#i think tech decks were more of my brothers things. but i think it lines up for Ruce.
skeletalheartattack · 6 months
What are your OCs favourite toys? I love toys.
it took me a bit to think about, but i think my characters favourite toys would be like:
Boe: a wooden do-nothing machine
Budd: a stray old tin can
Ruce: just a tech deck
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
Could you do your prompts 4, 17, and 53 for TMNT 2012 Donatello?
Of course! @okchijt helped me with the plot as they have for a lot of the fics this run so I hope you enjoy this ^^ I do love writing delusional Donnie.
Yandere! 2012! Donatello Prompts 4, 17, 53
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it."
"You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up?"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Post kidnapping plot, Manipulation, Delusional behavior, Paranoia, Overprotective behavior, Trackers, Isolation, Forced affection, Forced relationship.
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You struggle with the clothes left for you. Donnie had left you some items to wear "for your safety" and was awfully adamant on making you wear them. They looked like an outfit you'd normally wear... with some key differences.
Trackers lined the clothing, not just that but other tech was place in the clothing. Most of it you had no idea what it did but according to Donnie is was to keep you safe. When it came to his delusional mind... that could mean anything.
As a result the clothing became clunky and a bit uncomfortable to wear. It both looked decent yet too much. What didn't help was the entire time you struggled with the clothing to put it on, your phone was blowing up.
Anger boiled within you as you finally manage to pull the outfit on your body. The sizes were right but the overwhelming amount of tech made it rub against your skin in an irritating fashion. The last thing you could focus on was the overwhelming amount of calls and texts vibrating your phone.
With a frustrated groan towards your situation you stand up and move the phone across the room. You stare longingly at the locked bedroom door Donnie checked before he left, then entire thing decked out with security. This really did feel like a high tech prison cell.
You pace about the room in an attempt to ignore the ringing cell. Instead the noise irritates you more and you nearly want to break the device. Swallowing your anger, you bite the bullet and turn off the device to soothe your frustrated mind.
Donnie has a mission... a job to do away from you. The mutant shouldn't even be contacting you if he's with his brothers. You're going to ignore him...
You're going to take a nap... it's all you really can do.
In an attempt to take a break from it all you fling yourself into the dingy mattress. You sigh softly and ignore the feeling of clinging dread deep in your stomach. You'll deal with him later... you can't entertain him right now....
. . . .
You don't even recall falling asleep. It just felt like you hit the mattress for a second. Just as you were getting comfortable the door on the door is flung open once everything is disabled. You almost shoot out of your bed when you're meet with a heaving Donnie, eyes frantic and worried.
The moment Donnie's eyes meet your wide tired ones he lets a sigh of relief slip. You mentally place your frustration in a jar before placing a smile on your face. It appears he's in another one of his... frenzies.
"Donnie? What's wrong? I'm still right here!"
The wind is knocked out of you with how quickly Donnie pulls you to his chest. You clunk against his hard shell and feel his bone crushing grip. He nuzzles into you in his hug and mutters curses under his breath.
"I left you a few voice mails, why didn't you pick up?" Donnie's voice is still frantic as he pulls away, worried look on his face. Not wanting the turtle to find out you shut off the phone right now... you prepare a little white lie.
"I was busy! I spent so much time getting the new outfit you gave me on that I didn't have a chance. You really shouldn't call me on missions anyways...." You mumble, excusing your previous behavior with something you hoped was believable.
Donnie barely even ponders the last thing you said, quickly pulling away to get a better look at your outfit. You see the mutant's eyes light up excitedly as his eyes drift up and down the outfit. You sigh thankfully... he seems appeased.
"Oh, Chinchilla!" Donnie coos with a big smile on his face. You cringe internally at the affectionate nickname he calls you. "You look so cute in those clothes! I think I picked well...."
"Of course you did!" You encourage, hoping Donnie forgets all about the phone issue. It appears he has as he holds your face to shower you in praises.
"You've been so good for me lately! Always so obedient and loving... you make me SO happy!" Donnie praises, pulling you into another crushing hug. You would've tolerated such a thing until he peppers you in unwanted kisses.
There's no use in struggling against his affection. It keeps him compliant and you fear upsetting him will warrant more unneeded tech. For now... you'll make things work.
"My heart belongs to you, I'll adore anything you do to it." Donnie whispers in your ear, barely hiding his toothy grin. Right after the mutant goes back to nuzzling your skin. Wanting to play into his delusions you wrap your arms around him. You mirror his smile even if you don't mean it and agree.
"Of course! I'm glad you think it looks good...." You agree. Donnie may be too delusional to know it but you don't mean any of what you say. You just know good things happen if you play along...
If you give him what he wants, he may start removing tech from you. Any amount of freedom he gives you is a chance to change things. You just need to play along.
The more you play your role... the more freedom you have...
More freedom... means a better chance at escaping your prison.
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fanmoose12 · 3 years
the devil you know
Сharacters: Hange Zoe, Levi, Moblit Berner, Zeke Yeagar, Armin Arlert
Genres: Action / Drama
Summary: Can you still miss a person, if everything you knew about them was a lie?
He was wasting precious time. His primary object was Eren and getting to him before the last hope of humanity had his ass kicked by Marleyan tech or another shifter. His second no less important task was finding Eren's brother and playing a little shit show for his Marleyan superiors.
Eren was already being taking care of and Levi had Zeke in his line of sight. All he had to do was swoop in and get the bearded bastard.
Still, the time was of the essence. Every second wasted meant another useless death. And he had enough of this massacre already.
He had to be focused, had to remain vigilant. But as he flew through the burning city his focus began to slip and his attention was occupied by things of no importance to his goal. He couldn't help but wonder - that small cafe that was just exploded by a thunder spear, did she use to frequent it? And that alley to his left, maybe it had led to her house? Did she even have a house here, in the inner city? Or did she live somewhere else, maybe, in barracks with her fellow warriors? Or, maybe, in a little house in the middle of a forest she used to tell him about?
It didn’t matter, he told himself, none of it ever did.
What mattered right now was the plan and following through with it. Everything else was meaningless.
Keep your head in the game, Levi reminded himself, gritting his teeth. He directed his gaze to the ground, where a chaos was unraveling at a more rapid speed that he had expected.
The swirl of people in white uniforms danced around the city. Some of them, armed with guns and rifles, attempted to fight back, others, less courageous ones - ran for their lives.
Each time one of them fell, receiving a bullet to the head, or getting buried under debris from blown up buildings, his heart stopped. Despite his insistent thoughts - she wouldn't care about you, she never did - he still looked for a mess of brown hair in the crowd.
He wasn't sure if his heart would be able to take it if he saw her there - amongst dozens of dead bodies.
She wouldn't care about you, she never did - and yet, he still couldn't treat her with the same indifference.
Keeping Zeke in his line of sight, Levi landed in the nearby alley. He took out his pocket watch, checking the time. His ride would arrive soon, and that meant—
Showtime, he thought grimly, releasing his cables and readying his blades.
It didn't lessen the pain hidden in the depth of his soul, but hurting Zeke, cutting and hitting him gave the catharsis he was waiting for ever since their last meeting.
First he cut off his left arm - that's for all the scouts that lost their lives because of you.
Then he went for the right arm - that's for Nanaba.
He moved to the right leg, cutting it down and making the beast fall on one knee - that's for Mike.
And that's - he thought - as he slashed through his left leg - that's for Erwin, you fucking dipshit.
The beast collapsed, plummeting face-first into the ground. Levi landed on top of him, taking out a grenade.
He plunged his blade into beast's body, afflicting the final wound. He removed the pin, thinking - that's for taking her away from me too.
The crowd around them swayed, the masses stood terrified in a face of their biggest defender losing so easily to a devil from Paradise. Levi would have even smirked, if this whole farce didn't disgust him so much. He would have enjoyed injuring the beast, if it wasn't a part of Zeke's own, carefully orchestrated plan.
The airship was fast approaching, and so Levi pulled Zeke's body out, scowling at the sight of his hideous face.
"You truly are one of a kind, asshole," Levi whispered to him. "I have never seen anyone uglier than you."
"There are some who enjoy my looks, Levi," the fucking monkey managed to say, despite half of his face missing. "One of my admirers used to be your friend once. Tell me, Captain, do you still miss her?"
Levi shoved his blade into bastard's stomach, going as deep as he could. God, he wanted another round with him. He wanted to beat the shithead until there was no sass left in him.
"I would shut up if I were you, beast. Or I'll be busy cutting your tongue during the whole trip back to the island."
"Careful with your language," Zeke advised with a disgustingly sweet smile. "Someone's watching."
Instinctively, Levi looked up. Immediately, he felt his throat close up because there, on top of the building he saw—
Messy brown hair, those stupid, too big glasses—
His limbs moved on his own accord.
"Take him," he instructed Moblit, kicking Zeke's half formed body to him.
"Captain, the airship—"
"One minute," he promised and soared into the air.
Goddamnit, but she didn't age a day. The same proud posture, the same determined expression.
She stood on top of a rooftop, a rifle in her hands. Not far behind her Levi could see the Cart Titan.
Was Hange the one who advised the shifter to use the hard machinery? Most probably. She was the one who knew about scouts’ fighting style the most. Knew their advantages, knew how to exploit their weaknesses.
No surprise in that, she was a scout for almost five years too, after all.
All these times she begged him to show his tricks, to explain how he could move so differently from the others, was it with a malicious intent too? Not to satisfy her abnormal curiosity, but to simply gather more intel?
Was there any moment out of thousands, where she wasn’t pretending?
The rifle in her hands trembled, as she saw him appear.
"Levi," she murmured, and his knees almost gave up under him.
Damn her, damn her to hell and back, but even after all the pain she had inflicted on him, after all these lies and betrayals she was still able to set his heart ablaze.
She was the only one who ever could.
"Hange," he said, swallowing down 'shitty four-eyes'. That wasn't her. Not anymore. He lost his four-eyes four years ago, the night before they've ventured to Shiganshina.
Before him now stood a stranger. A stranger he was still reluctant to harm.
"You knew this was going to happen," he told her.
"I guess this is it." Hange nodded.
She didn't try to shoot at him, didn't call for help.
She knew it would only delay the inevitable. She was always too smart for her own good. Apparently that part of her wasn't a lie.
But everything else was. That's why he did what he had to do.
With a heavy heart, Levi took a step forward.
"Ah, and here I was worried it'd be a boring trip with only Captain Brooding as my companion." Zeke tilted his head, offering the most charming of his smiles. "Professor Hange, seeing you is always a pleasure. I'd shake your hand, but," he shrugged, pointing at his tied hands. "I'm in a rather unfortunate predicament."
"Zeke," she chocked out, shifting her gaze from him to Levi. A heartbeat later, her eyes widened in realization.
Too smart for her own good, Levi thought, watching Hange deliver a vicious kick to Zeke's thigh, fiery despite the bindings on her own arms and legs.
Watching that was almost satisfying.
"Asshole!" she raged, kicking him again. "Scheming, pathetic betrayer!"
"You're the one to talk," Levi noted dryly.
At the sound of his voice, Hange froze. She calmed down immediately, bowing her head.
Zeke observed the two of them, a malicious spark in his eyes.
"So my earlier guess was right, Captain? You do miss—"
"Shut the fuck up," Levi warned in a low voice. "Or my previous threat would become a reality."
Zeke curled his lips in a smile, and, maintaining direct eye contact with Levi, he had the audacity to wink at him. “My lips are sealed.”
Levi reached to his blade.
"What is going on here?” Jean walked onto the deck, stopping Levi from using his very sharp weapon on their very precious charge. Jean looked around, frowning in confusion. His eyes widened, as they landed on Hange. "What is she doing here?" his face changed, jaw tightening.
"None of your business," Levi muttered, sheathing his blade and pushing Jean away.
"None of my business?" Jean repeated, glaring at him. "I think it is my goddamn business, when you go against the plan without discussing it with us first."
"Careful, Kirshtein," Levi narrowed his eyes. "Despite the stupid democracy, I'm still your superior. Meaning you will do as I say."
"Captain," Jean grabbed his elbow. "I know how you feel about—"
"You know shit," Levi hissed, his low voice almost getting lost amongst the celebration around them. Stupid Floch and his band of fanatical idiots. "This has nothing to do with my so called feelings. But we need to question her. In case you forgot, she is one of Marley's best engineers."
"Exactly," Jean retorted. "She's valuable to them. That's why you had to kill her. Without her they'd be lost."
Without her - I'd be lost too.
The ruckus around them had been growing louder and louder. It was getting hard to concentrate, even without the added distraction of Hange's eyes boring into the back of his head.
He swept his gaze across the deck, looking for Moblit. He needed someone to put an end to that merry festivity, he would have done so himself, but the way Floch and his friends shouted and cheered made him doubt that he'd be able to calm them down without throwing some mouth-breather the fuck out of the airship.
He motioned for Moblit to come closer, ignoring Jean’s enraged gaze, when suddenly, out of nowhere, he heard a sharp cry, the still familiar voice shouting,
"Gabi, no!"
Levi whipped his head around, his eyes widening as he saw Hange - somehow freed from all bonds - launching herself at Sasha.
He rushed there, the malicious voice in his head chanting - this is all your fault, all of it is your fault, it's your inability to let go that is going to-
He stopped when the thundering, earsplitting sound shook the previously cheerful atmosphere.
He froze, staring at the scene with dumb confusion. The smoke rising from a rifle clutched in child's hands, the bullet flying, soaring through the spot where Sasha was standing seconds ago.
She didn’t try to—
He allowed himself to take a breath.
She saved Sasha, he realized, staring at Hange, who wore the same perplexed expression as he did.
"What is going on here?" Armin's soft voice cut through the air, making every head turn in his direction.
"The Marleyans got onto our ship!" one of the soldiers reported.
"Should we throw them out now or—”
"They're just children," Hange spoke up. "They don't know what they're doing."
"Hange-san..." Armin gasped. "What are you—" he turned to Levi. "Captain, what is the meaning of this?"
"She's Marleyan engineer and strategist. I decided it'd be wise to capture her."
"Alright, we'll deal with this later..." Armin muttered, rubbing his forehead. "And about those children..."
"The girl almost killed Sasha," Jean said, coming to stand at Armin’s side.
"Don't touch her!" Hange cried out, covering both kids with her body.
"Don't order me." Jean spat. "You're not my superior officer. Not anymore."
"And yet I still know you, Jean," Hange stared him in the eyes. "I know you're not capable of harming a child. Think of what your mother is going to say."
"You know nothing about me!" he growled, his fists trembling and his face reddening in anger. "You lying, deceiving—”
"That's enough," Levi sharply interrupted. "Moblit, help me deal with our prisoners. There are a lot more of them than we’ve expected."
Moblit nodded readily, obeying his command without a question. As he led Hange back to her place, his grip on her was gentle and his eyes were sad.
Approaching the two children, Levi stared them down, silently ordering the girl to put down the rifle. She surrendered with an annoyed huff.
Her demeanor changed, however, as soon as Levi's gaze turned to her friend.
"Don't hurt Falco, please," she whispered, sniffling. "He isn't guilty, he's not like me."
"No one is going to hurt you or your friend," Levi rolled his eyes, scoffing. "We're not that much of devils."
Putting his arms around their shoulders, he led kids to the back of the airship.
As they were passing Zeke, the girl - Gabi, Hange had called her - stopped in her tracks.
Her lip trembled, as she gawked at the shifter. "M-mister Yeager? You're here too? B-but why?"
What a goddamn circus, Levi cursed.
He sighed, pushing them forward before the beast could even open his mouth and feed the poor kids a lie, or, worse, reveal the truth about his betrayal.
Once he tied the girl and a boy down, he closed his eyes and heaved a deep breath.
Two angry Marleyan children, the bearded beast and Hange fucking Zoe, a person he dreamt about every night he slept for more than two hours. And all of them were aboard one damned airship.
There was one thing Levi was sure of - one hell of a fucking trip was awaiting them.
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kaijusplotch · 3 years
Hunter is Not Ready for Omega to go Through Puberty
Debating on if i should publish this to AO3 or not? Either way, have Hunter having small crisises of the heart when Omega reaches puberty. Everyone discovering something about Crosshair. And generally the Bad Batch having DAD feels.
Hunter was worried. Omega had been miserable with stomach pain since early that morning; practically living in the fresher. He looked through every medical pack they had but Tech had said they were portioned out for adult clones and their strength could hurt more than help.
So, Hunter got hot packs ready and dimmed the lights of the bunk room. It hurt him just as much to know that he couldn’t help her more than just to be there for her until they could get some more appropriate medicine.
He looked up from where he was trying to look up how to treat stomach pain and his heart dropped. “Omega? what’s wrong?”
“I’m bleeding...down there.” Omega’s face was beet red and there were tears in her eyes as she stood awkwardly near the door of the fresher.
Hunter’s mind went to static. What did that mean? Was she hurt? Had she gotten hurt and he didn’t notice? His heart started to race and he got up and walked over to her.
Omega had gotten taller, her clothes from Kamino no longer fitting properly. Tech’s spare blacks were at least somewhat useful but still too big in some places even being the shortest of the Batch. She was growing fast, like all clones, but differently too. Her hips were wider for sure, but it could just be because of the mutations.
“Are you hurt? I...I don’t understand,” Hunter said, hands on her shoulders as he tried to hide his fear from his voice and face.
“Um…” She whimpered and looked away biting her lip. “I ah...I’m not hurt, my stomach hurts but I’m bleeding. Not a lot, but I don’t know either.”
“What’s going on?” Crosshair asked, walking in with Tech behind.
Omega blushed and looked away, fidgeting with the oversized top of her blacks. “m’bleeding….”
“She says she isn’t hurt, but the stomach pains are still there.” Hunter explained turning to Tech.
“She is nearing seven, she’d be going through one of her first large growth spurts. Perhaps a hormonal issue?” Tech asked, grabbing his datapad.
Hunter nodded, looking up as Crosshair patted his shoulder.
“I’ll take care of this,” Crosshair said with a slight twitch to the corner of his mouth; his version of a smile. “C’mon kid, let’s go to the fresher.”
“Ah! Found something, Sargeant,” Tech interrupted, dragging Hunter’s attention back.
“What is it? What can we do?”
“She’s going through puberty, as expected. Except...it’s different for females…” Tech looked a little pale as he read his datapad. “They have...ah...oh. Menstrual cycles begin during this time which can cause them to shed the lining of their internal reproductive organs.”
Hunter’s eyes went wide. “What? Is it dangerous?!” Hunter grabbed at the pad, although Tech snatched it back.
“No, at least it shouldn’t be. It happens monthly, along with mood changes, stomach cramps and some skin issues. Well at least that’s the same as it was for us,” Tech muttered. “She will need supplies but…I’m not sure how best to handle this, Hunter.”
Hunter rubbed his face and swallowed. “I’ll try to contact Rex. Ashoka was a teenager with him during the war, he’s got to have some kind of advice.” The door to the fresher opened and Hunter turned around, watching as Crosshair had Omega tucked up into his side. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. I’m going to take her into town.” Crosshair tossed Omega a poncho and put on a jacket and hat for himself.
“Are you sure? We haven’t completely figured out what-”
“I’ll handle it, Tech,” Crosshair hissed with a significant look. “We’ll be back in a bit.”
Hunter furrowed his brows, but Omega was leaning into Crosshair with a smile. It would be good to let Crosshair have some time with Omega and vice-versa. “Be careful. Have your comms open.” he advised.
“Yes DAD,” Omega sighed, rolling her eyes with a smile as Crosshair chuckled softly.
The door closed behind them and Hunter groaned. “I think my heart stopped.” He leaned against the wall.
“Your fine. Just like every other time she’s called you a variation of ‘father’.” Tech pushed his goggles back up on his nose. “I’ll see about trying to find a secure line to Rex.”
“See if we have any contacts to Cut too. Maybe Suu can help explain things?” Hunter suggested looking at Tech, lost and worried. His mind was still racing on how to help look after his ad. No he was not ever admitting that to any of his brothers that he subconsciously called Omega his ad.
“I’ll get right on it. I’m sure she’ll be fine,” he reassured as he walked back toward the cockpit.
Hunter spent the entire time waiting for Crosshair and Omega to return trying to get in contact with Rex or Cody. He chewed his lip as he was met again with nothing on the comms.
Echo walked in and sighed. “I’ve been trying to hunt down Cut and Suu but I can’t get any trace on the shuttle they took. Sorry, Hunter.”
“No, no it’s not your fault.” Hunter frowned and leaned back in his chair. “I should have asked them more before we left.” He scrubbed uselessly at his face and snarled. “I’m supposed to look out for her and I don’t know how to help her!”
“Hey, none of that.” Echo’s voice was firm and Hunter was a little surprised. His newest brother was rather quiet but apparently when he had something to say he would say it. “You’re doing everything you can. We all are. Omega will be okay, plenty of girls go through the same thing. We’ll adapt.”
Hunter smiled a bit. “Just like Saw said. It’s what we do best. Still want to help her feel better.” He glanced at Echo who smiled in return.
“You sound a lot like an ori’vod.” He gave a small shrug, flexing his prosthetic wrist slightly. “Just need to find out what she needs. For now, we can be there for her. She’s family.”
“Yeah, apparently Crosshair had an idea so hopefully he is able to help.” Hunter stood from his chair and stretched slowly. “How’s the upgrades Tech made?”
“Great, actually. Nice to have two hands again. Means I can give Tech a run for his money at Sabacc night.”
“Good luck with that,” Hunter laughed.
“Hey, if I can win against Cross with one hand, I think I stand a chance with two.” Echo grinned. “Maybe we’ll teach Omega next time,” he said just as the ship door opened.
“Teach me what?”
Hunter smiled in relief as he saw Omega walk in, looking a little better and holding a bag on her shoulder. “How to play Sabacc. I don’t think Tech would go easy on you, so maybe I’ll let you watch my hand next time we play. How’re you feeling?”
“Better. Cross got me some stuff.” Omega smiled, not looking as pale as before.
“I didn’t forget you guys either,” Crosshair added as he tossed a bag of items at Echo. “C’mon, kid. Let’s put this away in the fresher for ya.”
Hunter watched as Crosshair led Omega back into the bunks and relaxed. “What’d he get?” He turned to Echo.
“Food, mostly,” Echo laughed. “And other supplies. Oh, caff, keep this away from Tech. New whet stone, always useful since Wrecker loses his.”
“I do not!” Wrecker said, coming up from below deck. “Omega back? Is she feeling better?”
“Seems to be, Cross took care of it, somehow.” Hunter shrugged.
“She’s going to lay down for a bit,” Crosshair added, closing the door to the bunks behind him. “The cramps are better but she’s worn out. Try to be quiet if you need to go in.”
“How did you know how to help her, Crosshair? Tech is going in circles about what kind of information is anecdotal and what is actually medically necessary.” Echo sighed in exasperation. “It’s giving me a headache second hand.”
“I went through the same thing when I was her age.”
Hunter stared at Crosshair as the information slowly processed in his brain. “What?!”
“Quiet! don’t wake her up,” Crosshair hissed back before deflating. “If we’re going to have this discussion, let’s do it away from where the poor kid is sleeping.” He rolled his eyes and skulked off toward the small kitchen and eating area.
Hunter walked in and sat down across from Crosshair, watching as he kicked his feet up on the table chewing on a toothpick. “So what did you mean you went through the same thing? I don’t remember anything like that.”
Crosshair sighed and waited for everyone to sit before replying. “You don’t remember it because it was in the middle of the night in our eighth year.”
“That could be...what happened though? I mean...you-”
“Look like any other male clone,” Crosshair interrupted Tech. “I know. But I’m not. I had bad cramps and woke up in the middle of the night. Bled all over my bunk and was scared shitless. I ran off to the freshers with everything and tried to wash it.” Crosshair frowned. “Skirata must have heard me and found me.”
“What happened?” Hunter tensed, ready to get a plan to hunt down the trainer from Kamino.
“He helped me.” Crosshair shrugged. “Helped me get cleaned up, took the bedding to get washed and got some supplies from another trainer for me.”
“I remember that night!” Wrecker said. “I woke up and was wondering where you were,” he added with a frown. “I was worried.”
Crosshair laughed softly. “I was fine. Ended up with Skirata helping me out with medical and the Long-necks removed the ‘unneeded’ mutation.” Crosshair gave a sarcastic air quote.
“So...you’re female?” Echo asked before blushing. “I don’t mean to insult you or anything,” he added quickly.
“Genetically yes, I think the medics said that I've got an extra X. so XXY? I don’t know. Doesn’t mean anything to me now.” Crosshair pulled his feet down. “Doesn’t affect my work so I don’t care.”
“What can we do to help her then?” Hunter asked, leaning against the table as he took everything in. Crosshair’s genetic identity didn’t mean anything would change. He was still Crosshair’s ori’vod nothing would change that.
“First thing’s first, don’t make it a big deal; for EITHER of us.” Crosshair stared down Wrecker and Tech the most. “Second, she’s going to have cramps and mood swings so don’t take it personal. Third, the choco in the ship is GOING to disappear, don’t fight her on it.”
“Doesn’t sound too different from a standard cadet’s first growth spurt,” Tech commented as he made notes. “We can start to get more supplies for her, new clothes so she feels comfortable.”
“Yeah, she doesn’t look too comfortable in yer blacks,” Wrecker snickered. “Maybe we should think about getting her armor too! She’s already been doing great with her electro-bow.”
Hunter sighed and leaned back, biting back a groan and the ache in his chest of Omega growing up too quickly. “She...she isn’t ready for armor.”
“She’s the right age to start, Hunter. We all started with training armor at seven,” Echo advised, leaning up against the door frame. “We could do the mandalorian thing, have her started with a pauldron, and chest piece.”
“I really don’t want to think about that. She’s too young to be putting on armor and...and fighting.” Hunter stared at the ceiling, brows furrowed as he tried to control himself. “I don’t want her fighting. She’s just a kid and...and she deserves something other than the same shit we grew up with.”
“Careful, Hunter,” Crosshair flicked his toothpick at him. “Your buir is showing.”
“Shut up!” Hunter snapped and glared, hackles raised; although he really didn’t know why. Maybe because he was afraid Crosshair would accuse him of going soft again. Although that wasn’t exactly Crosshair before.
“Honestly, We’re all showing our buir tendencies.” Echo said with a small smile. “I understand why you don’t want to have her go through the same things we did, Hunter; but she won’t. We’ll train her. We know what not to do from our own experiences. She’ll be fine.”
Hunter frowned and leaned forward again. “I’ll think about it. For now, let’s just try to make her comfortable. Growth spurts are never fun.”
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remmushound · 3 years
Could you write a crossover oneshot, about the 2018 crew (April included) showing off their crazy OP skillz? (Mikey yeeting boats around, Donnie's tech, Leo's portals, etc.)
@assanmaharielsreblogs @itscryptifssil
Rise April = April
2012 April = O’Neil
“Hey guys!”
Leo hated being so exposed, just standing in the open for all to see. Leonardo had reassured him that it was chill here, that they’d never been spotted and weird stuff happened so often that no one would question it if they were. Still, standing there on the docks, open as he was, Leo couldn’t help but glance over his shoulder every few minutes to check for any signs of life disturbing the darkness.
“Watch this!”
Michelangelo resembled the Mikey that Leo knew in so many ways, and it seemed they even shared the same mad skills that all Mikey’s seemed to have in common. The turtle had been loud in his cry, drawing the attention of all below as he leapt from the rooftops and swung out hiskusari-fundo. Like the most beautiful fire work show, the blade and chain ignited in a feiry blaze that caught all of the other box turtles below by surprise, though Michelangelo’s brothers hardly acknowledged the act past a short applause or curious, watching eye.
“Holy—“ Leo sputtered.
“It’s so beautiful!” Mikey’s eyes Reflected the flames like something out of a movie, observing their beauty and hardly breathing.
“HOLY CHALUPAS!” Ejected Donnie, “How did he...?”
“Thats... concerning.” Raph said softly, trying to hide his astonishment behind a chilled facade.
The kusari-fundo shot out over the water, the chain stretching far longer than Leo could remember it actually being. Like an ever growing snake, flying and flying over the orange-reflectinh bay until the blade and a good deal of the chain latched impossibly around the hull of a boat down in the water. Before Michelangelo could come crashing down onto the hard docks, the chain tightened and pulled him into the water at incredible speeds, like a water skier without skis.
When he was just about to hit the bough of the ship, the chain gave a sudden, upward jerk and pulled him onto the safety of the deck just in the nick of time. The fire went out, and for a heart wrenching moment none of the turtles could even see the youngest among them, until the teen’s silhouette appeared over the railing and waved to them.
“Uh... how did he—“ Leo began before his taller counterpart cut him off.
“Relax; I’ll go get him.”
Before Leo could even begin to ask how Leonardo would achieve such a feat, Leonardo had drawn his katana and traced a large, arching shape in the air. It was like the blade was slicing through the very fabric of reality, leaving a baby blue glow wherever the tip of the metal touched. When the sword reunited with where it had started, the entire middle erupted into that same mystic glow.
“Woaaaah.” Was all the box turtles could say— even Donnie finding himself speechless at the pure display of power.
Leonardo tucked his katana back in its sheath as he stretched and stepped into the portal, backward so he could click his tongue and give finger guns as he disappeared through the rippling blue. Across the bay came that same ghostly blue glow aboard the ship, and they could see Leonardo step out and wrap his arm around Michelangelo before waving back to the turtles on land.
“Did you build that?” Donnie gasped out, addressing Donatello.
Donatello scoffed. “That? That’s nothing. Raph, show em.” He waved and gave the show off to Raphael, who seemed confused for a second before catching on with a belching bellow.
“Alright, guys!” Raphael slammed his fists together and gave an excited jig, swaying his body back and forth as a determined grin found itself on his face. Eyes narrowed, teeth pulled into a smirk, body moving with untapped potential. “I call this boss mode!”
“Boss mode?” Raph said slowly, trying to hide his growing anticipation and fear. “Looks like a dance to me.”
“Just gotta get warmed up!” He sucked in and huffed out deep breaths, grabbing his Tonfa as he shook out his wrists and started to dig his feet deeper into the ground with each increasingly-violent stomp. His tail lashed. Red sparks started to twist their way around his weapons and wrists, slowly spreading up until the electric aura surrounded him completely. The sparks turned into a fire once the all of him was in their power. His eyes flushed white. The red aura around him grew— and grew, and grew until he was almost as tall as the buildings surrounding him. Despite the awe-inspiring scene, the smaller Raphael within the heart of the beast seemed to be straining under the expended power. The bigger he was, the harder Boss Raph was to control. His teeth were clenched, muscles and veins bulging as life flooded back into tear-filled eyes.
Once the final three words escaped his mouth, he seemed in full control of the situation. When his leg moved, Boss moved in sync. Raphael forced his larger form to wade into the water, his red glow disappearing under the surface as he walked effortlessly over to his brothers on the ship. He held out a hand to them, and both seemed more than happy to hop onboard. Raphael spun around, the movement of his superior self slow and lumbering like most large creatures.
He held the two safely to his chest and carried them to shore, carefully letting them down beside Donatello. Raphael made sure his brothers were on sound footing before finally letting his form pixelate away into nothing and lower him to the ground in a gentle grasp. Leonardo and Donatello were there to support their older brother as he collapsed into them, his legs feeling little more than flexible foam under his great weight. Just from the maybe-minute long quest, Raphael was soaked in sweat and his plastron heaved with begging, thankful gasps of cool air.
“Sorry.” Raphael gasped to the other team, laughing and forcing his heavy arm up to wave. “Kinda tiring, yknow.”
“INCREDIBLE!” Donnie gasped, hurrying over to investigate Raphael though all traces of mystic power was gone from his body. “How often can you do that?!”
“Uh. Never done it more than once in a day.” Raphael rubbed the back of his neck, “it’s pretty draining.”
“I bet!” Donnie squealed, “maybe it’s like that because your metabolism speeds up dramatically— or, or your body adjusts for how long it SHOULD have taken you to do that normally, or—“
“It’s his chakra.” Donatello answered simply.
“Chakra?” Donnie deflated as he asked.
“Seven power points through the body, centers of magic? Ring a bell?”
Leo hummed. “Master Splinter taught me a technique called Reiki thats supposed to heal chakras...”
“So like, what’s your super magic power thing?” Mikey was practically pressing his nose to Donatello’s as he spoke
Donatello’s nose scrunched up at the invasion of personal space, but he quickly brushed it off when Leo grabbed his brother and pulled him away.
“I, little man, have the greatest ‘magic’ of all! SCIENCE!”
“Here we go,” Raph rolled his eyes.
“BEHOLD!” Donatello pulled his bō staff free of its holster and held it to the sky in a pose not unlike the Statue of Liberty. “MY TITANIUM REINFORCED TECH BO!”
Raph gave a slow clap. “Wow. Wonderful. So cool.”
Leo shoved Raph pointedly. “Thats... wonderful, Donnie.”
“Oh. OH HO HO!” Donatello laughed, motioning to his precious staff, “you think this is everything? Au contraire, my fellow shelled companions! This is the top of the line, most up to date technology in my arsenal. Complete with a glider...”
Two wings shot out from either end of the staff, much to the surprise of the turtles gathered.
“Chainsaw! Laser gun! Tranquilizer! Buzz saw! Dual sided rocket propellers! And of course a selfie stick!”
As Donatello listed off his tech-bo’s enhancement, the once simple-looking staff shifted between each feature, ending with a selfie stick that extended far beyond the reach of a normal one and took a snap after the few seconds it took Donatello to pose with two fingers extended and his tongue sticking out.
Leo blinked to try and bring himself out of the blindness induced by the sudden flash. Donnie recovered from it quickly, though his eyes were just as bright the light of the camera had been. He ran over to Donatello practically fit to burst as the softshell gave a smug smirk.
Donatello booped his older counterparts snout. “By no legal means.”
April decided to insert herself into the conversation before it could get much farther. “Wanna see what my power can do?”
Eight sets of eyes turned on her.
“You have a power too?” Mikey beaned.
April laughed and gave the mutant a pet on the head. “Sure do! Watch this!”
She lifted her baseball bat from her back, tapping it a few times on the ground as a green glow Overcame the wood. Donatello reached into his shell armor and produced a baseball, tossing it high into the air and out of sight.
She dug her feet into the earth as her eyes ignited in the same lime as her bat. She swung the bat a few times, super sight locking onto the small ball as it came hurdling downward.
With impossibly perfect timing, she spun around once more and brought her bat slamming down on the falling target, sending the ball flying once more in a blaze of neon green glory over the city’s horizon.
114 notes · View notes
corvus--rex · 3 years
Way back after I had just spent an entire weekend burning through the first 14k words of Dormiveglia, I decided that I wanted to do something of a foil to that, and this one came about. It's semi-abandoned rn, but I do want to come back to it. I inverted the boys' dynamics (Omega Keith and Alpha Lance), but - and no spoilers! - that's not the only part that's changed-but-not. Standing rule still applies - it's ok to skip the Omegaverses if they're not your thing! :)
Betas never could understand. Betas kept to their own dynamic. Keith supposed he envied them in a way. Never having to worry about Alphas making lewd comments, at the very least, on one end of the scale, or treating them like fine china on the other. And Omegas themselves were either just as submissive on one end, or more like Keith, not having any patience for typical Alpha behavior on the other. It’s what nearly got him kicked out of the Garrison. His propensity for getting in fights. If it wasn’t Griffin, it was another Alpha making obnoxious comments.
And then it’s what had gotten him stuck with the world’s most annoying co-pilot. In the interest of “diversity” and “balance”, his irritating co-pilot was an Alpha, and the other two crew members were an Alpha and Omega. Keith felt a sort of kinship with the other Omega. Pidge didn’t have time for anyone’s shit. He got it. He knew what it was like to be an Omega with a short fuse. It’s what made Keith like the tech genius when they first met.
He did have to, grudgingly, admit that, as annoying as his co-pilot was, as an Alpha, he was one of the better ones. Lance knew that Keith was the better pilot, and that’s why he’d started some imagined rivalry between them. Which didn’t help him, in Keith’s opinion. The other Alpha, flight engineer Hunk, was a cinnamon roll made of sunshine, and unlike any Alpha Keith had ever met. Even Shiro and Adam. Shiro saved him, in a way, and he and his boyfriend – fiancé, by then – basically adopted him. Shiro may have been missing, but Adam still loved him, despite the fight they had before Shiro left.
But none of this explained why he was on the roof of the Garrison barracks in the middle of the night with Pidge, Hunk, and, unfortunately, Lance. Pidge had been looking for his brother and father, lost on the same mission as Shiro. But something a little closer to home was messing with his computer. Either way, this whole night had been a shitshow. It started with Lance dragging Hunk along to sneak off campus. Something Keith could have told them how to do far more effectively if they’d asked. He didn’t need half his flight crew getting themselves in trouble, so he’d gone after them. And then they started following Pidge to see where he was going. And then they were all on the roof.
“Lately, all the alien chatter has been about something they're calling ‘Voltron’. But that’s been interrupted by whatever this is,” Pidge said, gesturing at his laptop screen.
Hunk crowded in beside him. “Oh, oh, wait. This looks like Fraunhofer lines. For elements, y’know? But this doesn’t look like any I've ever seen. Maybe we can reconfigure your scanner to pick up on it and we can trace where it’s coming from.”
“How long would that take?” Lance whined from where he was sprawled on the floor of the roof.
“Not long. Maybe half an hour.”
Keith just sighed and leaned back. At least he could see space from there.
Reconfiguring Pidge’s scanner took the half hour Hunk said it would. In the interest of not getting caught, Keith redirected them when trying to sneak out so they wouldn’t. Finding the source of the readings the scanner was picking up took a little longer than a half an hour. More like an hour and a half. But when they found the cave and its odd carvings it made things better. Then the carvings on the walls and floor lit up when Lance touched them and suddenly they found themselves falling down a waterfall and directly in front of a massive blue cat-robot-something.
Standing in front of it, they all saw the same thing, an even larger humanoid-shaped robot that looked like it was made of the blue cat in front of them and four others, all different colors. They all knew that it was Voltron, and that the cat in front of them was a piece of it. The vision dissipated quickly, leaving them all wondering if they really saw it. But they did, and then were wondering how to get past the force field the cat had around it.
Without warning, Lance walked up to the energy shield. “Maybe all you have to do is knock,” he said, doing just that.
The force field dropped, and the cat’s head lowered, allowing him in. Lance, being Lance, rushed in without hesitation. He found out quickly that it wasn’t a robot, it was a ship. He threw himself into the pilot’s seat and the controls came to life under his hands. Hunk, Pidge, and Keith made it on board seconds before the cat broke through the rock wall and out into the night.
Lying in his bed onboard the Castle, that night felt like a lifetime ago but also like it could have been yesterday. Keith stared at the ceiling, insomnia doing its best to ruin his sleep cycle. He kept thinking about what had happened that night – finding Blue, rescuing Shiro, and then Blue taking them through the wormhole. It wasn’t the thoughts themselves that kept him up, but he found that insomnia made his mind spin out of control. Well, if he couldn’t sleep, he might as well train. Then he wouldn’t have to deal with thinking about things he couldn’t change.
Finding out that he was half Galra solved one mystery about Keith’s past. But something still felt off. Something he couldn’t figure out. He had asked Allura and Coran if the Castle’s medical technology could determine DNA origins. He wanted to know if they could figure out his biology. But they both told him that it would take a trained medic to be able to properly accomplish that. So the rest of the mystery remained.
He heard sounds of drones and gladiator training robots as he approached the training deck. It was the middle of the night, who could possibly be up at this hour besides him? That question was answered before he got to the door and heard the distinct sound of laser fire. Lance was all about his precious beauty sleep, what the hell was he doing up – and training – at this hour? Keith walked into the training deck just as the last gladiator fell, a floor panel opening to drop the drone into the automated repair sub-floor.
“Pause training sequence,” Lance panted, sinking to one of the benches at the edge of the room.
“What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” Keith asked, walking over.
“I could ask you the same thing.”
“I couldn’t sleep, and insomnia fucks with my head. I figured training was better than letting it.”
Lance nodded. “Yeah, same.” He paused, collecting his thoughts. “I – I never meant to be such a dick back on Earth. Or out here. It wasn’t even anything to do with you being an Omega; you were just the better pilot and it made me feel like I had something to prove. Probably sounds as stupid as I think it does.”
“No?” Keith questioned, sitting beside the Alpha, “I don’t think it sounds stupid, but I don’t think like that, so I don’t really get it. I don’t think you have anything to prove. I just thought you were annoying.”
Lance snorted and leaned back against the wall. “Thanks,” he said, “Some people have a way with words, while Keith just decks them in the face.”
“I can be a little too blunt sometimes, huh?”
Lance rolled his head to face the Omega beside him. “Sometimes? Try, like, all the time. Dude, you nearly punched Iverson for some bullshit he said. I’m not denying it was bullshit, just saying that maybe punching him wasn’t the best choice. And the only reason he said what he did was because you have no filter.”
“Hey. I have a filter. I just choose to ignore it,” Keith defended himself.
Lance burst out laughing. “Ok, fair,” he said, laughter subsiding. “I don’t want to be rivals. I never really did. But we’re a team now. All of us. And we should act like it.”
“Yeah, we should,” Keith agreed, “I don’t mean for this to be the thing I lead with, but are you ok? I mean, I know we all miss Earth, home, but something’s been feeling off with you lately.”
The Alpha sighed heavily. “Yeah – I don’t know. Ever since we got out here, there’s been this weird nostalgic feeling. And I don’t know why or where it’s coming from. Like, sometimes I’ll see something here on the castle, or it will be something Allura or Coran says, or, like, the way they say it, and I get this weird feeling. Like it’s familiar somehow.”
“Well, we found out that I’m not all human. Maybe it’s possible that you’re not either. We have no idea how many races or species found Earth separately. Maybe there’s someone in your family who wasn’t human.”
Lance had never even considered that. But Keith had a point. Maybe somewhere in his family was someone who wasn’t from Earth. He didn’t think it was anyone recent, but then again, Keith was only three months younger than him, and he wasn’t fully human. Who knew, maybe one of his parents wasn’t as human as they claimed.
“Yeah, maybe there is,” Lance finally agreed.
Keith realized that he was actually tired. He didn’t want to stay up and train, he just wanted to go to bed. And it looked like Lance felt the same way. Was his insomnia cured? Probably not. But maybe late-night talks with friends could help with it.
“I think I'm gonna head to bed,” the Omega said.
“Yeah,” Lance yawned, “Me too.”
They walked back to their rooms together, brushing against one another occasionally, but that was just because it was late and they were tired. There was nothing more to that. There couldn’t be. They had only just agreed that butting heads all the time was a bad idea. Keith couldn’t bring himself to admit that there was something about Lance’s earthy, woodsy scent that called to him. There wasn’t. Was there? The Alpha’s scent had the musky note common to Alphas, but it wasn’t overbearing like so many were. It was soft, comforting. But that still didn’t mean that there was something else there. Lance just had a slightly unusual scent, that’s all.
Alphas usually only went into a rut when they were involved with an Omega, or mated to one. But being in such close quarters with three Omegas made it more likely to happen, relationship or not. But Keith wasn’t at all thinking about how Lance’s scent changed the one time said Alpha found himself in a rut when the last half of his own heat had coincided with the first half Allura’s. How it had become richer and deeper and how Keith had found himself instinctively attracted to it. Nope. Not going there.
Keith didn’t know that Lance was thinking the same thing. He didn’t want to keep going with some stupid, pointless rivalry that he’d made up. So he’d done something about it. But now that he had, Lance was trying not to think about the Omega walking beside him. The one with the herbal, incense-sweet scent. The scent that wasn’t anywhere near as sweet as other Omegas. Lance loved Pidge like a little sister, but she smelled like buttered toffee, and it only got worse when her heats hit. Keith’s scent intensified when he went into heat, but he didn’t smell like a candy shop.
So, no. Lance was not thinking about the boy beside him. Not at all. Or his scent. Or why he was suddenly thinking about how his scent changed during heats. Especially not that last one. Very especially not that last one. Not that it mattered. This was neither the time nor place for it. They had far more important things like winning a 10,000-year-old war to worry about. So Lance was just going to put that thought in the box of things to worry about later.
The two separated at their doors, going to bed alone. Neither would admit that the other’s scent permeated their dreams.
The next morning, Allura called a meeting after breakfast. When the paladins gathered on the bridge, they found the projected star map up, focused on an area of space they had never seen. It was a little farther out of the way, and, as Pidge noticed, not too far from Olkarion. But that didn’t answer the question of what the system was or why it was of interest to Voltron.
“I will admit,” Allura said, “The planet in this system is not one that requires Voltron. But it is one that may be of help to us.” She zoomed in on the map, showing the planet in question. “This is the planet Tas. They have an innate knowledge and understanding of biology. While they could be a great asset to the Coalition, this is more personal. A question about the capabilities of our medical technology here aboard the castle was raised recently. The Tasians may be able to help with the answer to that question better than we can here.”
“Getting better functionality from our medical equipment would be a huge help,” Pidge said.
Everyone agreed on that point, and that their next stop would be planet Tas. Everyone took their stations, Allura plotted the course, and opened a wormhole. A lush, green world came into view on the screen. The castle was very shortly hailed by the planet.
“Greetings and welcome to Tas. I am Ael, head of the planetary council. To what do we owe the pleasure of a visit from Voltron and the Castle of Lions?”
Ael appeared human, only the intensity of their bright emerald green eyes gave any indication that they were not. Their primary sex was difficult to discern, and no one wanted to assume, especially with an alien species. Likewise, their clothing didn’t appear gendered in any way. It was simple, with clean lines, and flowed for ease of movement.
“Greetings, Ael. I am Princess Allura of Altea and the Voltron Coalition. We have come here to Tas because of your people’s innate understanding of biology. We do not have the training or knowledge to make full use of our medical equipment and were hoping you and your people could assist us with that.”
Ael brightened. “Of course. We would be happy to assist the Voltron Coalition. Especially with something as vital as the care of those sick or injured. Please, you are welcome to land.” The gently smiling face of the Tasian disappeared from the screen.
Coran received the landing site coordinates, and Allura guided the Castle to the planet’s surface. The planet Tas was just as green on the surface as it was from space. Had they not seen it on the descent, team Voltron might never have known the city was there. While controlled, every building was dripping in plant life, whether from climbing vines, hanging planters, or window boxes. It felt as though the planet itself was alive.
The team quickly came to realize that primary sexes were of no social importance. The other Tasians were as androgynous as Ael, and everyone filled whatever role they were best suited to, regardless of primary or secondary sexes. Primary sex played a role to an extent even in Altean culture, and this was something unlike anything they’d seen.
“What is it about this place that feels so familiar?” Lance asked himself.
Keith was standing beside him, hearing his question. The Omega had had the same thought. “I don’t know, but something is definitely familiar about it.”
Links to the rest of the series:
1 | 2 | 3* | 4 | 5* | 6* | 7 | 8 | 9* | 10 | 11 | 12* | 13 | 14 | 15* | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19*
8 notes · View notes
a-lil-perspective · 4 years
Hunter x Reader
A/N: What nobody asked for. I didn’t think a title would be appropriate for this particular piece of work. It really doesn’t coincide with any Star Wars themes, save for everybody’s favorite Sergeant making his debut within. It’s more of a Lil perspective. (Lol I’m sorry my last two brain cells have no sense of humor) For context: I have been absolutely suffocating lately, in every sense of the word. It’s almost indescribably oppressive, so I wrote this in desperately seeking comfort and therapy. Just a fragmented depiction, addresses underlying mental health issues and sensory disorders—in carrying my own subtle semblance of it, I love exploring those complexities with Hunter. It turns out soft. I think. Also, if you squint hard enough, you will see some song lyrics scattered throughout the fic in the form of thoughts. I wrote this in the format of Reader, though it’s practically a self-insert, I’m just not brave enough for those particular pronouns. :) Sorry in advance if this doesn’t apply to you...
Isn’t anyone trying to find me... Won’t somebody come take me home...
The silence was prodding. Hunter’s gaze darted to your tense form numerous times over the span of several painfully long, anticipating minutes. Each time, your lips remained pulled into a tight line while your extremities fidgeted in repetition. Agitation hung thick in the air. A terse statement of Y/N’s mystics echoed off the walls, to no-one in particular.
“I think... I’ve been gone for a long time.”
Hunter’s eyes incredulously searched you. “What do you mean?”
You see me standing, but I’m dying on the floor...
Your fists reflexively clench in grabbing at any semblance of weight to prevent your form from being dragged down into the mental abyss. You could feel it’s foreboding pull. It’s impending chaos.
It’s coming.
“Talk to me, Y/N...”
Your grip slackens, and you slip right over the edge. Hunter is too late to grab you.
I only want to die alive...
Your broken, unbridled guttural cries in response to the months of overwhelming emotional suppression caused Hunter to wince, and his own sensory receptors gain enough momentum to inwardly complain. He instinctively stuffs it down before kicking into action.
“Hey, Y/N, I’m here—”
Electric. The touch. His touch. It pricked, and the very fine hairs adorning the skin along your arms instantly retaliated to the calloused padding of Hunter’s fingertips caressing. It exacerbated your state of distress and just like that, your neurons overloaded. Sharp, stale air seeped in between your grit teeth and inhalation of insecurity.
Your sudden intake of breath and harsh flinch caused Hunter to cease in brushing up and down the outer region of your upper arms. His eyes narrowed slightly and quickly picked apart your stance. It greeted him like an old adversary with the remnants of a longstanding history, and a discomfiture swirled around Hunter at it’s painful familiarity.
“I can’t do this...” You breathe out despair.
The existing in general? The physical connection itself?
The latter wasn’t your fault. But it sure as hell felt like it. It certainly wasn’t his fault. Thankfully, somehow, the glint in Hunter’s shifting irises reassured you that he was privy to your suffering, to some degree; he knew. He understood.
Of course he did.
For who to better understand heightened tactile sensitivity than Sergeant Hunter of Clone Force 99? He was neither confounded nor dissuaded by your particularity in the slightest.
It had always been an inherence of yours; a rather obnoxious caricature within the conundrum, some obscure accessory buried in your already heavily packed bags. An extra ingredient that completely screwed up the recipe. Constituted as awkward, plain and simple; the dramatized detail never became easier to address with age, and the thick lump of disdain in your throat only grew.
You set your jaw in frustration. How to even begin picking up and putting together the pieces of a person who’s constantly missing one, or several. You were never satiated, equanimity never extended it’s stay for long; simply just renting. There was always something, someone, leaving a smoking hole in your chest, forcing every euphoric guest out.
I seek to cure what’s deep inside... frightened of this thing that I’ve become...
Your features twisted in agony and discomfort that accompanied the stoked episodes. It made you bitter. It threw you to the streets and dubbed you a martyr before satirically exposing, taunting at the misfortune of your dealt deck of cards. It was downright embarrassing, obtruding. Trepidations instantaneously trampled your meager, sensory overloaded form each and every time. Your bitter, corrosive laugh was all the evidence in that moment; a feeble reminder of your hypocrisy.
Because how, pray tell, does one’s physicality simultaneously experience both a revulsion for tactility and desperate craving for touch itself? You never understood exactly the way the two collided and contradicted themselves. Your teeth clamped your tongue in quelling the deprivation and plea for more rising in your throat, while your neurons worked to whisk your form as far away from the man as possible—away to the repetition of obsolete emptiness and desolation awaiting to greet you. As always.
“Let me help, cyare.” Begging... the man was hurting for you.
Don’t want to say yes, don’t want to say no...
Your mind ached. You can’t stop the pendulum in your head. Forced to look through a kaleidoscope of melancholy. Pleas echoed in a cavernous empty shell, but fell on deaf ears. Tears cancelled their appointment, and the well currently ran dry. There was... nothingness. And you fought the growing complaisance with the notion. Numbness was terrifying, and being terrified was numbing. You didn’t do well with attitudinal changes, seeking restitution more than ever while you wholly acknowledged the aspect of a ginger touch; the literal power within one’s fingertips to effectively mitigate your suffering. An opportune moment standing before you, his brows furrowed in sympathy and the corner of his lips angled in assuring you of his patience.
But the sharp pang and quick successions of staccato rhythm reverberated deep in your chest and only exaggerated your pain. Curse your heavy heart. A huff of breath incited subtle movement in the loose strands hanging over your profile, to which Hunter borrowed a moment in reaching out to sweep the curtain back.
Your head was under water, yet... you were breathing just fine. You just had yet to find the damned drain to expel the pernicious and suffocating sea of psychological terror into.
I just need to clear my head... don’t let it go to your head...
You quiver under Hunter’s intense appraisal, and shame swirls thickly. “I’m so sorry—”
“Don’t be. Please.” He immediately interjects, his palm turns upright and opens invitingly. “I’m here. Tell me what you need.”
Just tell him what you need.
“I... I don’t know.” Your admission speaks in a whisper of loss and uncertainty. You roll the flesh of your bottom lip between your teeth, the lump returns to your throat, and it’s crawling. Your gaze flickers.
“Just focus on me, cyare.”
Another catch: you can’t maintain eye contact to save your life. Kriff your soul. “That won’t work.” Your eyes anchor to the cold floor as sheer panic and the sturdy walls themself began to rise around your trembling self.
I can’t come alive... I want the room to take me under... Feel myself fading away...
“Okay—it’s okay,” he soothes. Hunter fervently wracks his brain—the way he decompresses and approaches his own form of stimming is slightly different; it’s different for everybody with a hyperactive response to stimuli. It took the Sergeant years to cultivate those particular penchants and even longer to tailor and perfect them to his predilection. If anything, he felt slightly apprehensive in the success of his methods.
Your hands that now wrap tightly around your rigid form are currently the only familiar pair of hands granted permission to access the area. You give a brief squeeze and teeter on the balls of your feet.
Hunter didn’t require a sniper’s nonpareil eyesight to see right through your peculiarity, even if he was briefly taken aback at it’s sudden effervescing. Truthfully, he should’ve picked up on it days ago: at your fierce denial and subtle panic over Hunter’s harmless offer of a massage after you had worked out a particularly stubborn knot kinking his lower back—a simple requite of mutuality, or so he thought. At the time, the Sergeant found himself shrouded in enigma over your reaction; seriously, who—other than him who barely tolerates it—doesn’t enjoy massages? It now made perfect sense. He fought the urge to self-deprecate over his ignorance.
“I’m suffocating, Hunter.” You choke, and the cadence of your voice is like a knife twisting into his heart; he gleans vicarious pain from your own.
Clarity suddenly lights up the Sergeant’s features, and you’re briefly hyper-fixated with the way the inky but slightly faded outline of his shadowy tattoo fluctuates in natural contortion with his many facial expressions. Just behind his eyes he beholds his brothers—
‘I’m suffocating, ori’vod’...
Hunter remembers...
Of the exact way he presses against Tech in order to smother his vod’ika’s fleeting bouts of anxiousness—the pressure nearly breaking the kid’s goggles on more than one occasion, and the way he compresses Crosshair’s shoulders in squeezing out the pent up anger to placate amidst the sniper’s wavering, and the position of which Hunter managed to encompass his brawny brother in a comforting embrace whenever the big guy experienced despondency—that is until Wrecker quickly outgrew his ori’vod and began flaunting his own prowess of overpowering hugs.
The difference between the scenarios was minimal. Hunter knew exactly what to do. Like second-nature to him, his nurturing instincts fully kicked in and determination spread through every fiber of his being, quashing the previous buzz of his own nerves.
Hunter didn’t know how well he could alleviate your emotional pain, but there was something he could do for the neurological aspect, and hopefully, one could ease the other...
Hunter ambles up to you and in one swift motion, secures the length of his arms around your upper back, noting the delineate contour of toned muscles and shoulder blades poking into his forearms that now drape across before his hands encircle and come to firmly rest on each shoulder. Firmness. Pressure—for your state, this depiction is key. He determinedly pulls you to him, unrelenting in a tight grip. The position of the crown of your head settled neatly under his chin, and stray hair peppered his textured features with tickling kisses as Hunter dips his head to softly press his lips to your roots.
I wish that I could bring you back to me...
With your face suddenly buried in the man’s chest, you come to distinctly acknowledge two immediate sensations. One; the man is warm. Not the muggy, stuffy warmth of Tatooine that is unpleasantly abrasive and dry; but a soft warmth that permeates, stoking memories of baked goods within the cushion of a heated oven warmly enveloping you each time it’s doors open, and seeking to melt the hardened encasing that is your tense muscles. It eases you towards a serenity. You have a ways to go before you can make out the sign in the distance, but Hunter himself is one step forward along the path.
Two; he smells amazing. A faint smoky sultry, an obscurely mesquite scent, slightly tangy and reminiscent of raw timber that is both luxurious and intoxicating; a sweet smell you’d classify as anything but cloying. Like he bathes with suds of fresh mountain air and luscious forests. It’s soothing, and your mind immediately associates the tangibility with a daydream and mercifully blesses you with the glimpse; of your husband having just entered your cozy homestead from a day of hard but fruitful labor in his intricate works of carpentry within the serene seclusion of temperate countryside enveloping your favorite planet—
Handle with care... say you’ll be there...
“Whatcha thinkin’ about, cyare—is this okay?” Hunter momentarily shifts and the rich baritone of the Sergeant’s voice resounding through his broad chest reels you back while he briefly tenses at your pending answer.
It was okay—your head was still swimming in an infinitely deep ocean of thoughts, but the way his hand slips from it’s position on your shoulder to cradle the back of your head before curling around the soft locks equates to the physical manifestation of a life preserver cast to your drowning form.
Your muffled confirmation and sheepish thanks warmly enveloped Hunter, as did your hands shifting to wrap around his broad frame in reciprocation. His grip tightened, and he patiently waits for you.
Hold.... Hold on... Hold on to me, ‘cause I’m a little unsteady...
Hunter refrains from trailing to stroke further along your back; the sneaking suspicion that the sensation might further tip off your nerves. So he remained stationary, and deciphered the way you seemingly favored a firm, weighted grasp and a grounding touch over ghosting fingertips and light, feathery textures. He could relate to that.
But Hunter couldn’t stop the hum of contentment that escaped his lips at your fingers having absentmindedly wandered up to twirl at his ebony tresses. He, personally, loved your soft, well-placed strokes full of deliberation and meaning, and only you were allowed to grace him with them.
Hunter could feel your heart hammering against the veil of his blacks, and his ears hearkened to the rhythm of your burdened breaths. He shifted his weight and began to gently sway with you, unsure of the words to say.
“I should’ve told you earlier,” your conscience suddenly prods.
A snort fills the air. “Oh, I would’ve figured it out soon enough. I’m kinda smart like that,” Hunter cringes at his corny sense of humor, but he swore the faintest of chortles rumbled beneath him.
He grants a final squeeze to your shoulders, careful to avoid the sensitive areas along your arms, before pulling back to address your face. Trouble and distress still graced you, and Hunter laced his fingers with your own. He thumbed at the worn flesh encasing your defined knuckles, a relic indicative of steadfast manual labor. You slowly exhaled at the touch; pressure along the palms and backside of your hands was soothing to you. You often wrung them to keep preoccupied when there was no warmth to solidify the muscle, fingertips drummed erratic tempos along your thighs whenever the mood struck, and loud cracking of the stiff joints in transient tics was a regularly becoming thing.
Take me by the hand, take me somewhere new...
Hunter tugged lightly in ushering you to the cot, firmly planting himself on the worn, creaking edge before his gaze met yours in awaiting approval. If he blinked, he would’ve missed the barely perceptible nod of your head in confirmation. Hunter leaned back on his full weight in gesturing you with him, and your form followed suit as you found yourself abruptly layered directly atop the rugged plains of his chest. The quirk of his lips told you he didn’t mind being used as a body pillow. Hunter’s arms suddenly turned up empty to rest above his head.
“I want you to be comfortable. No brushing. Just tell me where to put my hands.” He clarified, and appreciation bubbled in your chest. You contemplated for a moment.
“Just... hold me close.” You began to guide his hands to the exact position. “Please.”
His limbs obeyed by wrapping snugly as a hand found rest at the small of your back, and the other nestled itself slightly higher up the expanse, fingers splayed. Hunter solidified the closed space, and not even a muted ray of light could pass between the two forms.
You found solace within the cage of well-endowed muscle, slowly suppressing your nerves on each side and physically shielding you from the works of mental oppression. But his touch left you hyperaware; from an overtly suffocating insecurity towards every part of your body now lingering against his own, to the precise and tranquil thrum of his heartbeat in contrast with your racing one. Your stimuli sparks again in response to the stress.
“Y/N.” Hunter cuts through your tension, his voice laced with concern—you cannot calm yourself down, and you’re certain your mind absolutely loathes you. “Everything will be alright, I promise—don’t tense up, baby. Relax against me.” You angle your head so that one side of your face plants to his chest; you wish to better hear his sturdy heartbeat. You suddenly remember your own. It’s still beating. Resounding; indicative of purpose. Your breaths; symbolizing life.
Just keep breathing... my air...
“That’s it. Just breathe.” Hunter encourages. He reaches up to press against your temple in stroking at the hairline. Unbound locks cascaded around each other, a mixture of two colors softly tangled on either sides of the furniture. You lost count of your numbered breaths in the midst of solitude when a question unveils from your thoughts.
“How do you do it?” Your words trump the stagnant silence, a desperate inquiry that peaks through the fibers. You tilt your chin to better regard the man.
Confusion tugs at the corner of Hunter’s lips. “Do, what?”
“Anything...” you unload, and there’s a crackle to your voice. “The stress, the sensory... how do you manage? What’s your anchor in this wretched, kriffing life?”
A smile creeps up Hunter’s features, and his deep, reflective pools burn through you. “I’m looking at my anchor. And she helps me manage just fine.”
Your eyes blow protuberant and you manage to stare at him, dumbfounded. “What?”
“Honey, you are it.” His satisfied smirk grows wider, digging into his cheeks.
Something twitches at the corners of your lip and pulls into an upward curve; the feeling is tight, foreign. Your cheek muscles are unsure of how to compensate for the expression. You can’t remember the last time a smile has naturally graced your features. Now, it’s genuine. It’s... nice, and the hot rivulets currently streaming down your face are in a unanimous agreement.
Hunter moves to cup your face and thumb below your eyes, and his lips kiss the salt away. You grab hold of his forearms and shut your eyes.
“You want to know how I manage?” He croons in determination, “When my visual is overstimulated, I close my eyes and focus on the features of your face ingrained in my memory. When certain auditory has me weak at the knees, I remember the lull of your voice, comforting. When my nerves are on fire and I want nothing more than to be physically desensitized, it’s your soft touch that acts as a blanket, covering, making it easier for me. You make it better. Me better. Life better.” Hunter finishes his declaration in lovingly swiping at your face once more, expunging your pain. Words make a prompt exit along with it.
Your lips find purchase at the stubble along his jaw, in response. You love being able to fully make out the intricacy of his irises, now that you’re lovingly gazing into them. When you exit your captivated trance—his eyes are beautiful—you vaguely note with a twinge of pride that the encounter was indefinitely your longest standing record for maintaining eye contact. Another gentle smile fills your features. You remove your weight from him.
“Take this off?” You shyly tug at the collar of his blacks, seeking his consent, respectful of his own sensory receptors and their boundaries.
“Thought you’d never ask,” Hunter sits to quickly shed the upper article of clothing. He pulls you on top once again, and you are relishing in his bare skin. Your fingers map out a path of their own volition along the various textures and scars dotting the pectoral flesh.
“You never told me what you were thinking about earlier,” Hunter nonchalantly called you out. Your brows furrow in confusion. “There was something different on your face when I first held you. Just a flicker. But you looked... happy. Content, even.” Hunter smirked. “Hope you’re not planning to keep all that happiness to yourself.”
You certainly weren’t planning to. You recalled the picturesque and beckoned it forth... there was your sign of serenity. Just the shape of it, but solid, and clear. Hopeful, and promising, just on the horizon. It made your chest flutter, and ebbed away at the heartache. You realized Hunter’s brow arched in anticipation.
“How would you feel about working in carpentry?” A chuckle. Hunter was thoroughly humored, and surprisal was briefly evident on his features.
“So I can build you and I a house? To fill a bunch of babies with? Gladly.” He chased the daydream alongside you, and it was your turn to borrow the surprise; your mouth hung agape as heat crept through the apples of your cheeks. Hunter’s laugh boomed as a hand fit under your chin to close your parted lips. He wished to use his own to do the trick, but, another time.
“I’m with you.”
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itsanerdlife · 5 years
Bad For You 24/28
Pairing: Howie Stark x Reader
Warning: Fuckboy manners. Violence. Reader gets cheated on. Language. Lies. Flirting. Cattiness. Arguing. A few slaps. Sassiness. Slutty boys. Frat Boy bullshit.
A/N: College AU. For my sister, cause I finally gave in. Haha.
“You don’t know me like that.” “Mmm bet I do, baby girl. You want a bad boy who will be good for only you. I’m that guy. Like I want a good girl who’s bad for only me. That’s you, baby girl.”
Howie Stark made one hell of an impression. It started off with mistaken identity. A hand on your ass, your hand across his cheek. What should have pissed him off, set him off differently. Howie Stark is enticed by you and you are so fucked. Bad boy, never afraid of a fight, such a smooth talker, womanizer, and always on your mind. It just wasn’t fair. It wasn’t right, you have a boyfriend. Howie’s making everything’s a little blurry. You’re a little cynical and bad boys just aren’t your type. Or could that change with a flash of Howie’s crooked grin?
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“So, really. One girl?” You hold up his notebook. “You have to be like the worst Screw Crew Prince.” You smirk at him.
“Well I could put in all the things I’ve done with you.” He shrugs.
“You would need a whole new book.” You shrug. Peter slaps a hand over his mouth, trying to keep the laugh in.
“It’s them good girls, I’m telling you.” Howie smirks at his brother.
“Clearly.” Peter nods, grinning at you.
“Not to steal your line, but ahh think we could talk?” You smile at Howie.
“Sounds better coming from you.” Howie smiles.
“I mean I could hound you for your name.” You laugh. Peter helps you out of the chair.
“If you asked for his name that day, he would have blurted out Howard Anthony Stark. Before your mouth stopped moving.” Peter laughs.
“Why the fuck are you calling me out?” Howie looks at his brother, with a slack look.
“I mean, he’s not wrong.” You shrug stopping in front of Howie.
“You don’t know me like that.” Howie chuckles.
“Bullshit.” You, Peter and Steve laugh.
“I thought we were talking.” Howie looks at you. “Door can stay open.” He offers.
“I’m pretty sure those notebooks, say you do things with the door open.” Your head tips. Howie doesn’t say anything, his mouth puckers. “Oh my god, Howie!” You gap at him. He laughs, Peter and Steve follow.
“She’s cute when she’s jealous.” Howie grins.
“Remember she decked Harry tonight. Don’t think she won’t hit you too.” Peter reminds him.
“Yeah, how’s that hand?” Howie drops his eyes to your hand.
“Think my knuckles are bruised, but they’re okay.” You nod. 
“Come on.” He gives your hand a small tug as he steps back out of the office. You follow, down the stairs and to his room. “The door can stay open. I’ll even stay on the other side of the room.” He shrugs, looking unsure.
“Howie, I laid in bed with you for two hours. I let you touch me and fall asleep on me. With the door closed. Besides what’s the worse that can happen? I sleep with you? Heaven forbid I do it again, cause I haven’t done that before.” You sass. He smirks, shoving the door shut.
“Thank you for earlier.” He nods, you clamber up on the bed. Sitting with your back against the headboard.
“Howie, I would do anything for you. I thought you already knew that.” You watch him sit on the edge of the bed. You roll your eyes, patting his side of the bed.
“Come on.” He smiles, moving up to sit next to you.
“I just figured after everything. You wouldn’t let me explain, so I just thought.” He shrugs.
“I was hurt, and that was about you trying to give me what I need. I didn’t need that. I didn’t want it.” You admit.
“I get it.” He nods.
“Tell me everything Howie.” You look over at him. “Explain it all to me. How the fuck we ended up in this situation. I need to know.” You nod.
“Spring semester. Harry slept with Steve’s girl. I slept with Kitty.” He sighs.
“I’m seeing major mistakes made already.” You nod.
“Steve was planning his revenge on Harry. I was dealing with something a little more life altering.” Howie swallows. “A couple weeks after I hooked up with Kitty. She wasn’t getting the whole one night only thing.” He sighs. “One day she corners me after class. Announcing she’s pregnant.” He nods slowly.
“Oh shit.” You whisper.
“I’m losing my shit. It’s not a serious connection, it’s superficial if we’re being honest. Just another name on the list. I mean, it was just fun, nothing serious. But she’s talking about having it and being together.” He runs his fingers through his hair. 
He looks lost in his head. You shift, turning to face him. Pulling your knees underneath you. He looks over, watching you. You chew your bottom lip, taking a deep breathe.
“This makes it awkward.” You nod.
“What?” Howie’s brow pulls down.
“I’m pregnant.” You nod. It’s dead silent for a moment. Howie jerks up right, a grin plasters across his face. 
“Let’s get hitched.” He announces. You lean back slightly.
“Seriously I’ll go wake Clint up now. He got ordained online once on a dare.” His voice over excited, determined. You start to laugh, lord this wasn’t how you saw this going. “What?” Howie looks confused. “I’m serious, Y/N. Fuck that, marry me.” He nods. You’re trying to not pee your pants as you curl into a ball laughing. “Why are you laughing?” He grins at you.
“Howie.” You pant. Pushing yourself up again. You grin at him. “I was fucking with you.” You laugh. His face drops instantly. Disappointment reads across his features. “Oh no, no. Don’t do that.” You grin, moving towards him as he slumps back against the headboard.
“Do what?” He practically pouts.
“Look like a kicked puppy.” You snort.
“I’m not.” He mutters.
“Oh I was just getting you back for not telling me about the list.” You grin. He blinks stunned eyes at you.
“Oh you’re mean, baby girl.” He shakes his head. You shrug, he wasn’t wrong. He moves, knocking you backwards on his bed, settling himself over you, keeping you pinned down. “Fuck it, just knock you up instead.” He chuckles.
“Holy.” You laugh. “You never finished your story!” You slip your hands up his chest.
“Story?” He looks confused.
“Kitty and the pregnancy.” You remind him. He sighs, rolling off you. But he lies next to you, hand slipping up your side.
“So it goes on for a few weeks. Till one night, we’re having a party. One of her sorority sisters gets drunk, and lets it slip.” He smirks.
“What?” You blink up at him.
“She was never pregnant. She was just trying to trap me into a relationship.” He shrugs.
“Tricky bitch.” You mutter.
“I’m sorry this came out the way it did. I wish I could change how things happened.” He sighs.
“Don’t lie to me again Howie.” You warn him.
“Swear.” He smiles at you.
“When do you leave for home?” You sigh.
“Actually. I have to ask you something.” He admits.
“Are you going home for the holiday?” He lifts a brow.
“No, my parents are on some island.” You roll your eyes.
“My mom asked if you wanted to come home with me.” He smiles.
“When did this happen?” You laugh.
“Before I fucked up everything.” He snorts.
“That’s like major.” You admit.
“So is saying I love you, for a guy who’s never thought twice about falling in love.” He laughs.
“Good point.” You laugh.
“Come home with me. So my mom can fawn over you, and my dad can embarrass the fuck out of me.” He winks.
“Okay.” You smile. “But I want to do something first.” You grin.
“I don’t think I know how to say the word no to you.” He laughs.
“Not that. Yet. But you know how you always say I’m mean?” You grin, pushing up on your elbow.
“You are.” He snorts.
“Well you’re about to find out how mean I can be.” You smirk.
“What do you mean?” He sits up. You follow.
“It’s going to require breaking, a few rules and some secret sharing.” You smile at him.
“We’re going to need Peter.” He laughs, grabbing his phone. He texts Peter, a few minutes later he’s slipping into the room.
“This better not be some weird brother threesome thing.” He warns you.
“We’ll save it for a rainy day.” You shrug.
“What?” Howie looks over at you.
“Actually. How good are you at tech?” You smile at Peter.
“Very good, why?” He watches you.
“Cause I’m feeling a little extra mean.” You admit.
“What did you have in mind?” Peter grins, taking a seat at Howie’s desk.
Everything Peaches 9/3/19 @mo320​ @courtmr​ @avxgers​ @eliza-kat​ @irepeldirt​ @jordan-ia​ @jcc04220​ @dumblani​ @nishanki1​ @allyp1023​ @joannie95​ @rogvewitch​ @rileyloves5​ @sarahp879​ @sexyvixen7​ @doctoranon​ @queentoffee
@abschaffer2​ @tony-stank3​ @tomhardy41​ @bookluver01​ @teller258316​ @nickimarie94​ @wandressfox​ @cutekittybast​ @amandab-ftw​ @carostar2020​ @thelostallycat​ @henrietteoaks​ @nea90sweetie​ @circusofchaos​ @bettercallsabs​ @miraclesoflove​ @queenkrissy11​ @shield-agent78​ @elite4cekalyma​ @sadyoungadult​ @destiel-artemis​ @isabelcrichards​ @iwillbeinmynest​ @sweet-honey15​ @scooby-doodoo​ @chanelmadrid13​ @killerbumblebee​ @spookygrantaire​ @geeksareunique​ @supernatural508​ @itzmegaaaaaaan​ @optimistic-babes​ @elizabethaellison​ @rainbowkisses31​ @aspiringtranslator​ @mariekoukie6661​ @pure-princess-97​ @capsheadquaters​ @youclickedthislink​ @futuremrsb-r-main​ @lovemarvelousfics​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @petersunderoos96​ @loving-life-my-way​ @itsy-bitsy-spidergirl​ @buckystolemyheart​ @booktvmoviefangirl​ @thatpeachybandgirl​ @supernatural-girl97​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @dumbbitchenergytm​ @eggingamazinglove​ @deathofmissjackson​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @queenoftheunderdark​ @laneygthememequeen​ @writingaworldofmyown​ @shann-the-artist-moon​ @supernaturallover2002​ @daughterofthenight117​ @mcuwillbethedeathofme​ @verymuchclosetedfangirl​ @for-the-love-of-the-fandom​ @ocaptain-mycaptainmorgan​ @crazy-little-thing-called-buck​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @stupendoussciencenaturepanda​ @supernatural-strangerthings-1980​
Howie 'Damn Boy' Stark: @gabile18​ @crayonwriting​ @callme-barnes​ @untoasted-ravioli​
@sfreeborn​ @coley0823​ @lakamaa12​ @amberdawn-01​ @honey-bee-holly​ @intricate-melody​ @itsmejessicasstuff​ @badassbeckettswan​
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cherrimilkimochi · 4 years
Mission one: pilots gauntlet
“of all the things that were seen on the battlefield  the pilot was the true domaint force, fast and agile, graceful yet devastating  perceptive resourceful and relentless. a pilot sees the world differently pure walls become flanking routes, pilots fight differently experience deception and maneuvers even overwhelming odds shift in their favor.. but what truly separates from all the robots and grunts is the pilots bond with their titan, when linked to a titan a pilot can only be stopped by and overwhelming force or an equal. the frontier has been the only home I've ever known for years our lands have been destroyed by the imc forcefully taking our resources polluting and destroying our planets, and killing us off if we try to resist with recent victories such as Demeter and beyond. we still have a long way to go for the imc to be truly stopped. i am a rifleman fighting in the militia to free the frontier and have a long way till becoming a pilot,.. but when that day comes.. i truly hope i can live up to the honor”
                                                          -jack cooper, titan fall 2 campaign 
the day had started off with the normal training rifleman jack cooper and his sister Jacelyn cooper. just got done with rounds when captain lastimosa approached the two siblings. 
“We have training to do!” he patted the twos shoulders before waving for them to follow jacelyn looked to jack who shrugged but followed anyways. “we will be putting you in Virtual reality for this training” lastimosa gestured to the two simpods. “wait.. are we doing pilot training?” lastimosa sighed a nodded she excitedly looked to jack who showed no motion she faltered and cleared her throat, 
“hop on in” lastimosa gestured, doing what they were told the loaded into the pods huffing lastimosa began to try and power up the pods manually. “Ah hell, looks like the ship power cycled the simpods snice last time. well have to re calibrate it .”
jack and jacelyn pressed each of the buttons above their heads before it closed around them two bright shiny lights glimmered into their eyes an audible groan from jace “deal with it jj” jack cooper spoke coldly looking at the lights till they turned blue 
she blinked spots of blue taking her vision 
“does that feel right to you guys?”  captain lastimosa  said “feels fine, other then a bit blind over here” jacelyn joked, an aubile chuckle slipped from lastimosa “alright its your first time jacelyn well show you the ropes. jack lets see how much you remember from last time sending the neuro-link  not the same as A titan link. but similar” there was a pause as Green little lights fluttered around and eventually consumed jaces view “to learn new things, we need to be in the a good state of mind” 
jace had momentarily closed her eyes 
before everything when white the sound of rushing water filled her ears she patted her virtual body like she was dead or something. she laughed then looked around taking into the beauty of the area leaning over the water she saw a pilot helmet over her head that is when jacelyn laughed and danced around her brother who folded his arms in disapproval “technically im not supposed to be training you guys,” lastimosa said sitting on a wooden beam, ”but just like i see everything, you guys have potential” he sighed standing “besides were at war...who has time for classes eh?” then gestured to the beam “jump, up and over”  jace moved and jumped over the beam, jack quickly  followed “alright there you go!, enabling jump kit assist. jump kits operate on the principle of relaxed stability. once it calibrates to your movement style the enhanced mobility becomes second nature.” lastimosa voice echoed and a blue line trailed to where lastimosa now sat on a fountain. “whoa that was quick” jacelyn said. “what this?” he phased again that lead to a little brick path way. where lastimosa gazed around at floating rocks and a grassy planes “beautiful isn't?” he quickly said before again phasing away. 
“modeled after my home world harmony, this is where i grew up. this is what we are fighting for jace, a world not of metal and smoke” 
jace was stunned by the beauty of the simulation she had never been to harmony, she didn't know how truly beautiful it was  but this is virtual reality what was the real thing like?
“lets make sure you jump kit is primed!. a basic wall run here jack show her how its done” jack nodded before bending his knees and running along the wall effortlessly, jace copied the movements her hand gliding against the stone it felt real she looked at her hands after wards no wonder people loved the new tech of vr, jack continued  and jace jogged behind him “over here stay low” sliding effortlessly across the floor then rounded the corner to a cliff like part. “a simple double jump follow your brother” jack jumped before activating a second jump looked simple enough she did the same jump but did a cocky flip and landed 
“nice style, jack take notes” lastimosa teased as jack looked to his sister that nudged his arm playfully, “we have taken a quarter of space back snice the battle of Demeter.  the militia is better organized now and more people join the fight against the imc.. people like you guys.” lastimosa voice traveled to the exit of the pathway “we used to run and hid from them. now we chase em’. “ before he vanished again jace pushed jack playfully and giggled before the both followed the trail of blue into a round open space, “in the field nothing goes as expected you must prepare to use any weapon   that you find on the field” 
walls of weapons surface around where the captain sat full of guns that might be on the field looking at all the guns “hello pretties” jacelyn said running her fingers along a r-01 “lets not call guns pretties?” jack stated taking wingman “why not they are pretty colored and depending on the shooter beautifully operated” she said aiming down the sight and pointing it at her brother “yes she is right, i mean there is an entire book on the art of war. and now there's a book on how make your own guns” lastimosa nudged jace with his elbow as jack shook his head “what's up with jack?” lastimosa asked jace shrugged “hasn't been the same snice our parents died “ lastimosa gave a nod of understanding before moving aside and gestured to the targets and she began to shoot them the reloaded after a few “good good, practice more if you want or we can head to the running gauntlet” lastimosa said before teleporting to the doorway of the gauntlet on the left hand side of the round room. 
“alright got a new gauntlet up for you two because you guys did so well. par time is 2 minutes got to do better then that to continue follow the ghost or find your own path” 
jacelyn and jack lined up at the door way looking around
 ”wanna race little sis?”
“thought you never ask!”
counting down to three jack and jace took off “pilots have to strike a balance in combat, speed is paramount but you must hit your targets” lastimosa voice spoke, as the siblings jumped slid and shot the modeled imc grunts before making their way to the finish line jace tumbled out first “i win. when this is over you have to buy me ice cream” she pointed at her older brother letting a pant out, jack held his hands up “fine fine you got it J.J” 
lastimosa nodded and waved them over “ everyone has different strengths and weaknesses you both set a new speed record but if you want you can race against other pilots ghosts but these are the best pilots around in the SRS. so a bit of warning there but if you can beat them you are on your way to a real pilot”
he explained before leaning against the wall “so what do you say on to the next? or are you going to run the gauntlet more?” 
jace looked to jack “this is up to you” he said stepping back she huffed and nodded “lets go to the next thing i think we’re ready” 
lastimosa looked at something before the entire scene changed they were on a round floating platform a titan sat unmoving out in the distance “that's my partner. bt, hes a vanguard classe home grown militia technology the first titan chasiss that we designed ourselves and one we didn't have to steal from the imc” he paused looking them “look at your wrist and there she be a option to call in your first titan” excitedly turning her right arm to face her she pressed the button “look up at the sky here it comes” lastimosa said pointing jace put her hand  infront of her face to watch the robotic suit fall from the sky before it touched the ground the simpod began to glitch her heart jetted in her chest at the unexpecting message on her screen “alright guys sounds like things are bout to hit the fan im pulling you out” 
the display message faded and the bright green lights came back 
“jace jack ready up out of the sim pods!” yelled captain cole “easy cole, they just left vr. but they’ll be ready trust me” the pod helmet opened seeing cole was sitting on the railing his titans ocular system in his hands "heads up their killing us out there or trying to anyway” lastimosa said closing the side compartment “jace and jack that was a good session in their” he spoke with a nod alarms blaring red around them jace had a hard time focusing on what lastimosa said watching riflemen run around the deck. “well make pilots out of you two but not today. no time” 
before a man in a similar pilot outfit walked up grabbing the arm of lastimosa “lastimosa!” 
“anderson” he nodded “you son of bitch.. well see you down there.” anderson looked to jacelynn “you look sick cheer up we got this” he spoke before walking off jace did feel sick because leaving the simpod “we all will be seeing a new planet today!. maybe even die on it” lastimosa climbed into the cockpit BT. Before he smiled at the siblings jack gave a thumbs up “stay dafe down there lastimosa” jace said in a sweet tone “always try. see you down there rifleman” 
“get your ass out of the pods guys meet me down at the drop ship” captain cole said throwing a gun their hands. jack hopped out and ran after them whilst jace wobbled stepped along the walk way hand grasping the gun tightly 
she was about to head into war
a war she was prepared for but one she hadn't imagine she might loose her brother 
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whiskeyworen · 5 years
"Cyrus? Are you up here?" Moryggan called, climbing the metal steps to the observation dome. She proceeded slowly, not wanting to intrude on anything if he wanted privacy.
It had been a few weeks since the end of Kralkatorrik. The Pact had celebrated their victory, buried their dead, and had begun truly aiding the still-unbalanced Kingdom of Elona. It would probably be many years before a true and fair balance would be ironed out between the various factions there, so it was still a hotbed for conflict. Given their lack of association to the Pact, Cyrus had pulled their ship, Forsaken Aspect, away from the fleet. There was nothing the Pact could do to stop them, other than protest; it's not like they could target the ship with their strictly manual cannons. Not with the Inquest cloaking device active on it. That, and the sheer destructive power the Aspect could return would have sunk damned near any of the first and second generation ships the Pact fielded. That's what happens when the ship you're facing contains illegal, auto-targetting, horrendously powerful weapons and more armor than three ships-of-the-line combined.
As the ship returned to the vicinity of Lion's Arch, each of the team had broken away to different parts of the ship, intent on their own things. Tenna had returned to her labs, buried in the belly of the ship, to study Forged gear, decode even more of Scarlet's files, and make her own advances in biology and technology unhindered by the Council.
Verula had gone down to the gun-decks to monitor the maintenance and upgrading of the ship's various weapons by the semi-autonomous servitors that were a crucial part of a ship the size of the Aspect. Though the servitors were intelligent enough and reliable enough in a pinch, they didn't innovate, which required someone with a true mind and a keenness for machinery to guide them. Both of which the matronly Charr was in spades.
No one knew what became of Vaela Toma, but no one particularly cared; her popping in-and-out of Mist rifts had become so commonplace that it was just assumed that if she disappeared somewhere, she'd come back some day.
So, out of the ship's small living crew, only Moryggan and Cyrus were left out of sorts. Neither one had much to do, but Moryggan had noticed how unsettled Cyrus was after Aurene had self-evolved/grown. Something about that fleeting touch they'd all felt had left him staring off into space.
To a degree, it worried her. As much as she tried to keep a professional distance from him, Moryggan was sylvari, and so was far more attuned to people's feelings than she cared to admit. When he'd disappeared after a meal, she'd gotten such a bad feeling that she simply had to find him and figure out why.
Which had led her here, to the stairs to the observation dome near the top of the ship. It had originally been designed as a kind of lookout post for when sensors were disabled, or as a primary star-finder for direction, but had been repurposed quickly as a kind of private getaway everyone used for some peace and quiet. This far up the ship's superstructure, you couldn't even feel the low hum of its power systems, the throb of the engines, or the hiss of the ventilators. It was... a quiet place.
There was no answer from the platform, so Moryggan stepped over to a monitor on the wall, clicking a button on it. "Aspect, are you sure he's up there?"
The Forsaken Aspect was a unique ship. She had a mind of her own, initially designed by the mad Scarlet, but refined and perfected by Tenna's technical genius and Verula's skill. She had a kind of consciousness of its own, and thankfully, was quite fond of its crew. So it was no surprise when Aspect replied to her question. "Yes, Miss Moryggan. Cyrus entered the dome approximately twenty-five minutes ago."
The golem eye embedded in the console rotated slightly to face her. "He has not left it. Is there anything wrong?"
Moryggan bit her lip. She didn't want to worry Aspect; the ship thought of Cyrus as something between a big brother and a father. Aspect was essentially a very large, very powerful, very innocent child. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out."
"Alright. Please let me know if you require anything further. I will send a watchwork servitor if you need anything." The golem eye retracted till it was flush with the wall, before going dark as Aspect turned her attentions elsewhere.
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The sylvari mesmer turned away from the console and slowly ascended the stairway into the dome. As her head cleared floor-level, she could see him, sitting on the edge of the platform. The way the dome had been built was a kind of flying bridge, with a large platform hanging out in the space under the windows. Cyrus was sitting on the edge, his legs hanging off into the void, not even turning to look at her.
"Cyrus? What's up?" She asked cautiously, stepping closer to him. She didn't step up beside him; he hadn't even acknowledged her yet. But... suddenly she realized he wasn't wearing his usual gear, his armor and all his technical toys. His heavy leather coat, with its coolant systems and things she barely understood was nowhere to be seen. Instead, he seemed to be dressed in actual clothes. Street clothes. He never dressed that way. There might have been three or four times in the last few years that she'd ever seen him in anything other than his combat gear. Something about his determination to be prepared for anything, and his paranoia kept him from relaxing much at all, no matter how he'd acted in public. At least, that was the impression she'd gotten from him. On some level, it'd been reassuring to know there was someone always prepared, who was as suspicious as she was. She could trust that.
The summer hoodie he had on, simple pants and whatnot...it didn't seem like him at all. The only piece of tech he had on was the glider backpack; these days NO one who had one went anywhere without one. And the Dynamics college had come up with an absolutely perfect design; small and unobtrusive.
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"....Cyrus?" She asked quietly. "Hmm?... Oh, hey Mory." Cyrus finally shook himself free of his reverie, glancing over his shoulder for a second. "Not much. Just... been thinking." "What about?" The sylvari stepped up behind him, before kneeling down. He'd never called her 'Mory' before, except when heavily drunk. And certainly not quite so pleasantly. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah. Everything is okay." He nodded. He lifted a hand, flexing his fingers slightly. There was still a tingle there he couldn't shake. From that psychic touch. When Aurene 'spoke' to him. "I'm... trying to figure out something. I don't know..." "Is there anything I can do to help?" She asked, scooting closer. She no longer could feel the sense of doom he'd been giving off at dinner, but there was something else. A sadness. "No." He replied. Then he paused, thinking. "At least, I don't know." "You don't know?"He turned slightly to look over his shoulder at her. With his eye, surrounded by the unnatural marking he'd been 'gifted', he carefully watched her face, her expression, taking it in. Taking in the worry in her eyes. The glow of the scar on her own face; it always struck him as coincidental that they both had facial scarring after a fashion, on the same side. Made things a bit more familial, in a sense. "....When was the last time you talked to your Mother, Mory?" He asked softly. At the mention of the Pale Tree, he saw her pupils tighten in anxiety, and her minty glow pulse faster as her heart suddenly accelerated. She took a breath, trying to calm herself, though her scar's bright glow belied the controlled expression on her face. "Not since Lion's Arch fell. I couldn't face her after... after that thing tried to take control of me." She didn't elaborate beyond that. There was pain, and shame hidden under the flat manner of her speech. It was too carefully said, too well enunciated to be entirely truthful. Cyrus knew neither of them believed she could say something like that so simply and not feel anything. He let the silence hang for a moment, before sighing. "I need to... I need to talk to her. But I don't know if I can do it. Or if I'd even be permitted to talk to her." "The Mother does meet with travellers, you know." Moryggan pointed out. "She's not exactly hard to meet." "But she might refuse to speak to me, Mory." His mouth twisted. "I was an Aetherblade, remember. I helped Ceara.... Scarlet. Both of them. She might not forgive me for being responsible for what happened to Ceara. Or what Scarlet did." Moryggan smiled softly, and put a hand on his shoulder. "Cyrus... Do you know the teachings of Ventari? The ones most of my kind try to live by?" "Kind of. I tend to forget some of them though." He shrugged, and they both chuckled. "The second teaching is 'Do not fear difficulty. Hard ground makes stronger roots'. And the Fourth is 'All things have a right to grow. The blossom is brother to the weed'." She smiled weakly. "Between the two, it means that self-determination is key, no matter the outcome, and that we get stronger through difficulty, because we learn. We can forgive." She sat down on the rim beside him, patting him on the forearm. "The Pale Tree will always grieve when one of her children dies, or turns to evil. But she is also capable of the greatest forgiveness. At least, that's what I believe." "Then why haven't you gone home and talked with her?" He asked heavily, his eyes shadowed with sadness. "She would probably forgive you, right?" Moryggan's smile faded slightly, and she looked out of the dome windows, considering. "...Because even though she would forgive me, welcome me back with open arms and branches... On some level, I can't forgive myself." She sighed. "I thought I was a strong person. Physically. Mentally. Perfectly strong and controlled, and damned proud of it. And then..." She grimaced, reaching up to rub her scar. "Then that thing... Mordremoth... just walked into my mind and nearly crushed me. If it wasn't for you, I'd..." Cyrus watched her, seeing that pain again. He reached out to pat the hand she had on his arm. "Then, I think we need to go home, Mory. At least, to your home. I need to talk to your Mother, and... I think you need to have a chat with her yourself." Moryggan nodded slowly, exhaling heavily. "Yeah. It's time to go home. I-I need to tell her what's happened. To me." "Yeah. And I need to tell her things. Important things." Cyrus added. "If I'm lucky, she won't have me thrown in the jail." He pulled both of them to their feet and gestured for the stairs. "Let's go. We'll be in L.A. in a few hours." As they descended the stairs together, the monitor on the wall activated, the eye blinking on. Aspect called out to them. "Miss Moryggan? Cyrus? Do you need anything?" "No, Aspect, thank you. But if you could chart for the usual docks in Lion's Arch? We'll be spending a few days on ground travel from there. Please let the others know as well, when they have the time." "Acknowledged, Cyrus. Making course change for the Lighthouse dock as per your order. Maintain Illusion matrix?" "Yep. Make us look like a merchant airship, and adjust trim and docking ports to compensate. Make sure there's plenty of room around us so no one collides with the illusion." "Aye aye, sir." Aspect replied cheerifully, before signing off. **** It did not take long. Once they were docked in Lion's Arch, the two of them paid transit through the Asura gate to the Grove, and were there by nightfall. They rented a room-pod in the lower levels of the Grove, where the night air was filled with luminescent pollen and the whisper of soft leaves. It was actually quite beautiful, peaceful even. While Moryggan visited old companions for the day, Cyrus had wandered the halls and chambers, chatting with curious Saplings and laughing at their innocence. It was refreshing to say the least. When they got back together in the evening, Moryggan had some surprising news. "I talked to some of the Wardens, and they got word to their leaders; we've...we've got an appointment to see the Pale Tree tonight." She looked quite embarassed, face suffused with glow. In a small voice, she added. "Mother apparently cleared her other meetings just for us." That filled Cyrus's veins with a sudden dose of icewater. There's no way they should have been granted a meeting that fast, or with that kind of response. It wasn't... normal. How many ambassadors did she just piss off, to meet with us? He asked himself, trying to hide the shock on his face. "Well... Uh... I guess we should go meet her as soon as we can then?" He replied, unsure. ****
They stood before the final seed elevator before the Tree's Omphalos chamber, and every instinct in his body told Cyrus to flee. He glanced upward to the Tree's immense branches, all the various levels and platforms. The soft, pink and purple-hued petals on the long, smooth vine that swirled down from the core in the farthest reaches. It shifted softly in the night breeze, the petals seeming to gesture upward, though that had to be an illusion.
She's three miles tall, twenty miles across if you include the roots, houses an entire city in her boughs...and she wants to see us. Cyrus mulled over in his mind with incredulity. Beings like the Pale Tree weren't supposed to care for the meanderings of mere mortals, at least that's what he'd always thought. "I...don't know if this was such a good idea, Mory."
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"Last minute misgivings?" She chided him, giving him a shakey smile. "If me being here can get you to go up there, maybe you being here can get me to go up there. What do you think?"
"....Deal." He nodded, and sat uneasily in one chamber of the seed pod. Moryggan took the other half, the leaf/door raised, and a gust of magic gently blew the seed up through the many supporting platforms of the tree to the Omphalos chamber.
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Safely in place, the door flipped open again, and the two travellers carefully stepped out onto the lush, soft, green grass platform suspended near the top of the tree. Looking around, Cyrus realized he could see no Wardens around; from what he'd heard from Moryggan and other sylvari, the Pale Tree's avatar was attended by at least a squad at all times. Did she dismiss them? He couldn't see them with his cursed Discernment eye; they weren't hidden under Mesmer magic anywhere nearby.
"Come. Please come here." A soft voice called. It sounded like it was right beside them, but both of them knew it was the Tree herself projecting her voice to guide them to her Avatar. "I am always happy to have visitors, and, I think, the two of you are long overdue?"
There was a playfulness to her tone that made Cyrus unconsciously smile. An immensely powerful, massive entity, and she was making jokes. There was something ... likeable about that. It clearly carried on in her children, since he'd spent the afternoon having good laughs with Saplings and Menders.
"Hello, Pale Tree." Cyrus knelt respectfully. "I'm afraid I don't know if there's a title I should refer to you by, like I would with Queen Jennah or the Imperator."
"...Mother." Moryggan knelt as well, closing her eyes. "I am... home." The Pale Tree's glowing avatar stepped forward gracefully, her bare feet not leaving impressions in the grass as it gently parted of its own accord around her descending step. She laid a hand on each of their shoulders. "Greetings to you both, visitor, and child. Cyrus Sigismund, and Moryggan Deraleth. I have been expecting you for some time."
With but a touch, she guided them back to their feet. "I had hoped, children, that you would have talked to me far sooner than now." She tilted her head, the movement causing a release of glowing pollen from the flower that made up her 'hair'. "I am curious as to why it took so very long?"
They looked between each other, unsure, before Cyrus rubbed his gloved hands together. "...I was unsure if I would be welcomed, Pale Tree. I don't know if you know, but, I was a...friend... of Ceara's."
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The Tree's ersatz eyes widened in surprise, but she merely nodded.
"...I was also a friend of Scarlet's." He added more leadenly. It was hard to meet her eyes, but he forced himself to. "I was with her as she started to descend to madness. I...was forced out and away from her when she became too unstable. But I had one final chat with her before the destruction of her machine in Lion's Arch."
The glow suffusing the Omphalos seemed to fade a little, dimming for a mere moment before rising back to its usual glow. The Pale Tree looked at him, pain and sorrow in her eyes, but also compassion. So much compassion that it was so very hard to look her in the face. She reached out to touch his cheek, gently, so he wouldn't look away in shame. "...What of my daughter then, Cyrus? I grieve for her daily, but I take solace in that she has been freed of her madness. If you have any news for me that the others have not brought me..."
Cyrus reached up and held the hand against his face. He knew the Avatar wasn't truly a physical thing, but however she managed it, her hand felt so real. It was like the softest leaf he'd ever felt, but one with a pulse. It was warm, and welcoming. It really felt like a Mother's touch, and it broke his heart. In spite of his control, he felt a tear slip from his eye. "...She was sorry. She had had the best intentions, but... the damage done to her had twisted those intentions. What she did... was not...what she'd meant to do in the first place."
He wiped the tear away. "She had wanted to protect you. Protect all of you, and all of us. But... what he did, even with his sleeping mind..." Cyrus's face collapsed into sorrow. "She wasn't Mordrem. But he'd devastated her mind just by touching it. She'd resolved to kill him at all costs but along the way, she forgot what her goal had been. The damage he'd done had slowly erased her goals. The denials and declines she'd gotten from the other nations ate at her mind. She..."
"I know." The Mother cut him off gently. She held his head in both hands, and lowered her forehead to touch his. "Even though she had cut her ties with me, defied my pleas for caution and stepped beyond the mental shield I put up to keep my children safe... I realize she was trying to fight back." She stroked his hair as more tears flowed from him. "At no point did she ever turn her weapons against the Grove."
"The machine. The Breachmaker." Cyrus grated out. "It was meant to kill the Beast. Not feed it. She knew at the end that she had screwed up badly. She was so terribly, terribly sorry about that, but unable to do anything about it. Not at that point. Not with the Pact at her neck, and not with her madness tearing at her. She could have escaped, but she chose not to. She knew...there had to be some justice. Some peace."
"Cyrus. Thank you." The Pale Tree stepped back, smiling sadly, and gave his cheek one last touch. "I can sense how much you grieve for her. For Ceara and Scarlet both. I can see how much her pain hurt you. And how much of a friend you were to her, no matter what she did. Thank you for that."
"As you say." Cyrus rasped, throat tight with emotion. He wobbled slightly, unstable with such a powerful release of emotion; the pain, the memories, and the sad, wonderful, freeing feeling of confession. He glanced over at Moryggan, and was shocked to see tears streaming down her face as well. "Moryggan..."
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"Daughter." The Pale Tree turned her attention to the rose-skinned sylvari. "You share his pain so openly. I remember you as a Sapling, always hiding your emotions, or at least trying to." She smiled. "There were times you wore your heart on your sleeve. In the past, you would never admit to feeling compassion for others, though I always know you did."
She tapped the side of her head, winking playfully. "The Dream tells much, especially of our inner selves. But it seems you have your own story to tell me."
Moryggan blinked, tears still staining her cheeks, before bowing her head in shame. "I'm sorry, Mother. I... I am ashamed. I was weak. If it weren't for Cyrus, and by extension, Scarlet Briar, I'd have been..."
She paused, searching. She was almost shaking, now that she was in front of her mother. The words just wouldn't come.
Then she felt someone touch her arm. Cyrus reached out and was giving her arm a gentle stroke. I was there for him.... He said he'd be there for me. She reminded herself, drawing strength from it.
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"Mother... If it wasn't for Cyrus, and the things he'd gotten from Scarlet, I'd have ended up one of the Crazed. One of the Mordrem, probably. " She raised her head, staring with haunted eyes at her mother. "The Dragon... he didn't just reach into my mind. H-he crushed it underfoot. Tried to crush me. But for Cyrus, I-I...." In one fluid movement, the Pale Tree drew upon her, wrapping her arms around her daughter and burying her in the glowing petals of her body. She crooned to her lost daughter, whispering loving words and encouragement, while Moryggan broke down into grateful sobs. She clung to the Pale Tree's avatar tightly, releasing all that pent up pain, misgiving, and shame.
Cyrus stood there, watching silently but wanting to reach out to his teammate. The Pale Tree cuddled her child gently, as a mother should. She glanced at him, making eye contact. The look in her eye said it all, but she verbalized it anyway. "Thank you once again, Cyrus. You bring me sad but welcome news of my long lost daughter, but you also saved one of my daughters from the clutches of the Beast. I have many children, but each one of them is dear to me, and you have returned one to me I had thought I would not see again." She stroked Moryggan's frond hair gently, before laying a soft kiss on her scar. "Welcome home, Moryggan. Know this; you will always be welcome here in the Grove, in the Dream. We are always here for you... I am here for you, if you wish it."
"Thank you.... Mother." Moryggan said shakily, reluctantly drawing back from the Tree's embrace. "I am no longer afraid to come back... no longer ashamed..."
The Tree nodded and turned to Cyrus, raising an eyebrow. "And you, Cyrus?"
He smiled a little and shrugged. "I honestly thought I was going to end up in your jail for being associated with Scarlet. So...walking out of here and still being allowed to visit the Grove is more than I might hope for."
That made the Tree laugh, a pleasant, melodious sound. "Cyrus, you aren't going to end up in my jail. There is no crime you have committed here. If anything, you are to receive a boon if I can come up with one, for what you have done."
He shook his head. "I don't need medals or titles. If you permit us to trade and offer materials and other things, that would be more than enough." Cyrus crossed his arms. "That is, if you'd be willing."
"Tell you what." The Tree smirked a bit, gliding back to a patch of glowing grass and settling down on it. She reached out and patted the ground, a trail of luminescence sliding from her hand to light up two patches in front of her that seemed just the right size for the two of her visitors. "You and your associates can do business here so long as you don't deal in illegal or illicit goods, and you will be titled an honored guest of the Grove and of Myself... if you two will sit here and tell me your adventures."
She smiled, as they came and sat down on the grass, which wove itself into soft cushions at her thought. "I want to hear about everything you've done, why you did it, and everything else. Your friends... your family."
Cyrus chuckled a bit, and glanced over at Moryggan, who covered her mouth to hide her own chuckle. "Well... my story is going to take a long time, my Lady."
"That is quite alright!" The Tree replied primly, gesturing upward with one hand. From some other level, a vine swirled up, items balanced in its curls. With a flourish, it laid out an imported Krytan tea set, complete with hot tea and a service tray of assorted pastries. "I shall provide the confections if you provide the entertainment. And I have plenty of time."
They all had a good laugh at that, and Cyrus poured them all a cup of tea as he tried to explain his home... ---- Author note: I didn’t actually write this for the Writer’s Event for @tyrias-library but it might just fall under a bunch of the prompt guidelines anyway. If it’s not actually entered in it, that’s cool with me because it wasn’t planned that way. LoL. That said, enjoy. I’m still debating how close these two actually are. Or will become. It’s far too easy to write ships, but at the same time, it seems so appropriate. I’m also debating something with the Forsaken Aspect... time will tell of course. ;)
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whitewolfbumble · 6 years
The Avengers Haunted House
Summary: Loki was looking for a way closer to you. Nothing like a little haunted house (with some extra magic touches added) to scare you right into his arms.
Request: Hiii, well I was thinking about request with bucky/reader or loki/reader with a halloween theme(hope it's not too soon 😂). It doesn't matter which pairing you choose it's just I would like to read something funny and fluffy or angsty (your choice). From @marveloustrashpanda!
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Some Halloween fluff, a tiny tinge of pining and lust, & some spooks thrown in!
Word Count: About 5k
A/N: Happy Halloween everyone! My treat to you is a lil Halloween fic while Loki is bringing the tricks here, so hunker down with some candy and enjoy a short read! Thanks to @marveloustrashpanda for the request!! Love you babe and hope you enjoy!! This was written & posted quickly so I apologize for the typos!
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You were pressed completely flushed against him, barely able to even breathe much less move under him. The cold wall at your back gave you no opportunity to move away. His warm body was lined up with yours, the force of it just on the right side of bearable.
“I’m beginning to think this was a bad idea,” you mumbled half-heartedly into his shoulder, not in any way sure if the butterflies and stomach turning was from sheer panic or having the Asgardian so skin-warmingly close.
A soft, low chuckle breathed down your ear and neck, Loki’s head leaned down and lips brushed your cheek.
“Yes, my little mortal,” he whispered, chest moving with yours, hands and arms circling you tightly. “I think you bit off far more than you can chew with this one.”
October 29th: Two Days Earlier
To say the Avengers were competitive wouldn’t have been a shock to anyone. You can’t grit and grind to the end of a brutal battle without the deep rooted need to win inside you. And the Avengers all had it. That need to surpass and overcome and above all win no matter what the odds or what the cost? Yeah, that was in no short supply on the team.
Unfortunately when there wasn’t a big bad to go after, that shared competitive spirit often led to interesting discourses and sometimes quite the intense challenges.
“It was by far the scariest costume of the party, I swear.” Clint said, crossing his heart. He was sitting up on the counter, back against the fridge and feet dangling into the sink (much to everyone's resigned displeasure).
“Please,” commented Natasha, used to this kind of confident talk and never letting it just slide. Not with Clint anyways. “I was there, and it was not. How is “The Blob” of all things in anyway scary? People thought you were a potato, Clint.”
The group gather in the lounge of the compound chuckled and smiled, all throwing looks each other. It was quite the amount of commotion, considering there were no missions happening and nothing on the radar either, meaning just about everyone on the team was hanging around. 
You were there sitting comfortably on the couch with Steve and Tony, Clint and Nat were at the bar, with Sam and Thor to one side and Loki leaning against the wall behind you. Save a few members, the whole gang was mostly here and restlessly idle.
“Listen, it was terrifying and you know it, Nat.” Clint said, pointing back at her once the chuckles died down.
“Well, no it wasn’t. What was scary was the house.” Nat said. “It was completely decked out. Looked amazing. It had nothing on the other haunted houses I’ve been in... Or HYDRA crack dens either.”
“I could do it better.” Clint whispered in a sing-song kind of way, looking down at his fingernails.
“Guaranteed I could make a far more scary haunted house than you, french fry.” Tony piped up, not to be outdone. “And none of that low-tech, fake blood stuff, but actually terrifying. You’d all run out screaming your cute little heads off.”
Soon enough everyone was talking, Nat and Clint throwing remarks back and forth, Tony and Sam jabbing at one another on classic scares verses modern frights, and Thor talking to a rather disgusted looking Steve about what the otherworldly terrors he’s been witness too.
You just sighed and leaned into the couch, throwing a knowing look behind you to the quiet Loki who rolled his eyes a little, small smile on his face. Somehow it always ended up like this, the two of you shaking your heads at the boisterous bunch. But an idea came quickly to mind, as it usually did in times like these, and you figured it would be a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone as it were.
“Alright, alright,” you said, interrupting the cacophony before things got hairy. God, no one here was able to handle a bit of free time, were they. “Let’s settle this than? Halloween is in two days. How about anyone who wants to be titled “The Ultimate Horror Champion” picks a room at the compound here and we put on a real haunted house. After that, the few of us not participating vote on which room was the scariest.”
Bright eyes danced from just about everyone at the idea, a brief moment of silence following as minds began sparking with ideas.
“So... I take it that’s a yes?” you asked.
An immediate eruption of voices rang out, agreements flooding in and dibs on specific rooms sounded off. Some just jumped up and raced out of the room to get started on the first ever Avenger Haunted House.
It had at first been infuriating for him to feel this way for a little thing like you.
For some time behind closed doors he fumed at the thrall you had over him, an angry burn that flooded every inch of his Frost Giant body. But inexplicably that fiery heat melted into a calm, purring warmth in his chest whenever you walked into a room. Your sparkling laugh, your bright eyes, your cunning wit, ability to make peace or war with a few words, heaven-crafted beauty… In all actuality you reminded Loki of him, all those qualities he recognized clearly in his own self.
But your charm and personality wielded a quieter kind of power than his. It was a lighter, delicate, and peaceful type of power. An equal and opposite to his own. Despite you being mortal and possessing none of the seiðr Loki had himself, he was quite under your spell and had been for too long.
Eventually the fiery and stubborn resistance to you when you weren’t around faded, leaving him in a constant state of want when you were gone, and hollow contentment when you were close. Because you were just never close enough.
He wanted to feel your skin to his, your breath on his body, ring out in a laughter and pleasure that was all and only for him. And it was at a point where he just about couldn’t stand it anymore. 
Now, part of his acceptance to the team was an agreement made to drastically reduce any magic and not to interfere with mortals... but that agreement was about to be altered. As soon as you had mentioned this Halloween haunted house game, Loki knew he’d manipulate whatever he could about it to his (and your, he assumed as it would mean being closer to him) benefit. He’d been far too good lately, it was time to break a couple rules...
You threw a bag from the cupboard behind you without looking, the plastic smacking down the counter. Bright little wrappers held mini chocolates, ready to be gobbled down by kids (or the bumbling Hogan, who was determined to sit by the door and wait for the trick-or-treating kids… probably only to avoid the supposed oncoming terror of the competition that night).
It was you and Loki in the kitchen alone, though the buzzing energy of the compound was palpable even here. Everyone was scattered and running around, getting all the last minute details in place for their haunted rooms. It had been two days of secrecy and madness, and no-one was willing to give up a spare second, determined not to lose whatever edge they could have.
“I know there were more in here,” you said, rummaging through the cupboard for more treats, voice muffled as you stuck your head in. “Actually, I did see your brother munching on something that could have been mini chocolate bars… I’ll bet he nipped a bag.”
“He is quite greedy and inconsiderate of children.” Loki agreed lightly, subtly emptying his pockets of wrappers into the trash while you weren’t looking.
“Please,” you laughed. “You and I are complete Scrooges compared to him. Let’s not kid ourselves about that.”
He quirked a brow, leaning against the counter a couple feet away from you. Though you couldn’t see him, he didn’t doubt you knew what question was on his mind.
“Sorry, wrong holiday.” you supplemented, now pulling down a million and one things from the cupboard in your hunt for more candy. “Scrooge is a Christmas thing, I don’t think we got to that story last year.”
“It can’t be any more dull than this holiday.” Loki said, gesturing vaguely to nothing.
“Please, you love it, I know you do.” you said above the shuffling. “Candy? Costumes and masks? Theatrics and over-indulgence? You were made to celebrate this holiday. Happens to be my favourite one too.”
“You mortals make no sense to me,” he said in feigning disapproval.
Well, maybe all mortals save you. You he understood perfectly.
“You know, you were here last year for this,” you pointed out to him, head popping out with a triumphant little smile at the bag of treats in your hand. “None of this is new information.”
“I’m aware,” he said with that mix of dry charm which always managed to pull a smirk and half an eye roll from you. “But I still don’t fully understand the point of people willingly giving out sweets rather than indulge in few harmless tricks instead.”
As you turned around to lean against the counter you saw that nothing about his look said any of his tricks would in fact be harmless. You could practically see the wheels turning on what tricks he would pull on kids and people alike behind those gleaming eyes and that subtly mischievous smile.
“What, you don’t like sweet things?” you said, eyes innocent and wide.
That look and the demure way in which you held yourself made him stop a moment, trying to casually swallow down the heated wanting it brought on. He shrugged a shoulder slightly looking at you head on, determined not to let the sway you held overtake him. It gave him a look of intensity, green eyes set to yours.
“Oh my dear, I love sweet little things.” he said back. He was about to take a step forward to you when Clint came barreling through at top speed in a clamorous sprint.
“I need more buckets! Stat!” he hollered as he ran through the kitchen and out the other side, leaving you and Loki watching him in vague humourous confusion. “Stat means now!”
A snort got caught in your throat at that, just as your phone alarm went off.
Looking up to Loki, your eyes were bright and smirk just as mischievous as his had been a moment ago.
“Time’s up for the team,” you said excitedly. “The witching hour is about to start.”
The deal was- much to Loki’s delight- that everyone would be paired up going into each room, and he knew he would have to find a way to get you as his partner.
Maybe mortals were used to giving treats on Halloween now, but he wasn’t mortal and tricks were far more his style. So that was his plan tonight. Just a couple simple tricks, nothing too intense or scary. But just enough to get you to jump in his arms for protection (which he’d happily oblige you).
So when it came down to begin this game, he was set to coerce, maim, or kill to get you alone with him. It was down to the last four people: Rhodes, Wanda, you and Loki. And before Loki could make a sly suggestion (before going to a bit more of an extreme route), you spoke up.
“Alright,” you said easily, to Wanda and Rhodes. “You guys go ahead, Loki and I will follow after and end out this haunting.”
The two took off eagerly, wanting to see what was in store for them after watching the other pair go in one by one. That left you and Loki along in a bright empty hallway, waiting for your turn. And the beginning to what was going to be a deliciously fun night for Loki.
“You ready?” you said quietly to Loki. “Because if I know these guys, they will try and make us run out of there screaming. Hope you’re made of strong stuff.”
“I’ve battled creatures you couldn’t begin to fathom, darling,” he said with that usual smirk to your half-eye roll. “But I’ll protect you from whatever lurks in there, I promise.”
You didn’t see his smile grow as he turned towards the entrance of the hallway. It was a long stretch that would lead to the other rooms, and the first stop in this haunted house. Loki held out his hand to you and you took it.
“Shall we?”
Windows lined the long stretch of the corridor to your left and all the way down at the end of the hall. The dark rustling trees outside and cold night gave off that feel of unease, with the only minimal light (if you could call it that) from the half moon outside. The rest of the space was pitch black, though you thought you could make out murky shapes in the darkness.
Taking a few slow steps in, the pair of you looked at each other, you giving half a shrug before carrying on down the dark space.
A low growl ran out from the speakers, the familiar static of a recording sounding with it. Not terribly scary just yet, despite the near pitch blackness and woods outside.
“I guess we’re starting off with werewolves,” you said to yourself.
Just down the hall you saw several pairs of eyes flash to life all at once, like little painted light bulbs. It was decidedly simple but did look a little eerie in the dark.
Loki took step just behind you, eyes on you as he breathed something in existence that was certainly not of Earth.
A moment later, you stopped in your tracks, confused. Instead of the yellowish eyes in the dark, suddenly red ones appeared. Big, gleaming eyes in the blackness like blood painted rubies shone back to you from the end of the hall. And they looked like they were moving closer. And closer… And closer...
The speakers cut out with a catch, but the growling didn’t stop. In fact, it only got louder, more feral, and dripping with predatory aggression. Your head snapped around behind you as you heard more growls in the dark, surrounding you both from either end. Red eyes watched and slowly moved in on you, only a shadowy outline of a hulking, crawling frame accompanying them. And those hungry eyes were fixed on you.
Okay, now you were a touch scared.
“Loki…” you whispered, voice tight with fear. You closed ranks, moving behind the Asgardian as you two stepped back to the window.
Loki wrapped his arms gently around to the small of your back, feeling you breathing increase and heart pound a bit in your chest against his back. You had a beautiful heat coming off of you, causing a tingle to cascade through his always cool skin.
“How are they doing this exactly?” he asked, keeping all amusement out of his voice and a tinge of apprehension there instead, needing to draw out this rouse as long as possible.
“I… I don’t know.” you whispered, eyes darting to either side of you, watching the red eyes get closer.
“Shall I take them, or will you?” Loki asked turning around a bit and unable to hide just a little humour there.
“Ha, ha,” you said back, giving him a light kick to the shins. “Like you could either keep me away from a fight or make me do all the work. Whatever this is, we’re doing it together obviously.”
With a bit of a gulp you stepped out from behind Loki, hand connecting and lingering with his as you moved slowly towards one end of the hall, and Loki the other.
“Listen,” you said tersely to the creature in front of you, jaw clenched. “If you’re Steve in a wolf costume, know that I’m coming at you. Like really coming at you here. So either drop this or expect a trip to the med bay, Rogers.”
But if there was a person in a costume, they made no indication.
Its deep growl became so low that it almost passed into an octave that you couldn’t hear, and its huge shadowy frame began to shift down closer to the ground. Just as it was preparing to pounce, so were you.
The moment it sprung up all chaos was let loose, ear shattering barks and claws scraping against tiles, flashes of dark shadows, blood red eyes, and snapping white teeth in the dark.
You dodged the initial strike, swiftly moving to the side by the skin of your teeth and gripping on the rough fur as it flew to where you stood just a second ago. You held on and used the momentum to throw yourself up onto the huge hunched back of whatever the hell this thing was, the jutting vertebrates digging into you.
Instantly the thing started freaking out, bucking and throwing its snapping teeth back to try and get at you, snarling and furious. In the darkness you locked the monster into a headlock, try to constrict its airways and knock this thing out.
“Jump!” came a voice, knocking the focus out of you and kicking in your reflexes. Instantly you complied, leaping off the creature and crashed to the ground. Just in time for a second beast to go hurling full speed at the thing, sending them both tumbling violently down the hall in a heap.
Hands were on you, lifting you up and carrying you down the hall in the second. As the creatures shook their heads dazed and struggled in the pile of limbs to stand, you and Loki raced by. You crashed through the door to the lit hallway, Loki setting you against the wall quickly before closing and securing the door behind you in a fevered rush.
The moment you were out and free from those things, you were leaned against the wall, hands on your knees, puffing and shaking your head.
“Okay… that may be the first one but that is the one to beat!” you said, straightening a bit and running and hand through your hair.
Loki was up to you in a moment, hands place on your waist and cupping your cheek, his expression concerned and caring.
“Are you alright?” he whispered to you, an innocent concern in his forest green eyes.
You closed your eyes and leaned your face into his hands. The feeling of it sent a bolt of addicting electricity straight through him. Touching you was an intoxication, but having you seek it out? Indescribably exquisite. His cool hand practically burned in the best possibly heat he’d felt.
“Yeah,” you said clearing your throat and straightening up, pulling away from his hand and breaking that electric connection with a snap. “Yeah, that was just… unexpected, I guess.”
Gently Loki tucked your loose hair delicately behind your ear, savouring the feel of you as much as he could and finding himself quite unable to stop touching you.
“They certainly can’t get any worse than that now, can they,” he said warmly, leaning in perhaps a little too much. “To the next?”
The next room was the large boardroom built to host quite a number of people, and much to your delight it was a great deal brighter than the last dark corridor. Also, it had no large dark beasts in it, so that was already a plus.
If the last one was like meeting wolves on a dark dangerous road, this room was like a jello factory exploded and left this room filled with the jiggly, colourful mess.
Big globs of slime were on the tables and chairs, dripping down the wall and ceiling, squelching on the floor as you stepped into the room. It made the room glow in a practically neon way.
You smacked a hand to your face, grin creeping out.
“Guess what this is,” you said, turning to Loki before raising your hands and wiggling your fingers spookily. “The Blob!”
You turned around to look at the complete goopy mess this place was, hand on your hip as you wandered in.
“Clint is going to have an awful time cleaning this up. Yeesh,” you said, picking up a fistful of the wet squishy stuff from the table. “This is just weirdly gross. I hope this isn’t some weird fetish of his…”
“Uh, Y/N?” Loki said. When you turned he was pointing up to a vent just on the wall beside you.
Forcing its way slowly through was more of that blob stuff, pushing through the grates of the vents and moving down the wall with seemingly more purporse than jello should.
“He put it in the vents?! Damn it, Clint.” you mumbled. But that wasn’t the worst of it you soon noticed.
It start coming out from under the door you just entered from too. Then pouring down from the ceiling light fixtures. You clutched Loki’s wrist as a snapping crack rang out, making you jump. You felt your feet shift, looking down in a bit of shock as the tiles were cracking and pushing up, ooze determined to get through.
Maddenly quick the fast unevening floor pushed and toppled chairs, raising up the table and cracking it in two, splitting the drywall, and coming down in huge chunks with the ceiling.
You decided now was the time to run.
You grabbed Loki’s hand, maybe taking two steps before slipping, jerking him down to the ground right on top of you. He ended up with his face coming down on the back of your neck, luckily able to brace slightly so you weren’t completely crushed under his Asgardian body.
You let out a groan, shifting and shuffling on the soaking ground so you were on your back, facing him with a hand on your forehead, eyes shut against the knock of pain the floor had given you.
Meanwhile Loki was transfixed, his body on top of yours with the lightest of pressure and the heaviest of longing in his chest. With every fast breath he lowered himself a touch more down on you, unable to help the temptation to simply be near and locked to you, to feel that sweet heat you gave off across the whole length of his body.
Loki took a second, risking you question of him not moving or demand he get off, staying on top of you with lips trailing just above your cheek...
When your eyes did open they immediately looked behind Loki, spurring you on to scramble up off the cracking vibrating floor. Loki turned, seeing the ooze coming up like a tidal wave about to crash down on you both.
Immediately (for the second time tonight already) he ripped you up from the ground into his arms, racing for the door. He threw himself against it and kicked it closed just as the slime was about to breach the threshold and drown you both.
The force back his kick made ended up pushing you both to the ground, your legs ending up over his lap, head on his shoulder, and back pinning his arm. Your soaked body was practically clinging to him with the slime. The pair of you took a moment together, breathing at your second narrow escape of the night.
“Just don’t tell Clint I thought this was scary, okay?” you said between breaths.
Loki just nodded as you lay there, you focusing instead on wiping slime from your face and arms though you didn’t move to get off him just yet. Loki practically hummed to himself, relishing the feel of your body and legs draped over him and your wet thigh under his hand. Slime covered or not, your skin still felt as great as he knew it would be.
That was the moment he knew he simply loved Halloween.
The next room was in a small but long lab, mostly used as overflow for any big projects Bruce and Tony were working on in the main lab.
This time when you stepped in, you were already holding Loki’s hand, not taking any chances this time. Just as he was hoping. And if he had anything to do about it, that closeness would only increase with each scare. So cautiously and hand-in-hand, you two entered.
The room was bright white and completely empty. As in there was nothing in it at all. No lab equipment to speak of or tables or chairs or fixtures or even outlets. The ceiling was basically a panel of frosted glass serving as one blinding light, while the floors and walls were the same huge white tiles. Nothing else at all.
“Well, this has a vague asylum feel to it,” you said, trying to rationalize what whoever set this up was going for. “Minus the padded walls.”
“Quite underwhelming,” Loki said, looking around, hand still holding onto yours, doing his best to slow his softly moving fingers against your skin.
“Not for long kids!” said Tony’s voice over the speaker, jolting you right up to Loki’s side.
A thin panel quick came down over the door you entered, preventing any escape for whatever Tony had planned, leaving the only escape at the very far end of the room. A moment later you heard a grinding machinery type noise, followed by some loud whirling. It was instantly accompanied by the walls starting to move in.
“Oh great!” you half shrieked, grabbing Loki and running.
But you only made it a few steps when a terribly loud bang from behind the walls sounded, knocking you both to the side and up against the wall. You immediately stumbled back from it, as now the once slowly moving walls were suddenly moving a mile a minute.
“Oh, I regret suggesting this stupid idea!” you yelled into the deafening whirling room, neither of you able to get even footing as you were forced back. “I regret everything in my life leading up to this moment! I regret Tony Stark ever being born!”
In second your back hit the opposing wall, coming up fast to meet you. You kicked out your legs, trying to keep the other wall from moving anymore and crushing you, but it was no use. A few second later you held your arms out against it, the space shrinking so fast you were practically blinded by panic.
Before the wall could reach you, Loki moved from your side to in front of you, your chest to his, bracing one wall with his forearms and one with his back. But even then it wasn’t enough, Loki having to settle for wrapping his arms around you.
Another loud bang and crack sounded, the walls stopping their movement in a jarring lurch. The whirled stopped suddenly, leaving the two of you positively pinned to each other, the only sound in the sudden silence being the breath passing between you.
“Well, holy shit,” Tony sounded after a few moments. You would have jumped at the sound if you could have moved in any way at all. “No idea what in hell happened, but I am fixing it right now, I swear! Don’t die, okay bye.”
There really was nothing to do but stand. You were pressed completely flushed against Loki, barely able to even breathe much less move under him. The cold wall at your back gave you no opportunity to move away. His warm body was lined up with yours, the force of it just on the right side of bearable.
Your legs were a tangle together, hips pinned to hips, stomach and chest pressed to each other, one of your arms caught between you the other stuck to your side as Loki’s arms wrapped around you.
“I’m beginning to think this was a bad idea,” you mumbled half-heartedly into his shoulder, not in any way sure if the butterflies and stomach turning was from sheer panic or having the Asgardian so skin-warmingly close.
A soft, low chuckle breathed down your ear and neck, Loki’s head leaned down and lips brushing your cheek.
“No, my little mortal,” he whispered, chest moving with yours hand and arms circling you tightly. “I think you bit off far more than you can chew with this one.”
“Can’t believe my first bad idea will actually be the death of me,” you chuckled nervously, trying to ease the palpable tension at the sudden and extreme closeness you had yet to experience with him.
Your teammate and friend he may be, but that hardly meant you found yourself in this type of situation ever. It was making you positively dizzy.
That laughter ended up with the tiniest squeak from you as Loki tried to shift, the smallest amount of additional pressure stifling. You tried to ignore how beautifully nice it was to have a cool body against yours, the heat flooding your system about to do you under.
“Am I hurting you, darling?” he whispered to you in response to your tiny surprised whimper.
“I…” you started, thankful at least you could hide into his shoulder. “I think a little maybe.”
A few beats passed before he spoke, delicately hushed voice in your ear.
“Then it’s time we left, I believe.”
He moved both his body on the front of your and his hands behind you, leaving you pressed and pulled into him. You turned up to Loki quickly, eyes wide and nose brushing his, about to speak before he cut you off.
“If I can get my hands loose,” he started, green eyes completely filling your view. “I’ll push against the wall and we see about breaking free, hmm?”
You swallowed and nodded once, tip of your nose lightly touching his. He held your stare a moment before shifting again, hands eventually pulling free.
Putting them up against the wall with his cheek leaned down to yours, he pushed. The groaning mechanics behind the wall protested, metal screeching and electronics popping out sharp snaps of sound. Loki breathed heavily in your ear, making a show of exerting himself in effort before with a booming crash the wall fell away.
The sudden loss of pressure against your back caused to you to stumble backwards with the wall, almost hitting the floor before cool strong arms caught you, bring you nose to nose with Loki yet again.
He said nothing, just looked at you as you watched him, the smallest and contentest smile on his face.
The next room was… well, different than the others.
The two of you stopped a couple feet in looking around with pulled together brows and similarly confused expressions.
“Is this…” you started, narrowing your eyes. “Did someone recreate Clint’s bedroom?”
There was about a hundred dirty socks, underwear, and old flannel shirts around a lumpy mattress of a bed and scattered across the entire floor. That was pretty much it. It was minimal to say the least.
“I’ll bet you a hundred dollars that Bucky and Sam teamed up to do… this,” you said, pointing out around the room which also included a waste bin in the corner filled with old fruit peels and half-empty milk containers.
“I… have nothing.” Loki said, giving up on what exactly to do with this mess.
“Next?” you said, stepping up to him perhaps closer than you usually did, he thought.
“Please,” Loki said looking to one corner over your shoulder. “Because I do believe they actually put vermin in here.”
You looked over your shoulder to the corner in question, see a bit of movement there too.
“Or the rats just followed the smell from Clint’s actual bedroom…”
Another pitch black room. This time you had wrapped Loki’s arm around your waist and the other went to your hip, pressing fingers and palms into you. Loki was deliciously breathing you in, trying to think of all the delightful ways he could draw his night out. Or perhaps he would just have to resort to scaring you more often?
The thought brought him to an edge, where one side lay the addicting closeness brought on from scaring you, and the other side the soul-warming feeling of protecting you from fear. He wanted the best of both and he’d find a way to get it.
An otherworldly wail built up from the ground in the darkness, and instantly in his arms, you froze.
A whispery white flash moved just out of sight to the your left, and you closed your eyes tightly for a moment before opening them again. Somehow, Loki noticed, you were already more scared than any other room, and he had only barely gotten started. Your skin had turned a bit colder, muscles tight and body stiff, breath shallow and shaky.
Another whip of white to the right and your nails dug into his flesh. Loki loved that feeling, wanting those nail to trance down his bare back…
In full view a devilish looking wraith came flying at the pair of you, shrieking furiously in the darkness.
A blood curdling scream erupted from you, quite unlike the ones you had made previously tonight, instantly turning and clutching into Loki with all the strength you had. You positively buried yourself into Loki’s neck, trying your best it seemed to keep from screaming.
“Loki, I hate ghosts,” you whispered, an octave lower than your usual tone and certainly not at all stable. “I hate them, I’m terrified. Please don’t do this, please just get me out?”
Loki stood there, a little surprised at this. Quick as always he wondered if by your words you knew what game he was playing, or if he had simply taken this too far. He hadn’t know you’d have this reaction though. Instantly he snapped his fingers and the ghosts that had suddenly filled the room left.
Loki lifted you easily, carrying you bridal style through the room and out of it. You didn’t look up, didn’t move from your clutching position in his arms, muscles still tense.
The bright and blissfully normal looking hallway on the other side was filled with Avengers, all trying to figure out what the hell happened tonight and also who had won. From the groups voices and yelling and arguments you heard Thor boom above the rest calling out for Loki in that frustrated motherly way he did, trying to search the crowd and rooms for his brother.
Loki took you down a quiet hall away from the commotion, setting your feet down and leaning you back against the wall. His hands went to your neck, his thumbs pushing your chin up to look at him, his face leaned down barely an inch away from yours.
“The ghosts were a little far, I think,” you said weakly, trying to swallow down some of the fear. What you didn’t do was move away though, sticking close and leaning into his touch. “It may not have taken much, but that was enough of your tricks, I thought.”
“When did you figure it out?” Loki asked, a bit of smug pride that his source of affection and longing saw through the little scheme (yet still let him have his fun, at least until the end).
“The first room, Loki,” you said in an obvious tone with bit of a shaky grin. “Werewolves don’t exist here. Neither does The Blob. And you’re Asgardian by the way, so I don’t doubt if you really wanted out of a room with closing walls you’d just do it and a lot faster. Now, Clint’s dirty gym clothes? That was definitely real and certainly terrifying.”
You chuckled to yourself at your own joke and Loki couldn’t help but watch you, his enjoyment coming from your own.
“Now,” you said, looking a bit more serious. “You’re not usually a jerk… To me anyway. So do you want to tell me what you were trying to do tonight?” You took a deep breath and sighed into him, your body completely flush to his and heavy lidded eyes matching his. “To scare me away, or scare me close?”
“Close, darling,” he whispered, hands moving to pull your lips to his.
Loki leaned in just as you did, closing the infinitesimally small distance together. That electric jolt of pleasure when he touched you was nothing compared to this, his heart and body lighting up like a birth of a new star. Your calming, easy energy shifted to match his fiery one in that moment as your lips moved against his. He was met with a wanting that matched his, a fever that rivalled his own. He was drunk on you in a moment, only retaining the barest of controls as he held your mortal little body under his own.
Pulling away he breathed your air, revelling in it, finally getting what he wanted and knowing he was not about to let it go. That place of longing inside him purred at the connection, deciding to fall on the side of protecting you from fear.
“I should have planned this earlier,” you said, hushed and lids still low with a lingering wanting that Loki was drowning in. “If I had known this was all it would take to get you to kiss me like that.”
“What do you mean?” Loki asked, unable to help grinning at that gleam in your eyes others often saw in his own eyes. Usually it meant pure mischief in him, but with you, there was an undeniable added hint of kindness. “You purposely wanted me to do all this? To frighten you like this, all for a kiss?”
“Of course,” you said, leaning up to kiss him again gently, lingering there just above his lips. Even that small touch made his breath hold in his chest. “I might be sweet but I have some tricks up my sleeve too. Especially on Halloween.”
A/N: Happiest of Halloweens darlings! This was my first Loki fic so I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you thought?? A reblog or message would make my day!
Permanent Tags: @dontpanc, @smodvocate, @bunsterjonez, @buckybonky, @marveloustrashpanda, @hangirl93, @captainrogerrsbeard, @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen, @thisgirllikeme, @jjsoccer11, @innerpandablizzard-blog, @fanatic-fanfic, @mdgrdians, @christinky, @universal-death-of-a-fangirl, @cauraphernelia, @ailynalonso15, @cassiopeia-barrow, @1elboomdemsechevarria, @cameronskywalker, @rogrsnbarnes, @verygraphicink, @onlyanothersocialcasualty
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh S3 Ep 2: The VR Zone Has a Hell Ton of Trees
Alright guys I am regretting the hell out of this teriyaki ramen bowl I just ate, so it’s a better time than ever to go back into this VR arc. Now that the Big 5 have made their speech, all of them quite fat and one with a cane although he doesn’t even have a body anymore, they are ready to send everyone down a series of...plot-shaped holes.
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Like they were JUST in some sort of tropic zone, to go back to here and then go somewhere else and so like--this is still VR I think? Like I’m assuming they went VR the moment they entered this room but it is quite vague at what point they were officially in VR. Was it when their vision went fwisssh and everyone split into RGB layers or was it that they got knocked out with gas quite a long time ago and were just unaware that it happened? Probably a bunch of these things.
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With this announcement we find out that everyone--and I mean everyone--has to play cards now, although I’m pretty sure half of them have duel disks and the other’s are like...not equipped? I mean it’s VR, so hypothetically no one at all needs a duel disk anymore but you gotta sell toys, so no matter what, Yugi’s going to be lugging this heavy sharp thing on his wrist, even when he knows he will soon be shot down a wacky hole.
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The title of last episode, ps was “VR Nightmare,” but like, it’s actually fairly pleasant, compared to the blimp hell we were dealing with just a few episodes back. I mean I guess people are actively trying to kill us here but when are they not?
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The audacity of this show. Every state in the US has huge ass fake castles in it leftover from the Rockefeller era. Where else are our Moms supposed to drag us on Day Trips so we can get our history credit for Girl Scouts?
Americans are hella good at creating fake historical sites--all you need is a 50+ year old house and some turret work possibly made by a reasonably well known architect and it’s like “yeah that’s a good enough castle for me! Can we say it’s haunted, too? It’s hella haunted! Come to my castle B+B!”
(read more under the cut)
Tea landed in some concept art that kind of looks like the underside of a mushroom. I dunno how I’d classify this rock structure.
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And then Kaiba landed in his worst nightmare which was being in a normal park with one single straight road but somehow still completely lost. At least Mokuba managed to fall into the same hole as his brother to ensure that Seto wouldn't be lost for like the rest of this arc. Which was actually kind of an unintentionally hilarious animation.
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*rare shot of the Kaibas actually taking a break*
Man, this is the closest they’ve gotten to a real hug in kind of a while. Like when was the last time these bros hugged? Pegasus’ castle?
Meanwhile, Noah is admiring his work from this throne room and it would be a whole lot more intimidating if he wasn’t in calf-high black socks.
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His outfit is like a white school uniform so what gives with the black socks? Like of all the things to complain about on Yugioh (especially since I see Yugi’s hair looking right at me in the next cap) those socks though. Those are pretty inappropriate with this outfit, Noah. Especially matched with this God Throne you’ve got going on. Did not see socks like that matched with a chair like this.
Meanwhile Yugi is all by himself but that doesn’t matter at all because he is 2 (3) people. This strategy to isolate everyone only really worked on Serenity and Joey, TBH, since Tea is also accompanied by slightlylessevil!Marik (who hasn’t really said anything since the VR started).
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I knew Bakura would be out for a while, but I didn’t realize it meant everyone else wasn’t even going to once acknowledge it, it is baffling. I mean I get they’re super distracted right now but your friend is DEAD.
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Honestly I would not mind if the big 5 succeeded and we had to see some old men try and work with Yugi’s hair and alt rock clothing, deal with Pharaoh sassing them from a brain labyrinth, go to Yugi’s school where people get savagely beat up like every other day, deal with Bakura and Marik trying to body snatch and other magic assholery during class breaks, and through all that watching the Big 5 attempt to take over the world with their megacorp that no longer sells guns but actually sells like...children’s entertainment supplies which include the dueling roombas from S1. How on Earth do they actually think that getting a body would help them at this point? They would be Yugi Muto and that is the last face anyone would ever take seriously.
Pharaoh pops up and is like “I guess we’re doing this right now? Really wish we weren’t doing this right now.”
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Anyway, because they don’t physically exist in this digital world, neither do God Cards, or any other card in their deck. So, now they have to make new decks out of a pool. Very convenient for the writing team, bad news for Kaiba’s intense and vaguely romantic relationship with his Blue Eyes. Really glad we spent a full season talking about how much these cards meant to all these people, from the magicians, to Joey’s Red Eyes, and then that one card that was Mako Tsunami’s Dad or something--really glad we learned all of that to just completely erase it this arc.
I sounded sarcastic just now, I actually wasn’t for once, I am so glad to just purge my mind of all those card memories for a little while. Just allow myself to forget. Ah. My mind is already so much clearer. It feels so good. I am very much ok with this soft reset, I kinda needed it.
Since Yugi is supposed to choose a Deck Master from his set of cards for this particular type of duel monsters duel, he goes right for the dark magician--since that’s his MO, but for some reason Kuriboh chose himself? Like this greasy thing just hopped out of the card and played himself.
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Anyway Kuriboh is now their new Pikachu and well...this show has done worse cute-character-that-does-literally-nothing-else type things to me, speaking of, lets see what Serenity is up to.
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This is a digital hellscape, Serenity.
Serenity, you are going to die here.
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So because I just realized just now in Season 3 that Duke’s necklace is a hot, over designed disaster (much like Duke himself) I figured I should like...see what this necklace is supposed to look like. So I typed into Google “duke devlin necklace” and guys, turns out there is a LOT of Yugioh jewelry--and I don’t mean like fanart (which there is also a lot), I mean like officially, a lot of people in this show wear a lot of jewelry and so it was sort of hard to find a good pic of a Duke Devlin specific necklace--especially since it feels like most people just go for the dice earring because that’s way easier.
But what’s interesting about the Duke Devlin necklace, at least from my quick search, is that when we bring it to the real world, it gets a little lost, like a game of telephone.
Cuz I assumed that was a clown on his necklace--and there’s quite a few clown necklaces, but I’m also seeing skulls, I’m seeing gothic crosses, I’m seeing spikes and knives instead of crosses. Bro thought it was a flower for some reason--I kinda blew his mind just now when I pointed out it was a clown. Some people think it’s made of silver, other people think it’s sort of painted? (I assumed the cross was entirely blinged out with rhinestones--my honest assumption) No one can actually agree. Especially since Duke apparently changed his necklace for the movie. I know that because it looks a lot like the Legend of Zelda emblem, and some people had the actual Legend of Zelda emblem mis-tagged as Duke Devlin. Which sucks a whole lot for their SEO, and sucked a whole lot for me in my search to find a real actual Duke Devlin necklace.
Like, feel free to attach a link to a reply -- is there an official physical Duke Devlin necklace that Yugioh inc sells? Like I just want to know--officially--what the hell I’m looking at.
Anyway, back to the show, much like everyone else, these two are hopelessly lost.
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Kaiba seems to keep forgetting that his Dad is clearly behind all this and would obviously have his old tech but like...Kaiba forgets so much I can forgive him this.
So, faced with roads that lead no where, Tristan decides to do his tried and true method of solving all of his problems.
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And at the other end of the VR zone Tea is getting kidnapped after...being kidnapped by Noah while she was already kidnapped by Marik. This is three levels of kidnap, yes?
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I will read their fanfiction start to end I swear to you I will do it if it exists and I will report back to you who dates Captain Hook and who is related to Henry Mills.
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OMG It didn’t exist.
You have got to be kidding me.
I am beside myself, this is the only property known to man that has not been turned into a OUAT fanfiction.
That or I’m just really bad at searching for fanfics since I haven’t actually read any since my LiveJournal days. Like, when you’re basically immune to shipping, as I am, you just really lose the desire to read about 90% of fanfiction.
Anyway, the closest we have to a OUAT Yugioh fanfiction, to my knowledge, is that cap I made just now right there. Your welcome, Once community.
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This is absolutely made of load-bearing drywall. Why do none of the sets of windows line up with each other and how many stories is this? Like 2.5? And you can stand on the roof I guess because it has handrails? It’s super weird.
Anyway, I just made a OUAT joke and maybe it’s because I knew shortly after we were gonna get--that’s right--an orphanage flashback. OUAT was basically 6 seasons of effed up orphan flashbacks so I feel pretty well prepared. Like bro was worried how I’d handle this filler but y’all, I watched the Lily arc in OUAT. I can do anything.
*slaps hands together*
Totes ready for these boys to have been given up for adoption via a magical tree and a memory curse, only to find out their real parents are 3 years younger than them because of a time loop. Make it weird, Yugioh!
Anyway, as always, if you want a link to read these from the beginning in Chrono order and without any comments and all that jazz here’s a link
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carolunea-matea · 5 years
A/N: Well this is my first time trying out a writing challenge.  And of course, I take on a 12-part challenge. @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and @thing-you-do-with-that-thing are running Kari and Ida’s 12 days of SPN Christmas.  This is day seven. Mistletoe
“I’ll see you tonight at the party?” Jade asked me as we were pulling our coats on, getting ready to leave work.
“I don’t know. I hate going to these things dateless.” I shrugged.
“Oh, come on! It’s going to be fun! Maybe you’ll meet someone!” She wiggled her eyebrows making me laugh.
“Maybe…” I really didn’t have anything else to do.
“Look, Sam’s big brother just moved to town. I’m sure he doesn’t have any plans tonight. Let me text Sam and see if Dean is up for the party tonight. If he is, I’ll tell him to pick you up at your house around 7:30. Worst case scenario, you end up with a new friend and we get to spend more time together!”
“A blind date? Really, J?” she was already texting Sam. I rolled my eyes.
“He’s related to Sam, Carebear! Practically raised him! He can’t be that bad! Sam did graduate from Stanford with honors after all.”
She had a point. Sam was a great guy. This couldn’t be that bad.
“Yes! Dean will be at your place at 7:30! I’m so excited! I ‘ve been wanting to set you two up since Sam told me he was moving here!”
I just shook my head and laughed.
“Well now I have to go get all cute and shit. Thank god this is a dressy casual thing. I don’t think I could handle having to get all decked out tonight. I’ll see you in a few hours.”
We waved good bye as we headed for our cars.
 By the time I got home it was almost 6 o’clock. I jumped in the shower after pulling out my dark skinny jeans, a burgundy sweater, and a dark green top to so underneath.
It was almost 7 by the time I had my hair dried and curled, makeup applied, and was running around my house looking for my knee-high boots. I had finally found them when my doorbell rang.
“Coming!” I yelled as I hopped down my hallway pulling on my left boot. I knocked into the table I dropped my mail and keys on every day.
“Ow! Fuck!” I was still rubbing my hip as I opened the door.
There before me stood an emerald eyed, dark haired, drop dead gorgeous man.
“Hey, you must be Caroline. You ok?” He was smirking obviously having heard my run in with the table.
I laughed, “Yeah, the table just attacked me is all. Nice to meet you. Come in. I still have to get my coat.”
He walked in and shut the door behind him. I led him to the living room and told him to make himself at home.
“So, you and Jade work together at the hospital?” He asked as I dug through the closet looking for my leather jacket.
“Yeah. She’s one of my techs in the main pharmacy. We’ve worked together for, wow for five years now. I actually remember when she met Sam. She was like a school girl! Couldn’t wait to talk about every date they had.” I chuckled at the memory.
“Yeah, Sammy would call me after every date, too. She’d a good woman. She’s good for my brother.”
“Sam’s a great guy. J told me you practically raised him. You did a good job.” I had just pulled on my burgundy hat and match gloves and was buttoning my short leather trench.
“Thanks. Dad was on the road a lot. Mom, she passed when Sammy was six months old. Our Uncle Bobby watched us a lot, but yeah. We pretty much only had each other.”
I grabbed my purse, “Ok, I’m ready.”
“Let’s party!” Dean joked standing up and opening the door for me. He offered me his arm with a goofy grin on his face.
“Why thank you, kind sir!” I teased in a southern belle accent.
We laughed as we walked to his car. My jaw dropped.
“Holy Shit! A 67 Impala? She’s beautiful!” I walked around his car impressed.
“A woman who knows her cars. Nice.”
“Not all cars. But this, this is my dream car.” Dean was opening the passenger side door for me. I got in and rubbed the dash and the seats before pulling on my seat belt.
“This is my Baby. She was my Dad’s. When he passed, I got her.”
Dean had just bought his own mechanic shop. We talked about cars, my job, how cute Sam and Jade were together. All the random first date stuff. We were laughing about our favorite episode of Friends when we pulled up to the bar the Christmas party was at. Sam and Jade were just arriving as well.
“Well look at you two, laughing and getting along,” Sam teased and Dean opened my door for me.
“Hush, Sammy. Respect your elders!” I teased right back.
“Oh God, you’ve already started telling her stories, haven’t you?” Sam glared at Dean while I gave Jade a hug.
“Oh my God! How did I not think about that? Dean, please! You have to!” I gave Sam a hung before spinning around to look at Dean.
“Oh, there are tons of them! We have all night. Let’s get inside and get drinks. I hope there’s pie.” Dean grabbed my hand and led the way into the bar.
My co-workers called out to Jade and me with a chorus of “Merry Christmas”.  We said hello to everyone and I introduced Dean around.
“What’s your drink?” Dean asked in my ear so I could hear him over the noise in the bar. I got chills.
“Captain and Diet and a shot of Patron.”
“Coming up!” Dean and Sam walked to the bar to get the first round of drinks. As soon as they were far enough away, I smacked Jade’s arms.
“Dude! You didn’t warn me about how hot he is!”
She laughed.
“Well what did you expect? He’s related to Sam.”
“Fair point. But, my God, those eyes!” I fanned myself to further my point.
We pulled off our outerwear and hung them on chairs reserved for our party as Dean and Sam walked back with our drinks. We drank to Christmas and family with our shots and settled in to our seats.
“Ok, everyone! We have our food to the left and we’re going to start karaoke in about twenty minutes. Solo, duets, and groups are all welcome! Let’s have some fun tonight!” The head nurse of the hospital’s trauma center, Meaghan, announced.
We all cheered as people started going to sign up.
“Santa Baby?” I asked Jade. It was a sort of tradition for the two of us to perform the song together.
I told them I’d be right back and went to sign us up.
“You guys carrying on tradition?” Stephanie, one of the trauma nurse’s asked.
“Of course!”
“Who is that guy you walked in with? He’s fucking hot!”
“Dean. He’s Sam’s brother and just moved into town. J fixed us up on a blind date tonight,” I explained, taking a large sip of my drink.
“Good luck!” Steph said while nudging me with her shoulder. I laughed as I walked away.
Back at the table, Jade and Sam were smiling widely while Dean shot a dirty look at them.
“Whoa! What did I miss?”
“Oh nothing,” Jade responded, not making it sound like nothing.
I shrugged it off and sat back down.
Two and a half drinks later, Jade and I were called up to do our song.
“Now up, your favorite duet in the pharmacy and at the Christmas party, Caroline and Jade!”
Our group cheered and Sam and Dean threw in a couple cat calls.
Jade and I laughed our way to the stage.
Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree for me Been an awful good girl Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Jade began the song giggling.
Santa baby, a '67 Impala too, dark blue I'll wait up for you, dear Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
I sang, walking toward Dean, shrugging at the color of the car, shooting him a wink. We were now standing in front of Sam and Dean and pulled them to the stage with us.
Think of all the fun I've missed Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed Next year I could be also good If you'll check off my Christmas list
We alternated the lines. Circling the men while we continued.
Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot Been an angel all year Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa honey one thing I really do need, the deed To a platinum mine Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks Sign your 'x' on the line Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight
Come and trim my Christmas tree With some decorations bought at Tiffany I really do believe in you Let's see if you believe in me
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing, a ring I don't mean on the phone Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight Hurry down the chimney tonight Hurry, tonight
 When we finished, we turned back to the guys to see Sam down on one knee. My jaw dropped as I turned my face to look at Jade, who had dropped her microphone. I slowly walked to stand next to Dean.
“Jade, we’ve been together for four years. I don’t want to spend anymore time not being your husband. Will you marry me?”
The room had fallen silent. Our co-workers all holding their breath waiting for Jade’s answer.
“Of course, I will,” she replied in a barely audible whisper.
“She said Yes!!” I screamed jumping up and down in excitement, tears streaming down my face.
The room erupted in applause while Sam slipped the ring on Jade’s finger before they kissed.
They were the talk of the rest of the party. Everyone congratulating them and hugging the couple while we were dancing.
Dean and I walked over to the food table and began filling our plates. We were about to head back to our table when I heard Sam yell, “Hey Dean! Look up!”
We both looked up to notice we were standing directly under a mistletoe.
Dean smiled taking both of our plates and putting them on the table. He placed one hand on my hip and the other on the back of my head.
“I’ve been waiting all night to find an excuse to do this,” he whispered against my lips before kissing me.
I could feel myself blushing as I stood on my toes, my hands traveling behind his neck.  His lips parted and kissed me deeper.
It wasn’t until I heard the cat calls from my co-workers that I slowly pulled away blushing bright red.
“I am so glad Jade talked me into coming tonight.” I was grinning ear to ear.
@idk-wtf-is-happening (Merry Christmas, Darling!)
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Up, Up, Down, Down, Kiss, and Make Up: Part One
Pairings: Annabeth/Percy; Jason/Piper; Hazel/Frank; Nico/Will
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15303474/chapters/35503755 
- Part 1 (The Set Up/Logging On) -
When Chiron bans video games, Leo gets creative and decides they should create their own game. The result is part D&D campaign, part cosplay opportunity and part complete chaos. Hazel might have somehow accidentally been proposed to, Annabeth is frustrated by video game logic, Jason and Piper start a feud, and Nico is trying very hard not to notice Will Solace and even harder not to let himself be video gamed into asking Will out. And Leo? He's in his element controlling it all.
Chiron had banned video games. He claimed it was because they rotted your brain and that everyone should be getting outside in the fresh air. In truth it was probably because Corridor 13 had gotten a little too competitive during a Mario Kart competition and a wii remote had flown off of someone's wrist and managed to take out both the TV and a window by a miracle of rebound and angles. The window had been fixed very quickly. The TV hadn't.
Chiron had insinuated they wouldn't get it back until after the holidays. After the obligatory complaints, chiding and threats to never speak to Corridor 13 again, the students of The Pantheon School were left to figure out what to do with themselves.
Predictably it was Leo who came up with something first.
"Let's make our own video game."
That didn't get much of a response at first. Piper and Annabeth were sitting in the window seat, not really listening. Of all of them they'd been the least worried about the loss of the TV since they'd only ever shown up to the video game tournaments occasionally to put the rest of them back in their place: Mario Kart wasn't a challenge anymore and it was doubtful it ever had been. Jason was at the desk by the window. He was probably the next level of not interested because he had somehow ended up on the committee to organise the prom and so his and Reyna's free time was usually spent arguing about menus, colour schemes and mildly threatening corporations who thought they could con two teenagers into buying overpriced balloons.
Percy did care about the loss of the TV, because without it he had one less reason to ignore the pressing fact he had a lot of homework to do. When Leo repeated the sentiment, louder this time, he was the first to look up from where he was lying on the sofa.
Leo admitted that he hadn't really thought things through that far. Percy sighed and threw his arm across his face.
"Maybe Chiron's right. Maybe we should just go outside or something."
Leo perked up. He was sitting on the floor, playing absentmindedly with an old walkie-talkie and he waved it about as he spoke, nearly decking Frank sat behind him.
"Outside!" he said. "Yes we should go outside."
He seemed way too enthusiastic about the idea. It was enough for Hazel to glance over in some concern.
"You said fresh air was pointless," she commented.
"That was before when we had a TV. Now outside is genius. We can make our own video game."
"That was your first idea," Percy observed.
"Ye-es," Leo admitted. "But this is that idea new and improved. I've got these walkie-talkies that Connor gave me and there's that old playground out back. We can make an obstacle course and control someone around it. Tell them what to do with the walkie talkies and stuff."
"Tell them to do stuff?"
Nico was sitting on the floor behind Percy’s sofa and he'd been so quiet the others had kind of forgotten he was there. He poked his head out.
"What sort of stuff?" he continued.
"You know, jump. Go left. Turn. That sort of thing," Leo said vaguely. “I haven't worked out all the particulars yet.”
"That's obvious," Nico said. Then he shrugged. "Sounds fun. Count me in."
"Really?" Leo asked, then quickly. "Great."
Nico gave him a look.
"I didn't think you'd be the first to agree," Leo said defensively.
"I'm in too," said Percy, still without looking up. "And Annabeth."
His girlfriend looked up at her name.
"What are you signing me up for?" she asked.
"Leo's video game super smash brawl IRL," Percy said. "Far as I'm guessing he's thinking of an obstacle course capture the flag death match kind of thing where someone bosses someone else about through walkie talkie."
Annabeth thought about that for a second.
"We're in," she said. "Right Pipes?"
Piper nodded seriously.
"Be good to kick your butts in real life," she said. "Bagsie Reyna."
And that was how they ended up outside in the grounds letting themselves be bossed around by Leo who had found a mega-phone somewhere and was using it to bellow instructions across the lawn. Jason came out, trying to adjust his glasses with an elbow at the same time as trying to shift a heavy cardboard box into a more comfortable position.
"This was all the tech corridor 13 could scrounge up," Jason said.
"They were pretty apologetic about the loss of the TV," he added as Leo extracted a broken video camera with a worryingly large grin.
"Here!" Leo called as he threw the camera towards Harley, who caught it one handed. "That should be good for section one."
"Section one?" Jason asked. "Leo this is going to be a little game right? A quick distraction?"
Leo barely gave his friend half a second of attention, too busy rummaging through the box.
"Uh-huh," Leo agreed, though Jason was pretty sure Leo had absolutely no idea what he was agreeing to.
"Corridor 13 have started a betting pool," Jason continued. "What exactly have you told them?"
"Video game," Leo mumbled. "Recreating a video game."
Jason sighed, and then jumped back rapidly as Harley walked back their way carrying a large piece of plywood.
"Okay," he said in defeat. "If you need me I'll be talking to napkin suppliers."
"Ooh can you get me any free samples?" Leo asked.
"Great. And you don't mind me designing your costume then?"
"No that's fi- wait costume?”
Leo wandered off, feigning deafness as he screeched into his megaphone.
“Leo! What costume?"
Leo continued doing a good impression of not being able to hear, waving a set of fairy lights excitedly at Harley. As he passed Reyna, Piper and Annabeth they covered up the several sheets of paper they had spread out on the floor around them and ostensibly stopped talking.
"Go away spy," Piper teased. "We won't let you steal our top secret plans."
Annabeth waited before Leo had got a safe distance away before continuing with her inventory plans.
"And rope of course."
Nico had joined forces with Hazel and Frank. Frank didn't seem entirely comfortable about the entire set up, partly because he wasn't super into video games but Hazel and Nico's competitive streaks were coming out and they were showing their claws, and partly because Hazel's brother made him just a tiny bit uncomfortable.
Hanging out with Nico properly for the first time was a little nerve wracking, because as stupid as he told himself he was being, Frank couldn't help but think that he was one stupid comment away from Nico skewering him with the pencil he was holding, or at least skewering him with a look. Still Hazel adored Nico and Nico adored Hazel and so it was clearly up to Frank to get over the fact he was mildly terrified of the slight, pale teenager with the eyes like shards of glass.
And Nico hardly seemed to be paying attention anyway. He'd had all sorts of plans in the beginning, and Frank had begun to realise that Nico was a bit of a mythomagic nerd. His knowledge of stats and different attacks could come in useful, but equally couldn't, since none of them really knew exactly what Leo was planning on building for them.
Now Nico was just staring into the distance, tapping a pencil distractedly against his knee. Frank followed his line of sight, but all he could see was some of the corridor 13 lot with Lou-Ellen and a couple of the guys from 7 and the younger ginger and green haired girl Frank always saw on the archery range. Callie? No, Kayla.
Frank shrugged it off, assumed that suddenly disappearing into his head was one of Nico's things and began discussing whether or not Hazel thought they'd need a shield.
"Do you think we'll need matches?" Annabeth asked, adding another note to her equal parts frighteningly organised and horrifyingly disorganised list.
"This is Leo," Piper said. "I think we should have everything possible. Up to and including the national guard and a medic on call."
Annabeth added matches under cold weather provisions, cross-referencing it a second later to light-emitting devices and then adding an arrow to warmth.
"Do we have a torch?" Reyna asked.
Annabeth frowned, scanned her notes.
"Yes under electronic items."
Reyna nodded sagely. She was relatively new to The Pantheon School, so really she was dealing with the chaos well considering she’d never had to survive through Leo’s other projects and ideas.  
"How serious do you think Leo is about all of this?" Reyna mused. "I saw him walk past with a drill a minute a go. Where on earth did he get a drill from?"
"Don't know," Piper laughed. "And don't think I want to know."
"Leo's hardly serious about anything," Annabeth mused. "But when he's got a project he's off. He's serious. And we've got a reputation to withhold."
"Well if we are doing this we're doing it properly," Reyna said. "I heard Leo was making his team costumes."
"My kind of area," Piper said with a grin.
"Really?" Annabeth asked. "You know how to sew?"
"Some confidence would be nice," Piper teased. "But no. I do, however, know some girls who love fashion and would be happy to help."
Reyna frowned. Annabeth pictured Drew's scowling, sardonic expression.
"Really?" Annabeth said again.
"Really," Piper said with a devious grin. "My corridor owe me a favour."
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Up Up, Down Down, Kiss and Make Up: Part One
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15303474/chapters/35503755
Parings: Percy/Annabeth; Hazel/Frank (not yet dating); Jason/Piper; Will/Nico (not yet dating)
(Boarding school AU)
When Chiron bans video games, Leo gets creative and decides they should create their own game. The result is part D&D campaign, part cosplay opportunity and part complete chaos. Hazel might have somehow accidentally been proposed to, Annabeth is frustrated by video game logic, Jason and Piper start a feud, and Nico is trying very hard not to notice Will Solace and even harder not to let himself be video gamed into asking Will out. And Leo? He's in his element controlling it all.
Part One
Chiron had banned video games. He claimed it was because they rotted your brain and that everyone should be getting outside in the fresh air. In truth it was probably because Corridor 13 had gotten a little too competitive during a Mario Kart competition and a wii remote had flown off of someone's wrist and managed to take out both the TV and a window by a miracle of rebound and angles. The window had been fixed very quickly. The TV hadn't.
Chiron had insinuated they wouldn't get it back until after the holidays. After the obligatory complaints, chiding and threats to never speak to Corridor 13 again, the students of The Pantheon School were left to figure out what to do with themselves.
Predictably it was Leo who came up with something first.
"Let's make our own video game."
That didn't get much of a response at first. Piper and Annabeth were sitting in the window seat, not really listening. Of all of them they'd been the least worried about the loss of the TV since they'd only ever shown up to the video game tournaments occasionally to put the rest of them back in their place: Mario Kart wasn't a challenge anymore and it was doubtful it ever had been. Jason was at the desk by the window. He was probably the next level of not interested because he had somehow ended up on the committee to organise the prom and so his and Reyna's free time was usually spent arguing about menus, colour schemes and mildly threatening corporations who thought they could con two teenagers into buying overpriced balloons.
Percy did care about the loss of the TV, because without it he had one less reason to ignore the pressing fact he had a lot of homework to do. When Leo repeated the sentiment, louder this time, he was the first to look up from where he was lying on the sofa.
Leo admitted that he hadn't really thought things through that far. Percy sighed and threw his arm across his face.
"Maybe Chiron's right. Maybe we should just go outside or something."
Leo perked up. He was sitting on the floor, playing absentmindedly with an old walkie-talkie and he waved it about as he spoke, nearly decking Frank sat behind him.
"Outside!" he said. "Yes we should go outside."
He seemed way too enthusiastic about the idea. It was enough for Hazel to glance over in some concern.
"You said fresh air was pointless," she commented.
"That was before when we had a TV. Now outside is genius. We can make our own video game."
"That was your first idea," Percy observed.
"Ye-es," Leo admitted. "But this is that idea new and improved. I've got these walkie-talkies that Connor gave me and there's that old playground out back. We can make an obstacle course and control someone around it. Tell them what to do with the walkie talkies and stuff."
"Tell them to do stuff?"
Nico was sitting on the floor behind Percy’s sofa and he'd been so quiet the others had kind of forgotten he was there. He poked his head out.
"What sort of stuff?" he continued.
"You know, jump. Go left. Turn. That sort of thing," Leo said vaguely. “I haven't worked out all the particulars yet.”
"That's obvious," Nico said. Then he shrugged. "Sounds fun. Count me in."
"Really?" Leo asked, then quickly. "Great."
Nico gave him a look.
"I didn't think you'd be the first to agree," Leo said defensively.
"I'm in too," said Percy, still without looking up. "And Annabeth."
His girlfriend looked up at her name.
"What are you signing me up for?" she asked.
"Leo's video game super smash brawl IRL," Percy said. "Far as I'm guessing he's thinking of an obstacle course capture the flag death match kind of thing where someone bosses someone else about through walkie talkie."
Annabeth thought about that for a second.
"We're in," she said. "Right Pipes?"
Piper nodded seriously.
"Be good to kick your butts in real life," she said. "Bagsie Reyna."
And that was how they ended up outside in the grounds letting themselves be bossed around by Leo who had found a mega-phone somewhere and was using it to bellow instructions across the lawn. Jason came out, trying to adjust his glasses with an elbow at the same time as trying to shift a heavy cardboard box into a more comfortable position.
"This was all the tech corridor 13 could scrounge up," Jason said.
"They were pretty apologetic about the loss of the TV," he added as Leo extracted a broken video camera with a worryingly large grin.
"Here!" Leo called as he threw the camera towards Harley, who caught it one handed. "That should be good for section one."
"Section one?" Jason asked. "Leo this is going to be a little game right? A quick distraction?"
Leo barely gave his friend half a second of attention, too busy rummaging through the box.
"Uh-huh," Leo agreed, though Jason was pretty sure Leo had absolutely no idea what he was agreeing to.
"Corridor 13 have started a betting pool," Jason continued. "What exactly have you told them?"
"Video game," Leo mumbled. "Recreating a video game."
Jason sighed, and then jumped back rapidly as Harley walked back their way carrying a large piece of plywood.
"Okay," he said in defeat. "If you need me I'll be talking to napkin suppliers."
"Ooh can you get me any free samples?" Leo asked.
"Great. And you don't mind me designing your costume then?"
"No that's fi- wait costume?”
Leo wandered off, feigning deafness as he screeched into his megaphone.
“Leo! What costume?"
Leo continued doing a good impression of not being able to hear, waving a set of fairy lights excitedly at Harley. As he passed Reyna, Piper and Annabeth they covered up the several sheets of paper they had spread out on the floor around them and ostensibly stopped talking.
"Go away spy," Piper teased. "We won't let you steal our top secret plans."
Annabeth waited before Leo had got a safe distance away before continuing with her inventory plans.
"And rope of course."
Nico had joined forces with Hazel and Frank. Frank didn't seem entirely comfortable about the entire set up, partly because he wasn't super into video games but Hazel and Nico's competitive streaks were coming out and they were showing their claws, and partly because Hazel's brother made him just a tiny bit uncomfortable.
Hanging out with Nico properly for the first time was a little nerve wracking, because as stupid as he told himself he was being, Frank couldn't help but think that he was one stupid comment away from Nico skewering him with the pencil he was holding, or at least skewering him with a look. Still Hazel adored Nico and Nico adored Hazel and so it was clearly up to Frank to get over the fact he was mildly terrified of the slight, pale teenager with the eyes like shards of glass.
And Nico hardly seemed to be paying attention anyway. He'd had all sorts of plans in the beginning, and Frank had begun to realise that Nico was a bit of a mythomagic nerd. His knowledge of stats and different attacks could come in useful, but equally couldn't, since none of them really knew exactly what Leo was planning on building for them.
Now Nico was just staring into the distance, tapping a pencil distractedly against his knee. Frank followed his line of sight, but all he could see was some of the corridor 13 lot with Lou-Ellen and a couple of the guys from 7 and the younger ginger and green haired girl Frank always saw on the archery range. Callie? No, Kayla.
Frank shrugged it off, assumed that suddenly disappearing into his head was one of Nico's things and began discussing whether or not Hazel thought they'd need a shield.
"Do you think we'll need matches?" Annabeth asked, adding another note to her equal parts frighteningly organised and horrifyingly disorganised list.
"This is Leo," Piper said. "I think we should have everything possible. Up to and including the national guard and a medic on call."
Annabeth added matches under cold weather provisions, cross-referencing it a second later to light-emitting devices and then adding an arrow to warmth.
"Do we have a torch?" Reyna asked.
Annabeth frowned, scanned her notes.
"Yes under electronic items."
Reyna nodded sagely. She was relatively new to The Pantheon School, so really she was dealing with the chaos well considering she’d never had to survive through Leo’s other projects and ideas.  
"How serious do you think Leo is about all of this?" Reyna mused. "I saw him walk past with a drill a minute a go. Where on earth did he get a drill from?"
"Don't know," Piper laughed. "And don't think I want to know."
"Leo's hardly serious about anything," Annabeth mused. "But when he's got a project he's off. He's serious. And we've got a reputation to withhold."
"Well if we are doing this we're doing it properly," Reyna said. "I heard Leo was making his team costumes."
"My kind of area," Piper said with a grin.
"Really?" Annabeth asked. "You know how to sew?"
"Some confidence would be nice," Piper teased. "But no. I do, however, know some girls who love fashion and would be happy to help."
Reyna frowned. Annabeth pictured Drew's scowling, sardonic expression.
"Really?" Annabeth said again.
"Really," Piper said with a devious grin. "My corridor owe me a favour."
Part Two
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lil-miss-methodical · 6 years
Black Panther Review Articles 3
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                                               May contain spoilers
“Just because something works, doesn’t mean it can’t be improved.”
Shuri: Young, vibrant and intelligent -> the Carefree One Shuri is easily a favorite. Every character had a part to play and Shuri’s the one of untampered youth. She wasn’t naive, or even childish. Know the world, it’s history and being responsible for the technological aspects of her people’s livelihood kinda pushes those concepts away. But her brother has been able to keep her shelter from danger, from the harshness of life as much as possible and so while she has great capabilities and task she remains this breath of freshness. She’s a jokester, choosing her brother as her victim whenever possible. It’s her easy excitable nature that makes her so enjoyable- she just as intelligent if not more so than Tony Stark but has nothing of his flaws of grandeur. Her skills are amazing and she knows it but she never comes with a vibe of I’m better than you because I’m more intelligent. In fact get her to talking about her tech and she because more alive. In the film she’s allowed this carefree vibe that allows the production to present black youth as it is in social standings - you get amazing lines from her like the ‘what are those’ throwback.
“I am loyal to the throne, no matter who sits on it.”
Okoye: Controlled, powerful and responsible -> the Resilient One A lot of people claim to hate the strong black woman trope - toting dangers to nature forgetting that that trope actually was born from the many women who had to become resilient to their circumstances. The danger is not a strong black woman but the world that expects her to only just. Okoye is defined as strong not because she’s capable of maintaining her own in battle, but because she’s of conviction. She vows to do and so she does. Strength is sometimes simply being and or doing even when you don’t want to. A woman can be strong without being a stone wall of impenetrableness and the film never intended to write her as such. Easily on we’re introduced to her other sides, the teasing side, the side that considers her King a friend despite the boundaries that would normal eliminate such feelings. The soft edges of love. Although you bet your ass I’m here for the concept of her standing for her values no matter what and man literally dropping to his knees before her in repentance.
“It was my duty to fight for what I love.”
Nakia: Stubborn, determined and self confident -> the Willful one Nakia was everything weak people complain about (def men) - stubborn, opinionated, knowing of her own worth, determined and focused on her own desires and goals. These traits that black women are often faulted for having were not at all considered bad in Nakia. In fact they were her strengths and the exact thing that saved not only T'Challa but Wakanda itself.  She the so call elusive woman, unpredictable and free but they don’t pull a pin up on her. They don’t make her overly sexual or seductive. They don’t overwhelm her presence with feminine whiles. She’s not there to be served on a platter to the Black Panther. Instead their chemistry is genuine. Old relations where the flame hasn’t died. She’s his confidant and his voice of reasons many times.
The ladies of Wakanda are beautiful and important because they are the reason Wakanda stands. Through the intelligence of technology, the strength of presence and the nature of determination. It’s Shuri’s creative mind that Wakanda’s foundation resides upon - the same technology they all depend on even in battle. Okoye leads the Dora in protection of the throne, its her single audacity to stand for that throne despite her own heart that stops the battle on the field. Nakia is a spy that has to adapt to every situation she’s placed in - and we see that strength constantly.  It’s Nakia’s voice of reason that brings the white guy back that later stopped all their weapons from leaving. It’s her sense of right and determination that gets Shuri and the Queen from the hall - Erik would’ve killed them just because their loyalty is to T'Challa. It’s Nakia’s daring nature that puts T'Challa back in the power of the Black Panther. Wakanda would not still be standing as is without these brave women.
The film doesn’t tell you that these women are outstanding…they show you.
People say the women stole the show but that’s because they don’t understand the women were the show. T'Challa may be the King but they weren’t afraid to represent everyone else. They weren’t afraid to shine on those around him. I think people should understand this push of - all our people are important. The writers intention of show all sides of black people as we’ve never been shown. They showed you who all the characters were - that’s rare. Only the main leads get that treatment in most projects. But we know for us - black Panther was a chance to here about us and they took that opportunity. These black women - the carefree, the resilient, willful ones - they’re often bad mouth in real life, people ability to see only their flaws knows no bounds and yet the movie presents you with only their best.
These women were different from one another, they all surround the King for one reason or another but none stand within his shadow. They’re their own people and bring their own skills to the table.
Fashion and other important elements when it comes to women: The fashion was so on point with these ladies and it was not about the greedy eyes of men, it was not about the female form being sexualized. These women were not here to be anyone’s eye candy. They were beautiful just because they were. One of my favorite moments is in the beginning when Okoye tells T'Challa not to freeze when he sees Nakia and you automatically expect her to be decked out looking made up but when we actually get the first shot of her she’s in regular garb and has a head wrap on and yet T'Challa is still floored. It was a nice way to lead with the messgae that a black woman in her normal state is still beautiful. We were all pleased that they cast a dark skinned woman in such a role. They let her hair out and kept her in the wear. The clothing of the female guards are not fleshy and pretentious - in fact - when they tell Nakia to put on the outfit the words that were used was - its armor.
Danai is someone we’ve seen in this kind of role. Her work in The Walking Dead has exposed us all to seeing her in this kind of form - but, the difference with Black Panther is we get to celebrate her type of beauty. You have these women who walk around bald and they’re proud of it, they prefer it. I’ve said once that all women should cut their hair off at least once - because the experience of walking around in a world they thinks they get to decide what your hair should be and taking that away from them in every aspect is a powerful thing and has the ability to shoot your confidence sky high (trust I’ve done it twice). There’s nothing wrong with a woman without hair. She was more beautiful when she took off the wig and threw it at her opponent. We get to see Danai in this gorgeous flowing red dress that just looks like vengeance as she jumps from the upper floor.
My favorite wear came from Shuri though! Such diversity in her wear and yet none overly topping who her character was supposed to be. She rocked the braids but they showed just how fucking changeable that hair is. She rocked the solo bun, the double buns, the half up ponytail, the cropped back with the design - and it was a nice one too! She had the all white with the dress and sneaks, the belly design top, and then she had the nerve to be all decked out for battle! Y'all know she had that already prepped on the low rih? She just knew they were gonna need her on the battle field on day. She had her own weapons prepped and with accessories. It’s difficult to come better than Shuri - she was smart, funny, brave, and a fashionista all in her own right.
The film didn’t balk on showing these women’s greatness while not using it as a peepshow.
Woman can be deadly in anything. They can be gorgeous in any state. And more importantly they hold the autonomy to their own being.
I love this whole cast - I’ve said it since the casting list was released. Letitia Wright was a new face for me. I’ve only seen her in one other production and that was Black Mirror - and I was super hyped afterwards because she is so phenomenal. She def the breakout queen, the love people have for her after Shuri will hopefully propel her career because she’s got it. seeing her and Chadwick play ff one another as siblings was one of the best elements to the entire movie. Shuri is one of the best things in the entire movie if we’re to be frank. She meshed into this character, slid into them shoes as though they were her own. 
It has def felt like Lupita has been killing the game recently and she deserves it. She just brings so much light and fun with her. I think a lot of us look up to her confidence and her nature to not back down in this world thats hardly ready for a woman like her. I felt like she had been waiting to play this role. Like I said before - its imperative for women like her to be presented with roles such as these. Its only then that you can see theres no difference and we can deliver just like everybody else.
Danai has been my love since she first walked onto the screen In The Walking Dead. Seeing her kickass, seeing her being emotional, seeing her being so predominate in fandom was just exciting. So when I heard she was getting cast for this I was ecstatic. You cannot go wrong with this woman. I feel like she does so well because even with cast mates its not a competition for her, its not about outshining or outdoing. She just has this presence and she brings that to her characters. 
I’m happy they went with these women. If they make a part 2 I demand they bring them all back! 
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