my brain is not doing good right now. I've been crying and need a pickmeup so even just some thoughts about this would be nice. Have a good day sweetie 🥰
asdfghjkl. i love this idea, imagine how soppy he'd be.
"This sucks ass!" Rolling your eyes an exasperated sigh leaving your lips, pushing your lunch around the metal tray with your fork. Looking around the cafeteria everyone was giving their boyfriends, girlfriends and crushes cards and gifts.
"Fuck Valentines"
"Right?" You laughed, looking towards the end of the table, big brown eyes staring back at you. You see, That's Eddie. Edward Munson to be precise, the guy who took you under his wing when you started Hawkins high, a nervous little nerd who just wanted to play d&d and spend time in the library. Eddie really brought you out of your shell, you'd even cuss sometimes but walking round in your new Hellfire club shirt with a bunch of new friends really made you feel like you belong, even though the group got tormented on a daily basis, you fit in with them and you had friends so the taunts were worth it. Little did you know ever since that day Eddie saw you, he was crushing on you. Hard.
"I don't get the hype personally, its one day a year man. Shouldn't you love them every day? It's a money maker for gullible people, big companies want to cash in" leaning back in his chair and kicking his feet up onto the cafeteria table, crossing them he laughed "Never had a card, don't want one, especially covered with hearts 'n shit. So in two days' time it will be just me strumming my sweetheart in my room" Eddie winked at you which automatically sent your cheeks rosy, of course you knew he meant his guitar but the aching in the pit of your stomach wanted otherwise.
"I don't get cards anyway, 'cos god forbid someone sees and thinks it's a valentines one" shaking your head, you gathered your things as the bell rang to end lunch, nodding your head to signal bye you head towards your next class.
Eddie had a puzzled look on his face as he took hold of his metal lunch box, grabbing Dustin by the collar, pulling him towards him "Why does she speak in code man?" As Dustin prized Eddies hand off his shirt collar he responded "Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. No wonder you didn't graduate if you thought that was code?! It's her birthday on Valentine's day dude, a Balentine's if you will" Dustin looked immensely proud of his remark but Eddie did not.
"I swear man, you didn't tell me because?" Eddie pinched the bridge of his nose, taking in a deep breath, a little irritated at the fact he didn't know when your birthday was, especially since he was literally in love with you.
"I thought you already knew? Especially cos you're like in love with her. Also, will you just ask her out because love sick Eddie is actually annoying as shit" Dustin chuckled as Eddie shoved him in the shoulder
"Henderson!! Meet me at my van after school, i have an idea" Eddie yelled over to Dustin with a raised eyebrow and a smirk as he made his way out the cafeteria
Valentine's day, your birthday, fuck. The day was here, just a card from your mom and a joint one from Jeff and Gareth. It was clear they'd made it themselves last minute but you cherished it all the same. Every time you heard a noise, you'd run to the window to see if the flag was up on the mailbox, much to your dismay - nothing. It was the same every year but somehow you thought this year would be different, maybe a card from Eddie or maybe a phone call? You wished for a card from him. Hell, you'd dreamt about it, not a birthday card but a Valentines one. You really had fallen hard for this boy, ever since that day you met him, as soon as you tripped over his shoe, books flying down the corridor. He tells everyone it was your shirt he noticed first, a witty d&d pun on the front of it but that's not the case. Your eyes, big and sparkling, that's what he noticed first, oh and the fact you had really soft hands which he didn't want to let go of when he grabbed them to stop you falling flat on your face. But nevertheless there was a last minute d&d meeting called at 7pm tonight, at least you'd see someone bar your mom on your birthday.
"Sinclair, if you just.. a little.. higher. No, lower, left a bit.." Eddie ran his hands over his face, stressed at the multiple instructions he's had to give, which seem to be going in one ear and out the other.
"Henderson, if you put it any lower it might aswell be on the god damn floor. If you want something doing.." Snatching the sheet away from Dustin and Lucas, Eddie pressed the tack through the sheet into the wall, hanging it up. Although lob-sided the three of them stood back, admiring the hard work. Well, Eddies hard work.
"So? It's perfect isn't it?" A smile spread across Eddies face as he stared at his masterpiece, hung on the back wall in the room where the members of Hellfire gathered to play D&D.
"I mean, it's alright? Erm, what is it?" a comment from Lucas which earned him an elbow to the ribs from Dustin.
"You can clearly see what it is, shit-head" Dustin spoke through gritted teeth and widening his eyes, trying to signal Lucas to just stop talking
"Are we looking at different things? 'Cos that isn't wha-"
"SHUT UP" Eddie yelled at the pair.
"Jesus Christ" Dustin mumbled "It looks... great"
"It's perfect. She'll love it. So Henderson..." Eddie spun on his heel, almost bouncing on them, facing the curly haired boy. "The plan, 7pm. You know what you need to do? The 'meeting' is all set up, I'll be here, waiting."
"So, are you driving us then?" Looking at Dustin and Eddie with a serious face, Lucas never ceased to amaze. Does that boy listen? like ever?
"Christ. How is Eddie driving us when he needs to be here? Earth to Lucas, is anybody working inside there?" Dustin knocks his knuckles on the side of Lucas' head, shaking his own in disbelief that he even associated with someone who had a lower IQ.
"How you two are still alive, I'll never fucking know. Anyway. 7pm, SHARP, You got that? I'm talking to you Sinclair"
"Happy Val-Birth-tines Y/n" Dustin and Lucas shouted at the same time, although Dustin was perfectly happy saying 'birthday' Lucas confused him by saying Valentines, so that's how the words came out. A chuckle left your lips as did a 'Thank-you' as you stood your bike up on the grass
"To Hellfire" Dustin bellowed trying to put on a deep voice and outstretching his arm forward with a pointed finger.
The ride wasn't all that long, a quick 15 minutes and you were placing your bike wheel into the stand alongside Dustin and Lucas who were now sharing glances between each other. Making your way inside you were talking away to the boys
"..Yeah that's what i was saying. So why did we need an emergency meeting? Has something happened with the campaign?" Placing one hand on the double doors to Hellfire you turned your head to look behind you for an answer
"Dustin? Lucas? Hey?" Your brows furrowed, how had they just disappeared like that? Shrugging your shoulders you pushed the doors open and stepped inside.
The room was pitch black, "7pm, they said. I can't see anything and they've disappeared" you huffed, fumbling your hands over the wall, looking for a light.
Baby, i get so scared inside and i don't really understand,
Is it love that's on my mind? Or is it fantasy.
Heaven is in the palm of my hand,
and it's waiting here for you.
The sudden sounds of Ozzy and Lita gave you a fright, clutching at your chest you looked around you as the twinkle of fairy lights turned on, one by one. An old sheet hung up on the back wall, red paint splattered over it reading ‘Happy Balentines Y/n’.
"Y/n.." Eddie emerged out of the darkness, the soft twinkle of the lights reflected off his big chocolate brown eyes.
“Eddie? What’s going on? Oh my god, is this a new campaign?” You bounced on the balls of your feet in excitement as Eddie was stood directly in front of you, the double doors behind you wafted shut and as you looked over your shoulder you could just see the curls of Dustin’s hair retreating down the corridor. Those little shits.
“Y/n? Hey..” Eddie beamed, grabbing your attention, taking your hand into his, shyness overtook you, which didn’t happen in front of Eddie too often anymore. You cheeks burned crimson, looking up at him through your eyelashes you melted upon his gaze.
“It’s not a new campaign” Eddie let out a quiet laugh, running his thumb over your hand.
“Listen, sweetheart.. I.. Fuck. Look at you. You’ve been carved by the angels huh?” The soft glow of lights bounced off your face, highlighting all the right places. His eyes scanned your features closely, like it was the first time he’d ever really, properly looked at you.
“What I wanted to say is..” cupping your face with his large, calloused hands, he took a breath “Y/n, when I first saw you and, and I grabbed your hand to stop you falling, that’s when I knew.. I never wanted to let that hand go. Jesus Christ, I’m so fucking in love with you Y/n.” Eddie gently placed his other hand on the left side of your chest “I could feel it straight away, in here. In my heart, fuck. It beats so fast whenever I see you, I swear I could explode.”
Tears stung the corners of your eyes, you couldn’t quite believe this was happening, no-one had ever done anything like this for you before. Hell, you’d never had someone in love with you before. Eddie could see the tears pooling and he automatically thought he’d fucked everything up, his hand slowly moved from your cheek and chest.
“Shit, shit, shit. No this was too much. I shouldn’t have. I always fuck shit up. ‘Be brave and tell her’ I said, don’t run away from it and look where I am now.” breathing out a big sigh, Eddie sat perched on the table with his head in his hands.
“Eddie?” moving in front of him, you returned the favour of cupping his face with your hands this time, tenderly tipping it up to look at you “This, all of this? It was perfect, you’re perfect. You have no idea” the corners of your mouth twitched up into a smile as did his, arms snaking around your waist.
“Nothing like taking your time Munson, I’ve only been in love with you since like always..” the dulcet sound of giggles left your lips as he tightened his grip around your waist and grinned from ear to ear
“Happy Balentines Baby”
I mean.. I’m not overly happy with this but it’s soppy Eddie right?😭
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larz-barz · 10 months
Title: My Muse<3
Prompt: Tanjiro x artist! reader (modern au:))
Summary: Tanjiro realizes you spent your whole lunch drawing so he gets you a rice ball. He finds Inosuke being rude to you cause you accidentally ran into him. He asks you to hang out with him after school at his family’s bakery. After walking you home, he realizes that he wants to ask you to be his girlfriend.
Genre: fluff:)
Warning(s): Mentions of bullying
During lunch you were sitting in your usual spot. You had brought your sketchbook so you could draw. You looked up and saw your crush, Tanjiro Kamado, talking with Zenitsu. You could easily picture the scene in your head, Tanjiro smiling and laughing while talking with his friends and eating rice balls. You haven’t talked to the boy very much, you’re a very shy person so you’ve always been scared to talk to the kind-hearted boy. You smiled as you lightly sketched out Tanjiro’s features. By the end of lunch, you finished the drawing. ‘Oh, lunch is over? Did I even eat?’ You quickly wrote your signature then closed your sketchbook. Tanjiro noticed that you hadn’t eaten so he ran to grab you a rice ball. By the time he got the rice ball, you had already run out of the cafeteria. He knew that you would be in the next class with him so he ran after you so he could catch up to you.
You were running to the next class so you wouldn’t have to talk to anybody. You ended up running into Inosuke. He turned around and started yelling at you. You flinched at his loudness. He got in your face and spouted insults at you. Tanjiro saw and ran over, shoving Inosuke away from you. “Inosuke, leave her alone!! She didn’t mean to run into you!!” Inosuke grumbles. “This is none of your business Kentaro!!” He yells then walks off. Tanjiro turns around to face you. His gaze softens when he sees your scared expression. “Are you ok (Y/N)???” He asks worriedly. You nod and blush. “Th-thank you Tanjiro..” He smiled and nodded. “It’s no problem, also, I noticed that you didn’t eat anything at lunch so I got you a rice ball.” You gave him a thankful smile when he handed the rice ball to you. “Thank you so much!” You said and took a bite out of the snack. He smiled again. “You’re welcome! If you don’t mind me asking, what were you drawing during lunch that caused you to not eat?” He asked and your face went blood red. “Uhm- I’d rather not talk about it.” You said then speed walked into the classroom.
~After the final class~
Tanjiro got up and noticed that you accidentally left your sketchbook. He noticed that it was opened to a drawing that you had almost finished during class. It was him. He blushed and smiled at the thought of himself being your muse. He closed the sketchbook and brought it to you. You breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the boy coming up to you, your sketchbook in hand. He handed it to you and you smiled. “Hey, uh, do you wanna hang out later? Maybe at my family’s bakery?” Tanjiro asked and a faint blush creeped up his face. You blushed as well and nodded. “Sure!” He smiled, relieved you said yes. “When do you wanna go?” He asked and you thought for a moment. “Hmm.. we could go now, if that’s alright with you..” You said the last part nervously. Tanjiro grinned. “Ok! That’s fine with me! I’ll just text my mom that I’m bringing you!” He said excitedly while pulling out his phone. “I’ll tell my dad that I’m going with you!” You said, equally as excited and you pulled out your phone.
The 2 of you texted your mom and dad then went on y’all’s way. Y’all got to Tanjiro’s family bakery. When you and him walked in, you inhaled the scent of delicious baked goods. You sighed happily. You and Tanjiro sat at a table by the wall. You put your bookbag down by your chair and sat down. Tanjiro did the same thing. “Tanjiro.?” The boy hummed in response and looked at you with a small smile. “Did you understand the math lesson.?” Tanjiro nodded and pulled out his notes. You admired the neat looking notes that he had taken. You listened intently as the maroon haired boy tried his best to explain the math to you.
Tanjiro finished explaining what was confusing you. “Do you get it now or do I need to explain it more?” He asked and you thought about the information that had been relayed to you. “I think I understand, thank you so much for explaining, Tanjiro!” You said with a grateful smile and you hugged him. He smiled as well and hugged you back. “You know how you left your sketchbook accidentally?” He asked and you nodded. “It was still open to what you were working on during class, it was really good!” He said with a faint blush and large smile. Your face went redder than Tanjiro’s hair. “O-oh.. th-thank you…” You said, an embarrassed smile gracing your lips. “You’re welcome! I love the way you capture emotions and body language!” He continued speaking passionately about your drawing.
The truth is, Tanjiro wishes he could draw but he’s never had the time to really get into drawing. He continued rambling on and your face went redder with every word of praise that Tanjiro gave. You honestly felt that your art didn't really deserve it, but it was obvious that Tanjiro felt the complete opposite. “Tanjiro.?” He stopped talking when you said his name. “Oh, was I talking too much.?” He asked apologetically. You immediately shook your head. “N-no! That’s not it! I wanted to ask if you wanted to see some more completed drawings from my sketchbook!” He smiled widely and nodded enthusiastically. You nervously pulled your sketchbook out of your bag. You held it in a way only you could see the pages and turned until you found one that you were ok with showing to Tanjiro. It was the drawing you did that day at lunch.
You turned the sketchbook so he could see it. He grinned as he observed each detail. The way you drew his smile, the amount of detail and care you put into his eyes, all the way to how you drew his hands. It was truly amazing to Tanjiro just how much care you obviously had for your drawings. You clearly had put a lot of work into it. “This is truly amazing, (Y/N)..” He said, his voice filled with awe. He handed the sketchbook back you reluctantly, despite wanting to stare at the picture some more. You turned to another drawing of him. In this one, he’s talking to Inosuke. You handed the sketchbook to him once more and he took it. He smiled at the detail in his and Inosuke’s expressions. He loves how lifelike your drawings are. “(Y/N), these are absolutely amazing. How long have you been drawing for?” You smiled at the compliment then had a thoughtful expression on your face. “Uhm, about 10 years? Maybe? I don’t really know but that’s probably close.” He gave you an impressed smile.
You continued showing Tanjiro drawings and he was impressed with each one, praising you for the work and love you put into your art. “Do you make digital art as well or just traditional?” You smiled. “I do both!” “Can I see some of your digital art?” He asked and you pulled out your ipad. You opened up your drawing app and went to your favorite drawing. “This one is my personal favorite right now.” You with a large smile while showing him the picture. He looked astounded at how amazing the art was. “(Y/N).. this is so amazing and beautiful..” He said, still in shock. You showed him a few more then put your ipad up. “So uhm, enough about me and my little hobby.. Do you have any hobbies?” “I like baking, hanging out with my friends, and meeting new people!” You smiled and asked,“What’s your favorite food? Mine is spicy chicken udon!” Your mouth watered at the mention of your favorite food. “My favorite food is kelp rice balls!” Tanjiro said with a smile.
~a few hours later~
A few hours later, you and Tanjiro had really grown close in these few hours of hanging out at his family’s bakery. You and Tanjiro noticed that the sun was nearly down and frowned, disappointed that the 2 of you would have to end your date. “Well, it’s getting dark.. I’ll walk you home.” He said and stood up. You stood up as well. “Ok, can I give you my number real quick?” You asked and he gave you his phone. You typed in your name and number. You handed Tanjiro’s phone back to him. “Thank you, I’ll text you when I get home!” Tanjiro said while slinging his book bag onto his shoulder. You put on your own book bag.
Tanjiro walked you to your house. The 2 of you got to your door. “Tanjiro, I had an amazing time with you this evening.” You said and gave him a hug which he happily returned. “I’m glad you had a great time, I had a great time as well! I’ll see you tomorrow at school.” He said with a big smile and you smiled as well. “See you tomorrow! Bye Tanjiro.” You said then went into your house. Tanjiro smiled on his whole walk home. He thought about your blushing face each time he complimented you, he thought about how passionately you would talk about your favorite things, he thought about your beautiful smile, your beautiful (e/c) eyes, and your shining (h/c) hair. He realized that he really liked you and wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend.
~The end~
A/n: Should I write a part 2 of Tanjiro asking (Y/N) to be his girlfriend?? I hope y’all liked this one!!:3
If you have a request then go here!
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lover-girl-estxx · 5 months
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"Kammy i'm pretty sure he doesn't even know my name" I said closing my locker "that's not true" "yes it is" I sighed she shook her head as the bell went off "oh by the way I won't be here for lunch" I sighed "you suck!". I sat at the desk in the last row Nate came in and sat in front of me. It was a free period so Nate turned in his seat to talk to his friend next to him giving me his side profile. I pulled out my notebook and pencils starting to sketch him. This is weird your being weird you keep looking at him and your drawing a picture of HIM! After Class we had lunch I just held my notebook and pencils in my arms walking to the lunch area.
| Nate's POV |
She had her beautiful hair in her face while her head was down drawing in her book again. "give me it back!" I hear her say and I turned from talking with a friend to looking over to wear she was a guy was standing over her holding her notebook "no" he laughed "come on stop" he shook his head and dropped the book in his backpack. She sighed and stood up "please" "nope" he said walking away she ran a hand through her hair sitting back down.
I got up following him around the corner, he was holding his bag in his hand I ripped it out of his hand. unzipped it "Hey" "fuck you" I duped his bag out. "here" I said holding her Notebook out she looked up at me she shyly smiled "Thank you so much!" she took it "of course" "really thank you" I smiled and nodded "y-you want to show me some" "if you want" she blushed.
"these are really good" I said moving closer to her "thanks" she looked over at me "can I look through the rest?" "um well some of them aren't very good- you don't" "it's fine" I flipped a few pages to a side profile of me, I looked over at her "is that me?" she sighed "yeah I-um am sorry I ran out of things to draw" she went to grab the book "no no I love it, it's great" "really?" "it's fucking awesome" she blushed "thank you" "could you draw me something?" "Yeah" she whispered with a smirk "you know what MMA gloves look like?" "I think so I can look it up tonight though" the bell went off "that would be awesome!"
"I saw you talking to your girlfriend at lunch" Nick said "she not my girlfriend" I shook my head "what was she showing you?" "her drawings" "of?" "...me" "You?!" I nodded "see I told you she liked you" "just cause she drew a photo of me-" "doesn't mean she likes you? thats to a T what it means" I sighed.
| Next Week |
"ask" I hear kammy whisper and push Y/n towards me "Hey!" I turned "hey Y/n" I smiled "here" she handed me the piece of paper "this is Great!" I opened my locker putting it on one of the walls she smiled "um I also wanted to see if you maybe wanted to get something to eat sometime?" I smiled "I would" she smiled and I blush "tomorrow?" "tonight." she nodded "sounds good!" "it's a date" she turned red. She turned and put her thumbs up to Kam who smiled "I told you!" she said "so you have a date?" Nick said I nodded "told you" he added.
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