#anyway this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to take naps
blues824 · 1 year
Mc showing the brothers their senior yearbook photo, and the quote at the bottom of their picture says “Should have burned this place down when I had the chance”
“(Brother of your choice)! Come look! I found my High School yearbook from Senior Year!” You shouted. Everyone heard it, but only the brother you had called responded. You seemed so excited as you flipped through the pages to find yourself, all done up.
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He was about to comment on how nice you looked in your picture when he noticed the quote underneath. 
He let out an exasperated and exhausted sigh of disappointment. How did your school even allow this?? Surely there was some sort of error??
Don’t you dare give any of his other brothers any ideas either! The last thing he needs right now is Mammon putting something equally as stupid as his quote as well
Plus, how could you enter something like that and still have a full smile on your face whilst knowing that the quote would be underneath in the picture??
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Immediately noticed the quote and started laughing because he felt the same exact way about school. He hated school with the entirety of his demonic heart
But how did you get away with this as your quote?? Didn’t you get in trouble (just wait until he finds about the trashy school systems)
He most definitely draws inspiration from your senior quote and would put something similar, which makes Lucifer angry
You both have the biggest smiles in the yearbook as well, which pisses off the eldest brother even more than he already was.
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He was about to have a nosebleed from how gorgeous you looked in the picture when he read the quote beneath
That’s when he almost started crying because he was laughing so freaking hard. There was no way your school actually allowed it
He doesn’t do anything like that for his own quote because he knows that it’s permanent and Lucifer would string him up by the tail.
He might do one of those things where you both partner in your quotes, but it will be funny instead of anything romantic.
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Also lets out a sigh, but it’s one of both exhaustion and amusement. Sure, it was ridiculous, but it was also funny
He does question how you were able to get that quote through the school administration, the photographers, and the people who put the yearbook together
He also doesn’t do anything like that for his quote because he would prefer to have a more romantic quote
Would probably put something about you, like how you managed to see through his anger and realize that he is Satan and not Lucifer nor Wrath
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Honey, no! You shouldn’t have ruined such a beautiful picture like yours with the quote you put underneath!
How did your school even accept that as your quote?? Burning schools doesn’t seem very good in a yearbook
He most definitely does not do anything like that for his quote. He will have something romantic and probably about himself
That, or “bitches put on a little bit of makeup and spend the rest of their day obsessed with themselves. It’s me: I’m bitches”
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Mans thought you looked so freaking nice in that picture until he saw the quote. Then he could see the pain behind your smile
It was a very funny quote, don’t get him wrong. But he could see how you covered your eyebags with concealer
By the way, he’s so freaking confused at how you managed to slide by administration with that as your senior quote.
For his, he would probably do something based on food… like “All pizzas are personal pizzas if you try hard enough”
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You woke him up… for this? For this ridiculous quote that you just needed to show him as he was taking one of the best naps he has ever had?
It totally wasn’t about you and him with about 2 kids, a wedding ring around your ring finger a
Sure, the quote was amusing, but why? And more importantly: how? How did you manage to get this approved?
Anyway, he’s not even going to put in a senior quote and would probably have Lucifer pick something out for him.
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certifiedcallahanstan · 3 months
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The memoir of a horny fangirl
chapter 2
Warnings: This is a pretty heavy chapter, it shows a really vulnerable side to Hazel and the shitty side of the reader. I had to get this chapter done, so the rest can be lighter and more *spicy*. The next chapter will get back to baseball hazel!!
This chapter contains: sa
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It’s been a couple days since you had received the picture and you know you shouldn’t be upset, Hazel is a grown woman and is allowed to kiss whomever she wants, it’s not like you two are together anyways. That however doesn’t stop you from trying to avoid her.
P.J invites you to the coffee shop with Josie and Brittany to do quote on quote “studying” which really means she wants to talk to you all about her latest hook up.
Despite your initial reluctance, you find yourself getting caught up in the conversation.
“and i mean it wasn’t a fucking normal sized strap, that shit was like- fucking xxl” P.J moves her hands at least a feet apart from eachother trying to demonstrate the size and josie scrunches up her nose.
“I don’t need to hear that P.J, you keep that to yourself” she huffs and you cover your mouth trying to stop a laugh from escaping.
For a brief moment, the weight of your emotions regarding Hazel and the photo fade into the background as you lose yourself in the conversation until eventually Brittany convinces everyone that we should probably study.
You pull out your notes adorned with doodles of different sea creatures and facts about them when you hear a familiar voice approach the table.
“Hey guys” the voice that belongs to the shaggy brunette starts “Josie told me you all were studying and that..” she looks at her phone reading the text “We are about to kill P.J, please come before one of us commits a felony”
P.J just responds with a huff a mutters something along the lines of “you all are just mad i get more hoes” as Hazel pulls out a chair and joins the group.
You scoot slightly more away from Hazel hoping nobody will notice. unfortunately these chairs are millenniums old and makes and obnoxious screeching noise
You cringe inwardly, feeling a flush of embarrassment creep up your cheeks as all eyes turn in your direction.
Hazel's gaze flickers briefly in your direction, her brow furrowing in confusion at the sudden noise.
"Sorry about that," you mumble, offering a sheepish smile as you try to play off the noise. "These chairs are... uh, not the most cooperative."
Everyone seems to accept that excuse as they get back to their previous tasks. You start shading in the sea creature you were previously drawing in your journal when you feel P.J looming over you.
“what the fuck knuckles is that” she says as she points at your drawing
you look down at a your notebook where you had draw what looks like a eel-shark hybrid
“it’s called a frilled shark” you start explaining as all eyes look at you “they get their name from the frilly appearance of their gill sets. In fact they’re one of the few sharks that eat their prey whole…”
You trail off awkwardly, realizing that you may have gone a bit overboard with your explanation when you see everyone blankly staring at you. Clearing your throat, you try to steer the conversation back on track.
"Anyway, um... yeah, it's just a cool creature I thought I'd draw," you finish lamely
“I think it’s sick”
you turn your head to the voice and see Hazel smiling at you “i mean a shark that moves like an eel?”
"Yeah, exactly!" you respond, a smile spreading across your face as you meet Hazel's gaze. "It's pretty fascinating how they've adapted to their environment."
fuck why does she have to be so damn irresistible.
your thoughts are cut off by the slamming of a text book and you see Brittany getting up “my brain feels all mushy, im going home to take a nap”
Josie nods, putting her computer in her back pack “i should probably get back to Isabel” and P.J mutters something about going to “fuck then duck” whatever that means.
Soon enough it’s just you and Hazel, you try to ignore the tension, but damn it’s so thick you could cut it with a knife.
For a moment, neither of you speaks, the silence stretching between you as you both seem lost in your own thoughts. You fidget nervously, unsure of what to say.
Finally, Hazel clears her throat, breaking the silence with a hesitant smile. "So... um, how have you been?" she asks, her voice soft and tentative.
You swallow, trying to push aside the swirling emotions that threaten to overwhelm you. "I've been okay," you reply, your voice slightly strained. "Just... you know, trying to stay busy with school and stuff."
and not making out with random red heads and getting chlamydia you add in your head.
Hazel nods, her gaze flickering briefly as she seems to search for the right words. "Yeah, I get that," she says quietly “hey um..have you been avoiding me? i’ve tried to text you but you haven’t answered and everytime i try to come up to you you walk the opposite direction”
your jaw clenches as you start putting everything in your shark printed back pack “what reason would i have to avoid you Hazel” your voice tinged with frustration and hurt.
she runs her ringed fingers through her hair and you try not to notice the prominent veins “that’s what i’m trying to figure out, did i do something?”
“not everything is about you callahan” you grunt out as you try to gather all your loose papers
“here let me help-“
“i don’t need your help” you shove her arm away and in the process her hand hits an open water bottle spilling water all over your notebook. the notebooks that has three years worth of research in it
A sense of panic washes over you as you scramble to salvage what you can, frantically wiping at the water with trembling hands. Hazel watches helplessly, her expression a mixture of concern and regret.
"I'm sorry," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to... I was just trying to..."
You cut her off with a sharp gesture, your own frustration boiling over as you struggle to contain your emotions. "Just... leave me alone, Hazel," you mutter, your voice thick with emotion.
she steps back as her eyebrows knit together “this wouldn’t have happened if you just let me help. Maybe instead of pushing people away talk to them”
You can see the hurt etched in her features, and for a moment, you feel a pang of guilt tug at your conscience.
"I'm sorry, I just..." you begin, your voice catching in your throat as tears threaten to spill from your eyes. With a heavy sigh, you toss your notebook into the trash and sling your backpack over your shoulder
"I have to go," you murmur, your voice barely above a whisper as you turn away, unable to face Hazel in that moment. With each step you take, the distance between you and Hazel grows, the ache of regret gnawing at your heart.
Hazel just presses her lips together and nods before you see the same red head from the photo calling her name in an annoying high pitched voice.
You watch in silence as Hazel hesitates, her eyes briefly searching yours for any sign of a response. Before you can gather your thoughts, she turns away, putting on a fake smile as the red-headed girl approaches.
"What's up, Becca?" she says, her tone polite but strained, the artificiality of her smile not escaping your notice.
you turn away, knowing that it's not your place to intervene in Hazel's personal life. And also if you stayed there someone would be getting punched in the face, and here’s a hint. it wasn’t going to be you.
“Did you say sorry at least?” Isabel ask as you lay upside down on her bed, letting the blood flow rush to your head to try to forget about what Josie now calls “they great water incident” that happened last week
"Yeah, I did," you reply with a sigh, your voice muffled from your upside-down position. “kinda.. i dunno. I mean you should’ve seen the way that becky, bexar, what ever the fuck her name is held onto her”
P.J shoves a handful of chips into her mouth and shrugs “i say kill the bitch”
Josie tosses a pillow at her face and huffs “We already have one murderous charge against us, we don’t need another”
Isabel nods in agreement. "Exactly. We'll figure this out without resorting to murder,"
“fine” P.J huffs holding her hands in the air “but just know that i know people”
“mhmm” you hum as you launch yourself back into an upright position on the bed stealing chips from P.J’s bowl.
As the group starts debating whether han solo or darth vader would be better in bed, you can’t help but wonder at this exact moment what hazel is doing.
Hazel sits on her bed in her apartment talking about how the frilled shark can unhinge their jaw and eat prey at least twice their size as the red head sits and stares at her.
Hazel has never been one for social cues, she sincerely honestly thought that Rebecca just needed a friend, and sure they made out at the party but in her defense her face looked similar to yours in the midst of her 6 shots.
So here they are in Hazels apartment, Hazel blabbering about the eel-shark abomination (that she most definitely didn’t spend five hours researching after finding out about it)
“Rebecca? did you hear what i said” she stops and tilts her head with wide eyes
Rebecca nods and turns to Hazel “mhm- yeah the shark is like- long or some shit”
“you seem distracted” the brunette mutters “and it’s not called a long shark it’s called a frilled shark because-“ her sentence is interrupted when she hears Rebecca let out a drawn out sigh and move closer to Hazel.
“Yeah that’s kinda gross Hazey and i’m bored so how about we have some fun…”
“i don’t know what you mean-“ hazel starts before the girl lifts her shirt off and suddenly Hazel realizes why this girl has been being so nice to her.
"I... I don't think that's a good idea," Hazel stammers, her voice tinged with unease as she shifts uncomfortably on the bed.
“come on baby” Rebecca whines as she crawls into an unwilling Hazels lap “I’ve heard how good you are in bed”
And it’s true, Hazel was amazing in bed and she has had her fair share of hookups, but usually she knows about them before.
"Rebecca, I... I really don't think this is a good idea," Hazel insists, her voice shaky as she gently tries to push Rebecca away. "I'm not interested in anything like that right now."
“shhh” Rebecca whispers out as she slams her lips against Hazels and suddenly everything seems too much, Rebecca’s lips are wet, the lights are too bright, the AC is too loud. Panic grips her as she struggles to push Rebecca away, her thoughts a jumble of fear and confusion.
"Stop," Hazel manages to choke out, her voice barely audible over the rush of blood in her ears. She pushes against Rebecca's chest with all her strength, her heart pounding with urgency.
Rebecca pulls back, frustration evident on her face. "What's wrong?" she demands, her voice tinged with irritation.
Hazel's chest heaves as she tries to catch her breath, her mind reeling with a flood of emotions. "I... I told you to stop," she says, her voice trembling
Rebecca's expression darkens, her features contorted with anger as she takes a step forward. "You're just playing hard to get,"
Hazel manages to push Rebecca off her lap and quickly stands up, putting some distance between them.
"I think it's best if you leave," she says firmly, her voice trembling slightly with the effort to maintain composure.
With a frustrated huff, Rebecca storms out of the room, leaving Hazel alone with her racing thoughts and pounding heart. As she sinks onto the bed she grabs her phone with shakey hands and presses your contact then the call button.
“Hey what’s up” your voice bellows out from Hazels phone
“Hey i don’t know what-“
“HAHA JK this is my voice mail, leave a message or don’t i don’t care” your voice interrupts and Hazel can’t help the tears that fall down her face
“Hey..i don’t know if you’ll see this but Rebecca was here and i thought we were just friends, i mean i know i kissed her but i was drunk and..anyways we were talking and-“ Hazels voice cracks “-and she climbed on me and i told her to get off but she didn’t and- and she kissed me and maybe it’s my fault but..i don’t know what the point of calling you is because i’m pretty sure you hate me. I dunno, i just needed to tell someone.”
She presses the hang up button and brings her knees to her chest letting out a sob. How could she have been so stupid? Flash backs of when her dad would buy her these new suits and buttons up because he knew you hated dresses, but then make her get dressed in front of him flashed back into her mind.
Despite her best efforts to push those memories aside, they continue to haunt her, casting a shadow over her as she cries herself eventually to sleep.
it’s not until two days later that you see the voice mail, you’re sitting in your biology class with your airpod in when you click the play button.
“What the fuck?!” you blurt out when it finishes and suddenly all eyes are on you.
You smile sheepishly as you gather all of your belongings and rush out of the classroom calling P.J
after three rings she answers with a “I’m talking to this really hot chick so this better be important”
“You remember when we said that we weren’t going to kill anyone anymore”
P.J hums “well YOU ALL said that, i never actually agreed to it”
“Yeah well…it’s time for some killing..or at least seriously maiming”
as you explained the situation to P.J, the last thing she said before she hung up was
“let’s go kick some leprechaun ass”
Okay so YOU didn’t kick some leprechaun ass, P.J insisted she could take Rebecca herself and you assuming it went well because as you were driving (well over the speed limit) to Hazels house you receive a message from P.J saying “i’m like 75% sure she’s still alive, anyways if police come questioning you, say a rabid bear attacked her”
You chose not to question her further.
You get to Hazels house and you take a deep breath, you’ve never been good at comforting people, usually you just pat their back and give them water. You assume that probably won’t work for this situation .
Taking a deep breath, you exit your car and make your way to Hazel's apartment. Each step feels heavier than the last, the weight of the situation bearing down on you with each passing moment.
you knock on the door three times fast, two slow, that was your signature knock for her since middle school. As the door swings open, you're greeted by the sight of Hazel, her eyes red-rimmed from tears. Without a word, you pull her into a tight embrace, holding her close.
“y-you came-“ Hazel mutters out as you pull away and she wipes her eyes
“yeah of course haze, im sorry i didn’t see the voice mail till today”
Hazel nods, her expression grateful as she steps back, allowing you to enter her apartment. As you settle into the living room, Hazel gestures for you to take a seat on the couch beside her. You can sense her hesitancy, so you squeeze her hand and softly smile.
“you can talk to me about whatever, you know that right haze?”
Hazel meets your gaze, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions—vulnerability, fear, and a glimmer of hope. With a shaky breath, she begins to recount the events of that night, pouring out her heart and soul to you.
And all you saw was fucking red. How the fuck could someone do this to her Hazel, her sweet, beautiful, funny Hazel?
Your heart pounds in your chest as Hazel's words sink in, each one feeling like a blow to your own sense of justice. Anger simmers beneath the surface as you listen to the betrayal she endured, your grip on her hand tightening instinctively.
Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you meet Hazel's gaze with determination burning in your eyes. "Hazel, I am so sorry that you had to go through that," you say, your voice firm but gentle. "But I promise you, we will get through this together. I won't let anyone hurt you like that again."
Hazel coughs out a laugh and looks at you with wet eyes “That’s supposed to be my line”
You smile softly at her response, a flicker of warmth spreading through your chest. "Well, consider it borrowed for now," you say, returning her gaze with sincerity. "Because I mean every word of it. I'm here for you, Hazel, no matter what."
In that moment, as you sit together in quiet solidarity, you know that your bond with Hazel runs deeper than words can express. And with that unspoken understanding, you both find solace in each other's presence.
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littlecactiguy · 25 days
A short writing exercise on John Doe from Malevolent, roughly based on a short video from I want to say late last summer/fall where Harlan voiced over them doing a farming game (I think? It's been a while, but I'm fairly certain that was a thing. Anyway, it's been sitting as a draft that long).
Let me know what you think <3 I'm considering signing up for the big bang as a writer, but want to get a feel for this fandom space before I commit to anything.
Of the three horses in the pasture, only the one John himself has now learned to ride comes over at his approach to the fence. Arthur’s gelding’s ears rotate in his direction, but the creature doesn’t seem to consider John more important than his grazing. The big, old draft horse who came with the small farm, and is enjoying his retirement immensely, continues to enjoy both the sunlight and his nap.
John isn’t so self absorbed as to believe his mare has any specific allegiance to him. She’s a horse. She’s intelligent, but he’s not been convinced that she has the capacity to understand the finer points of reasoning on why she shouldn’t ally herself with a former horror from beyond human comprehension. She’s simply learned to associate him with certain things.
Slowly, John takes the apple he’d snatched from the kitchen table fruit bowl out of his pocket.
Like treats. Mostly treats.
John holds out his hand, the apple carefully balanced on his palm. His mare sniffs. Her whiskers tickle his hand. Then, she accepts the offering. The mare’s lips rub against John’s hand as she takes and crushes the apple between her powerful teeth.
It’s a strange sensation, but not an unpleasant one. John has found he rather likes it. Touching a fellow living creature, feeling its warmth and its life beneath his fingertips is…
It’s hard to describe. Despite his attempts to do so in a journal he has firmly told Arthur he’ll murder him for if he ever comes close to reading, John still doesn’t know how. His relationship to sensation while in Arthur’s body has become a hazy dream he can only half-remember, but the parts he does…
Those are…
They weren’t all bad, John often convinces himself. The cold and the chill, the empty, simply all haunt in a way warmth, true warmth, not the burning heat of freshly spilled blood, do not. It makes their memory sharper in his mind’s eye, easier to recall.
John’s mare steps closer, reaching her head over the fence to nuzzle at his pockets.
“I’m afraid that’s all I have today.” John strokes her mane. Focuses on the softness. Allows the thought of its comfort to wash the fragments of dark doubts back into the deep ocean from whence they came. “Arthur may have a point about too many treats, but we won’t tell him that, will we?”
This mare had never been afraid of John, or growled at him like various dogs he’d met, whose eyes told John they could see him in ways others could not. He’d attributed her lack of fear, at first, to her perhaps not being all that smart, but the mare has indicated otherwise (largely through pasture escape attempts, which John can’t truly fault her for, being able to go where you want when you want is quite nice).
He doesn’t believe she’d ally herself with him if she knew any better, but horses, even the dim ones, are also notoriously, instinctively, jumpy creatures.
John’s mare’s calm around him makes him feel something he refuses to put to words in fear it’ll be chased away.
Even if it’s only, obviously, most likely only due to the apples.
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claudemblems · 11 months
Operation "Kiss the Girl" | Chapter 2: The Second Date
Prologue | Chapter 1
Summary: When your group of not-so-helpful wingmen tell Azul that you're "sick" and all by yourself in your dorm, it's not long before he appears at your doorstep, prepared to take care of you.
Genre: Fem!Reader. Lots of pining. Fluff.
Notes: I think I'm falling in love with Azul over the course of writing this fic aaaaa
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“Oh, poor Shrimpy. She can’t go to her classes because she’s sick, so she’s allllll alone in her dorm. I hope she’s okay~”
That was all it took for Azul to plead for Crewel to allow him to go check on you, and, when given the go ahead, made it to Ramshackle Dorm in record time. 
The truth was, you weren’t really sick. This was all part of the plan hatched by your self-proclaimed wingmen (without ever asking for your input, because they were professionals who knew what they were doing, of course). Pretending to be sick wasn’t your idea of wooing someone, but the plan had already been Crewel-approved. He made sure to recharge your seashell necklace before Azul arrived which gave you a few hours to be comfortable in your human form again. 
Soon enough your train of thought was interrupted by a series of knocks at your door. So, putting on your best “sick and miserable” act that you could muster, you opened it and greeted your concerned visitor.
“Hi, Azul,” you said with a sniffle. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in class?”
“You’re sick and no one’s here to take care of you,” he stated, eyes worriedly glancing up and down your form. “I got permission to come over and make sure you’re okay…May I come in?”
“Of course.” 
“Thank you.”
Azul set his things on the couch before wordlessly making his way to the kitchen. You shared a look with Grim who’d finally woken up from his cat nap, probably to go searching for some tuna.
“What’s he doing?”
“I don’t know. I invited him in and now he’s rummaging through the cabinets.”
“Maybe he’s looking for food? You know what they say: the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” Grim snickered. You could only roll your eyes and scoff.
“Your teasing is not helping me turn back human again, you know?”
“Why are you so worried about it? Being a human is overrated anyways.”
“Why do I even ask?”
But before the two of you could argue anymore, Azul appeared holding a cup of hot tea. 
“It helps with curing colds,” Azul answered, beckoning for you to sit down. You did, and he placed the cup and saucer on the coffee table before taking a seat opposite you. Grim, on the other hand, decided he needed a longer nap, retreating to your room upstairs for peace and quiet.
“You made this for me?” you asked, taking the cup into your hands, careful to not burn your fingers.
“Yes. You’re sick, and no one’s bothered to take care of you, so I suppose I ought to do it myself.”
You took a sip of the drink, sighing as warmth flooded your body. “Well, thank you for coming all this way to check up on me. I’m sorry that you felt obligated to, though…”
“I don’t feel obligated at all,” Azul assured. “You’re sick, and I want to help you feel better again. That’s all.”
The teacup stopped halfway to your lips as his words sank in, a smile tugging at your lips.
“...You’re very sweet, Azul.”
A comfortable silence enveloped the room as you finished your drink, savoring its sweetness. Though it was true that you enjoyed having Azul’s undivided attention, you couldn’t shake the guilt seeping into your chest. Maybe he truly didn’t mind doing all this for you, but you’d inconvenienced him and even lied to him. He was helping you out of the kindness of his heart, and you were using that kindness to your advantage. But you also didn’t want to ruin the efforts of your friends and your professor…
When all this is said and done, I’ll apologize for being untruthful to him, you decided. He deserves to know my true intentions about this whole mess, after all.
You blinked, snapped out of your thoughts once again. “Oh, yes. The tea was really good. Thank you.”
“I’m glad to hear it. It’s been a long time since I’ve made that kind, so I wasn’t sure how it would turn out.”
“Do you get sick a lot?” 
“Sometimes I come down with little colds, but they’re nothing to be worried over. I used to get sick a lot as a child, however, and my mother would brew tea for me. Although, she also included ingredients that you can find in the Coral Sea.”
“Oh, this is your mother’s recipe?” you asked. “No wonder it’s so good.”
“She’s always kept a watchful eye over me, making sure I never fell into any danger.” Azul smiled, thinking back to the pleasant memories of his childhood. “Truthfully, I don’t know how to take care of someone, but I remember how my mother cared for me when I was sick and how my parents continue to care for each other, so I thought the same methods would work for you, too.”
How his parents care for each other. You knew he wasn’t insinuating any sort of romance or attraction to you, but you couldn’t shake the thought from your mind. He’s caring for me like he’s seen his parents do for one another. I have to be thinking too much into this…right?
Maybe you really were sick. The delusions were starting to get to you.
“Actually,” Azul began, “I have an idea. How about I share some stories from my childhood? Maybe they’ll serve as good distractions to your sickness. I’m sure that you’re quite curious about the lives of merfolk considering they don’t exist in your world, after all.”
He’s offering to tell me stories of his past…of his childhood…information that he never shares with anyone else because it “leaves him vulnerable”... You almost wanted to ask him if he was under the weather, too. Surely there was no way Azul would willingly open up to a mere human…right?
But curiosity got the better of you. Even if there’s some other motive behind all this, I still want to know.
“Okay,” you answered, sighing as you allowed yourself to get into a comfortable position on the couch. “I’m all ears.”
“Good. Then I’ll start with the first time I met Jade and Floyd…”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
An hour passed by in a flash as Azul recounted the stories of his childhood, his tales of his life in the sea bringing you plenty of laughter and smiles. He was a great storyteller, well-spoken from all his time spent securing deals with clients, and his voice, of course, was just as beautiful and polished. You could never grow tired of listening to him speak. If only you had the ability to hear it every single day…
“I was wondering,” Azul began, breaking the silence, “with all these stories I’ve shared with you about my childhood…don’t they make you feel homesick?”
Homesick… Truthfully, you’d been so caught up in stopping overblots and finding a way to fix your condition that you hadn’t even had the chance to consider your own feelings. Did you miss home as much as you first did when you arrived at the college? Was there still that aching feeling in the bottom of your heart that you’d just grown accustomed to having? Did you really miss home so much that you would leave all of Twisted Wonderland behind never to return again?
“I’m sure you want to get home as fast as possible,” Azul said. “There must be a lot of people that you miss.”
People I miss…
“That’s true,” you answered. “I have a family waiting for me, and friends who must be so confused as to where I’ve disappeared to. But…” Your cheeks flushed as you stared down at your hands, too shy to meet Azul’s gaze, “If I were to leave…I would miss you.”
Pure silence followed your admission, anxiety building in the pit of your stomach as you struggled to find a way to alleviate the tension. You’d really just said that out loud without a single ounce of shame! How brazen did you have to be to say such a thing and expect him to agree with you?
Well, you clearly weren’t the only brazen one.
When you lifted your eyes to meet Azul’s, already prepared to profusely apologize, you found yourself caught off guard by the pink hue on his cheeks and the warm, comforting smile gracing his face.
“I’d miss you, too.”
You had to be dreaming. There was no way he’d actually said what you thought he did…right?
But if this wasn’t a dream, you needed to know how much he really meant it.
“What if I did leave? What would you do then?”
Without a moment’s hesitation, Azul answered, “I’d go with you, and I’d do everything to convince you to come back. If that’s what you wanted, of course.”
Something about his words reassured you, leaving your heart feeling like it had suddenly become lighter. When the day came for you to return home, you’d still have someone here thinking about you and missing you. You were special to Azul, a permanent resident in his guarded heart. The thought made your pulse thrum in your veins. 
You were special to him. You must be. There was no other way to explain it.
 “If the opportunity ever arises, could I stay in your world for a while?” Azul asked. “I want to see how humans live. Perhaps the experience could help me understand you more.”
“Of course. Wherever I go, you’re welcome to follow.”
The two of you continued your conversation as you shared stories of your own childhood, heart soaring in your chest whenever Azul’s eyes twinkled in delight or when his lips just slightly quirked upwards into a smile. He truly found all things human fascinating. It was almost as if he’d never even met one before. If Jade and Floyd were in the room at that moment, they would have teased Azul for his uncontainable excitement, but you were sure they secretly felt the same.
Another thirty minutes had passed when you realized the seashell’s power had begun to wane. Those pesky scales had started to pop up on your skin once more, a frustrating reminder that your time with Azul was limited. You wouldn’t have considered them so unsightly if it wasn’t for the fact that you might have to deal with them permanently.
Pulling out your phone, you texted your loveable idiots for help.
[ I’m starting to transform back. I probably have about thirty more minutes until I’m flopping around in my tail again. ]
Almost immediately, your phone rang.
“Sorry, Azul. Can I take this call?”
“Of course. Would you like me to step out of the room?”
“That’s not necessary. It’s just Ace and Deuce.”
You pressed the button to begin the call and put it on speaker.
“[Name]! How are you feeling? We’ve been worried about you all day!”
You heard Azul click his tongue in the background, muttering under his breath. “Sure you have.”
“Professor Crewel told us to come back to the dorm and take care of you for the rest of the day since we’re the ones that got you sick. Well, more like he threatened us by saying he’d give us a week of detention if we didn’t, but still!”
You held back a laugh. That part was probably true.
“Will you be here soon?”
“Yeah! Tell Azul to stay with you until we get back to Ramshackle. You need someone watching over you.”
“I don’t need some prickly little sea urchins to tell me that,” Azul huffed, no doubt thinking of a thousand ways to teach those two reckless friends of yours a lesson. “They’re the ones that need some common sense knocked into them.”
“Hey, what’s up with the attitude? I dare you to say that to my face!”
“Ace, now is not the time to be picking fights!”
“Okay, okay, fine. We’ll see you soon, [Name]. I hope Azul hasn’t bored you to death.”
You hung up the phone, and Azul breathed out a sigh of relief.
“Those two are so obnoxious. I don’t know how you manage to tolerate them.”
“You get used to it,” you laughed, setting your phone down on the coffee table. “That’s just how they always are.”
“Well, I’m glad I was able to come over here and take care of you at least. It wouldn’t do you any good to be in your dorm all by yourself—!”
Azul’s words were cut short by the sensation of your head hitting his shoulder. “U-Uh, um…i-is everything all right?” He silently begged that you wouldn’t turn to look at his face which had turned a very noticeable pink.
“Hm? What is it—oh!”
You abruptly removed your head from his shoulder and sat upright, eyes wide in shock and embarrassment. “I’m so sorry! I guess I just started dozing off without realizing…I’m really tired now that I think about it.”
A few moments passed before you felt a hand guiding your head back down. Your heart thumped against your rib cage, and you sneaked a glance at Azul, hoping to be able to read his expression.
“Get some rest,” he said, looking anywhere but directly into your eyes. The blush adorning his face made your heart swell. “You’ll need it to recover. Humans are fragile beings after all.”
Though you were still reeling from his sudden boldness, you did as he said, allowing yourself to relax against his body. It didn’t take long for you to get so comfortable that you were already nearly asleep. It had been a long day, after all. Perhaps some rest was just what you needed.
Your breath caught in your throat as you felt Azul take you into his arms, carrying you back to the couch. Gently, he laid you down, grabbing a nearby blanket and carefully draping it over your form. You didn’t dare give him any indication that you were still somewhat awake. You wanted to know what he’d do when you didn’t have your gaze on him, rendering him speechless and leaving him flustered.
Instead, in another surprising turn of events, you found yourself becoming the flustered one, all due to Azul’s mere touch.
You held back a gasp as his finger ran along your cheek, gently tracing patterns into your skin. The gesture, despite making your heart race, began to soothe you, beckoning you back to the temptation of sleep. You wanted to stay up longer, to hear every word that might fall off his tongue, to feel every touch of his fingertips that sent electricity surging through you.
But if all that wasn’t enough to make your heart swell, Azul whispered words so genuine and adoring that you asked yourself how all this couldn’t just be a dream.
“Sleep well, my precious human.”
Your tiredness finally overtook you, and you fell into a peaceful slumber.
Two days had passed. Now, you only had one day left to get your precious Azul to kiss you, or else you’d be stuck forever as a mermaid…and you’d forever have regrets. 
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agaypanic · 1 year
i was watching the chapter of "cynthia's back" and i would like to ask for an image with the same theme. only this time reader (fem!reader) is reese's girlfriend and she is insecure about her breasts. and reese consoles her somehow, nothing nsfw, rather sfw!!! please and thank you. 🫶🫶
Who Says (Reese Wilkerson X Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Reese tries convincing you that you shouldn’t pay your insecurities any mind.
A/N: Bc of the similar theme to the episode, reader has bigger breasts, but other than that her body isn’t really described. Also fic is titled after that Selena Gomez song bc sometimes titles are hard
You were already having a shitty day. You slept in late so you had to run to school, had a surprise pop quiz in the class you hated the most, grouped with the worst people for a project in your favorite class, and the lunch was horrible. Like, you wouldn’t be surprised if you got food poisoning from it. You just wanted to go home and nap off your bad mood, but when school let out, your boyfriend Reese reminded you that you two had agreed to go shopping for prom. You wanted to reschedule but knew that if you did, you’d never get around to it, especially with Reese’s tendency to get grounded and pull crazy schemes.
When you got to the mall, you ran into a bigger problem.
“God, why can’t you just zip?” You grumbled to yourself. This was the fifth dress you’ve tried on, and none of them fit, even though they were your size. Puberty had cursed you with big boobs, and although you usually were okay with them, they made clothes shopping a pain in the ass. “Please, I’m fucking begging for you to just zip.”
“Everything okay, Y/n?” Reese asked on the other side of the door. The question just made you more frustrated because everything wasn’t okay. You flung open the door, yanked Reese inside, and slammed the door shut. “Y/n, I don’t think we’re allowed to fool around in public.”
“Shut up, Reese.” You laughed weakly, the stupid joking lifting your mood slightly. You started unzipping your dress. “Nothing’s fitting.”
“Do you need me to get a bigger size?” He caught your sad look and panicked. “Not that your fat. I’m not saying that; I don’t mean that.”
“No, it’s not that, Reese.” You let the dress pool on the floor and threw on your sweater, oversized enough to hide what you were currently having a problem with without drowning you in fabric. “It’s no use. I might as well show up to prom in a burlap sack.”
“Y/n, what’s wrong?”
“Everything! If I get a dress that fits me, it doesn’t fit my boobs. If I get a dress that fits my boobs, it’s too big for my body. There’s no middle!” You turned to stare at yourself in the mirror, feeling hopeless. 
Reese looked at you through the mirror’s reflection. Comforting people wasn’t exactly his expertise; it was more the opposite. He was usually the reason people needed comfort. But he had to at least try. Hesitantly, he rested a hand lightly on your hip. When you seemed okay with his touch, he pulled you until your back was to his chest. He rested his chin on your shoulder, now making eye contact through the mirror.
“It’ll be okay.” That seemed like a good start, but you didn’t look so convinced. “You have time to figure it out; prom’s in like two months anyway.”
“But that’s not enough time to get rid of… these.” You gestured to your chest defeatedly.
“Who said you had to get rid of them?”
“I feel like a freak.”
“Well, you shouldn’t.” Reese’s hands slithered to wrap around you. “Look, I’m not gonna lie. I think it’s hot that you have big boobs.” You couldn’t help but laugh. “But that’s not the only thing about you I like. I’d list them, but we’d get kicked out from how long we’d be in here. The point is, you’ll have the time to figure it all out. Don’t stress it. You could show up in a burlap sack and still be the prettiest girl there.”
You nodded, taking in the words. Reese was right, you supposed. It’s not like you needed the dress tomorrow. But you wanted to be like the other girls who get their dress in advance so they could hang it up on their door and count down the days until the special event to wear it.
“Now, here’s what we’re gonna do; let me know what you think. You put your pants on, we put all this shit back on the racks and go to Auntie Anne’s. I want a pretzel.” You couldn’t help but smile.
“That sounds like a good plan.” You turned your head to meet Reese’s lips, kissing him sweetly before pulling away to finish getting dressed.
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softguarnere · 10 months
Like A Girl (Like A Man)
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Shifty Powers x OFC
Chapter 25: Udelida
Summary: His face is pale, yet between his shivering and the fat snowflakes that flurry between them, something like a smile might be pulling at the edge of his mouth. “Well, Private Driver, it looks like you’re no longer one of the only men without a Purple Heart.” A/N: Chapter title means "secret" in Cherokee Warnings: grief, death, injury, language, blood, war Taglist: @liebgotts-lovergirl @latibvles @lady-cheeky @hxad-ovxr-hxart @ithinkabouttzu @mrs-murder-daddy @lieutenant-speirs
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Belgium, 1945
One summer morning when Zenie was seventeen, Granny had announced that she would not be going to church because she had woken up with a headache, but would Zenie please bring her a serving of Mrs. Dill’s delicious banana pudding back from the picnic that would follow the service? Squeezing her hand, Zenie had promised that she would, and Bobby’s mom had been so kind as to send all the banana pudding leftovers home with Zenie.
Leftovers that sat forgotten on the kitchen table spoiling for two days after Zenie got home. Granny had more than a headache. Mama said that she must have passed peacefully during a morning nap.
They buried her the next day, up in Bird Town, on the Boundary, surrounded by her family and right next to her husband.
Zenie did not leave her room for three days after they returned home. Not until Mama came to her, to hold her, to tell her that Granny wouldn’t want her to waste away like this.
“You were very young when your grandfather passed away,” Mama said.
“I remember him, though.” Zenie, who had been lying so that she faced the window, finally turned to face her mother where she sat in between her bed and Marilyn’s. “Everyone thinks that I don’t, but I do. One memory, anyway.”
Mama had seemed surprised by this. “I didn’t know that . . . Do you remember what your grandmother said when he died?”
Zenie shook her head, her loose hair rustling against her pillow.
“She said that the best way to honor his memory was to go on living our lives.” Mama moved then, sitting on the edge of Zenie’s bed and taking her hand. Her hands were chapped from all her work as a laundress, her grip firm, like she could force understanding into Zenie’s hands, into her soul, if she just held on tightly enough. “There’s nothing that we can do to bring them back, either of them. But Granny would hate to see you so sad. She wanted nothing more than to see you happy.”
All Zenie had done those past three days is cry, yet somehow, warm tears sprang into her eyes.
“But she made me happy.” The lump in her throat made it hard to talk, but Zenie managed to force the words out in a whisper.
“I know.”
“I’m so lonely, Mama.”
“I know, baby. But do you know what?” When Zenie shook her head again, Mama brought her hands up to her lips and pressed a sad kiss to them. She took a deep breath, one that rattled the sadness in her chest a little. “She will always be with you.”
“She’s gone.”
Mama shook her head. “No. She’s in here.” She tapped Zenie’s forehead. “And in here.” She tapped her heart. “Whenever you need her, that’s where she’ll be.”
Zenie had burst into sobs then, had buried her head in her pillow and allowed herself to be shaken. If what Mama said was true, then why did it hurt so much? If Granny was with her, shouldn’t she feel her? It should feel as if her grandmother was giving her a hug, like she always had a hand on Zenie’s shoulder, guiding her – not like a whole piece of her was missing.
Where are you? Zenie would wonder sometimes, alone at night. Why can’t I feel you?
In the letter that Zenie had gotten on D-Day, Mama had said the same thing.
This is different, though. Zenie knows exactly where her friends have gone. And she wants them to come back.   
If Granny were with her – really with her – then she would know exactly what to do, the right thing to say that would make everything better. No – if Granny were here, none of this would have ever happened to begin with. Zenie never would have run away . . . But then if she had never run away, she never would have met Bill, Joe, any of her friends. She never would have met Shifty. Her heart aches when she thinks of his smile, of the way that he gently covered her eyes up on the mountain back in Clinchco.
Is this all her fault, somehow? Or would all of this – all of this devastation that currently surrounds her in this forest – have happened anyway?
Oh, Granny! Zenie thinks, lifting her eyes up to the dreary sky overhead. I think I’ve messed everything up.
There isn’t much time for her to wallow in this thought and the flood of emotions that it brings. Someone stands over her foxhole, gently saying her name.
“Tommy?” Lipton says for what is definitely not the first time. How long has she been down here? And how long has he been trying to get her attention?
Zenie raises her eyes to him. Now that she’s finally acknowledged his presence, the sergeant squats down in front of the foxhole, his voice quiet, his words only for her.
“Hey, Tommy. Do you need anything?”
Everything that she wants is just out of reach. She shakes her head.
The edges of Lipton’s mouth pull down in a frown, but only for a second. “Thomas, Captain Winters has asked to see you.”
This gets Zenie’s attention. Through the dullness that courses through her, she catches her heart speeding up a bit. Her voice sounds very small and weak when she asks, “For what?”
“I don’t know,” Lipton says. “But I’m sending Liebgott over there now, to act as his runner for the day. Why don’t you walk with him?”
Though his words end with a question mark, there’s the definite sense that this isn’t a suggestion, but rather, a gentle order. Even with everything that runs through her head, Zenie can understand that plain as day. Her hands are shaking slightly less when she puts her helmet back on and accepts the hand that Sergeant Lipton offers her to help her out of her foxhole.
Besides his excellent haircuts, Zenie doesn’t interact with Liebgott very much. He’s funny and he’s tough, but ever since that day that he confronted her about not showering in front of the other men, Zenie has been somewhat avoidant of his observant gaze.
When she approaches, Liebgott gives her a onceover. It doesn’t feel like he’s dissecting her, though, like he’s trying to figure out what her deal is. Instead, there’s something somber in his gaze. It’s something of a surprise when he extends a hand, gently clapping her on the shoulder.
“I’m sorry about your friends, Tommy.”
Zenie blinks, taken aback. Not sure what to say, she nods. She might mutter a halfhearted thanks.
“They were good guys,” Liebgott says. “I mean, Bill and I had our differences, but he was a hell of a good NCO.” He gives her a sideways glance as they walk. “Anyway, I hope you’re okay.”
Though they’re not particularly close, Zenie gets the feeling that he really means this. “Thanks,” she manages. “I –“ Not sure what else to say, she nods instead. “Yeah.”
As they approach the CP, Zenie begins to come back to herself. Back at the foxhole she hadn’t considered why Captain Winters, someone she’s also not particularly close with, might be calling her out here. Throughout the war, Zenie has been careful to maintain a careful distance between herself and Easy Company’s most beloved leader. She likes Winters, but she’s well aware that he would hold her fate in his hands if her secret were to get out.
And now he wants to speak to her directly. Her throat goes dry again.
Part of her expected the captain to round on her the moment she approached, to have her seized and sent away at once, but instead she finds Winters and Nixon bundled in coats, shivering against the cold and talking amiably.
“Ah, there they are,” Nixon says. Just as usual, his voice is jovial, but his expression is hard to make out behind his beard.
Winters stands to greet them, even though he doesn’t have to. “Liebgott, are you my runner today?”
“Yes, Captain.”
“Excellent.” With a gloved hand, Winters hands him an envelope and asks him to deliver it to the new aid station. (New aid station? Zenie finds herself wondering. Did they stop using the hospital?) Then, Winters gives her his full attention. His face is pale, yet between his shivering and the fat snowflakes that flurry between them, something like a smile might be pulling at the edge of his mouth. “Well, Private Driver, it looks like you’re no longer one of the only men without a Purple Heart.”
Oh, God, here we go, Zenie thinks. “Yes, Sir.”
“I was informed that you didn’t even stay at the aid station for a full day.” Winters makes a noise that, at first, Zenie thinks is a cough from the cold weather. But his shoulders continue jogging and his face breaks into a full smile. “Is that true?”
This certainly is not where Zenie imagined this conversation was about to go. “Yes, Sir. I only had minor wounds, so I came back with Doc Roe after he patched me up.”
“Goddamn,” Captain Nixon says, also with a smile. “You and Joe Toye, tough as nails.”
Being called tough, being compared to someone as tough as Joe, takes Zenie aback. But not as much as the image that now appears in her mind at the mention of her friend – images of blood-stained snow and other things that don’t seem real.
“Driver?” Winters’ smile disappears. “I was sorry to hear about Bill and Joe. I know they were your friends.”
For the second time, Zenie wonders how long she sat in that foxhole while the world crumbled around her. Also for the second time, she finds herself at a loss for words at someone’s offered sympathies. So few people offered condolences after Granny’s passing; accepting comforts is no simple task, she’s quickly learning.
“On that note,” Winters says, picking up the thread of the conversation. “Easy Company is down two excellent sergeants. And I think I know just the man who can help pick up the slack.”
“Congratulations, Sergeant Driver,” Winters extends his hand, giving hers a firm shake.
Wait, what? Like so much of the morning, this doesn’t feel real. Still, Zenie returns the captain’s smile as best she can, and even shakes Captain Nixon’s hand as well. She came to the CP expecting to be confronted and punished. Instead, she leaves with a Purple Heart and a promotion. What a day.
The thought keeps her preoccupied until she returns to the company. She falls into her own foxhole this time. It’s empty, but that’s okay – it gives her time to figure out how to tell her friends.
She’s just sat down when a thump! signals a person taking a seat beside her. Expecting Shifty, she turns to face him, the news on the tip of her tongue, when she recognizes Babe next to her instead.
The Philadelphian smiles. “Hiya, Zena!”
For a split second, all Zenie can do is blink in surprise. While her mind tries to catch up, her body springs into action, with all her hand-to-hand combat training from Toccoa and her years of being the youngest sibling rushing to the forefront. Babe is slammed back against the foxhole with Zenie’s right forearm while her left hand clamps itself over his mouth. Her friend’s eyes go wide with surprise. He looks as shocked as she feels when she realizes what she’s done.
Now that she’s got him here, she’s not sure what to do. For an uncomfortable minute they just stare at each other in shock until Zenie feels something warm and wet touch her fingers. She springs away from Babe, back to her side of the foxhole, wiping her hand on the leg of her pants.
“Ew! Did you just lick me?!”
“Well what the hell else was I supposed to do? You looked ready to kill me!”
“Because you – “ They’ve both raised their voices. Zenie pops her head over the rim of the foxhole to see if anyone that could have overheard them is listening in. No one seems to be paying attention. She slumps down into the earth and hisses, “Why did you call me that?”
Babe tilts his head. “Your name?”
“It is, but no one can know!” Only three people know, and one of them is gone. “Wait. How did you know?”
Babe has the decency to look sheepish. “Okay, don’t be mad. I said don’t be mad! You already look angry.”
Zenie can’t really tell what her face might look like at present. This is nothing more than another unexpected event in the longest and most perplexing day of her life. Still, for Babe’s sake, she tries not to look upset.
“Bill told me – “
“Son of a bitch! He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone!”
“You said you wouldn’t get mad,” Babe insists again. He rushes on before they can fall into more bickering. “Bill was just worried about you, was all. It’s a big secret – a dangerous one – and he thought that having two people watching your back would make you safer.” Silence fills the space between them as Zenie absorbs it all. A small smile tugs at Babe’s lips as he adds, “If it makes you feel any better, Bill threatened to kill me if I told anyone. I’m only tellin’ you because I wanted you to know that even though he’s gone, I’ve got you covered.”
She trusted Bill with her secret. And, admittedly, she wasn’t wrong to. He may have shared it with someone else, but he was looking out for her, just like he has been since they first met. He’s gone, but one more person who knows her secret is still here. And who knows? Maybe Babe knowing her secret will make things easier.
“Well when the war is over, I’m counting on you to take me to Philly so that I can give him a good smack upside the head for telling my secret,” Zenie says.
Babe laughs. “Of course.”
Zenie sighs, squaring him up. Babe knowing will make things between them easier, she reasons again. Besides, he never told Bill about all their sneaking out to dance whenever he put them on guard duty. Surely, he can keep this secret just as easily. “You swear you won’t tell anyone?”
“Promise.” One of his gingery eyebrows quirks in question. “Besides Bill, does anyone else know?”
“Just Doc Roe and Shifty.”
“Hmmm . . .” Babe considers this for a moment, squinting down at his hands. Just as Zenie is about to break the silence, he looks up. “So that’s why you and Gene are always sneakin’ off, huh?”
Zenie nods. “He checks in with me. Gives me bandages for my chest, health sponges, if I need them.”
Babe raises his eyebrows. “Is that it?” When Zenie nods again, something flickers across his face for just second before he asks, “Is there something going on between you two?”
“What, me and Gene? No! He’s just – “ Just helping me out, Zenie almost says. But can that really describe the full extent of what Eugene has done for her? She amends her words. “ – a friend.”
This is considered for another quiet moment before Babe nods. “Okay. Okay, well that’s good, because I was worried that maybe you two had something goin’ on.” His cheeks turn the same bright color as his hair. “I’ve been, uh – well, I’ve been tryin’ to get his attention for a while now, and I didn’t want to get in the way of anything that you two might have.”
A memory hits her then, of returning to the company with Gene after he brought her back from the church in Bastogne. Shock had been evident on Babe’s face, at what Zenie had assumed had been her unexpected return. But now, thinking about how she and Gene had reappeared together . . . and not even for the first time, considering how careful the medic has always been with whisking her off to aid stations so that she could have some privacy. No wonder Babe thought that they were a couple!
“You’re good to go,” Zenie assures him.
Babe huffs a little laugh, brows furrowing. “You ain’t bothered by –“ He makes a vague gesture. “ – by my . . . what I just said?”
I’ve been tryin’ to get his attention for a while now. Zenie knows that feeling. Her mind flashes back to her first kiss, to Lucy Jordan’s kind smile and soft lips. She also knows how good that feeling is when the attention is caught, when it’s returned in kind.
Funny, how when she first joined the army, she had been excited to find someone like herself in Shifty, with his family’s mixed background. And now she’s found someone like herself in Babe, too.
“Babe, I would be a hypocrite if I was bothered. I mean, look at the situation I’m in.” This seems to calm her friend’s nerves, because his eyebrows unfurrow and a shyer version of his usual smile finds its way back to his lips. “Besides, I think Shifty would be pretty upset if I had something going with Gene.”
“Shifty!” A hand flies to Babe’s face and he laughs into his palm. “Oh, goddamn! That really explains why you’re always glancin’ at him like that.” He laughs in that way that must be a staple of growing up in Philadelphia, because it sounds similar to Bill’s. The sound is jolly, but it’s a reminder that their friend isn’t here to share in this small joy with them. A pang of hurt zips through her heart like a lightning strike.
To distract herself from the pain that threatens to well up and spill over again, Zenie says, “Well, now that you know my secrets, I’m expecting you to do a better job at keeping them than Bill.”
Babe only smiles. “I’ll keep yours if you keep mine.”
She wouldn’t dream of telling anyone her friend’s secret. Still, after the day that they’ve had, she can’t help but return the smile, even if only for a moment. “You’ve got yourself a deal.”
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teemingwindow · 4 months
I Made a introduction chapter on my two ocs, Charlie and zeph on how they meet and how their story together starts
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Anyways the story is below if you want to read it
Chapter introduction:
March 11. 12:32 pm Charlie’s pov
the start of spring break, It’s starting to get warmer and it’s time for me to take a well deserved break.
I wonder if there’s going to be a party today? naw there will be one, Cody will come in last minute to tell me there’s one to celebrate the start of spring but in the meantime I’m going to take a nap to wait for Cody to get back from work.
5:53 pm. Cody finally gets back form work.
“So how was work?”
“Ugh it sucked, there was so many complaints about how ‘the food didn’t match the ad’. I swear people get dumber everyday.”
I snickered “yeah I guess people do, anyways is there anything going on tonight? Any party’s?”
“Party’s? Oh yeah um you know wendyl right?”
“Kinda not really”
“Well they are going to throw one at like 7:30 at their apartment, do you want to go with me?”
“Yeah why not, I need to leave this crumby room anyways”
With a big smile Cody says “yes finally dude, you haven’t gone with me to a party since the start of college. Also You should take a shower before we leave because…jeez…”
I roll my eyes “with you being in that hot kitchen all day, you really shouldn’t be talking.” I laugh
7:23 pm. While driving to wendyl’s place I look around at the lively city, the streets are full of party goers, the allays are real dark like it’s the next murder location on the news, but somehow it was all peaceful. I really don’t know this wendyl guy so I ask Cody where exactly they live
“So Cody what floor does wendyl live on?”
“Ooh umm their room number is 308 so I assume it’s a the tired floor”
“Alright thanks just wanted to know”
we finally arrive to wendyl’s building, we start to head up stairs to room 308. We knock on the door.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
The door swings open and a steps out black and brown tasmanian daredevil wearing a iris purple cloak.
“Ayyy Cody, how’s it going! Have you been living good?” With excitement in their voice
“Yeah it’s been fine just you know, work”
“Yeah Work, it’s a real bitch. Anyways whos this with you?”
“Oh this is Charlie, he’s my collage room mate”
“Well hello Charlie” wendyl says with a friendly smile and puts their hand out for a hand shake, i accept “it’s good to meet you to wendyl” I smile back.
“If you guys wanna come in we got beer and games” wendyl says seemingly trying to go back to partying.
“Charlie’s not really a drinker but I’ll have some”
“Alright we’ll come in!” Wendyl wave us in and it’s packed full of people, there’s some white tables with beer and snacks with a game of beer pong going on near by. I grab a red cup full of water and go try to talk to people.
“Dude did you that game?! It was wild man so much crazy shit happened!” A deer wearing a flannel t-shirt said to a panda wearing a black and blue hoodie
“I know man! I can’t believe the ref allowed that to fly!” The panda said
Curiously I tried to bud in to see what they were talking about “what game was this and what happened?”
They both kinda just stared at me and went back to talking
‘Well that didn’t go anywhere’ I thought. I try to talk to a couple of more people but they all ignore me so I go to the back of the room and stand there wondering when I should leave, but then I see someone next to me. A purple cat wearing a black hoodie with a cartoon bear face on it, they have a puzzled look on their kinda like their people watching. Not seeing them talking to anyone I try and start a conversation.
“So are you having a good time?” I ask
The cat turns to me, looks at me for a second and smiles “yes I am, thanks for asking”
Weirdly I don’t really believe them but I don’t want seem rude and I don’t want to lose the conversation so I ask them something else
“Cool, do you know wendyl from anywhere?”
“Oh umm…..yeah I met them in high school. How do you know wendyl?”
“My roommate introduced me to them just today actually” I chuckle kinda sounding stupid
“My name is Charlie what’s yours?” I hand out my hand for a handshake.
“It’s zeph”
during this whole conversation he never stoped smiling at me kinda like he can’t.
We keep talking for what feels like 10 minutes but I realize it’s been 2 hours of nonstop bonding and now I feel I’ve know him since forever. I’m actually starting to like him even with his goofy smile, it’s kinda cute.
“Ah shit it’s already 9:30!? Ugh, well It’s time me to go home i guess” I say In disappointment.
“Why do you gotta leave?”
“I promised some of my buddies I would join them in game night”
“Well can you call in and cancel?”
“No no I really can’t, ugh and I was just having fun here”
“We’ll do you want me to drive you?”
“No it’s alright, I can get my roommate to drive me back”
“I don’t hes here anymore, there’s only like 5 people left.” I look around and see that he’s right, I don’t see Cody anywhere and there’s really no one around.
“I guess your right but I’ll still call an Uber, it’s fine dude you don’t have to” I smile at him in good faith.
“You sure? I was planing to go to the gas station and getting some snacks, I’m buying”
I don’t think he’s going to take no for an answer so I take his offer.
“Alright fine, you can drive me home.” Somehow in someway his smile gets bigger, it’s kinda freaky.
“Alright then let’s go, my car is in the alley.”
We leave the room and start to head down the stairs and go into the alley. thinking this is the only time I have, I try and get his number.
“So zeph could I get your number? So we can continue this conversation?”
“Oh I’m sure it’s (777) •••-•••-••••” I put his number in my phone.
“Thank you” I say with glee. ‘Sweet! i got a guys number, mabye this wasn’t a waste of time after all’
We get to his car and it’s snug between the two buildings with a dumpster with some trash bags next to it on the left building and a pile of bricks next to the right building.
“I’m impressed how you even got this thing in here”
“Oh thanks” his smile gets bigger in response. “You can take the front if you want”
When I go and try to open the door I hear something clink on the floor.
“Ah shit!” I look up at him in confusion.
“What happened?”
“I dropped my keys next to the trash bags and I can’t see them, could you give me a hand please?”
“Umm sure” I walk around the car and I see him bent over looking at the trash bags.
“I think they landed somewhere over here” he points, i go down on both of my knees and start to dig where he pointed but he gets up and walks somewhere. Weird.
“I can’t find them dude “ I continue to dig in the gross mess of trash bags full or garbage.
“Well they gotta be there” he sounds as if he’s getting something.
I continue to feel around and I feel something jab my hand.
“Oh hey I found your keys” I grab them and turn around and I see zeph standing overtop of me with a brick in right hand and this sadistic smile on him with his eyes peering into me, I feel if I can’t move, my mind racing with so many thoughts and I-I-I don’t know what to do. is this some kind of joke…? or is it nothing at all and I’m over thinking..?
“Zeph? why do you have a bri-“
End of chapter introduction
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vmeemo · 1 year
Tavern Night Out
It was a quiet evening in the house outside of town. Which under normal circumstances would mean a nice, quiet night of relaxation and general calm vibes. This night however a certain catgirl managed to convince her friend to go out tonight to the tavern for a night out together.
"It won't be that bad Star." Kepler says, putting on a sweater, "It'll be just the two of us girls hanging out."
Her companion on the other hand blows some air as she says this, "And that's why I don't want to go. What was wrong with what we did before?"
"Nothing was wrong Star. I just wanted to mix it up a little bit." Kepler playfully nudges the shorter witch with her elbow. "So that's why we're going into town for a bit. And come on, you have to admit." Kepler starts putting on some shoes, her ears flicking absentmindedly a little, "You are just more surprised that I was the one who suggested this idea in the first place."
Seeing her friends' surprised face tells Kepler all she needed to know. Chuckling at this the gravity cat smiles and turns around, her tail brushing up against Star's hair. "Just trust me on this ok? I'm sure you wanted to give something else a shot? We can do what you like to do next time ok?"
"...Ok. I will try to enjoy myself." Star lets a smile form on her face, adjusting her robe. "We haven't gone out together in a while after all. You" She points a finger at Kepler, "are a lazy cat, so we don't get to do much."
"Hey you love it."
Star rolls her eyes and puts her footwear on. Once both of them are ready to go, they leave their home and walk over to the carriage. Star opens her robe a little, allowing a beetle to fly out and land on the ground. Kepler watches as she places a mushroom on-top of its head, before the beetle grows in size until it is about the size of a horse. With the reins attached to the beetle, the two witches hop on the carriage, where Kepler sits down beside Star.
"You ready?"
Star lets out some air as she holds the reins in her hands, "Ready as I can be when you get forced to go out by a lazy cat."
Said cat playfully sticks her tongue out at the other witch as Star gestures to the beetle to start moving. Once the carriage is on the dirt road Kepler takes this opportunity to get herself comfortable. It may only be a half hour ride from home to town, but that doesn't mean that comfort shouldn't take priority. Getting herself comfortable she looks out to the trees absentmindedly. Normally she would in fact nap on the ride but she doesn't want to do that this time. She has all the energy she needs in order to hangout with her friend. Letting out some air and feeling her ears twitch from the light breeze Kepler simply allows herself to relax for the half hour trip into the town of Senfold.
(Half hour later)
Kepler opens her eyes as she starts to hear the rustle and bustle of the town ahead. She stretches her arms as she glances over to Star, who is looking at her with an amused expression. "Not even five minutes out from home and somehow despite you dragging me out here you still manage to nap on the ride here."
Despite what she said Kepler wasn't bothered by it. She allowed a grin to form on her face before wrapping an arm to Star's side, "And yet you kept going to town anyway. Admit it, you wanted to do this night out as much as I did."
The mushroom witch shifts her head a little, which to the catgirl means that she just rolled her eyes. Her eyes may be covered by hair all the time, but Kepler knows her well enough to know most of her body language. Letting go of Star, Kepler points over near the tavern, "There's a spot for Moon! Let's take it. They get some rest, and just have a good time while we're having fun inside."
Star nods at the suggestion, turning the giant stag beetle towards the area she pointed at. Once she leads both the beetle and the carriage towards the spot, the two witches disembark. Kepler gives the large beetle a pat on its side before walking over to Star, who is making sure everything is secured.
"You good to go?" Kepler asked.
The short witch hums as she secures her giant beetle, making sure it's all good before walking up to the taller catgirl, "Yeah yeah I'm coming."
With her friend beside her, Kepler leads Star over to the front of the tavern, the sign reading The Fortified Keg hanging over the door. Opening the door the two witches enter the tavern, seeing the bustling of people inside, some getting drinks, some with food, others having conversations, and even more looking like they had just finished a hard days work. With that observation, the two head over to a table and take their seats.
Star shuffles in her seat, getting herself some additional height to be level with Kepler, "Busy night huh? We were lucky to just find a spare table. So then-" Kepler watches her lean back in her chair, "Guess we just wait for someone to take our order then?"
"Yeah... Sure." After she says that, it falls to a relative silence between the two witches. It was around this point that Kepler realized that this wasn't exactly a great idea. Not because of getting out of the house, but because any amount of small talk won't mean much. They both live together, they both almost always know what the other person is up to at the given moment, and they both know each others routine in and out. So take all of that into consideration and suddenly any thought of going out becomes a not so great one.
As Kepler was struggling on what to say, much less do, Star speaks up. "Kepler." She looks over at the other witch, "What do you call a pile of cats?"
Kepler was confused at the question. Was this about her personal life or... "A cuddle pile I guess?"
The cat witch sees a smile form on Star's face, "A meow-ntain!"
When she says that it took a bit for Kepler to get it. Once she did though the catgirl snorted at the terrible joke. "Meow-tain? Really?"
"Hey it took a bit to think of that one!" Star looks away embarrassed, "Not like you got anything..."
Oh that was a challenge. And while Kepler doesn't normally exert herself too much, this was an exception. "Well Star, I'll have you know that I am an excellent joke master."
Star smirks and rests her head on her hand. Kepler doesn't need to see that her friend is waiting for her attempt at a joke. With that said, Kepler accepted it too soon, when she doesn't have any idea what to use. Glancing around the tavern she looks for anything that could be used as a joke. Upon glancing at a pumpkin pie nearby she gets one. "Alright, What do you call a fat pumpkin?"
Star thinks a little bit before shrugging. Now it is time for the cat to add in the punchline, "A pumpkin!"
There was silence at the table. When it felt like forever, Star puffs out her cheeks a little before chuckling, "Kepler that was terrible."
The catgirls' ears droop a little when Star says that, "Yeah I know... I needed something at least. It was the best I could come up with."
The witch across from her chuckles as she leans over and places a hand on hers, "Well it was an attempt at least." Star clears her throat before leaning away. "Alright, got another one. What do you call a bunch of strawberries in a band?"
"I don't know, what?"
"A jam session!"
Ok that one got Kepler laughing. "Not half bad Star. Not half bad at all." The catgirl witch thinks for a moment as she attempts to make another joke, "Alright here's another one. What do you call a joke you make in the shower? A clean joke!"
This time Star smiles as she giggled at that, "See you got potential. But not good enough. Let's see..." As the mushroom witch tries to think of another one to tell, a human waitress walks by, waving over at the two.
"Ah sorry about that! Apologies about the wait, we are super busy as you can see. I hope that I didn't interrupt anything?"
"No no you're fine!" Star makes sure that the waitress wasn't interrupting anything before clearing her throat, "Say Kepler-" Star grins as she looks over at her friend, "I can tell you this last joke. But. There's a condition to it. If I can get you to laugh at this next one, you have to pay up. And if you don't then you can pick what I get to eat. Sound like a deal?"
Kepler's brows raise up at the challenge. Glancing over at the waitress, she sees that she too is interested at this stipulation. "Alright, I except this challenge. Only one joke." The witch grins at the other girl, "Go."
Seeing her friend immediately go into thinking makes her wonder what kind of joke Star will pull off. Eventually after what felt like minutes Star grins as she folds her hands together, "Knock knock."
A knock knock joke huh? Well lets see what she has then. "Who's there?"
"Owl say."
"Owl say who-"
Right then and there Kepler keeled over on the table. And Star can see it. And with that she can see the other witch deliver the finishing blow, "Yes, they do."
And Kepler laughed at that. It was so dumb that she should be ashamed of falling for such a corny joke so easily. But that's likely why she laughed in the first place. Because of how corny it was. "Alright Star you win. I'll pay for the food." The catgirl looks up at the waitress who seemed slightly amused at the joke as well. "Sorry about that."
The waitress brushes her off, "It's ok. Did give me a little laugh as well so you don't need to be ashamed at losing to something so corny. Anyways-" She pulls out a little notepad, "What would you two like to order?"
Kepler hums as she looks over the menu. In hindsight she probably should've done this earlier, but she was too into the joke-off her and Star were having. Luckily there was something the catgirl could have. "Yeah I can go with... The Stronganoff Special? With noodles if that's fine."
The waitress hums as she writes this down. Star on the other hand raises a brow at this, "Don't you mean stroganoff?"
"No I said Stronganoff. It's written like that see?" Showing the menu to Star, she blinks a little before uttering a small 'huh' as she sees that it is in fact spelt that way. "Well then. As for my order, I will have a chicken and greens alfredo."
The waitress hums some more before looking at the two, "And would you two like some drinks with that or wait a bit?"
"Wait a bit for now if you don't mind."
With a nod and a smile the lady walks away with their order written down, leaving both witches alone at the table once more. Before Kepler broke the silence anyway, "You did pretty well with those jokes." She playfully nudges Star's shoulder from across the table, "When did you become such a comedian?"
She chuckles as she is asked that question, "Never really. I just remember reading them somewhere and figured that we needed an icebreaker since we both were kinda flubbing this night out so far."
"Yeah you weren't wrong there."
The two laughed at this. And here Kepler was, thinking that this was a bad idea. "So Star-" She leans back in her chair and shows off her bracelet, "Wanna watch me twirl some forks around for a bit while we're waiting?"
Star rolls her eyes at the question. Good enough for her. The magic glows faintly in her bracelet as she makes the set of forks they have float in the air before rotating in the air. "I won't be doing this for long. Just something to do while we wait. I'll stop if you want me to." Not immediately hearing anything from her friend, Kepler keeps rotating the two forks in the air before tapping them together.
"Oh neat." Kepler said, noting the resistance of the forks when she tried to pull them apart, "Magnetic. Don't see that everyday." Kepler lessens the gravity around one of them, seeing that they're still stuck together. "One of those fun little things you don't see often."
Star nods in agreement at this. After another rotation with the forks Kepler sets them down on the table. "That was fun while it lasted." Letting out a sigh the catgirl rests her head on her hand, "I know it's busy here and all but I want my food..."
The mushroom witch nods, tapping her fingers against the wooden table as they both patiently wait for their food. As they wait, Kepler scrunches her face. She is not doing a great job with this and needs to figure out what to say so that it isn't so awkward between the two.
"Hey Kepler?"
The catgirl glances at the other witch, who is twirling one of the ends of her hair, "Maybe... Sometime we can go out over to Port Dorroad? It's a long trip I know but there was a place I saw when I travelled before that might interest you?" Kepler raises a brow, no longer feeling anxious about how to make this less awkward, but curious about what Star has in mind.
"Well it was a sculpting fair I think. I know it's not what you would normally do, but I guess I thought that it was something we can go to together?" Star nervously taps her fingers against the table before shaking her head, "Forget it, it was a silly idea."
Shaking her own head at this Kepler places a hand on Star's, making them stop tapping, "I don't think so. Yeah it's not something either of us do but that doesn't mean we can't find enjoyment out of it right? May as well try."
Star is silent at this. Eventually she smiles, her hand now laying flat on the table. "Thanks. It'll be awhile before we head out to Dorroad but glad we could talk about it." Kepler nods, and before either of them could continue the conversation, both of their plates of food arrive, being placed in front of them.
"Here you are!" The waitress says, smiling at the two, "Sorry it took so long. Hope you two enjoy your meal!"  The two witches thank her before she walks away. With her gone the two look at their food, still steaming. Star picks up her fork, digging it into her alfredo.
"Here's hoping this was worth the wait." Following her lead Kepler picks up her own fork, digging into her food. Upon taking a bite the catgirl notes two things. First, it was still a hot for her when she put it in her mouth. And two, this was really good. Impressed by the taste of the beef and the sauce in her mouth, Kepler takes another bite of the stroganoff.
After the second bite Kepler glances at Star, who also seems to be enjoying her own food as well. As if she knows that the catgirl is staring at her, Star looks up at her and smiles, "You know what? This was absolutely worth the wait. We should come here again sometime."
Kepler nods in agreement, taking another forkful of beef into her mouth. She was no food aficionado, that's too much work. What she can say about this food in front of her? Best thing she's eaten. As she chows down on her dinner she makes note of Star taking her time with it. That's when Kepler stops, holding out a forkful of beef stroganoff to her friends' face, "You want a bit? I don't mind really."
Eyeing the forkful of food, Star glances at Kepler before taking a bite from her fork. She watches her chew on it for a moment before swallowing. "That." Star leans forward and smiles, eyeing Kepler's food, "That was pretty good. A bit better then my safe option. Which is why I want to trade."
Oh she was not going there. "No. My food." Kepler pulls her plate away from the hungry witch, "You have your own, eat that. You can get it next time." Star giggles at this, trying to stab Kepler's food with her fork, "Stop it. Mine!"
"Come of Kep I'm sure you can spare some of it!" With her own fork Kepler blocks Star's attempts at eating her more of food.
This goes on for a little bit between the two, with Star trying to stab a bit of Kepler's stroganoff while she parries the attacks. There was a brief opening, and that was all that Kepler needed, rushing forward and stabbing  a bit of chicken and noodles before taking that bite. Kepler smugly smirks at Star as she chews on the chicken alfredo, who glares back. With a sigh Star leans back into her chair with a small smile, "Alright Kep, you win. I won't eat anymore of your food. Just don't eat mine ok?"
She chuckles at this before going back to eating her food. Calmed down from the playful 'battle' between the two Kepler lets herself relax as both her and Star eat their dinners, making quiet conversation whenever they each thought of something to say. About 15-20 minutes pass before they each are finished with their respective dinners, Kepler leaning back against her chair.
"Oof. Who knew that one serving was enough to fill me up?" She looks over at Star, who has pushed her plate away. "You good too Star?"
The witch lets out a long breath of air in response. That told her everything she needed to know. Which was good as she saw their waitress come by, looking cheery as always, "You two doing well? Would you be interested in our deserts?"
As tempting as it was, Kepler already wasn't ready for whatever the price of their meals and drinks would total up to, desert would drain her dry if she got some for the both of them. "We're good thanks. Just hand me the bill if you don't mind."
She nods her head and writes on her notepad, pausing every now and then to do the math. When she gets it done the waitress writes down the total and passes the paper to Kepler, "Your total is around 27 silver pieces."
Kepler feels her eye twitch in annoyance before making it stop. 27 was a lot for a two person dinner. She was lucky that she saved up to 40 silver for this reason but still. Holding back some air she digs into her shirt to pull out her little bag containing her silver. Pulling out around 34 silver she hands it over to the waitress, who keeps the smile up as she takes her hard earned silver. "Thank you! Hope you two have a nice night!"
The waitress was about to leave when Star clears her throat, "Sorry to ask but do you do take home drinks here or no?" Kepler keeps silent, wondering what she was up to. She should've asked if Star wanted anything else, and the mushroom witch gently clasps her hand, stopping her from pulling out more silver, "You don't need to do that Kep. I can do it if the options there."
Looking at Star the waitress shakes her head, "I'm sorry miss, we don't do that anymore. We used to but tourists and the adventuring type would never actually return them after they're done with them. Sorry for that."
Star waves the waitress off, understanding what she means, "No worries. I'd be pretty annoyed too if people essentially stole glassware from my business. Just figured I'd ask. Thanks again." The waitress bows her head and walks off, leaving the two witches alone. "Sorry about that. Before I moved here with you there was a city that did do portable drinks. I wasn't really expecting it to happen but I figured to ask anyway."
The catgirl could understand that to a degree. "Maybe one day we can go somewhere that does that. In the meantime though-" Kepler gets out of her chair, stretching her limbs, "I'm about ready to go home. Pretty sure that Moon wants to do the same, being out there for who-knows-how long."
"Yeah... Let's go then."
Star gets up from her chair as well, letting Kepler lead the way. When they get out of the tavern the had gone down outside, a few stars shining dimly in the sky as they both walk over to the giant stag beetle, who slowly got up as the two witches approached it. Kepler climbs onto the carriage seat as Star pets the beetle, getting herself comfortable before the other person gets on as well and they go off to head home. Kepler feels herself dozing off a few times, but the rocking of the carriage kept her awake. It was quiet during the duration of the half hour ride back. It was understandable to the cat witch, as both of them were getting tired.
When they finally made it home Kepler was relieved. When Star parks the carriage near the house she hops off of it, heading towards the house, feeling herself become more and more tired as she got closer. When Star showed up shortly beside her with Moon resting on her hat did Kepler go inside the house with her friend. Upon entry Kepler places the bag of silver on the counter, going for her bedroom. She wants to be in something comfy.
It didn't take long for her to change either, going for a pajama shorts approach. All dressed up now she heads over to the couch, seeing Star in her favourite spot, also dressed up in nightwear. Were it any other day she would be playful about it and lay on Star until she relented but she wasn't feeling up for it tonight. Guess being in a public place for that long really drained her. Shuffling over to the couch Kepler takes her seat beside the mushroom witch, feeling all of her energy drop the instant she sat down.
Letting out a yawn she glances over at Star, "Ugh... Think I might just sleep on the couch tonight... Don't feel like going to my bed. Ironic considering I changed there. I can carry you to bed if you want, I don't mind..."
She doesn't hear anything from Star at first, leaving her in silence. Before Kepler could say anything else she hears her friend speak, "Maybe... We could sleep here together? Cuddle if you like? I feel the same way really. Too lazy for my own bed." Star lets out a tired chuckle as she shuffles on the couch, laying down on her side, "I'm becoming like you."
Feeling a grin form at this Kepler joins Star, laying where she was. It was a bit of a squeeze but she could handle it, "Isn't it great? Now you too can relax."
They both let out a tired laugh at this before they each let out a yawn. As Kepler finishes yawning, she absentmindedly wraps her arms around the shorter witch, placing her hands around her stomach area. Once she realizes where her hands are Kepler pulls them away, "S-Sorry. Don't know why I did that..."
Before she could fully take her furry hands off of her though, Star grabs one of them, guiding it back down to her stomach, "Don't mind it. Feels yawn nice..."
Kepler blushes a little at the forwardness before relaxing, letting her fingers gently touch Star's exposed tummy.  Letting herself be comfortable with this she unknowingly allows herself to purr into Star's back, closing her eyes to allow herself to sleep. A good end to cap off a good dinner trip out she would say.
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lgctestareum · 1 year
S O O A H​.
areum could be someone in charge. very leader-like to not allow sooah to suffer on the couch. sooah grew up an only child ( and poor ) so she has gotten comfortable with dealing things on her own. taking very little medication and sleeping a lot had been her way of doing things often. it was just easier and cost efficient that way. she had stressed out the few times she had been sick enough to warrant a visit to the doctor because that ran her mother a pretty penny. maybe that’s why she’s so resistant to actually letting someone care for her.
( therapy, that’s what sooah needed. )
“thanks mom,” sooah jokes weakly from the couch. although she doesn’t have many memories of her mother fretting over her at home. she never could. between two jobs, she barely had the energy to do something herself. of course that doesn’t mean she NEVER held a wet cloth to her head and tucked her in when she was sick. just that it was so rare to begin with. when she got older, the scarcity became the norm. “i’m pretty sure seolleongtang would go down easier, anyways.”
there’s no use in fighting against areum when it comes to this. it would just be easier for sooah to just let her care for her. areum seems determined. it’s nice to be cared for for a change. she’s thankful that the other finds the mask. she can already feel the relief coming to her as she puts it on. the weight on her eyes and the darkness is soothing. it almost relaxes her tense and wound body immediately.
“honestly thank you for everything you’re doing,” sooah says, leaning back more on the couch to be comfortable. the blanket she was using was plush and thick enough to keep her toasty. she learned that sweating out whatever it was usually worked as well. so even if she was feeling a bit sweaty, toasty she stays. “i’m probably going to take a nap while it cooks. you can do what you have to, i promise i’m really okay now. thank you.”
areum hums a quiet laugh at sooah calling her mom; it was funny, how she grew to take care of others, when no one took care of her. she doted and fretted over others, because she knew what it was like to not be cared for. it was funny, how things like that worked – but that was a thought to dwell on another day. for now, she’s focused on making sure that her friend was feeling as comfortable as she could, given the circumstances.
“ of course, it’s no problem, ” areum says, shrugging even though she knows sooah can’t see her. she really didn’t mind taking care of others, after all. she hesitates to leave sooah just yet, glancing up at her from her phone as she orders a few things. she shouldn’t be skeptical, areum knows there really isn’t anything else she could do – she gave the other medicine, the compress, shut the blinds, was starting to cook; there was really nothing else to do.
she draws in a breath as she orders the groceries, then slips her phone back into her pocket. “ as long as you’re sure, ” areum murmurs. “ and promise to call me, if you do need anything, ” she tacks on.
0 notes
foolishanddumb · 1 year
12/14 Unmotivatedly Motivated
Hello world, it is me again, after one entire month, I can say that I have truly done nothing with my life. And it really didn’t hit me until now, as I lay here tonight, I reflect upon my choices of today, and of yesterday, and the day before that and the day before that one.
I really have done nothing, I try and plan out my week, and on paper it really doesn’t seem like much, it seems easy. Though when it actually comes down to doing it, it feels like the most difficult thing ever. And I’ll admit, it’s always been like that for me, which is why I suck at planning and like to stick with the regular spontaneous planning. But you know, life won’t allow that, so I’m trying, but clearly not enough if I’m completely unable to even get up and do so.
I took a nap today, because I felt bored, I knew I had things I could do, draw, write, play video games, study, etc. but I didn’t. I rarely ever do the things I loved anymore mostly because I never even see them as hobbies, I usually do said things because I’m bored. Who knows if I find enjoyment doing them, because I don’t know what enjoyment is supposed to look or feel like.
That’s another thing, I always sort of have this feeling, that I’m just not feeling things correctly. Sure happiness, sadness, frustration the basic emotions I got down, but the more complex ones are harder to decipher personally. Things like enjoyment or excitement even love, I don’t know if I’m even experiencing those emotions correctly, if you know what I mean. I know people say that like you just know what your feeling or whatever, but I just never do. I don’t know how to describe it but I feel these emotions the same way I use words, at face value. If I look up the definition of a word I will use it as it is said to do so, I will connect it to the definition in a sentence. I look up the meaning of let’s say, love, the definition of love is, “an intense feeling of deep affection” now what does that mean? Who knows, in reality, you are the only person that can define love, and all of that. But I take that definition of love at face value, in that sense I would love everything. But do I? I don’t know how to describe it, I’m sure someone can find a more condensed way to say it cause all my sentences are coming out verbose.
But back to the main point, as I write this I lay in bed thinking, pondering my next move/action. Although it is late, and I really shouldn’t be doing anything, I want to do something, and there are a large array of things I could do. But I just can’t find the power to do any of it, I genuinely want to, but I also don’t. No matter how close or far this thing is from me I can’t bring myself to do it. And I just imagine myself floating in a pool of everything I could possibly ever want, but never being able to actually dive down into it. Forever floating and looking at it.
I’ve been like this forever it feels like, I had a nice little routine going, but I don’t know what happened at the start of this year that just ruined it. I Can stick to a routine for one week, before it all goes down to shambles and I know people insist that consistency is key; but I just can’t, I really can’t. I can sit down in front of my task and start doing it for a little bit but then my mind wanders or I just get bored. On a good day I could finish my task in a timely manner. But I don’t know, it’s just weird, I’m weird.
I guess I’ll just have to hope for a better tomorrow, anyways, um, I’ll figure something out for tonight. See ya when I see you.
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frankensteincest · 2 years
do you ever think about the fact that to crucify jesus they had to physically stretch him out on the cross. to touch the hand of god and then choose to drive a nail into it anyway
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nanamisflowerfield · 2 years
Good day/afternoon/night! Could i request general relationship headcanons for savanaclaw? I love these fluffy boys sm- arigatoo~❤
I hope that you like it, dear anon and have a great day/afternoon/night too!💕
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🦁 You are the only person, who is allowed to wake him up. He won’t be as grumpy as usual, when you do this
🦁 He loves cuddling with you, but Leona will never admit it
🦁 He has no problem with pda, so if you are a fan of it, then he won’t mind it at all!
🦁 He loves to tease you and will do it 24/7 (only if he is awake though…)
🦁 Leona once purred, when you patted his head. Since that day, he always tries to refuse getting your lovely head pats! (But if you two are alone… He might allow it!)
🦁 The lion prince loves to sleep on your lap or chest. It’s calm and comfortable for him and he will do it, whenever he wants.
🦁 You were once hanging around with your friends, until Leona came, grabbed you by your wrist and dragged away, so he can take a nap on you. Yes, on you!
🦁 After dating you, he realized that he actually dislikes to sleep without you by his side, so he wants you to be there, when he takes his naps
🦁 Leona had many dreams of you, but will keep it a secret
🦁 He will get jealous, when Grim is sitting on your lap, due to the fact that he claims your lap as his.
🦁 “Why are you staring? - Mh? What? I am not jealous, stupid herbivore. Now leave me alone… Wait… You are really leaving me? Come here, I need to take a nap. Better come, little herbivore.”
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🐺 We all know that Jack is a tsundere and will be, if you want to shower him with love in front of your friends!
🐺 He LOVES it, if you touch his ears and pat his head. His tail will swoosh faster than Sebek could run towards Malleus!
🐺 Jack is the definition of “all bark no bite”, so you know that he would maybe be strict at you in front of others, but will also treat you like a princess and porcelain doll, afraid to ever hurt you
🐺 Expect to get puppy-eye Jack, when he wants you to cheer for him during his club activities
🐺 There will be lots of teases in your relationship! But no, Jack would never tease you! Your friends would do it!
🐺 Jack will protect you nonstop and if he knows that something stupid or dangerous is around you, he will stand next to you, putting his arm over your shoulders, wanting you to be safe and healthy
🐺 He will always step away from you, whenever you want to touch him in front of others. He doesn’t want to let them see his soft side around you
🐺 Jack is the one who always says:”No, guys. Let’s not do (insert stupid ideas).” But will do them anyway, when he knows that his dearly s/o is willing to do them.
🐺 “Really Jack? You jumped in front of (y/n) to protect them but not us? Wow, nice of you…” Your boyfriend just crosses his arms over his chest, shrugging his shoulders at his friends
🐺 Just like Leona, he also likes to sleep near you, due to the fact that he could protect you, when you are nearby
🐺 “You don’t have to carry me, Jack…” – “I know, I just don’t want you to trip over something. Hold on tight.” But he would always let you go immediately, if anybody is coming towards you two…
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🍩 That boy needs breaks! And thankfully he has you! His dear s/o who will make him smile, after a long and exhausting day
🍩 If you love to shower people in love and affection, then Ruggie will soak all your love up like a sponge
🍩 The sweet hyaena will also be super happy if you bring him food, massage him or help him out, whenever he needs help!
🍩 He will also bring you your favorite food, if you want to eat it.
🍩 “Ouch! What the hell-!?” Ruggie grins at Grim, throwing daggers with his glance, as the cat gulped, knowing that he shouldn’t occupy you for too long. “Mine.~” Ruggie grins, throwing his arms over you.
🍩 He knows that you help many students all the time and that you were basically the school therapist, but that makes Ruggie a little bit jealous, as he wants to spend his time with you and not with many of your other friends
🍩 There were times he used his unique magic on your friends, so he can relax around you. But he swore to himself, that he wouldn’t use his magic on you!
🍩 He loves it, if you kiss his ears. His fluffy ears will twitch and he will put his chin on your shoulder, never wanting to leave your side
🍩 Thanks to his knowledge and part-time jobs, he will have enough money to buy Leona’s things that the prince has wished to have and also small little gifts for you
🍩 He will often nuzzle his nose on your neck, as Ruggie loves to smell you
🍩 “I’m so tired… I feel like an empty battery… Nothing can charge me up…- Huh… Oh, you are hugging me? Maybe I will take it back… You really help me to get more energy…”
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Hi! So, I absolutely love your series where the MC is the kid of Lucifer, and I was wondering if I could request that with Diavolo and Barbatos? •v•
:0 you definitely can! Right now I’m just doing Diavolo, but Barb’s will be up sometime soon!
MC is Half Demon and Oh Shit They’re Diavolo’s Kid-
Diavolo wasn’t exactly what one would expect of the prince of Hell, I mean, he was suppressing the urge to bounce in his seat from pure excitement. I mean, his exchange program was starting! Humans, demons, and angels, all together, his dream was coming true.
All that was left was for the student to arrive, the portal opened, and the human fell flat on their back. Oof, maybe Diavolo should have set up some kind of landing zone filled with pillows. No matter! The human was-
What peculiar eyes this human had…
Oh… oh dear…
The MC was his child, no question about it. This was… very unexpected. Well, the entire assembly hall was completely quiet, and the kid looked like they were getting impatient.
“HEY! Mind telling me what the hell is going on?!”
After that, Diavolo launches into his explanation, also the explanation that he’s definitely this kid’s dad. Kid was not impressed, they tried to square up with Diavolo and Lucifer had never been more confused as to what to do.
Well, the moment MC sprouted wings and launched themselves at Diavolo, Dia caught them with one hand and continued speaking like nothing happened.
MC, please calm down… Diavolo didn’t know they existed, let him make it up to them! They’re going to stay at the Demon Lord’s Castle! Dia’s going to be a good dad!
“This feels like the plot to the world’s most messed up fairytale.” MC jammed their hands into their pockets and grumbled. “I get sucked into hell and find out I’m royalty there. Great.”
Diavolo managed to smile and awkwardly reach out to give them a pat on the head, then retracted his hand after the kid shot him a glare. “Well, it’s not a very traditional fairytale, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here.”
“Mm, sure.” MC mumbled.
Okay, so his child wasn’t that enthusiastic about the exchange program, but Diavolo was sure they’d come around.
Dia tried everything he could possibly think of to get his kid to both like him and enjoy their time as an exchange student. A lot of things had… mixed results.
Also, legally recognizing MC as his child and legitimizing them caused a big stink amongst the nobles who were opposed to the exchange program to begin with. So MC then had to deal with a few assassins. Wonderful. Fantastic. Show stopping. Dia, be a good dad and comfort your angsty murder target- I MEAN preteen.
They do manage to build a good relationship fairly quickly despite their less than stellar first impressions, and Diavolo made them a promise that he knew he wouldn’t ever break: he would let them live as normal a childhood as possible.
This means that MC gets to do all the normal kid stuff that Diavolo wasn’t allowed to do. It honestly works out great for everyone. MC gets to live their life, Diavolo gets the satisfaction of knowing that his kid’s having fun, and Barbatos doesn’t need to worry about MC causing chaos in the castle.
Man… does this kid’s magic potential scare the shit out of everyone though…
Tired Uncle Lucifer
No. This has to be a violation of his worker rights. It cannot be legal for him to be this stressed.
He knew this exchange program was a bad idea. LUCIFER FUCKING KNEW IT. This kid was judging him. Why did he suddenly feel self conscious about every single one of his features? This child was picking him apart and they hadn’t even said anything!
He confiscated Asmo’s phone immediately, this was a matter of national security! Satan’s too! Beel as- oh shit Lucifer may have to give Beel the heimlich maneuver, then take his phone.
When all the brothers eventually got back to the HOL, they were greeted with Mammon getting shaken down by Levi.
“Lucifer! Ya won’t believe this! Levi- what’s wrong with you?” “The exchange student is Diavolo’s child.” “What..?” “*pops the cork off a bottle of Demonus* the exchange student’s Diavolo’s child.”
The worst part about this kid was that they took to the privileges of being royalty like a fish to water. MC went out and did whatever the fuck they wanted, and Lucifer needed to make sure a state of national emergency wasn’t called just because MC picked a fight at RAD.
It didn’t help that MC was just so unimpressed with Lucifer. Anytime Lucifer would tell them not to do something they would just raise their eyebrows and challenge his authority without saying a word.
What the fuck.jpg
The things he does for his prince boyfriend…
Cool Uncle Mammon
Huh, so this little pipsqueak is Lord Diavolo‘s kid? Hm, do ya think they’d let him into the royal treasury? No? Okay… lame.
Mammon then decides this kid would be just perfect for scamming people! Who is going to say no to the Crown Prince’s kid? A suicidal person, that’s who!
And the kid is… up for it? Wow, Mammon didn’t even have to grovel! Awesome!
It’s such a shame that Lucifer came in and promptly removed MC from Mammon’s presence. Tsk, killjoy…
Mammon and MC do get along swimmingly after MC stops angsting. Whenever they hang out it’s pure chaos.
And they would have gotten away with it too- wait, they do get away with it. Because who’s going to question the Crown Prince’s kid? >:)
Reclusive Uncle Leviathan
Levi was in the middle of throttling Mammon for his money back when Lucifer burst through the door looking like he had spent over 1000 Grimm on a gacha game only to not get the card he wanted.
And where was that human he said would be staying with them? Huh? The human’s HUH????!!!!
… wack. Maybe he shouldn’t have skipped out on that Student Council Meeting…
Either way, ew, new person he needed to talk to. NO THANKS. Well, no thanks until MC started to visit the HOL to hang out with Mammon. Of course those two normies decided to bug him. OF COURSE.
Levi finally snapped when MC loudly proclaimed that they could totally beat Levi in Mario Kart. Haha, NO. Levi challenged the little runt to a 1 v 1 race on Rainbow Road.
Kid lost. Obviously. Rainbow Road is rigged.
Honestly, kid’s alright. Still a total normie, but not completely terrible.
Cat Uncle Satan
Huh, a half human child of the soon to be demon king, how very interesting.
Oh, and just look at Lucifer’s face. :D priceless. Satan wished he was fast enough to get his DDD out to snap a picture, but he wasn’t able to…
But back to MC, oh how very intriguing. How much power do they have in comparison to Diavolo? Will using that power rip their fragile little body apart? Would they learn to control it? Satan was just dying to find out.
His feelings on the child themselves were mixed at best. They were clearly unhappy with the situation and Satan could sympathize, being thrust into a completely new world and then being told you can’t leave and are also royalty? That has to be hard. But this kid was still being an unreasonable little shit.
Satan continued to try and study MC from afar until the kid themselves walked right up to him and half demanded half pleaded for his help in studying for a test.
Not being one to avoid an opportunity to flex how smart he is, Satan agreed to help out. (Nerrrrd)
And honestly, it went well. When the kid wasn’t being a little shit, they were actually quite pleasant to be around.
Overly Affectionate Uncle Asmo
Listen, when Asmo asked Lucifer to pick a cute human, he didn’t mean cute as in CHILD.
This kid was DIAVOLO’S?! What lucky human had gotten to have the experience of [Jesus Fucking Christ, Asmo I’m not writing what he said for the sake of the nation]
Anyhoo~ little MC just made his heart go “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO CUTE!” They were so cute Asmo could just eat them up!
But they were so mean! That scowl they always had on was going to give them wrinkles and ruin their perfectly cute face!
Sigh, oh well. He can’t manually rearrange people’s expressions. What he can do is take this child shopping. Poor Diavolo was constantly in his RAD uniform, this poor innocent baby shouldn’t have to suffer the same fate.
The kid continued to scowl at everything, but at the same time, their little quips were very entertaining. This little kid spitting verbal venom at anyone who displeased them reminded Asmo of someone… he just couldn’t place who, but they definitely had amazing hair and a cute face :3
Hungry Uncle Beel
Where’s the takeout- I mean human? What’s happening? …are all humans this small? Dang, that’s barely enough for a snack.
So the human’s not going to live with us because they’re not fully human and Diavolo’s kid? Huh. Wild. Anyway, what’s for dinner?
Beel’s not too invested in this drama, he misses Belphie too much to be that interested…
The kid’s weirdly interested in how cool and strong Beel is though. MC tails him to the gym pretty often.
Diavolo and Beel already being gym buddies send tweet-
Since this benevolent little shit likes Beel so much, they decided to take it upon themselves to help with the family drama.
Beel finds that very sweet 🥺
Murder sleepy Uncle Belphie
Oh man… if you thought Belphie was being unfair to L!MC due to their parentage… hoo boy…
When this kid waltzed up the attic steps like they ran the place, Belphie needed to hold himself back from trying to break down the door and throttle this kid.
Pff, of course Diavolo would have a half human kid. Of course.
…kid beat the shit out of him when he tried to kill them. We stan this MC.
After all is said and done, Belphie still isn’t overly fond of MC. They’re brash and rude and only funny 40% of the time. They don’t even like napping 😒
But Beel likes the little runt, so Belphie and MC put up with each other.
Bonus! Your Angelic Uncle Simeon’s Chihuahua
:0 friend!
MC: *speaks*
>:0 not friend! Begone! *throws crucifix*
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mammonswhore · 3 years
Soo what if the MC was suicidal and depressed, so when the boys threaten then and stuff (like how lucifer was gonna kill them when protecting beel and luke) and they don't care or they ask them to do it no balls xD
I like this prompt bc they will be like fucking shocked if MC was not afraid of them. Anyways always remember to check on your mental health🖤♥
Brothers react to an MC who doesn't care about dying.
He was in complete shock. Every individual who he threatened was quick to apologize and surrender to his will but this human wasn't?
He dislikes that type of attitude but is also very curious about what happened to them to be this way.
When MC tried to climb up to the attic and he threatened them they just simply said "you know anything can kill me,right? You are not special for that one,Lucifer"
What the actual fuck is going on here?
He forced them to leave anyways but he was thinking about their response all night.
No one talked back to him besides Satan and Belphie and the first person out of his family talking back to him was human. A human! He was annoyed to say the least.
When the relationship between him and MC progressed he become more concerned about it.
He tried to get the truth out of them subtly and without acting suspicious or worried but when they finally said "Lucifer if you want to ask me something, do it. Don't try to get answers out of me that way,it won't work"
When they finally revealed that they were not worried about dead because it will get to them anyway,Lucifer was sad.
He was not only sad because he knew that MC was going to die but because they were not a little bit worried about it.
A sudden wave of sadness gets into Lucifer's chest and he proceeds to hug his lover and tells them that he will take them to therapy.
He was very happy about MC not caring about dying at first since he couldn't care less and he never properly threatened them as well so they never got to talk back at him.
But once when they were escaping from two witches,MC got hurt and they didn't care at all. Like they literally didn't say shit about the wound on their leg and it took Mammon almost half an hour to realize that the blood he was smelling it was from their wound.
Very stressed out about it,starts yelling about how they need to be careful with their lives because they are weaker than the average and things like it.
"Mammon I don't care about death,I'm kinda craving for it at this point"
His face drops. A sudden feeling he couldn't recognize was placing on him. He was worried but it was not the type he was used to feel around them.
The single thought of MC dying send shivers down his back. He was borried and it was not because Lucifer would kill him but because he couldn't stand that thought.
"Don't go saying things like that,MC... I don't want you to die,human"
He hugs them kinda afraid they might order him to let them die right there.
He is going to look for help and tell Lucifer about it so they both can keep an eye on MC in case of anything.
His first thought when he heard MC saying they wanted to die was "honestly same."
When he was about to kill them on the TSL quizz thing they didn't even flinch. They were not about to run,hide or beg.
When Lucifer stepped in,Levi was fucking shocked but angry at the same time.
"Damn normie,who do they think they are?"
When both of them formed a pact he became more worried about their health,not because they were his master but also his only friend and he was not about to loose them for some stupid shit.
When they hurt doing some stupid shit with him Levi freaks out and has a mini meltdown but tries his best to control his emotions to help his Henry.
"Stupid normie... Can't you be more careful? Dumb,dumb,dumb human... Agh"
He is mad but he is more worried than he is mad so he is trying his best to ask them how are they so stupid without being rude.
He became more careful with his words since he thought that maybe a little push will send them over the edge and make them commit suicide.
Very sharp when others point out that he takes care of them,gets defensive easily and will lock both of them in his room for a while.
He can not properly understand what's going on with them. His first thought is that they are very much dumb.
Gets annoyed by that attitude easily but never looses a chance to asks them if they are really that dumb or if they want to get killed.
"Oh sorry Satan,did my attitude happen to bother you?"
Ugh. The mocking tone in their voice made him furrow his eyebrows and spit venomous words.
"Indeed it does but I can easily understand why are you so reckless,you are defenseless against me and you are still trying to argue with me. I must say you have some guts MC but I don't think it's late for a good reminder that I can kill you easily."
And then they smirked and stepped closer to him with a daring attitude.
"Do it,anything can kill me and I will die eventually so your meaningless threats don't scare me not even a bit."
He was waiting for them to run,to hide and scream for help. But Satan was not expecting that answer.
His demon form unleashed and he was ready to attack but something inside of his his head told him that he was not capable of killing them. And when he realized that he just patted their head and went to his room.
Later on when they made the pact and MC helped him when coming to terms with Lucifer,he was quite scared for their daring attitude.
Every time they went out even if it was with one of his brothers,Satan will check on them with messages or calls every time he could.
To be honest,MC doesn't need this type of checks on them but appreciates it since Satan knows better than anyone how hard it can be to control themselves.
He still gets very pissed off when MC makes snarky comments,dares him for anything or that type of things but he still won't attack them because he loves them way more.
He is no the type to threaten someone unless they are threatening him first but he was very tired of MC's attitude through the day and he snapped.
"Can't you remember your place,MC? Every single person around can kill you and you still seem to be as sassy as ever."
He was about to apologize with them about his words since he was not the type to talk to them like that but he was surprised when they talked back (again).
"Asmo if you haven't notice I truly don't mind getting killed here,it would be more interesting that dying in the Human Realm to be honest and also everyone is going to die and no one is going to remember me so fuck it."
That was worst. His eyes were very lost trying to figure out where did those words came from? What was going on?
"MC don't day that,please" he whispered very nervous.
Asmo hugged them and calmed himself down. Even for a demon who has seen a lot of people die he was not ready to loose MC and he was also not ready to hear those words fall from their mouth.
"Asmo calm down,please."
"You were joking,right? You don't think that about your life,don't you?"
He might not seem like it but he was completely worried for their health and well being. Being MC the only person he ever considered as a friend and possible lover,he could not stand for what they were saying.
He became more careful with what he said to them and what the others were allowed to say,if someone tried to insult them or make them feel like less he will snap right away of that meant MC will get rid of those awful thoughts.
He threatened them about eating his food but they were unfazed about him,it was the first time he threatened them after making the pact and honestly,his reaction was totally wrong and he knew this and he was ready to apologize but he was shut down by MC's words.
"Do it,I honestly don't care."
What? MC what the hell are you saying?
He calms down and says that they shouldn't say things like that around his brothers because they might explode and actually kill them. He was worried,yes but he was more worried about eating something because his stomach was growling like crazy.
"Why would you say something like that? If it wasn't because we demons can't kill our master you will be dead now,MC."
Beel was stuffing chips into his mouth while watching MC think about an answer, more worried than before.
"I didn't mean to scare you,Beel. But I will die anyways so it's just a matter of time and if someone dared to make it right now I wouldn't stop them."
He feels the chills going through his back, the feeling of loosing someone he loves again was a lot to process and the fact that MC was unfazed and really sure about their words made him feel full suddenly.
"I don't want to loose you,MC. I know that you are a human and all but can't you just take care of yourself a little? I don't want to loose you." *sad beel noises*
Reassuring him that they will try to find help, MC hugs Beel and promises to try to stop this type of comments.
He was still very very worried about them so he was always around keeping an eye and ear on them so no one killed them.
This was after the attic events,he was still very unsure about MC's presence on his life but he was hanging on there still getting used to them.
Until they were assigned to wake him up from a 10 hour nap to eat something.
"You dumb human,I will rip your head apart of you wake me up again."
"It's not like if you haven't tried already now wake up and eat something or Lucifer will be pissed."
He was very amused,they were not afraid of him anymore and decided to talk back to him. But he still was shocked to say the least.
The human who he killed once was now giving him orders without a pact or relationship that established that he had to obey them. They had some guts,that was for sure.
When their relationship progressed and he became closer to MC,he was not going to stand for that type of comments.
"MC you can't go around saying that you want to die! It hurts to see you this way, jeez!"
"I can't help it,Belphie. Sometimes my thoughts just slip through my lips without me even trying."
Now that was something he was not expecting to hear. What did they mean? They really wanted to die that bad?
"Listen here you little shit,I already lost you once and I'm not going to loose you again so stop making those stupid comments or I will tell Lucifer to pay you a good therapist... Fucking idiot."
Belphie was worried even if he seems like he was just annoyed by them,he was even mkre worried than what he will like to admit.
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wonlouvre · 3 years
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pairing: non-idol!mingyu x non-idol!female oc genre: fluff just because we love it word count: 2.9k+ WARNINGS: none! (pls tell me if i missed anything!)
Kim Mingyu is always caring and always loving. 💌: it’s true... kim mingyu has found his way to my heart. lol just kidding! it’s the vlog and ugh!!!! he’s so soft, sexy and domestic (don’t u dare disagree with me) and i had to talk about it!!! PLS SEND THIS SOME LOVIN <3 thank you!
1. Finding excuses to touch each other in little ways
Mingyu always gravitates towards you whenever your circle of friends get together. He seems to always find a way to be right beside you, regardless if the space is too small for his tall build. It doesn’t matter if you're sitting on a single seat sofa, the arm rest is plenty comfortable to lounge on (it’s not). And when you’re chatting with your friends other than him? He will just stand where you are, also listening (as if you don’t have enough ears already).
But more than that, you think it’s him finding excuses to touch you. It’s not necessarily the bold hand holding type or resting his arm around your waist kind of touching. It’s more on the subtle grazing of his knuckles against yours, shoulders bumping or his arms on the backrest, warming the back of your neck (when you’re finally on a big couch). 
It’s a little suspicious because you and Mingyu never established anything about crossing the boundaries of your friendship. In fact, it’s not only until recently that you started sending text messages other than the time and location of your meetup. You’ve known him for a short while. You met him through a mutual friend and that was it. You became part of their circle, him with yours. You now share text messages of what time you get off of work or what you are having for dinner. You even talk about the current drama you’re watching until midnight even though you’re already tired and could pass out anytime soon. 
You honestly don’t know how it all started, but you’re not complaining. At all.
You’re not complaining whether it be him excitedly running to you once you arrive or patiently waiting until the person sitting next to you leaves and slowly fills the vacancy. You also don’t mind when he removes the stray strand of hair you didn’t notice while you’re talking and puts it behind your ear. You’re also not uncomfortable when his gaze lingers to your face when he thinks you don’t notice. 
You’re no different anyway.
Your fingers always absent-mindedly find their way to the soft fabric of his shirt whenever he walks ahead of you. Sometimes, your hand rests a little longer on the back of his neck when he leans the other way to answer one of your friend’s questions while you speak to the one on your side. The bravest display of affection you have ever done was not only rubbing your hand against his back but slipping it underneath his sweatshirt where you could feel his bare skin and taut muscles because he said he was cold.
That was the first among many. 
Eventually, you start grasping Mingyu’s hand when he offers it whenever you’re walking to the restaurant, park, cafe or the parking lot without the need to look behind you . He just holds them out, trusting that you’ll take it. You actually do. Every single time. You don’t see it, but it puts a wide grin on his face.
2. Slowly becoming more comfortable with each other
It was a long tiring day at work but you couldn’t say no to Minghao’s birthday dinner invitation. He’s the mutual friend that led you to meeting Mingyu and aside from the long history the two of you share, you are grateful for him bridging you and Mingyu. Plus, his party always has the best foods and drinks. 
Mingyu must have seen right through you. Your shoulders were slumped and face casted down when you entered the house and removed your coat. Mingyu was waiting for you, leaning on the beam post as he scrolled down his phone to kill time. He offers you a small smile to which you return immediately. The day doesn’t sound so bad anymore. 
It gets better when he meets you halfway and envelopes you in a big warm hug. Your arms didn’t hesitate to circle around his neck, face nuzzling to his neck and smelling his scent you have grown familiar with. He almost swept you off of your feet and pressed a kiss on the side of your head, but he restrained himself and settled for a hug in the meantime. 
“Ahem,” you hear Minghao’s voice, making you reluctantly let go of the baby giant standing in front of you. “It’s my birthday. Shouldn’t I get a hug too?”
You chuckle and make your way towards him. You give him a hug, but only with one arm because Mingyu was holding the other one back, his fingers interlaced with yours. “Happy birthday, Minghao.”
Your friend mutters a sincere thank you. Afterwards, he sends a cheeky wink to Mingyu as if to tell him that he knows. In return, Mingyu just glares at him. You’ll never probably know about this teasing exchange, but who knows, Minghao always finds a way to have the upperhand. He’ll save this story after the two of you officially date. 
“Make a move already,” Minghao says and nudges his friend who’s left alone after you excused yourself to the restroom. 
“Shut up,” Mingyu groans and down the drink he’s holding. “I’ll do it soon, you impatient prick.”
Minghao just gives his signature giggle. 
You return after five minutes and Minghao’s wink doesn’t go unnoticed. You frown when he  snickers as he takes his leave. He must be getting drunk, you thought and find your place beside Mingyu once again, his arm around your shoulders while yours around his waist. 
“What was that all about?” You ask and look up to him. 
“Hmmm?” He hums and intently meets your eyes. “What is it?”
“Minghao,” you answer. “He just winked at me. Were you guys talking behind my back?”
Your narrowed eyes and sulky pout makes Mingyu smile in adoration. He shakes his head and leans down to lightly bump his forehead against yours. For a moment, your heart stops beating at the action. You thought he was about to kiss you. 
“No, of course not,” he assures you and ruffles the top of your head. “It must be the alcohol.”
3. Remembering little details about each other
There’s this one habit that you noticed Mingyu has been doing. His hair is short compared to yours, but even with that length, he likes to pull some strands and twist them around his fingers. At first you were confused, but when you witnessed him sleepily do it after he woke up from a quick nap, you were sure nothing looked more endearing. 
These days you do it for him and that makes him drift to dreamland in an instant. It wasn’t an intentional act. The first time was when you were in the car on the way to the rest house that you’ll be staying at with your friends. He was squirming and couldn’t seem to find a comfortable position. You felt bad because he looked like he really wanted to get some shut-eye. So without any hesitation, you gently grab his head and let it rest on your shoulder. Mingyu becomes small beside you once he wraps his arms around yours. You were only caressing his hair in the first few minutes and it’s not until later you started doing his habit. He was snoring all throughout the ride and you weren’t bothered by one bit.
On the other hand, Mingyu noticed that you only use one pillow. Not only when you sleep. You just seriously have one pillow on your bed and that’s it. You told him it’s inside one of your cabinets when he asked you where the other pair was when he visited (he goes to your place now, alone). He asked why and your only answer is that you don’t want it to accumulate dust. 
“I sleep just fine with one pillow for my head to rest on anyway,” you tell him while placing the hot mug on the center table. 
“Noted,” he says and pat the cushion of your couch for you to sit on. “I won’t give you any then for your birthday.”
You roll your eyes, but smile nonetheless and finally take your seat. 
Mingyu takes the remote and presses play to start the movie you decided to watch. You snuggle closer to him and rest your head on his shoulder. Almost like an instinct, Mingyu wraps his arm around you without tearing his eyes from the television. 
“You could be my other pillow,” you murmur under your breath and if Mingyu was too engrossed in the film, he wouldn’t hear you. 
Good thing he wasn’t. Because he heard you loud and clear. 
Remember when Mingyu said he won’t buy you a pillow for your birthday? He didn’t. But he did on one random day. 
Your hands were by your hips as you watched him take your now old pillow and replace it with the brand new ones he bought. He must be out of his mind if he thinks he can just barge into your bedroom and change your decor. Well, you must be also out of your mind because you’re allowing him to do so.
“Can I know why you’re suddenly changing my pillow?” You question as you follow him around. 
“You’ll sleep better with these,” he guarantees, fluffing them up.
You cross your arms and challenge his claims. “How do you even know that?”
“I asked around and did my research,” he answers and takes your hand to pull you to the mattress. “Doctors also recommend this particular pillow design.”
He makes you lay down and when your head hits his gift, you can’t deny the instant relaxation your muscles felt. You thought you were going to fall asleep right this moment. 
“How is it?” Mingyu asks, still standing as he peers down at you. “Feels good, right?”
“Lay down with me and you’ll find out,” you boldly offer, looking him directly in the eyes. 
Mingyu blinks in astonishment, but doesn’t back down. He quickly removes his slippers (the one you bought only for him) and takes the space on your other side. This is the first time he’ll ever lay beside you on your bed and you honestly don’t know how to feel. In a good way. A really really good way.
“Oh wow,” he says with a sigh and closed eyes. “This does feel good.”
You smile and prop yourself on your elbow to face him and bop his nose. “You didn’t have to buy me this, but thank you nonetheless.”
Mingyu opens his eyes before holding you close to him, your head on his chest and his one arm underneath your body. He briefly kisses your forehead and closes his eyes again. 
“Anything for you.”
4. Showing that they care for one another
“I can always cook for you, if you want.”
Mingyu, being the ever all around and caring person that he is, decided to make you lunch. He cooked you your favorites because you mentioned at your dinner date (yes, you finally call your times spent together dates) that you missed eating them and cooking has been excluded from your schedule because of your lack of energy to do so. 
Your smile is beaming while you fix the collar of his coat. He hasn’t even showered yet by the looks of his disheveled hair and familiar yellow t-shirt you saw during your video call last night. He probably woke up earlier than usual to cook and rush to get here. 
“You know that I will appreciate that, right?” You ask and pat his chest. “But no thank you. I’m just busy this week. I will find a way to cook again.”
Mingyu purses his lips and nods. “Well, just say the word and I got you.”
You giggle and kiss his cheek. “How’s the song you’re working on with Wonwoo by the way?”
It was Mingyu’s turn to smile as he tail behind you to your bedroom. He mentioned this collaboration once (he talked about it for hours but that doesn’t matter) and his heart swells with pride that you remembered. You know that he has a lot of interests and that he’s good at doing them. Recently, he’s been immersed with music composing because he had the chance to visit Jihoon’s studio and watch him do his magic. Bringing Wonwoo along was a piece of cake because of their similar tastes.
“It’s doing great!” He answers and plops down on your bed. “We’ll try to finish recording this week and then we’ll continue from there.”
“I’m so excited to hear it,” you genuinely say while caressing his face. His eyes were closed when he nodded and smiled. He’s really sleepy now. “You can stay here if you want. Nap, shower or whatever.”
Mingyu has stayed the night countless of times. He has his own drawer of clothings, slippers, toothbrush, facial wash, soap and shampoo among many other belongings here already and if he had his own key, he can also just saunter his way in. But out of respect for you, he doesn’t. He can’t wait for that to happen though. 
Mingyu doesn’t need to be told twice, immediately removing his warm coat and dropping it to the floor. You roll your eyes and pick it up, folding it neatly before placing it on the chair. You watch him slip underneath the blanket and hold the pillow you use close to him, slowly falling asleep. 
You breathe out a dreamy sigh and lean down to kiss his forehead. “See you later, baby.”
5. Slowly, but surely falling in love
How do you even start finding the right words to describe how Mingyu has made a huge difference in your life? He tells you how you did all the time. You, however, can’t seem to exactly point them out. Your boyfriend (for the nth time, finally) is not bothered by one bit but you feel bad because you want him to know, you want to assure him.
He just shakes his head at you and pulls you closer to his naked torso, coaxing you to sleep and not let it get in your head. You relent after a while, giving his pecs a soft kiss and closing your eyes. 
The following morning, Mingyu wakes up early because he has to meet with the director and production crew that will bring their music video to life. They took a break after the song was finished to breathe and let ideas flow naturally without any force. The song was beyond amazing and you are proud of what he and his best friend accomplished. He’s on a roll these days and you're happy for him.
Mingyu remains on the bed, picking up his phone from the nightstand to check the time. His other arm remains wrapped around you, running soothing circles on your shoulder as you continue to sleep. He lowers the brightness level before scrolling any further, afraid that it will awfully wake you up. He has the option to get up, but he prefers you to not get cranky because he left.
Eventually, Mingyu has to force himself up but not without leaving kisses all over your face. You were already awake the moment he woke up. You were just stalling for time with your eyes closed so that you can keep him close to you. When he detaches himself, you finally open your eyes and follow his body walking towards the bathroom. 
The bedroom is dark from the closed curtains, but the light he turns on is enough for you to get a good grasp of how sexy and handsome your boyfriend is. You ogle at him and you’re proud of it. He has caught you numerous times already, but he admits that he’s the same with you. It doesn’t matter if you’re wearing a hoodie matched with sweatpants or a lace camisole paired with an underwear of the same material. His eyes will follow you.
After stretching your limbs that fell asleep with you, you sit up and stand from the bed as well. You put your slippers on and grab the cardigan he always leaves on the chair and drape it over your upper body. Mingyu hears your movements as he brushes his teeth and smiles at your sluggish steps towards him. 
“Breakfast?” You ask while wrapping your arms around his waist, your cheek resting against his back. 
“I’ll grab some with Wonwoo hyung,” he answers, rinsing the toothbrush. “Do you want me to cook for you?”
You shake your head no and plant a kiss on his warm skin. Even at this point of your relationship, Mingyu has been consistent. Always caring, always loving. 
“It’s okay. I’ll probably fall asleep again in the living room once you leave.”
Mingyu turns around and wraps his arms around your waist. You lean towards him and let his body engulf yours. He kisses, once or twice, the top of your head before reluctantly letting go to shower. 
“Let’s have dinner together tonight,” he says. “I’ll cook.”
“No, I will cook,” you rebut and he just shakes his head. “I love you, Mingyu.”
Mingyu almost slipped on the cold tiled floor. You laugh and he glares at you. 
“I told you not to surprise me like that!” He complains and shuts the curtains closed. 
You roll your eyes and walk outside to the living room.
“And I love you too!” 
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blueseasfanfics · 3 years
Bed Warmer
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Description: In Asgard, Prince Loki chose you to serve him. He catches you sleeping in his bed one night, and your punishment only confuses you. He wants you to be his bed warmer for the night. Fluff, slow burn.
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Took a tiny break. Honestly, I need a lot of motivation to write these lately. I love writing them but my emotional state is in shambles at the moment. But writing Loki fic is healing for the soul. I hope reading it helps too.
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You fell asleep in Loki’s room.
You didn’t mean to, but you were exhausted after cleaning the rest of the room and his bed was so inviting. He had the most comfortable sheets, the softest blankets.
Anything befitting a prince.
Plus, Thor had dragged him off on some sort of trip for the week, the castle was supposed to be bare-boned and the wing with Loki’s rooms were unpopulated for the moment.
You could take a nap.
But no, you forgot Loki often came back whenever he wanted to, not on a schedule.
You woke up in the dark, the sunlight that was streaming in from his huge windows now gone. In a panic, you scramble to get up until a voice from the shadows freezes you in your tracks.
“Don’t get up on my account.” Smooth words from a silver tongue.
“P-prince Loki, I truly-”
“Apologize? For not cleaning my rooms to my satisfaction? You should be apologizing. Just look at the bed, it’s a mess.”
“Y-yes and I’ll fix that right now and-”
“And what? You still fell asleep in my bed. That’s a grave offense you know.”
He says it calmly but you are nowhere near calm, your heartbeat so loud you can hear it in your ears. You scrabble again to get out of his bed and start quickly tidying up the bed, but he lights a candle that was on his nightstand.
Your breath catches in your throat as you see him in the warm light. He’s shirtless, in loose fitting pants that are low on his waist. You catch yourself staring and snap your eyes up to his face, and feel even more panic as you see he’s looking straight at you. He has a bemused smirk on his face, but you have no idea what he could be amused by.
“I-I’m r-really-”
“You stutter too much.” He mutters and you nod, quickly bending back down to fix the blankets and he sighs.
“Do you understand why I chose you to be my servant?”
You hadn’t actually ever thought on it. You had been working in the stables for the longest time, caring for the horses. You were always able to calm them down and barely spoke to anyone at all. Then suddenly, you’re being whisked away to be Prince Loki’s personal maid.
Deep down you resented it. You missed the horses, with your only glimpses of them being trips in the dark of night to say hello. It was forbidden to see them without a key, so you could only go when everyone else was asleep. Not like you had time to see them anyway. It’s been a long few months of cleaning and fetching and orders.
In that time, this was the longest Loki had ever spoken to you.
“Are you obedient? Deep down? Is your purpose to answer my every heed?”
He sighs again, and you have the sinking feeling that you’re saying the wrong things.
“You were more fun when you were screaming at me.”
You’re bewildered. You had never screamed at him before in your life. The only people you had ever even risen your voice towards were those that were messing with the horses.
You screamed at one hooded knight once, for trying to take a wounded horse to ride. But that was months ago.
You take a second to think.
Oh, that bastard.
“Well, you shouldn’t have tried to steal a horse. You could have simply asked kindly and I would have found you one you could have ridden.”
“I wanted that one.”
“He was hurt.”
“I don’t care. You give someone of the court what they want, no questions asked.”
You ball up the blanket you’re holding in your fists, trying to bite down your rage.
“I would not let anyone injure a horse further.”
“Next time, you give me the horse I wish. Or else there will be consequences.” You can feel him staring at you, but you keep your eyes pointedly staring at the blanket in your hands.
“I will not.”
“Then you and the horse will die.”
“You will die before that horse does.” Your hand flies to your mouth the second the words come out, dropping the blanket. You look up at him in fear, expecting rage, but instead you’re met with a wide grin.
It feels mildly predatory, as if he got what he wanted.
“S-sir I didn’t-”
“I told you I liked it better when you were yelling at me.”
“I didn’t think that was true-”
“Do I lie that much that you think everything I say is false?” He says, with mock hurt on his face.
You can only shrug. It’s improper, but this whole situation is improper.
He studies your face as you study his. The eye contact is growing unbearable, as is fighting the urge to not look him over fully again.
“C-can I take my leave?” You whisper and he shrugs.
“You seemed so comfortable in my bed. Sleeping away without a care in the world.”
“I already apologized for that.”
“I’m your master, I would think I get a better apology than that.”
“What do you...mean…” You trail off as he slides elegantly into his bed, lifting the blanket as an invitation.
You stand next to the bed, not moving a muscle.
“Sir, I am not going to-” You say through gritted teeth before he rolls his eyes.
“Such an improper mind. I simply want a bed-warmer. Get a nightcloth from the closet and get in.”
“Do it.” His words have a biting edge to them as he drops the blanket and turns away from you. You stare for a moment at his back, seeing it littered with scars. You had never seen those before and they’re hypnotizing, but after a moment you break away and rush to his closet.
He had many ladies nightclothes, in case of late-night visitors, but you had never taken too much of a look. Lately, they hung gathering dust in his cabinet.
You grab the first one you see, and hiding in the dark as much as possible you strip off your uniform and slip into the gown.
It was intended for those of a higher class, the fabric feeling as smooth as air against your skin. It was also obviously made for those wanting to show off, as it was incredibly revealing.
“Are you stealing my closet, or does it just take you millenia to change clothing?” His words come out calm but you still feel the need to rush, and you come out quickly. After a moment's hesitation, you slide into the bed next to him.
You lay on the edge as far away from him as you can and face away from him.
“Oh come on, you were sprawled out so sweetly earlier.”
He sounds like he’s facing you, and you freeze.
“Yes, well, this is your bed.” You say back.
“And I’m telling you to warm it.”
“Didn’t I do that enough through the sprawling from earlier?” A slight touch of your irritation comes out and you curse yourself on the inside.
“Such sass from a servant.”
“Never apologize again. It’s so incredibly unlike you, and I hate liars.”
“That’s a surprise.”
“See? Doesn’t that feel so much better? Giving me all your vitriol?”
He almost sounds like he’s laughing under all of his words, but he keeps the same crooning, calm tone.
“I’d rather not die, sir. Life feels better than giving you my mind.”
“If anyone was doling out death threats tonight, it was you.”
You whip around to face him, propping yourself up as you look down at him.
He’s giving you a lazy smile from his relaxed and laid-back position, and that just grows your irritation further.
“I only threatened death on you for proposing it on an innocent creature.”
“Very noble of you, saving those less fortunate. Think you could have saved yourself with that fighting spirit.”
“I don’t especially need saving.”
“Ah, yes. That is why you are a servant, and not a warrior.”
“You are just cruel.”
“That is one of my titles, yes.”
“Why am I in this bed?”
“I told you. Bed-warmer.”
“You just wanted power over me, didn’t you?”
“As if I didn’t already have that. With your little stutter and fear rolling off you in waves.”
You’re seething, but confused. Both on why you’re so irritated, and why you’re suddenly allowed to give him all this irritation. In his bed, no less.
“Then why-”
“As I said. You seemed content in my bed.”
“So? Anyone would be content in your bed.”
“Many people are. For different reasons than yours, though.” He yawns, and examines his fingernails.
“Am I boring you?” You say sarcastically and he nods, glancing up at you.
“Quite honestly, yes. I expected to be asleep by now. But the bed is awfully cold, and someone is talking an awful lot.”
“Mainly you.” You mutter and lay back down again, facing away from him. You scoot to the middle of the bed, forgetting your need to keep distance.
“Is that better?” You ask, then your breath hitches as one arm snakes around your waist. He presses you against his chest and you can feel his chin on the top of your head. He has you locked against him like a puzzle piece, and you freeze in place.
It feels good, and a small part of you admits this is the safest you have ever felt in this castle, but you will never admit it to him.
“Don’t worry. I’m a gentleman.” He murmurs, his voice right next to your ear.
“And what is that supposed to mean?” You try to choke back any fear, but your words still come out in a shaky whisper.
“I’ll only touch you when you ask for it.”
You try to sleep, simply closing your eyes and trying not to focus on him anymore.
It doesn’t work. His entire being is distracting.
“You have a huge ego.”
“Most definitely.”
“I’m not warming your bed every night.”
“Whatever you wish.”
“You’re irritating.”
“The threat against the horse was a lie. I will never hurt your horses.”
“Incredibly irritating.”
“Most definitely.”
After that you both stay in silence, him keeping true to his word and not moving his hand from your waist and you eventually relaxing in his grip. The more you relax, the more tired you are, until you fall asleep in his arms.
You wake up alone in the bed, with the blanket tucked up to your chin. You blink away the sleep, and a glint comes off the pillow next to you. Feeling for whatever it was, you find it and pick it up.
A key to the stables, with a note attached. Quick, scribbled script is written on it in black ink.
“Thank you - Loki.”
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