#beautiful sustainable practical design
aorkan · 9 months
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Landscape River Rock Ideas for a sizable, contemporary, partially-shaded river rock and wood fence landscaping project.
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unbidden-yidden · 1 year
Someday everything that made you you will be gone. Your people, your tribe, your family - they will all have chosen to go gently into that good night and your genetic descendents will no longer look or act or think like you. You will have no spiritual descendents. Every feature that made your people distinct will have softened into the general pool of humankind, and evened out to become exactly like everyone else. They will have shed the ritual items that made up your daily life and eschewed the traditional words that connected them to thousands of years of wisdom. The tapestry of your religious and cultural life will have been completely unwound into string and repurposed or disposed of to make a new fabric in the image of the masses. Your people will look and sound and act and speak and think like the homogeneous mass of humanity. No longer will your people's language be heard, for there is no need now that we can all communicate freely. The prayers that connected one generation to the next will be discarded in the garbage heap with all the other pesky superstitions. No more will the rituals that sustained generations in exile and preserved at risk of life and limb be a source of comfort and pride. The beauty of the High Holy Days, the music of the psalms, the flavors of foods designed around kashrut, the scent of b'samim after the sacred rest of Shabbat will reside in the genizah alongside every sefer Torah and siddur and set of tefillin.
None of this will be carved out of you. This is not a threat. This is inevitable, because no enlightened person could possibly choose to live like you. Already an anachronism today, your lifestyle will be unthinkable tomorrow. The names and covenant of commandedness will be willingly forgotten, as your descendents bow to the one Truth of the universe, as defined by the secular society of the day. That I imagine this secular wisdom as matching my culture and defining truth as being singular in the same way that I do is totally coincidental and not at all hegemonic. In this future, there will be no need for your silly superstitions and obviously meaningless rituals and quaint efforts to make the world a better place, because it already will be. Your people will no longer identifiably exist, and that will be right and good and the best possible outcome for everyone. Again, this is definitely not a threat. Your descendents will finally see the light of Logic and Reason and willingly become one with the world. They will have saved themselves from the barbaric practices of a Bronze Age religion and have no need for any such relics. They will shake off the yoke of Torah like raindrops and emerge into the glorious future indistinguishable from the nations. And in so doing, will have accomplished what 2500 years of war and bloodshed and imperialism and exile and pogroms and genocide have not yet achieved: the Jews will willingly surrender their Jewishness, quietly and unceremoniously, as they become enlightened. Remember, this is not a threat. This is simply progress. And inevitable.
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hemipenal-system · 7 months
aww, what’s the matter? why are you crying?
you’re scared? what of, morsel?
me? why are you scared of me? you asked me to hold you in my mouth until we got somewhere warmer, and my mouth is plenty warm…
don’t worry about me, morsel… i’m your friend, i would never eat you… at least not permanently.
hey, hey, no, don’t worry! i said i wouldn't hurt you and i meant it!
come out? i'm sorry, morsel, i can't let you out yet! it's so cold out here you'd practically freeze to death if i let you out! besides, all that saliva you're soaked with now... it'd just make you colder. i think it's best if i just hold on to you for now.
besides, i think you're enjoying this more than you want to admit to me.
oh, come on. you think i can't feel how you squirm when i curl my tongue along your back? how you grab onto my teeth desperately when i curl it over you and scrape the rough side against your bare legs?
you know, my tongue was designed with a purpose. every part of a creature as beautiful as me is. those hard keratin spikes you enjoy so much? they’re meant to grind against bigger creatures than you, shearing flesh from bone and slathering what’s left in enzyme-loaded saliva that begins to melt you down to bone shadows even before you’re swallowed…
oh, no, not for you. you’re very small, small enough i could swallow you whole. you’d like it more that way, wouldn’t you? alive and conscious for the whole thing?
yes, morsel, i know why you were so eager to climb into my mouth- and i know it’s not fear of heights like you claimed. we may be a mile above the ground with only my wings and internal fire to sustain us, but my blood runs through me everywhere and my claws would have been more than warm enough to keep you safe from the biting cold at this altitude.
don’t worry, this is what you’re supposed to want. you’re from a prey species. sure, we have peace treaties now and you have enough weapons to fend us off now, but for millennia that’s how it went! you ran, you got pinned down, you struggled, and then we tore you limb from limb, reveling in the blood and adrenaline of a meal well hunted…
you don’t have to be embarrassed, morsel! you’re allowed to want me to devour you! i know you find me attractive – in the same way a mouse finds a cat attractive, of course. you’ve always had an affinity for dragons. i’ve seen how you look at the other riders who’re more… open about what they do with their mounts. you can tell me those things, you know.
i told you, i’m not going to let you out! it’s not safe for you at this height or temperature!
yes, obviously i've thought about doing this to you. never seriously, but... enough. humans make wonderful prey... your gentle struggling because you're intelligent enough to trust us and know we won't really hurt you even if we draw a bit of blood... it's very different than tearing the horns off a deer and swallowing it whole, you know.
i've eaten your kind before, you know. i wasn't always so... docile. your nomad convoys made such wonderful buffets: chicken, beef, pork, human – and you always had such wonderful fruits and spices in those little covered wagons of yours! i enjoyed cracking them open like nuts, devouring everything inside.
no, you're not nutritious at all. your meat is really stringy. the terrified shaking and pleading is tantalizing, though...
what do you mean, "what are you doing?" all this talk about food is making me hungry. i'm just savoring your taste is all. you're like one of those hard candies you humans buy from the market to suck on, except warm and salty and savory and-
i could swallow you. it'd be so easy.
no, no, not digest you. stop writhing like that – or continue if you want. it feels nice. i'd just swallow you and hold you in my first stomach for a while. think of it as a warm, damp, dark hug from me. no pain, no flesh itching and melting off, just a gentle squeeze.
hold still, morsel. i need to reposition you a bit is all. that's right, legs like that, arms go that way - yes, exactly! now don't move.
yes, i know it's a bit tight. my prey is a bit more chewed, usually. stop complaining about it or i'll pull you back up and bite you into small pieces so you'll fit better. is that what you want?
there. is that comfortable? i can adjust a bit if you want. hey, no, stop squirming. you're not going to die. that is not stomach acid. if you don't stop panicking i'm going to have to squeeze to hold you still.
i told you. i'm very much stronger than you. stop trying to push out. you're going to sit in there whether you like it or not, morsel.
stop calling you that? why should i? you're literally in my stomach. are you not food, at least for the moment?
don't even tempt me. i am hungry.
just go to sleep or something. we're going to be in the air for a while. if you stop wiggling around in there i'll let you out when i land. i know how soothing it is to be in there. i was a hatchling once too, you know.
i can literally feel you relaxing as my crop massages you. you're yawning. don't even lie to me.
good night, morsel...
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southernsolarpunk · 2 months
I am once again posting the solarpunk manifesto because I keep seeing people saying that solarpunk is just an aesthetic
Inspired by Solarpunk: A Reference Guide and Solarpunk: Notes Towards a Manifesto
A Solarpunk Manifesto
Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question “what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?”
The aesthetics of solarpunk merge the practical with the beautiful, the well-designed with the green and lush, the bright and colorful with the earthy and solid.
Solarpunk can be utopian, just optimistic, or concerned with the struggles en route to a better world ,  but never dystopian. As our world roils with calamity, we need solutions, not only warnings.
Solutions to thrive without fossil fuels, to equitably manage real scarcity and share in abundance instead of supporting false scarcity and false abundance, to be kinder to each other and to the planet we share.
Solarpunk is at once a vision of the future, a thoughtful provocation, a way of living and a set of achievable proposals to get there.
We are solarpunks because optimism has been taken away from us and we are trying to take it back.
We are solarpunks because the only other options are denial or despair.
At its core, Solarpunk is a vision of a future that embodies the best of what humanity can achieve: a post-scarcity, post-hierarchy, post-capitalistic world where humanity sees itself as part of nature and clean energy replaces fossil fuels.
The “punk” in Solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture, post-capitalism, decolonialism and enthusiasm. It is about going in a different direction than the mainstream, which is increasingly going in a scary direction.
Solarpunk is a movement as much as it is a genre: it is not just about the stories, it is also about how we can get there.
Solarpunk embraces a diversity of tactics: there is no single right way to do solarpunk. Instead, diverse communities from around the world adopt the name and the ideas, and build little nests of self-sustaining revolution.
Solarpunk provides a valuable new perspective, a paradigm and a vocabulary through which to describe one possible future. Instead of embracing retrofuturism, solarpunk looks completely to the future. Not an alternative future, but a possible future.
Our futurism is not nihilistic like cyberpunk and it avoids steampunk’s potentially quasi-reactionary tendencies: it is about ingenuity, generativity, independence, and community.
Solarpunk emphasizes environmental sustainability and social justice.
Solarpunk is about finding ways to make life more wonderful for us right now, and also for the generations that follow us.
Our future must involve repurposing and creating new things from what we already have. Imagine “smart cities” being junked in favor of smart citizenry.
Solarpunk recognizes the historical influence politics and science fiction have had on each other.
Solarpunk recognizes science fiction as not just entertainment but as a form of activism.
Solarpunk wants to counter the scenarios of a dying earth, an insuperable gap between rich and poor, and a society controlled by corporations. Not in hundreds of years, but within reach.
Solarpunk is about youth maker culture, local solutions, local energy grids, ways of creating autonomous functioning systems. It is about loving the world.
Solarpunk culture includes all cultures, religions, abilities, sexes, genders and sexual identities.
Solarpunk is the idea of humanity achieving a social evolution that embraces not just mere tolerance, but a more expansive compassion and acceptance.
The visual aesthetics of Solarpunk are open and evolving. As it stands, it is a mash-up of the following:
1800s age-of-sail/frontier living (but with more bicycles)
Creative reuse of existing infrastructure (sometimes post-apocalyptic, sometimes present-weird)
Appropriate technology
Art Nouveau
Hayao Miyazaki
Jugaad-style innovation from the non-Western world
High-tech backends with simple, elegant outputs
Solarpunk is set in a future built according to principles of New Urbanism or New Pedestrianism and environmental sustainability.
Solarpunk envisions a built environment creatively adapted for solar gain, amongst other things, using different technologies. The objective is to promote self sufficiency and living within natural limits.
In Solarpunk we’ve pulled back just in time to stop the slow destruction of our planet. We’ve learned to use science wisely, for the betterment of our life conditions as part of our planet. We’re no longer overlords. We’re caretakers. We’re gardeners.
is diverse
has room for spirituality and science to coexist
is beautiful
can happen. Now
-The Solarpunk Community
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kylobith · 2 months
Little Town Tails
Chapter 1: New Beginnings
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Summary: After saving up for years, Halsin fulfils his dream and opens his veterinary practice in a quaint little town.
Ship/Pairing: Halsin x Fem!Tav
Trope: Modern AU, Meet-cute, Little countryside town, Cosy
Word count: 1,441
Read it on Ao3 here
Listen to the dedicated playlist on Spotify here
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Sunlight pierces through the cherry blossoms, dancing upon the cobblestone of the old arched bridge leading into Heawick. It is a quaint little town, tucked away between rolling hills dotted with hazel trees, a grove, and meandering streams. No modern architecture has defaced its landscape, leaving its traditional limestone facades to stand the test of time, which they did brilliantly.
After all, anybody lucky enough to settle down in Heawick can only fall in love with its old streets and picturesque shopfronts, and this urged most of the inhabitants to care for the outside of their homes almost as much as they did the inside. Those who are too old to tend to them can usually rely on the kindness of good-hearted neighbours, who do not hesitate to lend a hand for anything. Trimming the growing ivy without removing it, plucking juicy fruits from branches, cleaning windows; there is never a task too daunting when it comes to helping out.
It is early on a spring morning and the elderly man who lives nearest to the bridge has already been up and about for hours to water every planter lining up the road and hanging from the old lampposts with their flaky paint. Another project held captive in the neverending pile of documents and forms on Mayor Ravengard’s desk.
The bakery at the corner of the first crossing has long finished its first batches of pastries and bread, filling the air with mouthwatering scents. A few souls are already dragging their feet to its doors, still wiping the sleep out of their eyes as they seek some warm breakfast. On the opposite side of the street, a sweaty young man carries crates full of fruits and vegetables. He sets them up outside the greengrocer's shop, ensuring they are stable enough to sustain the shaking and bumping of passersby and customers.
Near the tiny park at the heart of the town, some owners walk their dogs, waving at neighbours and friends, wishing one another good morning when they have enough caffeine in their veins to wake them up. The barber reads his newspaper on one of the benches, seizing the opportunity to enjoy the first beautiful day of the season before going to work.
All is well in Heawick, as it always is. It is rarely eventful since so few people inhabit it.
‘Come here, Scratch. Good boy.’
While giving the white dog a loving pat between the ears, Halsin turns the sign on the door, officially opening his practice. He leans casually against the doorframe, his gaze fixed on the world beyond his house, a triumphant surge coursing through his veins. So many years of hard labour and sacrifice, this seemingly small victory holds the weight of a lifetime’s worth of dedication and perseverance.
After perusing office space offers on every website known to man and visiting many a wretched place, having found this little corner of paradise to establish himself was nothing short of a miracle. And what a place it is!
Everything is ready for him to welcome his first furry patients. After renovating the place himself, he designed a welcoming surgery for owners and animals alike, creating an environment in which he would not mind staying for hours on end every day. Each nook and cranny has been sterilised for the animals’ well-being and he dedicated a corner for the comfort of his own dog, whom he expects to become his official assistant. Photographs of Scratch and the pets of friends from his hometown printed on canvas are the only decorations in the waiting room, ornamenting the otherwise dull, pastel-blue walls. At the welcome desk, a duck he whittled himself sits on top of the counter between two bowls of treats; one for the pets, one for the anxious owners.
Karlach, his newly hired assistant, insisted on having more decorations brought in, but Halsin was more than hesitant to indulge her. While the young woman certainly is enthusiastic enough for both of them, he can tell that if he does not put his foot down, the practice would have stuffed animals from floor to ceiling.
After giving the place yet another proud look, Halsin walked over to the reception, sneaking a treat to Scratch on the way. He sits behind the computer and plays old-timey folk music from his music library. He stretches his back and spins around on his chair, kicking his feet.
Now he just has to wait.
While one of his favourite songs plays, he browses the latest wildlife photographs on the National Geographic website, smiling at the wholesome snapshots and zooming on each of them to observe any detail capturing his attention. He is halfway through the second page and sipping his cold herbal tea when the door opens and the little bell tinkles. His eyes shoot up and he stands from his chair.
But it is no patient. It is merely Melly, the baker’s mother, who comes to bring him some fruit pastries wrapped up in a small lavender-coloured box topped with a bow. As soon as she catches a glimpse of him, her eyes illuminate and she gives him a wave.
‘Good morning, Halsin, dear!’ she chimes.
Grinning from ear to ear, he bypasses the desk and comes to shake the old lady’s hand. Curled up on his cushion, Scratch looks up, but ignores her arrival and goes back to sleep.
‘Good morning, Melly,’ he greets her back. ‘What can I do for you?’
‘Oh, nothing, love, nothing at all! I came to see how you were faring on your first day.’
Halsin gazes around with a chuckle.
‘It has been quiet so far. In fact, you are the first person to walk in.’
‘Is that so? Ah, well, do not worry, dearie. The people in this town have been praying for a doctor and a veterinarian closer to home for decades. They will come.’
The thought warms up the man’s heart. Not that he has been worrying about the lack of patients so far, but he has come to wonder on multiple occasions about how long it would take for the first appointments to come in. He has bills to pay after all, and the renovation of what used to be a woodworker’s shop was not cheap, no matter how many things he did himself to save up on better equipment.
‘Would you like some tea, Melly?’
‘Oh, no, darling, thank you,’ she chuckles with a dismissing wave of her hand. The old woman hands him the lavender box. ‘I brought you this, thought you might need a little encouragement for your first day.’
‘How lovely of you, thank you!’
‘I will not linger, I fear that my old face would scare even the sickest hound away,’ she jokes while patting his shoulder. ‘Would you like me to take some of your business cards to display at the bakery? I’m sure that my son would not object.’
Melly does not even wait for him to respond before grabbing a quarter of the cards neatly stacked on the countertop. She shoves them in her cardigan’s pocket. The garment seems to have survived many decades, yet has retained its charm. Halsin always finds himself smiling at the sight of the ducks knitted around the waistline, complementing the beige diamond stitches all over it.
‘Do you need me to bring you lunch later, love?’
‘No, Melly, thank you. I have already planned my next few meals, but it is nice of you to offer.’
‘Very well,’ she smiles, patting his cheek. ‘You know where to find me if you need anything.’
‘I do. Thank you for everything.’
Out of courtesy, he accompanies her to the door, the pastry box seeming so tiny in his large palm, when it is a normal size in anybody else’s grasp. Before leaving, Melly turns to look at him, running a wrinkled finger underneath her chin.
‘Where is that eccentric assistant of yours? Is she not helping you today?’
‘Karlach? Oh, she is touring the neighbouring towns to leave calling cards in shops and town halls.’
‘Oh, good, good. What a tempest, this girl!’
Halsin laughs, scratching the back of his head.
‘She is, but I am sure that the animals will love her. I can already tell that she will love them first anyway.’
‘Well, as long as she works well…’
Without adding another word, Melly crosses the road, absent-mindedly waving at him while she looks around for cars. Once the old lady has returned to the bakery, Halsin takes a deep breath of countryside air and moves to close the door.
That is when he sees her.
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visit-new-york · 9 months
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Are there guided tours or educational programs offered at Brooklyn Bridge Park?
Brooklyn Bridge Park stands as an iconic and expansive waterfront destination that offers breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline, the Brooklyn Bridge, and the Statue of Liberty. Beyond its natural beauty, the park has become a hub for recreational activities, cultural events, and educational programs. In this article, we delve into the various educational initiatives and guided tours available at Brooklyn Bridge Park.
Educational Programs:
Brooklyn Bridge Park is not only a place for leisure but also an educational resource for visitors of all ages. The park hosts a range of educational programs designed to connect people with the environment and promote an understanding of the park's ecosystems. These programs cover topics such as ecology, sustainability, and urban wildlife.
Environmental Education Programs:
Led by knowledgeable educators, these programs focus on the park's diverse ecosystems, including its marshes, meadows, and gardens.
Participants may engage in hands-on activities, wildlife observation, and interactive workshops to deepen their understanding of urban ecology.
Sustainability Initiatives:
Brooklyn Bridge Park is committed to sustainability, and educational programs often highlight the park's green practices.
Topics may include recycling efforts, composting, and the use of renewable energy sources within the park.
Guided Tours:
Exploring Brooklyn Bridge Park on your own can be rewarding, but guided tours offer a more immersive and informative experience. Whether you're a local or a visitor, these tours provide insights into the park's history, design, and natural features.
Architectural Tours:
Led by knowledgeable guides, these tours delve into the park's architectural features, providing a historical perspective on the transformation of the waterfront.
Participants learn about the park's design elements, the role of landscape architecture, and the integration of public art.
Ecological Tours:
Guided ecological tours focus on the park's unique ecosystems, offering participants the chance to explore the diverse flora and fauna.
Knowledgeable naturalists lead these tours, providing insights into the park's biodiversity and the importance of urban green spaces.
Historical and Cultural Tours:
These tours take participants on a journey through the history of Brooklyn Bridge Park, exploring its evolution from industrial waterfront to a vibrant public space.
Cultural aspects, such as public art installations and events, are also highlighted during these tours.
Brooklyn Bridge Park is not only a picturesque destination but also a rich source of educational opportunities and guided tours. Whether you're interested in the park's ecological diversity, architectural design, or historical significance, there are programs and tours tailored to cater to a variety of interests. So, the next time you visit Brooklyn Bridge Park, consider immersing yourself in one of these educational experiences to gain a deeper appreciation for this urban oasis.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 11 months
Nora: If I were a Bad Huntress, I wouldn't Be sittin' here, disscussin' it with ya, now would I!
Mercury: Grass Grows, Birds fly, and brother?
Mercury: I Hurt People!
Coco: I am Heavy Weapons user.
Coco: And this- (Expands Gianduja from the purse) - is my weapon.
Pietro: Hey look, buddy. I'm an engineer and Medical Doctor, that means I solve problems.
Pietro: Not problems like "What is beauty?", 'cause that would fall within the purview of your conundrums of philosophy.
Pietro: I solve practical problems!
Pietro: For instance, how am I gonna stop some big mean Mother-Hubbin Grimm from tearin' me a structurally superfluous new behind?
Pietro: The answer? Get a daughter. And if that don't work, Make 'er stronger.
Pietro: Like Penny Here. She's the first Synthetic capable of Using Aura, armed with a dozen Plasma-rail Cannon Swords, all designed by me.
Pietro: Given Soul by me.
Pietro: And you'd best hope ...
Pietro: Not Pointed at you.
May Z: Snipin's a good job M8.
May Z: It's Challengin' work, outta door, and I guarantee you won't go Hungry.
May Z: Cuz' at the end of the day, if there are two people left on the planet, Someone's gonna want someone Dead.
Ironwood: Iff Fighting is Sure to result in Victory, Then you must FIGHT!
Ironwood: Sun Tzu said that! And I think he knows a little bit more about fighting than you do pal!Because He invented it! Then He perfected it so that no living person could best him in the Ring of Honor!
Mercury: (Struggling with a door) HEY! A little help here!
Ironwood: Out of the way son! Uuuhhh One! One! One! uh! One!
Mercury: Let's go! Let's Go!
(The trio Crashes through the Door)
Mercury: Hey! It's Still Here!
Emerald: Ahem! Gentlemen?
Coco: I fear no man ... But that thing ...it Scares me.
(A heeled silhouette Stalks down a hallway)
Mercury: No! I'm not talking about that Freak! (Struggles with Microphone) Sh- She's not here is she? How do I get this damn thing off!
(The Figure kicks open a door, light shining dangerously off her blade)
Emerald: One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind those eyes.
(She Grins, Cycling to Ice dust)
Emerald: What Dreams of Chronic and Sustained Cruelty?
Weiss: (Freezes anything and everything in her path, shattering whatever she can as she sings Mirror Mirror)
Jaune: And when the looked for the Sword, it was nowhere to be found!
Coco: (Bursts out laughing, Snorts)
Jaune: Anyway, That's how I lost my Hunting License!
Flynt, on his Trumpet: (DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN DUDUDUDUDU!)
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astrojulia · 1 year
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The Revolutionary Power of Uranus:
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Uranus through the Signs.
# Aries
Positive Aspects:
1. Initiative and Spontaneity: Uranus in Aries inspires individuals to take initiative and embrace spontaneity, allowing for the pursuit of new opportunities and experiences.
2. Independent and Assertive Nature: People with this placement exhibit a strong sense of independence and assertiveness, enabling them to carve their own path and make a positive impact through their unique perspectives.
3. Pioneering Spirit: The combination of Uranus and Aries fosters a pioneering spirit, encouraging individuals to explore uncharted territory and bring innovative ideas to the forefront.
4. Freedom and Authenticity: Uranus in Aries promotes a sense of freedom and authenticity, empowering individuals to express their true selves and break free from societal expectations.
Negative Aspects:
1. Impulsiveness and Lack of Patience: The placement of Uranus in Aries can lead to impulsive behavior and a lack of patience, causing individuals to jump into situations without considering the consequences.
2. Recklessness and Unpredictability: There is a tendency for individuals with Uranus in Aries to exhibit reckless and unpredictable behavior, which can result in disruptive outcomes and unforeseen challenges.
3. Resistance to Authority: Those with this placement may struggle with accepting limitations and authority figures, feeling confined and restricted by external control.
4. Lack of Perseverance: While individuals with Uranus in Aries have the potential for initiating projects, they may struggle with maintaining perseverance, leading to difficulties in seeing projects through to completion.
# Taurus
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovative Approach to Practical Matters: Individuals with Uranus in Taurus possess a unique ability to bring innovation and fresh perspectives to practical and tangible areas of life, such as finance, resources, and productivity. They can introduce new methods and technologies to enhance efficiency and sustainability.
2. Resourcefulness and Financial Insight: This placement can grant individuals a keen sense of resourcefulness and financial insight. They may possess a natural talent for managing resources and finding creative solutions to financial challenges.
3. Grounded Revolutionaries: Uranus in Taurus inspires individuals to revolutionize the material world while maintaining a grounded and practical approach. They can bring about lasting change by combining innovation with a solid understanding of tangible realities.
4. Appreciation for Beauty and Sensuality: Those with Uranus in Taurus have a heightened appreciation for beauty, aesthetics, and sensory experiences. They may express their innovative ideas through art, design, or other creative endeavors that engage the senses.
Negative Aspects:
1. Tension between Stability and Change: The combination of Uranus in Taurus creates a tension between the desire for stability and the need for change and liberation. This can lead to inner conflicts and challenges in finding a balance between conventionality and innovation.
2. Resistance to Change: Individuals with Uranus in Taurus may exhibit resistance to change and a strong attachment to established routines and traditions. This can hinder their ability to embrace new ideas and adapt to evolving circumstances.
3. Stubbornness and Inflexibility: The fixed nature of both Taurus and Uranus can contribute to stubbornness and inflexibility in individuals with this placement. They may be reluctant to change their perspectives or methods, leading to missed opportunities for growth and transformation.
4. Overemphasis on Materialistic Values: Uranus in Taurus may amplify the focus on material possessions and financial security, potentially leading to a materialistic mindset and excessive attachment to material wealth.
# Gemini
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovative Communication and Information Exchange: Uranus in Gemini inspires revolutions in communication, information transmission, teaching, and learning. It encourages the development of new and ingenious ideas in these areas, leading to advancements in technology and the exchange of information.
2. Quick and Brilliant Mind: People born with Uranus in Gemini tend to have a faster and more agile mind, particularly when in positive aspects with Mercury. This enhances their ability to generate brilliant ideas and respond quickly and intelligently to various situations.
3. Embracing Technological Advances: Individuals with this placement are fascinated by innovation and excel in utilizing technological advancements, especially in the realm of communication. They readily adapt to new technologies and contribute to the evolution of communication methods.
4. Multi-talented and Versatile: Uranus in Gemini amplifies the tendency for versatility and curiosity. Those with this combination may have a wide range of interests and find it challenging to stick to just one area of focus, but this versatility can be seen as an asset in exploring diverse fields and generating new ideas.
Negative Aspects:
1. Restlessness and Difficulty with Focus: The restless nature of Gemini combined with Uranus can lead to difficulty in maintaining focus and sticking to one area of interest. The multitude of new ideas can create a sense of restlessness and make it challenging to commit to long-term projects or pursuits.
2. Overwhelming Amount of Information: The abundance of information in the digital age can be overwhelming for individuals with Uranus in Gemini. They may struggle to filter and prioritize information, leading to scattered attention and difficulty in absorbing knowledge effectively.
3. Lack of Depth and Commitment: The inclination towards exploring various ideas and interests may result in a lack of depth or commitment to a particular subject. This can hinder the development of expertise and mastery in a specific field.
4. Need for Relaxation and Grounding: Due to the quick pace of their minds and the constant influx of ideas, individuals with Uranus in Gemini may benefit from relaxation techniques to help manage restlessness and maintain a sense of grounding, but they do it? Nope.
# Cancer
Positive Aspects:
1. Innovations in Domestic Life: Uranus in Cancer brings radical changes and innovations to traditional domestic life. This can manifest through the invention of devices and appliances that make life easier and more practical, improving the quality of home environments.
2. Emotional Intelligence and Intuition: People with Uranus in Cancer tend to apply an emotional bias to their ideas and inventions. They possess heightened emotional intelligence and intuition, which can be valuable in creating solutions that cater to the needs and well-being of individuals and families.
3. New Concepts of Patriotism and Family: This placement can inspire new insights into concepts of patriotism and ways of relating to home and family. Individuals with Uranus in Cancer may challenge traditional notions of family and explore alternative approaches that prioritize freedom, individual rights, and unconventional ideas.
4. Heightened Imagination and Memory: The combination of Cancer's emotional nature and Uranus's influence can enhance the imagination and memory of individuals with this placement. This can contribute to creative problem-solving and the ability to recall past experiences and emotions vividly.
Negative Aspects:
1. Clash between Tradition and Innovation: The clash between Cancer's traditional and nurturing energy and Uranus's unpredictable and impersonal nature can create tensions in the modus operandi. This may result in conflicts between maintaining familial traditions and embracing new and unconventional ideas.
2. Mood Swings and Emotional Instability: The mood swings inherent to Cancer, coupled with Uranus's influence, can lead to increased emotional instability. Individuals with Uranus in Cancer may experience frequent and intense fluctuations in their emotions, which can pose challenges in maintaining emotional balance.
3. Difficulty in Establishing Emotional Stability: The unpredictable nature of Uranus combined with Cancer's sensitivity can create challenges in establishing emotional stability. Individuals with this placement may struggle to find a sense of security and emotional grounding, leading to feelings of restlessness and insecurity.
4. Resistance to Change: Despite Uranus being associated with revolution and change, the influence of Cancer can create a resistance to change within individuals with this placement. They may cling to familiar and comfortable routines or find it challenging to adapt to new circumstances.
# Leo
Positive Aspects:
1. Creative Sense and Self-Expression: Uranus in Leo brings a heightened emphasis on creativity and self-expression. Individuals with this placement are likely to have a strong urge to express themselves in unique and innovative ways, contributing to the appreciation of culture and art.
2. Personal Energy and Drive for Freedom: Uranus in Leo amplifies personal energy and the desire for freedom. It fuels self-confidence, risk-taking, and daring actions, empowering individuals to explore their passions and assert their individuality.
3. Positive Leadership and Charismatic Influence: The placement can inspire positive leadership qualities, as individuals with Uranus in Leo have the potential to become influential figures. They may inspire and motivate others through their charismatic presence and visionary ideas.
4. Inspiring Radical Changes in Arts and Personal Style: Those with Uranus in Leo have the potential to inspire radical changes in the realms of arts and personal style. Their strong self-expressive vein can lead to groundbreaking innovations and a shift in artistic trends.
Negative Aspects:
1. Stubbornness and Flirtation with Power: Uranus in Leo can manifest as stubbornness and a flirtation with power. Individuals may become resistant to change or overly attached to their own ideas, leading to inflexibility and a disregard for alternative perspectives.
2. Rebellion and Untimely Reactions: Attempts to curtail or limit the self-expression of this generation may trigger rebellion and untimely reactions. The desire for personal freedom and autonomy can drive them to assert their individuality forcefully.
3. Vanity and Speculative Impulses: The combination of Leo's focus on personal recognition and Uranus's inclination for risk can lead to vanity and speculative impulses. Individuals may prioritize seeking attention and engage in impulsive behaviors without considering potential consequences.
4. Less Powerful Position of Influence: Uranus in Leo is considered a weaker position of influence, as it is in exile. This suggests that the energies of Uranus, such as innovation and collectivity, may find more alignment with Aquarius than with Leo.
# Virgo
Positive Aspects:
1. Focus on Practical Details and Integrity: Generations with Uranus in Virgo have the potential to prioritize the practical details of humanity. They value integrity and emphasize the importance of balance between mind and body, recognizing the significance of holistic well-being.
2. Technological and Social Advancements: Historically, periods with Uranus in Virgo have witnessed significant technological advancements and social changes. Innovations in computer technology, such as the creation of the first computers and the automation of everyday tasks, have shaped the way people work and live.
3. Revolutionizing Health and Medicine: Individuals born with Uranus in Virgo have the potential to revolutionize the fields of health and medicine. They may contribute to medical research, promote awareness of the mind-body connection, advocate for healthier lifestyles, and popularize alternative therapies for personal balance.
4. Desire to Contribute and Serve: Those influenced by Uranus in Virgo in their birth chart have a strong desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world through their work and acts of service. They may invent new approaches to work, fight for better work conditions, and prioritize the quality of their contributions.
Negative Aspects:
1. Nervous Tension and Anxiety: Uranus in Virgo can contribute to nervous tension, particularly if there are tense aspects with other planets or if the individual is already prone to anxiety or nervousness. The fast-paced routine and the desire to maximize time utilization can increase feelings of stress and pressure.
2. Potential for Unconventional Behavior: Despite Virgo's inclination towards the familiar and well-experienced, the influence of Uranus contradicts conventional attitudes. This can lead to a conflict between the desire for stability and the inclination towards unconventional behavior, challenging traditional approaches.
3. Dynamic Routine and Time Pressure: Individuals with Uranus in Virgo may experience a dynamic routine and a heightened sense of urgency. They may feel that there is no time to waste, leading to a constant drive for productivity and efficiency.
4. Originality and Analytical Thinking: Uranus in Virgo enhances the mind's capacity for analysis, research, and originality. However, this intellectual prowess can sometimes contribute to overthinking or a tendency to approach problems or projects in unconventional ways.
# Libra
Positive Aspects:
1. Search for New Ways of Relating: Uranus in Libra inspires periods and generations to seek new ways of relating to others. There is a desire to break obsolete structures and find better alternatives in social relationships, including issues related to justice, diplomacy, and equality.
2. Revolutionizing Social Norms: The influence of Uranus in Libra encourages revolutionary activities and discussions on topics such as gender equality and justice. It inspires the emergence of new concepts of freedom within the context of marriage and partnerships, challenging traditional views and promoting personal freedom, integrity, and happiness.
3. Affinity for Human Relationships: Individuals born with Uranus in Libra have a natural affinity for the area of human relationships. They may possess original ideals about equality and reciprocal rights in interpersonal connections and prioritize friendly and harmonious interactions.
4. Impact on the Sexual Revolution: The generation influenced by Uranus in Libra played a significant role in fostering the sexual revolution. They broke away from traditional norms and helped to transform relationships, making concepts like open relationships and multiple partners more visible and accepted.
Negative Aspects:
1. Turmoil and Diplomatic Crises: Uranus in Libra can bring about periods of turmoil and diplomatic crises. The pursuit of change and the breaking of obsolete structures may lead to tensions and conflicts in social and diplomatic spheres, as established systems and relationships are challenged.
2. Unusual Relationships and Desire for Independence: Individuals with Uranus in Libra may have a strong need to assert their own ideals and pursue unconventional relationships. This can lead to a desire for independence and periods of wanting to be alone or explore alternative relationship dynamics.
3. Temporary Nature of Cultural Shifts: While Uranus in Libra inspires significant cultural shifts and revolutions in relationships, it's important to note that the impact may not be sustained over the long term. The era of "peace and love" and "free love" may have been relatively short-lived, but it planted the seeds for lasting transformations in relationships.
4. Challenging Traditional Values: The influence of Uranus in Libra challenges traditional values and norms, which can create tensions between generations and within society. It disrupts established beliefs and customs, leading to debates and conflicts over issues related to justice, equality, and personal freedom.
# Scorpio
Positive Aspects:
1. Dealing with Deep Emotions and Transformations: Generations influenced by Uranus in Scorpio tend to navigate deep emotions and transformations with ease. They have the potential to embrace and understand the profound changes that occur throughout their lives, fostering personal growth and inner development.
2. Development of Innovative Ideas: Individuals with Uranus in Scorpio have a natural inclination to develop innovative ideas that can lead to collective transformations. They possess a unique perspective and are capable of uncovering hidden truths, challenging social conventions, and pushing the boundaries of taboo subjects.
3. Embracing Change and Transformation: The energy of Uranus in Scorpio aligns with the themes of change, transformation, and the cycle of death and rebirth. Natives with this placement are courageous and daring, willing to explore unconventional paths and challenge emotional tensions. They find creative and constructive ways to overcome limitations and fears.
4. Recognition of Psychoanalysis and Mental Health: The influence of Uranus in Scorpio coincided with the increased popularity and acceptance of psychoanalysis as a useful therapy for mental conditions and everyday neuroses. It brought a shift in societal attitudes, moving away from considering mental health taboo or exclusive to the "mentally ill," and recognizing its relevance in personal well-being.
Negative Aspects:
1. Provocation and Belligerence: The presence of Uranus in Scorpio can evoke periods of provocation and belligerence, as it confronts social conventions and challenges established norms. This may lead to conflicts and tensions within society, as well as an increased sense of uncertainty about the future.
2. Intensity and Emotional Suppression: Natives with Uranus in Scorpio may experience moments of intensity and struggle with the expression and acceptance of emotions. There can be a tendency to avoid or reject emotions, potentially leading to emotional conflicts or a need to develop healthy emotional outlets.
3. Desire for Power and Control: The placement of Uranus in Scorpio may influence a greater personal need for power and control, particularly if it is in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, or Midheaven. This can manifest as a drive to be in charge or seek control over situations, requiring careful direction to avoid negative or destructive tendencies.
4. Exploration of Sexuality and Unusual Ways: Individuals with Uranus in Scorpio, especially if placed in the 5th or 8th houses, may have a propensity for exploring sexuality in unconventional ways. While this can lead to personal growth and liberation, it can also create challenges or conflicts in relationships or societal norms.
# Sagittarius
Positive Aspects:
1. Expansion and Optimism: Uranus in Sagittarius brings a sense of expansion, optimism, and vigorous enthusiasm for the future. Generations influenced by this placement have a strong belief in the potential for growth and progress, and they actively seek new horizons and possibilities.
2. Teaching and Learning: Natives with Uranus in Sagittarius have a natural inclination towards teaching and learning. They embrace new and expanded visions for humanity, introducing innovative concepts in areas such as philosophy, religion, ethics, and education. They are driven to share knowledge and inspire others with their teachings.
3. Appreciation of Freedom and Transcendence: Individuals with this placement value personal freedom and have a deep interest in spirituality, religiosity, and the search for transcendent truths. They are open to alternative ways of life and explore different approaches to religion and spirituality to reach a greater truth.
4. Cultural Exploration and Internationalism: Uranus in Sagittarius encourages a greater appreciation of foreign cultures and a curiosity about the world. Natives are inclined to travel, learn about new cultures, and embrace international perspectives. They celebrate diversity and the expansion of collective horizons.
Negative Aspects:
1. Fanaticism and Propagation of Truths: There is a potential risk for individuals with Uranus in Sagittarius to develop fanaticism or become overly zealous when propagating their truths. This can lead to conflicts or difficulties in recognizing and accepting differing viewpoints.
2. Restlessness and Desire for Constant Travel: The influence of Uranus in Sagittarius may create a sense of restlessness and a constant desire for travel and exploration. While this can be enriching, it may also create challenges in terms of stability or a sense of grounding.
3. Overemphasis on Idealism: The strong sense of optimism and idealism associated with Uranus in Sagittarius can sometimes lead to overly idealistic or unrealistic expectations. Natives may need to balance their visionary aspirations with practical considerations.
4. Media Influence: Individuals with this placement may have a strong appeal to media and communication. While this can be advantageous in terms of sharing their teachings and ideas, it can also create a susceptibility to media influence and the need to critically evaluate information.
# Capricorn
Positive Aspects:
1. Transformation and Reform: Uranus in Capricorn signifies generations that propose, create, and introduce new social, governmental, or commercial structures. They have the ability to initiate political and structural subversions, driven by a desire to transform conventions and challenge established hierarchies. This energy brings forth moments of crisis and reformulation, paving the way for new collective paths.
2. Logical Perspective and Problem-solving: Natives with Uranus in Capricorn have the capacity to put problems and crises into a logical perspective, enabling them to understand and resolve them effectively. The concentrated energy of Uranus in Capricorn is well utilized, favoring a pragmatic and practical approach to addressing challenges.
3. Modern Concepts and Practices: The influence of Uranus in Capricorn in the astral map generates a desire in individuals to introduce modern concepts, cutting-edge technologies, and diverse methods. They strive for progress and change that is not just for the sake of change but aimed at the common good and the deconstruction and construction of concepts. There is an alignment of business-inspired morality and profit with subjective causes.
Negative Aspects:
1. Tension between Revolution and Tradition: Uranus in Capricorn represents a tension between the planet of revolution, radical changes, and innovations and the most traditional and conservative sign of the zodiac. This can manifest in different ways, with natives constantly questioning traditional structures of society while also respecting the past. The challenge lies in finding a balance between the desire for change and the recognition of the value of stable structures.
2. Rebellion without Limits: There is a risk of extreme rebelliousness and an unregulated rejection of traditional structures without appropriate consideration. Natives may struggle with accepting previously considered traditional professions or services, following orders, or respecting hierarchies. The impetuosity and sense of freedom of Uranus may clash with the discipline and patience of Capricorn, leading to difficulties in finding a harmonious balance.
3. Struggle with Collective Authority: Individuals with Uranus in Capricorn may find it challenging to accept authority or adhere to hierarchies. They may be driven by a desire to wear the uniform, have authority, and gain respect within the collective. Balancing their impulsive and freedom-seeking nature with the need for structure and collective cooperation can be a source of tension.
# Aquarius
Positive Aspects:
1. Scientific Discoveries and Inventiveness: Uranus in Aquarius brings the potential for brilliant and important scientific discoveries. It attracts an original and inventive view of things, benefiting the entire generation. This energy fosters technological progress, evolution, and frenetic inventiveness, particularly in areas related to electricity, communication, and breaking boundaries in space-time. It is associated with the rapid rise of computers, the internet, and mobile communication, leading to societal changes never seen before.
2. Social Change and Elimination of Barriers: Uranus in Aquarius drives a greater need for social change and the elimination of barriers between nations. It encourages interactions that challenge crystallized traditions of the past, embracing the potential of the future. This placement attracts a focus on the collective, technology, and radical changes, contributing to a sense of renewal and the belief that things will never be the same.
3. Rebelliousness and Collectivism: Natives born under the influence of Uranus in Aquarius tend to carry the energy of rebellion and collectivism throughout their lives. They are more likely to have their sense of freedom awakened and embrace social causes, aligning with different groups that strive for greater equality and fraternity. This placement fosters basic humanitarian ideals, independence, detachment, and impersonality.
Negative Aspects:
1. Extremes and Unpredictability: Uranus in Aquarius represents a period of extremes and unpredictability. While this can lead to significant breakthroughs and positive changes, it can also create instability and sudden shifts that may be challenging to navigate for individuals and society.
2. Rebellion without Consideration: The rebellious nature associated with Uranus in Aquarius can sometimes lead to a rejection of established norms and traditions without due consideration. There is a need to balance the desire for change with the understanding of the potential consequences and the value of stable structures.
3. Impersonality and Detachment: The influence of Uranus in Aquarius may contribute to a greater sense of impersonality and detachment in relationships and interactions. While this can foster a broader perspective and objectivity, it may also create challenges in forming deep emotional connections.
# Pisces
Positive Aspects:
1. Intuition and Occult Abilities: Uranus in Pisces brings a natural and unconscious ability to delve into the occult and make great use of intuition. This placement enhances sensitivity and a deeper understanding of spiritual and transcendental concepts. It inspires individuals to tap into their intuitive and psychic faculties, potentially leading to profound insights and connections.
2. Humanitarian Ideals and Compassion: Natives with Uranus in Pisces are inclined towards the common good and have a deep sense of compassion. They are driven by a desire to alleviate suffering and advocate for those who have fewer privileges. This placement fosters new humanitarian ideals and encourages the transformation of religions and large institutions to create a more inclusive and compassionate society.
3. Spiritual Evolution and Care for the Environment: Uranus in Pisces accelerates the transformation of spirituality and the way people perceive their role in the universe. It raises questions about the human condition, spiritual evolution, and the importance of caring for the environment and oceans. Natives with this placement are likely to seek spirituality beyond traditional religions and embrace their own unique paths, often with a focus on sustainability and renewable energy.
Negative Aspects:
1. Escapism and Confusion: While Uranus in Pisces has its positive aspects, there is also a potential for escapism and confusion. The sensitivity and idealism associated with this placement can sometimes lead individuals to seek refuge in fantasy or avoid confronting reality. It's important for individuals with this placement to channel their creative potential in productive ways and avoid becoming overly detached from practical matters.
2. Crisis in Institutions and Religions: Uranus in Pisces can trigger sudden crises in large institutions, particularly religious ones. This can result in questioning traditional beliefs and seeking alternative spiritual paths. While this can lead to necessary transformations, it may also create periods of instability and uncertainty.
3. Need for Transcendence and Breaking Free: Natives with Uranus in Pisces may feel a strong need to break free from past influences and better understand the intrinsic workings of the universe. However, this can sometimes create a sense of restlessness and a constant search for something beyond the material world. It's important for individuals with this placement to find a balance between seeking spiritual transcendence and maintaining a grounded connection with reality.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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rist-ix · 4 months
Do you think that valtor would have scars? like from when his mothers trained him and tortured him? hence why he wears so much clothing and only his face and hands are visible (this beautiful face).
I do not! Mostly because I think Valtor is a vain little bitch who needs to be pretty at all costs, and I don’t think he would consider scars or other “flaws” as beneficial to that end. (This does not mean I don’t think he wouldn’t have sustained the injuries you are describing. I think he just would have found a way to conceal or heal them entirely)
Valtor's modus operandi in two out of three of his most plot relevant conquests — Solaria and Eraklyon — was charming and winning the trust of influential people at court — Cassandra and Diaspro, respectively. It's fair to assume he has practice wooing and manipulating people to his side. Which is, in general, easier when you are conventionally attractive. Combine that with his make-up, defined cheekbones and elaborate clothing, it’s safe to assume he has an interest in looking not only good, but FANTASTIC by the magical dimension's beauty standards. (He's succeeding.)
And I think that's something his mothers — who are not attractive by any standards at all — would see value in and want to use. While permanently scarring him would definitely serve them if they intended to really, really punish him for something, I don’t think they would rob themselves of a potential advantage just to make a point. I'm supporting this idea by pointing at the s3 season finale, where they DO kind of disfigure him, but only because it’s clear Valtor has outlived his usefulness, is losing anyway, and openly defies them when confronted. They likely could have done this earlier, if they had wanted to.
That being said, you're right, we don’t see much of his skin anyway. He could be hiding a mess of scars under all those fancy ruffles and no one would be aware. This is the point at which I typed out half a page worth of outfit analysis before closing the tab and losing it all. It’s fine tho, I realized halfway through I was getting a bit off-topic.
TL;DR: a JUICY headcanon that fits very easily into his canon design and behavior, just not one I personally tend to go for in my fics. Also, I'm gonna have to find some high-res s3 shots of Valtor, because BOY is it hard to find references for this man.
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sovereignsimmer · 1 year
Tips for Maximizing the Use of Clubs in The Sims 4
Greetings everyone,
If you've played The Sims 4, you're likely aware that Get Together is one of the best expansion packs ever released for the game! It adds new dynamics to your gameplay and social clubs that can be used to improve your sims' lives. In this post, I'll share my favorite ways to use social clubs in The Sims 4 to help you get the most out of them.
It may be a lengthy read, so proceed at your own discretion.
Using social clubs to control sims' autonomy 
One of the most significant advantages of social clubs is the ability to control your sims' behavior. Club activities override individual sims' autonomous actions, allowing you to direct their actions in a more productive manner. You could establish a private club for your household and use it to make your sims do chores, study, have fun, or anything else that comes to mind. You can alter club activities at any time as long as you are the club leader.
Creating your own lore through social circles 
Friendships and relationships are easy to establish in The Sims 4, but they are often shallow and meaningless. It's more realistic for sims to be friends with others who share their interests or hobbies. By bringing these sims together in social clubs, you can create your own lore and stories.
In addition, you can cause drama and rivalries between different clubs by encouraging mean interactions or by banning friendly interactions with selected ones. Trust me, it brings so much life to your gameplay!
Using social clubs to explore new spaces 
In The Sims 4, you can easily stay on your home lot and self-sustain indefinitely, making the game feel isolated and limited. By using social clubs, you can direct your sims to hang out at designated lots or locations, allowing them to explore the world outside their home.
Here are a few examples of social that I use in my game, based on different interests and social circles:
Interest-based Clubs
Adventure Associates: Join our nature-loving social club! We hike, fish, climb, ski, and snowboard. Connect with like-minded individuals and explore the great outdoors. (Requirements: Traits like Adventurous, Loves Outdoors, and skills such as fishing, skiing, rock climbing, etc.)
Budding Pals: Budding Pals is a gardening club for nature enthusiasts to learn plant care through sustainable practices. From novice to expert, join us in cultivating a beautiful and sustainable community garden. (Requirements: Traits like Green Fiend, Loves Outdoors, Animal Lover, Recycle Disciple, and skills such as flower-arranging and gardening)
Covalent Bonds: Not intimidated by rocket science? Think you could solve the Unsolvable Hetu Hypothesis if only you had enough moral support? Want to share electron pairs to create a stable balance of attractive and repulsive forces? Join the Covalent Bonds! (Requirements: Traits like genius, geek, overachiever, and skills such as rocket science, logic, robotics, etc.)
Desperate Homemakers: Desperate Homemakers is an inclusive group of close-knit stay-at-home folks inspired by "Desperate Housewives". They gather to gossip, play cards, and enjoy a bottle of chardonnay every now and then. (Requirements: Unemployed Sims)
Digital Divergence: Digital Divergence is a social club for gamers, coders, and streamers. Meet like-minded people, share ideas, and collaborate on projects. Join us for LAN parties, coding competitions, and streaming workshops! (Requirements: Traits like Geek, Creative, Socially Awkward, and skills such as programming, video gaming, media production, photography)
Epicurean Elites: A circle of select foodies who appreciate fine dining and culinary experiences. Members gather for exclusive events and tastings, exploring new flavors, techniques, and cuisines. (Requirements: Traits like Foodie, Snob, and skills such as Cooking, Gourmet Cooking, Baking, Mixology)
Grizzly Gang: Grizzly Gang: the ultimate club for alpha sports enthusiasts who push limits, crush goals, and dominate fields. Join like-minded beasts to unleash your inner grizzly and reach your full potential! (Requirements: Traits like Active, Bro, High-maintenance, Self-assured, Overachiever, Ambitious, and skills such as Fitness, Snowboarding, Rock Climbing)
Major Chords: Major ‘cause we’re important. Chords ‘cause we sound together. Don’t you want to sound together with us? (Requirements: Traits like Music Lover, Creative, Self-centered, Snob, and skills such as Piano, Violin, Singing, etc.)
Readaholics Anonymous: Are you a seasoned bibliophile? An aspiring writer? Grab your book and join us for lively discussions and plenty of page-turning fun! Our welcoming club offers a warm community of like-minded readers! (Requirements: Traits like Bookworm, Geek, Socially Awkward, and skills such as Research and Debate, Writing)
Tapestry Posse: Tapestry Posse is a social club that brings together individuals who share a passion for arts and crafts such as painting, knitting, cross-stitching, and candle-making. It's a friendly and relaxed community for artists and hobbies alike. (Requirements: Traits like Creative, Art Lover, Snob, and skills such as Painting, Cross-stitching, Knitting, Fabrication, etc.)
The High Society™ is a secretive society of the world's most influential people, from politicians to celebrities. Its true purpose is unknown, but membership is the ultimate status symbol among the elite. (Requirements: Wealth (Rich), Career: Law, Politician, Business, Actor, Entertainer, Military, Detective, Sciencist, Secret Agent, Criminal, and traits like Self-assured, Perfectionist, Ambitious, Snob, etc.)
In order to foster a sense of community and belonging, I suggest adding the 'Insider' trait as a requirement for membership in all clubs. Sims with the 'Insider' trait are naturally drawn to social groups and are more likely to participate in various club activities, ultimately enhancing the overall experience for all members.
Age-based Clubs
Lil' Wabbits: Lil' Wabbits is a playful and imaginative children's social club, where kids can make new friends and have fun with various activities. From dress-up to play pretend, it's all about having a great time in a safe and supportive environment. (Requirements: Age - Child)
Seasoned Seniors: Seasoned Seniors is a social club for elderly folks looking for fun and connection. Enjoy games, outings, and social events in a supportive environment. (Requirements: Age - Elder)
Youthopia: Youthopia is a social club for teenagers that offers fun activities and events to promote friendships and a sense of community. Youthopia is the perfect group for teens to hang out with and have a good time. (Requirements: Age - Teen)
Occult-themed Clubs
Aristoclaws: The Aristoclaws are a pack of wealthy and influential werewolves who balance their strength and ferocity with skilled diplomacy. They defend their territory with sharp claws and fierce howls, but also rely on their ability to negotiate and form alliances. (Requirements: Wealth (Rich), Werewolf (Trait))
Council of The Forgotten: The Council of Eternal Night governs all vampires globally from Forgotten Hollow. This oldest organization holds high esteem, guiding its members to reach their true power and potential. Register your household to connect with fellow vampires. (Requirements: Vampire (Trait))
Coven of the Dusk: Led by an enigmatic teen warlock, this coven follows ancient beliefs and practices green and dark magic for protection. Teenage witches gather to perform divination rituals, brew potions, cast spells, practice herbalism, and celebrate nature. (Requirements: Age - Teen, Spellcaster (Trait))
Faelwyn Union: The Faelwyn Union unites elves to promote peace and protect their rights. They preserve nature, known for their elven lore knowledge. Strong scholars with mutual respect for other races. (Requirements: Spellcaster (in my game, my elves are Spellcasters))
Glimmerbrook Magistrate: The Glimmerbrook Magistrate governs spellcasters, ensuring responsible magic use. Experienced members oversee training, investigate disputes, and prevent misuse. Respected authority in the magical community. (Requirements: Spellcaster (Trait)) Ivanovich House: Led by patriarch Dmitry, Ivanovich House is a vampire clan of northeastern heritage. They keep to themselves, wary of outsiders, and are known for their refined taste and skillful manipulation of those around them.
(Requirements: Vampire (Trait), Vampire Knowledge Skill)
Nzarogg Clan: The Nzarogg Clan, descendants of Windenburg's merfolks, now reside in Sulani. Adapting to their new environment, they retain their culture and traditions. They have no hesitation in putting anyone who opposes them in their place. (Requirements: Mermaid (Trait))
Steelfangs: The Steelfangs are a werewolf pack exclusively for affluent teenagers. With power, wealth, and influence, they rule their territory with sharp claws and a howl that strikes fear into their rivals. (Requirements: Age - Teen, Werewolf (Trait))
Tideglow Tribe: Native to Sulani, this conservative merfolk community sees newcomers as potential threats. Their strength and agility make them formidable defenders of their territory, and outsiders are only welcome if they earn the tribe's trust. (Requirements: Mermaid (Trait))
Additionally, you can make more clubs for your Sims' high school friends, university friends like "Foxbury Alumni," and organize annual events and gatherings to reminisce on old times and friendships.
I hope these examples gave you some inspiration to start your own social clubs and use them to their full potential in The Sims 4. Remember, social clubs are a great way to add depth and variety to your gameplay, and they can help you create unique stories and characters in your game.
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glowwithsophia · 3 months
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With That Girl Planner, you are the boss, baby. Customize it, glam it up – let it reflect the fabulousness that is uniquely you.
With love and hope, Sophia
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techtow · 3 months
Exploring the Tranquil Trend of Naturecore
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Naturecore, a delightful and serene aesthetic, has been gaining popularity as a breath of fresh air in the world of design and lifestyle. Rooted in the appreciation of nature's beauty, Naturecore invites individuals to immerse themselves in the calming elements of the natural world. Let's take a stroll through the enchanting realm of Naturecore and discover what makes it so captivating.
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Embracing the Outdoors:
At its essence, Naturecore is all about bringing the outdoors in. It embraces earthy tones, organic textures, and the soothing colors found in the natural world. Think of mossy greens, earthy browns, and calming blues that evoke the tranquility of a forest or a serene lakeside.
Natural Elements in Design:
Naturecore seamlessly integrates natural elements into design aesthetics. Whether it's incorporating wooden furniture, stone accents, or even botanical prints, the goal is to create a space that reflects the beauty of the great outdoors. This design trend invites a sense of calmness and simplicity, providing a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of modern life.
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Wardrobe Inspired by Nature:
Beyond home decor, Naturecore has found its way into fashion. Clothing inspired by this aesthetic often includes earth-toned palettes, sustainable fabrics, and prints reminiscent of flora and fauna. The result is a wardrobe that not only looks good but also feels connected to the natural world.
Mindful Living:
Naturecore goes beyond just aesthetics; it encourages a mindful way of living. This trend often aligns with sustainable practices, promoting eco-friendly choices and a deeper connection to the environment. Whether through plant-filled spaces, upcycled decor, or a commitment to reducing waste, Naturecore enthusiasts embrace a lifestyle that treads lightly on the planet.
Connecting with Nature:
In a world that sometimes feels overwhelmingly digital, Naturecore serves as a reminder to reconnect with the beauty that surrounds us. It invites people to take a moment to appreciate the rustling of leaves, the scent of pine, or the calming presence of a babbling brook.
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Naturecore is a celebration of the simple joys found in nature, translated into design, fashion, and lifestyle. With its calming and grounding elements, it offers a refuge from the chaos of modern life, encouraging individuals to embrace a more tranquil and connected way of living. So, whether you're redecorating your home or updating your wardrobe, consider infusing a bit of Naturecore to bring the serenity of the outdoors into your everyday life.
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aalissy · 2 months
Future Plans
Day 17 is finished! I hope you like it!! I loveee getting to write fluffy post-relationship Adrienette teehee! They're my fave! Lemme know what you think <3
Adrien and Marinette sat on the rooftop of Marinette's building, watching the sun dip below the Paris skyline. The evening breeze tousled their hair as they curled up together on her lawn chair, watching the sky slowly begin to darken. Marinette tightened her arms around Adrien, cuddling him to her as the wind sent a shiver of goosebumps up against her arms.
"So, what do you see yourself doing in the next five years?" Adrien asked, tilting his head back to look up at her, his green eyes brimming with curiosity.
Marinette grinned, her gaze drifting off lazily to the Eiffel Tower in the distance. This question was certainly distracting her from the cold. "What is this, a job interview?" she giggled.
“Shut up!” Adrien laughed and she enjoyed the rumble against her chest. “I’m interested!”
Marinette nodded, a spark of humor in her eyes. "Well, you know me, I’m crazy about fashion. I hope to be able to get an internship somewhere in the future. Maybe nothing too big or fancy but just enough to get me started. And then, going past the five-year timeline, I’d like to be able to open my own boutique... start my own fashion line... it’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of doing." 
She finished her statement with a happy sigh, imagining the beauty of having her own fashion business. The idea of owning her own boutique one day seemed impossible but magical.  
"That sounds absolutely fantastic, Marinette!" Adrien exclaimed, turning to face her. "You know, we could collaborate on something together. Your designs plus my modeling skills could mean that we’d have the best fashion business in all of Paris."
Marinette laughed quietly before shaking her head. “I’m not going to force you to model for me, Adrien. I know you quit for a reason. It just wasn’t your dream.” 
“Yeah, but you’re my dream. I just want to be with you and if I could help you fulfill your wishes, that would mean the world to me.”
Marinette let out a soft cry before pulling Adrien up to her, crashing her lips to his in a passionate kiss. There was a pause for just a brief moment before he was kissing her back just as deeply. She ran her fingers through his hair as she deepened their kiss. This, right here, was everything to her.
“I love you,” Marinette murmured after she pulled back for some much-needed air. “So, so much. You have no idea how much that means to me, Adrien. You’ve been my dream too for a very long time now and I never thought I’d hear you say the same about me.”
“I love you too,” Adrien spoke breathily before connecting their lips together again. 
Slowly, they pulled apart, lingering in each other’s arms in the quiet of the evening. Adrien ran his fingers along her arms, warming her prior chill and her eyes fluttered closed at the touch. The city below seemed to slow down, giving them a peaceful moment amidst the bustling life of Paris.
"I can imagine us traveling together. When we’re older and are an incredible designer and model duo," Adrien mused, breaking the silence softly. "Exploring new places, experiencing different cultures. It would be incredible."
Marinette smiled, nestling herself back against the small lawn chair they were in and cuddling Adrien back to her chest. "Yeah, that really does sound amazing. We could visit fashion capitals, attend shows, and maybe even collaborate with designers from around the world."
The idea of blending their love for each other with their passion for fashion filled their hearts with excitement. They talked about attending fashion weeks in Milan, Paris, New York, and Tokyo, envisioning a future where their creations would grace runways and magazines.
"And imagine," Marinette added, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm, "we could create sustainable fashion lines, promoting eco-friendly practices and ethical production."
Adrien nodded in agreement, his eyes gleaming with admiration. "That's a fantastic idea. We could use our platform to inspire some more positive change in the industry."
As the night deepened, they wrapped themselves in a shared blanket, watching the stars twinkle above. The quiet moments between their conversations were filled with a comfortable silence, a testament to their deep connection.
"I'm so grateful for moments like these," Marinette said softly, pressing a kiss against the top of his head. "No matter where life takes us, I know we'll always have each other."
Adrien leaned into her embrace, feeling a profound sense of contentment. "I’m so glad I found you."
They stayed on the rooftop, lost in dreams of the future, cherishing the love that bound them together. In that peaceful night, under the starlit sky, Adrien and Marinette found solace in each other's arms, knowing that their journey was just beginning, filled with endless possibilities and shared adventures.
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
Venus Enters Capricorn and the Business World Gets Serious
Mark your calendars, entrepreneurs and financiers! From January 23 to February 16, the planet of love, beauty, and money, Venus, sets up shop in the austere halls of Capricorn. Get ready for a shift in business and financial energies, as practicality, ambition, and long-term goals take center stage
Venus in Capricorn: A Match Made in the Boardroom
Think power suits, meticulous spreadsheets, and strategic partnerships. While Capricorn's Venus might not be the life of the party, it's certainly the mastermind behind a thriving empire. Here's what to expect:
Forget the Fad, Embrace Forever: Building with Brick, not Bling, during Venus in Capricorn
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, takes a pragmatic turn in the austere halls of Capricorn. Forget fleeting trends and flash-in-the-pan ventures – this transit is all about value, stability, and building something that endures. Here's how to ditch the disposable and embrace the durable:
Shifting Sands to Sturdy Ground:
Long-term vision over passing whims: Instead of chasing the latest fad, invest in projects with legs. Think timeless designs, sustainable practices, and products built to last.
Quality over quantity: Ditch the "buy 10, get 1 free" mentality. Opt for well-made, ethically sourced items that stand the test of time and add true value to your life or business.
Brick by brick: Forget get-rich-quick schemes. Focus on building your wealth gradually, through smart investments, consistent effort, and responsible financial planning.
Partnerships with Purpose:
Strength in numbers: Seek alliances that add strategic value, complementary skills, and long-term stability. This isn't a one-night stand, but a marriage of minds and resources.
Mutual respect and shared goals: Align yourself with partners who share your vision for the future and are committed to building something sustainable together.
Win-win collaboration: Forget cutthroat competition. Seek partnerships where everyone benefits, creating a foundation for mutual growth and prosperity.
Investing in the Enduring:
Slow and steady wins the race: Forget the thrill of risky ventures. Choose long-term investments in established businesses, sustainable energy, or real estate that offer secure returns.
Nurturing what matters: Invest in your own skills, knowledge, and expertise. Education, training, and personal development are invaluable assets that yield lasting rewards.
Future-proof your finances: Build a budget that prioritizes financial security, debt reduction, and saving for the long haul. Think retirement plans, emergency funds, and responsible credit management.
Venus in Capricorn isn't about denying yourself, it's about shifting your focus from fleeting pleasures to lasting satisfaction. It's about building a life, a business, and relationships that stand the test of time, brick by well-placed brick. So, forget the fads, embrace the foundations, and watch your world – and your wealth – truly blossom.
Bonus Tip: During this transit, consider incorporating timeless classics, heritage pieces, and durable materials into your work or personal life. Think heirloom furniture, quality craftsmanship, and experiences that create lasting memories.
From Lone Wolf to Power Pack: Forging Strategic Alliances under Venus in Capricorn
Forget the lone wolf mentality – during Venus in Capricorn, collaboration becomes your superpower. Here's how to navigate this transit and turn strategic alliances into your secret weapon for business and personal success:
Strength in Numbers:
Synergy over solo: Identify partners whose skills, resources, and expertise complement yours, creating a force greater than the sum of its parts. Think marketing gurus teaming with tech wizards, or seasoned veterans pairing with innovative upstarts.
Market mastery: Seek alliances that open doors to new markets, expand your customer base, and strengthen your brand reach. Think global partnerships, cross-industry collaborations, or joint ventures that tap into untapped territories.
Sharing the load: Partnerships can help you tackle ambitious projects, share operational costs, and leverage diverse perspectives to overcome challenges. Think resource pooling, joint marketing campaigns, or co-developed products.
Beyond Handshakes:
Shared vision, not just shared profits: Align yourself with partners who not only bring practical value but also share your long-term vision, values, and commitment to ethical practices. Building trust and mutual respect is key.
Clear communication, ironclad agreements: Open and honest communication is vital to avoid misunderstandings and ensure everyone is on the same page. Negotiate fair terms, define roles and responsibilities, and create a win-win partnership agreement.
Mutual growth, not exploitation: Remember, a true partnership is a two-way street. Invest in your partner's success as you expect them to invest in yours. Celebrate shared victories and support each other during challenges.
Examples in Action:
A small eco-friendly clothing brand partners with a large online retailer to reach a wider audience and scale its sustainable production.
A team of experienced consultants collaborates with a team of young, tech-savvy developers to offer cutting-edge solutions to their clients.
Two local businesses in the same neighborhood join forces to host joint events, cross-promote their services, and attract new customers.
Remember, under Venus in Capricorn, strategic alliances are not short-term fixes but long-term investments in your future. Choose your partners wisely, nurture the relationships, and watch your combined forces elevate your business to new heights. By embracing collaboration, you not only achieve shared success but also build a network of valuable connections that can weather any storm.
Bonus Tip: During this transit, actively seek out networking opportunities, attend industry events, and connect with individuals or organizations whose expertise and vision align with yours. You never know where your next power partnership might blossom!
So, step out of your comfort zone, open your arms to collaboration, and watch the magic unfold as you build a thriving empire, not just brick by brick, but hand in hand.
Channel Your Inner Chess Master: Sharpening Your Negotiation Prowess in Venus in Capricorn
Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, might seem an unlikely warrior in the boardroom, but during her sojourn in Capricorn, her charm takes on a strategic edge. Forget impulsive deals and flowery persuasion; this transit is all about mastering the art of negotiation with shrewd calculations and unwavering determination. Ready to transform into a deal-closing powerhouse? Here's your playbook:
Know Your Worth, Inside and Out:
Research and preparation are key: Before entering any negotiation, gather all relevant data, market trends, and competitor analysis. Know your bottom line, your strengths, and the value you bring to the table.
Confidence is your armor: Don't underestimate yourself. Be clear about your goals and objectives, and project an aura of self-assurance and professionalism. A confident negotiator commands respect and commands better deals.
Listen with a hawk's ear: Pay close attention to your counterpart's needs, concerns, and priorities. Active listening allows you to identify leverage points and craft proposals that meet everyone's objectives.
Strategic Maneuvers on the Bargaining Table:
Think long-term: Focus on building mutually beneficial partnerships rather than short-term wins. Think strategic concessions that open doors to future collaborations or long-term contracts.
Patience is a virtue: Don't rush into the first offer. Be prepared to walk away if the deal doesn't align with your goals. This creates an air of power and strengthens your leverage.
The carrot and the stick, masterfully wielded: Combine firmness on key points with creative problem-solving and willingness to find common ground. Offer sweeteners or concessions on less crucial aspects to secure the bigger win.
Mastering the Art of Persuasion:
Facts are your ammunition: Back up your claims with data, reports, and evidence. A logical, data-driven approach resonates with the Capricorn Venus.
Speak with clarity and precision: Avoid emotional appeals or empty promises. Stick to concise, well-supported arguments that leave no room for misinterpretation.
Body language speaks volumes: Maintain eye contact, project confidence through your posture, and avoid fidgeting. Nonverbal cues can build trust and strengthen your negotiating position.
Bonus Tip: Practice your negotiation skills! Role-play scenarios with colleagues, mentors, or even yourself in the mirror. The more comfortable you are in the art of the deal, the easier it will be to secure those all-important victories.
Remember, under Venus in Capricorn, negotiation is not a battle but a chess game. Think strategically, play calculated moves, and always keep your ultimate goals in mind. By channeling your inner chess master, you can transform negotiations from stressful encounters into opportunities for mutual growth and solidify your reputation as a shrewd and successful deal-maker.
So, step into the negotiation arena with confidence, wield your skills like a seasoned strategist, and watch as you secure those winning deals that propel your business, finances, and even personal relationships to new heights.
Beyond Bling: Redefining Luxury in the Era of Venus in Capricorn
Forget fleeting trends and ostentatious displays – Venus, the planet of love and beauty, takes on a decidedly sophisticated and sustainable aura during her sojourn in Capricorn. Indulgence gets a serious upgrade, shifting from empty extravagance to lasting investments, meaningful experiences, and timeless treasures. Here's how to navigate this transit and discover a richer, more fulfilling form of luxury:
From Flash to Substance:
Heirlooms over trinkets: Invest in quality pieces built to last, crafted with ethical practices, and designed to become treasured family heirlooms. Think handcrafted furniture, well-made clothing, or art passed down through generations.
Experiences that resonate: Prioritize adventures and journeys that leave a lasting mark on your soul, not just your Instagram feed. Think learning a new skill, volunteering your time, or immersing yourself in a different culture.
Sustainable indulgence: Pamper yourself with products and services that reflect your values, like organic spa treatments, ethically sourced clothing, or supporting local artisans. Conscious indulgence feels better and lasts longer.
Investing in Your World:
Knowledge is the ultimate luxury: Invest in personal and professional development. Master a new skill, pursue further education, or attend insightful workshops that enrich your mind and expand your horizons.
Building a legacy, not an empire: Think beyond accumulating material possessions. Focus on creating a life filled with meaningful relationships, strong support networks, and positive contributions to your community.
Time, the most precious treasure: Prioritize experiences that create lasting memories and strengthen bonds. Spend quality time with loved ones, explore hidden corners of the world, or simply savor the quiet moments of life.
Beyond the Material:
Curate, don't accumulate: Surround yourself with objects that hold personal meaning, evoke inspiration, and bring you joy. Let go of clutter and embrace minimalism, creating a space that reflects your values and enhances your well-being.
Master the art of slow living: Appreciate the finer things in life, savor each moment, and resist the urge to rush through experiences. Slow living allows you to fully immerse yourself in the present and truly embrace the luxury of time.
Gratitude is the golden thread: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude for all the blessings in your life, big and small. Appreciation enhances the value of your experiences and helps you find joy in the ordinary.
Remember, under Venus in Capricorn, luxury is not about flaunting or chasing fleeting trends. It's about investing in things that bring lasting value, creating experiences that nourish your soul, and nurturing a life filled with substance and meaning. By cultivating this mindful approach to indulgence, you'll discover a richer, more fulfilling form of luxury that transcends the material and leaves a lasting legacy of joy and fulfillment.
Bonus Tip: During this transit, consider decluttering your life and donating possessions you no longer need. Clearing space for the truly meaningful makes room for experiences and treasures that enrich your life in ways that last.
So, embrace the shift towards meaningful indulgence, invest in experiences that resonate, and surround yourself with things that bring lasting joy. As Venus shines in Capricorn, discover a whole new level of luxury, one that nourishes your soul, enriches your world, and leaves a trail of timeless beauty in its wake.
Beyond Butterflies: Building Enduring Love under Venus in Capricorn
Forget whirlwind romances and impulsive declarations – Venus, the planet of love and beauty, takes on a practical, future-oriented guise during her stay in Capricorn. While sparks might fly and hearts might flutter, romantic pursuits are guided by long-term vision, shared goals, and a commitment to building something that endures. Here's how to navigate this transit and find love that stands the test of time:
Beyond the Initial Sparks:
Slow burn over fireworks: Don't rush into grand pronouncements or hasty commitments. Instead, take your time, get to know each other on a deeper level, and let feelings develop organically.
Shared values, not just shared smiles: Look for partners who align with your core values, life goals, and aspirations. Compatibility goes beyond surface compatibility; seek someone who shares your vision for the future.
Building trust brick by brick: Actions speak louder than words. Demonstrate consistency, reliability, and unwavering support. Trust, like strong foundations, takes time and effort to build.
Love with Substance:
Partners in ambition: Seek someone who inspires you to be your best self and supports your professional and personal aspirations. Think power couples who build empires together, not sidekicks holding handbags.
Mutual respect and admiration: Appreciate each other's strengths, talents, and individual journeys. A successful partnership is not about competition but about celebrating each other's successes.
Open communication, built on honesty: Maintain clear and honest communication, even when challenging conversations arise. Trustworthy communication builds a foundation for navigating life's inevitable ups and downs together.
Beyond the Honeymoon Phase:
Commitment built on shared dreams: True commitment comes from a shared vision for the future, not just temporary infatuation. Discuss long-term goals, create shared plans, and build a life together brick by well-placed brick.
Weathering storms as a team: Life throws curveballs. Look for a partner who stands by you, offers unwavering support, and celebrates your victories just as readily as they comfort you in times of adversity.
Nurturing the flame, not just fanning it: Long-term love requires effort. Continuously invest in your relationship, prioritize quality time, and keep the romance alive with thoughtful gestures and shared experiences.
Bonus Tip: During this transit, focus on personal growth and building a fulfilling life for yourself. When you radiate stability, self-sufficiency, and clear goals, you attract partners who seek the same qualities in a relationship.
Remember, under Venus in Capricorn, love is not a whirlwind adventure but a deliberate journey shared with a compatible partner. This is a time to prioritize long-term compatibility, build a foundation of trust and shared goals, and nurture a love that grows stronger with each passing season. By embracing this mindful approach to romance, you can create a relationship that weathers life's storms, fuels your ambitions, and ultimately, becomes a source of enduring joy and fulfillment.
So, open your heart to connection, seek meaningful connections, and invest in building a love that stands the test of time. Remember, true love stories are not written overnight, but crafted with care, nurtured with commitment, and built to last under the watchful eye of Venus in Capricorn.
Building the Future, Brick by Green Brick: Favorable Investments under Venus in Capricorn
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, might seem an unlikely financial advisor, but during her sojourn in Capricorn, she sheds her glittery gown for a sensible power suit. This transit is all about prudent, long-term investments that not only yield solid returns but also align with your values and contribute to a sustainable future. Let's delve into the exciting world of profitable ventures under Venus in Capricorn:
Planting Seeds for Future Harvest:
Solid foundations over fleeting fads: Ditch risky ventures and speculative schemes. Prioritize established businesses with proven track records, strong financials, and long-term growth potential. Think blue-chip companies, reputable investment funds, or well-maintained rental properties.
Bricks and mortar with a modern twist: Real estate can be a lucrative investment during this transit, but consider eco-friendly options or properties with future-proof upgrades. Think energy-efficient buildings, sustainable communities, or land with potential for renewable energy development.
Green is the new gold: Sustainable ventures are not just good for the planet, they're also smart financial decisions. Invest in clean technology, renewable energy initiatives, or socially responsible companies that prioritize ethical practices and environmental impact.
Planting with Precision:
Do your research, due diligence is your friend: Venus in Capricorn demands thorough research and careful analysis before any investment. Understand the market, evaluate risks and potential returns, and consult with financial advisors if needed.
Patience is a virtue: Don't expect overnight riches. Successful long-term investments require patience, discipline, and a willingness to ride out market fluctuations. Remember, slow and steady wins the race.
Diversification is your shield: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your investments across different sectors, asset classes, and geographical locations to minimize risk and maximize potential returns.
Beyond the Bottom Line:
Invest in your passions: While financial growth is important, aligning your investments with your values can bring additional satisfaction. Support companies that resonate with your ethical beliefs, environmental concerns, or social causes you champion.
Community-building through investments: Consider investing in local businesses, community projects, or social enterprises that uplift your neighborhood and create a sustainable future for all. Your financial success can be a catalyst for positive change.
Sustainable prosperity for generations to come: Think beyond your own immediate needs. Choose investments that contribute to a healthier planet, fairer society, and brighter future for future generations. Leave a legacy of responsible wealth and lasting impact.
Bonus Tip: During this transit, consider seeking financial advice from professionals who specialize in sustainable and ethical investments. They can help you align your financial goals with your values and make informed decisions that benefit both your wallet and the world.
Remember, under Venus in Capricorn, smart investments are not just about securing your financial future, they're about building a legacy of prosperity, sustainability, and positive impact. By planting your seeds wisely, nurturing them with patience, and choosing ventures that resonate with your values, you can reap the rewards of a truly fulfilling financial journey. So, channel your inner financial architect, invest in the future you envision, and watch your portfolio blossom into a garden of abundance and purpose.
From Burden to Freedom: Conquering Debt under Venus in Capricorn
Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, might seem an unlikely debt collector, but during her sojourn in Capricorn, she dons a practical helmet and picks up a financial spreadsheet. This transit is all about taking control of your finances, tackling debt with determination, and building a foundation of financial security for a brighter future. Let's dive into the world of debt reduction under the watchful eye of Venus in Capricorn:
Facing the Numbers with Courage:
Acknowledge the elephant in the room: Don't shy away from confronting your debt. Face the numbers head-on, understand your current financial situation, and create a clear picture of the mountain you need to climb.
Prioritize ruthless efficiency: Not all debts are created equal. Focus on tackling high-interest loans first, where even small payments can make a significant dent. Develop a repayment strategy that takes advantage of compounding interest and minimizes overall costs.
Renegotiate with strength and strategy: Don't be afraid to renegotiate loan terms for better rates or repayment schedules. Arm yourself with market research and negotiation skills, and approach your creditors with confidence and clarity.
Budgeting: Your Weapon of Choice:
Track every penny: Implement a detailed budget that tracks your income and expenses meticulously. Every latte and Netflix subscription matters when you're battling debt.
Slash the non-essentials: Identify areas where you can cut back on spending. Be ruthless! Are you subscribed to services you never use? Can you cook more meals at home? Every small sacrifice adds up.
Embrace delayed gratification: Learn to live within your means, even if it means saying no to some immediate desires. Prioritize debt reduction over instant gratification, knowing that financial freedom awaits on the other side.
Building a Wall of Financial Security:
Automate your progress: Set up automatic bill payments and debt repayments to avoid missed payments and late fees. Discipline your finances, make saving and debt reduction a seamless part of your routine.
Celebrate milestones, not just the finish line: Acknowledge your progress along the way. Every debt paid off is a victory. Reward yourself for small milestones, keeping yourself motivated and reminding yourself of the amazing journey you're on.
Invest in your future self: As you free yourself from debt, start building an emergency fund and invest in your long-term financial goals. Remember, financial security is not just about eliminating debt, it's about building a stable and prosperous future.
Bonus Tip: During this transit, consider seeking financial counseling or debt management services if needed. Professional guidance can help you create a personalized debt repayment plan, negotiate with creditors, and stay on track towards financial freedom.
Remember, under Venus in Capricorn, tackling debt is not a punishment, it's an act of self-love and empowerment. By facing your challenges with courage, implementing smart strategies, and celebrating your progress along the way, you can transform your financial landscape from a burden to a source of pride and security. So, pick up your financial sword, embrace the discipline of Venus in Capricorn, and conquer the mountain of debt with determination and a vision for a brighter future.
Every Penny a Stepping Stone: Mastering Strategic Spending under Venus in Capricorn
Forget frivolous splurges and fleeting trends – Venus, the planet of love and beauty, undergoes a financial metamorphosis during her stay in Capricorn. Every purchase becomes an investment, a deliberate step towards building a life of quality, value, and long-term satisfaction. Let's navigate this transit and transform your spending habits into a ladder towards personal and financial fulfillment:
From Impulse to Intention:
Mindset shift: Every purchase carries weight. Ask yourself, "Is this an investment in my well-being, my goals, or my future?" Prioritize items that contribute to your personal growth, professional aspirations, or long-term needs.
Banish the impulse buy: Resist the siren call of instant gratification. Give yourself time to consider purchases, compare options, and avoid emotional or peer-pressure-driven decisions.
Needs trump wants: Differentiate between essential needs and fleeting desires. Invest in well-made, durable items that serve a purpose and stand the test of time. Think quality tools, timeless classics, or experiences that enrich your life in lasting ways.
Quality over Quantity:
Buy less, choose better: Embrace minimalism and focus on acquiring fewer, high-quality items that reflect your values and aesthetic. Invest in craftsmanship, ethical sourcing, and sustainable materials that elevate your life without overloading it.
Experience over extravagance: Prioritize experiences that create lasting memories and personal growth over fleeting material possessions. Invest in learning new skills, traveling to new places, or fostering meaningful connections.
Support values with your wallet: Align your spending with your ethical and environmental values. Choose sustainable brands, support local businesses, and invest in products that reflect your commitment to a better future.
Building Financial Muscles:
Budgeting is your roadmap: Create and stick to a realistic budget that tracks your income and expenses meticulously. Allocate funds efficiently, prioritize your needs, and leave little room for impulsive spending.
Embrace delayed gratification: Learn to wait and plan for what you desire. Saving for larger purchases builds discipline, allows you to gather information, and prevents the pitfalls of rushed decisions.
Track, analyze, and adapt: Monitor your spending patterns, identify areas for improvement, and adjust your budget as needed. Be flexible and learn from your financial journey, constantly working towards smarter spending habits.
Bonus Tip: During this transit, consider implementing a "cooling off period" before making significant purchases. Take time to research, compare options, and sleep on it before committing. This simple delay can save you from impulsive decisions and ensure your investments align with your long-term goals.
Remember, under Venus in Capricorn, strategic spending is not about deprivation, it's about conscious choices. Every purchase becomes a building block towards a life you love, a life filled with well-being, financial security, and experiences that resonate with your values. By channeling your inner financial architect, investing in quality and purpose, and avoiding the fleeting allure of instant gratification, you can transform your spending habits into a ladder that leads you to a truly fulfilling and prosperous future.
So, embrace the wisdom of Venus in Capricorn, make every penny a stepping stone, and watch your life rise higher, brick by well-chosen brick, towards a future filled with beauty, value, and lasting satisfaction.
Tips for Navigating Venus in Capricorn:
Develop a Clear Vision: Define your business goals, financial aspirations, and ideal partnerships with laser precision.
Build Sustainable Strategies: Focus on long-term growth, implement robust financial plans, and invest in lasting resources.
Network with Authority: Connect with established figures, industry leaders, and potential partners who share your ambitious vision.
Invest in Quality and Expertise: Don't cut corners on resources or personnel. Surround yourself with skilled professionals and premium solutions.
Expressing Love: Show your appreciation through practical gestures, commitment, and long-term planning. Building a secure future together speaks volumes.
So, embrace the seriousness, hone your business acumen, and leverage the stability of Venus in Capricorn. This is your chance to build a sustainable empire, secure financial prosperity, and forge partnerships that stand the test of time.
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upinteriors · 7 months
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Autobarn by Bindloss Dawes
The Autobarn is the realisation of our client's long-term dream to house his collection of classic German cars. The project is composed of two volumes: a clean, five-bay garage for everyday use and a taller workshop for repairs and future restoration projects.
Beyond satisfying this initial use, the project ambition was to create a flexible, 'long-life, loose-fit' building that could be used for a range of different uses. Currently it doubles up as event space, however the ambition is that the Autobarn could one day become a low-energy house.
Located on the outskirts of a small Somerset village, the project is set within the grounds of an eighteenth-century Grade 2 listed house. It replaces several haphazard outbuildings and consolidates their amenity into an elegant architectural proposal, nestled within a glade of mature trees.
The project's design references the language of neighbouring agricultural barns. As a practice we are interested in reassessing the rural vernacular, both for its contextual appropriateness and its lessons in low-cost, pragmatic design. As such, the Autobarn re-interprets simple forms and methods of construction, adapting more temporary, rudimentary methods into a robust and elegant paradigm for low-cost, rural architecture. Composed of a concrete base and steel framed structure, intermittent timber cladding and zinc metal roof, the Autobarn adapts barn typologies with varying levels of refinement. Consideration was also given to its weathering, with the natural zinc roof dulling to complement the silver patination of the sweet chestnut cladding.
Like many barns, permeability to light and air is controlled through a series of movable layers. First experienced as a closed solid mass, the barn walls open up via a number of doors, including an heroic 7m sliding timber screen. The intermittent timber slats of the screens create internal dappled light during the day, which is reversed at night as interior lighting illuminates the surrounding landscape. Internally the steel structure is expressed in an array of simple portal frames, with sustainably-sourced wood-fibre acoustic board forming internal wall and ceiling. The garage space is calm and gallery-like, while the workshop space presents a tougher, taller workshop, surrounded with concrete wainscotting and designed to accommodate a car lift.
The building's 'long-life/loose-fit' ambitions have meant that the insulation and energy performance exceed residential standards. Although thermostats are currently turned down for its current use, the building includes underfloor heating powered by an Air Source Heat Pump, as well as additional first fix services hidden behind the internal wall paneling for future conversion.
Construction started in November 2020 and was completed at the end of 2021, with the project effected by the global pandemic and building material inflation. Despite these challenges, and the inclusion of some one-off expensive items (such as the electric garage doors), the Autobarn was built for under £2,300 / m2. In tandem with high energy performance and the use of natural materials, it combines our studio's goal to combine beauty, affordability, and sustainability.
Design: Bindloss Dawes Location: Frome, United Kingdom Area: 165 m² Year: 2022 Photography: Building Narratives
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pointless-soap · 6 months
Review - Public Goods
While visiting my family for the holidays, my dad told me that he had gotten me an Airbnb nearby his apartment. That way, my girlfriend and I wouldn't be sharing the couch with two rambunctious dogs. My girlfriend and I are very grateful for this, as we appreciate having our own space like this.
When we arrived yesterday, I took a look in the bathroom and noticed that the hand soap, the shampoo, the conditioner, and the body wash are all the same brand: Public Goods.
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(I'm only including the one picture, because it's all you really need. All the other bottles are basically the same, but instead of saying Hand Soap, they say Shampoo, Conditioner, or Body Wash.)
First things first, I have to admit that the graphic design of the bottle does nothing to endear me to the soap. I'm not a huge fan of minimalist design. I think it's boring. I like clutter. I like when there's a bunch of little stuff on bottles. I think bottle's should have word searches and crosswords goddammit. This bottle has the brand, the type of soap, the volume, the slogan "It's all good", and nothing else. Where's the pizazz? Where's the fun? It's gone.
Hand Soap
Anyway, onto the soap itself. Despite the first impression, the hand soap is actually pretty solid. I don't mean in terms of matter. It is a liquid, don't worry. I mean that it does the job well. It doesn't really lather well, which is disappointing, but it doesn't clump up at all, it spreads easily, and it wipes away grime. It works! A good sign for soap. Not much to say for the smell though. It's pretty inoffensive, subtle, standard soap stuff.
Not gonna lie. It was pretty disappointing. Felt like I was just using the hand soap on my hair. It didn't lather, which is like the one thing I expect shampoo to do? There's gotta be suds in there, otherwise it's no fun. I even went and grabbed an extra squirt to see if maybe I could rub more in, and all I got was disappointment. Anyway, it's fine otherwise. Smells pretty nice, but again not like anything in particular. That's it. Also it pretty effectively killed my curls, but that's normal for shampoo. It's why I only really shampoo once or twice a week.
I didn't use the conditioner. I have curly hair and use a specific conditioner for it, recommended to me by my sister who went to beauty school and knows these things. I didn't want to completely kill my curls, so I just used that.
Body Wash
At first, I was optimistic. It came out of the bottle thick, which is great for a body wash. Smelled nice. Was a different texture than the shampoo and hand soap. Fantastic. Pretty quickly though, I became disappointed. I don't know if it's the brand or if whoever owns the Airbnb did this, but it honest to god seemed whatever down. Just fell right off like sauce off of penne lisce, the worst pasta noodle. I guess I'm clean, so that worked, but it was genuinely disappointing.
4/10 (Again, it might've been the owners who watered down the soap though, so if Public Goods wants to send me fresh bottle, they can DM me and I'll update the review.)
Public Goods seems to me to be a decent company. They talk a lot about environmentalism and sustainable practices, which I hold to be a very important topic. I hope what they say is true. But what it says on the soap bottles does not seem to be.
"It's all good" the soap bottles say, right near the bottom, in tiny print. I would say it's more like "it's fine" or "it works" because those are technically true.
But the hand soap was pretty good.
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