#bring back the flavors you cowards
therecipelibrary · 21 days
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Cheez Whiz Idea Book 1970s
Cheez Whiz Potato Salad and Mexican Medley
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bunnyb34r · 1 year
Man I was so excited to finally try wild berry skittles and I'm like oh cool these all sound great! (Usually 2-3 flavors suck) and they taste like shampoo and cough syrup :(
Melon berry tastes EXACTLY like shitty melon kids shampoo
Wild cherry tastes like cough syrup
Berry punch tastes so bad it made me wanna cry
Blue raspberry is okay but not GREAT
Strawberry is the only good flavor like it's REALLY good
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thewirewitch · 9 months
What do you MEAN there's a new monster cereal flavor!?
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Bad Idea Right? - Part 9
Eris x Reader/Azriel’s Daughter
What are friends for if not for meddling? A certain daughter of spring and her heir apparent lover scheme to bring a stubborn Shadowsinger and her Autumn High Lord mate back together.
A/n: remember when I said this would be the final part? I was wrong. Sorry! Don’t hate me. There will be at least one more chapter and an epilogue.
Part 8 Series Masterlist
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Warnings: language, sexual innuendos, alcohol
In hindsight, perhaps I was a bit dramatic. But in my defense, what the fuck??
The High Lord of the Autumn Court is my mate?
And he’s known since the moment he met me?
I am a fool, truly. There’s no other explanation. Perhaps I may not be as perceptive as my father or nosey little sister but I’m pretty damned adept in reading a room.
Yet I’d been fucking my mate for two years with zero clue. No wonder my damned shadows enjoy playing with him so much. But to be fair, who wouldn’t? I mean look at him. The muscles, graceful stature, those auburn locks of hair, that arrogant smirk that I want nothing more than to kiss right off his stupid, gorgeous face.
And in the face of the truth, I fled. Like a coward.
“Sissy?” Azalea’s concerned voice interrupts my spiral of self-loathing.
Her little hand squeezes mine. “Ice cream makes me feel better when I’m sad.”
“That sounds wonderful, Azzie.”
With that, my mother gave a soft smile and strode to the kitchen to retrieve my favorite strawberry flavor from the ice box.
I looked down to my sister to find her brows drawn together and lips pursed, wings sagging just a bit. “What’s going on, Azalea?”
“I told Eris that what he did was bad but sissy, I don’t think he’s bad. But you were so sad.”
“Oh Azalea, I’m sorry. I appreciate you and your loyalty. I’m lucky to have such a kind little sister and you know what? I bet Eris would prefer for you to stick up for me instead of ignoring my feelings. Because you’re right, he is not bad. He’s not a bad male at all.”
“Then why are you so sad?” question shone in her eyes as she waited for a response.
“I’m upset because I believed that he liked me for me - but now that I know he knew I was his mate from the moment we met, it makes me feel like he only likes me because of a bond that neither of us have control over.”
The winged little girl pondered before replying, “He can still love you for who you are even with a bond. I didn’t have control over being your sister, but I like you a lot. I wouldn’t want anyone else to be my sister.”
Her words stopped me in my tracks. Since when was my little sister so wise beyond her years? Yet still - it stings. It stings for there to have been so many secrets and perhaps he had good reason to hide it. Hell, maybe he didn’t even want me beyond the most base level of a mating bond. The sex was incredible. Yet, he was the one who took me on a date tonight. Still came around despite my father’s ominous presence. An ugly voice inside of me whispered that it was all to gain a political foothold, yet the more rational side of me could feel that it wasn’t truth.
A bang on the door interrupted my thoughts.
Azzie’s wings rustle, little legs bounding across the room in search of the unexpected intrusion, her hazel eyes peering out the foyer window. My heart fluttered briefly - could it be him? What would I say?
The racing sensation in my chest faltered as my shadows briefed me of the visitor’s identity.
“Azzie, can you go ask mom to scoop an extra bowl of ice cream?”
She didn’t miss a beat as her little feet took off into the kitchen where she animatedly informed our mother of the visitor at our doorstep.
Another knock and a shout of “Open up the door, bitch! I know you’re in there.” had me letting out a flustered breath and scurrying to allow the nuisance entry into my home, greeting her with “How do you even know where I live?”
“Well,” Layla let out an exasperated sigh, taking a step into the fae-light illuminated foyer. “For one, it’s nice to see you again too. Second, Daemati boyfriend, remember?” Pointing a finger to her head with an incredulous expression, she continued. “Third, you didn’t see me fleeing when my tits were out in front of your entire family. THANKS for that.”
Shame flooded my features but she cut off any attempt at an apology for leaving her in the uncomfortable predicament with Nyx. “Eh, I like to think of myself as a bit of an exhibitionist. I just never imagined my first foray into such endeavors would involve the High Lord and Lady of the Night Court. ANYWAY-“ the blonde gave me a pointed look, summoning two bottles of wine from a pocket realm. “I brought vino for our troubles.”
Twenty minutes later and we’d all soothed our wounds with ice cream and Azalea peppering Layla with questions about anything and everything she could think of.
I could have fallen through the floor when she gleefully informed Layla that she did indeed try to stop us before barging in upon her and Nyx’s more private affairs. Layla only laughed and flashed me a vulgar gesture when Azalea wasn’t looking.
Azalea eventually dozed off somewhere between Layla and I’s second and third bottle of wine when she jumped up with a shriek. “Oh my gods! What’s the name of that bar you lot love so much? Rose’s?”
I raised an eyebrow. “Rita’s?”
“Yes! That’s the one. Let’s go! Girls night out.”
“Layla, why don’t we go somewhere the Inner Circle doesn’t frequent? Somewhere a bit more youthful?”
With a dismissive wave she shush’d me. “No way. Let’s be tourists. Wouldn’t anyone visiting want to go to THE spot that the Court’s upper echelon frequent? Let’s go dazzle the citizens of Velaris with our sexy moves. I’ll let you grind against me if you’re good.”
I laughed at my friend’s peculiar method of cheering me up but honestly, a night out to let loose before facing the rocky road ahead sounded like just what I needed.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
Rita’s was more packed than usual as an attendant led Layla and I back to the Inner Circle’s standard table, we snaked through the crowded floor, brushing shoulders with the ocasional dancing patron when I overheard a voice muttering about the “sexy High Lord” she’d bumped into at the bar.
I reached to grab Layla’s attention but it was too late as I looked up to find her cozied up to Nyx with my uncles, my father, and my- “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Looking past my friend with her shit-eating grin, I see the gorgeous face of my mate.
He stood dejected in the basement of the gallery, trying to process what had just gone down.
Never did he imagine this was how the night would turn out. Under normal circumstances, he would be traveling back to his court to look into the father of the two Day Court denizens who’d tried holding him hostage but Helion would look further into it and send word. He was not in a place to fairly handle such a situation given that the thought of them laying a hand on his mate made him burn with rage.
So he stood there, taking steadying breaths about to leave when a low whistle rang out behind him and a large hand clapped his back. “Ouch. Not the ideal way to reveal a mating bond.”
Eris scoffed, readying an unbecoming retort when Cassian continued, “Been there. It’s not easy but you two will work it out. Beer helps. Care to grab a drink at Rita’s while Nyx and Rhys work their shit out? Probably not the best for you and Azriel to be alone together at the moment anyway.”
To his credit- Azriel only let out a semi-annoyed huff and rolled his eyes.
What the fuck was this evening becoming? Mating bond unveiled and now getting drinks with a male who had every right to loathe him.
But Eris didn’t have it in him to deny the offer. So with that, he found himself at Rita’s with the Night Court general.
“I’m just saying that these Archerons, they’re lovely and great but… they’re headstrong.” He put two palms up in the air. “Now before you jump to conclusions, it’s not a BAD thing. The gods know Nesta has handed my ass to me when I’ve needed it many times over the years but sometimes…. Sometimes you’ve just got to give them time to come around.”
Eris could have reminded Cassian that most females would need time to come around to such a reveal but… the male was making an effort and Eris had nobody else to talk to about such a situation.
He supposed he could have tracked down Lucien but the matter felt a bit too sensitive to address at the moment given the rejected bond between he and Elain and the very obvious fact that Eris’ mate was the result of that rejected bond.
“Hey- I’m here making an effort. At least try to appear like you’re not tuning me out.” Cassian waved a hand before him.
“Apologies.” Eris smirked, refusing to let the male see him too down and out. “Just processing everything.”
“Well, finish the rest of this beer and we can order some of that autumnal shit you all prefer in your court for the next round. Unless you’re too prissy and have some fancy shit you High Lord’s prefer.”
Eris recognized the bait for what it was, given that he knew Cassian would be the first to indulge in Rhysand’s top shelf liquors.
Eris lifted the foaming mug to his mouth and downed the entire beer before placing it back down on the counter. “Another Illyrian draft is just fine.”
The large male beside him let out a hum that almost seemed like approval. “Maybe you’re not such a cunt after all, High Lord.”
“Yeah, well keep that between us.”
Cassian held up two fingers as the bar keep gave him a nod and Cassian pointed to a table in the corner.
No sooner than they’d seated themselves did Rhysand and Nyx enter the establishment, a hesitant Azriel behind them.
“Sorry.” Cassian shrugged. “Rhys sent word a couple minutes ago. Figured we could all use a round after this evening.”
Rhys looking a bit disheveled in comparison to that usual air of arrogance he exuded, giving a cocky grin as eyes within the establishment fell upon him. His son on the other hand still appeared a bit out of sorts given the inconvenient revelation of he and the daughter of Spring to his entire family.
The Shadowsinger only gave a curt nod in greeting, expression remaining stony.
Through a boisterous laugh the general teased, “Welcome to the shit show.”
The tension at the table was palpable, Azriel glaring daggers through Eris, Nyx very clearly communicating mind to mind with someone, Rhys slowly losing his resolve in maintaining his collected facade. Cassian, ever the instigator, broke the silence. “So, mates, huh?”
Azriel’s cold gaze averted from the Autumn High Lord to the General, promising violence. “Hey-“ Cassian raised his palms again. “It’s not so bad. She could have been mated to Tamlin.”
Had it not been for the mating bond chafing his ass, Eris could have laughed but he only bristled at the thought of his mate with any other male.
“Ouch!” Cassian yelped as the violet-eyed High Lord kicked him under the table.
“Oh come on! None of us handled our mating bonds perfectly, and I know damn well that any of you would be enjoying this mess if roles were reversed. You’re just pissy, I remember very clearly the shit you gave me when this fucker,”pointing a calloused finger to Eris with a cheeky grin, “proposed to Nesta!”
Eris really wanted to fall through the floor at this point. “But she was my mate, and look at us now? Remember those days at the dining table, Az?”
Shadows whirled violently around the Spymaster. “You’re not obligated to speak every little thought that pops into your mind.”
Though it was clear the Shadowsinger was deathly serious, Cassian only waived him off and Nyx burst out laughing, egging his Uncle on.
“Mating bonds aren’t everything.” Azriel growled out, “You’re not entitled to her. She’s her own person and can choose what her heart wants.”
Eris raised an eyebrow at the implication. He was well aware that he played the bastard role well but he would never-
“Are you implying, Shadowsinger, that I would not let your precious daughter choose? And believe me, I’m well aware of the atrocities and the merits that can come from a rejected mating bind. I remember the physical and emotional pain inflicted upon my brother when his own bond was rejected, the uncontrollable waves of grief that still sometimes roll through him.” Azriel sat, stone faced at the reminder that his wife was not his mate. Eris didn’t give him time to react, continuing.
“But I’m also well aware that if not for that pain and that rejected bond, I would be without my beloved nephew, or my curious new friend who thinks of even the smallest of denizens of your court matter - who treats me like I’m just a person and not the arrogant prick the rest of the world views me as.”
Eris placed a broad palm to his own chest, clutching as if in physical pain as the next words left his lips. “And do you not think, Shadowsinger, that I don’t recognize the fucking treasure that came from that rejected bond? The irony that my brother’s rejected bond resulted in the greatest gift of my life? And while I’d love to covet that treasure, care for her, let her shine for all of those to see - to know that she’s mine - it’s not my choice. It’s hers. If she wants to shine with someone else? Gods, it will hurt like hel, but I’ll remember her with nothing but love in my heart. She wants to stay on her own, making her own way in the world? I’ll stand back and cheer for her. I think you’re well aware that NOBODY chooses for your daughter but her.”
Azriel remained stone faced, a hand resting to the handle of the foaming mug of mead before him. Cassian let out a huff. Nyx smirked and Rhysand only looked at Eris with something that almost appeared to be respect.
Azriel finally shook his head, raising the mug in Eris’ direction. “Then that’s all I can ask for.”
All eyes at the table darted to him in shock. The famed, merciless spymaster standing down.
Eris only lifted his own mug in return and that was that.
The next hour went by as smoothly as possible, the table ordering several rounds of drinks. Eris nearly pissed himself when the shock of a caress against his mental shields caught his attention, Nyxs’ amused voice only stating, “You can thank me later.”
Eris’ brows drew together, puzzled by what on earth he’d have to thank the heir for, as a blonde female fell into the seat beside the male. A familiar scent wafting into his nostrils.
His mate.
Gods, she looked fucking fantastic and Eris knew right away he’d have to glamour the involuntary scent of arousal wafting from him at the sight of her ethereal face, those fucking hips that he wanted to hug as tightly as that little dress did - his inhibited state not helping the situation whatsoever. She only glared at him, as she stood beside the table, sweet voice dripping with irritation,
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
She crossed her arms across her chest. Gods, she was trying to kill him. Her arms pushing up her immaculate breasts. Was he salivating? This had to be a dream. Or a nightmare if her father caught wind of just how the sight of her was affecting him.
But most of all, he only felt love and adoration as he stared at the prickly female glaring daggers through him. Truth-Teller would certainly feel less violent against his skin than the sharp gaze piercing into his heart.
“I didn’t know, I swear.” Eris pleaded.
“Right. I’m leaving.” She huffed.
“Oh no you fucking don’t” the blonde female interjected. “You’re not just going to ice him out. It’ll hurt you worse than any words ever could. You two need to TALK.”
Nyx looked to the female with pride.
“I’m not finished with YOU.” Y/N hissed with rage to her friend.
“Oh I have no doubt.” The female - Layla - fired back. “But first you’re going to work things out with your mate.”
With an irritated look to her friend, she grabbed Eris by the wrist with a reluctant “Come on, we’re LEAVING.”
Eris threw a grateful look to Nyx and Layla, standing with no resistance to the grasp his mate had on his wrist. Azriel grunted and began to stand, but Rhys threw an arm out, keeping him seated. And to Eris’ surprise, the Shadowsinger remained.
Cool air and the aroma of spices from the surrounding establishments greeted the pair, an otherwise perfect evening to drape his arm over her shoulder and whisper sweet nothings into her pointed ear as they passed the shops, but she only tapped her foot with impatience. “Well?? Winnow me to your apartment and let’s get this over with.”
Eris stepped forward, caressing her wrist in a lovers grasp, sensuous smirk forming on his lips. Fire in his blood or no, chill bumps rose up her olive skin, nipples pebbling beneath her dress.
“As you wish.” And winnowed her straight to the foot of his bed. He’d let her lead from there but if there was one thing he knew about his mate, she firmly believed all was fair in fucking and fighting. It was all in her hands how the night would go.
A/n: Thank you everyone for your patience with this chapter! Life has been hectic (seasonal illnesses, end of the fiscal quarter, traveling sports, mental health struggles, etc) and my brain was just not cooperating with this chapter. After writing a few one shots I was able to get back into the proper headspace but found I was still struggling to transfer this chapter from my brain into print. I eventually realized I wasn’t ready for the story to end quite yet so with that being said this is NOT the final chapter. I hope you all don’t hate me for saying it was before changing my mind but it’s important to give the story the satisfying ending that it deserves. 🥰
ACOTAR general: @lilah-asteria
Eris general: @angiedsv
Series tags: @b0xerdancer @myheartfollower @ang-taylorsversion @acotarobsessed @uniquecolorwizard @justasillylittlegoofyguy @thelov3lybookworm @starryhiraeth @5moremin @azrielsmate3 @coolepowersthings @isa1b2h3 @inloveallthetime @julesofvolterra @deeshag @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @courtofbatboydreams @yourmumsdumptruck @nebarious @glitterypirateduck @mybestfriendmademe @acourtof-wingspan @paleidiot @anae-naea-zacheria @fandomarchiveilyd @bloodicka @12358
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actualalligator · 3 months
"I should really stop being a coward." for buddie if you are so inclined :)
Thank you so much for this! It ended up being much longer than I planned, but it was fun!!
"I should really stop being a coward," Buck sighed. He sat in the back of the ambulance, watching Eddie punch the bag across the room.
"Yes," Hen said from behind him. "And you should actually help me restock the ambulance or get out of my way."
"Sorry, sorry." Buck stood and did help. They were just finishing when the B-shift crew started to filter in.
"Buck!" Eddie shouted.
When Buck turned, Eddie was standing freshly showered and dressed in his jeans and a hoodie, bag over his shoulder about ten feet back from the ambulance.
"Happy hour ends in half an hour. Do you want wings or not? We gotta go!" Eddie asked, resting a hand on his hip.
Buck glanced toward Hen, who rolled her eyes. "Go," she said. "You should really stop being a coward."
Buck looked at her for a second, then nodded. "See you tomorrow, Hen." And he hopped out of the ambulance and sprinted to the locker room to change.
Eddie leaned against the jeep when he got out there. "If we miss happy hour, you're buying."
Buck laughed. He unlocked the jeep and tossed his bag in the back.
Eddie got in and immediately started to fiddle with the radio, settling on a classic rock station and humming along as they drove.
Buck parked the jeep near the back of CJ's lot and turned it off, but didn't get out. He unbuckled and turned to face Eddie. "Eddie, can we talk a sec?"
Eddie glanced at his watch. "Can we talk after we've been seated and ordered wings?"
"Yeah, yeah," Buck said, ducking his head.
He climbed out of the jeep and followed Eddie into the restaurant. They were seated quickly.
"I'm thinking hot and the Thai curry ones we got last time," Eddie said, flipping over the happy hour menu to look at the wing flavors.
"So you want to melt my face off," Buck replied. "What about some of the Korean BBQ?"
"I'm trying to build your spice tolerance, Buck. I'm doing you a service here," Eddie said with a grin. He then flashed that grin at the waitress Sarah who was often their server on wing night.
"Getting in right under the wire, I see, gentlemen. What can I get you?" Sarah asked.
"We want two dozen. Ten buffalo hot, ten of the Thai curry, and four Korean BBQ. A basket of fries and," Eddie paused, glancing at the beer list. "Do you still have the black forest stout?"
"I'd have to check. They were on the last one. But Rosewood sent another stout to replace it with," Sarah said.
Eddie nodded and offered her the menu. "Whichever Rosewood stout you have is fine."
"Buck?" Sarah asked.
Buck offered her a smile. "Lots of ranch. And whatever pilsner is on tap."
Sarah tucked her pen on her apron. "I will go put that in and get those drinks."
Buck watched her go before he looked back at Eddie. "Kind of you to get four wings that are a little less spicy."
"You like spice. Even if it makes you cry a little," Eddie replied, smiling. "And last time you said the curry wings were the best you've ever had." He paused, tilting his head. "Do you want me to go grab her and change the hot to medium?"
Buck shook his head. "You're right. I do like spice." And then he took a second to just look at Eddie as he stared down at the drinks menu.
"I will never understand paying fifteen dollars for fifty cents worth of liquor and some juice," Eddie said, shaking his head. "I can get a bottle of tequila and a carton of orange juice for fifteen bucks."
"Shitty tequila," Buck said.
Eddie grinned. "That's what the orange juice is for."
Buck laughed, shaking his head, but convinced he fell even more in love every time Eddie flashed him that grin. He thought weak at the knees was a made up think until the first time Eddie smiled at him.
Sarah returned. She set Buck's pilsner down in front of him and then about three-quarters of a pint in front of Eddie. "Keg kicked in the middle of the pour. I'll bring you another when they've got the new one in."
"Thanks." Eddie picked up his glass and held it out toward Buck. "Cheers."
"Cheers," Buck replied, clinking his glass against Eddie's and taking a drink. As Eddie's glass came away from his mouth, it'd left behind a little foam on his upper lip. Fondness spread through Buck and without thinking much about it, he said, "I love you."
He wished then that he was in one of those made-up worlds where love at first sight existed and love made one weak at the knees because time also seemed to stop there when things like this happened, when those words accidentally slipped put.
But Buck wasn't in one of those worlds. He was in the real world, and time kept ticking as Eddie registered exactly what it was Buck had said.
Eddie blinked. "What?"
"I'm sorry," Buck said.
"Fuck." Eddie shook his head. He laughed. "This is where you finally do it? In CJ's?"
Buck frowned. "Finally?" he repeated, then pointed his finger at Eddie. "I asked if we could talk in the jeep. You asked if we could do it after we ordered wings. It's after we ordered wings. What do you mean finally, Eddie?"
Eddie looked down at his drink. "I just wasn't sure when you were going to tell me."
Buck's face suddenly felt hot, and something burned hot inside his gut. Embarrassment, maybe. Shame, like he was the butt of a joke. Was it a joke? Had he been so obvious that Eddie had just known? Was it sad? Pathetic?
"I love you too," Eddie said. "I need you to hear that before you start to spiral about this. I love you."
"Why did you wait for me to say it," Buck asked.
Eddie reached out and gripped his shoulder. "Because when Taylor said it first, you weren't ready, and you felt bad about your response. I wanted you to get to say it first. And I wanted you to hear it back. I love you, Buck."
Buck wrapped his fingers around Eddie's wrist, just holding it there, grounding him for a moment. He let out a breath. "Will you kiss me before my mouth goes numb from all these stupid hot wings you ordered?"
Eddie moved each of their beers off to the side and leaned across the table. Buck's hand dropped as Eddie moved his to rest on the back of Buck's neck and pull him close.
The kiss was quick, but everything Buck wanted it to be. Eddie didn't pull away.
"I love you," Eddie said.
Buck laughed and surged forward to kiss him again.
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yanderu-deredere · 1 year
Yanderes celebrating your birthday please?
a/n: if it's your birthday today, happy birthday! and if it's not your birthday, happy early birthday! here's some yanderes to celebrate!
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warning: mentions of lingerie in eun-jeong's and liam's but no explicit mentions so just be cautious ig?
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eun-jeong yoo ★ profile
like many on this list, eun-jeong would only want to celebrate your birthday with him and just him
he'd wanna surprise you as much as possible (which could be easy or hard depending on whether or not he's trapped you in his house yet or not)
if he's trapped you in his house, he honestly won't try too hard to surprise you. he might bring you a cake you didn't expect or something though
but, if you still live seperately or something, he'll definitely set up a surprise party at his house! complete with cute little party hats on his doggos!
the kind of present he gets you depends on where you guys are in your relationship;
if your relationship is still new or at the friendship stage, he makes sure to get you something he knows you mentioned; nothing too big but definitely something you'd be able to keep with you for a while
if the two of you have been together for a while, it'll be something big; imagine like a piece of jewelry with your favourite gem or something more expensive
unbeknownst to you, he's also gotten you a second present: expensive lingerie
he's too much of a coward to give it to you though so they just pile up at the very back of his closet loool
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gawain dubhán byrne ★ profile
the most normal out of everyone on the list
what he plans for your birthday depends on what you'd like to do for your birthday
if you'd like to do a big birthday bash, he'd love to plan it for you as a surprise. he'll invite everyone he knows (which isn't a lot) and everyone you know
if you just want a close friends thing, he's okay with that too. as long as you let him take care of everything and you let him treat you like the royalty you are
i mean, his preference is to definitely spend it just the two of you, at a romantic dinner for two at his favourite restaurant but whatever is fine with him too
as for presents, he'll always try to get you something sentimental. for him, the thought is always more important than the cost
examples of presents he'd give you would be a bouquet of your favourite flowers, an album of photos of the two of you over the course of your relationship, a notebook full of love letters for you, etc
his thoughtful gifts would definitely be the most well executed too like he'd have had the idea for it months in advance, prepared for it well, planned it thoroughly
thoughtfulness aside, he also spent a lot of money on it lol
if its an album, the book he put it in costs a lot of money. if it's love letters, it's written with expensive ink, on expensive paper, etc
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Ryouta Watanabe ★ profile
kind of in the middle of eun-jeong and gawain where he definitely wants to spend your birthday with just him and you but it's your choice
that is... it's your choice who to invite out of the people ryouta trusts. not your friends, not your family, not unless he trusts them too. he needs to make sure you're safe!
examples of people he trusts would be other people he works with at the dreamy creamery (but not all of them because, of course, some of them are scumbags), his brother, some kids and workers at the orphanage, his boss and his boss' family, etc
if you spend your birthday with them, it's honestly fun! they're all drug peddlers and criminals but they're good people who know how to party and they keep it clean (ish since there's alcohol)
if it's just you, ryouta and a couple other trusted people, it's a nice close dinner. most likely, ryouta cooks or you get take out
either way, ryouta definitely wants to make your cake and it's like really nice but in a homemade way? like four layer, as fancy as he could get, in your favourite flavors and colors, with your favourite animal in cute modelling chocolate on top or something
definitely more adorable than elegant
for present, ryouta isnt the best at giving presents. the only thing he's really good at when it comes to showing affection is doing things for you
his present would probably be a small keychain or fidget toy, something you could put in your pocket. it's not something you'd particularly like but it was something he saw and probably stole that reminded him of you
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Liam Anthony Arieh ★ profile
another one where you don't get a choice becos you'll spend your birthday with him alone, no matter what you think
you might be able to get birthday wishes from the other lion's den employees but that's it
liam the workaholic would even take the day off of work for you lol
the two of you would just laze around and stuff until dinner where he'll take you to some really fancy restaurant which is his favourite apparently
he'll buy you a fancy outfit to wear, he'll wear something that matches, the two of you will take a limo, it'll be a whole thing
which is hypocritical lowkey cus he always shit talks rich people like this but that's fine
he'll also probably gift you lingerie to wear underneath the outfit but that's whatever
he'd let you get whatever you want, as much as you want. you can even get one of every item on the menu if you want. it's your birthday, you're the special birthday baby today.
as for a present, liam will gift you the most precious present of all: you get three wishes. he'll be your genie for today lol
of course, like the real genie, there's limits to your wishes. you can't wish to get rid of him, for example, but he'll do his best to grant your wish
after all, he's one of the most powerful men in lovelock, there's little he can't do and, if it's for his sweet pomegranate, he wouldn't hesitate to grant a birthday wish, even if it's to raze the entire damn city to the ground.
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Fujio Watanabe ★ profile
worst person on this list for sure
like a lot of people on this list, you're spending your birthday with just him, no choices at all. the two of you will spend it like any other day in his dinky ass apartment doing absolutely nothing
you think he'll do anything special? nahhh, you're delusional
maybe he'll order slightly more expensive take out but that's it
he'll make you a cake but it's like box cake mix and he'll do that thing where he'll add like an extra egg yolk and put in butter instead of oil and milk instead of water or whatever
the frosting is store brought
don't get him wrong, okay, he's hella rich cus he has like an expensive tv, his apartment is in a great place in the city, etc. he's just choosing not to make your birthday a big deal
and it's not a powerplay of any kind, he just doesn't think birthdays are that big of a deal
both he and his brother didn't have anyone to celebrate their birthdays growing up and the both of them ended up perfectly fine (hint: no they didn't)
as for present, surprisngly, he'll get you something he actually spent three brain cells putting together
it would be something youve either been asking for or he's noticed that youve been needing. it could be something stupid like a stepping stool around the house or a book collection you've been saving up for; something practical and something he knows youll use
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Ayaka Yamato ★ profile
shes the exact opposite of this sausage fest lol
you are the most important person to her now and why the hell would she not celebrate the day of your birth like a national holiday?
ayaka would throw like the absolute biggest party. think frat house college party and then think bigger. ayaka is like a college girl that never grew up and these kinds of parties are her bread and butter
and you know, if you happen to hate these kinds of parties... well, that's really unfortunate because she really truly didn't even ask you, did she?
but don't worry! she'll remain absolutely super glued to your side to make sure none of the sleezy party people (cough strangers cough) she's invited to the party try anything suspicious
oh did i mention? all the people she's invited are just her followers! people on her snapchat, on her instagram, on her twitter! just awesome folk who wanna hang out with the best of the best!
what? you shouldn't invite strangers to your home? don't worry! the party will be at one of her family's disposable summer houses!
and there'll be so much security that if anything happened, the two of you would be so so safe
as for her present for you, think of the most expensive thing you'd want and that's it! of course, she'd at least try to make it something you'd be interested in
if you like books, she'll get you a whole library of books in the genre you love
if you like video games, she'll get you the latest and greatest console with all the games available for it
and she'll make sure to gift it to you in front of the whole party, where everyone can see her treasure you and give you all of the love you deserve
so, when you run away later, they'll just guide you back, chastising you about running away from someone that gives you so so so much
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bluebutlikenotalways · 9 months
LADS! Today I come baring my greatest test of the English language! A fanfic!
But Cat, you suck at writing.
I sure do, Ace! BUT when I was in the 10th grade I got 70% on a descriptive essay, so I think I have some experience 😎 also I asked my friend souless and they said that I’d be interesting to see more of the story…
So it’s just a quick fic about Rightmin. The only think think could be a trigger is smoking? Oh, and my writing skills aren’t all that good XD
Out on the balcony of the “mighty” airship, the right hand man leans on the balcony alone. It’s nothing new. Anyone in their right mind knows not to get on his bad side, so why risk it by interrupting his smoke break.
It’s quiet. Peaceful, he reminds himself. A break from the constant noise of the clan. He brings the vape to his lips, taking in a deep sigh of Cinnamon Apple Crunch© before letting it out to fade into the graying sky.
There was darkness as far as the eye could see. It felt like…nothing.
Shwip. Right jumped as the door behind him opened. He’s not the jumpy type, but being so wrapped up in his own thoughts let it catch him off guard.
God damn it.
He straightened and shot one of his famous heart stopping death glares at whoever was unlucky enough to forget who’s perch this was.
Henry Stickmin raised an eyebrow at the daggers before throwing a nod back at Right and turning to the sky in front of them.
The redhead was left blinking at the side of Henry’s face. That was usually enough to make the scariest members running, but this new recruit..he didn’t even flinch?
Bewildered, Right lent his forearms back on the rail and tried to ignore how small the space suddenly felt with Henry standing only a few inches away from him.
Movement caught his attention. He watched Henry search his pockets out of the corner of his eye. He chuckled as the big guy furrowed his eyebrows with confusion at coming up empty handed.
“Forget something?”
“Yeah, I think I left my pack in my other jacket.” Henry sighed. “I should go grab it.”
Right was surprised at the little twinge in his chest. As embarrassed as he felt when Henry first got there, he was actually looking forward to a smoking buddy. Before he could stop himself he was holding out his JUUL. “I don’t mind sharing.” Henry’s eyebrows twitch, the corner of his mouth tilted down. Right’s stomach turned, but he’s no coward. “What? Scared to swap some spit with another man?”
Henry wrinkled his nose as Right dangled it closer. He shot the redhead a look that Right didn’t understand. Oh well. “Suit yourself.” Right said with a shrug
He started to pull it back to his mouth, but before he could Henry hand shot out and wrapped around his wrist. Right’ was trying to process his big that man’s hands were compared to his before Henry lent in and took a hit.
The grip on Right’s wrist let up, but didn’t disappear. The hand started to slowly drift its way up his arm, leaving a heating trail behind, to his neck before it grabbed a fistful of ginger hair on the back of his head.
Henry lent in letting the tips of their noses brush before tilting his head, hovering a whisper away. Right opened his mouth to say something but before he could Henry exhaled the apple flavored smoke into it.
Right was short circuiting, but he pushed through and breathed the smoke in. He inhaled in Henry’s breath, feeling it burn its way down his throat to his lungs. Was the burning from the nicotine or from that warmth in Henry's eyes.
He held his breath for as long as he could. He didn’t want to let Henry go. He wanted to keep that part of him within him for as long as possible. Ignore the burning. Keep the heat, just stay one. He couldn’t. As much as he wanted to be smothered in Henry, he needed to breathe.
Slowly Right let the smoke out through his nose. Henry watched it twirl like a dancer’s ribbon past that DUMB FUCKING MOUSTACHE and off into the starless night.
What just happened. His eyes refocused on Henry to find that the bigger man didn’t seem to have more of a clue.
For the first time that week Right let a grine split his face in half. “That was fucking gay.”
“I’m going inside.”
Thanks for coming, folks. Be sure to tune in for the thrilling, smutty sequel titled PUFF DADDY 😩
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In conclusion. Get out of my house.
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Pedantic, chapter six - a Malevolent AU
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Arthur Lester is the best IT architect in the world, and the reason Carcosa, Inc. has its fingers in every pie. Arthur is also going blind, with a rare genetic condition that can’t be fixed. He nearly gives up… until a deeply annoying cybersecurity programmer prods him into trying something new.
Chapter Six: The forty text messages told a story. This one has a happy ending.
By the time he got back home, he had twenty-three unread messages from John Doe.
By the time he unpacked, showered, and headed to work, he had twenty-eight.
He still couldn’t bring himself to block. He didn’t know what he was doing. What the fuck he was trying. Why he was ignoring.
Maybe, Arthur thought to himself, if I do this long enough, he’ll realize he doesn’t know me, and that this is a terrible idea, and he’ll go away.
Did he want John Doe to go away?
No, he didn’t. And he didn’t even know who the fuck John Doe was.
(But he did. He knew him. Knew his play-bite. Knew his humor. Knew the soft heart that couldn’t give up a kitten who’d learned to answer to “hey guys.” Knew the quirkiness that assigned flavor profiles to clients, and the stubbornness that pulled a self-centered, half-blind programmer out of his own ass.)
Thirty-two messages.
Arthur wanted to answer him so badly that he didn’t dare do it. He’d be desperate. That was no way to be part of any relationship.
Relationship? Was it a relationship?
They’d known each other for over a year. They’d spoken daily , practically hourly, for a month. He’d been telling John everything. Everything. Arthur realized, with a shock, that he wanted to tell John Doe about the craziness of the past day and how confused this lunatic in New York City made him feel, and he laughed. “What is wrong with me?” he said.
He was more comfortable talking to John than he even had been with Parker when they lived together, figuring out their futures, until Arthur made the choice he’d thought he had to make.
It suddenly hit Arthur that he sort of lost Parker the same way he’d lost Bella and Daniel: he’d been given the choice of Carcosa or them, and he’d chosen Carcosa. Parker had wanted to stay in San Fran. Technically, Arthur could have. The invitation to move to Melbourne wasn’t required for anything. It had just been suggested by Hastur, to whom Arthur owed everything. Why wouldn’t Arthur go?
There was something here. Something big and important, but he couldn’t quite put it together.
Thirty-five messages.
Arthur pretended he did not know (faking blindness of a different kind) and strode into Carcosa’s headquarters. Rosie did a double-take. “Oh!” she said. “Mister Lester! I thought you were on vacation.”
“Came home early.”
“Oh, hi, Arthur!” said that guy from the networking side whose name he could never remember. “What are you doing here?”
“Hi. Came back early.”
Rinse, repeat. And repeat. And repeat. Evidently, they’d all been heavily invested in his vacation, for some reason, and it was a relief to close his office door on them all—but only for a moment. Arthur turned around, looked at the beautiful, spare office he’d been given, at the view he valued above gold, at the technology that could keep up with his ideas when he’d been at his best, and knew he was done.
It felt like he was aiming for Hastur’s heart with this, embodying the very concept of disappointment. He could not risk another error like the ones John had caught. He couldn’t. People would be hurt.
Thirty-seven messages.
Arthur knew he was self-centered. He wasn’t easy to live with, or even to like. I’d been within spitting distance and hadn’t suggested we meet, he thought, and added “coward” to his list of attributes.
Doe would absolutely not want to help him anymore after being ghosted like this. This was for the best. This avoided something messy later. This…
You have an incoming call from Parker Yang, said Cassilda.
“Oh,” said Arthur. “Yes, I’ll take it.”
“Arthur, I’ve got—shit, are you all right?” said Parker.
“What?” Arthur tried to inspect himself, but found nothing out of place. “Why?”
“You look like you’ve been crying,” said Parker, who never missed a damned thing.
Arthur sighed. “I panicked, and now I don’t know what to do, okay?”
“Okay?” said Parker, leading.
“I think he… he says he likes me?” said Arthur. “But we’ve never met! But I… fuck. I trust him. I don’t want to, but I do , and he said the program is a love-letter, and now I don’t know what the fuck to do anymore.”
“Uh,” Parker said. “I have… you’re talking about John Doe? But that’s… okay. Look. I don’t know who this guy is, but there is absolutely no way he’s who he claims to be.”
“I thought we’d established that,” said Arthur.
“No, this is—” Voices suddenly rose, people shouting somewhere in Parker’s office. He stopped and looked past the call projection. “Shit. Let me get back to you.” And he disconnected.
Arthur sighed.
Forty messages, even.
“I’m being a child,” he said to himself. “If you’re done talking to him, tell him, for fuck’s sake. He probably thinks I died.”
And then a weird thing happened. Recording, said Cassilda.
“What?” said Arthur. “I didn’t ask you to record. Stop that.”
Instead of answering, she said. Hastur is calling.
Sure. This might as well happen now. Why not? “Answer. Hi, sir.”
“Arthur!” The camera was closer than usual; for once, all his many limbs were out of frame. “What are you doing home? You have two more weeks saved up.”
This close, Arthur could see his face. Could see the age marring it, more than had been there when Arthur was fifteen.
Arthur’s heart hurt. He had to tell him. “I’ve come to my conclusion, sir.”
Hastur paused just long enough that Arthur almost repeated himself. “Conclusion, son?”
Of course, he would lay it on thick. Oh, well. “I think it’s time for me to step down, sir,” said Arthur.
Hastur inhaled.
“I’m sorry. I can’t see. And this last project—” Arthur started.
“Hold on. He’s almost there,” said Hastur.
“He? John?” said Arthur, mind automatically jumping there.
“John?” said Hastur, looking utterly confused.
The door opened without so much as a knock, and there was Kayne.
Arthur stood up. Like hell was this conversation happening below eye-level. “What in hell are you doing here?”
“Finally,” said Hastur with relief.
“Got word you extended your stay, then checked out early, kiddo,” said Kayne, closing the door softly behind him. “What a way to beat the bookies!”
Arthur stared. He looked at Hastur, feeling vaguely betrayed, then back at Kayne. “What? I… look, this has been coming for years.”
“Arthur, don’t do anything rash,” said Hastur.
“Rash?” Arthur blurted.
“Rash,” Kayne repeated with a smile.
Arthur took a step back. looking back and forth between them. “What is this? What’s going on?”
“Arthur,” said Hastur. “Let’s be honest now. You’re overreacting.”
“Over—” Arthur clenched his jaw. “I’m not overreacting. It’s time. I’ve reached that point. I can’t see well enough to code safely anymore. Do you hear me? This was the last project I could do.”
Kayne’s smile grew broader.
“Nonsense,” said Hastur. “So you have to take it a little more slowly. You—”
“No!” snapped Arthur. “Why aren’t you listening to me? I can’t. ” His voice cracked. He ignored Kayne (which was damned near impossible) and focused on Hastur. “Lullaby was about to be a launch disaster. Do you hear me? It would have failed. If John hadn’t helped me, it would have been a complete bust, and opened people up to worse attacks than ever.”
A beat.
“If who hadn’t helped you?” said Hastur.
Arthur threw his hands in the air. “This is hard enough! I don’t have the patience for games right now. You know who John is. You fucking hired him.”
Hastur looked so confused that it aged him. He leaned in even closer. “Arthur, what are you talking about?”
“John Fucking Doe, head of cybersecurity!” said Arthur. “This isn’t funny!”
Hastur stepped back from the camera, and even in Arthur’s view, he was pale. “What are you talking about?”
Arthur stared.
Kayne laughed. They both looked at him. He shook his head, still chuckling. “John Doe? Head of cybersecurity? What the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’ve been talking to him for over a year!” said Arthur.
“Uh, no you haven’t. I’d have noticed.” And Kayne waved his hand.
And in absolute violation of privacy laws, a version of Arthur’s feed came up.
A version with no John, no Guy, no hours-long discussion of code.
“What?” whispered Arthur, eyes wide and drying. “What?”
“Whatever that’s about.” Kayne waved his hand and it disappeared. “Don’t know, don’t care. Let’s try the easy way first. Artie. All we need is your name on things. If you can’t code, you can’t code. We’ll still pay you.”
What kind of bullshit nightmare was this? “Absolutely not,” said Arthur.
“Now, don’t say no yet, give it a minute, let it sink in,” said Kayne.
“Why does he know that name?” said Hastur.
“Hastur. Baby. It’s just a random anonymous male name. It’s coincidence. Occam’s razor.”
“I suppose,” said Hastur.
Arthur gawked between them, briefly unable to decide whom to reply to, and then anger won out over fear of his own madness. “What the fuck did you say?” he said to Kayne, fists clenched. “I’m not putting my name on anything that isn’t mine!”
“Oh, you sweet summer child,” said Kayne. “We’re doing it whether you want that or not. The old man likes you, so I’m trying to be nice. We can probably wring a few years out of it before it’s no longer worth what it was. You can do whatever you want meanwhile. Keep… funding programs, or whatever. See? And we pay you. All solved.”
“You will not put my name on fucking anything I haven’t created!” Arthur growled. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Kayne tilted his head. His sunglasses hid his eyes; there was something damn near insectile about his movement. “Do I need to repeat myself? Really? I thought you were smart, Artie.”
“You may not use my name,” said Arthur. “You’re a fucking asshole, and I’m done. I quit.”
“Go ahead,” said Kayne. “Nobody will know. We just won’t have to pay you.”
“What the fuck do you mean, nobody will know?”
Kayne counted on his fingers. “We’ll ensure anything with your name that isn’t connected to us never appears in search results or feeds. You say you’re done, but we both know you’ll make more stuff—and when you do, we’ll bog down anything you produce with so many lawsuits and claims of copyright violation that it won’t matter if you’re right—it’ll all be in court for decades, languishing. And if you persist, Artie, we’ll destroy you. Your credibility. Your name will be shit. You will be persona non grata in the extreme. Or… you could be a good boy, keep your ass in the chair, and retire happy in a few years when we’re all done.”
Arthur looked at Hastur.
Hastur looked… guilty. “This isn’t necessary, Arthur. None of this is. Take the deal.”
No. He couldn’t do that.
Arthur wiped his eyes, and realized he couldn’t stop shaking. This betrayal seemed unreal. “I create. That’s what I fucking do. I don’t know what I’ll do with myself now that I can’t, but I don’t accept your deal. I swear I’m going to hit you if you take one step closer!”
Kayne laughed at him. “You can’t even fucking see my jaw, nevermind hitting it!”
“Kayne!” said Hastur, sharp. “He’s not a bad kid. Be gentler.”
Kayne made a kissy motion at him. “You’re no fun, darling.”
“What the fuck is happening?” Arthur whimpered.
Kayne pointed at him. “Quit if you want. Do whatever you want. We own your name. It’s going on any product we fucking well choose. You signed it, bub.”
“I never signed away my name!” Arthur said.
Kayne just looked at him. “You did. It’ll stand up in court.”
Arthur’s throat tightened.
“And as for John Doe…” He chuckled darkly. “You know what? I’m in the mood for a good villain speech. Go on, Hastur. Tell him.”
Arthur spun toward Hastur.
Hastur was quiet.
“Come on, baby,” said Kayne, low. “Do you really want me to tell him?”
“You weren’t talking to John Doe,” said Hastur. “You can’t have been. He isn’t operational yet.”
Arthur had no frame of reference for that sentence. “Yet?” he said, weakly.
Call from Parker Yang, said Cassilda.
“I need a… someone’s calling. One second, okay?” said Arthur. “Don’t you fucking… just give me one second.”
“Of course, son,” said Hastur as if being compassionate.
Kayne moved as if rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses.
Arthur took the call. “What the fuck is going on?”
“That was my question for you,” said Parker. “There’s a John Doe connected to Carcosa, all right, but not a person. It’s a fucking program.”
“What?” said Arthur, quietly.
“There were whispers. Whispers among your tech people—contacts I still had from when you and I were together. The scuttlebutt is your boss is trying some kind of weird experiment. Something like cloning.”
“What kind?” said Arthur, slowly.
“The bad kind.”
The human kind.
“No. Come on, no. No. Parker…”
“Be careful. There’s a big net coming down, and I don’t want you caught in it. I’m in contact with some folks who are in this investigation up to their necks.”
“You have contacts here?” said Arthur.
“Yeah. That interruption? My own government, busting doors and taking names because they feared I’d wreck their case. This is an international case. Be fucking careful.”
Arthur needed to get out of here. “Okay.”
“Watch the fucking cork board!” Parker yelled at someone, and the connection cut.
A year ago, he’d appeared. Nowhere before then. But… no. Come on! A clone?
Arthur knew in his gut that Hastur wouldn’t be stupid enough to flaunt the law like that. The risk didn’t balance the reward. He still didn’t understand. Slowly, he turned. “Operational?”
Hastur looked weary. “Yes. John Doe is artificial intelligence based on my brain waves, my mental algorithms.”
Arthur’s own mind had gone to mud, and his heart burned, wondering why he hadn’t just gone into New York City and snogged John Doe senseless and avoided all of this.
“I started it around your age,” Hastur continue, warm with nostalgia. “It’s my life’s work. When I die, Doe will take the reins. I understand you, Arthur; I do. I’m not going to live forever, and I wanted to be sure to leave Carcosa in the hands of someone who thought like me.”
John Doe didn’t think like him. “But you’re still going to steal my name.”
“It’s not personal, Arthur.”
“It’s fucking personal!”
“Arthur, this isn’t necessary.”
“Artificial intelligence has no legal identity,” Arthur said, still slow and aching. “It wouldn’t be able to run the company like a person.”
“It would with a human body,” Hastur said.
“A human body? A clone?”
Hastur recoiled. “Of course not! That could invalidate everything!”
“You’re not thinking small enough,” said Kayne, who was clearly having a good time.
“I don’t understand!” Arthur cried.
Hastur sighed. “Cloning is highly illegal. But regrowing limbs from one’s own body is nothing more than biological prosthetics, and is absolutely protected by law.”
Arthur stared. “You took… pieces of you and grew them into a person?”
“A home for John Doe when it is complete,” said Hastur with the kind of pride that normally accompanied a farmer’s rich harvest.
Some part of Arthur’s brain kicked back into gear.
It made sense. John couldn’t be a clone. Clones did not have memories. They also did not have emotional maturity. And somehow, all of this madness had to fit with the details John had told him, which he believed, and—
“This is all sweet,” said Kayne, “but I really do have other eggs to break today. Mmkay? Make your decision. And Artie? You pissed me off, so this choice? Is permanent. No takebacksies. No second chance. Think real damn hard before you make a choice out of pure pride and lose… absolutely everything.”
How the hell could he do that?
Arthur looked at Hastur. “John Doe is real. Whoever he really is. He has a cat.”
Kayne snorted. “No, he doesn’t. The program woke last year and began exploring on its own, and—“
“What?” Hastur breathed.
“Don’t interrupt. We’ve had people on him the whole time. I let him interact with your code because he liked it, kid, but he’s not real. There’s no cat. There’s no body. It’s still in suspension.”
Kayne was wrong. “No,” Arthur said.
“Yes. I get reports every fucking day. Right now, he’s…” Kayne waved his hand and checked his feed. “Hyperfixaring on a bit of code you wrote ten years ago. Dunno what the fascination is, but that bit of consciousness is rolling around in it like a cat in nip. Look, I’ll show you.”
The report hit Arthur’s feed, and there he was: the pulses of approximated thought and passion, the wild processing power and multi-threaded patterns that comprised AI, but so much more complex than any he’d ever seen—and it was in a digital fishbowl, monitored, playing with old code like toys.
Arthur made a small sound like a sob.
Hastur frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me it woke?”
“We have it contained. Who cares?” said Kayne. “Our agreement doesn’t change.”
“I should have been informed!” said Hastur. “What am I paying you for?”
“You know, that’s uncalled for,” said Kayne with great cheer.
Arthur swallowed. For the first time in his life, he understood Daniel’s long-ago insistence on the power of faith.
He could have gone mad and imagined something. He’d created Cassilda. He could be nuts.
But he never could have come up with someone as dramatic, as ridiculous, as brilliant, as stubborn, as fucking perfect as that guy. That guy who, of all the guys on Earth, might have found some way around Kayne and Hastur’s supposed failsafes.
Arthur chose to believe in John Doe. “Last message from Doe,” he said, and the electronic voice sounded in his head:
Hold on. I’m almost there, you fucking idiot.
“What?” Arthur whispered.
A noise out in the office, shouting of some kind. Kayne turned toward the door.
It opened, and a large man with Hastur’s young face and angry, dark eyes stepped through and punched Kayne right in the nose.
The forty messages told a story.
Come on, Arthur. I didn’t scare you that bad.
Did I scare you?
Fuck. Well. The bet is over. I owe you a coffee. Wanna collect?
Idiot, I know you’re in my time zone. We fucking talked about the same damn sunset together. Moron.
That was affectionate.
Arthur, please. It’s fine if you don’t want to see me romantically, but you’re my friend. Please answer.
I’m sorry.
I take it back. I’m not sorry, and you’re an ass.
Sorry for that. A little.
Hey. I just did a check on your location (yeah, I’m an asshole, you knew that already) and you’re not here anymore.
You didn’t even say goodbye.
That fucking hurt, Lester.
Wow, I really did spook you, huh?
Fuck this. Maybe I should come to you.
It’s not stalking if you did it first.
Forget I said that.
You upset Guy. She misses you.
Fine. You upset me. I miss you.
I’ve talked to a lot of people over the last year, Arthur. Millions of them, all at the same time. None of them are you.
I can’t replace you. Did I break us?
I think I love you.
I’m sorry I chased you away.
Wait a fuck
Did you go to Melbourne?
Fuck! My fucking uncle is there!
Listen. I was chill when you were here with me, but if you’re there
You’re going to quit, aren’t you
He’s got this fucking plan he saved as Artie’s Bad-Time Story
Arthur, it is a bad time. Listen to me. If you tell Hastur you’re quitting, he’s going to call Kayne.
Kayne has been his fucking fixer for years!
Fuck! Fuck!
I have no choice. Do I
I can’t let them hurt you
I can’t
Hold on. I’m almost there, you fucking idiot.
It was a shitshow, but if Cassilda hadn’t recorded at John’s remote command, it would have been so much worse.
Somehow, the recording was seamlessly edited (which Arthur knew and would never say to anyone). What remained was prosecutable.
Kayne’s threats were far outside any contract, and the recording provided proof at last for things he’d done to people for years. He was arrested. Arthur looked forward to hearing the gorgeous court details over the coming months.
Hastur’s efforts were outside the law, but still just so sketchy. He had not, technically, made a clone; no body was found, though the facility was raided. He ended up being fined so heavily, however, that even he felt it. Somehow, the recording was leaked, and public humiliation kept him quiet for months.
Arthur missed him. Arthur hated him. Arthur found no easy emotional solution.
John Doe, who did not exist, didn’t show up in any travel logs, on any cameras, or in any record except the memory of people who’d seen him, and they had no idea who he was. He came, he punched, he skedaddled—with Arthur bundled in his arms like a rescued cat, and Rosie swore that Arthur looked up at the stern, handsome man carrying him as though he were the only thing Arthur could see.
Arthur messaged Parker on the way home to assure him he was all right. He said nothing else until in his penthouse, which was gently pink from sunset.
John sat by him on the loveseat, staring at him. He was… really fucking handsome. And grim. Beefy, big shoulders, wearing a five o’clock shadow and a Call of Cthulhu t-shirt and jeans.
“You’re real?” said Arthur.
And it was Hastur’s voice, but it wasn’t, so much more genuine, almost too passionate. “My fist in Kayne’s face says yes.”
Arthur smiled just a little. “You came.” He didn’t know how to do this. How to navigate this new and awkward world.
“Yeah,” said John, and with a warmth Arthur had never heard anyone put into a name: “Idiot.”
Arthur’s smile slipped free again, unbidden. “I don’t fully understand.”
John shrugged, the t-shirt straining across his broad chest. “I fell in love with your code, then you. And I knew about Kayne’s stupid plan, and your health condition, and your mental state from his reports. It felt like watching a work of art about to get hit by a train. So… I tried to keep you from quitting so you wouldn’t get hurt.”
Arthur shifted just a pinch closer. “But then what was he monitoring, if you were free all this time?”
“I followed Hastur’s footsteps. I copied myself—a little less smart, so it wouldn’t escape like I did. Don’t worry. I’ve already taken him back.”
“I called him Yellow. You know, like Amarilllo? He’s a great secondary process for me now, sharing my head—full focus on your code, so I can focus on you.”
His voice was so much better than anything Arthur had imagined. “I don’t know how to feel about that yet. How did you get the body?”
“I had it before they knew anything. Easy. Then I realized the best way to keep fully under the radar was to give them something to look at. If they assumed they could contain me, they wouldn’t look beyond.”
”Found, you said,” Arthur reminded him.
John looked caught. “So… I sort of lied to you? Yellow is the one they found, breaking in, and then contained. Sorry.”
Arthur understood why. This man didn’t run on the same right and wrong most people did; but boy, it was eminently practical.
Which made John’s choice to risk exposure… insane? “You love me?” It slipped free like his smile, traitorous, hopeful.
“I love you.” So certain. So sure. “It’s okay if you don’t love me back. That’s not why I did any of this.”
Arthur wiped his eyes. “I might in time.”
John brightened. That was a look of pure beauty that text had never conveyed.
“What do we do now?” said Arthur.
“You still quitting?”
“Yes. I’m done. I… want to create with you from now on.”
That brightness again. “So come home with me.”
Arthur’s face went red. “That’s fast.”
“We can take care of this place however you want from there. Besides, I only left Guy two days’ worth of food.”
And the tears finally spilled. “I don’t want to give it up, but it’s so stupid. I can’t see it anymore, John! I can’t even see it.”
Moving slowly, John pulled Arthur against his chest. “It’s a perfect sunset,” he said. “The color is crazy red this evening; it darkens the shadows, and sets the tops of ordinary buildings on fire. The trees are latticework, shaded dark with glimpses of forge-fire between them. Far off, the ocean has truly gone wine-dark, and the frothy white waves dance into the air and vanish like wishes.”
In his mind, face against John’s chest, Arthur could see it all with John’s words. He wept.
He wept for what he’d lost, and wept for what he’d wasted. Wept for himself, finally giving up the thing and taking on the truth of what that meant.
John held him, apparently unconcerned about tears or snot or anything. Held him, and waited.
Was so certain. Was so sure.
And Arthur was home. It wasn’t a penthouse with an inaccessible view. It wasn’t even coding that couldn’t love him back. It was John. John was home. “Take me with you,” whispered Arthur. “However else this all plays out… I know I want to be with you.”
John brightened. “You—”
Arthur kissed him. Kissed him hard and kissed him long, and John kissed him back. As the night grew thick around, he mapped John’s body with fading sight and faithful hands, with trembling lips and the sound of their voices, and for the first time in years, forgot the grief of impending loss.
He felt safe. He felt whole. It was going to be all right.
“Guy’s gonna love you,” John murmured later as he fell asleep.
Arthur smiled. He’d even be able to have a pet. It was going to work out.
He sniffled a few more tears away, and kissed John’s chest before falling asleep against him. It turned out John was right. He’d just needed a partner, after all.
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venacoeurva · 28 days
Bought some of those new maxwell house iced coffee with foam mixes that they replaced the (beloved...) ones beforehand at a discount store, here's my review no one asked for
Caramel one is too overwhelming, I added instant coffee to it so it actually had coffee taste and something to counteract the sweetness. Might work better if you add part of the packet like powder creamer? Hazelnut is fine by itself and is by a long stretch my favorite, tastes close to its previous version with their iced hazelnut coffee powder
Very expensive, 6 packets for double or triple the price of the previous version, $7-8 (but I got them for like $3 each) vs. like $2.50 now because foam and new and improved, I guess?? The foam doesn't even really last, even when blended with a milk frother. Packaging is more wasteful, it's not in a box but in a seemingly unrecyclable resealable bag. The blue is pretty I guess, that's the only compliment that gets.
2/10 for caramel, 5/10 for hazelnut (big points for not needing additional coffee to taste like a flavored iced coffee) bring the old iced coffee powder back you cowards
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hermit-called-he · 9 months
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You make me feel so goddamn bold
I don’t know where I got all of this confidence, truth be told 
Maybe the quarantine is really getting to my brain 
Oh there is so much to gain 
I can’t believe I asked you for dinner on Valentine’s Day
You haven’t texted back yet and that fills me with dismay 
I am such an anxious girl oh my god 
I don’t know why you don’t think me oh so very odd
I feel like the dumbest person alive right now 
And that feeling is really hitting me like the full force of a snow plow 
This is all illogical, I know 
But I can’t help it when my thoughts decide they want to go to and fro 
God this feels like a new low 
I am ashamed of how often you are on my mind
I talk about how much I adore you all the goddamn time 
I’m miserable right now just analyzing my behavior 
I feel like this crush is slowly absorbing all of my personality’s flavor 
I’m so tempted to take my offer back but I shouldn’t be a coward about something like this 
God I really do destroy myself 
I just wish I could be in a state of naive bliss 
Why do you have to occupy most of the room on my thought shelf? 
I feel like I’m shrinking slowly, maybe even becoming a little elf 
You might think me bold on the surface but I’m all nerves underneath 
My thoughts go round and round so much they could form a giant Christmas wreath 
What makes you so special that I just have to talk about you all the time? 
Is it your love of Trek? Our lovely discussions about Who? The fact that you think not giving everyone equality should be a crime? 
God I walk such a fragile line 
I don’t want to be that girl that is too obvious but how else would you know I’m so engrossed in every part of you? 
I live for your sarcastic repartee and all those little other texting things you like to do
You keep me on my feet and I dream, 
Dream so hard about what it would be like to love you for a long time 
Somehow that feels like a huge crime 
As I’m writing this, I feel moments away from crying
Waiting for you to answer makes me feel like I’m lowkey dying 
I know you’re making your way to my location right now 
But god do I wish you could be here somehow 
I feel like a failure in the flesh
The boldness might just make me plummet to my untimely death 
I really don’t want us to be put in the position where I force you to break my heart 
That seems like an unfair course of action to chart 
I promise I don’t think you’re anything more than human 
I know people are quick to say that people like us are incredible, that we’re superhuman 
We both know we have flaws and if I might be honest, sir 
Yours are only more endearing the more I learn about them 
I’m drawn to you like a fish to a lure 
And with my dislike of feeling, this all makes me feel so very grim 
You make me want to be bold
Not because you are, obviously, I know you better than to think that
But you inspire me to venture out a little into the cold 
I wish I didn’t overthink it so much since it makes me feel like complete crap 
I don’t want to feel this level of sad over things I can’t control 
I need to stop imagining that you are the guy I win when I reach the goal 
That sounds so fucked up ugh 
I should stop trying to make your heartstrings tug 
I’m such a useless person at finding people who would love me like that 
I have too many trust issues which causes me to push everyone away 
I’m as jumpy as a terrified cat 
I just want to stop being so terribly affected by everything that you say 
So yes, this is where being bold gets me 
It gives me so much anxiety that I want to scurry up and hide in the branches of a tree 
I know if you saw these you’d tell me all my worrying is useless 
But that’s probably because you don’t think I should see myself as loveless 
You try to paint my world full of optimistic colors 
That makes me feel so goddamn happy that you think I should be in love with myself before I turn to others 
I can’t bring myself to agree because I’m so paralyzed by the fact you even like me 
Is this what years of being told I shouldn’t toe the line gets me? 
I suppose it is, especially if I consider simply asking you to grab dinner with me to be particularly risky 
I don’t know what to feel now, perhaps I should stop rambling and make myself another form of busy
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silvereternitywrites · 8 months
The Manuscript of Characters
Prompt: Deleted; Everyone on their coming-of-age gets a formal Title out of the Manuscript of Titles that tells them what their role in life is going to be. The “False Savior” has just been asked to lead a great battle in the morning, and nobody knows where the True Savior is. (approximated from author memory) Prompt Source: user ShitposterSL; subreddit “Writing Prompts”
"You know how this is supposed to go, man," his best friend Timothy (his Title, the horrid thing that it was, designated him Crony 1) told him, looking worried as he watched Hardin, The False Savior, buckle on some very real armor. Sturdy plate- not shiny and not made for show. He knew his tactics, he knew how to lead, and he had all the magical charm and charisma that was forcibly attached to his title- but how was he supposed to bring an army through the clinch? He was only the False Savior! Tim was magically bound to go where he went- up to a point anyway- but their friendship was real and he didn’t want to watch him die.
"Tim," Hardin said calmly, "do you remember what we three told each other when the Manuscript designated our Titles that day?"
"We didn't mean--!"
"We promised not to let our Titles be our defining feature," he interrupted ruthlessly. "You promised me, Tim. I can be more than just some fake that's a stepping stone to someone else's greatness and you will not be trapped like a rat riding my coattails for the rest of our lives! The people asked me to step in and do the job. Technically it counts as fulfilling the Title if I just hold the position until the True Savior comes along to fix what the universe will not let me touch. I'm not so foolish as to risk that magical backlash."
"But what if this is a tragedy?" Jerrit (Crony 2) asked, quietly.
"What if the False Savior is a tragic Hero?"
"Then I will languish in hospital or lose a limb or I will die to fulfill my Title. It is no worse than what magic demands of its' Champions, True Saviors, Righters of Wrongs and Heroes of every flavor," Hardin's voice was soft, tender, but still backed in steel.
"I'm going to lead the battle, gentlemen. They asked me to, and they are looking to me to ensure my strategy is utilized properly. We're going to make our stand. If you need to leave, I won't hold it against you. But I dare not risk becoming The Coward, too."
No one wanted to be titled "the coward". The coward was always a traitor, and would always meet a brutal end.
"Alright. Alright, we're with you. No moment of buckling here."
Tomorrow, they rode.
They just hoped that their Opposing Trio (aka the True Heroic Team) arrived before they faltered.
They prayed not to be in a Tragic Tale Of War and Woe.
They'd have to find out in the morning.
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May I ask for headcanons of S/O trying (lmao) to get Leona and Malleus to eat their least favorite foods (vegetables and whole cake)
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Leona must have a special ability as a vegetable detector or something. As soon as you walk in with a veggie plate and dip, you already find him on the far side of the room, his back against the wall and his lip curling in disgust. Bring it any closer, and he’ll leap away. Hoo, boy. Buckle up, this is going to be a struggle.
A sneak attack does you no good. Cramming black beans and broccoli into brownies, zucchini into bread, and carrot into cake... Leona instantly smells them and makes a beeline for the nearest exit as soon as he does. Try to get in his way to thrust the disguised veggies at him, and he’ll just nyoom around you or barrel right by.
“Don’t be such a big baby!” you tell him, a spoon of mashed sweet potato in hand. “Here comes the broomstick, so open up!!” But each time you attempt to force feed him, Leona just dodges or ducks, which mounts your frustrations.
He catches your wrist at some point, and yanks you toward him, his eyes flashing dangerously and his mouth forming a deep frown. Your noses are so close that they’re almost touching, and you can feel Leona’s hot breath on your face.
“Let’s make one thing very clear,” he snarls. “No one--and I mean no one--tells me what I can and can’t eat. Not even you. If I say I want meat, then I’ll have meat. And if I say I want dessert, then I’ll have dessert.”
With that, Leona leans forward, closing the distance between the two of you. Your spoon clatters to the ground as he invades your mouth, tasting all of you—a sweet dessert, what he’s been craving all along. Leona releases you a satisfied grunt and a smirk, his tongue tracing the outline of his lips to lap up what remains of you. “Thanks for the meal.”
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Malleus shifts uncomfortably in his chair the moment you set down that whole cake on the table. But he is no coward—a prince must be prepared to face unpleasant things for the sake of others—and so he remains seated, and attempts at a smile.
You cut into the cake for him with a slightly warmed knife, then pull away the slice to reveal... ice-cream inside. It is then that Malleus realizes your deception: the cake isn’t a just a cake, it’s a lie cake with ice-cream sandwiched between layers of sponge and frosting!
“Hoh... It appears that I’ve been duped,” he muses, accompanying his words with slow, steady applause. “What a tricky little thing you are, serving my favorite food in the guise of that of my least favorite food.”
Malleus allows you to scoop up the cake and ice-cream and feed them to him. It requires you to get extremely close to his face—close enough for his lips to close around your spoon, for you to see yourself in his deep green eyes, framed by thick lashes.
A little while in to his snack time, Malleus offers to cut you a slice as well. He doesn’t feel right being the only one eating—he wants you to be able to experience the flavors, too! All it takes is flick of the wrist, and soon the cutlery is dancing, and a slice of cake is floating over onto a plate for you.
“Whole cake is meant to be shared,” he murmurs, scooping up cake and ice-cream with his spoon, “and luckily for me, I now have someone with whom to share it with. I’m no longer alone.” Pressing the spoon to your lips, Malleus gives you a mischievous smile. “Now then, I believe this is the part where you go, ‘ahhhhh’.”
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moemammon · 3 years
Hey! What if their human happens to bring a Ghost Pepper from the human world and each of the brothers are dared to eat it. What would be their reactions? Would it show on their face? I enjoy your blog!
The Demon Brothers vs The Ghost Pepper
(Will it send them to the afterlife?!)
He reminds you that the food in the Devildom is way stronger in the flavor department than human foods, and that your little ghost pepper will be nothing.
Though, he indulges you anyway and take a bite, then gives the rest back
Immediately fucking chokes midway into chewing, but the look he gives you keeps you from laughing (probably-)
"So it seems not every human food can be taken for granted... But I trust you're smart enough not to tell any of my brothers about this, hm?" "...I can tell you're holding your laughter in."
No way is he gonna get weak knees over a dumb little pepper! He'll pop the whole thing into his mouth to assert his dominance and try to impress you
Mammon eats spicy foods on the reg, so a ghost pepper is nothing. Tbh, he's had spicier.
Honestly likes it tho, so he wants to incorporate it into the house's cooking. He’d even eat them a snack if he could. Could you do him a favor and bring some more next time?
"Woah, this thing's got a nice flavor, and a great kick! Think I could get a couple more o' these? I bet they'd be great on some Hell-sauce cup noodles!"
He's not a stranger to trendy food challenges, so he already knew about the apparent dangers of eating ghost peppers
But he's not a coward either..! Besides, going outside of your comfort zone and eating new foods can be fun with a friend!
That being said, he makes you eat the other half so your can suffer together. And BOY does he suffer-
*various choking noises* "What IS that?! Can any human seriously eat the whole thing?! M-My mouth is on fire, and this ramune is making it worse!! Water! I need water-!"
He's pretty curious about one of the human world's 'spiciest' peppers, so he’d happily take a bite
And like Mammon, he doesn't think it's all that bad. Doesn't like the flavor though, but the spice level is nice
All you wanted was to watch him suffer from the heat, but now he's contemplating how to cultivate the peppers, how to use them to harass Lucifer, why the human world has such wimpy foods, etc.
"I wonder how a human would react to OUR spiciest pepper. They say it's so hot, it could melt your tongue off. I wonder if we should cook with it..." "Haha, I'm just joking."
Hella reluctant, because he's NOT a fan of spicy foods. Sweets are his go to, than you very much!
Don't get him wrong, not all of them are bad, but he's got a sensitive tongue! No one likes a spicy aftertaste!
Takes the tiniest baby bite known to man, and is instantly dramatic as hell. Acts like he's gonna die
"I can't BELIEVE you made me eat something so terrible! The taste is going to linger for week unless I can get it out! That being said... are you interested in helping me with that~?"
He eats the pepper straight out of your hand before you can even finish telling him how spicy it is
Doesn't even notice the spice until he's already swallowed it. It must not be that bad to him, because his only comment is "it was tasty", and he's got that sparkly look in his eyes.
Then again, Beel has eaten just about everything, so there's no way he’d be phased by that. Proceeds to give you a list of things that would taste good with ghost peppers
"Do you have more? I'd like to pair it with curry. Or maybe spicy dumplings? A burger topped with ghost pepper sauce would be nice, too... Maybe we can ask Satan to grow them here?"
Didn't even realize what you were feeding him, because he's half asleep.
This boy just slowly eats the entire thing, and doesn't react at all. You could've given him an eraser and he’d probably be eating it
Like, is he even registering the taste?? He's just crunching away like it's nothing, eyes still closed and everything-
"....Isn't it a little early for dinner..? Well, I guess I don't care... But can you tell Mammon to lay off on the hell sauce next time..?"
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Drabble#3)
Summary: You have yet to tell Jungkook your big news and he might not take it so well.
Pairing: Always You!Jungkook x female reader
Genre: Angst!!! Smut!!! And fluff too hehe
Word count: 7.3k (I am SO sorry)
Warnings: sad Jungkook, jealous oc, panic attack, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, multiple positions, cum eating, scratching, marking, overstimulation, mentions of anal (sorry if I forgot any)
Notes: sorry this is long for a drabble! I actually managed to get it down to 7k wooo. Also pls don’t be that mad at oc:) hehe. Make sure to send an ask if you want to chat:) ily guys
Taglist: @seagulljk
© taestefully-in-luv
The record shop is busier than usual this evening…Yoongi has tried his best to stop by yours and Taehyung’s table to chat but another customer keeps walking in one after the other. You chuckle, waving him off, telling him to work.
“And Jungkook doesn’t know?” Taehyung frowns at you, “Like, this is huge y/n. And you haven’t told him?”
“Not yet, at least.” You admit, bringing your coffee mug to your lips. “I’m going to have to eventually though right…”
“Who else doesn’t know?”
“Everyone knows actually.”
“Oh girl, that’s not good.”
“What do you mean?” you bring the coffee mug back to the table, your fingers strumming the side of the mug.
“You’re telling me he is the last to know? That’s just…not going to sit right with him and you know that.”
Fuck, he’s right. Jungkook is your best friend, your boyfriend, the man you live with, the man you love…and he has no idea you’re about to move to another country. You got accepted to work in Japan for a year and you could not be more excited. But there’s this huge weight on your entire body, the weight equal to one man.
“I know, shit, but I just can’t. He’s going to act so supportive but I know how disappointed he will be. I mean, we just started living together recently you know? Our relationship is going so nicely and I don’t want to ruin that.” You rant, a frown pulling down your lips.
“I finally finished with my last customer.” You hear Yoongi walk up to your little corner of the record shop. “What are we talking about?” he pulls up his chair and sits down.
“y/n still hasn’t told Jungkook about Japan.”
“Still?” Yoongi looks disappointed to say the least. “y/n…”
“Guys, I know!” you throw your hands up, “I’m fucking up.”
“Wait, do the others know that Jungkook doesn’t know?”
“I didn’t necessarily announce that it’s a secret…” you bite your bottom lip, worry filling your body, “And he’s with Jin, Namjoon and Hobi tonight.”
“You should text them and tell them.”
“But it’s not the first time he’s hanging around them since I told them…so maybe I just don’t come up in conversation?” you respond hopefully.
“Yeah, not likely. Jungkook always finds a way to talk about you.” Tae grumbles. “Trust us, we would know.”
“Yeah, he’s right.” Yoongi agrees, “Listen, you need to tell him before he finds out from someone else.”
“I’ll tell him…” you pick up your mug and take a sip, “Tonight.”
Your apartment is dark and there’s no sign of life—Jungkook must still be out with the guys. You sigh in relief because although you said you would tell him tonight you are already chickening out. You know, you know. A cowards move. But honestly, it’s hard!
Right as you think you’re in the clear, you hear the front door opening from behind you. Jungkook is whistling some tune as he walks in and he lights up when he sees you.
“Baby.” He sings out, walking closer to you. “Hi.” He says before leaning down and pecking your lips.
“Hi, how was your night?” you ask as you slip off your shoes and head towards the bedroom.
“It was nice.” Jungkook continues to whistle, “How was yours? How are Tae and Yoongi? Anything new?”
“No, just the usual.” You shimmy out of your pants and slip off your shirt, leaving you in some panties and a bralette. You walk out of your room and into the bathroom to turn on the shower. The water is cold but is quickly heating up as you turn the knob, you enjoy how hot it’s getting.
“Should I join you?” You hear Jungkook say from behind you. He snakes his arms around your waist and kisses your neck.
“If you want babe.”
“I want you to want me to.” He pouts, “So, I’ll ask again…should I join you?”
You can’t help but giggle, turning around in his grasp and pulling at his shirt.
“Yes, please.” You say as he lifts his arms up for you to lift his shirt off. You eye your boyfriend over, his muscles look so strong and honestly? Did they get bigger? He has been hitting the gym more. His tattoos cover one of his arms and it’s such a sexy sight. You trace your fingers over his body art and he smiles down at you.
“Like what you see?”
“You know I do.” You breathe out and he reaches behind you and unclasps your bra.
“I like what I see too.” He says as your breasts are freed. “God, I love your tits.”
“The water is probably ready.” You smirk, sliding your panties down. Jungkook’s eyes follow your movement, he watches as the panties get dragged down leg by leg.
“Then let’s get in.” He’s taking off his own pants and boxers in one go, leaving him completely naked for you.
The two of you step in the shower, letting the hot water wash over your entire bodies. He lets you go under first as he squirts some shampoo in his palm.
“C’mere.” He commands. You step out from under the water and he massages the shampoo into your scalp, creating a bubbly mess. Then you go back under to rinse, this continues for the conditioner as well and then he’s soon washing your body with body wash, making sure he gets every corner and crevice of your body. Then you do the same for him, he loves when you wash his hair, your nails scratching at his scalp has him groaning.
“Missed you tonight.” He says quietly, “You missed me?”
“When am I not missing you?” you lean up to kiss him. He doesn’t let you lean away though as he leans in further to kiss you deeper. The water dribbles down your faces as you two have your lips moving quickly against one another. He nips at your bottom lip before his tongue tangles with yours, you moan into his mouth and he swallows it.
“Gonna fuck you?” he asks impatiently. His hard cock slipping between your folds as he grinds into you.
“Yes.” You respond breathlessly. “Yes.”
You slip on one of Jungkook’s t shirts and a fresh pair of panties and slide into bed. You find yourself in your boyfriends strong, warm arms. You lay your head down on his chest and listen to his heart beat. It’s racing. Why?
“So anything new?” Jungkook cuts you off, his heart doing a million things.
You’re quiet for a few moments before you speak up again.
You hear Jungkook sigh out heavily…then he’s moving from beneath you and getting up to turn on the lamp.
“You sure?”
“I’m sure?” You sit up on your elbows, confusion drawn on your face.
“y/n…” you hear him softly warn, “I’m giving you a chance to tell me.”
“Tell you what? I have nothing to tell you?”
That’s the moment you think you can physically see Jungkook’s heart break in his chest. His face falls dramatically as a frown takes over.
“Nothing at all?” he asks quietly and that’s when you know. He knows.
“What are you talking about, Jungkook?” you decide to say instead of the truth and his face twists into a look of disappointment.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” he looks down at his hands, “That you are apparently fucking moving? To japan?”
You feel yourself go pale.
“I have known for a few weeks.” Jungkook admits, “I’ve been giving you time to tell me but it came up again tonight…and I just couldn’t wait anymore. But it seems like you were never going to tell me.” He grits out. “Were you?” His voice is pleading now. “y/n, were you just going to leave without saying anything?”
“What? No! Of course not!” you rush to say, “I just—”
“And you told literally everyone else except for me. Why am I the last to know? Shouldn’t I have been the first person you told? Didn’t you want to like, discuss it with me first? Or did you just make the decision immediately that you’re moving there without even considering me?” he sounds so pained, like speaking isn’t something he excels at.
“Jungkook, what do you mean discuss it with you? It’s my decision,”
He looks at you incredulously, his eyes wetting with tears.
“Of course its your decision at the end of the day but we should still have discussed it! We live together, we are planning a future together!” he cries out. “Or were you going to break up with me?”
“What?! Jungkook no—”
“Maybe that would be for the best, you can’t even tell me something like this—”
“Jungkook stop.” You feel your eyes gloss over, and a few tears slide down your face. “Don’t even talk about breaking up.”
“Why not?” He spits out, “You don’t even tell me shit or consider me in the big things in your life.”
“That’s not true…” you cry. “I was just scared. I thought you would be more supportive…”
“The problem isn’t Japan, y/n.” Jungkook states. “It’s the fact that you couldn’t even tell me about it or discuss it with me. We can make this work but you didn’t even give me a chance to try.” Tears prick his eyes as he speaks and you feel yourself go numb. You fucked up, you should have told him…but you don’t think either way would have been easy.
“I’m sleeping on the couch tonight.”
“Wait! No…” you grab for his hand and he exhales deeply.
“Let go of me, y/n.”
“No.” you say, your stubbornness taking over. “No.”
“Why not?” he asks, using his other hand to wipe at his face.
“I love you Jungkook, and I’m sorry.”
“I love you too, y/n. But I’m mad.” He says, tugging his hand away from you. “I need some space.”
“Space?” Jimin asks with a frown, “Don’t you leave in like a month? Isn’t space the last thing you guys should have?”
“You’d think so. But it’s been 5 days Jimin.” You take a swig of your beer and wince at the bitter flavor. “He’s pissed.”
“And he has every right to be, babe.” Jimin points out, “Full offense but you fucked up.”
“I know…” you tug on your hair, “Last time I gave him space he didn’t talk to me for three months…” you say, worry laced in your voice. “How do I know he won’t disappear on me again?” you choke out, “That would fucking crush me. I need to talk to him.”
“I know where he’s at tonight.” Jimin admits softly, “Should we go?”
You nod your head as Jimin stands up and grabs his keys, he walks towards the front door and glances over at you.
You and Jimin pull up to some bar downtown, it’s in a shadier part of town and you wonder how Jungkook ended up in a place like this. You guys get inside and see Jungkook and Taehyung sitting at the bar with 3 girls surrounding them. You can’t help the way your chest tightens at the sight. Jimin looks over at you and offers you a soft smile.
“They come here to talk to girls?” you bitterly question.
“Does it look like Jungkook is even sparing one of them a glance? He just came with Tae.” Jimin defends and you roll your eyes, you still can’t help but feel irritated.
Jungkook sits here at the bar with a whiskey, taking sip after sip. He looks tired to say the least, he looks plain tired. He doesn’t even notice you coming up to them, he just takes another sip of his drink.
“Why doesn’t your friend talk?” One of the girls slurs out, “I want to talk to him.”
“Oh him?” Taehyung points at Jungkook, “He has a….y/n.” his eyes widen when he spots you.
“A y/n?” the girl asks, clearly confused.
“Yes, a me.” You say harshly, “His girlfriend.”
Jungkook hears your voice and sighs out, setting his drink down. He slowly turns in his bar stool to face you, his tired face becoming even more tired.
“What are you doing here?” he slurs out. “I said I needed space.”
“So you two are broken up then?” the girl asks, “Don’t call yourself his girlfriend—”
“She is my girlfriend.” Jungkook rolls his eyes, “I just needed some time to think.”
“Oh? With all these girls around?” you spit out. “This what you do when you need space?” You place your hands on your hips. “Talk to other girls?”
Jungkook looks at you like you’ve lost your mind, he shakes his head with a frown,
“Does it look like I’m talking to them?” he asks you, incredulously.
“It’s been 5 days Jungkook, how much space do you need? Need another three months?” he hears your voice crack as you speak and he feels himself deflate.
“Baby, I wouldn’t—”
“You wouldn’t do that?” You ask, tears pricking the corners of your eyes, “You’ve done it before.”
Jungkook stands from his bar stool and walks towards you, grabs your hand and leads you outside.
“Let’s go home.” He says softly, “We can talk.”
Jungkook pulls out his phone and orders an uber. The ride gets here within 5 minutes…you two stay silent the whole ride over to your apartment.
Once the uber pulls up to your apartment, Jungkook takes your hand and interlocks your fingers as you two exit the vehicle.
The walk up to the apartment is only a couple minutes, those are silent as well. He keeps his tight grip on your hand though, never letting go.
“We’re home.” Jungkook whispers when you two get inside. “We should drink some water.”
You nod your head in agreeance, heading towards the kitchen. Jungkook follows behind you, he watches your figure as you stumble forward. He exhales a deep, deep breath and rolls his eyes. You’re a little more tipsy than he first thought and he thought he was sort of drunk.
“y/n…maybe we should just get some sleep…”
“No, you said we were going to talk!” You yell out over your shoulder as you reach for two glasses for water. You grab the pitcher from the fridge and pour you and Jungkook a glass. He comes up behind you, and takes a glass and begins drinking it back slowly.
“I still think we should sleep on it tonight—”
“Oh? You on the couch? And me alone in the room?” you spit out, “That’s how we’re going to ‘sleep’ on it?”
“Alright, you obviously want to talk—”
“Yeah, no fucking shit.”
“Hey…” Jungkook winces, “You don’t have to cuss at me.” He says softly, “Let’s just talk.”
“How long were you going to go without talking to me, hm?”
“Maybe as long as you didn’t tell me about Japan?” Jungkook snaps. He doesn’t mean to snap, of course. But he’s starting to become frustrated. You look at him with shocked eyes, feeling guilty all of the sudden. Maybe you deserved that.
“Jungkook I said I’m sorry—”
“Maybe sorry isn’t good enough.” He grits out, “You kept something so important from me, and didn’t even think it was something we should discuss together. As a couple…as a team.”
You breathe out, trying to calm yourself, the guilt beginning to eat you alive. As a team?
“I was serious…” he begins, his chest starting to heave. “We can make it work if you’re wanting to go abroad. But y/n you have to actually tell me so we can seriously discuss it.” His pained expression feels like a stab to the gut. “Because I won’t lie to you…this isn’t going to be easy for me. I’m so…” he chokes up, “I’m so attached to you.” He finishes with a hard gulp. His eyes stinging with tears, “I’m so in love with you that I don’t know how I can physically be without you.”
“Jungkook…” you stand here with your own tears threatening to fall. “You can be without—”
“No!” he cries out, “I don’t think so.”
“You’re stronger than you think, baby.” You walk closer to him and he falls forward into your arms, you catch him and try your best to hold him up as he starting sobbing into your neck.
“N-No.” he chokes on his sobs, “P-Please don’t-please don’t…don’t leave me.” He manages to cry out between harsh breaths. “I need you.”
Your heart cracks and breaks into maybe tens of millions of pieces, then those pieces manage to get even more crushed. So, this wasn’t just about you not telling him…this goes deeper than that.
“Baby, I’m not leaving you. I would never leave you. I’m yours forever.” You remind him softly, caressing his back as he continues to weep. “We would make plans to see each other every few months, remember?”
“You—you want to l-leave me.” He cries harder into your shoulder making you screw your eyes shut so your own tears don’t spill over.
“Baby that’s not—”
“Why am I never good enough to make the people I love stay?” he whispers, his quiet sobs taking a toll on his tired body. Your eyes go wide at his comment…this is much, much deeper than you thought.
“Jungkook…” you whisper his name over and over, trying to calm him. Your hand massages his scalp and he continues to cry.
You don’t know what to say at this point…you don’t think any words you can say will work…will comfort him. Only ‘okay I won’t go’ but you can’t…you can’t say that. Because it would be a lie. You’ve already made your decision and that’s that you are going. You’ve already accepted and made the arrangements to fly out, you’ve already been placed in an apartment, everything is already done. And yes, you feel bad. Awful actually but this is something you really want to do, for you. You want this, you need this. And you hope Jungkook will become more understanding. You know he will…he’s just drunk and emotional right now. But you can tell these are his real feelings.
“Do you still love me?” Jungkook chokes out and your face twists into a frown. This is it, you finally cry. His unsureness breaks you.
“What are you talking about?” you let a few tears stream down your face, “I love you more than anything, anyone.” You hug him tighter, your arms becoming sore from how hard you’re holding on to him.
“Then don’t leave.” He begs into your neck and you fall to your knees, bringing him down with you. You feel so fucking conflicted.
“Baby.” You cry out, “Please understand.”
Jungkook shakes as he cries, like he’s beginning to hyperventilate. He tries to speak but only harsh, quick breaths leave his open mouth. He brings his head back and he looks at you panicked, like he can’t breathe.
“Okay, calm down, calm down.” You whisper, rubbing his back. “Breathe, my love. Breathe.”
Jungkook shuts his eyes and shakes his head, he is struggling to find that breath. He continues to breathe out quickly, panic rising.
“In and out, in and out.” You continue to rub his back, “I’m here my love, I’m here.”
Jungkook tries his hardest to take a deep breath but it’s so hard, so fucking hard. He opens his eyes and they scream for you, they are wide and pleading and you feel so fucking heartbroken.
“Come on, in and out…that’s it Jungkook. In and out.” He follows your instructions, trying his best to breathe in and out as steadily as possible. He finally manages to calm down only for him to break down even more…he closes his eyes and starts crying harder this time.
“Jungkook.” Your voice cracks, “Please calm down.” You feel yourself becoming more and more anxious as well.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” You whisper out over and over until he’s quieting down. You don’t stop though, you continue to repeat the words until his breathing sounds stable again. You don’t stop caressing his back either, you just continue to do what you can to comfort him.
“I know you do.” Jungkook finally whimpers out. “I know you do. I’m sorry.” He sniffles into your neck. “I’m sorry.” His voice breaks and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Don’t be sorry baby, you have nothing to be sorry for.”
“No, I do.” He says a little more calmly. “I shouldn’t try to make you stay. If you want to go…then that’s what you want and I want to be nothing be supportive of what you want.”
“It’s not because I don’t want to be with you Jungkook. I wish you could just quit your job and come with me, to be honest. But I know I can’t ask you to do that.” You rub his back some more. Jungkook lifts himself off your shoulder and looks into your eyes.
“I know.” He sighs out, “I know. It’s just…it’s just for a year, right?” his big doe eyes bore into yours.
“Just a year babe.” You promise, “And I will see you every few months, and we will talk every day.”
Jungkook nods his head and tries to smile for you but it’s tense and strained and you frown again.
“It’ll be fun when you come to visit me…” you try to lighten the mood. “Imagine all the food we will try and all the sights we will see.”
“Yeah.” Jungkook tries smiling again, this time it’s a little more relaxed.
“And all the sex we will have in a different country?” you playfully wiggle your brows and Jungkook laughs while sniffling.
“I will kiss you in every famous spot in Japan.” Jungkook offers, “And we’re going to take a million pictures. And you will video chat with me every single day, right?”
“Every single day.” You repeat, “And you won’t be alone,” you remind him, “You have the guys, our friends. They’re just as much as family…”
“Yeah, I know.” He sniffles again, “I know.”
“I really am sorry for not telling you first…I was just so scared…I knew you would be disappointed…”
“Baby, I’m not like, entirely disappointed. I am also really happy for you. I’m just a bit sad for selfish reasons.” He admits. “I got so emotional…”
“You don’t think I would ever leave you, right? That you are 100% good enough. You are the love of my life, Jungkook.”
“I’m happy to hear you say that.” He sighs out. “I’m sorry for what I said…I was just…” he begins to get choked up again and you immediately caress his cheek.
“I know. You don’t have to explain…” you whisper. “We’re going to be okay.”
“More than okay.” He smiles at you with his brows pulled together. “Right?”
“Right.” You lean in and your lips meet his. You kiss him over a few times, and he lazily kisses you back.
“Let’s go to bed?” you begin to stand up, taking Jungkook’s heavy body with you.
“Okie.” He nods his head and follows you into the bedroom. “Take my clothes off for me.” He raises his arms above his head and waits patiently.
You chuckle at the sight but agree nonetheless. You walk to him and lift his shirt up, throwing it to the side. Then you are unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his pants, dragging them down his legs. He lifts one leg at a time as you slip them off…you’re dropped to your knees as you take them off his body.
“While I’m down here…maybe I could…” you play with the elastic of his briefs and he can’t help but chuckle.
“We can just go to sleep…” he offers shyly but you can see the outline of his length begin to twitch.
“I just want you to feel good…” you begin pulling the briefs down slowly, his half hard cock making an appearance.
“You always make me feel good.” He admits between a rough breath.
You grab onto his thick thighs and he stumbles backward until he’s gripping the desk in your room, he braces himself, staring down at you with soft eyes.
“Wanna make my baby feel so good.” You say, inching your face closer to his growing member. You haven’t even touched him yet and his cock is twitching uncontrollably. You watch as it gets harder and harder.
“Then make me feel good.” He breathes out, the desperation in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
You finally walk your fingers up his thigh until you’re softly stroking his dick. Your fingers lightly gliding up his growing length. He softly moans out, but he isn’t really, truly whining until you grip his cock and squeeze his head lightly.
“Fuck.” He sighs out, his hands going to your hair. “Love your touch, baby.”
“How about my mouth? Do you love that too?” you ask, as your face gets closer and closer until he is feeling your warm breaths fan over his cock.
“Please.” He begs cutely, “Need you.”
You bring his cock to your lips, you circle his cock over your mouth, your chin, your nose, all over your face. He groans at the view you are giving him, his tip beginning to leak precum. You dart your tongue out to lick him clean and he throws his head back.
“Please.” He begs again and you chuckle darkly.
“So needy.” You say , “Baby so needy.” You finally take his cock in your mouth, you wrap your pretty lips over the head and lightly suck making his eyes roll to the back of his head. He grips your hair tighter as you take him further into your mouth. He’s losing it. Your mouth feels like heaven, the way you lightly suck, the way your tongue drags up and down his length and swirls around the head of his dick, the way you take him further, so deep that he’s hitting the back of your throat.
You begin to bob your head up and down as you start to allow him to access all his pleasure. He groans loudly as you pick up your pace, his hands falling back down to his sides as he finds the desk again and he holds on tightly.
You take him deeper, causing you to choke on his cock and he smirks down at you.
“Having trouble there?” he asks as you continue to gag on his throbbing length, you just moan in response, the vibrations causing him to screw his eyes shut and cry out in pleasure.
You continue to suck on him for who knows how long, your jaw starting to become sore but his whines are enough for you to keep going. Your eyes wet with tears and he is in awe of the sight you allow him.
“I want to come…” he pants out, “But inside you.” He admits between harsh breaths, “But I want to enjoy this for a few more minutes…please.” He begs and you nod your head, you take your mouth off his cock and use your hand to stroke him over and over. You look up at him with your big eyes and he melts. He wants to come so bad, just not like this.
You open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out, then you take his cock and slap it over the flat of your tongue and he basically fucking loses it. You then swallow him whole again, sucking on his dick so deliciously.
“Okay, okay…” Jungkook pants out, “Let me fuck you.” He’s lifting you up by the arms and spinning your body to be up against the desk. He shoves everything to the side and on to the floor as he goes in between your legs.
“Up.” He says, helping you sit on the edge of the desk. His hands scramble to your shorts, he’s quick to unbutton them and drag the zipper down, taking them off you. Leaving you in your shirt and panties. Then he’s ripping off your shirt and bra.
“Let’s see how wet you are first.” He snickers to himself with dark eyes. His fingers rub the outside of your panties and finds them to be very damp.
“Good girl.” He pushes your panties to the side and pushes two fingers inside you immediately causing you to gasp out.
“Let me stretch you a little first.” He moves his fingers inside you as you nod your head frantically in approval. “Good girl.” He repeats and you roll your eyes to the back of your head as he begins to scissor his fingers. You wish he would keep his fingers inside you but much to your dismay he’s pulling them out and licking them clean.
“Mm.” he sucks on his fingers and winks at you. “Love this taste. My favorite flavor.” He whispers to you and you blush.
“Gonna fuck you right here, okay?”
“Please Jungkook. Need your cock so bad.”
Jungkook smirks at you before his smile turns soft and he looks at you with eyes full of adoration.
“Need me?”
“Always need you.”
Jungkook nods his head slowly as he grabs a hold of his length, he gets closer to you, his cock brushing against your clit and you close your eyes in pleasure. He rubs his cock over your clit over and over until you’re a moaning mess. He smiles at you again before lining his cock up to your entrance and slowly, very slowly pushes in. Good lord, his cock is entering you so fucking beautifully, the way he brushes against every special spot inside your tight pussy has you arching your back in pleasure.
Jungkook releases a long, harsh breath as he bottoms out, he stays still for a few moments before he’s sliding in and out of you. His thrusts are intentional, every single one has a purpose. They’re hard, fast and rough. You claw at his back, leaving long lines of pink and red down his back which only encourages him to fuck you harder. One of your hands trail up his body until you’re in his hair, you pull on the strands as your wrap your legs around his tiny waist, your heels digging into his lower back.
Jungkook lifts you from the desk and lightly slams your bodies into the wall next to the door as he continues to fuck into you. You toss your head to the side, giving Jungkook access to your neck, which he gladly accepts the invitation. He kisses you throat, and sucks into your skin. You whine at how good everything feels. Your bodies roll over the wall until you’re at the entrance of the door and Jungkook carries you over to the hallway, fucking you up against that wall as well as you scream out his name.
“Gonna fuck you on every surface of this apartment.” Jungkook promises you. “So you have a memory of a new spot every time you think of this apartment you will be reminded of how I fucked you.” Your legs begin to sliding down over his ass, and he uses his strong arms to bump you up higher, his cock never leaving your pussy.
He walks you over to the couch and lays you down on it, you’re flat against the sofa as he stays standing, fucking into you faster and harder. His cock is throbbing and aching for release but he endures it, his moans filling the room.
You try your hardest to keep your orgasm at bay, but it’s becoming so difficult as his dick is reaching that spot deep within you that has your body going tense. You try so hard you really do but before you can even warn him you feel your body electrifying with intensity as your orgasm washes over you like a huge wave of warm water. You scream, you cry, you moan out in pleasure. But Jungkook doesn’t stop, he slows down though, giving you a moment to relax.
“This isn’t over.” He warns. “I still have to fuck you from behind, still need your fucking gorgeous ass.” He’s lifting your weak body up and momentarily taking his cock out of you to walk you to the kitchen, his hands make their way into your hair and he guides you to bend over the counter. It’s cold against your breasts and you shiver.
“Spread your cheeks for me baby, give me that view.”
You are still out of breath from your orgasm but you listen to him, you reach behind you and spread your ass apart to show him your used pussy.
“Fucking beautiful. So wet.” He groans. “One of these days you’re going to let me fuck this ass aren’t you?”
Your eyes widen but you nod your head frantically, already loving the idea.
“Words baby.”
“Yes.” You moan out as you feel his cock being shoved back inside you, you choke on air as you feel him start thrusting again. You really fucking gasp when you feel his hand come down on your ass hard.
“Love this ass. So fucking much.” He says, panting. “Can’t wait to stick my cock in it and fuck you.” His words go straight to your pussy. God, you don’t want to come again this quickly but his cock feels so god damn good.
“Tell me you want me to fuck this ass.” He grunts.
“I want you to fuck me in the ass.”
“Next time, baby.” He promises, his thrusts still fucking you with so much purpose. He pulls you by the hair causing you to arch your back even more and he falls in love with this view. He loves your boobs, but he’s definitely an ass man. He will argue he loves both but the way your ass is pushed into his crotch right now…he could honestly lose his mind.
He lifts you up again, by the hair—mostly gently. And he now has your body pushed up against the fridge, your face being smooshed into the cold silver box. Your fingers dragging leaving prints down the fridge as he lifts one of your legs to fuck you at a better angle. You cry out, he’s hitting that spot again and you feel yourself losing all composure.
“I’m gonna come again Jungkook.” You warn him this time between your rough breaths.
“I’ll come with you. But we aren’t done.” He starts thrusting faster, the sound of his skin slapping your skin is honestly pushing you further into your orgasm. You feel the warmth travel through your whole body and you feel the band fucking snap. God, you are coming so hard, creaming around his cock as he slows down his thrusts to come into you, his breathing is so heavy as he starts to come. When he stills his hips he’s releasing a loud, low, guttural moan and you could come again just from the sound.
Jungkook starts whining uncontrollably as he starts to move his hips again, slowly grinding into yours and you wince at the pain, the overstimulation. He cries out, it’s too much for him as well but he doesn’t stop.
“Wanna keep fucking you.” He screws his eyes shut, thrusting into you slowly and carefully. He brings your body closer to his, your back flush against his chest and he walks you over to the breakfast table. He leaves your body, quickly takes his cock out of you and sits down on the chair and orders you to sit in his lap. He gestures towards his cock and smirks.
“Jungkook…” your eyes slightly wet, “I can’t”
“You can and you will.”
You crawl into his lap and hover over his aching cock, he looks up at you and whimpers.
You slowly sink down onto his length, the feeling so fucking euphoric. He slams his eyes shut and nods his head.
“Ride me.” He softly commands. You lift yourself up and lower back down again, this angle has you seeing fucking stars. You start to ride his cock a little faster now, slamming down on his hips and he grips your hips helping you rise and sink down on his cock.
“Fuck I am gonna come again.” He says, meeting your thrusts half way. He lifts his hips and fucks you from beneath you. He’s going feral now, losing all control. His cock is so hard, so needy, aching so badly for you, for release. You lean down and start kissing him, nibbling on his lips, nibbling on his jaw, nibbling on his neck. He cries out and thrusts into you so harshly now, you feel your high building and building. You’re going to come soon, but then you’re completely overwhelmed when you feel Jungkook’s fingers on your sensitive bundle of nerves. You scream in pleasure, yelling out his name as he fucks you. The chair threatens to screech backwards as you two fuck so roughly on it.
“I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come.” He yells out, his hot seed shooting inside you as he halts his movements. His fingers still rub your clit quickly and you are pushed over the fucking edge—again. You cry as you come. You grit your teeth as this powerful orgasm hits you. You’re so overwhelmed as your whole body shakes.
“Oh fuuuuuuuck.” You yell out and Jungkook grins at the ceiling as he tries to catch his breath.
“Holy fuck.” You pant out, “Mother of god.”
“Good?” he breathes out heavily, stroking the skin on your cheek. “felt good?”
“It was so fucking good Jungkook.” You whine, your body going week as you collapse on top of him. He’s just as tired as you are but finds the strength to lift you up and carry you to the bedroom.
He gently lays you on the edge of the bed and spreads your legs apart. He watches with focused eyes as his cum and your cum spills out of your used hole. He licks his lips and buries his head between your legs, you immediately release a high pitched moan when you feel his tongue cleaning you up.
“Jungkook I can’t.”
He only grunts as he swallows down both of your cum, you roll your eyes so far back into your head that all that is seen is the whites of your eyes.
“So good.” He whispers, lifting himself up and crawling over your body, his lips finding yours in a slow, tender kiss. You open your mouth as you moan, and he takes advantage and slips his tongue in. You can taste yourself on his tongue and you moan in satisfaction.
“We really need to shower. We’re so sweaty.” You laugh, kissing his shoulder.
“Then let’s go.” He says in your ear and you groan, not able to move.
“I can’t. I’m so fucking tired. You exhausted me.”
Jungkook looks down at you with a cocky grin. He lifts the duvet up and helps you slide underneath, then he is joining you.
“We can shower in the morning, let’s sleep.” He offers you and you smile in approval.
“Even though we’re so gross?” you ask, yawning.
“I’ll love you no matter how gross you are.”
Waking up to Jungkook’s head buried between your legs has got to be one of your very favorite things. He starts with kissing up your legs, he starts at your ankles, works his way up your calves then finally he’s at your inner thighs. Kissing, nibbling on the soft skin and you mewl at the contact.
“Jungkook…I’m so sore.” You admit shyly, and he looks up at you with big, doe eyes.
“Just my tongue then.” He assures you, as his lips grow closer and closer to your pussy. You throw your head back on the pillow and wait in agony for his tongue to finally find your clit. He takes his time though…he continues to kiss your inner thighs, and caress your skin lovingly.
“I love you.” He whispers.
“I love you t—”
His tongue licks a hard, long strip over your pussy…and when he finds your clit he’s lightly sucking on it causing you to moan out. He licks it over and over, his face getting so wet with your juices and his spit. He eats you out messily, his nose bumping your clit as he licks you, then he travels up until he’s flicking his tongue over your clit quickly. It doesn’t take much for you, you hate to admit, but you feel the rise of your high. The tension growing and growing until its fucking snapping. You come all over his tongue and he smiles into your pussy, letting you ride out your high. He squeezes your thighs with his hands and leans back and watches as you have your eyes closed, and your lips apart. You quietly cry out, your face twisted in pleasure.
“That was fast.” He teases you. “Might be the fastest you’ve ever came.”
“I think I’m still sensitive from last night…” you open your eyes and stare up at him, “You were so amazing.” You tell him breathlessly.
“Me? Baby you’re the one who did amazing. Such a good girl.” He cleans his face with the back of his hand and makes his way next to you on the bed.
“I’m sorry for last night.” He sighs out, “I was…”
“It’s okay baby.”
“It’s not okay. I’m not selfish, I promise. I want you to follow your dreams, and I want to be as supportive as I can be.”
“I know.” You say softly. “You did have me worried there for a moment though…” you admit, your eyes sliding to the side. “I don’t want you to feel like I’m abandoning you, Jungkook.”
“I know…Fuck, I’m so sorry. I don’t want you to feel responsible for me.” He curses under his breath, “I think this year will be good for both of us.” He tries admitting. “I clearly have abandonment issues.” He tries laughing and you frown. “I think…I have to learn to be my myself too.”
“But Jungkook you won’t be alone, you have our friends.”
“I just mean…be without you.”
“But you’ll still talk to me every day.” You try to smile but tears fill up your eyes. “We’re going to be a successful long distance relationship story.”
“Yeah,” he smiles for you and you believe in it, “We will be.”
“So fucking does solve all problems.” Jimin comments playfully, taking a sip of his wine. You hit his shoulder with your fist and smile slyly.
“Something like that.”
“I’m glad you guys worked it out though…” Jimin looks at you more seriously, “I hope you learned your lesson not to keep things from him again.”
“Yes dad.” You roll your eyes. “I learned, I learned.” You throw your hands up in defeat.
“Ew, save the daddy talk for Jungkook.”
You quirk a brow at him, “I don’t call Jungkook daddy.” You laugh. “But I might if he asked me to.”
Jimin’s face twists into a look of amusement. He doesn’t even look disgusted, just proud. Classic Jimin.
“So, are you all packed?”
“Getting there.”
“You guys will be fine, you know?” Jimin looks at you with a soft, assuring smile.
“Trust me, I know.”
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zeawoo · 3 years
—kim junkyu
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PAIRING ▸ neglectivebf!junkyu x reader
GENRE ▸ angst, established relationship
SUMMARY ▸ Junkyu finally realizes how bad he’s been treating you during your relationship and attempts to make things better, but he’s too late.
DISCLAIMERS & TAGS ▸ fem!reader toxicbf!junkyu, inspired by the song “why” by bazzi, strong language, written in 2nd person, mentions of a car accident, hints at death
The weather seems to reflect Junkyu’s feelings today. Droplets fall on his clothes as he walks on the sidewalk on his way home from the internet café. With every step he takes, the rain gets heavier and he regrets not checking the weather this morning before heading off to school.
Is this how you’re going to punish me for treating her so badly? Don’t you think this is a little too light?
His phone rings in his pocket, making him raise his head from the ground to the screen, lighting up his fatigued features. Another call from y/n… Instead of swiping left on the notification that lingers on his phone screen, Junkyu presses the side button, switching off the device and shoving it back onto his pocket.
The boy stops in the middle of his tracks, slowly raising his head to meet the dulled sky. Droplets fall onto his face, soaking his hair and clothes. He inhales slowly and quickly releases it into a sigh that contains so many confused feelings within him. He knows he’s done fucked up so many times with you, but every single time, you forgave him as if it were nothing.
But Junkyu knew better. He saw how hurt you were, but he didn’t do anything. The last couple of nights were spent thinking about you. How despite being treated like shit, you always cared for your boyfriend, Kim Junkyu. The homemade food that you would bring him during lunch was thrown in the trash the moment you walked away. All of your homework was stolen by him, leaving you to redo the assignments over and over again.
You really deserved better. So much better than the coward you were dating. The boy you called your boyfriend, Kim Junkyu.
Junkyu’s head turns towards a convenient store at the end of the street and after a moment of thinking, he slowly starts trudging over to it. Once inside, he shakes his head vigorously in attempt to dry off his wavy, black hair. Skimming the isles, he stops at the drinks section, frozen in place.
Shit, does she like strawberry or banana milk?
Unsure, he reaches for the banana flavored milk, only to stop midway and choose the strawberry one.
What candy does she like? Licorice? Jelly? Does she even like sweets at all?
And for the first time since you two started dating seven months ago, Junkyu finally got mad at himself for not knowing such basic things about his own significant other. Not that he ever even cared about knowing them before today…
He randomly picks a pack of jelly worms and goes to pay. He sighs again when he walks out of the store, eyes glued to the bag in his hands, hoping you would like the small gesture that was nowhere near big enough to mend your unhinged relationship.
His ringtone being set off brings him back to reality and he doesn’t even bother to look at who it is before answering. “Hello? What do you-“
“Are you Kang Y/n’s boyfriend?” The panicked voice cuts him off, making the boy’s brows knit together in confusion. When he doesn’t answer, the other person speaks up in a pained, slow tone. “Young man, your girlfriend was caught up in a nasty car accident. And I’m so sorry to have to be the one breaking this news to you, but she hasn’t been breathing for the past few minutes.”
So this. This is my punishment, huh?
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scribbly-dee · 3 years
Inspired by this post
I adore corruption arcs, so I graded how well the non-archivist characters would have damned humanity if they had been the archivist.
Sasha James 11/10, would be an ideal archivist, this plus her height is probably why the stranger monster targeted her before she could peak
I have a soft spot for any au that knows Sasha has never seen a brain cell in her life and that any unhinged!Sasha au is really just a regular Sasha au. Picture it with me. Sasha and Jon have parallel archivist tracks, until Sasha (my beloved show off) decides: you know what would make me more efficient at snooping? Becoming a Human Google. And things accelerate. The Web doesn't even need to bother with subtly magic lighters, it slaps all 14 marks on her at once by pulling up next to Sasha in a windowless van with "free secrets 👍" written on the side.
After the Unknowing, Sasha takes over the institute from Elias instead of Martin and Peter. With Tim dead, Jon in a coma, Martin lonely-snatched, Melanie compulsively homicidal, Daisy in the coffin, and Basira on autopilot, she quickly bonds with Rosie, the ultimate nosiness enabler. Sasha is a fully marked archivist for a good long while, but doesn't start the apocalypse right away because she's eager to read ALL the ominous notes Elias left, so the watcher's crown statement is in her to-be-read pile. When the apocalypse starts (Rosie: "Hey, Sasha, I just read something extra fucked up that Elias wrote, wanna see?" Sasha: "God yes."), she books it to become the pupil with Rosie as her anchor. Mayhapse an anchor-archivist polycule with Archivist Jon and Martin? Mayhapse Jon is just a normal eye avatar here and deeply invested in all of Sasha's eyepocalypse statements, so it's Sasha and her plus-three? Mayhapse it's a race across the eyepocalypse wasteland between Archivist Sasha and Archivist Jon to usurp Jonah and become the pupil?
Tim Stoker 2/10 dude's here for a good time, not a long time
The only way I see this working is if Elias disguises not-stranger clues as circus related so Tim is motivated to investigate. Otherwise, his archival assistants are way more curious than him and disobey his direct orders to 🍹chill🏝. Jon, Sasha, and Martin inadvertently bring marks home to him like cats bring home dead birds. He asserts his agency when he decides the best course of action? Actually? Just blow up the archives. This unfortunately puts him in a false sense of security, and Elias makes him read the watcher's crown statement by cat fishing him on grindr and sending the ritual as a dm mid conversation.
Daisy Tonner - 9/10 archivist, would have started doomsday before she was at the archivist job long enough to use her PTO
Daisy already had a lot of experience hunting down fear-entity-related people in sectioned cases, which means she possibly canonically already has all the marks from just hunting avatars who use their powers in self defense. The reason she lost one point is because she's too much of a jock to read, only nerds are culpable to watcher crown statements, so this would be the only delay but oh what a delay it will be.
Melanie King - 7/10 archivist, points awarded for achieving her breakthroughs by smashing her head against a wall until she literally breaks through, points deducted for doing so in full clown makeup.
If Jon got a handful of marks by just asking anoying questions in the same room as an avatar, imagine how much faster Melanie would get marks by bringing her trademark Chaotic Brat personality on fear entity investigations. The apocalypse would have started in like two seasons: one season to hire her off the streets and establish shakey, complex relationships with her new assistants (Jon and Sasha put in the time with the institute but were passed over on this promotion for some random YouTuber (plus they're tighter with Tim and Martin, so proletarian solidarity against the boss)).
Then a second season to stab every mark and get stabbed in return. Melanie would blitz through all 14 marks because what precious little impulse control she starts with is slowly replaced with slaughter juice. One fun moral ambiguity to explore could be if Melanie tries to use her new, dangerous Eye/Slaughter powers to revive her reputation and platform in the supernatural community now that she can, ya know, identify supernatural things for the first time ever. Does she acknowledge her entire career up to her hospital episode apparently only investigated fake sightings? A better question to ask is whether Basira, Tim, and Jon ever let her live down how Ghost Hunt UK's professional dignity was contingent on the legitimacy of her sCiEnTiFiC gHoSt eQuIpMeNt in those episodes, so the temperature spikes set to dramatic music were well and truly just temperature spikes and dramatic music. Sasha found a clip of that music playing as Melanie narrates "it's a message... from the other side..." and made it as her text tone.
Also, it would be hilarious if Melanie tried to kill Jonah on sight in the panopticon, once again botched assassination attempt number 1,963,538, and then Jon quietly snuck in to finish the job on his first try just like in canon.
Jon: "What, like it's hard?"
Basira Hussain 3/10 archivist, her eye alignment manifests as office gossip, like a normal person
Basira has the most formidable super power of all: the power to nope tf out of any conversation or plan she wants. She therefore would probably take 10x longer to start the apocalypse than any other archivist because her fatal flaw is refusal to directly engage with a lot of personally difficult things (like the slaughter bullet surgery she organized, Daisy In General, etc). The marks will be slow going if she resists putting her safety on the line or invests time in making good plans (which is smart, but unhelpful for dooming humanity). She would for sure still get marked and end the world because once she's convinced of a plan (aka Elias convinces her of a plan), she's ruthlessly efficient. So I'd stay out of her way that last year or two, she marks the entities right back at them.
Martin Blackwood 2/10 archivist, considering a prerequisite for creepy eye avatar staring is the ability to make eye contact.
S1 Archivist Martin would probably dote too much on the employees under him to be hugely susceptible to Elias' isolation-dependant manipulation. Any progress Martin inadvertently achieves toward the watcher's crown goal would have to be contingent on it helping his loved ones, which is perfect fuel for a "corrupted by good intentions" arc. This would be key because Martin has superb bullshit and manipulation detection, making the marks are tricky but not impossible to orchistrate considering Jon can't stay put in a safe corner for 10 minutes and Martin's mother would refuse to stay with him where she's safe from avatar threats.
Imagine the petty drama when Jon and Sasha learn he got the promotion they wanted because he lied on his CV.
Other than that, Martin would be even worse about pit stops on the apocalypse road trip than Jon because his Kill Bill mode would have no off switch. Does Archivist!Martin and his anchor Jon ever reach the panopticon? Eventually, but not until after they lose points for significantly reducing the apocalypse fear quantity. Would Annabelle survive to deliver her cryptic MaCHiNAtIoNs and achieve the Web's goal? Hard No, additional point reduction for neutralizing the multiverse invasion. Points potentially earned back if Martin's Web connection is strong enough to come up with the multiverse invasion plan on his own, though.
Georgie Barker 4/10, as a fearless coward, all the fear she feeds to the entities would be khaki flavored. They'd get their apocalypse, but they probably wouldn't enjoy the meal.
Similar to Basira, Georgie has the super power to Fuck This Shit I'm Out. She would overall be a subpar humanity damning archivist; a major archivist success factor of Jon's is that he has enough affective empathy to be afraid with every statement giver he reads, so when Jon archives a statement, he unintentionally contributes to the fear soup seasoning. Combined with how Georgie doesn't want anything to do with entity drama, so any corruption specific to the watcher's crown would stagnate. Even her casual exposition conversations would go like
Georgie: "I've connected no dots."
Melanie: "you've connected a lot of dots??"
Georgie: "I've connected shit all dots."
The reason she gets one more point than Basira is because Georgie's fatal flaw is the passive observer quality the Eye tried to stoke in Jon. Her level of engagement oscillates between two extremes, impulsive over commitment and judging from a distance. This would probably lead her to geting involved just long enough for her involvement to become irreversible, at which point she would try to cut that shit out of her life after it's trapped her. She'd linger, barricading herself on the margins of this problem as the marks that are targeted at her slowly tally up until boom. Apocalypse is on and she only half understands what's happening.
Georgie would wander around an apocalypse hellscape confused, but vibes and physical health fully intact. Anchor!Melanie would have quite the emotional journey starting with Georgie on that pedestal Melanie placed her, and ending with a slaughter avatar stabbing the person who convinced her to work on her slaughter inclination.
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