#because of the war! that our men didn't even fight in!
forever annoyed by (dutch) fashion historians perpetuating this whole "women had to become more independent and started working in factories during the first world war because of the men going off to fight the war and that's why fashion became more relaxed and comfortable" thing because
fashion started becoming more relaxed and comfortable from 1910 onwards, so, you know, several years before the war even started
the netherlands was neutral during WW1. our men did not fight. they were here. doing their usual jobs afaik.
women have been working in factories since the mid 19th century at LEAST. this is not even just a dutch thing, women were working in factories all across the western countries, if not everywhere.
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saddayfordemocracy · 8 months
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How the Watermelon Became a Symbol of Palestinian Solidarity
The use of the watermelon as a Palestinian symbol is not new. It first emerged after the Six-day War in 1967, when Israel seized control of the West Bank and Gaza, and annexed East Jerusalem. At the time, the Israeli government made public displays of the Palestinian flag a criminal offense in Gaza and the West Bank. 
To circumvent the ban, Palestinians began using the watermelon because, when cut open, the fruit bears the national colors of the Palestinian flag—red, black, white, and green.  
The Israeli government didn't just crack down on the flag. Artist Sliman Mansour told The National in 2021 that Israeli officials in 1980 shut down an exhibition at 79 Gallery in Ramallah featuring his work and others, including Nabil Anani and Issam Badrl. “They told us that painting the Palestinian flag was forbidden, but also the colors were forbidden. So Issam said, ‘What if I were to make a flower of red, green, black and white?’, to which the officer replied angrily, ‘It will be confiscated. Even if you paint a watermelon, it will be confiscated,’” Mansour told the outlet.
Israel lifted the ban on the Palestinian flag in 1993, as part of the Oslo Accords, which entailed mutual recognition by Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization and were the first formal agreements to try to resolve the decades-long Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The flag was accepted as representing the Palestinian Authority, which would administer Gaza and the West Bank.
In the wake of the accords, the New York Times nodded to the role of watermelon as a stand-in symbol during the flag ban. “In the Gaza Strip, where young men were once arrested for carrying sliced watermelons—thus displaying the red, black and green Palestinian colors—soldiers stand by, blasé, as processions march by waving the once-banned flag,” wrote Times journalist John Kifner.
In 2007, just after the Second Intifada, artist Khaled Hourani created The Story of the Watermelon for a book entitled Subjective Atlas of Palestine. In 2013, he isolated one print and named it The Colours of the Palestinian Flag, which has since been seen by people across the globe.
The use of the watermelon as a symbol resurged in 2021, following an Israeli court ruling that Palestinian families based in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in East Jerusalem would be evicted from their homes to make way for settlers.
The watermelon symbol today:
In January, Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir gave police the power to confiscate Palestinian flags. This was later followed by a June vote on a bill to ban people from displaying the flag at state-funded institutions, including universities. (The bill passed preliminary approval but the government later collapsed.)
In June, Zazim, an Arab-Israeli community organization, launched a campaign to protest against the ensuing arrests and confiscation of flags. Images of watermelons were plastered on to 16 taxis operating in Tel Aviv, with the accompanying text reading, “This is not a Palestinian flag.”
“Our message to the government is clear: we will always find a way to circumvent any absurd ban and we will not stop fighting for freedom of expression and democracy,” said Zazim director Raluca Ganea. 
Amal Saad, a Palestinian from Haifa who worked on the Zazim campaign, told Al-Jazeera they had a clear message: “If you want to stop us, we’ll find another way to express ourselves.”
Words courtesy of BY ARMANI SYED / TIME
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stone-stars · 4 months
happy 6 years of naddpod everyone <3 (alt title: the dragon pussy podcast making me cry for 6 minutes straight)
Mee Maw: That's true, but… there's also somethin' else. Murph: And you see she pushes her cloak to the side, and you see she has black scabs-- Caldwell and Jake: Oh, no! No no no! Moonshine: Oh, Melora! Murph: --and deep crick rot all over her chest and neck.
Marabelle, weakly: Jolene? I-- I didn't realize I was gonna get to-- say I was sorry. Moonshine (pretending to be Jolene): Thank you, of-- of course you're forgiven! I love you so much! You're my big sister!
Melora: You're not cursed. You were born like this.
Hardwon: (desperately) Gemma? Gemma? Gemma wake up. Gemma baby. Hey. Murph: You see she's-- she's-- she's cold and dead. Hardwon: Fuck!
Balnor: I couldn't help them. I can barely swing a sword. Alanis: There's a war coming, and everyone needs to fight. Even old men who don't know how.
Beverly, crying: No, he's-- he's my light. He's my Pelor! He always was! I strayed!
Bev Sr: You tell her the truth, Bev. You tell your mom that I died in the Feywild. Beverly: (crying) You know I'm bad at lying. Bev Sr: It's not a lie, Bev.
Deadeye: Yeah, I know I'm down a hand. And an eye. And a life. But I got a soul, and a family. And I finally know which is worth more.
Deadeye: I hate to think about what woulda happened to me, but maybe more I hate to think about who I still would've been if I had never met you.
Rosa: JV, I can't-- I can't find my lantern. JV: Aw, well look at that? There's a lantern right here. Rosa: Are you sure that's mine? JV: Yeah. Yeah, I'll-- I-- I'm gonna go look for mine.
Hardwon: --interpretation. I-- I-- Moonshine: Hardwon, I really don't want you to want to die, because I want you to live so much and I don't want to be alone in that feeling.
Lydia: Elias, is that you? Hardwon: It's uh-- It's still little Elias. You saved the child, ma.
Lydia: I don't know what I've been these past few years, I don't know what I've been these past few decades. But I want you to know that when I was your mother that... you were wanted.
Murph: Somebody who felt they could never have a child… um, is holding their child. Moonshine: I-- I didn't want to need you, dad, but… now that you're here… it-- it's kinda nice.
Murph: Your father has given you... a strategy guide on how to beat him. Caldwell: I have to look away so that the tears don't ruin the pages.
Beverly: (tearful) I don't want to go. I don't want to go. But I have to. It's my duty. I have to do this. Moonshine: Okay, youngin, I want you to know. I will love you whatever you choose to do. But, here's my two cents: A child has a duty to his father, but a hero has a duty to the world. Now, I've got my opinion of which you are. But it's time for you to decide.
Bev Sr: Thanks, Bev. I always-- I knew I could make the deal, because I knew you'd stop me.
Moonshine: (tearful) I-- I've been wanting to tell you about this for so long, and I just didn't get a chance to. And I don't know if I will, so I just wanted to make sure I told you.
Moonshine, crying harder as she goes on: Paw Paw. You are… You are my best friend. And you are the best part of me. (sobs) And I am so grateful. For-- (sobs) the fact that so much of our lives have been braided together. But… where I'm going, next-- after we beat Thiala, which we will-- you can't come, mmkay? So I just need to make sure that you are taken care of, and I need to make sure that you take care of some people, okay?
Pendergreens: This time, you picked me up. And you were nice to me for no reason.
Pendergreens: If when you come back... if I'm different? Moonshine: Mhm? Pendergreens: Just, remember me as I am now. 'Cause I like who I am when I'm around you.
Death: I will take everything from you-- Hardwon: Quit pointing at people! Death: --until you come with me. Hardwon: Ok-- I'll go! I'll go. Beverly: Hardwon, no! Hardwon: Bring her back, and I'll come. Bring her back.
Lydia: All my life, people told me what I had to be. You don't have to be anything other than what you are.
Lydia: I think you should talk to your friends. Not because you owe them an explanation, but because you deserve to be heard.
Melora: Beverly. Beverly: Yes? Melora: I wish you could grow up in a normal world, but the Gods have not blessed you with a normal life. You are… afflicted with duty. Things thrust upon you far beyond your years.
Melora: The world should have protected you, but you have been asked to protect it. What an honor, what an injustice.
Moonshine: How long do Half-Elves live? Mee Maw: You talkin' bout Hardwon? Moonshine: I mean-- It's on my mind.
Moonshine: I guess, if I'm being honest, I don't know what it's gonna be like to know Bahumia without Hardwon Surefoot. (tearful) And there's a part of me that doesn't want to find out what that feels like.
Moonshine: There is something sour I probably need to swallow, though. It is-- There's people you meet that are once in a timeless body lifetime kinda people, right? Mee Maw: Oh, yeah. Moonshine: Okay. Mee Maw: And you keep 'em with ya. Moonshine: Okay.
Moonshine: (crying) It's okay, Balnor. Like all the most powerful things in this world, I knew I was only borrowing you.
Hardwon: Moonshine, when-- When I left Irondeep, I-- I didn't know where I fit in. And then I met you, and you didn't just let me in. You brought me in, and you thought I was good.
Balnor: I hope that you all get to leave this world with the same comfort that I had: knowing that it's in good hands. I love you. Murph: "Your knight, Balnor."
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
I'm Gonna Kill Him
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Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Angsty Smut!
Hello! Before I start, I just wanted to say that I love your book so much! Could you create an imagine or a smut scene from your Jack Dawkins' book where they've broken up, and Y/N visits Jack's place that led them to having a angry/makeup sex? Then, a week later, Y/N discovers she's pregnant with his baby, which ultimately brings them back together.
Warnings : angst / angry sex, cheating, slapping, spanking, choking, biting,
I didn't want to go back, I felt like I was never going to hear the end of it. 
But I want my damn book back. 
So I got myself dressed into my black and emerald dress doing my utmost to look beautiful and glamorous, If I have to see him then god damn it he's gonna have to look at me like I'm a princess. 
I finished up and headed out into town making sure I was seen, making a point to be seen by men until I reached the hospital. I headed in proudly seeing the usual bustle of nurses and patience.
"Ohh Miss Y/n, Dr Dawkins is in his room" Hetty smiled as she saw me
"Thank you Hetty" I smiled 
"He has said he didn't want you in there miss y/n" 
"I'm well aware of what he wants." I rolled my eyes as I headed up to his room not even bothering to knock simply opened the door and saw Jack lying on his bed fiddling with a coin between his fingers, he looked up and looked annoyed 
"Ohh. What do you want?"
"You know exactly what I want. Where is it?"
"I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about" 
"Where is my book, Jack?"
"How should I know?"
"I left it here, I missed it when I was packing, I know you have it, where is it?"
"Why would I want your mouldy old book? I don't have it." He snapped getting up from his bed
"I know you do, you're just keeping it to be hurtful"
"Hurtful! I'm not the one who went bloody psycho !"
"You heard me!"
"I wasn't the one who violated the sanctity of a union"
"Ohh here we go again! I didn't violate anything!"
"You liar!"
"At least she didn't kick me out of bloody bed in the morning!"
"So you admit it!"
"Yeah fine, I admit it! does that soothe your ego princess!" 
Immediately I slapped him across the face and he didn't even flinch 
".... I will never hit a woman. But your making it really fucking tempting!"
"Ohh go on then you scrawny little shit I'd like to see you try!"
"I was a naval officer you think I can't take a little lady in a fight!"
"Officer! Like hell, you only were because you sat on the right laps!" 
"How dare you!" He yelled, "You repugnant little witch!"
I went to slap him again but he grabbed my wrist before I could throwing my arm back
"Ohh you gonna hit me with your parasol too?" He glared 
"You are an unbelievable bastard! I can't believe I-"
"You what?"
"I can't believe I even considered us for a moment!"
"Yeah well same here! I dodged a bloody bullet. I'd have spent my life stuck married to you!"
"Ohh I'd have made your life a living hell every second of it just for the thrill of it!"
"You would wouldn't you! you'd have turned me into some little pitiful house husband just to spide me wouldn't you!" 
"I would I'd have torn you down so low you'd be looking up to kiss my feet!" I yelled "And I'd have taken pleasure in it you evil man! treacherous! fuckwit!"
He grabbed my waist and pulled me into a kiss, I was so very angry with him, I wanted to slap him off me but I didn't want to kiss him back I wanted to win! I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of my submission, So I kissed him with force, trying to take control, but he would not allow that so easily forcing his tongue down my throat but I argued with him even at this moment battling with him in a war of our tongues, I grabbed his shirt desperate for control but he grabbed my waist and unlaced my dress, making quick work of it given his quick nibble surgeons fingers, I didn't want him to win so I began unbuttoning his trousers, once undone he grabbed my waist and forced me down onto the bed But I grabbed his hips and forced him down flat on the mattress 
"Don't you even think about it!" He groaned flipping us over so I was under him 
"I refuse to be under such a bastard." I gritted my teeth 
"You can ride me if you wish." 
"Not on your life." 
"Open your legs, Or I'll bend you over it's up to you." 
"Maybe I'll bend you over."
"You would you little succubus!"
"Well, how else was I meant to keep up with you!"
"You always did you were a little Fucking whore for me" He growled forcing off my dress "God damn it you are an evil, conniving, little witch but god had to give you that fucking body didn't he!" 
"He didn't have to make you such an unreasonable, arrogant, illiterate, Imbosile but here we are" I smirked clawing as his shirt 
"And we both know what he gave me to make up for that" He growled pulling his suspenders off his shoulders and forcing off his shirt as he pulled me into another aggressive kiss I clawed down his chest almost drawing blood as he forced me on my knees, 
"Don't even think about it, Jack!" I glared but he forced my hips up to his and dug his nails into my ass
"I'll do much more than think about it" he smirked pushing off his trousers and forcing himself inside me, 
as much as I hated it, my anger bubbling in my bones, but... I moaned as I had missed the feeling of him inside me, he didn't waste a single moment starting his fast and angsty thrusts, pounding into me like his life utterly depended on it, I moved my hips back trying to take control but I think it was a little late for that even so I made sure to force him into the pace I wanted which only frustrated him more, the bed creaking and squeaking, his violent grunts and groans much the sounds one would make in a fight tumbling from behind me until he began to slow his breaths getting looser 
"That all you got little boy?" I smirked moving myself 
"I. Am. Not. A boy!" He groaned grabbing my hair and pulling on it to bring my ear to his lips "Don't make have to teach my succubus a lesson!" He growled bitting on my shoulder 
"Ughhhhhh! Uhhhhh!" I squealed given his pace didn't stop his angle hitting where I needed "You whore so bad you missed me this much?!" 
"Missed you? You know what I did I missed your pussy princess I've got it just how I love it. But we wanna talk about who missed who, who came here showing off like she was the fucking queen all for her little fucking book back"
"and you caved this quickly? I thought you had more resilience than that Jack?"
"Not around you I don't" He smirked moving a hand to rub my clit 
"Uhhhhhh!" I gasped and he forced me back down onto the pillow "See I knew you missed me" I gasped 
"You can't blame me for missing a pussy I've fucked for the last two years. took a long time to get you this good." 
"Like I didn't train you" I smirked "Jack please-"
"Yeah? you need me that bad you had to come see me?" he cooed "Cause you know I'm the only person in port victoria who can make you cum"
"I can do it myself then I don't have to deal with your bloody ego!"
"fine, then I'll stop-" He smirked going to sloe
"Don't you fucking dare Jack!" I groaned forcing him to move quicker until I almost ripped his sheets as I screamed reaching my high 
"fuck you sound good like that" He groaned "I could almost put up with your shit for that noise" 
"I bet you could" I smirked forcing us over so he was down on his back 
"I knew you couldn't resist" He smirked
"You dare I will slap that smirking face of yours" I warn moving to ride him as aggressively as possible 
"UGhhhhhhhh fucking- you evil little thing"
"shut up Jack," I warn bouncing and moving mercilessly on him 
"Come on then princess make me cum" He smirked 
"I said shut up!" I yelled wrapping my hands around his neck to slightly choke him 
"UUughhhhhhhhhh!" he groans "Fuck-" He gasped his hips bucking like crazy as he buried himself inside of me so I pulled my hands back and caught my breath "Fine. I admit it. I've missed you" he gasped 
"Fine. I missed you too." I sighed climbing off him and going to get my dress but he grabbed me and pulled me back into the bed so he could cuddle me my head on his chest 
"Now you have... all of that out of your system, and have had time to pout. am I allowed to actually explain myself?"
"What's there to explain, you fucked her Jack. Plain and simple, what do you have to explain?"
"Will you listen anyway?" He asked stroking my hair 
"Fine. If you want to waste your breath."
"She has a problem"
"ohh I bet she did-"
"No. Listen. shut your mouth a while and listen to what I'm saying." he snapped "She has a problem, a medical problem, inoperable, incurable, she'll be dead within the month if not sooner" he explained quietly as he gently pets my hair "She was an innocent"
"was she? I bet she told you that." I said back almost in a whisper 
"Y/n. I swear to you, she told me, in confidence that she was an innocent, given the state of her condition she accepted her death and had began to make arrangements for the future,"
"And where do you come into all this?"
"I'm her doctor. I've been treating her. She asked me to... she said of all the things in this world that she will miss, she wanted to feel the touch of a man just once in her life." He whispered "So I did, Yes I fucked her. Should I have done it... I don't know. But do I regret it? No. would I do it again, I frankly don't know. I'm not sure I would If I'd have known I'd lose you because of it."
"Why you? She could have asked many, barely a man in Port Victoria that wouldn't want to fuck a virgin."
"Because I'm her doctor, and I was engaged. She trusted me. She didn't want to be used like some old whore she wanted to feel loved, and she knew she could trust me because I'm her doctor, and she wouldn't leave a man utterly in love with her behind, because she knew I loved you."
"Is that true?"
"Why would I lie to you now? you've already left me."
"why didn't you just tell me that?"
"Because I fucked another woman plain and simple... you didn't want to listen and it would only dig myself deeper if I did" 
"...it wasn't what you did Jack."
"No. I just wish you'd have told me first."
"What?" he asked sitting up  a little 
"If you had come to me, and told me about her, about her illness, about what she had asked of you. I'd have allowed it." 
"No, you wouldn't-"
"I would. Because it is a kind thing to do Jack, if I was dying I'd have asked you too. I wish you had come and asked me, I'd have allowed it, but instead, I had to find out afterwards, from Sneed of all people not even you, that you broke my trust."
"I know, I was just worried you'd be angry if I told you." 
"I was more angry you didn't"
"That's fair." He nods "I fucked up, and I know that. it doesn't matter now... She's dead anyway."
"Passed away this morning." 
"I'm sorry Jack-"
"It's fine. she doesn't have to suffer anymore. I'm happy, I could make her final days somewhat enjoyable"
"You're kind, and sweet when you want to be" 
"I am sorry. Believe me."
"Well... it doesn't matter now does it."
"I guess not." he sighed "She didn't even call me Jack."
"No. Just Doctor Dawkins" He chuckled 
"Did you use her name?"
"I did. I wanted to make her feel loved... But I thought of you." He whispered kissing my forehead 
"You did?"
"I did. I imagined her body as yours, her voice as yours," He said "You know you're the only girl who can satisfy me. so I thought of you"
"... I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse." I sighed 
"Yes, Jack?"
"Is there, any possibility, no matter how slim? That, you and I may... rekindle even a portion of what we had before?" 
"I doubt it, Jack." I said moving to see his face "I will always love you, but I can't forgive you." 
"Could I do anything for you to forgive me?"
"No. Once trust is broken... like a delicate vase chattered, the pieces may be placed back, but you will always see the crack." I explained "Who's to say... another girl, in a similar state, asks the same of you, I cannot trust that you wouldn't do it again"
"... I understand." he nods "And I am sorry. I will always love you, you know that. No matter what you do, or say, my heart will always be yours." 
"And Mine yours." I smiled giving him a sweet kiss "I should go." I said climbing out the bed and starting to get dressed again 
"I don't know what I'm gonna do without you," he said as he watched me dress 
"I'm sure you shall find ladies to spend of the evening." 
"It's not the evening that worries me, it's the mornings, and the middays, and the afternoons, and the middle of the nights, a fuck is a fuck, but when you cum it's over, with you... every moment and all of it felt like heaven" 
"Well, such are the consequences of your actions." I sighed "Now? my book."
He rolled his eyes sitting up slipping his trousers on and pulling my book from under his mattress 
"Thank you" I snapped taking it back "A reason you kept it?"
"...reminds me of you." 
"You always complained you couldn't read it. my stupid spider scrawl handwriting"
"I can't. but I know what it says... when I read it, chasing the words around the page I- I heard your voice reading it to me" 
for a moment I felt teary "Keep it." I said handing back the book 
"No." he said pushing it back into my hand and kissing my lips in a soft and gentle way "Please don't labour me with memories of you." 
"Alright," I nodded "Goodbye Jack."
"Goodbye Y/n" He nods fighting back his tears 
I took my book and I left heading home. 
I sat in bed fresh as the morning sun, unable to bring myself to rise just yet, I turned and saw my book on my bedside table and I thought of him, for a moment all our nights of enthroned passion returned, I thought of our last night together over a month ago now of angst and anger, I thought of how he held me that night, how he kissed me still with all the love that he had always done so, 
I thought of the most wonderful moments, Of how his head would settle in my lap after the day's work, I would twist and knot my fingers in his golden locks, he would press a kiss to my thighs, and I would read to him, all that I had written, and he would offer me suggestions of words that suited better, listing synonyms for me to replace the overused words. 
I forced such thoughts away and sat myself up checking the day on my calendar I knew what to expect today pulling back my covers but- they were as white as sheep. This couldn't be? I was late already. I tried not to allow panic to set in given my typical irregularities.
"Miss I have brought your you porridge with honey" The maid smiled as she came through with my breakfast but the simple smell was enough
"Out." I demanded throwing my head off my bed to upturn my stomach into the bucket I had left there, and she scurried away. "No... No this can't be possible." I forced myself up and over to my mirror pulling back my nightie to expose my stomach it didn't look any different or maybe it did... I don't know. and the memory of that night flooded into my mind, of him finishing burying himself inside me as I rode him, "No... no no no.... I'm gonna kill him..." I whined grabbing my dress and hurrying as fast as my feet could to the hospital rushing up to his room without a word. But I froze up as I saw his door- 
to think of all that had happened, How I stormed out, I'd returned once and clearly that was an awful mistake I- didn't exactly feel thrilled I was returning yet again. but I knocked and soon enough he pulled it open.
"Oh, its you. What can I do for you?" He asked fixing his waistcoat
"I need you." I told him rushing into his room
"Uhh okay" He nods shutting his door with a wicked smile "So... Shall I repeat our last night my darling?"
"No." I snapped "I need your... medical, Intervention"
"my medical intervention?"
"You realize patients have to wait in the waiting room you know, you can't just come up to a doctor's bedroom to get seen faster, even if it is you."
"Jack. Please." I told him fear in my voice tears in my eyes and he melted his own panic set in 
"What is it?"
"I am... so very scared Jack."
"Alright just sit down, tell me what's wrong," he said helping me to sit on his bed 
"My monthly time is late."
"Alright, well such thing can happen you have been stressed these few weeks" He explained nervously pacing around his room as I spoke 
"Over a month."
"Perhaps simple change in your cycle" 
"I have been vomiting." 
"A bad fish may have simply turned your stomach," he said his fear growing as he too was coming to the conclusion I had already suspected but he didn't want it to be true, he didn't want to believe me, 
"My waist grows... Inch by inch. Almost weekly. gaining speed steadily"
"Bloating. could simply-"
"Jack. I might be pregnant." 
"You might." He nods "It could be a million other-"
"I. Might be pregnant." I told him getting to my feet "By the grace of god I need to know." 
"I'd need to track your cycle completely, and I don't have that information."
"You had it as up to date as I did until I left and I haven't bleed since so-"
"Well, how do I know what you've been doing?" He glared So I slapped him and he adjusted his jaw a little "How am I to know who the father is?"
"You." I said and the colour drained from his skin "I have never been touched by another man as long as I have lived. If I am pregnant... It is yours. or it is gods." 
"It can't be mine. I always-"
"Not always, Our last evening together..."
"Fuck-" He gasped "I have thought of that night a hundred times, your right. I didn't"
"So, Doctor. What do we do?" 
"I need a rabbit." He sighed 
I had to return to the hospital, to Jack twice daily once in the morning, once at night and each day, for three days, and I had to drink a whole jug of water and well... expel it. and this was the final time. 
"There, Now will we know?" I asked 
"Yes. we should do" He said as he took it in a firm needle "shhh shhh there's a good girl" He cooed to the little rabbit on the table, I had since after all these days named her hoppy, and he injected her "Five minutes" he said 
"I do not understand how these things work" I sighed 
"You want me to explain?"
"Not really."
"Fair enough." He said turning to his tools a moment and grabbing a large knife 
"Jack- What are you doing!"
"Finding out" He began moving quickly to-
"No!" I yelped stopping him "Jack! that's barbaric." 
"I have been injecting her with your urine for the last three days, if her ovaries are enlarged and she has gone into heat then you are pregnant, if she hasn't you are not."
"Is there no way to check without killing her?"
"No. now do you want to know or not?" 
"There must be a simpler way."
"Yes, there is. we wait nine months and see if a baby pops out of you."
"You know we can't do that. but that doesn't mean I allow you to butcher an innocent animal"
We both stopped a moment as hoppy moved a little and began humping the blanket she sat on aggressively 
"I'd say she's in heat"
"I need to check. for sure."
"Fine" I sighed 
"I'll be quick, painless" he said making quick work of killing the poor thing before then cutting it open to examine her 
".... her ovaries are Enlarged. Extremely so. She is in heat." He said dropping his knife on the table 
"You're pregnant." 
"... I see." I nodded my hands settling on my stomach in absolute fear but Jack took my face in his hand and sweetly kissed me sending blood across my skin, till he pulled back stroking his nose on mine as he always used to
"This is the happiest news you could have given me."
"Happy? Jack, I am pregnant out of wedlock. My father will banish me, society will crucify me, and our child will suffer as a bastard all of its life." I explained, "What am I to do?" 
"I know exactly what you are to do. Take back my ring."
"Take back my ring, return our lives to how they were, before my mistake, marry me by the end of the week and we, can raise our child together. As husband and wife," 
"We cannot-"
"Why not?"
"I already told my father of our cancelled engagement"
"Then tell him it was nothing but a lovers tiff. and that all is as it was." He said "I still love you, I still want us to be together, I still want to marry you. and I want us to raise our child together. Please. You cannot expect me to let you go again, I made that mistake once letting you walk away from me, I am not foolish enough to allow it again, especially not while my child grows in your womb" 
"You can not simply expect me to trust you again Jack."
"I'm not. I'm asking you to let me earn it back." He said, "Please Y/n." 
"Yes" I gasped
"Yes Jack."
"Y/n... my darling" He cooed pulling me back to his lips. 
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fukcnoplease · 3 months
Things Always Go Wrong Pt3
Pt1 Pt2 Pt4 Pt5
Gotham was truly testing her abilities. Usually she could vibe check the building and be good but the vibes of Gotham were rancid everywhere she went. Every building and street had some varying level of unsafe and she could feel Danny slowing behind her. He wasn't going to stay on his feet for much longer. Thankfully there were plenty of alleys they could probably hide in and even though it was already midmorning the thick smog on the city made it look like the dawn had only just broken. The alleys were still dark and as soon as she paused at the back of the alley she felt Danny collapse into her. His breathing was ragged and he was slick with sweat. She tried vibrating her core at him and the response she got was uncoordinated and harsh. It was as if two things were trying to respond to her, attempting to drown each other out.
“Shit.” she said. Jazz would be mad for her language, you know, if she didn't kill her for killing her brother. 
“Found you, wretch.” A voice said and Dani shot up into a fighting stance. The entrance of the alley was blocked by five people, all dress head to toe in white and aiming several weapons at them. They were all men and significantly bigger than her. That would be fine in her ghost form but transforming in front of them was risky.
Danny groaned from the cold alley floor and Dani grimaced. She growled, inhumane and low, and punched her palm as she went ghost. Showing her transformation was a small price to pay to protect Danny and they probably had her, or Danny’s, ecto-signature if they had managed to follow them cross state lines so accurately. 
Their weapons hummed as they charged and Dani caught a glimpse of color above them. Praying she had seen right she took in a breath and shouted her words.
“I am the princess of the Infinite Realms. Any harm that comes to me is a direct attack on the entire dimension of the Infinite Realms and cause for a war between our worlds!” Internally she cringed at her words but she prayed they had the right effect. 
“Ha! Like you could fool us, you manipulative ecto-sum! You’re coming with us. If you're lucky you might even make it in one piece” The leader, she assumed as he was standing at the front of the group, said. She tensed in case her gamble went south and prepared for something to hit her. 
Thankfully she didn't feel anything and a yellow hero came crashing down on the agents with a ferocity she wasn't expecting. He used what she thought were escrima sticks but they were connected together with a long wire and looked modified. He downed the panicked agents in seconds and turned to Dani. Unconscious agents littered around him.
His sudden movements made her drop into a defensive stance and he froze. Gently putting away his weapons as he raised his hands to show he meant no harm.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just trying to help.” The man paused as he looked over the two disheveled siblings. The white haired girl was glaring at him but looked more wary than aggressive and the dark haired boy on the floor looked incredibly ill. “Would it be ok if I helped you? I can call some friends and we can get you to a safe space.”
Dani stared the man down. He could fight, and right now she wasn't confident she could take him. Not while protecting a very incapacitated Danny. He had a black bat symbol on his chest which was good but also bad. Good because Batman was a hero and helped those in need. Bad because Batman was famous for not liking metas and while she and Danny weren’t metas she doubted Batman would care enough to make the distinction. Hopefully if she played up the royalty bit she could get maybe some leeway.
“Ok, bumblebee, but I want you to promise you wont hurt me or my… ambassador,” Danny was going to be so mad when he woke up, “or I will bring the entire Infinite Realms down on this world.” She did her best to sound threatening and maybe using some energy to make herself scarier but she wouldn't admit it.
“Of course, your… highness?” Bumblebee asked. Dani frowned, she didn't like ‘your highness’ but she couldn't give her actual name…
“You can call me… Elle.” She felt her insides crumple up at how cringey that name felt and she was very glad Danny was out cold for this conversation. The bumblebee hero nodded and said something into what she assumed was an earpiece. After a few minutes of discussion he went quiet and began watching the roofs. Dani floated off the ground slightly, trying to see what he was looking for. She didn't notice the surprise that flitted across his face at her show of power or the silent black hero who landed gracefully beside Bumblebee. 
“Hey Black Bat. Can you help me gather these guys up? Batman should be en route but might take a minute to get here.” Bumblebee said. Dani whipped around to see the new hero, black bat apparently, silently working her way through the knocked out GIW.
“Batman is coming?” Dani asked, anxiety making her fidget with her hands. That wasn't good. She couldn't pretend to be a princess around him, he could practically smell lies, or fear, and maybe she could be the princess of the Infinite Realms but she wasn't officially! Not yet at least. And Danny definitely wasn't her ambassador. Shit, maybe if she played up with the sad little girl image? Batman was known to take pity on kids… or was that one of his allies. She should’ve listened in on the conversation the bumblebee had had earlier, maybe she would have had something to work with then.
Black bat and bumblebee worked together to tie up the GIW and leave them in an easily accessible spot for when the police came around. Black bat touched bumblebees bicep and he looked up to see the scary shadow of Batman looming over the alley. Dani notices him too and landed in front of Danny, spreading her arms to block him from Batman's view as he landed beside the other heroes.
“Report.” Was all he said as he looked over the scene. His gaze lingered on the unconscious boy and Dani had to resist growling at him, in case that ruined her case for receiving help. Bumblebee took a breath and nodded.
“I found these two as they were about to be attacked by a group of people,” he gestured to the tied up men in white, “it looked like meta trafficking and I stepped in. Elle,” he gave a smile to Dani who cringed internally, “gave the men fair warning about their attack being against royalty and at risk of ruining dimensional relations, they refused to back off.”
Batman responded with a noncommittal ‘hn’ and narrowed his eyes at Dani who prickled under the gaze.
“For the record,” Bumblebee added, a little hesitant, “I believe her.”
Batman nodded and took a step closer to Dani and this time she did growl. The man stopped and regarded her. She glared back. He wasnt coming near her or Danny. Not in his state.
“Would you like to come with us?” Was all batman said. Stern and quiet. Dani didn't move, she looked over Batman’s unmoving face and then back at the bumblebee and black bat. The bumblebee hero looked worried but more for Batman than Dani and the black bat seemed relaxed as she watched.
“Where are you going to take us?” Dani asked. Batman frowned slightly and Dani worried he would just try and grab them. 
“A place where we can keep you safe and confirm your royal status,” he said. Dani didn't really like the sound of that but she could feel Danny getting worse and she was running out of time to make a decision. When he chose that exact moment to let out a pained groan Dani almost smacked him. Batman’s frown deepened and Dani felt her throat bob.
“We might even be able to help your friend.” He offered.
“My ambassador,” She corrected, if she was gonna sell this she had to go all out, “And I don't want you to lay a hand on him.”
Batman gave her the slightest, stiffest nod she had ever seen and she relaxed. Batman nodded to the other heroes and black bat vanished, bumblebee paused before leaving himself. Dani felt her anxiety come back threefold at being left alone with the big bad bat but in a few seconds a fancy black bat shaped car skidded to a halt outside the alley. In the passenger seat was the familiar bumblebee, he grinned and waved at them. Batman stared at him in what Dani thought could be disapproval but said nothing. The doors to the suped up car popped open and bumblebee stepped out.
“You can get in the back seat. Do you need help with your ambassador?” He said as he stepped back into the alley. Dani shook her head and Batman made a grumbling sound.
“Signal.” he said. Bumblebee, signal apparently, shrugged and continued towards Dani until she stiffened.
“I just wanted them to have a familiar face so the journey wasn't too stressful. Black bat and Spoiler are covering me while I stick with them.” He said, smiling at Batman and then turning back to Dani. He moved to help her pick Danny up but she shook her head at him and he stepped back. Batman made another ‘hn’ sound before retreating to the driver seat of the car. 
Dani moved Danny around and picked him up by throwing him over her shoulder. He wasn't heavy but he was bigger than her and it made him difficult to carry. Signal, she preferred bumblebee, hovered around her but was careful not to touch Danny as she carried him to the car. They managed to get Danny securely in the back seat of the batcar and Dani slid in next to him. He looked worse. Maybe moving him wasn't the smartest idea but Dani didn't know what else to do. If the GIW had their ecto-signature there wasn't a safe place to hide. Maybe Batman would be able to protect them but it would only last so long. She pushed aside her fears and gripped Danny’s too warm hand. The scenery went passed too quickly for her to see and the drive was silent. She was starting to hate road trips.
This is short but the next one is gonna be LONG I got distracted anyway I love that people are enjoying this, i like writing it :)
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amiti-art · 6 months
Did you guys know that Admetus' son Eumelus was fighting in the Trojan war?
Alcestis: I worry about Eumelus, it's been 10 years. I fear we will never see him again.
Admetus: Don't worry dear, I'm sure Apollo is watching over him, like he always watched over our family.
Meanwhile in Troy
Apollo: *kills dozens of Greeks with the plague. Constantly protects Hector and makes sure he can kill as many Greeks as humanly possible. Helps Trojan princes kill Greeks' best warriors*
Eumelus after seeing all of this: mom come pick me up I'm scared
But all jokes aside
Can you imagine Eumelus coming back home and seeing Apollo visiting his parents?
He sees Apollo being loving and kind to Admetus, he sees Apollo being gentle and friendly with Alcestis. He saw that his entire childhood, he saw the god of music, knowledge, light and poetry.
But now, after the war, Eumelus can't help but only see the god of plagues, the destroyer of men. He can't forget the horrible smell of disease and rotting human flesh, he can't forget what happend in Troy.
Obviously, it's not only one sided. Eumelus was fighting in this war, he helped destroy the city, he does have blood on his hands. And that could make him even more terrified of Apollo. Because he helped destroy the city that was under Apollo's protection.
What if one of the man he killed had Apollo's favour like Hector did? What if the only thing standing between him and Apollo's rage are his parents? What if Apollo is waiting for them to pass away to punish Eumelus? He can be patient, he's a god after all, he have all the time in the world. What if Pherae (their polis) will lose Apollo's favour with Admetus' death? What if Apollo will send a plague upon them as soon as Eumelus takes his father's throne? He can't stop thinking about all of this every time he sees Apollo.
I also like to think that Apollo did protect Eumelus despite being on the other side of the war. After all, Eumelus didn't die during the plage. He didn't die in the last battle despite being on the front line, inside of the Trojan horse. He made it home while most of the Greeks didn't.
He had and still have Apollo's favour, he just can't see it through his fear.
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wishesunderthestars · 10 months
The King's Advisor // Ch. 1
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Pairings: King!Yoongi x Advisor!reader
Summary: The king's advisor is the most crucial position in the kingdom, the king trusts her judgment and always listens to her opinions and advice. They are a formidable pair but behind closed doors, the king and his advisor bicker and throw back-handed insults at each other more often than not. The feelings of dislike are very much mutual. She is a champion at testing the King’s patience because she knows she is too valuable to his rule to face repercussions. So it’s bickering and sarcasm dripping from their lips–
Until war breaks out.
Genre: Angst, hurt/comfort
Word Count: 5.6k+
Warnings: war, injuries
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“Well, that was stupid,” you said, leaning back on the chair and crossing your legs.
Yoongi, who had just closed the wooden doors of the council room, turned to look at you with raised eyebrows. The meeting of the King’s Council had just ended and it was just the two of you left inside.
“I beg your pardon?”
You huffed. “That boy isn’t ready to be a captain, he isn’t ready to be a lieutenant even. He doesn’t have the barest idea of how to lead, he can barely fight himself. The fact that his father used to be captain doesn't mean anything.”
“His family is one of the most influential in the kingdom, I couldn’t deny him the position,” Yoongi said. “I don’t want any disputes with them and there would have been a lot if I didn't promote him to his father’s position.”
You leaned your elbows on the long table. “You could have given him a smaller team, told him you would promote him to a larger one when he was ready. Would you trust him to lead a hundred men into a battle? Or defend a city? Because I wouldn’t.”
Yoongi stood opposite you. His long blond hair was pulled up into a neat topknot with a gold and black headband securing it in place. “His family wouldn’t be happy with that. They would question whether I trust them and whether they have done enough for the kingdom.”
“I, for one, don’t trust them,” you said. “They have been salivating after the throne for years, looking for higher and higher ranks in the military and positions in your council. If anyone ever tries to overthrow you, it will be them.”
Yoongi put his hands on the table, bending forward. “Don’t you think I know that? That’s why they don’t have a seat on my council and why you are here instead of their eldest son.”
“If their eldest son were in my place, you would already be dead,” you said getting up.
“Watch your tongue.” Yoongi gritted his teeth, a fire burning in his eyes. The day had been hard on him, he had been in meetings since the morning and he had several hours of sword fighting practice as well. It was easier to rile him up when he was tired and you were the only one who wouldn’t pay for it.
You got up and sauntered up to him. “And if I don’t? You know as well as I do that he won’t be a good captain. He isn’t ready for it and he might never be ready for it. His team will be a liability.”
“I know what I’m doing. An incompetent captain is better than a family with connections like a spiderweb planting words against me.”
“If I heard word of that, I would cut off their webs with silver scissors. They aren’t the only ones with connections,” you said. “Things are tense on our northern borders, we shouldn’t be treating military positions lightly.”
Yoongi narrowed his eyes, up close you could see the reflection of the candles in them. “The-”
A knock on the door interrupted him and you both turned to look. The door opened without any announcements or permission from the King. Namjoon walked inside, his short brown hair combed back, splashes of ink on his white sleeves, and a few papers in his hands. Namjoon was the only person other than you who could barge into the council room like this and face no repercussions.
He took one look at the two of you and closed the door behind him.
“What are you arguing about this time?" he asked. You rolled your eyes and Yoongi scoffed. "Forget it, I don't need to know. We have to go over these papers so get comfortable."
Wordlessly, Yoongi sat down on the chair at the head of the table and the two of you took the ones next to him. Namjoon had missed the meeting because of these papers so they had to be important.
You and Namjoon were the King's most trusted members of the Council. The three of you would often gather late at night or early in the morning to discuss matters of the kingdom and make the difficult decisions.
Namjoon was the son of one of the best warriors the kingdom had ever seen and it had been a surprise when Namjoon hadn't followed in his father's footsteps, choosing books and ink over sword and armor. He had soon become known for his smarts and his eloquent speech—he was the one who went over the King's speeches, putting into words what Yoongi couldn't—and had been easily granted a place in the King's Council. His friendship with the King had a lot of people doubting the decision but soon he proved that he belonged there as much as anyone else. More really.
Unlike Namjoon, you and Yoongi hadn't been friends at any point in your life that you could remember. Maybe when you had been too young to read or write and you were hiding behind your mother's skirts, but not since then. Your father had been the late King's advisor and as his only child, you had been prepared to take his place since you could pick up a pen. He and your mother didn't have any other children and the fact that you were a girl didn't deter them, none of the past King's advisors had been female but your father was determined you would be the first one.
You had spent days and nights over books guided by your father and the best teachers in the kingdom, the same ones teaching the future king. You would see each other occasionally but didn't exchange more than a few words. During your teenage years, your fathers deemed it wise for the two of you to share a few of your lessons, you needed to build trust between you if you were to work together in the future. Instead of friendship, a rivalry brewed. You didn't remember how it started but you couldn't forget how it continued. Exchanging jabs about who was the best at which lessons and who did better at tests. Glaring and provoking each other.
When his father passed on and Yoongi ascended to the throne, it was his time to choose his personal advisor. You had been training for the position all of your life but you were still surprised when he asked you, bearing the gift of a gold bracelet engraved with flowers and embellished with precious stones. The King had to base his decisions on many factors but the most important was trust. Trust to work towards a bright future for the kingdom. Trust to support him through everything.
You didn't ask him why he chose you, you didn't voice any of your questions about trust. For years, you worked together and it was almost like nothing had changed from your teen days.
Half of the candles had gone out by the time you had gone over all of the papers. Your eyes hurt and a headache was brewing behind your temples. Your usual late nights ended earlier than this.
Namjoon gathered the papers with clumsy movements. Yoongi had to catch one before it flew away after Namjoon shoved it off the table.
"I think I may fall asleep if I stay any longer," Namjoon said when all the papers were safely in his arms. You could relate to that. "I would recommend going to sleep now. Have a good night."
You echoed his words and he left. The door closing was the only sound in the dimly lit council room.
You rubbed your eyes and looked at the King. His hair was coming undone and it glinted like threads of gold in the candlelight. His sharp eyes were softer, the way they got at night when his walls weren't as high as the castle's.
"I will be going then," you said, getting up and smoothing down your dress. There was no reason to do it, no one other than the guards would see you at this time. It was more out of force of habit than anything else.
"Wait for a moment," Yoongi said. You stopped before you could move to the door. "The Lee boy will be trained under Hoseok. He will be answering to him and if anything goes wrong I trust Hoseok to make it right. I wouldn't jeopardize the safety of the kingdom."
"It still doesn't sit right with me," you said. You knew that Yoongi had the best interests of the kingdom in mind but that didn't mean you always agreed. More often than not, you didn't. "But that's enough for tonight. It's late and frankly, I'm too exhausted to debate about the Lees. We can talk more about this tomorrow."
Yoongi opened his mouth and closed it again. "Don't forget a lamp. Unless you want to walk in the dark."
"Of course," you muttered, annoyed that Yoongi had to remind you. The torches in the hallways would have gone out a long time ago. "I would have remembered to take one."
"I don't doubt it," Yoongi said,  smirking. Ignoring him, you picked up an oil lamp from the top of a large chest and tilted it close to one of the lit candles to share the flame. "Goodnight then."
"Goodnight, my king."
You saw his eyebrows twitch before leaving the room. He wasn't fond of his friends using his title to address him. You wouldn't exactly put yourself in that category but you didn't use his title when it was the two of you, you didn't use it in the council either. You would throw it out there occasionally just to see his reaction.
The guards were standing at attention on either side of the door, their hands on their long swords. They stared ahead as you walked down the empty corridor.
A few days later, you strolled into the private training grounds. It was a wide space surrounded by trees, right next to the gardens accessible only to the royal family. You were one of the few exceptions.
The continuous sound of metal clashing on metal rang in the otherwise silent place. The swords glinted and glimmered, reflecting the light of the midday sun. Yoongi and Hoseok were sparring, their movements so quick they were but a blur.
Yoongi's hair was pulled up in a tight knot and sweat was running down his face and his sculpted chest. His shirt was thrown aside, too much of a nuisance after what looked like several hours of practice. You had to swallow to ease the dryness in your throat.
You watched them—transfixed by their deadly dance—until the King's eyes locked with yours.  Others would have cowered at the power in his gaze but you held it steadily like you had done all your life. One second of distraction and Hoseok's sword touched his pale neck, a whisper away from drawing blood.
"And I win," Hoseok said. He turned around, his eyes falling on you, and he smiled as if he understood a joke. "I see. I guess I owe this one to you."
You grinned and walked closer to them. "I'm not sure about that. I think you would have won either way."
"You should join us more often then," Hoseok said.
It was a view you both dreaded and craved to get used to. You didn't make a habit of visiting the training grounds, the King's private ones, or the much larger common ones. The art of battle wasn't one you had delved into. Your father had taught you the basics of protecting yourself but your interest had stopped there. And although watching shirtless men training, wielding swords and bows, and sweating was appealing in theory, you found that the reality wasn't as satisfying.
That's what you reminded yourself and the heat swirling in your stomach.
"How much longer will you be in our company?" you asked Hoseok.
The situation in the North wasn't getting better. Soldiers from the neighboring kingdom had been breaching the borders for months, engaging in small-scale conflicts with your forces stationed there. This was clear as day provocation but you didn't want to go into war.
Hoseok would go along with his team to survey the state of affairs and send a report back.
"The day after tomorrow," he said, sheathing his sword. "It isn't a short trip and it would be for the best to arrive as soon as it is possible." He looked at you and Yoongi, who had turned away. "I will be leaving then. Go easy on him. He's tired," he told you. Yoongi shook his head in disbelief. "I hope we have a chance to catch up before I leave."
"I can always find some time for you," you said.
Hoseok's smile widened before bidding you goodbye and walking away, leaving you and Yoongi alone.
Yoongi gulped down the contents of his leather waterskin, his Adam's apple bobbing, shiny with sweat. "What are you doing here?"
"Am I not allowed?"
"That is not what I said." He put away his sword in its jeweled case and left it on a stone bench. "If you are here that means you were looking for me for something."
You didn't deny it, although it wasn't the complete truth either. There were plenty of matters pending to be discussed and there were about ten things you weren't seeing eye-to-eye and you had to reach an agreement on. Nothing new. But the reason you were there was none of those things.
You had gone on a walk to clear your head after a morning of socializing with some of the most important people in the kingdom and your feet had carried you to the royal gardens before you realized where you were going. Finding Yoongi and Hoseok wasn't your intention. But you weren't about to say that.
Yoongi crossed his arms and looked at you, awaiting an answer. Your eyes strayed to his bare arms and chest and you scolded yourself and pulled them back up in what you hoped was a subtle manner.
"Are you going to stay like this?" you asked.
Yoongi gazed down at himself and what could have been a smirk played at the edges of his lips. "Why? Is it bothering you? Have you not seen a man's body before?"
"Are you a child?" He knew very well the answer to that question. Hell, it wasn't the first time you were seeing him half-naked. That was one of the perks—or cons, depending on your viewpoint—of your job. "For a king, you forget about decency an awful lot."
"When have you cared about decency?"
He picked up his white shirt that had been carelessly thrown on the bench and wiped the sweat off his face and neck with it. You had to look away.
"Where have you been all day? You weren't in your office and you didn't attend tea."
"Were you disappointed?"
"On the contrary," you said sharply. "I was only wondering if you were alive."
He extended his arms to the sides. "As you can see I am very much alive. Sorry to disappoint. I was here."
"All morning?" you asked, not convinced.
The royal gardens weren't a place Yoongi visited often. You were more likely to find Namjoon here observing nature with a book in one hand. Yoongi hadn't displayed any fondness for the place other than the privacy it could offer but his rooms could offer the same privacy and he preferred them.
"I'm the King, can I not take a morning to myself?"
"It's because you're the King that you can't," you shot back. "Did you sign those papers I gave you?"
"I did."
"Did you read them or did you sign them blindly?"
"I read them." Yoongi walked to you until your faces were inches apart. "I read every single one of them. I don't do things halfway. Is that all?"
You raised your eyebrows. "Do you perhaps want more work? I can arrange for something. There is always more work to be done."
Yoongi scoffed and backed away. "You're impossible."
"Thank you, I try," you said. Your mood sobered as you remembered what had been swirling in your head for the past week. "A letter arrived ahead of the envoy from Harfush, they will be here in three days."
Yoongi's demeanor changed, his shoulders tensing. "We will be ready when they arrive. We have prepared for everything."
"Almost everything," you pointed out. "They are set on this. I know it. They have been pushing for months now and it has only been getting worse. This isn’t going to end with a talk with an envoy. They’re hoping to get land from us in exchange for stopping their attacks but that is only prolonging the inevitable.”
His eyes hardened. “If it comes to it then so be it. We are not giving them anything. We will fight and they will regret bringing the war to us.”
“I will hold you to that.”
The envoy arrived and you were proven right. They were after your northern lands, a large stretch of the kingdom. Yoongi told them in the most political way to go fuck themselves, which—to no one’s surprise—the delegation wasn’t pleased with. They left two days later with thinly-veiled threats of war.
Your kingdom hadn't seen war since the days Yoongi's great-grandfather was king. Peace was a fragile thing but Yoongi's father and grandfather had protected it like the most precious jewel in the realm despite the aggressions of their neighbors. But it had never got that bad. Petty thievery here and there, a few arrogant nobles that dreamed of war. The carefully balanced scales had tragically tipped during Yoongi's reign.
The turning had found you prepared. Your soldiers were many and had trained tirelessly with the cloud of war hanging above them.  Your numbers were fewer than the enemy’s but you had something they didn't. Fire. Pyres burning in your souls, stronger than forest fires. That was the gift of the people of Tinigris, the nation of the Tiger.
And so it was only a matter of time.
“What are you still doing here?”
Yoongi was standing over the large map of the continent. On it, figures like chess pieces were carefully arranged, depicting the bigger picture of the stationed troops—your own and the enemy’s.
Yoongi looked up at you, the light casting deep shadows on his face. His hair was falling in his eyes and underneath, dark half-moons were inked in his porcelain skin. "What does it look like?"
"Like you are exhausting yourself going over matters we have already discussed to great lengths when you should be resting."
Yoongi's eyes flashed with something unreadable in the flame of the candles. "The drums of war are at our doorstep, minutes away from spreading like an infection in our land. It is not the time for resting."
"If you want to be dead on your feet tomorrow when we will actually discuss strategy and diplomacy then by all means, it is not the time for resting. If you want to be able to participate in the conversation, I would advise you to go to sleep now."
His hands twitched on the table. "I am not the only one awake, am I?"
The truth was that you had laid in your bed, closed your eyes but sleep refused to come to you. You had tried and failed. Your room was too dark and restricting and you were too restless. You had dressed in a simple black velvet dress with a low neckline, which some of the older nobles would consider scandalous, threw a silky shawl over your shoulders that did nothing to keep you warm, and wandered into the long shadowed hallways.
You couldn't tell him any of that so instead you said, "No, you are not the only one."
The majority of the little soldiers were placed along the borders. Hoseok had sent back a letter confirming what you already knew. There was a war brewing in the North and there was no stopping it. You couldn't run away from the storm, you could only walk into it prepared.
Yoongi's hair wasn't done up in its usual style but he must have carelessly pulled it up himself. Several strands were framing his face and he wasn't wearing his headband. In the quiet madness of the night, he seemed almost vulnerable.
"Why do you speak to me about sleep when you are as awake as I am?" he asked.
"Because at least one of us should sleep," you said. "It will be a long day tomorrow and days will only get longer from here."
His gaze went back to the pieces on the board. "I know that if I go to my chambers, I will find no more peace than you did." The shadows seemed to grow longer on his face. "We have avoided war for years. All of our attempts have been in vain. I'm sending my people into a bloodbath."
"If there was anything more we could do, you know very well we would have done it," you said. "Your people know you don't want this war. We can't stand here while they attack our lands. If we don't fight back, they will raid the villages close to the borders. It will only get worse. Kill, take slaves, do unspeakable things. Blood will be spilled either way. The North is thirsty for it. Better for our people to die defending their homes than be slaughtered with their families at night, unaware."
Yoongi's jaw clenched. In his eyes, you saw the fire and you saw the tiger. "I won't let them. I will fight for them until my last breath. If the North wants blood they will have it. It will overflow."
Yoongi glowed brighter than any flame in the room. Fierce and alluring in the way a sword is, tempting you to cut your finger on the blade to test how sharp it is.
"I won't offer empty words, to you I never have," you said. "It will be hard and we can't know how long it will last. There will be death and there will be wounds that won't heal. But we won't back down. We are the descendants of fighters, of warriors of great deeds. We prospered in peace and we will thrive in war. We will hold the borders, we will hold them back. And I believe we will emerge victorious."
Yoongi reached for something behind him and upon placing them on the table, you realized they were two glasses and a bottle of wine. He poured a generous amount into each and extended one to you.
"Let's drink to that," he said.
"To victories," you said and your glasses clinked.
Everything moved on faster from them, a river getting more and more narrow and running faster and faster. Strategies—political and military—, estimations, gathering the troops, reaching out to allies, making plans. You weren't a great warrior but you had studied battle strategies for years and you viewed battlefields as chess boards. You were great at chess.
Nobles, soldiers, townsfolk, and villagers alike were talking about the war in hushed whispers. Everyone knew it was approaching, a black galloping horse, neighing and squealing. Letters were being exchanged swiftly with the troops on the northern borders, keeping you informed about the moves of the enemy. When war was officially declared, you had to be ready.
Tensions rose in the palace as they did between the two kingdoms. You could barely sleep. When you closed your eyes, you saw images of a red sky, swinging swords, disembodied limbs, and unseeing eyes. You saw destroyed villages and burned houses. They haunted even your dreams. Most nights, you spent in the council room with Yoongi, both of you restless. Sometimes you discussed strategies, sometimes you were quiet in each other's company, other times you fought the way you often did. Upon returning to your rooms, you were able to steal a few hours of sleep.
Time was but an illusion to you. Days blended into each other yet you were intensely aware of each one passing. You drowned in meetings with the council, late nights with the King, and dealing with the noble families—an art you had once upon a time mastered but was slipping through your fingers.
Tensions were rising in the palace. Yoongi was on edge, running from meeting to meeting until he was bound to burn out. Your patience was running thin.
And the King, most of all, was testing it.
"You can't ride at the front in the battle," you said, repeating yourself for what felt like the thousandth time. You were in his office with Namjoon, debating his stupid ideas. "If you are killed, the war is over. Who will be left to lead the soldiers? You have no heir, no brothers or sisters, no one to continue the line."
"Who will lead them then?" Yoongi asked ferociously. "Who will they follow if not their king? Hoseok will be by my side. We will protect each other."
You gripped the glass of wine tighter. You wanted to get up and pace but you wouldn't give him the satisfaction. "This isn't training. This is a real war, protecting each other won't guarantee that either of you are safe. You will be the main target the moment you step into the battlefield. Do you expect the king of Harfush to charge first into battle? To fight at all?"
"I'm nothing like him!" Yoongi said sharply. "I will not hide behind my soldiers while they fight my kingdom's battles! I refuse to cower in the camp like a coward."
"I'm not asking you to," you said, trying to keep your voice from rising. "I'm asking you not to run first into the battle and become an easy target. Do you know how easy it will be for them to shoot you with arrows?"
"She is right, you know," Namjoon said. He was sitting on the other chair in front of Yoongi's large wooden desk, bent over a few papers. What he was writing, you had no idea. Yoongi narrowed his eyes in betrayal. "You want to lead the charge, I understand that, it's the honorable thing to do but they aren't honorable. If you are dead, our people won't know who to follow. There will be chaos and Harfush will take advantage of that."
Yoongi got to his feet, it sounded like an earthquake. "What would you have me do then? I will fight! You can't hold me back from fighting for my kingdom!"
Silent words passed between you and Namjoon. Neither of you liked the idea but it was true that you couldn't stop Yoongi from fighting. You would have to tie him up to keep him in the camp.
You sipped on the wine, an action that seemed to only agitate Yoongi further. "You will fight. But not in the front lines and you won't have only Hoseok with you but your personal guard as well. The ones who are willing to lose their lives to save yours."
"Is that it?" Yoongi asked, something animalistic in his expression. It was coming closer to the surface the past few weeks, clawing and snarling. "Are you making all the decisions for the war? Deciding what is best for MY people?"
Namjoon paused his writing. "We are not making any decisions for you. We only want you to see reason. We are here to advice and guide you, not force your hand."
You held back a huff. "Riding first into battle is suicide. And who will lead YOUR people then? When you are no longer here to do it."
"Why don't you lead them since you seem to believe you can do it so much better?" he snarled. His hand struck the desk with a loud thump, papers, candles and glasses clattering. Namjoon steadied the ink bottle before it could spill and paint the room blue. You held yourself back from flinching.
The world stood still for a moment like it was holding its breath. Yoongi's lips parted. Quickly he pulled back his hand and looked away.
"I'm sorry," he said, gritting his teeth. "I let my temper get the best of me."
Your heartbeat was rising but you kept your voice steady. "I have no desire to lead, only to advise you. I can do nothing more. It isn't only your life on the line. It's the kingdom. Your life is more important than honor or your desire to prove you are a good king."
His jaw clenched. "I will think about it." A dismissal of the conversation. Namjoon went back to his papers and you rested back on the chair, your fingers drumming the tune of war on the arms.
The days grew smaller and the nights longer. Your blood was either freezing or burning. The songs in the court were lifeless, a front no one was believing anymore. Fewer people were good enough pretenders to sing and dance. Wine tasted dull on your tongue. Underneath everything, you were scheming.
War. It had turned from a whisper into a chant. It was the cold breath on your neck in the middle of the night, chilling you to the bone. But you were ready for it. As ready as someone could be for the cruelty humanity had created.
It didn't start with fire or a war cry. It started with a letter. A declaration of war sealed with the royal seal of Harfush.
The night before the King's departure, you and Yoongi met in the council room.
"You are not coming to the front," Yoongi said, thunder flashing in his face. "You are to stay here and rule in my stead. There is no place for you on the battlefield."
You stood your ground, you were used to Yoongi's dangerous looks that would have made anyone else cower. The candles burned around the council room like pyres in the night.
"I am no ruler," you said. "I am the King's advisor and I should be where the king is. Be it the Castle or the battlefield. I will go where you go."
Yoongi clenched his fists. "You are not coming to the front and that's the end. I need you here to take care of the kingdom while I'm gone."
"Namjoon is more than capable of taking care of the kingdom, the council listens to him more than they listen to me." Many in the council believed you were too young and too inexperienced to be the King's advisor. No one would say it in front of Yoongi but amongst themselves they whispered that he had chosen wrong. "You need me there," you continued. "I have studied battles all my life, I am one of the best war strategies you have. It would be foolish not to take advantage of that."
"I have studied battles all my life too and I will have my generals with me. Your place is here in the castle and that is where you will stay."
Anger licked your insides with tongues of fire. "Are you ordering me?" When he stayed silent, you went on. "Do you seriously believe they need me more here than on the front where our fate will be decided? You have always been the better fighter, I was never good at that, but when it comes to strategy, I was better and you know it. Let me be there for you, let me do what I'm meant to do. What is a King's Advisor without a king?"
"Don't." The power was gone from his voice, his head bent. "Stay here. The kingdom needs you."
"The kingdom needs to win and they need you. And I shall be by your side,” you said, not leaving him any chance to contradict you. “I won’t go into the battle, obviously. I will stay at the camp which will be protected and if they reach the camp, that means the war is over. It wouldn’t make a difference if I were there or in the castle. I would be doomed either way.”
“If we lose,” he said through gritted teeth as if it pained him to think about it. “You can escape the castle, go to another country, take Namjoon with you and start anew.”
You were fuming. “Would you run away if you had the chance? Would you escape if you were in my place? Take the coward’s way out?” He looked away. “I am not going anywhere.” Concealed in a pocket of your dress, you pulled out a blade as long as your hand and threw it on the table. “I would rather slit my neck with this blade than run away. I either do this here or at the camp. You choose.”
Yoongi stared at the blade. He was as tense as a tightrope. Watching him was like watching a forest fire. Until something crumbled or it could have been the tremble of the flames surrounding you. He drew back, pulling his eyes away.
“Don’t do it,” he muttered at last. “Stay here.”
“I can’t.”
“Do as you please then.”
Please comment and reblog it motivates me to keep writing
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madebyrolo · 2 months
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Holding me and holding back
Pt.2 Rafe Cameron x pouge reader
Read Pt.1 here
Summary: summer fling with Rafe. Your typical kook vs pouge war but what if instead of gold it was love?
Obx masterlist
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ───
You pulled into the Tanny Hill driveway, you parked leaving your sleeping bag and stuff in the car because you didn’t know where this night was gonna lead.
You planned on confronting Rafe, the whole tire thing was absolutely insane.
You starting walking up to the door as Rafe was already waiting for you. He opened the door and greeted you with a bear hug and kiss on your lips.
The mint taste feeling like home.
“Where’s your stuff?” He asks “aren’t you spending the night?” Rafe sounded concerned.
“Maybe, my bags in the car just in case.” You say rubing your thumb across his knuckles.
“Okay come on, I set up a movie in the screening room. Sarah’s gone she’s off with Topper, wheezy at a sleepover and my dad trusts us enough to leave us alone” he smiles leading you to the room.
You and Rafe lay on the gigantic bean bag. One had wrapped around you and the other using the remote.
“Okay we can watch scream, mean girls, don’t worry darling-”
“Don’t worry darling.” You say without even considering the other options
“Alright should’ve know, Harry styles is in the movie….” He sighs giving you a tight squeeze.
You guys are into the movie, Rafes eye are glued on the screen and you’re deep into your thoughts.
You and Rafe have being a “thing” since April.
Never in your life you would be in a situationship with the kook king, Rafe Cameron.
You're a pouge yourself, working as a bev cart girl at the golf course. The job is easy and the tips are ever better. Tipsy old men with a girl in the skirt is like the money-mouth emoji.
That were you met Rafe of course.
You were covering for your other employee, she was over 21 and she could actually handle the alcohol legally but some how the mangers didn't care that one day. You were doing your loops and happened to meet your best tippers, who usually have $20+ they were easy in a way, but not that day.
"Look it's our favorite doll!" The oldest one said.
"Good to see you too Mr.Adams!" you say with a fake smile plaster on your face.
"Honey, what did I say call me Paul!" Mr Adams said playfully.
"Okay Paul, what would you and these gentlemen like today?" You said getting out the cart and pulling open the coolers.
"Arnold Palmer, needs some of his luck if I wanna win this bet with Andrew" Mr Adams winked
"throw in a splash vodka too"
As you began pouring the vodka Mr Adams kept saying "a little more..."
"Might as well made it a longgg Island" you joked earning fits of chuckles from the tipsy men.
"I'll take a beer" Andrew aka Mr.Gage asked
"And I'll get your number sweet heart" the bald one said checking your ass out.
You pulled it down praying there was gonna be no breeze to help fill out his fansistes. You gave them their drinks about to turn around to enter your cart as the bald one grabbed your wrist.
“I didn’t get what I ask for.” He said leaning in with the smell of wiskey heavy on his breath.
“Sir let me go.” You said with your head down trying to fight your wrist back.
The other men were laughing, sipping their drinks watching their friend miserably hit on you.
“Darling I’m not gonna ask you again.” He said squeezing tighter.
You were about to risk them seeing your paintes to kick this bald bitch in the dick but right before you could lift your leg the man fell right in front of you with a grunt.
As you watch him go down you saw an another dude behind him, and that being Rafe Cameron.
He had a golf club, which you connected that he hit him with. You can see the mark of dirt and grass on the back of his shirt.
“You want another one?” Rafe said looking down at the man as he turned to face him.
But all he could hear with groans, the man bareley being able to get a word out.
“I’m not gonna ask you again.” He ordered.
And with that Rafe slammed the golf club right between his dick. Barely hitting it but enough to scare him.
He yelled as he rolled down the hill as his friend run away.
“I’ll make sure you never set foot in this club, or any club on this island again.” Rafe yelled at them.
You shook your head trying process what just happened, or what could’ve happened. Your legs shaking from the thoughts and your arm being red from the “man's” grip.
“Are you okay?” Rafe asked.
You heard stories of the boy, him being played as this big scary guy from Jayj and the fights you heard involving your friends and others.
“Um yeah I guess, thank you Rafe.” You said avoiding eye contact. You didn’t want him to see the tears building up in your eyes.
“Hey kid.” He said lifting up your chin to see the tears spilling down your cheek. “Here let me help you in, I’ll drive you back to the house, we’ll get your stuff and I’ll take you home.” Rafe offered as he guiding you to the passenger seat of the cart.
As he got in he started the cart slowly driving. Whiping the melted mascara, trying to get yourself together before you have to face your manager.
“You know their names right?” Rafe asked as he looked over at you.
“Uh yeah all of them except the one that grabbed me.” You said trying not to cry again.
“It’s alright I bet you $100 I’ll get it within the next 30 minutes.” He said with a small laugh trying to ease the tension.
“Thank you Rafe, if you didnt get there in time I would’ve had to kick him, giving them the view they wanted” you said with a breathy laugh wiping the rest of your tears.
“Would’ve been one hell of a kick girl!” He said placing his hand on top of yours.
In a way it felt comforting, scary cause you barely knew the kid but he wasn’t a complete stranger.
Soon you were in the passenger seat of his truck, and with a $100 bill in your pocket from the bet he made.
“Can’t believe you got them banned practically everywhere.” You said with a small laugh.
“Oh and they donated 100k to the club all together too. And here’s your tip” He smiled to himself handing over $520 in bills.
“Snagged them from their wallets” he said giving you a wink.
“I’m not even gonna ask,” you scoff in amazement counting the cash.
He’s driving along the beach to the side of the island he swore to never ever to be on. The sun was setting creating a warm ambiance with “3005” by childish Gambino playing from his playlist.
“Great music taste” you complement trying to change the topic.
“Mmm thanks, I take pride in it.” He hummed “you listen to childish gambino?”
“Um the one and only Troy Barnes ? Yes I do girl” you giggle.
“I love the community, it’s so good. I haven’t done my annual rewatch yet.” He said taking a quick glance at you before focusing on the road again.
“Omg me too. Although I can never get myself to finish season 6 because it’s just boring without Donald glover and the problematic old man.” You say looking out the window watching the sun set.
“You have to come over and watch it soon. We can have a little watch party” Rafe offers as he pulls into your neighborhood.
“Yeah I’ll like that.” You say locking eyes with eachother.
Soon he parks into your driveway. You began unbuckling before he speaks up.
“So you’re down to come over one day? Netflix and chill or what not.” He laughs with blush creeping up his cheeks.
“Yeah it’s a date” you say with blush now matching you both.
“Hey I wanna thank you again. I genuinely don’t know what I would’ve done without my knight in shiny golf club” you joked
“Don’t sweat it, besides I’m glad you’re okay y/n .” He said nudging your shoulder as you let go of the seat belt.
“So are you gonna give me your number or…” you joked.
“Oh yeah yeah my bad. Here type yours in” he said handing you his phone.
As you enter it you hand it back.
“What emoji you want by your name ?” he ask trying hard not to have you go.
“A princess would be nice ‘cause you were my prince today.” You give a dopey smile to him.
“Perfect.” He said entering it in before turning his phone off.
The car is filled with silence with his music barely being able to fill your ears.
He looks at your eyes before going down to your lips, you also doing the same.
Next thing you know they’re a warm touch on your lips. And your hands are tangled in Rafes hair.
You break the almost minute long kiss, you have to enter your house at some point.
“Thank you Rafe.” You said before your open the door.
“No thank you y/n. I’ll text you when I get home” he said as you shut the door.
He watched you enter your home before driving off home.
You run into your parents on the couch.
“What are you doing home, I thought you didn’t get off till 7?” Your mom ask
“They let me off early ” you say as your enter your room.
You lay in bed thinking about the eventful night.
Screw the bald man, you just made out with Rafe fucking Cameron.
— end of flashback—
Ever since that day you have been so grateful for Rafe. Even though you guys aren’t exclusive you both knew better not to touch another breathing thing.
He was a sweetheart, to you at least. He always payed for the food, little (big) gifts here and there, sleep overs ever weekend, driving you to world, picking you up from work, hanging out after work.
You two were inseparable.
It was fun behind doors, but the second you were with the rest of the pouges you were nothing more.
Him and his on going “war” with John b and jayj for no reason other then social class. He would call the others out with names and insults laced with venom but never said a thing to you. He couldn't even find the words.
One time he called jayj white trash and made fun of John b for having a dead dad, them literally millimeters away from a fight before you called him out for being obsessed with them, throwing in a gay joke.
He looked at you with soft eyes before throwing a small insult to throw the rest off.
“Okay princess, go make tips with your boobs.” he said leaving everyone confused for the “insult” he threw at you.
And with that he left without a fight.
“Okay so I get called a slut and you get called out for boobs?” kie said offended watching the boy walk away.
“I mean she does have nice boobs…” jayj whispered before Pope smacking the back of his head.
You giggled at the old memory,
But the feeling of guilt washes over you.
Rafe and his buddies always messing with the pouges, you’re bestfriend. The name calling with bruises and vandalism to prove it.
Where does your loyalty lie?
Rafe perks up with the sound of your giggles
“Okay are your giggling at her being crush by glass walls right now?” he asks
“No no it's something else.” you say looking off to the side.
“Actually pause the movie, I wanna talk about something” you say as he grabs the remote.
“Uh okay, so what's up.” he ask with thoughtful eyes.
“So I know we've been sneaking around for a while now-”
“Well I wouldn't call it sneaking around, you've met my parents and vise versa” he said with a nervous laugh
“Yeah i guess but our friends Rafe. If mine find out about us I don't know what they would do”
“Why do you care what they think?” he ask
“Cause you just ruined Kies car…”
“Well she deserved it”
“What did she even do?? We were just having pizza for crying out loud.”
“Oh didnt know jj was pizza…” Rafe mumbled under his breath.
“Oh so this is about jj.”
“I’m just saying if he wasn’t all up on your the night wouldn’t have ended like this!”
“First of all, nothing happend, second of all if it was jjs fault why did you destroy Kiara’s car!”
“Like she couldn’t get it fix, she a kook too you know!”
“You slashed her ties Rafe! Money or not that’s still a despicable thing to do?? She’s completely innocent and she’s never did a thing to you yet your terrorize her? How would she ever react if I tell her? ‘Oh you're fucking y/n? Okay that's fine u forgive you for the slut shaming and destroying my car yay!!’ is that what you think she'll do?” you argue.
“Well if they're the real friend you claim they are they wouldn't care! They'll be happy ur happy!!” he said back
“And Jj? The bruises he has on his back won't disappear the moment you come out hand in hand with me.” you say
“Why who you care what jj would think huh? I see you guys all up on eachother especially after today. What do you think that makes me feel? Seeing you all touchy touchy right in front of my eyes knowing I can’t do a thing about it!” He
“He wiped fucking sauce of my face Rafe.” You say
“I see the way he looks at you! He’s totally into you he’s like a 12 year old, practically drooling over you! Every time I come around you guys he steps in front of you, guarding you from me always with some time of body part on you. Every time I look back after I leave he’s giving you hugs or some bull shit.”
“Is this really about jj Rafe? He’s my bestfriend, brother even! We grew up together and hes seen and been physical with you of course he’s gonna get protective!” you say ruffling your hair
“Rafe are you jealous of him?”
“What? No, no he’s a pouge, he has nothing against me. I-I can practically buy him if I wanted too.” He said
“Screw them you're happy with me alright?” he said trying to change the subject.
“Rafe we aren't even-” you didn't even know what to say. Together? He sure acts like you can't sit by a guy especially at a party.
“What y/n? Official? Dating? Cause these past 3 months have been nothing but perfect for me!” Rafe said trying to make you feel bad.
“Thats the thing Rafe! I wake up in your bed then end the night talking shit with the pouges! Thats not normal, healthy! It's far from perfect can't you see that?” tears began to well up in both of your eyes. “You can't even call me your girlfriend.”
“We can never have a sweet date that doesn’t involve me ducking under a table or you hiding in the bathroom Rafe. We always have to have a small dinner or another movie marathon at Tammy hill, I just want at least a peaceful day at the park or the board walk.” you cry.
“Belive me y/n i want too, do you know how many girls never make it to tannyhill? Only the back seat or a trashy motel room.” he said
“Oh thanks for that image-” you say as your getting up from the bean bag
“Y/n stops that's not what I'm trying to say.” He huffs trying to collect his tears, grabbing your hands into his.
“The moment I first saw you, you were surfing with jj. It pissed me off that you were with him out of all people. but then my eyes landed back on you and all that anger went away. I wish I could explain it, how I feel. You're the only person I find tolerable in this world. When we first officially met on the golf course, the circumstances obviously could've been better” he said with a small laugh
“But you and me sitting in my truck, driving you home felt so, normal. Like it was meant to be. It felt like I've done it a million times even though I was so nervous. If you get what I'm trying to say y/n is that I like you. I want you in my life, as a friend, girlfriend or even the Bev cart girl. But I really hope you take the girlfriend title”
“Y/n these 3 months have meant everything to me and I hope for many more. Y/n will you be my girlfriend?
“But the pouges-”
“Screw them, this is about you and me princess” he said looking for something in your eyes.
And it was lust.
You smash your lips onto his, hands tangled into each other hair.
Rafe pulls you onto his lap letting his hands roam all over your body, slowly trying to get your shirt off.
As you began shifting on his lap to tease the poor kook, he starts sliding his hands underneath your shit cupping your breast.
“Let’s take this upstairs yeah?” Rafe offers in between kisses.
“Aren’t your parents up there.” You mumble with your lips still on his.
“Guess we just have to be quiet huh princess?” He says cupping your face, soon getting up.
As you guys walk out the screening room he picks you up bridal style causing fit of giggles.
Finally in his room he puts you on his bed towering over you once again starting a make out sesh.
Rafe and you were on the beach, walking along the sunset after you first date.
You guys went to an arcade in on the mainland so none one can spot you guys.
The date was fun, you never knew this side of Rafe or Rafe in general. The Rafe who let you win in air hockey, who helped you make baskets in basketball, the Rafe would spent all of his tickets on a stuff animal for you.
Everything the pouges describing him to be was far from this Rafe.
Did they have the right to say all those nasty things about him? Yes 100% but you never had it happen to you. The worst thing he’s ever done to you before this whole relationship happened was dirty looks, he never once said or did anything bad to you.
In a way you felt terrible, you were betraying your bestfriends. Yes you felt guilty, but boy were you in love. You hate to admit it, being in love let alone being in love with Rafe Cameron.
One kiss and you instantly metled.
The first being shared in the beach, where you and Rafe went after the ferry ride back.
It was a beautiful May sunset, the weather was finally warm enough for shorts on the beach. Obx winters felt way longer than anywhere els.
You were walking hand in hand with the stuffy you got. Rafe was sharing small stories of from his childhood.
“And so when Rose came out the bathroom she had hot pink hair and very orange skin! She looked like one of those troll dolls from the 90s.” He said laughing.
You guys then sat in a rock, in the between the long grass and daisys sprouted around.
“I remember this one time I manage to actually pull of a prank on jj” you laughs to yourself recalling the memories, Rafe tensing at the boys name but you never noticed.
“I blew up a shit ton of ballon’s and cut open a mattress and replace the insides with ballon’s and I also did it too his pillow. So I know jj jumps onto the bed everytime so the night when he went to sleep I was in the living room and we all heard the big pops and a uncanny high pitched scream from jj.” You say completely losing it.
“Oh so you’re one tough cookie huh?” He said playfuly while you trying to collecting yourself.
“Honestly I didn’t think it would work” you say looking at him.
You guys sat on the rock, waves crashing and the sunset creating the perfect warm atmosphere.
Rafe look down to your lips, you looking at his. His eyes looked into yours asking for permission without saying a word, you nodded and he started to move in closer.
You connected your lips with his.
The kiss sent electric waves downs your spine. Nothing els really matter, everything that once clouded your mind just melted away as you melted into him.
The taste of mint and lemonade.
The kiss was semi short, you both didn’t wanna part but the look in yours eyes made it seem worth it. Rafe swore he could’ve seen stars in yours eyes.
That was the first kiss of many.
Who knew mint could be such a sweet flavor.
— end of flashback—
You’re clothes are fully off, Rafes on top sliding two fingers in and out of you
“Taking my fingers so good Baby” he teased.
His favorite thing has to be fingering because he can’t get over how pathetic it is that you are clenching over practically nothing.
“More Rafe” you can barely get out. now with 4 fingers in.
Rafes pumping back and forth, lips on your breast sending chills down your spine.
As you get tighter and tighter Rafe takes note that you’re about to finish so he picks up his face and tugging on your nips to get you there quicker.
You let out whimpers trying to hold in your moans.
“Such a good girl.”
As you finally reach the first orgasam for the night you quickly grab Rafes free hand covering your mouth muffling the moan.
“Fuck Rafe” you say as he flips you guys over with you now on top.
You send trails of kissing down his body, grabbing his hard dick sliding your fingers over the tip.
“I’ll never get over how pretty you look like this” you say as you staring going up and down his dick looking him in the eye.
“You should see my angle babe” he soft chuckles, buckling his hips.
“Needy” you say putting the lip in your mouth.
You’re head going up and down, trying to take his length in one hole. Reaching the tip you swirling your tounge on it looking up up Rafe that has a smirk on it watching you.
Your hands cupping his balls as Rafe throws his head back.
“Mhmmm fuck y/n” Rafe placing a hand on top of your head slowing pushing down.
“I wanna hear you.” He said as your start gagging.
Deep and deeper you get him both turning you on even more.
You press your legs together as his breathing starts getting more intense.
Before Rafe can finish he pulls you off, yanking you on him before putting it in.
“Remember not too lound princess.” He starts lowering you into his cock. The tip so red its pulsing.
You start to slide down his dick, your body feeling like it’s the first time again.
The way he stretches you out making your brain go numb.
“Oh fuck-” you say as your barely on it.
“Come on princess you can take it, you’ve done it before” he said as he guides your hips.
You moan as you completely take him in. Your hips connect to his, you take a minute to let your body adjust.
Soon your start moving up and down
The feeling of your tight pussy making Rafes mind go haywire.
The slow pace wasn’t enough so Rafe starts bucking his hips into you trying to make you go faster and taking note you did.
Rafe watched as your tits bounced, his hand reaching for your nipples as he begins to twist them.
Your moans being made into whimpers
The feeling of Rafe pelvis hitting your clit makes you go faster, the way his tips perfectly hitting your g spot.
But his length makes is tiring.
“Rafe help.” You pled.
Rafe lifs you up by your waist as he begins pounding you himself.
“Love it when I fuck you huh baby?” He says as he pounds you.
You’re knees began to weak as the familiar sensation that overtakes your body.
The way Rafe easily slides in and out, him being inside you feeling so normal. Like his dick was meant for you. Always surprised how it’s able to fit.
As you grab one of his pillows to drown out the moan messing he’s leaving you in, the tighter you get the more fast he is.
“Rafe..” you gulp as your legs shake.
“I know baby, cum with him.” He grunts.
You free a hand and begging rubbing your clit in fast circular motions, throwing the pillow to the side.
You bit on your lips to hold in the moans so hard that you wouldn’t be surprised if they were gonna be bruised later.
Soon enough you reach your climax, legs shaking and giving up on as aquejen on Rafe as he shoots his load in you.
Both in sweaty and hot you fall into him.
Nothing if your body’s conlasping on the king size matress bento you.
You roll off of him trying to catch your breath, with him doing the same with grunts in the middle.
You look at him admiring the high he gave you before he also turns to look at you.
You let out a little giggle before he pulls you in laying together.
“Are you still jealous of jj now?.”
“Oh shut it.”
-time skip-
You wake up in the king size bed if Rafe, the sheets smelling like him.
As you turn to reach for the boy you're met with nothing.
You began to grab your phone, as you reach for it there's a note
Ran out for breakfast princess, your clothes are in the dresser.
You turn to look around a spot a brand new dresser you've never seen before. How the hell did you miss that.
Hope you like it, it has a built in jewelry storage :)
Damn you Rafe. Time like these you wished your friends saw.
You get up and throw a shirt on that you found on the floor.
You open up the drawers you see he organizated it himself. On the top is your undergarments, then tops, bottoms and PJs (the clothes you took from him)
You grab a pair of clothes which included a new Victoria secret set and head to take a shower.
As you stand under the waterfall showerhead, you can't help but what your friends are doing right now.
You grab the Redken shampoo Rafe bought and lather your hair. The only way you could afford it is if you bought it at tj maxx.
Soon you're out, you change and as you began brushing your teeth you get a text.
Rafe 🕶️: Hey just ran into Jj
Rafe 🕶️ : I think we should wait a little longer to break the news
You sigh.
You: Rafe what did you do.
Rafe 🕶️: lets just say he needs to think before he makes a comment on my girl.
─── ʚɞ ⋅ ᯓᡣ𐭩 ⋅ ୨୧ ──
I literally hate writing smut 👎
Sorry for the long awaited pt2
Please ignore any typos 💁
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spacesurfing · 2 years
❛ would you like to go somewhere a little more private? ❜ with Anakin? (A girl with a big metal hand kink as I have one as well)
-- I love the metal hand as well, it's just so yummy. Thank you for sending in a request!!
Good Resolutions
Anakin Skywalker x Reader Smut
Summary: You and Anakin never found a way to get along. With your feuds and the war occupying your minds, you were convinced Anakin Skywalker only cared about himself. So maybe you should try as well. And you did.
Warnings: Anakin does make fun of the reader!!, violence, injury, blood, Metal hand kink, Dom!Anakin, brat tamer!Anakin, rough sex, p in v, oral (m receiving), slight humiliation, slight praise kink, inappropriate use of the force, hair pulling, soft ending :)
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You didn't want this war. It had caused pain to everyone; to you, to Obi-Wan, to the clones that knew nothing more than fighting and to the civilians that had to endure it all. You felt horrible for all of the factors in this war. It had caused yourself grief and stress, things that the Jedi were forbid of, but you never understood how the Jedi just saying, "Hey, just don't feel anything and you can stay in our cult of magicians!" would fix any of your emotions from straining against your mind.
And him. Oh him. If you weren't a Jedi, you would've ripped Skywalker's face apart. You hated him, more than you had hated anything. There were only few things you let yourself hate, and one of them was no doubt him. He crawled under your skin, biting at you, irritating you. And the council always thought it was a good idea to bring you two together. In their eyes, the more you had to see him, the more you two "got along" (and the less they had to deal with his bullshit). And through the war process, you hated him even more.
The flirting, oh you couldn't stand the flirting. You didn't dare say anything to the council, you didn't wanna hear about your snitching from him everytime you walked beside him. You'd rather the unnerving silence that was always there till he wanted to brush his gloved hand against your arm, move a piece of loose hair from your face, have the audacity to correct your stances everytime you found yourself in battle. The way he called you 'pretty girl' whenever it was just you and him. You fucking hated everything about him and his stupid, handsome face.
He was really at your throat this whole week though. You'd been sent to Geonosis, another secret imperial base had been made for them to perform their various meetings. It also was supposedly a site for explosives construction on their half. So, you were happy that meant not blowing something to smithereens due to the possibility of very fatal explosives.
As the 501st communicated with your battalion of calm soldiers, you had to stand beside the rat they assigned you to help. You wished that Rex would find a question for you, so you could talk to him instead. You walked in silence with Skywalker, only few of your most skilled men behind you - Commander Tank, Reaper, Mitch, Magma and Cub.
Your men talked to you a lot, they loved jokes and sarcasm, but they didn't like bothering their General, especially when you were next to the man you hated more than anything - in those moments your shoulders were so tense your men thought you were about to punch something. But you honestly wish your men didn't care for your sanity because them being a distraction was better than them being silent and watching your back as Skywalker walked confidently next to you.
"Do you always breathe that loud?" Anakin peeped up, looking over at you. His face was blank but you could tell he was holding in a devilish smirk that you swear to maker you always wanted to slap off of his face.
You looked over at him with pure confusion, "What do you mean?"
"You sound like you're suffocating, is it too long of a walk for you little miss princess?" he asked, purposefully mocking you, just needing to get to your head, to tickle your insecurities.
Your nose scrunched up at his comment, "I've been breathing perfectly fine this whole time, Master Skywalker. Don't you have better things to listen to than my breathing anyways?"
"Well, when you're being incredibly loud, I can't focus on those 'better things'."
You turned away from him, your face hot. Did you really breathe that loud? No, he just wants to get to you. But what if you did really breathe that loud? You felt embarrassed beyond belief. All you wanted to do was fall back and escape to the transport ship that had left what seemed like a millennium ago.
Before you could think too far into it, one of your boys, Mitch, spoke up, "I don't think you breathe that loud, General."
The clone outfitted in white and a forest green fell into step next to you. You smiled widely at him, looking up. It was funny, the clones being taller than yourself - yet they only listened to you. You'd seen other people attempt to boss around your clones, but they had hard heads and they liked to knock them against anyone other than yourself.
Anakin muttered something under his breath, eyes averting away from your figure. You would've asked him what he had said if it weren't for you just simply not caring about his opinion on anything.
Mitch fell back into step with the rest of the men, leaving you in the same atmosphere that you were in before he trailed up on you; in Skywalker's restrained silence. You knew he wanted to say something else, he always wanted to say something about your men being "kiss-ups", just wanted you to give them your full attention.
'If you really want to insult me, don't do it in front of my men,' you spoke through thoughts. You'd think you'd have a force connection with someone you liked, someone that made you cherish their time and attention. The one between you and Anakin was unnecessary and stupid - that's why you never got into verbal arguments. It was almost like texting someone over a holopad, except you could hear their voice almost as if it were in a dark chamber, echoing off the walls of your mind.
He didn't respond, his eyes forward, watching the trail with carefulness that he only faked. He just didn't want to look at you is what the problem was, cause when he did, he would say something nasty. 'Come by my quarters when we get back to Coruscant, then I won't have to say a single word in front of your men.'
For once, you were up to the challenge of talking to him. You always denied his offers, which only sent more teases your way, more glares. The less you interacted with him, the more he mocked you. 'Fine, then I will.'
You watched out of the corner of your eye, a smirk spreading across his face.
It did take long to find something, the hideout that everyone was speaking of. It was small, carved into a peak. "Great, we'll be lucky if we don't find tunnels in this thing."
For once, Anakin let out a small huff of air - a laugh sort of. It was quiet, like he didn't want you, or anyone, to hear that he was laughing at something you said. We easily found the entrance, walked in with muffled footsteps, trying to sneak as quietly as we could try. Tank stood behind you protectively, the rest of your men in line with him. It was the same for Skywalker's battalion - Captain Rex in line with the rest of the 501st. And of course, you never got out of sync while next to Anakin, now closer than you were before in the tight halls.
"I don't like this one bit," Tank said under his breath, looking around while keeping his shoulders tense, ready for whatever there was to come.
"I know Tank but we'll get out of here as soon as possible," you whispered back, keeping your voice low. You were watching cracks trail up into the ceiling, the deep hum of machinery vibrating the atmosphere around you.
Anakin knew too, you felt it, that there was indeed a factory hidden in the cavern you were walking through. You kept your hand close to your hip, though the thought of a fight was very deep in your mind. All you were searching for now was the vibration of voices.
You closed yourself into your own thoughts, listening for noise. For a moment, you could only hear the soft whisper of a joke send over from Reaper to Kix, then you closed out that train. You heard the conveyer belt to the left of you, taking a turn down the next crossroad and simply walking straight. And to the right, you heard the voice of Poggle, speaking in native Geonosian to the other close members of the separatist alliance.
You held up your right hand, stopping your men and Skywalker's men in their tracks. As soon as that happened, you felt a jolt through your mind as he shared the same force channel as you did, listening to a language you never understood. Then you directed him to the left, listening to the sounds of machinery.
"We certainly got lucky this time boys," you claimed, turning around, addressing in a soft voice, "Mitch, I will need you to find a way to shut down the factory when we enter, Kix and Cub with accompany you. Rex and Tank will stay with me and General Skywalker. Hardcase and Jesse, you will stand guard in front of the factory, and the rest of you will take out droids that might be there and find explosive deposits."
The men all nodded, not daring to speak a response and they followed you in the same quiet march that they had kept up that whole time walking in.
"Master Skywalker, you are to take Rex and collect some of the most dangerous explosives when they are found. Tank and I will join you soon after, I would like to continue listening."
Anakin snickered, "They why don't you just take guard and Jesse and Hardcase can actually put the backpacks to use."
You hummed, beckoning Tank to take his backpack off and you dropped both yours and Tank's into Anakin's hands, "As you wish." He looked disappointed. Even though this was your mission, he had bossed you around without getting you upset. What a shame.
The mission went exactly as planned, which was something that never seemed to happen when you were beside Skywalker on a mission. But today, everything had went exactly as we planned it to go. Well, up until the end. You had hurried your men out and told them to call for a transport as you and Anakin stayed inside, cutting up some of the machinery, the lock on the controls not going to hold up forever. Mitch was good, but not that good.
And, we found a stray droid in the process, wandering into the factory after he must've heard no noise from it. As soon we we rushed at him, he had the last laugh, contacting Poggle to your location on the spot.
You scurried behind Anakin, talking to your men. They reported the transport ship was close, flying down to them now. As soon as you turned the corner to the main entrance though, you felt a sting in your arm. Eager to get out, you tried to not focus on the pain, rushing your men into the ship as you hurried out fast. Reaper threw down one of the explosives, it soon beeping and caving in the entrance.
You smiled in relief. This was the first good mission in a long time, your men keeping Anakin's calm. It was funny, the contrast between how you and Anakin interacted and how his men and your men interacted. Rex pointed that out once. You and Anakin then didn't communicate with each other the rest of the mission.
As you became grounded though, you grasped your arm. It hurt, bad, a searing pain. As you held your fingers up, you saw blood. You tried to hide the injury for the time being, the transport ship making it's way to the command ship and you scurried off as soon as it landed. Or well, tried to.
"Is that... blood, General?" Cub spoke. You winced at his question, turning around to see him standing right there behind you, checking out your wound.
Anakin stepped over, speaking in a commanding voice, "What do you mean blood?"
Cub turned you, showing Anakin the blood forming a circle on the fabric where the wound was under. Anakin grumbled, grabbing your wrist in a way that made you dizzy and dragged you to the infirmary, setting you down on a medical cot and calling over Kix.
The man in blue took off his helmet, setting it down and looking at your arm. "Could you, um, undress for me. If you need a shirt or something we have plenty."
You waved him off, stripping yourself of your long sleeved top and your robes. You had a tight breastband on, not revealing anything in particular but your arms and your stomach. You knew that the men were mature, not taking a wounded woman soldier as some sort of sex worker when she was to be almost half naked to receive medical attention. All the men were very respectful - too good to deserve the lives they had to live.
You waited for Anakin to leave, but as Kix tended to your wound, rubbing some bacta ointment on it and wrapping it up with bandages, Anakin continued to glare at you. You felt his eyes burning right through your head as he waited for Kix to finish.
"Are there any other wounded?" the medic asked when turning to Anakin. Anakin shook his head and Kix simply nodded, saying a goodbye to Anakin and walking back to the hangar bay to connect back with his group.
You downcast your eyes, a frown tugging at your lips as you avoided looking at his figure, broad and hovering over you like a building. You knew that if he was still standing there, arms crossed tight against his chest, he wanted to say something.
When the metal of the door shut with a mechanical noise, and Anakin burst into flames.
"You were injured, and you did tell me?!" he asked, raising his voice as he stared you down. You couldn't avoid his eyes now, looking back at his face you saw the fury in his expression, his eyebrows scrunched, his face in pure anguish.
You inhaled, looking away frantically, then back at him, "Why are you asking me like you've ever cared? When have you ever gave a shit about me?"
"Are you saying you don't believe I care?"
You scrunched your nose up in a way that flipped Anakin's heart, watching as you turned from this closed book into this flaming ball of emotion. "Why should I believe in any universe that you would care about me? You mock me in front of my men, criticize me constantly and overall, you're a huge dick."
Anakin was quick to unfold his arms and cage you into the medical bed, his hair falling in his face as he stared you down. Maker he was big. You had thought he was tall of course but as he really hunched over you, got in your face, he was intimidating to say the least.
"I have always cared about you, do you understand? I worry every moment you are on the field. You do not tell me I don't care about you, I would travel to the end of the galaxy to find you."
You huffed, not letting his fake front manipulate you. It wasn't fake, everything had come out of Anakin's mouth aggressive, yet true. He cared deeply, he thought of you constantly. He was always in a bad mood cause he couldn't have you. He acted like a playground bully because he was convinced it would protect you from his feelings. But fate always prevailed.
"Get out of my face."
Anakin tilted his head and in a mocking manner, spoke, "And what if I don't? You gonna call Mitch? Is he gonna kiss your ass like he always does?"
"You don't talk about Mitch like that, you slimeball," you growled, pushing at Anakin's shoulders. He stumbled a little, but not enough to move his arms from keeping you sitting on the cot.
"Then tell me. What. Are. You. Going. To. Do. About. It?"
As a Jedi, you knew you couldn't use aggression against him. The tones you two were using already was bad enough, biting at each other's necks like stray dogs, but you weren't gonna hit him.
Anakin's blue eyes pierced your soul, they were clouded, his face so close to you that butterflies roamed in your stomach and his lips were plump, curled into a snarl. But soon, a smug smirk played on his lips, "Nothing, you're too much of a good girl. You wouldn't do anything but sit there all pretty, waiting for one of your boys to pick you off your feet and pamper you."
"They don't pamper me, they protect me, something you just seem incapable of."
A rope snapped in Anakin. He couldn't take it anymore, pretending he didn't want you, trying to tell you he cared without actually saying it. Maker, he wanted to be the one to pamper you and protect you. He'd spend countless nights imagining you curled up in his lap, talking the day away, telling him about your latest mission, talking to him in that soft voice you always addressed Ahsoka in.
He knew there was nothing that would make you hate him more, so he move his hand up your arm and pressed his lips to yours. For the anger emitting from Anakin, his lips laid on yours tenderly. He wanted to be mean, he wanted to leave small bruises on your neck and thighs, he wanted to be rough with you, but he couldn't just ruin the first kiss out of a temper tantrum.
When you didn't kiss him back, he pulled away, looking at you with the same expression he had before, but his mouth was relaxed and his eyes had a soft look to them.
You didn't know how to respond. The kiss had made your heart throb, made your eyelids droop as if they wanted to close forever. Your lips felt hot, so did your face. And as if Anakin was water in a dessert, you lurched forward, catching his lips with your own in a desperate kiss. You grabbed at his shoulders, your lips moving against his as he snatched your waist with both hands.
Everything about this encounter made your ears hot, your face was on fire, your body felt like it was made of lava. Anakin tasted so sweet, something you would have never expected. You heard a loud laughter through the durasteel walls of the ship, pulling away from Anakin and pushing lightly on his chest.
"Anakin, there are people-"
"Would you like to go somewhere a little more private?" he asked, his metal hand massaging your waist as he pressed light breathy kisses over your lips. This is the most vulnerable he had ever seen you and maker did he want to make this last forever. But he was still so upset at you, for hiding from him, from keeping the injury to yourself.
You nodded, and Anakin simply whisked you away by your arm, puling you through a side door in the infirmary, leading to a private meditation room, one where no Jedi was to be disturbed if not for their commlink going off. There were only two on each command ship and they were used often, the cheap soundproofing keeping out most of the loud talking and resulting in a hum that most Jedi could be okay with. They were convenient, down a hall that most weren't even permitted to be down anyways, the door with a solid lock on it.
It felt wrong, allowing such feelings and bringing them especially into a Jedi-oriented place. Maybe it was wrong, maybe it was forbidden, but Anakin refused to bat and eye at anything being necessarily wrong. This was only a show of passion right? You had to have passion as a Jedi, attachments were forbidden, but didn't you have an attachment to the Jedi order as a whole? It was something you always kept with you, something you could never defy, something that ran your whole life, it was a commitment. So, an attachment?
Your head ran dry of thoughts as he promptly locked the door. Immediately his lips latched themselves onto yours, hands holding your hips close to him as the top of your back pressed against the wall. His hair tickled your forehead, your hands reaching to hold the sides of his face, feeling the fluff of it tangle between your finger tips.
You could already feel him, hard against your thigh, pulling away for a moment to breathe before kissing you again. It was hot, his lips smothering you, heavy exhales between kissing him like our lives would end.
He squeezed your hip tight, making you gasp before sliding his tongue into your mouth. You felt yourself growing wet by the second. Maker, you hated this man more than anything, but the way he touched you and kissed you, the way his face felt under your hands, you never wanted to be away from him.
There was a counter in the corner of the room with a tea machine next to it. He didn't hesitate to move his hands down to your ass, giving it a squeeze and muttering an "Up" before carrying you over to it, mouth still locked onto yours as he dropped you on the counter. You were perfectly level with him in that moment, his tongue sliding against yours. You ached for him and his touch, you wanted to feel him everywhere. He pulled down your pants and boots, leaving them in a pool of clothing next to one of the meditation cushions. You felt absolutely bare, nothing but your breastband and panties on.
Anakin rested his forehead against yours, sharing the same air with you, staring at your curves and the way your panties clung to you. You looked so delicate to him, in a way where he didn't even want to touch you.
"You're so pretty," he groaned, gripping the side of your thighs, "I wanna fuck you, will you let me do that angel?"
You grinded yourself against his bulge, needy for something, anything from him, "Please Anakin, I-I need you."
He knelt down before you, dark blue crystals staring up into your own eyes, prompting you to watch him. He nipped a piece of the fabric, pulling them down your legs as his hands held you off of the surface. You felt like you were gonna start drooling over him, he was delicious to look at, something you always ignored. But you couldn't now, the eye-candy almost in shining light, the only single thing you could focus on.
And you didn't focus on anything else. Which is why you moaned in surprise when you felt cold against your clit. His glove must've been somewhere on his lap, but that didn't matter because his metal thumb rubbed circles against your clit. The contrast felt so good, and you couldn't help but become a whimpering mess.
He prodded a finger at your hole, "Do you like it when I touch you with my metal hand? You know, I did think you were weird, but I never suspected you were this weird."
You were about to make up a comeback, but when he slipped his finger into you, your thoughts were muddled. Your teeth latched onto your bottom lip and you unintentionally grinded against his hand.
"Ani..." you moaned, one of your hands gripping the end of the counter while the other moved to tangle itself into his hair.
He tilted his head, bringing his finger out from you, eliciting a noise from your throat. He popped his finger into his mouth and you could've sworn you could cum just to that sight alone.
"So sweet. I could just eat you up," he said, smirking as he slipped his finger back in, licking through your folds.
You died in that moment, adding a second finger, his lips circled your clit, sucking lightly. You moaned at his action, watching him. It was almost euphoric, the eye contact you two kept. You tugged lightly at his hair as he licked up your juices. He groaned, vibrating your nerves and making you moan his name.
He open-mouth kissed your pussy. "Keep making those nosies, y'sound so good," he muttered, attacking your clit with his tongue and lips, moving his fingers as he began to take them out before shoving them knuckle deep again.
You felt like he was pulling your soul out of you body, hand tugging his hair more often than not, but he loved it, groaning or growling before fucking his fingers into you harder. His fingertips caressed a spot in you which turned your eyes heavy and made you feel weak. He knew you were close, your stomach and walls were tight, your moans turned into whimpers and sighs, and you grinded against his face like a loth-cat in heat.
Anakin's last move was one you never expected and never would have in a million years. He pressed his metal fingers against the one spot inside of you, removing his mouth from your pussy. But, as soon as you thought he was just gonna teasingly edge you, you felt a tingling sensation at your clit. Was that-
"Cum for me, pretty thing, wanna see you cum on my metal hand. I know you wanna," he said, licking at you once more before you saw white, pulling him by his dirty blonde locks, his face so close to your womanhood you only saw his curious eyes as you came on his lips.
Anakin removed his fingers licking at them and cleaning off his lips. Lust was plastered on his face as he wrapped his arms around your thighs, the bend of your knees resting on his shoulders as he cleaned up the rest of your juices with his tongue.
"Sweetest thing in this galaxy, fuck," he muttered, closing his eyes for a second before pulling away from you, untangling your limbs from his own and pulling you off the counter. Anakin turned you around, shoving your chest against the counter. The cold surface made your nipples hard.
"Do you want this?" he asked.
"Yes, please Anakin, I need you," you whined. Okay, he had you tied around his finger now and he fucking knew it.
He hardly even took off his clothes, pulling out his length. You wish you could've seen it, knew what you were getting into before you took him straight. You had heard rumors from ladies at his favorite bar about how big he was. Sometimes you and Obi-Wan would go, equaling the time spent between you and Anakin, only for you to get mad from the mention of his name. But you never expected it to be that big. When you felt the head push against your entrance, you only slumped down and moaned.
Maker he was big, and you could feel him throbbing against your tight walls as he added more inches into you. It felt like he was in your stomach by the time he stopped, pelvis against your ass.
Grabbing your hair, he pulled you head up. You whimpered, attempting to grasp at something around your area, finding nothing and resulting to splaying your hands on the counter.
"You're so fucking tight, pretty thing. I'm surprised that it only took me kissing you to get you all shy. Always seemed like a brat to me," he whispered in your ear, slowly grinding his hips into you. You felt like puddy in his hands, taking everything he gave you, begging for him, letting him use you.
When you spoke, your words came out hoarse, "Shu- Shut up, nngh-"
As soon as the words came out, his hips pulled out before slamming down on your own. He kept you hair bundled up on his hands, keeping your head up.
"Don't back talk me, I'll fucking ruin you," he growled, "Tell me you're mine, tell me how much you love my cock in your pretty little pussy."
As he continued the teasing motion of grinding himself into you, you couldn't help it. " 'm all yours Ani, love how big your cock is, need you to fuck me so bad."
He laughed, straitening himself before taking your hands and keeping them together, pressing them down onto your back as he thrust into you shallowly. His movements made you squirm, pushing back against him.
"So needy," he groaned, smacking your ass, "Beg for it, angel."
"Please Ani, please. I need more, need you deeper Anakin."
It didn't seem to take much of any convincing before he started fucking you deep, rough thrusts that had your eyes going to the back of your head. You were completely useless, being used as a fuck toy for him. You grabbed the wrist that kept your arms pinned against your back, the only thing keeping you grounded to reality.
Anakin was in bliss, feeling your walls lightly spasm everytime he brushed your g-stop, hearing you moan his name like it was a prayer to some god. He might as well have been to you in that moment, he wanted to give you everything, watch you whimper for him. He wished this could've been softer, sweeter, but he wasn't gonna start sex over an argument and not blow off the months of steam you had caused him.
"You're never gonna lie to me again, right angel?" Anakin asked, pulling you up against by your hair.
"Y'never asked, I wasn't lying 'bout something you never asked," you managed, but you soon came to realize that he did not like that answer.
If you had thought Anakin was fucking you within an inch of your life by that time, maker was he pounding into you harder. You all but moaned louder than you've ever even talked and prayed nobody from the outside heard. Anakin had no room for talking anymore, angling his hips up and taking you so hard that you couldn't even focus on breathing correctly.
You weren't gonna last that long, not when he was pounding into your g-spot, fucking you like a ragdoll. You felt your core clench around him, stomach tightening. All you could make were whines of 'Anakin' and 'please'. And when you finally let go, you felt your soul leave your body.
"Good girl, cum around my cock, just like that," he whispered, voice all breath and rasp, feeling you release around him. He pulled out soon after, spilling his seed all over your lower back.
You stayed down, recovering from what you'd feel for days after this. His scooped up some of his cum with his index and middle finger, "Open up."
You took his two fingers into your mouth, sucking eagerly. It tasted tangy, but you didn't mind, better than him being rude and using your clothes to clean it up.
After making sure you were "clean", he simply fixed himself up, which hardly took long as he didn't really undress, put his glove back on and dressed you up. You didn't need his help, trying to push at his shoulders to let you take care of yourself, but he only shoved you back.
"Let me help you, please," he said, pressing a kiss to your hands before fixing your clothes while you gave into the attention.
He pulled you to your feet, looking down at you. Maker you were the most beautiful mess he'd ever seen. A small spot of drool patched the crease of your lips, your hair was a tangled mess, and your eyes were half-lidded. You must've been exhausted.
He only laughed, kissing your forehead sweetly, "How about we go back to the infirmary, get you a shirt and then we'll clean you up, okay?"
You nodded, holding onto his gloved hand and following him. What were you two even arguing about?
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wisebeth · 1 year
“Sakura is toxic because she made fun of Naruto for being an orphan–”
She regretted it the second after Sasuke rightfully called her out and even opened a therapy center for war orphans.
Ino fatshamed Choji, Shikamaru was a misogynist, Neji misplaced his anger at Hinata, but no one ever calls them out. They were all kids, they all made mistakes.
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“Sakura is abusive because she constantly punches Naruto–”
She only hit him in the manga when he did something perverted or disrespectful, it was heavily exaggerated in the anime.
It's called slap stick comedy. If you think it's aBuSiVe, I hope you have the same energy for Jiraiya who peeked at the women's bathroom without consent and gets brushed off as ‘comedic purpose’, double standards much?
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“She has Stockholm Syndrome because she loved Sasuke after he tried to kill her–”
They're shinobis. Unlike our real world, it's the norm there to fight each other to death and then make up. Don't get it mixed up.
Naruto forgave every single villain in the series, including Pain who killed his master and destroyed his village. Obito, who killed his parents, started a war, was the reason for the deaths of countless people such as Neji, and Shikamaru & Ino's fathers, formed a terrorist organisation (which was responsible for multiple war crimes) yet no one bats an eye. Lee forgave Gaara who attempted to kill him, Hinata forgave Neji who tried to kill her for something which wasn't her fault. It's the norm there, deal with it.
Sasuke also tried to kill Naruto, Kakashi & Karin and they all forgave him but for some reason only Sakura gets shit for it? Double standards again.
“Sakura is a bitch who loves Sasuke and ignores Naruto who loves her–”
Sakura cares for Naruto, as a friend and her teammate. She's not obligated to return her feelings if she doesn't want to. Naruto doesn't ‘love’ her. He had a childhood crush on her, and it used to be mentioned less frequently than in the anime. SP exaggerated his feelings.
Kakashi didn't return Rin's feelings. Sasuke didn't return Ino, Karin and Sakura's feelings (until ch. 699 in Sakura's case). Naruto didn't return Hinata's feelings until The Last. Tsunade didn't like Jiraiya back. Then why is Sakura hated for something so ridiculous? She's allowed to make her own choices.
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“She is shallow, she only liked Sasuke for his looks–”
If her feelings for Sasuke truly were shallow, she'd have moved on after he left the village, she'd have moved on after he became a criminal, like Ino did. She saw Sasuke at his worst and still chose him with all his flaws.
A ‘shallow crush’ wouldn't last for so many years. If her feelings weren't strong or deep, Sasuke wouldn't choose her in the end. If her feelings were superficial she wouldn't risk her life to save him against Gaara. If she didn't love him, she'd not be able to stop his curse mark. If they were superficial, she'd have moved on to date some other handsome man instead of crying over Sasuke.
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“Sakura is useless as a main character–”
That's not her fault. That's a criticism for the author. None of the female characters in the series have as much complexity, fight scenes or power as the male characters. It's a shonen centric more to the male characters.
Sakura IS a main character because she contributes more in the manga than other female characters but she's not going to contribute as much as Sasuke or Naruto because the series revolved around men more than women.
Take Attack on Titan for example, it's a shonen where the contribution of male and female characters were distributed equally. In Naruto, it simply wasn't distributed equally.
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“Sakura is selfish because she tried to lead on Naruto–”
I can agree here that she was entirely in the wrong and made a very stupid decision. But that's exactly what makes Sakura a realistic character. She's flawed. She makes mistakes. She can be irrational. And that makes her human. She didn't lie to him because she thought it would be fun, she did it to protect. She had good intentions even if she took the wrong approach.
Sasuke, as another of the main characters, did more harm to Naruto than Sakura's confession did but everyone understands and forgives him. Obito started a war and killed people and was forgiven. Itachi killed his entire clan and traumatised Sasuke but the fandom forgives because of his reasoning. Nagato killed people, and was still forgiven.
Then why can't you all be more understanding of Sakura? She did not even half of the terrible things which other characters did but gets more hate for it.
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“Sakura is a bad friend to Ino–”
Sakura was SEVEN when she announced Ino as her rival. I'm sorry y'all are morally uptight who's never made a single stupid decision as a kid that you feel the need to accuse a child of being a villain for acting like a child. And it has been implied very clearly Sakura wanted to get out of Ino's shadow and only used Sasuke as an excuse to do so.
And if Sakura was this horrible bitchy friend you guys think she was then I don't think Ino would immediately jump to protect her during chunin exams. Sasuke did more terrible things to his best friend than Sakura did but once only Sakura gets shit for it.
And they never stopped being friends, only their dynamic changed, it included friendly bickering and rivalry. Ino never was mad or bitter with Sakura and even proudly told her she bloomed into a beautiful flower, this doesn't sound like a person who's been unfairly betrayed by a best friend over a crush?
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In short, Sakura Haruno is fucking amazing and maybe if y'all didn't hold female characters to such a ridiculous high standard and bothered to understand the manga instead of watching filler episodes, you'd know.
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gaeasun · 9 months
Cut Lawquane was absolutely a Commando
Ok, crazy theory time.
I think Cut Lawquane was a Commando, or least a Commander. But going with Commando for now. But I don't think he was a rank and file clone trooper.
All of the clone troopers i think should be shown as exceptionally trained, but Cut Lawquane showed incredible skill, even though we saw him compared to Rex the entire episode. Evidences are below:
A) Rex is both a Captain and one of the oldest of the CT's, but the entire time Cut acts as his equal and perhaps even elder. He doesn't talk quite down to Rex, but it reminds me of how people act when they're just a grade apart. Not like they know everything and the other knows nothing, but there is a definite difference between them. Also he instinctively recognizes Rex as a Captain, but is not phased by that at all.
B) He disables Rex, the Captain Rex, with a farming tool in zero seconds flat, and does it without hurting him.
C) He recognizes Commando droids, which are typically only used in special assignments. And he also knows that it takes a headshot to pierce their armor. On Rishi it was Captain Rex who recognized them and said they were brand new. So for Cut to already know exactly what they are, especially when he's been out of the war for months, at least implies he could have been on high stakes missions before right in the beginning of the war. Which is also why I'm leaning Commando instead of Commander, because it's more Commandos who go on missions while Commanders are still often with general forces.
D) He has a highly developed sense of individuality and creative thinking, which was encouraged more in the special forces than general troopers.
E) Cut also says, specifically, "everyone I cared about, my team, was gone." Commandos are specifically trained to work in groups of four as a cohesive team. additionally, with these commando units being so tightly knit, the feelings of complete loss could have played a large role in Cut's desertion.
F) Cut and Rex play a game of dejarik, and while the winner is not shown, by the end they're both down to the last piece, which shows that Cut is around Rex's level when it comes to strategy. And Rex is so good at strategy that Marshall Commander Cody, who the commanding officer of around 36,000 men, considered Rex to be one of the best they had in that regard. Not to mention that Cut is impressed with Rex too.
G) Cut has 3 blaster type weapons that are probably the weapons he had on him when he deserted: an older rifle, a blaster carbine, and a DC-17. Now, it makes sense for a farmer to own a rifle, and the blaster carbine is a general GAR blaster. but the DC-17 is the same blaster pistol that Rex uses, that we have only seen used by ARC Troopers, Captains, and Commanders.
H) This is probably the most obvious one of all, but Cut is an incredibly good fighter. Even our beloved ARC troopers Fives and Echo struggle to take on a few. Cut takes on 20 and lives (granted the droids are not top form but its still impressive). He makes three headshots in a row with his rifle in less than three seconds, and the next three kill shots are all headshots as well. he also throws a wooden rafter-beam off him (that might be dad-strength tho) and hits a metal droid with a wooden chair hard enough to break both of them. he also punched one of them in the face hard enough the droids eyes flashed red (and then slightly regretted it, but it didn't look like he broke his hand either).
I) Cut hadn't been fighting for at least several months, since he deserted almost right after Geonosis. so as incredible as his skills are, he had probably been even better before, so just think about that for a moment.
Edit: i forgot to put this in because it wasnt in The Deserter, but by bad batch he already has gray streaks and a receding hairline. guys an old teenager for sure
So, Cut is a highly trained and skilled fighter in both hand to hand combat and blaster combat, he's at least as old as Rex and is not intimidated by his rank at all, he was in a specific team and felt like everything had no meaning after they all died, he has the weapons of an officer, had seen enough of commando droids to recognize them and their weaknesses, is Rex's match in strategy and combat while being more independent.
All of this points to Cut being anything but a regular CT, and as far as I'm concerned he was absolutely a Commando.
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To piggyback off of @shunnedmorlock's post here about the relative justification for both the black and green causes, and how the show presents Rhaenyra's cause as sympathetic.
The in-world choice of who to support in an internecine conflict is, for a lot of lords, ultimately going to be based in self-interest rather than legal, ideological or moral justifications. This fandom fixates a lot on who is in the "right," but the houses that throw their support behind Rhaenyra or Aegon mainly do it for self interest or self preservation. Every lord is going to have multiple literal dragons breathing down their necks, many lords are going to be offered enticements from one side or the other, and some will be considering their own personal circumstances and the precedent their choice sets. A great number of the houses seem pretty determined to stay out of the conflict altogether, even several of the houses that pledge their support in theory, wait until the risk of being caught up in a dragon battle has passed to take any action.
For viewers, our reasons for supporting one side or another are different. Strictly speaking, looking at things from a modern framework, no one has a "right" to the throne. Usurpation is not a human rights violation or even a crime by our standards. Imagine fixating on women being unable to own slaves and thinking that a woman fighting for her right to do so is an expression of feminism. Ridiculous! Certainly it is bullshit within an already bullshit system that a woman comes after her brothers in a hereditary monarchy, but in a just system this conflict wouldn't exist in the first place, not because Rhaenyra would automatically be queen, but because Westeros wouldn't have a king or a queen at all. Liberation doesn't start at the top and trickle down, but rather the opposite.
That said, to modern viewers, Rhaenyra's cause is sympathetic because it feels like an injustice. Most of us don't live within a feudal system and do not have the framework to understand why it's not a form of oppression to be denied the throne. We see it more like a presidential race, in which Rhaenyra is the Hillary Clinton who might have defeated Trump in 2016 if not for misogyny, in which even if we didn't particularly like her, we were disgusted by the fact that that man beat a woman who was at worst no different from many of the men who had occupied the seat before her. To the average vaguely liberal American watching the show, it's insane for fans to support Aegon and the greens and clearly you'd only do it for horny or antifeminist reasons. And you see that a bit in even the showrunners' comments on Alicent being a "woman for Trump," how both they and much of the audience fail to fully understand the historical framework, but in a way that's kind of understandable, because while what happens to Rhaenyra might not be injustice, it is unfair.
If you're looking at things from a historical in-world framework, this is a world in which stability takes a higher priority than equality. Inequality is everywhere, completely baked into the system. If you want to bring about gender equality in a feudal monarchy with a large agrarian population, you have to have first the stability necessary for the rise of an urban middle class which allows for more women to move into the trades, you need the printing press for widespread literacy, which means that more women are getting educated, you need movements such as the reformation to challenge the divine right of kings, and you need to reform the political structure so that leadership is not based on birthright in the first place, because that concept inherently reinforces patriarchal norms even in modern countries that allow women to become queens regnant. So making one woman queen is not going to make things better for women across Westeros, but that woman going to war to reclaim her "stolen" birthright could make things a whole lot worse for a pretty much everyone. This is why you see a lot of history nerds on this site going well, yes but Rhaenyra does have the weaker claim because common law was a big deal in the medieval world and her becoming queen is going to lead to long term succession crises due to the circumstances of her children's birth, so the thing to do would be to take the peace deal. Because while on an emotional level you can understand why she doesn't, it's not the choice that prioritizes the good of the realm.
I think on some level Condal understands (and I think GRRM probably hammered this point home) that you can't really grant anyone the moral high ground in a war of succession if you want to approach the issue with any level of nuance; Rhaenys' speech in the previews for S2 seems to indicate as much. The problem with HotD is that it wants to have its cake and eat it too. It wants to say war for the throne bad, but HBO also wants to make up for the way GoT fumbled the ball with Dany and give the people their likeable dragonriding princess triumphant.
Except Rhaenyra isn't triumphant, she is felled by her own Targaryen hubris and belief that nothing could possibly overcome the might of dragons. It's not Aegon that defeats her, truly, it's the people emboldened in various ways to act against Targaryen interests. It's the dragonseeds she hands dragons to who wonder why they have to take orders from a queen or king when they have control of the kingmaking weapons of mass destruction, it's the smallfolk who face down dragons with pitchforks because they've had enough. They've backed themselves into a bit of a corner with what @shunnedmorlock called the "engoodening" of the black faction, but they can turn it around by showing that it's not enough to be nice to your family, you have to actually care about the people and at the very least (the bar is on the floor, it's fuedalism!) not throw them into chaos, famine, and war for no reason. Give us payoff for Rhaenys' dragonpit scene, have Mysaria and Alys Rivers play a role in their sides' downfalls, show how resentment on Dragonstone allows Aegon to infiltrate. And yes, show Rhaenyra losing herself and becoming a worse person, but in ways that the audience can't excuse as justified. This is how you sow the seeds for that actual progressive change that people seem so desperate to find in the dragonshow, you show how the Dance emboldens the regular people who for the first time realize they can slay dragons, dovetailing into the new show, which stars Dunk, a commonborn man from Fleabottom, and Aegon V, the only Targaryen who ever cared about the smallfolk.
Can HBO pull it off? Ehh. But I remain eternally hopeful, against my better judgement.
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aleksanderscult · 3 months
What kind of "Alina" did Aleksander want?
I've seen so many different people in this fandom give their own opinion about how did the Darkling wanted Alina to be.
Did he wanted her meek, weak and obedient?
Did he wanted her strong and powerful?
So I took the liberty of creating this post to analyze this issue through his own words, thoughts and actions.
I know how popular the "Aleksander wanted her submissive by the way he put that collar around her" theory it but it doesn't really stand because:
A) we will never know how things would turn out if Baghra didn't approach Alina that particular night but it actually seems that he wanted to take her with him to the north.
“The key to the Shadow Fold is finally within our grasp, and right now, I should be in the war room, hearing their report. I should be planning our trip north. But I’m not, am I?”
He couldn't keep the truth from her forever so at some point of that journey he would definitely spill the beans to her.
B) he forcefully put the collar around her throat because she showed resistance at the worst possible moment. The Darkling had already set the wheels in motion: the King was slowly getting sick and the whole country (and most importantly, their enemies) would know it (so he had to work fast before anybody got any ideas of siege, rebellion or war) and he himself would have to show his true colors and plans. By having Alina slip away and act all dramatically with Mal was a blow to his plan and stomach since not only he had Alina as an enemy now but he fell for her so her rejection hurt him on a personal level.
(that weekend MUST have been the worst of his life)
He didn't want her to take that power unwillingly:
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Or steal her powers in a violent manner:
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He had little time and little patience. He worked his ass off for centuries and tolerated so much bullshit from the monarchs. He wouldn't allow her to foil his schemes. But it's also interesting how his feelings got in the way too and, therefore, acted impulsively.
But! How did he want her?
Well, the very fact that he grew up around a very strong, powerful and stubborn woman is an answer by itself. Baghra's influence definitely played its part if you look at this from a psychological point of view.
“It seems that most men are after a significant other that will essentially replace their mum.
A recent study by eHarmony has found that 64 percent of men are in a relationship with someone who shares significant personality traits with their mother. Fortunately, it’s totally normal from an evolutionary, psychological standpoint.”
Many studies have shown that plenty of men and women search a partner that resembles their mother and father respectively.
It wouldn't be surprising if Aleksander was the same given how many centuries he spent with his own mother and how much of an influence the latter was to her son in his childhood.
There is an abundant amount of proof in the books that Aleksander wanted Alina to be strong, powerful, to embrace her true self and believed that there was more to her.
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He thought of her as someone like him and could see himself in her, no matter how much Alina denied it.
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Baghra raised him to value power, so seeing Alina shy away from it is strange and peculiar to him. She has the chance to change everything and she seeks things that are beneath her. Aleksander can't fathom that because he doesn't believe that she's meant for something as simple and pathetic as this.
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He chastises her for the choices she makes and the wishes she has. She was destined to shine and be seen and here we are watching a girl trying to hide her potential.
If Aleksander wanted her submissive he would be glad to see her state in the beginning of S&S. She's weak, right? So a perfect victim to have that can't fight him back. But, in fact, he's furious, disappointed and unsurprised with her state.
Aleksander never wanted her meek or weak. He even admired her stubborness:
(there is a sense of admiration and annoyance here)
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BUT he never wanted that stubborness and ferocity to be directed against him:
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He even thought of her better than the men that surrounded her and believed that they couldn't measure up to her power:
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The aftermath of their battle in the chapel is extremely interesting because we see the Darkling showing a genuine admiration for her powers and how quickly she (sort of) mastered them:
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It also seemed that he showed understanding for the fact that she wanted to keep her freedom. Now that was a very good reason to fight him in his eyes. Since the Darkling himself believed in freedom and fought for it.
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And, of course, he offered her a throne at his side. He didn't mind sharing power as long as she wasn't an obstacle to his plans.
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He strongly believed in equality between them and according to the author he envisioned a future with her:
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In order to have someone to keep your power under control then that person needs to be as powerful as you.
And then we have him at his most vulnerable state confess that he didn't lie about equality after all:
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He talked about equality again and again. His disgust and anger every time he saw her weak from not using her powers was prevalent as well as his admiration every time she used her powers to their fullest.
The only thing in which he found her inferior to him was her knowledge of power. Which is understandable since Aleksander had much more time to understand it, study it and use it.
In RoW, his anger and disappointment for her state continues.
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1) He believed that she could rule as Queen and her life in hiding is not right for her.
2) He believed that she was meant to be powerful and strong and stood by that statement many times.
3) Didn't consider her life a worthy life at all.
The only character in the Grishaverse, the one that people keep saying that she wanted her weak, was the only one that wanted the opposite for her and considered her fate disgusting, wrong and tragic.
His plan of having Alina on an equal stand beside him continued in this book as well:
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Which means that he wasn't lying when he said that he didn't intend to make a slave of her.
And of course her stubborness was a trait that he found annoying and admiring at the same time. It showcased how strong-willed she really was:
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So according to his own thoughts and words, I would say that Aleksander actually admired her fierceness and determination. It showed strength and he found it attractive. In fact, it probably even enhanced his conviction that she was the right partner for him.
But he didn't want that hostility to be directed against him and his plans. Which is not weird at all because what kind of person would like someone to screw up his goals.
In conclusion: Aleksander was actually the biggest fan of "powerful Alina".
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photogirl894 · 3 months
Hi Morgan!
I don’t know if you’re taking more than one request per requestee for your 1000 follower celebration, so if you are, you can disregard one of mine, I just thought I’d submit another because I love your writing! I thought of this story: Hunter/reader, what if reader gets amnesia from something that happened to her so she doesn’t remember Hunter. It can be a relearning to fall in love and or/big memory reveal like they’re in the rain or something and that sparks her memory. Could do the forehead touch from your prompt list?
Thanks again for all your stories and sharing your talents <3
You know I love getting any requests from you, my dear 🥰 Especially if it involves our beloved Sergeant, as well 😍
"Muscle Memory"
1. Forehead touches
Pairing: Hunter x fem reader
Everything about your world was a haze right now.
You could only remember up to a certain point in time: waking up on a ship with a group of men you didn't recognize. Anything before that...was just darkness in your mind. You didn't know why you couldn't remember anything else at all. One of the men on the ship, who wore goggles and was called Tech, informed you that you had taken a bad fall, suffered a blow to the head, had been unconscious for a few days and now, seemed to be suffering a case of amnesia. You weren't sure what scared you more: the fact that you had amnesia or that you were doing something dangerous enough to make you fall and get a bad blow to the head.
The men tried explaining things in a way that would tell you who you were before without overwhelming you. They were a squad of Clones fighting in a war and you were also a trained soldier who had joined up with them. On their latest mission, an unexpected explosion had happened and had sent you flying over a steep hill, which was where things had gone wrong.
Wow...you were a soldier? Fighting in a war? That was definitely not what you were expecting to hear. They made you sound pretty badass. Even though you couldn't remember any of that, you were determined to get your memories back somehow and the Clones were willing to help in any way they could.
The others' names were Wrecker, Crosshair, Echo and Hunter. Though, of all of them, Hunter seemed to be avoiding you the most and you weren't sure why for a while. He seemed sad and closed off whenever he even looked at you. You would try to talk to him and his responses would be brief before turning away or walking away. Later on, you were told by Echo that you and Hunter had actually been an item before your accident and that it was hard for him at the moment being around you when you didn't remember any of that. You couldn't help but feel an ache in your heart for him. He was handsome, for sure. You wished you could give him back what he'd lost, but it didn't feel right when you couldn't recall anything about him.
Maybe one day.
A couple weeks passed and only tiny details would return to your mind every so often, but nothing really substantial. The Clones had suggested, once you seemed okay enough, to maybe try your hand at your combat skills to see if maybe that would awaken anything in you. You tried shooting a blaster and, even though you managed to land a couple shots, it didn't seem to work. However, Wrecker suggested sparring with Hunter. Apparently, you were better at hand-to-hand combat before and Hunter was the one who had taught you. You blushed immensely at the thought of trying to fight him and Hunter looked pretty uncomfortable, too. Though, the rest of the Clones pushed for it, too, and eventually, you both relented. With that, the two of you went outside, thinking the sparring might not last very long as the sky was getting dark with rain clouds.
"I'll uh...I'll try and go easy on you in case you don't remember how to fight," Hunter said to you timidly.
"I appreciate that," you replied, bringing your hands up to a defensive position. Hopefully, this wouldn't end too badly.
After taking a moment to psych himself up, Hunter stepped forward and went to throw a punch. For a split second, you panicked, but then your arm moved of its own accord and blocked Hunter's oncoming attack. You both stopped and looked at each other in astonishment.
"How did I...?" you asked aloud.
"Looks like your muscle memory might be kicking in," Hunter observed. "That's something."
That got you almost excited in the moment. "Come at me again," you told him.
Hunter gave a nod and went for a couple more punches and your body kept reacting before your mind could process things and you blocked both hits. A smile slowly crept up on your face. Your memories might not be coming back, but this was still progress. Your body hadn't forgotten the training instilled in you. You decided to take a chance and went for a hit at Hunter, going to fight back. He blocked and parried your hits and things began to heat up between you as your sparring increased. Punches and kicks were being thrown about at each other and parried with ease on both sides.
At one point, you could see a pleased grin on Hunter's face and strangely, it brought butterflies to your stomach...which felt both foreign and familiar at the same time. That small distraction was enough to give Hunter the upper hand and, getting too caught up in the moment, he swept his leg into yours, knocking you onto your back and suddenly, he was above you, pinning your wrists to the ground. His face was only inches away from yours, the two of you breathing heavily and fanning each other's faces with your hot breath. Along with that, you could feel a sprinkling of rain drops starting to fall on your skin from above. His brown eyes looked down upon you with an intensity that made your heart race...and the feeling of him above you, his face so close to you...this was something you thought you had experienced before...
There was a bang in your head and you let out a pained cry.
Hunter had pinned you down to the ground in your first sparring match and you groaned in frustration at him beating you. You had felt so confident that you'd best him. He had your wrists pinned down and he was only inches away from your face, his eyes gazing into your very soul.
"Maybe next time, sweetheart," he taunted you, his nose brushing yours.
Determined to not let this be the end, you decided to play along and said, "All right, fine. You win."
When you felt his grip on your hands loosen, you pulled them free and pushed back on him, flipping him over onto his back and you moved to straddle him, a cocky grin on your face. His eyes were wide in shock for a moment, but then his lips curled up in a smirk at seeing you on top of him like this. The flirtatious look in his eyes made your breath catch and finally, after keeping your feelings to yourself for a long time, you couldn't wait any longer. You bent over, took his face in your hands and kissed him firmly for the first time. After a brief, stunned moment, you felt him kiss you back and his arms wrapped around you, holding you tight like he'd never let you go.
Suddenly, your mind was flooded intensely with a wave of various memories in almost an instant.
Meeting the Bad Batch for the first time. Your first mission with them. The first time Hunter ever complimented you. Getting drinks with the boys at 79's. The first time Hunter held your hand. Crosshair teasing you about staring at Hunter from across the ship. The safety you felt with the boys. Them telling you that you would always be one of them. Hunter admitting to you that he had wanted you since the moment he met you. Your first night of passion together where you both ended up confessing your love for each other. The last mission you and the squad had gone on and then the explosion that had sent you falling....
A sharp, heavy gasp escaped you and your body convulsed, causing Hunter to rear back in shock.
You remembered...you remembered everything!
Fearing he had accidentally hurt you, Hunter asked with worry, "(Y/N), what's wrong? Are you okay?"
After taking a second to catch your breath, you gazed up at him, all-consuming joy overtaking you at remembering the man who held your heart, the man who cared so much for you, the only love of your life. You then decided to do the same thing you'd done in the first memory that had returned to you: you pushed him over onto his back and moved on top of him. Just as Hunter was about to question what you were doing, you took hold of his head, leaned over and crushed your lips against his. For a moment, he didn't move, but then you felt him relax and his arms wrapped tightly around your back. There, on the ground in the middle of the rain, your lips and his engaged in a dance you knew well that you'd thought you'd forgotten forever and it felt heavenly to be kissing your Sergeant again. Your back was getting cold from the rain that was now drenching you, but you couldn't have cared less.
Finally, Hunter broke the kiss and stared up at you, eyes wide with both surprise and relief as a hand came up to trace your cheek. "Sweetheart?" he asked, a trace of hope in his voice.
You nodded and exclaimed, your voice breaking, "I remember! I remember everything!" Then you leaned down and touched your forehead to his, your hands resting on his cheeks. "I remember you, Hunter, and I love you! I love you so much!"
He tilted his head up and kissed you once more. "I love you, too," he replied before flipping you over, putting himself on top this time. "Welcome back, my love. I missed you terribly." Then he resumed kissing you again, overjoyed at having his love back.
Back in the Marauder, the others were about to call out for you and Hunter to come back in because of the rain when they saw the two of you kissing passionately on the ground.
"Well...I think it's safe to say that the sparring idea worked," Crosshair remarked.
"I think we should just leave them. They'll come in when they're ready," said Echo, ushering the rest of them away.
They all were glad your memories had returned and you were yourself again, but at that moment, it was Hunter that needed you the most.
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
Another five Israeli soldiers have been confirmed as killed during the fighting in Gaza. May their memory be a blessing.
Rocket fire into Israel continues, and we're once again seeing direct hits to Israeli homes. Thankfully, today no one was physically injured.
A recent survey, conducted after the Hamas massacre, shows about 70% of Israeli Arabs identify with Israel. Another poll shows about half believe the Israeli reaction in Gaza is justified. One more interesting finding is that the massacre has actually increased the importance of their identity as Israelis.
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I mentioned in my post yesterday Asaf Hamami, who was killed on Oct 7 protecting kibbutz Nirim, and whose body is held hostage by Hamas. That Saturday morning, his 6 years old son Alon was visiting him at his army base. When the breach of the border fence started, Asaf kissed his son goodbye, and went out to protect the kibbutz. He didn't know at that point that the base would be attacked by Hamas terrorists, too. That his son would be under siege for many hours, and would eventually be evacuated, and the soldiers who would get little Alon out, would have to tell him not to look at the burnt cars and bodies spread out all across the road. Asaf didn't know it, but he was specifically targeted by Hamas terrorists, many of them were caught with his picture on them. Asaf was supposed to finish his service soon, his dream was to become a school principal. He's one of three Israeli colonels killed on Oct 7.
Yesterday, Israel presented at the UN some of the worst testimonies regarding the rape and sexual abuse of civilian men and women on Oct 7. The spokesman of the US state department also said officially what I mentioned to you many were whispering here, that Hamas broke the hostage deal, and refused to release the last of the women it's holding hostage, because it doesn't want the world to know what it has done to them.
France has frozen the assets of Yahya Sinwar, the commander of Hamas in Gaza, for half a year. I'm glad this step was taken, but I'm also wondering why only half an year. Will Sinwar stop being the mastermind behind the Oct 7 massacre in 6 months?
Most of the time, I don't get into the whole issue of fake stuff posted by Palestinians, because even if here a picture is AI generated, and there a vid is staged, it's obvious there are Palestinians killed in Gaza, and while some are terrorists, or directly aided Hamas, others don't deserve their fate. Still, when you come across stuff that is over the top fake, it has to be commented on, because it's a reminder that yeah, while some fake stuff is people unintentionally passing on misinformation (which can happen to everyone during a war), there are those who intentionally fake images, in order to emotionally trigger the world, and through such rage, force a narrative that only recognizes the Palestinians as victims (since Israel doesn't release the pictures of brutalized bodies to preserve the dignity of our dead), and erase the guilt of Hamas in victimizing civilians on both sides, by constantly diverting attention away from how Hamas started this war with the worst massacre and abuse of Jews since the Holocaust.
So here's just one fake vid coming out of Gaza, the woman in the first scene is clearly kissing, crying over and "mourning" a doll.
This is 27 years old Ofir Tzarfaty.
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In fact, he turned 27 on Oct 7. He went to the music festival with his friends to celebrate his bday. He was murdered by Hamas, and his body was kidnapped to Gaza. The IDF managed to use the fighting to locate and retrieve the corpse, his family, friends and girlfriend got to have a funeral, and say goodbye.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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hainethehero · 11 months
Steve Rogers Headcannon- why Steve was so against the Sokovia Accords (trigger warning as this analysis involves SA/r*pe)
I think we can all agree that the MCU absolutely desecrated Steve Rogers' character to the point where people actually believe he's a horrible person- especially after Civil War. But I've had this headcannon about why Steve was so vehemently against the Sokovia Accords and its never been more obvious after She-Hulk.
From the jump (CATFA), we see that the serum is generally regarded as "property of the U.S government/SSR" thus, whoever is injected with it becomes government property by proxy. Ironically, after getting the serum Steve's freedom becomes limited. He has to follow orders and put on a show for the senators because they're the ones who have the power and position to fund the fight against the N*zis. He's their dancing monkey. We even see evidence of this when Steve is made to parade about like a showgirl in this scene 👇
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Now, throughout the MCU there's an ongoing interest in Steve's "virginity" and cheap jokes at his perceived lack of sexual proclivities. We see it in CATFA, CATWS, Avengers 1 & 2 etc. Which leads us to She-Hulk. There's this whole reveal in that one episode that Steve lost his virginity to a showgirl on one of the USO tours.
This is where my headcannon comes in.
I don't think he lost his virginity consensually. I think he was forced into sexual acts by powerful men like the senators and military officials who saw Steve as a literal puppet and of no true value as he was not being used in battle or the war yet. Remember, they initially saw him as a failure because the serum was lost and their plans for an entire army of allied supersoldiers were lost after Erskine died. Now, for anyone who knows the comic Steve Rogers, it's not in his character design to have sex with a random girl he just met on tour- a tour which by the way didn't last that long.
We did see, however, that Steve is easily taken advantage of, esp in this scene 👇
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Which ultimately leads to my main point, Steve was against the Accords because he knew that giving up their autonomy meant physical, mental and sexual abuse. The government wouldn't just be able to control where they went but also who they worked for and as he said in CACW, "[the UN] is run by people with agendas and agendas change. If we sign the accords we surrender our right to choose."
Steve knows what that much power (over super-powered beings like the Avengers) can lead to and he doesn't want that to happen to them. Add on the very heartbreaking case of how Bucky's autonomy was stripped from him as well and that only strengthens his case.
I just find it hard to believe that Steve would lose his virginity so cheaply and honestly shame on the writers for even insinuating that. He was taken advantage of and assaulted and this is one of the main reasons why he's against giving up his freedom to the very same people who would use and abuse him without a second thought.
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