#biphobes fuck off
queerism1969 · 5 months
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thediamondarcher · 8 months
"saying bi panic is an excuse to justify being attracted to the opposite sex and trying to make it gay"
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Women who are attracted to only women in the 70s: we should have are own community
Women who are attracted to both men and women in the 70: cool so you are going to make your own separate community.
Women who are attracted to only women in the 70s: 😂😂😂 (kick bi and pan women out of the lesbian community)
Women who are attracted to both men and women in the 70: cool I am going to go by bi lesbians to describe my live experiences.
"lesbians" in 2024: OMG the concept of bi-lesbian is lesbophobic because I am incapable of doing a Google search on the history of the term.
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firsttarotreader · 1 year
For all the biphobes constantly trying to invalidade and dismiss bisexuality (especially the ones on my blog always pestering around) we have someone new in the team! Welcome, Lil Nas X, we love you exactly the way you are, always! We loved you before, we love you now and we will love you no matter what you decide in the future because you’re just 23 and there’s still so much to explore about yourself in a world of possibilities!! 💖💜💙🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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acid-smoke · 7 months
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Hi, this is not how being bi works. Bi people don’t stop being bi just because they marry someone. Bis dont “pick a side”
If you think that this is how being bisexual works then please leave.
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whereserpentswalk · 4 months
oh litle baba i'm so sorry these people have convinced you youre a boy. you shouldn't feel ashamed of being a masc dyke. please don't cut off your breasts or take mutating chemicals, you dont have to pretend to be a boy to like girls or be masc. you would probably feel better if you got a chance to have s*x with another lesbian. wouldn't you like to have a fem girl touching you, and touching your breasts and loving you like a woman. i would love you and pet you and not incoruge you to be something your not
please dont mutalite yourself. there's are girls out there who will love you as a girl
Ah yes, the queer feminist tradition of (checks notes) corrective rape.
Outside of the genders this sounds no different to what a bigoted cishet man would say after a queer person he lusted. You're repeating the exact same talking points that the people who want to rape YOU. The people who you promote will not spare you.
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destinyandfandoms · 5 months
The moment you realize that bisexuality is the direct antithesis of radical feminism and terfs, everything starts to make sense
There's a direct correlation between biphobia and transphobia to a point where you can draw a venn diagram between the two, and it will just be a circle, a very sad circle, but a circle nonetheless
Biphobia and transphobia go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other
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satoko567 · 5 months
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Regarding an explicitly biphobic/implicitly queerphobic mess of a Dear Abby column
Responding in a new post because I couldn't fit a thoughtful response to this into the character limit for a tumblr comment But this is unfortunately a fairly measured response from the parents as far as baby boomer/gen x parental responses to this sort of thing go in my experience. Obviously, asking the daughter to not bring her same sex partners around is homophobic and Not Good, but they are as far as I can tell explicitly acknowledging her sexuality rather than challenging it, and are also not blaming her for the broken engagement, and are writing out of concern for her because of how her ex-fiance treated her and how her partners after that treated her. The also seem to consider her problems with her same sex partners as an extension of a pattern that also included how her opposite sex-fiance treated her. I also don't think that they're blaming her daughter for what they see as bad relationships but are rather concerned for her wellbeing. A proper response from a columnist would make it clear that the string of unfortunate relationships has nothing to do with her sexuality, highlighting the connection/thread between the biphobic opposite sex ex-fiance who mistreated her and her partners after that, would suggest that the issue most likely has to do with her daughter's sense of self-esteem and self-worth, and that they should both do their best to support her and try to encourage her to seek proper professional counseling to try to change that perspective. Getting into and staying in toxic relationships because of a lack of self-worth is both a problem I have had myself and have known many other women who have had (and I am sure men have this problem too). Instead the columnist opens with bisexual erasure and then tells her to seek lgbt-specific counseling for an issue that is irrelevant to her sexuality. I would say that the column is not only one of the worst messes I have ever seen come out of dear abbie relative to the current year but actively worse than the letter despite the columnist attempting to take a smug lib position wrt LGBT.
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thevillainsfangirl · 6 months
Harley Quinn is canonically bisexual-biromantic, stop trying to erase that.
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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a-rogue-tiddy-bot · 7 months
if there was a little red button I could press that would instantly kill every biphobic cunt on the planet, I'd press it twice just to make sure.
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teh-tj · 3 months
What's your favorite flavor of biphobia? TW: I'm using some offensive language here. This is a satire of the types of biphobia I've seen. 
Homosexual biphobia: Bisexuals are fakes who'll leave me when their phase is over.
Homo-biphobia: Bisexuals are just gays, which is bad because (insert homophobic reason here).
"Woke" biphobia: Bisexuals are only attracted to two genders, why aren't you attracted to people who identify as non-binary or futanari dragons? If you don't identify as pansexual you're just as bad as homophobes.
Sex negative biphobia: You like all genders? Guess you're just an STD-ridden bug-chasing slut.
The "partyer": You're bi? Cool, if you don't attend my shitty parties/orgies you're just a useless prude/faking it.
The historical denialist: So what if ancient texts explicitly said it was somewhat common for people to have lovers from both genders in some ancient societies? They never used the phrase "bisexual" so really all of history was straight people until communists invented queers in the 1960's.
The actual (former) phaser: I was "bicurious" when I was your age, kissed a dude once. You'll grow out of it.
The armchair psychologist: You're just an incel, you just need some good pussy/dick and you'll see the light.
The fujo (for men): That's so hot, I'm going to try to hook you up with every queer man I know!
The fetishist (for women): That's hot, wanna have a three-way with another chick? I bet you'd be into that.
(If you're nonbinary/other I guess the fujo and fetishist could work with you too, or some other thing. I don't know what you're dealing with so comment your version.)
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arcanemoody · 5 months
High key, it was never bi or pan women's job to shoulder the blame and emotional labor of queer generational trauma rooted in allegations of potential betrayal. You know the song. The "greedy or indecisive" bisexual woman "gone straight" with a cis male partner who can offer the privilege that their queer partner cannot.
It's bullshit. It was never real. That so many of us felt pressured to diminish ourselves for a slightly increased chance of intimacy with a partner (so they wouldn't feel threatened, so they didn't see us as dirty) makes me so fucking sad.
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emelinet · 6 months
Erasure of Multisexuality
“Pick a side, already.”
“Pan? That’s just bi…”
“So, basically, you’re saying you’re a slut.”
In a community where so many of us are already silenced, why do we do this to each other? Is it because we as Queer people have been beaten down, conditioned by a heteronormative society to believe that our place in the world is dependent on the exclusion of others like us? That there is not enough room for others in the small, tokenized pocket of visible Queerness our world allows for, so we must push others out? Internalized LGBTphobia is something all Queer people must unlearn to truly love ourselves and the whole of our community.
The Queer community should be a place of love, acceptance, and respect for all. Yet discrimination can still come from within. I believe that this is one of the reasons why multisexual people often fear that they are “not queer enough” to be valid members of the community. There is a threshold of acceptable Queerness- being monosexual, white, using well-established labels. Separating BIPOC identities from Queerness, when they intersect and blend in beautiful and important ways.
So there are issues here in the Queer community. But specifically, I wanted to talk about the erasure of multisexual identities. I am bisexual and proud. But it still stings when someone tells me that I am “experimenting” as if implying that bisexuality isn’t valid as it is. That my attraction to girls is comparable to a new fashion style I’ve decided to try on and discard when I am done. There are still so many people who see bisexuality as a pit stop to being gay or lesbian, or just a phase straight girls go through. It makes us invisible. It makes us angry.
All I ask is that we as Queer people work to make our community the safe place that too many of us never got.
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agrebel18 · 1 year
m-spec people 🤝 aspec people 
being seen as “not real queer people” and that we “hog up REAL queer communites” plus some bigots think that we have to eventually “pick a side” and whenever we get some representation of one or both of these sexualities in media, some think it’s “not gay enough”
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