#black adhd
I've come to the realization that I like to talk but I don't like talking to people. When I talk to people, especially new people, I never know what to expect but talking to myself is so simple and stress free. Now if only people would stop assuming that I'm crazy.
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autismdoll · 19 days
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a person speaking about their experiences having and distinguishing ADHD based meltdowns and ASD based meltdown
i relate
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Can't sleep so I've decided I’m going to list what I've watched/ listened to an still watch/listen to to learn about adhd.
How to adhd YouTube
Adhd is the new black YouTube
Aha! Adhd podcast
The adhd adults podcast
Adhd af podcast
Sincerely Kai YouTube
Healthy gamer gg youtube
Sistas with adhd instagram/podcast
Black neurodiversity instagram/podcast
Divided attention podcast /instagram (sadly they don’t seem to be active anymore but they podcast episodes are great)
The_mini_adhd_coach instagram
Also some of these talk about more than just adhd
sincerely Kai is about her just figuring herself out,
healthy gammer talks about anything mental health related
And black neurodiversity they (Ben-Oni) talk about anything under the neurodiverse umbrella.
There are a lot more I checked out but these are the ones that kept my interest and/or I feel I learned a lot from.
Got some good ones I haven’t mentioned feel free to add. Also feel free to check these out if ya interested.
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slasherzslvt · 3 months
Just realized my black ass didn't make a Black History Month post
Happy Black History Month to all my brothers and sisters!!!
We need to celebrate everyone in ourselves and the other black people around us
Let it be nothing but love, not just this month but every day
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luvalwayslanora · 6 months
I legit feel like I’m losing my shit …..
Everything in my mind is driving me crazy and I’m working so hard to be okay. I can’t do this anymore.
It’s hurts to bad, yet I have to pull it together. I need to believe in me more than ever !
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genderfluidfire · 1 year
like I didn't notice I got overstimulation because I dissociated so damn much I could barely form a god-damned conversation.
Well if I'm being honest systemic racism and religious trauma due to colonization of stolen land. Has a lot of factors to make late diagnosis possible.
A broken nation leads to braver people.
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loungelaughlove · 2 years
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How To Deal When Things Get Stressful 😟😩
Hey Ladies!
Have y’all ever been so stressed out you legit didn’t know what to do with yourself anymore? The worry, the one thing after the next just draining your life force till you’re a living personification of a prune? Yes? Me too.
I’ve been so stressed to the point of tears, headaches and eye twitching for 2weeks. It was literally making me sick and honestly it’s not healthy and wears the body down. Now I’ve come around, and hashed it out with my care counselor here’s a few things you can do when you literally just can’t right now.
Talk It Out
This one is first because it’s the most important and the most helpful in my opinion. Talk to someone! If you’re blessed enough to have therapist or a counselor utilize them. I’ll preach this until I’m out of breath. This literally saved my tail from lashing out and doing things I may regret 😖. It helped me this time while I was going through it. If you don’t have a therapist, try a friend or a trusted individual. Being & feeling heard is the first step to feeling better. If you don’t have a friend there are resources you can utilize that’ll post for your use in a separate post so it doesn't get lost.
Stop! Put Your Hands Up And Step Away From The Screen!
Screen time. Once upon a time I used to believe this was nonsense oh what a sweet summer child was I. It can be easy (extremely easy especially for my fellow ADHD peeps) to get sucked up into the screen. It could be tumblr, insta, twitter, work, school work, TikTok or just browsing into the abyss. Before you know what should of been 3 hrs online turned into 12hrs. Then you have a headache, your eyes hurt and you don’t know where you are anymore because you’ve been stagnant, probably forgot to eat properly and drink enough water.
Give yourself breaks in between away from the screen. 20-30mins at a time when you can if you have legitimate work that requires the internet. Other wise, try and set a timer and decompress from doom scrolling. Give your brain and eyes a chance to relax.
Physical Self Care
“How are you taking care of yourself?” Asked my counselor at my last session. I couldn’t think of anything. I wasn’t taking care of myself. I didn’t shower already for several days, I barely took time out to eat, I wasn’t moving my body and I sure as hell wasn’t going outside. To answer her I was doing a pretty shit job at taking care of myself and gave myself the excuse that I was focusing on balancing it all, trying to land a job in UX and dedicate my morning, noon and night to it. Who needs to be healthily when I’m bringing myself closer to the life I want? (Spoiler: I wasn’t moving no where because I was too far out of it) (and not being on my medication didn't make this easier..)
I’ve relayed this message so many times about the importance of taking care of yourself and how not doing so won’t help you in the long run or anyone else. So as I’ve broken my own advice, and old habits die hard take care of yourself. Start with one thing at a time. Doesn’t have to be huge. It could be as simple as drinking water, taking 10 mins to decompress, going for a short walk, or just giving yourself time to freshen up. Whatever you need to do to take care of you and just build on it.
Do A Fun Thing
All work and no play makes a lady dull. Under stress it's hard to pull back and live a little. Like, your brain is literally telling you not to because there are so many other pressing things to be concerned about. While that maybe true, that doesn't mean you have to run yourself ragged and kill yourself. Take a moment out to enjoy life and live a little. Honestly, it doesn't have to be going out (though it can be fun) and partying, you can play your favorite video games, meet up with a friend, have a movie marathon! Anything you can think of that's fun go for it! The pressing issue will still be there until you can find a solution for it but, the time you have to enjoy the little things isn't guaranteed so take a moment have some fun.
Acknowledge Your Feelings and Allow Yourself To Feel Them
I know a lot of us think we can handle it all, be power houses and serious 24/7. We can, We're strong, We're tough, We got this even with tears in our eyes. BUT! We're still human. We're complex, We're Fragile, Soft and have so many layers to us. I know we tend to hide or mask our struggles as women and women with adhd so it doesn't look as bad as it feels inside. We don't want to feel the shame, guilt or embarrassment of not being able to juggle everything as well as everyone seems to. We'll be juggling 10-20 plates saying we got this but you know inside you're about to drop 15 of them any second.
Put the plates down. Each and every one of them. Listen to your body and listen well. Your body is telling you're struggling to balance it all and you need to take a step back. Acknowledge that you're having a difficult time right now, allow yourself to feel that. Don't just power through arms/hands shaking and plates breaking because you couldn't hole your arms out for so long with so much. Put them down, ask for help, delegate a few plates to others, or just put some plates aside and only carry what you're physically, mentally and emotionally able to.
Not everything I shared is fool-proof but I can say it could be helpful for you next time you have a hard moment. I think I leave this here with this..
In times of high stress it's alright to not be well alright. It's hard out here and even harder when theirs stress added into the mix. It's okay to cope the best way you know how but, we want to do more than cope we want to heal and do the best for ourselves everyday. It's alright to be vulnerable enough to ask for help and it's okay to put the plates down.. no one's going to yell at you or disown you, the world will not end nor stop if you do. Just you. (If someone does or makes you feel like everything terrible in world will come if you do whats best for you, maybe they shouldn't be in your circle)
Any of my ladies here have difficulty dealing with high stress situations? How do you handle them? I'd love to read and I'm sure others would appreciate the tips and suggestions from peers.
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interstellex · 2 months
I just can't believe I was a whole ass 24 year old when found out I'm neurospicy
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yumesoraa · 2 months
Melody of Being Animate: Poetry
Ocean24 | 21.02.2024 My mind is racing and I am hearing what it looks like for eyes to begin to flood his office, I see the way he looks at my pacing hands I wonder if he can see my thoughts, I shake it off and answer his question, then he asks me about my life, asking how I like it breathing here, I tell him alive, I look into his eyes and ask him about my life he shrugs and asks my mind to…
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marvelomadness06 · 2 months
*studying in the library*
James: …
Regulus: …
James: …
Regulus: …
James: …
Regulus: …
James: …
Regulus: …
James: What do you think would happen if you peed on a jellyfish?
Regulus: *bangs head violently against table*
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cistematicchaos · 5 months
So a 17 year old Black teen, mentally disabled (Autism, ADHD, ODD, IED, MDD, PTSD and anxiety) and severely bullied by racists, is facing up to 30 years in prison for attacking a white teacher who stole his Nintendo (despite her being aware of EXTENSIVE rules in place telling her that doing so would cause a possibly violent meltdown)...
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I was just thinking about how the only neurodivergencies that black people acknowledge are ADHD, autism, down syndrome, and schizophrenia.
Even then ADHD is seen as the dumb/problem child disorder
Autism is only acknowledged if you have high support needs or are nonverbal no matter how visible your autism may be.
Schizophrenia is just the crazy man on the street that everybody knows has something but no will do anything to help.
Non-black nds reblogs are nice. DO NOT DERAIL.
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autismdoll · 1 year
tw: brief mention of abuse
i look back at my childhood with deep sadness
ableism and other forms of abuse resulted warped my sense of self and a mood disorder (with the help my genetics of course)
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Wait…that’s not normal?
Isn’t it funny(not really) how you can go your whole life without knowing something about yourself?
Hello my name is Ty I am a black 31 y/o female and I believe I have adhd. I say believe because I am not officially diagnosed but I will be going for a diagnosis in a couple months.
Honestly if it’s not adhd then it’s something else because I am definitely not neurotypical but I’ll get into that later.
Since I’ve had this epiphany of “😲 do I have adhd?” I’ve had a lot of thoughts in my head (more than what is considered normal for me) and it’s getting to be too much so I’ve decided I’m going to write them down. I could do this just in my notes app but I’ve decided to do it blog style to get out of my comfort zone a bit.
I’ve also been inspired by a couple of nerodiverse activist who shall be named at a later date. This is my first post so I don’t wanna go on for too long. These future post may not be just limited to adhd it could be whatever else I find about myself and what I’m going through in general if I feel like sharing.
If anyone finds this type of thing interesting I’d appreciate a follow and I’ll follow back.
TLDR: I am a black female who is realizing I may have adhd at 31. I want to write about the experience of finding out. I’ve decided to post here about it get out of my comfort zone. I am open to speaking and interacting with everyone. May talk about more than adhd If this sound interesting follow me I follow back!
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naturallyalisia · 2 years
Day 18 of 182
Today wasn’t the best. I aimed and pushed for productivity and failed. Aside from bad time management, my environment was mildly distracting. I do have ADHD so I need to work twice as hard to stay on track and manage my distraction. I have a dead line I set for myself to finish my slides and submit my design for my course. I spent hours trying to figure out the best format and getting stuck on the details and going in a circle because every time I found my flow human distractions got in the way.
So tomorrow I will try again early, and if I find I cannot maintain my focus I will go to the library. You have to set yourself up for success when the world isn’t built for you and other people seem to forget or not realize. Self improvement is about finding solutions and not repeating the same patterns.
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luvalwayslanora · 1 year
so on my little journey away it’s been surely something. There’s been little delays and now it’s time to try the one thing I have never done in 31 years. ADHD meds 😳!
Am I worried?? Um kinda. I tried two others for like a week in the beginning of 2022 and just stopped completely. One of them had me very very very emotional. Like I would cry everyday 🥺😫.
I really wanna try to work on my time blindness. There’s a lot of shame there ☹️. And it’s not shame that I ever felt personally, just the shame coming from others who don’t understand. So here we go 😮‍💨💕.
Living in this world, rules are meant to keep order from chaos which yea, I get it. Just this one for attendance and the negative reaction to those who really struggle to follow this rule DOES NOT MEAN :
We are lazy
We don’t care
Aren’t mindful
Do this on purpose
Have no regard for others that it may effect
And aren’t trying to be on time
Using our neurological differences as an excuse
I’m just saying, I’m tired of it 🙄. As someone who has navigated life without treatment I can proudly say I’ve been able to achieve a good attendance when I’m calm, confident and at peace. Just the moments when I’m not and the anxiety acts up is a real ughhhh. Medication is a choice and I’m not saying anyone has to take it. This is something I’d like to try and see it can improve things I’ve been trying to do myself as best as I can 💗✨.
* High five to everyone else who’s always trying their best too 🤗!!*
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