#besides the fact he's a weird dude
skeletalheartattack · 6 months
What are your OCs favourite toys? I love toys.
it took me a bit to think about, but i think my characters favourite toys would be like:
Boe: a wooden do-nothing machine
Budd: a stray old tin can
Ruce: just a tech deck
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chirpsythismorning · 2 months
S5 opener REAL
#byler#will byers#stranger things#every season besides s4-5 opens with non main characters#for el we got a flashback of the lab followed by her perspective in the scene directly after#and I think for Will we will see something similar#with us getting the flashback of him in castle byers in the UD#followed by him in the present in the scene after#but what exactly would warrant that memory being brought up in association with Will in the present?#mayhaps his connection to the mindflayer and the UD run deeper than we realize…#it’s likely not something he could just rid himself of in s2 and now he’s all good#he literally still feels a connection to everything he is feeling#that means he is still technically at risk of being the spy in some capacity#the massacre at Hawkins lab also was a guiding force for El discovering the ‘truth’ in s4#so it’s likely for Will this instance will operate in a way that re-contextualizes the events in the past up to now#like that time Will suggested they go to the hospital in s3 only for the flayed to be waiting for them#or how flayed Billy knew they were at the cabin…#all while Will was looking cryptic as hell in that scene watching over el#or the fact that he picked Billy in the first place the season after he focused on Will…#you know.. williams#I think the easiest way to introduce the castle Byers flashback is a dream honestly#specifically a dream within a dream#seeing that recent leak and Will looking like either he has a black or hasn’t slept in days#is giving very much ‘I am afraid to sleep bc I’m scared of what will happen’#I think dude is not exactly possessed in the sense that we already saw in s2 with like the particicles#but he’s still vulnerable#the door is still ajar…#no but fr this idea of opening a door in your mind was so blatant in st2 AND s3b of teen wolf#I think a big part of it will be guilting Will over the fact that Will has helped him before without Will telling the others#hence his weird vibe in s3… like he’s already successfully fucked with Will post s2 potentially with us being none the wiser aka here we go
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The little German boy went into the weed cave 😔
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Text translation and content under cut
Little German Boy Fucks Shit Up
This Friday at 2AM, a little German boy in the name of Johann Ludwig entered the premises of a weed cave despite the warnings to not from many others. Once entered, Johann suddenly decided to smoke all 90 kilograms of the weed inside the cave and went in a weed induced murder spree. Over 15 innocent people were killed that night. Witnesses claim that he was "high off his ass", and several of his family members told us how they never coukd have imagined a sweet young upstanding boy like Johann to rip a bong like that.
Professional drug scientists have said that this particular incident may or may not have done permanent damage to the little German boy's brain. They have stated that "he might become like, a totally maniacal hot mercenary DILF in the future, like, he's gonna be fucking crazy dude".
The little boy's intentions from going into that cave are yet to be know, but police investigations are still ongoing and officers are saying that they will soon get answers out of the boy as soon as they find a police officer that isn't scared to death of the boy.
The little boy's family, the Ludwigs, have chose to make no further comment on the boy's unusually violent behavior, finding the topic too upsetting. However, according to the family's neighbour's, the Smidtts, little Johann had a distant Uncle whom he visited often without his family's permission or knowledge. Dr. Hans Ludwig, a dentist with a clinic not far from the boy's home, had several things to say on the subject when our reporters asked him his opinions. "Let the boys have some damn fun. He's not doing any harm!" He had said. "What's wrong with a few casualties in the name of science. Besides, who doesn't smoke weed every once in a while. You people and your silly 'laws' are inhibiting the true potential and creativity of our future children!
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herozdiary · 3 months
Who’s the hot ass milk man?
Francis mosses x reader
This diary entry contains…Absolute down bad reader|Francis being..Francis|Suggestive in a way |Kinda modern|Reader is around the same age as Francis obviously!|Both characters are set to be 20ish 💁‍♀️|short Drabble|
A/N:My FIRST time writing about him!This fandom needed more tumblr fics as the ones on Ao3 are good besides the fact people are already making weird content about this man…ANYWAY!Enjoy!🎀
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In this day and age you wouldn’t expect people to have their milk delivered still,But some people still saw it as a nice way to make quick money.The only reason you liked milkmen still being around was because one of them was fine like hell.
Everytime you saw him it made you wanna do a cartwheel.Francis was a very quiet person who only seemed to wanna get his job done with for the day.His tired eyes always displayed had this tired look in his eyes.
When you first met him you had to stop yourself for saying the most down bad sentence to him and kindly accept the milk.The cold bottle would just sit in the fridge until you needed it for something like making pancakes or cereal.
But you were always thankful to see francis.When he did talk it was addictive to hear.His tired voice made you think things that didn't need to be thought.
Sometimes if you were lucky enough he would flash you a small smile before walking back to his truck.You always wondered if he had a lover of some sorts.He seemed to be a normal dude who was good looking so you were shocked when he revelaed he was single.
You joked about how you were always open but in the truth was that you werent really joking and that you would always be open to date him.
"do other girls try to hit on you?"You had asked while checking him out as he shook his head."Not really.Most of them don't end up even answering the door."Francis stated while handing you the bottle.You gladly took it before clearing your throat.
"Would you be interested in dating someone"You ask while swirling the container of liquid around the bottle.Francis paused before shrugging."Never crossed my mind.I'm always so busy with work i never thought about a relationship"He said before checking his watch.
"as much as i would love to listen to your ways of trying to figure out my love life so you can ask me out,I have more people to get to"He said before waving you bye and turning to head to his truck.
You stood confused on your porch before fully getting what he said.You felt your face heat up as you shuffled back into your house.Even if you wanted to deny it,You knew it was true.As you sat the bottle down on the table you realized that something was written on it.
inspecting the bottle more you smiled as you realized it was a phone number and it was signed with the letter F.You smiled as you went to write it down on a piece of paper so you dont forget to send him a text later.
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kalims · 1 year
ㅤdorm leaders being savages
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summary. basically some backstabber mf tries to 'steal' him and... this is where the savage part starts
featuring. dorm leaders
content. bad friend, gender neutral reader, brutal rejection 😭
note. a full post after a while :')
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I mean it's not like he would notice anyways, again. I firmly believe human and fae courting traditions are vastly different and c'mon... he doesn't even know what the fuck flirting is do you really think he'd get their intentions. 💀
when they start to slide up an arm in places he's quite bothered about, (cause guy is so whipped that he won't let anyone but him touch you.) he isn't even happy that someone is near his proximity anymore, not scared and whatnot.
just he no likey.
AND HES NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE ROMANTIC HE JUST SHRUGS THEM OFF EVERYTIME. he's just a genuine innocent lil' dude who wants his lover to come and save him from this touchy, weird, human.
no child of man cause that's your name ‼️
while he may not get it, he's got a feeling, sixth sense of sorts and when he sees it he's backing tf up away. he's not gonna entertain the doubts.
also he still doesn't get it in the end lmaoooo, he's avoiding all their advances thinking it's a part of human... culture? that he wasn't made aware of.
if they start putting in the forbidden words in the same sentence as your name you know shits going down, suddenly he's not that confused, oblivious, cute guy that they saw but a much colder shell.
when his eyes darken, and it starts storming they'd had better run, he's been kind enough to stay even with their relentless annoying behavior but that is where he crosses the line fr.
don't even be surprised when they get hit by lightning and end up in the infirmary or something, malleus didn't even say anything to them cause he believes actions speaks louder than words... *sends touchy, weird human to the nurse.* see?
someone insults him: ?
someone insults you: 😠😡🤬👿🌩⚡
just goes: "your friend is very unpleasant, I'd appreciate it if you refrain from spending time with them."
something unsaid; spend all of that time with me duhhh
you know what I'm surprised someone actually likes him tbh 😭 except us because we're all built different and we love disgustang discord mod behavior.
you know what's even more surprising? the fact that idia is actually seen by your friend group. I swear he comes out of his room like once a day and that's just because he's craving something else that isn't in his food stock and he's just gonna rob whose mac n' cheese was in the microwave.
and that's literally in his DORM ONLY.
he's like a vampire and allergic to sunlight, he's more willing to come out in the middle of the night because that's when the least 'normies' are scattered around like flies.
(if that counts for anything at all??)
but hanging out is more fun and if you somehow managed to convince idia to come with you with your friends for some well needed, 'socializing' then you're in luck!
besides that you had to bet one of your items in that open world game you played together... all is good!
im like 99% sure idia is disgusted by any other touch from other people, besides you? cause if you touch him he's just embarrassed... but in terms of the disgusted faction, you've been there before.
he immediately spots their intentions cause he definitely plays otome games and this is one of them cliche scenarios to 'spice up' the plot by invoking jealousy in it.
only difference is its him, you and this... random.
if they weren't already offended by the absolute mortification and disgust on his face, somehow continuing to 'rizz' him up.. oh boy. it's gonna get worse.
he's got the worst fucking 3rd grade insults like... "back away from me you noob, are you supposed to be their friend?" he scoffs, surprising them cause they thought he was gonna be that red flag discord romance experience.
"sorry but im not really sorry. i don't associate myself with lower levels such as yourself, try to come back when you're higher but I doubt they'd accept a fiend back."
when you come back he's steering you away, pulling on the hem of your sleeves practically begging to come home with the promise of 'grinding that outrageous drop rate item you've asked his help with.'
something unsaid; doxxing them as soon as I get back
ok this one I get.
who wouldn't want vil... it's not like I've made the entirety of the fandom known about my obsession with him as my favorite character or anything, not at all... jokes aside he's a very prominent candidate, he's hot and rich. you get it?
forget about the other qualities because we all known those two can carry someone in life alone, life in luxury and fame? sign them up ASAP.
besides your boyfriend being one of the superstar actors, models, the dream jobs for a dream man even your friends had a hard time believing you. you should be offended that they even considered that you were clinically.. delusional.
plus you didn't even seem to know about vil before so how are you dating him?!
they found out the hard way and safe to say they're flabbergasted because what even?
of course out of everyone here, vil has the most experience in terms of being approached on a baseless appearance only, he's iffed by how fast people get infatuated when they're barely scratching the surface of him.
well, you somehow dug your way deep with a shovel so you're the only exception he will allow...
at this point he knows what to expect the moment one of your friends gave him a look he's all the well too accustomed to. it's easy to ignore the ones he sees in crowds cause there's always some type of fence blocking them from fully proclaiming their love or something.
problem here is that this person has no obstacles and he can tell they're waiting for an opportunity to strike like a snake. *texts the pomefiore gc to tell them about this SNAKE!*
honey this is a big NO for him, you need to consider your circle of friends if one of them immediately starts folding around like this and wastes what? a longer friendship with you? please, he's known his stylists more and they literally get replaced every single day.
he's giving them the biggest, sassiest side eye ever. putting a palm up before they even get to speak because frankly, he does not want to hear it.
they open their knarly mouth. "i—"
he raises a finger. "no."
a frown. "but i—"
he can do this forever.
when you come back he's still giving a bombastic, criminal offensive side eye, mentally thinking on how to ruin this person's life in media of course! his natural domain. just one word and the rest of his army will attack fr.
vil usually doesn't do this but seriously? that was another level of low.
also he's just by your side, you don't even have to say that he's your boyfriend because he's lowkey rubbing it in their face that he is in fact, taken.
"next time you try to see me again, might as well buy one of the tickets to my fan signings because you’re not seeing me again otherwise.. well, not like you can afford it anyways." *fabulous hair flip*
something unsaid; either way I'll kick you out if you try to get in
most safest person to flirt with, even if you're friends with their lover but also the most impossible to actually try and 'steal.'
the thing about kalim is that he's adorably stupid, not to degrade him in any shape or form but he's so oblivious about everything that you could consider it as one of his redeemable traits to be adorable.
he takes everything you say so seriously to the point where if you joke about wanting to water an entire continent he's just there with his carpet waiting for you cause he's gonna do exactly that.
"you're in luck cause I have a lot of water in me!" pops his non existent guns on his arms. (he is talking about his unique magic..)
it takes a remarkable mind to be like... that but you like him all the well about it, compliment his stupid-ness and he'll just grin, flush a little and laugh loudly as he compliments you back. not an ounce of anger in his tiny body.
red eyes but what a bright heart!
the type of guy that goes. "any friend of yours is a friend of mine!" so when he meets your friend group, casually just throws them a grand ball. they don't know whether to be flattered or.. concerned cause this is pretty weird.
not only was one of your friends awed over the mere value of many things inside the dorm he renovated, apparently his very huge bank full of gold was something to gasp over too.
and that's exactly what they did. (I mean get that bag sis but that bag is already owned by someone else and that's you... so that's not slay of you, random friend.)
here's when his nature proves to be quite relenting, even after many flirting, even using those cringe pickup lines from the internet, he just won't budge! it's getting irritating cause they're sure the people already heard the embarrassing words coming out of their mouth.
also that they were flirting with a non-legally married man. (to you ofc ofc.)
kalim either laughs at them because he thinks they were jokes, and just funny or laughs just because he's kalim.
he didn't really mind the casual touches at first, maybe it was friendly? he does it all the time after all but there was a stinking feeling that it felt weird and that alone was weird cause friendly pats were supposed to feel good.
not with you though cause those feel great!
accidentally shuts them down cause they're feeling like a third wheel when you come back after a bathroom break and it's like a total contrast to how he was treating them.
how do you seriously not notice kalim now unintentionally flirting with you?! are both of you airheads?!
he was literally all over you when you quipped up a "hi, I'm back."
and he was like; "welcome back :DDDD!!!!" if it wasn't already obvious they'd even add floating hearts emojis all over his head.
something unsaid; girl he didn't even notice anything was up...
kinda a 50/50?
I'm not sure if most people really dig the whole 'bad reputation' thing. he's friends with the most terrifying twins in the entire campus, notably scammed a lot of people, can give wishes with an extreme price.
oh yeah he runs monstro lounge too but that just means he won't have time to spend with a lover.
that's their own imagination but azul's actually very sweet and gets some overworked junior to do the work for him, usually jade since floyd just leaves if he's given the job. JUST so he can go fret over which tie to use for your unofficial date.
despite him annoyed and losing sleep 24/7 because of the tweels he still asks them which one to use, jade's opinion is most trustworthy since floyd picks the neon, vibrant ones. (don't question why he even owns it.)
I doubt he actually likes people though, anyone else than you? hard pass. he's a simp through and through but unlike idia who can't mask the mortification and disgust on his face even at the cost of his life, good thing that masks are one of the many things azul is good at.
he slips up sometimes cause he genuinely thinks it's embarrassing that they're doing whatever this is to him, (well more of an attempt?) and to you, who is also their friend and his lover.
slip up as in his eye twitches, he flinches away a little too fast when they touch him, and his smile wobbles.
I mean no one would notice if he uses his magic on one, singular person...
mentally makes a note to remember whoever this was cause they're not stepping foot in octavinelle ever again.
+ an object of fun for the tweels. #gotormentthatlife!!
he's just a polite guy, so he won't just straight up insult them but he does warn them. the only thing holding him back from cooking a whole table is the crowd that would definitely spread the news of him going batshit.
like; "could you please, stop this? I hope you're not as stupid as you make yourself out to be because if you think I'm an idiot to not know what you're doing.. "
meanwhile his mind; "ugh this bitch. [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]."
I mean he's not that intimidating ALONE but when he gets all threatening like that (🥰) he could pass for an assassin fr.
just gets the tweels to deal with them cause he does not have the patience to deal with this backstabbing ho and it's wasting his precious time that should have been spent talking with you.
ugh he did not spend like 30 whole minutes picking out his tie and gloves just for this.
azul when he sees you coming back: 😇
something unsaid; [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] [redacted].
oh boy, cover your eyes cause we're stepping onto another level of SAVAGE. you don't call lions that for NOTHING ‼️ beastman or just beast.
has the least filter out of everyone, as in he just doesn't give a single fuck, he's the chillest (agressive) guy on the twst planet so if the thought of wanting to insult some stranger that doesn't have a significance in his life at all pops up in his mind he ain't gonna change it lol.
gives the stinkiest eyes, even his tail and ears pause to synchronize with his thoughts cause if they had googly eyes they'd have a side eye too.
if he's laying down and they try pulling him upwards, tryna latch onto him? *just shoves them cutely.* problem solved.
leona's nice enough to let them off without losing something cause you really do mean something to him if he's holding back for your expense knowing that this is one of your 'friends.'
they don't even deserve to be called that!
like no one interrupts his peaceful nap times except for when he stands up to interrupt it himself just to drag you down with him.
wait so basically anyone but him???
he, really doesn't want to waste energy on this fool and to be honest they're really boring him since you went out to grab something you forgot. (but knowing this person for less than an hour in his life, they probably had something to do with that too.) so you aren't here to give him a reason to stay awake.
them rambling but in leona's eyes they're a blurry figure cause he's really sleepy.
then suddenly he's an iphone promax when he's looking at you 💀
if they already didn't take a hint from his earlier shove, the dirt isn't the only thing he's gonna shove someone into. there's a lake there for a reason other than keeping a home for the fishes y'know. never would know if they eat people too. /j
"would you shut up?"
yeah that's all he says but we all know how sharp it is to hear that from somebody so they immediately shut up. there's absolutely no need for any waste on energy of them, just one look from him and they're SILENT.
hopefully embarrassed too cause wtf was that??
unfortunately he can't fully enjoy his usually relaxing nap cause this random is corrupting the atmosphere even when they're silent, I swear they could shift and leona feels like one step closer to smacking 'it.'
ignored them every single time they tried to call out to him LOUDLY before but when you just silently step back on the field, he already peeks out an eye??? like no words needed.
what love does to a mf... sighs... another cold male lead we've lost to romance because of our mc <4
something unsaid; I was really questioning if keeping myself from strangling someone was worth it. took more effort than doing it literally
I'd have a crush on him too tbh.
unlike azul who already knew their intentions from the start, polite enough to kindly drop signs that he's not interested. riddle doesn't get it, he's just polite as well but also confused?
like he doesn't know they're tryna flirt, but he does think their actions are strange like c'mon. why are they trying to feel him up? he has no idea except the thought that he doesn't like it at all.
also it feels like he's betraying you so he just straight up pulls their arm away off of him firmly and shakes his head.
"stop this behavior."
he sighs.
surprisingly he's patient but also impatient???
consider this the first and last warning cause he WILL excuse himself if it ever goes on, riddle can wait for you browse through a whole store with him following you around and playfully commenting on your taste but can't wait for their attitude to get better.
he ain't gonna waste any more of his precious minutes on this period.
I don't know how to explain it, he's totally unaware of what they want, which is him ironically. but the reason he's rejecting their advances is because he's so devoted and a simp for you.
not a lot of people have the balls to converse or touch around him carelessly like that so freely so isn't it basic human courtesy to hold off all the physical affection till they're more acquainted?
well, not that riddle's not gonna let their current relationship advance any further from strangers at this point...
he's so loyal to you that it's cute jabskans.
riddle sticks to his principles, and he certainly has his own preferences for the personality of people. one of the traits he despises is when they don't understand his earlier warnings.
of course riddle isn't very forgiving, they're lucky they were even given a chance before cause even he, doesn't spare his dorm members a second chance when they break a rule he's been plenty lenient with.
so if you were given a chance, you better take it cause he's not giving you another.
like how since you did take your chance he's not gonna let you go now 😍.
isn't the type to be rude to people for matters he deems conflict being easily avoidable so he just makes up a believable excuse and walks away loool.
and they're like thinking; didn't he say he was tired and had to sleep since he stayed up planning the unbirthday party... why is he having a tea date with you???
suddenly he didn't look too tired at all compared to when he randomly slumped to look exhausted before??
something unsaid; 🥰🍵 what a successful unbirthday party *forgets about them immediately cause you're both having an unofficial date.*
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note. ok so something unsaids are basically that but don't misunderstand, it's something they didn't say.
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thesuperiorrobin · 1 year
 Damians never question why your hair has always been up since you two met. He figured you just didn’t like your hair getting in your face all the time. He’s never really question it though. It was normal for you to spend the night at his house or Vise versa. But you prefer his house because you get a room for yourself.
You’re sitting on the ground right next to the bed, a small mirror in hand, Titus joins you—kicking the door open—and lays down next to you placing his head on your thigh. You let out a chuckle as he lets out a loud sigh. You pat his head gently and put the hand mirror down beside you and get up from the cold ground. Titus follows you as you walk around the bed. You watch him jump on top of the mattress and go around in circles before he sets himself comfortably in the corner of the bed. You shake your head as you remove the covers and climb in. Getting comfortable yourself before you draped the blankets over you legs and right above your waist. Damian walks into the room moments later.
He eyes Titus “he’s sleeping with you tonight?” You shrugs as a reply sliding the hair tie out of your hair. Damian watches your hair go loose from it being tied up all day.
“It’s fine the beds big, so he won’t take up space” but he isn’t listening at all. Maybe he’s to mesmerized by the fact that you look different—and not in a bad way! Your hair being loose and Wild has a much better look then it being tied up all day in his opinion.
“Damian—dude you listening?” You say and throw your hair tie at him—which hits his face and fails straight to the ground. He crouches down to pick it up and lifts his head up slightly— He spots your bag on the ground and goes up to it. Confused, you crawl out of your spot and go towards the end of the bed, peaking your head over. You watch him unzip it open and dig through it. You don’t say anything and after a few minutes he pulls out a small packet of your hair ties. His green eyes pierced right through yours as he lifted up his head to look at you.
“Never put your hair up again” and he’s gone just like that with your ties in hand. For a few moments you stare at the door. Waiting for him to come back with at least one hair tie but he doesn’t.
You sigh and look at Titus. “Your owner is so weird”
I’ve been sick for the past weeks so I haven’t been able to get anything done. I’m a getting better but I’m working on request that I haven’t been able to get too.
Sorry if it’s taking a little longer :/
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loveinhawkins · 1 year
Head spinning from blood loss, Eddie still manages to keep up a steady stream of curses as he lies in Steve’s arms, as he feels the jolt of Steve sprinting through The Upside Down.
“Fuck,” Eddie breathes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking bullshit, fuck.”
“Good,” Steve says, frantic and out of breath. “Good, that’s—keep it up, Henderson says it can be, like, a sorta pain relief? Something about—”
“Fuck.” This time, Eddie chuckles through it. “S’not why I’m saying it.”
“No?” Steve says in that weird, measured tone that just silently screams panic, panic, panic. “Why?”
“Jus’ making sure,” Eddie says, and he knows that doesn’t make sense yet, can’t quite get his brain to work everything out. “Those’d be shit last words, so. They won’t be. You… fuck, ow. You know? Here lies Eddie Munson: fuck.”
Steve laughs, maybe a little hysterical, a little desperate, but mostly genuine. “Yeah, you’re right. That’d be really embarrassing, man.”
Eddie suddenly can’t find the energy to act insulted, even though he badly wants to make Steve laugh again—but it turns out, he doesn’t need to say anything, because Steve keeps talking.
“D’you know what that would be, though? A damn good yearbook quote.”
And Eddie laughs, too—laughs even though it hurts. “C’mon, man, Higgins would never let—”
“Eddie,” Steve manages to drawl out, even as he dextrously weaves through the vines on the ground, like Eddie’s just said something particularly naive. “You think Higgins looks over the yearbooks? You just gotta sweet-talk the yearbook committee, they pay the printers to turn a blind eye, and—”
“Yeah, ‘cause that’s what I’m known for. Sweet-talking,” Eddie says. He tries very hard not to cough, has the horrible feeling that he might tear himself in two if he does.
“Don’t sell yourself short, dude,” Steve says.
And Eddie would blame that on the blood loss for making him hear things, but then Steve’s hands gently squeeze around him like he means it, and…
“So what… what was your yearbook quote, Harrington?” Eddie says. He firmly ignores the fact that his voice is becoming increasingly slurred.
Steve picks up the pace, kicks through the door into the trailer. His breath hitches once, but not from physical strain; Eddie knows that he’s frightened.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Steve replies, chiding, because he’s so goddamn brave, too. “Not telling you that until we get out of this.”
“Tease,” Eddie says.
But he must not get it out very clearly, because as Steve heads to the Gate, he murmurs, “Stay with me, Eddie.”
There’s some rope Steve had stashed in the corner of the living room, just in case, and Robin and Nancy must’ve made use of it to get Dustin through, because it’s already hovering in the air, waiting for them.
“Okay,” Steve says, half to himself. “I’ve got this.”
Eddie attempts a nod. The room spins.
Or maybe it’s just that they’re moving somehow, that Steve’s pulling them both up the rope, somehow not letting go of Eddie; and then he can hear muted yells from the other side, and he’s being lifted up on his own, like he’s ascending to heaven or some bullshit like that, and he almost wants to demand a re-mark on his English paper, because religious symbolism is fucking hilarious, actually.
“You’re a goddamn trapeze artist, Harrington,” he says, and Steve must hear him this time, because there’s a laugh from just behind him, a fucking beautiful laugh, and then Eddie’s falling, and he’s—
“Oh,” Eddie gasps, and his hand goes to his side instinctively, and he didn’t think he had much more blood in his body left to lose, but… “Oh, shit.”
His vision tilts sickeningly, and right before he passes out, he sees Steve appear in front of him, sees his face turn white.
“Eddie,” he’s saying, “Nance, what do I—oh my god—”
When Eddie wakes up, everything is fuzzy, his head full of cotton. There’s a metallic taste in his mouth that he has enough awareness not to panic about, that he somehow knows isn’t blood.
“So?” he says through the fog, lifts his eyelids just enough to see Steve is beside him. “What’s your yearbook quote?”
“Christ, you’re annoying,” Steve says with a smile, but he’s speaking in the thick, nasal tones of someone who’s been crying. “Thought you were on stuff that makes you forget all the stupid shit.”
“S’not stupid,” Eddie says indignantly.
For some reason, Steve’s eyes soften. “If you say so. Just rest right now, Eddie.”
“Can’t,” Eddie moans. He’s already made the mistake of looking up: the lights are too bright, quickly turning into nauseating swirls. “Feel sick.”
“That’s okay,” Steve says. “They said that’s normal. Hey, shh, just lie back. It’ll pass.”
But Eddie shakes his head and—ooh, shit, not a good idea.
“Y’should move, man,” he says. “Don’t wanna puke on you.”
Steve scoffs. “Eddie, you could literally throw up in my hair, and I wouldn’t give a shit.”
Eddie laughs, feels a bit pathetic that it comes out wet around the edges. “I just… wanna sleep,” he says, because he does, but he knows the nausea will keep him up—feels abruptly tearful, like he had done as a child with whooping cough, up for the whole night despite his fatigue.
“Here,” Steve says. “Close your eyes.”
And as he does so, Eddie feels a soothingly cool palm across his forehead. Steve. It’s such a gentle touch, such a kind touch that Eddie thinks he might cry—thinks he can only partly blame whatever drugs he’s on.
“Better?” Steve asks.
“Better,” Eddie agrees. And then, like a fool, he hurriedly says, “Don’t stop, though,” out of fear that Steve will draw his hand back at the answer.
Steve doesn’t laugh, doesn’t tease him even the slightest bit.
“I won’t,” he says, like an oath. His thumb rubs over Eddie’s temple. “M’sorry you feel shitty.”
“It’s okay. You’re right, it’s passing. Think… think it was just… lookin’ at the lights.”
Eddie sighs without meaning to, lulled by the repetitive path Steve’s fingers are tracing, over and over.
“Mm-hmm. Keep your eyes closed, then.” Steve hums softly, just in thought, not even close to a lullaby, but Eddie feels himself starting to drift off to it anyway.
“It’s a nice room you’ve got,” Steve says. “I would’ve rioted if it wasn’t. Big window. Just a view of the parking lot, sorry, not exactly five stars.” Another hum. “Kinda pretty in its own way, though. It’s getting a bit warmer. I saw—the other day, I looked out and saw these kids, there’s some grass a little bit away from… they were making daisy chains, I think. Was never good at… couldn’t get ‘em to tie right. So I’d just kinda tug at the grass, and… Hey, d’you know, some of the kids—like, our kids, I mean—they don’t even know about the buttercup thing, holding it to see if it like, glows, under your chin? I told Max about it when she got outta here—shh, she’s okay—and she just looked at me like I was crazy. She’s good at daisy chains, man, she told Lucas it was five dollars per flower and he paid it all, wore the damn thing on his wrist for the whole day. Stupidly sweet, but I couldn’t even say so or she’d, like, punch me.”
And Eddie’s used to painting a picture with words, used to creating fantastical landscapes out of thin air during campaigns. But as Steve goes on, talking about the kids (their kids), and flowers, and all the little signs of spring that he can’t see, Eddie falls asleep thinking that Steve’s given him the most beautiful, ever-changing view: how he sees the world.
Eddie doesn’t forget about the yearbook, but he doesn’t bring it up, simply because Steve keeps quiet about it.
It’s after a few weeks of the dust settling, reassurances that the nightmare’s over: of seeing Wayne and breaking down in tears of relief, of countless visits from everyone—mostly Dustin, second only to Wayne, of course; Eddie still says Steve’s tied for second place, at least, but Dustin insists it doesn’t count whenever Steve’s only there fleetingly to drop him off before heading to work.
It’s on an afternoon when he’s not expecting anyone, and Steve comes in, drops the yearbook right on top of his blankets.
Eddie looks down at it, hovers his hand over the front cover until Steve raises one eyebrow, as if to say, go ahead.
It doesn’t take long for Eddie to find him. The picture is… there’s something beautifully imperfect about it, as if Steve had been caught by surprise by the flash going off when it did, lips tilted into a smile that’s relaxed rather than the typical rigid, picture-perfect look.
Eddie thinks that he finally gets what Wayne means whenever he says someone has ‘soulful eyes.’
And underneath the little box framing Steve’s picture, there’s…
There’s nothing. It doesn’t stand out, because not everyone on that page had opted to have a quote, but…
Eddie looks up. Steve shrugs, but his eyes are downcast.
“Yeah, sorry.” His voice is quiet; Eddie can hear a touch of embarrassment, and he hates it. “It’s not even… I didn’t even choose to keep it blank, really, the yearbook committee gave the deadline so far in advance, it… I had the time. Could’ve put anything.” He shrugs again. “Guess I couldn’t… guess I just, um… had nothing to say.”
Eddie closes the book. Sets it aside. Doesn’t take his eyes off Steve.
He gets it. If it’s even possible for him to be included in a yearbook, he’s confident he’d do the same—how do you even begin to sum up…? There’s nothing he could say about this year.
There are no words for it. For any of it.
But Eddie knows the ones that count.
“Tell me about work,” he says. He has the feeling Steve’s determinedly squeezed in a visit during his lunch break, his name tag askew.
Steve smiles, wrinkles his nose uncertainly. “But that’s so boring.”
“Nah,” Eddie says. “Maybe I like hearing what you have to say.”
Steve looks up finally; he smiles a little like he had in the photograph, as if something like a flash has surprised him.
And he talks about work.
But it’s more than that; it’s so much more. Eddie’s getting to see through a precious window.
He hears about how Steve noticed Robin wearing odd socks, and he only teased her about it when he was sure it wasn’t a deliberate twist on fashion she was trying out. How the sun meant it was hard to see the T.V, so he drew the blinds when no customers were around, made it feel like him and Robin had their own private cinema. And Eddie smiles fondly when Steve recalls smelling some kind of coconut perfume he couldn’t place, and Robin had started a list guessing names, just because he said it reminded him of a family vacation when he was four.
Eddie sees it all.
He doesn’t need clever one liners, or statements of grandeur.
He just needs Steve’s words.
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matrixbearer2024 · 4 months
I'm On Your Screens.
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
Vox's POV of "Get Off My Screen!"
A/N: This is the silly TV man's POV on what I had written earlier since it was mainly just how dear reader saw everything. I wanted to do this before working on the Vox x Reader requests so I could do some practice on this dude's character hahaha. Also my goodness Tumblr you are THIRSTY for this man! Aaaaah I love it anyway so keep those ideas coming people!
Vox is a busy man, dealing with the other two Vees' chaos alongside his company kept his hands full daily.
Either always irate out of his mind or even grumpy because of it.
Velvette called him again because of Valentino making a bloody mess.
Oh great, this shit AGAIN-
Upon further inspection, the moth overlord was pretty much throwing another pissy tantrum because something didn't go his way.
Something about one of his whores stepping out of line or whatever?
Vox wasn't exactly listening.
Throughout that entire fit, Vox had half a mind to tell Valentino to just suck it up.
Sometimes shit goes wayside, it is what it is.
He was already exhausted mentally and physically by the time he dragged himself back into his monitor room.
Plopping himself back down on his chair, Vox let out a tired sigh and just stared at the many screens around him.
So imagine his surprise when he saw a random screen just crackle and fizz like an old CRT booting up.
Hell had done away with those darn things years ago-
He even made sure of it!
He swiveled his chair around to look closer at the fuzzy image that had appeared.
The static filter over the picture was definitely reminicent of an older TV screen.
He could barely make out a group of figures hunched over... something?
Vox tried to travel through the screen, as he could with the many many others in the room around him-
Only for it to rebound back.
Vox didn't know whether to be confused or surprised that he managed to zap himself.
Besides that, a random prompt appeared on the screen.
What kind of haunted bullshit was this?
"What's your name?"
Okay, someone had to be pulling a prank on him.
Despite being skeptical, he decided to humor this weird situation.
"Okay-? The keyboard doesn't work. How am I supposed to use this thing? Just write on the screen?"
Despite his sarcastic remark to no one in particular, yes.
That was in fact what he had to do.
Which Vox found out pretty soon, and he felt a little idiotic that it wasn't the first thing he tried.
He had to squint to kind of understand what was happening on the other side of the screen.
He'd written his name on the screen aaaaand-
Great, absolutely nothing happened.
Someone had to be fucking with him.
There wasn't even any audio so he couldn't even use that for hints.
The group he'd been watching just all of a sudden jumped up and pointed towards him.
Or at least that's what it looks like.
Could they see him?
He wasn't even sure what happened next, the group somewhat hastily moved out of his sight.
Oh whatever.
Vox was about to just forget about the weirdness of the situation if something else hadn't popped up on an adjacent screen.
A phone homepage.
What the hell was that doing on his screens?
It wasn't like there was anyone in particular he was interested enough to look through their stuff.
Ohhhh he could interact with it this time.
Dumb fucking hackers could only zap him once, HA!
The screen with the TV filter quickly shut off when he interacted with the phone menu however.
He should really check his mainframe security and firewalls after this-
It took him no time at all to rummage away and scrounge up whatever he could from the phone.
Might as well do away with the tacky wallpaper while he's at it-
"Y/N huh?"
He saw your photos as well, only becoming more and more confused with the situation.
Were you a living human???
The camera app was unresponsive to his attempts at interacting with it.
So was the recording app...
Guess he couldn't use it to spy this time.
Before long, the phone was also being interacted with.
Vox could only guess it was you.
"Oh great- yeah, just go back to using the shitty wallpaper that I switched out on PURPOSE."
It didn't take much longer before Vox noticed other nearby screens popping up with electronic screens similar to this one.
He totally switched back the wallpaper before messing with the other stuff-
It was always the same, the cameras wouldn't work and neither would the microphones.
For a technology overlord, Vox found himself slightly irritated by how limited his actions were.
wtf was he even supposed to do with this?
Once he retired for the night, he wondered if all of this would just go away come morning.
Spoiler alert: It didn't.
Though the tacky wallpaper was back again.
Hm... this could be fun.
This went on for a few days, he and you were switching the wallpapers back and forth.
It was either his face or whatever random shit you'd change it with.
Sometimes Vox would just let you have some peace before switching it back after an hour.
He could only imagine how irritated you were.
Too bad he couldn't hear or see it.
But seeing you constantly battle with him for the wallpaper priority was entertaining enough.
Vox didn't bother with any of your other files or anything else at the moment.
He didn't see the point in doing so yet anyway.
Of course that was until the notepad opened.
"I know you're in there. Stop messing with me."
He chuckled seeing you type out the message, guess the jig was up.
But he wasn't going to stop this game you both were playing just yet.
"Oh I know, you're just fun to mess with doll."
Little did Vox know that his snarky response would've been the start to an... odd companionship to say the least.
Both of you exchanged messages over the months.
Either idle talk or just conversation about anything under the sun.
If something bothered him at work, most likely he'd leave a rant on your notepad for you to find.
Similarly, if you've had a shitty day- he'd quickly know.
"You're obsessed with this Alastor guy huh?"
"No, he's just an old timey prick who keeps fucking up my stuff."
"You're obsessed."
"Fuck you. >:/"
Interacting with you ended up taking more of his free time and the other Vees would be confused why he spent so much more time in his monitor room.
Vox just brushed them off and rolled his eyes.
He wasn't attached.
He didn't actually care for you did he?
Yeah no absolutely not-
There was a point Vox did get bored enough to look into your files though.
He spent a good hour sorting through stuff while you got work done.
"You should really label your files better."
"It's not that bad."
"Really? After I spent a good while organizing and managing your shit because of some randomly named ones? A goddamn 'thank you' would've been nice."
"Random? I don't do random."
"Oh yeah? What's this one? 'Yeetus' or this one- 'Bababooey'?! Hell, this one is just keysmash!"
"Oh shut up, I still find my things."
Vox proceeded to rant and bitch about it for another hour-
Sometimes when he just wanted to fuck with you, he'd steal control of the cursor.
It was purely just to spite you.
Your notepad rants afterwards kept him entertained.
He was slightly proud that he beat your wallpaper war.
Or so you dubbed it.
Now his grin was practically a permanent plaster on your devices.
Even so, when he wasn't busy Vox sometimes found himself looking over at your work.
"How is your grammar this shitty?"
"We have grammarly for that, I don't really care much."
"Grammar- what??"
Inadvertently he ended up being your spellchecker every so often.
He only realized how much help he'd been giving once you mentioned in passing that your English professor bumped up your grade.
Because your writing was just better.
Vox's writing was better.
He wouldn't let you hear the end of it for weeks.
You knew it was a mistake telling him.
He didn't even stop his trolling there.
Once he figured out how to overload your computer's memory, it was lag central.
Then he started messing with the display and aspect ratio, making visual glitches while he pulled up random tabs or applications you needed to fight him to close.
"I'm in class you jackass! We can do this when I get home!"
"Nope, I don't think I will. >:3"
He thought he was doing you a favor giving your devices some custom flair as well.
"Are these emojis of you?"
"Yeah, I thought you'd enjoy them."
"Huh, cool."
He thought he was doing great as your companion, until you downloaded that thing.
What in Lucifer's name was it even?
Another tiny human in your desktop?
"What the fuck is that."
"My new desktop companion, do you like it?"
Vox didn't even bother replying, watching it move around and emote for a hot minute while his eye twitched.
Were you trying to piss him off?
Eventually he took his frustration out on it with the cursor to the best of his ability.
Even if it only irritated him more that it kept getting back up unharmed.
Fucking hell, if you wanted a visual desktop companion you could have just ASKED.
Even if he stayed up a few extra hours to work on it, Vox felt like it was worth it.
He was better than that stupid little companion thing you downloaded.
"Did you upgrade my desktop pet by any chance?"
"Why? Do you not like it?"
"Nah, it's actually pretty cute. Thanks."
Vox couldn't bring himself to reply to that.
He was not fucking CUTE!
It totally flew over his head that you called it a desktop "pet".
Depending on his mood, he would use the small thing to emote or just keep you entertained.
At least you could sort of see him.
Even when he couldn't see you.
However, Vox was still Vox and he couldn't help himself to a little mischief here and there.
You both met by sheer coincidence from a weird situation.
Still, the tech overlord couldn't help but be just slightly glad it happened to him.
If Vox had to actually be honest, you weren't all rainbows and sparkles.
You could be a total bitch if you wanted to.
Heh, maybe there'd be a chance he'll finally meet you down here.
Guess he'll just have to wait and see until then.
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backwzzds · 11 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ you done yet? choso (nsfw)
it doesn’t take much for your man to put your brat ass into place.
thinking about quiet goth!choso who doesn’t even have to say or do too much to put yo ass in place. you had a naturally dominant personality; you were energetic, and spoke your mind up very well—all the complete opposite of choso.
but when that man got you in the bedroom?
it was was weird. in all your past relationships, you never felt safe enough with anyone to fully flourish in your feminine side. you always had to be tense and on guard, hardly allowing yourself to really feel safe in the arms of your partner. wasn’t your fault anyways; none of your ex boyfriend’s made you feel secure enough to allow you to be the princess you were.
choso was the complete opposite. he was really quiet and barely said more than three words a day to anyone who wasn’t you, but it wasn’t because he was a pussy or anything; mans just didn’t have anything to say. he always spoke the most when it came to you, though. you two always had meaningful conversations when you were alone together, so much so that it was an ongoing joke in your friend group that you were the only one to ever hear what choso sounded like.
it’s not like it bothered you anyway, choso wasn’t friendly to other bitches and that’s all that mattered. if anyone dare tried to make a shot at him, he’d stare them down until they got uncomfortable. or, he’d give the classic got a girlfriend, not interested. go away.
you loved him for that.
so while he barely spoke publicly, that didn’t mean he didn’t speak with you. you’ve known choso long enough to pay attention to his social cues in public as well. you knew when he was annoyed of those around him, uncomfortable, and just wanting to go home with you. if you were purposely testing him, all he had to do was give you a look or whisper behave in your ear and you were ready to kneel like a bitch for that man!
something about choso made you feel so safe in his presence. you knew bookie carried around a lil armed piece on his persons at all times, but that was just an added plus as to why you felt so secure with him. he never masculinized or dehumanized you (outside of sexuality), never made you feel as if you were in some sort of struggle relationship, and he never made you fight for his love. whatever you wanted, you got. literally, figuratively, and sexually.
besides the fact that he towered over your already taller frame, choso just made you wanna melt into his arms every single time you were with him. you could talk about him for hours, how good he smells, the hidden tattoos that only you could actually see, the way his nose scrunches when he’d laugh at something stupid you’d said—you were so in love with that boy.
so in love that usually if a man were to tell you to behave, you’d bitch back and start an argument. you cant tell me what to do, nigga, you’d say with a roll of your eyes. but when you were in such a healthy relationship, all you could do was follow choso’s every order when he got you in that bedroom after telling you what to do.
“you done actin’ like a fool, mama? think those dudes had enough of your show, hm?” his grip on your neck was tight. but you couldn’t take him seriously. not when the only thing on your mind was him pounding into you in a few minutes. all you could do was give him a sloppy and hazy smile, lip gloss smudged all over your face from his nasty kisses earlier.
choso can’t help but smirk just as malevolently as he looked down at you. “you think i’m laughin? tell me what’s funny baby, ‘cos i wanna laugh too.”
you grin, showing your teeth. “nah, nothin’s funny papa. know you’re boutta fuck me up in a few minutes though.”
your man lets out a small chuckle as he yanks your dress down, tits spilling completely free. “yeah i’mma fuck somethin’ up alright. bend over.”
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wolfjackle-creates · 4 months
👀👀 u no what I'm gonna ask right (please more for the uncle clark pretty please 🙏🥺)
What's this? Another 565 words? Couldn't be.
Danny wanted to fidget, only he was floating a foot above the ground without legs. “I can fix that!” He took barely a thought and his human-half bled through to his ghost form—his internal organs started working again and his legs formed as he let gravity bring him down to the ground. “See?” he asked with a self-conscious grin. “I totally have a heartbeat and you have nothing to worry about Uncle Cl— Wait. What do I call you? Uncle Superman?That’s weird.”
Danny’s grin faltered when Uncle Clark didn’t reply right away and appeared to be taking a few deep breaths. “You just. Restarted. Your heart.”
“No I didn’t! I always had a heartbeat!” Danny tried to insist. His uncle just gave him a look and Danny laughed self-consciously. “Okay, fine. But seriously, what do I call you?”
“Superman or Kal. And how about you? Constantine calls you Prince Phantom and said you were thousands of years old when I know for a fact you’re seventeen.”
“Oh, Danny’s fine. I go by Danny Phantom when I’m like this. And dude, I can’t believe my uncle is an alien! That’s so cool. And, wait! The older superboy! He’s your clone. Dani is gonna flip when she finds out. Can we introduce them? They’re so gonna make up a mirrors-only club and talk shit about us and their creators.”
“You’ve got a— No. Nope, later.” Uncle Clark took another deep breath and Danny suppressed a wince. He was so not joining the Justice League after this, was he? But then he watched as his uncle turned to Batman. “Batman, once this gets sorted, I’ll need you to sit Danny down and give him the presentation on secret identities.”
“It’s fine! No one expects the dead kid to have a secret identity. Besides, all my rogues know who I am. There’s no secrets among the dead, after all. It’s my parents and the government I have to keep off my back.”
Uncle Clark took another deep breath and looked at Batman. “Batman, I apologize for every time I laughed at you when you complained about your kids getting up to things behind your back.”
Batman’s lips turned slightly up and he nodded his head to Uncle Clark, but didn’t say anything besides, “Hn.”
Then Uncle Clark was looking at Danny again. “Okay, we’re gonna start over. Danny, why does Constantine think you’re thousands of years old and a death prince?”
Danny sighed. Uncle Clark so wasn’t going to let him get away without answering. “Well, I am a death prince. And my regent and adviser is the Ghost of Time, responsible for upholding the time stream. He sends me to the past or future occasionally if he needs someone to intervene. Your likeness gets carved into a couple of stone tablets and all of a sudden everyone thinks you’re thousands of years old.” Danny rolled his eyes. “No one even asks anymore!”
Clark closed his eyes and mouthed something. When he opened them again, he looked straight at Danny. “Okay, here’s what’s going to happen. You and I are going to find an empty conference room. I’ll get us some tea and refreshments. And you are going to explain everything. And you know what my day job is, I’ll know if you’re lying or trying to hide anything.”
Danny winced. “Yes, Uncle Cl— Kal. Uncle Kal.”
I guess there's a next
Again, if anyone wants to continue this, go for it! It's so much a back burner fic it's not even funny.
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augustjustice · 5 months
Children Behave (That's What They Say When We're Together), 1/2
It’s just after 10 pm on a Saturday night when the Party find themselves standing out on the edge of the forest surrounding Lover’s Lake, summoned by the “Code Red” Dustin had sent out half an hour before on their walkies. 
“Dustin, seriously…what are we even doing out here?” Max demands with an exasperated flap of her arms as she hops off the back of Lucas’s bike, the pair of them stopping a few feet from the two others already dropped into the grass. 
They approach the figures at the treeline quickly, the silhouette of one of Dustin’s many rotating ballcaps and Mike’s black curls–grown out so long they nearly brush his shoulders now–easy to recognize, even in nothing but moonlight. 
It’s just the four of them these days, at least until the Byers manage to pack up their house in Lenora and move the family back to Hawkins. The party has been impatiently waiting out the days until summer begins as a collective, Dustin even rigging up a countdown clock that he updates them on every morning before school.
“Yeah, I really wish I knew,” Mike mutters in answer to Max’s question, the pair of them sharing an equally exasperated look, a rare show of solidarity.
“Reconnaissance,” Dustin interrupts, simple and curt, pointing from his position squatted down amongst the greenery. “Look.”
As one, Lucas and Max turn to follow the direction of his finger–where Steve’s familiar maroon BMW sits, about a stone's throw from Reefer Rick’s place. 
“That’s…weird,” Lucas admits. “What’s Steve doing out here?” 
“That’s what I’m trying to find out,” Dustin explains. “Steve wasn’t answering his walkie. He always picks up, he knows the Rule of Law.” 
“How’d you even know to look for him out here, then?” Max asks, brow furrowed in confusion.
“Through the powers of deduction, my dear Mayfield,” Dustin replies, voice purposefully affected. “Something’s afoot. Of the Upside Down variety.” 
Even the mere suggestion is enough to make the other three teens stiffen, casting wary glances at the darkened forest around them. 
“Vecna’s dead,” Mike says, voice threaded through with sudden tension.
“And El closed all the rifts in Hawkins,” Lucas insists.
“She did,” Max agrees immediately, coming to the defense of both Lucas and El simultaneously.
“How many times have we said that before?” Dustin asks.
Max, Lucas, and Mike all share a cowed, anxious look. 
“I’m just saying, it never hurts to stay hypervigilant. Especially around here. Don’t forget, Steve and the others tried to leave us behind, in this very spot, the last time.”
“Yeah, but…it wasn’t like we didn’t know what was going on then,” Lucas says defensively. “They would tell us, if Vecna was back.”
“That’s because we,” Dustin gestures emphatically between himself and Max, “were the ones to figure it out in the first place!”
“Come on, Dustin, he’s probably just…with some girl.” Mike’s face twists in a way that makes it clear exactly what he thinks of that. “I mean, it is Steve.”
“He’s not on a date, Mike,” Dustin rolls his eyes, his snippy tone implying the very suggestion is absurd. “Because if he was on a date, he would have told me. You think he would have missed the opportunity to brag about some hot Saturday night out he had planned? No. Besides, Steve tells me everything.”
“And yet…” Lucas holds up a finger, with the gravitas of someone interjecting in a court of law, “you still continue to insist he and Robin are dating, despite the fact that Steve’s told you a thousand times they’re not.”
“That’s not the same thing. It’s not my fault Steve’s too emotionally stunted he can’t recognize his own feelings for what they are,” Dustin waves a hand dismissively. 
“They’re definitely not dating, dude,” Max says with a certainty that makes the boys’ heads swivel in unison to look at her, like she possesses some secret knowledge none of the rest are privy to yet. She ignores them, instead taking the binoculars from Dustin without so much as a question. 
“It’s called Lover’s Lake,” Mike points out petulantly, “it’s literally a make out spot!”
“And the exact location of a former gate,” Dustin argues with just as much fervor. “Which Steve knows. Why would he be out here if it wasn’t because of something connected with the Upside Down?”
“I hate to break it to you,” Max interrupts, still peering through the binoculars, a slight smirk unfurling across her face, “but it looks like Steve’s definitely on a date.”
“What the fuck?!” Dustin squawks. “Let me see!”
As Max and Dustin begin a spirited game of keepaway with the binoculars, Lucas cranes his neck curiously. 
“Ew,” Mike’s face screws up in exaggerated disgust. 
“What?!” Lucas’s shoulders scrunch up towards his ears, defensive. “Don’t act like you don’t wanna know.” 
“I definitely don’t, dude.”
“Admit it. You’re just mad because he didn’t tell you.” As she continues taunting Dustin, the corner of Max’s mouth tilts into a teasing grin. “Busybody.” 
“Listen to what your boyfriend is saying, Max, and see reason. We need to find out if Steve and Robin finally got their shit together!”
“I already told you, they are so not dating,” Max rolls her eyes. “Besides, whoever he’s got in there with him? Has dark, curly hair. That sound like Robin to you?”
“Curly?” Lucas’s eyebrows shoot up. “Wait, you don’t think it’s–” 
“Nancy?!” Mike gasps, completely scandalized. 
“No, but I thought–Jonathan,” Dustin darts a confused look at Mike. “Unless…I was right, and they’re out here investigating something! I mean, come on, it’s Steve and Nancy. That sounds exactly like the kind of guns blazing thing that they would do.” 
“It didn’t look like they were investigating,” Max mutters, “at least…not anything that wasn’t already inside the car.” 
Whether it’s that last comment that sets him off is unclear, but from one blink to the next, Mike is suddenly charging out of the woods towards the car. 
“Wait a second, Mike!” Max shouts, on his heels immediately. 
One fleeting look between Dustin and Lucas is all it takes to send them rushing after the pair. 
None of them is fast enough to catch up to his gangly gait, however, especially not with Mike Wheeler on a mission. In moments, he’s right on top of the Beemer, slapping an open palm impatiently against the window.
“Steve? Nancy?!” he shouts in petulant, disbelieving teenage outrage as the two figures inside spring apart. “Holy shit, is that you? Open the door!”
The question is followed by the sound of muffled cursing, and, apparently deciding the pair isn’t moving fast enough, Mike yanks repeatedly at the handle on the passenger side. 
He’s nearly knocked backwards into Lucas, the other three having caught up, when the door finally pushes open under his hand. 
"Nancy?!" he repeats in a screech to rival even Dustin’s loudest as the dark, disheveled curly hair they'd already spotted comes more clearly into view.
"Uh…" a deep, familiar voice pipes up, "sorry to disappoint, but–I'm definitely not Wheeler."
"Oh my God, you guys have gotta be fucking kidding me," Steve’s voice pipes up, and then he lets out a full-bodied groan, leaning across the console and pinning them all under his glare. 
He's wearing his 'seriously pissed off' face, which is about two shades more intense than his 'pretending to be pissed off for the sake of saving face and riling them up' face. And at his side sits none other than…
Eddie Munson, who blinks over at them with wide brown eyes.
Part 2
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satellitespinner · 2 months
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✼ mommy issues .. (two)
a/n: PLEASE READ CONTENT WARNINGS ! holy gyat i just ate good chilli and it made me wanna get pregnant ANYWAYS.. i was gonna add spice but i found out the girl i like had a crush on a dude so you get more angst:) enjoy
content warnings: ANGST readers child is described to have curly hair, reader is of spanish speaking descent. (or atleast speaks it.) we on some white people shit lowk… ellie is good with kids😍😍😍😍😍 reader works in a hospital! you kids lowk an ass.. ellie has another panic attack. ellie still sad. CANADA MENTIONED RAAAHHHHHHHH cat brought up!!!! we almost get a kith…. this bitch is not proofread
wc: 4.4k
taglist @flowersforvi @ellslvr @saturnsdrafts @3lli3l0v3r @williamssgirl @liasxeatt @adelaide013 @a-little-bit-of-everybody @elliessweetheart @pedropascalsbbg @ellies2missingfingers @nelzooo @r3starttt @jaeminpookie @onlinelesbo @tphmnv @p4ison1vy @pascals-doll @snowy-vee @diddiqueen @littlegingerperson5 @ellieslob @elliessluutt @macaroni676
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a few days later ellie finds herself sitting in a booth at her work with her two colleagues. tonight was the first time she was going to babysit your son, and she was terrified
she found that in this moment was the first time her thoughts weren’t plagued of joel since he died.
“i swear! not even light years could dim such a woman.” ellie describes you as if you were a goddess. well, to her you were.
“can you shut the fuck up with that weird space shit and talk like a normal person?”
jesse scolds jokingly. he winces in pain as dina’s foot meets his shin under the table.
“whatever, dude. it’s true.” the girl sulks.
“hey! speaking of space nerd shit. how’s school going, el?” dina asks with a smile on her face.
little did she know the mere mention of school caused gut plummeting anxiety for ellie.
“uhh, it’s good. it’s- school, you know?.” ellie mutters, there isn’t much to say. besides the fact that she’s gonna fail if she doesn’t scrape together a thousand dollars for fucking textbooks.
sometimes ellie wondered if dina struggled with money. she works this shitty waitressing job for twenty bucks an hour, and she has a son. but then again, she didn’t have the burden of school on top of all her other responsibilities.
the table goes quiet after ellie’s response. she’s not one to open up about her personal life. she only told dina about joel dying a few weeks ago.
joel. joel.
ellies mind clouds over. like a switch that clicked, making her go from happy to sad in a matter of seconds. she was always like that.
“ellie?” she hears a feminine voice break her out of her trance. a sympathetic expression on dina’s face when ellie looks up at her.
“sorry. what did you say?” she throws in a fake smile to distract from the fact that she was on the brink of another panic attack.
the last time she had a panic attack at work she was so embarrassed she didn’t come in for a week.
“i asked if you needed a ride tonight. y’know cause of the baby sitting.” dina offers, again.
ellie thinks about arguing with the girl, but she decides against it. knowing she’ll just end up in dina’s passenger seat anyway.
“yeah that would be awesome. thanks.” ellie couldn’t help but feel even more guilty every time dina offered. she felt like she was taking advantage of her. even though she knew she wasn’t.
ellie huffs out of her cheeks before standing up from the booth. “time to get back to work.” she jokingly frowns. causing jesse to laugh.
“it was time to get back to work 10 minutes ago.” he corrects in a ‘told you so’ tone as they start walking back to their designated areas.
“fuck off.” she peers, stopping so dina can catch up to them. she sticks her tongue out at jesse when dina places a hand on her shoulder.
“what a gentlewoman, she’s gonna love you.” she whispers and shoots ellie a wink. leaving ellie flustered yet rolling her eyes.
you had to be at work in an hour and your son was not cooperating.
“felix!” you shriek, the child was running around with a cheeto you gave him 3 hours ago. you fight the urge to laugh at his un styled curls and grimey face, but your stern mom facade over rode.
“¡vuelve aquí niño sucio!”
(“come back here dirty boy”)
he continued to run wild like a chicken with no head. you start to get sick of his behavior and put your foot down.
“felix. now.”
he stops in his tracks at your stern tone. he sulks as he makes his way to you. you smile at his obedience.
you take his gross cheeto and toss it into the trash. he pouts at your action which causes you to scoff. “put that lip away, chiquito.” you tease him.
he lightens up fast. his sad attitude being replaced with a toothy smile. it was infectious. whenever he was happy, you were happy.
“there we go!” you laugh as you zip up his sweater. he scrambles away before you could wipe the dirt off of his face. you sigh.
you picked your battles with him.
you decided to shoot ellie a quick text, hoping to prepare her for your crazy kid.
ellie’s running around the house in hopes to baby-proof the place when she gets a text from you.
sexy neighbor: hey ellie! he’s almost ready, and please excuse the dirt on his face. i promise i’m not a bad mom lol.
she smiles and begins to type back.
ellie: all good haha, is there any specific allergies or things you need done tonight?
she shuts off her phone and continues to clean up, moving the whiskey on the counter into the high parts of her cupboard.
she runs to her room and changes into a pair of gray sweats and a clean hoodie.
sexy neighbor: nope no allergies! could you make him dinner? if it’s to big of an ask i can totally send something! just say the word.
ellie: oh absolutely. i already planned to make him dinner anyway.
sexy neighbor: oh wow thank you so much, you’re going to be a great babysitter i’m sure 😉
ellie’s cheeks heat up at the text. you were such a mom. she thought to herself. she was just going to like the message when another comes through.
sexy neighbor: he is insisting to bring his coloring supplies. i hope that’s okay..?
ellie: oh wow were going to get along well. that’s totally fine :)
sexy neighbor: thanks sweetheart
a few minutes ellie’s front door is being knocked on by a small hand. when she opens the door she’s met with a backpack clad felix and you. in scrubs.
“hi!” she exclaimed as soon as she opened the door, her words mostly directed at the young boy.
“hello!” your son replies quickly. “i brought toys for us to play with!” she tells her, like he’s known her forever.
“oh thank god.” she puts a hand over her heart as she crouches down to his level.
“toys r’ scarce around here..” she warns. felix looks at her confused, but you laugh.
ellie stands up and puts out her hand for the boy to take, which he does. you smile at the interaction before crouching down to him.
“te amo, cariño” you gently whispered into his ear as you give him a small peck.
you stand up quickly and pull ellie in for a quick hug as well.
“thank you, again.” you sighed into the hug as you expressed your gratitude. ellie smiled at you. she really wanted to kiss you right now.
“don’t sweat it, now get going mom. you’re gonna be late!” she jokes as she looks down at your son.
“you’re right. i should go.” you make your way to the car and get in. you roll down your window and blew kisses at your son, who was now in ellie’s arms. you shoot ellie a wink before taking off.
ellie puts your son down, keeping his hand interlocked with hers as she takes him inside.
“hey kid, does your mom speak spanish?”
you found yourself immediately trusting ellie when you first met her. her green eyes reminded you of your own sons.
you saw yourself in her quite a bit, you could tell she was hurting. when she opened up to you that night in your kitchen about her father you could tell.
she told you she had grown up without a mother and all you could think about was nurturing and comforting her like she deserved.
you also saw the way she looked at you.
ellie found great comfort in your sons presence. he distracted her from her usual routine, which wasn’t the healthiest..
currently, felix had ellie drawing each one of his toy cars.
“like this?” she asks, flipping the paper to show him her drawing of a red car.
“no!” he denies before showing his own. a paper full of scribbles with his name poorly printed at the top.
“ohhh.. i see.” she says before flipping the paper back to herself and scribbling atop her original drawing.
“like this?” she asks once again.
“yes!” he confirms. ellie laughs at his childish antics.
the boy had requested a grilled cheese sandwich for dinner around 8:30.
“yeah i could go for a grilled cheese right now.” ellie agrees as she pats his head.
ellie had mastered the art of cooking before she was 14. when joel started fostering her the first thing she asked him was if she could use the kitchen.
although she would do anything to do that for her career, in this economy there was no chance. so she settled on astrophysics. and boy was it expensive.
she just hoped that everything would work out and she could make joel proud.
your shift was fucking exhausting. first, some random psych patient spit in your face. then, you spilt coffee all over yourself not even halfway through the night.
you were ready to go home and see your baby.
you had texted ellie a few times throughout the night for updates and she replied with something positive every time.
ellie next door: yeah he’s fine don’t worry! hes coloring right now.
you: awh that’s my boy. i hope he’s not being to much.
ellie next door: nope not too much at all
ellie next door: *one attachment*
he says hi mama !
you: oh my god aweeeeeee you two are so cute.
you smiled and saved the image to your camera roll without hesitation. it was a picture of your son at ellie’s kitchen table, markers and paper littered her table.
the reflection of her on the black television caught her smiling widely as he waved at the camera.
you: did he eat anything yet?
ellie next door: yep! he requested a grilled cheese. he also had some snacks earlier.
you: perfectttt you’re a life saver!
ellie contemplates how she should respond to your message. she could start flirting or she could img fucking chill and be normal.
she chose the latter.
ellie next door: haha! it’s really no problem :)
ellie had put your son to bed in her bedroom rather than the couch. the kid had toddled in there before ellie could reach him.
she tried to chase him down but his curiosity made him fast and sneaky.
“get back here lil’ man!” she giggles as his tiny feet smack against the hardwood floors.
he giggles as he ran away from her, running into the first open door he sees, that being ellie’s room.
he was awestruck by the many comic book posters and the guitar in the corner of the room was where he was headed.
before ellie grabbed him, that is.
“i don’t think so.” she laughs as she picks him up with ease. gently tossing him onto the bed.
“you have a boys room. but you’re a girl.” the boy points out, not in a bad way. ellie could tell he was just stating what he saw.
“yeah thanks for telling me i didn’t know.”
by the time you arrived home the sun was about to come up, and you were fucking exhausted. you contemplated asking ellie to keep him the rest of the night, but you didn’t.
your kid, your responsibility. you reminded yourself. as you knocked on ellie’s door.
pajama clad ellie opens the door with a smile, welcoming you in immediately.
“hey ellie, how was it?” you ask with a yawn. she guides you over to her kitchen island. her house layout almost identical to yours.
ellie smiles and describes her night with your son in great detail. your heart melts at the way her face lights up during certain points of her story. she recalls how she chased him around after dinner and he insisted on sleeping in her room.
your reach into your purse and searched your wallet, you spoke as your hands fumbled in your bag.
“i really cannot thank you enough,” you begin, finally pulling out your wallet and pulling out a few twenties for ellie. she looks confused as you try to pass them to her, putting her hands out to decline.
“you already paid me, remember?” you nod - urging her to take the extra cash.
“i just wanted to give you a little extra.” you smile and ellie almost cries. she held it together though, she probably told you thank you about forty times before you laughed and told her it wasnt a problem.
ellie lead you to her bedroom to retrieve your son, who was dead asleep underneath her planet print bedsheets. ellies cheeks turned pink when you giggled and said; “nice sheets, el.”
you tried to gently wake your son but he wasn't having it. you grabbed his arm to pull him out of the bed. he groans and slides himself underneath the covers. you are fully on your knees at this point. “i swear, if you embarrass me.” you threaten in a whisper so ellie didn't hear, she still did.
ellie chuckled lowly. “he can sleep here, its pretty late anyways.” she smiled.
you slightly bit your lip. “are you sure?” it wasn't ellie that you didn't trust, it was your kid. ellie wasn't hearing it.
sleepovers at ellies became a recurring thing after that. your son was so excited everytime she babysat and it made your heart so full.
this time in particular your son was extra excited. ellie had promised him ice cream for not putting up a fight to leave the previous time.
usually she greeted you at the door with a smile and a hug. but this time she didn’t answer at all..
“mama where’s ellie?” your son asked. “i don’t know baby.” you reply with a raise of your eyebrow.
you saw her arrive home, you two even spoke briefly before she went in to unwind. she seemed dull today.
you knew something wasn’t right so you decided to go in. your son followed you close behind. you sat him on the couch and advised him not to move.
the house was dark. you slowly stepped down the hallway.
“ellie? honey?” you called out, to your surprise there was no reply. a shiver crept up your spine.
you walked until you were faced with her bedroom door. it was slightly open. so you knocked before you stepped inside.
the door cracked open as you entered. you didn’t know what to expect but it definitely wasn’t that.
ellie was laying in her bed, fetal position. sobbing her brains out. you were surprised you didn’t hear her when you were walking down the hall.
she gasped for air as you rushed to her. you sit down and sit her up so her back is against the headboard.
“shh, you’re okay. i’m here.” those words, although comforting triggered even more tears to fall. she didn’t know what she was doing.
the girl screamed in your arms for what felt like forever and you just sat there and held her. you whispered sweet words into her ears and rubbed circles on her back.
eventually your son had run through the door. a little gasp leaving his lips at the sight of ellie.
“ellie are you okay!?” he practically screamed in her face. you took your free hand and tried to shove him out the door.
ellie’s loud cries turned into soft sniffles as he wouldn’t leave. your son practically jumped onto her to try and make her feel better. your heart drops but ellie just laughs and pulls him into a deep hug.
ellie looks to you as your son babbles absolute nonsense into her shoulder.
“i’m really sorr-“ she starts, but you instantly cut her off.
“absolutely none of that.” you say, in your mom voice. her eyes widen at your tone.
“can you stay with els while i make a quick phone call?” you ask your son. he stands up tall. “yes!” he nods as if he were superman. you and ellie both laugh.
ellie knew exactly what put her in that position. her entire day was fucked from the beginning.
she should've called out of work when she woke up from a dream nightmare about joel.
she couldn’t stop thinking about the dream while doing her morning routine, or skating to work. which ended with her on the ground and her board in half.
if that wasn’t enough, while she was on her shift her ex walks in.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” she whisper-yells as she watches the black haired, tattoo ridden girl takes a seat. with a new girl.
there was no way in hell she was going to serve them. she couldn’t ask dina, her table kept sending back the food. ellie was ready to go over there and rip them a new one. she refrained.
jesse couldn’t, obviously. she wasn’t going to ask sam. she looked like she was also on the verge of tears. i guess everyone’s having a shitty day. she thought to herself as she walked over to cats table. except you.
“ellie! hey!” cat smiled, she wasn’t happy to see ellie, it was an evil smile. she was happy to terrorize ellie.
“i forgot you worked here!” she continues, earning an eye roll from ellie. sure you did, bitch.
ellie keeps it short and sweet. oh how badly she wanted to ask if this was her new girlfriend. but she didn’t.
“what can i get for you?” she asks, she didn’t even bother plastering a fake smile on her face.
cat and her whatever she is tell ellie there orders and she’s out of there. she doesn’t even give out her scripted response of.
“great choices! that’ll be right out for you!”
she just leaves.
when ellie returns with the two plates the pair look to be in deep conversation.
perfect ellie thought. she could just put down the food and get the fuck out of there-
“so how’s joel?!” cat asks, her lips pursed and her hands intertwined underneath her chin. ellie takes a deep breath. she should’ve docked cat in the face. she didn’t.
the fucking nerve that this bitch has.
ellie doesn’t reply. she turns around and speed walks back to the kitchen where she breaks down for the first time that day. dina ended up finding her and bringing her home early.
to top off her picture perfect fucking day. ellie gets home and finds a new email from her prof. she quickly skims through. as soon as she read the words “cost” and a four digit number, she was done.
her wobbly legs about to give out underneath her as she lays down on her bed. she takes a few deep breaths but it doesn’t help.
she didn’t even hear you come in. but soon enough you were rubbing her back and telling her that it was going to be okay.
she couldn’t help but cry more because the last person to comfort her like that was him.
eventually you calmed her down. you left for a few minutes and came back with a glass of water and a few pain killers.
“take these, your head must be killing you.” you sit down next to her and rub her back as she throws the pills back.
god. ellie felt like such a child.
“good girl.” you whisper as she takes a few more deep breaths. eventually calming completely. the comment didn’t pass hee though. her cheeks (among other things.) were suddenly hot and sticky from tears.
she turned to make eye contact with you, her eyes blood shot. you wondered how long she had been crying for.
the first words that left ellie’s mouth were simple. “did you still want that ice cream, lil man?” your son jumped up and down before grabbing her hand and pulling her off into the kitchen.
ellie had sat him down with a kind portion of chocolate ice cream before she walked up to you.
“hes more than welcome to sleep here tonight. if you don’t feel like picking him up.” she clarifies. her hands on her hips.
“oh ellie, i called out of work. we’re both staying.” ellie’s jaw drops. she instantly starts shaking her head in denial.
“no no you didn’t need to do that trust me, i’m really fine-” you pull her in for a hug to shut her up. you hold her tightly as she sighs into your shoulder.
“i’m sorry.” she whispers. you could only imagine how embarrassed she must’ve been.
“don’t be. you’re human.” you reassure her. you wanted to cry now too. you knew she was going through a bit of money trouble but how broken was this girl?
that night after your son went to bed you listened to ellie rant about her life for hours.
for the most part she held back tears but when she brought up joel you could tell it was hard.
you didn’t pry, or ask questions. you just listened. you listened to the good and the bad.
you two laughed when she told you about when she kissed her best friend riley, and then cried when she told you that riley had moved to canada and that they haven’t talked since.
you had told ellie about how you discovered you were a lesbian during your marriage.
you were bruh shocked to find your now ex-husband very cool with it.
she found out that you guys shared custody and he owned a house in a different part of the city. ellie was a bit envious of your seemingly normal life. you didn’t have to worry about money. atleast, not as much as she did.
you were nodding along as ellie told you about joel. joel had fostered ellie since she was twelve, he adopted her officially when she was sixteen.
she told you how he taught her the guitar, and let her get a tattoo before she turned eighteen.
ellie and joel’s relationship was rocky before he passed. ellie was going through that age where she needed a mother when she started acting out.
“i was always angry.” she confessed. “i would say the cruelest things to him and he would just,” she paused, looking for the right word. “he just took it.”
you frowned at this.
if you had known about any of this you would have never thrown your kid at her for half the week.
among the bad, you also learned a few interesting things about ellie.
she really liked to cook, and she was fucking good at it. you discovered that when she pulled out leftover pasta and served it to you like you were a member of the royal family.
eventually it was your turn to talk her ear off. however, there wasn’t much to tell, you thought.
“uhm- my favorite movie is tangled.” you laughed. ellie blew a raspberry.
“oh c’mon mama, you didn’t have like - a crazy childhood?” she asked. mama, huh?
you shrugged and spoke “not much to tell.” ellie rolls her eyes.
“alrighty then.” she ponders for a moment before speaking “you wanna watch a movie?” she asked, smiling like a fox. you felt your core tighten.
you accepted her offer and she reached out and helped you off her bar stool.
“what a gentle woman.”
“so i’ve been told.”
you and ellie didn’t settle on a movie. she sat you down and told you that you were watching tangled.
you put your hands up in defense. “if you insist.”
“i do insist.” she lays a soft pink blanket over the two of you as the movie begins.
“didn't picture you as much of a pink girl.” you state, covering your arms up with the blanket.
“m’ not, it’s just for you.” she says, her eyes only leaving the television to meet your own.
“just for me?” you ask, putting a hand over your chest in flattery.
“mhm” she replies with a wink and turns her focus back to the tv. it was your turn to feel flustered at her actions. she was quite the flirt apparently.
rapunzel was currently interrogating eugene when you turned to ellie.
“this is also his favorite movie.” ellie smiled at the fact. “is it really?” she laughed. not a condescending laugh, but more of a ‘that’s the cutest thing i’ve ever heard’ laugh.
“it is! he loves it so much, it’s adorable.” you tell her.
“you’re adorable” ellie accidentally admits. her face flushing when she’s noticed what she said.
she’s about to profusely apologize and possibly crawl in a hole and die when you giggle.
“i could say the same about you.” you whisper, shifting your body a little closer to her own. you were already close, but now your thighs were touching.
you tuck a piece of hair behind her ear, her eyes still on the screen. you burn holes in the side of her face. she doesn’t budge.
“ellie?” you whisper, you see her swallow before turning to look at you.
“y-yeah?” her pupils had dilated just a bit and you swore her freckles were more prominent. maybe you were a bit too close-
“you’re very pretty.” you tell her, your eyes darting from her eyes to her lips. then back to her eyes again.
ellie didn’t respond, instead she smirked and licked her lips. “yeah, you think so?” she asks, mostly rhetorically but you answer anyway. “i know so.”
ellie’s lips are dangerously close to your own when she slips her hand under your chin.
“i think you’re the prettiest.” she whispers. you almost didn’t hear her.
you're closing the gap between you two when you hear your sons sleepy voice come out of nowhere. you and ellie both quickly pull away from each other and she clears her throat.
“‘punzel!” he cheers, one of his pant legs riding up his leg, his hair all frizzled. you both light-heartedly laugh at the boys appearance.
“c’mere, baby.” you bring your arms out from underneath the blanket. open for him to crawl into. he obliged and crakes into your lap. you couldn’t even be mad at him for being up so late at this point.
ellie reached up and strokes his hair gently.
fucking cockblock
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brodieland · 2 months
.˚ 𓈒 ࣪.𝝑𝝔 10 Things I hate about you ´ˎ˗
Percy Jackson x Fem!Reader Synopsis: you and Percy make up, and head out to the beach together !! Warning(s): cursing Word Count: 1911 A/N: Percy and the beach, yummyyyy😋
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Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
If there was one word to describe how Percy felt, it was stupid. He'd completely messed things up with you, and now he felt like shit. He was currently having lunch with Jason, Leo and Charles, whilst complaining about his problems to them.
"Dude, whats she saying about me," he asked.
"That your an asshole," Leo said.
"And some other words we don't feel comfortable repeating," Charles added.
"And how did you manage to mess it up that bad," Jason chuckled and Percy just groaned.
"She was drunk, what was I supposed to do??"
"Dude, she's embarrassed. She tried kissing you and you sat there like a deer in headlights," Leo stated like it was the obviously. It kinda was to be fair.
"Well if we want to get technical," Percy held up his finger like he was about to make a point. "We were technically behind the headlights, not in them."
"But if I smacked the shit out of you, suddenly I'm a villain," Leo held his hands up in surrender, and Percy just glared at him.
"Dude, just try apologizing or something," Charles pleaded. At the end of the day, if Percy doesn't make it work with you, then Charles has no Silena.
"Yeah, but um, there's just one more thing I have to take care of then," Percy stood up and walked over to where Luke was sitting with his friends. "Yo, Luke."
He called out and Luke stood up with Percy, moving to speak in private. "Whats up, not here for more money are you?"
"No, the opposite actually," Luke looked at Percy confused. "I don't want you to pay me anymore, I'm done."
"What do you mean you're done?? I haven't taken Silena out yet."
"I don't care, I'm out, do what you want with Silena, but our deal is off. And if she likes you, then your already set anyways," Percy waved off a complaining Luke and went to go find you.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
"Guys are dicks and I hate them," you complained to Piper.
"You just noticed?"
You glared and she just made a face at you. "But seriously, what is his problem??"
"I could probably help you if you ever, you know, told me the problem."
You were kind of embarrassed about it but said it anyways. "It's just, after all these days of trying to take me out, I go in to kiss him and he just sits there?? Like what the hell is that???"
"Weren't you totally wasted? And he like, wasn't?" You slowly nodded. "Don't you realize while you were taking shots on shots he stayed sober and followed you around, and even took you home once he noticed how drunk you got. Of course he didn't kiss you, that'd be, you know, weird??"
You just rolled your eyes. You're a stubborn woman to say the least, so you didn't want to admit she was right. "Whatever."
She chuckled as you both parted ways. You were walking towards the bathroom before class, when you suddenly felt someone pull you by the arm. Before you even had the time to scream you were in janitors closet.
"Who the fuck do you think you are," you turned around and saw Percy standing in front of you. "Oh my fucking god."
You face palmed as Percy started. "Hi."
"I'm sorry."
"Really? Because if that's it, I'll be on my way then," you tried to shove him out the way and leave, but he was stronger than he looked. Actually, he did look kind of strong, but that was besides the point.
"I mean it. I didn't want to embarrass you but you were literally wrecked, and I thought you'd hate me if I did anything. Guess either way you would've just hated me or something, I don't know. But look, I'm sorry."
You appreciated the apology, you supposed. "I don't hate you," you said lowly.
"Hmm," you were about to repeat yourself when you saw that smug look on his face, letting you know he definitely did in fact, hear you.
"Don't push your luck, Jackson," you pointed in his face.
"είσαι πολύ όμορφη όταν δεν με θέλεις να πεθάνω, ξέρεις."
"I'll figure out Greek one day, just you wait. I'll find out all the mean things you've been saying to my face," you laughed.
"I'm not insulting you. In fact, I never was."
"Well.. what are you saying then," you asked, and Percy just stared down at you, wondering whether what he was thinking would be a good idea or not. He decided to just stop thinking about it as he held your face and just kissed you.
When he pulled away, all he said was, "Like I said, nothing mean."
He went to walk out but you grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving. "Percy.. are you busy later?"
"I may or may not have detention after school," You raised your eyebrow. "I just didn't want to got to math. Shucks."
"Yeah, shucks." It got quiet. "I'll see you later though, right?"
"Right," he smiled, this time letting you through the door. When he followed behind you, he tried ignoring Leo peering out from the end of the hallway as he made his way to class.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
As fast as the school day started, now it was over. Well, not for Percy, who was currently stuck in detention, how fun. Percy was supposed to be writing an essay about why he was in detention and what he could do in the future to prevent him from coming back, but he was just drawing dicks all over his paper, chuckling to himself.
"No noises," the detention supervisor, or soccer coach, shouted out. Percy rolled his eyes, then he heard the door opening, and saw you walking through.
"Hey coach," you greeted as you walked toward the front of the room.
"Sorry Y/N but I'm a little busy," he huffed out as he turned his back towards the class and shuffled through some papers. As he did so, you turned over to Percy, signaling him. to make it over to the window by where the coach was currently facing. Outside the window was a ledge Percy could climb down from, giving him a release from detention. Except you may of whispered to loud, catching the attention of your coach.
"Well, um. I'm just here to talk about some strategies for next game," you said. Thinking of lies on the spot were actually kind of hard.
"And um, what is that?" He was now facing away the window, and Percy was slowly making his way towards it.
"I'm just giving you an idea, something off of what you told us. You know, the diversion plan."
"I taught you that," he questioned as he began to look around the room, but you stopped him by grabbing his face, before he notice Percy, or the lack of Percy.
"Yes you did. Basically we need to be there," you turned his head slightly one way, "Then making the other team turn the other way," you turned his head again and this time letting go.
"And how would we make them turn-" Percy made too much noise when opening the window. "What-"
So you used your last idea, "Like this!" You lifted up your top, no bra. Whoops! Hey, it worked, except Percy almost stopped before coming back to his senses and leaving through the window, finally. "Well, thank you for your time, it was duly appreciated."
You held your head down and laughed as you left the cheering classroom (yes, you have nice boobs, don't even girl), running to catch Percy outside. By the time you reached the front of the school, you were out of breathe. You saw Percy sitting down on the steps as you took a seat next to him.
"Nice 'diversion,'" he joked, caused you to softly punch his arm.
"What? Thinking on the fly is hard."
"S your best idea was to flash your tits to your coach?"
"You know what, if you want to stay here you go do that," you joked as you walked toward your car. Percy just laughed as he followed you.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
"Parlez-vous anglais," Charles read from his book, and Silena repeated back. They were practicing pronunciation as Charles spoke and Silena repeated.
"Est-ce que tu vas un jour me lever et m'inviter à sortir," Silena spoke up, somewhat agitated.
"What," he started flipping through his textbook. "I don't remember reading that."
Silena just rolled her eyes and walked off, leaving behind a very confused Charles.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
'ugh why can't boys take hints'
You laughed at your phone as Silena complained about Charles. Right now you were waiting downstairs in your car while Percy ran up into his apartment to grab a pair of swim trunks. After sneaking him out, you guys spent about an hour an half just driving around, doing nothing in particular. As the sun started to go down, Percy got the idea to eat down by the beach.
You were knocked out of your laughter when Percy banged your window.
"Hey there," he said as he sat back into the passenger seat. You just started driving back to your place for your own swimsuit, thankfully your dad was home to stop you. You grabbed a purple bikini and ran back to your car. "Finally, I'm starving."
"Yeah yeah, slow it down bigback you'll be fine,' you clapped back. You guys made your way to the closest dominos and bought a pepperoni pizza and some cinnamon bread twist (Percy's Treat!!). The smell alone made you want to salivate.
Finally making your way down to the basically empty beach, you laid down a towel as Percy placed the food down. You were both talking and laughing as you watched the sun set into the horizon. You both laid back and watched the sky fade as Percy turned toward you.
"Can I ask you something," he asked.
"How come.." he paused, as if trying to find the right words. "you know, you act the way you do?"
"Why I act like this?"
"Not in a bad way of course, but you aren't the friendliest at first, you know. Well yeah you know."
You chuckled, "I don't like doing what people want of me, or expect of me. Being like everyone else is so boring. Why live up to their expectations instead of my own."
"Makes sense, I supposed."
"He supposes," he rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"Can I ask you a question now?"
"Go ahead."
"What happened those eight months you went missing?"
He was quiet and you didn't know if you had taken it too far. "I don't know. Its like I was just asleep and woke up with.."
You tilted your head as he sat up and lifted his shirt. He was covered in scars. "Woke up with these," he finished.
You sat up close to him, and without even realizing it you started tracing them with your fingers. "Sorry, that must've been terrifying."
"Yeah, but it's okay, I guess. Not like I know what happened anyways," he grabbed your hand and held it. You looked up at him, and even in the moonlight, those sea-green eyes still sparked like the sun was beaming. And this time, you were the one who leaned in and kissed him. This really did make up for Friday night, huh.
﹒º. ౨ৎ
✰είσαι πολύ όμορφη όταν δεν με θέλεις να πεθάνω, ξέρεις - you're very beautiful when you don't want me to die, you know ✰Parlez-vous anglais - Do you speak English ✰Est-ce que tu vas un jour me lever et m'inviter à sortir - Are you ever going to stand up and ask me out
✰Taglist: @liviessun @lara20aral @balletfilmss @job-ross-the-second @brokecollegebitch @riaaavm @avihashearts4lix @huera-ne @zn0v1a @sofiacblair @itzjustj-1000 @that1nerd-20 (just lemme know if you wanna be added)
159 notes · View notes
clockwayswrites · 10 months
A Broken Sort of Normal Part 11
WC 1326, Masterpost CW: anxiety
“Hey, kid,” Flash the older said as he raced up beside Danny.
“Still not a kid, old man,” Danny replied. It was already a well worn argument by this point after several dinners or weekend meals over at the Flash’s household. Sure it was used before that, but once Danny had started seeing Barry out of the mask, he’d only been worse about it. Danny guessed it was their thing now. It was weird to have ‘things’ again with people, but a good sort of weird.
“Still not an old man, kid. I’m not even a grandpa yet!”
Danny almost dropped the tablet he was working on. Barry didn’t have any kids, not aside from Wally who might as well count. Did that mean…?
“I’d tell you to watch your sass in your new position,” Barry continued, unaware or uncaring of Danny’s sudden crisis about the idea of children, “but one, I’d be a hypocrite and two, it’s a solid third of the reason I recommended you.”
“Well, that’s good because the sass isn’t going awa— wait, what new position?”
Barry grinned under his mask in a way that just felt dangerous. Not, like, dangerous in general, but dangerous for Danny who was the focus of that smile. “You’ll see. Flash Two will pick you up Monday at nine am. Don’t worry, you’re cleared off work already.”
“Fla— and he’s gone. That’s great. What the fuck,” Danny said to himself. It was a struggle to focus on finishing up the post event check in and then his reports and then going over his team’s report and then some more paperwork, but Danny managed. As soon as he got home he was immediately was texting Wally.
After the Reveal, Danny had gotten Wally’s civilian number too, but there were strict rules for using that number. Danny understood the caution. Apparently the first number he had been given was encrypted by Batman’s crew, which was crazy to think about, even when he was dating a Flash, so there were less rules other than no civilian names. Just for the ease of it, Danny mostly stuck to the old number unless they were planning a purely civilian date. Or if Danny wanted to say things that he knew would make Wally blush. Things Danny would very much never want anyone else to read. They may have mostly kept to kissing in person, but teasing Wally was just too much fun.
Danny: Why is Big!Flash having you pick me up on Monday??? What did he mean about a ‘new position’?????? I like my job! FLASH!
Quick Boy: You’ve got to give me a second to answer, dude!
Danny: You’re supposed to be fast. 😑
Quick Boy: Who’s always telling me electrical signals can only move so fast?
Danny: FLASH 🤬
Quick Boy: Sorry, babe, I’m not allowed to tell! But you’ll love it! Promise!
Danny: 🥺
Quick Boy: Don’t make those eyes at me! Trust me, babe, just wait until Monday.
Danny: Fine. But know I’m pouting.
Quick Boy: 😭
Danny behaved. He didn’t bother for updates. He sent more cats dressed as Justice League members and finished off the last Percy Jackson book, sending Wally updates along the way. But the whole weekend the fact that he apparently had a new job he knew nothing about and would be taken to Monday churned in the back of his mind.
It made him anxious in a way that he hadn’t been since he left Amity Park for Central city.
He didn’t much like it.
“Please at least tell me that I’m dressed fine for this new job?” Danny asked when he opened the door to Wally’s knock.
He didn’t really have many other options if Wally said no, he already had on his best dark jeans, cleanest boots, and his new cross body bag. He might have a button up shirt he could change into instead of the long sleeve one he was in, but that was as good as it was going to get. He just didn’t have business casual clothes with the jobs he had.
“You look fine,” Wally said.
“Not exactly a supersuit,” Danny said with a sigh, taking in Wally’s uniform.
Wally pressed a quick kiss to Danny’s cheek. “Not the kind of hero you are.”
That was something Wally had been doing, insisting that Danny was a hero. Whenever he protested, it only seemed to make Wally more insistent so Danny mostly let it be. Plus, the cute smile Wally got for ‘winning’ was nice to see.
It was gracing Wally’s lips now as Danny stepped out of his apartment, locked the door, and shoved the keys securely in his bag. One lost set of keys due to super speed was enough to make sure they were safely clipped in from then on.
“Okay. Right, let’s get this over with.”
“It’s a good thing,” Wally insisted as he squatted down for Danny to climb onto his back, “not your execution or anything.”
“I just don’t like not knowing,” Danny said.
“You love surprises.”
“Little surprises like picnics and presents, not life changing ones.”
“You’ll love it,” Wally insisted and then they were off.
“I’ll love an abandoned warehouse?”
“Apparently abandoned warehouse,” Wally stressed with a wave of his hands, like he was a two-bit magician.
“Convincing appearance. Once again, Flash, it’s a good thing you’re a hero because this as serial killer vibes.”
The windows were blacked out. There was a heavy layer of dust on most surfaces. The stairs to the foreman office were long rusted away. It was a mess.
But there was that feeling of being watched that crawled up Danny’s spine. None of the dust actually moved as they crossed the floor over to Barry. And the doors were either welded shut or solidly reinforced.
“Ready kids?” Barry asked.
“Still not kids,” Danny replied almost absently.
“Still don’t care!” Barry pressed one of the bricks on the wall and the whole thing shuddered and pulled back like some massive pocket door to reveal a… a portal behind the wall.
“Ta-da!” Wally said, complete with jazz hands.
Danny couldn’t tear his eyes away from the portal to look at him.
Did they know? Was this…?
“What?” Danny started, forcing himself to look over at Wally who was beside him again.
“You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Danny winced. He just couldn’t hold back the twitch of his body at that word. “Sorry. Um, so what is that?”
“A Zeta tube, it’s how we travel to the Justice League. It’s like a transporter,” Barry explained.
Okay, right, not a portal to the Ghost Zone. No one knew. He was safe. Danny closed his eyes. It was just a transporter that looked a lot like a portal.
Wally rested his hand on Danny’s arm and Danny almost jumped from the light touch. “Babe?”
“Um, remember how I told you there was an accident in my parent’s lab when I was a kid? Yeah, um, sorta similar look, is all. It just freaked me out for a moment.”
"Oh, shit, I’m sorry,” Wally said. He squeezed Danny’s arm gently.
“No way you could have known. Who has a phobia over portals, right?” Danny said as he summoned his best attempt at a smile for Wally.
“Are you okay to…” Wally glanced from Danny to the portal nervously.
“I, yes? Can you just explain to me how it will go?” Danny asked. He pressed himself close to Wally, doing what he could to scrape together his frayed nerves. It wasn’t like he hadn’t gone through the actual portal that had killed him all the time. It was just that now all that felt like a lifetime ago, a lifetime no one remembered but him.
“Of course, babe,” Wally said, twining their arms together before he launched into a passionate explanation of the Zeta tubes.
It would be alright.
He could do this.
He had Wally.
AN: Wally and Barry: We have something so cool to show you! Danny: *has portal based ptsd* ._.
I no longer tag people, but you can subscribe to the masterpost!
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Indigo Park: Oswald and Mickey, Rambley and Lloyd
I've not that long ago gotten into Indigo Park and I think it has a lot of potential to be something good. This just hit me, and I read somewhere along the lines but. Here's my theory or speculation, if you will.
Lloyd was the first ever mascot character for the Indigo brand, and was the original face for the Indigo brand. For the first chapter, let's look back at the old timey advert for Indigo Park.
Isn't it weird that Rambley, the face of Indigo Park, isn't up at the entrance of the gate? Especially on opening day, but Lloyd is?
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Not to mention, the ONLY character to have a vintage style plushie is of Lloyd not the rest of the gang. It's more custom for the character who started everything to get merch of him in the good ol' days.
Let's look at their color schemes.
Oswald, in modern depictions wears blue shorts.
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And Mickey has red shorts.
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Lloyd's main color scheme is blue.
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While Rambley's main color is indeed, indigo, but guess what he is wearing? A red bandana.
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Geese has stated he is a fan of Disney theme parks and their history. I wouldn't be surprised if he put Oswald and Mickey's dynamic into his game. Oswald, at first when he's coming around to Mickey, as bitter, resentful, angry, and jealous that he was replace and that Mickey has the spotlight. Rambley really acts like Oswald when Lloyd is even mentioned, but Lloyd doesn't seem to notice Rambley's distaste for him.
Look at how he reacts to the Retro Lloyd plush.
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I think it's obvious Rambley is jealous of Lloyd. It's been mentioned that Lloyd is more popular than Rambley. I think if we add onto the fact that Lloyd is the most popular, with him being the first rubs salt into the wound for Rambley. Because now HE'S the face of the Indigo brand. Why do they still treat Lloyd like he's the face of everything, when he's here? Dude is so jealous of him downright insults him.
Kind of like a role reversal, in a way. Lloyd still gets special treatment, when Rambley is the literal face of the brand. On top of Lloyd being egocentric. Yeesh, that has to hurt. In the song, Rambley says HE'S the most devoted devotee of the park, but gets none special treatment besides... one of his plushies being painted gold.
Not to mention, Geese said in his VOD reacting to YouTubers play Indigo Park, Lloyd is going to be important to the plot and we're gonna see more of him. Do of that what you will.
But I guess we'll have to see. Chapter 2 is coming out 2025.
132 notes · View notes
wh0re43van · 4 months
And they were roommates (Peter Maximoff X Reader)
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Description: You and Peter are long time best friends and now roommates. Things take a weird turn when he admits that he found your sex toy drawer.
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: smut, oral (fem receiving)
A/n: this is based off this request! I’m sorry if this isn’t up to your expectations, I’ve been having writers block. I’ve also been a bit inactive bc college rawdogging me without lube rn :/ (also I left this open to possibly a pt 2 with pegging Peter?? 🙊)
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Peter sits on the edge of the couch clad in nothing but a pair of sweatpants, playing that mindless video game that he loves so much. His skilled fingers move in a blur across the plastic controller, the sound of the rapid clicks on the joy stick and buttons are drowned out by the blaring music coming out of the stereo. The music is so loud in fact, that the boy doesn’t hear you stumble into your shared home, dropping groceries and cursing at him as you stagger towards the table.
“Goddamnit Peter!” You groan after dropping off the bags of food, stomping into the living room as you dodge empty bottles of soda and dirty clothes on the floor. “Peter!” You gripe, now completely out of patience. But Peter is so fixed on the game and the music is so loud that he isn’t even aware of your arrival.
You let out an irritated sigh before ripping the cord to the stereo out of the wall. “Peter Maximoff!” You shout, crossing your hands over chest. He jumps a bit, startled by your sudden appearance, but soon enough his signature smirk is plastered on his stupid face.
“Hey babe! Where’ve you been?” He asks nonchalantly-choosing to ignore your obviously pissed off stature- as he shifts his attention back to the video game.
“Are you- oh my god,” you groan, completely exasperated as you pinch the bridge your nose. “I’ve been out for three hours getting shit for my party tonight. The one thing I asked you to do was clean up this mess!” You pace infront of the tv like a disappointed mother- a feeling you’ve become all too familiar with since renting an apartment with your man-child of a best friend.
“I don’t think four girls in their 20s getting wine drunk and talking shit for hours on end counts as a party,” Peter snickers before he zooms around you, now between you and the television with his nose nearly pressed to the screen in attempt to finish his game. Your blood is boiling at at this point.
“Beats locking yourself in your room and playing with your dick to those old VHS tapes you still have from high school,” you roll your eyes. “Atleast get with the times and use the internet,” you add with your lips pulled taught in an unamused line, you reach down to unplug the console. Peter of course grabs your hand before you reach the plug, his eyes still glued to the screen.
“And abandon my girls? Come on babe, don’t be ridiculous. We have history!” Peter snickers, unfazed by your attempt to humble and embarrass him.
Peter finally beats the level, sounding off the victory music. With a proud smile, he sits down the controller, finally giving you his attention. “Plus, don’t act like I don’t know about your drawer of toys. Neither one of us are getting laid,” Peter laughs casually as he walks back over to the couch, leaving you with wide eyes and blushed cheeks.
“What the fuck! H-how-Peter! Dude! What-what the actual fuck!” You look at him dumbfounded, now twice as furious and extremely embarrassed.
“Oh, so you can go through my stuff, but I can’t go through yours?” He smirks as he takes a swig of soda out of a two liter bottle, looking at you with pure amusement on his face.
“I-I don’t go through your stuff, Peter!” You shriek, looking down at your feet in attempt to escape his gaze. When you do, you notice a bright orange plastic rectangle on the ground amidst various snack cake wrappers. “Th-there’s a tape literally laying right here!” You chuck the VHS at him, he catches it, sitting it on the couch beside him.
“Alright you’ve got me,” Peter holds his hands up in defense with playful grin. “But you can’t blame me for snooping. You don’t exactly make an effort to keep quiet. Our rooms are right across from each other ya know,” he chuckles as he settles into the couch, wiping his Cheeto covered fingers on his grey sweatpants. “So yeah, maybe I was curious to see the loud ass vibrator that you abuse most nights of the week, and maybe I found a lot more than I was looking for,” Peter laughs at how red your face is. He’s clearly enjoying your utter humiliation.
You feel mortified. You can’t believe he would just reveal that he knows you about your dirty habits so casually. Had he seen everything?
‘Why would I keep everything on the same place,’ you internally facepalm as you imagine Peter digging through your underwear draw to see your Hitachi, the vibrating dildo, the strap.
‘Jesus Christ does he know I have a strap on?’ Panic begins to set it. ‘How long has he known about this?’ Your mind is racing almost as fast as your heart.
You swear you’ve never felt so embarrassed in your life. Despite the snow on the ground outside, you feel like your skin is on fire. You’re a clammy, stuttering mess that wants nothing more than to vanish into thin air, but you can’t even will yourself to move.
“Y-you can hear it?” Is all you dare to ask sheepishly, your eyes still wide in horror at the conversation that’s unfolding between you and your best friend.
“Mhm,” Peter snickers as he stands up, nonchalantly stretching and flexing all the muscles in his bare torso. You think for a moment that he might be flexing on purpose as he walks over to inspect the groceries you’ve brought home. “And I Gotta say,” Peter hums as he pops open the new box of twinkies you got for your party. “I’m really not impressed with the settings on that thing,” he says through a mouth full of yellow sponge cake.
You don’t know what to think of the situation. You wrack your brain trying to figure out what he’s playing at, but to no avail. He seems to be amused more than anything; at the very least he doesn’t think any less of you.
You sigh, walking over to the boy, prying the blue hostess box out of his hands. “T-these are for tonight, Peter,” you make a meek attempt of scolding him, but you can’t even look him in the eyes right now as you trip over your words. This only fuels Peters teasing.
“I’m serious babe,” he grins as he slowly rests his hands on either side of you. His bare biceps and chest tense as he grips onto the table, trapping you right in front of him. “I can show ya real speed if you’d let me,” his voice is low and silky smooth as he lets out a small laugh. You blink at him, not sure if you’re understanding him right.
“I-uh…well… if-I uhm-” Your voice is shaky as you stare up at him with wide eyes. At this point you’re sure that your face is as red as those cherry slushies that Peter always gets from the corner store.
“Am I making you nervous?” Peter asks as he leans ever so slightly closer to you. His sultry tone sends heat straight to your core.
“N-no,” you whimper. As if your tone didn’t give you away, you instinctively pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
“You’re such a bad liar,” he says lightly as puts a gentle hand on your face, his thumb pulls your lip out from under your teeth. “This always gives it away,” Peter hums.
You feel ridiculous at how worked up Peter has managed to get you. You chalk it up to being dick deprived and attempt to pull yourself together before you literally start drooling. But before you speak, Peters next words make your mind go blank.
“These pretty lips of yours are always getting you in trouble, huh?” Peters voice is husky as he drags you lip down with his thumb, focusing on your mouth with a lust laced gaze.
He’s right. Your entire time growing up together your nervous habit of chewing on your lip has always gotten you caught in your lies. It’s a little weird to think about all the adolescent trouble you and Peter got into as he’s standing only inches away from you; very obviously not that little boy anymore. No, Peter is definitely a man now- his mind may not have matured past 15, but his body absolutely has.
He brings his other hand to the back of your head as he steps closer to you. You can feel his warm breath fanning on your face, as your knees begin to go weak.
“Okay Peter that’s enough teasing. You got me. j-just clean up your mess so I can get ready for my party,” you say quietly as you examine his face, taking in how truly handsome your best friend is.
“Oh come on, we have time,” he smiles. That seductive tone is one you never thought you’d hear from Peter, and it’s definitely going to get you in trouble.
Peter dips his head down, his nose brushing against yours, making your breath hitch. Butterflies erupt in your stomach from the small contact. He teases his lips over yours, gently ghosting over the skin as if testing the waters.
The moment your lips touch, you’re a goner. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him into an intense kiss. Peter laughs into the exchange as he grabs onto your hips.
You never thought of Peter in this way in all the years that you’ve known him. Sure, he’s an objectively attractive guy- anyone can see that- but he’s just never really been ‘your type’ and aside from casual flirting like he does with every woman he comes into contact with, he never showed any romantic interest in you- as far as you were aware at least. But right now, you’re completely desperate for your best friend.
The kiss quickly becomes anything from innocent as Peter grabs your ass, sitting you up on the table so he can stand between your legs. Your hands run through his hair, tugging on the silver stands as his grips onto your lower back, keeping you as close to him as possible.
Reality sets in as his lips trail down your neck where he stops to nip at sensitive skin. As you catch your breath you stutter, “W-what are we doing Peter? Are we really gonna risk our friendship just because neither of us have gotten laid in a while?”
While you are concerned for your platonic dynamic, you just can’t bring yourself to push him away. His warm lips on your skin and his strong grip on your body is too intoxicating.
“We aren’t risking anything, dude,” Peter smiles into the crook of your neck as his hands run up your thighs, his fingers disappearing under the hem of your short dress. “Just two friends helping eachother out. Nothing wrong with that,” he hums. You’re silent for a moment, considering his words.
Peter Steps aways from you, leaving you to whimper at the lack of contact.
“But if you don’t want this, I understand. I won’t press-“ he begins with a small grin as he continues to slowly back away. Without thinking, your hand shoots out, almost causing you to fall off the table. You grip his arm as you look up at him with desperate eyes.
“Please Peter,” is all you have to say before he’s back on you. Smashing his kiss bruised lips to yours.
Unbeknownst to you, Peter has been waiting for this moment for awhile. He wasn’t ‘totally in love with his best friend’ but you are the one person who knows him better than anything and his domestic partner and you’re smokin hot and he hears you masturbate in the room beside him a couple times a week- not to mention he hasn’t been with a woman in months. I mean, can you blame the guy?
You let out a small gasp as peters fingers brush against your clothed core. He gives you mischievous grin as he pulls you to the very edge of the table.
“Let’s get these out of the way,” he breaths as he slowly wraps his fingers around the waist band of your silk underwear. With in half a second, the thin fabric is gone- where to? You have no idea.- and Peter is on his knees below you, admiring your exposed core. “You must really be desperate. Damn,” the boy chuckles as he collects some of your wetness on his finger. You groan, kicking him in the arm gently. But you can’t argue with him.
“Ugh Peter if you’re going to-“ before you can finish whining, Peter has his arms wrapped around your thighs and mouth attached to your swollen clit, licking like his life depends on it. You let out a loud gasp at the sudden intense stimulation.
“At least now I know how to shut you up,” Peter chuckles against your core. Caught up in your own pleasure, you grab his hair and grind into his face. Peter let’s out a hum of satisfaction before he slips a finger in your entrance.
“Fuck,” you groan, throwing your head back. Peter is having the time of his life, struggling not to cum in his pants from how erotic you are. I mean yeah, he knew you were hot but he never would have guessed just how sexy your moans are or how good you taste. Call him a munch, but Peter could suffocate right here between your legs and die a happy man.
“Just like that Peter. Please don’t stop,” you pant out lowly, moving your hips faster against his face. You look down to see Peter who is already staring up at you. His silver strands of hair tickle the inside of your thighs as he laps at your clit desperately. The image of your best fiends head between your legs triggers a flash of embarrassment and guilt, but that’s soon forgotten as soon as you feel it.
Peter begins to vibrate his tongue as he sucks on your clit, his fingers curling directly into your g-spot with every thrust.
“Peter!” You shriek, pulling his hair. The sensation is nothing like you’ve felt before. You quickly melt into his touch as you revel in the pure pleasure shooting through every nerve in your body.
Peter replaces his tongue with his thumb before breathlessly pulling you into a kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, your legs beginning to shake from how much pleasure is flooding you system.
“I want you to cum for me,” Peter growls against your lips. You whine into the kiss as you clench around his fingers. The tightly wound rubber band in your stomach finally snaps, releasing intense euphoria through your body. “That’s it. Good girl, fuck, just like that,” Peter coos into your ear as the unholiest string of profanities he’s ever heard falls from your kiss bruised lips. You collapse into his chest, your legs shaking, head spinning, chest heaving.
“You okay?” Peter chuckles as he rests a hand on your back. You simply nod your head, trying to catch your breath. After a minute or so of recovery, you open your mouth to speak but are quickly interrupted by a loud knocking at the door. You jump up from the table, looking at Peter in horror as your release drips down your legs.
“My friends,” you gasp. Peter chuckles as he gently stands you to your feet.
“We’re not done here,” your best friend winks before he’s gone with a fwip.
In a Silver Blur, Peter zooms around the apartment. Within five seconds, the living room is spotless, the groceries are put away, and there are four glasses of wine are poured and set at the table with an organized array of the snacks you’d bought.
“Come on in ladies, y/n is in the kitchen,” Peter answers the door, allowing your friends into your home.
“Ew, why is your face wet?” One of the girls ask Peter as they turn the corner into the kitchen.
“And where’s your shirt?” Another girl asks as they exchange confused glances with each other.
“Oh-“ Well I guess Peter forget a couple crucial pieces of evidence. He wipes his mouth and chin with the back of his hand. “What’s with the interrogation girls?” Peter chuckles as he holds his hands up.
Your face goes red in embarrassment as you walk over to great your group of friends on shaky legs- and with a bare core since you couldn’t seem to find your panties anywhere.
“Sorry, ignore him. Peters just leaving,” You smile at your friends then give peter a death glare.
“Oh, y/n, let me know once your little party is over. We need to finish that conversation,” he winks as he picks up a snack cake off the bar. As he ascends up the steps, you see your purple panties hanging out the pocket of his grey sweatpants. You send a silent prayer to every all-powerful incorporeal being you can think of that your friends did not see Peter with your underwear.
“Y/n, are you okay? What’s with-“ one of your friends begin to question.
“Wine!?” You cut her off as you offer-more or less force her to take- a glass of Pinot Grigio which thankfully is enough to shift the conversation.
You’re left in anticipation the rest of the night, half temped kick the girls out just so you and Peter can finish what you’ve started, but you decide against it. As you go commando for the next four hours, you think about how you’re going to get peter back.
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